VALUE Rubrics - Critical Thinking

The VALUE rubrics were developed by teams of faculty experts representing colleges and universities across the United States through a process that examined many existing campus rubrics and related documents for each learning outcome and incorporated additional feedback from faculty. The rubrics articulate fundamental criteria for each learning outcome, with performance descriptors demonstrating progressively more sophisticated levels of attainment. The rubrics are intended for institutional-level use in evaluating and discussing student learning, not for grading. The core expectations articulated in all 16 of the VALUE rubrics can and should be translated into the language of individual campuses, disciplines, and even courses. The utility of the VALUE rubrics is to position learning at all undergraduate levels within a basic framework of expectations such that evidence of learning can by shared nationally through a common dialog and understanding of student success.

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Critical Thinking Rubric

This rubric is designed to evaluate the extent to which undergraduate students evaluate claims, arguments, evidence, and hypotheses.

Results will be used for program improvement purposes only.

Download the Critical Thinking Rubric (PDF version)

Course: Instructor: Student: Date:

Accurately interpret evidence and thoughtfully evaluate alternative points of view Information is taken from source(s) with enough interpretation/evaluation to develop a comprehensive analysis or synthesis. Viewpoints of experts are questioned thoroughly. Information is taken from source(s) with enough interpretation/evaluation to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis.
Viewpoints of experts are subject to questioning.
Information is taken from source(s) with some interpretation/evaluation, but not enough to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis. Viewpoints of experts are taken as mostly fact, with little questioning. Information is taken from source(s) without any interpretation/ evaluation.
Viewpoints of experts are taken as fact, without question.
Draw judicious conclusions, justify results, and explain reasoning Not only develops a logical, consistent plan to solve problem, but recognizes consequences of solution and can articulate reason for choosing solution.

Conclusions and related outcomes (consequences and implications) are logical and reflect student’s informed evaluation and ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order.
Having selected from among alternatives, develops a logical, consistent plan to solve the problem.

Conclusion is logically tied to a range of information, including opposing viewpoints; related outcomes (consequences and implications) are identified clearly.
Considers and rejects less acceptable approaches to solving problem.

Conclusion is logically tied to information (because information is chosen to fit the desired conclusion); some related outcomes (consequences and implications) are identified clearly.
Only a single approach is considered and is used to solve the problem.

Conclusion is inconsistently tied to some of the information discussed; related outcomes (consequences and implications) are oversimplified.
Engage in skepticism, judgment, and free thinking Extends a novel or unique idea, question, format, or product to create new knowledge or knowledge that crosses boundaries. Creates a novel or unique idea, question, format, or product. Experiments with creating a novel or unique idea, question, format, or product. Reformulates a collection of available ideas.  
Engage in abstract reasoning, questioning and understanding Actively seeks out and follows through on untested and potentially risky directions or approaches to the assignment in the final product.

Integrates alternate, divergent, or contradictory perspectives or ideas fully.
Incorporates new directions or approaches to the assignment in the final product.

Incorporates alternate, divergent, or contradictory perspectives or ideas in a exploratory way.
Considers new directions or approaches without going beyond the guidelines of the assignment.

Includes (recognizes the value of) alternate, divergent, or contradictory perspectives or ideas in a small way.
Stays strictly within the guidelines of the assignment.

Acknowledges (mentions in passing) alternate, divergent, or contradictory perspectives or ideas.


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Critical Thinking Rubric

Learning Outcome Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations
, ) following pre/post- test assessment




1) Problem Setting: Identify or describe a problem or question and its component parts.

Comprehensively, clearly, and accurately identifies and describes a problem or question and its component parts. Accurately identifies or describes a problem or question and its component parts. Identifies and/or describes a problem or question; is missing some components or some components are inaccurate. Does not identify or describe a problem or question; key components are missing or incorrect.

2) Recognize Assumptions: Recognize and assess personal and other relevant underlying assumptions.

Recognizes and thoroughly assesses personal and other relevant underlying assumptions; comprehensively investigates and/or explains the role biases have in shaping points of view, analysis, and conclusions. Recognizes and assesses personal or other relevant underlying assumptions.

Adequately investigates and/or explains the role biases have in shaping points of view, analysis, and conclusions.

Recognizes and assesses personal and other relevant underlying assumptions. Does not investigate and/or explain the role biases have in shaping points of view, analysis, and conclusions. Does not recognize or assess the personal and other relevant underlying assumption.

3) Evidence: Identify, gather, and analyze the information/data necessary to address the problem or question.

Identifies and gathers information/data to address a problem or question. Analysis is thorough and reflects multiple sources when addressing the problem or question. Identifies and gathers information/data to address a problem or question. Analysis is adequate to address the problem or question. Identifies and gathers information/data to address a problem or question. Analysis is inadequate to address the problem or question. Does not gather or analyze information necessary to address a problem or question.

4) Evaluate: Evaluate information/data for credibility (e.g., bias, reliability, validity) and relevance to a situation.

Comprehensively and accurately evaluate relevant information/data for credibility. Demonstrate skills as evaluators in addition to awareness of the evaluation process. Accurately evaluate relevant information/data for credibility. Demonstrate adequate skills as evaluators in addition to awareness of the evaluation process. Evaluate information/data for credibility but may not be fully accurate. Does not demonstrate adequate skills as evaluators in addition to awareness of the evaluation process. Does not evaluate information/data for credibility. Does not demonstrate skills as evaluators in addition to awareness of the evaluation process.

5) Context: Identify relevant (disciplinary) context(s) including, as appropriate, principles, criteria, concepts, values, histories, and theories.

Comprehensively and accurately identifies the relevance of the context in which the problem, event, and/or issue exists, is interpreted, or is perceived. Context is comprehensive and accurate. Accurately identifies the relevance of the context/environment in which the problem, event, and/or issue exists, is interpreted or is perceived. Context is present and accurate. Identifies relevance of the contexts in which the problem, event, and/or issue exists, is interpreted, or is perceived.

Context is present but may not be fully accurate.

Does not identify the relevance of the contexts in which the problem, event, and/or issue exists, is interpreted, or is perceived. Context is not present.

6) Reasoning/Conclusion: Develop logical conclusions, solutions, and outcomes that reflect an informed, well- reasoned evaluation.

Shows logical reasoning to reach a valid and thorough conclusion supported by relevant data; a clear and accurate explanation of the conclusion in the context of the problem is present. Shows logical reasoning to reach a valid conclusion supported by data; an explanation of the conclusion in the context of the problem is present. Shows reasoning to reach a conclusion but may not be supported by relevant or adequate data; an explanation of the conclusion in the context of the problem is not present. Does not develop a logical conclusion, solution, or outcome that is supported by data.
  • Hake, R. R. (1998). Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses. American Journal of Physics, 66(1), 64-74. doi:10.1119/1.18809.
  • Prather, E. E., Rudolph, A. L., Brissenden, G., & Schlingman, W. M. (2009). A national study assessing the teaching and learning of introductory astronomy. part I. the effect of interactive instruction. American Journal of Physics, 77(4), 320-330. doi:10.1119/1.3065023.

T2I Critical Thinking Rubric

Critical Thinking is disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, systematic, and informed by evidence (EO 1.2).

Framing Language

The culture of higher education includes the pursuit of truth, for the sake of conveying truth to the world. In the pursuit of truth students encounter various understandings and points of view. Therefore, CT is required for students’ development through understanding, evaluating, deciding, and graciously communicating ideas and conclusions.

The goal of Montreat College’s T2I is to develop the critical thinking skills of our students so that they can graciously impact the world around them. To assess the effectiveness of T2I the following rubric is utilized. The T2I rubric addresses the skills of problem solving and learning, creative thinking, and communication of multifaceted ideas, as each are skill based components of critical thinking.

Problem solving and learning include the ability to separate relevant and irrelevant information, to integrate multiple sources of information to solve problems and to learn and apply new information to solve real-world problems. Creative thinking involves identifying or deriving alternative interpretations for data or observations, recognizing new information that might support or contradict a hypothesis, and explaining how new information can change one’s understanding and ability to address a problem. Communication of multifaceted ideas includes the ability to communicate ideas graciously so engagement with the world can be done effectively and precisely.

Work samples to be assessed include, but are not limited to, student reflections, discussion board posts, and course presentations.

  • Clear: Expressing ideas in a straight-forward and simple manner.
  • Rational: Thought that clearly demonstrates cognitive reasoning to come to a logical conclusion.
  • Open-minded: A genuine critical openness to the ideas and beliefs of others (EO 2.4).
  • Systematic: Organized thought that follows a logical plan to investigate or explain an idea.
  • Evidence: Quantitative and qualitative information that is supported by direct observation and empirical sources.

Evaluators are encouraged to assign a zero to any work sample or collection that does not meet benchmark (cell one) level performance.











(Critical Thinking Rubric)

Issue/problem to be considered critically is stated clearly and described comprehensively, delivering all relevant information necessary for full understanding.Issue/problem to be considered critically is stated, described, and clarified so that understanding is not seriously impeded by omissions.Issue/problem to be considered critically is stated but description leaves some terms undefined, ambiguities unexplored, boundaries undetermined, and/or backgrounds unknown.Issue/problem to be considered critically is stated without clarification or description.


(Critical Thinking Rubric)

Thoroughly (systematically and methodologically) analyzes own and others’ assumptions and carefully evaluates the relevance of contexts when presenting a position.Identifies own and others’ assumptions and several relevant contexts when presenting a position.Questions some assumptions. Identifies several relevant contexts when presenting a position. May be more aware of others’ assumptions than one’s own (or vice versa).Shows an emerging awareness of present assumptions (sometimes labels assertations as assumptions).


Begins to identify some contexts when presenting a position.


(Creative Thinking Rubric)

Not only develops a logical, consistent plan to solve problem, but recognizes consequences of solution and can articulate reason for choosing solution.Having selected from among alternatives, develops a logical, consistent plan to solve the problem.Considers and rejects less acceptable approaches to solving problem.One single approach is considered and is used to solve the problem.


Novelty or uniqueness (of ideas, question, form, etc.)

