
Essay on Chemistry Importance In Daily Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Chemistry Importance In Daily Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Chemistry Importance In Daily Life

What is chemistry.

Chemistry is like a secret recipe that makes everything around us. It is the study of matter, which means anything that takes up space and has weight. From the air we breathe to the food we eat, chemistry is a big part of our everyday lives.

Chemistry in Cooking

When we cook, we use chemistry. Mixing ingredients causes reactions that make our food taste good. For example, baking a cake changes liquid batter into a fluffy solid because of heat causing a chemical change.

Medicine and Health

Chemistry keeps us healthy. Doctors use medicines to fight sickness, and these medicines are made using chemistry. Even our bodies use chemistry to turn food into energy, which keeps us going every day.

Cleaning Our Homes

Cleaning products are full of chemicals that help us get rid of dirt and germs. Soaps and detergents break down grease and stains, making our clothes and homes clean thanks to chemistry.

Environment and Recycling

250 words essay on chemistry importance in daily life.

Chemistry is like a secret recipe that explains everything around us. It is the science that tells us what things are made of and how they work together. Every time we cook, clean, or even breathe, we are part of a big chemistry experiment.

When we cook food, chemistry is at play. For example, when bread rises, it’s because of a chemical reaction. Heat changes the food, making it taste different and easier to digest. Without chemistry, we wouldn’t have bread, cheese, or even yummy chocolate.

Cleaning products are full of chemicals. Soap helps wash away dirt because it can stick to both water and grease. It’s like a magnet that pulls the dirt off our clothes and dishes. Chemistry helps us keep our homes and ourselves clean and healthy.

Medicines and Health

Medicines are chemicals that help our bodies fight sickness. When we are hurt or ill, the medicine makes the pain less or helps us get better. Chemistry is behind the vitamins we take to stay strong and the vaccines that protect us from diseases.

Every Breath We Take

Every time we take a breath, we are living chemistry. Air is a mix of gases, and breathing is a chemical process that gives our body the oxygen it needs. Plants use chemistry to turn sunlight into food, which is a process called photosynthesis. This is how plants help make the air clean for us to breathe.

500 Words Essay on Chemistry Importance In Daily Life

Chemistry is like a secret language of everything we see, touch, and feel. It’s a part of science that tells us what stuff is made of and how different things work together. Imagine being a detective, but instead of solving mysteries, you’re figuring out the secrets of the world around you. That’s what chemists do. They study substances and how they change when they mix.

Chemistry in the Kitchen

Every day, we use chemistry when we cook. Have you ever baked a cake? The ingredients like flour, sugar, and eggs are mixed and heated to make something delicious. This is because of chemical reactions, which are like tiny events where the ingredients change and become a cake. When you cook eggs, they change from liquid to solid, and that’s chemistry at work too!

Cleaning Made Easy

Chemistry is super important for keeping us healthy. Medicines are chemicals that can fix or prevent health problems. For example, if you have a headache, you might take a painkiller. This medicine is made from chemicals that stop the pain signals in your body. Vaccines, which protect us from diseases, are also made thanks to chemistry.

Breathing and Living

Did you know that even breathing is a chemical process? When we breathe in, we take in oxygen, and when we breathe out, we release carbon dioxide. Plants do the opposite; they take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. This exchange is all because of chemical reactions that are essential for life on our planet.

Clothes and Materials

The clothes we wear are often made from materials like cotton, nylon, or polyester. These materials are created through chemical processes. For example, nylon is made in a factory where chemicals are combined to make this strong, stretchy fabric. Even the colors of our clothes come from dyes, which are chemicals that add colors to fabrics.

Technology and Gadgets

Our phones, computers, and TVs all work because of chemistry. The batteries that power them have chemicals that store electricity. The screens use chemicals to light up and show us pictures and videos. Without chemistry, none of these gadgets would work!

So, you see, chemistry is everywhere! It’s not just something that scientists think about in labs. It’s part of our everyday lives, helping us cook, clean, stay healthy, breathe, dress, and even use technology. Understanding chemistry helps us know more about the world and how to make our lives better. Next time you see something happening, like a cake rising in the oven or a bubble popping, remember, it’s all chemistry!

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Chemistry Is Everywhere

Everything you hear, see, smell, taste, and touch involves chemistry and chemicals (matter). And hearing, seeing, tasting, and touching all involve intricate series of chemical reactions and interactions in your body. With such an enormous range of topics, it is essential to know about chemistry at some level to understand the world around us.

In more formal terms chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it can undergo. Chemists sometimes refer to matter as ‘stuff’, and indeed so it is. Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. Which is to say, anything you can touch or hold. Common usage might have us believe that ‘chemicals’ are just those substances in laboratories or something that is not a natural substance. Far from it, chemists believe that everything is made of chemicals.

Although there are countless types of matter all around us, this complexity is composed of various combinations of some 100 chemical elements. The names of some of these elements will be familiar to almost everyone. Elements such as hydrogen, chlorine, silver, and copper are part of our everyday knowledge. Far fewer people have heard of selenium or rubidium or hassium.

Nevertheless, all matter is composed of various combinations of these basic elements. The wonder of chemistry is that when these basic particles are combined, they make something new and unique. Consider the element sodium. It is a soft, silvery metal. It reacts violently with water, giving off hydrogen gas and enough heat to make the hydrogen explode. Nasty ‘stuff’. Also consider chlorine, a green gas when at room temperature. It is very caustic and choking, and is nasty enough that it was used as a horrible chemical gas weapon in the last century. So what kind of horrible mess is produced when sodium and chlorine are combined? Nothing more than sodium chloride, common table salt. Table salt does not explode in water or choke us; rather, it is a common additive for foods we eat everyday.

And so it is with chemistry, understanding the basic properties of matter and learning how to predict and explain how they change when they react to form new substances is what chemistry and chemists are all about.

Chemistry is not limited to beakers and laboratories. It is all around us, and the better we know chemistry, the better we know our world.

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Chemistry In Everyday Life

Chemistry in Everyday Life

If you are studying chemistry, then you must have wondered about the importance of chemistry in everyday life . Chemistry is the branch of science which deals with the investigation of the properties and changes of matter. From the way how our body exchanges oxygen to how our universe was created, all have a part of chemistry associated with it.

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Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life

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Chemicals of Food in Everyday Life

The following chemicals are widely used in food materials.

  • Colouring agents
  • Artificial preservatives
  • Flow stabilisers
  • Binding substance
  • Artificial sweetness
  • Antioxidants

These substances do not have nutritional value except vitamins.

Also Read:  Important Questions on Chemistry in Everyday Life

Artificial Preservatives: They prevent spoilage of food by stopping the growth of microorganisms. For example, sodium benzoate and sodium meta bisulphate.

Artificial Sweetness: They do not impart any calories to the body since these substances are excreted through urine. For example,

  • Aspartame: It is used in cool drinks and ice creams.
  • Alitame: It is 2000 times sweeter than sucrose.

Antioxidants: They prevent the spoilage of food by preventing the oxidation of food. For example,

  • Butylated hydroxyl tolerance (BHT)
  • Butylated hydroxyl anisole (BHA)

Dyes are coloured organic compounds that are used to impart colour to various substrates, including paper, leather, fur, hair, drugs and cosmetics. Dyes are classified into natural dyes and s ynthetic dyes.

Chemistry of Cleansing Agents in  Everyday Life

What are soap and detergents.

Soaps are sodium or potassium salt of higher carboxylic acid such as stearic acid, palmitic acid and oleic acid, whereas detergents contain a long chain of alkyl groups. Detergents, in comparison to soaps , can also function in hard water.

Saponification: Alkaline hydrolysis of triesters of glycerol to form soap is known as saponification. Soap does not function in hard water since they precipitate in it.

How do soaps work?

Soaps are generally sodium or potassium salts of long-chain fatty acids. Soap molecules have a hydrophobic as well as a hydrophilic part. While the hydrophilic part clings to the water when washing, the hydrophobic end clings to the dirt particles. Thus, when we pour away the water, the dirt particles wash away with the soap molecules.

