• English Grammar
  • Grammar Exercises
  • Direct And Indirect Speech Exercises

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises

Direct and indirect speech is one topic in English grammar that confuses most language learners. It need not necessarily be so; if you understand how it works, you can easily use it in your writing.

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises with Answers

When converting direct speech to indirect speech or vice-versa, you will have to take care to convert the verb , pronoun and the adverb appropriately. Go through the following exercises and try them out. Answers are given below each exercise; refer to them to see if your answers are right.

direct and indirect speech in english grammar exercises

Exercise 1: Change into indirect speech

Read the following sentences and convert them into indirect speech.

  • Rahul told to me, “When are you leaving?”
  • “Where do you live?” the stranger asked Aladdin.
  • The teacher said to Shelly, “Why are you laughing?”
  • Dhronacharya said to Arjun, “Shoot the bird’s eye.”
  • “Call the first convict,” said the jury.
  • “Call the ambulance,” said the man.
  • Bruce said to me, “I shall do the work.”
  • My mother said to me, “You were wrong.”
  • Mr Richard said to me, “Please wait here till I return.”
  • The captain said to me, “Bravo! You have played well.”
  • Raj said, “Alas! My pet died.”
  • Ruchi said, “I may go there.”
  • Bucky said to Steve, “Do you hear me?”
  • The boy said, “Let me come in.”
  • Granny said to me, “May God bless you.”

Answers –

  • Rahul asked me when I was leaving.
  • The stranger asked Aladdin where he lived.
  • The teacher asked Shelly why he was laughing.
  • Dhronacharya ordered Arjun to shoot the fish’s eye.
  • The jury ordered to call the first convict.
  • The man urged to call the ambulance.
  • Bruce said to me he would do the work.
  • My mother told me that I was wrong.
  • Mr Richard requested me to wait there till he returned.
  • The captain applauded me, saying that I had played well.
  • Raj exclaimed sadly that his pet died.
  • Ruchi said that she might go there.
  • Bucky asked Steve if he heard him.
  • The boy asked to let him come in.
  • Granny prayed that God might bless me.

Convert the following into Direct Speech

Read the following passage and convert it into direct speech.

One of them told Issac that the latter had forgotten one thing that belonged to a mill. Issac enquired what that was. The friend asked where the miller was. Issac replied that (absence of the miller) was true – and he must look for one.

“But Issac,” said one of them, “you have forgotten one thing that belongs to a mill.”

“What is that?” asked Issac.

“Why, where is the miller?” said his friend.

“That is true – I must look for one,” said Issac.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is direct narration.

When the actual words/sentences as spoken by the speaker are quoted in a speech, it’s called direct speech/narration.

What is indirect speech?

When the quoted speech is reported in the form of a narrative without changing the meaning of the actual quotation/words by the speaker, it’s called indirect speech/narration.

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direct and indirect speech in english grammar exercises

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Direct and indirect speech exercises

There are many occasions in which we need to describe an event or action that happened, and very often that includes repeating what someone said. Such occasions can include a social situation as well as in a work email or presentation. In order to describe what people said there are two different types of speech – direct speech and indirect speech (or reported speech).

Read the article below to find out more about these forms and improve your English storytelling skills.

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Direct Speech

When we want to describe what someone said, one option is to use direct speech . We use direct speech when we simply repeat what someone says, putting the phrase between speech marks:

  • Paul came in and said, “I’m really hungry.”

It is very common to see direct speech used in books or in a newspaper article. For example:

  • The local MP said, “We plan to make this city a safer place for everyone.”

As you can see, with direct speech it is common to use the verb ‘to say’ (‘said’ in the past). But you can also find other verbs used to indicate direct speech such as ‘ask’, ‘reply’, and ‘shout’. For example:

  • When Mrs Diaz opened the door, I asked, “Have you seen Lee?”
  • She replied, “No, I haven’t seen him since lunchtime.”
  • The boss was angry and shouted, “Why isn’t he here? He hasn’t finished that report yet!”

Indirect Speech

When we want to report what someone said without speech marks and without necessarily using exactly the same words, we can use indirect speech (also called reported speech). For example:

  • Direct speech: “We’re quite cold in here.”
  • Indirect speech: They say (that) they’re cold.

When we report what someone says in the present simple, as in the above sentence, we normally don’t change the tense, we simply change the subject. However, when we report things in the past, we usually change the tense by moving it one step back. For example, in the following sentence the present simple becomes the past simple in indirect speech:

  • Direct speech: “I have a new car.”
  • Indirect speech: He said he had a new car.

All the other tenses follow a similar change in indirect speech. Here is an example for all the main tenses:

direct and indirect speech in english grammar exercises

The same rule of moving the tenses one step back also applies to modal verbs. For example:

direct and indirect speech in english grammar exercises

Using ‘say’ or ‘tell’

As an alternative to using ‘say’ we can also use ‘tell’ (‘told’ in the past) in reported speech, but in this case you need to add the object pronoun. For example:

  • He told me he was going to call Alan.
  • They told her they would arrive a little late.
  • You told us you’d already finished the order.

Changing Time Expressions

Sometimes it’s necessary to change the time expressions when you report speech, especially when you are speaking about the past and the time reference no longer applies. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I’m seeing my brother tomorrow .”
  • Indirect speech: She said she was seeing her brother the following day .

Here are some other examples:

  • Direct speech: “I had a headache yesterday .”
  • Indirect speech: You said you’d had a headache the day before yesterday .
  • Direct speech: “It’s been raining since this afternoon .”
  • Indirect speech: He said it’d been raining since that afternoon .
  • Direct speech: “I haven’t seen them since last week .”
  • Indirect speech: She said she hadn’t seen them since the previous week .

