
Essay on Effective Communication Skills For Professional Growth

Students are often asked to write an essay on Effective Communication Skills For Professional Growth in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Effective Communication Skills For Professional Growth

The importance of communication skills.

Communication skills are crucial for professional growth. They help in sharing ideas, understanding others, and making effective decisions. Good communication leads to better teamwork and positive work relationships, paving the way for career success.

Types of Communication Skills

There are two main types of communication skills: verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication involves words, while non-verbal includes body language, facial expressions, and gestures. Both are needed for effective communication.

Improving Communication Skills

Improving communication skills involves listening carefully, speaking clearly, and respecting others’ views. Regular practice, feedback, and self-awareness are key to developing these skills.

Impact on Professional Growth

Effective communication skills can greatly impact professional growth. They can lead to stronger work relationships, increased productivity, and better job opportunities. Hence, they are essential for a successful career.

250 Words Essay on Effective Communication Skills For Professional Growth

What is effective communication, why is effective communication important.

Effective communication is vital in the professional world. It helps to build trust, foster understanding, and promote teamwork. When people communicate well, they work better together. They can solve problems more easily and reach their goals more quickly.

Effective Communication and Professional Growth

For professional growth, effective communication is key. It can help you to make a good impression, build strong relationships, and succeed in your career. When you communicate effectively, you show that you are a competent, confident, and reliable professional. This can lead to more opportunities for advancement and success in your career.

Ways to Improve Communication Skills

Improving your communication skills can be done in many ways. You can practice active listening, which means paying full attention to the person who is speaking and trying to understand their point of view. You can also work on your speaking skills, making sure to speak clearly and respectfully. Another way is to improve your writing skills, as written communication is also very important in the professional world.

In conclusion, effective communication is a vital skill for professional growth. It helps to build trust, foster understanding, and promote teamwork. By improving your communication skills, you can become a more effective and successful professional.

500 Words Essay on Effective Communication Skills For Professional Growth

Communication is like a bridge that connects people. It is the way we share our thoughts, ideas, and feelings with others. In a professional environment, good communication skills are not just useful, but necessary. They help us to work well with others, solve problems, and lead teams.

Verbal Communication Skills

Verbal communication is key in the professional world. It helps us to share our ideas clearly and effectively. Good verbal communication means we can explain complex ideas in a simple way. It also means we can persuade others, give and receive feedback, and resolve conflicts.

Non-Verbal Communication Skills

Non-verbal communication is just as important. It helps us to understand others’ feelings and intentions. For example, if someone is crossing their arms and avoiding eye contact, they might be upset or uncomfortable. Good non-verbal communication helps us to build trust and respect with others.

1. Listen Well: Good communication starts with good listening. Pay attention to what others are saying, and show them that you understand.

2. Be Clear and Concise: Keep your messages simple and to the point. This will help others to understand you.

4. Practice: Like any other skill, communication improves with practice. Look for opportunities to practice your skills, like in group projects or presentations.

Communication Skills and Professional Growth

Good communication skills can help us to grow professionally. They can make us more effective in our roles, and open up new opportunities. For example, a good communicator can lead a team, manage a project, or build strong relationships with clients. They can also navigate difficult situations, like conflicts or misunderstandings, with grace and confidence.

In conclusion, effective communication skills are crucial for professional growth. They help us to work well with others, express our ideas clearly, and lead with empathy. By improving our communication skills, we can become more successful in our careers.

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How Communication Skills Help In Career Development

What are communication skills.

  • Verbal communication: The use of words to convey messages, whether in person or through digital means.
  • Non-verbal communication: Includes body language, gestures, and facial expressions that complement verbal communication
  • Written communication: The art of communicating by writing, spanning from emails and reports to texts and social media posts.
  • Visual communication: The strategic use of images, graphs, charts, and other visual elements to share information.

essay about improving communication skills towards professional career development

Why are communication skills important?

  • Building strong relationships: Proficient communicators excel in building and nurturing robust professional relationships, fostering collaboration and mutual understanding.
  • Enhancing professional image: Great communication skills elevate how individuals are perceived within their professional circles, positioning them as reliable and competent professionals.
  • Cultivating reliability: Consistent and transparent communication instils trust and reliability, essential qualities for fostering successful partnerships and collaborations.
  • Driving engagement: Communicating effectively engages and influences the audience, amplifying their leadership potential and impact within the organisation.
  • Enhancing performance: Clear and impactful communication enhances the effectiveness of presentations, pitches, and interactions, leading to improved outcomes and results.
  • Increasing collaboration: Successful teamwork hinges on clear communication, enabling seamless coordination, idea exchange, and collective problem-solving.

Understanding the importance of communication is just the first step. As we transition from the 'why' to the 'how', let's explore how to apply these skills effectively to catalyse career advancement.

How communication skills help in career development?

  • Building Professional Networks: Effective communicators excel in establishing and nurturing robust professional networks, creating pathways for new opportunities and collaborations.
  • Enhancing Leadership Capabilities: Enhanced communication skills are integral to effective leadership, enabling individuals to inspire, motivate, and influence others towards shared goals and objectives.
  • Securing Stakeholder Support: Clear and persuasive communication is essential for securing buy-in from stakeholders, ensuring alignment, cooperation, and successful project outcomes.
  • Driving Collaborative Success: Proficient communicators excel in fostering collaboration, aligning diverse teams, and facilitating open dialogue, leading to enhanced collective performance and outcomes.
  • Elevating Presentation Skills: Exceptional presentation skills enable professionals to convey ideas persuasively, captivate audiences, and differentiate themselves in competitive environments.

essay about improving communication skills towards professional career development

How to improve communication skills?

  • Active listening: Active listening involves giving full attention to the speaker, understanding their perspective, and responding appropriately. It demonstrates empathy, builds trust, and fosters meaningful connections by showing genuine interest in what others have to say.
  • Public speaking: Engaging in public speaking opportunities helps build confidence, refine verbal communication skills, and enhance the ability to articulate ideas effectively. It boosts self-assurance, improves clarity of expression, and enhances overall communication effectiveness.
  • Seek feedback: Soliciting constructive feedback on your communication style allows you to identify areas for improvement and refine your skills. Feedback provides valuable insights, highlights blind spots, and guides you towards enhancing your communication proficiency.
  • Adaptive Communication: Learning to tailor your communication style to different audiences, utilising visual aids strategically, and conveying messages with clarity and impact ensures effective communication across diverse contexts. Adapting communication to suit specific audiences enhances understanding and engagement.
  • Emotional intelligence: Developing emotional intelligence enables you to navigate diverse emotional contexts, respond appropriately, and build rapport with colleagues and stakeholders. It enhances interpersonal relationships, fosters empathy, and promotes effective communication in challenging situations.
  • Clarity and conciseness: Avoiding jargon and complex language while prioritising clarity and conciseness in communication ensures messages are understood effectively. Clear and concise communication minimises misunderstandings, enhances engagement, and facilitates efficient information exchange.
  • Professional development: Enrolling in courses that offer structured training in communication provides tools, techniques, and insights to enhance communication skills systematically. Professional development opportunities enhance communication proficiency, broaden skill sets, and empower individuals to excel in diverse professional environments.

By incorporating these strategies into your professional development plan and committing to continuous growth and improvement, you can elevate your communication skills, amplify your impact, and unlock new opportunities for career advancement and success.

essay about improving communication skills towards professional career development

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Essay on Effective Communication Skills are Catalyst for Professional Growth

Communication is the cornerstone of success in the professional realm. The ability to convey ideas, express thoughts, and connect with others is an invaluable skill set that acts as a catalyst for professional growth. In this essay, we explore the significance of effective communication skills in the workplace and how they contribute to an individual’s advancement in their career.

Clear Articulation of Ideas: One of the primary benefits of possessing effective communication skills is the ability to articulate ideas clearly and concisely. Professionals who can express their thoughts in a coherent manner are more likely to be understood by their colleagues, superiors, and clients. Clear communication ensures that everyone involved in a project or task is on the same page, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings and errors.

Building Strong Interpersonal Relationships: Effective communication fosters strong interpersonal relationships, a crucial component of success in any professional setting. Individuals who can communicate well with their peers and superiors create a positive and collaborative work environment. Strong relationships are the foundation for successful teamwork, cooperation, and a harmonious workplace culture. The ability to listen actively and express oneself with empathy enhances interpersonal connections and establishes a conducive atmosphere for professional growth.

Conflict Resolution and Problem Solving: In the dynamic landscape of the professional world, conflicts and challenges are inevitable. Effective communication skills empower individuals to navigate through conflicts efficiently. The capacity to communicate diplomatically, negotiate, and find mutually beneficial solutions is highly prized. Professionals who can address and resolve issues amicably contribute not only to their own growth but also to the overall productivity and harmony within the workplace.

Enhanced Leadership Abilities: Leadership and effective communication go hand in hand. A successful leader must be able to communicate a vision, goals, and expectations clearly to their team. Leaders with strong communication skills inspire trust, convey confidence, and provide direction. Whether leading a project, team, or an entire organization, the ability to communicate effectively is a defining characteristic of successful leadership. Aspiring leaders can significantly accelerate their professional growth by honing their communication skills.

Career Advancement and Professional Image: In the competitive landscape of the professional world, individuals with exceptional communication skills often stand out. Effective communicators are more likely to be considered for leadership roles, promotions, and career advancement opportunities. Beyond technical expertise, employers value individuals who can represent the organization well, both internally and externally. A polished professional image, cultivated through effective communication, opens doors to new opportunities and career milestones.

Conclusion: In conclusion, effective communication skills are not just a desirable trait but a fundamental catalyst for professional growth. Individuals who invest time and effort in developing their ability to communicate clearly, empathetically, and persuasively position themselves for success in their careers. Whether aiming for leadership roles, striving for career advancement, or simply aiming to foster a positive work environment, honing communication skills is an investment that pays substantial dividends in the journey of professional growth. As the professional landscape continues to evolve, those with the prowess of effective communication will find themselves not only surviving but thriving in the dynamic and competitive world of work.

Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar is a passionate educator, writer, and subject matter expert in the field of education and professional development. As an author on CoursesXpert, Rahul Kumar’s articles cover a wide range of topics, from various courses, educational and career guidance.

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essay about improving communication skills towards professional career development

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Why Is Effective Communication Important to Career Success?

November 15, 2023

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Two co-workers shake hands during a meeting.

Effective professional communication is about conveying important information from one source to another. If that information is communicated clearly and effectively, businesses are more likely to run efficiently.

An advanced degree such as a Master of Communication Management (MCM) can help business leaders foster an environment driven by effective communication and a workforce that works toward common goals . While this skill can take effort to develop, the benefits are apparent across every industry.

Why Communication Skills Are Vital to Career Success

Nearly every job posting contains the words “strong communication skills” or “effective communication skills.” Good communication improves clarity in the exchange of concepts, knowledge, and ideas while reducing ambiguity or misunderstanding. This can affect businesses in a number of ways. For example, knowing how to communicate in the right manner to the right audience in a company can help create a more cohesive workforce. Communicating honestly and transparently can also foster a sense of trust and positivity, which increases work satisfaction and improves morale. Additionally, creating a culture of strong communication can help improve the exchange of ideas, potentially leading to increased creativity and innovation.

Effective communication is important to career success because leaders who build a culture of positive communication can help a business reach its goals with greater efficiency, produce satisfied workers and improve brand identity — all of which can translate to their own success.

Communicating With C-Level Professionals

In any position, a professional may find themselves in a position that requires communication with members of the C-suite. Although each C-level executive may have a preferred method of communication, knowing how to connect with someone in this role is vital to success. For some, the thought of presenting to or even chatting with the CEO, chief financial officer (CFO), chief operating officer (COO), chief information officer (CIO), chief technology officer (CTO) or chief marketing officer (CMO) is overwhelming. However, being able to effectively and comfortably communicate with these high-level executives can help individuals build trust in the C-suite, something that could lead to career advancement and success.

Learning effective communication skills can extend to communicating with C-level executives. Students in the online masters in Communication Management can gain the knowledge and tools to identify better communication strategies to apply to their audiences. For example, speaking to the CEO of a company should involve a different approach than speaking to an employee in that same company. A C-level professional likely has a lot less time to devote to a lengthy email, conversation or presentation, so conciseness is key.

