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Rules of Job Sequencing in Production

1/13/21 12:00 AM

By PlanetTogether

One of the ultimate goals in manufacturing is to ensure that all customer demands are produced on time for the lowest cost possible . As most resources in a production facility have limited capacity, it is common to have multiple jobs in the queue, waiting to be worked on by those resources.

Rules of Job Sequencing in Production

Deciding on the order of jobs can be a real challenge for schedulers as you must coordinate variables such as material availability, resource capacity, upstream and downstream operations, and the need date - to name a few examples. 

When a sub-optimal schedule is created, you may inadvertently create a ‘waiting line’ in front of slower machines, thereby increasing the number of WIP items and inventory holding costs.

Job Sequencing Rules have been created to help manufacturers and schedulers create optimized production schedules. Your production schedule sets the course for your business performance. An optimized production schedule will ensure that jobs and orders are completed within the timeframe they are given.

Job Sequencing Rules

There are many Job Sequencing Rules that can be used. Here are some of them:

  • Earliest Due Date - A common job sequencing technique is to prioritize jobs that have the earliest need date. This can also be referred to as ‘Due Date Assignment’ and it places a high priority on processing jobs with early dues dates in an effort to complete all jobs on time. This technique allows you to measure job shop quality performance through the number of late jobs, average tardiness across late jobs, and average tardiness among all jobs. Although the goal of this technique is to ensure that all jobs are completed before their due date, there can be some inefficiencies in the schedule due to frequent changeovers.
  • Longest Processing Time - The longest processing time methods assigns highest priority to jobs with the longest processing time. When scheduling longer jobs at the beginning of the schedule, the schedulers can reduce a large amount of much more time consuming jobs at the end of the job schedule. This form of job sequencing is extremely beneficial to manufacturers as it ensures that long jobs have time to complete before they are needed. This job sequencing technique relies on knowing the processing length for each operation to determine which jobs actually take the longest.
  • Shortest Processing Time - Another common method of job sequencing that is based on completion time is the shortest processing time method. This method assigns highest priority to jobs with the shortest processing time. Similar to the longest processing time job sequencing method, this requires a time estimation for each operation of the job. The shortest processing time can effectively reduce the average flow time and minimize the mean waiting time for jobs.
  • First-Come, First Serve - The first-come, first-served sequencing method processes orders in the order of their arrival at their production facility or resource. The arrival time is a key component and factor within the job sequencing rule, which is what separates it from methods such as longest processing time and shortest processing time. This method is commonly used in production facilities as it is extremely easy to implement and there is no estimation required for the processing time length.
  • Least Setup Hours - This rule is often used in cases where setup or changeover time is incurred when changing from one type of material, dye, or other attribute to another. This is also referred to as ‘sequence-dependent setup time’. This rule will create a schedule where there is the least amount of setup hours required, which is usually achieved by grouping jobs with like attributes together.

The above examples represent only a few of the many job sequencing rules that can be used. Applying these different rules to your production schedule will give you different outputs in which some may be more effective in meeting your business’s goals than others. 

Although these rules may seem simple in isolation, scheduling hundreds of jobs simultaneously requires a lot of information such as the job’s due date, routing, standard setup, processing, whether alternative machines can be used to do the work, the current status of the job, and much more.

We feed it the facts we know, and it automatically proposes an optimized schedule that allows us to meet those dates. It’s something we tried, but never could do manually. DICK MARX, MATERIALS MANAGER, KNAPHEIDE TRUCK EQUIPMENT

Manual scheduling using spreadsheets can be extremely time-consuming and prone to error. This is why softwares such as PlanetTogether’s Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) system are becoming prevalent among manufacturing operations. PlanetTogether allows you to automatically create an optimized schedule based on the job sequencing rules you prefer. 

In PlanetTogether, Optimize Rules are used in conjunction with Release Rules to define scheduling preferences and determine the best sequence of operations. This software also provides users with the flexibility of creating the schedule by using weighted factors and key performance indicators of interest.

Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) Software

Advanced Planning and Scheduling Softwares have become a must for modern-day manufacturing operations as customer demand for increased product assortment, fast delivery, and downward cost pressures become prevalent. These systems help planners save time while providing greater agility in updating ever-changing priorities, production schedules, and inventory plans. APS Systems can be quickly integrated with an ERP/MRP software to fill the gaps where these systems lack planning and scheduling flexibility, accuracy, and efficiency.

With PlanetTogether APS you can:

  • Create optimized schedules that balance production efficiency and delivery performance
  • Maximize throughput on bottleneck resources to increase revenue
  • Synchronize supply with demand to reduce inventories
  • Provide company-wide visibility to resource capacity
  • Enable scenario data-driven decision making

The implementation of an Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) Software will take your manufacturing operations to the next level of production efficiency by taking advantage of the operational data you already possess in your ERP system . APS is a step in the right direction of efficiency and lean manufacturing production enhancement. Try out a free trial or demo !

