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How to Conclude an Essay (with Examples)
Last Updated: July 22, 2024 Fact Checked
Writing a Strong Conclusion
What to avoid, brainstorming tricks.
This article was co-authored by Jake Adams and by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 3,217,975 times.
So, you’ve written an outstanding essay and couldn’t be more proud. But now you have to write the final paragraph. The conclusion simply summarizes what you’ve already written, right? Well, not exactly. Your essay’s conclusion should be a bit more finessed than that. Luckily, you’ve come to the perfect place to learn how to write a conclusion. We’ve put together this guide to fill you in on everything you should and shouldn’t do when ending an essay. Follow our advice, and you’ll have a stellar conclusion worthy of an A+ in no time.
Tips for Ending an Essay
- Rephrase your thesis to include in your final paragraph to bring the essay full circle.
- End your essay with a call to action, warning, or image to make your argument meaningful.
- Keep your conclusion concise and to the point, so you don’t lose a reader’s attention.
- Do your best to avoid adding new information to your conclusion and only emphasize points you’ve already made in your essay.
- “All in all”
- “Ultimately”
- “Furthermore”
- “As a consequence”
- “As a result”
- Make sure to write your main points in a new and unique way to avoid repetition.
- Let’s say this is your original thesis statement: “Allowing students to visit the library during lunch improves campus life and supports academic achievement.”
- Restating your thesis for your conclusion could look like this: “Evidence shows students who have access to their school’s library during lunch check out more books and are more likely to complete their homework.”
- The restated thesis has the same sentiment as the original while also summarizing other points of the essay.
- “When you use plastic water bottles, you pollute the ocean. Switch to using a glass or metal water bottle instead. The planet and sea turtles will thank you.”
- “The average person spends roughly 7 hours on their phone a day, so there’s no wonder cybersickness is plaguing all generations.”
- “Imagine walking on the beach, except the soft sand is made up of cigarette butts. They burn your feet but keep washing in with the tide. If we don’t clean up the ocean, this will be our reality.”
- “ Lost is not only a show that changed the course of television, but it’s also a reflection of humanity as a whole.”
- “If action isn’t taken to end climate change today, the global temperature will dangerously rise from 4.5 to 8 °F (−15.3 to −13.3 °C) by 2100.”
- Focus on your essay's most prevalent or important parts. What key points do you want readers to take away or remember about your essay?
- For instance, instead of writing, “That’s why I think that Abraham Lincoln was the best American President,” write, “That’s why Abraham Lincoln was the best American President.”
- There’s no room for ifs, ands, or buts—your opinion matters and doesn’t need to be apologized for!
- For instance, words like “firstly,” “secondly,” and “thirdly” may be great transition statements for body paragraphs but are unnecessary in a conclusion.
- For instance, say you began your essay with the idea that humanity’s small sense of sense stems from space’s vast size. Try returning to this idea in the conclusion by emphasizing that as human knowledge grows, space becomes smaller.
- For example, you could extend an essay on the television show Orange is the New Black by bringing up the culture of imprisonment in America.
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- Always review your essay after writing it for proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and don’t be afraid to revise. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
Tips from our Readers
- Have somebody else proofread your essay before turning it in. The other person will often be able to see errors you may have missed!
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About This Article
To end an essay, start your conclusion with a phrase that makes it clear your essay is coming to a close, like "In summary," or "All things considered." Then, use a few sentences to briefly summarize the main points of your essay by rephrasing the topic sentences of your body paragraphs. Finally, end your conclusion with a call to action that encourages your readers to do something or learn more about your topic. In general, try to keep your conclusion between 5 and 7 sentences long. For more tips from our English co-author, like how to avoid common pitfalls when writing an essay conclusion, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No
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College Reality Check
How to Close a College Essay (With 10 Examples)
Writing a conclusion can be quite difficult because, often, it can be challenging to look for something useful or interesting to say at the end of the piece.
And even though there are easy formulas for writing conclusions, which, the school adds, can be tempting to use, it’s usually best to refrain from relying on them as they do not allow you to end your composition with a bang.
As someone who is about to write a college essay, it’s definitely a good idea to steer clear of any of those!
What you will submit together with your college application can spell the difference between going to your top-choice school and attending a second- or third-choice school.
Needless to say, it’s just as vital to carefully think about how you will jump-start your college essay as how you will wrap it up with a strong and winning conclusion .
Terrified that the conclusion you have in mind might bring your entire college application essay down and flush any admission chances to your dream school down the drain?
Below, I will give you some strategies on how to close your written submission successfully.
But first, let’s talk about this very important matter every college-bound teen, especially one whose goal is to get admitted to a selective institution of higher education, needs to know before writing a college essay…
Three Worst Options to Close a College Essay
There are numerous ways to wrap up a college essay in a way that could make those hard-to-please admissions officers reckon that you would make for a wonderful addition to the campus.
But then on the other hand, there are also things you may mistakenly commit that can weaken your application and even cause a rejection letter to be sent your way.
Needless to say, you should avoid them at all costs if getting denied is not an option!
A terrible concluding paragraph can wreak havoc on your essay no matter how flawlessly and impressively written the introduction and main body are — a single problematic part is all it takes to ruin everything.
Therefore, other than having a clear idea of how any college application essay is best closed in exchange for good news when college admissions decision time comes, it’s also a must for you to be acquainted with conclusions that are absolute no-nos.
And, of course, other than being familiar with them, you should make sure that none of them will mar your college essay.
Here are some endings to dodge whatever happens:
1. Giving a summary
When it comes to writing either an academic essay or a research paper, there’s a rule that everyone should abide by without any hesitation or doubt: the conclusion should briefly talk about the key points or arguments.
So, in other words, the written piece should end with a summarization, which is why it’s referred to as a concluding summary.
The addition of any new information or idea is considered unthinkable, although a synthesis of some of the most important matters included in the composition is welcome and, in most instances, expected.
However, it’s a completely different story if what’s being written is a college essay.
If the goal is to make sure that your college essay won’t take away from the strength of your application, refrain from restating just about everything you talked about briefly in the concluding paragraph.
Not only is it redundant and, therefore, completely unnecessary but also makes it appear as though you ran out of ideas before bringing the piece to a full stop.
A college application essay can be as short as 250 words to as long as 600 words — ending yours with a brief summary might look like you just want to meet the word count requirement, which is not the only thing that admissions officers want.
And speaking of whom, giving a summary at the end of your college essay could come across as you saying:
The admissions committee member who will read my essay might fail to completely get the point of my composition because of its complexity and innovativeness, so I should summarize it to make sure that he or she will understand everything.
Again, here’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all this time, which means that I am totally banking on my ability to correctly solve practically any mathematical problem there is to have a successful career as an aerospace engineer one day.
2. Using cliché transitions
First things first: no cliché should make it to your college essay or any other written piece you will write from hereon. The use of a cliché immediately extends the fact that you lack originality and, worse, sincerity as a writer.
Definitely, you don’t want your college essay to be interchangeable with someone else’s.
And that is why ending yours with something that starts with a trite transition, most especially as a way to restate everything you have talked about, is prohibited.
College admissions officers have laid their eyes on some of the most original personal compositions of junior and senior high schoolers, and it’s effortless for them to catch clichés.
In conclusion or in essence — needless to say, using such a hackneyed phrase is a disaster as it’s both resorting to the use of a cliché as well as committing one of the mortal sins of concluding a college essay, which is summarizing.
The following are some examples of cliché transitions that lead to a summary to steer clear of:
- All things considered
- As has been demonstrated
- In a nutshell
- In summation
- On a final note
- To conclude
- To make a long story short/long story short
- To put it briefly
- To wrap things up
- When all is said and done
It’s important to note that a good essay, including a college essay, uses transitions between paragraphs to maintain a logical and smooth flow of the written piece.
Without them, your submission may make it hard for the reader to get from one point to the other.
It’s not that college admissions officers are dense — it’s just that your college essay’s paragraphs are disjointed.
Found yourself in a rut and feel that starting your conclusion with a cliché transition is the way to go?
Proceed with drafting the concluding paragraph. Once you’re through, scrap the trite word or phrase you opened your conclusion with as well as the rest of the sentence and see how that works.
3. Stating hopes of acceptance
It’s no secret that you submitted a college application essay because it’s one of the various admissions requirements. And it’s no secret, too, that you completed all admissions requirements because you wanted to get accepted.
Therefore, expressing your hopes of receiving an offer to enroll is stating the obvious.
As mentioned earlier, high school teens gearing up for their postsecondary education careers are usually limited to 250 to 600 words when writing a college essay.
Needless to say, ending your composition with an entire paragraph devoted to how much you want to attend the institution is a complete waste of precious space.
Because you can submit a college essay containing only as many words, it’s of utmost importance to make the most out of the opportunity to be able to flex your thoughts, creativity, originality and superb writing skills.
There is no point squandering the word limit by your college essay’s conclusion coming across as saying:
I would really appreciate it if you could add my college application to the pile of accepted applications because I have been dreaming of earning an undergraduate degree from University X since time immemorial.
There’s nothing wrong with associating the college career you have envisioned for yourself with what you talked about in your college essay. However, there is no need to explicitly mention it or, worse, beg to be admitted to the institution.
But it’s not just the obvious fact that you want to get accepted that you should avoid mentioning.
Instead of ending with a high note, your college application might exit with a whimper if, for example, you highlighted a number of your personal skills and strengths and unique experiences and then concluding everything with something like:
Clearly, I am a hardworking individual.
It’s apparent that I would make for a great engineer because of my math skills.
5 Winning Ways to Wrap Up a College Essay
There are many different ways to ruin a perfectly remarkable college application essay with a mediocre or appalling conclusion.
It’s a good thing that there are also numerous ways to turn your written composition from one good essay into a one-of-a-kind essay with the right concluding paragraph — all you have to do is choose from some recommended ones.
You are not going to have a shortage of options when it comes to closing a college essay the right way.
Because some are simply better than the rest, which, it goes without saying, could help you ace the admissions review process, it’s important that you decide on something that suits your writing style and personality, too.
See which of these strategies in ending a college essay can give you that a-ha moment:
1. Going back to where you began
Some people call it full circling. Others refer to it as bookending.
No matter the name, one thing remains true: this particular style of closing a college application essay involves seamlessly tying the conclusion to the introduction by reintroducing a word, phrase, individual or the point of the opening paragraph.
What’s really nice about opting for this approach is that it allows you to hem your composition.
Of course, to be effective, the main body of your college essay should veer away from the introduction, to the point of making sure that the readers almost forget what you just talked about at the onset, only to suddenly remind it of them in the end.
When executed correctly, this style can give your written submission a satisfying and self-contained appeal to it.
Suppose that you opened your college essay talking about how a large rock fell on and fractured your leg in 3rd grade. A great ending to it using this particular approach would look something like this:
A rock may once have crushed my legs, causing me to spend a fraction of my childhood donning a leg cast, but, in high school, I established a rock band — and we crushed every gig on and off campus!
2. Peeking into the future
Any essay ending on a positive or hopeful note can always put a smile on the reader’s face.
Needless to say, a concluding paragraph that talks about a bright future ahead allows you to highlight your academic and career goals, giving the audience a much better idea of what sort of college student and professional you could be.
While you should refrain from ending your college application essay by talking about how much it would mean the world to you to get accepted to your dream school, you can make college admissions officers realize you’d make for a wonderful addition to the campus without blatantly doing so by mentioning your hopes and dreams.
Just take a look at this conclusion to an essay of a student applying to a college specializing in engineering:
I can’t wait to see the very first rocket ship I helped design blast off from earth, exposing the crew to the lowest G forces possible for I, as a terrible roller coaster rider, cannot stand high accelerations on the body myself.
3. Ending things with an action
As far as concluding your college application essay with an action goes, the sweeter and shorter, as a general rule of thumb, the better. But it’s also important to wrap things up at the critical moment: right after your piece’s high point.
Making admissions officers wish it hadn’t ended so soon is the main goal.
With them wanting more, they won’t be able to stop thinking about you.
And if you’re still in their mind long after they have taken a look at your application and the rest of the supporting documents, it’s not unlikely for them to want to see you on the campus instead of allow another institution to welcome you.
Here’s an example of ending your college essay with an action that can cause the reader to want more:
After taking a deep breath, I approached the lectern to the thundering applause of the audience.
4. Leaving with a dialogue
Talking about things you have personally experienced and lessons you have arduously learned in your college application essay is always nice.
After all, your piece is something that gives admissions officers a different perspective of you, as a teener who is preparing to work on an undergraduate degree, beyond your GPA, standardized test scores and extracurricular activities.
Just like what was mentioned earlier, summarizing is off-limits when it comes to concluding a college essay .
But there’s a nifty way to reiterate the main point of your composition without simply giving a recap of everything you have cited from the very beginning. And it’s by ending your college application essay with a dialogue.
In most instances, the shorter and crisper the dialogue, the better the effect. It’s like abruptly ending your submission, too.
However, closing yours with words spoken to someone keeps the reader from having to do the guesswork since your point is implied, anyway, which is a textbook connect-the-dots scenario.
Planning on highlighting in your college application essay the fact that you developed a sense of social responsibility? Here’s how you can close it without merely giving a summary:
“I will talk to you later,” I said to my best friend on the phone. “I’m currently on my way to help feed the hungry.”
5. Revealing the central idea
It’s true that the introduction is meant to give the reader an idea of the topic of the essay as well as the various points that will be made about it.
But because a college application is no ordinary essay, there are instances when your composition can make a bigger impact if you save your main point until the very end.
Execute it correctly and you can keep admissions officers gluttonously devouring the intro and main body of your personal essay until they get to the concluding paragraph, which, hopefully, would end in you getting an acceptance letter.
Needless to say, you will have to hold back what you are trying to say long enough.
But the biggest challenge that comes with disclosing the central idea last is keeping the readers engaged and interested adequately for them to keep reading until they reach the end and learn what you have been trying to say all this time.
Failure to do so may leave admissions officers eagerly wanting to reach for another application essay that would make more sense.
Giving snapshots of how you shopped for your first bicycle with your dad in 2nd grade, how you first cannonballed in the water at Bandemer Park in Ann Arbor, Michigan and how you founded a running club in your high school could end in this:
By the time I earn a bachelor’s degree in sports science, hopefully, I have also run my very first Ironman Triathlon, which would serve as an homage to some of the most important and memorable moments of my life thus far.
Read Next: How to Start a Compelling Essay About Yourself
Independent Education Consultant, Editor-in-chief. I have a graduate degree in Electrical Engineering and training in College Counseling. Member of American School Counselor Association (ASCA).
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In a short paper—even a research paper—you don’t need to provide an exhaustive summary as part of your conclusion. But you do need to make some kind of transition between your final body paragraph and your concluding paragraph. This may come in the form of a few sentences of summary. Or it may come in the form of a sentence that brings your readers back to your thesis or main idea and reminds your readers where you began and how far you have traveled.
So, for example, in a paper about the relationship between ADHD and rejection sensitivity, Vanessa Roser begins by introducing readers to the fact that researchers have studied the relationship between the two conditions and then provides her explanation of that relationship. Here’s her thesis: “While socialization may indeed be an important factor in RS, I argue that individuals with ADHD may also possess a neurological predisposition to RS that is exacerbated by the differing executive and emotional regulation characteristic of ADHD.”
