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Problem Solving Essays: Overview

Questions to consider:

  • How can determining the best approach to solve a problem help you generate solutions?
  • Why do thinkers create multiple solutions to problems?
  • How do writers translate these approaches and solutions into writing?

When we’re solving a problem, whether at work, school, or home, we are being asked to perform multiple, often complex, tasks. The most effective problem-solving approach includes some variation of the following steps:

  • Determine the issue(s)
  • Recognize other perspectives
  • Think of multiple possible results
  • Research and evaluate the possibilities
  • Select the best result(s)
  • Communicate your findings
  • Establish logical action items based on your analysis

Determining the best approach to any given problem and generating more than one possible solution to the problem constitutes the complicated process of problem-solving. People who are good at these skills are highly marketable because many jobs consist of a series of problems that need to be solved for production, services, goods, and sales to continue smoothly.

Think about what happens when a worker at your favorite coffee shop slips on a wet spot behind the counter, dropping several drinks she just prepared. One problem is the employee may be hurt, in need of attention, and probably embarrassed; another problem is that several customers do not have the drinks they were waiting for; and another problem is that stopping production of drinks (to care for the hurt worker, to clean up her spilled drinks, to make new drinks) causes the line at the cash register to back up. A good manager has to juggle all of these elements to resolve the situation as quickly and efficiently as possible. That resolution and return to standard operations doesn’t happen without a great deal of thinking: prioritizing needs, shifting other workers off one station onto another temporarily, and dealing with all the people involved, from the injured worker to the impatient patrons.


Faced with a problem-solving opportunity, you must assess the skills you will need to create solutions. Problem-solving can involve many different types of thinking.

  • You may have to call on your creative, analytical, or critical thinking skills—or more frequently, a combination of several different types of thinking—to solve a problem satisfactorily.
  • When you approach a situation, how can you decide what is the best type of thinking to employ? Sometimes the answer is obvious; if you are working a scientific challenge, you likely will use analytical thinking; if you are a design student considering the atmosphere of a home, you may need to tap into creative thinking skills; and if you are an early childhood education major outlining the logistics involved in establishing a summer day camp for children, you may need a combination of critical, analytical, and creative thinking to solve this challenge.

What sort of thinking do you imagine initially helped in the following scenarios? How would the other types of thinking come into resolving these problems? Write a one- to two-sentence rationale on scrap paper or notepad that explains why you chose the answers to the questions below.

  • Analytical thinking
  • Creative thinking
  • Critical thinking


Why do you think it is important to provide multiple solutions when you’re going through the steps to solve problems? Typically, you’ll end up only using one solution at a time, so why expend the extra energy to create alternatives? If you planned a wonderful trip to Europe and had all the sites you want to see planned out and reservations made, you would think that your problem-solving and organizational skills had quite a workout. But what if when you arrived, the country you’re visiting is enmeshed in a public transportation strike experts predict will last several weeks if not longer? A back-up plan would have helped you contemplate alternatives you could substitute for the original plans. You certainly cannot predict every possible contingency—sick children, weather delays, economic downfalls—but you can be prepared for unexpected issues to come up and adapt more easily if you plan for multiple solutions.Write out at least two possible solutions to these dilemmas:

  • Your significant other wants a birthday present—you have no cash.
  • You have three exams scheduled on a day when you also need to work.
  • Your car breaks down and requires an expensive repair and you need bus fare home—your cell phone is dead and you only have an ATM card with a max withdrawal limit of $200.
  • You have to pass a running test for your physical education class, but you’re out of shape.

Providing more than one solution to a problem gives people options. You may not need several options, but having more than one solution will allow you to feel more in control and part of the problem-solving process.

Writing Effective Problem Solving Essays

When someone’s purpose is to describe a problem and evaluate possible solutions, they will write a problem solving essay.  In academic writing, the problem solving essay is very common and useful. For example, students would use it in a ecological class if they were asked to discuss solutions to the problem of endangered species. Students also can write this type of essay in an computer science class if they needed to suggest some ways to solve the inefficient performance of a system.

Once someone has decided to write a problem solving essay, there are several techniques should be pay attention. First, he/she should carefully investigate if a problem exists and describe the problem clearly. While describing a statement of problem, he/she should mentions  why it is serious . Second, the solutions recommended for the problem should be convincing and effective. They must prove his viewpoint by  supporting it with persuasive facts and evidences . Finally, the essay must be able to influence the readers that the proposed solutions are practical and valuable.


  • Describe the problem and state why it is serious.
  • Write a thesis statement that identifies possible solutions.

Supporting Paragraphs

  • Discuss one solution in each supporting paragraph.
  • Provide details to support each solution.
  • Organize the paragraphs according to order of importance.
  • Summarize the solutions.
  • Draw a conclusion or make a prediction based on your suggestions.

Sources Used to Create this Chapter

The majority of the content for this section has been adapted from the following OER Material:

  • Strategic Information Literacy: Targeted Knowledge with Broad Application by Kristin Conlin and Allison Jennings-Roche, which was published under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

A Guide to Problem Solving Essays by Ken Lang, which was published under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License.

Starting the Journey: An Intro to College Writing Copyright © by Leonard Owens III; Tim Bishop; and Scott Ortolano is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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The Definitive Guide to Writing a Problem Solution Essay

06 February, 2021

13 minutes read

Author:  Josh Carlyle

In this article, we cover the basics of problem solution essay writing. We will explain what a problem and solution essay is in academic and straightforward terms. We shall also cover the four essential components that make this essay coherent. With these four components in mind, we will offer guidance on the outline structure and provide some general writing tips on research and problem solving, as well as some topics and essay samples.

Problem Solution Essay

What is a Problem Solution Essay?

A problem solution essay is a staple of humanities and social science subjects. These essays cover a pressing issue, examine how it causes problems, and offer solutions to these problems. The topic for problem solution essay papers can be incredibly diverse. The problem could be local, regional, or global. It could affect a wide range of people or be part of the discourse on an arcane and obscure aspect of computing.

problem solution essay

If you are wondering how to write a problem solution essay, look no further than its name. The core of a problem solution essay is in the title. In this type of essay, a problem is presented, and a solution is offered. Doing this well requires presenting the issue in an audience-appropriate way and then offering solutions that thoroughly negate any critiques of those solutions. 

4 Components of a Problem Solution Essay

In a problem and solution essay, the following aspects must be included:  

  • The Situation: this opening part is where the foundation of the problem lies. It is not an introduction in the sense that you may be familiar with or an abstract that covers the entirety of your thesis. Rather, it is a short and straightforward briefing that will make a layperson familiar with the situation at hand.
  • The Problem: this part provides specifics of the problem. Detailed dissections of evidence take place here; we’ll summarise those later in the evaluation section. 
  • The Solution: this component covers push-back specific solutions you may encounter. Part of a correct answer is thinking of your opponents’ perspectives and ensuring that they address their assumptions and points.
  • The Evaluation: in this section, it is crucial to write with brevity and wit; this will make your position memorable. Readers will often remember the last part of essays they read, so make sure it represents a microcosm of your essay as a whole. 

These components are the essence of the structure required in a problem solution essay. The actual structure you will work with will require a finer granulation of sections. For instance, in the solution section, the critiques will also need to have a review applied, demonstrating their lack of applicability or irrelevance. 

Problem Solution Essay Outline

The best guide for a problem solution essay outline is the four components mentioned above. Cover the situation, the problem, the solution, and then evaluate both or all sides of the story. 

To drill down further into the outline, you should have an introduction that will set out your paper’s structure. Then you should present the situation. Keep this section free from emotive language. Use it to ensure the reader has all the facts, and imagine that you want everyone reading the paper to be on a level playing field in terms of knowledge and framing of the problem.

In the problem section, you must explain why there is a particular issue. At this point in your essay, ensure that you do not leave the door open to other causes of the problem. Find ways to make the problem something that the reader cares about and wants to solve, but beware of assuming the reader is on your side simply because you’ve said some things and made some points. 

Once the situation has been explained, and the problem elucidated, present your solution. It  should use evidence, and you should be able to explain how it directly relates to the question.  Don’t use ad hominem attacks or go polemic. Unravel the problem with your solution. Take it to step by step and keep your writing composed.

In the evaluation section, you should find your argument’s weaknesses and the views that find fault with your solution.

How To Find Solutions to Your Problems

You can find solutions to your problems by researching them; someone will have asked the question before, or one very similar to it. You can talk to your peers and even conduct polls on social media to gauge the public’s position on various solutions. 

Another way of finding solutions include flipping your perspective. Take the position of the other side and see the world through their gaze. By putting yourself in the opponent’s shoes, you can see weaknesses in your ideas and perhaps adjust them to take on more relevance to more people or factor in an aspect that you had overlooked.

Ultimately, the best way to find solutions is to read and read some more. Try looking in your library if you prefer books to the internet, but don’t leave Google out of it. Using the search engine correctly, you can dig up all kinds of books, papers, and presentations that will be very useful in your studies.

Problem Solution Essay Topics

The list of problem solution essay topics is very long. As mentioned earlier, the problem can be a local issue, affecting a specific demographic or being universal. Regardless of the topic you choose, there are another million waiting for an answer.

To start you off, the climate crisis is an excellent area for debate. 

  • How do we deal with stranded assets in the fossil fuel industry and financial sector? 
  • What should the laws be surrounding new cars run on petrol and diesel? 
  • How should electrification be carried out in developing nations? Is a carbon tax a viable way to reduce emissions? 

Other problem solution essay ideas might include social media’s effect on dopamine levels, gerrymandering in electoral districts, or the working week’s length. 

Problem Solution Essay Examples

Reading previous papers is a fantastic method to improve your grades. Study essays that get top marks and some of the ones which get lower marks. The difference will be apparent in their vocabulary, logic, and evidence. Read a few problem solution essay sample papers but don’t plagiarize them; always cite your sources. Here are a few examples to help you get started: 



Writing Tips for a Problem Solution Essay

An essay is a complex task to complete. That’s why it’s useful to break down the whole into several steps. 

Step one is to conduct some thorough research and planning. If you have free choice over the problem at hand, then start by brainstorming some groups you belong to and decide whether they’re officially mandated ones like a sports team or a club, or broader, like your sex, gender, nationality, or language grouping.

After this, jot down some issues in the groups. Are you struggling to manage the payment plan for your sports hall? Has there been an instance of bullying or shaming in your school? With the topic in mind, move onto research. 

When researching your topic, it’s always useful to remember that there is nothing new under the sun. It is almost definite that similar problems have arisen before, and most solutions already exist.

Then, conduct and compose a literature review on the topic. A literature review is an excellent addition to your essay as a standalone section. It helps to situate your issue within the world and builds relations to other similar problems. 

You may think you have nothing to say about the problem or find it hard to justify your opinion. Well, in the problem solution essay, your voice matters. Always try to back up what you’re saying through evidence and try not to stray into writing a polemic. Yet, passion and emotion are useful tools for framing the problem. Just try not to make these responses the whole essay.

