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Civil engineering articles within Nature

Article 22 May 2024 | Open Access

Electric recycling of Portland cement at scale

Recovered cement paste can be reclinkered if used as a partial substitute for the lime–dolomite flux used in steel recycling, which can reduce waste and carbon emissions.

  • Cyrille F. Dunant
  • , Shiju Joseph
  •  &  Julian M. Allwood

Article 15 May 2024 | Open Access

Arresting failure propagation in buildings through collapse isolation

A design approach arrests collapse propagation in buildings after major initial failures by ensuring that specific elements fail before the failure of the most important components for global stability.

  • Nirvan Makoond
  • , Andri Setiawan
  •  &  Jose M. Adam

Article | 22 March 2023

Dense reinforcement learning for safety validation of autonomous vehicles

An intelligent environment has been developed for testing the safety performance of autonomous vehicles and its effectiveness has been demonstrated for highway and urban test tracks in an augmented-reality environment.

  • , Haowei Sun
  •  &  Henry X. Liu

Article | 16 November 2022

A hybrid optical–wireless network for decimetre-level terrestrial positioning

A terrestrial networked positioning system based on a hybrid optical–wireless telecommunication infrastructure and that is independent of global navigation satellite systems is demonstrated for urban environments with decimetre-level accuracy. 

  • Jeroen C. J. Koelemeij
  •  &  Christian C. J. M. Tiberius

Article 23 February 2022 | Open Access

Quantum sensing for gravity cartography

A study reports a quantum gravity gradient sensor with a design that eliminates the need for long measurement times, and demonstrates the detection of an underground tunnel in an urban environment.

  • , Andrew Lamb
  •  &  Michael Holynski

Article | 07 July 2021

Supply chain diversity buffers cities against food shocks

An intensity−duration−frequency model linking food shock risk to supply chain diversity in the USA finds that boosting a city’s food supply chain diversity increases the resistance of a city to food shocks of mild to moderate severity.

  • Michael Gomez
  • , Alfonso Mejia
  •  &  Richard R. Rushforth

Article | 21 April 2021

Multistable inflatable origami structures at the metre scale

Origami-inspired multistable structures that can be inflated from flat to three dimensions have been designed; a library of foldable shapes is created and then combined to build metre-scale functional structures.

  • David Melancon
  • , Benjamin Gorissen
  •  &  Katia Bertoldi

Letter | 17 February 2016

Universal resilience patterns in complex networks

An analytical framework is proposed for a complex network to accurately predict its dynamic resilience and unveil the network characteristics that can enhance or diminish resilience.

  • , Baruch Barzel
  •  &  Albert-László Barabási

Comment | 15 August 2012

How to build a low-energy future

Advanced construction technologies promise huge energy savings, says Philip Farese. Investment is needed to bring them to market and to encourage their use.

  • Philip Farese


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research on civil engineering

Articles on Civil engineering

Displaying 1 - 20 of 34 articles.

research on civil engineering

Stuck bridges, buckling roads − extreme heat is wreaking havoc on America’s aging infrastructure

Suyun Paul Ham , University of Texas at Arlington

research on civil engineering

Traffic engineers build roads that invite crashes because they rely on outdated research and faulty data

Wesley Marshall , University of Colorado Denver

research on civil engineering

How do you build tunnels and bridges underwater? A geotechnical engineer explains the construction tricks

Ari Perez , Quinnipiac University

research on civil engineering

Cement is a big carbon emitter and quality is costly: a civil engineer explains

Elsabe Kearsley , University of Pretoria

research on civil engineering

After the Baltimore bridge collapse, we need clear-eyed assessments of the risks to key infrastructure

Marios Chryssanthopoulos , University of Surrey

research on civil engineering

Failure of Francis Scott Key Bridge provides future engineers a chance to learn how to better protect the public

Michael J. Chajes , University of Delaware

research on civil engineering

Baltimore Key Bridge: how a domino effect brought it down in seconds

Mohamed Shaheen , Loughborough University

research on civil engineering

Bridges can be protected from ship collisions – an expert on structures in disasters explains how

Sherif El-Tawil , University of Michigan

research on civil engineering

Climate change is increasing stress on thousands of aging dams across the US

Hiba Baroud , Vanderbilt University

research on civil engineering

Buildings left standing in Turkey offer design guidance for future earthquake-resilient construction

Osman Ozbulut , University of Virginia

research on civil engineering

What is a flash flood? A civil engineer explains

Janey Camp , Vanderbilt University

research on civil engineering

Sick of dangerous city traffic? Remove left turns

Vikash V. Gayah , Penn State

research on civil engineering

How to make sure Biden’s infrastructure plan can hold up to climate change – and save money

Jeremy Bricker , University of Michigan

research on civil engineering

Smart concrete could pave the way for high-tech , cost-effective roads

Luna Lu , Purdue University and Vishal Saravade , Purdue University

research on civil engineering

Japan’s experience with earthquakes can help teach us to learn to live with floods

Mohammad Heidarzadeh , Brunel University London

research on civil engineering

Whaley Bridge dam collapse is a wake-up call: concrete infrastructure will not last forever without care

research on civil engineering

The risk of ‘cascading’ natural disasters is on the rise

Farshid Vahedifard , Mississippi State University and Amir AghaKouchak , University of California, Irvine

research on civil engineering

Potholes: how engineers are working to fill in the gaps

Alvaro Garcia , University of Nottingham ; Juliana Byzyka , Brunel University London , and Mujib Rahman , Brunel University London

research on civil engineering

Genoa bridge collapse: maintaining these structures is a constant battle against traffic and decay

research on civil engineering

Indonesia earthquake: how scrap tyres could stop buildings collapsing

Juan Bernal-Sánchez , Edinburgh Napier University

Related Topics

  • Climate change
  • Engineering
  • Infrastructure
  • Structural engineering

Top contributors

research on civil engineering

Assistant Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Brunel University London

research on civil engineering

Professor of Structural Systems, University of Surrey

research on civil engineering

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Vanderbilt University

research on civil engineering

Senior Lecturer, Lund University

research on civil engineering

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, West Virginia University

research on civil engineering

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Binghamton University, State University of New York

research on civil engineering

Associate Senior Lecturer in Evacuation Modelling, Lund University

research on civil engineering

Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine

research on civil engineering

Lecturer in Engineering, University of Nottingham

research on civil engineering

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maine

research on civil engineering

Professor of Classical Studies, Brandeis University

research on civil engineering

Emeritus Professor, Civil Engineering, University of Warwick

research on civil engineering

Senior lecturer, Stellenbosch University

research on civil engineering

Berger Chair Professor and Lead, Resilient and Equitable Infrastructure, Tufts University

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PhD Candidate, Brunel University London

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International Journal of Civil Engineering

  • Focuses on interdisciplinary research in civil engineering, encompassing related sub-topics.
  • Provides a forum for international civil engineering community for discussions and developments.
  • Covers Structures, Geotechnics, Transportation, Environment, Earthquakes, Water Resources and more.
  • Mohammad Hassan Baziar

Societies and partnerships

Iran University of Science and Technology

Latest issue

Volume 22, Issue 9

Transaction A: Civil Engineering

Latest articles

Experimental and numerical investigation on scour pits of granular flow downstream check dam.

  • Huixian Wang

research on civil engineering

Development of Fragility Curves for Tall Buildings with Tuned Liquid Dampers for Vibration Control Under Wind Loading

  • R. Nava-González
  • A. Pozos-Estrada
  • A. López-Ibarra

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Evaluation of Submergence Limit and Head Loss in Flow Measuring Flumes Using Flow-3D Predictive Modeling

  • Saman Mostafazadeh Fard
  • Zohrab Samani

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Data-Driven Performance Evaluation of A Concrete Slab Bridge Using Machine Learning

  • Md Abdul Hamid Mirdad
  • Bassem Andrawes

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Research on the Back-Analysis of Tunnel Surrounding Rock Deformation Considering the Deterioration Effect of Surrounding Rock Parameters

  • Yawei Zhang

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Transformative Research for a Changing World

CEE at Illinois has always been a leader in advancing research in a world where increasing population, demand, and urbanization create constant change in the environment and challenges to the civil engineer.  CEE students have ample opportunity to participate in research.

Civil and environmental engineering are disciplines in which on-the-job research, investigation, and laboratory research play a major role.  CEE at Illinois conducts cutting-edge research with immediate, significant benefit to society.  Graduate and undergraduate students actively participate with faculty in conducting basic and applied research in design, construction, and repair of infrastructure; the search for solutions to the clean water needs of developing and developed societies; the design, testing and improvement of our transportation infrastructure and systems; and many other areas.

Areas of Study and Research

Construction Engineering Management

Construction engineers manage and direct construction operations. They analyze the labor, materials, and equipment for each job to determine the proper quantity of each and ensure availability at the appropriate time and place.

Construction Materials

Civil engineers are often responsible for specifying, designing and manufacturing the materials with which they build their structures.  Studies in construction materials are intended to make structural, transportation and foundation engineers aware of the fundamental properties of the materials they use.

