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Monster Hunter: World

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Monster Hunter World Game Guide by

Monster Hunter World Game Guide

List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World Monster Hunter World Guide

In this guide you will find walkthrough for all main quests in Monster Hunter World with mission objectives, special victory conditions, time limits and rewards. Our short walkthrough includes quests Jagras of the Ancient Forest, A Kestodon Kerfuffle, The Great Jagras Hunt, Bird-Brained Bandit, Pukei Pukei Hunt, The Best Kind of Quest and more.

Last update: 14 February 2018

Below you can find all Assigned Quests - the main missions. They depict subsequent story events. Here you can find a list of quests in Monster Hunter World along with their descriptions:

Jagras of the Ancient Forest

A kestodon kerfuffle, urgent: the great jagras hunt, bird-brained bandit, urgent: pukei-pukei hunt, the best kind of quest, sinister shadows in the swamp, flying sparks: tobi-kadachi, urgent: the encroaching anjanath, one for the history books, ballooning problems, radobaan roadblock, urgent: legiana: embodiment of elegance, into the bowels of the vale, a fiery throne atop the forest, horned tyrant below the sands, a colossal task, invader in the waste, tickled pink.

Commentary: A simple quest to start the game. You have to defeat 7 Jagras - a piece of cake. Practice your combos and gather a few items while you are there. Then, speak with NPCs to complete the quest.

Commentary: Another easy quest that doesn't require any additional description. You simply have to hunt the appointed monsters and eliminate them quickly. During the mission you can see Great Jagras. The game gives you a choice: you can decide to hunt this beast or go back to the village and prepare for the next encounter.

Quests name - List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Hunting - Monster Hunter World Game Guide

Commentary: The first serious challenge. You have to hunt a Great Jagras which is much more difficult to slay than the monsters you fought earlier. The enemy has a lot of health points, numerous special attacks etc. Visit our page with the description of Great Jagras to learn its tactic and ways of defeating the beast!

Commentary: Time to face another large monster. You have to slay Kulu-Ya-Ku , a very agile bird-like creature that uses interesting attacks. It can dig out a stone use it in combat. The beast also attacks from above etc. Here you can find more details on how to deal with this enemy and what materials you can get from it.

Quests name - List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Hunting - Monster Hunter World Game Guide

Commentary: This time your enemy is Pukei-Pukei . Watch out for Anjanath that roams the area - don't fight with that monster! As for the quest objective, the creature has a very long tongue that can damage you from a distance. Also, the monster is poisonous - you will need to carry antidotes with you. Check out this chapter where you can find Pukei-Pukei's weak points and learn how to defeat that monster fast!

Quests name - List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Hunting - Monster Hunter World Game Guide

Commentary: Time to visit Wildspire Waste - this region has completely different fauna and flora. Your task is to escort a cart that belongs to scholars so they can gather samples without any problems. The task seems simple until you come across Barroth . This monster has an armored head which protects it from attacks. Press here to learn how to fight with this beast.

Commentary: After a few simpler quests it is time to face another large monster - Jyuratodus . This aquatic creature can cause you a lot of problems - visit this chapter to learn how to defeat this beast.

Commentary: You are back in the Ancient Forest. This time, you have to hunt Tobi-Kadachi . This monster is very agile and can use electricity. You should prepare well and read this chapter before you go on the quest.

Quests name - List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Hunting - Monster Hunter World Game Guide

Commentary: You have to deal with Anjanath - you met this monster a few times before. Your character should be now strong enough to be able to defeat this creature that looks like a T-rex. Watch out for its fire attack and fast charges - they can deal you a lot of damage. Here you can find the chapter where you can learn how defeat this enemy and what materials you can get from it.

Quests name - List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Hunting - Monster Hunter World Game Guide

Commentary: This is your first meeting and battle with Zorah Magdaros . Start the fight by shooting with ballistae and cannons (you have to pick up their ammo first). Weaken the beast a little bit and go to Wingdrake station. Use this monster to get on Zorah Magdaros' back. Climb on the beast and destroy magmacores (watch out for fire attacks!). After a while an unknown creature will appear - you have to fight with it for a while but you won't be able to defeat it now. After that the quest will end.