As far as solving problems goes, you can use some general mechanics to come up with solutions. The following paragraphs will present some of these logical mechanics; feel free to use them in your writing:

  • Add something new: this solution works when something is lacking. The problem may be a lack of funding, equipment, or motivation. The assumed problem when using this angle of attack is that there is a lack of resources available. Concrete examples of this could include more teaching assistants in education, longer opening hours at a library, or more significant legislation to protect the environment.
  • Remove something: this is the inverse of the previous point. Inversing is a useful strategy for thinking about problems in general. If something is too crowded or too busy, it might be a solution to limit exposure to something and devise a solution. 
  • Education: learning is a more specific aspect of ‘adding something’; it presupposes that a lack of information and awareness is the cause of the problem. If people had this knowledge, the theory goes that the issue would disappear or reduce because people could make informed decisions and correct their behavior.
  • Enforcement: if something like school rules, or even the law, is being ignored, proper enforcement might be a solution. Enforcement has its own sets of problems. This angle is an excellent way to write an unfolding and varied essay as it requires lots of discussion around proper enforcement. Making people do things they don’t want to do is a tricky situation and is riddled with structural and psychological issues.
  • Compromising: proposing compromise through mediation or bi-partisan effort is another complex solution. To work effectively, it has to involve people who possess robust negotiation techniques. But settlements happen all the time, so they’re a powerful solution to many problems. It may be useful to learn about zero-sum and relative issues to argue this case correctly.
  • A change in leadership: leaders can become stale and cumbersome; they may get weighed down by responsibility and have a low tolerance for change. Although, many problems require systemic changes, such as the climate crisis. With an established leader in charge, progress could be slow as they may be blinkered by their position. In this case, they are proposing an election or vote of confidence as a solution that can break the deadlock and offer people a chance to voice their concerns through voting.

One could surmise that the problem and solution essay is an incredibly relevant style of writing. By dissecting an issue and coming up with solutions, you learn a skill that is useful in many careers and practices. But writing one effectively requires both passion and perseverance; writing about topics that move us, though letting the fire burn too brightly, can put readers off or lead them to ignore their blind spots. 

Follow the structures set out above and make sure to proofread your essays before submission. Finding a good editor is always a positive step; they can help to rephrase your words so that your argument comes across more fluently. 

Writing drafts is good practice, although not always possible due to time constraints. Ideally, you should work through two drafts before submitting a final piece; if the essay makes up a small part of your overall grade, adjust the drafting process accordingly. 

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Problem Solution Essay

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Problem-Solution Essay - Writing Guide, Definition & Examples!

10 min read

Problem-Solution Essay

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Feeling stuck when it comes to writing a solid problem-solution essay?

You're not alone—many students find it challenging. This essay type requires careful consideration and skillful execution, which isn’t always easy.

But fret not! This guide is your go-to solution. We've got all the crucial steps, structures, and examples to make essay writing a breeze for you.

So, keep reading!

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  • 1. What is a Problem-Solution Essay?
  • 2. Problem Solution Essay Structure
  • 3. How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay?
  • 4. Problem-Solution Essay Examples
  • 5. Problem Solution Essay Topics
  • 6. Problem Solution Essay Checklist

What is a Problem-Solution Essay?

A problem-solution essay is a form of argumentative writing that looks into a specific issue, providing a detailed examination of the problem and proposing effective solutions. 

A problem-solution essay stands apart from narrative , descriptive , and expository essays by focusing sharply on identifying a problem, analyzing its causes, and proposing effective solutions. 

Unlike other types of essays , it places a strong emphasis on presenting practical remedies to real-world problems. This makes it a unique and impactful type of academic essay writing .

Why Write a Problem Solution Essay

There are significant reasons to write a problem solution essay. 

  • First, it encourages the practical application of knowledge by addressing real-world issues and proposing solutions.
  • Develops deeper understanding of societal problems.
  • Refines analytical skills and fosters a solution-oriented mindset.
  • Enhances communication abilities through clear explanation of complex issues and solutions.
  • Facilitates intellectual growth by tackling significant societal challenges.

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Problem Solution Essay Structure

In crafting a problem-solution essay, the structure plays a pivotal role in presenting ideas coherently and persuasively. 

Two commonly used structures for this type of essay are the block structure and the chain structure. Each has its unique approach to organizing information, offering writers flexibility in presenting their analysis and proposed solutions.

Block Structure

The block structure, also known as the whole-to-whole or one-side-at-a-time structure, is a straightforward organizational method. 

In this type of structure, the writer dedicates separate blocks of text to first presenting the problem comprehensively. The solutions to the problems are presented in the next sections subsequently. 

This structure allows for a clear separation between the problem and solution sections, providing a systematic and easy-to-follow presentation.

Here is an outline for block structure problem-solution essay:

outlining the problems that will be discussed.

Chain Structure

Contrasting the block structure, the chain structure takes an interconnected approach. 

In this format, the essay addresses a specific problem and promptly proposes a solution. 

The pattern repeats as each problem is introduced, followed immediately by its corresponding solution. This structure aims to maintain a continuous and engaging flow, presenting a transition between problems and solutions. 

Here is a chain structure problem solution essay template:

How to Write a Problem-Solution Essay?

A problem solution essay requires taking a systematic approach. Here are the basic steps for writing this type of essay:

Step 1 - Topic Selection

Choosing the right topic is the first crucial step in writing a problem-solution essay. Pick a real-world issue that genuinely interests you. 

Consider problems that have personal significance or affect your community. The goal is to engage with a problem that allows for meaningful discussion and exploration.

Step 2 - Understanding the Problem

Before diving into solutions, take the time to fully grasp the intricacies of the problem at hand. 

Research the issue thoroughly, aiming to comprehend its various aspects and implications. This step is essential for presenting a well-informed analysis in your essay, ensuring a solid foundation for proposing solutions.

Step 3 - Explore Viable Solutions

Once you've identified and understood the problem, brainstorm possible solutions. 

Think about practical, achievable, and effective ways to address the issue. Consider different angles and perspectives, aiming for solutions that are not only feasible but also have the potential to make a positive impact in real-world scenarios.

Step 4 - Create an Outline

Organize your thoughts and structure your essay by creating a clear outline. 

Allocate specific sections for introducing the problem, proposing solutions, and crafting a conclusion. A well-organized outline serves as a roadmap, guiding you through each step of the writing process.

Step 5 - Write the Introduction

Begin your essay with a captivating introduction . Start with an attention-grabbing essay hook that draws your reader in. 

Clearly state the problem, emphasizing its significance. Conclude the introduction with a concise thesis statement that outlines the solutions you will explore in the essay.

Step 6 - Craft Body Paragraph

Dedicate an individual body paragraph to each problem and its corresponding solution. Elaborate on the details of the problem and present practical solutions. 

Support your ideas with examples, evidence, or real-life scenarios. This section forms the core of your essay, providing a comprehensive exploration of the issues at hand.

Step 7 - Address Possible Objections

Acknowledge and address potential counterarguments to your proposed solutions. 

Anticipating objections adds depth to your essay, showcasing a thorough consideration of alternative viewpoints. By addressing possible objections, you strengthen the overall persuasiveness of your solutions.

Step 8 - Conclude The Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points without introducing new information. Reinforce the importance of the proposed solutions and leave a lasting impression. 

Consider ending with a call to action or a thought-provoking statement that resonates with your reader. The conclusion should provide a sense of closure to your essay.

Problem-Solution Essay Examples

We know that writing this kind of essay could be a challenge. Here are some problem solution essay samples, you can download and read them for free:

Problem Solution Essay Sample PDF

Financial Problem Solution Essay

Garbage Problem Solution Essay

Problem Solution Essay IELTS

Problem Solution Essay Topics

When picking a topic for your problem-solution essay, think about a few important things. 

Choose something that matters to your audience and is important in society right now. Pick issues that really affect people or communities and need attention. 

Make sure the problem can be realistically solved with practical solutions. Here is a list of problem solution essay questions and topics you can use:

  • Tobacco should be banned to control lung cancer. Discuss.
  • Obesity is caused by genetically modified and processed food. Discuss the solution.
  • Movie scripts should be censored to control violence in youth. Discuss.
  • How to tackle the lack of resources in urban homeless shelters?
  • Government should propose some policies to deal with illegal immigration. Discuss.
  • How can we use social media to improve awareness?
  • Propose some ways to keep your friends and family safe.
  • College students in the United States are overburdened with homework.
  • How to improve the quality of education in high school?
  • Providing equal opportunities to under-privileged children is important. Discuss.

These are some good problem-solution topics that you can tweak to use as your own. 

Problem Solution Essay Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure your problem solution essay is well-crafted and effective:

Clear Problem Definition

Strong Thesis Statement

Thorough Research

Feasible Solutions

Audience Understanding

Logical Structure

Engaging Language

Addressing Multiple Perspectives

Revised and Edited

Careful Proofreading

So, wrapping up, with this guide and checklist, you can now write a problem-solution essay that fulfills its purpose. Just remember to be clear, practical, and interesting. 

But if you still feel unsure or want extra help, our professional essay writing service is here for you. 

Our experts know how to handle any type of essay, making sure it's top-notch. If you need that extra boost, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We're here to make sure your essay shines and gets the job done.

So, why wait? Place your order today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a problem-solution essay called.

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A problem-solution essay is often simply called a "problem-solution essay." It's named this way because its primary purpose is to identify a problem and propose effective solutions.

What type of paper is a problem-solution?

A problem-solution essay is categorized as an argumentative essay. It aims to persuade the reader that a particular problem exists and that specific solutions can address it effectively.

What is the problem-solution essay test?

There isn't a standardized test specifically called a "problem-solution essay test." However, in academic settings, instructors may assign problem-solution essays as assignments or assessments to evaluate students' abilities to analyze problems and propose viable solutions.

What is the problem solution essay topics list for IELTS?

Here are ten potential topics for a problem-solution essay suitable for the IELTS exam:

  • Discuss measures to mitigate the impact of climate change on local communities.
  • Analyze strategies to reduce youth unemployment rates globally.
  • Propose solutions to alleviate traffic congestion in urban areas.
  • Suggest ways to combat rising obesity rates among children and adults.
  • Recommend actions to reduce plastic pollution in oceans and waterways.
  • Discuss how to improve access to quality education for marginalized communities.
  • Analyze methods to ensure equitable access to healthcare services in underserved regions.
  • Propose strategies to tackle cyberbullying and its psychological effects on victims.
  • Suggest measures to address water scarcity issues in drought-prone regions.
  • Discuss solutions to make housing more affordable for low-income families in urban areas.

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Nova Allison is a Digital Content Strategist with over eight years of experience. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers.