Energy-Water-Environment Sustainability

Interdisciplinary program

The program in Energy-Water-Environment Sustainability (EWES) is a cross-cutting program focused on providing and supporting sustainable solutions for the exploration, production, delivery and use of energy, and their intersection with water and the natural and built environment. The program focuses on integrating scientific principles, engineered processes, and systems analyses to address diverse challenges related to society's growing energy needs and their nexus with water and the environment.

Environmental Engineering and Science

Environmental engineers help solve problems of air, land and water contamination.  They design, construct and operate systems that purify water for drinking, industrial use and recreation.  They develop and implement air-purification devices and protocols for solid and hazardous waste management.

Geotechnical Engineering

Geotechnical engineers use soil, rock and geosynthetics as engineering materials.  They design earth- and rock-filled dams, tunnels, landfills and foundations for structures of all types.

Societal Risk and Hazard Mitigation

The Societal Risk Management (SRHM) program is a cross-disciplinary program that focuses on the development of a secure and safe society. The program concentrates on risk determination, risk evaluation and risk management for natural and human-made hazards, and disaster response and recovery.

Structural Engineering

Structural engineers design economical structures that resist forces induced by wind, earthquakes, blasts and heavy traffic.  The tools of the structural engineer include physical testing, mathematical modeling and computer simulation.

Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure Systems

The interdisciplinary program Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure Systems (SRIS) addresses emerging approaches to infrastructure systems focusing on resiliency and sustainability of inter-connected infrastructure, for example, structural, geotechnical, and water interactions in urban environments. The program aims to prepare new generations of civil engineers who are ready to address pressing societal issues while developing needed infrastructure. 

Transportation Engineering

Transportation engineers use technological and scientific principles to improve movement of people, goods and services by land, air and water. They plan, design, build, operate and maintain railway, highway, airport, marine, pedestrian and industrial facilities for safety, efficiency, economy, resilience and sustainability.

Water Resources Engineering and Science

Water resource engineers help solve complex water challenges, including providing society with safe and reliable water supplies, managing impacts of floods and drought, and enhancing environmental quality. They plan, design, manage and operate surface water and groundwater systems that are sustainable and adaptable to changing climate and human activity.

Related News

Kontou will lead research to address energy supply issues of deployed vehicles in contested environments

  • March 16, 2023

ICT part of joint effort to advance connected and autonomous transportation

  • February 28, 2023

Andrawes to lead transportation infrastructure research center

  • February 27, 2023

Watch: WCIA TV interviews CEE researchers on new project to develop, assess rail lines

  • February 24, 2023


Find out more about select cee research projects at ideals.

IDEALS (Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship) contains selected publications, presentations and research from faculty, researchers and graduate students.


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Research Conferences

CEE at Illinois is home to several recurring research conferences that bring together some of the best minds in civil and environmental engineering to learn about new research, engage and collaborate, and connect with peers.

Read about research projects in the department:

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Information about new grants, research projects, collaborations and more can be found in the CEE newsroom.

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Research Highlights 2013-2014

A booklet highlighting a few of the many research projects undertaken within the department during 2013-2014

Research Highlights magazine

Research Highlights 2012-2013  

A booklet highlighting a few of the many research projects undertaken within the department during 2012-2013

Student Researchers Wanted

Undergraduate student research lets you learn more about what engineers really do in the workplace. CEE at Illinois provides hands-on research opportunities for undergraduates to enhance your education experience, help further your career goals, and let you build professional qualifications.  


200+ Civil Engineering Research Topics: Exploring Promising Topics

civil engineering research topics

Civil engineering research is the driving force behind the development of sustainable infrastructure and innovative construction methods. It plays a crucial role in shaping our world, from designing earthquake-resistant buildings to developing advanced transportation systems. 

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of choosing the right civil engineering research topics and provide a list of promising research areas to inspire your academic journey.

Why Choose the Right Research Topic?

Table of Contents

Before delving into the exciting world of civil engineering research topics, it’s important to understand why selecting the right research topic is critical.

  • Impact of the Research Topic Selection: The choice of your research topic can have a profound impact on your academic and professional career. A well-defined, relevant topic can lead to groundbreaking discoveries, publications, and recognition in the field.
  • Facilitation of the Research Process: A clearly defined research topic serves as your roadmap. It guides your literature review, data collection, experimentation, and analysis. Without a focused topic, research can become directionless and overwhelming.
  • Benefits of a Relevant and Engaging Topic: An engaging topic keeps you motivated throughout your research journey. It’s much easier to stay dedicated when you’re passionate about your subject matter.
40+ Interesting In 2023 – Everyone Must Know

How to Select the Perfect Civil Engineering Research Topics?

Choosing the right research topic in civil engineering is a crucial step in your academic and professional career. Here are some steps to help you make the best choice:

  • Consider Your Interests and Passion: Think about what aspects of civil engineering interest you the most. Are you fascinated by structural design, transportation systems, environmental issues, or construction management? Choosing the civil engineering research topics that align with your interests will make the research process more enjoyable and meaningful.
  • Review Recent Developments in the Field: Stay updated with the latest trends and breakthroughs in civil engineering. Browse through academic journals, magazines, and websites to identify emerging issues and areas of interest.
  • Assess the Feasibility and Resources Available: Ensure that your chosen topic is feasible given the resources and facilities at your disposal. You should have access to the necessary equipment, data, and expertise to conduct your research effectively.
  • Discuss with Professors and Mentors: Seek advice from your professors and mentors. They can provide valuable insights, suggest potential research questions, and guide you in the right direction.
  • Explore Interdisciplinary Possibilities: Civil engineering is often interconnected with other fields. Consider exploring interdisciplinary research topics that combine civil engineering with subjects like materials science, environmental science, or computer science for a unique perspective.

200+ Civil Engineering Research Topics: Category Wise

Structural engineering.

  • Innovative materials for earthquake-resistant buildings.
  • Advancements in bridge design and construction.
  • Sustainable skyscraper designs.
  • Application of nanotechnology in structural engineering.
  • Rehabilitation of historic structures using modern techniques.
  • Seismic retrofitting of critical infrastructure.
  • Wind and earthquake-resistant building designs.
  • Performance-based design of structures.
  • Structural health monitoring for bridges and buildings.
  • Resilient design for extreme weather conditions.

Geotechnical Engineering

  • Soil stabilization techniques for foundation support.
  • Geotechnical investigation methods in urban areas.
  • Landslide prediction and prevention.
  • Seismic site characterization and liquefaction assessment.
  • Innovative foundation systems for high-rise buildings.
  • Soil-structure interaction in deep foundations.
  • Geotechnical challenges in offshore engineering.
  • Sustainable slope stabilization methods.
  • Ground improvement techniques for soft soils.
  • Geothermal energy extraction from the Earth’s crust.

Transportation Engineering

  • Traffic management and congestion reduction strategies.
  • High-speed rail systems and urban development.
  • Autonomous vehicles and their role in future transportation.
  • Sustainable urban transportation planning.
  • Transportation network optimization using AI.
  • Public transportation infrastructure development.
  • Pedestrian and cyclist-friendly city design.
  • Environmental impact assessment in transportation projects.
  • Intelligent transportation systems for smart cities.
  • Emergency evacuation and traffic management.

Environmental Engineering

  • Water treatment and purification methods.
  • Green infrastructure and urban stormwater management.
  • Wastewater treatment plant optimization.
  • Air quality monitoring and pollution control technologies.
  • Groundwater contamination assessment and remediation.
  • Solid waste management in urban areas.
  • Renewable energy generation from waste.
  • Climate change adaptation in infrastructure design.
  • Eco-friendly construction materials and practices.
  • Sustainable urban planning and design.

Construction Management

  • Learn construction techniques and practices.
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM) applications in construction.
  • Safety management in construction projects.
  • Risk management in construction projects.
  • Quality control and assurance in construction.
  • Sustainable construction materials and methods.
  • Project scheduling and time management.
  • Cost estimation and budget management in construction.
  • Construction contract management and dispute resolution.
  • Innovative prefabrication and modular construction techniques.

Materials Engineering

  • Development of advanced construction materials.
  • Durability of concrete in harsh environments.
  • Recycling and reuse of construction materials.
  • Nano-materials in construction.
  • Sustainable construction materials.
  • Corrosion protection for infrastructure.
  • High-performance concrete mix design.
  • Materials for lightweight and high-strength structures.
  • Fire-resistant building materials.
  • Testing and quality control of construction materials.

Water Resources Engineering

  • River basin management and flood control.
  • Watershed modeling and management.
  • Sustainable urban water supply systems.
  • Urban drainage system design and management.
  • Dams and reservoir engineering.
  • Water resource optimization and allocation.
  • Water quality modeling and management.
  • Climate change impact on water resources.
  • Groundwater recharge and management.
  • Desalination technologies for freshwater production.

