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strategic financial management research paper

Strategic Financial Review is dedicated to advancing the understanding of strategic financial management and its role in driving organizational success. Our journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, academics, and policymakers to share insights, research findings, and strategies that contribute to informed financial decision-making and sustainable growth.


strategic financial management research paper

Journal overview

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  • Aims and scope

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  • Author's Guidelines
  • Role of EIC
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Aims And Scope

Strategic Financial Review welcomes original research articles, reviews, case studies, and theoretical papers that explore various dimensions of strategic financial management across diverse sectors. Our scope encompasses a wide range of topics within strategic financial management, including but not limited to:

1. Financial Strategy Formulation:

Analyses of financial planning, goal setting, resource allocation, and risk management strategies to achieve organizational objectives.

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Applied Strategic Financial Analysis as Innovative Instrument to Research Strategic Aspects of the Organization Financial Activity

26 Pages Posted: 6 Sep 2016

Sergey Krylov

Ural Federal University - Graduate School of Economics and Management

Date Written: September 3, 2016

The article considers theoretical aspects of the applied strategic financial analysis based on the financial element of the balanced scorecard to be applied in the research process of the strategic organization financial activity aspects. The methodology of the research is the Balanced Scorecard concept (BSC) introduced by R. Kaplan and D. Norton as well as the concept of the applied strategic analysis concept having been developed by the author, and the methodological approach to the target forecast of the organization financial flows resulting from the results of its financial position analysis. The applied strategic financial analysis is depicted to encompass comparative assessment, variances diagnostics and indicators forecast of the financial BSC element within the strategic financial goals. The author draws a conclusion that the applied strategic financial analysis is a sufficiently effective instrument to research strategic aspects of the organization financial activity and to form an analytical support for its strategic financial management.

Keywords: Applied Strategic Financial Analysis, Applied Strategic Analysis, Balanced Scorecard, Strategic Aspects, Financial Activity, Organization

JEL Classification: G30, M19, M41

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Sergey Krylov (Contact Author)

Ural federal university - graduate school of economics and management ( email ).

Yekaterinburg Russia

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57 Citations

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A strategic management process: the role of decision-making style and organisational performance

Journal of Work-Applied Management

ISSN : 2205-2062

Article publication date: 16 February 2023

Issue publication date: 24 April 2023

The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual framework for integrating strategic thinking factors, organisational performance and the decision-making process.


The methodology involves a synthesis of literature and proposes a framework that explores the relationship between strategic thinking enabling factors, organisational performance and the moderating effect of decision-making styles.

The framework includes strategic thinking enabling factors (systems perspective, focused intent, intelligent opportunism, thinking in time and hypothesis-driven analysis), organisational performance and the moderating effect of decision-making styles (intuitive and rational).

Research limitations/implications

This research results in a conceptual model only; it remains to be tested in actual practice. The expanded conceptual framework can serve as a basis for future empirical research and provide insights to practitioners into how to strengthen policy development in a strategic planning process.


A paradigm shift in the literature proves that strategic management and decision-making styles are vital in determining organisational performance. This paper highlights the importance of decision-making styles and develops a framework for strategic management by analysing the existing strategic management literature.

  • Strategic management
  • Intuitive decision-making
  • Rational decision-making
  • Strategic thinking process
  • Organisational performance

Sinnaiah, T. , Adam, S. and Mahadi, B. (2023), "A strategic management process: the role of decision-making style and organisational performance", Journal of Work-Applied Management , Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 37-50.

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023, Tamilarasu Sinnaiah, Sabrinah Adam and Batiah Mahadi

Published in Journal of Work-Applied Management . Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

Managers are appointed to achieve the organisation's objectives and goals. As these objectives gradually increase with competition, managers must become strategic thinkers with excellent decision-making skills. The strategy towards the organisational outcome highlighted in this section has been widely debated among academic scholars and practitioners. Organisational strategies are essential in sustaining an organisation's competitive advantage to face a complex and uncertain future.

Effective strategic management frameworks enable managers to focus on the complex issues that must be prioritised to hasten decision-making processes ( Dlamini et al. , 2020 ). Whilst enabling managers important to make the decisions needed to direct the organisational effort towards overcoming specific issues ( Wang et al. , 2021 ). The organisation's effectiveness in addressing critical issues with solutions that best fit the current environmental factors will ensure the vitality and image of the organisation. Strategic management is pertinent to manage the organisation in a continuous, systematic manner.

The first segment of strategic management is the effective action programs chosen to reach these goals and objectives.

The second segment is the resource allocation pattern that relates the organisation to its environment.

Moreover, strategic management is defined as translating the thinking process into an action plan that benefits the organisation to sustain its competitive advantages. Strategy also can be categorised as strategic thinking and strategic planning. Strategy is also the commitment of the top-level management to attaining outcomes aligned with the organisation's strategic objectives. Strategy can be realised when there is consistent outcomes or patterns over the years. Therefore, strategy is planning for the future or determining patterns based on consistent outcomes. Organisations must develop plans and also evolve patterns derived from previous organisational outcomes. These phases can be explained as intended strategy and realised strategy.

The effectiveness of the strategies employed can indicate the organisation's performance in achieving its objectives and goals. Organisations need to measure the outcome of the strategies employed by having measurable objectives that will enhance the employees' commitment towards achieving the goals. Conversely, organisational learning and financial measures such as organisational profitability can also benchmark organisational performance. The responsiveness of organisational performance has a direct relationship and is influenced by management efforts to emphasise leadership within the organisational structure. This is done by observing the support and strategies utilised by managers to achieve the objectives and goals. This paper aims to enhance an understanding of strategic management processes involving decision-making styles towards organisational performance. First, this paper highlights strategic management's operational and theoretical approach towards organisational performance. Moreover, this study enhances the result of previous literature on strategic enablers by explaining the effort involving decision-making to strengthen the organisational structure, particularly the decision-making styles (intuitive and rational), that moderates the relationship between the strategic thinking process and organisational performances ( Ritter, 2014 ).

Academic scholars and practitioners have highlighted the importance of strategic management in measuring organisational performance in terms of innovation, entrepreneurship, technology, knowledge, economics, healthcare and organisational performance ( Adam et al ., 2018 , 2020 ; Alosani et al. , 2020 ). Conversely, there is a knowledge gap on the effective judgement practices of strategic management enablers and organisational performance during decision-making ( Abuhjeeleh et al ., 2018 ; Acciarini et al. , 2021 ; Elrehail et al ., 2020 ; Nguyen, 2020 ). This paper analyses the relationship between strategic management and organisational performance and suggests a framework to elucidate the relationship variables such as moderators, rational and intuitive decision-making styles.

