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  • Presentations

Why Make Your PowerPoint Into a Video ?

PowerPoint isn't marketed as a video tool. There are many advanced video tools out there like Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro X. With all of these options, you might be wondering why you would use PowerPoint to create a video file.

Here are four great reasons to use PowerPoint to create video presentations:

  • The device you want to show your PowerPoint file on doesn't support PowerPoint files (think Smart TV's or handheld game consoles).
  • You already have a finished PowerPoint presentation and don't have the time to recreate it from scratch in a video editor.
  • Your recipient doesn't have PowerPoint installed on their device, but can open it in a standard video player app.
  • You don't have the time to learn a new piece of video editing software to create a presentation video.

How to Quickly Convert Your PowerPoint to Video (Watch & Learn)

Let's walk through how to convert a PowerPoint (PPT) file into a video. In the quick, two minute screencast below, you can watch me cover the process step-by-step:

download powerpoint presentation as video

Keep scrolling to see more tips for making videos with PowerPoint, including compression tips that weren't mentioned in the video.

How to Export Your PowerPoint to Video

Start off by opening your PowerPoint presentation. Exporting a PowerPoint presentation to a video file should be the last step of your process. This is because you'll need to convert the PowerPoint presentation to video each time you make changes.

As I mentioned earlier, PowerPoint will export animations and transitions when you export the file as a video. 

To begin the export, go to the  File > Export > Create a Video  menu option.

PowerPoint File Export Create a Video

From this menu, there are several key settings to choose before you export your finished video. The dropdown boxes on the right side control the quality and timing of your presentation.

Here are the key choices you'll need to make before converting your PowerPoint to video:

1. Set PowerPoint Video Quality

Choose a quality setting from the dropdown to find the sweet spot between file size and video quality.

The better the quality setting you choose, the larger the finished file will be. If you're going to upload the video online to a service like YouTube, it's fine to export at the highest quality and let them handle the compression.

Choose PowerPoint Video Quality

If you're sharing this video with a colleague via email or posting it on your own server, a smaller file size might be the right choice. Here are my recommendations for when to use each of the settings:

  • Presentation Quality.  When keeping the file size small is no object, use Presentation Quality. It will render a video that looks extremely close to your original presentation alongside a large file.
  • Internet Quality. This is ideal if you want to upload quickly to a social service like Facebook or Twitter. Using Internet Quality is a good middle ground between file size and clarity.
  • Low Quality. This is the right choice when you're trying to save space, such as when you'll attach a video to an email.

Choose a quality setting from the dropdown option to make your selection.

2. Control PowerPoint Slide Timings

Now, you need to set timings,  the runtime for each slide in your video. There are two options for timings on the dropdown menu:

  • Don't use Recorded Timings and Narrations. Simply set a length of time for each slide to show in the video, such as 5 seconds each.
  • Use Recorded Timings and Narrations. Setup specific lengths of time for each slide to show, and optionally record narrations for the video version.

Export Timings in PowerPoint videos

Basically, these two options let you choose between setting specific timings or using the same runtime for each slide.

For this example, let's leave the option set to  Don't Use Recorded Timings and Narrations. 

Duration for slides

When you choose this option, you'll need to set the  Seconds spent on each slide  option. This is how long each slide will show in the video version. The default is 5 seconds as you can see in the screenshot above.

3. Create Your PowerPoint Video

Finally, click on  Create Video. PowerPoint will open up a  Save As  window, and you'll need to set a folder and filename for your finished video.

How to save your powerpoint as a video

You can also choose between an MPEG-4 video (.MP4 file) or Windows Media Video (.WMV) file when exporting, so choose the appropriate format if your device has any limitations. I typically leave this set to MP4.

How to Record Timings in PowerPoint

In the example above, we used the same amount of time spent on each slide (a flat 5 seconds in the example shown.) However, you can setup timings and narrations for your slide to customize how long each slide should show.

To setup timings and narrations, choose  Record Timings and Narrations  from the timings dropdown.

Set video timings in PowerPoint

Then, a dropdown menu will appear. There are two options here:

  • Slide and animation timings.  Leave this box checked to record the amount of time
  • Narrations, ink, and laser pointer.  Leave this box checked if you want to record audio from your computer's default microphone.

Voiceovers are very helpful if you want to send a slide deck to a colleague and share your commentary while they watch the video.

Boxes to check in PowerPoint video recording

Once you press  Start Recording,  PowerPoint will go into a fullscreen view of your presentation. Leave each slide on screen for the length of time it should show in the video. 

Basically, PowerPoint is recording a live version of your presentation. If you leave a slide on a screen for 10 seconds, it will appear for 10 seconds in the video version.

Recording slide in PowerPoint video

You can use the arrow keys to advance the slides and change slides. When you reach the end of the presentation, PowerPoint will exit to the menu.

Use recorded timings and narrations PowerPoint menu

Now, you can save your finished video presentation with your own timings and narrations. The finished video will use the same timings you used while rehearsing.

Create Powerful Video Presentations Fast With the iSpring Suite

If you need to make video-based presentations that are more robust from within PowerPoint, then why not use a quality tool designed for this? Plug the iSpring Suite into your PowerPoint setup today. 

With iSpring Suite, you can start recording video and audio directly from within the PowerPoint environment. Also, go one step further. Make use of a variety of iSpring Suite’s next-level eLearning presentation components. Then export to common video formats like MP4.

iSpring Suite

Take Your Video Presentations to the Next Level

Add more robust eLearning components into your presentation videos with iSpring Suite. Here are some of the advanced iSpring Suite capabilities you can tap into: 

  • Edit your video right from within PowerPoint. You can trim, add titles, transitions, audio, graphics and merge your presentation videos.
  • Record screencasts and software tutorials with voiceovers. Or create a webcam video that's directly embedded into your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Create full video-based courses. Take lectures and combine them with video slides and iSpring’s tools to quickly make your online course material. 
  • Build interactive assessments. You can pair your video material with a full assortment of quizzes. Use quiz templates, branching, and flexible scoring.
  • Translate your text to speech to add professional voice-overs and localize courses in 42 languages.
  • Take advantage of iSpring Suite’s adaptive player. It allows you to play your presentation on all devices seamlessly.

download powerpoint presentation as video

Quickly Add Videos and eLearning Components to Your Presentations

iSpring Suite will transform PowerPoint into a more powerful toolset. With it you can add videos to your presentations and edit them from within PowerPoint. 

Pair these videos with so much more. Turn your presentations into full courses, with quizzes, eLearning interactions, and interactive role-plays. Then export your presentation into common video format or deploy as fully interactive mobile-ready courses. 

The best way to get started is to sign up for the 14-day free trial , so that you can check out all the features at your own pace, without paying anything upfront.

Recap and Keep Learning More About PowerPoint

Maybe you're converting your PowerPoint presentation to go online, or maybe you're trying to make it easy for a co-worker that doesn't have PowerPoint installed. Either way, there are plenty of reasons to convert a PowerPoint file to a video for easy watching.

Don't stop here. There's much more to learn about PowerPoint. Check out these tutorials to do just that: 

download powerpoint presentation as video

We also have plenty of professional PowerPoint templates with great design options, if you need a quick start to making your presentation. Browse through these curated collections: 

download powerpoint presentation as video

What are your favorite tips for converting PowerPoint presentations? Let me know in the comments below.

Andrew Childress

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How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video

The quick and easy was as well as expert tweaks

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Powerpoint is a popular tool used to present and showcase a product or message. It comes with many layouts, themes, and tools to help you build professional presentations. What if you spend a lot of time creating a visually appealing and well laid-out presentation and you want to share it with someone who doesn’t have Microsoft Office?

The short answer is you can’t. However, if you turn it into a video it can be easily viewed by most people with an Internet connection. Another benefit of turning Powerpoint into a video is it is a great way to repurpose your content into another format. Video is quickly becoming a huge part of businesses’ digital marketing strategy.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 1

Even though Powerpoint is not marketed as a video tool, and there are many video tools, apps, and platforms available, you might be thinking why should you use Powerpoint? 

A few good reasons are:

  • As mentioned above, you can’t share your presentation with someone who doesn’t have Powerpoint installed on their computer.
  • You have already spent a lot of time creating a fully automated Powerpoint presentation and don’t want to start from scratch with a video.
  • Video creation is not in your arsenal of skills, and you don’t want to learn how to use a new tool.

The Quick & Easy Way

If your presentation is complete with automatic timings, transitions and animations, you might be shocked to learn how easy it is to convert it into a video.

  • Open your Powerpoint presentation. 
  • Click on File , select Save As , and from the drop-down menu, choose MPEG-4 Video (*.mp4). (available in Powerpoint 2010 and above).

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 2

Too easy? It actually is. But keep in mind this only works for presentations that are already completely set up and ready to show to viewers.

Use The Export Option

  • Another way to convert to a video file is to click on File , choose Export , and click on Create a Video .

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  • There are a few options for you to select that will affect how your final video turns out. Start by selecting quality.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 4

The choice you make will affect the clarity, resolution, and video file size. The higher the quality, the larger the file.

I generally use Full HD (1080p), but if you have a slow Internet upload speed or the file size is an issue, HD (720p) will also produce a high-res HD video.

Choose The Timings

The next option controls how long each slide stays on the screen or the timings of your video.  

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 5

  • If you choose Don’t Use Recorded Timings and Narrations , each slide will be shown for the same amount of time. When you use this option, you can select the number of seconds you want each side to stay before moving onto the next one.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 6

  • Now let’s click Create Video and save your file to your computer.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 7

  • Find the location where you saved your video and play it. It will open in your default video player or app. The slides will play for the length of time you set above.
  • You may wish to do this to allow viewers to read slides with longer text. This can be accomplished by choosing a different timing setting. Select Record Timings and Narrations.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 8

  • This option enables you to customize how long each slide lasts on the video and gives you the option to record a voiceover. If you want to record a voiceover, you have several options. To change your microphone, look under settings .

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 9

  • You can also include a box of yourself recording the video by selecting the Camera option from the settings shown above.
  • To start your voiceover, click on the red Record button. Powerpoint will give you a few seconds to get ready while it counts down 3, 2, 1.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 10

  • While you are recording your voice, your Powerpoint is also recording the timings. The amount of time you spend on each slide before moving to the next will set the timing.
  • To move to the next slide, use the arrow keys. When you get to the end, “X” out of the recording screen. You will then be taken back to the settings page with the timings you recorded.
  • Click on Create Video and save it to your computer. Each slide in your video will now last as long as it took you to talk about it when recording.  

How To Set Up Powerpoint Presentations With Transitions, Animations & Timings

If you would prefer to set the animations, timings, and transitions before creating the video, below are a few examples of how to do so. This way, you can use the quick and easy way to convert it into a video described above.

What Are Transitions?

Have you ever seen a Powerpoint presentation that does something flashy or catches your eye between slides? Those special effects are called transitions.

There are three categories of transitions you can choose to use in your presentation. They are:

  • Subtle : Basic and simple movement from one slide to another.
  • Exciting: More elaborate and more interesting than subtle.
  • Dynamic: When used between two slides that are similar in layout, this transition will only move the placeholders, not the slides.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 11

When applied in moderation, transitions can add a professional and visually appealing effect to your presentation.

If you use too many transitions, the results can be confusing, erratic, and distracting.

Apply a Transition

  • Select the slide from the Slide Navigation panel where you want to apply the transition. This slide will appear after the transition you choose.
  • Click on Transitions from the top navigation. Note that the default is None . Click on More or the down arrow to see all the available options.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 12

When you click a transition, you will automatically see a preview of what it will look like if selected. You can either use the transition for a single slide or click Apply to All to use the same transition for all the slides in your presentation.

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Customize The Direction Of The Transition

Each transition has different effect options. 

  • To choose the one you want to use, click on Effect Options , select one, and watch Powerpoint automatically show you a preview of your selection.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 14

Change The Duration Of a Transition

  • Choose the slide you want to change the time for and look for the Duration field. In this example, the side is set to 01.00 .

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  • Let’s increase the time to .025 to make the transition a little slower. You can choose to set the duration for the selected slide only.
  • Click Apply to All to use the same transition duration for all the slides.

Add Sound To The Transition

  • Click on the dropdown menu next to Sound from the top bar navigation. Choose a sound, then preview it.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 16

  • To preview the sounds, from the top bar navigation click Slide Show and then From Current Slide .

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How To Move To The Next Slide

If you are doing a live presentation in front of an audience, you usually would press the spacebar or click your mouse to advance to the next slide.

However, as we are converting the presentation to a video, you want to use the Advance Slides setting to automate the process.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 18

  • Now you want to remove (deselect) the checkmark next to On Mouse Click . In the After field, enter the amount of time you want the slide to be displayed before moving onto the next one. In the example above, the slide will last 00:03.36 .

Custom Animations

Animations in Powerpoint add motion to different elements in your presentation. The purpose is to draw attention to the key points, such as specific text, shapes, tables, images, and other objects.

