HOMEWORK in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Homework

Have you ever found yourself struggling with completing your homework on time? Homework refers to academic tasks assigned to students by teachers to be completed outside of regular class time. It provides an opportunity for students to practice and apply what they have learned in class.

Table of Contents

7 Examples Of Homework Used In a Sentence For Kids

14 sentences with homework examples, how to use homework in sentences.

Homework is used to refer to assignments or tasks given to students by teachers to be completed outside of class. Homework is an important part of a student’s learning process, as it helps reinforce the concepts taught in class and allows students to practice applying their knowledge.

To use Homework in a sentence, you can say: – “I have a lot of homework to do tonight.” – “Make sure you complete your homework before tomorrow’s class.” – “She spends hours every night working on her homework assignments.”

In each of these sentences, Homework is used to describe the schoolwork that students are required to do outside of the classroom. It is important to remember that Homework is singular, so it is always followed by a singular verb.

When using Homework in a sentence, it is helpful to consider the context in which it is being used. Make sure to use the word appropriately in a sentence that makes sense and conveys the intended meaning. Practice using Homework in sentences to become more comfortable with its usage in everyday language.

In conclusion, homework plays a crucial role in reinforcing classroom learning and enhancing students’ understanding of concepts. As seen in various examples of sentences with homework, it serves as a tool for practice, revision, and application of knowledge. Additionally, completing homework tasks can help students develop time management skills, responsibility, and self-discipline.

While some may argue that homework can be overwhelming, with proper organization and prioritization, it can be a valuable learning tool. By carefully crafting sentences with homework, we can understand its importance in the educational process. Ultimately, homework should be seen as a beneficial exercise that complements classroom instruction and contributes to students’ academic growth and development.

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Homework in a Sentence  🔊

Definition of Homework

schoolwork that a student is required to do at home

Examples of Homework in a sentence

Don’t sign up for Mr. Martin’s class unless you want several hours of homework everyday.  🔊

Angela couldn’t go bowling with her friends because she had too much history homework.  🔊

Mrs. Campbell told the students that if they did not finish the assignment in class, they could complete it for homework.  🔊

College homework is much more demanding and tiresome than the easy worksheets we received in high school.  🔊

After school, several of Miranda’s friends come over to work on homework together.  🔊

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Homework in a sentence

homework examples in a sentence

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Use "homework" in a sentence

Homework example sentences.

1. homework was meant for them

2. I occasionally meet Mandy (aunt Hermione's extremely boring niece: the only thing she does is answer ''yes'' or ''no'' to my questions), Lena (an incredibly dull, married hen: I visit her once a week, and as soon as I get there she starts helping her sons with their homework ; she won't stop until I leave) or Persephone (rather depressed, yet she is the only one with whom I have something to discuss)

3. over the day’s homework to the children, the teacher

4. Berndt has obviously done his homework as far as knowledge of this area is concerned – he only hesitates momentarily when we reach a junction in the track, taking the left hand option

5. In theory the kids have all gone to do their homework but you’ll have to do some tactful checking

6. It’s household policy that homework is the responsibility of the individual concerned, but sometimes a little encouragement is required in order to achieve this

7. When I was young and had homework to do, I'd look for any number of distractions before surrendering and getting stuck in

8. She is in the first year of her GCSEs and the homework load’s quite heavy

9. When he comes back he explains that Sally is tied up tonight, but that Katie has offered to come over, if I don’t mind helping with her homework

10. Once the homework had been done, Ben said thank you very nicely and bounced out of the kitchen again

11. Roman reading not his homework , but the book of the day

12. “What about his homework ?”

13. Flavio had done his homework

14. Flavio tried to show Otto that he had done his homework

15. I spent the rest of the morning resting in bed and doing homework

16. It was Sunday evening and rather than finishing my homework , I was intoxicated by my mothers’ journal

17. A kid that should be worrying about homework and girls, not mourning a world lost that he would never know

18. After a day of soccer, homework , jogging and car washing the

19. Melanie was doing more homework with Joseph and poked her

20. He was about to turn on his heels and head back to his little flat when his young cousin caught him and asked if he could help with his other homework

21. Gratefully he sneaked past the wailing Aunt in the toilet and went to help with the homework in an upstairs bedroom

22. She smiled and thought about how she had tricked her parents, with Keighley’s help by saying she was going to help a school friend with her homework and look after some children

23. Another example, suppose you do not allow television on school nights until after homework is finished and bed time is 10:00 pm

24. Big Fred had been doing some reading, helping his kids with homework , and stumbled across a rare earth element called dysprosium

25. We had to do our homework in spare time at school or on the bus trip home

26. “I’d done my homework ,” a touch of pride in her voice

27. Pete would have his homework finished

28. This may sound mean, but Hikaru thinks it's awesome and always pestered me to play when I was busy doing homework

29. Jaden was upstairs doing his homework in the dark with a small flashlight and he heard it

30. "I only understood one word of the homework and that was flowcharting

31. "Seems to me that you have been doing your homework , Monica

32. “I did my homework

33. During his high school teaching career, Roger was very strict with homework

34. Students were assigned homework that was to be shown to him

35. Students who could not produce their homework had to have good and reasonable explanations

36. One day, a student could not show her homework

37. I did my homework yesterday evening

38. - Help the kids with homework

39. bed and hang out with my family and pay bills and do homework

40. cries of, “I can’t do my homework ,” along with the hissing

41. Luckily I have saved the school homework projects on

42. Procter & Gamble is known as a company that does its homework

43. “The homework he had done before approaching and selling Duncan Hines the idea of having Park license his name became the model for winning over other acquisition candidates

44. After doing homework , it was time for the children to go to bed

45. ” Randel Stair, his financial vice president, said, “I learned very early on that while he was willing to listen to anything you wanted to comment on or propose, you’d better have your homework done

46. you do your homework , you can avoid some of the issues that can

47. Lorna, having done her homework regarding Scotland in general, knew of the traditional delicacy called haggis which consisted of sheep’s brains; she said that she would rather die of hunger in the desert than eat that particular dish, which made Rick laugh; though he said nothing more about it

48. Prospective students who are considering borrowing funds for the degree should do their homework before committing to any loan program

49. Rabbin had obviously done his homework , and asked Warren a series of well planned and pointed questions about PAX and his plans for it

50. As a child: Your ability to delay playtime until you have completed all of your homework

51. ’ Perhaps such families could also be strong disciplinarians, forcing children to do their homework to a high standard and on time, etc

52. I pulled out my books and started to work on my history homework while Dr

53. reminders about tests and homework

54. If students had a video homework (e

55. post homework or test dates online that might find acceptance since it eases things

