Le doctorat à l'université de Bordeaux

Université de Bordeaux

Mathematics and Computer Science

Dernière mise à jour : le 27/03/2024

Created in 1995, the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science (MI) provides training in all fields of mathematics and computer science, from fundamental to interdisciplinary research.

math phd in france

Doctoral School no. 39

research units

PhD specialisations

PhD students

defenses per year

The Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science offers a wide range of training, including science training, programming and outreach courses, etc.

PhD students also benefit from the Leçons de Mathématiques et d'Informatique d'Aujourd'hui (LMIA), courses in mathematics and computer science given by leading members of the international scientific community and published by Cassini (Paris). 

The doctoral school also places great importance on the consultation, participation and involvement of its PhD students through its doctoral representatives and associations.

Computer science

  • Applied mathematics and scientific computing
  • Pure mathematics

Would you like to apply to our doctoral school? Find out about the conditions and procedures for admission to our doctoral school. Click here for more information Research units

Engineering and Digital Sciences department

  • IMB - Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux
  • LaBRI - Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique
  • ESTIA Recherche - Institute of Technology
  • INRIA -  National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology   - Bordeaux-Southwest centre

Biological and Medical Sciences department

  • IBGC -  The Institute of Cellular Biochemistry and Genetics

Material and Light Sciences department

  • LP2N - The Photonics, Numerical and Nanosciences Laboratory


Would you like to get to know your fellow PhD students? Contact graduates in your field? View upcoming defenses?

Click here to view all the directories .

Or click here to view all upcoming defenses .

Doctoral school calendar

18 Nov 21 Nov

Formation obligatoire des directions de thèse avant avis du CAC

Voir tous les événements


  • The Doctoral School's Internal Regulations
  • The Doctoral School's Statutes & Regulations
  • Rights and Representatives

Guillaume BLIN








Isabelle BORDAS

Administrative officer

(+33) 5 40 00 87 07


How to find us: University of Bordeaux Campus Peixotto - Building A30 1st floor - Office 164 351, cours de la Libération 33405 TALENCE Cedex (Tram B - Béthanie or Peixotto stop)


Université Paris Cité

Mathematical Sciences

The aims of the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences is to promote training for and through research in mathematics and fundamental computing at master and doctoral levels at Université Paris Cité.

math phd in france


Training through research in mathematical science at Université Paris Cité is carried out thanks to world-renowned master’s and doctoral programmes covering a broad spectrum of subjects. These programmes offer students the opportunity to train in most areas of mathematics and fundamental computing, but also to learn about modern applications in areas such as data, machine learning, security, modelling, etc.

Among other actions conducted by the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences , the scholarship programme at master level is managed by the PGSM programme of the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP) which exists for more than ten years. This scholarship programme, addressed to students from all over the world, offers the necessary support to pursue their studies in Paris. Students will be able to benefit the richness of the Parisian mathematical community, but also an ideal living and working environment.

Arnaud DURAND [email protected]

The courses are taught in French and English.

  • Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI)
  • Fundamental mathematics
  • General mathematics and aggregations
  • Mathematical logic and foundations of computer science
  • Random modelling, finance and data science
  • Mathematics and computer science for Data Science
  • Mathematics, computer science and applications to cryptology
  • Engineering, mathematics, and biostatistics
  • Mathematics, modelling, and machine learning

The research themes of the laboratories cover the whole spectrum of mathematics and fundamental computing. The laboratories are part of a research network in mathematics that includes the main Parisian institutions and constitute a highly recognised and attractive environment at the international level.


  • IMJ-PRG – Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche (UMR 7586)
  • IRIF – the Research Institute on the Foundations of Computer Science (UMR 8243)
  • LJLL – Laboratoire Jacques Louis-Lions (UMR 7598)
  • LPSM – Laboratoire de Probabilités, Statistique et Modélisation (LPSM, UMR 8001)
  • MAP5 – Mathématiques Appliquées à Paris 5 (UMR 8145)

Doctoral schools

  • Doctoral Schools of Sciences Mathématiques de Paris Centre (DS 386)
  • Prof. Arnaud DURAND Director of the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences Professor at  Université Paris Cité

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Collaborating with the economic world and with other scientific fields through a wide range of interactions

Our teams collaborate with experts from the economic world and from other scientific fields, resulting in a wide range of interactions with: physics and astrophysics, theoretical mechanics and chemistry, information and data sciences, artificial intelligence, finance and insurance, medicine and life sciences, the human and social sciences.

Home to one of the world's largest and most renowned centres for training and research in pure and applied mathematics, our institution hosts over 800 associate members and over 275 doctoral students in three joint research units associated with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the University of Paris.

Since 2007, these research units have also been part of the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris , a network of excellence founded by Parisian universities and research institutions. It covers all 19 subject areas listed by the International Congress of Mathematicians, ranging from the most fundamental mathematics to their applications:

>> logic and foundations, algebra,number theory, algebraic and complex geometries, geometry, topology, Lie theories and generalisations, the analysis and algebras of operators, dynamic systems and ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, mathematical physics, probability and statistics, combinatorial and mathematical aspects of computer science, digital analysis and scientific calculation, control theory and optimisation, mathematics in science and technology, the teaching and popularisation of mathematics, and the history of mathematics.

Our research activities in mathematics and its applications benefit from support of the labex FSMP  and the SUMMIT technological development centre.

math phd in france


Institut Polytechnique de Paris

  • PhD student
  • Faculty member
  • Entrepreneur

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of École Polytechnique, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.


By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of ENSTA Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Ecole des Ponts

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Ecole des Ponts, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.


By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of ENSAE Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Télécom Paris

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Télécom Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Télécom SudParis

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Télécom SudParis, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

PhD Programs

PhD Programs

  • Présentation
  • Doctoral schools and Research Areas

Doctoral programs and funding

  • Enrollment/Re-enrollment
  • Course of the thesis
  • PhD training
  • After the Defense

PhD Thesis Award

Reference texts - legal framework.

  • Supervisors
  • News and events

Why pursue a PhD at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris?

As a postgraduate degree whose excellence is recognized worldwide, a PhD degree opens doors to highly skilled jobs in both the private and public sectors. Our doctoral programs are designed to develop outstanding researchers who have a deep understanding of the scientific and practical issues they study. In addition to the academic world, a PhD paves the way for major long-term careers that rely on the specific skills acquired during the doctoral training, which are widely recognized in the socio-economic world for highly qualified employment.

Research partnerships

Institut Polytechnique de Paris welcomes young researchers from diverse backgrounds to its laboratories to work on their thesis research. Whatever the chosen field of study, students will benefit from the partnerships IP Paris has with major national and international research institutes (CNRS, Inria, CEA, Weizmann Institute of Science…).

Institut Polytechnique de Paris also partners with high-tech companies and major multinational groups. The doctoral theses have a strong collaborative component. They benefit from the CIFRE agreement , the numerous Chairs established in IP Paris and the doctoral training networks and European partnerships.

Entrepreneurial support

From the admission and until graduation, PhD students are accompanied. IP Paris provides a personalized follow-up for each PhD student and offers a variety of professional openings, providing the best recruitment opportunities in line with the ambitions of each doctoral student.

The purpose of this support is threefold:

to improve the quality of training

to increase the employability of the doctoral student

to reinforce access to the world of entrepreneurship.

PhD programs at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris  

Phd in three years.

Institut Polytechnique de Paris will offer 3-year PhD programs in a variety of disciplinary fields. The doctoral research conducted within IP Paris is based on 30 laboratories and takes place in a high-quality scientific environment. PhD students are offered the opportunity to conduct their PhD with companies with renowned R&D departments.  

PhD Track in five years

Institut Polytechnique de Paris offers a unique course for students with a bachelor’s degree: the PhD Track. This selective, personalised course allows master’s students to gradually develop their thesis topic. They are immersed in cutting-edge research laboratories, giving them skills to approach future scientific work.

More information about PhD track

Your arrival at l'Institut Polytechnique de Paris 

Welcome booklet Phd students

Organization Chart Graduate School

Doctoral School of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (ED IP Paris)

Within 30 laboratories, ED IP Paris offers a rich PhD training ranging from basic to applied research.

Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics (EDMH)

The EDMH brings together all PhDs in fundamental and applied mathematics within the perimeter of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and the University Paris-Saclay.