Commentary: Welcome to Coral Highlands where you can find new and dangerous creatures. Here, you will have to face a Paolumu . Don't be deceived by its appearance - this flying creature is really strong and its aerial attacks can deal massive damage. Here you can learn about the tactic that will help you defeat this enemy.

Quests name - List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Hunting - Monster Hunter World Game Guide

Commentary: You have to visit Rotten Vale. It's time to get serious. The monsters here are very strong. Your first objective here is to hunt a Radobaan . This creature is bones protruding from its entire body and it uses powerful spin attacks. Stay vigilant and keep on moving. Check this chapter - it will help you win this fight.

Commentary: Another monster awaits you in Coral Highlands - Legiana . This flying creature is really strong (you can find it in the highest place on the map). Remember to take Glider Mantle with you, it will allow you to ride strong winds. Thanks to that the final part of the fight, when the creature goes back to its nest, will be easier. You can also read this chapter - there, you can find a detailed description of this monster.

Quests name - List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Hunting - Monster Hunter World Game Guide

Commentary: In Rotten Vale you come across Odogaron . This lizard-like creature is extremely strong and very, very fast. It also can make your character bleed - focus on avoiding its attacks. Defeating this monster grants you an ability to craft a powerful armor. Remember that you can always check this chapter to learn more about Odogaron.

Commentary: Time to go back to the Ancient Forest. This time, you have to hunt Rathalos , a really powerful fire creature. Prepare yourself well - get a good and upgraded armor. You can also visit this chapter to see how you can defeat this monster.

Quests name - List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Hunting - Monster Hunter World Game Guide

Commentary: Go to Wildspire Waste and challenge Diablos . This monster can hide in sand, it uses powerful charges and is a tough enemy overall. Here you can find all information about this monster.

Quests name - List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World - Hunting - Monster Hunter World Game Guide

Commentary: Time for the last quest - face Zorah Magdaros . This time, you start on its back. Search for magmacores and destroy them to weaken the monster. Shortly after that Nerigante will arrive - fight with this monster for a moment. After that the creature will fly off. Go back on land. Shoot from ballistae and cannons at Zorah Magdaros.

Later, you receive an information that you can use Dragonator - get on the lower part of the ship and use the secret weapon. This will let you defeat the monster once and for all. Finally, your expedition is over... or is it?

Commentary: In Wildspire Waste you will come across Pukei-Pukei . This monster is much stronger than the one before. After defeating it you learn that there are much stronger monsters in the world. Check our guide if you want to know how to beat Pukei Pukei.

From now on you can decide whether you want to visit a location in its Low Rank (the monsters have the same strength as before, you won't find any new materials etc.) or High Rank version (all large monsters become stronger, they drop new materials, there are new resources on the maps etc.). Of course, these new materials can be used at Smithy to craft new gear!

Commentary: Your first objective is to locate tracks of a new beast: ??? Rathian . Travel through the land and search for the tracks. Completing side quests and investigations is a good idea because this will speed up the process of finding the tracks. After a while you get a new objective where you have to hung High Rank Anjanath .

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MHW: Assigned Quests



Low-Rank Quests (1-5★) [ ]

1★ quests [ ].

Key Quest


Slay 7

50 min.



Zorah Magdaros's appearance has brought about changes in the local ecosystem. Head into Jagras territory to investigate, and take them out if necessary. -- The Commander

Key Quest


Slay 8

50 min.

, , ,

Zorah Magdaros's appearance has driven a herd of Kestodon to new territory. We'll need you to go out and thin that herd of head-butters. -- The Commander

2★ Quests [ ]

Urgent Quest


Hunt a

50 min.

, ,

Things I'm not interested in writing in my daily report: "Researchers swallowed whole by Great Jagras." Take it out before I actually have to write it! -- Field Team Leader

Key Quest


Hunt a

50 min.