56. However the mother was making her daughter do some homework

57. They didn’t do their homework

58. machine but only after I had done my homework

59. As Stephen was leaving, Zeno handed him the assignments he’d completed during the week, and extracted a promise that Cador could spend every weekend at the cabin, promising in return that he would assist in the preparations for the following week, and they would both do all their homework

60. I’d already done my homework regarding the extradition treaties between the United States and Japan, anticipating Bob might try to flee the country

61. Guapo lay on the bed and watched TV while Sebastian did his homework because there'd not be time over the weekend

62. No one was home when Sebastian arrived, so he showered, did his homework , made a bite to eat, did a casual circuit of the garden, surreptitiously working out where a camera must have been to take the photos of him and Guapo beside the pool, noticed from the corner of an eye a sprinkler on edge of the flowerbed that seemed larger than the others, felt the soil nearby, nodded his head as if making a decision, turned on the sprinklers and wandered back, noting with satisfaction that no water spouted from the one he‘d suspected

63. ‗Reggie has some school books we‘ll need for tomorrow, and we have to collect his homework

64. ‗You haven‘t helped me with my maths homework yet

65. He was a very studious boy and always completed the homework given to him in the evening before going out to play with his friends

66. A ballpoint pen, a washed but still recognisable movie ticket, and a note about homework , the paper felted and most of the ink illegible, were fished out of his shirt pocket

67. It led to him being distracted at school and not caring about homework that he was once so meticulous at

68. He and Ivan worked hard at school and often conferred with each other in regard to homework


70. Even if you are raising the next whiz kid, every child needs time to do homework , go to school, sleep, eat, and have free time to engage in creative play and thinking without be overbooked

71. He had done his homework

72. Nathan kept telling me his stories, but then as the days continued he also returned to doing his homework and baseball practice

73. Getting no clear picture herself, she thought he should’ve done his homework to handle his inhibitions

74. If you must do these things after that date (circumstances sometimes force us), do your homework well and take steps to protect yourself

75. Do your homework

76. This ‘writer’ hadn’t even bothered to do his homework , and it was plain that he hadn’t watched

77. Mars is retrograde, so do more homework before making any changes

78. But she would still be expected to assign homework , homework that was rarely done even if students did have the books

79. I tried to get him to do some homework but he would shake his head and refuse

80. She wished there were something she or one of the other teachers could do to improve Doreen’s life, give her the encouragement and challenges she didn’t have at home or in most of her classes either, where if somebody wasn’t disrupting, the teacher was probably having to go over the same material time and time again for the majority, who missed lots of days and all the homework

81. He did not talk to Kara much, except for occasionally asking her about her day and her homework

82. He offered to help her with homework sometimes

83. Reuben and Rashi blew off their homework that evening willing to withstand the anger of their instructors the following day especially since two of their instructors were their parents

84. You can have great success with these ads since if you have done your homework they are highly targeted and are made for the sole purpose of delivering your exclusive message to the targeted audience

85. I can’t have you at school and I have homework to do and there just isn’t much to do in the winter time

86. Maureen had very few friends, and those that she did have, had never once been invited back to Maureen’s for coffee or to go over and do their homework together

87. You have homework

88. the child can do homework free of the distractions of TV

89. - Homework (researching sources that are helpful to solve the

90. In short, do your homework right during packing and you will get an A+ grade during unpacking

91. Before long they were on their way to chores and homework

92. He did his homework and stood up to the chemical industry

93. This means you have to do some homework before the election – but don’t worry, you won’t be graded on it

94. The main concern is how much homework should be assigned

95. He gave homework assignments but they certainly were not overwhelming

96. But you will need to read and study so homework of some sort is needed

Synonyms for "homework"

"homework" definitions.

preparatory school work done outside school (especially at home)

How To Use Homework In A Sentence

  • She had a series of heated confrontation with her parents over homework . 0 0
  • Finish your homework first, then wash my car. 0 0
  • This is the point I discovered I should have done my homework properly. 0 0
  • Getting him to do his homework is like pulling teeth. 0 0
  • I'm just finishing my homework - it won't take long. 0 0