2. Literature review

Strategic management is applying strategic decisions towards the organisational vision to achieve strategic competitiveness and sustain competitive advantages ( Alosani et al. , 2020 ; Rodrigues and Franco, 2019 ). Strategic management is a cognitive impairment of structuring the internal capabilities to fulfil external demands and involves plans, patterns, positions, perspectives and plots ( Mintzberg et al ., 2020 ). Strategic management is the managerial discourse involving a framework of the decision-making process, which highlights how the strategy process is formulated in organisations, acknowledging the cognitive management structure of the organisations. Additionally, the organisation's members need to respond effectually to the decisions made by the management and cooperate to ensure that the organisational vision is reached, given that this will affect the organisational adaptability, legitimacy and performance ( Johnsen, 2015 ). Organisations must be aware of the uncertain environments that can influence their welfare.

Consequently, the strategic management process can be reflected in two directions: strategic planning and strategic thinking. Strategic planning emphasises formulating strategies or disciplined efforts to produce strategic decisions to achieve the organisation's objectives ( Bryson, 2018 ). Strategic planning also can be reflected as a system that enhances the decision-making process among the members of an organisation. The strategic management process needs to be fulfilling for the organisation to sustain its competitive advantages. Moreover, strategic thinking is creative, disruptive, future-focused and experimental and often contradicts traditional notions of strategic planning ( Liedtka, 2000 ). Strategic planning is the principal element of the strategic management process involving resource management, implementation, control and evaluation of strategies ( Poister et al ., 2010 ). Strategic planning focuses on formalising existing strategies and employing creativity to enhance perspectives ( Mintzberg et al ., 2020 ). The uncertainties of environments and conflicting perspectives can be evaluated and addressed using strategic thinking as a part of the organisational decision-making process ( Chin et al ., 2018 ). Studies by Goldman et al . (2015) indicated that organisational members are not actively involved during the strategic decision-making process, leading to the decline in the organisation's performance.

The importance of the strategic decision-making process towards organisational performance was emphasised by Steptoe‐Warren et al. (2011) . The research suggested that evaluating, identifying and validating the process will enhance the strategic thinking process to positively impact performance ( Norzailan et al ., 2016 ). Moreover, strategic thinking plays a vital role in analysing the external factors influencing the process. If the organisational members take it lightly, it will lead to perception deficiencies ( Kızıloglu and Serinkan, 2015 ). Additionally, the study highlighted that strategic planning occurs after strategic thinking ( Alatailat et al ., 2019 ; Bonn, 2001 ; Mintzberg, 1994 ). Consequently, this study will focus on strategic thinking as the fundamental phase in the strategic management process.

A conceptual framework that highlights the management principles among the business process in delivering effective solutions for problems is shown in Figure 1 .

3. Strategic management

Strategic management is defined as a framework for achieving success, and it is pivotal for organisations to achieve their objectives and continuously perform better ( Elliott et al ., 2020 ). Additionally, strategic management is a continuous process of looking for a better action plan to ensure the organisation's competitiveness.

3.1 Strategic thinking

The most challenging issue an organisation faces is awareness of the strategic vision and missions, available resources and identifying opportunities for growth within the organisation ( Bryson, 2018 ). Therefore, strategic thinking is a vital element in the chain of processes, which must be carried out effectively and systematically ( Sahay, 2019 ). Nevertheless, organisations need to be aware that strategic thinking can fail miserly if the decision-makers do not realise the strategic enablers or the factors responsible for the effective strategic thinking process. Strategic enablers influence the thoughts and decision process of the organisational members ( Goldman et al ., 2015 ). Therefore, strategic enablers will lead the organisation's members towards idea growth and personal development, while strategic thinkers expedite the organisational performances ( Alatailat et al ., 2019 ).

Individuals involved in the organisational structure utilise their experiences and thought processes in managing conflicts to enhance strategic thinking ( Alaarj et al ., 2016 ). Strategy managers or thinkers recognise the relationship between business responsibilities and departments and organisations and their business stakeholders ( Cabral et al. , 2019 ). This relationship is known as “system thinking”, where an organisation explores the structure reflected in the action and environment that causes the incident. Additionally, the direction or the organisational destiny is a type of strategic intent utilised to help achieve the business objectives. This occurs when all the employees can concentrate on their purpose until it is achievable.

Strategic intent is pertinent in increasing competitive advantages and improving organisational performance ( Chen et al ., 2015 ). Intelligent firms must be considered before becoming competitive to ensure the organisation can create intelligent opportunities to lead the business emerging strategies towards their vision ( Alaarj et al ., 2016 ). Conversely, the organisation should integrate previous events with the current situation to achieve and align with the organisation's objectives. This is vital for organisations to connect to the past and present environment to envision the firms and prepare for any internal or external challenges in their business ( Abubakar et al ., 2019 ). A hypothesis-driven analysis is the core element in the strategic thinking process to gather relevant information regarding the business. Therefore, the challenges faced must be transformed into a hypothesis-driven analysis to understand better the measures needed to be taken by the stakeholders to improve the organisational performances.

3.2 Decision-making style

The role of managers within an organisation must be elucidated to help enhance the decision-making process to create competitive advantages for the organisation ( Dionisio, 2017 ). Moreover, Porter (1990) emphasised the differences between competitive strategy and competitors. Decision-making styles also play a vital role in formalising the strategic decision procedure and can be defined as a habitual or formal response pattern taken by managers when there is an incident ( Kulcsár et al ., 2020 ). According to Acciarini et al. (2021) , decision-making styles are directly related to cognitive styles involved in the strategic thinking process. Decision-making style, which can be both at individual and team levels, can be classified into intuition and rationality ( Dayan and Di Benedetto, 2011 ; Dayan and Elbanna, 2011 ; Giermindl et al ., 2022 ; Luan et al ., 2019 ; Sukhov et al ., 2021 ). Therefore, the author highlighted that cognitive styles could be divided into two different categories: “feeling as information evaluators”, where managers actively gather information intuitively, and “thinking as information evaluators”, where managers systematically collect information ( Behling et al ., 1980 ). Alternatively, decision-making styles can be considered intuitive and rational information gathering and evaluating styles ( Calabretta et al ., 2017 ).

