Java Tutorial

Java methods, java classes, java file handling, java how to's, java reference, java examples, java operators.

Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values.

In the example below, we use the + operator to add together two values:

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Although the + operator is often used to add together two values, like in the example above, it can also be used to add together a variable and a value, or a variable and another variable:

Java divides the operators into the following groups:

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Logical operators
  • Bitwise operators

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform common mathematical operations.

Operator Name Description Example Try it
+ Addition Adds together two values x + y
- Subtraction Subtracts one value from another x - y
* Multiplication Multiplies two values x * y
/ Division Divides one value by another x / y
% Modulus Returns the division remainder x % y
++ Increment Increases the value of a variable by 1 ++x
-- Decrement Decreases the value of a variable by 1 --x


Java Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

In the example below, we use the assignment operator ( = ) to assign the value 10 to a variable called x :

The addition assignment operator ( += ) adds a value to a variable:

A list of all assignment operators:

Operator Example Same As Try it
= x = 5 x = 5
+= x += 3 x = x + 3
-= x -= 3 x = x - 3
*= x *= 3 x = x * 3
/= x /= 3 x = x / 3
%= x %= 3 x = x % 3
&= x &= 3 x = x & 3
|= x |= 3 x = x | 3
^= x ^= 3 x = x ^ 3
>>= x >>= 3 x = x >> 3
<<= x <<= 3 x = x << 3

Java Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values (or variables). This is important in programming, because it helps us to find answers and make decisions.

The return value of a comparison is either true or false . These values are known as Boolean values , and you will learn more about them in the Booleans and If..Else chapter.

In the following example, we use the greater than operator ( > ) to find out if 5 is greater than 3:

Operator Name Example Try it
== Equal to x == y
!= Not equal x != y
> Greater than x > y
< Less than x < y
>= Greater than or equal to x >= y
<= Less than or equal to x <= y

Java Logical Operators

You can also test for true or false values with logical operators.

Logical operators are used to determine the logic between variables or values:

Operator Name Description Example Try it
&&  Logical and Returns true if both statements are true x < 5 &&  x < 10
||  Logical or Returns true if one of the statements is true x < 5 || x < 4
! Logical not Reverse the result, returns false if the result is true !(x < 5 && x < 10)

Java Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators are used to perform binary logic with the bits of an integer or long integer.

Operator Description Example Same as Result Decimal
& AND - Sets each bit to 1 if both bits are 1 5 & 1 0101 & 0001 0001  1
| OR - Sets each bit to 1 if any of the two bits is 1 5 | 1 0101 | 0001 0101  5
~ NOT - Inverts all the bits ~ 5  ~0101 1010  10
^ XOR - Sets each bit to 1 if only one of the two bits is 1 5 ^ 1 0101 ^ 0001 0100  4
<< Zero-fill left shift - Shift left by pushing zeroes in from the right and letting the leftmost bits fall off 9 << 1 1001 << 1 0010 2
>> Signed right shift - Shift right by pushing copies of the leftmost bit in from the left and letting the rightmost bits fall off 9 >> 1 1001 >> 1 1100 12
>>> Zero-fill right shift - Shift right by pushing zeroes in from the left and letting the rightmost bits fall off 9 >>> 1 1001 >>> 1 0100 4

Note: The Bitwise examples above use 4-bit unsigned examples, but Java uses 32-bit signed integers and 64-bit signed long integers. Because of this, in Java, ~5 will not return 10. It will return -6. ~00000000000000000000000000000101 will return 11111111111111111111111111111010

In Java, 9 >> 1 will not return 12. It will return 4. 00000000000000000000000000001001 >> 1 will return 00000000000000000000000000000100

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Multiply 10 with 5 , and print the result.

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Java Assignment Operators

Java programming tutorial index.

The Java Assignment Operators are used when you want to assign a value to the expression. The assignment operator denoted by the single equal sign = .

In a Java assignment statement, any expression can be on the right side and the left side must be a variable name. For example, this does not mean that "a" is equal to "b", instead, it means assigning the value of 'b' to 'a'. It is as follows:

Java also has the facility of chain assignment operators, where we can specify a single value for multiple variables.

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Java - Assignment Operators with Examples

Java assignment operators.

Following are the assignment operators supported by Java language −

Operator Description Example
= Simple assignment operator. Assigns values from right side operands to left side operand. C = A + B will assign value of A + B into C
+= Add AND assignment operator. It adds right operand to the left operand and assign the result to left operand. C += A is equivalent to C = C + A
-= Subtract AND assignment operator. It subtracts right operand from the left operand and assign the result to left operand. C -= A is equivalent to C = C − A
*= Multiply AND assignment operator. It multiplies right operand with the left operand and assign the result to left operand. C *= A is equivalent to C = C * A
/= Divide AND assignment operator. It divides left operand with the right operand and assign the result to left operand. C /= A is equivalent to C = C / A
%= Modulus AND assignment operator. It takes modulus using two operands and assign the result to left operand. C %= A is equivalent to C = C % A
<<= Left shift AND assignment operator. C <<= 2 is same as C = C << 2
>>= Right shift AND assignment operator. C >>= 2 is same as C = C >> 2
&= Bitwise AND assignment operator. C &= 2 is same as C = C & 2
^= bitwise exclusive OR and assignment operator. C ^= 2 is same as C = C ^ 2
|= bitwise inclusive OR and assignment operator. C |= 2 is same as C = C | 2

The following programs are simple examples which demonstrate the assignment operators. Copy and paste the following Java programs as file, and compile and run the programs −

In this example, we're creating three variables a,b and c and using assignment operators . We've performed simple assignment, addition AND assignment, subtraction AND assignment and multiplication AND assignment operations and printed the results.

In this example, we're creating two variables a and c and using assignment operators . We've performed Divide AND assignment, Multiply AND assignment, Modulus AND assignment, bitwise exclusive OR AND assignment, OR AND assignment operations and printed the results.

In this example, we're creating two variables a and c and using assignment operators . We've performed Left shift AND assignment, Right shift AND assignment, operations and printed the results.

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Java Assignment Operators

Java Assignment Operators are used to optionally perform an action with given operands and assign the result back to given variable (left operand).

The syntax of any Assignment Operator with operands is

In this tutorial, we will learn about different Assignment Operators available in Java programming language and go through each of these Assignment Operations in detail, with the help of examples.

Operator Symbol – Example – Description

The following table specifies symbol, example, and description for each of the Assignment Operator in Java.

AssignmentOperationOperator SymbolExampleDescription
Simple Assignment=x = 2Assign x with 2.
Addition Assignment+=x += 3Add 3 to the value of x and assign the result to x.
Subtraction Assignment-=x -= 3Subtract 3 from x and assign the result to x.
Multiplication Assignment*=x *= 3Multiply x with 3 and assign the result to x.
Division Assignment/=x /= 3Divide x with 3 and assign the quotient to x.
Remainder Assignment%=x %= 3Divide x with 3 and assign the remainder to x.
Bitwise AND Assignment&=x &= 3Perform x & 3 and assign the result to x.
Bitwise OR Assignment|=x |= 3Perform x | 3 and assign the result to x.
Bitwise-exclusive-OR Assignment^=x ^= 3Perform x ^ 3 and assign the result to x.
Left-shift Assignment<<=x <<= 3Left-shift the value of x by 3 places and assign the result to x.
Right-shift Assignment>>=x >>= 3Right-shift the value of x by 3 places and assign the result to x.

Simple Assignment

In the following example, we assign a value of 2 to x using Simple Assignment Operator.

Addition Assignment

In the following example, we add 3 to x and assign the result to x using Addition Assignment Operator.

Subtraction Assignment

In the following example, we subtract 3 from x and assign the result to x using Subtraction Assignment Operator.

Multiplication Assignment

In the following example, we multiply 3 to x and assign the result to x using Multiplication Assignment Operator.

Division Assignment

In the following example, we divide x by 3 and assign the quotient to x using Division Assignment Operator.

Remainder Assignment

In the following example, we divide x by 3 and assign the remainder to x using Remainder Assignment Operator.

Bitwise AND Assignment

In the following example, we do bitwise AND operation between x and 3 and assign the result to x using Bitwise AND Assignment Operator.

Bitwise OR Assignment

In the following example, we do bitwise OR operation between x and 3 and assign the result to x using Bitwise OR Assignment Operator.

Bitwise XOR Assignment

In the following example, we do bitwise XOR operation between x and 3 and assign the result to x using Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator.

Left-shift Assignment

In the following example, we left-shift x by 3 places and assign the result to x using Left-shift Assignment Operator.

Right-shift Assignment

In the following example, we right-shift x by 3 places and assign the result to x using Right-shift Assignment Operator.

In this Java Tutorial , we learned what Assignment Operators are, and how to use them in Java programs, with the help of examples.

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The Java Tutorials have been written for JDK 8. Examples and practices described in this page don't take advantage of improvements introduced in later releases and might use technology no longer available. See Java Language Changes for a summary of updated language features in Java SE 9 and subsequent releases. See JDK Release Notes for information about new features, enhancements, and removed or deprecated options for all JDK releases.

Assignment, Arithmetic, and Unary Operators

The simple assignment operator.

One of the most common operators that you'll encounter is the simple assignment operator " = ". You saw this operator in the Bicycle class; it assigns the value on its right to the operand on its left:

This operator can also be used on objects to assign object references , as discussed in Creating Objects .

The Arithmetic Operators

The Java programming language provides operators that perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There's a good chance you'll recognize them by their counterparts in basic mathematics. The only symbol that might look new to you is " % ", which divides one operand by another and returns the remainder as its result.

Operator Description
Additive operator (also used for String concatenation)
Subtraction operator
Multiplication operator
Division operator
Remainder operator

The following program, ArithmeticDemo , tests the arithmetic operators.

This program prints the following:

You can also combine the arithmetic operators with the simple assignment operator to create compound assignments . For example, x+=1; and x=x+1; both increment the value of x by 1.

The + operator can also be used for concatenating (joining) two strings together, as shown in the following ConcatDemo program:

By the end of this program, the variable thirdString contains "This is a concatenated string.", which gets printed to standard output.

The Unary Operators

The unary operators require only one operand; they perform various operations such as incrementing/decrementing a value by one, negating an expression, or inverting the value of a boolean.

Operator Description
Unary plus operator; indicates positive value (numbers are positive without this, however)
Unary minus operator; negates an expression
Increment operator; increments a value by 1
Decrement operator; decrements a value by 1
Logical complement operator; inverts the value of a boolean

The following program, UnaryDemo , tests the unary operators:

The increment/decrement operators can be applied before (prefix) or after (postfix) the operand. The code result++; and ++result; will both end in result being incremented by one. The only difference is that the prefix version ( ++result ) evaluates to the incremented value, whereas the postfix version ( result++ ) evaluates to the original value. If you are just performing a simple increment/decrement, it doesn't really matter which version you choose. But if you use this operator in part of a larger expression, the one that you choose may make a significant difference.

The following program, PrePostDemo , illustrates the prefix/postfix unary increment operator:

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Java's Basic and Shorthand Assignment Operators

Reference assignment, primitive assignment, primitive casting, shorthand assignment operators, basic assignment operator.

Java's basic assignment operator is a single equals-to (=) sign that assigns the right-hand side value to the left-hand side operand. On left side of the assignment operator there must be a variable that can hold the value assigned to it. Assignment operator operates on both primitive and reference types. It has the following syntax: var = expression; Note that the type of var must be compatible with the type of expression .

Chaining of assignment operator is also possible where we can create a chain of assignments in order to assign a single value to multiple variables. For example,

The above piece of code sets the variables x, y, and z to 100 using a single statement. This works because the = is an operator that yields the value of the right-hand expression. Thus, the value of z = 100 is 100, which is then assigned to y , which in turn is assigned to x . Using a "chain of assignment" is an easy way to set a group of variables to a common value.

A variable referring to an object is a reference variable not an object. We can assign a newly created object to an object reference variable as follows:

The above line of code performs three tasks

  • Creates a reference variable named st1 , of type Student .
  • Creates a new Student object on the heap.
  • Assigns the newly created Student object to the reference variable st1

We can also assign null to an object reference variable, which simply means the variable is not referring to any object:

Above line of code creates space for the Student reference variable st2 but doesn't create an actual Student object.

Note that, we can also use a reference variable to refer to any object that is a subclass of the declared reference variable type.

Primitive variables can be assigned either by using a literal or the result of an expression. For example,

The most important point that we should keep in mind, while assigning primitive types is if we are going to assign a bigger value to a smaller type, we have to typecast it properly. In Above piece of code the literal integer 130 is implicitly an int but it is acceptable here because the variable x is of type int . It gets weird if you try 130 to assign to a byte variable. For example, The below piece of code will not compile because literal 130 is implicitly an integer and it does not fit into a smaller type byte x . Likewise, byte c = a + b will also not compile because the result of an expression involving anything int-sized or smaller is always an int .

Casting lets us convert primitive values from one type to another (specially from bigger to smaller types). Casts can be implicit or explicit. An implicit cast means we don't have to write code for the cast; the conversion happens automatically. Typically, an implicit cast happens when we do a widening conversion. In other words, putting a smaller thing (say, a byte ) into a bigger container (like an int ). Remember those "possible loss of precision" compiler errors we saw during assignments. Those happened when we tried to put a larger thing (say, an int ) into a smaller container (like a byte ). The large-value-into-small-container conversion is referred to as narrowing and requires an explicit cast, where we tell the compiler that we are aware of the danger and accept full responsibility.

As a final note on casting, it is very important to note that the shorthand assignment operators let us perform addition, subtraction, multiplication or division without putting in an explicit cast. In fact, +=, -=, *=, and /= will all put in an implicit cast. Below is an example:

In addition to the basic assignment operator, Java also defines 12 shorthand assignment operators that combine assignment with the 5 arithmetic operators ( += , -= , *= , /= , %= ) and the 6 bitwise and shift operators ( &= , |= , ^= , <<= , >>= , >>>= ). For example, the += operator reads the value of the left variable, adds the value of the right operand to it, stores the sum back into the left variable as a side effect, and returns the sum as the value of the expression. Thus, the expression x += 2 is almost the same x = x + 2 .

The difference between these two expressions is that when we use the += operator, the left operand is evaluated only once. This makes a difference when that operand has a side effect. Consider the following two expressions a[i++] += 2; and a[i++] = a[i++] + 2; , which are not equivalent:

In this tutorial we discussed basic and shorthand (compound) assignment operators of Java. Hope you have enjoyed reading this tutorial. Please do write us if you have any suggestion/comment or come across any error on this page. Thanks for reading!

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Krishan Kumar is the founder and main contributor for He is a software professional (post graduated from BITS-Pilani) and loves writing technical articles on programming and data structures.

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Java Assignment Operators

=x = 9Value 25 is assigned to x
+=x += 9This is same as x = x + 9
-=x -= 9This is same as x = x – 9
*=x *= 9This is same as x = x * 9
/=x /= 9This is same as x = x / 9
%=x %= 9This is same as x = x % 9

Java Assignment Operators example

  • Java Operators

Last updated: January 8, 2024

assignment operator java list

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1. Overview

Operators are a fundamental building block of any programming language. We use operators to perform operations on values and variables.

Java provides many groups of operators. They are categorized by their functionalities.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk through all Java operators to understand their functionalities and how to use them.

2. Arithmetic Operators

We use arithmetic operators to perform simple mathematical operations. We should note that arithmetic operators only work with primitive number types and their boxed types , such as int and  Integer .

Next, let’s see what operators we have in the arithmetic operator group.

2.1. The Addition Operator

The addition operator (+) allows us to add two values or concatenate two strings:

2.2. The Subtraction Operator

Usually, we use the subtraction operator (-) to subtract one value from another:

2.3. The Multiplication Operator

The multiplication operator (*) is used to multiply two values or variables:

2.4. The Division Operator

The division operator (/) allows us to divide the left-hand value by the right-hand one:

When we use the division operator on two integer values ( byte , short , int , and long ), we should note that the result is the quotient value. The remainder is not included .

As the example above shows, if we calculate 15 / 2 , the quotient is 7, and the remainder is 1 . Therefore, we have 15 / 2 = 7 .

2.5. The Modulo Operator

We can get the quotient using the division operator. However, if we just want to get the remainder of a division calculation, we can use the modulo operator (%):

3. Unary Operators

As the name implies, unary operators only require one single operand . For example, we usually use unary operators to increment, decrement, or negate a variable or value.

Now, let’s see the details of unary operators in Java.

3.1. The Unary Plus Operator

The unary plus operator (+) indicates a positive value. If the number is positive, we can omit the ‘+’ operator:

3.2. The Unary Minus Operator

Opposite to the unary plus operator, the unary minus operator (-) negates a value or an expression:

3.3. The Logical Complement Operator

The logical complement operator (!) is also known as the “NOT” operator . We can use it to invert the value of a boolean variable or value:

3.4. The Increment Operator

The increment operator (++) allows us to increase the value of a variable by 1:

3.5. The Decrement Opeartor

The decrement operator (–) does the opposite of the increment operator. It decreases the value of a variable by 1:

We should keep in mind that the increment and decrement operators can only be used on a variable . For example, “ int a = 5; a++; ” is fine. However, the expression “ 5++ ” won’t be compiled.

4. Relational Operators

Relational operators can be called “comparison operators” as well. Basically, we use these operators to compare two values or variables.

4.1. The “Equal To” Operator

We use the “equal to” operator (==) to compare the values on both sides. If they’re equal, the operation returns true :

The “equal to” operator is pretty straightforward. On the other hand, the Object class has provided the equals() method. As the Object class is the superclass of all Java classes, all Java objects can use the equals() method to compare each other.

When we want to compare two objects – for instance, when we compare Long objects or compare String s –  we should choose between the comparison method from the equals() method and that of the “equal to” operator wisely .

4.2. The “Not Equal To” Operator

The “not equal to” operator (!=) does the opposite of the ‘==’ operator. If the values on both sides are not equal, the operation returns true :

4.3. The “Greater Than” Operator

When we compare two values with the “greater than” operator (>), it returns true if the value on the left-hand side is greater than the value on the right-hand side:

4.4. The “Greater Than or Equal To” Operator

The “greater than or equal to” operator (>=) compares the values on both sides and returns true if the left-hand side operand is greater than or equal to the right-hand side operand:

4.5. The “Less Than” Operator

The “less than” operator (<) compares two values on both sides and returns true if the value on the left-hand side is less than the value on the right-hand side:

4.6. The “Less Than or Equal To” Operator

Similarly, the “less than or equal to” operator (<=) compares the values on both sides and returns true if the left-hand side operand is less than or equal to the right-hand side:

5. Logical Operators

We have two logical operators in Java: the logical AND and OR operators. Basically, their function is pretty similar to the AND gate and the OR gate in digital electronics.

Usually, we use a logical operator with two operands, which are variables or expressions that can be evaluated as boolean .

Next, let’s take a closer look at them.

5.1. The Logical AND Operator

The logical AND operator ( && ) returns true only if both operands are true :

5.2. The Logical OR Operator

Unlike the ‘ && ‘ operator, the logical OR operator ( || ) returns true if at least one operand is  true :

We should note that the logical OR operator has the short-circuiting effect : It returns true as soon as one of the operands is evaluated as true, without evaluating the remaining operands.

6. Ternary Operator

A ternary operator is a short form of the if-then-else statement. It has the name ternary as it has three operands. First, let’s have a look at the standard if-then-else statement syntax:

We can convert the above if-then-else statement into a compact version using the ternary operator:

Let’s look at its syntax:

Next, let’s understand how the ternary operator works through a simple example:

7. Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators

As the article “ Java bitwise operators ” covers the details of bitwise and bit shift operators, we’ll briefly summarize these operators in this tutorial.

7.1. The Bitwise AND Operator

The bitwise AND operator (&) returns the bit-by-bit AND of input values:

7.2. The Bitwise OR Operator

The bitwise OR operator (|) returns the bit-by-bit OR of input values:

7.3. The Bitwise XOR Operator

The bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) operator (^) returns the bit-by-bit XOR of input values:

7.4. The Bitwise Complement Operator

The bitwise complement operator (~) is a unary operator. It returns the value’s complement representation, which inverts all bits from the input value:

7.5. The Left Shift Operator

Shift operators shift the bits to the left or right by the given number of times.

The left shift operator (<<) shifts the bits to the left by the number of times defined by the right-hand side operand. After the left shift, the empty space in the right is filled with 0.

Next, let’s left shift the number 12 twice:

n << x has the same effect of multiplying the number  n  with x power of two.

7.6. The Signed Right Shift Operator

The signed right shift operator (>>) shifts the bits to the right by the number of times defined by the right-hand side operand and fills 0 on voids left as a result.

We should note that the leftmost position after the shifting depends on the sign extension .

Next, let’s do “signed right shift” twice on the numbers 12 and -12 to see the difference:

As the second example above shows, if the number is negative, the leftmost position after each shift will be set by the sign extension.

n >> x has the same effect of dividing the number n by x power of two.

7.7. The Unsigned Right Shift Operator

The unsigned right shift operator (>>>) works in a similar way as the ‘>>’ operator. The only difference is that after a shift, the leftmost bit is set to 0 .

Next, let’s unsigned right shift twice on the numbers 12 and -12 to see the difference:

As we can see in the second example above, the >>> operator fills voids on the left with 0 irrespective of whether the number is positive or negative .

8. The “ instanceof ” Operator

Sometimes, when we have an object, we would like to test if it’s an instance of a given type . The “ instanceof ” operator can help us to do it:

9. Assignment Operators

We use assignment operators to assign values to variables. Next, let’s see which assignment operators we can use in Java.

9.1. The Simple Assignment Operator

The simple assignment operator (=) is a straightforward but important operator in Java. Actually, we’ve used it many times in previous examples. It assigns the value on its right to the operand on its left:

9.2. Compound Assignments

We’ve learned arithmetic operators. We can combine the arithmetic operators with the simple assignment operator to create compound assignments.

For example, we can write “ a = a + 5 ” in a compound way: “ a += 5 “.

Finally, let’s walk through all supported compound assignments in Java through examples:

10. Conclusion

Java provides many groups of operators for different functionalities. In this article, we’ve passed through the operators in Java.

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Symbols used for mathematical and logical manipulation that are recognized by the compiler are commonly known as operators in Java. In the third of five lessons on operators we look at the assignment operators available in Java.

Assignment Operators Overview  Top

The single equal sign = is used for assignment in Java and we have been using this throughout the lessons so far. This operator is fairly self explanatory and takes the form variable = expression; . A point to note here is that the type of variable must be compatible with the type of expression .

Shorthand Assignment Operators

The shorthand assignment operators allow us to write compact code that is implemented more efficiently.

Operator Meaning Example Result Notes
+=Addition 10
-=Subtraction 0
/=Division 3When used with an type, any remainder will be truncated.
*=Multiplication 25
%=Modulus 1Holds the remainder value of a division.

Will check both operands for values and assign or to the first operand dependant upon the outcome of the expression.

Will check both operands for values and assign or to the first operand dependant upon the outcome of the expression.

Will check both operands for different values and assign or to the first operand dependant upon the outcome of the expression.

Automatic Type Conversion, Assignment Rules  Top

The following table shows which types can be assigned to which other types, of course we can assign to the same type so these boxes are greyed out.

When using the table use a row for the left assignment and a column for the right assignment. So in the highlighted permutations byte = int won't convert and int = byte will convert.


Casting Incompatible Types  Top

The above table isn't the end of the story though as Java allows us to cast incompatible types. A cast instructs the compiler to convert one type to another enforcing an explicit type conversion.

A cast takes the form     target = (target-type) expression .

There are a couple of things to consider when casting incompatible types:

  • With narrowing conversions such as an int to a short there may be a loss of precision if the range of the int exceeds the range of a short as the high order bits will be removed.
  • When casting a floating-point type to an integer type the fractional component is lost through truncation.
  • The target-type can be the same type as the target or a narrowing conversion type.
  • The boolean type is not only incompatible but also inconvertible with other types.

Lets look at some code to see how casting works and the affect it has on values:

Running the Casting class produces the following output:

run casting

The first thing to note is we got a clean compile because of the casts, all the type conversions would fail otherwise. You might be suprised by some of the results shown in the screenshot above, for instance some of the values have become negative. Because we are truncating everything to a byte we are losing not only any fractional components and bits outside the range of a byte , but in some cases the signed bit as well. Casting can be very useful but just be aware of the implications to values when you enforce explicit type conversion.

Related Quiz

Fundamentals Quiz 8 - Assignment Operators Quiz

Lesson 9 Complete

In this lesson we looked at the assignment operators used in Java.

What's Next?

In the next lesson we look at the bitwise logical operators used in Java.

Getting Started

Code structure & syntax, java variables, primitives - boolean & char data types, primitives - numeric data types, method scope, arithmetic operators, relational & logical operators, assignment operators, assignment operators overview, automatic type conversion, casting incompatible types, bitwise logical operators, bitwise shift operators, if construct, switch construct, for construct, while construct.

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Assignment Operator in Java with Example

Assignment operator is one of the simplest and most used operator in java programming language. As the name itself suggests, the assignment operator is used to assign value inside a variable. In java we can divide assignment operator in two types :

  • Assignment operator or simple assignment operator
  • Compound assignment operators

What is assignment operator in java

The = operator in java is known as assignment or simple assignment operator. It assigns the value on its right side to the operand(variable) on its left side. For example :

The left-hand side of an assignment operator must be a variable while the right side of it should be a value which can be in the form of a constant value, a variable name, an expression, a method call returning a compatible value or a combination of these.

The value at right side of assignment operator must be compatible with the data type of left side variable, otherwise compiler will throw compilation error. Following are incorrect assignment :

Another important thing about assignment operator is that, it is evaluated from right to left . If there is an expression at right side of assignment operator, it is evaluated first then the resulted value is assigned in left side variable.

Here in statement int x = a + b + c; the expression a + b + c is evaluated first, then the resulted value( 60 ) is assigned into x . Similarly in statement a = b = c , first the value of c which is 30 is assigned into b and then the value of b which is now 30 is assigned into a .

The variable at left side of an assignment operator can also be a non-primitive variable. For example if we have a class MyFirstProgram , we can assign object of MyFirstProgram class using = operator in MyFirstProgram type variable.

Is == an assignment operator ?

No , it's not an assignment operator, it's a relational operator used to compare two values.

Is assignment operator a binary operator

Yes , as it requires two operands.

Assignment operator program in Java

a = 2 b = 2 c = 4 d = 4 e = false

Java compound assignment operators

The assignment operator can be mixed or compound with other operators like addition, subtraction, multiplication etc. We call such assignment operators as compound assignment operator. For example :

Here the statement a += 10; is the short version of a = a + 10; the operator += is basically addition compound assignment operator. Similarly b *= 5; is short version of b = b * 5; the operator *= is multiplication compound assignment operator. The compound assignment can be in more complex form as well, like below :

List of all assignment operators in Java

The table below shows the list of all possible assignment(simple and compound) operators in java. Consider a is an integer variable for this table.

Operator Example Same As
= a = 10 a = 10
+= a += 5 a = a + 5
-= a -= 3 a = a - 3
*= a *= 6 a = a * 6
/= a /= 5 a = a / 5
%= a %= 7 a = a % 7
&= a &= 3 a = a & 3
|= a |= 3 a = a | 3
^= a ^= 2 a = a ^ 2
>>= a >>= 3 a = a >> 3
>>>= a >>>= 3 a = a >>> 3
<<= a <<= 2 a = a << 2

How many assignment operators are there in Java ?

Including simple and compound assignment we have total 12 assignment operators in java as given in above table.

What is shorthand operator in Java ?

Shorthand operators are nothing new they are just a shorter way to write something that is already available in java language. For example the code a += 5 is shorter way to write a = a + 5 , so += is a shorthand operator. In java all the compound assignment operator(given above) and the increment/decrement operators are basically shorthand operators.

Compound assignment operator program in Java

a = 20 b = 80 c = 30 s = 64 s2 = 110 b2 = 15

What is the difference between += and =+ in Java?

An expression a += 1 will result as a = a + 1 while the expression a =+ 1 will result as a = +1 . The correct compound statement is += , not =+ , so do not use the later one.

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  • Java Expressions, Statements and Blocks

Java Flow Control

  • Java if...else Statement

Java Ternary Operator

  • Java for Loop
  • Java for-each Loop
  • Java while and do...while Loop
  • Java break Statement
  • Java continue Statement
  • Java switch Statement
  • Java Arrays
  • Java Multidimensional Arrays
  • Java Copy Arrays

Java OOP(I)

  • Java Class and Objects
  • Java Methods
  • Java Method Overloading
  • Java Constructors
  • Java Static Keyword
  • Java Strings
  • Java Access Modifiers
  • Java this Keyword
  • Java final keyword
  • Java Recursion

Java instanceof Operator

Java OOP(II)

  • Java Inheritance
  • Java Method Overriding
  • Java Abstract Class and Abstract Methods
  • Java Interface
  • Java Polymorphism
  • Java Encapsulation


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  • Java Collections Framework
  • Java Collection Interface
  • Java ArrayList
  • Java Vector
  • Java Stack Class
  • Java Queue Interface
  • Java PriorityQueue
  • Java Deque Interface
  • Java LinkedList
  • Java ArrayDeque
  • Java BlockingQueue
  • Java ArrayBlockingQueue
  • Java LinkedBlockingQueue
  • Java Map Interface
  • Java HashMap
  • Java LinkedHashMap
  • Java WeakHashMap
  • Java EnumMap
  • Java SortedMap Interface
  • Java NavigableMap Interface
  • Java TreeMap
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  • Java Set Interface
  • Java HashSet Class
  • Java EnumSet
  • Java LinkedHashSet
  • Java SortedSet Interface
  • Java NavigableSet Interface
  • Java TreeSet
  • Java Algorithms
  • Java Iterator Interface
  • Java ListIterator Interface

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  • Java BufferedOutputStream Class
  • Java PrintStream Class

Java Reader/Writer

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  • Java Reader Class
  • Java Writer Class
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  • Java OutputStreamWriter Class
  • Java FileReader Class
  • Java FileWriter Class
  • Java BufferedReader
  • Java BufferedWriter Class
  • Java StringReader Class
  • Java StringWriter Class
  • Java PrintWriter Class

Additional Topics

  • Java Keywords and Identifiers

Java Operator Precedence

Java Bitwise and Shift Operators

  • Java Scanner Class
  • Java Type Casting
  • Java Wrapper Class
  • Java autoboxing and unboxing
  • Java Lambda Expressions
  • Java Generics
  • Nested Loop in Java
  • Java Command-Line Arguments

Java Tutorials

  • Java Math IEEEremainder()

Operators are symbols that perform operations on variables and values. For example, + is an operator used for addition, while * is also an operator used for multiplication.

Operators in Java can be classified into 5 types:

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Unary Operators
  • Bitwise Operators

1. Java Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on variables and data. For example,

Here, the + operator is used to add two variables a and b . Similarly, there are various other arithmetic operators in Java.

Operator Operation
Modulo Operation (Remainder after division)

Example 1: Arithmetic Operators

In the above example, we have used + , - , and * operators to compute addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations.

/ Division Operator

Note the operation, a / b in our program. The / operator is the division operator.

If we use the division operator with two integers, then the resulting quotient will also be an integer. And, if one of the operands is a floating-point number, we will get the result will also be in floating-point.

% Modulo Operator

The modulo operator % computes the remainder. When a = 7 is divided by b = 4 , the remainder is 3 .

Note : The % operator is mainly used with integers.

2. Java Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used in Java to assign values to variables. For example,

Here, = is the assignment operator. It assigns the value on its right to the variable on its left. That is, 5 is assigned to the variable age .

Let's see some more assignment operators available in Java.

Operator Example Equivalent to

Example 2: Assignment Operators

3. java relational operators.

Relational operators are used to check the relationship between two operands. For example,

Here, < operator is the relational operator. It checks if a is less than b or not.

It returns either true or false .

Operator Description Example
Is Equal To returns
Not Equal To returns
Greater Than returns
Less Than returns
Greater Than or Equal To returns
Less Than or Equal To returns

Example 3: Relational Operators

Note : Relational operators are used in decision making and loops.

4. Java Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to check whether an expression is true or false . They are used in decision making.

Operator Example Meaning
(Logical AND) expression1 expression2 only if both and are
(Logical OR) expression1 expression2 if either or is
(Logical NOT) expression if is and vice versa

Example 4: Logical Operators

Working of Program

  • (5 > 3) && (8 > 5) returns true because both (5 > 3) and (8 > 5) are true .
  • (5 > 3) && (8 < 5) returns false because the expression (8 < 5) is false .
  • (5 < 3) || (8 > 5) returns true because the expression (8 > 5) is true .
  • (5 > 3) || (8 < 5) returns true because the expression (5 > 3) is true .
  • (5 < 3) || (8 < 5) returns false because both (5 < 3) and (8 < 5) are false .
  • !(5 == 3) returns true because 5 == 3 is false .
  • !(5 > 3) returns false because 5 > 3 is true .

5. Java Unary Operators

Unary operators are used with only one operand. For example, ++ is a unary operator that increases the value of a variable by 1 . That is, ++5 will return 6 .

Different types of unary operators are:

Operator Meaning
: not necessary to use since numbers are positive without using it
: inverts the sign of an expression
: increments value by 1
: decrements value by 1
: inverts the value of a boolean
  • Increment and Decrement Operators

Java also provides increment and decrement operators: ++ and -- respectively. ++ increases the value of the operand by 1 , while -- decrease it by 1 . For example,

Here, the value of num gets increased to 6 from its initial value of 5 .

Example 5: Increment and Decrement Operators

In the above program, we have used the ++ and -- operator as prefixes (++a, --b) . We can also use these operators as postfix (a++, b++) .

There is a slight difference when these operators are used as prefix versus when they are used as a postfix.

To learn more about these operators, visit increment and decrement operators .

6. Java Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators in Java are used to perform operations on individual bits. For example,

Here, ~ is a bitwise operator. It inverts the value of each bit ( 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 ).

The various bitwise operators present in Java are:

Operator Description
Bitwise Complement
Left Shift
Right Shift
Unsigned Right Shift
Bitwise AND
Bitwise exclusive OR

These operators are not generally used in Java. To learn more, visit Java Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators .

Other operators

Besides these operators, there are other additional operators in Java.

The instanceof operator checks whether an object is an instanceof a particular class. For example,

Here, str is an instance of the String class. Hence, the instanceof operator returns true . To learn more, visit Java instanceof .

The ternary operator (conditional operator) is shorthand for the if-then-else statement. For example,

Here's how it works.

  • If the Expression is true , expression1 is assigned to the variable .
  • If the Expression is false , expression2 is assigned to the variable .

Let's see an example of a ternary operator.

In the above example, we have used the ternary operator to check if the year is a leap year or not. To learn more, visit the Java ternary operator .

Now that you know about Java operators, it's time to know about the order in which operators are evaluated. To learn more, visit Java Operator Precedence .

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Java Arithmetic Operators
  • Java Assignment Operators
  • Java Relational Operators
  • Java Logical Operators
  • Java Unary Operators
  • Java Bitwise Operators

Sorry about that.

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Java Assignment Operators


Assigning a value to a variable seems straightforward enough; you simply assign the stuff on the right side of the '= 'to the variable on the left. Below statement 1 assigning value 10 to variable x and statement 2 is creating String object called name and assigning value "Amit" to it.

Assignment can be of various types. Let’s discuss each in detail.

Primitive Assignment:

The equal (=) sign is used for assigning a value to a variable. We can assign a primitive variable using a literal or the result of an expression.

Primitive Casting

Casting lets you convert primitive values from one type to another. We need to provide casting when we are trying to assign higher precision primitive to lower precision primitive for example If we try to assign int variable (which is in the range of byte variable) to byte variable then the compiler will throw an exception called "possible loss of precision". Eclipse IDE will suggest the solution as well as shown below. To avoid such problem we should use type casting which will instruct compiler for type conversion.

assignment operator image-1

For cases where we try to assign smaller container variable to larger container variables we do not need of explicit casting. The compiler will take care of those type conversions. For example, we can assign byte variable or short variable to an int without any explicit casting.

assignment operator image-2

Assigning Literal that is too large for a variable

When we try to assign a variable value which is too large (or out of range ) for a primitive variable then the compiler will throw exception “possible loss of precision” if we try to provide explicit cast then the compiler will accept it but narrowed down the value using two’s complement method. Let’s take an example of the byte which has 8-bit storage space and range -128 to 127. In below program we are trying to assign 129 literal value to byte primitive type which is out of range for byte so compiler converted it to -127 using two’s complement method. Refer link for two’s complement calculation ('s_complement)

Java Code: Go to the editor

assignment operator image-3

Reference variable assignment

We can assign newly created object to object reference variable as below

First line will do following things,

  • Makes a reference variable named s of type String
  • Creates a new String object on the heap memory
  • Assigns the newly created String object to the reference variables

You can also assign null to an object reference variable, which simply means the variable is not referring to any object. The below statement creates space for the Employee reference variable (the bit holder for a reference value) but doesn't create an actual Employee object.

Compound Assignment Operators

Sometime we need to modify the same variable value and reassigned it to a same reference variable. Java allows you to combine assignment and addition operators using a shorthand operator. For example, the preceding statement can be written as:

The += is called the addition assignment operator. Other shorthand operators are shown below table

Operator Name Example Equivalent
+= Addition assignment i+=5; i=i+5
-= Subtraction assignment j-=10; j=j-10;
*= Multiplication assignment k*=2; k=k*2;
/= Division assignment x/=10; x=x/10;
%= Remainder assignment a%=4; a=a%4;

Below is the sample program explaining assignment operators:

assignment operator image-4

  • Assigning a value to can be straight forward or casting.
  • If we assign the value which is out of range of variable type then 2’s complement is assigned.
  • Java supports shortcut/compound assignment operator.

Java Code Editor:

Previous: Wrapper classes Next: Arithmetic Operator

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Java provides many types of operators which can be used according to the need. They are classified based on the functionality they provide. In this article, we will learn about Java Operators and learn all their types.

What are the Java Operators?

Operators in Java are the symbols used for performing specific operations in Java. Operators make tasks like addition, multiplication, etc which look easy although the implementation of these tasks is quite complex.

Types of Operators in Java

There are multiple types of operators in Java all are mentioned below:

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Unary Operators
  • Assignment Operator
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Ternary Operator
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Shift Operators
  • instance of operator

1. Arithmetic Operators

They are used to perform simple arithmetic operations on primitive data types. 

  • * : Multiplication
  • / : Division
  • + : Addition
  • – : Subtraction

2. Unary Operators

Unary operators need only one operand. They are used to increment, decrement, or negate a value. 

  • – : Unary minus , used for negating the values.
  • + : Unary plus indicates the positive value (numbers are positive without this, however). It performs an automatic conversion to int when the type of its operand is the byte, char, or short. This is called unary numeric promotion.
  • Post-Increment: Value is first used for computing the result and then incremented.
  • Pre-Increment: Value is incremented first, and then the result is computed.
  • Post-decrement: Value is first used for computing the result and then decremented.
  • Pre-Decrement: The value is decremented first, and then the result is computed.
  • ! : Logical not operator , used for inverting a boolean value.

3. Assignment Operator

 ‘=’ Assignment operator is used to assign a value to any variable. It has right-to-left associativity, i.e. value given on the right-hand side of the operator is assigned to the variable on the left, and therefore right-hand side value must be declared before using it or should be a constant. 

The general format of the assignment operator is:

In many cases, the assignment operator can be combined with other operators to build a shorter version of the statement called a Compound Statement . For example, instead of a = a+5, we can write a += 5. 

  • += , for adding the left operand with the right operand and then assigning it to the variable on the left.
  • -= , for subtracting the right operand from the left operand and then assigning it to the variable on the left.
  • *= , for multiplying the left operand with the right operand and then assigning it to the variable on the left.
  • /= , for dividing the left operand by the right operand and then assigning it to the variable on the left.
  • %= , for assigning the modulo of the left operand by the right operand and then assigning it to the variable on the left.

