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14 Stunning Customer Service Videos to Motivate and Inspire

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Watching customer service videos is a great way to grow your knowledge, be inspired and find tips to share with your eCommerce customer service team. They are often more motivational and entertaining than the written word.

Ranging from two minutes to twenty minutes, here are fourteen inspirational customer service videos to motivate you and your team.

1. Gamechangers: Jeff Bezos on Amazon’s Mission

“You can’t really do the right thing for customers if you’re short-term oriented.”

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is known for being customer obsessed. In this ten-minute interview, he discusses why Amazon focuses on the customer, rather than the competition. He also explains how this approach can future-proof a business.

2. Meaningful Micro-engagements

“All day long, we’re interacting. We’re interacting with each other, we’re interacting with technology, we’re interacting with machines. And those moments in time actually affect the rest of our day and how we perceive brands and products.”

In this customer service TED talk, CX expert Jeannie Walters discusses creating meaningful micro-engagements. She believes it’s the little things that can make a real impact on customers. This attention to detail and human touch is particularly important when dealing with customers through technology.

3. Dealing with an Unsatisfied Customer

“Every customer you have is a media company.”

Known for his short, but insightful videos, Gary Vee discusses your options when it comes to dealing with angry customers . In this two-minute video, he reminds us that modern consumers can take photos or make videos and amplify their message. As CEO of advertising agency VaynerMedia, it’s safe to say he’s an expert on this subject. He frequently uploads customer service videos for his followers across social media.

4. Netflix Customer Service

“Easy access is really important to us, we want our customers to be able to find us.”

This recent video provides a behind-the-scenes look at Netflix’s customer service team and the work they do. It’s great to get an industry leader’s insight into customer support . But this is also one of the best customer service training videos to inspire your team. It will help them realize the value of their roles and what they can get out of it too.

5. Richard Branson: Put Your Staff First

“My philosophy has always been, if you put your staff first, the customers second and the shareholders third, effectively, the shareholders will do well, the customers will do well and your staff will be happy.”

In 2016, Virgin founder Richard Branson sat down with Inc. to discuss Virgin’s top-class customer service. The logic behind his approach is actually quite simple. Watch him explain his philosophy and discuss some of his management techniques in this short customer service video.

6. Start with Your Customer and Work Backwards to a Product

“It started with what incredible benefits can we give to the customer.”

Back in 1997, Steve Jobs led this fireside chat at the annual Apple Worldwide Developers Conference. This nostalgic 90s video is a little fuzzy and it kicks off with a tough question from the audience. But Steve Jobs manages to turn it into an insightful piece of content explaining his approach to customer experience and product ideation. This is a must-see for Apple lovers.

7. How to Provide Extraordinary Customer Service

“He doesn’t get paid more. There is no compensation. There is no incentive for above-average performance… As a matter of fact, for years I was afraid that if the postal service found out what he was doing, they’d make him stop.”

This keynote speech from entrepreneur Mark Sanborn highlights how memorable and impactful exceptional customer service can be. This brilliant anecdote about his postman Fred is full of humor from start to finish.

8. I Was Seduced by Exceptional Customer Service

“My career has given me the opportunity to visit literally over a thousand companies and meet hundreds of executives and entrepreneurs. And the ones that stand out are the ones that truly focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences.”

In this customer service TED Talk, John Boccuzzi Jr. discusses why great service is actually the best form of marketing a brand can have. Working as a sales, marketing and customer experience executive for over 20 years, he has continually studied why some companies succeed and others fail. He believes customer service has a lot to do with it.

He offers viewers plenty of insights and real-life examples in this tremendous TED Talk on customer service.

9. 7 Essential Customer Support Skills Every Rep Needs

“Every rep should find a solid balance between providing detailed, accurate service and getting the customer back to their life as quickly as possible.”

Ideal for use as one of your company’s customer service training videos, this quick presentation from HubSpot runs through seven essential skills every customer service rep should master. They include:

  • Ability to take criticism
  • Ability to go off-script
  • Persuasiveness
  • Product knowledge

This is one of the shortest customer service videos on our list, but HubSpot manages to pack in a lot of value.

10. What Steve Jobs Learned From The Ritz-Carlton

“There are many things Apple learned from the Ritz-Carlton. I’m going to talk about three in particular – three principles that can elevate any business in any industry.”

The Ritz-Carlton is well-known for its legendary customer service. So when Apple prepared to launch its retail stores back in 2001, Steve Jobs looked to the luxury hotel chain for inspiration.

This customer service video for Forbes by author Carmine Gallo explains exactly what the Ritz-Carlton and Apple do to make their customers feel valued. He sums it up in three steps.

  • Start with a warm welcome
  • End with a fond farewell and an invitation to return
  • Empower your employees to do what’s right for customers

11. How To Improve Your Listening Skills

“When a person feels that he or she has been truly heard, it can help calm them and allow for understanding and problem solving to begin.”

Listening skills are essential when it comes to providing first-rate customer service . This animated instruction video is a useful reminder of the role listening has in communication. It then breaks down how to be a good listener into some simple steps, making this one of the most important customer service training videos on this list.

12. Ten ways to have a better conversation

“Be interested in other people.”

Continuing on with content to improve customer communication skills, this customer service TED Talk by radio presenter Celeste Headlee is light-hearted and full of humor. It’s more than just a funny watch though, this customer service video is also extremely insightful. She runs through ten practical rules for having better conversations which includes simple concepts such as honesty, brevity and clarity.

13. Amazing Customer Service Taxi Cab Story

“Are you in a hurry? Is it okay if I do the speed limit?”

This keynote speech by customer service expert Shep Hyken offers another insightful anecdote into the impact excellent customer care can have.

His encounter with a Texan taxi driver on his way to the airport starts off as a moment of misery, but becomes a moment of magic. Offering cola, candy and over-the-top service, it highlights how the element of surprise can make great customer service even more impressive. This is the most popular of Shep Hyken’s customer service videos and strikes a chord with many viewers.

14. Best Customer Service Keynote Speaker 2020

“The biggest risk to loyalty is when you fail or disappoint them.”

Our list of customer service videos ends with this recent keynote speech from comedian turned leadership consultant Ross Shafer. He focuses on why companies need to eliminate ‘POW’ moments rather than concentrate on creating ‘WOW’ moments. He believes always delivering on your brand promise is the key to customer engagement and building brand loyalty.

Looking for more great content like this? We’ve curated a list of related resources for you down below 

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7 Examples of Best Customer Service Training Videos

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Exceptional customer service is a vital pillar of successful businesses, directly influencing customer loyalty and satisfaction. In a survey, 96% of consumers worldwide stated that customer service is an important factor in their choice of loyalty to a brand.

This blog post focuses on seven exemplary customer service training videos that have redefined standards in employee training. Each video is a masterclass in delivering key customer service skills, from effective communication to problem-solving and empathy.

These videos are more than just instructional content; they are engaging, relatable, and designed to resonate with diverse audiences.

By examining these examples, customer service managers, trainers, and team members will gain insights into creating impactful training experiences that empower employees and, in turn, delight customers.

Importance of Customer Service Training Videos

Customer service training videos have become an indispensable tool in the modern business landscape. They serve both as an onboarding resource for new hires and a continual learning tool for seasoned employees. The primary advantage of these videos lies in their ability to showcase real-life scenarios, demonstrating how to handle various situations that may arise in customer interactions. This practical approach to learning can vastly enhance the skills of employees, providing them with tangible strategies to tackle challenging customer service scenarios.

Key Elements of Effective Customer Service Training Videos

Creating an effective customer service training video involves more than just filming a series of scenarios. Several key elements should be incorporated to ensure the video is engaging, informative, and impactful.

  • Relatable Scenarios: The video should present situations that employees are likely to encounter in their roles. This helps them relate to the content and apply the lessons to their own experiences.
  • Clear Communication: The information should be delivered in a clear and concise manner. This includes using simple language, breaking down complex concepts, and repeating key points for emphasis.
  • Interactive Elements: To keep viewers engaged, the video should include interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, and opportunities for discussion. This encourages active participation and enhances learning.
  • Realistic Role-plays: Showing how to handle different customer interactions through role-play can be very effective. It provides a visual demonstration of the do’s and don’ts of customer service.
  • Actionable Tips: The video should provide practical and actionable tips that employees can implement in their roles. This ensures that the training translates into real-world improvements in customer service.

Top 7 Best Customer Service Training Videos

1. Customer Service: The Disney Way

Disney is renowned for its exceptional customer service, and this video provides valuable insights into the company’s approach. It highlights the ‘Disney Way’ of exceeding customer expectations through attention to detail, proactive service, and creating a magical experience.

According to Forbes, Disney’s ability to consistently deliver on these principles has made it one of the most “powerful and respected brands in the world”. This video can inspire employees to adopt a similar mindset in their own interactions with customers.

2. The Nordstrom Way to Customer Service Excellence

Nordstrom is another company that sets the bar high for customer service. This training video explores the ‘Nordstrom Way’, which is about empowering employees to make decisions that benefit the customer. It underscores the importance of personalizing customer service and going above and beyond to meet customer needs.

A report from Bain & Company indicates that a customer is four times more likely to switch to a competitor if the problem they’re facing is service-related rather than price or product-related. This makes the lessons from the ‘Nordstrom Way’ particularly relevant for businesses seeking to retain their customers.

3. Zappos: Delivering Happiness to Customers

Zappos is widely recognized for its exceptional customer service and company culture. Their training video, “Delivering Happiness to Customers,” offers insights into how they achieve this. They focus on creating a positive, supportive work environment that translates into happy, productive employees and satisfied customers.

Zappos CEO, Tony Hsieh, believes that the happiness of the company’s employees directly impacts the happiness of their customers. This philosophy is backed by research from Harvard Business Review, which suggests that happy employees lead to happy customers and increased business performance. The video serves as a powerful tool for organizations aiming to boost their customer service by improving employee satisfaction.

Hostmanship: Embracing a Welcoming Attitude in Customer Service

In Jan Gunnarsson’s TEDx talk, he emphasizes the essence of customer service in the hospitality industry, drawing on his extensive experience. Gunnarsson highlights that effective customer service transcends mere marketing tactics; it’s fundamentally about the attitude of service representatives.

He argues that true customer service is about sharing knowledge and fostering a welcoming relationship, where customers learn from the service they receive, and in turn, their lives are improved. This approach reframes customer service as a valuable, life-enhancing interaction rather than a transactional exchange.

Cultivating Brand Loyalty: Creating Brand Advocates and Fans

Amanda Slavin’s presentation in the HubSpot Academy video focuses on strategies for both marketers and customer service professionals to build brand loyalty and affinity. Her insights offer valuable tips on turning customers into brand advocates.

Slavin elaborates on how engaging with customers in a meaningful way can transform them into enthusiastic supporters of the brand, thereby enhancing the overall perception of the brand. This video serves as a guide for professionals looking to deepen customer relationships and foster a sense of community around their brand.

Engaging Customer Service: Strategies for Team Growth and Success

Michael Redbord’s training session, presented by HubSpot Service Hub, provides a comprehensive guide on enhancing customer support, service, and success. He discusses practical methods for service teams to engage with customers effectively, solve problems proactively, and offer advice that aids in achieving desirable outcomes.

Redbord’s insights are particularly useful for teams aiming to grow their skills and contribute positively to the business. This training underscores the importance of a proactive approach in customer service, focusing on guiding and growing customers to mutual benefit.

7. Chick-fil-A: Creating Raving Fans

Chick-fil-A’s training video, “Creating Raving Fans,” offers a unique perspective on the fast food chain’s approach to customer service. The video emphasizes the company’s dedication to providing exceptional service, going beyond simple transactions to create meaningful interactions that turn customers into loyal fans. Chick-fil-A’s commitment to quality, consistency, and personal connection has helped it become one of America’s favorite fast-food chains. According to the American Customer Satisfaction Index, Chick-fil-A has led the fast-food industry in customer satisfaction for several consecutive years.

The video also highlights the importance of employee engagement in delivering superior customer service. Chick-fil-A believes that happy, fulfilled employees are more likely to provide excellent service, a theory supported by a Gallup study showing that highly engaged teams show 21% greater profitability. This focus on both employee and customer satisfaction sets Chick-fil-A apart and serves as a model for other businesses aiming to create their own raving fans.

Customer service training videos are a powerful tool in shaping an organization’s customer-centric culture. They equip your team with the necessary skills to deliver superior service, foster brand loyalty, and drive business growth, as shown by industry leaders like Apple, Starbucks, Amazon, Southwest Airlines, and Chick-fil-A.

Are you ready to create a compelling training video for your team? Visit Vidico’s website today. Our experienced team specializes in producing engaging, informative videos tailored to resonate with your brand and team. Let us help you elevate your customer service experience. Begin your journey with Vidico now and take the first step towards creating a world-class customer service training video.

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12 Best Customer Service Training Videos for Valuable Insights

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Are you looking for an easy yet impactful way to train your customer service team? Video is the answer!

Customer service training videos can be powerful tools in articulating ideas and transferring skills. But many people think they’re too difficult to create. The good news? Producing great training videos can be easy once you know the basics!

Wondering where to begin when it comes to customer service training videos? Here are 15 of our favorite clips and what you can learn from them as you begin your own production journey.

What are customer service training videos?

Customer service training videos are strong, immersive educational resources. They use visual media to highlight or teach important customer service skills and lessons. This can help you address common challenges faced by your customer service team and even help employees see and understand the customer’s point of view.

Why are customer service training videos effective?

Customer service training videos are effective because they offer you:

Higher retention rates

According to HubSpot research, most people pay closer attention to video content than other communication mediums, like audio podcasts or written text. By relying on an engaging video format, customer service training videos can make an impact. Research shows that viewers retain 95% of video content compared to just 10% of text information.This can help your team get more out of your content.

Realistic demos

Training videos also allow you to: communicate more comprehensively and authentically. A video production can combine a range of visual and audio elements to simulate real customer service scenarios. This provides viewers with a more realistic representation of what to do and what not to do when confronting a problem.

Improved effeciency

Overall, customer service training videos can make a big difference for your brand. Good production can enhance efficiency by saving time on training. They can also improve understanding using visual materials and save you costs in the long run.

Top 12 customer service videos to learn from

There are many great customer service videos already on the market! Watching and analyzing these videos can provide you with valuable insight into what works and why. You can use this knowledge to guide you as you start creating your own training materials.

Best customer communication training videos

Communication is a critical skill when it comes to liaising with customers! These are some of the best training videos that focus on addressing communication styles and techniques for a customer service environment.

How to Communicate Effectively with Your Customers? By LiveChat

This training video is clear and direct, using professional-quality production and engaging video and audio materials to help you grasp everything. It articulates the importance of effective communication before providing actionable tips to improve communication approaches.

What you can learn: The structure of your training content is important. You need to explain why the skill matters, then provide real techniques and examples viewers can use in their own roles.

How to Communicate with Customers: Crash Course Entrepreneurship by CrashCourse

This educational video is fast-paced and entertaining! Instead of focusing solely on communication techniques or even the outcomes of good communication, the video frames the value of customer service around goal-setting and marketing targets. Addressing real-life service applications, this training video incorporates bright, eye-catching graphic design elements to capture audience attention. These visual aids support verbal communication and add extra context to the content.

What you can learn: Training content doesn’t have to be dull and dry. Use fast-paced communication and visual elements to keep your audience engaged and clarify potentially confusing concepts.

57 Phrases to De-escalate Any Angry Customer by  Myra Golden

In this comprehensive video, audiences are presented with actionable phrases that can be used to respond to frustrated customers. Combining high-quality video with impactful graphic elements, the video is easy to follow and maintains a high level of engagement as it moves quickly through its recommendations. Beyond simply presenting ideas and templates, this training video explains how each phrase works and when phrases should be used. This helps viewers learn to discern the best ways to put teachings to practical use in real-world situations.

What you can learn: Sometimes, it’s best to focus centrally on a subset of a critical skill. This can help you address specific challenges and issues relevant to your customer service team in greater detail.

Phrases to Avoid in Customer Service | Communication Skills Training by The Wizard of Words

This customer service training video uses a simple yet effective structure to highlight what not to do when speaking to customers. The colloquial style makes this content feel personal and relevant, explaining ideas comprehensively so that viewers learn the principles behind avoiding pitfalls. This helps people learn to identify patterns in their own customer service work. This training clip also makes strong use of basic editing functions to recapture audience attention in mid-video slumps where it may begin to lull.

What you can learn: Many training videos focus on what you should do. But you can also create training content that highlights what not to do! A bad example can help your team learn what to steer clear of in customer service settings.