, ,

The Kulu-Ya-Ku uses its dexterous forearms to carry objects. Left unchecked it's liable to run off with crucial supplies. Step one of rebuilding a secure camp is hunting that thief! -- Provisions Manager

3★ Quests [ ]

Urgent Quest


Hunt a

50 min.



, , , ,

That Pukei-Pukei is none too pleased to have that slag in its territory. It'll be even less pleased if we send in our scholars to research it. Looks like we have to put it down. -- The Commander

Key Quest


Hunt a

50 min.



, , , , ,

Something surely left by Zorah Magdaros was discovered out in the Wildspire Waste. Fifth Fleet hunters: Keep our scholars safe as you escort them out to investigate this new evidence. -- The Commander

Key Quest


Hunt a

50 min.



, , , ,

A young scholar has gotten separated from his escort out in the Wildspire Waste. Find him and escort him back to base. Neutralize any large monsters that pose a threat. -- The Commander

Key Quest


Hunt a

50 min.



, , , , ,

Oh, my! That Tobi-Kadachi is sure getting in the way of progress! You hunters will never get a hold of these specialized tools I'm making if I become its dinner! -- Chief Botanist

4★ Quests [ ]

Urgent Quest


Hunt an

50 min.



, , , ,

As we're gathering up to capture Zorah Magdaros, we need to secure Astera as much as we can. It's too much of a risk to have that Anjanath roaming so close to base. -- Field Team Leader

Urgent Quest



50 min.




At dawn we'll attempt what no one in history has dared: Capture an elder dragon! Make your preparations and proceed to the site. May the Sapphire Star guide us all. -- The Commander

Key Quest


Hunt a

50 min.



, , , ,

...I'm sorry, I just retched thinking about that monster's face. Seriously, you'll be doing it a favor...and us too. Hunt it and the Airship Engineer will have everything he needs. -- Third Fleet Master

Key Quest


Hunt a

50 min.



, , ,

The bones covering Radobaan's body are gonna be tough to get through, but if we want to continue our survey of the Rotten Vale, you'll need to find a way! -- The Handler

5★ Quests [ ]

Urgent Quest


Hunt a

50 min.



, , , ,

You already know how I feel about that intolerable creature. As long as it controls the skies in the highlands, we'll never be able to make our descent. Do take care of it, won't you? -- Third Fleet Master

Key Quest


Hunt an

50 min.



, , ,

...... Certain death awaits you in the depths, but so does the key to finding Zorah Magdaros. A fair trade-off if you ask me. -- Third Fleet Master

Key Quest


Hunt a

50 min.



, , , ,

The First Wyverian's not gonna spill the beans about Zorah until we stand on top of the food chain. That means we gotta hunt us a Rathalos! ...Does that mean we have to eat it too? -- The Handler

Key Quest


Hunt a

50 min.



, , , ,

The First Wyverian's not gonna spill the beans about Zorah until we stand on top of the food chain. That means we gotta hunt us a Diablos! ...Does that mean we have to eat it too? -- The Handler

High-Rank Quests (6-9★) [ ]

6★ quests [ ].

Urgent Quest



50 min.




The operation is set to commence in the Everstream. Do everything you can to force Zorah Magdaros out to sea. We must not fail! May the Sapphire Star light our way! -- The Commander

Urgent Quest


Hunt a

50 min.



, , , , , ,

A Pukei-Pukei in the Wildspire Waste? As if that's not already weird enough, this one's extra tough. We've gotta get to the bottom of this! Be careful, Partner! -- The Handler

Key Quest


Hunt an

50 min.



, , , , ,

A powerful Anjanath has been sighted! Their kind's the gold--pink?--standard for New World monsters. We can't let this chance at an ideal sample slip away. Go hunt it ASAP! -- Chief Ecologist

7★ Quests [ ]

Urgent Quest


Hunt a

50 min.



, , , , ,

We've finally tracked down the source of those mysterious tracks. Report to the Coral Highlands and seek it out! I'll be expecting your report as soon as you're done! -- The Commander

to appear in High Rank.

8★ Quests [ ]

Lv ★★★★★★★★

Urgent Quest


Slay a

50 min.



