
19 Other Ways to Say “I Believe” in an Essay

belief in an essay

If you’re wondering how to say “I believe” in an essay without using first-person phrasing, you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of synonyms that you can use instead of saying “I believe” in an essay. We’ll also discuss whether you should use the original phrase at all.

Other Ways to Say “I Believe”

  • One might argue
  • It would seem
  • This suggests
  • It is my belief
  • As I see it
  • From my perspective
  • It could be argued
  • I would argue
  • This illustrates
  • This evidences
  • In my opinion
  • This proves
  • In the author’s opinion


  • It’s okay to use “I believe” in an essay if the person grading your paper permits you to use personal pronouns.
  • You can say “one might argue” if you want to use a more formal alternative in the third person.
  • “It appears” is another good option that removes the personal pronoun “I.”

Don’t go anywhere! In the next section, we’ll discuss two great alternatives for the phrase “I believe” that you can use in your academic writing.

Moreover, we’ll provide some helpful examples and discuss whether it’s a bad idea to use “I believe” in your essay.

One Might Argue

If you’re wondering what to say instead of “I believe” in an essay, a great choice is “one might argue.”

Some academics may view this alternative as superior to the original phrase. After all, it is written in the third person. Therefore, you can get the same point across without using “I.” In some formal academic essays , it is expected by markers that personal pronouns should be avoided.

Additionally, this alternative makes it clear that your statement isn’t certain, just like the original. The word “might” implies that you are expressing an opinion or making just a potential argument.

Finally, let’s see how one might use this phrase in a few examples:

One might argue that the individual responsibility of consumers to buy sustainable products is far less than the responsibility that should be placed on large industries.

Although our findings show that fewer children are taking an interest in mathematics, one might argue that this has more to do with the teaching style of educators rather than the content of the subject itself.

Another way to say “I believe” without using the first person is “it appears.”

Like the original phrase, this one indicates that the statement following it is not certain. In fact, it is simply an observation .

Although this phrase is not necessarily superior to “I believe,” it does remove the personal pronoun “I,” which is often seen as preferable by teachers and professors.

It also has the benefit of using the same number of words as “I believe.” Therefore, it won’t increase your word count , unlike some of the other synonyms on our list.

To see this phrase in action, have a look at the examples below:

It appears that several of the mice in our experiment exhibited empathy when faced with one of their fellows trapped in a cage.

Although Otis Blackwell was a clear stylistic inspiration to Elvis, in addition to being the writer of many of his popular songs, it appears that only a small minority of the public is privy to this truth.

Can I Use “I Believe” in an Essay?

Whether it is okay to use “I believe” in an essay greatly depends on context .

There are some academics and writers out there who think using phrases like “I believe” is bad writing . Firstly, they argue that it is redundant . Obviously, you believe the statement you’re making, or you wouldn’t be making it in the first place!

Secondly, some academics think that personal pronouns should be avoided in academic writing . Therefore, it’s no good to start your statements with “I.”

On the other hand, in recent times, many academics have argued that all forms of education and information should be accessible. This means that everyone should be able to follow and understand them – not just people who were privileged enough to get a university education!

People who hold this opinion say that a phrase like “I believe” is perfectly effective. After all, it lets the reader know that you are expressing an opinion and not a fact. Additionally, it is straightforward and easy for any reader to follow.

Therefore, as a rule of thumb, we would always recommend speaking to the person who is going to grade your essay before you start . If they are a traditionalist and would prefer very formal writing, use one of our alternatives.

If they are happy to read a paper with personal pronouns and straightforward writing in it, go ahead and use “I believe.”

In conclusion, it’s okay to use “I believe” if the person marking your essay is okay with it!

We hope you found this article helpful. If you did, why not bookmark this page so you can come back whenever you like? 

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Other Ways to Say “I Believe” in an Essay

20 Other Ways to Say “I Believe” in an Essay

Expressing one’s beliefs or opinions effectively is crucial in writing essays, reports, or any form of communication. However, repetition can make your writing seem monotonous.

 Diversifying your vocabulary can enhance your expression and engage your readers more effectively. Below, we explore 20 alternative phrases to convey the same sentiment as “I believe,” along with scenario examples for 

List of Other Ways to Say “I Believe” in an Essay

List of Other Ways to Say “I Believe” in an Essay

  • In my opinion,
  • As I see it,
  • From my perspective,
  • In my view,
  • It is my conviction that,
  • To my understanding,
  • As far as I’m concerned,
  • In my estimation,
  • From my standpoint,
  • It seems to me that,
  • As I understand it,
  • In my judgment,
  • In my experience,
  • It’s my belief that,
  • From my vantage point,
  • As I perceive it,
  • In my assessment,
  • To my way of thinking,
  • In my mind,
  • As I interpret it.

In My Opinion

Scenario Example:

Dear Royal,

I hope this email finds you well. In my opinion , the marketing strategy proposed for our upcoming product launch lacks innovation. I believe we should consider incorporating more interactive elements to captivate our target audience.

Looking forward to discussing this further.

Best regards, Oscar

  • This phrase asserts the writer’s personal viewpoint without imposing it as an absolute truth.
  • It’s commonly used in casual and formal settings to express subjectivity.

As I See It

I trust you’re doing well. As I see it , the recent changes in our organizational structure may lead to inefficiencies in our workflow. I’m of the opinion that we need to reassess the distribution of responsibilities to maintain productivity.

Let’s schedule a meeting to brainstorm potential solutions.

  • This phrase suggests that the writer’s perspective is shaped by their perception or understanding of the situation.
  • It’s suitable for expressing insights or interpretations.

From My Perspective

From My Perspective

I hope you’re having a productive day. From my perspective , the decision to outsource our IT services might not yield the anticipated cost savings in the long run. I’m of the opinion that investing in an in-house IT team could provide more control and efficiency.

Let’s discuss this further during our next team meeting.

Warm regards, Oscar

  • This phrase emphasizes that the viewpoint being expressed is based on the writer’s unique position or viewpoint.
  • It’s useful for conveying subjectivity while acknowledging other possible perspectives.

I trust you’re doing well. In my view , the current approach to customer engagement lacks personalization. I believe we should explore leveraging customer data to tailor our interactions and enhance overall satisfaction.

Looking forward to your thoughts on this matter.

  • This phrase signals the writer’s subjective evaluation or judgment of a situation.
  • It’s commonly used in formal and informal communication contexts.

It Is My Conviction That

I hope this email finds you in good spirits. It is my conviction that fostering a culture of continuous learning within our organization is essential for long-term success. I’m of the opinion that investing in employee training and development programs will not only enhance skills but also boost morale and retention rates.

Let’s discuss potential strategies to implement this initiative.

  • This phrase conveys a strong sense of belief or certainty in the writer’s viewpoint.
  • It’s appropriate for expressing deeply held convictions or beliefs.

To My Understanding

I trust you’re doing well. To my understanding , the recent changes in market trends suggest a shift in consumer preferences towards sustainable products. I’m of the opinion that we should explore opportunities to align our product offerings with this growing demand.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.

  • This phrase indicates that the writer’s viewpoint is based on their comprehension or interpretation of information.
  • It’s suitable for expressing subjective understanding or interpretation.

Read More: Polite Synonyms for “At Your Earliest Convenience”

As Far As I’m Concerned

I hope this email finds you well. As far as I’m concerned , the decision to restructure our project teams lacks clarity in terms of roles and responsibilities. I’m of the opinion that establishing clear guidelines and communication channels is essential to avoid confusion and improve efficiency.

Let’s schedule a meeting to address this issue promptly.

  • This phrase emphasizes the writer’s personal stake or interest in the matter being discussed.
  • It’s often used to express a subjective opinion or viewpoint.

In My Estimation

I trust you’re doing well. In my estimation , the current budget allocation for marketing activities seems inadequate given the competitive landscape. I’m of the opinion that reallocating resources to targeted digital campaigns could yield better results.

Looking forward to your input on this matter.

  • This phrase suggests that the writer’s opinion is based on their assessment or calculation of a situation.
  • It’s appropriate for expressing subjective evaluations or judgments.

From My Standpoint

From My Standpoint

I hope this email finds you well. From my standpoint , the recent changes in our project timeline jeopardize the quality of deliverables. I’m of the opinion that we should reassess our priorities and allocate resources more efficiently to meet deadlines without compromising on quality.

Let’s discuss potential solutions during our next team meeting.

  • This phrase highlights that the writer’s viewpoint is shaped by their position or perspective.
  • It’s useful for expressing subjective opinions or evaluations.

It Seems to Me That

I trust you’re doing well. It seems to me that the current approach to customer service fails to address the root causes of recurring complaints. I’m of the opinion that implementing a comprehensive feedback mechanism and training program for our support team could lead to significant improvements in customer satisfaction.

Looking forward to your insights on this matter.

  • This phrase suggests that the writer’s opinion is based on their perception or impression of a situation.
  • It’s suitable for expressing subjective observations or evaluations.

As I Understand It

I hope this email finds you well. As I understand it , the recent fluctuations in market demand necessitate a more agile approach to production planning. I’m of the opinion that adopting Just-in-Time principles could help us optimize inventory levels and reduce costs.

Let’s explore this further in our upcoming strategy meeting.

  • It’s commonly used to express subjective understanding or interpretation.

In My Judgment

I trust you’re doing well. In my judgment , the current project timeline is overly ambitious and risks quality compromises. I’m of the opinion that we should revisit our deadlines and allocate additional resources as needed to ensure successful delivery.

Looking forward to your feedback on this matter.

  • This phrase conveys the writer’s subjective evaluation or assessment of a situation.
  • It’s suitable for expressing personal opinions or judgments.

In My Experience

I hope this email finds you well. In my experience , successful collaborations thrive on clear communication and mutual respect among team members. I’m of the opinion that fostering a collaborative environment is crucial for achieving our project goals effectively.

Let’s schedule a team-building workshop to strengthen our teamwork.

  • This phrase draws on the writer’s personal history or past encounters to support their opinion.
  • It’s appropriate for expressing opinions based on personal experience or observation.

It’s My Belief That

I trust you’re doing well. It’s my belief that embracing diversity and inclusion is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage for our organization. I’m of the opinion that promoting diversity in our workforce will foster innovation and drive long-term growth.

Looking forward to discussing this further with you.

  • This phrase emphasizes the writer’s strong conviction or faith in their viewpoint.
  • It’s often used to express deeply held beliefs or principles.

From My Vantage Point

I hope this email finds you well. From my vantage point , the current economic indicators suggest a looming downturn in the market. I’m of the opinion that we should adopt a more conservative approach to financial planning to mitigate potential risks.

Let’s convene a meeting to review our contingency plans.

  • This phrase emphasizes that the writer’s viewpoint is influenced by their unique perspective or position.
  • It’s suitable for expressing subjective opinions or observations.

As I Perceive It

I trust you’re doing well. As I perceive it , the recent changes in consumer behavior signal a growing demand for eco-friendly products. I’m of the opinion that incorporating sustainable practices into our production processes could enhance our brand reputation and attract environmentally conscious consumers.

  • This phrase suggests that the writer’s opinion is based on their perception or interpretation of a situation.
  • It’s commonly used to express subjective observations or evaluations.

In My Assessment

I hope this email finds you well. In my assessment , the current staffing levels are insufficient to meet the project’s requirements within the specified timeline. I’m of the opinion that recruiting additional team members or outsourcing certain tasks may be necessary to ensure successful completion.

Let’s discuss potential solutions during our next project meeting.

  • This phrase conveys the writer’s evaluation or analysis of a situation.
  • It’s appropriate for expressing subjective assessments or judgments.

To My Way of Thinking

I trust you’re doing well. To my way of thinking , the recent policy changes overlook the importance of employee feedback in driving organizational improvements. I’m of the opinion that establishing a structured feedback mechanism is essential for fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.

  • This phrase emphasizes that the writer’s viewpoint is shaped by their individual perspective or mindset.
  • It’s suitable for expressing subjective opinions or beliefs.

I hope this email finds you well. In my mind , effective leadership hinges on empathy, communication, and adaptability. I’m of the opinion that cultivating these qualities among our management team will not only enhance employee morale but also drive organizational success.

Let’s explore leadership development opportunities together.

  • This phrase conveys the writer’s thoughts or beliefs on a particular subject.
  • It’s commonly used to express personal opinions or convictions.

As I Interpret It

I trust you’re doing well. As I interpret it , the recent decline in customer satisfaction scores may stem from inconsistencies in our service delivery processes. I’m of the opinion that conducting a comprehensive review of our procedures and implementing standardized protocols could help address these issues effectively.

  • This phrase suggests that the writer’s opinion is based on their understanding or interpretation of the situation.
  • It’s suitable for expressing subjective interpretations or analyses.

Pros and Cons of Diversifying Expression

Diversifying expression in writing offers numerous advantages, including:

  • Engaging readers: Using varied language keeps readers interested and prevents monotony.
  • Enhancing clarity: Different phrases can convey nuances of meaning more effectively.
  • Demonstrating language proficiency: Employing a diverse vocabulary showcases a writer’s command of language.

However, there are some potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Overcomplication: Using too many synonyms for “I believe” may confuse readers or distract from the main message.
  • Appropriateness: Some contexts may require a straightforward expression of belief rather than varied alternatives.
  • Time-consuming: Constantly searching for synonyms may slow down the writing process.

While diversifying expression can enhance writing, it’s essential to strike a balance and use alternatives judiciously to achieve clarity and engagement without overwhelming the reader.


Dariel Campbell is currently an English instructor at a university. She has experience in teaching and assessing English tests including TOEFL, IELTS, BULATS, FCE, CAE, and PTEG . With over a decade of teaching expertise, Dariel Campbell  utilizes his knowledge to develop English lessons for her audience on English Overview.

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10 Other Ways to Say “I Believe” in an Essay

belief in an essay

To write an essay well, you need to limit redundant phrases. Therefore, you need to know the best ways to start sentences to keep the reader engaged.

If you’re trying to use “I believe” in an essay, you will need something different to mix things up.

Luckily, this article has gathered the best phrases to help you. We’ll show you how to say “I believe” in an essay.

Can You Use “I Believe” in an Essay?

You can use “I believe” in an essay, but you should only use it once. It’s not something you should repeat if you can avoid it.

It’s okay to use in an argumentative essay . After all, it suggests you have an argument to share that provides your honest opinion about something.

However, it is bad to use if you repeat it too much . Try to avoid using it more than once. Stick to alternatives to keep things interesting.

Here’s an example to help you understand it:

I believe this is the best way to go about the situation. I’m certain we can find common ground.

  • It’s a great way to share your argument.
  • It keeps things fairly personal as the reader goes through your essay.
  • It can easily become repetitive.
  • It’s not the most inspiring phrase to include.

While “I believe” works well in some cases, it’s not always the best choice. We recommend having a few alternatives ready to mix things up.

So, keep reading to learn what to use instead of “I believe” in an essay.

What to Say Instead of “I Believe” in an Essay

  • From where I stand
  • In my opinion
  • It seems to me
  • I’m of the opinion that
  • As far as I know
  • My position is
  • It appears that
  • From my perspective

1. From Where I Stand

You can write “from where I stand” instead of “I believe” in an essay. It works well in academic writing because it’s very professional and unbiased .

It suggests you have an opinion , but you’re willing to debate with the reader. We recommend using it if you’re trying to write a more argumentative essay.

After all, it’s a great way to capture the reader’s attention. It suggests you’re willing to hear them out (even though they can’t talk to you).

Here are some great examples to help you:

From where I stand , this is the only way to tackle the situation. There are no alternatives.

From where I stand , this is the best course of action. Therefore, I think we should capitalize on it.

2. My Take Is

For a more direct alternative, you can write “my take is.” It’s another way to say “I believe” in an essay.

Saying you have a “take” suggests you believe something that others might not . It’s useful because it shares an opinion that you don’t expect the reader to share with you.

It’s just a simple way to share your idea and debate the different sides.

Review these examples if you’re still unsure:

My take is that we can’t find a better solution for this. It’s the only way the project can continue.

My take is argued a lot, but it happens to suggest the best way to move forward.

3. In My Opinion

One of the most common alternatives to “I believe” is “in my opinion.” It’s highly effective because it’s formal and respectful .

It’s a considerate phrase that suggests you’re only sharing your thoughts . It doesn’t imply that the reader is wrong if they don’t share the same opinion as you.

We recommend using it to keep your essay unbiased. It’s especially effective if you’re not trying to antagonize the reader.

You may even refer to the following examples:

In my opinion , this isn’t the only option. However, it is the only option that doesn’t cost the company more money.

In my opinion , they made a mistake in their judgment. Now, everyone has to pay for it.

4. It Seems to Me

If you want to know how to say “I believe” in an essay without saying I, you can start with “it seems to me.”

It’s a great way to start a sentence sharing an opinion . We recommend using it to express your views , even if you’re not convinced your views are correct.

This phrase works incredibly well in most formal writing . It’s useful in academic cases because it shows you’re open to exploring your ideas and what “seems” to be correct.

You can also review these examples:

It seems to me this whole situation could have been resolved sooner. Unfortunately, nobody wanted to listen.

It seems to me there are more ways to create problems for them. This battle is far from over.

5. I’m of the Opinion That

For a slightly wordier alternative, you can use “I’m of the opinion that.” Of course, it’s a bit redundant , meaning you should only use it once in an essay.

The more you use this phrase, the less impactful it’ll sound throughout your essay.

Don’t get us wrong; it’s still effective. However, it’s something you should only include to mix things up and keep your writing fresh whenever possible.

Generally, this works well in academic writing. It shows you’re open to new opinions and will express different viewpoints in your essay.

Here are some examples to help you understand more about it:

I’m of the opinion that they didn’t need to advance to the frontline. The war did not need to continue.

I’m of the opinion that this was the best way to complete the project. I would like to hear if this isn’t the case.

6. As Far as I Know

You may use “as far as I know” instead of “I believe” as well. It’s another word for “I believe” in an essay that shows you’re exploring your ideas and talking about your opinions.

Generally, this phrase makes it clear that you don’t claim to know everything . It suggests to the reader that you’re willing to hear different views before concluding anything.

Therefore, this is a great way to remain unbiased in your writing. You should absolutely try to include it to keep things interesting.

Check out these essay examples as well:

As far as I know , there has only been one recorded discussion of this in the history of the topic.

As far as I know , this is the best plan. Nobody has offered a more suitable alternative yet.

7. My Position Is

Sharing your position (i.e., your opinion) in an essay is an excellent choice. It works well argumentatively because it shows where you stand and whether you’re willing to change your mind.

Generally, “positions” are firm. Therefore, including “my position is” in your academic writing suggests you won’t change your mind easily .

It’s effective to show a reader you’re unwilling to back down from an argument. It also helps that it’s very professional , making it excellent to use in essays.

Here are some great samples to show you how it works:

My position is that we can’t keep going like this. It’s not a sustainable way to continue.

My position is that things must change quickly. Otherwise, it’s only a matter of time before things go south.

8. In My View

You should share viewpoints and opinions in your debates. It allows the reader to follow your views and decide whether they agree with you.

Try using “in my view” instead of “I believe” to do this. It shows you’re sharing your opinion with the reader .

This is a great way to learn whether the reader agrees with you. It’ll tell them everything they need to know regarding the context of the essay in question.

You can also refer to the following examples:

In my view , this is the worst political divide we’ve had in this country.

In my view , we can still fix the problems. However, nobody seems willing to take the first step.

9. It Appears That

You can use “it appears that” as another way to say “I believe.” Showing how things “appear” refers to how you might generate your own point of view .

You can use “it appears that” to show that you’ve understood something in your own way .

Of course, you might be wrong. However, this is the basis of most arguments, and it shows you’re willing to explore your view.

Perhaps these essay samples will also help you:

It appears that I’m correct about this. Every argument against me has thus far proven to be false.

It appears that they don’t have a suitable backup in place. Therefore, they must refer to my original plan.

