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Start-Up Business Plan

The purpose of the Start-Up Business Plan Event is to provide an opportunity for the participant to develop and present a proposal to form a business. The event provides an opportunity for a participant to develop and demonstrate mastery of essential knowledge and skills as they apply to the analysis of a business opportunity.

Career Opportunities

Virtuoso is an application that aims to revolutionize the performing arts industry with an affordable, high-quality auditory experience to connect artists around the world like ever before. With Virtuoso, musicians around the world are no longer limited by distance barriers.

Sample Exams

Exam blueprint.

The chart below shows the number of items per instructional area for the 2024-2025 exams used at the district level, chartered association level and the International Career Development Conference.


The exam blueprint is your best friend.

Use the exam blueprint to focus your preparation efforts. You may prioritize studying instructional areas with the higher number of questions listed the blueprint.

Keep Expanding Your Knowledge

As you advance in competition, exam items become more specialized to the Career Cluster. Therefore, you should start with an understanding of general business concepts in the Business Administration Core and build on the knowledge within the Career Cluster of your competitive event.

Review Your Work

Don’t just take the exam! After you take the exam, compare your answers to the exam’s key. If you incorrectly answer a question, re-read the question, note the correct answer, and then read the descriptive key. The descriptive key explains the correct answer and why the other answers are incorrect. This will also help you understand the performance indicator addressed in the exam question.

Focus Your Efforts Where They Need To Be

Each exam question is linked to an instructional area. For each incorrect answer, tally the instructional area it matches. If you are noticing a pattern of incorrectly answering questions within particular instructional areas, spend more time learning the knowledge and skills within those instructional areas. Spend more time reviewing the performance indicators under those instructional areas.

Form Study Groups

Because there are only seven DECA exams, chances are high that some of your fellow chapters are taking the same exam as you, even if they are in a different competitive event. Use this opportunity to form study groups. You could consider taking the exam together and discussing the questions and answers. You could even divide and conquer to prepare study materials to help understand performance indicators.

Get In The Mode

Recreate the testing scene. Find out from your chapter advisor the setting for your exam during competition. Will you be taking the exam online through an electronic device prior to the competition, or  using pencil and paper on-site during the competition? Find out how long you will have to take the test. Then try to replicate the setting using a practice test and using the same time frame you are given in competition.

Develop a Study Schedule

Make sure to study and prepare on a regular basis. Plan a study schedule and calendar leading up to your competition. Do not study right before you take the test. Instead, concentrate on being calm and confident in yourself when taking the exam.

Test Taking Techniques

When taking the exam, use these general test taking techniques:

  • Familiarize yourself with the format.
  • Read the question. Think about the answer.
  • Read all choices before choosing your answer.
  • Eliminate choices you know aren't correct.
  • If you get stuck, circle and come back.
  • Always take an educated guess.
  • If time allows, review your work. ‍

Remain Positive!

Be confident. Refrain from engaging in negative discussions with other members prior to the exam, such as “I’m so nervous – I don’t know if I studied enough.”

Sample Role-Plays

Instructional areas.

Each role-play focuses on a primary instructional area. For each role-play, a majority of its performance indicators will focus on that primary instructional area. The following instructional areas may be used in this event's role-plays.


Key elements.

The following key elements are always a part of each role-play scenario. Understanding the format and style of the role-play will help you become familiar, feel comfortable and easily identify the key elements so you can maximize your time developing your solution.

  • Participant Role
  • Company and Brief Description
  • Deliverable
  • Instructional Area

Performance Indicators

  • Meeting Location

The performance indicators are your guide to a focused presentation! Apply them to the situation because they are always based on a real-life situation. Use industry knowledge that you have researched before competition to supplement what you know about your performance indicators. This helps demonstrate your proficiency.

What's the Ask?

At the end of any role-play situation, you are presented with what the judge is looking for from you. Make sure you address what the judge is asking while incorporating the performance indicators. You will want to wow your judge with your solution while explaining it by incorporating the performance indicators.

