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Marketing Theses and Dissertations

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How Feeling Like a Minority Affects Preferences for Autonomous Digital Interfaces , Ye Seul Kim

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Spillover Effects in Product Customization , Samuel Babu Sekar

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External and Internal Factors of Sports Sponsorship Selling Cycles in North American Professional Sports , Dan Kaufmann

Increasing Personal and Product Influence Through Background Auditory and Visual Cues , Zhihao Yu

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

The Effects of Product Recalls on Competitors’ Market Value and Recalling Firm’s Reputation , Dong Liu

Corporate Brand Impact on Sales / Revenue Per Share , Brad A. Puckey

Competition in Upstream Humanitarian Supply Chain: Investigation of Food Banks , Iana Shaheen

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

How Digital versus Non-Digital Modes of Food Ordering Influence Menu Healthfulness Perceptions and Food Choices , Annika Abell

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Impact of Digital Marketing Decisions on Market Outcomes in Residential Real Estate , Denise Hunter Gravatt

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Hate is a Strong Word: The Influence of Hate-Acknowledging Advertising on Brand Outcomes , Lisa Monahan

The Effects of Loneliness on Consumers’ Digital Engagement with Social Media Ads , Yu Qin

Product Shadows and Ad Evaluations , Nazuk Sharma

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Understanding the Complexity of Product Returns Management: A Complex Adaptive Systems Theory Perspective , Jennifer Anne Espinosa

Branding Implications of Co-Created Social Responsibility , Alexander J. Kull

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

How You Categorize Influences How Helpful You Are: The Effect of Categorization Mindset on Consumers’ Social Decisions , Hsiao-Ching Kuo

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Taken for Granted or Taken with Gratitude? An Examination of the Differential Effects of Donations of Time and Money on Consumers' Evaluation of Corporate Philanthropy , Ryan Langan

Essays on Consumer's Psychological and Behavioral Responses toward Social Coupons , Chinintorn Nakhata

Muscling Consumers to Optimal Option Differentiation: The Influence of Incidental Muscular Sensations on Option Differentiation , Courtney Szocs

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Essays on Mental Accounting and Consumers' Decision Making , Ali Besharat

Perceived Firm Transparency: Scale and Model Development , Jennifer Dapko

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Antecedents and Consequences of Channel Alienation: An Empirical Investigation within Franchised Channels of Distribution , Ivan Lapuka

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

An Empirical Examination of the Dark Side of Relationship Marketing within a Business to Business Context , Brent L. Baker

Developing the Nomological Network of Perceived Corporate Affinity for Technology: A Three Essay Dissertation , David Earl Fleming

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Self-Directed Learning: Measures and Models for Salesperson Training and Development , Stefanie Leigh Boyer

Emotional Exhaustion and Its Role in Service Sabotage among Boundary Spanners , Diane R. Edmondson

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Essays on multiple identities and motivated consumption: Exploring the role of identity centrality on self-brand connections , Tracy R. Harmon

The impact of organizational climate variables of perceived organizational support, workplace isolation, and ethical climate on salesperson psychological and behavioral work outcomes , Robert J. Riggle

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

The Effect of Perceived Entitativity on Implicit Image Transfer in Multiple Sponsorships , FrancoÌ?is Anthony Carrillat

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Relationship Advertising: Investigating the Strategic Appeal of Intimacy (Disclosure) in Services Marketing , Andrea Diahann Gaye Scott

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dissertation marketing relationnel


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Cet article porte sur l'application des facteurs de réussite du marketing relationnel dans le domaine de l'assurance aux particuliers. Les auteurs mettent en relief le rôle important des relations entretenues par les compagnies d'assurance avec leurs partenaires (agents, courtiers, etc.) dans le cadre d'une telle démarche. Ils montrent que les principes du marketing relationnel peuvent doter une compagnie d'assurances d'un réel avantage concurrentiel. L'étude empirique est fondée sur un cas unique, celui de la filiale française du groupe allemand Allianz qui est le leader européen de l'assurance et des services financiers.

Mots-clés : Marketing relationnel, distribution, assurance.


This article concerns the application of key success factors of relationship marketing in the private parties' insurance sector. The authors emphasise the important role of relationships established by insurance companies with their partners (insurance agents, brokers, etc.) for such a policy. They show that relationship marketing principles can provide a real competitive advantage to insurance companies. The empirical study is based on a case-study of the French subsidiary of the German Allianz group, which is the European leader in the field of insurance and financial services.