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  • But if you've done your homework and bought a good company, over the next two years or more, you should be rewarded. 0 0
  • As children, when my brother Bob and I were anxious to avoid doing our homework , we'd fly round to her house. 0 0
  • At our school, we work cross-curricular, and typical homework can be, in addition to solving math and English tasks, to read an article and write down questions that will be discussed in class next day, or to plan a performance together with the rest of your working group. C. M. Rubin: The Global Search for Education: More from Norway 0 0
  • For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species. 0 0
  • After finishing the heap of homework I had, I let myself fall into bed, dozing off the moment my head hit the soft feathered pillow. 0 0
  • I am going to take for granted that you have done your homework and have a proposal that is worth seeing. 0 0
  • Then Henry goes home, I have dinner and begin my lavations to relax before completing my homework . 0 0
  • Few homeworkers doing piecework in manufacturing enjoy employee status. 0 0
  • Bobby is going about his homework very seriously tonight. 0 0
  • One mother at a London prep school did her son's homework herself. Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • It's time to tackle my homework . 0 0
  • He grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do 0 0
  • The setting of projects and other large pieces of written and maths homework is pointless and possibly detrimental. Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • The teacher disciplined the class by giving them extra homework . 0 0
  • I will leave my homework over until tomorrow. 0 0
  • I've got some homework to do on the Industrial Revolution. 0 0
  • Haven't you finished your homework yet? 0 0
  • Working with the staff at St Brigid Elementary Junior High School, she formed a homework committee. 0 0
  • Luckily I only get homework about once a month. The Sun 0 0
  • I want you to hand in this homework on Friday. 0 0
  • The rest of the money would be better spent supporting after-school clubs or homework support. The Sun 0 0
  • You say you have a little straw bag from when he brought his homework from school. DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain 0 0
  • I would come home from school, feed her, bath her and put her to bed before doing my homework . 0 0
  • Set aside blocks of time for doing your homework . 0 0
  • Acknowledging the necessity to work with others; getting the guts to ask for help in order to preclude slamming one's head against the wall for extended amounts of time; finding two, three or even more ways to tackle a problem, whether it be literally in homework or otherwise in managing life and time; learning many, _many_ subtle things that you certainly won't regret learning as you tackle challenges in the future. Failing Students 0 0
  • He got his sister to help him with his homework . 0 0
  • You may grumble when they pile on double homework but one day you could find yourself thanking them for that extra push. Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • She made us clean our room and load the dishwasher; made sure we did our homework . Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • Do your homework now. 0 0
  • Do your homework completely before you decide to have your hair chemically straightened or relaxed. 0 0
  • You said we could watch television when we've finished our homework . 0 0
  • Who could be bothered to do their maths homework after that? Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • You have a lot of homework . 0 0
  • I've got a lot of homework tonight. 0 0
  • This is not only because the routine is relentless, the day-in/day-outness of hastily eaten meals, homework help and heart-to-hearts, things that must be done and done and then done again. A New Roof On An Old House 0 0
  • I have been wading through this homework assignment for three hours. 0 0
  • Doing your homework is sure to inspire you, but don't feel you have to reinvent the wheel. Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • It is sometimes a good idea to start homework reporting with a client who you recognize as a likely positive contributor. 0 0
  • But let me give you some homework . Christianity Today 0 0
  • Certainly, we always have some homework after an English class. 0 0
  • I wish Bill get around to starting his homework . 0 0
  • XD thanks. it's amazing i've been playing since for (looks up 1st account) 61 months x_x and i found my skype software XD just need a mic * looks at empty bank account* maybe I'll get it for Christmas or something XD oh and I stole the e with an accent from freetranslation. com or something like that. that's how I do my Italian homework hurray! The PPT Show 0 0
  • Go to your room and do your math homework before you start watching TV. 0 0
  • My childhood dream was to be mother, at home with my children, making pictures out of macaroni, passing on my favourite bedtime stories, helping with homework , soothing fevered brows and wiping away snot. 0 0
  • Should we stop homework in primary schools? Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • They were allowed to do other homework , practice more keyboarding or surf the net. 0 0
  • I'll call you when I've finished my homework . 0 0
  • Very practically, homework allows more ground to be covered and enables classwork to concentrate on activities that require the presence of the teacher. 0 0
  • REFERENCES: un rouspéteur (une rouspéteuse) = moaner; le devoir (m) = homework ; le souci (m) = worry Words in a French Life 0 0
  • I had no writing desk before. I did my homework on a bench. 0 0
  • We need to do our homework but sometimes in that time other clubs can come in and scupper the deal. The Sun 0 0
  • To make matters worse, Ellen wasn't lightening the homework load one bit. 0 0
  • I decided to give her weekly pocket money as long as she does one hour of homework a night. Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • As homework you are asked to watch a video of a film that you dislike, that may even disturb you, and watch the film with the sound switched down and to rewrite the scenes that upset you. 0 0
  • After taking a nice warm shower, she made herself a cup of chocolate and settled down to do her homework . 0 0
  • For those who would like to croscill chambord toilet bowl brush a bidet, these homework facilities have integrated developed to feel surrounded on a stunning toilet. Wii-volution 0 0
  • It appears that the opponents of Kyoto, while vocal, have not done their homework . 0 0
  • Although the amount of time spent on homework is easily measured, using time as the only barometer for success can be deceptive. 0 0
  • You've done all your homework in an hour? You amaze me. 0 0
  • I did all my homework , but my sister didn't do hers. 0 0
  • Before you go near a stockbroker, do your homework . 0 0
  • Do exercise one for homework . 0 0
  • They are assigned much less homework . Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers, 0 0
  • with his homework until his sister helped him. 0 0
  • That last candidate impressed me with his knowledge of the company's activities; he has really done his homework . 0 0
  • You can't watch TV until you've done your homework . 0 0
  • what was your score on your homework ? 0 0
  • Tad . Dad, I'm going to a party. Would you do my homework for me? 0 0
  • With Sir Alan Rudge, the chair of the Royal Commission, he will set a recess ' homework ' project for the other 610 MPs, asking them to "go on the hunt for tales of manufacturing ingenuity and innovation. Vince Cable launches 'Made by Britain' project to highlight manufacturing 0 0
  • There are 6 biweekly problem sets . These homework assignments constitute 40 % of the course grade. 0 0
  • Please apply yourself to your homework 0 0
  • He got into trouble for not doing his homework . 0 0
  • We are being given too much homework ,so we will take things up with our teacher. 0 0
  • We are set homework each day and I spend a lot of time on it, feeling despondent at my lack of ability. Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • He was castigated for his carelessness in doing homework . 0 0
  • Homeworking is actually excellent for the environment and for the wellbeing of the employee. Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • Anne sharpened her pencil and got out her homework . 0 0
  • She gave the whole class extra homework for a week. 0 0
  • Marry ofter winks at the spelling mistakes in her homework . 0 0
  • The graded homework will be returned in the recitation sections. 0 0
  • As to correcting our homework , the teacher always makes us do it ourselves. 0 0
  • Did you do your homework ? 0 0
  • Those who believe that the technology is fading into the sunset have not done their homework . 0 0
  • I got full marks for my homework . 0 0
  • When teachers assign homework , students usually feel an obligation to do it. 0 0
  • In standard teen movies, they would be the overachieving geeks, the keeners that spent most of high school either buried in homework or watching geeky shows. 0 0
  • After passing up their homework , the class took out a sheet of paper and their writing materials for their quiz. 0 0
  • At the age of four and a half they face a pretty formal six-hour school day, often with nightly homework . 0 0
  • She is having problems with her maths homework . Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • A series of studies have shown too much homework does not help pupils. Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • My eldest daughter is extremely diligent and settles down to her homework the minute we get home, but the little one is not so studious. 0 0
  • Please copy the homework from the blackboard. 0 0
  • The children attending the club have an opportunity to do homework and other activities. 0 0
  • These were taken away for failures in attendance, behaviour, classwork and homework . Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • Dad was onto her again about doing her homework . 0 0
  • My homework got a lot more ticks than crosses. 0 0
  • I cant do my homework and I cant look straight. 0 0
  • At the beginning of each session review homework assignments. 0 0
  • A huge amount of strife can be avoided if homework is designed rather than just assigned. Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • And any other form of reading or writing - such as the letters to the fairies we have been writing - can be counted as homework instead. 0 0
  • Vernon assigned some very easy homework from the first chapter of our text book, and then we were dismissed. 0 0