Communication is Key

Speak clearly so that the judge can understand what you are sharing with him/her. You have time to talk about your performance indicators within the situation—don’t rush and take the chance a judge didn’t hear you talking about something. Be natural and comfortable in your role in the situation. Nonverbal communication can be just as important as verbal communication. Smile and be confident to help demonstrate your professionalism.

Be Creative and Stand Out

Be calm, be professional and be enthusiastic. Don’t be scared of your competition. There are many creative ways to approach a role-play, and no one way is necessarily right, so focus on adding your own creative twist to what you do. Don’t just have a “Plan A”; exceed expectations by having options for your judge to select from if the situation calls for it. Setting yourself apart through innovation, creativity and quality ideas is the key way to stay in a judge’s mind long after all the competitors have finished presenting. What can you bring to the presentation that no other competitor will show your judge?

Connect with the Judge

Take time to make sure your judge is following your thoughts. You can ask your judge questions to make sure he or she has understood what you have shared. Near the end of the role-play, the judge will likely ask you questions. When you are preparing your presentation for the role-play, you may anticipate what questions the judge may ask. However, if you need a minute to consider the questions before answering, say so in a professional manner. This reflects your respect of his or her position and your desire to share an informed answer.

Speak the Language

When speaking with the judge, be as professional as possible, while still being personable and accessible. This means using accurate industry terminology when the situation calls for it. Do not be afraid to use sophisticated or rich vocabulary—with­out sounding like you’re just trying too hard to impress, because, of course, you still want to be relatable, friendly, and down-to-earth.

Make a Good Impression

Be friendly, make eye contact and give a firm handshake when you first meet your judge. Do not wait for them to introduce themselves; rather, take the initiative. While you might be nervous and feel awkward, taking initiative shows that you truly are mature, confident and comfort­able. Also, adhere to the dress code, because you come across as much more professional if you really do look like a business executive. You may also consider the career area in which you are competing. For example, as a competitor in Apparel and Accessories Marketing, you may want to wear something that will reflect an interest in fashion or a more creative point-of-view, without being outrageous. You want to leave a good impression with the judge, and of course, be rememberable.


Participants in the Start-Up Business Plan will prepare a business plan proposal describing a business the participants want to develop. The body of the written entry must be limited to 10 numbered pages, including the appendix (if an appendix is attached), but excluding the title page and the table of contents.


The written entry must follow the specifications provided in the Written Entry Guidelines section of the DECA Guide for the competitive event. In addition to the Written Entry Guidelines, participants must observe all of the standards on the Penalty Point Checklist. These standards are designed to make competition as fair as possible. Additionally, the Written Event Statement of Assurances and Academic Integrity Form must be signed and submitted with the entry.

Sample Written ENTRY

Written entry strategies, content is king.

The written entry is the foundation of your competitive event. It's your outline for your project or plan, and represents your process to achieving your outcome. Choosing the right written event and the right company, event, idea, product or topic is so important, because you want to be passionate about the work you will endeavor in this process. Be thoughtful when making your decisions using some of these key considerations:

  • Is there enough data accessible?
  • Can I get information I need from the company or about the product, event or idea?
  • Are there real people I can engage with or enlist the help and expertise of?
  • Is this cutting edge or has the potential to be?

First, But Last

The executive summary is one of the most important parts of your written entry. Not only is it likely to be one of the first parts of your entry the judge reviews, it also provides an overall summary of your entry. It should be dynamic, concise and effectively highlight the main points of your written entry all while including a call to action. Often, it is best to write the executive summary last so that you can identify the most relevant components to include. Some tips for an effective executive summary include:

  • Start with a bang.
  • Identify the problem solution and opportunity.
  • Focus on what makes you stand out.
  • Sell don't just tell.
  • Include data and finances.
  • Use graphics and formatting as appropriate.
  • Imagine this is the only thing someone would read.

Review, Edit, Proofread

Once you have completed your written entry, review it against the written entry guidelines and written entry evaluation form to ensure you have addressed each item. If you believe items are missing or need improvement, revisit your written entry and improve those areas. You may also wish to ask consultants to read your written entry against the criteria and provide feedback. Often, that is the best way to determine if your written entry is clearly understood by someone other than you as the project creator(s). In addition, you should edit and revise your written work so that it is well-organized, professional, logical and error free.

