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  • 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2023

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

25 November to 10 December - 2023 Ending violence against women is possible, but only if we act together, now.

The global 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is a key international moment to call for an end to violence against women and girls. It runs from 25 th November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until 10 th December, Human Rights Day.

In support of this campaign, the United Nations Secretary-General’s UNiTE by 2030 initiative calls for global action to increase awareness, galvanise advocacy efforts and share knowledge and innovations to help end all types of violence against women and girls. In 2023, the UNiTE campaign theme is Invest to Prevent Violence against Women & Girls .

Key messages

  • Gender-based violence is a global public health, gender equality and human rights priority. It remains a systemic crisis, affecting 1 in 3 women worldwide . Risks increase during humanitarian emergencies or when women face greater curtailments of their essential rights, such as access to education, healthcare or freedom of movement.
  • While violence affects women everywhere, women and girls in certain groups - such as those living with disability, adolescent girls and older women - often face even greater difficulty to have their voices heard and to access support.
  • Too often people respond to violence by blaming or shaming the victim – for instance, for what they wore or what they did, or because they belong to a particular group, or people hesitate to offer support because it takes place in ‘private’ or among people we know.
  • W e must change the story, challenge misogyny and violence, and make sure women are heard. Women and girls everywhere should be able to access the help they need, when they need it, so we can end violence once and for all.
  • Health workers are often the first, sometimes only, point of contact for women experiencing violence. They can provide compassionate care for survivors by offering first-line support, medical examination and treatment, and referrals to other essential service s. This requires investing in training and resources to ensure appropriate care.

What you can do

Help comes in many forms – we can all play a role in preventing violence against women and girls.

  If you are experiencing violence, remember you are not alone and it’s not your fault. It may be helpful, if safe to do so, to reach out to family, friends and neighbours, consult a health worker, or to seek support from a hotline or from specialist services.

If you know of, or are concerned about, someone experiencing violence there are some things you can do – starting with being willing to listen:

  • Keep in touch with the person, ensuring that it is safe for them to be in touch with you. They might not be ready to talk, but try to find quiet times when they can talk if they choose to.
  • Find out what services for survivors of violence against women are available. Only provide this information directly if you can do so discretely. Allow them to make their own decisions. 
  • If someone you know needs urgent help for whatever reason, be prepared to call emergency services.

Health workers should provide first-line support, for all kinds of violence: 

  • L isten closely, with empathy and without judgement.
  • I nquire about women’s needs and concerns.
  • V alidate women’s experiences. Show you believe and understand.
  • E nhance their safety.
  • S upport women to connect with additional services.

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Amplify the message…

  • Learn more , visit the WHO violence against women  health topic page  and accompanying   factsheet , or use the interactive database to learn more about prevalence across countries, regions, and age groups.
  • On social media , share WHO’s  infographics and videos  to encourage awareness and help people seek appropriate help. You can tag @WHO & @HRPresearch and use hashtags: #OrangeTheWorld / #16Days / #EndViolence

Addressing violence against women in health and multisectoral policies: a global status report

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Mama Rose's story

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16 Days of Activism to End Violence: Mama Rose's story

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Violence against women

16 days of activism presentation

16 Days of Activism

Show there’s #NoExcuse for gender-based violence this November

16 Days of Activism is UN Women’s annual global campaign against gender-based violence

16 days of activism presentation

2023’s theme was “Unite! Invest to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls”. You’re invited to join us for 16 Days of Activism 2024

Help us take a stand against gender-based violence and call for more investment to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Because there is #NoExcuse. Ever.

You can take action this November. And we’re here to help you do it. From wearing orange on Orange the World Day to starting a conversation, connecting with new allies and sharing key stories on social media. 

It’s time to eliminate gender-based violence.

Together, we’re taking 16 actions for 16 Days. 

Get a daily prompt each morning in your inbox, designed to be read in two minutes over your morning coffee:

You’ll also join the UN Women UK email community, helping you stand up for women’s rights all year round.

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Eradicating gender-based violence has never been more crucial, the 16 Days of Activism global campaign has existed for over three decades in the name of bringing the horrid phenomenon to an end. 

Gender-based violence (GBV) can take many forms, from physical to mental, and has long-lasting negative impacts on women and girls’ well-being that prevent them from reaching their full potential. Nov. 25, is the United Nations’ International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and marks the beginning of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. This is a period where individuals, civil society, grassroots organizations, UN agencies, and governments  join together to demand accountability for the protection of women and girls over two weeks.

The Unitited Nations champions the campaign through simutaneously hosting their own campaign called UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence Against Women, which launched in 2008, 17 years after the #16Days campaign was founded. Both campaigns are crucial in the fight to end extreme poverty as GBV is a global issue that prevents us from achieving true gender equality by 2030. Here’s everything you need to know about 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence and how to get involved. 

3 Key Facts About the 16 Days of Activism Campaign Agaist Gender-Based Violence

  • The campaign kicks off on Nov. 25, which marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and ends on Dec. 10, the International Day of Human Rights. 
  • It is the longest-running women's rights campaign in the world.
  • One in three women experience gender-based violence in their lifetime, making this campaign essential now more than ever. 

Who Started the Campaign?

Activists launched the annual international campaign at the inaugural Women’s Global Leadership Institute at Rutgers University in 1991, and the Center for Women’s Global Leadership has led the initiative ever since. More than 6,000 organizations from approximately 187 countries have participated and it's the longest-running women’s rights campaign in the world. 

What's the Goal of the 16 Days Campaign?

GBV occurs in developing and developed countries alike. Over a third of women (35%) have experienced physical and or sexual violence, and gender-based violence impacts 1 in 3 women in their lifetime, according to the World Bank. Failure to protect women threatens future generations, as children who grow up in households with violence are more likely to experience or perpetuate violence.

The 16 Days campaign initially aimed to connect GBV and human rights by falling within a time period that boasts several human rights advocacy days, such as International Women Human Rights Defenders Day on Nov. 29 and World AIDS Day on Dec. 1. 

The campaign hit its first target in 1993 after it gathered signatures from 124 countries for a petition urging the United Nations World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna to acknowledge gender-based violence as a human rights issue. The UN appointed the first special rapporteur on violence against women the following year. 

At first, the campaign set out to raise awareness about GBV but in 2016 it  pivoted to accountability. Two years later, ending GBV in the workplace became a priority in conjunction with the introduction of the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention No. 190 to eliminate harassment and violence in the workplace. On June 21, 2020, Uruguay and Fiji became the first two countries to ratify the convention, which became effective June 2021. Ratifying C190 continues to be a focus  with an emphasis on informal workers who disproportionately put their lives at risk in unsafe workplace conditions. 

