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20 Creative Writing Jobs for Graduates (+ Entry-Level Positions)

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About Linnea Gradin

The editor-in-chief of the Reedsy Freelancer blog, Linnea is a writer and marketer with a degree from the University of Cambridge. Her focus is to provide aspiring editors and book designers with the resources to further their careers.

Being passionate about creative writing hasn’t always been associated with a stable career path, but that’s not to say that there aren’t any opportunities out there to bring well-written stories into your job. In fact, we’re here to talk about 20 different creative writing jobs — 20 professions that let the storyteller in you shine! We’ll discuss the industries, entry level jobs, and potential income for each job below. 

When it comes to creative writing, the first thing that pops up in our mind is books! While writing is the obvious option (and we’ll cover that later on in the post), most writers choose to work in one of the following positions in the publishing industry to gain financial stability first. 

❗ Note: The “per book” rates below are made with 50,000-60,000 word manuscripts in mind. 

1. Ghostwriter 

👨🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: freelance writer, ghostwriter, editorial assistant 

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $2,000-$9,000 per book or $0.10-$0.15 per word

If you’re all about creative writing but you’d prefer an upfront payment for your words, then ghostwriting is the job for you! Here’s how it works: an author hires you to help them write their story. It could (and usually is) a memoir or an autobiography which the author doesn't have the time or skills to write themselves. Fiction authors also sometimes use ghostwriters to help them write sequels and satisfy popular demands. 

Ghostwriters are freelancers, so you can start by getting some freelance writing gigs. As a beginner, you might start with short-form projects like articles, white papers, website content. Here are some resources, complete with tips from experienced professionals, that might be helpful:

  • How to Start Freelance Writing ( Read here )
  • How to Become a Ghostwriter ( Read here )
  • How Much Do Ghostwriters Make? ( Read here )

👩🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: editorial assistant

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $25,000-$30,000 per year or $800-$1,000 per book

Writing is actually not all there is to creative writing jobs — if you really love stories and are always finding ways to make a story better, then editing is a suitable profession for you. There are many types of editors: some, like development editors, work more on the plot and theme of the book, and others, like copy editors,  specialize on its language and style . 

Editorial assistant jobs are the common first steps to this career path. Entry-level positions are quite competitive in publishing, so you’ll likely need a relevant degree (English Literature, MFA, etc.) to get the job. 

Freelancing, as always, is an option, but it can be quite difficult to get clients if you start without any editing experience. Oftentimes, editors start working in-house and later transition to freelance . 

Below are some more resources for you if you want to pursue this career path:

  • How to Become an Editor: A Guide for Beginners ( Read here )
  • Copyediting Certificates: Do You Need One and Where to Get It? ( Read here )
  • Editor Salary: Can Your Skills Pay the Bills? ( Read here )
  • Working in Publishing: An Insider's Guide ( Read here )



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3. Proofreader

👨🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: freelance proofreader

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $20-$30 per hour or $550-$650 per book 

Proofreading comes after editing — the proofreader reads the manuscript one final time, after all the revisions are made, to see if any spelling and grammatical errors are missed out. They’re incredibly crucial to the production of a spotless book, so there’s never a shortage of proofreading work opportunities . 

This task is often done on a freelance basis, either by full-time freelancers or by editors who want to take on side jobs. You can specialize in proofreading alone, though most professionals will combine editing and proofreading crafts for better income. As a beginner, opportunities for short-form projects will often be more accessible — stay open-minded about taking them up, but also do some proofreading training to prepare for more exciting gigs. 

We’ve also got some resources for this topic for you to check out:

  • How to Become a Proofreader: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide ( Read here )
  • How to Choose Your Proofreading Rates ( Read here )

There’s more to journalism than just breaking news on CNN, which means there’s plenty of space for the creative writer in you to flourish in this industry! Let’s take a look at a couple of options you can consider. 

4. Columnist 

👩🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: fellowships, junior writer/columnist, freelance writer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $25,000-$35,000 per year or $100-$300 per piece 

If you like creative nonfiction , you probably have already considered becoming a columnist. In fact, you can even be a books columnist! Job options range from book-specific sites like Electric Literature or Literary Hub, to prestigious newspapers like The Guardian or The New Yorker. But that’s not necessarily the only thing you can write about! You can become a columnist in just about any topic, from social issues to entertainment, as long as you’re interested in the niche. 

Look out for fellowships and junior writing jobs in newspapers and magazines and get ready to apply! A degree in relevant subjects like Journalism or English Literature is a great advantage, though your ability to follow up on leads, conduct thorough research, and keep up with the latest trends in a certain niche will be carefully assessed. You can also be a contributing writer first to forge a relationship with the editors before going after a full-time position. 

👨🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: junior writer, freelance writer

There’s a fine line between a critic and a columnist: critics are usually more academically inclined, and they often work more on the arts than columnists. Columnists cover social issues, sports, entertainment in their more general sense, while critics while home in on a particular piece of art, literature, theatre, or movie to offer expert assessment of it. 

Similar to the columnists, you can begin with junior writing positions and freelance gigs, in which you build up a writing portfolio of relevant work . Ideally, critics will be more savvy to the technicalities of whatever subject you critique — be it filmography or literature. In other words, formal training like a bachelor’s degree is a good launch pad. 

6. News journalist 

👩🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: staff writer/journalist

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $30,000-$35,000 per year 

Writing news articles is different from the writing column pieces: a journalist must maintain an impartial voice and be succinct. Moreover, you’re always looking out for the latest story, whether on social media or on the street (which is where your love for creative writing can come in). 

The most common way to get into news journalism is to get a salaried position. You can also apply to internships as well, and there are compensated ones to look out for. What you will need is a degree and some journalist training so that you can use shorthand, know what makes a good story, and know what sources to chase, among other things. 

7. Investigative journalist 

👨🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: staff writer/journalist

And what if you’re a fan of true crime ? You might find yourself drawn to investigative journalism! You can chase the tail of anything under the sun, from kidnappings to factory production, from local to international events, so long as there’s an uncovered story there. The topic will often be assigned to you by an editor, and you’ll be given some time to collect information and write the article. It’s a slower pace than daily news, but it’s thrilling nonetheless. 

Similar to the news path, you’ll likely start off with an internship or a junior writing position. With this job opportunity, you can build a portfolio that demonstrates your ability to peel back the layers of the onion to reveal new insights to a matter. Again, a degree and training in journalism are essential. 


Copywriting is writing to sell a product or service, and it could be anything from newsletter emails to slogans to even commercial scripts! There’s definitely a creative element to it, as you’re always looking for a unique and memorable way to capture the attention of consumers. And since it's so rooted in consumption culture, copywriting is definitely a writing career that's in demand!

Below are several types of copywriting jobs you can go into. 

8. Technical copywriter

👩🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: technical writer, freelance writer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $32,000-$38,000 per year 

A technical writer works on instructional materials for manuals, white papers, and other informative pieces of writing. A technical copywriter combines that level of specialty with marketing tactics, thereby focusing on promoting products and services that are a bit more, well, technical. Think electronic companies, software developers, repair and maintenance services. 

Ideally, you’d have some education or experience in technical sectors (i.e. IT, engineering, finance). That way, you won’t take too much time to familiarize yourself with the jargon, and employers are more likely to hire you. You can also begin with technical writing, if you don’t mind working on material that’s a bit less creative. 

9. Advertising copywriter

👨🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: junior copywriter, communications copywriter

For a more creative writing job, you can go for advertising. This often involves a lot of brainstorming with the creative team of your agency to come up with advertisement campaigns that will leave a mark. When working on this you can write all kinds of content, from slogans to image copies to web content. 

Having a bachelor’s degree in marketing or an essay-based discipline is usually beneficial if you’re looking for this kind of job. You can work for a big brand, which will constantly be needing new content, or you can work for a marketing agency, tailoring your work to every client. 

10. PR copywriter

👩🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: junior copywriter

Public relations (PR) is, simply put, the art of building a good reputation, whether that’s for an individual or a brand. You’ll work on press releases, report and presentation writing, material for internal and external communications to present your client’s motivation and direction. 

For this kind of job, the precision of your language and your ability to stay up to date with the competitors will be important. A degree in communications or business administration are a plus point. And as is often the case in most writing jobs, the ability to find the human story behind everything will be your best tool. 

Content Marketing

Nowadays, traditional marketing on TV, billboards, and posters are only a part of the industry, the other is all about online content. And with so many things zooming about on the Internet, every company will be looking for the most creative person to help them stand out. Which means you get plenty of opportunities to be imaginative, working on website content, blog posts, social media posts, and even videos.

11. Social media manager 

👨🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: assistant/junior/freelance social media specialist

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $20-$30 per hour or $30,000-$35,000 per year 

With our evermore online world, social media-related jobs definitely is a writing career that's in demand. So many things can happen on social media — you might very well go viral overnight! The challenge is getting there. As a social media manager, you get to be the voice of the company, interacting with customers in a friendly, casual way, while also learning their habits and preferences so that you and others on your team can better engage with them. 

This is a relatively hands-on job, so experience running a public social media account is the best thing you can have on your CV. A degree in communications can be beneficial, though many job postings don’t require anything specific.

12. Blogger

👩🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: blogger, freelance writer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $0.10-$0.15 per word

Blogging is probably something you’re familiar with as a writer — but do you know it can earn you a good penny? By focusing on a specific subject (it can be books , technology, fashion, the freelance life, etc.), you can attract companies who are looking to strengthen their brand awareness and will sponsor you. It’ll take time to build an attractive platform, but it’s definitely possible. 

Beyond that, you can write for others as well. There are plenty of websites that promote creative writing jobs all over, so you can sift through them for the suitable ones. No degree requirements for this job, just your skill with a (proverbial) quill! 

13. Content creator 

👨🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: content marketer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $27,000-$34,000 per year 

If you’re happy to do a bit of everything, then apply to become a content creator. You’ll also get to collaborate with a team to come up with an overall strategy in this position.

You can work for all kinds of companies in this career. A bachelor’s degree in Marketing, English, Communications are highly relevant, though adjacent, essay-based subjects tend to do the job, too. Brushing up on search engine optimization (SEO) is also wise. 

Pop culture, the latest rumors and gossip, interesting observations served on a pretty platter — if any of that sounds interesting to you, you can jump into the media industry. Here are some job options if you want to take this route. 

14. Screenwriter

👩🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: assistant/associate writer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $20-$30 per hour or $9,000-$15,000 per project 

Everyone of us has probably at one point or another thought about entering the film and TV industry, and that career goal is definitely achievable, if you know where to look. A lot of people start with assistant positions to learn the ropes and get an opportunity to work on bigger productions. If you prefer to write from the get-go, you can go for lower-budget projects. 

To get one of the assistant positions and put yourself out there, touch up on craft skills like plotting, story structures , character-building to be prepared. No qualifications are specified in most cases. 

15. Broadcast journalist 

👨🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: staff writer

We’ve covered written news — now comes broadcast news. From televised reports to radio sessions, you can be the writer behind the words that reporters or presenters read out. It’s a fast-paced job that deals with the latest real-life stories, which can be incredibly rewarding, even if it’s not explicitly creative. 

Many broadcast journalists work project by project (unless it’s periodical news), almost like a freelancer. You’ll still need to have all the skills necessary to put together a good news story, so some journalist training will be beneficial. 

16. Podcaster 

👩🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: assistant/associate writer or producer 

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $18-$25 per hour, or $26,000-$32,000 per year 

Along the same lines as a broadcast journalist is the job of a podcaster. This is a bit more topical than journalism, and you can really home into certain fields and explore it in depth. Another special thing about podcasters is they usually host the shows, too! So if you’re confident about your voice, and about interviewing others, there’s no reason not to try this out. 

