College of Education and Human Development

School of Social Work

PhD in Social Work

Established in 1946, our program is one of the oldest in the United States, and develops a mentoring partnership between nationally prominent faculty and students to promote knowledge and skills in theory development and community-based research. The research productivity of our faculty was ranked 20th out of 76 U.S. social work doctoral programs in a recent study 

Our graduates include internationally recognized scholars in diverse areas of study. Alumni go on to faculty and academic leadership roles in schools of social work around the world, as well as agency and program directors, and high-level servants in federal, state, and local government agencies. 

Learn about the PhD program in social work at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Scholarship, research, and teaching which contribute to the knowledge base of social work and foster a just, nurturing, inclusive society.

Program Highlights

  • Highly productive faculty. Collaborate with our faculty and research and training centers to conduct, write, and publish research in child welfare, aging, mental health, violence prevention, health disparities, social welfare policy, international social work, work with immigrants and refugees, and other social work related research areas.
  • Generous funding for PhD students. The majority of our students receive a four-year funding package that covers tuition, health insurance, and a stipend. Many students also secure dissertation fellowships, and we help students secure assistantships for funding for their fifth year.
  • Teaching and professional development. Gain skills in teaching and curriculum development. We provide doctoral colloquia focusing both on current research and professional and career development.
  • Diverse student body. Our graduate students come from Minnesota, across the nation, and from around the world, giving the learning and research experience depth and breadth in lived experiences and perspectives.
  • Structured research mentoring experiences. Our PhD program relies heavily on a mentoring model, and PhD students work closely with faculty members throughout the program. Mentoring is seen as a vital part of the teaching and learning process within the doctoral program. 

Fall 2024 Applications

Notice: Application deadline is December 1st, 2024!

To learn more about the application process, consider attending a one-hour information session:

Thursday, August 8th - 1:00pm

Wednesday, September 18th - 6:00pm

Tuesday, October 15th - 1:00pm

Thursday, November 14th - 1:00pm

Questions about applying? You can schedule a one-on-one appointment with Director of Admissions, Larissa Lavrov .

Program Outline

Students take two years of coursework both inside and outside the School of Social Work, including required courses in research methods, statistics, theory, history, policy and teaching, as well as supporting program courses from across the university. Students typically complete their preliminary examinations and defend their dissertation proposal, and then complete their dissertation in their fourth or fifth year.

Careers of Social Work PhD Graduates

This is a selected list of institutions where recent University of Minnesota School of Social Work graduates have found positions:

Research Universities

  • State University of New York at Buffalo
  • Tulane University
  • University of Arkansas
  • University of Kansas
  • University of Memphis
  • University of Texas
  • University of Utah
  • Virginia Commonwealth University

Teaching Universities

  • Augsburg University
  • California State University - Chico
  • Colorado State University - Pueblo
  • Providence College
  • Radford University 
  • University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

Institutes and Foundations

  • Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota
  • Health Partners Research Foundation
  • Minnesota Minority Education Partnership

Applied/Administrative Positions

  • Children’s Defense Fund
  • Minnesota Department of Human Services
  • NASW-MN  

International Universities

  • National University Taiwan
  • Tel Aviv University
  • Self-Directed Services for the Long-Term Supports of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis
  • Social Work, Intractable Conflict and Professionalism: A Case Study of Jewish-Israeli Social Work Practice
  • Omayeletumbulo [wisdom sayings] as a Pathway to School Engagement for Young Mothers in Rural Namibia
  • County Exemption from Social Work Licensure in Minnesota: Understanding the Past and Present to Affect the Future
  • Animal-Assisted Interactions for College Student Mental Health and a Conceptual Model of Practice
  • Environmental Effects on Cognitive Health in Older Adults: Insights for Long-Term Care Services
  • “This is how we show up for our relatives”: Understanding How Indigenous Relative Caregivers Embody Traditional Kinship to Resist the Colonial Child Welfare System
  • Perceived Discrimination and Depressive Symptom Trajectories of Middle-aged and Older Adults with Chronic Diseases
  • Student Stories of Resilience After Campus Sexual Assault
  • How do Contextual Factors and Family Support Influence Disclosure of Child Sexual Abuse During Forensic Interviews and Service Outcomes in Child Protection Cases?
  • Moral Injury Among Professionals in K-12 Education: A Mixed Methods Inquiry
  • Making Sense of Poverty in Child Welfare: A Grounded Theory Informed Study of Public and Tribal Child Welfare Workers' Poverty Constructions, Perceptions of Causes, and Praxis
  • Neighborhood Social Capital and the Health and Health Risk Behavior of Adolescent Immigrants and Non-Immigrants

Sampling of PhD Student Publications

Our PhD students routinely co-author with faculty and other researchers at the School of Social Work and across campus. Nearly all PhD students graduate with multiple peer reviewed articles, multiple presentations at national/international research conferences, and teaching experience as the instructor of record of undergraduate or graduate courses. The following is just a sampling of the recent peer-reviewed articles published by our students, either as sole author or in collaboration with others.

Carlson , W. C. (2023). Implementation challenges of T visa eligibility for human trafficking survivors: a role for social work. Social Work , 68(3), 222-229.

Flangan, S. , Sterman, J., & Merighi, J. R., Batty, R. (2023). Bridging the gap – How interprofessional collaboration can support family-centered emergency preparedness: An exploratory qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 23(1):777.

Haight, W. L., Suleiman , J. , Flanagan , S. K. , Park, S. , Soltani, L. J. , Carlson, W. C. , Otis , J. R. , & Turck, K. S. (2023). Reflections on social work education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences of faculty members and lessons moving forward. Qualitative Social Work , 22(5), 938-955.

Samimi, C., Jefferson, N., Flanagan , S. , & Anyon, Y. (2023). Intersections of disproportion: A critical quantitative examination of dis/ability and gender in Black students’ school discipline outcomes. The Urban Review , 1-20.

Soffer-Elnekave , R. , Haight, W., Nashandi , N. J. , Cho, M., Suleiman , J. , & Park , S. (2023). Re-orienting narratives of moral injury towards positive development: The experiences of emerging adults with child welfare histories. Children and Youth Services Review , 149, 106922.

Soria, K. M., Horgos , B. , & Shenouda, J. D. (2023). Disparities in college students’ financial hardships during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice , 60(1), 31-48.

Toft, J., Lightfoot, E., Calhoun, M ., Choy-Brown, M., Merighi, J. R., Renner, L. M., Soffer-Elnekave, R. , Mendel, J., & Marsalis, S. (2023). Effects of neoliberalism on social work practice in the United States: A scoping review. Social Work Research , 47(2), 99-110. 

Renner, L. M., Driessen, M. C. , & Lewis-Dmello, A. (2022). An evaluation of a parent group for survivors of intimate partner violence. Journal of Family Violence , 37(2), 247-259.

Soria K., Horgos B ., Roberts B.J. (2022). The COVID‐19 pandemic and students’ mental health. New Directions for Student Services, 176, 37-45. 

Lee, M. H., Hong, S., & Merighi, J. R. (2021). The effect of fatalism on mammography use in Korean American women. Health Education & Behavior , 49(4), 740−749.

Lightfoot, E., Yun, H. , Moone, R., Otis, J ., Suleiman, K., Turck, K ., & Kutzler, C. (2021). Changes to family caregiving of older adults and adults with disabilities during COVID-19. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine , 7, 1-8.

Mervis, J. E., Fischer, J ., Cooper, S. E., Deckert, A. C., Lysaker, P. H., MacDonald III, A. W., & Meyer-Kalos, P. (2021). Introspective accuracy for substance use across a year of treatment for first episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition , 26, 100200.

Renner, L. M., Hartley, C. C., & Driessen, M. C. (2021). Provider, caretaker, nurturer, hero: Perceptions of parenting changes among women who experienced intimate partner violence. Journal of Child and Family Studies , 30(9), 2191-2203.

Soria, K., & Horgos, B. (2021). Factors associated with college students’ mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of College Student Development, 62(2), 107-113. 

An, S., Lee, H. Y., Choi, Y. J., & Yoon, Y. J. (2020). Literacy of breast cancer and screening guideline in an immigrant group: importance of health accessibility. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health , 22, 563-570.

Lightfoot, E., Zheng, M ., & DeZelar, S . (2021). Substantiation of child maltreatment among parents with disabilities in the United States. Journal of Public Child Welfare , 15(5), 583-596.

Renner, L. M., Driessen, M. C. , & Lewis-Dmello, A. (2020). A pilot study evaluation of a parent group for survivors of intimate partner violence. Journal of Family Violence , 35, 203-215.

Cho, M. , Haight. W., Choi, W. S., Hong, S. H., & Piescher, K. (2019). A prospective, longitudinal study of risk factors for early onset of delinquency among maltreated youth.Children and Youth Services Review, 102, 222-230.

Choi, Y. J., Lee, H. Y., An, S., Yoon, Y. J. , & Oh, J. (2019). Predictors of cervical cancer screening awareness and literacy among Korean-American women. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 7(1), 1–9.

Driessen, M. C. (2019). Campus sexual assault policies: A feminist policy analysis framework. Affilia, 35(3) 1-16. doi:10.1177/0886109919878273

Driessen, M. C. (2019). Campus sexual assault & student activism, 1970-1990. Qualitative Social Work, 19(3), 1-16. doi:10.1177/1473325019828805

Emery, C. R., Wu, S., Eremina, T., Yoon, Y. J. , Kim, S., & Yang, H. (2019). Does informal social control deter child abuse? A comparative study of Koreans and Russians. International journal on child maltreatment: research, policy and practice, 2(2), 37–54.

Gibson, P., Haight, W., Cho, M., Nashandi, N. J., & Yoon, Y. J. (2019). A mixed methods study of Black Girls' vulnerability to out-of-school suspensions: The intersection of race and gender. Children and Youth Services Review, 102, 169–176.

Haight, W., Waubanascum, C., Glesener, D. , Day, P., Bussey, B., & Nichols, K. (2019). The Center for Regional and Tribal Child Welfare Studies: Reducing disparities through Indigenous social work education. Children and Youth Services Review, 100, 156-166.

Kiesel, L, DeZelar, S. & Lightfoot, E. (2019). Equity in social work employment in the United States: Opportunity and challenges for social workers with disabilities. Disability & Society.

Kivnick, H. Q., Driessen, M. C., Santavasy, C. , Wardwell, C., & Davis, L. D. (2019). “Who’s Been Putting Socks in My Drawer?” Narrative case study of an elder role model. The Gerontologist, 1-10. doi:10.1093/geront/gnz114

Lee, H.Y., Beltran, R.M. , Kwon, M., Kim, G.N., Lee, D.K. (2019). Racial disparities in cervical cancer screening: Implications for relieving cervical cancer burden in Asian American Pacific Islander women. Cancer Nursing: An International Journal for Cancer Care.

Lightfoot, E. & DeZelar, S . (2019). Social work with parents with disabilities: Historical interactions and contemporary innovations. Social Work Review, 2, 1-10.

Lightfoot, E., Franklin, C., & Beltran, R . (2019). Preparing for the academic job market: A guide for social work doctoral students and their mentors. Journal of Social Work Education.

Newman, T., Okamoto, K. , Kimiecik, C., Sohns, E., Burns, M., & Magier, E. (2019). The role of social workers in sport: Shared values and opportunities for interprofessional collaborations. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 10(3), 160-173.

Renner, L. M., & Driessen, M . C. (2019). Siblings who are exposed to child maltreatment: Practices reported by county children's services supervisors. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 13(5), 491-511. doi:10.1080/15548732.2018.1514350

An, S., Choi, Y. J., Lee, H. Y., Yoon, Y. J. , & Platt, M. (2018). Predictors of breast cancer screening among Korean American women: Is having an annual checkup critical? Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 19(5), 1281–1286.

Bayless, S. D., Jenson, J. M., Richmond, M. K., Pampel, F. C., Cook, M., & Calhoun, M. (2018). Effects of an afterschool early literacy intervention on the reading skills of children in public housing communities. Child & Youth Care Forum, 47, 537-561.

DeZelar, S. , & Lightfoot, E. (2018). Use of parental disability as a removal reason for children in foster care in the US. Children and Youth Services Review, 86, 128-134.

Fink, A. (2018). Bigger data, less wisdom: The need for more inclusive collective intelligence in social service provision. AI & Society, 33, 61-70.

Haight, W., Waubanascum, C., Glesener, D. , & Marsalis, S. (2018). A scoping study of Indigenous child welfare: The long emergency and preparations for the next seven generations. Children and Youth Services Review, 93, 397-410.

Jenson, J. M., Veeh, C., Anyon, Y., St. Mary, J., Calhoun, M. , Tejada, J., & Lechuga-Peña, S. (2018). Effects of an afterschool program on the academic outcomes of children and youth residing in public housing neighborhoods: A quasi-experimental study. Children and Youth Services Review, 88, 211-217.

Kiesel, L., DeZelar, S. & Lightfoot, E. (2018). Challenges, barriers and opportunities: Social workers with disabilities and experiences in field education. Journal of Social Work Education. 54(4), 696-708.

Lee, H. Y., Choi, Y. J., Yoon, Y. J. , & Oh, J. (2018). HPV literacy: The role of English proficiency in Korean American immigrant women. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 22(3), E64–E70.

Lightfoot, E. & LaLiberte, T. & Cho, M. (2018). Parental supports for parents with disabilities: The role of informal supports.Child Welfare, 96(4), 89-110.

Merighi, J. R., Zheng, M. , & Browne, T. (2018). Nephrology social workers' caseloads and hourly wages in 2014 and 2017: Findings from the National Kidney Foundation Council of Nephrology Social Workers Professional Practice Survey. Journal of Nephrology Social Work, 42(1), 31−59.

St. Mary, J., Calhoun, M. , Tejada, J., & Jenson, J. M. (2018). Perceptions of academic achievement and educational opportunities among Black and African American youth. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 35(5), 499-509.

Haight, W., Sugrue, E., Calhoun, M. , & Black, J. (2017). “Basically, I look at it like combat”: Reflections on moral injury by parents involved with child protection services. Children and Youth Services Review, 82, 477-489.

Haight, W., Sugrue, E., Calhoun, M. , & Black, J. (2017). Everyday coping with moral injury: The perspectives of professionals and parents involved with child protection services. Children and Youth Services Review, 82, 108-121.

Haight, W., Sugrue, E., Calhoun, M. (2017). Moral injury among child protection professionals: Implications for the ethical treatment and retention of workers. Children and Youth Services Review, 82, 27-41.

Hewitt, A., Stancliffe, R., Hall-Lande, J., Nord, D., Pettingell, S., Hamre, K. , Hallas-Muchow L. (2017). Characteristics of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder who use residential services and supports through adult developmental disability services in the United States. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Horn, T. L. , Piescher, K., Shannon, P. J., Hong, S., & Benton, A. (2017). Experiences of Somali and Oromo youth in the child protection system. Children and Youth Services Review.

Kayama, M., Haight, W., Ku, M. L. M., Cho, M. , & Lee, H. Y. (2017). East Asian and U.S. educators' reflections on how stigmatization affects their relationships with parents whose children have disabilities: Challenges and solutions. Children and Youth Services Review, 73, 128-144.

Khuu, B. P. , Lee, H. Y. (2017). Health literacy and associated factors among Hmong American immigrants. Journal of Community Health, 1-8.

Kim, Y.S., Lee, H.Y., Lee, M.H., Simms, T. , & Park, B.H., (2017). Mental health literacy in Korean older adults: A cross-sectional survey. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. doi: 10.1111/jpm.12395

Lightfoot, E. & LaLiberte, T. & Cho, M. (2017). A case record review of termination of parental rights cases involving parents with a disability. Children and Youth Services Review, 79, 399-407.

Sugrue, E. & Lightfoot, E. (2017). Preschool Policymaking by Stealth: Application of an Alternative Framework for the Policy Process. Journal of Policy Practice. DOI: 10.1080/15588742.2016.1266982

Carlson, J., Nguyen, H. , and Reinardy, J. (2016). Social justice and the capabilities approach: Seeking a global print for EPAS. Journal of Social Work Education, 52, Issue 3.