Using animations in Powerpoint videos makes it more engaging and exciting to watch. Some of the types of motion you can add to your slides are:

  • Changing the color or size of an image or text.
  • Causing an image to appear or disappear.
  • Moving an object around your slide.

Add An Animation

  • Start by selecting an object to animate, click on Animations , and choose an option. If you don’t see the Animation Pane , click on it to open it.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 19

  • Now click on Effect Options and choose one. Different animations have different options.

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To start an animation, click on the drop-down menu next to Start and choose from one of the options below:

  • On Click will start the animation when you click a slide.
  • With Previous will start the animation at the same time as the previous animation on the previous slide.
  • After Previous will play it immediately after the previous animation completes.

Click on Duration to set how long you want the animation to last. If you want to add a delay before an animation starts, use the Delay option.

To add more effects, click on Add Animation and choose the one you want to use. If you want to change the order an animation appears on the slide, click on the animation marker.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 21

  • Choose Move Earlier or Move Later to change the order the animation appears in the sequence.

Add An Animation To a Group

  • Press control on your keyboard and select the objects you want to include in the group. 
  • Next click on Shape Format , then Group , and Group again.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 22

  • Then select Animations and choose the one you want to use.

Animate Text

  • Highlight the text where you want to add an animation. 
  • Click Add Animation and choose an option. You will see it in the Animation Panel on the right side.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 23

  • The next step is to click the drop-down menu next to the animation you just added. This is another place where you can decide when you want it to start. Choose from Start On Click , Start With Previous , or Start After Previous .
  • Click the drop-down again next to the text animation, and this time select Effect Options.

How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video image 24

Here is where you will set the direction, timing, and other specific animation options. 

There are a lot of special effects you can add to Powerpoint. With practice, you will be able to create an engaging presentation using automatic animations and transition timings.

Once you are finished completing the above steps, you can use the simple way described at the beginning of this content to turn a Powerpoint presentation into a video. In just a few minutes, you will have a compelling, engaging, and visually appealing video to share with others.

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David has a background in small business and lives in Australia. He is a WordPress and Ubuntu Developer who enjoys design, CSS and tech tool integration. Read David's Full Bio

Convert PPT to Video. PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX, PPSX) to Video Converter.

Convert powerpoint to video. ppt to mp4. ppt to video. ppsx to mp4. powerpoint to mp4. powerpoint to video., powered by aspose.com and aspose.cloud ., * by uploading your files or using our service you agree with our terms of service and privacy policy ..

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We've already processed ??? files with a total size of ??? Mbytes.

How to convert PPT to video

How to convert PPT to video

  • Click Drop or upload your files .
  • Select the PowerPoint file you want to convert to video on your computer.
  • Specify your preferred parameters for the conversion—the slides to be converted, duration for each slide, video resolution, transition, and audio. Or you can use the default parameters.
  • Click the CONVERT button.
  • Wait for your presentation to get converted to an MP4 video.
  • Click the DOWNLOAD NOW button. Or you can type in an email address and click the message icon. The email address will receive a download link.

Aspose.Slides PPT to Video converter is a free online service for converting PowerPoint presentations to videos. Slides : Convert all slides in your PowerPoint to video. Or you can select specific slides or a range of slides for conversion. Slide duration : Specify the time that is spent showing each slide in the video. Video resolution : Select the resolution that determines the amount of detail in the video. If you plan to display the video on a big screen, you will do well to select HD. However, in such case, FullHD or QHD is probably even better. Transition : Select the transition that is played between slides in the video. PowerPoint transitions give life to presentations. They provide additional on-screen movement and interest for your audience. Audio : Your presentation can seem brand-new with audio. You can use the audio from the original presentation, upload your own, or select it from the drop-down option. The presentation to video converter is a free service powered by Aspose.Slides .

Aspose.Slides for .NET

Aspose.Slides PPT to Video

  • Convert PPT to video.
  • Export PPT to video.
  • Save PowerPoint PPTX and PPT as video.
  • Convert presentation to video.
  • Create video from PowerPoint.
  • Add audio and transition effects to your video.
  • Convert PPTX to MP4.
  • Convert PPT to MP4.
  • Convert PowerPoint to MP4.
  • Download PowerPoint video. Open video. Share video.
  • How do I convert PPT to video? Upload your PowerPoint presentation, specify your preferred parameters for the conversion operation or leave the default options intact, and then click CONVERT .
  • What are the advantages of converting PowerPoint to video? By converting your PowerPoint to video (MP4), you end up with a more convenient file. A video is easier to share than a PowerPoint. A video can be opened on any device or platform.
  • Is Aspose PPT to Video Converter free? Yes. The PowerPoint PPT to video converter is completely free to use.
  • How long does it take to convert PPT to video? The time required for the PowerPoint to video export operation is dependent on the number of slides involved.
  • What is the format of the resulting PowerPoint video? MP4 is the resulting format.
  • How do I save my PPT as MP4? Use the PPT to Video converter on this page.
  • How can I open the video created from a PowerPoint? You can open the video in any video player. The MP4 video file can be played on any laptop (Windows, Mac, Linux) or smartphone (iPhone or Android device).
  • How do I save my PowerPoint as a video? Use the PowerPoint to video converter on this page.
  • How do I convert PowerPoint to MP4 for free? Use the converter on this page. It is FREE.
  • Are there limits on uploaded files? For a single presentation, the maximum file size is 35 MB and the maximum number of slides is 50. If you must convert a presentation that exceeds 35 MB or contains more than 50 slides, we recommend you use Aspose PowerPoint Splitter to divide the slides into multiple presentations. You can then convert the presentations you obtained individually.

Fast and easy

Fast, Easy, and Secure Conversion


Convert from Anywhere

High quality

High Quality Conversion

Other supported conversions.

You can use other tools to convert PPT, PPTX and PPSX files. Please see the list below.

  • PDF to video (PDF to MP4)
  • Images to Video (Images to Video Converter)
  • PowerPoint to YouTube video (PowerPoint Presentation)
  • MP4 to MP3 (MP4 to MP3 Converter)
  • MP4 to WAV (MP4 to WAV Converter)
  • MP4 to WEBM (MP4 to WEBM Converter)

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Tutorial: Save your PowerPoint as a Video


It pays to know how to save PowerPoint as video. Whether you are preparing a PowerPoint presentation for work, school , non-profit, staff training or investor relations. Content marketing is one of the biggest trends of the past couple of years and knowing how to distribute your content via various media is critical to business success. This article will guide and show you, step by step, how to save your PowerPoint presentation in video format. Next, we discuss the advantages of PowerPoint to video conversion and how you can put a single presentation to greater use. This guide is written by 24Slides’ Powerpoint experts and includes instruction on using PowerPoint for Mac.

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6 Reasons to save PowerPoint as video

So you are considering saving your PowerPoint presentation as video? Before we show you how to do it, let’s talk about why it’s a great idea to convert your PowerPoint to video.

  • You can show your presentation to a wider audience by sharing the video on YouTube and other video platforms.
  • Your audience do not need to have a copy of Microsoft PowerPoint to view your presentation.
  • Burn your presentation video on CD or DVD and giveaway as promotional material to clients or potential customers.
  • Leverage your presentation and increase the return on investment (ROI) of your presentations by distributing them as video.
  • The technical ability of your audience will not become a barrier to delivering your message. Your video becomes easy to access without the knowledge and understanding of powerpoint.
  • Your audience will see your presentation exactly as you have intended it to be seen. Unlike sharing it as a presentation, some slides may get deleted or changed.

Now that you know why you’re on the right track by learning how to save PowerPoint presentations as video, let’s get into the process of exactly how to do it.

How to save PowerPoint 2010 as a video

If you are still using PowerPoint 2010 to create your presentations, you’ll be pleased to know you can still convert your PowerPoint to video. The process is som simple that you’ll wonder why you haven’t been doing this all along.

Whether your presentation contains just text or is a multimedia presentation with sound narration, transitions and video, you will be able to convert it into video. Microsoft PowerPoint allows you to save PowerPoint as video in Windows Media Video (.wmv) file format. If you plan for sharing your presentation as a video before creating it, you can decide whether to record the narration before creating the presentation.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Create your PowerPoint presentation as normal and save it.
  • If you’re using narration for your presentation, record the narration and add timings to the slideshow.
  • Select the File menu and click on Save & Send .

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  • Under the Save & Send menu, find and click on Create a Video .

how to convert ppt-to-video-2010_4

  • Click on the Computer & HD Displays option to customise the video size and quality (small, medium and large size & quality).

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  • Click the Don’t Use Recorded Timings and Narrations to select if you’re using timings and narrations.

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  • Click Create Video and another dialogue box opens.

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  • Enter appropriate filename and saving location to save your newly created video.

Once your presentation to video conversion is complete, the video is ready to share via Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo or email.

How to save a PowerPoint 2007 presentation as video

There are many users still running Microsoft Office 2007, hence PowerPoint 2007 on their computers. If you are one of them, don’t worry, there are ways to convert your PowerPoint to video using a bundled Microsoft product, Windows Movie Maker.

If you want to convert a PowerPoint 2007 presentation to video and you are running a newer version of the program, you can open the file within PowerPoint 2013. You can then use the Create a Video feature to convert your PowerPoint to video.

Alternatively, if you only have access to PowerPoint 2007 and have a copy of Windows Movie Maker installed, you can save your presentation as image files (.jpg). Once you’ve saved each slide, fire up Windows Movie Maker and start a new project.

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Next, import all the slides you saved as images into the new project and create your video.

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Note: You can include transitions in Windows Movie Maker. However, animations will not convert when you save the slides as image (.jpg) files. Make sure you modify your slides to remove any animations and ensure you do not lose vital parts of your message before saving as images.

If your presentation has narration, you can import the the sound file directly into Windows Movie Maker. If you do not have the source audio file, you can save the presentation as a web page (a separate .wav file is created). You can then import the .wav file into your Windows Movie Maker video.

How to convert your PowerPoint to video in PowerPoint 2013 in 7 Steps

Turning your PowerPoint 2013 presentation slides into a video is easier than you think. In seven simple steps, you can turn your presentation into a video you can share with viewers wherever they are. Here’s how you do it.

  • Access Powerpoint’s Backstage View by clicking on File.

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  • Select Export and click on Create a Video to access the video export menu.

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  • Click on the Create a Video option and expand the Computer and HD Displays option to select output video size and quality settings.

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  • Click on the drop down arrow to expand the Use Recorded Timings and Narrations menu. Use this to select whether you’re using recorded timings or not. If not using recorded timings and narrations, set the duration of each slide using the timings option at the bottom.

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  • Click the Create Video button to show the Save As dialogue box.

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  • Select the location where you want to save your video and choose a suitable filename for the video file. Also choose the video file type.

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  • Click Save and PowerPoint will begin converting your presentation to video. This may take a couple of seconds or a few minutes depending on the size of your presentation.

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When the video creation is complete, the video is ready to view, upload to your website, Facebook, YouTube or sharing by email.

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How to save a presentation as a movie file in PowerPoint For Mac

If you have an Apple computer running a Mac version of PowerPoint, you can convert your presentation into a movie for easier and wider distribution. The process is similar to Windows system with the inevitable differences between the operating systems. In just a few simple steps, you will be able to turn your powerful presentation into a movie file. The following limitations apply:

  • The output is a .mov file compatible with only the Quicktime player or 3rd party converting programs.
  • You will lose transitions and animations within the presentation and so make sure you modify your presentation prior to converting it.
  • You will also lose narration during the conversion process, you may wish to add the narration as an audio soundtrack to the movie.

The steps are as follows:

  • Click on File and choose Save as Movie .

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  • Click Movie Options to add a background soundtrack (music or your narration) or credits.

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  • Click Movie Settings to adjust the output quality and video size settings. You can also choose the slide durations, to create a looping video and slide transitions under this option.

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  • Click OK to close the Movie Options dialogue box.

how to convert ppt-to-video-mac_4

  • Click Save to start creating your video. The process will take a couple of seconds or longer depending on the size and quality options you select.

Once the process is complete, your movie is ready for playback or to convert into other file formats and share via Social Media or other outlets. If you’re using PowerPoint for Mac 2008 and 2011, these steps will work for either.

How to create a video from PowerPoint 2016

You can create a full-fidelity video from your presentation in PowerPoint 2016 in MPEG-4 (.mp4) or Windows Media Video (.wmv) format. In just six steps, you can turn your presentation into a video you can share and distribute on Facebook, YouTube, burn to DVD or via email. Here’s how you go about it:

  • Click on the File tab to show file options.

how to convert ppt-to-video-2016_1

  • Scroll down and select Export and navigate to Create a Video.

how to convert ppt-to-video-2016_2

  • Select your video settings preference (video quality, timings and narration, video size).

how to convert ppt-to-video-2016_3

  • Click on Create a Video.

how to convert ppt-to-video-2016_4

  • Choose a filename, saving location and video type (.mp4 or .wmv).

how to conver ppt-to-video-2016_5

  • Click on Save to start video creation process.

