
Essay on Interpersonal Skills

Students are often asked to write an essay on Interpersonal Skills in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Interpersonal Skills


Interpersonal skills are abilities that help us interact and communicate with others. They are vital in school, work, and life.

Types of Interpersonal Skills

There are many types, including listening, speaking, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. They help us understand and connect with others.

Importance of Interpersonal Skills

These skills are important because they help us work in teams, solve problems, and build relationships. They also help us communicate effectively.

Improving Interpersonal Skills

We can improve these skills by practicing active listening, being respectful, and working well in teams. It’s a lifelong process but worth the effort.

250 Words Essay on Interpersonal Skills

Introduction to interpersonal skills, the importance of interpersonal skills.

Interpersonal skills are a cornerstone of effective communication, teamwork, and leadership. They are essential in understanding others’ perspectives, resolving conflicts, and building strong relationships. In the professional sphere, these skills are often the difference between successful and unsuccessful individuals, as they facilitate collaboration and promote a positive work environment.

Interpersonal skills encompass various abilities. Active listening is one, enabling one to understand and respond effectively to others. Empathy, another crucial skill, allows one to recognize and respond to others’ emotions. Other skills include verbal and non-verbal communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and negotiation.

Developing Interpersonal Skills

Developing interpersonal skills requires self-awareness, practice, and feedback. It involves understanding one’s communication style, recognizing its impact on others, and adapting it to different situations. Regular practice through social interactions and seeking constructive feedback can significantly improve these skills.

In conclusion, interpersonal skills are vital in both personal and professional life. They enable effective communication, foster relationships, and facilitate teamwork. By understanding and improving these skills, one can enhance their social interactions and achieve their goals.

500 Words Essay on Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills, often referred to as people skills, entail the ability to interact effectively and harmoniously with others. They encompass a broad spectrum of abilities, including communication, empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution. In today’s interconnected world, these skills are more crucial than ever, whether in personal relationships, professional environments, or community engagements.

Key Components of Interpersonal Skills


Effective communication is the cornerstone of interpersonal skills. It involves both verbal and non-verbal cues, such as body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions. Good communicators articulate their thoughts clearly, listen attentively, and respond appropriately.

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a vital interpersonal skill. It promotes mutual respect and consideration, fostering a more compassionate and supportive environment.

Conflict Resolution

Interpersonal skills can be cultivated and refined. This involves self-awareness, practice, feedback, and continuous learning. Actively seeking opportunities to interact with diverse individuals can also enhance these skills.


Understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses is the first step in developing interpersonal skills. This awareness allows individuals to identify areas for improvement and monitor progress.

Feedback is a valuable tool for improvement. Constructive criticism can highlight areas for improvement, while positive feedback can reinforce good behaviors.

In conclusion, interpersonal skills are essential in our daily lives, affecting all areas from personal relationships to professional success. They involve a range of abilities, including communication, empathy, and conflict resolution. Developing these skills requires self-awareness, practice, and feedback. By honing these skills, individuals can enhance their interactions, improve their relationships, and contribute positively to their communities.

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What Are Interpersonal Skills?

Here’s what interpersonal skills are, why they matter and how you can develop them.

Brooke Becher

Interpersonal skills are the behaviors people demonstrate when effectively interacting with others . Commonly referred to as “people skills,” these communication tactics can be signaled verbally and non-verbally in both one-on-one and group dynamics. Highly transferable across industries, interpersonal skills are a part of a professional’s soft skill arsenal that builds and determines the nature of professional relationships.

Interpersonal skills come in handy when handling conflict, collaborating within a team or just generally relating to your coworkers throughout your career . While some are innate traits, others are learned over time and can be further developed to strategically navigate social settings.

Interpersonal skills are the traits people use to communicate and interact with others. They are also known as “people skills” or “soft skills.”

“Being a genius coder or a killer salesperson doesn’t mean much if you can’t get along with others,” Melani Gordon, a partner at executive coaching and culture development firm Evolution , told Built In. “Interpersonal skills help you build that trust, turning you into not just someone people have to work with, but someone they want to work with.”

Sometimes referred to as ‘people skills’ or ‘social skills,’ interpersonal skills don’t just involve effectively communicating with others, but also reading others’ social cues and responding accordingly. 

Although interpersonal skills depend on one’s personality traits and communication style , they can also be developed through past experiences and repetition. As a result, employees can participate in more interactions to improve their interpersonal skills, which range from effective communication to active listening. 

13 Examples of Interpersonal Skills

While there is no official list of interpersonal skills to turn to, below are some office-friendly attributes that are sure to enhance anyone’s employability.  

1. Communication

Nearly every aspect of business relies on communication — whether spoken or written. It should be clear, concise and consistent. Even nonverbal cues count as communication, especially in the age of remote work and video meetings.

2. Active Listening

Active listening is when someone reflects upon and responds to — rather than reacts to — what another person says. As opposed to passive listening, active listening requires concentration, critical thinking, comprehension and a bit of demonstration. Without this interpersonal skill, it’s entirely possible to have two separate conversations at once, without arriving upon a mutual understanding.

Being in tune with what other people are thinking — and interpreting why they may be behaving a certain way — is the internal personal skill of empathy. It takes time to acquire. Achieving this level of insight involves listening, asking questions, recognizing feelings, avoiding judgment and sharing perspectives to authentically “walk in someone else’s shoes.”

4. Emotional Intelligence

Whether as an employee or leader of a company, having a clear understanding of your own emotions , motivations, triggers and behaviors is the first step in determining how to respond in any given scenario. The ability to recognize and regulate one’s own standings of emotional and social intelligence better informs where their strengths or weaknesses lay, and therefore what to embrace and where the work begins.

5. Positive Attitude

If an employee is capable of seeing the good in any situation, they are more equipped to stick it out when expectations fall short. Rather than complain or tally all that went wrong, these solution-oriented individuals are often the first in the room to switch on, ready to pivot. They have a certain energizing quality that rubs off, where just a greeting or brief catch-up conversation can leave coworkers feeling more capable of tackling the day.

6. Negotiation And Persuasion

Whether negotiating a deal or trying to persuade an audience, these processes involve articulating your thoughts in alignment with their needs while “selling it” altogether. Luckily, Aristotle determined the three pillars of persuasive speaking 2,300 years ago — ethos, pathos and logos — which suggests building a logical argument that appeals to an audience’s character and emotions.

7. Conflict Mediation And Resolution

Having a knack for designing win-win solutions and finding common ground translates well in a work environment. Listening to all of the facts, remaining calm and making sure people feel heard play a key role in resolving conflict . The pathway to peaceful resolution is to land on a compromise without either party feeling like they’re giving up anything.

8. Problem Solving

Problem solving begins with being able to identify a problem, then brainstorming a solution. From there, it’s a matter of analyzing the possibilities and implementing which works best, whether it’s project-specific or a company-wide matter. Strong problem solving can inspire better strategy and time management, but also instill confidence and build motivation.

9. Leadership

An employee with leadership qualities knows how to leverage the best out of their team. They listen to all sides before making a decision while motivating and inspiring others to work toward a shared goal — especially when the going gets tough.

10. Resilience

Having the ability to cope with adversity and pivot as the plot changes will serve someone well, especially in the workplace. When someone can maintain their own psychological well-being amid a high degree of stress, it communicates that they do not need things to go as planned in order to excel in their job. These individuals are dependable, and can roll with the punches.

11. Creativity

Problem solving, writing, analytical or critical thinking , communication and open-mindedness are all creative attributes fit for the workplace. Creative thinkers approach tired tasks in imaginative new ways, generating original ideas that can lead to innovative solutions.

Cracking a (well-timed, work-appropriate) joke can create a positive atmosphere even when handling difficult tasks, like high-stakes negotiations, presenting a sales pitch or delivering a down-market report. Humor diffuses tension, boosts creativity and increases one’s likeability.

Leaders with a sense of humor are seen as 27 percent more motivating and admired than those who don’t joke around. Their teams are 15 percent more engaged, and twice as likely to solve a creativity challenge — translating into higher productivity.

13. Small Talk 

The ability to have informal, polite discourse about light, non-work-related topics helps establish rapport with colleagues . Small talk eliminates the need for stale, overdone conversation starters.

“Have you ever been in one of those company mixers where it feels more like a middle-school dance? Nobody’s mingling,” Gordon said. “Now, a person with killer interpersonal skills walks in and suddenly, the energy shifts — conversations spark, people laugh and ideas start flowing. That’s interpersonal skills in action.”

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Benefits of Interpersonal Skills

A solid set of interpersonal skills makes for a more harmonious — and more efficient — workplace. As employees become better colleagues and leaders become more effective at the helm, a positive and productive team culture is often a byproduct.

“Technical skills are important, but they aren’t the only skill type we should be focused on,” Koma Gandy, vice president of leadership and business at corporate-education platform Skillsoft , told Built In. “Success depends on a workforce that can understand, practice and apply both [technical and soft] sets of skills.”

Below are some of the benefits of interpersonal skills.  

1. Stronger Relationships

By definition, interpersonal skills are how we relate to others. It’s how we build trust , collect understanding and learn how people prefer to communicate. Great interpersonal skills are the bread and butter to effortlessly building deeper connections with your coworkers , resulting in a tighter team and pleasant work environment.

2. Higher Morale

Flexing your interpersonal skills to create a sense of understanding, belonging and recognition — as well as a space capable of facilitating change — boosts office morale and contributes to a culture of camaraderie.

3. Better Business

For every customer won, there’s a master of interpersonal skills at work. Anticipating the needs of a client is impossible without actively listening , exercising empathy, solid communication, patience and perhaps a sprinkle of witty banter.

4. Increased Productivity And Collaboration 

Interpersonal skills are the lubricant of a well-oiled organizational machine — with good communication, there are fewer misunderstandings and mistakes. According to research conducted by team messaging app Pumble, 86 percent of employees and executives cite insufficient collaboration and communication as the main causes of workplace failures. But when communicating effectively , a team’s productivity may increase by as much as 25 percent.

