Education System in Kazakhstan

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Education System in Kazakhstan. Systems Kindergarten Primary school Higher secondary school Lyceums and Colleges Public Funding of Education International.

Published by Inkar Askar Modified over 5 years ago

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Presentation on theme: "Education System in Kazakhstan. Systems Kindergarten Primary school Higher secondary school Lyceums and Colleges Public Funding of Education International."— Presentation transcript:

Education System in Kazakhstan

Pre-school education School education – basic and secondary - Two terms - The school year starts on 15 September and ends in May, June or July (depends.

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Education in the United States of America

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The Project: “Education in Great Britain, in the USA and in Russia: the common features and distinctions” The author: Grachova Y, (pupil of the 9th“a”

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Slovene education system. Pre-school Attended by 1-5 year olds Optional Divided into creche and kindergarten Both are optional.

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THE PORTUGUESE EDUCATION SYSTEM. Age Master 2 years Degree 3/4 years Doctorate 2 to 4 years Secondary School.

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Svetomira Kaloyanova National qualification framework in Bulgarian Higer Education – policies and practicies Svetomira Kaloyanova Ministry of Education.

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SCHOOL SYSTEM IN SLOVAKIA Katarína Balážiová. Where can you find Slovakia? In the heart of Europe.

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At vocational college, students are taught the skills needed to perform a particular job. These colleges focus mainly on job- specific skills,

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 Formal education in the U.S. is divided into a number of distinct educational stages.  Most children enter the public education system around ages.

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Bulgaria’s Education System FORMAL EDUCATION Information selected by Stanka Samokovska.

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Education System in Kazakhstan

education system in kazakhstan and great britain presentation

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Slovak System of Education Slovak System of Education.

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  1. Educational system in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan

    Today the educational system in Kazakhstan is presented by two languages: Kazakh and Russian. Primary education is the most developed of the state's educational system. Pupils receive their primary education in schools of three different levels. Primary 1 - 4 grades, middle 5 - 9 grades and junior 10 - 11 grades.

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  4. Comparing the systems of education in GB and Kazakhstan.

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  5. Comparing the systems of education in Great Britain & Kazakhstan

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    Presentation on theme: "Education System in Kazakhstan"— Presentation transcript: 1 Education System in Kazakhstan. 2 Systems Kindergarten Primary school Lower secondary school Higher secondary school ... The Project: "Education in Great Britain, in the USA and in Russia: the common features and distinctions" The author: Grachova Y ...

  14. The theme: Education in Great Britain and Kazakhstan

    Presentation. Education in Great Britain. In Great Britain children start going to school when they are five and continue studying until they are 16 or older. Compulsory education begins at the age of five when they go to primary school. Primary education lasts for six years. First they attend the infant school from five to seven.

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    Education System in Kazakhstan Education Kazakhstan System in 2. Content 1. Introduction 2. Main part Kindergarten Primary school Lower secondary school Higher secondary school Lyceums and Colleges Public Funding of Education International universities such as KIMEP 3. Conclusion

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    EDUCATION SYSTEM OF KAZAKHSTAN Lecturer: Medet Jandildinov, PhD, Ass.Prof Done by: Rauza Utepbergenova, TFL 2D Education system of Kazakhstan The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages - Kazakh and Russian and consists of several levels of state and private ... How to create and deliver a winning team presentation; May ...

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  19. Education System in Kazakhstan. Systems Kindergarten Primary school

    The Project: "Education in Great Britain, in the USA and in Russia: the common features and distinctions" The author: Grachova Y, (pupil of the 9th"a" Slovene education system. Pre-school Attended by 1-5 year olds Optional Divided into creche and kindergarten Both are optional.

  20. Education in Kazakhstan

    In 1992 Kazakhstan system of higher education adopted the western model, a 4-year course of studies with getting the Bachelor degree after graduation and a 2-year course of study with getting the Master's degree after graduation. In order to enter a higher educational institution young people have to take an entrance examination.

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