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Visual Learning: 10 Examples, Definition, Pros & Cons

Visual Learning: 10 Examples, Definition, Pros & Cons

Dave Cornell (PhD)

Dr. Cornell has worked in education for more than 20 years. His work has involved designing teacher certification for Trinity College in London and in-service training for state governments in the United States. He has trained kindergarten teachers in 8 countries and helped businessmen and women open baby centers and kindergartens in 3 countries.

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Visual Learning: 10 Examples, Definition, Pros & Cons

Chris Drew (PhD)

This article was peer-reviewed and edited by Chris Drew (PhD). The review process on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert fact check, edit, and contribute to articles. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education and holds a PhD in Education from ACU.

visual learner essay example

Visual learning refers to the process of coming to understand information by seeing it – often, represented in graphs or films.

Teachers that utilize visual learning strategies present information in various visual formats such as: flowcharts, diagrams, videos, simulations, graphs, cartoons, coloring books, PPT slide shows, posters, movies, games, and flash cards.

Human beings are very visually-oriented creatures. Our visual system is central to many aspects of our lives. We can see the centrality of visual stimuli in the arts in the form of theatre and film, paintings and sculptures.

It plays a central role in our daily lives as we wear clothes and put on make-up to enhance our visual aesthetic. Fashion and beauty industries exist in every country and tally billions of dollars in sales a year.

However, despite the importance of visual stimuli, in educational contexts visual learning may not be suitable for all students. Because every student is different, visual learning may be effective for some, but not others.

Visual Learning as a Learning Style

Visual learning is the processing of visually presented information. A visual learning style, on the other hand, refers to times when visual learning is an individual’s preferred method of learning.

Whereas some students may be especially capable of visual learning, others may prefer to learn through other means, such as through text or auditory processing.

Others may prefer to have something to touch and manipulate.

This has led scholars to devise the concept of learning styles (see Pritchard, 2017). Each student has a different way of learning. Such scholars argue that teachers should utilize a range of instructional approaches that present information in a range of formats.

Over the years, a plethora of theoretical frameworks regarding learning styles has developed, with visual learning being a common category.

For instance, Neil Fleming’s VARK model (Fleming & Baume, 2006) contains four learning modalities : visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic ( similar to tactile learning ).


Glossary Term: Visual Literacy

Visual literacy is a slightly different concept. It refers to a skill or the ability to decipher and create visually presented information.

Avgerinou and Pettersson (2011) point out the difficulty scholars have had in agreeing upon a definition of visual literacy. However, the one provided by Heinich et al. (1982) seems sufficient, despite the fact that it was offered last century:

“Visual literacy is the learned ability to interpret visual messages accurately and to create such messages.  Thus, interpretation and creation in visual literacy can be said to parallel reading and writing in print literacy” (p. 62).

Visual Learning Examples

  • Concept Maps: A concept map is a way to graphically organize information that can enhance a student’s understanding of how different ideas are interconnected. Each concept is displayed as a circle, and students draw lines to other concepts/circles that are related in some way.  
  • Data Animations: Large amounts of complex data can be presented in animation form. For example, explaining the economic growth and decline of various countries across decades can be demonstrated by animating the placement of each country’s economic rank year-over-year.
  • PowerPoint Slides: Creating a PPT presentation that includes various charts and images can help convey meaning that cannot be accomplished through text alone.
  • Gamification: Adding game elements to academic concepts generates student engagement and allows students to have a non-academic experience with academic concepts.
  • Minecraft Education Edition: The Education Edition of Minecraft is a great way for students to learn programming skills and about academic subjects by creating their own visual stories.
  • Dioramas: A diorama gives students a chance to create their own 3-D displays pertaining to academic subjects. For example, students can learn about animals and their habitats by constructing a scene in a shoebox.
  • Interactive Smartboards: The interactive smartboard can display interactive charts, demonstrate complex principles in chemistry and physics, and even give preschoolers a chance to get out of their seats and touch the correct phoneme displayed on the board.
  • Computer Simulations: It’s one thing to hear a lecture on the synaptic gap and neurotransmission. It’s quite another to see the process depicted in a sophisticated computer simulation.       
  • Video Production: Students can learn about a key historical event by producing their own micro-play on video. The performance aspect is also visual and the end result is a student-designed video that depicts the crucial moments and characters of an important historical happening.
  • Flowcharts: Complicated processes can be explained through a verbal explanation, but having a visual representation will be much more effective. Seeing each step sequentially helps students understand the big picture while at the same time seeing how each step is connected.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Visual Learning

1. strength: explaining the complex.

Very complex processes, such as those in physics, chemistry, and medicine, can be more easily understood through a visual format.

Well-done computer animations can show the dynamics of a complex process that simply cannot be discerned so thoroughly if presented through a verbal or text format.

2. Strength: Availability of Resources

Visual learning resources can be found within a few seconds on the internet. An image or video search will generate an incredible number of graphs, images, and videos which a teacher can easily download and incorporate into instruction.

3. Strength: Increases Student Engagement

Students today live in a very visual world. Short videos on social media and sites such as YouTube are viewed by students every day.

When in the classroom, listening or reading about academic concepts can lead to a lack of interest among students. However, presenting the same information in a visual format can pique interest and therefore increase student engagement.

4. Strength: Convenience

Visual learning resources are usually in a digital format. That means students can view the material just about anywhere, as long as they have their phone with them.

This convenience expands the opportunities for students to engage in learning. They no longer have to be seated at a desk to learn.

5. Strength: Efficiency

Visual learning is very efficient. For example, a lot of information can be presented in a short video lasting just a couple of minutes. However, to read and digest the same amount of information presented in text may consume many pages in a book.

Reading all of those pages may take three or four times longer than the same content presented in a video.

6. Weakness: Requires Equipment

When we think of the classroom, we usually envision a room well-equipped with video projectors and screens and teachers with laptops and laser pointers.

Unfortunately, that is a distorted perception of what exists in most of the world. A vast majority of classrooms around the globe are simply not equipped with the necessary hardware to capitalize on the value of visual learning material.

7. Weakness: Requires Less Thinking

Some visual learning activities, certainly not all, are passive experiences. For example, watching a video is a passive experience. The student simply needs to keep their eyes on the screen and let the information enter their mind.

This is a quite different cognitive process than needing to focus on a lecture and processing the meaning of each word spoken.

One is a passive cognitive process, while the other requires thinking.

8. Weakness: Can Create Edutainment Expectations

Because today’s students are so immersed in videos that are eye-catching and exciting to watch, it can create the expectation that education should be entertaining. This is not only unrealistic, but also may not be in the student’s best interest.

Learning to endure educational experiences that are not always pleasurable can help students develop self-discipline.

Disengaging from a learning experience simply because it is not entertaining denies students an opportunity for personal growth and the opportunity for them to develop higher-order thinking .

Case Study: Visual Learning in Ed. Teach

Applications of technology to improve classroom instruction has steadily increased as software has become more user friendly.

Numerous commercial products are available that can enhance students’ understanding of academic concepts, generate interest in technology, and improve higher-order thinking skills such as logical reasoning and problem-solving.

Many of those products capitalize on visual learning.

For example, Rodger et al. (2009) demonstrated the use of Alice to design lessons in math, language arts, and social studies. The program allows students to create their own interactive games, animations, and videos.

Scratch is a media tool that allows students to program their own interactive stories and games, which helps students build computational thinking and programming skills (Brennan & Resnick, 2012; Wilson et al., 2009). 

Kodu Game Lab is a 3-D visual programming platform that can enhance creativity and problem-solving skills (Stolee & Fristoe, 2011).

Hero et al. (2015) used MIT App to spark student interest in programming by enabling students to design their own Android-based apps and games.

These kinds of technology platforms, which utilize visual learning, can produce numerous educational benefits.

Visual learning is learning by seeing. Information is presented in a visual format such as a video, graph, or computer animation.

Although many students can benefit from visually presented information, not all will. Some students are more motivated to learn through auditory or textual channels, so they prefer to listen or read.

Recognizing that students differ in how they prefer to learn has led to the notion of learning styles. This is the idea that each student has a preferred way of learning and that therefore, teachers should design instructional strategies that suit various learning styles in a process called differentiation .

While visual learning has many advantages in terms of explaining complex processes and capturing student attention, there are also some disadvantages.

Most classrooms in the world are not equipped for visual learning. A reliance on visual learning can create the expectation in students that learning is passive and/or should be entertaining.

In other aspects, some visual learning formats can involve less active cognitive processing and fail to exercise a valuable mental skill known as thinking .

Avgerinou, M. D., & Pettersson, R. (2011). Toward a cohesive theory of visual literacy. Journal of Visual Literacy , 30 (2), 1-19.

Brennan, K., & Resnick, M. (2012, April). New frameworks for studying and assessing the development of computational thinking. In Proceedings of the 2012 annual meeting of the American educational research association, Vancouver, Canada (Vol. 1, p. 25).

Coffield F., Moseley D., Hall E., Ecclestone K. (2004). Learning styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning. A systematic and critical review . London: Learning and Skills Research Centre.

Fleming, N., & Baume, D. (2006). Learning Styles Again: VARKing up the right tree! Educational Developments , 7 (4), 4.

Heinich, R., Molenda, M., & Russell, J. D. (1982). Instructional media and the new technologies of instruction . New York: Macmillan.

Herro, D., McCune-Gardner, C., & Boyer, M. D. (2015). Perceptions of coding with MIT App Inventor: Pathways for their future. Journal for Computing Teachers .

Pritchard, A. (2017). Ways of learning: Learning theories for the classroom . London: Routledge.

Raiyn, J. (2016). The Role of Visual Learning in Improving Students’ High-Order Thinking Skills. Journal of Education and Practice , 7 (24), 115-121.

Rodger, S. H., Hayes, J., Lezin, G., Qin, H., Nelson, D., Tucker, R., … & Slater, D. (2009, March). Engaging middle school teachers and students with alice in a diverse set of subjects. In Proceedings of the 40th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education (pp. 271-275).

Stolee, K. T., & Fristoe, T. (2011, March). Expressing computer science concepts through Kodu game lab. In Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education (pp. 99-104).

Wilson, A., Hainey, T., & Connolly, T. (2012, October). Evaluation of computer games developed by primary school children to gauge understanding of programming concepts. In European Conference on Games Based Learning (p. 549). Academic Conferences International Limited.


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I Am A Visual Learner (Essay Sample)

Being a visual learner has its own advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, visual learners can go through the process of learning while having more fun as compared to other types of individuals. This is because visual learners not only prefer but are strongly inclined to learn when presented with graphics and other images such as charts, graphs, maps, etc. However, visual learners could also be disadvantageous for other cases especially when they are required to study hard data. This is more particularly true for pieces of information which are presented in long lists and/or numbers which are not accompanied by any other info graphics. Following from this, what is apparent is that in order to become an effective learner one must know which channels and methods are most effective for him/her, and work based on that method. In my case, learning should be by the use of graphical tools, and, if ever data is presented in a very rigid manner, I believe that it would be best if I transform these data in a way that my mind could easily comprehend, which are graphs and other visual aids.