  • Now many pupils will have to have extra classes or supplement their homework to make up lost ground. 0 0
  • She often does her homework at the kitchen table. 0 0
  • He helps with the evening meal, takes the little one swimming and talks the big one through his homework , bungs in a wash and then rolls up his sleeves for bathtime. 0 0
  • Mean Value Theorem. Go over Homework 3. 0 0
  • After the classroom emptied I spoke with Stuart’s teacher and learned that my instincts had been correct: the worksheet incident was not an isolated one, Stuart consistently lost his homework or left it at home, and his cubby was a disaster. The Organized Student 0 0
  • And if there was no homework , there would be something educational to do. Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • The UK government has published guidelines to help businesses keen to provide PCs to employees for homeworking . 0 0
  • The homework is on the blackboard. 0 0
  • I finally got through this homework assignment 0 0
  • The teacher has excused the students from their homework for this evening. 0 0
  • Um, you don't get any homework either, but your tutoring. 0 0
  • As a general rule of thumb, children this age should not spend more than one hour on homework . 0 0
  • I haven't factored a polynomial for a decade and then it was to help my daughter with her homework , but I spend most of the day doing multivariable problem solving. Tom Vander Ark: Schools Should Help Kids Build Robust Mental Models 0 0
  • The teacher set her class a mathematics exercise for homework . 0 0
  • Lucia is trying assign homework about Zbigniew Jaworowski, which has got to be one of the silliest things that anyone ever tried, especially since Jim Easter, aka the boojum and Eli does miss his posting cut him up into tiny pieces and left him for stupid. Rabett Run 0 0
  • Normally, when I'm worried about something, even about not finishing my homework , I get a loud heartbeat, can't keep food down, and that gassy feeling I told you about appears. 0 0
  • The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester 0 0
  • His mother kept him in until he had finished his homework . 0 0
  • He didn't tackle his homework until 9 o'clock. 0 0
  • The science teacher always sets a lot of homework . 0 0
  • We were back at his house, slaving away at homework . 0 0
  • After being given a grammar book, a literature book, and a workbook to go with each, we were given, believe it or not, three sheets containing literary terms followed by our first homework assignment. 0 0
  • The teacher dished out so much homework that her pupils complained to their parents. 0 0
  • They wear a smart uniform and always come home with homework and reading books in their bags. The Sun 0 0
  • Your homework assignment is written on the board. 0 0
  • Women are disproportionately employed in the so-called atypical workforce of part-timers, temporary workers, and homeworkers . 0 0
  • I remember at school when I was set homework assignments for English and we had to write about a page of writing for openings of horror stories. 0 0
  • My dream is that the school would allow the kids a little leniency in completing their homework since I kept them home a full week to keep them from infecting other people. Obama: Family 'will stand in line like everybody else' for vaccine 0 0
  • With all of Clinton's claims of unparalleled "experience and sophistication" on foreign affairs, she did not do her homework before the Iraq vote and was dupped by Bush, enabling him to choose a war that is a catatrophe. Election Central Saturday Roundup 0 0
  • It sickened me how many people didn't take advantage of all the time she gave us to do our work so that we didn't have homework , and how many of them criticized her efforts to be a caring teacher. 0 0
  • In fact, snazzier technology -- say, posting grades or homework assignments on-line -- mostly serves to distract us from rethinking the pedagogy. Alfie Kohn: How to Sell Conservatism: Lesson 1 -- Pretend You're a Reformer 0 0
  • His mother baked cupcakes for Bryan's birthday to take to school, and she always helped him with his homework . 0 0
  • Over the next two weeks I went back to my usual routine of going to work and marking homework when I got home. 0 0
  • Do your homework before tackling him and make very specific requests. The Sun 0 0
  • The innovative scheme could be used to send revision questions and exam timetables, or chase-up homework and absences. 0 0
  • More tests, more homework , more drill, more hours, more days. 0 0
  • This homework requires an adult to sit with him, explain concepts, read and correct his writing and spelling. Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • We have finished overall homework . 0 0
  • The symptoms of senioritis include an all but irresistible urge to cut classes and ignore due dates for homework and presentations. 0 0
  • But savvy investors take time to do their homework before investing. Christianity Today 0 0
  • “Uh, not really,” I said, focusing on a worksheet about usage of the word por versus the word para, just in case Señora Alvarez showed up, just in case she remembered that she had assigned us homework . Mostly good girls 0 0
  • Since they were both engrossed in his homework , to create a presence would simply be to make some noise. 0 0
  • A serious trader is ahead of the game because he does his homework day in andout. 0 0
  • She's very strict about things like homework . 0 0
  • She reached up and gave her dad a kiss on the cheek and a hug before leaving for her room for undone homework . 0 0
  • I had learned from many of these trips to bring homework , books, a deck of cards, to amuse myself, sometimes for three days. 0 0
  • If you are not careful, children tend to neglect their homework . 0 0
  • I did not believe this tired, old gender bias until it was proven to me at my kitchen table over homework . 0 0
  • To do our homework ,we have to remain up late every day. 0 0
  • Barrie Zwicker, Canadian media commentator and journalist: "At a certain point, the term conspiracy-theory becomes just an excuse not to do your homework . Two words, part two 0 0
  • When there are 20, I bring in some kind of reward: cookies, klondike bars, homework passes, etc. In the Classroom: Motivational Rewards for Students— Good, Bad, or What? « educating alice 0 0
  • Now when you have some lamebrain campaign where there's someone attempting to rap or do a jingle that mimics a style of rap, it comes off corny because it's obvious that someone didn't do their homework . 0 0
  • Hand a hard copy of the homework . 0 0
  • However, homework is often insufficiently linked to classwork and is set inconsistently across classes. 0 0
  • He spared enough time for a smile at Em before returning to his homework . 0 0
  • Write your homework in ink ,not in pencil. 0 0
  • 'It's time you did your homework .' 'I don't want to!' 0 0
  • If you have the need to groan and moan with one another. .do it elsewhere so we who are doing our homework do NOT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE LOUD RADIO some idiot nextdoor is using to play music we hate anyhow in the background while trying to findout what happened to the initial thread! Cost of living in Guanajuato or San Miguel 0 0
  • Fred stuck with his homework until it was done. 0 0
  • For a start, I had done my homework about the type of model that would best suit my needs and those of my family. 0 0
  • We homeworkers must adapt to our surroundings. 0 0
  • When writing your homework , remember that neatness counts. 0 0
  • Some vendors may provide automatic patch updating for home users, and such systems may be appropriate for updating your mobile workforce and remote homeworkers with the latest security fixes. 0 0
  • We had to write out one of the exercises for homework . 0 0
  • Three crowns and an old nag she'd borrowed from a student (whose tribal language homework she'd done in exchange) would not buy her that automobile. 0 0
  • I suppose I'd better do some homework . 0 0
  • However, the day ahead is dominated by a massive amount of college homework . 0 0
  • Where homework is well used, teachers ensure that it is integrated with, reinforces and capitalises on classwork. 0 0
  • Did you remember your homework ? 0 0
  • Examples of such sectors are homeworking , the sweated industries, cleaning, or some of the worst part of the catering industry or the fast food trade. 0 0
  • Four pieces of missing homework did not, in Josh's opinion, denote a letter home, and all the hassle that entailed. 0 0
  • A good retailer won't give you a firm quotation before he's done his homework . 0 0
  • Can you help me with my homework , Dad? I'm stuck. 0 0
  • You can't go anywhere until you've finished your homework . 0 0
  • Once you pinpoint your focus, it's time to do more homework about the industries and companies in which you want to find work. 0 0
  • Mrs. O'Keefe will be cheesed off if I have to tell her that I didn't get my homework on relative minors done. 0 0
  • We have to go home and then we have to do homework for school tomorrow! 0 0
  • Perhaps she needs to do some homework first. Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • Although the plans do not as yet have ministerial approval, it is expected that the Government will argue that actual Welfare Officers will continue to work in Wales - on a homeworking only basis, but all admin jobs will be moved. Welsh administration to be moved to England? 0 0
  • Research is showing that higher productivity levels are achieved by homeworkers . 0 0
  • They have become my true pals and we often get together to discuss the trials of homework and domestic discipline. Times, Sunday Times 0 0
  • Experts said doing extra homework was not enough to combat the brain drain caused by screen time. The Sun 0 0
  • Before trying to tackle his homework he read up the notes he had taken at the lecture. 0 0
  • Among the general detritus and debris, half-finished homework , mugs of undrunk tea, schoolbooks, and bits of model aircraft and bizarre gadgets lay in untended heaps. 0 0
  • In most cases, this is highly speculative investing, and anyone looking to trade futures should really do his or her homework . 0 0
  • They've finished their homework . 0 0
  • If he had done his homework he would have known that Governor Paiin was a reformer, was elected Governor of Alaska with massive support from independents, and had governed pragmatically from the centre, with broad cross-party support. Powell calls Palin a 'fascinating figure' 0 0
  • Many also fall behind at school because they are too tired or too distracted to complete homework properly. 0 0