10. From My Perspective

“From my perspective” shows you how to say “I believe” in an essay without saying I. Instead, it uses the personal pronoun “my” to mix things up.

It’s a great formal choice that allows you to share your ideas and opinions.

Giving your perspective tells the reader what you think directly. It’s highly effective if you’re trying to convince the reader that your point of view is the best one to adopt.

Here are some examples to help you:

From my perspective , this is a bad idea. I can’t understand why people want to go through with it.

From my perspective , they are wrong. I don’t think I can explain why that’s the case, though.

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10 Other Ways to Say “I Believe” in an Essay

Alex Velikiy

When writing an essay, it’s common to want to share what you think. But constantly saying “I believe” can get repetitive and weaken your work.

This article lists ten different ways to express your opinion that sound more professional and engaging. Each alternative is explained, including when and why to use it, with clear examples to help you apply them to your own writing.

Is It Professional to Say “I Believe”?

Using the phrase “I believe” in a professional or academic setting can be tricky. While it’s not unprofessional, its appropriateness really depends on the situation. In writings where personal opinion is valued and you’re asked to provide your perspective, saying “I believe” can fit well. For example, in essays that ask for your viewpoint on a subject, or in situations where you need to make your stance clear without presenting it as the absolute truth.

Let’s consider the pros and cons of this phrase:

  • It clearly expresses personal opinion.
  • Makes the text more relatable by adding a personal touch.
  • It’s a straightforward way to introduce one’s viewpoint.
  • Can make arguments seem less authoritative or based on personal bias.
  • Might weaken the argument’s perceived objectivity.
  • Could be seen as overly informal in strictly academic or professional writing.

Given these pros and cons, you might want to consider using an alternative phrase. The need for synonyms or other ways to express belief becomes more apparent when trying to maintain the balance between presenting a personal perspective and ensuring the writing is taken seriously. Alternatives can offer a more sophisticated or objective way to share your thoughts, which might be preferable in academic or professional settings. Using synonyms can also vary your language, making your writing more engaging and precise.

10 Other Ways to Say “I Believe” in an Essay

Here are ten professional alternatives to “I believe” that can enhance your essay writing:

  • I am convinced that
  • I contend that
  • It is my contention
  • I assert that
  • My perspective is
  • It is my belief
  • I maintain that
  • I am of the opinion that
  • From my standpoint

1. In my view

Using “In my view” in your essay suggests that you’re presenting a personal perspective, but with a tone that’s a bit more formal and detached than “I believe.” It hints that you’ve given the matter some thought. This alternative is especially useful in essays where you want to emphasize your opinion without sounding too personal. It’s a balanced choice that’s professional yet open.

It’s particularly effective when you’re aiming to convince the reader of your position by presenting it as a considered conclusion. “In my view” has a subtle way of suggesting that, although this is an opinion, it’s one that has been carefully arrived at.

Here are a couple of examples:

2. I am convinced that

“I am convinced that” expresses a strong personal conviction and suggests that your opinion is backed by evidence or experience. It’s more forceful than simply saying “I believe,” implying that you have been persuaded by the facts or arguments. This alternative is ideal for essays where you need to argue strongly in favor of a position.

This phrase is best used when you want the reader to understand that your viewpoint is not just a belief but something you consider to be proven or beyond doubt. It adds weight and professional credibility to your statements.

Here are two examples we recommend:

3. I contend that

The phrase “I contend that” is used to assert a position in an argument or debate strongly. This choice is notably formal and suggests that you’re prepared to defend your view against counterarguments. It’s particularly suited for essays and papers that are argumentative in nature.

When writing on topics that are controversial or not widely accepted, “I contend that” signals that you’re not merely sharing an opinion but are presenting a thought-out argument. It implies a readiness to engage in scholarly debate.

Here are two sample uses:

4. It is my contention

“It is my contention” works similarly to “I contend that” but has a slightly more nuanced tone. It still expresses a strong stance but positions it as something for readers to consider seriously. This expression is both professional and formal , suitable for academic essays that require you to present your hypothesis or argument confidently.

This alternative is best when you seek to present your argument as substantiated and well-considered, particularly in academic research or analytical papers where precision and a formal tone are critical.

Sample examples include:

5. I assert that

“I assert that” is a powerful way to state your position. It conveys confidence and certitude, making it clear that you stand firmly behind your statement. This phrase is ideal for instances where you need to be emphatic and leave no room for doubt about your viewpoint. It’s quite formal and carries a strong professional tone.

Use it in essays where you’re making bold claims or conclusions that you want to highlight as both significant and backed by evidence. It distinctly marks your assertions as solid and well-grounded.

Two examples to consider are:

6. My perspective is

“My perspective is” introduces your viewpoint in a way that’s informal yet professional . It’s useful for blending personal insight with scholarly research, showing that your conclusion is both personally and academically informed. This alternative is great when your essay involves sharing insights derived from personal experiences or observations.

This phrase is perfect when your essay benefits from a balance between personal anecdotes and scholarly evidence, suggesting that your perspective is unique but still credible.

Some examples for better understanding:

7. It is my belief

“It is my belief” is a slightly more formal synonym for “I believe.” It indicates a held belief but does so in a way that feels measured and considered. This phrase is suitable for expressing personal convictions in a way that anticipates respect for differing viewpoints.

When writing on subjects where you wish to acknowledge the potential for disagreement but still want to clearly state your own stance, “It is my belief” serves well. It marks your territory while keeping the academic conversation open and respectful.

Examples of use are:

8. I maintain that

“I maintain that” communicates a steadfast adherence to your position, even in the face of opposition or skepticism. It’s formal and carries a tone of resilience and professional integrity. Employ this phrase in essays where you’re reinforcing a stance that might have been challenged or requires robust defense.

This alternative is ideal for situations where you’ve presented evidence or arguments earlier and are now emphasizing your continued commitment to your viewpoint. It’s particularly effective for rebuttal paragraphs or conclusion sections.

Here are a couple of examples to illustrate its use:

9. I am of the opinion that

“I am of the opinion that” is a modest and reflective way to share your thoughts. It’s formal and indicates that the opinion shared is the result of consideration and reflection. It’s suitable for essays where you want to present your viewpoint as one among many, without appearing to dismiss other perspectives.

This expression is particularly fitting for nuanced discussions where acknowledging the complexity of the issue is important, and your opinion is offered as a contributory insight rather than the final word.

For insight, here are some sample statements:

10. From my standpoint

“From my standpoint” personalizes your statement by grounding it in your specific viewpoint or experience. It suggests a personal understanding or interpretation that’s informed by your unique position. This phrase is somewhat informal , making it suitable for essays that blend personal narration with academic arguments.

It’s especially valuable when your essay benefits from the explicit acknowledgment of your personal or unique perspective on an issue, linking your conclusions tightly to your experiences or observations.

Here are some examples:

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right way to express your opinion in an essay is crucial for making your writing sound professional and convincing. The ten alternatives to “I believe” we’ve listed provide you with options to strengthen your arguments and improve your essay’s readability.

Remember, the goal is to share your ideas in a way that engages your reader and supports your arguments strongly. By using these alternatives, you can make your essays more impactful and show your ability to communicate effectively. No matter which option you choose, make sure it fits the context of your writing and enhances your message. Happy writing!

Alex Velikiy

CMO of Rontar. I’m interested in entrepreneurship, sales and marketing. As part of my day-to-day routine I do everything from creating marketing strategy to starting advertising campaigns. Sometimes I write for our marketing blog. When not at work, I do sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and keep up on everything that is connected with this.

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11 Other Ways To Say “I Think” And “I Believe” In An Essay

It can be tempting to say “I think” or “I believe” in an essay, especially when writing a personal narrative or opinion-based essay. The issue with this phrase is they tend to read as informal and weak. This article will explore some stronger alternatives that are worth considering.

What Can I Say Instead Of “I Think” And “I Believe”?

There are many different ways to express that what you’re saying is an opinion or a conclusion you have drawn using stronger wording than “I think” and “I believe.” Here are some options:

  • In my opinion
  • It could be argued
  • Many believe
  • This suggests
  • It can be concluded
  • It makes sense
  • This proves
  • This supports the idea
  • X makes a strong case

Other Ways To Say I Think And I Believe

The preferred option is “in my opinion.” “In my opinion” is clear and direct, and sounds more formal than “I believe” and “I think.” It’s a good way to make it clear that what you’re saying is your personal opinion while still sounding credible.

In My Opinion

“In my opinion” is a good choice when you’re writing a first-person essay. “Opinion” implies more fact-based consideration than “believe” and more depth than “think.” “Opinion” also comes off as more confident than both “think” and “believe.”

“In my opinion” sounds formal enough to be appropriate in an essay, but can still maintain the conversational tone that is typically expected in first-person essays.

Here’s what “in my opinion” looks like in context:

  • In my opinion, every public school student should be offered a free lunch option.
  • Reading through this book was challenging not for the content but for the dull writing style. In my opinion, it shouldn’t be upheld as a classic.
  • In my opinion, neither argument was particularly convincing.

It Could Be Argued

This sort of hypothetical phrasing isn’t always considered strong, but “it could be argued” is still a solid choice for third-person essays that require you to explore various arguments.

“It could be argued” is useful when you need to analyze multiple arguments or look at something from multiple angles. It allows you to point out some arguments or thoughts people might have in general to develop your argument.

Here are some ways you can use “it could be argued”:

  • It could be argued that teaching Shakespeare in school only serves to confuse students due to the extremely antiquated language.
  • It could be argued that the color blue represents sadness, but there are many examples in the text that point to blue instead representing loneliness.
  • The bird could be a representation of her fear. Conversely, it could be argued that the bird is there simply because the lead character loves birds.

Many Believe

“Many believe” is useful when you want to discuss widely held beliefs and the fact that these beliefs are widely held is common knowledge. You can also use “many believe” when you have a statistic to back up the claim.

“Many believe” is better than “I think” and “I believe” in those sorts of situations because it creates a less personal statement. That helps it feel more formal and makes the argument feel more expansive.

Here’s how you can use “many believe”:

  • Many believe that eating any kind of fat is unhealthy, but nutritionists disagree.
  • According to the poll, many believe that doing yoga and drinking enough water will cure certain mental illnesses.

This Suggests

“This suggests” is a great choice for drawing a conclusion based on the evidence you’ve presented. It’s stronger than “I think” and “I believe” because it explicitly ties your ideas to other ideas.

You’ll typically use “this suggests” after presenting some evidence or an argument. “This suggests” introduces your analysis and often your argument.

For example:

  • The flowers in the vase didn’t die until after Ashley fought with her mother. This suggests that the state of the perpetually near-death flowers was serving as a metaphor for the state of Ashley’s relationship with her mother.
  • Jodi’s favorite color was green. This suggests some part of her was tied to everything green represented in the novel, even if she denied it.

It Can Be Concluded

“It can be concluded” is a good replacement for “I think” and “I believe” in third-person writing. It emphasizes the conclusions you’re drawing based on previously detailed evidence.

Like “this suggests,” “it can be concluded” comes after you present some evidence or ideas. It directly connects your thinking to the evidence, which supports a strong argument.

 Here are some examples:

  • As such, it can be concluded that the core message of the story is the real reward was the friendships we made on the journey.
  • It can be concluded that he never knew what happened to his father and was simply making up different versions of the story as the subject was too difficult for him to discuss directly.

It Makes Sense

“It makes sense” is a phrase can use to introduce a thought or insight you have. It’s subtly persuasive and can fit into both formal and informal essay styles.

“It makes sense” is deceptively strong wording. While it may seem soft at first, it can be used to make some really strong statements.

Here’s how that could look in practice:

  • It makes sense that the school wouldn’t provide free lunches for students. It’s a costly plan, and the school district has a long track record of investing in administration before investing in student welfare.
  • It makes sense that the play’s love story ended tragically. The playwright was newly divorced when she penned it, and her poetry from this time shows a similar disillusionment with romantic relationships.

This Proves

“This proves” is a strong way to connect your conclusions and arguments to previously presented evidence. This phrase is a good choice when you’re confident in your evidence and your argument, as using it after shaky evidence can harm your credibility.

Here’s what this might look like in context:

  • The students who got more recess time did better on tests than children who had more quiet study time. This proves that children need more playtime throughout the day.
  • This proves my original hypothesis, though not in the way I expected.

This Supports The Idea

This is another useful phrase for directly tying previously stated evidence to your arguments and conclusions. Once you provide your evidence, you can go into your argument by saying “this supports the idea that…”

“This supports the idea” is a deeply academic phrase. It doesn’t come off too strong, nor does it read as personal or informal. It reads as objective, which can support your credibility in the eyes of the reader.

Here are some examples:

  • Lisa ultimately gave the flower to Joan. This supports the idea that the flower was representative of trust.
  • In this scene, the characters’ loyalties are made clear by where they are standing in relation to the protagonist. John is standing next to the protagonist. This supports the idea that, despite what he says, he truly was loyal to the protagonist.

X Makes A Strong Case

“X makes a strong case” is a phrase when you want to specifically tie in an argument someone else has made. It emphasizes the person who made the argument rather than what you think about the argument.

For example, if you wanted to say “I think Rodney is right about the dress code,” a stronger way to word that in an essay would be “Rodney makes a strong case about the dress code.”

Both sentences communicate that you think Rodney’s argument has merit, but using the “X makes a strong case” format emphasizes Rodney’s arguments rather than your evaluation of them.

This less-personal writing is generally considered to be more formal and thus more appropriate for academic writing.

Here are some more examples of how to use this phrase:

  • The author makes a strong case in favor of the motion.
  • In the novel, Susie’s father makes a strong case against the idea of Susie marrying a stranger.

“In my mind” is a strong phrase that is perfect for first-person narrative essays. It’s engaging, conversational wording that still maintains the formality expected in essays.

“In my mind” is a good way to word more personally held thoughts and beliefs without saying “I think” or “I believe.”

Here are some ways you could use “in my mind”:

  • In my mind, nothing mattered more than the championship.
  • In my mind, there was no way any of this could have a good outcome. I just didn’t see how it would work out.

Sometimes the best alternative to “I believe” and “I think” is simply to cut the phrase without providing a replacement. This makes your writing more succinct and straightforward and less informal.

Replacing “I think” and “I believe” can support the style and flow of your writing, but deleting the lead-in entirely is common advice. The argument is that since you wrote the essay, “I think” and “I believe” are implied. It’s redundant to include them.

Take a look at these sentences:

  • I think the power outage was caused by the wind storm.
  • I believe students should have mentors throughout their time in school.

Here’s what they look like if you remove the lead-in:

  • The power outage was caused by the wind storm.
  • Students should have mentors throughout their time in school.

In these instances, removing the phrases entirely without replacing them made for stronger statements.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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15 Other Ways to Say “I Believe” in an Essay

other ways to say I believe in an essay


Expressing one’s beliefs is an integral aspect of effective communication, especially in the realm of essay writing. While the phrase “I believe” is commonly used, a rich and varied vocabulary can enhance the expression of personal viewpoints. In this article, we’ll explore 15 alternative ways to convey belief in an essay, each with its unique nuances and applications. Let’s delve into diverse linguistic avenues to articulate your convictions with finesse and eloquence.

1. From Where I Stand

When discussing personal beliefs, using the phrase “from where I stand” adds a touch of perspective. This expression implies a particular viewpoint shaped by individual experiences or knowledge. For instance:

Scenario: Email to Justin Taylor

Subject: Exploring New Strategies for Project Management

Dear Justin,

I hope this message finds you well. From where I stand , I’ve been researching innovative project management approaches that could significantly enhance our team’s efficiency. Give me a few days to learn more about these methods, and we can discuss how they might benefit our ongoing projects.

Best regards,

James Wilson

Additional Note: This phrase allows you to bring attention to your unique position or insight on a particular matter.

2. My Take Is

The phrase “my take is” introduces a personal perspective or interpretation. It’s a more casual way of expressing one’s viewpoint.

Scenario: Team Meeting Discussion

Colleague: How do you think we should approach the client presentation?

You: Well, my take is that we should focus on highlighting the key features rather than delving too much into technical details. This way, we can better engage the client and address their specific needs.

Additional Note: This phrase is handy for informal settings, allowing you to share your opinion in a conversational manner.

3. In My Opinion

A classic alternative to “I believe,” “in my opinion” adds a layer of formality to your expression of belief.

Scenario: Academic Paper

Paragraph: The current economic policies have sparked debates among scholars. In my opinion , a comprehensive analysis of historical data is crucial to understanding the potential long-term effects of these policies.

Additional Note: This phrase is suitable for academic or professional contexts, conveying a thoughtful and considered viewpoint.

4. It Seems to Me

Adding a touch of subjectivity, “it seems to me” implies a sense of personal observation or interpretation.

Scenario: Discussion with a Friend

Friend: How did you find the movie?

You: Well, it seems to me that the plot was intricate, but the pacing could have been better.

Additional Note: This phrase is effective in expressing impressions or feelings about a situation.

5. I’m of the Opinion That

“I’m of the opinion that” is a more formal way of stating your belief, suitable for professional or academic discourse.

Scenario: Proposal Submission

Paragraph: In analyzing the current market trends, I’m of the opinion that our proposed marketing strategy aligns seamlessly with the evolving consumer preferences, positioning us for substantial growth.

Additional Note: This phrase carries a level of authority and is apt for situations where a more serious tone is required.

6. As Far as I Know

Introducing an element of uncertainty, “as far as I know” acknowledges the limitations of one’s knowledge.

Scenario: Group Research Project Update

You: As far as I know , the data collection process is on track, but we might encounter unforeseen challenges in the analysis phase.

Additional Note: This phrase is useful when expressing beliefs based on current knowledge while acknowledging the potential for new information.

7. My Position Is

Stating “my position is” conveys a sense of formality and authority, often used in professional or diplomatic contexts.

Scenario: Business Negotiation Email

After careful consideration, my position is that we should proceed with the proposed collaboration, as it aligns with our long-term strategic goals. I look forward to discussing the finer details in our upcoming meeting.

Additional Note: This phrase is suitable for asserting a stance in situations requiring a clear and decisive expression of belief.

8. In My View

Similar to “in my opinion,” “in my view” emphasizes a personal perspective while maintaining a more formal tone.

Scenario: Team Decision-Making Meeting

Team Lead: How do you think we should allocate resources for the upcoming project?

You: Well, in my view , prioritizing research and development would yield greater long-term benefits for our organization.

Additional Note: This phrase is versatile and can be employed in various professional or personal settings.

Don’t miss read out this  Polite Ways to Say “I Called You, But You Didn’t Answer”

9. It Appears That

“It appears that” suggests a belief based on observable evidence or indications.

Scenario: Project Progress Report

Paragraph: After reviewing the project milestones, it appears that the team is ahead of schedule. This bodes well for the timely completion of the project.

Additional Note: This phrase is useful for conveying beliefs grounded in empirical evidence or visible trends.

10. From My Perspective

“From my perspective” is a straightforward way to express your point of view, often used in casual conversations or informal writing.

Scenario: Team Brainstorming Session

Colleague: How do you see the market evolving in the next quarter?

You: Well, from my perspective , consumer preferences are likely to shift towards more sustainable products.

Additional Note: This phrase is effective in providing a personal viewpoint without sounding overly formal.

11. My Take Is

Scenario: Virtual Team Discussion

Teammate: Any thoughts on how we can improve collaboration in our virtual team?

You: Absolutely. My take is that regular video meetings can help foster a stronger sense of connection among team members.

Additional Note: This phrase can be used in both professional and informal settings to convey personal opinions.

12. It Is My Contention That

A more assertive way to express belief, “it is my contention that” implies a strong argument or claim.

Scenario: Academic Debate Opening Statement

Opening Statement: In today’s debate, it is my contention that technological advancements have revolutionized communication, leading to profound societal changes.

Additional Note: This phrase is suitable for situations where you want to emphasize the strength of your belief or argument.