Research Areas

Engineering, Mechanics and Energy

Computing, Data and Artificial Intelligence

Information, Communications and Electronics

Social sciences and Management

Department of Humanities, Art, Literature and Languages


There are two ways to be admitted to a PhD program at Institut Polytechnique de Paris:

  • Get into contact with a researcher/professor from one of the IP-Paris laboratories, develop in collaboration with him/her a PhD project and discuss funding possibilities. This is generally done in the middle of the M2 year, when choosing research internships. Once a few compulsory documents have been collected (thesis project, CV, M2 grades, letter of support from the thesis supervisor), one must obtain the agreements from the director of the laboratory and the director of the doctoral school. Then the application can be deposited on ADUM.  
  • École polytechnique
  • ENSTA Paris
  • ENSAE Paris
  • Télécom Paris
  • Télécom SudParis
  • All PhD Topics at ED IP Paris
  • All PhD Topics at EDMH

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris implements a doctoral admission policy that aims to adhere to the following principles :

Explicit and public criteria and procedures made known to all members of the institution and the potential doctoral candidates

Consideration of the personalized and high-quality supervision within the units and research teams

Recruitment that promotes gender equality, diversity, and openness, particularly on the international level

A recruitment encouraging the development of new research avenues and attentive to consider the professional integration prospects and career development of the doctors

Possible guidance or direction

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris supports multiple types of funding :

  • The programs financially supported or coordinated by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (For example : MESR, AMX, Hi! PARIS, EUR Plasmas, E4C and E4H)
  • Supported funding by research organizations (For example : ONERA, CEA and CNRS)
  • Supported funding by other organizations

Doctoral contracts examination

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris organizes two calls :

Admission criteria

The Doctoral School considers in the selection of the doctoral candidates :

  • The academic results previously obtained by the candidate, notably during the higher education period
  • The candidate’s research ability, particularly evaluated from the beginning of the research internship period
  • The alignment between the candidate’s education and the doctoral project
  • The originality and the feasibility of the doctoral project within the context of the research unit and its partners
  • The doctoral project’s alignment with the scientific policy of the research unit, through the approval of the director of the research unit during the registration
  • The availability and the capacity of the thesis directors and all supervisors to ensure the scientific guidance of the doctoral project
  • A career project expressed by the candidate and its coherence with the doctoral project

The terms of choice and selection of the doctoral candidates are subject to a procedure defined by the executive office and approved by the Doctoral School council.

Compilation of files

The candidate’s file requires the following information:

  •  The application form
  •  Curriculum Vitae
  •  Cover letter
  • M1 & M2 transcripts or other international diplomas
  • Two recommendation letters

Terms of examination of files and selection to the interview

  • Supervisors’ opinions for each application on its subject
  • Laboratory directors’ opinions for each application in their laboratory
  • Pre-selection of candidates’ applications by scientific domains of the Doctoral School for the interview, based on the application file
  • Each application will be examined by the jury, taking into account the academic background (including internships completed by the candidate), the quality of supervision, the alignment of the candidate’s profile with the thesis topic, and potential interdisciplinarity, and also providing an overall rating
  • The IP Paris Arbitration Board/Commission
  • Interviews by scientific fields

The interviews can take place in French or English

The interviews shall include the following elements :

  • Briefly (~2’): Presentation of the Curriculum Vitae (academic course, internships…)
  • Presentation of the thesis subject (~5-10’): The candidates should be able to clearly explain the subject, its challenges and issues as a whole, including the aspects within the field of a discipline other than the candidate’s original subject if it is interdisciplinary
  • Briefly (~2’): Motivation for the subject and professional prospects/perspectives.
  • The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session (5-10 minutes)

At the end of the auditions, the evaluations could be updated by the members of the disciplinary jury considering the candidates’ performance.

Constitution of the final arbitration board/commission

The jury of the final arbitration will include:(the same person can represent several entities)

  • The Director of the IP Paris Doctoral School
  • The Director or Deputy Director representing the EDMH
  • The Research Vice-President of IP ParisA representative per institution whose thesis funding is concerned by the competition
  • A representative of each disciplinary jury  
  • A representative of each IP Paris Doctoral School field  
  • A representative of the jury of Hi! PARIS/E4C/E4H/etc

2024 Calendar

  • Deadline for thesis subject deposits on ADUM: January 15, 2024
  • Deadline for applications on ADUM: February 15, 2024
  •  Interview of candidates: From March 6-15, 2024  
  • Publishing of the early call results: Beginning of April 2024
  • Deadline for thesis subject submission on ADUM: March 15, 2024
  • Deadline for applications on ADUM: April 15, 2024
  • Interview of candidates: From May 13-24, 2024
  • Publishing of the final call results: Beginning of June 2024

CIFRE Thesis

If you need a supporting letter of the Doctoral School for the ANRT of your CIFRE thesis

Fill out this form

Comment s'inscrire et se réinscrire ?

  • Procédure d'inscription et de réinscription - ED IPP
  • Procédure d'inscription et de réinscription - EDMH

La période d'une année universitaire est du 01/09 au 31/08. Les inscriptions en 1ère année doivent être effectuées entre le 01/09 et le 31/10 (Inscription hors période acceptée selon la date de début du contrat de thèse).

Droit de scolarité

Toute année universitaire commencée est due (total des frais d'inscription, pas de prorata) quelle que soit la date de début de la thèse. Les doctorants en 4ème année qui soutiennent avant le 31 décembre ne doivent pas se réinscrire, ni payer la cotisation à la CVEC, ni payer les frais de scolarité.

Si vous avez des questions sur les inscriptions/réinscriptions, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter . 

Doctoral school IP Paris

Presentation thesis monitoring committee (anual evaluation).

How to prepare for the presentation? A "presentation" is organized before each re-registration during the duration of the thesis. The provision of the follow-up committee report is a prerequisite for registration for the following year. The presentations are organized under the responsibility and initiative of the thesis supervisor. More information

To request a derogation concerning the duration of the preparation of the thesis - request for extension of the thesis for a defense after December 31

  • Derogation on the duration of the thesis
  • Declaring a withdrawal from the preparation of a thesis
  • Request a transfer to another establishment  

PhD Training

  • PhD training for doctoral students attached to the ED IP Paris
  • PhD training for doctoral students attached to the EDMH

Mobilité doctorale IP Paris - Erasmus+

Présentation du dispositif

Profondément impliquée dans la promotion de la mobilité doctorale de ses étudiants en doctorat, IP Paris propose à ces derniers de réaliser des mobilités de recherche de durée variable au sein de laboratoires partenaires à l’échelle internationale.  Dans le cadre du programme Erasmus+, ces mobilités s’étendent à divers pays notamment l’Allemagne, l’Autriche, la Belgique, la Bulgarie, Chypre, la Croatie, le Danemark, l’Espagne, l’Estonie, la Finlande, la Grèce, la Hongrie, l’Irlande, l’Islande, l’Italie, la Lettonie, le Liechtenstein, la Lituanie, le Luxembourg, la République de Macédoine du Nord, Malte, la Norvège, les Pays-Bas, la Pologne, le Portugal, la Roumanie, la Serbie, la Slovaquie, la Suède, la République Tchèque et la Turquie.

La mobilité permet aux doctorants

d’accéder à des ressources disponibles uniquement à l’étranger, collecter des données dans un centre de recherche d’un autre pays.

d’étudier, développer des compétences, entamer une coopération dans le cadre d’une thèse.

de recevoir une formation aux compétences transversales et à l’expérience professionnelle/non universitaire, aux compétences en matière de recherche ; recherche de thèse.

La mobilité doctorale dans le cadre du programme Erasmus+ a pour vocation de financer les mobilités en lien avec l’éducation et la formation. Les activités doctorales concentrées uniquement sur la recherche sont financées par le programme Horizon Europe. Les types de mobilité doctorale dans le cadre du programme Erasmus+

Mobilité longue durée de stage de 2 à 12 mois

Si contractuel

Mobilité de formation de 2 jours à 2 mois

Mobilité d’enseignement de 2 jours à 2 mois

Afin de garantir la reconnaissance académique des activités menées pendant une mobilité doctorale à l’étranger, un contrat d’études sera établi, décrivant les activités réalisées sur place. Critères d’éligibilités

Être inscrit à une formation doctorale à IP Paris  (Ecole doctorale IP Paris ou Ecole doctorale de mathématique Hadamard (EDMH)) dans le périmètre d’une des écoles composantes d’IP Paris (Ecole polytechnique, ENSAE Paris, ENSTA Paris, Telecom Paris, Telecom SudParis) pour l’année 2023-2024.

Pour tous les doctorants, contractuels ou non contractuels

  • Mobilité doctorale longue durée de stage (SMT) - de 2 à 12 mois

Objectif de la mobilité de stage : recevoir une formation aux compétences transversales et à l’expérience professionnelle/non universitaire, aux compétences en matière de recherche ; recherche de thèse.

Les organismes éligibles

Toute organisation publique ou privée d’un pays participant au programme ou d’un pays partenaire actif sur le marché du travail ou dans les domaines de l’éducation, de la formation, de la jeunesse, de la recherche et de l’innovation.