The intuitive decision-making style can be defined as the episodes of uncertainty patterns of action imposed by managers or the decision-makers based on the current situation. In addition, intuitive decision-makers must be aware of current issues and relate the relationship between cognitive schemes with holistic thinking to resolve problems ( Calabretta et al ., 2017 ). It is also believed that the intuitive decision-making process can be influenced by a sudden awareness of information ( Zhu et al ., 2017 ). Decision-makers can determine solutions without fully understanding or realising the extent of information available. Studies agree that the intuitive decision-making process can occur when unsorted information is restructured into an organised pattern of action that transforms into a conscious solution ( Zander et al ., 2016 ). Furthermore, the intuition organisations performance is enhanced when decision-makers utilise the intuition decision-making style when there is no access or relevant analytical data to support them in making strategic decisions that align with the organisation's objectives ( Temprano-García et al ., 2018 ). Conversely, intuition decision-making also contributes positively to the organisations performance when the issues are resolved quickly despite limited resources or knowledge on the current issues.

Studies by Sauter (1999) emphasised that intuition decision-making or illumination is a sudden awareness of information where the decision-makers are unaware of fundamental facts or information. The author also highlighted several ways to establish the intuitive decision-making process. First, detection is an intuition where decision-makers think of several different situations rather than focusing on the current issue ( Kolbe et al. , 2020 ). Working on current strategic issues will enable managers to comprehend related information to help solve the issue by connecting facts or elements that previously did not relate to each other ( Temprano-García et al ., 2018 ). Another form of intuition is evaluation, where the solution appears as an available option creating a sense of certainty or vague feelings towards the analytical data ( Hodgetts et al ., 2017 ).

Conversely, the intuition decision-making process can also be hypothesised as an explicit and implicit decision-making style ( Tabesh and Vera, 2020 ), where explicit decision utilises feelings or emotion and implicit decisions refer to the experience of the relevant situation ( Bhat  et al ., 2021 ; Remmers et al ., 2016 ). Moreover, intuitive decision-making styles also utilise the subconscious processing of verbalised and nonverbalised facts or information ( Tabesh and Vera, 2020 ). A recent study suggests that intuitive decision-making aided managers in enhancing the strategic decision towards the organisation's performance ( Francioni and Clark, 2020 ).

Rational decision-making involves several solutions that will be analysed based on the issues and the relevance of this information towards the current problem before implementing the final decision ( Temprano-García et al ., 2018 ). The structured information consisting of conscious thinking must be evaluated critically ( Acciarini et al. , 2021 ). In addition, the rational decision-making process will enhance the effectiveness of the decision by structuring the decision criteria by highlighting and evaluating the alternatives individually ( Fitzgerald et al ., 2017 ). The decision-makers or the managers who utilise rational decision-making styles are more likely to be vigilant and organised about available information during decision-making ( Zhu et al ., 2021 ).

3.3 Organisational performance

For five decades, organisational performance has been widely researched by academic scholars and business practitioners ( Adam et al ., 2018 ). Organisational performance has been analysed in terms of normative and descriptive explanations in strategic planning research for continuous improvement in managing organisational performance ( Buddika et al ., 2016 ). Organisational performance can be explained by describing how things happen without judging good or bad. Alternatively, the organisational performance also can be elucidated by an evaluation in terms of performance against a benchmarked alternative or standard or by a descriptive statement explaining how the situation occurs without judgement ( Camilleri, 2021 ). Even though most research is done on the continuous improvements of organisational performance, practitioners still have many arguments and discussions on the terminology and conceptual bases to determine organisational performance ( Sarraf and Nejad, 2020 ).

Organisational performance can be reflected based on the results of the organisation's common objectives, given that the methods implemented are coherently used. Consequently, the performance processes' flow or the input resources can be critically analysed ( Tsai et al ., 2020 ). The effectiveness of organisational performance is influenced by the process implemented and can be measured by the achievements. Furthermore, organisational performance is defined as analysing the series of improvements to achieve organisational objectives. Generally, various factors can be associated with organisational performance, such as organisational structures, conflict, cross-cultural and social influences ( Sinnaiah et al. , 2023 ).

Performance measurement is a systematic series to identify the effectiveness and efficiency of people's behaviour to perform to their utmost abilities. Adam et al . (2018) described performance measurement as a unit, department or business process. Therefore, it is conceptualised that there is a structural relationship between organisational performance and performance measurement. Moreover, performance measurement requires substantive and relevant restructuring of input resources and processes to be aligned with the current system to increase productivity level or performance. Failure to analyse the performance measures will weaken the organisational strength and drain the organisation's efforts ( Alosani et al. , 2020 ). Thus, strategic thinking can be a highly effective performance measure for organisations.

4. Propositions

4.1 strategic thinking process and performance.

Strategic thinking is a structured assessment of analysing and synthesising information, intensively assessing the current situation and initiating new ideas or best available options to achieve strategic objectives ( Dhir and Dhir, 2020 ). An organisation's success depends on strategic thinking as it will enhance a decision-maker's skills, abilities and knowledge and help sustain competitiveness in uncertain environments ( Dhir et al ., 2021 ). Consequently, the process of strategic thinking is crucial for any organisation to successfully achieve and survive in the market for a more extended period. Decision-makers need to be effective and cognisant of the business opportunities that arise from innovating new ideas to enhance the strategic portfolio of organisations ( Bryson et al ., 2018 ).

Strategic thinking process will positively influence organisational performance.

4.2 Rational decision-making style, strategic thinking process and performance

In evaluating an organisation's performance and the uncertainties of the environment that influences the complexities in achieving positive growth for the organisation successfully, managers must have decision-making skills that utilise strategic thinking processes. Moreover, managers must be responsible for making fast and effective solutions by analysing, evaluating and prioritising available information to overcome strategic issues and obtain positive results ( Acciarini et al. , 2021 ). According to Calabretta et al . (2017) , there is a positive correlation between the strategic thinking process and decision-making style. Decision-making styles have the same structure as strategic thinking, which involves different levels, such as organisation or individuals.

Rational decision-making will moderate the relationship between the strategic thinking process and organisational performance.