Avoid Penalty Points

Penalty points can cause you to lose your chance for advancement quickly! Many times, they can easily be avoided. Some of the most common reasons for penalty points include:

  • Not using the current year’s event guidelines.
  • All participants or advisor not signing the Statement of Assurances.
  • Leaving out sections in the body of the written entry.
  • Having too many pages. Double check the number of pages allowed in your written entry.

Give your entry to a trusted advisor or peer to review against the Penalty Point Checklist.


The participants will present the project to the judge in a 15-minute presentation. The judge is role-playing a potential source of capital for the business. The presentation begins immediately after the introduction of the participants to the judge by the adult assistant. Each participant must take part in the presentation.


Each participant may bring a copy of the written entry or note cards pertaining to the written entry to use as reference during the presentation. Only visual aids that can be easily hand carried to the presentation by the actual participant(s)will be permitted. The participants themselves must set up the visuals. Wheeled carts, moving straps or similar items may not be used to bring visuals into the area. Set up time is included in the total presentation time. Participants must furnish their own materials and equipment. No electrical power or internet connection will be supplied. Alternate power sources such as small generators are not allowed. Sound may be used, as long as the volume is kept at a conversational level. Materials appropriate to the situation may be handed to or left with judges in all competitive events. Items of monetary value may be handed to but may not be left with judges. Items such as flyers, brochures, pamphlets and business cards may be handed to or left with the judge. No food or drinks allowed. If any of these rules are violated, the adult assistant must be notified by the judge.  

Presentation Strategies

First things first.

Consider your presentation your time to highlight the most important parts of your competitive event. In every case, you're trying to sell the judge that your idea, concept or plan is the best. Start with that in mind, and develop an outline for your presentation. Your ultimate goal is for the judge to choose your presentation. Consult the presentation evaluation rubric in the DECA Guide to ensure that your presentation includes information for all of the scoring criteria. You may also consider visual aids and if you'll use technology — but make sure they are relevant and meaningful to your presentation.

Brand Yourself A Winner

When creating your project and delivering your presentation, you are essentially developing a brand for yourself and your ideas. Make your presentation’s brand attractive and easy for your judge to remember by wrapping it in a strong visual package. Tie together all the elements of your project, from the charts and graphs of your written document, to your slide backgrounds, to the shirt you wear with a signature element, such as a particular color palette or pattern.

Stop, Look, Listen

A great portion of your presentation’s success isn’t dependent on what you say, but how you say it. Like any good speech, the judge may not recall every statistic, market segment or promotional idea that you deliver, but they will remember how you made them feel. That’s where confidence in your delivery comes in. Being excited, nervous and anxious about your presentation can cause your rate of speech to increase rapidly, making your words fly by in a blur. Always remember the power of pause. When practicing your presentation, incorporate pauses into your phrases. This will create a dramatic, ear-catching effect to keep your judge attentive to your presentation, plus it will emphasize important points and information. 

Eye contact is another way to connect with your judge. Locking eyes shows confidence in the points you’re delivering and is another way to keep your judge engaged in your delivery.

A memorable part of your delivery that will greatly affect how your judge feels is your tone of voice. Your tone should vary depending on the subjects you’re covering in your presentation. For example, presenting a charity that your Community Giving Project supports may be most effective with a serious, earnest tone, yet in sharing your creative marketing  ideas for an Integrated Marketing Campaign event, an excitable, vibrant tone would be great for expressing your creativity. No matter what tone you use, make sure you vary your expression. Nothing will lose a judge’s attention more than a flat, boring delivery that gives them no feeling about your topic. 

While relying on your innate ability to “wing it” is never recommended for competition, writing down paragraphs of perfect phrases, word-for-word, doesn’t guarantee that your presentation will turn out trophies either. Note cards are a handy tool to remember specific numerical data and exact quotes, but using them as a crutch for your memory could reduce your confident delivery, especially in form of eye contact with your judges. Instead, commit your presentation to memory as best as possible. If you thought it, developed it and wrote about it, you should be able, with a bit of practice, to present it well. Use your visual aid to help guide your talking points, with illustrations, diagrams or other images to help cue your words. 

