
A Rainy Day Essay In 100, 200, 300, And 500 Words

A rainy day essay: On a day shrouded in clouds, the skies weep, heralding a transformation. Streets become rivulets; trees dance in the rain’s melody. This spectacle, a common marvel in India, invites us to pause and ponder. Through this essay, let’s embark on a journey, exploring the myriad hues and emotions a rainy day unfurls. Will you join me in unraveling this liquid mystery?

In this article, we have provided 100, 200, 300, and 500-word essays on a rainy day topic.

A Rainy Day Essay For Class 5: 100 Words

A rainy day brings magic, transforming our world. Streets glisten, and plants dance, inviting us to explore.

As clouds gather, a hush falls over the city. The first drops patter softly, then grow into a rhythmic drumming on rooftops. Children, unfazed by the downpour, jump in puddles, their laughter blending with the rain’s song. Meanwhile, peacocks spread their vibrant feathers, performing nature’s dance. The air smells fresh, cleansed of dust, carrying a promise of renewal. This day pauses life’s hustle, offering moments of joy and reflection.

Rainy days wrap us in a watery embrace, reminding us of nature’s simple pleasures and wonders.

A Rainy Day Essay For Class 7: 200 Words

A rainy day unveils a tapestry of life, draped in myriad hues of nostalgia and freshness. The earth, thirsty for affection, embraces each drop, weaving a tale of renewal and bliss that captivates every heart.

As the sky turns a somber grey, a serene hush blankets the world. Trees dance gracefully, their leaves shimmering with silver droplets, performing a ballet to the rhythm of the rain. Puddles mirror the sky, creating ephemeral worlds for those who dare to dream. Children, undeterred by the downpour, splash joyfully, their laughter blending with the rain’s melody. The air, fresh and fragrant with petrichor, whispers secrets of the earth reborn. Streets, now glistening pathways, guide the wanderer to unseen wonders, as nature sketches scenes of tranquil beauty. Amidst this, the soul finds solace, in a quiet corner in the heart of chaos. Rainy days bring communities together, sharing stories under sheltered roofs while the rain creates a backdrop of serenity and introspection.

A rainy day, with its simple charms, offers a pause from life’s rush. It reminds us of nature’s cycles, of beginnings, and renewals. In its embrace, we find moments of peace, a treasure trove of memories to cherish.

A Rainy Day Essay For Class 8: 300 Words

Imagine waking up to the gentle pitter-patter of raindrops against your window. Such mornings bring a unique calmness, washing away the mundane with each drop. A rainy day unfolds its own enchanting story, distinct in essence, inviting us to pause and relish in its simple yet profound joys.

The arrival of rain transforms the landscape, cloaking the world in a veil of mist and mystery. Grey skies and a cool breeze herald a time of peace and introspection, as raindrops fall in a rhythmic melody, soothing the soul. Streets glisten under the rain’s tender caress, while the earth releases a fresh, petrichor scent, rejuvenating the senses. Trees and plants don a more vibrant shade of green as if nature itself is celebrating the rain’s arrival with a fresh coat of paint. Amidst this natural spectacle, children find joy in the simplest of activities, splashing in puddles with unbridled enthusiasm, their laughter echoing through the air. Adults, too, find solace in the cozy comfort of their homes, watching the rain dance from behind windows or enjoying the warmth of a hot beverage. The entire world seems to slow down, granting us a precious moment to appreciate the beauty and serenity of the present. The rain, acting as nature’s refresh button, not only transforms the landscape but also our perspective, reminding us of the cyclic beauty of life and the opportunities for renewal and growth that come with it.

As the rain eventually subsides and the clouds part, leaving behind a cleansed world, there’s a palpable sense of renewal and hope in the air. A rainy day, with its simple pleasures and moments of tranquility, serves as a gentle reminder of nature’s magic and its ability to inspire awe and gratitude in our hearts. It encourages us to slow down, breathe deeply, and appreciate the beauty in the world around us.

A Rainy Day Essay For Class 10: 500 Words

Imagine waking up to a symphony of raindrops. The sky is a canvas of grey, painting the world in hues of tranquility. A rainy day is upon us, promising a break from the ordinary. Such days bring a mix of emotions and experiences, crafting memories that linger. They offer a pause, an invitation to slow down and savor the moment.

The morning begins with the gentle pitter-patter of rain against the windowpane. It’s a sound that soothes the soul, a melody crafted by nature itself. Outside, the once-parched earth revels in the rain’s embrace. Each droplet, a lifeline, rejuvenates the ground, coaxing the hidden seeds to sprout. The air is fresh, washed clean of dust, carrying the scent of wet soil—a fragrance both earthy and invigorating.

Streets transform into rivulets, and children, armed with umbrellas and raincoats, become adventurers navigating through a newfound world. They splash in puddles, laughter echoing, undeterred by the downpour. The rain is not merely water; it’s a playmate, inviting everyone to forget their worries and indulge in pure joy. People huddle under shelters, sharing spaces and stories, the rain fostering a sense of community among strangers.

Nature, too, partakes in this celebration. Trees sway in the cool breeze, their leaves shimmering with raindrops, each one reflecting the world in miniature. Flowers bloom with renewed vigor, their colors more vibrant against the grey backdrop. Birds seek refuge, their chirping subdued, creating a serene ambiance. This harmony between nature and rain is a mesmerizing spectacle, a reminder of the earth’s natural beauty and resilience.

As the day progresses, the rain’s intensity wanes, giving way to a tranquil evening. The setting sun peeks through the clouds, casting a golden glow that illuminates the rain-soaked world. Rainbows arc across the sky, a splendid display of colors promising hope and renewal. The day’s end brings a reflective calm, a time to cherish the simple pleasures that a rainy day brings.

As dawn breaks, the rhythmic tapping of raindrops against the window serves as a soothing alarm, a natural melody that calms the mind and soothes the heart. The world outside is awash in a muted palette, where every hue seems to carry a deeper resonance, a sharper clarity. The rain, relentless in its mission, rejuvenates the thirsty earth, giving life to the dormant and the weary. Trees dance gracefully in the breeze, their leaves glistening with countless droplets, each one a tiny prism reflecting the subdued light.

Children, undaunted by the weather, don their raincoats like armor, ready to conquer the newly transformed landscape. They splash and play in puddles, their laughter a beacon of joy in the grey expanse. The streets, now shimmering ribbons of water, mirror the overcast sky, blurring the lines between earth and heaven. Amidst this, people find shelter and camaraderie under awnings and in doorways, sharing stories and smiles, a testament to the rain’s power to unite and uplift.

A rainy day is a gift, a chance to pause and reflect. It reminds us to appreciate the beauty in the small things and the importance of slowing down.

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A Rainy Day Essay: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 Words

A rainy day is a really important topic for essays in all classes in school and colleges. Here we have added five essays on a rainy day. I hope these essays will be really amazing for you. These essays will be able to teach you detailed about that topic. You can choose any of them, according to your needs. Students from class 1 to 10 and even higher secondary students can use these contents too.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

A Rainy Day: 100 Words Short Essay for Class 1, 2

A Rainy Day Essay

After the hot summer, the rainy season starts and it that time we experienced lots of days with huge rain. I have experienced lots of rainy days in my life. Sometimes there are heavy rains and sometimes, there is really low raining. Rainy day is really enjoyable for the students like me.

We don’t need to go to school. Sometimes we go out and get wet. But it’s not good for the people who need to go to work. The cattle can’t go out, and they face lacking food. Overall a rainy day has good and bad both sides.

A Rainy Day Essay: 200 Words for Class 3, 4

A Rainy Day Essay in 200 Words

Introduction: A rainy day is the best time for me. I enjoy those types of day lot. We see lots of changes and differences in the environment on a rainy day. Before the rain comes, everything becomes dark because of lots of clouds in the sky. It’s beautiful scenery to me. Especially in the evening, it becomes too beautiful.  

Why I Like a Rainy Day: I said that I like rainy days a lot. Let me tell you, why I like that a lot? On a rainy day, I never go to school, because the road becomes unable to walk. We don’t have a car so it’s really hard for me and my siblings to go to school on a rainy day. We stay in the house.

Most of the time my father also stays with us. That becomes a really good time for our family. My mother cooks different types of food for us. My parents usually watch TV and we play video games. Sometimes we study a bit and sleep.  

Conclusion: Rainy day is really hard for people like me in the village. After all, I really enjoy rainy days.    

Essay on A Rainy Day: 300 Words for Class 5, 6

A Rainy Day Essay in 300 Words

Introduction: Most of the time in the rainy season , we face lots of day with huge rain. That type of day is called as a rainy day. It’s just a particular day, not a season. We all have experienced lots of rainy days. In this essay, we will talk about some important things about a rainy day.  

Comfortable for Some People: A rainy day becomes really awesome and comfortable for lots of people. The people who don’t need to go out for work, they feel really comfortable. In that case, the students are among them. The students never want to go to school on a rainy day.

They love to stay at home and play with their siblings and cousins. Sometimes they watch TV too. The housewives always cook something special in those days. The most favorite dish is ‘Bhuna Khichuri’. It is a really known food item in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan.  

Suffering for Some People: All people don’t enjoy those types of day. Some peoples really suffer a lot. There are lots of people who need to join their work regularly. These days are tough for them. They do really hard work. Sometimes they need to go out in the rain. They get wet and fall sick.  

Changes in the Environment: You will feel a huge change in the environment in the rainy time. It becomes really cool and the breeze is really enjoyable. Before the rain, you will see some beautiful clouds in the sky that covered everything. That’s a sign of rain.  

Conclusion: I love rainy days a lot. I love to wet in the rain, and that’s why it is the most favorite season of mine.    

A Rainy Day Essay: 400 Words for Class 7, 8

A Rainy Day Essay in 400 Words

Introduction: Sometimes a rainy day becomes really funny and enjoyable for some people and sometimes, it becomes really tough. Overall, it’s a thing that happens with us very often. Most of us have experienced a lot of days with rain. Sometimes, it is raining heavily and sometimes there are really low rains. In this essay, we will talk about some important sides of a rainy day.  

A Rainy Day in Village: There is no doubt that the rain has its biggest impact on the village. The villagers suffer the most. But sometimes, it’s important for them. After a long summer, they want some cool breeze with rain. In that time, rain comes as blessings for them. They need water to cultivate and they need water to plant trees . As you know it’s the best time to seed any types of vegetables and trees.

So it’s an important time in the village. Students in the village really enjoy the rain. They don’t have to go to school. I am a student and I read in class 8 and I live in a village. When it is raining, it’s an unofficial holiday for us. We spend the entire day with our family. My mother cooks so many types of food. My father stays in the home.  

A Rainy Day for a Day Labor: A day labor life is really tough on a rainy day. Most of the time, they have to work regularly to maintain their families. But for the rain, they miss their work and they don’t get paid. And sometimes, they have to work wetting in the rain. They could fall sick for that type of activity. So overall, it’s a really hard time for day labor.  

Bad Side of a Rainy Day: Over raining could make a flood too. So it could become really hard to control for the people. In the flood, lots of people and animal dies. People face a huge loss of their property too. In the countryside area and the low layered area has the highest risk for flood.

People of these types of area face the flood almost every year. The government should take proper steps to keep the people safe. In the cities, some area gets flooded and people become close to their house. They can’t come out and their normal life becomes hampered.  

Conclusion: A rainy day is good for some people and bad for some people.    

Essay on A Rainy Day: 500 Words for Class 9, 10

A Rainy Day Essay in 500 Words

Introduction: A rainy day is a regular part of our life. We all have experienced lots of rainy days in our life. Today we will talk about lots of sides of a day with rains. In the hot summer, people become restless and so much disturbed due to overheating weather. In that time, rain comes as blessings. People love rains lots, even its personally my favorite. I love spending on a rainy day.  

A Rainy Day for Students: For the students, the rainy day is really special. Most of the time, they don’t have to arrive at school. So it’s an unofficial holiday. Sometimes students in cities have to go to school, even it’s raining. But in the village, the students never arrive at the school while it’s raining.

The students spend their time in the house, and most of the time they watch TV, play with siblings or cousins. Their mom and aunties make delicious foods for them. Most of the family member remains in the house.  

Advantages of a Rainy Day: There is lots of good side on a rainy day. Let me share some of them. First of all, I want to mention, it helps to remove all the heat weather and make people really cool. It comes with a cold breeze and makes people really happy. Overheat become a big reason for different kinds of diseases too. Prickly heat becomes a common problem for most people.

But when the rain starts, these problems go away. And the rainy season is the best season for starting tree plantation . If you want to plant some trees, then this season is best for you. Besides these, there are other big advantages, of a rainy day. It makes the environment neat and clean. All the dust goes away.  

Disadvantages of a Rainy Day: Within lots of advantages, there are few bad sides too for a rainy day. Most of the people in the village suffer a lot. Especially who has a muddy road. Those types of roads become unable to use. People can’t go out and the vehicle can’t move from one place to another.

It makes a huge problem in the transportation system and it’s a loss for the business owners. In some cities, there is no proper water drainage system, that’s why water freezes in a specific place and it becomes really bad for the people. Some low-layered area goes under the water.  

A Rainy Day in City: A rainy in the city is totally different than the villages. The people life is really busy in cities. The rain can’t stop them. Most of the people have to join their offices or other workplaces. Most of the students also joined their school, if there is no heavy rain.

People really enjoy rain in cities. They go to their roof and enjoy the rainwater. Sometimes, they come out, sing, and spend time with friends. But the people, who have to work regularly to maintain their family, they face a huge problem.  

Conclusion: A rainy day has bad and good sides. Overall, sometimes it is important for us.

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an essay for a rainy day

Essay on Rainy days for Students and Children

500+ words essay on rainy days.

Essay on Rainy Days – Rainy days are different from any other day. They hold great importance for everyone differently. People have different reasons to wait for the Rainy Season eagerly. After all, it brings a sigh relief for everyone. No matter what the weather may be, a rainy day relaxes and soothes our soul. There is no age limit to enjoy rainy days people of almost every age enjoy it equally. Thus, rainy days are very important for a number of reasons.

Essay on Rainy Days

Importance of Rainy Days

As stated earlier, rainy days are enjoyed by people of all ages. The kids are probably the most excited lot of all. Rainy days bring pleasant weather and uplift the moods of kids. Moreover, it gives them a chance to step out and play in the rain, jump in the puddles and make paper boats.

Similarly, for students, a rainy day means a break from school. It gives them a break from their monotonous routine as the school declares a holiday. The joy of going to school on a rainy day enjoying the weather and then realizing the school is closed is one of a kind experience. The students become relaxed and spend their day doing other activities like going out with friends and more.

If we look at rainy days from the perspective of a common man, we see how it brings them relief from the heat. It changes their mood and also their dull routine. In other words, rainy days give them a chance for rejuvenation amidst the stress.

Most importantly, we see rainy days are of utmost importance for farmers. It is quite essential for the production of crops. It provides them with adequate water to make their crops flourish which will eventually benefit them.

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My Rainy Day Experience

When I think of rainy days, it brings back very special memories for me. However, one memory is such which is the closest to my heart. I remember our teacher scheduled a test for us when it started raining heavily.

an essay for a rainy day

I woke up in the morning with the fear of taking the test for which I was not prepared. I prayed to God for the cancellation of the test. As I was getting ready, it started raining heavily. I got dressed up and went to school with my father, and to my surprise, we came to know the school was closed that day due to a rainy day.

I was on top of the world when I came to know about it. I returned with my father and came back then undressed. Immediately, I changed into my home clothes to go f\and bathe in the rain on my terrace. I played with my siblings a lot in the rain; we made paper boats as well. After we were done, we saw that my mother was making onion fritters. She served them burning hot with chili chutney. We relished the fritters as we watched the rainfall. It was truly one of the most memorable rainy days of mine.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How do rainy days benefit farmers?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Rainy days benefit farmers the most. They bring a sigh of relief for them. As it waters their crops free of cost and helps them flourish. They give them good produce which, in turn, benefits them eventually.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can one enjoy rainy days?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”There are various ways to enjoy their rainy days. You can sit in your balcony and sip on tea while enjoying the weather. Moreover, you may go out in the garden or terrace and bathe in it. Make paper boats and take a long drive on the road as well.”} }] }

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A Rainy Day Essay

A rainy day is a beautiful and refreshing experience that we should cherish and enjoy. It's a time to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life. Here are a few sample essays on a rainy day.

  • 100 Words Essay On A Rainy Day

A rainy day is a beautiful gift from nature. It refreshes our surroundings and brings a sense of calmness. The pitter-patter of the raindrops, the earthy scent, and the cool breeze make the atmosphere magical. The rain creates a serene ambiance that is perfect for a cup of tea and a good book. It also provides an opportunity to spend quality time with loved ones. However, it can also cause inconvenience and lead to flooding in some areas. Overall, a rainy day is a reminder of the beauty and power of nature, and it is up to us to appreciate and enjoy it responsibly.

200 Words Essay On A Rainy Day

500 words essay on a rainy day, how to enjoy rainy days.

A Rainy Day Essay

A rainy day is one of the most beautiful and refreshing experiences that we can have. It brings a much-needed break from the scorching heat of the summer months, and it's also a time to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. The sound of raindrops falling on the roof and the smell of wet soil are truly magical. It is a time when people feel more connected to nature and appreciate the simple things in life.

Benefits | On a rainy day, people prefer to stay indoors and enjoy the warmth and comfort of their homes. It's the perfect opportunity to read a book, watch a movie or just spend time with family and friends. It is also a great time for reflection and introspection. The sound of raindrops can be very soothing and calming, making it a perfect time for meditation or yoga.

Challenges | However, a rainy day can also bring its share of challenges. Heavy rainfall can lead to flooding and disruption of daily life. It's important to take necessary precautions and stay safe during such times. Moreover, it can also cause damage to crops and disrupt transportation and communication. Therefore, we should also be prepared for the challenges that come with heavy rainfall and take necessary precautions to stay safe.

