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UGC Opens Doors For Students To Pursue Dual PhD Across Universities From This Year

Published By : Suramya Sunilraj

Last Updated: June 19, 2023, 14:50 IST

New Delhi, India

According to the UGC, students will be able to do PhD research in two or more academic subjects in an interdisciplinary manner (Representative Image)

According to the UGC, students will be able to do PhD research in two or more academic subjects in an interdisciplinary manner (Representative Image)

UGC has informed all universities and HEI's of the country about the new rules for PhD. The admissions will be taken in universities on the basis of new rules

From the new academic year 2023-24, students of different universities across the country will be able to pursue PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in two subjects simultaneously, as per the new National Education Policy.

According to the University Grants Commission (UGC), students will be able to do PhD research in two or more academic subjects in an interdisciplinary manner.

The UGC has informed all the universities and higher educational institutions of the country about the new rules for PhD. The admissions will be taken in universities on the basis of new rules.

The UGC has also constituted a standing committee. The basic objective of this standing committee is to monitor the entire process of appointment of teachers and award of PhD degree in higher educational institutions.

This standing committee can complain to the UGC about higher educational institutions not following the rules. The committee may also recommend action to the UGC against such educational institutions.

The UGC said, “The standing committee will collect information on the selection of specific institutions, faculty appointments and PhD degree awards. Along with this, the committee will also verify the documents to ensure compliance of UGC rules in these institutions.”

Many universities have made rules for PhD admission on the basis of the Common University Entrance Test (CUET). These include Delhi University as well.

Notably, admissions for all undergraduate courses in Central universities will be done based on the merit list of the CUET.

Delhi University has made CUET mandatory for postgraduate and has now decided to give admission to PhD programmes on the basis of CUET. However, teaching and non-teaching staff working at Delhi University can directly appear for the interview for PhD admission.

Delhi University is going to take the help of the National Testing Agency (NTA), which will be conducting the CUET examinations from the academic year 2023-24 for PhD These exams will be named ‘CUET PhD’

In a similar development, under the new Education Policy, the students of the central university will also be able to pursue two courses together.

After the central universities accepted this proposal, students studying in their facilities will be able to study two courses simultaneously.

Students will have an option that they can opt for a regular course and another via distance learning.

According to educationist G.S. Kandpal, the new education policy gives freedom to central universities to conduct two courses together and join online courses. Under the new education policy, students from all over the country can pursue two-degree programmes simultaneously.

  • Education News
  • How to Transfer Your PhD to Another University

Written by Taru Medha

Transferring a PhD to another university isn’t completely unheard of. Students usually move with their primary supervisor, but you could also transfer if you’ve found another project that’s better aligned with your goals or simply if you’ve not been able to settle in your current university.

Whatever your reason to transfer your PhD, it is not impossible to do so. Usually, a PhD transfer to another university involves a completely new application. However, there is no nationally agreed system and universities are often free to define their own rules and requirements.

We’ve looked at some of the things you might need in the process of transferring your PhD to another university and how it may affect other aspects of your research.

On this page

How to apply to transfer a phd to another university.

A transfer to another university usually means you’ll be making a new application to your new university. You’ll find that universities usually have a separate section on their application for transfers.

You’ll find that this application is slightly different to the one you made the first time around. You’ll still need to complete a basic application form, but the supporting documents you’ll be submitting are different. These show the progress of your research up to this point. Your supervisor and university’s student services will be able to give you more information. It’s most likely that you’ll need:

  • A written statement from your previous university confirming that your progress has been satisfactory
  • A written agreement from your sponsor for the transfer (if applicable)

You’ll probably have to clearly state your reasons. There will usually be a provision for this in the application form.

Your application will then be approved by an assessment panel. Only once your application has been reviewed and approved will you be allowed to register at your new university.

There are some additional things you need to consider before you jump into the process.

  • There might need to be some minimum time left on your PhD for you to be able to transfer, depending on the rules of your new university.
  • You will, in most cases, have to pay the remainder of your fee If you’re being funded, whether or not your funding gets transferred along with you depends on the terms laid by your provider.
  • Your previous university might need to sign an official release of Intellectual Property before you can transfer any of your research.