In her final paragraph, Roser reminds us of where she started by echoing her thesis: “This literature demonstrates that, as with many other conditions, ADHD and RS share a delicately intertwined pattern of neurological similarities that is rooted in the innate biology of an individual’s mind, a connection that cannot be explained in full by the behavioral mediation hypothesis.”
Highlight the “so what”
At the beginning of your paper, you explain to your readers what’s at stake—why they should care about the argument you’re making. In your conclusion, you can bring readers back to those stakes by reminding them why your argument is important in the first place. You can also draft a few sentences that put those stakes into a new or broader context.
In the conclusion to her paper about ADHD and RS, Roser echoes the stakes she established in her introduction—that research into connections between ADHD and RS has led to contradictory results, raising questions about the “behavioral mediation hypothesis.”
She writes, “as with many other conditions, ADHD and RS share a delicately intertwined pattern of neurological similarities that is rooted in the innate biology of an individual’s mind, a connection that cannot be explained in full by the behavioral mediation hypothesis.”
Leave your readers with the “now what”
After the “what” and the “so what,” you should leave your reader with some final thoughts. If you have written a strong introduction, your readers will know why you have been arguing what you have been arguing—and why they should care. And if you’ve made a good case for your thesis, then your readers should be in a position to see things in a new way, understand new questions, or be ready for something that they weren’t ready for before they read your paper.
In her conclusion, Roser offers two “now what” statements. First, she explains that it is important to recognize that the flawed behavioral mediation hypothesis “seems to place a degree of fault on the individual. It implies that individuals with ADHD must have elicited such frequent or intense rejection by virtue of their inadequate social skills, erasing the possibility that they may simply possess a natural sensitivity to emotion.” She then highlights the broader implications for treatment of people with ADHD, noting that recognizing the actual connection between rejection sensitivity and ADHD “has profound implications for understanding how individuals with ADHD might best be treated in educational settings, by counselors, family, peers, or even society as a whole.”
To find your own “now what” for your essay’s conclusion, try asking yourself these questions:
- What can my readers now understand, see in a new light, or grapple with that they would not have understood in the same way before reading my paper? Are we a step closer to understanding a larger phenomenon or to understanding why what was at stake is so important?
- What questions can I now raise that would not have made sense at the beginning of my paper? Questions for further research? Other ways that this topic could be approached?
- Are there other applications for my research? Could my questions be asked about different data in a different context? Could I use my methods to answer a different question?
- What action should be taken in light of this argument? What action do I predict will be taken or could lead to a solution?
- What larger context might my argument be a part of?
What to avoid in your conclusion
- a complete restatement of all that you have said in your paper.
- a substantial counterargument that you do not have space to refute; you should introduce counterarguments before your conclusion.
- an apology for what you have not said. If you need to explain the scope of your paper, you should do this sooner—but don’t apologize for what you have not discussed in your paper.
- fake transitions like “in conclusion” that are followed by sentences that aren’t actually conclusions. (“In conclusion, I have now demonstrated that my thesis is correct.”)
- picture_as_pdf Conclusions
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Condensing a 1,000-plus-word essay into a neat little bundle may seem like a Herculean task. You must summarize all your findings and justify their importance within a single paragraph.
But, when you discover the formula for writing a conclusion paragraph, things get much simpler!
But, how to write a conclusion paragraph for an essay, and more importantly, how to make it impactful enough? Through this article, we will walk you through the process of constructing a powerful conclusion that leaves a lingering impression on readers’ minds. We will also acquaint you with essay conclusion examples for different types of essays.
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Let’s start from the beginning: How can you write a conclusion for an essay?
How to write a conclusion for an essay
In order to write an effective conclusion, you must first understand what is a conclusion in an essay. It is not just the summary of the main points of your essay. A well-written conclusion effectively ties together the main ideas of your essay and also pays heed to their broader implications. The objectives of your concluding paragraph are as follows:
- Highlight the significance of your essay topic
- Tie together the key points of your essay
- Leave the reader with something to ponder about
A good essay conclusion begins with a modified thesis statement that is altered on the basis of the information stated throughout the essay. It then ties together all the main points of the essay and ends with a clincher that highlights the broader implications of your thesis statement.
Now that we’ve understood the basics of how to conclude an essay, let’s understand the key aspects of a good conclusion paragraph.
1. Restating your thesis statement
If you want to understand how to start a conclusion, you must realize that involves more than just restating the thesis statement word for word. Your thesis statement needs to be updated and expanded upon as per the information provided in your essay.
There are many ways to start a conclusion. One such method could be to start with the revised version of your thesis statement that hints to the significance of your argument. After this, your conclusion paragraph can organically move on to your arguments in the essay.
Let’s take a look at an effective way of writing a conclusion for an essay:
If the following claim is your thesis statement:
Virtual reality (VR) is undeniably altering the perception of reality by revolutionizing various industries, reshaping human experiences, and challenging traditional notions of what is real.
The restated thesis statement will be as follows:
Our analysis has substantiated the claim that virtual reality (VR) is significantly transforming the way we perceive reality. It has revolutionized industries, reshaped human experiences, and challenged traditional notions of reality.
2. Tying together the main points
Tying together all the main points of your essay does not mean simply summarizing them in an arbitrary manner. The key is to link each of your main essay points in a coherent structure. One point should follow the other in a logical format.
The goal is to establish how each of these points connects to the message of your essay as a whole. You can also take the help of powerful quotes or impactful reviews to shed a unique light on your essay.
Let’s take a look at an example:
VR presents a new paradigm where the distinction between the real and the virtual becomes increasingly blurred. As users dive into immersive virtual worlds, they are confronted with questions about the nature of reality, perception, and the boundaries of human consciousness.
3. Constructing an impactful conclusion
Most of us are confused about how to end an essay with a bang. The answer is quite simple! The final line of your essay should be impactful enough to create a lasting impression on the reader. More importantly, it should also highlight the significance of your essay topic. This could mean the broader implications of your topic, either in your field of study or in general.
Optionally, you could also try to end your essay on an optimistic note that motivates or encourages the reader. If your essay is about eradicating a problem in society, highlight the positive effects achieved by the eradication of that problem.
Here’s an example of how to end an essay:
In a world where virtual boundaries dissolve, VR is the catalyst that reshapes our perception of reality, forever altering the landscape of the human experience.
Here’s a combined version of all three aspects:
Our analysis has substantiated the claim that Virtual Reality (VR) is significantly transforming how we perceive reality. It has revolutionized industries, reshaped human experiences, and challenged traditional notions of reality. It presents a new paradigm where the distinction between the real and the virtual becomes increasingly blurred. As users dive into immersive virtual worlds, they are confronted with questions about the nature of reality, perception, and the boundaries of human consciousness. In a world where virtual boundaries dissolve, it is the catalyst that reshapes our perception of reality, forever altering the landscape of the human experience.
Now that we’ve understood the structure of a concluding paragraph, let’s look at what to avoid while writing a conclusion.
What to avoid in your conclusion paragraph
When learning how to write a conclusion for an essay, you must also know what to avoid. You want to strengthen your argument with the help of a compelling conclusion paragraph, and not undermine it by confusing the reader.
Let’s take a look at a few strategies to avoid in your essay conclusion:
1. Avoid including new evidence
The conclusion should not introduce new information but rather strengthen the arguments that are already made. If you come across any unique piece of information regarding your essay topic, accommodate it into your body paragraphs rather than stuffing it into your conclusion.
Including new, contradictory information in the concluding paragraph not only confuses the reader but also weakens your argument. You may include a powerful quote that strengthens the message of your essay, or an example that sheds light on the importance of your argument. However, this does not include introducing a completely new argument or making a unique point.
2. Avoid the use of concluding phrases
Your conclusion should hint towards your essay coming to an end, instead of blatantly stating the obvious. Blatant concluding statements undermine the quality of your essay, making it clumsy and amateurish. They also significantly diminish the quality of your arguments.
It is a good idea to avoid the following statements while concluding your essay:
- In conclusion,
- In summary,
While using these statements may not be incorrect per se, hinting towards a conclusion creates a better impression on the reader rather than blatantly stating it.
Here are more effective statements you could use:
- Let this essay serve as a catalyst for…
- As we navigate the intricacies of this multifaceted topic, remember…
- As I bid farewell to this subject…
3. Don’t undermine your argument
Although there might be several points of view regarding your essay topic, it is crucial that you stick to your own. You may have stated and refuted other points of view in your body paragraphs.
However, your conclusion is simply meant to strengthen your main argument. Mentioning other points of view in your essay conclusion, not only weakens your argument but also creates a poor impression of your essay.
Here are a few phrases you should avoid in your essay conclusion:
- There are several methods to approach this topic.
- There are plenty of good points for both sides of the argument.
- There is no clear solution to this problem.
Examples of essay conclusions
Different types of essays make use of different forms of conclusions. The critical question of “how to start a conclusion paragraph” has many different answers. To help you further, we’ve provided a few good conclusions for essays that are based on the four main essay types.
1. Narrative essay conclusion
The following essay conclusion example elaborates on the narrator’s unique experience with homeschooling.
- Restated thesis statement
- Body paragraph summary
- Closing statement
My experience with homeschooling has been a journey that has shaped me in profound ways. Through the challenges and triumphs, I have come to appreciate the unique advantages and personal growth that homeschooling can offer. As I reflect on my journey, I am reminded of the transformative power of this alternative education approach. It has empowered me to take ownership of my education, nurture my passions, and develop skills that extend far beyond the confines of academic achievement. Whether in traditional classrooms or homeschooling environments, it is through embracing and nurturing the unique potential within each of us that we can truly thrive and make a lasting impact on the world.
2. Descriptive essay conclusion
The following essay conclusion example elaborates on the narrator’s bond with their cat.
The enchanting presence that my cat has cannot be ignored, captivating my heart with her grace, charm, and unconditional love. Through the moments of playfulness, companionship, and affection, she has become an irreplaceable member of my family. As I continue to cherish the memories and lessons learned from her, I am reminded of the extraordinary power of the human-animal bond. In their company, we find solace, companionship, and a love that transcends words. In a world that can be challenging and tumultuous, never underestimate the profound impact that animals can have on our lives. In their presence, not only do we find love but also a profound sense of connection.
3. Argumentative essay conclusion
Here’s an essay conclusion example that elaborates on the marginalization of, and acute intolerance towards, LGBTQ+ individuals.
The journey toward equality for LGBTQ+ individuals is an ongoing battle that demands our unwavering commitment to justice and inclusion. It is evident that while progress has been made, the journey toward equality for these individuals is far from complete. It demands our continued advocacy, activism, and support for legislative change, societal acceptance, and the creation of inclusive environments. The struggle for LGBTQ+ equality is a fight for the very essence of human dignity and the recognition of our shared humanity. It is a battle that requires our collective efforts, determination, and an unyielding belief in the fundamental principles of equality and justice.
4. Expository essay conclusion
This example of an essay conclusion revolves around a psychological phenomenon named the bandwagon effect and examines its potential ill effects on society:
The bandwagon effect in psychology is a fascinating phenomenon that sheds light on the powerful influence of social conformity on individual behavior and decision-making processes. This effect serves as a reminder of the inherently social nature of human beings and the power of social influence in shaping our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. It underscores the importance of critical thinking, individual autonomy, and the ability to resist the pressure of conformity. By understanding its mechanisms and implications, we can guard against its potential pitfalls and actively foster independent thought and decision-making, also contributing to a more enlightened and progressive society.
Now that you’ve taken a closer look at different conclusions for essays, it’s time to put this knowledge to good use. If you need to take your essay up a notch and score high, professional essay editing services are your best bet.
Happy writing!
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How do you write a good conclusion for an essay, what comes first in a conclusion, what is the best conclusion of an essay.
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How to Write an Essay Conclusion
4-minute read
- 1st October 2022
Regardless of what you’re studying, writing essays is probably a significant part of your work as a student . Taking the time to understand how to write each section of an essay (i.e., introduction, body, and conclusion) can make the entire process easier and ensure that you’ll be successful.
Once you’ve put in the hard work of writing a coherent and compelling essay, it can be tempting to quickly throw together a conclusion without the same attention to detail. However, you won’t leave an impactful final impression on your readers without a strong conclusion.
We’ve compiled a few easy steps to help you write a great conclusion for your next essay . Watch our video, or check out our guide below to learn more!
1. Return to Your Thesis
Similar to how an introduction should capture your reader’s interest and present your argument, a conclusion should show why your argument matters and leave the reader with further curiosity about the topic.
To do this, you should begin by reminding the reader of your thesis statement. While you can use similar language and keywords when referring to your thesis, avoid copying it from the introduction and pasting it into your conclusion.
Try varying your vocabulary and sentence structure and presenting your thesis in a way that demonstrates how your argument has evolved throughout your essay.
2. Review Your Main Points
In addition to revisiting your thesis statement, you should review the main points you presented in your essay to support your argument.
However, a conclusion isn’t simply a summary of your essay . Rather, you should further examine your main points and demonstrate how each is connected.
Try to discuss these points concisely, in just a few sentences, in preparation for demonstrating how they fit in to the bigger picture of the topic.
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3. Show the Significance of Your Essay
Next, it’s time to think about the topic of your essay beyond the scope of your argument. It’s helpful to keep the question “so what?” in mind when you’re doing this. The goal is to demonstrate why your argument matters.
If you need some ideas about what to discuss to show the significance of your essay, consider the following:
- What do your findings contribute to the current understanding of the topic?
- Did your findings raise new questions that would benefit from future research?
- Can you offer practical suggestions for future research or make predictions about the future of the field/topic?
- Are there other contexts, topics, or a broader debate that your ideas can be applied to?
While writing your essay, it can be helpful to keep a list of ideas or insights that you develop about the implications of your work so that you can refer back to it when you write the conclusion.
Making these kinds of connections will leave a memorable impression on the reader and inspire their interest in the topic you’ve written about.
4. Avoid Some Common Mistakes
To ensure you’ve written a strong conclusion that doesn’t leave your reader confused or lacking confidence in your work, avoid:
- Presenting new evidence: Don’t introduce new information or a new argument, as it can distract from your main topic, confuse your reader, and suggest that your essay isn’t organized.
- Undermining your argument: Don’t use statements such as “I’m not an expert,” “I feel,” or “I think,” as lacking confidence in your work will weaken your argument.
- Using generic statements: Don’t use generic concluding statements such as “In summary,” “To sum up,” or “In conclusion,” which are redundant since the reader will be able to see that they’ve reached the end of your essay.
Finally, don’t make the mistake of forgetting to proofread your essay ! Mistakes can be difficult to catch in your own writing, but they can detract from your writing.
Our expert editors can ensure that your essay is clear, concise, and free of spelling and grammar errors. Find out more by submitting a free trial document today!
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What this handout is about.
This handout will explain the functions of conclusions, offer strategies for writing effective ones, help you evaluate conclusions you’ve drafted, and suggest approaches to avoid.
About conclusions
Introductions and conclusions can be difficult to write, but they’re worth investing time in. They can have a significant influence on a reader’s experience of your paper.
Just as your introduction acts as a bridge that transports your readers from their own lives into the “place” of your analysis, your conclusion can provide a bridge to help your readers make the transition back to their daily lives. Such a conclusion will help them see why all your analysis and information should matter to them after they put the paper down.
Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on the subject. The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper, to synthesize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject. It is also your opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note.
Your conclusion can go beyond the confines of the assignment. The conclusion pushes beyond the boundaries of the prompt and allows you to consider broader issues, make new connections, and elaborate on the significance of your findings.
Your conclusion should make your readers glad they read your paper. Your conclusion gives your reader something to take away that will help them see things differently or appreciate your topic in personally relevant ways. It can suggest broader implications that will not only interest your reader, but also enrich your reader’s life in some way. It is your gift to the reader.
Strategies for writing an effective conclusion
One or more of the following strategies may help you write an effective conclusion:
- Play the “So What” Game. If you’re stuck and feel like your conclusion isn’t saying anything new or interesting, ask a friend to read it with you. Whenever you make a statement from your conclusion, ask the friend to say, “So what?” or “Why should anybody care?” Then ponder that question and answer it. Here’s how it might go: You: Basically, I’m just saying that education was important to Douglass. Friend: So what? You: Well, it was important because it was a key to him feeling like a free and equal citizen. Friend: Why should anybody care? You: That’s important because plantation owners tried to keep slaves from being educated so that they could maintain control. When Douglass obtained an education, he undermined that control personally. You can also use this strategy on your own, asking yourself “So What?” as you develop your ideas or your draft.
- Return to the theme or themes in the introduction. This strategy brings the reader full circle. For example, if you begin by describing a scenario, you can end with the same scenario as proof that your essay is helpful in creating a new understanding. You may also refer to the introductory paragraph by using key words or parallel concepts and images that you also used in the introduction.
- Synthesize, don’t summarize. Include a brief summary of the paper’s main points, but don’t simply repeat things that were in your paper. Instead, show your reader how the points you made and the support and examples you used fit together. Pull it all together.
- Include a provocative insight or quotation from the research or reading you did for your paper.
- Propose a course of action, a solution to an issue, or questions for further study. This can redirect your reader’s thought process and help them to apply your info and ideas to their own life or to see the broader implications.
- Point to broader implications. For example, if your paper examines the Greensboro sit-ins or another event in the Civil Rights Movement, you could point out its impact on the Civil Rights Movement as a whole. A paper about the style of writer Virginia Woolf could point to her influence on other writers or on later feminists.
Strategies to avoid
- Beginning with an unnecessary, overused phrase such as “in conclusion,” “in summary,” or “in closing.” Although these phrases can work in speeches, they come across as wooden and trite in writing.
- Stating the thesis for the very first time in the conclusion.
- Introducing a new idea or subtopic in your conclusion.
- Ending with a rephrased thesis statement without any substantive changes.
- Making sentimental, emotional appeals that are out of character with the rest of an analytical paper.
- Including evidence (quotations, statistics, etc.) that should be in the body of the paper.
Four kinds of ineffective conclusions
- The “That’s My Story and I’m Sticking to It” Conclusion. This conclusion just restates the thesis and is usually painfully short. It does not push the ideas forward. People write this kind of conclusion when they can’t think of anything else to say. Example: In conclusion, Frederick Douglass was, as we have seen, a pioneer in American education, proving that education was a major force for social change with regard to slavery.
- The “Sherlock Holmes” Conclusion. Sometimes writers will state the thesis for the very first time in the conclusion. You might be tempted to use this strategy if you don’t want to give everything away too early in your paper. You may think it would be more dramatic to keep the reader in the dark until the end and then “wow” them with your main idea, as in a Sherlock Holmes mystery. The reader, however, does not expect a mystery, but an analytical discussion of your topic in an academic style, with the main argument (thesis) stated up front. Example: (After a paper that lists numerous incidents from the book but never says what these incidents reveal about Douglass and his views on education): So, as the evidence above demonstrates, Douglass saw education as a way to undermine the slaveholders’ power and also an important step toward freedom.
- The “America the Beautiful”/”I Am Woman”/”We Shall Overcome” Conclusion. This kind of conclusion usually draws on emotion to make its appeal, but while this emotion and even sentimentality may be very heartfelt, it is usually out of character with the rest of an analytical paper. A more sophisticated commentary, rather than emotional praise, would be a more fitting tribute to the topic. Example: Because of the efforts of fine Americans like Frederick Douglass, countless others have seen the shining beacon of light that is education. His example was a torch that lit the way for others. Frederick Douglass was truly an American hero.
- The “Grab Bag” Conclusion. This kind of conclusion includes extra information that the writer found or thought of but couldn’t integrate into the main paper. You may find it hard to leave out details that you discovered after hours of research and thought, but adding random facts and bits of evidence at the end of an otherwise-well-organized essay can just create confusion. Example: In addition to being an educational pioneer, Frederick Douglass provides an interesting case study for masculinity in the American South. He also offers historians an interesting glimpse into slave resistance when he confronts Covey, the overseer. His relationships with female relatives reveal the importance of family in the slave community.
Works consulted
We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.
Douglass, Frederick. 1995. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself. New York: Dover.
Hamilton College. n.d. “Conclusions.” Writing Center. Accessed June 14, 2019. https://www.hamilton.edu//academics/centers/writing/writing-resources/conclusions .
Holewa, Randa. 2004. “Strategies for Writing a Conclusion.” LEO: Literacy Education Online. Last updated February 19, 2004. https://leo.stcloudstate.edu/acadwrite/conclude.html.
You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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How to End a College Admissions Essay | 4 Winning Strategies
Published on October 16, 2021 by Meredith Testa . Revised on May 31, 2023.
The ending of your college essay should leave your reader with a sense of closure and a strong final impression.
Table of contents
Endings to avoid, option 1: return to the beginning, option 2: look forward, option 3: reveal your main point, option 4: end on an action, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.
A bad conclusion can bring your whole essay down, so make sure to avoid these common mistakes.
Unlike an academic essay, an admissions essay shouldn’t restate your points. Avoid ending with a summary; there’s no need to repeat what you’ve already written.
Phrases like “in conclusion,” “overall,” or “to sum it up” signal that you have nothing to add to what you’ve already written, so an admissions officer may stop reading.
Stating the obvious
Instead of stating the obvious, let your work speak for itself and allow readers to draw their own conclusions. If your essay details various times that you worked tirelessly to go above and beyond, don’t finish it by stating “I’m hardworking.” Admissions officers are smart enough to figure that out on their own.
You should also avoid talking about how you hope to be accepted. Admissions officers know you want to be accepted—that’s why you applied! It’s okay to connect what you discuss in the essay to your potential future career or college experience, but don’t beg for admission. Stay focused on your essay’s core topic.
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Many successful essays follow a “sandwich,” or full-circle, structure , meaning that they start with some image or idea, veer away from it in the middle, and then return to it at the end.
This structure is clean, self-contained, and satisfying for readers, so it’s a great choice if it works with the topic you’ve chosen.
In the “sandwich” essay outlined below, a student discusses his passion for musical theater. Instead of simply stating that interest, his essay starts with a funny anecdote about a minor fire that erupted on set. At the end, it returns to this anecdote, creating a sense of closure.
- Intro: I may be the world’s worst firefighter.
- Flashback to working on the school musical
- Demonstrate my passion for theatre
- Detail the story of the theater set catching fire
- Show how I made the most of the situation
- Conclusion: I proved my value as a director, an actor, and a writer that week一even if I was a terrible firefighter.
Many successful essays end by looking forward to the future. These endings are generally hopeful and positive—always great qualities in an admissions essay—and often connect the student to the college or their academic goals.
Although these endings can be highly effective, it can be challenging to keep them from sounding cliché. Keep your ending specific to you, and don’t default to generalities, which can make your essay seem bland and unoriginal.
Below are a good and a bad example of how you could write a “looking forward” ending for the musical theater “firefighter” essay.
I have found my calling on the stage of the theater and the stage of life. | Musical theater will always be part of my life一even if firefighting won’t. |
Sometimes, holding back your main point can be a good strategy. If your essay recounts several experiences, you could save your main message for the conclusion, only explaining what ties all the stories together at the very end.
When done well, this ending leaves the reader thinking about the main point you want them to take from your essay. It’s also a memorable structure that can stand out.
However, if you choose this approach, it can be challenging to keep the essay interesting enough that the reader pays attention throughout.
In the essay outlined below, a student gives us snapshots of her experience of gymnastics at different stages in her life. In the conclusion, she ties the stories together and shares the insight that they taught her about different aspects of her character and values.
- Passionate, excited
- Sister born that day—began to consider people beyond myself
- Realizing that no matter how much I love gymnastics, there are more important things
- I’d been working especially hard to qualify for that level
- It came after many setbacks and failures
- I had to give up time with friends, first homecoming dance of high school, and other activities, and I considered quitting
- Conclusion: I’m still all of those selves: the passionate 7-year-old, the caring 11-year-old, and the determined 15-year-old. Gymnastics has been a constant throughout my life, but beyond the balance beam, it has also shown me how to change and grow.
Ending on an action can be a strong way to wrap up your essay. That might mean including a literal action, dialogue, or continuation of the story.
These endings leave the reader wanting more rather than wishing the essay had ended sooner. They’re interesting and can help you avoid boring your reader.
Here’s an example of how this ending could work for the gymnastics essay.
If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.
Academic writing
- Writing process
- Transition words
- Passive voice
- Paraphrasing
- How to end an email
- Ms, mrs, miss
- How to start an email
- I hope this email finds you well
- Hope you are doing well
Parts of speech
- Personal pronouns
- Conjunctions
There are a few strategies you can use for a memorable ending to your college essay :
- Return to the beginning with a “full circle” structure
- Reveal the main point or insight in your story
- Look to the future
- End on an action
The best technique will depend on your topic choice, essay outline, and writing style. You can write several endings using different techniques to see which works best.
Unlike a five-paragraph essay, your admissions essay should not end by summarizing the points you’ve already made. It’s better to be creative and aim for a strong final impression.
You should also avoid stating the obvious (for example, saying that you hope to be accepted).
There are no set rules for how to structure a college application essay , but these are two common structures that work:
- A montage structure, a series of vignettes with a common theme.
- A narrative structure, a single story that shows your personal growth or how you overcame a challenge.
Avoid the five-paragraph essay structure that you learned in high school.
When revising your college essay , first check for big-picture issues regarding message, flow, tone, style , and clarity. Then, focus on eliminating grammar and punctuation errors.
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Testa, M. (2023, May 31). How to End a College Admissions Essay | 4 Winning Strategies. Scribbr. Retrieved August 12, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/college-essay/conclusion-college-essay/
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Learn about the elements of a successful essay conclusion.
The conclusion is a very important part of your essay. Although it is sometimes treated as a roundup of all of the bits that didn’t fit into the paper earlier, it deserves better treatment than that! It's the last thing the reader will see, so it tends to stick in the reader's memory. It's also a great place to remind the reader exactly why your topic is important. A conclusion is more than just "the last paragraph"—it's a working part of the paper. This is the place to push your reader to think about the consequences of your topic for the wider world or for the reader's own life!
A good conclusion should do a few things:
Restate your thesis
Synthesize or summarize your major points
Make the context of your argument clear
Restating Your Thesis
You've already spent time and energy crafting a solid thesis statement for your introduction, and if you've done your job right, your whole paper focuses on that thesis statement. That's why it's so important to address the thesis in your conclusion! Many writers choose to begin the conclusion by restating the thesis, but you can put your thesis into the conclusion anywhere—the first sentence of the paragraph, the last sentence, or in between. Here are a few tips for rephrasing your thesis:
Remind the reader that you've proven this thesis over the course of your paper. For example, if you're arguing that your readers should get their pets from animal shelters rather than pet stores, you might say, "If you were considering that puppy in the pet-shop window, remember that your purchase will support 'puppy mills' instead of rescuing a needy dog, and consider selecting your new friend at your local animal shelter." This example gives the reader not only the thesis of the paper, but a reminder of the most powerful point in the argument!
Revise the thesis statement so that it reflects the relationship you've developed with the reader during the paper. For example, if you've written a paper that targets parents of young children, you can find a way to phrase your thesis to capitalize on that—maybe by beginning your thesis statement with, "As a parent of a young child…"
Don’t repeat your thesis word for word—make sure that your new statement is an independent, fresh sentence!
Summary or Synthesis
This section of the conclusion might come before the thesis statement or after it. Your conclusion should remind the reader of what your paper actually says! The best conclusion will include a synthesis, not just a summary—instead of a mere list of your major points, the best conclusion will draw those points together and relate them to one another so that your reader can apply the information given in the essay. Here are a couple of ways to do that:
Give a list of the major arguments for your thesis (usually, these are the topic sentences of the parts of your essay).
Explain how these parts are connected. For example, in the animal-shelter essay, you might point out that adopting a shelter dog helps more animals because your adoption fee supports the shelter, which makes your choice more socially responsible.
One of the most important functions of the conclusion is to provide context for your argument. Your reader may finish your essay without a problem and understand your argument without understanding why that argument is important. Your introduction might point out the reason your topic matters, but your conclusion should also tackle this questions. Here are some strategies for making your reader see why the topic is important:
Tell the reader what you want him or her to do. Is your essay a call to action? If so, remind the reader of what he/she should do. If not, remember that asking the reader to think a certain way is an action in itself. (In the above examples, the essay asks the reader to adopt a shelter dog—a specific action.)
Explain why this topic is timely or important. For example, the animal-shelter essay might end with a statistic about the number of pets in shelters waiting for adoption.
Remind the readers of why the topic matters to them personally. For example, it doesn’t matter much if you believe in the mission of animal shelters, if you're not planning to get a dog; however, once you're looking for a dog, it is much more important. The conclusion of this essay might say, "Since you’re in the market for a dog, you have a major decision to make: where to get one." This will remind the reader that the argument is personally important!
Conclusion paragraphs
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Conclusion transition words: Phrases for summarizing and ending
Transition words help us structure our thoughts and guide the reader or listener through what we are saying. When it’s time to summarize your message or end a paragraph, conclusion transition words let you signal this closing.
It’s good to know some synonyms for ‘in conclusion’ and ‘to conclude’, because although these are good examples of concluding words, they can get repetitive.
Our comprehensive list of transition words for conclusion and summary should give you all the inspiration you need, whether you are writing an essay or speech, or just want to become more confident forming an argument. These signal words can also be helpful for restating ideas, drawing attention to key points as you conclude.
We have included plenty of examples of how you can use these transition words for concluding paragraphs or sentences, so by the end of this article, you should be clear on how to use them properly.
Conclusion transition words with examples
We have grouped these summarizing and concluding transition words according to how and where they can be used. For example, some should only be used when forming a final conclusion, whereas others can be used to summarize sections mid-way through your speech or writing.
First, let’s be clear about the difference between a summary and a conclusion .
Summary vs conclusion
A conclusion comes at the end of a speech, chapter, or piece of text, and it brings together all of the points mentioned. A summary, however, can be placed anywhere (even at the beginning). A summary gives a brief outline of the main points but is not as in-depth as a conclusion.
If you are giving a presentation or writing a blog, you may wish to summarize the main points in your introduction so that people know what you are going to cover. You could also summarize a section part-way through before moving on to another angle or topic.
In contrast, the conclusion always comes at the end, and you should only use specific conclusion transition words as you are drawing to a close.