4.3 Intuitive decision-making style, strategic thinking process and performance

Several studies highlight the roles of the strategic thinking process among managers within the boundaries of our cognitive capacities ( Kaufmann et al ., 2017 ) and postulate that mental flexibility can influence it ( Barlach and Plonski, 2021 ). Studies also emphasise that managers or decision-makers often utilise intuition during challenging situations, which is expected compared to the rational way of analysing the issues ( Kaufmann et al ., 2017 ). This intuition process can be a two-fold construct consisting of experience-based and emotionally affected situations. Additionally, this can involve a complex process of information affected by new cues towards previous experiences stored in their memory and transform it into subconscious action in the decision-making process ( Stanczyk et al ., 2015 ). Based on the study done by Simon (1976) , academic scholars and practitioners emphasised that managers are highly keen on inner feelings or gut feelings involving strategic decisions when faced with competitive issues ( Al-Jaifi and Al-Rassas, 2019 ; Bozhinov et al ., 2021 ; Palaniappan, 2017 ). The decision-making process utilising intuition uses available information, which might not have been available in the past, to quicken the process of decision-making. It is also important to realise that decision-making depends on the issues faced by the organisations, and not all issues require a rational decision-making style. For specific issues, managers might only need relevant information, deliberation and formal procedures to derive effective solutions for the organisation compared to instances where the managers are not bounded by any set of procedures or rules to solve the issue.

Therefore, strategic thinking is a process of synthesis, and based on intuitive decision-making style, where the outcome is an integrated perspective of the enterprise, managers can utilise intuition decision-making style to arrive at a solution with complete freedom and flexibility towards the organisational performance. The decision-makers attempt to be involved in the decision-making process while being aware of the current issues and having a sense of relationship among the cognitive schemas with the approach of holistic thinking to determine the solution to the problem ( Khemka and Hickson, 2021 ). It is clear that the intuitive decision-making process would include the issues faced by the organisation in analysing the issues and synthesis ( Zhu et al ., 2017 ) although all the processes occur under the sense of relationship or perception. It is also believed that the intuitive decision-making process could be influenced by the decision-makers upon the sudden awareness of information ( Peng et al ., 2020 ), whereby the decision-makers could propose a solution without the understanding or realisation of why the facts are present.

Intuitive decision-making will moderate the relationship between the strategic thinking process and organisational performance.

5. Discussion and conclusion

This paper reviews strategic management involving the strategic thinking process, organisational performance and decision-making styles with extant empirical work transforming into propositions, with the ultimate goal being to integrate the strategic management process into a systematised and approachable process that needs a fast response. Strategic management plays a vital role in aligning the standard repertoire of an organisation's strategic thinking. Moreover, managers must realise that strategic thinking has a unique process that depends on the situation. The thinking process should be aligned with the specific scenarios to ensure the best solution can be implemented. To sustain competitive advantage, managers should be effectively involved in the strategic thinking process to positively impact their organisations ( Bryson et al ., 2018 ).

The importance of strategic thinking enablers (systems perspective, focused intent, intelligent opportunism, thinking in time and hypothesis-driven analysis) was emphasised in the strategic thinking process and organisational performance. The systems perspective exposes the importance of organisations understanding the relationship between functions and departments internally and externally. Furthermore, organisations need to consider the functional, business and organisation strategies towards a highly competitive environment ( Buddika et al ., 2016 ). Consequently, these systems perspectives will help organisations manage interactions effectively across all departments to enhance productivity. Focus on intent will guide the organisations towards achieving strategic objectives and resisting eccentricity ( Bromiley and Rau, 2015 ). Focus intent will positively aid organisations to be more competitive in the long run as the managers realise the sense of discovery in managing strategic objectives. Therefore, it will improve the performance and consciously push the organisation towards innovation by eliminating limitations and becoming high achievers. Conversely, intelligent opportunism will enhance the strategic objectives by creating new opportunities to be more competitive although the strategies do not align with the current vision of the organisation. This is where intelligent opportunism will play an essential role at the managerial level of the organisation to effectively communicate and measure organisational performances ( Camilleri, 2021 ).

Emerging strategies will boost the organisation's motivation and productivity and should be carefully evaluated from time to time as the future of the organisations might be projected based on the past performance. Therefore, the importance of swift thinking permits the strategic managers to purposefully analyse the mission and vision of the organisation over time. The right action at the right time will help the organisations sustain competitively and save the organisations from self-destruction by limiting the positive changes made to help improve the organisation's performance ( Adam et al ., 2018 ).

Maintaining the balance between thinking creation and cognitive processing ( Calabretta et al ., 2017 ) and enhancing organisational performance (education, financial, creative, innovation, e-commerce and quality) is a challenge faced when creating effective management strategies ( Adam et al ., 2018 ; Al-Jaifi and Al-Rassas, 2019 ; Alharbi et al ., 2019 ; Arvis et al ., 2018 ). In addition, based on previous theoretical perspectives, most of the research scenarios will be based on the governance mechanisms of management and the policy development impacts on organisational performance ( Abubakar et al ., 2019 ). Therefore, based on extensive empirical and conceptual research, strategic thinking processes positively contribute to measuring organisational performance. Based on previous research, this study infers that cognitive development plays an effective role in the segregation of control between strategic thinking, which serves as a barrier to becoming more competitive and innovative in the long run ( Adam et al ., 2018 ). In addition, this happens among employees and directly impacts the quality of the organisational harmonies, such as mutual respect, trust and welfare of the employees. A cognitive processing environment is the use of intuition and rationality in decision-making with equal importance. The managers utilise intuition decision-making styles to resolve unrelated information received. During the strategic thinking process, the managers will receive unsorted information without processed knowledge which will be later organised into sorted knowledge using intuition styles ( Zander et al ., 2016 ). However, the rational decision-making style focuses more on the analytical procedure to conclude an issue the organisation faces. This helps the managers build confidence in the solution by eliminating uncertainty during decision-making ( Zhu et al ., 2021 ). Moreover, managers will only accept solutions with clear and less ambiguous information (rational) compared to managers utilising a more subconscious style (intuition) when formulating solutions. Consequently, there will be conflict in the decision-making process within the organisations.

According to Boamah et al. (2022) , the effectiveness of decision-making styles can differ according to the situation and the dependents. Alternatively, both decision-making styles were highlighted as an alternative way of generating a problem–solution approach within organisations ( Kolbe et al. , 2020 ; Stanczyk et al ., 2015 ). This study argues that both decision-making styles have equal importance in resolving problem–solution approaches and can be a harmonious process to achieve an effective performance measure. This argument is supported by Acciarini et al. (2021) , Tabesh and Vera (2020) . Therefore, this study concludes that both decision-making styles (rational and intuition) positively impact the strategic thinking process and organisational performance. Based on the framework in Figure 1 , the proposed framework highlights the missing sections of cognitive processing among businesses when delivering effective solutions for a complex problem. Organisations have only emphasised human capital and treated it as a scarce resource that will determine the organisation's performance. This study proposed that future strategic management researchers should explore the thinking process literature's core principles to investigate policy development further. Future research should transform these academic initiatives into empirical research by implementing this proposed model.

