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Case Based (Factual) Unseen Passages: Practice English Grammar for School Classes

  • Post last modified: 17 September 2022
  • Post category: Grammar Exercises / School Grammar

What are Case Based (Factual Passages)? Simply put, factual passages are those passages, which let the readers imagine and feel the factual qualities of a topic as mentioned in the passage. The topic can be about a place, person, thing or event. A factual passage tells the reader about the consecutive things related to the topic in detail, occurring in an orderly manner.

Case Based (Factual) Passages

1. read the passage given below: [cbse set 2, 2021-22] .

  • Milkha Singh, also known as The Flying Sikh, was an Indian track and field sprinter who was introduced to the sport while serving in the Indian Army. He is the only athlete to win gold in 400 metres at the Asian Games as well as the Commonwealth Games. He also won gold medals in the 1958 and 1962 Asian Games. He represented India in the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome and the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo) He was awarded the Padma Shri, India’s fourth-highest civilian honour, in recognition of his sporting achievements 
  • The race for which Singh is best remembered is his fourth-place finish in the 400 metres final at the 1960 Olympic Games. He led the race till the 200 m mark before easing off, allowing others to pass him. Singh’s fourth-place time of 45.73 seconds was the Indian national record for almost 40 years. 
  • From beginnings that saw him orphaned and displaced during the partition of India, Singh became a sporting icon in the country. In 2008, journalist Rohit Baijnath described Singh as “the finest athlete India has ever produced”. 
  • He was disappointed with his debut performance at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics. *1 returned to India, chastened by my poor performance in Melbourne. I had been so excited by the prospects of being part of the Indian Olympics team, but, hadn’t realized how strong and professional the competition would be. My success in India had filled me with a false sense of pride and it was only when I was on the track that I saw how inconsequential my talents were when pitted against superbly fit and seasoned athletes. It was then that I understood what competition actually meant, and that if I wanted to succeed on the international arena, I must be prepared to test my mettle against the best athletes in the world.” 
  • Then he decided to make sprinting the sole focus of his life. “Running had thus become my God, my religion and my beloved”. My life during those two years was governed by strict rules and regulations and a self-imposed penance. Every morning I would rise at the crack of dawn, get into my sports kit and dash off to the track, where I would run two or three miles cross-country in the company of my coach.” 
  • On how he pushed himself through the tough days of vigorous training. “I practiced so strenuously that often I was drained of all energy, and there were times when I would increase my speed to such an extent that after my rounds, I would vomit blood or drop-down down unconscious through sheer exercise. My doctors and coaches warned me, asked me to slow down to maintain my health and equilibrium but my determination was too strong to give up. My only focus was to become the best athlete in the world. But then images of    a    packed    stadium    filled    with    cheering    spectators, wildly applauding me as I crossed the finishing line, would flash across my mind and I would start again, encouraged by visions of victory.” 

Based on your reading answer any five questions from the six given below: 1×5=5  

(i) What is Milka Singh known as? What realization did Milkha Singh have when he was on the track during the Melbourne Olympics?  

(ii) List any two of Milkha Singh’s achievements.  

(iii)  What strict rules and regulations did Milkha Singh follow?  

(iv)  State two consequences of his hard and strenuous practice.  

(v)  What motivated Milkha Singh to become the best athlete in the world?  

(vi)  Explain the phrase ‘I would start again’ in the last sentence. 

1. Milkha Singh was known as ‘The Flying Sikh’. 

He realised how inconsequential his talents were when pitied against superbly fit seasoned athletes. He also realised that he needed to prepare well to test his mettle against the best athletes in the world. 

2. (i) The only athlete to win 400 meters at the Asian Games as well as Commonwealth Games. 

(ii) Won gold in 1958 and 1962 Asian Games. His national record stood unbroken for 40 years. 

(iii) He was awarded Padam Shiri for his sporting achievements. 

3. Every morning he would rise at the crack of the dawn, get into his sports kit and dash off to the track, where he would run two or three miles cross-country with his coach. 

4. ( i) He was drained of all energy. 

(ii) He would vomit blood or drop-down unconscious through sheer exercise. 

5. He was motivated by his vision of victory at a packed stadium with spectators cheering and applauding him as he crossed the finishing line. 

6. ‘I would start again’ means here that he was encouraged to shun any complacency and start again with the double energy and determination to become the best athlete. 

Q. Read the following excerpt from a Case Study. J.K. Rowling – A Journey. [CBSE SET 2, 2022] 

The story of Joanne Kathleen Rowling’s near magical rise to fame is almost as well known as the characters she creates. 

Rowling was constantly writing and telling stories to her younger sister Dianne. “The first story I ever wrote down was about a rabbit called Rabbit.” Rowling said in an interview. “He got the measles and was visited by his friends including a giant bee called Miss Bee. And ever since Rabbit and Miss Bee, I have always wanted to be a writer, though I rarely told anyone so. 

However, my parents, both of whom come from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing personal quirk that would never pay a mortgage or secure a pension. 

A writer from the age of six, with two unpublished novels in the * drawer, she was stuck on a train when Harry walked into her mind fully formed. She spent the next five years constructing the plots of seven books, one for every year of his secondary school life. 

Rowling says she started writing the first book, Harry’ Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, in Portugal, where she was teaching English. 

At first nobody wanted to publish Harry Potter.  She was told that plot was too complex. Refusing to compromise, she found a publisher. 

n 1997 Rowling received her first royalty cheque. By book three, she had sky rocketed to the top of the publishing world. A row of zeroes appeared on the author’s bank balance and her life was turned upside down. Day and night she had journalists knocking on the unanswered door of her flat. 

Rowling’s quality control has become legendary, as her obsession with accuracy. She’s thrilled with Stephen Fry’s taped version of the books and outraged that an Italian dust jacket showed Harry minus his glasses. “Don’t they understand that the glasses are the clue to his vulnerability.” 

Annual earnings of J.K. Rowling from 2010 to 2019 

case study based questions class 10 english

On the basis of your understanding of the passage answer any five of the six questions given below. 1×5=5 

(i) Explain J.K. Rowling’s ‘near magical rise to fame’. 

(ii) What reason did the publishers give for rejecting Rowling’s book?  

(iii) What was the drawback of achieving fame? 

(iv) Why was Rowling outraged with the Italian dust jacket? 

(v)  Find a word in the last para that means the same as ‘insecure/helpless. 

(vi) According to the graph, how many years did it take Rowling to become very successful?

(i) Jk Rowling’s near magical rise to fame is well known as the character she creates I.e. her popular characters led her to magical fame. She was on top of the world of publishing house after the book three was published and her bank balance increased tremendously.  

(ii) She was told that her plot of Harry Potter was too complex. 

(iii) The draw back was that she was approached day and night by journalists knocking at the door of her flat. It was becoming a nuisance and she did not respond all of them. 

(iv) She was obsessed with quality and accuracy and therefore was outraged at an Italian just Jacket for showing Harry without glasses. 

(v) vulnerability 

(v) It took around 6 years for Rowlings to become very successful.

Q. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:

India Covid-19 numbers explained

1. With novel Coronavirus spreading rapidly all over the country, there are only three states right now, Meghalaya, Sikkim and Andaman and Nicobar Islands, that have less than 1,000 people infected with the disease.

2. Lakshadweep, of course, still hasn’t reported even a single case till now, the only region in India entirely free of the epidemic.

3. Otherwise, even the relatively smaller states now have significantly large spread of the disease. Goa, for example, has seen more than 7,000 of its people infected by the virus till now. Tripura has over 5,500 cases, while Manipur has more than 3,000, and Nagaland a little less than 2,500. Puducherry has more than 4,000 cases, while even Daman and Diu has over 1,300 people infected.

4. And in each of these states, the numbers are rising at a fast pace, at a rate higher than the national level. The infections had initially reached these states in the first and second week of May, when the lockdown was relaxed for the first time to enable people stuck in different parts of the country to return to their native places.

5. After a period of very slow growth, the number of cases have begun to rise rapidly in the last one month. In Goa, for example, the total number of infected people has nearly doubled in the last 15 days. Same has happened in Puducherry, as well.

6. Tuesday was one of those rare occasions when the number of active cases in the country, those who are yet to recover from the disease, went down compared to the previous day. That is because the number of recoveries, combined with the number of deaths, exceeded the new cases that were detected on Tuesday.

case study based questions class 10 english

7. With over 52,500 new cases detected in the country, the total number of infections crossed 19 lakh, out of `which 12.82 lakh people have recovered from the disease. The number of dead is now close to 40,000.

8. The number of recoveries on Tuesday was the highest-ever for a single day. More than 51,700 people were declared to have been recovered. Three days earlier, the number of recoveries had crossed 50,000 for the first time, but in the next two days the number had fallen to much lower levels.

Choose the correct option to answer the questions based on the above passage and graphics. Do any ten.

(a) How are these three states – Meghalaya, Sikkim and Andaman and Nicobar Islands – different from the rest of India? (i) they are the only states to have less than 1,000 people infected with novel coronavirus (ii) they are three of the five states to have less than 1,000 people infected with novel coronavirus (iii) they are the only states to have less than 2,000 people infected with novel coronavirus (iv) none of these

(b) __________ is the only region in India which is entirely free of the epidemic. (i) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (ii) Maharashtra (iii) Lakshadweep (iv) Tripura

(c) What is common among Goa, Tripura, Manipur, Nagaland, Puducherry and Daman and Diu? (i) the numbers are rising at a fast pace at rates lower than the national level (ii) the numbers are falling at a fast pace at rates equal than the national level (iii) the numbers are rising at a fast pace at rates higher than the national level (iv) none of these

(d) Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the inherent qualities of climate in the present times. (i) 1 and 4 (ii) 2 and 6 (iii) 1 and 3 (iv) 3 and 5

(e) Which date in the graph shows the highest jump of detected cases in a day? (i) July 30 (ii) July 31 (iii) August 1 (iv) August 2

(f) Of the 19 lakh infected cases, how many have recovered? (i) 11.82 lakh (ii) 13.82 lakh (iii) 12.81 lakh (iv) 12.82 lakh

(g) More than 51,700 people were declared to have been recovered on _______. (i) Wednesday (ii) Sunday (iii) Tuesday (iv) Monday

(h) When had the number of recoveries crossed 50,000 for the first time? (i) two days earlier (ii) Tuesday (iii) three days earlier than Tuesday (iv) none of these

(i) Which word in the passage means the same as “quickly”? (i) rapidly (ii) significantly (iii) native (iv) rare

(j) Which word in the passage is opposite in meaning to “indigenous”? (i) rapidly (ii) significantly (iii) native (iv) rare

Answers: (a) (i) they are the only states to have less than 1,000 people infected with novel coronavirus (b) (iii) Lakshadweep (c) (iii) the numbers are rising at a fast pace at rates higher than the national level (d) (iii) 1 and 3 (e) (ii) July 31 (f) (iv) 12.82 lakh (g) (iii) Tuesday (h) (iii) three days earlier than Tuesday (i) (i) rapidly (j) (iii) native

Australia’s 2019-2020 Bushfire Season was not Normal

  • Data from satellite sources assembled by the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) World Environment Situation Room confirms that the wildfires in Australia in the last two months of 2019 and the first six weeks of 2020 were far from normal. 2019 was the second hottest year on record since 1880, and Australia recorded its warmest temperatures ever in December 2019.
  • “Rising temperatures continue to melt records. The past decade was the hottest on record. Scientists tell us that ocean temperatures are now rising at the equivalent of five Hiroshima bombs a second. One million species are in near-term danger of extinction. Our planet is burning,” says United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.
  • “The trend is very clear: 37 of the last 40 years were the warmest recorded since 1880, and the six warmest years recorded were the last six years,” says Pascal Peduzzi, Director of UNEP’s Global Resource Information Database in Geneva. “For those who think Australia is always burning, graphs clearly show that these fires were exceptional.”
  • “This service, accessible via the UNEP’s World Environment Situation Room, is provided for all countries at national and provincial levels. It identifies trends in wildfire activity since 2003, when the data first became available and monitoring began. We have sliced and diced the satellite-based data on wildfires worldwide from 2009 to the present day. We analyse the wildfires’ data by month, type of land cover, protected area, province and nation to produce information products,” Peduzzi adds. (Source: UN Environment)

(a) What do the reports confirm about the 2019-20 Australian fires? (i) the fires were not normal (ii) the fires were normal (iii) the fires were natural (iv) data inconclusive

(b) What was the difference in the recorded temperatures in 2019 from the 1880s? (i) 2019 recorded the wettest temperatures since 1880s (ii) 2019 recorded the hottest temperatures ever (iii) 2019 recorded the cooler temperatures than 1880s (iv) 2019 recorded the warmest temperatures since 1880s

(c) What comparison has been made between the rising sea temperatures and Hiroshima? (i) ocean temperatures are rising at the equivalent of three Hiroshima bombs a second (ii) ocean temperatures are rising at the equivalent of five Hiroshima bombs a second (iii) ocean temperatures are rising at the equivalent of five Hiroshima bombs an hour (iv) none of these

(d) Choose the option that lists the CORRECT answers for the following:

“Rising temperatures continue to melt records. The past decade was the hottest on record. Scientists tell us that ocean temperatures are now rising at the equivalent of five Hiroshima bombs a second”. Whose statement is this?