(Creative Thinking Rubric)

Extends a novel or unique idea, question, format, or product to create new knowledge or knowledge that crosses boundaries.Creates a novel or unique idea, question, format, or product.Experiments with creating a novel or unique idea, question, format, or product.Reformulates a collection of available ideas.

This rubric was created using the Association of American Colleges and Universities Critical Thinking VALUE Rubric. Retrieved from

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Critical Thinking: Learning, Teaching and Assessment

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Designing Assessments

A group of three students are walking near the lunch room and talking and laughing. In the background there are a couple of male students sitting at one of the tables in front of their laptops and discussing something.


The Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric was developed as a key deliverable of the ‘Building Capacity to Measure Essential Employability Skills’ project funded by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) . This handbook serves as a resource to teachers in using the Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric.

Critical thinking is one of the six skill categories within the ‘essential employability skills’ (EES) curriculum requirements for Ontario college programs – specifically, EES numbers 4 and 5. Each of these essential employability skills must be addressed (learned, practiced, evaluated) within a program. How and when these are implemented should be based on decisions regarding the program as a whole and by individual teachers.

The wording of the learning outcomes associated with the critical thinking essential employability skill: ‘Apply a systematic approach to solve problems’ and ‘Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems’ are too vague for direct measurement in an assignment; more concrete and measurable learning outcomes are needed.

In this project we used the skill of critical thinking as an example to demonstrate possible ways of incorporating a broadly described essential employability skill into the curriculum – what needs to be taught and practiced, how it can be demonstrated by the learner, and how it can be measured by the teacher.

We aimed to develop a common language with which teachers could talk about critical thinking in the classroom. Our objective was to create a practical critical thinking measurement or marking tool, grounded in the literature, and developed by George Brown College teachers, which would have sufficient flexibility to allow it to be adapted by teachers for use in any college classroom in which critical thinking is being taught and measured.

A smiling girl is sitting comfortably in the waiting area in front of the Centre for Health Sciences Faculty and Administration reception and looking at her phone.

Six Critical Thinking Constructs

The project began with a review of the literature about critical thinking. While there are many valid definitions of critical thinking, we chose the following three definitions in the earliest discussions with faculty about the development of the first version of the critical thinking rubric.

‘Purposeful, self-regulatory judgment which results in interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference as well as explanation of the evidential, conceptual and methodological considerations on which a judgment is based’ (American Philosophical Association)

‘Critical thinking is a habit of mind characterized by the comprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion’

(American Association of Colleges and Universities, Critical Thinking Value Rubric)

‘[Critical thinking] entails (1) identifying assumptions that frame our thinking and determine our actions, (2) checking out the degree to which these assumptions are accurate and valid, (3) looking at our ideas and decisions (intellectual, organizational, and personal) from several different perspectives, and (4) on the basis of all this, taking informed actions’ (Brookfield, 2012)

The literature confirmed that there is no single standard definition of critical thinking, which results in a wide range of critical thinking constructs being taught and evaluated. Faculty in Phase 1 of the project agreed on six relevant, concrete and measurable critical thinking constructs which could be taught, and then evaluated within an assignment. These were the critical thinking constructs that were already most commonly taught and evaluated, according to project faculty.

  • Clarifies the issue to be discussed and/or the position to be argued in this paper
  • Identifies the sources of ideas or evidence used in developing the argument or conclusions
  • Analyses the ideas or evidence to develop the argument or conclusions
  • Critiques contradictory evidence, information, experts’ opinions and/or methodologies
  • Acknowledges personal biases or assumptions
  • Describes conclusions

During the project, we recognized that a student’s mastery of the English language, as used in their assignment, could strongly influence the teacher’s rating of critical thinking skills, and provide a focus other than specifically on the critical thinking skills. For this reason, English language-specific criteria were excluded from this rubric.

A male student is standing in front of the Welcome & Information desk at the Waterfront Campus and listening to the female student clerk behind the desk while she is talking to him and showing him information materials.

About the critical thinking rubric

The Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric:

  • Is brief and easy for a marker to use
  • Has demonstrated high inter-rater reliability through a validation process with George Brown faculty
  • Focuses on only a select and manageable number of the many possible critical thinking constructs identified in the literature—uses six distinct critical thinking criteria (i.e. constructs) judged by GBC faculty to be most relevant to the types of assignments used at George Brown
  • Provides meaningful descriptors for a range of performance levels, clearly distinguishing from inadequate to exemplary performance in regard to expectations (which, in turn, would be identified in the assignment instructions).
  • Below expectations
  • Meets expectations
  • Exemplary/exceeds expectations
  • Includes a description or example of performance in each of the 24 cells to assist the marker in differentiating the 4 levels of performance for each criterion
  • Uses sufficiently generic language in the descriptors allowing applicability to different types of assignments
  • Provides sufficient flexibility to be used either as a stand-alone rubric (with the addition of a grading scheme and criteria weights) or to be integrated nto and existing rubric whenever relevant
  • Can be used fro formative feedback
  • May be adapted to use some but not all of the criteria, depending upon what is taught in the course.

Student and teacher

How To Use The Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric

The Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric can be used to develop or modify curriculum, both teaching and learning activities, and assignments. The six constructs can inform what is to be discussed, taught and practiced about critical thinking in a course or across courses in a program.

This rubric should be used to evaluate only those assignments that have specifically incorporated the relevant critical thinking criteria from the rubric. It is assumed that the constructs to be evaluated have been discussed/taught/practiced by students, that students already know the specific performance expectations for each critical thinking construct (criterion) to be evaluated, and that this information is clearly identified in the assignment instructions.

Options for using the Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric:

  • The rubric can be used as a stand-alone marking rubric either for formative/teaching purposes or for summative evaluation with the addition of a grading scheme and criteria weights.
  • No specific weight is currently attached to the six criteria in this rubric. Teachers may choose to attach relative weights or a grading scheme to the rubric.
  • Any or all of the six critical thinking constructs (criteria) as relevant to the assignment can be incorporated into an existing grading rubric.
  • Teachers may choose to use fewer than the six criteria provided in this rubric, as is relevant to the specifics of their assignment.
  • Teachers may add additional critical thinking criteria, reflecting other relevant critical thinking constructs, as needed.

Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric

Clarifies the issue to be discussed and/or the position to be argued in this paper Clearly states the specific issue/position to be discussed or argued in the paper

Provides additional information about why and how this issue was selected
Clearly states the specific issue/ position to be discussed or argued in the paper Identifies but does not clearly state the specific issue/position to be discussed or argued in the paper Does not acknowledge the issue/position to be discussed or argued in the paper
Identifies the sources of ideas or evidence used in developing the argument 
or conclusions
Identified sources of ideas/evidence are relevant to the assignment and credible

Identifies a broader or more comprehensive range of sources than is required
Identified sources of ideas/ evidence are relevant to the assignment and credible Some identified sources are either irrelevant to the assignment, questionable or not credible Does not identify the sources of ideas/evidence
Analyses the ideas or evidence to develop the argument or conclusions Analysis both integrates and synthesizes all of the identified sources of ideas/evidence

Analysis is logical

Analysis is on topic

Analysis leads to, strengthens and focuses the argument or conclusions
Analysis includes all the identified sources of ideas/evidences 
Analysis is logical
Analysis is on topic
Analysis leads to and supports the argument or conclusions
Analysis reflects some but not all of the identified sources of ideas/ evidences 
Analysis is not logical
Analysis is not on topic
Analysis does not lead to or support the argument or conclusions
Does not include an analysis
Critiques contradictory evidence, information, experts’ opinions and/or methodologies Identifies and questions/ challenges contradictory evidence, information, experts’ opinions and/or methodologies as presented
Analyses the strengths and limitations of the evidence being challenged
Identifies and questions/ challenges contradictory evidence, information, experts’ opinions and/ or methodologies as presented Accepts contradictory evidence, information, experts’ opinions and/ or methodologies without question or criticism Does not acknowledge contradictory evidence, information, experts’ opinions and/or methodologies
Acknowledges personal biases or assumptions Articulates/ explains personal biases or assumptions 

Acknowledges the relevance or impact of personal biases or assumptions on their analysis or conclusions
Articulates/ explains personal biases or assumptions Acknowledges but does not articulate personal biases or assumptions Does not mention or recognize personal biases or assumptions
Describes conclusions Conclusion is logical 
Conclusion arises from effectively synthesized and thoroughly evaluated evidence in the argument
Solutions are prioritized where there is more than one
Conclusion is logical 

Conclusion is rooted in/linked to the evidence in the argument 
Solutions are prioritized where there is more than one
Conclusion lacks logic
Conclusion is weakly linked, if at all, to evidence in the argument
Where an attempt has been made to prioritize solutions, there are gaps in logic and/or understanding
Conclusion is absent, incorrect or irrelevant to the evidence in the argument
Where there is more than one solution presented, these are incorrectly or not at all prioritized

Examples of assignments using the Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric

The following are real examples of five course assignments which were developed or modified by the project faculty to incorporate the critical thinking constructs. To illustrate and assist you in identifying this, we have purposely colour-coded the relevant sections of these assignments to demonstrate where the critical thinking constructs are incorporated.

Criterion #1 Identify the issue/position
Criterion #2 Support sources
Criterion #3 Analysis
Criterion #4 Contradictory evidence
Criterion #5 Personal bias
Criterion #6 Conclusions
  • Open access
  • Published: 09 March 2020

Rubrics to assess critical thinking and information processing in undergraduate STEM courses

  • Gil Reynders 1 , 2 ,
  • Juliette Lantz 3 ,
  • Suzanne M. Ruder 2 ,
  • Courtney L. Stanford 4 &
  • Renée S. Cole   ORCID: 1  

International Journal of STEM Education volume  7 , Article number:  9 ( 2020 ) Cite this article

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Process skills such as critical thinking and information processing are commonly stated outcomes for STEM undergraduate degree programs, but instructors often do not explicitly assess these skills in their courses. Students are more likely to develop these crucial skills if there is constructive alignment between an instructor’s intended learning outcomes, the tasks that the instructor and students perform, and the assessment tools that the instructor uses. Rubrics for each process skill can enhance this alignment by creating a shared understanding of process skills between instructors and students. Rubrics can also enable instructors to reflect on their teaching practices with regard to developing their students’ process skills and facilitating feedback to students to identify areas for improvement.

