50+ Questions to Generate Audience Participation

50+ Questions to Generate Audience Participation

When it comes to presentations, one of the most important things you can do is get your audience engaged and participating. This can be a challenge, but with the right questions, it can be easy!

In this post, we will provide you with over 50 different questions you can use in your next presentation. These questions are broken down into different types, so you can easily find the ones that will work best for your needs, as well as slide deck recs for each type of question.

Introduction Questions

Using questions in an introduction to a meeting or presentation sets the tone for the rest of your time together. These questions can also give the speaker an idea of the expectations and wants of those in the audience.

While asking some of these questions to a group can quickly devolve into side conversations or serve as distractions, picking one or two of them and having the group answer on their phones can provide real insight. We suggest using the Meeting Kickoff slide deck to quickly ask the questions, get the audience participating, and set the tone for the rest of the meeting.

slide presentation question

1. Who here has ever been to a meeting where they were completely lost within the first five minutes?

2. How many of you have some knowledge about the topic we're discussing today?

3. What is something you're hoping to come away with after this presentation?

4. What are you tired of hearing about on this topic?

5. What motivates you most to learn about this topic?

6. What can I do to make this presentation valuable to you?

7. If you aren't here due to work obligations, would you still want to be here?

8. How do you prefer to consume information on this topic?

9. Do you prefer presentations/meetings in-person or virtually?

10. What would help you focus for the rest of this presentation?

Word Cloud Questions

Another fantastic way to gauge what your audience feels or thinks about certain topics (while keeping them engaged and entertained) is through the use of word clouds. Unlike open-ended questions, word clouds allow an audience to answer a prompt and give a visual representation to the group on which answer is the most prevalent.

Word clouds are an excellent way to draw a group back in mid-meeting and gauge the mindset of your audience. Slides with Friends has a fantastic Word Cloud Game you can put together in a few moments to boost the participation in your next presentation.

slide presentation question

1. How are you feeling right now?

2. Who has had the biggest influence on your life?

3. What person in our industry has had the biggest impact on your career?

4. What's something you're worried about professionally today?

5. What's something you're excited about professionally today?

6. What's one of the best ideas our company/group has come up with?

7. How would you describe our last month in one word?

Ice Breaker Questions

If you’re hosting a meeting with a smaller group that’s already comfortable with each other, meeting icebreakers can loosen tongues and generate conversation. These questions are also a bit more fun, perfect for easing into a heavier presentation.

Use our Meeting Icebreaker slide deck to start your meetings with a little bit of sharing and laughter. Setting the tone at the beginning of your meeting will keep the audience engaged throughout.

slide presentation question

1. What’s your favorite tradition or holiday?

2. What fictional world or place would you like to visit?

3. What is your favorite time of the day? Why?

4. What's one routine that has changed how you work?

5. What's something about the co-worker/person next to you that you appreciate?

6. What's your biggest non-work goal right now?

7. What's something you're willing to share that we don't know about you?

This or That Questions

With larger groups, it can be even more difficult to grab and keep everyone’s attention, much less get the group to participate. The key to using questions with larger audiences is to keep the answers simple and easy to share.

One of our favorite ways of keeping an audience engaged with questions is with this or that questions. Or, as we call them at Slides with Friends, tea vs coffee questions. Our slide deck Tea vs Coffee was created to make engaging with big groups easier, but still fun.

slide presentation question

1. Coffee or tea?

2. Hot or cold climate?

3. Pager or fax machine?

4. Train or plane?

5. Staycation or vacation?

6. Netflix or Amazon Prime?

7. Mountains or beach?

8. Macs or PCs?

9. Beer or wine?

10. Work from home or in the office?

Discussion Questions

Sometimes to generate audience participation, you need to let them do the talking. This is the concept that inspired the discussion questions we’ve put together. What are things people want to talk about while still staying on topic? What can you ask to get the group involved and engaged without derailing the purpose of the gathering?

With the Brainstorming Session Template slide deck, you can present your questions to the group and either have them answer aloud or through their phones. The key here is taking a step back and letting them lead the conversation.

slide presentation question

1. What is the best advice you've ever gotten about your career?

2. What was your first job? How has it influenced your career now?

3. How have you seen your industry change in the past 10 years?

4. What is your favorite thing about your job?

5. What is the hardest thing about your job?

6. What are some of the biggest challenges you see in your industry right now?

7. What's one thing you wish was more efficient about your job?

8. What small change can we make today that will shift how we work long-term?

Exit Questions

We’d all love to think every single one of our presentations was a slam dunk, but we know that’s not true. One way to finish up strong and with appreciated audience participation is to ask how you did.

Use the questions below in our Project Wrap Up slide deck to find out how you did and what you can change for the next time you meet. The best way to improve audience participation is to give the group what they want. These questions will help you figure out what that ‘want’ is.

slide presentation question

1. What was your favorite part of the presentation?

2. What are you going to do with what you learned today?

3. Who is going to help you implement what you learned today?

4. When are you going to start using what you learned today?

5. What's your plan for continuing to learn about this topic?

6. How would you rate the overall quality of the presentation?

7. What could we have done better?

8. Was the pace too fast, too slow, or just right?

9. Did you feel like you learned something new?

Silly Questions

And finally, just for the fun of it, here are a few of our favorite silly questions to ask the crew at your next Happy Hour Hang . Sure, these questions might devolve into laughter, but that still counts as participation!

slide presentation question

1. How would you describe your job to a preschooler?

2. What would your entrance song be if you were coming out on stage?

3. What place in time do you think you'd fit in the most?

4. What do you think is the most overrated show or movie right now?

5. What fictional team (X-Men, Avengers, Justice League) is the best?

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slide presentation question

Any Questions Slide Powerpoint: A Complete Guide

Table of contents.

In making a presentation the “Any Questions” slide be very crucial. This usually they last slide and it give chance for audience to ask them questions that might still be on their mind.

This guide is gonna show you everything folks need to know for make a good “Any Questions” slide in PowerPoint. It include what content should goes on it, design tricks and the top ways for do it, we got your back.

What is an “Any Questions” Slide?

question mark, important, sign

A slide called “Any Questions” are usually found at the end of a presentation. It purpose is for giving chances for audiences to ask questions they might have about what’s been presented. This slide let people know the main presentation has finished and start conversations between presenter and audience members. The usual “Any Questions” slide got just a text box where it say “Any Questions?” on it.