A transfer can affect other aspects of your research

Even though there is nothing wrong with wanting to change universities mid-PhD, a change like that can have an impact on other important factors like your visa and funding.

If you’re on a student visa, you need to be aware of how a transfer will affect your right to stay in the country. In most cases, you’ll probably not be allowed to change your education provider but check with your university’s international office.

Funding can also be dependant on your university. If you’re on a UK Research Council studentship , you might be able to transfer your funding if both universities and the Research Council agree. The final say is with the universities and the Council.

It is unlikely, however, that you’ll be allowed to take a UK Government PhD Loan with you. Since a transfer, in most cases, is treated as a new application, you might not be eligible for another loan. You might be able to appeal with extenuating circumstances but this will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

There are alternatives to transferring your PhD

There are quite a few hoops to jump through if you’re thinking about transferring your PhD and it’s not guaranteed that you’ll be successful. There are some other options for you though which are less drastic and could still help.

  • You can think about transferring supervisors within the same university. This might be a simpler solution if you’re happy with your institution but want to change supervisors.
  • You can think of adding a supervisor from another university to your project rather than moving to them. This is made easier if your PhD is a joint research project with a couple of universities.

Transferring mid-PhD is a big step involving a lot of hurdles and it is important that you know you’re doing it for the right reasons. If you’re struggling with your PhD, remember to have an open conversation with your supervisor and take advantage of your university’s wellbeing support if you’re stressed or worried.

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Making the Leap

By  Lauren Irwin

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-Antonio-/E+/getty images

Assumptions about graduate education often lead us to believe that pursuing a doctorate is a linear process. We apply, we are accepted, we begin the program and we eventually finish the program. Too often, our discussions are limited to exploring options within this trajectory.

Such a limited focus makes it taboo to talk about nonlinear paths, including how to pursue options beyond this trajectory. In my experience, I felt that it was off-limits to talk about transferring doctoral programs. Perhaps you have felt the same way.

Contemplating transferring Ph.D. programs can feel overwhelming. For me, even exploring the possibility of transferring felt like a huge leap of faith less than a year ago. I had never heard of a transfer Ph.D. student outside of those who followed their adviser to a new institution.

Yet since sharing about my decision to transfer, several colleagues have forwarded posts from graduate students and advocates who are curious about the transfer process -- for themselves or those close to them. In reading and responding to those posts, I’ve realized that I was not alone in wondering about the feasibility of the transfer process. If you are a student who is committed to completing a doctorate but are considering a change, this essay is for you.

A Question of Fit

Part of what made the prospect of transferring feel daunting was that I had dedicated considerable time and energy in applying to, visiting and selecting a Ph.D. program to begin with. The thought of revisiting that process was less than appealing. For me, initially selecting a doctoral program was a heavy decision -- I was torn between one program that I knew was a great fit and another that would push me out of my comfort zone. The two programs were in the same discipline, although one had a broader focus (urban education policy, with a concentration in higher education) while the other was more focused (higher education and student affairs).

After considering other important factors like funding and proximity to family, I chose the urban education policy program because it pushed me out of my comfort zone. Yet despite my desire to be pushed, I largely felt like I did not fit in.

More than a year into the program, I was still unhappy, despite being academically successful. In considering my options, I realized that transferring Ph.D. programs was rarely discussed. Instead, scholars have written about how to overcome roadblocks including changing advisers or pushing through. But after connecting with a colleague at a conference and pursuing alternative options , I concluded that I needed to transfer somewhere that would make me happy.

That fall, I emailed the program coordinator of my desired program -- the same higher education and student affairs program I had turned down -- and explained that I wanted to learn more about the possibility of transferring to their program. Eventually, I shared my transcripts and we discussed the process, my motivations, required application materials and what courses may or may not transfer. I applied alongside other new applicants and then informed my current adviser that I was considering transferring. This was the timing that worked for me, but every adviser-advisee relationship is different.

