how to get a phd position in germany

  • Study for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding & Opportunities
  • International

When considering a  PhD in Germany , you’ll encounter a diverse and globally recognised academic environment rich in opportunities for research and academic growth. To apply, you’ll typically need a Master’s degree or equivalent , and language requirements vary by program. Germany offers internationally-oriented  structured PhD programs , which last three years and include compulsory units for ECTS credits. You’ll work closely with a PhD supervisor and research training group. As an international candidate, you’ll find various  scholarships and grants  to support your studies. With tuition fees waived at  public universities  and diverse PhD programs often taught in English, Germany provides an ideal destination to study abroad.

Key Takeaways

  • Applying for a PhD in Germany requires a minimum of eight semesters of academic study, usually a Master’s degree or equivalent.
  • Language prerequisites for PhD programs in Germany vary, but many are taught in English, especially structured programs.
  • Financial support options include DAAD grants, stipendiums, and research positions at universities, which cover living expenses and provide income.
  • Structured PhD programs in Germany last typically three years and involve compulsory units for ECTS credits.
  • International students without a Master’s degree may be admitted with a Bachelor’s degree in exceptional cases.

Why Undertake a PhD in Germany?

Germany offers many compelling reasons to pursue a PhD:

  • High-quality research and education : German universities and research institutions have an outstanding reputation globally, providing access to cutting-edge research facilities and expertise across various disciplines.
  • No tuition fees : Most public universities in Germany do not charge tuition fees for PhD students, regardless of nationality, making it an affordable option for international students.
  • Excellent funding opportunities : There are numerous scholarships and funding programs available for PhD students in Germany. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) alone supports over 4,000 international doctoral students annually.
  • Strong industry connections : Germany has a robust research ecosystem with close ties between academia and industry. Many PhD programs offer collaborations with companies, providing valuable experience and potential career opportunities.
  • International environment : German universities welcome international researchers, creating a diverse and multicultural academic community. PhD theses and dissertations can often be written in English.
  • Career prospects : A German PhD is highly respected globally and can lead to excellent career opportunities in academia, international research institutions, or industry. Many PhD graduates find employment in Germany’s thriving industrial sector, making it a favourable place to work in Germany post-study.
  • Work-life balance : PhD students in Germany typically receive employment contracts with benefits such as health insurance, pension contributions, and vacation days.
  • Research freedom : Germany values academic freedom highly, with constitutional protection for research and scientific pursuits.
  • European mobility : As a PhD student in Germany, you can easily travel to other European Union countries for research or study purposes.
  • Cultural experience : Germany offers a rich cultural landscape, high quality of life, and relatively moderate living costs compared to other developed countries.

In short, Germany provides an ideal environment for pursuing a PhD, combining academic excellence, affordability, strong funding support, and promising career prospects in both academia and industry.

how to get a phd position in germany

What is it like to study and live in Germany as a research student?

Academic environment.

The research culture in Germany places a strong emphasis on independent research and critical thinking, with high expectations for original contributions to your field. Students regularly participate in seminars and colloquia to present and discuss their ongoing research. Supervision tends to be less structured than in some other countries, with regular meetings with supervisors but an expectation that students will take significant initiative in their work. Being part of a research group often offers additional opportunities for collaboration.

German universities are well-equipped with extensive digital resources and state-of-the-art laboratories. Students also have numerous opportunities to attend and present at international conferences. While many PhD programs, especially in STEM fields, are conducted in English, learning German can greatly enhance your overall experience and career prospects.

Day-to-Day Life

Germany is known for valuing a healthy work-life balance. PhD students typically work 38-40 hours per week and enjoy generous vacation time, usually around 30 days per year. Most PhD students live in shared apartments (WGs) or student dormitories, with rent in major cities ranging from €300 to €800 per month. The country boasts excellent public transportation systems, and many students use bicycles for daily commuting. Often, a student ID includes a public transport ticket for the local area.

The social life for students in Germany is vibrant, with active student communities organising regular events and activities. There are numerous opportunities to join sports clubs, cultural groups, and student organisations, along with international student networks that offer support and socialising opportunities.

Financial Aspects

Many PhD positions in Germany are funded, providing a salary rather than requiring tuition payments. Typical monthly salaries range from €1,500 to €2,500 before taxes. Additional funding opportunities are available through scholarships and research grants. Average monthly expenses, including rent, range from €850 to €1,000, and health insurance, which is mandatory, costs around €80 to €100 per month. Students can also take advantage of various discounts for cultural activities and museums.

Support Services

German universities offer robust support services for abroad students. International offices assist with visa processes, accommodation, and integration, providing orientation programs and language courses. Career services offer guidance on job searching and career development, organising career fairs and networking events. Mental health support and counseling services are also available, ensuring access to quality healthcare through the German health insurance system.

Challenges and Opportunities

While navigating German bureaucracy can be challenging, patience and attention to detail can help manage administrative processes. Initial culture shock is common but typically subsides over time, offering the opportunity to experience German culture and traditions firsthand. Building an international network of researchers and professionals is a significant benefit, with potential collaborations with industry partners. The strong job market for PhD graduates, especially in STEM fields, is an added advantage, and the option to stay in Germany for job searching after graduation (with an 18-month visa extension) provides further opportunities.

The Two Paths to a PhD in Germany

In Germany, doctoral candidates can choose between Individual Doctorates and Structured PhD Programs. The Individual Doctorate remains the most common path, chosen by over 75% of doctoral students, while Structured PhD Programs are gaining popularity, especially among international students, with about 25% opting for this route.

Individual Doctorates: Flexibility and Independence

Supervision and Structure : Individual Doctorates are characterised by their flexibility and self-directed nature. Candidates are supervised by a single professor, known as the Doktorvater or Doktormutter, and the research process is highly flexible. This approach demands a high degree of personal initiative and responsibility, with no fixed curriculum or mandatory coursework.

Research Focus and Duration : In this model, candidates often propose their own research topics, enjoying greater freedom in choosing their research direction and methodology. The duration of an Individual Doctorate typically spans 5-6 years, though there’s no strict timeframe as it depends on individual progress and the specific research project.

Funding and Employment : Individual Doctorate candidates often work as part-time research associates at universities. However, they may need to secure their own funding or scholarships, which requires proactive effort on the part of the doctoral student.