Lately presenters gets creative with their “Any Questions?” slide, putting extra parts for engage and effectiveness. Also have a special slide like this make sure your presentation don’t stop sudden. When you let audience ask questions, it encourage them to take part and makes for an interactive experience.

Moreover a decent “Any Questions” slide can also work as a cue for audience members. It trigger them to ponder over any queries they still got and pushes them to get in touch with the speaker or look into the subject more. This be really helpful if you’re utilizing your talk as a tool for marketing or selling.

What to Include on an “Any Questions” Slide?

A “Any Questions” slide mainly for let audience ask they questions but you could put more stuffs to make it better.

First thing it’s important that you have clear and short title what let audience knows what slide talk about. It might be simple like “Any Question?” or get creative with titles that grab attention like “We Chat!”

Next up you can throw in a short recap of the big ideas talked about in that presentation. It work as a memory jog for them peoples listening and might help ’em come up with questions too. Plus if there were important stuff or things to do that was chatted about during the slide talk, you wanna list those on this screen to make sure they sticks better.

An essential aspect to remember are including they contact details on the “Any Questions” slide. It might be in forms of your email, phone numbers or social media handle. By do this, you makes it simpler for audiences reaching out to you with any questions or feedbacks they might has.

Why is an “Any Questions” Slide Important?

A slide that say “Any Questions” might look like a small thing in a presentation but it actually does something big. First it let the audience to ask things if they’re confused or not sure about what you talked about. Them can get a better grip on the stuff you shared with them.

Also putting a slide titled “Any Questions” mean you cares about what the audience have to say. It turn a one-sided talk into a dialogue. Doing this can make a connection and gain trust from your listeners so they more willing to interact with you and what you showing them later on.

Lastly an effective “Any Questions?” slide also work as a final call to action for you audience. It prompt them to takes action or keep talking once the presentation have finished. This be particularly useful if you’re using your presentation for business reason.

Additionally by having designated slides for questions you avoids any awkward silence or abrupt ending in your presentation This make sure that audience leave with positive and interactive experience.

Steps to Create an Effective “Any Questions” Slide

Question mark

Making a good “Any Questions” slide is easy and it can really improve the whole effect of you presentation.

Choose a visually appealing design

While you design the “Any Questions” slide remember to keep how the rest of your presentation looks in mind. You want that this slide blends in smoothly with all other slides not look different in a bad way.

A easy design suggestion is that you uses a standout or vivid color for texts on them slides, this make it simple for peoples to read quick. You could also try differ font or text sizes so it pops out from other slides you got.

Also putting in pictures like related images or symbols can make your “Any Questions” slide look more nice. It help catch the audience their attention and makes the slide stick in they minds better.

Just remember not to overdo design elements on this slides since it can become distracting and takes away from main purpose of slide – asking question. Keep them simple and visually appealing.

Have a clear and concise title

Mentioned before they need a clear simple title on that “Any Questions” slide it’s important. It let audience know quick what the slide be for and prompt ’em think up whatever questions might have in their heads.

A easy title like “Any Questions?” or “Let’s Chat!” can works good. Or you could use a more creative titles that tie in with the theme or topic of your presentation just make sure it are simple to understand and not too much lengthy.

Include a brief summary of the main points covered

In your “Any Questions” slide putting a short recap does two things it helps remind people of what you talked about and make them think of good questions.

The summary should be like bullet points or a couple of sentences that wraps up the main ideas talked about. It’s also smart to make sure any big or influential details stands out so people remembers it.

When you do this it not only refresh the memory of audience but also give them more contexts for they questions. It can leads to more insightful and relevance questions from audiences.

List any key takeaways or action items discussed

When you have any big points or things to do in your presentation make sure you write them down on the slide that asks “Any Questions”. This don’t just strengthen them points but it also get the audience thinking on how they can use them in their life or job.

Having these points on a slide for reference after the talk is done be helpful. This way audience can look back to them when needed and keep working on reaching them goals that they wants.

Make sure your contact information is included

Like I said before if you puts your contact details on that “Any Questions” slide it make it more simple for peoples to get in touch with you. It helps for keep talking later and make connections with the crowd.

Ensure that your contact details is always seen clear on slide whether it be through an email, a phone numbers or social medias handles. They could also includes various way for audience to reaching out to you giving more choice.

Think about including things like surveys and questions for people to answer.

If you want make that “Any Questions” slide more interesting and get people involved try adding stuff like polls or Q&A things. It can make the audience to take part and give them thoughts.

Polls is used for collecting fast feedback on presentation or particular topics talk about while Q&A prompts helps to start conversation and gets audience think about questions they might has.

These interactive parts not only makes the “Any Questions” slide more interesting but also creates a sense of inclusion for audience. They feels like their opinions and thoughts is valued leading to a more positive overall experience.

Keep the design simple and clutter-free

It be important to create an eye-catching “Any Questions” slide but it also critical that the design stay simple and without clutter. Too much stuffs or informations on slides can overwhelm the audience and distract them from asking question.

Keep to clean, simple designs that matches the rest of your presentation. Don’t use too many color or font and make sure enough white spaces on slide for avoid cluttering.

This rule is also for any words on slide. You keeps your words simple and short no long sentences or big paragraphs that way it easier for the peoples in audience to reads and gets the info on slides fast.

Utilize fonts that is easy to read and the colors should be soothing for the eyes

Finally make sure when you design the “Any Questions” slide you should used fonts and colors that easy for eye. They ensures audiences can read without straining their eyes.

Select a font what are clear and simple for reading like Arial or Calibri. Don’t use decorative fonts it can be hard to read. Also ensuring the font size is big enough so audience can see from far away.

When choosing colors use a basic and matching color palette that goes well with rest of your slides. Don’t pick neon or super bright shades because this can hurt the audience eyes making it hard for them to pay attention on the slide.

When you keep these suggestion in their head, they makes an “Any Questions” slides that not only look good but also get the audience to talk and end your talk with a bang. Make sure it’s easy for understand, short and stick to what you was talking about.

Do the “Any Questions” slide needs to be the final one?

No hard rules say the “Any Questions” slide gotta be your presentation’s final one but it usually goes near the end ’cause it wraps things up and let audience to ask whatever questions they still got.