Speaking the language of an executive is another facet of good communication that is important to business success. C-level professionals tend to focus on the bottom line, the potential for growth in the company, the metrics used to measure business progress and the goals, rather than the smaller picture. Speaking in terms of metrics and goals is a skill that can help a professional get the green light on a project they are working on when seeking approval from the executive team.

Mitigating Conflict

Good communication skills can also help professionals mitigate conflict in their careers. Every workplace will have some type of tension or conflict at some point, and these issues are nearly always traced to poor communication. If someone feels misunderstood, conflict tends to bubble up beneath the surface. In any type of management or leadership role, having the ability to communicate effectively, get to the root of the issue and resolve conflicts is extremely important.

Creating an environment that reduces conflict can have a positive impact that goes beyond internal issues. By nurturing an effective communication culture, leaders can help others cultivate communication skills that can be applied to diffuse potential external conflicts. For instance, a customer service team trained to deliver positive communication even in difficult situations can help de-escalate short-term conflicts. In the long term, this can help to build a stronger sense of customer loyalty.

Identifying and Building Specific Communication Expertise

Learning to communicate effectively is more than just knowing how to convey a message. Professionals must understand how to listen and respond to their audience, as well as communicate with respect in all situations. Cultivating these skills can help others be more receptive. In business, this can lead to being more accepting of new ideas that can in turn lead to innovative thinking and creative problem-solving.

In the online MCM program through the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, students have access to a world-class educational experience that can help them make their voices heard. This program applies data-driven strategies and real-world applications to help students gain experience in specific areas of communication. Students can learn how to balance the science and art of communication that can help them gain an edge in a competitive job market.

This higher education program helps students gain versatile skills like creative thinking and analytical processing, as well as the ability to convey a message in a manner that is effective and easy to understand. Those in the program may be looking to advance their careers, or they may be just starting out in the professional world and find it difficult to get ahead without effective communication skills.

Implementing a Communication Plan

Communication is more than just discussing day-to-day business processes. Communication should be incorporated into the company culture. When employees at a company feel like they can share their feelings and receive effective communication, they are more likely to enjoy their work and feel like valued team members.

Implementing an open-door policy is a good start, but leaders must take a more active role. They can start by delivering messages in a clear, concise manner while listening to feedback from the team. Doing so can create a sense of community and collaboration. The coursework and focus of the online MCM program can help an individual understand the importance of a communication strategy that impacts every department and employee.

Communication and the Bottom Line

Ultimately, stakeholders and business leaders must see the value of effective communication in order to implement strategies and policies that will improve it. Those who study communication in a higher education program can learn how it impacts the bottom line. For example, internal communication can impact the productivity of employees. When employees do not know where to turn for support or the resources they need to do their jobs, productivity suffers, resulting in a loss for the company. On the other hand, effective internal communication gives employees access to the tools needed, boosting productivity.

The company can also react more quickly and effectively to changes and shifts in the marketplace or industry when the leaders are aware of those changes and how they impact the business. As a result, a company can achieve or retain a position as a market leader when its executive team members stay aware of any major shifts in its industry.

The Importance of Communication for Remote Teams

Remote, work from home and telecommuting employees are becoming more common in many businesses across the globe. This was accelerated due to the coronavirus pandemic, as COVID-19 forced businesses to adapt to lockdown orders. Research indicates that remote work will continue to be popular in a post-pandemic world. Because of this, communication becomes even more vital for those who may be disconnected from the company’s physical office or other employees. Offering employees the opportunity to work remotely can lessen the financial burden of maintaining a brick-and-mortar location, as well as provide a beneficial and appealing work atmosphere for a potential employee. However, it is easy for remote and virtual employees to be forgotten team members.

Studying communications can help professionals understand how to better keep their virtual employees in the loop, feeling like part of the team. Digital and video communication methods have grown in popularity as remote workers have become more commonplace, and these methods are covered in the coursework of the online MCM program from the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.

The curriculum mirrors the interconnectivity of online and in-person communication strategies, connecting research to real-world settings for more hands-on learning opportunities. It is also a group-based learning atmosphere, helping students learn to communicate effectively with one another as they dive into areas of strategy and theory that they may not have explored in the past.

Develop the Skills That Lead to Success

The online MCM program from the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism is designed to help students gain the skills they need to communicate more effectively and succeed in their chosen career paths. The benefits of the program include the opportunity to learn from faculty members with extensive experience in the communications industry and academia and the ability to connect with alumni across the globe. The program also ranks among the top in the nation in the QS World University Rankings.

The courses and real-life applications will explore current trends in communication, with a special emphasis on the importance of social media and digital communications. The program is meant to teach students how to think so that they can thrive in an analytics-driven and data-focused workplace. Businesses today need more than just strong communication plans. The leaders of successful companies need clear data that is driven by results and that shows how clients and employees perceive their businesses.

Theory is the foundation of the online MCM program, but it is not the destination. Through the study of a blend of theory and real-world situations, students can achieve a learning experience that goes beyond the textbook. They can study the objectives of communication, learning how to ask the right questions and what to do with the answers they receive. The importance of communication extends across every department, and students will take courses designed to help them learn how to speak and listen to managers, customers, stakeholders, the media and executives.

With an online MSC from the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, a professional may have more opportunities to design and implement effective strategies that will benefit every department of a business.

Recommended Readings

Crisis Communications: 2021 and Beyond

How Business Communication Rules Have Changed (And Stayed the Same)

13 Careers in Communication

Bizfluent, “The Importance of Communication in Customer Service”

Center for Management & Organization Effectiveness, “Team Leadership: Why Effective Team Communication Is So Important”

Entrepreneur , “How Effective Employee Communication Boosts Productivity”

Forbes , How to Promote Company Culture Through Your Internal Communications

Houston Chronicle , “Importance of Good Communication in Business”

Leadership Choice, “The Power of Good Communication in the Workplace”

McKinsey & Company, The Future of Work After COVID-19

Real Business, “Don’t Get Your Wires Crossed: Why Good Communication Is Key for Growing Businesses”

The Muse, “The Right (and Wrong) Reasons to Get a Master’s in Communications”

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Northeastern University Graduate Programs

12 Communication Skills That Will Advance Your Career

12 Communication Skills That Will Advance Your Career

Industry Advice Communications & Digital Media

No matter what position you hold or the industry in which you work, communication skills are crucial to your success in the workplace.

Every job requires human interaction—whether it’s with your supervisors and colleagues or with clients and customers. Developing strong communication skills can help facilitate these interactions with others, enabling you to perform your job more efficiently and productively.

Are you looking to improve your communication skills? Below, we discuss the importance of corporate communication skills and outline the most valuable skills that you should prioritize developing.

The importance of communication in the workplace

Communication is the fire that fuels the workplace engine. It is difficult to overstate just how important communication can be to a successful organization. 

Case in point: A recent study by Grammarly and The Harris Poll showed that businesses in the U.S. lose an estimated $1.2 trillion annually due to poor communication among employees. 

“In an era when artificial intelligence and other digital technologies are changing the way organizations operate, communication skills will become even more vital to strengthening relationships and promoting collaboration and adaptability,” says Carl Zangerl, faculty director for the communication and human resources management programs within Northeastern’s College of Professional Studies .

At all levels of an organization, communication is the key to maintaining strong working relationships. Open lines of communication build trust between employees, which can ultimately lead to increased productivity and a boost in morale.  

If an open flow of communication exists, where employees feel their voices are heard, they often feel better about themselves and the organization they work for. On the contrary, a lack of communication within an organization can produce an unmotivated and disgruntled workforce. Effective communication is critical to an organization’s success.

What is effective communication?

An effective communicator is one who is engaged, considerate, and really listens to the other person, taking the time to ask questions and respond accordingly. When they speak, they are clear, confident, and gracious in their interactions. 

Over the span of his career, Zangerl has seen firsthand how important it is to be an effective communicator. 

“Communication is one of the so-called ‘soft skills’ that employers tell us are essential for career advancement. During my own corporate career, I often noticed that the individuals who assumed leadership positions in even the most technical functional areas were the most effective communicators.”

Top 3 communication skills for workplace success

1. active listening.

Active listening involves paying close attention to what others are saying, and asking clarifying questions to demonstrate interest and understanding. This facilitates effective communication while simultaneously allowing us to show respect and build relationships with the other person with whom we are communicating.

“We tend to focus too much on delivering our messages and opinions, and too little on listening,” Zangerl says. “Understanding what others are trying to tell us—whether it’s face-to-face or via another medium—is the basis for shared action and collaboration.”

2. Awareness of communication styles 

There are four main communication styles you might encounter in the workplace, and Zangerl recommends that professionals be aware of all of them in order to facilitate effective communication.  

  • Passive: Passive communicators are quieter and don’t always express their true feelings. They can act indifferent or agreeable, depending on the situation, in order to keep the peace and not rock the boat.
  • Aggressive: Aggressive communicators are the opposite of passive communicators and often express their emotions freely without any consideration for others. They can be intimidating or abusive in their interactions with others.
  • Passive-aggressive: Passive-aggressive communicators strive to appear aloof, even when they are actually upset or annoyed. It is subtly evident that they are angry, but because they tend to avoid confrontation, it can be unclear what they are truly thinking.
  • Assertive: Assertive communicators are considerate and express themselves in a clear and direct manner. They are respectful in their interactions with others. 

“We know that there are a wide variety of communication styles, which can often result in misunderstandings,” Zangerl says. “This requires us to be aware of our own communication style and to carefully observe both the verbal and nonverbal of others. The ability to recognize our own style and be adaptable is so important in creating a sound foundation for mutual understanding.”

3. Persuasion

The ability to persuade others is very useful in the workplace, and employers value employees who demonstrate proficient persuasive skills because it can lead to increased productivity. The skill involves convincing others to complete a desired action or behave in a specific way, typically to achieve an end goal. 

“Communication is all about influencing the attitudes and behaviors of our audiences, both in the workplace and outside, with customers and other external stakeholders,” Zangerl says. “Translating the principles of persuasion into our messages increases the odds of achieving impact.”

Communicators with strong persuasion skills can “read“ the room and have a keen awareness of their audience. They are also friendly and charismatic, and can establish a rapport with whomever they are trying to persuade. Persuasive communicators make their offers or ideas tempting by presenting them in such a way that people believe they benefit from whatever it is that the persuader is convincing them to do.

Other persuasive skills include countering any objections and making modifications to their proposals, if necessary. If they can’t convince others completely, they will negotiate and try to reach common ground. They are able to do this by listening and catering to people’s interests.

Additional communication skills for success

While Zangerl notes that the three communication skills discussed above can have an outsized effect on your career’s trajectory, there are many others that you should practice and develop. 

4. Giving feedback

Communication is a two-way street, and strong communicators are able to provide and accept feedback. Good feedback offers answers to questions and solutions to problems. The goal of feedback is improvement or betterment.

5. Written communication

Written communication is just as important as verbal communication in the workplace. It is often the first communication you share with an employer, even before you are hired. You should always be clear and concise in your written communications. 

6. Confidence 

This is particularly important in the workplace because people are more likely to respond to your ideas and opinions if they are presented with confidence. Confidence can be demonstrated through eye contact, tone of voice, and good posture. It helps to be prepared when making a presentation or argument so that you don’t stumble over your words and can deliver your statements with poise.

7. Openness

It is best to approach workplace communications with an open mind. You should accept that you might not always agree with someone’s point of view, but try to be sympathetic to their perspective and always show respect. This way, you can disagree amicably, and avoid causing rifts that may affect future work. 

8. Presentations and public speaking

To communicate successfully when giving a speech or presentation, it is important to hook your audience immediately and try to garner their interest. Many effective communicators use notes to guide their presentations—just be sure to maintain regular eye contact with your audience to keep them engaged. 

With nerves, it’s easy to rush through your points quickly. Don’t forget to pace yourself. To be effective, project your voice and use visual aids if necessary. Lastly, you should end on a strong note to ensure that your entire presentation leaves a lasting impression.