Coastal and Ocean Engineering

  • Coastal erosion control and beach nourishment.
  • Offshore wind energy farms and their impact.
  • Design of marine structures for port facilities.
  • Coastal zone management and resilience.
  • Coastal hydrodynamics and wave modeling.
  • Tidal energy harnessing and environmental considerations.
  • Coastal protection against storm surges and tsunamis.
  • Oceanography and marine environmental studies.
  • Design of breakwaters and seawalls.
  • Harbor and navigation channel design.

Earthquake Engineering

  • Seismic hazard assessment and mapping.
  • Retrofitting of existing structures for earthquake resistance.
  • Seismic design of lifeline systems (water, gas, power).
  • Soil-structure interaction in seismic events.
  • Non-destructive testing for seismic damage assessment.
  • Seismic behavior of innovative materials.
  • Performance-based earthquake engineering.
  • Post-earthquake reconnaissance and lessons learned.
  • Seismic risk assessment and mitigation strategies.
  • Earthquake early warning systems.

Bridge Engineering

  • Innovative bridge designs and aesthetics.
  • Long-span bridge construction and materials.
  • Cable-stayed and suspension bridge technology.
  • Bridge health monitoring and maintenance.
  • Bridge inspection and assessment techniques.
  • Advanced seismic retrofitting of bridges.
  • Smart bridges and sensor technology.
  • Bridge management and asset management systems.
  • Innovative bridge construction techniques.
  • Load rating and capacity evaluation of existing bridges.

Traffic Engineering

  • Traffic flow modeling and simulation.
  • Adaptive traffic signal control systems.
  • Pedestrian and cyclist safety studies.
  • Intelligent transportation systems for traffic management.
  • Congestion pricing and traffic demand management.
  • Driver behavior analysis and safety measures.
  • Intermodal transportation planning.
  • Traffic impact assessment of new developments.
  • Transportation planning for urban and rural areas.
  • Sustainable transportation infrastructure.

Urban Planning and Design

  • Sustainable urban development and planning.
  • Smart city infrastructure and technology integration.
  • Urban revitalization and brownfield redevelopment.
  • Transit-oriented development (TOD) planning.
  • Green building and urban design.
  • Affordable housing design and policy.
  • Historical preservation and urban conservation.
  • Mixed-use development and zoning.
  • Resilient urban planning for climate change.
  • Inclusive and accessible urban design.

Surveying and Geospatial Engineering

  • Land surveying and cadastral mapping advancements.
  • Remote sensing and GIS applications in civil engineering.
  • 3D laser scanning and point cloud data analysis.
  • Geodetic surveying for infrastructure projects.
  • UAVs (drones) in geospatial data collection.
  • GPS technology for precise positioning in construction.
  • BIM integration with geospatial data.
  • Underground utility mapping and detection.
  • Geospatial analysis for disaster management.
  • Geospatial data privacy and security.

Energy-Efficient Buildings

  • Net-zero energy building design.
  • Energy-efficient HVAC and lighting systems.
  • Passive solar design for buildings.
  • Green roofs and living walls in urban design.
  • Building energy modeling and simulation.
  • Building envelope insulation and materials.
  • Daylight harvesting and control systems.
  • Carbon footprint reduction in building design.
  • Sustainable building certification (LEED, BREEAM, etc.).
  • Building-integrated renewable energy systems.

Advanced Computational Techniques

  • Finite element analysis in structural design.
  • Computational fluid dynamics for hydraulic modeling.
  • Artificial intelligence in civil engineering applications.
  • Machine learning for predictive maintenance in infrastructure.
  • Optimization algorithms for infrastructure design.
  • High-performance computing in engineering simulations.
  • Data analytics for infrastructure asset management.
  • Digital twins in civil engineering projects.
  • 3D modeling and visualization tools for design.
  • Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in construction.

Disaster Resilience and Risk Management

  • Disaster risk reduction strategies for infrastructure.
  • Post-disaster recovery and reconstruction planning.
  • Seismic and tsunami hazard mitigation measures.
  • Floodplain mapping and management.
  • Climate change adaptation for infrastructure.
  • Resilience of lifeline systems (water, power, etc.).
  • Risk assessment and vulnerability analysis.
  • Emergency response planning for natural disasters.
  • Insurance and financing for disaster recovery.
  • Public awareness and education for disaster preparedness.

Sustainable Transportation Technologies

  • Electric and hybrid vehicles in transportation.
  • Hydrogen fuel cell technology in transport.
  • Sustainable fuels for aviation and shipping.
  • High-speed magnetic levitation (maglev) trains.
  • Hyperloop transportation system feasibility.
  • Green infrastructure for urban transportation.
  • E-mobility and charging infrastructure.
  • Sustainable transportation policy development.
  • Impact of ride-sharing and carpooling on traffic.
  • Multi-modal transportation integration.

Innovative Bridge Materials

  • Self-healing concrete in bridge construction.
  • Carbon fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRP) in bridges.
  • Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) for bridge connections.
  • Bamboo as a sustainable bridge building material.
  • Bridge cable materials and corrosion resistance.
  • Innovative composites for bridge components.
  • Timber bridge construction and sustainability.
  • Green bridge design with vegetation integration.
  • Recycled and upcycled materials in bridge building.
  • Smart materials for real-time bridge health monitoring.

Smart Infrastructure and IoT

  • Internet of Things (IoT) applications in infrastructure.
  • Sensor networks for structural health monitoring.
  • Smart traffic management systems and IoT.
  • Predictive maintenance of infrastructure using IoT.
  • Asset tracking and management in construction.
  • Smart city infrastructure development.
  • Energy-efficient street lighting systems.
  • Environmental monitoring with IoT.
  • Remote control and automation of infrastructure.
  • Data analytics for smart infrastructure decision-making.

Nanotechnology in Civil Engineering

  • Nanomaterials for enhanced construction materials.
  • Nanosensors for structural health monitoring.
  • Nanotechnology applications in water treatment.
  • Nano-coatings for corrosion protection.
  • Nanomaterials in geotechnical engineering.
  • Nanoparticles for pollutant removal in soil and water.
  • Nanofibers in lightweight and high-strength materials.
  • Nanostructured materials for earthquake resistance.
  • Nanorobotics for infrastructure inspection and repair.
  • Nanotechnology in sustainable building design.

Examples of Recent Research Breakthroughs

To illustrate the impact of research in civil engineering, let’s look at a few recent breakthroughs in the field:

  • 3D-Printed Concrete Structures: Researchers have developed 3D-printing technology that can construct complex concrete structures, offering cost-effective and sustainable building solutions.
  • Self-Healing Materials: Self-healing materials , such as concrete that can repair its own cracks, have the potential to extend the lifespan of infrastructure.
  • Smart Transportation Systems: Smart transportation systems use real-time data and sensors to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion, making transportation more efficient and sustainable.
  • Zero-Energy Buildings: Research into zero-energy buildings has led to the development of structures that produce as much energy as they consume, reducing the environmental impact of construction.

Challenges and Considerations

As you embark on your civil engineering research topics journey, consider these challenges and important factors:

  • Ethical Considerations: Ensure that your research is conducted with the highest ethical standards, considering the safety and well-being of both people and the environment.
  • Funding Opportunities and Grants: Seek out funding sources and grants to support your research endeavors. Many organizations offer financial support for innovative civil engineering projects.
  • Collaboration and Networking: Collaborate with fellow researchers, attend conferences, and join professional organizations to network and stay updated with the latest developments in the field.

Selecting the right civil engineering research topics are the first and most crucial step in your journey as a civil engineering researcher. The choice of topic can define the impact and success of your research. The field of civil engineering is vast, dynamic, and full of exciting possibilities. 

Whether you’re interested in structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation systems, environmental engineering, or construction management, there are countless avenues to explore. 

As you embark on your research, remember that every innovation in civil engineering contributes to a more sustainable and advanced world.

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research on civil engineering

Research in Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE) covers an extremely broad range of topics. What binds them together is a context of public works and service - research that benefits the public good. Whether in civil infrastructure, environmental engineering or engineering systems and management, the research conducted in CEE is at the cutting edge of technological and scientific developments.

Research Areas

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Concentrations in Civil Infrastructure include Geotechnical Engineering and Structural Engineering.

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Concentrations in the Environmental Major include Environmental and Water Resources Systems, Environmental Fluid Mechanics & Hydrology, and Environmental Processes.

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Concentrations in Engineering Systems and Management include Environmental and Water Resources Systems, Complex Systems Engineering, and Transportation Systems Engineering.

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Civil engineering

civil engineering , the profession of designing and executing structural works that serve the general public, such as dams , bridges , aqueducts , canals , highways , power plants, sewerage systems , and other infrastructure . The term was first used in the 18th century to distinguish the newly recognized profession from military engineering , until then preeminent. From earliest times, however, engineers have engaged in peaceful activities, and many of the civil engineering works of ancient and medieval times—such as the Roman public baths, roads, bridges, and aqueducts; the Flemish canals; the Dutch sea defenses; the French Gothic cathedrals; and many other monuments—reveal a history of inventive genius and persistent experimentation.

