Essay Writing Topics for Children

A comprehensive list of simple essay writing topics and ideas for kids.

Essays are literary works written in prose, which present an argument or an opinion. Essay writing is a way to express one’s opinion on a topic. It can be about anything, but essays for kids should relate to the topics they learn in class. English essay writing is the process of creating a literary piece that presents an idea, argument or point of view. Typically, this type of work takes time and effort to develop fully. Children must first understand the nature of the essay and plan their writing accordingly. Also, essay writing is a fulfilling task. Writing on a topic and producing a high-quality essay is not easy, but it is worth the effort. Help kids improve their writing and vocabulary by providing various essay topics in English.

Also, refer to the vocabulary worksheets .

List of 100+ Essay Writing Topics

Essays are an excellent way for kids to practise writing skills and learn about different topics. They can focus on a wide range of topics like the environment, animals and birds, technology, proverbs, etc. Essay writing helps children enhance their critical thinking abilities and express their opinions creatively. English essays also help them identify their strengths and weaknesses in the language. This helps them to improve themselves and overcome writing challenges. Below is a list of essay writing topics for kids, which are helpful in improving their language and writing skills.

Essay Topics on Nature and Environment

  • Value of Trees Essay
  • Planting Trees Essay
  • Essay on Banyan Tree
  • Apple Tree Essay
  • Save Environment Essay
  • Trees Our Best Friend Essay
  • Causes of Environmental Pollution Essay
  • Environmental Pollution Essay
  • Population Explosion Essay

Essay Topics on Animals and Birds

  • Essay on Dog
  • Essay on Elephant

Essay Topics on Technology

  • Essay on Mobile Phone
  • Social Media Essay

Essay Topics on Proverbs

  • A Stitch in Time Saves Nine Essay
  • Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover Essay

Essay Topics on Yourself

  • School Life Essay

How to Write an Essay?

Little ones might find essay writing quite a challenging task. However, to write a good English essay, one has to spend time researching. Here are some simple steps on how to write good essays for kids.

  • Start with a brainstorm of ideas.
  • The following step would be to learn how the different parts of the essay should be structured.
  • Next, collect notes and other writing materials to outline the main points.
  • Then, create a rough draft related to what you want to convey in the paragraphs.
  • Edit it by removing unnecessary words and phrases.
  • Finally, read it over for any potential inconsistencies and rectify them, if you find any.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay

What is an essay.

Essays are literary works written in prose, which present an argument or an opinion. Essay writing is a way to express one’s opinion on a topic. It can be about anything.

How to write an essay?

Start with a brainstorming of ideas. Learn how the different parts of the essay should be structured. Next, collect the notes and other writing materials to outline the main points. Then, create a rough draft by writing out what you want to say in the paragraphs. Edit it by taking out unnecessary words and phrases. Read it over for any potential inconsistencies before turning in your piece.

What are some nature and environment essay topics for kids?

Nature and environment essay topics for kids include essays on a tree for Class 1, the save environment essay, the causes of environmental pollution essay, the population explosion essay, etc.

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60 Best Essay Topics for Kids: Nurturing Young Minds

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15 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Kids

15 personal and creative expression essay topics for kids, 15 the world around us essay topics for kids, 15 factual and educational essay topics for kids.

In today’s world, where communication and expression are key, writing effectively is invaluable. This post aims to provide parents and educators with a list of essay topics for kids keen on nurturing this essential skill in their young ones.

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Writing essays is not just an academic exercise; it’s a fundamental tool that helps children develop their language skills, organize their thoughts, and articulate their ideas with clarity. Whether it’s a simple description of their favorite toy or a more complex discussion about their thoughts on environmental conservation, each essay topic offers a unique opportunity for growth and learning. Let’s dive in!

45 Easy Essay Topics for Kids

Let’s explore and discover fun differences and similarities! These compare-and-contrast topics are perfect for young minds to learn and think about the world around them in exciting ways.

For a more hands-on experience, check out these printable compare-and-contrast worksheets for kids that enhance writing and comprehension skills.

Card Image

1. Cats vs. Dogs- Pets at Home: Discuss the differences and similarities between having a cat and a dog as a pet.

2. Summer Holidays vs. Winter Holidays: Compare and contrast how summer holidays differ from winter holidays, focusing on activities, weather, and family traditions.