Empathy involves a shared understanding of others’ emotions, which is critical when it comes to communicating at work. If you understand how or what someone is feeling, you can assess how to best communicate with them and choose the right approach.

10. Cross-cultural communication

In today’s global economy, it is important to acknowledge cultural diversity and try to transcend communication barriers. The best way to approach this is to be patient, respectful, and open to learning and understanding cultural differences.

Read More: How To Improve Cross-Cultural Communication in the Workplace

11. Digital communication

Digital communication involves all online communication for an organization. Proficiency in digital communication is becoming increasingly necessary in the workplace due to rapid changes in social media and digital devices. To be successful in digital communication, adopt a growth mindset, because you will have to continue learning to keep up to date with ever-evolving digital media. 

12. Conflict management 

Conflict management skills are hugely important in the workplace. Successful conflict management involves hearing all sides of a situation, being able to empathize, and resolving any issues. Usually, conflicts can be managed with compassion, patience, and some problem-solving. Taking ownership of one’s actions and being able to apologize is also key.

How to develop your communication skills

If you’re interested in developing your communication skills, Zangerl offers some advice. 

“An excellent way to fine-tune your communication skills is to be a keen observer of communication dynamics in your workplace,” he says. “Pay attention to communication practices that achieve results, as well as those that undermine collaboration and shared understanding. There are numerous skill-building resources available online, including LinkedIn Learning modules.”

Formal education can also be a very powerful tool in helping you improve your communication skills. For example, earning a master’s degree in communications offers professionals a number of career benefits , including increased job options, higher salary, job security, and more. 

“A graduate program in organizational communication enables you to see how all the pieces fit together, to view communication both strategically and tactically,” says Zangerl.

If you’re considering pursuing a graduate degree in communications, it’s important that you choose a program that will help you reach your personal and professional goals. Seek a program that will: 

  • Round out your existing skill set.
  • Offer experiential learning opportunities.
  • Allow you to learn from industry-sourced faculty who have actually worked in the field.
  • Connect you with a network of like-minded individuals.

Ready to take the next step toward your ideal career? Browse through the many communications programs offered at Northeastern, and get started choosing the degree, concentration, or certificate that’s right for you.

Editor’s note: This post originally appeared on Northeastern’s Communications Alumni Network Blog in December 2019. It has been updated here for relevance and accuracy. 

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Good communication skills in career

How Communication Skills Impact Career Success

There is no doubt that communication skills are an important part of an individual’s career success. Good communication can set you apart from other jobseekers; it can improve the effectiveness of your work; and it can empower you to make decisions and build relationships for greater career growth.

This article will examine how communication skills can affect career success on various levels, from personal competencies to networking opportunities and beyond. We will explore each topic in-depth, looking at its impact on your long-term professional goals.

Through discussion of research findings, practical tips, and real-life examples, the article will provide insight into how building strong communication skills can maximize success in your career.

The Importance of Communication Skills

Having strong communication skills is an essential asset in today’s professional world. Good communication skills are needed to effectively communicate within an organization, build personal relationships with others and get ahead in a career. People with good communication skills have the ability to rise to the top of their field while people with poor communication skills often fall short. Communication skills refer to the abilities and strategies used to exchange information with other people. Communication can take many forms, including verbal, nonverbal and written. Over time, research has shown that effective communication is an essential an essential workplace skill, for bosses, teachers, students and employees. For example, a 2018 study by OfficeVibe found that 81 percent of respondents ranked strong communication skills very important in job performance. Similarly, a study from the Institute for Corporate Productivity suggested that 88 percent of employers prefer candidates that possess good communication skills over those with lesser skills. Figures such as these show just how important it is to highlight communication skills on resumes, during interviews and throughout conversations in order to make an impression on potential employers. Having good communication skills means that one can communicate effectively, both verbally and nonverbally, in the workplace or any other setting. It also involves being able to understand the needs and views of other people. Good communication skills are important for many reasons, such as improving productivity, increasing morale and developing lasting and meaningful personal relationships. Effective communication in the workplace can lead to better collaboration as individuals can be on the same page and come to mutually beneficial conclusions quickly and shut down disagreements before they become conflicts.

Types of communication include verbal, nonverbal and written. Verbal communication relies on the spoken language to express thoughts and ideas, while nonverbal communication focuses on body language and eye contact. Written communication consists of emails, memos and reports. When practicing effective communication, all three types should be taken into consideration.

Benefits of having good communication skills include improved productivity, increased morale, improved collaboration, and fostering productive relationships. With good communication skills, employees are able to get their messages across more clearly and effectively. This can reduce frustration and improve the overall workflow in the workplace. Developing good communication skills also helps to boost the morale of employees who might otherwise be frustrated due to a lack of understanding between team members or supervisors. Effective communication can lead to better collaboration between colleagues, which can lead to improved outcomes in the workplace. Additionally, developing relationships based on trust and mutual understanding with both colleagues and customers, through effective communication, can significantly increase loyalty, satisfaction, and ultimately profitability.

There are, however, challenges associated with poor communication. Miscommunication is a common problem due to the wide variety of communication methods and styles that are used by different individuals. Poor communication skills can lead to misunderstandings, resulting in confusion and conflict. Furthermore, when employees realise their messages are not getting across successfully, it usually leads to low engagement and decreased motivation.

To improve communication skills and foster effective communication in the workplace, there are several areas to focus on. One should practice active communication skills involve listening well, provide constructive input, and accept critical feedback. Active listening requires paying attention to the speaker’s words and body language, often engaging in back-and-forth questioning. Other important tips to practice include speaking clearly and confidently, actively listening, initiating communication and highlighting your communication skills on a resume.

When looking for a job, it is essential to understand the value of communication. During the interview process, employers look for the key communication skills that the applicant has to offer. It is important to be prepared to demonstrate the right communication techniques and attitudes to demonstrate successes achieved in past positions.

To sum up, the need to understand and effectively use different forms of communication is becoming increasingly important in the modern world. Developing good communication skills will help increase effectiveness in the workplace and foster productive relationships, both professionally and personally. Employers look for people who are articulate and can communicate their thoughts in a clear and concise manner, making it a necessary communication skill for career success. Ultimately, being a good communicator sets people apart and makes them stand out in today’s competitive jobs market.

What are Communication Skills?

Communication skills refer to the strategies and abilities used to exchange information with other people. They go beyond simply talking, as communication entails all forms of interacting, from listening and asking questions to observing body language and recognizing facial expressions. Good communication skills benefit both you and others, as they enable individuals to negotiate effectively, receive and give critical feedback, collaborate on projects in person meetings, and participate in group decision making.

For example, according to a study conducted by Kevin Kermes at the College of Public Health and Human Sciences, 81% of respondents believe that strong communication skills are very important in job performance. Moreover, 88 percent of employers prefer candidates with good communication skills over those with weaker communication skills employers say, according to the Institute for Corporate Productivity. Evidently, communication skills play a vital role in finding and keeping the right job.

In the professional world, successful communication can involve digital communications such as email and social media messages, telephone conversations, interpersonal exchanges such as meetings, and more general public speaking engagements. No matter the situation, it is crucial to master each form of communication if you want to succeed professionally. Effectively communicating in each of these areas requires an individual to recognize their audience, adjust their tone and language accordingly, and refrain from using jargon that could make their message hard to comprehend.

How to Improve Your Communication Skills

While communication is a natural behavior, mastering effective communication takes practice. To develop strong communication skills in the workplace, individuals must learn to understand the seven components of effective communication. These components involve assertiveness, self-awareness, clarity, friendliness, politeness, active listening, and respect. From understanding the basics of effective workplace communication, individuals must learn to sharpen their communication techniques, be it verbal, nonverbal, or written. Those interested in a more in-depth exploration of communication strategies may reference specific courses and seminars designed to hone communication skills.

From verbal communication to written communication, every piece needs to be developed for it to be effective. To brush up on verbal communication, individuals should actively listen carefully and ask powerful questions. Similarly, communication via writing can be strengthened by focusing on grammar, spelling and generally following the rules of good business writing. Additionally, when it comes to nonverbal communication, good posture, eye contact and facial expressions all help to reinforce the message one wants to convey. Practicing active listening involves paying attention to both the words and the nonverbal cues of the person speaking, such as facial expressions, hand gestures, and body language. Observing these indicators can provide individuals with a sense of how engaged the other person is in the conversation and whether they are understanding the intended message.

Beyond what has already been discussed, accepting critical feedback, actively listening and thinking about the true implications of the conversations may also be useful. It is important to remember that communication goes beyond simply sharing your opinion; it is critical to be open to hearing other perspectives and incorporating them into an overall strategy. Indeed, looking to connect and communicating emotions stay on the same page as often as possible will create a more unified workplace and help foster productive relationships.

Being able to adjust communication style and tone depending on the situation is another essential communication skill tied well. Whether it is during a job interview or in a meeting, a person should be able to read the environment and to adjust their communication accordingly. This could mean responding to others with an appropriate level of emotion that resonates with the given audience.

By engaging in these practices, individuals can improve their communication skills and gain confidence when expressing themselves in a variety of settings. By understanding the fundamentals of communication and actively practicing, individuals can become better at receiving and giving information, which can also help bridge gaps in understanding among peers and collaborate more efficiently.

Overall, communication is a powerful tool and good communication skills are essential to success in any field. As such, individuals should take the time to consider their own communication strengths and weaknesses, consider what approaches they should take, and invest in building those competencies whenever necessary. Doing so can result in more meaningful improvements in both their personal life and career.

Types of Communication

Good communication skills are essential for success in the workplace. There are four broad categories of communication skills: verbal, non-verbal, digital and visual.

Verbal communication is the use of words to convey a message or idea. It can be used to express opinions, ask questions, give instructions and provide feedback. In a group setting or the workplace it is important to communicate clearly and effectively so that everyone understands what is being said.

Non-verbal communication involves body language such as facial expressions, gestures and posture which can help us understand others better. It can also be used to show respect or indicate agreement with someone’s ideas without having to say anything at all.

Digital communication refers to using technology such as emails, text messages or video conferencing tools like Skype or Zoom for remote employees who may not be able to meet face-to-face regularly. This type of communication method allows us to measure response times more accurately than traditional methods while still maintaining a personal connection with colleagues from afar.

Visual communication uses visuals such as diagrams, charts and images in order create engagement, clarity interest and efficient communication between people in different locations quickly and easily without any misunderstandings occurring due to language barriers or cultural differences . Visuals are often easier for people process than written information alone because they make complex concepts easier comprehend by breaking them down into simpler parts that anyone can understand regardless of their background knowledge on the subject matter at hand .

Verbal Communication

Verbal communication refers to the everyday process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, facts and opinions using spoken words usually face to face. It involves sending and receiving messages through speaking, listening and even observing the reactions of the person you are communicating with. Having strong communication skills is essential in order to be able to effectively convey a message and ensure that what you say is being understood.

Good communication skills are essential for successfully understanding and conveying messages. This involves actively listening, asking pertinent questions, maintaining direct eye contact, controlling your tone and volume and showing empathy. Being good communicators being an effective communicator is about being able to interpret the verbal and non-verbal cues of the other person, responding appropriately and expressing yourself clearly and confidently. When speaking with a customer over the phone, it is important to remain patient, attentive and at ease. Building long-term relationships with your clients helps to make sure that your communication efforts are effective.

Body language plays an important role in communication by providing further insights into the other person’s thoughts or feelings. Open body language, like having an upright posture, maintaining eye contact and phrasing sentences in an inviting way are indispensable tools for making sure that respect and trustworthiness are both conveyed through spoken words. It is important to not forget the way you use your voice and the emotions you try to put across while talking to someone. Your tone and volume will set a mood and this will also affect your audience’s interpretation of what you are saying.

Netiquette, or politeness in written communications, is increasingly important for customer service professionals. Sending emails, writing blog posts, managing social media accounts and other similar activities require good writing skills and the ability to keep messages short yet informative. Additionally, when conversing via writing it is key to remember the importance of timely responses and the need to personalize them.

essay about improving communication skills towards professional career development

Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is a powerful tool we use to convey meaning, emotion and intent without requiring any spoken or written words. It encompasses body language, facial expressions, physical distance, eye contact, gestures, touch, and vocalics – taking into account the speed, tone and intonation of voice. Often being a misunderstood but an important aspect of how we communicate, non-verbal communication gives us insights into the inner thoughts, feelings and intentions of those around us.