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Composition Type: Problem-Solution Essays

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In composition , using a problem-solution format is a method for analyzing and writing about a topic by identifying a problem and proposing one or more solutions. A problem-solution essay is a type of argument. "This sort of essay involves argumentation in that the writer seeks to convince the reader to take a particular course of action. In explaining the problem, it may also need to persuade the reader concerning specific causes" (Dave Kemper et al., "Fusion: Integrated Reading and Writing," 2016).

The Thesis Statement

In many types of report writing, the thesis statement is posed front and center, in one sentence. Author Derek Soles writes about how the thesis statement in a problem-solution paper differs from a straight "report of findings" type of text:

"[One]  expository  mode is the problem-solution essay, topics for which are typically framed in the form of questions. Why did fourth-graders from poor families score low on a nationwide math test, and how can educators improve math education for this group? Why is Iran a threat to our national security, and how can we reduce this threat? Why did it take the Democratic Party so long to select a candidate for the 2008 presidential election, and what can the party do to make the process more efficient in the future? These essays have two parts: a full explanation of the nature of the problem, followed by an analysis of solutions and their likelihood of success."
("The Essentials of Academic Writing," 2nd ed. Wadsworth, Cengage, 2010)

Readers need additional context before you get to your thesis, but that is not to say that the thesis has to be posed as a question in the introduction:  

"In a problem-solution essay, the thesis statement usually proposes the solution. Because readers must first understand the problem, the thesis statement usually comes after a description of the problem. The thesis statement does not have to give details about the solution. Instead, it summarizes the solution. It should also lead naturally to the body of the essay, preparing your reader for a discussion of how your solution would work."
(Dorothy Zemach and Lynn Stafford-Yilmaz, "Writers at Work: The Essay." Cambridge University Press, 2008)

Sample Introductions

It can be helpful to see completed examples before writing in order to examine what makes for an effective piece. See how these introductions give some context before posing the topic and lead naturally into the body paragraphs, where the evidence will be listed. You can imagine how the author has organized the rest of the piece.

"We buried my cousin last summer. He was 32 when he hanged himself from a closet coat rack in the throes of alcoholism, the fourth of my blood relatives to die prematurely from this deadly disease. If America issued drinking licenses, those four men—including my father, who died at 54 of liver failure—might be alive today."
(Mike Brake, "Needed: A License to Drink."  Newsweek , March 13, 1994)
"America is suffering from overwork. Too many of us are too busy, trying to squeeze more into each day while having less to show for it. Although our growing time crunch is often portrayed as a personal dilemma, it is, in fact, a major social problem that has reached crisis proportions over the past twenty years."
(Barbara Brandt, "Whole Life Economics: Revaluing Daily Life." New Society, 1995)
"The modern-day apartment dweller is faced with a most annoying problem: paper-thin walls and sound-amplifying ceilings. To live with this problem is to live with the invasion of privacy. There is nothing more distracting than to hear your neighbors' every function. Although the source of the noise cannot be eliminated, the problem can be solved."
(Maria B. Dunn, "One Man's Ceiling Is Another Man's Floor: The Problem of Noise")


In "Passages: A Writer's Guide, " how to organize a problem-solution paper is explained:  

"Though to some extent [your organization of the paper] depends on your topic, do make sure that you include the following information:
Introduction: Identify the problem in a nutshell. Explain why this is a problem, and mention who should be concerned about it.
Problem Paragraph(s): Explain the problem clearly and specifically. Demonstrate that this is not just a personal complaint, but a genuine problem that affects many people.
"Solution Paragraph(s): Offer a concrete solution to the problem, and explain why this is the best one available. You may want to point out why other possible solutions are inferior to yours. If your solution calls for a series of steps or actions to be followed, present these steps in a logical order.
"Conclusion: Reemphasize the importance of the problem and the value of your solution. Choose a problem that you have experienced and thought about—one that you have solved or are in the process of solving. Then, in the essay itself, you may use your own experience to illustrate the problem. However, don't focus all the attention on yourself and on your troubles. Instead, direct the essay at others who are experiencing a similar problem. In other words, don't write an I essay ('How I Cure the Blues'); write a you essay ('How You Can Cure the Blues')."
(Richard Nordquist, Passages: A Writer's Guide , 3rd ed. St. Martin's Press, 1995)
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26 How do I Write a Problem Solution Essay?

To write a problem/solution essay, think about a problem that you have experienced and how it could be fixed. A problem/solution essay is  written to explain the solution(s) for a problem . This essay can describe multiple solutions or one “ideal” solution to the problem you describe.


  • Interest your reader in the problem.
  • Convince your reader that the problem is important and needs to be solved.
  • Explain your solution clearly.
  • Convince the reader that your solution is cost-effective and feasible.
  • Convince your reader that your solution is better than other solutions.

A problem-solution essay is an essay that describes a problem and discusses possible solutions to the problem. This type of essay may be assigned in a high school or college composition class, and it generally requires some research before the writing process can begin. The primary thrust of a problem-solution essay is usually either an argument for a specific solution to a problem or a strong case for the urgent need to solve a problem. Like most essays, the problem-solution essay must contain an introduction, a thesis, a body, and a conclusion.

Identify the problem that will be discussed. It can be helpful to brainstorm possible essay topics and create a list of bullet-point ideas that could possibly be discussed for each topic. The best problem-solution topics are interesting and can be viewed from multiple perspectives, but are also not so broad that a solution to the problem is impossible to imagine.

Provide relevant background information . The problem should be clearly defined, and the causes of the problem should be identified if possible. The extent of the problem must also be described, as well as the effects of the problem and possible consequences of allowing the problem to continue unsolved. Any key terms that need to be defined should also be included in the opening, as well as any pertinent historical information that would help the reader understand the problem better.

Depending on the problem to be discussed, the thesis of a problem -solution essay may argue for the urgent need to solve the problem, or it may argue for a single solution to the problem. Most commonly, it will argue for a single solution. The thesis should generally be only one sentence long, and should clearly identify the main point of the essay. It will usually be placed in the opening paragraph, although in some cases the thesis can be reserved for the latter part of the essay where it will be revealed after a complete discussion of the problem and possible solutions have taken place.

The body of a problem-solution essay should fully describe proposed solutions to the problem and discuss the possible outcomes of each solution. Advantages or disadvantages to each solution should be included, as well as the proposed solutions. If any attempts have already been made to solve the problem, those should be described as well. If the essay will be arguing for a single solution to the problem, the body of the paper should lead logically to the conclusion that the solution being advocated is the best solution available. In such cases, it is important not only to describe the solution but also to describe how the solution can or should be implemented.

College Reading & Writing: A Handbook for ENGL- 090/095 Students Copyright © by Yvonne Kane; Krista O'Brien; and Angela Wood. All Rights Reserved.

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Write Effective Problem Solution Essay
  • Mastering The Art of Academic Essay Writing With Examples

Jessica Robinson - Image

Problem-solution essay is a common type of expository essay in academic writing. These essays are usually assigned to students in higher levels of education because they require effective research on the topic before providing foolproof solutions to the problems.

Table of Contents

  • What is a problem-solution essay
  • Structure of a problem-solving essay
  • Introduction element:hook
  • Introduction element:background brief
  • Introduction element: thesis statement
  • Introduction element: outline
  • Body paragraph of a problem-solution essay
  • Conclusion of a problem-solution essay

If you are also a student, there are possibilities that you will also get the task of writing an essay for a college/school assessment. Most probably you have gotten one and that’s why you are here we guess.

Besides, we know that researching and writing a problem and solution essay can be a head-scratcher sometimes. Moreover, students often get confused with the structure, thesis statement, and what to write in the body paragraphs of a problem solution essay. Lack of proper knowledge in writing a good problem and solution essay could result in lower credits.

However, before writing a problem solution essay, it is essential to identify the right problem that needs to be discussed in the essay. For this, you need to effectively brainstorm some of the ideas and then choose the right problems to address unless the topic is already assigned by your professors.

Now that you have effectively chosen a good topic for writing, you must go through a stepwise approach for writing an impressive problem solution essay. So, before starting to write an essay, it is essential to know what exactly is a problem-solution essay.

What is a problem-solution essay?

As the name suggests, a problem solution essay offers the solutions to a specific problem discussed in the essay. The problem solution essay intends to present either multiple solutions to a single problem or one ideal solution to the problem discussed in the essay.

In the book, Fusion: Integrated Reading and Writing (2016), the author Dave Kemper defined a problem-solving essay, “This sort of essay involves argumentation in that the writer seeks to convince the reader to take a particular course of action. In explaining the problem, it may also need to persuade the reader concerning specific causes”. To understand the problem-solving essay more comprehensively, let’s have a look at some of the example topics of problem-solving essays.

  • Elaborate on some of the effective solutions to reduce poverty.
  • Describe solutions to the problem of rising drug abuse in adolescents.
  • Elucidate the measure that can be taken to prevent human trafficking.

To continue, as seen in the above examples, some critical social problems are addressed and effective solutions need to be presented. Problems can be complex social issues like drug abuse or environmental problems like climate change that concern the entire planet. In most problem-solution essays, the problems are peculiar and have large scale implications.

But in order to effectively present a problem and its foolproof solutions, it is necessary to follow the right structure of writing a good problem solution essay. So, let’s get started with the structure.

How to structure the problem-solving essay?

Giving the right structure to an essay is an important aspect of writing a good essay because the better the structure, the more easily your reader or audience can navigate through your essay. In the case of a problem or solution essay, the structure is even more important because through the right structure only, your audience would be able to understand the given problem and your provided solutions more effectively.

In the problem solution essays, the structure is quite similar to the other essays that start with an essay introduction and is followed by body paragraphs and conclusions. To simplify, the standard structure of a problem solution consists of four paragraphs in which the introduction usually starts with asking a question that reflects the main problem. Along with this, the introduction also consists of the outline and the thesis statement of the essay.

Various ways of structuring of problem solution essay

Following the introduction, as per standard structuring, there will be two body paragraphs in which one will talk about the problem while the paragraph will present the solutions. The number of paragraphs containing the problem and solution can be extended as per the desired length of the essay. In the end, the conclusion of the essay will be provided that will sum up the key arguments. Let us delve into the introduction of a problem- solution essay.

How to write the introduction of a problem-solving essay?

An introduction is an important aspect of an essay because through an impressive introduction only, you will be able to convince your readers to read your essay till the end. In the case of a problem-solving essay, your introduction should be engaging enough to give a clear idea to the readers about the given problem/situation and whom the problem majorly impacts.

However, while writing an introduction there are a few other important aspects that need to be taken into consideration.

The crucial aspect is that your introduction should always contain

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement

That being said, the further sections will deliberately explain all the elements one by one to give you a clear picture of writing essays. Besides, every section will contain a sample element of the essay topic: Elaborate on some of the effective solutions to reduce poverty.

Explanation through an example will assist you in better understanding how to write each element meticulously. So, let’s move ahead without further ado.