However, not all data could be converted into visual aids and must either be memorized together with the entire enormity of the data that it contains. One example is the study of law. In studying law, one must be able not to only memorize the constitution and each and every section that it has but also comprehend it. For visual learners like me, being able to master this kind of the profession is possible, but surely it would take a long time before one gets the hang of it. Thus, I believe that in order to both enjoy and have a clear mastery of one’s profession, an individual must be able to assess himself and choose a career based on this assessment. For people who are considered visual learners, I believe that there are professions which are better suited to them such as arts, engineering, architecture, and other careers which are not too focused on hard data but also requires a degree of imaginative skills.

Another term for a visual learner is “spatial learner”, this is because people who are inclined to spatial learning are also those who are good with imaginative reasoning. In other words, these people could think better by imagining something and its outcomes through simulating them either within or outside their own subconscious. This is also an observation that I’ve found for myself. Most of the time, I find it fun and exciting to try and think about what would happen if I do something out of a convention, or imagine what would happen in particular circumstances. For visual learners, these tasks are more enjoyable rather than being a mentally taxing challenge.

Now, what one might ask is what makes the difference between visual learners and not? According to studies, one of the major differences between visual and non-visual learners is their attention towards the validity of the logic in everyday life. As systems and diagrams are more important for the learning of visual learners, these visual aids provide the kind of “connection” or “logic” that they are trying to establish between two or more facts which are given. This attention to detail is what makes visual learners invaluable especially for critical professions which require an immense amount of visualization such as architecture, engineering, and medicine. Therefore, this is why most of the visual learners could be found within these professions. And, just like me, these visual learners could prove to be an invaluable asset for the further advancement of trades like this.

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Understanding and Supporting Visual Learners

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visual learner


Show, Don’t Tell: What it Means to Be a Visual Learner

  • January 24, 2022

Table of Contents

Visual learners, auditory learners, reading and writing learners, kinesthetic learners, what is visual learning, better quality learning, learning is cost-effective, creates stronger memory, learning becomes fun, great observers, quicker learning process, stronger memory through graphs and pictures, visual learners are usually good in arts, motivating and engaging visual learners in the classroom, what does it mean to be a visual learner, what is an example of a visual learner, what are the four types of learners, what are the strengths of a visual learner, what is the visual method of teaching.

Have you ever read something over and over again; however you did not really understand much? Or had someone try to explain an idea to you, but it still did not click, but then, once you encountered a graph or picture related to the information, it finally made sense to you? You might be a visual learner if you can relate to such a case.

Learning styles play an essential role in the learning process because each person has their preferred way of retaining information that determines how effective they are when interacting with the learning environment. Throughout this article, we will go through the main learning styles, focusing on visual learning, its benefits, visual learning characteristics, and other aspects.

Types of Learners

The idea of people having different learning styles is based on the theory that we have diverse stimulus sense modalities that we prefer to use when processing and retaining new information. One of the most popular learning style categorizations is based on the VARK theory , suggested by Fleming and Mills in 1992. According to this theory, learners can be placed into four main categories: visual, auditory, reading-and-writing, and kinesthetic learners.

Visual learners learn best when interacting with the information presented as visual images such as photos, graphs, diagrams, etc. These learners can quickly remember faces and places as they manage to recollect details by picturing them in their minds.

Auditory learners , often referred to as aural learners, prefer to learn via listening. By interacting with the material through listening to lectures, discussions, or even simply talking aloud to themselves, these learners retain information more easily.

Reading and writing learners prefer learning by emphasizing text‐based input and output. They interact with the material through reading and writing, whether presented as manuals, reports, essays, or assignments.

Kinesthetic learners, also known as tactile learners, learn best through experience. They tend to remember information through active exploration by movement, testing, experimenting, etc. The word “kinesthetic” itself refers to a person’s ability to sense position and movement, so they need to interact with that sense to understand and remember better.

Although we went through a simple definition of visual learners, you might still be wondering, “what is a visual learner?”. To best understand it, you must know what visual learning as a style in itself is.

So, visual learning uses the individual’s visual sensory modes to help them perceive better the environment and material presented to them. This learning style uses various visual stimuli, such as pictures, maps, images, slides, graphs, etc., to make the process of noting and retaining information more straightforward. This learning style is characterized by various elements and comes with many benefits that you can utilize to your advantage throughout every future study session.

Benefits Of Visual Learning

Sure, using illustrations while learning might sound appealing to anyone, but how effective is it in reality? Well, visual learning not only helps with retaining information, but it also makes learning more enjoyable for the students. Furthermore, this style is practical and easy to be incorporated into your study sessions.

If you are a visual learner, then using this style will help you improve the quality of your learning. Using images, charts, and other visuals while studying will help you engage more with your studies. It is essential you do so because research shows that when you engage with your material in the learning process, your attention, focus, and even motivation will increase, developing critical thinking skills and an overall understanding of the information you study.

Visual learning is also very cost-effective. Most of the strategies you follow while using this learning style require little to no expense, but even when they do, it pays off in the end. Simply creating some power-point slides with notes, highlighting key passages, using doodles and flowcharts in your notes, creating flashcards, and other strategies can help create a customized and efficient learning experience for you- all of which you can do with some colored markers and a laptop.

Studies conducted on the influence of visual learning on recall of a memory test support the theory that visual learning can lead to a better recollection of memories, unlike other learning styles. Although visual learning is not the only style of retaining information, it is one that is the most effectively used.

Regardless of how much you like a subject, it can still become monotonous at times. However, using slides with many pictures and charts, bright notes with doodles, and different colors can make lectures and revising sessions more fun. Using such visual learning tips can help turn even the most boring subjects into enjoyable lessons you look forward to engaging and are excited about.

Characteristics of Visual Learners

Visual learners have distinct characteristics that make their learning style unique through the strategies and methods they use. Generally, they are skilled at observing their surroundings, can quickly process information and remember it, and have artistic abilities.

Indeed, Sherlock Holmes must have been a visual learner to some extent because this learning style helps you notice many details about your surroundings that others may not be able to see. Did your friend get a new haircut? Is this a street you passed a few years ago? It might seem odd to others how quickly you percept change, but when you are so focused on visuals, you become highly observant and notice attributes that other people typically tend to miss or overlook.

Visual learning helps students understand concepts easily due to the fact it stimulates images and affects their cognitive capabilities. In fact, research shows that we can process visuals much faster than text. The human brain processes visuals around 60,000 times faster than text by quickly deciphering illustrative elements simultaneously, whereas when dealing with text, it has to decode elements in a sequential manner, thus, taking more time to process the information.

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Visuals are helpful if you are looking to store information into your long-term memory and ensure that you retain the data for an extended period of time. According to a study on people’s ability to recall information , the test subjects remembered only 10-20% of information delivered through text or spoken lectures, compared to almost 60% of the information presented visually. So, pairing ideas with images related to them helps students direct their attention and understand the information easier and better, thus increasing the possibility that they will remember the material for a longer period of time.

Because they are constantly using visuals to convey their ideas and emotions, another characteristic of visual learners is that they are generally more prone to having artistic abilities or being fit for specific creative careers related to pictures. In addition to the fact that you would be good at the creative job you pursue, working with something that requires you to make use of visuals would make the whole process more exhilarating and fun.

Teachers and Visual Learners

Every student is different, especially regarding their learning style, and as a teacher, it is challenging to cater to everyone. However, since our focus is on visual learning, we will concentrate on ways to help visual learners engage with the information, develop their abilities, and better understand ideas.

Teachers can help strengthen visual learners by incorporating a few strategies related to images and other illustrated elements when delivering lectures or assigning work, such as:

  • Utilizing photographs, videos, graphs, charts, etc.
  • Creating groups with only visual learners for specific tasks so they can efficiently work together
  • Giving students enough time so students can visualize the ideas you explain in their notes through illustrations or other ways they prefer
  • Incorporating colors, images, and other visuals into your lectures as frequently as possible
  • Providing written instructions for projects or other assignments, so visual learners can go back and re-read them whenever they forget or are confused about an idea.

Acknowledging the diversity of learning styles within a classroom and attempting to help with each one will make the class more effective and fun for your students. Putting additional efforts into making your students feel as comfortable as possible with each task and providing them with the space they need in order to approach school material in whatever manner it makes best sense to them, will help them better engage with the information, learn, and thrive.

Once you understand the connection between finding your learning style and how it affects the learning process, then you can begin to improve the overall quality of your learning environment and process.

Remember that being a visual learner should not limit you but rather help you find strategies to grasp ideas with ease. Do not be afraid to try new things, explore and discover various learning styles and techniques until you find what suits you best.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Visual learners are individuals who learn best through visual aids such as diagrams, charts, videos, and images. They process information by observing and analyzing the visual representation of data.

An example of a visual learner is someone who prefers to learn through images, graphs, charts, and videos rather than through verbal or written explanations.

The four types of learners are visual learners, auditory learners, reading/writing learners, and kinesthetic learners.

Visual learners have the ability to learn through images, graphs, charts, diagrams, and other visual aids. They can easily recall information by visualizing it in their minds and tend to have strong spatial awareness and a keen eye for detail.

The visual method of teaching is an instructional approach that utilizes visual aids such as images, diagrams, videos, and charts to help learners understand and retain information more effectively.

Bay Atlantic University

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Visual Learning Style: Traits and Study Strategies

  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

Do you find yourself drawing pictures of a biology process as you study for an exam? Are you occasionally distracted during lectures, but extra-attentive when watching a video? If so, you may be a visual learner .

Visual learners are those who process and retain information best when they can see it. Visual learners often prefer to sit in the front of the class and "watch" the lecture closely. Often, these students will find that information makes more sense when it is explained with the aid of a chart or illustration.

Strengths of Visual Learners

Visual learners have many strengths that will help them succeed in the classroom:

  • Good at spelling and grammar
  • Comprehends charts and graphs quickly
  • Able to convey complex ideas visually
  • Good at sign language and other visual communication
  • Creative; may enjoy art or writing

Visual Learning Strategies

If you're a visual learner, try these techniques to improve your comprehension, retention, and concentration while studying :

  • Ask for a demonstration . Visual learners need to see how something is done. Whenever possible, ask your teacher for a visual demonstration. Once you see the concept or principle in action, you'll have an easier time understanding it and recalling it later.
  • Request handouts . Before class begins, ask the teacher if there is a handout you can review during the lecture. Handouts will help you keep track of the information being presented in the lecture.
  • Incorporate white space in your notes. White space is important for visual learners. When too much information is crammed together, it becomes difficult to read. Think of white space as an organizational tool like any other and use it to separate information in your notes.
  • Draw symbols and pictures . Use symbols like exclamation points (for important information), question marks (for information that's confusing or that you need to study further) and stars (for information you understand fully). In addition, consider illustrating complex concepts or processes.
  • Use flashcards . Flashcards can help you remember key terms and vocabulary words. Create a set of flashcards and illustrate them with relevant pictures and symbols to boost your retention.
  • Create graphs and charts . If you are learning information that can be organized as a graph or chart, take the time to make one. No need to be fancy—just scribble it in the margins of your notebook). Seeing information in this structured format will help you remember it.
  • Make outlines . Outlines are an excellent organizational tool for the visual learner. In an outline, you can structure a large amount of information using headings, subheadings, and bullet points. Outline textbook chapters as you read, then review your outlines when preparing for exams.
  • Write your own practice test . When you make your own practice test , you get to see the relevant test information right in front of you, which is a big help for visual learners. Use study guides, chapter notes, and relevant class assignments to put your original practice test together.