Transition words for conclusion paragraphs
Let’s begin with some discourse markers that signal you are moving to the concluding paragraph in your presentation, speech, essay, or paper. These can all be used to start a conclusion paragraph.
- In conclusion
- To conclude
- We can conclude that
- Given these points
- In the final analysis
- As can be seen
- In the long run
- When all is said and done
- I’ll end by
- As we draw to a close
The last three on this list, the ‘closing’ transition words, would generally only be used in spoken discourse.
Some transition words for order and sequencing should also help with structuring what you want to say, including the ending.
Example conclusion sentences
The following sentences show how to use conclusion words correctly:
- In conclusion , we can say that plan A will be of greater benefit to the company.
- When all is said and done , it’s clear that we should steer clear of this investment strategy.
- Given these points , I believe the trial was a great success.
- I’ll end by reminding you all that this experiment was just the beginning of a much larger project.
- To wrap up , let’s look at how this learning can be applied.
- In the long run , we will make more profit by investing heavily in new machinery.
- Having analyzed seven of our competitors in detail, we can conclude that our content marketing strategy should be updated.
Transition words for summary
The following summary transition words may be used as part of a conclusion paragraph, but they are especially helpful for concisely drawing together several points.
- To summarize
- On the whole
- Generally speaking
- All things considered
- In a nutshell (informal)
- In any case
Note that although you can insert summary transition words anywhere, the specific phrases ‘In summary’, ‘To summarize’ and ‘To sum up’ are generally only used at the end, similar to conclusion phrases.
Example summary sentences
- In brief , this presentation is going to cover the pros and cons of the device and how we can apply this to our own product development.
- This new technology is, in a word , revolutionary.
- All things considered , we found that Berlin was a great city for a weekend break.
- To summarize , we can say that Shakespeare’s writing continues to have a global influence.
- We can say that the combustion engine was, on the whole , a good invention.
- In any case , we should put the necessary precautions in place.
- Generally speaking , girls are more thoughtful than boys.
Transition words to end a paragraph
You may wish to add ending transition words in the final sentence of a paragraph to conclude the ideas in that section of text, before moving on to another point.
Here are some transition words to conclude a paragraph:
- This means that
- With this in mind
- By and large
- For the most part
Note that some of these could equally be used to begin a new paragraph, so long as that paragraph is summarizing the points previously mentioned.
Cause and effect transition words could also be helpful in this context.
Examples of transition words for the end of a paragraph
- Jamie is a vegan and Sheryl has a lot of allergies. This means that we should be careful which restaurant we choose.
- The weather forecast said it would rain this afternoon. With this in mind , should we postpone our hike?
- Each of the students has their own opinion about where to go for the field trip. Ultimately , though, it’s the teacher who will decide.
Restating points as you conclude
Conclusion transition words can also signal that you are restating a point you mentioned earlier. This is common practice in both writing and speaking as it draws the reader or listener’s attention back to something you want them to keep in mind. These are, therefore, also examples of transition words for emphasizing a point .
Here are some helpful transition words for concluding or summarizing by restating points:
- As mentioned previously
- As stated earlier
- As has been noted
- As shown above
- As I have said
- As I have mentioned
- As we have seen
- As has been demonstrated
You may switch most of these between the passive and active voice, depending on which is most appropriate. For example, ‘As has been demonstrated’ could become ‘As I have demonstrated’ and ‘As shown above’ could become ‘As I have shown’.
Example sentences to restate a point in conclusion or summary
- As I stated earlier , the only way we can get meaningful results from this survey is by including at least a thousand people.
- As has been demonstrated throughout this conference, there are exciting things happening in the world of neuroscience.
- As shown by this study, the trials have been promising.
If you were researching these transition words for concluding an essay, you might find it helpful to read this guide to strong essay conclusions . Of course, there are many ways to use summary transition words beyond essays. They may be a little formal for casual conversation, but they certainly can be used in speech as part of a presentation, debate, or argument.
Can you think of any other concluding words or phrases that should be on this list? Leave a comment below to share them!
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35 Transition Words for Conclusions
Chris Drew (PhD)
Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]
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When transitioning to conclusions, we can simply use the term “In conclusion”, but over time, this word starts to feel tedious and repetitive. There are better ways to do it.
Transition words help your essays flow more easily and act as signposts for your reader so they know when you’re moving from one part of an essay to another.
So, for your next essay conclusion , consider the following transition words which can help you to improve your vocabulary and academic writing skills .
I’ve saved five bonus transition words for the very end which are my personal favorites. These are for advanced students who really want to demonstrate an academic tone – don’t miss them! They’re at the very end.
Transition Words for Conclusions
1. in conclusion.
This phrase is typically used to signal the final remarks in a piece of writing. It helps summarize the main points or findings that have been discussed throughout the text. It is still generally appropriate to use, but can sometimes appear rudimentary use of the English language.
Sample Sentences:
“ In conclusion , implementing green technology in our daily lives can significantly reduce carbon footprints.”
“The research findings were quite revealing. In conclusion , more emphasis should be put on early childhood education.”
2. To sum up
This is often used to encapsulate the main points of a discussion or argument in a succinct way. It is used almost as frequently as ‘in conclusion’.
“ To sum up , a balanced diet and regular exercise are crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.”
“The evidence points towards the need for more environmental protections. To sum up , without immediate action, our natural resources may become irreversibly damaged.”
3. In summary
Similar to “to sum up”, this phrase is used to provide a brief overview of the main points or findings discussed in the writing.
“ In summary , the research suggests a strong correlation between air pollution and respiratory diseases.”
“ In summary , the novel is a fascinating exploration of human resilience in the face of adversity.”
4. All in all
This phrase is used to express a final general statement or judgment considering everything that has been said. It is somewhat more colloquial than the three phrases above, making it potentially less valuable for an essay. However, in reflective pieces, it may be used. See the reflective examples below.
“ All in all , the team performed well despite the challenging circumstances.”
“ All in all , the benefits of recycling outweigh any potential disadvantages.”
5. Ultimately
This word is used to indicate the final result or fundamental reason after considering everything.
“ Ultimately , the success of the project depends on the dedication of the team members.”
“Despite initial hurdles, the venture was successful. Ultimately , perseverance and commitment were key to our success.”
6. Therefore
This word is used to introduce a logical conclusion from the evidence or reasons previously stated. It is used best to conclude a paragraph of sub-section than as the final essay conclusion.
“The cost of production has significantly decreased. Therefore , we can expect an increase in profit margins.”
“He didn’t meet the eligibility criteria. Therefore , his application was rejected.”
This is similar to “therefore” and is used to introduce a conclusion, a result or an implication. As with ‘therefore’, ‘It ‘hence’ is used best to conclude a paragraph of sub-section than as the final essay conclusion.
“He was late for his interview. Hence , he didn’t make a good impression.”
“The data was incomplete. Hence , the results of the study may not be entirely accurate.”
8. Consequently
This word is used to express a result or effect of a previous statement. It is best used mid-paragraph or in the middle of a sub-section, not an overall conclusion.
“There was heavy rainfall throughout the night. Consequently , the match was postponed.”
“The company didn’t adapt to the changing market trends. Consequently , they faced heavy losses.”
This is used to denote the conclusion or summary of something previously stated. It indicates that what follows is a result or inference from what has been stated before. It is best used mid-paragraph or in the middle of a sub-section, not an overall conclusion. While I quite like this term, some teachers see it as a bit old-timey.
“She didn’t study hard. Thus , she failed the exam.”
“The evidence is clearly inadmissible. Thus , the case should be dismissed.”
10. This essay’s final analysis is…
This phrase is used to introduce the ultimate conclusion that has been reached after consideration of all the facts.
“ This essay’s final analysis is that it is the lowest earners in society who have been hit hardest by this economic downturn.”
“ This essay’s final analysis is that it’s clear that the policy has had a positive impact on the community.”
11. On the whole
This phrase is often used when you want to make a general summary statement about a larger body of information or arguments. It implies that the statement accounts for all the details and complexities discussed previously. Generally, this is more colloquial so should only be used in less formal essay styles.
“On the whole” can help to simplify complex arguments, and it can signal that the writer has given due consideration to different perspectives or evidence before arriving at their conclusion.
“ On the whole , the company’s strategy has been effective, leading to an increase in profits and customer satisfaction.”
“Despite some negative feedback, on the whole , the policy has received wide public approval.”
12. To conclude
Similar to “In conclusion,” this phrase is a clear signal that the writer is about to wrap up their argument or findings.
“To conclude” can provide a sense of closure for the reader and it reaffirms the significance of the arguments or findings that have been presented.
“ To conclude , the study revealed that regular exercise can significantly reduce stress levels.”
“ To conclude , it is evident from the data that our marketing strategies have significantly boosted sales.”
13. To recap
This phrase is used when the writer wants to summarize the key points of their argument or discussion.
“To recap” can help to reinforce the importance of these points for the reader and it also serves as a quick reference or summary.
“ To recap , our findings suggest that the new drug can effectively alleviate symptoms in 80% of patients.”
“ To recap , our team achieved all project milestones on time and under budget.”
14. In essence
This phrase is often used when the writer wants to encapsulate the fundamental nature or core idea of their argument or discussion.
“In essence” can help to distill complex ideas or arguments down to their most basic and important elements.
“ In essence , the concept of freedom is at the heart of democratic societies.”
“ In essence , our project aims to develop sustainable solutions for waste management.”
15. In retrospect
This phrase is typically used when the writer wants to look back on a situation, decision, or period of time and make a summary statement or conclusion about it. Use it in reflective essays.
“In retrospect” can be useful for conveying a sense of learned wisdom or insight gained after the fact. It often suggests that the writer’s perspective has evolved or deepened over time.
“ In retrospect , investing in renewable energy technologies was a wise business decision.”
“ In retrospect , we could have implemented additional measures to ensure the safety of our staff during the pandemic.”
16. Overall
This is commonly used to indicate a consideration of all factors or an assessment of the situation in its entirety.
“Overall” is often used to summarize complex scenarios involving multiple elements. It represents a comprehensive viewpoint that takes into account all the variables discussed.
“ Overall , our company’s performance this year has been exceptional, with growth in nearly all sectors.”
“While the program faced some obstacles initially, overall , it has been successful in achieving its main objectives.”
17. Finally
This word is often used to indicate the last point or idea in a list or sequence.
“Finally” is a transition word that suggests the end of a discussion. It can also indicate the final and often most important point in an argument or discussion.
“ Finally , the most compelling evidence for climate change is the consistent rise in global temperatures over the past century.”
“ Finally , it’s worth mentioning the commitment and dedication of our team, which played a significant role in the project’s success.”
18. Accordingly
This word is used to express the idea that something is a logical result of something else.
“Accordingly” signifies that the statement that follows is based on what was previously mentioned. It reflects a cause-effect relationship between two points or arguments.
“We have noticed a significant increase in demand for our product. Accordingly , we have decided to increase our production capacity.”
“The weather forecast predicts heavy snowfall. Accordingly , we have postponed the event.”
19. As a result
Similar to “accordingly”, this phrase is used to indicate that something is a consequence of a previous action or situation.
“As a result” introduces the outcome of a given circumstance or set of circumstances, signifying a cause-effect relationship.
“Our competitors have lowered their prices. As a result , we have also decided to adjust our pricing strategy.”
“The new policies were not well received. As a result , the company faced significant backlash from the public.”
20. In short
This phrase is used when you want to summarize a complex idea, argument, or discussion in a concise way.
“In short” helps to condense complex or lengthy explanations into a simpler and shorter summary. It indicates a concise conclusion.
“ In short , the environmental benefits of renewable energy make it a vital component of our fight against climate change.”
“ In short , the project was a success, meeting all its goals and objectives within the allocated time and budget.”
21. In brief
This phrase is used to provide a concise summary of information or to draw a quick conclusion.
“In brief” helps to distill longer discussions or complex arguments into their most critical points. It aims to convey the gist of the matter succinctly.
“ In brief , adopting sustainable practices is not just beneficial for the environment, but it also makes economic sense.”
“ In brief , our research findings confirm the hypothesis that regular exercise can improve mental health.”
22. To summarize
This phrase helps encapsulate the key points discussed in the conversation or writing.
“To summarize” allows the writer to highlight the most important points or findings, reaffirming them for the reader. It reinforces the primary arguments or conclusions.
“ To summarize , we believe investing in renewable energy is a strategic decision that will yield long-term benefits.”
“ To summarize , the data clearly shows an upward trend in consumer demand for eco-friendly products.”
This word is often used to introduce a conclusion or a result based on the previous discussion.
“So” is a simple and effective way to link cause and effect, or problem and solution. It leads the reader directly to the outcome or conclusion.
“The experiment failed to produce the expected results, so we’ll need to revise our approach.”
“Our marketing campaign has been highly successful, so we plan to increase our advertising budget.”
24. Clearly
This word is often used to express that something is obvious or noticeable, especially after analyzing the data or arguments presented.
“Clearly” can emphasize the strength of the evidence or arguments, and it signals confidence in the conclusion.
“ Clearly , our efforts to improve customer service have resulted in higher client satisfaction rates.”
“After reviewing the data, it’s clearly evident that our sales have significantly increased since launching the new product line.”
25. After all
This phrase can be used to emphasize a decisive argument or fact that should be considered.
“After all” often introduces a compelling reason or justification that supports the conclusion. It can help stress the importance of the points previously mentioned.
“We should move forward with the merger, after all , it presents a unique opportunity to expand our market reach.”
“The committee decided to fund the project, after all , it aligns with our goals and has significant potential.”
26. As mentioned earlier
This phrase refers back to something that was stated previously in the conversation or text.
“As mentioned earlier” can be used to re-emphasize an important point or piece of evidence that supports the conclusion. It can reinforce the argument by reminding the reader of what has been discussed previously.
One downside of this is it seems redundant – why are you repeating what you said earlier rather than doing what a conclusion should do: summarizing and synthesizing your points.
“ As mentioned earlier , the correlation between the variables is strong, indicating a significant relationship.”
“ As mentioned earlier , our success is largely due to our dedicated and talented team.”
27. As has been noted
This phrase is often used to restate something important that has been pointed out in the discussion.
“As has been noted” functions similarly to “as mentioned earlier,” serving to underscore a significant point or detail previously discussed. It strengthens the conclusion by referencing crucial information.
As with the phrase “as mentioned earlier”, this one may come across as a redundant phrase and could even signal that you’re repeating yourself rather than adding value through an evaluation or revision exercise.
“ As has been noted , the high turnover rate in the company is a significant concern that requires immediate attention.”
“ As has been noted , the initiative has resulted in substantial benefits for our community.”
28. As has been shown
This phrase is used to reference evidence or arguments that have been presented earlier.
“As has been shown” emphasizes the proof or reasoning that led to the conclusion. It reaffirms the legitimacy of the conclusion based on the presented evidence.
This can also come across as redundant, though.
“ As has been shown , our new marketing strategies have significantly boosted our brand visibility.”
“ As has been shown , the new policy has had a substantial positive impact on our employees’ work-life balance.”
29. As we have seen
Similar to the above, this phrase refers to the evidence or arguments discussed earlier in the text.
“As we have seen” serves to revisit important details or arguments that have been presented. It strengthens the conclusion by directly linking it to the evidence discussed.