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  • Access to Real-Time Data and Insights (2)
  • Accurate Inventory Management (2)
  • Accurate Planning and Scheduling (2)
  • Accurate and Real-Time Data Exchange (2)
  • Actionable Insights into Demand Forecasts (2)
  • Adaptability (2)
  • Adaptive Decision-Making (2)
  • Adaptive Manufacturing Strategies (2)
  • Adaptive Optimization (2)
  • Adaptive and Agile Operations (2)
  • Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) (2)
  • Advanced Scheduling Algorithms (2)
  • Agile Adaptation to Changes (2)
  • Agile Production Scheduling (2)
  • Agility and Responsiveness (2)
  • Agility in Production Planning (2)
  • Agility in Response to Change (2)
  • Alignment of Supply Chain Plans (2)
  • Anomaly Detection (2)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) (2)
  • Automated Data Exchange (2)
  • Automated Processes (2)
  • Automatic Updates of Production Schedules (2)
  • Automation and Optimization (2)
  • Batch Processes (2)
  • Better Collaboration (2)
  • Better Resource Utilization (2)
  • Better Supplier Collaboration (2)
  • Better Traceability and Compliance (2)
  • Big Data Analytics (2)
  • Bottleneck Identification and Resolution (2)
  • Capacity Planning and Optimization (2)
  • Change Management (2)
  • Cloud-Based Solutions (2)
  • Collaborative Manufacturing Ecosystems (2)
  • Compliance and Quality Control (2)
  • Compliance with Regulations and Certifications (2)
  • Comprehensive Insights (2)
  • Comprehensive Visibility (2)
  • Constraint-Based Optimization (2)
  • Continuous Improvement and Performance Monitoring (2)
  • Continuous Improvement through Data Analytics (2)
  • Continuous Monitoring and Optimization (2)
  • Continuous Optimization (2)
  • Contract Warehousing (2)
  • Cost-Effective Inventory Management (2)
  • Critical Path Method (CPM) (2)
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration (2)
  • Cross-Functional Visibility (2)
  • Data Accuracy and Real-Time Updates (2)
  • Data Harmonization (2)
  • Data Synergy (2)
  • Data-Driven Demand Forecasting (2)
  • Data-Driven Insights and Analytics (2)
  • Decision Support (2)
  • Decreased Inventory Holding Costs (2)
  • Demand Sensing and Forecasting (2)
  • Demand-Driven Planning and Forecasting (2)
  • Demand-Driven Scheduling (2)
  • Digital Asset Management Systems (2)
  • Digital Supply Chain (2)
  • Digital Twin Technology (2)
  • Distribution Center (2)
  • Downtime Reduction (2)
  • Drive Continuous Improvement (2)
  • Drive Sustainable Growth (2)
  • Dynamic Order Prioritization (2)
  • Dynamic Planning (2)
  • Dynamic Prioritization (2)
  • Dynamic Scheduling Algorithms (2)
  • Dynamic Scheduling and Optimization (2)
  • Eco-Friendly Manufacturing (2)
  • Efficiency (2)
  • Efficient Resource Management (2)
  • Efficient inventory management (2)
  • Eliminate Data Silos (2)
  • Empowering Real-Time Decision Making (2)
  • Enables Better Demand Forecasting (2)
  • Enables Bi-directional Data Exchange (2)
  • Enables Data-driven Decision-making (2)
  • Enables Real-Time Decision-Making (2)
  • Enabling Data-Driven Decisions (2)
  • Enabling Strategic Decision-Making (2)
  • End-to-End Visibility into Supply Chain (2)
  • End-to-end Visibility and Collaboration (2)
  • Enhance Agility (2)
  • Enhance Flexibility (2)
  • Enhance Production Efficiency (2)
  • Enhanced Accuracy and Consistency (2)
  • Enhanced Accuracy and Efficiency in Scheduling (2)
  • Enhanced Automation (2)
  • Enhanced Brand Reputation (2)
  • Enhanced Collaboration and Visibility (2)
  • Enhanced Compliance with Regulatory Standards (2)
  • Enhanced Data Accuracy and Visibility (2)
  • Enhanced Data Synchronization (2)
  • Enhanced Equipment Reliability (2)
  • Enhanced Inventory Optimization (2)
  • Enhanced Planning Accuracy (2)
  • Enhanced Planning and Scheduling (2)
  • Enhanced Predictive Analytics Capabilities (2)
  • Enhanced Predictive Maintenance (2)
  • Enhanced Regulatory Compliance (2)
  • Enhanced Reliability (2)
  • Enhanced Reporting and Analytics (2)
  • Enhanced Resource Allocation (2)
  • Enhanced Resource Management (2)
  • Enhanced Resource Optimization (2)
  • Enhanced Shop Floor Control (2)
  • Enhanced Supplier Collaboration (2)
  • Enhanced Supplier Relationships (2)
  • Enhanced Supply Chain Collaboration (2)
  • Enhanced Supply Chain Resilience (2)
  • Enhanced Supply Chain Visibility (2)
  • Enhanced Supply Chain Visibility and Collaboration (2)
  • Enhanced Sustainability Reporting (2)
  • Enhanced Visibility Across the Supply Chain (2)
  • Enhanced Visibility and Coordination (2)
  • Enhanced Visibility and Real-Time Data (2)
  • Enhances Visibility (2)
  • Enhances Visibility into Production Processes (2)
  • Enhancing Quality Assurance (2)
  • Enhancing Supply Chain Visibility (2)
  • Environmental Impact Reduction (2)
  • Factory Digital Twin (2)
  • Faster Decision-Making (2)
  • Flexible Manufacturing Systems (2)
  • Greater Flexibility and Agility (2)
  • Greater Operational Efficiency and Agility (2)
  • Green Supply Chain Management (2)
  • Holistic Planning and Optimization (2)
  • Improve Demand Forecasting Accuracy (2)
  • Improve Inventory Management (2)
  • Improved Agility (2)
  • Improved Communication and Collaboration (2)
  • Improved Compliance with Regulatory Standards (2)
  • Improved Customer Service (2)
  • Improved Efficiency and Accuracy (2)
  • Improved Equipment Reliability and Availability (2)
  • Improved Forecasting and Planning (2)
  • Improved On-time Delivery Metrics (2)
  • Improved Order Fulfillment (2)
  • Improved Overall Efficiency (2)
  • Improved Quality Control and Compliance (2)
  • Improved Quality and Consistency (2)
  • Improved Resource Utilization and Reduced Downtime (2)
  • Improved Responsiveness (2)
  • Improved Scheduling Accuracy (2)
  • Improving Supply Chain Visibility (2)
  • Improving on-time delivery performance. (2)
  • Increased Agility and Responsiveness (2)
  • Increased Efficiency and Reduced Downtime (2)
  • Increased Operational Efficiency (2)
  • Increased Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) (2)
  • Increased Throughput (2)
  • Intelligent Predictive Analytics (2)
  • Inventory Control (2)
  • Job Shop Scheduling (2)
  • Just-in-Time (JIT) (2)
  • Lead Time Optimization (2)
  • Lean Manufacturing Principles (2)
  • Lifecycle Analysis (2)
  • Machine Vision (2)
  • Mass Customization (2)
  • Material Flow Optimization (2)
  • Maximized Profitability (2)
  • Minimize Costs (2)
  • Minimize Energy Consumption (2)
  • Minimize Production Costs (2)
  • Minimize Stockouts and Excess Inventory (2)
  • Minimize Waste Generation (2)
  • Minimized Inventory Costs (2)
  • Minimized Waste (2)
  • Mitigating Risks and Enhancing Resilience (2)
  • Multi-Objective Optimization (2)
  • Multi-Plant Coordination (2)
  • On-Time Delivery (2)
  • Optimal Inventory Levels (2)
  • Optimize Inventory Levels and Pricing Decisions (2)
  • Optimize Production Scheduling (2)
  • Optimize Resources (2)
  • Optimize Schedules to Maximize Efficiency (2)
  • Optimized Procurement Lead Times (2)
  • Optimized Production (2)
  • Optimizes Resource Allocation (2)
  • Predictive Analytics and Continuous Improvement (2)
  • Predictive Analytics and Scenario Planning (2)
  • Predictive Analytics for Better Decision Making (2)
  • Predictive Analytics for Inventory (2)
  • Predictive Analytics for Production Optimization (2)
  • Predictive Analytics for Quality Assurance (2)
  • Predictive Maintenance Capabilities (2)
  • Predictive Maintenance Planning (2)
  • Predictive Modeling Integration (2)
  • Predictive Quality Assurance (2)
  • Predictive Scheduling and Optimization (2)
  • Proactive Inventory Management (2)
  • Proactive Problem Solving (2)
  • Proactive Quality Management (2)
  • Process Automation (2)
  • Production Line Balancing (2)
  • Production Sequences to Minimize Setup Times (2)
  • Quality Assurance (2)
  • Quality Control Integration (2)
  • Quality Control and Traceability (2)
  • Rapid Response Planning (2)
  • Real-Time Data Analytics and AI-Driven Insights (2)
  • Real-Time Data Flow (2)
  • Real-Time Data Sync Across Systems (2)
  • Real-Time Data from the Shop Floor (2)
  • Real-Time Demand Data (2)
  • Real-Time Demand Orchestration Technologies (2)
  • Real-Time Demand Signals (2)
  • Real-Time Inventory Management (2)
  • Real-Time Inventory Visibility (2)
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Alerting (2)
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Optimization (2)
  • Real-Time Performance Monitoring (2)
  • Real-Time Shop Floor Data (2)
  • Real-Time Tracking (2)
  • Real-Time Visibility and Data Accuracy (2)
  • Real-Time Visibility into Production Processes (2)
  • Real-Time Visibility into Supply Chain Processes (2)
  • Real-time Adjustments (2)
  • Real-time Data Accuracy (2)
  • Real-time Data for Decision-making (2)
  • Real-time Inventory Data (2)
  • Real-time Monitoring and Adjustments (2)
  • Real-time Monitoring and Alerts (2)
  • Real-time Monitoring and Analytics (2)
  • Real-time Monitoring and Reporting (2)
  • Reduce Costs (2)
  • Reduce Energy Consumption (2)
  • Reduce Inventory Holding Costs (2)
  • Reduce Stockouts (2)
  • Reduced Waste (2)
  • Reducing Lead Times (2)
  • Regulatory Compliance and Traceability (2)
  • Renewable Energy Integration (2)
  • Resource Allocation Efficiency (2)
  • Resource Efficiency and Waste Reduction (2)
  • Resource Management (2)
  • Risk Management and Compliance (2)
  • Robotics (2)
  • Root Cause Analysis (2)
  • Scalability and Growth (2)
  • Scenario Planning and Predictive Analytics (2)
  • Seamless Compliance Management (2)
  • Seamless Data Exchange and Collaboration (2)
  • Seamless Data Integration (2)
  • Seamless Execution (2)
  • Shorter Lead Times (2)
  • Smart Factory (2)
  • Smart Factory 4.0 (2)
  • Spaghetti Diagrams (2)
  • Strategic Decision Support (2)
  • Strategic Insights and Continuous Improvement (2)
  • Strategic Sourcing (2)
  • Streamline Data Exchange (2)
  • Streamline Processes (2)
  • Streamline Workflows (2)
  • Streamlined Collaboration (2)
  • Streamlined Data Exchange (2)
  • Streamlined Planning Processes (2)
  • Streamlined Processes and Automation (2)
  • Supplier Relationship Management (2)
  • Supplier Risk Assessment (2)
  • Supply Chain Agility (2)
  • Supply Chain Management (2)
  • Supply Chain Resilience (2)
  • Supply Chain Transparency (2)
  • Sustainability Initiatives (2)
  • Sustainability Metrics Tracking (2)
  • Sustainable Manufacturing (2)
  • Sustainable Manufacturing Metrics (2)
  • Sustainable Manufacturing Practices (2)
  • Sustainable Operations (2)
  • Sustainable Packaging (2)
  • Sustainable Resource Allocation (2)
  • Sustainable Solutions (2)
  • Synchronize Production Schedules (2)
  • Synchronized and Transparent Supply Chain (2)
  • Uncategorized (2)
  • Unified Data Environment (2)
  • Unified Visibility (2)
  • Value Stream Mapping (2)
  • Workforce Management (2)
  • assembly line production process (2)
  • best production scheduling software (2)
  • digital initiatives (2)
  • dynamics (2)
  • dynamics 365 (2)
  • globalization (2)
  • ingredients (2)
  • just in time (2)
  • make to order (2)
  • operational objectives (2)
  • prodcution planing (2)
  • production planning software (2)
  • projects (2)
  • reshoring (2)
  • retail distribution center (2)
  • supply chain threats (2)
  • technology (2)
  • value stream map (2)
  • visual production scheduling (2)
  • warehouse (2)
  • #Phamaceutical manufacturing (1)
  • 3D printing (1)
  • AI Algorithms (1)
  • AI for Batch Process Optimization (1)
  • AI for Just-In-Time (JIT) Inventory Management (1)
  • AI for Quality Control in Smart Factories (1)
  • AI-Based Demand Sensing (1)
  • AI-Driven Demand (1)
  • AI-Driven Dynamic Safety Stock Calculations (1)
  • AI-Driven Material Flow (1)
  • AI-Driven Predictive Analytics (1)
  • AI-Driven Production Yield Prediction (1)
  • AI-Driven Recommendations (1)
  • AI-Driven Resource Scheduling (1)
  • AI-Driven Supplier Risk Assessment (1)
  • AI-Enabled Demand Forecasting (1)
  • AI-Enhanced (1)
  • AI-Enhanced Forecasting (1)
  • AI-Enhanced Quality Control (1)
  • AI-Enhanced Supply Chain Forecasting (1)
  • AI-Optimized Inventory Allocation Strategies (1)
  • AI-Powered Batch Recipe Optimization (1)
  • AI-Powered Inventory Optimization (1)
  • AI-Powered Quality Control (1)
  • AI-Powered Supply Chain Optimization (1)
  • APS Solutions (1)
  • AR-enabled Scheduling Visualization (1)
  • Ability to Adapt to Changes (1)
  • Ability to Optimize Demand Forecasting (1)
  • Accelerated Innovation and Market Responsiveness (1)
  • Accelerated Production Cycles (1)
