Bogano: The Researcher Force Echoes Location for Databank

Location of The Researcher Force Echoes on Planet Bogano in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. There are 13 The Researcher Force Echoes Databank collectible entries and they are all on Planet Bogano, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Maps & Walkthrough.

The Researcher

The researcher 1. water filters.

These water filters rely on the planet's algae to purify drinking water. Impurities are removed by the algae and used as fuel to create water and minerals in a process known as chemosynthesis. The result converts the water's natural acids into drinkable water.

The Researcher 2. Research Notes

Meticulous hand-crafted notes on the energy sphere left behind by the researcher on Bogano.

The Researcher 3. Research Camp

Traces of a camp used by someone excited to study a large creature they referred to as a 'Binog'.

The Researcher 4. Larder

Someone lived here for some time, using this larder for storage and provisions.

The Researcher 5. Traveling To The Vault

A tool used by a traveler who wanted to reach the mysterious Vault.

The Researcher 6. Meditation

A meditation area, well hidden. Whoever was here knew the Jedi Order.

The Researcher 7. Frustration

A bag left by someone who came here from Coruscant. They were strangely frustrated with the Jedi Council for some reason.

The Researcher 8. Secluded Sanctuary

Part of Cordova's kit. He was troubled about the Jedi's continued involvement in a seemingly endless war. He knew his work here was more important.

The Researcher 9. Cordova's Padawan

Cordova felt isolated and alone. He spent time fondly reflecting on his Padawan and the memories of their adventures.

The Researcher 10. Old Memoirs

Cordova's droid kit. He hoped someone would come along who could figure out the secret to the vault.

The Researcher 11. Weather Sensor

Jedi Master Eno Cordova originally created this weather sensor to help him decide whether or not to wear a sweater on his excavations. To his surprise, the data he retrieved showed traces of electromagnetic radiation in Bogano's winds. Though it exists in much lower concentrations than on Zeffo, Cordova. theorized this could be one reason the Zeffo chose to create their Vault on Bogano.

The Researcher 12. Droid Cairn

These scraps served as cairns for the droids who helped build the research station on Bogano. Without their help, little would be known about the Zeffo or their Vault.

The Researcher 13. Faded Mural

A faded mural located on Bogano not far from the Zeffo Vault. It likely represents a planet but the artwork is too damaged to make out any specifics.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, what does the term 'research 1' university mean.

Hi everyone! As a junior in high school, I'm trying to compile a list of potential colleges and universities to apply to. I keep coming across the term 'Research 1' university. Can someone please explain to me what this means and how it might impact my college experience if I attend one? Thanks!

Hi there! I'd be happy to explain the 'Research 1' university term for you. The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education categorizes schools based on their research activity levels. A 'Research 1' or 'R1' university is one with the highest level of research activity. This means these institutions are characterized by extensive research efforts and significant funding for research-related initiatives.

The impact of attending a Research 1 university can vary depending on the student and their personal interests. If you're considering a career in research, or a field that values discovery and innovation, attending an R1 institution can offer benefits such as access to high-quality research facilities, engagement with leading scholars, and potential opportunities for research-related internships or on-campus work.

However, it's important to remember that the college experience is different for everyone, and just because a university is an R1 institution doesn't mean it's the best fit for you. It's essential to consider factors beyond research activity, such as size, location, school culture, and academic programs.

Good luck with your college search!

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In Tied Presidential Race, Harris and Trump Have Contrasting Strengths, Weaknesses

2. issues and the 2024 election, table of contents.

  • Other findings: An uncertain election outcome, the more critical candidate, Trump and the 2020 election
  • Voting preferences among demographic groups
  • Support for Harris, Trump among voters and nonvoters in recent elections
  • How Harris and Trump supporters see their vote
  • Do voters think it’s clear who will win?
  • Most voters cite several issues as very important to their vote
  • Changes in confidence in candidates on issues, following Biden’s departure from race 
  • Do voters see the candidates as ‘too personally critical’?
  • Do the candidates make you feel proud, hopeful, uneasy or angry?
  • How the candidates make Harris and Trump supporters feel
  • How men and women view the impact of the candidates’ genders
  • Views of the candidates’ races and ethnicities
  • Views of the candidates’ ages among younger and older voters
  • Views of the values and goals of the other candidate’s supporters
  • Should the president work with the opposing party in Congress?
  • Top economic concerns: Food and consumer prices, housing costs
  • Acknowledgments
  • The American Trends Panel survey methodology

As concerns around the state of the economy and inflation continue, about eight-in-ten registered voters (81%) say the economy will be very important to their vote in the 2024 presidential election.