“The trend is very clear: 37 of the last 40 years were the warmest recorded since 1880, and the six warmest years recorded were the last six years.” Whose statement is this?

(i) (1) is from United Nations Secretary and (2) is from the UN President (ii) (1) is from the UN President and (2) is from the UN General Secretary (iii) (1) is from United Nations Secretary and (2) is from the Director of UNEP (iv) (1) is from the UN General Secretary and (2) is from the UN President

(e) Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the inherent qualities of climate in the present times. (i) 1 and 3 (ii) 2 and 6 (iii) 3 and 4 (iv) 5 and 6

(f) Which of the following independent data source is NOT PRESENT in the given graph? (i) NASA (ii) NOAA (iii) ISRO (iv) JMA

(g) Choose the option that lists the CORRECT statement. (i) Pascal Peduzzi is the Director of UNEP’s Global Renaissance Information Database (ii) Pascal Peduzzi is the Director of UNO’s Global Resource Information Database (iii) Pascal Peduzzi is the Manager of UNEP’s Global Resource Information Database (iv) Pascal Peduzzi is the Director of UNEP’s Global Resource Information Database

(h) How can you say that the UN is concerned about the rising numbers of coal plants? (i) UNDP Secretary General António Guterres is calling for curbs on new plants (ii) UN Secretary General António Guterres is calling for curbs on new plants (iii) UN Executive Secretary António Guterres is calling for curbs on new plants (iv) UN Secretary General Antony Guterres is calling for curbs on new plants

(i) UNEP’s World Environment Situation Room has been tracking the world temperatures since. (i) 2003 (ii) 2013 (iii) 2000 (iv) 2001

(j) The graph compiled with data from four different sources shows that the global surface temperatures have been _ . (i) steady (ii) falling (iii) on the rise (iv) none of these

(k) Which word in the passage means the same as “collect”? (i) assembled (ii) extinction (iii) exceptional (iv) provincial

(l) Which word in the passage is opposite to the meaning of ‘vague/murky’? (i) assembled (ii) clear (iii) extinction (iv) provincial

(a) (i) the fires were not normal (b) (iv) 2019 recorded the warmest temperatures since 1880s (c) (ii) ocean temperatures are rising at the equivalent of five Hiroshima bombs a second (d) (iii) (1) is from United Nations Secretary and (2) is from the Director of UNEP (e) (i) 1 and 3 (f) (iii) ISRO (g) (iv) Pascal Peduzzi is the Director of UNEP’s Global Resource Information Database (h) (ii) UN secretary general António Guterres is calling for curbs on new plants (i) (i) 2003 (j) (iii) on the rise (k) (i) assembled (l) (ii) clear

Q. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: [CBSE, 2019]

Hyderabad — The City of Nizams GOLCONDA

1. In the 16th century, when Golconda was the capital of Qutb Shahi Kingdom, it is believed that a shepherd boy came across an idol on the hill. It was then that the Kakatiya dynasty’s ruler built the fort, which is 120 m high. After it was captured by Aurangzeb, the Mughal emperor, the fort fell into ruins.

2. The beautiful ruins of the fort have a story to tell. They make you wonder how the fort may have looked in its days of glory and grandeur. The fort also organises a sound and light show every day and the history of this fort is narrated in such an interesting manner that even a child can understand and enjoy it. The climb to the fort is a difficult one and unless you are physically fit, you should avoid the climb and relax in the gardens below. The view from the top is breath-taking.

3. The next place is Charminar. The literal meaning of the monument is ‘four minarets’. There is a mosque on the second floor. It is said that when the state was hit by severe plague, Sultan Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, the fifth ruler of the Qutb Shahi dynasty, prayed to end the plague and promised to build a mosque in the very place where he was praying. Thus, Charminar came into being!

4. The walk from the bottom to the top of the monument is a little frightening, owing to the narrowness of the pathway and the steepness of the steps. Once you reach the top, the view of the crowds moving below will surely lift your spirits.

5. Make sure you visit the nearby Laad Bazaar, where there are rows of shops selling the famous Hyderabadi glass bangles and lac bangles.


6. The Salar Jung Museum is the third largest museum in the country and boasts of owning the biggest one-man collection of antiques in the world. A visit to the Salar Jung Museum is a must even if you are not a fan of antique stuff. You can view the Nizam’s collection of textiles, arms, metalware, ivory carvings, Indian bronzes and carpets.

7. The main attraction is definitely the Musical Clock, made by Cook and Kelvy of England. Inside the clock is a timekeeper. Every hour, he comes out and beats a gong as many times as the time indicates. Another attraction of the museum is the Veiled Rebecca, an amazing sculpture made by the Italian sculptor, Giovanni Maria Benzoni.

On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer any ten of the following questions: (any eight) (a) What led to the construction of the Golconda Fort? (b) What led to the destruction of the Golconda Fort? (c) How is the interest in the Fort kept alive? (d) What does the word ‘breath-taking’ in para 2 mean? (e) Why did Quli Qutb Shah build a mosque? (f) How does one feel after reaching the top of Charminar? (g) What is unique about the Salar Jung Museum? (h) What else can one find in this museum apart from antiques? (i) Name the two attractions of the Salar Jung Museum.

Answers by a topper

case study based questions class 10 english

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Unseen Passage English: 5 case study-based comprehension passage Reading for Class 10

Here you will find our collection of case study-based comprehension passage English exercises, a new addition to the CBSE curriculum designed to improve your comprehension passage reading skills.

Unseen Passage English 1: Comprehension Passage Reading and Questions

1. The UN’s 2017 International Year tells that sustainable tourism is an important tool for development , most importantly in poor communities and countries. Today sustainability — environmental, social, and economic – is increasingly recognised as the benchmark for all tourism business. As noted by the UN World Tourism Organisation, 57% of international tourist arrivals will be in emerging economies, by 2030. The various ‘Tourism Terms’ are defined as follows:

EcotourismResponsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, socially and economically sustains the well-being of local people, and creates knowledge and understanding through interpretation and education of all involved (including staff, travellers, and community residents).
Ethical TourismTourism in a destination where ethical issues are the key driver, e.g. social injustice, human rights, animal welfare, or the environment.
GeotourismTourism that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place – its environment, heritage, aesthetics, culture, and well-being of its residents.
Pro-Poor TourismTourism that results in increased net benefit for the poor people in a destination.
Responsible TourismTourism that maximises the benefits to local communities, minimises negative social or environmental impacts, and helps local people conserve fragile cultures and habitats or species.
Sustainable TourismTourism that leads to the management of all resources in such a way that economic, social, and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity, and life-support systems.  

1.Based on data collected by a survey by Travel Bureau, the following market profile of an ecotourist was constructed:

Age: 35 – 54 years old, although age varied with activity and other factors such as cost. Gender: 50% female and 50% male, although clear differences based on activity were found. Education: 82% were college graduates, a shift in interest in ecotourism from those who have high levels of education to those with less education was also found, indicating an expansion into mainstream markets. Household composition: No major differences were found between general tourists and experienced ecotourists. Party composition: A majority (60%) of experienced ecotourism respondents stated they prefer to travel as a couple, with only 15% stating they preferred to travel with their families, and 13% preferring to travel alone. (experienced ecotourists = Tourists that had been on at least one “ecotourism” oriented trip.) Trip duration: The largest group of experienced ecotourists— (50%) preferred trips lasting 8-14 days. Expenditure: Experienced ecotourists were willing to spend more than general tourists, the largest group (26%). Important elements of trip: Experienced ecotourists top three responses were: (a) wilderness setting, (b) wildlife viewing, (c) hiking/trekking. Motivations for taking next trip: Experienced ecotourists top two responses were (a) enjoy scenery/ nature, (b) new experiences/places.

After reading the comprehension passage, proceed to the questions that test your understanding.

(i) In the line “……….. recognised as the benchmark”, the word “benchmark” does not refer to: (a) a basis for something. (b) the criterion required. (c) the ability to launch something new. (d) a standard point of reference.

(ii) The World Tourism Organisation of the UN, in an observation, shared that: (a) emerging economies of the world will gain 57% of their annual profits from international tourists. (b) countries with upcoming economies shall see maximum tourist footfall from all over the world in the next decade. (c) many international tourists in 2030 will be from developing countries. (d) barely any tourist in the next decade shall travel from an economically strong nation to a weak one.

(iii) Choose the option that lists the correct answers for the following: 1. Asha Mathew, an NRI, loves animals and wishes to travel to places that safeguard their rights and inculcate awareness of their rights. What kind of tourist is she? 2. Gurdeep Singh from UK is an environmental scientist and has always chosen to travel to places that are examples of a symbiotic relationship between man and nature. What kind of tourist is he? (a) (1) is an ecotourist and (2) is a geotourist. (b) (1) is an ethical tourist and (2) is a geotourist. (c) (1) is a sustainable tourist and (2) is a pro-poor tourist. (d) (1) is a geotourist and (2) is a responsible tourist.

(iv) Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the inherent qualities of geotourism.

1. showcases adventure sports  
2. promotes landscape appreciations
3. promises luxurious travel
4.includes being environmentally responsible
believes in commercialising forests  
6.Initiates donations for the underprivileged  

(a) 1 and 2 (b) 5 and 6 (c) 2 and 4 (d) 3 and 5

(v) In the market profile of an ecotourist, the information on gender indicates that: (a) female ecotourists were more than the male ecotourists. (b) the activity preferences were varied in females and males. (c) the choice of things to do on a trip were quite similar for both the genders. (d) male ecotourists were frequent travellers.

(vi) According to the survey, one of the most powerful driving forces leading experienced ecotourism to invest in new trips was: (a) setting up work stations in new places. (b) the chance to go camping in the wild. (c) competing with other ecotourists as frequent travellers. (d) the opportunity to travel to new places.

(vii) Choose the option that lists statement that is NOT TRUE. (a) Economically backward countries will benefit from sustainable tourism. (b) The tourism business currently recognises sustainability as an important factor. (c) Emerging economies will receive negligible international tourists in the near future. (d) The sustainability factor in tourism is a significant means for development.

(viii) The survey clearly showed that the age range of ecotourists: (a) remained the same for the choice of tourist attractions to visit. (b) changed with the monetary requirements for the trip. (c) fluctuated due to male-female ratio. (d) was constant across various features of the trip.

(ix) The education aspect in the market profile of the ecotourist revealed that ecotourism was no more limited to the small group of highly educated travellers. (True/False) (x) According to the survey conducted by the Travel Bureau, the total percentage of experienced ecotourist who did not prefer to travel was………….