Rainy days offer a perfect opportunity to relax and take a break from the usual routine. People enjoy staying indoors, cozying up with a good book, watching a movie, or spending quality time with family and friends. It is also a great time for reflection, introspection, and creative activities. The sound of raindrops falling on the roof, the smell of wet soil, and the cool breeze create a magical atmosphere that soothes the mind and body.

However, a rainy day can also bring its share of challenges, including the risk of flooding and damage to crops and infrastructure. It is essential to take necessary precautions and stay safe during such times.

Rainy days can be a great time to unwind and relax. There are many ways to celebrate a rainy day, and it all depends on your interests and preferences. The key is to relax, unwind, and appreciate the beauty of nature.

One of the best ways to celebrate a rainy day is to stay indoors, snuggle up with a cosy blanket, and read a book or watch a movie. It is also an excellent time to spend quality time with family and friends. You can play board games, cook a warm meal, or have a cup of hot chocolate together.

Another great way to celebrate a rainy day is to take a walk or a drive in the rain. Put on a raincoat and some rain boots, and enjoy the beauty of nature in the rain. You can also visit a park or a garden and appreciate how the rain transforms the surroundings.

If you enjoy music, you can create a playlist of your favorite songs for a rainy day. Listening to music can enhance your mood and make the day more enjoyable.

Finally, if you enjoy creative activities, you can indulge in some art and craft projects. You can paint, draw, or make something with your hands. Being creative can be a great stress-reliever and a fun way to spend a rainy day.

My Experience

Last year, on a rainy day, I spent the day with my family at home. We started the day by preparing a warm breakfast together, including pancakes and hot cocoa. We then spent the morning playing board games, telling stories, and enjoying each other's company.

In the afternoon, we decided to bake some cookies and listen to music. The rain made the atmosphere cosy and relaxing, and we all felt content spending time together. We also took the time to catch up on some reading, with each family member reading their favourite books.

As the day progressed, the rain became heavier, and we decided to have a cosy family movie night. We picked an action movie, and we all snuggled under blankets and pillows, enjoying the warmth and comfort of our living room.

It was a day filled with warmth, laughter, and love. The rain brought us together, and we all felt grateful for the time we spent together as a family. It was a perfect reminder of how simple pleasures can bring joy and happiness into our lives.

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A Rainy Day Essay for Students and Kids | Short & Long

A Rainy Day Essay: Get essay on a rainy day in 500, 300, 250, 200, and 150 words for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8 9, 10 and above. This rainy day composition will help you enhance your writing skill. A rainy day, with its gentle pitter-patter on the windowpane and the earthy aroma that fills the air, has a unique charm that captivates our hearts.

It offers us a chance to slow down, find solace indoors, and appreciate the beauty that comes with precipitation. In this essay, we will embark on a journey to explore the delights and wonders of a rainy day, from the cozy indoor activities to the poetic inspiration it invokes. Let’s dive into the tranquil world of a rainy day and embrace nature’s tears.

Table of Contents

A Rainy Day Essay in English

A rainy day is a gift from nature, a symphony of clouds and raindrops orchestrating a captivating ambiance. The raindrops cascade from the heavens, painting the world in various shades of gray, while we seek refuge indoors, savoring the comfort it offers. Let us now explore this enchanting day, where nature’s tears become a melody that resonates within our souls.

The Melancholic Beauty of Rain

The Melody of Raindrops: As raindrops fall on rooftops, they create a soothing melody that lulls us into tranquility. The rhythmic tapping on the windows acts as a symphony, composing a song that connects us with the elements of nature.

Earthy Aroma: With each raindrop, the earth releases a sweet and earthy fragrance, commonly known as petrichor. This unique scent awakens our senses, reminding us of the raw and untamed beauty of the natural world.

Refreshing Cleansing: Rain showers cleanse the world around us, washing away the dust and grime and leaving behind a fresh and vibrant landscape. The rejuvenating effect of rain instills a sense of renewal and invigoration within our souls.

Cozy Indoor Activities

Cocooning in Warmth: A rainy day is the perfect opportunity to indulge in cozy indoor activities. Wrapping ourselves in soft blankets and sipping a warm cup of tea or coffee, we can escape the outside world and find solace in the comforting embrace of our homes.

The Joy of Reading: Rainy days beckon us to dive into the world of books. We can explore new realms, embark on thrilling adventures, or indulge in thought-provoking literature. The sound of raindrops against the windowpane creates a symphony that harmonizes with the words on the pages, enhancing the reading experience.

Unleashing Creativity: Rainy days inspire creativity and introspection. Engaging in artistic pursuits such as painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument can provide an outlet for our emotions and allow us to express our innermost thoughts.

Baking Delights: The aroma of freshly baked goods permeates the air on rainy days. Channeling our inner baker, we can create delectable treats like warm cookies, fragrant bread, or a comforting pie. The baking process not only fills our homes with delightful scents but also satisfies our taste buds with homemade goodness.

Movie Marathons: Rainy days are the perfect excuse to indulge in a movie marathon. Curling up on the couch with loved ones, we can lose ourselves in a series of films that transport us to different worlds, evoke laughter, or stir deep emotions.

Rainy Day Fashion

The Comfort of Hoodies and Sweaters: Fashion takes a cozy turn when raindrops fall. Donning our favorite hoodies and sweaters, we feel their warmth and comfort, wrapping ourselves from the chill outside. The soft fabric against our skin becomes a gentle reminder of the embrace of a loved one.

Rain Boots and Umbrellas: Practicality meets style on a rainy day. Adorned in vibrant rain boots and a whimsical umbrella, we can navigate the wet terrain gracefully and with flair. These accessories protect us from the rain and add a touch of personality to our appearance.

Layering Elegance: Layering clothing becomes an art form on rainy days. Combining different textures, colors, and patterns, we can create a fashionable ensemble that protects us from the elements while exuding effortless style.

In conclusion, a rainy day is an irrefutable allure that captivates our senses and ignites our creativity. It invites us to embrace the cozy indoors, indulge in delightful activities, and find inspiration in the melancholic beauty of nature’s tears. Let us revel in the enchantment of rainy days, for they give us moments of reflection, joy, and the serenity that comes from connecting with the world around us.

Long Essay on a Rainy Day in 500 Words

A rainy day is a delightful gift from nature. It brings respite from the sun’s scorching heat, creates a soothing ambiance, and adds a touch of enchantment to the world around us. In this essay, we will explore the beauty and significance of a rainy day.

When the clouds gather, and the first droplets of rain start to fall, there is a sense of anticipation in the air. The sky turns gray, and the atmosphere becomes cooler. The rhythmic sound of raindrops hitting the ground and the rooftops create a soothing melody that calms the mind and uplifts the spirit.

One of the most enchanting aspects of a rainy day is the earthy fragrance that fills the air. The rainwater combines with the soil, releasing a unique scent known as petrichor . This aroma is reminiscent of freshly dampened earth and has a calming effect on the senses. It evokes a sense of nostalgia and connects us to the beauty of the natural world.

A rainy day offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life. It allows one to slow down, take a break, and indulge in cozy indoor activities. Curling up with a good book and a warm cup of tea, listening to the raindrops tapping on the window, is a perfect way to spend a rainy day. The sound of rain against the windowpane creates a serene backdrop that enhances the reading experience.

For creative people, a rainy day is a wellspring of inspiration. The sad beauty of the raindrops falling from the sky can evoke deep emotions and spark the imagination. It is a time when artists, writers, and musicians find solace and a renewed sense of creativity. The quiet ambiance and the gentle patter of raindrops provide the perfect backdrop for introspection and self-expression.

Children, too, find joy on a rainy day. Jumping in puddles, splashing around, and feeling the rain on their skin brings a sense of adventure and playfulness. It allows them to connect with nature uniquely, exploring the wonders of rain and embracing the freedom of getting wet.

While a rainy day may seem gloomy to some, it has a unique charm that can brighten even the darkest moods. It teaches us to appreciate the beauty in simplicity and find joy in the little things. It reminds us of the cyclical nature of life, where rain gives way to sunshine, and storms eventually clear.

In conclusion, a rainy day is a precious gift that brings with it a multitude of delights. From the rhythmic sound of raindrops to the earthy fragrance of petrichor, it envelops us in tranquility. It offers an opportunity to connect with ourselves and the world around us. So, the next time the sky darkens, and raindrops fall, embrace the beauty of a rainy day and let it wash away your worries and rejuvenate your spirit.

Short Essay on a Rainy Day 250 / 300 Words

A rainy day is a gift from the heavens above. When the dark clouds gather, and raindrops start to fall, there is a sense of serenity in the air. The rhythmic sound of rain hitting the ground creates a soothing melody that washes away the day’s worries.

A rainy day brings a refreshing change from the bright and sunny weather. It offers a chance to slow down and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. The pitter-patter of raindrops against the window creates a cozy ambiance, perfect for staying indoors and indulging in quiet activities.

For some, a rainy day is a time for introspection and reflection. The peaceful atmosphere and gentle rain inspire deep thoughts and contemplation. It’s a moment to pause, breathe, and reconnect with oneself.

Children find delight in a rainy day as well. They put on their rain boots and jump into puddles, laughing and splashing joyfully. The rain becomes a playground, a source of fun and adventure. It brings out their playful spirit and allows them to experience the wonders of nature.

Nature also benefits from the rain. The earth is nourished, and plants come alive with vibrant colors. The air feels crisp and clean, and the scent of wet earth fills the surroundings. It’s a time when nature rejuvenates and thrives.

In conclusion, a rainy day brings peace, joy, and renewal. It’s a chance to slow down, reflect, and appreciate the beauty of the world. So, the next time the rain falls, take a moment to embrace its calming embrace and find solace in the magic of a rainy day.

Essay on a Rainy Day 150 / 200 Words

A rainy day is a welcome respite from the usual sunny weather. The sound of raindrops falling creates a soothing atmosphere that brings a sense of calm. It’s a day to slow down and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

Staying indoors on a rainy day can be cozy and comforting. It’s a perfect time to curl up with a good book, watch a movie, or engage in creative activities. The rain outside creates a peaceful backdrop that enhances relaxation.

Children often find joy on a rainy day, jumping into puddles and playing in the rain. It’s time for them to let their imaginations run wild and embrace the carefree nature of childhood.

Nature also benefits from the rain, as it nourishes the earth and helps plants grow. The scent of rain in the air is invigorating and refreshing.

In conclusion, a rainy day brings a sense of tranquility and offers an opportunity to appreciate the simple joys of life. Whether spending time indoors or embracing the rain outside, a rainy day has a unique charm. So, the next time it rains, take a moment to enjoy the beauty of a rainy day.

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Essay on a Rainy Day: FAQs

1. what activities can children enjoy on a rainy day.

Answer: Children can indulge in creative indoor activities such as painting, drawing, or building forts using blankets and pillows. Playing board games or puzzles can also provide entertainment and foster cognitive skills. Encouraging children to create stories or engage in imaginative play can spark their creativity

2. How can one find inspiration on a rainy day?

Answer: Observing raindrops trickling down the window can inspire introspection and explore one’s thoughts and emotions. Listening to the rhythmic sound of raindrops can ignite a creative spark, leading to poetry, writing, or artistic endeavors. Stepping outside and feeling the rain on one’s skin can create a connection with nature and offer inspiration through its raw beauty.

3. Can a rainy day affect one’s mood?

Answer: Rainy days can have a profound impact on one’s mood. Some individuals find solace and tranquility in the rain, which can uplift their spirits. Conversely, others may experience feelings of melancholy or sadness during rainy weather. Acknowledging and addressing these emotions is essential, seeking comfort and engaging in activities that bring joy.

4. Is it safe to venture outside on a rainy day?

Answer: While venturing outside on a rainy day, it is crucial to take necessary precautions. Wearing appropriate rain gear, such as waterproof jackets and footwear, can ensure protection from the elements. Being mindful of slippery surfaces and reduced visibility is essential to prevent accidents. Using umbrellas or seeking shelter during heavy downpours or thunderstorms is advisable.

5. Can a rainy day improve productivity?

Answer: For some individuals, the calming ambiance of a rainy day can enhance focus and productivity. The cozy indoor atmosphere can be conducive to tasks that require concentration, such as writing, studying, or organizing. However, each person’s productivity levels may vary. Finding a balance that suits individual preferences and work styles is essential.

6. How does a rainy day affect nature?

Answer: Rain is essential for the growth and vitality of plants and ecosystems. It replenishes water sources, nourishes vegetation, and sustains various life forms. Rainy days promote vibrant greenery that blankets landscapes, offering picturesque views and creating habitats for diverse flora and fauna.

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Essay on Rainy Day

A day when it rains off-season, and usually without warning is called a rainy day. As much, a rainy day is a surprise, it is also pleasing and a welcomed occurrence. The several advantages and effects of a rainy day on people and nature are discussed in these essays.

Also Read: Essay on Rainy Season

Short and Long Essays on Rainy Day in English

Given below are some essays on Rainy Day under various words limit of 100 to 120 words, 250 words, 400 words and 600 words including some important FAQs on rainy day to help you more. These essays are written in such a way that range of students may use them:

Rainy Day Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) A day when it’s raining outside is termed as a rainy day.

2) A rainy day makes the surroundings pleasing and beautiful.

3) People feel it difficult to go outside on a rainy day.

4) A rainy day cools down the weather with a soothing breeze.

5) Everyone loves rainy days, especially children.

6) A rainy day has many advantages for humans and nature.

7) A rainy day helps the farmer with their crops.

8) A rainy day replenishes the soil and helps new plants to grow.

9) Many working people don’t like a rainy day as it creates delay.

10) People usually enjoy spicy snacks on a rainy days.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – Rainy Day: A Respite from Heat


Whenever a rainy day occurs it brings a smile to the faces, especially the children. They are the ones who enjoy it the most and take the maximum out of a single day of the shower and cool breeze.

A Respite from Heat

This is one of the greatest advantages of a rainy day. As it usually occurs in non-monsoon months, it brings relief from the heat of the sun. The air gets cooler and the gust cool breeze could be felt everywhere. After long and continuous sunny days, the feel of cool wind is just heavenly and a moment that you wouldn’t like to pass away.

The shift in temperature is quite replenishing for humans as well as other living creatures. Everyone comes out to enjoy the drizzle and the breeze.

Replenishing Nature

Rainy day acts as a kind of booster dose for the health of nature. Rain touches everything in nature, be it lifeless of living. It fills the natural reserves of water so that the water can be used by humans and animals alike. Animals and birds depend only on rain for their water requirements and a rainy day refills their much essential water reserves. New plants and vegetation also sprout up during the rainy day.

Rainy day is the best thing that could happen to the earth and its creatures, amid heat and sweat. It is indeed a much-awaited and welcomed by all the living creatures as well as the earth also.

Watch it on Youtube : Essay on Rainy Day in English

Essay 2 (400 Words) – Advantages of Rainy Day

‘Rainy day’ is the term used for the day when it rains out in or off-season. Usually, a rainy day witnesses the occurrence of continuous or intermittent rain for the full day. Rainy day is advantageous for everyone as we will discuss in this essay.

Advantages of Rainy Day

Rainy day is good news for everyone in society for some reason or the other. It benefits the farmers; the animals and birds seem to love it; children also enjoy and love it. The benefits of rainy days for each member of the society are described below.

  • For Farmers

Rainy day benefits the farmers as it waters their fields, which is good for the crops. Many crops need a certain amount of water to be retained by the soil, which is met by a rainy day. Without rain, the field would require water to be artificially taken to them using tunnels or waterways. It certainly saves a good amount of labor, time and money of the farmers.

  • For Students

Students love rainy days because most of the schools declare a holiday due to rains. It gives the children a day off to play and enjoy the rain. They can stay back home and watch the rain wash off the land and vegetation. Children love the drizzle and the joy of playing with paper boats is also an unforgettable experience for them.

  • For Nature Lovers

For nature lovers also, the rainy day is a much-awaited event. Suddenly the earth which had been lying dead in the sweltering heat of the sun comes back to life and reveals its hidden beauty. All the creatures come back to life. The animals, the birds, all seem to love and enjoy the rain. Also, the trees and grass get cleaned and look greener.

The elderly and the aged also love the rain and seem to enjoy it. For them, it is a relaxing moment to enjoy with other family members and children. There is nothing as good as simply sitting on the window and enjoying the drizzle and the cool wind.

Rainy day is not only loved by all but is also beneficial for nature, vegetation, and the people as well. They all seem to welcome the rain, even if it lasts for only a single day. The best way to enjoy a rainy day is to admire the beauty of nature.

Essay on Rainy Day

Essay 3 (600 Words) – Effects of Rainy Day

Rainy Day is loved by the children and elders and it seems to make their life a little less boring even if it is for only a day. As the drops of water fall on earth so do the creatures become swell with life and joy. In this essay we will go through the effects of a rainy day on rural and urban life, its advantages and also the inconveniences caused.

Effects of Rainy Day

Be it village life or urban life; rainy day affects each one of them in its own way. We go briefly on how the rainy day affects the life of a common villager and a city dweller.

  • On Village Life

Usual days in villages look a bit sleepy than the cities. That’s because, the main occupation of villagers is agriculture, so you don’t have people rushing out to reach offices on time, as in the cities. There are only farmers tending to their fields and a bunch of students headed for their school. If rain occurs, it doesn’t affect everyone much in a village; though it might delay them a little.

Farmers can easily wait for the rain to subside without fearing for any loss; unless the rain is too much to damage their crops. Also, the village residents seem to take a rainy day as usual activity. The children also don’t seem to fear to get wet and enjoy the shower. Unlike the children in the cities, the village children could be easily spotted playing in rain and enjoying the rainy day.

  • On Urban Life

The effects of a rainy day, as felt in urban settlements, are completely different from that of the villages. People here get delayed to their offices and businesses by a good amount of time. In cities time means money; therefore; quite a few city dwellers don’t like a rainy day much. The office goers and the shopkeepers don’t welcome an out of season rainy day, because it means a long delay or loss for them.