Fortunately, I was admitted to my desired program under my preferred adviser. At this stage, I was quite confident that I would follow through with the transfer because of the degree of thought that went into my decision and the depth of relationships I had with people from the program. Next, I attended the program’s campus visit day in order to meet potential classmates, reconnect with colleagues, explore housing options and confirm that the program was the right fit. Shortly after my visit, I verbally expressed my desire to attend, and I formally committed when I received written confirmation of my funding. At this point, universities were moving online because of COVID-19, so solidifying a funding commitment was a necessity and a relief.

This summer, I transferred to the program, which has continued to be a great fit. Throughout the process, multiple factors required attention and consideration -- some of which have been written about here and here . Although certain factors may carry more weight based on your identity, needs and goals, I will share some of mine and the lessons I learned making the move.

Program selection and application. I only considered one program in my process -- one I was already familiar with and within my discipline. However, you may reach out to multiple programs, and if so, I offer the following questions to guide your process: What is the specialization or content that best aligns with your research and goals? What courses, opportunities and resources will support your development?

Coursework and time to degree. Some my biggest concerns were transferring existing coursework and extending my time to degree. Since I stayed in the same discipline, a number of my courses transferred as electives or methods classes. I encourage you to research the policies of specific programs and institutions to learn more.

I felt comfortable extending my time to degree because the required courses will enhance my disciplinary expertise and open up teaching assistant opportunities. Further, given the effects of COVID-19 on the faculty job market, delaying my initial graduation date, with funding, provided additional security. I recommend you ask yourself: Are you willing to take additional courses? How flexible is your timeline to graduation?

Faculty and adviser opportunities. Faculty and adviser fit in terms of style and expertise were priorities for me. I felt more confident in my decision to transfer because my preferred adviser agreed to work with me. I encourage you to be communicative and direct with faculty members whom you are interested in working with. Ask about their capacity to take on advisees, their style and upcoming projects. Consider: What are your must-haves in an adviser?

Funding. You will want to identify necessary steps in the funding process. Is the process different for transfer students, or are you considered alongside other newly admitted students? Do you already have independent funding -- say, an NSF or Ford fellowship? If so, what is the process for bringing that funding with you? It is also important to assess what other financial resources are available for doctoral students, such as professional development and conference funding.

Research. I also inquired extensively about research opportunities, such as research assistantships and volunteer involvement with ongoing projects. What projects are available for you to join? How will these projects further your own goals -- for example, developing research skills, deepening content knowledge, providing publication opportunities? What support and funding are available for your own research?

Program prestige. Program prestige is an important part of faculty hiring . However, rankings provide an incomplete picture of a program’s strengths. I chose to transfer in favor of fit and opportunities to develop and showcase the teaching, research and service skills that I needed for the types of jobs I wanted. Further, I know the faculty, student and alumni connections from my current program will be an important resource. What skills, opportunities and connections will help you be a competitive candidate? How will the program facilitate your access to and development of those skills and connections?

Culture and climate. These can refer to a number of things, including but not limited to: Do you feel like you fit with the people in the department, including students, faculty and staff? Are there faculty members who share identities that are important to you? Will you have resources to support your well-being and success? Will you have the co-conspirators and mentors you deserve?

Location and other considerations. Moving across the country is not desirable or feasible for everybody because it is intensive and often more complex for students with dependents, partners and caretaking responsibilities. Further, proximity to family and other important sources of support can make all the difference. What resources and supports are essential for your success and well-being in graduate school? How/where can you access those resources?

The graduate school journey is not always as linear as we make it out to be. I chose to make the leap to a new program, and I am glad I did. In my experience, I found myself sacrificing my happiness by continuing down a path that was not for me. Perhaps you feel the same. And it’s often not too late to make a change.