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the impact and severity of GBV around the world, as women and girls were required to isolate at home during lockdowns, sometimes with abusers. Financial burdens plus tight living quarters put more households under emotional stress, leading to increased levels of GBV during lockdown periods, and strengthening the global call to action for this form of violence to be acted against immediately. 

Each year the campaign has a different theme, from “Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!” in 2020 (as orange is the color of solidarity against all forms of violence), to "UNiTE! Activism to end violence against women and girls" in 2022, which calls for collective solidarity after a global period of isolation and separation. Each theme is timely to what the fight against GBV looks like in that year, and aims to highlight the need to protect and uphold women's rights.

How Can Global Citizens Support the 16 Days Campaign?

There are several ways to contribute to the fight to ending violence against women and girls, these include showing up virtually or physically to raise your voice in support of the cause, educating yourself further on the issue at hand, and teaching others about the severity of the issue. We've put togehter a list of all the ways you can get involved here . 

You can also join the Global Citizen movement and take actions throughout the year to help call for the protection of women and girls everywhere throughout the #16Days campaign and beyond. Y ou can jump into taking action right now by going through some of the gender equality actions we've listed for this year's 16 Days of Activism campaign . We also have lifestyle challenges on the Global Citizen App designed to help educate every day citizens about the issue and the campaign, and inspire you to take action. All you need to do is  download the app , scroll over to our challenges page, and keep a lookout for their challenges so you can take part.  Get started with our #16Days: Stop Gender-Based Violence challenge

Global Citizen Explains

Demand Equity

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence: Everything You Should Know

Nov. 25, 2022

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16 Days of Activism Campaign Against Gender Based Violence

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence



What: 16 Days of Activism Campaign Against Gender-Based Violence. Theme: “Fight Sexual, and Gender-Based Violence against Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons”. When: 3rd December 2019 Where: AUC Headquarters, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, Mandela Hall Time: 2.30 – 4.30 pm

Organized by: The Women, Gender and Development Directorate (WGDD), the Office of the Special Envoy on Women, Peace and Security (OSE on WPS) and the Gender Peace and Security Programme (GPSP) of the Peace and Security Department (PSD) in partnership with the Norwegian Mission to the African Union, the Nobel Peace Centre and the Mukwege Foundation.

Who: - AUC Senior Leaders and officials - High Level Government Representatives from the Federal Republic of Ethiopia - 2018 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Dr. Denis Mukwege - High Level Representatives of the Norwegian Embassy in Addis Ababa - AU Ambassadors - UN Agencies - International Development Partners - CSOs including women, youth and persons with disabilities - Media


The 16 Days of Activism Campaign Against Gender-Based Violence is an international Campaign to end violence against women and to advocate for the promotion and protection of women’s rights. The Campaign runs annually from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights).

The 16 Days of Activism Campaign is therefore used as an organizing strategy by individuals, organizations and governments around the globe to advocate for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls. The Campaign calls on women and men, old and youth in all parts of the world to take action in their communities, play their part and stand up against violence against women and girls. Since its inception in 1991, the Campaign has generated an increased awareness about the negative consequences of violence against women and girls.

The 2019 global theme for the Campaign is “Orange the World: Generation Equality Stands against Rape!” The African Union (AU) theme is: “Orange Africa: Fight Sexual, and Gender-Based Violence Against Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons”. This is aligned with the 2019 AU theme of “Year of Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Towards Durable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa”.

The African Union Commission will observe the 16 Days of Activism Campaign and among others, host a Panel Discussion on Sexual Violence in Conflict and an Exhibition titled “The Body as a Battlefield”. The Panel Discussions and the Exhibition will be organized by the Women, Gender and Development Directorate (WGDD), the Office of the Special Envoy on Women, Peace and Security (OSE on WPS) and the Gender Peace and Security Programme (GPSP) of the Peace and Security Department (PSD) in partnership with the Norwegian Mission to the African Union, the Nobel Peace Centre and the Mukwege Foundation.

The overall objective of the Campaign is to raise awareness about violence against women and girls, including sexual violence in conflict situations and its negative consequences especially on Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons.

The specific objectives:

- Mobilize individuals, organizations and Member States to take collective responsibility to fight against sexual and gender based violence against women and girls including Refugees, Returnees and IDPs; - Agree on strategies to strengthen preventive mechanisms as well as accountability and justice systems to bring perpetrators to book; - Secure fresh commitment to accelerate implementation of commitments to prevent and end violence against women, including sexual violence in conflict.

Expected Outcomes:

- Awareness raised and stakeholders mobilized to take collective responsibility to fight against sexual and gender based violence against women and girls including Refugees, Returnees and IDPs; - Strategies agreed on to strengthen preventive mechanisms as well as accountability and justice systems to bring perpetrators to book; - Fresh commitment secured to accelerate implementation of commitments to prevent and end violence against women, including sexual violence in conflict.

For media enquiry pleases contact: Ms. Susan Nyabena/ Junior Programmer Officer/ Women Gender and Development Directorate. Email: [email protected] : +0944-083113 Ms. Afrah Thabit / communication Officer / Directorate of Information and communication E mail; [email protected] : +251911-200922

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16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

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In focus: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

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Push forward: Act to end violence against women and girls

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual campaign that begins on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs through International Human Rights Day on 10 December.

Led by civil society, the campaign is supported by the United Nations through the Secretary General’s UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence against Women initiative. This year, the UN marks the 16 Days under the theme “ UNiTE! Activism to end violence against women and girls ”.

More than 1 in 3 women experience gender-based violence during their lifetime. 

More than 5 women or girls are killed every hour by someone in their own family.

Less than 40 per cent of women who experience violence seek help of any sort.  

Violence against women and girls remains the most pervasive human rights violation around the world. Already heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic, its prevalence is now being further increased by the intersecting crises of climate change, global conflict and economic instability.

Against this setting, a backlash against women’s rights is underway around the world. Anti-feminist movements are on the rise, attacks against women human rights defenders and activists are up, and the legal status of women’s rights is increasingly imperiled in many countries. Regressive new laws are exacerbating impunity for perpetrators of domestic violence, governments are using force against femicide and gender-based violence protestors, and women’s rights organizations are being increasingly marginalized. 

Despite these discouraging trends, there is more proof than ever that violence against women and girls is preventable. Evidence shows that the single most important driver of policy change is a strong and autonomous women’s movement—making feminist mobilization in the face of anti-rights backlash a literal matter of life and death.