Structured PhD Programs: Guidance and Collaborative Learning

Supervision and Structure : Structured PhD Programs offer a more defined approach to doctoral studies. Candidates are supervised by a team of advisors and follow a predefined curriculum. This model includes regular progress checks, guidance, and mandatory coursework, seminars, and colloquia.

Research Focus and Duration : Research topics in Structured PhD Programs often align with existing program themes or research groups, and candidates may be part of larger research projects or collaborations. These programs are usually completed in 3-4 years, following a more defined timeline due to their structured nature.

Funding and Additional Benefits : Structured PhD Programs often come with funding or stipends and may offer more opportunities for paid doctoral positions. They also provide training in academic and scientific methods, as well as opportunities to develop soft skills such as presentation techniques.

Comparing the Two Approaches

International Orientation : While Individual Doctorates can be conducted in German or other languages depending on the field and supervisor, Structured PhD Programs often have a strong international orientation and frequently use English as the primary language.

Networking and Collaboration : Structured PhD Programs offer extensive opportunities to broaden research networks and encourage collaboration with peers and interdisciplinary work. In contrast, networking in Individual Doctorates depends largely on individual initiative, with fewer built-in opportunities for peer collaboration.

Entry Requirements for undertaking a PhD in Germany

The entry requirements for undertaking a PhD in Germany are generally similar for both home and international students, with some additional steps for international applicants.

Here are the specific requirements:

General Requirements for All Applicants

  • A master’s degree or equivalent (e.g., German Staatsexamen) in a relevant field
  • Strong academic record, typically with a GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Research Proposal : A detailed outline of your intended research topic , objectives, methodology, and significance
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) : Highlighting academic achievements, research experience, publications, and relevant qualifications
  • Statement of Purpose : Explaining your motivation for pursuing a PhD , academic goals, and how the program aligns with your objectives
  • Academic References : Letters of recommendation or contact information for professors/advisors who can attest to your academic abilities
  • Master’s Thesis : A copy of your master’s thesis or equivalent research work
  • For German-taught programs: TestDaF or DSH certificates
  • For English-taught programs: TOEFL or IELTS scores
  • Interview : Many programs include an interview stage

Additional Requirements for International Students

  • Qualification Recognition : Ensure your foreign degree is recognised in Germany. You may need to submit your credentials to uni-assist for evaluation
  • Visa Application : Apply for a student visa at the German embassy in your home country
  • Health Insurance : Obtain valid health insurance coverage for Germany
  • Residence Permit : Apply for a residence permit for study upon arrival in Germany

Application process for applying to a PhD in Germany

The application process for a PhD degree in Germany can vary depending on whether you’re pursuing an individual doctorate or a structured PhD program, and whether you’re a home or international student.

Here are the key steps and requirements:

General Application Process

  • Choose your path : Decide between an individual doctorate (traditional route) or a structured PhD program.
  • A master’s degree or equivalent in a relevant field
  • Strong academic record (typically a GPA of 3.0 or higher)
  • Proficiency in English and/or German, depending on the program
  • For individual doctorates, contact potential supervisors directly
  • For structured programs, search for openings at universities or research institutions
  • Curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Copy of your master’s degree certificate
  • Master’s thesis (or a copy)
  • Research proposal
  • Statement of purpose
  • Academic references
  • Language proficiency certificates (e.g., TestDaF, DSH for German; TOEFL, IELTS for English)
  • Follow the specific guidelines of the university or program
  • Applications may be submitted online or by post
  • Many programs, especially structured ones, include an interview stage
  • This may be in person or via video conference

Considerations for International Students

International students face some additional steps and requirements:

  • Qualification recognition : Ensure your foreign degree is recognised in Germany. You may need to submit your credentials to uni-assist for evaluation.
  • Provide proof of German proficiency (TestDaF or DSH) for German-taught programs
  • For English-taught programs, submit TOEFL or IELTS scores
  • Apply for a student visa at the German embassy in your home country
  • You’ll need an admission letter from a German university
  • Health insurance : Obtain valid health insurance coverage for Germany
  • Residence permit : Apply for a residence permit for study purposes upon arrival in Germany. This typically lasts for two years and is extendable.

Application Process for Structured PhD Programs

Structured programs often have a more formalised application process:

  • Check for specific application deadlines, which may occur once or twice a year
  • Submit initial application materials online
  • Visits to the institution
  • Meetings with potential supervisors and current students
  • A short presentation of your previous research
  • A panel interview

Application Process for Individual Doctorates

For individual doctorates, the process is more flexible:

  • Identify a potential supervisor whose research aligns with your interests
  • Contact the professor directly with a brief inquiry
  • If the professor expresses interest, submit a full application including your research proposal
  • The professor may invite you for an interview or further discussion
  • If accepted, you’ll need to formally enroll at the university

Remember that the specific requirements and processes can vary between universities and programs. Always check the official website of the institution you’re applying to for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

PhD in Germany

Typical Cost of a PhD in Germany

The costs of pursuing a PhD in Germany are generally similar for both home and international students, with a few key differences:

Tuition Fees

  • Most public universities in Germany charge no tuition fees for PhD students, regardless of nationality
  • There is a small semester contribution (administrative fee) of up to €300 per semester for all students, which typically covers student services and public transport

Living Costs

  • The average annual living costs in Germany range from €10,200 to €12,000
  • This includes rent, food, health insurance, and other daily expenses
  • Costs can be higher in major cities like Munich or Berlin

Breakdown of Monthly Expenses (approximate)

  • Rent: €280-€400 (shared flat or student residence)
  • Health insurance: €80-€100
  • Public transport: Often included in semester contribution
  • Other expenses (phone, internet, leisure): €100-€200

Visa for International Students

  • Non-EU students must prove they have access to about €11,208 per year (€934 per month) to cover living costs as part of their visa application.
  • Visa application fee: approximately €75

Health Insurance

  • Mandatory for all students, including PhD candidates
  • Costs around €80-€100 per month
  • EU students may be covered by their home country’s insurance through agreements

Additional Costs

  • Research-related expenses (e.g., conference attendance, materials) are often covered by the research group or university
  • Language courses (if needed): €200-€500 per course

In short, the main costs for PhD students in Germany are living expenses, as tuition is generally free. The overall experience is affordable compared to many other countries, especially considering the lack of tuition fees. International students should factor in additional costs for visa applications and potentially language courses. However, with many funded positions available, pursuing a PhD in Germany can be financially viable for both home and international students.