Many speakers might decide to hold a question and answer period after they finishes talk which make the slide that reads “Any Questions” more fitting in the center of their presentation.

In the end where you put “Any Questions” slide is up to who give the talk and how their presentation go. As long as it do its job to jog audience memory about main things and get them asking, it can be slot in anywhere in the talk.

One must to remember that no matter where it’s placed, a “Any Questions” slide need always be part of the presentation. This critical component helps ending the talk and engages audience for more conversation.

In certain situations a presenter might decide to put several “Any Questions” slides all over they talk, especially when it be long or touch on many subjects. It act as prompting for audience to make inquiries and help divide the talk into more manageable parts.

Tips for handling questions from the audience

Handling questions from the audience can be a daunting task, particularly if you are not prepared. Here are some tips to help you effectively address questions and maintain control during a Q&A session:

Listen carefully : Make sure to listen to the question being asked before responding. This ensures that you understand what is being asked and can provide an appropriate answer.

Repeat or rephrase the question : After listening to the question, it is helpful to repeat or rephrase it for clarity. This also gives you time to think about your response.

Stay calm and professional : It is normal to feel nervous when answering questions from the audience, but try to stay calm and maintain a professional demeanor. This will help you come across as confident and knowledgeable.

Be honest : If you are unsure about the answer to a question, it is better to admit it rather than providing incorrect information. You can always offer to research and get back to the audience with an answer later on.

Encourage participation : Encourage the audience to ask questions by creating a safe and open environment. Thank them for their questions and make sure to address each one respectfully.

Set boundaries : It is important to set boundaries and stick to the allotted time for Q&A. If there are too many questions, politely let the audience know that you will only be able to answer a few more before moving on with the presentation.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can effectively handle questions from the audience and ensure a productive Q&A session. Remember that it is an opportunity to engage with your audience and further discuss your presentation, so embrace it and make the most out of it.

Where can I find templates for an “Any Questions” slide in PowerPoint?

You can find a variety of PowerPoint templates, including those specifically designed for an “Any Questions” slide, on Microsoft PowerPoint’s built-in template gallery or on third-party websites such as SlideModel, SlidesCarnival, and Envato Elements. These platforms offer professionally designed templates that can be easily integrated into your presentations to make the Q&A segment more engaging. Look for templates with question marks or other visuals that clearly indicate it’s time for questions from the audience.

How can I create an effective “Any Questions” slide in PowerPoint?

To create an effective “Any Questions” slide in PowerPoint, start by choosing a clean and simple PowerPoint template that aligns with the theme of your presentation. The slide should prominently feature a question mark or the phrase “Any Questions?” to prompt audience interaction. Consider adding key questions that you expect from the audience or that summarize critical points of your presentation. This approach encourages thoughtful queries and makes your presentations more interactive.

Can I use Google Slides to design an “Any Questions” slide for my PowerPoint presentation?

Yes, you can use Google Slides to design an “Any Questions” slide and then import it into your PowerPoint presentation. Google Slides offers various templates and design tools that can help you create a visually appealing question slide. Once you’re satisfied with your design, simply download the slide as a PowerPoint file (.pptx) and insert it into your PowerPoint presentation. This method allows you to leverage the strengths of both Google powerpoint slides and Microsoft PowerPoint to enhance your presentations.

What are some tips for presenting the “Any Questions” slide in PowerPoint to ensure great presentations?

When presenting the “Any Questions” slide, it’s crucial to pause for a moment to give the audience time to process the invitation for questions. Make eye contact and show openness to encourage participation. If you’ve included key questions on the slide, briefly touch on them to spark interest or clarify any complex points from your presentation.

In conclusion, the “Any Questions” slide is a crucial element in any presentation as it serves as a reminder and encourages audience participation. By following these tips for designing and handling questions during Q&A sessions, you can create an effective and engaging experience for your audience.

Remember to keep it simple, relevant, and professional to make the most out of this key element in your presentation. Thank you for reading and we hope you have found this guide helpful in improving your presentation skills. Happy presenting!

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Blog > PowerPoint Quiz Templates - 10 free Quiz Designs

PowerPoint Quiz Templates - 10 free Quiz Designs

08.20.20   •  #powerpoint #interaction #game.

If you want to boost your audience engagement, lighten the mood, or test how attentive your listeners are, quizzes are a great way to do so! Making a quick question layout is very easy (as you'll see in this blogpost), however it can be tedious to get the design to look good. So if you a) don't have time b) don't feel like doing a template yourself or c) just want to impress the audience with some nice looking quiz designs that you might not have thought of creating yourself, we got you covered.

Quiz Templates

We created 10 exclusive designs that you can download and use - 100% free - both for commercial use e.g. your next presentation and for private use (how about a trivia night?!) Just look through our list and get the one you like most - we got something for every taste! And by the way, if you need inspiration for quiz question ideas, be sure to check out our article on 50 Quiz Ideas for your Presentation !

slide presentation question

  • Galaxy Quiz
  • Basic Black and White Quiz
  • Kahoot Quiz
  • Summer Beach Style Quiz
  • Keyboard Style Yes-No-Quiz
  • Personality Quiz
  • Picture Quiz
  • Minimalist Quiz
  • Vocabulary Quiz
  • Who wants to be a Millionaire Quiz

#1 - Galaxy Quiz

Have you ever had a question that only the stars could possibly answer? Now you can ask it with our beautiful galaxy / universe quiz design. This quiz template is the perfect way to go for all the people who adore some extravagant designs - you'll definitely wow your audience! The only downside is that your quiz participants might be so mesmerized by the galactic infinity that they may actually forget to vote for the right answer.

galaxy quiz

#2 - Basic True and False Quiz (Black & White Style)

This template is pretty plain and basic, yet far from boring! The contrast between black and white and the diagonal text elements make it the perfect elegant choice for anyone who's looking for an interesting and timeless classic design. It even comes in three different options. You can either decide for one or use all three in one quiz-session. We got you covered with one simple white, one black, and one half black- half white design for anybody who can't decide which one they like better. You can use this template for all kinds of questions that have two possible answers (so it is perfect for Yes/No or True/False quizzes!)

a basic black and white Quiz design

#3 - Kahoot PowerPoint Template

Unfortunately, there is no way to conduct a Kahoot quiz via PowerPoint. Until now! We built this wonderful template that looks exactly like the design of our favorite online- quiz- game. But now you can easily play it in your presentation without having to open the browser. And don't worry, participating via smartphone is still absolutely possible and easier than ever by using the SlideLizard Quiz Creator Plugin . Similar to Kahoot it lets you conduct fun audience quizzes, but embedded directly within your PowerPoint presentation!