(i)(c) the ability to launch something new. (ii) (b) countries with upcoming economies shall see maximum tourist footfall from all over the world in the next decade. (iii)(b) (1) is an ethical tourist and (2) is a geotourist. (iv) (c) 2 and 4 (v) (b) the activity preferences were varied in females and males. (vi) (d) the opportunity to travel to new places. (vii) (c) Emerging economies will receive negligible international tourists in the near future. (viii) (b) changed with the monetary requirements for the trip. (ix) True (x) 75%

Download the Above Passage in PDF (Printable)

Unseen Passage English 2: Analyze and Answer

1. More than 87,000 healthcare workers have been infected with Covid-19, with just six states – Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, West Bengal and Gujarat – accounting for three-fourths (around 74%) of the case burden and over 86% of the 573 deaths due to the infection, official data showed. Maharashtra alone, with the highest number of over 7.3 lakh confirmed Covid cases so far, accounts for around 28% of the infected healthcare workers and over 60% of the total deaths, according to the data. 2. While Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu had tested over one lakh healthcare workers each till August 28, Karnataka reported only 12,260 infected healthcare workers – almost half the burden in Maharashtra. Tamil Nadu reported 11,169 cases that included doctors, nurses and Asha workers. The three states together accounted for 55% of the total cases among health workers. Risk to frontline workers can jeopardise India’s Covid fight – The three states also reported the highest number of deaths in healthcare professionals, though with a wide gap between Maharashtra and the other two. While Maharashtra reported 292 deaths among healthcare workers, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu had 46 and 49 deaths, respectively.

Covid-19 Cases till August 2020

Covid-19 Cases till August 2020 edumantra.net

3. A large number of infections and even deaths of healthcare workers in particular states is being viewed with concern by officials and public health experts, who say risks to frontline workers can jeopardise India’s fight against the pandemic. The issue, discussed in a review meeting headed by the cabinet secretary on Thursday, saw the Centre cautioning states about the need to protect a crucial resource. The possible factors responsible for high infections, officials said, were lax infection control in hospitals and the need for stringent containment measures in areas where health professionals reside to safeguard them. 4. Despite the high number of cases, the government has received only 143 claims since April under the 50 lakh Covid-19 insurance scheme for healthcare workers engaged in Covid mitigation activities. Official sources said the wide gap between the number of deaths and claims could be because all the casualties may not be eligible under the scheme. Besides, the claims are a bit slow in coming as families of the dead take time to apply and do the required paperwork.  5. ‘Solidarity with health workers cannot be met with mere words of encouragement but by concerted efforts to strengthen the health workforce. Safety net for their families should be provided including a term insurance cover of overt 2 crore, with the government as sole guarantee,’ said Giridhar Babu, epidemiologist at the Public Health Foundation of India. ‘Protecting healthcare workers is of paramount importance to make sure we have a large enough force to take care of patients who need their services’ said Dr H Sudarshan Ballal, chairman, Manipal Hospitals, who said such workers may be at risk because of a large number of asymptomatic patients and lack of proper use of PPEs.                                    ( Source : The Times of India/health Ministry)

(i) In the line “… risks to frontline workers”, the term ‘frontline workers’ does NOT refer to: (a) healthcare workers (b) police (c) cleanliness workers (d) teachers

(ii) Which state of India was on the top in terms of confirmed COVID-19 cases? (a) Karnataka (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Delhi (d) Maharashtra

(iii) Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the factors responsible for high infection in healthcare professionals. 1. Careless infection control in hospital  2. Negligency by healthcare professionals  3. Lack of stringest containment measure  4. The lack of healthcare professionals  (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 4 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 3 and 4

(iv) How many healthcare workers, infected with COVID-19, were there in Karnataka till August 2020? (a) 11,169 (b) 12,260 (c) 1,07,100 (d) 15,213

(v) Choose the option that lists statement that is NOT TRUE. (a) Maharashtra was the worst sufferer of Covid-19. (b) Karnataka had less number of Covid-19 cases as compared to Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. (c) The deaths of healthcare workers are disregarded by officials. (d) Most of the families of deceased healthcare workers received रु50 lakh under Covid-19 insurance scheme.

(vi) How many claims has the government received since April 2020 under the ? 50 lakh COVID-19 insurance scheme for healthcare workers engaged in COVID-19 alleviation activities? (a) 49 claims (b) 51 claims (c) 46 claims (d) 143 claims

(vii) ‘Healthcare workers’ refers to………….  (viii) On how many healthcare workers have COVID-19 tests been conducted in Punjab? (ix) Lax infection control in hospitals is the main reason for high infection among healthcare workers. (True/False)                                                                    (x) What does the term ‘concerted efforts’ in pars 5 mean?

(i)(d) teachers (ii) (d) Maharashtra (iii)(c) 1 and 3 (iv) (b) 12,260 (v) (c) The deaths of healthcare workers are disregarded by officials. (vi) (d) 143 claims (vii) doctors, nurses, Asha workers, etc. (viii) On 13,141 healthcare workers COVID-19 tests have been conducted in Punjab. (ix) True (x) The term ‘concerted efforts’ means ‘collective efforts’.

Unseen Passage English 3: Reading Comprehension Exercise

1. Natural calamities generally bring death and disaster on a large scale. Tsunami waves, earthquakes, floods, droughts and epidemics have taken a heavy toll of human lives, particularly the children. The children who survive these disasters suffer the most. They are condemned to lead a life full of misery, insecurity, want and fear. Only the concerted efforts of the Government and the agencies involved in disaster management can help them lead normal lives again.

1,093 – live in general fear  16 – don’t speak  839 – fear water and sound  
110 – withdrawn socially  460 – can’t sleep at night  43 – become asthmatic  
20 – become deaf  21 – become blind  566 – have frequent headache and stomach ache   
1,164 – can’t concentrate117 – refuse to go to school276 – are in shock  

2. The natural calamities have tragically affected the lives of about 15000 children in recent years in India. The tsunami waves and earthquakes created havoc on a large scale. About 5430 children became homeless due to the tsunami and 5438 were the victims of the earthquakes. Floods displaced 2602 and droughts affected 2036 children. Epidemics affected 1313 children. Out of these figures, 1093 children live constantly in general fear; 110 children have withdrawn socially; 20 children have become deaf and 16 of them can’t speak any more. More than 450 children can’t sleep at night while 1164 can’t concentrate on anything. The tragedy is that 21 of them have become blind, 43 asthmatic and 276 are still in shock. 566 suffer from frequent headache and stomachache. About 850 children fear water and sound and 117 have refused to go to school.

Natural calamities edumantra.net

3. Disaster management programmes have not Epidemic proved up to the mark and up to the task. The Government and the concerned agencies should provide comprehensive aids and help to the survivors, particularly the children. They must provide nutritious food, clothes, shelters and medical aids to them. MI efforts should be made to wipe out the scars left by these disasters.

(i) Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the statements that are TRUE.

Some people are hugely benefited by a natural calamity.  
Natural calamities can have a life altering impact on people.  
Natural calamities cannot have any adverse impact on environment.  
Fortunately, there is no economy losses due to any natural cala-mities.  

(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 5 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 4

(ii) What can make the lives of the children , affected with various disasters, normal? (a) The concerted efforts of the government. (b) The concerted efforts of the agencies involved in disaster management. (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)

(iii) As per the histogram, the most disastrous natural calamity for children is: (a) Earthquake (b) Tsunami (c) Flood (d) Drought

(iv) The number of children suffering from frequent headache and stomach ache is: (a) 839 (b) 1,164 (c) 110 (d) 566

(v) Who should be responsible for providing the disaster affected children with nutritious food , clothes, shelters and medical aids? (a) The Government (b) The concerned agencies (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)

(vi) Which of these are the examples of natural calamities? (a) Floods (b) Tsunamis (c) Earthquakes (d) All of these

(vii) Who among the following are the worst sufferers of natural calamities? (a) Elderly people (b) Youth (c) Children (d) Adults

(viii) Natural calamities generally cause ………. on a large scale. (ix) The role of Disaster Management Programmes in resolving the problems of natural calamities is very bad. (True/False) (x) The antonym of ‘occasional’ in pare 2 is………… .

(i)(b) 2 and 5 (ii) (c) Both (a) and (b) (iii)(b) Tsunami (iv) (d) 566 (v) (c) Both (a) and (b) (vi) (d) All of these (vii) (c) Children (viii) death and disaster (ix) False (x) Frequent

Case Study-Based Comprehension Passage – 4

1. Over 80% of fatalities in road accidents in India happened due to speeding and dangerous or driving a comparative analysis of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data since 2014 shows. While this careless corroborates the popular perception of how people drive on the road in a country where getting a driving licence is often said to b . be too easy. Experts said most of the fatal accidents are recorded by police under speeding and dangerous driving categories in the FIR as there are no other provisions in the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for such offences. 2. According to the latest NCRB report on accidental deaths, 83.2% of road fatalities were on account of these two types of violations and the rest 16.8% of fatalities were due to reasons including drunk driving, bad weather conditions and mechanical defect. In 2014, when such causes of fatal crashes were first compiled, 89.4% of the deaths were due to speeding and dangerous or careless driving as per the police records and this was the highest ever. 3. “We face a host of challenges ranging from poor system of issuing driving licences to almost zero scientific investigation of fatal crashes, which are provided in the law. Most of our national highways and state highways, which pass through villages, have no pedestrian crossings. On the top of this, in all fatal cases, police automatically registers them under section 279 (negligent driving resulting death) of the IPC,” said mad safety expert Rohit Baluja, who has been a regular guest faculty at Indian Police Academy, Hyderabad. 4. Confirming this, traffic adviser in Punjab, government, Navdeep Asija said in case of all fatal accidents, the provisions of IPC are slapped. “In IPC, any crime or offence has to be lodged against a human being and hence there cannot be any charge against a road, vehicle or any other object. That’s why police data may not indicate the exact reason of crashes. But it is also a fact that violation of traffic rules is rampant on roads and only electronic surveillance can put a check on them,” he added.

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5.Baluja said there is a need to define what is dangerous driving and the norms for fixing speed limits. “In Delhi, the speed limit is same across major roads, Year residential areas and markets during day lean time and at night as well. No authorities are held responsible for deficiencies on their part,” he pointed out. Though the amended Motor Vehicle Act has included a provision to hold road owning agencies, contractors and consultants in case of fatal accidents due to faulty road construction or design, the government is yet to notify the process for this.                                                  ( Source: Times of India)

(i) Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists accurate speed limit rules authorised in Delhi. 1. Different speed limits for major roads and residential areas. 2. Same speed limit for major roads and residential areas. 3. Same speed limit during day time and at night as well. (a) Only 1 (b) Both 1 and 2 (c) Both 2 and 3 (d) Only 2

(ii) According to the latest NCRB report, what percentage of total fatal road accidents occur due to high speed driving and rash driving? (a) 16.8% (b) 32.3% (c) 27.5% (d) 83.2%

(iii) Choose the option that lists statement that is NOT TURE. (a) Police data may not indicate the exact reason of crashes. (b) Fatal accidents may occur due to faulty road construction. (c) Violation of traffic rules is hardly observed on roads. (d) IPC stands for Indian Penal Code.

(iv) In the line “……… the norms for fixing speed”, the word “norm” DOES NOT refer to: (a) a model (b) a standard (c) usual (d) exception

(v) As per the amended Motor Vehicle Act, who among these are also held responsible for fatal road accidents? (a) Road contractors (b) Road consultants (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)

(vi) According to NCRB, which of these factors is/ are responsible for fatal road accidents? (a) High speed driving (b) Rash driving (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)

(vii) In which year were the causes of fatal crashes first compiled? (viii) According to the traffic adviser in Punjab government, any crime of offence must be lodged against………..  (ix) The data displays that the largest number of road accidents took place in 2016. (True/False) (x) Which word in para 4 is similar in meaning to ‘observation’?