Research Grants

Funding Sources for PhD students in Germany

Many PhD positions in Germany are funded, offering a salary (of typically €1,500-€2,500 per month before taxes) rather than requiring payment of fees.

The main funding sources and opportunities for PhD students in Germany include:

  • Doctoral Programmes in Germany: Supports international PhD students to complete their doctoral degree at a German university or research institution. Provides monthly payments of 1,300 euros, health insurance, travel allowance, and annual research allowance.
  • One-Year Grants: For international doctoral candidates to carry out research as part of a doctoral project for up to one year.
  • Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees/Cotutelle: Supports doctoral degrees at the student’s home university with integrated research phases in Germany.
  • Research Training Groups: Established by universities to promote early career researchers. Funded for up to 9 years, providing structured training and qualification programs.
  • Collaborative Research Centres: Offer opportunities for PhD students to pursue research across disciplines and institutions.
  • Individual Doctoral Projects at Max Planck Institutes
  • International Max Planck Research Schools ( IMPRS ): Structured PhD programs at 68 locations
  • Max Planck Schools: Joint graduate programs in specific interdisciplinary fields
  • Individual Doctoral Projects at Leibniz Institutes
  • Leibniz Graduate Schools and Leibniz ScienceCampi: Structured doctoral programs
  • Individual Doctoral Projects at Fraunhofer Institutes: Opportunity to complete a doctorate while working on cutting-edge technology projects
  • DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships: For PhD students in fields like space, aeronautics, energy, and transport
  • PhD Fellowships: For early career researchers in basic biomedical research
  • Travel Grants: For PhD students and postdoctoral researchers
  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks: Structured doctoral training within European institution networks
  • ERA Fellowships – Green Hydrogen: Funding for research projects in green hydrogen
  • Green Talents: Competition winners can complete a research stay at a German institution
  • Munich Aerospace PhD Scholarships: For research in aerospace-related fields
  • Many PhD positions are offered directly by universities and research institutes, often tied to specific research projects or programs
  • These typically provide a salary (often around 1,500-2,500 euros per month before taxes) rather than requiring payment of fees

Top Universities in Germany for PhD study

As of 2024, the top universities in Germany for PhD study in STEM subjects include:

Technical University of Munich (TUM)

  • Ranked as the best university in Germany for engineering and technology
  • Offers structured PhD programs through the TUM Graduate School
  • Known for excellence in research and strong industry connections
  • Provides interdisciplinary training and professional skills development for doctoral candidates

Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin)

  • Ranked 2nd in Germany for engineering and technology
  • Offers doctorates across various STEM fields through its Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Provides structured support for international doctoral candidates
  • Known for interdisciplinary research and collaboration

Technische Universität Berlin, TUB, Hauptgebäude

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

  • Ranked 3rd in Germany for engineering and technology
  • Strong focus on energy, mobility, and information technologies
  • Offers both individual and structured doctoral programs
  • Emphasises international collaboration and industry partnerships

RWTH Aachen University

  • Ranked 4th in Germany for engineering and technology
  • Considers doctoral studies as the first part of professional practice, with an application-oriented focus
  • Offers both individual doctorates and structured PhD programs
  • Strong emphasis on industry partnerships and applied research

Technical University of Dresden

  • Ranked 5th in Germany for engineering and technology
  • Known for its research in microelectronics, materials science, and bioengineering
  • Offers structured PhD programs and graduate schools
  • Strong focus on interdisciplinary research and innovation

Technical University of Dresden

When choosing a university for PhD study, prospective students should consider factors such as:

  • Specific research areas and expertise of potential supervisors
  • Availability of funding or paid positions (many PhD students in Germany work as research assistants)
  • Language requirements (some programs require German proficiency, while others are conducted in English)
  • Opportunities for international collaboration and research stays abroad
  • Post-graduation career prospects and industry connections

Prospective PhD candidates should thoroughly research potential supervisors and reach out to them directly to discuss research opportunities before applying to a program.

Your journey to  PhD study  in Germany awaits. With its exceptional research landscape, structured programs taught in English, and excellent  funding opportunities , Germany offers a unique experience for international students.

Enjoy the benefits of no tuition fees, low living costs, and a safe, culturally rich environment.

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We have 41 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Germany

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PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Germany

Phd position (f/m/d) in biophotonics / molecular biophysics, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Photocatalysis by Metal Mabiq Complexes

12 fully funded ph.d. positions at the cologne graduate school of ageing research, funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

Max Planck Research Programme

Max Planck Research Programmes are structured PhD opportunities set up by the Max Planck Society, an independent non-profit German research organisation. Max Planck Institutes and universities collaborate to offer interdisciplinary and international PhD opportunities providing high standards of training and support as well as generous funding.

PhD student (f/m/x)

Fully funded research position in ‘machine learning for autonomous robot exploration’, funded phd project (european/uk students only).

This project has funding attached for UK and EU students, though the amount may depend on your nationality. Non-EU students may still be able to apply for the project provided they can find separate funding. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Doctoral Researcher (m/f/div) in Microbiome Systems Biology

Phd position in machine learning (llms) & computer simulation, fairomics - phd fellowship in explainable machine learning techniques to support the design of plant-based fermented food products – development of a serious game to support the design of plant-based fermented food products., competition funded phd project (students worldwide).

This project is in competition for funding with other projects. Usually the project which receives the best applicant will be successful. Unsuccessful projects may still go ahead as self-funded opportunities. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but potential funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Using a natural approach to elucidate the neural mechanisms of alarm calling behaviour in birds

Phd position “machine learning of multi-species microbial consortia representations”, mqv & max planck imprs doctoral fellowships in quantum science and technology: fall 2024 open call, germany phd programme.

A German PhD usually takes 3-4 years. Traditional programmes focus on independent research, but more structured PhDs involve additional training units (worth 180-240 ECTS credits) as well as placement opportunities. Both options require you to produce a thesis and present it for examination. Many programmes are delivered in English.

PhD student (f/m/d) Center for Optogenetic Therapies

Phd positions on research with the icecube neutrino telescope, phd position on radio detection of neutrinos.

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how to get a phd position in germany

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how to get a phd position in germany

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Phd in theoretical (bio-)physics: physics & chemistry in plant adaptation.