While the economy is the top issue among voters, a large majority (69%) cite at least five of the 10 issues asked about in the survey as very important to their vote.

Chart shows The economy is the top issue for voters in the 2024 election

There are wide differences between voters who support Harris and Trump when it comes to the issues.

Among Trump supporters, the economy (93%), immigration (82%) and violent crime (76%) are the leading issues. Just 18% of Trump supporters say racial and ethnic inequality is very important. And even fewer say climate change is very important (11%).

For Harris supporters, issues such as health care (76%) and Supreme Court appointments (73%) are of top importance. Large majorities also cite the economy (68%) and abortion (67%) as very important to their vote in the election.

Most voters cite several issues as very important to their vote this November. Very few – just 5% – say only one issue or no issues are highly important.

Chart shows About 7 in 10 voters say 5 or more issues are very important to their presidential vote

Majorities of both Harris supporters (71%) and Trump supporters (69%) say at least five of 10 issues included in the survey are very important to their vote.

Harris supporters are more likely than Trump supporters to say most of the issues included are very important. About a third of Harris supporters (32%) say at least eight of 10 issues are very important, compared with 17% of Trump supporters.

Top voting issues: 2020 versus 2024

While the economy has long been a top issue for voters – and continues to be one today – other issues have become increasingly important for voters over the past four years.


Chart shows Immigration has increased in importance among Republican voters; abortion surged in importance for Democrats in 2022, remains high today

About six-in-ten voters (61%) today say immigration is very important to their vote – a 9 percentage point increase from the 2020 presidential election and 13 points higher than during the 2022 congressional elections.

Immigration is now a much more important issue for Republican voters in particular: 82% of Trump supporters say it is very important to their vote in the 2024 election, up 21 points from 2020.

About four-in-ten Harris supporters (39%) say immigration is very important to their vote. This is 8 points higher than the share of Democratic congressional supporters who said this in 2022, but lower than the 46% of Biden supporters who cited immigration as very important four years ago.

In August 2020, fewer than half of voters (40%) said abortion was a very important issue to their vote. At the time, Trump voters (46%) were more likely than Biden voters (35%) to say it mattered a great deal.

Following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade , opinions about abortion’s importance as a voting issue shifted. Today, 67% of Harris supporters call the issue very important – nearly double the share of Biden voters who said this four years ago, though somewhat lower than the share of midterm Democratic voters who said this in 2022 (74%). And about a third of Trump supporters (35%) now say abortion is very important to their vote – 11 points lower than in 2020.

Confidence in Harris and Trump on top issues

Chart shows Voters are more confident in Trump on economy, immigration; Harris leads on abortion, race

Voters have more confidence in Trump than Harris on economic, immigration and foreign policies. Half or more voters say they are at least somewhat confident in Trump to make good decisions in these areas, while smaller shares (45% each) say this about Harris.

In contrast, voters have more confidence in Harris than Trump to make good decisions about abortion policy and to effectively address issues around race. Just over half of voters have confidence in Harris on these issues, while 44% have confidence in Trump on these issues.

Trump holds a slight edge over Harris for handling law enforcement and criminal justice issues (51% Trump, 47% Harris). Voters are equally confident in Harris and Trump to select good nominees for the Supreme Court (50% each).

Fewer than half of voters say they are very or somewhat confident in either candidate to bring the country closer together (41% are confident in Harris, 36% in Trump). And voters express relatively little confidence in Trump (37%) or Harris (32%) to reduce the influence of money in politics.

Chart shows Voters are more confident in Harris than they were in Biden on several issues

Since Biden dropped out of the presidential race in July , there has been movement on how confident voters are in the candidates to address issues facing the country.

Abortion policy

In July, 48% of voters were confident in Biden to make good decisions about abortion policy. Today, 55% of voters are confident in Harris to do the same.

Harris currently has an 11-point advantage over Trump on voters’ confidence to handle abortion policy decisions.

Immigration policy

Voters also express more confidence in Harris to make wise decisions about immigration policy than they did for Biden before he withdrew from the race. Today, 45% are confident in Harris on this issue; in July, 35% said this about Biden.

While Trump’s advantage over Harris on immigration policy is less pronounced than it was over Biden, he continues to hold a 7-point edge. Voters are as confident in his ability to make wise decisions about immigration policy as they were in July (52%).

Foreign and economic policies

Harris has also improved over Biden in voters’ confidence to make good decisions about foreign and economic policies. Currently, 45% of voters are confident in Harris on each of these issues.

In July, 39% had confidence in Biden to make good foreign policy decisions, while a similar share (40%) had confidence in him on economic policy.