As with screenwriting, the route to get into this sector can be a little bit challenging, since it’s often a case of catching an opportunity from the right people at the right time. Which is why assistant jobs are a strong start. 

And finally, we arrive at the section that hopeful writers often dream about more than anything else. Getting your book out in the world is not easy, it requires not just time and effort but also finances, if only to keep you afloat while completing the manuscript. That said, it’s possible to do it on the side with another full-time job, as is the case for most published writers. 

The cool thing about this career is that you are your own boss — i.e. there are no entry level positions. You are an author the day you call yourself one. 

17. Short story writer

Short stories are charming in their own right, and with the booming literary magazine sphere , there’s no shortage of space to get your words out there into the world. Publishing an anthology with a publisher is also an option but it’s harder — you often need to have an established career first. 

In any case, most magazines aim to have enough funds to pay their contributors. Small ones can pay $15-$20 per story, bigger ones $100-$200. You can also enter writing contests to win higher prizes .

18. Novelist 

Being a novelist comes with the difficulty of having the time and finances to write a full draft before you can propose it to publishers, or even publish it yourself. It’s a long commitment, and it doesn’t guarantee a payoff. If it does get printed, a book deal can get you an advance in the $5,000-$15,000 range. If you self-publish, what you get depends on how well you market your books — emphasis on the plural noun!

That said, it’s not impossible. We’ve got a whole post on how to become a novelist here if you want some pointers from famous writers like Anne Lamott and Zadie Smith! Read it here .

19. Nonfiction author 

Who says creative writing jobs have to be all about fiction? Creative nonfiction is a growing field that’s always welcoming new stories. From memoirs and biographies to true crime, from self-help to essay collections, you can focus on many different topics with this option. 

The nice thing about it all is that unlike fiction writers, you can pitch your book to publishers before you complete a whole manuscript for nonfiction titles, meaning you can be guaranteed some kind of results before you start writing. The advance amount is similar to that for novels.

And last but not least, you can become a poet! Poets tell stories with rhythm and rich imagery, and not just on paper but also with their voice. Performing poetry is one of the special advantages that comes with this form of writing. Not only does it let you and the audience experience in a new way, it’s also a great opportunity to grow as an artist. 

On top of that, you can also dabble in other industries (advertising, music producers…) as a lyricist. As it’s a gig-based employment, you probably want to diversify your work portfolio to make sure there’s always something you can work on. The rates are usually similar to that of a ghostwriter.

And voila, that’s the end to our master list of creative writing jobs! Hopefully, there’s something to help you passion live on among this many options.

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10 Jobs for Graduates with a Creative Writing Degree

Do you have a creative writing degree? Here are 10 jobs where you can put that degree to good use.

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Congratulations! First of all, you should be proud of your achievement. You just accomplished something that will open many doors that could lead you to a rewarding career.

Some may think that a Creative Writing Degree doesn’t lead you to many job opportunities, but that’s just not true.

Not only can you create any type of content you want and promote it online all by yourself, but every big company, especially the ones that have social networks to keep alive, need a creative writer.

Your career options are unlimited, especially if you take a look at the freelance world.

In order to show you how many opportunities you have we’re presenting our top 10 perfect jobs for graduates with a Creative Writing Degree or Diploma.

1. Content Writer/ Author

Even though it might be the most obvious job, it is still many people’s dream to become a writer. Now you have a degree to back you up, and a lot of knowledge to help you be successful.

You can write about anything you want – or anything a company wants! Novels aren’t the only things you can write; there’s poetry, prose, drama, short story, and the list goes on. If you have a dream, make sure you chase it until you make it because one of the most important keys towards success is our genuine passion.

2. Copywriter

Copywriting is probably the best way to start your career as a writer. And it pays well, even if you’re a beginner. But what is copywriting really about?

Copywriting means writing with the purpose of advertising and other forms of marketing. The product is called “copy” and it is actually written content whose purpose is to raise brand awareness and to make a possible customer take action. There are many forms of copywriting and it’s a crucial piece of any successful marketing strategy. That means a lot job opportunities.

3. Journalist

To be a journalist takes a lot of creativity. And journalism doesn’t only include the news or politics! You can be a journalist for the fashion world, sports, or even entertainment. There are a lot of options to choose from.

But beware, the competition in this field is very high. Consider this option only if you’re truly passionate about journalism and if you believe that you can make a change. It’s not for the faint of heart.

4. Travel Blogger

If writing and traveling are your two main passions, Travel Writer is the perfect job for you. You’ll get to travel all around the world and write amazing articles about your amazing experiences!

The best part is that you don’t really need to find someone to hire you to be a travel writer. You can take your backpack and start a blog about your own experiences. From there, you might become a leading influencer in the field or earn a few job offers.

5. Social Media Specialist

Most companies today leverages at least one social network. That’s where most customers spend their time and you can easily target them. But to make a possible customer take action and actually buy a product, you need well-written, compelling text. That can be written by you!

There are always hundreds of job offers for various types of companies, so it will be almost impossible to not find work in this field.

If you think of yourself as a persuasive and creative person, this job might be just right for you.

6. Email Marketing Specialist

If you’re usually giving your email to every website you’re purchasing things from, then you already know what email marketing looks like. If you ever bothered to read one of those emails you received, you’ll notice that their purpose is to give you some new information and to make you feel like a member of the community – and to make you buy their products.

To be an email marketer requires a lot of creativity. This job can be very well paid because you can make a real difference in their profits – the better you write, the more customer is convinced to make a purchase.

The writing process is not only about the creation part, the writing itself. It is also about improving and correcting the first draft until it is perfect and ready to send.

To be an editor doesn’t only mean to correct grammar errors and misspelled words.

It also means to make what the writer originally wrote sound better – take their idea and ensure that it will express the message effectively. Many writers make great editors because of their training.

8. Columnist

Many writers dream of having their own column in a famous magazine like Cosmopolitan, Vogue, or Forbes. They all started small – at local magazines and so on – but most importantly, they all started with a degree, like you.

The competition is high in this field too, but if you’re skilled and you believe in yourself there’s nothing to worry about. We all know that if you have a column in a magazine you are well paid and it can be a really nice and rewarding job, not to mention that you get to go places and meet amazing people, depending on the subjects you’re writing about.

9. Ghostwriter

One of the best ways to start your writer carrier is with  ghostwriting , especially if you’re not ready to put your name out for the public’s eyes. As a ghostwriter you have tons of opportunities – the  freelance world   is full of such opportunities, you can write anything you like or anything one demands, from books of all sorts, articles, blog posts, and the list can go on and on.

You can write articles about whatever topic you like and then just sell it to a company that needs it. You can work for some  essay writing company  as a ghostwriter. Or, if you want something more stable, there are many companies that are looking for ghostwriters to write their articles under the name of inexistent writers that have created.

10. Screenwriter / Songwriter

Probably the most creative jobs for a creative writer graduate are songwriting and screenwriting. Of course, is not easy to make a name of yourself in this field, but this is where your passion lays, you should definitely go for it.

In these jobs, you can dream as big as possible and the bigger you dream the more successful you’ll become. So, don’t let anyone stop you become a songwriter or screenwriter just because it is hard, or do you believe that you’re any less than anyone who already succeeded; they’re only human after all.

Above are just 10 great opportunities that you can leverage in your future, but remember, there are so many more opportunities that are waiting for a great writer like you to discover. Creative writing is a great career and the most important thing about it is that it will never die (hopefully), or, at least, not any time soon. You can write novels about your unbelievable fantasies, you can write for a blog that shares your main interests, and you can work from home as the freelance world has hundreds if not thousands of job offers for creative writers.

Your future looks bright from now on and never discourage yourself if you struggle at first to get a job because some things simply aren’t meant to be. Look at things from this point of view: you didn’t get the job because it is not the best option for you and a better job is waiting for you. You just have to be patient because great things take time.

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What Can I Do With a Creative Writing Degree?

what can u do with a creative writing degree

Krystle Dodge

Managing Editor

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Ready to start your journey?

In this article, we will be covering…

what can u do with a creative writing degree

To name a few:

  • Your favorite stories growing up
  • Your favorite shows and movies
  • Educational and technical materials
  • Marketing copy
  • Speechwriting

And while many degrees are meant to help you become a better writer, none spend quite as much time drilling you on the finer points, and supporting growth as a writer as a creative writing degree.

You may ask yourself why you need a degree in writing. Few of the greatest writers majored in the craft. One answer is that few of the greatest writers set out to write as a career.

In today’s information-rich society, we’ve created more media in a handful of years than the rest of history combined. While very little of this media is truly top-notch, the market for talented writers can be lucrative and rewarding. A creative writing degree can be a great jumping off point to landing your dream job as a writer.

If you think you may be interested in a creative writing, be sure to peruse the topics in our guide, listed below:

Table of Contents:

What Creative Writing Degrees Are Available?

Can i pursue a creative writing degree online, how do i gain admission to a creative writing degree program, differences between creative writing and related degrees, what can i do with a degree in creative writing.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Be sure to check out some of our related resources throughout the site:

  • How can you prepare for being a professional writer while earning your degree?
  • What is the difference between a technical writing degree and journalism?
  • What is the difference between a bachelor’s degree in professional writing and technical writing?
  • 10 creative careers that won’t require you to be a starving artist
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  • Why you should pick a degree in communications?

what can u do with a creative writing degree

  • Bachelor of Fine Arts
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Master of Arts
  • Master of Fine Arts

In recent years, doctoral programs in creative writing have started to be introduced.

You may wonder where there aren’t associates-level degrees in creative writing. This is likely to do with the fact that the best writers are highly literate. And a little more higher education is often viewed as important for those seeking to become truly good writers. As any professional writer can attest to, even bachelor’s-level graduates that took a writing-intensive course of study still have a long way to go in growth as a writer when they graduate.

So what’s studied in a bachelor’s degree in creative writing?

For bachelor of arts degrees in creative writing students begin their 120 credit journey by working through the standard general education requirements of a bachelor’s degree. These typically include courses in the following:

  • Social Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Math and Quantitative Literacy
  • Composition
  • The Humanities
  • The Fine Arts
  • A Foreign Language

The aim of these courses is to ensure that you have a well-rounded understanding, are articulate, and are generally qualified to call yourself worthy of a bachelors-level degree.

As you work through your course of study you will begin taking classes within your major. Creative writing programs can vary to quite a great extent. But a “typical” bachelor of arts in creative writing program may offer courses like the following for major requirements:

  • Creative Writing Intro
  • The World of Writing, Writers and Publishing
  • English Language
  • Creative Writing Advanced
  • Literary Theory
  • Shakespeare
  • Workshop for Playwriting
  • Workshop for Poetry Writing
  • Workshop for Nonfiction Writing
  • Additional Focus Area Workshops
  • An Internship
  • A Capstone Project

what can u do with a creative writing degree

While you should come out of either a BA or a BFA with a portfolio of your writing, BFA degrees tend to spend more time on the production of portfolio work.

At the master’s level, there has traditionally been a single degree in creative writing, a master of fine arts (MFA) in creative writing . MFA programs typically allow established or at least somewhat experienced writers a chance to get together in a workshop-heavy program to hone their craft.

Before we go any further, let’s discuss what is a writing workshop?

Writing workshops — the context of a bachelors or masters degree — help to teach writers how to hone their craft in a predictable and organized fashion. In many workshops, the instructor (an established writer) will instruct students to focus on one writing technique, or a type of writing.

Students will work together to generate ideas, often pairing up as they work their way through their creative process. At set intervals, student writers wille exchange their writing with other students in the class who will comment on their writing in a constructive manner. Once constructive criticism has been given, each writer returns to their work to hone it. At the end of the workshop, students will present their work to their peers and receive a final grade.