Attention , la mobilité ne peut être effectuée dans une structure non éligible : les institutions européennes ou bien tous les organismes financés sur les fonds européens. Pour les doctorants contractuels seulement

Mobilité des doctorants contractuels (personnels)  :

Mobilité de formation :  Il s’agit de participer à une activité de formation, de stage, d’observation, au sein d’une entreprise ou d’un établissement de l’enseignement supérieur (y compris cours structurés, programmes intensifs hybrides, formation linguistique, participation à une staff week, à une école d’été…). Durée de l’activité : de 2 jours à 2 mois, hors durée du voyage.

Mobilité d’enseignement : Il s‘agit de dispenser des cours intégrés dans le cursus de l’établissement partenaire. Une activité d’enseignement comprend au minimum 8 heures d’enseignement par semaine. Durée de l’activité : de 2 jours à 2 mois, hors durée du voyage.

Autre information

Un même étudiant peut participer à des périodes de mobilité pour une durée totale maximale de 12 mois de mobilité physique par cycle d’études, indépendamment du nombre et du type d’activités de mobilité : pendant le premier cycle d’études (licence ou équivalent) ; pendant le deuxième cycle d’études (master ou équivalent – niveau 7 du CEC); pendant le troisième cycle d’études, en tant que doctorant (niveau doctorat ou niveau 8 du CEC).

Critères d’attribution pris en compte

Le montant de la bourse attribuée est fixé en fonction du coût de la vie du pays de destination.

Un supplément de 50 Euros est versé si un mode de transport éco responsable (train ou bus) est utilisé pour se rendre dans le pays de destination à l’aller et ainsi qu’au retour sur présentation des justificatifs à la fin de la mobilité.

La bourse est versée en deux fois : 90% au moment du départ en mobilité et 10% au retour après présentation des obligations du doctorant remplies : attestation de stage, compléter le rapport de mobilité sur la plateforme de la Commission Européenne dédiée.

Tableau d’attribution des bourses par montant mensuel et montant journalier en fonction des pays

Procédure  Pièces à fournir 

Lettre de soutien de la part du directeur de thèse et du directeur d’unité

La lettre d'acceptation mentionnant l’organisme d’accueil, la durée de la mobilité et l’encadrant sur place

La carte européenne d’assurance maladie (CEAM)

Une attestation d’assurance de responsabilité civile

Un RIB au nom du doctorant émis par une agence bancaire française

CV et lettre de motivation précisant en détail le projet de mobilité

Si vous êtes en situation de handicap, l’attestation de handicap (MDPH).

Candidature à déposer avant le 22/01/2024 Lien pour candidater

Label européen

l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris délivre le label « Doctorat Européen » ou « Doctor Europaeus ». Il s'applique au diplôme national de doctorat, déjà reconnu à l'international dans le cadre du systèmeL.M.D, et qui permet la reconnaissance de la dimension européenne du  projet doctoral. En savoir plus  

  • Procédure de soutenance
  • Modèle de couverture (Docx)
  • Modèle de couverture (odt)
  • Modèle de couverture (Latex)
  • Déclaration de maîtrise de la langue de rédaction
  • Engagement de confidentialité public
  • Demande de soutenance Huis clos
  • Accord de confidentialité jury avec huis clos
  • Accord de confidentialité rapporteur avec huis clos
  • Mise en place accord confidentialité sans huis clos
  • Accord de confidentialité jury sans huis clos
  • Accord de confidentialité rapporteur sans huis clos

Demande de participation à une soutenance en visio

  • Autorisation à filmer la soutenance
  • Formulaire de rectification STEP

Withdrawal of diplomas

During the doctoral graduation ceremony:

Please go to the graduation office present at the ceremony, with a valid identity document (French national identity card, passport, driving license)

Come and collect your diploma from your institution’s education service

Please go to doctoral school administration office during the opening hours, with a valid identity document (French national identity card, passport, driving license). The administration office will get in touch with you when the diploma is ready

Have it collected from the administration office by a third party

Establish a power of attorney for this third party ( see Annex 1 ).

Provide a copy of the PhD’s valid identity document and inform the third party that he/she will have to bring his/her valid identity document (French national identity card, passport, driving license)

Please send an email to the administration office and attach the requested documents to this e-mail.

The administration office will get in touch with you when the diploma is ready.

Receive your diploma in a French consulate or Embassy abroad:

The diploma will be sent via the diplomatic bag service to the French embassy concerned: find the French consulate or embassy abroad closest to the place of your residence abroad

Make a request to send the diploma abroad ( see Annex 2 )

You need to provide a document showing your residence abroad, and Provide a copy of a valid identity document (French national identity card, passport, driving license)

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris will award annually three prizes to the students who have produced the best PhD thesis and made the most outstanding contributions in one of the following fields: Physics; Biology and Chemistry; Information, Communications, Electronics; Computer Science, Data, and Artificial Intelligence; Engineering, Mechanics, and Energetics; Economics, Management, and Social Sciences and Mathematics.

Application Procedure & Creteria

  • PhD thesis awards 2022
  • PhD thesis awards 2023
  • Doctoral charter at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris
  • Rules of Procedure of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris Doctoral School
  • Rules of Procedure at EDMH

The Golden Rules for PhD supervision provide a set of best practices for both PhD students and supervisors. These rules emphasise the shared responsibility and expectations of both the supervisor and PhD student. 

Discover the guide

  • Submit an thesis subject
  • Download the form

2023 PhD Graduation Ceremony

The IP-Paris PhD graduation ceremony will take place on Friday May 26th, 2023 at amphithéâtre Poincaré at Ecole Polytechnique.

math phd in france


  • Procédure of thesis defense
  • International Co-supervision
  • Thesis under a CIFRE agreement . If you need a letter of support from the doctoral school for your CIFRE thesis, complete this form.
  • Training courses
  • Organization Chart Graduate School 

Discover the welcome book

Graduate School IP Paris pôle Doctorat Télécom Paris 19, place Marguerite Perey 5ème étage - CS 20031 F-91123 Palaiseau Cedex


IP Paris Doctoral School

Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics

Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics

Elie Kadoche, IP Paris candidate, qualified in the National Final of the MT 180 competition

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  • Campus maps |

Mathematics at the highest level

The Department of Mathematics of Pierre and Marie Curie University, which is called in French Faculté de Mathématiques Pierre et Marie Curie, includes all the teaching and research units of the university in mathematics.

With around 270 assistant professors, professors and researchers, who supervise some 250 postgraduate students, and with an engineering, technical and administrative staff of 50 people, the Department of Mathematics is one of the largest centers in the world for education and research in the fields of pure and applied mathematics.

Each year, a number of European and foreign mathematicians visit the department in order to attend specialized courses or participate in research programs – students, PhD candidates, postdocs and experienced researchers.

math phd in france

Von Neumann Lecture: Sylvain Sorin

Sylvain Sorin, Professor at the University of Paris VI (Pierre and Marie Curie), has been selected to present the von Neumann Lecture at the 2016 World Congress of the Game Theory Society.

  • Lire cet article en Version française

Hervé Le Dret

Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics

33 1 44 27 72 02

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» More details +Access and campus map

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  • PhD track in Mathematics and applications

The PSL PhD track in Mathematics and Applications is a fully-funded 5-year program structured around two phases. During the first phase, students draw on courses from PSL’s research master in Mathematics and Applications and start working towards their research project. The research master is a stepping-stone towards the second phase of the PhD track, during which students work on their research project in one of PSL’s labs ( CEREMADE or DMA ). During that second phase, students are mentored to gain state-of-the-arts research methods, write academic papers, present at academic conferences and prepare for the academic job market. | Application deadline:  3 january 2023 |

Visuel Maths

PHASE 1 | Research Master in Mathematics and applications

PhD track students will complete their research master (Year 2) in the Applied and Theoretical Mathematics (MATH) track. Students will explore advanced topics in mathematics in an up-to-date, transversal and transdisciplinary manner. They will gain expert knowledge in theoretical and applied mathematics through research-oriented classes and multiple internship opportunities. Please note: The Master's program (2 years) can be adapted for students who already have a Master's degree (or who have validated a Master's degree Year 1)   

Phase 2 | Doctoral studies

During their doctoral years, students will benefit from the following programs:

  • PSL interdisciplinary courses: PSL is a strongly interdisciplinary university with special courses that cut across our disciplinary graduate programs and are open to all graduate students
  • A CEREMADE Colloquium seminar is organized once a month (Master and PhD)
  • Students  are strongly advised to attend
  • An Analysis and Probability seminar takes place once a week (3 times a month), it is also recommended to participate. 

Resources for prospective students

Contact:  [email protected] Applications: 17 october - 11 december 2023

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Doctoral programs


The FSMP is a partner in the COFUND MathPhDInFrance international docroral training program, cofunded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions within the framework of the European Horizon Europe programme “Marie Sklodowska-Curie Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes” (Grand Agreement n°101126554). MathPhDInFrance  offers grants for co-tutored theses between a laboratory in the Paris region and one in another. Next call for applications in December 2024. Read more ...