Visual Learning Tips for Teachers

Visual learners need to see information in order to learn. These students may struggle to pay attention to a conventional lecture, but they process visual information like charts and graphs with ease. Try these strategies to support the visual learners in your classroom:

  • Give visual learners quiet study time to review their notes, outline chapters, or draw diagrams.
  • Play short video clips during class to reinforce concepts discussed during lecture.
  • Avoid "cold-calling" on visual learners after a lecture presentation, as they need a few minutes to process the information they've just heard. Instead, give your students a moment to think after the lecture ends, then allow them to provide written answers to questions.
  • Create opportunities for students to express their creativity in class (e.g. poster projects and short skits).
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Visual Learning Style, Essay Example

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Visual learning is a teaching and learning style in which data, concepts, ideas and other information is associated with images and techniques (Slack, 2007). Therefore, Visual learners are those who learn things through seeing them. Often, students who are visual learners find that information “clicks” well in their mind when it is explained with the aid of a picture, chart or a table. A visual learner has got the following characteristics; is good at spelling but forgets names, likes charts, likes colors and fashions, needs quiet study time, is good at sign language, dreams in colors, and has to think awhile before understanding a speech (Slack, 2007).

Visual learners encounter difficulties while attempting essay exams but, there learning can be improved magnificently if visual learning styles are employed. Pictures, colors, images and other visual media will help visual learners to visualize their learning. Gravenhorst (2007) provides that, Students who are visual learners can best learn using the following styles;

  • Drawing a map of events in history or drawing a scientific process. This helps the student to represent historical information in pictorial form for easy visualization hence understanding;
  • Making an outline of everything;
  • Watching videos;
  • Color coding words;
  • Using flash cards;
  • Using highlighters, circling words, underlining;
  • Using the visual story t help memorize content that is not easy to see;
  • Using images, pictures, and maps to organize information and communicate with others. By representing information spatially and with images, enables the students to focus on meaning, group and reorganize similar ideas easily hence making better use of their visual memory;
  • Systems diagrams help the student to visualize the links between parts of a system, for instance main engine parts. Replacing words with pictures and using colors to highlight major and minor links;

Visual learning styles are very significant for visual learners for they help them improve the ability of remembering information more completely. This saves them the problem of struggling during essay exams since they don’t easily recall the test material they heard in a lecture (Gravenhorst, 2007).

Gravenhorst, R. M., (2007). “Student Learning Styles & Academic Performance in a Non- traditional Anatomy Course”. Journal of Dance Education , 7(2), 38-46.

Slack. (2007). “Evaluating the reliability & validity of a learning styles inventory: a classroom based study”. Educational Research, 49(1), 51-63.

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Your Learning Strategy Might Be Completely Wrong - Let's Fix It

Your Learning Strategy Might Be Completely Wrong - Let's Fix It

Stop wasting your time, and start learning the right way..

Research has found that everybody is unique in how they learn best. We all have different strengths, talents, challenges, and ways of doing things. And learning is no different. Some people thrive in structured environments, others do best when they can go with the flow. There are students who learn best from books, from listening, from watching, from doing, or from discovering. You might gain knowledge best when working independently or while working collaboratively in a group.

It all depends on your learning style. In fact, there are learning styles that describe how different people typically learn best. One of these is the visual learning style. Visual learners acquire knowledge more effectively via visual instruction, as in what they can see and observe rather than through other methods, such as listening or doing.

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In this comprehensive guide to the visual learning style, learn more about the visual learning style, common traits of visual learners, and strategies teachers and students can use to maximize the academic experience for visual learners.

Teaching and learning work best when tailored to the specific needs—and learning style—of each student. This can be a challenging prospect, but once you understand the various ways different people process and understand information, it becomes much easier. Here, we take a deep dive into what visual learning is all about—and explore how to best support those learners.

What Is a Learning Style?

Before we examine what being a visual learner means, let’s look at what learning styles are, to begin with.

Learning styles are the ways different people learn best. There are a range of theories about how learning styles work and how to define them. Some researchers have developed theories using more or fewer categories. But typically, they are separated into anywhere from four to seven or even 12 different types of learners. 

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The general idea is that instruction delivered in different ways (such as via a presentation, written material, or a hands-on activity) will be received differently by different students. Each person may be more or less receptive to various teaching techniques. 

Some examples of other learning styles are kinesthetic (movement), auditory, social, verbal, mathematical, logical, or solitary. Note that people don’t only learn from one teaching method, but one or more learning styles just may be more favorable than the others in terms of a student’s comprehension and information retention.

What is a visual learner?

Visual learners learn best instructed using visual methods of teaching. Essentially, this means when information is presented via reading, visual aids, or videos. They learn and remember best when they “see” the content they are studying. They may picture what they are learning about in their heads.

Visual learners may also learn things well using other teaching methods but they enjoy or are more successful when information is offered visually.

Traits of Visual Learners

Visual learners share specific traits that make visual information more appealing to and effective for them. These characteristics include the following.

Reading to learn

They remember what they read better than what they hear. Visual learners are readers, contemplative thinkers, and observers.

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Visualizing concepts.

They use diagrams, maps, pictures, and charts to understand ideas and concepts. 

Taking notes

Visual learners tend to write down what they are learning, a practice that can help them retain the information they are hearing.

Strengths of Visual Learners

Visual learners have many strengths. And typically, many classroom settings use many visual learning techniques, so they tend to do well in school and on tests. Some research says they will, on average, retain around 75% of what they read. 

So, reading (or other modes of seeing, such as via observing or watching) information is a highly effective way for these students to learn. They also tend to be good readers and enjoy books. They are good at reading and understanding maps, diagrams, charts, and other visual tools. They also tend to like order and to keep things tidy.

Visual Learning Strategies for Students

The good news for students who are visual learners is that schools, classrooms, and curricula tend to be organized in their favor. Often, schoolwork is delivered via written texts or pictures, or at the very least, related visual aids tend to be easily accessible. In other words, if the information is unclear, you can usually find something to read or look at that will help it make sense. 

If your class is primarily in lecture (or any other) form, taking notes, drawing pictures, creating summaries, and making to-do lists can help you turn the auditory information into something you can see—and make sense of. You will remember best via sight so give yourself lots of visuals to look at and remember. 

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Simply being aware that you are a visual learner can help you, too. This is because then you can know to ask your teacher for information in written form, as needed.

Visual learners tend to have excellent memories and observation skills. Writing down your goals and organizing your thoughts and observations in written form will enhance these skills—and help make other teaching styles more effective for you.

Study tips for visual learners

Some tips for effective studying for visual learners include the following:

  • Take and review notes
  • Read all handouts, books, and other class materials
  • Ask for written material to support lessons if not provided
  • Review the table of contents and headings on all reading materials and/or the course syllabus
  • Use highlighters to mark the most important items to remember
  • Use other visual sources, such as maps, diagrams, pictures, graphs, and charts

Visual Learning Strategies for Teachers

Teachers can help support a visual learner by offering lots of visual aids to communicate ideas and information to these students. Aim to provide visual stimulation to keep visual learners engaged. Written texts, pictures, charts, graphs, maps, and other visual information helps these students learn, comprehend, and remember more effectively. 

Encourage note-taking, particularly during times when non-visual teaching methods are being used. Offer written material, such as an outline of a lecture, diagrams, or a handout that covers the essential points, in tandem with other forms of instruction to help support the learning of more visually-inclined students.

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For complex topics delivered orally, break the subject down into smaller sections, a technique called microlearning . Provide written or visual companion handouts to reinforce the information for visual learners. 

Another helpful technique is called timeboxing , in which you dedicate a fixed amount of time for each activity. This method is helpful for visual learners who tend to do best when they know the parameters (as in length of time and other variables) of each lesson.

What Type of Person Is a Visual Learner?

Visual learners are smart, organized, and neat. They tend to love reading and have analytical minds. They like to watch and observe and may be relatively internal. They read the expressions and body language of others well and also communicate effectively with their own faces and bodies. 

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They tend to have vivid, creative imaginations. They also typically have good motivation and study habits for schoolwork, especially when it can be accessed through visual materials.

What is a visual learner example?

The most obvious example of a visual learner is someone who likes to read and absorb information by looking at it rather than by listening to it. These learners also prefer taking things in visually rather than through hands-on experiences.

Another indicator that someone is a visual learner is if they are good at interpreting maps, diagrams, or charts. Visual learners can also learn well via movies or videos, particularly if the information is shown visually on screen rather than relying just on talking.

Key Takeaways

Visual learners thrive when information is given to them visually. They can have difficulty with following directions, retaining information, and comprehension when information is presented orally or in a hands-on manner. However, using various strategies, such as note-taking and offering handouts and other visual materials to reinforce lessons, can help visual learners succeed.

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Rude Customer Has a Disagreement Over $6 - Teen Employees Have the Perfect Response

Teens Applauded For the Way They Handled This Angry Customer

Working in customer service can be challenging, especially when you’re dealing with rude and demanding clients. That’s particularly true for some teens, who work these jobs for part-time money and are often bullied by adults. Perhaps that’s why people are applauding these teen girls for the way they expertly handled an over-the-top customer.

An Angry Customer

See on Instagram

It was a tough day for employees at Keke’s Snow Balls in Texas when an angry woman approached the window. She had placed a pickup order for a snow cone and because of a shift change, the snow cone wasn’t ready. Two days later, the customer came back and demanded a refund of $6.

A girl named Victoria was working the counter and listened to the woman’s complaints. According to Inside Edition , it was immediately clear this woman didn’t want to resolve things in the right way, and was trying to pick a fight. Another employee named Kaeley overheard it all.

“I was just listening in the back and, eventually, I could just hear she’s angry the whole time. So I was like, clearly she just wants to have a problem,” Kaeley recalled to the publication. “And I’m not about that, so I was like, ‘Okay let me just go give her $6 and we can move on, move past this.’ It was $6.”

An Unexpected Turn

At that point, the situation should have been resolved. However, Kaeley noticed the sign outside the window had fallen over during the dispute. So, she opened the window to fix it. That’s when the woman came by, slapped the sign out of the 17-year-old girl’s hand, and called her a derogatory name.

“M’am, please don’t act like that. You’re a grown woman,” Kaeley responded in a video that the restaurant then posted to TikTok . “You’re a grown woman. I’m 17. Get out of here. Don’t come back. Don’t come back. We don’t need your business.”

