The impact of digital transformation
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Digital Transformation, Digital Technologies, Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud, Organizational Effects, Business Models, Business Model Canvas, Data-analysis, Survey. Many organizations nowadays feel pressured to change in order to meet customer demands and competitive pressure due to emerging digital technologies. When a combination of digital technologies is used a common heard buzzword is digital transformation. To date there only little academic research with regards to digital transformation and they often provide holistic non-deterministic definitions. In addition literature that dives deeper into the underlying technologies and effects only address specific elements or industries. This gap is address through a literature research and a business model based questionnaire held amongst IT consultants to determine both the concept and expected effects of digital transformation. We speak of digital transformation if a technology induced change by social, mobile, analytics or cloud technologies significantly impacts a minimal of three out of seven dimension on an individual, firm or social level. The research findings show that digital transformation is expected to change organizations across many different fronts as almost all business model constructs have at least one element that is expected to change moderately or even stronger. The greatest impact will be to organizations’ their value proposition, the customer segments they can identify and serve, the way organizations reach their customers, and the resources they use. no longer supports Internet Explorer.
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Master Thesis : Impact of Digitalization on Existing & Future Jobs in Government Sector in UAE
UAE government going forward to shift all analog to digital services for achieving 2021 vision. We want to be among the best countries by 2021”. The objective is to make living easier in UAE. With Artificial Intelligence coming into lives of the people and affecting them with accelerating development in technology in UAE and Digitalization some of the people will lose their jobs within next 10 years in some of the fields. Revamping the education system in UAE to adapt with future improvements is the study plan and strategy of the government to qualify the students for future jobs in UAE government sector. In my study, will discuss more about the existing jobs, existing employees & their skills & the jobs that will be replaced by more qualified and automated jobs. Also, what skills does the students and employees must have to get employed and what changes must employers do to be able to be ready for the change with digitalization of jobs in UAE. . This research is targeting the employees in UAE government sector as the UAE government is leading the digitalization in UAE and with this there would many government employees who would be impacted. How the government will revamp the existing systems? What is the plan to ensure that job seekers have jobs in the future? For the new students who are already in the universities, what courses or skills sets should they acquire to be able to competitive and competent to get jobs? For the students who are still yet to enroll in the universities, what are the best courses the universities must introduce? Will discuss more about the organizations which the future changes will not be in their interest and how to keep their business going on to be adjusted with the future changes
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COMMENTS Importance of digital transformation. the power of digitization is evident. Specifically, 71% of them identify digital transfor-mation as "Very Important" component of their organizations, 13% choose "Fairly Im-portant", 11.5% "Important" and less than 5% find the function "slightly" or not at all" important.
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UAE government going forward to shift all analog to digital services for achieving 2021 vision. We want to be among the best countries by 2021". ... Download Free PDF. Master Thesis : Impact of Digitalization on Existing & Future Jobs in Government Sector in UAE. Master Thesis : Impact of Digitalization on Existing & Future Jobs in Government ...