Kahoot design in PowerPoint

#4 - Summer Beach Style Quiz

Get some instant holiday vibes without leaving the country, or even the house! Inspired by our tropical island PowerPoint template (which you can get right here !), we designed a wonderful new quiz template that will give you and your audience the feeling of being on vacation while you're actually in a meeting, lecture, or elsewhere. So it is basically everything you could ever want in a quiz. There are even two background styles that you can choose between!

quiz template summer design

#5 - Keyboard Style Yes/No Quiz

Without a doubt, our keyboard style Yes/No Quiz is one of the most creative ones! It is really fun and an amazing option for anyone who's looking to switch things up a little. The best thing? It comes with an esc- option! So if your quiz participants really, really don't know the answer, they can just - well - escape instead! The slides with the Escape- options are optional however, so if you'd rather want your audience to vote either Yes or No, you can leave out the esc- key. It doesn't matter, weather you're only asking if the audience needs a bathroom break or hard- to- answer trivia questions, with this template you're always in style!

keyboard style quiz

#6 - Personality Quiz

Until now you probably thought more about doing trivia questions in your presentations, but did you know that personality quiz questions can also be an amazing engagement- enhancing element during any presentation? They are especially great as ice breaker questions , but could also be used as mood- lightener at any point. And the best thing: If you get SlideLizard, you can even see the audience results, so you have a statistic overview of e.g. people's favorite ice cream flavors (or whatever else you've always wanted to ask!) P.S: You could also use all the other templates in this post as personality quizzes, but this one is specifically designed as such.

Personality quiz template

#7 - Picture Quiz

If pictures speak to you more than words do, our picture quiz template might be the one for you! It comes with a fun, modern and playful design, and the pictures can of course be changed to whatever you want them to be (you can also add or remove new images, so there is a selection of 2, 3 or 6 pictures). The picture quiz can be used for testing vocabulary (although #9 covers that already), or to spice up your trivia questions. You could even use it as a fun way to introduce yourself to the audience (e.g. "Which of these baby photos is me?") in order to break the ice. Tip: If you want to know more about ice breaker questions, check out our blog post here .

Picture quiz

#8 - Minimalist Quiz

Minimalism is extremely popular right now, and we totally get why! This is the simplest out of all the templates, but isn't it beautiful? With this quiz template, you get slides for Multiple Choice AND True/False questions! We are in love with this template in all its simplicity, but if you want, you could definitely use this as a blank canvas and upgrade it by adding pictures, backgrounds, new fonts or your favourite colors. The sky is the limit!

minimalist quiz

#9 - Vocabulary Quiz

This one is different from all the other quizzes, since it is neither multiple nor single choice, but instead somewhat of a memory game. We recommend this animated PowerPoint quiz template for testing new vocabulary or difficult terminology, but you could also adapt it and make it a regular open question format by writing questions instead of words on the cards and the right answers on the green cards below (it sounds more difficult than it actually is, and when you download the template, you'll get a detailed guide on how to use it.) In this format, there are some boxes with words in English (which you can exchange with your own words, obviously). By clicking on those boxes in presentation mode, they disappear and leave a green answer card. You can easily play this with your audience/students by letting them shout out the translation of a certain word and then clicking on the matching box to see if the translation is correct.

Vocabulary Quiz

#10 - Exclusive Who Wants to be a Millionaire Quiz Template

Last but certainly not least, is our "Who wants to be a Millionaire" Template, which we created exclusively for you to feel like a real game show contestant! The whole template is pretty extensive, which is why we put it in a blog article on its own. Be sure to check it out right here in order to learn how to get the best experience possible out of the game - you'll also find the Download link there. The template comes with everything you could wish for - sound effects, a design that is stunningly similar to the real one, and even the possibility to participate via smartphone! The video below gives you a short demonstration of how the game looks.

Who wants to be a Millionaire

Let your audience participate with their smartphone

Once you have chosen a quiz, you have to ask yourself: How do I conduct it during my presentation? Of course, you could just let your audience raise their hands for the answers of their choice - but that seems outdated and overly complicated (counting the amount of votes for each answers,...). The way more convenient option is to use an application like SlideLizard, which allows your audience to vote for the answer of their choice via their mobile devices, making the experience a whole lot better - quiz competitions have never been better!

The process is easy:

  • Get SlideLizard for free by clicking here .
  • Connect your presentation with SlideLizard. If you need more details on how to do that, please watch this short video tutorial .
  • The Slides are already programmed to fill in your questions and Answers into the slots. We recommend to start by creating all the quiz questions you want to ask your audience.
  • Then, duplicate the question slide as often as you need (= same number of questions you created). It is also a good idea to insert an answer slide after every question.
  • You only need to assign the questions to the slides , and you're good to go!

Watch our video to get detailed instructions on how to connect your quiz with SlideLizard:

Adapt the templates

If you'd like to use one of our templates, but feel like making some adjustments, you can easily do that yourself. All of the given templates can be modified, you can make a two- answer quiz in a multiple choice one and vice versa, you can change colors, fonts and shapes to fit your personal taste or company branding. In the following quick guide, you will be shown how certain elements can be transformed. We're using our galaxy template as an example, but all the templates are transformable in the same or very similar ways.

So here's our downloaded template:

template by SlideLizard

Now, let's start by changing the background first. Click anywhere on a slide and select "Format Background"...

background format

Then go to "Picture or texture fill" (or Solid Fill if you want the background to be a plain color).

new background chosen

After clicking "Insert" your file explorer will open. Select the picture of your choice and click "Insert" once again. Your backround is now changed.

insert picture as background

The existing boxes should be rectangular, don't you think? Let's do that by deleting the existing boxes and exchanging them with new ones. To do so, click on a box, then right click > "Cut" (or hit the backspace key). Then go to the insert tab and click "Shapes", where you can choose the shape of your choice and draw it on the slide. Place it where you want.

new shapes inserted

If the object you just drew hides the text, just go to the "Shape Format" Tab and then click "Send backward" until the text shows again.

send elements backward

And while we're at it, maybe just remove two answer options and make it a True/False quiz? If you want to, you can also change the font, and we're good to go! You just modified our quiz and made a whole new one that has your own personal handwriting!

final changed template

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About the author.

slide presentation question

Pia Lehner-Mittermaier

Pia works in Marketing as a graphic designer and writer at SlideLizard. She uses her vivid imagination and creativity to produce good content.