5. More Problem Solving

When a team takes the time to understand one another, they are better equipped to find a solution that works for most everyone involved. This leads to more compassionate office dynamics where “problems” become team-building opportunities.

6. Supportive Work Environment

When employees walk into a work environment that is more concerned with empowering them rather than putting them in their place, it’s immediately felt. Interpersonal skills can help leaders lighten their team’s workload and alleviate work-related stress by just setting the right tone. Keep the doors open, check in, pay credit where credit is due and listen before you lead.

7. Opportunities For Promotions

Office politics are a factor whether we want to admit it or not. When vying for a position, promotion or project, interpersonal skills can get you the job — even if you’re not as technically qualified as other candidates.

“[Office politics] is a game everyone says they don’t want to play, but guess what, you’re already a player,” Gordon said. “Interpersonal skills are your cheat code to navigate this tricky terrain without selling your soul to the corporate devil.”

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Why Are Interpersonal Skills Important?

According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs report , eight of the top 10 core skills required of workers today are interpersonal skills. Surveyed companies identified soft skills like analytical thinking, creativity, empathy, motivation and leadership as integral qualities to a workforce that works.

“To be effective in your workplace and career, it’s critically important to manage yourself, manage your network and manage your team — in that precise order,” Gandy said. “Interpersonal skills help us identify and navigate our emotions as we become more self-aware. When we are equipped with these skills, we make better leaders and colleagues to one another and help drive real business success.”

How to Improve Interpersonal Skills

1. get to know yourself.

To start, it’s important to understand your own natural behaviors when interacting with others. Are you more chatty and extroverted? Or do you struggle with attention, deflecting the conversation while mentally mapping out an escape plan?

Psychologist Leslie Dobson, who specializes in mental health in both individual and group therapy settings, said that this can be done with a simple self-assessment . By asking yourself how assertive you feel you are at work, and the manner in which you assert yourself — aggressively, passively, or passive-aggressively — can be a great exercise in self-awareness.

To put it to the test, try videotaping yourself. This can be in pretend conversations or more naturally, while out with friends, Dobson recommended. Despite an inevitable aspect of ‘cringe’ that comes with this tried-and-true exercise, it offers instant, indisputable feedback from a third-person perspective that provides a better understanding of your own habits.

“In the tech world people tend to be a little more introverted,” Dobson said, noting that, when learning new techniques and trying out different approaches to communication, these individuals may feel like they’re being aggressive.

As you reflect, you may notice that you have a tendency to overshare and could probably pull back on personal anecdotes, or you may find yourself blurring into the background a bit, and could use it as a green flag to increase your level of participation in a group setting. 

2. Pay Attention to Your Body Language

Small things, such as walking tall, shaking hands, holding eye contact and keeping an even, steady tone, can add up, and ultimately contribute to creating a more relatable presence in the workplace. Start by taking a proper posture and relaxing your shoulders. Keep your arms uncrossed and slightly lean in when others are talking to you. Study what others are doing, and try out what feels most natural to you.

“If we can name our interpersonal skills — both what we have and what we’re lacking — then we can externalize them and operationalize them,” Dobson said.

3. Enroll in Career Development Programs

For those seeking a more formal course correction, enrolling in career development classes may be the way to go. Any workshops that specifically focus on public speaking, leadership or networking in their curriculum are worth looking into, Dobson said, as well as supportive therapy groups such as social skills training .

4. Stay Curious

And it doesn’t stop there — as Gandy noted, developing professional-grade interpersonal skills is not a “set it and forget it” type of endeavor. Sharpening relational techniques is a life-long practice that can help build your career and enrich your life.

At Skillsoft, Gandy assists business leaders in identifying skill gaps in their teams via objective assessments. The results are then used to inform curated programs , with transferable credentials, that are in alignment with the needs of the organization.

“[Building interpersonal skills] is a consistent and constant journey of … continuous learning and growth,” Gandy said.

Related Reading Tech Hiring Madness! The ‘Elite 8’ Skills to Look for in Recruiting.

How to Use Interpersonal Skills at Work

It’s one thing to know about interpersonal techniques and their benefits. It’s another to actually apply them to your daily routine. The following includes a few hacks to work in during your next series of workplace interactions.  

1. Stay Positive

Try to cultivate a positive mental attitude at work. This will allow you to become both a part of and a contributor to a more harmonious work culture. While it may be a matter of ‘fake it until you make it,’ looking for the good in any given scenario — especially stressful ones — reflects positively on you as an employee and coworker.

2. Control Your Emotions

Conduct yourself professionally at work, even when others aren’t. Communicating in a calm, patient manner is key to maintaining an appropriate workplace persona conducive to trust, respect and integrity. If personal matters are too big to be compartmentalized, it may be worth taking a personal day or seeking help .

3. Give Praise to Colleagues

People love to hear about themselves. The next time an opportunity arises, when a coworker provides illuminating insight during a presentation, makes a great save or when receiving help on an issue, paying a compliment can be a simple way to vocalize appreciation and build trust . While it’s best to deliver kudos from a place of authenticity, celebrating someone’s expertise — even when competing in office politics — is still a nice gesture.

4. Take Interest in Others

There is no need to climb the workplace social ladder as if it were the same one in high school; however, there’s no harm in inquiring about the personal lives of the people you work side-by-side with on a regular basis. Typically, what they talk about is what they care about most. With this information, you get a better understanding of who they are and the people you work with at large. Bonus points for committing a few notes to memory and then following up later.

5. Practice Active Listening

Nod along, hold eye contact, repeat back what the speakers said in your own words, ask questions to learn more about their perspective and respond thoughtfully to let them know that they’ve been heard.

6. Be Assertive

Voice your needs, thoughts or boundaries with confidence. Letting others know where you stand eliminates confusion, if there is any, and is a strong demonstration of self-respect that may inspire others to follow your lead. 

7. Practice Empathy 

Simple exercises like giving others the benefit of the doubt, putting yourself in other peoples’ shoes and drawing parallels out of other peoples’ circumstances to your own are a few ways to practice empathy . In the context of work, these practices may also aid in problem solving and conflict resolution, when applicable.

8. Maintain Relationships

Whether in or out of work, having a supportive network of healthy relationships is an enriching way to demonstrate that you value and prioritize others. Prioritize connecting with friends and colleagues on a semi-regular basis. This reflects well on you in a professional setting, as it demonstrates qualities like dependability, honesty, respect and that you understand mutual give-and-take.

Common Jobs That Require Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are crucial for jobs that require high levels of human interaction, including the following positions: 

  • Social worker 
  • Salesperson or customer support representative
  • Human resources manager

How to Highlight Interpersonal Skills on Your Resume

Interpersonal skills might seem more subtle than technical or hard skills, but there are ways to ensure they get plenty of attention on your resume.  

Showcase Interpersonal Skills in Past Projects

Include projects or roles where you spearheaded an initiative, worked with members of other teams or cultivated client relationships. Focus on skills like leadership and collaboration. 

Emphasize Interpersonal Skills Through Volunteer Work and Extracurriculars 

Volunteer work and extracurriculars can also reveal soft skills. Helping plan a community event, volunteering at a library and running a fundraiser for a senior care facility are all scenarios that require emotional intelligence, problem solving and other interpersonal skills. 

Add Interpersonal Skills in a Skills Section

If there’s room on your resume, include a skills section that provides a bullet list of specific skills. In addition to hard skills, you can include interpersonal skills like empathy, teamwork, creativity and conflict resolution. 


Choose Interpersonal Skills That Match Keywords

Keywords in job descriptions often hint at what skills to include in your resume . For example, if a job calls for someone who can collaborate across departments and is comfortable handling complex challenges, drive home your communication and problem-solving skills. 

Make Sure References Can Back Up Interpersonal Skills

Select interpersonal skills that you’ve been complimented on and can be confirmed by colleagues, mentors, teachers and other important figures in your career. Having an extra vote of approval can add more weight to any interpersonal skills you mention in your resume.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some examples of interpersonal skills.

Communication, active listening, conflict resolution, creativity and problem-solving are a few examples of interpersonal skills. 

Why are interpersonal skills important?

Interpersonal skills enable professionals to become better coworkers and leaders in the workplace. As a result, many jobs require skills like empathy and leadership, making interpersonal skills essential for a successful career.

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  • Jan 28, 2022

The Importance of Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace

Develop your interpersonal skills, and in turn, your career.

Christopher Thoma

Christopher Thoma

Head of Media & Marketing

Reviewed by Hayley Ramsey

Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace concept

In personal communication, thoughts and emotions are expressed verbally and nonverbally in various ways. It enables interaction with people and understanding what they say in personal and professional situations.

Language and diplomatic skills are necessary for effective communication with colleagues and superiors. Managers often rate interpersonal skills as one of the most fundamental skills an employee can have.

As someone who has first-hand experience managing and nurturing teams, I can confidently affirm the enormous value employers place on an individual's ability to interact and communicate effectively. Employers and managers frequently observe and reward candidates and workers with strong communication skills.

So let's dive right into the importance of interpersonal skills that will benefit your employment, work relationships and overall career success. I've also included some actionable tips to develop them.

Why interpersonal skills are important

Whether a business is booming or lagging, interpersonal or soft skills are imperative. Well-developed interpersonal skills can help ensure your effectiveness and protect your job during uncertain economic conditions. It might not seem like an easy task, but building interpersonal skills in the workplace can make it much more enjoyable and, more importantly, helpful. 

Here are ten benefits of improving your interpersonal skills and the effects it can have on the business and your team.

1. They foster effective communication

Having strong interpersonal skills is critical to becoming an effective communicator in any organization. Building relationships with colleagues facilitates the sharing of knowledge and information and the development of new skills and capabilities. Strong communication skills also reduce miscommunications and potential strife stemming from misunderstandings.