Also, the cities having poor infrastructure planning may face water clogging, causing further inconvenience to the people. Also, the essential emergency services get delayed due to water clogging and traffic jams. But, despite the complaints, the people still seem to admire and love the rainy day for the sheer beauty of nature that it reveals.

Advantages of a Rainy Day

The following are the advantages of a rainy day as felt by different sections of the society as well as nature and other living creatures.

  • It replenishes the soil and provides nourishment to the plants.
  • Refills the natural water reserves as well as the groundwater.
  • Provides a much-welcomed respite from the heat for the humans and animals as well.
  • Children get a day off from school and to play in rain.
  • A rainy day is also welcomed by the farmers as it waters their vegetation and replenishes the soil.
  • It provides an opportunity to conserve water through rainwater harvesting.
  • Refills the ponds deep inside natural forests, which is very important for the wildlife.
  • Even a day’s rain could help grow new plants and vegetation.
  • Acts as a natural cleansing agent by washing off dust and dirt from the surface of the earth as well as the air.
  • Gives relief from the heat and make the weather more pleasing.
  • It becomes more easy and enjoyable to work on a rainy day than in sweltering heat.

Rainy day is loved by children as well as elders from all walks of society. Though it causes a little discomfort on several fronts, people still seem to a rainy day.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Rainy Day

Ans . We can see the rainbow after rains in the sky.

Ans . We can see violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red colors in a rainbow.

Ans . We wear raincoats, rain caps, and gumboots on a rainy day to go outside.

Ans . The occurrence of the rainy season after the summer season gives us relief from the scorching heat of summer.

Ans . Sikkim is the state in India that receives the highest average annual rainfall.

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Essay on Rainy Season in 100, 200, 300 & 500 Words

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  • Jan 29, 2024

Essay on Rainy Season

Mastering the art of essay writing is a crucial skill that allows individuals to effectively convey their thoughts and ideas. Essays provide a platform to express creativity, analysis, and knowledge on a wide range of topics. In this article, we delve into the dos and don’ts of crafting an impactful essay, followed by explorations of the rainy season in 100, 200, 300, and 500 words.

an essay for a rainy day

Table of Contents

  • 1 Dos and Don’ts of Essay Writing
  • 2 Essay on Rainy Season in 100 words
  • 3 Essay on Rainy Season in 200 words
  • 4 Essay on Rainy Season in 300 words
  • 5 Essay on Rainy Season in 500 words

Also Read: Practical Tips for the PTE Essay Writing and Summarise Written Text

Dos and Don’ts of Essay Writing

  • Do: Plan your essay by outlining key points and organizing them logically.
  • Don’t: Procrastinate. Start early to allow time for research and revisions.
  • Do: Use clear and concise language to convey your ideas effectively.
  • Don’t: Overcomplicate your sentences with excessive jargon or complex structures.
  • Do: Provide evidence and examples to support your arguments.
  • Don’t: Rely solely on your opinions without substantiating them.
  • Do: Proofread and edit your essay for grammar and coherence.
  • Don’t: Ignore the importance of proper grammar and punctuation.

Must Read: The Beginner’s Guide to Writing an Essay

Essay on Rainy Season in 100 words

The monsoon, often referred to as the rainy season, brings respite to India’s scorching summer. It typically arrives between June and September, nurturing new plant growth and replenishing groundwater levels. However, excessive rains can lead to floods, disrupting daily life. This season’s moderate temperatures create a comfortable environment, fostering a balance between extreme heat and cold. The rainy season is eagerly awaited by people of all ages for its soothing showers and natural beauty.

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Essay on Rainy Season in 200 words

The monsoon, cherished as the rainy season, bestows India with a much-needed break from the sweltering summer. It occurs between June and September, providing the essential water source for agriculture and daily life. The season paints the landscape in vibrant hues, with nature coming alive in the rain’s wake. This period witnesses an abundance of lush greenery and blooming flowers, rejuvenating the environment. While it brings joy, the rainy season also presents challenges such as floods and traffic disruptions. Despite these issues, the sight of children playing in puddles and the aroma of wet earth evokes a sense of nostalgia in everyone.

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Essay on Rainy Season in 300 words

The monsoon, celebrated as the rainy season, is an integral part of India’s climate cycle. Beginning in June and lasting till September, this season plays a vital role in the nation’s agriculture and overall ecosystem. The monsoon’s arrival is marked by the unique aroma of wet soil, heralding the onset of rains. It’s a time when farmers sow their crops, relying on the bountiful showers to nourish the land. While the rains bring relief from the scorching heat, they also pose challenges such as waterlogging, disrupted transportation, and increased disease prevalence.

India’s varied geography is reflected in the monsoon’s behaviour. Coastal regions receive heavy rains due to their proximity to the sea, while regions farther inland experience comparatively milder showers. Despite the occasional inconveniences, the rainy season holds immense cultural significance. It’s a time of joy and celebration, with festivals like Teej and Raksha Bandhan adding colour to the downpour.

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Essay on Rainy Season in 500 words

The rainy season, a vital component of India’s meteorological pattern, arrives with a refreshing change. Lasting from June to September, it’s marked by widespread showers that quench the land’s thirst after the sweltering heat of summer. The monsoon’s onset is often anticipated with great eagerness, as it brings not only relief but also a sense of renewal to the environment.

As the first raindrops touch the earth, a unique fragrance fills the air, blending the scent of wet soil with the promise of new beginnings. The downpour brings with it a cascade of benefits. Agricultural communities rejoice as the rains enable them to plant crops that will eventually feed the nation. Rivers, lakes, and reservoirs witness a significant rise in water levels, rejuvenating these vital water sources.

However, the monsoon isn’t without its challenges. Excessive rainfall can lead to floods and landslides, causing damage to property and even loss of life. Waterlogging and disrupted transportation systems are common during heavy showers. Diseases such as malaria and dengue thrive in this season due to stagnant water. Thus, while the rainy season brings relief, it also necessitates preparedness and precautions.

The cultural significance of the monsoon cannot be overstated. It’s a time of celebration, as various regions mark the season with festivals. The Teej festival, celebrated predominantly by women, pays tribute to the union of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, while Raksha Bandhan strengthens the bond between siblings. These festivals infuse the monsoon with a sense of joy, making it a cherished period.

In conclusion, the rainy season in India is a pivotal time that shapes the nation’s landscape and culture. Its arrival brings relief from the heat, nurtures agriculture, and rejuvenates natural water sources. While it poses challenges, the monsoon’s positive impact far outweighs the inconveniences. Its cultural significance is manifested through festivals that celebrate the season’s essence.

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To craft a rainy season essay, begin with an engaging introduction that highlights the significance of the season. Describe its duration (typically June to September) and its impact on agriculture and nature. Discuss its pros, like relief from heat, and cons, such as floods. Highlight cultural aspects like festivals. Conclude by summarizing its importance.

The rainy season, occurring from June to September is a vital period in many regions. It brings relief from the summer heat and rejuvenates the environment. While it aids agriculture and replenishes water sources, it also poses challenges like floods and diseases. Festivals celebrated during this time add cultural significance to the season.

A rainy day essay encapsulates the charm and impact of rainy weather. It describes the atmosphere during rain, highlighting the refreshing scent of wet earth and the sight of glistening streets. It explores the activities people engage in, like reading, sipping hot beverages, or simply enjoying the tranquil ambience. The essay captures the sense of cosiness and rejuvenation that a rainy day brings.

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Manasvi Kotwal

Manasvi's flair in writing abilities is derived from her past experience of working with bootstrap start-ups, Advertisement and PR agencies as well as freelancing. She's currently working as a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu to be a part of its thriving ecosystem.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Rain — The Beauty and Significance of Rainy Days


The Beauty and Significance of Rainy Days

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Published: Feb 7, 2024

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The setting, the feelings, the activities, the effect on nature, the reflections.

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an essay for a rainy day


Best Essay on Rainy Day [short & long]

Essay on Rainy Day – A rainy day fetches us a distinct experience compared to any other day. One can go out of the home to examine the real beauty of nature where he/she can easily witness the true beauty of every natural element.

No doubt every season has its significance but the features of the rainy season make it stand out from any other season. This season encloses you to nature’s real beauty. Not only humans but trees and animals also relish this season. [ Read- Rainy Season Essay ]

Short Essay On Rainy Day | 250 Words


Essay On Rainy Day | Introduction

When we hear about the rainy season, a picture of a rain shower occurs in our brains. It is one of the most beautiful seasons. This season reveals the genuine beauty of nature. Everything in nature gets a new life and looks so pretty.

This season is also known as the monsoon. It brings me very sweet memories because one unforgettable day of my life is a rainy day. If I have to describe that day, I will be running out of words.

A Rainy Day

I remember a rainy day that made me feel an extraordinary experience. It was a Monday and my maths teacher had scheduled a maths test. I was not prepared for the test. I reached the school on time. Suddenly it started to rain.

My maths teacher changed his mood and the test got cancelled. Hearing that I was at the peak of happiness. Then I and my friends enjoyed some indoor games in the classroom. We saw that the rain is getting heavier and more intense.

All my friends decided to play in the rain but we were not allowed by school members. When the games period came, we convinced the teacher to let us go to the playground. After a lot of effort, he agreed. We descended like heroes on the ground and enjoyed rain showers on our bodies.

It is an amazing experience when a water drop touches your cheeks. Like kids, we made paper boats and floated them into the water. Then it stopped raining and my principal announced the school closure. We went back home. On the way home, we saw that the roads were full of water. Some puppies were struggling to cross the road we help them to cross the road.

In conclusion, Every season has its unique significance but I like the rainy season the most. I enjoyed many rainy days in my life but one of them is very close to my heart. That day I felt mother nature very close. It was one of the best experiences of my life.

Long Essay On Rainy Day | 500 Words

My rainy day experience.

  • The Environment on a Rainy Day
  • Why I like the Rainy season
  • What to do on a Rainy day

Final Words (Conclusion)

People wait eagerly for the rainy season for diverse reasons. Rainy days Bring a different experience than any other day. It brings calm relief to everyone. In comparison to other days, a rainy day soothes our souls and makes us more relaxed.

I enjoy rainy days the most because the rainy season is my favourite season. This season makes me experience a lot of enjoyment. The atmosphere becomes colourful after the rain and a soothing environment appears.

In the last Rainy season, all of a sudden I could see cloudy weather in the sky. Then I prayed to God for keeping the school closed. And my wish was taken for granted. I was up in the sky to know that.

I rushed to my terrace to enjoy the water drops of rain. There were Dark and smoky clouds in the sky. Immediately I called my siblings and played in the rainwater. We made paper boats and rowed them. We were just Trembling because the breeze was very cold.

After the rain was done. We came to know that Mother had prepared onion fritters. We all relished them seeing the rainbow that appeared after the rain. It was one of my exceptional experiences of mine.

The Environment On A Rainy Day

Everyone is familiar with the environment of a Rainy Day. The sunlight is very hard to find and the cold breeze moves all around. The sky looks full of blackish and heavy clouds. The showers of raindrops on our faces fulfil all of us with an unusual experience of enjoyment.

Furthermore, The environment sounds calm which is rare in other seasons. The trees look bathed and very lively. The green plains reveal their real attraction. Peacocks dance in the jungle on this day. To see a dancing peacock is an awesome experience. On a rainy day, everyone just gets spellbound.

Why I Like Rainy Season

The rainy season is the most liked season for me. I can make you count several reasons why I like it the most. The very first reason is its balanced temperature which is neither too hot nor too cold. The second one, this season is very calming and soothing for everyone.

Furthermore, The environment looks as awesome as if we are in heaven. Water is colourless but when it falls on the earth, it makes the whole planet colourful. We can inhale pure oxygen without pollution. This season generates a sense that we all are part of nature. This season brings us close to nature.

What to Do On A Rainy Day

On a Rainy day, Different people do different things according to their needs and likings. But there are countless things that one do such as reading books, playing indoor games, singing songs, and learning a musical instrument. But if you want to just enjoy your day, you can go for a walk in the rain and feel the droplets of water on your body.

One can go out of the home to examine the real beauty of nature where he/she can easily witness the true beauty of every natural element. Trees seem to be fully energized with a look of freshness and dazzling appearance. Everything gets a new life.

In the bottom line, A Rainy Day is a most enjoyable day than other days of the year. One can feel calmness like in summer and cold breezes like in winter. A relaxing time to spend with family and friends It is speechless to enjoy the fragrance of showers. Rainy Season is always loved and relished by everyone.

Essay On Rainy Day | Conclusion

What to do on a rainy day for kids?

Kids can make paper boats, Feel the raindrops on their faces and bodies, and see a rainbow after the rain. They also can enjoy hot dishes.

How to enjoy a rainy day?

You can enjoy the day by eating hot snacks and witnessing nature from close. You also can read books, Sing songs, and learn new skills.

How to Write an Essay on Rainy Day?

You can follow these steps to write an essay on Rainy Day. Think about some main headings of your essay Try to recall one of the rainy day experience Write about some features of a rainy day At last, Give a finishing touch by writing an engaging Conclusion.

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So beautiful 🥰🥰

This is the best essay I’ve come across and it is Wonderful.👍❤❤❤❤❤👍⭐⭐

Thank you Very much Faaria Vedika…

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Essay on Rainy Day in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Rainy Day: The monsoon season is considered the best season among all the seasons. Rainy day is awaited by one and all as the weather on such a day is pleasant. A Rainy Day is a perfect day to enjoy the nature and be one with it. The entire atmosphere fills with joy on a rainy day. Be it kids, adults or elderly people – everyone loves this day. The term “Rainy Day” is typically used for a day when it rains. While monsoon has a definite arrival time, duration and exit pattern; a rainy day on the other hand, can occur anytime of the year, though, it is also more likely to occur during monsoon. Rainy day is advantageous to both the urban as well as rural population. Apart from the human population rainy day is also beneficial to flora and fauna of a place. Despite being beneficial to the ecology of a place, rainy day might cause little discomfort in some cases. In the essay below we will go through the benefits of a rainy day as well as its disadvantages.

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Long and Short Essay on Rainy Day in English

Here are essay on Rainy Day of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. We have provided both, long and short Essay on Rainy Day in English. All the Rainy Day essays are written in simple English, providing all the information about how rainy day occurs, how it feels on a rainy day, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a rainy day, how can you spend a rainy day, etc. You can select any Rainy Day essay as per your need:

Short Essay on Rainy Day is My Favorite Day 200 words

There are various seasons like summer, winter and monsoon. But out of all my favourite season is monsoon season or the rainy season. I live in a joint family. I and my cousins wait all year round for rainfall and when it rains our eyes sparkle with joy. On the first rain of the season we just run out of our house into the rain giggling and smiling with delight. It feels so refreshing after the sunny days to take cool natural shower in rain. We like to play in the garden as the rain showers pour on us. We sing songs and jump in the muddy puddles to splash water on each other. We fight like cats and dogs on the ground splashing water and sticky mud on each other. Our mothers always shout on us but we just like to ignore and enjoy. I hate it when the rain stops and we need to get back. My mother cooks moong dal and onion pakoras with mint chutney on these days. I just love this combination. After taking shower we enjoy eating pakoras together. Enjoying the rain with cousins is the best part. We have so much fun together. I simply love rainy day.

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Essay on Benefits of Rainy Day for Farmers and School Kids 300 words

A rainy day spreads instant joy and calmness in the atmosphere. It brings a smile on everyone’s face and also gives a reason to celebrate. Inviting friends and celebrating with them on a rainy day is all the more enjoyable.

Farmers Await Rain A rainy day is a special day for everyone however rains hold a special significance particularly for the farmers. The growth of their crops depends largely on the rains. The right amount of rain is what they yearn for each year. Monsoon season these days gets delayed often and rains have become quite erratic. The farmers in such a situation wish and pray that the rain falls at the right time. The first rainy day of the season is especially a day to rejoice for the farmers. This is because it marks the beginning of the monsoon season that promotes the growth of crops. There is greenery all around. The fields seem to appear full of life on a rainy day.

Rainy Day is Special in the Life of School Kids School kids are overjoyed on a rainy day. Rainy day for them means a day full of fun. Small kids are seen holding colourful umbrellas and wearing beautiful raincoats on rainy days. There is colour all around. If the rain is heavy, many kids get the privilege to go to school with their parents and not by auto rickshaws or buses. Kids usually look forward to this change. If the rain is heavier, many parents refrain from sending their kids to the school. At times, the schools also declare holiday on such a day. What more can a school going child ask for? They get a chance to stay home and play in the rain with their siblings and friends.

Conclusion A rainy day is certainly not an ordinary day. It impacts our lives in some way or the other. It mostly brings a positive note.

Essay on My Fondest Memory of Rainy Day 400 words

Monsoons in India are welcomed with joy as rains provide fresh and breezy atmosphere after the sunny climate. Earth is transformed into a rich green land with blooming flowers dancing and celebrating monsoon. The soothing smell of rain and cooling showers of rain make us feel so fresh.

My Fondest Memory of Rainy Day Last year when I was in 5 th standard, one morning I woke up for school and was getting ready to attend my classes. It was during the monsoon season, the month of July. The weather outside was dark and gloomy. In my mind I was praying to God constantly that if it rains and I don’t have to go to school. After I had my milk and my mother packed my lunchbox, I was ready to leave for school. But it did not rain and I had to go. My dad dropped me to the school. In the classroom, I sat on a seat by the window still expecting it to rain. I felt lazy and sad in the classroom and all my attention was outside the window wishing it rains. My class teacher scolded me for staring outside the window constantly. As the second period that is the Maths class, got over, my wish came true. It started raining and the bonus was that there was no teacher in the class. My eyes sparkled with joy and I jumped off my seat to peep out of the window to enjoy the droplets of rain. I was trying to grasp the drops of rain and it made me extremely happy. Everyone in the class was happy and cheerful. Everyone was jumping, chit-chatting and smiling with joy. Me and some of my classmates tore some pages from our books and made paper boats. Outside the window there were small puddles and we dropped our boats in to the puddles to float. It made us jump and giggle as our boats floated in water. We were grasping the drops of rain from the window and splashing at each other. After a while our Science teacher came in the classroom and every one settled back to their seats. She declared a holiday as the rain was expected to get heavier in some time. We all hopped from our seats with excitement. We packed our bags, got into our raincoats and ran outside the classroom to enjoy the rain. We went back home jumping and dancing in rain.