4. Relational Operators

These operators are used to check for relations like equality, greater than, and less than. They return boolean results after the comparison and are extensively used in looping statements as well as conditional if-else statements. The general format is, 

Some of the relational operators are- 

  • ==, Equal to returns true if the left-hand side is equal to the right-hand side.
  • !=, Not Equal to returns true if the left-hand side is not equal to the right-hand side.
  • <, less than: returns true if the left-hand side is less than the right-hand side.
  • <=, less than or equal to returns true if the left-hand side is less than or equal to the right-hand side.
  • >, Greater than: returns true if the left-hand side is greater than the right-hand side.
  • >=, Greater than or equal to returns true if the left-hand side is greater than or equal to the right-hand side.

5. Logical Operators

These operators are used to perform “logical AND” and “logical OR” operations, i.e., a function similar to AND gate and OR gate in digital electronics. One thing to keep in mind is the second condition is not evaluated if the first one is false, i.e., it has a short-circuiting effect. Used extensively to test for several conditions for making a decision. Java also has “Logical NOT”, which returns true when the condition is false and vice-versa

Conditional operators are:

  • &&, Logical AND: returns true when both conditions are true.
  • ||, Logical OR: returns true if at least one condition is true.
  • !, Logical NOT: returns true when a condition is false and vice-versa

6. Ternary operator

The ternary operator is a shorthand version of the if-else statement. It has three operands and hence the name Ternary.

The general format is:

The above statement means that if the condition evaluates to true, then execute the statements after the ‘?’ else execute the statements after the ‘:’.  

7. Bitwise Operators

These operators are used to perform the manipulation of individual bits of a number. They can be used with any of the integer types. They are used when performing update and query operations of the Binary indexed trees. 

  • &, Bitwise AND operator: returns bit by bit AND of input values.
  • |, Bitwise OR operator: returns bit by bit OR of input values.
  • ^, Bitwise XOR operator: returns bit-by-bit XOR of input values.
  • ~, Bitwise Complement Operator: This is a unary operator which returns the one’s complement representation of the input value, i.e., with all bits inverted.

8. Shift Operators

These operators are used to shift the bits of a number left or right, thereby multiplying or dividing the number by two, respectively. They can be used when we have to multiply or divide a number by two. General format- 

  • <<, Left shift operator: shifts the bits of the number to the left and fills 0 on voids left as a result. Similar effect as multiplying the number with some power of two.
  • >>, Signed Right shift operator: shifts the bits of the number to the right and fills 0 on voids left as a result. The leftmost bit depends on the sign of the initial number. Similar effect to dividing the number with some power of two.
  • >>>, Unsigned Right shift operator: shifts the bits of the number to the right and fills 0 on voids left as a result. The leftmost bit is set to 0.

9. instanceof operator

The instance of the operator is used for type checking. It can be used to test if an object is an instance of a class, a subclass, or an interface. General format- 

Precedence and Associativity of Java Operators

Precedence and associative rules are used when dealing with hybrid equations involving more than one type of operator. In such cases, these rules determine which part of the equation to consider first, as there can be many different valuations for the same equation. The below table depicts the precedence of operators in decreasing order as magnitude, with the top representing the highest precedence and the bottom showing the lowest precedence.

Precedence and Associativity of Operators in Java

Interesting Questions about Java Operators 

1. precedence and associativity:.

 There is often confusion when it comes to hybrid equations which are equations having multiple operators. The problem is which part to solve first. There is a golden rule to follow in these situations. If the operators have different precedence, solve the higher precedence first. If they have the same precedence, solve according to associativity, that is, either from right to left or from left to right. The explanation of the below program is well written in comments within the program itself.

2. Be a Compiler: 

The compiler in our systems uses a lex tool to match the greatest match when generating tokens. This creates a bit of a problem if overlooked. For example, consider the statement a=b+++c ; too many of the readers might seem to create a compiler error. But this statement is absolutely correct as the token created by lex is a, =, b, ++, +, c. Therefore, this statement has a similar effect of first assigning b+c to a and then incrementing b. Similarly, a=b+++++c; would generate an error as the tokens generated are a, =, b, ++, ++, +, c. which is actually an error as there is no operand after the second unary operand.

3. Using + over (): 

When using the + operator inside system.out.println() make sure to do addition using parenthesis. If we write something before doing addition, then string addition takes place, that is, associativity of addition is left to right, and hence integers are added to a string first producing a string, and string objects concatenate when using +. Therefore it can create unwanted results.

Advantages of Operators in Java

The advantages of using operators in Java are mentioned below:

  • Expressiveness : Operators in Java provide a concise and readable way to perform complex calculations and logical operations.
  • Time-Saving: Operators in Java save time by reducing the amount of code required to perform certain tasks.
  • Improved Performance : Using operators can improve performance because they are often implemented at the hardware level, making them faster than equivalent Java code.

Disadvantages of Operators in Java

The disadvantages of Operators in Java are mentioned below:

  • Operator Precedence: Operators in Java have a defined precedence, which can lead to unexpected results if not used properly.
  • Type Coercion : Java performs implicit type conversions when using operators, which can lead to unexpected results or errors if not used properly.

FAQs in Java Operators

1. what is operators in java with example.

Operators are the special symbols that are used for performing certain operations. For example, ‘+’ is used for addition where 5+4 will return the value 9.

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Assignment Operators in java

We can write the same statement in two different ways as follows. I have a question with providing two outputs for the value of x as follows.

It is clear that this is because, 1. In the first statemnt x is multiplied by 2 then add 5. 2. In the second statemnt add 5 to 2 together then multiplied by x. But why is it acting like this?

trashgod's user avatar

  • 1 See also JLS §15.26 Assignment Operators . –  trashgod Commented Feb 13, 2012 at 6:15

5 Answers 5

Because your sec statement will be evaluated as x = x * (2+5);

While in the first case, its normal left to right precedence.Java guarantees that all operands of an operator are fully evaluated before the operator is applied.

A compound assignment operator has the following syntax:

and the following semantics:

The type of the "variable" is "type", and the "variable" is evaluated only once. Note the cast and the parentheses implied in the semantics. Here "op" can be any of the compound assignment operators(*,%, / etc). The compound assignment operators have the lowest precedence of all the operators in Java, allowing the expression on the right-hand side to be evaluated before the assignment.

Shashank Kadne's user avatar

  • As I mentioned above, It is clear that this is because, 1. In the first statemnt x is multiplied by 2 then add 5. 2. In the second statemnt add 5 to 2 together then multiplied by x. But my question is why is it acting like this? What's the rule behind this? –  namalfernandolk Commented Feb 13, 2012 at 6:14
  • That is because the right hand side of the statement is always executed first –  Sunil Kumar B M Commented Feb 13, 2012 at 6:17
  • @NamalFernando: See trashgod's comment on your question -- that's how the operator is defined. (Also this is how it works in C, from which most languages borrow this operator.) –  casablanca Commented Feb 13, 2012 at 6:18
  • @ casablanca : Yep, I got it now. –  namalfernandolk Commented Feb 13, 2012 at 6:20

See: Operator precedence in Java . * binds tighter than + which both are tighter than = or *= .

perelman's user avatar

In your first statement x=x*2+5 it gives x=25 because * has higher priority compare to +. so It evaulates like

In your second statement you can see it has bracket.So openinng bracket ( has higer priority compare to *.So it first calculate the bracket data and then it multiply with x.

Suresh's user avatar

For the case 2 The operator '=' has lowest priory so operand 2 + 5 evaluated then operator '*=' evaluated (because operator = has lowest priory than '+'). Only in that time the operator ' ' come in to the scene. So 10 * 7 is assigned to X

nidhin's user avatar

This is an example of combining an arithmetic operator with the simple assignment operator to create compound assignments . With a simple assignment operator, the value on the right of the operator is calculated and assigned to the operand on its left. For example:

obviously gives a value for x of 7.

The compound assignment operator follows the same basic idea: the value on the right of the operator is calculated, modified by the compound assignment operator (in this case multiplying the existing value of x by the final calculated value 7, and assigned to the operand on the left.

happydude's user avatar

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Vulnerability Summary for the Week of July 15, 2024

The CISA Vulnerability Bulletin provides a summary of new vulnerabilities that have been recorded by the  National Institute of Standards and Technology  (NIST)  National Vulnerability Database  (NVD) in the past week. In some cases, the vulnerabilities in the bulletin may not yet have assigned CVSS scores. Please visit NVD for updated vulnerability entries, which include CVSS scores once they are available.

Vulnerabilities are based on the  Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures  (CVE) vulnerability naming standard and are organized according to severity, determined by the  Common Vulnerability Scoring System  (CVSS) standard. The division of high, medium, and low severities correspond to the following scores:

  • High : vulnerabilities with a CVSS base score of 7.0–10.0
  • Medium : vulnerabilities with a CVSS base score of 4.0–6.9
  • Low : vulnerabilities with a CVSS base score of 0.0–3.9

Entries may include additional information provided by organizations and efforts sponsored by CISA. This information may include identifying information, values, definitions, and related links. Patch information is provided when available. Please note that some of the information in the bulletin is compiled from external, open-source reports and is not a direct result of CISA analysis.  

High Vulnerabilities

Vendor -- Product
DescriptionPublishedCVSS ScoreSource InfoPatch Info
1Panel is a web-based linux server management control panel. 1Panel contains an unspecified sql injection via User-Agent handling. This issue has been addressed in version 1.10.12-lts. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-18

1Panel is a web-based linux server management control panel. There are many sql injections in the project, and some of them are not well filtered, leading to arbitrary file writes, and ultimately leading to RCEs. These sql injections have been resolved in version 1.10.12-tls. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for these issues.2024-07-18
a3rev Software--WooCommerce Predictive Search
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in a3rev Software WooCommerce Predictive Search allows Reflected XSS.This issue affects WooCommerce Predictive Search: from n/a through
abb -- mint_workbench
Unquoted Search Path or Element vulnerability in ABB Mint Workbench. A local attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could gain elevated privileges by inserting an executable file in the path of the affected service. This issue affects Mint Workbench I versions: from 5866 before 5868.2024-07-15
apache -- airflow
Apache Airflow 2.4.0, and versions before 2.9.3, has a vulnerability that allows authenticated DAG authors to craft a doc_md parameter in a way that could execute arbitrary code in the scheduler context, which should be forbidden according to the Airflow Security model. Users should upgrade to version 2.9.3 or later which has removed the vulnerability.2024-07-17

apache -- cxf
An improper input validation of the p2c parameter in the Apache CXF JOSE code before 4.0.5, 3.6.4 and 3.5.9 allows an attacker to perform a denial of service attack by specifying a large value for this parameter in a token. 2024-07-19
apache -- linkis
In Apache Linkis <= 1.5.0, data source management module, when adding Mysql data source, exists remote code execution vulnerability for java version < 1.8.0_241. The deserialization vulnerability exploited through jrmp can inject malicious files into the server and execute them. This attack requires the attacker to obtain an authorized account from Linkis before it can be carried out.  We recommend that users upgrade the java version to >= 1.8.0_241. Or users upgrade Linkis to version
apache -- linkis
In Apache Linkis <=1.5.0, due to the lack of effective filtering of parameters, an attacker configuring malicious db2 parameters in the DataSource Manager Module will result in jndi injection. Therefore, the parameters in the DB2 URL should be blacklisted.  This attack requires the attacker to obtain an authorized account from Linkis before it can be carried out. Versions of Apache Linkis <=1.5.0 will be affected. We recommend users upgrade the version of Linkis to version
Appmaker--Appmaker Convert WooCommerce to Android & iOS Native Mobile Apps
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Appmaker Appmaker - Convert WooCommerce to Android & iOS Native Mobile Apps allows Reflected XSS.This issue affects Appmaker - Convert WooCommerce to Android & iOS Native Mobile Apps: from n/a through
baramundi--Management Agent
Local Privilege Escalation in MSI-Installer in baramundi Management Agent v23.1.172.0 on Windows allows a local unprivileged user to escalate privileges to SYSTEM.2024-07-15
Sliver is an open source cross-platform adversary emulation/red team framework, it can be used by organizations of all sizes to perform security testing. Sliver version 1.6.0 (prerelease) is vulnerable to RCE on the teamserver by a low-privileged "operator" user. The RCE is as the system root user. The exploit is pretty fun as we make the Sliver server pwn itself. As described in a past issue (#65), "there is a clear security boundary between the operator and server, an operator should not inherently be able to run commands or code on the server." An operator who exploited this vulnerability would be able to view all console logs, kick all other operators, view and modify files stored on the server, and ultimately delete the server. This issue has not yet be addressed but is expected to be resolved before the full release of version 1.6.0. Users of the 1.6.0 prerelease should avoid using Silver in production.2024-07-18

brizy -- brizy-page_builder
The Brizy - Page Builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to arbitrary file uploads due to missing file extension validation in the validateImageContent function called via storeImages in all versions up to, and including, 2.4.43. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor access and above, to upload arbitrary files on the affected site's server which may make remote code execution possible. Version 2.4.44 prevents the upload of files ending in .sh and .php. Version 2.4.45 fully patches the issue.2024-07-18

cellopoint -- secure_email_gateway
The SMTP Listener of Secure Email Gateway from Cellopoint does not properly validate user input, leading to a Buffer Overflow vulnerability. An unauthenticated remote attacker can exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary system commands on the remote server.2024-07-15

cifi--SEO Plugin by Squirrly SEO
The SEO Plugin by Squirrly SEO plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the 'url' parameter in all versions up to, and including, 12.3.19 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-07-20

Cisco--Cisco Intelligent Node Manager
A vulnerability in Cisco Intelligent Node (iNode) Software could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to hijack the TLS connection between Cisco iNode Manager and associated intelligent nodes and send arbitrary traffic to an affected device. This vulnerability is due to the presence of hard-coded cryptographic material. An attacker in a man-in-the-middle position between Cisco iNode Manager and associated deployed nodes could exploit this vulnerability by using the static cryptographic key to generate a trusted certificate and impersonate an affected device. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to read data that is meant for a legitimate device, modify the startup configuration of an associated node, and, consequently, cause a denial of service (DoS) condition for downstream devices that are connected to the affected node.2024-07-17
Cisco--Cisco Secure Email
A vulnerability in the content scanning and message filtering features of Cisco Secure Email Gateway could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to overwrite arbitrary files on the underlying operating system. This vulnerability is due to improper handling of email attachments when file analysis and content filters are enabled. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending an email that contains a crafted attachment through an affected device. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to replace any file on the underlying file system. The attacker could then perform any of the following actions: add users with root privileges, modify the device configuration, execute arbitrary code, or cause a permanent denial of service (DoS) condition on the affected device. Note: Manual intervention is required to recover from the DoS condition. Customers are advised to contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) to help recover a device in this condition.2024-07-17
Cisco--Cisco Secure Web Appliance
A vulnerability in the CLI of Cisco AsyncOS for Secure Web Appliance could allow an authenticated, local attacker to execute arbitrary commands and elevate privileges to root. This vulnerability is due to insufficient validation of user-supplied input for the CLI. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by authenticating to the system and executing a crafted command on the affected device. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to execute arbitrary commands on the underlying operating system and elevate privileges to root. To successfully exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would need at least guest credentials.2024-07-17
Cisco--Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem
A vulnerability in the authentication system of Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem (SSM On-Prem) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to change the password of any user, including administrative users. This vulnerability is due to improper implementation of the password-change process. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending crafted HTTP requests to an affected device. A successful exploit could allow an attacker to access the web UI or API with the privileges of the compromised user.2024-07-17
code-projects -- simple_task_list
A vulnerability was found in itsourcecode Simple Task List 1.0. It has been classified as critical. This affects the function insertUserRecord of the file signUp.php. The manipulation of the argument username leads to sql injection. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-271707.2024-07-17

code-projects -- simple_ticket_booking
A vulnerability classified as critical has been found in code-projects Simple Ticket Booking 1.0. Affected is an unknown function of the file adminauthenticate.php of the component Login. The manipulation of the argument email/password leads to sql injection. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-271476.2024-07-15
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in codoc.Jp allows Stored XSS.This issue affects codoc: from n/a through
computer_laboratory_management_system_project -- computer_laboratory_management_system
A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, was found in SourceCodester Computer Laboratory Management System 1.0. Affected is an unknown function of the file /lms/classes/Master.php?f=save_record. The manipulation of the argument id leads to sql injection. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-271704.2024-07-17

document_management_system_project -- document_management_system
A vulnerability has been found in itsourcecode Document Management System 1.0 and classified as critical. Affected by this vulnerability is an unknown functionality of the file insert.php. The manipulation of the argument anothercont leads to sql injection. The attack can be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The identifier VDB-271705 was assigned to this vulnerability.2024-07-17

easyspider -- easyspider
A vulnerability classified as problematic was found in NaiboWang EasySpider 0.6.2 on Windows. Affected by this vulnerability is an unknown functionality of the file \EasySpider\resources\app\server.js of the component HTTP GET Request Handler. The manipulation with the input /../../../../../../../../../Windows/win.ini leads to path traversal: '../filedir'. The attack needs to be done within the local network. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The identifier VDB-271477 was assigned to this vulnerability. NOTE: The code maintainer explains, that this is not a big issue "because the default is that the software runs locally without going through the Internet".2024-07-15

Eclipse Foundation--Parsson
In Eclipse Parsson before 1.0.4 and 1.1.3, a document with a large depth of nested objects can allow an attacker to cause a Java stack overflow exception and denial of service. Eclipse Parsson allows processing (e.g. parse, generate, transform and query) JSON documents.2024-07-17
elearningfreak -- insert_or_embed_articulate_content
The Insert or Embed Articulate Content into WordPress plugin before 4.3000000024 does not prevent authors from uploading arbitrary files to the site, which may allow them to upload PHP shells on affected sites.2024-07-15
electronic_official_document_management_system_project -- electronic_official_document_management_system
The access control in the Electronic Official Document Management System from 2100 TECHNOLOGY is not properly implemented, allowing remote attackers with regular privileges to access the account settings functionality and create an administrator account.2024-07-15

foliovision -- fv_flowplayer_video_player
The FV Flowplayer Video Player plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to time-based SQL Injection via the 'exclude' parameter in all versions up to, and including, due to insufficient escaping on the user supplied parameter and lack of sufficient preparation on the existing SQL query. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to append additional SQL queries into already existing queries that can be used to extract sensitive information from the database.2024-07-19

getdbt -- dbt_core
dbt enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using the same practices that software engineers use to build applications. When a user installs a package in dbt, it has the ability to override macros, materializations, and other core components of dbt. This is by design, as it allows packages to extend and customize dbt's functionality. However, this also means that a malicious package could potentially override these components with harmful code. This issue has been fixed in versions 1.8.0, 1.6.14 and 1.7.14. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no kn own workarounds for this vulnerability. Users updating to either 1.6.14 or 1.7.14 will need to set `flags.require_explicit_package_overrides_for_builtin_materializations: False` in their configuration in `dbt_project.yml`.2024-07-16

GitHub--GitHub Enterprise Server
A Denial of Service vulnerability was identified in GitHub Enterprise Server that allowed an attacker to cause unbounded resource exhaustion by sending a large payload to the Git server. This vulnerability affected all versions of GitHub Enterprise Server prior to 3.14 and was fixed in version 3.13.1, 3.12.6, 3.11.12, 3.10.14, and 3.9.17. This vulnerability was reported via the GitHub Bug Bounty program.2024-07-16

google -- chrome
Use after free in DevTools in Google Chrome prior to 122.0.6261.57 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-07-16

google -- chrome
Use after free in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 121.0.6167.139 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16

google -- chrome
Use after free in WebRTC in Google Chrome prior to 121.0.6167.85 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16

google -- chrome
Use after free in Accessibility in Google Chrome prior to 122.0.6261.57 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to potentially exploit heap corruption via specific UI gestures. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-07-16

google -- chrome
Insufficient data validation in DevTools in Google Chrome prior to 121.0.6167.85 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to execute arbitrary code via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16

google -- chrome
Insufficient data validation in Updater in Google Chrome prior to 120.0.6099.62 allowed a remote attacker to perform OS-level privilege escalation via a malicious file. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16

google -- chrome
Inappropriate implementation in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 119.0.6045.105 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit object corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16

google -- chrome
Out of bounds write in SwiftShader in Google Chrome prior to 117.0.5938.62 allowed a remote attacker to perform an out of bounds memory write via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16

A command injection vulnerability was found in the IndieAuth functionality of the Ruby on Rails based Haven blog web application. The affected functionality requires authentication, but an attacker can craft a link that they can pass to a logged in administrator of the blog software. This leads to the immediate execution of the provided commands when the link is accessed by the authenticated administrator. This issue may lead to Remote Code Execution (RCE) and has been addressed by commit `c52f07c`. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-19

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)--HPE 3PAR Service Processor
The vulnerability could be remotely exploited to bypass authentication.2024-07-16
ibm -- datacap
IBM Datacap Navigator 9.1.5, 9.1.6, 9.1.7, 9.1.8, and 9.1.9 is vulnerable to HTTP header injection, caused by improper validation of input by the HOST headers. This could allow an attacker to conduct various attacks against the vulnerable system, including cross-site scripting, cache poisoning or session hijacking. IBM X-Force ID: 296003.2024-07-15

ibm -- datacap
IBM Datacap Navigator 9.1.5, 9.1.6, 9.1.7, 9.1.8, and 9.1.9 uses weaker than expected cryptographic algorithms that could allow an attacker to decrypt highly sensitive information. IBM X-Force ID: 295970.2024-07-15

IBM--Engineering Requirements Management DOORS
IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Web Access is vulnerable to an XML External Entity Injection (XXE) attack when processing XML data. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to expose sensitive information or consume memory resources. IBM X-Force ID: 273335.2024-07-18

iThemelandCo--WooCommerce Report
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in iThemelandCo WooCommerce Report allows Reflected XSS.This issue affects WooCommerce Report: from n/a through
jkev -- record_managment_system
A vulnerability was found in SourceCodester Record Management System 1.0. It has been rated as critical. This issue affects some unknown processing of the file edit_emp.php. The manipulation of the argument id leads to sql injection. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The identifier VDB-271925 was assigned to this vulnerability.2024-07-19

jkev -- record_managment_system
A vulnerability classified as critical has been found in SourceCodester Record Management System 1.0. Affected is an unknown function of the file entry.php. The manipulation of the argument school leads to sql injection. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. VDB-271926 is the identifier assigned to this vulnerability.2024-07-19

jkev -- record_managment_system
A vulnerability classified as critical was found in SourceCodester Record Management System 1.0. Affected by this vulnerability is an unknown functionality of the file sort_user.php. The manipulation of the argument sort leads to sql injection. The attack can be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-271927.2024-07-19

jkev -- record_managment_system
A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, has been found in SourceCodester Record Management System 1.0. Affected by this issue is some unknown functionality of the file sort1_user.php. The manipulation of the argument position leads to sql injection. The attack may be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-271928.2024-07-19

Johnson Controls--Software House CCURE 9000 Installer
Under certain circumstances the Software House C?CURE 9000 Site Server provides insufficient protection of directories containing executables.2024-07-16

JumpServer is an open-source Privileged Access Management (PAM) tool that provides DevOps and IT teams with on-demand and secure access to SSH, RDP, Kubernetes, Database and RemoteApp endpoints through a web browser. An attacker can exploit the ansible playbook to read arbitrary files in the celery container, leading to sensitive information disclosure. The Celery container runs as root and has database access, allowing the attacker to steal all secrets for hosts, create a new JumpServer account with admin privileges, or manipulate the database in other ways. This issue has been addressed in release versions 3.10.12 and 4.0.0. It is recommended to upgrade the safe versions. There is no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-18
JumpServer is an open-source Privileged Access Management (PAM) tool that provides DevOps and IT teams with on-demand and secure access to SSH, RDP, Kubernetes, Database and RemoteApp endpoints through a web browser. An attacker can exploit the Ansible playbook to write arbitrary files, leading to remote code execution (RCE) in the Celery container. The Celery container runs as root and has database access, allowing an attacker to steal all secrets for hosts, create a new JumpServer account with admin privileges, or manipulate the database in other ways. This issue has been patched in release versions 3.10.12 and 4.0.0. It is recommended to upgrade the safe versions. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-18
JupyterLab extension template is a `copier` template for JupyterLab extensions. Repositories created using this template with `test` option include `update-integration-tests.yml` workflow which has an RCE vulnerability. Extension authors hosting their code on GitHub are urged to upgrade the template to the latest version. Users who made changes to `update-integration-tests.yml`, accept overwriting of this file and re-apply your changes later. Users may wish to temporarily disable GitHub Actions while working on the upgrade. We recommend rebasing all open pull requests from untrusted users as actions may run using the version from the `main` branch at the time when the pull request was created. Users who are upgrading from template version prior to 4.3.0 may wish to leave out proposed changes to the release workflow for now as it requires additional configuration.2024-07-16

keydatas -- keydatas
The ????? (Keydatas) plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to arbitrary file uploads due to missing file type validation in the keydatas_downloadImages function in all versions up to, and including, 2.5.2. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to upload arbitrary files on the affected site's server which may make remote code execution possible.2024-07-17

langchain -- langchain-experimental
Versions of the package langchain-experimental from 0.0.15 and before 0.0.21 are vulnerable to Arbitrary Code Execution when retrieving values from the database, the code will attempt to call 'eval' on all values. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability and execute arbitrary python code if they can control the input prompt and the server is configured with VectorSQLDatabaseChain. **Notes:** Impact on the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of the vulnerable component: Confidentiality: Code execution happens within the impacted component, in this case langchain-experimental, so all resources are necessarily accessible. Integrity: There is nothing protected by the impacted component inherently. Although anything returned from the component counts as 'information' for which the trustworthiness can be compromised. Availability: The loss of availability isn't caused by the attack itself, but it happens as a result during the attacker's post-exploitation steps. Impact on the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of the subsequent system: As a legitimate low-privileged user of the package (PR:L) the attacker does not have more access to data owned by the package as a result of this vulnerability than they did with normal usage (e.g. can query the DB). The unintended action that one can perform by breaking out of the app environment and exfiltrating files, making remote connections etc. happens during the post exploitation phase in the subsequent system - in this case, the OS. AT:P: An attacker needs to be able to influence the input prompt, whilst the server is configured with the VectorSQLDatabaseChain plugin.2024-07-15

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: usbtmc: Fix bug in pipe direction for control transfers The syzbot fuzzer reported a minor bug in the usbtmc driver: usb 5-1: BOGUS control dir, pipe 80001e80 doesn't match bRequestType 0 WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 3813 at drivers/usb/core/urb.c:412 usb_submit_urb+0x13a5/0x1970 drivers/usb/core/urb.c:410 Modules linked in: CPU: 0 PID: 3813 Comm: syz-executor122 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc5-syzkaller-00306-g2293be58d6a1 #0 ... Call Trace: <TASK> usb_start_wait_urb+0x113/0x530 drivers/usb/core/message.c:58 usb_internal_control_msg drivers/usb/core/message.c:102 [inline] usb_control_msg+0x2a5/0x4b0 drivers/usb/core/message.c:153 usbtmc_ioctl_request drivers/usb/class/usbtmc.c:1947 [inline] The problem is that usbtmc_ioctl_request() uses usb_rcvctrlpipe() for all of its transfers, whether they are in or out. It's easy to fix.2024-07-16

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: gadget: rndis: prevent integer overflow in rndis_set_response() If "BufOffset" is very large the "BufOffset + 8" operation can have an integer overflow.2024-07-16

marcelotorres--Simple Responsive Slider
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in marcelotorres Simple Responsive Slider allows Reflected XSS.This issue affects Simple Responsive Slider: from n/a through
MBE Worldwide S.p.A.--MBE eShip
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in MBE Worldwide S.P.A. MBE eShip allows Reflected XSS.This issue affects MBE eShip: from n/a through
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Moloni allows Reflected XSS.This issue affects Moloni: from n/a through
Versions of the package before 8.1.0; versions of the package before 8.1.0; versions of the package before 8.1.0 are vulnerable to Server-side Request Forgery (SSRF) via the /convert/html endpoint when a request is made to a file via localhost, such as <iframe src="\\localhost/etc/passwd">. By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker can achieve local file inclusion, allowing of sensitive files read on the host system. Workaround An alternative is using either or both --chromium-deny-list and --chromium-allow-list flags.2024-07-19

An arbitrary memory write vulnerability was discovered in Supermicro X11DPG-HGX2, X11PDG-QT, X11PDG-OT, and X11PDG-SN motherboards with BIOS firmware before 4.4.2024-07-15

An arbitrary memory write vulnerability was discovered in Supermicro X11DPH-T, X11DPH-Tq, and X11DPH-i motherboards with BIOS firmware before 4.4.2024-07-15

An SMM callout vulnerability was discovered in Supermicro X11DPH-T, X11DPH-Tq, and X11DPH-i motherboards with BIOS firmware before 4.4.2024-07-15

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in namithjawahar AdPush allows Reflected XSS.This issue affects AdPush: from n/a through 1.50.2024-07-20
The netty incubator codec.bhttp is a java language binary http parser. In affected versions the `BinaryHttpParser` class does not properly validate input values thus giving attackers almost complete control over the HTTP requests constructed from the parsed output. Attackers can abuse several issues individually to perform various injection attacks including HTTP request smuggling, desync attacks, HTTP header injections, request queue poisoning, caching attacks and Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF). Attacker could also combine several issues to create well-formed messages for other text-based protocols which may result in attacks beyond the HTTP protocol. The BinaryHttpParser class implements the readRequestHead method which performs most of the relevant parsing of the received request. The data structure prefixes values with a variable length integer value. The parsing code below first gets the lengths of the values from the prefixed variable length integer. After it has all of the lengths and calculates all of the indices, the parser casts the applicable slices of the ByteBuf to String. Finally, it passes these values into a new `DefaultBinaryHttpRequest` object where no further parsing or validation occurs. Method is partially validated while other values are not validated at all. Software that relies on netty to apply input validation for binary HTTP data may be vulnerable to various injection and protocol based attacks. This issue has been addressed in version 0.0.13.Final. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-18

Obtain Infotech--Multisite Content Copier/Updater
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Obtain Infotech Multisite Content Copier/Updater allows Reflected XSS.This issue affects Multisite Content Copier/Updater: from n/a through
online_student_management_system_project -- online_student_management_system
A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, has been found in SourceCodester Online Student Management System 1.0. This issue affects some unknown processing of the file /add-students.php. The manipulation of the argument image leads to unrestricted upload. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-271703.2024-07-17

Open Mainframe Project--Zowe
A vulnerability in APIML Spring Cloud Gateway which leverages user privileges by unexpected signing proxied request by Zowe's client certificate. This allows access to a user to the endpoints requiring an internal client certificate without any credentials. It could lead to managing components in there and allow an attacker to handle the whole communication including user credentials.2024-07-17
oracle -- database_server
Vulnerability in the Oracle Database RDBMS Security component of Oracle Database Server. Supported versions that are affected are 19.3-19.23. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker having Execute on SYS.XS_DIAG privilege with network access via Oracle Net to compromise Oracle Database RDBMS Security. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in takeover of Oracle Database RDBMS Security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 7.2 (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H).2024-07-16
oracle -- weblogic_server
Vulnerability in the Oracle WebLogic Server product of Oracle Fusion Middleware (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are and Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via T3, IIOP to compromise Oracle WebLogic Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in takeover of Oracle WebLogic Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 9.8 (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H).2024-07-16
oracle -- weblogic_server
Vulnerability in the Oracle WebLogic Server product of Oracle Fusion Middleware (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are and Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle WebLogic Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized creation, deletion or modification access to critical data or all Oracle WebLogic Server accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 7.5 (Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:H/A:N).2024-07-16
oracle -- weblogic_server
Vulnerability in the Oracle WebLogic Server product of Oracle Fusion Middleware (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are and Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via T3, IIOP to compromise Oracle WebLogic Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle WebLogic Server accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 7.5 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N).2024-07-16
oracle -- weblogic_server
Vulnerability in the Oracle WebLogic Server product of Oracle Fusion Middleware (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are and Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via T3, IIOP to compromise Oracle WebLogic Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle WebLogic Server accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 7.5 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Enterprise Asset Management
Vulnerability in the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management product of Oracle E-Business Suite (component: Work Definition Issues). Supported versions that are affected are 12.2.11-12.2.13. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle Enterprise Asset Management. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized creation, deletion or modification access to critical data or all Oracle Enterprise Asset Management accessible data as well as unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle Enterprise Asset Management accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 8.1 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Java SE JDK and JRE
Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Hotspot). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23, 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM for JDK: 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized creation, deletion or modification access to critical data or all Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data as well as unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited by using APIs in the specified Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. This vulnerability also applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 7.4 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N).2024-07-16

Oracle Corporation--Process Manufacturing Financials
Vulnerability in the Oracle Process Manufacturing Financials product of Oracle E-Business Suite (component: Allocation Rules). Supported versions that are affected are 12.2.12-12.2.13. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle Process Manufacturing Financials. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized creation, deletion or modification access to critical data or all Oracle Process Manufacturing Financials accessible data as well as unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle Process Manufacturing Financials accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 8.1 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Process Manufacturing Product Development
Vulnerability in the Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development product of Oracle E-Business Suite (component: Quality Management Specs). The supported version that is affected is 12.2.13. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized creation, deletion or modification access to critical data or all Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development accessible data as well as unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 8.1 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Retail Xstore Office
Vulnerability in the Oracle Retail Xstore Office product of Oracle Retail Applications (component: Security). Supported versions that are affected are 19.0.5, 20.0.3, 20.0.4, 22.0.0 and 23.0.1. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle Retail Xstore Office. While the vulnerability is in Oracle Retail Xstore Office, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle Retail Xstore Office accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 8.6 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:N/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Trade Management
Vulnerability in the Oracle Trade Management product of Oracle E-Business Suite (component: GL Accounts). Supported versions that are affected are 12.2.3-12.2.13. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle Trade Management. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized creation, deletion or modification access to critical data or all Oracle Trade Management accessible data as well as unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle Trade Management accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 8.1 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Trading Community
Vulnerability in the Oracle Trading Community product of Oracle E-Business Suite (component: Party Search UI). Supported versions that are affected are 12.2.3-12.2.13. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle Trading Community. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized creation, deletion or modification access to critical data or all Oracle Trading Community accessible data as well as unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all Oracle Trading Community accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 8.1 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--VM VirtualBox
Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.20. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. While the vulnerability is in Oracle VM VirtualBox, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in takeover of Oracle VM VirtualBox. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 8.2 (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H).2024-07-16
otrs -- otrs
An incorrect privilege assignment vulnerability in the inline editing functionality of OTRS can lead to privilege escalation. This flaw allows an agent with read-only permissions to gain full access to a ticket. This issue arises in very rare instances when an admin has previously enabled the setting 'RequiredLock' of 'AgentFrontend::Ticket::InlineEditing::Property###Watch' in the system configuration.This issue affects OTRS:  * 8.0.X * 2023.X * from 2024.X through 2024.4.x2024-07-15
Outline is an open source, collaborative document editor. A type confusion issue was found in ProseMirror's rendering process that leads to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Outline. An authenticated user can create a document containing a malicious JavaScript payload. When other users view this document, the malicious Javascript can execute in the origin of Outline. Outline includes CSP rules to prevent third-party code execution, however in the case of self-hosting and having your file storage on the same domain as Outline a malicious payload can be uploaded as a file attachment and bypass those CSP restrictions. This issue has been addressed in release version 0.77.3. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-16
payplus -- payplus_payment_gateway
The PayPlus Payment Gateway WordPress plugin before 6.6.9 does not properly sanitise and escape a parameter before using it in a SQL statement via a WooCommerce API route available to unauthenticated users, leading to an SQL injection vulnerability.2024-07-19
Philips--Vue PACS
A validated user not explicitly authorized to have access to certain sensitive information could access Philips Vue PACS on the same network to expose that information.2024-07-18

Philips--Vue PACS
Philips Vue PACS uses default credentials for potentially critical functionality.2024-07-18

Nuclei is a fast and customizable vulnerability scanner based on simple YAML based DSL. In affected versions it a way to execute code template without -code option and signature has been discovered. Some web applications inherit from Nuclei and allow users to edit and execute workflow files. In this case, users can execute arbitrary commands. (Although, as far as I know, most web applications use -t to execute). This issue has been addressed in version 3.3.0. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-17
PruvaSoft Informatics--Apinizer Management Console
Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource vulnerability in PruvaSoft Informatics Apinizer Management Console allows Accessing Functionality Not Properly Constrained by ACLs.This issue affects Apinizer Management Console: before 2024.05.1.2024-07-18
PruvaSoft Informatics--Apinizer Management Console
Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled Key vulnerability in PruvaSoft Informatics Apinizer Management Console allows Exploiting Incorrectly Configured Access Control Security Levels.This issue affects Apinizer Management Console: before 2024.05.1.2024-07-18
realmag777--HUSKY Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce
The HUSKY - Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to time-based SQL Injection via the 'woof_author' parameter in all versions up to, and including, 1.3.6 due to insufficient escaping on the user supplied parameter and lack of sufficient preparation on the existing SQL query. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to append additional SQL queries into already existing queries that can be used to extract sensitive information from the database.2024-07-16

Red Hat--Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
A flaw was found in the GTK library. Under certain conditions, it is possible for a library to be injected into a GTK application from the current working directory.2024-07-16

Red Hat--Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
A flaw was found in the libtiff library. An out-of-memory issue in the TIFFReadEncodedStrip function can be triggered when processing a crafted tiff file, allowing attackers to perform memory allocation of arbitrary sizes, resulting in a denial of service.2024-07-15

Repute InfoSystems--ARForms Form Builder
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Repute InfoSystems ARForms Form Builder allows Reflected XSS.This issue affects ARForms Form Builder: from n/a through
reputeinfosystems -- bookingpress
The BookingPress - Appointment Booking Calendar Plugin and Online Scheduling Plugin plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Arbitrary File Read to Arbitrary File Creation in all versions up to, and including, 1.1.5 via the 'bookingpress_save_lite_wizard_settings_func' function. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to create arbitrary files that contain the content of files on the server, allowing the execution of any PHP code in those files or the exposure of sensitive information.2024-07-17

reputeinfosystems -- bookingpress
The BookingPress - Appointment Booking Calendar Plugin and Online Scheduling Plugin plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data that can lead to privilege escalation due to a missing capability check on the bookingpress_import_data_continue_process_func function in all versions up to, and including, 1.1.5. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to update arbitrary options on the WordPress site and upload arbitrary files. This can be leveraged to update the default role for registration to administrator and enable user registration for attackers to gain administrative user access to a vulnerable site.2024-07-17

Thruk is a multibackend monitoring webinterface for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken using the Livestatus API. This authenticated RCE in Thruk allows authorized users with network access to inject arbitrary commands via the URL parameter during PDF report generation. The Thruk web application does not properly process the url parameter when generating a PDF report. An authorized attacker with access to the reporting functionality could inject arbitrary commands that would be executed when the script /script/ is called. The vulnerability can be exploited by an authorized user with network access. This issue has been addressed in version 3.16. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-15