“I was scared and very confused,” Victoria added. “I wasn’t understanding what was going on.”

A Brilliant Online Reaction

After the owner posted the video online, it went viral and many people reached out to support the girls for their perfect reaction to the customer.

“People were traveling to come and see us from hours away,” the owner, Kyle, told Inside Edition . “We had people reaching out to us on TikTok asking how to tip the girls. We even had people going and leaving Google reviews that haven’t even been to the shop, saying they’re so proud of the girls and how they dealt with it,” he continued.

Kyle explained that he posted the video to remind everyone that the employees behind the counter are people, too. Adults, in particular, should try to remember that oftentimes, these are kids working to save up for cars, school, and other big life steps.

“Mistakes happen, but for you to go up and act like that as an adult, my whole point in uploading that video is to simply remind us all that we need to treat people better,” Kyle added.

"I am proud of the way our supervisor handled the situation," he added in the initial post . "We must strive for better behavior and respect in all interactions. It’s all about just being a kind person and approaching every situation with willingness to come to a good resolution."

We Are All the Same

As Kyle himself said, mistakes happen and no one is perfect. But demanding perfection of others can be a very lonely way to live. Rather than getting upset over an honest mistake and making someone feel bad or yelling at them, lead with grace and understanding. Not only will you help someone else feel respected, but you’ll probably get a better result from the situation, too.

When life doesn’t go our way, it can be easy to overreact or blame someone else. But by remembering that mistakes happen and this too shall pass, we can all live a little more peacefully.

Many of us are in these jobs because we’re trying to provide for our families or ourselves and our futures. Going to work can be hard enough, so remember to thank those who help you in the customer service industry and to tip well when appropriate. After all, we all want to feel appreciated at work.

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Miss Kansas Publicly Calls Out Her Abuser In The Audience

25-year-old Alexis Smith was officially crowned Miss Kansas earlier this month. She beat out 25 contestants to become the third Black woman to ever win the title.

And while these accomplishments are to be admired, it's her empowering message to her abusive ex who had the gall to sit in the audience that makes her the real winner.

Beauty Pageant Participant Takes Down Her Abuser In Epic On-Stage Declaration

As a victim of domestic abuse, Alexis knows first-hand the devastating impact it can have on someone's life. Too often shrouded in secrecy and shame, the pageant contestant decided to use her platform to bring awareness to domestic violence.

Dubbing it her "Reclaimed Respect Initiative," she spoke about it during the interview phase of the competition.

It didn't go down as she expected.

Because as it turns out, the literal face of her trauma was sitting in the audience, obviously trying to intimidate her and cow her into silence.

But instead of letting her abusive ex silence her, she spoke out. And in doing so, reclaimed her voice and power in an incredible display of courage that has the world applauding.

"My vision as the next Miss Kansas is to eliminate unhealthy and abusive relationships," Smith boldly declared.

"Matter of fact, some of you out in this audience saw me very emotional because my abuser is here today, but that's not going to stop me from being on this Miss Kansas stage and from representing as the next Miss Kansas because I and my community deserve healthy relationships."

Not only did the cardiothoracic ICU nurse NOT let it stop her, but she WON! And she will be representing the sunflower state at next year's Miss America pageant.

Literal QUEEN.

Her Empowering Message Goes Viral

@lexlex_smith Respect Reclaimed is about reclaiming your power and standing firmly in it. On the night of Miss Kansas, my journey took an unexpected turn when someone I have been healing from tried to disrupt my peace. Instead of falling into silence, I chose to live out my vision for a better world. I took back my power—not just for myself, but for my dreams and everyone watching and listening. This isn't about shunning others; it's about turning our pain into purpose and channeling it in a way that unifies and uplifts. I'm ready to use my story, tools, and resources to end unhealthy relationships in all forms. My voice and advocacy will empower everyone to reclaim their own power in their own unique way. I might be small in stature, but I stand tall in strength, purpose, and power with hopes of inspiring others to do the same. #fyp #abuse #miss #misskansas #missamerica #pageant #awareness #me #relationship #respect #tiktok

Smith shared a video clip of her message across her social media channels where it has gone viral, gaining widespread support.

"On the night of Miss Kansas, my journey took an unexpected turn when someone I have been healing from tried to disrupt my peace," Smith wrote in the caption.

"Instead of falling into silence, I chose to live out my vision for a better world. I took back my power — not just for myself, but for my dreams and everyone watching and listening."

And while she didn't directly name her abuser, she did provide some insight into who it is in an interview with CBS affiliate, KSNW .

“My family, every single woman in my family, was impacted by domestic violence,” she said. “At the age of 14, I got in my first relationship, but it was also an abusive relationship that I was in until about 2018, 2019."

"It’s something that I’m still experiencing and dealing with today.”

Her journey with domestic violence has run the full gamut; from being a bystander, a victim, a survivor, and now an advocate who is "ready to use my story, tools, and resources to end unhealthy relationships in all forms."

"This isn't about shunning others; it's about turning our pain into purpose and channeling it in a way that unifies and uplifts," Smith continued. "I might be small in stature, but I stand tall in strength, purpose, and power with hopes of inspiring others to do the same."

She already is.

" As a survivor, this moved me. thank you for using your voice. you just gave strength to many you'll never meet 💜 ," wrote one commenter.

"YAS GIRL! As a fellow survivor, you are an inspiration and I’m so proud of you for using your voice and showing your strength," wrote another.

A third shared, "As a victim of domestic violence I applaud you for speaking out!! I watched this 10 times!! I'm still getting bullied by his parents even with a no contact order. I plan on helping women like us as well."

The Importance of Speaking Out Against Abuse

Domestic violence is shockingly prevalent. According to a report by the CDC , "about 41% of women and 26% of men experienced contact sexual violence, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime and reported a related impact."

Additionally, "over 61 million women and 53 million men have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime."

Speaking out against domestic abuse is a critical step in breaking the cycle of violence. By giving voice to their experiences, survivors not only reclaim their own power but also pave the way for other victims to stand up and do the same.

If you need help or need help supporting someone else, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or text START to 88788 or chat online at

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Visual, Auditory, Reading and Writing, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles Research Paper

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Literature review, methodology.

Nowadays, just as decades before, education plays an essential role in people’s socialization, economic and social statuses, and career. Indeed, the better a person studies, the easier it is for them to acquire the necessary social and personal skills like decision-making, creativity, responsibility, time-management, and critical thinking. However, one can see a negative pattern in education facilities: more frequently, students receive information presented in the same way and get evaluated following the same criteria.

Nevertheless, people are different, and it may happen that two students perceive information via two different channels. For example, while one can perfectly process and memorize audio information, the other can remember pictures but fails to interpret audible data.

In other words, it is recommended for educators to use various learning styles, including the key four: visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic kinds (VARK). Both students and professors may be interested in defining the most effective learning style. The following literature review will focus on the comparison and contrast of the four approaches to learning techniques to define whether all of them are equally effective.

Necessity of the Four Learning Styles

To begin with, it is essential to define the learning styles and assess whether or not they are important for academic achievements and better performance. In their research, Mozaffari et al. (2020) explore the relationship between the VARK learning styles and students’ classroom skills. As noticed by the authors, “the learning style is defined as a combination of cognitive, emotional, and physiological traits that show how the learner perceives and responds to the learning environment” (Mozaffari et al., 2020, p. 15). Most students can perceive and process information equally effectively with the help of more than one style.

Further, all students have their own preferences in learning styles, which either foster or prevent their education successes. Thus, “understanding the learning style of learners can be effective in organizing and modifying the learning environment and teaching and learning process” (Mozaffari et al., 2020, p. 15). What is more, this understanding “becomes necessary to identify how learners concentrate, absorb, and transform the information they receive into knowledge” (Lizote et al., 2019, p. 1).

Consequently, if a style is selected incorrectly, it will be either extremely challenging or impossible for a student to achieve higher performance, memorize information, and acquire the necessary skills. This is the reason for distinguishing between the four learning styles, and this is why it is recommended for educators to be aware of this division and choose the appropriate style for their students.

Effectiveness of Visual Style

The visual style is one of the four main learning styles. According to Mozaffari et al. (2020), “visual learners learn through watching videos, images, and figures” (p. 15). It is necessary to notice that not all people can perceive and process visually presented information. For some, it is quite challenging to focus simultaneously on various aspects and areas of a drawing, figure, or video, and a major part of the presented data becomes forgotten immediately after the graphic source disappears (Mozaffari et al., 2020). Nevertheless, this learning style is quite important and beneficial because it may allow students to develop some useful skills and advance their perception of information.

For some students, it is more beneficial to base their academic program on a visual learning style, with the main presentation of information in flowcharts, diagrams, images, and interactive simulations. According to Raiyn (2016), students’ analytical thinking skills, including higher-order thinking, can be improved by using a visual learning style, which proves the latter’s effectiveness. Further, as noticed by the researcher, “75% of all information processed by the brain is derived from visual formats,” and “visual information is mapped better in students’ minds” (Raiyn, 2016, p. 115).

When students can see information, most of them tend to better perceive, process, and memorize it. What is more, another positive effect of the visual learning style is that it enables students to develop visual thinking – an ability to “understand and retain information better by associating ideas, words, and concepts with images” (Raiyn, 2016, p. 115). Consequently, it is possible to say that the mentioned advantages of the visual learning style prove its efficiency and positive effects.

Effectiveness of Auditory Style

Further, it is vital to explore the second learning style known as aural or auditory. Similar to the previously discussed learning style, this one is also approved and considered rather beneficial by researchers.

As stated by Kayalar and Kayalar (2017), the “auditory learning style enables auditory learners to learn best by hearing or through verbal communication” (p. 4). Such students can easily memorize the information they hear, as well as use auditory representation to perceive data. Loudness, pitch, and tone are the components essential for these students. The most frequently used sources of information are videos, audio, reading aloud, and conversations. It is noticeable that auditory learners find it rather easy to listen to professors giving lectures and do not necessarily need to write the information down to remember it.

The following are the key characteristics of auditory learners: “getting information by listening, preferring listening to reading or writing, having difficulty in communicating through body language and facial expressions” (Kayalar & Kayalar, 2017, p. 5). Some other characteristics are “having the ability to reproduce symbols letters or words by hearing them, finding written directions more difficult to follow than spoken ones, enjoying dialogues, plays, dictation, and to favor music” (Kayalar & Kayalar, 2017, p. 5). Further, in their research, the authors provide beneficial effects of auditory learning on students.

According to Kayalar and Kayalar (2017), such learners can actively participate in group discussions, learn by talking, be successful in language immersion learning, memorize facts easily, be more talkative, and build up more complex and comprehensive sentences. Overall, the effectiveness of the auditory learning style is proved by the previously mentioned skills and advantages, and it is possible to say that this style is as valuable as the visual one.