“ As we have seen , the implementation of stricter environmental regulations has led to significant improvements in air quality.”
“ As we have seen , investing in staff training and development leads to increased productivity and employee satisfaction.”
30. Given the above points
This phrase is used to draw a conclusion from the arguments or points that have been presented.
“Given these points” signals that the following statement is based on the information discussed earlier. It helps establish a logical connection between the conclusion and the supporting points.
“ Given the above points , it’s clear that we must take immediate action to address the climate crisis.”
“ Given the above points , our company should continue to prioritize customer service as a key aspect of our business strategy.”
31. By and large
This phrase is often used to indicate a general conclusion, considering all the information.
“By and large” is used to sum up general trends or themes that have been discussed. It signals that the conclusion takes into account all the points made, rather than focusing on one particular point.
However, it can come across as a bit informal.
“ By and large , our team’s performance this quarter has exceeded expectations.”
“ By and large , customer feedback about our new product line has been positive.”
32. For the most part
Similar to “by and large”, this phrase indicates that the conclusion drawn applies broadly but allows for exceptions.
“For the most part” suggests a nuanced conclusion that covers the majority of situations or cases but acknowledges that there may be exceptions. It indicates a balanced and fair summary.
This one’s formality level is also quite low
“ For the most part , the new legislation has been successful, though there are a few areas that require further refinement.”
“ For the most part , our employees have embraced the new remote working arrangements, though a small number have experienced challenges.”
33. As has been demonstrated
This phrase refers to the evidence or arguments presented in the body of the text that support the conclusion.
“As has been demonstrated” underscores the points or evidence that have been made and connects them directly to the conclusion. It is a way of affirming the strength of the presented arguments or evidence.
“ As has been demonstrated , the innovative design features of our product set us apart from the competition.”
“ As has been demonstrated , implementing green initiatives in our operations has both environmental and economic benefits.”
34. With this in mind
This phrase suggests that the conclusion follows logically from the information or arguments that have been presented.
“With this in mind” sets up the conclusion as a direct response or reaction to the evidence or points made. It indicates that the conclusion is informed by these considerations.
“ With this in mind , we propose an expansion of our research and development department to drive future innovation.”
“ With this in mind , it’s crucial that we continue our efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable practices.”
35. Taking everything into account
This phrase is used to express a comprehensive conclusion that considers all the arguments, evidence, or factors presented.
“Taking everything into account” shows a thorough and thoughtful conclusion that takes into account all aspects of the discussion. It signifies a balanced and careful consideration of all the relevant information.
“ Taking everything into account , we recommend a strategic pivot towards digital marketing in order to reach a broader audience.”
“ Taking everything into account , our analysis suggests that investing in renewable energy sources would be beneficial for our long-term growth.”
Advanced Transition Phrases for Conclusions
The following are five phrases I personally use in my own academic conclusions, especially for argumentative essays. They’re for advanced students aiming to show depth of knowledge!
36. Based on the available evidence
This phrase is demonstrating that you’re about to sum up the essay’s key arguments. You are saying that you’re making an evaluation after examining all of the evidence and research on the topic. It helps to show your argument is based on evidence , which is good to show in an academic paper.
“ Based on the available evidence , it appears that the best path forward for addressing AI in the workplace is to allow it but regulate it to prevent unwanted negative externalities such as job losses.”
“ Based on the available evidence , teachers should be paid more than they currently are, given that they contribute significantly to social and economic development of societies.”
37. According to the key literature outlined in this paper
Similar to the above example, this one demonstrates that your final decision and thesis statement in your argumentative essay is based on real evidence and research, not just your opinion. So, you could begin your conclusion like this!
“ According to the key literature outlined in this paper , it appears that the best path forward for addressing AI in the workplace is to allow it but regulate it to prevent unwanted negative externalities such as job losses.”
“ According to the key literature outlined in this paper , teachers should be paid more than they currently are, given that they contribute significantly to social and economic development of societies.”
38. From an evaluation of the above arguments
This point doesn’t lean on evidence for your conclusion directly, but it does lean on the culminated evidence of the arguments you’ve put forward. You’re saying that you have put forward a range of arguments, and now, you’re going to powerfully sum them up and present your final thesis statement.
“ From an evaluation of the above arguments , the most compelling argument is that students should still be given homework, despite the fact there is evidence on both sides of the homework argument.”
“ From an evaluation of the above arguments , it is the position of this paper that schools should start later to allow children to sleep in and therefore be more rested when it is time to study.”
39. The balance of evidence finds
This statement highlights that you have looked at both the pros and cons of your topic before coming to a position. The metaphor of ‘balance’ makes us think of someone holding the points for one side of the argument in one hand, the opposing points in the other hand, and they’re weighing each up before deciding which is heavier.
“ The balance of evidence finds that essays help students to reinforce their knowledge, learn more deeply, and develop academic skills.”
“ The balance of evidence finds that taxation should be lowered in order to stimulate economic growth which, on balance, will lead to a more prosperous and thriving society.”
40. The research compellingly indicates
Lastly, the phrase “the research compellingly indicates” can be used in a transition to a conclusion because it demonstrates that you’re about to sum up all the research you’ve just made and you’re going to make a final evaluation.
“ The research compellingly indicates that visiting the doctor for a yearly check-up saves money overall, prevents backlog in hospitals, and prolongs life.”
“ The research compellingly indicates that essay writing helps students to learn their topics more deeply, develop critical thinking skills, and improve long-term retention of knowledge.”
Other Types Of Transition Words
- Compare and Contrast: In comparison, In contrast, However, Despite this, Other researchers argue, Unlike the above point, Conflicting research finds
- Cause and Effect : Therefore, Thus, As a result, This has led to, As a result, Because, Consequently, For that reason, Hence, For that reason
- List Order: First, Second, Third, Forth, In the first instance, In the second instance, Firstly, Secondly, Next, Lastly, Finally
- Time Order: Afterwards, Concurrently, Later, Meanwhile, Following, In the meantime, Simultaneously, Concomitantly, Subsequently
- Evidence Transition Words : As can be seen in, To demonstrate, Evidence of this fact can be seen in, Proof of this point is found in, For instance, For one thing, Compelling evidence shows
- Transitioning to examples : For example, for instance, as illustrated by, take the following case in point.
- Emphasis and addition : In fact, Indeed, Furthermore, Particularly, Surely, Undeniably, Indesputably, Confirms, Certifies, Proves
- Similarity: Similarly, In a similar way, Concurring research finds, likewise, equivalently, also, significantly
Well, how would someone conclude an article about how to write a good conclusion? I’ll finish up like this: every conclusion is unique. Work on your own writerly voice, come up with your own transition words for conclusions, and be creative with it. The biggest challenge you will face is staying within the formal guidelines of an academic essay. For this, rely on your teacher. Keep asking for feedback, and even specifically ask for feedback on your transition words. This will help you learn what your teacher prefers and help you to keep refining your writing style.
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- Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd-2/ 25 Word Games for Kids (Free and Easy)
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- Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd-2/ 50 Incentives to Give to Students
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Conclusions wrap up what you have been discussing in your paper. After moving from general to specific information in the introduction and body paragraphs, your conclusion should begin pulling back into more general information that restates the main points of your argument. Conclusions may also call for action or overview future possible research. The following outline may help you conclude your paper:
In a general way,
- Restate your topic and why it is important,
- Restate your thesis/claim,
- Address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with your position,
- Call for action or overview future research possibilities.
Remember that once you accomplish these tasks, unless otherwise directed by your instructor, you are finished. Done. Complete. Don't try to bring in new points or end with a whiz bang(!) conclusion or try to solve world hunger in the final sentence of your conclusion. Simplicity is best for a clear, convincing message.
The preacher's maxim is one of the most effective formulas to follow for argument papers:
Tell what you're going to tell them (introduction).
Tell them (body).
Tell them what you told them (conclusion).
Home > Blog > How To Conclude an Essay: Examples and Tips
How To Conclude an Essay: Examples and Tips
- Smodin Editorial Team
- Published: August 12, 2024
- Step-by-Step Instructions for Writing
Every piece of writing, especially essays, benefits greatly from a well-crafted conclusion. It’s not just about signaling the end of your essay; it’s about providing a satisfying closure that reinforces your argument.
Concluding an essay is a crucial part of writing. It’s your last chance to make an impression on your reader. An effective conclusion paragraph should tie your ideas together and remind readers of your main point. It’s also a good idea to try and leave them with something to think about.
Keep reading if you want to find out how to conclude an essay for college or school, along with some tips on how to structure your conclusion and what to avoid.
How To Conclude an Essay: 3 Factors To Consider
A conclusion paragraph serves several important purposes in an essay. It’s the final section that ties everything together, reinforcing the main points of your essay.
Let’s break down the key purposes a conclusion serves to help you improve your essay-writing skills when it comes to your closing argument.
1. Summarize the Thesis and Main Points
One of the primary functions of a conclusion is to restate the thesis and summarize the main points of your essay. This doesn’t mean you should simply repeat what has already been said. Instead, you should synthesize the information, bringing it all together to reinforce your main argument. This ensures that the reader is reminded of the core message of your essay.
Example: If your essay discusses the impact of climate change on marine life, your conclusion should restate the various points you’ve made. Think of points such as rising ocean temperatures, acidification, and pollution.
2. Show the Broader Implications
Beyond just summarizing, a strong conclusion should highlight the broader implications of your argument. This means discussing the significance of your findings and how they relate to a larger context. By doing this, you help readers understand why your essay matters in the bigger picture. Additionally, you inform how it contributes to the ongoing conversation about the topic.
Example: In an essay about social media’s impact on youth, the broader implications might include considerations for parents, educators, and policymakers. This step helps your reader see the importance of your argument beyond the scope of your essay.
3. Leave a Lasting Impression
Finally, your conclusion is essentially your last word, so it should aim to leave a lasting impression on the reader. This can be achieved through a thought-provoking statement or a poignant quote that resonates with your main points. The goal is to ensure that your readers walk away with a thoughtful reflection on your essay. It can be useful to conclude your essay on a positive note.
Example: In an essay advocating for renewable energy, you might end with a call to action urging readers to support sustainable practices. This wraps up your essay and motivates your readers to think and act on the information you’ve presented.
How To Conclude a College Essay
When you are writing a college essay, you must follow a similar outline to the one we mentioned above. You must ensure that your conclusion is clear and you are not repeating information word for word. Moreover, you must sound articulate and present your thoughts logically.
Depending on the type of essay, you can offer your own opinion as well based on what you have written. Do not forget to have a good flow in your writing to ensure your readers understand your closing statements, even your last sentence, well.
Keep reading, as below we go into more detail into how to conclude a college essay and generally all essays for that matter.
How To Conclude an Essay: Example
Take a look at our top tips for how to conclude an essay through our example below.
Example of Restating a Thesis
“In conclusion, reading offers numerous benefits, from enhancing cognitive abilities to reducing stress.”
This restatement of the thesis encapsulates the core argument of the essay, reminding the reader of the fundamental points discussed.
Example of Reviewing the Main Points
“By improving focus, expanding knowledge, and fostering empathy, reading is a powerful tool for personal growth.”
This brief summary reiterates the key points made in the essay, highlighting how reading contributes to individual development. It synthesizes the main arguments, showing how each benefit connects to the overall thesis.
Example of Showing the Broader Implications
“Encouraging a culture of reading can lead to more informed, empathetic, and engaged communities.”
This final statement underscores the larger significance of promoting reading. It suggests that the benefits of reading extend beyond the individual, potentially transforming society by fostering greater understanding and civic engagement.
By combining these elements, the conclusion reinforces the essay’s main points and emphasizes the broader impact of the argument. This will leave the reader with a compelling reason to value and promote reading.
Now that we have looked into a “how to conclude an essay” example, let’s take a look at some general writing tips when wanting to write a solid conclusion.
Writing Tips for a Strong Conclusion
Take a look at our top three tips for writing a good conclusion that will leave a lasting impression:
- Keep it concise: A few sentences should be enough to wrap up your essay without introducing new ideas. Conciseness helps maintain the reader’s attention and reinforces the clarity of your argument.
- Use simple language: Clear, straightforward language can have a powerful impact on a conclusion. Avoid complex vocabulary or jargon that might confuse the reader at this critical point.
- Avoid clichés: Phrases like “in conclusion” or “to sum up” are unnecessary and can weaken your writing. Instead, aim for a natural transition that seamlessly leads into your concluding thoughts.
Common Mistakes Made When Writing a Conclusion
If you write a good essay at school, this can increase your chances of getting into college by 10 times . Hence, it is essential not to make mistakes. However, many writers fall into the same mistakes when writing a conclusion for an essay. Here are some points to avoid when writing your next conclusion.
1. Introducing New Arguments
Your conclusion should wrap up your essay, not present new points or evidence. Introducing new arguments can confuse the reader and dilute the impact of your original thesis. The purpose of a conclusion is to provide closure and synthesis. Do not introduce fresh information that hasn’t been discussed in the body of the essay.
Any new points should have been addressed earlier in your writing. Keeping your conclusion focused ensures that your reader leaves with a clear understanding of your argument.
2. Repeating the Introduction
While it’s good to revisit your thesis, avoid repeating your introduction verbatim. Instead, rephrase and expand on it to reflect the development of your ideas. Your conclusion should show how your thoughts and arguments have evolved throughout the essay. This demonstrates growth and provides a more nuanced understanding of your thesis.
By avoiding repetition, you keep your writing engaging and your argument compelling, ensuring that your conclusion adds value rather than redundancy.
3. Using Apologetic Language
Don’t undermine your argument by suggesting there might be better approaches. Confidence in your conclusion reinforces the strength of your overall essay. Using apologetic language can make your argument seem weak or uncertain.
Stand by your points and present them with assurance. A strong, confident conclusion leaves a lasting impression on your reader and validates the effort and thought you put into your writing. Avoid phrases that might suggest hesitation or doubt, and instead, affirm the importance and validity of your conclusions.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long should a conclusion be.
A conclusion should be concise, typically around five to seven sentences, depending on the length of your essay. This length allows you to effectively summarize and reflect without dragging on.
Can I introduce new information in the conclusion?
No, introducing new information can confuse your reader. The conclusion should only summarize and reflect on what has already been discussed. Introducing new ideas at this stage can undermine the clarity of your essay.
How can I make my essay conclusion more impactful?
End with a strong, closing sentence that leaves your reader thinking about your argument and its implications. Consider using a quotation, rhetorical question, or call to action to leave a lasting impression.
Perfect Your Conclusion With Smodin.io
By following the steps and tips in our guide, you can master the art of writing a conclusion that ties your essay together. A strong conclusion wraps up your essay effectively and reinforces your thesis statement. Remember, your conclusion is your final opportunity to influence your reader, so make it count. Summarize your key points succinctly, highlight the broader implications of your argument, and end with a thought-provoking statement.
Ready to perfect your essay conclusion? Enhance your writing skills with Smodin’s AI writing tool. Create compelling essays effortlessly at Smodin.io and take your writing to the next level. Smodin’s intuitive platform provides guidance on structuring your conclusion, ensuring that each essay you write ends on a high note.
Try Smodin.io now to improve your conclusion-writing skills and gain confidence in your ability to leave a lasting impression.