Introduction element: Hook of a problem-solving essay

A hook is a very first and crucial element of writing an engaging essay introduction. Its presence in the introduction of the essay will assist you in intriguing the curiosity of the reader that will encourage them to read till the end.

Besides, the hook in the introduction of a problem-solving essay could be of various types. It can be a fun fact/claim or an astonishing statistic that directly points toward the problem which will assist in grabbing the attention of the reader from the very beginning.

Besides, in the case of a problem solution essay, you can also create a hook by asking valid questions related to the problem discussed in the essay to involve your reader in your essay as well. As per our example, the sample hook is given below.

Sample hook

Approximately 85% of the world is currently living on less than $30 per day. More than two-thirds of the same lives on less than $10 per day. Moreover, every 10th person survives on less than $1.90 per day (Roser & Ortiz-Ospina, 2022).

After hooking the readers on interesting information, it is time to give background information about the problem.

Introduction element: Background brief of a problem-solving essay

The background information will be provided to make your readers understand the context of the essay. In the case of a problem solution essay, you will provide background information about the problem that will clearly answer a few of the given questions below.

  • What is the problem?
  • How big is the problem?
  • Whom does the problem majorly affect?

Background information will assist the readers in understanding the urgency of the problem and will also highlight the major reason behind the need for highlighting the problem. In accordance with our example, the sample background information is given below.

Sample background brief

Poverty is becoming a global issue and every coming day; the rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer. Hence making progress against poverty is becoming one of the most urgent goals of the globe today. People lying in the poor category often face challenges like hunger, less access to education, sanitation issues, and much poorer health.

After giving the readers the background information, it is now time to give the thesis statement of the problem solution essay.

Introduction element: The thesis statement of a problem-solving essay

The thesis statement refers to the brief summary of the central idea of the essay that is usually included at the end of the introduction before the outline of an essay. A thesis statement in a problem solution essay can be of two to three lines but irrespective of the length of the thesis statement, your thesis statement needs to clearly include,

  • Why is it a problem?
  • How does this problem impact the readers?
  • Why does this problem need to be solved?

Moreover, the thesis statement should naturally highlight a brief summary of the solutions that would be highlighted later in the discussion. However, the thesis statement does not need to present detailed solutions. In the case of our example of the sample essay, the thesis statement in the problem solution essay is given below.

Sample thesis statement

Poverty is still a problem because it brings other problems such as malnutrition, and sanitation issues along. It also hinders the growth of developed and developing nations which directly impacts the lives of other people as well. Alleviation of poverty will ensure enhanced living standards for the people and will provide them with better growth opportunities.

Following the thesis statement, the last paragraph highlights the outline of the essay.

Introduction element: Outline of a problem-solving essay

The outline of the essay is the last paragraph of the introduction that will deliberately guide your readers toward the main body paragraphs of the essay. In the case of a problem solution essay, it is a kind of roadmap that will further guide your readers on the given problem and solutions they will encounter in the body paragraphs of the essay respectively.

However, it is essential to note that the outline should always summarize the solutions rather than discuss them in detail.

Sample outline

In this essay, firstly different problems that occur from poverty will be discussed in the essay, along with some of the statistics validating the issue. Secondly, the essay will possess some of the main causes of the problem. Lastly, different solutions will be discussed in the essay that can assist in reducing global poverty.

After the meticulous explanation, comes the body paragraphs of the essay.

How to write the body paragraph of a problem solution essay?

Body paragraphs are the cornerstone of the essay that requires the utmost research and attention to detail. There can be multiple paragraphs or even more depending upon the overall length requirement of the essay. You can choose to present the body paragraphs in two ways, block or point-by-point.

The block method in a problem solution essay refers to describing the problem first and then presenting all the required solutions. Whereas the point-by-point method in a problem-solution essay refers to presenting all the problems and solutions simultaneously rather than going through all problems and all solutions separately. In writing the body paragraph of the problem solution essay, you need to keep the 3 Es in mind which stands for explain, expand, and example.

To elaborate, in each paragraph you will start by explaining the topic sentence. This topic sentence will underline the problem or the solution that will be discussed in the paragraph. After explaining the topic sentence, you will elaborate your point by validly expanding the topic sentence and supporting the topic sentence by giving evidence (if possible).

For example, if you are describing the problem, you will use some statistics or research to validate the problem. Other than that, if you are providing a solution, you will use stats or research to validate how your given solution is the most effective remedy. Lastly, you can provide examples in the cases to explain the topic sentence more effectively.

Besides, the last line of the paragraph will be the transition sentence forming cohesion between the current paragraph and the next paragraph describing whether your next paragraph will present another aspect of the problem or will discuss the solution.

Following the example of our topic, below given is the example of a body paragraph using the chain method explaining poverty as a problem, first.Following the example of our topic, below given is the example of a body paragraph using the chain method explaining poverty as a problem, first.

Sample body paragraph

Poverty is a concept that is more than about lack of income and productive resources to ensure that are required to ensure good and sustainable livelihoods. Poverty also brings along poor mental and physical effects like hunger, malnutrition, and limited access to education. Along with this, poverty also brings ensures humans depriving of basic services access which has also resulted in social, political, and economic discrimination. This burden of poverty has excluded many people and deprived them of participating in various decision-making processes. Hence, it is essential to discuss the various possible solutions and act upon them to eradicate poverty effectively.

How to write the conclusion of a problem solution essay?

Lastly, the conclusion is the last paragraph that will wind up your whole essay in the end. While writing the conclusion, firstly, you will restate the thesis statement. Further than that, in a problem solution essay, it is always better to conclude with an intriguing statement that leaves your reader thinking more about the problem further and makes an impactful ending.

Sample conclusion

To conclude, sometimes all it takes is a small effort from external factors to kickstart the alleviation of poverty by giving some cashflow maintenance to the people living under the poverty line. Hence, the need is to effectively understand the problem and make small changes to implement the solutions and make the world free of poverty.

To encapsulate, if you keep all the above-given tips and tricks given in the guide in mind before writing the problem-solving essay, we are sure that you will be able to write a problem-solving essay like a pro.

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Problem Solution Essay

Caleb S.

Learn How to Write a Problem Solution Essay in No Time

16 min read

Published on: Feb 1, 2022

Last updated on: Jul 23, 2024

Problem Solution Essay

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Are you facing difficulties when it comes to writing problem solution essays? 

You're not alone!                          It's a critical skill to master, as these essays provide opportunities to address real-world issues and propose practical solutions.

Well, CollegeEssay.org is here to save the day!

In this blog, we will provide you with invaluable insights, expert tips, and a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the challenges of problem solution essays.

With our comprehensive strategies and examples, you'll learn to craft powerful essays that propose innovative solutions and captivate your readers.

Get ready to conquer the essay-writing battlefield and make a difference with your words.

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What is a Problem Solution Essay?

A problem-solution essay is a type of academic writing that requires the writer to analyze a problem, propose a viable solution, and support their ideas with relevant evidence. 

The primary objective of this essay is to address real-world issues and provide practical solutions to those problems.

In a problem-solution essay, the writer typically begins by describing the problem, highlighting its severity and impact. The writer then proposes a solution to the problem, providing a detailed explanation of how the solution will work. 

The essay may also include a discussion of the potential challenges or limitations associated with the proposed solution.

Importance Of Problem Solution Essays

Problem-solution essays play a crucial role in academia and beyond. Here are some reasons why these essays hold significant importance:

  • Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills

Writing a problem-solution essay enhances critical thinking abilities by requiring the writer to deeply analyze and understand complex problems. It encourages the development of analytical skills to assess the root causes, consequences, and potential solutions to a given problem.

  • Practical Application of Knowledge

Problem-solution essays provide an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world issues. By researching and proposing solutions, students bridge the gap between theory and practice, making their education relevant and meaningful.

  • Problem-Solving Mindset

Engaging in problem-solution essays cultivates a problem-solving mindset. It encourages individuals to identify problems, think creatively, and propose effective solutions. This mindset is highly valuable in various academic disciplines, professional settings, and everyday life.

  • Awareness And Social Impact

Problem-solution essays promote awareness of social, environmental, or political issues. By addressing pressing problems and proposing solutions, these essays contribute to raising consciousness and fostering positive change within society.

  • Persuasive Communication

Crafting a compelling problem-solution essay hones persuasive communication skills. Writers must effectively communicate their ideas, present logical arguments, and convince readers of the feasibility and effectiveness of their proposed solutions.

  • Empowerment and Personal Growth

Successfully tackling problem-solution essays instills a sense of empowerment and personal growth. As students overcome challenges and present innovative solutions, they gain confidence, expand their knowledge base, and develop essential skills for future endeavors.

Features of Problem Solution Essay

A problem-solution essay possesses distinct features that set it apart from other essay types. Let's explore some key features of a problem-solution essay:

Problem Identification

The essay begins by clearly identifying and defining the problem . It is essential to provide a comprehensive understanding of the problem, its scope, and its impact on individuals or society. 

The writer should establish the urgency and significance of the problem to capture the reader's attention.

Solution Proposal

The heart of a problem-solution essay lies in proposing a feasible solution.

The writer must present a well-reasoned and practical solution that directly addresses the identified problem. The proposed solution should be logical, realistic, and supported by evidence or expert opinions.

Evidence-Based Approach

A strong problem-solution essay relies on evidence to support the proposed solution. This may include statistical data, research findings, case studies, or expert testimonies. 

The writer should provide convincing evidence that demonstrates the effectiveness and viability of the proposed solution.

Consideration of Limitations

Acknowledging and addressing any potential limitations or challenges associated with the proposed solution is crucial. This demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the problem and a realistic approach to solving it. 

By acknowledging limitations, the writer shows a balanced perspective and invites further discussion or alternative solutions.

Call to Action

A problem-solution essay often concludes with a call to action, urging readers to take steps toward implementing the proposed solution or supporting related initiatives. This call to action encourages readers to reflect on the problem and motivates them to contribute to positive change.

Problem Solution Essay Format

Like other essays, problem-solution essays also follow a format. Creating a problem-solution essay outline will make the essay writing process smoother. 

Have a look at the problem-solution essay structure:


An introduction is important because you will not be able to write a good essay without one. You need to describe the problem and then show why it is important. If it is a new or uncommon problem, you will need to explain how it works and its consequences. 

If it is a common problem, you will need to tell us about what happens when the problem isn't solved and how people feel about that. Whatever the case may be, you want to convince readers of its importance.

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  • Brief Thesis Statement

The thesis statement serves as a concise and informative sentence that outlines the main focus of your essay. It provides the readers with an understanding of the knowledge they will gain by reading it.

For example, if you're writing an essay about how to solve a problem, your thesis statement should be: 

"This essay explores the impact of social media on mental health and proposes strategies to promote a healthier digital environment, enabling readers to understand the potential risks and empowering them with effective solutions for maintaining their well-being in the digital age."

You can also add other solutions that did not work before explaining your solution in detail.