Just because you reach your last slide doesn’t mean it’s time to thank your judge, shake hands and flee the room. The time after your formal presentation is crucial for further interaction with your judge. Take this opportunity to clarify parts of your presentation, show more of your personality and impress your judge with an ability to provide thorough answers to any questions they may have. The best way to flawlessly answer these questions is to prepare for them in advance. Use your advisors and peers as practice judges for your presentation, and request that they each ask you at least three follow-up questions to your presentation. You begin to become more confident delivering answers off-the-cuff and will begin to learn the most commonly asked questions of your presentation. Should your judge not immediately ask any questions, ask for them! 

To leave even more of an impact on your judge, provide them with a handout before you walk out the door, such as a brochure or outline. Use this strategy to highlight important takeaway points from your presentation, further brand yourself and your ideas, and keep a presence in front of your judge, even long after your final handshake. Make sure to have a final statement or call to action to show your judge that you’re interested in following through.


Industry trends are patterns or current happenings that occur within a specific industry. Keeping up with the industry helps give you a pulse on issues and trends that are affecting the industry. This knowledge can help you develop creative, relevant and timely solutions for your competitive event.

Great New Products Can Still Fail Without Marketing

Step-by-step approach to building a branding monopoly, consumer start ups adjust to new vc landscape, mistakes most early startups make, the basics of buying a franchise, effective pr strategies for your small business, key financial metrics every founder should know, the 3 levels of making cuts in your business, conquer the competition.

Not only do these interactive competition preparation tools help you expand your industry terminology, understand performance indicators and check your comprehension through exam items, they also help you prepare for DECA competition!

deca startup business plan 2021

Expand your vocabulary

deca startup business plan 2021

Broaden your knowledge

deca startup business plan 2021

Check your comprehension

deca startup business plan 2021

DECA Direct Online is your source for competition tips and career insights. Check out these articles and more on DECA Direct Online as you prepare for competition.

3 Written Event Competition Tips To Consider

The ultimate written event guide, 4 things you must remember while public speaking, deca goes lean in entrepreneurship.

DECA+ ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY ‍ A DECA+ subscription is required for each DECA chapter wishing to access the resources within the DECA+ site. The login is to be used only by the chapter and its members, and the login cannot be shared beyond the chapter. Under no circumstances may any of the content, including but not limited to exams, scenarios or sample written entries, in whole or in part, or any item within be published or posted on any website. Under no circumstances may any of the content, including but not limited to exams, scenarios or sample written entries, in whole or in part, or any item within be shared or distributed beyond the specific DECA chapter that has purchased the subscription.  Any chapter(s) which violates the DECA+ distribution and use policy will not be allowed to participate in the current school year’s chartered association conference or the International Career Development Conference. If any exams or scenarios are posted on a chapter or chartered association website in way outside of the distribution and use policy, the chartered association will not be eligible to purchase exams or receive scenarios from DECA Inc. for a period of one year for the first offense. Furthermore, further access to DECA+ by the chapter(s) in violation will be prohibited effective immediately for a period of no less than three years.

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deca startup business plan 2021

Blackstone-Backed DECA Dental Bites Into New Joint Venture Growth Model

Deca dental group's joint venture program aims to bridge the gap between solo practices and corporate dentistry for dentists nationwide—while growing deca's ideal dental network across the country..

deca startup business plan 2021

Dr. Sulman Ahmed. founder, dhairman and CEO of DECA Dental Group [Image sources: DECA Dental, istockphoto, DI Studio]

DECA Dental Group is sinking its teeth into a new way to expand.

The Dallas-based dental services organization, backed by private equity giant Blackstone, has launched a nationwide joint venture program, according to an announcement from the company.

Under its Ideal Dental brand, DECA’s new program allows dentists to leverage the company’s infrastructure to set up, own, and grow their practices, complete with DECA’s brand recognition.

DECA calls the program a “landmark initiative.” Dr. Sulman Ahmed, DECA’s founder and CEO, wants to help other entrepreneurial dental professionals on their transformative journeys in ownership.