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Ph.D. Programmes

Noida 28 Jul 2024 PET Date: 31 Jul & 09 Aug 2024 (Last of the Jul 2024 Session).Only those who qualify for PET will appear for Interview on the same date
Lucknow ---------- PET Date : 01st August 2024 (July 2024 session): Only those who qualify for PET will appear for Interview on the same date.
Jaipur 06 Sep 2024 Ph.D Application - July 2024 Session
Gurugram (Manesar) ---------- PET Date 13 August 2024. Only those who qualify for PET will be called for Interview.
Gwalior ---------- Last Date To Apply Is 30th Jun 2024
Greater Noida 10 Jul 2024 PET Dates : 24Jun 2024 & 15 July 2024 Only those who qualify for PET will appear for Interview on the same date
Mumbai ---------- Last Date To Apply Is 30th Jun 2024
Raipur ---------- Last Date To Apply Is 30th Jun 2024
Kolkata 10 Jul 2024 Last Date To Apply Is 10th July 2024
Ranchi 30 Dec 2023 Last Date To Apply Is 30th December 2023
Patna ---------- Last Date To Apply Is 30th December 2023
Mohali ---------- Last Date To Apply Is 30th December 2023
RICSSBE NOIDA ---------- Ph.D Application - July 2024 Session

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 (Programs & their eligibility) for exact details on eligibility criteria, percentage requirement and relevant subject areas.


Score in the Amity Entrance Test
Performance in the Interview rounds
Proposed research idea - its relevance and brilliance
Academic record

). No other mode of request will be considered. Withdrawal application will be processed as per AUUP refund Guidelines given on the main university website  .

(2) A maximum of an additional two (2) years can be given through a process of re-registration as per the Statute/Ordinance of the Higher Educational Institution concerned; provided, however, that the total period for completion of a Ph.D. programme should not exceed eight (8) years from the date of admission in the Ph.D. programme. Provided further that, female Ph.D. scholars and Persons with Disabilities (having more than 40% disability) may be allowed an additional relaxation of two (2) years; however, the total period for completion of a Ph.D. programme in such cases should not exceed ten (10) years from the date of admission in the Ph.D. programme. 

(3) Female Ph.D. Scholars may be provided Maternity Leave/Child Care Leave for up to 240 days in the entire duration of the Ph.D. programme. 

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BITS Pilani is a Deemed to be University, offering on-campus programs to more than 18,500 students across its campuses in Pilani, Goa, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Dubai.It has been recognized as an Institute of Eminence by the Ministry of Education, Government of India in 2020.

QS World University Subject Rankings 2024 has ranked BITS Pilani globally at

  • 101-150 in Pharmacy and Pharmacology
  • 301-350 in 4 subjects namely, EEE, Computer Science, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering
  • 451-500 in 3 subjects, namely, Mathematics, Business & management Studies and Physics & Astronomy
  • 501-550 in Chemistry

In ǪS Asia University Rankings 2024, BITS has been ranked 215th in Asia and at 22nd in India. Further, BITS Pilani has been ranked among the top 300 in ǪS World University Graduate Employability Rankings 2022 and within top 6 in India.

Having pioneered several curricular and pedagogic attributes, BITS Pilani has a vision to be amongst the top research-led Institutes in the country. The qualities of innovation, enterprise, commitment to excellence, adherence to merit, and transparency, have characterized the Institute during its inexorable march to eminence.

The Institute has secured over Rs 398 crores as external research funding in the last 5 years. State of the art facilities have been developed to support cutting edge research, led by students and about 930 faculty members, leading to a Scopus h-index of 156, with 221 patents filed so far, and 41 patents granted. Currently, there are 14 BITSian Unicorns and 1 Decacorn. There are over 7500 BITSian founders and co-founders of enterprises.

Doctoral Programme (Ph.D.)

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List of Candidates shortlisted for Ph.D. Admission Test and/or Interview is now available.

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Department preference with regard to the full-time and part-time Ph.D student admission is given in the table below.

Department Preference for Ph.D. Admission(Second Sem. 2022-23)
Department Pilani Goa Hyderabad
Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time
Biological Science            
Chemical Engineering            
Civil Engineering            
Computer Science & Information Systems            
Electrical & Electronics Engineering            
Humanities & Social Sciences            
Economics & Finance            
Mechanical Engineering            

Yes – A Department intends to admit students under the specified mode. No – A Department does not intend to admit students under the specified mode.