Also Read:  Cleansing Action of Soaps and Detergents

Types of Soaps

  • Toilet Soaps: Potassium soaps are softer than sodium soaps.
  • Floating Soaps: They can be prepared by beating soap bubbles.
  • Transparent Soaps: They contain soap dissolved in excess of alcohol, and it is evaporated.
  • Medicated Soaps: They contain soaps by adding little amounts of Dettol, Savlon, etc.
  • Laundry Soaps: They mainly contain sodium rosinate and borax.

Types of Detergents

Anionic Detergent: In this type, anions act as detergents. For example, sodium lauryl sulphate

Cationic Detergent: In this type, cations act as detergents. For example, cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide.

Types of Detergents

Non-ionic Detergent: They are neutral. The whole molecule acts as a detergent. For example, polyethylene glycol stearate.

Chemistry of Cosmetics in Everyday Life

Cosmetics contain the following categories of chemicals:

  • Emulsifiers: They increase the stability of the emulsion . For example, potassium cetyl sulfate.
  • Preservatives: They are added to cosmetics to increase their shelf life. For example, benzyl alcohol and salicylic acid.
  • Thickeners: They give an appealing consistency. For example, cetyl alcohol and stearic acid.
  • Emollients: They soften the skin by preventing water loss. For example, glycerine and zinc oxide .
  • Glimmer and Shiners:  For example, mica, bismuth oxychloride.

Other Examples of Chemistry in Everyday Life

Let us now discuss some common examples of chemistry in everyday life which most of us never knew about.

The Expiration Date on Bottled Drinking Water

Have you ever wondered why there is an expiration date on a bottle of drinking water? After all, it is just water, isn’t it? Well, most of us haven’t even noticed that there is, in fact, an expiration date on the bottle. The idea behind instilling an expiration on bottled drinking water is to standardise its packaging quality.

What the actual expiration date signifies is if the expiration date is up, the taste of the water will be different as there is a chance that the chemicals in the packaging material may ruin the quality of the water.

Elements in the Human Body

We all know that our body is about 60% water, but then what composes the rest of it? Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen. These elements compose 96% of the human body. Whereas the rest 4% is composed of about 60 elements. Some of these elements include calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur.

Chemistry in Everyday Life

Sunblock and Sunscreen

There are two kinds of rays from the sun which are particularly bad for us, UV-A and UV-B. A sunscreen’s action, as the name suggests, functions as a screen and offers protection from sunburn which is caused by UV-B. Whereas, a sunblock has more of reflective nature and blocks both UV-A and UV-B radiations.

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Which artificial sweetener is used in cool drinks and ice creams, give an example of an anionic detergent., which chemical is added to increase the shelf life of cosmetics, give an example of cationic detergent., which rays do sunscreens block.

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Chemistry in Everyday Life: Facts, Examples, and Importance

  • November 24, 2023

importance of chemistry in everyday life essay

We have been using  Chemistry in everyday life  since time immemorial. Applying lotions, cooking food, washing clothes, and cleaning the house – chemistry has been at work in almost everything. Chemistry is a science discipline used almost everywhere, from photosynthesis to the composition of rocks, because Chemistry deals with matter and its composition in different components of the universe.

There are some fascinating  uses of chemistry in everyday life  that we shall discuss in detail here.

Here are some examples:

  • Soaps and Detergents

Chemistry in Everyday Life Examples:

1. soaps and detergents:.

We use soaps in our daily life for various reasons, such as bathing, washing hands, washing utensils etc. However, the primary function of soap is to work as a cleansing agent. Several chemicals are mixed to provide a good cleansing effect when combined with water.

Soaps are made with a combination of long fatty acids such as oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids. Saponification is one process where glyceryl ester of fatty acid is heated with an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution to make soap. Soap is an interesting use of  chemistry in everyday life .

The different types of soaps are:

  • Medicated soaps,
  • Soap powders,
  • Transparent soaps,
  • Floating soaps,
  • Soap chips.

Detergents are in powdered form. They are harder than soap as they are used to clean clothes and utensils. Detergents work in both soft and hard water. Detergents with straight-chain hydrocarbons are preferred as they are biodegradable and environment-friendly. The different types of detergents are:

  • Cationic Detergents:  The cationic part comprises a long hydrocarbon chain and a positive charge on nitrogen atoms. Cationic detergents have quaternary ammonium salts of acetates, chlorides, or bromides as anions.
  • Anionic Detergents:  The anion part of anionic detergents does the cleansing action. The composition of anionic detergents includes alkyl hydrogen sulphates.
  • Non-ionic Detergents:  Liquid detergents are an example of non-ionic detergents. In these detergents, there is no involvement of ions.

Drugs are another example of  chemistry in everyday life . The use of drugs for therapeutic, diagnosis and prevention of diseases has revolutionised the healthcare industry. Drugs are classified based on chemical structure, drug action, pharmacological effect, and molecular targets.

Based on therapeutic actions, the drugs are antacids, antihistamines, tranquillisers, analgesics, antibiotics, antiseptics, antifertility or fertility drugs. In addition, we often use medicines to treat pain and prevent acidity and skin irritation, which is a very common use of  chemistry in daily life .

  • Antacids:  Initially, the most basic use of antacids was to treat acidity. A drug manufactured by combining sodium hydrogen carbonate or a mixture of aluminium and magnesium hydroxide was used to treat acidity. Later, metal hydroxides became more famous for treating acidity as they prevented pH increase in the stomach. Histamines came as the best option for treating hyperacidity because of its action that stimulated increased secretion of pepsin and HCL in the stomach. Drugs cimetidine (Tagamet) and ranitidine (Zantac) are some of the largest-selling antacids drugs.
  • Antihistamines:  Antihistamines counteract the work of histamine. When ingested in the body, histamine acts as a vasodilator, which means it contracts the smooth muscles in the gut and bronchi and relaxes the muscles of fine blood vessels. Antihistamines do not affect acid secretion in the stomach, as antacids and antihistamines have different receptors.
  • Tranquillisers  are used to treat stress and mental diseases. Tranquillisers are present in sleeping pills. The effect of a tranquilliser is that it relieves anxiety or stress and even helps maintain irritability or excitement.
  • Analgesics,  on the other hand, are used to treat or reduce pain by preventing any major side effects such as paralysis or mental confusion. Analgesics are of two types: Non-Narcotic and Narcotic drugs.
  • Antibiotics  are substances produced by chemical synthesis that inhibit or stop microorganisms’ growth. Penicillin was the first antibacterial drug which was discovered by Alexander Fleming. Based on inhibition or cidal effect, antibiotics are classified into bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics.
  • Antiseptics  are used to treat wounds, cuts, ulcers or any skin-related medical condition. Antiseptics can be applied in the form of ointment, powder, or lotions. Dettol is a common example of  chemistry in everyday life . In addition, iodine has good antiseptic properties. Other examples of antiseptics are iodoform and boric acid.
  • Antifertility:  An antifertility drug is a birth control pill. These contain synthetic progesterone and estrogen, which prevent natural pregnancy. These pills are pretty strong and can alter hormone secretion in the body.

Chemistry is applied in food through preservatives, food colours, flavours, sweeteners, nutritional supplements, etc.

  • Artificial Sweeteners:  Saccharin was the first artificial sweetener discovered. Since then, artificial sweeteners have gained much popularity as they are not harmful to the body and people with diabetes. Some other examples of artificial sweeteners are aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, and alitame.
  • Food Preservatives:  Food preservatives are yet another exciting use of  Chemistry in daily life . As the name suggests, preservatives prevent food spoilage so they can be preserved for a long time. The most common food preservatives are salt, vegetable oils and sugar. Have you ever wondered how the pickle in your house has been used for years and doesn’t go bad?
  • Food Colours:  Food colours are used in rice or curry to give them the desired colour. Food colours are also used to make and decorate cakes. They are tasteless but may or may not have a smell.
  • Food Flavours:  Flavours are artificially synthesised food additives that provide the essence and taste of a natural substance. For example, a pineapple or any other flavoured cake, an orange or chocolate biscuit.