Key words: Relationship marketing, distribution, insurance.

Le marketing relationnel constitue désormais une composante de la politique marketing de ombreuses entreprises. Dépassant une logique purement transactionnelle des échanges, le marketing relationnel se définit comme l'ensemble des efforts orchestrés par une entreprise pour construire et entretenir une relation durable avec ses clients. Il permet d'établir des relations privilégiées avec une clientèle sélectionnée en fonction de sa contribution potentielle au succès de l'entreprise (5, 1 1). Hetzel (9) analyse sa filiation avec d'une part la théorie des échanges développée par Bagozzi (2) et d'autre part le marketing industriel, tandis que Grönross (8) souligne sa filiation avec le marketing des services. Il a été montré que le marketing relationnel s'avérait plus efficace pour les offres de service que pour les produits (14). La souscription de contrats d'assurance constitue un champ d'étude particulièrement intéressant car les produits d'assurance couvrent des risques potentiels souvent complexes, avec des implications considérables liées à la pérennité du patrimoine tant professionnel que privé. En effet, les compagnies d'assurance sont amenées à gérer...

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, relationship marketing: the influence of consumer involvement on perceived service benefits.

Journal of Services Marketing

ISSN : 0887-6045

Article publication date: 1 October 2006

The purpose of this article is to empirically examine the influence of consumer involvement on perceived relational benefits across service types.


Based on Bowen's service typology, responses from patrons of fast‐food restaurants and hairdressers/stylists were used to assess the influence of consumer involvement on relationship marketing, specifically perceived service benefits and response behaviors.

Results indicate that highly involved consumers perceive greater relational benefits when engaged in a high contact, customized service (i.e. hairdressers/stylists) versus a more standardized, moderate contact service (i.e. fast‐food restaurant).

Research limitations/implications

Care should be taken when generalizing these findings to other service settings as this study only addressed two service types. Thus, an opportunity for future research could add moderate contact, non‐personalized services to determine if there are significant differences between the three service categories. Additionally, this study was based in the USA, thus cultural differences may influence perceived benefits of service firms selected.

Practical implications

The results of this study suggest that a service firm providing a more standardized service offering is better served by hiring and training competent and trustworthy employees than by adopting relational benefit programs. On the other hand, high contact customized service providers are encouraged to engage in relationship activities with highly involved consumers, specifically those related to confidence benefits.


This study confirms the recommendation that relationship marketing may be inappropriate for all service firms. More importantly, the level of consumer involvement with the service has a significant moderating effect on perceived relational benefits.

  • Relationship marketing
  • User interfaces
  • Services marketing

Kinard, B.R. and Capella, M.L. (2006), "Relationship marketing: the influence of consumer involvement on perceived service benefits", Journal of Services Marketing , Vol. 20 No. 6, pp. 359-368.

Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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Omsk is a major stop (and indeed, one of the best stops) on the Trans-Siberian Railway . This capital city is also the "terminus" for the Trans-Siberian Railway's South Ural branch.

Omsk Tsentralny Airport ( OMS   IATA ), serviced by flights from Moscow , Saint Petersburg , Krasnoyarsk , and Andijan , Uzbekistan .

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The next major stops on the Trans-Siberian Railway are Tyumen to the west and Novosibirsk to the east. The first major stop to the west along the South Ural Branch of the Trans-Siberian Railway is Petropavlovsk , Kazakhstan .

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Omsk Oblast

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This chapter presents history, economic statistics, and federal government directories of Omsk Oblast. Omsk Oblast is situated in the south of the Western Siberian Plain on the middle reaches of the Irtysh river. Kazakhstan lies to the south. Tyumen Oblast lies to the north-west, and Tomsk Oblast and Novosibirsk Oblast lie to the east. The city of Omsk was founded as a fortress in 1716. In 1918 it became the seat of Adm. Aleksandr Kolchak's 'white' 'All-Russian Government'. Omsk fell to the Bolsheviks in 1919, and Kolchak 'abdicated' in January 1920. In 2015 Omsk Oblast's gross regional product (GRP) amounted to 617,184m. roubles, equivalent to 311,973 roubles per head. The Oblast's soil is the fertile black earth characteristic of the region. Its agriculture consists mainly of animal husbandry, hunting and the production of grain. The sector employed 14.6% of the workforce and contributed 9.6% of GRP in 2015.

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