This article has shown you how to convert and save PowerPoint as video. Once you’ve delivered a powerful presentation to an audience, making it available afterwards is always a great idea, especially for training presentations. To maintain the presentation in its entirety, saving it as a video and distributing it is the best option. By converting a presentation to video, you are able to reach a wider audience through YouTube, Facebook and other video hosting and sharing sites. We hope you’ve gained some useful insights on how you can achieve that following the simple, step by step guides for the version of PowerPoint you are running.

download powerpoint presentation as video

Did you know?

At 24slides, we provide stunning Powerpoint presentation services and are able to help you and your team have an incredible presentation to film. Take a look at some examples of our work and let’s get in touch . Alternatively, feel free to browse and download hundreds of free Powerpoint templates from our library.

You might also find this interesting: How to Create Social Media Videos With PowerPoint

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Welcome to this tutorial on how to download a PowerPoint presentation as a video. PowerPoint has always been a powerful tool for creating visually engaging and dynamic presentations. However, there may be times when you want to save your presentation as a video file to share it on social media platforms, upload it to video-sharing websites, or simply have a video version of your presentation.

In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of converting your PowerPoint presentation into a video file format. Whether you’re using PowerPoint for work, school, or personal projects, this simple technique will enable you to easily transform your slides into an engaging video that can be enjoyed by a wider audience.

Converting a PowerPoint presentation to a video not only allows you to share your content in a different format but also gives you the flexibility to include animations, transitions, and narrations that can enhance the viewer’s experience. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you’ll be able to download your PowerPoint presentation as a video in no time.

Before we dive into the step-by-step process, it’s important to note that the method discussed in this tutorial applies to Microsoft PowerPoint versions 2010 and above. If you have an older version of PowerPoint, the process may vary slightly.

So grab your PowerPoint presentation, follow along, and let’s get started on converting it into a captivating video!

Step 1: Open the PowerPoint presentation

The first step in downloading a PowerPoint presentation as a video is to open the presentation you want to convert. Launch Microsoft PowerPoint on your computer and locate the file you wish to work with.

If you have recently worked on the presentation and it appears in the “Recent” section when you open PowerPoint, simply click on it to open it. Alternatively, you can navigate to the file’s location on your computer using the “File Explorer” or “Finder” depending on whether you are using a Windows or Mac system.

Once you have located the presentation file, double-click on it to open it in PowerPoint. The presentation will now open in the PowerPoint application window, and you are ready to move on to the next step.

It’s important to ensure that your PowerPoint presentation is fully prepared before proceeding with the conversion to a video. Make sure all your slides are in order, and any animations, transitions, and multimedia elements are working correctly. Take a moment to review and make any necessary edits to your presentation to ensure its smooth transition into video format.

Now that you have your PowerPoint presentation open and ready, it’s time to move on to the next step and save the presentation as a video file.

Step 2: Go to the File menu

Once you have opened your PowerPoint presentation, the next step is to navigate to the File menu. The File menu contains a variety of options for managing and saving your presentation. To access it, look for the File tab located at the top left corner of the PowerPoint window.

Click on the File tab, and a drop-down menu will appear with several options. This menu provides access to essential commands for working with your presentation, including saving, printing, and sharing options.

By clicking on the File tab, you will also be able to access features such as Slide Show settings, PowerPoint options, and more. However, for our purpose of downloading the PowerPoint presentation as a video, we will need to access the Save As feature, which is available in the File menu. So let’s move on to the next step to access the Save As option.

Alternatively, you can also use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + S” (Windows) or “Command + S” (Mac) to quickly access the Save feature. However, keep in mind that the Save As option is what we need to convert our presentation into a video file format, so it’s best to follow the File menu approach.

Now that you are in the File menu, let’s proceed to the next step and explore how to save your presentation as a video file.

Step 3: Click on the Save As option

After accessing the File menu in PowerPoint, the next step is to click on the “Save As” option. The Save As feature allows you to save your presentation in various file formats, including the video format that we are aiming for.

To access the Save As option, look for it in the File menu. It is usually located towards the top-left corner of the menu. When you hover over the Save As option, you will see a sub-menu displaying different file formats in which you can save your presentation.

Click on the Save As option to view the available formats. In the sub-menu, you will see options like PowerPoint Presentation (.pptx), PowerPoint Template (.potx), PDF, and more. However, for our purpose of converting the presentation into a video, we will need to select a specific file format that supports video output.

It’s important to note that the available file formats may vary depending on the version of PowerPoint you are using. However, the process of saving the presentation as a video remains relatively similar across different versions.

Now that you have clicked on the Save As option, let’s move on to the next step to choose the save location and file format for your video.

Step 4: Choose the save location and file format

Once you have clicked on the Save As option in PowerPoint, the next step is to choose the save location and select the appropriate file format for your video. This step allows you to specify where you want the video file to be saved on your computer and determine the format that will ensure compatibility with video players and platforms.

After clicking on Save As, a new window will appear, displaying the available file formats and the save location options. The save location section will typically offer choices such as your computer’s local storage, external drives, or cloud storage services like OneDrive or Dropbox.

To choose the save location, click on the desired destination where you want the video file to be saved. Keep in mind that selecting a location that is easily accessible and organized will make it easier for you to find and share the video file later.

Once you have selected the save location, you will need to specify the file format for the video. In the “Save as type” or “Format” drop-down menu, you will see various choices, including different PowerPoint file formats and video file formats.

To save your PowerPoint presentation as a video, look for the video formats such as MPEG-4 Video (.mp4), Windows Media Video (.wmv), or Web Video (.webm). These formats are widely supported and can be played on most devices and video players. Select the video format of your choice by clicking on it.

It’s important to consider the intended use of the video when choosing the file format. Different platforms and devices may have specific requirements for video compatibility, so make sure to choose a format that aligns with your needs.

Now that you have chosen the save location and file format, let’s move on to the next step to select the video file format.

Step 5: Select the video file format

Once you have chosen the save location and file format in PowerPoint, the next step is to select the specific video file format you want to save your presentation as. This step allows you to customize the output settings for your video, ensuring optimal quality and compatibility.

When you have chosen the desired file format in the Save As window, you will notice a few additional options specific to video output. These options may vary depending on the version of PowerPoint you are using.

In some versions of PowerPoint, you may have the option to choose the video quality or resolution. This allows you to select the level of clarity and detail you want for your video. Higher quality settings will result in larger file sizes, while lower quality settings may sacrifice some details but result in smaller files.

Additionally, you may have the option to include recorded timings and narrations in your video. By enabling these options, your video will include any slide transition timings or recorded audio narrations that were part of your original PowerPoint presentation.

Furthermore, some versions of PowerPoint offer the ability to include slide animations and slide timings in the video. This can be useful if you want to preserve the dynamic elements and timing of certain slides in your video. Be sure to check the settings and select the desired options based on your preferences and needs.

Take a moment to review the available video settings and choose the options that best suit your requirements. Once you have made your selections, you can proceed to the final step of saving your PowerPoint presentation as a video file.

Now that you have selected the video file format and customized the output settings, let’s move on to the next step to save your presentation as a video.

Step 6: Customize video settings (optional)

In addition to selecting the video file format, PowerPoint also provides optional customization options for your video. These settings allow you to further enhance the video output and tailor it to your specific preferences and requirements.

After selecting the video file format in the Save As window, you may come across additional settings for customizing the video. These settings can vary depending on the version of PowerPoint you are using.

One common customization option is the ability to choose the slide range for the video. This allows you to select specific slides that you want to include in the video or exclude certain slides that you don’t want to be part of the final video. By choosing this option, you have more control over the content that will be displayed in the video.

Another option you may encounter is the ability to set the slide transition duration. This allows you to determine the timing between each slide in the video. By adjusting the transition duration, you can create a smooth and seamless flow between slides, enhancing the viewer’s experience.

Additionally, some versions of PowerPoint offer the option to customize the video playback settings. This includes options such as loop playback, which automatically replays the video after it finishes, and autoplay, which starts the video as soon as it’s opened without manual intervention.

Consider the available customization settings and choose the options that align with your preferences and the overall purpose of the video. These optional settings allow you to tailor the video to suit your specific needs and enhance its visual appeal and functionality.

Once you have customized the video settings to your liking, you are now ready to save your PowerPoint presentation as a video. Let’s proceed to the final step and complete the process.

Step 7: Save the PowerPoint as a video

After you have made all the necessary adjustments and customized the video settings to your liking, it’s time to save your PowerPoint presentation as a video. This final step will convert your presentation into a video file format, making it ready for sharing, uploading, or viewing on various platforms.

To save your PowerPoint presentation as a video, simply click on the “Save” or “Save As” button in the Save As window. The specific wording may vary depending on the version of PowerPoint you are using. Once you click on the button, PowerPoint will process and convert your presentation into a video file based on the selected options.

Depending on the size and complexity of your presentation, the conversion process may take some time. PowerPoint will display a progress bar or status indicator to inform you about the status of the conversion. Once the conversion is complete, a message or notification will appear, indicating that your PowerPoint presentation has been successfully saved as a video.

At this point, you can close the Save As window and exit PowerPoint. Your newly created video file is now saved in the location you specified earlier. You can navigate to the save location and locate the video file. It will have the file extension corresponding to the video format you selected (e.g., .mp4, .wmv, .webm).

With the video file in hand, you can now use it for various purposes. You can upload it to video-sharing platforms like YouTube or Vimeo, share it on social media platforms, embed it in a website or blog, or simply store it for personal reference.

Remember to test the video file in a media player or video player software to ensure it is playing as expected and that all the elements from your PowerPoint presentation are successfully converted into the video format.

Congratulations! You have successfully saved your PowerPoint presentation as a video, showcasing your content in a dynamic and engaging format. Now, go ahead and utilize your video presentation to its full potential!

Converting a PowerPoint presentation into a video format opens up a world of possibilities for sharing and enhancing your content. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this tutorial, you have learned how to transform your slides into a captivating video.

Starting with the basic steps of opening your PowerPoint presentation and accessing the File menu, you progressed through selecting the save location and file format. You also had the opportunity to customize video settings to further optimize the output. Finally, you saved your PowerPoint presentation as a video and achieved a finished product ready for distribution.

Remember, the conversion process may vary slightly depending on the version of PowerPoint you are using, but the general steps discussed in this tutorial should apply to most versions.

Now that you have a video version of your PowerPoint presentation, you can reach a wider audience by sharing it on social media platforms, embedding it on websites, or uploading it to video-sharing websites. Videos are a powerful medium for conveying your message in a more dynamic and engaging way.

Continue exploring PowerPoint’s features and capabilities to make your presentations even more impactful. Experiment with different slide designs, animations, and transitions to create visually stunning and engaging content. By combining your creativity with the power of PowerPoint, you can take your presentations to the next level.

So, whether you’re using PowerPoint for work, school, or personal projects, remember that converting your presentations into videos is a valuable skill to have. Embrace the opportunity to share your ideas, knowledge, and creativity in a format that captures the attention and imagination of your audience.

Now that you have mastered the art of downloading a PowerPoint presentation as a video, it’s time to create and share your own captivating videos. Harness the power of visuals and storytelling to deliver impactful and memorable presentations that leave a lasting impression.

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How to add a video to a microsoft powerpoint presentation.


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Here’s why i think kde is a better desktop environment than gnome, how to make beautiful qr codes using ai, quick links, embedding videos versus linking to videos, supported video formats in powerpoint, how to insert a video into a powerpoint presentation, manage an embedded video's playback in powerpoint.

Videos can make presentations even more interesting or exciting. If you're looking to add a video to your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, it's easy to do so. We'll show you how.

In PowerPoint, you can either embed a video or link to a video from your presentation. If you embed a video, your video becomes part of the presentation, which increases the overall size of the presentation file.

Related: How to Send PowerPoint Presentations With an Embedded Video

If you link to a video, PowerPoint only adds a reference to that video in your presentation. The downside of this method is that you need to send the video file separately if you share your presentation with someone. We have written a guide on how to send PowerPoint presentations with videos , so check that out.

In this guide, we'll focus on embedding a video in your presentation so you don't have to worry about sending separate files. And, if you're looking to add a YouTube video to your presentation , there's a way to do that, too.

Related: How to Embed a YouTube Video in PowerPoint

PowerPoint supports multiple video formats, including ASF, AVI, MP4, M4V, MOV, MPG, MPEG, and WMV. If your video is already in one of these formats, you can quickly add that to your presentation.

If your video is in another format, you can convert it to a supported format and then add it to your presentation.

Related: How to Use Handbrake to Convert Any Video File to Any Format

First, make sure the video you want to add to your presentation is saved on your Windows or Mac computer. Then, open your presentation with PowerPoint on your computer.

On the PowerPoint window, in the left sidebar, click the slide in which you want to add a video.

Click a slide in the left sidebar in PowerPoint.

At the top of the PowerPoint window, click the "Insert" tab.