A Tufts University School of Dental Medicine grad, Ahmed opened his first office with a vision of patient-centered care in 2008. That vision established DECA Dental, which has since grown to 200 locations across nine states.

‘Bridging the gap’ between solo practices and corporate dentistry

DECA’s joint venture program—or JV, as the company refers to it—could bridge the gap between solo practices and corporate dentistry for dentists while growing its own network.

“Our JV opportunity is about more than providing clinicians with ownership opportunities,” Ahmed said in a statement. “It offers them an opportunity to thrive through access to Ideal Dental’s expertise, support systems, and brand reputation at a location of their choosing.”

Per DECA, Ahmed has racked up accolades, including The University of Texas at Dallas Distinguished Alumni Award (2024), EY Entrepreneur of the Year (2017), and a spot on Glassdoor’s Top CEOs list (2021). Dallas Business Journal also named him one of its Most Admired CEOs in 2023.

Blackstone, which invested in DECA in 2021, sees potential in this dental growth model.

“We believe DECA’s platform is truly differentiated because of the outstanding dentists that founded and lead the business, delivering a unique ability to bring entrepreneurial innovations like this program to the dental industry,” Blackstone’s Todd Hirsch said in a statement.

The program is already gaining traction, according to DECA. The dental group reports that it has lined up deals stretching into “2026 and beyond.” The company said that its culture is built on a patient-centric model, aiming to be the go-to provider for comprehensive dental services under one roof.

DECA Dental Group is the holding company for the consumer-facing brand Ideal Dental.

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R E A D   N E X T

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Blackstone LaunchPad has expanded its mission beyond entrepreneurship. With a mix of next-gen career readiness, LaunchPad is set to equip students with adaptable skills for any professional path. We talk with Blackstone Charitable Foundation Executive Director Maura Pally during a Dallas visit about the program's new pilot internships and more.

deca startup business plan 2021

MB2 Dental—a "first-of-its-kind" dental partnership organization—said the financing will be used to fund upcoming acquisitions and future growth for the company. The move follows a record year of growth in 2023 with 150 new partnerships added.

deca startup business plan 2021

Anthony Mustoe brings more than 25 years of experience as a seasoned technology leader in a wide variety of industries, including healthcare, biotechnology, telecommunications, hospitality, and more.

deca startup business plan 2021

Westwood—a Plano-based engineering and design firm with over 1,600 employees in more than two dozen offices across the U.S.—specializes in renewable energy projects, energy storage, and public and private infrastructure projects. It relocated its HQ from Minneapolis to North Texas late last year.

  • DECA Dental
  • Ideal Dental
  • Sulman Ahmed

deca startup business plan 2021

Startup founders aiming to disrupt the mobility industry are finding strategic support from a unique Accelerator Program designed to equip them for their entrepreneurial journey and prepare them for capital investment....

Things to Do for innovators in Dallas-Fort Worth | Dallas Innovates Weekly Calendar

North Texas is a big place, with plenty to do, see, hear, and watch. So, we scour the internet every week to find events and activities for you. As always, things may change at any time, so be sure to check the official website or registration page for the latest details....

deca startup business plan 2021

Fifteen months after joining SMU, Mary and Richard Templeton Dean Nader Jalili, PhD, ASME Fellow, has hired 14 new faculty members, elevated research innovation; introduced a new approach to the curriculum; and created a new Center for Digital and Human-Augmented Manufacturing....

deca startup business plan 2021

D CEO and Dallas Innovates are teaming up once again to present The Innovation Awards, honoring the disruptors and trailblazers who are driving innovation in North Texas.

The sixth annual 2025 event will honor CEOs, entrepreneurs, CIOs, CTOs, and other leaders who are sparking change and making their mark in the region and beyond....

deca startup business plan 2021

The Dallas-based dental services organization, backed by private equity giant Blackstone, has launched a nationwide joint venture program, according to an announcement from the company....

deca startup business plan 2021

Flower Mound-based Gestalt Tech, a unified data ecosystem that accelerates insights and AI adoption for lenders, has announced a $5.9 million seed round led by Alpha Edison and Yamaha Motor Ventures, with participation from others including Alloy Labs, Newtype Ventures, Sentiero, Long Run Capital....

deca startup business plan 2021

A new program from Irving-based TXU Energy, in partnership with San Francisco’s Sunrun, will support grid reliability for Texans. The program was announced by Vistra, TXU’s parent company.