13. I Am Inclined to Think That

“I am inclined to think that” suggests a leaning towards a particular belief or opinion.

Manager: What’s your stance on adopting the new software?

You: Well, I am inclined to think that integrating the new software could streamline our workflow and improve overall efficiency.

Additional Note: This phrase conveys a sense of inclination or tendency in your belief.

14. In My Estimation

“In my estimation” adds a touch of calculation or assessment to your belief, suitable for situations where a measured opinion is required.

Scenario: Financial Analysis Report

Paragraph: In my estimation , the projected return on investment for the upcoming fiscal year is promising, given the current market trends.

Additional Note: This phrase is particularly effective in professional or analytical contexts where precision is valued.

15. I Maintain That

“I maintain that” conveys a sense of steadfastness and persistence in your belief, implying a continuous commitment to a particular viewpoint.

Scenario: Project Status Meeting

Team Lead: There have been concerns raised about the project timeline. What is your assessment?

You: Despite challenges, I maintain that our team is well-equipped to overcome these obstacles, and with collaborative effort, we can still meet the project deadlines.

Additional Note: This phrase is suitable for situations where you want to emphasize the ongoing validity of your belief.

Pros and Cons of Varied Expressions

While diversifying your language to express belief can enhance your communication, each phrase has its pros and cons.

  • Clarity: Using diverse expressions ensures that your beliefs are communicated with precision, matching the tone and formality of the context.
  • Engagement: Varied language keeps your writing interesting and engages the reader by avoiding repetitive phrases.
  • Versatility: Different expressions suit different settings, allowing you to adapt your communication style to various audiences and situations.
  • Overuse: While variety is beneficial, overusing different expressions in a single piece can lead to confusion or a lack of coherence.
  • Inconsistency: Switching between expressions too frequently may create a disjointed flow in your writing, making it challenging for the reader to follow your line of thought.
  • Context Sensitivity: Some expressions may be more suitable for specific contexts, and using them inappropriately may undermine the effectiveness of your communication.

In conclusion, the art of expressing beliefs in writing involves striking a balance between variety and coherence. While it’s essential to diversify your language to avoid monotony, it’s equally crucial to ensure that your expressions align with the context and maintain clarity for the reader.

By incorporating these alternative phrases into your writing arsenal, you can elevate your ability to articulate beliefs, fostering effective communication in both professional and personal spheres. Remember, the key lies not just in what you believe, but in how effectively you convey those beliefs to others.

Steven Smith

Meet Steven Smith , the driving force behind “English Summa.” Armed with a Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics and a passion for teaching, Steven is dedicated to unraveling language intricacies for eager minds. Join him on a journey of linguistic discovery through Language Odyssey—a space where education meets inspiration, and the beauty of language unfolds.

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12 Fresh Synonyms for ‘I Believe’ in an Essay: Boost Your Vocabulary

Other Ways to Say “I Believe” in an Essay

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Welcome to our educational blog, where we’re dedicated to helping you elevate your command of the English language . In today’s article, we’re delving into the art of essay writing by exploring “12 Other Ways to Say ‘I Believe’ in an Essay.”

Whether you’re a student looking to impress your professors or a professional seeking to communicate with finesse, this article will provide you with valuable insights.

In the following sections, we’ll unlock a treasure trove of synonyms and creative expressions that will enrich your essays .

We understand that effective writing requires nuance and variety, and that’s precisely what we aim to deliver.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a toolkit of phrases at your disposal to convey your beliefs with eloquence and sophistication.

Key Takeaways:

  • Uncover 12 synonyms for “I Believe” to diversify your essay vocabulary.
  • Learn how to add depth and sophistication to your writing.
  • Enhance your ability to convey thoughts and opinions effectively.

12 Other Ways to Say “I Believe” in an Essay

In the world of essay writing, using the same phrase repeatedly can make your writing monotonous and unimpressive. To help you elevate your essays, we’ve compiled a list of 12 alternative expressions for “I Believe.”

These phrases will add flavor and depth to your writing, making your essays stand out:

  • In my opinion, – This classic phrase adds a personal touch to your beliefs.
  • From my perspective, – Emphasizes your unique viewpoint.
  • As far as I’m concerned, – Shows your commitment to your belief.
  • It seems to me that, – Expresses a thoughtful observation.
  • I am of the view that, – Conveys a structured and considered opinion.
  • To my way of thinking, – Highlights your individual thought process.
  • If you ask me, – Adds informality while asserting your opinion.
  • I’d like to point out that, – Focuses on drawing attention to a specific aspect.
  • It’s my contention that, – Suggests a strong belief or argument.
  • I maintain that, – Demonstrates a firm stance on the topic.
  • In my estimation, – Indicates a thoughtful evaluation.
  • It’s worth noting that, – Emphasizes the significance of your belief.

By incorporating these alternatives into your essays, you’ll not only enrich your vocabulary but also convey your ideas with greater precision and impact. Experiment with these phrases and see how they can elevate your writing to the next level.

It’s My Contention That: Expressing Certainty and Conviction

In the realm of essay writing, conveying confidence in your beliefs is essential. The phrase “It’s my contention that” allows you to do just that. It implies a strong belief, showcasing your unwavering conviction in your argument.

When and Where to Use

  • Formal Essays: “It’s my contention that” is highly suitable for formal essays, academic papers, or professional reports. It adds an authoritative tone to your writing.
  • Professional Communication: You can use this phrase in professional emails or documents when you want to assert your viewpoint with conviction.
  • Debates and Presentations: When you’re engaging in a debate or giving a presentation, using this phrase can emphasize your confidence in your position.

Example Sentences

  • In a formal essay: “It’s my contention that the impact of climate change on our planet is undeniable, and immediate action is imperative.”
  • In a professional email: “It’s my contention that implementing this strategy will lead to significant cost savings for our company.”

Variations for Different Contexts

  • Colleagues: “I firmly believe that”
  • Friends: “I’m absolutely convinced that”
  • Mentor-Mentee: “It’s my strong belief that”

Pros and Cons

  • Conveys a high level of certainty and conviction.
  • Adds an authoritative tone to your writing or speech.
  • Might sound too formal for casual or creative writing.
  • Should be used selectively to avoid overemphasis.

Grammar/Usage Rule: When using “It’s my contention that,” follow it with a complete sentence that elaborates on your belief.

Exception: In very formal contexts, it can be used as a standalone statement.

Definition: According to Cambridge Dictionary, “contention” means “a strong opinion that is expressed with confidence.”

Tips: Use this phrase when you want to assert your viewpoint firmly, but be mindful of its formality and use it appropriately in different contexts.

I Am Convinced That: Emphasizing Certainty and Belief

When you want to convey a high level of certainty and belief in your writing, the phrase “I am convinced that” is a powerful choice. It leaves no room for doubt and shows your unwavering commitment to your perspective.

  • Formal Essays: “I am convinced that” is suitable for formal essays and academic papers when you want to assert your viewpoint confidently.
  • Persuasive Writing: In persuasive essays or speeches, this phrase can make your arguments more compelling by highlighting your strong belief.
  • Professional Correspondence: Use it in professional emails or reports to express your certainty in a particular course of action.
  • In a formal essay: “I am convinced that renewable energy is the key to a sustainable future.”
  • In a persuasive speech: “I am convinced that our community will benefit greatly from investing in education.”
  • Friends: “I wholeheartedly believe that”
  • Mentor-Mentee: “I am steadfast in my belief that”
  • Conveys unwavering certainty and belief.
  • Enhances the persuasive impact of your writing or speech.
  • May sound overly assertive in some contexts.
  • Should be used judiciously to avoid appearing dogmatic.

Grammar/Usage Rule: Follow “I am convinced that” with a complete sentence that provides context or elaborates on your belief.

Definition: According to Cambridge Dictionary, “convinced” means “completely certain or sure about something.”

Tips: Use this phrase when you want to emphasize your strong conviction, but be aware of the potential for it to come across as too assertive in certain situations. Use it with confidence, but also with sensitivity to your audience’s expectations.

My Stance Is That: Clarifying Your Position

In the world of essay writing, clarity is key. You want your readers to understand your position on a topic unequivocally. The phrase “My stance is that” is a straightforward way to achieve this, making your perspective clear and concise.

  • Formal Essays: “My stance is that” is ideal for formal essays, research papers, or any academic writing where you need to express your viewpoint clearly.
  • Debates and Discussions: In debates or discussions, using this phrase can help you state your position in a way that leaves no room for misinterpretation.
  • Argumentative Writing: If you’re writing an argumentative essay, this phrase can be particularly effective in presenting your thesis statement.
  • In a formal essay: “My stance is that access to quality healthcare is a fundamental human right.”
  • In a debate: “My stance is that stricter environmental regulations are necessary to combat climate change.”
  • Colleagues: “I firmly hold that”
  • Friends: “I strongly believe that”
  • Mentor-Mentee: “My unwavering position is that”
  • Provides clarity about your position.
  • Effective for stating your thesis or central argument.
  • Can be considered somewhat formal for casual writing.
  • Use it selectively to avoid repetitiveness in your writing.

Grammar/Usage Rule: Follow “My stance is that” with a clear and concise statement of your position or belief.

Definition: According to Cambridge Dictionary, “stance” refers to “a particular way of thinking about something, especially expressed in a publicly stated opinion.”

Tips: Use this phrase when you want to leave no room for ambiguity regarding your position on a topic. It’s especially useful in academic or formal contexts where clarity is paramount.

I Maintain That: Upholding Your Belief

When you want to convey a sense of active commitment to your belief, the phrase “I maintain that” is a powerful choice. It suggests that you not only hold a particular viewpoint but also actively stand by it.

  • Formal Essays: “I maintain that” is appropriate for formal essays, research papers, or any academic writing where you want to assert your commitment to your belief.
  • Argumentative Writing: In argumentative essays, this phrase can emphasize your unwavering support for your thesis.
  • Professional Discussions: Use it in professional discussions or presentations to demonstrate your firm belief in a particular idea or strategy.
  • In a formal essay: “I maintain that art has the power to shape society and inspire change.”
  • In a professional presentation: “I maintain that our company’s commitment to sustainability sets us apart from our competitors.”
  • Colleagues: “I stand firmly by the belief that”
  • Friends: “I passionately believe that”
  • Mentor-Mentee: “I uphold the view that”
  • Expresses active commitment to your belief.
  • Adds a level of conviction and dedication to your writing or speech.
  • May come across as overly assertive in some contexts.
  • Use it judiciously to avoid appearing dogmatic.

Grammar/Usage Rule: Follow “I maintain that” with a clear and concise statement that reinforces your belief.

Definition: According to Cambridge Dictionary, “maintain” means “to continue to believe or do something, or to state that something is true, even though it may not be generally accepted.”

Tips: Use this phrase when you want to emphasize your active commitment to your belief. It conveys a strong sense of dedication and can be particularly effective in persuasive or argumentative writing. However, be mindful of the context and tone to avoid appearing too forceful.

In My Estimation: Emphasizing Thoughtful Consideration

In the realm of essay writing, showcasing your thoughtful consideration of a topic is essential. The phrase “In my estimation” allows you to do just that. It emphasizes that your viewpoint is the result of careful evaluation and analysis.

  • Formal Essays: “In my estimation” is well-suited for formal essays, academic papers, or any writing where you want to convey that your viewpoint is the result of thorough consideration.
  • Analytical Writing: If you’re writing an analytical essay, this phrase can underscore the depth of your analysis.
  • Professional Reports: Use it in professional reports or documents when you want to express that your conclusions are based on meticulous examination.
  • In a formal essay: “In my estimation, the economic benefits of sustainable agriculture far outweigh the initial investment.”
  • In a research paper: “In my estimation, the data supports the hypothesis that increased exercise leads to improved mental health .”
  • Colleagues: “I’ve carefully considered and believe that”
  • Friends: “After thoughtful reflection, I believe that”
  • Mentor-Mentee: “In my considered judgment, I hold that”
  • Demonstrates that your viewpoint is the result of careful analysis.
  • Adds an air of authority and thoughtfulness to your writing.
  • May be considered somewhat formal for casual writing.
  • Use it selectively to avoid overemphasizing your analysis.

Grammar/Usage Rule: Follow “In my estimation” with a clear and concise statement that reflects your thoughtful analysis of the topic.

Definition: According to Cambridge Dictionary, “estimation” refers to “the act of forming an opinion about something.”

Tips: Use this phrase when you want to convey that your viewpoint is the product of thorough consideration and analysis. It’s particularly effective in academic or formal contexts where demonstrating thoughtfulness is important.

To My Way of Thinking: Inviting Perspective

In the world of essay writing, inviting readers to see things from your perspective can be a powerful tool. The phrase “To my way of thinking” does just that. It adds a personal touch and encourages readers to consider your viewpoint.

  • Formal Essays: “To my way of thinking” is suitable for formal essays, research papers, or any academic writing where you want to invite readers to see things from your perspective.
  • Opinion Pieces: In opinion-based essays or editorials, this phrase can help you establish your unique viewpoint.
  • Persuasive Writing: Use it in persuasive essays or speeches to encourage your audience to adopt your perspective.
  • In a formal essay: “To my way of thinking, the principles of democracy are the foundation of a just society.”
  • In an opinion piece: “To my way of thinking, the arts play a vital role in fostering creativity and innovation.”
  • Colleagues: “From my perspective, I believe that”
  • Friends: “In my view, I think that”
  • Mentor-Mentee: “To my understanding, I hold that”
  • Invites readers to consider your viewpoint.
  • Adds a personal touch to your writing, making it more relatable.
  • Can be considered somewhat informal for highly formal writing.
  • Ensure it aligns with the tone and context of your piece.

Grammar/Usage Rule: Follow “To my way of thinking” with a clear statement that presents your perspective or belief.

Definition: According to Cambridge Dictionary, “perspective” refers to “a particular way of considering something.”

Tips: Use this phrase when you want to invite readers to view the topic from your perspective. It adds a personal touch to your writing and encourages engagement by inviting consideration of your viewpoint. Be mindful of the formality of your writing and use it appropriately.

It Appears to Me That: Conveying Introspection and Reflection

In the realm of essay writing, expressing introspection and reflection can add depth to your arguments. The phrase “It appears to me that” allows you to do just that. It conveys a sense of personal contemplation and invites readers to explore your insights.

  • Formal Essays: “It appears to me that” can be used in formal essays and academic papers when you want to express your viewpoint while acknowledging your own reflection.
  • Reflective Writing: In reflective essays or pieces where personal insight is valuable, this phrase can emphasize your contemplative approach.
  • Persuasive Writing: Use it in persuasive essays or speeches to present your arguments as a product of careful consideration.
  • In a formal essay: “It appears to me that the role of technology in education is continually evolving.”
  • In a reflective essay: “It appears to me that my experiences have shaped my perspective on leadership.”
  • Colleagues: “In my personal reflection, I believe that”
  • Friends: “As I’ve thought about it, I feel that”
  • Mentor-Mentee: “Through introspection, I’ve come to the conclusion that”
  • Conveys introspection and personal reflection.
  • Invites readers to consider your insights and perspective.
  • May be perceived as somewhat informal for highly formal writing.
  • Use it in contexts where personal reflection is appropriate.

Grammar/Usage Rule: Follow “It appears to me that” with a clear statement that reflects your introspection and personal insight.

Definition: According to Cambridge Dictionary, “introspection” refers to “the examination of and attention to your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings.”

Tips: Use this phrase when you want to convey a sense of personal reflection and introspection in your writing. It adds depth to your arguments and invites readers to explore your insights. Be mindful of the context and tone of your writing to use it effectively.

My Viewpoint Is That: Clarity in Expression

Clarity in essay writing is paramount, especially when expressing your beliefs. The phrase “My viewpoint is that” is a straightforward way to achieve this, ensuring your perspective is clear and easily understood by your readers.

  • Formal Essays: “My viewpoint is that” is appropriate for formal essays, academic papers, or any writing where you need to express your viewpoint with precision.
  • Analytical Writing: If you’re writing an analytical essay or report, this phrase can help you present your perspective in a clear and concise manner.
  • Professional Documents: Use it in professional documents, such as reports or proposals, to ensure your viewpoint is explicitly stated.
  • In a formal essay: “My viewpoint is that cultural diversity enriches our society in numerous ways.”
  • In a professional report: “My viewpoint is that the proposed strategy aligns with our long-term goals.”
  • Colleagues: “I hold the perspective that”
  • Friends: “I believe that”
  • Mentor-Mentee: “From my standpoint, I think that”
  • Provides clarity and precision in expressing your viewpoint.
  • Suitable for both formal and professional writing contexts.
  • May sound somewhat formal for casual writing.

Grammar/Usage Rule: Follow “My viewpoint is that” with a clear and concise statement of your perspective or belief.

Definition: According to Cambridge Dictionary, “viewpoint” refers to “a way of considering something.”

Tips: Use this phrase when you want to ensure your viewpoint is expressed with utmost clarity. It’s particularly effective in formal and professional contexts where precision is crucial. Be mindful of the context and tone to use it appropriately.

In My Considered Judgment: A Deliberate Perspective

When you wish to convey a perspective rooted in careful thought and consideration, the phrase “In my considered judgment” is a distinguished choice. It signifies that your viewpoint is the product of thorough analysis and evaluation.

  • Formal Essays: “In my considered judgment” is fitting for formal essays, research papers, or academic writing where you want to emphasize your thoughtful approach.
  • Analytical Writing: In analytical essays or reports, this phrase can underscore the depth of your analysis and conclusions.
  • Professional Reports: Use it in professional documents, such as reports or proposals, to express that your judgments are based on meticulous examination.
  • In a formal essay: “In my considered judgment, the ethical implications of artificial intelligence warrant careful scrutiny.”
  • In a professional report: “In my considered judgment, the data indicates a need for strategic adjustments in our marketing approach.”
  • Colleagues: “I’ve thoroughly examined and believe that”
  • Friends: “After careful thought, I feel that”
  • Mentor-Mentee: “Through in-depth analysis, I’ve arrived at the conclusion that”
  • Conveys a perspective rooted in careful analysis and judgment.

Grammar/Usage Rule: Follow “In my considered judgment” with a clear and concise statement that reflects your thorough analysis and judgment.

Definition: According to Cambridge Dictionary, “considered” means “thought carefully about something.”

Tips: Use this phrase when you want to emphasize the depth of your analysis and judgment in your writing. It adds a sense of authority and thoughtfulness to your arguments, making it particularly effective in formal and professional contexts. Be mindful of the context and tone to use it appropriately.

From My Perspective: Sharing Personal Insight

In the world of essay writing, sharing personal insight can be a powerful way to engage your readers. The phrase “From my perspective” accomplishes just that. It conveys that your viewpoint is shaped by your unique experiences and observations.

  • Formal Essays: “From my perspective” is suitable for formal essays, research papers, or academic writing where you want to incorporate a personal touch.
  • Persuasive Writing: In persuasive essays or speeches, this phrase can make your arguments more relatable by emphasizing your personal viewpoint.
  • Professional Communication: Use it in professional emails, reports, or documents when you want to express your perspective while acknowledging its personal nature.
  • In a formal essay: “From my perspective, the role of art in society extends beyond aesthetics; it serves as a reflection of our cultural identity .”
  • In a professional email: “From my perspective, the proposed project timeline is ambitious but achievable.”
  • Colleagues: “Based on my experiences and observations, I believe that”
  • Friends: “In my personal view, I think that”
  • Mentor-Mentee: “Drawing from my own insights, I hold that”
  • Shares personal insight and experiences, making your writing more relatable.
  • Adds a personal touch while maintaining a formal tone.
  • May not be suitable for highly formal or objective writing where personal perspective is discouraged.
  • Use it in contexts where personal insight is relevant and adds value.

Grammar/Usage Rule: Follow “From my perspective” with a clear statement that presents your personal viewpoint or belief.