Trump holds an edge over Harris on both of these issues, though both are somewhat narrower than the advantage he had over Biden on these issues in July.

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The Political Values of Harris and Trump Supporters

As robert f. kennedy jr. exits, a look at who supported him in the 2024 presidential race, harris energizes democrats in transformed presidential race, many americans are confident the 2024 election will be conducted fairly, but wide partisan differences remain, joe biden, public opinion and his withdrawal from the 2024 race, most popular, report materials.

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Rogue whois server gives researcher superpowers no one should ever have, .mobi top-level-domain managers changed the location of its whois server. no one got the memo..

Dan Goodin - Sep 11, 2024 10:00 am UTC

Rogue WHOIS server gives researcher superpowers no one should ever have

It’s not every day that a security researcher acquires the ability to generate counterfeit HTTPS certificates, track email activity, and the position to execute code of his choice on thousands of servers—all in a single blow that cost only $20 and a few minutes to land. But that’s exactly what happened recently to Benjamin Harris.

Harris, the CEO and founder of security firm watchTowr, did all of this by registering the domain The domain was once the official home of the authoritative WHOIS server for .mobi, a top-level domain used to indicate that a website is optimized for mobile devices. At some point—it’s not clear precisely when—this WHOIS server, which acts as the official directory for every domain ending in .mobi, was relocated, from to While retreating to his Las Vegas hotel room during last month’s Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, Harris noticed that the previous owners had allowed the domain to expire. He then scooped it up and set up his own .mobi WHOIS server there.

Misplaced trust

To Harris’s surprise, his server received queries from slightly more than 76,000 unique IP addresses within a few hours of setting it up. Over five days, it received roughly 2.5 million queries from about 135,000 unique systems. The entities behind the systems querying his deprecated domain included a who’s who of Internet heavyweights comprising domain registrars, providers of online security tools, governments from the US and around the world, universities, and certificate authorities, the entities that issue browser-trusted TLS certificates that make HTTPS work.

“watchTowr’s research has demonstrated that trust placed in this process by governments and authorities worldwide should be considered misplaced at this stage, in [our] opinion,” Harris wrote in a post documenting his research. “watchTowr continues to hold concern around the basic reality: watchTowr found this on a whim in a hotel room while escaping the Vegas heat surrounding Black Hat, while well-resourced and focused nation-states look for loopholes like this every day. In watchTowr’s opinion, they are not likely to be the last to find inexcusable flaws in such a crucial process.”

WHOIS has played a key role in Internet governance since its earliest days, back when it was still called the ARPANET . Elizabeth Feinler , an information scientist working for the Augmentation Research Center, became the principal investigator for NIC, short for the Network Information Center project, in 1974. Under Feinler’s watch , NIC developed the top-level domain naming system and the official host table and published the ARPANET Directory, which acted as a directory of phone numbers and email addresses of all network users. Eventually , the directory evolved into the WHOIS system, a query-based server that provided a comprehensive list of all Internet host names and the entities that had registered them.

Despite its antiquated look and feel, WHOIS today remains an essential resource with tremendous consequences. Lawyers pursuing copyright or defamation claims use it to determine the owner of a domain or IP address. Anti-spam services depend on it to determine the true owner of email servers. Certificate authorities rely on it to determine the official administrative email address of a domain. The list goes on.

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The Researcher I

The Researcher I
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What is the Difference Between R1 and R2 Universities?

Posted by Shelly Quance on 9/3/24 8:08 AM


At Research 1 – or R1 – institutions, research study spans the academic spectrum, engaging grad students with research opportunities from the creative arts and humanities to the social sciences and applied sciences.

R1 universities are at the forefront of research and innovation, and they receive federal and/or private funding specifically for their academic research.

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Higher Education has classified approximately 146 U.S. institutions as having R1 status. In other words, R1 institutions are recognized as the best research universities in the country — and West Virginia University is one of them (and the only R1 institution in the state of West Virginia).

But what is the difference between R1 and R2 universities? Is it really worth choosing an R1 institution over one with R2 status? Here's the difference between R1 and R2 status institutions.

️ Download WVU's Guide to Research-Based Graduate Programs.

More Ph.D. Students Graduate From R1 Universities

Research conducted at the graduate level cultivates a more comprehensive and cutting-edge knowledge base. Grad programs offered at R1 institutions also foster a community that focuses on experimental learning and expands upon research, rather than solely focusing on existing facts in the field. In this way, R1-status universities help grad students engage in cutting-edge research that's typically associated with Ph.D. candidates. 