Chemistry is a branch of science that touches many aspects of our lives. From everyday chores to industry uses, chemistry is applied everywhere. There are many more interesting facts and  uses of chemistry in daily life  that you can apply or try out by yourself. By observing your surroundings, you can find everything that has an application of  chemistry in everyday life .

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  • Wonderful Use of Chemistry in Everyday Life

The Wonders Of Chemistry Around Us

List of wonders of chemistry in everyday life, introduction.

The word Chemistry makes us think of Chemicals, beakers, test tubes, burners, and an evil scientist working on a power potion! Jokes apart, we are surrounded by the magic of Chemistry. We use so many things daily which are the contribution of this subject to make our life better and easier. There is Chemistry in everyday life.

The wonders of Chemistry are in the brilliant chemical reactions that happen in the human body. Its wonders lie in the air we breathe and the food we eat. There is chemistry everywhere. Let us find out some of the things related to this subject that often go unnoticed.

List of Examples of Applications of Chemistry in Everyday life

1. the composition of the human body.

Our body is made of millions of compounds. We don’t even know them all. All these chemical compounds are a combination of a few constituent elements such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, etc.

The variation in combination creates different formulas. These compounds get set to form something very important. Remember each type of compound we find in our body has a purpose. Whether it is constructing the cell membrane or the formation of hemoglobin, we find chemistry in every micrometer of the human body.

2. Emotional Chemistry

No, this is not about chemistry that makes you emotional. There are biochemical compounds that control your mood. Take this Chemistry in everyday life notes. The emotions a human feels depend on the hormones his brain releases. Every human makes happy and sad hormones that maintain balance.

In fact, your body shows stress due to the accumulation of certain compounds called cortisols. You feel happy when your body releases endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. These are biochemical messengers that control your emotions and mood.

3. The Food You Eat

The bread you eat is fluffier and softer than before. Cereals, fruits, fish, chicken, and other staple food you eat need proper condiments and ingredients. All these ingredients are prepared following various chemical processes. This is one of the best facts that prove how Ch emistry is used in daily life.

Moreover, the food we eat is all based on the plants making food from photosynthesis. It is the base of all ecosystems. They are the producers that know how to harness solar energy to make food with carbon dioxide and water. The rest of the food chain depends on it.

What do you do when you enter your home after winning a game on the field? You wash your hands and legs with soap. Doctors recommend using sanitizers before we eat outside. Well, there is chemistry in hygiene.

The formation of soap takes place through the process of saponification. The soap molecules form micelles in water that can grab the dirt and loosen it from the surface. So, when you wash your hands or clothes, the same thing happens. Dirt can be easily cleaned due to such a chemical reaction.

When you apply sanitizer, the alcohol present in it will dissolve all the germs and microbes present in your hands. It vigorously reacts with the cellular components and destroys microbial life without leaving a trace. Your hands become clean.

5. Shedding Tears when with Onions

You might have seen people crying while cutting onions. No, they don’t feel sorry for the onions but rather experience a chemical reaction that makes their eyes watery.

There is a wonderful chemistry mystery waiting to unravel. When you slice an onion, sulphenic acid is formed from the amino acid sulphoxide compounds present in it. This acid produces a volatile gas called propanediol s-oxide. It causes our eyes to shed tears by stimulating the tear glands.

Chemistry in Our Daily Lives

Chemistry in Our Daily Lives

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7 Cool Chemistry Experiments to Surprise All

6. Baking Chemistry

How do you like your bread? Fluffy and soft? Yes! When you add baking soda to the dough, it makes the baking process easier and the bread as soft as cushions. Baking soda is nothing but a salt named sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO 3 ).

This salt breaks down to release carbon dioxide and causes the food to rise. This process is called chemical leavening. It is also used in making idlis, dosas, dhokla, etc.

7. Preservation of Food

You might have heard the saying the older the pickle the better it tastes. Have you ever wondered why some foods do not need any preservation techniques? For instance, original honey is self-preservative. You will be surprised to know that the oldest sample of honey found is 3000 years old in a tomb in Egypt. It was still edible and did not cause any harm.

This is one of the best science in everyday life examples. Pickles and honey do not need preservation as they have natural chemical compounds that do not let microbes grow. We also use chemical preservatives in packaged food to increase its shelf life.

Well, Chemistry is not always helpful. For instance, industries suffer huge losses all the time due to rusting. It is a chemical reaction that eats iron. Rust is a brown unusable substance formed on iron instruments and infrastructure when iron reacts with oxygen in presence of water vapor.

The prevention of rusting is also a brilliant solution developed using chemical science. We use antirust paint to cover the iron parts and to stop rust from progressing. We also use certain alloys that do not form rust.

You can now easily make a Chemistry in everyday life chart and display it to the class!

Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life

From the above examples, you can now easily write down the science in everyday life essays. We have just touched the tip whereas the iceberg remains under the water. The contribution of chemistry to our lives is undeniable. If you observe carefully, you will find more examples around you.

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Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life

Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life: The scientific study of matter’s properties and behavior is known as chemistry . It is a natural science that studies the elements that makeup matter, as well as the compounds, made up of atoms, molecules, and ions: their composition, structure, qualities, and behavior, as well as the changes that occur when they mix with other things.

In this article, we have provided the importance of chemistry in everyday life, including the uses and applications of various compounds of chemistry and how Chemistry affects our daily life.


Table of Content

What is Chemistry?

How chemistry is important in everyday life, importance of chemistry in food, importance of chemistry in medicines, importance of chemistry in cosmetics, importance of green chemistry, importance of chemistry in soaps and detergents, importance of chemistry in textiles, importance of chemistry in building and construction, importance of chemistry in fuel, importance of chemistry in battery, importance of chemistry in agriculture, importance of chemistry in wars, articles on importance of chemistry in everyday life, cbse class 12 – chemistry in everyday life important articles.

Chemistry is a discipline that falls somewhere between physics and biology in terms of scope. It is also referred to as the “core science” since it provides a fundamental framework for understanding both basic and applied scientific disciplines.

Chemistry, for example, explains aspects of plant chemistry (botany), the formation of igneous rocks (geology), how atmospheric ozone is formed and how environmental pollutants are degraded (ecology), the properties of lunar soil (cosmochemistry), how medications work (pharmacology), and how to collect DNA evidence at a crime scene (criminology) (forensics).

Chemistry is a discipline of science concerned with the study of matter, including its structure, composition, and changes that occur when it is exposed to various situations. As a result, chemistry not only investigates the qualities of matter, but also how and why it changes.

Chemistry is like our everyday lives unseen behind-the-scenes wizard, quietly influencing everything around us in a myriad of ways. It is found in the air we breathe, a mixture of gases that chemists comprehend and control for a variety of uses, including carbon dioxide for photosynthesis in plants and oxygen for human survival.

Every time you prepare food, chemistry is at work, changing the taste, texture, and appearance of raw components to create delectable dishes.

Below are the importances of chemistry in various fields:

Importance of Chemistry in Food Importance of Chemistry in Medicines Importance of Chemistry in Cosmetics Importance of Green Chemistry Importance of Chemistry in Soaps and Detergents Importance of Chemistry in Textiles Importance of Chemistry in Building and Construction Importance of Chemistry in Fuel Importance of Chemistry in Battery Importance of Chemistry in Agriculture Importance of Chemistry in Wars

Chemicals are the fundamental components of everything. Chemical molecules make up all food, including carbs , vitamins , lipids , proteins, and fiber, which are all safe and often desirable.

importance of chemistry in everyday life essay

Food Additives

Chemicals have an important part in the manufacturing and preservation of food. Food preservation chemicals have tremendously aided in the preservation of food for a longer duration. Cans of food additives, flavourings, and nutritional supplements can all contribute to improve the quality and quantity of meals.

Chemistry has provided the globe with vital f ertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides to aid in the production of healthy and nutritious crops, fruits, and vegetables. Urea, calcium superphosphates, ammonium sulphate, and sodium nitrate are all significant fertilise rs.

Medicines or pharmaceuticals are chemical substances that are used to treat diseases and relieve pain. Chemistry has made significant contributions to health care. Chemistry, for example, aids in the manufacture and application of surgical materials (sutures, artificial skin, and sterile materials).