Here, we provide rubrics that can be used to assess critical thinking and information processing in STEM undergraduate classrooms and to provide students with formative feedback. As part of the Enhancing Learning by Improving Process Skills in STEM (ELIPSS) Project, rubrics were developed to assess these two skills in STEM undergraduate students’ written work. The rubrics were implemented in multiple STEM disciplines, class sizes, course levels, and institution types to ensure they were practical for everyday classroom use. Instructors reported via surveys that the rubrics supported assessment of students’ written work in multiple STEM learning environments. Graduate teaching assistants also indicated that they could effectively use the rubrics to assess student work and that the rubrics clarified the instructor’s expectations for how they should assess students. Students reported that they understood the content of the rubrics and could use the feedback provided by the rubric to change their future performance.

The ELIPSS rubrics allowed instructors to explicitly assess the critical thinking and information processing skills that they wanted their students to develop in their courses. The instructors were able to clarify their expectations for both their teaching assistants and students and provide consistent feedback to students about their performance. Supporting the adoption of active-learning pedagogies should also include changes to assessment strategies to measure the skills that are developed as students engage in more meaningful learning experiences. Tools such as the ELIPSS rubrics provide a resource for instructors to better align assessments with intended learning outcomes.


Why assess process skills.

Process skills, also known as professional skills (ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission, 2012 ), transferable skills (Danczak et al., 2017 ), or cognitive competencies (National Research Council, 2012 ), are commonly cited as critical for students to develop during their undergraduate education (ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission, 2012 ; American Chemical Society Committee on Professional Training, 2015 ; National Research Council, 2012 ; Singer et al., 2012 ; The Royal Society, 2014 ). Process skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, information processing, and communication are widely applicable to many academic disciplines and careers, and they are receiving increased attention in undergraduate curricula (ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission, 2012 ; American Chemical Society Committee on Professional Training, 2015 ) and workplace hiring decisions (Gray & Koncz, 2018 ; Pearl et al., 2019 ). Recent reports from multiple countries (Brewer & Smith, 2011 ; National Research Council, 2012 ; Singer et al., 2012 ; The Royal Society, 2014 ) indicate that these skills are emphasized in multiple undergraduate academic disciplines, and annual polls of about 200 hiring managers indicate that employers may place more importance on these skills than in applicants’ content knowledge when making hiring decisions (Deloitte Access Economics, 2014 ; Gray & Koncz, 2018 ). The assessment of process skills can provide a benchmark for achievement at the end of an undergraduate program and act as an indicator of student readiness to enter the workforce. Assessing these skills may also enable instructors and researchers to more fully understand the impact of active learning pedagogies on students.

A recent meta-analysis of 225 studies by Freeman et al. ( 2014 ) showed that students in active learning environments may achieve higher content learning gains than students in traditional lectures in multiple STEM fields when comparing scores on equivalent examinations. Active learning environments can have many different attributes, but they are commonly characterized by students “physically manipulating objects, producing new ideas, and discussing ideas with others” (Rau et al., 2017 ) in contrast to students sitting and listening to a lecture. Examples of active learning pedagogies include POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) (Moog & Spencer, 2008 ; Simonson, 2019 ) and PLTL (Peer-led Team Learning) (Gafney & Varma-Nelson, 2008 ; Gosser et al., 2001 ) in which students work in groups to complete activities with varying levels of guidance from an instructor. Despite the clear content learning gains that students can achieve from active learning environments (Freeman et al., 2014 ), the non-content-gains (including improvements in process skills) in these learning environments have not been explored to a significant degree. Active learning pedagogies such as POGIL and PLTL place an emphasis on students developing non-content skills in addition to content learning gains, but typically only the content learning is assessed on quizzes and exams, and process skills are not often explicitly assessed (National Research Council, 2012 ). In order to fully understand the effects of active learning pedagogies on all aspects of an undergraduate course, evidence-based tools must be used to assess students’ process skill development. The goal of this work was to develop resources that could enable instructors to explicitly assess process skills in STEM undergraduate classrooms in order to provide feedback to themselves and their students about the students’ process skills development.

Theoretical frameworks

The incorporation of these rubrics and other currently available tools for use in STEM undergraduate classrooms can be viewed through the lenses of constructive alignment (Biggs, 1996 ) and self-regulated learning (Zimmerman, 2002 ). The theory of constructivism posits that students learn by constructing their own understanding of knowledge rather than acquiring the meaning from their instructor (Bodner, 1986 ), and constructive alignment extends the constructivist model to consider how the alignment between a course’s intended learning outcomes, tasks, and assessments affects the knowledge and skills that students develop (Biggs, 2003 ). Students are more likely to develop the intended knowledge and skills if there is alignment between the instructor’s intended learning outcomes that are stated at the beginning of a course, the tasks that the instructor and students perform, and the assessment strategies that the instructor uses (Biggs, 1996 , 2003 , 2014 ). The nature of the tasks and assessments indicates what the instructor values and where students should focus their effort when studying. According to Biggs ( 2003 ) and Ramsden ( 1997 ), students see assessments as defining what they should learn, and a misalignment between the outcomes, tasks, and assessments may hinder students from achieving the intended learning outcomes. In the case of this work, the intended outcomes are improved process skills. In addition to aligning the components of a course, it is also critical that students receive feedback on their performance in order to improve their skills. Zimmerman’s theory of self-regulated learning (Zimmerman, 2002 ) provides a rationale for tailoring assessments to provide feedback to both students and instructors.

Zimmerman’s theory of self-regulated learning defines three phases of learning: forethought/planning, performance, and self-reflection. According to Zimmerman, individuals ideally should progress through these three phases in a cycle: they plan a task, perform the task, and reflect on their performance, then they restart the cycle on a new task. If a student is unable to adequately progress through the phases of self-regulated learning on their own, then feedback provided by an instructor may enable the students to do so (Butler & Winne, 1995 ). Thus, one of our criteria when creating rubrics to assess process skills was to make the rubrics suitable for faculty members to use to provide feedback to their students. Additionally, instructors can use the results from assessments to give themselves feedback regarding their students’ learning in order to regulate their teaching. This theory is called self-regulated learning because the goal is for learners to ultimately reflect on their actions to find ways to improve. We assert that, ideally, both students and instructors should be “learners” and use assessment data to reflect on their actions, although with different aims. Students need consistent feedback from an instructor and/or self-assessment throughout a course to provide a benchmark for their current performance and identify what they can do to improve their process skills (Black & Wiliam, 1998 ; Butler & Winne, 1995 ; Hattie & Gan, 2011 ; Nicol & Macfarlane-Dick, 2006 ). Instructors need feedback on the extent to which their efforts are achieving their intended goals in order to improve their instruction and better facilitate the development of process skills through course experiences.

In accordance with the aforementioned theoretical frameworks, tools used to assess undergraduate STEM student process skills should be tailored to fit the outcomes that are expected for undergraduate students and be able to provide formative assessment and feedback to both students and faculty about the students’ skills. These tools should also be designed for everyday classroom use to enable students to regularly self-assess and faculty to provide consistent feedback throughout a semester. Additionally, it is desirable for assessment tools to be broadly generalizable to measure process skills in multiple STEM disciplines and institutions in order to increase the rubrics’ impact on student learning. Current tools exist to assess these process skills, but they each lack at least one of the desired characteristics for providing regular feedback to STEM students.

Current tools to assess process skills

Current tests available to assess critical thinking include the Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) (Stein & Haynes, 2011 ), California Critical Thinking Skills Test (Facione, 1990a , 1990b ), and Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (Watson & Glaser, 1964 ). These commercially available, multiple-choice tests are not designed to provide regular, formative feedback throughout a course and have not been implemented for this purpose. Instead, they are designed to provide summative feedback with a focus on assessing this skill at a programmatic or university level rather than for use in the classroom to provide formative feedback to students. Rather than using tests to assess process skills, rubrics could be used instead. Rubrics are effective assessment tools because they can be quick and easy to use, they provide feedback to both students and instructors, and they can evaluate individual aspects of a skill to give more specific feedback (Brookhart & Chen, 2014 ; Smit & Birri, 2014 ). Rubrics for assessing critical thinking are available, but they have not been used to provide feedback to undergraduate STEM students nor were they designed to do so (Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2019 ; Saxton et al., 2012 ). The Critical Thinking Analytic Rubric is designed specifically to assess K-12 students to enhance college readiness and has not been broadly tested in collegiate STEM courses (Saxton et al., 2012 ). The critical thinking rubric developed by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) as part its Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education (VALUE) Institute and Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) initiative (Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2019 ) is intended for programmatic assessment rather than specifically giving feedback to students throughout a course. As with tests for assessing critical thinking, current rubrics to assess critical thinking are not designed to act as formative assessments and give feedback to STEM faculty and undergraduates at the course or task level. Another issue with the assessment of critical thinking is the degree to which the construct is measurable. A National Research Council report (National Research Council, 2011 ) has suggested that there is little evidence of a consistent, measurable definition for critical thinking and that it may not be different from one’s general cognitive ability. Despite this issue, we have found that critical thinking is consistently listed as a programmatic outcome in STEM disciplines (American Chemical Society Committee on Professional Training, 2015 ; The Royal Society, 2014 ), so we argue that it is necessary to support instructors as they attempt to assess this skill.

Current methods for evaluating students’ information processing include discipline-specific tools such as a rubric to assess physics students’ use of graphs and equations to solve work-energy problems (Nguyen et al., 2010 ) and assessments of organic chemistry students’ ability to “[manipulate] and [translate] between various representational forms” including 2D and 3D representations of chemical structures (Kumi et al., 2013 ). Although these assessment tools can be effectively used for their intended context, they were not designed for use in a wide range of STEM disciplines or for a variety of tasks.