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Basic English Speaking

“Homework” in a Sentence (with Audio)

Examples of how to use the word “homework” in a sentence. How to connect “homework” with other words to make correct English sentences.

homework (n): work that teachers give their students to do at home

Use “homework” in a sentence

She is trying to complete her .
I have to finish my by tomorrow.
Have you finished your English yet?
I’ve just finished my .
I’ll tackle my later.

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Examples of homework in a sentence.

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'homework.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

1662, in the meaning defined at sense 1

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“Homework.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/homework. Accessed 15 Aug. 2024.

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Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for homework

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Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about homework

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25 Metaphors for Homework

Homework – a word that can evoke a wide range of emotions in students, from dread to determination. It’s a crucial aspect of education, a bridge between classroom learning and independent understanding.

However, sometimes it feels like a never-ending struggle. But what if we looked at homework differently? What if we used metaphors to describe it, making it seem less like a chore and more like an adventure?

In this article, we’ll explore various metaphors for homework, each shedding light on a unique aspect of this academic endeavor.

25 metaphors for homework

Metaphors for Homework

1. a set of instructions or steps.

Meaning: Homework can be likened to a set of instructions or steps, similar to following a recipe.

In a Sentence: Just as a chef follows a recipe to create a culinary masterpiece, students follow the instructions in their homework to master a subject.

2. A Road to Travel

Meaning: Homework can be seen as a journey or path towards learning and understanding, like traveling down a road.

In a Sentence: Each assignment is a mile marker on the road of education, guiding students on their quest for knowledge.

3. A Fish to Catch

Meaning: Homework can involve trying to “catch” new concepts or ideas, similar to how one might try to catch a fish.

In a Sentence: Students cast their mental nets into the vast sea of information, hoping to catch the elusive understanding hidden beneath the surface.

4. A Ship to Steer

Meaning: Homework can involve navigating your way through new material, similar to steering a ship.

In a Sentence: Just as a captain must navigate through treacherous waters, students steer their way through complex assignments, avoiding pitfalls along the way.

5. A Tool to Use

Meaning: Homework can be seen as a means to an end, like a tool that is used to accomplish a task.

In a Sentence: Homework serves as a versatile tool in the educational toolbox, helping students sharpen their cognitive skills.

6. A Canvas to Paint

Meaning: Homework can be seen as an opportunity to create and express yourself, similar to painting on a canvas.

In a Sentence: Each assignment is a blank canvas where students can brush strokes of their unique understanding, creating a masterpiece of comprehension.

7. A Battle to Fight

Meaning: Homework can sometimes feel like a struggle or a challenge that needs to be overcome, like a battle.

In a Sentence: Armed with knowledge as their sword and determination as their shield, students engage in the intellectual battles of homework.

8. A Journey to Embark On

Meaning: Homework can be seen as a journey of discovery and learning, like embarking on a new adventure.

In a Sentence: Every homework assignment is an exciting expedition into the uncharted territories of knowledge, full of surprises and revelations.

9. A Treasure to Hunt For

Meaning: Homework can involve searching for and uncovering new information or knowledge, similar to hunting for treasure.

In a Sentence: With each assignment, students become modern-day treasure hunters, sifting through information to find the golden nuggets of wisdom hidden within.

10. A Plant to Water

Meaning: Homework can involve nurturing and maintaining your understanding of a subject, similar to watering a plant to keep it healthy.

In a Sentence: Just as a gardener cares for their plants, students must regularly tend to their understanding by completing homework assignments to ensure it grows and flourishes.

11. A Puzzle to Solve

Meaning: Homework can be likened to a puzzle, where students must piece together information and concepts to form a complete picture.

In a Sentence: Each assignment is a puzzle waiting to be solved, with every answer contributing to the bigger picture of understanding.

12. A Marathon to Run

Meaning: Homework can be seen as a long-distance race, where consistency and pacing are key to reaching the finish line successfully.

In a Sentence: Education is not a sprint; it’s a marathon, and homework is a daily training session to build endurance and knowledge.

13. A Symphony to Compose

Meaning: Homework can be compared to composing a symphony, where different elements must harmonize to create a beautiful piece of work.

In a Sentence: Like a composer crafting a symphony, students craft their assignments, ensuring that each part contributes to the overall harmony.

14. A Code to Crack

Meaning: Homework can be like deciphering a complex code, where students work diligently to understand and solve the intricacies of a subject.

In a Sentence: Each assignment presents a code to be cracked, and with perseverance, students unveil the secrets hidden within.

15. A Garden to Cultivate

Meaning: Homework can be seen as a garden to cultivate, where students plant the seeds of knowledge and nurture their growth over time.

In a Sentence: Just as a gardener tends to their plants, students must care for their understanding, allowing it to bloom with each completed assignment.

16. A Map to Follow

Meaning: Homework can be likened to following a map, where each task guides students on a journey through the landscape of learning.

In a Sentence: Each homework assignment is a map, leading students through the terrain of knowledge, helping them explore and navigate.

17. A Story to Write

Meaning: Homework can be compared to writing a story, where students craft narratives of their own understanding and insights.

In a Sentence: With each assignment, students become storytellers, weaving together facts and ideas to create compelling narratives of learning.

18. A Recipe to Master

Meaning: Homework can be seen as a recipe to master, with each step representing a key ingredient in the dish of comprehension.

In a Sentence: Just as a chef perfects a recipe, students perfect their understanding by diligently following the steps of their assignments.