Open body language such as spreading arms out wide, keeping thumbs visible and uncrossed legs are crowd pleasers and great ways to come across as respectful and trustworthy while talking to people. People who communicates their feelings with hand or arm gestures appear more involved and interested than those who don’t, as it demonstrates a greater level of commitment to conversations. However, it is important to always remember to not overuse hand movements and adjust them to the cultural context of a discussion in order to avoid unwanted miscommunications.

The job interview process is another context in which non-verbal communication takes a very important part. As mentioned before, posture, eye contact, facial expressions, and gestures all have an impact on the impression made. Proper research on the company, their industry, and the position requires to assure effective communication. Additionally, focusing on the interviewers’ verbal and non-verbal signals allows insight into their mindset and will help you establish a good rapport and move forward with the important topics.

Vocalics is another important umbrella term which comprises the range, pace and tone and quality of voice. Tone of voice can indicate intent and add contextual information, affecting the rhythm and finesse of the conversation. Paying attention to these aspects is integral to understanding and accurately interpreting the speaker’s core message. Facial expressions can also provide clues into the emotional state of the sender. Therefore, paying attention to both sides of the conversation often creates the most effective communication .

Written Communication

Written communication is the exchange of written messages for the purpose of delivering and interpreting information. This can include emails, text messages, letters, postcards, contracts and much more. Although some aspects of verbal communication such as tone/volume of voice and body language are absent, written communication is often preferable as certain details and information can be more accurately expressed and less prone to misinterpretation through the written word than the spoken one.

In a professional setting, written communication needs to be clear, concise, and tailored for its intended audience. For example, a cover letter should be well structured, contain information relevant to the position applied for, and be free of typos, misspellings and grammar mistakes. Resumes must portray the same professionalism and attention to detail as an employer will expect in an employee. Furthermore, emails should follow similar standards and provide complete messages to support decision making processes.

Specific multimedia tools can maximize effectiveness in written communication. For example, Infographics use visuals to help audiences retain and comprehend complex content quickly and easily, while postcards can be sent out with images, updates and other support materials. Additionally, mapping out processes through process flows using software modules, templates and streamlined processes can help streamline a company’s workflow.

To conclude, good written communication is an important skill that helps professionals stay on the same page and build consensus. Written communication enables users to share concrete information efficiently, accurately and objectively. When used properly, written communication offers the opportunity to reach a target audience’s hearts and minds, by providing meaningful and personalized content.

Benefits of Good Communication Skills

Good communication skills are essential in the professional world. They allow individuals to effectively express their ideas, opinions, and feelings while also understanding those of others. In today’s digital age, strong written communication skills are especially important as more and more conversations take place online. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings that have negative consequences in the workplace. Communication involves not only speaking but also listening attentively and engaging with others through body language or other stylistic devices such as metaphors, similes, personification, and alliteration for emphasis and engagement. The benefits of having good communication skills include improved relationships with colleagues or customers; increased productivity; better problem-solving abilities; enhanced creativity; greater confidence when presenting ideas; and a stronger sense of self-awareness.

Improved Productivity

Improved productivity is one of the key benefits of having strong communication skills. How can effective communication help people get tasks done quicker and more accurately? Employees who demonstrate good communication skills have several advantages, such as being able to create a more trusting work environment and promote stronger team relationships. Additionally, these employees are better equipped to think critically and develop meaningful improvements that benefit the business.

Business team talking

Increased Morale

Having good communication skills is essential for any successful business. But what are the benefits of having strong communication skills? Rhetorical questions aside, it’s clear that effective communication can lead to increased morale in the workplace. Not only does constructive criticism and positive feedback aid in personal and professional development too, but clear instructions help ensure tasks are understood and prevent misunderstandings, leading to greater productivity and higher morale among team members. What other effects does good communication have on employees? It helps foster a sense of trust between colleagues, encourages collaboration and cooperation, as well as promotes an open dialogue which allows for better problem solving.

Learn also how “ Why is Feedback Needed? “

Improved Collaboration

Improved collaboration is essential for any successful organization, and good communication skills are the key to achieving it. But what exactly are the benefits of having strong communication abilities? In this article, we will explore how effective top communication skills can help in the workplace and provide examples of how it can be beneficial.

When team members understand each other’s goals and objectives, they can work together more efficiently towards a common goal. Good communication also allows for better brainstorming sessions and collaborative problem solving as everyone is on the same page. Furthermore, fostering understanding initiate communication and respect among colleagues makes it easier to deal with disagreements or difficult conversations that may arise during projects or meetings.

Good communication skills also increase creativity within an organization by providing constructive input and feedback from all parties involved in a project or task. This helps ensure that ideas are heard without judgement which encourages innovation within teams. Additionally, clear instructions allow employees to complete tasks quickly while avoiding misunderstandings that could lead to costly mistakes down the line.

In conclusion, good communication skills have many advantages both professionally and personally; from improved collaboration between team members to increased creativity within organizations – there’s no doubt about its importance! As someone once said: “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place” – so make sure you take time out of your day to practice these tips!

Challenges of Poor Communication

Good communication skills are a must-have for any successful career as they allow professionals to effectively and efficiently convey ideas, feelings, and important information to colleagues, supervisors, customers, and other stakeholders. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, decreased morale, strained relationships, and decreased productivity, all of which can have a negative impact on one’s career. This section will discuss the challenges associated with poor communication in both personal and professional life.

Cross-cultural communication is an important aspect of our increasingly interconnected world, but it presents its own set of difficulties. Misunderstanding cultural cues or language differences can easily lead to miscommunication and it’s always essential to make sure that everyone is on the same page. For professionals working in multicultural contexts, being aware of cultural norms and expectations is key. Similarly, when it comes to communicating with people who don’t speak English as their primary language, it is essential to be patient and take the time to proofread instructions and messages sent out.

In addition to cultural differences, remote work can also create miscommunication, delays, and decreased morale. When collaborating remotely, it is important to establish effective communication practices early on, such as setting expectations, keeping on the same page and tracking performance. A lack of confidence can also have a significant impact on communication, leading to a dull tone, limited body language and facial expressions, and too much focus on minimizing mistakes instead of engaging with the conversation.

Different methods of communication also bring about different possibilities for misunderstanding, especially between meetings and emails. This means that relying solely on email can often lead to people misunderstanding or missing vital points or details. Not being clear when communicating can also result in people not understanding the intended message, confusion, and losing people along the way. Lastly, venting in the workplace needs to be done carefully, and only in situations where you believe someone is safe to confide in, or if necessary to an open-door meeting with a manager.

Finally, it’s important to reiterate the importance of strong communication skills. Poor communication can lead to decreased job satisfaction, more absenteeism, lower productivity, and a negative impact on the productivity of other employees. Communicating effectively is crucial for building trust and respect in the workplace and being clear when communicating is key for achieving this. Ultimately, sharing correct and concise information can directly affect one’s credibility.


Miscommunication is a common challenge related to poor communication and one of the most damaging consequences can be increased tension in the workplace. Different forms of misinterpretations (or non-interpretations) can lead to disagreements on tasks, decisions, values, or views between colleagues or managers. This can lead to reduced motivation, dropped projects, and poor performance.

In terms of personal relationships, mistaken interpretations in messages can also lead to uncertainty, mistrust and unhappiness within the relationship. To avoid this, it’s essential to communicate effectively and to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

Conflict in the workplace is a direct consequence of low job satisfaction caused by poor communication. When employees feel undervalued, demoralized, or even resentful towards others due to a lack of clarity or understanding in communication, it can lead to potential disputes on team collaboration, management decisions, and areas of responsibility.

Resolving conflicts quickly and professionally requires strong communication skills and assertiveness. Ideally, although conflicts can never be fully eliminated from the workplace, it’s important to create an environment where sincere communication is encouraged and constructive conflict resolution is possible.

Low Engagement

Poor communication in both personal and professional settings can have a negative effect on engagement. A lack of clarity, ambiguous instructions, and disengaging conversations can all contribute to low engagement.

It is essential to keep people engaged and motivated when communicating, especially in the workplace, because it helps build trust between colleagues, inspires innovation and encourages collaboration. An engaged workforce is an essential component of success and poor communication can certainly contribute to a decrease of morale and enthusiasm in the workplace.

To build good relationships and foster effective teamwork, it is important to acknowledge the importance of communication and actively strive to improve it.

Tips for Improving Communication Skills

When it comes to communicating effectively with others, developing good communication skills is key. Communication skills are the necessary tools individuals need to obtain professional success. To become a good communicator, mastering active listening skills, nonverbal communication, clarity and assertiveness, respect, open-mindedness, problem-solving, and conflict resolution are essential. Additionally, one should use appropriate language, be aware of body language, practice speaking clearly and concisely, give respectful and constructive feedback, and accept critical feedback to improve their communication skills.

Developing communication strengths, practicing beneficial habits, being open to feedback, and leveraging technology are fundamental methods of honing effective communication skills. Relationships in both work and personal life benefit from good communication skills as a result.

Good communication also involves small details: remembering past conversations, considering other people’s facial expressions, and fostering productive relationships with colleagues. Understanding how to communicate effectively should involve an awareness of audience insights so the speaker can gauge an appropriate response.

Creative thinking, analytical processing, and the ability to convey messages effectively and in easily understandable form are additional essential skills to have in order to gain an edge in the competitive job market.

Listen and Ask Questions

One of the most important aspects of effective communication is listening. Listening is just as important as speaking and one should always strive to listen with clarity, conciseness, accuracy, and understanding. It is important to provide only the necessary information when communicating an idea, instruction or message.

Reviewing your own communication materials to ensure they meet the job can help reduce miscommunication due to overly verbose messages. Additionally, using inclusive language will make the message easier to understand and foster a positive attitude and attitudes among all involved.

Being mindful of differences such as cultural, social and global contexts and different religious beliefs, when communicating could make a difference in having successful communication.

Speak Clearly and Confidently

When engaging in verbal conversations, it is crucial to speak clearly, concisely, and in a confident manner in order to communicate effectively. Using as few words as possible when trying to communicate an idea or message is more likely to lead to successful communication. One should consider their tone and volume when relaying a message as this can help demonstrate the level of confidence in that message.

When using language, considerations should be given on the impact the language has on the person in receipt of the communication. Having good body language and making appropriate eye contact shows that the speaker is engaging and confident with what they are saying. Small details like friendliness and kindness can help demonstrate good communication through small gestures, such as remembering small details about coworkers or past conversations.

Practice Active Listening

An incredibly important communication skill for career success is active listening. Even though listening may seem straightforward, it is not always easy. Active listening requires attention and involvement of the listener including understanding, empathy and connecting the meaning of what is said. Demonstrating active listening typically manifests through eye contact and open body language. Open-ended questions, paraphrases, and providing encouragements while active listening means you can support the speaker in getting their message across.

Furthermore, being present, focused and engaged while in conversation is essential. By actively listening, one can gather more information, identify appropriate responses and discover useful insights. Focusing on the speaker, resisting the urge to jump to conclusions, and listening without judgement but with understanding can improve communication skills greatly.

Difficult conversations and conflicts can arise, however by showing respect, being open to feedback, and providing constructive input, the speaker can turn difficult conversations into meaningful improvements in communication. Ultimately, all these components combined build strong communication skills, which are essential in the professional world.

Overall, it is clear that communication skills play an integral role in achieving career success as they help individuals to effectively exchange information with others. Understanding the basics of communication, actively practicing and leveraging technology can enable individuals to improve their communication abilities and gain confidence in expressing themselves.

Poor communication can have a negative impact on one’s career, leading to decreased job satisfaction, absenteeism, lowered productivity, and decreased morale.

Finally, listening and asking questions, speaking clearly and confidently, and practicing active listening are essential for successful, communication skills plays an important role in career success too. With the realization of its importance, one should take initiative to practice and hone their communication skills in order to be successful in their professional career.

Frequently Asked Questions

How communication skill plays an important role in career development.