This 16 Days, we’re encouraging everyone to get involved: from amplifying the voices of survivors and activists to supporting women’s organizations and strengthening feminist movements, we can all act to empower survivors, reduce and prevent violence against women and girls, and protect women’s rights.

Get started today by sharing visuals, messaging and more from our 16 Days social media package . 

Push forward: 10 ways to end violence against women

Push forward: 10 ways to end violence against women

Against the pushback....

Portrait of activist Hanna Lemma.

Countering anti-feminist backlash in Ethiopia

Portrait of activist Hrystyna Kit.

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Portrait of activist Fernanda Rotondo.

Dismantling anti-LGBTIQ+ discrimination in Argentina

The hand and message of activist Malalay*.

Resisting systemic violence in Afghanistan

Mana Shooshtari is an Iranian American feminist activist and organizer. Photo courtesy of Mana Shooshtari

Protesting women’s rights abuses in Iran

Portrait of Marwa Azelmat. Photo courtsey of Marwa Azelmat

Preventing violence against women in online spaces

...we push forward..

A Colombian coffee grower in the of Nariño region of Colombia. Photo: UN Women/Ryan Brown

Driving data-based progress on violence response and prevention in Colombia

Survivor-centred and trauma-informed police and justice services help ensure the safety of survivors. Photo: UN Women/Mohammed Bakir

Providing survivor-centered police and justice services in Morocco

Under the Spotlight Initiative, UN Women and the Uganda Police Force engage male vendors on ending violence against women and girls as part of a 16 Days of Activism police caravan activity. Photo: UN Women/Eva Sibanda

How male champions are helping to end gender-based violence in Uganda

A view of a flood-damaged dwelling in Pakistan, August 2022. Photo courtesy of Rozan

Stepping up for women and girls during the flood crisis in Pakistan

After the GALS training, Gulnaz Almambet kyzy and Rakhat Asankul uulu are modelling equal gender roles for their two daughters. Photo: Education Community Development

Changing social norms to end violence against women and girls in Kyrgyzstan

Salma*, photographed in Beirut. Photo: UN Women/Nour Abdul Reda

In the words of Salma*: “We, as women and girls, deserve better.”

New report: femicide today.

Gender-related killings of women and girls: Improving data to improve responses to femicide/feminicide

Gender-related killings of women and girls: Improving data to improve responses to femicide/feminicide

Five essential facts to know about femicide

Five essential facts to know about femicide

UN Women logo (English - highlight default image)

Women and girls are more at risk to be killed at home, new UNODC and UN Women report on femicide shows

UN Women Executive Director Sima Bahous. Photo: UN Photo/Evan Schneider.

Push forward – act now to end violence against women and girls

UNiTE to End Violence against Women

Call to Action – “UNiTE! Activism to End Violence against Women and Girls!”

Official UN Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Official UN Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

FAQ: Types of Violence Against Women and Girls

Types of violence against women and girls

Frequently asked questions: The signs of relationship abuse and how to help

The signs of relationship abuse and how to help

Facts and figures: Ending violence against women

Facts and figures: Ending violence against women

Orange the world globe

From the UN System

UNFPA – Ending gender-based violence in a world of 8 billion: How a new term, reproductive violence, helps confront an old problem

UNFPA – Ending gender-based violence in a world of 8 billion: How a new term, reproductive violence, helps confront an old problem

UNDP – From the frontlines: The women activists fighting for equality amid crisis

UNDP – From the frontlines: The women activists fighting for equality amid crisis

UN Peacekeeping – A lifelong fight with no end in sight: Mama Koite’s mission to help survivors of sexual violence

UN Peacekeeping – A lifelong fight with no end in sight: Mama Koite’s mission to help survivors of sexual violence

WHO – Global Database on the Prevalence of Violence Against Women

WHO – Global Database on the Prevalence of Violence Against Women

Orange the World 2022

  • Ending violence against women and girls

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16 days of activism presentation


16 days of activism against gender violence a mothers union presentation what is 16 days of activism global campaign to raise awareness of violence against women ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • A Mothers Union presentation
  • Global campaign to raise awareness of violence against women and girls/ gender-based violence and develop strategies to address it.
  • Started in 1991 at Rutgers University, USA.
  • 25th November 10th December each year.
  • Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is any act of gender-based violence (GBV) that results in harm, suffering or indignity to women.
  • Violence is 'gender-based' when it is directed against a woman because she is a woman, or when it affects women disproportionately.
  • Whilst men are also affected by violence, including domestic abuse, 16 Days of Activism focuses on women to highlight persistent gender inequalities that perpetuate violence against women and girls.
  • Prayer and fellowship
  • Practical support
  • Advocacy and campaigns
  • Legal protections and enforcement
  • Provision of services for victims and survivors
  • Rehabilitation of perpetrators
  • Raise awareness
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Launch of 16 Days of Activism against GBV in the settlement





Hold radio discussion programme on the impact of GBV in the settlement





Hold four child-led debate sessions in schools on a topic related to this year’s theme





Facilitate a discussion (involving women) on economic empowerment opportunities for women in the settlement





Work with a TV station (either Diamond TV, Prime TV, or ZNBC) to produce and a (TV) advert challenging the public to taking action against GBV


4/12/2023 to 10/12/2023



Facilitate discussions with men on positive masculinity





Hold a soccer match in the settlement featuring refugee teams and raise awareness on GBV at the ground, prior to and after the match





UNHCR (in conjunction with WILDAF, COR, Education, Health and Refugee Community.)