The international Doctoral Training in Mathematical Sciences in Paris -  MathInParis2020  - Cofunded by Marie Sklodowska‑Curie Actions within the framework of the European Horizon 2020 program (Grant Agreement n° 945332),  offered 40 PhD fellowships  through two calls in 2020 and 2021. This program no longer accepts applications. Read more...

Stays for PhD students

The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris finances, for doctoral students who are members of a  laboratory affiliated with the foundation , scientific research stays in external laboratories (French or foreign) for periods of at least one month.


The Qube Research and Technologies (QRT) endowment fund finances a three-year doctoral contract each year as part of its sponsorship program to support and promote mathematics and science. This is done with the help of the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP), through the doctoral schools within its scope.

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PhD Program

Please consult the Institut Polytechnique de Paris website for more information about the programs

Program Overview

Ecole Polytechnique offers a five-year program designed for outstanding students of all nationalities. The Program involves a combination of an MSc (2 years) and a PhD (3 years).

Starting from the first year of the program, students work closely with academic tutors who will oversee their progress and help customize their training with regards to their own interests and goals. Affiliation to Ecole polytechnique is required during most of the program.

Institut Polytechnique de Paris is a newly created institution, which unites five established and prestigious graduate engineering schools: Ecole Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis, who share the ambition to create a world-class institution of higher education. 

The graduate programs offer a wide range of courses in Mathematics, Computer Science, Chemistry, Economics, Energy, Mechanics, Innovative Industry and their applications in Data Science, Finance, Biological Sciences, Physics and many other related fields. English is the language of instruction for the majority of our courses.  The campus of Institut Polytechnique de Paris is located in Palaiseau, in the heart of one of the world’s top 10 Industry and Innovation Clusters.   Please consult the Institut Polytechnique de Paris website for more information about the programs.

Registration is open! Click here to apply to IP Paris Programs

Program Structure


The first two years of the Program are based on a custom selection of taught modules and lab experience, giving students the tools required to continue with a challenging three-year long-term research project, leading ultimately to a PhD degree.

While the Program is rather demanding, students have the flexibility to define their own goals and research interests within their chosen discipline during the first two years.

Students may also have the possibility to start the PhD Program in the second year of the MSc (4-year PhD program). In either case, progression to PhD study requires successful completion of the MSc.

Years 1 and 2 (MSc)

  • At the end of the fall term students are required to submit a mid-year progress report and, with their tutor, define a research project and choose a lab and a team.
  • A progress meeting and discussion of the study plan are held at the end of each year. Students may leave the PhD Program after Years 1 or 2 for personal or academic reasons; in this latter case, they may complete the Master's Program.
  • Students are expected to complete an intensive research internship at the end of Years 1 and 2 of the Program.  

Years 3 to 5 (PhD)

  • During this period, at least one year must be spent teaching, participating in a scientific outreach program or consulting for industry.
  • There are annual progress reports at the end of Years 3 and 4, plus a provisional timeline for Year 5 drawn up at the end of Year 4.
  • Students complete a written dissertation demonstrating the results of original research that meet the requirements for a PhD.
  • Students must also successfully complete an oral defense of their PhD research.  

Areas of Research

Students involved in the PhD Program benefit from the attention and expertise of renowned experts in the following areas of research:

- Partial Differential Equations
- Stochastic Dynamics

- Interacting Particles

- Numerical Analysis and Numerical Probability

- Statistical Learning and Computational Statistics

- Optimal Control and Differential Games

- Automatics and Robotics

- Inverse Problems

- Applications in Mechanics and Physics
- Evolution and Population Dynamics

- Biology

- Economics
- Finance

- Shape Optimization

- Signal and Image Analysis

- Data Science

- Biology and Interfaces

- Molecular Chemistry - Chemistry of Materials

- Algorithms
- Complexity
- Combinatorics
- Constraints and Optimization
- Bioinformatics
- Concurrent and Distributed Systems
- Security and Networks
- Control (Hybrid) and Cyberphysical Systems
- Symbolic Computation
- Proofs and Types
- Verification
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Econometrics
- Financial Economics
- Economic Theory
- Experimental Economics
- Behavioral Economics
- Game Theory
- Industrial Organization
- International Trade
- Spatial Economics
- Public Economics
- Public Finance
- Labor Economics

Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

- History of Science and Technology - Business and Corporate History - Political Science - Ethics and Philosophy - Literature and Science - Cultures and Globalization

- Fluid and Solid Mechanics - Environmental and Geophysical Science - Bio-mechanics

- Physics of the Two Infinities - High-energy Physics - Optics, Lasers, and Plasmas - Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, Information, and Communications - Condensed Matter - Materials - Energy

- Algebra and Number Theory - Analysis and Partial Differential Equations - Geometry and Dynamical Systems



The Research Center comprises 23 laboratories:

  • BIOC - Biochemistry Laboratory
  • CMAP - Applied Mathematics Center
  • CMLS - Laurent Schwartz Mathematics Center
  • CPHT - Theoretical Physics Center
  • IPVF - The Institut Photovoltaïque d’Île-de-France
  • LSO - Organic Synthesis Laboratory
  • LADHYX - Hydrodynamics
  • LCM - Molecular Chemistry Laboratory
  • LIX - Computer Science Laboratory
  • LLR - Leprince-Ringuet Laboratory for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
  • LMD - Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory
  • LMS - Solids Mechanics Laboratory
  • LOA - Applied Optics Laboratory
  • LOB - Optics and Bioscience
  • LPP - Plasma Physics Laboratory
  • LSI - Irradiated Solids
  • LULI - Intense Lasers Laboratory
  • PICM - Physics of Interfaces
  • PMC - Condensed Matter Physics
  • EXCESS Laboratory (ENSAE-X Center in Economics, Statistics and Sociology)
  • I³ - CRG Center for Management Studies
  • LinX - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de l'X

Costs and Funding

  • Annual registration fees: €256 (rate applicable in 2017-18)
  • Annual compulsory social security fees: €217 (rate applicable in 2017-18)

An annual scholarship of € 8,000 minimum, funded by the “ E cole Polytechnique Foundation ”, may be granted to the best applicants.

  • Successful applicants will obtain a three-year PhD scholarship with a minimum monthly gross salary of €1,750 (rate applicable in 2017-18).
  • Annual registration fees: €391 (rate applicable in 2017-18)

Entry Requirements

Academic ability: Applicants are chosen according to the excellence of their academic qualifications ( Licence , bachelor's or equivalent qualification) in a relevant discipline.

During the first two years of the program, students hold the status of master's student. They then obtain PhD candidate status upon successful completion of their master's degree with distinction. Students wishing to continue in the PhD program must submit a formal application after completion of the Master's Program.

Application Process

Applications for the 2019 intake are now closed. Applications for the Fall 2020 intake will open in January 2020.  

  • Applicants should demonstrate their strong interest in research in a written personal statement.
  • Two letters of recommendation from renowned academics supporting the application (motivation and suitability for research) are required.
  • The application includes an interview to evaluate students’ academic abilities, research interests and motivation.
  • Final admission into the Program is dependent on the fulfillment of the university's admission rules for an MSc.
  • Shortlisted applicants are assigned a tutor who helps define a provisional five-year study plan. (This may be done via videoconference, however face-to-face meetings are preferred.)

math phd in france


18 phd-in-mathematics PhD positions in France

Filtered by.

  • phd-in-mathematics

Refine Your Search

  • Scholarship 18
  • Research Job 1
  • Ecole Centrale de Lyon 1
  • Institut Pasteur 1
  • Laboratoire I3S - CNRS (UMR 7271) 1
  • Various research centres in France 1
  • Computer Science 8
  • Mathematics 3
  • Psychology 2
  • Environment 1
  • Humanities 1
  • Materials Science 1

PhD in mathematics (M/F) (H/F)

23 May 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company CNRS Department Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions Research Field Mathematics History » History of science Researcher Profile First Stage Researcher (R1

PhD in mathematics in the domain of statistical physics M/F

mathematical studies. One of the main objectives of the PhD is the general derivation of the hydrodynamic limit of the FEP with boundary conditions. Preliminary results were obtained in the case where the FEP is

Paid PhD fellowships

AUFRANDE is offering 15+ PhD fellowships in the fields of Physics, Computer Sciences, Geosciences, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics , Mechanics, Acoustics, Chemistry, Photonics and other related

PhD thesis in probability (M/F)

2 Jun 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company CNRS Department Laboratoire de Probabilités, Statistique et Modélisation Research Field Mathematics History » History of science Researcher Profile

PhD (M/F) Study of behaviours predictive of well-being and school persistence

4 Jun 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company CNRS Department Laboratoire d'informatique en image et systèmes d'information Research Field Computer science Mathematics » Algorithms Researcher

PhD Thesis - Error-Correction Coding for Reliable DNA Storage

synthesis, sequencing, and storage. This PhD position offers an opportunity to contribute to the domain of error correction in DNA storage systems. The PhD student will focus on designing, implementing, and