SolarWinds--Access Rights Manager
SolarWinds Access Rights Manager (ARM) is susceptible to a Directory Traversal Remote Code Execution vulnerability. If exploited, this vulnerability allows an unauthenticated user to perform the actions with SYSTEM privileges.2024-07-17
SolarWinds--Access Rights Manager
The SolarWinds Access Rights Manager was susceptible to a Directory Traversal and Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows an unauthenticated user to perform remote code execution.2024-07-17
SolarWinds--Access Rights Manager
SolarWinds Access Rights Manager (ARM) is susceptible to a Remote Code Execution vulnerability. If exploited, this vulnerability allows an unauthenticated user to perform the actions with SYSTEM privileges.2024-07-17
SolarWinds--Access Rights Manager
The SolarWinds Access Rights Manager was found to be susceptible to a pre-authentication remote code execution vulnerability. If exploited, this vulnerability allows an unauthenticated user to run commands and executables.2024-07-17
SolarWinds--Access Rights Manager
The SolarWinds Access Rights Manager was found to be susceptible to a Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. If exploited, this vulnerability allows an authenticated user to abuse a SolarWinds service resulting in remote code execution.2024-07-17
SolarWinds--Access Rights Manager
SolarWinds Access Rights Manager (ARM) is susceptible to Directory Traversal vulnerability. This vulnerability allows an authenticated user to arbitrary read and delete files in ARM.2024-07-17
SolarWinds--Access Rights Manager
The SolarWinds Access Rights Manager was susceptible to a Directory Traversal and Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows an unauthenticated user to perform arbitrary file deletion and leak sensitive information.2024-07-17
SolarWinds--Access Rights Manager
It was discovered that a previous vulnerability was not completely fixed with SolarWinds Access Rights Manager. While some controls were implemented the researcher was able to bypass these and use a different method to exploit the vulnerability.2024-07-17
SolarWinds--Access Rights Manager
The SolarWinds Access Rights Manager was found to be susceptible to an authentication bypass vulnerability. This vulnerability allows an unauthenticated user to gain domain admin access within the Active Directory environment.  2024-07-17
SolarWinds--Access Rights Manager
The SolarWinds Access Rights Manager was susceptible to a Directory Traversal and Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows an unauthenticated user to perform arbitrary file deletion and leak sensitive information.2024-07-17
SolarWinds--Access Rights Manager
The SolarWinds Access Rights Manager was found to be susceptible to an Arbitrary File Deletion and Information Disclosure vulnerability.2024-07-17
SolarWinds--Access Rights Manager
The SolarWinds Access Rights Manager was susceptible to a Directory Traversal and Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows an unauthenticated user to perform arbitrary file deletion and leak sensitive information.2024-07-17
SolarWinds--Access Rights Manager
The SolarWinds Access Rights Manager was susceptible to a Directory Traversal and Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows an unauthenticated user to perform arbitrary file deletion and leak sensitive information.2024-07-17
SourceCodester--Record Management System
A vulnerability was found in SourceCodester Record Management System 1.0. It has been classified as critical. This affects an unknown part of the file index.php. The manipulation of the argument UserName leads to sql injection. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-271923.2024-07-19

space_management_system_project -- space_management_system
AguardNet's Space Management System does not properly validate user input, allowing unauthenticated remote attackers to inject arbitrary SQL commands to read, modify, and delete database contents.2024-07-15

Tenable--Tenable Identity Exposure
A formula injection vulnerability exists in Tenable Identity Exposure where an authenticated remote attacker with administrative privileges could manipulate application form fields in order to trick another administrator into executing CSV payloads. - CVE-2024-32322024-07-16
tendacn -- ac18_firmware
Tenda AC18 V15.03.3.10_EN was discovered to contain a stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability via the deviceId parameter at ip/goform/saveParentControlInfo.2024-07-16
tendacn -- ac18_firmware
Tenda AC18 V15.03.3.10_EN was discovered to contain a stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability via the deviceId parameter at ip/goform/addWifiMacFilter.2024-07-16
tendacn -- i29_firmware
Tenda i29V1.0 V1.0.0.5 was discovered to contain a hardcoded password for root.2024-07-16
themefusecom--Brizy Page Builder
The Brizy - Page Builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on the 'update_item' function in all versions up to, and including, 2.4.44. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor access and above, to modify the content of arbitrary published posts, which includes the ability to insert malicious JavaScript.2024-07-16

tipsandtricks-hq -- wp_estore
The wp-cart-for-digital-products WordPress plugin before 8.5.5 does not have CSRF checks in some places, which could allow attackers to make logged in users perform unwanted actions via CSRF attacks2024-07-15
TorrentPier is an open source BitTorrent Public/Private tracker engine, written in php. In `torrentpier/library/includes/functions.php`, `get_tracks()` uses the unsafe native PHP serialization format to deserialize user-controlled cookies. One can use phpggc and the chain Guzzle/FW1 to write PHP code to an arbitrary file, and execute commands on the system. For instance, the cookie bb_t will be deserialized when browsing to viewforum.php. This issue has been addressed in commit `ed37e6e52` which is expected to be included in release version 2.4.4. Users are advised to upgrade as soon as the new release is available. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-15

Plate media is an open source, rich-text editor for React. Editors that use `MediaEmbedElement` and pass custom `urlParsers` to the `useMediaState` hook may be vulnerable to XSS if a custom parser allows `javascript:`, `data:` or `vbscript:` URLs to be embedded. Editors that do not use `urlParsers` and consume the `url` property directly may also be vulnerable if the URL is not sanitised. The default parsers `parseTwitterUrl` and `parseVideoUrl` are not affected. `@udecode/plate-media` 36.0.10 resolves this issue by only allowing HTTP and HTTPS URLs during parsing. This affects only the `embed` property returned from `useMediaState`. In addition, the `url` property returned from `useMediaState` has been renamed to `unsafeUrl` to indicate that it has not been sanitised. The `url` property on `element` is also unsafe, but has not been renamed. If you're using either of these properties directly, you will still need to validate the URL yourself. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade should ensure that any custom `urlParsers` do not allow `javascript:`, `data:` or `vbscript:` URLs to be returned in the `url` property of their return values. If `url` is consumed directly, validate the URL protocol before passing it to the `iframe` element.2024-07-15

Universal Software Inc.--FlexWater Corporate Water Management
Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') vulnerability in Universal Software Inc. FlexWater Corporate Water Management allows SQL Injection.This issue affects FlexWater Corporate Water Management: before 5.452.0.2024-07-18
Woodpecker is a simple yet powerful CI/CD engine with great extensibility. The server allow to create any user who can trigger a pipeline run malicious workflows: 1. Those workflows can either lead to a host takeover that runs the agent executing the workflow. 2. Or allow to extract the secrets who would be normally provided to the plugins who's entrypoint are overwritten. This issue has been addressed in release version 2.7.0. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-19

Woodpecker is a simple yet powerful CI/CD engine with great extensibility. The server allow to create any user who can trigger a pipeline run malicious workflows: 1. Those workflows can either lead to a host takeover that runs the agent executing the workflow. 2. Or allow to extract the secrets who would be normally provided to the plugins who's entrypoint are overwritten. This issue has been addressed in release version 2.7.0. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-19

wpdiscover--Timeline Event History
The Timeline Event History plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to PHP Object Injection in all versions up to, and including, 3.1 via deserialization of untrusted input 'timelines-data' parameter. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to inject a PHP Object. No known POP chain is present in the vulnerable software. If a POP chain is present via an additional plugin or theme installed on the target system, it could allow the attacker to delete arbitrary files, retrieve sensitive data, or execute code.2024-07-18

WPWeb--WooCommerce - Social Login
The WooCommerce - Social Login plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on the 'woo_slg_login_email' function in all versions up to, and including, 2.7.3. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to change the default role to Administrator while registering for an account.2024-07-20

WPWeb--WooCommerce - Social Login
The WooCommerce - Social Login plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to authentication bypass in versions up to, and including, 2.7.3. This is due to insufficient controls in the 'woo_slg_login_email' function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to log in as any existing user on the site, excluding an administrator, if they know the email of user.2024-07-20

WPWeb--WooCommerce - Social Login
The WooCommerce - Social Login plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthenticated privilege escalation in all versions up to, and including, 2.7.3. This is due to a lack of brute force controls on a weak one-time password. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to brute force the one-time password for any user, except an Administrator, if they know the email of user.2024-07-20

Yannick Lefebvre--Link Library
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Yannick Lefebvre Link Library allows Reflected XSS.This issue affects Link Library: from n/a through
Zoho CRM--Zoho CRM Lead Magnet
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Zoho CRM Zoho CRM Lead Magnet allows Reflected XSS.This issue affects Zoho CRM Lead Magnet: from n/a through
zohocorp -- manageengine_ddi_central
Zohocorp ManageEngine DDI Central versions 4001 and prior were vulnerable to agent takeover vulnerability due to the hard-coded sensitive keys.2024-07-17
zohocorp -- manageengine_ddi_central
Zohocorp ManageEngine DDI Central versions 4001 and prior were vulnerable to directory traversal vulnerability which allows the user to upload new files to the server folder.2024-07-17
Zoom Communications, Inc--Zoom Apps and SDKs
Race condition in the installer for some Zoom Apps and SDKs for Windows before version 6.0.0 may allow an authenticated user to conduct a privilege escalation via local access.2024-07-15
Zoom Communications, Inc--Zoom Apps for Windows
Improper input validation in the installer for some Zoom Apps for Windows may allow an authenticated user to conduct a privilege escalation via local access.2024-07-15

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Medium Vulnerabilities

Vendor -- Product
DescriptionPublishedCVSS ScoreSource InfoPatch Info
OpenImageIO is a toolset for reading, writing, and manipulating image files of any image file format relevant to VFX / animation via a format-agnostic API with a feature set, scalability, and robustness needed for feature film production. In affected versions there is a bug in the heif input functionality of OpenImageIO. Specifically, in `HeifInput::seek_subimage()`. In the worst case, this can lead to an information disclosure vulnerability, particularly for programs that directly use the `ImageInput` APIs. This bug has been addressed in commit `0a2dcb4c` which is included in the release. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.2024-07-15

addonify--Addonify Quick View For WooCommerce
The Addonify - Quick View For WooCommerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Full Path Disclosure in all versions up to, and including, 1.2.16. This is due the plugin utilizing mobiledetect without preventing direct access to the files. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to retrieve the full path of the web application, which can be used to aid other attacks. The information displayed is not useful on its own, and requires another vulnerability to be present for damage to an affected website.2024-07-20

Ali Rahimi--Goftino
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Ali Rahimi Goftino allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Goftino: from n/a through 1.6.2024-07-20
apache -- airflow
Apache Airflow versions before 2.9.3 have a vulnerability that allows an authenticated attacker to inject a malicious link when installing a provider. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.9.3, which fixes this issue.2024-07-17

apache -- linkis
In Apache Linkis =1.4.0, due to the lack of effective filtering of parameters, an attacker configuring malicious Mysql JDBC parameters in the DataSource Manager Module will trigger arbitrary file reading. Therefore, the parameters in the Mysql JDBC URL should be blacklisted. This attack requires the attacker to obtain an authorized account from Linkis before it can be carried out. Versions of Apache Linkis = 1.4.0 will be affected.  We recommend users upgrade the version of Linkis to version
apache -- streampark
In streampark, the project module integrates Maven's compilation capabilities. The input parameter validation is not strict, allowing attackers to insert commands for remote command execution, The prerequisite for a successful attack is that the user needs to log in to the streampark system and have system-level permissions. Generally, only users of that system have the authorization to log in, and users would not manually input a dangerous operation command. Therefore, the risk level of this vulnerability is very low. Background: In the "Project" module, the maven build args  "<" operator causes command injection. e.g : "< (curl )" will be executed as a command injection, Mitigation: all users should upgrade to 2.1.4,  The "<" operator will blocked?2024-07-17

apache -- streampark
In streampark, the project module integrates Maven's compilation capabilities. The input parameter validation is not strict, allowing attackers to insert commands for remote command execution, The prerequisite for a successful attack is that the user needs to log in to the streampark system and have system-level permissions. Generally, only users of that system have the authorization to log in, and users would not manually input a dangerous operation command. Therefore, the risk level of this vulnerability is very low. Mitigation: all users should upgrade to 2.1.4 Background info: Log in to Streampark using the default username (e.g. test1, test2, test3) and the default password (streampark). Navigate to the Project module, then add a new project. Enter the git repository address of the project and input `touch /tmp/success_2.1.2` as the "Build Argument". Note that there is no verification and interception of the special character "`". As a result, you will find that this injection command will be successfully executed after executing the build. In the latest version, the special symbol ` is intercepted.2024-07-17

Apache Software Foundation--Apache Superset
An SQL Injection vulnerability in Apache Superset exists due to improper neutralization of special elements used in SQL commands. Specifically, certain engine-specific functions are not checked, which allows attackers to bypass Apache Superset's SQL authorization. To mitigate this, a new configuration key named DISALLOWED_SQL_FUNCTIONS has been introduced. This key disallows the use of the following PostgreSQL functions: version, query_to_xml, inet_server_addr, and inet_client_addr. Additional functions can be added to this list for increased protection. This issue affects Apache Superset: before 4.0.2. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 4.0.2, which fixes the issue.2024-07-16

Puncia is the Official CLI utility for Subdomain Center & Exploit Observer. `API_URLS` is utilizing HTTP instead of HTTPS for communication that can lead to issues like Eavesdropping, Data Tampering, Unauthorized Data Access & MITM Attacks. This issue has been addressed in release version 0.21 by using https rather than http connections. All users are advised to upgrade. There is no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-19

Atlas Public Policy--Power BI Embedded for WordPress
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Atlas Public Policy Power BI Embedded for WordPress allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Power BI Embedded for WordPress: from n/a through
averta--Premium Portfolio Features for Phlox theme
The Premium Portfolio Features for Phlox theme plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the plugin's Grid Portfolios Widget in all versions up to, and including, 2.3.2 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on user supplied attributes. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-07-16 PDF Manager
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in BannerSky.Com BSK PDF Manager allows Stored XSS.This issue affects BSK PDF Manager: from n/a through 3.6.2024-07-20
bdthemes--Element Pack Elementor Addons (Header Footer, Template Library, Dynamic Grid & Carousel, Remote Arrows)
The Element Pack Elementor Addons (Header Footer, Template Library, Dynamic Grid & Carousel, Remote Arrows) plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the 'onclick_event' parameter in all versions up to, and including, 5.6.11 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-07-18

bdthemes--Element Pack Elementor Addons (Header Footer, Template Library, Dynamic Grid & Carousel, Remote Arrows)
The Element Pack Elementor Addons (Header Footer, Template Library, Dynamic Grid & Carousel, Remote Arrows) plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the 'social-link-title' parameter in all versions up to, and including, 5.6.5 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-07-18

benbodhi--SVG Support
The SVG Support plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the SVG upload feature in all versions up to, and including, 2.5.5 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping, even when the 'Sanitize SVG while uploading' feature is enabled. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with author-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page. Note that successful exploitation of this vulnerability requires the administrator to allow author-level users to upload SVG files.2024-07-18

blocksera--Image Hover Effects Elementor Addon
The Image Hover Effects - Elementor Addon plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the 'eihe_link' parameter in all versions up to, and including, 1.4.3 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-07-16

boldgrid--Post and Page Builder by BoldGrid Visual Drag and Drop Editor
The Post and Page Builder by BoldGrid - Visual Drag and Drop Editor plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via file uploads in all versions up to, and including, 1.26.6 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping affecting the boldgrid_canvas_image AJAX endpoint. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses the SVG file.2024-07-20

Booking Ultra Pro--Booking Ultra Pro
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Booking Ultra Pro allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Booking Ultra Pro: from n/a through
BracketSpace--Simple Post Notes
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in BracketSpace Simple Post Notes allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Simple Post Notes: from n/a through
bradmax--Bradmax Player
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in bradmax Bradmax Player allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Bradmax Player: from n/a through
brainstormforce -- ultimate_addons_for_wpbakery_page_builder
The Ultimate Addons for WPBakery plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the plugin's ultimate_pricing shortcode in all versions up to, and including, 3.19.20 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on user supplied attributes. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-07-17

brainstormforce -- ultimate_addons_for_wpbakery_page_builder
The Ultimate Addons for WPBakery plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the plugin's ultimate_info_table shortcode in all versions up to, and including, 3.19.20 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on user supplied attributes. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-07-17

brainstormforce -- ultimate_addons_for_wpbakery_page_builder
The Ultimate Addons for WPBakery plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the plugin's ult_team shortcode in all versions up to, and including, 3.19.20 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on user supplied attributes. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-07-17

brainstormforce -- ultimate_addons_for_wpbakery_page_builder
The Ultimate Addons for WPBakery plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the plugin's ultimate_info_banner shortcode in all versions up to, and including, 3.19.20 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on user supplied attributes. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-07-17

brainstormforce -- ultimate_addons_for_wpbakery_page_builder
The Ultimate Addons for WPBakery plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the plugin's ultimate_dual_color shortcode in all versions up to, and including, 3.19.20 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on user supplied attributes. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-07-17

Fastapi OPA is an opensource fastapi middleware which includes auth flow. HTTP `OPTIONS` requests are always allowed by `OpaMiddleware`, even when they lack authentication, and are passed through directly to the application. `OpaMiddleware` allows all HTTP `OPTIONS` requests without evaluating it against any policy. If an application provides different responses to HTTP `OPTIONS` requests based on an entity existing (such as to indicate whether an entity is writable on a system level), an unauthenticated attacker could discover which entities exist within an application. This issue has been addressed in release version 2.0.1. All users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-15

gitoxide An idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation of Git. `gix-path` can be tricked into running another `git.exe` placed in an untrusted location by a limited user account on Windows systems. Windows permits limited user accounts without administrative privileges to create new directories in the root of the system drive. While `gix-path` first looks for `git` using a `PATH` search, in version 0.10.8 it also has a fallback strategy on Windows of checking two hard-coded paths intended to be the 64-bit and 32-bit Program Files directories. Existing functions, as well as the newly introduced `exe_invocation` function, were updated to make use of these alternative locations. This causes facilities in `gix_path::env` to directly execute `git.exe` in those locations, as well as to return its path or whatever configuration it reports to callers who rely on it. Although unusual setups where the system drive is not `C:`, or even where Program Files directories have non-default names, are technically possible, the main problem arises on a 32-bit Windows system. Such a system has no `C:\Program Files (x86)` directory. A limited user on a 32-bit Windows system can therefore create the `C:\Program Files (x86)` directory and populate it with arbitrary contents. Once a payload has been placed at the second of the two hard-coded paths in this way, other user accounts including administrators will execute it if they run an application that uses `gix-path` and do not have `git` in a `PATH` directory. (While having `git` found in a `PATH` search prevents exploitation, merely having it installed in the default location under the real `C:\Program Files` directory does not. This is because the first hard-coded path's `mingw64` component assumes a 64-bit installation.). Only Windows is affected. Exploitation is unlikely except on a 32-bit system. In particular, running a 32-bit build on a 64-bit system is not a risk factor. Furthermore, the attacker must have a user account on the system, though it may be a relatively unprivileged account. Such a user can perform privilege escalation and execute code as another user, though it may be difficult to do so reliably because the targeted user account must run an application or service that uses `gix-path` and must not have `git` in its `PATH`. The main exploitable configuration is one where Git for Windows has been installed but not added to `PATH`. This is one of the options in its installer, though not the default option. Alternatively, an affected program that sanitizes its `PATH` to remove seemingly nonessential directories could allow exploitation. But for the most part, if the target user has configured a `PATH` in which the real `git.exe` can be found, then this cannot be exploited. This issue has been addressed in release version 0.10.9 and all users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-18 /
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Calendar.Online Calendar.Online / Kalender.Digital allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Calendar.Online / Kalender.Digital: from n/a through
Chris Coyier--CodePen Embedded Pens Shortcode
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Chris Coyier CodePen Embedded Pens Shortcode allows Stored XSS.This issue affects CodePen Embedded Pens Shortcode: from n/a through
Cisco--Cisco Identity Services Engine Software
A vulnerability in the web-based management interface of Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to upload arbitrary files to an affected device. To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would need at least valid Policy Admin credentials on the affected device. This vulnerability is due to improper validation of files that are uploaded to the web-based management interface. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by uploading arbitrary files to an affected device. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to store malicious files on the system, execute arbitrary commands on the operating system, and elevate privileges to root.2024-07-17
Cisco--Cisco Secure Email
A vulnerability in the web-based management interface of Cisco AsyncOS for Secure Email Gateway could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to execute arbitrary system commands on an affected device. This vulnerability is due to insufficient input validation in certain portions of the web-based management interface. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending a crafted HTTP request to the affected device. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to execute arbitrary commands on the underlying operating system with root privileges. To successfully exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would need at least valid Operator credentials.2024-07-17
Cisco--Cisco Small Business RV Series Router Firmware
A vulnerability in the upload module of Cisco RV340 and RV345 Dual WAN Gigabit VPN Routers could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on an affected device. This vulnerability is due to insufficient boundary checks when processing specific HTTP requests. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending crafted HTTP requests to an affected device. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to execute arbitrary code as the root user on the underlying operating system of the device.2024-07-17
Cisco--Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server (VCS) Expressway
A vulnerability in the web-based management interface of Cisco Expressway Series could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to redirect a user to a malicious web page. This vulnerability is due to improper input validation of HTTP request parameters. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by intercepting and modifying an HTTP request from a user. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to redirect the user to a malicious web page. Note: Cisco Expressway Series refers to Cisco Expressway Control (Expressway-C) devices and Cisco Expressway Edge (Expressway-E) devices.2024-07-17
Cisco--Cisco Webex Teams
A vulnerability in the media retrieval functionality of Cisco Webex App could allow an unauthenticated, adjacent attacker to gain access to sensitive session information. This vulnerability is due to insecure transmission of requests to backend services when the app accesses embedded media, such as images. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending a message with embedded media that is stored on a messaging server to a targeted user. If the attacker can observe transmitted traffic in a privileged network position, a successful exploit could allow the attacker to capture session token information from insecurely transmitted requests and possibly reuse the captured session information to take further actions as the targeted user.2024-07-17
Cisco--Cisco Webex Teams
A vulnerability in the protocol handlers of Cisco Webex App could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to gain access to sensitive information. This vulnerability exists because the affected application does not safely handle file protocol handlers. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by persuading a user to follow a link that is designed to cause the application to send requests. If the attacker can observe transmitted traffic in a privileged network position, a successful exploit could allow the attacker to capture sensitive information, including credential information, from the requests.2024-07-17
claudiosanches--Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce
The Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Path Traversal in versions 7.3.0 to 7.5.1 via the mercadopagoDownloadLog function. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with subscriber-level access and above, to download and read the contents of arbitrary files on the server, which can contain sensitive information. The arbitrary file download was patched in 7.5.1, while the missing authorization was corrected in version

clicklabs Medienagentur--Download Button for Elementor
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in clicklabs® Medienagentur Download Button for Elementor allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Download Button for Elementor: from n/a through
CodexHelp--Master Popups
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in CodexHelp Master Popups allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Master Popups: from n/a through
codexpert--Duplica Duplicate Posts, Pages, Custom Posts or Users
The Duplica - Duplicate Posts, Pages, Custom Posts or Users plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on the duplicate_user and duplicate_post functions in all versions up to, and including, 0.6. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to create duplicates of users and posts/pages.2024-07-18

CyberChimps--Responsive Mobile
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in CyberChimps Responsive Mobile allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Responsive Mobile: from n/a through
deetronix--Booking Ultra Pro Appointments Booking Calendar Plugin
The Booking Ultra Pro Appointments Booking Calendar Plugin plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on the multiple functions in all versions up to, and including, 1.1.13. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to modify and delete. multiple plugin options and data such as payments, pricing, booking information, business hours, calendars, profile information, and email templates.2024-07-18

Dell--Dell Data Lakehouse
Dell Data Lakehouse, version(s), contain(s) a Missing Encryption of Sensitive Data vulnerability in the DDAE (Starburst). A low privileged attacker with adjacent network access could potentially exploit this vulnerability, leading to Information disclosure.2024-07-18
Dell ECS, versions prior to 3.8.1, contain a privilege elevation vulnerability in user management. A remote high privileged attacker could potentially exploit this vulnerability, gaining access to unauthorized end points.2024-07-18
digontoahsan--Advanced post slider
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in digontoahsan Advanced post slider.This issue affects Advanced post slider: from n/a through
Discourse is an open source platform for community discussion. In affected versions by creating replacement words with an almost unlimited number of characters, a moderator can reduce the availability of a Discourse instance. This issue has been addressed in stable version 3.2.3 and in current betas. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade may manually remove the long watched words either via SQL or Rails console.2024-07-15

ElementInvader--ElementInvader Addons for Elementor
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in ElementInvader ElementInvader Addons for Elementor allows Stored XSS.This issue affects ElementInvader Addons for Elementor: from n/a through
The RegLevel plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via admin settings in all versions up to, and including, 1.2.1 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with administrator-level permissions and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page. This only affects multi-site installations and installations where unfiltered_html has been disabled.2024-07-18

ESET s.r.o--ESET NOD32 Antivirus
Denial of service vulnerability present shortly after product installation or upgrade, potentially allowed an attacker to render ESET's security product inoperable, provided non-default preconditions were met.2024-07-16
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in FameThemes OnePress allows Stored XSS.This issue affects OnePress: from n/a through
FunnelKit--SlingBlocks Gutenberg Blocks by FunnelKit (Formerly WooFunnels)
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in FunnelKit SlingBlocks - Gutenberg Blocks by FunnelKit (Formerly WooFunnels) allows Stored XSS.This issue affects SlingBlocks - Gutenberg Blocks by FunnelKit (Formerly WooFunnels): from n/a through
Garrett Grimm--Simple Popup
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Garrett Grimm Simple Popup allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Simple Popup: from n/a through 4.4.2024-07-20
genetechproducts--Web and WooCommerce Addons for WPBakery Builder
The Web and WooCommerce Addons for WPBakery Builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized plugin settings modification due to a missing capability check on several plugin functions in all versions up to, and including, 1.4.5. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to change some of the plugin settings.2024-07-16

sentry-sdk is the official Python SDK for A bug in Sentry's Python SDK < 2.8.0 allows the environment variables to be passed to subprocesses despite the `env={}` setting. In Python's `subprocess` calls, all environment variables are passed to subprocesses by default. However, if you specifically do not want them to be passed to subprocesses, you may use `env` argument in `subprocess` calls. Due to the bug in Sentry SDK, with the Stdlib integration enabled (which is enabled by default), this expectation is not fulfilled, and all environment variables are being passed to subprocesses instead. The issue has been patched in pull request #3251 and is included in sentry-sdk==2.8.0. We strongly recommend upgrading to the latest SDK version. However, if it's not possible, and if passing environment variables to child processes poses a security risk for you, you can disable all default integrations.2024-07-18

ghuger--Easy Testimonials
The Easy Testimonials plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the plugin's 'testimonials_grid ' shortcode in all versions up to, and including, 3.9.5 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on user supplied attributes. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers with contributor-level and above permissions to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-07-20

GitHub--GitHub Enterprise Server
An improper privilege management vulnerability allowed users to migrate private repositories without having appropriate scopes defined on the related Personal Access Token. This vulnerability affected all versions of GitHub Enterprise Server prior to 3.14 and was fixed in version 3.13.1, 3.12.6, 3.11.12, 3.10.14, and

gitlab -- gitlab
An issue was discovered in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions starting from 11.8 prior to 16.11.6, starting from 17.0 prior to 17.0.4, and starting from 17.1 prior to 17.1.2 where it was possible to upload an NPM package with conflicting package data.2024-07-17

givewp -- givewp
The GiveWP - Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Insecure Direct Object Reference in all versions up to, and including, 3.13.0 via the 'handleRequest' function due to missing validation on a user controlled key. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with GiveWP Worker-level access and above, to delete and update arbitrary posts.2024-07-19

google -- chrome
Out of bounds read in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 121.0.6167.139 allowed a remote attacker to potentially perform out of bounds memory access via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-07-16

google -- chrome
Insufficient data validation in Extensions in Google Chrome prior to 120.0.6099.62 allowed a remote attacker to perform privilege escalation via a crafted Chrome Extension. (Chromium security severity: Low)2024-07-16

google -- chrome
Inappropriate implementation in Sign-In in Google Chrome prior to allowed a remote attacker to bypass navigation restrictions via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-07-16

HCL Software--BigFix Compliance
HCL BigFix Compliance server can respond with an HTTP status of 500, indicating a server-side error that may cause the server process to die.2024-07-18
HCL Software--BigFix Compliance
HCL BigFix Compliance is affected by a missing X-Frame-Options HTTP header which can allow an attacker to create a malicious website that embeds the target website in a frame or iframe, tricking users into performing actions on the target website without their knowledge.2024-07-18
ibm -- datacap
IBM Datacap Navigator 9.1.5, 9.1.6, 9.1.7, 9.1.8, and 9.1.9 is vulnerable to stored cross-site scripting. This vulnerability allows users to embed arbitrary JavaScript code in the Web UI thus altering the intended functionality potentially leading to credentials disclosure within a trusted session. IBM X-Force ID: 295967.2024-07-15

ibm -- datacap
IBM Datacap Navigator 9.1.5, 9.1.6, 9.1.7, 9.1.8, and 9.1.9 is vulnerable to cross-site scripting. This vulnerability allows an authenticated user to embed arbitrary JavaScript code in the Web UI thus altering the intended functionality potentially leading to credentials disclosure within a trusted session. IBM X-Force ID: 296002.2024-07-15

ibm -- datacap
IBM Datacap Navigator 9.1.5, 9.1.6, 9.1.7, 9.1.8, and 9.1.9 could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information when a detailed technical error message is returned in the browser. This information could be used in further attacks against the system. IBM X-Force ID: 296004.2024-07-15

ibm -- datacap
IBM Datacap Navigator 9.1.5, 9.1.6, 9.1.7, 9.1.8, and 9.1.9 displays version information in HTTP requests that could allow an attacker to gather information for future attacks against the system. IBM X-Force ID: 296009.2024-07-15

ibm -- datacap
IBM Datacap Navigator 9.1.5, 9.1.6, 9.1.7, 9.1.8, and 9.1.9 could allow a remote attacker to traverse directories on the system. An attacker could send a specially crafted URL request containing "dot dot" sequences (/../) to view arbitrary files on the system. IBM X-Force ID: 296010.2024-07-15

ibm -- datacap
IBM Datacap Navigator 9.1.5, 9.1.6, 9.1.7, 9.1.8, and 9.1.9 could allow an authenticated user to obtain sensitive information from source code that could be used in further attacks against the system. IBM X-Force ID: 295968.2024-07-15

ibm -- datacap
IBM Datacap Navigator 9.1.5, 9.1.6, 9.1.7, 9.1.8, and 9.1.9 is vulnerable to server-side request forgery (SSRF). This may allow an authenticated attacker to send unauthorized requests from the system, potentially leading to network enumeration or facilitating other attacks. IBM X-Force ID: 296008.2024-07-15

IBM ClearQuest (CQ) 9.1 through is vulnerable to stored cross-site scripting. This vulnerability allows users to embed arbitrary JavaScript code in the Web UI thus altering the intended functionality potentially leading to credentials disclosure within a trusted session. IBM X-Force ID: 286833.2024-07-17

IBM--Sterling Partner Engagement Manager
IBM Sterling Partner Engagement Manager 6.2.2 could allow a local attacker to obtain sensitive information when a detailed technical error message is returned. IBM X-Force ID: 230933.2024-07-16

icegram -- email_subscribers_\&_newsletters
The Email Subscribers by Icegram Express - Email Marketing, Newsletters, Automation for WordPress & WooCommerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized API access due to a missing capability check in all versions up to, and including, 5.7.26. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to access the API (provided it is enabled) and add, edit, and delete audience users.2024-07-17

itsourcecode--Tailoring Management System
A vulnerability was found in itsourcecode Tailoring Management System 1.0. It has been classified as critical. This affects an unknown part of the file templateadd.php. The manipulation of the argument title/msg leads to sql injection. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-271455.2024-07-15

itsourcecode--Tailoring Management System
A vulnerability was found in itsourcecode Tailoring Management System 1.0. It has been declared as critical. This vulnerability affects unknown code of the file setgeneral.php. The manipulation of the argument sitename/email/mobile/sms/currency leads to sql injection. The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-271456.2024-07-15

J.N. Breetvelt a.k.a. OpaJaap--WP Photo Album Plus
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in J.N. Breetvelt a.K.A. OpaJaap WP Photo Album Plus allows Stored XSS.This issue affects WP Photo Album Plus: from n/a through
Jamie Bergen--Plugin Notes Plus
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Jamie Bergen Plugin Notes Plus allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Plugin Notes Plus: from n/a through
@jmondi/url-to-png is an open source URL to PNG utility featuring parallel rendering using Playwright for screenshots and with storage caching via Local, S3, or CouchDB. Input of the `ImageId` in the code is not sanitized and may lead to path traversal. This allows an attacker to store an image in an arbitrary location that the server has permission to access. This issue has been addressed in version 2.1.2 and all users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-15

jeangalea--RSS Aggregator RSS Import, News Feeds, Feed to Post, and Autoblogging
The RSS Aggregator - RSS Import, News Feeds, Feed to Post, and Autoblogging plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on the 'wprss_activate_feed_source' and 'wprss_pause_feed_source' functions in all versions up to, and including, 4.23.11. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to activate or pause existing RSS feeds.2024-07-16

jetmonsters--Getwid Gutenberg Blocks
The Getwid - Gutenberg Blocks plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on the get_google_api_key function in all versions up to, and including, 2.0.10. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to set the MailChimp API key.2024-07-20

jetmonsters--Getwid Gutenberg Blocks
The Getwid - Gutenberg Blocks plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on the mailchimp_api_key_manage function in all versions up to, and including, 2.0.10. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to set the MailChimp API key.2024-07-20

Jewel Theme--Master Addons for Elementor
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Jewel Theme Master Addons for Elementor allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Master Addons for Elementor: from n/a through
jules-colle--Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7
The Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7 plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 2.4.13. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the wpcf7cf_admin_init function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to reset the plugin's settings via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.2024-07-20

A security issue was discovered in Kubernetes clusters with Windows nodes where BUILTIN\Users may be able to read container logs and NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users may be able to modify container logs.2024-07-18

labibahmed--Tabs For WPBakery Page Builder
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in labibahmed Tabs For WPBakery Page Builder allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Tabs For WPBakery Page Builder: from n/a through 1.2.2024-07-20
Leap13--Premium Addons for Elementor
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Leap13 Premium Addons for Elementor allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Premium Addons for Elementor: from n/a through
linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/packet: fix slab-out-of-bounds access in packet_recvmsg() syzbot found that when an AF_PACKET socket is using PACKET_COPY_THRESH and mmap operations, tpacket_rcv() is queueing skbs with garbage in skb->cb[], triggering a too big copy [1] Presumably, users of af_packet using mmap() already gets correct metadata from the mapped buffer, we can simply make sure to clear 12 bytes that might be copied to user space later. BUG: KASAN: stack-out-of-bounds in memcpy include/linux/fortify-string.h:225 [inline] BUG: KASAN: stack-out-of-bounds in packet_recvmsg+0x56c/0x1150 net/packet/af_packet.c:3489 Write of size 165 at addr ffffc9000385fb78 by task syz-executor233/3631 CPU: 0 PID: 3631 Comm: syz-executor233 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc7-syzkaller-02396-g0b3660695e80 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 Call Trace: <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0xcd/0x134 lib/dump_stack.c:106 print_address_description.constprop.0.cold+0xf/0x336 mm/kasan/report.c:255 __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:442 [inline] kasan_report.cold+0x83/0xdf mm/kasan/report.c:459 check_region_inline mm/kasan/generic.c:183 [inline] kasan_check_range+0x13d/0x180 mm/kasan/generic.c:189 memcpy+0x39/0x60 mm/kasan/shadow.c:66 memcpy include/linux/fortify-string.h:225 [inline] packet_recvmsg+0x56c/0x1150 net/packet/af_packet.c:3489 sock_recvmsg_nosec net/socket.c:948 [inline] sock_recvmsg net/socket.c:966 [inline] sock_recvmsg net/socket.c:962 [inline] ____sys_recvmsg+0x2c4/0x600 net/socket.c:2632 ___sys_recvmsg+0x127/0x200 net/socket.c:2674 __sys_recvmsg+0xe2/0x1a0 net/socket.c:2704 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7fdfd5954c29 Code: 28 00 00 00 75 05 48 83 c4 28 c3 e8 41 15 00 00 90 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 c7 c1 c0 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48 RSP: 002b:00007ffcf8e71e48 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 000000000000002f RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000003 RCX: 00007fdfd5954c29 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000020000500 RDI: 0000000000000005 RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 000000000000000d R09: 000000000000000d R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007ffcf8e71e60 R13: 00000000000f4240 R14: 000000000000c1ff R15: 00007ffcf8e71e54 </TASK> addr ffffc9000385fb78 is located in stack of task syz-executor233/3631 at offset 32 in frame: ____sys_recvmsg+0x0/0x600 include/linux/uio.h:246 this frame has 1 object: [32, 160) 'addr' Memory state around the buggy address: ffffc9000385fa80: 00 04 f3 f3 f3 f3 f3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ffffc9000385fb00: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f1 f1 f1 f1 00 >ffffc9000385fb80: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f3 ^ ffffc9000385fc00: f3 f3 f3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f1 ffffc9000385fc80: f1 f1 f1 00 f2 f2 f2 00 f2 f2 f2 00 00 00 00 00 ==================================================================2024-07-16

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iavf: Fix hang during reboot/shutdown Recent commit 974578017fc1 ("iavf: Add waiting so the port is initialized in remove") adds a wait-loop at the beginning of iavf_remove() to ensure that port initialization is finished prior unregistering net device. This causes a regression in reboot/shutdown scenario because in this case callback iavf_shutdown() is called and this callback detaches the device, makes it down if it is running and sets its state to __IAVF_REMOVE. Later shutdown callback of associated PF driver (e.g. ice_shutdown) is called. That callback calls among other things sriov_disable() that calls indirectly iavf_remove() (see stack trace below). As the adapter state is already __IAVF_REMOVE then the mentioned loop is end-less and shutdown process hangs. The patch fixes this by checking adapter's state at the beginning of iavf_remove() and skips the rest of the function if the adapter is already in remove state (shutdown is in progress). Reproducer: 1. Create VF on PF driven by ice or i40e driver 2. Ensure that the VF is bound to iavf driver 3. Reboot [52625.981294] sysrq: SysRq : Show Blocked State [52625.988377] task:reboot state:D stack: 0 pid:17359 ppid: 1 f2 [52625.996732] Call Trace: [52625.999187] __schedule+0x2d1/0x830 [52626.007400] schedule+0x35/0xa0 [52626.010545] schedule_hrtimeout_range_clock+0x83/0x100 [52626.020046] usleep_range+0x5b/0x80 [52626.023540] iavf_remove+0x63/0x5b0 [iavf] [52626.027645] pci_device_remove+0x3b/0xc0 [52626.031572] device_release_driver_internal+0x103/0x1f0 [52626.036805] pci_stop_bus_device+0x72/0xa0 [52626.040904] pci_stop_and_remove_bus_device+0xe/0x20 [52626.045870] pci_iov_remove_virtfn+0xba/0x120 [52626.050232] sriov_disable+0x2f/0xe0 [52626.053813] ice_free_vfs+0x7c/0x340 [ice] [52626.057946] ice_remove+0x220/0x240 [ice] [52626.061967] ice_shutdown+0x16/0x50 [ice] [52626.065987] pci_device_shutdown+0x34/0x60 [52626.070086] device_shutdown+0x165/0x1c5 [52626.074011] kernel_restart+0xe/0x30 [52626.077593] __do_sys_reboot+0x1d2/0x210 [52626.093815] do_syscall_64+0x5b/0x1a0 [52626.097483] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x65/0xca2024-07-16

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: fix NULL pointer dereference in ice_update_vsi_tx_ring_stats() It is possible to do NULL pointer dereference in routine that updates Tx ring stats. Currently only stats and bytes are updated when ring pointer is valid, but later on ring is accessed to propagate gathered Tx stats onto VSI stats. Change the existing logic to move to next ring when ring is NULL.2024-07-16