  • Access Accurate Data (1)
  • Access Control (1)
  • Access Real-Time Data (1)
  • Accurate Demand Planning and Execution (1)
  • Accurate Lead Time Estimations (1)
  • Accurate Order Fulfillment (1)
  • Accurate Order Promises (1)
  • Accurate Production Schedules (1)
  • Accurate Real-time Data on Inventory Levels (1)
  • Accurate Scheduling Adjustments (1)
  • Accurate and up-to-date Scheduling Decisions (1)
  • Achieve Operational Efficiencies (1)
  • Achieve Significant Cost savings (1)
  • Achieved Seamless Synchronization (1)
  • Achieving Agility in Manufacturing (1)
  • Achieving Operational Synergy (1)
  • Achieving Sustainability (1)
  • Adapt Quickly to Changing Market Conditions (1)
  • Adapt Swiftly to Changes in Demand (1)
  • Adapt to Changes (1)
  • Adapt to Changes in Production Demand (1)
  • Adapt to Changing Market Conditions (1)
  • Adaptability and Agility (1)
  • Adaptability to Changing Conditions (1)
  • Adaptability to Changing Demands (1)
  • Adaptive Process Control (1)
  • Adaptive Production (1)
  • Adaptive Production Scheduling (1)
  • Adaptive Production Scheduling and Optimization (1)
  • Adaptive Response to Market Changes (1)
  • Adaptive Scheduling Algorithms (1)
  • Adaptive Scheduling Based on Skill Proficiency (1)
  • Adherence to Regulatory Compliance (1)
  • Adopt a Demand-Driven Planning Approach (1)
  • Adopting Advanced Materials (1)
  • Adoption of Cloud-Based MES (1)
  • Adoption of Predictive Analytics (1)
  • Advanced Analytics and Insights (1)
  • Advanced Analytics and Optimization (1)
  • Advanced Analytics and Scenario Planning (1)
  • Advanced Composite Materials (1)
  • Advanced Forecasting (1)
  • Advanced Forecasting Algorithms (1)
  • Advanced Forecasting and Planning Capabilities (1)
  • Advanced Inventory Forecasting (1)
  • Advanced Inventory Optimization (1)
  • Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (1)
  • Advanced Materials (1)
  • Advanced Optimization Algorithms (1)
  • Advanced Scenario Planning (1)
  • Advanced Sensing Technologies (1)
  • Advanced Simulation Modeling (1)
  • Agile Decision-making and Risk Mitigation (1)
  • Agile Manufacturing Strategies (1)
  • Agile Methodology (1)
  • Agile Planning (1)
  • Agile Response to Changing Demand Patterns (1)
  • Agile Response to Changing Market Dynamics (1)
  • Agile Response to Market Demands (1)
  • Agile Responses to Changing Market Conditions (1)
  • Agile Supply Chain Management Transformation (1)
  • Agile Workforce Training (1)
  • Agile and Adaptive Planning (1)
  • Agile and Responsive Manufacturing Process. (1)
  • Agile and Responsive Supply Chains (1)
  • Agile supply Chain Strategies (1)
  • Agility in Operations (1)
  • Agility to Changes in Supply Chain Conditions (1)
  • Agility to Respond Swiftly to Market Demands (1)
  • Agility to Respond to Changing Market Dynamics (1)
  • Align Production with Sustainability Goals (1)
  • Aligned Market Demands and Customer Expectations (1)
  • Aligned Production Schedules with Material (1)
  • Aligning Production Schedules with Customer Demand (1)
  • All-Inclusive Resource Management (1)
  • Allocate Resources Efficiently (1)
  • Analyze Data from Multiple Sources (1)
  • Anticipate Demand Fluctuations (1)
  • Anticipating Market Trends (1)
  • Artificial Intelligence for Process Optimization (1)
  • Assemble to Order (1)
  • Assembly Line Sequencing (1)
  • Assembly Lines and Warehouse Operations (1)
  • Asset Management Systems (1)
  • Attract Top Talent (1)
  • Automate Data Flows (1)
  • Automate Processes (1)
  • Automate Reporting and Compliance (1)
  • Automated Compliance Checks (1)
  • Automated Data Exchange and Synchronization (1)
  • Automated Data Syncing (1)
  • Automated Decision-Making (1)
  • Automated Demand Sensing (1)
  • Automated Documentation (1)
  • Automated Planning and Optimization (1)
  • Automated Procurement Recommendations (1)
  • Automated Procurement Workflows (1)
  • Automated Purchase Order Processing (1)
  • Automated Quality Inspections (1)
  • Automated Replenishment Scheduling (1)
  • Automated Requisition Processing (1)
  • Automated Risk Identification and Mitigation (1)
  • Automated Schedule Adjustments (1)
  • Automated Scheduling (1)
  • Automated data synchronization (1)
  • Automatic Replenishment (1)
  • Automatic Updating of Inventory Levels (1)
  • Automating Repetitive Tasks (1)
  • Automation Integration (1)
  • Automation and Data-Driven Decision Making (1)
  • Automation and Machine Learning (1)
  • Automation in Production Scheduling (1)
  • Automation of Replenishment Orders (1)
  • Automotive (1)
  • Autonomous Inspection Systems (1)
  • Batch Traceability (1)
  • Batch production scheduling (1)
  • Behavioral Economics Principles (1)
  • Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement (1)
  • Benchmarking and Performance Metrics (1)
  • Better Compliance (1)
  • Better Compliance and Quality Control (1)
  • Better Compliance with Regulatory Standards (1)
  • Better Cost Control (1)
  • Better Decision Support (1)
  • Better Decision-Making and Resource Optimization (1)
  • Better Demand Planning (1)
  • Better Forecasting (1)
  • Better Planning and Scheduling (1)
  • Better Supplier Relationships (1)
  • Bi-directional Flow of Information (1)
  • Brewery (1)
  • Business One (1)
  • Capacity Planning and Management (1)
  • Carbon Footprint Measurements (1)
  • Centralized Data Management (1)
  • Centralized Supplier Data (1)
  • Centralized Warehousing (1)
  • Change Management and Reduce Time to Market (1)
  • Changeover Optimization (1)
  • Circular Economy (1)
  • Circular Economy Initiatives (1)
  • Circular Economy Practices (1)
  • Clear Deadlines and Alerts (1)
  • Closed-Loop Decision-Making (1)
  • Closed-Loop Planning (1)
  • Closed-Loop Quality Management (1)
  • Closed-Loop Recycling Systems (1)
  • Closed-Loop Supply Chains (1)
  • Closed-Loop Systems (1)
  • Cloud Computing in Manufacturing (1)
  • Cloud-Based Asset Management (1)
  • Cloud-Based Flexibility (1)
  • Cloud-Based Product Lifecycle Management (1)
  • Cloud-Based Scheduling (1)
  • Cloud-Based Scheduling Solutions (1)
  • Cognitive Automation (1)
  • Cognitive Computing (1)
  • Cognitive Scheduling Assistants for Planners (1)
  • Collaboration and Visibility (1)
  • Collaboration and agility (1)
  • Collaboration with Educational Institutions (1)
  • Collaborative Communication (1)
  • Collaborative Planning Tools (1)
  • Collaborative Planning and Coordination (1)
  • Collaborative Planning and Scheduling (1)
  • Collaborative Planning with Suppliers (1)
  • Collaborative Robotics Applications (1)
  • Collaborative Supply Chain Management (1)
  • Collaborative Workflows (1)
  • Communication and Collaboration (1)
  • Community Engagement (1)
  • Complexity of Supply Chain Traceability (1)
  • Compliance Adherence (1)
  • Compliance and Governance (1)
  • Compliance and Risk Management (1)
  • Compliance with Environmental Regulations (1)
  • Compliance with Quality and Regulatory Standards. (1)
  • Compliance with Regulatory Standards (1)
  • Comprehensive Communication (1)
  • Comprehensive Data Access (1)
  • Comprehensive Data Integration (1)
  • Comprehensive Lifecycle Analysis (1)
  • Comprehensive Performance Analysis (1)
  • Comprehensive Planning Capabilities (1)
  • Comprehensive Reporting (1)
  • Computer Vision for Quality Assurance (1)
  • Computerized Inventory Management Software (1)
  • Concurrent Engineering (1)
  • Consistency and Quality of Training (1)
  • Constraint Programming (1)
  • Constraints and Bottleneck Management (1)
  • Continuous Improvement Culture (1)
  • Continuous Improvement and Innovation (1)
  • Continuous Improvement and Learning (1)
  • Continuous Improvement and Performance Metrics (1)
  • Continuous Improvement and Risk Management (1)
  • Continuous Learning and Optimization (1)
  • Continuous Monitoring and Analytics (1)
  • Continuous Monitoring of Production Processes (1)
  • Continuous Process Improvement (1)
  • Control Systems Security (1)
  • Control over Supply Chain (1)
  • Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA) (1)
  • Cost Control Through Predictive Analytics (1)
  • Cost Control and Inventory Management (1)
  • Cost Efficiency (1)
  • Cost Optimization Through Reduced Waste (1)
  • Cost Reduction and Efficiency Improvement (1)
  • Cost Reduction and Increased Competitiveness (1)
  • Cost Savings and Efficiency (1)
  • Cost Savings and Efficiency Gains (1)
  • Cost Savings through Optimized Scheduling (1)
  • Cost Savings with Environmental Benefits (1)
  • Costumer-Centric Manufacturing (1)
  • Create a Resilient Ecosystem (1)
  • Crisis Management Plans (1)
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration and Alignment (1)
  • Cross-Functional Teamwork (1)
  • Cross-Functional Training Programs (1)
  • Cross-Site Coordination (1)
  • Cross-functional Insights (1)
  • Cultivated a Culture of Sustainability (1)
  • Culture of Continuous Improvement (1)
  • Custom Applications (1)
  • Custom or Low-Volume Production (1)
  • Customization and Personalization (1)
  • Customized Training Modules (1)
  • Cyber Threats (1)
  • Cyber-Physical Production Systems (1)
  • Cyber-Physical Systems (1)
  • Cybersecurity Measures (1)
  • Data Accuracy and Accessibility (1)
  • Data Accuracy and Consistency (1)
  • Data Accuracy and Quality Assurance (1)
  • Data Analytics and Continuous Improvement (1)
  • Data Analytics and Machine Learning (1)
  • Data Centralization (1)
  • Data Governance and Management (1)
  • Data Insights to Drive Meaningful Change (1)
  • Data Integration and Synchronization (1)
  • Data Integration and Visibility (1)
  • Data Mapping and Transformation (1)
  • Data-Driven Approach (1)
  • Data-Driven Decisions in Real-Time (1)
  • Data-Driven Maintenance (1)
  • Data-centric Approach to Decision-making (1)
  • Data-driven Decisions Based on Real-time Insights (1)
  • Data-driven Decisions to Optimize Production (1)
  • Decarbonization in Packaging Manufacturing (1)
  • Decision-Making across the Supply Chain. (1)
  • Decision-Making with Data Insights (1)
  • Decision-making Across the Organization (1)
  • Decisions Based on Actual Shop Floor Conditions (1)
  • Decrease Excess Inventory Levels (1)
  • Decrease Material Waste (1)
  • Deep Insights into Production Processes (1)
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning (1)
  • Delivering Higher-Quality Products (1)
  • Demand Adjustment (1)
  • Demand Forecasting Capabilities (1)
  • Demand Forecasting Models (1)
  • Demand Forecasting Precision (1)
  • Demand Forecasting and Analytics (1)
  • Demand Forecasting and Lean Operations (1)
  • Demand Forecasting and Order Prioritization (1)
  • Demand Forecasting and Real-Time Data Integration (1)
  • Demand Planning and Forecasting (1)
  • Demand Shaping Strategies (1)
  • Demand and Supply Coordination (1)
  • Demand synchronization (1)
  • Demand to Dynamically Adjust Pricing (1)
  • Demand-Driven Inventory Control (1)
  • Demand-Driven Manufacturing (1)
  • Demand-Driven Planning and Scheduling (1)
  • Demand-Driven Production (1)
  • Detailed Insights into Asset Performance (1)
  • Detailed Insights into each Batch's Status (1)
  • Development of Bio-Based Materials (1)
  • Digital Quality Management Systems (1)
  • Digital Skills and Industry 4.0 Training (1)
  • Digital Supply Chain Management (1)
  • Digital Supply Chain Networks (1)
  • Digital Supply Chain Visibility Platforms (1)
  • Digital Twin Adoption (1)
  • Digital Twins and MRP Systems (1)
  • Digital Twins for Virtual Simulations (1)
  • Diversification and Resilience (1)
  • Document Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) (1)
  • Drag and Drop (1)
  • Drive Informed Decision-Making (1)
  • Dynamic Adaptability (1)
  • Dynamic Adaptation to Change (1)
  • Dynamic Adjustments to Schedules (1)
  • Dynamic Capacity Planning (1)
  • Dynamic Decision-Making (1)
  • Dynamic Decisions Based on Real-time Data (1)
  • Dynamic Demand Forecasting (1)
  • Dynamic Demand Planning (1)
  • Dynamic Inventory Forecasting (1)
  • Dynamic Inventory Management (1)
  • Dynamic Inventory Optimization (1)
  • Dynamic Job Sequencing Algorithms (1)
  • Dynamic Lot Sizing (1)
  • Dynamic Material Tracking and Traceability (1)
  • Dynamic Order Fulfillment (1)
  • Dynamic Planning and Optimization (1)
  • Dynamic Planning and Scheduling (1)
  • Dynamic Pricing (1)
  • Dynamic Production Capacity Planning (1)
  • Dynamic Production Planning and Optimization (1)
  • Dynamic Recipe Management (1)
  • Dynamic Recommendations (1)
  • Dynamic Rescheduling (1)
  • Dynamic Response to Changes (1)
  • Dynamic Safety Stock Optimization (1)