Reporting Questions

When you report a question you need to change the interrogative form into an affirmative sentence, putting the verb tense one step back, as with normal reported speech.

There are two types of questions that we can report – questions that have a yes/no response, and questions that begin with a question word like ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘who’ etc. When we report a yes/no question, we use ‘if’. For example:

  • Direct speech: “Do they live here?”
  • Indirect speech: You asked me if they lived here.

As you can see, in the reported version of the question, ‘do’ is eliminated because it is no longer a question, and the verb ‘live’ becomes ‘lived’.

For questions starting with question words like ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘when’, ‘who’, etc., we report the question using the question word but change the interrogative form to the affirmative form. For example:

  • Direct speech: “Where do they live?”
  • Indirect speech: You asked me where they lived.
  • Direct speech: “When are you leaving?”
  • Indirect speech: He asked us when we were leaving .
  • Direct speech: “How will they get here?”
  • Indirect speech: She asked me how they would get here.

When we report a question we normally use the verb ‘ask’. As with the verb ‘to tell’, the verb ‘to ask’ is normally followed by an object pronoun, though it is possible to omit it.

Reporting Orders and Requests

When you give someone an order, you use the imperative form, which means using just the verb without a subject. For example:

  • “ Call me back later.”
  • “ Have a seat.”
  • “ Don’t do that!”

To report an order we use ‘tell’ and the infinitive of the verb. For example:

  • You told me to call you back later.
  • He told me to have a seat.
  • She told us not to do that.

When you make a request, you normally use words like ‘can’, ‘could’, or ‘will’. For example:

  • “Could you call me back later?”
  • “Will you have a seat?”
  • “Can you not do that please?”

To report a request, we use the verb ‘to ask’ and the infinitive form of the verb. For example:

  • You asked me to call you back later.
  • He asked me to have a seat.
  • She asked us not to do that.

Now you’ve seen how we use direct and indirect speech , practice using them yourself. An excellent and easy way to see how they are used is by reading a short story in English or a news article online, because stories and articles contain many examples of reported speech.

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Direct and Indirect Speech: Useful Rules and Examples

Are you having trouble understanding the difference between direct and indirect speech? Direct speech is when you quote someone’s exact words, while indirect speech is when you report what someone said without using their exact words. This can be a tricky concept to grasp, but with a little practice, you’ll be able to use both forms of speech with ease.

Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and Indirect Speech

When someone speaks, we can report what they said in two ways: direct speech and indirect speech. Direct speech is when we quote the exact words that were spoken, while indirect speech is when we report what was said without using the speaker’s exact words. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “I love pizza,” said John. Indirect speech: John said that he loved pizza.

Using direct speech can make your writing more engaging and can help to convey the speaker’s tone and emotion. However, indirect speech can be useful when you want to summarize what someone said or when you don’t have the exact words that were spoken.

To change direct speech to indirect speech, you need to follow some rules. Firstly, you need to change the tense of the verb in the reported speech to match the tense of the reporting verb. Secondly, you need to change the pronouns and adverbs in the reported speech to match the new speaker. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “I will go to the park,” said Sarah. Indirect speech: Sarah said that she would go to the park.

It’s important to note that when you use indirect speech, you need to use reporting verbs such as “said,” “told,” or “asked” to indicate who is speaking. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “What time is it?” asked Tom. Indirect speech: Tom asked what time it was.

In summary, understanding direct and indirect speech is crucial for effective communication and writing. Direct speech can be used to convey the speaker’s tone and emotion, while indirect speech can be useful when summarizing what someone said. By following the rules for changing direct speech to indirect speech, you can accurately report what was said while maintaining clarity and readability in your writing.

Differences between Direct and Indirect Speech

When it comes to reporting speech, there are two ways to go about it: direct and indirect speech. Direct speech is when you report someone’s exact words, while indirect speech is when you report what someone said without using their exact words. Here are some of the key differences between direct and indirect speech:

Change of Pronouns

In direct speech, the pronouns used are those of the original speaker. However, in indirect speech, the pronouns have to be changed to reflect the perspective of the reporter. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I am going to the store,” said John.
  • Indirect speech: John said he was going to the store.

In the above example, the pronoun “I” changes to “he” in indirect speech.

Change of Tenses

Another major difference between direct and indirect speech is the change of tenses. In direct speech, the verb tense used is the same as that used by the original speaker. However, in indirect speech, the verb tense may change depending on the context. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I am studying for my exams,” said Sarah.
  • Indirect speech: Sarah said she was studying for her exams.

In the above example, the present continuous tense “am studying” changes to the past continuous tense “was studying” in indirect speech.

Change of Time and Place References

When reporting indirect speech, the time and place references may also change. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I will meet you at the park tomorrow,” said Tom.
  • Indirect speech: Tom said he would meet you at the park the next day.

In the above example, “tomorrow” changes to “the next day” in indirect speech.

Overall, it is important to understand the differences between direct and indirect speech to report speech accurately and effectively. By following the rules of direct and indirect speech, you can convey the intended message of the original speaker.

Converting Direct Speech Into Indirect Speech

When you need to report what someone said in your own words, you can use indirect speech. To convert direct speech into indirect speech, you need to follow a few rules.

Step 1: Remove the Quotation Marks

The first step is to remove the quotation marks that enclose the relayed text. This is because indirect speech does not use the exact words of the speaker.