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Fix overrunning reservations in ringbuf The BPF ring buffer internally is implemented as a power-of-2 sized circular buffer, with two logical and ever-increasing counters: consumer_pos is the consumer counter to show which logical position the consumer consumed the data, and producer_pos which is the producer counter denoting the amount of data reserved by all producers. Each time a record is reserved, the producer that "owns" the record will successfully advance producer counter. In user space each time a record is read, the consumer of the data advanced the consumer counter once it finished processing. Both counters are stored in separate pages so that from user space, the producer counter is read-only and the consumer counter is read-write. One aspect that simplifies and thus speeds up the implementation of both producers and consumers is how the data area is mapped twice contiguously back-to-back in the virtual memory, allowing to not take any special measures for samples that have to wrap around at the end of the circular buffer data area, because the next page after the last data page would be first data page again, and thus the sample will still appear completely contiguous in virtual memory. Each record has a struct bpf_ringbuf_hdr { u32 len; u32 pg_off; } header for book-keeping the length and offset, and is inaccessible to the BPF program. Helpers like bpf_ringbuf_reserve() return `(void *)hdr + BPF_RINGBUF_HDR_SZ` for the BPF program to use. Bing-Jhong and Muhammad reported that it is however possible to make a second allocated memory chunk overlapping with the first chunk and as a result, the BPF program is now able to edit first chunk's header. For example, consider the creation of a BPF_MAP_TYPE_RINGBUF map with size of 0x4000. Next, the consumer_pos is modified to 0x3000 /before/ a call to bpf_ringbuf_reserve() is made. This will allocate a chunk A, which is in [0x0,0x3008], and the BPF program is able to edit [0x8,0x3008]. Now, lets allocate a chunk B with size 0x3000. This will succeed because consumer_pos was edited ahead of time to pass the `new_prod_pos - cons_pos > rb->mask` check. Chunk B will be in range [0x3008,0x6010], and the BPF program is able to edit [0x3010,0x6010]. Due to the ring buffer memory layout mentioned earlier, the ranges [0x0,0x4000] and [0x4000,0x8000] point to the same data pages. This means that chunk B at [0x4000,0x4008] is chunk A's header. bpf_ringbuf_submit() / bpf_ringbuf_discard() use the header's pg_off to then locate the bpf_ringbuf itself via bpf_ringbuf_restore_from_rec(). Once chunk B modified chunk A's header, then bpf_ringbuf_commit() refers to the wrong page and could cause a crash. Fix it by calculating the oldest pending_pos and check whether the range from the oldest outstanding record to the newest would span beyond the ring buffer size. If that is the case, then reject the request. We've tested with the ring buffer benchmark in BPF selftests (./benchs/ before/after the fix and while it seems a bit slower on some benchmarks, it is still not significantly enough to matter.2024-07-17

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Fix too early release of tcx_entry Pedro Pinto and later independently also Hyunwoo Kim and Wongi Lee reported an issue that the tcx_entry can be released too early leading to a use after free (UAF) when an active old-style ingress or clsact qdisc with a shared tc block is later replaced by another ingress or clsact instance. Essentially, the sequence to trigger the UAF (one example) can be as follows: 1. A network namespace is created 2. An ingress qdisc is created. This allocates a tcx_entry, and &tcx_entry->miniq is stored in the qdisc's miniqp->p_miniq. At the same time, a tcf block with index 1 is created. 3. chain0 is attached to the tcf block. chain0 must be connected to the block linked to the ingress qdisc to later reach the function tcf_chain0_head_change_cb_del() which triggers the UAF. 4. Create and graft a clsact qdisc. This causes the ingress qdisc created in step 1 to be removed, thus freeing the previously linked tcx_entry: rtnetlink_rcv_msg() => tc_modify_qdisc() => qdisc_create() => clsact_init() [a] => qdisc_graft() => qdisc_destroy() => __qdisc_destroy() => ingress_destroy() [b] => tcx_entry_free() => kfree_rcu() // tcx_entry freed 5. Finally, the network namespace is closed. This registers the cleanup_net worker, and during the process of releasing the remaining clsact qdisc, it accesses the tcx_entry that was already freed in step 4, causing the UAF to occur: cleanup_net() => ops_exit_list() => default_device_exit_batch() => unregister_netdevice_many() => unregister_netdevice_many_notify() => dev_shutdown() => qdisc_put() => clsact_destroy() [c] => tcf_block_put_ext() => tcf_chain0_head_change_cb_del() => tcf_chain_head_change_item() => clsact_chain_head_change() => mini_qdisc_pair_swap() // UAF There are also other variants, the gist is to add an ingress (or clsact) qdisc with a specific shared block, then to replace that qdisc, waiting for the tcx_entry kfree_rcu() to be executed and subsequently accessing the current active qdisc's miniq one way or another. The correct fix is to turn the miniq_active boolean into a counter. What can be observed, at step 2 above, the counter transitions from 0->1, at step [a] from 1->2 (in order for the miniq object to remain active during the replacement), then in [b] from 2->1 and finally [c] 1->0 with the eventual release. The reference counter in general ranges from [0,2] and it does not need to be atomic since all access to the counter is protected by the rtnl mutex. With this in place, there is no longer a UAF happening and the tcx_entry is freed at the correct time.2024-07-17

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: Fix race condition during interface enslave Commit 5dbbbd01cbba83 ("ice: Avoid RTNL lock when re-creating auxiliary device") changes a process of re-creation of aux device so ice_plug_aux_dev() is called from ice_service_task() context. This unfortunately opens a race window that can result in dead-lock when interface has left LAG and immediately enters LAG again. Reproducer: ``` #!/bin/sh ip link add lag0 type bond mode 1 miimon 100 ip link set lag0 for n in {1..10}; do echo Cycle: $n ip link set ens7f0 master lag0 sleep 1 ip link set ens7f0 nomaster done ``` This results in: [20976.208697] Workqueue: ice ice_service_task [ice] [20976.213422] Call Trace: [20976.215871] __schedule+0x2d1/0x830 [20976.219364] schedule+0x35/0xa0 [20976.222510] schedule_preempt_disabled+0xa/0x10 [20976.227043] __mutex_lock.isra.7+0x310/0x420 [20976.235071] enum_all_gids_of_dev_cb+0x1c/0x100 [ib_core] [20976.251215] ib_enum_roce_netdev+0xa4/0xe0 [ib_core] [20976.256192] ib_cache_setup_one+0x33/0xa0 [ib_core] [20976.261079] ib_register_device+0x40d/0x580 [ib_core] [20976.266139] irdma_ib_register_device+0x129/0x250 [irdma] [20976.281409] irdma_probe+0x2c1/0x360 [irdma] [20976.285691] auxiliary_bus_probe+0x45/0x70 [20976.289790] really_probe+0x1f2/0x480 [20976.298509] driver_probe_device+0x49/0xc0 [20976.302609] bus_for_each_drv+0x79/0xc0 [20976.306448] __device_attach+0xdc/0x160 [20976.310286] bus_probe_device+0x9d/0xb0 [20976.314128] device_add+0x43c/0x890 [20976.321287] __auxiliary_device_add+0x43/0x60 [20976.325644] ice_plug_aux_dev+0xb2/0x100 [ice] [20976.330109] ice_service_task+0xd0c/0xed0 [ice] [20976.342591] process_one_work+0x1a7/0x360 [20976.350536] worker_thread+0x30/0x390 [20976.358128] kthread+0x10a/0x120 [20976.365547] ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x40 ... [20976.438030] task:ip state:D stack: 0 pid:213658 ppid:213627 flags:0x00004084 [20976.446469] Call Trace: [20976.448921] __schedule+0x2d1/0x830 [20976.452414] schedule+0x35/0xa0 [20976.455559] schedule_preempt_disabled+0xa/0x10 [20976.460090] __mutex_lock.isra.7+0x310/0x420 [20976.464364] device_del+0x36/0x3c0 [20976.467772] ice_unplug_aux_dev+0x1a/0x40 [ice] [20976.472313] ice_lag_event_handler+0x2a2/0x520 [ice] [20976.477288] notifier_call_chain+0x47/0x70 [20976.481386] __netdev_upper_dev_link+0x18b/0x280 [20976.489845] bond_enslave+0xe05/0x1790 [bonding] [20976.494475] do_setlink+0x336/0xf50 [20976.502517] __rtnl_newlink+0x529/0x8b0 [20976.543441] rtnl_newlink+0x43/0x60 [20976.546934] rtnetlink_rcv_msg+0x2b1/0x360 [20976.559238] netlink_rcv_skb+0x4c/0x120 [20976.563079] netlink_unicast+0x196/0x230 [20976.567005] netlink_sendmsg+0x204/0x3d0 [20976.570930] sock_sendmsg+0x4c/0x50 [20976.574423] ____sys_sendmsg+0x1eb/0x250 [20976.586807] ___sys_sendmsg+0x7c/0xc0 [20976.606353] __sys_sendmsg+0x57/0xa0 [20976.609930] do_syscall_64+0x5b/0x1a0 [20976.613598] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x65/0xca 1. Command 'ip link ... set nomaster' causes that ice_plug_aux_dev() is called from ice_service_task() context, aux device is created and associated device->lock is taken. 2. Command 'ip link ... set master...' calls ice's notifier under RTNL lock and that notifier calls ice_unplug_aux_dev(). That function tries to take aux device->lock but this is already taken by ice_plug_aux_dev() in step 1 3. Later ice_plug_aux_dev() tries to take RTNL lock but this is already taken in step 2 4. Dead-lock The patch fixes this issue by following changes: - Bit ICE_FLAG_PLUG_AUX_DEV is kept to be set during ice_plug_aux_dev() call in ice_service_task() - The bit is checked in ice_clear_rdma_cap() and only if it is not set then ice_unplug_aux_dev() is called. If it is set (in other words plugging of aux device was requested and ice_plug_aux_dev() is potentially running) then the function only clears the ---truncated---2024-07-16

LOOS,Inc.--Arkhe Blocks
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in LOOS,Inc. Arkhe Blocks allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Arkhe Blocks: from n/a through
magazine3 -- schema_\&_structured_data_for_wp_\&_amp
The Schema & Structured Data for WP & AMP plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the plugin's 'url' attribute within the Q&A Block widget in all versions up to, and including, 1.33 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on user supplied attributes. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-07-17

Marian Kadanka--Change From Email
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Marian Kadanka Change From Email allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Change From Email: from n/a through
Martin Gibson--WP GoToWebinar
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Martin Gibson WP GoToWebinar allows Stored XSS.This issue affects WP GoToWebinar: from n/a through 15.7.2024-07-20
matrix-rust-sdk is an implementation of a Matrix client-server library in Rust. The `UserIdentity::is_verified()` method in the matrix-sdk-crypto crate before version 0.7.2 doesn't take into account the verification status of the user's own identity while performing the check and may as a result return a value contrary to what is implied by its name and documentation. If the method is used to decide whether to perform sensitive operations towards a user identity, a malicious homeserver could manipulate the outcome in order to make the identity appear trusted. This is not a typical usage of the method, which lowers the impact. The method itself is not used inside the `matrix-sdk-crypto` crate. The 0.7.2 release of the `matrix-sdk-crypto` crate includes a fix. All users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-18

mattermost -- mattermost_mobile
Mattermost Mobile Apps versions <=2.16.0 fail to validate that the push notifications received for a server actually came from this serve that which allows a malicious server to send push notifications with another server's diagnostic ID or server URL and have them show up in mobile apps as that server's push notifications.2024-07-15
mattermost -- mattermost_mobile
Mattermost Mobile Apps versions <=2.16.0 fail to protect against abuse of a globally shared MathJax state which allows an attacker to change the contents of a LateX post, by creating another post with specific macro definitions.2024-07-15
Meks--Meks Smart Author Widget
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Meks Meks Smart Author Widget allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Meks Smart Author Widget: from n/a through
mekshq--Meks Video Importer
The Meks Video Importer plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized API key modification due to a missing capability check on the ajax_save_settings function in all versions up to, and including, 1.0.11. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to modify the plugin's API keys2024-07-18

Microsoft--Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based)
Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) Spoofing Vulnerability2024-07-19
The Glossary plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Full Path Disclosure in all versions up to, and including, 2.2.26. This is due the plugin utilizing wpdesk and not preventing direct access to the test files along with display_errors being enabled. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to retrieve the full path of the web application, which can be used to aid other attacks. The information displayed is not useful on its own, and requires another vulnerability to be present for damage to an affected website.2024-07-16

Versions of the package before main-gha.27122; versions of the package before main-gha.27122; versions of the package before main-gha.27122; versions of the package before main-gha.27122; versions of the package before main-gha.27122; versions of the package @gitpod/gitpod-protocol before 0.1.5-main-gha.27122 are vulnerable to Cookie Tossing due to a missing __Host- prefix on the _gitpod_io_jwt2_ session cookie. This allows an adversary who controls a subdomain to set the value of the cookie on the Gitpod control plane, which can be assigned to an attacker's own JWT so that specific actions taken by the victim (such as connecting a new Github organization) are actioned by the attackers session.2024-07-19

nickboss--WordPress File Upload
The WordPress File Upload plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Directory Traversal in all versions up to, and including, 4.24.7 via the 'uploadpath' parameter of the wordpress_file_upload shortcode. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to upload limited files to arbitrary locations on the web server.2024-07-16

Noor alam--Magical Addons For Elementor
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Noor alam Magical Addons For Elementor allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Magical Addons For Elementor: from n/a through
Noor alam--Magical Posts Display Elementor & Gutenberg Posts Blocks
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Noor alam Magical Posts Display - Elementor & Gutenberg Posts Blocks allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Magical Posts Display - Elementor & Gutenberg Posts Blocks: from n/a through
Noor-E-Alam--Amazing Hover Effects
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Noor-E-Alam Amazing Hover Effects allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Amazing Hover Effects: from n/a through
Open Mainframe Project--Zowe
A vulnerability in Zowe CLI allows local, privileged actors to store previously entered secure credentials in a plaintext file as part of an auto-init operation.2024-07-17
Open Mainframe Project--Zowe CLI - Imperative
A vulnerability in Zowe CLI allows local, privileged actors to display securely stored properties in cleartext within a terminal using the '--show-inputs-only' flag.2024-07-19
openfind -- mail2000
Openfind's Mail2000 does not properly validate email atachments, allowing unauthenticated remote attackers to inject JavaScript code within the attachment and perform Stored Cross-site scripting attacks.2024-07-15

openfind -- mail2000
Openfind's Mail2000 has a vulnerability that allows the HttpOnly flag to be bypassed. Unauthenticated remote attackers can exploit this vulnerability using specific JavaScript code to obtain the session cookie with the HttpOnly flag enabled.2024-07-15

openfind -- mailaudit
The session cookie in MailGates and MailAudit from Openfind does not have the HttpOnly flag enabled, allowing remote attackers to potentially steal the session cookie via XSS.2024-07-15

OpenText--NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator
Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Access vulnerability in OpenText NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator. This issue affects NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator versions prior to 10.0.2 and prior to 9.2.1 Patch 10.2024-07-16
oracle -- financial_services_revenue_management_and_billing
Vulnerability in the Oracle Financial Services Revenue Management and Billing product of Oracle Financial Services Applications (component: Chatbot). Supported versions that are affected are and Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle Financial Services Revenue Management and Billing. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker and while the vulnerability is in Oracle Financial Services Revenue Management and Billing, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Financial Services Revenue Management and Billing accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Financial Services Revenue Management and Billing accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.1 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16
oracle -- mysql_cluster
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Optimizer). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.5 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
oracle -- mysql_server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Thread Pooling). Supported versions that are affected are 8.4.0 and prior. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 5.3 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
oracle -- mysql_server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: InnoDB). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
oracle -- mysql_server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: InnoDB). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.38, 8.4.1 and 9.0.0. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
oracle -- peoplesoft_enterprise_peopletools
Vulnerability in the PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools product of Oracle PeopleSoft (component: Portal). Supported versions that are affected are 8.59, 8.60 and 8.61. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker and while the vulnerability is in PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.1 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16
oracle -- peoplesoft_enterprise_peopletools
Vulnerability in the PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools product of Oracle PeopleSoft (component: OpenSearch Dashboards). Supported versions that are affected are 8.59, 8.60 and 8.61. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker and while the vulnerability is in PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized read access to a subset of PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.1 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:N/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Application Object Library
Vulnerability in the Oracle Application Object Library product of Oracle E-Business Suite (component: APIs). Supported versions that are affected are 12.2.6-12.2.13. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle Application Object Library. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker and while the vulnerability is in Oracle Application Object Library, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Application Object Library accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Application Object Library accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 5.4 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Applications Framework
Vulnerability in the Oracle Applications Framework product of Oracle E-Business Suite (component: Personalization). Supported versions that are affected are 12.2.3-12.2.13. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle Applications Framework. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker and while the vulnerability is in Oracle Applications Framework, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Applications Framework accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Applications Framework accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.8 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition
Vulnerability in the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Analytics (component: Analytics Web Answers). Supported versions that are affected are, and Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker and while the vulnerability is in Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 5.4 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Database - Enterprise Edition
Vulnerability in the Oracle Database Portable Clusterware component of Oracle Database Server. Supported versions that are affected are 19.3-19.23 and 21.3-21.14. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via DNS to compromise Oracle Database Portable Clusterware. While the vulnerability is in Oracle Database Portable Clusterware, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a partial denial of service (partial DOS) of Oracle Database Portable Clusterware. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 5.8 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:N/I:N/A:L).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--iStore
Vulnerability in the Oracle iStore product of Oracle E-Business Suite (component: User Management). Supported versions that are affected are 12.2.3-12.2.13. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle iStore. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle iStore accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 5.3 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Java SE JDK and JRE
Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Hotspot). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23, 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM for JDK: 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited by using APIs in the specified Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. This vulnerability also applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.8 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16

Oracle Corporation--Java SE JDK and JRE
Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: 2D). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23, 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM for JDK: 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited by using APIs in the specified Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. This vulnerability also applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.8 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16

Oracle Corporation--JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator
Vulnerability in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator product of Oracle JD Edwards (component: E1 IOT Orchestrator Security). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized access to critical data or complete access to all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.5 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Vulnerability in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools product of Oracle JD Edwards (component: Web Runtime SEC). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker and while the vulnerability is in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.1 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Marketing
Vulnerability in the Oracle Marketing product of Oracle E-Business Suite (component: Partners). Supported versions that are affected are 12.2.3-12.2.13. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle Marketing. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Marketing accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Marketing accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.5 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Connectors
Vulnerability in the MySQL Connectors product of Oracle MySQL (component: Connector/Python). Supported versions that are affected are 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Connectors. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of MySQL Connectors accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of MySQL Connectors accessible data and unauthorized ability to cause a partial denial of service (partial DOS) of MySQL Connectors. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.3 (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:L).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL NDB Cluster
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: FTS). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Optimizer). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.5 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Optimizer). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server as well as unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of MySQL Server accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 5.5 (Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: InnoDB). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.36 and prior and 8.3.0 and prior. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized creation, deletion or modification access to critical data or all MySQL Server accessible data and unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 5.9 (Integrity and Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:H/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: InnoDB). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: DDL). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: DDL). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Optimizer). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Connection Handling). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a partial denial of service (partial DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.3 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Optimizer). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.36 and prior and 8.3.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Optimizer). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.35 and prior and 8.2.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Security: Privileges). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: InnoDB). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.36 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: InnoDB). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.36 and prior and 8.3.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: InnoDB). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.36 and prior and 8.3.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Optimizer). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: Server: Pluggable Auth). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--MySQL Server
Vulnerability in the MySQL Server product of Oracle MySQL (component: InnoDB). Supported versions that are affected are 8.0.37 and prior and 8.4.0 and prior. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Server. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of MySQL Server. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.9 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Human Resources
Vulnerability in the PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Human Resources product of Oracle PeopleSoft (component: Human Resources). The supported version that is affected is 9.2. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Human Resources. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized read access to a subset of PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Human Resources accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.3 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Shared Components
Vulnerability in the PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Shared Components product of Oracle PeopleSoft (component: Text Catalog). The supported version that is affected is 9.2. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Shared Components. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker and while the vulnerability is in PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Shared Components, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Shared Components accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Shared Components accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 5.4 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--PeopleSoft Enterprise PT PeopleTools
Vulnerability in the PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools product of Oracle PeopleSoft (component: Portal). Supported versions that are affected are 8.59, 8.60 and 8.61. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools. While the vulnerability is in PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.4 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Purchasing
Vulnerability in the Oracle Purchasing product of Oracle E-Business Suite (component: Approvals). Supported versions that are affected are 12.2.3-12.2.13. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle Purchasing. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker and while the vulnerability is in Oracle Purchasing, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Purchasing accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Purchasing accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 5.4 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Reports Developer
Vulnerability in the Oracle Reports Developer product of Oracle Fusion Middleware (component: Servlet). Supported versions that are affected are and Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle Reports Developer. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker and while the vulnerability is in Oracle Reports Developer, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Reports Developer accessible data as well as unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle Reports Developer accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 6.1 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Sun ZFS Storage Appliance Kit (AK) Software
Vulnerability in the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Kit product of Oracle Systems (component: User Interface). The supported version that is affected is 8.8. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via HTTP to compromise Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Kit. Successful attacks require human interaction from a person other than the attacker and while the vulnerability is in Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Kit, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Kit accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 4.7 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:N/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--VM VirtualBox
Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.20. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) of Oracle VM VirtualBox. Note: This vulnerability applies to Linux hosts only. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 5.5 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H).2024-07-16
otrs -- otrs
Improper filtering of fields when using the export function in the ticket overview of the external interface in OTRS could allow an authorized user to download a list of tickets containing information about tickets of other customers. The problem only occurs if the TicketSearchLegacyEngine has been disabled by the administrator. This issue affects OTRS: 8.0.X, 2023.X, from 2024.X through 2024.4.x2024-07-15
Philips--Vue PACS
Philips Vue PACS does not properly assign, modify, track, or check actor privileges, creating an unintended sphere of control for that actor.2024-07-18

Philips--Vue PACS
Philips Vue PACS does not require that users have strong passwords, which could make it easier for attackers to compromise user accounts.2024-07-18

PickPlugins--Job Board Manager
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in PickPlugins Job Board Manager allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Job Board Manager: from n/a through
Pluginic--FancyPost Best Ultimate Post Block, Post Grid, Layouts, Carousel, Slider For Gutenberg & Elementor
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Pluginic FancyPost - Best Ultimate Post Block, Post Grid, Layouts, Carousel, Slider For Gutenberg & Elementor allows Stored XSS.This issue affects FancyPost - Best Ultimate Post Block, Post Grid, Layouts, Carousel, Slider For Gutenberg & Elementor: from n/a through
PootlePress--Caxton Create Pro page layouts in Gutenberg
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in PootlePress Caxton - Create Pro page layouts in Gutenberg allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Caxton - Create Pro page layouts in Gutenberg: from n/a through
Pratik Chaskar--Timeline Module for Beaver Builder
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Pratik Chaskar Timeline Module for Beaver Builder allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Timeline Module for Beaver Builder: from n/a through
PruvaSoft Informatics--Apinizer Management Console
Authentication Bypass Using an Alternate Path or Channel vulnerability in PruvaSoft Informatics Apinizer Management Console allows Authentication Bypass.This issue affects Apinizer Management Console: before 2024.05.1.2024-07-18
PruvaSoft Informatics--Apinizer Management Console
Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference vulnerability in PruvaSoft Informatics Apinizer Management Console allows Data Serialization External Entities Blowup.This issue affects Apinizer Management Console: before 2024.05.1.2024-07-18
TorchServe is a flexible and easy-to-use tool for serving and scaling PyTorch models in production. TorchServe 's check on allowed_urls configuration can be by-passed if the URL contains characters such as ".." but it does not prevent the model from being downloaded into the model store. Once a file is downloaded, it can be referenced without providing a URL the second time, which effectively bypasses the allowed_urls security check. Customers using PyTorch inference Deep Learning Containers (DLC) through Amazon SageMaker and EKS are not affected. This issue in TorchServe has been fixed by validating the URL without characters such as ".." before downloading see PR #3082. TorchServe release 0.11.0 includes the fix to address this vulnerability. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-19

TorchServe is a flexible and easy-to-use tool for serving and scaling PyTorch models in production. In affected versions the two gRPC ports 7070 and 7071, are not bound to [localhost](http://localhost/) by default, so when TorchServe is launched, these two interfaces are bound to all interfaces. Customers using PyTorch inference Deep Learning Containers (DLC) through Amazon SageMaker and EKS are not affected. This issue in TorchServe has been fixed in PR #3083. TorchServe release 0.11.0 includes the fix to address this vulnerability. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-19

Qode Interactive--Qi Blocks
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Qode Interactive Qi Blocks allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Qi Blocks: from n/a through 1.3.2024-07-20
quantumcloud -- ai_chatbot
The AI ChatBot for WordPress - WPBot plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via admin settings in all versions up to, and including, 5.5.7 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with administrator-level permissions and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page. This only affects multi-site installations and installations where unfiltered_html has been disabled.2024-07-17

Rapid7 InsightVM Console versions below 6.6.260 suffer from a protection mechanism failure whereby an attacker with network access to the InsightVM Console can cause it to overload or crash by sending repeated invalid REST requests in a short timeframe, to the Console's port 443 causing the console to enter an exception handling logging loop, exhausting the CPU. There is no indication that an attacker can use this method to escalate privilege, acquire unauthorized access to data, or gain control of protected resources. This issue is fixed in version
redhat -- service_interconnect
A flaw was found in Skupper. When Skupper is initialized with the console-enabled and with console-auth set to Openshift, it configures the openshift oauth-proxy with a static cookie-secret. In certain circumstances, this may allow an attacker to bypass authentication to the Skupper console via a specially-crafted cookie.2024-07-17
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Reviews.Co.Uk REVIEWS.Io allows Stored XSS.This issue affects REVIEWS.Io: from n/a through
REXML is an XML toolkit for Ruby. The REXML gem before 3.3.1 has some DoS vulnerabilities when it parses an XML that has many specific characters such as `<`, `0` and `%>`. If you need to parse untrusted XMLs, you many be impacted to these vulnerabilities. The REXML gem 3.3.2 or later include the patches to fix these vulnerabilities. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade should avoid parsing untrusted XML strings.2024-07-16

Silverstripe framework is the PHP framework forming the base for the Silverstripe CMS. In affected versions a bad actor with access to edit content in the CMS could add send a specifically crafted encoded payload to the server, which could be used to inject a JavaScript payload on the front end of the site. The payload would be sanitised on the client-side, but server-side sanitisation doesn't catch it. The server-side sanitisation logic has been updated to sanitise against this type of attack in version 5.2.16. All users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-17

silverstripe/reports is an API for creating backend reports in the Silverstripe Framework. In affected versions reports can be accessed by their direct URL by any user who has access to view the reports admin section, even if the `canView()` method for that report returns `false`. This issue has been addressed in version 5.2.3. All users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-17

SKT Themes--SKT Addons for Elementor
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in SKT Themes SKT Addons for Elementor allows Stored XSS.This issue affects SKT Addons for Elementor: from n/a through 2.1.2024-07-20
SKT Themes--SKT Skill Bar
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in SKT Themes SKT Skill Bar allows Stored XSS.This issue affects SKT Skill Bar: from n/a through 2.0.2024-07-20
skyhighsecurity -- secure_web_gateway
An information disclosure vulnerability in SWG in versions 12.x prior to 12.2.10 and 11.x prior to 11.2.24 allows information stored in a customizable block page to be disclosed to third-party websites due to Same Origin Policy Bypass of browsers in certain scenarios. The risk is low, because other recommended default security policies such as URL categorization and GTI are in place in most policies to block access to uncategorized/high risk websites. Any information disclosed depends on how the customers have customized the block pages.2024-07-15
SourceCodester--Employee and Visitor Gate Pass Logging System
A vulnerability was found in SourceCodester Employee and Visitor Gate Pass Logging System 1.0. It has been rated as critical. This issue affects some unknown processing of the file view_employee.php. The manipulation of the argument id leads to sql injection. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The identifier VDB-271457 was assigned to this vulnerability.2024-07-15

SourceCodester--Record Management System
A vulnerability was found in SourceCodester Record Management System 1.0. It has been declared as critical. This vulnerability affects unknown code of the file view_info.php. The manipulation of the argument id leads to sql injection. The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-271924.2024-07-19

SourceCodester--Record Management System
A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, was found in SourceCodester Record Management System 1.0. This affects an unknown part of the file sort2_user.php. The manipulation of the argument qualification leads to sql injection. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The identifier VDB-271929 was assigned to this vulnerability.2024-07-19

SourceCodester--Record Management System
A vulnerability has been found in SourceCodester Record Management System 1.0 and classified as critical. This vulnerability affects unknown code of the file view_info_user.php. The manipulation of the argument id leads to sql injection. The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. VDB-271930 is the identifier assigned to this vulnerability.2024-07-19

SourceCodester--Record Management System
A vulnerability was found in SourceCodester Record Management System 1.0 and classified as critical. This issue affects some unknown processing of the file add_leave_non_user.php. The manipulation of the argument LSS leads to sql injection. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-271931.2024-07-19

SourceCodester--Simple Inventory Management System
A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, was found in SourceCodester Simple Inventory Management System 1.0. Affected is an unknown function of the file action.php of the component Order Handler. The manipulation of the argument order_id leads to sql injection. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-271812.2024-07-17

space_management_system_project -- space_management_system
AguardNet Technology's Space Management System does not properly filter user input, allowing remote attackers with regular privileges to inject JavaScript and perform Reflected Cross-site scripting attacks.2024-07-15

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in EazyDocs eazydocs allows Stored XSS.This issue affects EazyDocs: from n/a through
Steeltoe is an open source project that provides a collection of libraries that helps users build production-grade cloud-native applications using externalized configuration, service discovery, distributed tracing, application management, and more. When utilizing multiple Eureka server service URLs with basic auth and encountering an issue with fetching the service registry, an error is logged with the Eureka server service URLs but only the first URL is masked. The code in question is `_logger.LogError(e, "FetchRegistry Failed for Eureka service urls: {EurekaServerServiceUrls}", new Uri(ClientConfig.EurekaServerServiceUrls).ToMaskedString());` in the `DiscoveryClient.cs` file which may leak credentials into logs. This issue has been addressed in version 3.2.8 of the Steeltoe.Discovery.Eureka nuget package.2024-07-17
student_study_center_desk_management_system_project -- student_study_center_desk_management_system
A vulnerability was found in SourceCodester Student Study Center Desk Management System 1.0 and classified as problematic. Affected by this issue is some unknown functionality of the file /sscdms/classes/Users.php?f=save of the component HTTP POST Request Handler. The manipulation of the argument firstname/middlename/lastname/username leads to cross site scripting. The attack may be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. VDB-271706 is the identifier assigned to this vulnerability.2024-07-17

SubscriptionPro--WP Announcement
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in SubscriptionPro WP Announcement allows Stored XSS.This issue affects WP Announcement: from n/a through
Sylius is an Open Source eCommerce Framework on Symfony. A security vulnerability was discovered in the `/api/v2/shop/adjustments/{id}` endpoint, which retrieves order adjustments based on incremental integer IDs. The vulnerability allows an attacker to enumerate valid adjustment IDs and retrieve order tokens. Using these tokens, an attacker can access guest customer order details - sensitive guest customer information. The issue is fixed in versions: 1.12.19, 1.13.4 and above. The `/api/v2/shop/adjustments/{id}` will always return `404` status. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade may alter their config to mitigate this issue. Please see the linked GHSA for details.2024-07-17
Techeshta--Post Layouts for Gutenberg
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Techeshta Post Layouts for Gutenberg allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Post Layouts for Gutenberg: from n/a through
Techfyd--Sky Addons for Elementor
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Techfyd Sky Addons for Elementor allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Sky Addons for Elementor: from n/a through
TemeGUM--Gum Elementor Addon
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in TemeGUM Gum Elementor Addon allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Gum Elementor Addon: from n/a through
Themeum--Tutor LMS
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Themeum Tutor LMS allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Tutor LMS: from n/a through
themewinter -- eventin
The Event Manager, Events Calendar, Tickets, Registrations - Eventin plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized data importation due to a missing capability check on the 'import_file' function in all versions up to, and including, 4.0.4. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to import events, speakers, schedules and attendee data.2024-07-17

tipsandtricks-hq -- wp_estore
The wp-cart-for-digital-products WordPress plugin before 8.5.5 does not escape the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] parameter before outputting it back in an attribute, which could lead to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in old web browsers2024-07-15
tipsandtricks-hq -- wp_estore
The wp-cart-for-digital-products WordPress plugin before 8.5.5 does not sanitise and escape a parameter before outputting it back in the page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting which could be used against high privilege users such as admin2024-07-15
tipsandtricks-hq -- wp_estore
The wp-cart-for-digital-products WordPress plugin before 8.5.5 does not sanitise and escape a parameter before outputting it back in the page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting which could be used against high privilege users such as admin2024-07-15
tipsandtricks-hq -- wp_estore
The wp-cart-for-digital-products WordPress plugin before 8.5.5 does not sanitise and escape a parameter before outputting it back in the page, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting which could be used against high privilege users such as admin2024-07-15
tislam100--Zenon Lite
The Zenon Lite theme for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the 'url' parameter within the theme's Button shortcode in all versions up to, and including, 1.9 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-07-18

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in TOCHAT.BE allows Stored XSS.This issue affects TOCHAT.BE: from n/a through
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Typebot allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Typebot: from n/a through
Vektor,Inc.--VK All in One Expansion Unit
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Vektor,Inc. VK All in One Expansion Unit allows Stored XSS.This issue affects VK All in One Expansion Unit: from n/a through
vividcolorsjp--AForms Form Builder for Price Calculator & Cost Estimation
The AForms - Form Builder for Price Calculator & Cost Estimation plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Full Path Disclosure in all versions up to, and including, 2.2.6. This is due to the plugin utilizing the aura library and allowing direct access to the phpunit test files. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to retrieve the full path of the web application, which can be used to aid other attacks. The information displayed is not useful on its own, and requires another vulnerability to be present for damage to an affected website.2024-07-16

WappPress Team--WappPress
Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in WappPress Team WappPress.This issue affects WappPress: from n/a through
watchful--Backup, Restore and Migrate WordPress Sites With the XCloner Plugin
The Backup, Restore and Migrate WordPress Sites With the XCloner Plugin plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Full Path Disclosure in all versions up to, and including, 4.7.3. This is due the plugin utilizing sabre without preventing direct access to the files. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to retrieve the full path of the web application, which can be used to aid other attacks. The information displayed is not useful on its own, and requires another vulnerability to be present for damage to an affected website.2024-07-16

web-auth/webauthn-lib is an open source set of PHP libraries and a Symfony bundle to allow developers to integrate that authentication mechanism into their web applications. The ProfileBasedRequestOptionsBuilder method returns allowedCredentials without any credentials if no username was found. When WebAuthn is used as the first or only authentication method, an attacker can enumerate usernames based on the absence of the `allowedCredentials` property in the assertion options response. This allows enumeration of valid or invalid usernames. By knowing which usernames are valid, attackers can focus their efforts on a smaller set of potential targets, increasing the efficiency and likelihood of successful attacks. This issue has been addressed in version 4.9.0 and all users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-15

Webstix--Admin Dashboard RSS Feed
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Webstix Admin Dashboard RSS Feed allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Admin Dashboard RSS Feed: from n/a through 3.1.2024-07-20
weDevs--ReCaptcha Integration for WordPress
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in weDevs ReCaptcha Integration for WordPress allows Stored XSS.This issue affects ReCaptcha Integration for WordPress: from n/a through
wisdomgarden -- tronclass
The tumbnail API of Tronclass from WisdomGarden lacks proper access control, allowing unauthenticated remote attackers to obtain certain specific files by modifying the URL.2024-07-15

WP Darko--Team Members
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Team Members allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Team Members: from n/a through
WP Travel Engine--WP Travel Engine
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in WP Travel Engine allows Stored XSS.This issue affects WP Travel Engine: from n/a through WordPress Blog Widgets
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in WPCone.Com ConeBlog - WordPress Blog Widgets allows Stored XSS.This issue affects ConeBlog - WordPress Blog Widgets: from n/a through
wpdevteam--SchedulePress Auto Post & Publish, Auto Social Share, Schedule Posts with Editorial Calendar & Missed Schedule Post Publisher
The SchedulePress - Auto Post & Publish, Auto Social Share, Schedule Posts with Editorial Calendar & Missed Schedule Post Publisher plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Full Path Disclosure in all versions up to, and including, 5.1.3. This is due the plugin utilizing the wpdeveloper library and leaving the demo files in place with display_errors on. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to retrieve the full path of the web application, which can be used to aid other attacks. The information displayed is not useful on its own, and requires another vulnerability to be present for damage to an affected website.2024-07-16

wpeventmanager--WP Event Manager Events Calendar, Registrations, Sell Tickets with WooCommerce
The WP Event Manager - Events Calendar, Registrations, Sell Tickets with WooCommerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the plugin's 'events' shortcode in all versions up to, and including, 3.1.43 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on user supplied attributes. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-07-16

wpserveur -- wps_hide_login
The WPS Hide Login WordPress plugin before does not prevent redirects to the login page via the auth_redirect WordPress function, allowing an unauthenticated visitor to access the hidden login page.2024-07-15
Wyze--Wyze Cam V4 Pro
A command injection vulnerability exists in Wyze V4 Pro firmware versions before, which allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands over Bluetooth as root during the camera setup process.2024-07-19

Cooked is a recipe plugin for WordPress. The Cooked plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to HTML Injection in versions up to, and including, due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This vulnerability allows authenticated attackers with contributor-level access and above to inject arbitrary HTML in pages that will be shown whenever a user accesses a compromised page. This issue has been addressed in release version 1.8.0. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-18
Cooked is a recipe plugin for WordPress. The Cooked plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in versions up to, and including, due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the AJAX action handler. This vulnerability could allow an attacker to trick users into performing an action they didn't intend to perform under their current authentication. This issue has been addressed in release version 1.8.0. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-18
Cooked is a recipe plugin for WordPress. The Cooked plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in versions up to, and including, due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the AJAX action handler. This vulnerability could allow an attacker to trick users into performing an action they didn't intend to perform under their current authentication. This issue has been addressed in release version 1.8.0. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-18
Cooked is a recipe plugin for WordPress. The Cooked plugin is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in versions up to, and including, due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the AJAX action handler. This vulnerability could allow an attacker to trick users into performing an action they didn't intend to perform under their current authentication. This issue has been addressed in release version 1.8.0. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-18
Cooked is a recipe plugin for WordPress. The Cooked plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in versions up to, and including, due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the AJAX action handler. This vulnerability could allow an attacker to trick users into performing an action they didn't intend to perform under their current authentication. This issue has been addressed in release version 1.8.0. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-18
xpeedstudio--ElementsKit Elementor addons
The ElementsKit Elementor addons plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Information Exposure in all versions up to, and including, 3.2.0 due to a missing capability checks on ekit_widgetarea_content function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to view any item created in Elementor, such as posts, pages and templates including drafts, pending and private items.2024-07-18

Xylus Themes--WP Event Aggregator
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Xylus Themes WP Event Aggregator allows Stored XSS.This issue affects WP Event Aggregator: from n/a through
YITH--YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in YITH YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter allows Reflected XSS.This issue affects YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter: from n/a through
yithemes--YITH Essential Kit for WooCommerce #1
The YITH Essential Kit for WooCommerce #1 plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on the 'activate_module', 'deactivate_module', and 'install_module' functions in all versions up to, and including, 2.34.0. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to install, activate, and deactivate plugins from a pre-defined list of available YITH plugins.2024-07-19