- 40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays
To be truly brilliant, an essay needs to utilise the right language. You could make a great point, but if it’s not intelligently articulated, you almost needn’t have bothered.
Developing the language skills to build an argument and to write persuasively is crucial if you’re to write outstanding essays every time. In this article, we’re going to equip you with the words and phrases you need to write a top-notch essay, along with examples of how to utilise them.
It’s by no means an exhaustive list, and there will often be other ways of using the words and phrases we describe that we won’t have room to include, but there should be more than enough below to help you make an instant improvement to your essay-writing skills.
If you’re interested in developing your language and persuasive skills, Oxford Royale offers summer courses at its Oxford Summer School , Cambridge Summer School , London Summer School , San Francisco Summer School and Yale Summer School . You can study courses to learn english , prepare for careers in law , medicine , business , engineering and leadership.
General explaining
Let’s start by looking at language for general explanations of complex points.
1. In order to
Usage: “In order to” can be used to introduce an explanation for the purpose of an argument. Example: “In order to understand X, we need first to understand Y.”
2. In other words
Usage: Use “in other words” when you want to express something in a different way (more simply), to make it easier to understand, or to emphasise or expand on a point. Example: “Frogs are amphibians. In other words, they live on the land and in the water.”
3. To put it another way
Usage: This phrase is another way of saying “in other words”, and can be used in particularly complex points, when you feel that an alternative way of wording a problem may help the reader achieve a better understanding of its significance. Example: “Plants rely on photosynthesis. To put it another way, they will die without the sun.”
4. That is to say
Usage: “That is” and “that is to say” can be used to add further detail to your explanation, or to be more precise. Example: “Whales are mammals. That is to say, they must breathe air.”
5. To that end
Usage: Use “to that end” or “to this end” in a similar way to “in order to” or “so”. Example: “Zoologists have long sought to understand how animals communicate with each other. To that end, a new study has been launched that looks at elephant sounds and their possible meanings.”
Adding additional information to support a point
Students often make the mistake of using synonyms of “and” each time they want to add further information in support of a point they’re making, or to build an argument. Here are some cleverer ways of doing this.
6. Moreover
Usage: Employ “moreover” at the start of a sentence to add extra information in support of a point you’re making. Example: “Moreover, the results of a recent piece of research provide compelling evidence in support of…”
7. Furthermore
Usage:This is also generally used at the start of a sentence, to add extra information. Example: “Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that…”
8. What’s more
Usage: This is used in the same way as “moreover” and “furthermore”. Example: “What’s more, this isn’t the only evidence that supports this hypothesis.”
9. Likewise
Usage: Use “likewise” when you want to talk about something that agrees with what you’ve just mentioned. Example: “Scholar A believes X. Likewise, Scholar B argues compellingly in favour of this point of view.”
10. Similarly
Usage: Use “similarly” in the same way as “likewise”. Example: “Audiences at the time reacted with shock to Beethoven’s new work, because it was very different to what they were used to. Similarly, we have a tendency to react with surprise to the unfamiliar.”
11. Another key thing to remember
Usage: Use the phrase “another key point to remember” or “another key fact to remember” to introduce additional facts without using the word “also”. Example: “As a Romantic, Blake was a proponent of a closer relationship between humans and nature. Another key point to remember is that Blake was writing during the Industrial Revolution, which had a major impact on the world around him.”
12. As well as
Usage: Use “as well as” instead of “also” or “and”. Example: “Scholar A argued that this was due to X, as well as Y.”
13. Not only… but also
Usage: This wording is used to add an extra piece of information, often something that’s in some way more surprising or unexpected than the first piece of information. Example: “Not only did Edmund Hillary have the honour of being the first to reach the summit of Everest, but he was also appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.”
14. Coupled with
Usage: Used when considering two or more arguments at a time. Example: “Coupled with the literary evidence, the statistics paint a compelling view of…”
15. Firstly, secondly, thirdly…
Usage: This can be used to structure an argument, presenting facts clearly one after the other. Example: “There are many points in support of this view. Firstly, X. Secondly, Y. And thirdly, Z.
16. Not to mention/to say nothing of
Usage: “Not to mention” and “to say nothing of” can be used to add extra information with a bit of emphasis. Example: “The war caused unprecedented suffering to millions of people, not to mention its impact on the country’s economy.”
Words and phrases for demonstrating contrast
When you’re developing an argument, you will often need to present contrasting or opposing opinions or evidence – “it could show this, but it could also show this”, or “X says this, but Y disagrees”. This section covers words you can use instead of the “but” in these examples, to make your writing sound more intelligent and interesting.
17. However
Usage: Use “however” to introduce a point that disagrees with what you’ve just said. Example: “Scholar A thinks this. However, Scholar B reached a different conclusion.”
18. On the other hand
Usage: Usage of this phrase includes introducing a contrasting interpretation of the same piece of evidence, a different piece of evidence that suggests something else, or an opposing opinion. Example: “The historical evidence appears to suggest a clear-cut situation. On the other hand, the archaeological evidence presents a somewhat less straightforward picture of what happened that day.”
19. Having said that
Usage: Used in a similar manner to “on the other hand” or “but”. Example: “The historians are unanimous in telling us X, an agreement that suggests that this version of events must be an accurate account. Having said that, the archaeology tells a different story.”
20. By contrast/in comparison
Usage: Use “by contrast” or “in comparison” when you’re comparing and contrasting pieces of evidence. Example: “Scholar A’s opinion, then, is based on insufficient evidence. By contrast, Scholar B’s opinion seems more plausible.”
21. Then again
Usage: Use this to cast doubt on an assertion. Example: “Writer A asserts that this was the reason for what happened. Then again, it’s possible that he was being paid to say this.”
22. That said
Usage: This is used in the same way as “then again”. Example: “The evidence ostensibly appears to point to this conclusion. That said, much of the evidence is unreliable at best.”
Usage: Use this when you want to introduce a contrasting idea. Example: “Much of scholarship has focused on this evidence. Yet not everyone agrees that this is the most important aspect of the situation.”
Adding a proviso or acknowledging reservations
Sometimes, you may need to acknowledge a shortfalling in a piece of evidence, or add a proviso. Here are some ways of doing so.
24. Despite this
Usage: Use “despite this” or “in spite of this” when you want to outline a point that stands regardless of a shortfalling in the evidence. Example: “The sample size was small, but the results were important despite this.”
25. With this in mind
Usage: Use this when you want your reader to consider a point in the knowledge of something else. Example: “We’ve seen that the methods used in the 19th century study did not always live up to the rigorous standards expected in scientific research today, which makes it difficult to draw definite conclusions. With this in mind, let’s look at a more recent study to see how the results compare.”
26. Provided that
Usage: This means “on condition that”. You can also say “providing that” or just “providing” to mean the same thing. Example: “We may use this as evidence to support our argument, provided that we bear in mind the limitations of the methods used to obtain it.”
27. In view of/in light of
Usage: These phrases are used when something has shed light on something else. Example: “In light of the evidence from the 2013 study, we have a better understanding of…”
28. Nonetheless
Usage: This is similar to “despite this”. Example: “The study had its limitations, but it was nonetheless groundbreaking for its day.”
29. Nevertheless
Usage: This is the same as “nonetheless”. Example: “The study was flawed, but it was important nevertheless.”
30. Notwithstanding
Usage: This is another way of saying “nonetheless”. Example: “Notwithstanding the limitations of the methodology used, it was an important study in the development of how we view the workings of the human mind.”
Giving examples
Good essays always back up points with examples, but it’s going to get boring if you use the expression “for example” every time. Here are a couple of other ways of saying the same thing.
31. For instance
Example: “Some birds migrate to avoid harsher winter climates. Swallows, for instance, leave the UK in early winter and fly south…”
32. To give an illustration
Example: “To give an illustration of what I mean, let’s look at the case of…”
Signifying importance
When you want to demonstrate that a point is particularly important, there are several ways of highlighting it as such.
33. Significantly
Usage: Used to introduce a point that is loaded with meaning that might not be immediately apparent. Example: “Significantly, Tacitus omits to tell us the kind of gossip prevalent in Suetonius’ accounts of the same period.”
34. Notably
Usage: This can be used to mean “significantly” (as above), and it can also be used interchangeably with “in particular” (the example below demonstrates the first of these ways of using it). Example: “Actual figures are notably absent from Scholar A’s analysis.”
35. Importantly
Usage: Use “importantly” interchangeably with “significantly”. Example: “Importantly, Scholar A was being employed by X when he wrote this work, and was presumably therefore under pressure to portray the situation more favourably than he perhaps might otherwise have done.”
You’ve almost made it to the end of the essay, but your work isn’t over yet. You need to end by wrapping up everything you’ve talked about, showing that you’ve considered the arguments on both sides and reached the most likely conclusion. Here are some words and phrases to help you.
36. In conclusion
Usage: Typically used to introduce the concluding paragraph or sentence of an essay, summarising what you’ve discussed in a broad overview. Example: “In conclusion, the evidence points almost exclusively to Argument A.”
37. Above all
Usage: Used to signify what you believe to be the most significant point, and the main takeaway from the essay. Example: “Above all, it seems pertinent to remember that…”
38. Persuasive
Usage: This is a useful word to use when summarising which argument you find most convincing. Example: “Scholar A’s point – that Constanze Mozart was motivated by financial gain – seems to me to be the most persuasive argument for her actions following Mozart’s death.”
39. Compelling
Usage: Use in the same way as “persuasive” above. Example: “The most compelling argument is presented by Scholar A.”
40. All things considered
Usage: This means “taking everything into account”. Example: “All things considered, it seems reasonable to assume that…”
How many of these words and phrases will you get into your next essay? And are any of your favourite essay terms missing from our list? Let us know in the comments below, or get in touch here to find out more about courses that can help you with your essays.
At Oxford Royale Academy, we offer a number of summer school courses for young people who are keen to improve their essay writing skills. Click here to apply for one of our courses today, including law , business , medicine and engineering .
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50 Transitional Phrases for Conclusions(+ Examples You Can Use)
When writing a conclusion, you want to ensure that your final thoughts are clear and concise. Using transitional phrases can help you achieve this by linking your ideas together and making your writing flow smoothly.
There are various types of transitional phrases that can be used in a conclusion. Some examples include:
Transitional Phrases for Conclusions
When writing an essay or a speech, it is important to use transitional phrases to signal that you are reaching the end of your argument or presentation. These phrases help to summarize your main points and prepare your audience for the conclusion.
These phrases can be used to signal that you are about to wrap up your argument or presentation. They help to guide your audience to your final thoughts and summarize the main points you have made throughout your work.
In addition to these phrases, you can also use other techniques to signal the end of your work. For example, you can use a rhetorical question to provoke thought or a call to action to encourage your audience to take action based on your argument.
50 Transition Phrases for Conclusions(+Examples)
Transitional phrases for adding information.
When writing a conclusion, it is important to add information that supports your thesis statement. Transitional phrases can help you do this by linking your ideas together and making your writing more coherent. Here are some transitional phrases that you can use to add information to your conclusion:
Transitional Phrases for Comparing and Contrasting
Using transitional phrases can help you compare and contrast different ideas in a clear and concise manner. By using these phrases, you can guide the reader through your thought process and make your writing more engaging and informative.
Transitional Phrases for Cause and Effect
When writing an article or essay, it is important to use transitional phrases to link ideas and concepts. One of the most commonly used types of transitional phrases is the cause-and-effect transitional phrase. These phrases help to connect two events or actions and describe how one event or action led to another.
Another commonly used transitional phrase for cause and effect is “as a result.” For example, “The company experienced a loss of profits this quarter. As a result, they are considering cutting back on expenses.” Here, the effect of the loss of profits is the company’s decision to cut back on expenses.
In addition to “cause” and “result,” other transitional phrases that can be used to indicate cause and effect include “consequently,” “hence,” and “thus.” These transitional phrases are useful for indicating the relationship between two events or actions.
Transitional Phrases for Time and Sequence
Using these transitional phrases for time and sequence can help you structure your writing in a clear and organized way. For example, if you are writing a process essay, you can use these phrases to describe each step of the process in a logical order.
Transitional Phrases for Concluding Thoughts
When writing an essay or a speech, it is essential to conclude your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. Transitional phrases can help you achieve this by linking your ideas together and providing a smooth transition to your conclusion. Here are some transitional phrases that you can use for concluding thoughts:
Practical Examples of Transitional Phrases
When it comes to writing conclusions, transitional phrases can help you effectively summarize your main points and leave a lasting impression on your reader. Here are some practical examples of transitional phrases that you can use to make your writing more cohesive and engaging:
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Conclusion Transition Words to Use (List and Examples)
Conclusion transition words can be used by authors to reaffirm their arguments or ideas and wrap up an article, essay, or presentation. These words help writers to structure their ideas and guide the reader through the sentences. Conclusion transition words enable writers to indicate the completion of a paragraph and condense all the concepts that were discussed in the body of the article into a single concise statement.
Conclusion transition words for concluding paragraphs
These words indicate that the author is transitioning to the final paragraph of the article or essay. These can be used as introductions to closing paragraphs. Some conclusion transition words for concluding paragraphs include:
- To conclude
- In conclusion
- It can be concluded that
- When all is said and done
- In the long run
- In the final analysis
- Given these facts
- I will end by
Example sentences
- In conclusion, it can be said that this year’s budget will bring high economic development to the country.
- I will end by saying that this year’s carnival was a huge success.
- To wrap up, let us examine how this technology can be implemented in the market.
- Given these facts, the committee has decided to implement plan A for the next financial year.
- In the long run, the disease has proven to be too debilitating.
- From the analysis results, it can be concluded that the patient was losing too much blood.
- When all is said and done, the only thing that matters is that Jenna is happy.
Conclusion transition words for writing a summary
These words can be incorporated into a conclusion paragraph. However, they work especially well for succinctly bringing together a number of ideas. Some common words include:
- To summarize
- In any case
- All things considered
- Generally speaking
- On the whole
Though these transition words can be used anywhere, “to summarize” and “in summary” are often used only at the ending,
- In brief, today’s presentation will briefly examine the advantages and disadvantages of the new product and the changes that can be made to improve it.
- Generally speaking, boys are more muscular than girls.
- We can conclude that the discovery of fire, on a whole, was the most significant development in human history.
- To summarize, one can argue that Shakespeare’s works continue to exert an impact on society at large.
- In short, it can be seen that this plan was a complete failure.
- In essence, his situation is not so different from hers.
Conclusion transition words for ending any paragraph
In some cases, before proceeding to a different topic, a writer may want to close a paragraph using conclusion transition words. It will bring the concepts in that paragraph to a close. Some common words include:
- For the most part
- With this in mind
- This means that
- By and large
These words could also serve as the introduction to a paragraph if it summarizes the earlier arguments.
- For the most part, the reception was a laid-back affair.
- All in all, the trip was really wonderful.
- This means that the company has to rethink its policies for the next fiscal year.
- We can say that, by and large, the student camp was extremely fruitful.
- Ultimately, it was his decision to end the marriage.
Restating ideas when concluding
Conclusion transition words are also helpful in rehashing a subject already discussed by the author. This is a popular speaking and writing technique because it calls attention to a point the author wants the reader or audience to remember. The following transition words can be used to wrap up or summarize by restating key points:
- As has been demonstrated
- As I have mentioned
- As stated above
- As has been noted
- As mentioned previously
- As we have seen
- As I have said
- As shown earlier
Based on which one is more appropriate, you can use either the passive or active voice for these words.