Effective Communication by WayForward

Keeping things short and simple, this training video highlights three pillars of effective communication before explaining what each of these entail and how they influence communication in a customer service environment.

The clip uses animations to create a visually engaging training resource that harnesses the combined power of image and text elements, delivering additional context to audio. By getting straight to the point, the video is easily able to maintain  audience interest and provide a streamlined overview of essential skills and understandings.

What you can learn: Your educational videos don’t have to be long-winded in order to articulate your message. Even a brief training video can provide viewers with important new customer service skills and understandings.

Best free customer service training videos online

Many customer service videos are available online 100% for free! This means that you can direct team members to further learning resources produced by some of the world’s customer service leaders.

6 Tips for Improving Your Customer Service Skills | Indeed Career Tips by Indeed

This training video breaks down a broad concept into just 6 simple steps, streamlining structure in order to deliver information in a practical and accessible way. It encourages viewers to imagine themselves in the customer’s shoes, empowering them to learn through the lens of empathy. Better yet, this video is always offering something new. Nothing is ever static for too long, with setting and structuring changing frequently to maintain strong visual interest and engagement.

What you can learn: The best way to teach is by making information easily digestible. By breaking down key ideas into steps, you can avoid overwhelming viewers and keep things interesting while still getting across the most important information.

Poor vs. Great Customer Service by Odyssey Training

This training video shows viewers how to serve customers well, using actors to roleplay mock customer service experiences representing both good and poor approaches. This format allows the clip to communicate clearly and realistically with strong production value. It maintains a high level of engagement and effectively distinguishes between approaches. The easy-to-follow example scenarios showcase verbal communication as well as body language and other considerations, all while inviting viewers to discern carefully and draw their own conclusions.

What you can learn: Often, real examples are the most accessible way to deliver information. Using examples and roleplay scenarios can help you clearly highlight the best approaches to customer services tasks and challenges.

Customer Service Skills - Video Training Course by John Academy

This comprehensive training video offers a complete overview of essential customer service skills, from basic customer care to building relationships, overcoming barriers, and more. Using a blend of recorded video and on-screen presentation designs, this video combines video, audio, and text to articulate big ideas effectively. The clip addresses both basic and more complex components of customer service skills education, which means that it can help viewers at all levels of learning to improve.

What you can learn: Don’t be afraid to dive deep into what good customer service looks like for your brand. Your training videos can include a range of elements, including comprehensive conversations and detailed presentations.

How to Improve Your Customer Service Skills by YoungNailsInc

Structured as a conversation, this training video takes a simple yet effective approach, communicating authentically with the audience. The video moves seamlessly from an overview of what customer service really is to explaining the role of listening, taking responsibility, and using pre-written responses in delivering good customer service. The back-and-forth video format allows the creators to ask and answer questions in real time, supporting greater, more comprehensive understanding of ideas.

What you can learn: In some cases, a real conversation is the key to an impactful training resource. Talk to someone else who can ask questions and share ideas that highlight valuable skills and insights in support of better customer service techniques.

7 Customer Service Skills Every Employee Should Have | How to Give Great Customer Service by Moment

Delivering a 7-step skills crash course in effective customer service, this training video streamlines learning and gets straight to the point. The clip uses engaging video clips to maintain visual interest and explains the value and impact of each presented skill. In this video, viewers are introduced to critical skills and concepts so that they can broadly understand customer service functions. This acts as a strong foundation for ongoing future learning opportunities.

What you can learn: You don’t have to cover everything all at once! Sometimes, you can create training videos that offer just a glimpse at the basics with space for more educational content to fill in the gaps later on.

Best funny customer service training videos

Customer service training videos can even be funny! Here are some great videos you learn from and laugh at.

Our Prices Have Never Been Lower by The Office US

In this clip from popular TV show The Office US, the characters re-enact a customer service scenario, showing the impact of poor communication compared with empathy and effective customer service. The mock sales call showcases the importance of maintaining a calm, measured approach, even in the face of challenges, in order to keep the customer happy.

What you can learn: Customer service videos don’t have to start and end with your company! Consider how you can use pop culture moments and TV clips to highlight key points in your training program.

The Guest 2nd Edition - Customer Service Training by Atana

This funny customer service video showcases the impact of treating customers like guests. The video follows the host on a trip to the local store, where he is treated like a guest in the owner’s home, compared to other places where he is treated less favorably. The clip uses humor to keep audiences engaged and highlight simple yet effective customer service techniques, like addressing the customer by name.

What you can learn: A simple skit can help you entertain viewers and showcase important training ideas. You can even include multiple scenarios so that your audience can compare customer experiences.

Best practices for creating an effective customer service training video

When producing a customer service training video, there are a few key considerations you should keep in mind.

Focus on quality

A high-quality training video is essential if you want to represent your professionalism and boost your content’s credibility. High-definition videos with crisp, clear audio can also help to keep audiences more engaged with your training content. Don’t skimp on training video production.

Use a studio-quality tool like Riverside , with high-resolution recording and an advanced AI-powered video editor . This can help you capture content that communicates as effectively as possible.

customer service presentation video

Maintain clarity

Clarity is critical when it comes to articulating training concepts. Make sure that you are clear about your message and how you want to influence your audience. Then craft a video that prioritizes clarity around your ideas and helps viewers understand new concepts with ease.

Offer examples

Examples can make a big difference to how well people understand the lessons you teach. In your training videos, add real, actionable examples that help your audience learn how to use newly developed customer service skills. Provide scenarios that reflect your brand’s needs and the approaches your team will need to follow.

Allow for follow-up

Finally, it’s always a good idea to allow for further learning. Don’t stop teaching your team after just one customer service training video. Instead, expand on your content with more video materials, or start a discussion where people are invited to share ideas and ask questions.

How to make customer service training videos with Riverside

Riverside is a video creation platform you can use for seamlessly making customer service training videos!

Our platform provides studio-quality recording with up to 4K video resolution. You’ve got a teleprompter to keep track of a script, and a a presentation recorder to share your slides.

When you’re done recording, our AI-powered video editor cuts your editing time in less than half. Trim your recording with our text-based editing tools or with our intuitive video timeline. You can then use tools for dynamic captions, customized layout and visuals or for audio enhancement.  

You can also download an AI generated summary and key takeaways you can distribute with your team.

Riverside platform for creating customer service training videos

Key features:

  • High resolution: Up to 4K video resolution and 48kHz sound quality
  • Multitrack recording: Separate video and audio tracks for better editing control
  • Up to 8 call participants : Record training videos with multiple experts
  • Local recording : Everything records on each persons device instead of relying on your internet connection.
  • Seamless editing: , including text-based editing using video transcript
  • Async recording: Invite speakers to record their sections when they’re most available
  • Magic Clips : Turn your recordings highlights into sharable short-form videos
  • AI Summaries: Download key takeaways, chapters and a description of your training videos
  • AI Transcriptions and captions: Automatic transcriptions available in over 100 languages

Want to get started with Riverside? Here’s how!

Step 1: Log into Riverside and create your own studio or join an existing one. (You can learn how here ).

Step 2: Once you’ve setup your studio, select “Go to studio” . Here you’ll enter the lobby. Verify your camera and microphone. Then “ Join Studio .”

Step 3: Use the “ Invite ” button to add relevant guests as needed. Alternatively, you can also complete this step prior to joining your studio.

Step 4: Press the red “ Record ” button at the bottom of your screen to start recording.

Step 5: When recording is complete, press “ Stop ” to end.

Step 6: Select “ View All Recordings ” from the panel on the right side of your screen.

Step 7: Navigate to the “ Editor ” to edit your video. Here, you can access cutting, trimming, and mixing timeline and text-based editing tools. You’ll also be able to adjust video layouts, fine-tune your audio, and apply accurate captions.

Optional: Explore the recordings dashboard to find additional tools, including Magic Clips AI and automatic transcriptions.

Step 8: When you’re happy with your final video, “ Export ” at the top right of your screen.

FAQs on customer service training videos

Still unsure about customer service training videos? Here are our answers to a few frequently asked questions!

What are the best customer service training programs?

There are many different customer service training programs, each with their own unique benefits. The best choice for your team will depend on the work you do and the customer service skills you need. It’s best to explore a range of options. If you can’t find a video series that suits your requirements, make your own!

How do you train for customer service?

Customer service training is important. Try these basics to get started:

  • Focus on skills and insights: Train for customer service by introducing your team to valuable skills and insights.
  • Create specific scenarios: Deliver content that responds to specific scenarios your team may encounter while at work.
  • Cover common issues : Address common pitfalls or customer service misunderstandings as relevant to your brand.
  • Have communication protocols in place : Suggest ways that employees can respond appropriately to difficult situations or customer concerns.
  • Use examples: Provide detailed explanations and examples that help people understand how to deliver best customer service experiences.

Final thoughts

Are you ready to create an amazing customer service training video for your business? Get started with Riverside , and produce a video you can be proud of today.

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Abel Grunfeld

is Riverside’s head of marketing and first employee. He is a growth strategy expert, from scaling our digital presence to building an efficient marketing pipeline. He has over five years of experience and can teach you the A-Z of audience building and online monetization.

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31 Best Customer Service Training Video Examples to Elevate Your Team's Skills

They say the customer is king, the customer is always right, and so on. And we don’t need to explain why. 

But how do you empower your team to really go all-out when it comes to pleasing your customers?

In 2024 and beyond, there’s a lot more to good service than just being very polite. 

You can have the best products or services out there, but it doesn’t mean much if your customers deal with employees who are clueless, apathetic, incompetent, or just plain rude.

Thinking of getting your video? We can help! Get a sneak peek into what we've done for brands like yours!

So it goes without saying that customer service training is a vital factor in the success of your business, regardless of what business or industry you’re in, the size of your team, and so on. It’s a universal thing. 

In this blog we’re going to look at an often-overlooked tool in customer service training: the power of video, especially animated video, when combined with excellent storytelling. 

If your training strategy isn’t putting a priority on the video format, then you’re seriously missing out. 

Broadcast2World can help take your customer service training to the next level by helping you harness the power of animated videos.

You don’t have to take our word for it.

Let’s look at thirty of the best examples of customer service training videos out there, and see what makes them so powerful and effective.

  • Temkin Group: Customer Experience Matters
  • Lemonade: A Customer Service Story
  • TedX: I Was Seduced by Exceptional Customer Service
  • CineCraft: Customer Service Satire
  • Guy Responsible for Chick-fil-A's Customer Service
  • Bob Farrel-Give 'Em The Pickle
  • How to Grow a Positive Customer Service Mindset
  • ServiceSkills: WACTEO
  • Atana: The Right Words at The Right Time
  • Shep Hyken: Ritz-Carlton Customer Service Tips
  • David Brownlee: Reduce Upset Customers by 80%
  • Canity: Rapport in Customer Service
  • Canity: Let Them Vent
  • CustomersFirst Academy: Why Customers Get Upset
  • Hubspot: 7 Essential Customer Support Skills
  • Brene Brown: Empathy vs Sympathy
  • Ross Shafer: Be a Customer Service Hero Like This Woman
  • Forbes: What Apple's Steve Jobs Learned From The Ritz-Carlton
  • Steve Jobs: Start With Your Customers
  • No, The Customer is Not Always Right
  • Ted Lasso: 8 Habits That Make You a Natural Leader
  • James Lloyd: A Nordstrom Manager To The Rescue
  • Awkward Puppets: Customer Service
  • SurveyMonkey: Avoid Awkward Customer Experiences
  • Netflix Customer Service
  • Google's Approach to Customer Service
  • Dealing With an Angry Customer
  • Forbes: Richard Branson
  • Creating an Unmatched Customer Experience
  • TemkinGroup: What is Customer Experience
  • What is The Best Training for Customer Service?
  • How do You Make a Customer Service Video?
  • How Long Should a Customer Service Training Video Be?
  • Which Sectors Benefit From a Customer Service Training Video?

30 Best Customer Service Training Video Examples

It’s never a bad idea to take inspiration from others. What makes these videos work so well?

What nuggets of knowledge stand out to you? What ideas pop out and get you excited to incorporate into your own videos?

So let’s get inspired to create by checking out thirty of the best customer service training videos we could find!

1. Temkin Group: Customer Experience Matters

This video is a great example of what you can accomplish with even minimal, mostly typographic animation .

This video has a great script already. But it’s the visuals that really bring it all to life and make it immersive, attention-grabbing, and enjoyable.

2. Lemonade: A Customer Service Story

Whether you’re a luxury brand or a lemonade stand, most aspects of excellent customer service ultimately remain the same.

Here’s a hilarious and well-acted skit about a kid’s lemonade stand providing truly awful service, in a montage of how NOT to do things as a business.

It’s something we can all relate to. And while it makes us laugh, this video makes powerful points that stick in our minds.

3. TedX: I Was Seduced By Exceptional Customer Service

Getting a new pair of glasses. How complicated can that be?

When John Boccuzzi, Jr. stepped into an eyeglass store, he didn’t know he would walk away with not just a nice pair of eyeglasses, but a story about absolutely next-level customer service .

What’s especially interesting about this story is how the saleswoman didn’t simply give him the eyeglasses style he was originally looking for.

She rather suggested options that were ultimately the best for him– and it worked, to great effect!

4. CineCraft: Poor Customer Service Satire

Sometimes, the best way to teach employees how to do customer service right is to showcase the opposite–how not to do things.​​

This video is short but well-acted and makes its point well.

And shows that it’s important to let yourself be creative and think outside the box when it comes to your customer service training.

5. Meet the Guy Responsible For Chick-fil-A’s Customer Service

They say a good attitude is infectious.

And for proof, we need to look no further than this video about Chick-fil-A’s Hospitality Performance Coordinator, Jeremy Teal.

Of course, this is a scripted video, deliberately over-the-top for comedic effect.

But it still emphasizes the restaurant chain’s culture and attitude towards pleasing their customers.

It’s silly, funny, wholesome–and still does an excellent job of showcasing what’s expected of their staff.

It actually works better than a boring slideshow ever could. 

6. Bob Farrell-Give ‘Em The Pickle

There’s a fine line between running an efficient, lean business with no waste– and just coming off as cheap and greedy to your most valued customers. 

Brilliant entrepreneur and restaurateur Bob Farrell is excited to share his humbling experience with negative customer feedback.

His restaurant began charging 75 cents for previously complimentary pickles, which rubbed a loyal long-time customer the wrong way.

This led to them rethinking this strategy and coming up with their motto: “Just Give ‘Em the Pickle!”

In other words, just make the customer happy.

Because the loyalty of a happy returning customer is worth far more than the money saved by charging 75 cents for extra pickles. 

7. How to Grow a Positive Customer Service Mindset 

It goes without saying that customer service is vitally important to almost all businesses of all kinds.

But this video by CustomersFirst Academy explains that the benefits go beyond just making happy and loyal customers.

Note how the script breaks down the information into points and sections, making it much easier to understand and remember.

While the animation is very simple, it still helps underscore the information being conveyed.

8. ServiceSkills: WACTEO

This lesson by ServiceSkills eLearning takes the concept of customer service and turns it inside out.

It argues that employees can’t delight customers if they’re treating each other poorly to begin with.

This is the WACTEO school of thought, or “We Are Customers To Each Other.”

It’s a fascinating way to look at things, and the animation and graphics are made to match it suitably.

9. Atana: The Right Words at The Right Time

Customer Service Recovery is when things have really gone off the rails with an angry customer who cannot be easily placated. What do you do? 

This short, well-acted video opens with a couple of fairly typical scenarios dealing with angry customers.

Then it transitions to providing some practical, useful solutions to these tough situations.

10. Shep Hyken: Ritz-Carlton Customer Service Tips

The famous Ritz-Carlton chain of hotels is known for its unparalleled customer service.

Its reputation is the envy of its rivals in an already competitive space. But how do they do it?

Customer service guru Shep Hyken breaks it down into four quick points, explaining how they take customer service to a whole new paradigm, and what we can learn from them.

11. David Brownlee: Reduce Upset Customers by 80%

Customer service isn’t easy.

Representatives are on the front lines, being the face of the company, confronted by upset customers who take their anger out on them multiple times a day.

Fortunately, this video by David Brownlee breaks down some practical and effective tips on how customer service representatives can grapple with and defuse these common situations, and bring their customers to a place where their problems have been addressed and solved.

12. Canity: Rapport in Customer Service

What is rapport? It’s more than just being polite and listening to your customer.

It’s about establishing a sense of trust and making them feel understood, not just heard.

This lovely animated video by Canity explains how to create rapport easily and effectively, using simple and practical tips.

13. Canity: Let Them Vent

An important thing for all customer service representatives to learn is that sometimes, there’s nothing you can say to calm an upset customer.