Haight, W., Bidwell, L., Choi, W. S., & Cho, M. (2016). An evaluation of the Crossover Youth Practice Model (CYPM): Recidivism outcomes for maltreated youth involved in the juvenile justice system. Children and Youth Services Review, 65, 78-85.

Haight, W., Kayama, M., Ku, M. L., Cho, M. , & Lee, H. Y. (2016). Perspectives of elementary school educators in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the US on disability, stigmatization and children's developing self Part 1: Defining the problem in cultural context. Children and Youth Services Review, 70, 214-228.

Haight, W., Sugrue, E., Calhoun, M. , & Black, J. (2016). A scoping study of moral injury: Identifying directions for social work research. Child and Youth Services Review, 70, 190-200.

Hoffman, S. J., Robertson, C. L., Shannon, P. J., Cook, T.L. , Letts, J., & Mathiason, M. A. (2016). Physical Correlates of Torture Exposure in Karen Refugees. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 1-15.

Kayama, M., Haight, W., Ku, M. L. M., Cho, M. , & Lee, H. Y. (2016). Perspectives of elementary school educators in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the US on disability, stigmatization and children's developing self Part 2: Solutions. Children and Youth Services Review, 70, 403-418.

Khuu, B. P. , Lee, H.Y., Zhou, A.Q., Shin, J. & Lee, R.M., (2016) Healthcare providers’ perspectives on parental health literacy and child health outcomes among Southeast Asian American immigrants and refugees, Children and Youth Services Review, 67 (2016) 220–229. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.06.006

Lightfoot, E., Blevins, J. , Lum, T. & Dube, A. (2016). Cultural health assets of Somali and Oromo immigrants in the United States: Findings from a community-based participatory research project. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 27(1), 252-260.

Lightfoot, E. & DeZelar, S. (2016). The experiences and outcomes of children in foster care who were removed because of a parental disability. Children and Youth Services Review, 62, 22–28.

Lightfoot, E., Nienow, M., Moua, K., Colburn, G. , & Petri, A. (2016). Insights on professional identification and licensure from community practice social workers. Journal of Community Practice, 24 (2), 123-146.

McCleary, J., Shannon, P. J., Cook, T. (2016) Connecting refugees to substance use treatment: A qualitative study. Social Work and Public Health, 31(1), 1-. 10.1080/19371918.2015.1087906.

Shannon, P.J., Vinson, G.A., Cook, T.L. , Lennon, E. (2016). Characteristics of successful and unsuccessful mental health referrals of refugees. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 43(4), 555-568. doi:10.1007/s10488-015-0639-8

Simms, T. (2016). Statutory compensation for the wrongly imprisoned. Social Work, 61, 155-162. doi: 10.1093/sw/sww003

Yang, H., Yoon, Y. J. , Jeong, B., & Emery, C. R. (2016). The effects of parental abuse and aggression on mobile phone dependency: Focused on the moderated mediation effect of youth activity. Youth Facilities and Environment, 14(2), 5–15.

Find a social work PhD program

This comprehensive guide breaks down what it takes to get a PhD in social work and compares PhD programs to doctor of social work (DSW) programs.

  • DSW overview
  • PhD overview
  • DSW versus PhD

Selecting a program

School listings.

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Higher education opportunities in social work

Those who seek to improve the lives of others and inspire social change in their communities often pursue careers in social work. But while a master’s in social work is often considered a terminal degree (meaning one can independently practice with that degree) there are two additional degree options for those seeking additional career advancement and opportunities at the top of the profession: a doctor of social work (DSW) or a PhD in social work.

Both DSW and PhD in social work degrees are excellent credentials that provide further specialization and advanced knowledge in social work that can benefit your career and personal growth. These degrees are also often accompanied by wage increases to reflect your enhanced expertise and work experience. 

The primary difference between the degrees is the desired career trajectory: a DSW is considered an advanced clinical practice degree and is best suited for those who want to work directly with clients or lead social service agencies. A PhD is an academic degree and is best suited for those interested in teaching and research at the undergraduate and graduate level. 

Doctor of social work (DSW) degree overview

A DSW degree is ideal if you want additional expertise in order to continue working with clients, as the DSW is considered to be an advanced professional practice degree. Clients can be individuals as in those seeking individual therapy (micro level practice), community groups and organizations (mezzo level practice), or even government officials or others creating, influencing and implementing policies and laws (macro level practice). The DSW degree prepares graduates for management and other leadership roles and advanced clinical practice in a specific area of social work, such as medical social work, addictions, or juvenile justice.

Social work PhD overview

If you are interested in designing and conducting research, a PhD is an excellent option to consider.  You’ll concentrate your studies and research to become an expert in one particular area of interest.  Similarly, if you are excited by the prospect of teaching and training the next generation of social workers, a PhD program prepares you to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels.  

While most PhD’s work in academia, this is not a requirement. Some may open consulting or research firms, others work in think tanks or international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), while others become speakers or authors. The PhD provides a rigorous academic background to prepare graduates for researching, writing and teaching about their area of expertise. This may be promoting resilience in foster care youth, assessing and improving telehealth/virtual therapy interventions for adolescents with substance use disorder, or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in female veterans.

Similarities and differences between social work DSW and social work PhD programs 


Both PhD and DSW programs have similar admissions requirements. You must have a master’s degree, preferably in social work. Sometimes programs will accept applicants with other graduate degrees but may require additional social work foundation courses as a requirement prior to graduation. 

You’ll need a GPA of at least 3.0 in order to be considered for admission to either type of program. Letters of recommendation are needed from previous employers and/or graduate school professors who can attest to your ability to handle the level of rigorous coursework a doctoral program requires. At least one written essay is required, describing your area of interest, your career goals and how the selected degree program will help you achieve those goals. Some schools require graduate record examination (GRE) scores as well. If you’re an international student, you’ll need to take and submit your scores for the TOEFL, or Test of English as a Foreign Language.

While both degree programs prefer that applicants have post-master’s work experience, this is not always a requirement. Some schools have joint MSW/PhD program tracks, wherein a student immediately enters the PhD program upon completion of the MSW courses. However, many DSW programs require that applicants have at least three or more years of social work experience before returning to school for the doctoral degree. Indeed, a number of students have a decade or more of experience in the field before pursuing their DSW.

The tuition you can expect for a campus-based social work doctoral degree depends on several factors. For instance, the cost per credit will affect your overall tuition expenses more than any other factor and can vary both from school to school and whether or not you are attending from out of state. Out-of-state credits usually cost more than in-state credits.

Furthermore, you have to consider the time it’ll take you to complete your Ph.D. program. Certain costs, like general technology fees or student housing expenses will continue to accumulate the longer you take to finish the program. Programs that can be completed more quickly will necessarily be cheaper in the long run unless the savings are offset by extremely high costs per credit.

US News and World Report indicates that doctoral programs in social work usually range between $915 per credit hour to $1730 per credit hour. Thus, most students can expect to pay between $38,000 and $90,000 in total tuition for their doctoral degrees. 

Time to completion

Both DSW and PhD programs have an average of two years of coursework to complete. The final research project for each program can take anywhere from one to four additional years, though this is dependent on a number of factors. On average, most DSW and PhD students complete their degrees within four years. 


Courses offered

Both types of programs can offer similar foundational courses covering social work theory, research methods and policy. DSW programs then offer specialized courses depending on the track or concentration that the student has selected. For example, if you’re in an advanced clinical practice track you may study psychopathology, pharmacology, and trauma-informed therapeutic interventions. If you are focusing on leadership and administration, you may study program evaluation, financial management of nonprofit organizations and trauma-informed leadership practices.

In contrast, PhD students will have additional courses in statistical analysis, research study design, writing for publication and teaching methods. Within the courses, you can tailor papers and projects to the area of specialization that you have selected and around which your dissertation research will be based.

Licensing requirements

As previously mentioned, some DSW programs require applicants to have a certain number of years of experience in the field prior to entering the degree program. Some even insist that applicants are Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs) meaning they have completed the examination and practice hours required to be licensed by their state.  PhD programs do not have this requirement.

Program structure

The structure of the program is another big difference in DSW and PhD programs. Most DSW programs are designed to be completed by working professionals, so classes are offered in the evenings, on weekends or online. This allows students to continue gaining valuable practice experience while also applying topics taught in classes to real world scenarios they are facing in their daily work. Conversely, the majority of PhD courses are offered during the workday and are taught in-person. While this may be slowly changing, few courses are offered online, and relatively few students work full time while completing a PhD program.

Financial assistance

PhD programs are more likely to have fellowships, research assistantships and teaching assistantships for their students. As social work faculty are awarded grant monies, they will often hire doctoral students as assistants to help reduce their workload while also providing valuable hands-on research experience for the student.  PhD students can also offset some of their tuition costs if hired as a teaching assistant. This provides the opportunity to build critical teaching skills while being mentored by a more experienced professor.  Some DSW programs do offer scholarships and other financial assistance packages, but this is much more common in PhD programs. 

Capstone versus dissertation

Finally, the required final project often differs between PhD and DSW degree programs, though this is not always the case. A dissertation is required by PhD programs. The dissertation is the culmination of a unique research project designed by the student, implemented, the data analyzed, and a report written in a standardized format. This may be in the form of one large report or broken down into three articles that are ready to submit to academic journals for publication depending on the program requirements. 

In contrast, DSW programs typically have students complete a capstone project as their final project. This too, is a research project or program evaluation, but on a smaller scale. The capstone project is much shorter, similar to a thesis. A capstone paper runs approximately 30 pages long and while it still has some of the same sections as a dissertation, including a literature review/ statement of the problem, a research component, data analysis and summary, it is not as detailed nor as in depth as a dissertation.

Career outlook for doctoral level social work graduates

Your potential earnings with a social work PhD can vary dramatically depending on your profession, especially as most social work professions don’t require a PhD.

Master’s level social workers earn an average salary of around $52,000 per year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, with a Ph.D. or DSW, you’ll be able to command a higher salary. According to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), PhD and DSW degree holders earn $20,000 to $25,000 more per year than MSW level social workers, and may earn well over $100,000 per year.  In fact, some tenured professors with a PhD can earn well over $175,000 a year. 

In addition, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates there will be a 13 percent job growth rate over the next 10 years, meaning there should be plenty of jobs available for future graduates.

How do you decide what degree program is best for you? Below are some items to consider:

  • What are your career goals? Do you want to open up your own nonprofit organization or become a director of a large agency? Then a DSW is a better fit for you. If you want to conduct research and teach social work students, then consider a PhD program.
  • What areas of concentration or specialization does the program offer? This may be of more importance when selecting a PhD program. Does the program have faculty studying a similar or closely related area of interest that you’d like to focus on? If so, this means more opportunities for mentorship and guidance. If you select a program and want to study a specific topic or population that no one on the faculty has experience with, it may be a frustrating or less rewarding experience for you, by not having a closely aligned mentor. This may also limit your networking opportunities with similarly inclined colleagues.
  • Finally, practical considerations are also necessary. Is the program local or would it require you to move, and how does that impact the total costs involved with completing the program? How would a move impact your family? Do you have the time and energy available to devote to doctoral studies? Do you have a strong support system to assist you? Do you have the financial resources to pursue full time education if you are unable to continue working?

A recap of a PhD in social work

PhD and DSW degrees provide specialized education and training for social workers wanting to reach the pinnacle of their fields. Programs are rigorous but create opportunities for incredible career growth and increased financial rewards that can far outweigh the tuition costs for these programs.  If you want to work in social work leadership or higher education, consider pursuing a DSW or PhD degree, as it can be well worth it!

Anastas, J.W. (2015). Clinical social work, science and doctoral education: Schisms or synergy? Journal of Clinical Social Work, 43 , 304-312.

Coyle, S. (2018). Evolving education: The DSW and Ph.D. degrees – goals and choices. Social Work Today, 18 (2), 8.

Drisko, J., Hunnicutt, C., & Berenson, L. (2015). A national content analysis of PhD program objectives, structures and curricula: Do programs address the full range of social work’s needs? Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 35 (1-2), 14-28. 

Howard, T. (2016). PhD versus DSW: A critique of trends in social work doctoral education. Journal of Social Work Education, 52( s1), S148-S153.

Johnson-Motoyama, M., Petr, C.G., & Mitchell, F.M. (2014). Factors associated with success in doctoral social work education. Journal of Social Work Education, 50 (3), 548-558.

National Association of Social Workers. Social Work Salaries.

Petr, C.G., Harrington, D., Kim, K., Black, B., Cunningham-Williams, R.M., & Bentley, K.J. (2015). Quality indicators and expected outcomes for social work PhD programs: Perceptions of social work students, faculty and administrators. Journal of Social Work Education, 51 (4), 648-667.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational Outlook: Social Workers.

Expert Advice – for PhD/DSW in social work

Find the latest interviews with subject matter experts and people working at the forefront of their field and get advice on PhD/DSW in social work directly from some of the world’s leading authorities. Learn more about all the different pathways and opportunities available in social work today.

  • What are the most important factors for students deciding between a PhD and a DSW program?
  • How can students best prepare for a PhD/Doctorate program?
  • Can students take electives, or customize their PhD/DSW experience?
  • What does it take to be successful as a PhD/Doctorate student?
  • What types of jobs are PhD/Doctorate graduates finding? 
  • If you had to choose one or two books, articles, documentaries, podcasts, etc. to be included on a required reading list for social work students, what would it be?

Social Work Ph.D Programs

School Location Program Name
Adelphi University Garden City, New York
Arizona State University Phoenix, Arizona
Barry University Miami Shores, Florida
Baylor University Waco, Texas
Boston College Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
Boston University Boston, Massachusetts
Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio
Colorado State University-Fort Collins Fort Collins, Colorado
Columbia University New York, New York
Florida International University Miami, Florida
Fordham University New York, New York
Howard University Washington, Disctrict of Columbia
Hunter College New York, New York
Indiana University Indianapolis, Indiana
Jackson State University Jackson, Mississippi
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Loyola University Chicago Chicago, Illinois
Miami University-Oxford Oxford, Ohio
Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan
Morgan State University Baltimore, Maryland
New York University New York, New York
Portland State University Portland, Oregon
Saint Louis University St. Louis, Missouri
Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts
Stony Brook University Stony Brook, New York
University at Albany Albany, New York
University at Buffalo Buffalo, New York
University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Alabama
University of California Los Angeles, California
University of California Berkeley, California
University of Connecticut Hartford, Connecticut
University of Denver Denver, Colorado
University of Georgia Athens, Georgia
University of Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu, Hawaii
University of Houston Houston, Texas
University of Illinois Chicago Chicago, Illinois
University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa
University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas
University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky
University of Maryland Baltimore, Maryland
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota
University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina
University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina
University of South Florida-Main Campus Tampa, Florida
University of Southern California Los Angeles, California
University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee
University of Texas Arlington, Texas
University of Texas Austin, Texas
University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah
University of Washington Seattle, Washington
University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin
Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia
Walden University Minneapolis, Minnesota
Washington University St. Louis, Missouri
West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia
Widener University-Main Campus Chester, Pennsylvania
Yeshiva University New York, New York

DSW Programs

School Location Program Name
Aurora University Aurora, Illinois
Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
California Baptist University Riverside, California
Capella University Minneapolis, Minnesota
Catholic University of America Washington, District of Columbia
Clark Atlanta University Atlanta, Georgia
Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida
Kutztown University Kutztown, Pennsylvania
Millersville University Millersville, Pennsylvania
New York University New York, New York
Norfolk State University Norfolk, Virginia
Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio
Rutgers University Brunswick, New Jersey
Simmons College Boston, Massachusetts
Spalding University Louisville, Kentucky
Tulane University of Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana
University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois
University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois
University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky
University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan

Doctorate in Social Work Degrees: Search the Best DSW Programs for You

Are you a licensed social worker interested in advancing your career in administration, policy advocacy, advanced clinical practice, or college-level teaching? Earning a doctorate in social work may be the right move for you.