Heinrich Heine University - CCB logo

  • Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen (DE)
  • 65% TV-L E13 public tariff level
  • Heinrich Heine University - CCB

PhD in Theoretical (Bio-)Physics: Physics & chemistry in plant adaptation Join the pioneering team at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf as we em...

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PhD student / Research Associate / Postdoc (m/f/d) in the field of Computational/Deep Learning in Ne

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen logo

  • Gießen, Hessen (DE)
  • "-"
  • Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

  Founded in 1607, Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) is a research university rich in tradition. Inspired by curiosity about the unknown, we ...

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12 fully funded PhD positions

Universität zu Köln logo

  • Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen (DE)
  • Universität zu Köln

The Cologne Graduate School of Ageing Research (CGA) in Germany is a joint venture of the University of Cologne Excellence Cluster on Stress Respon...

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Doctoral Position in Physics, Medical Physics, Engineering or Mathematics for Simulation of MRI Magn

German Cancer Research Center in the Helmholtz Association (DKFZ) logo

  • Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg (DE)
  • Doctoral salary with the usual social benefits
  • German Cancer Research Center in the Helmholtz Association (DKFZ)

As part of this project we offer a PhD position for a physicist, medical physicist, engineer, or mathematician.

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Ph.D. Candidate (f/m/d)

Berlin Institute of Health in der Charité (BIH) logo

  • Berlin (DE)
  • Up to TVöD VKA-K EG13
  • Berlin Institute of Health in der Charité (BIH)

The mission of the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH) is medical translation: transferring biomedical research findings into novel approa...

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Postdoctoral Scientist in Radiopharmaceutical Development – Radiochemist / Radiopharmacist

The ideal candidate is expected to pursue a highly innovative project at the frontiers of interdisciplinary cancer research.

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Biosphere position (m/f/d)

Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. (PIK) logo

  • Potsdam, Brandenburg (DE)
  • collective pay scheme
  • Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. (PIK)

We are seeking a dynamic and motivated global biodiversity scientist with the motivation to learn about planetary boundary science.

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PhD student (f/m/x)

Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden logo

  • Dresden, Sachsen (DE)
  • Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden

Jobs with chances Cutting-edge medicine through internationality.   The IRTG 2773, the International Research Training Group “Risks and Pathomechan...

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12 PhD Positions in MSCA Doctoral Network MiCCrobioTAckle

Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology logo

  • Jena, Thüringen (DE)
  • An attractive salary in accordance with the MSCA regulations for DC
  • Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology

OPEN CALL FOR 12 PHD POSITIONS in MSCA Doctoral Network “MiCCrobioTAckle”

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  • 16 days ago
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Literature and expert mining position (m/f/d)

Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. (PIK) logo

  • salary group E 13

The successful candidate will be part of this new lab and will play a crucial role for the development and implementation.

View details Literature and expert mining position (m/f/d)

  • 19 days ago
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PhD (m/f/x) on Collective Dynamics of Living Neuronal Networks

Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS) logo

  • Göttingen (Stadt), Niedersachsen (DE)
  • Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS)

For the Max Planck Research Group of Viola Priesemann we seek a PhD (m/f/x) on Collective Dynamics of Living Neuronal Networks.

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  • 26 days ago
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PhD and Postdoc positions in oceanography, meteorology, applied mathematics (Germany)

Universität Hamburg, TRR 181 logo

  • Hamburg (DE)
  • Salary is based on collective wage agreements.
  • Universität Hamburg, TRR 181

PhD and Postdoc positions in oceanography, meteorology, applied mathematics (research project TRR 181 in Germany)

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  • 27 days ago
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PhD Student (gn) medicine, pharmacy, biochemistry, cell biology / physiology or similar

University Hospital of Muenster (UKM), WWU logo

  • Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen (DE)
  • Salary according to TV-L E13
  • University Hospital of Muenster (UKM), WWU

Ref. Nr. 9381 (*gn=gender neutral) The Institute of Physiology II, University of Muenster, Germany, is offering a position limited to 3 years. Part...

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  • 28 days ago
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PhD Student (gn*) Biology, Molecular Biology, (Bio-)Medicine, (Bio-)Chemistry or similar

PhD Student (gn*) medicine, pharmacy, biochemistry, cell biology / physiology or similar

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17 PhD candidates

Technical University Darmstadt - MC4DD logo

  • various locations across Europe
  • gross/month: 3400€ (adjusted by country) + 600€ / 600€* mobility/family allowance (*if applicable)
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To strengthen our team in the division 4.2 “Material-Microbiome Interactions” in Berlin-Steglitz, starting 01.09.2024, we are looking for a PhD stu...

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Ph.D. (75 % TVL E13) and Postdoc (TVL E13) positions

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Doctoral Researcher (m/f/div) in Microbiome Systems Biology

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Fully Funded PhD Positions in Germany

Fully Funded PhD Positions in Germany, Paderborn

By Guest Author Prof. Dr. Holger Karl

There is a lot of information available online about how to do a PhD in the US , including answers to relevant questions like what PhD programs exist, which stipends can be obtained, and possible job prospects. However, there is a big educational market – ranging from undergraduate degrees to postgraduate research – outside of the US as well. One excellent example is Germany, which offers both fully funded PhD opportunities and other funding opportunities for postgraduate study and research.

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PhD Opportunities in Germany

The German university system is extensive, with a long tradition that stretches back over centuries and with vibrant, young universities specifically founded for a particular purpose. It has a rich mixture of very large universities and small, highly focused institutions. But since it comes from a slightly different academic tradition and works under different funding principles, the advice for applying to PhD opportunities in Germany is slightly different. There are a couple of significant differences relevant for a postgraduate career.

First, the vast majority of German universities are state-funded. The main consequence is that there are no tuition fees, except for some modest, administrative fees (usually well below 500 Euro a year).

On top of there being no tuition, there is an extensive support system for PhD students. There are three main sources for funding:

  • You become a teaching assistant . Then, you are not really considered as a student, but rather as an employee of the university. Depending on the discipline, you can expect to earn between 1,000 to 2,200 Euro (~$1,100-$2,450 USD) per month, after taxes, benefits, health insurance, etc. While you do have to support classes, you can expect to invest the lion share of your time into your own research.
  • You work on a research project . Then, you are explicitly employed to do research on a topic that is of interest to the sponsor. Funding for such projects comes from the local or federal government or from the European Union; direct funding from industry in collaborative projects is also very common, especially in the natural and engineering sciences. Typically, the individual research topic is closely related with the project. Payment is practically identical with the teaching assistant payment scheme.
  • You obtain a fellowship or scholarship. Fellowships and scholarships for study do exist and have become more popular in the recent years. However, they are less common and not a considerable source of funding. The advantage of scholarships is that you are typically free to choose your research topic. The downside is that scholarship amounts can be lower, ranging from only about 600 to 1,500 Euro per month. Also, most scholarships are limited in time, often two or three years.