The Nergigante's long eyed us from the far side of the Elder Crossing, but now we have a lead on its whereabouts. If we can study it, it may reveal the Crossing's true nature. -- The Commander

Kushala Daora, Dragon of Steel Key Quest


Slay a

50 min.



The elder dragon tracks in the forest? Kushala Daora, I'm sure of it. We know it's in the Elder's Recess. For the safety of everyone in Astera, we're counting on you! -- Field Team Leader

Key Quest


Slay a

50 min.



It's Teostra that stalks the Waste- Emperor of flame. And now it sits in wait in the Elder's Recess. Go to it, hunter, and end its searing reign! -- The Huntsman

Key Quest


Slay a

50 min.



I'm absoulutely positive that the effuvium is controlled by Vaal Hazak. Now to prove my theory once and for all. Go to the vale and seek out Vaal Hazak! -- Third Fleet Master

9★ Quests [ ]

Lv ★★★★★★★★★

Urgent Quest



50 min.



An immense energy flows through the New World, and we've found where it all leads to. Go with the Seeker and find out what's there. May the Sapphire Star guide us all. -- The Admiral

Urgent Quest


Hunt 2 Tempered

50 min.


, , ,

This quest courts only those with absolute faith in their abilities. You face two abnormally powerful Bazelgeuse. Defeat them to prove you are a true master of the hunt! -- The Commander

Urgent Quest


Slay a Tempered

50 min.



This quests seeks only those with an unquenchable flame in their chest. Make for the Coral Highlands and investigate the beast swathed in lightning. Beyond it lies true glory. -- The Commander

Special Assignments [ ]

6★ special [ ].


Slay a

50 min.



, , , , ,

My weirdo partner won't shut up about some non-animal animal he found in the Wildspire Waste. Do you wanna tag along? Whatever it is, it's bound to be something interesting! -- Serious Handler

7★ Special [ ]


Hunt a

50 min.



, , , , ,

The Deviljho is a frightening presence that takes the idea of the food chain and crushes it between its massive jaws! Now it's here in the New World. Time to get investigating! -- Eccentric Trio

8★ Special [ ]


Slay a

50 min.



A team has spotted Teostra in the Wildspire Waste. I say it's an opportune time to go and have an audience with the infernal emperor, wouldn't you say? -- The Huntsman

Pandora's Arena



15 min.



There's a saying about a cornered animal that slips me mind--Either way, there's a wounded Teostra coralled in the Special Arena. Something's up with it. Go and check it out, eh? -- Second Fleet Master

No Remorse, No Surrender


Slay a and a

50 min.



I never thought I'd live to see both the emperor and his empress in one spot. It's only fitting that you have the honor of ending their reign. -- The Huntsman

9★ Special [ ]



35 min.



Some kind of beast has arrived in the New World due to the instability of the ether. We have to do something otherwise every living thing in the New World is in serious danger! -- Serious Handler


Slay the

35 min.



It was a Behemoth, an Eorzean beast, in the Elder's Recess. Heed the moogle's advice, call upon other trustworthy hunte--adventurers to help quell this terror! -- Serious Handler


Slay the

60 min.


, , ,

Attention field team! An anomaly has been discovered in the Ancient Forest. Help the witcher resolve this issue. In this quest, you will get to play as Geralt of Rivia. -- Commander

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Monster Hunter World guide: Assigned quests

Finding new areas to explore and new monsters to hunt

by Jeffrey Parkin

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As you play Monster Hunter: World , you’re never short of things to do. There are people to meet, monsters to hunt, mushrooms to collect and the New World to explore. These activities are associated with activities like investigations, bounties, expeditions and assigned quests . Keeping track of everything being asked of you — and learning what you can ignore — takes practice.

This guide will focus on the quests that lead you along the main story of Monster Hunter: World : assigned quests .

What is an assigned quest?

The handler with and assigned quest available.

The main story of Monster Hunter: World plays out through a series of assigned quests. They’re hard to miss, mostly because there’s always someone yelling at you about starting the next one. The quest-giver or start point is marked with a big red icon, and you’ll have a tracker in the top right corner of your HUD.