For analysis, clinical laboratory tests employ a wide range of chemical procedures and substances.

Some important drugs in chemistry-

  • Analgesics are pain relievers that are used to treat a variety of ailments.
  • Tranquilizers are medications that are used to treat mental illnesses. Take, for instance, tension.
  • Antiseptics are used to destroy or prevent the growth of microorganisms on the skin, wounds, and cuts.
  • Disinfectants- These are chemicals that destroy microorganisms but are dangerous to humans.
  • Antibiotics- Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by some microorganisms that can be used to kill bacteria that cause infections.
  • Antacids- These are the compounds that are used to eliminate excess acid from the stomach and increase the pH to a healthy level.

In our daily lives, we use lotions, fragrances, talcum powder, and a variety of other cosmetic goods. All of these items are developed in laboratories using chemicals for our health and skin. All cosmetic items, from babies to adults, are made up of chemical components.

As a result, chemistry is important in maintaining the pH of our skin, keeping it healthy, and removing any marks.

Green chemistry contributes to environmental protection by monitoring, protecting, and enhancing the conditions in which we live, such as air, water, and soil. Many methods and strategies have been created to ensure that all types of pollution in the environment are measured and prevented from depleting.

To make the air cleaner, many non-polluting fuels and compounds that can easily absorb contaminants from the air are being researched and tested. The replacement of CFC in refrigerators is one such example.

For interpreting health impacts, controlling emissions, and creating pollution-reduction devices, chemistry gives a complete understanding of contaminants.

Chemists test the water and soil for contamination on a regular basis and offer pollution results as well as long-term prevention for ecological balance and human health.

Soaps are sodium and potassium salts of fatty acids with greater molecular weights, such as stearic acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acid. Sodium salts of long-chain alkyl hydrogen sulphates or sodium salts of long-chain alkyl benzene sulphonic acids are commonly used as detergents.

Detergents and soaps are used for washing, cleaning, and bathing, among other things. The saponification method is used to make them in chemical companies. As a result, chemistry plays a significant role in the development of molecules, chemicals, and procedures for the production of soaps and detergents.

Wool, silk, jute, cotton, flax, glass fiber, polyester, acrylic, nylon, and other raw materials are used in the textile industry to create usable items such as clothing, bags, carpets, furniture, towels, nets, and so on.

Raw materials go through a number of chemical procedures during which cleaning and smoothing reagents are employed to clean and smooth the fabric.

Other chemical processes including dyeing, bleaching, scouring, printing, and finishing are also involved. In addition, chemists seek to increase a product’s quality.

Chemical items such as bricks, cement, pipelines, and other building materials all play an essential part in the quality of construction. Floor and wall tiles are constructed of heat-resistant polymers that also add strength to the structure.

Ceiling and roof materials are also designed to be heat resistant and give cooling to the structure. All of the pipes and switches are composed of polymers, which are both heat and stress-resistant.

As a result, chemistry enabled the use of all of these goods for the development of structures and people’s lives.

Fuels are the sole thing that allows us to travel by land, sea, and air nowadays. Petrol, diesel, LPG, CNG, kerosene, oils, and other fuels are all obtained through sophisticated refining procedures from harsh oil found beneath the Earth’s crust.

Petrochemistry is a discipline of chemistry concerned with the study of petrochemical processes and how to use fuels in a way that is both pollution-free and long-term.

Batteries power our automobiles, electronic devices such as watches, laptops, mobile phones, and a variety of other power storage applications.

The electrochemistry concept governs the operation of batteries. Chemical energy is stored inside a battery and is transformed to electric energy through electrochemical processes.

  • Chemistry enhances agricultural productivity and sustainability by enabling innovative solutions to feed a growing population while minimizing environmental impact.
  • Soil health optimization is achievable through chemistry, analyzing and adjusting nutrient levels to ensure crops receive necessary nourishment.
  • Pesticides and herbicides, formulated with chemical principles, safeguard crops from pests and weeds, reducing crop loss.
  • Chemistry contributes to the development of fertilizers that boost crop yields, ensuring a consistent food supply.
  • Sustainable farming practices are developed with chemistry’s aid, reducing agriculture’s environmental footprint through responsible chemical use.
  • Overall, chemistry is indispensable in modern agriculture, driving increased food production, resource efficiency, and environmental stewardship.

TNT, RDX, HMX, gun powders used in bullets, and other explosives used in conflicts are all chemical compounds. It was the chemistry that allowed these chemicals to be used during the war. Nuclear weapons, which have become more well-known in recent years, are also chemical chemicals.

The important articles on uses & applications of chemistry in everyday life are provided in the table below:

In the CBSE Class 12 Chemistry curriculum, the “Chemistry in Everyday Life” unit is designed to highlight the connections between chemical principles and their applications in daily life. This unit covers various topics that explain how chemistry affects our health, environment, and various industries.

Chemistry in Everyday Life: Important Articles

Conclusion of Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life

Chemistry quietly shapes our world, delving into what things are made of and how they transform under different circumstances. It’s integral to our food’s nutrition and preservation, our clothing, medicines, and cosmetics. It engineers materials for homes, fuels vehicles, and enhances farming for healthier crops while mitigating pollution. Chemistry’s influence is pervasive, enriching our lives with improved quality, safety, and comfort every day.

Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life – FAQs

What is the importance of chemistry in engineering.

Chemistry impacts engineering across production, fuel research, and materials for construction. Understanding compound and element properties aids in comprehending mechanisms, fostering innovation for the future.

What is the Importance of Chemistry in Society?

Everything in our environment is formed of matter. Chemistry is significant in our civilization because it affects our basic needs for food, clothing, shelter, health, energy, and clean air, water, and soil, among other things.

What is the Importance of Chemistry in Agriculture?

Chemistry boosts agriculture with vital fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides, promoting healthy crop growth. Key fertilizers like urea, calcium superphosphates, ammonium sulfate, and sodium nitrate are instrumental in this process.

What is the Importance of Chemistry in Medicine?

Chemistry is vital in medicine, producing pharmaceuticals that treat diseases and alleviate pain. It facilitates the creation of surgical materials like sutures and artificial skin. Clinical lab tests rely on chemical procedures for analysis.

What are Some Examples of Chemistry in Daily Life?

Toothpaste, lotions, facewash, the food we eat, pharmaceuticals, batteries in watches, mobile phones, cars, laptops, and other electronic devices, and fuel in our vehicles are all instances of chemistry in our daily lives.

Why is Chemistry Important in Food?

Chemicals are essential components of all food, from nutrients like carbs, vitamins, and proteins to additives and flavorings that preserve quality and prolong shelf life


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Chemistry Application in Daily Life Essay

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The application of chemistry in life, the dangers of chemistry to life, works cited.

Chemistry involves more than the mere fact that that it entails the making of new combinations of chemical elements. It makes new combinations of industries and brings together different countries besides the chemical elements. It brings international competition, which results into the development of international cooperation.

Chemistry improves everyday life of millions of people around the globe. It helps in the protection of the environment, development of new live saving, medicine, design new materials for cars, electronics as well as medical implants. It has also played a pivotal role in the development of greener and more sustainable sources of energy.

Besides its usefulness, it has generated certain problems not only to the people but also to the environment. This paper focuses on the application of chemistry in life as well as some of the hazards that it has presented to life.

As the world’s population grows, some chemists are embarking on finding new ways of feeding the populations i.e. producing food. The senior vice president for chemical and physical sciences at DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company asserts that genetic engineering could lead to the development of saltwater-tolerant plants that will grow food in most saline places (Zare 7).

Genetic engineering has also been applied in the production of drought resistant crops that have helped in increasing food security especially in the developing and third world countries. Other than genetic engineering, chemists have employed other means of increasing the supply of food to many nations.

Hydrolyzing wood pulp has played a pivotal role in transforming it into a fermentable substance that is used in the production of alcohol. For many years, the production of alcohol has been the main goal for the process. Recent research has led to the realization of more useful food elements. The action of highly concentrated hydrochloric acid transforms wood pulp into soluble carbohydrates and finally into wood pulp. Based on laboratory results, the process yields 75 parts of crude foodstuffs that contain 85% of pure carbohydrates (Slosson 324).

