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Carter Cleaning Company The Performance Appraisal.pdf

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December 2022

Performance Appraisal is an important part of Human Resource activities fora company It was built and plays an extremely important role for today'sbusinesses It is both a factor that can help promote the working spirit of employeesin the enterprise and help them understand their working position and workperformance to make appropriate adjustment measures fit In addition, an enterprisethat wants to keep growing in the business environment cannot ignore performanceevaluation in the company's human resource management So how does theperformance appraisal affect the business? To answer this question, group 5 decidedto make the performance evaluation chapter 8 report In addition will analyze thesituation for the cleaning company Carter and provide ideas to propose the bestpossible performance assessment method for the cleaning company The specificobjectives of this case report are as follows:

 To identify a suitable appraisal method for a small company likeCarter Sanitary

 To see if appraisal helps supervisor better assess employeeperformance

 To create a basis for employees to correct their mistakes throughevaluation

 To recommend ways to improve employee engagement throughappraisal


I.CASE STUDY1 Case summary

Essentially, the issue is discussing whether the carter cleaning companyshould adopt a formal performance appraisal method to evaluate its entire staff Infact, the company is owned by Jack Carter and the head of management of thecompany, who runs the business in his own way He doesn't have any formalmethods to measure employee performance and doesn't have any reports onemployee turnover rates Most of his employees worked there for a short period oftime because they felt uncomfortable in their position so they decided to leave Butnow the company has expanded to more branches with 6 stores with a manager ineach store on 6 different locations Things started to change when Jennifer was thedaughter of Jack Carter, a business college graduate During her time at her father'scompany, she observed these problems She wants to bring about some change inthe company Now she wants to turn her father's "informal business method" into amore formal one.

1.1.Case translation

Về cơ bản vấn đề đang thảo luận về việc liệu công ty vệ sinh Carter có nênáp dụng phương pháp đánh giá hiệu suất chính thức hay không Thực tế cho thấy làcông ty do Jack Carter sở hữu và người đứng đầu quản lý công ty, người điều hànhcông việc kinh doanh theo cách riêng của mình Ông ta không có bất kỳ nhữngphương pháp chính thức nào để đánh giá hiệu suất của nhân viên và cũng không cóbất kỳ báo cáo nào về tỷ lệ doanh thu của nhân viên Hầu hết nhân viên của anh ấyđều làm việc ở đó trong khoảng thời gian ngắn bởi vì họ cảm thấy không thoải máicho vị trí của mình, chính vì thế họ đã quyết định rời đi Nhưng bây giờ công ty đãmở rộng thêm nhiều chi nhánh với 6 cửa hàng cũng với một người quản lý ở mỗicửa hàng trên 6 địa điểm khác nhau Sự việc này bắt đầu thay đổi kể từ khi Jennifercon gái của Jack Carter, một sinh viên tốt nghiệp đại học kinh doanh Trong suấtthời gian làm việc ở công ty của bố mình, cô đã quan sát thấy những vấn đề này Côấy muốn mang lại một số thay đổi trong công ty Bây giờ cô ấy muốn biến “phươngPage 5

pháp kinh doanh phi chí thức” của cha mình trở thành một phương thức chính thứchơn.

3 Performance appraisal

Performance appraisal is a process to evaluate and document how effectivelyan employee is performing his or her job It is part of the company's performancemanagement system.

Performance appraisal are based on an employee's progress against the goalsset once a year with their manager Typically, employees and managers will sign upthroughout the year; At the end of the year, the manager assigns an overall rating.

The evaluation process provides employees with job feedback, helpsmanagers make decisions about pay raises and bonuses, and identifies areas forimprovement Continued underperformance may result in a warning or dismissal.

Because performance reviews affect an individual's employment journey, itcan be stressful for employees.

Attendance timely attendance at the workplace and meetings.

Punctuality: It is necessary to comply with this rules and monetaryconditions set forth by the company

5 Quality standards that store managers should have

Store Cleanliness: A clean and hygienic working space will show the level ofprofessionalism of a company, thereby attracting many potential customers tocooperate and create a comfortable feeling for employees to work.

Efficiency: The output rate of each employee this ratio helps determine howefficiently a company can employ its employees and contribute to its businessgrowth.

Safety: A good working environment will be a factor that creates favorableconditions to promote employee's work productivity, creating conditions foremployees to develop capacity and professional skills.

Adherence to budget: It is necessary to comply with the rules and monetaryconditions set forth by the company.

6 Accomplishments

A proper performance review will allow Carter Cleaning to have a clear ideaof where the business should go and whether employees understand the vision andcan connect with routine activities their day or not Moreover, the fact thatmanagers can listen to and absorb the views of employees will make employees feelhappier and work better Besides, a manager can understand what interestemployees and how they contribute to the success of the business Thisunderstanding only truly grows through the reciprocity and openness brought aboutPage 7

by performance appraisal Ultimately, performance reviews will deliver the resultsthe business most wants To achieve this effect, employees need a system ofadjustment, and managers need to constantly review how they work to continuouslyimprove Similar to when you buy a new appliance or machine, it usually comeswith a well-explained instruction manual.