You don’t have to put in any work to find the next assigned quest and you don’t have to worry about managing them (unlike bounties and investigation quests ). You’ll pick them up from an NPC (usually your handler or the commander), then head out to complete them by posting the quest. Once the quest is done, you can start to prepare for the next one.

Assigned quests are how you do your job as a hunter of monsters for the Commission and progress through the game. These quests open up new areas, introduce new monsters and unlock new gear and content for vendors.

Just because you’re focused on the main story doesn’t mean you can’t accomplish other things at the same time. You can make progress on bounties while you’re on your quest, or you can collect footprints and trigger new investigation quests .

When to do the next assigned quest

Your next story mission shows up just as soon as you finish the last one. Most of the time, the dialog and the (constant) reminders make it sound pretty dire and immediate. But rushing into the next big challenge without spending some time preparing, improving and upgrading will lead to frustration.

The challenges you face as Monster Hunter: World ’s story advances increase in difficulty faster than your gear improves. And the materials you gather during the assigned quests won’t be enough to improve your gear to they level you’ll need for the next one. That means you’ll need to spend some time between assigned quests upgrading your gear or crafting new stuff, replenishing your item pouch and visiting Astera’s vendors.. And to do all that, you’ll need to run some of Monster Hunter: World’ s other activities like bounties and investigation quests . This is something we call the unspoken loop .

There’s no firm answer for how much upgrading you have to do to be prepared for your next story quest. If your last mission was absurdly easy, you might be able to press onward, but otherwise you’re going to want to improve your gear at least a little. Thirty minutes to an hour (or more) between quests is not unreasonable. We wrote more about this in our guide to the unspoken loop .

Just make sure you don’t spend too much time improving your gear. When you finally get back to the main story, you’ll probably unlock new gear that will outpace your current loadout no matter how much upgrading you’ve done.

Monster Hunter: World’s unspoken loop

What the heck are you supposed to do next? Understanding the unspoken loop makes hunting monsters easier.

More in Monster Hunter: World guide

Monster Hunter World guide: Assigned quests, investigations, bounties and expeditions

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Collaboration Quests

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This is a list of all Collaboration Quests in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Read on to see all collaboration related quests and craft that otherworldly armor.

List of Contents

Monster Hunter World (MHW) Related Guides

Collaboration Quests are quests that involves monsters from other games. They reward unique monsters and a different experience as you'll be figting monsters that aren't normally found in the game. Below are all the quests that involves collaboration from other game titles.

Iceborne Collaboration Quests

Iceborne Collaborations Directory

Click on the link to immediately jump to that section.

Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil Collaboration

Event Quest Target Condition
: : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.

Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds

Horizon Frozen Wilds Collaboration

Event Quest Target Condition
: : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.

mhw x usj master rank banner.png

Event Quest Target Condition
: Seliana Supply Cache : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.

Monster Hunter Movie

mhw movie collaboration banner.png

Event Quest Target Condition
: : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.

Monster Hunter World Collaboration Quests

Iceborne Collaborations Directory

The Witcher 3

Witcher 3 Collaboration

Special Assignment Quest Target Condition
: : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.
Event Quest Target Condition
: : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.

Assassin's Creed

Assassins Creed Collaboration

Event Quest Target Condition
: Special Arena : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.

Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy 14 Collaboration

Special Assignment Quest Target Condition
: : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.
Optional Quest Target Condition
: : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.

Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry Collaboration

Event Quest Target Condition
: Arena : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.

mhw x megaman.png

Event Quest Target Condition
: Arena : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Collaboration

Event Quest Target Condition
★5 No Large Monster Target Available.
: Arena : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.
Event Quest Target Condition
: : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.

Street Fighter

street fighter 5 collaboration

Challenge Quest Target Condition
: Arena : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.

USJ Collaboration

Event Quest Target Condition
: Arena : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.
Event Quest Target Condition
: : Coming Soon.
: Coming Soon.