  • Dynamic Scheduling Adjustments. (1)
  • Dynamic Scheduling and Resource Allocation (1)
  • Dynamic Scheduling and Resource Optimization (1)
  • Dynamic Supplier Collaboration (1)
  • Dynamic and Responsive Manufacturing Processes (1)
  • Dynamically Adjust Warehouse Layout (1)
  • Eco-Friendly (1)
  • Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) (1)
  • Effective Capacity Planning (1)
  • Effective Resource Allocation (1)
  • Effective Risk Management (1)
  • Efficiency and Sustainability (1)
  • Efficient Change Management (1)
  • Efficient Decision-Making (1)
  • Efficient Demand and Capacity Planning (1)
  • Efficient Order Prioritization (1)
  • Efficient Planning (1)
  • Efficient Production Planning (1)
  • Efficient Production Planning and Scheduling (1)
  • Efficient Production Scheduling (1)
  • Efficient Recalls (1)
  • Efficient Resource Allocation and Scheduling (1)
  • Efficient Workforce Planning (1)
  • Electronics Manufacturing (1)
  • Employee Empowerment (1)
  • Employee Empowerment and Feedback (1)
  • Employee Training and Skill Development (1)
  • Empowered Decision-Making (1)
  • Empowered Workforce (1)
  • Enable Automatic Data Exchange (1)
  • Enable What-If Analysis (1)
  • Enable What-If Scenarios (1)
  • Enabled Rapid Scalability and Agility (1)
  • Enables AI-based Predictive Analytics (1)
  • Enables Intelligent Decision-Making (1)
  • Enables Just-in-Time (JIT) Manufacturing Practices (1)
  • Enables Proactive Problem-Solving (1)
  • Enables Real-time Exchange of Data (1)
  • Enables Real-time Synchronization (1)
  • Enables Synchronized Planning and Execution (1)
  • Enabling Agile Decision-Making (1)
  • Enabling Better Decision-Making (1)
  • Enabling End-to-End Visibility and Control (1)
  • End to End Supply Chain Visibility (1)
  • End-to-End Production Visibility (1)
  • End-to-End Supply Chain Optimization (1)
  • End-to-End Supply Chain Planning (1)
  • End-to-End Traceability and Compliance (1)
  • End-to-End Visibility into the Production Process (1)
  • End-to-end Business Process Integration. (1)
  • End-to-end Process Optimization (1)
  • End-to-end Production Scheduling (1)
  • End-to-end Supply Chain Management (1)
  • End-to-end Visibility across their Supply Chain (1)
  • Energy-Aware Scheduling (1)
  • Engagement and Retention (1)
  • Enhance Brand Image (1)
  • Enhance Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (1)
  • Enhance Decision-Making (1)
  • Enhance Demand Forecasting (1)
  • Enhance Demand Sensing (1)
  • Enhance Forecasting and Scheduling Decisions (1)
  • Enhance Inventory Management (1)
  • Enhance Operational Efficiency (1)
  • Enhance Operational Resilience (1)
  • Enhance Overall Efficiency (1)
  • Enhance Overall Supply Chain Resilience (1)
  • Enhance Predictive Maintenance (1)
  • Enhance Product Quality (1)
  • Enhance Purchase Accuracy and Timing (1)
  • Enhance Regulatory Compliance (1)
  • Enhance Supplier Collaboration (1)
  • Enhance Supply Chain Resilience (1)
  • Enhance Visibility and Collaboration (1)
  • Enhance the Decision-Making Capabilities (1)
  • Enhance the Planning Capabilities (1)
  • Enhance visibility into production processes (1)
  • Enhanced Accuracy in Demand Forecasting (1)
  • Enhanced Accuracy in Production Planning (1)
  • Enhanced Agility to Respond to Market Fluctuations (1)
  • Enhanced Analytics and Reporting (1)
  • Enhanced Asset Management (1)
  • Enhanced Asset Performance (1)
  • Enhanced Batch Traceability and Compliance (1)
  • Enhanced Collaboration Across Departments (1)
  • Enhanced Collaboration Across Teams (1)
  • Enhanced Collaboration and Decision-Making (1)
  • Enhanced Communication (1)
  • Enhanced Communication and Collaboration (1)
  • Enhanced Compliance with Environmental Regulations (1)
  • Enhanced Corporate Reputation (1)
  • Enhanced Customer Experience (1)
  • Enhanced Customer Service (1)
  • Enhanced Data Accuracy and Consistency (1)
  • Enhanced Data Analytics (1)
  • Enhanced Data Analytics and Reporting (1)
  • Enhanced Data Integration and Analysis (1)
  • Enhanced Data Integrity (1)
  • Enhanced Data Visibility and Access (1)
  • Enhanced Data Visibility and Accuracy (1)
  • Enhanced Demand Forecast Accuracy (1)
  • Enhanced Efficiency and Agility (1)
  • Enhanced Efficiency and Cost Savings (1)
  • Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity (1)
  • Enhanced Environmental Sustainability (1)
  • Enhanced Familiarity with Systems (1)
  • Enhanced Forecasting and Demand Planning (1)
  • Enhanced Inventory Visibility (1)
  • Enhanced Materials Properties (1)
  • Enhanced On-time Delivery Performance (1)
  • Enhanced Operational Agility (1)
  • Enhanced Order Accuracy (1)
  • Enhanced Order Fulfillment Capabilities (1)
  • Enhanced Order Management (1)
  • Enhanced Predictive Accuracy (1)
  • Enhanced Predictive Capabilities (1)
  • Enhanced Predictive Insights (1)
  • Enhanced Product Lifecycle Management (1)
  • Enhanced Product Performance (1)
  • Enhanced Product Quality and Consistency (1)
  • Enhanced Quality and Compliance (1)
  • Enhanced Resource Planning (1)
  • Enhanced Responsiveness (1)
  • Enhanced Responsiveness to Market Changes (1)
  • Enhanced Risk Management (1)
  • Enhanced Safety Compliance (1)
  • Enhanced Safety Measures (1)
  • Enhanced Scenario Simulations (1)
  • Enhanced Security (1)
  • Enhanced Standardization (1)
  • Enhanced Traceability and Quality Control (1)
  • Enhanced Visibility and Agility (1)
  • Enhanced Visibility and Data Accuracy (1)
  • Enhanced Visibility and Decision-Making (1)
  • Enhanced Visibility and Real-Time Insights (1)
  • Enhanced Visibility into Inventory Levels (1)
  • Enhanced Visibility into Production KPIs (1)
  • Enhanced Visibility into Production Status (1)
  • Enhanced Visibility into Supply Chain Activities (1)
  • Enhanced coordination (1)
  • Enhances Collaboration and Coordination (1)
  • Enhances Cost-effectiveness and Profitability (1)
  • Enhances Cross-Functional Collaboration (1)
  • Enhances Data Visibility (1)
  • Enhances Material Traceability (1)
  • Enhances Operational Agility (1)
  • Enhances Operational Efficiency (1)
  • Enhances Overall Operational Excellence (1)
  • Enhances Overall Product Quality (1)
  • Enhances Overall Supply Chain Efficiency. (1)
  • Enhances Overall Supply Chain Resilience (1)
  • Enhances Quality Control and Regulatory Compliance (1)
  • Enhances Real-time Analytics Capabilities (1)
  • Enhances Responsiveness to Customer Demand (1)
  • Enhances Safety by Reducing Bottlenecks (1)
  • Enhances Shop Floor Connectivity (1)
  • Enhances Shop Floor Control and Execution (1)
  • Enhances Shop Floor Visibility (1)
  • Enhances Supply Chain Agility and Responsiveness (1)
  • Enhances Visibility Across the Supply Chain (1)
  • Enhances Workflow Automation (1)
  • Enhances the Agility of Scheduling Processes (1)
  • Enhances the Overall Supply Chain Resilience (1)
  • Enhances the Visibility of Manufacturing Processes (1)
  • Enhancing Operational Agility (1)
  • Enhancing Overall Efficiency (1)
  • Enhancing Overall Supply Chain Performance (1)
  • Enhancing Product Quality and Reliability (1)
  • Enhancing Quality Control (1)
  • Enhancing Strategic Sourcing Decisions (1)
  • Enhancing Supply Chain Agility (1)
  • Enhancing Supply Chain Collaboration (1)
  • Enhancing Visibility and Planning (1)
  • Enhancing Visibility and Transparency (1)
  • Ensure Compliance with Shelf-life Constraints (1)
  • Ensure Real-Time Shop Floor Control (1)
  • Ensure Scalability (1)
  • Ensured On-time Delivery (1)
  • Ensures Accurate Forecasting (1)
  • Ensures Accurate Material Availability (1)
  • Ensures Agile Responses to Changes (1)
  • Ensures Data Accuracy (1)
  • Ensures Data Consistency (1)
  • Ensures Real-time Shop Floor Data (1)
  • Ensures Resource Allocation Decisions (1)
  • Ensuring Regulatory Compliance (1)
  • Equipment Maintenance Scheduling (1)
  • Established a Closed-loop Scheduling Environment (1)
  • Ethical Supply Chain Management (1)
  • Evolutionary Algorithms (1)
  • Evolving Scheduling Algorithms (1)
  • Explainability in Decision-Making (1)
  • Extended Supply Chain Visibility (1)
  • Facilitate Continuous Improvement (1)
  • Facilitate Decision-Making (1)
  • Facilitate What-If Analysis (1)
  • Facilitated Continuous Improvement (1)
  • Facilitates Better Strategic Planning (1)
  • Facilitates Data-Driven Decision-Making (1)
  • Facilitates Scenario-based Training (1)
  • Facilitating Accurate Demand Forecasting (1)
  • Failure Analysis (1)
  • Faster Response to Deviations (1)
  • Faster Response to Fluctuating Market Demands (1)
  • Faster Time-to-Market (1)
  • Finite Capacity Planning (1)
  • Finite Capacity Scheduling (FCS) (1)
  • Flexibility and Accessibility (1)
  • Flexibility in Manufacturing (1)
  • Flexible Production Line Design (1)
  • Flexible Supply Chains (1)
  • Flowcharts (1)
  • Focus on Continuous Improvement (1)
  • Forecast Accuracy and Demand Sensing (1)
  • Forecast Demand Fluctuations (1)
  • Forecast Demand More Accurately (1)
  • Forecast Future Inventory Needs (1)
  • Forecasting Demands (1)
  • Functions of Supply Chain Management (1)
  • Gain Holistic Visibility (1)
  • Gained Real-time Visibility (1)
  • Gantt Drag and Drop (1)
  • Generative AI (1)
  • Generative Design (1)
  • Generative Design Algorithms (1)
  • Global Manufacturing (1)
  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) (1)
  • Granular Control over Production Processes (1)
  • Greater Accuracy in Demand Forecasting (1)
  • Greater Agility and Responsiveness (1)
  • Greater Customer Satisfaction (1)
  • Hands-On Training with Simulation (1)
  • Harnessing the Power of AI (1)
  • Heavy Manufacturing (1)
  • Heijunka scheduling (1)
  • Helps in Identifying Bottlenecks (1)
  • High-Mix, Low-Volume (1)
  • High-Speed Manufacturing Processes (1)
  • High-Throughput Manufacturing (1)
  • Holding Excess Inventory (1)
  • Holistic Analysis (1)
  • Holistic Decision Support (1)
  • Holistic Insights (1)
  • Holistic Resource Management (1)
  • Holistic Supply Chain Visibility (1)
  • Holistic View of the Entire Manufacturing Process (1)
  • Human-Centric Automation Design (1)
  • Hybrid Environments (1)
  • Hybrid Optimization Algorithms (1)
  • Hybrid Technology (1)
  • I-Optimized Inventory Replenishment (1)
  • IP-Centric Decision Making (1)
  • Identify Opportunities for Space Consolidation (1)
  • Identify and Respond to Disruptions (1)
  • Identifying and Mitigating Bottlenecks (1)
  • Impact Assessment (1)
  • Implement Circular Economy Principles (1)
  • Implement Continuous Improvement (1)
  • Improve Collaboration Across The Supply Chain (1)
  • Improve Compliance and Reporting (1)
  • Improve Coordination (1)
  • Improve Data Visibility (1)
  • Improve Decision-Making across the Supply Chain (1)
  • Improve Forecast Accuracy (1)
  • Improve Forecasting and Capacity Planning (1)
  • Improve Operational Efficiency (1)
  • Improve Overall Production Efficiency (1)
  • Improve Production Throughput (1)
  • Improve Quality and Consistency (1)
  • Improve Resource Allocation (1)
  • Improve Scalability to the Scheduling Process (1)
  • Improve Supplier Collaboration (1)
  • Improve Supply Chain Visibility and Collaboration (1)
  • Improved Accuracy and Consistency (1)
  • Improved Accuracy in Forecasting (1)
  • Improved Adaptability (1)
  • Improved Collaboration between R&D and Operations (1)
  • Improved Compliance with Environmental Regulations (1)
  • Improved Cost Efficiency (1)
  • Improved Cost Management (1)
  • Improved Data Accuracy (1)
  • Improved Data Accuracy and Timeliness (1)
  • Improved Decision Support (1)
  • Improved Decision-Making Agility (1)
  • Improved Delivery Times. (1)
  • Improved Demand Forecast Accuracy (1)
  • Improved Demand Planning and Forecasting (1)
  • Improved Efficiency and Agility (1)
  • Improved Efficiency and Cost Reduction (1)
  • Improved Equipment Utilization (1)
  • Improved Execution Efficiency (1)
  • Improved Flexibility and Responsiveness (1)
  • Improved Forecasting and Demand Planning (1)
  • Improved Inventory Visibility (1)
  • Improved Manufacturing Execution (1)
  • Improved Order Fulfillment Rates (1)
  • Improved Planning Accuracy (1)
  • Improved Predictive Maintenance (1)
  • Improved Production Planning and Execution (1)
  • Improved Production Planning and Scheduling (1)
  • Improved Production Scheduling (1)
  • Improved Productivity, Quality, and Compliance (1)
  • Improved Reputation (1)
  • Improved Response to Market Changes (1)
  • Improved Safety (1)
  • Improved Scheduling and Resource Allocation (1)
  • Improved Supplier Collaboration (1)
  • Improved Supplier Collaboration and Performance (1)