An essay usually has three paragraphs, one for each problem and solution. When working on each solution, it is important to review these things:

  • Explain the problem in detail
  • Propose your solution and explain it properly
  • Explain how this will help solve that problem
  • If you want to show why your solution is best, use an expert or personal experience, statistics, other people's work, or examples.


The last part of an essay is as important as the first. It is often the strongest part, and many people think it doesn't matter because it comes at the end. But that's wrong! 

If you don't do a good job on your conclusion, you might fail to earn a good grade. Here are some tips for writing a strong conclusion for your essay: 

  • Make sure that you summarize what was said in your introduction 
  • List the main points of your argument 
  • Give advice to someone who has similar problems

This was all for the Problem solution essay format. Now it's time to get started to write an essay. 

How to Write a Problem Solution Essay? 5 Easy Steps

A good problem-solution essay should propose a solution that is easy to implement, reasonable, and solves the problem. Make sure your essay stays focused on the main topic. 

Below are steps for writing a good and impressive problem-solution essay.

1. Choose the Topic

Think about the issues that are bothering you. These could be anything, but they need to be big enough for them to affect people. Make a list of these issues or problems that are facing some groups or your community.

2. Think How to Implement Solution

To make a great solution, it needs to be easy to understand and do. Good solutions can be done easily, solve the problem well, and are not expensive.

One of the common ways people try to solve problems is by getting rid of what is causing the problem. 

For example, if someone does drugs, they may stop doing them. It can also help if you educate people about how it works or use advertising to motivate them. 

Final ly, you might be able to change something that is not working, like an old law, or introduce new ones. Of course, there are other solutions too, so think about all of them!

3. Create an Outline

An outline is important in writing. It helps you to remember what you were going to say, and it also tells your readers what they will learn from the essay. When you write an outline, divide the information into sections or paragraphs.

Pick a topic and then add all of your points in order to make the essay easier for the reader.

Here's a generic outline for a problem solution essay.

A. Hook or attention-grabbing statement

B. Background information on the problem

C. Clear statement of the problem's significance

D. Thesis statement introducing the proposed solutions

A. Causes and factors contributing to the problem

B. Consequences and implications of the problem

C. Supporting evidence and data to strengthen the analysis

A. Brief overview of the proposed solutions

B. Explanation of how the solutions directly address the problem

C. Potential benefits of implementing the solutions

A. Detailed description of Solution 1

1. Step-by-step instructions or strategies

2. Supporting evidence or examples

B. Detailed description of Solution 2

1. Step-by-step instructions or strategies

2. Supporting evidence or examples

C. Detailed description of Solution 3 (if applicable)

1. Step-by-step instructions or strategies

2. Supporting evidence or examples

A. Assessment of the effectiveness and feasibility of each solution

B. Discussion of potential challenges or limitations

C. Proposed strategies to overcome the challenges

A. Summary of the main points discussed in the essay

B. Restatement of the problem's significance and the urgency of implementing solutions

C. Call to action, encouraging readers to support or implement the proposed solutions

4. Start Writing Your Essay

Now the outline is created, it's time to fit in the extensive detail. A problem-solving essay follows the structur e of having an introd uction paragraph, three supporting body paragraphs, and a concluding one. 

Start adding the details as discussed in the outline section. 

5. Revise Your Essay

The last step in the process of writing an essay is to proofread it. Proofreading means that you go through it a lot of time to ensure there are no mistakes or errors in your essay. 

Ensure that the vocabulary, grammar, spelling, citation, facts, syntax, and format are accurate and appropriate. If you find any errors during this step, then correct them before submitting your essay to your instructor.

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Problem Solution Essay Examples

We know that it can be hard to write this kind of essay. We have a sample essay below to help you understand.

Problem-solving is an essential skill that plays a crucial role in both personal and professional realms. It is a process of identifying challenges, analyzing their root causes, and developing effective solutions to overcome them. The ability to solve problems efficiently is a highly valued skill in today's complex and dynamic world. This essay explores the importance of problem-solving, its impact on personal and professional growth, and provides practical strategies for enhancing problem-solving abilities.

Problem-solving enables individuals to face adversity, learn from failures, and develop resilience. By actively seeking solutions, individuals can build the mental strength required to overcome obstacles and grow personally.

Effective problem-solving necessitates critical thinking, which involves evaluating information, analyzing multiple perspectives, and making informed decisions. This process strengthens cognitive abilities and helps individuals become more adaptable and open-minded. Problem-solving encourages individuals to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. Engaging in creative problem-solving nurtures imagination and helps individuals develop a proactive and resourceful mindset.

Problem-solving skills enable individuals to recognize hidden opportunities within challenges. Businesses that cultivate a problem-solving culture are more likely to identify gaps in the market and devise strategies for growth and success.

Problem-solving often requires collaboration and teamwork, as diverse perspectives and expertise contribute to more comprehensive solutions. Individuals with strong problem-solving skills can facilitate productive teamwork, fostering a positive work environment and driving success.

: Effective problem-solving leads to continuous improvement and innovation within organizations. By analyzing and resolving issues, companies can optimize processes, enhance productivity, and stay ahead of competitors in rapidly evolving industries.

Clearly defining the problem is essential to identify its underlying causes and develop appropriate solutions. Ask questions, gather relevant information, and break down the problem into manageable components.

: Explore different perspectives and generate a range of potential solutions. Evaluate the pros and cons of each option, considering feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and long-term impact.

: Once a solution is selected, create an action plan and implement it. Monitor the results, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments. Embrace failures as learning opportunities and refine strategies accordingly.

Problem-solving is a vital skill that empowers individuals to overcome challenges, foster personal growth, and drive professional success. By cultivating problem-solving abilities, individuals can navigate complex situations with confidence, harness creativity, and contribute to innovative solutions. Through defined strategies and a commitment to continuous improvement, problem-solving can be nurtured and enhanced, creating a positive impact on both personal and professional spheres. Embracing problem-solving as a lifelong learning process is key to unleashing innovation and achieving sustained growth in today's dynamic world.

Below are additional examples of problem solution essays that can serve as sources of inspiration for your writing.

Problem Solution Essay Sample pdf

Garbage Problem Solution Essay

Problem Solution Essay Topics

When you write about a problem solution topic, make sure it is something important to you. Usually, people write about things that are happening around them or in the world.

Below are some topics to choose from when writing your essay.

  • What can be done to stop body positivity from going too far?
  • How can we encourage people to adopt children in real life?
  • How can we reduce domestic violence in our society?
  • How to prevent people from drinking alcohol while driving?
  • What are ways to reduce racial violence? 
  • What is the best way to solve cybercrime? 
  • What are the best ways to reduce fraud in real estate deals?
  • How can the government solve the problem of immigrant assimilation in the United States?
  • What steps should the government take to increase voter turnout?
  • What legislation can be used to limit sources of campaign financing for political candidates?

If you're still having trouble writing this type of essay, check out this informative video below.

In conclusion , a problem-solution essay is an effective way to address and propose solutions to issues that affect individuals or society. 

By identifying a problem and presenting supporting evidence, you can inspire readers to take action and contribute to positive change. 

However, if you still think that you could benefit more from professional essay writing aid, we've got your back!

Our team of experienced writers provides a reliable problem solution essay writing service . They will ensure to deliver you a well-written and compelling essay that effectively addresses the identified problem. 

For deadlines that are too close for comfort, consider seeking assistance from our AI essay writing tool . 

So, what are you waiting for? Hire our online essay services  today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to start the solution paragraph in an essay.

The best way to start a solution paragraph in an essay is by explaining the problem and then suggesting people to try it. 

How should I start the first paragraph of a problem-solution essay?

Start your first paragraph by following the below steps: 

  • Telling a story about the problem 
  • Then, describe what happened or your experience with it 
  • End with how you solved it. 

Caleb S. (Literature, Marketing)

Caleb S. has extensive experience in writing and holds a Masters from Oxford University. He takes great satisfaction in helping students exceed their academic goals. Caleb always puts the needs of his clients first and is dedicated to providing quality service.

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essay on the problem solving process


Problem Solving Essay

Problem solving essay generator.

essay on the problem solving process

Facing problems and obstacles on a smaller or larger scale happen to most people. It could be a day-to-day problem affecting only an individual. On the other hand, it could also be a problem that affects numerous people. That said, people must hone their ability to provide solutions to problems. One way to do this is to incorporate it in your essay writing by composing a detailed problem solving essay.

8+ Problem Solving Essay Examples

1. problem solving essay template.

Problem Solving Essay Template

Size: 55 KB

2. Problem Solving Evaluation Essay

Problem Solving Evaluation Essay

Size: 302 KB

3. Problem Solving Assignment Essay

Problem Solving Assignment Essay

Size: 175 KB

4. Basic Problem Solving Essay

Basic Problem Solving Essay

5. Obesity Problem Solving Essay

Obesity Problem Solving Essay

Size: 75 KB

6. Problem Solving Essay Outline

Problem Solving Essay Outline

Size: 120 KB

7. Drugs Problem Solving Essay

Drug Problem Solving Essay

Size: 150 KB

8. Formal Problem Solving Essay

Formal Problem Solving Essay

Size: 129 KB

9. Structured Problem Solving Essay

Structure Problem Solving Essay

Size: 211 KB

What Is a Problem Solving Essay?

A problem solving essay is a piece of writing where you provide detailed information about a problem and include paragraphs proposing solutions to the topic. The subjects in this type of academic essay  include personal issues and organizational difficulties. Also, those that are contributing to global warming. Universities and business corporations require you to write this paper.

How to Compose a Thorough Problem Solving Essay

An essay providing solutions to a problem is a necessary document. That is why various schools let you practice it as early as middle school. They also further enhance your skill during college by letting you compose numerous college essays . That said, it is not something you can do in a rush. For this kind of paper to be effective and serve its purpose, you need to undergo a lengthy and meticulous crafting process. 

1. Study Your Problem

Your professor or superior may provide you with a problem statement . If not, you have the freedom to choose from existing problems in our community. Before brainstorming about the possible responses to your problem topic, you should ensure that you know enough about it. That said, you must first conduct intensive educational research . Consider all factors to avoid having loopholes in the solutions that you will propose. 

2. Construct a Checklist of Possible Solutions

After knowing enough about your topic, now is the time to create a checklist of the solutions you generated. Your topic checklist will act as a form of a draft. Detail your ideas on your list and omit the ones that show a sense of ambiguity. After this, write down your thoughts on a topic outline to decide your problem solution essay flow.

3. Compose a Powerful Introduction

When reading a piece of writing, people often doubt whether or not the composition is worth their time. To persuade them, you should begin your paper with a captivating introduction. Secure their attention by incorporating a hook. Also, do not forget to state your thesis statement in your introductory paragraph. This sentence should give an overview of the content of your whole document.