The act of workshopping provides structure to moving from the realm of ideas to writing. It shows writers how to sit down and productively push through writing, receive criticism, give criticism, and then hone their writing. At the end of a workshop, writers are ideally a little better at planning writing, writing, reading the writing of others, and communicating about their writing.

In an MFA program in creative writing, a majority of the coursework is often structured around workshopping.

In addition, students will attend master classes , lectures , and networking events to attempt to catapult their writing career to the next level.

what can u do with a creative writing degree

Coursework within Ph.D. programs in creative writing is focused moreseo on the education of creative writing than workshops to hone your own writing. Though there is a bit of both.

Students thinking about pursuing a degree in creative writing should also be aware that there are a number of related degrees with slightly different curricula. Links to the respective guides on these academic degree types on DegreeQuery are included below:

  • Communication
  • Strategic Communication
  • Public Relations
  • Technical Writing
  • And some marketing programs

what can u do with a creative writing degree

While a good number of creative writing programs are still primarily brick and mortar programs, there are a handful of creative writing programs offered online at the bachelor’s and master’s levels.

Students that think they would like to pursue a creative writing degree online should be aware of some of the most common pros and cons of online education. While online degrees are growing in popularity — around one in four students currently studies online — and work amazingly well for some students, they aren’t for everyone.

Below we’ve listed some of the most common “selling points” and problems (that some students have) associated with online degrees.

Common “Selling Points” of Online Degrees

  • Fully online degrees mean you don’t have to move for your education
  • Asynchronous coursework degrees mean you can log on when you can
  • Many online degrees are slightly more affordable than in-person degrees
  • There is no mention of the fact you studied online on your eventual degree
  • A wide range of support services are offered online

</ul. Common Problems With Online Degrees

  • Online degrees have less structure telling you when to work on assignments
  • It’s harder to forge meaningful relationships with classmates or instructors online
  • You have less access to on-campus events online
  • Support services are not as varied online

what can u do with a creative writing degree

For bachelor of fine arts degree programs, students are expected to have already spent some time honing their portfolio within their craft. Similarly to programs within art of music conservatories, BFA programs often require students to submit a portfolio, as well as attend an interview.

Some BFA programs err on the side of allowing a student to choose how best to represent themselves. In cases such as these, students may elect to pursue entrance as in a typical bachelor’s admissions process, or as in a conservatory setting.

Master of fine arts in creative writing programs often have quite rigorous admissions standards. In many, applicants must elect to pursue admissions within a single “path” such as playwriting, poetry, or creative nonfiction writing. Applicants are then judged based on past published work as well as an unpublished portfolio. Admissions standards vary, with some programs expecting to recruit hobbyist writers while some of the top programs require writers to be quite well established in their trade already.

what can u do with a creative writing degree

Degrees that may be used to find the same employment opportunities, or that explore one facet of writing include:

  • Creative Writing
  • Public Relations with an Emphasis on Writing
  • Marketing with an Emphasis on Writing
  • Scientific Writing
  • Communications
  • And Strategic Communications

In a sense, creative writing is the most “pure” of all of the above majors, and can be used to pursue employment in nearly any of the fields for which non-creative writing degrees listed above prepare students for.

All of the above degree programs may require students to craft a portfolio of written work. And nearly all writing (as a product) can be creative. So there is potentially a great deal of overlap.

Some of the key differences between creative writing and other degrees listed above is that nearly every degree is “applied.” These degrees set aside a substantial portion of the curricula for professional-centered courses aimed at preparing students to take careers in a specific industry. These courses may center around a tool set or a set of techniques you could use in business, science, education, or journalism. While writing can still be central to all of the above degrees, you’ll get even more writing-specific education in a creative writing degree.

If you think you may be interested in a degree related to creative writing, be sure to search through DegreeQuery’s offerings.

what can u do with a creative writing degree

We’ll work through some of the most common careers those with creative writing degree pursue below.

First, copywriters provided engaging, and wide-ranging text-based content primarily for corporate clients. Copywriters may be tasked with crafting creative assets like the words to a jingle or a script, or more descriptive content such a guide on how to use software.

While there are a number of jobs in our list that share attributes with copywriters, one element in which copywriters contrast with other writing positions is their place of employment and subject matter. Copywriters tend to work in traditional advertising and marketing settings, or for traditional corporate clients. While someone may essentially have the same job as a copywriter in another employment setting, it may be called something different depending on the industry.

The average salary for copywriters is presently $47,838.

Secondly, technical writers (sometimes called science writers as well) aid in STEM-related fields to translate dense science and technology-related concepts into readable prose. Technical writers may come from a purely writing background, or may also hold a degree in technology or the sciences. These writers can become quite specialized depending on the subject matter they tackle.

what can u do with a creative writing degree

Media producer can mean everything front front end developer to data journalist to a writer in a newsroom. So as one might expect, the range of salaries varies greatly. With that said, the average salary for this role is presently $55,224.

Finally, many creative writing majors enter journalism at some point in their career. Journalists tell a story in an objective way, and focus on ethical and solid investigative skills. Creative non-fiction creative writing graduates are the most direct “fit” with this profession, but creative writers of all stripes have found themselves recruited into the ranks of journalists.

Salaries vary greatly depending on the location in which you work as well as the critical acclaim of what you have produced. With that said, the average journalist makes a salary of $40,900. Other careers in which there are many creative writing majors at work include:

  • Self employed writers
  • Public relations professionals
  • Communications managers
  • And Lawyers

Still didn’t see what you were looking for? Be sure to check out some of DegreeQuery’s related content in the following guides:

  • What is a degree in strategic communications?

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Creative Primer

Creative Writing Jobs – What You Can Do with a Creative Writing Degree

Brooks Manley

A creative writing degree opens many doors, but which one is right for you?

Creative writing skills are highly sought after in various industries. From publishing to advertising, and academia to digital media, the creative writing jobs you can venture into are numerous. Let’s take a closer look at some of these options – we’re pretty sure you’ll easily identify at least one that suits your writing style and personality.

What is Creative Writing?

Creative writing is an artistic process, one that involves the expression of thoughts, feelings, and emotions, rather than just presenting the facts.

It includes multiple genres such as:

  • scriptwriting
  • creative non-fiction

Creative writing is often characterized by its imaginative narratives and expressive language, aiming to captivate the reader and evoke emotion. For a deeper understanding of creative writing, you can visit our article on what is creative writing .

Skills Acquired from a Creative Writing Degree

A creative writing degree goes beyond just teaching you how to write creatively. It equips you with a variety of skills that can be applied in multiple industries. Here are some of the key skills you can acquire:

  • Writing Skills: A creative writing degree naturally enhances your writing ability, teaching you how to construct engaging narratives, develop characters, and create vivid descriptions.
  • Critical Thinking: Creative writing encourages you to think outside the box and approach problems in unconventional ways. This fosters critical thinking skills, enabling you to analyze situations from different perspectives.
  • Research Skills: Whether you’re writing a historical fiction novel or a science fiction screenplay, research is a crucial part of the process. A creative writing degree helps hone your research skills, teaching you how to gather information effectively.
  • Communication Skills: Through creative writing, you learn how to communicate ideas effectively and articulate thoughts clearly, skills that are valuable in any profession.
  • Time Management: Writing projects often come with deadlines. Balancing creativity with discipline helps improve your time management skills.

These skills make creative writing graduates highly employable in various fields. From creative writing jobs in publishing and digital media to opportunities in academia and freelance writing, the scope is vast. This makes a creative writing degree a valuable asset, providing a strong foundation for a diverse range of careers.

For more on the value of a creative writing degree, check out our article on is a degree in creative writing worth it .

Types of Creative Writing Jobs

A degree in creative writing opens up a plethora of opportunities in various fields. Let’s delve into the various creative writing jobs that you can pursue with such a degree.

Being a novelist is one of the most recognized roles in the realm of creative writing. A novelist crafts fictional stories, often drawing on their imagination, life experiences, and observations of the world around them. This role requires a deep understanding of character development, plot construction, and narrative techniques. A degree in creative writing fine-tunes these skills, thus providing a solid foundation for aspiring novelists.


A screenwriter creates scripts for television shows, movies, and web series. This form of writing requires a unique skill set, including the ability to write dialogue and stage directions , and the capacity to visualize scenes in a way that can be translated to the screen. Screenwriters often work closely with directors, producers, and actors to bring their scripts to life. A creative writing degree can provide the foundational skills needed to excel in this field.

Poetry is an art form that requires a keen understanding of language, rhythm, and imagery . Poets often express their thoughts, feelings, and perspectives on various topics through their work. They may publish their poems in literary magazines, anthologies, or self-published collections . A creative writing degree can enhance a poet’s ability to manipulate language and craft evocative pieces of work.

A copywriter creates compelling and persuasive text for advertising and marketing campaigns. They write content for a wide range of mediums, including websites, brochures, emails, and social media posts . The goal of a copywriter is to engage readers and motivate them to take a specific action , such as purchasing a product or signing up for a service. A degree in creative writing can help develop the creativity and persuasive skills necessary for this role.

Content Marketer

Content marketers create valuable content to attract, engage, and retain an audience , with the ultimate goal of driving profitable customer action. They produce a wide range of content types, including blog posts, articles, white papers, and social media posts. A creative writing degree can provide the storytelling skills needed to create engaging content that resonates with audiences.

These are just a few examples of the many creative writing jobs that are available for those with a degree in this field. Whether you’re interested in crafting fictional stories, writing for the screen, expressing yourself through poetry, or creating persuasive advertising copy, a creative writing degree can provide the skills and knowledge needed to excel in these roles.

To learn more about the value of a creative writing degree, visit our article on is a degree in creative writing worth it .

Creative Writing in Publishing

The publishing industry offers a range of opportunities for individuals with a creative writing degree. Let’s delve into two prominent creative writing jobs in publishing: Literary Agent and Editor .

The Role of a Literary Agent

Literary agents play a crucial role in the publishing world. They act as intermediaries between authors and publishing houses , negotiating contracts and ensuring that the author’s work reaches the right audience. A literary agent needs to have a keen eye for compelling narratives, a strong understanding of the market, and excellent negotiation skills.

A degree in creative writing can provide a solid foundation for this role, equipping individuals with the ability to evaluate and critique a wide range of literary works.

Working as an Editor

An editor is another key player in the publishing industry. Editors work closely with authors to refine their work and prepare it for publication. This process can involve:

  • correcting grammar and punctuation
  • restructuring content for better flow
  • providing feedback to improve the quality of the work

Much like a literary agent, an editor needs to have a strong understanding of narrative structure and a knack for spotting errors. A creative writing degree can help develop these skills, fostering a deep understanding of storytelling techniques and attention to detail.

Both of these roles are integral to the publishing process , helping to bring an author’s vision to life and sharing it with readers worldwide. Whether you’re interested in becoming a literary agent or working as an editor, a creative writing degree can provide the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in these roles.

If you’re considering pursuing such a degree, our article on is a degree in creative writing worth it provides valuable insights.

Creative Writing in the Digital World

In the modern age, the digital world offers a plethora of opportunities for those with a creative writing degree. This digital landscape allows writers to venture into different styles and platforms, expanding the scope of creative writing jobs . Let’s delve into three aspects.

Blogging is a popular outlet for creative writers. It allows them to express their thoughts, share their knowledge, and engage with a global audience. With a blog, they can write about any subject they are passionate about, from travel and lifestyle to technical topics and personal experiences.

A creative writing degree equips individuals with the skills to create compelling content , develop engaging narratives, and use language effectively to capture the reader’s attention. Blogging also offers the opportunity to write in a less formal tone , which can be a refreshing contrast to more structured forms of writing.

For more insights into the world of creative writing, check out our article on what is creative writing .