The beginnings of civil engineering as a separate discipline may be seen in the foundation in France in 1716 of the Bridge and Highway Corps, out of which in 1747 grew the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (“National School of Bridges and Highways”). Its teachers wrote books that became standard works on the mechanics of materials, machines, and hydraulics, and leading British engineers learned French to read them. As design and calculation replaced rule of thumb and empirical formulas, and as expert knowledge was codified and formulated, the nonmilitary engineer moved to the front of the stage. Talented, if often self-taught, craftsmen, stonemasons, millwrights, toolmakers, and instrument makers became civil engineers. In Britain, James Brindley began as a millwright and became the foremost canal builder of the century; John Rennie was a millwright’s apprentice who eventually built the new London Bridge ; Thomas Telford , a stonemason, became Britain’s leading road builder.

research on civil engineering

John Smeaton , the first man to call himself a civil engineer, began as an instrument maker. His design of Eddystone Lighthouse (1756–59), with its interlocking masonry , was based on a craftsman’s experience. Smeaton’s work was backed by thorough research, and his services were much in demand. In 1771 he founded the Society of Civil Engineers (now known as the Smeatonian Society ). Its object was to bring together experienced engineers, entrepreneurs , and lawyers to promote the building of large public works , such as canals (and later railways), and to secure the parliamentary powers necessary to execute their schemes. Their meetings were held during parliamentary sessions; the society follows this custom to this day.

The École Polytechnique was founded in Paris in 1794, and the Bauakademie was started in Berlin in 1799, but no such schools existed in Great Britain for another two decades. It was this lack of opportunity for scientific study and for the exchange of experiences that led a group of young men in 1818 to found the Institution of Civil Engineers . The founders were keen to learn from one another and from their elders, and in 1820 they invited Thomas Telford, by then the dean of British civil engineers, to be their first president. There were similar developments elsewhere. By the mid-19th century there were civil engineering societies in many European countries and the United States , and the following century produced similar institutions in almost every country in the world.

Formal education in engineering science became widely available as other countries followed the lead of France and Germany. In Great Britain the universities, traditionally seats of classical learning, were reluctant to embrace the new disciplines . University College , London, founded in 1826, provided a broad range of academic studies and offered a course in mechanical philosophy. King’s College , London, first taught civil engineering in 1838, and in 1840 Queen Victoria founded the first chair of civil engineering and mechanics at the University of Glasgow , Scotland. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , founded in 1824, offered the first courses in civil engineering in the United States. The number of universities throughout the world with engineering faculties, including civil engineering, increased rapidly in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Civil engineering today is taught in universities across the world.

Civil engineering functions

The functions of the civil engineer can be divided into three categories: those performed before construction (feasibility studies, site investigations, and design), those performed during construction (dealing with clients, consulting engineers, and contractors), and those performed after construction (maintenance and research).

No major project today is started without an extensive study of the objective and without preliminary studies of possible plans leading to a recommended scheme, perhaps with alternatives . Feasibility studies may cover alternative methods—e.g., bridge versus tunnel, in the case of a water crossing—or, once the method is decided, the choice of route. Both economic and engineering problems must be considered.

A preliminary site investigation is part of the feasibility study, but once a plan has been adopted a more extensive investigation is usually imperative . Money spent in a rigorous study of ground and substructure may save large sums later in remedial works or in changes made necessary in constructional methods.

Since the load-bearing qualities and stability of the ground are such important factors in any large-scale construction, it is surprising that a serious study of soil mechanics did not develop until the mid-1930s. Karl von Terzaghi , the chief founder of the science, gives the date of its birth as 1936, when the First International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering was held at Harvard University and an international society was formed. Today there are specialist societies and journals in many countries, and most universities that have a civil engineering faculty have courses in soil mechanics.

The design of engineering works may require the application of design theory from many fields—e.g., hydraulics , thermodynamics , or nuclear physics . Research in structural analysis and the technology of materials has opened the way for more rational designs, new design concepts, and greater economy of materials. The theory of structures and the study of materials have advanced together as more and more refined stress analysis of structures and systematic testing has been done. Modern designers not only have advanced theories and readily available design data, but structural designs can now be rigorously analyzed by computers.

Research - Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering - Purdue University

Purdue University

Research Areas

Architectural engineering.

Architectural/Building Systems Engineering research covers topics related to the design and operation of high performance, energy-efficient buildings. It includes experimental and modeling research on thermal and visual comfort, indoor environmental quality, building envelope systems, dynamic façades, lighting and daylighting design and control, HVAC and thermal control systems, indoor air quality and ventilation, solar heating and cooling systems, innovative renewable energy technologies in buildings, building energy modeling and optimization, sustainable and green building design. Research facilities include full-scale research and testing laboratories located at the Bowen Lab and the new Center for High Performance Buildings at Herrick Labs .

Construction Engineering

Construction engineering research includes: construction sensing; smart construction; construction analytics; simulation modeling for design and construction; disaster risk reduction; underground infrastructure sustainability; human factors; profitability and risk management; construction QC/QA; contract management with information technology; dispute resolution; coupled dynamics of urban systems; resilience and robustness of infrastructure systems; service-learning; building information modeling; virtual design and construction; mixed reality; safe excavation; lean construction; and facilities engineering.

Environmental Engineering

Research and education in environmental engineering covers a wide range of issues, including remediation of contaminated soils and sediments, industrial and solid waste treatment, water and wastewater treatment, air pollution measurement and control, urban and agricultural air and water quality management, understanding the environmental fate of pollutants, and sustainable engineering.

Geomatics Engineering

Currently three main techniques are represented: Global Positioning System (GPS); Classical Surveys; and Modern Data Collection Techniques/Lidar. Geomatics Research Facilities .

Geotechnical Engineering

Geotechnical research facilities provide means to examine the nature and validity of strength and compressibility theories and their application to stability and settlement analysis.

Hydraulic and Hydrologic Engineering

Hydraulic and hydrology engineers are involved with almost all aspects of water and water-related works. The scale of problems range from small structures such as culverts to very large dams. The common tasks encountered by engineers in the field are the hydraulic design of structures, implementation of designs, and maintenance of structures. In the academic world, we are also responsible for checking existing designs, and as more data become available, modifying existing design procedures or developing new designs, and transferring new technology to the practitioners. Some examples follow:

  • Management of surface water resources: This aspect pertains to development of appropriate rainfall and runoff estimates to design structures, proper drainage of surface waters, and to quantify risk and uncertainty involved with the design.
  • Design of water distribution systems: We provide the basic analysis and design of water distribution systems.
  • Management of groundwater resources: This involves regulating stream flow, managing groundwater withdrawal strategies for safe yield for agricultural, industrial, and municipal demands so as not to cause adverse effects in terms of depleting stream flows and lowering of groundwater table.
  • Water quality issues: Given the close connection between water and environmental issues, engineers work closely with relevant groups to meet water quality standards for lakes, streams and also over watersheds.
  • Hydraulics of rivers and open channels: Engineers deal with problems of sedimentation, and the effects of scour on river banks and bridge piers.

In addition, water plays an important role in many other aspects of Civil Engineering as in water-structure interaction, behavior of soils, material properties, and so on. Hydraulics and hydrologists often work in collaboration with Mechanical Engineers, Chemical Engineers, Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Agronomists, Researchers in Forestry to solve problems that require an integrated effort. Hydraulics & Hydrology Research Facilities .

Materials Engineering

The Bituminous Laboratory facilities located at Purdue University contain all conventional and Superpave asphalt cement and mixture test equipment required for binder classification and mixture design. Test equipment for conducting laboratory accelerated wheel track and full-scale accelerated testing are also included in these facilities. The Concrete Laboratory provides practical, hands-on investigation of the mechanical properties of concrete and aggregates. The Charles Pankow Concrete Materials Laboratory has facilities for specialized in-depth analysis of building materials, in particular, cement and concrete. Recent projects have included studies on the early hydration of cement, sulfate attack on concrete by SEM backscatter techniques, the freeze-thaw durability of high-strength concrete, alkali silica reactivity and means to minimize it, influence of silica fume on the pore structure of concrete and image analysis characterization of cement microstructure. This internationally known laboratory was named after Dr. Charles Pankow, President of the Charles Pankow Building, Ltd, whose generous donation has provided for the purchase and maintenance of a significant amount of the equipment found in the lab. Materials Research Facilities .

Structural Engineering

Research in structural engineering provides a total program balanced with respect to basic and applied research, ranging from solid mechanics to high performance computing and earthquake engineering. These involve both theoretical and experimental investigations pertaining to common structural materials and forms, as well as those that show promise for future use in construction.