Good communication skills can help boost your career prospects, enabling you to maximize success and effectively network with others in the workplace. Having strong, confident communication skills allows you to present yourself confidently and clearly, leading to improved chances of career advancement and better work relationships.

Ultimately, developing strong communication skills is essential for career development.

What is communication skills for career success?

Communication skills are essential for any profession, as they enable one to effectively convey their thoughts and ideas in a professional manner. This can cover both verbal communication (verbal expression and presentation) as well as nonverbal communication (reading body language and facial expressions).

Developing these communication skills is key for career success.

Why is communication important on a work site?

Communication on the job site is critical in order to ensure projects are completed on time, within budget and without any errors. Effective communication between all personnel allows information to be quickly disseminated, issues to be addressed quickly, deadlines to be hit and jobs to run more smoothly.

How do you show good communication skills at work?

To demonstrate good communication skills at work, practice active listening, watch your body language, and make sure your tone is respectful, honest, and clear. Show that you value others’ opinions and ideas by engaging with them and seeking out opportunities to collaborate.

Make sure you convey your messages accurately and avoid waffling.

What are 4 examples of good communication?

Good communication includes active listening, adapting one’s communication style to the listener, being friendly, giving and receiving constructive feedback, confidently expressing oneself, speaking with clarity and volume, showing empathy and respect, and understanding non-verbal messages.

These practices help create an environment of trust and understanding.

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The Impact of Effective Communication on Career Success


In today's fast-paced world, effective communication has become a crucial skill for personal and professional success. Mastering the art of communication can unlock your potential, break down barriers, and help you craft the perfect elevator pitch. In this article, we will explore these topics in-depth, providing practical tips and strategies to enhance your communication skills.

The Power of Effective Communication: Unlocking Your Potential

Effective communication is a key skill that can unlock your potential and pave the way for success in various aspects of life. It's not just about conveying information, but also about inspiring, influencing, and building relationships. Here's how effective communication can benefit you:

  • Enhance your career prospects: Good communication skills are highly valued in the job market and can open doors to new opportunities.
  • Improve your leadership abilities: Effective communication is crucial for inspiring and motivating others, resolving conflicts , and fostering a positive team environment.
  • Build strong relationships: By communicating effectively, you can build strong, productive relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.
  • Foster a positive work environment: Good communication can help to create a positive, collaborative work environment that boosts team morale and productivity.
  • Overcome imposter syndrome: By communicating confidently and assertively, you can overcome feelings of self-doubt and build confidence in your abilities.
  • Develop essential presentation skills: Effective communication is key to delivering impactful presentations that engage and persuade your audience.
  • Improve your networking skills: Good communication skills can help you to build and maintain a strong professional network.
  • Boost your career advancement and promotion prospects: Effective communication can enhance your performance, visibility, and reputation, boosting your prospects for career advancement and promotion.

Breaking Down Barriers: How to Communicate Fearlessly in Professional Settings

Communication barriers can hinder your professional growth and limit your potential. However, by adopting the right strategies, you can overcome these barriers and communicate fearlessly in professional settings. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Practice active listening: Active listening involves fully focusing on the speaker, understanding their message, responding appropriately, and then remembering what has been said.
  • Develop empathy and emotional intelligence: Empathy and emotional intelligence can help you to understand and connect with your audience on a deeper level.
  • Use clear, concise language: Clear and concise communication can help to prevent misunderstandings and ensure that your message is understood.
  • Address the fear of public speaking: Public speaking is a common fear, but with the right training and practice, you can overcome this fear and become a confident public speaker.
  • Prepare thoroughly for meetings and presentations: Thorough preparation can help to build your confidence and ensure that you communicate effectively in meetings and presentations.
  • Seek feedback and continuously improve your communication skills: Regular feedback can help you to identify areas for improvement and develop your communication skills.
  • Develop influencing skills for business success: Influencing skills are crucial for persuading others, driving change, and achieving business success.
  • Cultivate gravitas and executive presence: Gravitas and executive presence can help you command attention and respect and influence and inspire others.

Crafting the Perfect Elevator Pitch: A Step-by-Step Guide

An elevator pitch serves as a brief, persuasive speech that succinctly conveys your value proposition. Here are eight steps to craft an effective elevator pitch:

  • Identify your goal: Determine the purpose of your pitch, whether it's introducing yourself in meetings or promoting your business.
  • Explain what you do: Describe your role, expertise, or business in simple terms.
  • Communicate your unique selling proposition (USP): Highlight what sets you apart from others.
  • Engage your audience with a question or a compelling statement.
  • Share your achievements or success stories to build credibility.
  • Tailor your pitch to your audience's needs and interests.
  • Keep it concise and focused, aiming for 30-60 seconds in length.
  • Practice and refine your pitch to ensure smooth delivery.

The Art of Storytelling: How to Use Stories for Effective Communication

Storytelling can be a powerful tool for engaging your audience and conveying your message. Here are eight tips for using storytelling in professional communication:

  • Identify your story's purpose: Determine the message you want to convey and how it relates to your audience.
  • Develop a clear narrative structure with a beginning, middle, and end.
  • Use vivid language and descriptive details to create a mental picture for your audience.
  • Incorporate personal anecdotes or experiences to establish an emotional connection.
  • Use metaphors and analogies to simplify complex concepts.
  • Employ a conversational tone to make your story relatable and engaging.
  • Practice your storytelling skills to improve your delivery and timing.
  • Adapt your story to different contexts, such as conference speaking for business owners or networking events.

The Role of Body Language in Effective Communication

Body language, a silent yet powerful form of communication, often speaks louder than words. It includes facial expressions, gestures, posture, and eye contact. By mastering body language, one can enhance their confident communication and build stronger connections.

Tips for Using Body Language Effectively

  • Maintain eye contact: It shows attentiveness and interest.
  • Use open postures: Uncrossed arms and legs signal openness and receptivity.
  • Mind your facial expressions: They should align with your words.
  • Use gestures: They can emphasise points and convey enthusiasm.
  • Control your posture: Stand tall to exude confidence.
  • Respect personal space: It shows respect and understanding.
  • Be aware of micro-expressions: These fleeting facial expressions can reveal true emotions.
  • Practice mirroring: Subtly mimicking another person's body language can build rapport.

Leveraging Technology for Effective Communication

In the digital age, technology plays a pivotal role in communication. From emails and video calls to social media and collaboration tools, technology has transformed the way we connect and collaborate.

How to Use Technology to Enhance Communication

  • Use collaboration tools: They can streamline communication and foster teamwork.
  • Leverage video conferencing: It allows for face-to-face interaction, even from a distance.
  • Utilise social media: It can help you reach a wider audience and engage in real-time communication.
  • Embrace mobile communication: With smartphones, you can communicate on the go.
  • Practice netiquette: Respect and politeness are as important online as they are offline.
  • Protect your digital footprint: Be mindful of what you share online.
  • Stay updated: Keep abreast of the latest communication technologies and trends.

Storytelling, an age-old practice, remains a powerful communication tool today. A well-told story can captivate an audience, evoke emotions, and convey messages in a memorable way.

Tips for Using Storytelling in Professional Communication

  • Know your audience: Tailor your story to resonate with your listeners.
  • Establish a clear message: Determine the key takeaway of your story.
  • Create a relatable protagonist: Develop a character your audience can identify with.
  • Build tension: Introduce conflict or challenges to engage your listeners.
  • Use vivid language: Paint a picture with descriptive words and phrases.
  • Incorporate dialogue: Bring your story to life with realistic conversations.
  • Employ a clear structure: Organise your story with a beginning, middle, and end.
  • Utilise emotion: Evoke feelings to create a memorable experience.
  • Practice your delivery: Rehearse your story to ensure a smooth and engaging presentation.
  • Encourage reflection: Invite your audience to consider the implications of your story.

Building Trust through Effective Communication

Trust, a crucial element in any relationship, can be built and strengthened through effective communication. By being open, honest, and reliable in our communication, we can foster trust and create stronger, more meaningful relationships.

Strategies for Building Trust Through Communication

  • Be transparent: Share information openly and honestly.
  • Show empathy: Understand and acknowledge others' feelings and perspectives.
  • Be reliable: Follow through on your promises and commitments.
  • Listen actively: Show genuine interest in what others have to say.
  • Give and receive feedback: Constructive feedback can foster growth and improvement.
  • Show respect: Value others' opinions and treat them with dignity.
  • Be consistent: Consistency in your words and actions builds credibility.
  • Admit mistakes: Owning up to your mistakes shows humility and authenticity.
  • Be patient: Building trust takes time.
  • Lead by example: Demonstrate the trustworthiness you expect from others.

In the journey of personal and professional growth, effective communication stands as a cornerstone. It's a skill that can make or break relationships, influence decisions, and shape our world. From understanding the power of body language to leveraging technology, from mastering the art of storytelling to building trust, every aspect of communication holds the key to unlocking new opportunities.

The journey to becoming a confident communicator may seem daunting, but with the right guidance and practice, it's an achievable goal. Remember, every step you take toward improving your communication skills is a step toward success.

Ready to take your communication skills to the next level? Get in touch with Fearless today. Our team of experts is ready to guide you on your journey to becoming a fearless communicator. Let's unlock your poetntial together. Contact us now!

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Is Your Workplace Communication Style As Effective As It Could Be?

Knowing your personal communication style—and adapting that style to the needs of your team—will help avoid misunderstandings and keep your team operating at peak effectiveness.

Mary Sharp Emerson

Your communication style and how you communicate with your team plays a critical role in how effective you are as a leader.

When thinking about how you communicate as a leader, it’s easy to focus on the basics. And indeed, there are many things you can do to improve your communication skills . 

However, truly effective communication requires a more comprehensive approach than simply choosing your words carefully. 

Your communication style can have a tremendous impact — positive or negative — on your ability to lead teams and organizations. Developing the ability to adapt your style to meet the needs of your team will help to create a positive workplace culture that motivates your team to work together for common goals. 

Once you understand your own communication style, you can begin to assess — and help your team members assess—their communication styles. 

This knowledge will help you — and your team — develop flexible communication techniques to improve how you communicate with your team and how your team communicates with each other. 

Types of Communication Styles — and How to Work With Them

People are more complex than any typology or framework. While we can divide communication styles into four types, most people don’t fit 100 percent into one particular category.

Still, a framework can be a useful way to assess your own style, and it offers a useful tool to discuss communication tactics with your team.

Here’s an overview of the four different styles of communication, and what they mean for your workplace:


The direct ( analytical or dominant ) communicator prefers direct, no-frills communication, backed by hard facts. They are highly focused on the end result and are generally risk-tolerant. 

What you should know : Direct communicators can be intense and very blunt. They lack subtlety and are uncomfortable with ambiguity. They are more likely to give commands than make polite requests. They struggle with small talk and emotional decision-making.

When working with a direct communicator: it’s most effective to be clear and concise, and avoid unnecessary details. While dominant communicators must continually work on patience and sensitivity, co-workers should try to avoid taking their bluntness and lack of subtlety as personal criticism. 


The functional communicator (conscientious, sometimes also called analytical) likes process, precision, and details. They analyze a project or problem from multiple perspectives to ensure that every possible angle has been considered. 

What you should know: Functional communicators enjoy learning and demonstrating new skills. They thrive in environments with clear expectations, firm deadlines, and the opportunity to work independently. 

When working with a functional communicator: expect them to ask many questions before they feel comfortable moving forward. They may struggle with “big picture” thinking if they feel it’s not well thought-out. Like the direct communicator, they are uncomfortable with small talk and emotional decision-making. 

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Collaborative communicators are sometimes called harmonizers (also steady or intuitive). They are focused on people over end results. Their goal is to find solutions that work for everyone.

What you should know : Collaborative communicators work best in an environment that prioritizes cooperation, loyalty, and stability. They are great at thinking about the big picture, but can struggle with decision-making. They may not feel comfortable moving forward until everyone on the team has had a chance to provide input. 

When working with a collaborative communicator : ensure that you listen before issuing directives; they will resist being told what to do if they feel their perspective has not been heard. Because they can, at times, struggle keeping track of small details, managers and co-workers should be prepared for multiple follow-up conversations throughout a project to help harmonizers make decisions and stay on track.