Launch of the 16 Days against Gender Based Violence

UNHCR – Mantapala 



UNHCR (facilitation by Drug Enforcement Commission)

Sensitization on substance abuse in schools (Build up activity at Mantapala A and Mantapala B)

UNHCR – Mantapala 



UNHCR (in conjunction with COR, education and WILDAF)

Awareness sessions targeting out of school youths

UNHCR – Mantapala 



UNHCR ( In conjunction with COR, Wildaf, Zambia Police)

4 Sensitizations through Drama within the refugee settlement.

UNHCR – Mantapala 







UNHCR (in conjunction with COR)

1 sensitization meetings through drama in the host community (Sekesa)

UNHCR – Mantapala 



UNHCR, COR, Education

Football Match

UNHCR – Mantapala 




UNHCR/Sister UN Agencies, Government and NGOs

Launch of the 16 Days against Gender Based Violence

UNHCR- Lusaka

TBC by Gender Division


COR, Caritas Czech Republic, UNFPA and UNICEF

Dialogues with the Men and Boys on gender equality, masculinity and GBV

UNHCR- Lusaka

27 Nov-1 December 2023


UNHCR, COR, UNIC and Caritas Czech Republic

Documenting positive survivor testimonies

UNHCR- Lusaka

27 November – 5 December 2023


UNHCR, COR, Legal Aid Clinic for Women in Zambia

Set up of a mobile legal desk clinic

UNHCR- Lusaka

1 December 2023





Conduct a GBV awareness Transect Walk from Nkumbi International College to the Check Point

Nkumbi International College – Kapiri Mposhi


 Information Runway Show at Nkumbi International College

Nkumbi International College – Kapiri Mposhi


Drama and Poetry Night at Nkumbi International College

Nkumbi International College- Kapiri Mposhi


Door to Door awareness campaigns (Female and Male student hostels separately)



Orientation of first years – Copperbelt University

Copperbelt University – Kitwe

27 Nov – 8 Dec 2023

World AIDS Day campus drive and Activism – Copperbelt University

Copperbelt University – Kitwe

27 Nov – 1 Dec 2023

Campus HIV testing drive and Activism – Northern Technical College

Northern Technical College – Ndola

 27 Nov – 1 Dec 2023

Debate on GBV – Northern Technical College

Northern Technical College – Ndola

25 Nov 2023




TV Launch of 16 Days of Activism


25 Nov

Launch of a Report on the Effects of Online GBV on Women and Girls


21 Nov

Launch of Chisamba ICT Hub for rural women and girls


26 Nov

 Launch of Chongwe ICT Hub for rural women and girls


 27 Nov

Women in STEM Conference and Girls in ICT Indaba


4 Dec

Launch of Safe Shelter – Kitwe



TV Talk Show on GBV prevention and response with Gender Division/YWCA/National legal Aid Clinic for Women and a Beneficiary


7 Dec

Joint RCO/GRZ/UN visit to a Fast Track Court in Lusaka


11 Dec

Engagement with Kamwala Women Savings’ Group (Lusaka)


8 Dec




Dialogue on SDG 5 and some targets


25 Nov



Women & New Born Hospital – UTH


Showcasing and providing Family Planning commodoties

Lusaka Schools of Nursing and Midwifery/Mothers Shelter

25/11/2023 to 30/11/2023

Sensitisation of students/women on types of GBV cases and how to handle them

Mothers shelter and Lusaka Schools of Nursing and Midwifery

01/12/2023 to 03/12/2023

Drama performances, poetry, songs and dances with GBV messages

UTHs main bus station

04/12/2023 to 06/12/2023

Sensitisation of staff on types of GBV cases and how to handle them

Women and Newborn Hospital D-Block Foyer

07/12/2023 to 08/12/2013





Participate in the National and District Launches



Participate in the National GBV Symposium



Work with various influencers for more awareness



Conduct a knowledge Cafe with the US Embassy staff



Some district launches will be held at chiefdom secretariats (specifics coming later)





Lifeline Childline


Community campaigns on Prevention of GBV



Radio programmes interpreting the theme









Church of God

Sensitisation of women and girls in surrounding communities on Gender Based Violence (this will be done through sketches and Testimonies from survivors of GBV)


9 , 16 , 23 and 30 November 2023







Girls Brigade


Conduct awareness through peoms at the symposium



Conduct a match past



Have a sensitization radio radio program 



Conduct community awareness program










As part of the 16 Days of Activism campaign, FAWEZA, in collaboration with its consortium partners under the Make Way Project, will conduct a symbolic march past. This event will bring together various stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations, government agencies, community groups, and concerned individuals. The march past is designed to show unity in the fight against gender-based violence and to call for collective action to end it.







Under the JUGWO Project, FAWEZA will organize a series of awareness campaigns in school structures. These campaigns will target both students and teachers, aiming to educate them about the importance of gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence. This will be done through the Community Action Groups (CAGs) under the JUGWO Project.


Chifunabuli, Luapula Province


To reach a wider audience, FAWEZA will collaborate with local radio stations to broadcast programs focusing on gender-based violence. These programs will feature discussions, interviews, and expert insights to educate the public and promote dialogue around these crucial issues.




FAWEZA will also participate in the 2023 International Conference on HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa (ICASA) to be held in Zimbabwe from December 4-9 as part of the 16 days of activism which also encompasses World Aids Day.



4-9 December

FAWEZA will actively participate in the symposium organized by the Gender Division during the 16 days of activism against GBV. This participation underscores the organization’s commitment to addressing gender-based violence and promoting gender equality in Zambia.

The symposium will provide FAWEZA with an opportunity to:










Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA)


Presentation on the theme and GBV at  the American Embassy

All Regions

Radio programmes

All Regions


Thursday in Black

All Regions


GBV survivors’ Quilt display

All Regions


Social media content sharing – release of the 16 days animation

All Regions


Community awareness – door to door sensitisation, formation of GBV survivor support groups

All Regions


Support network members’ activities where called upon

All Regions


Presentation on the theme and GBV at the American Embassy

Lusaka Region


Information desks- across various communities (specific target to closed communities ie barracks)

Lusaka Region


Sporting activities

Lusaka Region


Focus Group Discussion with learners in primary, secondary, and higher institutions of learning

North-Western Region








Zambia National Men’s Network for Gender and Development


Air a documentary on GBV on ZNBC 28/11/23


To Be Advised

Hold a community discussion

Chaisa Compound at the Catholic Church


Participate in the launch of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence









Zambia National Women’s Lobby


Launch in Kabwe and Radio Programs begin

Mumbwa & Kabwe Districts



Community engagements with NGOCC and other stakeholders.

Mumbwa & Kabwe Districts


Men’s network and other stakeholders

Mumbwa & Kabwe Districts


Provincial Gender office and other stakeholders visit Female Prisons and make donations

Mumbwa & Kabwe Districts


Attend the official launch

Ndola District


mobile clinic- Drama group, poetry & songs

Ndola District


Radio programs and tv programs

Ndola District


Sensitization through a School Workshop

Ndola District


Community workshops

Ndola District


Visit the Correctional Facility

Ndola District


Match past commemoration of Human Rights Day

Ndola District


Participate in the National Launch

Solwezi District


1 engagement with community learners

Solwezi District


2 engagement with community learners

Solwezi District


1 Roadshows

Solwezi District


2 Roadshows

Solwezi District


3 Roadshows

Solwezi District


Round table Discussions

Solwezi District


Drama sensitizations

Chipata District


Hospital visitation

Mansa District


Community Sensitization at Mansa central and Bhaitu Market

Mansa District


Visit women prisons

Mansa District


Community sensitization in Chitamba Village

Mansa District


Visitation to Mapalo orphanage

Mansa District


Community sensitization in kapesha Village

Mansa District





Community Sensitization at Tazara market 

Kasama District




Community Engagement Meeting on GBV Chisanga Village

Kasama District


Radio Program at Kasama Radio on Sub bully of women and girls   



Awareness creation through community dialogue for rights holders to engage with duty bearers. 