Transportation and Infrastructure Systems Engineering

The transportation computation laboratory contains facilities for analysis of data and the development and testing of models for all aspects of traffic control and vehicular flow, utilizing state-of-the-art software for demand forecasting, traffic simulation, geometric design, and transit operation planning. Models are used to study Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and to optimize traffic management and control strategies. There is airport simulation capability that permits research and analysis on the design of airspace, airside, and landside facilities. A traffic signal systems laboratory provides "hands-on" experience using NEMA, 170, and 2070 type traffic signal controllers and cabinets. An instrumented traffic van provides the capability to measure traffic flows, speeds, and related characteristics. Purdue's direct tie to the State of Indiana's Geographic Information System (GIS) provides data for up-to-date specific modeling and planning studies. Transportation and Infrastructure Systems Research Facilities .

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Civil Engineering Research

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Civil engineering faculty are actively engaged in a wide range of research areas including construction management, geotechnical engineering, materials, structures, transportation and water resources. Geotechnical research pertains to in situ testing of soils, fiber-optic sensors in soils and evaluation of pavements. Research in materials is being conducted in the areas of concrete materials at a fundamental level using nanotechnology to characterize their mechanical properties, fiber-reinforced concrete and nondestructive testing technologies, and stabilization of waste materials for beneficial uses. Structural engineering research is in the areas of wind and seismic engineering, control of vibrations, catastrophe risk modeling and wireless instrumentation development. Transportation research combines mathematical programming, network science and behavioral modeling to develop new transportation paradigms. Research activities include integration of novel truck datasets and analytics into enhanced models, development of business strategies for sustainable transportation, resilience in global interdependent systems and technological opportunities for freight transportation. Water resources research includes numerical groundwater modeling, design and performance of stormwater management systems, and physical modeling of unstable saltwater systems in groundwater.

Laboratories for research and instructional activities are available in the areas of materials and structures and soil mechanics. The materials and structures laboratory is equipped with several universal testing machines for physical testing, and equipment and instrumentation for experimental stress analysis. The soil mechanics laboratory contains commercial equipment for evaluating the engineering properties of soils.

Faculty research has been supported through several grants from the federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation, National Research Council of Canada, Florida Department of Energy, Florida Department of Transportation, Florida Department of Energy Management, Florida Department of Community Affairs/FEMA etc.

Environmental and Water Resources Engineering

Dr. Pandit  and  Dr. Heck  have worked together in several projects. While Dr. Pandit is an expert modeler, Dr. Heck’s expertise lies in laboratory and field data collection. Dr. Pandit has developed two finite-element ground water models, GROSEEP (Groundwater Seepage) and SOLTRA (Solute Transport), and two non-point source models CALSIM (Continuous Annual Load Simulation Model) and WEANES (Wet Pond Annual Efficiency Simulation). The research areas of interest of the faculty members in the Water Resources/Environmental Engineering area are listed below.

Numerical modeling of contaminant transport in subsurface media : We have recently conducted field, laboratory and numerical experiments to estimate the transport of groundwater seepages and nutrient loadings into a coastal estuary known as the Indian River lagoon from the adjacent watershed. Two of the numerical models used for this study are MODFLOW and SEAWAT. This research is part of a more comprehensive effort to determine nutrient loads into the Indian River Lagoon from various sources such as surface water flowing through canals, septic tanks and “muck”. Links to our recent publications and presentations are provided below: (Links 1 to 4)

Unstable flows using physical models : There are many real-world situations where a mass of relatively heavier fluid overlies a porous media containing a lighter fluid. For example, this is fairly common at landfills and waste dump sites, saline disposal basins, seawater inundation along coastal aquifers, and in estuaries. We have conducted laboratory and numerical experiments to study the transport mechanisms of overlying, heavier saltwater into underlying freshwater under various conditions. Links to a presentation we recently made is provided below. (Link 5)

Stormwater management : Our main areas of interest in Stormwater Management are in predicting non-point source nutrient loads from watersheds and in understanding the removal efficiencies of best management practices used to remove pollutants generated by non-point sources. Links to our publications are provided below. (Link 6)

Numerical modeling to understand the effect of seawater rise on saltwater intrusion

Geotechnical Engineering

Dr. Paul Cosentino’s  research areas includes projects funded by the Florida Department of Transportation. Research includes miniaturization of the PENCEL Pressuremeter for evaluating unbound pavement layers, standard penetration testing to evaluate high pile rebound in Florida soils and quantifying pile rebound with LASER measuring systems best suited for Florida.

Structural Engineering

Dr. Nakin Suksawang’s  areas of focus include analyzing and designing of fiber reinforced concrete structure, use of fiber reinforcement concrete in thin overlay and closure pours,  development of a resistivity based concrete service life model, assessment of resistance factors and reliability index for existing structures and non-conventional materials, development of textile-reinforced concrete for structural applications and service-life prediction based on real-time structural health monitoring data.

Dr. Jean Paul Pinelli ’s areas of focus include development of catastrophe risk models with special emphasis on the vulnerability of the built environment to typhoons, disaster risk management and risk mapping, evaluation of the benefit and cost of wind, surge, and flood mitigation measure, development of cyber-infrastructure for natural hazard engineering research, measurement & characterization of typhoon wind loads on structures using a wireless sensing networking system and wind mitigation and performance-based design of tall buildings with semi-active dampers.

Transportation Engineering

Dr. Rodrigo Mesa Arango  research in transportation engineering includes the   identification of hierarchical value-chains encompassing freight transportation and logistics sectors in the United States with network-analysis approaches. Other research areas of focus include simulation and analysis of the impacts of automated truck platoons on travel time and reliability at freeway diverge areas.

Development of bidding advisory models for carriers in trucking combinatorial auctions. Three related papers published in Transportation Research Part E ( Paper 1 ,  Paper 2 ,  Paper 3 ), and one in Transportation Research Record. Several presentations in the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, International Symposium of Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT), and INFORMS. ( Example Presentation )

Application of complex network analysis tools to describe the evolution of international trade networks. One related publication in the International Trade Working Paper series (Commonwealth Secretariat). One related presentation in the 94 th  Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board.

Incorporation of freight transportation models in travel demand forecasting and transportation planning applications. One related publication in the  Journal of Transportation Safety & Security , and another publication in  Transportation Research Record . One project is sponsored by Nextrans . One related presentation in the 92 nd  Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board.

Development of multiclass dynamic traffic assignment paradigms to model the car-truck interaction. Research published in the  Journal of Intelligent Transportation System .

Construction of behavioral models to understand the decisions of evacuees during hurricane evacuations. Three related papers published in  Transportation Research Part C ,  Natural Hazards Review , and  ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering .

General transportation research topics interesting to Dr. Mesa-Arango include but are not limited to: autonomous/connected vehicles, transportation-based economic clusters, impacts of freight transportation improvements in economic competitiveness, mode choice in freight transportation, trucking combinatorial auctions, statistical analysis of transportation and trade networks, pedestrian safety in Florida, freight and logistics, interdisciplinary transportation modeling, network modeling, statistical and econometric modelling, trucking pricing and auctions, operations research, traffic assignment, agent based simulation, vehicle routing, game theory, among others.

Research Centers

Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Innovative Design (CAMID)

Center for Advanced Coatings

Major Research Labs

Adsorption and Energy Technology Laboratory (AETL)

Research in Information Science for Engineering (RISE)

Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab

Thermal Sciences and Clean Energy Lab

Transportation Systems Engineering Research (TSER)

Wind and Hurricane Impacts Research Laboratory (WHIRL)

The key topics that affect civil engineers' work every day.

Aerospace engineering.

Architectural Engineering

Business Management

Career Development

Coasts, Oceans, Ports & Waterways Engineering

Cold Regions Engineering

Computing & Information Technologies

Construction engineering & management, energy engineering, engineering education, engineering mechanics, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, hazard response & mitigation, infrastructure policy & planning, profession & practice, structural engineering.

Surveying Engineering

Sustainability & resilience.


Utility & Pipelines Engineering

Water & water resources.

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Civil Engineering Research Journal

The Civil Engineering Research Journal is an open access, international online publishing engineering journal. This journal publishes top-level work on Civil Engineering. CERJ is intended to bring together information in different areas civil engineering around the world. The goal of this journal is to combine theory and practice in civil engineering and thus advancement of civil engineering sciences and to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of civil engineering. Civil Engineering Research Journal is an international research journal, devoted to original and interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed papers on theoretical and research related to civil engineering with similar emphasis on all topics.