Tips: Use this phrase when you want to incorporate a personal touch and share your unique perspective in your writing. It can make your arguments more relatable and engaging, particularly in formal and professional contexts. Be mindful of the context and tone to use it effectively.

To My Mind: Expressing Personal Opinion

When you want to express your personal opinion in a straightforward and clear manner, the phrase “To my mind” is an excellent choice. It allows you to share your viewpoint while maintaining a respectful and thoughtful tone.

  • Formal Essays: “To my mind” can be used in formal essays, research papers, or academic writing to express your personal opinion in a respectful way.
  • Persuasive Writing: In persuasive essays or speeches, this phrase can help you present your arguments as the product of your personal perspective.
  • Professional Correspondence: Use it in professional emails, reports, or documents to convey your opinion while acknowledging its personal nature.
  • In a formal essay: “To my mind , the ethical implications of genetic engineering are complex and require careful consideration.”
  • In a professional report: “To my mind, the proposed marketing strategy aligns well with our brand identity.”
  • Colleagues: “In my personal opinion, I believe that”
  • Friends: “Personally, I think that”
  • Mentor-Mentee: “In my view, I hold that”
  • Expresses personal opinion in a clear and respectful manner.
  • May not be appropriate in highly formal or objective writing.
  • Use it selectively to avoid overemphasizing personal opinion.

Grammar/Usage Rule: Follow “To my mind” with a clear and concise statement that presents your personal opinion or belief.

Definition: According to Cambridge Dictionary, “mind” refers to “the part of a person that makes it possible for him or her to think, feel emotions, and understand things.”

Tips: Use this phrase when you want to express your personal opinion in a clear and respectful way. It’s particularly effective in formal and professional contexts where you want to convey your viewpoint while maintaining a respectful tone. Be mindful of the context and tone to use it appropriately.

In conclusion, mastering the art of expression is crucial in essay writing. “12 Other Ways to Say ‘I Believe’ in an Essay” equips you with the tools needed to articulate your beliefs effectively. With these alternatives, you’ll infuse your essays with freshness and sophistication, leaving a lasting impression on your readers.

So go ahead, explore these phrases, and watch your writing soar to new heights.

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Unveiling the diversity of conviction:.

Other Ways to Convey Belief in Your Essay

Belief, a cornerstone of human cognition, permeates every facet of our existence. It underpins our actions, shapes our perceptions, and defines our identities. In the realm of academia, expressing belief in an essay is not merely a matter of stating a personal stance; it’s an art form that requires nuance, sophistication, and a keen awareness of language’s power to captivate and persuade. In this exploration, we embark on a journey to uncover the myriad expressions that transcend the mundane proclamation of “I believe” in scholarly discourse. Prepare to delve into a tapestry of eloquence, where conviction intertwines with creativity to elevate your writing to new heights.

Other Ways to Say “I Believe” in an Essay:

In the realm of academic writing, the expression of belief transcends the mere declaration of personal opinion; it is a testament to the depth of one’s convictions and the power of language to convey them. By embracing the diverse array of expressions that go beyond the mundane “I believe,” you enrich your writing with nuance, sophistication, and persuasive power. So, as you embark on your next essay-writing odyssey, remember to wield the language with finesse, and let your beliefs shine brightly through the tapestry of your prose.

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Essay About Beliefs: Top 5 Examples and 8 Prompts

To write an essay about beliefs, you need to know the different beliefs people hold; continue reading this article for examples and prompts to help!

Beliefs are a person’s perception of what they believe to be true. However, not everybody’s belief system is accurate. Beliefs are not necessarily religious or spiritual. It can also be political, philosophical, or societal. Our beliefs are formed early based on our environment – what we are told, heard, observed, and experienced. Below are essay examples to help you understand other writers’ viewpoints about beliefs.


1. Christianity Beliefs in The Exorcism of Emily Rose by Penny Silva

2. a personal believe that god does not exist by lauren trauscht, 3. my beliefs by patrick of shrewsbury, massachusetts, 4. irrational beliefs by vincent bridges, 5. my ethical beliefs by blanche allen, 1. your thoughts about the definition of belief, 2. what influenced your belief on a certain subject, 3. an experience that shaped your beliefs, 4. thoughts about the role of religion, 5. your personal political beliefs, 6. your stand on gender identity, 7. opinions about the connection between social media and suicide, 8. the belief system of millenials.

“This means that she believes it is a fact that if there is a God, there is a devil, and if there is a devil, there is God.”

Silva’s essay discusses the movie “The Exorcism of Emily Rose,” – a film based on the true story of Anneliese Michel. It’s about a court case concerning the death of a girl. She was either possessed by a demon or was suffering from a severe mental illness.

Viewers of the movie are free to believe what they think happened to Emily as it demonstrates the apparition of both the devil and the However, divine. Silva believes that it’s a must-watch if one wants to understand the accurate interpretation of the works of evil.

“…how could anybody keep up on the Bible for thousands and thousands of years? The stories in there had to have gotten mixed up… if there is a God, then who created God? ”

Trauscht’s many questions about a divine existence lead him to believe there is no God. The author shares these reasons in a simple essay about his beliefs.

“ I have no stronger link to anything else in this world than my family… This belief … was something that was one hundred percent infused in me through my parents.”

The author grew up a family-oriented person, and there’s nothing more important to him than his family. He believes he is today because his parents influenced his life. His belief made him a better person.

“I can always distract myself from negative, judgmental thoughts by simply telling myself, “STOP!” Then replace my blaming, complaining, or excusing with something positive. Wisely choosing the thoughts that occupy my mind and avoiding automatic, negative thoughts that undermine my self-esteem will also help.”

Bridges shares his experience with irrational beliefs that made him think negatively, which affected his behavior and self-esteem. He also talks about how he overcame his irrational beliefs when someone believed in him until he finally started to believe in himself, turning the negative thoughts into positive ones.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about religion .

“In a way, ethics are like a set of rules that govern human behaviors and serve as a basis for right conduct principles.”

Allen argues that we have a different understanding of ethics and how we use it in our everyday lives. He says fairness is one of the ethics he applied in his life. Before concluding, he considers the good and bad effects. He believes ethics should be used to reach a fair decision.

8 Writing Prompts on Essay About Beliefs

After reading the examples above, you now better understand what beliefs are. Below are prompts that can help you in writing your essay.

If you want to properly convey your reasons why you believe in a topic, here is a guide on how to write an argumentative essay .

Since all of us may have varying ideas about the definition of beliefs, you can write an essay about your understanding of what belief is all about. You can also provide answers to the following questions: Is belief something you unconsciously developed or something you consciously made? Do you agree that some of your beliefs may not be authentic? 

Many factors can influence why we think what we think. This includes our environment, what we hear and see, and our observations and experiences. 

Pick a particular belief you have and relay to your readers how you came to consider it as fact. You can also talk about something you didn’t believe before, then tell your audience how you came to support it.

If a particular experience forced you to develop a belief about something consciously, you could explore it via your essay. For example, you grew up not believing in God, but due to a near-death experience where you were forced to pray and were saved, you finally accepted that there is an existing God. 

Or, if you previously believed in God but suffered a painful death of a loved one, you start to question His existence. There are so many experiences out there that may have contributed to what we believe in today. Feel free to write them all down.

Essay About Beliefs: Thoughts about the role of religion

You might have heard adults complaining about the morality of the youth today. Does the decreasing interest of young people in religion have to do with moral degeneration? Explain your thoughts about the relationship between religion and morality. 

Your political beliefs have to do with what you consider a prosperous country. “Success” can be defined as a booming or not-so-great economy, but one where the citizens are happy, safe, and accessible. Discuss why you favor a particular political system, including aspects that you want to change.

Gender identity is an ever-controversial subject that still divides many groups today.

However, it also has many subtopics you can focus on. For example, some parents would let their minor children undergo procedures and treatments to change their sex, believing they are supporting their child’s decision. Do you agree with the parents’ beliefs, or would you instead want the parents to wait for the child to be of legal age before undergoing such a procedure?

If you want to expand your knowledge on diversity, here are 21 essays about diversity for students and writers .

With social media’s popularity, cyberbullying also increased. Research found that children and people below 25 years old cyberbullying victims are twice more likely to present suicidal behaviors and self-harm. The same study also found that bullies or perpetrators risk experiencing suicidal ideation and self-harm. What is your opinion on this matter, and do you believe that social media has to do with it? Do parents also have liability on this matter?

During challenging times, more people seek God. However, during the pandemic, millennials in the US-led the shift away from religious organizations. If you belong to the Gen Z or millennials, what’s your stand on this matter? 

50 I Believe Essay Topics

To better train students on how to present their personal opinions on subjective matters, teachers will assign what is known as an “I Believe” or “This I Believe” essay writing assignment.

Designed to provide the reader with insight into the writer’s character, these essays are typically written in first-person point of view. The writer shares their beliefs on a particular topic – ranging from religion and politics to more personal subjects such as love and happiness – and offers supporting arguments for why they hold these beliefs.

The Challenges of Writing “I Believe” Essays

This type of essay prompt is a welcome break from more detail-oriented or researched-based writing assignments for many students. However, “I believe” essay writing assignments aren’t always easy.

It can be challenging for students to articulate their beliefs in a clear and concise way that isn’t argumentative or offensive to the reader. Students may also struggle to explain their reasoning behind these beliefs in a thorough and not overly simplistic way.

Despite these challenges, “I believe” essays can be an excellent opportunity for students to share their thoughts and feelings on important topics and learn more about themselves in the process.

Tips for Writing “I Believe” Essays

If you’re given an “I believe” essay assignment, here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Start by defining what it is that you believe. This may seem like a simple task, but it can be challenging to identify your core beliefs. If you’re struggling, start by jotting down a list of topics that are important to you – from politics and religion to family and friendship.
  • Reflect on why each topic is important to you. Think about the reasoning behind your choices and how these reasons evolved over time. After all, your core beliefs are likely to have changed or grown since you reached adolescence.
  • Determine which of your beliefs are the most important. Focusing on developing thought processes that support your beliefs. For extra help, consider sharing these thoughts with a trusted friend or family member for advice.

By reflecting upon your core beliefs and developing clear arguments to support them, you can craft a powerful “I believe” essay that will truly reflect your thoughts and feelings.

How to Write an “I Believe” Essay

To craft a well-written “I Believe” essay, students must forgo the typical essay structure of introduction, body, and conclusion.

Instead, the essay should be organized around a series of specific beliefs that the writer wishes to share. Each thought should be introduced with a clear thesis statement, followed by supporting arguments and examples.

The conclusion of the essay should wrap up the main points that have been made and leave the reader with a final thought to ponder.

Here is an example of how an “I Believe” essay might be structured:

Thesis: I believe that everyone has the right to love and be loved.

Argument: Everyone deserves to find love and experience happiness in their lives. This should not be limited by race, religion, socioeconomic status, or any other factor.

Example: I saw a video of a man proposing to his girlfriend at Fenway Park. She said yes and the crowd went wild! Now that is love. If they can find it, then so can we all!

Conclusion: Society should not stand in the way of love. Love is the most powerful force in the world, and we should all embrace it.

As you can see, the “I Believe” essay structure allows for a great deal of flexibility. Students can choose to focus on a variety of topics and can organize their essays in different ways. An “I Believe” essay can be an excellent opportunity for students to present their thoughts on important issues under a few simple guidelines. With a bit of planning and organization, this type of essay writing assignment can be a breeze!

What You Shouldn’t Do When Writing an “I Believe” Essay

To ensure that you are writing an “I Believe” essay and not another form of an argumentative or persuasive essay, avoid doing the following:

  • Don’t provide evidence or use statistics to support your position – this is not an essay that calls for research.
  • Don’t attack or criticize the beliefs of others – your goal is to share your own opinions, not to tear down those of others.
  • Don’t go off on tangents – stay focused on the main points you want to make.
  • Don’t speak objectively or in the third person – for example, don’t say “people believe that” or “studies show.”
  • Don’t use filler words and phrases such as “I think,” “I feel,” and “it seems like.”

Use any of these 50 “I Believe” essay topics to help you brainstorm ideas for your essay!

I Believe Essay Topics About Life

  • I believe that life is too short to spend time with people who bring you down.
  • I believe that laughter is the best medicine
  • I believe that we should make time for quiet reflection every day.
  • I believe that the only thing that matters in life is love.
  • I believe that we are all capable of change.
  • I believe that it is never too late to learn and grow.
  • I believe in the power of positive thinking.
  • I believe that we should always be kind, even when it is difficult.
  • I believe that there is no such thing as a coincidence.
  • I believe in the saying “what goes around, comes around.”
  • I believe that we are all responsible for our own happiness.
  • I believe that the best things in life are free.
  • I believe that it is essential to be grateful for what we have.
  • I believe that it is never too late to achieve our dreams.
  • I believe that we should surround ourselves with people who make us better.
  • I believe that you can either love or hate something; there is no in-between.

I Believe Essay Topics About Education & School

  • I believe that education is the key to a bright future
  • I believe that children are our future and should be treasured as such.
  • I believe that there is no such thing as a dumb question.
  • I believe that schools should do more to celebrate diversity.
  • I believe that homework is essential, but it should not be excessive.
  • I believe in the importance of having a strong support system while attending school.
  • I believe that standardized tests are not an accurate measure of a student’s knowledge.
  • I believe that it is vital to find a balance between work and play while in school.
  • I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn how to swim.
  • I believe in the importance of recess and physical activity in students’ lives.
  • I believe that there is no such thing as a bad grade.
  • I believe that teachers deserve more respect and better pay.
  • I believe that it is never too early to learn a foreign language.
  • I believe that education should be free for everyone.

I Believe Essay Topics About Friends & Family

  • I believe that family is the most important thing in life.
  • I believe that friends are the family we choose for ourselves.
  • I believe that it is essential to maintain close relationships with friends and family.
  • I believe that there is no substitute for quality time spent with loved ones.
  • I believe that family is not defined by blood but by love and commitment.
  • I believe that we should spend more time with the people we care about and less time worrying about material things.
  • I believe that it is better to have a few close friends than many superficial ones.
  • I believe that it is healthy for friends to grow apart.
  • I believe that competition between friends is healthy.

I Believe Essay Topics About Money

  • I believe that money cannot buy happiness.
  • I believe that it is essential to be happy with what you have, not what you want.
  • I believe that people are more important than things.
  • I believe that it is okay to splurge on something even if it means going into debt.
  • I believe that it is better to give than to receive.
  • I believe that money can’t buy everything.
  • I believe that the love of money is the root of all evil.
  • I believe in saving for a rainy day.
  • I believe in investing in oneself.
  • I believe in the saying, “money doesn’t grow on trees.”
  • I believe that rich people should be forced to pay more taxes.

These 50 I Believe essay topics are sure to inspire your own original beliefs and help you create a powerful and unique essay. When writing your I Believe essay, be sure to focus on the beliefs that are most important to you and that you feel passionate about discussing. The best I Believe essays are the ones that are personal and reflective, so don’t be afraid to share your own thoughts and experiences.

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This I Believe

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Celebrating Four Years Of 'This I Believe'

April 27, 2009 • During its four-year run on NPR, This I Believe engaged listeners in a discussion of the core beliefs that guide their daily lives. We heard from people of all walks of life — the very young and the very old, the famous and the previously unknown.

Saying Thanks To My Ghosts

April 26, 2009 • Novelist Amy Tan hasn't always believed in ghosts, but as a writer she's had too many inspirations that she can't fully explain. Now, Tan embraces her belief in ghosts and the messages of joy, love and peace they bring her.

Life Is An Act Of Literary Creation

April 23, 2009 • Mexican-American novelist Luis Urrea used to think that simply being a good observer would make his writing better. But over time, he's come to believe that being a good writer and a good person comes from paying attention to the world around him.

The Art Of Being A Neighbor

April 12, 2009 • A few years ago, Eve Birch was broke and living alone in a dilapidated mountain shack. But a community of people befriended her, shared what little they had with her and showed Birch the value of neighbors uniting to help one another.

I Am Still The Greatest

Muhammad Ali John Lair/Muhammad Ali Center hide caption

I Am Still The Greatest

April 6, 2009 • To be the "Greatest of All Time," boxing legend Muhammad Ali says you have to believe in yourself. It's a lesson his parents taught him and it has helped him in fighting Parkinson's disease.

Dancing To Connect To A Global Tribe

March 29, 2009 • Matt Harding has been to 70 countries to dance — badly — in front of a camera, and videos of his travels have become an Internet sensation. Harding believes interacting with so many different people challenges him to understand what unites humanity.

My Father Deserves Spectacular Results

March 26, 2009 • Environmental activist Van Jones is a special adviser to the Obama administration. He says his dad, who died last year, would have gotten a kick out of seeing Obama become president. But his dad had high standards, and there is much more work to be done.

The Beatles Live On

March 15, 2009 • Macklin Levine was born more than 25 years after the Fab Four broke up, but at 12, she has a deep appreciation for Beatles music. "As old as the songs are, you can learn a lot about yourself from the lyrics," she says. And the Beatles help her remember her Dad, too.

Finding Freedom In Forgiveness

March 5, 2009 • Jennifer Thompson-Cannino was certain that Ronald Cotton was the man who raped her in 1984. But she was wrong. After Cotton spent 11 years in jail, DNA evidence proved his innocence. Now, the two have a friendship based on their belief in forgiveness.

Work Is A Blessing

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Seeing Beyond Our Differences

February 26, 2009 • Scientist Sheri White says that despite differences in size, shape and color, all humans are 99.9 percent biologically identical. White believes we should embrace our similarities and honor the differences that make each of us unique.

Historical Archives

Reflections on race: essays from the archives.

February 23, 2009 • Dan Gediman, executive producer of NPR's This I Believe, explores the archives of the original series hosted by Edward R. Murrow in the 1950s. He says the essays shed light on the realities of segregation at the dawn of the civil rights movement.

Gediman explores the 'This I Believe' archives.

The magic of letters.

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February 8, 2009 • In an essay from 1951 for the original This I Believe series, Margaret Mead says she can't separate the beliefs she has as a person from the beliefs she has as an anthropologist. She says that humans have a responsibility for the entire planet.

A Hope For Bettering Humanity

February 1, 2009 • In an essay from 1953 for the original This I Believe series, Sir Charles Galton Darwin, the grandson of naturalist Charles Darwin, drew on his study of science to say he believed the future of humanity depended on the practice of eugenics.

Listening Is Powerful Medicine

February 1, 2009 • It took a scolding from an elderly patient to get Dr. Alicia Conill to look up from her charts and stop to listen. Conill came to understand the value of listening in the treatment process — especially when she herself became the patient.

America's Beauty Is In Its Diversity

January 29, 2009 • In sixth grade, Alaa El-Saad decided to start wearing the hijab , a religious head covering for Muslim women. Despite some trepidation, she found her classmates supported her choice. Now El-Saad believes being different is part of being American.

Thirty Things I Believe

January 18, 2009 • When Tarak McLain's kindergarten group celebrated their 100th day of class, some kids brought 100 nuts or cotton balls. Tarak brought a list of 100 things he believes. Now a first-grader, Tarak shares his top beliefs about God, life, nature and war.

Inviting The World To Dinner

January 12, 2009 • Every Sunday for 30 years, Jim Haynes has welcomed complete strangers into his Paris home for dinner. By introducing people to each other and encouraging them to make personal connections, Haynes believes he can foster greater tolerance in the world.

Pathways Of Desire

January 4, 2009 • Gina Parosa believes in letting her kids, pets and livestock make their own paths in life. But she also realizes that as a farmer and parent, she sometimes has to step in and set good boundaries — while still being flexible enough to change them.

This Is Home

January 1, 2009 • Majora Carter believes you don't have to move out of your old neighborhood to live in a better one. Carter was raised in the South Bronx and spent years trying to leave. But when the city proposed a waste facility there, she was inspired to fight for her community.