Further, this encourages mutual respect and appreciation of each other's viewpoints and contributions. By establishing effective communication , jobs can be completed more efficiently, activities can be managed more effectively, and assignments can be completed more quickly.

2. They keep the feedback loop open

Business owners and managers want a dynamic workplace that can react quickly to internal and external circumstances.

The exchange of information between those who assign jobs and task recipients is vital, and supervisory feedback might reveal if the employee's performance is satisfactory or if improvements are needed. If a manager does not communicate with subordinates and then criticizes them, this is counterproductive and can lead to an unhealthy relationship between management and employees.

3. They expand your opportunities

The workplace should be able to adjust quickly to internal and external factors. Managers and employees should be engaged in continuous communication to ensure both parties' overall satisfaction and growth. Often, workers ask for feedback after completing an assignment, including praise or criticism.

Characteristics and feedback loops are endless cycles, and supervisors should be able to communicate with their subordinates effectively and foster an environment where people feel comfortable expressing themselves. Similarly, employees should feel comfortable communicating with their superiors, which will lead to stronger relationships and the possibility of advancing your career in the future.

4. They make you relatable

The ability to interact with others significantly enhances your chances of being viewed as approachable by coworkers and managers. Your coworker will feel more comfortable working with you and look to you for advice and assistance more often when you make a conscious effort to improve your interpersonal skills. 

Furthermore, employees become more pleasant to work with, which allows you to engage with them in a more meaningful way and, consequently, increase overall organizational productivity .

5. They demonstrate social awareness

The development of good interpersonal skills demonstrates your concern for the well-being of your colleagues and clients, and as a result, you win their trust and faith. Despite professionalism, lives outside of work will inevitably influence the work environment. 

A good sense of observation and emotional intelligence , for example, can assist you in dealing with a tough social situation. Interpersonal skills can also help you make the best judgments and decisions when dealing with sensitive work-related scenarios and will improve your customer service significantly when it comes to dealing with clients.

6. They improve customer satisfaction

If your career involves dealing with customers or clients , interpersonal skills are something that should be a priority. Everybody knows that customers’ expectations are high, and if communication breaks down between the customer and the company, then things go downhill fast. Improving your interpersonal skills could increase sales, encourage negotiations and leave customers feeling satisfied with the service they’ve received.

7. They build trust

The American Psychological Association statistics indicate that 34% of employees lack confidence in their superiors. An inadequate degree of openness can lead to disenchanted employees and a lack of loyalty. Strong interpersonal skills make it easier to inspire confidence and trust, meaning the relationship with your coworkers and superiors will flourish.

8. They help foster and maintain personal relationships

Building meaningful connections with others is when interpersonal skills are most effective, helpful, and gratifying. Developing personal relationships at work is essential and maintaining them within professional boundaries is a welcome skill in the workplace.

To maintain these connections, individuals will need to demonstrate a variety of elements, such as consistency, follow-through, and a sense of empathy. Maintaining interpersonal ties at your workplace is most effective when you are seen as honest, trustworthy , and approachable.

9. They make you an effective leader

To be a successful leader — whether it’s for a superior role or just showing leadership skills within a team — an individual must establish interpersonal relationships, develop trust, and communicate effectively. 

A lack of communication means a lack of connection within a team. If you don’t communicate effectively, you’re almost certain to fail in the long run, which will ultimately cause team members to leave or create a lack of productivity.

10. They encourage empathy

Empathy is a vital characteristic of successful leaders. Forming strong connections with your coworkers will be much easier if you know what may be preoccupying their minds inside and outside the job.

Employees come from all walks of life, and each one has their interests, challenges, and struggles outside of work. Workers who understand them are more likely to become loyal, feel more motivated, which is critical to productivity and teamwork , and they will ultimately have more constructive conversations.

Aside from their ability to establish connections, excellent interpersonal skills substantially impact group performance and the level of engagement and effective cooperation within a corporate setting.

How to improve your interpersonal skills

Establishing improvement goals and engaging in positive communication can help you improve your interpersonal and communication skills . Here are some tips to help you:

Determine what areas you need to improve: You can identify areas of communication that need to be improved by seeking feedback from your colleagues, supervisors, family, and friends.

Learn from others: Study your coworkers, company leaders, and professionals you admire and respect to develop strong interpersonal skills. Watch and listen to their communication style as well as their body language . Note their voice tone, speech rate, and how they react to other people and see how you can apply these qualities when interacting with others.

Establish emotional self-control: Do not talk to colleagues until you have regained your composure. Maintaining a positive attitude and staying calm will enable you to communicate confidently and effectively.

Final thoughts

To wrap things up: Take a moment to reflect on how you could have responded differently or used certain words or body language more effectively in your place of work. Try make a note of the positive interactions, too, so you will understand why they worked. Keeping even a mental note about your conversations and interactions at work could prove helpful going forward. This can improve your handling and communication in certain situations. 

Put your interpersonal skills to the test by interacting with people in situations where developing relationships is possible. Attend events to see how others communicate and behave . 

For example, you could join a group that hosts meetings and social events, such as one focused on a specific industry you discovered through a professional organization or one focused on a common interest or hobby. 

A good level of interpersonal communication can help you succeed at work (and in life!), develop positive relationships with your colleagues, and manage team projects effectively. Strong interpersonal skills can positively affect your team and department, impacting morale and productivity.

Let me know if you've found that improving your interpersonal skills helped advance your career in any shape or form? What did you find was the biggest benefit? Leave a comment in the section below!

This is an updated version of an article originally published on 7 June 2019.

Workplace Relationships

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Interpersonal Skills

  • Published on February 24, 2021
  • February 24, 2021

What Are Interpersonal Skills and Why Are They So Important?

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What are interpersonal skills? How crucial are they for your success?

Interpersonal skills are essential to navigating your life unless you live as a hermit without any communication with the external world.

They allow you to build healthy and harmonious relationships. And as we know, opportunities don’t come through doors — they come through people.

So, what are interpersonal skills, and how can you use them to succeed? Here’s what you need to know:

What Is Meant by Interpersonal Skills?

Why are interpersonal skills important, interpersonal communication skills for success, how do you show good interpersonal skills.

Even if you don’t have a natural talent for interpersonal skills, you can acquire them. Let’s find out how.

interpersonal skills

Simply put — interpersonal skills are people skills. They’re the skills we use when communicating and collaborating with others.

More and more often, employers base their hiring decisions on whether they feel a candidate exemplifies strong interpersonal skills.

Think about it: the more personable you are, the better you’re able to contribute as a cohesive member of a team . And the more honest and dedicated you are, the less likely you are to give up on a project halfway through its completion.

What are examples of good interpersonal skills?

Interpersonal skills are traits we learn throughout our lives. Unfortunately, there’s no elementary school course on patience or college program on empathy.

These skills are both inherent and external to us. They are abilities we acquire through our experiences.

Some people have a natural talent for interpersonal skills. They implicitly understand what’s needed to get along with others, perhaps without ever knowing what interpersonal skills are!

And that is the true beauty of interpersonal skills. With or without knowing how to define them, you can possess and cultivate these life-changing abilities to sculpt and define your future for the better.

Good interpersonal skills include the following:

  • Active listening
  • Collaboration
  • Problem-solving
  • Conflict resolution
  • Adaptability
  • Analytical thinking

So, ask yourself: do any of the above interpersonal skills come naturally to you? Which would you like to improve and develop?


It turns out interpersonal skills are of increasing importance in the workplace.   Aside from helping you get a job, what else can interpersonal skills do to help you succeed?

Well, this is where the true and innate value of interpersonal skills comes into play.

Interpersonal skills are abilities that can transmute and transpose across every spectrum of our lives. There isn’t a single facet of our experience that these skills won’t be of use!

Interpersonal skills aren’t just people skills. They’re life skills. And they help us communicate and relate to others.

Where once, we may have lost our patience and initiated an argument, we reach instead for understanding and tolerance. Where once, we may have brushed someone else’s troubles off with callousness, we reach instead for empathy and compassion.

We build the bridges with others that make our lives, and the lives of those we interact with, easier, simpler — and better .

Interpersonal Communication Skills for Success

Now that we have a better understanding of what interpersonal skills are, we can further examine a special facet of these abilities: interpersonal communication.

Most of the trouble we run into with others is due to a miscommunication of some form or another. And there are many types of miscommunications.

By developing and increasing our interpersonal communication skills , we help smooth and simplify our interactions with others.

So, here are two of the most important interpersonal communication skills and how they can assist you:

1. Active listening

Active listening is an invaluable tool for facilitating effective communication. The importance of this interpersonal skill can’t be understated.

Active listening is a communication technique that involves the full and active application of the listener to what is being said. The full attention of the listener is given to the person speaking. Often, visual cues are provided to the speaker to let the speaker know the listener has given them their full attention.

Active listening cues include:

  • Eye contact
  • Nodding the head
  • Verbal affirmations, such as “yes,” or “ah,” or “mhmm”

These cues let the speaker know the listener isn’t simply hearing them but is actively listening.

After all, hearing is something that happens in the ears. But listening is something that happens with the whole body.

Being an active listener affirms your ability to give to others. It displays your interest in the ideas and perceptions of those around you. And it encourages the people you interact with to communicate and to provide you with a forum for communication in return.

2. Body language

There’s been some argument over the quantity of our communication that is made up of and interpreted entirely by body language. But most psychology experts agree that at least half of our communication with others is done without words .

So, that means your body, posture, and facial expression play a huge role in how others interpret what you say.

Without realizing it, we’re sending subconscious signals to everyone around us with our bodies, pretty much all of the time. Does that mean you need to be more aware of your body language?

The interpersonal communication skill of body language is centrally focused on the stories we tell with our faces, our hands, our eyes, and our posture.

If our bodies communicate disinterest or apathy as we’re trying to effectively communicate, our message is not likely to be received well.