Minimum Eligibility Qualifications

ME / MTech / MPharm / MBA / MPhil (minimum of 60% aggregate)* MSc/BE/BPharm or an equivalent degree (minimum of 60% aggregate)* For admission into Humanities and Social Sciences, MA degree (minimum of 55% aggregate)* For part-time applicants, a minimum of one-year experience in the related field of study is required

[*In the Qualifying Degree examination]

In addition, Departments may set specific admission criteria for shortlisting. Meeting the minimum eligibility qualifications does not guarantee admission into the PhD program. Shortlisted candidates will have to appear for an admission test, which may comprise a written exam and/or interview. Information on specific Departments and related research activities is available on the Department homepage of respective campuses.

Full-time students

Preferably individuals who would like to pursue PhD in-house, residing on campus.

Part-time students

Preferably individuals who are working in organizations providing basic facilities and an environment for research.

Financial Assistance

Full-time PhD students admitted into the PhD program are eligible to be considered for an Institute fellowship of Rs. 34,000 or Rs. 37,000 per month in the first year based on their qualifications at the time of admission. Students admitted with M.E./M.Tech./M.Pharm./MBA/M.Phil. or an equivalent Degree are eligible to receive an Institute fellowship of Rs. 37,000/-. Students admitted with M.Sc./B.E./B.Pharm. or an equivalent degree are eligible to receive an Institute fellowship of Rs. 34,000/-. These students on successful completion of coursework will receive Rs. 37,000/- from the Semester following the one in which the course work was completed Higher fellowship may be made available in subsequent years. Consideration for Institute fellowship will be as per Institute norms. It will be obligatory on the part of every admitted full time student to undertake 8 hours (per week) of work as assigned to him/her by the institute.

Important Dates

Activity Date
Admission Portal Open 01-March-2024
Last date for submission of application 29-April-2024
Declaration of shortlisted candidates for written test and interview 06-May-2024
Written test and/or interview date (at a BITS Pilani campus) To be Announced
Announcement of admission offers To be Announced
Last date for fee payment To be Announced
Reporting at the BITS Pilani campus 25-July-2024
Orientation 26, 27-July-2024
Course registration 01-August-2024
Beginning of classwork 02-August-2024

The Institute reserves the right to change the above deadlines. Candidates will be informed in advance should there be such a change.

Department Brochures

Pilani campus – biological sciences, pilani campus – chemistry, pilani campus – chemical engineering, pilani campus – civil engineering, pilani campus – electrical & electronics engineering, pilani campus – humanities and social sciences, pilani campus – physics, pilani campus – mechanical engineering, goa campus – biological sciences, goa campus – chemistry, goa campus – computer sciences, goa campus – electrical & electronics engineering, goa campus – humanities and social sciences, goa campus – mathematics, goa campus – mechanical engineering, hyderabad campus – biological sciences, hyderabad campus – chemical engineering, hyderabad campus – chemistry, hyderabad campus – civil engineering, hyderabad campus – computer sciences, hyderabad campus – electrical & electronics engineering, hyderabad campus – humanities and social sciences, hyderabad campus – mathematics, hyderabad campus – mechanical engineering, hyderabad campus – pharmacy, top resources.

Doctoral Program (Ph.D.)

For Further Information Contact

Admissions office.

Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Campus, Pilani, Rajasthan 333031 (INDIA).

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(Note : For any query you may contact through the above phone numbers on any working day from Office Hours : Monday to Friday 9AM - 1PM & 2PM - 5PM Saturday 9AM - 1PM)

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Climbing the academic ladder: your ultimate guide to doing a ph.d. in india.

Climbing the Academic Ladder Your Ultimate Guide to Doing a Ph.D. in India

A Ph.D. stands for Doctor of Philosophy- the highest degree awarded at universities, is, therefore, the last open pinnacle of academic achievement. It displays a significant achievement in one’s se lected field and is radically pursued by tho se eyeing high-level academic posts or positions in re se arch-oriented fields. If you’re interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in India, this guide is the best resource to help you in your pursuit of this prestigious degree.  

What Does the Ph.D. Program Entail?

The Ph.D. program consists of original research contributing new knowledge to a particular domain, which incorporates the process of coursework, comprehensive examinations, and completion of a dissertation. Below is detailed information related to: “How to do a Ph.D. in India?”  