  • Improved Supply Chain Coordination (1)
  • Improved Supply Chain Efficiency (1)
  • Improved Supply Chain Resilience (1)
  • Improved Supply Chain Responsiveness (1)
  • Improved Visibility and Control (1)
  • Improved Visibility and Coordination (1)
  • Improved Visibility and Transparency (1)
  • Improved Workflow Efficiency (1)
  • Improvement in Customer Satisfaction (1)
  • Improvement in Order Fulfillment Speed (1)
  • Improvement in Resource Utilization (1)
  • Improves Decision-Making (1)
  • Improves Forecasting Accuracy (1)
  • Improves On-time Delivery (1)
  • Improves Order Fulfillment Agility (1)
  • Improves Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) (1)
  • Improving Decision-Making with Data Analytics (1)
  • Improving Quality Control and Traceability (1)
  • Improving Resource Utilization (1)
  • Increase Agility (1)
  • Increase Agility and Responsiveness (1)
  • Increase Equipment Uptime and Throughput (1)
  • Increase Flexibility (1)
  • Increase Responsiveness (1)
  • Increase in On-time Deliveries (1)
  • Increase in Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) (1)
  • Increased Agility and Resilience (1)
  • Increased Capacity Utilization (1)
  • Increased Compliance (1)
  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity (1)
  • Increased Equipment Reliability (1)
  • Increased Equipment Uptime (1)
  • Increased Flexibility and Responsiveness (1)
  • Increased Machine Uptime (1)
  • Increased On-Time Delivery (1)
  • Increased Production Efficiency (1)
  • Increased Safety and Error Reduction (1)
  • Increased Supply Chain Visibility (1)
  • Increased Visibility (1)
  • Increasing Flexibility (1)
  • Industrial Data Lakes and Big Data Analytic (1)
  • Industrial Distributors (1)
  • Industrial Robotics (1)
  • Industry Partners (1)
  • Informed Decisions Based on Real-time Data (1)
  • Informed Decisions for Optimal Material Handling (1)
  • Informed Decisions in Real-time (1)
  • Innovation and Knowledge Sharing (1)
  • Insights into Demand Forecasts (1)
  • Insights into Production Planning (1)
  • Insourcing (1)
  • Integrate with ERP Systems (1)
  • Integrated Data Management (1)
  • Integrated Supply Chain Planning (1)
  • Integrating IoT Devices (1)
  • Integrating Quality (1)
  • Integration Strategies for Manufacturing IT (1)
  • Integration with ERP, SCM, and MES Systems (1)
  • Intelligent Scheduling (1)
  • Internet of things (1)
  • Inventory Classification and Segmentation (1)
  • Inventory Forecasting Models (1)
  • Inventory Levels are Maintained Optimally (1)
  • Inventory Management and Supply Chain Optimization (1)
  • Inventory Optimization Algorithms (1)
  • Inventory Replenishment (1)
  • Inventory Tracking and Replenishment (1)
  • Inventory and Supply Chain Optimization (1)
  • JIT Inventory Management (1)
  • Job Creation and Economic Growth (1)
  • Just-in-Time (JIT) and Lean Manufacturing (1)
  • KPI Monitoring (1)
  • Kaizen Practices for Efficiency Enhancement (1)
  • Kinaxis (1)
  • Knowledge Transfer Strategies (1)
  • Leadership Acknowledgment (1)
  • Leadership Commitment (1)
  • Leading to Reduced Waste (1)
  • Lean Inventory Management (1)
  • Lean Inventory Practices (1)
  • Lean Methodology (1)
  • Lean Practices (1)
  • Lean Principles (1)
  • Lean Tools (1)
  • Leverage Real-time Data (1)
  • Leverage Real-time Data on Orders (1)
  • Leveraging Big Data Analytics (1)
  • Leveraging Environmental Impact Assessments (1)
  • Leveraging Predictive Analytics to Forecast Demand (1)
  • Leveraging Real-time Data and Analytics (1)
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) (1)
  • Lifecycle Assessment and Eco-Design (1)
  • Link MES Systems for Real-Time Monitoring (1)
  • Location (1)
  • Location Strategies (1)
  • Logistics and Distribution (1)
  • Loss Aversion and Deadline Management (1)
  • Low-Code and No-Code Platforms (1)
  • Lower Maintenance Costs (1)
  • Lowered Inventory Holding Costs (1)
  • MES Integration for Operational Excellence (1)
  • Machine Learning Algorithms (1)
  • Machine Learning Integration (1)
  • Machine Learning and AI (1)
  • Machine Learning for Continuous Improvement (1)
  • Machine Learning in Demand Forecasting (1)
  • Machine Shop (1)
  • Machine Vision for Quality Inspection Scheduling (1)
  • Maintain Compliance with Regulatory Mandates (1)
  • Make Informed Decisions and Adjust Schedules (1)
  • Make Informed Scheduling Decisions (1)
  • Make-to-Stock Production Planning (1)
  • Manage Inventory Levels (1)
  • Management of Demand Forecasting (1)
  • Manufacturing IT (1)
  • Manufacturing Process Optimization (1)
  • Manufacturing Supply Chain Mapping (1)
  • Manufacturing Teams (1)
  • Manufacturing for Sustainability (1)
  • Market Analysis (1)
  • Market Dynamics (1)
  • Market Trend Analysis (1)
  • Market Trends Analysis (1)
  • Market-Driven Production (1)
  • Mastering Capacity Planning (1)
  • Material Requirements Planning (MRP) Optimization (1)
  • Material Selection (1)
  • Maximize Production Efficiency (1)
  • Maximize Profitability (1)
  • Maximize Throughput (1)
  • Maximizing Production Yield (1)
  • Maximizing the Utilization of Assets (1)
  • Meet Time-Dependent Constraints Effectively (1)
  • Meeting Regulatory Compliance (1)
  • Mentorship and Shadowing (1)
  • Minimize Carrying Costs (1)
  • Minimize Disruptions (1)
  • Minimize Downtime and Maximize Efficiency (1)
  • Minimize Energy Waste (1)
  • Minimize Environmental Impact (1)
  • Minimize Inventory Carrying Costs (1)
  • Minimize Production Bottlenecks (1)
  • Minimize Production Lead Times (1)
  • Minimize Supply Chain Disruptions (1)
  • Minimize Waste by Synchronizing Production (1)
  • Minimized Costs (1)
  • Minimized Downtime (1)
  • Minimized Idle Times (1)
  • Minimized Inventory Carrying Costs (1)
  • Minimized Inventory Holding Costs and Waste (1)
  • Minimized Overproduction and Inventory Stockpiling (1)
  • Minimized Stockouts and Backorders (1)
  • Minimized Wastage (1)
  • Minimizes Idle Time (1)
  • Minimizes the Risk of Equipment Failure (1)
  • Minimizing Downtime (1)
  • Minimizing Inventory Costs (1)
  • Minimizing Risks (1)
  • Mitigate Bottlenecks (1)
  • Mitigated Risks (1)
  • Modular Production Systems (1)
  • Monetary Incentives and Non-Financial Rewards (1)
  • Monitoring and Auditing (1)
  • Multi-Agent Systems (1)
  • Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Scheduling (1)
  • Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing (1)
  • Multi-Modal Systems (1)
  • Multi-Mode Production (1)
  • Multi-Product Lines (1)
  • Multi-Scenario Analysis (1)
  • Multi-Site Manufacturing Operations (1)
  • Multi-resource Optimization for Allocation (1)
  • Multi-tier Supply Chain (1)
  • Multi-tier Supply Chains (1)
  • Nanotechnology (1)
  • National Farmworker Awareness Week (1)
  • Networks and Data (1)
  • OEE Monitoring (1)
  • Occupational Health and Safety (1)
  • Operational Excellence (1)
  • Operational Flexibility (1)
  • Operational Security (1)
  • Operational efficiency (1)
  • Optimal Batch Sizing (1)
  • Optimal Production Scheduling (1)
  • Optimal Resource Utilization and Capacity Planning (1)
  • Optimal Utilization of Resources (1)
  • Optimization (1)
  • Optimization Across Multiple Dimensions (1)
  • Optimization Across the Entire Supply Chain (1)
  • Optimization of Production Schedules (1)
  • Optimize Inventory Planning (1)
  • Optimize Logistics Routes (1)
  • Optimize Maintenance Strategies (1)
  • Optimize Material Flow and Production Schedules (1)
  • Optimize Material Routing (1)
  • Optimize Operational Processes (1)
  • Optimize Order Fulfillment (1)
  • Optimize Procurement Decisions (1)
  • Optimize Production Planning (1)
  • Optimize Production Plans (1)
  • Optimize Production Sequencing (1)
  • Optimize Schedules (1)
  • Optimize Stock Rotation and Replenishment (1)
  • Optimize Supplier Relationships (1)
  • Optimize Supply Chain Logistics (1)
  • Optimize Supply Chain Processes (1)
  • Optimize Supply Chain Visibility (1)
  • Optimize both Inventory Levels and Cost Management (1)
  • Optimize the Entire Production Schedule (1)
  • Optimize the Entire Value Chain (1)
  • Optimize the Sequence of Operations (1)
  • Optimized Decision-Making (1)
  • Optimized Operations (1)
  • Optimized Planning (1)
  • Optimized Process Design (1)
  • Optimized Procurement (1)
  • Optimized Production Plans (1)
  • Optimized Production Schedules in Real-time (1)
  • Optimized Production Sequencing (1)
  • Optimized Production Workflow (1)
  • Optimized Supply Chain (1)
  • Optimizes End-to-End Supply Chain Operations (1)
  • Optimizes Production Plans (1)
  • Optimizes Resource Utilization (1)
  • Optimizing Flow Shop Scheduling (1)
  • Optimizing Lead Times (1)
  • Optimizing Machine Utilization (1)
  • Optimizing Planning (1)
  • Optimizing Production Planning and Scheduling (1)
  • Optimizing Production Schedules (1)
  • Optimizing Production Schedules for Efficiency (1)
  • Optimizing Resource Allocation (1)
  • Optimizing Shop Floor Activities (1)
  • Optimizing Shop Floor Operations (1)
  • Optimizing Supply Chain Performance (1)
  • Optimizing the Flow of Goods and Materials (1)
  • Optimizing the Supply Chain (1)
  • Orchestrates End-to-End Supply Chain Processes (1)
  • Orchestrating Supply Chain Resilience (1)
  • Order Promising and Fulfillment (1)
  • Order Traceability (1)
  • Out-of-the-Box Integration Capabilities (1)
  • Packaging Management (1)
  • Peer-to-Peer Recognition (1)
  • Perform Scenario Simulations (1)
  • Performance Management (1)
  • Performance Metrics Alignment (1)
  • Performance Monitoring and Analytics (1)
  • Performance Monitoring and Continuous Improvement (1)
  • Performance Monitoring and Optimization (1)
  • Periodic Order Quantity (POQ) (1)
  • Personalized and Customized Products (1)
  • Planning Horizon (1)
  • Precision Agriculture Technologies (1)
  • Precision Machining (1)
  • Precision and Quality Control (1)
  • Predict Demand Fluctuations (1)
  • Predict Supplier Lead Times (1)
  • Predictive Analytics and Prescriptive Insights (1)
  • Predictive Analytics for Demand Forecasting (1)
  • Predictive Analytics for Demand Sensing (1)
  • Predictive Analytics for Downtime Reduction (1)
  • Predictive Insights and Demand Forecasting (1)
  • Predictive Insights into Supplier Reliability (1)
  • Predictive Maintenance Resource Allocation (1)
  • Predictive Maintenance and Downtime Reduction (1)
  • Predictive Maintenance and Equipment Optimization (1)
  • Predictive Maintenance-driven Scheduling (1)
  • Predictive Modeling and Analysis (1)
  • Predictive Planning (1)
  • Predictive Quality Analytics (1)
  • Predictive Supplier Performance Monitoring (1)
  • Preventive Scheduling (1)
  • Pricing (1)
  • Proactive Alerts (1)
  • Proactive Approach to Decision-Making (1)
  • Proactive Event Management (1)
  • Proactive Issue Identification (1)
  • Proactive Issue Resolution and Exception Handling (1)
  • Proactive Planning (1)
  • Proactive Risk Mitigation Strategies (1)
  • Proactively Address Bottlenecks (1)
  • Proactively Adjust their Plans (1)
  • Proactively Anticipate Demand (1)
  • Proactively Identify Potential Bottlenecks (1)
  • Proactively Identify and Mitigate Supplier Risks (1)
  • Proactively Manage Supply Chain Risks (1)
  • Process Efficiency (1)
  • Process Flowcharts (1)
  • Process Synchronization (1)
  • Procurement Cycles (1)
  • Procurement Strategy (1)
  • Product Data Across the Lifecycle (1)
  • Product Design and Material Usage (1)
  • Product Designs and Specifications (1)
  • Product Traceability and Quality Control (1)
  • Product and Process Optimization (1)
  • Production Continuity (1)
  • Production Data in Real-time (1)
  • Production Flexibility and Efficiency (1)
  • Production Layout (1)
  • Production Line Layout Using AI Simulations (1)
  • Production Line Reconfiguration (1)
  • Production Lines (1)
  • Production Schedule Optimization (1)
  • Production Scheduling Optimization (1)
  • Production Scheduling and Capacity Planning (1)
  • Production Transparency (1)
  • Production Yield Optimization (1)
  • Professional Development Opportunities (1)
  • Profitability Analysis (1)
  • Programs for Advanced Machinery Operation (1)
  • Project Scheduling (1)
  • Purchasing Decisions (1)
  • Quality Analytics (1)
  • Quality Assurance Traceability (1)
  • Quality Control Measures (1)
  • Quality Control Optimization (1)
  • Quality Control and Assurance Strategies (1)
  • Quality Control and Food Safety Training (1)
  • Quality Function Deployment (QFD) (1)
  • Quality Improvement (1)
  • Quality Inspection Scheduling (1)
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Data Structures & Algorithms Tutorial