Common examples of body language that communicates disinterest:

  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Folded arms or legs
  • Glancing at clock, watch, or phone

Instead, use non-verbal communication to your advantage, and try the following:

  • Relaxed, open posture
  • Engaged eye contact

Mastering awareness of your physical space and your place within it will help you understand how others interpret your presence.

Open body language welcomes others in . It lets them know you are safe and trustworthy and encourages them to connect with you on deeper and more intimate levels.

Here is a video of the amazing Jefferey Allen giving a bit more advice on interpersonal communication skills and connection:

Working to improve your interpersonal skills is a worthwhile endeavor; it’s something you can work at each and every day for lasting, influential results.

So, here are a few on how to improve your interpersonal skills to better connect with those around you:

1. Acknowledge others

When someone speaks, listen. When someone offers feedback, be gracious. And when someone lends you a hand, thank them.

Most of the time, people simply want to be recognized and acknowledged for what they do. So, give someone a compliment ! Let them know you’ve noticed their hard work. Tell them you appreciate their ideas.

2. Practice compassion

Concern for the well-being of others is an important trait we must all work to further nurture, both in ourselves and in others.

So, if you see that someone is having a hard time, a bad day, or a difficult experience, reach out to them. Ask them how you can help. Listen to them compassionately. Bring them a coffee. Draw them a funny doodle and leave it on their desk.

After all, caring for others is all about the small, intimate acts of kindness we extend on a daily basis.

3. Take an interest in others

We’re often too concerned with our own problems and difficulties to pay much mind to others.

So, the next time you open your mouth to complain or vent, instead, try asking the person you’re interacting with how they’re doing.

Ask them about their hobbies, their passions, their interests. Get to know people on a deeper and more fulfilling level.

If you want to connect with others, you’ll need to make the effort to express an interest in their lives.

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Interpersonal Communication Importance

This essay about the importance of interpersonal communication highlights its pivotal role in fostering understanding, empathy, and connection in human relationships. It emphasizes how effective communication builds bridges between individuals, transcending language barriers and cultural divides to create a sense of belonging and community. Furthermore, the essay underscores the significance of interpersonal communication in both personal and professional spheres, shaping the way we collaborate, innovate, and navigate the world around us. Ultimately, it emphasizes the transformative power of genuine human connection and the importance of honing our communication skills to forge deeper, more meaningful relationships.

How it works

In the bustling marketplace of human interaction, where ideas are exchanged like currency and emotions flow like a bustling river, interpersonal communication stands as the unsung hero, quietly shaping the landscape of our relationships and the trajectory of our lives. It’s the whispered secrets shared between friends, the unspoken understanding that passes between lovers, and the silent solidarity that binds us as a community. In a world filled with noise and distraction, effective interpersonal communication serves as the steady hand that guides us through the cacophony, helping us find meaning, forge connections, and navigate the intricacies of human interaction.

At its essence, interpersonal communication is an art form, a delicate dance of words, gestures, and emotions that transcends language barriers and cultural divides. It’s about more than just transmitting information; it’s about fostering understanding, empathy, and connection. By honing our interpersonal communication skills, we can cultivate deeper, more meaningful relationships with those around us, enriching our lives and the lives of others in the process.

One of the most profound aspects of interpersonal communication lies in its ability to build bridges between individuals, bridging the gap between hearts and minds and fostering a sense of belonging and community. Whether through a shared joke, a heartfelt confession, or a simple touch, effective communication allows us to connect with others on a deeper level, forging bonds that transcend the superficialities of everyday interaction. In a world that often feels fragmented and divided, the power of interpersonal communication to bring people together is nothing short of transformative.

Moreover, interpersonal communication plays a crucial role in our personal and professional lives, shaping the way we navigate the world and the opportunities available to us. In the workplace, effective communication is the cornerstone of collaboration, innovation, and success. Clear and concise dialogue ensures that ideas are heard, feedback is given, and goals are achieved with efficiency and precision. Similarly, in our personal lives, strong interpersonal communication skills allow us to navigate the complexities of relationships, express our needs and desires, and resolve conflicts with grace and empathy.

But perhaps the most remarkable aspect of interpersonal communication is its ability to transcend boundaries and foster connections across time and space. In an increasingly digital world, where face-to-face interaction is often replaced by screens and keyboards, the power of genuine human connection has never been more important. Through platforms like social media and video conferencing, we have the ability to connect with people from all walks of life, forging friendships and relationships that span continents and cultures. In a world that often feels disconnected and isolating, the ability to reach out and connect with others has the potential to change lives, offering hope, support, and companionship to those who need it most.

In conclusion, interpersonal communication is the invisible thread that weaves through the fabric of our lives, connecting us to one another in ways both seen and unseen. It’s the silent language that speaks volumes, the unspoken bond that ties us together, and the foundation upon which our relationships and communities are built. By recognizing the importance of effective interpersonal communication and striving to improve our skills in this area, we can enrich our lives and the lives of those around us, forging deeper connections, fostering understanding, and creating a more compassionate and connected world for all.


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Interpersonal Skills For Workplace Success

Look at any job advertisement today, they don’t just ask for educational and technical proficiency. Job advertisers also mention interpersonal…

Interpersonal Skills For Workplace Success

Look at any job advertisement today, they don’t just ask for educational and technical proficiency. Job advertisers also mention interpersonal skills as a necessary qualification for the job. But what are interpersonal skills? In simple terms, you can describe interpersonal skills as personal skills, people skills, soft skills or life skills .

Interpersonal skill is a term that refers to our ability to communicate, build trust-based relationships and work well with others. We can master the art of listening and public speaking , but skills such as control and management of emotions are also included in strong interpersonal skills.

If you’re dreaming of success in life, you should master these essential skills. You’ll be surprised to know that no less than 90% of people believe that good communication skills are essential for success.

This underscores the critical nature of excellent interpersonal skills in life. Read on to learn more about different types of interpersonal skills and how you can develop these skills to get ahead in life.

Types Of Interpersonal Skills

How to develop interpersonal skills, areas where interpersonal skills can be used, benefits of interpersonal skills.

There are different types of interpersonal skills that you can develop for personal and professional reasons. Interpersonal skills help you build the following abilities:

Expertise in communication, both spoken as well as written

Strong work ethics and positive approach

The ability of people to be effective and highly productive team players

Management skills as ideal employees should be well organized and capable of optimally managing time, tasks, and available human resources

Whatever your motivation, here are different types of interpersonal skills you can work on:

Communication Skills

Communication skills are critical when you want to make a point, interact with coworkers, seniors or juniors or communicate with clients. Some components of communication skills are:

Verbal Communication:  By verbal communication, we refer to a person’s ability to understand things they say and the way they say them. Once you master the art of verbal communication, winning hearts is a cakewalk.

Non-verbal Communication:  You might not have focused on it, but the spoken word is not the only way you communicate with others. Sometimes, it’s your body language, tone or gestures that can communicate your thoughts or message. For instance, if you greet another person with a joyful tone and a smile, your gestures communicate happiness and so on. Today, 93% of communication is through non-verbal means.

Listening Skills: To be a good communicator, you need to be able to receive and correctly comprehend what others try to communicate.

Emotional Intelligence

How often do you feel that things could be different if you had reacted differently to a situation?

Truth be told, emotions can be a strength when channeled effectively. By developing the ability to understand and manage our own as well as other’s emotions, we can become successful in life. This ability to control and channel emotions is known as emotional intelligence .

Do you take pride in being a lone wolf? Does it upset you when you need to collaborate with others and exchange information as well as instructions while working as a member of a group?

If the answer is yes, you may need to work on your teamwork skills. Those who are better accustomed to working with others in a group or team environment may find it easier to succeed in a professional context, especially in an organization.

The good news is that this ability can be refined with practice.

Negotiation Skills

Whether it’s bargaining for the best price with a seller or convincing a customer/client to pay the desired price for a product or service, the ability to negotiate well rests on good interpersonal skills.

Once you master the art of negotiation, you’ll be able to frequently extract a mutually agreeable outcome from a discussion. A good negotiator makes everyone feel like a winner while also getting what they want out of a deal or negotiation.

Conflict Resolution And Decision-Making

When you work in a group with others, there are times when conflict becomes unavoidable. It might be the functionality of an app, the content on a webpage or simply the color of a product that you and your team members can’t agree upon. ( Xanax )

No matter what the problem is, you need to apply your conflict resolution skills to de-escalate the situation. You can’t just walk out of discussions and leave matters pending when important and quick decisions are to be taken.

Therefore, there’s a need for us to develop skills of understanding, empathy and positivity to get through such a muddle. Through your skills, you can make others see your point of view and make them agree to a solution that works best. The ability to consider the pros and cons of a situation and take all points of view into consideration is important for effective decision-making.

How To Develop Interpersonal Skills

The benefits of interpersonal skills are life-changing. Now let’s understand how to leverage the advantages of interpersonal skills.

Develop The Power Of Effective Communication

Clear and effective communication can go a long way in avoiding misunderstandings between colleagues and family members. Hence, if you wish to reap the benefit of interpersonal skills, you need to pay attention to all-round communication skills, including active listening.

Whenever you’re in a conversation with someone, strive to make the other person feel that you’re interested in the discussion through the power of active listening. You can do so by repeating the words of the other person and responding positively whenever needed.

Appreciate People

You can appreciate people by identifying a positive aspect of your team members and appreciating it. This creates a positive and trustworthy image of you and people feel comfortable in seeking your advice/help when needed.

Positive Body Language And Attitude

Positive body language is key to enjoying the benefits of good interpersonal skills. A warm smile can draw your friends, colleagues and even strangers to you. Also, you need to have a positive outlook on your work and life. This will, in effect, make you appear as someone whose presence is motivating and reassuring to people.

Leadership And Conflict Resolution

You must focus on your ability to inspire and lead your co-workers. Avoid any gossip about your co-workers. You should be seen as a fair and sensible person who can handle a crisis or difference of opinion among your team members.