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The big SlideLizard presentation glossary

Hybrid audience.

A mix between in-person and virtual participants for an event or a lecture is called a hybrid audience. Working with a hybrid audience may be challenging, as it requires the presenter to find ways to engage both the live and the virtual audience.

Learning Chunk

Learning Chunk means, like Microlearning, learning in small quantities. The learning content is really small and can be absorbed quickly.

.pps file extension

A .pps file is a slide show. They are similiar to .ppt files but they open as a slide show if you double-klick them. They later got replaced by .ppsx files.

Eulogy Speech

A eulogy speech is given at a funeral. It is given by familiy members or friends of the deceased. The aim is to say goodbye and pay tribute to the person who has passed away.

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Home PowerPoint Templates Any Questions

Any Questions Slides for PowerPoint Presentations

Are you looking for a way to make your presentations driven by action? Then you are at the right place. Our Any Questions slide is a powerful tool that allows your audience to ask questions about the content of your presentation. You can foster deeper understanding, engagement, and retention of the information.

Creating an effective Any Questions slide is an art. It should be stunning and feature a clear message encouraging your audience to ask questions. Also, creating the slide from scratch might come with some hassle; instead, you can download our ready-to-use template. You can edit any of these templates to fit your preferences.

PPT Slide Template for Ask Me Anything Session

Ask Me Anything Presentation Template

Editable Ask Us Anything Slide for Presentations

Ask Us Anything Presentation Template

PPT 6W Model Template Slide

6W Model PowerPoint Template

PowerPoint Question Slide Concept Diagram

Questions Slide Concept PowerPoint Template

8 Step Funnel Template Design for PowerPoint

8-Step Funnel Template for PowerPoint

Presentation of SCQA Matrix Diagram

SCQA Slides Template for PowerPoint

Matrix SCQA Analysis PowerPoint Diagram Template

SCQA Analysis PowerPoint Template

PowerPoint Matrix Diagram for SCQA

SCQA PowerPoint Template

Slide of True False Questions Quiz Maker

Quiz Maker Slides Toolkit PowerPoint Template

STAR Technique PowerPoint Diagram

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Cartoon Illustration of 360 Degree Model

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Pegasus Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

The Any Questions slide is a vital element of a well-rounded presentation. This slide typically appears towards the end of the presentation and signals that the presenter has finished presenting their main points. It often incorporates graphics and images to engage the audience.

The benefits of using an Any Questions slide are numerous. It allows the presenter to address any confusion or misunderstandings the audience may have about the content. Additionally, it allows the presenter to demonstrate their expertise and knowledge on the topic, which can further establish their credibility with the audience.

Our Any Questions slides are compatible with various software, including Microsoft PowerPoint, Office 365, Keynotes, and Google Slides, for any Windows or Mac computer.

What is a Question Slide?

A question slide is a one-page part of your presentation that you can use to encourage your audience to ask questions. Its purpose is to facilitate an interactive and engaging session by providing a dedicated space for the audience to ask any questions they may have about the content you presented.

It is usually placed toward the end of a presentation after you have shared your main ideas or key information. It prompts the audience to reflect on the material and think of any uncertainties, clarifications, or additional insights they would like to seek.

How do you ask if there are Any Questions in a presentation?

To ask if there are any questions in a presentation, you can say something like “Does anyone have any questions?” or “I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.” It’s important to give the audience enough time to think and formulate questions, so try to pause for a few seconds after asking the question to give them time to respond.

How do you present a Q&A Slide?

When presenting a Q&A slide, you can use a simple slide with a heading such as “Q&A” or “Questions and Answers,” followed by a blank space where you can display the questions the audience asks. Depending on the format of your presentation, you may choose to display the Q&A slide at the end of the presentation, or you may pause the presentation and switch to the Q&A slide to address any questions that arise during the presentation. It’s important to be prepared to answer a variety of questions.

What is the purpose of a Question Slide in a presentation?

The purpose of a question slide in a presentation is to foster interaction and engagement with the audience. Here are some key purposes for including a question slide:

  • It encourages participation among your audience.
  • It allows your audience to voice their uncertainties and seek clarifications.
  • It helps your audience to delve deeper into the topics you covered.
  • It helps tailor your discussion and provides you with valuable feedback.
  • It promotes engagement and interaction.
  • It helps you build a rapport between you and your audience.

When should I display the Question Slide?

The question slide is displayed toward the end of a presentation after you present all the key points. It allows your audience to reflect on the content and think of any questions they may have.

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Spark's Presentation & Public Speaking Blog

  • 7 Tips to Encourage Audience Questions in Your Presentation Q&A


September 19, 2017

Ever seen a presenter ask “Any questions?” at the end of their presentation, and heard only crickets from the audience?

In my work as a professional emcee and trade show presenter , I see it often, and it always makes me cringe because it’s so awkward, and so completely avoidable.

Asking for questions and getting none kills a presentation’s momentum. It usually goes like this:

  • The presenter, having run out of content, asks “Any questions?”
  • The audience, having no questions, freezes in place.
  • Everyone thinks they hear crickets, though there are none in the room.
  • The presenter, getting no questions, says, “OK, I guess I’m done.”

OUCH. How’d that happen?

Chances are, you caught your audience by surprise. They didn’t know you’d take questions, so they didn’t think of any. When you asked, you caught them off guard.

I want your next presentation to end with a bang, not a whimper. So try these tips to encourage questions:


> TIP THEM OFF EARLY:  As you start your presentation, tell your audience: “I’ll take all your questions at the end, so write down your questions as you think of them along the way.”  That’ll get them active thinking of questions throughout your presentation.

> REMIND THEM:  A few minutes before you take questions, say: “I’ve got one more slide to cover, then I’ll take your questions.” That’ll remind them to think of some questions if they haven’t yet.


> LEAVE ROOM: Starting a Q&A with little or no time left discourages questions; your audience wants to leave on time too! Instead, carve out 5-10 minutes or more for questions (and cut some content to make room if needed; your audience prioritizes the information they want to get over the information you want to share).