Despite the many tools that exist to measure process skills, none has been designed and tested to facilitate frequent, formative feedback to STEM undergraduate students and faculty throughout a semester. The rubrics described here have been designed by the Enhancing Learning by Improving Process Skills in STEM (ELIPSS) Project (Cole et al., 2016 ) to assess undergraduate STEM students’ process skills and to facilitate feedback at the classroom level with the potential to track growth throughout a semester or degree program. The rubrics described here are designed to assess critical thinking and information processing in student written work. Rubrics were chosen as the format for our process skill assessment tools because the highest level of each category in rubrics can serve as an explicit learning outcome that the student is expected to achieve (Panadero & Jonsson, 2013 ). Rubrics that are generalizable to multiple disciplines and institutions can enable the assessment of student learning outcomes and active learning pedagogies throughout a program of study and provide useful tools for a greater number of potential users.

Research questions

This work sought to answer the following research questions for each rubric:

Does the rubric adequately measure relevant aspects of the skill?

How well can the rubrics provide feedback to instructors and students?

Can multiple raters use the rubrics to give consistent scores?

This work received Institutional Review Board approval prior to any data collection involving human subjects. The sources of data used to construct the process skill rubrics and answer these research questions were (1) peer-reviewed literature on how each skill is defined, (2) feedback from content experts in multiple STEM disciplines via surveys and in-person, group discussions regarding the appropriateness of the rubrics for each discipline, (3) interviews with students whose work was scored with the rubrics and teaching assistants who scored the student work, and (4) results of applying the rubrics to samples of student work.

Defining the scope of the rubrics

The rubrics described here and the other rubrics in development by the ELIPSS Project are intended to measure process skills, which are desired learning outcomes identified by the STEM community in recent reports (National Research Council, 2012 ; Singer et al., 2012 ). In order to measure these skills in multiple STEM disciplines, operationalized definitions of each skill were needed. These definitions specify which aspects of student work (operations) would be considered evidence for the student using that skill and establish a shared understanding of each skill by members of each STEM discipline. The starting point for this work was the process skill definitions developed as part of the POGIL project (Cole et al., 2019a ). The POGIL community includes instructors from a variety of disciplines and institutions and represented the intended audience for the rubrics: faculty who value process skills and want to more explicitly assess them. The process skills discussed in this work were defined as follows:

Critical thinking is analyzing, evaluating, or synthesizing relevant information to form an argument or reach a conclusion supported with evidence.

Information processing is evaluating, interpreting, and manipulating or transforming information.

Examples of critical thinking include the tasks that students are asked to perform in a laboratory course. When students are asked to analyze the data they collected, combine data from different sources, and generate arguments or conclusions about their data, we see this as critical thinking. However, when students simply follow the so-called “cookbook” laboratory instructions that require them to confirm pre-determined conclusions, we do not think students are engaging in critical thinking. One example of information processing is when organic chemistry students are required to re-draw molecules in different formats. The students must evaluate and interpret various pieces of one representation, and then they recreate the molecule in another representation. However, if students are asked to simply memorize facts or algorithms to solve problems, we do not see this as information processing.

Iterative rubric development

The development process was the same for the information processing rubric and the critical thinking rubric. After defining the scope of the rubric, an initial version was drafted based upon the definition of the target process skill and how each aspect of the skill is defined in the literature. A more detailed discussion of the literature that informed each rubric category is included in the “Results and Discussion” section. This initial version then underwent iterative testing in which the rubric was reviewed by researchers, practitioners, and students. The rubric was first evaluated by the authors and a group of eight faculty from multiple STEM disciplines who made up the ELIPSS Project’s primary collaborative team (PCT). The PCT was a group of faculty members with experience in discipline-based education research who employ active-learning pedagogies in their classrooms. This initial round of evaluation was intended to ensure that the rubric measured relevant aspects of the skill and was appropriate for each PCT member’s discipline. This evaluation determined how well the rubrics were aligned with each instructor’s understanding of the process skill including both in-person and email discussions that continued until the group came to consensus that each rubric category could be applied to student work in courses within their disciplines. There has been an ongoing debate regarding the role of disciplinary knowledge in critical thinking and the extent to which critical thinking is subject-specific (Davies, 2013 ; Ennis, 1990 ). This work focuses on the creation of rubrics to measure process skills in different domains, but we have not performed cross-discipline comparisons. This initial round of review was also intended to ensure that the rubrics were ready for classroom testing by instructors in each discipline. Next, each rubric was tested over three semesters in multiple classroom environments, illustrated in Table 1 . The rubrics were applied to student work chosen by each PCT member. The PCT members chose the student work based on their views of how the assignments required students to engage in process skills and show evidence of those skills. The information processing and critical thinking rubrics shown in this work were each tested in at least three disciplines, course levels, and institutions.

After each semester, the feedback was collected from the faculty testing the rubric, and further changes to the rubric were made. Feedback was collected in the form of survey responses along with in-person group discussions at annual project meetings. After the first iteration of completing the survey, the PCT members met with the authors to discuss how they were interpreting each survey question. This meeting helped ensure that the surveys were gathering valid data regarding how well the rubrics were measuring the desired process skill. Questions in the survey such as “What aspects of the student work provided evidence for the indicated process skill?” and “Are there edits to the rubric/descriptors that would improve your ability to assess the process skill?” allowed the authors to determine how well the rubric scores were matching the student work and identify necessary changes to the rubric. Further questions asked about the nature and timing of the feedback given to students in order to address the question of how well the rubrics provide feedback to instructors and students. The survey questions are included in the Supporting Information . The survey responses were analyzed qualitatively to determine themes related to each research question.

In addition to the surveys given to faculty rubric testers, twelve students were interviewed in fall 2016 and fall 2017. In the United States of America, the fall semester typically runs from August to December and is the first semester of the academic year. Each student participated in one interview which lasted about 30 min. These interviews were intended to gather further data to answer questions about how well the rubrics were measuring the identified process skills that students were using when they completed their assignments and to ensure that the information provided by the rubrics made sense to students. The protocol for these interviews is included in the Supporting Information . In fall 2016, the students interviewed were enrolled in an organic chemistry laboratory course for non-majors at a large, research-intensive university in the United States. Thirty students agreed to have their work analyzed by the research team, and nine students were interviewed. However, the rubrics were not a component of the laboratory course grading. Instead, the first author assessed the students’ reports for critical thinking and information processing, and then the students were provided electronic copies of their laboratory reports and scored rubrics in advance of the interview. The first author had recently been a graduate teaching assistant for the course and was familiar with the instructor’s expectations for the laboratory reports. During the interview, the students were given time to review their reports and the completed rubrics, and then they were asked about how well they understood the content of the rubrics and how accurately each category score represented their work.

In fall 2017, students enrolled in a physical chemistry thermodynamics course for majors were interviewed. The physical chemistry course took place at the same university as the organic laboratory course, but there was no overlap between participants. Three students and two graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) were interviewed. The course included daily group work, and process skill assessment was an explicit part of the instructor’s curriculum. At the end of each class period, students assessed their groups using portions of ELIPSS rubrics, including the two process skill rubrics included in this paper. About every 2 weeks, the GTAs assessed the student groups with a complete ELIPSS rubric for a particular skill, then gave the groups their scored rubrics with written comments. The students’ individual homework problem sets were assessed once with rubrics for three skills: critical thinking, information processing, and problem-solving. The students received the scored rubric with written comments when the graded problem set was returned to them. In the last third of the semester, the students and GTAs were interviewed about how rubrics were implemented in the course, how well the rubric scores reflected the students’ written work, and how the use of rubrics affected the teaching assistants’ ability to assess the student skills. The protocols for these interviews are included in the Supporting Information .

Gathering evidence for utility, validity, and reliability

The utility, validity, and reliability of the rubrics were measured throughout the development process. The utility is the degree to which the rubrics are perceived as practical to experts and practitioners in the field. Through multiple meetings, the PCT faculty determined that early drafts of the rubric seemed appropriate for use in their classrooms, which represented multiple STEM disciplines. Rubric utility was reexamined multiple times throughout the development process to ensure that the rubrics would remain practical for classroom use. Validity can be defined in multiple ways. For example, the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Psychological Testing, 2014 ) defines validity as “the degree to which all the accumulated evidence supports the intended interpretation of test scores for the proposed use.” For the purposes of this work, we drew on the ways in which two distinct types of validity were examined in the rubric literature: content validity and construct validity. Content validity is the degree to which the rubrics cover relevant aspects of each process skill (Moskal & Leydens, 2000 ). In this case, the process skill definition and a review of the literature determined which categories were included in each rubric. The literature review was finished once the data was saturated: when no more new aspects were found. Construct validity is the degree to which the levels of each rubric category accurately reflect the process that students performed (Moskal & Leydens, 2000 ). Evidence of construct validity was gathered via the faculty surveys, teaching assistant interviews, and student interviews. In the student interviews, students were given one of their completed assignments and asked to explain how they completed the task. Students were then asked to explain how well each category applied to their work and if any changes were needed to the rubric to more accurately reflect their process. Due to logistical challenges, we were not able to obtain evidence for convergent validity, and this is further discussed in the “Limitations” section.

Adjacent agreement, also known as “interrater agreement within one,” was chosen as the measure of interrater reliability due to its common use in rubric development projects (Jonsson & Svingby, 2007 ). The adjacent agreement is the percentage of cases in which two raters agree on a rating or are different by one level (i.e., they give adjacent ratings to the same work). Jonsson and Svingby ( 2007 ) found that most of the rubrics they reviewed had adjacent agreement scores of 90% or greater. However, they noted that the agreement threshold varied based on the number of possible levels of performance for each category in the rubric, with three and four being the most common numbers of levels. Since the rubrics discussed in this report have six levels (scores of zero through five) and are intended for low-stakes assessment and feedback, the goal of 80% adjacent agreement was selected. To calculate agreement for the critical thinking and information processing rubrics, two researchers discussed the scoring criteria for each rubric and then independently assessed the organic chemistry laboratory reports.

Results and discussion

The process skill rubrics to assess critical thinking and information processing in student written work were completed after multiple rounds of revision based on feedback from various sources. These sources include feedback from instructors who tested the rubrics in their classrooms, TAs who scored student work with the rubrics, and students who were assessed with the rubrics. The categories for each rubric will be discussed in terms of the evidence that the rubrics measure the relevant aspects of the skill and how they can be used to assess STEM undergraduate student work. Each category discussion will begin with a general explanation of the category followed by more specific examples from the organic chemistry laboratory course and physical chemistry lecture course to demonstrate how the rubrics can be used to assess student work.