These candidates find that conducting research at an R1 institution greatly benefits their academic and professional path, because they are actively engaged with the most recent findings coming out of their respective fields. For this reason, R1 institutions actually graduate more doctoral students than any other universities, including R2-status institutions. 


Research Funding is Often Better at R1s

R1 universities are awarded significantly larger amounts of funding in comparison to R2 institutions. R1 institutions are required to have minimum funding of $43.8 million per academic year. R2 institutions have a much lower minimum funding requirement.

And because R1 institutions also employ research-driven faculty who are passionate about research , most R1 universities actually bring in significantly more than the minimum funding requirement. For example, in 2019, WVU reported $152 million in research expenditures. And by fiscal year 2024 , this number had increased to $275 million.


Accomplished Researchers Often Come from R1 Institutions

Graduate students at R1 institutions are investigating new frontiers — looking at what has been discovered and making their own new discoveries.

With a graduate degree from an R1 university, research-driven students can expect to go out and be a leading scholar in their area. They'll be on the forefront of the next generation of people who are discovering great new ideas and changing and shaping the world.

At WVU specifically, you'll go through a huge transformation, where you’ll move from being the student to being the professional — and then you’ll be ready to make a mark on the world.


Learn more about WVU's R1 status — connect with us!

At WVU, you have the opportunity to join one of the best research universities in the country. At an internationally recognized R1 institution , you'll learn from a community of driven, research-focused professionals who are making a positive impact across industries.

The university offers a variety of excellent graduate programs designed to prepare you for a successful career. For a list of current programs, visit our graduate programs page .


Learn more about obtaining a graduate degree at one of the best research universities in the United States!

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Topics: Industry Research & Advice

Posted by Shelly Quance

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Shelly Quance has spent almost 20 years working in higher education marketing communications. She currently serves as Director for West Virginia University’s Office of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment where she works collaboratively with College leadership to develop, implement, and evaluate creative and effective comprehensive communication and marketing plans to increase graduate student enrollment.


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The Researcher's First Murder: A New Cain's Jawbone Puzzle

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John Finnemore

The Researcher's First Murder: A New Cain's Jawbone Puzzle Loose Leaf – October 1, 2024

The next challenge for fans of Cain's Jawbone : the TikTok sensation and international bestseller.

A body is found stabbed to death in a locked room. The police find no weapon, no motive and no suspects. However, the murderer has in their possession a box of one hundred cryptic picture postcards which – if properly understood – would explain not just this murder, but nine others. These are those cards.

Readers must rearrange the pages of text to unravel the story and identify the murderer, victim and location for each of the ten murders. They must also consider the separate puzzles presented by the curious images on the other sides. 

Torquemada taught us that complete dedication is key and from devising detective pinboards to daily investigation diaries, Cain’s Jawbone puzzlers did him proud. But now the time has come to dust off that magnifying glass, because a global movement to solve the first picture postcard puzzle is about to begin. Do you have what it takes to explain The Researcher’s First Murder ?

  • Print length 100 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Unbound
  • Publication date October 1, 2024
  • Dimensions 5.2 x 1.9 x 7.6 inches
  • ISBN-10 180018364X
  • ISBN-13 978-1800183643
  • See all details

From the Publisher

The Researcher's First Murder: A New Cain's Jawbone Puzzle

Customer Reviews
Price $8.24$8.24
Out Now? Yes Yes August 22nd, 2024

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About the author, product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Unbound (October 1, 2024)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Loose Leaf ‏ : ‎ 100 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 180018364X
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1800183643
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.8 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.2 x 1.9 x 7.6 inches
  • #435 in Mystery Graphic Novels
  • #1,155 in Puzzles (Books)
  • #1,399 in International Mystery & Crime (Books)

About the author

John finnemore.

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Dear Colleague Letter: Request for Information on the CHIPS and Science Act Section 10343. Research Ethics

September 9, 2024

Dear Colleagues:

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency that supports research at the frontiers of current knowledge, across all fields of science, engineering and education in all 50 states and U.S. territories. NSF is issuing this Request for Information (RFI) to seek input to inform the development of the agency's response to Section 10343. Research Ethics in the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 ( Public Law 117-167 ). NSF welcomes feedback from interested parties. This includes representatives from non-profit organizations, philanthropies, industry, local, state, and tribal government offices/agencies, K-12 schools and districts, institutions of higher education, trade, and/or vocational schools.

While the NSF has funding opportunities in the area of ethical and societal risks such as Ethical and Responsible Research (ER2) and Responsible Design, Development, and Deployment of Technologies (ReDDDoT) , this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) does not itself invite research proposals nor is it a funding opportunity. However, the submission of collective input to this RFI spanning different perspectives from multiple constituent communities may be used to inform, refine, and catalyze future NSF investments, policies, and programs.