Explore these rankings to help you choose the right Ph.D. or DSW program for your personal and professional needs. Our degree guide explains what to look for when comparing different doctoral programs in social work, and what you can do with your degree after graduation.

Key Factors for Selecting a Doctorate in Social Work Program

What should you look for when choosing the best Ph.D. or DSW program for you? Before enrolling in any program, investigate several options, noting the program’s academic reputation, curriculum requirements and available specializations, and faculty areas of expertise.


Consider social work programs offered by schools with regional accreditation from an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. While the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) currently only accredits BSW and MSW programs, the CSWE’s Commission on Accreditation has begun a DSW pilot accreditation program.


If you want to work in a particular area of social work, look for DSW or Ph.D. programs that offer specializations or concentration paths that align with your interests and career goals.

Faculty Research Areas

The best colleges and universities hire faculty with strong research reputations who bring their expertise into the classroom. When comparing doctoral programs, check out faculty profiles to find out about their research interests and publications.

Featured Online Social Work Degrees

The best doctorate in social work programs.

Our rankings of the best schools for doctoral degrees make it easier for you to see how one program differs from another. You can compare curriculum, learning formats, costs, and other factors that matter most to you.

We use a data-driven methodology to determine the best bachelor’s in social work programs based on four primary factors: academic quality, overall cost, reputation, and accessibility.

University of California-Los Angeles

For over a century, the University of California-Los Angeles has garnered a reputation for academic excellence. UCLA boasts 16 Nobel Laureates, 15 MacArthur Fellows, 11 National Medal of Science winners, and two Pulitzer Prize winners among its faculty.

The Ph.D. in social welfare, offered by the Luskin School of Public Affairs, integrates personalized instruction and applied research with an interdisciplinary focus. Coursework includes nursing, public health, psychology, and sociology. Most applicants hold an MSW degree, but the program accepts students with a master’s in related fields, such as public policy or sociology.

Full-time students enroll in 12 units each quarter, completing two years of coursework prior to their dissertation research. Students can complete the program in four years.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Established in 1795, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is the oldest public university in the nation. The university enrolls over 35,000 students in 95 bachelor’s, 104 master’s, and 65 doctoral degrees.

The Ph.D. in social work, organized around the theme of social intervention, comprises nine core courses, a professional development seminar, a teaching seminar/practicum, a dissertation seminar, and additional electives. Students must complete 45 credits prior to beginning their doctoral dissertation.

Applicants for the doctorate in social work need an MSW from a program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education and two years of work experience in human services. A master’s in a related field may also be considered.

University of California-Berkeley

One of the most prestigious public universities in the nation, the University of California-Berkeley , offers over 10,000 undergraduate and graduate courses through over 300 degree programs.

Berkeley’s top-ranked Ph.D. in social welfare admits students who have completed a master’s in social work or social welfare, or a comparable degree in a related field. The doctorate takes a minimum of three years to complete, including two years of full-time coursework and one year for the dissertation.

The social welfare Ph.D. provides doctoral students with a generous financial package that includes tuition, health insurance, and an allowance for living expenses, funded jointly through fellowships and salary as a graduate student instructor or researcher.

Florida State University

Based in Florida’s capital city of Tallahassee, Florida State University administers close to 300 undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs, including a doctorate in social work.

FSU’s Ph.D. in social work emphasizes hands-on training in research and teaching. The curriculum comprises core methods and theory courses, specialized social work research methods courses, statistics courses, and cognates taken outside of the social work department related to the student’s areas of interest. Students typically complete the program in 4-5 years.

Admission requirements include an MSW from a program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, a minimum 3.0 GPA, and GRE scores taken within the previous five years.

University of Chicago

The University of Chicago in Hyde Park ranks among the top U.S. and global research institutions. The Crown Family School, one of the nation’s first schools of social work, has played a seminal role defining the profession.

The Ph.D. in social work requires a minimum of 15 courses, including one on the history of social work, five on statistics and research methods, and nine additional courses that include three taken in other departments. Students take 4-5 years to complete their degree.

Admission to the Ph.D. program is highly selective. Of the approximately 100 applications received annually, the program admits only eight students. Enrollees receive a substantial financial aid package that includes a stipend, health insurance, tuition, and fees.

University of Georgia

Established over 235 years ago in Athens, Georgia, the University of Georgia is the state’s oldest institution of higher education.

The 60-credit Ph.D. in social work provides students with an interdisciplinary curriculum and certificate opportunities in gerontology, women’s studies, qualitative studies, quantitative methods, and nonprofit management and leadership. The program supports students with four years of financial assistance through teaching and research assistantships.

The Ph.D. program admits MSW-holders who have at least two years of post-MSW professional experience, an overall 3.0 undergraduate GPA, and a 3.5 MSW GPA. Applicants must submit GRE scores from within the last five years.

University of Washington-Seattle Campus

Consistently ranked among the top U.S. public universities, the University of Washington-Seattle Campus receives more federal research funding than any other public university. The campus hosts a student population of close to 30,000.

The Ph.D. in social welfare focuses on prevention/intervention research that addresses topics in health/mental health, promotion and disparities, aging, child and adolescent services, family-based practice, interpersonal violence, substance abuse, income distribution, and issues related to gender, communities of color and other underrepresented groups. An optional statistics track provides students with advanced quantitative training relevant to their areas of specialization.

The program offers four years of financial support, including teaching or research assistantships or fellowships, tuition, and health benefits.

The University of Texas at Austin

Established in 1883, the University of Texas at Austin has grown into a leading research university. As the main campus for the University of Texas system, UT Austin supports 52,000 students and 3,000 teaching faculty across 18 colleges and schools.

The Ph.D. in social work offers an interdisciplinary approach to the field with an emphasis on advanced research methodology and statistics. Minimum requirements for admission include an MSW from a Council on Social Work Education-accredited or related field and extensive experience in human services. Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA or above in upper-division undergraduate courses and in any completed graduate work.

University of South Florida

A relatively young university founded in 1956, Tampa Bay’s University of South Florida enrolls over 50,000 students across 13 colleges.

Based in the College of Behavioral and Community Sciences, the Ph.D. in social work emphasizes five topic areas that reflect the strengths of the college and the forecasted direction of the profession. These five areas cover societal change and innovation, global issues, health, behavioral health, and leadership and business.

Admission is typically limited to individuals who hold an MSW from a Council on Social Work Education-accredited program or international equivalent, with an overall 3.5 GPA. Applicants without an MSW may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Florida International University

Florida International University is a public research university in Miami, offering bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees to over 56,000 students. The university emphasizes research as a major component in its mission.

The Ph.D. in social welfare boasts one of the fastest completion rates and highest retention rates among U.S. social work doctoral programs. Students typically complete the program in as little as three years.

Admission to the program is selective. Requirements include an MSW from a Council on Social Work Education-accredited school of social work or a master’s in a closely related field, at least a 3.0 undergraduate GPA and a 3.5 graduate GPA, and GRE scores. Preference is given to applicants with prior social work experience.

Advantages of Earning a Doctorate in Social Work

If you are already working as a licensed social worker, you may wonder why you should invest the time and money into earning a doctorate in social work. Today, the need for highly trained social workers in advanced practice and leadership roles has never been greater, and earning a Ph.D. or DSW comes with many advantages.

Salary Potential

A doctoral degree expands your career opportunities in administrative roles, with salaries significantly higher than master’s-level positions. According to a report from the National Association of Social Workers , DSWs earn $20-$25,000 more than MSWs.

Opportunities in Academia

The increased enrollment in social work programs has resulted in the need for more social work educators to train the next generation of professionals. Most college-level teaching positions in social work require a doctorate. Postsecondary social work teachers employed at colleges, universities, or professional schools earn an annual average salary of over $78,000 a year.

Increased Credibility

As the most advanced practice-focused degree in the field, a doctorate provides you with a high level of expertise and the credibility to address complex social work issues, formulate social policy, and bring about social change. A doctorate in social work establishes you as a “thought leader” and critical thinker with the insight and skills to make significant contributions to the field.

How to Apply to a Doctorate in Social Work Program

Required application materials for DSW or Ph.D. programs vary by institution. Most often, schools request official transcripts, 2-3 letters of recommendation from teachers and supervisors, and a current resume. Be prepared to submit a personal essay outlining why you are seeking the degree, what you hope to accomplish with it, and why you have chosen to apply to this program.

Admission requirements also vary by program. In general, applicants must hold a master’s in social work from a CSWE-accredited program and at least two years of post-MSW practice experience. Some programs may admit individuals who have earned a graduate degree in a related field, such as counseling or psychology.

The best DSW programs look for candidates with strong undergraduate academic records, requiring a minimum 3.0 GPA. A growing number of programs no longer require GRE scores for admission.

What Can I Do with a Doctorate Degree in Social Work?

A doctorate provides a respected credential to advance in clinical practice and to move into leadership positions. Doctorate-level graduates find employment in social service agencies, educational organizations, nonprofits, and governmental agencies. This degree can prepare graduates to take on administrative and managerial roles at the macro level; developing and implementing organizational policy; and supervising, teaching, and guiding clinical practitioners.

Employment prospects in social work remain strong. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects a 9% increase in social work positions between 2021 and 2031, exceeding the national average for all occupations.

When considering whether to pursue a DSW, keep in mind that educational attainment impacts salaries in almost all professions. According to a 2021 BLS report , doctoral degree-holders make $400 a week more than individuals with only a bachelor’s degree. Social workers with a DSW can expect to earn the highest salaries in the field.

Your Next Career Path: Is a Doctorate in Social Work Right for Me?

Earning a DSW or Ph.D. in social work can lead to significant professional advancement, but keep in mind that the expanded career opportunities and higher salaries also come with increased responsibilities. When choosing a DSW program, evaluate how the curriculum can help you acquire the skills needed to achieve your professional goals.

Does the program offer specializations and electives that reflect your interests? Does it prepare you to move into a leadership role in your organization or conduct research that informs policy change? Will you get the training needed to teach, supervise, and mentor the next generation of social work practitioners?

Besides the academic preparation you receive in a doctoral program, you must develop the needed “soft skills” to take on these new roles and obligations, such as perseverance, perceptiveness, and listening skills.

Frequently Asked Questions About Doctorate in Social Work Programs

What is the difference between a dsw and phd.

The DSW focuses on advanced training for clinical practice, leadership, and applied research for policy advocacy and professional practice. The Ph.D. emphasizes theoretical and methodological perspectives and research to build knowledge in the field.

How long does it take to get a DSW?

Earning your doctorate in social work takes 3-5 years, depending on whether you enroll full or part time. Some programs offer accelerated two-year options.

Can you complete DSW or Ph.D. in social work online?

Yes, though students enrolled in an online DSW or Ph.D. will need to attend local fieldwork. See our roundup of online Ph.D. in social work programs to learn more.

Where do DSW graduates work?

DSW graduates pursue careers as social work administrators, community or social service managers, policy analysts, educators, and nonprofit directors. They work in a variety of settings, including social service agencies, healthcare facilities, schools, and government offices.

Note: The ranking list and school descriptions on this page were created and reviewed independently by our Rankings Team.

Take the next step toward your future in social work.

Explore schools offering programs and courses tailored to your interests, and start your learning journey today.

Doctor of Philosophy

2024 Incoming PhD students, Director Rohini Pahwa, and Assistant Director Perri Greenbaum standing in front of an ornate wood fireplace, an NYU Silver banner, and violet and silver balloons

NYU Silver School of Social Work’s PhD program prepares students to become leading researchers and educators in the promotion of social justice and the health and well-being of marginalized communities nationally and globally.

Our intensive doctoral training competitively positions graduates for top-tier academic and research opportunities—such as faculty positions at leading research universities—cultivating the next wave of independent investigators, scholars, and social work leaders. Building on Silver’s nationally recognized strength in intervention and implementation research and our focus on addressing inequities, the PhD program prepares students to make their own unique contributions to the field of social welfare. 

Our rigorous coursework educates students in classic and contemporary theory, cutting-edge quantitative, qualitative and mixed methodologies, and specialized learning in their substantive areas. The opportunity to take electives within the larger university allows students to explore further their areas and methodologies in an interdisciplinary classroom. NYU Silver also prepares students to be educators through training, including in anti-racist pedagogies, and hands-on experience teaching BSW and MSW level courses.

At the heart of our program is the mentored research practicum offering students the opportunity to put their learning into practice. NYU Silver PhD students are paired from day one with a research mentor as part of our  personalized mentoring program , helping them develop competencies in core research, scholarship, and teaching areas.  NYU Silver  Faculty  are renowned for their expertise in several key research areas, including racial and social justice, behavioral health services, child welfare, and aging. Being part of a large Global Network University and located in the diverse and dynamic city of New York, NYU Silver offers an unparalleled environment for the study of areas critical to local, national and global well-being. 

In fact, PhD Program Director Dr.  Rohini Pahwa was recently awarded a  five-year, $3.1 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health  to gain insight into the factors that influence the social networks and and mental health services use of Black and Latinx people with serious mental illnesses. 

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Associate Professor of Social Work and PhD Program Director

“I chose NYU Silver for my PhD . . .

because of the program’s emphasis on preparing students to become leading researchers and educators in the health and well-being of marginalized communities and in the promotion of social justice.”

Sabrina Cluesman, PhD candidate and recipient of a NIDA Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (F31)

In an Emerati Women’s Day video from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Embassy in Washington, DC, PhD student  Layla Al Neyadi  discusses her inspiration to seek her degree at NYU Silver and her aspiration to improve mental health policy and services for her fellow Emiratis:

Please email the doctoral program office or call (212) 998-5941 for additional information.

find a phd social work

PhD in Social Work Degree Guide | Salary & Programs 2024

A PhD in Social Work is a mark of distinction as an expert in the discipline. Graduates of social work PhD programs often use their knowledge and training to conduct groundbreaking research on critical issues facing society. Their discoveries shape policy and assist countless people. As respected leaders, they hold top positions at various social services organizations. As professors, they mold new generations of social workers.

In addition to increased ability to help others, PhDs in social work can expect something else following graduation – good job prospects. The U.S.  Bureau of Labor Statistics  (BLS) projects employment in the community and social service occupations to grow a hearty 12% between 2020 to 2030. 1

What is a PhD in Social Work?

A PhD in Social Work is a Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work. It is one of the two highest degrees that someone can earn in the field, the other being a DSW (Doctor of Social Work). PhD programs in social work focus heavily on research methods and pedagogy. DSW programs emphasize advanced training for practicing social workers.

Outstanding Schools with PhD in Social Work Degrees in U.S.

The road to a PhD in Social Work begins with admittance to a school that meets an aspiring student’s needs. While the “perfect” school varies by an individual’s interests and circumstances, here’s a sample of some noteworthy institutions:

  • University of Southern California  – Through its Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, USC offers a PhD program that prides itself on promoting independent inquiry. Students gain competence in research methodology and communicating results. They learn skills vital to their future, such as how to submit grant proposals, how to write articles for publication, and how to present findings at conferences.
  • New York University  – From day one, each PhD student in NYU’s Silver School of Social Work gets paired with a faculty mentor who helps develop research, scholarships, and teaching skills. Areas of staff expertise include racial and social justice, behavioral health services, child welfare, and aging. The school’s location in New York City provides a dynamic, diverse setting for studying important social work issues.
  • Wayne State University  – Opportunities for professional and intellectual growth abound in the PhD program at this public institution in Michigan. The school encourages students to take coursework outside of the School of Social Work to support their individual interests. This interdisciplinary approach can lead to special degrees in areas such as infant mental health, gerontology, or social work and anthropology.
  • Baylor University  – No need to live in Waco, Texas, to attend this institution. After a required five-day session on campus, social work PhD students can live elsewhere while pursuing their degree through an online classroom. Online PhD in Social Work courses meet via videoconferencing at specific times each week. The program focuses on the integration of religion and faith with practices of the social work profession. Graduates leave ready to address complex social issues as leaders, educators, and researchers.
  • The University of Utah  – Other than a week on campus at the start of each semester, this institution’s “distance-delivered doctoral program” allows students to pursue an online PhD in Social Work from any location. Individuals attend classes remotely at the same time as their on-campus cohorts. All students possess equal access to research opportunities and financial support.