This is because sometimes, they just want to vent their frustration to anyone who seems to care enough to listen.

So the answer is to simply listen with empathy and let them talk.

This beautifully-animated video by Canity does an amazing job of explaining this in a way that’s humorous and attention-grabbing, without the humor distracting from the points it’s trying to make.

14. CustomersFirst Academy: Why Customers Get Upset

Another clean-and-simple video by CustomersFirst , this short video helps trainees view angry customers in a different light, by persuading them to consider why they’re angry in the first place.

This facilitates bringing empathy to their situation rather than taking it as a personal insult.

15. Hubspot: 7 Essential Customer Support Skills Every Rep Needs

Another example of how clever and slick animation can really bring your training script to life.

This video by Hubspot covers these tips quickly and efficiently but it’s the delightful animation that takes it to another level.

The lush graphics make the lesson easier to understand and remember.

16. Brene Brown: Empathy vs Sympathy

A question for you grammar buffs out there: What, if any, is the difference between empathy and sympathy?

Turns out they’re not synonyms. We also love the beautiful mixed-media style animation, quirky characters, and thoughtful artistry that went into this gorgeous video. 

17. Ross Shafer: Be a Customer Service Hero Like This Woman

Ross Shafer is a business maven, bestselling author, and natural born salesman.

But he’s also a talented speaker, blurring the lines between stand-up comedian and keynote business lecturer.

Here, he relates a simple story of customer service excellence.

It details a relatively simple act where a hotel employee went the extra mile to get him a Diet Coke with his meal.

He explains what a huge impact that made on him, and what we can all learn from it.

And spoiler alert: the lesson here is more than just “keep your fridge stocked at all times” but it’s about the human touch that makes all the difference.

18. Forbes: What Apple’s Steve Jobs Learned From The Ritz-Carlton

Whatever your business, whatever your industry, one thing remains true: Business is all about people.

To underscore this point, this Forbes video talks about how Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs took inspiration from how the Ritz-Carlton Hotel pleases their customers and incorporated a lot of what he saw into the Apple Store.

So whether you’re selling phones or running a hotel, most principles of customer service remain broadly the same across the board.

Because ultimately, it’s all about people.

19. Steve Jobs: Start With Your Customer and Work Your Way Backwards to a Product

The tech world is one of tireless innovation and cut-throat competition to sell the next hot gadget.

It can all get a bit impersonal, and it’s easy to miss the forest for the trees.

It seems like most companies’ engineers continually invent or improve upon some cool piece of tech, and then the marketing guys try to figure out how to sell it to the public.

But Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs flipped this around and approached tech from the perspective of the end-user experience first, then worked backward  to the tech.

And he makes it sound so simple and obvious once he explains it!

20. No, The Customer Is Not Always Right

This might sound like utter blasphemy to almost anyone in the customer service industry.

But… it’s true. 

Good customer service–especially when the customer is unhappy– is about more than just apologizing for everything.

In fact, in many cases, this can be counterproductive and make things worse.

This lovely short video deftly explains how.

Imagine how your customer service training would turn out if it had a hint of clever storytelling in it.

21. Ted Lasso: 8 Habits That Make You a Natural Leader

In this video, Charisma University does a study on fictional football coach Ted Lasso, the main character of the eponymous award-winning TV series.

While this isn’t a typical customer service training video, the wisdom and insights gained are fascinating and a must-watch to anyone involved in customer service. 

This video is also a good example of finding new and fresh ways to make your point.

It keeps things interesting , holds your audience’s attention, and even entertains.  

22. James Lloyd: A Nordstrom Manager to the Rescue

There’s good customer service. And then there’s excellent, above-and-beyond customer service.

Here, James Lloyd recounts his experience where, at the worst possible time, he needed a fresh shirt for an important business presentation.

What really stands out to us in this story is that the Nordstrom employees involved really went beyond their expected, contractually obligated roles.

They opened up their shop early, pressed the shirt for him, and even refused payment until after his presentation to give him time to prepare.

They didn’t have to do all that, but they understood the emergency and went the extra mile.  

This also brings us back to another critical point about excellent customer service: It’s all about the people, more than anything else.

23. Awkward Puppets: Customer Service

Another hilarious example of teaching by showcasing how NOT to do it.

The clever use of fun puppets makes the video only more engaging and interesting, even entertaining.

And this is no bad thing, because it means your viewers are paying attention and will remember the information much better.

Dealing with customers is one thing. But your team must also have the best tools at their disposal, and know how to use them.

Slack has been the definitive leader in collaborative workplace communication, and their pioneering solutions have made it easier for businesses of all sizes to give their customers a five-star experience.

Here’s how a well-made training video can really take your team to the next level when it comes to customer service.

25. SurveyMonkey: Avoid Awkward Customer Experiences

This is another example of what we mean when we often say, don’t be afraid to use humor in your videos!

Just a dash of humor, hyperbole, and a touch of the ridiculous can make your video memorable and entertaining–and still make a powerful point.

Like this short, brilliantly-acted video for SurveyMonkey.

26. Netflix Customer Service

Netflix has revolutionized how we watch movies and TV, changing the entertainment landscape forever.

But what happens when things go wrong? Perhaps it’s no surprise that Netflix does customer service their own way, too.

They view customer service as much more than just placating upset customers or doing tech support to get their streaming service back online.

To them, it’s a way to really understand their customer experience , what they like and dislike, and what features they want to see.

There’s valuable customer data to be gleaned, and Netflix doesn’t let that opportunity for a human connection go to waste.

There’s a lot we can learn from here!

27. Google’s Approach to Customer Service

Every company has its customer base to care for.

But what if your customers are basically everyone on the entire internet, like for Google ?

How could you possibly take care of all of them efficiently?

This video is a fascinating look into how Google approached this problem with the typical iconic out-of-the-box thinking they’re known for.

All to serve customers better, even if that customer base is made up of literally a billion people.

28. Dealing With An Angry Customer

Oftentimes, “show, don’t tell” is the way to go.

Like this simple customer service training video that shows a typical interaction with an angry customer, and how to defuse the situation and make them happy.

This corporate video is simple but highly effective.

29. Forbes: Richard Branson

In an earlier video, Steve Jobs said that you don’t start with the tech and figure out how to sell it to the customer.

You start with the customer and work backward to the product. 

Similarly, Richard Branson –CEO of the Virgin empire, known for its stellar customer service –also thinks in ways that flaunt convention.

In this video, he explains that when it comes to customer service, you start with your employees first, not the customer.

Because happy, energized employees who are empowered to live and breathe your company’s vision, will naturally please and delight customers in a way that you simply cannot replicate. 

30. Creating an Unmatched Customer Experience

Another customer service training video that uses the power of simple but effective animation, using what we call whiteboard style animation .

It’s lively and dynamic, capturing and holding interest easily.

But it’s also light on the wallet, being surprisingly cost-effective without looking obviously cheap.

It’s a great option for smaller businesses on a tighter budget who don’t want to compromise on quality.

31. TemkinGroup: What is Customer Experience?

Speaking of powerful but simple animation, another style to consider is the typographic style.

This is often seen paired with mixed media but can work quite well on its own, animating blocks of text for emphasis and dynamism.

The end result is a beautifully animated customer service training video that grabs and holds your employees’ attention and interest, communicates its information clearly and effectively, and has excellent memory retention and recall.

Based on some of the examples we have seen so far, it's safe to say that animation can turn seemingly mundane customer service training content into extraordinary visual mediums that make learning fun.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what is the best training for customer service.

There’s no one-size-fits-all template that can be applied to any business anywhere. But ideally, your training should:

  • Connect with your employees and be easy to understand and follow
  • Be practical and address real scenarios and problems, while offering tangible solutions too
  • Have clear goals and outcomes that you can define and measure, so that you can gauge the effectiveness of your training programs and tweak and improve them accordingly.

2. How Do You Make a Customer Service Video?

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when planning out a series of training videos . But the good news is, you don’t have to do all the heavy lifting yourself. 

There are many excellent animation companies specializing in crafting excellent videos for all sorts of business uses, including training.

A good team would be able to walk you through the process, suggesting the best options for you and your specific needs.

Most teams also have skilled scriptwriters who can conjure up some amazing and creative scripts for your videos. 

We’ve been doing this for over a decade now, with a track record of delighting clients of all types and sizes from all over the world.

3. How Long Should a Customer Service Training Video Be?

The video format– even when it comes to the business world– is more art than science.

There’s no magic formula that applies to every possible scenario or requirement.

It’s more bespoke and custom-made for each client and their unique needs. 

As such, there’s no right length. It all depends on your requirements. 

That said, here's a couple of good guidelines to follow:

  • Less is more. You may be tempted to throw in everything but the kitchen sink into your videos, but be a little more selective and deliberate with your storytelling.
  • If there’s simply a lot to cover, then it’s best to break it into multiple videos by subtopic, rather than have one very long video. Put another way, most people are willing to watch six ten-minute long videos, rather than a one-hour-long video, even though the overall duration is the same either way.

4. Which Sectors Benefit From a Customer Service Training Video?

The obvious answer to this is any business that deals with the general public.

But when you think about it, ALL businesses are people-centric. B2B clients are customers too, and have needs that must be met. 

So really, there’s no business that cannot benefit from deploying better customer service on even a small level!

Well, there you have it, thirty examples of the best videos we could find on customer service training.

Use the inspiration to brainstorm on how you could make the perfect suite of training videos for your own team, addressing your specific customer service needs and requirements. 

But you don’t have to do it all yourself. Consult with a good animation studio and find out what’s best for your needs and budget.

A good team will suggest the best options and strategies for you to consider, and work closely with you to deliver the best solutions for you.

For over a decade, we’ve been delighting customers of all kinds and sizes from all over the world, with bespoke crafted animated videos that fit their specific needs.

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Popcorn for watching the videos.

16 Great Customer Service Videos – Laugh, Learn, Lead.

There are plenty of great customer service videos out there. It's a recurring topic for Hollywood comedies and sitcoms, with relatable scenes that have plenty of educational value for service reps.

But there's also a wide range of training videos, as well as experts and leaders sharing their views. We've collected the best 16 videos of the following categories.

Funny customer service videos

  • Training videos
  • Inspiring leaders on customer service

1 Meet the Parents – At the Airport

I love the Meet the Parents movies, and this specific scene is a perfect exaggeration of how some companies rigidly hold on to their policies and protocols.

2 Love Actually – The Necklace Scene

While most scenes focus on customer service underperformance, this one focuses on overperformance. It shows that the quality of service depends on the fit with the customer.

3 Falling Down – I want breakfast

One of my favorite movies. The protagonist surely overreacts in the scene... but it does accurately characterize the inflexibility and inhumanness with which some companies treat their customers.

4 IT Crowd – Robotic Support

A classic sitcom for those in tech support. This scene reminds us of the dangers of the uncanny valley , and the risks of outsourcing your support department.

5 Little Britain – Computer Says No

I'm not particularly fond of British humor, but Little Britain is gold.

6 The Office – Customer Service Script

A classic from The Office U.S., showing how the practice of customer service scripts can ruin your authenticity.

7 Bridesmaids – The Longest Argument (NSFW)

Probably my favorite chick flick after Mean Girls . This scene is a bit rough around the edges, but is too good to leave out. It also offers a clear take-away: never get in an argument with a customer. Those that want to argue will likely be better at it than you.

Customer service training videos

I'm not too enthusiastic about most free training videos out there. That's why we started working on higher quality training video courses ourselves.

But when you boil down customer service to its essentials, you’re mostly looking at communication skills and techniques . That's why most of the videos I selected here revolve around that area.

customer service presentation video

Userlike: Instant chats, long-term customer relationships

Over 10,000 companies like Toyota and Hermes trust Userlike to connect with their customers every day - via website chat, WhatsApp, chatbots and more.

8 TEDxMontaVistaHighSchool – Think Fast. Talk Smart.

Matt Abrahams' framework of Approach, Audience, Context, and Structure is mightily helpful for sharpening your messages. I use his specific structure tips on a daily basis as well.

9 How To Improve Communication Skills

This video shares some unique and helpful tips for conducting meaningful conversations.

  • Be efficient in your speech
  • Use pauses to emphasize
  • Use conversational threading
  • Use statements instead of questions

10 TEDxMaastricht – Hostmanship: the art of making people feel welcome

Jan Gunnarsson explains that in the service industry it isn't so much about providing service, but about making people feel welcome — about having a welcoming mindset.

11 TED – Your body language shapes who you are

This TED talk explains how you can adjust your mindset by adjusting your body posture. This will help you in teaching the right mindset for the different customer service scenarios you might encounter.

12 TED – How to speak so that people want to listen

Julian Treasure is a communication expert, and in this TED talk he shares some powerful tips that will make you a better talker.

13 TED – 5 ways to listen better

Another TED talk by Julian Treasure, this time focusing on the listening during conversations. After explaining the societal problem of a diminishing ability for listening, he offers 5 tips to improve your skills:

  • Listening positions

Leaders on customer service

14 steve jobs – customer experience first. technology second.

Steve Jobs gets a tough question, and replies by sharing his vision on customer experience.

15 Richard Branson – Customer Service Secrets

Richard Branson shares his views on customer service and experience, the aspects that have made Virgin great.

16 Vineet Nayar – Employees first, customers second

Former CEO of HCL Technologies shares his view on putting the employees before the customers in order to create a superior customer experience.

Pascal is CEO at Userlike, bringing mobile messaging and automation to customer communication.

Your customers' favorite contact channels

Live chat software userlike logo with different visitors

Article • 6 min read

15 customer service videos worth watching.

We've made a list of some of the best customer service videos from CX industry experts. Grab some popcorn and press Play.

By Sarah Olson, Senior Associate, Content Marketing , @ seolson5

Last updated July 14, 2022

customer service videos

Support agents, managers and CX leaders know that there’s more to customer service than the funny scenes we watch on TV. While we enjoy them as much as anyone else, we also recognise how much effort support professionals put into their work. In fact, a lot of us could learn something from the calm confidence of a support agent .

For inspiration, take a look at this list of customer service videos from industry professionals and thought leaders. We have something for everyone, from agents to chief customer officers.

Customer service videos

  • Latest videos: What we’re watching right now

Customer service TED talks

Customer service training videos, customer experience videos, zendesk video tutorials, latest customer service videos: what we’re watching right now.

There’s a lot happening in the world right now, and it’s definitely affecting customers. Here are a few videos that might help as you adapt your customer service for COVID-19 and beyond.

Let’s talk change, with CX leaders

We chatted with CX leaders about how the pandemic has fundamentally changed the way in which we relate to each other. Jump to 15:00 to catch the start of the conversation and a special guest whom you might recognise. Hint: He was in the original cast of the Broadway musical Hamilton .

Three tips for delivering bad news in the COVID-19 era

Myra Golden is an experienced service professional, who helps businesses rethink their customer-complaint process so that they can retain more customers. In this video, she shares tips for tactfully handling issues that may arise due to COVID-19.

Four ways to create an effortless customer experience

In this video, customer service consultant and trainer Jeff Toister talks to customer experience expert Matt Dixon about how reducing customer effort is just as important, and maybe more important, than impressing customers with grand gestures.

These TED talks are sure to inspire your customer service team, and they can enrich life outside work as well.

A defining moment for human connection in customer service

Selena Scardina has spent nearly her entire career in customer service. In this TED talk, she explains how human experiences – the kind that support agents create every single day – can propel business growth.

I was seduced by exceptional customer service

Business has never been more competitive. John Boccuzzi Jr., a sales professional with over 20 years of experience, explains how customer service can be an important differentiator when customers have many similar brands to choose from.

How not to take things personally

Support agents have a really difficult job. Talking to frustrated customers can be exhausting, especially if you take their complaints personally. This TED talk gives you practical tips that you can use at work (and at home) to keep things in perspective.

Help your team brush up on their customer service skills with these fun videos aimed at improving social skills and enhancing communication with customers.

Six easy ways to charm anyone

Charisma on Command is a YouTube channel that demystifies social skills with examples from pop culture. These tips can help anyone, including support agents, win people over when it matters most.

Ten call centre acknowledgement, empathy and reassurance statements

Rea Alducente, also known as Rea Ninja, is a customer service specialist and former BPO contact centre agent. Here, she shares tips for responding to customers’ complaints with empathy, and you can find even more tips on her YouTube channel .

You don’t know your customer’s story

In this video, customer service expert and trainer Adam Toporek gives an important reminder about dealing with unhappy customers. We never know what might be happening in a person’s life that could be causing them to have a negative reaction, so always try to lead with empathy.

Get your team excited about CX with these videos that show how a customer-focused approach can help create lasting loyalty .

Customer service vs customer experience: What’s the difference?