Section 10343 ("Research Ethics") of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 directs NSF to incorporate ethical, social, safety, and security considerations into the merit review process that is used to evaluate research projects or other activities for funding. Section 10343 notes that "a number of emerging areas of research have potential ethical, social, safety, and security implications that might be apparent as early as the basic research stage." In addition, Section 10343 states that "the incorporation of ethical, social, safety, and security considerations into the research design and review process for Federal awards may help mitigate potential harms before they happen." Moreover, Section 10343 states that "The Foundation should continue to work with stakeholders to promote best practices for governance of research in emerging technologies at every stage of research."

Through this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), NSF seeks input on ways to incorporate ethical, social, safety, and security considerations into the agency's merit review process and to develop strategies for mitigating the potential harms of scientific research and amplifying societal benefits from such research.

The Federal Register notice of this Request for Information is available at .


To respond to this Request for Information, please use the official submission form available at: .

Respondents only need to provide feedback on one or more questions of interest or relevance to them. Each question is voluntary and optional. The response to each question has a 4,000 character limit, including spaces.


Question 1 : Describe ethical, social, safety, and/or security risks from current or emerging research activities that you believe might be of concern to the community, profession, or organization with which you are connected.

Question 2 : Which products, technologies, and/or other outcomes from research do you think could cause significant harm to the public in the foreseeable future?

Question 3 : Describe one or more approaches for identifying ethical, social, safety, and/or security risks from research activities and balancing such risks against potential societal benefits.

Question 4 : Describe one or more strategies for encouraging research teams to incorporate ethical, social, safety, and/or security considerations into the design of their research approach. Also, how might the strategy vary depending on research type (for example, basic vs. applied) or setting (for example, academia or industry)?


Question 5 : How might NSF work with stakeholders to promote best practices for governance of research in emerging technologies at every stage of research?

Question 6 : How could ethical, social, safety, and/or security considerations be incorporated into the instructions for proposers and into NSF's merit review process? Also, what challenges could arise if the merit review process is modified to include such considerations?

Question 7 : What other measures could NSF consider as it seeks to identify and mitigate ethical, social, safety, and/or security risks from research projects or other activities that the agency supports?

Responses to this DCL must be received on or before 11:59 P.M. Eastern time on Friday, November 15, 2024 .


For questions concerning this RFI and submission of input, please contact: [email protected]

Susan Marqusee, Assistant Director Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO)

Gregory Hager, Acting Assistant Director Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)

Susan Margulies, Assistant Director Directorate for Engineering (ENG)

James L. Moore III, Assistant Director Directorate for STEM Education (EDU)

Alexandra R. Isern, Assistant Director Directorate for Geosciences (GEO)

C. Denise Caldwell, Acting Assistant Director Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)

Kendra Sharp, Office Head Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE)

Alicia Knoedler, Office Head Office of Integrated Activities (OIA)

Kaye Husbands Fealing, Assistant Director Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE)

Erwin Gianchandani, Assistant Director Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP)

Department of Health & Human Services

Module 1: Introduction: What is Research?

Module 1

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain how the scientific method is used to develop new knowledge
  • Describe why it is important to follow a research plan

Text Box: The Scientific Method

The Scientific Method consists of observing the world around you and creating a  hypothesis  about relationships in the world. A hypothesis is an informed and educated prediction or explanation about something. Part of the research process involves testing the  hypothesis , and then examining the results of these tests as they relate to both the hypothesis and the world around you. When a researcher forms a hypothesis, this acts like a map through the research study. It tells the researcher which factors are important to study and how they might be related to each other or caused by a  manipulation  that the researcher introduces (e.g. a program, treatment or change in the environment). With this map, the researcher can interpret the information he/she collects and can make sound conclusions about the results.

Research can be done with human beings, animals, plants, other organisms and inorganic matter. When research is done with human beings and animals, it must follow specific rules about the treatment of humans and animals that have been created by the U.S. Federal Government. This ensures that humans and animals are treated with dignity and respect, and that the research causes minimal harm.

No matter what topic is being studied, the value of the research depends on how well it is designed and done. Therefore, one of the most important considerations in doing good research is to follow the design or plan that is developed by an experienced researcher who is called the  Principal Investigator  (PI). The PI is in charge of all aspects of the research and creates what is called a  protocol  (the research plan) that all people doing the research must follow. By doing so, the PI and the public can be sure that the results of the research are real and useful to other scientists.