(i)(c) Both 2 and 3 (ii) (d) 83.2% (iii)(c) Violation of traffic rules is hardly observed on roads. (iv) (d) exception (v) (c) Both (a) and (b) (vi) (c) Both (a) and (b) (vii) The causes of fatal crashes first compiled in 2014. (viii) human being only (ix) False (x) Surveillance

Unseen Passage English 5: Reading Comprehension Exercise

1. There are visible signs of economic rejuvenation since the second half of May, with the second wave of the pandemic abating in most parts of the country and state governments lifting restrictions in phases, a finance ministry report said on 10 August 2021 while calling for sustaining the vaccination progress and the need for Covid-appropriate behaviour. “The receding of India’s second wave, along with rapid progress in vaccination, has set the stage to further accelerate economic recovery. The movement of high frequency indicators in July clearly point towards a broad-based economic revival,” said the finance ministry’s monthly economic report for July, adding that these signs resonate with the fact that the economic impact of the second wave is expected to be muted. 2. It said PMI manufacturing sharply rebounded to be in expansionary zone across output and input sub-components of the index. Marking swift economic recovery, GST collection has reclaimed its ‘ 1 lakh crore-plus territory in July, signifying increased business and consumer activity. Rail freight at 112.7 MT in July hit a record for the month and registered 18.3% growth (year-on-year) and 13.2% rise compared to pre-Covid July 2019. The surge in economic activity is further corroborated by trends in Kharif sowing, fertiliser sales, power consumption, vehicle registrations, highway toll collections, e-way bills and digital transactions, said the report. “Latest available data on growth of eight core industries, auto sales, tractor sales, port traffic, air passenger traffic, also indicate sequential improvement from the contraction induced by the second wave,” it further added.

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3. “At this juncture, the economy and society are at a crucial inflection point where sustenance of economic recovery, vaccination progress and Covid-19 appropriate behavioural strategies are needed in close synergy with each other.” It said that having antibodies reduces the probability of acquiring serious illnesses, as is borne by studies. So, any subsequent waves are expected to be mild in terms of severity of disease.

[ Source : Times of India )]

(i) Why do you think the Indian economy is reviving now? (a) The second wave of pandemic is coming down. (b) Restrictions imposed due to Covid-19 are gradually lifted. (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)

(ii) In order to control and prevent Covid-19 cases, which of these is must? (a) Strictly following Covid-19 protocols (b) maintaining the vaccination progress (c) both (a) and (b) (d) neither (a) nor (b)

(iii)  The term ‘Covid-appropriate behaviour’ refers to: (a) maintaining appropriate social distancing (b) wearing mask when going out of home (c) washing hands with soap and water and applying sanitizer frequently (d) all of the above

(iv) What does the line “… the economic impact of the second wave is expected to be muted” mean? (a) The impact of the second wave Covid-19 pandemic on economy would be very disastrous. (b) The adverse impact of the second wave Covid-19 pandemic on economy would be to a very less extent. (c) The impact of the second wave Covid-19 pandemic on economy would be to a large extent. (d) The consequence of the second wave Covid-19 pandemic would be positive for economy.

(v) Based on the passage, what would be the impact of imminent wave Covid-19 pandemic in terms of severity of disease? (a) very serious (b) enormous (c) mild (d) deadly

(vi) What does the GST collection of rupees 1 lakh crore plus territory in July 2021 reflect? (a) Nominal business and consumer activity were done in July 2021. (b) The condition of business and consumer activity was very bad in July 2021. (c) Decreased business and consumer activity took place in July 2021. (d) Increased business and consumer activity took place in July 2021.

(vii) Which one of these is an example of the term ‘year-on-year’? (a) In March 2016, Aditi had received his electricity bill of 1540 and in May 2017, he received his electricity bill of रु450. (b) In February 2020, I had earned 220,000, but in March 2020, I earned रु 15,000. (c) In June 2020, Aryan had received his electricity bill of रु 1450 and in June 2021, he received the same supposed amount of his electricity bill. (d) In May 2020, Sneha had spent 225,000 on household expenditure but in August 2020, she spent रु 30,000 on household expenditure.

(viii) Kiaan was vaccinated twice against Covid-19 virus. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding Kiaan according to the passage? (a) Covid-19 virus cannot affect him at all now. (b) He may even acquire serious illness if he is infected by Covid-19 virus. (c) If he is infected by Covid-19, he may become ill but his illness cannot be very serious. (d) If he is infected by Covid-19, he may even die of it.

(ix) According to the Bar graph, approximately on the area of 600 lakh hectares the work of Kharif sowing was done altogether by 6 August 2021 in our country. (True/False) (x) Which word in pare 3 is the synonym of ‘ensuing’?

(i)(c) Both (a) and (b) (ii) (c) both (a) and (b) (iii)(d) all of the above (iv) (b) The adverse impact of the second wave Covid-19 pandemic on economy would be to a very less extent. (v) (c) mild (vi) (d) Increased business and consumer activity took place in July 2021. (vii) (c) In June 2020, Aryan had received his electricity bill of 21450 and in June 2021, he received the same supposed amount of his electricity bill. (viii) (c) If he is infected by Covid-19, he may become ill but his illness cannot be very serious. (ix) False (x) Subsequent

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Case Based Factual Passage for Class 10

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In this post, I’m sharing with you a “ Case Based Factual Passage for Class 10 ” that’s often found in the CBSE Class 10th Board Exam. If you want to do well in English, you should practise this part a lot. It’s crucial for the upcoming CBSE board exam in 2023-24. Writing skills is very important for board exams.

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Read the passage given below.

1. There are innumerable villages in India which have fewer than 500 residents. Many people from the other cities in India head to one of these sanctuaries to wash away all the hardships of an ultramodern life.

2. With a population of just 289, the tribal village of Ha is the smallest named place in the country which is located at an altitude of 4,780 ft. in the Kurung Kumey district of Arunachal Pradesh. The village is known for its brilliant natural beauty and the Menga caves which are dedicated to Lord Shiva.

3. Located about 27 km from Keylong in Himachal Pradesh, the village of Shansha has a population of 320 people in 72 houses. The hamlet is located close to the Tandi Kishtwar road which is generally a pit stop for those adventure-seeking individuals who ride through this dangerous route. The hamlet of Shansha is home to a greenhouse which is located at a height of 10,000 ft. and provides aid to the locals living and working in this highly challenging terrain.

Factual Passage for Class 10

4. One might think the entire state of Goa is filled with a bunch of beaches and shacks, but there is another side of the tiny state which is known for its isolated villages. Xelpem, also known as Shelpem, is an example of one such place which is located on the banks of Salaulim river and has a population of just 255.

5. The village of Sankri in Uttarakhand is the base camp of many treks and is well known for being the last village which has a market on the way to the Har ki Dun Trek, Kedarkantha. The hamlet has just 77 homes out of which three are small guest houses and has a population of about 270 people. Most families welcome the trekkers to stay at their homes as well.

6. One amongst the most scenic and hidden gems of Nagaland is the village of Nitoi. The village has a population of about 402 people and boasts of an 80% literacy rate even in its small population. The small hamlet can be reached from Kiphire which is an 8-hour drive from Kohima.

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Case Based Factual Passage for Class 10 mcq

On the basis of your reading of the passage given above, answer the following questions.

(1) The purpose of this passage is to provide awareness regarding the _____. Choose the correct option. (a) tiny towns and cities in India (b) small villages and hamlets in India (c) small hamlets and cities in India (d) isolated tribes in India

(2) Select the option that is true for the two statements given below. (i) Shansha has a population of 320 people in 72 houses. (ii) The hamlet of Shansha is home to a greenhouse. (a) (i) contradicts (ii). (b) (ii) is the reason for (i). (c) (i) is independent of (ii). (d) (ii) is the result of (i).

(3) Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the following statement. “Most families welcome the trekkers to stay at their homes as well.” (a) The hamlet consists of only guest houses for trekkers. (b) People from Sankri village aren’t fond of any visitors. (c) The hamlet has just 77 homes with a population of about 270 people. (d) People from Sankri village keep their doors open for guests.

(4) According to the passage, the greenhouse in Shansha is essential for the people because______. (a) it provides aid to the trekkers living and working in this highly challenging terrain. (b) it is the only source of food in the mountains. (c) it provides aid to the locals at a height of 10,000 ft. in this highly challenging terrain. (d) it is a major tourist attraction of that village.

(5) Select the option listing what the given sentence refers to. ‘The village has a population of about 402 people and boasts of an 80% literacy rate even in its small population.’ (i) The village has a population of 402 literate people. (ii) The population of the village is 80% illiterate. (iii) The 80% of the population is not illiterate. (iv) The population of the village is limited to 402 individuals. (v) The village boasts high literacy rate even in its small population. (a) (i), (ii) and (v) (b) (ii), (iv) and (v) (c) (i), (ii) and (iii) (d) (iii), (iv) and (v)

(6) The Menga caves from the village of Ha in Arunachal Pradesh are dedicated to which deity? (a) Lord Shiva (b) Lord Krishna (c) Lord Ganesha (d) Lord Vishnu

  • Unseen Passage for Class 10

Factual Passage for Class 10 with Answers

(7) This passage lists an example of the tiny villages in India where _______. Select the correct option. (a) people come for good business opportunities (b) people come to wash away all their sins in the holy pilgrimage sites (c) people come to escape all the hardships of an ultra-modern life (d) people have just discovered their existence and are not yet listed on maps

(8) Choose the correct option to answer the following: According to paragraph 4, ‘One might think the entire state of Goa is filled with a bunch of beaches and shacks.’ This is so because: (a) Goa is famous for its small naturally scenic villages. (b) Goa is generally advertised as such in popular media. (c) not much is known about the beaches and shacks of Goa. (d) people don’t care about the natural diversity in Goa.

(9) The tribal village of Ha, the smallest named place in the country, is located at an altitude of…… (a) 4,280 ft. (b) 4,580 ft. (c) 4,780 ft. (d) 4,980 ft.

(10) The village of Nitoi is described as_______ (a) scenic and hidden gem of Himachal. (b) filled with a bunch of beaches and shacks. (c) a pit stop for adventure-seeking individuals. (d) scenic and hidden gem of Nagaland.

(11) Which word in the passage means ‘distress’? (a) dangerous (b) hardships (c) innumerable (d) isolated

(12) Which word in the passage is opposite to the meaning of ‘unstimulating’? (a) working (b) literacy (c) sanctuaries (d) challenging

Factual Passage with Answer & Explanation

1. Ans. (b) small villages and hamlets in India 2. Ans. (c) (1) is independent of (2). 3. Ans. (d) People from Sankri village keep their doors open for guests. 4. Ans. (c) it provides aid to the locals at a height of 10,000 ft. in this highly challenging terrain. 5. Ans. (d) (3), (4) and (5) 6. Ans. (a) Lord Shiva 7. Ans. (c) people come to escape all the hardships of an ultra-modern life 8. Ans. (b) Goa is generally advertised as such in popular media. 9. Ans. (c) 4,780 ft. 10. Ans. (d) scenic and hidden gem of Nagaland. 11. Ans. (b) hardships 12. Ans. (d) challenging

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Unseen Passage For Class 10 Factual

Unseen Passage For Class 10 Factual CBSE With Answers

Factual passages: convey information in a straightforward and direct manner about a particular subject. Usually, the language and style are simple and clear. Factual passages may give instructions or descriptions or report of an event or a new finding.

Basic  English Grammar  rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 10 English Chapter wise.

Type 1 Questions

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.

1 Tourists to Jammu and Kashmir have another attraction–a floating post office on the Dal Lake in Srinagar, the first in the country. ‘Floating Post Office, Dal Lake’–claimed to be the only one such post office in the world–is built on an intricately carved maroon houseboat, fastened on the western edge of the Dal Lake.

2 This post office lets you avail of all the regular postal services available in the country while being afloat. The seal used on everything posted from Floating Post Office is unique–along with the date and address, it bears the design of a boatman rowing a shikara on the Dal Lake. The special. feature of this post office is that letters posted from here carry a special design which has the picturesque scenery of Dal Lake and Srinagar city. These pictures reach wherever these letters are posted to and hence promote Kashmir as a tourist destination across the world.