Livingstone District


Victim Support Unit (VSU) visitation

Choma District


One Stop Center visitation

Choma District


Community sensitization in Kamunza, Macha road, Makangunzu, Shampande, Kalukungu Markets

Choma District

30/11 to 07/12/23

Community Sensitization at Choma Show grounds

Choma District


Participate in the 16 days National Launch  

Choma District


Community sensitizations in two communities

Choma District

2 & 9/12/23

Community meeting/ Interviews on GBV issues

Mongu District


Drama performances

Chinsali District


Sensitization through songs and dancers

Chinsali District








Kafwa Organisation for Female Prisoners


Provincial Launch




Engagement with traditional leaders and Alangizi




Community sensitizations with the Church and Police 



Men’s insaka (Community sensitization)



Radio programs



Dialogue with University students



Donation to Mukobeko Female Correctional Facility

Mukobeko Female Correctional Facility



Donate items at One Stop Center

Kabwe Central Hospital








Youth Development Foundation


Two Radio Programs



Community Sensitizations in Luangeni



Youth Circle Meetings









Mambwe District Women Development Associations


Conduct radio programs



Participating in the walk against family violence



Community sensitization



Observe Thursday in black









Nakonde District Women’s Association


Radio program



Conduct community sensitisation in various wards and will ride on action aid activities as a sister organization.









Action Governance Forum

Radio Programs



Community Sensitization Programs












Monze District Women’s Association

Conduct Radio Programs



Take part in the March Past on GBV in Monze



Participate in the National Launch









Ndekeleni Development Foundation

Radio Programs




Community sensitizations in five compounds









Zambia National Association of Women with Disabilities

Community Sensitization



Radio Programs



Commence a Survey on Persons with Disabilities and Media Coverage









Tukyese Women’s Club and Kizhingezhinge Women’s Club

Radio Programs



Conduct community sensitizations



Sensitize female inmates at Correction Facility









Young Women in Action

Healing Sessionsfor Young Women who have undergone GBV




GBV Symposium




Radio Program in Lusaka




Art Competition under Men Engage









Enviro-Green Care Association of Zambia

Conduct sensitization programs for St Andrew’s church groups that is the women,men and youth groups. 










Community for Human Development

Conduct Sensitization meetings in, (working with the Misisi Police Victim Support Unit )

Misisi Compound


Conduct awareness-raising activities (working with the Police VSU in Mwembeshi)









Chipata DWA

Participate in the Provincial launch



Sensitization Meetings in all 10 Area Associations


25/11/23 – 10/12/23







NGOCC Secretariat

Facilitate Membership Consultative meetings


3 , 10 , and 17 November 2023

Facilitate participation in the National Launch of the 16 Days


25th November 2023

Facilitate a Radio and TV Program on GBV


25/11/23 – 10/12/23

Co-Host the GBV Indaba With Gender Division


27/11/23 – 29/11/23

Facilitate a Door-to Door Campaign on GBV in Bauleni



Run social media messages on 16 Days (Proposed HashTags:


25 November to 10 December 2022







Lewanika Urban One Stop centre -Mongu

Launch of 16 Days Activism Against Gender Based Violence

Lewanika Urban clinic grounds


SGBV Community Sensitization Meeting

Mbuyuwana stage 4


SGBV Community Sensitization Meeting



SGBV Community Sensitization Meeting



SGBV Community Sensitization Meeting



SGBV Community Sensitization Meeting



Radio Programs


Radio Liseli


Drama Market GBV Sensitizations

Kapulanga Market


Drama Market GBV Sensitizations

Tungi Market



Kanchibiya District One Stop Centre

Launch of 16 Days Activism Against Gender Based Violence

At Council


SGBV departments and stakeholders Sensitization Meeting

Chief Kabinga


GBV Chiefdoms/communities involvement/ sensitization

Chief Kopa


GBV Chiefdoms/communities involvement/ sensitization

Chief Luchembe


GBV Chiefdoms/communities involvement/ sensitization

Chief Mpepo


GBV Chiefdoms/communities involvement/ sensitization



Drama/poems Market GBV Sensitizations

Chalabesa Market


Drama/poems Market GBV Sensitizations

Mpepo Market



Ministry of Health -Lavushimanda

Launch of 16days activism against GBV

Mpumba RHC


GBV office Sensitization all  line ministries

Lavushimanda council chamber


Community sensitization

Muwele Market


Drama group and cultural dances

Salamo school and Mabonga RHP


Community sensitization

Tubondo RHP



Ministry of Health Copperbelt Province

Launch of 16 days of activism against GBV

Designated areas in all districts


Radio programs at local radio stations

Local radio stations(Radio Cengelo)


Drama performance and video shows

Market places


Child protection out reach.

Local big primary schools



Candle lighting church services

Local churches


Commemoration of World AIDS Day

Districts designated areas


Community mobilization (Drama)