Health Is A Human Right

December 21, 2008 • As an infectious disease specialist, Dr. Paul Farmer has traveled the planet to organize and provide medical treatment for people living in poverty. He believes good health care is vital but just the first step in creating a world free of all human suffering.

Dr. Jennifer B. Bernstein

Dr. Jennifer B. Bernstein

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One of the Common Application essay prompts asks you to “reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?”

  • Why Colleges Want to Read Essays on Your Experience Questioning or Challenging a “Belief or Idea” (which also gives you important hints about the types of underlying things you want to reveal about yourself in your anecdotes)
  • What Not to Do in an Essay on a “Time When You Questioned a Belief or Idea” (to help you avoid falling prey to a common mistake)
  • Essay Example by Cornell Admit

2020 UPDATE & Why Most Students Don’t Write About a Time They “Questioned or Challenged a Belief or Idea”

Most students don’t write their Common App essays on challenging a belief or idea.

But you’re not aiming to be like most students, right?

Consider what the Common App team points out in their 2020-2021 update on the essay topics:

“While students aren’t inclined to discuss a time when they challenged a belief or idea, members appreciate what those essays reveal about the students who write them .”

[Just FYI: Members are the colleges that use the Common App.]

It’s interesting to get this feedback from the Common App because it aligns with the patterns I’ve observed with my own students.

Many of my students have immediately dismissed this essay topic, especially when it used to be phrased this way: “Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?”

They felt they couldn’t write a Common App essay on this topic because they. . .

  • never questioned or challenged a major belief or idea
  • challenged a belief or idea but that didn’t necessarily involve taking some big action
  • didn’t want to “rock the boat” in their essay.

However, I want you to notice the BIG change in the Common App’s phrasing of the topic.

The emphasis is no longer just on challenging a belief or idea.

Now you’re also invited to consider writing about a time when you  questioned  a belief or idea and asked to shed more light on your thinking (rather than just your action).

There are so many interesting possibilities for the “questioned or challenged a belief or idea” essay topic, so I want you to keep an open mind and see if it could be a good fit for you.

Why Colleges Want to Read Essays on Your Experience Questioning or Challenging a “Belief or Idea”

Why do schools that use the Common App say that they “appreciate” what essays a “time you questioned or challenged a belief or idea” demonstrate “about the students who write them”?

Let’s consider some possibilities.

REASON #1: Colleges value students who are open to exploring and respecting perspectives other than their own. Sometimes this involves questioning or challenging your own beliefs or ideas and sometimes it involves challenging those of others.

A significant part of the intellectual and social experience of college involves opening yourself up to new perspectives and getting to know people from a wide range of backgrounds.

Some of the most interesting discussions and learning experiences occur when there’s a range of beliefs or interpretations shared during class discussions, while working on projects, or in student organizations.

Remember that this essay prompt is asking you about a “time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea.”

That DOESN’T necessarily mean CHANGING them.

Questioning or challenging ideas or beliefs can also involve enlarging, developing, or refining them.

It could involve realizing that someone’s perspective (including your own) is limited and only applicable in certain circumstances.

REASON #2: Admissions officers are interested in your habits of mind, including your ability to engage in critical thinking.

Even if you’re writing about standing up against a significant injustice, you can’t just write an essay about squashing it.

You have to reveal how you grappled with the issues at hand and how best to address them.

Although the phrase “critical thinking” doesn’t appear in the wording of this Common App essay prompt, that’s one of the things admissions officers want to learn about when reading your essay.

The way you demonstrate your critical thinking in this essay is through your description of “what prompted your thinking.”

Let’s clarify what’s meant by critical thinking.

Wikipedia provides this definition of critical thinking . It involves:

“being inquisitive and curious,

being open-minded to different sides,

being able to think systematically,

being analytical, . . .and

being mature.”

In a previous version of this Wikipedia entry, I found this definition as well. Critical thinking. . .

“clarifies goals,

examines assumptions,

discerns hidden values,

evaluates evidence,

accomplishes actions, and

assesses conclusions.”

Someone who thinks critically doesn’t just take things at face value (even if they seem obviously wrong or bad).

They look beneath the surface to figure out the assumptions and values informing the information and situations they encounter. They also know how to evaluate evidence and consider what types of evidence are–and are not–being provided.

When you’re writing about “what prompted your thinking” in terms of challenging a particular belief or idea, you want to show evidence of these ways of thinking–of these ways of examining your beliefs and ideas and those of others. You definitely don’t have to demonstrate all of them.

REASON #3: The “challenged a belief or idea” essay is a great way to demonstrate your “intellectual vitality” that all colleges, not just Stanford, are looking for in applicants.

This reason combines the first two that we’ve covered but pushes them to the next level.

Let’s consider what the former director of Columbia University’s graduate nonfiction program has to say. In  To Show and To Tell: The Craft of Literary Nonfiction , Phillip Lopate points out:

“In the best nonfiction,. . .you’re always made aware that you are being engaged with a supple mind at work . The story line or plot in nonfiction consists of the twists and turns of a thought process working itself out ” (6).

Many students just don’t yet realize that “ follow[ing] a live, candid mind thinking on the page ” is extremely interesting and important for admissions officers (43).

Just as importantly, most students don’t know how to make their thinking processes spring to life in their writing. It takes time and lots of guidance to master the art of writing this way.

However, it’s this kind of writing that demonstrates the “intellectual vitality” that admissions officers are hunting for when they read your application material.

Many times it’s not the surface level of your narrative (in this case, the specific belief or idea you questioned or challenged) that matters most to admissions officers. It’s your process of thinking and acting.

What Not to Do in an Essay on a “Time You Questioned a Belief or Idea”

One of my former students wanted to focus on a time when he stood up for a student at his school who was being bullied (which involved challenging one of the bully’s core beliefs)

That was actually a good initial idea.

Even though it might seem like a cliched approach to responding to the essay prompt, it’s in the details–in the vivid anecdotes and insights–that you can stand out and make the essay your own.

However, this student had two friends who were constantly ripping his draft to shreds.

“More DRAMA!!!!”

“Don’t tell, SHOW!!!”

Those are the kinds of notes I’d see in the margins of his draft.

His friends eventually convinced him to create an essay that was so exaggerated that it was unbelievable and stripped his writing of his deeper, more significant thoughts and feelings about the situation.

Yes, your essay needs internal and external tension or conflict, but it doesn’t have to be blown out of proportion.

Nuance and subtlety often have more power than you realize.

Yes, you need to show, but you also need to tell.

I strongly recommend checking out these two articles , which reveal effective strategies to use in your Common App essays.

“Techniques Used in the Best College Application Essays”

“Two Elements of the Best Common Application Essays”

“Challenged a Belief or Idea” Essay Example by Cornell Admit

Background Info: One of my students who was accepted to Cornell Engineering wrote about  her experience challenging a Science Olympiad judge’s conclusion about the vehicle she created with her partner. 

Click here to read my article on how to successfully position yourself for engineering programs.

You can watch the video or read about her essay down below.



To generate immediate interest, she plunged readers right into the moment before the event, a great strategy for helping readers feel like they’re there with you. 


Instead of jumping right into what happened during the event, she flashed back to the painstaking process she and her partner went through while preparing for the event.

She didn’t just tell admissions officers they’d spent all this time and energy on the project—she showed it through vivid, sometimes funny, examples about experimenting with various materials.

In this part of her essay, she was providing insight into her work ethic, attention to even the minutest details, ability to handle setbacks, and capacity to collaborate .

By this point, the student was in the middle of her essay, but the reader still didn’t know that she’s writing about a time she challenged someone’s idea or belief.

That’s totally fine!

You’re not writing an academic essay on challenging a belief or idea.

You’re immersing admissions officers in your world—taking them behind the scenes in your life—and, when the moment’s right, you can “tap” on the essay prompt.


She started by creating an anticipatory mood , mixed the seriousness of preparation with a certain degree of humor , and then, after the flashback, gets to the serious part. She’s bringing readers back to the present moment to describe the engineering event itself and the judge’s decision. Because she so effectively described the process, readers feel the let down when something goes wrong.

Readers feel like they’re going on a journey.

That’s a good thing.


The student then described how she and her partner were so taken aback by the results and how they tried to make sense of what happened.

Through these anecdotes she demonstrates her critical thinking skills . She didn’t just jump to the conclusion that the judge was wrong.

She described how, when she realized the problem was with a certain measurement, her partner didn’t want her to say anything about it. She feared speaking up against the authority figure and felt they might suffer some sort of other penalty.

However, even though my student felt kind of queasy about challenging the judge, she did it and the decision was changed in their favor.

She drew her essay to a close with some insights into how this process of learning to speak up for herself—something she hadn’t really done before—changed her life in other ways. It’s not like she’s now always challenging authority but she feels more confident.

Your Next Steps for Writing a Great Common App Essay

Click here to gain access to my complete set of articles on Common App essays and supplemental essays.

Blog post images in order of use: ©claireandy/unsplash.com

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  • This I Believe Essay Showcase

'This I Believe' Essay Showcase

We asked GEL students and GEL alumni to share a belief in the form of an essay. The GEL program has long been one that helps students take stock of themselves and find their way through social and moral landscapes. Instructors in this program often assign This I Believe essays, sometimes as entry points into these landscapes and sometimes as souvenirs. Out of many, seven This I Believe essays stood out to a reading committee made up of students, faculty, and staff.

This I Believe is a popular essay genre that allows the writer to share a personal belief and, through a narrative, explain that belief’s origin or a time that belief was put into action. The essay genre started in the 1950s on a radio show with Edward R. Murrow and was continued by NPR in 2004. Many have enjoyed writing and reading these essays ever since. You can read or listen to tens of thousands of This I Believe essays at This I Believe.org .

To submit your essay for the 2019-2020 academic year, please use the link below:

This I Believe Showcase Essay Submission

The Writing Center is proud to present CSUSM’s This I Believe Showcase winners and their essays from the 2018-2019 Academic Year!

“I Am Enough” by Adrianna Adame

Throughout my life, I have always thought of myself as a failure. I was a failure for not being smart enough, friendly enough, or pretty enough. Always, I criticized myself for not putting in enough effort in order to work up to my full potential. Though, this wasn’t about working up to my full potential, but for not fulfilling the unrealistic expectations that I had burdened upon myself and by the people closest to me. The burdens that I carried weighed me down like how an anchor holds down a boat. Only, it was attached to my mind, instead of my ankle or a ship. The weight of the self-hatred and low self-esteem that I had made me feel like I was drowning. There wasn’t a bright horizon that could be seen in the distance, but instead more black and gray clouds that would bring another storm my way.

Day after day, I would look at myself in the mirror, tearing myself down. I would tell myself every night that I was never enough. I believed that I was a weak and worthless individual, a waste of time. This kind of hateful thinking made it a struggle to stay afloat. Before I knew it, I was weighed down by anxiety and an eating disorder. Each morning I would wake up to only to prepare to endeavor the difficulties of my illnesses.

At one point, I was fully consumed by the storm of my dark thoughts. I had trouble getting through each day. It was a struggle to pretend that everything was okay. I couldn’t even fake a smile anymore. During this time, I began to wonder what it would be like if I no longer existed. When I was staring at the cold and harsh waves of Monterey Bay one night, I realized that I didn’t want to drown. All of a sudden, I remembered all of the people in my life who helped me throughout the different stages of my life. I didn’t want to let them down. I thought about how I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life struggling to get through a single day. I didn’t want to go through life isolated, because of my anxiety. I wanted to live a life where I could be happy and be surrounded by people I admire. That moment of staring at the waves of Monterey Bay was when my determination to not only to just live came back, but my will to enjoy life came back.

I had to first learn from myself to begin to let go of the dark and anxious thoughts that had plagued me. Once I accepted that I would never be able to fulfill those unrealistic expectations that I had, I acknowledged that I needed to seek help by talking to mental health professionals. I couldn’t remain alone in the open sea forever, but needed to climb onto the lifeboat and communicate with people in my life.

Eventually, I realized that I wasn’t a failure. I actually was successful in many ways: for making it to CSUSM; being able to be there to those close to me; and having the beautiful gift of having the freedom to be the person that I am today.

I believe that I am enough. I am good enough for society. I am good enough to be myself without the burden of negative thoughts and unrealistic expectations. I am good enough to get the help that I need from others. I am good enough to live a happy life.

“The Power of Potstickers” by Lauren Brown

I believe in my mother’s cooking.

Ever since my mother realized I would have to cook for myself in college, she dedicated her summer to teaching me the ways of the kitchen. Whether it was educating me on how to operate a pressure cooker, showing me the best ways to peel of the skin of garlic, or demonstrating the right way to steam potstickers in a wok, the resilience my mother had in passing down as much as she knew was admirable. She insisted that the exact measurements or the exact ingredients weren’t necessary and cooking was more of an art than a hard science, but I still felt I would undoubtedly obliterate any flavor or texture with a single misplaced grain of salt; no compromise would yield perfection. Still, she persisted I pour rice into the cooker without a measuring cup and my heart sank with disappointment as I watched the watery, soupy mess fall heavily into the trash can.

“Sometimes, things won’t be perfect,” is what she told me, “and you just have to roll up your sleeves and realize that finding a different solution is the only way to save the dish.”

From then I started to see the compromises and solutions my mother would speak of, not just in the kitchen, but in her life around her.

My mother wanted to make us a traditional Taiwanese dinner, one her mother would make for her before she left for America. However, the pallet of my younger brother, only appreciating the complexities of chicken nuggets and pizza slices, refused to eat our cultural family infused feast. Next time my mother wanted to recreate the dishes, she opted for the frozen potstickers from Trader Joe’s with beef and American broccoli instead of cabbage and bok choy. Although this satisfied the tastes and likings of my sibling, I couldn’t help but despair over the changes to the recipes that I held so dear, despair over the compromise of our culture.

When I went away to college, my mother dutifully packed a freezer bag full of our pre-prepped food from home, and sitting on top of the frozen dishes were the Trader Joe’s potstickers.

Having roommates in college was a large enough compromise in itself, but food proved especially difficult. Caught off guard by roommates asking for tastes of my meals, I found myself naturally flowing into compromise the way my mother did, cooking for everyone and incorporating their preferences and restrictions. Egg noodles instead of rice. Less sesame oil and more soy sauce. Even though I didn’t welcome these changes to my dinners at first and feared the substitutes would produce a subpar dinner, I slowly found myself liking the alternatives more than the recipes. I continued, adding fried eggs, bean sprouts, spinach and spam to the prepackaged ramen noodles that only called for powdered flavor packets, and even my roommates began to show interest towards the unorthodox combination.

Although I find the exact measurements of recipes comforting, I do my best to add a pinch of this and a dash of that in my meals every so often. It’s how I get to go outside my comfort zone every day. And I see in myself a newfound wisdom: it's ok to go off the beaten path, you can experiment, compromise can lead to something new and beautiful. My mother’s cooking taught me that and I expect to bring that with me wherever I may go.

“I Believe in Healing” by Yahaira Cazares

I believe in healing. I believe in the enduring process of healing. September of 2017 I had an experience that has made the last year very difficult for my family and I. I long to heal and at times I feel like those steps towards healing are possible because I believe in hope, and that hope is part of healing. The idea that if I am not okay or not happy in this moment but have the capacity to become happy and become okay in the future is a motivating force for healing. I am in a place where I welcome the hurt and the pain because I understand that it is part of the healing process. I also welcome laughter and new opportunities because I believe allowing myself to be paralyzed in unhappiness will paralyze my healing.

I believe that as a person I am capable of allowing love to heal me. I believe that when my dog lays on my chest, she is healing me; when I tuck my younger brother in, he is healing me; when I hug my parents, they are healing me; when I watch “While you were Sleeping” for the fifteenth time, it is healing me. I am in the process of growth, and what I mean by that is I am “Filling my cup until my cup runneth over” I am choosing to fill my cup with understanding. The process of healing is like filling my cup with one drop per day, desperately agonizing, but desperately necessary to appreciate a full cup.

I have been visiting Mexico almost every other weekend, I see a lot of poverty, mothers are seated on the ground in the hottest and coldest of temperatures, with their babies and toddlers on their laps, trying to sell gum for any spare change. I had never been exposed to that level of poverty, and yet the babies and the toddlers were playing, laughing using rocks or a single action figure they had to share to create a fantasy, a game. That is when I realized that they were healing. Kids heal because they believe that good outweighs evil. They so willingly hope and neglect the possibility of failure. As adults, that diminishes. Experience takes it away, trauma takes it away, insecurity takes it away. Healing is taking it back. Taking back hope, taking back the unwavering belief that things will not always be bad. That there is always room for growth, always room for healing. To understand why things happen and appreciate the things that cannot be understood. There is strength in that, strength I hope one day to possess. I believe in change, I believe in growth, I believe in healing.

“Patience and Perseverance” by Erica Gershom

I believe that nothing in this world is unattainable if an individual works hard to achieve his or her goals. I have witnessed first-hand how much power perseverance has and how it can completely alter a person’s lifestyle and mindset. As an aspiring surgeon, I realize that it will take more than just good grades and volunteer experience to become someone who saves lives. Dedicating my life to helping patients will require a tremendous amount of sacrifice, self-control, and determination. In 2016, my father had a stroke, which permanently disabled his ability to walk and speak. At that time, I was enrolled in four A.P. classes, two dual enrollments classes, A.V.I.D., and I participated in three clubs on campus. I was also volunteering at Loma Linda Hospital on the weekends and singing at church on Sundays. The sole reason I was able to maintain a balance between all of my academic and extracurricular activities is because I believed in myself. I believed that I was capable of working harder than usual to juggle my school life and my family life together. I stayed up late to study for exams and woke up early to take my younger brothers to school since my mother had no other option but to work two jobs after my dad had become physically disabled. I do not know who I would be today if I had not pulled through these rough circumstances and persisted through high school regardless of the tragic events that occurred in my life. I wanted nothing but to wallow in my self-pity and feel horrible for all the setbacks that were persisting in my life. However, I made the decision to keep moving forward, and it was the best decision of my life.

I slowly began to see that my mindset played a huge role in determining how much work I could get done and where I would be in two years. I told myself to have a positive mindset and be patient, since I had seen the direct results of how well that played out in my life. Even today, I am faced with both internal and external struggles that would have normally held me back and prevented me from following my dreams, but a small voice of motivation in my head tells me to keep pushing through. As a 19-year-old female, I am proud to say that I have reached many milestones in my life that were on my to-do list, and it makes my passion for becoming a doctor intensify even higher, all thanks to diligence and patience.

Now, whenever someone asks me if I am really willing to undergo 14 more years of school—including residency and training—to become a surgeon, I say “absolutely, without a doubt.” Hard work has not only been a tool for success, but it has also given me a sense of purpose for my life. It has taught me how to have good work ethic and to always aim higher in everything I do.  It has also shown me that I have the power to change my own life and determine who I could be in this vast world. Success is not measured by the position a person is in, but rather how much hard work a person put in and how many challenges had to be overcome. With this in mind, I am willing to put forth as much effort as it takes to achieve my goal of becoming a great doctor and an even greater person.

“Faith, Hope, and Love” by Karen Siguenza

When I was six years old, my father, an undocumented immigrant was deported. I never knew that that was the reason why he moved to Mexico. I always thought that he just grabbed his stuff and left. Three years later, my mother was also deported. I remember when the ICE came into our room at 6 am in the morning. We were sleeping, then all of a sudden one of the ICE agents gets my sister and I dressed up and sends us to my aunt's house. I didn't understand anything that was going on. I mean I was nine, and my family would never speak the subject to me until a year later.

Every night I would pray to God to make sure my Mom was healthy. It was my faith in God that made me strong these past years. My mom would send me letters but she would never call because she was in a detention center. In those letters, there were prayers inside. Prayers of us seeing each other soon, and for us to be safe and healthy. I had all my faith in God, I would pray that I could see my mom. Having hoped to see mom again gave me strength. I tried my best in school and I always stayed focused. I wanted there to be a purpose for me being a first generation in the United States of America. I never let any opportunity go by.