PhD thesis in System, Control and Signal Processing - Robust System Optimization for better energy efficiency in Advanced Silicon Systems

tools coming from Control and System theory, Signal Processing and Mathematical Optimization. Research field presentation : This work is part of the European SOIL project, which aims to make the most

Fully funded NLP/ML PhD position (M/F): Language modeling under distribution shifts

24 May 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company CNRS Department Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique Research Field Engineering Computer science Mathematics Researcher Profile

(M/F) PhD offer : Automatic prediction of intonation from speech gestures

25 May 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company CNRS Department Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique Research Field Engineering Computer science Mathematics Researcher Profile First Stage

PhD grant (3 years)

-doc and PhD ) funded by an ERC Starting Grant (European Research Council; PI: Mathieu Servant; https://sites.google.com/view/mathieu-servant/accueil ). The 5-year project ITDA aims at elaborating

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  • Other Research Opportunities in France
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  • Come to France with the status of an invited professor
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  • Scholarships for Indian Students
  • Tuition fees benefits
  • France Excellence Charpak Scholarship
  • Bourses pour études religieuses
  • Raman Charpak Fellowship
  • Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program
  • French+Sciences Scholarship
  • Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA)
  • EU-MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • Franco Indian Education Trust Scholarships
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Mathematics Studies in France

Mathematics Studies in France

France offers a range of courses in both Fundamental and Applied mathematics and yes, It is possible to study in English! Come, discover and #ChooseFrance as your destination for higher education.

Watch the webinar on Mathematics Studies in France! To watch more such webinars, attend our Virtual Education Fair! 

  Register Now!

French Universities in the top international rankings

French Universities are recognized internationally for their excellence in Mathematics. French Mathematicians have won 12 Fields Medals to date, the 2nd country in the league table.

The high ranking combined with generous state subsidies and plenty of scholarship opportunities means that France offers one of the most cost-effective high-quality tertiary education in the world.

6 French universities feature in the Top 100 universities for Mathematics research in the world (QS World University Rankings 2020) and increasingly, most top universities are starting to teach in English, opening up to a wider cohort of students.

Cost of Education in France

France has long placed a lot of emphasis on investment in basic Sciences Research. This is evident from a large number of publicly funded research organizations in France, CNRS, INRIA etc. besides well funded doctoral schools within universities.

For international students, this translates to high-quality education at a very reasonable price. In most basic science courses in state universities, including Mathematics, the entire tuition fees are almost never borne by the student. Students are instead required to pay government-mandated registration fees for their courses which are very nominal (2770 EUR for Bachelors and 3770 EUR for masters in most cases)

A French government agency dedicated to Indian students

Campus France, the national agency for the promotion of Higher Education in France, has an extensive directory with lists of all mathematics courses available in English and French in France. Click here to find your next bachelor or master course and here for a PhD degree.

Campus France is present across 12 cities across India. Through their nearest Campus France office, students are able to find up to date information on courses, their admissions procedure and associated scholarships. Admissions advice can be sought for every level of studies, from bachelors to PhD and even short term summer programmes. Get in touch with your nearest office today!

In a webinar dedicated to Mathematics Education in France on 19th January 2020. Mr Aveek Mukherjee, VP of SaaS Business and Analytics for Spideo and Alumna of INP Grenoble shared his personal experience of studying in France and how it helped build his career "I chose INP Grenoble for my studies because of the quality of education foremost.....The effective cost of my education was even cheaper than in India."

Dr Stephéne Nonnenmacher, head of the Hadamard Doctoral School, itself named after the famous French Mathematician Jacques Hadamard, pointed out that "a third of our doctoral students are international students, coming from some 40 different countries, including India" showcasing the diversity of the student body at the tertiary level.

Dr Christophe Giraud, head of the Mathematics Masters Programme at Université Paris Saclay expressed his excitement for the new developments in the applied mathematics domain, of which France is at the forefront, especially in the fields of Deep Learning, Prediction and optimization problems. It truly is an exciting time to study Mathematics in France.

For more information: www.cnrs.fr/en doctorat.campusfrance.org taughtie.campusfrance.org


To find out more information and options for the various business school programs suiting your candidature, we urge all students to register   for our upcoming virtual Choose France Tour scheduled inion 26-27th February 2021. 

Our fairs are privileged opportunities to interact directly with representatives and alumni from the best public and private institutions. From the safety of your home, you get a unique opportunity for  one-on-one meetings  with the schools. These individual e-meetings will allow you to share your CV and receive  free counseling , directly from the schools, on how to apply for the next intake. 

                       Register Now - Choose France Tour

CFT 2021

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FAQ How can I find the right programme for me in the French higher education system?

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How to join PhD in Mathematics in France? [closed]

I am interested in joining a PhD program in Mathematics in France. Now I am a Master's degree student in India.

My research interests include Differential Geometry (in particular, Hyperbolic Geometry). I want to take admission into Université Paris-Saclay (more especially, Université Paris-Sud, École Polytechniqué), University of Strasbourg etc.

Can you please advise me how one could join the institutes as a PhD student?

Thanking in advance.

  • graduate-admissions
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  • 4 Don't each of them have a web site that explains admissions to doctoral programs? –  Buffy Commented Jul 24, 2021 at 19:24

I suggest you have a look at this page : https://www.campusfrance.org/en/how-to-enrol-Doctorate-France and then specific universities pages.

I recommend you act swiftly as the process tends to start much earlier in the year, several offers have now been filled, but there are probably still some good opportunities if your search is wide enough.

Edit : here are some more details. On the following page you will see the results of the Masters students that have been accepted to a PhD position in mathematics at the University of Grenoble, which is strong in differential geometry. https://www.adum.fr/as/ed/page.pl?site=edmstii&page=alloc_modalite

As you can see : A) the deadline to apply was in june B) the results show that all but one students whogot accepted had done a Masters in France. This is not surprising since in mathematics most PhD positions are reserved for this case, i.e. this natiowide process where applicants with a french Masters are numerous and usually take up most of the positions since coming from a french Masters allows professors to get the grades of these students and the opinions of the colleagues who thaught them during the Masters. It's difficult to judge the level of an international student unless their candidacy has strong backing from a researcher whom the french ones know.

So to achieve your goal you'd have more chance to do a Masters in France next year, try to be among the top students, and apply. To succeed this year your Masters thesis should be really good, and you should have a recommendation letter from a good researcher, and finally you should try to see if a university, or a researcher with a special kind of grant, has some unfilled positions.

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Studying mathematics abroad - specifically France

I have tried to avoid asking a "soft question" on here because I'm not sure if they are appreciated or not. However, this is one that has been bothering me. I was recently talking to a few friends of mine about my desire to study in France. I have a B.S. in Math, and am working towards a Master's degree.

We poked our noses around and posted various threads on different websites. So far we have gotten a lot of advice such as "Don't waste your time." Or other things such as "French universities have terrible math programs." However, constructive advice has eluded our questions. We are just generally met with antagonism towards the idea of studying in France.

My question is specifically this: what is a reasonable French university at which I can study mathematics. I would like to study in France. I have a reasonably strong command of the language. However, I may be hamstrung by the fact that I had only had ok/good grades in my math courses. Lot's of B's and B+'s. Anyway, I'm not looking for the oppurtunity to study at the grande ecoles. At the same time, I would not want to go to their equivalent of some sort of third-rate state university. I'm just interested in trying to seek out an oppurtunity to be abroad while studying mathematics.

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  • 2 $\begingroup$ Perhaps this is the place where Eric Naslund should be commenting ; he is a student at UBC who is currently doing his last year of B.S. at Ecole Polytechnique de Paris as we speak. @Eric Naslund : You gotta answer this one =) $\endgroup$ –  Patrick Da Silva Commented Nov 23, 2011 at 6:11
  • 2 $\begingroup$ The first warning I want to make is that the splitting points (=degrees) of a person's math education vary from one country to another. I don't know about France, but for example my Uni confers two levels of undergraduate degrees, and the upper one is translated as M.Sc. In terms of math exposure that master's degree is somewhere between a US bachelor or master's degree depending on A) how serious the student here was with his/her selectives and B) how much ivy your US college has. If you look for graduate programs, they usually mean doctorate only, and then a lot of B's becomes a problem. $\endgroup$ –  Jyrki Lahtonen Commented Nov 23, 2011 at 7:59
  • 1 $\begingroup$ It would help if you state your field of interest, so recommendations can be more tailored. $\endgroup$ –  Willie Wong Commented Nov 23, 2011 at 9:18
  • 2 $\begingroup$ Pure mathematics, specifically problems that exist within Topology and Geometry. $\endgroup$ –  emka Commented Nov 23, 2011 at 9:33
  • 1 $\begingroup$ the ENS Lyon has a very good group of geometers, as does the university of grenoble. also, as gunnar pointed out, you'll have all the choice you want in paris $\endgroup$ –  Albert Commented Nov 23, 2011 at 9:55

3 Answers 3

The French system is a bit weird. The best places to go are not the university, but the so-called «grandes écoles» . So if you want the best, you should go to either the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris, or the the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon, or the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Cachan or the Ecole Polytechnique. Beware that the selection level is quite high.