This means the process can extract 60% of the carbohydrates in dry wood. The product proved to be high in nutritive value to not only animal feed but also to food. Furthermore, chemistry has played a pivotal role in the development of fertilizers that enhance productivity if crops thus help in achieving food security in the world. Moreover, for food security to be attained there must be a method that prolongs the shelf life of the food products. Food preservatives enhance a prolonged shelf life of most agricultural products.

The knowledge of chemistry has enabled researchers to come up with drugs for addressing not only human but also animal diseases. The medicine that patients receive form health care institutions is all products of chemistry. It is noteworthy that drugs that are more efficient are continually being invented. China’s research and development in biotechnology and biopharmaceutical has prioritized genetic breeding of high-yield and high-quality crops, transgenic technology and animal cloning (Chen et al. 950).

Additionally, they have embarked on gene- and protein-engineered vaccines and drugs, gene therapy and drug discovery and development. Through the advanced technological advancements, there has been the development of new drugs that enable medical practitioners to treat certain diseases that have been challenging in history. Some of the advancements include the therapeutic hepatitis B vaccine, gene-engineered HBV antigen-antibody complex as well as artificial blood substitutes.

Chemical products that are available in the market such as disinfectants help in fighting disease-causing agents. They also help keep water secure. The water treatment process that makes water safe for consumption is mainly a series of chemical reactions (Hoffman 141). Chemistry is also essential in the textile industry e.g. during the bleaching processes. This also applies in the paper industry.

It also helps in establishing international relations through trade of chemical substances and technologies. It has led to the breakdown of natural monopoly while promoting national independence. For instance, approximately two decades ago one could say that Chile had a natural monopoly of the world’s supply of nitrates. Different nations have tapped into new ways of meeting their need of nitrates. One of the main ways that nations have achieved this is by the utilization of nitrogen from the nitrogen of the air through fixation.

According to Wilson and Schwarzman (1203), in the last five decades, synthetic chemicals have become integrated into nearly all industrial processes and the commercial products and they constitute the material base of the contemporary society. There has been an enormous growth in the production of synthetic chemicals.

For instance, statistics show that the U.S. reported having produced approximately 15 trillion pounds of chemical substances in 2002. In 2005, there was a high record of chemicals with chemical manufacturers having produced nearly 27 trillion pounds off chemicals. There were more than six thousand types of chemicals reported.

All the chemicals that are produced are directly or indirectly. Some of them are used in industrial processes as well as in the production of products for human consumption. Research has shown that “global chemical production is projected to continue growing-about 3% per year with a doubling rate of 24 years, rapidly outpacing the rate of global population growth” (Wilson and Schwarzman, 1203). The global increasing trend in the production of chemicals will lead to a similar increase in the hazards associated with such chemicals.

Almost everyone in the world has an encounter with many chemicals in everyday life due to the wide distribution of chemicals throughout the economy and the environment. This occurs in different scenarios such as in the work place, in homes, through the air, food, water as well as waste streams.

Bio-monitoring experts have reported that there has been an increase in the exposure of industrial chemicals as well as pollutants. The Center for Disease Control has confirmed the presence of certain pollutants as well as synthetic chemicals in the body of over 140 U.S civilians (a representative sample of the U.S population). Such bio-accumulative chemicals pose a great threat to the lives of the victims since most of them have proven to be carcinogenic.

Some individuals are victims of early life exposure of some of the hazardous chemicals. For some individuals it occurs via the placenta. Once the chemicals get into the fetus’ body system, they tend to accumulate and this has detrimental effects not only to the mother but also to the fetus. Medical practitioners have argued that such accumulation of chemical in the fetus interfere with the normal and healthy development of the baby (Woodhouse and Breyman, 220).

Additionally, such early exposure to chemicals during the developmental stages is associated with some cases of cancers, asthma as well as developmental disorders. According to Wilson and Schwarzman, the prenatal exposure of synthetic chemicals as well as their accumulation is the cause of some of the common abnormalities of the male reproductive system (1204).

Most industrial workers are usually exposed to the risk of having certain occupational diseases. As compared to individuals whose line of work is not within the chemical industry, the industrial workers have a higher probability of being exposed to dangerous or rather hazardous chemicals.

Over 40,000 cases of asthma (on an annual basis) in the European continent are associated with exposure of the victims to workplace chemicals. This is also true for dermatitis cases. The prevalence of such diseases can be reduced by improving the safety of work place chemicals. It would also reduce 4,300 cases of cancer per year.

Technological advancements in chemistry have also exposed humanity to hazardous waste. For instance in 2007 in California, there were cases of underground water contamination/pollution (Wilson and Schwarzman 1204). It was caused by the direct leakage of hazardous chemical wastes into the underground water sources.

This poses a threat-what the Department of Toxic Substances Control calls a major threat to human health or the environment. Most of the hazardous chemicals at the disposal sites are known dermatogens, neurotoxicants and carcinogens. Such incidences pose not only health but also environmental concerns to the communities that live in such neighborhoods.

The paper has discussed the application of chemistry in life as well as some of the hazards that it has presented to life. It aids the provision of solutions to some of the challenges of the 21 st century. They include improving human health, finding sustainable sources of energy as well as protecting the environment.

Additionally, it has helped in addressing some of the problems that come with the advancement of technology in almost all the sectors of the economy. However, it has some life threatening effects to people besides being potentially disastrous to the environment. For instance, most of the synthetic chemicals are harmful to human health e.g. by being carcinogenic.

Chen, Zhu. Et al. “Life Sciences and Biotechnology in China.” Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences 362. 1482 (2007): 947-957. Print.

Hofmann, Mary. “Science of Everyday Things: Real Life Chemistry/ Science of Everyday Things: Real Life Physics.” School Library Journal 48.8 (2002): 141-143. Print.

Slosson, Edwin. “Chemistry Alters International Relations.” The Science-Newsletter 14. 398(1988): 323-324. Print.

Wilson, Michael, and Schwarzman, Megan. “Health Policy: Toward A New U.S Chemicals Policy: Rebuilding the Foundation to Advance New Science, Green Chemistry, and Environmental Health.” Environmental Health Perspectives 117.8(2009): 1202-1209. Print.

Woodhouse, Edward, and Breyman, Steve. “Green Chemistry as Social Movement?” Science, Technology, & Human Values 30.2 (2005): 199-222. Print.

Zare, Richard. “A Golden Age for Chemistry.” The Futurist 32.6 (1998): 7-9. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 20). Chemistry Application in Daily Life. https://ivypanda.com/essays/chemistry-in-life/

"Chemistry Application in Daily Life." IvyPanda , 20 Nov. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/chemistry-in-life/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Chemistry Application in Daily Life'. 20 November.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Chemistry Application in Daily Life." November 20, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/chemistry-in-life/.

1. IvyPanda . "Chemistry Application in Daily Life." November 20, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/chemistry-in-life/.


IvyPanda . "Chemistry Application in Daily Life." November 20, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/chemistry-in-life/.

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Chemistry in Everyday Life

Profile image of Utsav Poudel

We human beings are knowingly or unknowingly surrounded by chemistry. Morning to evening, life to death, it is a big aspect of our day-to-day life. One may think that it is a branch of science that deals with chemicals in the lab only but unknowingly he/she is applying it in daily works. We find its use in the food we eat, cleaning chemicals, the air we breathe and, every object we touch. Literally, student’s chemistry education takes place in lectures and books, lab playing with instruments and chemicals and they don’t see the relevance in their everyday life. Understanding the importance of chemistry in our regular life is most important in our technological and competitive society. It also helps to understand the world issue arising currently. One might get surprised when we say that our body is made of chemical elements and compounds so we can say we are the products of chemistry. Our emotions like love, respect, jealousy, frustration are also the aspect of chemistry.