3 This is actually a heritage post office that has existed since British times. It was called Nehru Park Post Office before 2011. But then the chief postmaster John Samuel renamed it as ‘Floating Post Office’.

4 The post office’s houseboat has two small rooms–one serves as the office and the other a small ‘museum that traces the philatelic history of the state postal department. It has a shop that sells postage stamps and other products.

5 But for the locals, Floating Post office is more than an object of fascination. 1–2 crore is deposited per month in Floating Post Office by communities living in and around the Dal Lake. The lake has several islets that are home to more than 50,000 people.

6. The greatest fear is the recurrence of 2014 like floods in which the houseboat had gone for a toss uncontrollably pushed by the flood. Rescue teams had to anchor it using special mechanism in a nearby highland. Then it was brought back on the Dal after the water receded. The biggest boon is that at no time of the year do you need a fan in this post–office!

Unseen Passage With Answers

Attempt the following questions on the basis of the passage you have read:

(a) Jammu and Kashmir has another attraction, the first in the country ………………………. . (i) A floating ATM (ii) A floating bank (iii) A floating post office (iv) A floating museum Answer: (iii)

(b) The greatest fear that the post office has is that ………………………. . (i) it can get drowned (ii) it can be looted (iii) it has less deposits (iv) the floods can ruin it Answer: (iv)

(c) The post office is of no use to the people of Kashmir. (True/False) Answer: False

(d) Chief postmaster John Samuel has renamed the post office. (True/False) Answer: True

(e) The post office is in an intricately carved houseboat. (True/False) Answer: True

(f) The post office’s houseboat has ……………………….. small rooms. Answer: two

(g) The heritage post office has existed since the ……………………….. times. Answer: British

(h) Find the word from the passage which means the same as “attraction”. (para 5) Answer: fascination

Unseen Passage Writing

2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.

1 Then all the windows of the grey wooden house (Miss Hilton used to live here. She expired last week.), were thrown open, a thing I had never seen before. At the end of the day, a sign was nailed on the mango tree: FOR SALE.

2. Nobody in the street knew Miss Hilton. While she lived, her front gate was always locked and no one ever saw her leave or saw anybody go in. So even if you wanted to, you couldn’t feel sorry and say that you missed Miss Hilton.

3 When I think of her house I see just two colours. Grey and green. The green of the mango tree, the grey of the house and the grey of the high iron fence that prevented you from getting at the mangoes.

4 If your cricket ball fell in Miss Hilton’s courtyard you never got it back. It wasn’t the mango season when Miss Hilton died. But we got back about ten or twelve of our cricket balls.

5 The house was sold and we were prepared to dislike the new owners even before they came. I think we were a little worried.

6 Already we had one resident of the street who kept on complaining about us to our parents. He complained that we played cricket on the pavement; and if we were not playing cricket he complained that we were making too much noise anyway.

7 One afternoon, when I came back from school Pal, said, “Is a man and a woman. She pretty, but he ugly like hell”. I didn’t see much. The front gate was open, but the windows were shut again. I heard a dog barking in an angry way.

8 One thing was settled pretty quickly. Whoever these people were they would never be the sort of people to complain that we were making noise and disturbing their sleep.

9. A lot of noise came from the house that night. The radio was going at full volume until midnight when the radio station closed down. The dog was barking and the man was shouting. I didn’t hear the woman.

(a) Miss Hilton’s house had just 2 colours ……………………….. (i) Grey and Black (ii) Grey and Blue (iii) Grey and Pink (iv) Grey and Green Answer: (iv)

(b) The sign ‘For Sale’ was hung on a ……………………….. (i) banyan tree (ii) mango tree (iii) oak tree (iv) guava tree Answer: (ii)

(c) Miss Hilton was a very friendly lady. (True/False) Answer: False

(d) You would always get your cricket balls if they fell in Miss Hilton’s courtyard. (True/False) Answer: False

(e) The new owners of the house had a dog. (True/False) Answer: True

The iron fence did not let the boys get at the ………………………. on the tree. Answer: Mangoes

(g) Find a word in paragraph 8 which means the same as “arranged. Answer: settled

(h) Find a word in paragraph 6 which means ‘raised path for pedestrians at the side of a road’. Answer: pavement

3. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.

1. Varieties of birds migrate or travel from one region to another depending on the availability of food, habitat and climatic conditions.

2. In order to escape the severe winter of northern and central Asia, several migratory birds visit the Indian subcontinent during winter. Here they find optimal conditions of food and climate for their survival. Studies reveal that the quality of habitat and human disturbances along their migratory routes are the deciding factors of the number of migratory birds that come to a place.

3. Loss of habitat due to human encroachment, like settlement, grazing and agriculture, is regarded as the main reason for this decline. Scientists have observed that the breeding habitats of these birds are becoming fragmented and the tropical grounds surrounding the habitats are being destroyed.

4. According to ornithologist and professor of Zoology at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, Surya Prakash, the numbers per species of migratory birds have drastically gone down because of the loss of habitat, specially wetlands and aquatic ecosystems, due to commercial use of land and other anthropogenic factors.

5. The changing crop pattern is also seen as a major factor for the reduction in the number of migratory birds in India and certain birds have stopped visiting some areas due to such changes.

6. Delay in rainfall also leads to a delay in the arrival of migratory birds. Rains obstruct their flight and cause low visibility. Another cause of decline in migration to India is the large scale hunting of these birds. Birds like falcons are targets for many illegal hunters. In addition to this, the availability of food is also becoming scarce and various water bodies have dried up, thus robbing these birds of their habitat.

7. Unhygienic water, along with thin tree cover leads to lesser number of birds visiting man-made sanctuaries. High voltage power lines are another threat to the lives of these birds as they can get caught in between these lines and be electrocuted.

8. The World Migratory Bird Day is now celebrated to spread awareness about threats faced by migratory birds.

3.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage, complete the following table.

Reasons for Lessening Numbers of Migratory Birds

3.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions. (a) Why do birds migrate from one region to another? (b) What are some factors that can lead to delays in the arrival of migratory birds? (c) Name the day that is celebrated to spread awareness about threats faced by migratory birds.

4. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.

1. When was the last time you laughed a hearty, sidesplitting belly laugh that sent you reeling out of control?

2. Modem science confirms that this kind of laughter is not only enjoyable but also health-promoting. Laughter is an invigorating tonic that heightens and brightens the mood, gently releasing us from tensions and social constraints.

3. If you hate to workout, laughter (also called inner jogging) may be the exercise programme for you! A robust laugh gives the muscles of your face, shoulders, diaphragm and abdomen a good workout. The heart rate and blood pressure temporarily rise, breathing becomes faster and deeper and oxygen surges through your bloodstream. Sometimes your muscles go limp and your blood pressure may fall temporarily, leaving you in a mellow euphoria. A good laugh can bum up as many calories per hour as brisk walking.

4. Sadly, our culture seems to inhibit humour. Sometimes we repress our good humour, because we are afraid that others will think we are frivolous or foolish. But we need to cultivate a better sense of humour and to not care about others’ opinions about us; to let our sense of humour live and to seek out things that make us laugh.

6. Focus on yourself rather than others. If you can allow yourself the inevitable mistakes then you can laugh at yourself. A stressful situation can sometimes be transformed into a bit of fun if you can see the humour in it. Make sure that people around you are fun to be with. Certain people make you feel relaxed and happy. Spend more time with people who boost your mood. It can also trigger different thoughts that affect moods of sadness, happiness and anger. And if you can’t smile, fake it.

7. Not all humour is positive and healthy. Watch out for scorn, sarcasm, ridicule and contempt and inappropriate humour. And don’t joke about people’s names. They have to live with them. It is important to be sensitive.

8. Humour can be a powerful medicine and laughter can be contagious. The only side effect is pleasure.

4.1 Complete the answers for the questions given below. Each blank carried 1 mark. Answer questions worth 8 marks.

(a) What are the benefits of laughter? (i) heightens and brightens mood (ii) releases us from tensions and social constraints (iii) workout for ……………………………………………… . (iv) increases level of ……………………………………………… . (v) bums ……………………………………………… .

(b) State a few reasons why adults don’t laugh. (i) ……………………………………………… . (ii) seriousness ……………………………………………… . (c) How can one remain happy? (i) ……………………………………………… . (ii) spend time with ……………………………………………… .

(d) List the few types of negative humour. (i) scorn (ii) ……………………………………………… . (iii) ……………………………………………… . (iv) ……………………………………………… . (v) inappropriate humour (e) In terms of exercise, laughter is also known as ………………………………………………. (f) A good laughter also provides a good workout to the following parts of the body:

5. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.

1. Nowadays everyone is trying to manage thoughts since the popular novel The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho encouraged the reader to chase his or her dreams.

2. Another bestseller The Secret added to the hype by propagating the theory that one can get anything just by thinking about it. On the other hand, serious seekers on the spiritual path are also after thought management and want to tame their thoughts and attain the state of thoughtlessness and to do this they go to any extent, like learning spiritual practices like vipassana and meditation.

3. It is easier to understand the attitude of people who want to get material comfort by changing their thoughts and are not concerned about the afterlife and will do anything to gain a better and comfortable life in the present. However, it is more difficult to understand the attitude of spiritual seekers because the coming and going of thoughts is a natural phenomenon and it is puzzling to understand why anyone would want to interfere with it and think of the mind as an obstacle.

4. The taming of thoughts and control of the mind can take upto many lifetimes and so Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, clearly say that a person in his or her next life starts from the point where he or she had left in the previous one.

5. In the same way, thoughts derive their power from us. They thrive on the energy we provide them when we get attached to them and also when we want to remove them. Hence, it is not surprising that spiritual seekers complain that they are not able to meditate or concentrate, a fact which fills them with guilt.

6. The alternative is to ignore the thoughts and if we don’t give them any attention they will go away.

5.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions.

(a) Name the books that led to an increase in the concept of people trying to manage their thoughts. (b) Thought management is sought after by which two kinds of people ……………………………………………… and ………………………………………………. (c) What is the writer puzzled at? ……………………………………………… . (d) What do Yoga Sutras of Patanjali say? ……………………………………………… . (e) The two spiritual practices mentioned by the author are ……………………………………………… and ……………………………………………… . (f) Whose attitude does the author find it difficult to understand? (g) According to the author, the only way to make certain thoughts go away is to ……………………………………………….

Type 2 Questions

1. Salsa is a popular dance form considered to be a combination of Latin and Afro-Caribbean dances. It is a mixture of various roots and cultures and cannot be associated to a specific region. But a large part of the dance originated in the Cuban island.

2. The term ‘salsa’ actually means sauce in the Spanish language and is seen as a sensual dance that combines both sensuality and grace. It is a dance form where both the European and African cultures come together.

3. Various notions circulate regarding the origins of this particular dance form. According to one of them, when the French came to Cuba, they brought their own country dance along with them. Their native dance mixed with the native African dances like Guaguanco and gave rise to the salsa. As per another notion, the dance form of the native African slaves was known as rumba. The rumba got mixed with various other western dancing styles when these slaves were brought to America. The salsa thus originated from a mixture of various dance styles and cultures.

4. The term salsa was created in New York and there are different styles of salsa namely Cuban style, New York style, Los Angeles style, Colombian style and the Puerto Rican style, depending on the geographical locations from which they originated. Each style incorporates slightly different dance steps. Salsa branches also include the Colombian Salsa and the Miami-Style Salsa.

5. It is normally a couple dance where the male dancer and the female dancer complement each other perfectly. There are solo forms as well. The dance form usually consists of six different steps for music with eight counts.

6. Nowadays salsa is seen as a mode of exercise for people who want to get a toned body. It is a good way to maintain one’s body and also helps in relieving stress.

1.1 Based on your reading of the passage, answer the following questions.

(a) Salsa represents the cultures of which nations? (b) What did the name rumba originate from? (c) How many types of salsa are there? Name a few types. (d) Write a few lines on how Salsa originated.