Module 1: Discussion Questions

  • How is a hypothesis like a road map?
  • Who is ultimately responsible for the design and conduct of a research study?
  • How does following the research protocol contribute to informing public health practices?


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Computer Science > Computation and Language

Title: can llms generate novel research ideas a large-scale human study with 100+ nlp researchers.

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have sparked optimism about their potential to accelerate scientific discovery, with a growing number of works proposing research agents that autonomously generate and validate new ideas. Despite this, no evaluations have shown that LLM systems can take the very first step of producing novel, expert-level ideas, let alone perform the entire research process. We address this by establishing an experimental design that evaluates research idea generation while controlling for confounders and performs the first head-to-head comparison between expert NLP researchers and an LLM ideation agent. By recruiting over 100 NLP researchers to write novel ideas and blind reviews of both LLM and human ideas, we obtain the first statistically significant conclusion on current LLM capabilities for research ideation: we find LLM-generated ideas are judged as more novel (p < 0.05) than human expert ideas while being judged slightly weaker on feasibility. Studying our agent baselines closely, we identify open problems in building and evaluating research agents, including failures of LLM self-evaluation and their lack of diversity in generation. Finally, we acknowledge that human judgements of novelty can be difficult, even by experts, and propose an end-to-end study design which recruits researchers to execute these ideas into full projects, enabling us to study whether these novelty and feasibility judgements result in meaningful differences in research outcome.
Comments: main paper is 20 pages
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Computers and Society (cs.CY); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC); Machine Learning (cs.LG)
Cite as: [cs.CL]
  (or [cs.CL] for this version)
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Studies on pigeon-guided missiles, swimming abilities of dead fish among Ig Nobles winners

A study that explores the use of pigeons to guide missiles and one that looks at separating drunk worms from sober worms were among the winners of this year’s Ig Nobels, the prize for comical scientific achievement. (AP Video shot by Rodrique Ngowi)

People in the audience throw paper airplanes toward the stage during a performance at the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Mass., Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

A team of researchers perform a demonstration during a performance showing that many mammals are capable of breathing through their anus while accepting the 2024 Ig Nobel prize in physiology at the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Mass., Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Professor James Liao displays a stuffed fish while accepting a prize for physics for demonstrating and explaining the swimming abilities of a dead trout during a performance at the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Mass., Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

FILE - Students walk past the “Great Dome” atop Building 10 on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus in Cambridge, Mass, April 3, 2017. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File)

Professor Sander Woutersen, right, displays an oversized stuffed worm while accepting a shared Ig Nobel Prize in chemistry for working with a team of researchers using chromatography to separate drunk and sober worms, during a performance, Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024, at the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Mass. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

A performer places a stuffed toy cat on an inflatable cow, Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024, to demonstrate exploding a paper bag next to a cat that’s standing on the back of a cow, to explore how and when cows spew their milk, at the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Mass. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Eric Maskin, 2007 Nobel Laureate in Economics, right, presents an Ig Nobel award to a members of a team of researchers who who used chromatography to separate drunk and sober worms, during a performance at the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Mass., Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

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BOSTON (AP) — A study that explores the feasibility of using pigeons to guide missiles and one that looks at the swimming abilities of dead fish were among the winners Thursday of this year’s Ig Nobels, the prize for comical scientific achievement.

Held less than a month before the actual Nobel Prizes are announced, the 34th annual Ig Nobel prize ceremony at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was organized by the Annals of Improbable Research magazine’s website to make people laugh and think. Winners received a transparent box containing historic items related to Murphy’s Law — the theme of the night — and a nearly worthless Zimbabwean $10 trillion bill. Actual Nobel laureates handed the winners their prizes.

“While some politicians were trying to make sensible things sound crazy, scientists discovered some crazy-sounding things that make a lot of sense,” Marc Abrahams, master of ceremonies and editor of the magazine, said in an e-mail interview.

The ceremony started with Kees Moliker, winner of 2003 Ig Noble for biology, giving out safety instructions. His prize was for a study that documented the existence of homosexual necrophilia in mallard ducks.


“This is the duck,” he said, holding up a duck. “This is the dead one.”

After that, someone came on stage wearing a yellow target on their chest and a plastic face mask. Soon, they were inundated with people in the audience throwing paper airplanes at them.

Then, the awards began — several dry presentations which were interrupted by a girl coming on stage and repeatedly yelling “Please stop. I’m bored.” The awards ceremony was also was broken up by an international song competition inspired by Murphy’s Law, including one about coleslaw and another about the legal system.

The winners were honored in 10 categories, including for peace and anatomy. Among them were scientists who showed a vine from Chile imitates the shapes of artificial plants nearby and another study that examined whether the hair on people’s heads in the Northern Hemisphere swirled in the same direction as someone’s hair in the Southern Hemisphere.