4. Structure Your Essay

Most literature essays follow proper formatting and structure. Aside from your introduction, you should also organize a body and your conclusion. If your assignment did not require a fixed number of paragraphs, you should go for at least three essay paragraphs for the content of the body. Detail your solutions in each of them and support them with reliable evidence. In your conclusion statement, you should opt for a sentence that would make the readers want to take action and take part in solving the problem. 

What are examples of topics for a problem-solving essay?

Choosing your topic depends on what issues you want to tackle the most. If you select to resolve political troubles or social problems, you can choose from a numerous list of subjects. Some topics that will be compelling include bullying issues, water pollution, and ways to make classrooms more conducive for learning. The key to choosing the perfect topic sentences is to talk about subjects that make you passionate.

What are the elements of an impressive problem topic?

Even when given the freedom to select a topic, you can’t just choose anything that comes to mind. You should consider several elements beforehand. First, you should ask yourself it’s timely and relevant. In addition, you should also narrow it down and ensure it addresses a specific issue. Also, don’t forget to clarify the cope of the problem you’re proposing to resolve. Take note of these elements on your evaluation checklist. This list will be helpful in the process of analyzing your topic.

What are the steps to problem-solving?

The first step in the process is to identify and analyze your problem. You should highlight necessary information and facts about that particular issue. The next step involves researching the root of these problems and developing an action plan for your response. It is also helpful to include a budget plan if it is possible.

The readers of your paper will read your essay with a critical eye, especially if it is a teacher or a superior evaluating the quality of your writing. That said, you should secure that your problem solving essay does not have a weak spot. When crafted well, you can expect to receive an award certificate recognizing your efforts and skills in solving problems. 


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Problem solution essay

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A problem-solution essay is a type of academic essay that explores a particular issue or challenge, and presents a potential course of action to address it. The purpose of a problem-and-solution essay is to identify a problem or issue, and to provide a practical solution or strategy for resolving it.

With so many unsolved issues, it’s easy to find some good questions for consideration. All you need is to look around or read the news.  Writing a problem and solution essay won’t take much time and effort if you know what details to cover and what order you should follow. By using our ultimate guide, you will be able to compose an excellent and convincing essay with minimal effort. Close social networks and YouTube, spend 5 minutes reading our article to take to any problem solution essay topics like a duck to water. Have a tough deadline? Consider paying someone to write your essay . StudyCrumb experts will deliver a perfect problem and solution essay tailored to your requirements.

What Is a Problem Solution Essay: Definition

A problem and solution essay is a type of academic writing that defines some specific issue and provides steps to solve it. This kind of essay is aimed at assessing a student's ability to find some controversial problem and offer a clear problem-solving strategy.  Your topic should be relatively simple to write about. It’s good if it meets the general public's interests. Some popular topics for this essay include such issues:

  • Environmental pollution
  • Internet addiction
  • Infrastructure
  • Religious issues
  • Social movements.

No matter what topic you choose, it should motivate you to think and look for ways of solving the problem. You should analyze it, study various strategies, and choose which one fits best.  In a problem and solution essay, you can write about more than one problem. However, your solution is only efficient when several subjects in question fall into the same field. Otherwise, it will be difficult to focus on the right solution.

Problem Solution Essay Outline

One of the most important steps of your writing process is creating a problem solution essay outline . Without it, your paper will be unstructured and poorly organized. This is not the case when there is an efficient well-thought-out plan. Writing an outline is crucial on the way to composing a brilliant essay. It will help you stay on point without deviating from the issue. This way, you can save time and effort.  Unlike any other type of writing, a problem and solution essay provides some room for flexibility. You can create an outline using two different methods:

  • Block method
  • Chain method.

Each of these methods have their advantages and can be applied depending on the situation that will be covered. Let’s look at each of these approaches more in detail.  The block outline has the following structure:

Introduction – presents the topic and contains 4-5 short sentences. 

Main body – contains 2-3 paragraphs, each of them beginning with a topic sentence.

Body paragraph  

Body paragraph 

Conclusion – sums up all main points. 

Block method allows you to look at multiple problems or solutions using separate paragraphs. However, mastering this approach at first may be somewhat difficult.    The chain method is more appropriate if you want to focus on some unified idea within one body paragraph. Here’s an example of chain outline:


Body paragraph 1

Body paragraph 2

This approach helps you explore an issue step-by-step. For this reason, it may be easier for beginners. 

How to Write a Problem Solution Essay

Now, it’s time that we learn how to write a problem and solution essay. Further, we will tell you about the best way of doing it. Below, you will find detailed information on perfecting each section of your essay. We will specifically shed more light on:

  • Acquaintance with the problem’s background
  • Description of the issue’s specifics
  • Explanation why it should be solved
  • Suggested solution and assessment
  • Call to action .

Let’s learn the secrets of writing a successful essay firsthand! 

How to Start a Problem Solution Essay: Introduction

The first section is a problem solution essay introduction. It should include such components:

  • Thesis statement.

Your opening paragraph should specify an issue, as well as provide some background information. Think over the first sentence that will captivate your readers. Everything must be clear from the very first lines. If one gets your idea at once, it’s almost in the bag. It may take some time to come up with a catchy hook, but you will be rewarded with an A+. Consider rare statistics, any little-known fact, or some hype information.  Remember that your second and third sentences should naturally flow into further discussion. Develop your idea by introducing some context. By the way, you can write an introduction after the rest of your essay is complete. Just make sure you have a thesis statement. After all, it’s the ground of your essay. All main points should be related to your thesis.

How to Write an Outstanding Problem Solution Essay Body

The next part in the problem and solution essay is the main body. Here, you should suggest ways of solving the issue. It would be great if you analyzed probable consequences of problem-solving actions. You should support why you think the specific measures are necessary and what they will result in.  Usually, the main body of a problem and solution essay includes 3 paragraphs. Every body paragraph focuses on different aspects:

  • Discuss an issue and offer your solution
  • Explain why your strategy will work
  • Provide some counter argument and refute it.

Argumentation is essential. By using it, you can convince readers that your strategy is correct. There is a good way to make powerful arguments. You should start with a statement, followed by an explanation. Back up your point of view with supportive examples. Then comes your final judgment. You can create transitions between paragraphs to make it easier for readers to follow a train of thought.

How to Write a Conclusion for a Problem Solution Essay

Congratulations! You’ve reached the last stage – a problem and solution essay conclusion. It usually contains 4-5 sentences summarizing your reasoning. In this part, you can make a general conclusion. It should include strong statements about what has been written.  You can rephrase your thesis statement and share your final thoughts. The goal of the last part is to draw a complete picture and make readers think. Your last paragraph shouldn’t contain any fundamentally new facts – only a general summary of points mentioned above. Try StudyCrumb’s summarizer tool if you have challenges ending your problem and solution writing. Your writing style in conclusion must always correspond to the style of your entire essay. Don’t try to stay on the safe side by using such phrases as “in my humble opinion”, “I am not an expert, but”. Readers will see them as excuses and uncertainty, which you definitely don’t want. What they should understand is that your essay is over and there is a logical conclusion.

Problem Solution Essays Examples

It is important to study a problem solution essay example before writing your own work. This way, you will be able to assess all the aspects and see how other authors coped with a similar task. You can borrow an exact structure or method of handling the situation.  Our examples won’t replace your essay. You shouldn’t copy or assign them to yourself. Focus on creating unique and useful content.


Problem and Solution Essay: Writing and Proofreading Tips

You will be able to become a master of writing a problem and solution essay by following these great tips:

  • After finishing your work, leave your paper for a while. Later, you will be able to return to it and assess it with a fresh approach.
  • Check whether you’ve used all the above-mentioned components.
  • Make sure that your thesis clearly states your paper’s topic.
  • Perform in-depth research on your issue and explore existing resolutions.
  • Ensure that your solutions are realistic and can be implemented.
  • Use special tools to “grade my essay” and check whether your spelling and punctuation are correct.
  • Ask your relative, family member, or friend to proofread your work. A couple of extra eyes will ensure that there are no logical and grammatical errors.

You should also pay attention to the paper formatting style. Use the same font and text style throughout your essay.

Problem/ Solution Essay: Bottom Line

As you can see, there is nothing super hard about writing a problems and solution essay. Hopefully, our detailed guide will help you complete your assignment. Of course, you should be ready to test which approach works best for you. After all, you should strive for continuous improvement. 


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Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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Overview of the Problem-Solving Mental Process

  • Identify the Problem
  • Define the Problem
  • Form a Strategy
  • Organize Information
  • Allocate Resources
  • Monitor Progress
  • Evaluate the Results

Frequently Asked Questions

Problem-solving is a mental process that involves discovering, analyzing, and solving problems. The ultimate goal of problem-solving is to overcome obstacles and find a solution that best resolves the issue.

The best strategy for solving a problem depends largely on the unique situation. In some cases, people are better off learning everything they can about the issue and then using factual knowledge to come up with a solution. In other instances, creativity and insight are the best options.

It is not necessary to follow problem-solving steps sequentially, It is common to skip steps or even go back through steps multiple times until the desired solution is reached.

In order to correctly solve a problem, it is often important to follow a series of steps. Researchers sometimes refer to this as the problem-solving cycle. While this cycle is portrayed sequentially, people rarely follow a rigid series of steps to find a solution.

The following steps include developing strategies and organizing knowledge.

1. Identifying the Problem

While it may seem like an obvious step, identifying the problem is not always as simple as it sounds. In some cases, people might mistakenly identify the wrong source of a problem, which will make attempts to solve it inefficient or even useless.

Some strategies that you might use to figure out the source of a problem include :

  • Asking questions about the problem
  • Breaking the problem down into smaller pieces
  • Looking at the problem from different perspectives
  • Conducting research to figure out what relationships exist between different variables

2. Defining the Problem

After the problem has been identified, it is important to fully define the problem so that it can be solved. You can define a problem by operationally defining each aspect of the problem and setting goals for what aspects of the problem you will address

At this point, you should focus on figuring out which aspects of the problems are facts and which are opinions. State the problem clearly and identify the scope of the solution.

3. Forming a Strategy

After the problem has been identified, it is time to start brainstorming potential solutions. This step usually involves generating as many ideas as possible without judging their quality. Once several possibilities have been generated, they can be evaluated and narrowed down.

The next step is to develop a strategy to solve the problem. The approach used will vary depending upon the situation and the individual's unique preferences. Common problem-solving strategies include heuristics and algorithms.

  • Heuristics are mental shortcuts that are often based on solutions that have worked in the past. They can work well if the problem is similar to something you have encountered before and are often the best choice if you need a fast solution.
  • Algorithms are step-by-step strategies that are guaranteed to produce a correct result. While this approach is great for accuracy, it can also consume time and resources.

Heuristics are often best used when time is of the essence, while algorithms are a better choice when a decision needs to be as accurate as possible.

4. Organizing Information

Before coming up with a solution, you need to first organize the available information. What do you know about the problem? What do you not know? The more information that is available the better prepared you will be to come up with an accurate solution.