It also helps them come up with ideas for a higher compensation program sothat employees are always motivated to do their jobs Because if there is nosatisfaction between employees and the organization, it will be difficult for thecompany to achieve its goals Carter Cleaning also had a high turnover rate Thereason behind is because they don’t have a compensation plan, lack of properperformance appraisal, which leads them to not be able to come up with areasonable compensation plan and hence their turnover ratio is high To reducethese costs, they should have appropriate compensation plans in place, andperformance reviews are required.

Jennifer also believes that there are criteria such as Quality, Quantity,Attendance, Punctually, Sincerity, Behavior, Efficiency that should evaluatedperiodically even if a worker is paid on piece rate Furthermore, she is also right thatmanagers need to have a list of quality standards for matters such as storecleanliness, efficiency, safety… it provides better results in the eyes of customers.These specific standards help organizations and their employees know what to do.

There are five main reasons to appraisal performance

 Firstly, appraisals will maintain data of all representatives on theirnature and absence

 Secondly, it will help follow their progress and provide feedback Thirdly, appraisals assist in finding the best employees for higher

career positions with the right aptitudes

 Fourthly, the appraisal creates the right communication in theorganization, where supervisors and employees can communicatemore easily

 Finally, it motivates reps to work and achieve goals more effectivelyPage 9

7 Question 2: Develop a Performance appraisal method for the worker andthe managers in each store.

If you are finding a better method of evaluating, in full aspect, the companyculture, employee performance of practice and business operation, you mayconsider applying the Paired Comparison Method

The Paired Comparison Method When Jack uses this method, each monthJack (or his line managers) could compare each subordinate based on thesuggestions from Jennifer on: store cleanliness, efficiency, safety, and adherence tobudget This method also provides an opportunity for each of Jack's stores to havean "Employee of the Month " to raise morale and create healthy competition thusboosting sales But we should keep in mind when developing appraisal methods, thefollowing things should be kept in mind:

 Meetings should be held to clearly explain the purpose, applicationprocedures, and how the results will be collected.

 Provide training for the person responsible for the assessment, wherethey will be instructed on how to give valuable and objectivefeedback.

 Based on the evaluation results, the company can find employees withhigh performance, excellent job performance, and if it is discoveredthat employees have the opposite criteria, it is necessary to offertraining methods create suitable

Performance evaluation is a necessary job that can bring a lot of value inboth the short, medium and long term to organizations and businesses The samegoes for cleaning companies, if Jack applies and considers performing performanceevaluation in a methodical and professional manner with an appropriate frequency,this process is not only to recognize worthy employees but it is also effective inretaining talent and helping him save costs in recruiting or training a new employee.Thereby, Jack can implement some useful strategies for the growth of his companybased on the time and cost that he saves.


Ngày đăng: 13/05/2024, 14:54


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Carter Cleaning Company

Staffing refers to determining what type of people you should hire; recruiting prospective employees; selecting employees; training and developing employees; setting performance standards; evaluating performance; counseling employees; negotiating employees. Staffing the company with the right human capital by Identifying the skills and competencies that are required to perform the Jobs and the type of people that should be hired. Sourcing candidates and establishing an efficient and effective recruiting and selection process will be an important first step.

The second specific HER problem that the Carter Cleaning Company will have to grapple with is planning.

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Strategy of” related diversification” by adding new services that were related to and consistent with Jack Carter’s existing coin laundry activities. Planning define as establishing goals and standards; developing rules and procedures; developing plans and forecasting. Planning and establishing operational goals and standards and developing rules and procedures to support business goals and strategies.

Failure to do so will result in a lack of clarity around performance expectations down the line as each store becomes operational. Then, next HER problem in Carter Cleaning Company will have to grapple with is organizing.

It’s because expanded line of services, Jack Carter renamed each of his two stores Carter Cleaning Centers and was sufficiently satisfied with their reference to open four more of the same type of stores over the next 5 years.

Organizing refers to giving each subordinate a specific task; establishing departments; delegating authority to subordinates; establishing channels of authority and communication; coordinating subordinates’ work. Implementing effective performance of management through setting performance standards, high quality appraisal of performance, and providing ongoing performance coaching and feedback to develop the abilities of each person and support positive employee relations.

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By Siberian standards, Kemerovo Oblast is populous, urban, and industrialized. It lies in the heart of the "Kuzbass" (Kuznets Basin) region, home to the world's largest deposits of coal. Accordingly, most of Kemerovo Oblast's cities developed because of economic opportunities related to the coal industry. As a result, the region's cities are often quite polluted, although the situation has improved since the fall of the USSR. Visitors to the region's cities will find them busy, but not significant tourist attractions in and of themselves. But this is all the more reason to get out into the beautiful and unspoilt (and uninhabited) Siberian countryside!

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