Click "Insert" at the top of PowerPoint.

In the "Insert" tab, under the "Media" section (which is to the extreme right side of the interface), click "Video."

Click "Video" in the "Insert" tab in PowerPoint.

You'll now see an "Insert Video From" menu. Here, select "This Device."

Select "This Device" from the "Insert Video From" menu in PowerPoint.

Your computer's standard "open" window will open. In this window, access the folder that has your video file. Then double-click your video file to add it to your presentation.

Double-click a video in the "open" window.

You'll see your selected video in your presentation. To resize this video, click it and use the handles around the video to change its size. Then drag the video to place it at its desired location in your slide.

Resize and reposition a video in PowerPoint.

If you'd like to test the video, at the bottom-left corner of the video, click the play icon.

Click the play button on the video in PowerPoint.

And you're all set.

Now that you have added a video to your presentation, you might want to change how it plays in your slides. In PowerPoint, you have multiple ways to change your video's playback.

To access these playback options, first, click your video in your presentation. Then, at the top of the PowerPoint window, click "Playback."

Click "Playback" at the top of PowerPoint.

In the "Playback" tab, under the "Video Options" section, you will find various options to manage your video's playback.

Manage video's playback with the "Video Options" in the "Playback" tab in PowerPoint.

For example, to change how your video starts to play in your presentation, click the "Start" drop-down menu and select one of these options:

  • In Click Sequence : This plays your video in the click sequence. This means if you press the button for the next slide, your video will play.
  • Automatically : This option automatically plays your video when the slide with your video opens.
  • When Clicked On : Select this option to play your video only when you click it.

Click the "Start" drop-down menu in the "Video Options" section of the "Playback" tab in PowerPoint.

The other options are "Play Full Screen," which opens your video in full screen, and "Loop Until Stopped" that plays your video over and over again until you manually stop it.

Before you close PowerPoint, make sure you save your presentation so that your embedded video is saved with it. Do this by clicking File > Save in PowerPoint's menu bar.

Click File > Save in PowerPoint.

And that's how you make your PowerPoint presentations even more engaging by including videos in them. Exciting!

If you don't want to add a video but you do want audio, you can add music to your presentations . This also helps enhance your presentation quality.

Related: How to Add Music to Your PowerPoint Presentation

  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft PowerPoint


Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows

  • V  2021

Joe Wainer

Microsoft PowerPoint: Create attractive presentations without complicating your life

Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation software application that has been the industry standard for decades. It is used by millions of people worldwide to create presentations for a variety of purposes, including business, education, and personal use. PowerPoint is known for its user-friendly interface and its wide range of features , making it a powerful productivity tool for creating visually appealing and informative presentations.

What is Microsoft PowerPoint?

Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows is the latest version of PowerPoint that is available for Windows PCs. It is included with the Microsoft 365 suite of applications, which also includes Word , Excel , and Outlook . PowerPoint for Windows can also be purchased as a standalone application .

Key features of Microsoft PowerPoint

PowerPoint for Windows offers a wide range of features that make it a versatile tool for creating presentations. Some of the key features include:

  • Templates : PowerPoint offers a variety of templates that can be used to create presentations with a professional look and feel.
  • Themes : PowerPoint themes allow you to change the overall look of your presentation, including the colors, fonts, and layout.
  • Slides : PowerPoint presentations are made up of individual slides, each of which can contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia content.
  • Transitions : PowerPoint transitions allow you to smoothly move between slides in your presentation.
  • Animations : PowerPoint animations can be used to add visual interest to your presentations.
  • Multimedia : PowerPoint supports a variety of multimedia content, including images, videos, and audio.
  • Collaboration : PowerPoint allows you to collaborate on presentations with others in real time.

Creating a presentation with Microsoft PowerPoint

Creating a presentation with PowerPoint is a straightforward process. To create a new presentation, simply open PowerPoint and select the desired template . Once you have selected a template, you can start adding content to your slides.

Adding content to slides

To add content to a slide, you can simply type text into the text box. You can also add images, videos, and other multimedia content by clicking on the appropriate button on the ribbon.

Customizing slides

You can customize the appearance of your slides by changing the background color, font, and layout. You can also add transitions and animations to your slides.

Reviewing and saving your presentation

Once you have finished creating your presentation, you can review it in slide show mode to see how it will look when presented. You can save your presentation in a variety of formats , including PPTX, PPT, and PDF.

Why Microsoft PowerPoint so popular?

Microsoft PowerPoint is incredibly popular for several reasons, making it the go-to presentation software for individuals and businesses worldwide. Its widespread adoption can be attributed to its user-friendly interface, comprehensive feature set , and ability to create visually appealing and informative presentations.

User-friendly interface

PowerPoint's intuitive and straightforward interface makes it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. The drag-and-drop functionality, familiar menus, and clear visual elements enable users to navigate and utilize the software effortlessly . This simplicity has been a key factor in its widespread adoption, particularly among non-technical individuals who need to create presentations.

Comprehensive feature set

PowerPoint boasts a robust feature set that caters to a wide range of presentation needs. Its extensive library of templates and themes provides a foundation for professional-looking presentations, while its design tools allow for customization and personalization. Additionally, the inclusion of multimedia elements, transitions, animations, and interactive features enhances the visual appeal and engagement of presentations.

Visual appeal and informational content

PowerPoint's ability to combine text, images, videos, and other multimedia content makes it an effective tool for delivering information in a visually engaging and impactful manner. Users can effectively communicate their message through a combination of visual elements and clear, concise text . This combination of visual appeal and informational content holds the audience's attention and enhances the overall effectiveness of the presentation.

Widespread familiarity and compatibility

PowerPoint's widespread use and familiarity among individuals and organizations have made it the de facto standard for presentation software. This commonality ensures compatibility across platforms and organizations, facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing. Moreover, PowerPoint's integration with Microsoft Office suite further enhances its practicality and accessibility.

Global adoption and educational usage

PowerPoint has become an essential tool in educational settings , empowering instructors to effectively deliver lectures, presentations, and course materials. Its versatility enables teachers to incorporate various multimedia elements, interactive exercises, and collaborative activities to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.

Business and corporate use

In the business world, PowerPoint is indispensable for meetings, presentations, and communicating information to clients, partners, and stakeholders. Its ability to visually present complex data, highlight key points, and engage the audience makes it a valuable tool for effective communication and decision-making .

Microsoft PowerPoint's enduring popularity stems from its user-friendliness, comprehensive feature set, ability to enhance visual appeal and informational content, widespread familiarity, and exceptional compatibility across platforms and organizations. Its versatility makes it a preferred choice for individuals, educators, and businesses worldwide, cementing its place as the industry standard for presentation software.

Minor tweaks

A small batch of updates for Microsoft PowerPoint irons out some kinks on specific workflows. Saving a file no longer auto-fills the Title field within the File Info menu, a minor detail yet helpful in managing your files. Plus, working with linked charts from SharePoint gets a lot easier. The Change Source dialog now defaults to the chart's current location , saving you time digging through outdated paths. Finally, the Edit Photo Album option is now accessible in Slide Sorter for quicker photo adjustments while organizing slides.

Final words about the app

Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows is a powerful tool for creating presentations. It is easy to use, offers a wide range of features, and can help you create presentations with a professional look and feel. However, PowerPoint is a paid software application and can be limited in terms of creativity.

  • Ease of use
  • Wide range of features
  • Professional look and feel
  • Collaboration
  • Limited creativity

PowerPoint for telling your story. A new, modern take on the familiar PowerPoint application to design and share your most impactful presentations

Get your ideas across with beautiful design, rich animation, cinematic motion, 3D models and icons. Let intelligent technology help you bring your presentation to life with a few clicks.

Tell your story with confidence with slide-by-slide notes only viewable by you. Easily translate your slides into the preferred language and use the built-in accessibility checker to be sure your audience doesn’t miss a thing.

Get premium versions of PowerPoint and other Office apps like Word and Excel by subscribing to Office 365. With Office 365 you'll get great PowerPoint features like Designer, Editor, and real-time co-authoring. Plus, you'll receive exclusive, new features every month ensuring you're always up-to-date.

Also available in other platforms

  • Microsoft PowerPoint for Android
  • Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac
  • Microsoft PowerPoint for iPhone

Microsoft PowerPoint for PC

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Microsoft Office 2010

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5 Ways to Embed a Video File in Microsoft PowerPoint

Last Updated: June 14, 2024 Fact Checked

Embedding a Web Video

Embedding a video file, embedding a stock video, using android, linking movie files (powerpoint 2007).

This article was co-authored by Mitch Harris and by wikiHow staff writer, Rain Kengly . Mitch Harris is a Consumer Technology Expert based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Mitch runs his own IT Consulting company called Mitch the Geek, helping individuals and businesses with home office technology, data security, remote support, and cybersecurity compliance. Mitch earned a BS in Psychology, English, and Physics and graduated Cum Laude from Northern Arizona University. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,137,019 times.

If you want to spruce up your PowerPoint presentations, you can add a video to your slides. If you have a video file on your computer, you can easily embed it into your presentation. You can also embed YouTube videos, use looping stock videos, or, on older versions of PowerPoint, link to the videos. This wikiHow will show you how to add a video to Microsoft PowerPoint using your Windows, Mac, or Android device.

The Best Ways to Embed a Video in PowerPoint

  • Copy a YouTube URL. In PowerPoint, click "Insert' → "Video" → "Online Videos/Movie". Paste the URL and click "Insert".
  • To embed a video file, click "Insert" → "Video" → "This Device" → select a file → "Insert".
  • To use a stock video, click "Insert" → "Video" → "Stock Videos" → select a video → "Insert".

Step 1 Open a project in Microsoft PowerPoint.

  • You must have a subscription to use Office 365 . [1] X Trustworthy Source Microsoft Support Technical support and product information from Microsoft. Go to source
  • Adding a video to your PowerPoint can help you make a great presentation .

Step 2 Find a web video you want to insert.

  • You can insert a video from supported websites such as: YouTube, SlideShare, Vimeo, Microsoft Stream, and Flip.

Step 3 Copy...

  • On Mac, this will look like Online Movie .

Step 6 Paste...

  • You'll see a preview of the video.

Step 7 Click Insert.

  • To adjust when the video plays, click the drop-down menu next to Start: . Select In Click Sequence , Automatically , or When Clicked On .
  • Check the boxes to apply any of the following: Play Full Screen , Hide While Not Playing , Loop until Stopped , and/or Rewind after Playing .
  • Click Volume to adjust the video's volume. Select Low , Medium , High , or Mute .

Step 10 Edit the video image (optional).

  • Select the web video and click the Video Format tab.
  • Click Poster Frame on the left of the toolbar.
  • Click Image from File… .
  • Select From a File , Stock Images , Online Pictures , or From Icons .
  • Select the image source from the chosen method, and then click Insert .

Step 1 Open a project in Microsoft PowerPoint.

  • Stock videos work best as a background graphic to your PowerPoint text, since these videos loop seamlessly

Step 2 Click Insert.

  • The stock video will be added to your slide. By default, it will cover the entire slide.

Step 5 Adjust the playback settings.

  • PowerPoint is available for Android in the Google Play Store .

Step 2 Tap the menu icon.

  • The menu will open.

Step 3 Tap Home.

  • If you want to take a video using your camera, tap Open Camera instead.
  • The video file will be added to your PowerPoint.

Step 1 Place the movie file in the same directory as the PowerPoint file.

  • Videos can only be "embedded" (included in the presentation file itself) in PowerPoint 2010 or newer.

Step 2 Open the slide you want to add the video to.

  • Click the Office button and select "Publish."
  • Select "Package for CD" and then select your presentation.
  • Ensure that "Linked files" is selected in the "Options" menu.

Community Q&A

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Tips from our Readers

  • In the newest version of PowerPoint, to embed a YouTube video, all you have to do is go to insert, video, online video and then paste the link for the video.

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  • ↑ https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/insert-a-video-from-youtube-or-another-site-8340ec69-4cee-4fe1-ab96-4849154bc6db#OfficeVersion=Windows
  • ↑ https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/insert-audio-or-video-in-powerpoint-for-android-95e0a2af-35fb-405a-8536-cdcd934f659a
  • ↑ https://support.office.com/en-us/article/My-movie-doesn-t-play-190cf574-183d-4b7f-b627-3783a14b7b07?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US
  • ↑ https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Add-and-play-a-movie-in-a-presentation-f3fcbd3e-5f86-4320-8aea-31bff480ed02

About This Article

Mitch Harris

1. Open the slide. 2. Click Insert . 3. Click Movie . 4. Click Movie from File or Video on my PC . 5. Select the video and click OK . 6. Click Playback . 7. Choose how to play the video. 8. Save your presentation. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Become a PowerPoint pro: 7 must-know tips and tricks

Anders Lundberg

Microsoft’s PowerPoint is extremely popular in schools, universities, and the corporate world, but it has never been as popular with home users. Not surprising since it’s all about creating presentations, something a private person doesn’t have to do very often.