Conclusion It was one of the best days of my life. Rainy days really bring joy and happiness in everyone’s life.

Essay on How to Spend Rainy Day 500 words

Rainy day is one such day that is awaited by everyone. People of every age group love and cherish this day. In my family everyone from my grandfather to my younger sister gets overjoyed on such a day. Rains transform the weather from blazing hot and dry to refreshing. Plants, birds and human beings, everyone participates in celebrating rains. Trees turn greener, peacocks begin to dance, farmers turn cheerful and we all relish the rain party on the earth.

How the Weather Impacts Our Mood? We live in Delhi, a state which is famous for its extreme weather conditions. Heat waves engulf this part of the country for most part of the year. Rains offer the much needed respite from the hot weather. Monsoon is thus one of the most awaited times of the year in Delhi. Weather has a strange way of impacting our mood. During the hot sunny summer days, people often tend to get angry and aggressive very quickly. The sweat and scorching heat during such a day gives rise to violence and fury. People are often seen in a bad mood and tend to get into arguments and fights easily. On the other hand, a pleasant rainy day uplifts the mood automatically. It is a treat for the senses. Everything around appears joyful. People plan outings with their loved ones on such a day just because of the awesomeness it offers.

An Ideal Rainy Day A rainy day is loved by everyone. There would hardly be anyone who despises it. Everyone has his own way of rejoicing the rain. While some love walking in the rain, others love to drench and dance while yet others love the view sitting on their window sill. My ideal rainy day would be sitting by the window and watching rain, catching some droplets of rain and feeling the chilly breeze on my cheeks. I enjoy writing in my diary sitting by the window. It calms my heart and brings new and creative thoughts in my mind. My mother gets me hot cup of coffee and we enjoy our coffee together. I often turn on soft music and relax on an armchair sipping my coffee. After spending my afternoon and relaxing with my mom, I love to go on a drive with my dad in the evening to explore the city and relish the beauty of nature. We visit our favourite restaurant during the rains and enjoy having crunchy onion and mirchi pakoras with mint chutney. By the time we drive back home, it’s usually dark. I feel so weary and sleepy as I return home. All I do on my return is just change and go to my bed. I really have a sound sleep on a rainy day as the weather is extremely chilly.

Conclusion So my idea of rainy day is to spend my day with my family and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is so much fun to spend time with family during rains. I love my family and I love rains too.

Essay on Importance of Rainy Day 600 words

How rhythmic and soothing the nature is on a rainy day. Dark clouds marching in the sky and showering the droplets of rain, trees rinsing and dancing with charming bliss, dark and gloomy day gleaming our hearts, frogs popping here and there, kids jumping with joy in the muddy pools of water, beautiful peacocks spreading feathers and dancing to compose an art attracting their mates, farmers sway with cheer and new hopes gleaming their eyes – everyone participates to celebrate the joy of rains.

Rainy Day Spent at the Seashore It is so calming to be out in the nature to enjoy its beauty on a rainy day. I walk up to the seashore to relish a day like this in my white dress. White dress, as I like the contrast it gives, the dark weather and a white dress is a pretty combination and I love it. As soon as I reach there, I remove my flip-flops and throw away my pink umbrella on the sand and run towards the sea. I walk bare feet at the edge of sea with my chin up to feel the chilling breeze on my cheeks. I grasp the tiny-mini droplets of rain. The glimpse of droplets blending in to the sea waves, soothe my eyes. The refreshing aroma of rain calms my heart. The melodies of droplets make me sway along with the beat. I fantasize like I am the mermaid at the edge of sea. Me and my fantasies…! I stand still drenched in water shivering and clutching myself smiling at the lure of nature.

Rainy Day at Home On the weekends when it is raining I just love to spend my day inside my home. Something about rainy days makes me feel so lazy and so cozy. I just love to snuggle into my blanket reading a love story. My mom loves to make delicious chocolate cookies for me on rainy days. The aroma of hot cookies in the chilled weather, spells some kind of magic on me. I really feel very hungry during these days and I keep on munching all day long. I prefer having my hot chocolate cookies dipped in milk, I just love it. I later spend my whole day lying on sofa in my pajamas and watching my favorite movies.

Rainy Day Serves an Inspiration for Writers and Poets We all read poems, stories and books. There is so much and so beautifully written about the scenic beauty of nature. Writings about rains are obviously more alluring than writings about sunny days or winters. Rainy day is an inspiration for poets primarily because it gives the world, a fresh and new perspective. The everyday world that seems so conventional and colorless suddenly turns so diverse, refreshing, colorful and magical. Poetry is as alluring as the rainy day. Or maybe rains just create the poetic mood, the beautiful scenery, rainbows, background music of raindrops, hot cup of coffee everything inspires writers. Other than the poets, the rainy season is an inspiration for all writers as we have been reading about the beauty and effects of rain in stories and books as well.

Conclusion Thus, everyone has his/ her own ideal way of enjoying a rainy day however some might even just hate rainy days. For some, it’s an excuse to just be at home and for others to take up new adventures. Some might get too lazy while others might just get creative. Some spend their time cooking aromatic food while others like me spend time eating and gaining weight. All in all, rains are beautiful and bring cheer to life but too much of rain can even be harmful for our nature.

Long Essay on Rainy Day 800 Words

A “Rainy Day” is a day on which the clouds cover the sky and it rains for almost throughout the day. Just a couple of hours of rain isn’t enough to declare a day as “Rainy Day”. It must rain or drizzle for a greater part of the day. Technically, any day when it is raining, could be termed as a rainy day. It need not to be necessarily in monsoon, rather it could occur anytime of the year, depending on the moisture and climatic conditions.

How Does a Rainy Day Feels? A rainy day feels calm, peaceful and serene despite the occasional burst of thunder which it might bring. A rainy day washes the earth, revealing its inner beauty and the life that lay underneath. It’s like that it gives a new lease of life to the whole place. Getting up on a rainy day is like getting up with the beautiful sound of raindrops falling and a cool breeze buzzing past your ears. Such pleasant atmosphere, compels one to cancel all the prior engagements and just relax, letting the cool drizzle fall on your face.

Advantages of a Rainy Day There are several advantages of a rainy day. Firstly it cleans the earth, making everything look fresh and new. The trees those have been looking dull and covered in dust, suddenly become lively, reflecting lush green colour. The same happens with grass, flower, plants etc. They all seem to reveal their inner beauty, thanks to the rain. On the other note, a rainy day is beneficial to the fauna and also for the agricultural activities. Non domesticated animals, especially those living in forested areas; depend on natural water resources for their supply of water. On a rainy day, the ponds and lakes get a new supply of fresh water, which proves to be a blessing for the thirsty animals. Occasional rainy day is also beneficial to the crops. Farmers also equate one or two spells of shower as equivalent to a couple of bags of fertilizers for crops and fruit plants. It also saves the farmers a couple of days’ labour of watering the fields. Another advantage of a rainy day is that it cleans the air. When rain drops fall from the sky, they bring down with them, all the dust and other unwanted minute impurities to ground. This indeed makes the air free from impurities and clean and healthy to breathe.

Disadvantages of Rainy Day Despite having several advantages, a rainy day also has certain amount of disadvantages associated with it. It may cause discomfort to daily commuters, and abstain them from getting on time to wherever they are headed. School children, office goers or other commuters might have to delay or even postpone their commute, because of rain. On the other hand, considering the scenario of a populated urban city, with a network of interlinked streets, roads and adjacently constructed buildings; a rainy day could cause discomfort to many with streets submerged in water and overflowing drains. It would be impossible to commute through the streets without getting your shoes wet. Next, those who are most affected by a rainy day are street vendors and small shopkeepers. With the majority of population preferring to stay indoors on a rainy day, these small businessmen suffer financially due to considerably less footfalls than on any usual day.

Things to Do On a Rainy Day If you have decided to postpone your prior engagements and to enjoy the rain, then there are actually plenty of things you can do to spend your own rainy day. The beauty of the rainy day is that it could also be enjoyed sitting in the comforts of your house in the company of family and friends. You just have to choose a spot which offers a full view of the rain with cool breeze swirling through your body. A hot cup of coffee or tea will be an added compliment. You can also cook some hot snacks of your liking, to go with the coffee. If you don’t want to stay indoors, then step out of the house or on to the terrace to let the rain fall over you. This way you get hands on experience of the rain and also will enjoy it as well. But remember to be careful, as sudden exposure to too much of rain can get you sick. If you live in a place with any forest, agricultural field nearby; plan a trip there, to witness the full beauty of the rain and also the earth as it gets cleaned.

Conclusion Rainy Day is like a blessing for the parched earth and its thirsty inhabitants. It gives a new lease of life to earth, animals, humans, trees, crops, plants etc and replenishes the fresh water resources. A rainy day might not have much influence on an individual’s life, but it sure has tremendous usefulness for the nature. The little discomfort that a rainy day causes to some, is weighed much low against the benefits it brings. Therefore, it is wise to spend a rainy day, admiring the beauty of nature and not complaining about the little discomforts.

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FAQs on Rainy Day

What is rainy season.

The rainy season is the time of year when most of a region's average annual rainfall occurs.

Write a rainy day essay.

There are various seasons like summer, winter and monsoon. But out of all my favourite season is monsoon season or the rainy season. I live in a joint family. My cousins and I wait all year round for rainfall and when it rains our eyes sparkle with joy. On the first rain of the season we just run out of our house into the rain giggling and smiling with delight. It feels so refreshing after the sunny days to take cool natural shower in rain.

What are the seasons in India?

There are 6 seasons in India, namely, Spring, Summer, Monsoon, Autumn, Pre-winter and Winter seasons.

What is rain?

Rain is a form of precipitation that falls to the ground when moist air rises and cools.

What is rain water harvesting?

Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting and storing rainwater for future use. This can be done by using rain barrels or cisterns to collect water from rain gutters, or by constructing ponds or other water storage systems. The collected water can be used for irrigation, domestic use, or even for drinking water in some cases.

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Essay on Rainy Day

Students are often asked to write an essay on Rainy Day in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Rainy Day


A rainy day is a special day for everyone. The sky is covered with dark clouds, and the earth is cooled by the falling rain.

Beauty of Rain

Fun activities.

Children enjoy rainy days the most. They love playing in the rain, splashing water, and making paper boats.

A rainy day has its own charm. It is a day to enjoy the beauty of nature and have fun.

250 Words Essay on Rainy Day

The poetry of the sky.

Rainy days are a symphony of nature, a spectacle of serenity and chaos. The sky, darkened with heavy clouds, paints a somber yet beautiful canvas. It is as if the heavens are reflecting our own inner turmoil and tranquility.

The Melody of Rain

Rainy days are accompanied by a unique melody. The rhythmic patter of raindrops on the roof, the rustling leaves, and the occasional thunderclap create a natural orchestra. This symphony is a soothing balm for the soul, a reminder of life’s ebb and flow.

A Day of Reflection

Rainy days offer a perfect setting for introspection. As the world outside slows down, so does our inner world. The grey skies and the soft pitter-patter of raindrops create a serene backdrop for deep thoughts and self-reflection.

The Scent of Rain

Rainy days bring with them a distinct aroma – the smell of wet earth, known as petrichor. This scent is a primal reminder of our connection with nature. It evokes a sense of nostalgia, transporting us back to simpler times.

Life’s Metaphor

Rainy days are a metaphor for life’s challenges. Just as the rain washes away the dust and grime, life’s difficulties cleanse our soul, making us stronger and wiser. They remind us that after every storm, there is a calm, and after every hardship, there is ease.

500 Words Essay on Rainy Day

Rainy days are a common phenomenon in our lives, but their significance is far from ordinary. They are not just about the atmospheric precipitation; they are a symbol of life, renewal, and a break from the monotony. Rainy days are a potent muse for poets, a source of joy for farmers, and a soothing balm for the scorched earth during the summer.

The Beauty of a Rainy Day

A rainy day is an embodiment of beauty and tranquility. The sky, covered with dark clouds, creates a sense of calmness. The rhythmic pitter-patter of the raindrops against the windows and rooftops is a melody in itself, a symphony orchestrated by nature. It’s captivating to watch the raindrops race each other down the window panes, or to see the splashes they create as they hit the puddles. The scent of wet earth, known as petrichor, is another unique aspect of rainy days, creating an intoxicating aroma that is loved by many.

Symbol of Life and Renewal

Impact on human emotions.

In essence, a rainy day is a multifaceted phenomenon. It’s not just a climatic occurrence; it’s an event that holds different meanings for different individuals. It’s a muse for the poet, a lifeline for the farmer, a cleanser for the Earth, and a mirror for the soul. It’s a day that breaks the monotony, a day that brings life, and a day that provides an opportunity for introspection. In the grand scheme of life, a rainy day is a reminder of the simple yet profound joys that nature can bring to our lives.

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an essay for a rainy day

Essay on Rainy Day for Students and Children

Rainy days, often seen as gloomy and wet, actually bring a world of beauty, joy, and important benefits to our lives. In this essay, we will explore the positive aspects of rainy days, from the wonders of nature to the creativity they inspire, demonstrating why they should be celebrated.

Nature’s Refresh Button

Rainy days serve as nature’s way of refreshing the world around us. They provide much-needed hydration to plants and replenish our water sources. Without rain, our rivers, lakes, and crops would struggle to thrive, highlighting the essential role of rainy days in sustaining life on Earth.

Magical Transformations

A rainy day has a magical ability to transform the landscape. The raindrops glisten on leaves, flowers, and spiderwebs, turning them into sparkling jewels. Puddles become mirrors, reflecting the world above, creating a surreal and enchanting scene that can be a joy to behold.

Soothing Soundscape

The pitter-patter of raindrops against windows and rooftops creates a soothing symphony. Many people find this sound incredibly relaxing, almost like a lullaby. It’s no wonder that rain sounds are often used for relaxation and sleep aids.

Creative Inspiration

Rainy days often inspire creativity. Whether it’s doodling on foggy windows, writing stories, or crafting indoors, the cozy atmosphere of a rainy day can be a catalyst for artistic expression. It’s a perfect time to let your imagination run wild.

Quality Reading Time

A rainy day provides an ideal opportunity to curl up with a good book. The sound of rain outside, a warm blanket, and a captivating story make for an inviting reading environment. It’s no wonder that rainy days are a bookworm’s paradise.

Bonding Moments

Rainy days can also foster strong bonds among family and friends. Board games, puzzles, and shared indoor activities bring people together, creating cherished memories. These moments of togetherness are often a highlight of rainy days.

Reflection and Relaxation

Rainy days encourage us to slow down and take a break from our busy lives. They offer a chance for introspection and self-care. It’s the perfect time to sip a cup of tea, meditate, or simply relax and unwind.

Environmental Benefits

Rainy days play a crucial role in maintaining our environment’s balance. They help clear the air of pollutants and allergens, making the air fresher and healthier to breathe. Additionally, rain helps wash away debris and keeps our streets and surroundings clean.

Conclusion of Essay on Rainy Day

In conclusion, rainy days are not just about getting wet; they offer a multitude of benefits and joys. They are nature’s way of refreshing and rejuvenating the Earth, creating a magical and soothing atmosphere, and inspiring creativity. Rainy days bring people together, encourage relaxation, and have essential environmental benefits. So, the next time the rain falls, instead of feeling gloomy, embrace the beauty and opportunities that a rainy day brings. Rainy days are indeed something to be celebrated and cherished.

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Paragraph on Rainy Day 100, 150, 200, 250 To 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

February 7, 2024 by Veerendra

Paragraph On Rainy Day 100, 150, 200, 250 To 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

Paragraph On Rainy Day: A rainy day is both boon and bane; while it is a motif of romanticising and catalyst to a pharaonic part of flora and fauna, it also generates knots for famished beings. They hold immense importance for everyone differently. People have unalike reasons to wait for a rainy day eagerly, for it induces dulcet weather.

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Paragraph On Rainy Day – 100 Words For Classes 1, 2, and 3 Kids

A rainy day refrigerates the weather with showers and a warm breeze. It freshens everyone by making the climate fresh and pleasant and brings in a sigh of relief from the scorching heat.

It is a blessing for trees, birds, animals, plants and people during the summer. Trees look so fresh, colourful and refreshing after a shower. Rainy day is essential for farmers as it helps in the growth of crops.

Many people like getting drenched in the rain. A rainy day uplifts the mood of a person. Sometimes, we are lucky enough to see a rainbow on the horizon on a rainy day.

Paragraph On Rainy Day – 150 Words For Classes 4 and 5 Children

A rainy day brings delightful weather with a cool breeze and rain showers. It is welcomed mostly by people of all age group including kids, adults and older people. It is substantial uplift our bad mood quickly and gives us relief from sear heat and humid climate.

Rainy day can also offer a fun break to students as most of the schools declare holiday due to heavy rain to avoid the chances of accidents. It plays an essential role for farmers as it helps them in the growth and nourishment of crops. Rainy day is also a blessing for trees, plants, birds and animals.

Rainy day rejuvenates us by making the weather pleasant and relaxed.  Rainy day provides relief to a tropical country from intense heatwave. But there’re also some wrong sides to this, as excess rain can destroy several crops, fruits, and make the situation harder for poor people.

Paragraph On Rainy Day

Paragraph On Rainy Day – 200 Words For Classes 6, 7, And 8 students

A rainy day is the bearer of good weather with refrigerating breeze and rain showers. It refreshes everyone by making the climate cool and delightsome and brings in a sigh of relief from the scorching heat.

Rainy day gives us relief from the usually hot and humid climate. Rainy day is portrayed by a cool whisk, drizzle and the sweet smell of soil. The trees and vegetation around us get washed by rain and reveals its lush green colour. The full view becomes enchanting with dark clouds all over the sky with periodic lightening.