Social Media Writing

Social media platforms have become a powerful medium for storytelling and communication. Creative writers can leverage these platforms to showcase their skills, engage with audiences , and even promote their own work.

Writing for social media requires a unique blend of creativity and brevity , as most platforms limit the length of posts. This can be an exciting challenge for creative writers as they must convey their message in a concise yet impactful way.

Those interested in inspiring others to pursue writing can find tips in our article on how to teach creative writing .

SEO Writing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) writing is another area where creative writers can excel. SEO writing involves creating content that ranks well in search engine results , making it more visible to online users. This requires not only engaging writing but also an understanding of keywords, meta descriptions, and search engine algorithms.

While it may seem technical, SEO writing still allows for creativity. Writers must create content that is both SEO-friendly and engaging for readers, striking a balance between readability and search engine visibility .

For those considering a creative writing degree, our article is a degree in creative writing worth it provides a comprehensive overview of the opportunities and challenges involved.

In the digital world, the possibilities for creative writers are vast and varied. From blogging and social media writing to SEO writing, there are numerous ways to apply creative writing skills and carve out a successful career in the digital sphere.

Creative Writing in Academia

The field of academia offers a plethora of opportunities for individuals with a degree in creative writing. From teaching creative writing to conducting research in this area, the academic world can be a rewarding path for those looking for creative writing jobs .

Teaching Creative Writing

One of the most fulfilling roles in academia for those with a creative writing degree is teaching.

As a creative writing teacher, one can:

  • impart essential writing skills
  • inspire creativity
  • help students discover their unique voices

Creative writing teachers can find work in various settings , including elementary and secondary schools, colleges, and universities. They might also lead workshops in community centers or offer private lessons. Their duties typically include developing lesson plans, providing feedback on student work, and fostering a supportive learning environment .

For more on how to inspire young minds through creative writing, see our article on creative writing activities for kids . If you’re considering teaching creative writing, our guide on how to teach creative writing offers valuable insights.

Research in Creative Writing

Another academic route for those with a creative writing degree is research. Creative writing researchers delve into various aspects of writing, exploring themes such as storytelling techniques, narrative structures, character development , and the role of creativity in writing.

Research in creative writing can lead to new insights into how stories are crafted and understood, contributing to the broader field of literary studies. Researchers may present their findings at conferences, publish them in academic journals, or use them to inform their teaching practices.

The world of academia offers a rich and rewarding path for creative writers, providing opportunities to inspire the next generation of writers and contribute to the understanding of creative writing as an academic discipline .

As you consider your path, remember that the skills acquired through a creative writing degree can open many doors. For more on the value of such a degree, see our article on is a degree in creative writing worth it .

Exploring Freelance Opportunities

The versatility of a creative writing degree opens up a world of freelance opportunities. Writers can lend their talents to a variety of sectors, allowing for creative expression and the freedom to choose projects that align with their interests and strengths. Among the popular freelance creative writing jobs are freelance writing and ghostwriting , scriptwriting for theatre and radio , and speechwriting .

Freelance Writing and Ghostwriting

Freelance writing provides the flexibility to work on a variety of projects across different platforms. It can involve writing articles, blog posts, reports, or even books . Ghostwriting, a subset of freelance writing, entails writing on behalf of someone else. The ghostwriter’s work is officially credited to another person . This is common in the world of book publishing, where many prominent figures hire ghostwriters to pen their memoirs or novels.

Freelance and ghostwriting involve a high degree of creativity, the ability to adapt to different writing styles, and the capacity to work to tight deadlines. For more insights on the nature of creative writing, visit our article on what is creative writing .

Scriptwriting for Theatre and Radio

Scriptwriting for theatre and radio is another viable option for creative writers. This involves writing dialogues and narratives to be performed on stage or broadcast on radio . It requires a deep understanding of character development, plot structure, and dramatic tension. Additionally, scriptwriters need to keep in mind the auditory and visual elements that can enhance the performance.

Scriptwriting can be a collaborative process , with the writer working closely with directors, actors, and sound designers to bring the script to life. This requires strong teamwork skills and the ability to accept and incorporate feedback.


Speechwriting involves crafting speeches for individuals in various sectors such as politics, business, or entertainment. A speechwriter must be able to capture the speaker’s voice and convey their message in a compelling and engaging manner. This requires a strong understanding of rhetoric, audience analysis, and persuasive writing techniques.

In addition to writing the speech, the writer may also need to assist the speaker in rehearsing and delivering the speech effectively. This can involve coaching the speaker on pacing, intonation, and body language to ensure a successful delivery.

Freelance creative writing jobs offer a wealth of opportunities for writers to apply their skills in diverse and exciting ways. Whether you’re crafting articles as a freelance writer, weaving narratives as a scriptwriter, or shaping public discourse as a speechwriter, each role offers unique challenges and rewards.

For more insights into the world of creative writing, check out our articles on creative writing prompts and creative writing activities for kids .

Tips for Landing Creative Writing Jobs

When it comes to securing creative writing jobs , there are several strategies that can help you stand out from the crowd and showcase your unique skills. The following sections will discuss the importance of building a portfolio, networking, and constantly improving your craft.

Building a Portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of your work that showcases your writing skills and range. It can include:

  • short stories

When creating your portfolio, it’s important to include a variety of pieces that demonstrate your versatility . Be sure to highlight your best work and examples that show your ability to write in different styles and genres.

A strong portfolio can be an excellent tool for showing prospective employers what you can offer . It can be especially useful for those seeking creative writing jobs, where the quality and creativity of your work can be a deciding factor.

Editor’s Note : To add credibility to your portfolio, aim to get published, either in print or online. This might entail crafting content for free for reputable sites, but having your name against a published piece of work signals that you’re a serious and capable writer to future clients.

Networking and Making Connections

Networking is another important aspect of landing creative writing jobs. This involves making connections with other writers, editors, publishers , and anyone else in the industry who can provide opportunities or valuable advice.

Joining writing groups, attending literary events, and participating in online writing communities can all provide excellent networking opportunities. These activities can:

  • help you meet like-minded individuals
  • learn about job openings
  • gain insights into the industry

Don’t underestimate the value of personal relationships in the world of creative writing . Many job opportunities come from word-of-mouth referrals, so the more people you know in the industry, the better. If you’re interested in learning more about the value of a creative writing degree, you can read our article on is a degree in creative writing worth it .

Constantly Improving Your Craft

To be successful in any creative field, you must be dedicated to constantly improving your craft. This means regularly writing, reading, and seeking out new ways to improve your skills.

Consider participating in writing exercises or prompts to challenge yourself and explore new genres or writing styles. Our list of creative writing prompts can help inspire new ideas and push your writing boundaries.

Additionally, seeking feedback from others can be invaluable for growth. Share your work with others and be open to constructive criticism. This can help you identify any areas of weakness in your writing and give you the opportunity to improve.

Finally, don’t forget to keep reading . Reading a wide variety of literature can expose you to different writing styles, techniques, and perspectives that can inspire and influence your own work.

Remember, the path to securing creative writing jobs often involves a combination of talent, perseverance, and strategic career moves. By building a strong portfolio, networking with others in the industry, and continually working to improve your craft, you can increase your chances of landing a job that allows you to make a living doing what you love.

What Kind of Creative Writer are You?

Be sure to choose a path that aligns with your personality and your writing style – this will ensure the maximum job satisfaction possible. You want to enjoy your writing, whether it’s detailed research papers or fashion blog posts – your best writing will reflect your passion and love of words.

Stay true to yourself, keep writing, and find a way to share your world’s with the world – it’s a journey you don’t want to miss out on!

Brooks Manley

Brooks Manley

what can u do with a creative writing degree

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25 Creative Writing Prompts to Ignite Your Creativity

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Creative writing

A degree in creative writing allows you to develop your writing, research and creative thinking skills. These skills are useful in a range of careers such as writing, publishing, marketing, PR and teaching

Job options

Jobs directly related to your degree include:

  • Advertising copywriter
  • Arts administrator
  • Community arts worker
  • Creative director
  • Digital copywriter
  • Editorial assistant
  • Higher education lecturer
  • Lexicographer
  • Magazine journalist
  • Newspaper journalist
  • Publishing copy-editor/proofreader

Jobs where your degree would be useful include:

  • Academic librarian
  • Digital marketer
  • Film director
  • Marketing executive
  • Public librarian
  • Public relations officer
  • Secondary school teacher
  • Social media manager
  • Talent agent
  • Web content manager

Remember that many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject, so don't restrict your thinking to the jobs listed here.

Work experience

Make sure you create a portfolio of your written work, especially any that you've had published. This will provide evidence of your writing skills and establish your reputation as a writer.

You can gain valuable experience by writing for your student newspaper or magazine, volunteering in schools, or getting involved with writers' groups. Also, try submitting work to journals or anthologies, entering competitions, performing at spoken word events or approaching local drama groups to see if they will use your scripts. This will boost your profile and help build your confidence.

To make yourself more employable, look for opportunities to gain some solid work experience. This could be in the form of paid administrative work for a company, or volunteering with a local charity, for example, helping them to promote the work they do.

You can also look for related work experience with, for example, publishing houses and advertising and marketing firms. You could write speculatively to a number of businesses to ask if you could complete some short-term work experience or shadowing. This can help you get a foot in the door in a highly-competitive industry and could lead to a permanent position.

As well as creative talent and writing experience, you will also need perseverance and determination to succeed as a writer.

Search for placements and find out more about work experience and internships .

Typical employers

As a creative writing graduate you may work to establish yourself as a writer on a self-employed basis, either writing your own works, or writing for others in a freelance capacity.

Alternatively, you could find opportunities with a variety of employers, including:

  • publishing houses or editorial/technical writing service companies
  • advertising, marketing and public relations agencies, particularly in a copywriting capacity
  • primary, secondary, further and higher education institutions
  • media organisations and social media companies
  • general businesses - in an administrative or general management position
  • Civil Service, library or charitable organisations.

Find information on employers in marketing, advertising and PR , media and internet , teacher training and education , and other job sectors .

Skills for your CV

As well as building specialist knowledge of creative writing, you also develop effective written, oral and presentation skills through your degree. Other skills include: 

  • creative and critical thinking and problem solving - these skills are useful for many jobs and you'll have gained them from developing characters and storylines
  • independent working - having to be self-motivated as a writer means you can effectively determine and direct your own workload 
  • time management and organisation - learning to structure your time effectively as a writer means you can be highly organised 
  • a good understanding of information technology 
  • collaboration - from liaising with students from other related courses such as journalism and film studies 
  • independent research and analysis - you'll be adept at this from turning ideas into well-rounded stories 
  • editorial and proofreading - from producing accurately written content 
  • negotiation and networking - learning how to market your work effectively gives you the skill to negotiate in other workplace settings. 

Further study

As a creative writing graduate you can develop your creative writing skills further by undertaking postgraduate study at Masters or PhD level. You can also specialise in an area such as screenwriting, the graphic novel, writing for young people, writing poetry, or writing and producing comedy.

Alternatively, you may want to undertake further vocational training in areas such as teaching, journalism, librarianship or publishing. Vocational courses allow you to study in an area in which you would like to have a career.

You may also want to consider further study in areas such as PR, marketing or advertising.

For more information on further study and to find a course that interests you, see Masters degrees and search postgraduate courses in creative writing .

What do creative writing graduates do?

A tenth (10%) of creative writing graduates in employment in the UK are working in artistic, literary and media occupations, while 7% are working as sales, marketing and related associate professionals. 4% are teaching professionals, and a further 4% are media professionals.

Further study9
Working and studying12
Type of workPercentage
Retail, catering and customer service23.1
Arts, design and media15.4
Marketing, PR and sales14
Clerical, secretarial and administrative13.1

Find out what other creative writing graduates are doing 15 months after finishing their degrees in What do graduates do?