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  • Claudia Currie AtkinsRéalis
  • Meshi Taka Waterman Aspen - United Kingdom

Associate Editors

  • Abiodun Akinyemi Skanska UK Plc, Nuneaton - United Kingdom
  • Afshin Asadi EnvoGéotechnique Ltd - New Zealand
  • Alex Backhouse AtkinsRéalis, London - United Kingdom
  • Alper Beser independent consultant, Dublin - Republic of Ireland
  • Paul Corbett Jacobs, Auckland - New Zealand
  • Erdal Ergul PLC Contracting LLC, Dubai - U.A.E.
  • Gul Hameed Khalil Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority - Pakistan
  • Alex Heward Laing O'Rourke, Dartford - United Kingdom
  • Bushra Hussain Aurecon, Dubai - U.A.E.
  • Katherine Ibbotson WSP UK Ltd, Manchester - United Kingdom
  • Debabrata Mukherjee AtkinsRéalis, Bengaluru - India
  • Milda Pladaite Leyton, Brussels - Belgium
  • Muhammad Rahman Northumbria University - United Kingdom
  • Dian Saunders Agate Regional Consultancy Services, Nassau - Bahamas
  • Sakthy Selvakumaran University of Cambridge - United Kingdom
  • Alpa Sheth VMS consultants Pvt, Ltd, Mumbai - India
  • Giulia Sospotti WSP, London - United Kingdom
  • Andrew Stotesbury independent consultant, London - United Kingdom
  • Bin Wang Sichuan University - P.R China
  • Ben Ramster Emerald Publishing - UK [email protected]

Journal Editorial Office (For queries related to pre-acceptance)

  • Meghna Arya Emerald Publishing - India [email protected]

Supplier Project Manager (For queries related to post-acceptance)

  • Manmeet Nirmal Emerald Publishing [email protected]

Citation metrics

CiteScore 2023

Further information

CiteScore is a simple way of measuring the citation impact of sources, such as journals.

Calculating the CiteScore is based on the number of citations to documents (articles, reviews, conference papers, book chapters, and data papers) by a journal over four years, divided by the number of the same document types indexed in Scopus and published in those same four years.

For more information and methodology visit the Scopus definition

CiteScore Tracker 2024

(updated monthly)

CiteScore Tracker is calculated in the same way as CiteScore, but for the current year rather than previous, complete years.

The CiteScore Tracker calculation is updated every month, as a current indication of a title's performance.

2023 Impact Factor

The Journal Impact Factor is published each year by Clarivate Analytics. It is a measure of the number of times an average paper in a particular journal is cited during the preceding two years.

For more information and methodology see Clarivate Analytics

5-year Impact Factor (2023)

A base of five years may be more appropriate for journals in certain fields because the body of citations may not be large enough to make reasonable comparisons, or it may take longer than two years to publish and distribute leading to a longer period before others cite the work.

Actual value is intentionally only displayed for the most recent year. Earlier values are available in the Journal Citation Reports from Clarivate Analytics .

Publication timeline

Time to first decision

Time to first decision , expressed in days, the "first decision" occurs when the journal’s editorial team reviews the peer reviewers’ comments and recommendations. Based on this feedback, they decide whether to accept, reject, or request revisions for the manuscript.

Data is taken from submissions between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2023

Acceptance to publication

Acceptance to publication , expressed in days, is the average time between when the journal’s editorial team decide whether to accept, reject, or request revisions for the manuscript and the date of publication in the journal.

Acceptance rate

The acceptance rate is a measurement of how many manuscripts a journal accepts for publication compared to the total number of manuscripts submitted expressed as a percentage %

Data is taken from submissions between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2023 .

This journal is abstracted and indexed by

  • Web of Science

Reviewer information

Peer review process.

This journal engages in a single anonymous peer review process, which strives to match the expertise of a reviewer with the submitted manuscript. Reviews are completed with evidence of thoughtful engagement with the manuscript, provide constructive feedback, and add value to the overall knowledge and information presented in the manuscript.

The mission of the peer review process is to achieve excellence and rigour in scholarly publications and research.

Our vision is to give voice to professionals in the subject area who contribute unique and diverse scholarly perspectives to the field.

The journal values diverse perspectives from the field and reviewers who provide critical, constructive, and respectful feedback to authors. Reviewers come from a variety of organizations, careers, and backgrounds from around the world.

All invitations to review, abstracts, manuscripts, and reviews should be kept confidential. Reviewers must not share their review or information about the review process with anyone without the agreement of the editors and authors involved, even after publication. This also applies to other reviewers’ “comments to author” which are shared with you on decision.

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Resources to guide you through the review process

Discover practical tips and guidance on all aspects of peer review in our reviewers' section. See how being a reviewer could benefit your career, and discover what's involved in shaping a review.

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Calls for papers

How can civil engineering help us to meet the un sustainable development goals, nature positive civil engineering, infrastructure maintenance projects.

Civil Engineering, the ICE Member international journal, is inviting proposals for papers on both small and large innovative maintenance projects; lessons learned, real performance versus predicted and “what we would do if we had our time...

The Institution of Civil Engineers Member journal, covering all aspects of civil engineering today.

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Aims and scope

Civil Engineering , listed by the Web of Science, is the ICE's flagship journal. Practical and diverse in its scope, it publishes accessible papers for the non-specialist on any subject relevant to civil engineering today. Topics range from landmark projects to philosophical, ethical, environmental, management and safety issues.

Peer review, copyediting, and colour publication by Civil Engineering are free. If accepted, published papers are easily found by Google search, as well as in specialist citation indexes. There is also the option of making your article open access, should you wish to.

Published authors receive a free electronic copy of their article to share with their peers. Furthermore, as well exposure to ICE's 96,000-strong membership, published papers are promoted via our social media channels, accessing the wider civil engineering community.

It is free to submit a paper to this journal. Papers appear Ahead of Print (below) as soon as they are ready to be published. Ahead of print articles are fully citable. using the DOI system

Each year Civil Engineering publishes two special issues (CESI), find out more about their history .

Awards: Every year, the papers rated best by the Editorial Panel are awarded the Coopers Hill War Memorial Prize .  

Key content

Each year Civil Engineering publishes two special issues (CESI), find out more about their history and watch supporting videos.

Civil Engineering Special Issues: video resource

Meet the authors behind the papers in this exclusive video series for ice members subscribing to civil engineering special issues. .

For over 25 years, Civil Engineering Special Issues (CESI) have been providing ICE Members with case studies detailing the most innovative projects worldwide. From the Channel Tunnel , to Hong Kong international airport and London 2012 , each curated special issue contains articles written by the project engineers themselves and reviewed by a panel of experts. Published in May and November annually, each eight-article edition is available exclusively to ICE members in both print and online format. 

Watch the videos

Now, as part of their CESI subscription, ICE members benefit from online access to exclusive project-related video content created by the authors and editors. Hosted on the same page of the ICE Virtual Library as the project paper itself, every issue of CESI will contain several project-related videos.

Please find below a list of the full-length videos published in the  Civil Engineering Special Issue, for you to easily click and watch our authors talking about their projects. This resource is available exclusively to subscribing ICE Members only.

  • Examples of integrating hydraulic equipment into temporary works by Mercedes Ascaso Til and Wilson Wong. Watch the YouTube preview .
  • Planning and delivering a major expansion of the Tema container port in Ghana by Finlo Paish and Anthony Moroney. Watch the YouTube preview .
  • Design and construction of the Karuma hydropower project in Uganda by Adolph Karubanga and Rodgers Mugume. Watch the YouTube preview .
  • Private finance essential to provide stimulus to post-Covid-19 rebuilding by Katherine Jackson and Kerry Thompson. Watch the YouTube preview
  • Using community data to improve rural water infrastructure in India by Hamish Hay, Philip Songa, and Vera Ngosi. Watch the authors' video now .
  • Doubling the capacity of Kempegowda International Airport in Bengaluru, India by Rohit Kumar Chikatamarla and Sundar Chandramouli. Watch the YouTube preview
  • Restoration and development of listed heritage buildings in Kolkata, India by Mainak Ghosal and Indranil Ghosh. Watch the YouTube preview.
  • Managing climate change related risks by Julian Vercruysse, Kim Yates, Davide Stronati. Watch the YouTube preview .
  • Learning from the River Nile about engineering sustainable futures by Mike Muller. Watch the YouTube preview .
  • Great Western railway electrification, UK: collectively delivering a sustainability strategy by Emmanuel Deschamps and Mike Franklin. Watch special lockdown video in full or the YouTube preview .
  • Underground construction: working in high pressure compressed air by Donald Lamont and Roy Slocombe. Watch the full interview with authors or the YouTube preview .
  • Rock cavern development in Hong Kong: past, present and future by Tony Ho, Leslie Tsang, and Chi Cheung Chan. Watch the full video or the YouTube preview .
  • Improving safety through design at London Underground’s Bank station capacity upgrade by Cate Anthony, Sebastian Kumpfmüller, Andreas Feiersinger, and Juan Ares. Watch the full author interview or the YouTube preview .
  • Automated construction: boosting on-site productivity using a platform-based approach by Kevin Masters and Jaimie Johnston. Watch the full author video or the YouTube preview .
  • Introduction to the Special issue on major and innovative projects in China by Dr Yancheng Cai. Watch three exclusive videos .
  • Engineering future liveable, resilient, sustainable cities using foresight , by Professor Chris Rogers. Watch the full video or the YouTube preview . 
  • Developing and procuring London’s highway infrastructure to enable an electric future by Louise Clancy, Spencer Palmer, Jamie Blake. Watch the full video  or the YouTube preview .
  • Urban and landscape design in the Arabian Gulf region: a new paradigm for sustainability , by Robert Cooke. Watch the full video or the YouTube preview .
  • Using stored snow as cooling at Oslo Airport, Norway , by Jesper Mæx Moe. Watch the full video or the YouTube preview .
  • Digital engineering enables multinational input on Bergen’s light rail extension, Norway , by Jim Sherry. Watch the full video or the YouTube preview .
  • Crossrail project to deliver London’s Elizabeth line: from options to parliamentary bill , by Simon Bennett. Watch the full video or the YouTube preview .
  • Crossrail project: the execution strategy for delivering London’s Elizabeth line , by William Tucker. Watch the full video or the YouTube preview .
  • Crossrail project: a deep-mined station on the Elizabeth line, London , by Adrian St. John, John Barker, Stephen Frost, David Harris. Watch the full video or the YouTube preview .
  • Introduction to Hong Kong Special Issue by Stuart Ross: Watch the full video .