One important source of fellowships and scholarships explicitly for foreign students is the German academic exchange service ( Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD ). DAAD specializes in providing scholarships for students from outside of Germany, primarily as a means to foster cultural exchange.  One opportunity for PhD funding is the DAAD Research Grant . DAAD is always a good starting point for information and opportunities on postgraduate funding.

As a consequence of these funding options, the German academic system tends to treat postgraduate fellowship and scholarship recipients not as students needing tutoring but much rather as someone with a complete education, embarking on an independent research career. For example, there is typically no obligation to attend classes or earn course credits – rather, you are expected to produce research results and to publish.

As a further consequence, PhD programs in Germany are typically less structured than those at US universities. The focus is on the student’s individual research contribution. For example, qualifying exams are practically unheard of in Germany. Organized PhD programs have only come into existence in the last couple of years, and they are mostly a marketing instrument to attract attention of the international workforce – such as yourself!

Finding a PhD position in Germany

When you are looking for a PhD position in Germany, it is highly advisable not just to concentrate on searching for “PhD programs.” In Germany, “program” is a misnomer – they typically do not exist at German universities, and that is neither a good nor bad sign since their relevance is much smaller here than compared to, say, PhD programs in the US university system.

Instead, you should look for concrete advertisements for PhD opportunities and positions in the discipline or research area that interests you. For example, at Paderborn University, we are seeking applicants for PhD positions  on the topic of SFB-901 “On-the-Fly Computing” (computer science) and on anticipatory systems (computer networking). We are also open to accepting PhD students with their own ideas. These positions are funded like a job and can be done in English (note, with teaching obligations, you should either have or are willing and able to acquire quickly a decent working knowledge of German).

This system is another consequence of the high emphasis that is put on academic independence: you are expected to have your own original ideas, goals, and interests. Of course, your interests must match with the research interests of the PhD funder.

Competitiveness and academic diversity 

The competitiveness of the German academic system is generally considered very high, even though German universities do not show up at top levels in the usual rankings. This is usually attributed to the fairly level playing field: the basic state funding for universities is pretty much comparable (salaries of professors, for example, are regulated by law), leading to an academic ecosystem with very small variation in quality. This is a stark difference to the big differences in the US where funding and even quality between universities can be vastly different.

That does not mean, however, that there is no competition. Quite the contrary – but the competition is mostly on the level of individual researchers and their groups, rather than on institutional level. Admittedly, these aspects have continued to grow in the last couple of years as well.

There is, in addition, a two-branch approach in the academic system. There are the typical universities and there are so-called Universities of Applied Sciences (“Fachhochschule”). You should be aware that doing a PhD at the latter is usually not possible (there are some arrangements for joint PhD programs between Fachhochschulen and Universities, but they are rare and special cases). These schools are much more focused on practical needs of the labor market (like US community colleges) rather than on a research-oriented education.

Language and culture 

While English and German are very close cousins as languages, they are not mutually understandable. And admittedly, German does have a reputation of being a bit hard to learn. But that should not be an obstacle!

Most research groups are diverse; English is commonly spoken on campus. In some teaching assistantships, you do have to be able to teach in German, but that is usually not required for project funding or scholarships. Especially in the natural and engineering sciences, English is the lingua franca of the research world. In fact, in these disciplines, you can expect to find a fairly multi-national mix of people in the research groups – perhaps not quite at the level of the US, but certainly approaching it.

In the humanities, the working language can be dictated by the topic – if you work on German literature, it makes sense to know German. Of course, some German does help in everyday life, although university towns are pretty international places and you should not have any serious problems getting around.

Culturally, Germany is a typically western country, well integrated into the European Union. You will find the usual differences between bigger and smaller cities and the countryside, and you will find some regional differences and idiosyncrasies – like in any typical society. Some of the large cities – in particular, Berlin – have a well-earned reputation as a hip and happening place. If you are familiar with the US, you should have no problem fitting in.

Also similar to the US (and to most countries), there is some difference in the cost of living. Smaller university towns typically have lower cost of living; something around 500-600 Euro per month can be enough to cover living expenses (rent, food, public transport, etc.).  In larger cities (like Berlin, Munich, Hamburg), rent is typically more expensive. There, you should usually plan for at least 1,000 Euro a month. Since academic quality does not depend on the place but on the individual research group, the choice is yours!

And afterwards? 

After you have completed your PhD and successfully defended your thesis, there is a host of employment opportunities in Germany. Staying in academia is usually very competitive (as in any good academic setting), but one potential step after a PhD is finding a so-called “junior professorship,” similar to an assistant professor in the US.

You can also leave academia and go for a job in industry. There, opportunities abound. Germany has perhaps the strongest economy in Europe with one of the lowest unemployment rates; it is one of the world’s largest exporting nations. Especially in the natural and engineering sciences, in mathematics or computer science, skilled people are in extremely high demand.

There is of course always the option to return to your home country. Especially if you pursue an academic career there, very often long-lasting collaborations with your German research group and university can develop – these can be very durable ties.

So come to Germany!

In summary, it is fair to say that Germany does offer excellent opportunities for fully-funded PhDs and postgraduate work. Instead of tuition paid to the university, there is salary paid to the student. Instead of mandatory course work, you are expected to focus on your research. Instead of doing quizzes in a qualifying exam, you can broaden your network by working in a project with industry or international collaborators, often all over Europe. Combine that with the low cost of living especially in small towns, there is no reason not to give the German academic system a closer look!

Other resources

  • The largest German academic job market is . Mostly relevant for postdoc and tenured positions, but also some PhD positions are advertised there
  • Studying in Germany , a website with useful articles on becoming eligible for a PhD positon
  • Most universities have web pages with their PhD offerings in English
  • The German academic exchange service – DAAD

Prof. Dr. Holger Karl is based at Paderborn University in Germany. His research interests center around architectures and protocols for mobile and wireless networking. If you are interested in learning about Prof. Dr. Karl’s PhD positions in computer science and networking, learn more here .