Water becomes abundance, and every pool or depression gets filled in the rainy season. Rain brings various reptilian and amphibian species out of their hiding like snakes and frogs. Sometimes during heavy rain, schools declare a holiday Rainy day is the day when nature reveals all its hidden surprises to us.

If Mother Nature is kind enough, there is also a sheer probability of getting an elfin sight of a beautiful rainbow. Despite all the beauties of the rainy day, it could be a little trouble for people who are poor, or have to travel, and also for specific crops and fruit.

Paragraph On Rainy Day – 250 To 300 Words For Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

Rainy day comes as a musical surprise for all, bringing a luscious climate and chilling weather. Dark clouds shower water droplets over the earth underneath them. The climate becomes pleasant – not too cold, neither too hot on a rainy day.

A rainy day cleans the flora on land and makes everything look new and fresh; as a result, the greenery around us reveals its lush green colour. A rainy day is also suitable for irrigation and increasing the yield, and also for opening up the prospects of conserving rainwater for the future, for it helps to refill the natural water bodies of earth.

It gives a new lease of life to the animals that have been struggling in the absence of water. It is nature’s way to resuscitate the earth and the life on it, bringing the benediction of freshwater for all the flora and fauna that depend only on natural water resources.

Rainy Day is also suitable for agricultural activities, as many crops depend entirely on rain. It plays an immense role for farmers as it helps them in the growth and nourishment of crops. Water becomes abundance; rivers, canals and water bodies get swelled up and teeming with life on a rainy day.

Rain brings various reptilian and amphibian species out of their hiding like snakes and frogs. At households, many hot delicacies are prepared for the inhabitants to enjoy the cold weather. Rainy Day is best spent sitting on the balcony of your house and sipping on hot coffee. Rainy Day brings out the best of nature but also the people who are seen happy in the rain. People use umbrellas to travel in the rain and remain dry.

But there’re also worse sides to a rainy day. Sometimes, an elaborate amount of rain can cause damage like floods and bring disruption in our work. It also worsens the daily life of underaged people, making it hard enough for them to make both ends meet.

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Paragraph On Rainy Day 1

Frequently Asked Questions Paragraph On Rainy Day

Question 1 Can heavy rain harm crops?

Answer: Yes, heavy down pouring can cause massive harm to crops and can cause flood and soil erosion.

Question 2 What are the everyday things people enjoy doing on a rainy day?

Answer: People who love rain like to do things that make them happy. Some like to read books, some cook, write poetry while enjoying the beauty of nature.

Question 3 Do schools provide holidays in the monsoon season?

Answer: Yes, schools do provide holidays in the monsoon season to avoid the risks of accidents.

Question 4 In which month does generally monsoon season begin?

Answer: Monsoon season generally begins in July and ends in September.

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School Essay

Essay On A Rainy Day

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  • Reading time: 14 mins read

Set 1: Essay On A Rainy Day

We experience many seasons in India, like summer , winter, and monsoon. All seasons are equally important. But the rainy season is my favorite season. I like to watch the rain for hours from our balcony. I like the sweet smell of the clay after the first showers.

It was the month of June. But the atmosphere was still very hot. Hot winds were blowing. Our school reopened after long summer vacation. So I had to attend school. The condition in the school was more terrible. The ceiling was hot. Fans were of no use. But by afternoon the situation suddenly changed. The sky was completely overcast. It became very dark. We had to put on the lights. The wind started howling loudly. There was thunder and lightning. Soon after a while, it started raining heavily. It was raining so heavily that water started coming inside our classroom through the windows. All the classrooms became wet. Our school ground turned into a shallow pond of water.

It stopped raining after one to two hours. Till then we had to wait in the school. The teacher allowed us to leave only after that. The roads and houses looked clean. All the dirt and garbage had drained away. The birds were chirping merrily. The trees looked fresh and happy. People who were standing in the shelter now heeded towards their houses. There were channels of rainwater along the roadside. We started playing in this water. We splashed the muddy water on each other. We made some paper boats and enjoyed floating them in the running water. The atmosphere had totally changed. It was cool and comfortable. The breeze was pleasing.

When I reached home, I was fully wet with mud sprinkled on my clothes. My mother asked me to go and change clothes. Then she served me hot milk and nice snacks. Thus, I enjoyed my first day in school along with the rain.

Set 2: Essay On A Rainy Day

Rain is both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes we like rains but some times we do not like them.

Clouds appeared in the sky. As I got into the bus, it started raining. It was a very heavy down pour. Soon the roads were flooded. Traffic came to a standstill.

I got down from the bus. Soon I was fully drenched. There was water everywhere. It started entering the low lying shops. Benches and chairs began to float in the water. The people started running to protect themselves from the rain. The people inside the buses too got wet.

It rained continuously for two hours. All activities came to a standstill. The rain caused water logging everywhere. The roads were damaged due to the heavy and continuous rain.

Set 3: Essay On A Rainy Day

When rains make the weather cool, water the rice fields and soak into the hard cracked soil then it is good for all. However, when it rains too much, causing floods everywhere, destroying houses and crops, then it is bad. There was a day when it rained and I did not like it.

I awoke to find that it was quite cloudy and so dark, that I thought it was not time to get up. Mother’s call from the kitchen, “Breakfast is ready”, made me jump out of bed. As I entered the dining room I asked my mother, “Should I go to school today? It looks like it is going to rain heavily.” Mother told me not to make excuses but have my breakfast and be on my way.

On reaching school I found that there were not so many children around. Classes started as usual. Many children in my section were absent. Everything was all right till just before the tiffin break. Suddenly there were flashes of lightning followed by loud cracks of thunder. I ran and hid under my desk in fright. Within a few minutes it started raining, first big drops which soon turned into a heavy shower. None of us could leave the classroom. As it continued raining I stood at the window and watched the football field slowly filling up with water. It was past going-home time, but it did not stop raining. Now the whole school was flooded.

I started crying thinking I would have to stay in school, as all my friend had gone home and I was sitting in the principal’s office. When my mother did come she was drenched. We had to walk home through the floods. Mother said, “I’m sorry, son, I should have listened to you.

Set 4: Essay On A Rainy Day

A rainy day begins with a cloudy morning. We hear the thunder of clouds and see flashes of lightning. The whole atmosphere is changed and sometimes it becomes very dark. Nobody likes to go out.

Then, suddenly there is a downpour of rain. Pattering sound is heard. Very soon it becomes water, water and water everywhere. The roads, the drains, the ponds and the pools are full of water. Sometimes they overflow and all things in the open are drenched in water.

A rainy day is a blessing not only for little children but for grown ups also. Children run here and there and swim in the water. They splash water on one another and feel very happy. They also float paper boats. Grown up persons too enjoy the rain bath. As soon as the rain stops, the people are again seen moving on the roads.

It becomes very pleasant. It is still more pleasing if one happens to get out in the open fields and gardens. The surface of the earth seems to be green as if covered with a green carpet. Leaves on trees and plants present a pretty sight. Sometimes cars and buses splash mud and water in our faces and spoil our clothes. Sometimes the cyclists slip here and there. If it rains during school or college hours, the students are seen returning home with their books, feeling happy.

After the rain, Nature presents a beautiful sight. People are seen moving out on business. Children too, are seen playing in the open. Continuous rains dislocate the daily routine work. But they are very helpful to the farmers who hail such days with a great pleasure. Their crops entirely depend upon the rains.

Set 5: Essay On A Rainy Day

One day in July it began to rain very heavily. It poured and poured. The rain showed no signs of stopping. It was not only pouring, but it was blowing too.

People walking through the street were getting wet. So they ran to the nearest shops for shelter. The streets began to fill with water. Streams of muddy water kept rushing down the street. The gutters became quite full of water. Some people who were still in the street could hardly walk. Their umbrellas were being blown about by the wind. Their clothes were soaking wet. They were dripping water as they walked.

As the water level rose in the street, traffic became thin. Fewer and fewer cars and buses were to be seen.”Vehicles found it difficult to move in the flooded streets. So the streets looked practically deserted. The only ones who seemed to enjoy the rain were children. They were sent home from school. They splashed about in the water. They did not mind getting wet and dirty. They sailed paper boats down the muddy streets on the road. They shouted and laughed with joys.

Poor people and animals were the worst hit by the rain. The poor people’s huts began leaking. Water dripped on them from all sides. There was nothing they could do about it but suffer in silence. Their clothes were completely wet. They had no dry clothes that they could change into. Stray animals like dogs and cats also suffered a lot on account of the rain. They tried to take shelter somewhere, wherever they could. They were drenched to the skin. They were in a sorry plight.

All life comes to a standstill when it rains continuously for a number of days. The rain causes great inconvenience to everyone when it pours and pours and floods the place. Most people dislike a wet day but some children welcome it because they are given a rain holiday.

Set 6: Essay On A Rainy Day

This year the summer season was unduly long and extremely hot. It was July and the schools had reopened. The scorching sun and the extreme heat made life miserable. Going to the school, studying in the class or playing on the grounds all seemed to be a punishment.

One morning, clouds gathered in the sky. Thunder rolled. Suddenly it started raining. There was a downpour for a short while but soon it turned into a steady rain. It was time for school. So, we took our umbrellas and set off.

It was refreshing to go out in the cool air. Everyone and everything looked fresh. The trees were a vivid green. The sound of falling rain was pleasing to the ears. No one minded the inconvenience of wet umbrellas, soaking shoes and wet clothes.

The plight of bus travellers was of course pitiable. Buses were late and overcrowded. It may be quite pleasant to take a brisk walk in the rain, but nobody likes standing in the queue in wet clothes, with the cold drops from other persons’ umbrellas dripping down one’s back.

The street urchins were having a great time playing in the streets, floating boats on the sides of the roads where water was flowing fast. I wished I could join them.

In the class, very few students were attentive. Almost everybody was looking at the rain every now and then. Primary class children were playing with boats in the centre court, where water had gathered making it look like a pool.

Ankle-deep water had collected near our school gate and on the main road. The municipality had been caught napping. The drainage system was choked. All low lying areas had knee-deep water. Even cars and buses were stranded at many places.

It is exhilarating to watch pouring rain and to run about in it. But soon I was happy to return home and change into dry clothes.

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A Rainy Day Essay Examples

A Rainy Day - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

A rainy day is a day filled with pitter-patter raindrops, grey skies, wet pavements and the soothing sound of falling rain. It makes the air cool and fresh and inspires a feeling of calmness and tranquility. It’s a perfect day for snuggling up indoors, reading a book, or watching a movie. However, it can also be a challenging day for those who have to brave the rain and make their way through the wet and slippery streets. Nevertheless, there’s something special and refreshing about a rainy day that makes it unique and cherishable.

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A Rainy Day Essay

A Rainy Day Essay | Essay on A Rainy Day for Students and Children in English

A Rainy Day Essay: It was a hot and sultry day. There was no breeze and the trees stood silent and motionless. Everyone was in great discomfort when, suddenly, clouds began to gather in the sky and it became overcast.

Students can find more English  Essay Writing  Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

Short Essay on A Rainy Day 150 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short Essay on Rainy Day is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

It grew very dark and the sun hid behind the clouds. Strong winds started to blow and there was thunder and lightning. And then came the rain, causing people to run helter-skelter, seeking shelter.

It rained for an hour and there was water everywhere. Roads and drains were flooded and low-lying areas turned into small pools. The pattering of raindrops produced a strange music and nothing else could be heard over it.

an essay for a rainy day

As soon as it stopped raining, children came rushing out to play in the puddles of water. They splashed water on each other and ran about shouting with joy. I also wanted to join them but my mother did not allow me. So, I had to be content with sailing paper-boats. But I thoroughly enjoyed that too.

People were moving about with umbrellas. Some were wearing raincoats and caps. The rain brought some welcome relief for all of us.

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Paragraph on a Rainy Day

Ai generator.

an essay for a rainy day

On a rainy day, nature orchestrates a symphony of serenity. The pitter-patter of raindrops creates a soothing tone , harmonizing with the gentle rustle of leaves. In this paragraph , the essence of rain dances in every word. Water cascades down windows like liquid poetry, transforming streets into glistening pathways. In this paragraph on water , the essence of rain dances in every word, celebrating its life-giving presence.

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Short Paragraph on a Rainy Day

A rainy day brings a sense of calm and freshness to the environment. The sound of raindrops tapping against the windows and the sight of water droplets clinging to leaves create a peaceful atmosphere. Staying indoors with a good book or sipping hot tea while watching the rain can be incredibly soothing and relaxing.

Medium Paragraph on a Rainy Day

A rainy day is a perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy the calming effects of nature. The rhythmic sound of raindrops tapping on the roof and windows creates a soothing ambiance. The air feels fresh and clean, and the sight of rain-soaked greenery is refreshing. Such days are ideal for cozying up with a good book, sipping on hot tea or coffee, and listening to the gentle pitter-patter of rain. The world outside appears washed and renewed, offering a sense of tranquility. Rainy days also provide a perfect excuse to slow down, reflect, and enjoy the simple pleasures of staying indoors.

Long Paragraph on a Rainy Day

A rainy day transforms the world into a serene and soothing place. The rhythmic sound of raindrops hitting the roof and windows creates a calming backdrop, perfect for relaxation. The air is filled with the fresh, clean scent of rain, and the sight of water glistening on leaves and flowers adds a touch of beauty to the surroundings. On such days, staying indoors becomes a cozy retreat. The soft, diffused light and the gentle pitter-patter of rain make it an ideal time to curl up with a favorite book or enjoy a warm cup of tea or coffee. The atmosphere encourages quiet reflection and unwinding from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Rainy days also bring a sense of renewal and rejuvenation to nature, washing away the dust and leaving everything looking vibrant and refreshed. This peaceful and contemplative environment invites us to slow down, appreciate the simple joys of life, and find comfort in the small moments. Whether it’s listening to the rain, watching the droplets race down the window, or simply enjoying the tranquility, a rainy day provides a unique opportunity to connect with nature and find solace in its gentle embrace.

Tone-wise Paragraph Examples on Rainy Day

Formal tone.

A rainy day provides an opportunity for tranquility and reflection. The rhythmic sound of raindrops tapping on the roof and windows creates a soothing ambiance, while the fresh scent of rain cleanses the air. Such days are ideal for engaging in quiet activities, such as reading or sipping hot beverages, offering a peaceful respite from daily routines.

Informal Tone

I love rainy days! The sound of raindrops tapping on the windows is so calming. Everything looks fresh and green outside. It’s the perfect time to curl up with a good book or watch a movie while sipping hot tea. Rainy days make staying indoors feel cozy and relaxing.

Persuasive Tone

Consider the unique charm of a rainy day. The soothing sound of raindrops and the fresh scent of rain create a calming environment. It’s an ideal time to slow down, reflect, and enjoy simple pleasures like reading a book or sipping a hot drink. Embrace the tranquility and relaxation that a rainy day offers.

Reflective Tone

Reflecting on a rainy day, I appreciate its calming and rejuvenating effects. The rhythmic sound of raindrops and the sight of glistening leaves create a peaceful atmosphere. Such days encourage quiet reflection and relaxation, offering a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Rainy days remind us to slow down and savor the simple joys.

Inspirational Tone

Embrace the beauty and tranquility of a rainy day. The soothing sounds of raindrops and the fresh, clean air create a perfect setting for relaxation and reflection. Use this time to unwind, enjoy a good book, or simply watch the rain. Let the peaceful ambiance of a rainy day inspire you to appreciate the simple pleasures in life.

Optimistic Tone

A rainy day brings a sense of calm and freshness to the world. The sound of raindrops and the sight of glistening greenery create a beautiful and soothing atmosphere. It’s a perfect time to relax indoors, enjoy a good book, or sip on hot tea. Rainy days offer a wonderful opportunity to unwind and appreciate nature’s beauty.

Urgent Tone

Now is the time to appreciate the tranquility of a rainy day. The rhythmic sound of raindrops and the fresh, clean air provide a perfect setting for relaxation. Take this opportunity to slow down, reflect, and enjoy simple pleasures like reading or sipping hot tea. Don’t miss the chance to embrace the calming and rejuvenating effects of a rainy day.

Word Count-wise Paragraph Examples on Rainy Day

A rainy day is a perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy the calming effects of nature. The rhythmic sound of raindrops tapping on the roof and windows creates a soothing ambiance. The air feels fresh and clean, and the sight of rain-soaked greenery is refreshing. Such days are ideal for cozying up with a good book, sipping on hot tea or coffee, and listening to the gentle pitter-patter of rain. The world outside appears washed and renewed, offering a sense of tranquility.

A rainy day transforms the world into a serene and soothing place. The rhythmic sound of raindrops hitting the roof and windows creates a calming backdrop, perfect for relaxation. The air is filled with the fresh, clean scent of rain, and the sight of water glistening on leaves and flowers adds a touch of beauty to the surroundings. On such days, staying indoors becomes a cozy retreat. The soft, diffused light and the gentle pitter-patter of rain make it an ideal time to curl up with a favorite book or enjoy a warm cup of tea or coffee. The atmosphere encourages quiet reflection and unwinding from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

A rainy day transforms the world into a serene and soothing place. The rhythmic sound of raindrops hitting the roof and windows creates a calming backdrop, perfect for relaxation. The air is filled with the fresh, clean scent of rain, and the sight of water glistening on leaves and flowers adds a touch of beauty to the surroundings. On such days, staying indoors becomes a cozy retreat. The soft, diffused light and the gentle pitter-patter of rain make it an ideal time to curl up with a favorite book or enjoy a warm cup of tea or coffee. The atmosphere encourages quiet reflection and unwinding from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Rainy days also bring a sense of renewal and rejuvenation to nature, washing away the dust and leaving everything looking vibrant and refreshed.