Step 2: Use a Reporting Verb and a Linker

To indicate that you are reporting what someone said, you need to use a reporting verb such as “said,” “asked,” “told,” or “exclaimed.” You also need to use a linker such as “that” or “whether” to connect the reporting verb to the reported speech.

For example:

  • Direct speech: “I love ice cream,” said Mary.
  • Indirect speech: Mary said that she loved ice cream.

Step 3: Change the Tense of the Verb

When you use indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verb in the reported speech to match the tense of the reporting verb.

  • Indirect speech: John said that he was going to the store.

Step 4: Change the Pronouns

You also need to change the pronouns in the reported speech to match the subject of the reporting verb.

  • Direct speech: “Are you busy now?” Tina asked me.
  • Indirect speech: Tina asked whether I was busy then.

By following these rules, you can convert direct speech into indirect speech and report what someone said in your own words.

Converting Indirect Speech Into Direct Speech

Converting indirect speech into direct speech involves changing the reported speech to its original form as spoken by the speaker. Here are the steps to follow when converting indirect speech into direct speech:

  • Identify the reporting verb: The first step is to identify the reporting verb used in the indirect speech. This will help you determine the tense of the direct speech.
  • Change the pronouns: The next step is to change the pronouns in the indirect speech to match the person speaking in the direct speech. For example, if the indirect speech is “She said that she was going to the store,” the direct speech would be “I am going to the store,” if you are the person speaking.
  • Change the tense: Change the tense of the verbs in the indirect speech to match the tense of the direct speech. For example, if the indirect speech is “He said that he would visit tomorrow,” the direct speech would be “He says he will visit tomorrow.”
  • Remove the reporting verb and conjunction: In direct speech, there is no need for a reporting verb or conjunction. Simply remove them from the indirect speech to get the direct speech.

Here is an example to illustrate the process:

Indirect Speech: John said that he was tired and wanted to go home.

Direct Speech: “I am tired and want to go home,” John said.

By following these steps, you can easily convert indirect speech into direct speech.

Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and indirect speech are two ways to report what someone has said. Direct speech reports the exact words spoken by a person, while indirect speech reports the meaning of what was said. Here are some examples of both types of speech:

Direct Speech Examples

Direct speech is used when you want to report the exact words spoken by someone. It is usually enclosed in quotation marks and is often used in dialogue.

  • “I am going to the store,” said Sarah.
  • “It’s a beautiful day,” exclaimed John.
  • “Please turn off the lights,” Mom told me.
  • “I will meet you at the library,” said Tom.
  • “We are going to the beach tomorrow,” announced Mary.

Indirect Speech Examples

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, is used to report what someone said without using their exact words. It is often used in news reports, academic writing, and in situations where you want to paraphrase what someone said.

Here are some examples of indirect speech:

  • Sarah said that she was going to the store.
  • John exclaimed that it was a beautiful day.
  • Mom told me to turn off the lights.
  • Tom said that he would meet me at the library.
  • Mary announced that they were going to the beach tomorrow.

In indirect speech, the verb tense may change to reflect the time of the reported speech. For example, “I am going to the store” becomes “Sarah said that she was going to the store.” Additionally, the pronouns and possessive adjectives may also change to reflect the speaker and the person being spoken about.

Overall, both direct and indirect speech are important tools for reporting what someone has said. By using these techniques, you can accurately convey the meaning of what was said while also adding your own interpretation and analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is direct and indirect speech?

Direct and indirect speech refer to the ways in which we communicate what someone has said. Direct speech involves repeating the exact words spoken, using quotation marks to indicate that you are quoting someone. Indirect speech, on the other hand, involves reporting what someone has said without using their exact words.

How do you convert direct speech to indirect speech?

To convert direct speech to indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions. You also need to introduce a reporting verb, such as “said,” “told,” or “asked.” For example, “I love ice cream,” said Mary (direct speech) can be converted to “Mary said that she loved ice cream” (indirect speech).

What is the difference between direct speech and indirect speech?

The main difference between direct speech and indirect speech is that direct speech uses the exact words spoken, while indirect speech reports what someone has said without using their exact words. Direct speech is usually enclosed in quotation marks, while indirect speech is not.

What are some examples of direct and indirect speech?

Some examples of direct speech include “I am going to the store,” said John and “I love pizza,” exclaimed Sarah. Some examples of indirect speech include John said that he was going to the store and Sarah exclaimed that she loved pizza .

What are the rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech?

The rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech include changing the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions. You also need to introduce a reporting verb and use appropriate reporting verbs such as “said,” “told,” or “asked.”

What is a summary of direct and indirect speech?

Direct and indirect speech are two ways of reporting what someone has said. Direct speech involves repeating the exact words spoken, while indirect speech reports what someone has said without using their exact words. To convert direct speech to indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions and introduce a reporting verb.

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Grammar Quiz

Direct vs. Indirect Speech Quiz

Preview 20 Quizzes about Direct vs. Indirect Speech

He said, ” I went to school yesterday.”

A. He said that he had gone to school yesterday. B. He said that he had gone to school the day after. C. He said that he had gone to school the previous day. D. He said that he had gone to school the next day.

He said to me, ” I must win this game.”

A. He told me that he must win this game. B. He told me that he had to win that game. C. He told me that he had to win this game. D. He told me that he must win that game.

She said to me, ” I can sleep alone.”

A. She said to me that she can sleep alone.” B. She told me that she can sleep alone.” C. She said to me that she could sleep alone.” D. She told me that she could sleep alone.”

June said,” It is my car.”

A. June said that it is my car B. June said that it is her car. C. June said that it was my car D. June said that it was her car

Nan said, ” I have finished my homework.”