Not a member yet? 

As well as using the preview links above, we have some videos below. If you are a member of the ICE, find out more about subscribing on MyICE. Are you an author?

Video is an innovative way for civil engineers to communicate project information and news. This can support peer-reviewed technical papers by showing readers site details, testing, and by letting the reader hear the authors themselves explain their work. If this is something you would like to do for your paper, please see our video guide or contact us for more information. 


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Lewis E. Link

Arnold D. Kerr Lecture

Lewis e. link, ph.d..

Senior Research Engineer and Research Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Maryland

Monday, September 23, 2024 | 4 p.m. Trabant Theatre, University of Delaware, Newark, DE Reception immediately following in Room 209

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Civil Engineering students working on wooden bridge

  • Civil Engineering
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  • Construction Engineering and Management

Students can choose a focus from multiple concentrations and take advantage of a wealth of opportunities, including study abroad, undergraduate research, the honors program, internships and co-op experiences, and a 4+1 program that allows students to earn a bachelor’s and master’s degree at the same time.

Undergraduate Programs Overview

Prasad Inaugural Lecture

  • Master’s degrees : Master of Civil Engineering (MCE); Master of Applied Science  (MAS); Master of Science in Ocean Engineering (M.S.)
  • Dual Degree : Master of Civil Engineering/Master of Business Administration (MCE/MBA)
  • Ph.D. Degrees : Ph.D. in Civil Engineering; Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering
  • Certificate : Graduate Certificate in Railroad Engineering

Students pursuing graduate degrees in Civil Engineering can choose from the following concentration areas: Coastal Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering & Civil Infrastructure Systems, and Water Resources Engineering.

Graduate Programs Overview

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  • Coastal & Ocean
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Research Overview

Scholarship Opportunity for incoming PhD Students in Civil or Environmental Engineering

Incoming PhD students may be eligible to apply for the Civil and Environmental Engineering Distinguished Scholars Award. Click on Scholarship Details to see if you qualify!

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UD engineers create sidewalk pavers using non-recyclable plastics, reducing natural resource usage while keeping plastic waste out of landfills.

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Civil Engineering graduates are employed or pursuing further education.

Environmental Engineering graduates are employed or pursuing further education.

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Research Topics

Intelligent and Automated Water Systems, Complex Networks and Networked Infrastructure Systems, Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Complex Computing, Risk Assessment and Hazards Mitigation, Infrastructure Resource Justice and Social Equity

Contact Information

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Related Links

  • PhD, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, 2022
  • MS, Structural Engineering, Tianjin University, China, 2017
  • BS, Civil Engineering, Central South University, China, 2014

Civil | Construction | Nuclear

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Bridging Environmental Justice and Public Health

NSF Awards $500,000 Collaborative Grant for Innovative Research Led by Jennifer Weidhaas

The National Science Foundation has awarded a $500,000 grant for Dr. Jennifer Weidhaas’s latest project, “Collaborative Research: Wastewater exposome as an untapped source for understanding air pollution burden in environmental justice communities.” Dr. Weidhaas , an Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering at the University of Utah, will lead the project, with Dr. Randal Martin , a Professor at Utah State University.

The research, which will continue into 2027, aims to uncover the environmental burdens faced by disadvantaged communities by offering a non-invasive method to verify air pollution exposure to toxic effects on humans through wastewater analysis.

A New Frontier in Disease Surveillance: Using Wastewater to Track Air Pollution Exposure

Chronic diseases, a major cause of preventable deaths in the U.S., are often linked to air pollution, which is known to exacerbate asthma, respiratory diseases, and other health issues. Dr. Weidhaas’s research is pioneering preventative solutions to mitigate these preventable deaths.

By analyzing air pollution metabolites found in urine, researchers can directly confirm human exposure to pollutants and the magnitude of health effects. This innovative project aims to explore the impact of air pollution on environmental justice communities by correlating air pollution levels, urine markers of exposure, and wastewater data. The findings may extend beyond air pollution to monitor other diseases, including cancer and mental health disorders.

Investment in preventing non-communicable diseases has a high return on investment and paves the way for earlier, targeted public health interventions. This project will develop disease surveillance tools using wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) methods, which will demonstrate that wastewater can reflect community exposure to air pollution. By focusing on socioeconomically disadvantaged communities with high levels of particulate matter (PM2.5) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), the project will use extracellular microRNA monitoring and mass spectroscopy detection of PAH metabolites in wastewater, alongside indoor and outdoor air sampling.

Engaging Title 1 schools and community members in sample collection and result dissemination through community meetings, this project aims to co-generate knowledge with environmental justice communities. While primarily focusing on air pollution exposure, this WBE approach has the potential to investigate a wide variety of non-communicable diseases associated with environmental exposures.

The project not only enhances our understanding of environmental justice issues but also presents new innovative public health solutions.

Environmental Engineering at the University of Utah

Environmental engineering research  has a far-reaching impact, from influencing policy decisions to driving innovation in industry

Working within and throughout academia and industry, Environmental Engineering researchers at the U work to improve public health and quality of life, while protecting and restoring environmental systems.

Explore Environmental Engineering→

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PhD Student Omar Bakelli Completes RECS 2024 Program

Bakelli’s Participation Propels Him into the Forefront of Carbon Sequestration Research University of Utah PhD student Omar Bakelli recently participated in the 20th annual Research Experience in Carbon Sequestration (RECS) program, held from July 21-30, 2024, across Colorado and Wyoming. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), RECS 2024 provided an immersive experience for […]

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U Grad Breaking Boundaries in Alzheimer’s Disease

Innovative Alzheimer’s Treatment Developed at the U Featured in Journal of Nuclear Medicine Alzheimer’s disease, a debilitating brain disorder with limited treatment options, has long challenged researchers. Specifically, researchers have struggled with slowing the buildup of amyloid beta plaques, harmful clumps in the brain that exacerbate the disease by damaging brain cells and causing memory […]

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From Classroom Concepts to Real-World Impact

Dr. Weidhaas Champions Local Solutions for Water Reclamation in Arid Utah On June 18, 2024, Environmental Engineering Professor Dr. Jennifer Weidhaas shared her insights and experiences with the groundbreaking PureSojo project as part of the Engineering & Public Works Roadshow. This innovative initiative, developed in collaboration with the City of South Jordan, represents a significant leap […]

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Nanobubbles: Tiny Powerhouses with Huge Potential

University of Utah Environmental Engineering Professor is at the Forefront of New Nanobubble Technology Peculiarly powerful, nanobubbles have opened a new frontier in science and engineering, creating promising environmental and medical applications. But what exactly is a nanobubble? Imagine a tiny water bubble that’s 2,500 times smaller than a single grain of salt. Then imagine […]

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Two UNM students selected as Transportation Research Board Minority Student Fellows August 20, 2024

NSF announces $16 million investment in UNM-affiliated projects to build climate resilience August 20, 2024

Equal, not separate: UNM researchers lead new NSF Center for Equity in Engineering August 16, 2024

UNM part of EPA investment to enhance water workforce August 5, 2024

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  • > Two UNM students selected as Transportation Research Board Minority Student Fellows

Two UNM students selected as Transportation Research Board Minority Student Fellows

August 20, 2024

Two University of New Mexico engineering students have been selected as Transportation Research Board (TRB) Minority Student Fellows for 2025.

Emelia Howe and Mauricio Pérez are both pursuing bachelor’s degrees in civil engineering in the Gerald May Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at the University of New Mexico. They were among 23 undergraduate and one graduate students selected, who are studying in disciplines that include civil engineering, transportation systems engineering, electrical engineering, criminal justice, environmental science, and computer science.

The fellows will participate in TRB’s 2025 annual meeting with paper presentations in their own poster session and numerous other activities, including Young Members Council sessions, a new attendee welcome event, a career panel, a networking lunch and committee meetings. They will also interact with an annual meeting mentor with whom they are matched based on academic and professional goals.

The TRB Minority Student Fellows Program funds students from minority-serving institutions to attend and present their research at the TRB Annual Meeting and help them engage in TRB’s network of transportation professionals. TRB established the Minority Student Fellows Program in 2010 to explore research, ideas, and solutions from diverse perspectives. This program seeks to increase the number of individuals from underrepresented groups in the transportation field and in TRB activities.