Graduate Outcomes survey data from HESA.

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what can u do with a creative writing degree

Is a Creative Writing Degree Worth It? Let’s Get Into It.

what can u do with a creative writing degree

In my day—by which I mean the early 2000s—a creative writing degree was considered one of the less practical academic pursuits, only a little more reasonable than a philosophy degree and a theatre arts degree (which, incidentally, is what I have).

These days, we have a bit more appreciation for what a person can do with some well-rounded creative writing skills. Such a person can write novels and poetry, sure, but they can also compose speeches for politicians, create written content to refresh a major corporation’s brand, and craft compelling ad copy.

There’s no question about it. Creative writing is a skill that earns , depending on how you use it.

But as is the case in a lot of modern industries, we’re starting to see that a degree doesn’t carry the weight it used to. And not having a degree isn’t always a barrier to entry.

So where does that leave aspiring writers? Should you bother to pursue a creative writing degree? If so, what should you be trying to get out of it?

We’re about to go over all the ins and outs of this educational path. We’ll talk about:

  • The advantages of pursuing a degree in creative writing
  • The different types of creative writing programs
  • How to choose the program that’s best for you
  • How creative writing is taught
  • The career opportunities that come with a creative writing degree

Let’s start by looking at the perks.

Benefits of Pursuing a Creative Writing Degree

A smiling graduate in a cap and gown holds out a rolled-up diploma.

I’m about to list the four biggest benefits of attending a creative writing program. But I want to be clear about something:

Every one of these perks is something you can also get without a degree in creative writing.

I don’t say that to discourage you from taking this path. This might still be the best next step for your career. See, the biggest difference between getting a formal education and DIY-ing one isn’t what you learn but how you learn it.

That’s why we’re not just looking at what these four benefits are but also how you achieve them in a creative writing program.

Develop Strong Writing Skills

This is the reason most creative writing students pursue a degree. A good program offers a range of courses to help you sharpen your skills, faculty members who have real-life experience with the publishing industry, and access to visiting writers who can offer additional inspiration and insight .

Most programs incorporate writing workshops where you and your fellow students share and give feedback on your work, all under the guidance of a professor. Many universities also put out literary journals, giving students the opportunity to participate in the publishing process .

And of course, enrolling in a creative writing program ensures that you’ll be constantly writing , which is the best way to sharpen your skills.

Explore Diverse Genres and Styles

A self-guided learner has full authority to choose which areas of writing and literature they’ll explore. This is mostly a good thing, but the benefit of pursuing a creative writing degree is that your professors will see to it that you get familiar with a range of formats, genres , and styles .

This is especially true in undergraduate creative writing programs. Expect to read and analyze a wide spectrum of literature, from ancient epic poems to modern mainstream novels.

Build Your Network

This is such a notable perk that many of my friends who went to graduate school for screenwriting highlight this as the number one benefit.

Of course, you can build a network of peers and mentors without shelling out a ton of money for a formal education. But in a creative writing program, you spend all your time with other writers. You read each other’s work, struggle through the same coursework, and connect on a personal level.

Plus, if you happen to go to a school with a robust alumni network, you might find it easier to connect with those in your industry who share your alma mater after you graduate.

Widen Career Options

There are plenty of writers who don’t have a degree in creative writing—or don’t have a degree at all —who are making a decent living off of their words.

Nevertheless, a formal education can offer a wider range of options. It will give you a better shot with employers who place high value on college degrees or want to know that you have specialized knowledge regarding a specific type of writing.

And if you think you might enjoy teaching creative writing, a degree is a must. 

Types of Creative Writing Degrees

A person works on a laptop at a table on the sidewalk outside of a café.

Intrigued? Then let’s explore your options more in depth.

There are several different types of creative writing degrees you can pursue, each with a slightly different focus and different opportunities once you leave school to practice your craft in the real world.

We’ll break this down one by one.

Undergraduate Degrees

College students sit in an auditorium.

It typically takes four years to complete an undergraduate creative writing program, though the timeline can be longer or shorter depending on your schedule and any credits you’ve already earned and transferred over.

We’re covering some general creative writing degrees available at the undergraduate level, but I highly recommend doing additional research. There are several more specific degrees that zero in on a particular aspect of writing, like a Bachelor of Arts in Communication or Journalism.

If you have a clear-cut vision for your writing career, start there and work backward to find the degree that makes sense for you. If you only know that you want to be writing one way or another, start by looking at these three options:

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Creative Writing

When you pursue a Bachelor of Arts, you can expect to get a well-rounded education that includes writing instruction as well as a balanced emphasis on the sciences and humanities.

It’s a liberal arts degree, basically, and it’s the most common choice for students seeking a creative writing education. 

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Creative Writing

BFA programs are much rarer than BA programs, but it’s worth considering one if you want an education that puts a heavy emphasis on the “arts” part.

This type of program focuses less on sciences and humanities. It often includes hands-on writing workshops (more on those in a bit) and is favored by students who fully intend to become authors, playwrights, screenwriters, or poets.

Bachelor of Science (BS) in Writing

If you think you might enjoy applying your creative writing skills to something more scientific or analytical, a BS might be the best option for you.

This is a popular option for students who see themselves getting into technical writing, cultural studies, or communication.

Graduate Degrees

A group of smiling people sit around a table in a meeting room, surrounded by coffee cups and laptops.

Postgraduate education—or grad school, as the cool kids call it—comes after you’ve earned an undergraduate degree. The most common reasons to seek out a graduate degree in creative writing include:

  • You think you might like to teach creative writing at the college level one day
  • You earned an undergraduate degree in a different field and now you want to study writing
  • You just really want to go deep on this subject

Just as with undergrad degrees, there are highly specific grad programs you can explore. Or you can dive into one of these:

Master of Arts (MA) in Creative Writing

While an MA program doesn’t have the humanities and sciences components of a BA program, it still maintains a balance between participating in the arts and observing them. 

That is to say, you’ll do a ton of writing in this program, but you’ll also read and analyze a fair amount of literature.

Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing

MFA programs tend to be super hands-on, with workshops in which students share and give feedback on each other’s writing. Over the course of the program, you’ll complete a book-length work like a novel or poetry collection.

You also might find that you need more credits to earn an MFA degree than an MA in creative writing. 

PhD in Creative Writing

Now you’re just stalling. Write your book already.

I’m kidding. A PhD is a perfectly reasonable option if you want to study literature and creative writing in great depth. Most students who take their writing education this far are also planning to build a career in academia in addition to being a published author.

PhD programs are extremely rigorous, can last four years, and conclude with a dissertation project.

Writing Workshops vs. Writing Courses

A professor stands at the front of an auditorium, lecturing creative writing students.

At this point, we should probably discuss the difference between writing courses and workshops in an academic setting. You’ll find both in many programs, but the balance between these two educational experiences will depend on which type of creative writing degree you pursue.

It will also influence your entire learning experience.

What Makes a Course a Course?

A creative writing course is exactly what you think of when you imagine any class in a formal education setting.

In a course, a professor lectures on specific topics, assigns projects, and grades students on their performance. There may be class discussions and even opportunities for students to share and engage with each others’ writing. But the overall structure of a course focuses on conveying information.

What Makes a Workshop a Workshop?

A creative writing workshop is more hands-on. While the professor will share insights and guide discussions, the primary purpose of a workshop is to help students refine their craft. They share their work and give each other feedback.

You see much more of this learning style in BFA and MFA programs, which put greater emphasis on honing creative skills. If you want your writing education to include analyzing literature or studying the business end of publishing, you’ll probably want to look into more course-heavy BA or MA programs.  

Renowned Creative Writing Programs

A person sitting at a computer smiles and gives a thumbs up.

This is usually when a person wants to know where they should go to get these degrees. What are the best creative writing programs out there?

Really, the best program is the one that fits you. Reputation is just one of many factors you should consider when you decide where to pursue a degree in creative writing. 

That said, it’s always a good move to know the respected institutions in your field. It helps you sound informed at cocktail parties. To that end, here are some of the most revered schools in the world of creative writing (in the U.S., anyway):

  • The Iowa Writers’ Workshop
  • Brown University
  • Columbia University
  • Duke University
  • Emory University
  • Mizzou (Journalism)
  • Northwestern University

Choosing the Right Creative Writing Program

A person stares at laptop, brow furrowed.

If prestige shouldn’t be a top consideration when deciding where to earn a degree in creative writing, what should you prioritize?

Here are a few factors to keep in mind as you research your options:

Career goals - Do you want a program that’s going to prepare you for a job in marketing that pays the bills while you write poetry on the side? Do you want to become a globe-trotting journalist or a high-earning technical writer?

Decide what will be the best degree for you, then zero in on the schools that excel in that area of study.

And don’t forget to consider genre! If you want to earn an MFA but are interested in commercial fiction writing, make sure you find a program that matches your goals. Literary fiction tends to get all the love in higher education.

Faculty - Research who you’ll be learning from. Do they seem like the right folks to guide you on your professional journey?

Curriculum - Learn everything you can about a school’s course options and creative writing majors before you commit. Will you be able to focus on the area of writing that matters most to you? Will the skills you learn help you do fun things in the real world like eat and pay rent?

Location - There are accredited creative writing programs that are entirely online. However, many of your best options will be in-person or low residency . Not only is the location relevant for practical reasons—you have to be able to get there—it can also influence how much you pay to go. 

If you attend a state school in your own state, for example, you can expect to pay less than the out-of-state students.

Results - Do a little digging to find out what graduates say about their experience in the program. What did they like about it? What didn’t they like? Would they say it was worth it? What are they doing with their creative writing degree now?

Cost - You’re probably way ahead of me here, but I’ll mention it, anyway. The less you pay for a degree in creative writing, the greater your return on investment will be. Look at tuition costs, possible scholarships, out-of-state versus in-state expenses, and the local cost of living.

Career Opportunities with a Creative Writing Degree

Two people shake hands over a desk after a job interview.

Maybe you decided long ago that you definitely want to go to college. Maybe for you, the question isn’t whether you want a degree at all but whether a degree in creative writing is a good use of your college fund.

In that case, we should talk career opportunities. What exactly can you do with a creative writing degree?

A lot, as it turns out. In fact, we have this ridiculously long list of jobs that require strong creative writing skills. You can follow the link to explore them in depth, but here’s a quick sample of what’s in there:

  • Proofreader
  • Content writer
  • Technical writer
  • Social media writer
  • Screenwriter
  • Speechwriter
  • Literary agent
  • Brand strategist
  • Corporate communications specialist

That’s really only scratching the surface, and it doesn’t even touch on the ways your writing skills might serve you in less creative professions. I know multiple lawyers with a creative writing degree they credit for making them significantly better at drafting legal arguments. (On the flip side, an alarming number of lawyers become screenwriters or novelists.)

The important thing is to consider different creative writing majors carefully. Between the different schools, degrees, and areas of concentration, you’ve got lots of options and plenty of opportunities to select the education path that leads to your ideal writing career.

Whatever You Do, Keep Learning

A screenshot of the Story Craft Café homepage with a post reading 'I beleaf in you."

Only you can decide if a creative writing degree is the right move for you. Whether you go for it or not, remember that continuous learning is the best thing you can do to ensure a successful and fulfilling writing career.

Keep reading work that inspires you. Build and nurture your writer network. Proactively seek out workshops, seminars, conferences , books, articles… anything you can get your hands on that will help you sharpen your skills.

And while I wouldn’t claim it’s a one-to-one replacement for the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, remember that Dabble is always here for you with a shocking amount of free educational resources and a supportive community in the Story Craft Café .

Peruse the hundreds of articles, templates, and worksheets in DabbleU . Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly guidance delivered straight to your inbox. Download this free, 100-page ebook walking you through the entire novel-writing process.