The classic “people person”, the influencer (personal or expressive communicator) believes that the emotional connections among team members bring success. They focus on building interpersonal relationships and are great collaborators.

What you should know : Influencers are more focused on “the why” than “the how”, and are excellent visionaries. They prefer informal discussions to formal meetings, and enjoy friendly small talk among team members. They are very comfortable expressing their feelings and navigating emotional decision-making. 

When working with an influencer: enable them to collaborate to maximize their potential. They may need help developing practical solutions. Because they can struggle with details and follow-through, organizing projects with short timeframes can be helpful. 

Not sure where you fit into this framework?

Online questionnaires such as the DiSCProfile or LeadershipIQ can help you with your self-assessment. And a group activity focused on communication styles can be a great team-building exercise.

Adopting Flexible Communication Styles

Wherever you fall in this framework, your goal should be to adapt your style of communication to meet the needs of your employees. 

For example, many leaders are naturally direct communicators. 

However, a direct communication style may be counterproductive when working with employees who lean toward a steady or influencer-style of communication. For an influencer, for example, an unwillingness to share weekend plans may be seen as lack of interest in their well-being. A direct, “tell-it-like-it-is” style of communication may be interpreted as overly critical to an employee who is sensitive to criticism, no matter how constructive.

How can you adopt a more flexible communication style?

Be honest with yourself about how you communicate. Honest self-assessment, as difficult as it can be, is always the first step to embracing necessary change.

Analyze past miscommunications to think about what went wrong. Again, be honest about the part your communication style might have played in that situation. Identify ways that you might have approached the situation differently to achieve a more constructive outcome.

Practice active listening . Active listening requires clearing your mind of potential responses so you can really hear the other side of the conversation. Repeating back what you heard (“what I hear you saying is…”) before you reply lets the other person know they were heard. 

Improve your emotional intelligence . Emotional intelligence involves self-awareness, self-control, and social awareness. If you can improve your own emotional intelligence, you’ll find yourself more capable of adapting your communication style to meet the needs of others.

Take a professional development program focused on communication. Program instructors can guide self-assessment, offer new communication techniques, and provide an outside perspective on how to become more flexible in how you communicate with your team.

Misunderstandings and miscommunications are an inevitable part of human interactions. However, by thinking about how you communicate — as well as what you communicate — you can create a team environment conducive to open, productive, professional conversations. And doing so will keep your team engaged and your organization on the road to success.

Ready to get started? Find the program that’s right for you.

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About the Author

Digital Content Producer

Emerson is a Digital Content Producer at Harvard DCE. She is a graduate of Brandeis University and Yale University and started her career as an international affairs analyst. She is an avid triathlete and has completed three Ironman triathlons, as well as the Boston Marathon.

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How Does Communication Help in Improving Your Personality?

How Does Communication Help in Improving Your Personality?

Communication is an essential skill that everyone needs to develop and master to get ahead in life. Sometimes we assume that other people know how we feel or interpret our non-verbal cues, but this isn’t always the case.

Taking the time to communicate your feelings and your thoughts can save you from unnecessary conflict and help you build stronger relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. Here are seven reasons why communication is important.

Why Communication is Important

Helps build and maintain relationships.

Communication is an important part of the human experience. It helps us build and maintain relationships with others. We can share our thoughts, ideas, and feelings to better understand how we relate to each other.

It's also important because it allows people who may not be able to hear or speak, a chance to feel like they are a part of society.

We are also able to develop new skills by communicating with others and understanding what they say in return. Effective communication is something that can help us grow as individuals, help us make decisions more quickly, and allow us to explore our creativity more fully.

Aids in Problem-Solving

Communication is important in a business for several reasons. One reason is that it aids in problem-solving. When there are problems, the best way to solve them can be to communicate with people and let them know what the problem is and what the possible solutions could be.

This way, everyone has an opportunity to voice their opinions on how they feel should be done and if they have any ideas or thoughts. It also helps when employees are on break or late coming into work because they can then let someone know what has happened so that others can take over their responsibilities while they get back on track or get started with their day.

Increases Understanding

Communication is important because it helps us understand each other. It provides a way for us to express our thoughts and feelings, and to be sure that the person listening understands what we are saying. For example, when we try to get someone's attention in a crowded room, we might say excuse me or hey.

This tells the person that they should listen to us now because we have something important to say. Similarly, if someone asks us for help and we don't answer, then they may not feel comfortable asking again.

Finally, if one of our friends needs something from us but it takes too long for them to get in touch with us, then they may become angry or frustrated with what feels like a lack of concern from their end.

Prevents Misunderstandings

How to  improve my personality and communication skills ? Communication is key in any relationship. This includes friendships, romantic relationships, and business partnerships. Without communication, misunderstandings can happen. When there are misunderstandings, people may feel hurt or misunderstood and may not be able to move past them.

People will also tend to lose respect for one another when there are misunderstandings because they will think that the other person does not care enough about them to communicate properly.

If you communicate properly with your partner, friend, or business partner, it will help them trust you more because they know that you care enough about them to take the time to talk things through when issues arise. There's nothing worse than having a misunderstanding that can't be resolved so make sure to have an open dialogue with anyone who means something to you.

Creates Clarity

Communication skills in personality development might be one of the most important factors in your relationships, but it's often overlooked. There are many ways you can   improve your communication skills and make your relationships better. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Be more expressive in what you say - use more words to explain yourself and show how you feel. 
  • Listen actively - don't interrupt or advise unless it's asked for and take the time to hear what they're saying before responding. 
  • Ask questions - get their perspective on things by asking them about their thoughts and feelings on an issue, rather than assuming you know what they're feeling. 
  • Practice active listening - repeat back to them what they said so that they know you heard what they were saying.

Encourages openness

When communication breaks down, there are a variety of ways that it can affect your business. For example, if you have a team and someone isn't providing input or feedback to the project, then the progress will be slowed.

If you're on a customer service line and no one answers the phone, then people will be unhappy with your service. The list goes on and on.

It's the key to a successful relationship

Communication skills in personality development are vital to any relationship but are especially important in a marriage. You're going to have disagreements and arguments, which can be frustrating and hurtful, but if you don't communicate those feelings then your partner will never know how you feel.

And when it comes to something as important as your marriage, it's best not to keep things bottled up. Not only does communicating your feelings make for an emotionally healthier marriage, but it also makes for a more fulfilling one.

So, take the time to talk about your worries and concerns with your spouse, and let them know what they mean to you.

Communication skills in personality development are the most important skill that you need to have to interact with your colleagues and friends, from conversation starters to goodbyes, communication plays a very important role in our daily lives and also helps in improving our personality as well. Communication helps us to develop relationships with people and also play an important role in shaping our personality, so today we are going to discuss 10 ways how does communication help in improving your personality? Let’s take a look!

1) Helps You Connect With Others

When you communicate with others, you can get your thoughts and feelings out in the open. This will allow you to have a better understanding of yourself and those around you. As you do this, you will likely see things in a different light and find new ways of looking at them.

Communication skills in personality development also help you build relationships with people and learn more about who they are. People need to be able to form connections with others so that they can learn more about themselves. With all of these benefits, it is easy to see why communication is so important for improving your personality.

2) Develops Your Listening Skills

Listening is an important skill that can help you in your personal and professional life. When you are listening to someone, it is a sign that you care about them and want to know what they have to say. If you are not listening, it can make the speaker feel undervalued or unimportant. It also means that they might not be able to communicate effectively with you if they can't get your attention.

Listening is more than just hearing the words that are said; it means paying attention to what's being communicated through body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions too. This helps people feel heard and understood on a deeper level which can lead to a greater rapport between two people.

3) Helps You Understand Yourself Better

Communication and personality development is a two-way streets. When you share your thoughts, feelings, and needs with others, they are allowed to understand you better. It also allows you to gain more insight into yourself by observing how others react to your words.

You may be tempted to think that people who don't react positively are wrong or that they just don't get you, but the truth is that there's always something good in what other people say because they see something in you that you might not see in yourself.

One of the best things about  communication and personality development is being able to hear new perspectives on an issue from someone else.

4) Makes You More Confident

Communication and personality development is one of the most important aspects of any relationship. It can make you more confident, as well as understanding, and compassionate.

When you listen to other people and share your thoughts and ideas, it's a way of showing them that you care about what they have to say. This will make them feel valued and respected which in turn will boost their self-esteem.

Not only will this improve the quality of their life, but it will also help them see things from a different perspective.

If they're angry or frustrated with something, having someone who understands them might just be enough to show that person another side of the story. And not just because someone is giving advice, but because the act of communication shows an interest in what the person has to say.

A good example of  communication and personality development would be when someone tells you about how something makes them feel and then ask for feedback on whether or not it made sense (whether or not it was accurate). If you validate their feelings by saying yes and agreeing with them, then this creates a feeling of trust between both parties.

5) Helps You Handle Criticism Better

When people criticize you, it's natural to get defensive. But there are many ways to respond to criticism that can help you become a better person:

  • Listen and think before responding. If the criticism is valid, thank the other person for their input. 
  • Ask questions if you want more detail on what they're saying or why they see it that way. 
  • Remember that nobody has all the answers and we all have different perspectives on things. 
  • Admit when you're wrong and apologize if necessary. 
  • Look at your mistakes with a sense of humor - it'll make them easier to deal with in the future! 
  • Learn from your mistakes and find ways to avoid them in the future by reflecting on what happened.

6) Makes You A Better Leader

A person's communication skills help them become a better leader. For example, if you are in a leadership position and need to share information, you should always start by sharing what you know and focusing on the facts.

You want to be able to go into detail about the situation that is happening but make sure not to share too much information so that others are not overwhelmed with data they do not need to know.

When communicating with your team members, it is important that everyone feels heard and valued. It may take some time for people to get used to this new way of communication, but once they do it will pay off in the long run. People will feel more comfortable coming up to you when there is an issue because they know that their voice matters.

7) Makes You More Creative

There are many ways that communication can help you to improve your personality. One of the benefits is that it can make you more creative. This is because communication helps to develop your imagination and creativity skills. It also opens up new opportunities for you to learn about different cultures and things that you may never have heard of before.

This will expand the way that you see the world, which in turn makes it easier for you to use your creativity in a new way, as well as be more imaginative and creative in general. Another way that communicating with other people has helped me with my personality is by boosting my self-confidence. Because when I communicate with people I am opening myself up to them and telling them things about myself or getting them to open themselves up to me so I feel like we connect on some level.

That way when I talk to people, they are not just strangers anymore; they are friends to me who know something about me and vice versa.

8) Helps You Handle Conflict Better

Communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to another. It has two functions. One is to share thoughts, feelings, and emotions with others to make them understand what you are feeling or thinking about.

The other function is to convey messages and instructions for actions. Communication can be verbal or non-verbal. Verbal communication includes speaking, listening, and writing whereas non-verbal communication includes gestures, facial expressions, and body language.

Communication and personality development helps in improving your personality because it helps you handle conflicts better in society. You can communicate with other people without any fear or anxiety which will help you feel good about yourself as well.

9) Teaches You Empathy

Communication is a key to success in many aspects of life. It can make or break relationships, and it can change the dynamics at work. But there's another benefit of communication that you may not have considered: improving your personality.

Many different elements contribute to our personalities, but communication is a large part of how we express ourselves. Whether you're sharing your thoughts on something or expressing your opinion, it affects how other people see us and judge us. The way we communicate conveys information about our attitudes and personality traits, so it shapes how others see us as well as what they think of us.

If you want to improve your personality in any way, start by paying attention to how you communicate with others and what you say when you talk.

10) Encourages Lifelong Learning

Communication is often seen as one of the most important skills in life and it's not hard to see why. Learning how to communicate effectively means learning how to listen, debate and talk with people of different backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures. It means being able to express your thoughts and feelings clearly so that you can be understood by others.

How to  improve my personality and communication skills ? By learning how to communicate, we also learn how to make ourselves vulnerable without fear of judgment or rejection. We learn that communication is a two-way street where both parties have the opportunity for expression.

But what does this have anything to do with improving your personality? Surprisingly, communication can help you improve your personality because it helps you understand yourself more deeply and lets you know what you need for you to feel better about yourself.