A. Nan said that she had finished her homework.” B. Nan said that she had finished my homework.” C. Nan said that she has finished her homework.” D. Nan said that she has finished my homework.”

Jim said,” I work here everyday.”

A. Jim said that he worked here yesterday.” B. Jim said that he worked there everyday.” C. Jim said that he worked here everyday.” D. Jim said that he worked everyday.”

Mary says, ” I am coming here.”

A. Mary says that she is coming there. B. Mary says that she is coming here. C. Mary says that she was coming there. D. Mary says that she was coming here.

John said, ” My friend may come tonight.”

A. John said that his friend might come tonight. B. John said that his friend might come that night. C. John said that his friend might go that night. D. John said that his friend might go tonight.

He said, ” I am a man.”

A. He said that he was a man. B. He said that he is a man. C. He said that I am a man. D. He said that I was a man.

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.

Tips : If this page always shows the same questions, make sure you correct the question first by pressing the "check answer" button.

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Direct and Indirect Speech Quiz Online Test

direct and indirect speech in english grammar exercises

Challenge yourself with our engaging Direct and Indirect Speech Quiz Online Test. Test your grammar prowess, enhance your reporting skills, and elevate your language abilities today!

Welcome to our dynamic online quiz designed to put your knowledge of direct and indirect speech to the test. Whether you’re a language enthusiast or a student looking to sharpen your grammar skills, this interactive quiz offers an opportunity to explore the nuances of reporting speech accurately.

Through a series of questions and scenarios, you’ll navigate the world of transforming spoken words into written form, honing your language expertise along the way.

How It Works:

Our online quiz consists of 30 carefully crafted questions that cover various aspects of direct and indirect speech. Read each question and select the most appropriate answer from the provided choices. Once you complete the quiz, you’ll receive immediate feedback on your performance, allowing you to identify areas where you excel and areas where you can further improve.

Quiz: Exploring Direct and Indirect Speech Quiz Online Test

Direct Indirect Speech Quiz

Test your knowledge yourself with our engaging online quiz on direct and indirect speech.

"John said, 'I will attend the meeting tomorrow.'"

Sangeeta said, ‘I went to bed early last night (Fill in the blanks)

Sangeeta said that ___________ to bed early the night before.

The teacher said to me,’ You must do your homework every day.’ (Fill in the blanks)

The teacher __________ me that _________ must do my homework every day.

He said to them, ‘How are you?’’ (Choose the Correct option)

He asked, ‘Do I have to do it?’ (Choose the Correct option)

"Tom said, 'Are you coming to the party?'"

 ‘Are you weeping?’, he asked her.’ (Fill in the blanks)

He ____________ her _________

He said to me, ‘Happy Christmas’ (Choose the Correct option)

"Mom said, 'Clean your room.'"

She said, ‘If I were a bird!’ ( Choose the Correct option)

He whispered, 'It's a secret.'"

We said, ‘Let him tell the story’’ (Fill in the blanks)

He said to me, ‘Please Open the door’ (Fill in the blanks)

He ____________ me _________ open the door.

"David asked, 'Why did you arrive late?'"

"Lucy said, 'I will be studying all night.'"

Mother said to me, ‘May God bless you.’ (Fill in the blanks)

Mother ___________ that God __________

‘Where is my umbrella?’, He asked. (Fill in the blanks)

He asked __________________

Mother said to me, ‘Please tidy the room’ (Fill in the blanks)

Mother __________ me ______ tidy the room.

He said, ‘What is your problem?’ (Fill in the blanks)

He asked ____________________

He said, ‘Let us keep quiet in this matter.’ (Fill in the blanks)

He ________ that we ___________ quiet in this matter.

I said to the man, ‘Who are you?’ (Choose the Correct option)

"Mary said, 'I love this song.' She told me that she liked the song."

"She exclaimed, 'What a beautiful painting!'"

Diya said to Maya, ‘I am going to the park now’ (Fill in the blanks)

Diya __________ Maya______ going to the park then.

He said, ‘Good-bye, my friends’ (Choose the Correct option)

He said to me, ‘I shall play football’ (Choose the Correct option)

Mum said,” I am angry with you.’ (Fill in the blanks)

Mum said that she ___________ angry with me.

He said,  ‘I bought a pen yesterday.’ (Fill in the blanks)

He said __________ he _______ a pen the previous day.

"She said that she will finish the project yesterday."

"Teacher said, 'Open your textbooks at page 50.'"

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions): Direct and Indirect Speech Quiz Online Test

Q: how does the online quiz work.

A: The online quiz consists of 10 questions related to direct and indirect speech. Select the correct answers and receive immediate feedback on your performance.

Q: Is the quiz suitable for beginners?

A: Yes, the quiz is designed for learners of all levels, from beginners to those seeking to refine their grammar skills.

Q: How long does the quiz take to complete?

A: The quiz can be completed in a short span of time, typically within 10-15 minutes.

Q: Is there a time limit for each question?

A: No, there is no time limit. You can take your time to read and answer each question.

Q: Can I retake the quiz?

A: Absolutely! You can retake the quiz as many times as you’d like to reinforce your understanding of direct and indirect speech.


Congratulations on completing our interactive direct and indirect speech quiz! By engaging in this online test, you’ve embarked on a journey to refine your language skills and elevate your understanding of reporting speech. Remember, effective communication relies on the accurate use of direct and indirect speech, and your efforts to master this aspect of grammar will undoubtedly enhance your written and spoken expressions.