If you’re looking for other schools that offer PhD’s in social work, check out the Find Your Perfect “U” tool. You can search over 6,000 colleges and universities with 11 different filters to find the  perfect school for you !

What Can I Do with a PhD in Social Work?

Many who pursue a PhD in Social Work do so in hopes of securing a faculty position at a university or junior college. They wish to continue conducting research in their area of interest within the field or teach up-and-coming social work students. Others may find employment at think tanks, non-profits, or governmental agencies.

PhD in Social Work Salary and Career Outlook

The U.S. Department of Labor includes postsecondary social work teachers on its list of Bright Outlook Occupations because of the job’s rapid growth prospects (9%) over the next decade (2020-2030). 9  Projections are not a guarantee, but the information is encouraging to PhDs looking to go in that direction.

While the mean annual wage for social work professors is $71,570, possibilities exist to earn substantially more. In California, for instance, the mean annual wage stands at $110,020. New York, the state with the highest concentration of postsecondary social work teachers, posts a mean annual wage of $91,680. 7

Some PhDs find employment as social service consultants. They train social service staff members and help organizations implement improvements in procedures and policies. According to PayScale, this type of position brings in an average hourly rate of $32.50. 8

PhD in Social Work Career Paths

Students in PhD programs usually enter possessing an MSW (Master’s of Social Work) and a social work license. After earning their doctorate, some individuals decide to return to careers in applied social work rather than enter academia. Their increased knowledge and training oftentimes set them up for higher-level positions in occupations such as:

  • Median Salary: $51,760 
  • Career Outlook: +12% (2020-2030)

Social workers identify and assist individuals, families, and groups within a community that need help with various life challenges.

  • Median Salary: $48,140 
  • Career Outlook: 17% (2020-2030)

These professionals promote wellness and serve as a liaison between individuals/groups and health care systems.

  • Median Salary: $58,120 
  • Career Outlook: +11% (2020-2030)

These counselors help individuals with social and academic issues in order to succeed in school and forge an employment plan.

Source: BLS

Earning a PhD in Social Work

Individuals generally go into social work because they want to  make a difference in the lives of others . Earning a PhD in Social Work certainly advances that objective. The decision to undertake something so rigorous, however, should not be made lightly.

Pros and Cons of PhD in Social Work Degrees

Completing a PhD program in social work takes time, money, and effort. Only you can decide if such an endeavor is in your best interest.

  • Expanded job opportunities, especially in academia, consulting, and research
  • Recognition as an expert in the field
  • Good job growth predictions from the BLS
  • The potential for increases in income, responsibility, and influence
  • A chance to study specific areas of interest and learn advanced knowledge about them
  • The cost of pursuing a degree
  • The stress of staying on track and finishing this academic challenge
  • Taking away time from other endeavors in order to focus on studies
  • Possibly moving to a new location to be closer to campus

PhD in Social Work Program Prerequisites

Most students enter social work PhD programs already possessing an MSW and a history of social work employment. People with a  background in a similar field , such as psychology, may also be eligible for consideration. Some institutions conduct dual-degree programs where participants earn both an MSW and a PhD upon completion of studies.

Courses in PhD in Social Work Programs

While specific courses vary by program, the following are some of the courses frequently encountered in social work PhD programs:

  • Quantitative research
  • Qualitative research
  • Data analysis
  • Social policy analysis
  • Scholarly writing
  • Grant writing
  • Teaching and pedagogy

Coursework helps students prepare for two important components of a social work PhD program:  the qualifying exam and the dissertation .

Passing an oral and/or written qualifying exam demonstrates a solid base of knowledge and readiness to engage in independent research. The dissertation focuses on a topic or research question of the student’s choice. In addition to writing the dissertation, the student must orally defend the ideas presented at a meeting with other scholars.

Skills Learned in a PhD in Social Work Degree Program

PhD programs promote scholarly development. Students hone their critical-thinking skills. They learn how to ask important questions about social work issues and how to go about seeking possible answers. They graduate knowing how to construct research studies and evaluate results.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Social Work?

Programs generally require 36 credit hours. In terms of time, this translates to 3-5 years.

Students pursuing accelerated studies may be able to shave off time from this range. On the flipside, students enrolled in a dual MSW/PhD program take longer to finish because they need to fulfill more requirements.

A substantial determinant of program length is progress on one’s dissertation. Some students develop a clear idea early on of what they wish to focus on and make steady progress toward completion. Others require more time to figure out what they want to do and how to do it.

Social Work Degree Specializations

Social work is a large discipline with many niches. Some areas PhD candidates may concentrate on include:

  • Mental health
  • Substance abuse
  • School social work
  • Military social work
  • Children and families
  • Gerontology
  • Terminal illness
  • Migration studies
  • Disaster relief
  • LGBTQIA+ community
  • Public welfare
  • Justice and corrections

Social Work Certification and Licensure

Many social work positions require a license and/or certification. People should look into the requirements for jobs of interest as well as for the geographical region in which they seek employment. A good place to start is the  Association for Social Work Boards .


Selecting a school with regional accreditation ensures the institution has met certain educational standards. Choose one approved by the  U.S. Department of Education  or the nonprofit  Council for Higher Education Accreditation  (CHEA).

While the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredits BSW and MSW programs, it does not do so at the doctoral level. However, the Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work (GADE) can provide prospective social work PhD students with information on its member schools.

Online PhD Social Work Programs

Opportunities exist to pursue doctoral studies in social work online. The majority of such programs lead to a DSW, but some result in a PhD.

Online vs. On Campus Degrees

Earning an online PhD in Social Work degree through has a variety of potential benefits.

  • Remote learning removes geographical barriers.
  • Students gain greater choice in selecting an institution
  • Students do not need to upend their lives to move to campus housing.
  • Online programs generally offer more flexibility in terms of when and where work gets completed.
  • Sometimes, ambitious students can accelerate their progress.

Some students prefer regular, campus-based programs. They enjoy the social aspect of physically attending class alongside others, focus better in an academic environment, or prefer a consistent schedule.

How Long Do Online Courses Take to Complete?

Finishing an online PhD in Social Work program generally takes about the same amount of time as on-campus studies, which is 3-5 years. Choosing an accelerated program can reduce some of that time.

Schools offering online PhD in social work programs tend to have a hybrid set-up. They require brief periods of time on campus, such as the first week of each semester.

Also, remote PhD programs in social work tend to favor synchronous learning. Off-campus students use video technology to attend classes with their on-campus peers on specific days at set times.

Applying to PhD in Social Work Programs

Students interested in obtaining a PhD in Social Work must apply to individual schools offering this graduate study. Due to substantial competition for spots, students oftentimes apply to more than one program.

Admission Requirements for PhD in Social Work Programs

Each school has its own specific set of criteria for applicants to present in order to receive consideration for admission. Things often required include:

  • A master’s degree from a program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education
  • Transcripts of all collegiate work, including degree(s) earned and GPA
  • A resume of hands-on social work experience, including internships, employment, and volunteer experiences
  • Satisfactory performance on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
  • Personal statements/essays on the reason for pursuing a PhD
  • Interviews with faculty members
  • Letters of recommendation supporting the candidacy
  • A scholarly writing sample

Paying for a PhD in Social Work

Students rightly worry about paying for higher education. Fortunately, a good number of options exist to  finance graduate studies , including grants, loans, and scholarships. Schools also often offer PhD candidates positions as research or teaching assistants, which can cover or reduce tuition and even provide a stipend.

PhD in Social Work Degree Costs

Many factors influence the cost of pursuing a PhD in Social Work. Choosing a public school in one’s state often proves more economical than tuition for private institutions. Programs partially or fully online can lower expenses by eliminating the cost of traveling to campus or residing in campus housing.

Any student looking for financial assistance should fill out the  Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) . It serves as the first step in determining eligibility for grants, loans, and school-specific monetary aid.

Scholarships for PhD in Social Work Students

Individuals looking for assistance in funding their PhD studies in social work may want to check out the following:

  • Council on Social Work Education  – The CSWE offers a variety of general and niche scholarships for students interested in graduate studies in social work.
  • National Association of Social Workers  – Doctoral students qualify for several funding opportunities offered by the NASW Foundation.
  • Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund  – Students working for social change can apply for one of these need-based scholarships of up to $15,000 per year.

PhD in Social Work Career Resources

Along their educational journey and into their career, social work PhDs may find the following groups good sources of knowledge and support:

  • Council on Social Work Education  – This national organization is dedicated to advancing excellence in social work education and research. PhD candidates may find the careers section on the group’s website particularly interesting. It contains job opportunities, career planning advice, and free resume review.
  • The Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work  – This organization provides a wealth of information on what makes a good PhD program. Its website includes links to all its member institutions, which proves helpful to students trying to compare schools.
  • National Association of Social Workers  – This well-established organization of professional social workers focuses on career development and advancing social policies. Its website contains resources on a variety of topics by interest, such as aging, child welfare, and LGBTQ issues. Networking opportunities and tips for landing a job prove useful to graduate students.
  • Clinical Social Work Association  – This group focuses on meeting the practice needs of  clinical social workers  through support and advocacy. Members receive free consultative services for legal and ethical questions, reduced rates on liability insurance, and access to the association’s job board.
  • Society for Social Work and Research  – For more than 25 years, this non-profit has supported faculty, students, and others interested in social work research. Funding, information sharing, and interdisciplinary networking are among its areas of concern.
  • People often pursue a PhD in Social Work to become a professor at a university, college, or junior college. Such a job involves teaching classes, managing internships and other hands-on student experiences, and conducting research. Other PhDs work for the government, military, non-profits, think tanks, schools, and other organizations as social workers, community managers, researchers, and policy shapers.
  • The answer depends on individual interests and career objectives. For someone hoping for a job in academia, a PhD is usually necessary. Individuals interested in positions such as social worker or community service manager oftentimes get hired with a lesser degree. A doctorate, though, can put someone in a better position for greater responsibility, leadership, decision-making, and pay.
  • Examine your career goals. A  bachelor’s degree  can be enough for entry-level positions. A master’s will qualify you to perform more extensive duties and is a must for those interested in clinical social work. Future social work instructors and social work executives generally hold a doctorate, which can be a PhD in Social Work or a DSW (Doctor of Social Work).
  • An  MSW (Master of Social Work)  helps individuals secure higher-level positions within the field of social work. Obtaining one signifies greater education and training than just a bachelor’s degree. A PhD in Social Work demonstrates exceptional knowledge and commitment. PhDs often remain in academia to teach others and to continue advancing the discipline through original research.

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Become an advanced social work practitioner and educator without interrupting your career.

The Doctorate in Clinical Social Work (DSW) Program allows ambitious, MSW-prepared social workers to advance their education in just three years—without putting their careers on hold. Become a clinical expert, inspired educator, and real-world scholar through a convenient blend of online evening classes and on-campus immersion experiences.

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Learn more about the DSW program and the SP2 experience.

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Headshot of Dr. Jacqueline Corcoran

Director’s Welcome

Thank you for your interest in the Doctorate in Social Work program at the School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania. The Penn DSW curriculum offers working professionals an Ivy League experience wherever they are. Our graduates are sought after social work doctors—highly trained and respected experts, educators, researchers, and leaders who engage in fulfilling, rewarding work and make important contributions to the profession. Many of our DSW graduates are combining social work practice and teaching with some taking full-time teaching positions.

Courses in the DSW program are taught through a combination of synchronous (real-time) online interactive video instruction and periodic on-campus immersion. Classes are taught by Penn faculty and renowned visiting faculty and clinician experts from across the country. Students are in class with the same cohort for the first two years of the program; in the third year, students participate in a Dissertation Seminar Series that provides support and structure as they complete the last stages of the dissertation. The dissertation provides an opportunity to gain deep knowledge and become a content expert in a particular area, as well as contribute to the social work knowledge base.

Book covers of Dr. Jacqueline Corcoran

I have been an MSW for 30 years and a licensed clinician and social work scholar for over 25 years. After having written 18 books and over a hundred articles and book chapters and mentoring and teaching MSW and doctoral students, I am excited to assist DSW students in deepening their understanding of the field, improving their practice, and furthering the field through leadership positions. Now, more than ever, social worker leaders are needed in the movement towards social justice.

Jacqueline Corcoran, PhD Director, Doctorate in Clinical Social Work Program

“ The dissertation provides an opportunity to gain deep knowledge and become a content expert in a particular area, as well as contribute to the social work knowledge base.”

The SP2 Difference

The nation’s first social work doctorate focused exclusively on practice

A hybrid format designed for busy working professionals

Renowned faculty from around the world leading cutting-edge courses on clinical practice, research, and teaching

INVISIBLE – leave blank

The opportunity to conduct dissertation research on a pressing clinical social work issue under guidance from world-class faculty

A diverse global alumni network

Flexible Hybrid Format

The Penn DSW curriculum offers working professionals an Ivy League experience wherever they are. Courses are taught through a combination of synchronous (real-time) online interactive video instruction and periodic on-campus immersion. The DSW degree can be earned in as little as two years but typically takes three years to complete.

The Campus Experience

Students begin the program with a five-day immersion experience on Penn’s Philadelphia campus at the start of their first semester (late August/early September). During this residency period, students attend their first classes and participate in a variety of activities that immerse them in the Penn experience and prepare them for what’s to come. During the fall of year two, students return to campus for an additional four-day residency. Students able to visit campus more frequently are invited to use our library, meet with faculty, and take advantage of Penn’s other campus resources and activities.

The Classroom Experience

Classes meet online two evenings per week for two hours. Students and faculty log in on their personal computers or devices from wherever they are. Real-time video conferencing allows everyone to be seen and heard at all times, closely approximating a physical classroom experience. Students are in class for the first two years of the program; in the third year, students participate in a Dissertation Seminar Series that provides support and structure as they complete the last stages of the dissertation.

The DSW curriculum bridges theory, practice, and research, and prepares students to teach. Students actively engage in learning about and critiquing the recent developments, discoveries, and best practices in evidence-based social work practice and teaching. Classes are taught by Penn faculty and renowned visiting faculty and clinician experts from across the country. The dissertation provides an opportunity to gain deep knowledge and become a content expert in a particular area, as well as contribute to the social work knowledge base.

Woman speaking to other woman while holding an infographic

World-Class Faculty

DSW program faculty are here to help you shape your specific area of expertise, drawing on their own decades of scholarship, teaching, and experience in areas as diverse as mental health, health care services in vulnerable populations , trauma and abuse, and child well-being .

The Penn DSW curriculum is designed to engage students in high-level learning that challenges them to think methodically, critically, and creatively about social work theory, practice, pedagogy, and research.

Students are required to complete 12 course units, a first-year on-campus immersion, a second-year on-campus immersion, a dissertation, and a dissertation defense.

DSW Academic Calendar >

The program begins with a two-semester foundation that spans clinical theory and research and ends with a core course on trauma-informed interventions. Concurrent with their coursework, students complete a dissertation workshop that guides them through the first stages of their dissertation. Near the end of the year, students are matched with a dissertation chair who shepherds them through the remainder of the dissertation process.

Fall Semester

  • SWRK 8040: Methods of Inquiry: Quantitative Research Methods (1CU)
  • SWRK 8120: Clinical Theory I (1CU)
  • SWRK 8150: Dissertation Seminar I (1CU)

Spring Semester

  • SWRK 8050: Methods of Inquiry: Qualitative Research Methods (1CU)
  • SWRK 8130: Clinical Theory II (1CU)
  • Supervision (1CU)

Second Year

Year 2 curriculum continues with specialized, applied courses that cover clinical content and teaching preparation. This second and final year of coursework culminates in two electives selected by the student cohort completed as a group. Students also continue their dissertation work under the direction of their dissertation committee.