When approaching a problem, it is important to make sure that you have all the data you need. Making a decision without adequate information can lead to biased or inaccurate results.

5. Allocating Resources

Of course, we don't always have unlimited money, time, and other resources to solve a problem. Before you begin to solve a problem, you need to determine how high priority it is.

If it is an important problem, it is probably worth allocating more resources to solving it. If, however, it is a fairly unimportant problem, then you do not want to spend too much of your available resources on coming up with a solution.

At this stage, it is important to consider all of the factors that might affect the problem at hand. This includes looking at the available resources, deadlines that need to be met, and any possible risks involved in each solution. After careful evaluation, a decision can be made about which solution to pursue.

6. Monitoring Progress

After selecting a problem-solving strategy, it is time to put the plan into action and see if it works. This step might involve trying out different solutions to see which one is the most effective.

It is also important to monitor the situation after implementing a solution to ensure that the problem has been solved and that no new problems have arisen as a result of the proposed solution.

Effective problem-solvers tend to monitor their progress as they work towards a solution. If they are not making good progress toward reaching their goal, they will reevaluate their approach or look for new strategies .

7. Evaluating the Results

After a solution has been reached, it is important to evaluate the results to determine if it is the best possible solution to the problem. This evaluation might be immediate, such as checking the results of a math problem to ensure the answer is correct, or it can be delayed, such as evaluating the success of a therapy program after several months of treatment.

Once a problem has been solved, it is important to take some time to reflect on the process that was used and evaluate the results. This will help you to improve your problem-solving skills and become more efficient at solving future problems.

A Word From Verywell​

It is important to remember that there are many different problem-solving processes with different steps, and this is just one example. Problem-solving in real-world situations requires a great deal of resourcefulness, flexibility, resilience, and continuous interaction with the environment.

Get Advice From The Verywell Mind Podcast

Hosted by therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares how you can stop dwelling in a negative mindset.

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You can become a better problem solving by:

  • Practicing brainstorming and coming up with multiple potential solutions to problems
  • Being open-minded and considering all possible options before making a decision
  • Breaking down problems into smaller, more manageable pieces
  • Asking for help when needed
  • Researching different problem-solving techniques and trying out new ones
  • Learning from mistakes and using them as opportunities to grow

It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about what's going on. Try to see things from their perspective as well as your own. Work together to find a resolution that works for both of you. Be willing to compromise and accept that there may not be a perfect solution.

Take breaks if things are getting too heated, and come back to the problem when you feel calm and collected. Don't try to fix every problem on your own—consider asking a therapist or counselor for help and insight.

If you've tried everything and there doesn't seem to be a way to fix the problem, you may have to learn to accept it. This can be difficult, but try to focus on the positive aspects of your life and remember that every situation is temporary. Don't dwell on what's going wrong—instead, think about what's going right. Find support by talking to friends or family. Seek professional help if you're having trouble coping.

Davidson JE, Sternberg RJ, editors.  The Psychology of Problem Solving .  Cambridge University Press; 2003. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511615771

Sarathy V. Real world problem-solving .  Front Hum Neurosci . 2018;12:261. Published 2018 Jun 26. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2018.00261

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."


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Problem-solution essays Situation-problem-solution-evaluation

Problem-solution essays are a common essay type, especially for short essays such as subject exams or IELTS . The page gives information on what they are , how to structure this type of essay, and gives an example problem-solution essay on the topic of obesity and fitness levels.

What are problem-solution essays?


Problem-solution essays consider the problems of a particular situation, and give solutions to those problems. They are in some ways similar to cause and effect essays , especially in terms of structure (see below). Problem-solution essays are actually a sub-type of another type of essay, which has the following four components:

The 'situation' may be included in the essay prompt, in which case it will not be needed in the main body. If it is needed, it can often be included in the introduction, especially for short essays, as with the example essay below . The 'evaluation' may be included as part of the conclusion (also as in the example below), or omitted altogether, especially for short essays. For these reasons, problem-solution essays are more common than situation-problem-solution-evaluation essays (or SPSE essays).

There are two main ways to structure a problem-solution essay. These are similar to the ways to structure cause and effect essays , namely using a block or a chain structure. For the block structure, all of the problems are listed first, and all of the solutions are listed afterwards. For the chain structure, each problem is followed immediately by the solution to that problem. Both types of structure have their merits. The former is generally clearer, especially for shorter essays, while the latter ensures that any solutions you present relate directly to the problems you have given.

The two types of structure, block and chain , are shown in the diagram below. This is for a short essay, which includes the 'situation' in the introduction and 'evaluation' in the conclusion. A longer essay, for example one of around 1,000 words, with citations , would probably have these two sections as separate paragraphs in the main body.

Example essay

Below is a problem-solution essay on the topic of obesity and poor fitness . It uses the block structure . Click on the different areas (in the shaded boxes) to highlight the different structural aspects in this essay, i.e. Situation, Problem, Solution, Evaluation. This will highlight not simply the paragraphs, but also (for problems and solutions) the thesis statement and summary , as these repeat the problems and solutions contained in the main body.


Consumption of processed and convenience foods and our dependence on the car have led to an increase in obesity and reduction in the fitness level of the adult population. In some countries, especially industrialized ones, the number of obese people can amount to one third of the population. This is significant as obesity and poor fitness lead to a decrease in life expectancy , and it is therefore important for individuals and governments to work together to tackle this issue and improve their citizens' diet and fitness. Obesity and poor fitness decrease life expectancy. Overweight people are more likely to have serious illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, which can result in premature death. It is well known that regular exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, which means that those with poor fitness levels are at an increased risk of suffering from those problems. Changes by individuals to their diet and their physical activity can increase life expectancy. There is a reliance today on the consumption of processed foods, which have a high fat and sugar content. By preparing their own foods, and consuming more fruit and vegetables, people could ensure that their diets are healthier and more balanced, which could lead to a reduction in obesity levels. In order to improve fitness levels, people could choose to walk or cycle to work or to the shops rather than taking the car. They could also choose to walk up stairs instead of taking the lift. These simple changes could lead to a significant improvement in fitness levels. Governments could also implement initiatives to improve their citizens' eating and exercise habits. This could be done through education, for example by adding classes to the curriculum about healthy diet and lifestyles. Governments could also do more to encourage their citizens to walk or cycle instead of taking the car, for instance by building more cycle lanes or increasing vehicle taxes. While some might argue that increased taxes are a negative way to solve the problem, it is no different from the high taxes imposed on cigarettes to reduce cigarette consumption. In short, obesity and poor fitness are a significant problem in modern life, leading to lower life expectancy . Individuals and governments can work together to tackle this problem and so improve diet and fitness . Of the solutions suggested, those made by individuals themselves are likely to have more impact, though it is clear that a concerted effort with the government is essential for success. With obesity levels in industrialized and industrializing countries continuing to rise, it is essential that we take action now to deal with this problem.


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Below is a checklist for the main body of an essay. Use it to check your own writing, or get a peer (another student) to help you.

The essay is a essay
An appropriate is used, either or
The essay has a clear
Each paragraph has a clear
The essay has strong support (facts, reasons, examples, etc.)
The conclusion includes a of the main points

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Find out about writing definitions and definition essays in the next section.

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Go back to the previous section about cause & effect essays .

  • Cause/effect


Author: Sheldon Smith    ‖    Last modified: 22 January 2022.

Sheldon Smith is the founder and editor of EAPFoundation.com. He has been teaching English for Academic Purposes since 2004. Find out more about him in the about section and connect with him on Twitter , Facebook and LinkedIn .

Compare & contrast essays examine the similarities of two or more objects, and the differences.

Cause & effect essays consider the reasons (or causes) for something, then discuss the results (or effects).

Discussion essays require you to examine both sides of a situation and to conclude by saying which side you favour.

Problem-solution essays are a sub-type of SPSE essays (Situation, Problem, Solution, Evaluation).

Transition signals are useful in achieving good cohesion and coherence in your writing.

Reporting verbs are used to link your in-text citations to the information cited.

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Problem Solution Essay Guide

Problem Solution Essay Guide_ How to Do Everything Right

Every student needs recommendations about how to make the process of academic writing easier and more effective. A problem-solution essay guide can be of great use to those who care about their grades and academic performance.

So, what are the main aspects of turning this type of essay into a masterpiece?

  • Present the problem and explain the reasons why the solutions are necessary.
  • Give all the explanations and reasons why they are effective.
  • Refute the objections.

It is not difficult to identify the problems; however, it may be a real challenge to find effective solutions. A perfect paper requires a lot of effort and much time spent on collecting outstanding ideas. We will lead you to success through the process of collecting ideas to writing the final output. When you learn all the rules and finish with training, you will write any type of academic paper easily and quickly. Besides, you will no longer ask questions like “What is thesis?” or “What does problem and solution mean?”

Secrets of Problem-Solving Essay Writing

A problem-solving essay can be graded high only if certain requirements are met. Think about how you can add some humor and encourage your audience to laugh and agree with your points. Besides, have a look at the advice below and improve your skills to impress the professors.

How to Pick a Topic

  • Brainstorming the Groups

It will take you less effort if you decide to write about the problems you know about or have experienced personally. It is good if you have some topic in your mind that bothers you or ideas you have thought about with relevant solutions. Then you have a good start. Afterward, make a list of organizations or groups which you belong. Consider the place where you live, your hometown, the clubs you attend, the activities and events you participate in, the sports groups, your job, and so on.

Then think about the groups with which you can identify, in particular male or female, single child or one of the siblings, your ethnic background, interests, height, etc. Take a minute to take into account the stereotypes related to the groups you belong to.

  • Considering the Problems

Have a look at the list of organizations and groups. Brainstorm the problems they might experience. Those issues and problems can be related to leadership, type of organization, procedures, rules, ideas, stereotypes, people, etc. Think about the correlation of what the group can do versus what they want to do. If you still need some hints, you can make use of lists of topics online. Please note that a persuasive topic in problem writing requires developing an effective solution.

  • Making a Question

Pick several interesting problems out of the list of problems you have composed. Make a question out of the topic ideas. Make sure that the question is not too broad. Have a look at the possible questions related to the cheating problem, for example:

  • What can be done to solve the cheating problem at college?
  • How a cheating problem can be addressed at high school?
  • Can cheating be eliminated during standardized tests?
  • Which way can cheating be prevented in doing homework?
  • What can be done to prevent cheating on taxes?
  • Thinking about Possible Solutions

There are numerous possible solutions for each problem. However, in most cases, students have some ideas at once. As soon as you get one, write it down to have it as a starting point. Then you can talk to your classmate, friend, or parent to discuss the problem and try to think of other solutions as well. Such discussions always help to get the required feedback and fresh ideas. Actually, it is better to talk to as many people as possible. Professors always encourage their students to share the ideas or even have a group of people for a debate over the solutions.