Effectiveness of Reading and Writing Style

Reading and writing is the third basic learning style that also provides students with a variety of advantages. To begin with, as evident from the name of the teaching method, those students who prefer it use their reading and writing skills to process and then memorize information (Allen et al., 2010). In other words, while visual or auditory learners need to see or hear data, respectively, some students need to write something down or read it silently or aloud to understand better. It is possible to say that this learning style is the most traditional one, unlike the kinesthetic method that is discussed in the following section (Othman & Amiruddin, 2010).

Consequently, such learners typically find it easier to study at education facilities because most teachers focus exactly on this learning style, making students read many texts and write down lectures.

It is possible to say that the reading and writing learning style is also very advantageous for students because it allows them to develop various beneficial skills. For example, as noticed by Allen et al. (2010), learners who prefer this style find it easier to interpret the meanings and key ideas of texts, prepare written assignments, retell paragraphs and poems, and use dictionaries. Finally, the reading and writing learning style improves students’ abilities to concentrate, paraphrase and summarize, select quickly among multiple choices, and work well with manuals.

Effectiveness of Kinesthetic Style

Finally, the fourth learning style is the kinesthetic one, and it is possible to suggest that the literature review concerning its effectiveness will show that it is as beneficial as the previous three styles. As defined by Gashgari (2017), “this teaching strategy involves students with the physical activities to understand the subject” and is considered to be one of the most effective learning styles (p. iv).

To be more precise, this learning procedure’s main characteristic is the engagement of students through physical activities in order to allow them to better “understand the concept of the lecture rather than just listening or watching demonstrations” (Gashgari, 2017, p. 1). For some learners, it is torture to sit still and listen to their professors, watch a video, or communicate with their peers. Instead, they need to be able to walk around the classroom or be engaged in any other physical activity to process and remember information correctly.

The author of the study conducted a survey in order to explore the students’ preferences related to the four main learning styles, and the results were surprising. Overall, “the highest preferred learning style among the Arabic surveyors is the Kinesthetic Learning Style with 52.4%,” meaning that students indeed find this method beneficial and contributing to their academic success (Gashgari, 2017, p. 15). Finally, the benefits provided by this type of learning involve the improvement of analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as the ability to find the necessary information.

To draw a conclusion, one may say that it is impossible to select the most effective learning style because all four of them are equally beneficial and efficient. Indeed, the literature review demonstrates that visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic teaching methods can provide students with a vast number of advantages and improve their skills. What is more, during the literature review, no serious limitations or disadvantages of the aforementioned learning styles were detected (Chaudhry et al., 2020). Therefore, since all of them are effective, it is recommended for educators to choose those that best fit their students.

Research Question

Which of the four main learning styles, namely, visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic (VARK), is more effective for students?

All four main learning styles are equally effective, and the outcome depends on whether the selected style is best for a particular student.

Research Design

It is possible to say that two research designs, namely, comparative and descriptive, can be used in this study. First, each learning style and all of them, in general, will be described to create an understanding of the necessity of their existence, as well as their role in students’ academic performance. Further, since the research question focuses on the effectiveness of these learning styles, it is vital to compare and contrast them, examining whether or not they are equally useful.

Population and Sample

The population chosen for this research are Prince Sultan University students. Overall, this education facility seems to be appropriate for examining the effects of the four learning styles on students’ academic achievements. This is the first private university created in Saudi Arabia. Since it offers several different programs, including architecture, information sciences, business administration, engineering, humanities, and law, it is likely that the results of the research will be trustworthy. Further, precisely this university is selected for this study because the PSU aims to provide the community with quality education, so it is rather insightful to evaluate how different learning styles affect students.

Prince Sultan University students are of slightly different ages and come from different backgrounds, having varying academic performance and income levels. Since different additional factors may influence the effectiveness of the learning styles, it is essential to take a diversified sample. Therefore, the total sample size will be 240 students: 40 from each PSU college. Such a number seems to be enough to gather data and come to specific conclusions. Half of the sample will be females, and the other half will be males, and the age range will be between 18 and 22. The participants will be selected randomly to exclude any bias.

Data Collection Tool

It is essential to notice that a mixed approach that will address both quantitative and qualitative data is most beneficial for this research. First of all, since a major part of the research is literature analysis, a qualitative approach is required. It will allow gathering the necessary information, assessing the views and opinions of academics, and evaluating the four learning styles as valuable tools. Further, quantitative data is also required to refer the findings to the Prince Sultan University students.

It is possible to suggest that surveys and interviews will be effective for collecting quantitative data. For example, a 5-point Likert survey scale can be used to gather information from all 240 participants – such a method is not time-consuming but allows for engaging all experimented students. Further, to add to qualitative data, a total of 12 participants (6 males and 6 females, 2 from each college) will be interviewed. Such an approach will expand the gathered information and data and contribute greatly to the research.

As mentioned above, surveys will allow to collect information simultaneously from all participants. Considering the fact that students usually lack free time, online surveys are selected instead of personal meetings or phone questionnaires. Additionally, such a method will not require the manual calculation of the results as they will automatically be grouped in the database. All participants will have access to the survey via their university website account or WhatsApp groups.

Overall, the survey will consist of 20 simple questions, and it will take students no more than 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. While it will be anonymous, the first four questions will be about the participants’ age, gender, economic background, and race. Further, the rest of the survey will be dedicated to the questions about learning styles. For example, the students will need to assess whether they can process and memorize information when it is presented in visual, audio, written, or kinesthetic form. What is more, the participants will be asked about those learning styles that their professors use most frequently and whether these styles are effectively incorporated.

As mentioned above, 12 students will be invited for an interview to further expand the findings and add to the collected information. Overall, the interview will take 20 to 30 minutes, and the students will be asked from 15 to 18 questions (additional ones may be asked based on the previous answers). The selected participants, including 6 males and 6 females, will be invited via their emails or WhatsApp accounts, and the interviews will be conducted at Prince Sultan University. The responses will be recorded on the smartphone since this is the easiest and most appropriate tool. Prior to the interview, the participants will be asked about their readiness to answer the questions, informed about anonymity, and offered to respond either in Arabic or English language.

Data Analysis

It is indicated earlier in the proposal that both quantitative and qualitative data will be collected to answer the research question. The former will be analyzed through descriptive statistics with the help of either SPSS or JMP software – both of them are known to be rather useful and effective for data analysis. As for qualitative information collected through literature review and interviews, it is possible to state that content and narrative analyses will be effective. The results of the students’ interviews and surveys will be compared and contrasted to detect the patterns.

Expected Findings

My research proposal is aimed at compiling a list of the main learning styles, as well as their indicators and differences between them. The main points of my literature review are the analysis of the effectiveness of four core approaches to various learning styles, which include visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic kinds (VARK) (Cimermanová, 2018). In the methodology section, I use the analysis of scientific literature since it helps to identify the inherent features and properties of the described learning styles in order to study their effectiveness more specifically.

In my research study, I expect to find a comparison of the effectiveness of each of the teaching methods compared to others. I want to identify the level of memorized information for different groups of students when using the methods that I have described.

In my opinion, my hypothesis will most likely prove correct at the end of the research. I think that an analysis of the scientific literature will show that, indeed, all learning styles are equally effective. Their impact on academic performance will only depend on the availability of an individual approach and the selection of the most appropriate method for each of the students (Cimermanová, 2018). The importance of my study is due to the influence of the right choice of learning style on the effectiveness of the educational process, and both teachers and students will benefit from my study.

The limitations of my current research are due to the impossibility of identity verification of the effectiveness of all learning styles. Even when selecting materials of the same complexity for memorization, external factors will play a role, for example, such as fatigue or lack of sleep in the experimented students (Cimermanová, 2018). Recommendations for future research include a study of learning styles from other less popular and less known classifications.

Allen, K., Sheve, J., & Nieter, V. (2010). Understanding learning styles: Making a difference for diverse learners. Shell Education.

Chaudhry, N. A., Ashar, A., & Ahmad, S. A. (2020). Association of visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic (VARK) learning styles and academic performances of dental students. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal, 70 (1), 58-63.

Cimermanová, I. (2018). The effect of learning styles on academic achievement in different forms of teaching. International Journal of Instruction, 11 (3), 219–232.

Kayalar, F., & Kayalar, F. (2017). The effects of auditory learning strategy on learning skills of language learners (students’ views). Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 22 (10), 4-10

Lizote, S. A., Alves, C. R., Teston, S. D. F., & Olm, J. W. (2019). Learning styles, academic performance, and teaching evaluation. Revista Catarinense Ciên Contábil, 18 , 1-16.

Mozaffari, H. R., Janatolmakan, M., Sharifi, R., Ghandinejad, F., Andayeshgar, B., & Khatony, A. (2020). The relationship between the VARK learning styles and academic achievement in Dental Students. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 11 , 15-19.

Othman, N., & Amiruddin, M. H. (2010). Different perspectives of learning styles from VARK model. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 7 , 652-660.

Gashgari, A. (2017). A study of kinesthetic learning activities in teaching computer algorithms in Saudi Arabia [PDF document].

Raiyn, J. (2016). The role of visual learning in improving students’ high-order thinking skills. Journal of Education and Practice, 7 (24), 115-121.

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IvyPanda. (2023, April 7). Visual, Auditory, Reading and Writing, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles.

"Visual, Auditory, Reading and Writing, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles." IvyPanda , 7 Apr. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Visual, Auditory, Reading and Writing, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles'. 7 April.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Visual, Auditory, Reading and Writing, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles." April 7, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Visual, Auditory, Reading and Writing, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles." April 7, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Visual, Auditory, Reading and Writing, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles." April 7, 2023.

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Best Ways to Study as a Visual Learner

Athina hansen.

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Content Writer at Gradehacker

  • Updated on May, 2024

How To Study as a Visual Learner

If you are a visual learner and want to make the most of it, you can:

  • Color code your notes
  • Use concept maps
  • Include visuals in your notes
  • Watch educational videos
  • Use flashcards
  • Rewrite your notes
  • Write down your study schedule

visual learner essay example

Transform Your Study Sessions

Overwhelmed by college? Book a free call for tailored visual learning strategies and life balance tips.

If you ever had a hard time preparing for an exam because the class’ textbook felt too monotonous and poorly designed and, in contrast, feel that colorful and dynamic graphics help you study better , then we have news for you.

You are a visual learner!

And as such, it’s important that you know how to take full advantage of this visual learning style to study smarter.

Here at Gradehacker, the non-traditional adult student #1 resource, we’ve been helping for years college students succeed with their essays , discussions , and classes and optimize their study habits.

In this blog post, we’ll list the best ways to study as a visual learner !

The Learning Style Theory: Why Will This Help You?

During the learning process, we see students facing the same problem over again, which is having difficulty in how they approach their study sessions.

So, if you’re in a similar position, it might just be because you aren’t studying according to your learning style!