  • SWRK 8140: Applied Statistics (1CU)
  • SWRK 9040: Teaching (1CU)
  • SWRK 9020: Trauma (1CU)
  • Family Based Interventions (1CU)
  • SWRK 9060: Race, Culture and Identity (0.5CU)
  • Leadership (0.5CU)
  • SWRK 9110: Social Construction and Social Work Practice: Transforming Dialogues (0.5CU)
  • XXX Topic 1 (0.25CU)
  • XXX Topic 2 (0.25CU)

During the third and final year of the program, students complete, defend, and deposit their dissertation. There is no formal coursework during this year, but students participate in a dissertation seminar that provides structure and support and keeps them moving steadily toward their defense. Note that some students are able to complete the dissertation in as little as two years.

Mery Diaz


Mery diaz, dsw ’11.

“When I consider the reasons for attending SP2, I think back to the School’s mission — a long-standing commitment to social justice and educating students committed to taking an active role in fighting oppression. The School’s mission resonated with me then and continues to do so now. In our national, and global context, it is a mission constantly being put to the test. I do not take lightly that graduating from SP2 was instrumental in opening doors, but also in shaping the critical scholar, teacher, and mentor I am and strive to be every day with this mission in mind.”


The Process

In collaboration with dissertation mentors and later, with the dissertation committee, students begin developing a dissertation topic during their first semester of the program. Through close mentoring and a tightly structured process, students complete an original work of scholarship that contributes to the clinical social work literature and knowledge base. The dissertation engages students in deep study and positions them as knowledge experts in their content area.

Students have a variety of options for deciding how to answer their research question. These include systematic/scoping reviews, quantitative designs (including intervention studies and surveys), qualitative studies, and data-driven development of treatment manuals. Please see the DSW Handbook for additional detail.

The Finished Product

The final product may be in the form of a traditional chapter-style dissertation or two publishable articles. All DSW dissertations are published on Scholarly Commons , the University of Pennsylvania’s open-access repository for scholarly work. This ensures that knowledge produced by our students is readily available and accessible for front-line social work practitioners and others who are seeking information on a particular topic.

The Doctorate in Clinical Social Work (DSW) Program is offered by the University of Pennsylvania, an institution of higher education authorized to confer degrees and certificates conferring academic credit under applicable laws of the United States. Students who are interested in participating in the program from countries other than the United States are advised that each jurisdiction may have its own laws and regulations governing online educational programs, and some jurisdictions may not recognize course credit or an online degree awarded by the University as satisfying local requirements for professional licensure, employment qualification, or other purposes. Before enrolling in this program, prospective students should investigate their jurisdiction’s treatment of foreign online programs to ensure that participation in this program will meet their objectives.

Ready to join the DSW community?

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SP2 honors five accomplished social change agents at 2024 Alumni Hall of Fame Ceremony

Five distinguished alumni were celebrated at the 2024 SP2 Alumni Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on Friday, May 17. The event marked the sixth year that the School has honored alumni through the SP2 Hall of Fame.

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Front view of Caster building with green leaves on the trees and plants

SP2 ranked #8 among Schools for Social Work by U.S News & World Report

SP2 has been named #8 among Schools for Social Work in the 2024 U.S. News & World Report Best Graduate Schools rankings. This marks SP2’s highest ranking ever, and the second time that the School has appeared in the list’s top 10.

Student Life

Several seated students appear in profile, one focused on her desk and two looking forward and smiling.

SP2 and National Education Equity Lab launch high school course in social work and social policy

This spring, underserved high school students engaged in the National Education Equity Lab will have the opportunity to learn about career paths in social work and social policy from experts at SP2.

Jeff Johnson-Curry

Administrative Coordinator, DSW Program 

215 573 7133

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PhD in Social Work

Baylor's Social Work PhD program is designed to develop  leaders  and  educators  who can lead visionary social work education or service programs and conduct original research addressing the complex social issues of our world. The program provides a distinctive focus on the  integration of religion and faith  with the ethics, values and practices of the social work profession.

The application for the Summer 2025 cohort will open on September 1st.

Baylor University is an NC-SARA approved institution.

What can you do with a PhD in Social Work?

Graduates from the social work PhD program are uniquely prepared to: • Serve in academic research and teaching posts in social work programs • Provide leadership in government and private agency contexts around the world

Program Format

Baylor's online PhD in social work is primarily taught in a synchronous video classroom that utilizes high-definition technology to connect students and the instructor in real-time. Classes are conducted much as they would be on campus, except the students are able to participate from anywhere in the world.

Learn more about the Program of Study . 

Program Requirements

Admission to the PhD program is a highly selective process. The admissions committee selects up to seven students every other year that have:

  • Clear interest in developing theory, policy, and research skills in a substantive area relevant to the field of social work
  • A superior academic record in all previous work
  • The maturity, intellectual ability, and readiness for doctoral study

Explore admissions requirements at how to apply .

What was your first impression of the Garland School of Social Work?

Online  - the information is clear and robust. The chairs were easy to communicate with and faculty was available to answer any questions. In person  - I cannot give enough positive feedback about my experience at the Garland School of Social Work. The staff and faculty were warm, interested, and invested in us individually and as a cohort from the moment we walked in. I felt known. I felt spurred on in my research interests. I felt heard by every person I encountered. I left feeling connected to my educational goals, the university, the school of social work, my cohort, and the faculty. —Dr. Brianna Garrison, PhD '21
  • Diana R. Garland School of Social Work

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PhD in Social Work and Social Welfare

Joint phd in social work and social science.

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Social work phd programs.

The University of Michigan School of Social Work offers two distinct doctoral program options to meet the educational and training needs of emerging social work scholars.

The School of Social Work is thrilled to announce a new addition to our doctoral program. The PhD in Social Work and Social Welfare is designed for students who already have their Master of Social Work (MSW) degree and are looking for a career focused on social justice, equity, and rigorous research. The PhD in Social Work and Social Welfare provides a transdisciplinary approach to identifying and studying societal problems for the purpose of proposing and developing solutions.  The focus on societal interventions and solving problems is core to the new PhD in Social Work and Social Welfare at the University of Michigan.

The School of Social Work offers the only Joint PhD program in Social Work and Social Science in the United States. The Joint PhD program in Social Work and Social Science has a long and illustrious history of trailblazing and producing extraordinary scholars. The Joint PhD program pairs education and training in social work with disciplinary training in anthropology, psychology, or sociology.  Joint PhD students become deep disciplinary experts who use the knowledge and skills of both their fields to examine societal problems through transdisciplinary research. 

Students in both the PhD in Social Work and the Joint Program will take some core coursework together, further increasing the diversity of knowledge and perspectives of our PhD students.

What Program is Right for You?

Phd in social work and social welfare, joint phd program in social work and social science.

Faculty with rigorous, diverse research areas that span key domains of social work practice and policy including children and families, health and mental health, educational, economic, and racial, and health disparities, and power, privilege, and oppression.

Top-ranked faculty in social work, anthropology, psychology, and sociology who carry out research across a wide array of domains to create a robust transdisciplinary culture for understanding and addressing serious worldwide problems.

Curriculum includes social work theory, methods, and statistical analysis courses, as well as specialized electives focused on services, intervention, and social change.

Curriculum includes theory, methods, and statistical analysis courses in one of three social sciences (anthropology, psychology or sociology).

The PhD Program in Social Work and Social Welfare provides all incoming doctoral students with a multi-year funding package that includes tuition, stipends, and health care during the school year and summers.

The Joint Program in Social Work and Social Science provides all incoming doctoral students with a multi-year funding package that includes tuition, stipends, and health care during the school year and summers.

Two semesters of teaching in the school of social work.

Two semesters in social work and four semesters in the selected social science.

Approximately 4 to 5 years.

Approximately 6 to 7 years.

Develop social work scholars and educators who are prepared for careers in academic, research, and policy settings.

Develop scholars and educators who are prepared for careers in academic, research, and policy settings in either social work or in their social science of choice.

Ready to Move Forward?

Contact our PhD office to learn more about our PhD program and application process.

Related My SSW Sections

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PhD Office 1080 South University Room B660 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106

Phone: (734) 763-5768 Email: [email protected]

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Knowledge and expertise to change the world

Focused on intensive, community-engaged research, IU’s social work doctoral program prepares graduates for success as scholars, educators, policymakers and advocates. A flexible degree program allows students to enroll in part-time or full-time study. Support from faculty and peers, coupled with competitive financial award packages, makes IU School of Social Work the ideal place to learn, achieve, and contribute.

find a phd social work

Welcome to the Doctor of Philosophy program #

The development of leadership in social work is at the core of the Doctoral program at Indiana University School of Social Work. Advanced research and scholarship are woven through a comprehensive program to prepare students for leading roles in areas such as social work education, social welfare, policy analysis and development, administration, social work practice, and advocacy.

The PhD program is built around a flexible interdisciplinary model which includes a carefully integrated series of didactic and experiential learning opportunities.

And, while solidly grounded in the profession of social work, doctoral students may take advantage of the rich learning experiences available in other disciplines throughout the university.

The PhD program develops community-engaged interprofessional leaders, scholars, and educators within an inclusive and supportive environment. Students receive rigorous training and mentorship in diverse theoretical and philosophical perspectives and research methods that promote equity and social justice locally, nationally, and internationally.

The PhD program is nationally and internationally recognized for developing community-engaged, interprofessional scholars and leaders with diverse theoretical and methodological expertise equipped to advance equity and social justice.

find a phd social work

Career Possibilities #

Our Ph.D. program prepares students for leading roles in areas such as social work education, social welfare, policy analysis and development, administration, social work practice, and advocacy. While our program stresses research, many of our students continue to practice or teach as well.

  • Doctoral graduates in social work are very much in demand for teaching in many of the almost 500 BSW and MSW programs in the country.
  • Graduates often continue to pursue professional funded research in a variety settings.
  • Consultation is also an area where our graduates thrive!
The PhD Program at Indiana University has more than prepared me for a career of scholarship, research, and leadership in the social work profession. The collegiality of faculty members and fellow students truly enriched my experience. Not only did I earn a degree, but I built relationships for the future.

Matt Moore , PhD Indiana School of School Work

Explore more #

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PHD, Social Work

The PhD program produces scholars who work interdisciplinarily through epistemologically diverse, research-intensive study and prepares future social work educators through instruction in sound pedagogical practice and mentored experiential learning.

Degree Type: Doctoral

Degree Program Code: PHD_SOWK

Degree Program Summary:

The University of Georgia PhD Program in Social Work provides the professional social worker the opportunity to gain advanced training in scientific research and program evaluation skills, for the purposes of developing knowledge that promotes social justice. The mission of the PhD Program draws upon two important areas of concern to the profession of social work: evidence-based knowledge about human behavior and social problems, and the applications of such knowledge through practice. Recognizing that MSW education is designed to prepare practitioners for our field, the emphasis of the PhD Program is upon the development and dissemination of evidence-based knowledge to undergird effective practice throughout the profession.

The Ph.D. Program at the UGA School of Social Work began in 1990 and has produced over 90 graduates, most of whom have gone on to assume academic, research or administrative positions. The program prepares social work professionals for careers in academic research settings and for practice in program evaluation and other forms of scientific research in the public and private sectors. The overall goals are to help students acquire the research skills necessary to develop original research studies that have direct applications to social work practice. In addition, we emphasize learning about teaching so that our graduates are able to provide quality instruction to the next generation of social work students.


The Ph.D. curriculum is a series of required research courses, two research practica, other courses in the School of Social Work, three courses in statistics and advised cognates taken outside the School. Ph.D. students also sign up for course hours that match the following events: Comprehensive Examinations, Prospectus Defense, and Dissertation Defense. While there has been great variance in the length of time needed to finish the program, future full-time students should plan to complete the Ph.D. Program in 3-4 years. We also offer a part-time option that uses individual advisement to plan the student’s program of study.

Locations Offered:

Athens (Main Campus)

College / School:

School of Social Work

279 Williams Street Athens, GA 30602


Graduate Coordinator(s):

Rachel Fusco

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School of Social Work

Doctor of philosophy in social work.

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in social work prepares students to conduct research that contributes to the knowledge base of social work, to become leaders in the profession, and to teach social work in postsecondary educational institutions.

Students are required to earn 78 s.h. to earn the degree. Those who enter the program with a MSW are granted 30 s.h. credit; they must complete an additional 48 s.h. for the degree. Individuals with master's degrees in related disciplines (for example, psychology or sociology) may choose to earn a PhD in social work without first earning the MSW. Credit from a related master's degree may be applied to the PhD degree program, as determined by the School of Social Work.

Students complete required coursework, research, and teaching practicums; pass a comprehensive exam; write a dissertation; and defend the dissertation in an oral exam. Their work includes courses in one of four outside disciplines—sociology, psychology, public health, or education—to assist them in preparation for the comprehensive examination and dissertation.


Individualized and Interdisciplinary Curriculum

The program allows students to develop a coherent program of study to pursue their own research interests. Students take coursework in a core social work curriculum, a concentration (sociology, psychology, education, or public health), research methods, and electives in order to develop a focal area of social work knowledge (e.g., family violence). Students may methods and electives in any college or department at the University of Iowa. The median time to complete the degree is four years.

The School of Social Work provides a supportive environment with substantial opportunities for mentoring and interaction with faculty members. Throughout the PhD program, the school assists students in developing a program of study based on their unique educational and career goals. There are many opportunities to work closely with faculty members. In the first two years, students complete a mentored research practicum with a faculty member and a mentored in-class teaching practicum. During the second year, students choose a faculty member to guide them through the comprehensive examination and dissertation processes.

Listed below are the general categories of coursework required to earn the degree; for more specific information on courses, curriculum, and requirements of the Doctor of Philosophy in social work, visit the UI General Catalog .

Degree Requirements
Core curriculum16
Concentration courses9
Research methods and/or statistics9
Additional upper-level electives6
Dissertation hours8
Hours applied from Master's Degree30

Important Deadlines

Application Deadline : February 1st (for Fall admission)

For admission and application information, see the Graduate Admissions Process page.

Learning Objectives

Graduates will:

  • locate their work in the intellectual landscape of social work;
  • critically analyze theories, practices, policies, and research in at least one specialized area of social work knowledge;
  • disseminate knowledge that contributes to the advancement of social work research, practice, and policy, including writing publishable, peer-reviewed manuscripts; presenting at local, national, or international conferences; and/or producing policy briefs or white papers; and
  • in the social work classroom, create a learning culture and classroom climate that is inclusive of a diverse population of students and diverse learning styles.

Funding Your PhD Program

The School of Social Work typically offers students admitted to the PhD program at least three academic years of funding for their studies.  Funding may include a combination of the following sources:

  • School of Social Work Research Assistantship (RA) :  These awards come from the School of Social Work and provide a stipend as well as a tuition waiver and benefits.  The amount of the stipend depends on the extent of the RA appointment during the academic year (25% to 50% time).  The School of Social Work occasionally offers current students additional summer RA positions that do not include tuition waivers or benefits.
  • Grant-Funded Research Assistantship (RA) :  The funding for these RAs comes from a faculty member's research grant.  The amount of the stipend depends on the extent of the RA appointment (up to 50% time).  RAs of at least 25% time include a stipend as well as a tuition waiver and benefits.
  • Teaching Assistantship (TA) : TAs of 25% to 50% time provide a stipend as well as a tuition waiver and benefits.  The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences provides a limited number of TA positions to the School.  The amount of the stipend depends on the extent of the TA appointment.  Students must apply for TA positions in the Spring .

The School of Social Work administers several scholarships and awards .  Additionally, Social Work PhD students at Iowa are often successful in securing fellowships or research funding from the Graduate College and from external sources such as foundations and social work organizations.

Throughout their doctoral studies, the School of Social Work makes additional funding available to our students to present at professional conferences.  During the dissertation phase, the school offers additional funds to help students cover costs associated with conducting their dissertation research.