How Can You Gather Ideas?

If you have a number of ideas, it is great! Communicate with the people you trust and choose the one you agree is the best for an essay. Having asked your family members, acquaintances, and friends, find out which idea they like the most and which solutions they can offer. It may happen that you will change your initial idea completely, it is fine! Just make sure that the chosen topic is both important and interesting for you.

Military Problem-Solving Process and Claims

For instance, if you decide on a military problem-solving process, you have to know which type of claim you need. You will do the same with any other types of essays. First of all, write down the ideas of other people and do some research on the basis of such questions:

  • Does the chosen topic cover various claims of definition?
  • Is the problem defined in a different way by the audience?
  • What are the differences in definitions?
  • Does the problem show a direct cause-and-effect relation?
  • Which causes and effects does the essay cover?
  • Are the value judgments involved in the problem?
  • Which values are covered?
  • Will the suggested solution be able to involve the audience and motivate them to change their attitudes or behavior?
  • What are the possible sources for writing the problem-solving paper?
  • Is it possible for military parents to be close to their children and families?
  • How can communication be improved in military families?

How Can the Cause Be Identified?

Do thorough research and get to know what opinions people have about the problem, solutions, and related causes. To consider the relation between the causes and effects, try to find answers to the following questions.

  • Which problems are addressed by your essay?
  • Why was this particular problem chosen?
  • Which audience experiences the problem?
  • Which other groups are directly affected?
  • Which groups are aware of the problem?
  • Which groups are interested in solutions?
  • What are the most common effects of the problem?
  • Which effects are the most influential?
  • What are the potential causes, both remote and immediate?
  • Can the causes be unchangeable?
  • What solutions are already known and tried? Were they successful?
  • What are the key reasons why the problem should be solved?

Community Problem Solving Paper: Which Audience Should I Address?

First of all, as they say, if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Try to find the problem that will not only be interesting for you but will also address the proper audience. Your solution will work only if the target group can implement the presented solution. Otherwise, they will be merely irritated with your attempts.

Besides, your audience should have certain authority. If you deal with the problem of low-quality food in the school cafeteria, the students will be interested in solving the problem but they cannot do that. Addressing the students in such a paper will not be a good solution. The right audience to be addressed in such a community problem-solving paper will be the staff or the administration of the cafeteria.

Furthermore, your audience should be convinced, so use proper reasoning. Even if the students do not like the taste of the food, it is not a persuasive argument for the authorities. What they will note is the argument that the food is unhealthy or that the students’ parents are dissatisfied with the quality. Make all the arguments with reasons and evidence to make the paper persuasive.

Looking for Solutions

What is the usual purpose of a problem-and-solution essay? Every problem can have a number of causes, and you have to focus on finding solutions to the most common ones. Do research and answer the following questions to search for the best solution idea.

  • Which cause of the problem is the most important?
  • Which measures are to be taken to have the problem resolved?
  • Can you explain the suggested solution with all the required steps?
  • Can you explain why the solution is effective?
  • How can you prove that the problem and the solutions are logically connected?
  • What effects will the solution have on the audience and the problem?
  • Will there be any difference between the previous solutions and the one you offer?

How to Outline the Plan

Introduction: Ensure clarity and involve the readers.

Description: Present the problem for the audience to understand it.

Importance: Persuade the audience that the problem requires immediate solution.

Cause/Effect: Provide the explanation of the problem causes, and present the correlation between the actual causes and imaginary causes.

Thesis: Ask a question and provide the answer.

Body: Ensure a detailed explanation of the solutions and present the arguments.

  • Solution: Give a clear explanation of the solution and present it to the readers. Identify the exact steps to be taken, with intermediary actions if needed. You may present different solutions depending on the target audience. Thus, individuals can take one approach, while the authorities can do other things.
  • Arguments for the solution: the readers should understand every aspect in the problem-solving process and know how the solution will:
  • resolve the problem
  • be cost-effective
  • be feasible
  • Respond to the objections:
  • The problem is of insignificant importance
  • The problem has other causes of greater importance
  • The solution does not look effective
  • The solution is too expensive

Conclusion: Your conclusion should be a call to action. The readers should know what you expect them to believe, think, or do. Explain to them what will change if the solution is implemented.

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Problem Solving Process at the Workplace Essay

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Problem analysis and application of the problem-solving strategy, reference list.

It is much easier to address a particular problem or a difficult situation if a person can properly define this issue and distinguish its major components. In this way, an individual can take more informed decisions, especially at the time when it is necessary to reconcile several conflicting values or interests. The scenario that will be analyzed in this paper also represents a conflict of interests.

In particular, one should mention the need for better economic opportunities and the necessity to complete one’s studies while avoiding additional expenses. Furthermore, one should keep in mind that the scenario does not include the information which may be important for choosing the most optimal solution. There are other aspects of this issue and they will be examined in the following sections of the paper. Overall, it is possible to apply the approach outlined in the article The Problem Solving Process (n. d.). This technique can be helpful for discussing this scenario from different perspectives and generating different solutions. These are the main questions that should be examined in greater detail.

Problem definition

This problem can be reduced to the choice between two options, while the implications of each decision cannot be accurately determined. In this case, I have to decide whether I should accept the job offer from a company that is ready to hire me as a supervisor with a significant salary increase. However, I would have to start my work during my final examination period; so, I may need to abandon my studies at the college that I currently attend. One should take into account that the current company gives tuition reimbursement while the new company does not. Therefore, I may need to spend more time and money to obtain a Bachelor’s degree. This is one of the drawbacks that should be considered. Certainly, it is possible to work in the company in which I have worked for eleven years. Nevertheless, this decision can deprive me of possible opportunities for career growth and this mistake can have far-reaching implications.

Admittedly, it is possible to provide alternative definitions of this problem; however, one can do it only by identifying some of the important factors that are not identified in the chosen scenario. For instance, one may consider the opportunities for professional growth in the two companies. Furthermore, one should focus on such an issue as job design in each of the organizations. If this information had been provided in the scenario, the problem could have been formulated more accurately.

Problem analysis

While analyzing this problem, one should consider the factors involved in this problem, especially possible opportunities and threats associated with each of the decisions. In particular, one can focus on such factors as the new employment opportunity, increased salary, and favorable attitude of the management that reimburse the relocation costs. These are the positive aspects of the first option. At the same time, one should not overlook potential disadvantages such as the increased costs of education and possible necessity to spend more time in order to receive an academic degree. By staying in the current company, I would manage to avoid these pitfalls, but I may not be able to increase my socio-economic status and acquire new professional skills.

This situation can be examined from a different perspective if one can learn more about the details omitted from this case. In particular, one may focus on the way in which each of the choices can contribute to a person’s career. For instance, this problem might be examined with the help of the cost-benefit analysis. In particular, this technique can be applied provided that the cost of tuition is specified. However, this information is not available. Overall, a decision-maker should remember that even the most rigorous analytical tool can be ineffective, if the available information is inaccurate or incomplete (Engel, 1998).This is one of the issues that should not be overlooked.

Generating possible solutions

Overall, it is possible to identify several solutions to this scenario. For instance, it is possible to ask the management of the new company to postpone the start date so that I could have enough time to complete my studies and obtain a Bachelor’s degree. Furthermore, I may take an academic leave and resume my studies at the time, when I get used to the requirements of the new employer. Thirdly, it is possible to reject the offer and continue working in my current company.

Analyzing the solutions

It is possible to mention that the first solution may be the most optimal decision, if the managers of the new company agree to postpone the start of my career in this organization. Nevertheless, this organization may not be able to offer me this opportunity due to possible time constrains. So, they may not be open to negotiation while discussing this particular issue. In turn, the second solution enables a person to take new employment opportunity and retain the chance of continuing one’s education. However, this solution leads to the increased costs that may be required for receiving a degree. In turn, the third approach enables the person to avoid these expenditures. Yet, this evaluation can be fully valid provided that one can take accurately assess two companies. For instance, the chosen scenario does not tell a person how the managers of the current company can respond, if an employee, who has worked for the organization for eleven years, decides to leave. In particular, they may choose to offer him/her a salary increase. This is one of the cases illustrating the limitations of the current analysis which cannot incorporate the relevant evidence. So, while solving a particular problem, one should not disregard the issues that are not mentioned in the scenario (Brest & Krieger, 2010). This is one of the points that should be made.

Selecting the most optimal course of action

Overall, the most optimal approach is to combine the first two solutions. In particular, at the beginning, one should carefully explain the complexity of the situation to the management of the new company and ask them if it is possible to start working after the examination period. It is quite possible that they will agree to wait for the completion of the examination period. Provided that this opportunity is not available, one should take an academic leave or move to a different college since in this way, one can make use of the new employment opportunity. However, this chosen approach can be adopted only if the management of the current company does not try to retain the employee in any way.

Planning the next course of action

The next course of action will strongly depend on the work environment of the new company and the ability of a person to meet the requirements of the employee. Provided that I am able to perform successfully in the organization, I will continue my education and take a Bachelor’s degree. Furthermore, it is possible that I may stay at the company in which I am currently working and complete my graduate studies. Overall, it is possible to say that the solution of the problem can take different paths, depending on the decisions of other people. This is one of the details that should not be overlooked.

The evaluation of the selected problem-solving strategy

Overall, the problem-solving strategy that has been described in this paper can be applied to various situations. Moreover, it can be used in different settings because it is compatible with various analytical tools and data collection methods. Apart from that, this strategy enables a person to distinguish those issues that are not fully described in a particular scenario. This is the main advantage of this problem-solving strategy.

Overall, these examples show that the application of a problem-solving strategy can be useful for taking decisions. They enable a person to decompose a certain problem and identify the advantages and disadvantages of possible solutions. It should be noted that the selected scenario does not include specific and relevant data that may be important for developing the most appropriate solutions. More importantly, at this point, one cannot accurately identify the most optimal decision, because it is important to consider the responses of various stakeholders such as the managers of both companies. These are the main details that can be singled out.

Brest, P., & Krieger, L. (2010). Problem Solving, Decision Making, and Professional Judgment: A Guide for Lawyers and Policymakers . Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Engel, A. (1998). Problem-Solving Strategies . New York, NY: Springer Science & Business Media.

The Problem Solving Process . (n. d.). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, June 25). Problem Solving Process at the Workplace. https://ivypanda.com/essays/problem-solving-process-at-the-workplace/

"Problem Solving Process at the Workplace." IvyPanda , 25 June 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/problem-solving-process-at-the-workplace/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Problem Solving Process at the Workplace'. 25 June.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Problem Solving Process at the Workplace." June 25, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/problem-solving-process-at-the-workplace/.

1. IvyPanda . "Problem Solving Process at the Workplace." June 25, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/problem-solving-process-at-the-workplace/.


IvyPanda . "Problem Solving Process at the Workplace." June 25, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/problem-solving-process-at-the-workplace/.

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