Community with prevalence of GBV


GBV One Stop Centre outreach

Local urban Clinic with high prevalence of GBV


Community mobilization at workplaces

Local big companies


GBV One Stop Centre outreach

Local peri-urban Clinic with high prevalence of GBV cases


Community multidisplinary sensitization

Local radio station


GBV One Stop Centre Outreach

Local big markets



Livingstone University Teaching Hospital One Stop Centre

Launch of 16 Days Activism Against Gender Based Violence

Post Office


SGBV Community Sensitization Meeting

DC’s Conference Room


Radio Programmes

Radio Maria


Radio Programmes

Radio Maria


Radio Programmes

Radio Maria


Radio Programmes

Radio Maria


GBV Workplace Sensitization Meeting



GBV Workplace Sensitization Meeting

City Council


GBV Workplace Sensitization Meeting



Drama Market GBV Sensitizations

Ngwenya Market


Drama Market GBV Sensitizations

Maramba Market


Drama Market GBV Sensitizations

Libuyu Market


Drama Market GBV Sensitizations

Dambwa C. Market



Solwezi and Kalumbila Districts GBV One Stop Centers

The Launch

Kalumbila One Stop Center


Road Shows

All the districts


Radio Programs

All the districts


Sensitisation In Churches And Markets

All the districts


Sentisation To Schools Through Ministry Of Education

All the districts


Sensitization To Nursing Schools In Solwezi District

All the districts



Save Our Inherited land

Orientation meeting for anti GBV champion women’s and

youth group

Save Our Inherited land Office  in Chilenje

27 November 2023

16days launch 


hi conference  

25 November  2023

School sensitization


Mwanakatwe basic school 

30 November 2023

Zoom meeting

Commemoration of AIDS day1 December 2023 


1 December 2023

Church sensitization 


3 December 2023

Community sensitization 


5 December 2023

Recap of two weeks of activities

Social media 

9 December 2023

Reflection of the 2 weeks


Zoom/ physical meeting


10 December 2023







Women in Global Health


Manda Hill Mall








Zambia Union of Government Allied Workers in collaboration with Legal Aid Clinic for Women

Awareness Raising of members at

Government Stores







Gender  Division under the Office of the President is mandated  to promote gender equality as outlined in the Government Gazette Notice No. 1123 of 2021.

To report gbv call :.

16 days of activism presentation

Contact Information

Gender division, office of the president, 2nd floor, government complex, lusaka  , email: [email protected], contact: (260-211) 230031.


©2022. SMART Zambia Institute. All Rights Reserved.

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16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence 2023

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence

Leave quickly

If you are in an emergency situation, please access 9-1-1 (in Canada), for emergency services in your area.

If you are outside of the 9-1-1 service area, please access available emergency services or call a  crisis line  in your area.

You may also want to consult the list of  additional support services  for people affected by gender-based violence.

The Government of Canada’s theme for 2023 is Listen. Learn. Act. It addresses the key steps to tackling gender-based violence (GBV). LISTEN refers to supporting survivors who share their experience, and to the experts that work on the frontlines. LEARN encourages us to educate ourselves on what GBV is, how to spot it, and how we can prevent it and take action. ACT is for taking the information and applying it in our daily lives.

Check out the statement to end gender-based violence and video on the 16 Days of Activism Against GBV from the Honourable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, which launches the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence campaign and marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

Ways to get involved

  • Kick-off the 16 Days by wearing purple on November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to raise awareness about gender-based violence.
  • Throughout the 16 Days, follow us on  Twitter ,  Facebook ,  Instagram  or  LinkedIn . Share the 16 Days campaign posts or create your own using the images from the digital toolkit below and the hashtag #16Days.
  • Use the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence 2023 background below during your virtual meetings.
  • Find out about  16 ways you can help end gender-based violence
  • Check out ‘’It’s Not Just’’, our  youth awareness campaign  to end gender-based violence
  • Learn about  gender-based violence
  • Watch a movie, video or documentary related to gender-based violence such as those available on the  National Film Board website  (various languages; viewer discretion is advised for some films).
  • Attend an event in your community to show your support to victims of GBV. Consider donating to a local shelter if you can.
  • On the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women on December 6, honour the victims of the Polytechnique Montréal tragedy by wearing a white ribbon. Visit the web page of  the National Day  for other ideas
  • On December 10, Human Rights Day, read the full text or simplified version of the  Universal Declaration of Human Rights  or consult the illustrated booklet of the Declaration.
  • Listen:  be open to learning from the experiences of others
  • Believe:  support survivors and those affected by violence. It is very important that you say the words ‘’I believe you’’ and ‘’This is not your fault’’
  • Educate (yourself and others):  learn the facts about GBV; know what your workplace policies say about violence and harassment; take a course; participate in an event
  • Speak out:  add your voice to call out violence
  • Intervene:  find a safe way to help when you see acts of gender-based violence. Name what you see. Express your concern and ask how you can help. Intervening can also mean providing support and resources
  • Act:  give your time or donate to organizations working to end gender-based violence

16 Days 2023 digital toolkit

Download these visuals and use them on your website, social media channels or virtual meetings.

(1) Select the image

On a PC: Right-click on the image you want to download. On a Mac: Hold down the Control key (Ctrl) and click on the image you want to download. On a mobile device: Tap and hold the image you want to download until the menu appears.

(2) Choose “Save as”

The options on the contextual menu will vary, depending on which web browser you’re using. Some browsers may say “Save as” while others may say “Save image as” or “Save picture as.”

(3) Rename the file (optional)

A dialogue box will open, giving you the opportunity to change the file name or keep it as is.

(4) Choose a destination folder

Specify a location to save the downloaded image and click “Save.”

16 Days web banner

A dark purple shadow of a person's face is on a background of white crumpled paper. To the right, appears the name of the campaign “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence”, part of which is highlighted in fluorescent green. The Canada wordmark is in the right bottom corner.

Use this banner for your web or intranet content.

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence social media creative

A dark purple shadow of a person's face is on the left against a gray background. To the right, against a background of white crumpled paper, appears the name of the campaign “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence”, part of which is highlighted in fluorescent green. Below, the theme “Listen. Learn. Act.” is handwritten and circled in light purple. The hashtag “16 days” is at the bottom of the image and the Canada wordmark is placed in the lower right corner.

Use this image for your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn content.

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence Instagram

A dark purple shadow of a person's face is on the left against a gray background. To the right, against a background of white crumpled paper, appears the name of the campaign “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence”, part of which is highlighted in fluorescent green. Above the name, the theme “Listen. Learn. Act.” is handwritten and circled in light purple. In the bottom right corner, the hashtag “16 days” sits above the Canada wordmark.

Use this image for your Instagram content.

Virtual meeting background

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence virtual meeting background

A sheet of white crumpled paper covers a purple background. The name of the campaign is placed in the top left corner of the image and reads “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence / 16 jours d’activisme contre la violence fondée sur le sexe’’, part of which is highlighted in fluorescent green. A light purple oval is roughly handdrawn around the paper. The Canada wordmark is placed in the bottom left corner of the image.

Use this background during your virtual meetings.

Modifiable social media versions

These social media shareable images are modifiable by customizing the background image. The image is to be placed behind the gradients. Use the following attributes to your background image to ensure consistency with the look: 33px Gaussian Blur and 5% Grain Noise. Images must be of diverse groups in accordance with the solemn tone of the campaign. Please note that when using any material available, you must not make any modification to the text.