We all have a way of learning that makes it easier for us to understand and process the information, no matter if you’re a middle-aged student, an elementary school child, or recently graduated from high school 

There are three main learning styles:

  • Visual: Learn by reading or seeing pictures
  • Auditory: Learn by hearing and listening
  • Tactile: You study by touching and doing activities

But do you understand a topic better when using visual learning styles such as presentations or drawing diagrams ? Is it easier to find your way around town with a map rather than by verbal directions ?

If you answered yes, then there is no doubt that you are a visual learner. So get ready to learn more about the visual learning strategies you can (and should) follow!

You can also find these tips in our video:

1) Find a Quiet Environment to Study in

You shouldn’t take your study environment for granted , as creating and finding an efficient learning style is just as important!

If you want a visual learning environment, you need to find a quiet spot . Your strength lies in understanding visual information so that any noise will distract your focus.

Find a quiet spot in your house, or if there aren’t any, head to your local library. There, you can share a long time period of time with other quiet students without getting distracted or interrupted! 

Keep in mind that although studying with friends or other college students might sound more fun, it may not be an ideal study environmen t for your learning preferences.

If you need more tips, you can learn how to create an ideal study environment.

2) Color Code Your Notes

As a visual student, your brain remembers images and bright colors or anything stimulating to the eye. This is why you shouldn’t forget about your colored highlighters when studying.

A scientific study with Alzheimer’s patients found that color cues are great for memory . These patients remembered images in color more easily than black and white images.

As a visual and writing learner, take advantage of this in your notes by assigning a color to different categories present in your notes!

You might be asking yourself, what does this learning method look like?

Best Ways to Study as a Visual Learner

Well, let’s say you have a history exam on the causes of the Great Depression. You can highlight the social causes in blue, economic causes in green, and political causes in yellow.

You can use it with any topic you want , from math concepts to any artistic abilities or material when you need a review study!

By doing so, you can visually identify these different categories . You can also include a key that lists what each color represents.

Color coding will cause you to associate information with a color , which means you will be more likely to remember it on the test!

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3) Use Concept Maps to Study Connections

Concept or mind maps are great aspects of learning since they are a way to visualize the connections in abstract concepts or exam topics, as they can serve as graphic organizers!

Mind mapping begins with writing down the central topic and then drawing lines that attach subtopics to our central topic. These subtopics will also have topics that branch out from them.

Say, for example, you were making a concept map, and the central topic was ‘the universe.’

The universe is made up of planets and galaxies, so these could be topics that branch out from our main one. Then, within the subtopic planets, we could branch out further and include different planets’ names.

Being able to see the connections present in your study topic will allow you to create a mental picture and remember them for the test.

To test your own knowledge as a picture learner, try making a concept map without checking your notes! After you’re done, you can compare the concept map you made to your notes. Those connections that you did not include are what you will need to study further.

visual learner essay example

4) Study Visuals

For this learning skill, study any visuals that are available for the topic of your exam. This visual material can be a graph or a diagram.

Either way, it will be beneficial for enhancing your visual memory and sense of direction during your learning process.

Check your textbooks, handouts, or your professor’s presentations for visuals. If there aren’t many, or they are not that helpful, turn to Google and find some yourself!

Studying visual information will be a lot easier for you to understand.

Suppose you have an exam on the cardiovascular system. In that case, your brain will be more likely to remember the parts that compose it by studying a graphic rather than needing a demonstration as a kinesthetic learner would!

5) Include Visuals in Your Notes

Make sure that your notes aren’t just a block of text! 

Use visuals to accompany the information during your review study session; this will be helpful for your memory and learning goals.

Well, what if you can’t find helpful visuals in your textbook? Don’t let this stop you from including visuals in your notes; draw your own ones to pay better attention to lecture material.

You don’t have to show off your artistic abilities. A simplified drawing is enough!

This will make your learning experience more successful as your brain will remember the visuals included and the information that accompanied it.

Best Ways to Study as a Visual Learner

6) Watch Videos And Read Books

What should you do if you come up with a difficult concept or find your textbook hard to understand? Don’t give up because the typical formal learning materials aren’t helping; find additional resources!

You can try searching for books on your exam topic using Google Books or any of the other websites to find free textbooks we have listed so you don’t have to spend extra time trying to figure out where to find them.

You can also go to YouTube and find videos on the topic . Reading and watching videos are both visual techniques, so you won’t struggle to process the information.

Go the extra mile and find additional study resources! It will make a massive difference in the quality of your studying.

7) Use Flashcards to Review Information

As a visual learner, flashcards will become your best friend when studying! This is because they involve visual information in a condensed form .

You can create your own flashcards with paper, or you can even make them online using Quizlet . Don’t forget to include images and colors so that they are visually stimulating.

This is an excellent study method to use after reading through all your notes , as it offers a quick review of all the information.

If you want to learn more study tips to create better flashcards , check out our blog and see how you can make a difference!

Santi Auditory CTA

Are you an auditory learner?

If you are more than just a visual learner and also study better with sounds, there are more tips for you!

8) Rewrite Your Notes

Don’t just read through your notes. Try rewriting them once or even up to three times on a separate paper!

The study habit of repeatedly writing down and seeing the same information will make the information easier to remember on your exam day.

9) Practice Describing Visuals

After studying visuals for your exam, it’s essential to practice describing them and explaining the information they present.

Studying visuals won’t be useful if you don’t practice explaining!

Because then, the image you studied might pop into your head during the exam, but it won’t help you since you won’t be able to elaborate on it.

10) Write Down a Study Schedule

Planning out how and when you will study beforehand is crucial!

Make a study schedule where you list out:

  • What subjects will you study?
  • Which days can you do it?
  • How much time will you spend studying?

When you can see your study plan, you will be more aware of how you need to study, and your study technique will become more effective.

By doing so, you will follow a good study pace and avoid dedicating too much or too little time to one area.

You can also use notepads or to-do lists as daily reminders of what you have to study and when.

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How do I Study Better as a Visual Learner?

The most important takeaway is that you shouldn’t study randomly .

You should plan out your studying schedule and study according to what type of learner you are. Make use of your strengths and be aware of your weaknesses!

Don’t waste your limited time studying by ignoring visual study methods. Implement visually stimulating methods, as this will make a huge difference in the quality of your studying.

We understand your frustration when you fail an exam all because of unsuccessful studying and not due to laziness. We hope these tips will improve your learning experience as a visual learner and that you’ll finally be able to retain information efficiently and meet your learning goals!

And if you still fail to study and need help with an exam or a complex essay , submit your request for free and discover how our team of expert writers can help you!

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Athina has worked with Gradehacker both as a content writer and a study consultant, where she assisted college students with nursing courses. Athina has a background of educating others and producing content, having tutored college students and produced articles for her school magazine. She brings her experience to her current role, where she writes content to empower and assist the non-traditional college student who is often overlooked. You can find her on LinkedIn

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Learning Style: Visual Learner

What's Your Learning Style? The Results Your Scores: Auditory: 30% Visual: 50% Tactile: 20% You are a Visual learner! Check out the information below, or view all of the learning styles. Visual If you are a visual learner, you learn by reading or seeing pictures. You understand and remember things by sight. You can picture what you are learning in your head, and you learn best by using methods that are primarily visual. You like to see what you are learning. As a visual learner, you are usually neat and clean. You often close your eyes to visualize or remember something, and you will find something to watch if you become bored. You may have difficulty with spoken directions and may be easily distracted by sounds. You are attracted to color and to spoken language (like stories) that is rich in imagery. Here are some things that visual learners like you can do to learn better: Sit near the front of the classroom. (It won't mean you're the teacher's pet!) Have your eyesight checked on a regular basis. Use flashcards to learn new words. Try to visualize things that you hear or things that are read to you. Write down key words, ideas, or instructions. Draw pictures to help explain new concepts and then explain the pictures. Color code things. Avoid distractions during study times. Remember that you need to see things, not just hear things, to learn well. yes they accurately described me. ============================== I had put some questions in regards to the learning style results that I wanted answered. I noticed you focused on the learning style but did not answer the questions. I would appreciate if this can be done. Afterwards, report your results followed by a 1 page reaction to these results. Do you feel they accurately describe you? Why or why not? Were you surprised by the findings? Why is it important to be in tune with one’s personal learning style? What will you do differently on your educational pathway now that you have this new understanding about your personal learning style?


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Visual Learner by Mayalen

Mayalenof Escondido's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2015 scholarship contest

Visual Learner by Mayalen - January 2015 Scholarship Essay

There are three ways of learning: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. I am a visual learner because I learn better when I see something drawn out in front of me. The best advice that I would give to a teacher to help better my learning would be to use visuals in the lessons.

Visuals help me learn better because they allow for my brain to process the material better. For example, if my teacher is explaining the structure of a specific essay, a diagram would help me remember. Therefore, when I write that type of essay I will remember the diagram that goes with it. Also in math, writing out problems on the broad is very helpful as opposed to just saying the steps. I am then able to write the steps on my notebook and reference my notes for my homework or when I study for a test. There are also times when just knowing which side of the board that the teacher wrote on will be helpful because then I am able to remember at times what the lesson was about that day.

Teachers that direct their teaching style towards visual learners will allow students, like me to remember the material. My advice is to follow the learning style of students. In my case, visual is the best way of learning.


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Visual Learning

Updated 19 September 2023

Subject Learning ,  Experience

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Category Education ,  Life

Organizational Onboarding and its Importance

Organizations prefer to have their employees improve their skill base, competencies, and behaviors to help them deliver higher on their assigned tasks. Onboarding, also referred to as organizational socialization, is the technique used by firms to impart the necessary skills and behavior to their new employees (Morgan, 2014). It is a process of integrating them into their new workplace. The aim of this process is not only to facilitate the acquisition of new skills or behavior but also built to assimilate them into the organization and its culture. Several avenues are used in the onboarding process such as lectures, videos, as well as printed material. Every learning style applied by the trainer or a teacher is based on the different kind of learners who might be visual learners, kinesthetic learners, or auditory learners (Willingham, Hughes & Dobolyi, 2015). This essay will discuss onboarding visual learning process.

Visual Learning for Effective Training

Visual learning is the style of teaching or training where learners use diagrams, maps, charts, graphs, and videos to gain information. To begin with, the learners may prefer to read information in the books or on the board for listening to listening to lecturers because it is a classical norm. The visualization, rather than auditory delivery, helps learners to remember the things they would have learned in the course of time. Most learners enjoy drawings and visual elements as a form of studying (Willingham, Hughes & Dobolyi, 2015). Visual learners prefer to see the materials used in teaching and would follow instructions well when there is a demonstration instead of just being told about to do things. They can visualize the maps and drawings in their mind, and that makes the learning process more comfortable for them. Secondly, they prefer lectures that are accompanied by visual images or notes to remember the information quickly. Moreover, they tend to apply sight words in their learning terminologies and do exceptionally well at memory games that need a visual recall (Willingham, Hughes & Dobolyi, 2015).