Even if you need a little more time to decide if you want a degree in creative writing, you can start boosting your skills now.

So what are you waiting for?

Abi Wurdeman is the author of Cross-Section of a Human Heart: A Memoir of Early Adulthood, as well as the novella, Holiday Gifts for Insufferable People. She also writes for film and television with her brother and writing partner, Phil Wurdeman. On occasion, Abi pretends to be a poet. One of her poems is (legally) stamped into a sidewalk in Santa Clarita, California. When she’s not writing, Abi is most likely hiking, reading, or texting her mother pictures of her houseplants to ask why they look like that.


what can u do with a creative writing degree


Read. learn. create..

what can u do with a creative writing degree

What's the defining line between sci-fi and fantasy? There's actually a lot more to it than magic versus technology.

what can u do with a creative writing degree

Does science fiction alone feel too limiting for your vast imagination? Do you feel like your fantasy world could use a dash of futuristic technology?

what can u do with a creative writing degree

Prose describes how you write your book, and it can be challenging to get right. So, in this article, we cover what makes good prose.

Do you scribble poems along the margins of your math homework? Are you obsessed with short stories? Do you dream of publishing a book one day?

If so, a degree in creative writing might be for you. This fascinating field of study offers hands-on training in genres of all kinds, from memoir to screenwriting, fiction to personal essay. Through lectures, seminars, workshops, and critique groups, students learn to recognize and create high quality writing. They practice developing their own projects and critiquing those of their peers. They learn to edit, revise, and refine their work; meet deadlines; and pitch their creations for publication. Plus, they gain access to top professionals in the field, networking with esteemed novelists , poets, screenwriters , and other creative writers .

If you think a creative writing degree might be for you, read on. In this article, we’ll cover:

  • What kinds of creative writing degrees are out there?
  • What sets creative writing apart from similar degrees, like journalism or English literature?
  • What skills will you gain from a degree in creative writing?
  • What can you do with a creative writing degree?

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing\u2014 Four Year Duration \nBachelor’s degrees in creative writing typically take about four years to complete. They offer a broad introduction to the main genres of creative writing, including screenwriting, creative nonfiction, poetry, short story, memoir, and more. Students learn about the basics of plot, style, character, and story structure. They practice writing in different styles and genres, and also learn to read and critique other students’ work. In addition, most bachelor’s degrees offer plenty of opportunities to network with other writers and publishing professionals.

Master of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing \u2014 Two Year Duration \nMaster’s programs in creative writing offer an opportunity to dive even deeper into the craft. Most take about two years to complete, and combine hands-on writing workshops with seminar courses by professional writers. At the end of the program, students typically complete a dissertation or thesis. Depending on the program, this could be a novel, memoir, poetry collection, or some other long-form piece of writing that is ready to submit for publication.

Doctoral Degree in Creative Writing \u2014 Four Year Duration \nInterested in becoming a professor of creative writing? A Ph.D. may be in your future. Doctoral programs in creative writing are highly intensive and specialized. They tend to focus on mastering critique, research, and academic writing, rather than on building creative writing skills.

Although obtaining a Ph.D. is one way to get an academic job, it isn’t the only option. Often, faculty positions in creative writing are offered to candidates who have published books or screenplays, rather than to candidates with formal academic training.

No matter what path you choose, a degree in creative writing can serve you well\u2014both in the writing world and beyond. Most students graduate with valuable professional skills under their belt, including:

  • Communication (written and oral)
  • Research and critical reading skills
  • Editing, proofreading, and revision
  • Constructive feedback and critique
  • Ability to meet deadlines and manage your own time

Advertising \nLike digital marketing, advertising is all about persuasion. Penning the words for the perfect jingle or TV ad takes creativity and precision. With their mastery of the English language and awareness about the power of words, creative writing majors are a natural fit. Many pursue careers as advertising managers , copywriters , or art directors .

TV, Film, and Radio \nIn the age of Netflix, YouTube, and podcasts, the potential opportunities for talented storytellers are endless. With the right connections and experience, creative writing majors can pursue work as screen writers, radio producers, and even film editors .

Libraries and Archives \nWith their literary knowledge and their passion for the written word, creative writing graduates can make excellent librarians . From positions in academic libraries to rare book collections, there are lots of different options to explore. Although many jobs in this domain do require extra training, others, like library assistant , do not. Gain some experience in the area and build up your skills; if the profession feels like a fit, consider pursuing a degree in library and archival studies.

Education \nLast but not least, a creative writing degree can be the perfect training for a career in education. With their mastery of the English language, many creative writing graduates go on to become successful high school teachers , creative writing lecturers, or instructors for English as a Learned Language (ELL) courses. Others become professional tutors or personal mentors, offering one-on-one coaching to aspiring writers. Still others start their own workshops or training programs, helping new writers fall in love with the craft.

Creative writing degree overview

In this article:, what is a creative writing degree, program options, degrees similar to creative writing, skills you&rsquo;ll learn, what can you do with a creative writing degree.

If you think a creative writing degree might be for you, read on. In this article, we’ll cover:

A quick Google search for "how to study creative writing" will reveal just how many degree options there are available. Most universities and colleges now offer some form of creative writing program, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. But as you’ll see, there are lots of other ways to learn creative writing, from online courses to workshops and more.

Self Study Are you curious about writing but not ready to invest in a formal degree? If you’re a dedicated and self-motivated learner, taking your studies into your own hands can be a great option. For example, you could:

  • Join a creative writing group (or create your own!)
  • Enrol in an online writing class
  • Sign up for a writing residency or workshop
  • Intern or volunteer for a magazine or newsletter to gain first-hand writing experience
  • Start (and maintain) your own blog
  • Find a writing mentor or hire a writing coach
  • Build your own degree: Set yourself a writing schedule and ensure you stick to it. You could write daily, weekly, or even monthly—just as long as you’re consistent.

Certificate in Creative Writing — Varying Durations Pursuing a certificate in creative writing is another affordable, flexible degree option. These programs tend to be shorter than university degrees, often taking less than a year to complete. Many can be done part-time or online, making it possible to work while you study. Certificate programs in creative writing tend to focus on skill building, rather than writing theory.

Of course, professional certifications aren’t necessary for most writing jobs. But freelance writing is a competitive space, and having a certificate can help you stand out from the crowd. Some writers also say this training allows them to charge higher rates for their services.

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing— Four Year Duration Bachelor’s degrees in creative writing typically take about four years to complete. They offer a broad introduction to the main genres of creative writing, including screenwriting, creative nonfiction, poetry, short story, memoir, and more. Students learn about the basics of plot, style, character, and story structure. They practice writing in different styles and genres, and also learn to read and critique other students’ work. In addition, most bachelor’s degrees offer plenty of opportunities to network with other writers and publishing professionals.

Master of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing — Two Year Duration Master’s programs in creative writing offer an opportunity to dive even deeper into the craft. Most take about two years to complete, and combine hands-on writing workshops with seminar courses by professional writers. At the end of the program, students typically complete a dissertation or thesis. Depending on the program, this could be a novel, memoir, poetry collection, or some other long-form piece of writing that is ready to submit for publication.

Doctoral Degree in Creative Writing — Four Year Duration Interested in becoming a professor of creative writing? A Ph.D. may be in your future. Doctoral programs in creative writing are highly intensive and specialized. They tend to focus on mastering critique, research, and academic writing, rather than on building creative writing skills.

Although obtaining a Ph.D. is one way to get an academic job, it isn’t the only option. Often, faculty positions in creative writing are offered to candidates who have published books or screenplays, rather than to candidates with formal academic training.

Many students struggle when choosing between a creative writing and a related degree, like journalism or English literature. Although these three programs share some commonalities, they are distinct in key ways.

Journalism Both journalism and creative writing degrees offer hands-on training in written communication. Both help students develop essential techniques in research, writing, editing, critique, and revision. However, journalism focuses primarily on communicating real events and information—that is, writing news articles, opinion pieces, feature articles, and other non-fiction content. Creative writing, on the other hand, incorporates fantastical elements, combining real-world facts or settings with ideas drawn from the writer’s imagination.

English Literature Some people believe that being able to create great writing begins with appreciating great writing. English literature teaches students to do just that. Through critical reading, research, essay writing, and presentations, this degree trains students to understand and analyze acclaimed writing from all over the world.

English literature students study classics and contemporary works, covering everything from haiku to 800-page novels. However, although these programs will help you learn to recognize excellent writing, few will actually teach you how to write. Creative writing programs, on the other hand, focus primarily on building hands-on writing and editing skills.

No matter what path you choose, a degree in creative writing can serve you well—both in the writing world and beyond. Most students graduate with valuable professional skills under their belt, including:

Although many students enrol in a creative writing degree in hopes of becoming an author one day, this isn’t the only career option available. Here are some of the many professional directions creative writing graduates can pursue. Here are a few of the most common ones:

Content Writing The demand for high quality digital writing is growing, as more and more businesses are moving online. With a creative writing degree, you can help companies of all kinds prepare newsletters, social media posts, blogs, website pages, and more. You could become a freelance content writer, work as a corporation’s head of content, or even start your own blog .

Journalism Journalism and creative writing are distinct professions, but they share common features. Both rely on the power of storytelling to engage different audiences. Both require strong skills in research and communication. With so many similarities, it’s no surprise that many creative writing graduates find success as writers, editors, and fact checkers for magazines, newspapers, and other media companies.

Communications Just like writing a great piece of fiction, communicating effectively requires clarity, awareness, and a knack for the written word. Creative writing majors are ideally suited to a number of communication roles. Many pursue public relations positions, preparing compelling press releases, speeches, and more for clients of all kinds. Others pursue careers in internal communications, publicity, or public outreach.

Publishing Publishing is another promising career path to consider after a creative writing degree. Aside from becoming a published author, creative writing majors can pursue jobs such as book editors , proofreaders , editorial assistants, or ghostwriters. While less obviously related to writing, publishing jobs in other departments—like sales, marketing, or production—can also be a great fit.

Digital Marketing Digital marketing is a fast-growing field with lots of exciting career opportunities. Digital marketing jobs focus on promoting different products, services, events, or brands to online customers, using tools like social media, email marketing, and Search Engine optimization (SEO).

Creative writing graduates are skilled communicators, great at using words to entice and persuade. They can make excellent social media managers , digital marketing specialists , SEO specialists , and more.

Advertising Like digital marketing, advertising is all about persuasion. Penning the words for the perfect jingle or TV ad takes creativity and precision. With their mastery of the English language and awareness about the power of words, creative writing majors are a natural fit. Many pursue careers as advertising managers , copywriters , or art directors .

TV, Film, and Radio In the age of Netflix, YouTube, and podcasts, the potential opportunities for talented storytellers are endless. With the right connections and experience, creative writing majors can pursue work as screen writers, radio producers, and even film editors .

Libraries and Archives With their literary knowledge and their passion for the written word, creative writing graduates can make excellent librarians . From positions in academic libraries to rare book collections, there are lots of different options to explore. Although many jobs in this domain do require extra training, others, like library assistant , do not. Gain some experience in the area and build up your skills; if the profession feels like a fit, consider pursuing a degree in library and archival studies.

Education Last but not least, a creative writing degree can be the perfect training for a career in education. With their mastery of the English language, many creative writing graduates go on to become successful high school teachers , creative writing lecturers, or instructors for English as a Learned Language (ELL) courses. Others become professional tutors or personal mentors, offering one-on-one coaching to aspiring writers. Still others start their own workshops or training programs, helping new writers fall in love with the craft.

See which schools are the most and least expensive.

Creative Writing

Creative Writing

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Writing Majors Guide

What does it mean to study writing .