Information processing rubric

The definition of information processing and the focus of the rubric presented here (Fig. 1 ) are distinct from cognitive information processing as defined by the educational psychology literature (Driscoll, 2005 ). The rubric shown here is more aligned with the STEM education construct of representational competency (Daniel et al., 2018 ).

figure 1

Rubric for assessing information processing

When solving a problem or completing a task, students must evaluate the provided information for relevance or importance to the task (Hanson, 2008 ; Swanson et al., 1990 ). All the information provided in a prompt (e.g., homework or exam questions) may not be relevant for addressing all parts of the prompt. Students should ideally show evidence of their evaluation process by identifying what information is present in the prompt/model, indicating what information is relevant or not relevant, and indicating why information is relevant. Responses with these characteristics would earn high rubric scores for this category. Although students may not explicitly state what information is necessary to address a task, the information they do use can act as indirect evidence of the degree to which they have evaluated all of the available information in the prompt. Evidence for students inaccurately evaluating information for relevance includes the inclusion of irrelevant information or the omission of relevant information in an analysis or in completing a task. When evaluating the organic chemistry laboratory reports, the focus for the evaluating category was the information students presented when identifying the chemical structure of their products. For students who received a high score, this information included their measured value for the product’s melting point, the literature (expected) value for the melting point, and the peaks in a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum. NMR spectroscopy is a commonly used technique in chemistry to obtain structural information about a compound. Lower scores were given if students omitted any of the necessary information or if they included unnecessary information. For example, if a student discussed their reaction yield when discussing the identity of their product, they would receive a low Evaluating score because the yield does not help them determine the identity of their product; the yield, in this case, would be unnecessary information. In the physical chemistry course, students often did not show evidence that they determined which information was relevant to answer the homework questions and thus earned low evaluating scores. These omissions will be further addressed in the “Interpreting” section.


In addition to evaluating, students must often interpret information using their prior knowledge to explain the meaning of something, make inferences, match data to predictions, and extract patterns from data (Hanson, 2008 ; Nakhleh, 1992 ; Schmidt et al., 1989 ; Swanson et al., 1990 ). Students earn high scores for this category if they assign correct meaning to labeled information (e.g., text, tables, graphs, diagrams), extract specific details from information, explain information in their own words, and determine patterns in information. For the organic chemistry laboratory reports, students received high scores if they accurately interpreted their measured values and NMR peaks. Almost every student obtained melting point values that were different than what was expected due to measurement error or impurities in their products, so they needed to describe what types of impurities could cause such discrepancies. Also, each NMR spectrum contained one peak that corresponded to the solvent used to dissolve the students’ product, so the students needed to use their prior knowledge of NMR spectroscopy to recognize that peak did not correspond to part of their product.

In physical chemistry, the graduate teaching assistant often gave students low scores for inaccurately explaining changes to chemical systems such as changes in pressure or entropy. The graduate teaching assistant who assessed the student work used the rubric to identify both the evaluating and interpreting categories as weaknesses in many of the students’ homework submissions. However, the students often earned high scores for the manipulating and transforming categories, so the GTA was able to give students specific feedback on their areas for improvement while also highlighting their strengths.

Manipulating and transforming (extent and accuracy)

In addition to evaluating and interpreting information, students may be asked to manipulate and transform information from one form to another. These transformations should be complete and accurate (Kumi et al., 2013 ; Nguyen et al., 2010 ). Students may be required to construct a figure based on written information, or conversely, they may transform information in a figure into words or mathematical expressions. Two categories for manipulating and transforming (i.e., extent and accuracy) were included to allow instructors to give more specific feedback. It was often found that students would either transform little information but do so accurately, or transform much information and do so inaccurately; the two categories allowed for differentiated feedback to be provided. As stated above, the organic chemistry students were expected to transform their NMR spectral data into a table and provide a labeled structure of their final product. Students were given high scores if they converted all of the relevant peaks from their spectrum into the table format and were able to correctly match the peaks to the hydrogen atoms in their products. Students received lower scores if they were only able to convert the information for a few peaks or if they incorrectly matched the peaks to the hydrogen atoms.

Critical thinking rubric

Critical thinking can be broadly defined in different contexts, but we found that the categories included in the rubric (Fig. 2 ) represented commonly accepted aspects of critical thinking (Danczak et al., 2017 ) and suited the needs of the faculty collaborators who tested the rubric in their classrooms.

figure 2

Rubric for assessing critical thinking

When completing a task, students must evaluate the relevance of information that they will ultimately use to support a claim or conclusions (Miri et al., 2007 ; Zohar et al., 1994 ). An evaluating category is included in both critical thinking and information processing rubrics because evaluation is a key aspect of both skills. From our previous work developing a problem-solving rubric (manuscript in preparation) and our review of the literature for this work (Danczak et al., 2017 ; Lewis & Smith, 1993 ), the overlap was seen between information processing, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Additionally, while the Evaluating category in the information processing rubric assesses a student’s ability to determine the importance of information to complete a task, the evaluating category in the critical thinking rubric places a heavier emphasis on using the information to support a conclusion or argument.

When scoring student work with the evaluating category, students receive high scores if they indicate what information is likely to be most relevant to the argument they need to make, determine the reliability of the source of their information, and determine the quality and accuracy of the information itself. The information used to assess this category can be indirect as with the Evaluating category in the information processing rubric. In the organic chemistry laboratory reports, students needed to make an argument about whether they successfully produced the desired product, so they needed to discuss which information was relevant to their claims about the product’s identity and purity. Students received high scores for the evaluating category when they accurately determined that the melting point and nearly all peaks except the solvent peak in the NMR spectrum indicated the identity of their product. Students received lower scores for evaluating when they left out relevant information because this was seen as evidence that the student inaccurately evaluated the information’s relevance in supporting their conclusion. They also received lower scores when they incorrectly stated that a high yield indicated a pure product. Students were given the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to evaluate the quality of information when discussing their melting point. Students sometimes struggled to obtain reliable melting point data due to their inexperience in the laboratory, so the rubric provided a way to assess the student’s ability to critique their own data.

In tandem with evaluating information, students also need to analyze that same information to extract meaningful evidence to support their conclusions (Bailin, 2002 ; Lai, 2011 ; Miri et al., 2007 ). The analyzing category provides an assessment of a student’s ability to discuss information and explore the possible meaning of that information, extract patterns from data/information that could be used as evidence for their claims, and summarize information that could be used as evidence. For example, in the organic chemistry laboratory reports, students needed to compare the information they obtained to the expected values for a product. Students received high scores for the analyzing category if they could extract meaningful structural information from the NMR spectrum and their two melting points (observed and expected) for each reaction step.


Often, students are asked to synthesize or connect multiple pieces of information in order to draw a conclusion or make a claim (Huitt, 1998 ; Lai, 2011 ). Synthesizing involves identifying the relationships between different pieces of information or concepts, identifying ways that different pieces of information or concepts can be combined, and explaining how the newly synthesized information can be used to reach a conclusion and/or support an argument. While performing the organic chemistry laboratory experiments, students obtained multiple types of information such as the melting point and NMR spectrum in addition to other spectroscopic data such as an infrared (IR) spectrum. Students received high scores for this category when they accurately synthesized these multiple data types by showing how the NMR and IR spectra could each reveal different parts of a molecule in order to determine the molecule’s entire structure.

Forming arguments (structure and validity)

The final key aspect of critical thinking is forming a well-structured and valid argument (Facione, 1984 ; Glassner & Schwarz, 2007 ; Lai, 2011 ; Lewis & Smith, 1993 ). It was observed that students can earn high scores for evaluating, analyzing, and synthesizing, but still struggle to form arguments. This was particularly common in assessing problem sets in the physical chemistry course.

As with the manipulating and transforming categories in the information processing rubric, two forming arguments categories were included to allow instructors to give more specific feedback. Some students may be able to include all of the expected structural elements of their arguments but use faulty information or reasoning. Conversely, some students may be able to make scientifically valid claims but not necessarily support them with evidence. The two forming arguments categories are intended to accurately assess both of these scenarios. For the forming arguments (structure) category, students earn high scores if they explicitly state their claim or conclusion, list the evidence used to support the argument, and provide reasoning to link the evidence to their claim/conclusion. Students who do not make a claim or who provide little evidence or reasoning receive lower scores.

For the forming arguments (validity) category, students earn high scores if their claim is accurate and their reasoning is logical and clearly supports the claim with provided evidence. Organic chemistry students earned high scores for the forms and supports arguments categories if they made explicit claims about the identity and purity of their product and provided complete and accurate evidence for their claim(s) such as the melting point values and positions of NMR peaks that correspond to their product. Additionally, the students provided evidence for the purity of their products by pointing to the presence or absence of peaks in their NMR spectrum that would match other potential side products. They also needed to provide logical reasoning for why the peaks indicated the presence or absence of a compound. As previously mentioned, the physical chemistry students received lower scores for the forming arguments categories than for the other aspects of critical thinking. These students were asked to make claims about the relationships between entropy and heat and then provide relevant evidence to justify these claims. Often, the students would make clearly articulated claims but would provide little evidence to support them. As with the information processing rubric, the critical thinking rubric allowed the GTAs to assess aspects of these skills independently and identify specific areas for student improvement.

Validity and reliability

The goal of this work was to create rubrics that can accurately assess student work (validity) and be consistently implemented by instructors or researchers within multiple STEM fields (reliability). The evidence for validity includes the alignment of the rubrics with literature-based descriptions of each skill, review of the rubrics by content experts from multiple STEM disciplines, interviews with undergraduate students whose work was scored using the rubrics, and interviews of the GTAs who scored the student work.

The definitions for each skill, along with multiple iterations of the rubrics, underwent review by STEM content experts. As noted earlier, the instructors who were testing the rubrics were given a survey at the end of each semester and were invited to offer suggested changes to the rubric to better help them assess their students. After multiple rubric revisions, survey responses from the instructors indicated that the rubrics accurately represented the breadth of each process skill as seen in each expert’s content area and that each category could be used to measure multiple levels of student work. By the end of the rubrics’ development, instructors were writing responses such as “N/A” or “no suggestions” to indicate that the rubrics did not need further changes.