> USE A PLANT: Have a “plant” in the audience who’ll ask the first question (one you’re comfortable answering), which encourages other audience members to ask (and saves them the awkwardness of going first) and gives them time to think of something to ask.

> CHANGE YOUR PHRASING: Your audience may interpret the phrase “Any questions?” as a sign that you don’t expect or even want questions, which discourages them from asking. Instead, encourage questions by phrasing your question with a more upbeat, expectant tone:  “Who’s got a question?” or  “Who’d like to go first?”

> ASK IT YOURSELF: Ask yourself a common question:  “One question I get often is…” Then answer it. Again, this encourages the audience to follow suit, and gives them more time to think of a question.


Q&A or not, ending your presentation by saying you’re ending your presentation (“OK, I guess I’m done”) will end your presentation with a whimper. You can easily replace that whimper with a “bang” by restating your main takeaway and thanking your audience:

“Folks, I hope my presentation has shown you that when it’s raining and you want to stay dry outside, use an umbrella! You won’t regret it. Thanks so much for your time.”

And thank you so much for your time!

by Andy Saks

Posted in: Sparky Says: Presentation & Public Speaking Tips | No Comments

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Make an Interactive Quiz on PowerPoint in 30 Secs (Free Templates)

Leah Nguyen • 06 August, 2024 • 4 min read

As the world shifts, PowerPoint presentations will not go anywhere soon as statistics suggest that more than 35 million presentations are presented each day.

With PPT becoming so mundane and boring, with the audience's shortened attention span as a cherry on top, why not spice things up a bit and create an interactive PowerPoint quiz that reels them in and gets them involved?

In this article, our AhaSlides team will guide you through easy and digestible steps on how to make an interactive quiz on PowerPoint , plus customisable templates to save heaps of time🔥

Table of Contents

How to make an interactive quiz on powerpoint.

Forget the complicated setup on PowerPoint that took you a stinking 2-hour and more, there's a much better way to have a quiz out in minutes on PowerPoint - using a quiz maker for PowerPoint.

Step 1: Create a Quiz

  • First, head over to AhaSlides and create an account if you haven't already.
  • Click "New Presentation" in your AhaSlides dashboard.
  • Click the "+" button to add new slides, then choose any type of question from the "Quiz" section. Quiz questions have correct answer(s), scores and leaderboards and a pre-game lobby for everyone to interact.
  • Play with colours, fonts, and themes to match your style or brand.

Or use the AhaSlides' AI slides generator to help create quiz questions. Simply add your prompt, then choose within 3 modes: Funnier, Easier or Harder to fine-tune the PPT quiz to your liking.

ai slides generator from AhaSlides

Multiple-choice (with pictures)
Type answer
Match the pairs
Correct order
Sound quiz
Self-paced quiz
Quiz hint
Randomise quiz questions
Hide/show quiz results manually

Step 2: Download Quiz Plugin on PowerPoint

After you are done with these steps, open your PowerPoint, click "Insert" - "Get Add-ins" and add AhaSlides to your PPT add-in collection.

AhaSlides quiz on PowerPoint - add-in for PPT

Add the quiz presentation you have created on AhaSlides to PowerPoint.

This quiz will stay on one slide, and you can use keyboard shortcuts to move to the next quiz slide, show the QR code for people to join, and put on quiz celebration effects like confetti to motivate the audience.

slide presentation question

Step 3: Run an Interactive Quiz on PowerPoint

After you are done with the set-up, it's time to share your elaborated quiz with the world.

When you present your PowerPoint in slideshow mode, you'll see the join code appear on the top. You can click on the small QR code symbol to make it appear larger so everyone can scan and join on their devices.

Interactive Quiz on PowerPoint

🔎Tip: There are keyboard shortcuts to help you navigate the quiz better.

When everyone has appeared in the lobby, you can start your interactive quiz in PowerPoint.

Bonus: Review Your Quiz Statistics Post-event

AhaSlides will save the attendants' activity in your AhaSlides presentation account . After closing the PowerPoint quiz, you can review it and see the submission rate or feedback from the participants. You can also export the report to PDF/Excel for further analysis.

Alternative Text

Start in seconds.

Get free templates for your next interactive presentation. Sign up for free and take what you want from the template library!

Free PowerPoint Quiz Templates

Get started quickly with our PowerPoint quiz templates down here. Remember to have the AhaSlides add-in ready in your PPT presentation💪

#1. True or False Quiz

Featuring 4 rounds and over 20 thought-provoking questions covering a wide range of topics, this template is perfect for parties, team-building events, or simply a fun way to test your knowledge.

Interactive Quiz on PowerPoint

#2. English Language Lesson Template

Sharpen your students' English skills and get them involved in the lesson from start to finish with this fun English quiz. Use AhaSlides as your PowerPoint quiz maker to download and host it for free.

Interactive Quiz on PowerPoint

#3. New Class Icebreakers

Get to know your new class and break the ice among students with these fun icebreaker activities. Insert this interactive quiz on PowerPoint before the lesson starts so everyone can have a blast.

Interactive Quiz on PowerPoint

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you make an interactive game in powerpoint.

Yes, you can by following all the simple steps we have stated above: 1 - Get a quiz add-in for PowerPoint, 2 - Design your quiz questions, 3 - Present them while you're on PowerPoint with the participants.

Can you add interactive polls to PowerPoint?

Besides interactive quizzes, AhaSlides also let you add polls to PowerPoint.

Leah Nguyen

Leah Nguyen

Words that convert, stories that stick. I turn complex ideas into engaging narratives - helping audiences learn, remember, and take action.

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Any Questions Template for Presentations

Any Questions Template featured image

We understand that a successful presentation is not just about sharing information but also about connecting with your audience. Our "Any Questions Template" empowers you to create an interactive atmosphere encouraging questions and lively discussions. Engaged viewers become active participants.

With our "Any Questions Template," we provide the tools to captivate your audience and encourage them to join the conversation. Gone are the days of monotonous slides and one-sided talks.

We understand that visuals play a significant role in conveying your message effectively. That's why each design variation in our "Any Questions Template" is carefully crafted with a perfect balance of elegance and impact. Your content takes center stage, surrounded by captivating visuals that enhance comprehension and inspire your audience to connect emotionally with your ideas.