Yongki Agustinus--Animated Typed JS Shortcode
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Yongki Agustinus Animated Typed JS Shortcode allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Animated Typed JS Shortcode: from n/a through 2.0.2024-07-20
Zakaria Binsaifullah--GutSlider All in One Block Slider
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Zakaria Binsaifullah GutSlider - All in One Block Slider allows Stored XSS.This issue affects GutSlider - All in One Block Slider: from n/a through
Zoom Communications, Inc--Zoom Apps and SDKs
Improper input validation in some Zoom Apps and SDKs may allow an authenticated user to conduct a denial of service via network access.2024-07-15
Zoom Communications, Inc--Zoom Workplace App for Windows and Zoom Rooms App for Windows
Race condition in the installer for Zoom Workplace App for Windows and Zoom Rooms App for Windows may allow an authenticated user to conduct a denial of service via local access.2024-07-15
Zoom Communications, Inc--Zoom Workplace Apps and SDK for Windows
Improper privilege management in the installer for some Zoom Workplace Apps and SDKs for Windows may allow an authenticated user to conduct a privilege escalation via local access.2024-07-15
Zoom Communications, Inc--Zoom Workplace Apps and SDKs
Path traversal in Team Chat for some Zoom Workplace Apps and SDKs for Windows may allow an authenticated user to conduct information disclosure via network access.2024-07-15
Zoom Communications, Inc--Zoom Workplace Desktop App for macOS
Uncontrolled search path element in the installer for Zoom Workplace Desktop App for macOS before version 6.0.10 may allow an authenticated user to conduct a denial of service via local access.2024-07-15
Zoom Communications, Inc--Zoom Workplace Desktop App for Windows
Improper input validation in the installer for Zoom Workplace Desktop App for Windows before version 6.0.10 may allow an authenticated user to conduct a denial of service via local access.2024-07-15

Low Vulnerabilities

Vendor -- Product
DescriptionPublishedCVSS ScoreSource InfoPatch Info
HCL Software--Nomad server on Domino
HCL Nomad server on Domino is vulnerable to the cache containing sensitive information which could potentially give an attacker the ability to acquire the sensitive information.2024-07-19
IBM--Sterling B2B Integrator Standard Edition
IBM Sterling B2B Integrator Standard Edition through and through could disclose sensitive information in the HTTP response using man in the middle techniques. IBM X-Force ID: 265507.2024-07-17

@jmondi/url-to-png is an open source URL to PNG utility featuring parallel rendering using Playwright for screenshots and with storage caching via Local, S3, or CouchDB. The package includes an `ALLOW_LIST` where the host can specify which services the user is permitted to capture screenshots of. By default, capturing screenshots of web services running on localhost,, or the [::] is allowed. If someone hosts this project on a server, users could then capture screenshots of other web services running locally. This issue has been addressed in version 2.1.1 with the addition of a blocklist. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-15

Linkerd is an open source, ultralight, security-first service mesh for Kubernetes. In affected versions when the application being run by linkerd is susceptible to SSRF, an attacker could potentially trigger a denial-of-service (DoS) attack by making requests to localhost:4191/shutdown. Linkerd could introduce an optional environment variable to control a token that must be passed as a header. Linkerd should reject shutdown requests that do not include this header. This issue has been addressed in release version edge-24.6.2 and all users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-15

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tcp: avoid too many retransmit packets If a TCP socket is using TCP_USER_TIMEOUT, and the other peer retracted its window to zero, tcp_retransmit_timer() can retransmit a packet every two jiffies (2 ms for HZ=1000), for about 4 minutes after TCP_USER_TIMEOUT has 'expired'. The fix is to make sure tcp_rtx_probe0_timed_out() takes icsk->icsk_user_timeout into account. Before blamed commit, the socket would not timeout after icsk->icsk_user_timeout, but would use standard exponential backoff for the retransmits. Also worth noting that before commit e89688e3e978 ("net: tcp: fix unexcepted socket die when snd_wnd is 0"), the issue would last 2 minutes instead of 4.2024-07-15

ManageEngine--OpManager, OpManager Plus, OpManager MSP, OpManager Enterprise Edition
Zohocorp ManageEngine OpManager, OpManager Plus, OpManager MSP and OpManager Enterprise Edition versions before 128104, from 128151 before 128238, from 128247 before 128250 are vulnerable to Stored XSS vulnerability in reports module.2024-07-17
vodozemac is an open source implementation of Olm and Megolm in pure Rust. Versions before 0.7.0 of vodozemac use a non-constant time base64 implementation for importing key material for Megolm group sessions and `PkDecryption` Ed25519 secret keys. This flaw might allow an attacker to infer some information about the secret key material through a side-channel attack. The use of a non-constant time base64 implementation might allow an attacker to observe timing variations in the encoding and decoding operations of the secret key material. This could potentially provide insights into the underlying secret key material. The impact of this vulnerability is considered low because exploiting the attacker is required to have access to high precision timing measurements, as well as repeated access to the base64 encoding or decoding processes. Additionally, the estimated leakage amount is bounded and low according to the referenced paper. This has been patched in commit 734b6c6948d4b2bdee3dd8b4efa591d93a61d272 which has been included in release version 0.7.0. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.2024-07-17

A vulnerability was found in ClassCMS 4.5. It has been declared as problematic. Affected by this vulnerability is an unknown functionality of the file /admin/?action=home&do=shop:index&keyword=&kind=all. The manipulation of the argument order leads to cross site scripting. The attack can be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-271987.2024-07-20

Failure to properly synchronize user's permissions in UAA in Cloud Foundry Foundation v40.17.0 , potentially resulting in users retaining access rights they should not have. This can allow them to perform operations beyond their intended permissions.2024-07-18
Oracle Corporation--Database - Enterprise Edition
Vulnerability in the Java VM component of Oracle Database Server. Supported versions that are affected are 19.3-19.23, 21.3-21.14 and 23.4. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows low privileged attacker having Create Session, Create Procedure privilege with network access via Oracle Net to compromise Java VM. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a partial denial of service (partial DOS) of Java VM. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.1 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Database - Enterprise Edition
Vulnerability in the Oracle Database Core component of Oracle Database Server. Supported versions that are affected are 19.3-19.23. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows high privileged attacker having SYSDBA privilege with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle Database Core executes to compromise Oracle Database Core. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Database Core accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 2.3 (Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--Java SE JDK and JRE
Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Hotspot). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23, 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM for JDK: 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition accessible data. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited by using APIs in the specified Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. This vulnerability also applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.7 (Integrity impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N).2024-07-16

Oracle Corporation--Java SE JDK and JRE
Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Hotspot). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23, 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM for JDK: 17.0.11, 21.0.3, 22.0.1; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a partial denial of service (partial DOS) of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Note: This vulnerability can be exploited by using APIs in the specified Component, e.g., through a web service which supplies data to the APIs. This vulnerability also applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.7 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L).2024-07-16

Oracle Corporation--Java SE JDK and JRE
Vulnerability in the Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition product of Oracle Java SE (component: Concurrency). Supported versions that are affected are Oracle Java SE: 8u411, 8u411-perf, 11.0.23; Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition: 20.3.14 and 21.3.10. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows unauthenticated attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a partial denial of service (partial DOS) of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition. Note: This vulnerability applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. This vulnerability does not apply to Java deployments, typically in servers, that load and run only trusted code (e.g., code installed by an administrator). CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.7 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L).2024-07-16

Oracle Corporation--Solaris Operating System
Vulnerability in the Oracle Solaris product of Oracle Systems (component: Filesystem). The supported version that is affected is 11. Easily exploitable vulnerability allows low privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle Solaris executes to compromise Oracle Solaris. Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized ability to cause a partial denial of service (partial DOS) of Oracle Solaris. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 3.3 (Availability impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L).2024-07-16
Oracle Corporation--VM VirtualBox
Vulnerability in the Oracle VM VirtualBox product of Oracle Virtualization (component: Core). Supported versions that are affected are Prior to 7.0.20. Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with logon to the infrastructure where Oracle VM VirtualBox executes to compromise Oracle VM VirtualBox. While the vulnerability is in Oracle VM VirtualBox, attacks may significantly impact additional products (scope change). Successful attacks of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized read access to a subset of Oracle VM VirtualBox accessible data. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 2.5 (Confidentiality impacts). CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:H/UI:N/S:C/C:L/I:N/A:N).2024-07-16
smub--WP Mail SMTP by WPForms The Most Popular SMTP and Email Log Plugin
The WP Mail SMTP plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to information exposure in all versions up to, and including, 4.0.1. This is due to plugin providing the SMTP password in the SMTP Password field when viewing the settings. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with administrative-level access and above, to view the SMTP password for the supplied server. Although this would not be useful for attackers in most cases, if an administrator account becomes compromised this could be useful information to an attacker in a limited environment.2024-07-20

SourceCodester--Record Management System
A vulnerability was found in SourceCodester Record Management System 1.0. It has been classified as problematic. Affected is an unknown function of the file sort.php. The manipulation of the argument sort leads to cross site scripting. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-271932.2024-07-19


Severity Not Yet Assigned

Vendor -- Product
DescriptionPublishedCVSS ScoreSource InfoPatch Info
Acronis--Acronis Cyber Protect 15
Sensitive information disclosure due to excessive privileges assigned to Acronis Agent. The following products are affected: Acronis Cyber Protect 15 (Windows, Linux) before build 30984.2024-07-16not yet calculated
Acronis--Acronis True Image
Local privilege escalation due to OS command injection vulnerability. The following products are affected: Acronis True Image (macOS) before build 41396.2024-07-18not yet calculated
Apache Software Foundation--Apache CloudStack
The CloudStack SAML authentication (disabled by default) does not enforce signature check. In CloudStack environments where SAML authentication is enabled, an attacker that initiates CloudStack SAML single sign-on authentication can bypass SAML authentication by submitting a spoofed SAML response with no signature and known or guessed username and other user details of a SAML-enabled CloudStack user-account. In such environments, this can result in a complete compromise of the resources owned and/or accessible by a SAML enabled user-account. Affected users are recommended to disable the SAML authentication plugin by setting the "saml2.enabled" global setting to "false", or upgrade to version, or later, which addresses this issue.2024-07-19not yet calculated

Apache Software Foundation--Apache CXF
A SSRF vulnerability in WADL service description in versions of Apache CXF before 4.0.5, 3.6.4 and 3.5.9 allows an attacker to perform SSRF style attacks on REST webservices. The attack only applies if a custom stylesheet parameter is configured.2024-07-19not yet calculated
Apache Software Foundation--Apache CXF
In versions of Apache CXF before 3.6.4 and 4.0.5 (3.5.x and lower versions are not impacted), a CXF HTTP client conduit may prevent HTTPClient instances from being garbage collected and it is possible that memory consumption will continue to increase, eventually causing the application to run out of memory2024-07-19not yet calculated
Apache Software Foundation--Apache HTTP Server
A partial fix for  CVE-2024-39884 in the core of Apache HTTP Server 2.4.61 ignores some use of the legacy content-type based configuration of handlers. "AddType" and similar configuration, under some circumstances where files are requested indirectly, result in source code disclosure of local content. For example, PHP scripts may be served instead of interpreted. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.62, which fixes this issue.2024-07-18not yet calculated
Apache Software Foundation--Apache HTTP Server
SSRF in Apache HTTP Server on Windows with mod_rewrite in server/vhost context, allows to potentially leak NTML hashes to a malicious server via SSRF and malicious requests. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.62 which fixes this issue. 2024-07-18not yet calculated
Apache Software Foundation--Apache StreamPark
In Streampark (version < 2.1.4), when a user logged in successfully, the Backend service would return "Authorization" as the front-end authentication credential. User can use this credential to request other users' information, including the administrator's username, password, salt value, etc.  Mitigation: all users should upgrade to 2.1.42024-07-17not yet calculated

Apache Software Foundation--Apache StreamPark
On versions before 2.1.4, a user could log in and perform a template injection attack resulting in Remote Code Execution on the server, The attacker must successfully log into the system to launch an attack, so this is a moderate-impact vulnerability. Mitigation: all users should upgrade to 2.1.42024-07-18not yet calculated

Apache Software Foundation--Apache StreamPark (incubating)
In streampark-console the list pages(e.g: application pages), users can sort page by field. This sort field is sent from the front-end to the back-end, and the SQL query is generated using this field. However, because this sort field isn't validated, there is a risk of SQL injection vulnerability. The attacker must successfully log into the system to launch an attack, which may cause data leakage. Since no data will be written, so this is a low-impact vulnerability. Mitigation: all users should upgrade to 2.1.4, Such parameters will be blocked.2024-07-16not yet calculated
Apache Software Foundation--Apache StreamPipes
Time-of-check Time-of-use (TOCTOU) Race Condition vulnerability in Apache StreamPipes in user self-registration. This allows an attacker to potentially request the creation of multiple accounts with the same email address until the email address is registered, creating many identical users and corrupting StreamPipe's user management. This issue affects Apache StreamPipes: through 0.93.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 0.95.0, which fixes the issue.2024-07-17not yet calculated
Apache Software Foundation--Apache StreamPipes
Unrestricted Upload of File with dangerous type vulnerability in Apache StreamPipes. Such a dangerous type might be an executable file that may lead to a remote code execution (RCE). The unrestricted upload is only possible for authenticated and authorized users. This issue affects Apache StreamPipes: through 0.93.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 0.95.0, which fixes the issue.2024-07-17not yet calculated
Apache Software Foundation--Apache StreamPipes
Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability in Apache StreamPipes during installation process of pipeline elements. Previously, StreamPipes allowed users to configure custom endpoints from which to install additional pipeline elements. These endpoints were not properly validated, allowing an attacker to get StreamPipes to send an HTTP GET request to an arbitrary address. This issue affects Apache StreamPipes: through 0.93.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 0.95.0, which fixes the issue.2024-07-17not yet calculated
Atlassian--Bamboo Data Center
This High severity File Inclusion vulnerability was introduced in versions 9.0.0, 9.1.0, 9.2.0, 9.3.0, 9.4.0, 9.5.0 and 9.6.0 of Bamboo Data Center and Server. This File Inclusion vulnerability, with a CVSS Score of 8.1, allows an authenticated attacker to get the application to display the contents of a local file, or execute a different files already stored locally on the server which has high impact to confidentiality, high impact to integrity, no impact to availability, and requires no user interaction. Atlassian recommends that Bamboo Data Center and Server customers upgrade to latest version, if you are unable to do so, upgrade your instance to one of the specified supported fixed versions listed on this CVE See the release notes ( You can download the latest version of Bamboo Data Center and Server from the download center ( This vulnerability was reported via our Bug Bounty program.2024-07-16not yet calculated

Atlassian--Confluence Data Center
This High severity Stored XSS vulnerability was introduced in versions 7.13 of Confluence Data Center and Server. This Stored XSS vulnerability, with a CVSS Score of 7.3, allows an authenticated attacker to execute arbitrary HTML or JavaScript code on a victims browser which has high impact to confidentiality, high impact to integrity, no impact to availability, and requires user interaction. Atlassian recommends that Confluence Data Center and Server customers upgrade to latest version, if you are unable to do so, upgrade your instance to one of the specified supported fixed versions listed on this CVE See the release notes ( You can download the latest version of Confluence Data Center and Server from the download center ( This vulnerability was reported via our Bug Bounty program.2024-07-16not yet calculated

Broadcom--Symantec Privileged Access Management
An improper input validation allows an unauthenticated attacker to achieve remote command execution on the affected PAM system by sending a specially crafted HTTP request.2024-07-15not yet calculated
Broadcom--Symantec Privileged Access Management
This vulnerability allows an unauthenticated attacker to achieve remote command execution on the affected PAM system by uploading a specially crafted PAM upgrade file.2024-07-15not yet calculated
Broadcom--Symantec Privileged Access Management
The vulnerability allows an attacker to bypass the authentication requirements for a specific PAM endpoint.2024-07-15not yet calculated
Broadcom--Symantec Privileged Access Management
The vulnerability allows a malicious low-privileged PAM user to perform server upgrade related actions.2024-07-15not yet calculated
Broadcom--Symantec Privileged Access Management
The vulnerability allows an unauthenticated attacker to read arbitrary information from the database.2024-07-15not yet calculated
Broadcom--Symantec Privileged Access Management
This vulnerability allows an unauthenticated attacker to achieve remote command execution on the affected PAM system by uploading a specially crafted PAM upgrade file.2024-07-15not yet calculated
Broadcom--Symantec Privileged Access Management
A reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exists in the PAM UI web interface. A remote attacker able to convince a PAM user to click on a specially crafted link to the PAM UI web interface could potentially execute arbitrary client-side code in the context of PAM UI.2024-07-15not yet calculated
Broadcom--Symantec Privileged Access Management
This vulnerability allows a high-privileged authenticated PAM user to achieve remote command execution on the affected PAM system by sending a specially crafted HTTP request.2024-07-15not yet calculated
Broadcom--Symantec Privileged Access Management
A specific authentication strategy allows a malicious attacker to learn ids of all PAM users defined in its database.2024-07-15not yet calculated
Broadcom--Symantec Privileged Access Management
The vulnerability allows a malicious low-privileged PAM user to access information about other PAM users and their group memberships.2024-07-15not yet calculated
Century Systems Co., Ltd.--FutureNet NXR-1300 series
Initialization of a resource with an insecure default vulnerability in FutureNet NXR series, VXR series and WXR series provided by Century Systems Co., Ltd. allows a remote unauthenticated attacker to access telnet service unlimitedly.2024-07-17not yet calculated

Century Systems Co., Ltd.--FutureNet NXR-1300 series
FutureNet NXR series, VXR series and WXR series provided by Century Systems Co., Ltd. contain an active debug code vulnerability. If a user who knows how to use the debug function logs in to the product, the debug function may be used and an arbitrary OS command may be executed.2024-07-17not yet calculated

Century Systems Co., Ltd.--FutureNet NXR-1300 series
FutureNet NXR series, VXR series and WXR series provided by Century Systems Co., Ltd. allow a remote unauthenticated attacker to execute an arbitrary OS command, obtain and/or alter sensitive information, and be able to cause a denial of service (DoS) condition.2024-07-17not yet calculated

Cybozu, Inc.--Cybozu Garoon
Cybozu Garoon 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 contains a cross-site scripting vulnerability in PDF preview. If this vulnerability is exploited, an arbitrary script may be executed on a logged-in user's web browser.2024-07-19not yet calculated

Devolutions--Remote Desktop Manager
Exposure of Sensitive Information in edge browser session proxy feature in Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager 2024.2.14.0 and earlier on Windows allows an attacker to intercept proxy credentials via a specially crafted website.2024-07-16not yet calculated
Fujitsu Limited--FUJITSU Network Edgiot GW1500 (M2M-GW for FENICS)
Path traversal vulnerability exists in FUJITSU Network Edgiot GW1500 (M2M-GW for FENICS). If a remote authenticated attacker with User Class privilege sends a specially crafted request to the affected product, access restricted files containing sensitive information may be accessed. As a result, Administrator Class privileges of the product may be hijacked.2024-07-17not yet calculated

GitHub--GitHub Enterprise Server
A Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerability in GitHub Enterprise Server allowed write operations on a victim-owned repository by exploiting incorrect request types. A mitigating factor is that the attacker would have to be a trusted GitHub Enterprise Server user, and the victim would have to visit a tag in the attacker's fork of their own repository. vulnerability affected all versions of GitHub Enterprise Server prior 3.14 and was fixed in version 3.13.1, 3.12.6, 3.11.12, 3.10.14, and 3.9.17. This vulnerability was reported via the GitHub Bug Bounty program.2024-07-16not yet calculated

GitHub--GitHub Enterprise Server
An Incorrect Authorization vulnerability was identified in GitHub Enterprise Server that allowed a suspended GitHub App to retain access to the repository via a scoped user access token. This was only exploitable in public repositories while private repositories were not impacted. This vulnerability affected all versions of GitHub Enterprise Server prior to 3.14 and was fixed in versions 3.9.17, 3.10.14, 3.11.12, 3.12.6, 3.13.1. This vulnerability was reported via the GitHub Bug Bounty program.2024-07-16not yet calculated

GitHub--GitHub Enterprise Server
An Incorrect Authorization vulnerability was identified in GitHub Enterprise Server that allowed read access to issue content via GitHub Projects. This was only exploitable in internal repositories and required the attacker to have access to the corresponding project board. This vulnerability affected all versions of GitHub Enterprise Server prior to 3.14 and was fixed in versions 3.13.1, 3.12.6, 3.11.12, 3.10.14, and 3.9.17. This vulnerability was reported via the GitHub Bug Bounty program.2024-07-16not yet calculated

GitHub--GitHub Enterprise Server
A Security Misconfiguration vulnerability in GitHub Enterprise Server allowed sensitive information disclosure to unauthorized users in GitHub Enterprise Server by exploiting organization ruleset feature. This attack required an organization member to explicitly change the visibility of a dependent repository from private to public. This vulnerability affected all versions of GitHub Enterprise Server prior to 3.14 and was fixed in versions 3.13.1, 3.12.6, 3.11.12, 3.10.14, and 3.9.17. This vulnerability was reported via the GitHub Bug Bounty program.2024-07-16not yet calculated

GitHub--GitHub Enterprise Server
An exposure of sensitive information vulnerability in GitHub Enterprise Server would allow an attacker to enumerate the names of private repositories that utilize deploy keys. This vulnerability did not allow unauthorized access to any repository content besides the name. This vulnerability affected all versions of GitHub Enterprise Server prior to 3.14 and was fixed in versions 3.13.1, 3.12.6, 3.11.12, 3.10.14, and 3.9.17. This vulnerability was reported via the GitHub Bug Bounty program.2024-07-16not yet calculated

Inappropriate implementation in iframe in Google Chrome prior to 77.0.3865.75 allowed a remote attacker to potentially perform a sandbox escape via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-07-16not yet calculated

Insufficient policy enforcement in Navigation in Google Chrome prior to 85.0.4183.83 allowed a remote attacker to leak cross-origin data via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-07-16not yet calculated

Inappropriate implementation in Skia in Google Chrome prior to 115.0.5790.98 allowed a remote attacker who had compromised the renderer process to potentially perform a sandbox escape via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16not yet calculated

Use after free in WebRTC in Google Chrome prior to 117.0.5938.62 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16not yet calculated

Inappropriate implementation in Picture in Picture in Google Chrome prior to 119.0.6045.105 allowed a remote attacker to spoof the contents of the Omnibox (URL bar) via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-07-16not yet calculated

Insufficient data validation in Permission Prompts in Google Chrome prior to 117.0.5938.62 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious app to potentially perform a sandbox escape via a malicious file. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-07-16not yet calculated

Inappropriate implementation in Compositing in Google Chrome prior to 119.0.6045.105 allowed a remote attacker to potentially spoof security UI via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-07-16not yet calculated

Inappropriate implementation in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed a remote attacker to perform out of bounds memory access via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16not yet calculated

Inappropriate implementation in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16not yet calculated

Use after free in Screen Capture in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16not yet calculated

Use after free in Media Stream in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16not yet calculated

Use after free in Audio in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16not yet calculated

Use after free in Navigation in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious extension to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted Chrome Extension. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16not yet calculated

Race in DevTools in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious extension to inject scripts or HTML into a privileged page via a crafted Chrome Extension. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16not yet calculated

Out of bounds memory access in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 126.0.6478.182 allowed a remote attacker to potentially perform a sandbox escape via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-07-16not yet calculated