Now the second best places to go are big universities, which are not so bad. I recommend Jussieu (Université Paris 7), or Chevaleret (Paris 6). The main difference is that there is almost no selection at the first year undergrad level, whereas for the «grandes écoles» the selection is a huge national exam 2 years after high school... (you have to be in the first 200 out of several thousands to be in the ones I mentioned).

Hope that helps ! You should come, France is a nice country to study in ! =)

  • $\begingroup$ How is the competitiveness of admissions at such places. I'm not saying that my grades are terrible (B+'s and B's), but I am aware that they are not amazing either. Would places like Paris 6 and Paris 7 be reasonable places to apply to for a master's degree? $\endgroup$ –  emka Commented Nov 23, 2011 at 7:06
  • $\begingroup$ I don't know about the admission rate for foreign students. but I can tell you the level at Paris 6 in master 2 (I didn't see that at first) is very good, as lots of students from the Grandes Ecoles I mentionned go to this master when they're interested in academics. (it's a bit less true for paris 7). so expect to work hard ! $\endgroup$ –  Albert Commented Nov 23, 2011 at 10:00
  • 1 $\begingroup$ @emka I don't know whether you're still interested, but ENS Paris has a program called sélection internationale which is suitable for international students. No French is required before the examination. $\endgroup$ –  Yai0Phah Commented Feb 17, 2016 at 18:55
  • 1 $\begingroup$ And for the answer: international students are not usually selected through «concour», but a specific selection procedure is organized by ENS Ulm and X, respectively, as far as I know. $\endgroup$ –  Yai0Phah Commented Feb 17, 2016 at 18:58

I came to France to study after my bachelor's (which I did in Iceland). So far I've done my master's here and am finishing my PhD. I've spent my time here at the university in Grenoble.

I mostly concur with Glougloubarbaki. If your main objective is to study math, then try to go to a grande école, or go directly to a "Master 2" in a public university. This is the second year of masters, where you start specializing. The difference in dedication and skills of the students in public universities vs. grands écoles levels out during the M2.

If you want to take some time to see more of the culture and the country, then do the first year of master's in a public university as well, but know that if your background is strong you won't profit much from it.

As was already said, it is non-trivial to get into a grand école, but I recommend you try. You have about a 90% chance to get into any public university you want. I suspect the 10% failure rate is mostly due to papers getting lost along the way.

With these caveats in place, the question of which university to go to starts to depend an awful lot on what field you want to study for your masters. Different universities have different research groups. Paris has the advantage of having a lot of maths departments, so there is choice there, but other cities have good groups as well. For example, Grenoble has active groups in topology and algebraic geometry, some good analysis is coming out of Toulouse, etc. We might be able to give you some more detailed pointers if you tell us what you're interested in.

  • 2 $\begingroup$ Gunnar: your enumeration of active groups in Grenoble is cute. $\endgroup$ –  Did Commented Nov 23, 2011 at 22:22
  • $\begingroup$ @Didier: I meant no offence, I was just talking about the groups I know well. $\endgroup$ –  Gunnar Þór Magnússon Commented Jan 17, 2012 at 13:38

French system is unique regarding other countries in that fact that it is generally considered as a shame and a disgrace for a student to enter at 1st year of French public universities. This means that this student has failed to all the 'Grandes Ecoles' entry tests (Big Schools) but also to all the less prestigious engineering schools and the technology institutes - which are really like a thousands -

The paradox is that the teachers in these public universities come often themselves from the Elite Grandes Ecoles.

The other paradox is that a great deal of very good mathematician and scientists comes from public University despite this bad reputation.

For example Grothendieck did not come from the Ecole Normale Superieure but directly from the university of Montpellier.

At Phd level , students from Grandes Ecoles often enter directly public University.

Note that the mathematics taught at Msc level in Parisian Universities are often themselves quite good.

The French system is based on a sort of cruel and hard elitism which ages from Napoleon !st and most of the Grandes Ecoles do not provide Mathematicians but Engineers. Almost all Elite French Mathematicians come from one only ultra-selective school which is the Ecole Normale Superieure of Ulm.

This system seems a bit outdated by now and frankly a bit stupid ( I am from one of the top Grandes Ecoles myself )

With regards to the U.S system, the U.S system is for me unable to produce mathematicians on their ground, they need to constantly import them either from India, China, Russia or even France.

I wish we all could be like Grothendieck!

  • 2 $\begingroup$ I wish there are more men like Grothendieck! $\endgroup$ –  awllower Commented Mar 8, 2013 at 14:56
  • 1 $\begingroup$ Grothendieck attended seminars from Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Grothendieck $\endgroup$ –  Raymond Chenon Commented Mar 26, 2015 at 14:37
  • $\begingroup$ @raymond That not relevant to where Grothendieck got his education $\endgroup$ –  Zee Commented Mar 9, 2018 at 17:50
  • $\begingroup$ @Zee I was just pointing out despite Grothendieck not graduating from the Ecole Normale Superieure, he attended seminars there. $\endgroup$ –  Raymond Chenon Commented Mar 12, 2018 at 11:10

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math phd in france

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La France, les Français et même les francophones

Math PhD in France

I am a mathematics student from Portugal and I am very interested in taking a PhD in France, however I am finding the process quite confusing. As of now, I searched thoroughly universities in Paris and my understanding is that instead of applying to universities, I should apply to doctoral schools, which are are shared among various universities, is this correct?

For example, for Paris I came across "ED 386 École doctorale de Sciences Mathématiques de Paris Centre" and "École Doctorale de Mathematiques Hadamard" and these are the only ones I found, are there any others?

I understand the target audience for this post is narrow but I am hoping to find someone here that can help me and I wish to thank you in advance.

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School of Science

Mathematical sciences, ph.d in mathematics.

Exploring New Theories at the Forefront of Mathematics and its Applications

Doctoral studies form our core graduate program.  The faculty in the department excel in numerous areas of applied mathematics and are well versed in many related disciplinary fields, thus they are highly qualified to train graduate students and mentor them in producing high-quality research and dissertations at the intersection of mathematics and the sciences or engineering.  Our Ph.D. training opens doors to research careers in academia, government laboratories, and industry and our department has a strong record of placing Ph.D. students in prestigious postdoctoral positions at top-tier universities and labs, and in industrial positions.

Students working for the doctorate must demonstrate high achievement both in scholarship and in independent research. All programs must follow the general rules of the Office of Graduate Education .

Program of Study

The Ph.D. degree results from following a program of study in mathematics or in applied mathematics.


Students working for the doctorate must demonstrate high achievement both in scholarship and in independent research. All programs must follow the general rules of the Office or Graduate Education .

The student’s program of study must include:

  • At least six, 4-credit (nonthesis) graduate mathematics courses (i.e., those with numbers MATH 6XXX or MATP 6XXX).
  • At least one 3- or 4-credit course at the graduate (6000) level outside the department (i.e., not coded MATH or MATP and not cross-listed with any department course), selected in consultation with the math adviser.
  • All doctoral students must pass a written preliminary exam as well as an oral qualifying examination and complete an oral candidacy presentation.

In addition, the course MATH 6591 Research in Mathematics is strongly suggested. Any deviations from these requirements must have the approval of the Department’s Graduate Committee.

The program catalog can be found here .

Resources frequently used by graduate students in Mathematics can be found here .

Program Outcome

Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:

  • Demonstrate mastery of graduate-level courses covering a range of topics, including mathematical analysis, mathematical methods and modeling, computational mathematics, and operations research.
  • Demonstrate mastery of graduate-level courses in at least one area outside of mathematics.
  • Conduct high-quality original research on a topic in mathematics or applied mathematics with results suitable for journal publications and technical presentations.
  • Read and interpret research level articles in mathematics and develop new mathematical concepts.
  • Develop mathematical formulation and solution of scientific problems from a range of disciplines.
  • Communicate sophisticated mathematical ideas and concepts concisely and effectively in both oral and written form.

Financial Aid

There are several potential ways that a Math Sciences graduate student can get financial support while enrolled at RPI. The most common methods are:


There are many opportunities for students to obtain fellowships to support their graduate studies.  These fellowships can come from inside or outside the department or the Institute.  For example, recent fellowships have been available from the Department of Education, and there are competitive fellowships available from the National Science Foundation. The specifics of fellowships vary from year to year, and the  Graduate Student Coordinator has information on available fellowships and application procedures.  Your academic advisor in the department is another good source of information about fellowships. You should be sure to consider that the Math Sciences Department has guidelines for continuation of support for doctoral students. Graduate students who receive full support from the Department should plan to complete their doctoral programs within four or five years. Students can expect that their support will continue through this period, provided that they continue to make satisfactory progress toward their degree and they continue to perform well in their teaching assignments. "Satisfactory progress" means completing courses, required examinations (preliminary, qualifying, and candidacy), selecting a research area, and making progress toward completing a thesis. If a student requires support beyond the fifth year, each situation will be considered individually.