  • Research Proposal : Begin with a research proposal that truly states an important question or problem in the field and your chosen methodology to solve it. It is one of the most crucial components of applications and must showcase the potential impact of your rese  
  • Course work : The University and the program may require you to take some coursework in the area of research you are interested in. This is to equip students with theoretical and methodological tools.
  • Comprehensive Exams : You will likely be required to pass comprehensive exams designed for evaluating mastery of your chosen field’s concepts and literature upon completion of the course
  • Dis sertation : At the core of a Ph .D. is the dissertation, which is a considerable original research work that contributes to new knowledge. Your dissertation will be judged by a panel consisting of experts, and you will have to defend the same through a viva voce.

What are the perks of pursuing the highest academic degree (Ph.D.) in India?

Where bettering of knowledge and contribution towards one’s chosen field are concerned, few routes can match the depth of the PhD. A doctoral degree confers many benefits that extend beyond academic gains into each dimension of professional enhancement.  

  • Mastery in Your Field : A Ph.D. provides you with comprehensive knowledge about a particular area and enhances analytical and critical thinking skills, including research skills, to a level beyond the bachelor’s or master’s degree.  
  • Opportunity to Conduct Breakthrough Research : As a Ph.D. student, your core business is the creation of new knowledge. How beneficial it is to be able to make a completely new contribution to your field can hardly be viewed.  
  • Networking Opportunities : As a student, while pursuing a Ph.D., you would be attending conferences and seminars that will help you network with like-minded people, famous academics, and industrial professionals that would greatly bolster your professional network.  
  • Improved Career Prospects : A Ph.D. opens a wider horizon of career opportunities. With this, you can emerge as a university professor, a member of research organizations, or even a policymaker in your field influencing critical decisions.   

Challenges and Rewards

The Ph.D. is an extensive program demanding dedication, perseverance, and resilience. You may feel the pressure of several challenges in integrating research with other commitments, finding the correct path after facing a setback, or better time management. Nevertheless, it rewards you manifolds via its skills enrichment program.  

A Ph.D. at Mahindra University offers you an active opportunity to make an impactful contribution and leave a mark on your field by ameliorating your critical thinking and researching capabilities, therefore paving way for advanced career opportunities in academia, research, and industry.  

Ph.D. and research degrees can let you start research in your domain or take it to a completely different level—the one that really excites you. You will be able to decide on what to work on, how to work on it, and how you get there with the support and guidance of supervisors.  

Additionally, regardless of whether you’ve just finished your postgraduate degree, are currently working, or returning to the university after a long break—a research degree (Ph.D.) at Mahindra University gives you so many options. Some of them are mentioned below:  

  • Ph.D. in Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Educational Studies  
  • Ph.D. in Business Administration  
  • Ph.D. in Centre for Life Sciences  
  • Ph.D. in Humanities and Social Sciences  
  • Ph.D. in Media and Communication
  • Ph.D. in Law  

To Put it Altogether

A Ph.D. in India is one of the most interesting but equally challenging career paths that require a lot of planning and dedication to pursue. One may get through this uphill journey if he/she chooses the right institution, prepares well for entrance exams, and obtains appropriate funding. Doing a Ph.D. is not just about getting another qualification; it enriches knowledge with new additions and helps serve society better by making a positive impact on your chosen subject of specialization. If you’re passionate about research and dedicated to your academic goals, a Ph.D. could be the perfect path for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many hours do you need to work? Doing a full-time Ph.D. is a comparable commitment to a full-time job (funded projects even come with a kind of salary, usually referred to as a stipend or studentship). You should take a minimum of 35 hours per week, which will often increase (particularly when you are writing your thesis).
  • Why is Ph.D. research so important? A Ph.D. is awarded for the creation of new knowledge, the discovery of new things, and the development of skill sets. Therefore, doctoral research is a component of the wider research and investigation activity that academic teachers, universities, and their Ph.D. students engage on projects of an analogous level of relevance and complexity. In Ph.D. you are developing the research skills that will help move forward human understanding of life, the universe, and everything.

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Ph.D Transfer from other country to US

In this application cycle, I got a PhD offer from Nanyang Technology University at Singapore and will study in the field of programming language. However, I recently received a mail from my supervisor which is said that he will soon leave NTU for some reasons. After searching the faculty list of NTU I found there is no other professor who works in programming language.