HP Inc.--Certain HP PC Products
A potential security vulnerability has been identified in certain HP PC products using AMI BIOS, which might allow arbitrary code execution. AMI has released firmware updates to mitigate this vulnerability.2024-07-15not yet calculated
HP Inc.--HP Display Control
Potential vulnerabilities have been identified in the HP Display Control software component within the HP Application Enabling Software Driver which might allow escalation of privilege.2024-07-19not yet calculated
HP Inc.--HP Display Control
Potential vulnerabilities have been identified in the HP Display Control software component within the HP Application Enabling Software Driver which might allow escalation of privilege.2024-07-19not yet calculated
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: ufs: Fix a deadlock in the error handler The following deadlock has been observed on a test setup: - All tags allocated - The SCSI error handler calls ufshcd_eh_host_reset_handler() - ufshcd_eh_host_reset_handler() queues work that calls ufshcd_err_handler() - ufshcd_err_handler() locks up as follows: Workqueue: ufs_eh_wq_0 ufshcd_err_handler.cfi_jt Call trace: __switch_to+0x298/0x5d8 __schedule+0x6cc/0xa94 schedule+0x12c/0x298 blk_mq_get_tag+0x210/0x480 __blk_mq_alloc_request+0x1c8/0x284 blk_get_request+0x74/0x134 ufshcd_exec_dev_cmd+0x68/0x640 ufshcd_verify_dev_init+0x68/0x35c ufshcd_probe_hba+0x12c/0x1cb8 ufshcd_host_reset_and_restore+0x88/0x254 ufshcd_reset_and_restore+0xd0/0x354 ufshcd_err_handler+0x408/0xc58 process_one_work+0x24c/0x66c worker_thread+0x3e8/0xa4c kthread+0x150/0x1b4 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x30 Fix this lockup by making ufshcd_exec_dev_cmd() allocate a reserved request.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: powerpc/fixmap: Fix VM debug warning on unmap Unmapping a fixmap entry is done by calling __set_fixmap() with FIXMAP_PAGE_CLEAR as flags. Today, powerpc __set_fixmap() calls map_kernel_page(). map_kernel_page() is not happy when called a second time for the same page. WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1 at arch/powerpc/mm/pgtable.c:194 set_pte_at+0xc/0x1e8 CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper Not tainted 5.16.0-rc3-s3k-dev-01993-g350ff07feb7d-dirty #682 NIP: c0017cd4 LR: c00187f0 CTR: 00000010 REGS: e1011d50 TRAP: 0700 Not tainted (5.16.0-rc3-s3k-dev-01993-g350ff07feb7d-dirty) MSR: 00029032 <EE,ME,IR,DR,RI> CR: 42000208 XER: 00000000 GPR00: c0165fec e1011e10 c14c0000 c0ee2550 ff800000 c0f3d000 00000000 c001686c GPR08: 00001000 b00045a9 00000001 c0f58460 c0f50000 00000000 c0007e10 00000000 GPR16: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 GPR24: 00000000 00000000 c0ee2550 00000000 c0f57000 00000ff8 00000000 ff800000 NIP [c0017cd4] set_pte_at+0xc/0x1e8 LR [c00187f0] map_kernel_page+0x9c/0x100 Call Trace: [e1011e10] [c0736c68] vsnprintf+0x358/0x6c8 (unreliable) [e1011e30] [c0165fec] __set_fixmap+0x30/0x44 [e1011e40] [c0c13bdc] early_iounmap+0x11c/0x170 [e1011e70] [c0c06cb0] ioremap_legacy_serial_console+0x88/0xc0 [e1011e90] [c0c03634] do_one_initcall+0x80/0x178 [e1011ef0] [c0c0385c] kernel_init_freeable+0xb4/0x250 [e1011f20] [c0007e34] kernel_init+0x24/0x140 [e1011f30] [c0016268] ret_from_kernel_thread+0x5c/0x64 Instruction dump: 7fe3fb78 48019689 80010014 7c630034 83e1000c 5463d97e 7c0803a6 38210010 4e800020 81250000 712a0001 41820008 <0fe00000> 9421ffe0 93e1001c 48000030 Implement unmap_kernel_page() which clears an existing pte.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/sunrpc: fix reference count leaks in rpc_sysfs_xprt_state_change The refcount leak issues take place in an error handling path. When the 3rd argument buf doesn't match with "offline", "online" or "remove", the function simply returns -EINVAL and forgets to decrease the reference count of a rpc_xprt object and a rpc_xprt_switch object increased by rpc_sysfs_xprt_kobj_get_xprt() and rpc_sysfs_xprt_kobj_get_xprt_switch(), causing reference count leaks of both unused objects. Fix this issue by jumping to the error handling path labelled with out_put when buf matches none of "offline", "online" or "remove".2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: xprtrdma: fix pointer derefs in error cases of rpcrdma_ep_create If there are failures then we must not leave the non-NULL pointers with the error value, otherwise `rpcrdma_ep_destroy` gets confused and tries free them, resulting in an Oops.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dmaengine: ptdma: Fix the error handling path in pt_core_init() In order to free resources correctly in the error handling path of pt_core_init(), 2 goto's have to be switched. Otherwise, some resources will leak and we will try to release things that have not been allocated yet. Also move a dev_err() to a place where it is more meaningful.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Drivers: hv: vmbus: Fix memory leak in vmbus_add_channel_kobj kobject_init_and_add() takes reference even when it fails. According to the doc of kobject_init_and_add()? If this function returns an error, kobject_put() must be called to properly clean up the memory associated with the object. Fix memory leak by calling kobject_put().2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mtd: parsers: qcom: Fix missing free for pparts in cleanup Mtdpart doesn't free pparts when a cleanup function is declared. Add missing free for pparts in cleanup function for smem to fix the leak.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mtd: parsers: qcom: Fix kernel panic on skipped partition In the event of a skipped partition (case when the entry name is empty) the kernel panics in the cleanup function as the name entry is NULL. Rework the parser logic by first checking the real partition number and then allocate the space and set the data for the valid partitions. The logic was also fundamentally wrong as with a skipped partition, the parts number returned was incorrect by not decreasing it for the skipped partitions.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mtd: rawnand: gpmi: don't leak PM reference in error path If gpmi_nfc_apply_timings() fails, the PM runtime usage counter must be dropped.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: mscc: ocelot: fix use-after-free in ocelot_vlan_del() ocelot_vlan_member_del() will free the struct ocelot_bridge_vlan, so if this is the same as the port's pvid_vlan which we access afterwards, what we're accessing is freed memory. Fix the bug by determining whether to clear ocelot_port->pvid_vlan prior to calling ocelot_vlan_member_del().2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/smc: Avoid overwriting the copies of clcsock callback functions The callback functions of clcsock will be saved and replaced during the fallback. But if the fallback happens more than once, then the copies of these callback functions will be overwritten incorrectly, resulting in a loop call issue: clcsk->sk_error_report |- smc_fback_error_report() <------------------------------| |- smc_fback_forward_wakeup() | (loop) |- clcsock_callback() (incorrectly overwritten) | |- smc->clcsk_error_report() ------------------| So this patch fixes the issue by saving these function pointers only once in the fallback and avoiding overwriting.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: crypto: af_alg - get rid of alg_memory_allocated alg_memory_allocated does not seem to be really used. alg_proto does have a .memory_allocated field, but no corresponding .sysctl_mem. This means sk_has_account() returns true, but all sk_prot_mem_limits() users will trigger a NULL dereference [1]. THis was not a problem until SO_RESERVE_MEM addition. general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000001: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000008-0x000000000000000f] CPU: 1 PID: 3591 Comm: syz-executor153 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc3-syzkaller-00316-gb81b1829e7e3 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 RIP: 0010:sk_prot_mem_limits include/net/sock.h:1523 [inline] RIP: 0010:sock_reserve_memory+0x1d7/0x330 net/core/sock.c:1000 Code: 08 00 74 08 48 89 ef e8 27 20 bb f9 4c 03 7c 24 10 48 8b 6d 00 48 83 c5 08 48 89 e8 48 c1 e8 03 48 b9 00 00 00 00 00 fc ff df <80> 3c 08 00 74 08 48 89 ef e8 fb 1f bb f9 48 8b 6d 00 4c 89 ff 48 RSP: 0018:ffffc90001f1fb68 EFLAGS: 00010202 RAX: 0000000000000001 RBX: ffff88814aabc000 RCX: dffffc0000000000 RDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: 0000000000000008 RDI: ffffffff90e18120 RBP: 0000000000000008 R08: dffffc0000000000 R09: fffffbfff21c3025 R10: fffffbfff21c3025 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffffffff8d109840 R13: 0000000000001002 R14: 0000000000000001 R15: 0000000000000001 FS: 0000555556e08300(0000) GS:ffff8880b9b00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007fc74416f130 CR3: 0000000073d9e000 CR4: 00000000003506e0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: <TASK> sock_setsockopt+0x14a9/0x3a30 net/core/sock.c:1446 __sys_setsockopt+0x5af/0x980 net/socket.c:2176 __do_sys_setsockopt net/socket.c:2191 [inline] __se_sys_setsockopt net/socket.c:2188 [inline] __x64_sys_setsockopt+0xb1/0xc0 net/socket.c:2188 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x44/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7fc7440fddc9 Code: 28 00 00 00 75 05 48 83 c4 28 c3 e8 51 15 00 00 90 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 c7 c1 c0 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48 RSP: 002b:00007ffe98f07968 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000036 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000003 RCX: 00007fc7440fddc9 RDX: 0000000000000049 RSI: 0000000000000001 RDI: 0000000000000004 RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000004 R09: 00007ffe98f07990 R10: 0000000020000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007ffe98f0798c R13: 00007ffe98f079a0 R14: 00007ffe98f079e0 R15: 0000000000000000 </TASK> Modules linked in: ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- RIP: 0010:sk_prot_mem_limits include/net/sock.h:1523 [inline] RIP: 0010:sock_reserve_memory+0x1d7/0x330 net/core/sock.c:1000 Code: 08 00 74 08 48 89 ef e8 27 20 bb f9 4c 03 7c 24 10 48 8b 6d 00 48 83 c5 08 48 89 e8 48 c1 e8 03 48 b9 00 00 00 00 00 fc ff df <80> 3c 08 00 74 08 48 89 ef e8 fb 1f bb f9 48 8b 6d 00 4c 89 ff 48 RSP: 0018:ffffc90001f1fb68 EFLAGS: 00010202 RAX: 0000000000000001 RBX: ffff88814aabc000 RCX: dffffc0000000000 RDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: 0000000000000008 RDI: ffffffff90e18120 RBP: 0000000000000008 R08: dffffc0000000000 R09: fffffbfff21c3025 R10: fffffbfff21c3025 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffffffff8d109840 R13: 0000000000001002 R14: 0000000000000001 R15: 0000000000000001 FS: 0000555556e08300(0000) GS:ffff8880b9b00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007fc74416f130 CR3: 0000000073d9e000 CR4: 00000000003506e0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 00000000000000002024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mctp: fix use after free Clang static analysis reports this problem route.c:425:4: warning: Use of memory after it is freed trace_mctp_key_acquire(key); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When mctp_key_add() fails, key is freed but then is later used in trace_mctp_key_acquire(). Add an else statement to use the key only when mctp_key_add() is successful.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: fix use after free in gswip_remove() of_node_put(priv->ds->slave_mii_bus->dev.of_node) should be done before mdiobus_free(priv->ds->slave_mii_bus).2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cfg80211: fix race in netlink owner interface destruction My previous fix here to fix the deadlock left a race where the exact same deadlock (see the original commit referenced below) can still happen if cfg80211_destroy_ifaces() already runs while nl80211_netlink_notify() is still marking some interfaces as nl_owner_dead. The race happens because we have two loops here - first we dev_close() all the netdevs, and then we destroy them. If we also have two netdevs (first one need only be a wdev though) then we can find one during the first iteration, close it, and go to the second iteration -- but then find two, and try to destroy also the one we didn't close yet. Fix this by only iterating once.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ipv6: mcast: use rcu-safe version of ipv6_get_lladdr() Some time ago 8965779d2c0e ("ipv6,mcast: always hold idev->lock before mca_lock") switched ipv6_get_lladdr() to __ipv6_get_lladdr(), which is rcu-unsafe version. That was OK, because idev->lock was held for these codepaths. In 88e2ca308094 ("mld: convert ifmcaddr6 to RCU") these external locks were removed, so we probably need to restore the original rcu-safe call. Otherwise, we occasionally get a machine crashed/stalled with the following in dmesg: [ 3405.966610][T230589] general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdead00000000008c: 0000 [#1] SMP NOPTI [ 3405.982083][T230589] CPU: 44 PID: 230589 Comm: kworker/44:3 Tainted: G O 5.15.19-cloudflare-2022.2.1 #1 [ 3405.998061][T230589] Hardware name: SUPA-COOL-SERV [ 3406.009552][T230589] Workqueue: mld mld_ifc_work [ 3406.017224][T230589] RIP: 0010:__ipv6_get_lladdr+0x34/0x60 [ 3406.025780][T230589] Code: 57 10 48 83 c7 08 48 89 e5 48 39 d7 74 3e 48 8d 82 38 ff ff ff eb 13 48 8b 90 d0 00 00 00 48 8d 82 38 ff ff ff 48 39 d7 74 22 <66> 83 78 32 20 77 1b 75 e4 89 ca 23 50 2c 75 dd 48 8b 50 08 48 8b [ 3406.055748][T230589] RSP: 0018:ffff94e4b3fc3d10 EFLAGS: 00010202 [ 3406.065617][T230589] RAX: dead00000000005a RBX: ffff94e4b3fc3d30 RCX: 0000000000000040 [ 3406.077477][T230589] RDX: dead000000000122 RSI: ffff94e4b3fc3d30 RDI: ffff8c3a31431008 [ 3406.089389][T230589] RBP: ffff94e4b3fc3d10 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 [ 3406.101445][T230589] R10: ffff8c3a31430000 R11: 000000000000000b R12: ffff8c2c37887100 [ 3406.113553][T230589] R13: ffff8c3a39537000 R14: 00000000000005dc R15: ffff8c3a31431000 [ 3406.125730][T230589] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8c3b9fc80000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [ 3406.138992][T230589] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [ 3406.149895][T230589] CR2: 00007f0dfea1db60 CR3: 000000387b5f2000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0 [ 3406.162421][T230589] Call Trace: [ 3406.170235][T230589] <TASK> [ 3406.177736][T230589] mld_newpack+0xfe/0x1a0 [ 3406.186686][T230589] add_grhead+0x87/0xa0 [ 3406.195498][T230589] add_grec+0x485/0x4e0 [ 3406.204310][T230589] ? newidle_balance+0x126/0x3f0 [ 3406.214024][T230589] mld_ifc_work+0x15d/0x450 [ 3406.223279][T230589] process_one_work+0x1e6/0x380 [ 3406.232982][T230589] worker_thread+0x50/0x3a0 [ 3406.242371][T230589] ? rescuer_thread+0x360/0x360 [ 3406.252175][T230589] kthread+0x127/0x150 [ 3406.261197][T230589] ? set_kthread_struct+0x40/0x40 [ 3406.271287][T230589] ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30 [ 3406.280812][T230589] </TASK> [ 3406.288937][T230589] Modules linked in: ... [last unloaded: kheaders] [ 3406.476714][T230589] ---[ end trace 3525a7655f2f3b9e ]---2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vsock: remove vsock from connected table when connect is interrupted by a signal vsock_connect() expects that the socket could already be in the TCP_ESTABLISHED state when the connecting task wakes up with a signal pending. If this happens the socket will be in the connected table, and it is not removed when the socket state is reset. In this situation it's common for the process to retry connect(), and if the connection is successful the socket will be added to the connected table a second time, corrupting the list. Prevent this by calling vsock_remove_connected() if a signal is received while waiting for a connection. This is harmless if the socket is not in the connected table, and if it is in the table then removing it will prevent list corruption from a double add. Note for backporting: this patch requires d5afa82c977e ("vsock: correct removal of socket from the list"), which is in all current stable trees except 4.9.y.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iwlwifi: fix use-after-free If no firmware was present at all (or, presumably, all of the firmware files failed to parse), we end up unbinding by calling device_release_driver(), which calls remove(), which then in iwlwifi calls iwl_drv_stop(), freeing the 'drv' struct. However the new code I added will still erroneously access it after it was freed. Set 'failure=false' in this case to avoid the access, all data was already freed anyway.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nvme-rdma: fix possible use-after-free in transport error_recovery work While nvme_rdma_submit_async_event_work is checking the ctrl and queue state before preparing the AER command and scheduling io_work, in order to fully prevent a race where this check is not reliable the error recovery work must flush async_event_work before continuing to destroy the admin queue after setting the ctrl state to RESETTING such that there is no race .submit_async_event and the error recovery handler itself changing the ctrl state.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nvme-tcp: fix possible use-after-free in transport error_recovery work While nvme_tcp_submit_async_event_work is checking the ctrl and queue state before preparing the AER command and scheduling io_work, in order to fully prevent a race where this check is not reliable the error recovery work must flush async_event_work before continuing to destroy the admin queue after setting the ctrl state to RESETTING such that there is no race .submit_async_event and the error recovery handler itself changing the ctrl state.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nvme: fix a possible use-after-free in controller reset during load Unlike .queue_rq, in .submit_async_event drivers may not check the ctrl readiness for AER submission. This may lead to a use-after-free condition that was observed with nvme-tcp. The race condition may happen in the following scenario: 1. driver executes its reset_ctrl_work 2. -> nvme_stop_ctrl - flushes ctrl async_event_work 3. ctrl sends AEN which is received by the host, which in turn schedules AEN handling 4. teardown admin queue (which releases the queue socket) 5. AEN processed, submits another AER, calling the driver to submit 6. driver attempts to send the cmd ==> use-after-free In order to fix that, add ctrl state check to validate the ctrl is actually able to accept the AER submission. This addresses the above race in controller resets because the driver during teardown should: 1. change ctrl state to RESETTING 2. flush async_event_work (as well as other async work elements) So after 1,2, any other AER command will find the ctrl state to be RESETTING and bail out without submitting the AER.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: pm8001: Fix use-after-free for aborted TMF sas_task Currently a use-after-free may occur if a TMF sas_task is aborted before we handle the IO completion in mpi_ssp_completion(). The abort occurs due to timeout. When the timeout occurs, the SAS_TASK_STATE_ABORTED flag is set and the sas_task is freed in pm8001_exec_internal_tmf_task(). However, if the I/O completion occurs later, the I/O completion still thinks that the sas_task is available. Fix this by clearing the ccb->task if the TMF times out - the I/O completion handler does nothing if this pointer is cleared.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: pm8001: Fix use-after-free for aborted SSP/STP sas_task Currently a use-after-free may occur if a sas_task is aborted by the upper layer before we handle the I/O completion in mpi_ssp_completion() or mpi_sata_completion(). In this case, the following are the two steps in handling those I/O completions: - Call complete() to inform the upper layer handler of completion of the I/O. - Release driver resources associated with the sas_task in pm8001_ccb_task_free() call. When complete() is called, the upper layer may free the sas_task. As such, we should not touch the associated sas_task afterwards, but we do so in the pm8001_ccb_task_free() call. Fix by swapping the complete() and pm8001_ccb_task_free() calls ordering.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: KVM: x86: nSVM: fix potential NULL derefernce on nested migration Turns out that due to review feedback and/or rebases I accidentally moved the call to nested_svm_load_cr3 to be too early, before the NPT is enabled, which is very wrong to do. KVM can't even access guest memory at that point as nested NPT is needed for that, and of course it won't initialize the walk_mmu, which is main issue the patch was addressing. Fix this for real.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: ieee802154: at86rf230: Stop leaking skb's Upon error the ieee802154_xmit_complete() helper is not called. Only ieee802154_wake_queue() is called manually. In the Tx case we then leak the skb structure. Free the skb structure upon error before returning when appropriate. As the 'is_tx = 0' cannot be moved in the complete handler because of a possible race between the delay in switching to STATE_RX_AACK_ON and a new interrupt, we introduce an intermediate 'was_tx' boolean just for this purpose. There is no Fixes tag applying here, many changes have been made on this area and the issue kind of always existed.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: parisc: Fix data TLB miss in sba_unmap_sg Rolf Eike Beer reported the following bug: [1274934.746891] Bad Address (null pointer deref?): Code=15 (Data TLB miss fault) at addr 0000004140000018 [1274934.746891] CPU: 3 PID: 5549 Comm: cmake Not tainted 5.15.4-gentoo-parisc64 #4 [1274934.746891] Hardware name: 9000/785/C8000 [1274934.746891] [1274934.746891] YZrvWESTHLNXBCVMcbcbcbcbOGFRQPDI [1274934.746891] PSW: 00001000000001001111111000001110 Not tainted [1274934.746891] r00-03 000000ff0804fe0e 0000000040bc9bc0 00000000406760e4 0000004140000000 [1274934.746891] r04-07 0000000040b693c0 0000004140000000 000000004a2b08b0 0000000000000001 [1274934.746891] r08-11 0000000041f98810 0000000000000000 000000004a0a7000 0000000000000001 [1274934.746891] r12-15 0000000040bddbc0 0000000040c0cbc0 0000000040bddbc0 0000000040bddbc0 [1274934.746891] r16-19 0000000040bde3c0 0000000040bddbc0 0000000040bde3c0 0000000000000007 [1274934.746891] r20-23 0000000000000006 000000004a368950 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 [1274934.746891] r24-27 0000000000001fff 000000000800000e 000000004a1710f0 0000000040b693c0 [1274934.746891] r28-31 0000000000000001 0000000041f988b0 0000000041f98840 000000004a171118 [1274934.746891] sr00-03 00000000066e5800 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000066e5800 [1274934.746891] sr04-07 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 [1274934.746891] [1274934.746891] IASQ: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 IAOQ: 00000000406760e8 00000000406760ec [1274934.746891] IIR: 48780030 ISR: 0000000000000000 IOR: 0000004140000018 [1274934.746891] CPU: 3 CR30: 00000040e3a9c000 CR31: ffffffffffffffff [1274934.746891] ORIG_R28: 0000000040acdd58 [1274934.746891] IAOQ[0]: sba_unmap_sg+0xb0/0x118 [1274934.746891] IAOQ[1]: sba_unmap_sg+0xb4/0x118 [1274934.746891] RP(r2): sba_unmap_sg+0xac/0x118 [1274934.746891] Backtrace: [1274934.746891] [<00000000402740cc>] dma_unmap_sg_attrs+0x6c/0x70 [1274934.746891] [<000000004074d6bc>] scsi_dma_unmap+0x54/0x60 [1274934.746891] [<00000000407a3488>] mptscsih_io_done+0x150/0xd70 [1274934.746891] [<0000000040798600>] mpt_interrupt+0x168/0xa68 [1274934.746891] [<0000000040255a48>] __handle_irq_event_percpu+0xc8/0x278 [1274934.746891] [<0000000040255c34>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x3c/0xd8 [1274934.746891] [<000000004025ecb4>] handle_percpu_irq+0xb4/0xf0 [1274934.746891] [<00000000402548e0>] generic_handle_irq+0x50/0x70 [1274934.746891] [<000000004019a254>] call_on_stack+0x18/0x24 [1274934.746891] [1274934.746891] Kernel panic - not syncing: Bad Address (null pointer deref?) The bug is caused by overrunning the sglist and incorrectly testing sg_dma_len(sglist) before nents. Normally this doesn't cause a crash, but in this case sglist crossed a page boundary. This occurs in the following code: while (sg_dma_len(sglist) && nents--) { The fix is simply to test nents first and move the decrement of nents into the loop.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu: Fix potential use-after-free during probe Kasan has reported the following use after free on dev->iommu. when a device probe fails and it is in process of freeing dev->iommu in dev_iommu_free function, a deferred_probe_work_func runs in parallel and tries to access dev->iommu->fwspec in of_iommu_configure path thus causing use after free. BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in of_iommu_configure+0xb4/0x4a4 Read of size 8 at addr ffffff87a2f1acb8 by task kworker/u16:2/153 Workqueue: events_unbound deferred_probe_work_func Call trace: dump_backtrace+0x0/0x33c show_stack+0x18/0x24 dump_stack_lvl+0x16c/0x1e0 print_address_description+0x84/0x39c __kasan_report+0x184/0x308 kasan_report+0x50/0x78 __asan_load8+0xc0/0xc4 of_iommu_configure+0xb4/0x4a4 of_dma_configure_id+0x2fc/0x4d4 platform_dma_configure+0x40/0x5c really_probe+0x1b4/0xb74 driver_probe_device+0x11c/0x228 __device_attach_driver+0x14c/0x304 bus_for_each_drv+0x124/0x1b0 __device_attach+0x25c/0x334 device_initial_probe+0x24/0x34 bus_probe_device+0x78/0x134 deferred_probe_work_func+0x130/0x1a8 process_one_work+0x4c8/0x970 worker_thread+0x5c8/0xaec kthread+0x1f8/0x220 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18 Allocated by task 1: ____kasan_kmalloc+0xd4/0x114 __kasan_kmalloc+0x10/0x1c kmem_cache_alloc_trace+0xe4/0x3d4 __iommu_probe_device+0x90/0x394 probe_iommu_group+0x70/0x9c bus_for_each_dev+0x11c/0x19c bus_iommu_probe+0xb8/0x7d4 bus_set_iommu+0xcc/0x13c arm_smmu_bus_init+0x44/0x130 [arm_smmu] arm_smmu_device_probe+0xb88/0xc54 [arm_smmu] platform_drv_probe+0xe4/0x13c really_probe+0x2c8/0xb74 driver_probe_device+0x11c/0x228 device_driver_attach+0xf0/0x16c __driver_attach+0x80/0x320 bus_for_each_dev+0x11c/0x19c driver_attach+0x38/0x48 bus_add_driver+0x1dc/0x3a4 driver_register+0x18c/0x244 __platform_driver_register+0x88/0x9c init_module+0x64/0xff4 [arm_smmu] do_one_initcall+0x17c/0x2f0 do_init_module+0xe8/0x378 load_module+0x3f80/0x4a40 __se_sys_finit_module+0x1a0/0x1e4 __arm64_sys_finit_module+0x44/0x58 el0_svc_common+0x100/0x264 do_el0_svc+0x38/0xa4 el0_svc+0x20/0x30 el0_sync_handler+0x68/0xac el0_sync+0x160/0x180 Freed by task 1: kasan_set_track+0x4c/0x84 kasan_set_free_info+0x28/0x4c ____kasan_slab_free+0x120/0x15c __kasan_slab_free+0x18/0x28 slab_free_freelist_hook+0x204/0x2fc kfree+0xfc/0x3a4 __iommu_probe_device+0x284/0x394 probe_iommu_group+0x70/0x9c bus_for_each_dev+0x11c/0x19c bus_iommu_probe+0xb8/0x7d4 bus_set_iommu+0xcc/0x13c arm_smmu_bus_init+0x44/0x130 [arm_smmu] arm_smmu_device_probe+0xb88/0xc54 [arm_smmu] platform_drv_probe+0xe4/0x13c really_probe+0x2c8/0xb74 driver_probe_device+0x11c/0x228 device_driver_attach+0xf0/0x16c __driver_attach+0x80/0x320 bus_for_each_dev+0x11c/0x19c driver_attach+0x38/0x48 bus_add_driver+0x1dc/0x3a4 driver_register+0x18c/0x244 __platform_driver_register+0x88/0x9c init_module+0x64/0xff4 [arm_smmu] do_one_initcall+0x17c/0x2f0 do_init_module+0xe8/0x378 load_module+0x3f80/0x4a40 __se_sys_finit_module+0x1a0/0x1e4 __arm64_sys_finit_module+0x44/0x58 el0_svc_common+0x100/0x264 do_el0_svc+0x38/0xa4 el0_svc+0x20/0x30 el0_sync_handler+0x68/0xac el0_sync+0x160/0x180 Fix this by setting dev->iommu to NULL first and then freeing dev_iommu structure in dev_iommu_free function.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm: don't try to NUMA-migrate COW pages that have other uses Oded Gabbay reports that enabling NUMA balancing causes corruption with his Gaudi accelerator test load: "All the details are in the bug, but the bottom line is that somehow, this patch causes corruption when the numa balancing feature is enabled AND we don't use process affinity AND we use GUP to pin pages so our accelerator can DMA to/from system memory. Either disabling numa balancing, using process affinity to bind to specific numa-node or reverting this patch causes the bug to disappear" and Oded bisected the issue to commit 09854ba94c6a ("mm: do_wp_page() simplification"). Now, the NUMA balancing shouldn't actually be changing the writability of a page, and as such shouldn't matter for COW. But it appears it does. Suspicious. However, regardless of that, the condition for enabling NUMA faults in change_pte_range() is nonsensical. It uses "page_mapcount(page)" to decide if a COW page should be NUMA-protected or not, and that makes absolutely no sense. The number of mappings a page has is irrelevant: not only does GUP get a reference to a page as in Oded's case, but the other mappings migth be paged out and the only reference to them would be in the page count. Since we should never try to NUMA-balance a page that we can't move anyway due to other references, just fix the code to use 'page_count()'. Oded confirms that that fixes his issue. Now, this does imply that something in NUMA balancing ends up changing page protections (other than the obvious one of making the page inaccessible to get the NUMA faulting information). Otherwise the COW simplification wouldn't matter - since doing the GUP on the page would make sure it's writable. The cause of that permission change would be good to figure out too, since it clearly results in spurious COW events - but fixing the nonsensical test that just happened to work before is obviously the CorrectThing(tm) to do regardless.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: s390/cio: verify the driver availability for path_event call If no driver is attached to a device or the driver does not provide the path_event function, an FCES path-event on this device could end up in a kernel-panic. Verify the driver availability before the path_event function call.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: perf: Fix list corruption in perf_cgroup_switch() There's list corruption on cgrp_cpuctx_list. This happens on the following path: perf_cgroup_switch: list_for_each_entry(cgrp_cpuctx_list) cpu_ctx_sched_in ctx_sched_in ctx_pinned_sched_in merge_sched_in perf_cgroup_event_disable: remove the event from the list Use list_for_each_entry_safe() to allow removing an entry during iteration.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mm: vmscan: remove deadlock due to throttling failing to make progress A soft lockup bug in kcompactd was reported in a private bugzilla with the following visible in dmesg; watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#33 stuck for 26s! [kcompactd0:479] watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#33 stuck for 52s! [kcompactd0:479] watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#33 stuck for 78s! [kcompactd0:479] watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#33 stuck for 104s! [kcompactd0:479] The machine had 256G of RAM with no swap and an earlier failed allocation indicated that node 0 where kcompactd was run was potentially unreclaimable; Node 0 active_anon:29355112kB inactive_anon:2913528kB active_file:0kB inactive_file:0kB unevictable:64kB isolated(anon):0kB isolated(file):0kB mapped:8kB dirty:0kB writeback:0kB shmem:26780kB shmem_thp: 0kB shmem_pmdmapped: 0kB anon_thp: 23480320kB writeback_tmp:0kB kernel_stack:2272kB pagetables:24500kB all_unreclaimable? yes Vlastimil Babka investigated a crash dump and found that a task migrating pages was trying to drain PCP lists; PID: 52922 TASK: ffff969f820e5000 CPU: 19 COMMAND: "kworker/u128:3" Call Trace: __schedule schedule schedule_timeout wait_for_completion __flush_work __drain_all_pages __alloc_pages_slowpath.constprop.114 __alloc_pages alloc_migration_target migrate_pages migrate_to_node do_migrate_pages cpuset_migrate_mm_workfn process_one_work worker_thread kthread ret_from_fork This failure is specific to CONFIG_PREEMPT=n builds. The root of the problem is that kcompact0 is not rescheduling on a CPU while a task that has isolated a large number of the pages from the LRU is waiting on kcompact0 to reschedule so the pages can be released. While shrink_inactive_list() only loops once around too_many_isolated, reclaim can continue without rescheduling if sc->skipped_deactivate == 1 which could happen if there was no file LRU and the inactive anon list was not low.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iio: buffer: Fix file related error handling in IIO_BUFFER_GET_FD_IOCTL If we fail to copy the just created file descriptor to userland, we try to clean up by putting back 'fd' and freeing 'ib'. The code uses put_unused_fd() for the former which is wrong, as the file descriptor was already published by fd_install() which gets called internally by anon_inode_getfd(). This makes the error handling code leaving a half cleaned up file descriptor table around and a partially destructed 'file' object, allowing userland to play use-after-free tricks on us, by abusing the still usable fd and making the code operate on a dangling 'file->private_data' pointer. Instead of leaving the kernel in a partially corrupted state, don't attempt to explicitly clean up and leave this to the process exit path that'll release any still valid fds, including the one created by the previous call to anon_inode_getfd(). Simply return -EFAULT to indicate the error.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: fs/proc: task_mmu.c: don't read mapcount for migration entry The syzbot reported the below BUG: kernel BUG at include/linux/page-flags.h:785! invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN CPU: 1 PID: 4392 Comm: syz-executor560 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc6-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 RIP: 0010:PageDoubleMap include/linux/page-flags.h:785 [inline] RIP: 0010:__page_mapcount+0x2d2/0x350 mm/util.c:744 Call Trace: page_mapcount include/linux/mm.h:837 [inline] smaps_account+0x470/0xb10 fs/proc/task_mmu.c:466 smaps_pte_entry fs/proc/task_mmu.c:538 [inline] smaps_pte_range+0x611/0x1250 fs/proc/task_mmu.c:601 walk_pmd_range mm/pagewalk.c:128 [inline] walk_pud_range mm/pagewalk.c:205 [inline] walk_p4d_range mm/pagewalk.c:240 [inline] walk_pgd_range mm/pagewalk.c:277 [inline] __walk_page_range+0xe23/0x1ea0 mm/pagewalk.c:379 walk_page_vma+0x277/0x350 mm/pagewalk.c:530 smap_gather_stats.part.0+0x148/0x260 fs/proc/task_mmu.c:768 smap_gather_stats fs/proc/task_mmu.c:741 [inline] show_smap+0xc6/0x440 fs/proc/task_mmu.c:822 seq_read_iter+0xbb0/0x1240 fs/seq_file.c:272 seq_read+0x3e0/0x5b0 fs/seq_file.c:162 vfs_read+0x1b5/0x600 fs/read_write.c:479 ksys_read+0x12d/0x250 fs/read_write.c:619 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae The reproducer was trying to read /proc/$PID/smaps when calling MADV_FREE at the mean time. MADV_FREE may split THPs if it is called for partial THP. It may trigger the below race: CPU A CPU B ----- ----- smaps walk: MADV_FREE: page_mapcount() PageCompound() split_huge_page() page = compound_head(page) PageDoubleMap(page) When calling PageDoubleMap() this page is not a tail page of THP anymore so the BUG is triggered. This could be fixed by elevated refcount of the page before calling mapcount, but that would prevent it from counting migration entries, and it seems overkilling because the race just could happen when PMD is split so all PTE entries of tail pages are actually migration entries, and smaps_account() does treat migration entries as mapcount == 1 as Kirill pointed out. Add a new parameter for smaps_account() to tell this entry is migration entry then skip calling page_mapcount(). Don't skip getting mapcount for device private entries since they do track references with mapcount. Pagemap also has the similar issue although it was not reported. Fixed it as well. [[email protected]: v4] Link:[email protected] [[email protected]: avoid unused variable warning in pagemap_pmd_range()] Link:[email protected]2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: phy: ti: Fix missing sentinel for clk_div_table _get_table_maxdiv() tries to access "clk_div_table" array out of bound defined in phy-j721e-wiz.c. Add a sentinel entry to prevent the following global-out-of-bounds error reported by enabling KASAN. [ 9.552392] BUG: KASAN: global-out-of-bounds in _get_maxdiv+0xc0/0x148 [ 9.558948] Read of size 4 at addr ffff8000095b25a4 by task kworker/u4:1/38 [ 9.565926] [ 9.567441] CPU: 1 PID: 38 Comm: kworker/u4:1 Not tainted 5.16.0-116492-gdaadb3bd0e8d-dirty #360 [ 9.576242] Hardware name: Texas Instruments J721e EVM (DT) [ 9.581832] Workqueue: events_unbound deferred_probe_work_func [ 9.587708] Call trace: [ 9.590174] dump_backtrace+0x20c/0x218 [ 9.594038] show_stack+0x18/0x68 [ 9.597375] dump_stack_lvl+0x9c/0xd8 [ 9.601062] print_address_description.constprop.0+0x78/0x334 [ 9.606830] kasan_report+0x1f0/0x260 [ 9.610517] __asan_load4+0x9c/0xd8 [ 9.614030] _get_maxdiv+0xc0/0x148 [ 9.617540] divider_determine_rate+0x88/0x488 [ 9.622005] divider_round_rate_parent+0xc8/0x124 [ 9.626729] wiz_clk_div_round_rate+0x54/0x68 [ 9.631113] clk_core_determine_round_nolock+0x124/0x158 [ 9.636448] clk_core_round_rate_nolock+0x68/0x138 [ 9.641260] clk_core_set_rate_nolock+0x268/0x3a8 [ 9.645987] clk_set_rate+0x50/0xa8 [ 9.649499] cdns_sierra_phy_init+0x88/0x248 [ 9.653794] phy_init+0x98/0x108 [ 9.657046] cdns_pcie_enable_phy+0xa0/0x170 [ 9.661340] cdns_pcie_init_phy+0x250/0x2b0 [ 9.665546] j721e_pcie_probe+0x4b8/0x798 [ 9.669579] platform_probe+0x8c/0x108 [ 9.673350] really_probe+0x114/0x630 [ 9.677037] __driver_probe_device+0x18c/0x220 [ 9.681505] driver_probe_device+0xac/0x150 [ 9.685712] __device_attach_driver+0xec/0x170 [ 9.690178] bus_for_each_drv+0xf0/0x158 [ 9.694124] __device_attach+0x184/0x210 [ 9.698070] device_initial_probe+0x14/0x20 [ 9.702277] bus_probe_device+0xec/0x100 [ 9.706223] deferred_probe_work_func+0x124/0x180 [ 9.710951] process_one_work+0x4b0/0xbc0 [ 9.714983] worker_thread+0x74/0x5d0 [ 9.718668] kthread+0x214/0x230 [ 9.721919] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 [ 9.725520] [ 9.727032] The buggy address belongs to the variable: [ 9.732183] clk_div_table+0x24/0x4402024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vt_ioctl: fix array_index_nospec in vt_setactivate array_index_nospec ensures that an out-of-bounds value is set to zero on the transient path. Decreasing the value by one afterwards causes a transient integer underflow. vsa.console should be decreased first and then sanitized with array_index_nospec. Kasper Acknowledgements: Jakob Koschel, Brian Johannesmeyer, Kaveh Razavi, Herbert Bos, Cristiano Giuffrida from the VUSec group at VU Amsterdam.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: usb: ax88179_178a: Fix out-of-bounds accesses in RX fixup ax88179_rx_fixup() contains several out-of-bounds accesses that can be triggered by a malicious (or defective) USB device, in particular: - The metadata array (hdr_off..hdr_off+2*pkt_cnt) can be out of bounds, causing OOB reads and (on big-endian systems) OOB endianness flips. - A packet can overlap the metadata array, causing a later OOB endianness flip to corrupt data used by a cloned SKB that has already been handed off into the network stack. - A packet SKB can be constructed whose tail is far beyond its end, causing out-of-bounds heap data to be considered part of the SKB's data. I have tested that this can be used by a malicious USB device to send a bogus ICMPv6 Echo Request and receive an ICMPv6 Echo Reply in response that contains random kernel heap data. It's probably also possible to get OOB writes from this on a little-endian system somehow - maybe by triggering skb_cow() via IP options processing -, but I haven't tested that.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: eeprom: ee1004: limit i2c reads to I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX Commit effa453168a7 ("i2c: i801: Don't silently correct invalid transfer size") revealed that ee1004_eeprom_read() did not properly limit how many bytes to read at once. In particular, i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data_or_emulated() takes the length to read as an u8. If count == 256 after taking into account the offset and page boundary, the cast to u8 overflows. And this is common when user space tries to read the entire EEPROM at once. To fix it, limit each read to I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_MAX (32) bytes, already the maximum length i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data_or_emulated() allows.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: Fix KASAN error in LAG NETDEV_UNREGISTER handler Currently, the same handler is called for both a NETDEV_BONDING_INFO LAG unlink notification as for a NETDEV_UNREGISTER call. This is causing a problem though, since the netdev_notifier_info passed has a different structure depending on which event is passed. The problem manifests as a call trace from a BUG: KASAN stack-out-of-bounds error. Fix this by creating a handler specific to NETDEV_UNREGISTER that only is passed valid elements in the netdev_notifier_info struct for the NETDEV_UNREGISTER event. Also included is the removal of an unbalanced dev_put on the peer_netdev and related braces.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: fix panic when DSA master device unbinds on shutdown Rafael reports that on a system with LX2160A and Marvell DSA switches, if a reboot occurs while the DSA master (dpaa2-eth) is up, the following panic can be seen: systemd-shutdown[1]: Rebooting. Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00a0000800000041 [00a0000800000041] address between user and kernel address ranges Internal error: Oops: 96000004 [#1] PREEMPT SMP CPU: 6 PID: 1 Comm: systemd-shutdow Not tainted 5.16.5-00042-g8f5585009b24 #32 pc : dsa_slave_netdevice_event+0x130/0x3e4 lr : raw_notifier_call_chain+0x50/0x6c Call trace: dsa_slave_netdevice_event+0x130/0x3e4 raw_notifier_call_chain+0x50/0x6c call_netdevice_notifiers_info+0x54/0xa0 __dev_close_many+0x50/0x130 dev_close_many+0x84/0x120 unregister_netdevice_many+0x130/0x710 unregister_netdevice_queue+0x8c/0xd0 unregister_netdev+0x20/0x30 dpaa2_eth_remove+0x68/0x190 fsl_mc_driver_remove+0x20/0x5c __device_release_driver+0x21c/0x220 device_release_driver_internal+0xac/0xb0 device_links_unbind_consumers+0xd4/0x100 __device_release_driver+0x94/0x220 device_release_driver+0x28/0x40 bus_remove_device+0x118/0x124 device_del+0x174/0x420 fsl_mc_device_remove+0x24/0x40 __fsl_mc_device_remove+0xc/0x20 device_for_each_child+0x58/0xa0 dprc_remove+0x90/0xb0 fsl_mc_driver_remove+0x20/0x5c __device_release_driver+0x21c/0x220 device_release_driver+0x28/0x40 bus_remove_device+0x118/0x124 device_del+0x174/0x420 fsl_mc_bus_remove+0x80/0x100 fsl_mc_bus_shutdown+0xc/0x1c platform_shutdown+0x20/0x30 device_shutdown+0x154/0x330 __do_sys_reboot+0x1cc/0x250 __arm64_sys_reboot+0x20/0x30 invoke_syscall.constprop.0+0x4c/0xe0 do_el0_svc+0x4c/0x150 el0_svc+0x24/0xb0 el0t_64_sync_handler+0xa8/0xb0 el0t_64_sync+0x178/0x17c It can be seen from the stack trace that the problem is that the deregistration of the master causes a dev_close(), which gets notified as NETDEV_GOING_DOWN to dsa_slave_netdevice_event(). But dsa_switch_shutdown() has already run, and this has unregistered the DSA slave interfaces, and yet, the NETDEV_GOING_DOWN handler attempts to call dev_close_many() on those slave interfaces, leading to the problem. The previous attempt to avoid the NETDEV_GOING_DOWN on the master after dsa_switch_shutdown() was called seems improper. Unregistering the slave interfaces is unnecessary and unhelpful. Instead, after the slaves have stopped being uppers of the DSA master, we can now reset to NULL the master->dsa_ptr pointer, which will make DSA start ignoring all future notifier events on the master.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: fix a memleak when uncloning an skb dst and its metadata When uncloning an skb dst and its associated metadata, a new dst+metadata is allocated and later replaces the old one in the skb. This is helpful to have a non-shared dst+metadata attached to a specific skb. The issue is the uncloned dst+metadata is initialized with a refcount of 1, which is increased to 2 before attaching it to the skb. When tun_dst_unclone returns, the dst+metadata is only referenced from a single place (the skb) while its refcount is 2. Its refcount will never drop to 0 (when the skb is consumed), leading to a memory leak. Fix this by removing the call to dst_hold in tun_dst_unclone, as the dst+metadata refcount is already 1.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ipmr,ip6mr: acquire RTNL before calling ip[6]mr_free_table() on failure path ip[6]mr_free_table() can only be called under RTNL lock. RTNL: assertion failed at net/core/dev.c (10367) WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 5890 at net/core/dev.c:10367 unregister_netdevice_many+0x1246/0x1850 net/core/dev.c:10367 Modules linked in: CPU: 1 PID: 5890 Comm: syz-executor.2 Not tainted 5.16.0-syzkaller-11627-g422ee58dc0ef #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 RIP: 0010:unregister_netdevice_many+0x1246/0x1850 net/core/dev.c:10367 Code: 0f 85 9b ee ff ff e8 69 07 4b fa ba 7f 28 00 00 48 c7 c6 00 90 ae 8a 48 c7 c7 40 90 ae 8a c6 05 6d b1 51 06 01 e8 8c 90 d8 01 <0f> 0b e9 70 ee ff ff e8 3e 07 4b fa 4c 89 e7 e8 86 2a 59 fa e9 ee RSP: 0018:ffffc900046ff6e0 EFLAGS: 00010286 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: ffff888050f51d00 RSI: ffffffff815fa008 RDI: fffff520008dfece RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: ffffffff815f3d6e R11: 0000000000000000 R12: 00000000fffffff4 R13: dffffc0000000000 R14: ffffc900046ff750 R15: ffff88807b7dc000 FS: 00007f4ab736e700(0000) GS:ffff8880b9d00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007fee0b4f8990 CR3: 000000001e7d2000 CR4: 00000000003506e0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: <TASK> mroute_clean_tables+0x244/0xb40 net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:1509 ip6mr_free_table net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:389 [inline] ip6mr_rules_init net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:246 [inline] ip6mr_net_init net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:1306 [inline] ip6mr_net_init+0x3f0/0x4e0 net/ipv6/ip6mr.c:1298 ops_init+0xaf/0x470 net/core/net_namespace.c:140 setup_net+0x54f/0xbb0 net/core/net_namespace.c:331 copy_net_ns+0x318/0x760 net/core/net_namespace.c:475 create_new_namespaces+0x3f6/0xb20 kernel/nsproxy.c:110 copy_namespaces+0x391/0x450 kernel/nsproxy.c:178 copy_process+0x2e0c/0x7300 kernel/fork.c:2167 kernel_clone+0xe7/0xab0 kernel/fork.c:2555 __do_sys_clone+0xc8/0x110 kernel/fork.c:2672 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7f4ab89f9059 Code: Unable to access opcode bytes at RIP 0x7f4ab89f902f. RSP: 002b:00007f4ab736e118 EFLAGS: 00000206 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000038 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f4ab8b0bf60 RCX: 00007f4ab89f9059 RDX: 0000000020000280 RSI: 0000000020000270 RDI: 0000000040200000 RBP: 00007f4ab8a5308d R08: 0000000020000300 R09: 0000000020000300 R10: 00000000200002c0 R11: 0000000000000206 R12: 0000000000000000 R13: 00007ffc3977cc1f R14: 00007f4ab736e300 R15: 0000000000022000 </TASK>2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ibmvnic: don't release napi in __ibmvnic_open() If __ibmvnic_open() encounters an error such as when setting link state, it calls release_resources() which frees the napi structures needlessly. Instead, have __ibmvnic_open() only clean up the work it did so far (i.e. disable napi and irqs) and leave the rest to the callers. If caller of __ibmvnic_open() is ibmvnic_open(), it should release the resources immediately. If the caller is do_reset() or do_hard_reset(), they will release the resources on the next reset. This fixes following crash that occurred when running the drmgr command several times to add/remove a vnic interface: [102056] ibmvnic 30000003 env3: Disabling rx_scrq[6] irq [102056] ibmvnic 30000003 env3: Disabling rx_scrq[7] irq [102056] ibmvnic 30000003 env3: Replenished 8 pools Kernel attempted to read user page (10) - exploit attempt? (uid: 0) BUG: Kernel NULL pointer dereference on read at 0x00000010 Faulting instruction address: 0xc000000000a3c840 Oops: Kernel access of bad area, sig: 11 [#1] LE PAGE_SIZE=64K MMU=Radix SMP NR_CPUS=2048 NUMA pSeries ... CPU: 9 PID: 102056 Comm: kworker/9:2 Kdump: loaded Not tainted 5.16.0-rc5-autotest-g6441998e2e37 #1 Workqueue: events_long __ibmvnic_reset [ibmvnic] NIP: c000000000a3c840 LR: c0080000029b5378 CTR: c000000000a3c820 REGS: c0000000548e37e0 TRAP: 0300 Not tainted (5.16.0-rc5-autotest-g6441998e2e37) MSR: 8000000000009033 <SF,EE,ME,IR,DR,RI,LE> CR: 28248484 XER: 00000004 CFAR: c0080000029bdd24 DAR: 0000000000000010 DSISR: 40000000 IRQMASK: 0 GPR00: c0080000029b55d0 c0000000548e3a80 c0000000028f0200 0000000000000000 ... NIP [c000000000a3c840] napi_enable+0x20/0xc0 LR [c0080000029b5378] __ibmvnic_open+0xf0/0x430 [ibmvnic] Call Trace: [c0000000548e3a80] [0000000000000006] 0x6 (unreliable) [c0000000548e3ab0] [c0080000029b55d0] __ibmvnic_open+0x348/0x430 [ibmvnic] [c0000000548e3b40] [c0080000029bcc28] __ibmvnic_reset+0x500/0xdf0 [ibmvnic] [c0000000548e3c60] [c000000000176228] process_one_work+0x288/0x570 [c0000000548e3d00] [c000000000176588] worker_thread+0x78/0x660 [c0000000548e3da0] [c0000000001822f0] kthread+0x1c0/0x1d0 [c0000000548e3e10] [c00000000000cf64] ret_from_kernel_thread+0x5c/0x64 Instruction dump: 7d2948f8 792307e0 4e800020 60000000 3c4c01eb 384239e0 f821ffd1 39430010 38a0fff6 e92d1100 f9210028 39200000 <e9030010> f9010020 60420000 e9210020 ---[ end trace 5f8033b08fd27706 ]---2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: lantiq_gswip: don't use devres for mdiobus As explained in commits: 74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres") 5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres") mdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <- devres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was not previously unregistered. The GSWIP switch is a platform device, so the initial set of constraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here. If the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown (like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link between the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers() will unbind the GSWIP switch driver on shutdown. So the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which is: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration, or don't use devres at all. The gswip driver has the code structure in place for orderly mdiobus removal, so just replace devm_mdiobus_alloc() with the non-devres variant, and add manual free where necessary, to ensure that we don't let devres free a still-registered bus.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: felix: don't use devres for mdiobus As explained in commits: 74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres") 5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres") mdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <- devres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was not previously unregistered. The Felix VSC9959 switch is a PCI device, so the initial set of constraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here. If the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown (like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link between the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers() will unbind the felix switch driver on shutdown. So the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which is: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration, or don't use devres at all. The felix driver has the code structure in place for orderly mdiobus removal, so just replace devm_mdiobus_alloc_size() with the non-devres variant, and add manual free where necessary, to ensure that we don't let devres free a still-registered bus.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: seville: register the mdiobus under devres As explained in commits: 74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres") 5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres") mdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <- devres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was not previously unregistered. The Seville VSC9959 switch is a platform device, so the initial set of constraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here. If the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown (like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link between the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers() will unbind the seville switch driver on shutdown. So the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which is: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration, or don't use devres at all. The seville driver has a code structure that could accommodate both the mdiobus_unregister and mdiobus_free calls, but it has an external dependency upon mscc_miim_setup() from mdio-mscc-miim.c, which calls devm_mdiobus_alloc_size() on its behalf. So rather than restructuring that, and exporting yet one more symbol mscc_miim_teardown(), let's work with devres and replace of_mdiobus_register with the devres variant. When we use all-devres, we can ensure that devres doesn't free a still-registered bus (it either runs both callbacks, or none).2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: bcm_sf2: don't use devres for mdiobus As explained in commits: 74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres") 5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres") mdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <- devres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was not previously unregistered. The Starfighter 2 is a platform device, so the initial set of constraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here. If the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown (like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link between the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers() will unbind the bcm_sf2 switch driver on shutdown. So the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which is: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration, or don't use devres at all. The bcm_sf2 driver has the code structure in place for orderly mdiobus removal, so just replace devm_mdiobus_alloc() with the non-devres variant, and add manual free where necessary, to ensure that we don't let devres free a still-registered bus.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: SUNRPC: lock against ->sock changing during sysfs read ->sock can be set to NULL asynchronously unless ->recv_mutex is held. So it is important to hold that mutex. Otherwise a sysfs read can trigger an oops. Commit 17f09d3f619a ("SUNRPC: Check if the xprt is connected before handling sysfs reads") appears to attempt to fix this problem, but it only narrows the race window.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: ar9331: register the mdiobus under devres As explained in commits: 74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres") 5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres") mdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <- devres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was not previously unregistered. The ar9331 is an MDIO device, so the initial set of constraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here. If the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown (like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link between the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers() will unbind the ar9331 switch driver on shutdown. So the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which is: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration, or don't use devres at all. The ar9331 driver doesn't have a complex code structure for mdiobus removal, so just replace of_mdiobus_register with the devres variant in order to be all-devres and ensure that we don't free a still-registered bus.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: don't use devres for mdiobus As explained in commits: 74b6d7d13307 ("net: dsa: realtek: register the MDIO bus under devres") 5135e96a3dd2 ("net: dsa: don't allocate the slave_mii_bus using devres") mdiobus_free() will panic when called from devm_mdiobus_free() <- devres_release_all() <- __device_release_driver(), and that mdiobus was not previously unregistered. The mv88e6xxx is an MDIO device, so the initial set of constraints that I thought would cause this (I2C or SPI buses which call ->remove on ->shutdown) do not apply. But there is one more which applies here. If the DSA master itself is on a bus that calls ->remove from ->shutdown (like dpaa2-eth, which is on the fsl-mc bus), there is a device link between the switch and the DSA master, and device_links_unbind_consumers() will unbind the Marvell switch driver on shutdown. systemd-shutdown[1]: Powering off. mv88e6085 0x0000000008b96000:00 sw_gl0: Link is Down fsl-mc dpbp.9: Removing from iommu group 7 fsl-mc dpbp.8: Removing from iommu group 7 ------------[ cut here ]------------ kernel BUG at drivers/net/phy/mdio_bus.c:677! Internal error: Oops - BUG: 0 [#1] PREEMPT SMP Modules linked in: CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: systemd-shutdow Not tainted 5.16.5-00040-gdc05f73788e5 #15 pc : mdiobus_free+0x44/0x50 lr : devm_mdiobus_free+0x10/0x20 Call trace: mdiobus_free+0x44/0x50 devm_mdiobus_free+0x10/0x20 devres_release_all+0xa0/0x100 __device_release_driver+0x190/0x220 device_release_driver_internal+0xac/0xb0 device_links_unbind_consumers+0xd4/0x100 __device_release_driver+0x4c/0x220 device_release_driver_internal+0xac/0xb0 device_links_unbind_consumers+0xd4/0x100 __device_release_driver+0x94/0x220 device_release_driver+0x28/0x40 bus_remove_device+0x118/0x124 device_del+0x174/0x420 fsl_mc_device_remove+0x24/0x40 __fsl_mc_device_remove+0xc/0x20 device_for_each_child+0x58/0xa0 dprc_remove+0x90/0xb0 fsl_mc_driver_remove+0x20/0x5c __device_release_driver+0x21c/0x220 device_release_driver+0x28/0x40 bus_remove_device+0x118/0x124 device_del+0x174/0x420 fsl_mc_bus_remove+0x80/0x100 fsl_mc_bus_shutdown+0xc/0x1c platform_shutdown+0x20/0x30 device_shutdown+0x154/0x330 kernel_power_off+0x34/0x6c __do_sys_reboot+0x15c/0x250 __arm64_sys_reboot+0x20/0x30 invoke_syscall.constprop.0+0x4c/0xe0 do_el0_svc+0x4c/0x150 el0_svc+0x24/0xb0 el0t_64_sync_handler+0xa8/0xb0 el0t_64_sync+0x178/0x17c So the same treatment must be applied to all DSA switch drivers, which is: either use devres for both the mdiobus allocation and registration, or don't use devres at all. The Marvell driver already has a good structure for mdiobus removal, so just plug in mdiobus_free and get rid of devres.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tcp: take care of mixed splice()/sendmsg(MSG_ZEROCOPY) case syzbot found that mixing sendpage() and sendmsg(MSG_ZEROCOPY) calls over the same TCP socket would again trigger the infamous warning in inet_sock_destruct() WARN_ON(sk_forward_alloc_get(sk)); While Talal took into account a mix of regular copied data and MSG_ZEROCOPY one in the same skb, the sendpage() path has been forgotten. We want the charging to happen for sendpage(), because pages could be coming from a pipe. What is missing is the downgrading of pure zerocopy status to make sure sk_forward_alloc will stay synced. Add tcp_downgrade_zcopy_pure() helper so that we can use it from the two callers.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: phy: stm32: fix a refcount leak in stm32_usbphyc_pll_enable() This error path needs to decrement "usbphyc->n_pll_cons.counter" before returning.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: misc: fastrpc: avoid double fput() on failed usercopy If the copy back to userland fails for the FASTRPC_IOCTL_ALLOC_DMA_BUFF ioctl(), we shouldn't assume that 'buf->dmabuf' is still valid. In fact, dma_buf_fd() called fd_install() before, i.e. "consumed" one reference, leaving us with none. Calling dma_buf_put() will therefore put a reference we no longer own, leading to a valid file descritor table entry for an already released 'file' object which is a straight use-after-free. Simply avoid calling dma_buf_put() and rely on the process exit code to do the necessary cleanup, if needed, i.e. if the file descriptor is still valid.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: f_fs: Fix use-after-free for epfile Consider a case where ffs_func_eps_disable is called from ffs_func_disable as part of composition switch and at the same time ffs_epfile_release get called from userspace. ffs_epfile_release will free up the read buffer and call ffs_data_closed which in turn destroys ffs->epfiles and mark it as NULL. While this was happening the driver has already initialized the local epfile in ffs_func_eps_disable which is now freed and waiting to acquire the spinlock. Once spinlock is acquired the driver proceeds with the stale value of epfile and tries to free the already freed read buffer causing use-after-free. Following is the illustration of the race: CPU1 CPU2 ffs_func_eps_disable epfiles (local copy) ffs_epfile_release ffs_data_closed if (last file closed) ffs_data_reset ffs_data_clear ffs_epfiles_destroy spin_lock dereference epfiles Fix this races by taking epfiles local copy & assigning it under spinlock and if epfiles(local) is null then update it in ffs->epfiles then finally destroy it. Extending the scope further from the race, protecting the ep related structures, and concurrent accesses.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: qedf: Fix refcount issue when LOGO is received during TMF Hung task call trace was seen during LOGO processing. [ 974.309060] [0000:00:00.0]:[qedf_eh_device_reset:868]: 1:0:2:0: LUN RESET Issued... [ 974.309065] [0000:00:00.0]:[qedf_initiate_tmf:2422]: tm_flags 0x10 sc_cmd 00000000c16b930f op = 0x2a target_id = 0x2 lun=0 [ 974.309178] [0000:00:00.0]:[qedf_initiate_tmf:2431]: portid=016900 tm_flags =LUN RESET [ 974.309222] [0000:00:00.0]:[qedf_initiate_tmf:2438]: orig io_req = 00000000ec78df8f xid = 0x180 ref_cnt = 1. [ 974.309625] host1: rport 016900: Received LOGO request while in state Ready [ 974.309627] host1: rport 016900: Delete port [ 974.309642] host1: rport 016900: work event 3 [ 974.309644] host1: rport 016900: lld callback ev 3 [ 974.313243] [0000:61:00.2]:[qedf_execute_tmf:2383]:1: fcport is uploading, not executing flush. [ 974.313295] [0000:61:00.2]:[qedf_execute_tmf:2400]:1: task mgmt command success... [ 984.031088] INFO: task jbd2/dm-15-8:7645 blocked for more than 120 seconds. [ 984.031136] Not tainted 4.18.0-305.el8.x86_64 #1 [ 984.031166] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message. [ 984.031209] jbd2/dm-15-8 D 0 7645 2 0x80004080 [ 984.031212] Call Trace: [ 984.031222] __schedule+0x2c4/0x700 [ 984.031230] ? unfreeze_partials.isra.83+0x16e/0x1a0 [ 984.031233] ? bit_wait_timeout+0x90/0x90 [ 984.031235] schedule+0x38/0xa0 [ 984.031238] io_schedule+0x12/0x40 [ 984.031240] bit_wait_io+0xd/0x50 [ 984.031243] __wait_on_bit+0x6c/0x80 [ 984.031248] ? free_buffer_head+0x21/0x50 [ 984.031251] out_of_line_wait_on_bit+0x91/0xb0 [ 984.031257] ? init_wait_var_entry+0x50/0x50 [ 984.031268] jbd2_journal_commit_transaction+0x112e/0x19f0 [jbd2] [ 984.031280] kjournald2+0xbd/0x270 [jbd2] [ 984.031284] ? finish_wait+0x80/0x80 [ 984.031291] ? commit_timeout+0x10/0x10 [jbd2] [ 984.031294] kthread+0x116/0x130 [ 984.031300] ? kthread_flush_work_fn+0x10/0x10 [ 984.031305] ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x40 There was a ref count issue when LOGO is received during TMF. This leads to one of the I/Os hanging with the driver. Fix the ref count.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: myrs: Fix crash in error case In myrs_detect(), cs->disable_intr is NULL when privdata->hw_init() fails with non-zero. In this case, myrs_cleanup(cs) will call a NULL ptr and crash the kernel. [ 1.105606] myrs 0000:00:03.0: Unknown Initialization Error 5A [ 1.105872] myrs 0000:00:03.0: Failed to initialize Controller [ 1.106082] BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000000 [ 1.110774] Call Trace: [ 1.110950] myrs_cleanup+0xe4/0x150 [myrs] [ 1.111135] myrs_probe.cold+0x91/0x56a [myrs] [ 1.111302] ? DAC960_GEM_intr_handler+0x1f0/0x1f0 [myrs] [ 1.111500] local_pci_probe+0x48/0x902024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: qedf: Add stag_work to all the vports Call trace seen when creating NPIV ports, only 32 out of 64 show online. stag work was not initialized for vport, hence initialize the stag work. WARNING: CPU: 8 PID: 645 at kernel/workqueue.c:1635 __queue_delayed_work+0x68/0x80 CPU: 8 PID: 645 Comm: kworker/8:1 Kdump: loaded Tainted: G IOE --------- -- 4.18.0-348.el8.x86_64 #1 Hardware name: Dell Inc. PowerEdge MX740c/0177V9, BIOS 2.12.2 07/09/2021 Workqueue: events fc_lport_timeout [libfc] RIP: 0010:__queue_delayed_work+0x68/0x80 Code: 89 b2 88 00 00 00 44 89 82 90 00 00 00 48 01 c8 48 89 42 50 41 81 f8 00 20 00 00 75 1d e9 60 24 07 00 44 89 c7 e9 98 f6 ff ff <0f> 0b eb c5 0f 0b eb a1 0f 0b eb a7 0f 0b eb ac 44 89 c6 e9 40 23 RSP: 0018:ffffae514bc3be40 EFLAGS: 00010006 RAX: ffff8d25d6143750 RBX: 0000000000000202 RCX: 0000000000000002 RDX: ffff8d2e31383748 RSI: ffff8d25c000d600 RDI: ffff8d2e31383788 RBP: ffff8d2e31380de0 R08: 0000000000002000 R09: ffff8d2e31383750 R10: ffffffffc0c957e0 R11: ffff8d2624800000 R12: ffff8d2e31380a58 R13: ffff8d2d915eb000 R14: ffff8d25c499b5c0 R15: ffff8d2e31380e18 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8d2d1fb00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000055fd0484b8b8 CR3: 00000008ffc10006 CR4: 00000000007706e0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: queue_delayed_work_on+0x36/0x40 qedf_elsct_send+0x57/0x60 [qedf] fc_lport_enter_flogi+0x90/0xc0 [libfc] fc_lport_timeout+0xb7/0x140 [libfc] process_one_work+0x1a7/0x360 ? create_worker+0x1a0/0x1a0 worker_thread+0x30/0x390 ? create_worker+0x1a0/0x1a0 kthread+0x116/0x130 ? kthread_flush_work_fn+0x10/0x10 ret_from_fork+0x35/0x40 ---[ end trace 008f00f722f2c2ff ]-- Initialize stag work for all the vports.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/vc4: Fix deadlock on DSI device attach error DSI device attach to DSI host will be done with host device's lock held. Un-registering host in "device attach" error path (ex: probe retry) will result in deadlock with below call trace and non operational DSI display. Startup Call trace: [ 35.043036] rt_mutex_slowlock.constprop.21+0x184/0x1b8 [ 35.043048] mutex_lock_nested+0x7c/0xc8 [ 35.043060] device_del+0x4c/0x3e8 [ 35.043075] device_unregister+0x20/0x40 [ 35.043082] mipi_dsi_remove_device_fn+0x18/0x28 [ 35.043093] device_for_each_child+0x68/0xb0 [ 35.043105] mipi_dsi_host_unregister+0x40/0x90 [ 35.043115] vc4_dsi_host_attach+0xf0/0x120 [vc4] [ 35.043199] mipi_dsi_attach+0x30/0x48 [ 35.043209] tc358762_probe+0x128/0x164 [tc358762] [ 35.043225] mipi_dsi_drv_probe+0x28/0x38 [ 35.043234] really_probe+0xc0/0x318 [ 35.043244] __driver_probe_device+0x80/0xe8 [ 35.043254] driver_probe_device+0xb8/0x118 [ 35.043263] __device_attach_driver+0x98/0xe8 [ 35.043273] bus_for_each_drv+0x84/0xd8 [ 35.043281] __device_attach+0xf0/0x150 [ 35.043290] device_initial_probe+0x1c/0x28 [ 35.043300] bus_probe_device+0xa4/0xb0 [ 35.043308] deferred_probe_work_func+0xa0/0xe0 [ 35.043318] process_one_work+0x254/0x700 [ 35.043330] worker_thread+0x4c/0x448 [ 35.043339] kthread+0x19c/0x1a8 [ 35.043348] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 Shutdown Call trace: [ 365.565417] Call trace: [ 365.565423] __switch_to+0x148/0x200 [ 365.565452] __schedule+0x340/0x9c8 [ 365.565467] schedule+0x48/0x110 [ 365.565479] schedule_timeout+0x3b0/0x448 [ 365.565496] wait_for_completion+0xac/0x138 [ 365.565509] __flush_work+0x218/0x4e0 [ 365.565523] flush_work+0x1c/0x28 [ 365.565536] wait_for_device_probe+0x68/0x158 [ 365.565550] device_shutdown+0x24/0x348 [ 365.565561] kernel_restart_prepare+0x40/0x50 [ 365.565578] kernel_restart+0x20/0x70 [ 365.565591] __do_sys_reboot+0x10c/0x220 [ 365.565605] __arm64_sys_reboot+0x2c/0x38 [ 365.565619] invoke_syscall+0x4c/0x110 [ 365.565634] el0_svc_common.constprop.3+0xfc/0x120 [ 365.565648] do_el0_svc+0x2c/0x90 [ 365.565661] el0_svc+0x4c/0xf0 [ 365.565671] el0t_64_sync_handler+0x90/0xb8 [ 365.565682] el0t_64_sync+0x180/0x1842024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: NFSD: Fix the behavior of READ near OFFSET_MAX Dan Aloni reports: > Due to commit 8cfb9015280d ("NFS: Always provide aligned buffers to > the RPC read layers") on the client, a read of 0xfff is aligned up > to server rsize of 0x1000. > > As a result, in a test where the server has a file of size > 0x7fffffffffffffff, and the client tries to read from the offset > 0x7ffffffffffff000, the read causes loff_t overflow in the server > and it returns an NFS code of EINVAL to the client. The client as > a result indefinitely retries the request. The Linux NFS client does not handle NFS?ERR_INVAL, even though all NFS specifications permit servers to return that status code for a READ. Instead of NFS?ERR_INVAL, have out-of-range READ requests succeed and return a short result. Set the EOF flag in the result to prevent the client from retrying the READ request. This behavior appears to be consistent with Solaris NFS servers. Note that NFSv3 and NFSv4 use u64 offset values on the wire. These must be converted to loff_t internally before use -- an implicit type cast is not adequate for this purpose. Otherwise VFS checks against sb->s_maxbytes do not work properly.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: NFSD: Fix ia_size underflow iattr::ia_size is a loff_t, which is a signed 64-bit type. NFSv3 and NFSv4 both define file size as an unsigned 64-bit type. Thus there is a range of valid file size values an NFS client can send that is already larger than Linux can handle. Currently decode_fattr4() dumps a full u64 value into ia_size. If that value happens to be larger than S64_MAX, then ia_size underflows. I'm about to fix up the NFSv3 behavior as well, so let's catch the underflow in the common code path: nfsd_setattr().2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: NFSD: Fix NFSv3 SETATTR/CREATE's handling of large file sizes iattr::ia_size is a loff_t, so these NFSv3 procedures must be careful to deal with incoming client size values that are larger than s64_max without corrupting the value. Silently capping the value results in storing a different value than the client passed in which is unexpected behavior, so remove the min_t() check in decode_sattr3(). Note that RFC 1813 permits only the WRITE procedure to return NFS3ERR_FBIG. We believe that NFSv3 reference implementations also return NFS3ERR_FBIG when ia_size is too large.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: can: isotp: fix potential CAN frame reception race in isotp_rcv() When receiving a CAN frame the current code logic does not consider concurrently receiving processes which do not show up in real world usage. Ziyang Xuan writes: The following syz problem is one of the scenarios. so->rx.len is changed by isotp_rcv_ff() during isotp_rcv_cf(), so->rx.len equals 0 before alloc_skb() and equals 4096 after alloc_skb(). That will trigger skb_over_panic() in skb_put(). ======================================================= CPU: 1 PID: 19 Comm: ksoftirqd/1 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc8-syzkaller #0 RIP: 0010:skb_panic+0x16c/0x16e net/core/skbuff.c:113 Call Trace: <TASK> skb_over_panic net/core/skbuff.c:118 [inline] skb_put.cold+0x24/0x24 net/core/skbuff.c:1990 isotp_rcv_cf net/can/isotp.c:570 [inline] isotp_rcv+0xa38/0x1e30 net/can/isotp.c:668 deliver net/can/af_can.c:574 [inline] can_rcv_filter+0x445/0x8d0 net/can/af_can.c:635 can_receive+0x31d/0x580 net/can/af_can.c:665 can_rcv+0x120/0x1c0 net/can/af_can.c:696 __netif_receive_skb_one_core+0x114/0x180 net/core/dev.c:5465 __netif_receive_skb+0x24/0x1b0 net/core/dev.c:5579 Therefore we make sure the state changes and data structures stay consistent at CAN frame reception time by adding a spin_lock in isotp_rcv(). This fixes the issue reported by syzkaller but does not affect real world operation.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ima: fix reference leak in asymmetric_verify() Don't leak a reference to the key if its algorithm is unknown.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: audit: don't deref the syscall args when checking the openat2 open_how::flags As reported by Jeff, dereferencing the openat2 syscall argument in audit_match_perm() to obtain the open_how::flags can result in an oops/page-fault. This patch fixes this by using the open_how struct that we store in the audit_context with audit_openat2_how(). Independent of this patch, Richard Guy Briggs posted a similar patch to the audit mailing list roughly 40 minutes after this patch was posted.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: skip reserved bytes warning on unmount after log cleanup failure After the recent changes made by commit c2e39305299f01 ("btrfs: clear extent buffer uptodate when we fail to write it") and its followup fix, commit 651740a5024117 ("btrfs: check WRITE_ERR when trying to read an extent buffer"), we can now end up not cleaning up space reservations of log tree extent buffers after a transaction abort happens, as well as not cleaning up still dirty extent buffers. This happens because if writeback for a log tree extent buffer failed, then we have cleared the bit EXTENT_BUFFER_UPTODATE from the extent buffer and we have also set the bit EXTENT_BUFFER_WRITE_ERR on it. Later on, when trying to free the log tree with free_log_tree(), which iterates over the tree, we can end up getting an -EIO error when trying to read a node or a leaf, since read_extent_buffer_pages() returns -EIO if an extent buffer does not have EXTENT_BUFFER_UPTODATE set and has the EXTENT_BUFFER_WRITE_ERR bit set. Getting that -EIO means that we return immediately as we can not iterate over the entire tree. In that case we never update the reserved space for an extent buffer in the respective block group and space_info object. When this happens we get the following traces when unmounting the fs: [174957.284509] BTRFS: error (device dm-0) in cleanup_transaction:1913: errno=-5 IO failure [174957.286497] BTRFS: error (device dm-0) in free_log_tree:3420: errno=-5 IO failure [174957.399379] ------------[ cut here ]------------ [174957.402497] WARNING: CPU: 2 PID: 3206883 at fs/btrfs/block-group.c:127 btrfs_put_block_group+0x77/0xb0 [btrfs] [174957.407523] Modules linked in: btrfs overlay dm_zero (...) [174957.424917] CPU: 2 PID: 3206883 Comm: umount Tainted: G W 5.16.0-rc5-btrfs-next-109 #1 [174957.426689] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 04/01/2014 [174957.428716] RIP: 0010:btrfs_put_block_group+0x77/0xb0 [btrfs] [174957.429717] Code: 21 48 8b bd (...) [174957.432867] RSP: 0018:ffffb70d41cffdd0 EFLAGS: 00010206 [174957.433632] RAX: 0000000000000001 RBX: ffff8b09c3848000 RCX: ffff8b0758edd1c8 [174957.434689] RDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: ffffffffc0b467e7 RDI: ffff8b0758edd000 [174957.436068] RBP: ffff8b0758edd000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 [174957.437114] R10: 0000000000000246 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff8b09c3848148 [174957.438140] R13: ffff8b09c3848198 R14: ffff8b0758edd188 R15: dead000000000100 [174957.439317] FS: 00007f328fb82800(0000) GS:ffff8b0a2d200000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [174957.440402] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [174957.441164] CR2: 00007fff13563e98 CR3: 0000000404f4e005 CR4: 0000000000370ee0 [174957.442117] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 [174957.443076] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 [174957.443948] Call Trace: [174957.444264] <TASK> [174957.444538] btrfs_free_block_groups+0x255/0x3c0 [btrfs] [174957.445238] close_ctree+0x301/0x357 [btrfs] [174957.445803] ? call_rcu+0x16c/0x290 [174957.446250] generic_shutdown_super+0x74/0x120 [174957.446832] kill_anon_super+0x14/0x30 [174957.447305] btrfs_kill_super+0x12/0x20 [btrfs] [174957.447890] deactivate_locked_super+0x31/0xa0 [174957.448440] cleanup_mnt+0x147/0x1c0 [174957.448888] task_work_run+0x5c/0xa0 [174957.449336] exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x1e5/0x1f0 [174957.449934] syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x16/0x40 [174957.450512] do_syscall_64+0x48/0xc0 [174957.450980] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae [174957.451605] RIP: 0033:0x7f328fdc4a97 [174957.452059] Code: 03 0c 00 f7 (...) [174957.454320] RSP: 002b:00007fff13564ec8 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 00000000000000a6 [174957.455262] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 00007f328feea264 RCX: 00007f328fdc4a97 [174957.456131] RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 00000000000000 ---truncated---2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: mpt3sas: Page fault in reply q processing A page fault was encountered in mpt3sas on a LUN reset error path: [ 145.763216] mpt3sas_cm1: Task abort tm failed: handle(0x0002),timeout(30) tr_method(0x0) smid(3) msix_index(0) [ 145.778932] scsi 1:0:0:0: task abort: FAILED scmd(0x0000000024ba29a2) [ 145.817307] scsi 1:0:0:0: attempting device reset! scmd(0x0000000024ba29a2) [ 145.827253] scsi 1:0:0:0: [sg1] tag#2 CDB: Receive Diagnostic 1c 01 01 ff fc 00 [ 145.837617] scsi target1:0:0: handle(0x0002), sas_address(0x500605b0000272b9), phy(0) [ 145.848598] scsi target1:0:0: enclosure logical id(0x500605b0000272b8), slot(0) [ 149.858378] mpt3sas_cm1: Poll ReplyDescriptor queues for completion of smid(0), task_type(0x05), handle(0x0002) [ 149.875202] BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: 00000007fffc445d [ 149.885617] #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode [ 149.894346] #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page [ 149.903123] PGD 0 P4D 0 [ 149.909387] Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI [ 149.917417] CPU: 24 PID: 3512 Comm: scsi_eh_1 Kdump: loaded Tainted: G S O 5.10.89-altav-1 #1 [ 149.934327] Hardware name: DDN 200NVX2 /200NVX2-MB , BIOS ATHG2.2.02.01 09/10/2021 [ 149.951871] RIP: 0010:_base_process_reply_queue+0x4b/0x900 [mpt3sas] [ 149.961889] Code: 0f 84 22 02 00 00 8d 48 01 49 89 fd 48 8d 57 38 f0 0f b1 4f 38 0f 85 d8 01 00 00 49 8b 45 10 45 31 e4 41 8b 55 0c 48 8d 1c d0 <0f> b6 03 83 e0 0f 3c 0f 0f 85 a2 00 00 00 e9 e6 01 00 00 0f b7 ee [ 149.991952] RSP: 0018:ffffc9000f1ebcb8 EFLAGS: 00010246 [ 150.000937] RAX: 0000000000000055 RBX: 00000007fffc445d RCX: 000000002548f071 [ 150.011841] RDX: 00000000ffff8881 RSI: 0000000000000001 RDI: ffff888125ed50d8 [ 150.022670] RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: c0000000ffff7fff [ 150.033445] R10: ffffc9000f1ebb68 R11: ffffc9000f1ebb60 R12: 0000000000000000 [ 150.044204] R13: ffff888125ed50d8 R14: 0000000000000080 R15: 34cdc00034cdea80 [ 150.054963] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88dfaf200000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [ 150.066715] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [ 150.076078] CR2: 00000007fffc445d CR3: 000000012448a006 CR4: 0000000000770ee0 [ 150.086887] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 [ 150.097670] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 [ 150.108323] PKRU: 55555554 [ 150.114690] Call Trace: [ 150.120497] ? printk+0x48/0x4a [ 150.127049] mpt3sas_scsih_issue_tm.cold.114+0x2e/0x2b3 [mpt3sas] [ 150.136453] mpt3sas_scsih_issue_locked_tm+0x86/0xb0 [mpt3sas] [ 150.145759] scsih_dev_reset+0xea/0x300 [mpt3sas] [ 150.153891] scsi_eh_ready_devs+0x541/0x9e0 [scsi_mod] [ 150.162206] ? __scsi_host_match+0x20/0x20 [scsi_mod] [ 150.170406] ? scsi_try_target_reset+0x90/0x90 [scsi_mod] [ 150.178925] ? blk_mq_tagset_busy_iter+0x45/0x60 [ 150.186638] ? scsi_try_target_reset+0x90/0x90 [scsi_mod] [ 150.195087] scsi_error_handler+0x3a5/0x4a0 [scsi_mod] [ 150.203206] ? __schedule+0x1e9/0x610 [ 150.209783] ? scsi_eh_get_sense+0x210/0x210 [scsi_mod] [ 150.217924] kthread+0x12e/0x150 [ 150.224041] ? kthread_worker_fn+0x130/0x130 [ 150.231206] ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 This is caused by mpt3sas_base_sync_reply_irqs() using an invalid reply_q pointer outside of the list_for_each_entry() loop. At the end of the full list traversal the pointer is invalid. Move the _base_process_reply_queue() call inside of the loop.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Input: aiptek - properly check endpoint type Syzbot reported warning in usb_submit_urb() which is caused by wrong endpoint type. There was a check for the number of endpoints, but not for the type of endpoint. Fix it by replacing old desc.bNumEndpoints check with usb_find_common_endpoints() helper for finding endpoints Fail log: usb 5-1: BOGUS urb xfer, pipe 1 != type 3 WARNING: CPU: 2 PID: 48 at drivers/usb/core/urb.c:502 usb_submit_urb+0xed2/0x18a0 drivers/usb/core/urb.c:502 Modules linked in: CPU: 2 PID: 48 Comm: kworker/2:2 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc6-syzkaller-00226-g07ebd38a0da2 #0 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 1.14.0-2 04/01/2014 Workqueue: usb_hub_wq hub_event ... Call Trace: <TASK> aiptek_open+0xd5/0x130 drivers/input/tablet/aiptek.c:830 input_open_device+0x1bb/0x320 drivers/input/input.c:629 kbd_connect+0xfe/0x160 drivers/tty/vt/keyboard.c:15932024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: gadget: Fix use-after-free bug by not setting udc->dev.driver The syzbot fuzzer found a use-after-free bug: BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in dev_uevent+0x712/0x780 drivers/base/core.c:2320 Read of size 8 at addr ffff88802b934098 by task udevd/3689 CPU: 2 PID: 3689 Comm: udevd Not tainted 5.17.0-rc4-syzkaller-00229-g4f12b742eb2b #0 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 1.14.0-2 04/01/2014 Call Trace: <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0xcd/0x134 lib/dump_stack.c:106 print_address_description.constprop.0.cold+0x8d/0x303 mm/kasan/report.c:255 __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:442 [inline] kasan_report.cold+0x83/0xdf mm/kasan/report.c:459 dev_uevent+0x712/0x780 drivers/base/core.c:2320 uevent_show+0x1b8/0x380 drivers/base/core.c:2391 dev_attr_show+0x4b/0x90 drivers/base/core.c:2094 Although the bug manifested in the driver core, the real cause was a race with the gadget core. dev_uevent() does: if (dev->driver) add_uevent_var(env, "DRIVER=%s", dev->driver->name); and between the test and the dereference of dev->driver, the gadget core sets dev->driver to NULL. The race wouldn't occur if the gadget core registered its devices on a real bus, using the standard synchronization techniques of the driver core. However, it's not necessary to make such a large change in order to fix this bug; all we need to do is make sure that udc->dev.driver is always NULL. In fact, there is no reason for udc->dev.driver ever to be set to anything, let alone to the value it currently gets: the address of the gadget's driver. After all, a gadget driver only knows how to manage a gadget, not how to manage a UDC. This patch simply removes the statements in the gadget core that touch udc->dev.driver.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/vrr: Set VRR capable prop only if it is attached to connector VRR capable property is not attached by default to the connector It is attached only if VRR is supported. So if the driver tries to call drm core set prop function without it being attached that causes NULL dereference.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Bluetooth: hci_core: Fix leaking sent_cmd skb sent_cmd memory is not freed before freeing hci_dev causing it to leak it contents.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: MIPS: smp: fill in sibling and core maps earlier After enabling CONFIG_SCHED_CORE (landed during 5.14 cycle), 2-core 2-thread-per-core interAptiv (CPS-driven) started emitting the following: [ 0.025698] CPU1 revision is: 0001a120 (MIPS interAptiv (multi)) [ 0.048183] ------------[ cut here ]------------ [ 0.048187] WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 0 at kernel/sched/core.c:6025 sched_core_cpu_starting+0x198/0x240 [ 0.048220] Modules linked in: [ 0.048233] CPU: 1 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/1 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc3+ #35 b7b319f24073fd9a3c2aa7ad15fb7993eec0b26f [ 0.048247] Stack : 817f0000 00000004 327804c8 810eb050 00000000 00000004 00000000 c314fdd1 [ 0.048278] 830cbd64 819c0000 81800000 817f0000 83070bf4 00000001 830cbd08 00000000 [ 0.048307] 00000000 00000000 815fcbc4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 0.048334] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 817f0000 00000000 00000000 817f6f34 [ 0.048361] 817f0000 818a3c00 817f0000 00000004 00000000 00000000 4dc33260 0018c933 [ 0.048389] ... [ 0.048396] Call Trace: [ 0.048399] [<8105a7bc>] show_stack+0x3c/0x140 [ 0.048424] [<8131c2a0>] dump_stack_lvl+0x60/0x80 [ 0.048440] [<8108b5c0>] __warn+0xc0/0xf4 [ 0.048454] [<8108b658>] warn_slowpath_fmt+0x64/0x10c [ 0.048467] [<810bd418>] sched_core_cpu_starting+0x198/0x240 [ 0.048483] [<810c6514>] sched_cpu_starting+0x14/0x80 [ 0.048497] [<8108c0f8>] cpuhp_invoke_callback_range+0x78/0x140 [ 0.048510] [<8108d914>] notify_cpu_starting+0x94/0x140 [ 0.048523] [<8106593c>] start_secondary+0xbc/0x280 [ 0.048539] [ 0.048543] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- [ 0.048636] Synchronize counters for CPU 1: done. ...for each but CPU 0/boot. Basic debug printks right before the mentioned line say: [ 0.048170] CPU: 1, smt_mask: So smt_mask, which is sibling mask obviously, is empty when entering the function. This is critical, as sched_core_cpu_starting() calculates core-scheduling parameters only once per CPU start, and it's crucial to have all the parameters filled in at that moment (at least it uses cpu_smt_mask() which in fact is `&cpu_sibling_map[cpu]` on MIPS). A bit of debugging led me to that set_cpu_sibling_map() performing the actual map calculation, was being invocated after notify_cpu_start(), and exactly the latter function starts CPU HP callback round (sched_core_cpu_starting() is basically a CPU HP callback). While the flow is same on ARM64 (maps after the notifier, although before calling set_cpu_online()), x86 started calculating sibling maps earlier than starting the CPU HP callbacks in Linux 4.14 (see [0] for the reference). Neither me nor my brief tests couldn't find any potential caveats in calculating the maps right after performing delay calibration, but the WARN splat is now gone. The very same debug prints now yield exactly what I expected from them: [ 0.048433] CPU: 1, smt_mask: 0-1 [0] yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: block: release rq qos structures for queue without disk blkcg_init_queue() may add rq qos structures to request queue, previously blk_cleanup_queue() calls rq_qos_exit() to release them, but commit 8e141f9eb803 ("block: drain file system I/O on del_gendisk") moves rq_qos_exit() into del_gendisk(), so memory leak is caused because queues may not have disk, such as un-present scsi luns, nvme admin queue, ... Fixes the issue by adding rq_qos_exit() to blk_cleanup_queue() back. BTW, v5.18 won't need this patch any more since we move blkcg_init_queue()/blkcg_exit_queue() into disk allocation/release handler, and patches have been in for-5.18/block.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: watch_queue: Fix filter limit check In watch_queue_set_filter(), there are a couple of places where we check that the filter type value does not exceed what the type_filter bitmap can hold. One place calculates the number of bits by: if (tf[i].type >= sizeof(wfilter->type_filter) * 8) which is fine, but the second does: if (tf[i].type >= sizeof(wfilter->type_filter) * BITS_PER_LONG) which is not. This can lead to a couple of out-of-bounds writes due to a too-large type: (1) __set_bit() on wfilter->type_filter (2) Writing more elements in wfilter->filters[] than we allocated. Fix this by just using the proper WATCH_TYPE__NR instead, which is the number of types we actually know about. The bug may cause an oops looking something like: BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in watch_queue_set_filter+0x659/0x740 Write of size 4 at addr ffff88800d2c66bc by task watch_queue_oob/611 ... Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl+0x45/0x59 print_address_description.constprop.0+0x1f/0x150 ... kasan_report.cold+0x7f/0x11b ... watch_queue_set_filter+0x659/0x740 ... __x64_sys_ioctl+0x127/0x190 do_syscall_64+0x43/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae Allocated by task 611: kasan_save_stack+0x1e/0x40 __kasan_kmalloc+0x81/0xa0 watch_queue_set_filter+0x23a/0x740 __x64_sys_ioctl+0x127/0x190 do_syscall_64+0x43/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae The buggy address belongs to the object at ffff88800d2c66a0 which belongs to the cache kmalloc-32 of size 32 The buggy address is located 28 bytes inside of 32-byte region [ffff88800d2c66a0, ffff88800d2c66c0)2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tracing/osnoise: Do not unregister events twice Nicolas reported that using: # trace-cmd record -e all -M 10 -p osnoise --poll Resulted in the following kernel warning: ------------[ cut here ]------------ WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1217 at kernel/tracepoint.c:404 tracepoint_probe_unregister+0x280/0x370 [...] CPU: 0 PID: 1217 Comm: trace-cmd Not tainted 5.17.0-rc6-next-20220307-nico+ #19 RIP: 0010:tracepoint_probe_unregister+0x280/0x370 [...] CR2: 00007ff919b29497 CR3: 0000000109da4005 CR4: 0000000000170ef0 Call Trace: <TASK> osnoise_workload_stop+0x36/0x90 tracing_set_tracer+0x108/0x260 tracing_set_trace_write+0x94/0xd0 ? __check_object_size.part.0+0x10a/0x150 ? selinux_file_permission+0x104/0x150 vfs_write+0xb5/0x290 ksys_write+0x5f/0xe0 do_syscall_64+0x3b/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7ff919a18127 [...] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- The warning complains about an attempt to unregister an unregistered tracepoint. This happens on trace-cmd because it first stops tracing, and then switches the tracer to nop. Which is equivalent to: # cd /sys/kernel/tracing/ # echo osnoise > current_tracer # echo 0 > tracing_on # echo nop > current_tracer The osnoise tracer stops the workload when no trace instance is actually collecting data. This can be caused both by disabling tracing or disabling the tracer itself. To avoid unregistering events twice, use the existing trace_osnoise_callback_enabled variable to check if the events (and the workload) are actually active before trying to deactivate them.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu: bypass tiling flag check in virtual display case (v2) vkms leverages common amdgpu framebuffer creation, and also as it does not support FB modifier, there is no need to check tiling flags when initing framebuffer when virtual display is enabled. This can fix below calltrace: amdgpu 0000:00:08.0: GFX9+ requires FB check based on format modifier WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1023 at drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_display.c:1150 amdgpu_display_framebuffer_init+0x8e7/0xb40 [amdgpu] v2: check adev->enable_virtual_display instead as vkms can be enabled in bare metal as well.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net-sysfs: add check for netdevice being present to speed_show When bringing down the netdevice or system shutdown, a panic can be triggered while accessing the sysfs path because the device is already removed. [ 755.549084] mlx5_core 0000:12:00.1: Shutdown was called [ 756.404455] mlx5_core 0000:12:00.0: Shutdown was called ... [ 757.937260] BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at (null) [ 758.031397] IP: [<ffffffff8ee11acb>] dma_pool_alloc+0x1ab/0x280 crash> bt ... PID: 12649 TASK: ffff8924108f2100 CPU: 1 COMMAND: "amsd" ... #9 [ffff89240e1a38b0] page_fault at ffffffff8f38c778 [exception RIP: dma_pool_alloc+0x1ab] RIP: ffffffff8ee11acb RSP: ffff89240e1a3968 RFLAGS: 00010046 RAX: 0000000000000246 RBX: ffff89243d874100 RCX: 0000000000001000 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000246 RDI: ffff89243d874090 RBP: ffff89240e1a39c0 R8: 000000000001f080 R9: ffff8905ffc03c00 R10: ffffffffc04680d4 R11: ffffffff8edde9fd R12: 00000000000080d0 R13: ffff89243d874090 R14: ffff89243d874080 R15: 0000000000000000 ORIG_RAX: ffffffffffffffff CS: 0010 SS: 0018 #10 [ffff89240e1a39c8] mlx5_alloc_cmd_msg at ffffffffc04680f3 [mlx5_core] #11 [ffff89240e1a3a18] cmd_exec at ffffffffc046ad62 [mlx5_core] #12 [ffff89240e1a3ab8] mlx5_cmd_exec at ffffffffc046b4fb [mlx5_core] #13 [ffff89240e1a3ae8] mlx5_core_access_reg at ffffffffc0475434 [mlx5_core] #14 [ffff89240e1a3b40] mlx5e_get_fec_caps at ffffffffc04a7348 [mlx5_core] #15 [ffff89240e1a3bb0] get_fec_supported_advertised at ffffffffc04992bf [mlx5_core] #16 [ffff89240e1a3c08] mlx5e_get_link_ksettings at ffffffffc049ab36 [mlx5_core] #17 [ffff89240e1a3ce8] __ethtool_get_link_ksettings at ffffffff8f25db46 #18 [ffff89240e1a3d48] speed_show at ffffffff8f277208 #19 [ffff89240e1a3dd8] dev_attr_show at ffffffff8f0b70e3 #20 [ffff89240e1a3df8] sysfs_kf_seq_show at ffffffff8eedbedf #21 [ffff89240e1a3e18] kernfs_seq_show at ffffffff8eeda596 #22 [ffff89240e1a3e28] seq_read at ffffffff8ee76d10 #23 [ffff89240e1a3e98] kernfs_fop_read at ffffffff8eedaef5 #24 [ffff89240e1a3ed8] vfs_read at ffffffff8ee4e3ff #25 [ffff89240e1a3f08] sys_read at ffffffff8ee4f27f #26 [ffff89240e1a3f50] system_call_fastpath at ffffffff8f395f92 crash> net_device.state ffff89443b0c0000 state = 0x5 (__LINK_STATE_START| __LINK_STATE_NOCARRIER) To prevent this scenario, we also make sure that the netdevice is present.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: staging: gdm724x: fix use after free in gdm_lte_rx() The netif_rx_ni() function frees the skb so we can't dereference it to save the skb->len.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/vc4: hdmi: Unregister codec device on unbind On bind we will register the HDMI codec device but we don't unregister it on unbind, leading to a device leakage. Unregister our device at unbind.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: swiotlb: fix info leak with DMA_FROM_DEVICE The problem I'm addressing was discovered by the LTP test covering cve-2018-1000204. A short description of what happens follows: 1) The test case issues a command code 00 (TEST UNIT READY) via the SG_IO interface with: dxfer_len == 524288, dxdfer_dir == SG_DXFER_FROM_DEV and a corresponding dxferp. The peculiar thing about this is that TUR is not reading from the device. 2) In sg_start_req() the invocation of blk_rq_map_user() effectively bounces the user-space buffer. As if the device was to transfer into it. Since commit a45b599ad808 ("scsi: sg: allocate with __GFP_ZERO in sg_build_indirect()") we make sure this first bounce buffer is allocated with GFP_ZERO. 3) For the rest of the story we keep ignoring that we have a TUR, so the device won't touch the buffer we prepare as if the we had a DMA_FROM_DEVICE type of situation. My setup uses a virtio-scsi device and the buffer allocated by SG is mapped by the function virtqueue_add_split() which uses DMA_FROM_DEVICE for the "in" sgs (here scatter-gather and not scsi generics). This mapping involves bouncing via the swiotlb (we need swiotlb to do virtio in protected guest like s390 Secure Execution, or AMD SEV). 4) When the SCSI TUR is done, we first copy back the content of the second (that is swiotlb) bounce buffer (which most likely contains some previous IO data), to the first bounce buffer, which contains all zeros. Then we copy back the content of the first bounce buffer to the user-space buffer. 5) The test case detects that the buffer, which it zero-initialized, ain't all zeros and fails. One can argue that this is an swiotlb problem, because without swiotlb we leak all zeros, and the swiotlb should be transparent in a sense that it does not affect the outcome (if all other participants are well behaved). Copying the content of the original buffer into the swiotlb buffer is the only way I can think of to make swiotlb transparent in such scenarios. So let's do just that if in doubt, but allow the driver to tell us that the whole mapped buffer is going to be overwritten, in which case we can preserve the old behavior and avoid the performance impact of the extra bounce.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: arc_emac: Fix use after free in arc_mdio_probe() If bus->state is equal to MDIOBUS_ALLOCATED, mdiobus_free(bus) will free the "bus". But bus->name is still used in the next line, which will lead to a use after free. We can fix it by putting the name in a local variable and make the bus->name point to the rodata section "name",then use the name in the error message without referring to bus to avoid the uaf.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: sctp: fix kernel-infoleak for SCTP sockets syzbot reported a kernel infoleak [1] of 4 bytes. After analysis, it turned out r->idiag_expires is not initialized if inet_sctp_diag_fill() calls inet_diag_msg_common_fill() Make sure to clear idiag_timer/idiag_retrans/idiag_expires and let inet_diag_msg_sctpasoc_fill() fill them again if needed. [1] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in instrument_copy_to_user include/linux/instrumented.h:121 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in copyout lib/iov_iter.c:154 [inline] BUG: KMSAN: kernel-infoleak in _copy_to_iter+0x6ef/0x25a0 lib/iov_iter.c:668 instrument_copy_to_user include/linux/instrumented.h:121 [inline] copyout lib/iov_iter.c:154 [inline] _copy_to_iter+0x6ef/0x25a0 lib/iov_iter.c:668 copy_to_iter include/linux/uio.h:162 [inline] simple_copy_to_iter+0xf3/0x140 net/core/datagram.c:519 __skb_datagram_iter+0x2d5/0x11b0 net/core/datagram.c:425 skb_copy_datagram_iter+0xdc/0x270 net/core/datagram.c:533 skb_copy_datagram_msg include/linux/skbuff.h:3696 [inline] netlink_recvmsg+0x669/0x1c80 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1977 sock_recvmsg_nosec net/socket.c:948 [inline] sock_recvmsg net/socket.c:966 [inline] __sys_recvfrom+0x795/0xa10 net/socket.c:2097 __do_sys_recvfrom net/socket.c:2115 [inline] __se_sys_recvfrom net/socket.c:2111 [inline] __x64_sys_recvfrom+0x19d/0x210 net/socket.c:2111 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:51 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x54/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:82 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae Uninit was created at: slab_post_alloc_hook mm/slab.h:737 [inline] slab_alloc_node mm/slub.c:3247 [inline] __kmalloc_node_track_caller+0xe0c/0x1510 mm/slub.c:4975 kmalloc_reserve net/core/skbuff.c:354 [inline] __alloc_skb+0x545/0xf90 net/core/skbuff.c:426 alloc_skb include/linux/skbuff.h:1158 [inline] netlink_dump+0x3e5/0x16c0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2248 __netlink_dump_start+0xcf8/0xe90 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2373 netlink_dump_start include/linux/netlink.h:254 [inline] inet_diag_handler_cmd+0x2e7/0x400 net/ipv4/inet_diag.c:1341 sock_diag_rcv_msg+0x24a/0x620 netlink_rcv_skb+0x40c/0x7e0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2494 sock_diag_rcv+0x63/0x80 net/core/sock_diag.c:277 netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1317 [inline] netlink_unicast+0x1093/0x1360 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1343 netlink_sendmsg+0x14d9/0x1720 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1919 sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:705 [inline] sock_sendmsg net/socket.c:725 [inline] sock_write_iter+0x594/0x690 net/socket.c:1061 do_iter_readv_writev+0xa7f/0xc70 do_iter_write+0x52c/0x1500 fs/read_write.c:851 vfs_writev fs/read_write.c:924 [inline] do_writev+0x645/0xe00 fs/read_write.c:967 __do_sys_writev fs/read_write.c:1040 [inline] __se_sys_writev fs/read_write.c:1037 [inline] __x64_sys_writev+0xe5/0x120 fs/read_write.c:1037 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:51 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x54/0xd0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:82 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae Bytes 68-71 of 2508 are uninitialized Memory access of size 2508 starts at ffff888114f9b000 Data copied to user address 00007f7fe09ff2e0 CPU: 1 PID: 3478 Comm: syz-executor306 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc4-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/20112024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: gianfar: ethtool: Fix refcount leak in gfar_get_ts_info The of_find_compatible_node() function returns a node pointer with refcount incremented, We should use of_node_put() on it when done Add the missing of_node_put() to release the refcount.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: NFC: port100: fix use-after-free in port100_send_complete Syzbot reported UAF in port100_send_complete(). The root case is in missing usb_kill_urb() calls on error handling path of ->probe function. port100_send_complete() accesses devm allocated memory which will be freed on probe failure. We should kill this urbs before returning an error from probe function to prevent reported use-after-free Fail log: BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in port100_send_complete+0x16e/0x1a0 drivers/nfc/port100.c:935 Read of size 1 at addr ffff88801bb59540 by task ksoftirqd/2/26 ... Call Trace: <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0xcd/0x134 lib/dump_stack.c:106 print_address_description.constprop.0.cold+0x8d/0x303 mm/kasan/report.c:255 __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:442 [inline] kasan_report.cold+0x83/0xdf mm/kasan/report.c:459 port100_send_complete+0x16e/0x1a0 drivers/nfc/port100.c:935 __usb_hcd_giveback_urb+0x2b0/0x5c0 drivers/usb/core/hcd.c:1670 ... Allocated by task 1255: kasan_save_stack+0x1e/0x40 mm/kasan/common.c:38 kasan_set_track mm/kasan/common.c:45 [inline] set_alloc_info mm/kasan/common.c:436 [inline] ____kasan_kmalloc mm/kasan/common.c:515 [inline] ____kasan_kmalloc mm/kasan/common.c:474 [inline] __kasan_kmalloc+0xa6/0xd0 mm/kasan/common.c:524 alloc_dr drivers/base/devres.c:116 [inline] devm_kmalloc+0x96/0x1d0 drivers/base/devres.c:823 devm_kzalloc include/linux/device.h:209 [inline] port100_probe+0x8a/0x1320 drivers/nfc/port100.c:1502 Freed by task 1255: kasan_save_stack+0x1e/0x40 mm/kasan/common.c:38 kasan_set_track+0x21/0x30 mm/kasan/common.c:45 kasan_set_free_info+0x20/0x30 mm/kasan/generic.c:370 ____kasan_slab_free mm/kasan/common.c:366 [inline] ____kasan_slab_free+0xff/0x140 mm/kasan/common.c:328 kasan_slab_free include/linux/kasan.h:236 [inline] __cache_free mm/slab.c:3437 [inline] kfree+0xf8/0x2b0 mm/slab.c:3794 release_nodes+0x112/0x1a0 drivers/base/devres.c:501 devres_release_all+0x114/0x190 drivers/base/devres.c:530 really_probe+0x626/0xcc0 drivers/base/dd.c:6702024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: Fix a race on command flush flow Fix a refcount use after free warning due to a race on command entry. Such race occurs when one of the commands releases its last refcount and frees its index and entry while another process running command flush flow takes refcount to this command entry. The process which handles commands flush may see this command as needed to be flushed if the other process released its refcount but didn't release the index yet. Fix it by adding the needed spin lock. It fixes the following warning trace: refcount_t: addition on 0; use-after-free. WARNING: CPU: 11 PID: 540311 at lib/refcount.c:25 refcount_warn_saturate+0x80/0xe0 ... RIP: 0010:refcount_warn_saturate+0x80/0xe0 ... Call Trace: <TASK> mlx5_cmd_trigger_completions+0x293/0x340 [mlx5_core] mlx5_cmd_flush+0x3a/0xf0 [mlx5_core] enter_error_state+0x44/0x80 [mlx5_core] mlx5_fw_fatal_reporter_err_work+0x37/0xe0 [mlx5_core] process_one_work+0x1be/0x390 worker_thread+0x4d/0x3d0 ? rescuer_thread+0x350/0x350 kthread+0x141/0x160 ? set_kthread_struct+0x40/0x40 ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 </TASK>2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: marvell: prestera: Add missing of_node_put() in prestera_switch_set_base_mac_addr This node pointer is returned by of_find_compatible_node() with refcount incremented. Calling of_node_put() to aovid the refcount leak.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ethernet: Fix error handling in xemaclite_of_probe This node pointer is returned by of_parse_phandle() with refcount incremented in this function. Calling of_node_put() to avoid the refcount leak. As the remove function do.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vdpa: fix use-after-free on vp_vdpa_remove When vp_vdpa driver is unbind, vp_vdpa is freed in vdpa_unregister_device and then vp_vdpa->mdev.pci_dev is dereferenced in vp_modern_remove, triggering use-after-free. Call Trace of unbinding driver free vp_vdpa : do_syscall_64 vfs_write kernfs_fop_write_iter device_release_driver_internal pci_device_remove vp_vdpa_remove vdpa_unregister_device kobject_release device_release kfree Call Trace of dereference vp_vdpa->mdev.pci_dev: vp_modern_remove pci_release_selected_regions pci_release_region pci_resource_len pci_resource_end (dev)->resource[(bar)].end2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vhost: fix hung thread due to erroneous iotlb entries In vhost_iotlb_add_range_ctx(), range size can overflow to 0 when start is 0 and last is ULONG_MAX. One instance where it can happen is when userspace sends an IOTLB message with iova=size=uaddr=0 (vhost_process_iotlb_msg). So, an entry with size = 0, start = 0, last = ULONG_MAX ends up in the iotlb. Next time a packet is sent, iotlb_access_ok() loops indefinitely due to that erroneous entry. Call Trace: <TASK> iotlb_access_ok+0x21b/0x3e0 drivers/vhost/vhost.c:1340 vq_meta_prefetch+0xbc/0x280 drivers/vhost/vhost.c:1366 vhost_transport_do_send_pkt+0xe0/0xfd0 drivers/vhost/vsock.c:104 vhost_worker+0x23d/0x3d0 drivers/vhost/vhost.c:372 kthread+0x2e9/0x3a0 kernel/kthread.c:377 ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:295 </TASK> Reported by syzbot at: To fix this, do two things: 1. Return -EINVAL in vhost_chr_write_iter() when userspace asks to map a range with size 0. 2. Fix vhost_iotlb_add_range_ctx() to handle the range [0, ULONG_MAX] by splitting it into two entries.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mISDN: Fix memory leak in dsp_pipeline_build() dsp_pipeline_build() allocates dup pointer by kstrdup(cfg), but then it updates dup variable by strsep(&dup, "|"). As a result when it calls kfree(dup), the dup variable contains NULL. Found by Linux Driver Verification project ( with SVACE.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vdpa/mlx5: add validation for VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ_VQ_PAIRS_SET command When control vq receives a VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ_VQ_PAIRS_SET command request from the driver, presently there is no validation against the number of queue pairs to configure, or even if multiqueue had been negotiated or not is unverified. This may lead to kernel panic due to uninitialized resource for the queues were there any bogus request sent down by untrusted driver. Tie up the loose ends there.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tipc: fix kernel panic when enabling bearer When enabling a bearer on a node, a kernel panic is observed: [ 4.498085] RIP: 0010:tipc_mon_prep+0x4e/0x130 [tipc] ... [ 4.520030] Call Trace: [ 4.520689] <IRQ> [ 4.521236] tipc_link_build_proto_msg+0x375/0x750 [tipc] [ 4.522654] tipc_link_build_state_msg+0x48/0xc0 [tipc] [ 4.524034] __tipc_node_link_up+0xd7/0x290 [tipc] [ 4.525292] tipc_rcv+0x5da/0x730 [tipc] [ 4.526346] ? __netif_receive_skb_core+0xb7/0xfc0 [ 4.527601] tipc_l2_rcv_msg+0x5e/0x90 [tipc] [ 4.528737] __netif_receive_skb_list_core+0x20b/0x260 [ 4.530068] netif_receive_skb_list_internal+0x1bf/0x2e0 [ 4.531450] ? dev_gro_receive+0x4c2/0x680 [ 4.532512] napi_complete_done+0x6f/0x180 [ 4.533570] virtnet_poll+0x29c/0x42e [virtio_net] ... The node in question is receiving activate messages in another thread after changing bearer status to allow message sending/ receiving in current thread: thread 1 | thread 2 -------- | -------- | tipc_enable_bearer() | test_and_set_bit_lock() | tipc_bearer_xmit_skb() | | tipc_l2_rcv_msg() | tipc_rcv() | __tipc_node_link_up() | tipc_link_build_state_msg() | tipc_link_build_proto_msg() | tipc_mon_prep() | { | ... | // null-pointer dereference | u16 gen = mon->dom_gen; | ... | } // Not being executed yet | tipc_mon_create() | { | ... | // allocate | mon = kzalloc(); | ... | } | Monitoring pointer in thread 2 is dereferenced before monitoring data is allocated in thread 1. This causes kernel panic. This commit fixes it by allocating the monitoring data before enabling the bearer to receive messages.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: HID: hid-thrustmaster: fix OOB read in thrustmaster_interrupts Syzbot reported an slab-out-of-bounds Read in thrustmaster_probe() bug. The root case is in missing validation check of actual number of endpoints. Code should not blindly access usb_host_interface::endpoint array, since it may contain less endpoints than code expects. Fix it by adding missing validaion check and print an error if number of endpoints do not match expected number2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: USB: core: Fix race by not overwriting udev->descriptor in hub_port_init() Syzbot reported an out-of-bounds read in sysfs.c:read_descriptors(): BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in read_descriptors+0x263/0x280 drivers/usb/core/sysfs.c:883 Read of size 8 at addr ffff88801e78b8c8 by task udevd/5011 CPU: 0 PID: 5011 Comm: udevd Not tainted 6.4.0-rc6-syzkaller-00195-g40f71e7cd3c6 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 05/27/2023 Call Trace: <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0xd9/0x150 lib/dump_stack.c:106 print_address_description.constprop.0+0x2c/0x3c0 mm/kasan/report.c:351 print_report mm/kasan/report.c:462 [inline] kasan_report+0x11c/0x130 mm/kasan/report.c:572 read_descriptors+0x263/0x280 drivers/usb/core/sysfs.c:883 ... Allocated by task 758: ... __do_kmalloc_node mm/slab_common.c:966 [inline] __kmalloc+0x5e/0x190 mm/slab_common.c:979 kmalloc include/linux/slab.h:563 [inline] kzalloc include/linux/slab.h:680 [inline] usb_get_configuration+0x1f7/0x5170 drivers/usb/core/config.c:887 usb_enumerate_device drivers/usb/core/hub.c:2407 [inline] usb_new_device+0x12b0/0x19d0 drivers/usb/core/hub.c:2545 As analyzed by Khazhy Kumykov, the cause of this bug is a race between read_descriptors() and hub_port_init(): The first routine uses a field in udev->descriptor, not expecting it to change, while the second overwrites it. Prior to commit 45bf39f8df7f ("USB: core: Don't hold device lock while reading the "descriptors" sysfs file") this race couldn't occur, because the routines were mutually exclusive thanks to the device locking. Removing that locking from read_descriptors() exposed it to the race. The best way to fix the bug is to keep hub_port_init() from changing udev->descriptor once udev has been initialized and registered. Drivers expect the descriptors stored in the kernel to be immutable; we should not undermine this expectation. In fact, this change should have been made long ago. So now hub_port_init() will take an additional argument, specifying a buffer in which to store the device descriptor it reads. (If udev has not yet been initialized, the buffer pointer will be NULL and then hub_port_init() will store the device descriptor in udev as before.) This eliminates the data race responsible for the out-of-bounds read. The changes to hub_port_init() appear more extensive than they really are, because of indentation changes resulting from an attempt to avoid writing to other parts of the usb_device structure after it has been initialized. Similar changes should be made to the code that reads the BOS descriptor, but that can be handled in a separate patch later on. This patch is sufficient to fix the bug found by syzbot.2024-07-16not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu: change vm->task_info handling This patch changes the handling and lifecycle of vm->task_info object. The major changes are: - vm->task_info is a dynamically allocated ptr now, and its uasge is reference counted. - introducing two new helper funcs for task_info lifecycle management - amdgpu_vm_get_task_info: reference counts up task_info before returning this info - amdgpu_vm_put_task_info: reference counts down task_info - last put to task_info() frees task_info from the vm. This patch also does logistical changes required for existing usage of vm->task_info. V2: Do not block all the prints when task_info not found (Felix) V3: Fixed review comments from Felix - Fix wrong indentation - No debug message for -ENOMEM - Add NULL check for task_info - Do not duplicate the debug messages (ti vs no ti) - Get first reference of task_info in vm_init(), put last in vm_fini() V4: Fixed review comments from Felix - fix double reference increment in create_task_info - change amdgpu_vm_get_task_info_pasid - additional changes in amdgpu_gem.c while porting2024-07-16not yet calculated
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdkfd: don't allow mapping the MMIO HDP page with large pages We don't get the right offset in that case. The GPU has an unused 4K area of the register BAR space into which you can remap registers. We remap the HDP flush registers into this space to allow userspace (CPU or GPU) to flush the HDP when it updates VRAM. However, on systems with >4K pages, we end up exposing PAGE_SIZE of MMIO space.2024-07-18not yet calculated