© Victoria Johnson 2020, all rights reserved.

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Is there any fully funded PhD prog in HR Management in Germany. If so what is the procedure to apply.

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934 PhD positions in Germany

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  • Technical University of Munich 153
  • Leibniz 131
  • Forschungszentrum Jülich 69
  • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft 44
  • Heidelberg University 25
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München • 25
  • University of Göttingen • 25
  • Free University of Berlin 21
  • Helmholtz 20
  • Georg August University of Göttingen 15
  • Humboldt-Stiftung Foundation 15
  • PhD Programme "Gene Regulation in Evolution" 14
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  • Max Planck Institutes 6
  • Nature Careers 6
  • University of Münster • 6
  • University of Tübingen • 6
  • Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung 5
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena • 5
  • Heidelberg University • 5
  • Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics 5
  • Universität Hamburg • 5
  • Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY 4
  • Hannover Medical School • 4
  • Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf • 4
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht 4
  • Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig 4
  • Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Freiburg 4
  • Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden 4
  • University of Cologne 4
  • University of Cologne • 4
  • Academic Europe 3
  • European Magnetism Association EMA 3
  • FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg • 3
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie 3
  • Justus Liebig University Giessen • 3
  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) 3
  • Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie e.V. 3
  • Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena 3
  • Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale) 3
  • Ruhr-Universität Bochum • 3
  • University of Bayreuth • 3
  • University of Bremen • 3
  • University of Stuttgart • 3
  • Dresden University of Technology • 2
  • Goethe University Frankfurt • 2
  • Helmholtz Zentrum München - Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt 2
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon 2
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin • 2
  • Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz 2
  • Leipzig University • 2
  • Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg 2
  • Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön 2
  • Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen 2
  • Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Greifswald), Greifswald 2
  • Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching 2
  • Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart 2
  • Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light • 2
  • Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen 2
  • Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, München 2
  • Saarland University • 2
  • TU Dresden 2
  • Technische Universität Berlin • 2
  • University Medical Center Göttingen 2
  • University of Bamberg • 2
  • University of Konstanz • 2
  • University of Potsdam • 2
  • University of Regensburg • 2
  • Universitätsmedizin Göttingen 2
  • ; Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences 1
  • ; The University of Edinburgh 1
  • Aalen University • 1
  • BMW Group 1
  • Bielefeld University • 1
  • Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg • 1
  • Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und ‑prüfung 1
  • Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg • 1
  • Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin • 1
  • Collaborative Research Centre TRR 181 "Energy Transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean" 1
  • DESY - Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron 1
  • Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY • 1
  • Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e. V. (DZNE) 1
  • EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht • 1
  • Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Institut für Angewandte Physik 1
  • Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 1
  • Frankfurt School of Finance & Management • 1
  • Freie Universität Berlin • 1
  • Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 1
  • GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research 1
  • GESIS - Leibniz Institut für Sozialwissenschaften 1
  • Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) 1
  • Heidelberg University 1
  • Heidelberg University and Heidelberg University Hospital 1
  • Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf - University Hospital (UKD) 1
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PhD / Doctorate •

: any time Application deadline You can join our graduate school any time after you have begun your PhD . We are especially happy to welcome you at the very beginning of your PhD journey. Tuition fees per

Degree Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD ) in Medical Research – Cardiovascular Science Teaching language English Languages Courses are held in English only. PhD theses are written only in English. Full-time

Degree PhD , Dr In cooperation with TU Munich Teaching language English Languages Participants can fulfil requirements in English only, but some German courses are available. Full-time / part-time

Degree Dr phil PhD Medical Research Dr med Dr rer nat In cooperation with DFG Teaching language German Languages The working language of the programme is German, so a German course is recommended

Degree Dr rer nat ( PhD of natural sciences) In cooperation with TU Munich Teaching language English Languages All talks, research and supervision happens in an English-speaking environment. Full

Degree PhD in Global Studies In cooperation with Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS), Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia) Teaching language English Languages The PhD courses are taught

Degree Dr rer nat / PhD Teaching language English Languages The scientific language in all UMG laboratories and doctoral programmes is English. However, knowledge of German naturally makes everyday

Additional information on beginning, duration and mode of study Frankfurt School confers a Dr rer pol, the German equivalent of a PhD . The School offers fully-funded study places and a generous monthly stipend

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54 PhD jobs in Germany

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Doctoral Researcher (m/f/div) in Microbiome Systems Biology

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PhD position on computational design of functional protein assemblies

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Studying in Germany

How can I remain in Germany after my doctoral studies as an eligible worker?

How can I remain in Germany after my doctoral studies as an eligible worker?

Being a foreign doctoral postgraduate from a German university , there is a common thing if your interest is to remain in the country to jump into a qualification-related job. There is no oddity there as Germany rests as a world-attraction to work and live in, not only to you, but to many more professionals, as of its extensive advantageous job opportunities and high quality of life. Well, that is why Germany is considered the biggest and the most prosperous nation amongst other EU countries.

Remaining in Germany after finishing your doctoral studies , you can largely benefit from a wide-ranging job opportunities, as the quality of your doctoral degree received makes you a competitive candidate for working in a university, non-university research institution or industry. What is more, your chances to have a profitable employment in the global labor market, as a postgraduate doctoral candidate from a German university are incalculable, being aware of the global high reputation of Germany in the world as regards of education in research and innovation.

On the other hand, as an alternative option for you to remain in Germany, is to advance your research activity with a postdoctoral research, something that attracts many other foreigners who finish their doctoral studies in Germany.

Legitimacy of postdoctoral work as a foreigner

There are decent academic and research opportunities for the qualified workers to get a place in the German labor market. As you are already in Germany after finishing your doctoral studies and willing to remain there to get hired at a job matching your education, then make sure you do not forget that Germany welcomes highly qualified worker as you. On the other hand, if you were lucky enough to already have a signed sound work contract related to your qualification then, enjoy your time, because you are on the right way to get the proper eligibility for staying and working there.

Well, you should not be worried anymore! You are allowed to work in Germany as a postgraduate candidate from doctoral studies. You made the right choice having a doctorate in Germany! Congrats and enjoy the new waves of opportunities in your career!