I wanted to make my parents proud, and I still do. Even though they weren’t here physically with me throughout the years, I still received support from my mom. I had a few rough times in life that almost made me get off track. Through them I had my mom help me get through the difficult times, she would always give me love and support. You see, the most important thing a person can have is love. Having faith gives you a chance of having hope. Because of my faith, I never gave up on working hard in school.

I believe that faith and hope are a beautiful thing. When someone tells you, "I hope you do good." or "I hope everything will be ok for you." , that in my opinion, is the best feeling. I feel cared for and motivated because of it. It is true what they say, "it's the little things in life". Having hope makes me motivated in achieving success. In the Bible, the verse Corinthians 13:13, states: "And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love". I had faith in God, which gave me hope. Faith and hope motivated me to succeed in my education. Without it, I wouldn't be where I am today, at California State University, San Marcos. I am here to receive an education and to graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in order for me to have a stable job that I will love doing. But without my mother's love, I wouldn't be who I am today, a first-generation college student. I believe in faith, hope, and love. I believe that by giving or receiving these three things, it can make a better you.

“I Believe in Loving Myself” by Samantha Sparkenbach

I believe in loving myself. As a millennial, I am part of the majority of people who use social media. I was convinced that it was necessary to have platforms like Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. I thought nothing harmful could come from an app, but I was wrong. From scrolling through pictures of girls who were living lavish lives that I would never have to compare my body to models photos that were most likely photoshopped, I was destroying my confidence slowly.

I grew up loving myself like any other kid would with so much innocence and happiness when I would sink my teeth into my favorite foods. What I would do to go back to a time where I could care less about what I was eating because it could affect the way my body looks. As I got older, I started to get more interested in fashion and makeup, I was more inclined to go on social media to get ideas and inspiration from online influencers. I thought there was no wrong in doing this because everyone my age was doing the same thing. People were posting all the adventurous trips they were going on as well as the most thrilling parts of their day. I was starting to notice how unsatisfying my life seemed compared to everyone else. I started questioning why I wasn’t living nearly the same exciting way they were. Not only was social media making my life feel dull but it was making me judge my body a certain way.  The more I found myself spending time standing in the mirror looking at myself and obsessing over the fact that my body wasn’t skinny enough was making me lose my self-worth. The mirror was starting to become a daily chore where I would point out every little detail I hated. I was viewing myself completely different than I really was, and just causing destruction inside of me. I no longer wanted to go out or hang out with people because I thought people would see what I was perceiving and not enjoy me anymore.

I remember one morning when I woke up and saw a stretch mark on the inside of my leg and I fell apart. All I could think about was how models don’t have stretch marks, so why do I? I was a mess about this and just wanted total isolation. I knew I could not keep filling my head with unhealthy acquisitions about myself.  I decided that it would be beneficial to remove all my social media accounts to see if I would feel more valuable.

As time would pass that I wouldn’t be checking my phone and wouldn’t be comparing my body to others, I was loving myself more. I started to wear clothes that I felt truly beautiful in and adapted my own style, not the style social media told me I should wear to feel sexy. I had completely created an ideal body in my head of what was perfect and no one can achieve that realistically. My body is unique and no one else has the same one as I do. Through the process of loving myself, I have been able to help so many of my friends to do the same, and the glow I started to see within them made me feel so content. Through loving myself I have learned inner peace and what it means to not rely on anyone else but myself. I believe in loving myself because my body is constantly working to keep me alive and healthy. I believe in loving myself because I deserve to think in a positive way instead of negative. I believe in loving myself.

“Infatuation” by Reignmarc Vincent Labuguen

I believe infatuations are necessary to strengthen desire, passion, and happiness in life. It’s a word that describes admiration for a short period of time. Infatuations is a viral emotion that can occur without notice. Whether it’s a job you’ve seen on television, following the footsteps of your idol, or getting your crush’s phone number. The word does not have to be involved romantically. Infatuations may end in disappointment. Sometimes it may become an excuse to never attempt a dream again. Time flies by, I have somehow made it this far. Thanks to these admirations.

I believe infatuations are all a part of a process that makes me an open book to opportunities. It’s hard to see it as a positive outcome, but the illusion of being disappointed begins to fade when a new opportunity is presented.

I can recall experiences that consist of undesirable outcome and disappointment. But I choose not to because who would like to hear me complain about my past. I am nowhere qualified for a podcasting career. But I do want to share you my past experience because I do believe it’s the reason why I hold my passions to live a successful life. My infatuations have always been a time when I do something uncharacteristic. It is usually my mother that notice my actions first, more than anyone.

In ninth-grade, I tried out for the varsity basketball team. My mom called me out and said, “why bother, your physically and mentally unathletic.” Boy, I wanted to prove her wrong. This would’ve been the best underdog story you’ve ever heard. I was cut from the team after the third day of try-outs. I was out of my comfort zone, literally and physically. Yes, it ended my dream following Kobe Bryant’s legacy. But I couldn’t imagine myself getting out of my comfort zone again without being in this position. Rejection is my greatest fear, but without it, I’ll never know how to cope with failure ever again.

In eleventh grade, I finally came at peace that basketball will never be a reality, and I accept it. So, I came back to my passion for public service. I ran for a position in ASB, not once but twice. When I told my mom that I wanted to return to public service, she told me, “you got to be kidding me, you’re not going through this and lose it all again.” She called me out for not being mainstream to win in a high school setting. But of course, my infatuation got the best of me and submitted my campaign to run for president. It is a huge commitment to run for public service. The front-runner was no other than the popular girl on campus. I was committed to winning, but the high school population was too overwhelming. I can certainly tell you my mom is a fortune teller, I lost the election by a landslide. Cheers to democracy.

My obsession achieving a dream influence actions outside my comfort zone. I accept that infatuation gets the most of me. The short-term desires reveal uncharacteristic actions. It is a bittersweet process, but I am thankful for it. While most outcomes result in heartbreak, it also reveals new characteristics of me. I take advantage of it, so when the next desire come, achievement might actually be a possibility.

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Essays About Personal Beliefs

Personal beliefs essay topcis.

Personal beliefs are the convictions and values that individuals hold as true and significant in their lives. These beliefs can be shaped by various factors, including cultural background, religious upbringing, personal experiences, and education. The theme of personal beliefs is vast and multifaceted, often touching upon morality, ethics, spirituality, and personal identity. Exploring personal beliefs in an essay allows for deep introspection and examination of how these beliefs influence behavior, decision-making, and interactions with others.

Choosing a Topic for a Personal Beliefs Essay

When selecting a topic for a personal beliefs essay, consider the following steps:

  • Reflect on Your Own Beliefs: Start by reflecting on your own personal beliefs and values. What are the core convictions that shape your life? This reflection can provide a strong foundation for your essay.
  • Consider Broader Themes: Think about broader themes related to personal beliefs, such as morality, spirituality, social justice, or cultural traditions. How do these themes intersect with your own beliefs?
  • Choose the Type of Essay: Decide on the type of essay you wish to write. This could be analytical, narrative, descriptive, argumentative, or compare and contrast.
  • Research and Relevance: Ensure that there is enough research material available on the chosen topic if you are writing an analytical or argumentative essay. The topic should also be relevant and engaging to your audience.
  • Personal Connection: Select a topic that you have a personal connection with or a strong interest in.

Categories and Types of Media Analysis Essay Topics

  • Analytical: Analyze the portrayal of gender roles in "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood.
  • Narrative: Write a narrative about how a particular novel changed your perspective on a social issue.
  • Comparative: Compare the representation of dystopian societies in "1984" by George Orwell and "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley.
  • Descriptive: Describe the impact of literary censorship on society.
  • Argumentative: Argue the significance of diverse voices in contemporary literature.

Social Issues

  • Analytical: Analyze the media's role in shaping public opinion on climate change.
  • Narrative: Share a personal story about how media coverage of a social issue influenced your beliefs.
  • Comparative: Compare the portrayal of social justice movements in different news outlets.
  • Descriptive: Describe the impact of social media on political activism.
  • Argumentative: Argue whether the media has a responsibility to promote social justice.
  • Analytical: Analyze the influence of political advertisements on voter behavior.
  • Narrative: Narrate an experience of how political media influenced your political views.
  • Comparative: Compare the media coverage of two different political events.
  • Descriptive: Describe the role of media in a democratic society.
  • Argumentative: Argue the effects of media bias on elections.


  • Analytical: Analyze the representation of mental health in contemporary television series.
  • Narrative: Write a narrative about how a movie or TV show impacted your personal beliefs.
  • Comparative: Compare the portrayal of heroism in Marvel and DC movies.
  • Descriptive: Describe the evolution of diversity in Hollywood films.
  • Argumentative: Argue the importance of representation in media.
  • Analytical: Analyze the impact of social media algorithms on information consumption.
  • Narrative: Narrate a personal story about how technology has influenced your beliefs.
  • Comparative: Compare the media portrayal of technological advancements in different decades.
  • Descriptive: Describe the role of media in the digital age.
  • Argumentative: Argue the ethical implications of media technology on privacy.
  • Analytical: Analyze the portrayal of health crises in the media.
  • Narrative: Write a narrative about how media coverage of a health issue impacted your beliefs or actions.
  • Comparative: Compare the media coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic with past health crises.
  • Descriptive: Describe the role of media in promoting public health awareness.
  • Argumentative: Argue the responsibility of the media in addressing misinformation about health.
  • Analytical: Analyze the impact of media on consumer behavior.
  • Narrative: Narrate a story about how media influenced your views on a particular brand or product.
  • Comparative: Compare the portrayal of corporate responsibility in different media outlets.
  • Descriptive: Describe the role of media in shaping business ethics.
  • Argumentative: Argue the effects of advertising on consumer culture.

Choosing a topic for a personal beliefs essay involves deep reflection on your own values and convictions, and considering broader themes that intersect with these beliefs. By selecting a type of essay and ensuring there is ample research material available, you can create a compelling and insightful essay. Exploring media analysis topics allows you to critically examine how media influences various aspects of society, from literature and social issues to politics and business. By carefully selecting and researching your topic, you can provide a thorough analysis that highlights the profound impact of media on personal beliefs and societal norms.

Personal Belief Thesis Statement Examples

Here are a few examples of personal belief statements:

  • I believe in the power of kindness and strive to make a positive impact on those around me through compassionate actions and words.
  • I believe in continuous learning and personal growth, seeking out new experiences and knowledge to better myself and the world.
  • I believe in the importance of family and friends, cherishing the relationships that provide support, love, and happiness in my life.
  • I believe in equality and justice, advocating for fair treatment and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.
  • I believe in the resilience of the human spirit, knowing that challenges and setbacks are opportunities for growth and strength.
  • I believe in the necessity of environmental stewardship, committing to sustainable practices to protect our planet for future generations.
  • I believe in the transformative power of creativity, using artistic expression to inspire, heal, and connect with others.

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Personal beliefs are the principles or convictions that individuals hold to be true, guiding their behaviors, decisions, and perceptions of the world. These beliefs are often influenced by cultural, religious, familial, and personal experiences.

  • Personal beliefs can significantly shape a person's identity and influence their life choices.
  • Beliefs can change over time due to new experiences, education, and introspection.
  • Cognitive dissonance occurs when an individual holds conflicting beliefs, leading to mental discomfort and a drive to reconcile the differences.
  • Beliefs are not just confined to religious or spiritual domains but can encompass a wide range of topics including politics, health, and morality.
  • The strength of a belief can affect how a person interprets new information and interacts with others who hold different beliefs.

Understanding personal beliefs is crucial as they influence behavior, shape identity, and affect interactions with others. Exploring this topic can lead to greater self-awareness and empathy towards different perspectives, fostering a more inclusive and understanding society. This understanding can also be a compelling subject for Personal_Beliefs ssay topics.

Relevant topics

  • Self Reflection
  • About Myself
  • Self Assessment
  • Personal Strengths
  • Personal Goals
  • Overcoming Challenges

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belief in an essay

53 This I Believe Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best this i believe topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 most interesting this i believe topics to write about, ❓ this i believe questions.

  • This I Believe: What Goes Around Comes Around – Essay I never did my homework and it became so hard for me to catch up with the rest in class. This was the time when I remembered the words of my grandmother “only fools rush […]
  • Art and Creativity to Solve Problems I believe that art is the deepest expression of the society and the beliefs it underscores. I believe in the unity of the human race and bringing an end to racism and human trafficking.
  • This I Believe: Making the Most Out of Time
  • Discovery Can Be a Nuisance: This I Believe in Genetics
  • This I Believe: Life and Creativity
  • A Philosophy of Health Education: This I Believe
  • This I Believe: Thomas Mann on Time and the Meaning of Our Existence
  • This I Believe About the Care of Human Beings
  • Acceptance and Respect for Beliefs Different From One’s Own: This I Believe
  • This I Believe: Live a Life of Love
  • Resources in Support of This We Believe
  • The Personal Philosophies of Remarkable Men and Women: This I Believe
  • This I Believe: My Positive Outlook on Life
  • Activities of the Non-profit Organization: This I Believe
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IvyPanda. (2023, November 8). 53 This I Believe Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/this-i-believe-essay-examples/

"53 This I Believe Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 8 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/this-i-believe-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '53 This I Believe Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 8 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "53 This I Believe Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 8, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/this-i-believe-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "53 This I Believe Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 8, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/this-i-believe-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "53 This I Believe Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 8, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/this-i-believe-essay-examples/.


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108 Belief Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Belief Essay Topic Ideas & Examples: Exploring the Depths of Human Faith

Beliefs shape our identity, influence our actions, and provide meaning and purpose to our lives. They can be deeply personal or widely shared, encompassing religious, philosophical, political, or cultural perspectives. Writing an essay on beliefs allows us to delve into the complexities of human faith, understanding how it impacts individuals and societies. To inspire your exploration, here are 108 belief essay topic ideas and examples.

Religious Beliefs:

  • The role of religion in shaping individual identity.
  • The impact of religious beliefs on personal happiness and fulfillment.
  • Analyzing the connection between religious beliefs and moral values.
  • The role of rituals and ceremonies in religious practices.
  • The significance of religious symbols and their interpretation.
  • Exploring the concept of faith and its importance in religious contexts.
  • The relationship between religious beliefs and the afterlife.
  • The influence of religious beliefs on social and political issues.
  • Comparing and contrasting religious beliefs across different cultures.
  • The impact of religious beliefs on attitudes towards science and technology.

Philosophical Beliefs:

  • The significance of personal philosophies in guiding life choices.
  • Analyzing the connection between philosophy and morality.
  • The role of reason and logic in shaping philosophical beliefs.
  • Exploring the concept of free will and its implications on belief systems.
  • The relationship between philosophy and religion in shaping worldviews.
  • The impact of philosophical beliefs on ethical decision-making.
  • The influence of philosophical beliefs on political ideologies.
  • Examining the concept of truth and its interpretation in different philosophical traditions.
  • The role of skepticism and doubt in challenging existing belief systems.
  • The connection between philosophical beliefs and the pursuit of knowledge.

Political Beliefs:

  • The influence of political beliefs on individual values and actions.
  • Analyzing the connection between political ideology and social justice.
  • Exploring the role of political beliefs in shaping public policies.
  • The impact of political beliefs on attitudes towards globalization.
  • The relationship between political beliefs and economic systems.
  • The connection between political beliefs and attitudes towards immigration.
  • The influence of political beliefs on environmental policies and sustainability.
  • Examining the role of political beliefs in shaping international relations.
  • The significance of political beliefs in promoting social equality and inclusivity.
  • The impact of political beliefs on attitudes towards human rights.

Cultural Beliefs:

  • The role of cultural beliefs in shaping individual and collective identities.
  • Analyzing the impact of cultural beliefs on gender roles and expectations.
  • Exploring the concept of cultural relativism and its implications on belief systems.
  • The influence of cultural beliefs on attitudes towards marriage and family.
  • The connection between cultural beliefs and artistic expressions.
  • The impact of cultural beliefs on attitudes towards education and learning.
  • Examining the role of cultural beliefs in promoting social cohesion.
  • The significance of cultural beliefs in shaping dietary choices and food practices.
  • The influence of cultural beliefs on attitudes towards aging and death.
  • The connection between cultural beliefs and perceptions of beauty and body image.

Personal Beliefs:

  • The role of personal beliefs in shaping individual goals and aspirations.
  • Analyzing the impact of personal beliefs on decision-making processes.
  • Exploring the connection between personal beliefs and self-esteem.
  • The influence of personal beliefs on attitudes towards risk-taking.
  • The significance of personal beliefs in promoting mental well-being.
  • The impact of personal beliefs on attitudes towards relationships and love.
  • Examining the role of personal beliefs in cultivating resilience and perseverance.
  • The connection between personal beliefs and attitudes towards personal growth.
  • The influence of personal beliefs on attitudes towards material possessions.
  • The significance of personal beliefs in shaping attitudes towards failure and success.

Controversial Beliefs:

  • Analyzing controversial beliefs and their impact on social dynamics.
  • The role of controversial beliefs in fostering critical thinking and debate.
  • Exploring the connection between controversial beliefs and social progress.
  • The influence of controversial beliefs on attitudes towards marginalized groups.
  • Examining the role of controversial beliefs in shaping media narratives.
  • The significance of controversial beliefs in challenging societal norms.
  • The impact of controversial beliefs on freedom of speech and expression.
  • The connection between controversial beliefs and social activism.
  • The influence of controversial beliefs on attitudes towards authority.
  • The role of controversial beliefs in promoting empathy and understanding.

Scientific Beliefs:

  • The impact of scientific beliefs on attitudes towards the natural world.
  • Analyzing the connection between scientific beliefs and evidence-based thinking.
  • Exploring the role of scientific beliefs in shaping technological advancements.
  • The influence of scientific beliefs on attitudes towards health and medicine.
  • The significance of scientific beliefs in promoting environmental conservation.
  • The connection between scientific beliefs and attitudes towards climate change.
  • Examining the role of scientific beliefs in shaping educational curricula.
  • The impact of scientific beliefs on attitudes towards animal rights and welfare.
  • The connection between scientific beliefs and attitudes towards genetic engineering.
  • The influence of scientific beliefs on attitudes towards the origin of life.

Historical Beliefs:

  • The role of historical beliefs in shaping cultural identities.
  • Analyzing the impact of historical beliefs on nationalistic ideologies.
  • Exploring the connection between historical beliefs and historical revisionism.
  • The influence of historical beliefs on attitudes towards war and conflict.
  • The significance of historical beliefs in shaping collective memory.
  • The impact of historical beliefs on attitudes towards colonialism and imperialism.
  • Examining the role of historical beliefs in shaping political ideologies.
  • The connection between historical beliefs and attitudes towards immigration.
  • The influence of historical beliefs on attitudes towards human rights.
  • The role of historical beliefs in promoting intercultural understanding.

Literary and Artistic Beliefs:

  • The significance of literary and artistic beliefs in shaping cultural movements.
  • Analyzing the connection between literary and artistic beliefs and social change.
  • Exploring the role of literary and artistic beliefs in challenging societal norms.
  • The influence of literary and artistic beliefs on attitudes towards censorship.
  • The connection between literary and artistic beliefs and the pursuit of beauty.
  • Examining the impact of literary and artistic beliefs on self-expression.
  • The role of literary and artistic beliefs in promoting empathy and understanding.
  • The significance of literary and artistic beliefs in shaping collective memory.
  • The influence of literary and artistic beliefs on attitudes towards social justice.
  • The connection between literary and artistic beliefs and the imagination.

Media and Technology Beliefs:

  • The impact of media and technology beliefs on attitudes towards information consumption.
  • Analyzing the connection between media and technology beliefs and political polarization.
  • Exploring the role of media and technology beliefs in shaping public opinion.
  • The influence of media and technology beliefs on attitudes towards privacy.
  • The connection between media and technology beliefs and the digital divide.
  • Examining the impact of media and technology beliefs on online communities.
  • The role of media and technology beliefs in shaping media literacy.
  • The significance of media and technology beliefs in promoting digital citizenship.
  • The influence of media and technology beliefs on attitudes towards artificial intelligence.
  • The connection between media and technology beliefs and social media activism.