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Direct and Indirect speech, Rules, Chart and Exercises

Direct and Indirect speech are ways of narrating the speech of someone to some other person following certain rules. This article covers its types, rules, examples and some exercises on the same.

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Table of Contents

Direct and Indirect Speech: In English Grammar, direct and Indirect speech are used in instances when we wish to repeat or convey a speech or statement of some other person. Both direct and indirect speech describes what a third person said or conveyed in the past. Indirect speech is more commonly employed unless it’s a direct quotation, which is consistently enclosed in double quotation marks. Whereas indirect speech is used when you want to convey someone’s statement using your own precise words. It’s worth highlighting that indirect speech is consistently expressed using verbs like “said,” “told,” or “asked.”

Direct and Indirect Speech

There are two types of reported speech in English grammar, they are Direct and Indirect speech. Both speech conveys the speech or statement which was told by some other person. To explain any event, action or scenario we generally convey the sentences quoted by someone in the form of direct and indirect speech. In order to clearly differentiate and make people understand easily, we have detailed the two types of reported speech with examples and exercises below.

Direct Speech

Direct speech is the mode of expression that directly presents the words spoken or quoted by a third person. Generally, direct speech is written inside quotation marks (“”). The quotation is used to differentiate the speech of the third person that has happened in the past. Thus direct speech conveys statements or conversations of someone in the past tense but quoted inside the quotation marks in the present or future tense.

  • Kiran said, “I am doing my work.”
  • They said, ” We will go for the function.”
  • He asked, “Can I make this?”

Indirect Speech

Indirect Speech is used when we convey what someone said in our own words without repeating the actual text of that person. Instead of using quotation marks, the conjunction word, ‘that’ is used. Thus speaker’s words and sentences are reframed into our own words in Indirect speech. Some examples of indirect speech are:

  • Direct speech: Kiran said, “I am doing my work.”
  • Indirect speech: Kiran said that she is doing her work.
  • Direct speech: They said, ” We will go for the function.”
  • Indirect speech: They said that they would go to the function.
  • Direct speech: He asked, “Can I make this?”
  • Indirect speech: He asked whether he can make that.

Rules for Direct and Indirect Speech

There are certain rules and regulations followed while converting a simple direct speech into indirect speech. Certain factors such as Verbs, Tenses, Modals, time, place, and pronouns are also considered while changing. The following are the rules applied when you convert direct speech to indirect speech in English grammar.

Rule-1 : Direct To Indirect Speech Conversion – Reporting Verb

The reporting verb is an important factor to note when changing a direct to an indirect sentence. When the reporting verb is past tense, then the verb inside the quotation is also changed to past when changing a sentence from direct to indirect speech. Examples:

  • Direct: He said,’ I am sad.’
  • Indirect: He said that he was sad.

An exception is for cases like a universal truth, the tenses remain the same.

  • Teena said” The sun rises in the east”.
  • Teena said that the sun rises in the east.

If the reporting verb is in present/future tense, then the tense remains the same as in direct speech.

  • Direct: She says/will say, ‘I am coming.’
  • Indirect: She says/will say she is coming.

Rule 2: Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion – Tenses

If the sentences inside quotes in direct speech are present tense, it is changed to past tense when changed to indirect speech. The rule in the following table is applied while changing tenses from direct speech to reported speech.

Present Simple Tense do /does V1 Past Simple Tense  did + V1 V2
Present Progressive Tense is/am/are + V4 Past Progressive Tense was /were + V4
Present Perfect Tense has /have + V3 Past Perfect Tense had + V3
Present Perfect Progressive has been /have been + V4 Past Perfect Progressive had been + V4
Past Simple Tense did + V1 V2 Past Perfect Tense had + V3
Past Perfect Tense had/have + V3 Past Perfect Tense had + V3
Past Perfect Progressive had been/have been + V4 Past Perfect Progressive had been + V4
Future Simple Tense will + V1 would + V1
Future Progressive Tense will be + V4 would be + V4
Future Perfect Tense will have + V3 would have + V3
Future Perfect Progressive will have been + V4 would have been + V4

Examples of change in Tenses

Ram said, “I do my work.” Ram said that he did his work.
They said, “We are going now.” They said that they were going then.
Sara said, ” I have done my work.” Sara said that she had done her work.
Rohit said, “I have been doing my work.” Rohit said that he had been doing his work.
Ram said, “I did my work” Ram said that he had done his work.
They said,”We have done our work” They said that they had done their work.
They said, “We have been doing our work.” They said that they had been doing their work.
Ram Said, ” I had been doing my work.” Ram said that he had been doing his work.
Sara said, “I will do my work.” Sara said that she would do her work.
They said, “We will be going out.” They said that they would be going out.
They said, “We will have done this work.” They said that they would have done that work.
Ram said, “I will have been doing this work” Ram said that he would have been doing that work.

Rule 4: Direct to Indirect speech Conversion Interrogative sentences

If a sentence starts with a question word like what, when, and why in direct speech, the question word itself acts as the joining class.

  • Direct speech: “Where do you live ?” Asked the boy.
  • Indirect Speech: The boy enquired where I lived.

Rule 5: Direct to Indirect Speech Conversion Change in Modals

Modal verbs are those verbs that are preceded by another verb, which is the main verb. Can, May, and Must are some examples of Modals. Modals that won’t change are Could, would, should, ought to, might. While changing direct to indirect speech, the Modals change as below:

  • Can become could
  • May becomes Might
  • Must becomes had to (or) would have to
  • Direct: She said,” She can sing.”
  • Indirect: She said that she could sing.
  • Direct: She said,” I should cook the lunch”
  • Indirect: She said that she should cook the lunch.