1.2 Choose the correct answer for the following questions.

(a) What is the word used for ‘amalgamation’ as given in the passage? (i) popular (ii) combination (iii) form (iv) dance

(b) Which of the following words used in the passage mean the same as ‘idea’? (i) notion (ii) associated (iii) root (iv) form

(c) What does the word ‘native’ used in the passage mean? (i) associated with a particular person to whom it belongs (ii) associated with a particular plant (iii) associated with a particular place to where it belongs (iv) none of the above

(d) What does the word ‘solo’ used in the passage mean? (i) a thing done by three people (ii) a thing particular to a culture (iii) a task done in a hurry (iv) a thing done by one person

1. Popularly known as the Amazon of India, Sundarban is a tidal mangrove forest that gets its name from the Sundari tree that is found there. Mangroves are the different varieties of trees that are found in marshy lands. The Sundarban forest consists of 10,200 sq km area, spread over India and Bangladesh. Sundarban is located at the confluence of the Ganga, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers and is part of the largest delta in the world. Its name means ‘beautiful forest’ in Bengali.

2. Sundarban has an extremely rich diversity of aquatic and terrestrial flora and fauna. Being the abode of the famous Royal Bengal tigers, Sundarban forms the largest tiger reserve and national park in India.

3. The area is known for its wide range of fauna including the chital deer, rhesus monkey, Javan rhinoceros, water buffalo, swamp deer and gaur. The aquatic fauna includes different varieties of fish, crabs, the well-known Gangetic dolphins, and the olive ridley turtles. The reptiles found there include the estuarine crocodiles, Indian python, king cobra, sea snakes, and terrapins.

4. Large parts of Sundarban have been protected. The tiger reserve was set up as early as 1973. Sundarban has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. But of late it is seen that the increasing human population of the area has led to an exploitation of timber and fish like shrimps and other biological resources. In some areas, mangrove forests are being cut leading to habitat loss. The regulation of the water flow has led to the reduction of the inflow of freshwater. The increasing level of salinity in the water has adversely affected the migration and breeding patterns of the fish. It is feared that large parts of the area will be underwater because of the rising water level of the Bay of Bengal due to global warming.

2.1 Based on your reading of the passage, answer the following questions.

(a) Name the three rivers that empty into the Bay of Bengal near Sunderban. (b) What is Sundarban is named after?

3.2 Choose the correct answer for the following questions.

(a) Which of the following is a synonym of the word ‘entertainment’ as used in the passage? (i) working i (ii) bore (iii) amusement (iv) none of the above

(b) What does the word ‘jockey’ in the given passage mean? (i) a person who rides in horse races (ii) a person who takes care of all animals (iii) a person who organizes horse races % (iv) none of the above

(c) Which of the following words is an antonym of the word ‘immense’ as used in the passage? (i) major (ii) approved (iii) honest (iv) minute

(d) What does the word ‘subsidies’ mean as used in the passage? (i) a loan of money (ii) a pack of resources (iii) financial aid or discount (iv) expensive goods

1. Anger is usually defined as a strong feeling of hostility, displeasure, indignation, rage or annoyance. It is an emotional state that is accompanied by physiological and biological changes including an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, as well as an increase in the levels of one’s energy hormones, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. An angry mind often loses its capacity to think properly.

2. Anger can be caused by both external and internal events. You could be angry at a specific person (such as a co-worker or classmate) or event (a traffic jam, a cancelled flight), or your anger could be caused by worrying or brooding about your personal problems. Memories of traumatic or enraging events can also trigger angry feelings.

3. Anger in a limited quantity is considered to be good as it gives one an opportunity to unleash negative feelings. Anger is a natural, adaptive response to threats. A certain amount of anger is needed to fight, defend and justify ourselves in society. Hence anger in small quantities is needed for our survival, like it is justified to get angry when one feels that one’s rights have been denied. But excessive anger can lead to destructive results including violent actions.

4. Anger can range anywhere from mild irritation to wild, uncontrollable fury. Anger leads people to behave in an impulsive and rash manner which in turn car^lead to strained relationships in the public as well as private sphere.

5. One of the most commonly used anger management methods includes breathing exercises. A number of anger management courses are available nowadays to help one control one’s anger. It always helps to have someone from whom one can seek help and talk. It is important to learn how to express one’s anger assertively rather than aggressively. One can also substitute the thought that makes one angry with more pleasant thoughts. Nowadays mental health professionals and psychologists are also available to help people control their anger.

4.1 Based on your reading of the passage, answer the following questions.

(a) What are the effects of anger? (b) What are the causes of angry feelings? (c) Why is anger in a limited quantity good? (d) Write a few lines on the range of types of anger.

4.2 Select appropriate synonyms for the following words from the passage out of the options provided.

(a) hostility (i) antagonism (ii) friendliness (iii) proximity (iv) behaviour

(b) personal (i) public (ii) familial (iii) private (iv) closeness

(c) aggressive (i) mild (ii) forceful (iii) passive (iv) calm

(d) pleasant (ii) cold (iii) uninviting (iv) None of the above

1. Calcium is a mineral that is found in abundance in the human body. Besides the fact that it is one of the most abundant minerals in the body, it is also one of the most important minerals.

2. Calcium is required for various functions in the body, but the maximum amount of calcium in the body is found in the bones and teeth. Calcium is required to maintain the strength of the bones. Some of the best sources of calcium are milk, yogurt, cheese, fish, and green leafy vegetables like cabbage and spinach.

3. The most common disease connected to calcium deficiency is rickets. Every time a child drinks a soft drink, he or she lays the groundwork for dangerous bone disease. Fizzy and sugary drinks do not cause osteoporosis. But, because they are often a substitute for a glass of milk, kids do not get the calcium and vitamin D they need to build a strong skeleton. Many of them also lead a sedentary lifestyle, so they do not get the bone-building benefits of vigorous exercise either. These children are not just in jeopardy of getting brittle bones and fractures in the future, but they could be at a risk of osteoporosis at a younger age than ever before.

4. The Indian Society for Bone and Mineral Research, a body of osteoporosis experts, is trying to spread awareness about this bone-crippling disease. Osteoporosis causes bones to become riddled with holes, like the framework of a house that has been attacked by termites. It causes loss of height, pain in the joints and back and fractures.

5. Doctors are of the view that a simple lifestyle and proper nutrition will help save our bones. They recommend adopting bone-friendly habits like—regular exercise, getting enough sunlight, and eating food which will give us adequate calcium. This way, we can keep our bones healthy and prevent osteoporosis.

5.1 Based on your reading of the passage, answer the following questions.

(a) What are the symptoms of people with less calcium in their bodies? – (b) What is osteoporosis caused by? (c) Why has osteoporosis been compared to a framework of ‘a house attacked by termites’? (d) How does osteoporosis affect one’s bones?

5.2 Select appropriate antonyms for the following words from the passage out of the options provided.

(a) abundant (i) plenty (ii) meagre (iii) enough (iv) lot

(b) subsequent (i) following (ii) after (iii) preceding (iv) none of the above

(c) adequate (i) inadequate (ii) enough (iii) plenty (iv) none of the above

(d) prevent (i) hinder (ii) stop (iii) inhibit (iv) cause

case study based questions class 10 english

Important Questions for Class 10 English with Answers – PDF

Important Questions for CBSE Class 10 English with Answers are available here. All these questions are from the book ‘First Flight’ and ‘Footprints without Feet’. These questions are prepared by the examination experts and are very helpful to revise the syllabus way ahead of the board exam. All the questions are provided with simple and accurate answers.

Class 10 English Important Questions with Answers

Below we have provided Class 10 English Important Questions with Answers. Access the PDF of these questions by clicking the links mentioned below.

Important Questions for Class 10 English First Flight Prose

  • Chapter 1 – A Letter to God
  • Chapter 2 – Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
  • Chapter 3 – Two Stories about Flying
  • Chapter 4 – From the Diary of Anne Frank
  • Chapter 5 – The Hundred Dresses Part 1
  • Chapter 6 – The Hundred Dresses Part 2
  • Chapter 7 – Glimpses of India (Baker from Goa)
  • Chapter 7 – Glimpses of India (Coorg)
  • Chapter 7 – Glimpses of India (Tea from Assam)
  • Chapter 8 – Mijbil the Otter
  • Chapter 9 – Madam Rides the Bus
  • Chapter 10 – The Sermon at Benares
  • Chapter 11 – The Proposal

Important Questions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet

  • Chapter 1 – A Triumph of Surgery
  • Chapter 2 – The Thief’s Story
  • Chapter 3 – The Midnight Visitor
  • Chapter 4 – A Question of Trust
  • Chapter 5 – Footprints without Feet
  • Chapter 6 – The Making of a Scientist
  • Chapter 7 – The Necklace
  • Chapter 8 – The Hack Driver
  • Chapter 9 – Bholi
  • Chapter 10 – The Book that Saved the Earth

Important Questions for Class 10 English First Flight Poem

  • Poem 1 – Dust of Snow
  • Poem 2 – Fire and Ice
  • Poem 3 – A Tiger in the Zoo
  • Poem 4 – How to Tell Wild Animals
  • Poem 5 – The Ball Poem
  • Poem 6 – Amanda
  • Poem 7 – Animals
  • Poem 8 – The Trees
  • Poem 9 – Fog
  • Poem 10 – The Tale of Custard the Dragon
  • Poem 11 – For Anne Gregory


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Class 10 English Sample Papers, Revision Notes | Mock Test

  • CBSE Syllabus

CBSE Sample Papers

Cbse last year papers, user submitted papers, cbse toppers answer sheet,   mock tests, reading - case study passage, reading - discursive passage, writing - formal letters, writing - analytical paragraph, grammar - gap filling, grammar - editing, grammar - modals, grammar - subject verb concord, grammar - determiners, grammar - reported speech, grammar - tenses, ff01 - a letter to god, ff02 - long walk to freedom, ff03 - two stories about flying, ff04 - from the diary of anne frank, ff07 - glimpses of india, ff08 - mijbil the otter, ff09 - madam rides the bus, ff10 - the sermon at benares, ff11 - the proposal, ffp01 - dust of snow, ffp02 - fire and ice, ffp03 - a tiger in the zoo, ffp04 - how to tell wild animals, ffp05 - the ball poem, ffp06 - amanda, ffp08 - the trees, ffp09 - fog, ffp10 - the tale of custard the dragon, ffp11 - for anne gregory, fp01 - a triumph of surgery, fp02 - the thief's story, fp03 - the midnight visitor, fp04 - a question of trust, fp05 - footprints without feet, fp06 - the making of a scientist, fp07 - the necklace, fp09 - bholi, fp10 - the book that saved the earth.

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The basic idea of including the subject of English in the curriculum is to build greater confidence and proficiency in the oral and written communication of the students or learners in this language. It is structured in a way that by the secondary level, they must be able to make appropriate use of the English language in day-to-day life. The course of CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature of English language represents a wide range of learning experiences to build greater confidence and proficiency in oral and written communication. To master the subject and get sufficient study material in each of its specified categories for secondary boards in English language and literature, the most-trusted  myCBSEguide app  brings you all the required material like Class 10 English revision notes, textbook solutions, test papers, sample papers, etc. available for free download in PDF format.  

CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature Complete Course

The CBSE Class 10 English course is structured to develop reading skills, writing skills with correct grammar usage. It also aims to develop sensitivity towards and appreciation of world literature representing varieties of English and cultures through English Literature Textbooks and Supplementary Reading Text. One of the chief learning outcomes of the Secondary English course is that the learners must build competence in the different aspects of the Language. Hence, the assessment, too, is based on this objective. The Class 10 English textual materials and other resources cover varied fields to be evaluated. To ace these fields, students need to have the complete course guide at their disposal. MyCBSEguide is one such platform that has resources for each and every step to assist you in your journey for Class 10 English preparation.