19. A Puzzle to Assemble

Meaning: Homework can be like assembling a jigsaw puzzle, where students fit together the pieces of knowledge to complete the big picture.

In a Sentence: Each homework task is a puzzle piece, and students become expert puzzle solvers, completing the grand educational image.

20. A Building to Construct

Meaning: Homework can be likened to constructing a building, where each assignment contributes to the foundation of knowledge.

In a Sentence: Education is a construction project, and students are the builders, laying each brick of understanding with their homework efforts.

21. A Sculpture to Shape

Meaning: Homework can be compared to sculpting a masterpiece, where students chisel away at their understanding to reveal the beauty of knowledge.

In a Sentence: Each assignment is a block of marble, and students are the sculptors, shaping their comprehension with each refined detail.

22. A Puzzle to Navigate

Meaning: Homework can be like navigating through a labyrinth, where students must find their way through complex concepts and ideas.

In a Sentence: Much like an intrepid explorer in a maze, students navigate the intricate paths of homework assignments, aiming to emerge victorious.

23. A Bridge to Cross

Meaning: Homework can be seen as a bridge connecting what students know to what they need to learn, helping them cross over to a deeper understanding.

In a Sentence: With each assignment, students build bridges of knowledge, enabling them to cross over into uncharted territories of learning.

24. A Puzzle to Piece Together

Meaning: Homework can be likened to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, where each element represents a crucial part of the overall comprehension.

In a Sentence: Just as puzzle enthusiasts meticulously connect pieces to reveal a picture, students piece together concepts in their assignments to see the complete educational image.

25. A Song to Compose

Meaning: Homework can be compared to composing a musical masterpiece, where students harmonize the notes of knowledge to create beautiful compositions.

In a Sentence: Like composers crafting symphonies, students craft their assignments, ensuring that every element contributes to the melodious tune of understanding.

MetaphorMeaningIn a Sentence
Set of Instructions or StepsHomework is akin to a set of instructions or steps, similar to following a recipe.Just as a chef follows a recipe to create a culinary masterpiece, students follow the instructions in their homework to master a subject.
A Road to TravelHomework is a journey or path towards learning and understanding, like traveling down a road.Each assignment is a mile marker on the road of education, guiding students on their quest for knowledge.
A Fish to CatchHomework involves trying to “catch” new concepts or ideas, similar to catching a fish.Students cast their mental nets into the vast sea of information, hoping to catch the elusive understanding hidden beneath the surface.
A Ship to SteerHomework requires navigating through new material, similar to steering a ship.Just as a captain must navigate through treacherous waters, students steer their way through complex assignments, avoiding pitfalls along the way.
A Tool to UseHomework is a means to an end, like a tool used to accomplish a task.Homework serves as a versatile tool in the educational toolbox, helping students sharpen their cognitive skills.
A Canvas to PaintHomework offers an opportunity to create and express oneself, similar to painting on a canvas.Each assignment is a blank canvas where students can brush strokes of their unique understanding, creating a masterpiece of comprehension.
A Battle to FightHomework can feel like a struggle or challenge that needs to be overcome, like a battle.Armed with knowledge as their sword and determination as their shield, students engage in the intellectual battles of homework.
A Journey to Embark OnHomework is a journey of discovery and learning, like embarking on a new adventure.Every homework assignment is an exciting expedition into the uncharted territories of knowledge, full of surprises and revelations.
A Treasure to Hunt ForHomework involves searching for and uncovering new information or knowledge, similar to hunting for treasure.With each assignment, students become modern-day treasure hunters, sifting through information to find the golden nuggets of wisdom hidden within.
A Plant to WaterHomework requires nurturing and maintaining one’s understanding of a subject, similar to watering a plant.Just as a gardener cares for their plants, students must regularly tend to their understanding by completing homework assignments to ensure it grows and flourishes.
A Puzzle to SolveHomework is akin to a puzzle, where students must piece together information and concepts to form a complete picture.Each assignment is a puzzle waiting to be solved, with every answer contributing to the bigger picture of understanding.
A Marathon to RunHomework is a long-distance race, where consistency and pacing are key to reaching the finish line successfully.Education is not a sprint; it’s a marathon, and homework is a daily training session to build endurance and knowledge.
A Symphony to ComposeHomework is like composing a symphony, where different elements must harmonize to create a beautiful piece of work.Like a composer crafting a symphony, students craft their assignments, ensuring that each part contributes to the overall harmony.
A Code to CrackHomework is compared to deciphering a complex code, where students work diligently to understand and solve the intricacies of a subject.Each assignment presents a code to be cracked, and with perseverance, students unveil the secrets hidden within.
A Garden to CultivateHomework is seen as a garden to cultivate, where students plant the seeds of knowledge and nurture their growth over time.Just as a gardener tends to their plants, students must care for their understanding, allowing it to bloom with each completed assignment.
A Map to FollowHomework is likened to following a map, where each task guides students on a journey through the landscape of learning.Each homework task is a map, leading students through the terrain of knowledge, helping them explore and navigate.
A Story to WriteHomework is compared to writing a story, where students craft narratives of their own understanding and insights.With each assignment, students become storytellers, weaving together facts and ideas to create compelling narratives of learning.
A Recipe to MasterHomework is seen as a recipe to master, with each step representing a key ingredient in the dish of comprehension.Just as a chef perfects a recipe, students perfect their understanding by diligently following the steps of their assignments.
A Puzzle to AssembleHomework is likened to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, where each element represents a crucial part of the overall comprehension.Just as puzzle enthusiasts meticulously connect pieces to reveal a picture, students piece together concepts in their assignments to see the complete educational image.
A Song to ComposeHomework is compared to composing a musical masterpiece, where students harmonize the notes of knowledge to create beautiful compositions.Like composers crafting symphonies, students craft their assignments, ensuring that every element contributes to the melodious tune of understanding.
A Game to PlayHomework is seen as a game, with each task presenting a unique challenge for students to overcome.Much like athletes on the field, students strategize and play the “game” of homework, aiming for victory in the form of expanded knowledge.
A Puzzle to UntangleHomework is likened to untangling a complex knot, where students patiently work through the intricacies to find clarity.Each assignment is a knotted problem waiting to be unraveled, with students as the problem solvers, diligently working through the tangles.
A Code to DecryptHomework is compared to decrypting a code, where students decipher the intricate patterns of knowledge to reveal its secrets.Students take on the role of cryptographers, unraveling the coded messages within their assignments to access the treasure of understanding.
A Garden to HarvestHomework is seen as a garden ready for harvest, where students reap the fruits of their learning labor.With each assignment, students tend to their intellectual gardens, patiently waiting for the moment when they can gather the knowledge they’ve sown.
A Roadmap to FollowHomework is likened to following a roadmap, where students use assignments as guides on their educational journey.Each homework task is a signpost on the roadmap of knowledge, helping students navigate the twists and turns of learning.
A Sculpture to ShapeHomework is compared to sculpting a masterpiece, where students chisel away at their understanding to reveal the beauty of knowledge.Each assignment is a block of marble, and students are the sculptors, shaping their comprehension with each refined detail.
A Puzzle to NavigateHomework is like navigating through a labyrinth, where students must find their way through complex concepts and ideas.Much like an intrepid explorer in a maze, students navigate the intricate paths of homework assignments, aiming to emerge victorious.
A Bridge to CrossHomework is seen as a bridge connecting what students know to what they need to learn, helping them cross over to a deeper understanding.With each assignment, students build bridges of knowledge, enabling them to cross over into uncharted territories of learning.
A Puzzle to Piece TogetherHomework is likened to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, where each element represents a crucial part of the overall comprehension.Just as puzzle enthusiasts meticulously connect pieces to reveal a picture, students piece together concepts in their assignments to see the complete educational image.
A Song to ComposeHomework is compared to composing a musical masterpiece, where students harmonize the notes of knowledge to create beautiful compositions.Like composers crafting symphonies, students craft their assignments, ensuring that every element contributes to the melodious tune of understanding.