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importance of chemistry in everyday life essay

Chemistry in Everyday Life — Importance, Examples, and Uses



Chemistry is omnipresent in our lives, often operating behind the scenes, imperceptible to us. It influences our everyday life and the products we rely on to maintain our well-being and cleanliness. Yet, how frequently do we pause to acknowledge its presence?

Application of chemistry in our daily life has been a practice handed down through the ages. Whether we use lotions, cooking food, doing laundry, or maintaining household cleanliness, chemistry exerts its influence across a multitude of activities. Chemistry, being the scientific discipline concerned with the intricate study of matter and its composition in various facets of the cosmos, finds itself intricately interwoven into an array of phenomena, ranging from the very process of photosynthesis to the composition of geological formations.

In this blog, we will understand the importance of chemistry in our daily existence, revealing its profound impact on us, and will try to focus on the importance and application of chemistry in our daily life.

Importance of Chemistry in Education and in our regular life

Chemistry holds a pivotal place in education and our daily lives due to its profound implications. In education, it serves as the bedrock for understanding the composition and behavior of matter, providing crucial insights into chemical reactions, atomic structures, and the periodic table. This knowledge forms the basis for a multitude of scientific disciplines and technological advancements.

In our everyday existence, chemistry manifests in myriad ways. From the water we drink to the air we breathe; chemical principles govern these essential elements of life. Medicines and healthcare rely on chemistry for drug development and diagnostics. Agriculture employs chemistry for fertilizers and pesticides, impacting food production. Environmental issues like pollution and climate change hinge on chemical processes.

Moreover, chemistry contributes to innovations in materials science, energy production, and even cosmetics. It’s a driving force behind cleaner energy sources, sustainable materials, and the preservation of our planet. In essence, chemistry is not just an educational subject; it’s the invisible force that shapes and sustains our modern world.

How does Pacific World School nurtures love for science in its students?

Now that we have shed light on the importance of Chemistry, we will now understand how the Top School in Greater Noida West focuses on nurturing love, dedication, and building practical skills of science in its students.

Pacific World School fosters a deep love for science in its students through immersive and innovative teaching methods. The school promotes hands-on learning experiences, encouraging students to conduct experiments and explore scientific concepts actively. Engaging field trips, guest lectures, and science clubs further ignite curiosity. Highly qualified educators inspire and mentor students, creating a nurturing environment where curiosity thrives. Through these holistic approaches, school instills a lasting passion for science, preparing students for a future of scientific exploration and innovation.

Chemistry plays a pervasive role in our daily life, influencing everything from sustenance to health. Its far-reaching impact on society and progress across various domains is undeniable. Pacific World School, the best leading CBSE school in Greater Noida West, understands the importance of instilling a lifelong love for science in its students. By facilitating practical, hands-on learning experiences, engaging in enlightening activities, and providing mentorship from accomplished educators, the school creates an environment conducive to nurturing curiosity. This dedication to kindling a scientific passion prepares learners for a future marked by exploration and innovation, empowering them to make substantive contributions to our continually evolving world.

To know more about their modern teaching approaches, click here to visit their website.


Written by Pacificworldschool

Pacific World School is one of the best schools in Greater Noida Extension.

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Master Chemistry

What is the importance of chemistry in everyday life


In this article, the  author  has explained what is importance of chemistry in everyday life. Chemistry is used in many daily life activites and products such as soaps and detergents, medicines and drugs, froensics, builiding materials textile industries ets.

Why Chemistry is Important for Life?

Table of Contents

What is the importance of chemistry in everyday life, and why do you want to know about it? Chemistry is the study of matter and interaction with other matter and energy. Let us tell you the importance of chemistry in everyday life and the Reasons why you should study it.

Chemistry has a reputation for being a complex and boring science, but for the most part, its reputation is inevitable. Fireworks and explosions are based on chemistry, so it’s definitely not boring science.

If you take classes in chemistry, you will apply basic concepts of chemistry , math, and logic, which can study chemistry if you are weak in these areas. However, anyone can understand how things work … and this is the study of chemistry. In a nutshell, the importance of chemistry in everyday life is that it describes the world around you.

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Importance of Chemistry in everyday life

image showing Importance of Chemistry in everyday life

Importance of chemistry in Detergents and soaps

The detergents we use at home and institutes for cleansing and washing purposes are made of chemical reagents. These different chemicals are utilized by the chemical industries to synthesize the cleansing products.

The basic phenomenon behind detergents and soap is sponification of fatty acids that are linked through the intermolecular forces . Common chemicals like sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and oleic and palmitic acid are used in the production of detergents and soaps.

image showing importance of chemistry in Detergents and soaps

Importance of Chemistry in the food industry

The food we eat is not the way we obtain it. There are so many chemical reactions are involved in preparing the food from raw to cooked form

For example, potatoes, are grown in the field with the help of different fertilizers and insecticides, and pesticides. After a series of biological reactions, the potatoes are fully grown and available for cooking.

Here starts a series of more reactions to cooking different dishes of potatoes. Hence from start to end potatoes have gone through many chemical reactions that change their effects even. Therefore, chemistry has a very important role in the food industry.

Chemistry also deals with the development of food additives, flavors, coloring agents, and tase.

Chemistry is used to synthesize the chemicals called preservatives that keep the foods fresh and eatable for a long time.

image showing Importance of Chemistry in the food industry

Importance of Chemistry in Medicine

It is the most important service of chemistry for mankind. Chemistry knowledge helped researchers to use natural products as a source of medicine. Chemistry also helped Ancient civilizations to synthesize drugs from natural products. The compounds isolated from natural products are utilized by chemists in pharmaceutical industries to develop the drugs.

knowledge of how molecules and ions in chemistry behave made researchers able enough to develop drugs in the pharmaceutical industry. If you have a look at the ingredients list used in the synthesis of a drug, then you will know all these are chemicals.

image showing Importance of Chemistry in Medicine

Importance of chemistry in Textiles

During ancient times, humans used plants and animals’ skin to cover their bodies. But with the advancement of research researchers developed different chemicals to be used as Raw materials in textile industries are wool, silk, jute, cotton, flax, glass fiber, polyester, acrylic, nylon, etc.

All these chemicals undergo a series of different chemical reactions and turn into different products for humans such as clothes, furniture, flags, nets, etc. Further, transition metals gave rise to color chemistry, due to which we have a variety of colors to choose from.

image showing Importance of chemistry in Textiles

Importance of chemistry in Building & construction

Chemistry changed to classic trends of building houses and buildings using wood and mud. Now there are many polymers that are stronger than wood to be used as a building material. For example iron, metals, polymers, PVC, etc.

Chemistry also helps in the production of water, sound, and heat-proof building materials such as acrylics, and silicones.

Other Polymers are also important in the construction industry.

  • Polyurethane reduces the weight of buildings
  • Polyurethane foams, polystyrene foams insulate the buildings
  • Polyethylene piping is used to achieve shapes for buildings.

image showing Importance of chemistry in Building & construction

Importance of chemistry in Paper and pulp industries

According to the survey report, researchers around the world are discovering new data that can be written on 14 million plane papers. This is a much higher paper demand that requires something special.

Once again thanks to chemistry that help humans to fulfill this huge demand for paper. Nowadays paper and pulp industries are using green chemistry to develop environment-friendly chemicals to produce the paper to meet high demand.

Importance of chemistry in Fuel

With the ever-increasing demand for fuel, there have been so many environmental threats. To avoid rapid climate changes scientists are using different chemical reactions and reagents to refine the petrochemicals. Furthermore, these petrochemicals have revolutionized the entire world.

Importance of chemistry in Batteries

Batteries are used as electricity alternatives and to store electric energy. In this technology era research approaches towards developing energy-efficient batteries have been triggered.

Because these batteries are being used almost in every latest electronic gadget. These are also used in vehicles and many other power storage appliances. Basically, the energy stored in these batteries comes from the chemicals inside these batteries.

This is all about electrochemistry, which works on the principle of converting chemical energy into electrical energy. Therefore, chemistry has played a very distinctive role in batteries. This can also be understood from the fact that the Nobel prize in chemistry was also given to scientists working on lithium-ion batteries.

image showing Importance of chemistry in Batteries

Importance of chemistry in Environmental protection

Due to the increasing role of chemistry and our earth’s environment and spheres , researchers have established a separate branch known as Environmental Chemistry.  All greenhouse gases are formed due to different chemical reactions.