Note: a 25% time appointment means it is 25% of full-time equivalent (FTE), that is, 10 hours a week of work, on average. A 50% time appointment averages 20 hours per week. 

For more information, please contact: Megan Gilster, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ph.D. Program Director 207 North Hall (NH) [email protected] 319-335-1264

PhD in Social Work (General Catalog)

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Earning A Doctorate In Social Work

Mariah St. John

Updated: Jan 2, 2024, 5:52am

Earning A Doctorate In Social Work

Earning a doctorate in social work offers opportunities to advance your career by gaining further training in a specific area. In this article, we discuss the difference between a Doctor of Social Work (D.S.W.) and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in social work, discuss specializations available for doctorate programs and provide examples of social work career options.

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Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for a Ph.D. in social work or a D.S.W. vary depending on the school and program. Doctorate programs typically require applicants to hold a master’s degree in social work and/or have up to three years of related post-graduate professional work experience. Doctoral applicants are commonly required to submit all postsecondary transcripts, GRE scores, letters of recommendation and meet a minimum GPA.

Ph.D. in Social Work vs. a D.S.W.: Which is Right for You?

Both a Ph.D. in social work and a D.S.W. can help advance your career and potentially increase your salary as a social worker . The fundamental difference between the two is the focus of the programs.

A D.S.W. program focuses on supervision, applied research and social practice at the leadership and/or management level. A Ph.D. program emphasizes scholarly and theoretical research and educational practices. Deciding which is right for you depends on your professional career goals and research interests.

What is a Ph.D. in Social Work?

Earning a Ph.D. in social work is suited for those interested in working for research-oriented organizations or in higher education. Some social workers holding a Ph.D. end up involved with community organization, policy or working for nonprofit organizations. However, earning a Ph.D. might limit your job prospects if your career goals shift beyond the realms of research, scholarship and education. A Ph.D. in social work requires a large time commitment and often takes between three to four years to complete.

What is a D.S.W.?

A D.S.W. is an applied degree that spends more time training students with advanced clinical application of social work practice. This degree assists professionals in developing and improving their practice, including working at the leadership or management level.

Specializations for Doctorate in Social Work Programs

Doctorate programs in social work provide advanced training in specialized areas of practice and may focus on a specific population, such as children, women or refugees, or on particular social issues such as trauma, poverty or housing. Below are some examples of specializations available for candidates to choose from:

Advanced Clinical Practice and Supervision

The advanced clinical practice and supervision specialization allows candidates to develop their leadership skills and prepares them for advanced clinical supervision, instruction and practice management. These advanced practitioners play a critical role in delivering the best care across various social work settings and work environments.

Social Work Education

Ph.D. programs can be well-suited for social workers interested in working within the education sector, especially those interested in becoming a researcher or educator. An education specialization provides opportunities to learn quantitative analysis, teaching methodologies, and survey and research methods.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse

A specialization in mental health and substance abuse prepares social workers who work with clients who have substance and behavioral addiction and/or mental health-related issues. Students can expect to learn the best practices and techniques for assisting their clients, addiction psychology and treatment, and family studies.

Disaster, Crisis and Intervention

A disaster, crisis and intervention specialization allows students to learn about the theories and strategies available for addressing various societal challenges and meeting the basic needs of a community in an emergency. Study of psychological disorders, crisis intervention and counseling, and an examination of behaviors and actions following disaster are just a few examples of themes this specialization emphasizes. Doctoral students often develop solution-oriented and action-driven projects to address hypothetical and/or real situations affecting communities.

Career Options for a Doctorate in Social Work

Social worker.

Social workers work with individuals, groups and communities to provide the support they need to overcome and improve difficult situations. They assist their clients in facing various challenges, such as substance addiction, unemployment or abuse.

Clinical Social Worker

Clinical social workers handle the prevention, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental illness and emotional and behavioral-related problems. Treatment modalities include individual and group or family therapy. While social workers’ and therapists’ roles differ, clinical social workers can provide counseling treatment and certain types of therapy under the supervision of a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist.

Clinical Director

The role of a clinical director can vary depending on the work setting; however, their job responsibilities often encompass a combination of administrative management and human resources. They provide leadership to healthcare teams and oversee facilities to ensure organizations run effectively and efficiently.

Clinical directors develop, implement and supervise patient care programs and administrative operations. They strategize outstanding service and growth opportunities according to the organization’s standards and manage budgeting and resourcing responsibilities.

Social Work Professor

Experienced professionals interested in imparting the knowledge and insight they’ve accumulated throughout their career to aspiring social workers can become a professor after obtaining their doctoral degree. A critical component of being a professor is consistently publishing work in peer-reviewed scholarly journals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between d.s.w. and ph.d..

A D.S.W. program prepares students for careers in advanced social work practice, applied research and leadership. A Ph.D. prepares students for careers in academia and focuses more on research methods and teaching methodology. A D.S.W. is an applied degree, whereas a Ph.D. is an academic degree.

What are the benefits of getting a doctorate in social work?

Earning a doctorate in social work is a highly respected distinction that provides advanced training in a specialized practice within your area of interest. Obtaining a doctorate in social work can expand your career opportunities, increase your earning potential and qualify you for leadership and advanced administrative roles.

How long does it take to earn a D.S.W.?

It can take between two to five years to earn a D.S.W. The length of D.S.W. programs can vary depending on the program and school, and the course load taken each semester.

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How To Pass The ASWB Exam To Become A Licensed Social Worker

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Mariah is a Berlin-based writer with six years of experience in writing, localizing and SEO-optimizing short- and long-form content across multiple niches, including higher education, digital marketing and travel. Her writing expertise extends to brand strategies and driving small business growth through targeted content. In the last three years, she's primarily produced education-focused content, writing on topics like degree programs, trade schools and career pathways.

  • Faculty & Research

find a phd social work

PhD Program

Join the next generation of social work leaders and scholars..

Welcome to admissions for the PhD in Social Work program in Social Work at Boston University! Building upon BU School of Social Work’s robust commitment to social justice  and empowerment of historically marginalized populations, our doctoral program provides training in the theory, research methods, and values of the social work profession necessary to solve urgent human and societal problems.

Our students’ work  reflects the interdisciplinary nature of our program and individualized course of study. Interested in learning more? Explore our curriculum  and funding package . Ready to apply? Read about the admissions process , familiarize yourself with the deadline , then start your online application !

The application period for Fall 2025 entry to the PhD in Social Work program is open now!


For further information about the PhD program, request information below or contact Lyndsey Browning, Program Coordinator of the PhD Program in Social Work, at [email protected] .

School of Social Work College of Social Science

About the phd program.

MSU School of Social Work is a top 25 program amongst public universities

  • Social work educators
  • Researchers of social problems and social work intervention methods
  • Planners, administrators, and evaluators of social service programs
  • Policy makers and analysts

It emphasizes the development, analysis, and application of social work knowledge related to professional practice and research in selected settings and to social work education at the undergraduate and graduate levels in order to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the Social Work profession and the field of social welfare.

It is also interdisciplinary in nature, requiring course work in both social work and a particular social science, or across disciplines, while focusing on a selected area of study. This focused cognate is designed by the student and his/her Guidance Committee (a group of faculty chosen by the student that represents social work and the focused cognate area). Courses for the cognate may be taken from any department within the University, with appropriate approval, and are organized around a student's specific area of scholarly interest.

In addition to the designated areas of course work, all students must satisfactorily complete a statistics sequence and a sequenced research internship. Finally, students must complete a comprehensive examination and a doctoral dissertation that reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the degree.

The doctoral program is a member of GADE , the Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work.

Please refer to the PhD Student Handbook for a detailed program description.


Ph.D. in Social Welfare, Doctorate Program

Our Ph.D. in Social Welfare Program prepares students for careers in research, academia, leadership, policy, and administration.  Join the next generation of scholars, educators, and influencers in the field of social work.


Degree Flexibility


The Wurzweiler Difference

Variability and Flexibility : Classes are offered with spring and fall start terms at convenient times for working professionals. Choose full-time or part-time. Take classes in a virtual classroom format. 

Individualized: Close learning environment with a low teacher-student ratio (often eight to twelve students per class) and opportunities for one-to-one work with individual faculty for advanced study and dissertation preparation.

Personal Attention and Writing Support: Classes encourage close interaction with faculty, guest lecturers and peers. An on-site writing center for Wurzweiler students is available at no additional cost to assist with scholarly writing.

World-Renowned Educational Experience : Students and faculty come from all walks of life, enriching your learning experience. 

Diverse Student Body: Wurzweiler’s students come from diverse ethnic, religious, and generational backgrounds, and represent a broad spectrum of professional experience and levels of practice.

Full Program Breakdown

Swipe to learn more!

Take the Next Step in Your Career

Take a leap in your academic and professional career. Have questions about the application process? Visit the admissions webpage for more information/points of contact. Have questions about the program layout? Contact Program Director  Dr. Mary Beth Morrissey  at [email protected]

At a Glance

We have been educating exceptional scholars and leaders for over 60 years.

Diverse student body representing a myriad of intersectional identities and professional, geographic, cultural, and religious backgrounds.

Assistance every step of the way for our doctoral students in their scholarly research and writing.

Impactful careers — our graduates go on to significant research and service positions around the world.

  • Prospective Students
  • Current Students

Doctoral Studies at WSSW

At WSSW we offer both a PhD in Social Welfare and a Doctorate in Social Work.  Which degree is right for you?  

Admissions Requirements:

Visit the admissions page for a breakdown of the application requirements.  

Program Plans: Road Maps WSSW Policy Manual

Mary Beth Morrissey, PhD, JD, MPH PhD Program Director and Associate Professor Wurzweiler School of Social Work Yeshiva University [email protected]

Program Plans: Road Maps

WSSW Policy Manual

Academic Materials  

Summer 2024 Summer 2024 PhD Course Schedule Summer 2024 PhD Monthly Calendar

Fall 2024 Fall 2024 PhD Course Schedule Fall 2024 PhD Monthly Calendar

Spring 2024 Spring 2024 PhD Course Schedule Spring 2024 PhD Monthly Calendar

Student Forms

  • Application for Graduation
  • Audit course form
  • Drop-Add Form
  • Readmission Form
  • Graduate Registration Form
  • Immunization Form
  • Leave of Absence Form
  • Withdrawal from School

Wurzweiler School of Social Work

  • 833.241.4723

The Ohio State University

Master’s of Social Work MSW+PhD

Choose this program to develop an integrated perspective in which practice and research inform each other, build connections with internationally recognized faculty, and engage in research.

find a phd social work

One Admission – Two Degrees

The combined MSW/PhD is a program that allows a single application and admission process. The PhD Program is for people who are interested in making a difference through practice informed research. We are preparing the next generation of social work scholars.


Applicants with a master’s degree in a related field or applicants with a bachelor’s degree in social work or a related field are eligible to apply. Successful applicants among those whose highest degree is the bachelor’s must meet the following criteria.:

  • 3.5 undergraduate GPA; and
  • Have a B- or better in a research and a statistics class.

find a phd social work

Estimated timeline to Degree Completion

  • MSW Degree: 1 to 2 years
  • PhD Coursework: 2 years
  • Candidacy: 6 months to 1 year
  • Dissertation: 1 to 2 years
  • Total: 4.5-7 years

MSW/PhD students are eligible for a 25% or Graduate Research Associate (GRA) position during the MSW portion of their degree. These positions cover 50% of tuition costs and provide a stipend for 10 hours of work per week for nine months. Once in the PhD portion, students are eligible for a 50% GRA with tuition coverage in exchange for 20 hours of work per week for nine months.

find a phd social work

For general questions about the MSW, please contact the MSW Office at [email protected].

For questions about the PhD Curriculum, please contact Dr. Mo Yee Lee, PhD Program Director, [email protected] .

For questions about the MSW+PhD application or general questions about the PhD Program, please contact Jennifer Nakayama, PhD Coordinator, at [email protected] or 614-292-6188 .

Social Work Ph.D. in Social Work

Our next admissions cycle will be in Fall 2024 for a Fall 2025 program start date.

  • Social Work
  • Programs and Degrees

Ph.D. in Social Work

Ph.d. in social work program earn your doctorate in social work.

school of social work phd graduates 2018

As full members of the Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education, the School of Social Work believes the purpose of the Ph.D. in social work is to prepare students to be scholars who function as “stewards of the discipline.”

Our program offers

  • Forward-thinking approaches to professional education, addressing critical social issues, and transforming professional practice and social policy
  • Interdisciplinary training and collaboration opportunities to enhance health and well-being across local and global community systems
  • Flexible full-time and part-time programs of study

Each student works closely with their adviser and graduate committee to develop their own learning agenda and dissertation proposal. The student’s background, experience, personal schedule, and learning goals are considered when developing the program of study.

CSU’s Social Work doctoral program is part of the  WICHE/Western Regional Graduate Program exchange.

Learn more about how you can tailor your program to fit your research and career interests.

Meet Our Students

Interdisciplinary research centers.

You will have the opportunity to work with interdisciplinary research centers during your doctoral tenure.

Social Work Research Center

Creating partnerships that bridge the gap between research and practice, transform the human services landscape, and strengthen families and communities.

Human-Animal Bond in Colorado

Improving the quality of life for people of all ages through the therapeutic benefits of companion animals, via animal therapy programs, education, and research

Regional Economic Development Institute

Aiming to understand, analyze, and inform economic development strategies in struggling rural and urban areas through engaged research.

Prevention Research Center

Promoting health and well-being across the lifespan for individuals and families through coordinated, effective prevention services.

Institute for Research in the Social Sciences

Connecting and supporting social scientists with other researchers, and university, community, and industry partners.

.st0{fill:#231f20} Columbine Health Systems Center for Healthy Aging

Promoting research, education, and community engagement around current issues involved in healthy and successful aging.

Featured Faculty Research

Dr. anne williford.

Ph.D. Program Director and Associate Professor Dr. Anne Williford’s research focuses on identifying effective strategies to prevent bullying, violence, and peer victimization, and promote positive behavioral health outcomes among children and adolescents. She is currently the principal investigator of two projects funded by the Spencer Foundation aimed at testing the effectiveness of  a high school-based prevention program, Sources of Strength . The projects include a qualitative process evaluation of the intervention’s underlying change mechanisms, and a longitudinal study investigating the impact of the program on post-high school trajectories .

Dr. Shannon Hughes

Dr. Shannon Hughes studies critical perspectives in mental health and advances social work leadership in psychopharmacology. Since 2018, she has been leading an innovative drug-free mental health care study to evaluate a biopsychosocial approach to mood-related distress in young adults . Funded by the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care, it includes education, peer support, nutrition and lifestyle counseling, and recreation-based social networking. She is also collaborating on the development, delivery, and evaluation of a curriculum for child welfare workers on psychotropic medications with youth in foster care. Dr. Hughes heads the Alternatives for Mental Health and Healing Lab .

Dr. Paula Yuma

Dr. Paula Yuma studies the effects of environmental, economic, and social characteristics of neighborhoods on the health and well-being of individuals, with an overall goal of eliminating health disparities.  She has recently led funded research projects on equitable outdoor engagement for youth (Colorado Health Foundation), supporting healthcare and social service providers with coping and resiliency after disasters (The Americares Foundation), relationships between behavioral health and child maltreatment, including how access to care protects children at risk for maltreatment (The Colorado School of Public Health), and disparities in traumatic injury prevention and care in rural communities (Colorado State University Extension).

Social Work Curriculum

Resources useful links, paying for graduate school.

There are a number of funding opportunities available for our graduate programs.

Advising and Support

Get in touch with our Graduate Program Coordinators to answer your questions and get started on your doctoral journey.

Career Opportunities

Learn how your graduate degree will lead to your next career.

Student Highlights

Quinn hafen: holding social work to its own standards.

From Patagonia to Fort Collins, a search for impact and fulfillment leads to work on whiteness in social work.

Quinn Hafen outside of the education building.

Creating a more empathetic model of mental healthcare

The biomedical model of mental health care can arguably do more harm than good, says Arnold Cantu. His recent publication sets the stage for alternatives.