Facebook modifiable background version

16 Days web banner

A purple ombre background is on the left. To the right, against a background of white crumpled paper, appears the name of the campaign “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence”, part of which is highlighted in fluorescent green. Below, the theme “Listen. Learn. Act.” are handwritten and circled in light purple. The hashtag “16 days” is at the bottom of the image and the Canada wordmark is placed in the lower right corner.

Instagram modifiable background version

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence social media creative

A purple ombre background is on the left. To the right, appears the name of the campaign “16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence”, part of which is highlighted in fluorescent green. Above the title, the theme “Listen. Learn. Act.” is handwritten and circled in light purple. In the bottom right corner, the hashtag “16 days” sits above the Canada wordmark.

16 Days of Activism Campaign 2024

  • Procurement Opportunities
  • Contract Awards
  • UNGM Pro New!
  • Supplier Code of Conduct
  • UN Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC)
  • News and recent deployments
  • The UN System of Organizations
  • UN Tourism (previously UNWTO)
  • The World Bank
  • Samples of Specifications
  • SDG Digital Investment Framework
  • Joint Initiatives on Vehicles and Fleet Management
  • IPS, Copenhagen, June 2024
  • IPS, Copenhagen, November 2023
  • IPS, Copenhagen, March 2023
  • IPS, Turin, November 2022
  • IPS, Vienna, April 2022
  • IPS, European Consortium [2], June 2021
  • IPS, Nordic Countries, January 2021
  • IPS, European Consortium [1], January 2021
  • IPS, Copenhagen, June 2019
  • IPS, Argentina, November 2019
  • IPS, Copenhagen, November 2018
  • IPS, Rome, May 2019
  • Spain - November 2016
  • IPS, Copenhagen, June 2018
  • "How to do Business with CPAG", Geneva 2018
  • IPS, Bonn, November 2016
  • Nordic Countries, June 2016
  • The Netherlands - May 2016
  • UN International Procurement Seminar March 2024
  • The Republic of Zambia Virtual Business Seminar 2024
  • IPS Business Seminar
  • Poland, November 2016
  • Hungary, May 2016
  • Lesotho Business Seminar
  • The Gambia virtual business seminar
  • Burundi virtual business seminar
  • Guyana virtual business seminar
  • Nordic UN Procurement Seminar 2023
  • Rwanda Virtual Business Seminar
  • Sierra Leone Virtual Business Seminar
  • UN International Procurement Seminar, Ningbo, November 2024
  • Summaries of Theses
  • The Turin School of Development (TSD)
  • Procurement Practitioner's Handbook
  • Supplier countries
  • Developing countries
  • Sustainable Procurement
  • Organizations
  • Collaboration among UN agencies
  • The Sustainable Procurement Indicators
  • The UN Sustainable Procurement Statistics
  • The SPPM methodology
  • Resources for UN staff members
  • UNOPS eSourcing
  • Target Product Profiles
  • School furniture design
  • Doing business with UNOPS
  • Other UN e-Learning Platforms and Courses
  • The UNGM Glossary
  • UN Procurement Statistics

Email: [email protected] Surname: UN Women Procurement

Link Description
https://estm.fa.em2.oraclecloud.com/fscmUI/faces/PrcPosRegisterSupplier?prcBuId=300000460994388 Supplier Registration
https://undp.sharepoint.com/sites/Docs-Public/Procurement/Forms/AllItems.aspx?env=Embedded&isAscending=false&FilterType1=Text&sortField=Modified&FilterField1=NegotiationNumber&FilterValue1=UNW-BIH-2024-00021 Negotiation Document(s)


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Harris to Lay Out Economic Message Focused on High Cost of Living

The vice president’s plans represent more of a reboot of President Biden’s economic policies than a radically fresh start.

  • Share full article

Kamala Harris shaking hands with a group of people at an indoor event.

By Nicholas Nehamas and Jim Tankersley

Reporting from Washington

Vice President Kamala Harris will unveil the central planks of her economic agenda on Friday in Raleigh, N.C., during her first major policy speech, focusing on how she plans to fight big corporations and bring down costs on necessities like food, housing and raising children.

Ms. Harris’s proposals for her first 100 days in the White House include efforts to combat price gouging at the grocery store , jump-start the construction of more affordable housing, restore an expanded tax credit for parents and lower the cost of prescription drugs, according to a briefing document released by her campaign. She will call for a tax incentive to build starter homes, seek to cap the cost of insulin at $35 for all Americans and attempt to reduce the cost of health insurance through the Affordable Care Act.

Taken together, her plan represents more of a reboot of President Biden’s economic policy than a radically fresh start — a new sales pitch focused on its most popular aspects, not a new vision. Many of the policies reiterate or build on proposals in Mr. Biden’s most recent presidential budget. Harris campaign officials released scattered details, leaving key questions unanswered — like the income cutoff for families to qualify for a new $6,000 child tax credit for newborns, or what exactly would qualify as grocery-store “price gouging” under a federal ban.

Campaign officials did not detail how Ms. Harris would pay for her spending and tax-cut proposals in their release ahead of the speech. But they said her overall plan would reduce projected federal deficits, like Mr. Biden’s latest budget proposed to do, largely by “asking the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations to pay their fair share.”

In terms of emphasis, her speech is expected to shift away from Mr. Biden’s focus on job creation, particularly in manufacturing, and more toward reining in the cost of living.

And she will also try to paint a strong contrast against former President Donald J. Trump, describing him as a friend to billionaires and chief executives who will not help the middle class. Ms. Harris has been attacking Mr. Trump’s proposal to impose new tariffs of up to 20 percent on all imported goods, saying it would amount to a tax increase on working families.

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  1. 16 Days of Activism Poster

    16 days of activism presentation

  2. In Focus: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

    16 days of activism presentation

  3. 16 Days Of Activism PowerPoint Presentation 2015 : Center for Domestic

    16 days of activism presentation

  4. 16 Days of Activism to Against Gender-Based Violence

    16 days of activism presentation

  5. 16 Days of Activism 2020 materials

    16 days of activism presentation

  6. What are the 16 Days of Activism?

    16 days of activism presentation


  1. PDF Concept Note 16 Days of Activism against Gender-B

    25 November - 10 December 2023. nc. pt Note. . BACKGROUNDThe 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an international civil society led campaign that takes pla. e each year. It commences on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and ends on 10 December, Human Rights Day, indicating that ...

  2. PDF 16 Days of Activism: Report

    ember 10, 2020 Background Across the world the 16 Days of Activism is observed by governments, NGOs, non-profit organizations, civil society, citizens and more to create awareness about and advocate for ending gender-b. d violence against women. The COVID-19 pandemic-triggered responses of nations going into lockdown, the fall of economies, and ...