An Arts & Humanities degree in writing allows you to focus on the specific courses you need to begin a writing career. Contrary to what you might expect, a writing degree it is not the same as an English degree, nor even as a journalism degree. There is some overlap in the courses and skills these programs may expect of you, but a writing degree program is meant to focus on creativity, curiosity, a broad range of knowledge, self-motivation and perseverance. Good writing goes far beyond grammar and spelling; the understanding, judgment, empathy and ethics of writing can be utilized in fields from business to politics, science to psychology.

  • Creative writers can write fiction or fanciful non-fiction. They might write historical biographies or children’s stories; novels or novellas; poetry, lyrics, plays or anything else that requires a streak of imagination.
  • Copywriters devise advertising copy, which can be used by publication or broadcast media to promote the sale of goods and services.
  • Business writers create clear, concise, and informative pieces for internal and external audiences. They may develop material for magazines and trade journals, newspapers, online publications, company newsletters, radio and television broadcasts, motion pictures and advertisements.
  • Technical writers develop scientific or technical materials, such as scientific and medical reports, equipment manuals, catalogs, appendices, operating and maintenance instructions, or project proposals. They may assist in layout work and oversee the creation of illustrations, photographs, diagrams and charts.
  • Freelance writers earn from their articles, books, and less commonly, television and movie scripts. Most support themselves with income derived from other sources.

Types of Business, Creative, & Technical Writing Degrees

A college degree is generally required for a position as a writer or editor. Although some employers look for a broad liberal arts background, most prefer to hire people with degrees in writing, communications, or English. For those who specialize in a particular area, such as fashion, business, or law, additional background in the chosen field is expected. Knowledge of a second language is helpful for some positions.

What to Expect from a Writing Degree Program

Writing programs can focus on technical aspects such as syntax, subject/ tense agreement, vocabulary and spelling. Other programs may focus on style, imagery, metaphor and setting a tone. Alternately, they can be a combination of both! Aspiring writers and editors can benefit from choosing a minor appropriate to their interests as well, either to qualify them as writers specializing in that discipline or to lend fresh perspective to their writing. On the other side of the coin, if you’re already a working professional, earning a bachelor’s degree in writing can be an excellent way to polish your skills and broaden your understanding of the art.

About 95 percent of working technical writers hold at least a bachelor’s degree in some specialized field: engineering & construction, business, or one of the sciences. In fact, a master’s degree is often preferred, since these subject matters can be so complex and the technological demands can be so high.

As a creative writer , formal education can improve the quality of your work and give you new techniques to spice up your ideas or your style. Creative writing students may choose to specialize in the areas of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, children’s books, memoirs and biography/profiles, literary journalism, travel/ nature/ science, play and screen writing, or cross-genre.

If aiming to be a business writer , a bachelor’s degree program in writing could be well-supplemented with added courses in business. Pursuing a business minor, or even a double-major in writing and business together, could be a clever way to learn the nuances of the business world and figure out ways to apply them to your writing.

Online Degree Programs in Writing

Options for online education vary from a Bachelor of Arts in writing to master’s degrees, graduate certificates, and doctorates. Many online writing degree programs have some residency requirements, because of the irreplaceable benefits of meeting with your peers and professors periodically to attend workshops and lectures with established writers, share your work, and be exposed to the works of others.

What Can You Do With a College Degree in Writing ?

Employment of writers and authors is expected to grow at an average rate until 2012. Opportunities from newspapers, periodicals, book publishers and nonprofit organizations are expected to increase. Magazines and online publications and services have developed a variety of market niches to appeal to special interest groups; if you have expertise in a particular field, consider looking for publications in that area.

Many different businesses and organizations use newsletters and Internet websites, and the advertising and public relations fields use the skills of writing professionals to create them. In particular, technical specialty writers in areas such as law, medicine and economics are needed to describe as technologies expand in these areas.

Almost 25 percent of jobs for writers and editors are salaried positions with newspapers, magazines and book publishers. Substantial numbers, mostly technical writers, work for computer software firms. Some writers develop publications and technical materials for government agencies or write for motion picture companies.

Technical Writing

Job opportunities should be best for technical writers and those with training in a specialized field. Rapid growth and change in the high-tech and electronics industries has resulted in a greater need for people to write users’ guides, instruction manuals, training materials, trade conference presentations, trade magazines and journals, and official documentation.

Technical writers can work in industry, technology, medicine, sciences, and engineering – any area where a bridge is needed between the technical lingo and common language. They also need to write for members of the industry using the appropriate jargon, with the same ease, sophisticated vocabulary, and overall fluency that any communicator would have. The technical writer is a truly bilingual communicator. Writing training helps you maintain a logical flow, which is important for manuals and instruction.

Salaries for technical writers tend to be based on educational credentials and experience. Median annual earnings in 2002 for salaried technical writers were over $50,000, as compared to almost $43,000 for salaried writers and authors.

Freelance Writing

Freelance writers sell their work to publishers, publication enterprises, manufacturing firms, public relations departments, or advertising agencies. Others may be hired on a temporary basis to complete specific assignments such as writing about a new product or technique. As with any freelancing career, it can be stressful not to have a steady paycheck — but once you’ve built up a healthy client base, you may find great pleasure in the amount of control you have over your time and schedule.

Editors conceptualize material for publication or broadcast, then review the finished work to check if it is suitable for publication or dissemination. In the publishing industry, an editor’s primary duty is to plan the contents of books, technical journals, trade magazines and general interest publications. Some small publications hire freelance copyeditors as backup for staff editors or as additional help for special projects.


Publication assistants work for publishing houses, reading and evaluating manuscripts submitted by freelance writers. They may also proofread printers’ galleys, or answer fan-mailed letters about published material. Production assistants can also be found at small papers or radio stations, where they may compile articles available from wire services or the Internet, answer phones, and make photocopies.

Other Writing Careers

Novelists, creative writers, and poets are in limited demand, but for the talented few who do make it, it can be a very rewarding career. If you’re interested in the media, you can consider working as a reporter, editor, researcher, publisher or literary agent. Public relations and advertising are also fields which are appreciative of formal writing degrees. Opportunities for writers may be found in finance, professional services such as real estate, law, unions, public administration and government, nonprofit, education, and industry, and wholesale and retail corporations. Writer salaries average over $54,000 in advertising and related services. The average income for editors is $41,000; it’s over $33,000 in newspaper, periodical, book and directory publishing.

Writing Certification, Licensure, and Professional Associations

The professional group you choose will depend on where you decide to apply your writing skills. Certification is not required, but these organizations can offer valuable job listings, guest speakers to inspire and educate you, and news about what’s going on in your profession. Technical writers, editors, business writers and freelancers alike may find these organizations useful:

  • Society for Technical Communication
  • The Writers Guild (for movies, television and radio professionals)
  • American Society of Magazine Editors

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What Jobs Can You Do With a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing?

man in sunny window writing book

What is a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing?

For those who love the written word, earning a graduate-level degree in creative writing can open a wide world of creative career opportunities. Earning a creative writing master’s degree shows you how to take an inkling of an idea and build a fully-formed narrative that can be applied to short stories, novels or screenplays. Editing is a crucial component of the creative writing process, and this program teaches students how to fine-tune their writing at all levels. A master’s degree program will help students refine their writing abilities, explore different styles and forms of writing, and gain a deeper understanding of the publishing  world.

Benefits of Getting a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing

Earning a creative writing master’s degree lets you put your imagination and talent on display. There are plentiful opportunities for what you can do with a creative writing master’s degree. This master’s degree is typically pursued by individuals who are passionate about writing and want to hone their skills, whether for personal development or to pursue a career in the literary world. It can be a stepping stone to becoming a published author, a professional writer, or a creative writing instructor.

Career Opportunities

Whether you’re interested in being published or want to teach others how they can write creatively, there is a lot that you can do with a creative writing Master’s degree. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, over the next decade the demand for writers and authors is expected to grow by 4 percent, with an average of 15,500 openings for writers projected annually. With any role, creative writing requires persistence, resilience and the ability to tap into a strong professional network.

Content Writer/Copywriter

Content writers and copywriters can be found in a wide range of industries, from nonprofits and government agencies to startups and multinational companies. These writers are skilled at helping clients say something in order to sell something, and are typically part of a marketing or creative team. Earning a creative writing master’s degree is a benefit to content creators and copywriters, earning a creative writing master’s degree is beneficial to content creators and copywriters, because creative writing shows how language and narrative can be used to compel and captivate readers.

Freelance Writer

Freelance writers are self-employed professionals who are able to write in a number of styles and formats, depending on their clientele. In addition to building a strong writing portfolio, participating in a rigorous creative writing master’s degree program develops critical thinking and time management skills — which comes in handy, because freelancers must be able to manage both the business and creative sides of work.

Public Relations Specialists

This job relies heavily on exceptional written and verbal skills, and primarily involves writing press releases, speeches, social media content and responding to inquiries — often on tight deadlines. Creativity is essential in public relations, as are strong communications skills. With a master’s degree in creative writing, public relations specialists are well-positioned to persuade the masses.

Creative Director

Most often found at marketing and advertising agencies, creative directors are the final decision-makers for all things creative — strategy, copywriting, graphic design and more. Being a creative director requires a sharp, strategic mind and the ability to express a creative point of view. Earning a creative writing master’s degree prepares future creative directors to both give and receive criticism, understand the creative process and guide junior creatives to bring their best work.

Publishing Industry Professional

Working within the fast-paced publishing industry requires sharp creative sensibilities and awareness of industry trends. Publishing industry professionals range from manuscript readers to literary agents, editors to publicists. No matter the role within this industry, earning a master’s degree brings a level of credibility and enhanced skills – particularly at Tiffin University, where the creative writing master’s degree program includes two classes on the publishing industry.

Professor / Teacher

With an advanced degree in creative writing, it’s possible to shape the next generation of  creative writers as an educator.  Creative writing teachers help their students build a foundation to use language more effectively and develop the tools to make their writing impactful. Because they understand what it takes to be a writer, teachers with a master’s degree in creative writing can also provide valuable mentorship to aspiring authors.

Grant Writer

Grant writers are invaluable to nonprofit organizations, businesses and individuals — all who rely on these writers to help secure vital funding. This role entails researching, drafting and submitting proposals for grants, and the ability to write compellingly is critical. A creative writing master’s degree strengthens technical skills like narrative development, revising and editing, which easily transfer to a career as a grant writer.


A ghostwriter is the unseen creative force behind published works like fiction and nonfiction books and screenplays. With all of the creative possibilities available to ghostwriters, completing a master’s degree is an excellent way to perfect the ability to write in a variety of styles, for a variety of clients.


If you aspire to work in the entertainment industry, a creative writing master’s degree can provide the onramp to a career as a screenwriter. Because Tiffin University’s creative writing program is rooted in narrative development, students interested in screenwriting will fully understand the elements of storytelling and how to make their work translate to the screen.           

What Skills Complement a Creative Writing Career?

Being able to generate new ideas, and translate those ideas into a compelling narrative is essential to a career in creative writing. The most successful creative writers are those who can imagine worlds that don’t exist, breathe life into them and keep readers wanting more. In addition to creativity, writers must also ensure the plot and narrative arc of their work is interesting as well as cohesive, which is a task best suited to those with a knack for originality. 

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking and creative writing go hand in hand. The ability to process information, and then translate that information into logical and persuasive writing is a valuable skill that every writer should possess. Critical thinking is especially important for authors working in nonfiction and business writing, to ensure work is written without biases and considers differing viewpoints.

Research / Information Gathering

Most creative writing projects begin with some sort of research, whether combing through library stacks or doing a deep dive on the internet. Writers should be able to navigate a range of references, like textbooks, encyclopedias, newspapers or even historical documents. These primary sources can help spark ideas that lead to the next great story.