3. Books vs. Movies: Explore the differences and similarities in storytelling between reading a book and watching a movie adaptation.

4. Rainy Days vs. Sunny Days: Compare what it’s like to experience rainy and sunny days. They can talk about the activities they do, the clothes they wear, and their feelings about each type of weather.

5. Traditional Games vs. Video Games: Compare playing traditional games like hide-and-seek or hopscotch with playing video games . Look at the social aspects, physical activity , and enjoyment.

6. Eating at Home vs. Eating at a Restaurant: Discuss the experience of eating a home-cooked meal versus dining out at a restaurant, including the atmosphere, food choices, and family interaction.

7. School Learning vs. Learning at Home: Contrast the experience of learning in a school environment with learning at home or homeschooling , focusing on interaction, discipline, and learning styles .

8. Trains vs. Airplanes: Contrast traveling by train with airplane travel. Kids can discuss speed, the scenery they see, the noise level, and what they find exciting about each mode of transportation.

9. Playing Inside vs. Playing Outside: Contrast the activities kids do when playing indoors (like board games or reading) with those they do when playing outdoors (like sports or exploring nature). Discuss the fun aspects and benefits of each.

10. Ice Cream vs. Cake: Kids can compare these two popular desserts, looking at flavors, occasions when they are eaten (like birthdays or hot summer days), and why they might prefer one.

11. Cars vs. Bicycles: Discuss the differences and similarities between these two modes of transportation. Kids can talk about the experience of riding a bike versus being in a car, the speed of travel, and when each mode is useful.

12. Story Books vs. Picture Books: Compare storybooks , which mainly focus on a narrative, with picture books, which use images to tell a story or convey concepts. Discuss the enjoyment of reading each type of book and how the pictures or stories help them understand and imagine.

13. Cartoons vs. Live-Action TV Shows: Discuss the differences and similarities between watching cartoons and live-action TV shows. Kids can talk about the characters, the stories , and what makes each type of show enjoyable.

14. Vegetables vs. Fruits: A great way to discuss healthy eating! Children can compare the taste, textures, and uses of fruits and vegetables and discuss their favorites and why they like them.

15. Storytelling vs. Reading a Book: Kids can contrast listening to a story being told (like a bedtime story ) with reading a book themselves. They might consider aspects like imagination to understand the story, which they find more enjoyable or easier.

Creative writing with pencil

Encourage kids to explore their inner world and creativity through these engaging essay topics. Perfect for enhancing imagination and personal storytelling, these prompts are ideal for essay writing for kids.

  • My Favorite Day and Why: Describe your most cherished day and why it stands out, making it a memorable essay for kids.
  • The Best Dream I Ever Had: Share the details of a wonderful dream and why it was so special to you.
  • If I Were an Animal, I Would Be…: Imagine being an animal and describe a day in your life, using creativity and fun details.
  • A Magical Adventure in My Backyard: Create a story about a magical adventure right in your backyard, perfect if you are looking for writing topics for elementary students.
  • When I Grow Up, I Want to Be…: Talk about your dream job and what makes it exciting.
  • My Superpower Wish: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? Describe how you would use it.
  • A Letter to My Future Self: Write a letter to your future self, sharing your hopes and dreams.
  • The Day I Learned to Ride a Bike: Narrate your experience of learning to ride a bike and how you felt.
  • My Favorite Holiday Memory: Recount a cherished holiday memory and why it’s important.
  • Building My Dream House: Describe what your dream house would look like and what makes it special.
  • A Trip to the Moon: Imagine a trip to the moon and describe what you see and do.
  • My Best Friend and Why I Cherish Them: Write about your best friend and the qualities that make your friendship special.
  • The Most Interesting Thing About My Family: Share something unique or interesting about your family.
  • If I Were President for a Day: Describe what you would do if you were the president for a day.
  • A World of Talking Animals: Create a story where animals can talk and share their adventures. This is a great choice for easy essay topics.

Kids walking on a globe

Discover and learn about our diverse world through these fun essay topics for kids. They are tailored to help kids observe, question, and understand the environment and cultures around them.