So, if you suddenly find yourself needing to make a PowerPoint presentation and have no idea how to make it good, rest assured that you aren’t alone and there’s hope for you.

Microsoft Office 365 Home

Microsoft Office 365 Home

These days, PowerPoint is more than just a basic slideshow—it can be used to create video presentations with voice-over narration, and it even has an AI-based helper called Designer that gives suggestions on how to make your presentation better.

Here are several smart tips and tricks you can use to improve your PowerPoint presentations and come off as a pro.

1. Customize Quick Access

Have you noticed that PowerPoint—and the other apps in Microsoft 365 for that matter—have a small, narrow toolbar at the very top of the application window? By default, you’ll find shortcut buttons for toggling Auto Save and basic actions like Save, Undo, Repeat, etc.

This nifty toolbar also comes with some app-specific actions that you may or may not use frequently. In PowerPoint, for example, there’s a shortcut to start slideshows from the beginning.

This toolbar is called Quick Access and you can actually customize what actions show up here. You can add frequently used actions while removing the ones you never use.

This can make it easier to find important functions that you would otherwise have to rummage around the ribbon to find.

Anpassa Snabbåtkomst

To customize Quick Ass, select File > Options and then Quick Access Toolbar . The box on the right shows the actions currently on it and their order. The box on the left has all the available actions you can add.

Select an action you want in Quick Access and click on Add . To change the order, highlight the action you want to move and use the the arrow buttons on the right side of the window.

2. Use custom themes and templates

PowerPoint comes with a bunch of ready-made templates for presentations, which have also been themed.

A theme is a collection of settings for typography, colors, and effects that make it easy to maintain a consistent style across presentations. A template is a theme plus ready-made content that makes it easier to make a particular type of presentation again in the future.

Teman och mallar

For example, a company may have a theme that defines the colors and fonts employees should use in presentations, plus a number of templates for product presentations and quarterly reports.

A template may have a number of ready-made slides with images, charts, and everything else already laid out. When you create a new presentation from a template, you will find these individual page templates in New slide in either Start or Insert .

Creating your own custom theme

New themes can be added at any time as long as you have a presentation open—even if it’s a blank presentation.

Select the Design tab and click on the small down arrow with a dash over it on the right side of the Variants section. This shows the four categories of settings you can designate for a theme.


Select Colors > Customize Colors… and the Create new theme colors dialog box will open. A complete set of theme colors includes two pairs of text and background colors (dark/light, to be used either for dark text on a light background or vice versa), six spot colors used for graphic elements, and two colors for hyperlinks. Enter a name at the bottom and click Save when you are done.

If you also want to change the font, select Fonts > Customize Fonts… and you’ll be able to designate a Heading font and a Body font . I recommend a neutral, easy-to-read font for both.

Under Effects , you can choose the style of effects but there’s no way to customize or create a completely new effect. Under Background Styles , you can select Format Background… to tweak backgrounds.

Spara nytt tema

When you’re done, go to the Themes section of the Design tab and click the down arrow with a line above it, then select Save Current Theme… to save your new theme. Give it a name and save and your new theme will appear among the available themes in the Design tab of all presentations.

Create your own custom templates

To create a new PowerPoint template, you can start from either a blank presentation or an existing template. Don’t add any content of your own yet. Instead, go to the View tab and click on Slide Master .

Start by changing the theme of your new template, under the Themes button. If you created your own theme as described above, it will normally be at the top of the list of available themes.

Teman i mallar

PowerPoint uses the term layouts for slide templates. Click on the Insert Layout button to create a new slide template.

New layouts are automatically given a header and a footer, but you can remove them if you wish (either by selecting and deleting the elements manually or via checkboxes in the Slide Background tab).

To delete an existing layout, right-click on it in the list and select Delete Layout or select it in the list and press Backspace.

Bygg en mall

To add new design elements to a layout, click the Insert Placeholder button in the ribbon and select the element type you want. You can then position and resize it, and change the placeholder text for it.

If you want to make per-layout changes, make sure to select that layout in the list before tweaking. For example, you can change a layout’s color theme or switch between the four background formats.

When you’re happy, save the template by selecting File > Save As and changing the format to Powerpoint Template (*.potx) . Templates can be stored either locally on your computer or in OneDrive—and since the theme is included, you can freely share the template with others.

Länk till Excel

3. Link to Excel data

If you’re making a presentation with figures in tables or charts, you can make your life easier by linking PowerPoint to Excel.

To do this, start by copying a chart in Excel, then switching over to PowerPoint and navigating to the Home tab in the ribbon. Select Paste > Paste Special… , then choose the Paste Link option, select Microsoft Excel Chart Object and finish by clicking OK .

Länk till Excel

A linked chart, table, or other Excel object can be instantly updated with up-to-date information as the data in the Excel document changes, all without having to copy and paste all over again.

To update the Excel object, right-click on it in PowerPoint and select Update Link . PowerPoint will retrieve the latest data to be reflected in the Excel object. This makes it easy to build a data-heavy report in PowerPoint that can be kept up-to-date with zero hassle.

4. Edit and apply effects to images

Basic slide editing in PowerPoint isn’t difficult, but there are a few tricks you can learn to make your slides both behave the way you want them to and do new things you may not have realized were possible.

For example, did you know that PowerPoint has built-in editing features that can change brightness, contrast, and sharpness of images?

Redigera bild

Select an image in a slide and the Picture Format tab will open. Here you’ll find several adjustments you can make:

  • Corrections alters brightness, contrast, and sharpness
  • Color applies color filters
  • Artistic Effects stylizes the image (but apart from the useful Blur effect, most of these feel pretty old-fashioned)
  • Transparency makes the image more or less transparent
  • Picture Styles can format the image in various ways (e.g., frame, shadow, rounded corners, perspective, etc.)

One thing you’ll notice when you add an image is that PowerPoint automatically generates alternative text—that is, descriptive text that gets read aloud for users with visual impairments. You can set this text to whatever you want, and it’s nice that Microsoft has thought about accessibility in this way.

5. Fill a shape with an image

PowerPoint makes it easy to fill a vector graphic shape with an image instead of just a solid color or gradient.

Create the shape as you want it, then make sure it’s selected before navigating to either the Home or Figure Format tabs in the ribbon. Select Shape Fill > Picture… , then select From a File to pick an image that’s saved on your computer.

Bild i form

If you aren’t satisfied with the positioning of the image in the shape, you can open the Picture Format tab and select Crop > Crop to resize and move the image in relation to the shape, allowing you to center it at a different point and even zoom in or out.

6. Incorporate audio and video

These days, PowerPoint isn’t just for presentations on screen or with a projector—it’s increasingly common to export finished presentations as videos to be sent to recipients, uploaded to the web, embedded in mobile apps, and more.

Spela in berättarröst och video

To make such presentations more vivid and interesting, you can record voice-over audio and/or video from a connected webcam to be placed on top of slides. You can find these features in the Record tab, where PowerPoint has also placed the Export to Video function.

The export function allows you to set the video resolution as well as how long each slide will display in the video.

More on this: How to turn a PowerPoint presentation into a video

7. Get AI help with Designer

Designer is the new name for Design Ideas, a feature that has been around since PowerPoint 2016 and uses machine learning to analyze the content of presentations and suggest improvements.

You can find it as a button in the Home and Design tabs, with Designer itself appearing in a column on the right.


This feature continuously analyzes your presentation and displays a list of suggested changes for the current slide. If you don’t like any of the suggestions, you can click on See More Design Ideas at the bottom and it will generate additional suggestions.

How attractive and useful are the suggestions? Well, it varies. When I tested it myself, they’ve rarely been results that I could use straight away—but the suggestions were helpful in that they gave me several great ideas that I hadn’t thought of myself.

For example, in the image above, you can see a suggestion for a color filter on a photo that looks like it could work really well with bright text and maybe a little blur.

Further reading: PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts worth knowing

This article originally appeared on our sister publication PC för Alla and was translated and localized from Swedish.

Author: Anders Lundberg , Contributor

download powerpoint presentation as video

Anders writes news, reviews and buying guides that touch most categories of consumer tech.

Recent stories by Anders Lundberg:

  • How to master Excel: From beginner to pro
  • Getting started with Microsoft 365: Everything you need to know
  • 8 advanced Microsoft Word tricks you probably missed

20 Marketing PowerPoint Templates: Best PPTs to Present Your Plans in 2024

Here are the best marketing PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements. Present your strategies with professional marketing PPT templates today!

PowerPoint Marketing Presentation

Do you have an upcoming marketing presentation to make in PowerPoint?

Need to showcase your latest social media campaign, present fresh content marketing ideas, or show how your results are stacking up with a great PPT marketing presentation?

The right PowerPoint templates for marketing will save you a ton of time. Also, they’ll give you a wide selection of slides to make your next presentation deck.

Here are 25+ of the best marketing PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements. They’re packed with features, including marketing layouts and digital marketing presentation examples.

Jump in and find the marketing PPT templates that fit your presentation!

Top 5+ PPT Templates for Marketing (New Presentations on Envato Elements for 2024)

Here are the top strategic marketing presentation PowerPoint templates. Get great marketing layouts and unique slide designs for presenting your ideas.

These marketing PPT templates are trending on Envato Elements in 2024:

1. Marketing Plan PPT Template

Marketing Plan Powerpoint Presentation

If you need a PowerPoint template for your marketing plan presentation, this professional set has what you’re looking for. Showcase your marketing strategy and highlight your data with compelling infographics. Use it to make your marketing ideas stand out.

2. Social Media Trends: PowerPoint Template Design

Social Media Trends - Powerpoint Template

If you’re looking to make a marketing presentation, this PowerPoint template is a quick starting point. It’s got a well-designed framework with plenty of options. This top PPT for marketing features:

  • 100 unique slides
  • digital research trends slide
  • beautiful graphics and charts
  • drag-and-drop editing
  • slide transitions

3. Digital Marketing Strategy PowerPoint Plan Template

Digital Marketing Strategy - Powerpoint Template

This digital marketing plan presentation template is great for putting together a strong marketing plan presentation. It features:

  • 40+ unique PPT slides for each theme
  • two pre-made marketing presentation example themes
  • professional handmade infographics
  • fully editable, modern graphics
  • object and slide transition animation

This strategic marketing PPT template comes with everything you need.

4. Content Marketing Presentation Design

Content Marketing Presentation

Content marketing is a popular and growing marketing strategy. Great content will continue to be the cornerstone of digital marketing if you work in a digital agency, social media service, or SEO company. It features:

  • 16:9 and 4:3 screen size
  • 10 PPTX files
  • 10 color schemes
  • 120+ unique slides for each scheme
  • editable vector images and icons

5. Connect Marketing Communication PowerPoint Template

CONNECT - Marketing Powerpoint Template

Your marketing ideas deserve to be heard. Most of all, you want your message to connect with your audience. Make that connection you need to deliver a persuasive message.

The Connect marketing PowerPoint template is designed to do it. It comes with 700+ professional slides, with compelling designs and easy-to-edit features.

6. Social Media Pro PowerPoint PPT Plan Template

Social Media PRO - Powerpoint Template

Are you looking for a modern social media presentation template? Social Media Pro is packed with slides that’ll help you create a great marketing presentation. Some features include:

  • four color schemes
  • over 35 unique marketing PPT slide designs
  • colorful infographics
  • stylish social media illustrations
  • device mockups included

7. The Digital Agency PowerPoint Template

The Digital Agency - Powerpoint Template

This is a marketing PowerPoint template with plenty of the professional features you’d expect in a premium design. Grab it now from Envato Elements. Make use of the social media elements, infographics, and modern slide designs.

  • fully editable in PowerPoint (shapes, icons, mockup, etc.)
  • 16:9 screen layouts (full HD)
  • slide transition animations
  • drag and drop to change images
  • 70+ unique slides for each theme

8. Socialina Social Media Marketing PowerPoint Template

Social Media Marketing PowerPoint Template

The Socialina template is a great choice if you want to design a social media marketing plan and give a presentation. The template has a modern design that’s easy to customize. Find:

  • 30 unique slides
  • fully resizable and customizable graphics
  • based on master slides
  • 16:9 aspect ratio

9. Clean Marketing PowerPoint Presentation Template

Clean Marketing - PowerPoint Template

Clean Marketing is a great choice if you like a clean, minimalist design. The template has drag-and-drop image placeholders. Easily change the color scheme to match your own branding. The template was designed in a 16:9 aspect ratio, and it comes with 465 unique slides and custom vector icons.