Environmental Beliefs:

  • The impact of environmental beliefs on attitudes towards sustainability.
  • Analyzing the connection between environmental beliefs and environmental policies.
  • Exploring the role of environmental beliefs in shaping consumer behavior.
  • The influence of environmental beliefs on attitudes towards climate change.
  • The connection between environmental beliefs and attitudes towards resource conservation.
  • Examining the impact of environmental beliefs on attitudes towards animal rights.
  • The role of environmental beliefs in promoting environmental education.
  • The significance of environmental beliefs in shaping attitudes towards eco-friendly practices.

These belief essay topic ideas and examples provide a starting point for your exploration of the intricate tapestry of human faith. Remember to approach each topic with curiosity, open-mindedness, and respect for diverse perspectives. By delving into these beliefs, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

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39 “This I Believe” Essay

The history of ‘this i believe’.

by Tanya Matthews

This I Believe is an exciting media project that invites individuals from all walks of life to write about and discuss the core beliefs that guide their daily lives. They share these statements in weekly broadcasts on NPR’s Morning Edition and All Things Considered .

The series is based on the 1950’s radio program This I Believe , hosted by acclaimed journalist Edward R. Murrow. Each day, some 39-million Americans gathered by their radios to hear compelling essays from the likes of Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Robinson, Helen Keller and Harry Truman as well as corporate leaders, cab drivers, scientists and secretaries — anyone able to distill into a few minutes the guiding principles by which they lived. Their words brought comfort and inspiration to a country worried about the Cold War, McCarthyism and racial division.

Eventually, the radio series became a cultural phenomenon. Eighty-five leading newspapers printed a weekly column based on This I Believe . A collection of essays published in 1952 sold 300,000 copies — second only to the Bible that year. The series was translated and broadcast around the globe on the Voice of America. A book of essays translated into Arabic sold 30,000 copies in just three days.

[The NPR series This I Believe can be read and heard here . In addition, the website and organization This I Believe houses thousands of essays written by famous people, such as the ones mentioned above, and everyday people like you and me.]

As a college student in 2020, you are faced with turbulent politics, socioeconomic issues, and ethical dilemmas that will challenge you to take a stand and contribute to the local, national, and global conversation around you. The purpose of this writing task is not to persuade you to agree on the same beliefs. Rather, it is to encourage you to begin the much more difficult task of developing respect for beliefs different from your own. Fifty years ago, Edward R. Murrow’s project struck such a chord with millions of Americans. It can do so again today…with you.

Video Resources for Generating Ideas

Dan gediman on writing a “this i believe essay”.

Read Cecelia Munoz’s essay “Getting Angry Can Be a Good Thing” referred to in the previous video here .

“This I Believe” Essay with Animation

“This I Believe” Essay Ideas

Prewriting Activity

1) analyze others’ statements.

Consider the following statements, written in response to the question What Have You Learned About Life? Highlight any sentences that resonate with you. Talk about them with a partner or group, explaining why. 1. I’ve learned that when I wave to people in the country, they stop what they are doing and wave back. – Age 9 2. I’ve learned that if you want to cheer yourself up, you should try cheering someone else up. – Age 14 3. I’ve learned that although it’s hard to admit it, I’m secretly glad my parents are strict with me. – Age 15 4. I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it. – Age 39 5. I’ve learned that there are people who love you dearly but just don’t know how to show it. – Age 42 6. I’ve learned that you can make someone’s day by simply sending them a little note. – Age 44 7. I’ve learned that the greater a person’s sense of guilt, the greater his or her need to cast blame on others. – Age 46 8. I’ve learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. – Age 48 9. I’ve learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you miss them terribly after they die. – Age 53 10. I’ve learned that making a living is not the same thing as making a life. – Age 58 11. I’ve learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance. – Age 62 12. I’ve learned that whenever I decide something with kindness, I usually make the right decision. – Age 66 13. I’ve learned that it pays to believe in miracles. And to tell the truth, I’ve seen several. – Age 75 14. I’ve learned that even when I have pains, I don’t have to be one. – Age 82 15. I’ve learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love that human touch—holding hands, a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. – Age 85 16. I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn. – Age 92

2) Compose Your Own Statement

Write down a sentence that expresses what YOU have learned about life. Maybe it is similar to one of the statements above; maybe it’s completely different. Whatever it is, write it down.

3) Freewrit e

Now free-write about your sentence. Include at least two examples / experiences that you have had that support why you think this way.

Personal Statement/Philosophy: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you believe in this statement? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name two experiences that you had that would support the statement: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What does this say about yourself or your personality? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ After your life experience, how have you come to the conclusion that this should be your statement? How have your beliefs changed, if at all? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How has the event effected your relationship with a person, place, or object? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How does your statement apply to you today? (How you view yourself & society) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Sample #1: america’s beauty is in its diversity.

written by Alaa El-Saad,  high school student,  as heard on NPR’s Tell Me More (2009)

America is built on the idea of freedom, and there is no exception for Muslim women. I believe in the freedom of religion and speech. But mostly, I believe it’s OK to be different, and to stand up for who and what you are. So I believe in wearing the hijab.

The hijab is a religious head covering, like a scarf. I am Muslim and keeping my head covered is a sign of maturity and respect toward my religion and to Allah’s will. To be honest, I also like to wear it to be different. I don’t usually like to do what everyone else is doing. I want to be an individual, not just part of the crowd. But when I first wore it, I was also afraid of the reaction that I’d get at school.

I decided on my own that sixth grade was the time I should start wearing the hijab. I was scared about what the kids would say or even do to me. I thought they might make fun of me, or even be scared of me and pull off my headscarf. Kids at that age usually like to be all the same, and there’s little or no acceptance for being different.

On the first day of school, I put all those negative thoughts behind my back and walked in with my head held high. I was holding my breath a little, but inside I was also proud to be a Muslim, proud to be wearing the hijab, proud to be different.

I was wrong about everything I thought the kids would say or even do to me. I actually met a lot of people because of wearing my head covering. Most of the kids would come and ask me questions—respectfully—about the hijab, and why I wore it.

I did hear some kid was making fun of me, but there was one girl—she wasn’t even in my class, we never really talked much—and she stood up for me, and I wasn’t even there! I made a lot of new friends that year, friends that I still have until this very day, five years later.

Yes, I’m different, but everyone is different here, in one way or another. This is the beauty of America. I believe in what America is built on: all different religions, races and beliefs. Different everything.

Sample #2: The Essentials to Happiness

written by Alexxandra Schuman, high school student, as heard on The Bob Edwards Show (2013)

As a child, I was generally happy; singing and dancing to my favorite songs; smiling and laughing with my friends and family. But as far back as second grade, I noticed a “darkness,” about me. I didn’t enjoy engaging in many things. I didn’t relate to my peers in elementary school because they appeared so happy, and I didn’t have that ability to achieve happiness so easily.

In middle school things in my life began to get even worse. I began withdrawing from everything I once enjoyed; swimming, tennis, family. I hated going to sleep knowing I had to wake up to another day. I was always tired. Everything was horrible. Finally, midway through eighth grade, I was told I had a chemical imbalance; diagnosed with clinical depression and put on medication. It took months for me to feel the effects of the medication.

When I began to feel happy again, is when I realized that I had to take the responsibility for getting better myself, rather than relying on medication and therapy alone. Aristotle said, “To live happily is an inward power of the soul,” and I believe that this quote describes what I had to do to achieve happiness. Happiness is a journey. Everyone seems to need different things to be happy. But I believe people are blinded from what truly makes one happy.

Growing up, we’re encouraged to be successful in life; but how is success defined? Success and happiness are imagined now as having a lot of money. It is so untrue. Recently I went to Costa Rica and visited the small town of El Roble. I spent the day with a nine-year old girl named Marilyn. She took me to her house to meet her parents. It was obvious that they were not rich; living in a small house with seven children. The house was cluttered but full of life. Those who have decided that success and happiness comes from having money and a big house would be appalled at how utterly happy this family from El Roble is. People say that seeing things like that make you appreciate what you have, but for me, it made me envy them for being so happy without all the things I have.

“The essentials to happiness are something to love, something to do, and something to hope for,” a quote from William Blake sums up what I believe people need to realize to be truly happy in life. People need love; I feel they need their family and their friends more than anything in the world. People need work to do, something to make them feel they are making a difference in the world. People need to know that more good is to come in the future, so they continue to live for “now” instead of constantly worrying about the bad that could come. And most importantly people need to know that happiness is not something that happens overnight. Love and hope is happiness.

Sample #3: Find a Good Frog

written by Delia Motavalli, high school student, as heard on The Bob Edwards Show (2013)

I believe in finding a good frog. It seems that all throughout childhood, we are taught to look for a happily ever after. “And they all lived happily ever after”; isn’t that the conclusion to many children’s films? When I was a kid I always thought of that as magical; but now really it just seems unrealistic. And it teaches us that what we want is a fairytale like they have in the storybooks. We all want to be Cinderella who gets swept off her feet by the hot prince; we want to live in the royal castle, right? But I don’t think that’s necessarily a good thing for us to seek. Now I’m not saying I believe in being pessimistic, but I do believe in being realistic; it’s something I got from my mom.

My mother and I always have our best conversations in the rain. We sit in the car, neither of us wanting to brave the rain to get to the house. So we sit. We watch droplets race down the windshield, listen to the rain strike the roof of her little blue Honda, and feel the heater on full-blast rushing at our feet (just the way we like it). I don’t know why, but sitting in the car, we always talk more than normal. There was one rainy day when my mom told me something that is going to stick with me forever. Earlier that day she and my dad had been arguing about something; I can’t remember what. So she said, “Don’t spend your life looking for Prince Charming. Instead, find yourself a really good frog.”

At the time, I found this thought really disheartening. Who wants to think that you’ll never find Prince Charming? You’ll never get to be Cinderella? Another thought that struck my mind: if my mom says there’s no Prince Charming, then what’s my dad? A frog? I asked her, and she replied with, “Of course! If he were Prince Charming, he wouldn’t snore, would be able to cook, and we would never argue. But you know what? He’s a damn good frog.” Of course, being young, I didn’t think of the meaning behind what she was saying. I was too busy thinking of it literally, visualizing my mom as a princess and my dad in frog form.

But a few years later, I understand the value of my mom’s words. You can’t expect everything to be perfect. Let’s be completely honest; if you wait your whole life for your prince with flowing hair, statuesque features, and a white horse, you’re going to be lonely. I think that the point of finding a good frog is you accept something that’s great, flaws and all. It’s so easy to be picky. You can find the one tiny thing that’s wrong, and that one tiny thing is what you can’t get your mind off of. But in life, we can’t afford to wait years in vain for perfection. So I think that a good frog, an amazing frog, the best frog you can find is what we’re really looking for in this world. Don’t laze through life waiting for a happily ever after, because I don’t think you’ll be very happy with the outcome.

Examples from the ‘This I Believe’ Website

Be Cool to the Pizza Dude by Sarah Adams

They Lived Their Faith by Charles Henry Parrish

Returning to What’s Natural by Amelia Baxter-Stoltzfus

The Birthright of Human Dignity by Will Thomas

Remembering All The Boys by Elvia Bautista

I Am Still The Greatest by Muhammad Ali

A Goal Of Service To Humankind by Anthony Fauci

My Life Is Better by Abraham

Give Me a Waffle by Brenda

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4) Drafting

Assignment guidelines + suggestions and tips for drafting.

1. While the examples you’ve been given can serve as a model, it is essential that each of you write about a personal belief or philosophy that you feel strongly about. 2. Tell a story. Personal experiences are the corner stone of a good essay. Your story doesn’t have to be a heart breaker or even a major event, but it must be something that has affected how you think, feel, and act. List your personal experiences that you intend to use as evidence below: 3. Be concise. Avoid repetition. This essay should be between 500 – 650 words. When read aloud, it should take roughly four minutes. 4. Name your belief. It is essential that you can name your belief in a sentence or two. Focus on one belief only. This is your thesis. Write it here: 5. Be positive. Avoid preaching or persuading. You aren’t trying to change the way others think or act. Write about what you believe, not what you don’t believe. 6. Use the first person. Speak for yourself. Avoid using we or you. 7. Let your voice shine. Use language that sounds like you. Read it aloud as your revise. Keep making changes until your essay sounds like you and captures the essence of your belief.

5) Peer Review

Once you have written your first draft, arrange for your essay to be edited by a peer, using the following Peer-Editing Checklist: Writer’s Name: ________________________________________________ Peer Editor’s Name: ________________________________________________ Use your PENCIL or PEN (NOT red or green) to make corrections. Remember, this essay is a work in progress. You are not done writing! Look for ways to improve what you’ve already written. Tick each step if it has been completed. _____ 1. Read the paper backwards, one sentence at a time. Check for spelling errors. Use a dictionary, a friend, or a spell checker to find the correct spelling. _____ 2. Check for capitalized proper nouns and the first word of each sentence. _____ 3. Skip a line between each paragraph. _____ 4. Every sentence should have end punctuation. _____ 5. Check commas. Are they only used for compound sentences, a list of items, an introductory word or phrase, direct address, setting off interruptions, separating adjectives, or in dates? Do you need to add commas? Make sure you do not have commas separating complete sentences (i.e. comma splice errors that create run-on sentences). _____ 6. Apostrophes are used only for contractions and to show ownership. _____ 7. The use of more complex punctuation (dashes, hyphens, semi-colons, parentheses, etc.) is done correctly. _____ 8. Have you used commonly mixed pairs of words correctly? Check these: they’re/their/there, your/you’re, it’s/its, a/an, to/too/two, are/our/hour, and others. _____ 9. Read the paper backwards one sentence at a time. Check for sentence fragments and run-ons and correct them. _____ 10. Did you stay in present tense (such as is, am, do, take, know, etc.) or past tense (such as was, were, did, took, knew, etc.) throughout the entire essay? _____ 11. Did you stay in first person (I, me, my, we, us, our) or third person (he, him, she, her, they, them, their) throughout the entire essay? _____ 12. Was there adequate use of specific details and sensory details? Were the details clear and relevant to the statement? _____ 13. Is the overall purpose/philosophy clear? _____ 14. Does the conclusion make you go, “Wow!” “Cool!” “I never thought about it that way,” or any other similar reaction? Other suggestions for the overall content of the piece: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

possible grading rubric for This I Believe essay

This I Believe by Tanya Matthews is licensed by CC-BY-SA

“This I Believe” Essay Copyright © 2020 by Liza Long; Amy Minervini; and Joel Gladd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Student Essays

Essay on Believe in Yourself

5 Essays on Believe in Yourself | Self Belief, Meaning & Importance

Self belief is the most important thing in life which helps a person to fight against all odds and achieve success in their lives by leading a happy and contended life. Self belief does not come overnight, it comes with efforts and then only you can achieve your goal easily. Read the following short and long essay for students on self belief.

Essay on Self Belief | Meaning, Importance of Self Belief For Children and Students

Self belief is defined as a feeling or consciousness of one’s own powers or of reliance on one’s own efforts. In simple words, self-belief is a strong faith and confidence in yourself.

If you have self belief then others will believe that you can achieve anything what ever you want to do. You will feel strong and active within yourself. You will be able to face any difficult situation or circumstances with courage and confidence. You will not lose hope in your abilities and skills even if you face many hurdles on the way.

Essay on Believe in Yourself

However, if you lack self-belief others will not have faith in you. You may not be able to make a success of your life because of lack of motivation and strength from within. In other words, this means that the road to success is only for those who do have a strong belief in themselves. Self-confidence without self-belief is of little use.

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Self belief is important for all of us because nobody can succeed without it whereas success is the only thing that can bring self-belief in you which will help you to cope up with any difficult situation.

Importance of Self Belief in Life

Five major reasons why self belief is important in life are:

1) Self Belief is important for a student because he has to work hard and get good grades in order to get a good job. In this competitive world, an average or below average student cannot find a suitable job easily. If you have strong belief in your abilities then you will have confidence in yourself that you can achieve anything what ever you want to. It is the self belief that makes a student responsible for his actions and decisions because, without having trust in oneself no one can be brave enough to take decisions confidently.

2) Similarly, when it comes to choosing a profession or taking any important decision in life, self belief is an important criterion. It will help you to take firm decisions and achieve success in your career by leading a happy and contended life.

3) If you have a strong belief in yourself then it will be easy for others to trust you because they know that whatever promises you make them, whatever tasks assigned to you, you will accomplish them successfully.

4) Self-belief is also helpful in making sound decisions because it gives courage to handle any situation that may come up during the course of your life.

5) Successful people have a strong belief in themselves and others too believe in them so they get success easily. They have the ability to influence and motivate others to work hard and achieve success.

Thus, we can say that having a strong belief in yourself will help you to build strong relationships with your family members , friends and colleagues which will give support to each other and result into achieving greater heights of success.

Self Belief for Students

Successful students are always confident and have a strong belief in themselves. They do not allow their failures to discourage them from achieving their goal or goal. They wait for the right time, gather all resources and then make a plan to achieve success. Successful students learn from their mistakes and never waste an opportunity given by god because they know that opportunities are rare. A person who does not have self-belief always makes excuses for his failures and blames others for his shortcomings.

In an era where competition has become cut throat, it is very important that a student believes in his own potential and abilities to achieve high scores. If he lacks self belief then he will make mistakes which will decrease his percentage. And often this


To conclude, it can be said that having a strong belief in oneself is very important because if you have a strong conviction about yourself then nobody will be able to discourage you from achieving your goal. If you want to achieve success in any field of life, all you have to do is to believe in yourself and gather all the necessary resources and tools.

What is Self Essay:

Self essay is a form of writing in which an individual shares their personal experiences, opinions, and thoughts. It allows the writer to reflect on their own life and share their unique perspective with others. A self essay can cover a wide range of topics including personal growth, relationships, challenges, accomplishments, and more.

One of the main purposes of writing a self essay is self-discovery. It gives the writer an opportunity to explore their own thoughts and feelings, which can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself. Through self-reflection, one can uncover hidden motivations, values, and beliefs that may have influenced their actions and decisions in life.

Moreover, self essay writing can also be a form of self-expression. It allows individuals to freely express themselves without fear of judgment or criticism. It can be a therapeutic outlet for releasing emotions and processing experiences. Writing about personal struggles, successes, and lessons learned can also inspire and resonate with others who may be going through similar situations.

Self essays are not only beneficial for the writer but also for the readers. By sharing their personal stories, individuals can connect with others on a deeper level and create a sense of empathy and understanding. It can also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for others who may be facing similar challenges.

In today’s digital age, self essays have become increasingly popular through various platforms such as personal blogs, social media, and online publications. This provides individuals with a platform to freely express themselves and share their stories with a wider audience.

In conclusion, self essay writing is a powerful tool for self-discovery, self-expression, and connecting with others. It allows individuals to reflect on their own experiences and share their unique perspectives with the world.

Essay on Believe in Yourself :

Believing in oneself is often cited as one of the most important factors for achieving success. It is the foundation upon which all other aspects of personal growth and development are built. Yet, many struggle with self-doubt and lack of confidence, hindering their ability to achieve their goals and dreams. In this essay, we will explore the concept of self-belief and its crucial role in achieving success.

What is self-belief?

Self-belief can be defined as having confidence in one’s abilities and worth. It is a deep-seated belief that you are capable of accomplishing your goals and overcoming challenges. It is not about being arrogant or overestimating oneself, but rather having a realistic understanding of your strengths and potential. Self-belief is also closely linked to self-esteem, which refers to how you perceive and value yourself.