Build Meaningful Relationships

Interpersonal skills help you build lasting relationships in life and at work. With teamwork, you can easily collaborate with others to deliver high-quality outcomes. Your interpersonal relationships play into your professional growth. Building a network that’s based on mutual interest and benefit can help you when you need to change jobs or advance in your career.

The way you apply and use your interpersonal skills may vary. However, the thing that remains constant is the fact that they are the glue that holds people together. In the workplace, you have to engage with people regularly. If you can appeal to them in a way that draws them to you, you’ll likely achieve your goals in a more efficient and effective manner.

When we talk about interpersonal skills and areas where they can be implemented, there’s virtually no limit. The importance of interpersonal skills is evident in every walk of life.

You can use written and spoken communication skills to do well in job interviews or at your workplace. The art of active listening is highly beneficial in every profession. By using leadership and conflict resolution skills, you can ascend the corporate ladder.

Even in personal relationships, attributes like empathy, positivity and self-confidence can make you an ideal person for every situation. Emotional intelligence is a quality that can be used in all forms of personal and group communication.

Better personal and/or professional relationships: The significance of interpersonal skills in personal relationships can hardly be overstated. These skills help you in establishing a faster and stronger rapport with people.

Excellent interpersonal skills help you gain trust and mutual respect in all relationships. Here are some benefits of interpersonal skills that you can observe:

Life Management Tools

Interpersonal skills are also about social or peoples’ skills. Expertise in communication, social engagement, and the art of understanding others is essential for life enrichment.

Improve Your Employment Potential

Interpersonal skills make you more employable. They open the door of new opportunities and job offers. One of the best examples is networking ability. It can help you find relevant people and stay connected with former or current colleagues or potential employers.

Win In A Job Interview

How would you fare in a sales job interview if you got dressed in jeans and kept fiddling with your phone or looking down during the interaction? Not so well, perhaps.

You could do better by gaining mastery over interpersonal skills. Today, 77% of employers believe that soft skills are as important as an employee’s qualifications. Thus, interpersonal skills make your chances of getting your dream job brighter.

Interpersonal Skills Make You A Great Leader

A good leader is like a light bulb that makes everything look brighter and more pleasant. You can convey your leadership potential by practicing interpersonal skills such as decision-making, conflict resolution, empathy, and communication.

Interpersonal Skills Can Make Your Business Successful

Great interpersonal skills can also help you impress your clients, customers, investors, or potential business partners, vendors, etc. Empathy, punctuality, transparency, and communication skills, etc. are abilities that can be reassuring for your customers, clients, and other stakeholders.

Interpersonal skills can benefit you in various ways. It may be to build connections with your coworkers, become a better communicator and team player or even if it’s to understand others.

If we were to describe interpersonal skills, we would say that these are a set of skills that prove beneficial to us in almost every aspect of life. In any activity that requires us to interact with other people, whether it is a job interview, a personal relationship, or a business deal, interpersonal skills help you achieve success and happiness. Good interpersonal skills are essential to succeed in all walks of life, whether it’s the workplace, personal relationships or politics.

You can learn more about how to build your interpersonal skills with Harappa’s specially curated courses . Communication skills, teamwork and problem solving are essential 21st-century skills that you’ll need to tackle a changing business environment. Start preparing today to get ahead of the game!

Explore our Harappa Diaries section to know more about topics related to the Communicate habit such as What is Communication and the Process of Communication .


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What Are Interpersonal Skills and Why Are They Important?

importance of interpersonal skills essay

Ever noticed that some people just have an easier way of engaging others? They’re the kind of folks that other people just seem to gravitate toward, and you can watch them quickly build the type of meaningful personal and professional connections that are necessary to succeed. They seem to have strong natural interpersonal skills.

It isn’t magic, but it can seem like it when you assume this is a fixed trait.

Interpersonal skills are hard to measure because they’re “people skills,” or soft skills that you can’t learn easily from a book. Think you weren't one of the lucky fews to have been born with innate interpersonal skills? The good news is that you can still cultivate these skills and apply them to shape a better future for yourself.

What are Interpersonal Skills?

Interpersonal skills are the behaviors you exhibit when you interact with other people. They encompass a broad variety of both verbal and nonverbal skills that help you communicate effectively with others, share ideas, collaborate efficiently, and generally fit within a group, team, or company. The better your interpersonal skills, the more you will be able to contribute and connect with those around you.

Ultimately, your interpersonal skills can set you apart from others who have the same level of technical expertise. Interpersonal skills help you collaborate, get buy-in's, and bring out the best in other people on your team. In fact, it usually takes someone with great interpersonal communication to build a cohesive team in the first place, and it’s unlikely you will be promoted to more authoritative positions without them.

Interpersonal vs. Intrapersonal Skills

Discussion has been growing around the set of skills that are considered interpersonal vs. intrapersonal skills. So what’s the difference between interpersonal and intrapersonal skills?

Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills are highly related in that both are part of your emotional intelligence . Intrapersonal communication is kind of like a conversation that takes place within one’s own self, while interpersonal communication is all about communication with other people. Your intrapersonal communication, or self-awareness and introspection, can ultimately inform your interpersonal communications for the better.

List of Interpersonal Skills

So what are the most important interpersonal skills? At Matter, we've gathered the top interpersonal and soft skills that are critical to career and personal success. These soft skills can be just as important – or more important – than your technical skills when it comes to helping you adapt and succeed in an evolving economy. While this is certainly not an exhaustive list, it can certainly help point you in the right direction. Some of the most useful interpersonal skills include:

  • Body Language
  • Inclusiveness
  • Storytelling
  • Supportiveness
  • Verbal Communication

Why are Strong Interpersonal Skills Vital for Your Career?

Simply put, your interpersonal skills can make or break your career, regardless of how talented or technically skilled you are.

When you exhibit traits that make other people warm up to you and want to work with you, you'll be able to increase team's efforts and create value.

The ability to work well with others and keep people motivated can open the door for advancement and promotion because you’re demonstrating your leadership abilities. Ultimately, your ability to relate to your peers and adapt to changing circumstances will help you create a happier work environment while allowing you to mitigate trivial frictions that might otherwise exist.

How Interpersonal Skills Lead to Interpersonal Effectiveness

Your interpersonal interactions constantly change your relationships with other people. Every interaction you have with others can help or hurt those relationships.

Naturally, communication is better when people have a good relationship. People with great interpersonal skills know how to find and build on commonalities with all kinds of other people in order to build a healthy dynamic. They’re team players who can direct the action from within by adjusting their communication tactics based on the situation and the response from others. In essence, they know how to work well with people.

When you improve your interpersonal skills, your emotional intelligence increases. Your relationship bonds with others strengthen, making future communications even easier.

How to Improve Interpersonal Skills

Interestingly, the intrapersonal skill of self-awareness is key to unlocking the full potential of interpersonal skills. Being self-aware during your everyday interactions with others and also how others react to you is vital to your interpersonal skills development.

The problem, so often encountered, is finding out how much your internal vision of yourself matches up or misaligns with the vision others have of you. Without regular feedback, it’s impossible to set actual goals for improving your interpersonal skills, measure your progress, and figure out how to improve.

The good news is that you can always ask for feedback. Most people are willing to share their thoughts and perceptions if you ask them. You can’t develop your interpersonal skills until you first find out where you excel and where you need to improve.

After receiving feedback, you can ask for clarifications and hone into the set of skills and abilities you need to improve. You can use this information to guide your self-growth in the ways that are most important to your success.

Why Regular, Continuous Feedback Is Vital

You can’t work on something if you don’t know if that it's an area that needs improvement. However, getting feedback weeks, months, or even a year after your last interaction with a peer isn’t really helpful either. By then, the moment is no longer fresh in either of your minds and you can’t take specific lessons from that feedback.

Matter allows for constructive, continuous feedback in a 360-degree loop that can help professionals of all kinds understand how they’re seen by their peers. This continuous feedback cycle allows you to make micro-changes in your interactions with others and then quickly determine if you’re on the right track toward your goals.

If you’re ready to up your game and want to improve your career and make work more productive and pleasant, check out Matter.

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Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — Interpersonal Relationship — Interpersonal Communication

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Essays on Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication plays a pivotal role in our daily lives, shaping our relationships, interactions, and understanding of the world around us. Therefore, writing an essay on interpersonal communication holds significant importance for several reasons.

Firstly, exploring the topic of interpersonal communication allows individuals to delve into the complexities of human interaction. By examining various aspects such as verbal and nonverbal cues, active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of how communication shapes our interactions with others.

Secondly, writing an essay on interpersonal communication fosters self-awareness and personal growth. Through reflection and analysis of communication patterns, individuals can identify their strengths and weaknesses in communication and work towards improving their interpersonal skills. This self-awareness is crucial for building healthier and more fulfilling relationships in both personal and professional contexts.

Furthermore, studying interpersonal communication through essay writing enables individuals to appreciate the diversity and complexity of human interaction. Communication styles, norms, and expectations vary across cultures, social contexts, and individual personalities. By exploring these differences, individuals can develop a more inclusive and empathetic approach to communication, fostering harmony and understanding in diverse social environments.

Additionally, writing an essay on interpersonal communication provides an opportunity to address contemporary issues and challenges in communication. With the rise of digital communication platforms and globalization, new dynamics and complexities have emerged in interpersonal interactions. Essays on topics such as the impact of social media on face-to-face communication or the influence of technology on family dynamics can shed light on these evolving trends and their implications for society.

Moreover, discussing interpersonal communication in essays can contribute to practical insights and strategies for improving communication skills. By examining case studies, research findings, and real-life examples, individuals can learn effective communication techniques and apply them in their personal and professional lives, ultimately enhancing their relationships and overall well-being.

Writing an essay on interpersonal communication is essential for gaining insights into human interaction, fostering self-awareness and personal growth, appreciating diversity, addressing contemporary challenges, and acquiring practical communication skills. By engaging with this topic, individuals can deepen their understanding of interpersonal dynamics and contribute to building more empathetic, inclusive, and harmonious relationships in society.