A rainy day transforms the world into a serene and soothing place. The rhythmic sound of raindrops hitting the roof and windows creates a calming backdrop, perfect for relaxation. The air is filled with the fresh, clean scent of rain, and the sight of water glistening on leaves and flowers adds a touch of beauty to the surroundings. On such days, staying indoors becomes a cozy retreat. The soft, diffused light and the gentle pitter-patter of rain make it an ideal time to curl up with a favorite book or enjoy a warm cup of tea or coffee. The atmosphere encourages quiet reflection and unwinding from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Rainy days also bring a sense of renewal and rejuvenation to nature, washing away the dust and leaving everything looking vibrant and refreshed. This peaceful and contemplative environment invites us to slow down, appreciate the simple joys of life, and find comfort in the small moments.


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Essay on “A Rainy Day” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01

A Rainy Day in Rainy Season

How threading is nature on a rainy day. Yet she is lovely to look at. It is thrilling to move about on a day like this.

The day is dark and the sky is overcast with cloud. Rain comes down in torrents. Small muddy pools of water are here and there and everywhere. Trees bath themselves. Drops of water bang mother branches of the tree and drip on the earth below. A wander caught unaware is found taking shelter under the wide spreading branches of tall trees. No animal stress out. The whole region in drenched with rain.

Farmers with their bullocks, plough the fields. All are in ankle deep mud. It is steadily raining. They give up plugging. Mother earth is ready for fresh yield.

I walk up to the river bank on a day like this. Rain drops merge themselves into waves. Muddy waves throws their whole might against the bank. They oppose the movements of the boats. A blinding wind adds to the misery of the boatman. And the blinding rain obscures everything beyond.

I stand drenched under a tree. A few hours pass and streams came rushing down the sloppy places. Very soon they find level ground on and on the water flows sweeping away dirt and filth.

The incessant under a tree. Trees bath themselves. Drops of water bang mother branches of the tree and drip on the earth below. A wander caught unaware is found taking shelter under the wide spreading branches of tall trees. No animal stress out. The whole region in drenched with rain.

The rain stops and the clouds sail across the sky. The sun too shows it face but rather timidly. It seems frightened by the change that has came over nature. The nun hides again. The rainbow makes its appearance. Its beautiful colors lend a charm to the dull back ground of the sky. I see a flash of lighting and hear a distant rumbling and it rain.

The evening draws near. The rain pattes against the windows. Everyone is confined to his room. It rains hard and the wind hisses. The fury of nature goes on for hours.

(366 Words)

Essay No. 02

A Rainy Day

In summer the heat in intense. Hot winds blow. A dark cloud or a shower of rain is always welcome. If the rain does not fall people pray for it. They do Yoga exercise. It is difficult to go out in burning  heat.

In summer a rainy day is a day of enjoyment. When dark clouds cover the sky, we begin to dance with joy. When breeze blows and rain falls every  heart is filled with delight. People go  out to the canal or the river to hold picnic. Some people go out to enjoy sight of Nature. Young girls gather under some big tree to enjoy swing. They enjoy going up and down on the swing. They sing sweet songs. These songs give us great pleasure. Thus they make merry. Little children come out with lion clothes. They bathe in the rain water. Some of the m roll in dirty rain water.  They float paper boats in the running water. How they shout when their boas sink or are carried away by the current of water !

Everything in nature has fresh look after rain. The grass which looked withered in summer’s heat a day before, rises it head proudly. It moves to and fro when the wind blows. The cuckoo sings its sweet songs from mango tree. It hails the rain. How sweet are its songs!

There are pools of water here and there. Houses and streets wash off their dirt. Trees and plants are bathed in rain water. They look gay and green Animals and   birds also enjoy the rain. The frogs make a very pleasant noise after the rain. They begin to croak.

After rain roads, lanes and streets are covered with mud. It causes much trouble. We cannot walk without spoiling our clothes. Everybody feels uncomfortable for some time. Boys have to stop out- door games. People become bored and inactive. At some places railway track is damaged when it rains heavily. Mud huts begin to leak. Some are damaged under heavy rains. Boys and girls get completely wet. Sometimes they fall ill. They fall a prey to skin diseases.

On the whole a rainy day in the summer is generally full of joy. It brings comfort to us. It is fully enjoyable if the sun does not appear. But if the clouds break up the sun begins to shine more brightly. Then our joy disappears. The wind fails. Oh ! there is close again. The heat becomes more intense. How miserable we feel! The roads get muddy. Here and there the careless passers- by slip down. How people make fun of them! They spoil their clothes. But all the same rain is a must in a country like India.  

(458 Words)

Essay No. 03

A Rainy Day Makes Me Feel Happy

 My brother, sister and I love rainy days. We enjoy playing in the rain very much. There is a very shallow stream near our house. Each time it rains, we go there to sail our paper boats and watch them being swept away. The rain makes the water in the stream deeper and it is exciting to watch the swift currents flow over the stones, carrying away leaves, grass from our garden. We watch intently as our paper boats are tossed about in the water. They down the stream and we often wonder where then sail swifdy they finally end up.

During the rain, we also love to sit and watch the puddles of water in our garden. As pools of water are formed, our ducks start splashing about in them, quacking noisily. Sometimes, we run out in the rain, throw stones into the puddles of water and watch the ripples of water growing bigger and bigger. The water looks like rings of silver as the shining raindrops fall onto its surface. I think the rain is better than the burning heat of the sun. Once in a while, we enjoy ourselves playing ball games in the rain. It is fun, provided we do not catch a cold or a chill. I like playing in the rain when there is no thunder or lightning.

(230 Words)

Essay No. 04

Outline: The shortage of water in June — the sky overcast — street scenes —children were happy.

The month of June came to an end without a drop of rain. There was an acute shortage of water. Crowds of people formed queues near public taps anxiously waiting to fill their pots with precious water!

It was a hopeful sign when one day we saw the gathering clouds becoming darker and darker. Suddenly there was a gust accompanied by rain. The rain pelted down so vigorously that soon the drains were full and overflowing. The low-lying areas were flooded, confining several families in their homes.

In the streets one witnessed another sight. Pedestrians ran helter-skelter for safety and shelter. Those who anticipated rain were well armed with umbrellas and waterproof coats. As the rain poured, traffic slowed down and at certain places it almost came to a standstill. Life in the city was disorganized, several trains were held up as the track lay under water, and almost all public vehicles ceased plying. In these conditions the plight of the people going to offices, students to schools and colleges, and businessmen to their working places, was pitiable. It was very difficult for them to reach their destinations.

In spite of the gloom cast by the grey sky, there were some scenes of merriment. School-going children hailed the day with shouts of joy. It turned out to be a holiday, and scores of children were seen romping and wading knee-deep in puddles of water, playing at ducks and drakes, or splashing water at one another. There were some amusing ‘scenes which sent the bystanders into roars of laughter. Some umbrellas were blown off, while others had their covering turned inside out. Someone sprawled on the slippery ground or tumbled in the miry pool.

When the rain ceased after an incessant downpour of two or three days, the air was clean and the sky looked clear. temperature dropped, relieving the’ city of the sweltering heat which caused so much discomfort to the people.

Difficult Words: Gust – sudden rush of wind. pedestrian – one journeying on foot. helter-skelter – in a hurry, in disorder. anticipated-expected. ducks & drakes – a game in which one makes the surface of water.

(376 Words)

Essay No. 05

The monsoons in India are heralded with great joy because they provide respite to a tropical country from the intense heat it is cloaked in the whole year around. The ideal rainy day of course, is, when it rains steadily for hours on end. Rainy days might appear gloomy and depressing to many, but to those living in the tropics the rains are a welcome change. All of a sudden the earth is transformed from this dry, dusty, parched piece of land in to a gorgeous, green beauty that is full of life and vigor. The sky may be overcast, but the flowers are in full bloom. All around, it is like the earth is coming alive, celebrating life itself. The smell of rain when it hits the hot earth is what memories are made of in the subcontinent.

A rainy day is a lot of fun for kids. As they step out of their homes, umbrellas in hand and make their way down to school, the roads are transformed in to a rainbow of colors. Elbowing each other with their umbrellas, stealinga few raindrops here and there, jumping in puddles; a rainy day is a time to rejoice for the young. Nothing can be more fun than playing football in the rain. Slipping, falling, and sliding with the occasional goal thrown in while the rain pours on to you incessantly is possible only on a rainy day and it is the stuff that youth fun is made up of. As for the adults, a rainy day when one has to go to work can be unwelcome. Circling the puddles, while hanging on to an umbrella and a briefcase, all the while keeping an eye on the road to make sure that a passing vehicle does not splash you with muck can be both grueling and cumbersome. It could take away the magic from a rainy day but of course nothing that a steaming cup of tea, a mug of coffee, and a plate of hot snacks (bhajjis) wouldn’t remedy. The pitter patter of raindrops makes for soothing music to the soul and many music albums have been inspired by it.

In Indian music, a raga is a melody which is based on a series of notes. Raga Megha and Raga Malhar are associated with rainy season and when they are sung on a rainy day they create magic. Such is the impact of rains on our senses that no Bollywood movie is complete without at least one scene of the hero and heroine frolicking in the rain.

On a serious note, rain means everything to farmers. In an agricultural country like India rains can affect the economy. No rain could mean water shortage and a famine too. While rain is good for the crops and they thrive on it, several rainy days could mean excess rain to the extent that the crops could be destroyed. A rainy day in the monsoon season is welcome, but a rainy day in warm weather could mean destruction of fruits like the mango. It could spell the ruin of certain crops. The true delight of a rainy day is when one sees a rainbow. Rainbows cause a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the sun shines on to droplets of moisture. This multicolored arc, which has seven colors in all, is a pleasure for the eyes to behold for both the young and old. All in all a rainy day is a day that fills you with joy and calm and soothes your soul even if it might sometimes be inconvenient.

(604 Words)

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an essay for a rainy day


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Rainy Day Essay

The monsoon season is considered the best season among all the seasons. Rainy day is awaited by one and all as the weather on such a day is pleasant. A Rainy Day is a perfect day to enjoy the nature and be one with it. The entire atmosphere fills with joy on a rainy day. Be it kids, adults or elderly people – everyone loves this day.

The term “Rainy Day” is typically used for a day when it rains. While monsoon has a definite arrival time, duration and exit pattern; a rainy day on the other hand, can occur anytime of the year, though, it is also more likely to occur during monsoon.

Rainy Season Essay | Paragraph on Rainy Day | Paragraph on Rainy Season

Rainy day is advantageous to both the urban as well as rural population. Apart from the human population rainy day is also beneficial to flora and fauna of a place. Despite being beneficial to the ecology of a place, rainy day might cause little discomfort in some cases. In the essay below we will go through the benefits of a rainy day as well as its disadvantages.

Long and Short Essay on Rainy Day in English

Here are essay on Rainy Day of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

We have provided both, long and short Essay on Rainy Day in English.

All the Rainy Day essays are written in simple English, providing all the information about how rainy day occurs, how it feels on a rainy day, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a rainy day, how can you spend a rainy day, etc.

You can select any Rainy Day essay as per your need:

Short Essay on Rainy Day is My Favorite Day – Essay 1 (200 words)

There are various seasons like summer, winter and monsoon. But out of all my favourite season is monsoon season or the rainy season. I live in a joint family. I and my cousins wait all year round for rainfall and when it rains our eyes sparkle with joy. On the first rain of the season we just run out of our house into the rain giggling and smiling with delight. It feels so refreshing after the sunny days to take cool natural shower in rain.

We like to play in the garden as the rain showers pour on us. We sing songs and jump in the muddy puddles to splash water on each other. We fight like cats and dogs on the ground splashing water and sticky mud on each other. Our mothers always shout on us but we just like to ignore and enjoy. I hate it when the rain stops and we need to get back. My mother cooks moong dal and onion pakoras with mint chutney on these days. I just love this combination. After taking shower we enjoy eating pakoras together.

Enjoying the rain with cousins is the best part. We have so much fun together. I simply love rainy day.

Essay on Benefits of Rainy Day for Farmers and School Kids – Essay 2 (300 words)


A rainy day spreads instant joy and calmness in the atmosphere. It brings a smile on everyone’s face and also gives a reason to celebrate. Inviting friends and celebrating with them on a rainy day is all the more enjoyable.

Farmers Await Rain

A rainy day is a special day for everyone however rains hold a special significance particularly for the farmers. The growth of their crops depends largely on the rains. The right amount of rain is what they yearn for each year. Monsoon season these days gets delayed often and rains have become quite erratic.

The farmers in such a situation wish and pray that the rain falls at the right time. The first rainy day of the season is especially a day to rejoice for the farmers. This is because it marks the beginning of the monsoon season that promotes the growth of crops. There is greenery all around. The fields seem to appear full of life on a rainy day.

Rainy Day is Special in the Life of School Kids

School kids are overjoyed on a rainy day. Rainy day for them means a day full of fun. Small kids are seen holding colourful umbrellas and wearing beautiful raincoats on rainy days. There is colour all around. If the rain is heavy, many kids get the privilege to go to school with their parents and not by auto rickshaws or buses.

Kids usually look forward to this change. If the rain is heavier, many parents refrain from sending their kids to the school. At times, the schools also declare holiday on such a day. What more can a school going child ask for? They get a chance to stay home and play in the rain with their siblings and friends.

A rainy day is certainly not an ordinary day. It impacts our lives in some way or the other. It mostly brings a positive note.

Essay on My Fondest Memory of Rainy Day – Essay 3 (400 words)

Monsoons in India are welcomed with joy as rains provide fresh and breezy atmosphere after the sunny climate. Earth is transformed into a rich green land with blooming flowers dancing and celebrating monsoon. The soothing smell of rain and cooling showers of rain make us feel so fresh.

My Fondest Memory of Rainy Day

Last year when I was in 5 th standard, one morning I woke up for school and was getting ready to attend my classes. It was during the monsoon season, the month of July. The weather outside was dark and gloomy. In my mind I was praying to God constantly that if it rains and I don’t have to go to school. After I had my milk and my mother packed my lunchbox, I was ready to leave for school. But it did not rain and I had to go. My dad dropped me to the school.

In the classroom, I sat on a seat by the window still expecting it to rain. I felt lazy and sad in the classroom and all my attention was outside the window wishing it rains. My class teacher scolded me for staring outside the window constantly. As the second period that is the Maths class, got over, my wish came true. It started raining and the bonus was that there was no teacher in the class. My eyes sparkled with joy and I jumped off my seat to peep out of the window to enjoy the droplets of rain. I was trying to grasp the drops of rain and it made me extremely happy.

Everyone in the class was happy and cheerful. Everyone was jumping, chit-chatting and smiling with joy. Me and some of my classmates tore some pages from our books and made paper boats. Outside the window there were small puddles and we dropped our boats in to the puddles to float. It made us jump and giggle as our boats floated in water. We were grasping the drops of rain from the window and splashing at each other.

After a while our Science teacher came in the classroom and every one settled back to their seats. She declared a holiday as the rain was expected to get heavier in some time. We all hopped from our seats with excitement. We packed our bags, got into our raincoats and ran outside the classroom to enjoy the rain. We went back home jumping and dancing in rain.

It was one of the best days of my life. Rainy days really bring joy and happiness in everyone’s life.

Essay on How to Spend Rainy Day – Essay 4 (500 words)

Rainy day is one such day that is awaited by everyone. People of every age group love and cherish this day. In my family everyone from my grandfather to my younger sister gets overjoyed on such a day. Rains transform the weather from blazing hot and dry to refreshing. Plants, birds and human beings, everyone participates in celebrating rains. Trees turn greener, peacocks begin to dance, farmers turn cheerful and we all relish the rain party on the earth.

How the Weather Impacts Our Mood?

We live in Delhi, a state which is famous for its extreme weather conditions. Heat waves engulf this part of the country for most part of the year. Rains offer the much needed respite from the hot weather. Monsoon is thus one of the most awaited times of the year in Delhi.

Weather has a strange way of impacting our mood. During the hot sunny summer days, people often tend to get angry and aggressive very quickly. The sweat and scorching heat during such a day gives rise to violence and fury. People are often seen in a bad mood and tend to get into arguments and fights easily. On the other hand, a pleasant rainy day uplifts the mood automatically. It is a treat for the senses. Everything around appears joyful. People plan outings with their loved ones on such a day just because of the awesomeness it offers.

An Ideal Rainy Day

A rainy day is loved by everyone. There would hardly be anyone who despises it. Everyone has his own way of rejoicing the rain. While some love walking in the rain, others love to drench and dance while yet others love the view sitting on their window sill.

My ideal rainy day would be sitting by the window and watching rain, catching some droplets of rain and feeling the chilly breeze on my cheeks. I enjoy writing in my diary sitting by the window. It calms my heart and brings new and creative thoughts in my mind. My mother gets me hot cup of coffee and we enjoy our coffee together. I often turn on soft music and relax on an armchair sipping my coffee.

After spending my afternoon and relaxing with my mom, I love to go on a drive with my dad in the evening to explore the city and relish the beauty of nature. We visit our favourite restaurant during the rains and enjoy having crunchy onion and mirchi pakoras with mint chutney. By the time we drive back home, it’s usually dark. I feel so weary and sleepy as I return home. All I do on my return is just change and go to my bed. I really have a sound sleep on a rainy day as the weather is extremely chilly.

So my idea of rainy day is to spend my day with my family and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is so much fun to spend time with family during rains. I love my family and I love rains too.

Essay on Importance of Rainy Day – Essay 5 (600 words)

How rhythmic and soothing the nature is on a rainy day. Dark clouds marching in the sky and showering the droplets of rain, trees rinsing and dancing with charming bliss, dark and gloomy day gleaming our hearts, frogs popping here and there, kids jumping with joy in the muddy pools of water, beautiful peacocks spreading feathers and dancing to compose an art attracting their mates, farmers sway with cheer and new hopes gleaming their eyes – everyone participates to celebrate the joy of rains.

Rainy Day Spent at the Seashore

It is so calming to be out in the nature to enjoy its beauty on a rainy day. I walk up to the seashore to relish a day like this in my white dress. White dress, as I like the contrast it gives, the dark weather and a white dress is a pretty combination and I love it. As soon as I reach there, I remove my flip-flops and throw away my pink umbrella on the sand and run towards the sea.