Patrick Bet-David is a serial entrepreneur and creator of the Valuetainment YouTube channel. In one of the most popular videos about customer experience, he explains how brands can leverage customer service as part of their larger CX strategy.

A CX Moment with Shopify

We’re all stronger when we share ideas. We created the CX Moments series to help show our community how other businesses are approaching CX challenges in the midst of the pandemic. See the YouTube playlist for more conversations from this series.

Missed opportunities in customer service

Don’t be the last one to the party. As this video demonstrates, customers want to connect with businesses on the channels that they prefer. And yes, this now includes WhatsApp .

Find out how Zendesk software works with these video tutorials explaining key product features, benefits and tips.

Zendesk tutorials (YouTube playlist)

Start here with an introductory video showing how to navigate Zendesk Support. Continue watching the playlist to become familiar with key product features that can help you increase efficiency and improve customer experience.

How to create an Explore report for tickets created vs tickets solved

In this how-to video, we take you through how to create a report in Zendesk Explore, showing the number of tickets created versus the number of tickets solved over a period of time. This is a valuable help desk metric because it can show how well your team is processing tickets and help to identify staffing requirements.

What’s Good: Answer Bot

In our What’s Good series, we share some of the most helpful Zendesk products and features, so you can make the most of your Zendesk software. Here, we show how Answer Bot can help you resolve more tickets with less effort.

Continue watching

There’s always more to learn. Have a look at our YouTube channel for more customer service and CX inspiration or continue your training with customer service courses on LinkedIn Learning .

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How to deliver exceptional customer experience at scale

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How to create an effective customer service presentation (+design tips)

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How to create an effective customer service presentation (+design tips)

Customer service is one of the most crucial elements of any business. You can have the best product or offer the lowest price, but if your customer service is subpar, it will be challenging to develop and thrive in a competitive landscape. On the other hand, excellent customer service can enhance your brand’s reputation, keep current clients happy, and help attract new ones through referrals.

This is where customer service training becomes a key strategy. And what better way to walk your team members through their responsibilities than with a customer service PowerPoint presentation? Let’s now break down the importance of this type of presentation and how it can help set your business up for success.

What’s a customer service training presentation?

Customer service PPT is a means of educating employees on the principles and best practices of effective customer service. It usually includes slides and visuals that explain how to handle difficult situations or client questions through calls, emails, or face-to-face interactions and explain the importance of good customer service.

Benefits of a customer experience presentation

A thorough understanding of client service expectations and guidelines can set your business up for success in various ways, including:

  • More qualified customer support agents

The main purpose of customer service presentations is to train staff members who will be providing service to clients. When properly trained, your employees can complete their responsibilities to company standards and deliver exceptional service to your clients.

  • Effective service for your clients

If a customer has a problem and needs someone to listen and help resolve it, but your support team lacks customer service training, it can lead to various issues, including losing them as a customer. On the contrary, when clients receive quality service from your employees across all channels, they feel valued and are more likely to come back or recommend your product or service to someone else.

  • Improved brand reputation

Reviews from customers, whether on Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Google, or sites like Sitejabber and Trustpilot, can have both a positive and a negative impact on your business. That’s why putting your customers first and providing excellent service to them can help build a strong reputation and establish your company as an industry leader.

What to put in your presentation on customer service

According to top experts at our PowerPoint design company , your slides have to touch upon the following topics:

  • Conflict resolution best practices
  • Product/service knowledge
  • Communication styles
  • Most common customer issues
  • Reasons for customer complaints
  • Understanding who has authority for specific tasks
  • Approaches to building relationships with clients
  • Ways to measure success

Here are some key components of a well-crafted PPT presentation on customer service:

  • Introduction: An explanation of why customer service is important and how it affects the business.
  • Company values & mission: How customer service connects with what the company believes in and aims to achieve.
  • Customer service standards: Guidelines on how employees should act when interacting with customers.
  • Communication skills: Tips and techniques for effective verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Customer experience: Ways to improve customer service quality and go beyond what they expect.
  • Problem-solving: Top methods for resolving clients’ issues and dealing with common complaints.
  • Role-playing scenarios: Examples and role-playing activities to help employees practice and get better at customer service.
  • Performance metrics: Ways to measure customer service performance and why reacting to feedback is essential.
  • Q&A session: An opportunity for employees to ask questions and discuss their concerns or uncertainties.

Now that you know the fundamentals, let’s move on to the top tips for creating an effective PowerPoint customer service presentation.

Expert tips to make your client service presentation more engaging

Creating an engaging presentation on customer services is not easy. If you want your employees to be interested and willing to do what you ask them to, you have to prepare your presentation very carefully and learn how to deliver it in the best way possible. The tips below will help you create slides that catch and hold your employees’ interest so they can engage with the material more effectively and retain the key information faster.

1. Start with a strong opening

This can be anything from a relevant story, statistic, question, or captivating anecdote. Remember, your goal is to hook the audience right from the start.

2. Keep your presentation simple and clear

Organize your thoughts logically, with an introduction, key points, and a solid conclusion. Avoid cluttered slides and complex jargon. Each slide should convey one main idea.

3. Select a consistent color palette and design structure

These should complement your message and branding, not compete with it. Ensure readability by harmonizing colors and employing suitable design elements to emphasize important content.

4. Keep your content concise

You can utilize bullet points, bold text, short phrases, or keywords to convey your message. However, avoid long paragraphs or any unnecessary data on slides.

5. Use visuals

Where appropriate, incorporate engaging images and informative charts to visually represent data and concepts. Remember, visual aids can make complex information more digestible and your presentation more interesting.

6. Include real-life examples

These can be case studies, customer stories, or any other examples your employees can relate to. This way, you’ll make your presentation easier to understand.

7. Engage your audience

Incorporate interactive elements like polls into your presentation. This way, you’ll encourage participation and keep your employees engaged.

8. End with a strong conclusion

Summarize the main points and give the audience a clear call to action. You can also add a memorable closing statement or a quote to reinforce your message.

9. Prepare handouts or resources

Provide handouts, cheat sheets, or additional resources for your employees to take away. This will offer reference material and help them further retain the information presented.

10. Polish your presentation

As the presentation day approaches, give your slides a final look. Review your talking points and make any final tweaks.

  • Choose a sans-serif font, such as Helvetica or Arial. Fonts like Palatino and Times New Roman can be harder to read at times.
  • Never use a font size of less than 24 points.
  • All your headlines should have the same font.
  • Use bold and different sizes of fonts for subheadings and captions.
  • Every screen should have a clear label. For the title, choose a larger font (35–45 points) or a different color.
  • Don’t use more than four fonts in your presentation.
  • Choose larger fonts to indicate importance.
  • Use different sizes, colors, and styles (e.g., bold) for impact.
  • Don’t use too many punctuation marks.
  • Avoid italicized fonts and long sentences.
  • Refrain from using all caps (except for titles).
  • Add a maximum of 6-8 words per line.
  • Use the 6 x 6 Rule: one thought or 6 words per line and 6 lines per slide max.
  • Either use light text on a dark background or dark text on a light background. However, light backgrounds are preferable.
  • Put page numbers and other repeating elements in the same location on each slide.
  • Don’t put too many colors on one screen.
  • Use no more than four different colors on a single chart.
  • Check colors on a projection screen before the presentation, as they can project differently than on your monitor.

Design and graphical elements

  • Before designing your presentation, look for customer service presentation ideas online.
  • Standardize styles, positions, and colors.
  • Keep the details to a minimum and only include essential information.
  • Use colors that complement and contrast.
  • Keep the presentation background consistent.
  • Use a single style for bullets throughout the slide.
  • Use one or two large images instead of lots of small ones.
  • Make all images the same size when appropriate.
  • Arrange images horizontally or vertically.
  • Use the same border for all slides.
  • Keep the design uncluttered. Leave empty space around graphical images and text.
  • Use quality clipart that relates to the slide’s topic.
  • Use graphical images of the same style throughout the presentation.
  • Use image repetition to reinforce the message.

Remember, a great customer service presentation comprises relevant information, product knowledge, and company-specific employee guidelines, so plan carefully.

If you require professional assistance with your customer service slides, the certified design experts at SlidePeak are here to help. Our dedicated team can tailor a fully editable customer service PowerPoint template for your company and employees so you can easily customize and update it as needed. Google Slides design experts are also available!

All initial consultations are free of charge and confidential, with no obligation to continue. Call now or fill out our online form, and we’ll get back to you in under 15 minutes!

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How A Customer Service Presentation Will Set Your Business Up For Success

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Customer service is one of the most important aspects of your business. You could have the greatest product or be the best price, but if your customer service isn’t up to par, growing your business will be a tough job.

Especially for client/customer-facing roles, strong customer service can not only improve your brand image, but also help retain current clients and gain referrals.

What were saying here is that it’s critical to properly train your employees to deliver consistent and stellar customer service . You might consider creating a training presentation that walks your employees through their customer service responsibilities. Let’s break down the importance of these presentations and how you can set your business up for success.

What Is A Customer Service Presentation?

One aspect of employee training involves walking through what good customer service looks like. Customer service itself is when employees assist and give sound advice to those who buy or use the products or services being offered.

Training your employees on this topic can often be done through a presentation that provides a thorough understanding of good service, how to handle problems and questions, and why customer service is so important.

The slides in the presentation should included relevant and quality information for your employees about customer service and how to deal with difficult inquiries or situations. This will enable them to provide good service when faced with those calls, emails, or interactions with customers.

Here’s an example we created for Sherwin Williams.

Sherwin Williams Customer Education Presentation

customer service presentation video

What Benefits Will A Presentation on Customer Service Provide My Business?

A thorough understanding of customer service expectations and guidelines in a presentation can set your company up for success in a few key ways, including:

Well Trained Customer Service Representatives

Effective customer service for your customers, helps to build a good reputation.

customer service presentation video

Customer service presentations are primarily created to inform and educate employees who will be providing service to customers or clients.

When your employees are properly trained in all things customer service, they will be able to deliver exceptional service to your customers. Not only will properly trained employees complete their duties to company standard, it’s peace of mind knowing you have your aces in the right places .

In your customer service training presentation, you should have slides that include overviews and discussions on the following objectives:

Product and Service Knowledge

Communication Styles

Conflict Management/Resolution

Common Consumer Problems

Reasons for Consumer Complaints

Ideas for Cultivating Strong Relationships

Measure of Success

Authority or Hierarchy Understanding

Depending on the tools provided to your employees by your company, you might also include a segment on IT and other customer service tools that the employees will need to work with.

With properly trained employees comes great interactions with your customers.

If a consumer has a problem and they need some to listen to and understand their complaints but your employees aren’t trained in customer service, it can lead to all sorts of problems. Whether it’s on the phone, email, or in person, your customers will expect quality services from your employees.

A customer’s experience can often dictate whether they will return as a customer or point their direction somewhere else. On a financial level, it is more cost effective to keep a current customer than bring in a new one.

Retaining customers and maintaining relationships with them can be done when your customers have a great experience and feel important.

As social media platforms continue to grow in popularity, they have also become platforms for people who want to share their good or bad experiences with a company. Whether it’s through Google reviews , Tweets, TikTok videos, or Facebook posts, words and experiences from customers who visit your store or website can have a huge impact on your business.

customer service presentation video

Maintaining a good reputation with great service to your customers will go a long way. A good reputation can be built and maintained when you:

Serve customers by putting them first

Avoid increasing conflict

Learn from mistakes

Should My Presentation Be Editable?

As your create your presentation, you should consider the adaptability of the content. An editable presentation deck can benefit your business by adapting to changes in customer service best practices .

Especially if you use apt research when you organize your content, be sure to edit the ppt deck as research evolves and changes.

You Should Always Consider A Custom Presentation

Whether you need sixteen slides or sixty, you should consider having a custom presentation deck created .

With custom slides, you can tailor the content, theme, graphs, and topic to your business. The point is to train your employees on how to deliver service for your specific company and you may have different guidelines than other companies.

What Other Digital Tools Should I Use To Equip My Team?

When it comes to equipping your team and setting them up for success, there are a few other tools you might consider providing your employees. These include:

a personal work computer

ability to download slides from presentation

planners or planning software

e-learning courses on customer service

As a manager or employer, you should consider the ways in which you can work with the people on your team and set them up for success in the customer service department.

Our Final Thoughts On Having A Presentation on Customer Service

customer service presentation video

A great customer service ppt deck comprises of relevant information, employee guidelines, product knowledge, and department specific slides. Creating slides that reach your employees and that enable them to succeed in their positions is vital for success.

Are You In Need Of A Custom(er) Service Presentation? The Geeks Are Here!

Need someone to create great customer service training slides for your business and employees? The geeks at Presentation Geeks are here to help. We can build your PowerPoint presentation that can help you succeed in your customer service department!

Contact us today to see how we can help!

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Author:  Content Team

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Customer Service Strategy

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Product details

A customer service strategy is a plan that covers how the company will interact with its customers. A comprehensive strategy includes elements such as hiring the right customer service representatives, providing customer-facing employees with proper training, implementing loyalty plans and using conflict resolution tactics.

In order to be successful, a customer service strategy needs to be implemented in every area of the organization. It cannot just be a part of the customer-facing teams. Instead, customer service strategy needs to come from the top down and align with the overall vision, mission and values of an organization.

The customer service strategy definition also includes having concrete goals. When creating your customer service strategy, think about what you want to achieve. For example, do you want to create a customer service strategy that increases revenue by upselling products, or do you want to reduce expenses by making customer service processes more efficient? Once you have an understanding of the goals of your strategy, you can put tactical plans and programs into effect.

A successful customer service strategy focuses on the needs of the consumer. Instead of guessing what the customers want, organizations need to conduct need-focused assessments through market research, focus groups, satisfaction surveys and customer comment cards. This way, organizations can have a data-centric idea of what their customers need from them.

A customer service strategy should include metrics that help the company to define success. This way, the team can measure progress during the course of the year to see how well they are meeting the goals of their customer service strategy. Metrics can include ratings on online review platforms, comments on customer cards or results for specific surveys completed.

Increase your loyal customer base and stay ahead of the competition with an effective customer service strategy. Our ready-made customer service strategy presentation template helps create a customer-oriented service strategy presentation that focuses on customer service and how to develop one. The first slide with its infographic content highlights 6 follow-through customer service strategies to improve customer service and beat the competition. Step-wise development of an impactful customer service strategy is illustrated with the infographic in the second slide.

As illustrated with the infographics in the third and fourth slides, the customer service strategy template emphasizes 24/7 availability and accessibility of customer service support to customers. Ideal for strategic planners, sales managers, startups, business analysts, operation managers, etc.  The template is 100% editable and customizable as per your requirements. You can modify color, text, resize icons and shapes to suit your preference.

This template will be primarily useful for marketers and sales managers when building a sales strategy and promoting a product to new markets. Also, this template can be used by company leaders when preparing their company development strategy.

This template can also be used by startups when preparing a presentation for an investor meeting. University professors can use the slides in this template to prepare their courses on effective sales and product promotion.

The customer service strategy template consists of attractive and engaging infographics to capture your audience’s attention from beginning to the end, and express more in less time. This template has all the tools you need to build a professional and modern presentation. The Customer Service Strategy template will be a worthy addition to your collection of professional presentations.

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  • Presentations

Customer Service Presentation Template

Use this presentation template to share key statistics and findings of your customer service surveys..

The color scheme of this template grabs the reader’s attention. Using visual aids greatly improves the readability of your content and keeps the readers engaged.

You can use this template to share customer service tips and tricks, onboard new employees and teach them the dos and don’ts, or remind the seasoned workers of company policies.

  • Change colors, fonts and more to fit your branding
  • Access free, built-in design assets or upload your own
  • Visualize data with customizable charts and widgets
  • Add animation, interactivity, audio, video and links
  • Download in PDF, PPTX, MP4 and HTML5 format
  • Share online with a link or embed on your website

Help your employees become even better customer service representatives with this stunning template, or browse through the other beautiful templates we offer at Visme for more design ideas.

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Customer Service Presentation Template - Slide 1

Template Specifications

17 Slides, 1366 x 768 pixels – 16:9 Aspect Ratio (HD Presentation Quality)


This template can be fully customized. You can edit content, change image(s), apply custom colors, input your own fonts and logo, and more.

Download as a PDF to share with your recipient or generate a shareable link for online sharing.


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Marketing is all about communication, yes - but it's also about making the best possible impression on your target audience. What you're saying is important, but how you choose to say it is equally so. You can only make one first impression, so you'd better make it the best one that you can - and now, thanks to Visme's presentation templates, it's easier than ever to do precisely that.