Conceptual framework

Competing interests: The authors reported no competing interests.

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The authors acknowledge the administration of Azman Hashim International Business School, Block T08, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, for providing the facilities and the PhD Scholar room during this research.

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Financial Management Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

Financial management research paper topics have emerged as an essential part of contemporary education in business and economics. As financial management continues to evolve with global economic changes, the need for research and analysis in this area grows. This article provides a comprehensive guide for students who study management and are assigned to write research papers on various aspects of financial management. From understanding the diverse topics to learning how to write an impactful research paper, this page offers valuable insights. Additionally, it introduces iResearchNet’s writing services, specifically tailored to assist students in achieving academic excellence. The content is structured to guide students through topic selection, writing, and leveraging professional services to meet their academic goals. Whether a novice or an advanced student of financial management, this resource offers a multifaceted perspective on the vast and dynamic field of financial management research.

100 Financial Management Research Paper Topics

The field of financial management offers a vast array of research paper topics. This complex discipline touches every aspect of business operations, influencing strategic planning, decision-making, and organizational growth. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of financial management research paper topics, divided into 10 categories. Each category offers 10 unique topics that cater to various interests within financial management. These topics have been carefully selected to reflect the richness and diversity of the subject.

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Get 10% off with 24start discount code, financial planning and control.

  • The Role of Budgeting in Financial Planning
  • Strategic Financial Management in SMEs
  • The Impact of Working Capital Management on Profitability
  • Ethical Considerations in Financial Planning
  • Risk Management in Financial Planning
  • Cost Control Techniques in Manufacturing
  • Financial Decision-making Processes in Non-profit Organizations
  • The Impact of Inflation on Financial Planning
  • International Financial Planning Strategies
  • The Relationship between Corporate Governance and Financial Planning

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

  • The Efficient Market Hypothesis: A Critical Analysis
  • The Role of Behavioral Finance in Investment Decisions
  • Modern Portfolio Theory and Its Limitations
  • Risk and Return Analysis in Emerging Markets
  • Socially Responsible Investment Strategies
  • The Impact of Political Instability on Investment Decisions
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): An In-depth Study
  • Impact of Technology on Portfolio Management
  • Mutual Funds vs. ETFs: A Comparative Study
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Investment Management

Corporate Finance

  • Capital Structure Decisions in Startups
  • The Role of Dividends in Corporate Financial Management
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Strategic Financial Analysis
  • Corporate Financing in Developing Economies
  • An Analysis of Venture Capital Financing
  • The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Performance
  • The Role of Financial Management in Business Turnaround Strategies
  • Debt Financing vs. Equity Financing: A Comparative Analysis
  • Corporate Financial Risk Management Strategies
  • Financing Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities

International Financial Management

  • Exchange Rate Dynamics and International Financial Decisions
  • The Role of International Financial Institutions in Economic Development
  • Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Globalization and Its Impact on Financial Management
  • International Tax Planning Strategies
  • Challenges in Managing International Financial Risk
  • Currency Risk Management in Multinational Corporations
  • International Capital Budgeting Decisions
  • The Impact of Cultural Differences on International Financial Management
  • Foreign Direct Investment Strategies and Financial Management

Financial Markets and Institutions

  • The Role of Central Banks in Financial Stability
  • The Evolution of Microfinance Institutions
  • The Impact of Regulation on Banking Operations
  • An Analysis of Stock Market Efficiency
  • Financial Derivatives and Risk Management
  • The Role of Technology in Financial Services
  • A Study of Financial Crises and Regulatory Responses
  • Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms: A New Paradigm
  • The Role of Credit Rating Agencies in Financial Markets
  • The Future of Cryptocurrency in the Financial Landscape

Personal Finance Management

  • Financial Literacy and Personal Investment Decisions
  • The Role of Technology in Personal Finance Management
  • Retirement Planning Strategies
  • Impact of Consumer Behavior on Personal Financial Decisions
  • Personal Finance Management in the Gig Economy
  • A Study of Personal Bankruptcy Trends
  • Credit Card Management Strategies for Individuals
  • The Effect of Education on Personal Financial Management
  • The Role of Financial Counseling in Personal Finance
  • Estate Planning: A Comprehensive Analysis

Risk Management

  • Enterprise Risk Management: A Strategic Approach
  • The Role of Insurance in Financial Risk Management
  • Financial Innovations in Risk Management
  • A Study of Credit Risk Management in Banks
  • Risk Management Strategies in Supply Chain Finance
  • Cyber Risk Management in Financial Institutions
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Financial Risks
  • A Study of Operational Risk Management in the Healthcare Sector
  • Behavioral Aspects of Risk Management
  • Crisis Management and Financial Stability

Financial Technology (FinTech)

  • The Rise of Blockchain Technology in Finance
  • The Impact of FinTech on Traditional Banking
  • Regulatory Challenges in the Age of FinTech
  • Financial Inclusion through FinTech Innovation
  • Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services
  • The Future of Cryptocurrencies: Opportunities and Risks
  • A Study of Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms
  • FinTech and Consumer Privacy: Ethical Considerations
  • Mobile Banking: An Evolutionary Study
  • The Role of Big Data Analytics in Financial Decision Making

Ethics and Sustainability in Finance

  • Ethical Investing: Trends and Challenges
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in Finance
  • Sustainable Finance in Emerging Economies
  • Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Criteria in Investment
  • The Impact of Business Ethics on Financial Performance
  • The Role of Sustainability in Corporate Financial Strategy
  • Green Bonds and Financing Sustainable Development
  • Social Impact Investing: Opportunities and Challenges
  • A Study of Gender Equality in Financial Institutions
  • Financial Strategies for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

Accounting and Finance

  • Forensic Accounting: Techniques and Case Studies
  • The Role of Management Accounting in Financial Decision-making
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Adoption
  • The Impact of Taxation on Financial Management
  • Accounting Information Systems: An In-depth Analysis
  • The Role of Auditing in Corporate Governance
  • Accounting Ethics: A Study of Professional Conduct
  • Environmental Accounting and Sustainable Development
  • The Effect of Automation on Accounting Practices
  • A Comparative Study of GAAP and IFRS

The extensive list above offers a broad spectrum of financial management research paper topics. They cater to different academic levels and areas of interest, providing a wealth of opportunities for students to explore the multi-dimensional world of financial management. The selection of these topics can lead to exciting discoveries and insights, pushing the boundaries of existing knowledge in the field. Whether it’s understanding the intricate dynamics of global finance or delving into the ethical considerations in investment decisions, these topics serve as starting points for thought-provoking research that can shape future practices in financial management. By choosing a topic from this comprehensive list, students embark on a journey of intellectual exploration that can contribute to both academic success and the broader understanding of financial management in the modern world.