Effective Methods for Visual Learning

Visual learners often learn best through what they can see rather than what they hear. Therefore the best method of conveying information to them must include pictures, reading text, maps, or graphs. The best method of passing information to visual learners is the use of visualization that includes drawing, using maps, images, and text for them to read themselves (Morgan, 2014). Also, color highlighting and the use of flashcards would help them retain the knowledge and understanding of the information conveyed to them. Hence, visualization is the effective way of conveying information to the visual learners.

Least Effective Methods for Visual Learning

The least effective method of passing information for visual learners is through oral lectures or any method that requires them to listen to information. The use of words may make them lose attention and focus. Listening is boring to them and would not make them grasp and understand what they are being taught (Morgan, 2014). These methods are not effective for visual learners because they may not be able to remember words and sounds that they hear. In essence, they are not good with language. Another ineffective method of conveying information to them is through conversation since they cannot remember details of what they hear if visualization is not part of the program.

Importance of Caring for Learners' Needs

Learners' needs should be a top priority for their teachers or trainers. The requirements of visual learners include resources that would aid their teaching process in addition to their personal needs as different individuals. There are several reasons why caring for the needs of learners is essential in every training or education institution (Morgan, 2014). First, identifying and meeting the needs of learners assist in achieving the quality of education or training without any barriers. This is important because different learners have different needs. As a teacher or a trainer, one should know the strengths and weaknesses of the learners as it is the sure way of helping them realize their full potential (Willingham, Hughes & Dobolyi, 2015).

Secondly, the trainer or the teacher would boost the morale of learners by caring for their needs. This will assist in creating interest in the educational programs that are being taught. It also helps them to grasp and understand the concepts from training or teaching. Some learners may not be good at understanding instructions in mass but better when the information is conveyed to them individually (Willingham, Hughes & Dobolyi, 2015). This will mean that no one is left behind as far as teaching or training is concerned.

Moreover, catering to the needs of learners assists teachers in identifying and developing talents that different learners possess. Teachers or trainers are usually experienced people who can tell the different talents or skills of a particular learner. They would, therefore, come up with the best way to nurture such talent or skill to develop them (Willingham, Hughes & Dobolyi, 2015). Taking care of learners' needs, therefore, helps realize the best way to provide the needed support for learners to grow their skills and talents. Catering to the needs of learners is also critical in achieving success in the learning process. This is because knowing the needs of learners will help teachers and their trainers to realize the best way of helping them and also draw a plan and a program that will benefit these learners.

Morgan, H. (2014). Maximizing student success with differentiated learning. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 87(1), 34-38.

Willingham, D. T., Hughes, E. M., " Dobolyi, D. G. (2015). The scientific status of learning styles theories. Teaching of Psychology, 42(3), 266-271.

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A Personal Reflection of the Visual Learner

A Personal Reflection of the Visual Learner

The author of this paper reflects on their personal learning style as a visual learner, where they process information through visual images and models. They recognize their strengths in retaining information through visual aids, but acknowledge their weaknesses in time management and organizational skills. The author aims to improve their organizational skills to better facilitate their students’ learning styles and ultimately foster a love for learning. The paper concludes with the quote, Proper planning prevents poor performance, highlighting the importance of being aware of one’s strengths and weaknesses to improve their performance.

A Personal Reflection of the Visual Learner: Self-Assessment and Reflection Paper. Vivian Hamilton August 16, 2014 Professor: Jon Vernon Com/516 Personal Learning Style “Vision is the art of seeing the invisible” quoted by Johnathan Swift. I am a visual thinker. This learning style is personal to me because not only do I process given information visually I perceive everything as a visual learner. The ability to gain knowledge from information that is observed and not “read” in the conventional sense is defined as visual literacy (Wood, Stover, Pilonieta, & Taylor, 2012). A visual learner is defined as someone who views concepts, data, and other information through visual images or models. A visual learner has a very unique …show more content…

As a visual learner, I struggle with time management and organizational skills. Instead of prioritizing the duration of travel when planning a vacation, I focus solely on the direction. It is important for all learners to practice tracking time or utilizing a timer while working. This research indicates that being conscious of time can benefit visual learners by helping them appreciate each aspect as an essential piece of the puzzle.

Organizational skills are vital for educators, including myself. While some may view my organizational style as messy or cluttered, I describe it as “organized chaos.” However, this approach allows me to visually arrange items where desired and easily locate them at my convenience. My objective for this academic year is to maintain optimal organization with student assignments and teacher paperwork. By recognizing my strengths and weaknesses, I can effectively support my students and address their individual learning needs. As an educator, there is no greater reward than nurturing self-belief and fostering genuine enthusiasm for learning in students (Lauria, 2010). The phrase “Proper planning prevents poor performance” summarizes my strategy for improvement.

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10 Visual Learning Style Examples

March 24, 2023

Alec Bailon

Start training your teams today.

Visual Learning Style Examples

Complex ideas can be broken down into digestible information with images and videos, that’s why it’s an effective language for learning. But it isn’t limited to images and videos alone. In this article, we’ll explore 10 visual learning style examples you can use to make an impact on your learning program today.

1. Microlearning

Microlearning is an innovative visual learning style example that combines the power of visual language with advanced learning technologies. It’s basically bite-sized lessons that combine images, texts, videos, and games that learners can interact with. Users are direct participants in the lesson therefore they’re actively engaged and learning. Most advanced microlearning tools are mobile-first, which means they’re highly accessible on any smartphone.

 Visual Learning Style Examples - Microlearning

Advanced microlearning tools like SC Training (formerly EdApp) host thousands of learning content on a wide variety of topics. Depending on the lesson, it’ll be using different kinds of visual learning style strategies. 

Visual Learning Style Examples - Courses

For example, communication skills in the workplace lessons will have visual simulations like chat prompts and other kinds of quiz-type games. SC Training (formerly EdApp) courses are also personally designed by experienced instructional designers who expertly optimize each course with learners in mind.

Try SC Training (formerly EdApp) for free* and see how effective microlearning is as a visual learning style example!

* Up to 10 learners

2. Virtual Training

Post-pandemic, everyone is keenly aware of this visual learning style example. Everyone from employees to students had to go through virtual training through Zoom or other video conferencing software . This style involves conversing, presenting, and collaborating on learning materials via online video calls. The medium has increasingly gotten more sophisticated over the years with tools having virtual whiteboards, shareable screens, and even watch party functionality. 

 Visual Learning Style Examples - Virtual Training

Although it has its limitations, it has no doubt brought together people around the world to collaborate and learn in ways they’ve never before. Sharing images, presentations, and documents in real-time has made work so much easier and more efficient.

3. Video recording

The video recording visual learning style example is another time-efficient way of delivering lectures, demos, and presentations. All you need to do is sit down and record a lesson and add visual aids and then you can send it out to teams for them to check out on their own time. One big advantage to this learning style is that learners can rewind or move forward at their own pace. Each learner is different and so this simply makes learning much easier in that way.

 Visual Learning Style Examples - Video recording

It may take time to create effective video recordings, especially if you’re aiming for quality. But, once you’ve got the hang of it, you’ll be saving so much more time in the long run! There are also a lot of resources available online for training videos .

4. Open online courses

Open online courses are readily available lessons created by field experts or instructors on specific topics that can be accessed through a browser or app. Most of the time these come in courses or a set of lessons. They usually don’t take much of your time, some lasting for about a few minutes. And as a bonus, a lot of these courses even offer a certificate upon completion to help motivate employees or learners to upskill themselves.

 Visual Learning Style Examples - Open online courses

Learning platforms like SC Training (formerly EdApp) have created a library of online courses that integrate visual learning by using images, games, and knowledge-retaining design . If you can’t find a course you need in the library, you can even create one yourself either with templates or from scratch. You can even plug in existing learning materials from PDFs, PPTs, and documents and it’ll automatically convert into a beautiful online microlesson.

5. Interactive simulations

They say that experience is the best teacher, and that’s true because even visual learners learn best when they are immersed in a lesson. Things are simply best remembered when associated with a lived experience. That’s why it’s important to integrate interactive simulations into your training program. 

 Visual Learning Style Examples - Interactive simulations

For example, sales and retail people need to experience what it’s like to interact with clients and customers in the field. And especially industry workers need to know how to work equipment properly for their own safety.

6. Quizzes and Games

Static visual learning like images and slides may not be effective alone because they can get boring. Games and quizzes are great ways to combat boredom and inactivity during learning. When someone is physically and mentally participating in lessons, knowledge is retained much more easily. And not to mention when you’re having fun, it’s much more memorable. And aside from that, it can also pose a challenge to learners who want to improve themselves in more active ways.

 Visual Learning Style Examples - Quizzes and Games

7. Webinars

Webinars are a great visual learning style example in the post-Zoom age. Webinars aren’t just like video lectures but are live events that include moderation, keynote speakers, and audience interaction. It encourages everyone to participate in learning by participation. It’s also great because webinars also have chat functions for people who are a little shy to open their mics and ask direct questions.

 Visual Learning Style Examples - Webinars

It’s also a great way to include yourself in a community of learners and get to know other participants who are interested in the same key topics as you. Most webinars also become available as video-on-demand or VODs so they can be accessed by anyone even if they missed the live event.

8. Infographics

If you’re active on social media, you’ve definitely seen infographics on a range of different topics. Infographics aim to break complex ideas, information, and facts down into visually appealing and digestible images. That’s why they’re so popular on Instagram and Twitter. Infographics are also easily shareable, linkable, and even pasteable on presentations and slides, which make them even better for learning. 

 Visual Learning Style Examples - Infographics

So if you’re planning on creating training programs consider sharpening your graphic design skills or use instructional design tools that make infographics easier to create .

9. Video essays

Another popular visual learning style example that’s gained popularity on the internet is the video essay. Video essays usually go in-depth with specific topics and use the visual language of video and film to make them even more engaging and interesting. Just like the infographic, it aims to make well-researched written material into a digestible and fun visual medium. Most times video essays also combine music and other audio techniques to engage the audience.

 Visual Learning Style Examples - Video essays

10. Graphs and tables

Now the last visual learning style example is a little bit more traditional but no less effective. Graphs and tables have been a staple visual element used in all kinds of training for years. Being able to break down numbers, trends, formulas, and other complicated math or science-related things into an easy representation is key to comprehension. 

 Visual Learning Style Examples - Graphs and tables

Learning how to use graphs and tables will help you in the long run. It’s essential in any business to be able to break down information dealing with statistics, finances, and other kinds of data that are key to organizational growth.

Alec is an eLearning expert for SC Training (formerly EdApp), a pioneer LMS that designs creative mobile workplace training solutions. On the off days, they enjoy cooking, reading, or finding a live show or play to watch.

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Self-Assessment and Reflection of a Visual Learner Essay Example

Self-Assessment and Reflection of a Visual Learner Essay Example

  • Pages: 6 (1476 words)
  • Published: October 22, 2016
  • Type: Essay

In this paper, I take the reader through my search and the processes I went through as a visual learner to decide on my choice of instruction, online or traditional. I identify my strengths and highlight how I have used them in this course; uncover my weaknesses, and present strategies on what to adjust to accommodate them. I also analyze the sources of my preconceived notions about online learning, why they came about, how they affected me, how they relate to my learning style, what I have learned from them, and how I plan to move forward using the information gleaned from the analysis.