Feedback from the faculty also indicated that the rubrics were measuring the intended constructs by the ways they responded to the survey item “What aspects of the student work provided evidence for the indicated process skill?” For example, one instructor noted that for information processing, she saw evidence of the manipulating and transforming categories when “students had to transform their written/mathematical relationships into an energy diagram.” Another instructor elicited evidence of information processing during an in-class group quiz: “A question on the group quiz was written to illicit [sic] IP [information processing]. Students had to transform a structure into three new structures and then interpret/manipulate the structures to compare the pKa values [acidity] of the new structures.” For this instructor, the structures written by the students revealed evidence of their information processing by showing what information they omitted in the new structures or inaccurately transformed. For critical thinking, an instructor assessed short research reports with the critical thinking rubric and “looked for [the students’] ability to use evidence to support their conclusions, to evaluate the literature studies, and to develop their own judgements by synthesizing the information.” Another instructor used the critical thinking rubric to assess their students’ abilities to choose an instrument to perform a chemical analysis. According to the instructor, the students provided evidence of their critical thinking because “in their papers, they needed to justify their choice of instrument. This justification required them to evaluate information and synthesize a new understanding for this specific chemical analysis.”

Analysis of student work indicates multiple levels of achievement for each rubric category (illustrated in Fig. 3 ), although there may have been a ceiling effect for the evaluating and the manipulating and transforming (extent) categories in information processing for organic chemistry laboratory reports because many students earned the highest possible score (five) for those categories. However, other implementations of the ELIPSS rubrics (Reynders et al., 2019 ) have shown more variation in student scores for the two process skills.

figure 3

Student rubric scores from an organic chemistry laboratory course. The two rubrics were used to evaluate different laboratory reports. Thirty students were assessed for information processing and 28 were assessed for critical thinking

To provide further evidence that the rubrics were measuring the intended skills, students in the physical chemistry course were interviewed about their thought processes and how well the rubric scores reflected the work they performed. During these interviews, students described how they used various aspects of information processing and critical thinking skills. The students first described how they used information processing during a problem set where they had to answer questions about a diagram of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Students described how they evaluated and interpreted the graph to make statements such as “diastolic [pressure] is our y-intercept” and “volume is the independent variable.” The students then demonstrated their ability to transform information from one form to another, from a graph to a mathematic equation, by recognizing “it’s a linear relationship so I used Y equals M X plus B ” and “integrated it cause it’s the change, the change in V [volume]. For critical thinking, students described their process on a different problem set. In this problem set, the students had to explain why the change of Helmholtz energy and the change in Gibbs free energy were equivalent under a certain given condition. Students first demonstrated how they evaluated the relevant information and analyzed what would and would not change in their system. One student said, “So to calculate the final pressure, I think I just immediately went to the ideal gas law because we know the final volume and the number of moles won’t change and neither will the temperature in this case. Well, I assume that it wouldn’t.” Another student showed evidence of their evaluation by writing out all the necessary information in one place and stating, “Whenever I do these types of problems, I always write what I start with which is why I always have this line of information I’m given.” After evaluating and analyzing, students had to form an argument by claiming that the two energy values were equal and then defending that claim. Students explained that they were not always as clear as they could be when justifying their claim. For instance, one student said, “Usually I just write out equations and then hope people understand what I’m doing mathematically” but they “probably could have explained it a little more.”

Student feedback throughout the organic chemistry course and near the end of the physical chemistry course indicated that the rubric scores were accurate representations of the students’ work with a few exceptions. For example, some students felt like they should have received either a lower or higher score for certain categories, but they did say that the categories themselves applied well to their work. Most notably, one student reported that the forms and supports arguments categories in the critical thinking rubric did not apply to her work because she “wasn’t making an argument” when she was demonstrating that the Helmholtz and Gibbs energy values were equal in her thermodynamics assignment. We see this as an instance where some students and instructors may define argument in different ways. The process skill definitions and the rubric categories are meant to articulate intended learning outcomes from faculty members to their students, so if a student defines the skills or categories differently than the faculty member, then the rubrics can serve to promote a shared understanding of the skill.

As previously mentioned, reliability was measured by two researchers assessing ten laboratory reports independently to ensure that multiple raters could use the rubrics consistently. The average adjacent agreement scores were 92% for critical thinking and 93% for information processing. The exact agreement scores were 86% for critical thinking and 88% for information processing. Additionally, two different raters assessed a statistics assignment that was given to sixteen first-year undergraduates. The average pairwise adjacent agreement scores were 89% for critical thinking and 92% for information processing for this assignment. However, the exact agreement scores were much lower: 34% for critical thinking and 36% for information processing. In this case, neither rater was an expert in the content area. While the exact agreement scores for the statistics assignment are much lower than desirable, the adjacent agreement scores do meet the threshold for reliability as seen in other rubrics (Jonsson & Svingby, 2007 ) despite the disparity in expertise. Based on these results, it may be difficult for multiple raters to give exactly the same scores to the same work if they have varying levels of content knowledge, but it is important to note that the rubrics are primarily intended for formative assessment that can facilitate discussions between instructors and students about the ways for students to improve. The high level of adjacent agreement scores indicates that multiple raters can identify the same areas to improve in examples of student work.

Instructor and teaching assistant reflections

The survey responses from faculty members determined the utility of the rubrics. Faculty members reported that when they used the rubrics to define their expectations and be more specific about their assessment criteria, the students seemed to be better able to articulate the areas in which they needed improvement. As one instructor put it, “having the rubrics helped open conversations and discussions” that were not happening before the rubrics were implemented. We see this as evidence of the clear intended learning outcomes that are an integral aspect of achieving constructive alignment within a course. The instructors’ specific feedback to the students, and the students’ increased awareness of their areas for improvement, may enable the students to better regulate their learning throughout a course. Additionally, the survey responses indicated that the faculty members were changing their teaching practices and becoming more cognizant of how assignments did or did not elicit the process skill evidence that they desired. After using the rubrics, one instructor said, “I realize I need to revise many of my activities to more thoughtfully induce process skill development.” We see this as evidence that the faculty members were using the rubrics to regulate their teaching by reflecting on the outcomes of their practices and then planning for future teaching. These activities represent the reflection and forethought/planning aspects of self-regulated learning on the part of the instructors. Graduate teaching assistants in the physical chemistry course indicated that the rubrics gave them a way to clarify the instructor’s expectations when they were interacting with the students. As one GTA said, “It’s giving [the students] feedback on direct work that they have instead of just right or wrong. It helps them to understand like ‘Okay how can I improve? What areas am I lacking in?’” A more detailed account of how the instructors and teaching assistants implemented the rubrics has been reported elsewhere (Cole et al., 2019a ).

Student reflections

Students in both the organic and physical chemistry courses reported that they could use the rubrics to engage in the three phases of self-regulated learning: forethought/planning, performing, and reflecting. In an organic chemistry interview, one student was discussing how they could improve their low score for the synthesizing category of critical thinking by saying “I could use the data together instead of trying to use them separately,” thus demonstrating forethought/planning for their later work. Another student described how they could use the rubric while performing a task: “I could go through [the rubric] as I’m writing a report…and self-grade.” Finally, one student demonstrated how they could use the rubrics to reflect on their areas for improvement by saying that “When you have the five column [earn a score of five], I can understand that I’m doing something right” but “I really need to work on revising my reports.” We see this as evidence that students can use the rubrics to regulate their own learning, although classroom facilitation can have an effect on the ways in which students use the rubric feedback (Cole et al., 2019b ).


The process skill definitions presented here represent a consensus understanding among members of the POGIL community and the instructors who participated in this study, but these skills are often defined in multiple ways by various STEM instructors, employers, and students (Danczak et al., 2017 ). One issue with critical thinking, in particular, is the broadness of how the skill is defined in the literature. Through this work, we have evidence via expert review to indicate that our definitions represent common understandings among a set of STEM faculty. Nonetheless, we cannot claim that all STEM instructors or researchers will share the skill definitions presented here.

There is currently a debate in the STEM literature (National Research Council, 2011 ) about whether the critical thinking construct is domain-general or domain-specific, that is, whether or not one’s critical thinking ability in one discipline can be applied to another discipline. We cannot make claims about the generalness of the construct based on the data presented here because the same students were not tested across multiple disciplines or courses. Additionally, we did not gather evidence for convergent validity, which is “the degree to which an operationalized construct is similar to other operationalized constructs that it theoretically should be similar to” (National Research Council, 2011 ). In other words, evidence for convergent validity would be the comparison of multiple measures of information processing or critical thinking. However, none of the instructors who used the ELIPSS rubrics also used a secondary measure of the constructs. Although the rubrics were examined by a multidisciplinary group of collaborators, this group was primarily chemists and included eight faculties from other disciplines, so the content validity of the rubrics may be somewhat limited.

Finally, the generalizability of the rubrics is limited by the relatively small number of students who were interviewed about their work. During their interviews, the students in the organic and physical chemistry courses each said that they could use the rubric scores as feedback to improve their skills. Additionally, as discussed in the “Validity and Reliability” section, the processes described by the students aligned with the content of the rubric and provided evidence of the rubric scores’ validity. However, the data gathered from the student interviews only represents the views of a subset of students in the courses, and further study is needed to determine the most appropriate contexts in which the rubrics can be implemented.

Conclusions and implications

Two rubrics were developed to assess and provide feedback on undergraduate STEM students’ critical thinking and information processing. Faculty survey responses indicated that the rubrics measured the relevant aspects of each process skill in the disciplines that were examined. Faculty survey responses, TA interviews, and student interviews over multiple semesters indicated that the rubric scores accurately reflected the evidence of process skills that the instructors wanted to see and the processes that the students performed when they were completing their assignments. The rubrics showed high inter-rater agreement scores, indicating that multiple raters could identify the same areas for improvement in student work.