What Makes a Good Interpersonal Communication Essay Topic

Choosing the right topic is crucial when writing an interpersonal communication essay. A good essay topic should be thought-provoking, relevant, and engaging. To brainstorm and choose an essay topic, consider your interests, current events, and areas of interpersonal communication that you find intriguing. Think about what you want to learn more about and what you believe others should know. A good essay topic should also be specific and focused, allowing you to delve deep into the subject matter. Finally, consider the impact of your chosen topic and how it relates to the broader field of interpersonal communication.

Best Interpersonal Communication Essay Topics

  • The impact of social media on face-to-face communication
  • Nonverbal communication in romantic relationships
  • The role of empathy in effective communication
  • Gender differences in communication styles
  • Overcoming communication barriers in a diverse workplace
  • The influence of culture on interpersonal communication
  • The art of active listening in personal relationships
  • The power dynamics of communication in leadership
  • Communication strategies for conflict resolution
  • The role of trust in effective communication
  • The impact of technology on family communication
  • Communicating effectively in long-distance relationships
  • The psychology of persuasion in interpersonal communication
  • The influence of personality on communication styles
  • The role of communication in building strong friendships
  • The impact of communication on mental health and well-being
  • Effective communication in healthcare settings
  • The influence of language on intercultural communication
  • The role of communication in building successful teams
  • The impact of communication on romantic attraction

Interpersonal Communication Essay Topics Prompts

  • Imagine a world without verbal communication. How would people connect and understand each other?
  • Write about a time when you experienced a miscommunication and how it could have been avoided.
  • Create a fictional story about two people from different cultures who struggle to understand each other's communication styles.
  • Research and write about a unique form of nonverbal communication from a specific culture or community.
  • Reflect on a personal experience where effective communication was the key to resolving a conflict.

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The Importance of Effective Communication

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Interpersonal communication is an exchange of information between two or more people. It is also an area of research that seeks to understand how humans use verbal and nonverbal cues to accomplish a number of personal and relational goals.

Interpersonal communication research addresses at least six categories of inquiry: 1) how humans adjust and adapt their verbal communication and nonverbal communication during face-to-face communication; 2) how messages are produced; 3) how uncertainty influences behavior and information-management strategies; 4) deceptive communication; 5) relational dialectics; and 6) social interactions that are mediated by technology.

There are four types of interpersonal communication — oral, verbal, nonverbal, and listening.

1. Berger, J. (2014). Word of mouth and interpersonal communication: A review and directions for future research. Journal of consumer psychology, 24(4), 586-607. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1057740814000369) 2. Miller, G. R. (1978). The current status of theory and research in interpersonal communication. Human Communication Research, 4(2), 164-178. (https://academic.oup.com/hcr/article-abstract/4/2/164/4626715) 3. Weber, T. (2008). Handbook of interpersonal communication (Vol. 2). Walter de Gruyter. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110211399/html 4. Penley, L. E., & Hawkins, B. (1985). Studying interpersonal communication in organizations: A leadership application. Academy of Management Journal, 28(2), 309-326. (https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/256203) 5. Graham, E. E., Barbato, C. A., & Perse, E. M. (1993). The interpersonal communication motives model. Communication Quarterly, 41(2), 172-186. (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01463379309369877) 6. Burgoon, J. K., Berger, C. R., & Waldron, V. R. (2000). Mindfulness and interpersonal communication. Journal of Social Issues, 56(1), 105-127. (https://spssi.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/0022-4537.00154) 7. Wackman, D. B. (1973). Interpersonal communication and coorientation. American Behavioral Scientist, 16(4), 537-550. (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/000276427301600405?journalCode=absb) 8. Bylund, C. L., Peterson, E. B., & Cameron, K. A. (2012). A practitioner's guide to interpersonal communication theory: An overview and exploration of selected theories. Patient education and counseling, 87(3), 261-267. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S073839911100557X)

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importance of interpersonal skills essay

Essay on Interpersonal Communication Skills


Communication has become an integral part of life and must-have skills. We need interpersonal skills not only to interact with each other in the context of the workplace, families, relationships, and nations, but also to transmit information and knowledge. According to Koprowska, (2020), interpersonal communication is defined as exchanging information, knowledge, feelings, and thoughts exchanged between two or more people. Individual use various of communication methods; words, body language, tonal variation, facial expressions, and gestures. Using effective interpersonal communication by an individual helps in personal growth, promotes a close relationship, promotes wellness, reduces stress, and improves the quality of life (Koprowska,2020). This essay focusses on showing the importance of effective interpersonal communication skills and emerging skills learned over the trimester incorporating feedback received from peers.

Paraphrasing and Summarizing

Repeating back in my words what the client said helped to bring the client awareness to his/her cognitions, emotions, and behaviors awareness. It encouraged the client to go deeper into the conversations and demonstrate empathy. According to Koprowska, (2020), paraphrasing and summarizing are more to repeating the words and interpreting the client’s emotions and behavior.

Reflection of content and feeling

Reflection of content involved reflecting back the content of what the client has said by picking the most important content information, but not repeating what the client has said, while the reflection of feeling is reflecting on the perceived emotional affect of the client such as tears or change in the tone (Destler, 2017). Combined reflection of content and feeling to bring feelings, cognitions, and behaviors awareness. Using appropriate words to reflect the client’s content and feelings was crucial to the success of the counseling sessions, for instance, ‘You are sad because of bullying at the work and the decision to leave your family and friends, if you accept the new job offer.’

Active listening skills

Counselors used active listening skills to help the client recognize that the counselor is listening attentively, interested in what the client is talking about, understanding and encouraging the client to continue talking (Geldard, & Foo,2019). Active listening skills include: nonverbal responses such as nodding, maintaining eye contact; using encouragers to continue talking such as ‘yes’, ‘really’, ‘ I understand’ which shows the attitude and approval, or disapproval; matching the language to the appropriate age group such as the use of vocabulary that the client will understand.

Use of questions

Designed the suitable questions at an appropriate time to meet different clients’ need. When working with the adults, one should be careful not to overuse questions to avoid turning the counselling into interrogation but a conversation (Destler,2017). Similarly, to young people to maintain interests in the session. There are two types of questions: an open question seeks a descriptive answer while a closed question demands a yes or no answer. Both types of questions encourage a conversation and make the client to self-disclosure. Moreover, the type of questions asked by the counselor makes him/her approachable and builds trust.

Importance of Effective Interpersonal communication skills

Personal development

Human beings are complex social beings. We develop social skills through continuously interacting with others. Social skills are primarily affected by predisposing factors; thoughts, feelings, and perceptions are learned and shaped by our social groups (Geldard, & Foo,2019). In my role play and course materials provided helped me to develop practical communication skills; listening skills: how to encourage others to talk about themselves without interpreting, experiences and reflection of feelings: early experience affects an individual’s perceptions, and perceptions do not change easily (Biglu, et all.,2017). One can only help another by using effective interpersonal skills to ensure the intended information, the other person understands thoughts. Likewise, interaction requires one to understand the other person’s point of view, as well as your own’s view to give advice by making other person feels that their opinions, thoughts and ideas matter.

The development of effective interpersonal skills has helped me express myself in the most convincingly way; strengthening the bond among my friends; to speak clearly to make people understand what I intend to communicate; improve body language (Biglu, et all.,2017). Apparently, shaping my personality has boosted my self-esteem and self-confidence and in realizing my purpose of helping people in daily challenges.

Problem solving

Different problems require different problem-solving skills. For instance, solving a problem requires understanding the problem and effective verbal, listening, and persuasion skills. Excellent interpersonal communications ensure smooth discussion among the team, weighing the cons and pros of different alternatives and choose the best alternative (Khademian, & Tehrani, 2017).

According to American Psychological Association, 40% of clients do not trust their counselors in the counseling industry. They do not share all the information for fear of confidentiality breaches. Effective communication help to build the trust, relationship in the workplace by assuring, and explaining the obligation of confidentiality in the law.

Personal relationships

Building healthy relationships in the personal and workplace requires effective interpersonal communication skills, coordination to work as a team. Creating and maintaining personal relationships requires respecting other person’s point of view; thoughts, knowledge, ideas, paying attention to their feelings by observing how they communicate, this builds trust among the friends (Khademian, & Tehrani, 2017).

Effective management and leadership

An effective leader should possess skills to foster an interpersonal relationship, trust and communicate clearly. Poor communication irritates and confuses workers while performing their duties, waste time while revisiting issues already shared (Hardjati, & Febrianita,2019). Managers are in charge, should ensure cooperation at executing tasks and responsible for his/her team. Therefore, the need to build trust and transparency by effectively communicating to the employees and creating a culture of positivity.

Recognizing good work

Good interpersonal communication skills are essential for personal coaching in the workplace. Helping each other perform their duties successfully, identifying the good work and encouraging each other to perform their level best as well as working on weaknesses (Biglu, et all.,2017). Asking questions instead of giving direct orders at the workplace requires effective interpersonal communication skills.

Must-Have Interpersonal Communication skills

Employees are recognizing the importance of micro-soft skills and nonverbal communication skills. The following are soft skills and nonverbal communication skills I have gained or polished include; communication courtesy, flexibility, integrity, interpersonal skills, attitude, professionalism, responsibility, teamwork, and work ethic (Biglu, et all.,2017).

Importance of observing non-verbal clues

Nonverbal clues; facial expressions, gestures, body movement and postures, eye contact, tone variation are powerful interpersonal communication tools. Observing the nonverbal clues helped me know when to start a conversation by establishing a rapport; someone needed a break, was confused hence need more explanation, want to contribute, and know whether trust exists in the discussion (Anggeraini, & Farozin,2019).