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Customer Service Training PowerPoint Template

Customer Service Training PowerPoint Template

Number of slides: 10

Customer service involves the interaction between a customer and a representative from the company. Whether it is before, during, or after the purchase, the goal is to meet the needs and desires of the customer. And this is not easy task. For that reason, customer service agents should be in constant training to develop their empathy, assertiveness and other important skills. This PowerPoint template will help you present your customer service training, address the skills of a good customer service rep, and detail the best approach to resolve conflicts.

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Customer Service PowerPoint Slides

Customer service overview slide.

Use this opening slide to list each module of your customer service training. Or establish the concepts your staff will learn. For example, you can name the skills your customer service reps will acquire during this training such as clear communication, conflict resolution, depersonalization, assertiveness, etc.

Conflict Resolution Roadmap

Customer service reps face conflicts every day. Sometimes it’s a product that doesn’t meet the expectations of a client, other times there are problems during the buying journey and customers need guidance. For that reason, conflict resolution techniques are a must in customer service training. The linear five step roadmap will help you in this part of the training.

Customer Service Skills

The best thing about this template is that it comes with creative slides, one different from the other, to make an engaging presentation. You’ll find icons, circle charts, boxes, bar charts, and more visual elements to address topics like empathy, listening skills, positive attitude, responsibility, and other useful skills for customer service reps.

The face of the business

In many cases, the first touchpoint between the company and its clients is the customer service area. For this reason, businesses need qualified professionals in these positions.

Customer personality types

The best customer service agents adjust to the personality of the client. So, make sure to teach how to identify personality traits in clients and how to work with them.

Customer service training template

This is a colorful, business-like template with the right balance of images and text to deliver an excellent presentation.


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VP of Marketing at Avella

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Strata Research

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The Ultimate Guide to Training for Customer Service & Support

Turn your customer service team into a competitive advantage and engine for growth with these training ideas and tools.



Train and onboard your new customer support hires with this customizable template.

customer service support training

Updated: 04/17/24

Published: 05/18/23

Customer service training is essential if you want to retain customers for the long term, reduce employee churn, and create a successful customer-centric company. But how do you begin training your reps to provide remarkable support?

We've compiled this guide to answer that question. After all, 90% of Americans say customer service plays a significant role in choosing a company.

Exceptional customer service is an absolute must if you want your company to succeed and thrive in years to come.

→ Download Now: Customer Support Training Template [Free Template]

In this post, you'll learn how customer service training benefits your business, when different types of training come in handy, and what materials you'll need to execute a training program.

By the end, you'll walk away with a comprehensive understanding of customer service training.

What is Customer Service Training?

Why is Customer Service Training Important?

Types of Customer Service Training

Customer Service Basics and Soft Skills

Free Customer Service Training Materials

What is customer service training.

Customer service training is the coaching that employees receive to improve support and satisfaction among customers. A strong customer service training program includes exercises for improving interpersonal communication, product knowledge, conflict resolution, crisis management, and more.

There are lots of types of customer service training . However, this training is typically an iterative process that involves teaching skills, competencies, and tools needed to better serve customers.

Any employee interacting and dealing with customers is a good fit for customer service training, regardless of their seniority or experience level.

Because your customers are your best growth opportunity, every employee should work hard to keep them happy — as marketers, executive assistants, management, or customer service representatives.

Nowadays, customer-facing teams are labeled many different things: customer support, customer success , or customer service . For this article, we'll refer to customer service when discussing service and support training.

customer service presentation video

Free Customer Support Training Template

Train and onboard your new customer support hires with this downloadable template.

Training Timeline

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Who should be part of your customer service training.

Everyone in a customer-role should be a part of your customer service training. While not everyone in such a position is in the customer service department, they should all have familiarity with your core customer service philosophy and participate in training programs that reinforce those principles.

Why is customer service training important?

What experiences stood out to you more as a shopper: marketing tactics or customer service? Most likely, the latter.

Customer service is a company's opportunity to connect with customers, solve problems, and show they care.

And when customer service is executed well, it can resonate with customers for years. Afterall, people are more likely to return after a positive customer service experience.

That's why training your customer support team is just as important (if not more) as training your marketing or sales teams. Service experiences are what stick with your customers and inspire reviews and word-of-mouth advertising.

Here are a few of the reasons you should invest in a customer service training program.

The Benefits of Customer Service Training

1. Happy customers become brand advocates.

It's not uncommon for businesses to view their customer service teams as an afterthought. Once a consumer becomes a customer and pays for your product or service, the hard work is done, right? Wrong…

Happy, delighted customers come from excellent service and are your best advocates — even better than your most talented marketers.

Here's why it matters: 94% of people recommend a company with "very good" service, and buyers are 92% more likely to buy after reading reviews.

With this in mind, you can see how your current and past customers are your top bet for bringing in new business.

Customer service can be one of your strongest marketing strategies. Meeting and exceeding customer expectations isn't optional. It should be a top priority.

2. Remarkable customer service is a competitive advantage.

One of the easiest ways to stand out among your competition may surprise you. It's delivering excellent customer service that makes it easy to choose your company over others in your market.

If you normally have great service, 75% of people are more likely to forgive you for a bad experience. And conversely, if they think your service is poor, only 15% of people are likely to stick around.

That's why providing top-notch customer service — and training your reps to provide that service — is essential for gaining an edge over your competition.

Ultimately, a great customer service training program can help you create a strong reputation so your company becomes the obvious choice when people are looking for options in your niche.

3. Great customer service increases retention.

Customer service is a key player in the game of customer retention .

Think about it. If a customer has a pressing question about your product, what would make them happy and willing to stick around? A generic email response or a personalized, well-researched answer from a service representative dedicated to their success?

The latter will win more brownie points.

More importantly, three-quarters of consumers expect personalized experiences.

So when your customer service training program ensures that your frontline team members understand why it's important to personalize every engagement, your company wins big.

Better yet, this customer might 1) be satisfied with their interaction with your company and customer service team and 2) go on to recommend your business, products, and services to their friends and colleagues.

That's why customer service training is so important. You're training your employees to deal with some of the most influential people in your life: your customers. (Sorry, family.)

4. Service reps can feel more empowered to handle difficult situations.

35% of customers have experienced feelings of anger or frustration during their interactions with customer service representatives. Through training, reps learn how to manage customer expectations, de-escalate conflicts, and turn negative experiences into positive outcomes.

Not everyone has had experience dealing with conflict, or if they have, they know that not every conflict can be solved with the same solution. Proper service training demonstrates specifc scenarios and context that they can benefit from knowing before they have to think on their feet.

This not only improves customer relationships but also equips reps with the tools to navigate challenging interactions and reduce stress among employees.

5. Service training demonstrates commitment to professional development of reps .

33% of U.S. hiring managers anticipate employee turnover at their company to increase in the next year, costing an average of  $36,295  (e.g., cost to rehire, lost productivity) annually. Creating a culture and system that prevents turnover and encourages retention could make all of the difference.

When reps receive ongoing service training and support, they are more likely to feel valued and motivated in their roles, leading to higher job satisfaction and loyalty to the company. This focus on employee development and retention ultimately contributes to a more stable and productive customer service team.

Fostering a supportive and engaging work environment looks like a company that encourages personal growth.

Hiring vs. Training Customer Service Candidates

At this point, you might be asking, Why can't I just hire the right people from the get-go and leave it at that?

Well, you should always hire the best fit for each role, customer service included. But hiring skilled people and thinking the job is done is doing a disservice to both your team and your customers.

Regardless of how talented your new employees are, teaching customer service skills is essential if you want your reps to effectively represent your company.

It's also critical to help them understand your methodology so they know why you take a specific approach and can confidently serve your customers with that reasoning as their North Star.

And even the most experienced team members can use a refresher from time to time. In addition to people's expectations and the world itself changing rapidly, it's good to revisit skills and techniques with fresh eyes.

Take HubSpot's content team, for example. We were hired because we know how to write, but when we started, we weren't simply handed a laptop and told, "Now, go type a bunch of stuff." Instead, we received training on HubSpot's style guide, how to represent the company and brand online, and how to ensure every piece of content meets all of the quality standards.

The same goes for your customer support and service folks. Of course, you're going to hire highly-skilled people.

However, that doesn't negate the importance of onboarding new hires and training them to be part of a team with a bigger goal — serving and delighting your customers.

Hiring for Customer Service

While training for customer service is the main topic here, let's take a slight detour and discuss hiring for customer service, too.

The right hires help you build a strong foundation for your customer service team. And your hiring process is how you can ultimately ensure that your team is receptive to your training.

While some skills and strengths can be taught or fine-tuned through the different types of customer service training, there are some attributes your team members must have upon hiring.

No software, training exercises, or tools can compensate for gaps in these areas.

Skills To Look for When Hiring for Customer Service

Here are some skills to look for — even if just a hint — while interviewing and screening customer service candidates .

Skills to Look for When Hiring for Customer Service. Emotional Intelligence. Good Communication. Resourcefulness. Passion

1. Emotional Intelligence

Your customer service team deals with a variety of customer problems, some that you can forecast, and some that no one can predict.

The true heart of customer service beats with the ability to patiently listen, decipher someone else's problem, and empathize with them .

Unfortunately, this skill doesn't come naturally to everyone, nor is it something everyone can master in training.

Emotional intelligence is all about how you relate to other people. And, since this is central to excellent customer service, you want to ensure your hires have this skill before bringing them onto your team.

One way you can gauge emotional intelligence is by asking: "Can you tell me about a time you tried to do something and failed?"

2. Good Communication

If your candidates can't answer an interview question, how would they communicate with your customers (who most likely have much higher expectations than you)?

Customer service training can teach new and improved communication techniques. However, new hires should be able to showcase the ability to simplify complex topics and teach others new skills.

To gauge good communication skills, ask questions like: "How would you explain a complicated technical problem to a colleague with less technical understanding?"

3. Resourcefulness

Resourcefulness is the difference between responding to a problem with "I don't know" and "I will find out." Problem-solving skills, initiative, and creativity are just a few competencies that align with resourcefulness.

While these skills can be cultivated through customer service training, your candidates should display some resourcefulness — or at least a willingness to try to figure things out on their own.

To gauge resourcefulness, ask questions like: "Describe a time when you faced a significant obstacle to succeeding with an important work project or activity. What did you do to solve it?"

While passion isn't quite a skill, it's fundamental to going above and beyond in the customer service field.

Delighting your customers and turning them into superfans of your company means that your support team should have a sense of excitement and passion for the success of both the company and the customer.

Your candidates might not have a strong passion for your company just yet. Truthfully, it may never be their top passion in life.

However, they should be passionate about working with people — specifically, your customers — and helping others solve their problems.

To gauge passion, ask: "When have you been most satisfied in your work at your previous company?"

If hiring the right candidates is like planting seeds in the right soil, training your customer service team is like cultivating and growing your garden to its maximum potential.

To continue the analogy, satisfied customers are the bountiful harvest at the end of the season.

With that in mind, let's dive into training for customer support and service.

Customer service training ensures that your team can adapt to all kinds of different situations.

After all, when your team understands the key principles that guide your customer service philosophy, they're better able to apply that knowledge to every customer encounter.

While the concept of customer service training is to train your team to serve and delight, specific training methods and practices vary based on your company, your employees, and a variety of other factors.

Let's break down a few instances where you might conduct customer service training and what you can expect as a hiring manager or owner.

Types of Customer Service Training. New Hire Customer Service Training. Customer Service Phone Training. Regular Customer Service Training. Live Chat Customer Service Training. Emergency or Time-Sensitive Customer Service Training

1. New Hire Customer Service Training

As with any new role, the first month or two of training can dictate an employee's long-term success with your company. Customer service training for new hires isn't any different and should be an essential part of onboarding.

This specific type of training will help new employees acclimate to a new job, company, and culture and ensure they're ready to communicate with your valuable customers.

The steps of new hire customer service training involve:

Acquainting the Team

Your customer service team should be, well, a team. They need to work together to serve customers and handle problems. This means you must establish and maintain agility by introducing and involving new hires from the get-go.

Some examples of doing this include:

  • Scheduling a team lunch on your new hire's first day.
  • Ask experienced team members to provide an office tour.
  • Make the first day or two all about team building.

The bottom line is that when your team has time to connect, they can form a bond that makes it easier to work together. And it helps new employees acclimate and feel more comfortable in their roles.

Establishing Expectations

New hires should know what's expected of them during training and in their first month of work.

Setting clear expectations upfront minimizes confusion and allows new employees to understand their responsibilities. It doesn't serve anyone to be loosey-goosey on expectations.

Some examples of this include creating:

  • A new-hire training guide including activities to expect during training and what responsibilities they'll have during their first few months.
  • At-a-glance checklists and scripts for core activities they might encounter or perform daily.
  • A weekly schedule of meetings.
  • A manual that outlines how to perform key aspects of their job step-by-step and a list of internal resources for more information — whether colleagues, reading materials, or even file locations.

Equipping your new customer service hires to do their jobs sets them up for success. Think of this as giving them a set of training wheels they can return to at any time.

Rome wasn't built in a day. If you don't have all of this yet, you don't have to create it immediately. Instead, you may start with one or two of these things and build as you go.

Setting Up Tools

Could we even do our jobs without various tools, software, and digital subscriptions?

Probably not, and neither can your new employees. Before training, set up your employees with the apps, tools, and memberships they need to communicate and collaborate with the team .

Looking for an example of how to do this?

Consider creating a checklist of all the apps and logins they need, so you can be sure to set them up for success. As you check off each item, add the username for each to the list so they have a quick reference guide for tools.

Introducing the Company and Product (or Service)

To best serve your customers, your customer service team needs to know your company and product or service offering better than anyone.

  • Providing your hires with a one-page overview of the company, including the brand story, core values, guiding philosophies, and a list of key leadership and colleagues.
  • Creating a "say this, not that" brand voice guide to make sure new hires build a consistent customer experience.
  • Setting aside time for dedicated product training so that your new hires can learn your product(s) so well they could teach others.
  • If bringing on multiple new hires, having them take turns "teaching" each other.

2. Regular Customer Service Training

Whether your customer service team has been around for six months or six years, they should still undergo regular training. Consider revisiting this every quarter, half-year, or year, depending on what works best for your company.

What this training looks like depends on your company. However, here are a few regular customer service training examples.

Skills or Competence Check-In

Just as you'd conduct a routine performance review, a quarterly or half-year training is good practice for your customer service team.

Skill-based training is ever-evolving based on trends in the outside world, customer expectations, and new developments in your offerings.

What's more, certain skills can erode if not maintained over time. Conducting routine training keeps everyone on the team aligned, fresh, and doing their best work.

Best Practices Workshops

Some teams find that a monthly customer service workshop is a great way to keep a finger on the pulse of what's happening while ensuring your team stays fresh.

Going into these meetings with an agenda is a great way to ensure they are productive and stay on track. Sending a request for topics a few days before is also a good idea.

Your agenda might include:

  • Identifying trends in problems as well as customer feedback.
  • Discussing how to handle these problems successfully.
  • Role-playing solutions to these problems.
  • Asking for additional input.

Ultimately, this gives you regular check-ins with your team and ensures they know how to handle relevant common themes.

Team-Building Exercises

While working in customer service can be rewarding, it can also be tough. Those difficult days can take a toll on employees and their team relationships.

Routine team-building activities and training can help maintain strong relationships.

This gives your employees a chance to have fun, while simultaneously resolving challenging distractions so your employees can focus on their jobs.

Some examples of team-building exercises can include:

  • A compliment circle, where every customer service employee compliments another on something, whether how they handle specific situations or a general approach.
  • A brainstorming session where everyone brings a few ideas for improving things. These can range from adding a new Slack channel to streamlining customer service.
  • A scavenger hunt. Whether online, in person, or hybrid, these are great ways to build relationships with small groups.
  • Lunch-and-learns about new topics, whether personal or professional development.
  • Cooking classes, whether virtual or in person.

3. Emergency or Time-Sensitive Customer Service Training

Sometimes, customer service training can't be planned. Perhaps there's a product recall, a major rebranding, or a national advertising campaign.

This type of customer service training can also result from news breaking in your industry that may have your audience taking notice, even if it doesn't directly involve your company .

Because 90% of customers rate an "immediate" response as important, you must prepare your front-line employees (your customer service team) to take calls, answer questions, and resolve conflicts.

Emergency customer service training is all about equipping your team with everything they need to know to do their job and help your audience.

Here are examples of how you can deliver urgent customer service training.

In Times of Crisis

During a recall, crisis, or company emergency, your customer service team should be updated on all events and trained on how to respond.

Because your audience will be concerned, full transparency is strongly encouraged. Your team needs to be aware of the problem and your solution, or how you are approaching the solution .