These metaphors for homework offer a rich tapestry of perspectives, each highlighting a distinct facet of the educational journey. By adopting these metaphors, students can shift their mindset from mere homework completion to engaging in exciting adventures, solving puzzles, composing symphonies, and nurturing gardens of knowledge. Homework becomes not just a task but a canvas for creativity and exploration.

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  • Definition of Interrogative Sentences and their Types with Examples


What are Interrogative Sentences? Know the Definitions, Their Kinds and Examples

Interrogative sentences are fundamental to effective communication, as they are used to ask questions and seek information. Understanding how to form and use these sentences correctly is essential for clear and precise interactions. This page offers a detailed exploration of interrogative sentences, including their different types—yes/no questions, wh-questions, and choice questions. Through various examples and explanations, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to construct and use these questions effectively in both written and spoken English.


Interesting Facts About Interrogative Sentences

What is an Interrogative Sentence?

An interrogative sentence is a type of sentence that asks a question. Its primary function is to elicit information from the reader or listener. Interrogative sentences are typically characterised by their structure, which often includes the use of question words (like who, what, where, when, why) or auxiliary verbs (such as is, are, do, does). They end with a question mark (?).

Key Points about Interrogative Sentences

Interrogative sentences play a crucial role in communication by initiating the exchange of information and promoting interaction.

Purpose: To request information or clarification.

Structure: They usually start with a question word or an auxiliary verb followed by the subject.

"What time does the meeting start?"

"Are you coming to the party?"

"Where did you go last weekend?"

Types of Interrogative Sentences and Their Examples

Interrogative sentences are used to ask questions and can be categorised into several types based on their structure and purpose. Here are the main types:

Yes/No Questions : These questions are designed to elicit a simple "yes" or "no" response. They usually begin with an auxiliary verb (e.g., is, are, do, does, will).

"Are you coming to the meeting?"

"Did she finish her homework?"

Wh- Questions : These questions begin with a "wh" word (e.g., who, what, where, when, why) and are used to gather specific information.

"What time is the event?"

"Where did you put the keys?"

Choice Questions : These questions offer two or more options, allowing the respondent to choose between them.

"Would you like coffee or tea?"

"Should we go to the beach or the park?"

Tag Questions : These are statements turned into questions by adding a short question tag at the end. They often seek confirmation.

"You're coming to the party, aren't you?"

"It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?"

Indirect Questions : These are questions embedded within a statement or another question, often used to be more polite or formal.

"Could you tell me where the nearest bank is?"

"I wonder if she knows the answer."

Points to Remember when using Interrogative Sentences:

These are some essential tips for constructing interrogative sentences:

Begin the sentence with an auxiliary verb, a modal verb, or a 'Wh' question word, starting with a capital letter.

Conclude the sentence with a question mark, which helps identify it as an interrogative sentence.

The structure of an interrogative sentence typically mirrors that of a declarative sentence but in reverse. Generally, it follows this pattern: Auxiliary Verb/Modal Verb /Main Verb + Subject + Main Verb (if applicable) + the rest of the sentence.

Usage of Interrogative Sentences

Interrogative sentences are essential for effective communication. Here are some of their primary uses:

Seeking Information : They are used to obtain specific information or details. For example, "What time does the meeting start?"

Clarification : They help clarify or confirm something that is not clear. For instance, "Did you mean the report is due tomorrow?"

Engaging in Conversation : They initiate or maintain a conversation by prompting a response. For example, "How was your weekend?"

Expressing Curiosity : They reflect curiosity or interest in a subject. For instance, "Why did you choose this course?"

Requesting Confirmation : They are used to confirm or verify information. For example, "Are you coming to the party tonight?"

Seeking Opinions : They solicit opinions or preferences. For instance, "What do you think of the new policy?"

Testing Knowledge : They assess knowledge or understanding. For example, "Can you explain the theory behind this experiment?"

Examples of Interrogative Sentences

Understanding how interrogative sentences function can improve your ability to ask clear and effective questions. Here are some examples to illustrate different types of interrogative sentences:

Yes/No Questions :

"Are you coming to the party tonight?"

"Did you finish your homework?"

Wh- Questions :

"What time does the train arrive?"

"Where did you buy that dress?"

Choice Questions :

Tag Questions :

"You're joining us for dinner, aren't you?"

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

Alternative Questions :

"Do you prefer apples or oranges?"

"Will you be attending the meeting or working from home?"

Review your Learning of Interrogative Sentences

Exercise 1: identify the type.

Instructions : Identify the type of each interrogative sentence (Yes/No, Wh-, Choice, Tag, or Alternative).

"Can you help me with this problem?"

"What is your favourite subject in school?"

"Would you like to go to the zoo or the aquarium?"

"You finished the project, didn’t you?"

"Do you want coffee or tea with your breakfast?"

Exercise 2: Forming Questions

Instructions: Convert the following statements into interrogative sentences.

"She is attending the seminar tomorrow."

"They have finished their assignment."

"John wants to buy a new laptop."

"The movie starts at 7 PM."

"You have visited Paris before."

Exercise 3: Correct the Mistakes

Instructions: Correct the errors in the following interrogative sentences.

"Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream?"

"He is studying in the library , isn't he?"

"Where did she go yesterday?"

Exercise 4: Complete the Sentences

Instructions: Fill in the blanks to complete the interrogative sentences.

"______ you want to join us for dinner?"

"______ are you planning to travel this summer?"

"______ the meeting scheduled for 10 AM?"

"______ you rather go hiking or camping?"

"______ she knows the answer to the question?"