The power of self-belief

Believing in oneself has the power to shape our thoughts, actions, and ultimately our destiny. It gives us the motivation and determination to pursue our dreams despite obstacles and setbacks. When we have a strong sense of self-belief, we are more likely to take risks and push ourselves out of our comfort zones. This opens up new opportunities for growth and success.

On the other hand, lacking self-belief can lead to feelings of fear, doubt, and insecurity. This can hold us back from reaching our full potential and living a fulfilling life. Without self-belief, we may settle for less than what we are capable of and miss out on opportunities for growth and achievement.

Building self-belief

The good news is that self-belief is not a fixed trait. It can be nurtured and developed with conscious effort. Here are some ways to cultivate a strong sense of self-belief:

  • Recognize your strengths and achievements: Take time to reflect on your past successes and the qualities that helped you achieve them. This will remind you of your capabilities and boost your confidence.
  • Surround yourself with positive influences: The people we surround ourselves with can greatly impact our self-belief. Choose to spend time with those who support and uplift you, rather than those who bring you down.
  • Challenge negative thoughts: We all have an inner critic that can undermine our confidence. When you notice negative self-talk, challenge it and replace it with positive affirmations.
  • Set achievable goals: Setting and achieving realistic goals is a great way to build self-belief. Start small and gradually work towards bigger goals as you gain more confidence in yourself.
  • Celebrate your progress: Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. This will help you stay motivated and reinforce your belief in your abilities.

The role of self-belief in success

Self-belief is often considered the key to achieving success because it provides the necessary foundation for taking action towards our goals. Without a strong sense of belief in ourselves, we may lack the courage and determination to pursue our dreams. In contrast, when we truly believe in ourselves and our abilities, we are more likely to take the necessary steps towards success.

Moreover, self-belief also helps us bounce back from failures and setbacks. It allows us to learn from our mistakes and use them as stepping stones towards future success. As famous basketball player Michael Jordan once said, “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”

In conclusion, self-belief is a vital ingredient for achieving success in any aspect of life. It gives us the courage, motivation, and resilience to pursue our dreams and overcome challenges. While it may not come naturally to everyone, self-belief can be developed through conscious effort and practice. So, believe in yourself and your abilities, and you will be amazed by what you can achieve. As the saying goes, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” So, choose to believe in yourself and see how it transforms your life for the better.

Short Speech on Believe in Yourself:

As we go through our daily lives, we encounter various challenges that may seem impossible to overcome. In such situations, it is important to have self-belief and confidence in ourselves. Believe in yourself is more than just a phrase, it is a mindset that can help us achieve great things.

When we believe in ourselves, we are able to push through obstacles and setbacks, and work towards our goals with determination. It allows us to stay focused on the positive aspects of our lives and not get discouraged by failures.

Moreover, when we have faith in ourselves, it inspires others around us to believe in themselves as well. As leaders, it is important for us to instill this belief in those around us, especially in times of uncertainty.

Believe in yourself also means acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses, and constantly working on improving ourselves. It is about having a growth mindset and not being afraid to take risks.

In conclusion, having self-belief is essential for personal growth and success. Let us remember to always believe in ourselves, no matter what challenges come our way. As Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” So let us choose to believe in ourselves and strive towards achieving our dreams. The possibilities are endless when we have faith in ourselves.

If you Believe in Yourself anything is Possible Essay:

As human beings, we all have dreams and aspirations that we want to achieve in life. These goals may vary from person to person, but they are ultimately what motivate us to strive for excellence. However, the path towards achieving our dreams is not always smooth. There will be obstacles and challenges along the way that can make us doubt ourselves and our abilities.

In such moments, it is important to remind ourselves that if we believe in ourselves, anything is possible.

Believing in oneself means having confidence and faith in our own abilities. It means acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses and trusting that we have what it takes to overcome any difficulties that come our way. When we truly believe in ourselves, we are able to turn our dreams into reality because we have the determination and perseverance to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough.

One of the main reasons why believing in ourselves is so crucial is because it allows us to take risks and step out of our comfort zones. Without self-belief, we may hesitate to pursue opportunities or try new things because we are afraid of failure. However, if we have faith in ourselves, we are more willing to take chances and explore different paths. And even if we do fail, we are able to bounce back stronger because our self-belief gives us the courage to keep going.

Moreover, when we believe in ourselves, we are not easily swayed by the opinions or judgments of others. We trust our own judgment and decisions, which allows us to stay true to ourselves and our goals. This is essential in a world where there will always be people who doubt us or try to bring us down. By believing in ourselves, we are able to rise above these negative influences and stay focused on what truly matters.

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In conclusion, if we believe in ourselves, anything is possible. Our self-belief gives us the strength and resilience to overcome obstacles, take risks, and stay true to ourselves. So let us hold onto our dreams and have faith in ourselves, for it is through self-belief that we can achieve great things and make our wildest aspirations a reality.

Q: Why is it important to believe in yourself?

A: Believing in yourself is important because it boosts self-confidence, motivation, and resilience, helping you overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

Q: What makes you believe in yourself?

A: Believing in yourself often comes from self-awareness, setting achievable goals, receiving support, and learning from both successes and failures.

Q: What is believing in yourself summary?

A: Believing in yourself is having confidence in your abilities and worth, which empowers you to pursue your ambitions and face life’s obstacles with determination.

Q: What does it mean to believe in yourself?

A: Believing in yourself means having faith in your capabilities, judgment, and value as an individual. It involves self-assurance and a positive self-image, which drives personal growth and success

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My Values And Beliefs (Essay/Paper Sample)

Table of Contents


Who we are and what we do are largely shaped by important values and beliefs in life. It’s important that we are aware of these two as they are the True North of our decision-making. They also guide our personal relationships.

This custom essay tackles my beliefs in life, as well as my main values. This is my simple way of checking in on my personal life and assessing my code of ethics.

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What are my values and beliefs essay

I grew up under my parents’ care. Throughout my life, they consistently told me that the beauty of life is experienced fully only by those who work hard.

Mother Carrying Her Baby while Working From Home

As a kid, that did not sound relevant to me. My parents made sure I was looked after well; food, shelter, clothing, schooling, and healthcare were all easily accessible to me. I was comfortable without even breaking a sweat. All I did was just ask for what I wanted.

I never thought to consider what my parents were going through to make ends meet. I thought that every kid had it good like me. My parents never seemed anxious, even if they know they had to find a way to provide for the family.

How I’m doing today

I am all grown up now. I am about to complete my studies and start a fresh chapter of life – living independently, not requiring financial support from my parents. Thanks to the example they set, I now know the true value of hard work. It’s ingrained in me.

However, living in the 21st century is quite a challenge, thanks to the state of the world we live in. With the issue of gender equality yet to be completely resolved, it is even harder for us women. It’s only those who somehow manage to get heard that get a seat at the table.

Positive young African American female freelancer in casual clothes talking on smartphone and drinking coffee while working remotely on laptop at home

Doing honest work and giving it my best brings me sheer joy and satisfaction. Over the years, I have earned the respect of my peers and mentors because of what I stand for. I believe in sowing good seeds in fertile ground for an abundant harvest.

Courage and confidence

I made one of my life-altering decisions at the young age of 15. I embraced courage and confidence. Standing in front of a multitude of people at a conference hall to deliver a speech is just like a walk in the park for me.

Man in Pink Suit Holding Microphone

Nowadays, I can approach anyone without fear and I can achieve anything I put my mind to. However, the early stages of my teenage life were a mess. I was shy and got picked on, bullied, and harassed many times.

Throughout that ordeal, I tried to fit in and be accepted by the cool girls in my school. I would do the impossible for them – even sneak in contraband just to please them. How naïve of me! Still, they never accepted me. Experiencing this shone a light on the real state of my heart and mind.

Openness and transparency

My life is such an open book. There is nothing I have to hide. I love talking about all my experiences, emotions, dreams and goals, especially with people younger than me. I have gone through a lot in life, and I am sure that I am neither the first nor the last to experience what I have experienced.

Equal rights and respect for all

I believe that regardless of one’s race or gender, everyone is equal and should be treated with the uttermost respect and dignity. Observance of human rights is paramount to maintaining a civilized society.

Discipline, hard work, and positivity

I have always believed that discipline and hard work are like ingredients in a recipe to achieve one’s goals and aspirations. At the same time, maintaining a positive attitude and drive undisputedly translates to success and prosperity. I believe these are core values that have shaped me into who I am today.

In as much as I always strive to do my best in everything tasked to me, I understand that not everything I plan will pan out as expected. It’s so important, therefore, to maintain a positive attitude regardless of the outcome of my efforts.

In life, there are always ups and downs. I seek to stay happy and content whether I succeed or fail. I am in no way perfect, but thanks to my personal values, I am able to attain this.

I encourage you to make your own personal values your moral compass. It will help you become a better person and help you pursue your personal goals.

Short Personal Beliefs Essay

What is your personal code? What are the values and beliefs that define you as a person?

It is important for us to be aware of our beliefs and values as they tell us what our convictions are and how much we are willing to sacrifice to uphold them. They inform us what is important to us at the end of the day.

Grayscale Photo of Human Hand

Personally, I adhere to the following values: honesty, responsibility, and unconditional love. These three for me are the key foundations to healthy personal relationships.

Honesty enables me to be transparent in sharing my unmet needs and expectations of others. Any relationship that withholds this kind of information will never flourish.

Responsibility for me is taking ownership of your role in any relationship. You hold yourself accountable for any action you take towards a person. It means you don’t get defensive if your intent was not recognized. Instead, you own up to the consequences of your decisions no matter the motivation.

Man in Blue White and Red Plaid Dress Shirt

Finally, unconditional love is the cornerstone of all these. Being able to dispense grace and not expecting anything in return is the key to a forgiving and nourishing relationship. Love doesn’t hold grudges.

Difference Between Values and Beliefs

Both values and beliefs have a place in culture, and they actually inform each other. A value answers the question, ” What is good?” while a belief answers the question, “What is true?” Values are the manner by which you approach or respond to a person or situation. Beliefs are the convictions or inner narratives we hold that define our values. The two combined are a reflection of our worldview or our perception of reality.

Why are values and beliefs important?

They are important because they are part of our DNA. Our identity and our sense of worth are rooted in what we value and believe in. Without having high self-awareness, we will not be able to identify what values or convictions hold true for us. They influence our moral compass and drive us to respond the way we do. They are a crucial way of understanding ourselves better and knowing what we need to work on. They are part of us knowing ourselves in relation to others. We must recognize the weight of their impact on our decision-making. Without both, we would always be susceptible to our blind spots and weaknesses. Knowing what is valuable to us allows us to choose whose opinions ultimately matter. It also guides us in resolving conflict. They give us a sense of personal right and wrong. They allow us to reflect accurately. Finally, it allows us to apply wisdom in every aspect of our lives.

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Guest Essay

The Christian Case Against Trump

A cross necklace decorated with a U.S. flag pattern, against a maroon background.

By Eliza Griswold

Ms. Griswold is the author of “ Circle of Hope: A Reckoning With Love, Power, and Justice in an American Church .”

In the aftermath of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on July 13, a video with images of Jesus crowned with thorns, blood running down his face, followed by photos of the former president circulated on social media. Days later, at the Republican National Convention, the evangelist Franklin Graham endorsed Mr. Trump from the stage, saying that “God spared his life.”

But the idea of Mr. Trump as chosen by God has infuriated those evangelicals who believe that he stands in direct opposition to their faith. Their existence highlights an often-overlooked fact about the American religious landscape: Evangelicals are not a monolith.

The troubling ascendancy of white Christian nationalism has galvanized evangelicals for whom following Jesus demands speaking truth to power, as well as building the kingdom of heaven on earth in actionable ways. In 2024, this includes mobilizing voters against the former president.

Although this broader evangelical movement is often referred to as the evangelical left, it adheres to no party. “This isn’t about being a Democrat or a Republican,” Jim Wallis, an evangelical Christian pastor, author and justice activist, told me. Instead believers like him say they refuse worldly labels and division.

They also believe that they can sway enough of their fellow evangelicals, along with other people of faith, and low-income Americans, who historically have had much lower voting rates than other groups, to swing this presidential election against Mr. Trump.

“The so-called evangelicals who support Trump have a Jesus problem,” Bishop William Barber II told me. Jesus advocated tirelessly for the poor and warned that nations would be judged “by how we treat the hungry, the sick, the incarcerated and the immigrant,” Bishop Barber said.

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  1. 19 Other Ways to Say "I Believe" in an Essay

    It's okay to use "I believe" in an essay if the person grading your paper permits you to use personal pronouns. You can say "one might argue" if you want to use a more formal alternative in the third person. "It appears" is another good option that removes the personal pronoun "I.". Don't go anywhere!

  2. 20 Other Ways to Say "I Believe" in an Essay

    List of Other Ways to Say "I Believe" in an Essay. In my opinion, As I see it, From my perspective, In my view, It is my conviction that, To my understanding, As far as I'm concerned, In my estimation, From my standpoint, It seems to me that, As I understand it, In my judgment, In my experience, It's my belief that, From my vantage ...

  3. 10 Other Ways to Say "I Believe" in an Essay

    From where I stand, this is the best course of action. Therefore, I think we should capitalize on it. 2. My Take Is. For a more direct alternative, you can write "my take is.". It's another way to say "I believe" in an essay. Saying you have a "take" suggests you believe something that others might not.

  4. 10 Other Ways to Say "I Believe" in an Essay

    Here are ten professional alternatives to "I believe" that can enhance your essay writing: 1. In my view. Using "In my view" in your essay suggests that you're presenting a personal perspective, but with a tone that's a bit more formal and detached than "I believe.". It hints that you've given the matter some thought.

  5. 11 Other Ways To Say "I Think" And "I Believe" In An Essay

    It Can Be Concluded. "It can be concluded" is a good replacement for "I think" and "I believe" in third-person writing. It emphasizes the conclusions you're drawing based on previously detailed evidence. Like "this suggests," "it can be concluded" comes after you present some evidence or ideas. It directly connects your ...

  6. 15 Other Ways to Say "I Believe" in an Essay

    Expressing one's beliefs is an integral aspect of effective communication, especially in the realm of essay writing. While the phrase "I believe" is commonly used, a rich and varied vocabulary can enhance the expression of personal viewpoints. In this article, we'll explore 15 alternative ways to convey belief in an essay, each with its ...

  7. 12 Fresh Synonyms for 'I Believe' in an Essay: Boost Your Vocabulary

    To help you elevate your essays, we've compiled a list of 12 alternative expressions for "I Believe.". These phrases will add flavor and depth to your writing, making your essays stand out: In my opinion, - This classic phrase adds a personal touch to your beliefs. From my perspective, - Emphasizes your unique viewpoint.

  8. Other-Ways-To-Say-I-Believe-In-An-Essay

    Unveiling the Diversity of Conviction: Other Ways to Convey Belief in Your Essay Belief, a cornerstone of human cognition, permeates every facet of our existence. It underpins our actions, shapes our perceptions, and defines our identities. In the realm of academia, expressing belief in an essay is not merely a matter of stating a personal … Other-Ways-To-Say-I-Believe-In-An-Essay Read More »

  9. Essay About Beliefs: Top 5 Examples And 8 Prompts

    1. Christianity Beliefs in The Exorcism of Emily Rose by Penny Silva. "This means that she believes it is a fact that if there is a God, there is a devil, and if there is a devil, there is God.". Silva's essay discusses the movie "The Exorcism of Emily Rose," - a film based on the true story of Anneliese Michel.

  10. 50 I Believe Essay Topics

    I believe in saving for a rainy day. I believe in investing in oneself. I believe in the saying, "money doesn't grow on trees.". I believe that rich people should be forced to pay more taxes. These 50 I Believe essay topics are sure to inspire your own original beliefs and help you create a powerful and unique essay.

  11. This I Believe Essay Writing Guidelines

    Be brief: Your statement should be between 500 and 600 words. That's about three minutes when read aloud at your natural pace. Name your belief: If you can't name it in a sentence or two, your essay might not be about belief. Also, rather than writing a list, consider focusing on one core belief. Be positive: Write about what you do believe ...

  12. This I Believe : NPR

    This I Believe Beginning in 1951, radio pioneer Edward R. Murrow asked Americans from all walks of life to write essays about their most fundamental and closely held beliefs. Half a century later ...

  13. "A Time When You Questioned or Challenged a Belief or Idea"

    Most students don't write their Common App essays on challenging a belief or idea. But you're not aiming to be like most students, right? Consider what the Common App team points out in their 2020-2021 update on the essay topics: "While students aren't inclined to discuss a time when they challenged a belief or idea, members appreciate what those essays reveal about the students who ...

  14. 'This I Believe' Essay Showcase

    This I Believe is a popular essay genre that allows the writer to share a personal belief and, through a narrative, explain that belief's origin or a time that belief was put into action. The essay genre started in the 1950s on a radio show with Edward R. Murrow and was continued by NPR in 2004. Many have enjoyed writing and reading these ...

  15. Personal Belief Essay Examples and Topics to Write about

    The theme of personal beliefs is vast and multifaceted, often touching upon morality, ethics, spirituality, and personal identity. Exploring personal beliefs in an essay allows for deep introspection and examination of how these beliefs influence behavior, decision-making, and interactions with others. Choosing a Topic for a Personal Beliefs Essay

  16. 223 Belief Essay Ideas, Topics, & Examples

    In your belief essay, you might want to focus of various philosophical approaches to the concept. Another idea is to compare religious and secular belief systems. One more option is to talk about your strongest personal beliefs and practices. Whether you have to write a high-school or a college assignment, our article will be helpful.

  17. 53 This I Believe Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    This I Believe: Happiness Is a Choice. I know that I can choose to be happy. I was ashamed and worried that he would know I took it. We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts. 191 writers online.

  18. 108 Belief Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Writing an essay on beliefs allows us to delve into the complexities of human faith, understanding how it impacts individuals and societies. To inspire your exploration, here are 108 belief essay topic ideas and examples. Religious Beliefs: The role of religion in shaping individual identity. The impact of religious beliefs on personal ...

  19. This I Believe, Essay Writing Guide with Outline

    The essay after every sentence should leave the reader with suspense and an urge to know what comes next. They should not be able to predict the events because if they do the 'I believe essay' will be very annoying. Finally, the most important thing is to stay on topic. A person's core belief in an article is the subject of the composition.

  20. "This I Believe" Essay

    This I Believe is an exciting media project that invites individuals from all walks of life to write about and discuss the core beliefs that guide their daily lives. They share these statements in weekly broadcasts on NPR's Morning Edition and All Things Considered. The series is based on the 1950's radio program This I Believe, hosted by ...

  21. 5 Essays on Believe in Yourself

    Read the following short and long essay for students on self belief. Essay on Self Belief | Meaning, Importance of Self Belief For Children and Students. Self belief is defined as a feeling or consciousness of one's own powers or of reliance on one's own efforts. In simple words, self-belief is a strong faith and confidence in yourself.

  22. My Values And Beliefs, Essay Sample/Example

    Last modified on January 3rd, 2022. Introduction. What are my values and beliefs essay. How I'm doing today. Integrity. Courage and confidence. Openness and transparency. Equal rights and respect for all. Discipline, hard work, and positivity.

  23. Home

    This I Believe is an international organization engaging people in writing and sharing essays describing the core values that guide their daily lives. Over 125,000 of these essays, written by people from all walks of life, have been archived here on our website, heard on public radio, chronicled through our books, and featured in weekly ...

  24. Definition Essay On Faith

    Definition Essay On Faith; ... An for a muslim they believe that allah is god but for christians it's jesus christ.In the crucible,the governmental system in salem was, as stated '' The people of Salem believed in combining religion with the state government. All aspects of the government relied on the beliefs of the Puritans.

  25. Opinion

    Guest Essay. The Christian Case Against Trump. Aug. 2, 2024, ... But the idea of Mr. Trump as chosen by God has infuriated those evangelicals who believe that he stands in direct opposition to ...