- As has been demonstrated, this technique can be successfully used in the resuscitation of patients in the emergency wards.
- As we have seen, the success of this program entirely depends on the market conditions.
- As mentioned previously, the company should try expanding its investment to other core sectors.
Are conclusion and summary the same?
Since conclusion transition words are used for both summary and conclusion, it is necessary to understand the difference between the two.
A conclusion is generally used while ending an essay, speech, or article, combining all the arguments that were made in the body. But a summary can be written anywhere in an article. The summary can also be written in the introduction to let the readers know the topic that is about to be covered. The conclusion is more detailed than a summary, which provides a succinct rundown of the important ideas.
Are conclusion transition words necessary?
They are necessary to effectively conclude a document and to improve its readability.
- K12reader – Conclusion Transition Words and Phrases
- ESL Forums – CONCLUSION Transition Words: Useful List & Examples
- Grammarly – All About Transition Words
- Smart Words – Transition Words
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About the author
Dalia Y.: Dalia is an English Major and linguistics expert with an additional degree in Psychology. Dalia has featured articles on Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, Grammarly, and many more. She covers English, ESL, and all things grammar on GrammarBrain.
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Words to Use in an Essay: 300 Essay Words
By Hannah Yang
Table of Contents
Words to use in the essay introduction, words to use in the body of the essay, words to use in your essay conclusion, how to improve your essay writing vocabulary.
It’s not easy to write an academic essay .
Many students struggle to word their arguments in a logical and concise way.
To make matters worse, academic essays need to adhere to a certain level of formality, so we can’t always use the same word choices in essay writing that we would use in daily life.
If you’re struggling to choose the right words for your essay, don’t worry—you’ve come to the right place!
In this article, we’ve compiled a list of over 300 words and phrases to use in the introduction, body, and conclusion of your essay.
The introduction is one of the hardest parts of an essay to write.
You have only one chance to make a first impression, and you want to hook your reader. If the introduction isn’t effective, the reader might not even bother to read the rest of the essay.
That’s why it’s important to be thoughtful and deliberate with the words you choose at the beginning of your essay.
Many students use a quote in the introductory paragraph to establish credibility and set the tone for the rest of the essay.
When you’re referencing another author or speaker, try using some of these phrases:
To use the words of X
According to X
As X states
Example: To use the words of Hillary Clinton, “You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health.”
Near the end of the introduction, you should state the thesis to explain the central point of your paper.
If you’re not sure how to introduce your thesis, try using some of these phrases:
In this essay, I will…
The purpose of this essay…
This essay discusses…
In this paper, I put forward the claim that…
There are three main arguments for…
Example: In this essay, I will explain why dress codes in public schools are detrimental to students.
After you’ve stated your thesis, it’s time to start presenting the arguments you’ll use to back up that central idea.
When you’re introducing the first of a series of arguments, you can use the following words:
First and foremost
First of all
To begin with
Example: First , consider the effects that this new social security policy would have on low-income taxpayers.
All these words and phrases will help you create a more successful introduction and convince your audience to read on.
The body of your essay is where you’ll explain your core arguments and present your evidence.
It’s important to choose words and phrases for the body of your essay that will help the reader understand your position and convince them you’ve done your research.
Let’s look at some different types of words and phrases that you can use in the body of your essay, as well as some examples of what these words look like in a sentence.
Transition Words and Phrases
Transitioning from one argument to another is crucial for a good essay.
It’s important to guide your reader from one idea to the next so they don’t get lost or feel like you’re jumping around at random.
Transition phrases and linking words show your reader you’re about to move from one argument to the next, smoothing out their reading experience. They also make your writing look more professional.
The simplest transition involves moving from one idea to a separate one that supports the same overall argument. Try using these phrases when you want to introduce a second correlating idea:
In addition
Another key thing to remember
In the same way
Example: Additionally , public parks increase property value because home buyers prefer houses that are located close to green, open spaces.
Another type of transition involves restating. It’s often useful to restate complex ideas in simpler terms to help the reader digest them. When you’re restating an idea, you can use the following words:
In other words
To put it another way
That is to say
To put it more simply
Example: “The research showed that 53% of students surveyed expressed a mild or strong preference for more on-campus housing. In other words , over half the students wanted more dormitory options.”
Often, you’ll need to provide examples to illustrate your point more clearly for the reader. When you’re about to give an example of something you just said, you can use the following words:
For instance
To give an illustration of
To exemplify
To demonstrate
As evidence
Example: Humans have long tried to exert control over our natural environment. For instance , engineers reversed the Chicago River in 1900, causing it to permanently flow backward.
Sometimes, you’ll need to explain the impact or consequence of something you’ve just said.
When you’re drawing a conclusion from evidence you’ve presented, try using the following words:
As a result
As you can see
This suggests that
It follows that
It can be seen that
For this reason
For all of those reasons
Example: “There wasn’t enough government funding to support the rest of the physics experiment. Thus , the team was forced to shut down their experiment in 1996.”
When introducing an idea that bolsters one you’ve already stated, or adds another important aspect to that same argument, you can use the following words:
What’s more
Not only…but also
Not to mention
To say nothing of
Another key point
Example: The volcanic eruption disrupted hundreds of thousands of people. Moreover , it impacted the local flora and fauna as well, causing nearly a hundred species to go extinct.
Often, you'll want to present two sides of the same argument. When you need to compare and contrast ideas, you can use the following words:
On the one hand / on the other hand
In contrast to
On the contrary
By contrast
In comparison
Example: On the one hand , the Black Death was undoubtedly a tragedy because it killed millions of Europeans. On the other hand , it created better living conditions for the peasants who survived.
Finally, when you’re introducing a new angle that contradicts your previous idea, you can use the following phrases:
Having said that
Differing from
In spite of
With this in mind
Provided that
Example: Shakespearean plays are classic works of literature that have stood the test of time. Having said that , I would argue that Shakespeare isn’t the most accessible form of literature to teach students in the twenty-first century.
Good essays include multiple types of logic. You can use a combination of the transitions above to create a strong, clear structure throughout the body of your essay.
Strong Verbs for Academic Writing
Verbs are especially important for writing clear essays. Often, you can convey a nuanced meaning simply by choosing the right verb.
You should use strong verbs that are precise and dynamic. Whenever possible, you should use an unambiguous verb, rather than a generic verb.
For example, alter and fluctuate are stronger verbs than change , because they give the reader more descriptive detail.
Here are some useful verbs that will help make your essay shine.
Verbs that show change:
Verbs that relate to causing or impacting something:
Verbs that show increase:
Verbs that show decrease:
Verbs that relate to parts of a whole:
Comprises of
Is composed of
Verbs that show a negative stance:
Verbs that show a positive stance:
Verbs that relate to drawing conclusions from evidence:
Verbs that relate to thinking and analysis:
Verbs that relate to showing information in a visual format:
Useful Adjectives and Adverbs for Academic Essays
You should use adjectives and adverbs more sparingly than verbs when writing essays, since they sometimes add unnecessary fluff to sentences.
However, choosing the right adjectives and adverbs can help add detail and sophistication to your essay.
Sometimes you'll need to use an adjective to show that a finding or argument is useful and should be taken seriously. Here are some adjectives that create positive emphasis:
Other times, you'll need to use an adjective to show that a finding or argument is harmful or ineffective. Here are some adjectives that create a negative emphasis:
Finally, you might need to use an adverb to lend nuance to a sentence, or to express a specific degree of certainty. Here are some examples of adverbs that are often used in essays:
Using these words will help you successfully convey the key points you want to express. Once you’ve nailed the body of your essay, it’s time to move on to the conclusion.
The conclusion of your paper is important for synthesizing the arguments you’ve laid out and restating your thesis.
In your concluding paragraph, try using some of these essay words:
In conclusion
To summarize
In a nutshell
Given the above
As described
All things considered
Example: In conclusion , it’s imperative that we take action to address climate change before we lose our coral reefs forever.
In addition to simply summarizing the key points from the body of your essay, you should also add some final takeaways. Give the reader your final opinion and a bit of a food for thought.
To place emphasis on a certain point or a key fact, use these essay words:
It should be noted
On the whole
Example: Ada Lovelace is unquestionably a powerful role model for young girls around the world, and more of our public school curricula should include her as a historical figure.
These concluding phrases will help you finish writing your essay in a strong, confident way.
There are many useful essay words out there that we didn't include in this article, because they are specific to certain topics.
If you're writing about biology, for example, you will need to use different terminology than if you're writing about literature.
So how do you improve your vocabulary skills?
The vocabulary you use in your academic writing is a toolkit you can build up over time, as long as you take the time to learn new words.
One way to increase your vocabulary is by looking up words you don’t know when you’re reading.
Try reading more books and academic articles in the field you’re writing about and jotting down all the new words you find. You can use these words to bolster your own essays.
You can also consult a dictionary or a thesaurus. When you’re using a word you’re not confident about, researching its meaning and common synonyms can help you make sure it belongs in your essay.
Don't be afraid of using simpler words. Good essay writing boils down to choosing the best word to convey what you need to say, not the fanciest word possible.
Finally, you can use ProWritingAid’s synonym tool or essay checker to find more precise and sophisticated vocabulary. Click on weak words in your essay to find stronger alternatives.
There you have it: our compilation of the best words and phrases to use in your next essay . Good luck!
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Hannah Yang
Hannah Yang is a speculative fiction writer who writes about all things strange and surreal. Her work has appeared in Analog Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, The Dark, and elsewhere, and two of her stories have been finalists for the Locus Award. Her favorite hobbies include watercolor painting, playing guitar, and rock climbing. You can follow her work on hannahyang.com, or subscribe to her newsletter for publication updates.
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Refine Your Final Word With 10 Alternatives To “In Conclusion”
- Alternatives To In Conclusion
Wrapping up a presentation or a paper can be deceptively difficult. It seems like it should be easy—after all, your goal is to summarize the ideas you’ve already presented and possibly make a call to action. You don’t have to find new information; you just have to share what you already know.
Here’s where it gets tricky, though. Oftentimes, it turns out that the hardest part about writing a good conclusion is avoiding repetition.
That’s where we can help, at least a little bit. When it comes to using a transition word or phrase to kick off your conclusion, the phrase in conclusion is frequently overused. It’s easy to understand why—it is straightforward. But there are far more interesting and attention-grabbing words and phrases you can use in your papers and speeches to signal that you have reached the end.
One of the simplest synonyms of in conclusion is in summary . This transition phrase signals that you are going to briefly state the main idea or conclusion of your research. Like in conclusion , it is formal enough to be used both when writing an academic paper and when giving a presentation.
- In summary, despite multiple experimental designs, the research remains inconclusive.
- In summary , there is currently unprecedented interest in our new products.
A less formal version of in summary is to sum up . While this phrase expresses the same idea, it's more commonly found in oral presentations rather than written papers in this use.
- To sum up, we have only begun to discover the possible applications of this finding.
let's review or to review
A conclusion doesn't simply review the main idea or argument of a presentation. In some cases, a conclusion includes a more complete assessment of the evidence presented. For example, in some cases, you might choose to briefly review the chain of logic of an argument to demonstrate how you reached your conclusion. In these instances, the expressions let's review or to review are good signposts.
The transition phrases let's review and to review are most often used in spoken presentations, not in written papers. Unlike the other examples we have looked at, let's review is a complete sentence on its own.
- Let's review. First, he tricked the guard. Then, he escaped out the front door.
- To review: we developed a special kind of soil, and then we planted the seeds in it.
A classy alternative to in conclusion , both in papers and presentations, is in closing . It is a somewhat formal expression, without being flowery. This transition phrase is especially useful for the last or penultimate sentence of a conclusion. It is a good way to signal that you are nearly at the bitter end of your essay or speech. A particularly common way to use in closing is to signal in an argumentative piece that you are about to give your call to action (what you want your audience to do).
- In closing, we should all do more to help save the rainforest.
- In closing, I urge all parties to consider alternative solutions such as the ones I have presented.
in a nutshell
The expression in a nutshell is a cute and informal metaphor used to indicate that you are about to give a short summary. (Imagine you're taking all of the information and shrinking it down so it can fit in a nutshell.) It's appropriate to use in a nutshell both in writing and in speeches, but it should be avoided in contexts where you're expected to use a serious, formal register .
- In a nutshell, the life of this artist was one of great triumph and great sadness.
- In a nutshell, the company spent too much money and failed to turn a profit.
The expression in a nutshell can also be used to signal you've reached the end of a summarized story or argument that you are relating orally, as in "That's the whole story, in a nutshell."
[To make a] long story short
Another informal expression that signals you're about to give a short summary is to make a long story short , sometimes abbreviated to simply long story short. The implication of this expression is that a lengthy saga has been cut down to just the most important facts. (Not uncommonly, long story short is used ironically to indicate that a story has, in fact, been far too long and detailed.)
Because it is so casual, long story short is most often found in presentations rather than written papers. Either the full expression or the shortened version are appropriate, as long as there isn't an expectation that you be formal with your language.
- Long story short, the explorers were never able to find the Northwest Passage.
- To make a long story short, our assessments have found that there is a large crack in the foundation.
If using a transitional expression doesn't appeal to you, and you would rather stick to a straightforward transition word, you have quite a few options. We are going to cover a couple of the transition words you may choose to use to signal you are wrapping up, either when giving a presentation or writing a paper.
The first term we are going to look at is ultimately . Ultimately is an adverb that means "in the end; at last; finally." Typically, you will want to use it in the first or last sentence of your conclusion. Like in closing , it is particularly effective at signaling a call to action.
- Ultimately, each and every single person has a responsibility to care about this issue.
- Ultimately, the army beat a hasty retreat and the war was over.
Another transition word that is good for conclusions is lastly , an adverb meaning "in conclusion; in the last place; finally." Lastly can be used in informational or argumentative essays or speeches. It is a way to signal that you are about to provide the last point in your summary or argument. The word lastly is most often used in the first or last sentence of a conclusion.
- Lastly, I would like to thank the members of the committee and all of you for being such a gracious audience.
- Lastly, it must be noted that the institution has not been able to address these many complaints adequately.
The word overall is particularly good for summing up an idea or argument as part of your conclusion. Meaning "covering or including everything," overall is a bit like a formal synonym for "in a nutshell."
Unlike the other examples we have looked at in this slideshow, it is not unusual for overall to be found at the end of a sentence, rather than only at the beginning.
- Overall, we were very pleased with the results of our experiment.
- The findings of our study indicate that there is a lot of dissatisfaction with internet providers overall.
asking questions
Using traditional language like the options we have outlined so far is not your only choice when it comes to crafting a strong conclusion. If you are writing an argumentative essay or speech, you might also choose to end with one or a short series of open-ended or leading questions. These function as a creative call to action and leave the audience thinking about the arguments you have made.
In many cases, these questions begin with a WH-word , such as who or what. The specifics will vary spending on the argument being made, but here are a few general examples:
- When it comes to keeping our oceans clean, shouldn't we be doing more?