Other winners include a group of scientists who showed that fake medicine that causes side effects can be more effective than fake medicine that doesn’t cause side effects and one showing that some mammals are cable of breathing through their anus — winners who came on stage wearing a fish-inspired hats.

Julie Skinner Vargas accepted the peace prize on behalf of her late father B.F. Skinner, who wrote the pigeon-missile study. Skinner Vargas is also the head of the B.F. Skinner Foundation.

“I want to thank you for finally acknowledging his most important contribution,” she said. “Thank you for putting the record straight.”

James Liao, a biology professor at the University of Florida, accepted the physics prize for his study demonstrating and explaining the swimming abilities of a dead trout.

“I discovered that a live fish moved more than a dead fish but not by much,” Liao said, holding up a fake fish. “A dead trout towed behind a stick also flaps its tail to the beat of the current like a live fish surfing on swirling eddies, recapturing the energy in its environment. A dead fish does live fish things.”


Eating Eggs May Lower Your Risk Of Cognitive Decline, New Research Says

Dietitians credit the food's "anti-inflammatory benefits."

protein egg salad

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About two out of three Americans have some level of cognitive decline by the age of 70. Given that, it’s understandable to want to keep your mind sharp as you age. Now, a new study suggests that eating eggs may help.

The study, which was published in the journal Nutrients , found a link between eating eggs and a lowered risk of cognitive decline as you age. It seems random, but given how easily accessible the ingredient is, this is definitely worth paying attention to. Here’s what the study found—plus, how you can incorporate more eggs into your diet.

Meet the experts : Scott Keatley, RD, is co-owner of Keatley Medical Nutrition Therapy . Jessica Cording, RD , is the author of The Little Book of Game-Changers . Keri Gans, RD , is the author of The Small Change Diet .

What did the study find?

For the study, researchers analyzed data from 890 adults over 55 who participated in a long-term observational study called the Rancho Bernardo Study. The researchers looked at how often the participants ate eggs, as well as the results of performance tests that looked at things like executive function, language, recall, and mental flexibility.

When looking at dietary patterns, the researchers discovered that 16.5 percent of women and 14 percent of men said they never ate eggs, but nearly four percent of women and seven percent of men said they had eggs more than five times a week.

After crunching the data, the researchers found that women who ate more eggs had less of a drop in fluency scores—which look at things like executive function and semantic memory (i.e. recalling words, concepts, and numbers)—over time. The researchers specifically found that the risk dropped by 0.1 for every category of egg consumption.

What does that mean? Basically, eating more eggs was linked to a lower risk of cognitive decline.

Do eggs prevent cognitive decline?

It’s tough to say based on this study alone that eggs prevent cognitive decline. In fact, the study simply found that there was a link, but didn’t prove that eating eggs actually caused the lower risk.

However, research has found that some nutrients in eggs can help support brain function. Choline, which is found in the egg yolk , has been linked to better cognition, and eggs in general are thought of as a brain-friendly food.

"Research has found this nutrient to have anti-inflammatory benefits which may help protect against cognitive decline," explains Keri Gans, RD , author of The Small Change Diet .

A 2021 observational study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science also found that people who ate an intermediate number of eggs (up to 1.5 eggs a week) had lower rates of cognitive decline than those who ate about half an egg or less on a weekly basis.

“Eggs are one of the best sources of choline, a nutrient that is crucial for brain development and function,” explains Scott Keatley, RD , co-owner of Keatley Medical Nutrition Therapy. “Choline is a precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in memory and learning.”

Eggs also contain vitamin B12, “which is important for maintaining the health of nerve cells and can help prevent memory loss and cognitive decline,” Keatley says. They also have lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that help protect against oxidative stress and inflammation. Both of those are linked to cognitive decline, Keatley says.

“Eggs are a really good source of protein and fat, too,” says Jessica Cording, RD , is the author of The Little Book of Game-Changers . “That’s important for blood sugar stability. We’ve learned in recent years that blood sugar plays a role in cognitive health.”

Should I incorporate eggs into my diet?

Eggs are thought of as an overall healthy food and a good source of protein, Keatley says.

“They are nutrient-dense, providing high-quality protein and essential nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, along with minerals like selenium and zinc,” he explains. “The protein and fat content in eggs can aid in satiety and weight management by helping you feel full longer. Additionally, the amino acids found in eggs support muscle repair and growth, which is particularly beneficial for maintaining muscle mass as you age.”