10. Marketing Firm Presentation Template

Marketing Firm Powerpoint Template

This marketing firm template is a great choice for designing high-quality presentations. The clean layout and graphics are easy to tailor to your needs. Take advantage of great features like:

  • 1920 x 1080 full HD resolution
  • animations and transitions included
  • help guide included
  • uses free fonts

11. Dotter Modern Business Presentation Template

Modern Business Powerpoint Presentation

When you’re choosing a PPT for marketing, it’s a great idea to get a flexible template. That’s where Dotter really shines. It’s a modern marketing PowerPoint template with great features:

  • 200 unique slide designs
  • 30 color schemes
  • vector icons
  • built with master slides

12. Green Business Plan PowerPoint Template

Business Presentation - Green

The Green Business Plan template has everything you need to develop your marketing PowerPoint plan. It includes drag-and-drop slides that are a breeze to update with your imagery.

Key features include:

  • 25 editable pages
  • free fonts used
  • easy drag-and-drop picture editing

13. Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template

Business Plan Presentation - Digital

This marketing plan PPT is the perfect starting point for a modern marketing plan. Fill in the 30 unique slides with your own ideas, and you’ll have a marketing plan in less time than ever.

14. Digital Marketing Company PowerPoint PPT Template

Digital Marketing Pro Powerpoint Slide

The Digital Marketing Company template has all the elements to make your marketing presentation quickly. This marketing PPT template features:

  • 30+ unique slides
  • custom design
  • editable layout
  • master pages

15. Pro Marketing Plan PPT PowerPoint Presentation Template

Pro Marketing Plan PowerPoint Template

This is a comprehensive marketing PowerPoint template. Not only can you use it to present your go-to-market plan, but it also has slides for a wide mix of marketing needs. It includes marketing plan example slides for PowerPoint to showcase these features:

  • 56 clean, simple, and creative slides
  • two aspect ratios (4:3 and 16:9)
  • 102 color themes included
  • one click to change the colors
  • free ronts and Icons

16. Digital Marketing Business Strategy PPT Presentation

Digital Marketing - Multipurpose PowerPoint

Impress your audience with an awesome marketing presentation. This digital marketing PowerPoint template has stylish slides and features:

  • resizable and editable graphics
  • uses free web fonts
  • 16:9 wide-screen ratio
  • vector icon included

17. Most Marketing PowerPoint Template Set

Most Marketing Powerpoint

Are you ready to make a great marketing presentation template? Put this powerful set of 20 unique slides to work for you. This is one of the best marketing plan PPTs. It’s got all the creative elements you need, from stylish infographics to bright vector graphics and pixel-perfect illustrations.

18. Sersi Marketing Modern PowerPoint Template

Sersi Business Powerpoint

Skip the marketing PowerPoint templates you might find for free online that often have dull designs. Instead, think big and bold with this fresh marketing PowerPoint template, which features:

  • 20 unique slide layouts
  • clean, modern, multi-purpose design that can be used for any type of presentation
  • strong focus on typography and usability
  • picture placeholders

19. Company Toolbox Strategy Template PPT

Company Toolbox PowerPoint Presentation Template

With this set of marketing slide designs, you can create powerful marketing plans. Customize it with slides to showcase your market growth, competitor analysis, marketing strategy PowerPoint PPT designs, and more.

  • modern, minimalist design

20. Fabulum: Template for PowerPoint Presentations

Fabulum - Product Marketing PowerPoint

Why use a free marketing plan PowerPoint template? You don’t want a dated and dull design, which is what free PPTs often look like. Instead, grab this comprehensive Marketing Kit PowerPoint template.

  • 180 unique slide designs
  • custom graphics
  • well-balanced designs
  • easy-to-edit elements

Envato Elements (Design Without Limits)

Envato Elements has a single compelling (all-inclusive) offer:

Sign up for Envato Elements, and you get access to thousands of graphics and templates (with unlimited use). Get great web themes, cool marketing presentation templates , pre-made video files, and more—all for one low price .

Get unlimited downloads from a massive digital warehouse of creative assets.

How to Quickly Customize PowerPoint Marketing PPT Slide Designs

A PowerPoint marketing plan is a must for sharing your vision. Thanks to pre-built professional marketing plan PowerPoint templates, you can create presentations easily. Let’s look at three marketing presentation examples.

Marketing plans should be visual. Anyone who’s suffered through long presentations understands the importance of diverse slide content.

Elements like images, charts, and infographics help to break up the monotony of a slide deck. They’re also key to explaining complex concepts and presenting data in style.

Marketing Plan Vol 2

In this section, we’ll use Marketing Plan Volume 2 , a multipurpose marketing presentation template from Envato Elements.

1. The Intro Slide

Let’s begin by customizing a simple image-and-text slide. This one’s near the beginning of the presentation, so it’s well placed to introduce your team and roll out your marketing plan slogan.

intro slide

When your audience knows your motivation, they’re more likely to engage, understand, and follow along.

The placeholders in this marketing plan presentation template make this a breeze. For text, simply click to select it, and then type over it with your own words. Freely adjust the font size and styling up on PowerPoint’s ribbon. Then, add your own photo.

2. The Charts and Graphs Slide

Charts are the best way to illustrate numerical data, and thanks to PowerPoint, they can be created and edited in seconds. This slide includes a pre-built column chart with data already included.

Naturally, you’ll need to customize it with your own numbers. To do that, right-click on one of the bars and then select Edit Data . PowerPoint will launch an embedded Excel spreadsheet right inside the app. There, you can type in your own data, and the chart will scale and resize automatically with every change you make.

Customize charts and graphs by right-clicking on the object and choosing Edit Data .

3. Device Mockups

Device mockups help you showcase your website or app. You can find mockups for smartwatches, phones, computers, tablets, and more.

device mockup template

As you can see, this mockup slide focuses on a smartphone. The centerpiece is the mockup itself, the 3D representation of the device. Beside it, you can see plenty of text placeholders, in which you can provide details about the app or website. Mockups can be a crucial element when designing your marketing plan template PPT.

To customize a mockup slide, you’ll first need to capture a screenshot on a real device. Transfer it to your computer and then add it to the mockup. Click on the image placeholder inside the phone screen, browse to your screenshot, and click on Insert . PowerPoint will import the image, scaling it automatically to fit into the mockup. From there, add your text to create a compelling marketing PPT slide.

add text to mockup

Thanks to Envato Elements, building a marketing PowerPoint template has never been easier. Your slide deck will be at the forefront of professional design, and you won’t need any editing skills to get there. Use one of these marketing plan presentation templates and gain more time to build a visionary plan.

Inspiration: 5 Top PowerPoint (PPT) Marketing Plan Presentation Slide Designs for 2024

It’s true that every marketing PowerPoint plan is going to differ, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t find common elements that work well for every marketing plan. Borrowing from the best ideas is a great reason to use PPT for marketing templates that already have ideas for you.

Let’s look at five types of slides that you’ll find in many marketing PowerPoint templates. We’ll use example templates from Envato Elements. Consider using these when you’re building your marketing plan.

1. Mission Slide

A mission is that core idea that drives what you do. It’s a great litmus test when you’ve got a new idea to measure your tactics against that mission. Does what you’re doing fit with your mission? That’s the question all businesses should constantly ask themselves.

So why not use a mission slide in your next marketing plan PowerPoint to capture that single idea? It creates an understanding of your goal with your audience and collaborators.

mission slide

2. The SWOT Slide

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats: they exist for every business, and knowing them is crucial. That’s why they’re condensed into a key idea and common approach called a SWOT.

You’ll find a SWOT analysis slide in many PPT marketing templates. Use a SWOT and fill it out to show proper consideration of each force in your business.

swot analysis

3. The Team Slide

No matter what type of presentation you’re building, showing off the team behind the work is a good idea. A team slide can make your co-workers feel celebrated and recognized, and it also builds familiarity with your audience.

Almost all of the marketing PowerPoint templates we’ve featured in this roundup will include a team slide. Use one of them in your marketing PowerPoint plan to “put a name to a face” for your audience.

team slide

4. The Map Slide

Most marketing plans need to include a geographic consideration. That might mean showing trends or specific plans that’ll help you reach targeted audiences.

You can use a map slide to do just that. Bringing specific geographic areas and statistics to life will help communicate your specific, targeted plans. In the best marketing PowerPoint templates like the example below, you can see how to use a map slide.

map slide

5. The Infographic Slide

Infographics can help you explain a process. Instead of just listing the steps in a process, use an infographic to make it highly visual.

Your business plan should include some tactical plans. These are the specific steps it takes to execute the marketing plan. Those are best shown with infographics that illustrate ideas easily.

infographic slide

5 Quick PowerPoint Marketing Presentation Tips

Designing a great PPT marketing presentation takes not only strong ideas, but also refining them and putting those ideas into the best visual slides that tell a compelling story.

Your aim is to make your points resonate with your audience and deliver key takeaways that fit your marketing presentation goals. In this section, we’ll go through a few quick tips to help you do that.

1. Focus Your PPT Marketing Message

Take your marketing topic and simplify it. Hone it down to connect with your audience boldly.

Your goal is to get into the head of your audience. Think about how your topic will resonate with them. What question, statistic, or quick point could grab their attention right away?

A good example of quick audience engagement is the question, “What’s the purpose of this email?” from the SlideShare presentation Email Marketing 101: Strategy , by SendGrid . This is then followed by another question: “Or rather, what do you want your recipients to do?”

These questions help draw the audience into your presentation topic, before they show potential purposes of email campaigns. Questions are a great way to lead your audience to a clear point.

After you’ve got them hooked into your topic, look to hold that attention throughout your marketing presentation, before you end strong.

2. Use the Right Presentation Slides

There are many types of presentation slides, including those set up to showcase your team, products, roadmaps, timelines, market strategies, and more. It’s helpful to choose a marketing PowerPoint template that has the slide designs you need for your presentation.

For example, use the Marketing Plan PowerPoint Design if you’ve got fresh marketing ideas, strategies, or plans to showcase. On the other hand, if you’ve got a more narrow focus like social media to present on, then the Social Media Pro theme would be a good choice.

Not only is it important to use the right slide designs, but you also want to use high-quality images and graphics to showcase your marketing ideas. Whether you need a photo for just the right visual metaphor or to blur stylishly in the background, you can find a bevy of royalty-free photos and professional graphics on Envato Elements.

3. Use Evidence to Prove Your Points

Whether from case studies, quality marketing studies, or your own research, real marketing data speaks to an audience better than generalizations or assumptions.

While your logic and ideas can carry quite a bit of your presentation, showcasing a few key numbers inside easy-to-understand infographics will make your points more credible.

Use a marketing PowerPoint template that comes with great infographic slides. With the right data slide designs, your audience will understand your points with more clarity and exacting depth.

4. Provide Clear, Actionable Takeaways

Great presentations tell a story that puts the spotlight on solving problems. They clarify with examples, but that information needs to make clear points that the audience can make use of.

Provide takeaways throughout each section of your presentations—especially in your conclusion. You want your audience to be driven to take notes and recall your takeaways, so they can put your ideas into action.

There are some takeaways in the SlideShare 5 Storytelling Lessons From Superhero Stories , by HighSpark . The presentation makes this quite literal by titling them as such, as shown below:

That way, the audience can easily recall the key storytelling points of this presentation, such as connecting with shared desires, identifying common villains, demonstrating solutions to problems in stories, and more.

5. Format for Live vs. Distributed Release

Before you jump into designing slides, be sure to consider: how will you use the presentation deck you’re making? Your presentation format will differ when giving a live presentation versus one that’ll be distributed.

In the live presentation case, you’ll want your slides to be concise and support what you’ll be saying. Your visuals need to complement and highlight your key talking points. You can use impactful visuals, but it’s often best to keep text short and your points bold.

Your presentation needs to take a different approach when you’re making it for digital or online distribution. For example, if you’re designing a marketing presentation to be emailed to your team, or if you’ll be uploading your deck to SlideShare, then each slide in your presentation needs to communicate your point fully, much like a PDF document would.

Common PowerPoint Questions Answered (FAQ)

PowerPoint is a powerful program that can be used for many different designs and presentations. As such, it’s common to have questions about it. We’ve compiled the most common PowerPoint questions below along with answers:

1. Are PowerPoint Templates Customizable?

Yes, all the PowerPoint templates can be customized to use your preferred colors, fonts, and images. You can also customize the background of each slide.

2. Can I Add Animations to My Slides?

To add a bit more visual appeal to your presentation or to make it stand out, you can certainly add animations to each slide, as well as slide transitions.

3. How Many Slides Should I Use?

The answer to that question entirely depends on the type of presentation you’re giving, the breadth of information you want to cover, and the planned length of your presentation.

4. Can I Use a Custom Background for My Slides?

Yes, you can design a background for your slides in a program like Photoshop and easily add it to your presentation.

5. Does PowerPoint Support 3D Shapes?

Yes, it does. 3D elements can add an extra bit of interest to your presentation.

Download Our eBook on Making Great Presentations (Free PDF)

Need more help? We provide a helpful eBook that’ll walk you through the complete presentation process. Learn how to write your presentation, design it like a pro, and prepare it to present powerfully.

Grab our eBook: The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It’s available for FREE with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter.

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Design Your Next Marketing PPT Presentation Right in 2024

There are so many types of great digital marketing decks, advertising presentation designs, and sales PowerPoint templates on Envato Elements.