In terms of constructive alignment, courses should ideally have alignment between their intended learning outcomes, student and instructor activities, and assessments. By using the ELIPSS rubrics, instructors were able to explicitly articulate the intended learning outcomes of their courses to their students. The instructors were then able to assess and provide feedback to students on different aspects of their process skills. Future efforts will be focused on modifying student assignments to enable instructors to better elicit evidence of these skills. In terms of self-regulated learning, students indicated in the interviews that the rubric scores were accurate representations of their work (performances), could help them reflect on their previous work (self-reflection), and the feedback they received could be used to inform their future work (forethought). Not only did the students indicate that the rubrics could help them regulate their learning, but the faculty members indicated that the rubrics had helped them regulate their teaching. With the individual categories on each rubric, the faculty members were better able to observe their students’ strengths and areas for improvement and then tailor their instruction to meet those needs. Our results indicated that the rubrics helped instructors in multiple STEM disciplines and at multiple institutions reflect on their teaching and then make changes to better align their teaching with their desired outcomes.

Overall, the rubrics can be used in a number of different ways to modify courses or for programmatic assessment. As previously stated, instructors can use the rubrics to define expectations for their students and provide them with feedback on desired skills throughout a course. The rubric categories can be used to give feedback on individual aspects of student process skills to provide specific feedback to each student. If an instructor or department wants to change from didactic lecture-based courses to active learning ones, the rubrics can be used to measure non-content learning gains that stem from the adoption of such pedagogies. Although the examples provided here for each rubric were situated in chemistry contexts, the rubrics were tested in multiple disciplines and institution types. The rubrics have the potential for wide applicability to assess not only laboratory reports but also homework assignments, quizzes, and exams. Assessing these tasks provides a way for instructors to achieve constructive alignment between their intended outcomes and their assessments, and the rubrics are intended to enhance this alignment to improve student process skills that are valued in the classroom and beyond.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


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We thank members of our Primary Collaboration Team and Implementation Cohorts for collecting and sharing data. We also thank all the students who have allowed us to examine their work and provided feedback.

Supporting information

• Product rubric survey

• Initial implementation survey

• Continuing implementation survey

This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under collaborative grants #1524399, #1524936, and #1524965. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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Authors and affiliations.

Department of Chemistry, University of Iowa, W331 Chemistry Building, Iowa City, Iowa, 52242, USA

Gil Reynders & Renée S. Cole

Department of Chemistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, 23284, USA

Gil Reynders & Suzanne M. Ruder

Department of Chemistry, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, 07940, USA

Juliette Lantz

Department of Chemistry, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, 47306, USA

Courtney L. Stanford

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RC, JL, and SR performed an initial literature review that was expanded by GR. All authors designed the survey instruments. GR collected and analyzed the survey and interview data with guidance from RC. GR revised the rubrics with extensive input from all other authors. All authors contributed to reliability measurements. GR drafted all manuscript sections. RC provided extensive comments during manuscript revisions; JL, SR, and CS also offered comments. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Renée S. Cole .

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Reynders, G., Lantz, J., Ruder, S.M. et al. Rubrics to assess critical thinking and information processing in undergraduate STEM courses. IJ STEM Ed 7 , 9 (2020).

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Received : 01 October 2019

Accepted : 20 February 2020

Published : 09 March 2020


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  • Constructive alignment
  • Self-regulated learning
  • Process skills
  • Professional skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Information processing

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  • Getting Started with Breaking the Ice

Engaging Students in Class Discussions

Class discussions can be enjoyable, challenging, uncomfortable, stimulating, complex, and enlightening. Facilitating discussions is among the most important of all teaching methods because it encourages students to apply, test, and extend their learning in dialogue. Discussion is essentially structured application with immediate feedback, with rapid iteration. It is the place where novices take steps towards speaking with the facility of experts, where students can begin to think of themselves as invited into the discipline.

It is also perhaps the most challenging art for the teacher to master. Facilitating a discussion with all it entails – asking the right questions, listening and responding fully to participants while simultaneously fitting each comment into your overall plan and also thinking of how to connect it to the next step or idea, all while keeping it related it to the essential learning of the course but also allowing for the organic emergence of fresh ideas – requires concentration and creativity.

Below, we offer some guidance and suggestions to consider when incorporating discussion into your teaching strategy. 

Benefits of Discussion as a Teaching Strategy

When deciding when and how to use discussions, consider some of the benefits and types of learning that can occur and how discussions might support student learning in your course. Discussions can help students to:

  • practice using vocabulary, frameworks, or theories of a discipline
  • use evidence and examples to support an argument 
  • connect and engage intellectually with a subject
  • encounter, consider, and analyze a diverse range of perspectives
  • build a learning community where students are co-creating knowledge

Short, medium, and long discussions and class size considerations  Depending on your course, you may want to plan class discussions regularly or only on certain days for key topics. Some discussions may take an entire class period, for example, within a small seminar class; however you can also include short or medium-length discussions within your course, alternating with periods of lecturing. For medium and large sized classes, pair or small group discussions can work especially well, since it can be challenging to hold a discussion with the entire class.

Short discussion: Turn to your neighbor (1-5 minutes) . Students turn to a person sitting next to them to discuss a question prompt. Sometimes this technique can be paired with answering a polling question or raising hands. This works in any class size, but is especially a good option for large classes in rooms with fixed seating.

Medium-length discussion: Think-Pair-Share (10-20 minutes) . Students first think or work on a problem individually, then pair up or form small groups for discussion. At the end, you can ask students to share what they discussed with the whole class. Note that the larger the group size, the more time they will need to discuss. For example, in a group of four, if everyone talks for two minutes, they will need at least eight minutes to discuss. This strategy can work in all class sizes, but pairs may be best in classrooms with fixed seating in rows.

Long discussion (20-60 minutes). This type of discussion allows for more in-depth and nuanced consideration of a complex topic. These types of discussions tend to work well in smaller classes and need more active facilitation by the instructor . You may consider starting class with a warm-up strategy . Other techniques such as gallery walks, concept mapping, or case studies are well suited for these longer discussions . To prepare for a long discussion we suggest writing a list of main question prompts or activity directions and sharing them ahead of time to allow students who may want extra time to prepare or think about the questions. Follow-up questions and further discussion can emerge from the main prompts. Preparing a handout or slide with questions can create structure.

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Preparing the Students and Environment for Discussion

Build rapport: Spend time early in the semester building connections within the classroom, learning about your students, and helping them learn about each other. Icebreakers and structured activities can help with this. Give students several low-stakes practice opportunities to express themselves, develop confidence, and build interpersonal skills and familiarity with the rest of the class before graded discussions even start. This also works to develop a supportive and welcoming environment full of sharing, listening, and showing respect. Their regular comments and contributions need to feel valued and honored by you and their classmates. In small and medium sized classes, using name tents or name tags can help people refer to each other by name during discussions.

Communicate guidelines and structure : Discussion structure might look different in various courses so clarify the format of your discussions. Share guidelines for discussions, explaining their purpose. Outline your goals for these discussions and how students can succeed.

  • Build community agreements together : Your learning community can create a shared  contribution of outlined behaviors to maintain respect and decrease instances of incivility.
  • Communicate expectations and grading criteria : It can help to provide accountability for students to prepare for discussion, participate in the discussion itself, as well as reflect at the end of the discussion. Accountability could be in the form of a pre-class reading quiz on Canvas , annotating the readings before class using social annotation tools, posting questions or reflections on an online discussion board , completing in-class handouts, taking a photo of individual or group work in class, and uploading it to Canvas, or filling out an index card at the end of class with the answer to a reflection question.
  • As the instructor, you should also plan how you will grade this work. You might grade some work as complete/incomplete or if your participation grading is more complex, providing a detailed rubric with success criteria is essential. Here is one example of a discussion rubric .

Model effective discussion : Depending on the course level or major, you might have students who haven’t really experienced or witnessed college-level discussions before. You can describe the difference between conversation in class and academic conversation which involves students using specific vocabulary, phrases, and statements in your discipline that allow them to articulate and practice critical thinking. To demonstrate and practice what effective discussions look like before going into a graded experience you can participate in frequent academic discussion activities, such as energizer activities that share values or opinions, scenarios, and case studies that generate perspectives, conversational starter activities that practice generating questions, listening activities, or pre-class activities such as social annotation or discussion boards on the reading.

Practice foundational skills : Use these low-stakes practice opportunities to develop several pre-skills before diving into the full discussions.

Foundational skills with activities to practice :

  • Active listening : Peer summaries, listening circles, note-taking challenges, paraphrasing exercises
  • Asking good questions : conversational starter activities
  • Recognizing assumptions : Case study analysis, assumption checklists, role reversal, debate prep, media literacy exercises
  • Backing up claims with credible evidence : evidence-based writing prompts, fact-checking assignments, annotated bibliographies, research competitions, source evaluation tasks. The Cornell Library has guides on evaluating sources and media literacy or could work with you on developing guides or activities specifically for your course.
  • Assessing other people’s claims : peer review workshops, logical fallacy hunts, claim analysis discussions, critical reading exercises, mock trials
  • Sharing purposefully with an audience in mind : audience-specific writing, oral presentations with feedback, role-play scenarios, creative projects, audience analysis
  • Building upon a conversation : structured group discussions, dialogue journals, collaborative storytelling
  • Challenging each other with respect : debate sessions, conflict resolution role-play, critique guidelines, and reflection exercises.

Build students’ content knowledge : When entering your course, students might have little context or prior knowledge on the topic. How much do students need to know before engaging in your critical discussion? You can decide, based on your learning outcomes, how much content knowledge you’d like them to develop. Consider giving them guidance on how to read and evaluate academic or other sources or provide reading questions. Communicate to students if you want readings or outside material referenced in the discussion. Social annotation can be a great pedagogical tool for getting students to engage in critical reading.