Share how you'll send out updates. These trainings should be a top priority on everyone's calendar. You can better ensure complete organizational alignment when you can train your team.

To give you a real-world example, when news breaks of an online data breach, even if it's not your company, your customers may worry about the security of their data and may reach out in a panic.

If your team can speak to the problem, how you're being proactive, and where customers can go for updates or more information, you can ensure more positive experiences with your company.

Product or Company Updates

This type of customer service training is less of an emergency but is just as time-sensitive.

Whether you release a product update, run a major marketing campaign, or alter your website, your customer service team should complete training on these updates and be equipped to handle any customer questions or concerns.

For example, our customer service teams receive new training materials in the months leading up to HubSpot's annual INBOUND event.

These resources give employees the most up-to-date information on any new products that'll be announced at INBOUND — which can be upwards of four or five major product releases!

Your customer service teams should be looped in on company updates or changes so customers aren't blindsided when they have questions.

4. Customer Service Phone Training

Today, 48% of customers want to communicate with companies via phone call for customer service. Based on this, training reps knowing how to provide a delightful experience via phone call is critical to your success.

Here's what you should focus on in terms of phone training:

  • Maintaining a positive tone and attitude throughout the call.
  • Remaining calm and professional, even on difficult calls.
  • Speaking slowly and clearly.
  • Asking customers clear and direct questions that help reps come to an effective solution efficiently.
  • Presenting solutions in a way that will make sense for each individual customer.
  • Using verbiage that's representative of your brand.
  • Being an active listener.
  • Always showing empathy and authenticity.
  • Staying in control of the conversation and leading the customer towards an effective resolution.
  • Making sure customers don't have any other questions or concerns before hanging up.
  • Thanking the customer at the end of the call.

An example of customer service phone training includes setting up a series of role-play scenarios where one person is a customer with a problem, and the other is a customer service rep deciphering the problem, empathizing, and offering resolution.

In addition to role-play, scripts are helpful when it comes to solving specific problems.

Alternatively, because word-for-word scripts can sound impersonal, you might also consider offering bullet points your team members can use in their responses.

5. Live Chat Customer Service Training

Live chat is one of the up-and-coming customer service channels because it delivers the immediacy customers require. More than half of millennials prefer live chat, as it allows you to offer a personal touch with speed and convenience.

As the largest generation in U.S. history, millennials represent a huge percentage of your buyers, so live chat customer service training is necessary in today's world.

Fortunately, live chat training can resemble phone call training with scripts and bullet points your team members can use.

Being a customer service representative is challenging.

There are some basic ways to teach customer service to your reps to ensure they have the skills they need. Remember, their goal and yours should be the same — effectively serving and delighting customers.

You can separate these skills into different categories — which we'll review momentarily — so you can easily focus on teaching and building them with your reps.

Let's take a look.

Customer Service Basics

  • Interpersonal Skills: Customer service reps should be positive and empathetic when communicating with customers.
  • Clear Communication: Customer service reps should be able to succinctly explain complex concepts to customers.
  • Assertiveness and Directness: Customer service reps should be confident when interacting with customers.
  • Product Feature and Application Knowledge: Customer service reps should know the product inside and out.
  • Crisis Management Skills: Customer service reps should know how to effectively handle negative situations.
  • Team-Building and Camaraderie Skills: Customer service teams should have a strong sense of community to increase employee retention.
  • Customer Advocacy and Success Skills: Customer service reps should be able to champion their customers.
  • Conflict Resolution Skills: Customer service reps should know how to de-escalate negative situations with customers.

Ensuring your reps learn the following customer service basics and soft skills will make all the difference in your company's growth.

Your employees face customers every day. Customers will judge your business based on interactions with your people and your reps' behavior.

Only with thorough training in critical areas can your customer service representatives confidently deal with customer issues and turn angry customers into satisfied ones.

Let's dive into each of the customer service basics and soft skills your reps need to succeed in their roles.

1. Interpersonal Skills

For effective customer service, reps should look inward and focus on interpersonal skills critical to fostering positive and trustworthy customer relationships.

Positivity isn't just about smiling. It's also about keeping your language upbeat and promising so customers remain positive.

The last thing you want to do is introduce a new negative idea that leaves your customers more concerned than when they first called.

Whether your team serves customers via social media, email, chat, or the phone, train them to replace negative words with positive ones.

For example, instead of saying, "I'm afraid that…", teach your customer service team to start sentences with, "I'd love to help…". This keeps the response in a positive light while remaining honest with customers.

Positivity Training Exercise

  • Jot down five to 10 negative customer service responses and ask your team to rewrite them as positive statements. They can work alone or in small groups or pairs.
  • Divide your team into pairs and give each pair two problems to role play, so each person can play the role of customer and rep. Have the customer for each problem pay attention to negative words and phrases and then let the other person know what they heard.
  • Bring a transcript of an actual conversation to a meeting, and anonymize the customer and the rep. Then walk through the conversation as a group and identify opportunities to make the entire exchange more positive.

Empathy is critical for serving customers. When your team members genuinely want customers to be happy and successful, they can be your biggest assets.

One of the ways to help people develop empathy is to help them walk in a customer's shoes so they become just as invested in finding a solution to a problem.

In addition to helping your customer service team reach that resolution much quicker, you can make a customer for life.

But empathy doesn't come easily to everyone, especially more technical, logical people. While they care, they're often not as well-equipped to express those feelings.

To develop empathy in your customer service team, encourage them to spend time with people who are different from them.

Whether with someone at a community event, an Uber driver, someone in line at a grocery store, or a stranger at a conference, having conversations outside their comfort zones can help diversify their thinking.

Empathy Training Exercise

Tell your team to think about a time they were a customer and might've had a frustrating transaction or unsatisfactory experience. Have them share their stories and recall how they felt and were treated.

2. Clear Communication

Although this is technically an interpersonal skill, it's vital for effective customer service and support that it deserves a separate section.

Clarity in communication can improve customer service interactions tenfold. It's the difference between sending 10 emails or one when explaining a product.

While easy to decipher during interviews and onboarding, speaking with clarity remains a skill that customer service representatives should hone throughout their careers, especially as new products or updates are introduced.

Reddit's Explain Like I'm Five is a great example of clarity in action. On this thread, people take pretty complex topics, from biology to engineering to technology, and explain concepts as if they were teaching a child.

Now, "dumbing" answers down to this extent isn't necessary for your very adult audience, but it's a good example of explaining something clearly and concisely.

And keep in mind, there's a difference between breaking things down and being condescending, so if you share this example with your team, ensure they know where the line is.

Clear Communication Training Exercise

Have your team present product demonstrations as if you were a brand-new customer. Challenge them to explain the product (or a portion of your product) in five minutes or less.

3. Assertiveness and Directness

Customer service reps need to be both assertive and direct.

Doing so helps reps establish authority as someone who can solve customer problems, while simultaneously maintaining clear communication and boundaries.

The ability to face problems head-on without dancing around uncomfortable topics also gives them the tools to help customers find and share the best solutions for their challenges more efficiently.

Think about it this way — customers want quick and effective solutions to their challenges. They don't want to wait around for some wishy-washy answer that may or may not work.

By being assertive and direct, reps make customers feel confident that the information they're receiving is accurate.

Assertiveness and Directness Training Exercise

Encourage reps to try role-play exercises with each other where one person pretends to be an unhappy and vocal customer with many questions.

The other person should practice regaining control of the conversation and respectfully but directly navigating the discussion to the solution the rep can offer.

4. Product Feature and Application Skills

Companies are always growing and evolving — from product updates to new branding. And this is exactly how it should be because the world is also continually changing.

Customers have new expectations, competitors have new offers, and new technologies mean that companies that don't evolve and adapt won't thrive in the future.

With that in mind, you cannot afford for your customer service team to stagnate in their skills or training. Customer service training in your company should be ongoing across the board, but especially for the people on the front lines.

Considering you're essentially teaching them to teach, they should know your product inside and out.

Product Feature and Application Training Exercises

Here are a few examples of customer service training on your product and company:

Assign a mentor.

Organize a mentorship program for every employee, especially your new hires.

The mentor should be someone in another department to expose the employee to different business segments and allow them to stay up-to-date on company-wide happenings.

Additionally, when this mentor isn't in the direct chain of command, they can remain neutral when giving feedback.

Coordinate job shadowing.

This exercise is highly encouraged for new hires but can also benefit customer service veterans.

Shadowing introduces your team to new approaches, responses, and applications of customer service and your product that they'd otherwise not be exposed to.

Hold demonstration sessions.

This is similar to the training idea mentioned above, but it involves having your team present to their teammates. This will challenge them on their communication and understanding of the product.

Encourage attendees to provide constructive feedback to help one another grow. And consider recording these sessions for the person giving the training so they can hear how they present themselves.

Create a knowledge base.

Teaching others is the best way to learn, and it's especially true for customer service. Have your team create a knowledge base of your product or service offering in the form of a guide or directory.

This will challenge your team on their knowledge and clarity and ultimately help customers by creating a lasting company resource.

And, if you make someone responsible for updating it each quarter, you'll have a fantastic record to cross-train new departments.

Learn how to set up your knowledge base of articles in HubSpot's Service Hub.

5. Crisis Management Skills

Research shows that 70% of unhappy customers whose problems are resolved are willing to shop with a business again.

Just because a customer comes to you unhappy, angry, or rude doesn't mean they have to walk away with the same sentiment.

Appropriately managing each customer's crisis and actively working to change their attitude is how you serve and retain customers in the long run.

Discover how to manage, plan for, and communicate during crises with these management plan templates.

Crisis Management Training Exercises

Even those with thick skin can get worn down and discouraged after dealing with many angry customers. So, here are a couple of training exercises to teach your customer service team how to deal with — and delight — difficult customers.

Conduct role-play activities.

This training exercise is highly recommended for all customer service representatives and can be especially helpful for pacifying angry customers.

Conducting mock calls that resemble a real customer service issue (and involve a seemingly angry caller) can help acclimate your team to the realities of upset customers.

Have your team work together. By encouraging veterans on your team to use real situations they've dealt with in the past, you can ensure that your new hires get relevant training.

Teach the LAST method.

Despite intensive training on skills like empathy and patience, some difficult customers will simply be impossible to relate to.

That's where methods like reflective listening and LAST come into play.

LAST stands for L isten, A cknowledge, S olve, and T hank.

Teach your team to pause, listen to, and acknowledge upset customers. These steps can make the difference between solving an angry customer's problem and turning an angry customer into a satisfied one.

6. Team-Building and Camaraderie Skills

Camaraderie and community among professional teams in any industry can help with overall performance, but it's especially important in customer service.

I included this section in my list of customer service training ideas because that's essentially what it is — training your team to take care of themselves so they can take care of your customers.

Team-Building and Camaraderie Training Exercises

Here are a few ways to train your team to cultivate community and take care of themselves:

Encourage meditation.

Dealing with customers all day, every day, can be incredibly draining and stressful. Meditation can be a helpful tool to regain mental balance and relaxation amid customer service chaos.

Dedicate time to learning meditation and relaxation methods, so your team feels comfortable taking a break. Apps like Headspace and Calm can help your team, especially if they meditate together.

Inspire healthy competition.

Customer service training isn't just about teaching your team how to do their job; it's also about encouraging them to reach their full potential.

Inspiring healthy competition through a leaderboard or monthly awards will challenge your customer service team to go above and beyond, helping more customers, creating camaraderie, and contributing to their overall success and future career.

Fun fact: HubSpot's own customer support teams use a leaderboard and have found it motivates and inspires performance.

Take team outings (in-person or digitally).

Traditional product and skill training can bring your team together at work, but out-of-office activities can also inspire community and friendship that further encourage camaraderie in the office.

Treat your team to an event or activity unrelated to work, such as a museum trip or a remote team-building game. These activities are fun, casual, and lead to lasting connections that can mitigate otherwise tough days at work.

In other words, they can lead to strong employee satisfaction and reduce turnover.

Since it takes people up to two years to get fully up to speed, making sure your customer service team is satisfied is a good business practice.

7. Customer Advocacy and Success Skills

To create an atmosphere of customer advocacy and success, your training has to go above and beyond teaching soft and technical skills.

You can win big when you can turn happy customers into customers who actively promote your company.

However, it's not just about delivering a quality product or service. These customers don't simply exist once they purchase from you.

Instead, they're created when your customer service team treats them well and fights to solve their problems.

Customer Advocacy and Success Training Exercises

Here are examples of customer service training to build a world-class customer-focused culture:

Teach new language.

I referenced positive language in a previous section, but this is a little different.

The key to customer advocacy is aligning your goals and needs with the customer and essentially "joining their team" as you work towards a solution. This can be done with a simple switch in verbiage.

Consider creating a "say this, not that" document your team can refer to in conversations. Doing so helps them enhance how customers perceive your company and improve their experience.

For example, how does "I'm not sure we can do that for you" sound compared to "let's see what we can do to solve that"?

How about: "Let's get you set up with the right person to help" versus "I can't help with that"?

Changing responses to align with a customers' frustrations and needs tells a customer, "We're on your side, too."

Encourage exceeding expectations.

Let's say your team must solve a minimum of 10 tickets per day. You could train your employees to get that done and leave them alone. I mean, they are doing their work, right?

Sure, but this hardly creates an environment of going above and beyond for the customer (not to mention each employee's potential). Instead of settling with "good enough," challenge your team to do the best they can do every day.

This motivation will change how much work is done and influence how they work with and satisfy customers.

Not sure how to do this? An example could be creating a leaderboard or gamifying your team output, which we mentioned earlier.

Collect (and use) feedback.

Feedback is the lifeblood of any team or company that wants to improve. Invest in infrastructure that collects customer feedback through surveys, social media, or direct messages.

It's not enough to get customer feedback. You must also use that feedback to measure the team's success and identify improvement opportunities.

It helps individuals improve their skills and shows your customers that you care about what they have to say.

Of note: If you act on a specific piece of feedback, send a note to the customer thanking them for the input and letting them know how you've acted on it so they feel heard and appreciated.

For example, if a customer mentions that they wish you included a resources section on your website for quick self-service, and you decide to create one, let them know.

8. Conflict Resolution Skills

Conflict resolution skills are necessary for any service and support calls reps have with customers. After all, customers reaching out to your service and support reps are doing so because they're trying to find a solution to a challenge or roadblock.

Not to mention, reps are bound to encounter angry, frustrated customers from time to time, too — this requires an even deeper level of conflict resolution on the part of reps.

Conflict Resolution Training Exercises

You can teach reps to resolve different types of conflict in a wide variety of ways. Here are some examples of tips you can encourage your customer service team to use:

  • Draw on past experiences to set expectations.
  • Communicate clearly.
  • Show empathy.
  • Use active listening.
  • Acknowledge the people's specific needs.
  • Don't point fingers or place the blame on anyone.
  • Use "I" statements.
  • Say you're sorry.
  • Stay calm and professional.
  • Help people how they want to be helped.
  • Don't interrupt.
  • Remember the importance of maintaining the relationship.

Customer Service Basics. Interpersonal Skills. Clear Communication. Assertiveness and Directness. Product Feature and Application Skills. Crisis Management Skills. Team-Building and Camaraderie Skills. Customer Advocacy and Success Skills. Conflict Resolution Skills

A lot goes into customer service training, and it can be a daunting process to manage alone. Thankfully, there are plenty of customer service training materials available online. We've gathered some of our favorites below.

Learn everything you need to know to get started with the HubSpot Service Hub.

1. Customer Service Training Manual [ Download for Free ]


Aligning your team with universal training documentation is an assured way to inform new hires of their roles, goals, and expectations.

You can use this free customer support training manual template to build a customizable business manual.

training outline for customer service

New Hire Guide

This part of the template allows you to welcome your new customer service reps and give them an overview of the team. It also lets you warmly greet them and get them excited about their new role.

Customer service reps are one of the roles with the highest turnover , so you want to get them started on the right foot.

This short, flexible section allows you to give ballpark dates for when certain parts of the training will start and end.

Later in the manual, you can provide a more detailed 100-day plan with specific milestones, but this section will help you set the stage and establish expectations.

Tech and Software Setup

Your reps will need to leverage many tools to get their job done efficiently, but you don't want them to feel overwhelmed. Feelings of overwhelm can quickly lead to burnout.

Use this section to outline where they can get a monitor and headset, which customer service software and CRM they'll use, and how to access and set up each tool.

Remember that camaraderie we were talking about earlier? You should strive to foster that starting from the training period.

Giving your reps a list of people to schedule "coffee chats" with can help them get acquainted with the team more quickly. This is especially important if your customer service team is remote.