Ineffective interpersonal communication

Ineffective interpersonal create barriers and prevent the sharing and understanding of message communicated. In cases where people are restricted to sharing by cultural taboos of non-talking issues, mainly caused by lack of trust, frustration, and problems neglected (Khademian, & Tehrani, 2017). To show respect for their culture and talk openly about how they have restricted people from talking, and encourage cooperation.

Poor conflict management and problem-solving skills result in finger-pointing, blaming each other for not achieving the set objectives, and misdirected anger to other team members. According to Koprowska, (2020), can solve this by learning how to bring people’s mistakes indirectly, not pointing fingers. The manager can talk about his/her mistakes before criticizing the other person, and learning to disagree with the other person’s perceptions, and remaining calm.

It is satisfactory to say that effective interpersonal communication skills are essential towards achieving goals in an organization and personal development. Employees exhibit poor performance at the workplace as a result of ineffective interpersonal communication from the manager. The directives from the leaders ensure the proper performance of duties at the workplace. Effective interpersonal communication skills enhance personal and professional growth, builds trust and positivity, recognizes good work and effective management. This enhances the reliability and accuracy of information thus yielding an efficient working environment.

Destler, D. (2017). The Superskills Model: A Supervisory Microskill Competency Training Model.  Professional Counselor ,  7 (3), 272-284.

Geldard, K., Geldard, D., & Foo, R. Y. (2019).  Counselling adolescents: The proactive approach for young people . Sage.

Hardjati, S., & Febrianita, R. (2019). The power of interpersonal communication skill in enhancing service provision.  Journal of Social Science Research ,  14 , 3192-3199.

Khademian, Z., & Tehrani Neshat, B. (2017). The relationship between interpersonal communication skills and nursing students’ attitudes toward teamwork.  Sadra Medical Journal ,  5 (2), 99-110.

Biglu, M. H., Nateq, F., Ghojazadeh, M., & Asgharzadeh, A. (2017). Communication skills of physicians and patients’ satisfaction.  Materia socio-medica ,  29 (3), 192.

Anggeraini, D., & Farozin, M. (2019). Interpersonal communication skills and self confidence of secondary school students: findings and interventions.  KnE Social Sciences , 140-145.

Koprowska, J. (2020).  Communication and interpersonal skills in social work . Sage.

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The Importance of Interpersonal Skills in Leadership

Leadership Capability: Interpersonal Skills

Hannah McKenna

This blog is part of a 16-part series focused on what capabilities make a strong leader. Sounding Board has identified 16 leadership capabilities that the strongest leaders possess. These were developed from research-backed leadership theories, leadership competencies used for evaluation from top business schools, and 25+ years of practical coaching application. 

Being a leader in an organization can’t be done without connecting with other people – whether it’s clients, employees, vendors, managers, or fellow leaders. To successfully connect and communicate with these diverse groups, interpersonal skills are integral. They ensure that leaders are socially competent and can cultivate positive relationships. 

So, what exactly are these interpersonal skills, and how do they help build strong leaders? 

Interpersonal skills are capabilities we use to interact with others in the workplace. They form part of our emotional intelligence and encompass a range of behaviors, such as communication and active listening. Honing interpersonal skills is not only critical to a leader’s individual success, they promote team success, and success in the organization at large. 

Why are interpersonal skills important in leadership?

There are numerous reasons why interpersonal skills are essential for a leader. These skills enable leaders to build a meaningful relationship with colleagues and employees, address poor performance, navigate setbacks, and motivate employees. Leaders who possess emotional intelligence, of which interpersonal skills are a key part, are more apt to build a motivated and productive workforce.  

Typically, it’s easy to spot an emotionally intelligent leader . You can identify them by their desire to understand others’ intentions and desired outcomes, and their ability to express opinions and emotions authentically and respectfully. In addition to being empathetic, they also observe patterns of behavior in their team members, and use these observations to improve their relationships with them.  

The characteristics of a leader with effective interpersonal skills

People skills are a prerequisite to build partnerships and a collaborative team environment. Here are some interpersonal skills leaders’ should hone: 

Name intentions to help manage personal impact

Great leaders often demonstrate excellent communication skills . Although effective communication includes many elements, such as choosing clear language, active listening, and creating space for others to participate, one of the most important elements is the ability to name your own intentions.

Naming intentions is an essential piece of interpersonal skills because it clearly sets the stage for a conversation. Clear is kind. By providing the foundational intention for a conversation, a leader’s teammates, direct reports, and managers have context with which to orient themselves.

Seek to understand others’ intentions and desired outcomes

Just as sharing their own intentions within a conversation is important, leaders must make space to respect and hear out others’ intentions as well. Active listening is an extremely helpful interpersonal skill in this regard. 

Active listening is listening with the goal to understand, not merely to reply. This type of listening calls for leaders to listen to what a speaker says, understand the message and motivation, and then respond carefully and thoughtfully. This leadership skill goes a long way to help build a rapport with others, and assure them that you care about what they say. 

Express thoughts, opinions, and emotions authentically and respectfully

Leaders should be able to communicate authentically and respectfully, verbally and in writing. In fact, studies show that three out of four employees rate effective communication as the number one leadership attribute. However, only a third agree that their leaders communicate effectively. 

It’s important to remember that communication is not only verbal. Non-verbal communication – facial expressions, hand gestures, and body language – are also part of effective communication, and they are equally relevant when it comes to a leader’s ability to convey a message effectively to an audience. 

Consider others’ perspectives, and offer empathy and understanding

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in your team members’ shoes to better understand them and what motivates them. This interpersonal skill fosters a connection with team members and promotes an environment built on trust, mutual respect, and collaboration. Being an empathetic leader creates a reciprocal environment where team members are more likely to be engaged and productive. 

Observe behavioral patterns, and use them to interact more successfully

A good leader encourages collaboration among employees by creating an environment where people communicate ideas freely, listen to each other, and resolve conflicts collaboratively. Successful interpersonal skills include the ability to notice behavior patterns within team members, and leverage those themes, interests, and dynamics to build a more streamlined and unified culture. 

How to improve interpersonal skills in leadership

There are several ways leaders can improve their interpersonal skills. Leadership coaching is a great intervention to build these valuable skills and tie them to measurable business outcomes. But here are a few places to start today:

Be considerate, and show compassion

Practicing compassion helps to refine interpersonal skills because as a leader makes an effort to understand others’ emotions and experiences, they strengthen their relationships with them. 

Show interest in others

Leaders can practice avoiding turning down people who want to open up or confide in them. Showing interest creates the perception of an individual who is always willing to offer a helping hand, which can be critical when building connections. 

Don't complain

Rather than complain, leaders can listen carefully to others’ issues, and offer solutions where possible. 

Learn to give credit

Cultivate gratitude, self-confidence, and acknowledgement by giving team mates credit where it is due. Celebrating others’ success does not detract from your own. It makes you seem like a trustworthy team player.

Interpersonal skills are an essential capability in effective leadership. With these skills, leaders can better motivate their team, encourage collaboration, and foster stronger engagement, all of which ultimately contribute to an organization’s success.   

Not sure where to start? The team at Sounding Board has you covered. Our network of certified coaches are highly trained in leadership development and can offer personalized solutions to help your business thrive. For more information, reach out to our team . We will help you understand the value of our specialized coaches for your organization, and help you get started today.

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Beyond the buzzwords: Why interpersonal skills matter at work

They’re so much more than resume fluff. Let’s give these “soft” skills the credit they deserve.

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What makes somebody successful at work? It’s tempting to point to tangible qualities and accomplishments – things that are easily understood and quantified, like industry certifications, specific expertise, and lengthy experience.

No shade to technical skills – they’re certainly important. But let’s give some credit to their equally crucial yet often underappreciated counterpart: interpersonal skills (often called “soft skills”). These enigmatic abilities carry a lot of weight – depending on who you ask, up to 80% of career achievement is based on soft skills, rather than technical expertise.

Let’s stop dismissing interpersonal skills as touchy-feely traits or needless resume fluff and invest the energy to identify them, understand them, and perhaps most importantly, improve them. 

What are interpersonal skills?

Break down the roots of the word and you’ll quickly get a solid understanding of the definition of interpersonal skills: 

  • Inter : Between or among
  • Personal : Relating to a person

Interpersonal skills are often oversimplified to indicate that someone is “nice,” “friendly,” or “likable,” but that’s not accurate. Interpersonal skills aren’t about personality qualities – they’re specific behaviors and competencies that allow someone to work well with other people.

Interpersonal skills are the skills you use when working, communicating, and interacting with other people . These skills come to some people more naturally than others, with extroverts in particular excelling with interpersonal skills. But introverts shouldn’t count themselves out – these are still skills , so they can also be learned and practiced if you aren’t a natural. 

8 examples of interpersonal skills

The broad meaning of interpersonal skills gives a basic understanding of how they’re different from technical capabilities (things like knowing a specific programming language or understanding project management methodologies).

But what do these soft skills actually look like in a work setting? There’s no definitive list of the most important interpersonal skills at work, as a lot of that will depend on your role, industry, and even company.

However, these eight interpersonal skills come up frequently and are applicable across a wide range of jobs and workplaces:

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Conflict resolution
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Negotiation

Benefits of interpersonal skills

Do you know your communication style at work? Take our quiz to find out

Do you know your communication style at work? Take our quiz to find out

If the above list felt like nothing more than a list of buzzwords to beef up your LinkedIn profile or make it past an applicant tracking system, here are a few of the most notable benefits of investing your time, energy, and attention into your interpersonal skills:

  • Build stronger relationships: Interpersonal skills allow you to connect and interact positively with other people. They allow you to understand other people’s emotions , communicate more effectively, establish more trust, and all-around foster more solid relationships. Those bonds fuel success at work, with research showing that leaders who prioritize relationships with employees do better – and as an added bonus, their employees do too. 
  • Set yourself apart: Interpersonal skills are always crucial, but especially when you’re on the job market. Data from LinkedIn states that 92% of talent professionals say soft skills are equally or more important to hire for than hard skills. Even in sectors like FinTech or healthcare that typically demand highly-specialized technical skills, the preference for hard skills was only 4% higher than the preference for soft skills. Developing your interpersonal capabilities helps you stand out in your job search – and in your existing workplace too.
  • Improve your happiness (and performance): When you have an easier time relating to and interacting with the people you work with, you’ll help build a positive work environment not just for yourself, but for everyone. That positive helps you feel happier, be more engaged with your work, and even boosts your productivity . 