Financial Management and the Range of Research Paper Topics

Financial management is a multifaceted discipline that stands at the intersection of economics, business administration, and finance. It governs the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of financial activities within an organization or individual framework. In an ever-changing global economy, the importance of financial management cannot be overstated. It empowers organizations and individuals to make informed decisions, manage risks, and achieve financial stability and growth. This article delves into the vast domain of financial management and explores the wide array of research paper topics it offers.

A. Definition and Core Concepts of Financial Management

Financial management refers to the efficient and effective management of money to achieve specific objectives. It involves processes and tasks such as budgeting, forecasting, investment analysis, risk management, and financial reporting. The primary goals are to maximize shareholder value, ensure liquidity, and maintain solvency.

  • Budgeting and Forecasting : These processes involve planning and estimating future financial needs and outcomes. They guide decision-making and help in aligning resources with organizational goals.
  • Investment Analysis : This includes evaluating investment opportunities and determining the most profitable and sustainable investments.
  • Risk Management : This aspect focuses on identifying, evaluating, and mitigating financial risks, including market risk, credit risk, and operational risk.
  • Financial Reporting : This entails the preparation and presentation of financial statements that accurately reflect the financial position of an organization.

B. Importance of Financial Management

  • Ensuring Financial Stability : Effective financial management helps in maintaining the financial health of an organization or individual by ensuring a balance between income and expenditure.
  • Optimizing Resources : It enables the optimal utilization of resources by aligning them with short-term and long-term goals.
  • Strategic Planning : Financial management plays a key role in strategic planning by providing insights into financial capabilities and constraints.
  • Enhancing Profitability : By making informed investment and operational decisions, financial management enhances the profitability of an organization.

C. Modern Trends and Challenges in Financial Management

The evolution of technology, globalization, regulatory changes, and societal expectations have shaped modern financial management. Some noteworthy trends and challenges include:

  • Financial Technology (FinTech) : The integration of technology into financial services has revolutionized banking, investing, and risk management.
  • Globalization : The interconnectedness of global markets presents both opportunities and challenges in managing international financial operations.
  • Sustainability and Ethics : The growing focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria has led to ethical investing and sustainable finance.
  • Regulatory Compliance : Navigating the complex regulatory landscape is a challenge that requires constant adaptation and vigilance.

D. Range of Research Paper Topics in Financial Management

The vastness of financial management offers a rich source of research paper topics. From exploring the intricacies of investment analysis to understanding the ethical dimensions of finance, the possibilities are endless. The following are some broad categories:

  • Corporate Finance : Topics related to capital structure, mergers and acquisitions, dividend policies, and more.
  • Investment and Portfolio Management : Including research on investment strategies, portfolio optimization, risk and return analysis, etc.
  • International Financial Management : This encompasses studies on exchange rate dynamics, global financial strategies, cross-border investments, etc.
  • Risk Management : Topics include various risk management techniques, insurance, financial innovations in risk management, etc.
  • Personal Finance Management : This field covers financial planning for individuals, retirement strategies, credit management, etc.
  • Financial Technology : Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, mobile banking, and more fall under this innovative domain.
  • Ethics and Sustainability in Finance : Research in this area may focus on ethical investing, corporate social responsibility, green financing, etc.

Financial management is an expansive and dynamic field that intertwines various elements of finance, economics, and business administration. Its importance in today’s world is immense, given the complexities of the global financial system. The array of research paper topics that this subject offers is indicative of its diversity and depth.

From traditional concepts like budgeting and investment analysis to modern phenomena like FinTech and sustainability, the world of financial management continues to evolve. It invites scholars, practitioners, and students to explore, question, and contribute to its understanding.

The range of research paper topics in financial management offers avenues for academic inquiry and practical application. Whether it’s investigating the effects of globalization on financial strategies or exploring personal finance management in the gig economy, there’s a topic to spark curiosity and inspire research. These research endeavors not only enrich academic literature but also play a crucial role in shaping the future of financial management. In a rapidly changing world, continuous exploration and learning in this field are essential to remain relevant, innovative, and responsible.

How to Choose Financial Management Research Paper Topics

Choosing the right research paper topic in the field of financial management is a critical step in the research process. The chosen topic can shape the direction, depth, and impact of the research. Given the wide array of subfields within financial management, selecting a suitable topic can be both exciting and challenging. Here’s a comprehensive guide to assist you in choosing the ideal financial management research paper topic.

1. Understand Your Interest and Strengths

  • Assess Your Interests : Consider what aspects of financial management intrigue you the most. Your enthusiasm for a subject can greatly enhance the research process.
  • Identify Your Strengths : Understanding where your skills and knowledge lie can guide you towards a topic that you can explore competently.
  • Connect with Real-world Issues : Relating your interests to current industry challenges or trends can make your research more relevant and engaging.

2. Consider the Scope and Depth

  • Define the Scope : A clear understanding of the scope helps in keeping the research focused. Too broad a topic can make the research vague, while too narrow may limit your exploration.
  • Determine the Depth : Decide how deep you want to delve into the topic. Some subjects may require extensive quantitative analysis, while others may be more theoretical.

3. Examine Academic and Industry Relevance

  • Align with Academic Requirements : Ensure that the topic aligns with your course objectives and academic requirements.
  • Analyze Industry Needs : Consider how your research could contribute to the industry or address specific financial management challenges.

4. Evaluate Available Resources and Data

  • Assess Data Accessibility : Ensure that you can access the necessary data and information to conduct your research.
  • Consider Resource Limitations : Be mindful of the time, financial, and technological resources that you’ll need to complete your research.

5. Review Existing Literature

  • Analyze Previous Research : Review related literature to identify gaps, controversies, or emerging trends that you can explore.
  • Avoid Duplication : Ensure that your chosen topic is unique and not merely a repetition of existing studies.

6. Consult with Experts and Peers

  • Seek Guidance from Faculty : Consulting with faculty or mentors can provide valuable insights and direction.
  • Collaborate with Peers : Discussions with classmates or colleagues can help in refining ideas and getting diverse perspectives.