A strong 100-day or 30-60-90-day plan can get your rep started on the right foot and give them guidelines for how they should perform by a certain date. No rep wants to be hired and feel like they have to perform perfectly on the first day.

Reassure your reps that they'll be "ramped up" to full performance standards by outlining what will be expected of them as time goes on.

Feedback and Reviews

Providing feedback as you train your customer service rep is essential for ensuring their success. This section lets you set dates for checking in with your new rep to let them know how they're doing.

These meetings don't have to be formal, but you should know how to conduct a performance appraisal before starting one.

Interacting with Customers

In this section of the manual template, you can provide concrete guidelines for handling customer inquiries and complaints.

Here, you can provide a few guidelines for fostering a positive customer service tone during the call. You might also link to your customer service scripts and/or role-play scenarios.

Escalation Framework

A top-performing customer service rep knows when to escalate a problem to someone who can deal with it more effectively. This part of the manual gives your new reps guidance on when to do just that.

Consider including a chart and scenarios when escalation is necessary to keep the customer (and your rep) happy. Remember, if your service rep feels forced to deal with a situation that is out of their hands, everyone suffers.

Product FAQ

While you should hold a dedicated product training during your new hire onboarding process , you should still include an easy-to-reference section with FAQs about your product.

This part will address any product questions that may come up as the rep gets acquainted with the product they'll provide support for. It should also provide quick answers to frequent support questions.

Resources for Success

Leave the customer service rep with a list of tools that will help them more effectively ramp up and get acquainted with the ins and outs of their role.

You can include logistical information here — such as a link to your documents about PTO — and also inspirational materials, such as a video from the CEO.

2. Customer Service Training Courses

Online customer service training courses teaching vital skills can be a great addition to your training program.

As self-led seminars, employees take ownership of their training and are exposed to skills and competencies outside the organization.

Below is a short list of some free customer service training courses for your team.

1. Delivering Exceptional Customer Support by HubSpot

customer service training, delivering exceptional customer service

This short course from HubSpot will acquaint your reps with key competencies and tactics for delivering support your customers will praise you for.

It's a quick course — less than an hour long — making it an ideal and convenient addition to your training schedule. You could even get your entire customer service team in one room and play it for them at once.

The course is split into three sections:

  • Understanding customer support competencies. Your reps will learn the basic skills they need to deliver excellent support and how to improve those skills continuously.
  • Support case framework. Your reps will learn how to structure their approach to each case to resolve customer issues more effectively.
  • Managing your time as a customer support rep. Time management is the lifeblood of a strong workflow. In this short lesson, reps will learn how to increase their productivity.

2. Customer Service Training by Alison

customer service training, customer service training

Alison is a digital education hub that offers free courses and paid certifications on various skills. Its customer service training course is geared towards beginners in the field, so it's a perfect place to start.

This course will give your employees an understanding of essential customer service factors and help them understand how to deliver a customer-friendly approach that's best for your business needs.

They'll also learn the benefits of providing excellent service and cover a few do's and don'ts when dealing with customers.

3. Culture of Services: New Perspective on Customer Relations by edX

customer service training, Culture of Services: New Perspective on Customer Relations

Like Alison, edX is another digital learning platform offering free courses.

They partner with universities worldwide, such as Berkeley, Harvard, and the University of Kyoto — the school to which the Culture of Services: New Perspective on Customer Relations course is presented.

This course focuses on customer service's social and cultural aspects and takes 9 to 11 weeks to complete. Throughout the course, your employees will be exposed to various services — such as sushi bars, restaurants, hotels, and apparel.

They'll study customer service's "nuanced and paradoxical nature" and learn how to approach it from a cultural and social perspective.

4. Customer Service Training by GoSkills

Customer Service Training-1

GoSkills, an innovative online learning platform, is dedicated to helping organizations and individuals worldwide acquire essential business skills.

Their customer service training, led by the dynamic David Brownlee, goes beyond generic courses. It offers engaging lessons such as "Psychology of Your Company," "Verbal and Nonverbal Cues," and "Anticipate Customer Needs," among others. These lessons are designed to be concise, with durations of 3-6 minutes, allowing learners to complete the video content within an hour and a half. Additionally, each lesson is accompanied by supplementary exercises to reinforce learning.

Your team can access this invaluable course through a free trial or via your organization's GoSkills Courses or GoSkills Platinum plan. It's also important to note that all GoSkills courses are CPD-accredited, ensuring the highest standard of professional development.

5. Innovative Customer Service Techniques by LinkedIn Learning

customer service training, Culture of Services: Innovative Customer Service Techniques

LinkedIn Learning is an award-winning online education platform run by the most popular professional social media platform. It primarily teaches digital and business-related skills.

The Innovative Customer Service Techniques course is created and presented by customer service expert Jeff Toister and consists of a short 45-minute video.

Your employees can access the course through a seven-day free trial or join LinkedIn Learning's paid membership.

6. Bonus: Business Courses by Treehouse

customer service training, Culture of Services: Business Courses

Treehouse is another online course library, but the program requires a paid membership.

HubSpot uses Treehouse for our own customer support and service training. Treehouse offers courses on soft skills and others that may contribute to overall customer service education.

3. Customer Service Training Games

Using games and activities can make customer service training much more fun.

Whether they require materials like a whiteboard or simply involve your team, games are a way to teach valuable skills while encouraging teamwork and collaboration between your employees.

Check out these free, quick-and-easy games to play during customer support and service training:

  • Fun and Powerful Training Games for Customer Service Teams by UserLike
  • Free Customer Service Training Games by BusinessTrainingWorks

4. Customer Service Training Videos

Sometimes it's valuable to incorporate outside insight or perspective during customer service training.

Best of all, it's not something you have to do on your own. Videos from thought leaders and industry experts are powerful additions to your customer service training programs.

Here's an example of a well-made, valuable customer service training video. Also, check out this post for more videos .

Customer Service Training Video Example

In this 12-minute video, business coach and consultant David Brownlee explains the essentials of customer service in friendly, easy-to-understand language. With over 4,000 likes, the value of this video speaks for itself.

Brownlee is an expert in the customer service field and advocates for creating relationships of trust and loyalty with customers, promoting customer care versus simple service.

Grow Better With Customer Service & Support Training

Consumers view customer service as the test of how much a company truly values them.

Roughly three out of every four customers view their interactions with customer service as more important than marketing or sales — and it's why customer service is such an important engine for growth.

With your customer service team on the front lines of customer service and retention, they need to be properly trained and equipped to handle any challenge that comes their way.

Execute these customer service and support training ideas, and your customers and employees will be more satisfied overall.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in July 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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[Updated 2023] 30 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates For Success in Business

[Updated 2023] 30 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates For Success in Business

Malvika Varma


What differentiates one business from another? What added value does a successful organization provide that compels a customer to opt for it instead of its competitors?

The answer is “Customer Service”

Eight of every 10 customers will revisit and buy again if your customer service is excellent. Conversely, 90% of customers will leave without warning if your service is pedestrian. Despite being aware of the importance of customer service, many business owners struggle with handling this critical aspect of their operations, resulting in significant losses to their bottom and top lines.

If you're facing the same challenges as others and finding it difficult to attract and keep customers, we offer a solution through Powerpoint Templates. These resources can help you to effectively equip and empower your customer service team, enabling them to provide exceptional service to your customers.

30 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates To Download

These templates will build on your team’s strengths, supplementing them with skills needed to turn every consumer into a valuable customer. The 100% customizable nature of the templates provides you with the desired flexibility to edit your presentations. The content-ready slides give you the much-needed structure.

Let’s begin!

Template 1: Customer Service Training Curriculum PPT Presentation

Customer Service Curriculum

Download this Customer Service Training Curriculum

This Customer Service Training Curriculum is a comprehensive program designed to equip your team with the skills and knowledge they need to provide outstanding customer service. This curriculum addresses the critical aspects of customer service, including communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and empathetic listening. It combines interactive training modules, concepts, and case studies, enabling participants to develop and practice their skills in a supportive learning environment. This course is designed to align with your organization's culture, values, and goals, enabling your team to deliver a consistent and exceptional service experience to your customers.

Using this curriculum, you can learn about multiple customer service channels, acquire diverse skill sets, and handle different customer types effectively. In addition, this educational deck provides greater clarity on customer engagement, experience, and service. Download it now and begin enhancing your customer service expertise.

Template 2: Implementing Proactive Customer Service PowerPoint Presentation

Implementing Proactive Customer Service PowerPoint Presentation

Download this Customer Service Presentation

This PowerPOint presentation provides a comprehensive framework for implementing proactive customer service strategies, enabling you to stay ahead of your customers' needs and exceed their expectations. Using this helpful resource, you can accelerate digital transformation projects, collaborate with IT and businesses to drive efficiencies, and create new customer engagement models. This content-ready template will also guide you on applying sophisticated Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques to optimize service delivery performance. Download it now!

Template 3: Customer Service Toolkit PPT Template

Customer Service Improvement Toolkit

Download this customer service toolkit presentation

If you want to equip your customer service team with a service toolkit to improve customer satisfaction levels, reduce customer churn, and build long-term customer loyalty, this PPT Template is an ideal pick. It entails essential components of a customer service toolkit such as capability model, value streams, change management plan, implementation, software requirements, etc. It also educates you on selecting the best vendors and building long-lasting relationships with them. The best part is that this complete toolkit also provides pre-designed graphics for RACI Matrix, Project charter, and Checklists. Download this PPT Template today to build a dedicated customer service team!

Template 4: Customer Service Process Flow Template

Customer Service Process Flow

Download Customer Service Process Flow PowerPoint Presentation

Highlight the effective and efficient customer service strategies by introducing this client support PowerPoint complete deck. Leave an everlasting impact on the client by incorporating our content-ready customer service PowerPoint template stating the customer service procedure in a detailed manner. Comprising of 16 slides, the organization can showcase the improved KPIs, and flow charts for its valued customers. Download this attractive PowerPoint theme to help your employees in making data-driven decisions and work towards personalizing the user experience.

Template 5: Dealing with Difficult Customers

25 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates For Success in Business

Download our Comprehensive Customer Service Training Course

There is nothing more heart-warming than a polite, firm, and knowledgeable customer agent winning over a difficult customer through logic, persuasion, and an attitude of service.

The golden rule for difficult customers, however, is to remember that the customer is not always right, but he/she needs to be treated with respect at all times .

Our Course on ‘Dealing with Difficult Customers’ starts with an exercise to let trainees step into the shoes of a difficult customer to see where does the difficulty lie?

Difficult customers are divided into five kinds. We list these and the keywords that customer service staff must use to handle these individuals. These are:

  • Aggressive customer (Sorry, then offer a solution)
  • Indecisive customer (Discounts/free samples)
  • Complainer (Paying full attention, excellent listening skills)
  • Impatient customer (Prompt response, quicker resolution)
  • Know-it-all customer (Sincere compliment on their knowledge)

A general mind-map that the trainer is encouraged to internalize in his/her trainees is the Empathy, Control, Advocacy (ECA) approach.

In the seven practical, role-play activities that follow, we discuss scenarios that, inevitably, arise in customer service. The USP of our course is giving excellent sample answers to each of these situations. You may customize these, according to the business you are in.

The goal is to help your business realize its potential, with even the converted ‘difficult’ customer rooting for you.

Template 6: Customer Care Management PPT Presentation

Customer Care Management

Download Customer Care Management PowerPoint Template

Reinforce a great service culture in your company by discussing the responsibilities of a customer service team with the help of our pre-designed client care management PowerPoint theme. This customer service PowerPoint template can be included in a company presentation to emphasize the importance of customer satisfaction provided by your enterprise. Recruitment agencies can also download this striking consumer service PPT layout to describe the job responsibilities to the candidates.  

Template 7: How to Delight a Customer

30 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates For Success in Business

Customer service is such a hands-on business discipline that sometimes it can lull management into perceiving it as a cost center than a revenue center. “After all, a non-complaining customer is the best outcome any business can have,” so goes the orthodox belief.

The reality, however, is that a non-complaining customer might never-ever be your customer again. To add insult to injury, businesses may never even know why, without employing customer service as a guide.

A paradigm shift is needed to use customer service as a tool to delight your buyers and turn them into steadfast supporters. In customer delight, the key is to exceed expectations; mere satisfaction is not enough.

Our Course on How to Delight Customers starts with an activity that aims to inculcate positivity and empathy.

The idea is to transform the customer journey from attraction, and engagement to delight.

On downloading the module, we hand-hold you through the journey of ensuring that delighting customers becomes your additional key competency.

Ensuring customer delight provides businesses the benefit of word-of-mouth promotion, something of a rarity these days.

Our course includes training material and offers Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) we well to monitor your progress.

Template 8: Customer Service Team Review

Customer Service Team Review

Download Customer Service Team Review PowerPoint Presentation

Showcase the critical aspects of improving client service by employing this content-ready customer service PowerPoint complete deck. The customer service training process for ensuring better retention, customer satisfaction, and loyalty can be efficiently discussed by introducing this attractive PowerPoint layout. Using this PPT, give a detailed overview of your customer care team about the key performance indicators, customer satisfaction score, team performance comparison, first response time, etc. 

Template 9: Customer Service for Middle and Top Management

25 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates For Success in Business

Customer service is today, such an important part of the business that it sees frequent reviews from the middle and top management.

Our Course on Customer Service for Middle and Top management is future-ready material. A download benefits the corner-room occupants in not having to reinvent the wheel. They can just dip into our content as and when needed. For instance, sizing up the customer service team on the seven key skills we enlist and then preparing a list to fill gaps in training if any.

To make the CEO’s job easier, the module lists out questions that he/she should be asking. We dig deep into customer satisfaction, customer retention, and lifetime value to ensure ‘Customer Happiness’.

We also list out the KPIs that need monitoring. Our course advocates that businesses must immediately ACT upon customer feedback. Then, it is mission-critical to put the feedback in a format, where you gain insights into customer behavior.

Our module includes two templates illustrating these, which are Customer Effort Score and Customer Satisfaction Surveys .

Before we end, we shift our lens to Digital Customer Service (DCS), the new-age tool that is allowing businesses to aim for real-time resolution of customer woes.

Template 10: Customer Service Strategy Steps and Procedure

Customer Service Strategy Steps

Download Customer Service Strategy Steps And Procedures PowerPoint Presentation 

Employ customer service PowerPoint template to help employees understand the importance of client satisfaction to boost business. This ready to use customer service PowerPoint complete presentation comprises of 16 templates to explain customer service steps, customer service procedure, customer service process improvement, etc. Our customer centricity PowerPoint theme can be of great use to discuss the strategies with your employees to enhance the customer experience. Accelerate the growth of revenue by retaining customers and generating leads by the strategies described in our striking PPT background.

Template 11: Customer Success PPT Presentation

Customer Success

Download Customer Success PowerPoint Presentation

Achieve business goals and targets by impressing your clients with our attention-grabbing customer service PowerPoint template. With the assistance of this striking PPT complete deck, the management can elaborate on customer acquisitions, retention, churn rate, brand promotions, etc.  Companies can list all the vital components of a successful customer success strategy by incorporating this professionally designed client satisfaction PowerPoint presentation. Promote your brand image by downloading customer success PPT layout and portraying their vision of client service.

Template 12: Service Excellence

Service Excellence

Download Service Excellence PowerPoint Presentation

Present your client service programs by including our service excellence PowerPoint template to your meetings. Win clients in an extremely competitive environment using our customer-centric PowerPoint complete deck by outlining the services your enterprise offers. You can highlight the key steps, roadmap, and statistics to showcase the progress of your customer retention with our template. Download this customer service PowerPoint theme to elaborate on excellence steps like respect, validate, inspire, cultivate, and engage. 

Template 13: Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management

Download Customer Relationship Management PowerPoint Presentation

Employ our customer relationship management PowerPoint template to establish good relations with customers at all points during the customer lifecycle. This customer care PowerPoint complete deck is included with slides on customer initiatives, customer perceived value, and emphasis on better user experience. By utilizing this pre-designed PPT layout. You can discuss the CRM model, lifecycle management, CRM stages, E-CRM process, current lead status, lead and deal acquisition by effectively communicating the data with our template. 

Template 14: Customer Satisfaction Survey Feedback

Customer Satisfaction Survey Feedback

Download Customer Satisfaction Survey Feedback PowerPoint Presentation

Feedback gives an insight into the customer experience hence plays a significant role which can be discussed with the client service PowerPoint template. Customer satisfaction indicators can be efficiently elaborated in our striking PowerPoint layout. The parameters on which customer satisfaction depends can be addressed with our attention-grabbing PPT layout. You can also describe the process of feedback by utilizing this customer service PPT background.