Assess and adjust the physical space : Is the physical space conducive to hosting effective discussions? Visit the classroom ahead of time to see how the space will work for your intended discussions – you may need to see if you can make adjustments to the room, adjust your teaching plan, or look into requesting a different room. For example, in a room with fixed seats in rows, you might use paired discussions (talk to your neighbor) as a strategy. Consider the following:

  • Acoustics : can they hear others in the class? Is the room echoey? Would it help for you to use a microphone?
  • Orientation : choosing a U-shape or circle layout that supports the type of discussion if it is possible to move the furniture.
  • Distractions : consider lighting, movement outside of windows, temperature, air quality, scent, uncomfortable seating or tables in the way, and distractions from other students. Some of these will not be under your control, but you can check in with students if there are factors that can be adjusted that would make them more comfortable.

For more on engaging students with class discussion, visit Facilitating Discussion and Encouraging Student Participation in Discussions.

References and Further Reading:

Eberly Center, Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation (2024) Discussions. Carnegie Mellon.

Davis, B. G. (1993) Tools for Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Brookfield, S. D. and S. Preskill. (1999). Discussion as a Way of Teaching: Tools and Techniques for Democratic Classrooms. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

This high school is replacing teachers with ChatGPT and AI tools to personalize learning for some students

  • David Game College will let some students learn with AI tools instead of teachers from next month.
  • ChatGPT and LLMs will help 20 students prepare for exams in subjects like mathematics and biology.
  • While some experts say AI can be a helpful learning tool, it cannot yet replace teachers.

Insider Today

A high school in London is replacing teachers with AI tools such as ChatGPT to help some students prepare for exams.

In the pilot scheme at David Game College starting in September, 20 students who are about 15 years of age will use AI tools for a year before taking their GCSE exams. The subjects will include English, mathematics, biology, chemistry, and computer science.

John Dalton, coprincipal of the fee-paying school, told Business Insider: "Students will benefit enormously from AI-powered adaptive learning, which allows every student to learn at their own pace rather than having to keep pace with a class, which often progresses too quickly for some students and too slowly for others."

The students will also be supported by three full-time learning coaches, and will receive personalized learning paths.

Dalton said AI-enabled learning will allow students to spend more time on a topic to master it, while also letting those who are ready to move on progress more quickly. It might also be helpful for students to ask the AI-powered learning assistant questions that they might not feel comfortable asking a teacher during class.

"We don't just want to teach core subjects as efficiently and effectively as possible, but to use the extra time this creates during the rest of the day to focus on areas such as self-awareness, critical thinking, active citizenship, digital literacy, artistic expression, public speaking, and entrepreneurship," he said.

Some educators hope AI can help to solve problems such as overworked teachers , ballooning class sizes, and a lack of one-on-one engagement with students. Others think it may have downsides.

Promising examples

"While AI can be a valuable supplement to live teachers, it cannot replace them entirely," Hadida Grabow, a director at the educational consultancy Higher Learning Group, told BI.

While there are some "promising examples" of tools such as Google's Socratic, an AI-powered learning app for students that offers explanations and resources, or the Khan Academy's AI teaching assistant, Grabow said: "We are not seeing anything that could replace a quality educator."

"Regrettably, the technology just isn't there yet — we've seen that with the high-profile failure of the Los Angeles Unified School District's AI chatbot," she said.

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The district introduced an AI chatbot called Ed in some schools last March to help with tracking assignments, grades, and student records. But about three months later, the chatbot was shelved after the company that created it collapsed.

Karl Knapp, dean of the business school at the University of Indianapolis, said AI systems can " hallucinate ," or make some things up, with students unlikely to "fact-check every utterance by the AI system."

Neither could AI systems judge tone of voice or facial expressions, which he said were "key indicators of student understanding when teaching."

'Humanized learning'

Dalton said that students participating in the pilot will spend their afternoons engaging in a "diverse support curriculum that includes learning how to debate, start a business, develop entrepreneurial skills, explore AI and financial literacy, and participate in creative activities such as cooking and painting." He added that the college has "humanized the AI learning process by creating a holistic and engaging educational experience." Students can still interact with teachers if they want to. "The system does not judge students. Instead, it allows them to learn at their own pace in a safe environment," Dalton said. "We also strongly believe that this approach will enhance student confidence as they achieve subject mastery, which in turn will improve their mental health."

Watch: What is ChatGPT, and should we be afraid of AI chatbots?

critical thinking rubric college

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  1. File:Critical Thinking Rubric.pdf

    critical thinking rubric college

  2. Critical Thinking Rubric

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  3. 6-12 Critical Thinking Rubric (CCSS Aligned)

    critical thinking rubric college

  4. Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric Rating Scale Rating Criteria NA

    critical thinking rubric college

  5. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Rubric-BS

    critical thinking rubric college

  6. Critical Thinking Rubric

    critical thinking rubric college


  1. VALUE Rubrics

    VALUE Rubrics - Critical Thinking. The VALUE rubrics were developed by teams of faculty experts representing colleges and universities across the United States through a process that examined many existing campus rubrics and related documents for each learning outcome and incorporated additional feedback from faculty.

  2. PDF AAC&U Rubrics

    This rubric is designed for use with many different types of assignments and the suggestions here are not an exhaustive list of possibilities. Critical thinking can be demonstrated in assignments that require students to complete analyses of text, data, or issues.

  3. PDF Critical Thinking VALUE Rubric

    CRITICAL THINKING VALUE RUBRIC. The VALUE rubrics were developed by teams of faculty experts representing colleges and universities across the United Statesthrough a process that examined many existing campus rubrics and related documents for each learning outcome and incorporated additional feedback from faculty.

  4. PDF Texas A&M University Core Curriculum Critical Thinking Rubric

    Further, the Association of American Colleges & Universities' Critical Thinking VALUE Rubric defines critical thinking as "a habit of the mind characterized by the comprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion.".


    THECB Definition of Critical Thinking The THECB defines critical thinking as creative thinking, innovation, inquiry and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information. The THECB definition spans aspects of both the Creative Thinking VALUE rubric and the Inquiry & Analysis VALUE rubric, so both are presented here.

  6. PDF Designing Rubrics to Assess Critical Thinking

    Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.

  7. Critical Thinking Rubric

    Critical Thinking Rubric This rubric is designed to evaluate the extent to which undergraduate students evaluate claims, arguments, evidence, and hypotheses.


    DEVELOPMENT OF CRITICAL THINKING RUBRIC. Definition: Critical thinking is a habit of mind characterized by the comprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion. The capacity to combine or synthesize existing ideas, images, or expertise in original ways; thinking ...

  9. PDF Critical Thinking

    Critical ThinkingCritical Th. nking Definition:Critical thinking is a habit of mind characterized by the comprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating an opin. on or. onclusion. - AACUAccording to the Foundation for Critical Thinking, "Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined ...

  10. PDF Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric

    Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric. Does not attempt to or fails to identify and summarize accurately. Summarizes issue, though some aspects are incorrect or confused. Nuances and key details are missing or glossed over. Clearly identifies the challenge and subsidiary, embedded, or implicit aspects of the issue.

  11. Critical Thinking Rubric

    TMCC Critical thinking rubric with performance levels assesses students' critical thinking skills.

  12. PDF Microsoft Word

    Using a Rubric to Assess Critical Thinking RUBRIC: Set of scoring guidelines for assessing student performance Ideally, an Assessment Method Should: Link Assessment Results to Student Learning (Help "Close the Loop") Provide Students With Useful Feedback by Pointing to Ways They Can Improve

  13. T2I Critical Thinking Rubric

    To assess the effectiveness of T2I the following rubric is utilized. The T2I rubric addresses the skills of problem solving and learning, creative thinking, and communication of multifaceted ideas, as each are skill based components of critical thinking. Problem solving and learning include the ability to separate relevant and irrelevant ...

  14. PDF Aims Community College Critical Thinking Rubric

    Common Learning Outcome: Students should be able to evaluate real-world examples in terms of course content and knowledge, applying thinking skills focused on critical thinking.

  15. PDF Critical Thinking

    The critical thinking rubric does not assess content specific knowledge. It is possible for a student to complete an assignment based on incorrect knowledge schema while still demonstrating adequate critical thinking.

  16. PDF Critical Thinking Rubric

    Critical Thinking Rubric The Critical Thinking Rubric presented in this CTL Bulletin was created to facilitate embedded assessment of goal 2 of the Gen-Ed program. A random set of student papers across our Gen-Ed courses will be selected and scored by a panel of faculty readers using the Rubric. Beyond Gen-Ed assessment, the Rubric can also serve other functions. Virtually all instructors in ...

  17. PDF Microsoft Word

    Critical Thinking Rubric. Critical thinking is a habit of mind characterized by the comprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion. 2. Meets Expectations. 3. Exceeds Expectations. Issue/problem to be considered critically is Issue/problem to be considered critically is ...

  18. Critical Thinking: Learning, Teaching and Assessment

    The Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric was developed as a key deliverable of the 'Building Capacity to Measure Essential Employability Skills' project funded by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) . This handbook serves as a resource to teachers in using the Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric.

  19. Critical Thinking Rubric

    Four-Point Rubric. 4 = High level excellence in evidence of critical thinking ability and performance at the college level. 3 = Demonstrable, competent, expected evidence of critical thinking ability and performance at the college level. 2 = Minimally acceptable, inconsistent evidence of critical thinking ability and performance at the college ...


    This rubric is designed for use with many different types of assignments and the suggestions here are not an exhaustive list of possibilities. Critical thinking can be demonstrated in assignments that require students to complete analyses of text, data, or issues.

  21. Rubrics to assess critical thinking and information processing in

    Here, we provide rubrics that can be used to assess critical thinking and information processing in STEM undergraduate classrooms and to provide students with formative feedback.

  22. PDF Reasoning: Critical Thinking

    Reasoning: Critical Thinking - Rubric adapted from the AAC&U VALUE Rubrics for Critical Thinking, Quantitative Literacy and Problem Solving. ...

  23. Engaging Students in Class Discussions

    Here is one example of a discussion rubric. Model effective discussion: Depending on the course level or major, you might have students who haven't really experienced or witnessed college-level discussions before. You can describe the difference between conversation in class and academic conversation which involves students using specific ...

  24. School Replaces Teachers With AI Tools Like ChatGPT for Some Students

    A school in London says AI tools will let students in the pilot scheme learn at their own pace and get time for critical thinking and other pursuits. Menu icon A vertical stack of three evenly ...