Grab the best marketing PPT templates for numerous uses, such as decks with designs for:

  • digital marketing strategy
  • digital marketing proposal PPT PowerPoint templates
  • social media PowerPoint templates
  • go to market strategy templates
  • PowerPoint product marketing PPT presentations
  • marketing campaign presentation designs
  • brand plan templates
  • marketing management PowerPoint presentations
  • integrated marketing communication plan PowerPoint
  • market analysis and proposal PPT templates

Whatever your marketing presentation needs are, we’ve got you covered! Don’t make the mistake of relying on a marketing PowerPoint template you find for free. Free templates are often more trouble than they’re worth.

If you need regular access to lots of PowerPoint marketing templates , then head over to Envato Elements . For a single monthly fee, download unlimited assets. You get a full assortment of presentation templates, website designs, creative assets, and more.

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Descargador de SlideShare: Descarga presentaciones gratuitas

Imagina encontrarte con una serie de diapositivas en línea que podrían ser valiosas para tus necesidades. En este artículo, exploraremos el enfoque más efectivo para descargar y adquirir estas diapositivas utilizando la descarga de presentaciones de SlideShare. Al profundizar en los detalles, te proporcionaremos un método fácil de usar para obtener e integrar con éxito estas diapositivas en tus materiales

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Cómo descargar PPT desde SlideShare

Si deseas descargar una presentación de PowerPoint de SlideShare, una plataforma en línea popular que aloja diversas presentaciones sobre diferentes temas.

Usando el sitio web de SlideShare

Para descargar la presentación de SlideShare desde su sitio web, sigue estos pasos:

Paso 1: Abre tu navegador e ingresa a SlideShare.net

Paso 2: Utiliza la barra de búsqueda para encontrar la presentación que deseas descargar.

Step 3: Haz clic en el botón Descargar debajo de la presentación. Si eres un usuario nuevo, deberás crear una cuenta o iniciar sesión con tu cuenta de redes sociales para continuar descargando.

Algunas presentaciones no se pueden descargar para su uso posterior. Sin embargo, los lectores pueden aprovechar un Descargador de SlideShare en línea gratuito para descargar y guardar la presentación para un uso posterior.

Paso 4: Abre Slidersharedownloader.com en una nueva pestaña, un descargador gratuito de presentaciones de PowerPoint de SlideShare.

Paso 5: Copia la URL de la presentación que deseas descargar y pégala en el campo "Enlace" en SlideShare PowerPoint Downloader.

Paso 6: Elige si deseas descargar la presentación como archivo de PowerPoint o archivo PDF.

Después de descargar las presentaciones de SlideShare, los usuarios pueden ver y editar sus presentaciones o PDF en WPS Office con facilidad. WPS Office es un conjunto de oficina completo que te ofrece tanto el software como la capacidad de manejar diferentes formatos de archivo de forma gratuita. Visita  WPS Office y descarga su aplicación ahora mismo.

Usando su aplicación móvil

La aplicación móvil de SlideShare está disponible para dispositivos iOS y Android y permite a los usuarios guardar presentaciones en la aplicación. Para guardar diapositivas para su uso sin conexión:

Paso 1: Inicia sesión en SlideShare.

Paso 2: Busca la presentación que estás buscando usando la barra de búsqueda.

Paso 3: Haz clic para abrir la presentación en SlideShare.SlideShare.

Paso 4: Haz clic en el ícono del "Corazón" ubicado en la parte inferior para guardar el archivo para su uso sin conexión. El ícono del corazón se volverá azul, indicando que la presentación se ha guardado.

Paso 5: La presentación ahora se puede ver visitando la pestaña "Tú", donde se almacenan todas las diapositivas guardadas.

Descarga de diapositivas en tu dispositivo móvil:

SlideShare no ofrece a los usuarios acceso a sus presentaciones fuera de la aplicación. Sin embargo, es posible descargar presentaciones de SlideShare a tu dispositivo móvil utilizando un Descargador de PowerPoint de SlideShare gratuito. Aprendamos cómo hacerlo:

Paso 1: Busca la presentación que deseas descargar usando la barra de búsqueda.

Paso 2: Haz clic para ver la presentación en SlideShare.

Paso 3: Haz clic en el ícono "Compartir" en la parte inferior de la pantalla.

Paso 5: Copia el enlace de la presentación.

Paso 6: Abre tu navegador y visita el descargador de SlideShare.

Paso 7: Pega el enlace de la presentación y haz clic en "Descargar PDF" o "Descargar PPT". La descarga comenzará en unos momentos y el tipo de archivo preferido se almacenará en tu dispositivo móvil.

Descargar y guardar presentaciones para su uso posterior puede ser beneficioso tanto para estudiantes como para profesionales. Puede ayudarles a evitar el riesgo de perder su trabajo o tener problemas de conexión a Internet durante una presentación. También les permite acceder a las diapositivas en cualquier momento y lugar, incluso sin una conexión en línea.

Además, les permite editar o personalizar las diapositivas según sus necesidades y preferencias. Por lo tanto, descargar y guardar presentaciones es una habilidad útil que puede mejorar el aprendizaje y la productividad de una persona.

Opción Alternativa Gratuita: WPS Office

WPS Office refleja las capacidades de Microsoft Office y ofrece una ventaja única: es completamente gratuito. Además, opera de manera fluida en una amplia gama de dispositivos, incluyendo macOS, Windows y Linux. Su naturaleza compatible con dispositivos móviles agrega otro nivel de atractivo, ofreciendo una aplicación de productividad potente pero ligera, adecuada para varios dispositivos móviles.

Una de las características que distingue a WPS Office de otras suites de oficina es su capacidad para ver y editar archivos PDF y PPT. Esto significa que los usuarios pueden cambiar fácilmente entre diferentes formatos sin perder calidad ni formato. Los usuarios también pueden convertir archivos PDF a Word, Excel o PowerPoint con solo unos pocos clics. Además, WPS Office admite almacenamiento en la nube y uso compartido de archivos, lo que permite a los usuarios acceder a sus documentos en cualquier momento y lugar, además de colaborar con otros en línea.

Otra característica que hace destacar a WPS Office es su integración con la inteligencia artificial. WPS Office utiliza la IA para mejorar su funcionalidad y rendimiento, proporcionando sugerencias inteligentes, corrección automática, reconocimiento de voz y cifrado de documentos. Los usuarios también pueden disfrutar de varias plantillas, temas y efectos impulsados por la IA que pueden ayudarles a crear presentaciones profesionales y atractivas.

Con sus características completas y versátiles, WPS Office es una herramienta que todos aquellos que valoran la productividad y la eficiencia deben llevar consigo. Es completamente gratuito para descargar y usar, y no compromete la calidad ni la compatibilidad. WPS Office es la suite de oficina definitiva para el mundo moderno.

Cómo Descargar WPS Office?

Paso 1: Primero, abre tu navegador web y ve al sitio web de WPS Office. Luego, haz clic en el ícono "Descargar" ubicado en el centro de la página.

Paso 2: Una vez que hayas descargado el archivo, simplemente haz doble clic en él para abrirlo. Esto iniciará el proceso de instalación.

Paso 3: Después de que la instalación haya terminado, estarás listo para comenzar a usar WPS Office.

Preguntas Frecuentes

P1. ¿puedo hacer mis presentaciones privadas en slideshare.

Sí, puedes hacer tus presentaciones privadas en SlideShare. Esto hace que la presentación sea accesible solo para ti. También ofrece el modo Limitado, que permite el acceso a quienes compartas el enlace directo, con la opción de agregar una contraseña para mayor protección. La opción Privado asegura que los motores de búsqueda no indexen tu carga, lo que permite un control completo sobre la visibilidad y accesibilidad de la presentación, convirtiéndola en una plataforma ideal para compartir de forma privada y gestionar contenido de manera segura.

P2. ¿Puedo colaborar con otros en presentaciones de SlideShare?

Sí, puedes colaborar en presentaciones de SlideShare con otros utilizando la función de edición compartida. Utiliza el botón Colaborar en la esquina superior derecha del editor para invitar a personas a revisar, presentar o editar. A continuación se muestran los roles que puede tener un colaborador:

Espectador: Solo puede comentar.

Presentador: Puede comentar y presentar.

Editor: Puede comentar, presentar y modificar la presentación.

Administrador: Puede agregar y eliminar colaboradores (solo accesible en el plan Team).

Al hacer clic en el ícono de un colaborador, puedes modificar su rol o eliminarlo. Esta herramienta mejora el trabajo en equipo al monitorear adecuadamente el acceso.

Saber más sobre el  descargar microsoft office gratis para PC .

Desbloqueando los Tesoros de SlideShare: Dominando el Arte de la Descarga de Diapositivas

En este artículo, exploramos las prácticas más efectivas para descargar de manera segura archivos de SlideShare, asegurando una experiencia fluida mientras aprovechas al máximo estos valiosos recursos. WPS Office se destaca por proporcionar una serie de herramientas excepcionales, especialmente su función de presentación diseñada para la descarga perfecta de PPT de SlideShare y una presentación impactante. No dudes en aprovechar esta oportunidad; continúa y inicia la descarga de tu WPS Office WPS Office  para desbloquear su versátil potencial.

Lee También:

  • 1. Ejemplos de Presentaciones de PowerPoint sobre Planes de Carreras Profesionales de Descarga Gratuita
  • 2. ¿Cómo abrir un PPTX sin PowerPoint? Guía completa para acceder a tus presentaciones
  • 3. Las 9 Mejores Herramientas Gratuitas para Firmar PDF
  • 4. Descarga gratis Slideshare. ¿Cómo descargar presentaciones?
  • 5. Las 10 Mejores Plantillas de Conocimiento de Embarque Gratuitas de Excel
  • 6. Slideshare Downloader: Descargar Presentaciones Gratis

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Extract files or objects from a PowerPoint file

If you want to separately use files or objects from a PowerPoint presentation, such as videos, photos, or sounds, you can extract them by converting the presentation to a “zipped” file folder. Note, however, that you can't extract PDFs or .dotx files.

The following procedure works on Windows, but not on macOS.

Tip:  We recommend that you make a copy of your presentation first, and then do the following procedure on the copy. This ensures that your original presentation is preserved.

Before you do this procedure, make sure File Explorer is set so that it shows file names with file extensions.

Make file extensions visible in File Explorer

The steps to set File Explorer (previously called Windows Explorer) to show file names with file extensions differs, depending on which version of Windows you have.

If you're using Windows 10 or Windows 8:

In File Explorer, on the View menu, in the Show/hide group, select the File name extensions check box.

If you're using Windows 11:

In File Explorer, on the toolbar, select View > Show , and ensure that File name extensions is selected. 

If you're using Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP:

In Windows Explorer, click Folder and Search Options . In Windows 7, this is under Organize . In Windows Vista and Windows XP, on the Tools menu, click Folder Options .

On the View tab, under Files and Folders , clear the check box for Hide extensions for known file types .

Open a presentation as a folder

To open a presentation as a folder, use Explorer to navigate to the folder containing the presentation that you want, and then do the following:

Click the presentation that you want, right-click it, and then click Rename .

Change the file extension ( .pptx ) to .zip . Press Enter to set the name, then click Yes in the Rename dialog box.

Double-click the zipped file to open an Explorer window for the content files.

The zipped file contains several folders, many of which contain information such as XML code or properties. Objects such as videos, sound files, or pictures are found in the ppt folder, in the media subfolder.

Location of the media folder

Double-click the media subfolder to open it, select file you want to extract, copy it, then navigate to a suitable folder elsewhere in your system, and paste the file there. 

Restore the original presentation

To restore the original presentation, repeat steps 1 and 2 in the procedure above, this time changing the file extension from .zip to .pptx .

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WWDC24 Highlights

Tim Cook stands on a stage at at Apple Park on the opening day of WWDC24.

Apple Reveals Apple Intelligence

iOS 18 Makes iPhone More Personal and Intelligent Than Ever

iOS 18 brings new ways to customize iPhone, additional ways to stay connected in Messages, the biggest-ever redesign of the Photos app, and so much more.

iPadOS 18 Takes iPad to the Next Level

Two iPad Pro devices are pictured together, with one displaying a customized Home Screen and the other showing Math Notes.

macOS Sequoia Brings New Ways of Working and Transformative Intelligence to Mac

MacBook Pro shows iPhone Mirroring; Mac shows Highlights in Safari; and another MacBook Pro shows a more immersive gaming experience.

watchOS 11 Offers Powerful Health and Fitness Insights, and More Personalization

Three Apple Watch Series 9 devices show new features available in watchOS 11.

visionOS 2 Brings New Spatial Computing Experiences to Apple Vision Pro

Home and Audio Updates Elevate Entertainment and Bring More Convenience

The InSight feature in tvOS 18 displaying song info in an Apple TV+ show.