- Who is ultimately responsible for these terrible mistakes?
on a final note
Before we wrap up, we want to leave you with one last alternative for in conclusion . The expression on a final note signals that you are about to give your final point or argument. On a final note is formal enough to be used both in writing and in speeches. In fact, it can be used in a speech as a natural way to transition to your final thank yous.
- On a final note, thank you for your time and attention.
- On a final note, you can find more synonyms for in conclusion here.
The next time you are working on a conclusion and find yourself stuck for inspiration, try out some of these expressions. After all, there is always more than one way to write an ending.
No matter how you wrap up your project, keep in mind there are some rules you don't always have to follow! Let's look at them here.
Ways To Say
Synonym of the day
92 Essay Transition Words to Know
Abruptly switching topics in essays can be jarring; however , transition words can smooth the change for the convenience of the reader. Moreover , you can use essay transition words to start a paragraph, sentence, or clause more naturally. Additionally , essay transition words can connect new information to the previous statement so you don’t have to say everything at once.
This guide looks at how to use transition words in essays. We’ll explain what they are and how to use them, plus we even share an essay transition word list with the most common and useful transition words examples.
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What are essay transition words?
In general, transition words and phrases bridge the gap between two topics whose connection isn’t obvious. Transition words and phrases like however , although , likewise , and on the contrary cue the reader that a change is coming so they know to expect it.
The type of transition word or phrase signals which type of change is coming. For example, transition words like therefore show a cause-and-effect relationship, while transition words like in conclusion introduce a summary or wrap-up. Often, conjunctive adverbs work well as transition words.
Essay transition words are no different from other types of transition words. They are often the same words and phrases used in other pieces of writing, just used for all types of essay , such as an informative essay or a narrative essay .
How to use essay transition words
Transition words and phrases are used to make transition sentences , which either contain two opposing topics in the same sentence or join together the opposing sentences or paragraphs that come before and after the transition sentence.
Essay transition words aren’t necessary for every sentence; you need them only when a shift in topic is so pronounced that it interrupts the writing flow . For example, consider this example, which doesn’t use transition words:
The GPS told us to go left. We went right.
Although those two sentences are grammatically correct, the abrupt change in topic is a bit jarring to readers. Some may feel like they need to reread the passage because they’re worried they missed something. That’s where transition words come in handy.
The GPS told us to go left. However , we went right.
The transition word however acts as a signal to the reader to prepare for a change in topic. When the reader sees transition words like this, they know to expect the switch, so it’s not so jarring.
You can use transition words to start a paragraph, sentence, clause, or even a brief phrase or individual word.
Although tired , we had to continue.
Even in situations when the connection between topics is obvious, essay transition words can help keep your writing organized and comprehensible. This is especially true with ordinal numbers and transition words like next , then , and last , all of which keep items from a series or sequence in order.
First , you wet your hair, and then you apply the shampoo. Last , you rinse the shampoo with warm water.
Keep in mind that transition words aren’t always sentence starters . Sometimes essay transition words and phrases like also , too , or above all can come at the end of a sentence, clause, or phrase.
We were happy to get second place, but we wanted first place above all .
However, most essay transition words work best at the beginning of a sentence, where they can more effectively bridge the gap between two seemingly unrelated topics.
92 transition words examples
Essay transition word list for contradictions.
- alternatively
- nevertheless
- nonetheless
- notwithstanding
- on the contrary
- on the other hand
Essay transition word list for additions
- accordingly
- additionally
- comparatively
- coupled with
- equally important
- furthermore
- in addition
- in the same way
- understandably
Essay transition word list for introducing examples
- for example
- for instance
- in particular / particularly
- specifically
- to illustrate
Essay transition word list for conditions and cause and effect
- as a result
- consequently
- for fear of
- for this reason
- in the event of
- subsequently
- under these/those circumstances
Essay transition word list for extra clarification
- by all means
- in other words
- incidentally
- predictably
- significantly
- undoubtedly
Essay transition word list for summarizing
- briefly / in brief
- in conclusion
- in summary/summation
- to summarize
Essay transition word list for time relations
- at the same time
- in the meantime
Essay transition word list for series and sequences
- first , second , third , etc.
Essay transition words FAQs
In general, transition words and phrases bridge the gap between two topics whose connection isn’t obvious. Transition words and phrases like however , although , likewise , and on the contrary cue the reader that a change is coming so they know to expect it. Essay transition words have the same function in essays.
When should you use essay transition words?
Use essay transition words and phrases to either contain two opposing topics in the same sentence or join together the opposing sentences or paragraphs that come before and after them. Essay transition words aren’t necessary for every sentence; you need them only when a shift in topic is so pronounced that it interrupts the writing flow.
What are some essay transition words examples?
Some of the most common essay transition words examples include however , although , ultimately , in summary , next , last , also , in general , for that reason , as a result , for example , in the meantime , therefore , similarly , and likewise .
- School Life
Independence Day 15th August Essay in English For School Students
Independence day essay in english for school: are you looking to write a unique, impressive and heart-touching essay on independence day in english check this article to find various independence day essays ranging from 100 words to 500 words. also, check our top tips to write the most amazing essay for 15th august .
Independence Day Essay in English: 15th August 1947 was the first Independence Day of the land we call Mother India and on August 15, 2024, we are celebrating the 78th Independence Day of India. The air of freedom we breathe today is because of our ancestors who fought for centuries to get us this freedom. We have come a long way from being a British colony to being one of the largest democracies in the world. This celebration of freedom is observed with patriotism and enthusiasm all across the nation. Special eagerness is seen in school students - the future of this nation. Schools all across the country celebrate the occasion with fervour and essay writing, speech competitions, drama, song and dance programs are conducted to instil patriotism in these developing minds.
In this article, we have curated and compiled the 15th August Independence Day essay in English for school students. These essays range from 100 to 500 words. We have also provided extra content for students who wish to elongate the content or modify any part of it. Additionally, there are also the TOP essay writing tips for students so that they can learn to write the most amazing essay on any occasion.
Tips to Write Essays for School Students
- Keep your introduction interesting with quotes, sayings, slogans, etc. to instantly connect with your reader.
- Stick to the word limit given beforehand. In general, 300 words is a good length for a middle-school essay.
- Use simple language with correct grammar else the meaning of your essay will be lost.
- Do not end your essay abruptly. Have a proper conclusion.
- Include a strong and heart-touching saying, slogan or quote to leave your mark.
Most importantly, ensure that your Independence Day essay in English is factual and there is no false, unverified information.
Independence Day Essay in English for School Students
of India from British Colonial rule. It is a historical day and a symbol of the dedication and unity amongst our countrymen. |
and nation-building. It inspires Indians to never let go of their spirit of unity, equality, and communal harmony. |
- स्वतंत्रता दिवस 15 अगस्त पर निबंध - Essay On Independence Day In Hindi
Interesting Facts about the Independence Day of India
- On August 15, 1947, Indians did not have an official national anthem.
- Lord Mountbatten chose August 15, 1947, as India’s Independence Day because it matched the date of Japan’s surrender to the Allied Forces after World War II on August 15, 1945.
- The Indian tricolour is symbolic of India’s diversity. The saffron colour in the Indian flag represents the strength and courage of the country. The white colour in the middle indicates peace and truth. The blue dharma chakra in the middle of the white band has 24 strokes and it symbolises constant development. The green colour shows the fertility, growth and auspiciousness of the land.
- August 15, 2024, is the 78th Independence Day of India.
- Meanwhile, 15th August 2024 is the 78th Anniversary of Independent India.
Independence Day celebration is a great deal for all the Indians. Schools organize grand events for students on this day and indulge them in interesting yet informative activities. Since essay competitions are one of them, this article can be useful for participants in essay competitions. Students can choose any of the essays mentioned earlier according to the word limit allotted to them. These essays will not only help you make a mark in the competition. Still, they will also provide you with some amazing facts and knowledge related to the Independence struggle and its importance.
- Independence Day 15 August Poems in English for School Children
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Get here latest School , CBSE and Govt Jobs notification and articles in English and Hindi for Sarkari Naukari , Sarkari Result and Exam Preparation . Download the Jagran Josh Sarkari Naukri App .
- What is the significance of the Independence Day Celebration in India? + Independence Day is an important day for the whole country because it marks freedom from the 200 years of cruel and oppressive British colonial regime in India. It honours our freedom fighters and leaders and lays a hopeful path for the bright future of India.
- What is Independence Day 10 lines in English? + In the various short and long Independence Day essays in English, you will find heart-touching 10 lines on 15 August Independence Day.
- What is Independence Day English? + 15th August, 1947 is the day when India got freedom from 200 years of British colonial rule. On August 15, 2023, India will celebrate its 77th Independence Day.
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उत्तर प्रदेश के 10 सबसे बड़े जिले, यहां देखें लिस्ट
Overall, It Can Be Said…. To recap an idea at the end of a critical or descriptive essay, you can use this phrase at the beginning of the concluding paragraph. "Overall" means "taking everything into account," and it sums up your essay in a formal way. You can use "overall" on its own as a transition signal, or you can use it as ...
End your essay with a call to action, warning, or image to make your argument meaningful. Keep your conclusion concise and to the point, so you don't lose a reader's attention. Do your best to avoid adding new information to your conclusion and only emphasize points you've already made in your essay. Method 1.
Example: "In a nutshell, there are valid arguments on both sides of the debate about socialism vs capitalism.". 18. In closing…. My Rating: 7/10. Overview: This phrase is an appropriate synonym for 'In conclusion' and I would be perfectly fine with a student using this phrase in their essay.
Step 1: Return to your thesis. To begin your conclusion, signal that the essay is coming to an end by returning to your overall argument. Don't just repeat your thesis statement —instead, try to rephrase your argument in a way that shows how it has been developed since the introduction. Example: Returning to the thesis.
Restate your thesis: remind readers of your main point. Reiterate your supporting points: remind readers of your evidence or arguments. Wrap everything up by tying it all together. Write a clincher: with the last sentence, leave your reader with something to think about. For many, the conclusion is the most dreaded part of essay writing.
Once you're through, scrap the trite word or phrase you opened your conclusion with as well as the rest of the sentence and see how that works. 3. Stating hopes of acceptance. It's no secret that you submitted a college application essay because it's one of the various admissions requirements.
Finally, some advice on how not to end an essay: Don't simply summarize your essay. A brief summary of your argument may be useful, especially if your essay is long--more than ten pages or so. But shorter essays tend not to require a restatement of your main ideas. Avoid phrases like "in conclusion," "to conclude," "in summary," and "to sum up ...
Essay Conclusion Examples. Below is a range of copy-and-paste essay conclusions with gaps for you to fill-in your topic and key arguments. Browse through for one you like (there are 17 for argumentative, expository, compare and contrast, and critical essays). Once you've found one you like, copy it and add-in the key points to make it your own.
Highlight the "so what". At the beginning of your paper, you explain to your readers what's at stake—why they should care about the argument you're making. In your conclusion, you can bring readers back to those stakes by reminding them why your argument is important in the first place. You can also draft a few sentences that put ...
Also read: How to Write a Thesis Statement. 2. Tying together the main points. Tying together all the main points of your essay does not mean simply summarizing them in an arbitrary manner. The key is to link each of your main essay points in a coherent structure. One point should follow the other in a logical format.
1. Return to Your Thesis. Similar to how an introduction should capture your reader's interest and present your argument, a conclusion should show why your argument matters and leave the reader with further curiosity about the topic. To do this, you should begin by reminding the reader of your thesis statement.
The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper, to synthesize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject. It is also your opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note.
When wondering how to write a conclusion, it boils down to this: Conclusions should round off the topic and leave a strong impression in the readers' minds. We show you three key elements to a memorable conclusion.
Option 4: End on an action. Ending on an action can be a strong way to wrap up your essay. That might mean including a literal action, dialogue, or continuation of the story. These endings leave the reader wanting more rather than wishing the essay had ended sooner. They're interesting and can help you avoid boring your reader.
Strong conclusion examples pave the way for the perfect paper ending. See how to write a good conclusion for a project, essay or paper to get the grade.
If you're looking for good conclusion starters to finish your piece strongly, look no further. Find examples of great ways to begin your conclusion here. Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences Grammar ... When deciding how to end an essay or a speech, ...
The conclusion is a very important part of your essay. Although it is sometimes treated as a roundup of all of the bits that didn't fit into the paper earlier, it deserves better treatment than that! It's the last thing the reader will see, so it tends to stick in the reader's memory. It's also a great place to remind the reader exactly why ...
In short. In essence. On balance. Overall. In any case. In effect. Note that although you can insert summary transition words anywhere, the specific phrases 'In summary', 'To summarize' and 'To sum up' are generally only used at the end, similar to conclusion phrases.
15. In retrospect. This phrase is typically used when the writer wants to look back on a situation, decision, or period of time and make a summary statement or conclusion about it. Use it in reflective essays. "In retrospect" can be useful for conveying a sense of learned wisdom or insight gained after the fact.
Conclusions. Conclusions wrap up what you have been discussing in your paper. After moving from general to specific information in the introduction and body paragraphs, your conclusion should begin pulling back into more general information that restates the main points of your argument. Conclusions may also call for action or overview future ...
However, many writers fall into the same mistakes when writing a conclusion for an essay. Here are some points to avoid when writing your next conclusion. 1. Introducing New Arguments. Your conclusion should wrap up your essay, not present new points or evidence. Introducing new arguments can confuse the reader and dilute the impact of your ...
4. That is to say. Usage: "That is" and "that is to say" can be used to add further detail to your explanation, or to be more precise. Example: "Whales are mammals. That is to say, they must breathe air.". 5. To that end. Usage: Use "to that end" or "to this end" in a similar way to "in order to" or "so".
Examples include "in conclusion," "to sum up," and "finally.". Summary phrases: These phrases are used to summarize the main points discussed in the text. Examples include "in summary," "to summarize," and "overall.". Transition words: These are words that connect two ideas together. Examples include "however ...
Conclusion transition words can be used by authors to reaffirm their arguments or ideas and wrap up an article, essay, or presentation. These words help writers to structure their ideas and guide the reader through the sentences. Conclusion transition words enable writers to indicate the completion of a paragraph and condense all the concepts that were discussed in the body of the article into ...
If you're struggling to choose the right words for your essay, don't worry—you've come to the right place! In this article, we've compiled a list of over 300 words and phrases to use in the introduction, body, and conclusion of your essay. Contents: Words to Use in the Essay Introduction. Words to Use in the Body of the Essay.
Concluding your paper or presentation can feel redundant if you always say "in conclusion." These alternatives will help you end your project with style.
For example, transition words like therefore show a cause-and-effect relationship, while transition words like in conclusion introduce a summary or wrap-up. Often, conjunctive adverbs work well as transition words. Essay transition words are no different from other types of transition words.
Place one double-spaced blank line between the paper title and the author names. Center author names on their own line. If there are two authors, use the word "and" between authors; if there are three or more authors, place a comma between author names and use the word "and" before the final author name. Cecily J. Sinclair and Adam Gonzaga
the first word of the title or heading, even if it is a minor word such as "The" or "A" the first word of a subtitle; the first word after a colon, em dash, or end punctuation in a heading; major words, including the second part of hyphenated major words (e.g., "Self-Report," not "Self-report")
Independence Day Essay in English for School: Get here easy and simple Independence Day 15th August essay in 100, 200, 500 words and other interesting facts.