Residence and work permit

Either you have in hand a job offer or not, if you want to remain in Germany after your doctoral studies, you surely will need the proper permit to do so. Involving in an economic activity such as getting a job lacking the proper entitlement – the residence and work permit, you will immediately be deported in the country of origin and against your employer sanctions and other penalty measures will apply.

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If you have signed a work contract while in Germany

If you have there just signed the contract of employment or have a realistic business plan yourself, then surely there are good chances for you to apply and get the proper entitlement to stay and involve into the economic activity of Germany.

Residence and work permit as a researcher

As a highly qualified person, as a researcher – according to the Residence Act, Section 19, you can require a residence and work permit without the consent of the German Federal Employment Agency.

To get the residence and work permit as a researcher, you must:

  • Prove having a sound employment contract (i.e. Researcher, academic position, etc.) – with no minimum incomes required,
  • Have a secured livelihood.

There is a possibility to change this permit into a permanent residence title.

The EU Blue Card permit as a highly qualified worker

Another option for you is to get the EU Blue Card – also a special residence and work permit for foreign qualified workers.

To get the EU Blue Card you must apply to the following documents:

  • The doctoral degree you received in Germany,
  • The sound work contract or offer related to your qualification with a minimum salary of 48.800 EUR.

Benefits of EU Blue Card:

  • There is a possibility to be changed into a settlement permit after 33 months of highly-qualified employment record and prove a German language proficiency of level B1,
  • If the language proficiency can be proved earlier, the settlement permit can be issued after only 21 months of such record.

For more information please click: How to get EU Blue Card for Germany?

Residence and work permit as self –employed research

If your alternative way to involve into the economic activity of the Germany is pumping into your own research-related business, then this is also another optional opportunity to get the residence and work permit.

To get the residence and work permit in such case you must prove:

  • Having a doctoral degree received in Germany,
  • There is a need for this specific economic activity in Germany,
  • Financial coverage for the business plan related to the research activity.
  • It is given for a maximum three years,
  • After three years of a proven successful activity, secured livelihood you can get a settlement permit.  

If you want to seek for a job while in Germany

There is also a possibility for you to not immediately return after your graduation, but seek for a job for a certain period. For that, you will need to apply for the temporary residence permit. The time you can receive in your disposition from the residence permit for the purpose of job-seeking is up to 12 months after graduation. This residence permit allows you to work during this period in a job that needs no special qualification, in order to cover your living costs during the job-seeking period.

Once you get a gainful employment contract related to your qualification, you must immediately apply for one of the aforementioned residence and work entitlements. There is absolutely no chance for you to get involved in the economic activity of the country without the proper entitlement.

Employment and research prospect

Being a doctoral graduate, is a passport giving you better chances of employment within the German labor market. There are lots of thrilling opportunities of employment for you as a qualified professional, such as in academia, research institutions or in industry. Let us see one by one what are the positions typically offered for the doctoral graduates.

Becoming a university professor

There is an opportunity for you to become a professor in a university after finishing your doctoral studies. To be so, you need to become “Berufungsfähigkeit” or eligible professor. Becoming a professor, your research and teaching experience gained during doctoral studies at university, non-university and even industry can help you in the future. Your scientific research publications you have made during your studies are also another factor supporting you on your way to become a professor. If you possess these qualities you will be eligible to become a junior professor, managing position in research group or industry.

To become a university professor you must have:

  • Completed a doctoral degree of an excellent achievement,
  • Have pedagogical skills,
  • Have extracurricular academic achievement,
  • Have been enrolled in the habilitation process (capacity building) and passed the examination that examines the candidates ability to become a professor of the specific academic subject,
  • Have published several scientific and research papers in international scientific peer-reviewed journals.

Forms of involve in the teaching process in a university are the followings:

  • Junior professor
  • Leader of a research group
  • Work position in industry

Becoming a postdoctoral researcher or scientist

If your intentions are to continue your research, then you have the possibility to go through the postdoctoral studies. The postdoctoral education is a form where you engage in research activities as well as in a job or other scientific and research activities at university, non-university research institution or in a research-oriented company.

There are several scholarships offered for those interested to do a postdoctoral research in Germany, such as the German Research Foundation (DFG) which gets you in a position to work for two years in a research project in cooperation with an academic institution.

Postdoctoral research in university

Working on a research project after studies is amongst popular forms of postdoctoral engagements of students. Typically the candidate engages in a research project for a certain period in order to advance its academic capacity.

The postdoctoral job you can get into a university can vary, such as as a research assistant, research associate or funded project by a third party.

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German universities receive €220 million to improve international mobility for students & staff, german universities registered 9% increase in guest students in winter semester 2023/24, bachelor students in germany more likely to drop out within first academic year, higher education in germany: key trends & statistics, new study reveals high level of satisfaction among students at german universities.

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Structured PhD programmes

Three researchers are standing at a whiteboard and are looking towards the camera laughing. The one in the middle holds a pen in her hand holding it near the whiteboard as if she was interrupted in writing something on it.

DAAD/Volker Lannert

Structured doctoral programmes differ from traditional doctoral research. In Germany, structured doctoral programmes are  very similar to the PhD programmes in English-speaking countries , in which a team of supervisors look after a group of doctoral students.

Structured doctoral programmes often have a  strong international orientation  with English as the team language. Unlike the individual doctorate model that can be freely structured to suit the individual research project, here doctoral students and their research proposals have to fit in with an existing PhD programme.

The doctorate frequently entails a  clearly structured doctoral study   programme  with compulsory attendance at lectures or seminars and interim assessment (credit points). The programme frequently also covers  academic and scientific methods or soft skills , such as presentation techniques.

As a rule, PhD Students work steadily at realising their research project within the team and with intensive  support from a group of academic staff  (often referred to as the “thesis committee”).

The duration of your studies is generally   limited to three to five years, and there is usually a fixed curriculum within which you work toward your doctorate and write your thesis.


  1. How to Find Your PhD Position in Germany

    Information on how to find a PhD position in Germany. Cookie Consent. To improve the website, the DAAD and third parties set cookies and process usage data.In doing so, the DAAD and third parties transfer usage data to third countries in which there is no level of data protection comparable to that under EU law. By clicking the "Accept all" button, you consent to this processing.

  2. Find your PhD position

    Finding a PhD position. PhDGermany publishes PhD openings in Germany that specifically target international applicants. Accordingly, in most cases the working language is English. Fluent knowledge of German is only required for certain special positions. PhDGermany helps you find the right PhD opening or supervisor for your doctoral thesis and ...