The TXU Energy & Sunrun Battery Rewards program will aggregate power stored in residential, solar-connected batteries, forming a virtual power plant to dispatch energy back to the grid when it’s needed the most, Vistra said....

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Previous ICDC Competitive Event Winners

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Congratulations to the competitive event top performers from past DECA International Career Development Conferences.

  • 2024 | Anaheim, CA
  • 2023 | Orlando, FL
  • 2022 | Atlanta, GA
  • 2021 | Virtual
  • 2019 | Orlando, FL
  • 2018 | Atlanta, GA
  • 2017 | Anaheim, CA
  • 2016 | Nashville, TN
  • 2015 | Orlando, FL
  • 2014 | Atlanta, GA
  • 2013 | Anaheim, CA
  • 2012 | Salt Lake City, UT
  • 2011 | Orlando, FL

Discussion Questions

Classroom connection, career cluster:, instructional area(s):, performance indicators:.

deca startup business plan 2021

Join the Western Region for WRLC in Bellevue

The Western Region is thrilled to welcome DECA members to the Pacific Northwest for the 2024 WRLC in Bellevue, WA. Members are encouraged to take this opportunity to reach infinity and beyond, pushing limits and fostering personal growth.

deca startup business plan 2021

Announcing DECA's 2024-2025 Conference Lineup

DECA has a full lineup of educational conferences for its members and advisors coming in the 2024 academic year and beyond. Check out where we're heading next!

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Watch the #DECAICDC 2025 Promo Video

Be The One at the biggest DECA event of the year – DECA's International Career Development Conference hosted in Orlando, Florida on April 26-29, 2025.

deca startup business plan 2021

3 Reasons to Attend DECA ELS

Explore the reasons to attend DECA ELS this summer and learn about what both programs have to offer! Whichever route you choose, ELS promises to be an enriching experience filled with learning, networking and personal growth.

DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.



    deca startup business plan 2021

  2. Deca Startup Business Plan Examples

    deca startup business plan 2021

  3. Deca Startup Business Plan Examples

    deca startup business plan 2021

  4. Deca Startup Business Plan Examples

    deca startup business plan 2021

  5. Fillable Online deca start-up business plan

    deca startup business plan 2021

  6. Deca Startup Business Plan Examples

    deca startup business plan 2021


  1. Deca 2021 Innovation plan, Nationals submission

  2. business startup


  4. How to Start an IT Startup Business

  5. Watch a Top Ten DECA #ESB Presentation

  6. Top 10 Business Plan Software for LLC 2024


  1. Start-Up Business Plan

    The purpose of the Start-Up Business Plan Event is to provide an opportunity for the participant to develop and present a proposal to form a business. The event provides an opportunity for a participant to develop and demonstrate mastery of essential knowledge and skills as they apply to the analysis of a business opportunity. Participants.

  2. Start-Up Business Plan

    The purpose of the Start-Up Business Plan Event is to provide an opportunity for the participant to develop and present a proposal to form a business. The event provides an opportunity for a participant to develop and demonstrate mastery of essential knowledge and skills as they apply to the analysis of a business opportunity. file_download.


    deca guide 2020-21 | 75 start-up business plan start-up business plan esb executive summary little/ no value below expectations meets expectations exceeds expectations judged score 1. one-page summary of the business model 0-1-2-3-4-5 6-7-8-9-10 11-12-13-14-15 16-17-18-19-20 problem little/ no value below expectations meets expectations exceeds ...

  4. PDF Participants will demonstrate INDEPENDENT BUSINESS PLAN

    The Independent Business Plan involves the development of a comprehensive proposal to start a new business. Any type of business may be used. Participants in the Independent Business Plan will: prepare a written proposal for a new business. request financing for the proposal in a role-playing interview with a bank or venture capital oficial.

  5. Entrepreneurship Series

    DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. 1908 Association Drive. Reston, VA 20191. (703) 860-5000. [email protected].