  3. 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

    25 November to 10 December - 2023. Ending violence against women is possible, but only if we act together, now. The global 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is a key international moment to call for an end to violence against women and girls. It runs from 25 th November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence ...

  4. 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

    In support of this civil society initiative, the United Nations Secretary-General launched in 2008 the campaign UNITE by 2030 to End Violence against Women, which runs parallel to the 16 Days of Activism. Every year, the UNITE Campaign focuses on a specific theme and this year's is " UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls".

  5. From Awareness to Accountability

    The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign coordinated by the Center for Women's Global Leadership and used by activists around the world as an organizing strategy to call for the elimination of all forms of gender-based violence. The core 16 Days campaign takes place every year between November 25 and December 10 and is run by more than 6,000 ...

  6. In Focus: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2023

    Background: The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign that takes place each year. It begins on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and ends on 10 December, Human Rights Day, indicating that violence against women is the most pervasive breach of human rights worldwide.

  7. In focus: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence

    UN Women kicks off a UN-wide annual campaign on 25 November, the International Day to End Violence against Women. Over the following 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, we are asking governments, institutions, and citizens to show us how much the world cares about ending violence against women and girls under the theme "UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls".

  8. PDF 16 Days of Activism

    16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM TURN OFF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS NOVEMBER 2020 - MARCH 2021 4 A Shadow Pandemic 2 UN Women: COVID-19 and ending violence against women and girls.

  9. 16 Days of Activism

    Show there's #NoExcuse for gender-based violence this November. 16 Days of Activism is UN Women's annual global campaign against gender-based violence. Join Us. 2023's theme was "Unite! Invest to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls". You're invited to join us for 16 Days of Activism 2024. Help us take a stand against gender ...

  10. 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence: Everything You

    The 16 Days campaign initially aimed to connect GBV and human rights by falling within a time period that boasts several human rights advocacy days, such as International Women Human Rights Defenders Day on Nov. 29 and World AIDS Day on Dec. 1. The campaign hit its first target in 1993 after it gathered signatures from 124 countries for a ...

  11. Awareness and education toolkit for the 16 Days of Activism Against

    Activities and engagement for communities and workplaces. The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence (November 25 to December 10) is an opportunity to reflect on what we can do in our own classrooms, communities, and lives to eliminate the disproportionate violence faced by women, girls, and 2SLGBTQI+ individuals.Here are some ideas and tools to inspire you, your community, your ...

  12. 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence

    This presentation on the 16 Days of Activism 2020 from WHGNE is a great starting point for workplaces in unpacking what the campaign is all about. Start the ...

  13. PDF 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Toolkit

    The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is an annual . campaign from November 25, International Day for the Elimination of . Violence against Women, to December 10, Human Rights Day. Since its founding in 1991, the campaign has become an international movement to

  14. About

    The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence Campaign is a global campaign dedicated to end gender-based violence. It runs every year from November 25th, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to December 10th, Human Rights Day.

  15. 16 Days of Activism Power Point Presentation 2015

    The 16 days of activism against VAW campaign is an annual global event that calls for collective action worldwide to prevent VAW. It spans significant dates including the international Day for the Elimination of VAW (25th Nov), World AIDS Day (Dec 1st), and Human Rights day (10th Dec). These dates were selected to symbolically link violence against women to escalating HIV infection rates and ...

  16. In focus: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence

    The United Nations is marking the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence from 25 November to 10 December 2021, under the global theme set by the UN Secretary-General's UNiTE campaign: " Orange the World: End Violence against Women Now !". Nearly 1 in 3 women have been abused in their lifetime.

  17. 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence

    Originally called the "16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence" campaign, it was initiated in 1991 by the first Women's Global Leadership Institute, held by the Center for Women's Global Leadership (CWGL), at Rutgers University. [ 2][ 3] Since 1991, more than 6,000 organizations from approximately 187 countries have participated in ...

  18. 16 Days of Activism

    16 days of activism - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The document discusses 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, which aims to raise awareness of violence against women from November 25th to December 10th each year. It provides facts on the prevalence of gender-based violence globally ...

  19. 16 Days of Activism Campaign Against Gender Based Violence

    The 16 Days of Activism Campaign Against Gender-Based Violence is an international Campaign to end violence against women and to advocate for the promotion and protection of women's rights. The Campaign runs annually from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights). ...

  20. What are the 16 Days of Activism?

    Sunday 25 November 2024 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and marks day one of the 16 Days of Activism. Each year, from 25 November to 10 December, World Human Rights Day, the 16 Days of Activism campaign calls for action against one of the world's most persistent violations of human rights - violence ...

  21. In focus: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

    The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual campaign that begins on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs through International Human Rights Day on 10 December. Led by civil society, the campaign is supported by the United Nations through the Secretary General's UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence against Women initiative.

  22. PPT

    Title: 16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM AGAINST GENDER VIOLENCE 1 16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM AGAINST GENDER VIOLENCE. A Mothers Union presentation; 2 What is 16 Days of Activism? Global campaign to raise awareness of violence against women and girls/ gender-based violence and develop strategies to address it. Started in 1991 at Rutgers University, USA.

  23. 16 days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence Activities

    Presentation on the theme and GBV at the American Embassy. All Regions. 25/11/23. Radio programmes. All Regions. 25/11/23-10/12/23. Thursday in Black. All Regions. ... Launch of 16 Days Activism Against Gender Based Violence. Post Office. 25/11/2023. SGBV Community Sensitization Meeting. DC's Conference Room. 30/11/2023. Radio Programmes ...

  24. 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence 2023

    Kick-off the 16 Days by wearing purple on November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to raise awareness about gender-based violence. Throughout the 16 Days, follow us on Twitter , Facebook , Instagram or LinkedIn. Share the 16 Days campaign posts or create your own using the images from the digital toolkit ...

  25. 16 Days of Activism Campaign 2024

    16 Days of Activism Campaign 2024 Request for proposal. Reference: UNW-BIH-2024-00021. Beneficiary countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina. Registration level: Basic . Published on: 21-Aug-2024. Deadline on: 11-Sep-2024 07:00 (GMT -4.00) Description. Dear Sir/Madam,

  26. Harris to Lay Out Economic Message Focused on High Cost of Living

    Aug. 16, 2024. Vice President Kamala Harris will unveil the central planks of her economic agenda on Friday in Raleigh, N.C., during her first major policy speech, focusing on how she plans to ...