7. Consider Ethical Implications

  • Evaluate Ethical Considerations : Ensure that your research complies with ethical guidelines, especially if it involves human subjects or sensitive data.
  • Reflect on Social Impact : Consider how your research might influence society, policy, or industry standards.

8. Test the Feasibility

  • Conduct a Preliminary Study : A small-scale preliminary study or analysis can help in gauging the feasibility of the research.
  • Set Realistic Goals : Ensure that your research objectives are achievable within the constraints of time, resources, and expertise.

9. Align with Career Goals

  • Consider Future Applications : Think about how this research might align with your career goals or professional development.
  • Build on Past Experience : Leveraging your past experiences or projects can lend depth and continuity to your research.

10. Stay Flexible and Adaptable

  • Be Open to Change : Research is often an iterative process; being flexible allows for adaptation as new insights or challenges emerge.
  • Maintain a Balanced Perspective : While focusing on your chosen topic, keep an open mind to interrelated areas that might enrich your research.

Choosing the right financial management research paper topic is a nuanced process that requires careful consideration of various factors. From understanding personal interests and academic needs to evaluating resources, ethics, and feasibility, each aspect plays a significant role in shaping the research journey.

By following this comprehensive guide, students can navigate the complexities of selecting a suitable research paper topic in financial management. The ultimate goal is to find a topic that resonates with one’s interests, aligns with academic and professional objectives, and contributes meaningfully to the field of financial management. Whether delving into the dynamics of risk management or exploring the impact of FinTech innovations, the chosen topic should be a catalyst for inquiry, creativity, and growth.

How to Write a Financial Management Research Paper

Writing a research paper on financial management is a rigorous process that demands a thorough understanding of financial concepts, analytical skills, and adherence to academic standards. From selecting the right topic to presenting the final piece, each step must be methodically planned and executed. This section provides a comprehensive guide to help students craft an impactful financial management research paper.

1. Understand the Assignment

  • Read the Guidelines : Begin by understanding the specific requirements of the assignment, including formatting, length, deadlines, and the expected structure.
  • Clarify Doubts : If any aspect of the assignment is unclear, seek clarification from your instructor or mentor to avoid mistakes.

2. Choose a Strong Topic

  • Identify Your Interest : Select a topic that interests you, aligns with your strengths, and meets academic and industry relevance. Refer to the previous section for detailed guidelines on choosing a topic.

3. Conduct Extensive Research

  • Explore Varied Sources : Use academic journals, textbooks, online databases, and industry reports to gather diverse perspectives and evidence.
  • Evaluate the Credibility : Ensure that the sources are credible, relevant, and up-to-date.
  • Organize Your Findings : Maintain well-organized notes, including source citations, to facilitate smooth writing later.

4. Develop a Thesis Statement

  • Define Your Focus : Craft a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the central argument or purpose of your research.
  • Align with the Evidence : Ensure that your thesis is well-supported by the evidence you have gathered.

5. Create an Outline

  • Structure Your Paper : Plan the structure of your paper, including the introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Organize Ideas : Arrange your ideas, arguments, and evidence logically within the outline.

6. Write a Compelling Introduction

  • Introduce the Topic : Provide background information and context to the reader.
  • Present the Thesis : Clearly state your thesis to guide the reader through your research.
  • Engage the Reader : Use compelling language to create interest in your study.

7. Develop the Body of the Paper

  • Present Your Arguments : Use clear and concise paragraphs to present each main idea or argument.
  • Support with Evidence : Include relevant data, charts, graphs, or quotations to support your claims.
  • Use Subheadings : Subheadings can help in organizing the content and making it more reader-friendly.

8. Include Financial Analysis

  • Apply Financial Models : Use relevant financial models, theories, or frameworks that pertain to your topic.
  • Perform Quantitative Analysis : Utilize statistical tools, if necessary, to analyze financial data.
  • Interpret the Results : Ensure that you not only present the numbers but also interpret what they mean in the context of your research.

9. Write a Thoughtful Conclusion

  • Summarize Key Points : Recap the main arguments and findings of your paper.
  • Restate the Thesis : Reiterate your thesis in light of the evidence presented.
  • Provide Insights : Offer insights, implications, or recommendations based on your research.

10. Revise and Edit

  • Review for Clarity : Read through the paper to ensure that the ideas flow logically and the arguments are well-articulated.
  • Check for Errors : Look for grammatical, spelling, and formatting errors.
  • Seek Feedback : Consider getting feedback from peers, tutors, or mentors to enhance the quality of your paper.

11. Follow Formatting Guidelines

  • Adhere to Citation Style : Follow the required citation style (APA, MLA, etc.) consistently throughout the paper.
  • Include a Bibliography : List all the references used in the research in a properly formatted bibliography.
  • Add Appendices if Needed : Include any supplementary material like data sets or additional calculations in the appendices.

Writing a financial management research paper is a complex task that demands meticulous planning, diligent research, critical analysis, and clear communication. By adhering to these detailed guidelines, students can craft a research paper that not only meets academic standards but also contributes to the understanding of intricate financial management concepts.

Whether exploring investment strategies, corporate finance, or financial risk management, a well-crafted research paper showcases one’s analytical capabilities, comprehension of financial principles, and the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. It is an invaluable exercise in intellectual exploration and professional development within the realm of financial management.

iResearchNet Writing Services

For custom financial management research paper.