  3. How to Apply for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding, & FAQs

    The majority of PhD programs in Germany are tuition-free, at least for the first six semesters. However, if need to enroll at a university for your PhD, there is a small semester fee you need to cover. The fee can be higher or lower depending on the university, but it usually falls within the range of €100 to €350.

  4. How to apply for a PhD

    Generally, however, as a first step you will need to submit a curriculum vitae, a copy of your degree certificate, a brief description of your doctoral research proposal and a letter outlining the reasons for your application. The second step, usually on request, involves a detailed application with a comprehensive exposé of the research project.

  5. Study for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding & Opportunities

    Applying for a PhD in Germany requires a minimum of eight semesters of academic study, usually a Master's degree or equivalent. Language prerequisites for PhD programs in Germany vary, but many are taught in English, especially structured programs. Financial support options include DAAD grants, stipendiums, and research positions at ...

  6. PhD

    The German doctorate enjoys an outstanding reputation. Germany's universities, research institutions and companies welcome international researchers and offer excellent opportunities for doctoral students. Structured PhD programmes, for example, often have a strong international orientation with English as the team language.

  7. PhD Studies & Research

    PhD Studies & Research. Science and research in Germany are characterised by a distinguished infrastructure, a wide variety of disciplines, well-equipped research facilities and competent staff. Germany offers various career opportunities for international PhD students and researchers. Discover Germany's top-tier PhD programs and research scene ...

  8. Doing a PhD in Germany

    Doing a PhD in Germany. Germany's reputation as an outstanding research destination continues to attract the world's finest minds. In 2014 an incredible Number of 85,000 people chose Germany to write their dissertations or join one of our growing number of doctoral research teams. Discover your best route to a PhD in Germany, including ...

  9. Finding PhD positions in Germany

    Research in Germany German Research Foundation (DFG) North America You can also learn more about Germany's research landscape in our Virtual Coffee Chat with a Science Diplomat interview of the German Science Counselor to the U.S. (the page includes a list of additional resources) as well as our Q4 2020 quarterly newsletter spotlighting Germany ...

  10. Where to look for PhD positions in Germany

    PhD positions in Germany are offered at universities, universities of applied sciences ("cooperative" degree), non-university research institutes and companies (industry). There is a plethora of information about the German research landscape , study and funding options , and general information about researching in Germany already out ...

  11. The Paths to a PhD in Germany (+ My Tips to Get the Right PhD Position

    The PhD system can be a bit confusing to foreigners. It mostly differs from the general "PhD studies" that you may be more familiar with. There are two main ...

  12. Working in Germany: How To Find Work During and After Your ...

    With one of the fastest growing economies in Europe (and one of the lowest unemployment rates), it's clear that Germany has an active job market with opportunities for everyone. Whether you're a postgraduate student in Germany looking for a casual job or a recent graduate looking to start full-time work, we've got you covered.

  13. PhDGermany

    Want to do your PhD in Germany? Find more than 100 currently offered positions in this database. Want to do your PhD in Germany? Find more than 100 currently offered positions in this database ... Forschung PHD position: EASY LISTENING - From real-life to lab and back. Type of Promotion: Full PhD; Application deadline: 30.08.2024;

  14. PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Germany

    Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon Institute of Materials Systems Modeling. The Institute of Materials Systems Modeling of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon is offering a 4‑year PhD position in the area of machine learning and computer simulations. Read more. Supervisor: Prof R Aydin. 1 September 2024 PhD Research Project Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

  15. Two ways to get your PhD

    However, no matter where you conduct your research, a professor will always supervise your PhD. You can obtain a doctorate by pursuing research: at a university. at a non-university research institute or. in a German company. PhD at a university. PhD at a non-university research institute. PhD in industry.

  16. PhD Position jobs in Germany

    We are looking for motivated PhD candidates in the field of mechanical engineering for the development & characterization of 3D printed metamaterials! View details. 3 days left. Get new jobs for ...

  17. Fully-Funded PhD Positions in Germany

    Finding a PhD position in Germany. When you are looking for a PhD position in Germany, it is highly advisable not just to concentrate on searching for "PhD programs." In Germany, "program" is a misnomer - they typically do not exist at German universities, and that is neither a good nor bad sign since their relevance is much smaller ...

  18. How to start applying for PHD positions in EUROPE || GERMANY

    In this video I talk about the very initial phase of the application procedure of higher education in European countries especially in Germany.Key points dis...

  19. 940 PhD positions in Germany

    940 scholarship, research, uni job positions available PhD positions available on, Germany.

  20. Information about the PhDGermany database

    Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. Kennedyallee 50. 53175 Bonn. Germany. All addresses in the DAAD Network. Receive regular up-to-date information about our work and organisation. Newsletter - DAAD. How the PhDGermany database can help you with your search for PhD positions.

  21. A research position

    The job options for scientists in Germany are vast. Aside from the usual positions in research, teaching and management at academic institutions, scientists also work in industry and private companies - in research and development, but also in other fields. We support you navigate the plethora of job listings for researchers!

  22. 53 PhD jobs in Germany

    Upcoming fully funded PhD Positions in Neurosciences and Translational Psychiatry research, including a residency/PhD track option for medical doctors. There are no tuition fees for this PhD program.We welcome applications through our online application portal starting on August 15, 2024 for a start in fall 2025.

  23. How can I remain in Germany after my doctoral ...

    Either you have in hand a job offer or not, if you want to remain in Germany after your doctoral studies, you surely will need the proper permit to do so. Involving in an economic activity such as getting a job lacking the proper entitlement - the residence and work permit, you will immediately be deported in the country of origin and against ...

  24. Find your structured PhD programme

    In Germany, structured doctoral programmes are very similar to the PhD programmes in English-speaking countries, in which a team of supervisors look after a group of doctoral students. Structured doctoral programmes often have a strong international orientation with English as the team language. Unlike the individual doctorate model that can be ...

  25. Europe: 20+ fully-funded PhD positions

    Apply now for doctoral (PhD) positions at these esteemed institutions: PhD Student in Characterization and Recovery of Bionanoparticles for Vaccine Delivery and Gene Therapy, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) PhD Student in the Huppa Lab at the Medical University of Vienna, Medical University of Vienna (Austria)