It is my plan to use the discoveries I made from my self-assessment and reflection as the baseline for a toolkit to guarantee my continued success and improved performance in th

e online academic world as well as in my personal growth. Self-Assessment and Reflection I have almost three weeks’ experience in an online learning environment. These last few weeks flew by, and I feel relief knowing that I made it this far. When I assess my performance, I feel very proud of myself. Quite frankly, I expected worse.

I used this assignment to uncover the reasons behind opposite results obtained through two similar modes of instruction supporting visual learners. I also determined if my learning style was a factor in this successful three-week period and if so, in what ways. The Search As a visual learner, I naturally wanted to learn in a real classroom so I could see my instructors and classmates face to face. I believed that my motivation depended on physical presence so, i

my initial search for schools, I stayed away from the online choices.

However, the schools that offered the programs that interested me either only offered them online or in a blended format. Virtual learning seemed like the trend, but I wanted to be part of it only if it matched my needs and goals. A study used to determine the types of learning styles drawn to online programs observed that “The visual and read/write styles seem likely to be suitable for online courses” (Drago & Wagner, 2004, para. 12). Reading this made me wonder why, as a visual learner, I was not attracted to an online school.

A partial answer to this states, “When evaluating our own beliefs, we tend to seek out information that confirms our beliefs and ignore contrary information, even when we encounter it repeatedly” (Riener & Willingham, 2010, p. 35). This made sense. I was so convinced that online learning is not for me (for reasons I will explain in the following paragraph) that even when I came across online programs that better suited my goals, I persisted searching for traditional schools.

The other part of the answer points to my preference for attending classes in person. I believed that my success as a Master’s student depended on my physical presence in the classroom. Digging deeper brought to mind the time I was enrolled in a program for a Master’s degree in Computer Science. Students had the choice of attending classes broadcast live or watching them on video at a later time. Because of my work schedule, I mostly watched videos. I got bored sitting through two to

three hours of lecture each week.

Eventually I dropped from the program but not without feeling the loss of over two years of hard work. I was two courses short of the degree. This experience formed the belief that the traditional classroom setting is most ideal. There was also an inkling of self-doubt as I witnessed work colleagues graduating from “Satellite University”. Hence my dismissal of all the online program choices I encountered in my search. I eventually started looking into online programs again after running out of traditional school choices.

I made myself see that a little over 20 years after my first attempt to earn a Master’s degree, technology has improved vastly and that I have also acquired new and improved learning skills over the years. In a way, I took a leap of faith. Favorable Results and Impressions I have found that my visual learning style has aided me extensively in the world of virtual instruction. I have had no problems learning by mostly reading. I interpret course material using one of my strengths as a visual learner, which is to picture the scenarios presented in my head. I easily witched to digital highlighting, absorbing facts by categorizing through the use of color codes.

I printed material that I accessed regularly, like the course syllabus, and marked important points with my own note-taking symbols to aid in retention. I filtered discussion posts in the online classroom by using flags and switching my thread view to flagged messages only to prevent me from getting distracted. One thing I appreciate about online learning is that the online community focuses more attention

on a person’s contributions regardless of physical appearance.

In the virtual classroom, we are somehow more authentic despite not seeing one another. Self-Assessment Drago and Wagner (2004) state that online students are self-supporting individuals who are able, and choose to produce results by themselves instead of collaborating with others. I see this both as a solid characteristic as well as a potential obstacle. In an online learning environment, knowing how to work alone is advantageous. I produce my assignments with little or no help. However, I need to learn to work more openly and freely with others.

Not only is this important because the university uses Learning Teams as their foundation for successful online learning but also because this is a permanent set-up. Working with faceless people is the biggest adjustment I am making. I enjoy physical human interaction and I do not have that luxury online. I find that the lack of immediate visual feedback often puts me in a state of panic. The faceless set-up will not change. “Online education is here to stay” (Drago & Wagner, 2004, para. 5), but I can adjust my mindset.

I must look for alternate ways to relate with others; stop looking for visual cues, and remember that I am in an asynchronous learning environment. The next best thing to physical interaction is communicating by telephone or, if possible, video conferencing tools like Skype. In a world that practically operates daily on Instant (IM), text, and Private (PM) Messages, it should be effortless to apply these to my academic life. Feedback will come; I just need to be more patient. Living in a society

that has and continues to condition us to instant gratification, it pays to slow down for sanity’s sake.

Another potential obstacle as a visual learner is “difficulty with spoken directions and may be easily distracted by sounds” (“What’s Your Learning Style? The Results”, 2012). I proved this to be true. Video tutorials distract more than teach me. It takes me longer to work through the material because I keep pausing playback. I lose concentration from this repeated pausing, my sight and sound senses get over-stimulated, and I get overwhelmed. I cannot avoid the sound distractions; therefore, I must remember to allow myself more time to watch video tutorials and use closed captioning when available.

The question remains why I perform well with online learning but struggled at video learning 20 years ago. I know improved technology and increased learning skills are not the only reasons online learning works for me. Both modes of instruction support the visual learning style, so why are the results so polar? I analyzed each medium of instruction delivery, looking at different factors that could affect my performance, like work area set-up, my age/maturity as a learner, material studied, etc. The answer came in one word: interaction.

As a visual learner, I engage more in exchanges that provide me with feedback at the moment of exchange. A video presentation or tutorial, on the other hand, is one-sided. Although it caters to my visual learning style, it is not effective. All I do in this set-up is process information. There is no back-and-forth exchange or acknowledgment which I thrive on as a visual learner. Interaction was the missing piece.

Knowing this now, I understand that my academic success is not dependent on my physical presence in the classroom. Conclusion

I found that my visual learning style, combined with an effective learning environment, contribute greatly to my ongoing success. Knowing my strengths and weaknesses aids me in relating with others in the classroom. I thrive on interaction, so I must make sure that I identify what I need from my instructors or classmates and proactively seek acknowledgment and support from them. This will allow me to grow and be a better participant in the virtual classroom. I must remember to adjust when needed. When I combine these, it becomes insignificant whether I learn online or in a traditional classroom.

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    Visual learners have many strengths that will help them succeed in the classroom: Good at spelling and grammar. Comprehends charts and graphs quickly. Able to convey complex ideas visually. Good at sign language and other visual communication. Creative; may enjoy art or writing.

  9. Visual Learning Style, Essay Example

    Visual learning is a teaching and learning style in which data, concepts, ideas and other information is associated with images and techniques (Slack, 2007). Therefore, Visual learners are those who learn things through seeing them. Often, students who are visual learners find that information "clicks" well in their mind when it is ...

  10. Visual Learning Style: Strategies for Students and Teachers

    Visual Learning Strategies for Teachers. Teachers can help support a visual learner by offering lots of visual aids to communicate ideas and information to these students. Aim to provide visual stimulation to keep visual learners engaged. Written texts, pictures, charts, graphs, maps, and other visual information helps these students learn ...

  11. Visual Learning Essay Examples

    Teaching styles help in developing methods of learning for educators. Educators use different methods to ensure that their learners can capture and understand what the educators are teaching. This essay discusses the visual/verbal and tactile/kinesthetic learning styles, which are important in helping ...

  12. Visual Learning Style

    Prompts About Visual Learning Style: Essay Prompt: ... Example: Visual learners are sometimes quiet and shy. Graphic Organizer Prompt 1: Create a poster, chart, or some other type of graphic ...

  13. Visual, Auditory, Reading and Writing, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles

    The visual style is one of the four main learning styles. According to Mozaffari et al. (2020), "visual learners learn through watching videos, images, and figures" (p. 15). It is necessary to notice that not all people can perceive and process visually presented information.

  14. Best Ways to Study as a Visual Learner

    How To Study as a Visual Learner. If you are a visual learner and want to make the most of it, you can: Color code your notes. Use concept maps. Include visuals in your notes. Watch educational videos. Use flashcards. Rewrite your notes. Write down your study schedule.

  15. Essay about Visual Learner

    The possible outcomes were a visual learner, aural, read/write, or kinaesthetic. It showed that I am a visual learner and I learn best through the aid of visual representation. This means that I understand, process, and retain information more easily in the form of graphs, diagrams, and pictures. It also means that information is better ...

  16. Learning Style: Visual Learner: EssayZoo Sample

    Visual: 50%. Tactile: 20%. You are a Visual learner! Check out the information below, or view all of the learning styles. Visual. If you are a visual learner, you learn by reading or seeing pictures. You understand and remember things by sight. You can picture what you are learning in your head, and you learn best by using methods that are ...

  17. Visual Learner by Mayalen

    Visual Learner by Mayalen - January 2015 Scholarship Essay. There are three ways of learning: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. I am a visual learner because I learn better when I see something drawn out in front of me. ... For example, if my teacher is explaining the structure of a specific essay, a diagram would help me remember. Therefore ...

  18. Visual Learning

    Visual learning is the style of teaching or training where learners use diagrams, maps, charts, graphs, and videos to gain information. To begin with, the learners may prefer to read information in the books or on the board for listening to listening to lecturers because it is a classical norm. The visualization, rather than auditory delivery ...

  19. ⇉A Personal Reflection of the Visual Learner Essay Example

    A Personal Reflection of the Visual Learner: Self-Assessment and Reflection Paper. "Vision is the art of seeing the invisible" quoted by Johnathan Swift. I am a visual thinker. This learning style is personal to me because not only do I process given information visually I perceive everything as a visual learner.

  20. 10 Visual Learning Style Examples

    Most times video essays also combine music and other audio techniques to engage the audience. 10. Graphs and tables. Now the last visual learning style example is a little bit more traditional but no less effective. Graphs and tables have been a staple visual element used in all kinds of training for years.

  21. Self-Assessment and Reflection of a Visual Learner Essay Example

    Self-Assessment and Reflection of a Visual Learner Essay Example. In this paper, I take the reader through my search and the processes I went through as a visual learner to decide on my choice of instruction, online or traditional. I identify my strengths and highlight how I have used them in this course; uncover my weaknesses, and present ...

  22. PDF The Role of Visual Learning in Improving Students' High-Order ...

    This study focuses on interactive 2-D games, such as Turtle, at different levels for ages between10 and12. The contribution of this research lies in its assessment of visual thinking skills. This paper introduces a new teaching method based on visual algorithms, which can be presented in graphic form.

  23. Essay On Visual Learners

    Free Essay: Visual Learners Learning is the knowledge and skills we gain through experiences, and being taught the materials. ... In addition, if someone says the word cat, it is more than likely you will picture a cat in your mind. Another example of a visual learner is that when learning to solve math problems, a visual learner learns the ...

  24. Top 5 lessons to learn from Virat Kohli, backed by examples from his

    Here are top five lessons to take from Virat Kohli: 1. Respect the opportunity life gives you: During the post-match presentation of the 2024 T20 World Cup final, Virat Kohli was overwhelmed with ...