  • A Trip to the Zoo: What I Saw and Learned: This is a perfect essay topic for 5th graders . Ask them to describe their visit to the zoo and the interesting animals they saw
  • My Family’s Traditions and Celebrations: Share about your family’s unique traditions or celebrations and why they are important to you.
  • The Life Cycle of a Butterfly: Ask kids to explore and explain the transformation of a butterfly. It is a great prompt if you are looking for short essay topics.
  • How to Take Care of Our Planet: Discuss ways we can help protect and preserve our planet Earth.
  • A Day in the Life of a Firefighter: Imagine a day in the life of a firefighter and describe the challenges and rewards of their job.
  • Visiting a Museum: Write about a museum experience and what you learned.
  • The Importance of Recycling: Explain why recycling is important and how it helps our environment.
  • Different Cultures Around the World: Choose a culture different from your own and describe its unique customs and traditions.
  • Under the Sea: Exploring Marine Life: Dive into the ocean world and describe the fascinating marine life you find there.
  • My Favorite Season and Why: Share your favorite season of the year and what makes it special to you.
  • A Journey Through Space: Imagine traveling through space and describe what you might see and experience.
  • The Process of Making Chocolate: Describe how chocolate is made, from cocoa beans to your favorite chocolate bar.
  • Life on a Farm: Explore what life is like on a farm and the different tasks involved in farming.
  • The Wonders of the Rainforest: Discover a rainforest’s unique and diverse life and its importance to our ecosystem.
  • Celebrating a Festival in My Community: Write about a local festival, its significance, and how it is celebrated.

Informative essay topics written on white background

Explore and learn with these factual and educational essay topics. They are designed to encourage research, curiosity, and a deeper understanding of various subjects.

  • The Moon and Its Phases: Learn about the moon and why it looks different during the month.
  • Dinosaur Discoveries: Explore the fascinating world of dinosaurs and what they might have looked like.
  • Rainbows and How They Appear: Find out what makes rainbows and why they are so colorful.
  • Heroes in History: Write about a hero from history and what makes them special.
  • From Seed to Plant: Discover how a seed grows into a plant and the role of sun and water.
  • Planets in Our Solar System: Take a fun trip through space and learn about the planets.
  • Healthy Eating: Talk about your favorite fruits and vegetables and why they are good for you.
  • Simple Machines Around Us: Look at simple machines like the wheel and how they make life easier.
  • The Four Seasons: Describe the four seasons and what you like about each one.
  • The Fascinating World of Insects: Explore the diverse and interesting world of insects and learn about their lives.
  • Volcanoes: Mountains That Blow Their Tops: Discover what volcanoes are and why they erupt.
  • Our Bodies: Bones and Muscles: Learn about bones and muscles and how they help us move.
  • Under the Sea: Exploring Ocean Life: Dive into the ocean and learn about the fish and animals.
  • Why Do Stars Twinkle in the Night Sky? : Learn about the science behind the sparkling stars and what makes them look like twinkling from so far away.
  • The Secret Life of Ants: Discover how ants live, work together, and build their homes. Learn about the different roles ants have in their colony.

4 Importance of Essay Writing for Kids

Essay writing is more than just a school assignment; it’s a crucial skill that plays a significant role in a child’s development. Here’s why it’s important:

  • Improving Language Skills: Writing essays helps children enhance their vocabulary , grammar, and language proficiency. It’s a practical way for them to learn new words and how to use them effectively in sentences. 
  • Organizing Thoughts: One of the key benefits of essay writing is that it teaches kids how to organize their thoughts. When they write an essay, they learn to structure their ideas logically, making it easier for others to understand their point of view. 
  • Expressing Ideas Clearly: Essays allow children to express their ideas and opinions. This practice helps them articulate their thoughts in a coherent and concise manner. Expressing oneself is a valuable skill that will serve them well throughout their lives, both personally and professionally.
  • Academic and Future Career Success: Good writing skills are essential for academic success . Essays are a common part of school assignments; excelling in them can improve grades. Furthermore, writing well is a sought-after skill in many careers. Effective writing is key, whether it’s drafting reports, creating presentations, or communicating with clients.

In conclusion, by embracing the practice of essay writing, we open doors for our children to not only excel academically but also to develop essential life skills . Let’s encourage and support them in this journey, fostering a generation of articulate, thoughtful, and confident communicators.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

At what age should children start practicing essay writing.