For students who are striving to excel in their academic journey, but are grappling with the challenges of creating a robust financial management research paper, iResearchNet comes to the rescue. With an array of quality writing services tailored to suit your unique needs, we are here to help you achieve your academic goals. Here’s an overview of our unique offerings, aimed at providing you the best in custom financial management research paper writing.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : Our team comprises handpicked writers, each holding degrees in finance or related fields. They come with a wealth of experience in academic writing, industry exposure, and a deep understanding of financial management concepts. They have the expertise to delve into complex topics and transform them into comprehensive, high-quality research papers.
  • Custom Written Works : At iResearchNet, we believe every assignment is unique. We offer bespoke services, writing each paper from scratch, ensuring it matches your specific requirements and academic level. Our writers create well-structured, argumentative, and analytically sound papers that reflect original thinking.
  • In-Depth Research : We recognize the importance of thorough research in crafting a superior financial management paper. Our writers dive deep into a variety of resources, extracting relevant information, data, and insights to ensure that your paper is rich in content, evidential support, and critical analysis.
  • Custom Formatting : We adhere to the formatting style of your choice – APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or Harvard. Our writers are adept at applying these styles to your paper, ensuring that every citation, reference, and the general layout complies with the required academic standards.
  • Top Quality : Our commitment to quality is uncompromising. Each paper goes through a rigorous quality check, ensuring clarity of thought, precision of language, validity of arguments, and the overall coherence of the paper.
  • Customized Solutions : We recognize that each student has unique needs. Our writers engage in a collaborative process with you to understand your academic objectives, style preferences, and specific requirements to provide a custom solution that best fits your needs.
  • Flexible Pricing : We offer our premium services at competitive prices. We believe that every student deserves access to quality writing services, and our flexible pricing system ensures our services are affordable.
  • Short Deadlines : Faced with a tight deadline? No worries. We can handle urgent orders, with turnaround times as short as three hours for certain assignments, without compromising on quality.
  • Timely Delivery : We respect your timelines and are committed to delivering your paper well within your specified deadline, giving you ample time for review and revisions, if needed.
  • 24/7 Support : Our dedicated customer service team is available around the clock to answer your queries, resolve any issues, and provide updates on your order status.
  • Absolute Privacy : We have stringent privacy policies in place to ensure the confidentiality of your personal information and order details. We guarantee that your data will never be shared with third parties.
  • Easy Order Tracking : Our user-friendly online platform enables you to easily track your order’s progress, communicate with the writer, and manage all aspects of your order conveniently.
  • Money Back Guarantee : Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with our services, we offer a money-back guarantee, assuring you that your investment is safe with us.

With iResearchNet, you can rest assured that your financial management research paper is in capable hands. We understand the challenges that come with academic writing and strive to offer a comprehensive, stress-free solution that caters to your specific needs. Our core values of quality, integrity, and customer satisfaction drive us to deliver top-tier services that elevate your academic journey.

Leave the daunting task of research and writing to us, and focus on what truly matters – learning, understanding, and applying financial management concepts. So, reach out today, and let us help you turn your academic challenges into opportunities for growth and success!

Unlock Your Potential with iResearchNet – Your Partner in Academic Success!

Are you ready to take your financial management research paper to the next level? The journey to academic excellence is filled with challenges, but you don’t have to face them alone. With iResearchNet’s team of highly qualified writers and industry experts, we’ve got your back!

1. Embrace Quality and Excellence: We are not just offering a service; we are offering a partnership in your academic success. Our carefully crafted research papers are more than mere assignments; they are learning tools, meticulously designed to help you understand and excel in financial management.

2. Save Time, Learn More: By trusting us with your research paper, you free yourself to focus on understanding core financial management concepts, preparing for exams, or engaging in other valuable educational pursuits. Let us handle the intricate details of research and writing.

3. Invest in Your Future: This is more than just another paper; it’s a step towards your future career in finance. Our expertly crafted custom papers can be your gateway to deeper insights and better grades.

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Enhancing sustainability through weather derivative option contracts: a risk management tool in greek agriculture.

strategic financial management research paper

1. Introduction

2. materials and methods, 2.1. pricing weather derivatives, 2.2. design of different option strategies, 2.3. value at risk (var) methodology.

  • μ is the mean (average) value the total market value of tree crops for all winter periods.
  • σ is the standard deviation of total market value of tree crops for all winter periods.
  • Ζα is the Z-value corresponding to the confidence level (95%).
  • VaRα represents the value at risk at the α confidence level, which represents the maximum expected loss.

2.4. Study Area and Temperature Data

3.1. basis statistical characteristics of hdd index and the graph of index development, 3.2. analysis of hdd options strategies, 3.3. hedging effectiveness, 4. discussion, 5. conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

MonthAvg High (°C)Avg Low (°C)
Statistical CharacteristicsHDD Index
Standard Deviation117.39
Range (Dispersion)424.6
Coefficient of Variation0.0983
Premium of Call OptionStrike Price Based on HDD IndexPremium of Put Option
EUR 76.341135.44EUR 18.38
EUR 45.621194.14EUR 45.68
EUR 23.771252.83EUR 81.80
HDD Index Range
Strike Price
Payoff from Long StrategyPremium of Call (cL)Net Payoff
HDD ≤ K1135.44077.3−76.3
HDD ≥ K1135.44HDD -
77.3(HDD -1135.44)-76.3
HDD ≤ K1194.14045.6−46.26
HDD ≥ K1194.14HDD -
45.6(HDD -1194.14)-45.6
HDD ≤ K1252.83023.7−23.7
HDD ≥ K1252.83HDD -
23.7(HDD -1252.83)-23.7
HDD Index Range
Strike Price
Payoff of LongPremium of Call (cL)Payoff of PutPremium of Put (pL)Long Straddle Payoff (LP)Net Payoff
HDD ≤ K1135.44HDD -1135.4476.31135.4-HDD 18.3Call + Put PayoffLP-
HDD ≥ K1135.44HDD -1135.4476.31135.4-HDD 18.3Call + Put PayoffLP-
HDD ≤ K1194.14HDD -1135.4445.61194.1-HDD 45.6Call + Put PayoffLP-
HDD ≥ K1194.14HDD -1194.1445.61194.1-HDD 45.6Call + Put PayoffLP-
HDD ≤ K1252.8HDD -1252.8323.71252.8-HDD 81.8Call + Put PayoffLP-
HDD ≥ K1252.8HDD -1252.823.71252.8-HDD 81.8Call + Put PayoffLP-
Without Hedging (WH)WH+S1WH+S2WH+S3WH+S4WH+S5WH+S6
Without HedgingS1S2S3S4S5S6
Value at Risk (VaR)11,706,5809,972,59710,412,17510,886,2089,899,08610,524,24111,044,387
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Share and Cite

Prentzas, A.; Bournaris, T.; Nastis, S.; Moulogianni, C.; Vlontzos, G. Enhancing Sustainability through Weather Derivative Option Contracts: A Risk Management Tool in Greek Agriculture. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 7372.

Prentzas A, Bournaris T, Nastis S, Moulogianni C, Vlontzos G. Enhancing Sustainability through Weather Derivative Option Contracts: A Risk Management Tool in Greek Agriculture. Sustainability . 2024; 16(17):7372.

Prentzas, Angelos, Thomas Bournaris, Stefanos Nastis, Christina Moulogianni, and George Vlontzos. 2024. "Enhancing Sustainability through Weather Derivative Option Contracts: A Risk Management Tool in Greek Agriculture" Sustainability 16, no. 17: 7372.

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