Rule 6: Direct to Indirect speech conversion – pronoun

The first person in Direct speech changes as per the subject of the speech

  • Direct: He said, “I am in grade sixth.”
  • Indirect: He said that he was in grade sixth.

The second person of Direct speech changes as per the object of the indirect speech.

  • Direct: She says to them, “You have achieved your goal.”
  • Indirect: She tells them that they have achieved their goal.

If the third person is mentioned in the Direct speech, it does not change in reported speech.

  • Direct: He says, “She sings well.”
  • Indirect: He says that she sings well.

Rule 7: Direct to indirect speech conversion – Request, Command, Wish and Exclamation.

The imperative words in direct speech change into Infinitives in indirect speech.

  • Direct: She said to her ‘Please remove it’.
  • Indirect: She requested her to remove that.


  • Direct: She said, ‘Alas! I am undone.
  • Indirect: She exclaimed sadly that she was broke.

 Rule 8: Direct to indirect speech conversion – punctuations

In Direct speech, the words spoken must start with(“) and ends with(.) inside the double inverted commas. All symbols such as question marks, full stops or exclamatory marks should be placed inside the quotes.

  • They said. “We are the best”
  • She asked, “Can I come with You?”
  • He uttered, “Keep Quiet!”

Rule 9: Direct to indirect speech conversion – Change of time

While converting direct speech to Indirect speech, there are certain words to be noted that cannot be used as such in indirect speech. These words get modified into new words which are enlisted below:

  • Now becomes Then
  • Ago becomes before
  • Thus becomes So
  • Today becomes That day
  • Tomorrow becomes the next day
  • Yesterday becomes the day before
  • This becomes that
  • These become those
  • Come becomes go
  • Hence becomes thence
  • Next week or next month becomes the following week or month
  • Direct: He says/will say, ‘My girlfriend came yesterday.’
  • Indirect: He says/will say that his girlfriend had come the day before.

Rules for Converting Indirect Speech into Direct Speech:

The following rules should be followed while converting an indirect speech to direct speech:

  • Use the reporting verb such as (say, said to) in its correct
  • Put a comma before the statement and the first letter of the statement should be in capital
  • Insert question marks, quotation marks, exclamation marks and full stops, based on the mood of the
  • Remove the conjunctions like (that, too, if or wh ether) wherever necessary .
  • Where the reporting verb is in the past tense in indirect, change it to present tense in the direct
  • Change the past perfect tense either into the present perfect tense or past tense, as necessary .

Direct and Indirect Speech – Some Exercises

The following are some exercises that students can practice while preparing for their revision tests or board exams.

Q.1.  Find out the correct indirect speech for the given sentence.

She said,’ I have cooked this meal.’

  • She said that she cooked this meal
  • She said that she had cooked that meal.
  • She said that I cooked that meal.
  • She said that she had cooked this meal.

Answer (2) She said that she had cooked that meal.

Q.2.  Choose the correct sentence.

Sanjay said, ‘What a beautiful painting it is’.

  • Sanjay exclaimed wonderfully that the painting was very beautiful.
  • Sanjay exclaimed with wonder that the painting was very beautiful.

Answer (4) Sanjay exclaimed with wonder that the painting was very beautiful.

Q.3. The correct indirect speech for She asked, “What is the cost of these books?”

  • She enquired what was the cost of those books.
  • She inquired what was the cost of these books.
  • She enquired what is the cost of those books.
  • She questioned what was the cost of those books.

Answer (1) She enquired what was the cost of those books.

Q.4. The man said, ‘Oh God! I missed the train today.’

  • The man cried that he missed the train that day.
  • The man exclaimed in grief that he missed the train today.
  • The man said that oh God! he missed that day.
  • The man exclaimed with sorrow that he missed the train that day.

Answer (4) The man exclaimed with sorrow that he missed the train that day.

Q.5. Rahul said, “Can you call me back later?”

Answer (5) Rahul asked me if I could call him back later.

Q.6. Mom said to me, “May God Bless you”.

Answer (6)  Mom wished that God might bless me.

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Direct and Indirect speech-FAQs

Q1. what are direct and indirect speech in english.

Ans. Direct speech is a speech that describes what a third person has conveyed or quoted in a direct manner. Generally, direct speech is written inside quotation marks ("").Indirect Speech is used when we convey what someone said in our own words without repeating the actual text of that person.

Q2. In which speech conjunctions are used and what is the purpose?

Ans. The conjunctions are used in Indirect speech. The speaker's words and sentences are reframed into our own words in Indirect speech using conjuctions as connecting words.

Q3. What are modals and what is the significance of using modals?

Ans. Modal verbs are those verbs that are preceded by another verb, which is the main verb. Can, May, and Must are some examples of Modals. While converting direct to indirect speech Can becomes could, May becomes Might, Will becomes Would. Modals that won’t change are Could, would, should, ought to, might.

Q4 Give a few examples of direct speech.

Ans: Some examples of direct speech have been discussed here: 1. John said, "I will go to the store." 2. Mary asked, "Are you coming to the party?" 3. "It's a beautiful day," remarked Sarah. 4. He shouted, "Watch out for the car!"

Aparna Tomar

As Team Lead- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 3.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.

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Direct and Indirect speech: rules and examples

Direct and indirect speech with rules and examples, download all the grammar lessons in one click   $27   $19.