Children can start practicing simple essay writing around 6 or 7. Starting with basic sentences and gradually moving to more structured essays helps build their writing skills early on.

How can I make essay writing interesting for my child?

To make essay writing interesting, choose topics that align with your child’s interests or current events in their life. Also, incorporating creative elements like storytelling or illustrations can make the process more engaging.

How long should essays for kids be?

The length of the essay should be appropriate for the child’s age and skill level. For younger children, a paragraph or two is sufficient, while older kids can aim for longer essays with more detailed content.

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How to write a perfect essay

Need to write an essay? Does the assignment feel as big as climbing Mount Everest? Fear not. You’re up to the challenge! The following step-by step tips from the Nat Geo Kids Almanac will help you with this monumental task. 

Sometimes the subject matter of your essay is assigned to you, sometimes it’s not. Either way, you have to decide what you want to say. Start by brainstorming some ideas, writing down any thoughts you have about the subject. Then read over everything you’ve come up with and consider which idea you think is the strongest. Ask yourself what you want to write about the most. Keep in mind the goal of your essay. Can you achieve the goal of the assignment with this topic? If so, you’re good to go.


This is the main idea of your essay, a statement of your thoughts on the subject. Again, consider the goal of your essay. Think of the topic sentence as an introduction that tells your reader what the rest of your essay will be about.


Once you have a good topic sentence, you then need to support that main idea with more detailed information, facts, thoughts, and examples. These supporting points answer one question about your topic sentence—“Why?” This is where research and perhaps more brainstorming come in. Then organize these points in the way you think makes the most sense, probably in order of importance. Now you have an outline for your essay.


Follow your outline, using each of your supporting points as the topic sentence of its own paragraph. Use descriptive words to get your ideas across to the reader. Go into detail, using specific information to tell your story or make your point. Stay on track, making sure that everything you include is somehow related to the main idea of your essay. Use transitions to make your writing flow.

Finish your essay with a conclusion that summarizes your entire essay and 5 restates your main idea.


Check for errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Look for ways to make your writing clear, understandable, and interesting. Use descriptive verbs, adjectives, or adverbs when possible. It also helps to have someone else read your work to point out things you might have missed. Then make the necessary corrections and changes in a second draft. Repeat this revision process once more to make your final draft as good as you can.

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50 Essay Topics for Kids

50 Essay Topics for Kids | image: notebooks and paper airplane

Hi friends! A while back, after I did a post of story ideas for kids , I got requests for essay topics for kids. I thought it was a little out of my wheelhouse, though, since I’ve never taught children. But then I thought, wait a minute…I’m married to someone who used to teach middle school English! So I invited Mr. Donovan to guest post today. Take it away, honey…

For these, I tried to think about 5th and 6th grade writing topics, but the truth is, most of these writing prompts would also work for kids much younger, and some of them would work for older kids. If you’re a busy teacher or homeschooling parent, I hope you find good ideas you can use.

While this list focuses especially on persuasive writing, it offers a wide range of subjects. I think many students will feel strongly about them since they know about them firsthand, and they may have fun writing about them. Some prompts may encourage students to try to persuade through the use of humor and personal stories, while others may lead them to compare and contrast two things or use logic and/or ethical arguments to support their points of view. Hopefully, their strong feelings will lead student writers to experience persuasive writing as an essential tool for their success.[spacer height=”20px”]

50 Essay Topics for Kids | fun creative writing prompts for busy teachers and homeschoolers (image: stack of spiral notebooks)

Personal Narrative Essay Ideas

  • The three things I can’t live without are…
  • In the past year, I’ve changed in the following ways…
  • A close call I once had occurred when…
  • My favorite hour of the day is…
  • I once got lost for a long period of time at…
  • One thing I love to shop for is…
  • The best sporting event I ever attended was…
  • Here’s a time that I was scared but took a chance.
  • Here’s what happened when I tried something for the first time.
  • The thing I’m most looking forward to this summer is…
  • A decision that was very hard to make for me was…
  • The last time I laughed really really hard was…
  • A time I was really proud of one of my parents/siblings was…
  • Describe a favorite family photo and the story it tells.
  • One time when I was having dinner with my family…