We deliver a cutting-edge curriculum based on field research and scientific methodologies that focus on providing participants with practical solutions that they can apply immediately in their careers or personal lives. Our programs are designed to empower people to overcome their fears around talking in front of others, expressing their ideas clearly, dealing with difficult people or conversations skillfully, resolving conflict productively, being more persuasive when needed, etc.

We believe we have something valuable to offer everyone; whether you're just starting in your career or looking for a fresh perspective on how you approach communication at work then we've got something for you! If you want to improve your ability to talk to other people then we can help! If you want more confidence when giving presentations then let us teach you how! We've got what it takes to make your next event or conference a success; contact us today!

Interpersonal communication plays an essential role in enhancing your personality because it helps you build your reputation. Communication skills help you achieve success at work and in your personal life, which ultimately improves the quality of your life. If you communicate effectively with others, they trust and respect you more, and they may ask you to take on additional projects that lead to further opportunities for growth and development.

Our School of Meaningful Experiences (SoME) has created and delivered communication programs to meet the demands of the modern-day workplace. Effective communication is an essential skill for today's modern professionals and leaders. With it, you can confidently manage conflict, collaborate with others and successfully develop yourself.

Why is personality development important in communication?

Personality development is important for communication because it helps you understand how you are perceived by others. It can also help you set boundaries and expectations so that people know what to expect from you. The more knowledge about your personality, the easier it is to communicate with others.

What is the importance of personality development?

Personality development is important because it helps you understand yourself better. The goal of personality development is to help create a more well-rounded, self-aware person. It's also a way to improve your communication skills and manage your emotions more effectively.

What is the main goal of personal development?

Personal development is a process that allows us to improve our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The goal of personal development is to become the best possible version of ourselves. Through self-reflection and changing habits, we can learn more about who we are and what we want in life. This process helps us achieve both emotional growths as well as intellectual growth.

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5 Ways to Improve Your Professional Communication Skills

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essay about improving communication skills towards professional career development

5 Ways to Improve Your Professional Communication Skills was originally published on Vault .

Success in any industry relies on developing strong communication skills, which are essential to sharing information with colleagues, managers, and clients. So, below are five easy ways to improve your professional communication skills and boost your career in the process.

1. Expand Your Industry Vocabulary

Every industry uses specific words and phrases. So, one of the easiest ways to improve your professional communication skills is to learn your industry’s jargon. To do that, you can join online industry groups, attend virtual and in-person industry events, and read industry-specific books. These actions will help you to become more proficient in your industry’s specific language, improving your ability to communicate with everyone you work with

2. Be Clear

Regardless of whether you’re communicating verbally or through the written word, it’s essential to be clear. Clarity is your best friend in the workplace; anything but well-thought-out communication creates confusion. So, if you want to be better at business communication, you must learn how to transfer information clearly.

The first step toward clarity is defining your goals and the audience you’ll be communicating with. This will tell you who you’re talking to and what you’ll be talking about. Second, avoid unnecessary words and confusing language, which only makes it more difficult for others to understand your message. Lastly, never repeat yourself. Only repeat your message if the other person needs more clarity.

Sometimes, you’ll need to make a presentation or explain your progress on a project. When that happens, it’s important to prepare ahead of time, thinking about what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it. Note that preparation is more than talking in front of the mirror for your big presentation. Preparation means researching the best way to get your message across. It means searching for the right words to use, the right examples to convey, and how to best use your body language to get your message across.

4. Get Better at Using Communication Tools

Of course, not all professional dealings are verbal. In fact, you’ll mostly communicate with colleagues, clients, customers, suppliers, and partners through email. But email isn’t the only communication tool you’ll be using. Communication through messaging apps like Slack is also quite common in the business world. And people are of course increasingly reliant on video-conferencing apps like Zoom. The bottom line is that you’ll be using plenty of communication tools in the workplace. Therefore, it’s important to get better at using these tools.

5. Learn to Listen

Listening is a core component of communication. In fact, modern workplace leaders are excellent listeners. Listening, which some believe is the most important social skill , helps in numerous workplace situations, including defusing workplace tensions. So, if you want to succeed in any sphere of work and take your career to the next level, you must learn how to listen.

One of the keys to becoming a great listener is becoming an active listener . Active listening includes deeply listening to others without thinking about what you’re going to say in response. It also includes paying attention to body language cues. So, it means listening with your eyes as well as your ears. Although learning to become a great active listener won’t happen overnight, the good news is listening in this way can be learned, and there are many great online courses out there that can help.

Erik Bergman co-founded Catena Media and helped grow it to over 300 employees and a $200 million valuation before stepping away to start Great.com , an iGaming organization that donates 100 percent of its profits to environmental charities. In addition to running a successful online affiliate business, Erik hosts the Becoming Great podcast, shares entrepreneurship tips with his more than 1 million social media followers, and contributes to sites like Entrepreneuer.com, Business Insider, Foundr, and Forbes.

Home — Essay Samples — Life — Communication Skills — The Importance of Communication in Professionalism


The Importance of Communication in Professionalism

  • Categories: Communication Skills Professionalism

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Words: 440 |

Published: Sep 19, 2019

Words: 440 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, clarity and precision in communication, non-verbal communication, adaptability and contextual awareness, collaboration and team dynamics, continuous learning and professional development, the importance of elements of communication.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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essay about improving communication skills towards professional career development

Communication Skills in Human Life Essay

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Communication skills and strategies.

Communication has always been an essential element of every aspect of human life. Very much depends on the person’s ability to communicate with others and to apply efficient communicative skills to achieve their goals. In general, it is possible to state that the ability to communicate constructively shapes the major part of the individual’s success in his or her personal life, at work, and in other spheres.

There are many jobs that involve constant communication with clients, provision of some consultative or advisory services, which are almost solely built on the principles of communication and interaction with people. Business affairs are as well impossible to be accomplished without making business agreements, holding negotiations, and instructing the personnel on the goals to pursue. There is a great multitude of examples of the need for communication skills in daily life, so it goes without saying that business operations require well-developed communication abilities and demand their application on a daily basis.

It is enough to mention the ever-growing globalization of the world and business together with it, so interpersonal and cross-cultural communication acquires key importance in the contemporary world. It is for this reason that one needs to pay close attention to the issue of communication skills in the process of learning business communication and related topics.

Communication, no matter how simple and familiar it may seem, appears to be a complicated and multi-dimensional concept that needs thorough consideration and hard work in the process of acquiring the basic skills necessary for success. It does not correspond to a casual notion of talking as the communication process – it is much deeper in its goals and strategies to accomplish these goals. With the purpose of understanding the phenomenon of communication itself and communication skills in particular it is necessary to pay attention to the following concepts and terminology that will enhance the reader’s understanding of the issue: conscious and unconscious competence, reflective learning, motivation, motor skills, and social skills.

As for conscious and unconscious competence, Ellis (2003) believes that “it implies knowledge of the what (for instance, the core professional concepts) and knowledge of the how (the ways in which we put these concepts into practice)” (p. 2). It may be applied at both levels, as the definition suggests. Reflective learning is an essential element of the process of acquiring communicative skills – it implies not only fulfilling a certain set of tasks but reflecting on the results and trying to introduce change or improvement (Ellis, 2003, p. 3).

Motivation goes without saying – it is the innate wish of the person to act in an innovative way that makes him or her take steps forward in personal development. Motor skills, in the opinion of Hargie (1997), are organized and coordinated, learned actions serial in nature supposing the person’s making some physical actions, i.e. they are formed at the biological and subconscious level to be applied in life (p. 9). Social skills differ in nature and involve interpersonal actions, interaction with other people (Hargie, 1997, p. 9-10).

Motor skills are not the subject of the present paper because they refer to daily actions, routine, and mechanic activities of people they may not even realize. Social skills, on the contrary, have to be thoroughly thought over and trained, as a result forming a communicative personality being able to achieve his or her communication goal and succeed in communication. These skills are multiple; however, the present work will focus only on four of them: listening, negotiation, explaining, and self-disclosure. Listening is one of the most important skills of a good communicator because it has been proven to be a treasure too few people possess.

In the process of a constructive communicative act, it is important not only to clearly express one’s own thoughts and intentions but to give an opportunity to the communication partner to voice his or her opinion. Listening has been always neglected in the process of business communication as there have hardly been any doubts in the employees’ abilities to listen to others speak. However, the recently discovered notion that deserves separate attention and appears to be substantially different from the issue of hearing is active listening. As Ellis (2003) notes, “Successful listening (as opposed to the more passive hearing) is to do with actively processing the incoming information and doing some work – hence the term active” (p. 17).

No doubt active listening represents a challenge for a person willing to undertake it because it involves much extra work being done – first of all, the process of active listening, according to Ellis (2003), involves overcoming a three-stage task of recognizing the gap in understanding, locating it and trying to overcome it (p. 17). There is a set of barriers to active listening as well that prevent the listener to follow the guidelines of active listening and diminish the degree of mutual understanding, e.g. attention span, familiarity with material, negative or stereotyped attitudes to the matter or to the interlocutor, environmental considerations and physical inconvenience (Ellis, 2003, p. 18-19).

The second strategy that should be mastered by the communicator in order to conduct communication activities successfully is negotiation. There is no need to explain how important the process of negotiations is for any business organization – it goes without saying that it is the profitability and at times the very existence of an organization that depends on the result of negotiations with business partners. Thus, it is crucial to pay adequate attention to the way communication skills have to be developed to facilitate the negotiation skills of an individual. Negotiation is a comprehensive activity that demands a wide set of skills from the negotiator to be successful and accomplish the stipulated task. It involves active listening that has already been analyzed, assertiveness in actions and messages, and skillful questioning (Ellis, 2003, p. 57).

It is essential not to forget that negotiation first of all implies exercising certain influence on people with whom negotiation is conducted, which also depends on the ability to express one’s opinion and judgment in a specific way. Besides, as emphasized by Ellis (2003), negotiation is also a creative process including such elements as finding the balance between parties, finding the approach to the specific partners in the negotiation, conducting problem-solving activities, and engaging partners in long-term relations (p. 58). For these reasons, all efforts of the negotiator as well as his or her negotiation skills have to be focused on these major goals.

The third communication strategy implying the multi-aspect application of communication skills is explaining. Hargie (1997) speculates much over the topic of the importance of explaining in the process of communication and arrives at the conclusion that this skill has been widely neglected and underestimated recently (p. 183). The reasons he sees for this are first of all the unwillingness of people to accept the authority of other people mixing it with the imposition of someone’s opinion and limiting their personality, and secondly, the way explaining is perceived and taken for granted as an indispensable part of communication (Hargie, 1997, p. 183).

However, in the same section, Hargie (1997) underlines the importance of explaining as a necessary link between such aspects of human cognition as understanding, language, logic, rhetoric, critical theory, and culture (p. 183). As one can see from the following list, explaining appears to be a much deeper concept than anyone would have suggested. This is what causes particular attention to explaining in the recent business communication literature and research – its importance is being gradually recognized and should be not underestimated in the conditions of the contemporary business process.

There are the following types of explanation detected by Hargie (1997): interpretive, descriptive, and reason-giving (p. 185). Interpretative explaining gives the broad answer to the question ‘What?’ and defines concepts, events, and processes in such a way so that the person to who they are explained would obtain a detailed understanding thereof and would be able to apply them in further activities. Descriptive explaining gives the answer to the question ‘How?’ thus explaining the manner in which things are done. People who have acquired descriptive knowledge of certain things are likely to be able to produce some actions or some things in the future, knowing the procedure and the peculiarities. Finally, reason-giving explaining should be focused on the justification of certain actions, events or notions – it gives the answer to the question ‘Why?’ and explains to people what this or that thing, process, or event is necessary.

The last communication strategy to be dealt with in the present work is self-disclosure. As admitted by McKay, Davis, and Fanning (2009), self-disclosure is a key component of human communication. It is present in every communicative process and is unavoidable:

“Self-disclosure makes relationships exist and builds intimacy. It clarifies and enlivens. Without self-disclosure, you are isolated in your private experience” (McKay et al., 2009, p. 24).