How to improve your interpersonal skills

There are plenty of advantages to reap when you have solid soft skills, but then the question becomes: How do you get there? How do you build your interpersonal skills? It doesn’t feel as straightforward or measurable as mastering Photoshop or marketing analytics, but there are ways that you can improve your interpersonal skills – regardless of where you’re starting from. 

1. Build your self-awareness

The Johari window: a fresh take on self-reflection

The Johari window: a fresh take on self-reflection

From conflict resolution to problem-solving, there are a ton of different and meaningful soft skills you could focus on. The key is to understand which ones will be the most impactful for you – and that starts with knowing what you lack. 

Nobody wants to take a magnifying glass to their own shortcomings, but it’s essential to understand what you can improve about your interactions with others. You can get this information by:

  • Completing a self-assessment like CliftonStrengths
  • Participating in a team assessment like Johari Window  
  • Soliciting feedback from people you work closely with
  • Reflecting on past interactions, projects, and performance reviews

Once you have a clearer direction about where you’re falling short (again, a little painful yet necessary), it’s time to think about interpersonal skills through a different filter: Which ones are most pertinent to your current role and your future career goals ?

Maybe you figure out that you aren’t the greatest networker. That’s not necessarily make-or-break as a software developer, but a much bigger deal if you’re in business development. 

Think about your existing career as well as where you’d like to head in the future. That will help you pinpoint the soft skills that will make the most meaningful and immediate difference for you – rather than getting overwhelmed by trying to work on all of them at once. 

2. Spend time with other people

You’re not going to become a better swimmer if you’re not in the water – and you’re not going to build your interpersonal skills if you’re not around other people. 

While there are certainly things you can do independently to bolster your soft skills, you’ll get your most substantial education when you put yourself out there and interact with others. There are tons of ways you can do this at work, including:

  • Volunteering for a cross-functional project
  • Joining a company committee or employee resource group (ERG)
  • Participating in company events and social outlets

Those give you an opportunity to learn more about where you excel and where you struggle interpersonally, as well as a chance to practice the skills you’re working on. 

3. Find a mentor

The life-long learner’s guide to mentorship

The life-long learner’s guide to mentorship

If there’s someone you admire who shines in a specific area, consider asking them to take you under their wing in a mentorship capacity.

This doesn’t need to be anything formal – it can be as simple as asking your boss, who’s an ace negotiator, for some advice and resources. Or picking the brain of a colleague who always manages to get to the bottom of an issue.

Soaking in tips and experience from somebody skilled can be effective, but this might surprise you: You can get just as much benefit from mentoring someone yourself.

It’s another chance to interact closely with another person (which again, is crucial for bolstering your interpersonal skills) while simultaneously developing your own expertise through practice, repetition, and teaching. Research shows that both mentors and mentees improve their soft skills in a mentoring relationship. 

4. Pursue formal training

Courses, articles, podcasts, books, webinars, interviews…there’s a practically endless buffet of educational resources out there for you to peruse. 

When you’ve zoned in on a specific interpersonal skill you want to develop, it’s worth seeing what’s already out there that could support you on your journey. Here are a couple of ways you could get started:

  • Search a platform like LinkedIn Learning or Coursera to see what formal courses exist for your chosen skill (read the reviews from other learners)
  • Ask your colleagues to recommend resources they loved (you can even start a designated Slack channel to share with each other)
  • Look for a coach that specializes in the skill you’re trying to advance

How to showcase your interpersonal skills

Here’s the tricky thing about interpersonal skills: You know them when you see them. They’re about actions, not words.

That makes them notoriously tough to tout when you need to – whether that’s on your resume, in a job interview, or in a self-evaluation when it’s time for your performance review. 

So much of demonstrating your interpersonal skills is going to be about…well, demonstrating them. Ideally, you shouldn’t have to loudly broadcast them because you’ll embody them. This happens even in small ways. For example, during a job search, it could look like:

  • Responding promptly and professionally to all messages from the hiring manager
  • Showing up to interviews early and prepared
  • Engaging in friendly small talk with anybody you interact with

But what about your pesky resume? How do you capture your soft skills there, without packing it full of bulleted buzzwords? Focus on results – not just what you did, but what you achieved . Make sure to quantify those results wherever you can too. For example, you could say:

  • “Identified and resolved a bottleneck in the customer journey, reducing abandoned carts by 32% in one quarter” rather than listing “skilled problem-solver” in your key skills section
  • “Collaborated closely with the sales, marketing, and human resources teams to plan a virtual career event that generated 85 new applications from qualified candidates” rather than “dedicated team player”

Soft skills, firm impact

It’s far too tempting to write off interpersonal skills as mushy-gushy, feel-good buzzwords – as if they’re nothing more than qualifications you use to fill up blank space on your resume.

In reality, though, these seemingly superfluous skills play a major role in achieving your career goals – and enjoying the journey too.

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The following essay on intercommunication will look into the two most important interpersonal skills. It will also delve into the company where this skill will suit appropriately. The final bit of this essay will delve into two pairs of activities with application to Tesco employees and have use in training the employees of the company those two important interpersonal skills.

The Skills. The first most important interpersonal skill is that of listening. This is the ability of being attentive and focusing on a person so that one can hear or understand what they are communicating. Irrespective of its vitality as a major interpersonal skill, it is the most ignored, as many people are not naturally inclined to have this skill.

It requires inner strength and commitment in order to develop it. Listening entails not only just hearing alone but also providing the necessary feedback as you listen through nodding in agreement or other facial expressions. Listening also involves an aspect of empathy where one gets into the shoe of the person who is communicating and feeling what they are feeling (Knapp, 19).

The other important interpersonal skill is the ability to communicate clearly. Communication is the ability or the means in which ideas or information is conveyed to other people in a way, which they will understand.

The channels of communication are at times cluttered with noise and to overcome this obstacles along the communication channels the ability to express oneself in clear terms is very critical. Without clear communication, one may be misunderstood. The messages communicated are likely to suffer from distortion and the message will not have the effect, which it should have (Duck, 668).

The Company . Tesco group of company is the organization, which we will look into this assignment. Tesco is the leading grocery store in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world such as Thailand, South Korea, and Singapore. It has over ten thousand employees and of these employees, three thousand work in the chain stores as attendants.

Since Tesco has many branches worldwide, our focus will be on the branches located in the United Kingdom. Most of the employees from the UK branches are from within the country. Most of the store attendants are college graduates or people who have just graduated from tertiary or midlevel colleges waiting to get into the university. Their age is between twenty to twenty five years.

The employees’ work involve welcoming customers to the store and providing the basic assistance to the shoppers such as showing them where particular products are located as well as assisting them to push the shopping around. Sometimes some of the customers who pop in there come from work tired and they may be rude or irritating when they are making their demands.

There is need therefore for this employees to listen to the demands of this customers who out to them and others who are stranded in the premises not knowing where to locate certain products in the store. It is the employees work to assist such customers.

The pair of activities. The following are the pairs of activities which the employees need to sharpen their interpersonal communication skills and enable them to interrelate well with customers through listening to them and communicating to them clearly. The first pair of activity will be in focus groups where they will hold discussions.

These discussions will provide an opportunity to build their skills of listening and providing the necessary feedback to the one who is communicating. This group discussion is a pair of activities as it involves both listening and talking. Every member will have an opportunity to talk and to listen to the others and ask questions from what others have said (Duck, 694).

This will provide a chance to engage in a close-knit activity and engage each other for mutual understanding. These group discussions provide an opportunity for expressing oneself and for ensuring that there is proper cohesion in the organization. The group discussion will enable the employees to engage and communicate clearly in formal settings.

The real activity will be mountain climbing where the members will compete in groups to climb mountains. This is a pair of activity, as it will involve talking and expressing oneself to the team-mates for assistance and careful listening to others in order to accord assistance when needed.

This will call for proper expression of oneself as well as the ability to listen to others as this will ensure that the team members communicate with each other and strive to understand what the others are saying in a situation cluttered with noise and obstacles. Skills such as use of gestures, communicating loudly and confidently, are important in this situation to ensure that there is progress (Knapp, 25).

This will enable the employees to improve their interpersonal communication with their fellow employees as well as with customers as they can express themselves clearly and understand the customer messages similarly. This will enable the attendants to identify stranded customers and approach them appropriately to offer assistance. It will also enhance teamwork within the organization because of clear communication between the employees, as they will listen to each other and communicate with each other effectively.

Communication is an important aspect of life and great communication skills are of great benefit to the organization as well as to the individual. Striving to improve ones interpersonal communication ability will bring success to one in many life aspects such as in one’s job and even in family. It calls for one to express oneself more clearly and to understand others with similar clarity.

Works cited

Duck, Stephen. Social and Personal Relationships Handbook of Interpersonal Communication . Beverly Hills: Sage, 1985. Print.

Knapp, Mark. Interpersonal Communication and Human Relationships. Boston: Allan and Bacon, 1984. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 25). Interpersonal Communication Skills. https://ivypanda.com/essays/interpersonal-communication-strategies/

"Interpersonal Communication Skills." IvyPanda , 25 June 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/interpersonal-communication-strategies/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Interpersonal Communication Skills'. 25 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Interpersonal Communication Skills." June 25, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/interpersonal-communication-strategies/.

1. IvyPanda . "Interpersonal Communication Skills." June 25, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/interpersonal-communication-strategies/.


IvyPanda . "Interpersonal Communication Skills." June 25, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/interpersonal-communication-strategies/.


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