I walk bare feet at the edge of sea with my chin up to feel the chilling breeze on my cheeks. I grasp the tiny-mini droplets of rain. The glimpse of droplets blending in to the sea waves, soothe my eyes. The refreshing aroma of rain calms my heart. The melodies of droplets make me sway along with the beat. I fantasize like I am the mermaid at the edge of sea. Me and my fantasies…! I stand still drenched in water shivering and clutching myself smiling at the lure of nature.

Rainy Day at Home

On the weekends when it is raining I just love to spend my day inside my home. Something about rainy days makes me feel so lazy and so cozy. I just love to snuggle into my blanket reading a love story. My mom loves to make delicious chocolate cookies for me on rainy days. The aroma of hot cookies in the chilled weather, spells some kind of magic on me. I really feel very hungry during these days and I keep on munching all day long. I prefer having my hot chocolate cookies dipped in milk, I just love it. I later spend my whole day lying on sofa in my pajamas and watching my favorite movies.

Rainy Day Serves an Inspiration for Writers and Poets

We all read poems, stories and books. There is so much and so beautifully written about the scenic beauty of nature. Writings about rains are obviously more alluring than writings about sunny days or winters. Rainy day is an inspiration for poets primarily because it gives the world, a fresh and new perspective. The everyday world that seems so conventional and colorless suddenly turns so diverse, refreshing, colorful and magical.

Poetry is as alluring as the rainy day. Or maybe rains just create the poetic mood, the beautiful scenery, rainbows, background music of raindrops, hot cup of coffee everything inspires writers. Other than the poets, the rainy season is an inspiration for all writers as we have been reading about the beauty and effects of rain in stories and books as well.

Thus, everyone has his/ her own ideal way of enjoying a rainy day however some might even just hate rainy days. For some, it’s an excuse to just be at home and for others to take up new adventures. Some might get too lazy while others might just get creative. Some spend their time cooking aromatic food while others like me spend time eating and gaining weight. All in all, rains are beautiful and bring cheer to life but too much of rain can even be harmful for our nature.

Long Essay on Rainy Day – Essay 6 (800 Words)

A “Rainy Day” is a day on which the clouds cover the sky and it rains for almost throughout the day. Just a couple of hours of rain isn’t enough to declare a day as “Rainy Day”. It must rain or drizzle for a greater part of the day. Technically, any day when it is raining, could be termed as a rainy day. It need not to be necessarily in monsoon, rather it could occur anytime of the year, depending on the moisture and climatic conditions.

How Does a Rainy Day Feels?

A rainy day feels calm, peaceful and serene despite the occasional burst of thunder which it might bring. A rainy day washes the earth, revealing its inner beauty and the life that lay underneath. It’s like that it gives a new lease of life to the whole place.

Getting up on a rainy day is like getting up with the beautiful sound of raindrops falling and a cool breeze buzzing past your ears. Such pleasant atmosphere, compels one to cancel all the prior engagements and just relax, letting the cool drizzle fall on your face.

Advantages of a Rainy Day

There are several advantages of a rainy day. Firstly it cleans the earth, making everything look fresh and new. The trees those have been looking dull and covered in dust, suddenly become lively, reflecting lush green colour. The same happens with grass, flower, plants etc. They all seem to reveal their inner beauty, thanks to the rain.

On the other note, a rainy day is beneficial to the fauna and also for the agricultural activities. Non domesticated animals, especially those living in forested areas; depend on natural water resources for their supply of water. On a rainy day, the ponds and lakes get a new supply of fresh water, which proves to be a blessing for the thirsty animals.

Occasional rainy day is also beneficial to the crops. Farmers also equate one or two spells of shower as equivalent to a couple of bags of fertilizers for crops and fruit plants. It also saves the farmers a couple of days’ labour of watering the fields.

Another advantage of a rainy day is that it cleans the air. When rain drops fall from the sky, they bring down with them, all the dust and other unwanted minute impurities to ground. This indeed makes the air free from impurities and clean and healthy to breathe.

Disadvantages of Rainy Day

Despite having several advantages, a rainy day also has certain amount of disadvantages associated with it. It may cause discomfort to daily commuters, and abstain them from getting on time to wherever they are headed. School children, office goers or other commuters might have to delay or even postpone their commute, because of rain.

On the other hand, considering the scenario of a populated urban city, with a network of interlinked streets, roads and adjacently constructed buildings; a rainy day could cause discomfort to many with streets submerged in water and overflowing drains. It would be impossible to commute through the streets without getting your shoes wet.

Next, those who are most affected by a rainy day are street vendors and small shopkeepers. With the majority of population preferring to stay indoors on a rainy day, these small businessmen suffer financially due to considerably less footfalls than on any usual day.

Things to Do On a Rainy Day

If you have decided to postpone your prior engagements and to enjoy the rain, then there are actually plenty of things you can do to spend your own rainy day.

The beauty of the rainy day is that it could also be enjoyed sitting in the comforts of your house in the company of family and friends. You just have to choose a spot which offers a full view of the rain with cool breeze swirling through your body. A hot cup of coffee or tea will be an added compliment. You can also cook some hot snacks of your liking, to go with the coffee.

If you don’t want to stay indoors, then step out of the house or on to the terrace to let the rain fall over you. This way you get hands on experience of the rain and also will enjoy it as well. But remember to be careful, as sudden exposure to too much of rain can get you sick.

If you live in a place with any forest, agricultural field nearby; plan a trip there, to witness the full beauty of the rain and also the earth as it gets cleaned.

Rainy Day is like a blessing for the parched earth and its thirsty inhabitants. It gives a new lease of life to earth, animals, humans, trees, crops, plants etc and replenishes the fresh water resources. A rainy day might not have much influence on an individual’s life, but it sure has tremendous usefulness for the nature. The little discomfort that a rainy day causes to some, is weighed much low against the benefits it brings. Therefore, it is wise to spend a rainy day, admiring the beauty of nature and not complaining about the little discomforts.

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10 Apps and Websites to Help Kids Learn a Second Language

Learning Languages

Language learning offers many incredible cognitive, academic, and social-emotional benefits to children. Research indicates that learning a second language promotes problem-solving, critical thinking, and listening skills and also improves memory and concentration. These cognitive benefits correlate directly with academic achievement as bilingual children have improved reading, writing, and math skills, as well as higher standardized test scores, in comparison to their peers speaking only one language. Children proficient in other languages are also known to display heightened levels of creativity and mental flexibility. From a social-emotional perspective, exposure to other languages often encourages empathy, tolerance, and cultural sensitivity.

Given all of the amazing benefits associated with learning a second language, allowing your child to engage with online resources that promote language learning is the perfect solution for a rainy day! Additionally, extending the benefits of online play to include interactions with family and friends through second languages can be a transformative experience for children. Not only does this practice enhance their language skills, but it also fosters stronger social connections and cultural awareness. Encouraging children to use the new language skills they develop through their digital learning with family and friends can deepen their understanding and appreciation of different cultures, while also strengthening bonds and creating lasting memories.

Here are 10 free apps and websites to help kids learn a second language!

Digital dialects.

This website includes fun practice games, flashcards, and interactive materials with audio for learning 80 foreign languages, including many which are indigenous, minority, and endangered. Within these activities, children will learn grammar, spelling, alphabets, verb conjugation, vocabulary, and syntax. Elementary students should easily be able to navigate these games and materials independently.

This site offers free, bite-sized lessons incorporating reading, writing, listening, and speaking. These personalized lessons focus on practical, real-life applications of using a second language, such as ordering at a restaurant. In addition to common vocabulary and phrases, Duolingo also introduces quirky sentences that are memorable and make learning more fun. In addition to the website, Duolingo offers apps for iPhone and Android users as well.

PBS Kids: “Oh Noah!”

PBS Kids offers many free learning programs including the “Oh Noah!” collection of videos and games that help children learn Spanish vocabulary.

BBC Bitesize

BBC is a publicly funded broadcaster in the United Kingdom offering many learning resources for all ages including written and audiovisual lessons for acquiring a second language. These lessons include quizzes to check for understanding as well as supplemental materials such as crafts, songs, and stories.

Gus on the Go

Children can learn one of 30 languages using the Gus on the Go language apps for iPhone and Android. Each app includes interactive lessons, vocabulary reviews, and games. Gus on the Go is most appropriate for younger elementary-aged children. Individual language apps are $3.99 each. Stories by Gus on the Go is the second installment of this app series featuring games and lessons based on timeless children’s stories such as “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and “Three Little Pigs.”

Mondly Kids

This family-friendly app for iPhone and Android users features gamified lessons on popular topics such as animals, nature, food, family, and sports to help children learn 33 different languages through play. In addition to the free daily lessons, there are also 77 premium lessons available.

Learning by Mindsnacks

This app allows children to learn languages including Spanish, French, Japanese, Portuguese and more. Each language includes 9 mini games as well as the introduction of vocabulary through native speaker audio clips.

Peg and Pog

This app is perfect for younger elementary students who can learn how to read and say words in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Mandarin as they follow Peg, Pog, and their cat, Cosmo, on their adventures around the world. Kids can interact with the scenes and characters on iPhones, Android devices, and Kindles. There are even free printables like coloring pages and support exercises to supplement the lessons. The main app is $3.99 and individual apps for other languages are also available for $2.99 each.

Designed for ages 8 – 17, this resource is available on the web and as an app for iPhone and Android users. It provides short (5 minutes or less) lessons and games with lots of emphasis on visual learning introducing more than 37 languages. The free version of this resource allows 5 minutes of game play every 10 hours; there are also premium options starting as low as $5 per month that allow unlimited play, no ads, and additional features.

Developed by BBC, this program offers fun, animated stories of Muzzy and his friends featuring the natural immersion method of language learning perfect for all types of learners at all ages. Each lesson serves as the foundation for the next, building on previously learned words and concepts. The use of repetition and “spiraling” is familiar to the Montessori Method. This resource is available as an online program or an app for iPhone and Android users for $14.66 per month.

About the Author

Heather White, EdS, is a Montessori coach and consultant, content creator, and educator for adult learners, as well as a moderator and manager for the Montessori at Home (0 – 3 years) Facebook group. Formerly, she was a Montessori teacher, in-home caregiver, Lower Elementary coordinator, and associate head of school. She also has experience as a school psychologist intern. She is AMS-credentialed (Early Childhood, Elementary I) and is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP). Contact her at [email protected].

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Anders carlson gets off to perfect start during rainy day of packers training camp, share this article.

After watching James Turner handle kicks on Day 1 of training camp, Green Bay Packers kicker Anders Carlson got his turn in the competition on Tuesday — and he was perfect during a wet and exceedingly rainy day at Ray Nitschke Field.

According to Wes Hodkiewicz of , Carlson made all six of his attempts during the rain-soaked practice. The incumbent kicker was good from 33, 38 and 41 yards in the first batch and good from 41, 45 and 46 during the second batch.

A perfect day in less-than-perfect weather conditions represents a strong start for a second-year kicker who struggled so mightily down the stretch during his rookie season. One good day during the first week of training camp won’t win the kicking job; Carlson must now prove he can do it day in and day out this summer.

An offer for Packers fans

Carlson is attempting to ward off challenges from Turner, a rookie out of Michigan, and Greg Joseph, who spent the last three years as the Vikings kicker. The Packers are prepared to let the three-way competition play out during training camp, and the kickers will rotate days in which they get live kicking reps.

Joseph also got his first chance to kick at training camp on Tuesday. He went 5-for-6, with a miss from 44 yards and makes from 33, 39, 41, 45 and 46 yards.

Turner finished 4-for-6 on the first day of training camp.

Packers kicking competition tracker

Anders Carlson: 6-for-6 Greg Joseph: 5-for-6 James Turner: 4-for-6

Read all the best Packers coverage at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Packers Wire .

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The best new books released in July, as selected by avid readers and critics

A composite image of eight book covers on a green background

We are officially in the depths of winter, when snuggling up with a book somewhere cosy is almost mandatory.

To help you decide which title to pick, we've enlisted our trusted gang of avid readers — The Book Show's Claire Nichols, The Bookshelf's Kate Evans, and critics Declan Fry, Rosie Ofori Ward and Jinghua Qian — to pick their favourite July new releases for you.

The result is a gorgeous mix encompassing feminist body horror, a moving exploration of the power of solidarity during the HIV/AIDS crisis and a literary take on lesbian pulp fiction that our reviewer calls "one of the funniest novels of the year".

The Echoes by Evie Wyld

Perfume and pain by anna dorn, critical care: nurses on the frontline of australia's aids crisis by geraldine fela, a language of limbs by dylin hardcastle, paul celan and the trans-tibetan angel by yoko tawada, the eyes are the best part by monika kim, the horse by willy vlautin, mark the dawn by jazz money.

Vintage Australia

The cover of The Echoes by Evie Wyld showing white text overlaying a painting of a doorway in a drab interior

When you pick up a book by the British-Australian author Evie Wyld you can be certain of a couple of things: It's going to be creepy, and it's going to be good.

Wyld won the Miles Franklin Literary Award in 2014 for All the Birds, Singing — a book of monsters and murder — and the Stella Prize in 2021 for her fabulous gothic novel The Bass Rock.

From the first sentence, it's clear The Echoes is interested in similarly dark themes: "I do not believe in ghosts, which, since my death, has become something of a problem."

The ghost in question is Max, the recently deceased British boyfriend of our protagonist, Hannah. In chapters titled 'After', Max observes his grieving partner as she rattles around the empty London flat they shared. As the previously unseen nooks and crannies of the apartment become clear to him, so too do the many secrets that Hannah has kept in their time together.

Chapters called 'Before' are told from Hannah's perspective in the months preceding Max's death. We see her disconnection from her partner, her fears about the prospect of motherhood and, most distressingly, her secret self-harming.

The story takes flight in the chapters titled 'Then', when we go back to Hannah's teenage years in rural WA. She lives on a secluded goat farm with her family — her mum and dad, beloved big sister Rach and her troubled uncle Tony. Here, the land holds secrets and pain. The property was once the site of a school for Aboriginal girls and the echoes of its dark history are felt by all.

Evie Wyld is a master of pacing. The revelations of Hannah's devastating past manage to be both surprising and painfully inevitable. The reader may see where things are going a mere sentence before the truth is laid bare.

The Echoes is brilliant — one of my books of the year.

— Claire Nichols

Simon and Schuster

A book cover with a pink background, green writing and an image of a perfume bottle on which a gasping young woman is visible

After an incident that leaves her and her career ever so slightly cancelled, midlist author Astrid Dahl — often mistaken as the granddaughter of Roald — finds herself living in a small Los Angeles bungalow.

She's also back in a Zoom writers' group, Sapphic Scribes (formerly Lez Brat Pack), a group she co-founded in her mid-20s, having "just dropped out of law school and compulsory heterosexuality".

Astrid is looking for distractions, even if it means self-sabotage. A high-achiever lost in something akin to early midlife malaise ("Gravity's toll on my skin really shows on Zoom. I'm thirty-five. Yesterday I was twenty-five"), she wonders if her heart is still in the game:

"And then ten years later, you've finally written enough to know what you're doing, but you've completely lost the sense of urgency, you're officially middle-aged and shop at the Gap, and you've realized there is nothing remotely political about wanting breasts in your face, that it is in fact the most basic desire there is: ask any baby. Writing books is just your job now and it's just like any other job except you can do it in lingerie."

Both Sapphic Scribes and Los Angeles have, it turns out, a few temptations of their own to provide: like Ivy, a grad student researching 1950s lesbian pulp; or Penelope, the sexy older vegan woman always hovering mysteriously around Astrid's new home.

But distraction is difficult when you're perpetually anxious, self-conscious and afraid you'll never be able to live responsibly. Meanwhile, Astrid's agent informs her that Kat Gold, actress and influencer, wants to adapt her previous work for TV.

Still at risk of being dropped by her agent, moving back to San Francisco and dying in her childhood bedroom, Astrid returns to old vices: Amphetamines and uppers, and, most potent of all, the Patricia Highsmith — a mix of Adderall, alcohol and cigarettes.

As Astrid reflects: "A psychologist might say my taste for doggystyle, which avoids eye contact, suggests a fear of intimacy, but luckily I never really told my therapist the truth."

Bitchy, gossipy, powered by sinewy dialogue and a breezy, beach-read momentum, this is the perfect cosy winter read. It's warm but spiky, indebted to the zonked language of films like Jawbreaker and the power of aphorism ("Lesbians don't hate men; straight women hate men. Lesbians are indifferent to men, which everyone else hates").

Perfume and Pain invites you to spritz yourself with your favourite scent, find your comfiest mid-century recliner, switch on a Himalayan salt lamp, throw on a Kristen Stewart flick for ambience and listen in on one of the funniest novels of the year.

— By Declan Fry

A book cover with a black and white photo of two young men smiling and embracing, on a pale yellow background

Something you can say about Australia is that we handled the HIV/AIDS crisis relatively well, if only in comparison to the homophobic neglect seen elsewhere. But I shouldn't be saying 'we' — I wasn't there. Geraldine Fela talks to those who were: the nurses on the frontline of HIV care and prevention in the early days of the pandemic.

While the virus still had a devastating death toll in this country, particularly in gay communities, and spread enduring stigma, health services responded quickly. By the end of the 1980s, Australia's public health response was celebrated as a success story and a model for other countries to follow. Policies of community engagement, public education, informed consent and harm minimisation had proved more effective than a coercive approach.

These ideas that we now sometimes take for granted were hard won through activism from affected communities ("poofs, junkies and whores", as Dennis Altman puts it). Fela's book traces how nurses advocated for their patients at the coalface while their unions backed LGBTIQ+ groups, sex worker collectives and drug users in fighting punitive measures such as a compulsory register of people who had tested positive.

The book is strongest when recounting the experiences of individual nurses, such as Bill Patterson, a young gay nurse at St Vincent's in Sydney who transferred to the hospital's newly established AIDS ward after an ex came in as a patient. Or John Bywaters, who was encouraged to train as a nurse after staff at Melbourne's Fairfield Hospital witnessed how well he cared for his dying partner who was a patient there. Fela situates these stories in the broader historical context while also highlighting the disparities between nurses' experiences, particularly outside the "gaybourhood".