  6. The Ultimate Written Event Guide

    The Ultimate Written Event Guide. Andrew Weatherman. Nov 1, 2018. Before serving as the 2018-2019 High School Division President, he was an international finalist, earning second place in the International Business Plan at ICDC in Anaheim. Andrew Weatherman took home DECA glass and now he's taking the time to share his insider secrets with you.


    2. Entrepreneurship Participating—Creating an Independent Business will be the Start-Up Business Plan and will have new guidelines that follow the lean start-up model. 3. Entrepreneurship Written will be the Independent Business Plan and have new guidelines that follow the lean start-up model and re-quire significant financial projections. 4.



  9. DECA Guide for 2021-22 Year

    DECA Guide for 2021-22 Year. ... 64 Innovation Plan 68 Start-Up Business Plan 72 Independent Business Plan 78 International Business Plan ... 107 Virtual Business Challenges. SHOP DECA 137 Apparel, Accessories and Competition Preparation Materials. Printable DECA Guide. North Dakota DECA. For more information contact Dustin Norby, 701-328-3182. ...

  10. How to Write Deca Independent Business Plan? Guide & Template

    1. Executive Summary. The first section of the Deca Independent Business Plan, the executive summary, provides a concise overview of your business concept. It encapsulates the essence of your ...

  11. Innovation Plan

    DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. 1908 Association Drive. Reston, VA 20191. (703) 860-5000. [email protected].

  12. ICDC start up business plan DECA nationals 2021

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  13. PDF Teach DECA Lesson Plan

    Teacher Name: Teacher e-mail: Teach DECA [email protected]. Equipment / Resources / Materials / Technology / Attachments. • PowerPoint with speaker's notes. • 3 YouTube videos are linked to PowerPoint. • Design Thinking Activity Facilitator's Guide - Stanford Institute of Design This activity requires some resources and planning.

  14. PDF Deca Startup Business Plan Examples (Download Only)

    Deca Startup Business Plan Examples: The Business Plan Reference Manual for IT Businesses Fernando Almeida,José Santos,2022-09-01 There is a great ... Toby Mathis,2021-03-30 YOUR ROAD MAP TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM This book is not offering a get rich quick plan It takes

  15. Blackstone-Backed DECA Dental Bites Into New Joint Venture Growth Model

    Blackstone, which invested in DECA in 2021, sees potential in this dental growth model. "We believe DECA's platform is truly differentiated because of the outstanding dentists that founded and lead the business, delivering a unique ability to bring entrepreneurial innovations like this program to the dental industry," Blackstone's Todd ...

  16. Positioning for the Future: DECA's 2020-2021 Impact

    DECA Inc. Feb 1, 2022. Read on issuu. ‍. As nearly everyone has proclaimed, 2020-2021 was a year unlike any other. While it disrupted our organization in unimaginable ways and significantly changed the member experience, it was also a period of significant innovation that would position our organization even better for the future.

  17. Previous ICDC Competitive Event Winners

    Jun 1, 2023. Congratulations to the competitive event top performers from past DECA International Career Development Conferences. 2024 | Anaheim, CA.

  18. Entrepreneurship

    DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. 1908 Association Drive. Reston, VA 20191. (703) 860-5000. [email protected].

  19. Competitive Events

    DECA's competitive events can be grouped into three broad categories— role-plays and case studies, prepared events and online simulations. Within each category and type of event, DECA offers a variety of options in each of the four career clusters — marketing, finance, hospitality and management — as well as entrepreneurship and ...

  20. Startup Business plan HELP : r/DECA

    DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. ... Need Help Hello, me and my group are the first place finalists for the Startup business plan event in indiana. We were wondering if someone could look over our paper and give u sa few ...

  21. Innovation Business Plan Deca Examples

    90 ›› DECA GUIDE 2016 INNOVATION PLAN INNOVATION PLAN EIP The Innovation Plan involves the idea generation and opportunity recognition needed to take advantage of market opportunities to introduce a new business. product or service. Any type of business. product or service may be used. Participants in the Innovation Plan will: prepare a ...