Teaching Assistantship

Teaching Assistant (TA) assignments vary significantly throughout Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In the Department of Mathematical Sciences, TA-ships are typically one-year appointments that cannot be extended for more than two years. They tend to be of two types. TA-ships can take the form of independent classroom teaching (often called recitations), which may include small lectures, problem solving, computer labs, grading, office hours, etc. The TA works with a TA Supervisor, who is the faculty member teaching the course. The vast majority of TA-ships are of this form. A few teaching assistantships take the form of grading and office hours only. All TA’s are required to participate in RPI’s TA Training Program as well as the Department’s TA Orientation prior to their first semester of teaching. In addition, all TA’s must attend the TA Seminar before or during their first semester of teaching at RPI. A graduate student, the Math Sciences Department Master TA, typically teaches this one-credit course (graded as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory). The topics of this course vary according to the needs of the participants. In the past they have included: Maple, Grading, Laptops, Composing Quizzes, Campus Resources, Academic Honesty, Proctoring Exams, Extra Help, Office Hours, Latex, Making a Syllabus, etc.  In addition, each TA has their class visited and feedback is provided.

Research Assistantship

Many faculty in the Math Sciences Department have research funding that can be used to support graduate students who are interested in doing research in their field. The Research Assistantships (RA’s) do not typically have any teaching component. This allows a graduate student to have more time to work on Master’s or Ph. D. research. This is a topic you may want to talk to your advisor about.

Academic Opportunities

Aerial view of RPI campus

Graduate Academic Awards

Academic awards for graduate students who demonstrated outstanding ability in his or her academic work.

Three students outside with landscape behind them

SIAM Student Chapter at RPI

SIAM exists to ensure the strongest interactions between mathematics and other scientific and technological communities through membership activities, publication of journals and books, and conferences.

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Europe: 20+ fully-funded PhD positions

Discover a wide range of courses and programs at prestigious universities across Europe in disciplines such as chemistry, biological sciences, biochemistry, biotechnology, engineering, molecular biology, medical sciences, agricultural sciences, soil science, environmental science, water science, physics,  mathematics, geosciences, computer science, industrial engineering, downstream processing, and more. Below is a list of schools offering the positions as well as direct links to the posts in the EURAXESS portal.

Here is a list of leading institutions providing these opportunities:

  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 
  • Medical University of Vienna
  • Institute of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine 
  • University of Bergen 
  • Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering POLYMAT Fundazioa
  • Université de Liège
  • Inserm U1297
  • Università Della Calabria 
  • Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (ACIB GmbH)
  • Lund University 
  • University of Salerno
  • University of Southern Denmark 
  • iBET - Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica 
  • INSA Rouen Normandie 
  • Hasselt University 
  • Institute of Agrophysics of Polish Academy of Sciences
  • University of Modena and Reggio Emilia 
  • University of Iceland Science Institute  

Seize the opportunity to advance your academic and research career. Apply now for doctoral (PhD) positions at these esteemed institutions:

PhD Student in Characterization and Recovery of Bionanoparticles for Vaccine Delivery and Gene Therapy, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)

PhD Student in the Huppa Lab at the Medical University of Vienna, Medical University of Vienna (Austria)

PhD Student in Molecular Biology, Oncology and Hematology, Institute of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine (Poland)

PhD Student in Causal Decision Making, University of Bergen (Norway) 

PhD Fellowship in Applied Chemistry and Polymeric Materials, Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering POLYMAT Fundazioa (Spain)

PhD Student in Characterization of thermo-hydro-mechanical properties of longwall goaf for geothermal energy storage in abandoned coal mines, Université de Liège (Belgium)

PhD Student in urinary cytokines for the early detection and outcome assessment of kidney injury, Inserm U1297 (Spain)

PhD Student in MetacMed - Acoustic and mechanical metamaterials for biomedical and energy harvesting applications, Università Della Calabria (Italy)

PhD Fellow in Wind Modeling, UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Norway) 

PhD Fellow in Geodynamics and Surface Processes, University of Bergen (Norway)

PhD Student in Separation and purification of bionanoparticles by convective material and 3D-printed material, Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (ACIB GmbH) (Austria)

PhD Student in Synchrotron Methods and Applications in Sweden, Lund University (Sweden)

PhD Student in Industrial Engineering (chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering) - University of Salerno (Italy) 

PhD Student in Model-based prediction of bionanoparticle separation by continuous ultracentrifugation and convective chromatography, Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (ACIB GmbH) (Austria)

PhD Student in LLM-assisted Multirobot Mission Planning and Control, University of Southern Denmark (Denmark)

PhD Student in Area of Natural Bioactives & Nutraceuticals, iBET - Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (Portugal) 

PhD Student in Electrochemical Gold-Catalysed Processes, INSA Rouen Normandie (France)

PhD Student quantum mechanical modelling of polymers, Hasselt University (Belgium)

PhD Student in legume-based diversification of cereal cropping systems, IRTA (Spain)

PhD Student in Splash phenomenon as a mechanism of transportation of soil bacteria, Institute of Agrophysics of Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)

PhD Research Fellow in applied and computational mathematics, University of Bergen (Norway)

PhD Student in Palynology, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)

PhD Student in AI-modelling of Powerful Microwaves in Fusion Plasmas, University of Southern Denmark (Denmark) 

PhD Student in personalized medicine in chronic kidney disease, Inserm U1297 (France)

PhD Student in method development and simulation of solid / liquid interfaces,

University of Iceland Science Institute (Iceland)

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  • Research Training Summary Template

By April 15th of a PhD student's second year, a written summary of work accomplished towards finding a research advisor and research area shall be submitted to the Graduate Program Advisor, to serve as the PhD candidate's Year Two milestone and annual evaluation. Although candidates are not beholden to any research advisor or area of study until the end of their third year, this summary shall primarily detail efforts made towards the advancement of the individual's research path. Students should mention guidance sought from potential advisors concerning what out-of-department courses and advanced APPM courses are best matched to their research interests. The document must also include an indication of how students will use their APPM summer fellowship to enhance their research training. For acceptable research training activities for Year Two, please see the first paragraph of the, "Dissertation Advisor, Faculty Mentor, and Research Plan," section of the Supplement. The summary should be signed by an APPM core faculty member relevant to the student's activities. Questions can be directed to [email protected] or the Graduate Program Chair.

  • Undergraduate Program
  • BAM-AMEN Program
  • BAM-STAT Program
  • MS in Applied Math with Track in Stats & Data Science
  • Certificate in Data Science Statistics
  • Applying to Graduate School
  • Supplement to Course Catalog
  • Research Plan Template
  • PhD Step-by-Step Guide
  • Past PhD Dissertations
  • MS Step-by-Step Guide
  • Fellowship Opportunities
  • Graduate FAQs
  • Exam Archives

CDS Welcomes Six New Faculty Members

The Faculty of Computing and Data Sciences (CDS) is excited to introduce six new faculty members to our team. These esteemed professionals are trailblazers in blending technology and data analysis across their disciplines. Their addition marks a major milestone for CDS and Boston University, reinforcing our dedication to advancing data science education and research.

Photo of Jeff Considine, BU CDS

Wayne Snyder , Lecturer in Computing & Data Sciences and Associate Professor Emeritus in Computer Science, earned his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania in 1988 with a thesis in Artificial Intelligence, focusing on computational approaches to algebraic reasoning. Upon joining BU, Wayne continued his research in computational logic with colleagues in France and Germany, and taught a wide range of courses from introductory computer science to advanced courses in programming languages and automated reasoning, making an indelible mark on generations of students. In recent years, he developed courses in Computational Audio and Natural Language Processing, demonstrating his versatility and dedication to staying at the forefront of the field. Read more .

Headshot of Seth Villegas, BU Faculty of Computing & Data Sciences

Seth Villegas , Lecturer in Computing & Data Sciences, is a philosopher whose main specialization is in technological ethics. He teaches the ethics component of several BU Spark! practicum courses and DS 380: Data, Society and Ethics. Seth is also a faculty contributor to the Online Master’s in Data Science (OMDS). With the help of Professors Neha Gondal and Wesley Wildman, he organizes a series of presentations every semester on computational methods as part of the Computational Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS) Initiative. Seth hosts a podcast, called DigEthix , that he hopes can demystify the ethical challenges of emerging technologies. Read more .