  • Data Structures & Algorithms
  • DSA - Overview
  • DSA - Environment Setup
  • DSA - Algorithms Basics
  • DSA - Asymptotic Analysis
  • Data Structures
  • DSA - Data Structure Basics
  • DSA - Data Structures and Types
  • DSA - Array Data Structure
  • Linked Lists
  • DSA - Linked List Data Structure
  • DSA - Doubly Linked List Data Structure
  • DSA - Circular Linked List Data Structure
  • Stack & Queue
  • DSA - Stack Data Structure
  • DSA - Expression Parsing
  • DSA - Queue Data Structure
  • Searching Algorithms
  • DSA - Searching Algorithms
  • DSA - Linear Search Algorithm
  • DSA - Binary Search Algorithm
  • DSA - Interpolation Search
  • DSA - Jump Search Algorithm
  • DSA - Exponential Search
  • DSA - Fibonacci Search
  • DSA - Sublist Search
  • DSA - Hash Table
  • Sorting Algorithms
  • DSA - Sorting Algorithms
  • DSA - Bubble Sort Algorithm
  • DSA - Insertion Sort Algorithm
  • DSA - Selection Sort Algorithm
  • DSA - Merge Sort Algorithm
  • DSA - Shell Sort Algorithm
  • DSA - Heap Sort
  • DSA - Bucket Sort Algorithm
  • DSA - Counting Sort Algorithm
  • DSA - Radix Sort Algorithm
  • DSA - Quick Sort Algorithm
  • Graph Data Structure
  • DSA - Graph Data Structure
  • DSA - Depth First Traversal
  • DSA - Breadth First Traversal
  • DSA - Spanning Tree
  • Tree Data Structure
  • DSA - Tree Data Structure
  • DSA - Tree Traversal
  • DSA - Binary Search Tree
  • DSA - AVL Tree
  • DSA - Red Black Trees
  • DSA - B Trees
  • DSA - B+ Trees
  • DSA - Splay Trees
  • DSA - Tries
  • DSA - Heap Data Structure
  • DSA - Recursion Algorithms
  • DSA - Tower of Hanoi Using Recursion
  • DSA - Fibonacci Series Using Recursion
  • Divide and Conquer
  • DSA - Divide and Conquer
  • DSA - Max-Min Problem
  • DSA - Strassen's Matrix Multiplication
  • DSA - Karatsuba Algorithm
  • Greedy Algorithms
  • DSA - Greedy Algorithms
  • DSA - Travelling Salesman Problem (Greedy Approach)
  • DSA - Prim's Minimal Spanning Tree
  • DSA - Kruskal's Minimal Spanning Tree
  • DSA - Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm
  • DSA - Map Colouring Algorithm
  • DSA - Fractional Knapsack Problem
  • DSA - Job Sequencing with Deadline
  • DSA - Optimal Merge Pattern Algorithm
  • Dynamic Programming
  • DSA - Dynamic Programming
  • DSA - Matrix Chain Multiplication
  • DSA - Floyd Warshall Algorithm
  • DSA - 0-1 Knapsack Problem
  • DSA - Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm
  • DSA - Travelling Salesman Problem (Dynamic Approach)
  • Approximation Algorithms
  • DSA - Approximation Algorithms
  • DSA - Vertex Cover Algorithm
  • DSA - Set Cover Problem
  • DSA - Travelling Salesman Problem (Approximation Approach)
  • Randomized Algorithms
  • DSA - Randomized Algorithms
  • DSA - Randomized Quick Sort Algorithm
  • DSA - Karger’s Minimum Cut Algorithm
  • DSA - Fisher-Yates Shuffle Algorithm
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Job Sequencing with Deadline