We also understand the importance of maintaining your brand identity. With our customizable features, you can tailor fonts, colors, and layouts to match your unique style flawlessly. Present with confidence, knowing that your slides align perfectly with your branding, making your presentation truly distinct and unforgettable. Say goodbye to hours spent starting from scratch. Our "Any Questions Template" saves valuable time by providing a ready-to-use foundation. Select the design variation that suits your presentation style, insert your content, and witness the transformation into a captivating visual narrative.

In conclusion, at SlideBazaar, we are committed to helping you unlock the full potential of your presentations. Our "Any Questions Template for Presentations" empowers you to connect with your audience on a deeper level, turning passive viewers into active participants.

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Any Questions PowerPoint Template

slide presentation question

Product Description:

The last impression you leave on your clients at the end of a presentation is crucial. Therefore, always try to close your presentation on an exciting note. Positioning a question slide at the end of the presentation is a good idea but in order to strike the right chord, this last slide should be visually appealing. To ensure the same, here we have a vibrant and creative questions slide for you.

The key features of this template are-

  • 100% editable.
  • You can modify the shape, size, color, font, and font types of the slides as per your requirements.
  • Adaptable with Google Slides which makes it accessible at once.

Just in case you are looking for some more professionally designed catchy Question slides , you can check it out here.

  •   Any Questions - 4x3  –  $4.99
  •   Any Questions - 16x9  –  $4.99

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Questions PowerPoint Presentation Templates & Google Slides

Questions PowerPoint Presentation Templates & Google Slides

Best PowerPoint Questions Slide Templates

About the template, features of this slide:.

  • 100% customizable slides and easy to download.
  • Slides are available in different nodes & colors.
  • The slide contained 16:9 and 4:3 format.
  • Easy to change the slide colors quickly.
  • Well-crafted template with instant download facility.
  • The best-animated question mark slide.
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PowerPoint Questions Slide:

PowerPoint Questions Slide


PowerPoint questions slide templates are tastefully designed to encourage questions from audience at the end of your presentation. The slides are professionally animated. Variations included in the template set are: questions with images and text . The template set also includes PowerPoint quote slides to include verbatim quotes. Other keywords that point to this templates slide set are: PowerPoint quotes and quotes PowerPoint.

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Handwritten Thank You

Animated Questions Slide | 3D PowerPoint Questions

Animated Question Mark Slide

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PowerPoint Agenda

PowerPoint Thank You

Thank You and Contact Details

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Stages // require(['jquery'], function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { //removes paginator if items are less than selected items per page var paginator = $("#limiter :selected").text(); var itemsPerPage = parseInt(paginator); var itemsCount = $(".products.list.items.product-items.sli_container").children().length; if (itemsCount ? ’Stages’ here means the number of divisions or graphic elements in the slide. For example, if you want a 4 piece puzzle slide, you can search for the word ‘puzzles’ and then select 4 ‘Stages’ here. We have categorized all our content according to the number of ‘Stages’ to make it easier for you to refine the results.

Category // require(['jquery'], function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { //removes paginator if items are less than selected items per page var paginator = $("#limiter :selected").text(); var itemsperpage = parseint(paginator); var itemscount = $(".products.list.items.product-items.sli_container").children().length; if (itemscount.

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The image is a logo with the word "SLIDEGENIUS" written in capital letters. To the left of the word is a stylized speech bubble containing an abstract design, representing innovative slide design. The entire logo is white.

How can I convert a booklet into a PowerPoint presentation?

July 8, 2024 /

Converting a booklet into a PowerPoint presentation involves several key steps to ensure the content is effectively communicated in a visual format. Here’s a concise guide to help you through the process:

  • Outline the Content : Start by breaking down the booklet into main sections or chapters. Identify the key points and messages that need to be conveyed in each section.
  • Create a Storyboard : Plan the flow of your presentation by creating a storyboard. This helps in visualizing how each slide will look and how the information will be organized.
  • Design Consistent Slides : Use a consistent design template to maintain a professional look throughout the presentation. Ensure that fonts, colors, and layouts are uniform.
  • Summarize Information : PowerPoint slides should not be text-heavy. Summarize the content from the booklet into bullet points, short sentences, or key phrases. Focus on the most important information.
  • Use Visuals : Incorporate images, charts, graphs, and other visuals to make the content more engaging and easier to understand. Visual aids can help illustrate points that are complex or data-heavy.
  • Add Speaker Notes : If the presentation will be delivered in person, add speaker notes to each slide. These notes can include additional details or talking points that complement the slide content.
  • Review and Edit : Go through the presentation multiple times to ensure accuracy and coherence. Check for any spelling or grammatical errors and make sure the slides transition smoothly.
  • Practice Delivery : If you will be presenting the slides, practice delivering the presentation to ensure you are comfortable with the flow and timing.

By following these steps, you can effectively transform a booklet into a compelling PowerPoint presentation that captures the essence of the original content while engaging your audience visually.

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How can I loop over files in folders in a directory? I want to access images to add to a ppt slide

TLDR: I have images in folders and I want to use python to add all images to a ppt slide but it gives No file or Directory error found error even though the name is exactly the same.

First I download them into the dataset folder

It makes a folder for each company and puts an image under parent directory "dataset". So each image is for example dataset/1mind/Image_1.png

Then I'm trying to loop over the dataset folder to get into each sub folder and get the image to add to the slide.

It keeps giving me the error below, even though that is the file path. I've checked the current working directory in the loop and it's in the parent directory of dataset. Any ideas?

  • python-pptx

TJB's user avatar

  • 2 The first / in the path marks it as absolute path, beginning at the root of the file system or the drive (on Windows). You can try to remove this slash although it may be not reliable to use a relative path. –  Michael Butscher Commented yesterday
  • Thanks @MichaelButscher, I tried this but the same error "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'dataset/Gamma/Image_1.png'" –  TJB Commented yesterday
  • 1 Is such a file in the directory? –  Michael Butscher Commented yesterday
  • 1 Which OS do you use? Has the file exactly the name Image_1.png , including uppercase and lowercase? –  Michael Butscher Commented yesterday
  • 1 from glob import glob then glob("dataset/*/*") . The strings in the returned list do not only contain filenames but paths so you have to adapt how you filter out unwanted entries. –  Michael Butscher Commented yesterday

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  2. 50+ Questions to Generate Audience Participation

    These questions are broken down into different types, so you can easily find the ones that will work best for your needs, as well as slide deck recs for each type of question. Introduction Questions. Using questions in an introduction to a meeting or presentation sets the tone for the rest of your time together.