Persuasive Essay Ideas

  • Why It’s Important To Be a Good Winner
  • How to Make Friends and Keep Them
  • To Be Successful, You Need To…
  • How to Disagree With Someone Without Being Rude
  • The Best Thing About This School Is….and Here’s Why
  • The Best Place to Live Would Be…and Here’s Why
  • Why It’s Important to Set Goals
  • How to Prevent Bullying
  • Students Should Be Allowed to Learn At Their Own Pace
  • The Best TV Show On Right Now Is…Because….
  • The Best TV Show Ever Made Is….and Here’s Why
  • My Favorite Superhero Is…Because…
  • Why My Favorite Sport Is the Best Sport
  • Students Should/Shouldn’t Have Their Phones at School
  • Our Country Would Be Better If We Passed This Law
  • No One Should Ever Watch More Than Four Hours of TV, Movies, and Videos a Day
  • Why It’s Time to Remove the Penny From Circulation
  • It’s Likely that Extraterrestrials Exist
  • Taking Photographs of People Without Their Permission Should Be Prohibited
  • Telling A Lie Is/Isn’t Always Wrong

Compare and Contrast Essay Ideas

  • Baseball and basketball have both similarities and differences.
  • Here’s what I would and wouldn’t be willing to do for a million dollars
  • The biggest differences between winter and spring are…
  • Ways I’m alike and ways I’m different from my parent/sibling are…
  • Cats and dogs may be very different, but they’re also alike in some respects.
  • My two favorite bands compare and contrast in the following ways.
  • Compare and contrast your two favorite superheroes.
  • My two favorite restaurants are different in many ways.
  • Though very different, the sun and the moon do have a few similarities.
  • While my two favorite classes have key differences, they also have much in common
  • Skating and running have a lot in common.
  • Parent teachers and classroom teachers are different and alike in many ways.
  • Poems and stories have some similarities and some differences.
  • PCs and Mac computers have less in common than you might think.
  • The book and movie version of my favorite story have a lot of similarities, but they’re different in some ways.

50 Essay Topics for Kids | image: Open blank notebook and pen

If you have other ideas for easy essay topics for middle school, let us know in the comments. And if you liked the list, please share them on Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter—we appreciate it, and busy teachers might appreciate it, too!  Thanks for reading this, and have a great day!

– Gill Donovan

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11 thoughts on “ 50 essay topics for kids ”.

' src=

This is a great list for home schooling parents and self-paced learners. Thank you for sharing.

PS Please hit me back sometime with a comment on my blog

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Hi! Thanks, Naomi! I’ll stop by your blog in just a sec.

' src=

These are so great! Thanks for posting Mr. Donovan! This list can also be used to connect with grandkids. If I answer some of these questions about my own life, the answers will likely be something of interest to my grandchildren and wouldn’t it be great to have them write on the same topics for me to read. Thanks again for your experiences with young people that make greater connection possible.

Thanks, Jessie! Interesting take on the list! I suppose I could actually use the list to connect with my own nieces and nephews.

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These are fabulous! I often simply want my children to practice handwriting, but I’m at a loss when they ask me what they should write. This takes care of two problems with one awesome solution! Thank you!! 🙂

Hi, Lisa! So glad you can use it in this way. Thanks for letting me know.

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as a mom of three boys, I find the list insightful into the minds of kids.

Good to hear this–as I was working on it, I kept circling back to try to decide whether or not the subjects would appeal to kids. So thanks!

' src=

Having taught thirty-one years in elementary school (many of those years in 5th and 6th grade), this is an awesome list. I would have used some of these for sure. Teachers are the biggest thieves.?

When we had creative writing time in my class, I always wrote too. I wanted my students to know that I looked forward to this time. Teachers set the atmosphere. After a time, the kids quit asking, “How much do we have to write?” and instead asked, “Mr. Springer, can we write about this?” Giving students time to share is another key to putting a value on the written word.

Thanks, Pete Springer! As someone who taught 6th grade for a year, I know what a fine achievement it is to bring students to want to write in class and to feel comfortable enough to share their writing. Sounds like you taught some wonderful classes. Great to hear you’d have used these.

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I have a essay website in tamil language and iam nearly out of content ideas, you give me a new list of essays for my website, thank you

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