Text of this article

June 10, 2024

Relive the biggest moments from WWDC24

Today Apple kicked off its 2024 Worldwide Developers Conference, revealing groundbreaking new technologies and features during a keynote that was live-streamed from Apple Park to millions around the world. During the weeklong event, developers and students will have unique access to Apple experts, as well as insight into new tools, frameworks, and features to help elevate their apps and games.

This year’s keynote revealed Apple Intelligence , the personal intelligence system that combines the power of generative models with users’ personal context — at the core of iPhone, iPad, and Mac to deliver intelligence that’s incredibly useful and relevant. Major updates also come to iOS 18 , iPadOS 18 , macOS Sequoia , and watchOS 11 , including the biggest-ever redesign of the Photos app, game-changing productivity tools, and new ways for users to express themselves and customize their devices. visionOS 2 brings powerful new ways to interact with Apple Vision Pro and exciting updates to spatial photos and Mac Virtual Display, and tvOS 18 infuses useful information in Apple TV+ films and shows on users’ biggest screen in the home.

Beginning this month, Apple Vision Pro is also coming to more countries and regions, including China mainland, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and next month will come to Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and the U.K.

Apple Intelligence harnesses the power of Apple silicon to understand and create language and images, take action across apps, and draw from users’ personal context to simplify and accelerate everyday tasks. A cornerstone of Apple Intelligence is on-device processing, which delivers personal intelligence without collecting users’ data. Private Cloud Compute sets a new standard for privacy in AI, with the ability to flex and scale computational capacity between on-device processing, and larger, server-based models that run on dedicated Apple silicon servers.

With iOS 18 , users will now be able to arrange apps and widgets in any open space on the Home Screen, customize the buttons at the bottom of the Lock Screen, and quickly access more controls in Control Center. With the biggest redesign ever of the Photos app, photo libraries are automatically organized in a new single view in Photos, and helpful new collections keep favorites easily accessible. All-new text effects come to iMessage, amplifying any letter, word, phrase, or emoji with dynamic, animated appearances to bring conversations to life. Users can also now communicate over satellite in the Messages app, even when a cellular or Wi-Fi connection isn’t available.

With iPadOS 18 , the iPad experience is more versatile and intelligent than ever with new features and apps designed for Apple Pencil. The Calculator app comes to iPad with Math Notes, which allows users to type or write out mathematical expressions and see them instantly solved in their own handwriting. New handwriting tools in Notes including Smart Script make handwritten notes more fluid, flexible, and easier to read.

With macOS Sequoia , Continuity between iPhone and Mac gets better than ever with iPhone Mirroring, enabling full access to and control of iPhone directly from Mac. Safari gets another big update with the new Highlights feature for effortless information discovery on webpages while browsing. Gaming is even more immersive with Personalized Spatial Audio that puts players in the middle of the action like never before. And Apple Intelligence unlocks new ways for Mac users to enhance their writing and communicate more effectively, create playful images in seconds, and more. Apple Intelligence takes full advantage of the power of Apple silicon and its Neural Engine, and will be supported by every Mac with an M-series chip.

watchOS 11 offers breakthrough insights into users’ health and fitness, and more personalization than ever. The new Vitals app surfaces key health metrics and context, the ability to measure training load offers a game-changing new experience when working out, and the popular Activity rings are even more customizable. The Smart Stack and Photos face use intelligence to feature more individualization, and Apple Watch and the Health app on iPhone and iPad offer additional support for users who are pregnant. Check In, the Translate app, and new capabilities for the double tap gesture come to Apple Watch for added connectivity and convenience.

Just months after its initial release, visionOS 2 brings powerful spatial computing experiences to Apple Vision Pro, including new ways for users to create spatial photos with the images already in their library, intuitive hand gestures to easily access important information at a glance, and new features for Mac Virtual Display, Travel Mode, and Guest User. visionOS 2 also introduces exciting new capabilities like Follow Your Breathing in the Mindfulness app, SharePlay for Photos, and multiview in the TV app.

With tvOS 18 , intelligent new features like InSight — and updates to Enhance Dialogue and subtitles — level up cinematic experiences, while new Apple Fitness+, Apple Music, and FaceTime capabilities get even better on users’ biggest screen. The Home app gains new features with iOS 18, like guest access and hands-free unlock with home keys, delivering effortless and secure access to the home. AirPods software updates will transform the way users respond to Siri with new gestures, take calls with friends and loved ones, and immerse themselves in their favorite games.

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  1. Turn your presentation into a video

    On the File menu, select Save to ensure all your recent work has been saved in PowerPoint presentation format (.pptx). Select File > Export > Create a Video. (Or, on the Recording tab of the ribbon, select Export to Video .) In the first drop-down box under the Create a Video heading, select the video quality you want, which pertains to the ...

  2. Save a presentation as a video in PowerPoint

    In the Seconds spent on each slide box, select the default time you want to spend on each slide. Select Create Video. Enter a file name and then browse to the location you want to save your video. In the Save As type box, select if you want to save the video as a MPEG-4 Video or Windows Media Video. Tip: The MPEG-4 Video format is recommended ...

  3. How to save a PowerPoint presentation as a video

    Watch this video to learn how to convert your PowerPoint presentation into a video. When you make a recording of a presentation, all its elements (narration,...

  4. Save a presentation as a movie file or MP4

    Save in a video format. Select File > Export. (Don't use Save As, because it doesn't offer video options.) Open the File Format list and select the video format that you want ( MP4 or MOV ). If the MP4 and MOV options aren't in your version of PowerPoint, see Requirements below for more information. Select the video Quality you want ...

  5. How to Make a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Into a Video

    To turn a PowerPoint presentation into a video, first, open your presentation with the PowerPoint app on your Windows or Mac computer. In the top-left corner of PowerPoint, click the "File" option. From the sidebar that opens after clicking the "File" option, select "Export." In the "Export" menu, click "Create a Video."

  6. How to Save or Convert a PowerPoint Presentation to a Video

    Browse to the location where you want to save the file and give it a name then press "Save.". While the video is being created, you will see the small progress bar at the bottom of your PowerPoint window. Wait till this is done and then go to your video. Now you can double-click your video file and it will automatically play with your video ...

  7. How to Convert Your PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation Into Video

    To begin the export, go to the File > Export > Create a Video menu option. Go to File > Export > Create a Video to choose the export settings for your PowerPoint presentation video. From this menu, there are several key settings to choose before you export your finished video.

  8. How To Turn a Powerpoint Presentation Into a Video

    The Quick & Easy Way. If your presentation is complete with automatic timings, transitions and animations, you might be shocked to learn how easy it is to convert it into a video. Open your Powerpoint presentation. Click on File, select Save As, and from the drop-down menu, choose MPEG-4 Video (*.mp4). (available in Powerpoint 2010 and above).

  9. Online PowerPoint to Video Converter. PPT to MP4. PPTX to MP4. PPSX to

    Aspose.Slides PPT to Video converter is a free online service for converting PowerPoint presentations to videos. Slides: Convert all slides in your PowerPoint to video.Or you can select specific slides or a range of slides for conversion. Slide duration: Specify the time that is spent showing each slide in the video. Video resolution: Select the resolution that determines the amount of detail ...

  10. Tutorial: Save your PowerPoint as a Video

    Under the Save & Send menu, find and click on Create a Video. Click on the Computer & HD Displays option to customise the video size and quality (small, medium and large size & quality). Click the Don't Use Recorded Timings and Narrations to select if you're using timings and narrations. Click Create Video and another dialogue box opens.

  11. How to Make a Video in PowerPoint

    Learn how to publish your own video using Microsoft PowerPoint with narration, annotations, animations, and timings. As full disclosure, I work at Microsoft ...

  12. How To Download A Powerpoint As A Video

    Step 3: Click on the Save As option. After accessing the File menu in PowerPoint, the next step is to click on the "Save As" option. The Save As feature allows you to save your presentation in various file formats, including the video format that we are aiming for. To access the Save As option, look for it in the File menu.

  13. How to Add a Video to a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

    On the PowerPoint window, in the left sidebar, click the slide in which you want to add a video. At the top of the PowerPoint window, click the "Insert" tab. In the "Insert" tab, under the "Media" section (which is to the extreme right side of the interface), click "Video." You'll now see an "Insert Video From" menu.

  14. Powerpoint Background Videos, Download The BEST Free 4k Stock Video

    Download and use 28,213+ Powerpoint background stock videos for free. Thousands of new 4k videos every day Completely Free to Use High-quality HD videos and clips from Pexels ... Upload Join. background presentation. Free Powerpoint Background Videos. Photos 181.4K Videos 28.2K Users 134. ... Free photos and videos shared by talented creators ...

  15. How to download stock video in PowerPoint

    Learn how to locate and download stock videos from Microsoft to slides in a PowerPoint presentation in PowerPoint 2021 for Microsoft 365. Learn more at https...

  16. Save embedded media from a presentation (audio or video)

    Right-click (or Control-click on macOS) the audio icon or video, and click Save Media as. Tip: Ensure your disk has enough space to save the media file, otherwise you'll have to free up space and try again. In the Save Media as dialog box, choose a folder and also enter a name for the media file. If the Save Media as option doesn't appear on ...

  17. Microsoft PowerPoint

    Multimedia: PowerPoint supports a variety of multimedia content, including images, videos, and audio. Collaboration: PowerPoint allows you to collaborate on presentations with others in real time. Creating a presentation with Microsoft PowerPoint. Creating a presentation with PowerPoint is a straightforward process. To create a new presentation ...

  18. How to Insert a Video in PowerPoint: 5 Simple Ways

    Adjust the playback settings. Select the video and click the Playback tab. You'll be able to edit how your video plays on the slide. To adjust when the video plays, click the drop-down menu next to Start:.Select In Click Sequence, Automatically, or When Clicked On.; Check the boxes to apply any of the following: Play Full Screen, Hide While Not Playing, Loop until Stopped, and/or Rewind after ...

  19. 60 Effective PowerPoint Presentation Tips & Tricks (Giant List)

    Here's a PowerPoint presentation tips and tricks guide that takes you through how to make a good PowerPoint presentation. ... an all-you-can-download service with PPT tips inside of templates. Those pre-built designs are a beginner's best friend. ... it's easy to add and embed a YouTube video in your next PowerPoint presentation. 47. Add ...

  20. Free Video Presentation Templates & Google Slides Themes

    Create dynamic and engaging presentations with these video templates that will leave your audience in awe. No Download Limits Free for Any Use No Signups. ... Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits. Content. PowerPoint; Google Slides;

  21. Become a PowerPoint pro: 7 must-know tips and tricks

    Incorporate audio and video. These days, PowerPoint isn't just for presentations on screen or with a projector—it's increasingly common to export finished presentations as videos to be sent ...

  22. Startup Canvas Infographics. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. ... Add dynamic GIF's, captivating videos, and stylish photo frames directly from Canva's royalty-free asset library effortlessly. ... Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or ...

  23. 20 Marketing PowerPoint Templates

    Get great web themes, cool marketing presentation templates, pre-made video files, and more—all for one low price. Get unlimited downloads from a massive digital warehouse of creative assets.

  24. How To... Download and Insert a YouTube Video into PowerPoint with

    If you want to display a video embedded into your PowerPoint presentation, you can do so with Mozilla Firefox using an Add-On extension. In this video you wi...

  25. Descargador de SlideShare: Descarga presentaciones gratuitas

    Cómo descargar PPT desde SlideShare. Si deseas descargar una presentación de PowerPoint de SlideShare, una plataforma en línea popular que aloja diversas presentaciones sobre diferentes temas. Usando el sitio web de SlideShare. Para descargar la presentación de SlideShare desde su sitio web, sigue estos pasos:

  26. Lean Canvas Infographics. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Add dynamic GIF's, captivating videos, and stylish photo frames directly from Canva's royalty-free asset library effortlessly. Share or export anywhere, be it PPT or Google Slides. ... Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits. Content. PowerPoint ...

  27. Add, format, and record video in PowerPoint

    Select Format to put frames and effects on your video. Select Video Effects, Video Border, or Video Shape to add effects, borders, or crop your video to a shape. Select Corrections or Color to adjust the video's color tone. Select Poster Frame to choose the video's opening frame, and then click and drag with your mouse to select your ...

  28. How To Get Free Access To Microsoft PowerPoint

    Click on "Blank presentation" to create your presentation from scratch, or pick your preferred free PowerPoint template from the options at the top (there's also a host of editable templates you ...

  29. Extract files or objects from a PowerPoint file

    To open a presentation as a folder, use Explorer to navigate to the folder containing the presentation that you want, and then do the following: Click the presentation that you want, right-click it, and then click Rename. Change the file extension ( .pptx) to .zip. Press Enter to set the name, then click Yes in the Rename dialog box.

  30. WWDC24 Highlights

    An overhead shot shows developers watching the keynote presentation on large screens in Caffè Macs at Apple Park. A close-up shows developers clapping, smiling, and holding up their iPhone devices while watching the keynote. Justine Ezarik, John Giannandrea, and Craig Federighi sit onstage together to speak during WWDC24 at Apple Park.