So, what does the CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature Complete Course offer? To answer in a word, it's EVERYTHING. Right from the Class 10 English Syllabus, Textbook, and NCERT solutions to sample papers, test papers, and online tests, myCBSEguide offers everything that the students may need to begin their preparation from scratch. We aim to facilitate self-learning to enable them to become independent learners through our valuable resources. To access them you may download the app from Play Store and log in to the dashboard.

CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature Syllabus

Our database is regularly updated with the latest information as per the CBSE and NCERT regulations. You may get every detail of the CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature 2022-23 syllabus here. To plan our preparation, we must be very sure about the syllabus in the very first place. Since Class 10 is the first board examination of a student's life, they must leave no stone unturned to mark a positive beginning of their academic journey. To assure our new aspirants of getting the most authenticated information and resources based on the updated CBSE curriculum  about class 10 English, we suggest following  myCBSEguide .

CBSE Class 10 English NCERT Solution

The first and foremost thing that the class 10 English students must get done with is the class 10 English textbook and other fixed resources. Since there are sections like reading and writing where we do not have a defined or notified textbook to follow, it is only in the literature portion (section C) that we have a specific NCERT textbook to follow. Here it must be noted that this section contains 50% marks (i.e. 40 marks) of the external assessment. Therefore, students must have class 10 English NCERT textbook with solutions as per the latest CBSE English syllabus.

The NCERT questions and solutions are considered to be very important for the CBSE examinees as they provide the basic question pattern and typology of the questions. NCERT questions may be called to the basic framework of the CBSE question structure. Class 10 English Language and Literature NCERT questions with detailed explanations are available on myCBSEguide for free to view and download. For this session 2022-23 there are two prescribed textbooks for class 10 English: FIRST FLIGHT and FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT FEET .

The list of Poems from First Flight is as follows:

  • Dust of snow
  • Fire and Ice
  • A Tiger in the Zoo
  • How to Tell Wild Animals
  • The Ball Poem
  • The Tale of Custard the Dragon
  • For Anne Gregory

You can find other chapter-wise details of Class 10 English NCERT Solutions on this link.

CBSE Class 10 English Revision Notes & Important Questions

Apart from the NCERT solution, you can also find chapter-based revision notes for Class 10 English Literature on myCBSEguide. These notes are very helpful to understand the chapters in simple language as they provide a synopsis of the lesson. Along with the notes, there are some important questions pertaining to the chapter, which are a must-know for the students facing their CBSE board examinations or school-level annual examination.

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar and Comprehension

Here we will talk about Section A Class 10 English Language and Literature which is the Reading Section. The aim of including this section is to equip learners with essential language skills to question and articulate their points of view.  They must have the capacity to access knowledge and information through reference skills i.e., they must know consulting a dictionary/thesaurus, library, internet, etc. 

CBSE assesses Reading Comprehension skills of Class 10 English Literature and Language through Two Unseen Passages of 10 marks each.

  • Discursive passage of 400-450 words.
  • Case-based passage (with visual input- statistical data, chart, etc.) of 200-250 words

These passages may have Multiple Choice Questions or Objective or Subjective Type Questions (there are no fixed criteria). Students will be asked to assess inference, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, and vocabulary. The basic idea is that the learners must develop curiosity and creativity through extensive reading, and to hone their reading practice they can use a variety of unseen comprehension on the CBSE class 10 module for English of myCBSEguide. Case-based type of passages is a newly adopted format of CBSE. Students may find it difficult to find quality passages to practice, they can simply reply on myCBSEguide.

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar and Creative Writing

The objective of the Grammar and Writing Section of the Class 10 English Course of the secondary level is to reinforce the grammatical items practised earlier and enable the students to review, organise and edit their own work.

The Section B of the Class 10 English Language and Literature question paper consists of two sections:

  • Grammar : This section tests students' command over the grammatical skills (learned earlier) in a complex pattern like reported speech in extended texts, sequence of tenses, phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, punctuations, etc.
  • Creative Writing : Students are tested for their appropriate usage of the English language through the creative writing section. They must be able to communicate and present their ideas in various settings.

To practice these two sections for the secondary level, students may subscribe to myCBSEguide student's dashboard which has millions of grammar questions with explanations. Our class 10 English Creative Writing section has ample questions as per the latest model with solved examples. 

CBSE Class 10 English LITERATURE

Literature has always played a significant role in learning a language. However, it is felt that pupils should be apprised of contemporary issues, and read authentic literature and experiences of people to reflect and build their personality traits. Secondary-level Literature students must develop sensitivity to, and appreciation of world literature representing varieties of English and cultures.

Students must prepare for the literature section seriously as this can be the most scoring section of all the other sections of the class 10 English question paper for them, as a total of 40 marks have been allocated to this section. The questions of literature draw references from any incident, theme, or event of the prose and poetry.

Also, there are value-based questions that assess the creativity and imagination of the students beyond and across the text. These value-based questions enable students to communicate in various social settings. They are given open-ended questions to present their own conclusions. It tests how deftly the students can cull the value embedded in the words of a lesson. To answer such questions students need a better understanding and in-depth knowledge of the chapters, our class 10 English literature revision notes, chapter-based important questions and NCERT solutions can strand the students to a safe end.

While there is a trend for inclusion of a wider range of contemporary and authentic texts, accessible and culturally appropriate pieces of literature should play a pivotal role at the secondary stage of education. The English class is meant for reading literature from different perspectives and to engage in activities for developing communicative competence, creativity and enrichment of language skills It should not be seen as a place merely to read poems and stories in, but an area of activities to develop the learner’s imagination as a major aim of language study, and to equip the learner with communicative skills to perform various language functions through speech and writing.

CBSE Class 10 English Language and Literature Sample Papers

Sample papers are like a warm-up session for the students before facing the actual finals or boards. We always suggest the students practice enough before sitting for any final examination. Practicing sample papers puts you through a different probable situation and eventually prepares you to for the real test. The best part is it tests you on the whole syllabus. On the basis of the official CBSE sample paper myCBSEguide releases its subject-specific sample papers made by experienced CBSE teachers. Students can download  Class 10 English Language and Literature Sample Paper 2022-23  from our website in PDF format. All our papers come with complete solutions.  

CBSE Class 10 English Test Papers and Mock Tests

We are known for our well-equipped question bank in each subject. We have the same for class 10 English Language and Literature too. Chapter tests or test papers are the best tools to check our gradual progress. Secondary students who will be writing their first-ever boards should try all the processes that reinforce their preparation. In one way, these test papers may work like a formative assessment of the students. Pupils who are anxious to take the full-length sample paper can first try these test papers having fewer marks to get rid of their anxiety. These small steps make it easier for them to practice with small goals. Apart from Class 10 English literature, these papers have overall questions, from the grammar section and creative writing sections as well. 

 Our Class 10 English Language and Literature mock tests and test papers available on our students' dashboard can be utilized for this purpose. Students can prepare in their own way they like and select the chapters which they think they are prepared to take the mock test for class 10 English.

Class 10 is that threshold in the life of Secondary students when they embark on their academic journey and it is the best time to do all possible homework to begin well. It is not an impossible goal if they have the intention and determination to do it. We at  myCBSEguide  endeavour to make our students shine by providing quality resources. Our product ranges from CBSE Sample Papers, CBSE Practice Papers, CBSE Test Papers, NCERT Solutions, NCERT Exemplar Solutions, Previous Year Papers, Revision Notes, Online MCQ Tests, and Homework Help.

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case study based questions class 10 english

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Case Study Questions To Be Asked in CBSE Class 10 and 12 Board Exam 2021

Case Study Questions To Be Asked in CBSE Class 10 and 12 Board Exam 2021

In Class 10 and 12 board exams 2021, students will observe new types of case study questions. For the first time, the board has introduced the case study questions in the board exam. After a thorough analysis of CBSE Sample Papers 2021 and Marking Scheme, we have provided the key points related to the CBSE case study questions that every student must know. This information will help students to understand the changes in the exam pattern. Also, they can prepare effectively for class 10 and 12 board exams.

CBSE Case Study Questions for Class 10 and 12 Board Exams 2021

The Central Board of Secondary Education has made a few changes in the question paper pattern of class 10 and 12 board exams. It has increased the weightage of the multiple choice questions and introduced case study questions for the 2021 CBSE board exam. It will check comprehension, interpretation and writing skills of the students. It will bring competency-based and skill-oriented teaching and learning in students.

In case study-based questions, students are expected to answer questions after reading the given paragraph or a passage. The questions will be asked from the concept part of the NCERT textbooks . So, students are advised to read the book thoroughly to handle the case study questions in the board exam.

CBSE Class 10 Case Study Based Questions

In board exams, students will find the questions based on assertion and reasoning. Also, there will be a few questions based on case studies. In that, a paragraph will be given, and then the MCQ questions based on it will be asked. For Mathematics subjects, there would be 5 case based sub-parts questions, wherein a student has to attempt 4 subpart questions.

CBSE Class 12 Case Study Based Questions

Two case based questions on the main topics in Class 12 board exams in each subject are expected to be asked. A case study will have 5 objective questions. Students have to answer any 4 out of 5 case based questions.

Tips to Solve Case Study Questions for Class 10 and 12 Board Exams

Students can easily score marks in these case based questions. They only need to have a conceptual understanding of the topic and a thorough knowledge of the subject. Here, we have provided some tips, which will help students in answering the case study questions.

1) Students need to read the passage or comprehension thoroughly from beginning to the end. Then, they should go through questions which are based on the passage.

2) After reading the questions, students should try to identify what the examiner is expecting in the answer.

3) Sometimes, the question is tricky and difficult to understand. So, in that case, students should read the passage and question again.

4) After understanding the question, students should check out the options, and only then should they write their answer.

We will be publishing more tips and tricks on how to answer the case study questions for the board exam. We will also compile subject wise case based questions for Class 10 and 12 by covering the important topics of the CBSE Syllabus . By practising them, students will get a good command over case based questions. They can easily score marks in this portion and can maximise their score in the board exam. So, stay tuned to BYJU’S for more updates on case based questions related to CBSE. Till then, students must keep practising and working hard to boost their board exam preparation.

The board can release CBSE Class 10 and 12 exam date sheets anytime. Meanwhile, students should practise the CBSE Sample Paper 2021 to get more ideas and practise on different types of case study questions. By solving these questions, students can easily understand the latest change in the exam pattern and prepare for the board exam accordingly.

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case study based questions class 10 english

CBSE Class 10 English Study Guide

by Meenu Saini | Jun 27, 2023 | Class 9 and 10 , General | 0 comments

CBSE Class 10 English Complete Study Guide

Complete Study Guide for CBSE Class 10 English (Language and Literature)

Cbse class 10 exam pattern, marking scheme, syllabus, books, chapters, sample papers, videos, lesson explanation notes, ncert solutions and extra questions as per latest pattern.

Are you looking for the Class 10th English Syllabus 2024–25 for the CBSE? Well, your search ends here. You can get the complete guide to ace CBSE Class 10th English curriculum for 2024–25 in the article below.

English is one of the most scoring subjects in CBSE Class 10. To support the preparation, SuccessCDs provides complete study material for class 10 English Literature and English grammar to help students get ready for the CBSE Class 10 English (Language and Literature) board examination. Students can access easy-to-understand notes, Sample papers, and PYQ’s with SuccessCDs. Our study material is developed by subject matter specialists and follows the CBSE Class 10 English Syllabus. Students may confidently and  thoroughly study for the board examination with SuccessCDs.

Check out our Class 10 English Literature course here

CBSE Class 10 Section-wise Weightage

Cbse class 10 detailed syllabus.

  • CBSE Class 10 Prescribed Books

CBSE Class 10 English Marking Scheme

Class 10 cbse sample paper.

  • CBSE Class 10th English Exam Preparation Tips

English Language and Literature is of 100 Marks. These 100 Marks are divided into 80-mark Theory Paper and 20-mark Internal Assessment. The section-wise break-up of 80 marks is as follows-


1. Discursive passage of 400-450 words.

2. Case-based passage (with visual input- statistical data, chart etc.) of 200-250 words.

3. (Total length of two passages to be 600-700 word

Multiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions will be asked to assess inference, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and vocabulary.