Creative Writing at Tiffin University

The creative writing Master’s degree program at Tiffin University is offered online, making it ideal for adult students with busy lives but a passion to learn. Throughout this program, students prepare to get into publishing by finding their voice, honing their writing skills, writing in a workshop setting and learning from instructors who have themselves been published. Being taught by experienced faculty also provides valuable insight into how the publishing industry works, as well as the many career paths creative writing can lead to.

Both flexible and affordable, Tiffin University is a wonderful institution for creative writers to launch a career.

Are you a high school student hoping to attend Tiffin University?

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Earning A Master’s In Creative Writing: What To Know

Sheryl Grey

Updated: Nov 1, 2023, 1:51pm

Earning A Master&#8217;s In Creative Writing: What To Know

Do you want to create written work that ignites a reader’s imagination and even changes their worldview? With a master’s in creative writing, you can develop strong storytelling and character development skills, equipping you to achieve your writing goals.

If you’re ready to strengthen your writing chops and you enjoy writing original works to inspire others, tell interesting stories and share valuable information, earning a master’s in creative writing may be the next step on your career journey.

The skills learned in a creative writing master’s program qualify you to write your own literary works, teach others creative writing principles or pursue various other careers.

This article explores master’s degrees in creative writing, including common courses and concentrations, admission requirements and careers that use creative writing skills. Read on to learn more about earning a master’s degree in creative writing.

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What Is a Master’s in Creative Writing?

A master’s in creative writing is an advanced degree that helps you develop the skills to write your own novel, poetry, screenplay or nonfiction book. This degree can also prepare you for a career in business, publishing, education, marketing or communications.

In a creative writing master’s degree program, you can expect to analyze literature, explore historical contexts of literary works, master techniques for revising and editing, engage in class workshops and peer critiques, and write your own original work.

Creative writing master’s programs usually require a thesis project, which should be well-written, polished and ready to publish. Typical examples of thesis projects include poetry collections, memoirs, essay collections, short story collections and novels.

A master’s in creative writing typically requires about 36 credits and takes two years to complete. Credit requirements and timelines vary by program, so you may be able to finish your degree quicker.

Specializations for a Master’s in Creative Writing

Below are a few common concentrations for creative writing master’s programs. These vary by school, so your program’s offerings may look different.

This concentration helps you develop fiction writing skills, such as plot development, character creation and world-building. A fiction concentration is a good option if you plan to write short stories, novels or other types of fiction.

A nonfiction concentration focuses on the mechanics of writing nonfiction narratives. If you plan to write memoirs, travel pieces, magazine articles, technical documents or nonfiction books, this concentration may suit you.

Explore the imagery, tone, rhythm and structure of poetry with a poetry concentration. With this concentration, you can expect to develop your poetry writing skills and learn to curate poetry for journals and magazines.


Screenwriting is an excellent concentration to explore if you enjoy creating characters and telling stories to make them come alive for television or film. This specialization covers how to write shorts, episodic serials, documentaries and feature-length film scripts.

Admission Requirements for a Master’s in Creative Writing

Below are some typical admission requirements for master’s in creative writing degree programs. These requirements vary, so check with your program to ensure you’ve met the appropriate requirements.

  • Application for admission
  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution
  • Transcripts from previous education
  • Writing samples
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement or essay

Common Courses in a Master’s in Creative Writing

Story and concept.

This course focuses on conceptualizing, planning and developing stories on a structural level. Learners study how to generate ideas, develop interesting plots, create outlines, draft plot arcs, engage in world-building and create well-rounded characters who move their stories forward.

Graduate Studies in English Literature

Understanding literature is essential to building a career in creative writing. This course prepares you to teach, study literature or write professionally. Expect to discuss topics such as phonology, semantics, dialects, syntax and the history of the English language.

Workshop in Creative Nonfiction

You’ll study classic and contemporary creative nonfiction in this course. Workshops in creative nonfiction explore how different genres have emerged throughout history and how previous works influence new works. In some programs, this course focuses on a specific theme.

Foundations in Fiction

In this course, you’ll explore how the novel has developed throughout literary history and how the short story emerged as an art form. Coursework includes reading classic and contemporary works, writing response essays and crafting critical analyses.

MA in Creative Writing vs. MFA in Creative Writing: What’s the Difference?

While the degrees are similar, a master of arts in creative writing is different from a master of fine arts in creative writing. An MA in creative writing teaches creative writing competencies, building analytical skills through studying literature, literary theory and related topics. This lets you explore storytelling along with a more profound knowledge of literature and literary theory.

If you want your education to take a more academic perspective so you can build a career in one of many fields related to writing, an MA in creative writing may be right for you.

An MFA prepares you to work as a professional writer or novelist. MFA students graduate with a completed manuscript that is ready for publishing. Coursework highlights subjects related to the business of writing, such as digital publishing, the importance of building a platform on social media , marketing, freelancing and teaching. An MA in creative writing also takes less time and requires fewer credits than an MFA.

If you want to understand the business of writing and work as a professional author or novelist, earning an MFA in creative writing might be your best option.

What Can You Do With a Master’s in Creative Writing?

Below are several careers you can pursue with a master’s in creative writing. We sourced salary data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Postsecondary Creative Writing Teacher

Median Annual Salary: $74,280 Minimum Required Education: Ph.D. or another doctoral degree; master’s degree may be accepted at some schools and community colleges Job Overview: Postsecondary teachers, also known as professors or faculty, teach students at the college level. They plan lessons, advise students, serve on committees, conduct research, publish original research, supervise graduate teaching assistants, apply for grants for their research and teach subjects in their areas of expertise.

Median Annual Salary: $73,080 Minimum Required Education: Bachelor’s degree in English or a related field Job Overview: Editors plan, revise and edit written materials for publication. They work for newspapers, magazines, book publishers, advertising agencies, media networks, and motion picture and video production companies. Editors work closely with writers to ensure their written work is accurate, grammatically correct and written in the appropriate style for the medium.

Median Annual Salary: $55,960 Minimum Required Education: Bachelor’s degree in journalism or a related field Job Overview: Journalists research and write stories about local, regional, national and global current events and other newsworthy subjects. Journalists need strong interviewing, editing, analytical and writing skills. Some journalists specialize in a subject, such as sports or politics, and some are generalists. They work for news organizations, magazines and online publications, and some work as freelancers.

Writer or Author

Median Annual Salary: $73,150 Minimum Required Education: None; bachelor’s degree in creative writing or a related field sometimes preferred Job Overview: Writers and authors write fiction or nonfiction content for magazines, plays, blogs, books, television scripts and other forms of media. Novelists, biographers, copywriters, screenwriters and playwrights all fall into this job classification. Writers may work for advertising agencies, news platforms, book publishers and other organizations; some work as freelancers.

Technical Writer

Median Annual Salary: $79,960 Minimum Required Education: Bachelor’s degree Job Overview: Technical writers craft technical documents, such as training manuals and how-to guides. They are adept at simplifying technical information so lay people can easily understand it. Technical writers may work with technical staff, graphic designers, computer support specialists and software developers to create user-friendly finished pieces.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About a Master's in Creative Writing

Is a master’s in creative writing useful.

If your goal is to launch a career as a writer, then yes, a master’s in creative writing is useful. An MA in creative writing is a versatile degree that prepares you for various jobs requiring excellent writing skills.

Is an MFA better than an MA for creative writing?

One is not better than the other; you should choose the one that best equips you for the career you want. An MFA prepares you to build a career as a professional writer or novelist. An MA prepares you for various jobs demanding high-level writing skills.

What kind of jobs can you get with a creative writing degree?

A creative writing degree prepares you for many types of writing jobs. It helps you build your skills and gain expertise to work as an editor, writer, author, technical writer or journalist. This degree is also essential if you plan to teach writing classes at the college level.

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Sheryl Grey is a freelance writer who specializes in creating content related to education, aging and senior living, and real estate. She is also a copywriter who helps businesses grow through expert website copywriting, branding and content creation. Sheryl holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications from Indiana University South Bend, and she received her teacher certification training through Bethel University’s Transition to Teaching program.

What Can You Do with a Creative Writing Degree?

What can you do with a creative writing degree? Saint Leo University offers up several potential options on writing career tracks.

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Approximately 6,715 students earn a creative writing degree each year, according to statistics compiled by Data USA . Additionally, upon completion of this specific college program, graduates are qualified to join the other 1.46 million writers currently working in this field.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) adds to this topic by explaining that the median pay for professional writers and authors is approximately $62,170 per year. The future looks positive for writers as well with the BLS indicating that writing-based jobs are expected to grow eight percent by the year 2026, which means 10,000 new positions.

But what types of careers are you more prepared to pursue after earning your creative writing degree? Here are a few to consider.

1. Fiction Writer

If your ultimate goal is to write fiction books or short stories, earning your creative writing degree can help

you develop the skills necessary to create publish-ready content. Whether your interest falls in crafting science fiction content, romance novels, dramas, thrillers, or any other genre of story, a creative writing degree provides the foundation needed to write in a way that truly connects with your readers.

2. Speech Writer

Another option for graduates with a creative writing degree is becoming a speech writer. This is an excellent career choice for individuals who are interested in government and public policy as many elected and public officials rely on writers to create speeches designed to captivate (and persuade) their audiences. Who knows? Maybe your speech will touch the world for decades, such as Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech or Abraham Lincoln's "The Gettysburg Address".

3. Play Writer

Maybe you've always been intrigued by theater. In this case, you could become a play writer, coming up with storylines that educate, inform, and entertain audiences of all sizes and interests. A few of the greatest playwrights of all time include William Shakespeare ( Hamlet , Romeo and Juliet , and Macbeth ), Anton Chekhov ( Three Sisters , The Seagull , and A Marriage Proposal ), and Henrik Ibsen ( A Doll's House , Ghosts , and Hedda Gabler ). Why not add your name to the list?

4. Television or Movie Script Writer

You could also take your love of writing scripts and use it to create television shows or movies that families and friends enjoy together. Both put you square in the middle of the entertainment industry, with the latter generally referred to as a screenwriter. That makes this a good career choice for individuals who dream of seeing their name on the big screen.

A creative writing degree also prepares you for a career in writing and publishing poetry. Depending on which route you decide to take with this option, you may choose to publish your own books of poetry or you may contact an existing publication that specializes in printing poetic content. Markets that currently pay for poetry include Poetry Magazine , the Kenyon Review , Qu , and Agni .

6. Essayist

Study.com explains that essayists "are a varied sort with a large range of specializations," which means that you can write anything from a literary criticism or manifesto to a personal narrative or a reflection on nature. Technically, essayists do write non-fiction content, but because this type of writing requires a special way with words, a creative writing degree can help you better get your thoughts and opinions out in a manner that the reader understands and can relate to.

7. Memoirist

Sometimes true life stories are more intriguing or inspiring than anything a person could ever dream up. If you agree with this statement, you may want to take your creative writing degree and become a memoirist. In this role, you will help yourself and/or others share life events and lessons learned so readers can learn from them too.

Additional Writing Career Tracks

Though creative writing generally involves creating fiction-based pieces, this degree can also help prepare students interested in writing nonfiction content. Careers falling into this category include:

  • Advertising copywriter
  • Digital copywriter
  • Creative director
  • Web content writer/manager
  • Editorial assistant
  • Magazine or newspaper journalist

Start Working on Your Creative Writing Degree Today

If you're ready to pursue your creative writing degree, Saint Leo University offers a master's in creative writing . This program is 36-credit hours and is offered online, though it does involve three 8-day residencies at University Campus (in the summertime).

Saint Leo also offers a minor in creative writing , giving students the ability to explore this career field while only requiring the completion of 18 credit hours. Both can help you become a more

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