List of Quests and Quest Types

Quests Banner New.png

Quest Types

All Quests by Type

Low/High Rank
Event Quests
Other Quest Categories
How to Unlock All Quests

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  1. Meta Great Sword Build Guide [MHW Iceborne Pre Fatalis]

    all assignments mhw

  2. A Colossal Task Walkthrough: Monster Hunter World

    all assignments mhw

  3. Monster Hunter World

    all assignments mhw

  4. MHW All Decorations Explained and Showcased

    all assignments mhw

  5. MHW Bow / Dual Blade Progression Guide Help Needed : r/MonsterHunterMeta

    all assignments mhw

  6. Monster Hunter World Beginner's Guide

    all assignments mhw


  1. Elaine Searle Taking a Leaf Rubbing

  2. Music Theory for the Bass player

  3. 23. Face and Emotion Detection App

  4. ขายซอมบี้ให้ลุงแดน แหล่งฟาร์มเงินชั้นยอด Roblox a dusty trip

  5. [해머] 첫 트라이, 첫 클리어 I MHW:IB PC M★6 특별 임무 황흑룡 알바트리온 토벌 (어스름 속의 황흑성) SA Alatreon Hammer Solo

  6. Elder Dragon S.O.S


  1. Assignments

    Master Rank Assignments are story Quests in Monster Hunter World Iceborne (MHW). Master Rank Assignments are only available to players who own the Iceborne Expansion.Players will need to complete these quest to progress the story and increase their Master Rank (MR3). All assignments have a 50 minutes time limit and the "Faint 3 times" failure conditions.

  2. Special Assignments

    Special Assignments are free DLC Quests in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Players will need to complete these quests to access content added after the initial launch of MHW. You can do these particular quests ONLY ONCE each, though you can join people posting the quest even if you have already completed the quest yourself.

  3. Assigned Quests List

    Unlock Requirements: Clear the assigned quest "A Colossal Task". Tickled Pink. (HR11) Anjanath. Completion Requirements: Hunt an Anjanath Wildspire Waste. Unlock Requirements: Complete the assigned quest "Invader of the Waste". Old World Monster In The New World. (HR12) Pink Rathian.

  4. Master Rank Assignments

    Master Rank Assignments are story Quests in Monster Hunter World Iceborne (MHW). Master Rank Assignments are only available to players who own the Iceborne Expansion.Players will need to complete these quest to progress the story and increase their Master Rank (MR3). All assignments have a 50 minutes time limit and the "Faint 3 times" failure conditions.

  5. Iceborne Assigned Quests List

    This is a list of all Assigned Quests for Monster Hunter World's (MHW) Iceborne Expansion Pack. Read on to know all the available quests that becomes available after purchasing the frosty expansion! ... Completion Requirements: Complete the assignment Seliana Supply Cache

  6. Monster Hunter: World

    Monster Ph.D. Research everything about almost every monster. For the base game achievement, this only requires researching until all yellow stars filled. Get yourself the "Scholar" skill on your armor, to speed this up. Also note, that you do NOT need to kill or capture monsters, in order to increase research.

  7. Iceborne Walkthrough: Assigned Quests

    Elder's Recess. You'll need to enter into an expedition into the Elder's Recess after completing The Iceborne Wyvern to unlock this quest. After completion, you'll need to look for tracks for the ...

  8. List of Assigned Quests (main quests) in Monster Hunter World

    In this guide you will find walkthrough for all main quests in Monster Hunter World with mission objectives, special victory conditions, time limits and rewards. Our short walkthrough includes quests Jagras of the Ancient Forest, A Kestodon Kerfuffle, The Great Jagras Hunt, Bird-Brained Bandit, Pukei Pukei Hunt, The Best Kind of Quest and more.

  9. How to Unlock All Iceborne Quests (Master Rank)

    Clear the optional quests "Feisty Girl Talk" and "Poison and Paralysis Pinch". Talk to the Armory NPC in Seliana once you reach MR 6 and have unlocked the Waterproof Mantle. Complete the quest "Ready to Strike" and capture a master rank Anjanath.. Complete the quest "Ready to Strike" and capture a master rank Radobaan.