Headshot of Josh Von Korff, Lecturer at BU Faculty of Computing & Data Sciences

Josh Von Korff, Lecturer in Computing & Data Sciences, studied physics and math as an undergraduate at Harvard University and physics as a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to joining BU, Josh was a data scientist in industry for three years, including one year as a data science consultant.His work on education research involved teaching calculus in a physics context, including layers (constructing Riemann sums) and representations (graphs, tables, equations, and diagrams). He also studied infinitesimals, including amounts (mass) and changes (time). Further work involved the effectiveness of physics education reforms as well as the categorization of techniques for teaching physics labs. Read more .

BU CDS Scott Ladenheim

Scott Ladenheim , Assistant Professor in Computing & Data Sciences, works bidirectionally at the intersection of AI and physics, with a focus on applications towards fundamental physics discovery. His research examines how AI can be used to make better use of complex datasets from current and future experiments in cosmology, astrophysics, and particle physics across diverse modalities, scales, and physical systems. At the same time, he uses data from physics as a sandbox for methodological developments with broad applicability in the natural sciences, particularly focusing on neural approaches to simulation-based inference, scalable generative modeling, probabilistic/differentiable programming, and symmetry-preserving data processing. Read more here .

- Shanaya Udeshi, MS COM'25

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DU Professor Helps Solve Famous 70-Year-Old Math Problem

Jordyn reiland.

Jordyn Reiland writer

[email protected]

Assistant Professor Mandi Schaeffer Fry is the first faculty member to be published in the Annals of Mathematics since the 1880s.

University of Kaiserslautern Professor Gunter Malle, University of Denver Assistant Professor Mandi Schaeffer Fry and University of Valencia Professor Gabriel Navarro pose for a photo after announcing their theorem in Oberwolfach, Germany.

University of Kaiserslautern Professor Gunter Malle, University of Denver Assistant Professor Mandi Schaeffer Fry and University of Valencia Professor Gabriel Navarro pose for a photo after announcing their theorem in Oberwolfach, Germany.

Whether it be flying trapeze, participating in competitive weightlifting or solving math problems that have confounded academics for decades, Mandi Schaeffer Fry enjoys chasing the next adventure.

Schaeffer Fry, who joined the University of Denver’s Department of Mathematics in the fall of 2023, will be the first faculty member since the 1880s to be published in the Annals of Mathematics , widely seen as the industry’s most prestigious journal.

In 2022, Schaeffer Fry helped complete a problem that dates to 1955—mathematician Richard Brauer’s Height Zero Conjecture.

“Maybe one of the most challenging parts, other than the math itself, was the knowledge of the weight that this would have on the field,” Schaeffer Fry says. “If you’re going to make an announcement like this, you have to be darn sure that it’s absolutely correct.”

Over the years, number crunchers have worked on the problem at universities across the globe, and some found partial solutions; however, the problem was not completed until now.

“Mandi’s accomplishment is exciting. Solving Brauer's Height Zero Conjecture is remarkable,” Mathematics Department Chair Alvaro Arias says. 

The work is also a testament to DU’s achievement as a Research 1 (R1) institution.

Fry and her collaborators—University of Kaiserslautern Professor Gunter Malle, University of Valencia Professor Gabriel Navarro and Rutgers University Professor Pham Huu Tiep—worked around the clock over the course of three months in eight-hour shifts during the summer of 2022 to find a solution.

In April, that work was accepted for publication in the Annals of Mathematics.

'Brauer's Height Zero Conjecture (BHZ) was the first conjecture leading to the part of my field studying 'local-global' problems in the representation theory of finite groups, which seek to relate properties of groups with properties of certain nice smaller subgroups, letting us 'zoom in' on the group using just a specific prime number and simplify things," Schaeffer Fry says. 

"The BHZ gives us a way to tell from the character table of a group (a table of data that encodes lots, but not all, information about the group) whether or not certain of these subgroups, called defect groups, have the commutativity property," she adds.

This paper was especially meaningful to Schaeffer Fry as she had always wanted to work with Malle, Tiep and Navarro as they have been her primary mentors. Tiep was her PhD advisor and this was the first time they had worked together since then.

Fry believes she has solidified her place in the field and knows she’ll likely never top this accomplishment, but she’s always looking for the next adventure—whether that’s in or out of the classroom.

Flying high and pumping iron

When Schaeffer Fry isn’t on DU’s campus working with students or conducting research, you can find her flying trapeze and competitive weightlifting.

Schaeffer Fry became involved in competitive weightlifting during graduate school, and, in the last year of her PhD at the University of Arizona, she defended her dissertation one day and got on a plane and competed at the national level for “university-aged” athletes—which included Olympians.

While she now lifts weights more casually, Schaeffer Fry competed last September in an over-35 competition and qualified for the USA Weightlifting Masters National Championships.

Mandi Schaeffer Fry performs a trick on the trapeze.

It was a “field trip” during a conference in Berkeley, California, in 2018 that led Fry to become enamored with flying trapeze.

In fact, she enjoyed it so much she signed up to be a member of Imperial Flyers, an amateur flying trapeze cooperative located in Westminster. Once she found out about the sport, her previous experience as a gymnast made it a natural fit.

Not only is she working on her own intermediate tricks, she’s also a “teaching assistant” at Fly Mile High, the state’s only flying trapeze and aerial fitness school.

“It’s exhilarating; it’s gotten me a bit over my fear of heights,” she says.

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  19. Mathematics Studies in France

    A French government agency dedicated to Indian students. Campus France, the national agency for the promotion of Higher Education in France, has an extensive directory with lists of all mathematics courses available in English and French in France. Click here to find your next bachelor or master course and here for a PhD degree.

  20. graduate admissions

    I am interested in joining a PhD program in Mathematics in France. Now I am a Master's degree student in India. My research interests include Differential Geometry (in particular, Hyperbolic Geometry). I want to take admission into Université Paris-Saclay (more especially, Université Paris-Sud, École Polytechniqué), University of Strasbourg ...

  21. Studying mathematics abroad

    At Phd level , students from Grandes Ecoles often enter directly public University. Note that the mathematics taught at Msc level in Parisian Universities are often themselves quite good. The French system is based on a sort of cruel and hard elitism which ages from Napoleon !st and most of the Grandes Ecoles do not provide Mathematicians but ...

  22. Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics

    The purpose of the Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics (EDMH) is to consolidate all doctoral training in mathematics within the area covered by the University of Paris-Saclay, the Institut Polytechnique of Paris and the Paris Sciences & Lettres University. This training ranges from pure mathematics to the most applied mathematics, including ...

  23. Math PhD in France : r/france

    Math PhD in France . Aide Hello, I am a mathematics student from Portugal and I am very interested in taking a PhD in France, however I am finding the process quite confusing. As of now, I searched thoroughly universities in Paris and my understanding is that instead of applying to universities, I should apply to doctoral schools, which are are ...

  24. Ph.D in Mathematics

    Exploring New Theories at the Forefront of Mathematics and its Applications. Doctoral studies form our core graduate program. The faculty in the department excel in numerous areas of applied mathematics and are well versed in many related disciplinary fields, thus they are highly qualified to train graduate students and mentor them in producing high-quality research and dissertations at the ...

  25. Europe: 20+ fully-funded PhD positions

    PhD Student in Palynology, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy) PhD Student in AI-modelling of Powerful Microwaves in Fusion Plasmas, University of Southern Denmark (Denmark) PhD Student in personalized medicine in chronic kidney disease, Inserm U1297 (France) PhD Student in method development and simulation of solid / liquid interfaces,

  26. Faculty Appointed to Named Professorships

    Prior to this, she worked at Rice University and the California Institute of Technology, with visiting professorships across the globe at Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo in Firenze, Italy; Stanford University; and Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, France. Borcea's research is in applied mathematics.

  27. Applied Mathematics

    By April 15th of a PhD student's second year, a wr. By April 15th of a PhD student's second year, a written summary of work accomplished towards finding a research advisor and research area shall be submitted to the Graduate Program Advisor, to serve as the PhD candidate's Year Two milestone and annual evaluation.

  28. CDS Welcomes Six New Faculty Members

    Josh Von Korff, Lecturer in Computing & Data Sciences, studied physics and math as an undergraduate at Harvard University and physics as a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to joining BU, Josh was a data scientist in industry for three years, including one year as a data science consultant.His work on education research involved teaching calculus in a physics ...

  29. DU Professor Helps Solve Famous 70-Year-Old Math Problem

    Whether it be flying trapeze, participating in competitive weightlifting or solving math problems that have confounded academics for decades, Mandi Schaeffer Fry enjoys chasing the next adventure.Schaeffer Fry, who joined the University of Denver's Department of Mathematics in the fall of 2023, will be the first faculty member since the 1880s to be published in the Annals of Mathematics ...

  30. Raygun: Australian breaker earns mixed reviews, praised for 'courage

    Australian breaker Raygun earns mixed reviews, praised for 'courage' and 'character' after viral performances at Paris Games