I don't want to compromise on the topic I will do during my PhD. Maybe it is a good choice for me to find a matching supervisor in some other universities. But I have to go to NTU to do my PhD because I have no alternative choice now since this application cycle is ended.

What I want to know is that is it possible to transfer my PhD from singapore to US if I re-apply for some American universities after my current supervisor's leave?

Any advise will be so much appreciate for that I somehow don't know what to do.

Gabriel's user avatar

  • 1 Have you asked the supervisor for advice? If he is moving to another university, and you are particularly intent on studying with him, you might be able to go with him. –  Nate Eldredge Commented May 28, 2013 at 19:10

2 Answers 2

In general, it is difficult to transfer between universities in different countries unless one is moving with the thesis advisor. This is in part because of funding rules: usually, money in one country cannot be used to fund graduate students working or studying in another country. (In the US, for instance, graduate fellowships are normally valid only at US universities.)

If you were to attempt to transfer on your own, the most likely scenario is that you would be expected to start the PhD over; depending on the department, they may not recognize coursework completed at your old school, or at best may choose to give you placement out of the equivalent courses, but still expect you to complete additional electives. It would be even more challenging to move your project over, if funding isn't available to work on the same project.

Since you are just starting, perhaps it would be possible to complete a master's degree in Singapore, and then try to transfer to another university for the doctoral studies. (I'm not sure how doctoral programs in CS handle an international master's. In my department, though, students with master's from abroad were still expected to complete the "core" coursework requirements.)

aeismail's user avatar

It certainly is possible, even across countries. Some of my students are following me on my move from Belgium to Sweden. To ensure that this was possible, I needed to enquire with the administration on both the source and target of the move. There were some restrictions on both sides – for instance, if a student is too close to finishing, both sides are reluctant to let the move happen.

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phd transfer to another university in india

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PhD migration from one university to another university

Yes, you can migrate your Ph.D. from one university to another university.

The following are the requirements for the  migration process:

  • You must have a consent letter from the target university (new university) and must have mentioned that the university is ready to supervise the candidate.
  • You also need to produce an NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the present university (old university) and must mention that the university has no issue wherever the candidate pursues further research.
  • You also need to have a certificate from your present supervisor for the same reason.

After all the above formalities, there will be a presentation at the new university regarding your research plan.

Moreover, At the new university, you will be exempted from the PhD coursework .

For any doubt related to PhD Migration/ PhD Course work Exemption, etc; comment below:

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New Delhi: The University Grants Commission (UGC) has released draft regulations for establishing an Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) in line with the new National Education Policy (NEP) .

Similar to a bank account, the credit bank will be a repository where students’ academic credits — calculated on the basis of classwork and tutorials — will be stored, according to the regulations, a copy of which is with ThePrint. 

The commission sent the regulations to all colleges and universities last week and sought their feedback.

Simply put, a credit bank will allow students freedom to design their own degree. They will be allowed to shift from one institution to another in the middle of their course, and the credits will carry forward. They can also drop out in the middle of their programme and join again — the same institute or a different one — whenever feasible, over a certain time period. To do this, they will have to retrieve their credits from the bank, where they will remain stored in the interim.  

Institutions that are willing to offer this flexibility to students will have to register under the ABC scheme, provided they are eligible for it, the guidelines state, before listing some eligibility criteria like UGC recognition.

The ABC is among the initiatives announced by the government in its NEP, which was cleared by the Union Cabinet last year. Union Higher Education Secretary Amit Khare said in August 2020 that work on the credit bank has already begun and the government is eyeing a 2021 rollout.

Speaking to ThePrint, educational institutions and experts described ABC as a good initiative — one that will not just be beneficial to students but also colleges and universities. However, they noted that a lot depends on how its implementation pans out.

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What the regulations say

The regulations drafted by the UGC, which oversees higher education in India, say the ABC “shall provide a variety of services including credit verification, credit accumulation, credit transfer/redemption and degree authentication”. 

The credits, they add, can either be kept for a maximum duration of seven years or “as specified separately by ABC for different subject disciplines”.