Job scheduling algorithm.

Job scheduling algorithm is applied to schedule the jobs on a single processor to maximize the profits.

The greedy approach of the job scheduling algorithm states that, “Given ‘n’ number of jobs with a starting time and ending time, they need to be scheduled in such a way that maximum profit is received within the maximum deadline”.

Set of jobs with deadlines and profits are taken as an input with the job scheduling algorithm and scheduled subset of jobs with maximum profit are obtained as the final output.

Consider the following tasks with their deadlines and profits. Schedule the tasks in such a way that they produce maximum profit after being executed −

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5
Jobs J1 J2 J3 J4 J5
Deadlines 2 2 1 3 4
Profits 20 60 40 100 80

Find the maximum deadline value, dm, from the deadlines given.

Arrange the jobs in descending order of their profits.

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5
Jobs J4 J5 J2 J3 J1
Deadlines 3 4 2 1 2
Profits 100 80 60 40 20

The maximum deadline, d m , is 4. Therefore, all the tasks must end before 4.

Choose the job with highest profit, J4. It takes up 3 parts of the maximum deadline.

Therefore, the next job must have the time period 1.

Total Profit = 100.

The next job with highest profit is J5. But the time taken by J5 is 4, which exceeds the deadline by 3. Therefore, it cannot be added to the output set.

The next job with highest profit is J2. The time taken by J5 is 2, which also exceeds the deadline by 1. Therefore, it cannot be added to the output set.

The next job with higher profit is J3. The time taken by J3 is 1, which does not exceed the given deadline. Therefore, J3 is added to the output set.

Since, the maximum deadline is met, the algorithm comes to an end. The output set of jobs scheduled within the deadline are {J4, J3} with the maximum profit of 140 .

Following is the final implementation of Job sequencing Algorithm using Greedy Approach −

Job Sequencing and Scheduling

  • First Online: 20 September 2022

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the assignment method of job sequencing

  • Tin-Chih Toly Chen   ORCID: 2  

Part of the book series: SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology ((BRIEFSAPPLSCIENCES))

741 Accesses

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The semiconductor manufacturing process typically consists of four stages: wafer fabrication, wafer probe, assembly, and final test.