Arnold Cantu poses in front of the Education building waterfall.

Vice President for Research Graduate Fellowship awarded to an unorthodox research team: Meet Tiffany Banks and her dog, Abe

Doctoral Student in the School of Social Work, Tiffany Banks, was named a VPR Fellow for her dedication to animal-assisted intervention.

Tiffany Banks smiles

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Admission Steps

Social work - phd, admission requirements.

Terms and Deadlines

Degree and GPA Requirements


Additional standards for non-native english speakers, additional standards for international applicants.

For the 2025-2026 academic year

See 2024-2025 requirements instead

Fall 2025 quarter (beginning in September)

Priority deadline: November 1, 2024

Final submission deadline: January 15, 2025

Priority deadline: Applications will be considered after the Priority deadline provided space is available.

Final submission deadline: Applicants cannot submit applications after the final submission deadline.

Degrees and GPA Requirements

Bachelors degree: All graduate applicants must hold an earned baccalaureate from a regionally accredited college or university or the recognized equivalent from an international institution.

Masters degree: This program requires a masters degree as well as the baccalaureate.

University GPA requirement: The minimum grade point average for admission consideration for graduate study at the University of Denver must meet one of the following criteria:

A cumulative 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for the baccalaureate degree.

A cumulative 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for the last 60 semester credits or 90 quarter credits (approximately two years of work) for the baccalaureate degree.

An earned master’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution or the recognized equivalent from an international institution supersedes the minimum GPA requirement for the baccalaureate.

A cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for all graduate coursework completed for applicants who have not earned a master’s degree or higher.

Doctoral students are expected to enter the program with a basic proficiency in descriptive and inferential statistics. This knowledge is necessary for several of the required doctoral courses. If you lack this required statistical proficiency, you should plan to take a basic statistics course before enrolling at GSSW.

Official scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), C1 Advanced or Duolingo English Test are required of all graduate applicants, regardless of citizenship status, whose native language is not English or who have been educated in countries where English is not the native language. Your TOEFL/IELTS/C1 Advanced/Duolingo English Test scores are valid for two years from the test date.

The minimum TOEFL/IELTS/C1 Advanced/Duolingo English Test score requirements for this degree program are:

Minimum TOEFL Score (Internet-based test): 95

Minimum IELTS Score: 8

Minimum C1 Advanced Score: 200

Minimum Duolingo English Test Score: 125

Additional Information:

Read the English Language Proficiency policy for more details.

Read the Required Tests for GTA Eligibility policy for more details.

Per Student & Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) regulation, international applicants must meet all standards for admission before an I-20 or DS-2019 is issued, [per U.S. Federal Register: 8 CFR § 214.3(k)] or is academically eligible for admission and is admitted [per 22 C.F.R. §62]. Read the Additional Standards For International Applicants policy for more details.

Application Materials

Transcripts, letters of recommendation.

Required Essays and Statements

Other Required Materials

We require a scanned copy of your transcripts from every college or university you have attended. Scanned copies must be clearly legible and sized to print on standard 8½-by-11-inch paper. Transcripts that do not show degrees awarded must also be accompanied by a scanned copy of the diploma or degree certificate. If your academic transcripts were issued in a language other than English, both the original documents and certified English translations are required.

Transcripts and proof of degree documents for postsecondary degrees earned from institutions outside of the United States will be released to a third-party international credential evaluator to assess U.S. education system equivalencies. Beginning July 2023, a non-refundable fee for this service will be required before the application is processed.

Upon admission to the University of Denver, official transcripts will be required from each institution attended.

Three (3) letters of recommendation are required.  Letters should be submitted by recommenders through the online application.

Essays and Statements

Personal statement instructions.

The PhD Admission Committee considers your Statement of Professional and Educational Intent to be a significant part of your application. Respond openly and honestly to each section. The average statement length is approximately seven pages. Please double-space your statement. The Statement of Professional and Educational Intent must be written solely by you, the applicant, without the use of an editor. (Computer grammar/spelling checks and self-editing are permitted.)

Résumé Instructions

The résumé (or C.V.) should include all educational achievements, relevant work experience, research and/or volunteer work.

Additional requirements for this program:

Applicants may be contacted to schedule an admissions interview.

Start the Application

Online Application

Financial Aid Information

Start your application.

Your submitted materials will be reviewed once all materials and application fees have been received.

Our program can only consider your application for admission if our Office of Graduate Education has received all your online materials and supplemental materials by our application deadline.

Application Fee: $65.00 Application Fee

International Degree Evaluation Fee: $50.00 Evaluation Fee for degrees (bachelor's or higher) earned from institutions outside the United States.

Applicants should complete their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by February 15. Visit the Office of Financial Aid for additional information.

A New PhD’s Mission: To Provide Support Systems That Help At-Risk Students Stay in School

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find a phd social work

Driven by a desire to keep young people out of the criminal justice system, Alicia Wilson, PhD ’24, left her job in mental health to become a leader in the social work profession.

Twenty years ago as a mental health clinician in New York City’s juvenile justice system, Alicia Wilson, PhD ’24, saw how acts by disadvantaged children and adolescents forever closed the door on their education.

Determined to help young people avoid the criminal justice system, she left her job to become a school social worker. “I wanted to reach my clients before they reached me,” she said.

In that role, however, she saw how students fall through the cracks as a result of academic struggles and unaddressed mental health issues. She felt that schools were not providing the holistic support their students needed.

Young People “Needed a Voice” to Avoid Criminal Justice

Then one day she got a flier in the mail about Adelphi’s PhD in Social Work program. It came at the right time because she had been thinking she needed to get involved at a policymaking level to help her students via early intervention. She says she was tired of seeing children pushed out of public schools because they had a minor run-in with the law at age 10. “I saw that urban children didn’t get the services they needed if they didn’t have someone fighting for them,” Dr. Wilson says. “I realized those kids needed a voice and I decided to become that voice.”

Now, having earned her PhD at Adelphi in May 2024, she’s serving as that voice. And she said she couldn’t have gotten to where she is today without Adelphi.

“Everything that I learned at Adelphi has supported me in becoming a better advocate and policymaker,” she said. “I help children with what I learned at Adelphi. I am able to support the most vulnerable students and advocate for a more comprehensive approach to education using my newfound research abilities.”

Discovering a Love for Research

When Dr. Wilson received the flier from Adelphi, she found the idea of getting a PhD intimidating. She had already earned a Master of Social Work, but she had a full-time job and a part-time job to obtain her clinical license. How could she squeeze in time for doctoral work?

“I thought, ‘It won’t kill me to go to orientation and learn about this,’” she said.  She went to orientation and left feeling like she could handle it. “After meeting Dr. (Philip) Rozario and Dr. (Roni) Berger, I was like, ‘You know what, why not just give this a try?’”

She enrolled in the program, and working diligently while juggling her many responsibilities, earned her degree after 10 years. Along the way, she served as an adjunct professor at Adelphi and she learned to love research.

“You could never have told me that I would enjoy research and policy writing,” she said, “but my classes and my conversations with my professors at Adelphi helped me find my trajectory and my talents.” She said she learned to use research to solve problems that had stumped her before.

She’s now the New York regional director of social work for Uncommon Schools, a company that runs charter schools in the New York City area. Dr. Wilson oversees the social work department across 23 New York City charter schools supervising 41 school social workers. Her focus is on providing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTTS), a preventive framework designed to reduce suspensions, improve academics and promote wellness. The program involves the entire school community, getting social workers, superintendents, teachers, parents and students to work together. “I create an umbrella of support,” she said.

After Surviving 9/11, She Found Inspiration

Dr. Wilson got a BA in Psychology and was working on Wall Street near the World Trade Center on 9/11. “I watched through the back windows of my office at the American Express Tower blow out when the towers fell,” she recalled. “I ran down 27 flights of stairs to escape. Some of my colleagues didn’t get out.”

Dr. Wilson says she didn’t even know what a social worker was before 9/11, but a social worker helped her pull herself together after the tragedy. “I had never dealt with losing colleagues and going to funerals with no bodies. The social worker helped me figure out all the pain, and I decided I wanted to help people who have experienced trauma like this.”

The experience encouraged her to return to school to get an MSW. When she earned her degree she began working in the juvenile justice system. Because of her desire to help students avoid the criminal justice system, she became the director of student support services for ROADS Charter High Schools—one of New York City’s first charter school systems to enroll at-risk students who wanted to get back into high school and get their diploma. In that position, she developed a socio-emotional support program for these students that trained school staff members to meet the needs of their students.

“I reminded the staff that these kids they see as gang members or aggressors are still someone’s son or daughter, and they need our support to help them find their voice and their way,” she said.

Dr. Wilson returned to school and began working in New York City schools with at-risk children while getting her MSW. After she got her degree, she began working as a mental health clinician at a New York City juvenile detention center, where she provided counseling to incarcerated youth and their families. The experience left her feeling like she needed to get involved earlier in their lives to keep them out of the criminal justice system. “Too many kids were being thrown out of the education system,” she said. “It was heartbreaking.”

A Nurturing Academic Environment

Through it all, Dr. Wilson has never lost sight of the support system that has served as her own foundation.

“I am deeply grateful for the unwavering support of my loved ones, colleagues and friends, who have been my rock throughout this journey,” she said. “I am thankful for the inspiration and motivation I’ve received from my students, some of whom have gone on to become dedicated social workers themselves. I am also indebted to my professors at the Adelphi University School of Social Work for providing me with a nurturing academic environment.”

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Be a part of systemic change.

Your gift for empathy can be a catalyst for change. Elevate your skills to advocate for vulnerable populations and bridge gaps in healthcare, education and social justice by earning a social work or human services degree at Capella.

Online social work and human services degrees designed for flexibility

Our programs offer career-focused coursework with the convenience of online learning. That’s how we support your goals to serve individuals and communities who need it most – earn your degree without putting life on hold.

$30,000 Tuition Cap: With Capella Tuition Cap , you won’t pay more than $30,000* in tuition costs for your Bachelor of Social Work degree.*

$2,500 master’s scholarship: Apply for a $2.5K Capella Progress Reward for the Master of Social Work, Master of Social Work – Advanced Standing, and Master of Science in Human Services programs.* 

$45,000 Tuition Cap: With Capella Tuition Cap , you won’t pay more than $45,000 in tuition costs for your Doctor of Social Work or Doctor of Human Services degree.* 

*Eligibility rules and exclusions apply. Connect with us for details.

Find your program

Learning format, bs - bachelor of science in business, accounting â», business administration â», health care management â», human resource management â», management and leadership â», marketing â», project management â», bs - bachelor of science in health care administration, health care administration leadership â», health information management â», bs - bachelor of science in information technology, data analytics and artificial intelligence â», general information technology â», information assurance and cybersecurity â», network and cloud computing â», software development in an internet of things space â», bs - bachelor of science in psychology, applied behavior analysis â», general psychology â», bs - bachelor of science in psychology pre-counseling & therapy, psychology pre-counseling & therapy â», bs - bachelor of science in public health, public health â», bsn - bachelor of science in nursing, rn-to-bsn â», rn-to-bsn accelerated master's pathway option (amp) â», bsw – bachelor of social work, dba - doctor of business administration, dba in general management â», dba in organizational leadership and development â», dba in strategy and innovation â», dha - doctor of health administration, dhs - doctor of human services, dhs in leadership and organizational management â», dit - doctor of information technology, dnp - doctor of nursing practice, dsw - doctor of social work, drph - doctor of public health, edd - doctor of education, edd in adult education â», edd in curriculum and instruction â», edd in educational leadership â», edd in performance improvement leadership â», edd in reading and literacy â», eds - education specialist in school psychology, school psychology â», graduate certificate in business, graduate certificate in counseling, contemporary theory in addictive behavior â», contemporary theory in mental health services â», contemporary theory in school-based services â», play therapy â», systemic couple and family therapy â», graduate certificate in health sciences, graduate certificate in psychology, mba - master of business administration, mba in health care management â», mba in human resource management â», mba in project management â», self-designed mba â», mha - master of health administration, mph - master of public health, ms - master of science in analytics, analytics â», ms - master of science in applied behavior analysis, autism spectrum disorder â», behavior analysis in education â», organizational behavior management â», ms - master of science in clinical mental health counseling, addiction treatment and recovery â», child and adolescent counseling â», general clinical mental health counseling â», ms - master of science in clinical psychology, applied research â», clinical counseling â», forensic psychology â», ms - master of science in education, adult education â», curriculum and instruction â», early childhood education studies â», english language learning and teaching â», higher education leadership and administration â», instructional design & educational technology â», leadership in educational administration â», special education teaching â», ms - master of science in human resource management, general hrm â», hrm in health care â», ms - master of science in human services, leadership and organizational management â», social and community services â», ms - master of science in information assurance and cybersecurity, digital forensics â», health care security â», network defense â», ms - master of science in information technology, cybersecurity â», enterprise networks and cloud computing â», it analytics â», ms - master of science in marriage and family therapy, marriage and family therapy â», ms - master of science in psychology, child and adolescent development â», educational psychology â», industrial/organizational psychology â», sport psychology â», ms - master of science in school counseling, general school counseling â», ms - master of science in school psychology, msn - master of science in nursing, msn in care coordination â», msn in nursing education â», msn in nursing informatics â», msn in nursing leadership and administration â», rn-to-msn care coordination â», rn-to-msn nursing education â», rn-to-msn nursing informatics â», rn-to-msn nursing leadership and administration â», msw - master of social work, msw - master of social work advanced standing, msw–advanced standing â», master of science in nursing - nurse practitioner, msn in adult-gerontology primary care nurse practitioner â», msn in family nurse practitioner â», phd - doctor of philosophy in behavior analysis, behavior analysis â», phd - doctor of philosophy in business management, general business management â», information technology management â», leadership â», strategy and innovation â», phd - doctor of philosophy in counselor education and supervision, counselor education and supervision â», phd - doctor of philosophy in education, leadership for higher education â», phd - doctor of philosophy in psychology, developmental psychology â», psyd - doctor of psychology clinical psychology, psyd in clinical psychology â», psyd - doctor of psychology school psychology, psyd in school psychology â», accredited and recognized.

Capella University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Accreditation and recognitions provide the assurance we meet standards for quality of faculty, curriculum, student services and fiscal stability. See all of our accreditations and recognitions .

School of Public Service and Education mission

The School of Public Service and Education delivers high-quality, authentic and innovative experiences in education, social work, human services and public service. We empower graduates to become change agents honoring diversity while promoting social, economic and environmental justice within their communities.

Our programs are built around student success

We offer social work and human services programs in a supportive online learning environment that can help you fit your education into your busy life. Programs are professionally aligned, and faculty and staff provide support at every step.


The MS in Human Services program at Capella University is the first online master's program to be accredited by the Council for Standards in Human Service Education (CSHSE).


Capella University’s Master of Social Work program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education’s Board of Accreditation.

Expert advisory board

The Capella School of Nursing and Health Sciences Advisory Board helps ensure your curriculum is developed with the insight and support of industry leaders.

Distinctive programs

Social work and human services have key distinctions. See how Capella defines and builds around the needs of these important fields. Read The difference between human services and social work .

Scholar-practitioner faculty

Learn the latest in theory and practice from experienced doctoral faculty who are actively engaged in their field.

Have questions about our social work and human services programs? Start here.

How long will it take to complete my social work or human services program.

The length of time to complete your social work or human services program will depend on many factors, including your specific program, degree level and learning format. Connect with our enrollment counselors to learn more.

How much does a human services degree cost?

The cost of a human services degree can vary based on the program or degree level you are interested in. Capella offers many ways to save on your master’s or doctoral degree in human services. Learn more about how you can save .

Can I work as a licensed social worker with a Master of Social Work from Capella?

The Capella Master of Social Work program is designed to prepare students for advanced generalist social work and advanced practices across different settings. Licensure requirements differ from state to state, and Capella University does not guarantee licensure, certification or endorsement. Be sure to check the licensure requirements for the state in which you intend to work.