Hence chemistry is imposing these serious climate threats on plants. Therefore, the researchers are finding ways to utilize green chemistry in order to combat environmental threats such as air pollution and water pollution.

image showing Importance of chemistry in Environmental protection

Importance of chemistry in Forensic

Forensic chemistry has made the jobs for criminals much difficult. Because Forensic chemistry helps to

identify criminals by detecting chemical traces left behind in crime scenes.

Following chemical, techniques are used in forensic chemistry to deal with all such investigations.

Chromatography, X-ray diffractometry, color tests, melting point analysis, etc.

Modern chemistry has become more important for daily life activities. There is hardly any field left where chemistry has no role to play.

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1. What is chemistry and its importance?

Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the study of matter, its structure, properties, reactions, compounds, elements, and reactions. It’s all about the properties of materials and the changes they undergo, and everything that happens within them.

2. What is the importance of chemistry in our environment and society?

Chemistry plays a vital role in our environment and society. It is a science that combines physics and biology to understand and harness the chemical processes taking place around us. Our modern lives rely on chemistry, and we are constantly exposed to chemicals in the environment and in our daily lives. These chemicals can harm our health and can lead to serious diseases. They can also harm the environment and can have a negative impact on human and animal life.

3. What is the importance of chemistry to you as a student?

Chemistry is a very important subject to you as a student, as it teaches you to understand the properties of matter and its interactions with other substances. It helps you learn how to manipulate elements to produce new compounds and create useful products.

4. What is the importance of chemistry in education?

Chemistry has a very important role in education, since it is the science of matter, and it helps us understand the world around us. It is the science of elements and compounds, and the study of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of these elements and compounds.

5. What is chemistry for kids?

Chemistry for kids is the study of elements and compounds. It can be considered as a branch of science that includes biology, physics, earth science, and mathematics.

6. How does chemistry affect our world?

Chemistry affects the entire world, and it’s changing the way we live. It’s a major driver of innovation, invention, discovery, and progress. Chemistry can solve problems that were never thought possible before, and it can create a new category of problems that weren’t expected. It’s a fundamental science that deals with all forms of matter, and it has applications in every field of human endeavor. Chemistry is the study of matter, and it involves the study of atoms, molecules, compounds, elements, and their interactions.

Importance of Chemistry

Chemicals and their study, famously known as chemistry is an integral part of life. We mostly fail to recognize them but everything, from our existence to happenings in and around us, are constituted of chemicals and the reactions between them. It would be very interesting to understand a few things, taking into account that we never have the time or patience to look upon it with this view.

importance of chemistry

There is nothing without chemistry. One experiences handling chemicals throughout the day by seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and also, touching but don’t give a heed to the science involved in it. Our body is made up of chemical compounds, which are a combination of elements. Our psychological being is the end result of reactions between neurotransmitters. So the emotions we perceive are all chemical reactions of the body to the stimuli received. It may be happy, sad, surprise, love, anger or affection. The salt, commonly taken in food, is Sodium Chloride, NaCl, a chemical compound.

Cutting an onion is one of the primary steps involved in cooking in most part of the world. It is seen to bring tears in our eyes and obviously we never give a second thought to the reason behind it. Nevertheless, in simple terms, on slicing an onion, the cells are cut releasing its contents. One of the compound released forms sulphenic acid. Few enzymes that also get released combine with sulphenic acid to form a gas which moves upward to react with the water of eyes to form sulphuric acid. Sulphuric acid is the actual compound which makes the eye shed more tears. Soaps are another important item of utility in our lives. The soaps and detergents act as emulsifying agents to work upon the dirt and result in its removal which means it makes the dirt soluble enough in water to be cleansed off. Medicines are all combinations of chemical compounds developed through intensive research to heal the body through their attachment with either the targeted cells of the body or the foreign element causing the disease.

Every product in the market including packaged drinking water comes with an expiry date, in lieu of the fact that after a specified period of time the item undergoes few chemical reactions within itself which renders it inappropriate for use.

Many industries like health, beauty, forensic science, transport, aviation, food, petro-chemical, refineries, etc couldn’t have existed without the knowledge and research in chemistry.

  • Diagnostic tests, genetic studies, medicinal pills, vaccines, antibiotics, birth-control pills, antiseptics, chemotherapy, etc are all unequivocal application of chemistry and imagining health industry to exist without these is impossible.
  • Soaps, makeup items, anti wrinkle crèmes, sunscreens, are all unavoidable products used in our daily routine. These are all chemical compounds devised in labs through research, packaged and sold in market to reach the consumers.
  • Analyzing and identifying samples from the crime scene forms the basis of forensic science and it is a role played by a forensic chemist with the help of series of methods and instruments involved.
  • Chemical sensors are key in the transport industry. Sensors are used to determine fuel ratio, manage the optimum ratio, and measure the oil quality for pollution control. Chemical sensors are also of prime importance in the protection of closed spaces like airplanes, trains, ships, subways and other areas of transit which involves high density of people.
  • Aircrafts are made up of chemical compounds light in weight and high in strength, plastic polymers are used to coat the aircraft and its components, fuel for aviation has less contamination, more power and less weight, use of catalytic converter to convert the ozone gas entering into the airplane into lass harmful gases, all are by-products of research in aviation through knowledge in chemistry.
  • Foods contain many organic compounds like carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Along with this, vitamins, minerals and water are all chemical compounds which are important constituents of food. Fermentation is a chemical reaction which produces beer, wine, bread, cheese and certain varieties of food. Also, process of cooking, preservation and rotten are all series of chemical reactions understanding of which eases the labor involved and retains the nutrient value of the food. For example, use of pressure cooker in cooking reduces the time involved considerably and also, retains the health quotient. Refrigeration is another aspect of chemistry deeply engrossed in food industry.

Hence, Chemistry is inevitable from anything one does. It helps understand the composition, structure, and changes of matter. Knowing all the above examples, it may be inferred promptly that knowledge of chemistry and understanding its application may help in making many decisions of our daily lives. For example, one can prevent overdose of any chemical compound through diet when one is already taking drugs of that specificity.

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Examples of Chemical Reactions in Everyday Life

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  • Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
  • B.A., Physics and Mathematics, Hastings College

Chemistry happens in the world around you, not just in a lab. Matter interacts to form new products through a process called a chemical reaction or chemical change. Every time you cook or clean, it's chemistry in action. Your body lives and grows thanks to chemical reactions. There are reactions when you take medications, light a match, and draw a breath. 

These examples of chemical reactions from everyday life are a small sampling of the hundreds of thousands of reactions you experience as you go about your day.

Key Takeaways: Chemical Reactions in Everyday Life

  • Chemical reactions are common in daily life, but you may not recognize them.
  • Look for signs of a reaction. Chemical reactions often involve color changes, temperature changes, gas production, or precipitant formation.
  • Simple examples of everyday reactions include digestion, combustion, and cooking.

What Is a Chemical Reaction?

A chemical change , often called a chemical reaction , occurs when substances transform into new and distinct substances. Essentially, it involves the rearrangement of atoms. Generally, chemical changes can be identified by temperature changes, light emission, bubble formation, precipitate formation, color changes, and odor release. These effects signify a change in composition, but they may not always be immediately apparent.

Usually, chemical changes are permanent, so they cannot be undone. Conversely, physical changes do not create new substances and can be reversed. Understanding these distinctions is fundamental to the study of chemistry .


Frank Krahmer / Getty Images

Plants apply a  chemical reaction  called photosynthesis to convert  carbon dioxide  and water into food (glucose) and oxygen. It's one of the most  common everyday chemical reactions  and also one of the most important because this is how plants produce food for themselves (and animals) and convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. The equation for the reaction is:

6 CO 2  + 6 H 2 O + light → C​ 6 H 12 O 6  + 6 O 2

Aerobic Cellular Respiration

Kateryna Kon/Science Photo Library / Getty Images

Aerobic cellular respiration  is the opposite process of photosynthesis in that energy molecules are combined with the oxygen we breathe to release ​the energy needed by our cells plus carbon dioxide and water. Energy used by cells is chemical energy in the form of ATP, or adenosine triphosphate .