Contact Info:

Ph (505) 277-2722 Fax (505) 277-1988 Email: [email protected]

Physical Location: Centennial Engineering Center 3020

Mailing Address: Department of Civil Engineering MSC01 1070 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131

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© The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, (505) 277-0111 New Mexico's Flagship University

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College of engineering awards 2024 receipients.

We are very pleased to share that our CEE faculty members have received the College of Engineering (CoE) Awards 2024.

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Congratulations to the recipients.

CoE Research - Young Faculty Award Special Mention: Assistant Professor Shi Chao

CoE Industrial Excellence Award Special Mention: Associate Professor Grzegorz Lisak

The objective of the CoE Awards is to promote the College's twin foci of research and innovation by recognising outstanding CoE faculty’s achievements in these areas and to complement the highly competitive university-level Nanyang Awards, by providing College-level recognition to faculty members:

  • CoE Research - Young Faculty Award  - To identify and enhance early career development of rising stars (for faculty members below 40 years old) in CoE.
  • CoE Industrial Excellence Award - To recognise faculty’s success in building effective, functional and synergistic working collaborations with industry partner(s).

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    Civil engineering is the design and fabrication of structures for improving the way we live and work and for enabling rapid, safe and high-volume transportation. Examples include building roads ...

  2. ASCE Library

    ASCE Library. Celebrating 150 Volumes 2024. ASCE flagship journals reach the 150th volume milestone. Read select papers that reflect on our past and help us imagine the future. Read More. Standard 2022.

  3. Advances in Civil Engineering

    Advances in Civil Engineering is an open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of civil engineering. As part of Wiley's Forward Series, this journal offers a streamlined, faster publication experience with a strong emphasis on integrity. Authors receive practical support to maximize ...

  4. Civil engineering

    Read the latest Research articles in Civil engineering from Scientific Reports. ... Civil engineering articles within Scientific Reports. Featured. Article 14 August 2024 | Open Access.

  5. Publications & News

    Stay informed with the latest news and research from ASCE. Browse ASCE's publications content and find the latest civil engineering news. ASCE's 35 journals cover a wide range of multidisciplinary civil engineering topics. State-of-the-practice information and guidance on today's engineering methods and technologies.

  6. 202405 PDFs

    Research Discussions in Civil Engineering | Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on CIVIL ENGINEERING. Find methods information, sources ...

  7. Civil engineering

    Multistable inflatable origami structures at the metre scale. Origami-inspired multistable structures that can be inflated from flat to three dimensions have been designed; a library of foldable ...

  8. Civil engineering News, Research and Analysis

    Traffic engineers build roads that invite crashes because they rely on outdated research and faulty data. Wesley Marshall, University of Colorado Denver. A traffic engineer argues that, contrary ...

  9. Home

    International Journal of Civil Engineering is a comprehensive platform for theoretical and practical research related to civil engineering and its sub-topics. Focuses on interdisciplinary research in civil engineering, encompassing related sub-topics. Provides a forum for international civil engineering community for discussions and ...

  10. Civil Engineering News -- ScienceDaily

    Civil Engineering News and Research. From new mathematical models for building better structures to new corrosion-resistant composites, read all the latest discoveries in civil engineering here.

  11. Home

    The American Society of Civil Engineers represents more than 150,000 members of the civil engineering profession in 177 countries. Founded in 1852, ASCE is the nation's oldest engineering society. ... ASCE Library is your platform for the latest in civil engineering practice and research. This core collection covers all technical areas of ...

  12. Typical advances of artificial intelligence in civil engineering

    Artificial intelligence (AI) provides advanced mathematical frameworks and algorithms for further innovation and vitality of classical civil engineering (CE). Plenty of complex, time-consuming, and laborious workloads of design, construction, and inspection can be enhanced and upgraded by emerging AI techniques.

  13. Research

    Civil and environmental engineering are disciplines in which on-the-job research, investigation, and laboratory research play a major role. CEE at Illinois conducts cutting-edge research with immediate, significant benefit to society. Graduate and undergraduate students actively participate with faculty in conducting basic and applied research ...

  14. 200+ Civil Engineering Research Topics

    Civil engineering research is the driving force behind the development of sustainable infrastructure and innovative construction methods. It plays a crucial role in shaping our world, from designing earthquake-resistant buildings to developing advanced transportation systems. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of choosing the ...

  15. Top Civil Engineering Universities in United States

    These are the top universities in the United States for civil engineering, based on their reputation and research in the field. The University of California—Berkeley is situated roughly 15 miles ...

  16. Research

    Research in Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE) covers an extremely broad range of topics. What binds them together is a context of public works and service - research that benefits the public good. Whether in civil infrastructure, environmental engineering or engineering systems and management, the research conducted in CEE is at the ...

  17. Civil engineering

    John Smeaton, the first man to call himself a civil engineer, began as an instrument maker.His design of Eddystone Lighthouse (1756-59), with its interlocking masonry, was based on a craftsman's experience.Smeaton's work was backed by thorough research, and his services were much in demand. In 1771 he founded the Society of Civil Engineers (now known as the Smeatonian Society).

  18. The Vision for Civil Engineering in 2025: The Vision for Civil

    Civil Engineering in VISION 2025 The 1801 Alexander Bell Drive Reston, Virginia 20191-4400 (800) 548-2723 toll free (703) 295-6300 international ... disciplinary collaboration on projects and in research and The civil engineer's world of 2025 will be even more challenging than today. Civil engineering leaders gathered in June 2006 to ...

  19. Research

    Research Areas Architectural Engineering. Architectural/Building Systems Engineering research covers topics related to the design and operation of high performance, energy-efficient buildings. It includes experimental and modeling research on thermal and visual comfort, indoor environmental quality, building envelope systems, dynamic façades, lighting and daylighting design and control, HVAC ...

  20. Civil Engineering Research

    Civil engineering faculty are actively engaged in a wide range of research areas including construction management, geotechnical engineering, materials, structures, transportation and water resources. Geotechnical research pertains to in situ testing of soils, fiber-optic sensors in soils and evaluation of pavements.

  21. Topics

    The key topics that affect civil engineers' work every day. AI and Civil Engineering. Civil Engineering Workforce Development. Cybersecurity. Disaster Response. Equity and Infrastructure. Health and Safety. Modular Design and Construction. Renewable Energy.

  22. Civil Engineering Research Journal (CERJ)

    The Civil Engineering Research Journal is an open access, international online publishing engineering journal. This journal publishes top-level work on Civil Engineering. CERJ is intended to bring together information in different areas civil engineering around the world. The goal of this journal is to combine theory and practice in civil ...

  23. Civil Engineering

    Aims and scope. Civil Engineering, listed by the Web of Science, is the ICE's flagship journal. Practical and diverse in its scope, it publishes accessible papers for the non-specialist on any subject relevant to civil engineering today. Topics range from landmark projects to philosophical, ethical, environmental, management and safety issues.

  24. Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering

    Research in civil and environmental engineering is often an interdisciplinary endeavor. Our faculty specialize in six main areas (listed below) but frequently cross group and departmental boundaries to collaborate with experts in other areas, ranging from materials science to biochemistry to oceanography.

  25. Fan, Xudong (Andrew)

    6/27/23 Biomedical Engineering; 6/1/15 Chemical and Biological Engineering; 7/3/24 Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering; 7/9/24 Computer Science and Engineering; 7/8/24 Electrical Engineering; 6/27/24 Engineering Education; 5/1/24 Industrial and Systems Engineering; 5/30/23 Materials Design and Innovation; 8/6/24 Mechanical and ...

  26. Bridging Environmental Justice and Public Health

    Environmental Engineering at the University of Utah. Environmental engineering research has a far-reaching impact, from influencing policy decisions to driving innovation in industry. Working within and throughout academia and industry, Environmental Engineering researchers at the U work to improve public health and quality of life, while protecting and restoring environmental systems.

  27. Two UNM students selected as Transportation Research ...

    August 20, 2024. Two University of New Mexico engineering students have been selected as Transportation Research Board (TRB) Minority Student Fellows for 2025.. Emelia Howe and Mauricio Pérez are both pursuing bachelor's degrees in civil engineering in the Gerald May Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at the University of New Mexico.

  28. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

    We are very pleased to share that our CEE faculty members have received the College of Engineering (CoE) Awards 2024. Congratulations to the recipients. CoE Research - Young Faculty Award Special Mention: Assistant Professor Shi Chao. CoE Industrial Excellence Award Special Mention: Associate Professor Grzegorz Lisak


    centre for research, anna university ... civil engineering mechanical engineering electrical engineering information and communication engineering. 7 logaprakash m 17144697413 12.07.2024 8 selvakumar p 19134597137 12.07.2024 9 geethu mary george 18294697120 12.07.2024 10 kiruba buri r 18144591285 12.07.2024

  30. A new reaction to enhance aromatic ketone use in chemical synthesis

    To address traditional challenges in using aromatic ketones, a team of researchers led by Professor Junichiro Yamaguchi from the Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Advanced Science and ...