Learn more about licensure requirements

Meet Capella’s social work and human services faculty

Our expert faculty members have designed curricula to enable our students and graduates to impact the evolving world of social work and human services. We do this by maintaining close and collaborative relationships with our colleagues in practice to ensure we are appropriately focusing on current and emerging needs. Our goal is to give students the opportunity to demonstrate competencies using real-world tools, processes and practices. We provide a highly supportive environment enriched with multiple resources aimed at helping students succeed.


Lisa Kreeger, PhD

Dean, School of Public Service

Dr. Lisa Kreeger brings a unique combination of academic and healthcare industry experience building from her roots as a clinical nurse. Her career includes faculty and academic leadership positions and experiences in the U.S. and internationally as a consultant focusing on change, strategy, innovation and leadership excellence. Dr. Kreeger’s primary research interests are to contribute to the understanding of how teams lead change and how asynchronous technology and augmented intelligence can be leveraged to promote competency-based education and enhance learning.


Brian L. Christenson

Master of Social Work Academic Program Director, School of Public Service & Education

Dr. Brian L. Christenson manages and leads one of the largest online/hybrid Master’s of Social Work programs nationally and has served at Capella University for 12 years. Most recently, Dr. Christenson received the Capella University Difference Maker Award for his leadership and vision at Capella University. Dr. Christenson has 20 years of advanced generalist social work practice experience in Adoption & Child Welfare Practice as a Certified and Licensed Adoption Professional and 19 years of social work higher education leadership experience in social work and adult higher education master’s and doctoral programs. He is a licensed master social worker in Minnesota and Idaho.

Tracee Washington, PhD

Academic Program Director, Human Services

Dr. Tracee Washington received her PhD in clinical psychology; while completing the traditional clinical training in assessment, diagnosis and intervention, she was also introduced to human services. Her initial experiences in human services included working with social workers in suspected child abuse cases and conducting court-ordered family evaluations. She also served as an expert witness in family court and consulted with family law attorneys.


Marriage and family therapy & social work degrees: How to tell the difference

Curious about these two fields? While they both address mental health and well-being, there are differences in required education, skills, clients and settings. Get the details.


Working together: examples of social work collaboration

Because of the complex nature of social problems, social workers must team up with other experts to help their clients. We illustrate how these partnerships work.


5 ways a doctoral degree may strengthen your career

Is a doctoral degree your ticket to achieving your professional goals? As you weigh the pros and cons of your next degree, consider these potential upsides.

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Learning online doesn’t mean going it alone. Help is here when you need it, from faculty and academic coaches to financing advisors and more. You’ll have a supportive community that’s as passionate about your education – and your success – as you are.

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Social Work

The PennWest MSW program is built around industry best practices, mentorship and networking opportunities.

If you’re passionate about being a voice for the vulnerable, enroll in PennWest’s nationally recognized online Master of Social Work program.

Built around professional best practices, our curriculum focuses on trauma-informed practice, family practice and rural social work practice. It is taught by dedicated faculty with extensive field experience. Count on our faculty to be your mentors, guiding you through many areas of social work.

Our program offers strong local, regional and national networks of internship partners, allowing you to gain extensive hands-on experience. Many of these lead to full-time employment and help you prepare for state licensure exams.

View the MSW Student Handbook       View the MSW Student Outcomes Assessment  

This program is for you if...

  • You are passionate about addressing complex human needs and strengths in a changing society.
  • You want to develop advanced skills in trauma-informed practice, understanding diversity, and social justice.
  • You aim to work in direct and indirect social work practices, enhancing your leadership capacities.
  • You seek a flexible program that offers online learning modalities.
  • You aspire to engage in advanced generalist practice with a strong foundation in cultural diversity and competence.


Global Online


60 Credits for MSW

What You'll Study

In the Master of Social Work (MSW) program at PennWest, you’ll study a curriculum that emphasizes trauma-informed practice, diversity, and social justice. Courses include advanced clinical practice, research methods, and policy analysis. You'll learn to address complex human needs and strengths in various social contexts. The program also offers practical training through field placements, where you'll apply your knowledge in real-world settings. This comprehensive education prepares you for advanced generalist practice, equipping you with the skills to make a meaningful impact in your community.

find a phd social work

Degrees, Certificates

  • Social Work, MSW

Meet Our Faculty

Our faculty are not just instructors; they are mentors, researchers, and industry professionals committed to providing an education grounded in real-world experiences and academic excellence. From engaging classroom discussions to hands-on experiential learning, our educators are here to support and inspire you every step of the way.

Meet our faculty

Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution
  • Cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or greater
  • 2 Recommenders
  • Portfolio Statement
  • Priority application deadline for summer is May 1st, fall is July 1st, and spring is November 1st; faculty will continue to review applications until all seats are full.
  • Instructions for Portfolio Statement/Essay for MSW


There are no concentrations for this program.

How You’ll Learn

This program is offered 100% online.

What You'll Become

Upon completing the Master of Social Work (MSW) program at PennWest, you will become a skilled social work professional, equipped to address complex social issues with advanced knowledge in trauma-informed practice, diversity, and social justice. You will be prepared to work in various settings, including clinical, community, and organizational environments, providing direct and indirect services. Your training will enable you to advocate for social change, support vulnerable populations, and lead initiatives that promote equity and well-being in diverse communities.

Career Paths

  • Clinical Social Worker: Provides therapy and counseling services to individuals, families, and groups dealing with mental health and emotional issues.
  • School Social Worker: Works within educational institutions to support students' social, emotional, and academic needs.
  • Healthcare Social Worker: Assists patients in hospitals or clinics, helping them navigate the healthcare system and cope with illness or injury.
  • Substance Abuse Counselor: Offers support and treatment plans for individuals struggling with addiction and substance abuse issues.
  • Community Outreach Coordinator: Develops and implements programs to address community needs and improve public well-being.
  • Policy Analyst: Researches and analyzes social policies, advocating for changes to improve social services and public welfare.
  • Case Manager: Coordinates services for clients, ensuring they receive the appropriate resources and support for their needs.
  • Child Welfare Specialist: Works with children and families in the child welfare system to ensure safety and promote family stability.
  • Geriatric Social Worker: Supports older adults and their families, addressing issues related to aging, healthcare, and quality of life.
  • Mental Health Counselor: Provides counseling and support to individuals dealing with mental health conditions.
  • Social Work Administrator: Manages social service programs and organizations, overseeing staff and program development.
  • Victim Advocate: Supports victims of crime, providing resources, counseling, and assistance throughout the legal process.

Joey Pagano '21, '22

Social work degrees arm veteran in his mission to help others in recovery

Joey Pagano

How We'll Help You Succeed

At Pennsylvania Western University (PennWest), we prioritize your success and well-being from the moment you join our community. Our comprehensive student support system is designed to meet you where you are, offering personalized guidance, academic assistance, and emotional support to ensure you can fully focus on your studies and personal growth. Whether you're a first-generation college student, returning for further education, or navigating career changes, our dedicated faculty and staff provide the encouragement and resources you need to overcome challenges and thrive. With a wide range of services from tutoring and career counseling to mental health resources, PennWest stands by your side, empowering you to achieve your academic goals and prepare for a successful future. Join us at PennWest, where you're not just a student; you're part of a supportive family committed to helping you find your place in the world.

Approved SARA Institution

We may admit online graduate students from all 50 states, as well as international students and the military., affordable programs.

Discover quality education that fits your budget with our affordable programs at PennWest.

Success Coaching

Achieve your academic goals with personalized guidance from our dedicated student success coaches.

Post-Graduation Support

We're here for you even after graduation, providing support and resources to help you succeed in your career.

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  • 2024 Quenette Walton Appointed Associate Dean for Doctoral Education

Dr. Quenette L. Walton Appointed Associate Dean for Doctoral Education

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Quenette L. Walton, LCSW, PhD , has been appointed Associate Dean for Doctoral Education at the Graduate College of Social Work, effective September 1, 2024.

Dr. Walton joined the Graduate College of Social Work faculty as an Assistant Professor in 2017, her promotion to Associate Professor will take effect September 1, 2024. With over 15 years of practice experience as a licensed clinical social worker, Dr. Walton possesses a rich background in school social work, child welfare, and community-based mental health. She has provided in-home individual and family therapy, as well as parent coaching services to children and families involved with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). Notably, Dr. Walton is currently a Co-investigator on a National Science Foundation grant examining racism and nativity interact with SES, geographical location and health insurance ownership to influence the usage of obstetric care, risks in maternal deaths and morbidities in the United States and Texas (PI: N. Langa). She is also a Co-investigator on a $1.5 million dollar grant with Carla Sharp (PI) investigating parent-child relationships among Black women and their children affected by domestic violence.  Over the course of her career, she has been the recipient of several awards and has secured numerous grants from institutions such as the NIH and the Urban Institute.

In her new role as Associate Dean for Doctoral Education, Dr. Walton will guide  GCSW doctoral students’ research development,  administering and enhancing the doctoral program. Her responsibilities will include program leadership and management, student recruitment, retention and support, faculty collaboration, and policy development.

"Dr. Walton’s extensive experience as a researcher and licensed clinical social worker, combined with her academic expertise and unwavering commitment to excellence, makes her an invaluable addition to our leadership team," shared Interim Dean Warrick.

We are enthusiastic about this transition and eagerly anticipate Dr. Walton’s continued contributions to the advancement of the Graduate College of Social Work’s doctoral program.

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  • Micro-Credentials

School of Social Work Micro-Credentials

The next level of learning is here.

Smaller that a minor, certificate or degree program, micro-credentials allow you to meet your personalized learning needs by gaining knowledge and skills in areas that are relevant to your academic or professional goals. 

student intern with elderly client.

Continuing Education/Professional Development

Foundations trauma-informed care micro-credential badge.


heart in mother and child's hands.

What is a Digital Badge?

Micro-credentials equip you with digital badges that showcase your achievements and all it took to get there.

When you complete a micro-credential program you will earn a digital badge or a series of digital badges. A digital badge is a clickable icon that houses important information, including the issuing institution, the date earned, the criteria required to earn the badge and evidence showing you have met that criteria.

Digital badges are dynamic credentials that you own, so you can decide how you wish to use them. You can add them to your social media profiles, digital résumé, e-portfolio and more.

UB digital badges are issued through  Acclaim , allowing you to display your skills and accomplishments for employers, colleagues and peers. For questions about using Acclaim, contact the Office of Micro-Credentials at  [email protected]  or 716-645-1357.


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  4. PhD Program

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    Learn about on-campus and online PhD in Social Work programs and how a doctorate can impact your salary, employment opportunities, and job growth outlook.

  9. Doctor of Philosophy

    Doctor of Philosophy. NYU Silver School of Social Work's PhD program prepares students to become leading researchers and educators in the promotion of social justice and the health and well-being of marginalized communities nationally and globally. Our intensive doctoral training competitively positions graduates for top-tier academic and ...

  10. PhD in Social Work Degree Guide

    Learn everything you need to know about getting a PhD in Social Work degree including salary, requirements, and how to get started.


    The Doctorate in Clinical Social Work (DSW) Program allows ambitious, MSW-prepared social workers to become a clinical expert, inspired educator, and real-world scholar through a convenient blend of online evening classes and on-campus immersion experiences.

  12. PhD in Social Work

    Baylor's Social Work PhD program is designed to develop leaders and educators who can lead visionary social work education or service programs and conduct original research addressing the complex social issues of our world. The program provides a distinctive focus on the integration of religion and faith with the ethics, values and practices of ...

  13. Social Work PhD Programs

    PhD in Social Work and Social Welfare. The School of Social Work is thrilled to announce a new addition to our doctoral program. The PhD in Social Work and Social Welfare is designed for students who already have their Master of Social Work (MSW) degree and are looking for a career focused on social justice, equity, and rigorous research.

  14. PhD in Social Work

    Our Ph.D. program prepares students for leading roles in areas such as social work education, social welfare, policy analysis and development, administration, social work practice, and advocacy. While our program stresses research, many of our students continue to practice or teach as well.

  15. PHD, Social Work

    The PhD program produces scholars who work interdisciplinarily through epistemologically diverse, research-intensive study and prepares future social work educators through instruction in sound pedagogical practice and mentored experiential learning.

  16. Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work

    Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in social work prepares students to conduct research that contributes to the knowledge base of social work, to become leaders in the profession, and to teach social work in postsecondary educational institutions.

  17. Earning A Doctorate In Social Work

    Doctorate programs typically require applicants to hold a master's degree in social work and/or have up to three years of related post-graduate professional work experience. Doctoral applicants ...

  18. PhD Program

    Join the next generation of social work leaders and scholars. Welcome to admissions for the PhD in Social Work program in Social Work at Boston University!

  19. PhD Program

    The PhD program in Social Work is designed to prepare social workers for leadership positions in the profession as: Social work educators. Researchers of social problems and social work intervention methods. Planners, administrators, and evaluators of social service programs. Policy makers and analysts. It emphasizes the development, analysis ...

  20. Ph.D. in Social Welfare, Doctorate Program

    Discover the Ph.D. in Social Welfare program at Wurzweiler School of Social Work, Yeshiva University. Our program prepares students for careers in research, academia, policy, and leadership. Offering flexible evening classes, personalized mentorship, and a diverse student body, our program is designed for working professionals seeking to advance their careers.

  21. DSW Online

    Our Online DSW uses implementation science strategies to translate research into best practice interventions. 100% online. Trauma-informed and human rights perspective.

  22. MSW+PhD

    The PhD Program is for people who are interested in making a difference through practice informed research. We are preparing the next generation of social work scholars. Eligibility. Applicants with a master's degree in a related field or applicants with a bachelor's degree in social work or a related field are eligible to apply.

  23. Ph.D. in Social Work

    Ph.D. in Social Work Program Earn your doctorate in Social Work. As full members of the Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education, the School of Social Work believes the purpose of the Ph.D. in social work is to prepare students to be scholars who function as "stewards of the discipline.". Our program offers. Forward-thinking ...

  24. Social Work

    A cumulative 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for the last 60 semester credits or 90 quarter credits (approximately two years of work) for the baccalaureate degree. An earned master's degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution or the recognized equivalent from an international institution supersedes the minimum GPA requirement for the ...

  25. Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology

    The PhD in Clinical Psychology is a full-time program of graduate study designed to train health service psychologists who are competent scientist-practitioners, with a life-long commitment to multiculturalism and individual diversity and to the ethical practice of health service psychology. ... School of Education, Social Work and ...

  26. A New PhD's Mission: To Provide Support Systems That Help At-Risk

    Driven by a desire to keep young people out of the criminal justice system, Alicia Wilson, PhD '24, left her job in mental health to become a leader in the social work profession. Twenty years ago as a mental health clinician in New York City's juvenile justice system, Alicia Wilson, PhD '24, saw how acts by disadvantaged children and ...

  27. Online Social Work Degree Programs

    Earn a degree in social work or human services. PhD, DSW, DHS, MSW and BSW options. Professionally aligned curriculum. ... Online social work and human services degrees designed for flexibility. Our programs offer career-focused coursework with the convenience of online learning. That's how we support your goals to serve individuals and ...

  28. Social Work

    Social Work Administrator: Manages social service programs and organizations, overseeing staff and program development. Victim Advocate: Supports victims of crime, providing resources, counseling, and assistance throughout the legal process. ... We may admit online graduate students from all 50 states, as well as international students and the ...

  29. Dr. Quenette L. Walton Appointed Associate Dean for Doctoral Education

    Quenette L. Walton, LCSW, PhD, has been appointed Associate Dean for Doctoral Education at the Graduate College of Social Work, effective September 1, 2024.. Dr. Walton joined the Graduate College of Social Work faculty as an Assistant Professor in 2017, her promotion to Associate Professor will take effect September 1, 2024.

  30. Micro-Credentials

    School of Social Work Micro-Credentials The next level of learning is here Smaller that a minor, certificate or degree program, micro-credentials allow you to meet your personalized learning needs by gaining knowledge and skills in areas that are relevant to your academic or professional goals.