Here is the overall equation for aerobic cellular respiration:

C 6 H 12 O 6  + 6O 2  → 6CO 2  + 6H 2 O + energy (36 ATPs)

Anaerobic Respiration

Tastyart Ltd Rob White / Getty Images

Anaerobic respiration is a  set of chemical reactions  that allows cells to gain energy from complex molecules without oxygen. Your muscle cells perform anaerobic respiration whenever you exhaust the oxygen being delivered to them, such as during intense or prolonged exercise. Anaerobic respiration by yeast and bacteria is harnessed for fermentation to produce ethanol, carbon dioxide, and other chemicals that make cheese, wine, beer, yogurt, bread, and many other common products.

The  overall chemical equation for one form of anaerobic respiration is:

C 6 H 12 O 6  → 2C 2 H 5 OH + 2CO 2  + energy

Every time you strike a match, burn a candle, build a fire, or light a grill, you see the combustion reaction. Combustion combines energetic molecules with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water.

For example, the equation for  the combustion reaction  of propane, found in gas grills and some fireplaces, is:

C 3 H 8  + 5O 2  → 4H 2 O + 3CO 2  + energy 

Alex Dowden/EyeEm / Getty Images

Over time, iron develops a red, flaky coating called rust. This is an  example of an oxidation reaction . Other everyday examples include the formation of verdigris on copper and the tarnishing of silver.

Here is the  chemical equation  for the rusting of iron:

Fe + O 2  + H 2 O → Fe 2 O 3 . XH 2 O

If you combine vinegar and  baking soda for a chemical volcano  or milk  with baking powder  in a recipe, you experience a  double displacement , or metathesis reaction (plus some others.) The ingredients recombine to produce  carbon dioxide gas  and water. The carbon dioxide forms bubbles in the volcano and  helps baked goods rise .

These reactions seem simple in practice but often consist of multiple steps. Here is the  overall chemical equation  for the reaction between baking soda and vinegar:

HC 2 H 3 O 2 (aq) + NaHCO 3 (aq)  → NaC 2 H 3 O 2 (aq) + H 2 O(l) + CO 2 (g)


Batteries use electrochemical or redox reactions to convert  chemical energy  into electrical energy. Spontaneous redox reactions occur  in galvanic cells , while  nonspontaneous chemical reactions  take  place in electrolytic cells .

Peter Dazeley/Photographer's Choice / Getty Images

Thousands of chemical reactions  take place during digestion. As soon as you put food in your mouth, an enzyme in your saliva called amylase starts to break down sugars and other carbohydrates into simpler forms your body can absorb.  Hydrochloric acid  in your stomach reacts with food to further break it down, while enzymes cleave proteins and fats so they can be absorbed into your bloodstream through the walls of the intestines.

Acid-Base Reactions

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Whenever you combine an acid (e.g., vinegar, lemon juice,  sulfuric acid , or muriatic acid ) with a base (e.g.,  baking soda , soap, ammonia, or acetone), you are performing an acid-base reaction. These reactions neutralize the acid and base to yield salt and water.

Sodium chloride isn't the only salt that can be formed. For example, here is the  chemical equation for an acid-base reaction  that produces potassium chloride, a common table salt substitute:

HCl + KOH → KCl + H 2 O

Soap and Detergent Reactions

JGI/Jamie Grill / Getty Images

Soaps and detergents clean by way of chemical reactions . Soap emulsifies grime, which means oily stains bind to the soap so they can be lifted away with water. Detergents act as surfactants, lowering the surface tension of water so it can interact with oils, isolate them, and rinse them away.

Cooking uses heat to cause chemical changes in food. For example, when you hard boil an egg, the hydrogen sulfide produced by heating the egg white can react with iron from the egg yolk to form a grayish-green ring around the yolk . When you brown meat or baked goods, the Maillard reaction between amino acids and sugars produces a brown color and a desirable flavor.

More Examples of Chemistry in Everyday Life

Chemical reactions are everywhere, and in a way, chemistry really makes up everything. From the emotions you feel to peculiar questions such as, "Can bottled water go bad?" Here are some examples of chemistry in everyday life.

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The Importance of Chemistry in Daily Life

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Importance Of Chemistry essay

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Chemistry in everyday life essay

Chemistry studies the properties of matter and energy and how they interact with each other. In fact physics is also defined in the same way. Chemistry and physics are an integral part of physical science. Chemistry specifically studies the properties of the substances and their interactions with different types of matter, especially when they involve electrons.

Importance of chemistry?

By understanding the various aspects of chemistry, you can understand many things about the world around you. You can also understand about how things work and what you can do to solve simple problems related to your home environment. For example, if you have a stain on your white shirt; you can use lime or baking soda to remove the stain. These are some of the chemical formulae or properties that you can apply in your daily life.

There are several other things that are interesting to know like laundry detergent works well in hot water, or you can preserve food using vinegar or by pickling it, or you can store peas by freezing them. So, if you know the basic properties of chemistr y, then you can put them to everyday use very easily. For example, instead of buying tooth whiteners, you can simply use sodium bicarbonate and mix some water to make a thick paste. You can use this mixture with your regular toothpaste to whiten your teeth. You can use substances like vinegar, lime juice or soda to remove stains from your clothes. You can use soda mixture to remove stains from the floor.

Chemistry in everyday life

Chemistry is all around you if you notice. Chemical reactions are taking place within our body, and outside in our natural environment all the time. However, we may not know about it unless we study or read about them, and then understand them. Most of the chemical reactions are not visible to our naked eye.

Also read: Math in everyday life Here is how chemistry is used in everyday life: The way a plastic wrap protects your food and how it is extracted from polymers is all part of chemistry. In fact, polymers is the next biggest industry to textiles in the United States.

Obesity is such a big problem in the United States, and it is also a result of the chemical reactions taking place inside your body. Or rather, obesity is caused due to the absence of certain chemical reactions. Every single medication that you take when sick is made out of chemicals, and they react chemically inside the body. That is why they are able to cure the illness or disease.

Glass is a simple substance that is actually made using sand, lime and soda ash. There are hundreds of varieties of glass available, and they are all made using different compositions of these substances. Glass is very important as it is used in many places and making objects including, cars, vehicles, microscopes and anything you can think of.

Fermentation that you see in food items is a chemical process. Many day to day products like cheese, butter, milk, yogurt, and hundreds of products made from milk are due to a chemical process. Also, there are several kinds of cheese that can be made from a single chemical reaction.

How is chemistry applied to life ?

Chemistry is basically the study of everyday chemicals that are very much present around us and available, and that which can be applied in real life. These chemicals can be applied in many ways like in the kitchen. The kitchen is the ideal lab where people can experience various chemical reactions and even study them. They need not do anything special. They can simply do what they do in the kitchen everyday and still observe the chemical reactions that occur.

Also read: Science in everyday life

A simple task like boiling of water is a chemical reaction. We all know that water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade. When we boil water everyday, we can observe this.

Tamarind is a simple ingredient used in cooking in several dishes. It gives that extra tangy taste that you are looking for. However, when you cook or store tamarind in aluminum container, it releases certain types of chemicals into foods. When you learn about this, you would avoid cooking tamarind based substances in aluminum vessels, or storing tamarind in an aluminum container. A saturation point is when the water cannot dissolve anymore sugar or salt. This is why food ends up tasting very salty or sweet as it can take in no sugar or salt.

Checking the temperature when we feel feverish using a thermometer is a simple chemical process we do sometimes. The mercury in the thermometer rises if the body temperature is high. When we touch certain chemicals like chlorine we can burn the skin. This is because of the chemical properties of these chemicals that are causing this burning sensation.

Chemistry comes in use for killing pests and rodents at home. When we use naphthalene balls at home we are using a product of chemistry. Many of us use pickling as a method to preserve vegetables. Pickling is a simple chemical process that involves the process of osmosis.

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