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Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Tin-Chih Toly Chen

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Chen, TC.T. (2023). Job Sequencing and Scheduling. In: Production Planning and Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing. SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 20 September 2022

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-14064-8

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-14065-5

eBook Packages : Engineering Engineering (R0)

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Job Sequencing with Deadlines

Job sequencing with deadlines is a problem that involves scheduling a set of jobs to maximize profit while adhering to their respective deadlines. This approach assumes that each job can be completed in exactly one unit of time. If jobs have different durations, a more advanced scheduling algorithm might be necessary. Also, if the deadlines are represented as relative time (e.g., time units after job release), the algorithm would require adjustments accordingly.

In this article, we explain Job Sequencing with Deadlines through algorithms like the Greedy method.

What is Job Sequencing with Deadlines?

The prime objective of the Job Sequencing with Deadlines algorithm is to complete the given order of jobs within respective deadlines, resulting in the highest possible profit. To achieve this, we are given a number of jobs, each associated with a specific deadline, and completing a job before its deadline earns us a profit. The challenge is to arrange these jobs in a way that maximizes our total profit.

It is not always possible to complete all of the assigned jobs within the deadlines. For each job, denoted as Ji, we have a deadline di and a profit pi associated with completing it on time. Our objective is to find the best solution that maximizes profit while still ensuring that the jobs are completed within their deadlines.

Here’s how Job Sequencing with Deadlines algorithm works:

Problem Setup

You’re given a list of jobs, where each job has a unique identifier (job_id), a deadline (by which the job should be completed), and a profit value (the benefit you gain by completing the job).

Sort the Jobs by Profit

To ensure we consider jobs with higher profits first, sort the jobs in non-increasing order based on their profit values.

Initialize the Schedule and Available Time Slots

Set up an array to represent the schedule. Initialize all elements to -1, indicating that no job has been assigned to any time slot. Also, create a boolean array to represent the availability of time slots, with all elements set to true initially.

Assign Jobs to Time Slots

Go through the sorted jobs one by one. For each job, find the latest available time slot just before its deadline. If such a time slot is available, assign the job to that slot. If not, skip the job.

Calculate Total Profit and Scheduled Jobs

Sum up the profits of all the scheduled jobs to get the total profit. Additionally, keep track of which job is assigned to each time slot.

Output the Results

Finally, display the total profit achieved and the list of jobs that have been scheduled.

Job Sequencing with Deadlines algorithm

Given jobs J(i) with deadline D(i) and profit P(i) for 0≤i≤1, these jobs are arranged in descending order of profit p1⩾p2⩾p3⩾…⩾pn.

Job-Sequencing-With-Deadline (D, J, n, k)

D(0) := J(0) := 0

J(1) := 1 // means first job is selected

for i = 2 … n do

while D(J(r)) > D(i) and D(J(r)) ≠ r do

if D(J(r)) ≤ D(i) and D(i) > r then

for l = k … r + 1 by -1 do

J(l + 1): = J(l)

J(r + 1): = i

Job Sequencing with Deadlines using Greedy method

Job sequencing with deadlines is often solved using a Greedy algorithm approach, where jobs are selected based on their profitability and deadline constraints. The goal is to maximize the total profit by scheduling jobs in the most optimal manner.

Here’s a C code implementation of the Job Sequencing with Deadlines using Greedy method :

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

struct Job {

int deadline;

int profit;

int compare_jobs(const void* a, const void* b) {

return ((struct Job*)b)->profit – ((struct Job*)a)->profit;

void job_sequencing_with_deadlines(struct Job* jobs, int n) {

qsort(jobs, n, sizeof(struct Job), compare_jobs);

int max_deadline = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

if (jobs[i].deadline > max_deadline)

max_deadline = jobs[i].deadline;

int* schedule = (int*)calloc(max_deadline, sizeof(int));

int total_profit = 0;

int deadline = jobs[i].deadline;

while (deadline > 0) {

if (schedule[deadline – 1] == 0) {

schedule[deadline – 1] = 1;

total_profit += jobs[i].profit;


printf(“Total profit: %d\n”, total_profit);


int main() {

printf(“Enter the number of jobs: “);

scanf(“%d”, &n);

struct Job* jobs = (struct Job*)malloc(n * sizeof(struct Job));

printf(“Enter job details (deadline profit) for each job:\n”);

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

scanf(“%d %d”, &jobs[i].deadline, &jobs[i].profit);

job_sequencing_with_deadlines(jobs, n);


Examples of Job Sequencing with Deadlines

In the given job sequencing problem, we need to determine the optimal job sequence within their deadlines to achieve maximum profit. Each job is characterized by a deadline and a profit. Our goal is to find the most profitable combination of jobs that meet their respective deadlines.


Job 1

Job 2

Job 3

Job 4

Job 5













We want to find the optimal sequence of jobs to perform, considering their deadlines, in order to maximize the total profit. So, we’ll arrange the profits in descending order:


Job 1

Job 5

Job 4

Job 3

Job 2













Job 1 (100) can be assigned to the deadline 2 (at index 1) since it’s the highest possible deadline available.

Job 5 (90) can be assigned to the deadline 3 (at index 2) since it’s the highest possible deadline available.

Job 3 (75) can be assigned to the deadline 2 (at index 1) since it’s the highest possible deadline available.

Job 4 (80) can’t be assigned as the only available slots have deadlines 2 and 3, both occupied.

Job 2 (50) can’t be assigned as all slots with deadlines 2 and 3 are occupied.

The total profit obtained by scheduling the selected jobs is 100 + 90 + 75 = 265.

The sequence of jobs that are scheduled: Job 1, Job 5, and Job 3.

The optimal sequence of jobs, considering their deadlines, that maximizes the total profit is Job 1, Job 5, and Job 3, with a total profit of 265.

Frequently Asked Questions on Job Sequencing with Deadlines

What is the job sequencing with deadlines problem.

The Job Sequencing with Deadlines problem involves scheduling a set of jobs to maximize profit while adhering to their respective deadlines. Each job has a deadline and a profit, and the goal is to find the best arrangement of jobs that yields the highest total profit within the given time constraints.

How is the Job Sequencing with Deadlines algorithm structured?

The algorithm can be broken down into the following steps:

  • Sort the jobs in non-increasing order based on their profits.
  • Initialize the schedule and available time slots.
  • Assign jobs to time slots based on their deadlines and availability.
  • Calculate the total profit and track the scheduled jobs.
  • Output the final results, including the total profit and the list of scheduled jobs.

What if some jobs cannot be completed within their deadlines?

The Job Sequencing with Deadlines algorithm aims to maximize profit while respecting deadlines. If some jobs cannot be completed within their deadlines, they are skipped during the scheduling process to meet the time constraints of higher-priority jobs.

How does the Greedy method apply to Job Sequencing with Deadlines?

The Greedy method is often used to solve the Job Sequencing with Deadlines problem. It involves selecting jobs based on their profitability and deadline constraints. By arranging the jobs in descending order of profit, the Greedy method can achieve an optimal sequence of jobs that maximizes the total profit while considering deadline limitations.

Can the Job Sequencing with Deadlines algorithm handle jobs with different durations?

The basic Job Sequencing with Deadlines algorithm assumes that each job requires exactly one unit of time to complete. If jobs have different durations, a more advanced scheduling algorithm would be necessary to accommodate varying processing times

the assignment method of job sequencing

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Job Sequencing Problem – Loss Minimization

We are given N jobs numbered 1 to N. For each activity, let Ti denotes the number of days required to complete the job. For each day of delay before starting to work for job i, a loss of Li is incurred. We are required to find a sequence to complete the jobs so that overall loss is minimized. We can only work on one job at a time. If multiple such solutions are possible, then we are required to give the lexicographically least permutation (i.e earliest in dictionary order). Examples:

Let us consider two extreme cases and we shall deduce the general case solution from them.

  • All jobs take same time to finish, i.e Ti = k for all i. Since all jobs take same time to finish we should first select jobs which have large Loss (Li). We should select jobs which have the highest losses and finish them as early as possible. Thus this is a greedy algorithm. Sort the jobs in descending order based on Li only.
  • All jobs have the same penalty. Since all jobs have the same penalty we will do those jobs first which will take less amount of time to finish. This will minimize the total delay, and hence also the total loss incurred. This is also a greedy algorithm. Sort the jobs in ascending order based on Ti. Or we can also sort in descending order of 1/Ti.

From the above cases, we can easily see that we should sort the jobs not on the basis of Li or Ti alone. Instead, we should sort the jobs according to the ratio Li/Ti, in descending order.

We can get the lexicographically smallest permutation of jobs if we perform a stable sort on the jobs. An example of a stable sort is merge sort .

To get most accurate result avoid dividing Li by Ti. Instead, compare the two ratios like fractions. To compare a/b and c/d, compare ad and bc.


Time Complexity: O(N log N) Space Complexity: O(N)

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Sequencing Rules and Due-Date Assignments in a Job Shop

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  • Zeiträg Y Figueira J Horta N Neves R (2022) Surrogate-assisted automatic evolving of dispatching rules for multi-objective dynamic job shop scheduling using genetic programming Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal 10.1016/j.eswa.2022.118194 209 :C Online publication date: 15-Dec-2022
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  • inventory/production: policies
  • production/scheduling: job shop
  • simulation: application


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  • Wang Y (2018) Adaptive job shop scheduling strategy based on weighted Q-learning algorithm Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 10.1007/s10845-018-1454-3 31 :2 (417-432) Online publication date: 7-Nov-2018
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