In English, to report someone’s words or their own words, you can use direct or indirect speech. These may include statements, questions, orders, advice…

When moving from direct to indirect style, it is often necessary to change personal pronouns, demonstrative and possessive pronouns according to who says what:

  • I  → he / she
  • me →  him / her
  • my →  his / her
  • this →  that
  • mine →  his / hers
  • ours →  theirs
  • our →  their

Here are some examples:

She says: “My dad likes onion soup.” She says that dad likes onion soup.
Kevin said, ‘I’m tired.’  Kevin said (that) was tired.
Have you ever been to Japan? She asked if I had ever been to Japan.
Open the door! He told to open the door.

Note: That is often implied in indirect speech. It is not mandatory to use it, so it is indicated in brackets in this lesson.

Introductory verbs

To relate someone’s words to both direct and indirect speech, you need an introductory verb.

The two most frequent are tell and say, but there are many other possible ones like:

  • want to know 

Say or tell ?

Be careful to distinguish SAY from TELL . The two verbs may have the same meaning, but their use is different. With TELL, the interlocutor is quoted: the name or pronoun is placed immediately after tell (tell somebody something).

With SAY, the interlocutor is not necessarily quoted; if he is, he is introduced by the preposition to ( say something to somebody ):

  • He says (that) he is English. 
  • He tells me (that) he is English. 

However, tell is used in some expressions without mentioning a contact person:

  • tell the truth 
  • tell a story 
  • tell the time 

Note:  the wording ‘ He said to me… ‘ is possible but seems clumsy. It is best to use ‘ He told me… ‘.


The shift to indirect speech leads to changes in the tense, depending on whether the verb is in the present tense or in the past tense.

If the introductory verb is in the present tense, the tense (or modal) does not change. 

  • “I’m sorry.” → He says he is sorry. 
  • “I hate driving” → He says he hates driving.

Be careful, if the statements reported are still true now you must not change the tense!

  • He said this morning (that) he hates driving. (= He still hates driving now).

If the introductory verb is in the past, the verb tense changes:

Examples of major changes in time:

Direct speeches Indirect speeches

He said: “I happy”

He said (that) he happy.

He said: “I for my phone”

He said (that) he for his phone.

He said: “I Paris last year”

He said (that) he Paris the previous year.

He said: ” I in London for a long time “

He said (that) he in London for a long time.

He said: “They the kitchen when I “

He said (that) they the kitchen when he

He said: “I  when the accident “

He said (that)   when the accident

He said:”I  for one hours.”

He said (that)   for one hours.

He said: “I a book when the light “

He said (that) he a book when the light

He said: “I the door.”

He said (that) the door.

He said: “I a plane if I rich”

He said (that) he a plane if he rich.

The modals could, should, would, might, needn’t, ought to, used to don’t change when used with indirect speech.

Those who change are will → would, can → could, may → might :

  • I will come with you. → Tina promised she would come with me. 
  • I can help you. → He said he could help me. 
  • It may be a good idea. → I thought it might be a good idea.
Direct speeches Indirect speeches
will “They will call you.” He told her that they would call her.
would* “I would help, but I’m sick.” She said (that) she would help but she was sick.
can “I can do it.” He said he could do it.
could* “I could swim when I was four” She said (that) she could swim when she was four.
should*  “I should call my mother” She said (that) she should call her mother.
may “May I go out?” He wanted to know if he might go out.
must “She must apply for the job.” He said that she must/had to apply for the job.

* do not change


Expressions of time, place and demonstratives change if the context of indirect speech is different from that of direct speech.

She said “I saw him yesterday.” → She said she had seen him the day before. 

Direct speeches Indirect speeches
Time marker
today that day
now then
yesterday the day before
… days ago … days before
last week the week before
next week the following week
next year the following year
tomorrow the next day / the following day
Location marker
here there
this that
these those

Orders and prohibitions to indirect speech

To relate an order or prohibition to indirect speech, verbs such as tell, order or forbid are used… Be careful, remember to replace Don’t by NOT when it is the main verb of the sentence!

For affirmative sentences, use to + infinitive

For negative sentences use not to + infinitive

  • Don’t worry! → He told her not to worry.
  • He said, “go to bed!” → He ordered the child to go to bed.
  • Don’t marry him! → She forbade me to marry him.
  • Please don’t be late. → She asked us not to be late.

Questions to the indirect speech

If there is an interrogative word like where/who/when/why… in direct speech, we keep it in indirect speech:

  • What are you doing? → She asked me what I was doing. 
  • Who was that beautifl woman? → He asked me who that beautiful woman had been.
  • Where do you live? → He wanted to know  where I lived.
  • “Why don’t you speak Spanish?” → He asked me why I didn’t speak Spanish.

If it is a closed-ended question or you have to answer yes/no, you use if or whether :

  • “Do you like chocolate?” → She asked me if I liked chocolate.
  • “Are you living here?” → She asked me if I was living here.
  • “Have you ever been to Paris?” → He asked me if I had ever been to Paris.

When the question contains a modal, it is preterite in the reported question:

  • How will he react? → He wondered how he would react.

Some examples of indirect questions:

  • I wondered what they were talking about.
  • I don’t know if they’ll come or not.


Expressions of advice such as must, should and ought are usually reported using the verbs advise or urge :

  • “You must read this book.” → He advised / urged me to read that book.

The expression let’s is usually reported using the verb suggest, with gerund or with should:

  • “Let’s go to the cinema.” → He suggested going to the cinema. OR He suggested that we should go to the cinema.