2. Writing an Analytical Paragraph (100-120 words) on a given Map / Chart / Graph / Cue/s . One out of two questions is to be answered.

2. Modals

3. Subject-verb concord

4. Reported speech

Note- Both the books are published by NCERT. You can download the books by clicking on the above links.

You can check out the official syllabus published by CBSE on their website or by clicking the link below. CBSE Class 10 English (Language and Literature) Syllabus Top

CBSE Class 10 English Syllabus 2024-25 Prescribed Books

To prepare for the English Board Examinations for class 10th, CBSE recommended the NCERT books. It is suggested that students go through the NCERT literature textbooks first, and then refer to reference books for further practice.

First Flight – Class X Textbook Footprints without Feet – Class X Supplementary Reader

Are you trying to find CBSE online lessons for Class 10? Look nowhere else! In order to meet the demands of CBSE Class 10 students, we provide an extensive course. Our online courses offer a practical and efficient method to improve your educational experience.

Students may communicate with expert teachers and receive top-notch educational content from the comfort of their homes with our CBSE Class 10 online course. Check out our courses here- SuccessCDs Class 10 English Course

In conclusion, the English Syllabus for CBSE Class 10 has been carefully crafted to give learners a comprehensive proficiency of the English language and literature. CBSE Class 1 English Syllabus equips them with the necessary skills to excel in both academics and career. Students may further advance their learning and meet their academic goals with SuccessCDs. Top

CBSE Class 10 English Marking Scheme

(Total length of two passages to be 600-700 words) Multiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions, and Short Answer Questions (to be answered in 30-40 words) will be asked to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation and vocabulary.

Note- The secondary-level courses aim to solidify a strong professional command of grammatical concepts and degrees of correctness. Exercises including gap filling, , and transformation will be used to evaluate how accurately spelling, punctuation, and grammar are used. 

Ten out of 12 questions will have to be attempted.

Literature Section

Students move on answering CBSE class 10 Sample papers after reading the NCERT English textbooks’ syllabus in order to improve their grades and assess their level of preparation. Additionally, by using sample papers, students are able to identify their areas of weakness and  work on them. You can go through CBSE Sample Paper and its marking scheme by clicking on the links below.

CBSE Class 10 Sample Paper 2024-25 CBSE Class 10 Marking Scheme 2024-25 Top

CBSE Class 10th English Exam Preparation Tips:

To prepare for the CBSE Class 10 English exam 2024, you should:

  • Read and understand all the prescribed chapters thoroughly. SuccessCDS provides you chapter explanations in an easy manner so that the concepts are etched in your mind. You can check out the expert curated chapter explanation here- SuccessCDS CBSE Class 10 Chapter Explanations
  • Practice writing exercises such as letter writing and paragraph writing. You can go through the links below to understand the format and tips to ace the Writing Section. 

SuccessCDS CBSE Class 10 Letter Writing SuccessCDS CBSE Class 10 Analytical Paragraph Writing 

  • Revise grammar rules and practice exercises everyday. You can read important grammar rules and solved questions in the link below.

SuccessCDs CBSE Class 10 Grammar  Poetic Devices are an important aspect of understanding a poem thoroughly. Read about important Poetic Devices employed in the poems listed in CBSE Class 10 Syllabus here- SuccessCDS CBSE Class 10 Poetic Devices Top   Also see:

  • CBSE Class 10 English Lesson Explanation, Summary
  • CBSE Class 10 English Important Questions (Chapter wise)
  • CBSE Class 10 English MCQ Questions with Answers
  • CBSE Class 10 English Poems – Summary, Explanation
  • Class 10 English First Flight word meanings

Class 10 English Footprints without Feet word meanings

  • Class 10 English First Flight Poems word meanings
  • 10 Important Poetic Devices for Class 10 with Examples
  • Poetic Devices in Class 10 English Poems
  • Character Sketch of Class 10 English
  • CBSE Class 10 English Syllabus 2024-2025 (Subject code 184)
  • CBSE Class 10 Hindi Explanation, Summary, Question Answers (2024)
  • CBSE Class 10 Hindi (Course A) Kshitij Bhag-2 Lessons and Poems from NCERT Textbook
  • NCERT Class 10 SST Lesson Explanation, Summary and Question Answers
  • CBSE Class 10 Science Notes, Explanation and Question Answers

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CBSE Case Study Questions

While preparing for the board exams, students are being judged on different levels of skills, such as writing, reading, etc. CBSE Case Study Questions are one of them that helps in assessing critical thinking.

The Central Board of Secondary Education will be asking the case study questions in the Class 10 and 12 board examination. Therefore, here on this page, we have provided the CBSE Case Study Questions at free of cost. Our subject matter experts have prepared Case Study questions so that Apart from the basic standard questions, students can have a variety of problems to solve. 

Just like MCQs, and other written types CBSE Case Study Questions will impact the overall performance of a student. Therefore for the convenience of the students we have provided the download links here, so that they can easily access the Class 10 and 12 Case Study.

Download Subject Wise CBSE Case Study Questions and Answers PDF 

Going through such types of questions help the students to assess their understanding level in the topics discussed in NCERT Class 10 and 12 Books. By practicing the Class 10 and 12 Case Study Questions students will be very confident to ace the board exam. Also the CBSE case study will be very useful for the NEET exam preparation.

Doing a regular practice of CBSE Case Study questions is a great way to score higher marks in the board exams as it will help students to develop a grip on the concepts. 

Here our subject experts have crafted the Subject Wise Case Study. Download Subject Wise CBSE Case Study Question and Answers PDF from the below given links.

CBSE Case Study Question and Answers PDF for Class 12

  • CBSE Case Study Question for Maths
  • CBSE Case Study Question for Physics
  • CBSE Case Study Question for Chemistry
  • CBSE Case Study Question for Biology

CBSE Case Study Question and Answers PDF for Class 10

  • CBSE Case Study Question for Science
  • CBSE Case Study Question for Maths
  • CBSE Case Study Question for English
  • CBSE Case Study Question for Social Science

Case study types of questions are generally descriptive that helps to gather more information easily so, it is kinda easy to answer. However, our subject matter experts have given the solutions of all the CBSE Case Study Questions.

Passage Based  Case Study Questions in PDF

CBSE Case studies are known as Passage Based Questions. These types of problems usually contain a short/long paragraph with 4 to 5 questions. 

Students can easily solve Passage Based Case Study Questions by reading those passages. By reading the passage students will get the exact idea of what should be the answers. Because the passage already contains some vital information or data. However a better understanding of the basic concepts that can be learned from the NCERT Textbooks will aid in solving the Case based questions or passage based questions.

How to Download CBSE Case Study Questions ?

Follow the below given simple steps to know how to download CBSE Case Study Questions:-

  • Open Selfstudys website in your browser
  • Go to the navigation menu that look like this
  • Now, click on CBSE and then Case Study respectively
  • Now, you are ready to select the subject for which you want to download the case study questions.

How to Solve Case Study Based Questions?

There are very simple methods that a student should keep in mind while solving CBSE Case Study Questions for any subject:

  • Read each line of paragraph carefully and pay attention to the given data/numbers. Often questions are framed according to the highlighted data of the passage.
  • Since case study questions are often framed in Multiple choice questions, students should have the knowledge of elimination methods in MCQs.
  • Having a good understanding of the topics that are discussed in CBSE Books are ideal to Solve Case Study Based Questions.

Features Of CBSE  Case Study Questions And Answers PDF

The three most noticeable features of CBSE Case Study Questions And Answers Pdf are -

  • It Is Free To Use:  Keeping in mind the need of students and to help them in doing Self Study, our team has made all the PDF of CBSE Case Study Questions free of cost.
  • Answers Are Given:  Not only the PDFs are free provided but answers are given for all the questions of CBSE Case Study Questions. 
  • PDF Can Be Downloaded Or Viewed Online:  Many students don’t like to download the PDFs on their device due to the shortage of storage. Therefore, CBSE Case Study questions are made available here in online format, so that students can view them online. However, through the Selfstudys app, a learner can download the PDFs too.

Benefits of Using CBSE  Case Study Questions and Answers

The CBSE Case Study Questions and Answers can help a student in several ways:

  • In Exam Preparation:  Those who go through the CBSE Case Study Questions will find support during the exam preparation as case based questions are also asked in the CBSE Board examination. 
  • Help in brushing up the previous learnings:  No matter how brilliant you are, you have to revise the studied topics time and again to keep them refreshed. And in this task, the CBSE Case Study Questions and Answers can help a lot.
  • To develop the critical thinking:  Able to analyse information and make an objective judgement is a skill that is known as critical thinking. A student can use CBSE Case Study Questions with answers to develop critical thinking so that they can make better decisions in their life and in the board examination.

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Case Study Class 10 English Questions and Answers (Download PDF)

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Case Study Class 10 English

If you are looking for the CBSE Case Study class 10 English in PDF, then you are in the right place. CBSE 10th Class Case Study for the English Subject is available here on this website. These Case studies can help the students to solve the different types of questions that are based on the case study or passage.

CBSE Board will be asking case study questions based on English subjects in the upcoming board exams. Thus, it becomes an essential resource to study. 

The Case Study Class 10 English Questions cover a wide range of chapters from the subject. Students willing to score good marks in their board exams can use it to practice questions during the exam preparation. The questions are highly interactive and it allows students to use their thoughts and skills to solve the given Case study questions.

Download Class 10 English Case Study Questions and Answers PDF (Passage Based)

Download links of class 10 English Case Study questions and answers pdf is given on this website. Students can download them for free of cost because it is going to help them to practice a variety of questions from the exam perspective.

Case Study questions class 10 English include all chapters wise questions. A few passages are given in the case study PDF of English. Students can download them to read and solve the relevant questions that are given in the passage.

Students are advised to access Case Study questions class 10 English CBSE chapter wise PDF and learn how to easily solve questions. For gaining the basic knowledge students can refer to the NCERT Class 10th Textbooks. After gaining the basic information students can easily solve the Case Study class 10 English questions.

How to Solve Case Study Based Questions Class 10 English?

In order to solve the Case Study Based Questions Class 10 English students are needed to observe or analyse the given information or data. Students willing to solve Case Study Based Questions are required to read the passage carefully and then solve them. 

While solving the class 10 English Case Study questions, the ideal way is to highlight the key information or given data. Because, later it will ease them to write the final answers. 

Case Study class 10 English consists of 4 to 5 questions that should be answered in MCQ manner. While answering the MCQs of Case Study, students are required to read the paragraph as they can get some clue in between related to the topics discussed.

Also, before solving the Case study type questions it is ideal to use the CBSE Syllabus to brush up the previous learnings.

Features Of Class 10 English Case Study Questions And Answers Pdf

Students referring to the Class 10 English Case Study Questions And Answers Pdf from Selfstudys will find these features:-

  • Accurate answers of all the Case-based questions given in the PDF.
  • Case Study class 10 English solutions are prepared by subject experts referring to the CBSE Syllabus of class 10.
  • Free to download in Portable Document Format (PDF) so that students can study without having access to the internet.

Benefits of Using CBSE Class 10 English Case Study Questions and Answers

Since, CBSE Class 10 English Case Study Questions and Answers are prepared by our English experts referring to the CBSE Class 10 English Syllabus , it provided benefits in various way:-

  • Case study class 10 English helps in exam preparation since, CBSE Class 10 Question Papers contain case-based questions.
  • It allows students to utilise their learning to solve real life problems.
  • Solving case study questions class 10 English helps students in developing their observation skills.
  • Those students who solve Case Study Class 10 English on a regular basis become extremely good at answering normal formula based English questions.
  • By using class 10 English Case Study questions and answers pdf, students focus more on Selfstudys instead of wasting their valuable time.
  • With the help of given solutions students learn to solve all Case Study questions class 10 English CBSE chapter wise pdf regardless of its difficulty level.

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