Exercise 5: Create Your Questions

Instructions: Write your interrogative sentences for each type mentioned below.

Yes/No Question

Wh- Question

Choice Question

Tag Question

Alternative Question

Find Out if You Got them All Right From the Answers Below.

Exercise 1:, exercise 2:.

"Is she attending the seminar tomorrow?"

"Have they finished their assignment?"

"Does John want to buy a new laptop?"

"Does the movie start at 7 PM?"

"Have you visited Paris before?"

Exercise 3:

"He is studying in the library, isn't he?"

"Where did she go yesterday?

Exercise 4:

Exercise 5:.

Yes/No Question: "Did you enjoy the concert last night?"

Wh- Question: "How did you learn to play the guitar?"

Choice Question: "Do you want to see a movie or go bowling?"

Tag Question: "You’re coming to the party, aren’t you?"

Alternative Question: "Will you be attending the conference or the workshop?"

Takeaways on This Page:

Interrogative sentences are crucial for asking questions and obtaining information. They come in several types, each serving a different purpose: Yes/No questions seek simple affirmative or negative responses, while Wh- questions begin with words like "What," "Where," "When," "Why," and "How" to gather specific details. Choice and Alternative questions offer options, asking respondents to select from them, whereas Tag questions, appended to statements, seek confirmation or clarification. Structurally, interrogative sentences often start with an auxiliary or modal verb, or a Wh- question word, followed by the subject and main verb, and end with a question mark.


FAQs on Definition of Interrogative Sentences and their Types with Examples

1. What are interrogative sentences?

An interrogative sentence is a type of sentence designed to ask a question. It aims to elicit information from the reader or listener.

2. How do you identify an interrogative sentence?

Interrogative sentences are identified by their use of a question mark at the end and their structure, which typically starts with an auxiliary or modal verb, or a Wh- question word.

3. What are the different types of interrogative sentences?

The main types include Yes/No questions, Wh- questions, Choice questions, and Tag questions.

4. Can you give examples of Yes/No questions?

Examples include: "Is she coming to the party?" and "Did you finish your homework?"

5. What are Wh- questions and can you provide examples?

Wh- questions start with words like "What," "Where," "When," "Why," and "How." Examples are: "What time is it?" and "Where are you going?"

6. How do Choice questions work in Interrogative sentence examples?

Choice questions present options for the respondent to choose from. For example, "Do you want coffee or tea?"

7. What is a Tag question in Interrogative Sentence Exercises?

A Tag question is added to the end of a statement to seek confirmation or clarification. For example, "You’re coming to the meeting, aren’t you?"

8. How do you form an interrogative sentence with an auxiliary verb?

Start with the auxiliary verb, followed by the subject and the main verb. For example, "Can you help me with this?"

9. What is the structure of a Wh-question in Interrogative Sentences Exercises?

A Wh-question starts with a Wh-question word, followed by the auxiliary verb, then the subject and the main verb. For example, "Where did you put the keys?"

10. Why is the question mark important in interrogative sentences?

The question mark signals that a sentence is asking a question and distinguishes it from statements as seen in interrogative sentences examples also.

11. Can interrogative sentences have more than one verb?

Yes, they can. For example, "Has she been working on the project all day?"

12. Are there any specific rules for capitalisation in interrogative sentences?

Yes, the first word of an interrogative sentence should start with a capital letter, including the first word of Wh- questions.


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  1. Examples of "Homework" in a Sentence

    129. The guy is smart and does his homework. 53. 33. Students involved in other activities alone or in combination with sports had significantly higher odds than the other two groups for doing homework and significantly lower odds for alcohol consumption, marijuana use, and vandalism. 48. 36.

  2. Examples of 'Homework' in a Sentence

    Sherri Gordon, Parents , 1 July 2024. Over the years, the center has seen kids of all ages gather to hone their basketball skills, work on their homework, have fun with other kids and, most importantly, follow a path away from illicit activity. —. Dylan Wickman, The Arizona Republic , 19 May 2024. The girls hugged Max, went up to their rooms ...

  3. HOMEWORK in a sentence

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  4. HOMEWORK in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Homework

    To use Homework in a sentence, you can say: - "I have a lot of homework to do tonight.". - "Make sure you complete your homework before tomorrow's class.". - "She spends hours every night working on her homework assignments.". In each of these sentences, Homework is used to describe the schoolwork that students are required ...

  5. Homework in a Sentence

    schoolwork that a student is required to do at home. Examples of Homework in a sentence. Don't sign up for Mr. Martin's class unless you want several hours of homework everyday. Angela couldn't go bowling with her friends because she had too much history homework. Mrs. Campbell told the students that if they did not finish the assignment ...

  6. Homework in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)

    259+47 sentence examples: 1. with his homework until his sister helped him. 2. After you finish your homework. 3. The teacher tested the children on their homework. ... Homework in a sentence up(2) down(3) Sentence count:259+47 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-07Updated:2020-07-24. Synonym: assignment, duty, exercise, lesson, task.

  7. homework example sentences

    English The girl had done her homework. volume_up more_vert. English So the key to it all is homework! volume_up more_vert. English We must all do our homework. volume_up more_vert. English So Tony starts doing his homework. volume_up more_vert. English Nancy, put your homework down and sit down. volume_up more_vert.

  8. Examples of 'homework' in a sentence

    He insisted on school uniforms, homework, detentions and desks in rows. Times, Sunday Times. ( 2016) I always said I had too much homework. The Sun. ( 2016) You say you have a little straw bag from when he brought his homework from school. Paul Preston. DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain.

  9. Homework in a sentence

    26. "I'd done my homework ," a touch of pride in her voice. 27. Pete would have his homework finished. 28. This may sound mean, but Hikaru thinks it's awesome and always pestered me to play when I was busy doing homework. 29. Jaden was upstairs doing his homework in the dark with a small flashlight and he heard it.

  10. Use homework in a sentence

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  11. "Homework" in a Sentence (with Audio)

    Examples of how to use the word 'homework' in a sentence. How to connect 'homework' with other words to make correct English sentences.homework (n): work that teachers give their students to do at homeUse 'homework' in a sentence She is trying to complete her homework. I have to finish my homework by tomorrow.

  12. Homework in a Sentence

    Rapid Learning through Examples of Homework Contextual clues provide hints to the reader of the sentence in myriad ways. Reading homework in example sentences enables the student to apply vocab acquisition skills via contextual clues activating their inferencing capabilities. Words can be formally defined, examples could be given, a synonym or antonym appears later in the paragraph, or prior ...

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    30 examples of homework in a sentence- how to use it in a sentence. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. Homework is a breeze. English idiom. A homework assignment. Can't believe they gave Christine homework already. He always helps his daughter with her homework.

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  17. The Word "Homework" in Example Sentences

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