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Indirect to direct speech

  • English grammar PDF
  • PDF worksheets
  • Mixed PDF tests
  • Present tenses
  • Past tenses
  • Future tenses
  • Present perfect
  • Past perfect
  • Future perfect
  • Irregular verbs
  • Modal verbs
  • If-conditional
  • Passive voice
  • Reported speech
  • Time clauses
  • Relative clauses
  • Indirect questions
  • Question tags
  • Imperative sentence
  • Gerund and infinitive
  • Direct | indirect object

Indirect speech to direct speech - exercise 5

Change the following sentences from indirect to direct speech.

Liz said she didn't speak Greek at all. I don't speak Greek at all.

Check test Answer key Clear test

Peter admitted that he had never met us.

They told us they would start the voyage the following day.

We called them that we were walking in the Central Park.

She said she worked in Ford headquarters in Europe.

I replied that I had been trying to mend it since the morning.

Bob said that at one o'clock he had been doing nothing.

"At one o'clock I
They explained that they had closed down the previous year.

Neil said he wished he could be an independent accountant.

"I wish I
She told us we had better accept it as soon as possible.

He claimed that someone had screamed in the garden.

Moira admitted that she would rather stay at home.


Related pages:

Direct and indirect speech exercises and grammar rules with examples.

From indirect to direct speech

If we want to tell someone what another person said or thought, we can use indirect or direct speech.

Indirect speech: Samantha said that she had stayed there the year before. Direct speech: "I stayed here last year," said Samantha.

Moreover, we use different punctuation (commas at the end of statements) and quotation marks in the direct speech.

They told me they didn't want to move to Bristol. "We don't want to move to Bristol," they told me.

Our grandma thought that Timothy would be the best student in his class. "Timothy will be the best student in his class," our grandma thought.

Reported Speech Exercises

Perfect english grammar.

direct and indirect speech in english grammar exercises

Here's a list of all the reported speech exercises on this site:

( Click here to read the explanations about reported speech )

Reported Statements:

  • Present Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Present Continuous Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Past Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Present Perfect Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Future Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Mixed Tense Reported Statement Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
  • 'Say' and 'Tell' (quite easy) (in PDF here)

Reported Questions:

  • Present Simple Reported Yes/No Question Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
  • Present Simple Reported Wh Question Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
  • Mixed Tense Reported Question Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)

Reported Orders and Requests:

  • Reported Requests and Orders Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
  • Reported Speech Mixed Exercise 1 (difficult) (in PDF here)
  • Reported Speech Mixed Exercise 2 (difficult) (in PDF here)

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Direct And Indirect Speech Exercise

Test your understanding of indirect speech with this grammar exercise.

1. I asked how old you ..............................

Although the reporting verb is in the past tense, a present tense is possible in the reported speech if the original speaker and the reporter are in the same situation.

2. She told me that she .............................. to my father.

The original speaker's present perfect and past tenses are often reported using past perfect tenses.

3. I asked him what ........................................

In reported questions constructed with who, what or which, be can go before or after the complement.

4. She asked which ...............................................

5. the ancient greeks and romans thought that the sun ........................................... around the earth..

The original speaker's simple present is often reported using simple past.

6. I want to know if I ............................................ be needed tomorrow.

When the reporting verb is in the present tense, the original speaker's simple future is reported using simple future.

7. He said that he ..................................... to go home and left.

When the reporting verb is in the past tense, the verb in the reported speech will also be in the past tense.

8. I asked where ...................................... staying.

In reported questions, the auxiliary verb goes after the subject.

9. I knew how .......................................

The auxiliary do is not used in reported questions.

10. He suggested ....................................... quit.

Infinitive structures cannot be used after suggest.

11. The doctor said ........................................... smoking.

Infinitive structures cannot be used after say.

12. He said that he .................................. Maria at the club a few days before.

1. I asked how old you are / were. 2. She told me that she had just spoken to my father. 3. I asked him what the matter was / was the matter. 4. She asked which her seat was / was her seat. 5. The ancient Greeks and Romans thought that the sun went around the earth. 6. I want to know if I will be needed tomorrow. 7. He said that he wanted to go home and left. 8. I asked where the minister was staying. 9. I knew how she felt. 10. He suggested that I should quit. 11. The doctor said that I must quit smoking. 12. He said that he had seen Maria at the club a few days before.

direct and indirect speech in english grammar exercises

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    Answers. 1. The stranger asked Harry if / whether he was a clever boy.. 2. The little girl asked me if / whether I believed in God.. 3. The teacher asked the boy if he knew the answer.. 4. The man asked the boy if he had gone there yesterday.. 5. Mr. Smith asked me if I had ever been to a zoo.. 6. The old woman asked me if I had any difficulty in finding her address.

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    Advanced Grammar Skills: Advanced Verb Forms, Clauses and Phrases, Modifiers, Passive Voice, Direct and Indirect Speech, Complex Punctuation and more. Gamified Learning Experience: Interactive games make grammar lessons engaging, allowing students to practice grammar rules through fun activities and challenges.

  24. Reported Speech Exercise for ESL Students

    Practice using reported speech with this online exercise designed for English as a Second Language (ESL) students. ... English Grammar Exercises. English Teaching Materials. liveworksheets.com. 981k followers. Comments. ... It is a drill for turning direct wh-questions into indirect speech. I hope it comes in useful for those students who find ...

  25. Direct And Indirect Speech Exercise

    Latest Exercises. C1 Level Gap Filling Grammar Exercise July 7, 2024; Regular and Irregular Verbs July 6, 2024; Passives July 5, 2024; Afraid To vs. Afraid Of July 4, 2024; Nouns With And Without The July 2, 2024; Direct Article Or Indirect Article July 1, 2024; Need, Needn't, Mustn't July 1, 2024; Name With And Without The June 30, 2024