All higher education programmes under the purview of the UGC can enrol for ABC, but professional courses such as engineering, medical/dental, law etc will require the approval of the “appropriate statutory/regulatory professional council”. This means, for example, an engineering institute will only be able to enrol for ABC if the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) approves.

The objectives of the ABC, the regulations state, is “to enable students to select the best courses/combination of courses to suit their aptitude and knowledge thirst”, and to allow “students to tailor their degrees or make specific modifications/specialisations rather than undergoing the rigid, regularly prescribed degree/courses of a single university/autonomous college”.

It will also allow multiple entry/exit options for courses. Delhi University is among the institutions planning to offer this from the next academic session, amid discussions to bring back its four-year undergraduate programme. 

The credit bank, the regulations add, will not be a degree-awarding authority in itself. “The statutory degree-awarding power shall continue to be vested with the eligible higher education institutions,” the state.

“ABC shall act as the empowered body by UGC/MoE (Ministry of Education) to provide authenticated records of credits earned by students from approved HEIs (higher education institutions),” the regulations state.

The credit requirements as well as essential components of study for enrolment in courses — UG/PG degree or diploma — and the course work requirements for PhD programmes will be defined by the respective universities or autonomous institutions, they add.

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To offer students flexibility

The ‘credit transfer’ system is followed by universities in the US, the UK and Europe. Some universities have also tied up with private Indian institutions to allow local students this option. 

Manipal Academy of Higher Education and Lovely Professional University are among the private institutions that currently allow credit transfer with international universities. This means students can earn a certain number of credits in the foreign universities with which their university has a tie-up. 

However, these institutions are exceptions, and the concept is largely novel for India.

Institutions that offer credit transfer say it gives students flexibility.  

“Credit transfer has benefits for students, especially in terms of choice. They will have the flexibility to study from different geographies — stay at home for a few years and then shift to a college in another state,” said Prof. Nandita Abraham, president, Pearl Academy, a private creative education institute with branches in Delhi, Jaipur, Bengaluru and Mumbai. 

“The student will also have the option of experiencing or learning from colleges with different specialisations and learning environments,” she added.

“At Pearl Academy, we currently assess students’ prior learning from within India and internationally, assign them credits, and admit them to an equivalent level. Many of our students transfer their credits internationally and proceed with their studies abroad at universities like the University of the Creative Arts and Nottingham Trent University in the UK,” she said. 

Former UGC chairman Ved Prakash also cited flexibility as a benefit of credit transfer. “The credit bank provides flexibility to students to design their own degree so it’s a good idea in that sense. But a lot will also depend on how it is implemented across institutions. Whether a college of a certain rank will allow its students to earn credits from a college lower than itself, and whether students will shift to different institutions just for the fees… these are things that will have to be seen once the policy is implemented,” he added.

Dr Vishal Talwar, dean of the School of Management and director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at BML Munjal University, Haryana, said the credit bank “is not just good for students but also institutions” as it will enable competitiveness between academic institutions.

“The ABC is a good idea in its spirit and intent,” he added. “It should enable access, flexibility, choice and an intrinsic competitiveness between academic institutions to go the extra mile as far as student learning is concerned.”

“It will bring into focus purposeful designing of curriculum, its integration and relevance to the students over a period of time,” he said. “An efficient guidance and mentoring system will be essential to ensure student direction and employability gains from this credit bank approach.”

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Transfer student

In some circumstances, students of faculty who are newly hired to MIT wish to continue their thesis research with the advisor. Typically, these are students in the advanced stages of degree candidacy and for whom the continued advisory relationship would facilitate timely completion of the degree. Such students may seek to transfer to MIT and obtain a degree. The departmental graduate committee will review eligibility and progress and, as appropriate, offer admission as a regular MIT graduate student and  accept transfer credits  towards the degree.

The minimum residency requirement of two regular terms for doctoral candidates, or one regular term for master’s degree candidates, does apply.

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    Such students may seek to transfer to MIT and obtain a degree. The departmental graduate committee will review eligibility and progress and, as appropriate, offer admission as a regular MIT graduate student and accept transfer credits towards the degree. The minimum residency requirement of two regular terms for doctoral candidates, or one ...