If you’re looking for ways to get more eggs in your life , Keatley recommends eating them scrambled, poached, or boiled. You can also add them to a veggie omelet or use them as a topping for avocado toast .

“ Hard-boiled eggs make a convenient and nutritious snack option,” Keatley points out. “They can also be chopped and added to salads for extra protein and flavor.”

If you’re not in the habit of eating eggs, Cording suggests hard-boiling a few in advance so you can grab and go, or making egg-and-veggie cups in muffin tins for a quick snack.

Cording says that most people can safely consume up to seven eggs a week without worrying about a poor impact on their cholesterol levels. As a result, there are plenty of chances to load up on eggs when the mood strikes.

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How Carolina is complying with UNC System’s DEI policy

Support for faculty, staff and student success and well-being will continue across the University.

Old Well in front of trees and sunset

On Sept. 11, the University of North Carolina Board of Governors received reports from UNC System schools, including Carolina ’s plan , about how they will comply with the Equality Within the University of North Carolina policy. This measure repealed and replaced the 2019 policies that established diversity and inclusion officers and regulations on UNC System campuses. The policy change was made to support academic freedom, equal opportunity and institutional neutrality. 

Vice Provost Leah Cox, the University’s former chief diversity officer, organized the team overseeing the development of UNC-Chapel Hill’s plan. Chancellor Lee H. Roberts and Provost Chris Clemens tasked the group with developing a compliant plan that upholds the University’s commitment to being a place where all can thrive in their working and learning environments. Cox, along with Human Resources and University Counsel, met with schools and units to redirect personnel and activities toward overall student and employee success. 

Carolina’s plan maintains the University’s mission to provide support for student success, well-being and a sense of belonging.  The University will continue to encourage people from all walks of life to see their paths to Carolina and once they are here, provide a welcoming environment that supports their success.     

Below are some FAQs on how Carolina is complying with the policy.  

How does this policy affect Carolina faculty and staff?

The plan eliminated 20 DEI positions campuswide, including positions in the central University Office for Diversity and Inclusion. Most employees affected by the position eliminations were offered and accepted different positions in other parts of campus or within their schools or units.  A total of 27 positions were realigned, with duties and job descriptions shifting to comply with the new policy. Some school- or unit-level DEI offices have been eliminated or reconfigured to focus on student success, employee well-being or community building. 

What are the budget implications?

The elimination of positions resulted in savings in some areas across campus. For example, 55% of the $1.8 million budget of the former central DEI office will be reinvested in other positions and programs to support student success and faculty/staff professional development and well-being. The other 45% of the budget will shift to other divisions to cover the salaries of employees assigned to other divisions.  

How does this affect research, teaching and student organizations?

Research initiatives, faculty teaching and student-led organizations are not impacted by the new policy.  

What about centers that serve specific groups?

The Academic and Community Engagement Centers will remain a vital part of the campus community, and Carolina will continue to implement programming and services that positively influence the success of students from all backgrounds. 

Where are some of the programs relocating within the University?

Student success and employee engagement programs supported by the former DEI office will shift to other units that are focused on success. For example, Student Affairs will coordinate the Martin Luther King Jr. Week of Celebration programming, and a new version of the Carolina Male Empowerment Network available to all members of the Carolina community within Student Wellness. The Project Uplift summer enrichment program will move to the office of Carolina Higher Education Opportunity Programs.  

How do the policy changes support broader employee growth and well-being?

Programs provided by the central DEI office that focused on employees moved to the Division of Human Resources and Equal Opportunity and Compliance. Professional development programs for employees will focus on skill development and leadership training that recognizes differences of all kinds. Reassigned employees will, among other things, manage the development and implementation of a mentoring/coaching program for employees and help re-envision the human resources representative onboarding program. 

UNC-Chapel Hill, along with other system campuses, must submit reports for complying with the policy by Sept. 1.

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    On Sept. 11, the University of North Carolina Board of Governors received reports from UNC System schools, including Carolina 's plan, about how they will comply with the Equality Within the University of North Carolina policy. This measure repealed and replaced the 2019 policies that established diversity and inclusion officers and regulations on UNC System campuses.

  29. Practical Research 1

    Practical Research 1_Quarter 1_Module 1_Nature and Inquiry of Research_version 3.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Here are the answers: A. 1. TRUE 2.

  30. The curious researcher : a guide to writing research papers

    Introduction : rethinking the research paper -- The first week : the importance of getting curious -- The second week : developing a research strategy -- The third week : writing in the middle -- The fourth week : getting to the draft -- The fifth week : revising is re-seeing (or breaking up is hard to do) ... tesseract 5.1.0-1-ge935 Ocr ...