  3. Any Questions Slide Powerpoint: A Complete Guide

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  4. How to Make a Great "Any Questions" PowerPoint Slide

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  5. Thank You Any Questions Slide Templates With Samples and Examples

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  6. Question Slides for PowerPoint and Google Slides Templates

    For you to create a question slide in PowerPoint, below are the step by steps procedures to follow: Open your PowerPoint application and go to the presentation where you want to add the question slide. Open it and Click on the "New Slide" button in the Home tab or right-click on an existing slide and select "New Slide.".

  7. Top 11 PowerPoint Templates to Facilitate Question and ...

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  8. PowerPoint Quiz Templates

    Just look through our list and get the one you like most - we got something for every taste! And by the way, if you need inspiration for quiz question ideas, be sure to check out our article on 50 Quiz Ideas for your Presentation! Quizzes. Galaxy Quiz. Basic Black and White Quiz. Kahoot Quiz. Summer Beach Style Quiz.

  9. Any Questions Slides for PowerPoint Presentations

    The Any Questions slide is a vital element of a well-rounded presentation. This slide typically appears towards the end of the presentation and signals that the presenter has finished presenting their main points. It often incorporates graphics and images to engage the audience. The benefits of using an Any Questions slide are numerous.

  10. Tips to encourage audience questions in your presentation Q&A

    So try these tips to encourage questions: 1. PREPPING YOUR Q&A: PRIME YOUR AUDIENCE. > TIP THEM OFF EARLY: As you start your presentation, tell your audience: "I'll take all your questions at the end, so write down your questions as you think of them along the way.". That'll get them active thinking of questions throughout your ...

  11. Must-Have Q&A Slide Templates with Samples and Examples

    Slide 1 of 5. Slide 1 of 5. Online Q&A is a form of participation and interaction in which individuals or groups address questions through digital platforms, and responses or answers are then given. Through websites, forums, social media, email, live chats, and other internet-based communication tools, online Q&A can be enabled in various ways.

  12. Questions Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    SlidesCarnival templates have all the elements you need to effectively communicate your message and impress your audience. Suitable for PowerPoint and Google Slides. Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits.

  13. 1002+ Editable Questions Slides Templates for PowerPoint

    A Question PowerPoint template is a ready-made presentation template that provides a structured framework for creating professional Question presentations. The Question PPT presentation template includes design elements, layouts, and fonts that you can customize to fit your content and brand.

  14. Interactive Quiz on PowerPoint in 30 Secs (Free Templates)

    Click "New Presentation" in your AhaSlides dashboard. Click the "+" button to add new slides, then choose any type of question from the "Quiz" section. Quiz questions have correct answer(s), scores and leaderboards and a pre-game lobby for everyone to interact. Play with colours, fonts, and themes to match your style or brand.

  15. Any Questions Template for Presentations

    Our "Any Questions Template" saves valuable time by providing a ready-to-use foundation. Select the design variation that suits your presentation style, insert your content, and witness the transformation into a captivating visual narrative. In conclusion, at SlideBazaar, we are committed to helping you unlock the full potential of your ...

  16. Any Question Google Slides and PowerPoint Templates

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  17. Any Questions PowerPoint Template

    Adaptable with Google Slides which makes it accessible at once. Just in case you are looking for some more professionally designed catchy Question slides, you can check it out here. $4.99. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★. see all pricing options. Download 100% editable Any Questions PowerPoint Template to visualize your presentation content effectively.

  18. Editable Any Questions PowerPoint Template and Google Slides

    The Any Questions PowerPoint Template has fantastic, professional-looking colors and graphics. It is designed with many question marks and an infographic image of a person. This slide's white and blue colors will give a rich and trendy look to your presentation. You can use it as the title slide of your presentations.

  19. Questions PowerPoint Presentation Templates & Google Slides

    About the template. PowerPoint Questions Slide Templates adds features to edit the template to create an impressive outlook and give an elegant touch to your presentation. In addition, the overlapping circles with colorful question marks with a titleholder and a text area will help you edit depending on your needs and will be more attractive to ...

  20. PowerPoint Questions Slide

    Description: PowerPoint questions slide templates are tastefully designed to encourage questions from audience at the end of your presentation. The slides are professionally animated. Variations included in the template set are: questions with images and text.The template set also includes PowerPoint quote slides to include verbatim quotes. Other keywords that point to this templates slide set ...

  21. Any Questions PowerPoint Presentation Templates

    Presenting this set of slides with name asking questions circular arrow ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck. The topics discussed in these slides are circular, arrow, problem, success, icons. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

  22. Google Slides: How to make a Jeopardy game

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    Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another.

  24. Teacher Bio. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Featuring vibrant purple and pink hues with charming illustrations, it's designed to engage students and parents alike. Available as a PowerPoint or Google Slides template, it's your go-to for creating personalized, eye-catching presentations. Make your bio stand out and leave a lasting impression effortlessly! Features of this template

  25. Questions Slide

    Slide 1 of 13. Business powerpoint templates puzzle question mark graphics sales ppt slides. Slide 1 of 6. Finance Analyst Interview Questions In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb. Slide 1 of 6. Ethnographic Research Questions In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb. Slide 1 of 5. 0314 question and answers round.

  26. Live Q&A

    People can ask questions from any device, live or ahead of time, and without downloads or logins. ... quizzes or Q&A directly from your PowerPoint presentation. Learn more. Google Slides. Google Slides. Make your presentations more engaging with our Google Slides add-on. Learn more. Webex. Webex.

  27. How can I convert a booklet into a PowerPoint presentation?

    Create a Storyboard: Plan the flow of your presentation by creating a storyboard. This helps in visualizing how each slide will look and how the information will be organized. Design Consistent Slides: Use a consistent design template to maintain a professional look throughout the presentation. Ensure that fonts, colors, and layouts are uniform.

  28. python

    Then I'm trying to loop over the dataset folder to get into each sub folder and get the image to add to the slide. from pptx import Presentation from pptx.util import Inches prs = Presentation() blank_slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[6] slide = prs.slides.add_slide(blank_slide_layout) for i in os.listdir("dataset"): if i == ".DS_Store": print ...