HIV narratives are often harrowing stories of stigma and despair. Fela doesn't shy away from those aspects of the story, or from the injustices that persisted despite strong community advocacy. But, on the whole, Critical Care is an optimistic and galvanising read that celebrates the power of activism.

Four decades later, as Australia comes close to eliminating new HIV transmissions in large part thanks to the rollout of PrEP, these reflections offer insight into not only an important period in queer history, but also a coming-of-age for the principles of informed consent and bodily autonomy that continue to be contested today.

— Jinghua Qian

Picador Australia

A book cover with a photo of two people embracing, one with a hand gripping the other's bare back, on an orange background

The latest novel from Australian writer Dylin Hardcastle begins in gasping poetic fragments of desire and discovery for a teenage girl whose life is then ripped apart by her mother's scream and father's violent rejection.

That's because the object of her desire is another girl, her best friend — and given that it's early 70s Newcastle, the teenager is cast into exile, rejected, alone. That first chapter is labelled 'limb one'.

Next chapter, 'limb two', we meet her again. Or do we? We visit the same childhood suburb and bed and desire, the same lyrical awareness of what might happen with her friend, but this version walks a more conventional path, tamps herself down, turns away.

These limbs are intertwined as we follow the two versions of this character but see alternative versions of a life. The first remakes themselves in Sydney as Little Dave, through kindness and politics and a queer community and chosen family. There's the first Mardi Gras and activists and bars and poetry readings and music and laughter, and plenty of sex. There's homophobia and danger and violence and love and heartbreak and art. Later, HIV/AIDS and loss are part of the story.

Meanwhile, the second version gets into university, gets married. There are parallel encounters — where both versions of this person are alive to the same artists and ideas — but the second version veers away from dangerous thoughts and wants and options. There's pain and grief and betrayal there, too.

These characters and lives are well balanced, but there's a clear sense that it is Little Dave's life that has more clarity, vividness, joy and occasional despair. It's their story that shines, but it's the shadow-version that allows that counterpoint.

This is an intricately woven work, whose emotions feel true. There were brief moments when I was thrown out of it, in the beginning sections and around some historical details that felt too stereotypical, but I feel churlish for even raising them, given the overwhelming power and intensity and earthiness of the book as a whole. I look forward to re-reading it.

— Kate Evans

New Directions Publishing

A book cover with illustrations of two palms, overlaid with text, on a brown background

A whirling dervish of word-play and free-association narrative, Paul Celan and the Trans-Tibetan Angel sees acclaimed author Yoko Tawada build a universe from that of another: the German poet Paul Celan.

It's something Tawada has previously experimented with; in 2009, she used the films of Catherine Deneuve to create a lovingly rendered ode to the lingering pain and nostalgia of the end of the Cold War.

In Exophony, a series of essays reflecting on language and identity, Tawada called Paul Celan 私の最も尊敬するドイツ語詩人: the German-language poet she most respected.

Here, the narrator — variously named "Patrik" as well as "the patient" — is a research assistant at the fictional Institute for World Literature in Berlin who is deeply invested in Celan's work. The son of Ukrainian parents, in ethnic terms, he is a minority in Germany, albeit one alienated from the state's encouragement to identify with his minoritisation ("When Patrik used to ask his parents about Ukraine, they would respond evasively: What does this country have to do with you, you're from Frankfurt. His parents found it alienating that migration was such a frequent topic at Patrik's school.").

Tawada, a frequent invitee to academic and other conferences, is quietly funny on the anxious careerism and bureaucracy of academia: Patrik is making a seemingly doomed attempt to speak about Celan's collection Threadsuns at a Celan conference in Paris.

Tawada sums up the protagonist's movement through the text when she writes that "Celan sang full-throatedly with his own voice when he translated. The only voice that seemed strange to him was, increasingly, his own". As is often the case in her work, fluency is suspect; true comfort in culture or language are liable to reveal themselves as evidence of an unexamined relationship with the culture(s) one "belongs" to.

It seems to mirror the life of Tawada, who migrated from Japan to Hamburg, Germany at age 22, before moving to Berlin in 2006. Writing fiction, poetry and essays in both German and Japanese, she is an author who has consistently emphasised the inherent diversity and foreignness of cultures and languages against their apparent unity.

In a short but informative afterword, Tawanda's longtime translator, Susan Bernofsky, remarks that Celan — "Arguably the most important German-language poet of the post-World War II era" — used language to create "often surprising portmanteau images, estranging words from their inherited meanings, and thereby opening up new avenues of association and interpretation".

Tawada's prose is similarly playful — and playfully strange. It calls for a different way of reading. This is narrative, not programmed and plot-driven, but as freedom. Even conventional narrative tools like character prove spectral; the protagonist's identity shifts fluidly between first person, third person, and the perspective of other characters in a way that feels thrillingly brave.

More than anything, the novel is an exploration of language as something almost metaphysical, how it connects, composes, makes sense of the world. Not necessarily as something unified, but as something alive and energised. It addresses the question of cultural and psychological coherence in a world where so many different directions of movement — whether in terms of identity or career — are possible.

As Tawada writes, "Who's the conductor here? Who's the composer? Who rules? You have to be the ruler of your own life."

— Declan Fry

The Eyes are the Best Part by Monika Kim

The Eyes Are the Best Part is a fun, gory exploration of the male gaze. Flitting between the genres of thriller, horror and literary fiction, this debut is a feminist examination of what happens when women bite back.

We begin the novel when Ji-won's appa (father in Korean) abandons his wife and two daughters for another woman. Distraught, Ji-won's umma (mother) begins to serve up fish eyes for dinner, saying they will bring the family luck. Luck and fortune, or palja, is a central theme throughout. When Ji-Won's uppa brings home her unquestionably awful new boyfriend, George, Ji-won is forced to take her mother's and sister's luck into her own hands.

Described as "looking like every other middle-aged white man", George's notable traits include fetishisation of Asian women, money problems, lying and a bumper sticker that reads "I'M A REPUBLICAN BECAUSE WE CAN'T ALL BE ON WELFARE". As George uses his eyes to objectify and pore over women, Ji-won begins to fantasise about what it would be like to eat them one by one, just like the succulent fish eyes. As George's behaviour becomes more grotesque, Ji-won's hunger grows beyond her control.

Eyes feature everywhere in this novel. They are windows to the soul, symbols of a predatory gaze, beacons in the night. There are "wandering eyes", "piercing eyes", and every piece of information is "eye-opening". While fun, Kim has a tendency to over-explain rather than trusting the reader to understand the extended metaphors at play.

Despite the over-reliance on dramatics and perhaps a few too many dream sequences, this book is incredibly readable. After getting past a somewhat slow beginning, past the halfway point I found myself turning page after page desperate to find out where the story went.

Kim has delivered an entertaining and gruesome romp on female rage.

— Rosie Ofori Ward

Cover of The Horse; a blue background showing the hind legs of a horse made of lights; the title also appears to be in lights

Al Ward wears horseshoe-shaped rings on both hands — fake rubies in one, fake diamonds in another. But, despite being a country singer and songwriter, those flashy rings are as close as he usually comes to an actual horse. He's 67, has tequila for breakfast and barely heated tins of Campbell's soup for every other meal.

Then, a half-blind horse appears outside his house — somewhere in an American wasteland, on the site of an old mine, in the early 2010s — and he's not sure whether it really exists or is a part of his alcoholic despair and hallucinatory memories. We're not sure either, and so we trace his encounter with this creature and with his past, in Willy Vlautin's latest novel.

Think of all the sad songs of country music that cover heartbreak, betrayal, violence and drama; they twang and ache their way through this book.

Al, we learn, was given a 1959 butterscotch-blond Telecaster guitar and a Fender Princeton amp by one of his mum's boyfriends when he was just 14 years old, and was immediately hooked. A legendary guitar, full of promise; spiral bound notebooks full of ideas and song lyrics followed.

It's not so much the lyrics as the song titles that shape this book: 'Mona and the Kid', 'Now He's Walking with his Sleeves Down', 'Holly's at the Checkout with a Half Gallon of Vodka and a Packet of Diapers', 'The Night Connie Came to Room 33', 'At a Payphone in Baltimore'. Sometimes these are stories from his own life, at others they're moments from the life of other characters.

And through it all, a lament full of tragedy and hope, broken guitar strings and cheap motels, which keeps you listening and wondering and waiting to see if this urban cowboy with a ghostly one-eyed horse will somehow find a reprieve.

Jazz Money is a multifaceted artist: a poet and filmmaker who works across installation, performance, digital and other media. mark the dawn is their second collection of poetry, extending and elaborating the achievements of their debut, how to make a basket.

An ongoing theme across the collection is time and experience as a continuum. It is something Money writes movingly about: In "the sound that marks the change", the speaker of the poem deals elegantly with the question of how to engage in events that are not theirs to tell, that they were not present for, subtly but distinctly evoking the formation of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy protest in Canberra:

I did not hear the umbrella open  I did not chant with my arms locked as men in starched uniforms pressed down beat down tore down I sit in the aftermath of legacy I live in the world after the beach umbrella in a time when a fire still burns and hot cup of tea is waiting on that same lawn there is a rhythm to resistance there is a sound to legacy and there is a moment before when four young men decide to change the world and then there is everything that comes after

A captivating sense of openness and gentleness imbues the collection, as in "small soft-bodied things":

to take part in the exquisite mystery with our faces turned to one another                     repeating –        I do not know     I do not know yet held together                     in that enormous promise

This is poetry as reclamation, seen in the gently rendered concrete poetry of "there was rain in the ways of wind crying" or the rallying cry of "queers in hell is a return to the classics" ("it's not punishment if you find yourself in the hell of your choosing / with head high heels high tits high").

Money describes worlds where "there is no word for the time after", yet there does not necessarily need to be: The feeling that their work conveys is often one of indescribability, the urge "to inhabit for a moment the possibilities that still surround us".

Tune in to ABC RN at 10am Mondays for  The Book Show  and 10am Saturdays for  The Bookshelf .

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Celine Dion and Lady Gaga perform at the Olympic opening ceremony

Bienvenue à Paris, Celine Dion and Lady Gaga!

Dion took center stage at a rainy Olympic opening ceremony in Paris on July 26 with a powerful performance to close the event. It marked the first time she has performed in public in years following her stiff person syndrome diagnosis .

Opening Ceremony - Olympic Games Paris 2024: Day 0

She sang Edith Piaf's “Hymne à l’amour” after the cauldron was lit. Her rendition received immediate praise on social media.

In a statement on social media , Dion wrote that she was "honored" to perform at the opening ceremony and "so full of joy to be back in one of my very favorite cities!"

"Most of all, I’m so happy to be celebrating these amazing athletes, with all their stories of sacrifice and determination, pain and perseverance," she said in a slideshow post of photos from the event. "All of you have been so focused on your dream, and whether or not you take home a medal, I hope that being here means that it has come true for you! You should all be so proud, we know how hard you have worked to be the best of the best. Stay focused, keep going, my heart is with you!"

Earlier, Olympic viewers saw Lady Gaga perform a stylish number at the opening ceremony.

Lady Gaga performing during the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony.

She serenaded the assembled crowd with “Mon Truc En Plume” in a tribute to French dancer and actor Zizi Jeanmaire. She was joined by several dancers holding pink feather fans during the performance.

Afterward, Gaga wrote on her social media accounts she was "completely grateful" for the opportunity.

"Although I am not a French artist, I have always felt a very special connection with French people and singing French music — I wanted nothing more than to create a performance that would warm the heart of France, celebrate French art and music, and on such a momentous occasion remind everyone of one of the most magical cities on earth — Paris," she added.

The ceremony followed public sightings of both music icons earlier in the week.

an essay for a rainy day

Dion, 56, seemed to hint in recent months that she may be making an appearance in Paris sometime soon.

She told Vogue France in April that she had been training “like an athlete” to manage her physical health and her singing voice, and name-dropped a Parisian landmark.

“I’ve chosen to work with all my body and soul, from head to toe, with a medical team,” she told the publication . “I want to be the best I can be. My goal is to see the Eiffel Tower again!”

Two days before the opening ceremony, Dion also revealed on Instagram that she was in Paris, sharing photos of herself at the Louvre .

“Every time I return to Paris, I remember there’s so much beauty and joy still to experience in the world,” she wrote in the caption. “I love Paris, and I’m so happy to be back! Thank you to our wonderful friends at The Louvre!”

Dion has been open about her health struggles in recent years. In December 2022 , she revealed she had been diagnosed with stiff person syndrome , a rare neurological condition that can cause muscle stiffness, sensitivity to noise and touch, emotional distress, and severe muscle spasms, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke .

In May 2023, the singer canceled all remaining dates of her "Courage World Tour" due to her illness.

The “My Heart Will Go On” singer opened up about her experiences with stiff person syndrome, and her efforts to return to the stage, in her recent documentary, “I Am: Celine Dion.”

The documentary, available to stream on Prime Video , captured several raw, intimate moments , including one scene in which Dion experiences a severe, full-body spasm on camera.

Dion has opened up about her determination to perform once more and connect with her fans.

“I’m going to go back onstage, even if I have to crawl. Even if I have to talk with my hands. I will. I will,” the singer told Hoda Kotb in June in a prime-time special, her first broadcast interview since her diagnosis. 

“I am Céline Dion, because today my voice will be heard for the first time, not just because I have to, or because I need to,” she continued. “It’s because I want to. And I miss it.”

As for Gaga, she was spotted earlier this week in Paris, blowing kisses and waving to fans from outside a car, per video shared to X . She wore a black hat, sunglasses and a leather jacket as she formed a heart with her hands to the crowd.

Earlier this year, Gaga dropped a bombshell announcement at the end of her HBO concert special, “Gaga Chromatica Ball,” teasing new music. As she struck several poses in the shadows, “LG7” and “Gaga Returns” flashed across the screen.

At the premiere of her concert film, Gaga confirmed her seventh studio album was in the works.

“I have written so many songs and I have produced so many songs,” Gaga said before hinting at a possible genre change for her music. “It’s nothing like anything that I’ve ever made before. I love to break genre, and I love to explore music. There’s something really beautiful about knowing that you will be loved no matter what you do.”

Along with being in the studio, Gaga had also been on set filming “Joker: Folie à Deux,” the sequel to the 2019 “Joker” film.

The movie follows the story of the Joker, being reprised by Joaquin Phoenix, meeting his love interest, Harley Quinn, portrayed by Gaga. The sequel will reportedly feature musical elements and choreographed numbers.

“Joker: Folie à Deux” drops in theaters Oct. 4.

Tune in to the Paris Olympics on NBC and Peacock.

Lindsay Lowe has been a regular contributor to since 2016, covering pop culture, style, home and other lifestyle topics. She is also working on her first novel, a domestic drama set in rural Regency England.

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Joe Biden, My Friend and an American Hero

A black-and-white close-up of President Biden.

By Jon Meacham

Mr. Meacham, a historian, has advised President Biden on historical matters and major speeches throughout his term.

On the cliffs of Normandy, in a small holding area, the president of the United States was looking out at the English Channel. It was only six weeks ago, on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, and President Biden had just finished his remarks at the American cemetery atop Omaha Beach. Guests had been congratulating him on the speech, but he didn’t want to talk about himself. The moment was not about him; it was about the men who had fought and died there. “Today feels so large,” he told me. “This may sound strange — and I don’t mean it to — but when I was out there, I felt the honor of it, the sanctity of it. To speak for the American people, to speak over those graves, it’s a profound thing.” He turned from the view over the beaches and gestured back toward the war dead. “You want to do right by them, by the country.”

Mr. Biden has spent a lifetime trying to do right by the nation, and he did so in the most epic of ways when he chose to end his campaign for re-election. His decision is one of the most remarkable acts of leadership in our history, an act of self-sacrifice that places him in the company of George Washington, who also stepped away from the presidency. To put something ahead of one’s immediate desires — to give, rather than to try to take — is perhaps the most difficult thing for any human being to do. And Mr. Biden has done just that.

To be clear: Mr. Biden is my friend, and it has been a privilege to help him when I can. Not because I am a Democrat — I belong to neither party and have voted for both Democrats and Republicans — but because I believe him to be a defender of the Constitution and a public servant of honor and of grace at a time when extreme forces threaten the nation. I do not agree with everything he has done or wanted to do in terms of policy. But I know him to be a good man, a patriot and a president who has met challenges all too similar to those Abraham Lincoln faced.

Here is the story I believe history will tell of Joe Biden. With American democracy in an hour of maximum danger in Donald Trump’s presidency, Mr. Biden stepped in the breach. He staved off an authoritarian threat at home, rallied the world against autocrats abroad, laid the foundations for decades of prosperity, managed the end of a once-in-a-century pandemic, successfully legislated on vital issues of climate and infrastructure and has conducted a presidency worthy of the greatest of his predecessors. History and fate brought him to the pinnacle in a late season in his life, and in the end, he respected fate — and he respected the American people.

It is, of course, an incredibly difficult moment. Highs and lows, victories and defeats, joy and pain: It has been ever thus for Mr. Biden. In the distant autumn of 1972, he experienced the most exhilarating of hours — election to the United States Senate at the age of 29. He was no scion; he earned it. Then darkness fell: His wife and daughter were killed in an automobile accident that seriously injured his two sons, Beau and Hunter. But he endured, found purpose in the pain, became deeper, wiser, more empathetic. Through the decades, two presidential campaigns imploded, and in 2015 his son Beau, a lawyer and wonderfully promising young political figure, died of brain cancer after serving in Iraq.

Such tragedy would have broken many lesser men. Mr. Biden, however, never gave up, never gave in, never surrendered the hope that a fallen, frail and fallible world could be made better, stronger and more whole if people could summon just enough goodness and enough courage to build rather than tear down.

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  30. Opinion

    It is, of course, an incredibly difficult moment. Highs and lows, victories and defeats, joy and pain: It has been ever thus for Mr. Biden. In the distant autumn of 1972, he experienced the most ...