Template 15: Internal Customer Services

Internal Customer Services

Download Internal Customer Services PowerPoint Presentation

Internal customer services of enterprise can be described to your audience with the assistance of our client satisfaction PowerPoint template. Utilizing our professionally designed consumer services PowerPoint complete deck you can clearly state the responsibilities and expectations by the customer service team. The methods of improving customer interaction can also be discussed by incorporating this striking PowerPoint theme. 

Template 16: Customer Relationship Management Strategies

Customer Relationship Management Strategies

Download Customer Relationship Management Powerpoint Presentation

Strengthen the relationship between user and company by utilizing our pre-designed customer PowerPoint template. Comprising of 70 slides, with the help of our consumer-centric PowerPoint complete deck, you can effectively state the CRM model and customer lifecycle management. Customer retention economics can be described to the employees to formulate the strategy by utilizing this customer service PPT theme. By incorporating this detailed consumer PPT layout, CRM capabilities can be highlighted to portray the efficiency of the enterprise.

Template 17: Customer Service Review

Customer Service Review

Download Customer Service Review PowerPoint Presentation

Enhance customer service experience by incorporating our content-ready PowerPoint template. By utilizing our customer service review PowerPoint complete deck, you can motivate your employees to improve customer service skills. The customer service model and the factors involved to strengthen the relationship with the customer can be highlighted with the help of this striking consumer service PowerPoint theme. State the customer satisfaction goals your enterprise wishes to achieve to accelerate the success of your business.

Template 18: Customer Insight

Customer Insight

Download Customer Insight PowerPoint Presentation 

Download our professionally designed content-ready customer insight PowerPoint template to collect the required information about the users. This customer service PowerPoint complete deck can efficiently describe the consumer insights and develop the consumer retention strategy accordingly. With the help of this ready-to-use customer care PowerPoint theme, you can showcase your data and findings in an attractive manner.

Template 19: Customer Satisfaction and Feedback Template

Customer Satisfaction

Download Customer Satisfaction And Feedback PowerPoint Presentation 

Have an impactful brand image by incorporating our professionally designed customer service PowerPoint template. Highlight your enterprise’s dominance in the market by incorporating our detailed consumer insights PowerPoint complete deck. Showcase the key metrics determining the factors using the graphs and charts included in our content-ready customer-centric PowerPoint background.

Template 20: Service Management Template

Service Management

Download Service Management PowerPoint Presentation

Showcase the metrics of customer satisfaction by introducing this attention-grabbing consumer service PowerPoint template. You can discuss the six principles of service excellence by employing our professionally designed customer care PowerPoint complete deck. You can efficiently describe the roadmap towards sales due to customer service excellence with the help of this pre-designed PowerPoint theme. 

Template 21: Customer Acquisition Plan

Customer Acquisition Plan

Download Customer Acquisition Plan PowerPoint Presentation 

Showcase the strategy of acquiring new clients and retaining existing ones by incorporating our eye-catchy customer service PowerPoint template. Utilize our professionally designed PPT complete deck to highlight the marketing and sales checklist to track the customer inclination and interests. Download this extensively researched content ready consumer-oriented PowerPoint presentation to discuss the methodologies of improving skills of the customer service team.

Template 22: Retaining Customer and Loyalty

Retaining Customer And Loyalty

Download Retaining Customer And Loyalty PowerPoint Presentation

Establish a firm ground of your organization by incorporating our ready to use customer service PowerPoint template. Discuss the services offered by your company to attract clients in an efficient manner by employing this striking consumer-oriented PowerPoint complete deck. You can highlight the benefits given to loyal customers and the consumer loyalty life cycle in detail by using this PPT layout. Customer Service Templates can be employed for brainstorming sessions.

Template 23: Customer Service Strategy

Customer Service Strategy Operations

Download Customer Service Strategy Operations PowerPoint Template

Showcase the various factors of customer service strategy with the assistance of this attractive PowerPoint template. The aesthetics of this content ready PowerPoint layout instantly grabs the attention of its audience. Download our customer service PowerPoint background to elaborate on the structure, role, and responsibilities of the client care assistance team.

Template 24: Customer Service Quality

Customer Service Solution

Download Customer Service Solution PowerPoint Template

Showcase the significance of an outstanding customer service team by using this striking PowerPoint template. Highlight the stepwise procedure of customer service by downloading our pre-designed PowerPoint theme. You can discuss the effectiveness of each step in a detailed manner by incorporating our customer care PPT theme. Customer Service Templates are customizable and perfect for office use.

Template 25: Customer Service Capabilities

Customer Service Capabilities

Download Customer Service Capabilities PowerPoint Template

The customer service team of an organization has a lot of responsibility as they make direct contact with customers and can understand their concerns. Showcase the outstanding capabilities of the customer service workforce and acknowledge their contribution to increasing the revenue by downloading our infographic consumer PowerPoint theme. Recruitment agencies can utilize this striking customer care PPT background to state the eligibility criteria of the candidate.

Template 26: Customer Service Trends

Trends Shaping Customer Service

Download Trends Shaping Customer Service PowerPoint Template

Describe the fundamentals of a good customer service team by employing this content ready PowerPoint template. Our professionals have designed this consumer-oriented PowerPoint layout after extensive research so that you don't have to start from scratch. HR of the company can make use of our handy customer service PPT background to explain the role of the skilled customer care team to the new joiners by employing this template. Customer Service Templates are important for induction sessions.

Template 27: Customer Service Icon

Customer Service Icon

Download Customer Service Icon PowerPoint Template

This attractive customer service PowerPoint template can be used for highlighting the significance of a dedicated consumer assistance team in the organization. You can also download this attractive PPT background to display the outstanding employees and acknowledge the efforts in increasing the sales. Showcase the strengths of the consumer service department of your enterprise by listing the targets achieved by them.

Template 28: Customer Service Business Model

Customer Service Business Model

Download Customer Service Business Model PowerPoint Template 

Give a detailed description of the customer service strategy of your organization by incorporating our pre-designed PowerPoint template. Showcase the model and the key role customer satisfaction plays in their retention by utilizing our content ready customer-oriented PowerPoint layout. Managers can employ this attractive PowerPoint layout to effectively explain the customer service business model to its juniors.

Template 29: Customer Service Retention

Customer Service Retention

Download Customer Service Retention And Satisfaction Dashboard PowerPoint Template

Introduce this infographic customer service PowerPoint template to highlight the different factors of client satisfaction. With this eye-catchy customer retention PowerPoint theme, you can impress your viewers by providing all the essential information in a precise manner.  Employ this client study PowerPoint background to discuss the statistics gathered to study customer interests and make the strategy accordingly. Customer Service Templates are easy to download and use.

Template 30: Digital Experience

Digital Experience

Download Digital Experience PowerPoint Template 

A good customer experience ensures the retention of the client which can be elaborated by utilizing this attractive PowerPoint template. Highlight the different aspects of customer service such as marketing, IT management, human resources, and other operations and discuss their roles by employing this pre-designed PPT layout.

Having the client's best interest at heart builds a strong positive relationship that is directly related to business success. Set yourself apart from the rest and establish a praiseworthy business by investing in an exemplary customer service team. 

“The goal of a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary.” – Sam Walton

Cultivate a loyal customer base with these content ready 25 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates and move forward in becoming iconic in the business world.

FAQs on Customer Service

What is good customer service.

Good customer service is an approach to serving customers that involves providing prompt, courteous, and effective assistance to meet their needs and resolve their concerns. Here are some key elements of good customer service:

Responsiveness: Good customer service is responsive to customers' needs and concerns. Representatives should be available to assist customers promptly and provide timely responses to their inquiries and complaints.

Empathy : Customer service representatives should understand and empathize with customers' frustrations and concerns. This involves actively listening to customers and showing understanding and compassion towards their situation.

Clarity: There should be clear communication with customers. Representatives should use language that is easy to understand and avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse customers.

Knowledge : Representatives should have a good understanding of the company's products and services, as well as policies and procedures. They should be able to answer customers' questions and provide relevant information to assist them.

Problem-solving: Solve customers' problems effectively. Representatives should be trained in problem-solving techniques and empowered to make decisions that will resolve customers' issues.

Follow-up: After a customer's issue has been resolved, follow up with the customer to ensure that they are satisfied with the resolution and to see if there is anything else they need assistance with.

Personalization: Treat customers as individuals and not just as numbers. Representatives should personalize their interactions with customers based on their specific needs and preferences.

What are 3 qualities of good customer service?

There are many qualities that contribute to good customer service, but three unique ones are:

Proactivity: A good customer service representative doesn't just wait for the customer to reach out with a problem or concern, but takes proactive steps to anticipate and prevent issues before they arise. This could involve following up with the customer after a purchase, providing helpful tips or resources, or simply being available to answer questions and provide assistance.

Flexibility: An ideal customer service should be able to adapt to each customer's unique needs and preferences. This means being flexible in terms of communication methods, problem-solving approaches, and even product or service offerings. A willingness to be flexible and accommodating can go a long way in building strong customer relationships and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Personalization: A good customer service representative should connect with customers on a personal level and provide a personalized experience. This could involve using the customer's name, referencing their past interactions with the business, or simply showing genuine interest and concern for their needs and preferences. By providing a personalized experience, you can create a more meaningful and lasting relationship with the customer.

What are the basic customer service?

Basic customer service involves providing timely and professional assistance to customers, whether it's in-person, over the phone, or online. This includes having good communication skills and being knowledgeable about the products or services being provided. Effective problem-solving skills are also important, as customer service representatives should be able to identify and address any issues or concerns the customer may have. Providing good customer service requires a commitment to putting the customer first and ensuring they have a positive experience with your business. By providing basic customer service, you can build trust and loyalty with your customers and establish a reputation for quality service.

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Products and Services

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Cisco Security

Master your goals. innovate. we'll tackle threats..

Get powerful security across all your networks, cloud, endpoints, and email to protect everything that matters, from anywhere.

If it's connected, you're protected

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Cisco Security “The Hacker”

More connected users and devices creates more complexity. Cisco Security Cloud makes security easier for IT and safer for everyone anywhere security meets the network.

Deliver smarter, stronger security

Protect your organization across a multicloud environment, while simplifying security operations, improving scalability, and driving data-informed outcomes, powered by Cisco Talos.

Unlock better user experiences

Create a seamless experience that frustrates attackers, not users, by granting access from any device, anywhere, and adding more proactive security controls.

Deliver cost-effective defenses

Improve ROI by consolidating vendors, reducing complexity and integrating your security.

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Unified, end-to-end protection maximizes value, minimizes risk, and closes security gaps everywhere to defend against evolving threats. Protect access, apps, and innovation across your network to secure your future.

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Cisco Secure Firewall

Better visibility and actionable insights across networks, clouds, endpoints, and email allows users to respond confidently to the most sophisticated threats at machine scale.

Featured security products

Cisco hypershield.

A new groundbreaking security architecture that makes hyperscaler technology accessible to enterprises of all sizes and delivers AI-native security for modern data centers and cloud.

Cisco Secure Access (SSE)

A converged cybersecurity solution, grounded in zero trust, that radically reduces risk and delights both end users and IT staff by safely connecting anything to anywhere.

Detect the most sophisticated threats sooner across all vectors and prioritize by impact for faster responses.

Cisco Multicloud Defense

Gain multidirectional protection across clouds to stop inbound attacks, data exfiltration, and lateral movement.

Secure applications and enable frictionless access with strong MFA and more. Establish user and device trust, gain visibility into devices, and enable secure access to all apps.

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Simplify highly secure network access control with software-defined access and automation.

Security Suites delivered by Cisco Security Cloud

User Protection Suite

Cisco User Protection Suite

Get secure access to any application, on any device, from anywhere. Defend against threats targeting users and deliver seamless access for hybrid work.

Cloud Protection Suite

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Secure your apps and data with a powerful, flexible framework for a hybrid and multicloud world.

Breach Protection Suite

Cisco Breach Protection Suite

Secure your business by investigating, prioritizing, and resolving incidents through unified defense and contextual insights from data-backed, AI-powered security.

Customer stories and insights

Global partnerships fight to end child exploitation together.

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"Marriott has long championed human rights and human trafficking awareness. Combating CSAM is an important extension of that work. The IWF provided the level of rigor we needed in a URL list, and Cisco's security technology provided the means to easily apply it."

Abbe Horswill, Director, Human Rights and Social Impact

Company: Marriott International

The NFL relies on Cisco

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Let the experts secure your business

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Sharpen your security insights

Cisco Cybersecurity Viewpoints

Set your vision to a more secure future with Cisco Cybersecurity Viewpoints. With specialized content from podcasts to industry news, you'll walk away with a deeper understanding of the trends, research, and topics in our rapidly changing world.


  1. 20 of the Best (& Funny) Customer Service Training Videos Online

    Learn more about some of the best free online customer service training videos.

  2. 14 Stunning Customer Service Videos to Motivate and Inspire

    Ideal for use as one of your company's customer service training videos, this quick presentation from HubSpot runs through seven essential skills every customer service rep should master.

  3. 7 Examples of Best Customer Service Training Videos

    Discover 7 best-in-class customer service training videos, chosen for their exceptional teaching methods and impact.

  4. 12 Best Customer Service Training Videos for Valuable Insights

    Riverside is a video creation platform you can use for seamlessly making customer service training videos! Our platform provides studio-quality recording with up to 4K video resolution. You've got a teleprompter to keep track of a script, and a a presentation recorder to share your slides.

  5. 31 Best Customer Service Training Video Examples to Elevate Your Team's

    Broadcast2World can help take your customer service training to the next level by helping you harness the power of animated videos. You don't have to take our word for it. Let's look at thirty of the best examples of customer service training videos out there, and see what makes them so powerful and effective.


    PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch.

  7. 16 Great Customer Service Videos

    These 16 customer service videos will make you laugh, learn, and get inspired.

  8. 15 Customer Service Videos to Inspire, Educate, and Motivate

    Explore a list of the most current customer service videos, including TED talks, training tips, tutorials and CX thought leadership.

  9. 40+ Amazing Customer Service Training Ideas, Exercises & Topics

    Uncover the highest potential of your customer service team with these ideas, exercises, and topics for your next training program.

  10. Customer Support Training Videos: Strategies and Examples

    A customer support training video strategy will help you teach your team how to manage various customer service scenarios. This post outlines five ideas for customer service training, provides training template videos, and teaches you how to get started.

  11. Customer Service & Support Training: 45 Free Resources

    Get your newly-hired reps off on the right foot with these free customer service training materials.

  12. Customer Service PowerPoint Presentation: Everything You Need to Know

    Wondering what goes into a customer service presentation and how to make it effective? This guide covers everything you need to know, so check it out now!

  13. How to give great customer service: The L.A.S.T. method

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  14. Empathy in Customer Service

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  15. How A Customer Service Presentation Lead To Success In 2023

    Our Final Thoughts On Having A Presentation on Customer Service. A great customer service ppt deck comprises of relevant information, employee guidelines, product knowledge, and department specific slides. Creating slides that reach your employees and that enable them to succeed in their positions is vital for success.

  16. Customer Service Strategy PowerPoint

    Increase your loyal customer base and stay ahead of the competition with an effective customer service strategy. Our ready-made customer service strategy presentation template helps create a customer-oriented service strategy presentation that focuses on customer service and how to develop one.

  17. Customer Service Presentation Template

    Use this presentation template to share key statistics and findings of your customer service surveys.

  18. Customer Service Training PowerPoint Template

    For that reason, customer service agents should be in constant training to develop their empathy, assertiveness and other important skills. This PowerPoint template will help you present your customer service training, address the skills of a good customer service rep, and detail the best approach to resolve conflicts. About this template.

  19. The Ultimate Guide to Training for Customer Service & Support

    Customer service training is essential if you want to retain customers for the long term, reduce employee churn, and create a successful customer-centric company. But how do you begin training your reps to provide remarkable support?

  20. Customer Service Training Course

    Customer Service Training Course Presentation Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template Having a good customer service is essential and also shows how a company takes into account its customers, without which it would be nothing.

  21. Customer Service Online Training. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Elevate your team's customer service skills with our engaging, illustrated template designed specifically for business professionals looking to enhance their online training programs. This versatile template, perfect for both PowerPoint and Google Slides, offers a vibrant green color scheme that captures attention and facilitates learning.

  22. [Updated 2023] 30 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates For

    30 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates To Download. These templates will build on your team's strengths, supplementing them with skills needed to turn every consumer into a valuable customer. The 100% customizable nature of the templates provides you with the desired flexibility to edit your presentations.

  23. Cisco Security Products and Solutions

    Security solutions for networking, data center, cloud, and collaboration, powered by a unified platform with easy integration for third-party apps and solutions.