  10. MHW: Assigned Quests

    Help the witcher resolve this issue. In this quest, you will get to play as Geralt of Rivia. -- Commander. Notes: Must have game version v.6 or higher installed and complete "Land of Convergence" to unlock. Rewards an Attack Jewel the first time the Pukei-Pukei is freed and survives the quest.

  11. Special Assignments

    Special Assignments are quests that were added after the initial launch of Monster Hunter World, and thus have no bearing on the main story.However, they offer access to new monsters and, in turn ...

  12. Monster Hunter World guide: Assigned quests, investigations ...

    These four activities form the core of the gameplay. An assigned quest has more going than an investigation quest. A bounty has a goal, while an expedition is open-ended. They're all interlinked ...

  13. Quests

    Special Assignments. Special Assignments are unique quests that unlock special DLC, and were introduced in March 2018 with the launch of the Deviljho monster. These quests are basically just like Assigned, in that they are unavailable once completed and will progress the game, just in their case it is new DLC features that have been released after the main story-line.

  14. How to Unlock All Quests (Low/High Rank)

    Clear the quest "A Sore Site" then talk to the 3rd commander after discovering a Black Diablos. Discover a High Rank Odogaron. Speak to the airship engineer at the Research Base after completing the delivery request "A Fire-Spewing Brew" to receive the quest. Discover a High Rank Legiana and Odogaron.

  15. Congratulations to the 10...

    Congratulations to the 10 newly promoted Captains who began their assignments this week. In order to allow family participation the badge ceremony went...

  16. Monster Hunter World guide: Assigned quests

    Assigned quests are how you do your job as a hunter of monsters for the Commission and progress through the game. These quests open up new areas, introduce new monsters and unlock new gear and ...

  17. Walkthrough

    IGN's Monster Hunter World complete walkthrough will lead you through every step of Monster Hunter World from the title screen to the final credits. See Iceborne Walkthrough: Assigned Quests for ...

  18. Optional Quests

    Optional Quests in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Players do not need to complete these quests to progress the story and access the game, but will benefit from special rewards for doing these additional objectives. Optional quests unlock through various activities. Please see Master Rank Optional Quests for Iceborne Expansion quest details.

  19. Across the Lost Path

    Across the Lost Path is a Master Rank Special Assignment in Monster Hunter World Iceborne (MHW).This assignment was added with patch 12.01 in December 5th 2019 on consoles. Optional quests are repeatable and unlocked after completing specific points in the main story via Assignments.Special Assignments are DLC content that is added with free updates after the game's release.


    AETHER (ASSIGNMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF CREDITORS), LLC is a California Limited-Liability Company - Ca filed on September 9, 2015. The company's filing status is listed as Terminated and its File Number is 201525310184. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Chheko Taing and is located at 3945 Freedom Circle Suite 560, Santa Clara, CA 95054.

  21. Collaboration Quests

    Collaboration Quests. Collaboration Quests are quests that involves monsters from other games. They reward unique monsters and a different experience as you'll be figting monsters that aren't normally found in the game. Below are all the quests that involves collaboration from other game titles.


    WD (ASSIGNMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF CREDITORS), LLC is a California Limited-Liability Company - Ca filed on June 21, 2019. The company's filing status is listed as Terminated and its File Number is 201917510196. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Michael Maidy and is located at 3945 Freedom Cir Ste 560, Santa Clara, CA 95054.

  23. My hoa is trying to say im respnsible for the repair of the sidewalk

    no i dont even go in that area it the public sidewalk infront of my 4 plex....the city said sombody call an said there was a crack in the sidewalk i tryed to explain to the city the my hoa cc&r says they repair any an all common area...this has been going on for going on 2 yrs ive sent everthing to the board but no respoonce and the city kkep sending me a bill but our very rude hoa manager is ...

  24. NEX Display Virtualization Drivers for Raptor Lake P, Raptor ...

    This is the Windows Zero Copy version which is applicable for Raptor Lake P, Raptor Lake S, Raptor Lake S Refresh, Meteor Lake U/H and Meteor Lake PS.