An issue was found on the Ruijie EG-2000 series gateway. An attacker can easily dump cleartext stored passwords in /data/config.text with simple XORs. This affects EG-2000SE EG_RGOS 11.1(1)B1.2024-07-16not yet calculated
An issue was found on the Ruijie EG-2000 series gateway. There is a newcli.php API interface without access control, which can allow an attacker (who only has web interface access) to use TELNET commands and/or show admin passwords via the mode_url=exec&command= substring. This affects EG-2000SE EG_RGOS 11.9 B11P1.2024-07-16not yet calculated
An issue was found in upload.php on the Ruijie EG-2000 series gateway. A parameter passed to the class UploadFile is mishandled (%00 and /var/./html are not checked), which can allow an attacker to upload any file to the gateway. This affects EG-2000SE EG_RGOS 11.9 B11P1.2024-07-16not yet calculated
An issue was found on the Ruijie EG-2000 series gateway. There is a buffer overflow in Consequently, an attacker can use login.php to login to any account, without providing its password. This affects EG-2000SE EG_RGOS 11.1(1)B1.2024-07-16not yet calculated
There is an SSRF vulnerability in the Fluid Topics platform that affects versions prior to 4.3, where the server can be forced to make arbitrary requests to internal and external resources by an authenticated user.2024-07-16not yet calculated

Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in ACG-faka v1.1.7 allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the encode parameter in Index.php.2024-07-17not yet calculated

An issue in the DelFile() function of WMCMS v4.4 allows attackers to delete arbitrary files via a crafted POST request.2024-07-19not yet calculated

An issue was discovered in Stormshield Network Security (SNS) 3.7.0 through 3.7.41, 3.10.0 through 3.11.29, 4.0 through 4.3.24, and 4.4.0 through 4.7.4. A user who has access to the SNS with write access on the email alerts page has the ability to create alert email containing malicious JavaScript, executed by the template preview. The following versions fix this: 3.7.42, 3.11.30, 4.3.25, and yet calculated
Tenda AC18 V15.03.3.10_EN was discovered to contain a stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability via the deviceMac parameter at ip/goform/addWifiMacFilter.2024-07-16not yet calculated
eLinkSmart Hidden Smart Cabinet Lock 2024-05-22 has Incorrect Access Control and fails to perform an authorization check which can lead to card duplication and other attacks.2024-07-15not yet calculated

Mengshen Wireless Door Alarm M70 2024-05-24 allows Authentication Bypass via a Capture-Replay approach.2024-07-15not yet calculated

An issue was discovered in Stormshield Network Security (SNS) 4.0.0 through 4.3.25, 4.4.0 through 4.7.5, and 4.8.0. Certain manipulations allow restarting in single-user mode despite the activation of secure boot. The following versions fix this: 4.3.27, 4.7.6, and yet calculated
NATO NCI ANET 3.4.1 mishandles report ownership. A user can create a report and, despite the restrictions imposed by the UI, change the author of that report to an arbitrary user (without their consent or knowledge) via a modified UUID in a POST request.2024-07-17not yet calculated
NATO NCI ANET 3.4.1 allows Insecure Direct Object Reference via a modified ID field in a request for a private draft report (that belongs to an arbitrary user).2024-07-17not yet calculated
SeaCMS v12.9 is vulnerable to Arbitrary File Read via admin_safe.php.2024-07-16not yet calculated
The PHPGurukul Online Shopping Portal Project version 2.0 contains a vulnerability that allows Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) to lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary JavaScript code in the context of a user's session, potentially leading to account takeover.2024-07-18not yet calculated
In janeczku Calibre-Web 0.6.0 to 0.6.21, the edit_book_comments function is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) due to improper sanitization performed by the clean_string function. The vulnerability arises from the way the clean_string function handles HTML sanitization.2024-07-19not yet calculated
In Roundup before 2.4.0, classhelpers ( allow XSS.2024-07-17not yet calculated

Roundup before 2.4.0 allows XSS via a SCRIPT element in an HTTP Referer header.2024-07-17not yet calculated

Roundup before 2.4.0 allows XSS via JavaScript in PDF, XML, and SVG documents.2024-07-17not yet calculated

calculator-boilerplate v1.0 was discovered to contain a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability via the eval function at /routes/calculator.js. This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted payload injected into the input field.2024-07-18not yet calculated
D-Link DIR-823X AX3000 Dual-Band Gigabit Wireless Router v21_D240126 was discovered to contain a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in the ntp_zone_val parameter at /goform/set_ntp. This vulnerability is exploited via a crafted HTTP request.2024-07-19not yet calculated
AX3000 Dual-Band Gigabit Wi-Fi 6 Router AX9 V22.03.01.46 and AX3000 Dual-Band Gigabit Wi-Fi 6 Router AX12 V1.0 V22.03.01.46 were discovered to contain an authenticated remote command execution (RCE) vulnerability via the macFilterType parameter at /goform/setMacFilterCfg.2024-07-19not yet calculated
Nepstech Wifi Router xpon (terminal) model NTPL-Xpon1GFEVN v.1.0 Firmware V2.0.1 contains a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in the password change function, which allows remote attackers to change the admin password without the user's consent, leading to a potential account takeover.2024-07-17not yet calculated
Open5GS v2.6.4 is vulnerable to Buffer Overflow. via /lib/pfcp/context.c.2024-07-16not yet calculated

open5gs v2.6.4 is vulnerable to Buffer Overflow. via /lib/core/abts.c.2024-07-16not yet calculated

An issue was discovered in JFinalCMS v.5.0.0. There is a SQL injection vulnerablity via /admin/div_data/data2024-07-16not yet calculated
A reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Hyland Alfresco Platform 23.2.1-r96 allows attackers to execute arbitrary code in the context of a user's browser via injecting a crafted payload into the parameter htmlid.2024-07-20not yet calculated
An issue in the component /api/swaggerui/static of Bazaar v1.4.3 allows unauthenticated attackers to execute a directory traversal.2024-07-20not yet calculated
SourceCodester Pharmacy/Medical Store Point of Sale System Using PHP/MySQL and Bootstrap Framework with Source Code 1.0 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the name parameter under addnew.php.2024-07-16not yet calculated
Online Clinic Management System In PHP With Free Source code v1.0 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the user parameter at login.php.2024-07-16not yet calculated
Simple Library Management System Project Using PHP/MySQL v1.0 was discovered to contain an arbitrary file upload vulnerability via the component ajax.php.2024-07-16not yet calculated
An arbitrary file upload vulnerability in the image upload function of Automad v2.0.0 allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted file.2024-07-19not yet calculated
A SQL injection vulnerability was found in 'ajax.php' of Sourcecodester Simple Library Management System 1.0. This vulnerability stems from insufficient user input validation of the 'username' parameter, allowing attackers to inject malicious SQL queries.2024-07-17not yet calculated
A vulnerability in /goform/SetNetControlList in the sub_656BC function in Tenda AX1806 firmware leads to stack-based buffer overflow.2024-07-15not yet calculated
A vulnerability in /goform/SetStaticRouteCfg in the sub_519F4 function in Tenda AX1806 firmware leads to stack-based buffer overflow.2024-07-15not yet calculated
A vulnerability in /goform/SetVirtualServerCfg in the sub_6320C function in Tenda AX1806 firmware leads to stack-based buffer overflow.2024-07-15not yet calculated
A Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) vulnerability in the edit theme function of openCart project v4.0.2.3 allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via injecting a crafted payload.2024-07-17not yet calculated
File Upload vulnerability in Nanjin Xingyuantu Technology Co Sparkshop (Spark Mall B2C Mall v.1.1.6 and before allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the contorller/common.php component.2024-07-16not yet calculated
An arbitrary file deletion vulnerability in ThinkSAAS v3.7 allows attackers to delete arbitrary files via a crafted request.2024-07-16not yet calculated
ThinkSAAS v3.7.0 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the name parameter at \system\action\update.php.2024-07-16not yet calculated
Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in Heartbeat Chat v.15.2.1 allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the setname function.2024-07-17not yet calculated
An issue in Tenda AX12 v. allows a remote attacker to cause a denial of service via the Routing functionality and ICMP packet handling.2024-07-16not yet calculated
An issue in SHENZHEN TENDA TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD Tenda AX2pro V16.03.29.48_cn allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the Routing functionality.2024-07-16not yet calculated
An issue in H3C Technologies Co., Limited H3C Magic RC3000 RC3000V100R009 allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the Routing functionality.2024-07-16not yet calculated
Directory Traversal vulnerability in xmind2testcase v.1.5 allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the webtool\ component.2024-07-15not yet calculated
Shenzhen Libituo Technology Co., Ltd LBT-T300-T400 v3.2 was discovered to contain a stack overflow via the apn_name_3g parameter in the config_3g_para function.2024-07-16not yet calculated
Shenzhen Libituo Technology Co., Ltd LBT-T300-T400 v3.2 were discovered to contain a stack overflow via the pin_3g_code parameter in the config_3g_para function.2024-07-16not yet calculated
Tmall_demo v2024.07.03 was discovered to contain an arbitrary file upload via the component uploadUserHeadImage.2024-07-15not yet calculated
An access control issue in Tmall_demo v2024.07.03 allows attackers to obtain sensitive information.2024-07-15not yet calculated
Tmall_demo v2024.07.03 was discovered to contain an arbitrary file upload vulnerability.2024-07-15not yet calculated
Tmall_demo before v2024.07.03 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability.2024-07-15not yet calculated
In the vrrp_ipsets_handler handler (fglobal_parser.c) of keepalived through 2.3.1, an integer overflow can occur. NOTE: this CVE Record might not be worthwhile because an empty ipset name must be configured by the user.2024-07-18not yet calculated
Linksys WRT54G v4.21.5 has a stack overflow vulnerability in get_merge_mac function.2024-07-19not yet calculated
A stack overflow in Tenda AX1806 v1.0.0.1 allows attackers to cause a Denial of Service (DoS) via a crafted input.2024-07-19not yet calculated
Cross Site Request Forgery vulnerability in ProcessWire v.3.0.229 allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via a crafted HTML file to the comments functionality.2024-07-19not yet calculated
Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in RuoYi v.4.7.9 and before allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the file upload method2024-07-19not yet calculated
Insecure Permissions vulnerability in lin-CMS Springboot v.0.2.1 and before allows a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information via the login method in the component.2024-07-19not yet calculated
Insecure Permissions vulnerability in lin-CMS v.0.2.0 and before allows a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information via the login method in the component.2024-07-19not yet calculated
Cross Site Request Forgery vulnerability in Spina CMS v.2.18.0 and before allows a remote attacker to escalate privileges via a crafted URL2024-07-19not yet calculated
Spina CMS v2.18.0 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via the URI /admin/layout.2024-07-19not yet calculated
Open Asset Import Library--Assimp
Heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability in Assimp versions prior to 5.4.2 allows a local attacker to execute arbitrary code by inputting a specially crafted file into the product.2024-07-19not yet calculated

A path traversal vulnerability exists in the `apply_settings` function of parisneo/lollms versions prior to 9.5.1. The `sanitize_path` function does not adequately secure the `discussion_db_name` parameter, allowing attackers to manipulate the path and potentially write to important system folders.2024-07-20not yet calculated

A flaw exists in Purity//FB whereby a local account is permitted to authenticate to the management interface using an unintended method that allows an attacker to gain privileged access to the array.2024-07-17not yet calculated
A vulnerability in the package_index module of pypa/setuptools versions up to 69.1.1 allows for remote code execution via its download functions. These functions, which are used to download packages from URLs provided by users or retrieved from package index servers, are susceptible to code injection. If these functions are exposed to user-controlled inputs, such as package URLs, they can execute arbitrary commands on the system. The issue is fixed in version 70.0.2024-07-15not yet calculated

Rockwell Automation--5015 - AENFTXT
An input validation vulnerability exists in the Rockwell Automation 5015 - AENFTXT when a manipulated PTP packet is sent, causing the secondary adapter to result in a major nonrecoverable fault. If exploited, a power cycle is required to recover the product.2024-07-16not yet calculated
Rockwell Automation--FactoryTalk System Services (installed via FTPM)
The v6.40 release of Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk® Policy Manager CVE-2021-22681  and CVE-2022-1161  by implementing CIP security and did not update to the versions of the software CVE-2022-1161  and CVE-2022-1161. yet calculated
Rockwell Automation--FactoryTalk System Services (installed via FTPM)
An exposure of sensitive information vulnerability exists in the Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk® System Service. A malicious user could exploit this vulnerability by starting a back-up or restore process, which temporarily exposes private keys, passwords, pre-shared keys, and database folders when they are temporarily copied to an interim folder. This vulnerability is due to the lack of explicit permissions set on the backup folder. If private keys are obtained by a malicious user, they could impersonate resources on the secured network.2024-07-16not yet calculated
Rockwell Automation--Pavilion8
A privilege escalation vulnerability exists in the affected products which could allow a malicious user with basic privileges to access functions which should only be available to users with administrative level privileges. If exploited, an attacker could read sensitive data, and create users. For example, a malicious user with basic privileges could perform critical functions such as creating a user with elevated privileges and reading sensitive information in the "views" section.2024-07-16not yet calculated
Vulnerability in SonicWall SMA100 NetExtender Windows (32 and 64-bit) client 10.2.339 and earlier versions allows an attacker to arbitrary code execution when processing an EPC Client update.2024-07-18not yet calculated
Heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability in the SonicOS IPSec VPN allows an unauthenticated remote attacker to cause Denial of Service (DoS).2024-07-18not yet calculated
Improper permission control in the mobile application ( may lead to user information security risks.2024-07-16not yet calculated

An authenticated stored cross-site scripting (XSS) exists in the TP-Link TL-SG1016DE affecting version TL-SG1016DE(UN) V7.6_1.0.0 Build 20230616, which could allow an adversary to run JavaScript in an administrator's browser. This issue was fixed in TL-SG1016DE(UN) V7_1.0.1 Build 20240628.2024-07-15not yet calculated

Unknown--ArtPlacer Widget
The ArtPlacer Widget WordPress plugin before 2.21.2 does not have authorisation check in place when deleting widgets, allowing ay authenticated users, such as subscriber, to delete arbitrary widgets2024-07-19not yet calculated
Unknown--ArtPlacer Widget
The ArtPlacer Widget WordPress plugin before 2.21.2 does not have CSRF check in some places, and is missing sanitisation as well as escaping, which could allow attackers to make logged in admin add Stored XSS payloads via a CSRF attack2024-07-19not yet calculated
Unknown--Bug Library
The Bug Library WordPress plugin before 2.1.2 does not sanitise and escape some of its settings, which could allow high privilege users such as admin to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed (for example in multisite setup)2024-07-19not yet calculated
Unknown--Filter & Grids
The Filter & Grids WordPress plugin before 2.8.33 is vulnerable to Local File Inclusion via the post_layout parameter. This makes it possible for an unauthenticated attacker to include and execute PHP files on the server, allowing the execution of any PHP code in those files.2024-07-18not yet calculated
An optional feature of PCI MSI called "Multiple Message" allows a device to use multiple consecutive interrupt vectors. Unlike for MSI-X, the setting up of these consecutive vectors needs to happen all in one go. In this handling an error path could be taken in different situations, with or without a particular lock held. This error path wrongly releases the lock even when it is not currently held.2024-07-18not yet calculated
YugabyteDB--YugabyteDB Anywhere
Information exposure in the logging system in Yugabyte Platform allows local attackers with access to application logs to obtain database user credentials in log files, potentially leading to unauthorized database access.2024-07-19not yet calculated

YugabyteDB--YugabyteDB Anywhere
Insufficient authentication in user account management in Yugabyte Platform allows local network attackers with a compromised user session to change critical security information without re-authentication. An attacker with user session and access to application can modify settings such as password and email without being prompted for the current password, enabling account takeover.2024-07-19not yet calculated
YugabyteDB--YugabyteDB Anywhere
Improper privilege management in Yugabyte Platform allows authenticated admin users to escalate privileges to SuperAdmin via a crafted PUT HTTP request, potentially leading to unauthorized access to sensitive system functions and data.2024-07-19not yet calculated


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  1. UCSC

    assignment operator java list

  2. Assignment Operators in Java with Examples

    assignment operator java list

  3. Assignment Operators

    assignment operator java list

  4. First Example in Java

    assignment operator java list

  5. Operators in C Programming

    assignment operator java list

  6. Operators in Java With Examples

    assignment operator java list


  1. assignment operator simple program in java..#java # assignment_operator

  2. java assignment operator #shorts #java#assignment #operator #coding #programming

  3. #20. Assignment Operators in Java

  4. Core

  5. Java for Testers

  6. #18. Arithmetic Operators in Java


  1. Java Assignment Operators with Examples

    variable operator value; Types of Assignment Operators in Java. The Assignment Operator is generally of two types. They are: 1. Simple Assignment Operator: The Simple Assignment Operator is used with the "=" sign where the left side consists of the operand and the right side consists of a value. The value of the right side must be of the same data type that has been defined on the left side.

  2. Types of Assignment Operators in Java

    To assign a value to a variable, use the basic assignment operator (=). It is the most fundamental assignment operator in Java. It assigns the value on the right side of the operator to the variable on the left side. Example: int x = 10; int x = 10; In the above example, the variable x is assigned the value 10.

  3. Java Operators

    Java Comparison Operators. Comparison operators are used to compare two values (or variables). This is important in programming, because it helps us to find answers and make decisions. The return value of a comparison is either true or false. These values are known as Boolean values, and you will learn more about them in the Booleans and If ...

  4. All Java Assignment Operators (Explained With Examples)

    There are mainly two types of assignment operators in Java, which are as follows: Simple Assignment Operator ; We use the simple assignment operator with the "=" sign, where the left side consists of an operand and the right side is a value. The value of the operand on the right side must be of the same data type defined on the left side.

  5. Java Assignment Operators

    Java Assignment Operators. The Java Assignment Operators are used when you want to assign a value to the expression. The assignment operator denoted by the single equal sign =. In a Java assignment statement, any expression can be on the right side and the left side must be a variable name. For example, this does not mean that "a" is equal to ...

  6. Assignment Operators in Java with Examples

    In this guide, we will mainly discuss Assignment operators in Java. In any operation, there is an operator and operands. For example: In a+b, the "+" symbol is the operator and a & b are operands. Assignment Operator in Java. The following assignment operators are supported in Java.

  7. Summary of Operators (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language

    The following quick reference summarizes the operators supported by the Java programming language. Simple Assignment Operator = Simple assignment operator Arithmetic Operators + Additive operator (also used for String concatenation) - Subtraction operator * Multiplication operator / Division operator % Remainder operator ...

  8. Java

    Example. =. Simple assignment operator. Assigns values from right side operands to left side operand. C = A + B will assign value of A + B into C. +=. Add AND assignment operator. It adds right operand to the left operand and assign the result to left operand. C += A is equivalent to C = C + A.

  9. Java Assignment Operators

    Java Assignment Operators are used to optionally perform an action with given operands and assign the result back to given variable (left operand). The syntax of any Assignment Operator with operands is. operand1 operator_symbol operand2. In this tutorial, we will learn about different Assignment Operators available in Java programming language ...

  10. Assignment, Arithmetic, and Unary Operators (The Java™ Tutorials

    The Simple Assignment Operator. One of the most common operators that you'll encounter is the simple assignment operator "=". You saw this operator in the Bicycle class; it assigns the value on its right to the operand on its left: ... The Java programming language provides operators that perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and ...

  11. Java Assignment Operators (Basic & Shorthand) by Example

    Java's basic assignment operator is a single equals-to (=) sign that assigns the right-hand side value to the left-hand side operand. On left side of the assignment operator there must be a variable that can hold the value assigned to it. Assignment operator operates on both primitive and reference types. It has the following syntax: var ...

  12. Java Assignment operators

    The Java Assignment operators are used to assign the values to the declared variables. The equals ( = ) operator is the most commonly used Java assignment operator. For example: int i = 25; The table below displays all the assignment operators in the Java programming language. Operators.

  13. Java Assignment Operators

    Java assignment operators are classified into two types: simple and compound. The Simple assignment operator is the equals ( =) sign, which is the most straightforward of the bunch. It simply assigns the value or variable on the right to the variable on the left. Compound operators are comprised of both an arithmetic, bitwise, or shift operator ...

  14. Java Operators

    Walk through all Java operators to understand their functionalities and how to use them. ... Next, let's see which assignment operators we can use in Java. 9.1. The Simple Assignment Operator. The simple assignment operator (=) is a straightforward but important operator in Java. Actually, we've used it many times in previous examples.

  15. Java 8

    Assignment Operators Overview Top. The single equal sign = is used for assignment in Java and we have been using this throughout the lessons so far. This operator is fairly self explanatory and takes the form variable = expression; . A point to note here is that the type of variable must be compatible with the type of expression.

  16. Assignment Operator in Java with Example

    The = operator in java is known as assignment or simple assignment operator. It assigns the value on its right side to the operand (variable) on its left side. For example : int a = 10; // value 10 is assigned in variable a double d = 20.25; // value 20.25 is assigned in variable d char c = 'A'; // Character A is assigned in variable c. a = 20 ...

  17. Java Operators: Arithmetic, Relational, Logical and more

    2. Java Assignment Operators. Assignment operators are used in Java to assign values to variables. For example, int age; age = 5; Here, = is the assignment operator. It assigns the value on its right to the variable on its left. That is, 5 is assigned to the variable age. Let's see some more assignment operators available in Java.

  18. Assignment Operators in Programming

    Assignment operators are used in programming to assign values to variables. We use an assignment operator to store and update data within a program. They enable programmers to store data in variables and manipulate that data. The most common assignment operator is the equals sign (=), which assigns the value on the right side of the operator to ...

  19. Java Assignment Operators

    Compound Assignment Operators. Sometime we need to modify the same variable value and reassigned it to a same reference variable. Java allows you to combine assignment and addition operators using a shorthand operator. For example, the preceding statement can be written as: i +=8; //This is same as i = i+8; The += is called the addition ...

  20. Operators in Java

    3. Assignment Operator '=' Assignment operator is used to assign a value to any variable. It has right-to-left associativity, i.e. value given on the right-hand side of the operator is assigned to the variable on the left, and therefore right-hand side value must be declared before using it or should be a constant.

  21. Assignment operator explanation in Java

    5. Java language Specification: 15.26.1. Simple Assignment Operator =. If the left-hand operand is an array access expression (§15.13), possibly enclosed in one or more pairs of parentheses, then: First, the array reference subexpression of the left-hand operand array access expression is evaluated. If this evaluation completes abruptly, then ...

  22. Assignment Operators in java

    5. Because your sec statement will be evaluated as x = x * (2+5); x = 10; x *= 2+5; x = x * (2+5); While in the first case, its normal left to right precedence.Java guarantees that all operands of an operator are fully evaluated before the operator is applied. A compound assignment operator has the following syntax: <variable> <op>= <expression>.

  23. Assignment Operators

    Become a better software engineer in 4 weeks. Learn programming concepts in easy and fun way!

  24. Vulnerability Summary for the Week of July 15, 2024

    This vulnerability also applies to Java deployments, typically in clients running sandboxed Java Web Start applications or sandboxed Java applets, that load and run untrusted code (e.g., code that comes from the internet) and rely on the Java sandbox for security. CVSS 3.1 Base Score 7.4 (Confidentiality and Integrity impacts).