Despite its seeming unavoidability the issue that should worry a person in the process of communicating with others is the extent to which they should disclose themselves for this act to be appropriate and effective (McKay et al., 2009, p. 25). There is a huge number of situations, partners, and circumstances that demand different patterns of behavior and cause problems or lead to success.

The authors distinguish four types of self-disclosure among which a communicator should choose according to the situation, the individual profile of character and behavioral peculiarities, etc. They are open self (known to self, known to others), blind self (discoverable by others, known to others), hidden self (known to self, kept from others), and unknown self (unknown to self, unknown to others) (McKay, 2009, p. 25). Judging from the situation and the pursued goals the individual may choose from these alternatives and define the measure for self-disclosure for him- or herself.

Communication is a key element of human interactions, which acquires specific importance in the context of conducting business affairs. Communication skills are multiple in nature and application, so they have to be paid particular attention to in all business processes and should correspond to the particularly stipulated business goals. There are several communication strategies that involve the implementation of different communication skills and their proper combinations, thus the aspect of establishing efficient business communication with the application of communications skills should become the central focus of every organization’s daily functioning.

Communication skills are learned skills and they can be acquired be means of an efficient training schedule established in an organization. The importance of communication skills in the business process is a matter of agile interest nowadays, so they should be never underestimated or neglected in the business process both by employers and the staff of every company.

Ellis, R 2003, Communication skills: stepladders to success for the professional, Intellect Books.

Hargie, O 1997, The handbook of communication skills, 2 nd edn, Routledge.

McKay, M, Davis, M, & Fanning, P 2009, Messages: The Communication Skills Book, 3 rd edn, New Harbinger Publications.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 7). Communication Skills in Human Life. https://ivypanda.com/essays/communication-skills-in-human-life/

"Communication Skills in Human Life." IvyPanda , 7 Nov. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/communication-skills-in-human-life/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Communication Skills in Human Life'. 7 November.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Communication Skills in Human Life." November 7, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/communication-skills-in-human-life/.

1. IvyPanda . "Communication Skills in Human Life." November 7, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/communication-skills-in-human-life/.


IvyPanda . "Communication Skills in Human Life." November 7, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/communication-skills-in-human-life/.

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UMGC Career Connection 5 Ways to Improve Your Professional Communication Skills

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essay about improving communication skills towards professional career development

Success in any industry relies on developing strong communication skills, which are essential to sharing information with colleagues, managers, and clients. So, below are five easy ways to improve your professional communication skills and boost your career in the process.

1. Expand Your Industry Vocabulary

Every industry uses specific words and phrases. So, one of the easiest ways to improve your professional communication skills is to learn your industry's jargon. To do that, you can join online industry groups, attend virtual and in-person industry events, and read industry-specific books. These actions will help you to become more proficient in your industry’s specific language, improving your ability to communicate with everyone you work.

2. Be Clear

Regardless of whether you’re communicating verbally or through the written word, it's essential to be clear. Clarity is your best friend in the workplace; anything but well-thought-out communication creates confusion. So, if you want to be better at business communication, you must learn how to transfer information clearly.

The first step toward clarity is defining your goals and the audience you'll be communicating with. This will tell you who you're talking to and what you'll be talking about. Second, avoid unnecessary words and confusing language, which only makes it more difficult for others to understand your message. Lastly, never repeat yourself. Only repeat your message if the other person needs more clarity.

Sometimes, you’ll need to make a presentation or explain your progress on a project. When that happens, it's important to prepare ahead of time, thinking about what you're going to say and how you’re going to say it. Note that preparation is more than talking in front of the mirror for your big presentation. Preparation means researching the best way to get your message across. It means searching for the right words to use, the right examples to convey, and how to best use your body language to get your message across.

4. Get Better at Using Communication Tools

Of course, not all professional dealings are verbal. In fact, you'll mostly communicate with colleagues, clients, customers, suppliers, and partners through email. But email isn't the only communication tool you'll be using. Communication through messaging apps like Slack is also quite common in the business world. And people are of course increasingly reliant on video-conferencing apps like Zoom. The bottom line is that you'll be using plenty of communication tools in the workplace. Therefore, it's important to get better at using these tools.

5. Learn to Listen

Listening is a core component of communication. In fact, modern workplace leaders are excellent listeners. Listening, which some believe is the most important social skill , helps in numerous workplace situations, including defusing workplace tensions. So, if you want to succeed in any sphere of work and take your career to the next level, you must learn how to listen.

One of the keys to becoming a great listener is becoming an active listener . Active listening includes deeply listening to others without thinking about what you’re going to say in response. It also includes paying attention to body language cues. So, it means listening with your eyes as well as your ears. Although learning to become a great active listener won’t happen overnight, the good news is listening in this way can be learned, and there are many great online courses out there that can help.

Erik Bergman co-founded Catena Media and helped grow it to over 300 employees and a $200 million valuation before stepping away to start Great.com , an iGaming organization that donates 100 percent of its profits to environmental charities. In addition to running a successful online affiliate business, Erik hosts the Becoming Great podcast, shares entrepreneurship tips with his more than 1 million social media followers, and contributes to sites like Entrepreneuer.com, Business Insider, Foundr, and Forbes.

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Essay: The Importance and Development of Communication Skills

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  • Subject area(s): Sociology essays
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 17 November 2019*
  • Last Modified: 25 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,200 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)

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Communication skills are all around us, from the day we are born until the rest of our lives. How many times have you seen communication skills required for a job in the classifieds and wondered what it actually means? A communication skill is some type of skill used in communication, from talking, body language to even listening. Many things can affect the way one can convey his or her communication skills to others. All of these skills are very personal to one another. Everyone has different ways of expressing some kind of communication skill within them.

Speaking: The Most Important Communication Skill

One communication skill is speaking, by far one of the most important skills we possess. To be a good speaker, one must be able to convey ideas clearly and briefly. Clear and concise communication is crucial in ensuring that the intended message is understood accurately by the listener. Moreover, one must also have a clear and pleasant tone to his or her voice. This makes the person you are talking to more attentive, thus, more interested in the conversation. The speaker must also be aware of his environment and the people he is speaking to. Environment plays a significant role in what you say and try to convey to people. For example, if you hear a bird chirping, you might incorporate it into what you were just about to say. This makes the person you’re talking to even more comfortable with what you are trying to convey with your thoughts and ideas. This is how different things can affect one’s communication skill, specifically speaking.

The Role of Context in Effective Speaking

Context, both physical and social, can greatly influence the effectiveness of spoken communication. According to communication theory, the context can determine the appropriateness of the message, the tone, and even the choice of words. In different contexts, the same message can have varied interpretations. For instance, discussing a serious topic in a casual setting may require a different approach than discussing the same topic in a formal meeting.

Body Language: Nonverbal Communication

A second communication skill is body language, a very personal way of expressing oneself without words. One’s body language can carry a whole conversation without even saying a word. Sign language is an excellent example of this; one can spend their whole life communicating only with their body. Still, one can be able to understand exactly how a person is trying to express themselves. Speaking and body language go hand in hand; without gestures when talking, one cannot truly explain certain things to someone. Also, there is no visual effect for the person listening. When there is sound as well as some kind of visual movement, one is more interested in what someone is trying to say. Through body language, one can tell if a person is sad or happy, glad or mad. Body language conveys a lot of expression to our inner feelings and thoughts. Body language can show many things about you and the way you think. It can also show the way a person reacts to what you try to convey to them. If the listener isn’t responding, one must try and change the topic without losing the listener’s focus. One can only know this through the listener’s body language. Body language is essential to a good way of showing and conveying one’s ideas.

Understanding Body Language through Theories

Theories in psychology and communication studies, such as Albert Mehrabian’s model of communication, emphasize the importance of nonverbal cues. Mehrabian’s research suggests that 93% of communication is nonverbal, consisting of body language (55%) and tone of voice (38%), with only 7% relating to the actual words spoken. This highlights the critical role that body language plays in communication and how it can significantly affect the interpretation of messages.

Listening: The Key to Effective Communication

A third and final major communication skill is listening, one of the most useful communication skills. A good listener is someone who can concentrate and not lose focus on a subject. When someone listens to someone, they might start daydreaming or think of something else and lose focus on the speaker’s subject. Listening is what connects people together. One “cannot speak if no one is listening”; without a listener, there would be no need for a speaker. Listening is a skill that takes a long time to develop and to really understand how to listen. One can hear, but are they really listening to what is said? One way to make a listener’s job easier is to have a speaker who is clear and brief. This way, the listener won’t drift away, and the speaker has stated his or her point. This way, the listener has understood what has been said and can make his or her own interpretations. An active listener is a listener who is involved with what the speaker is trying to say. He or she, for example, may nod, lean forward, make eye contact, and also may take notes. This shows that the speaker has done his job successfully, and the listener is responding and being active to what has been said. A listener can be biased and not even listen; this does not affect the speaker because he or she may be responding to others. These effects show how important listening is to everyone and what an important communication skill it really is.

Theories on Listening

Active listening is often discussed in the context of Carl Rogers’ client-centered therapy. Rogers emphasized the importance of listening with empathy and understanding, which fosters a therapeutic environment where the speaker feels heard and valued. This concept is applicable beyond therapy, as active listening in everyday conversations can build stronger, more meaningful connections.

The Lifelong Development of Communication Skills

Communication skills will be around us forever and will continue to thrive and develop as time goes by. These effects on communication skills show that one can interpret different things through one’s communication skills. As one improves their communication skills, it shows us how to talk, listen, and communicate better with one another. As the world progresses, we will see more people taking more time to develop these skills to their fullest. One will understand how to control the effects communication skills cause and how to handle them.

Continuous Improvement and Education

The development of communication skills is a lifelong process that benefits from continuous improvement and education. Engaging in activities such as public speaking courses, workshops on nonverbal communication, and active listening training can significantly enhance one’s abilities. The application of these skills in various contexts, from personal relationships to professional settings, underscores their universal importance.

In conclusion, communication skills are integral to our daily lives and essential for personal and professional success. Speaking, body language, and listening are three foundational communication skills that, when developed, can greatly enhance our ability to connect with others and convey our ideas effectively. Understanding and improving these skills require ongoing effort and awareness of the theories and practices that underpin effective communication . By dedicating time to refining these skills, individuals can achieve better interactions and build stronger, more empathetic relationships.

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    So, below are five easy ways to improve your professional communication skills and boost your career in the process. 1. Expand Your Industry Vocabulary. Every industry uses specific words and phrases. So, one of the easiest ways to improve your professional communication skills is to learn your industry's jargon.

  16. The Importance of Communication in Professionalism: [Essay Example

    The Importance of Elements of Communication. The efficacy of professional communication hinges upon the judicious utilization of its constituent elements: verbal and non-verbal cues, tone, and contextual nuances. Verbal communication, encompassing spoken and written language, serves as the primary vehicle for conveying information, ideas, and ...

  17. Reflection on Communication in Career Development

    Good communication skills are very important to one's success no matter the career or industry you work in. Communication can be defined as the process of transmitting information and common understanding from one person to another (Keyton, 2011). This means that everyone's process of communication will be different as it is the exchange of ...

  18. The Role of Effective Communication Skills in Professional Life

    A face-to-face interaction, for example, This will show the communication effects with four different factors: i) Speaking, ii) Reading, iii) Listening and vi) Writing Listening is the capacity to ...

  19. Communication Skills in Human Life

    As admitted by McKay, Davis, and Fanning (2009), self-disclosure is a key component of human communication. It is present in every communicative process and is unavoidable: "Self-disclosure makes relationships exist and builds intimacy. It clarifies and enlivens.

  20. 5 Ways to Improve Your Professional Communication Skills

    1. Expand Your Industry Vocabulary. Every industry uses specific words and phrases. So, one of the easiest ways to improve your professional communication skills is to learn your industry's jargon. To do that, you can join online industry groups, attend virtual and in-person industry events, and read industry-specific books.

  21. Essay: The Importance and Development of Communication Skills

    The development of communication skills is a lifelong process that benefits from continuous improvement and education. Engaging in activities such as public speaking courses, workshops on nonverbal communication, and active listening training can significantly enhance one's abilities. The application of these skills in various contexts, from ...