You Can Journal

100+ Holiday Journal Prompts to Inspire Your Writing

The beauty of journaling is that the focus of your writing can shift from day to day, season to season, and, dare we say, holiday to holiday to create a dynamic state of change and growth. And with these holiday journal prompts, you’re sure to not only enhance your writing, but enhance your entire holiday season!

Understanding Holiday Journaling

Holiday journaling is a wonderful way for you to reflect on and capture your most special moments during the festive season. Through holiday journal prompts, you can dive into your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, which can help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

A key aspect of holiday journaling involves selecting the journal prompt ideas that resonate with you and inspire meaningful reflection. Some prompt ideas may encourage you to explore certain holiday memories, while others might ask for your thoughts on various festive activities and traditions.

To get started with holiday journaling, find a comfortable and quiet place where you can focus on your writing. Set aside some time every day, and make a habit of responding to the journal prompts.

You can use a physical notebook , an app , or even your computer to write your entries. The most important thing is to be honest with yourself and let your thoughts flow freely.

Here are some example holiday writing prompts you may want to consider for your holiday journal:

  • What is your favorite holiday memory, and why is it so special?
  • How does the holiday season make you feel, and why do you think that is?
  • What are some of your family’s unique holiday traditions, and why are they important to you?
  • How can you make this holiday season more meaningful for yourself and others?

By engaging in holiday journaling, you create a valuable record of your experiences and emotions, which you can revisit in the future. Moreover, the process of writing about these moments can help provide clarity and a sense of purpose during the festive season.

Benefits and Importance of Holiday Journaling

Emotional relevance.

Holiday journal prompts can be an effective tool for self-exploration and emotional processing. By engaging in this reflective practice, you may gain better insight into your feelings, emotions, and experiences related to the holiday season.

Some holiday writing prompts focus on favorite holiday traditions or favorite memories, which can help evoke positive feelings and memories. Remember, spending time on self-care during the holidays can contribute to your overall well-being and happiness…and journaling offers a fantastic form of self-care!

Academic Perspective

For students, holiday journaling provides an opportunity to practice and sharpen writing skills during winter break.

Engaging in regular journaling can help reinforce the writing skills and critical thinking that students learn during class. Mindfulness-based holiday writing prompts can be particularly helpful for students who may experience stress or anxiety during their winter break and holidays, allowing them to reflect on their thoughts and emotions in a structured way.

Mental Health Benefits

Journaling during the holidays can also offer significant mental health benefits.

As you explore your thoughts and emotions through writing, you’ll create a space for self-reflection and self-discovery. This practice can help reduce stress and anxiety, leading to a more peaceful and centered holiday experience.

Moreover, journaling can also help you set intentions for the upcoming year, promoting personal growth and a sense of inner peace.

In conclusion, holiday journaling offers numerous benefits, from boosting mental health to fostering self-reflection and growth. Incorporating this practice into your holiday routine can help you better navigate the festive season and enjoy a more emotionally balanced and mindful celebration.

Starting Your Holiday Journal

The holiday season is fast approaching, and it’s the perfect time to start a holiday journal filled with all your festive thoughts and reflections. Here are some ideas to get started with your holiday journal journey.

First, find a cozy, quiet spot where you can sit down to write. Grab a warm winter drink, your favorite pen, and an empty notebook to serve as your holiday journal.

Set aside some time each day or week to write down your thoughts and experiences related to the winter holidays.

There are plenty of holiday writing prompts available to help get the creative juices flowing.

Some popular holiday writing prompt ideas include reflecting on your favorite winter tradition, reminiscing about your favorite memories, and listing ways you can spread holiday cheer. You may also want to explore  December writing prompt  ideas for additional ideas and inspiration.

Remember to be creative and write in a way that feels comfortable and enjoyable to you.

Journaling should be a pleasant and refreshing experience. It’s okay to mix it up and add variety to your entries, such as including photos, drawings, ticket stubs, or even snippets of holiday music lyrics.

As you progress through the season, your holiday journal will become a unique and treasured keepsake. It will be a great way to look back on your favorite memories and cherish the festive moments you’ve captured.

Holiday Journal Prompts

Christmas journal prompts.

As you prepare for the holiday season, take some time to reflect on your favorite Christmas memories.

Write about your favorite Christmas morning – what did you do? What Christmas gifts did you receive?
Describe the joy of waking up early to see what Santa Claus brought you.

Find inspiration in your favorite holiday movie and songs.

Write about a favorite holiday movie that brings warmth to your heart and why it resonates with you.
Think about your favorite Christmas song and create a short story inspired by its lyrics.

This exercise can evoke the holiday spirit and strengthen your connection to holiday traditions.

Don’t forget the magic of Christmas lights!

Write about your personal experience of decorating the Christmas tree or your home with twinkling lights. What do these lights symbolize for you during the holiday season?

New Year Related

The New Year is a time for reflection, renewal, and goal-setting for the next year.

Write about goals you accomplished in the past year and your hopes for the next year?
Reflect on your favorite New Year’s Eve memory – was it spent with family or friends? Were fireworks involved? Share the feelings and emotions that come to mind as you think about this memory.
Consider creating a vision for your ideal New Year’s Eve celebration. Describe what it would look like, who would attend, and the traditions you’d like to incorporate. Write a short story about the experience.

This can encourage a wholehearted approach to embracing the New Year!

General Winter Holidays

The holiday season is filled with more than just Christmas and New Year’s celebrations.

Write about other winter holidays that you or your friends might celebrate. Explore the customs, traditions, and feelings associated with these holidays. Write a short story about the celebration.
Think about your favorite winter activities. Do you enjoy making paper snowflakes, building snowmen, or sipping hot chocolate by a cozy fire? Write a detailed account of your ideal day spent enjoying these winter pastimes.

Holiday treats are an essential part of any celebration.

List your favorite holiday treats and explain why you love them. How do they add to the holiday spirit?
Are there any recipes that hold a special place in your heart or remind you of a cherished tradition?

Lastly, reflect on the spirit of giving during the holiday season.

Write about a particularly memorable gift you received or gave to someone else. How did this gesture impact your relationship with the recipient or deepen your understanding of the importance of giving during the holidays?

Writing About Family Traditions

The holiday season is the perfect time to reflect on the traditions you and your family hold dear. As you dive into your journal, this section will help you explore your holiday traditions and create lasting memories.

Begin by thinking about your favorite holiday traditions.

Ask yourself what makes these rituals special to your family? What emotions do they bring up and how do they connect you and your loved ones?
Take some time to elaborate on what holiday traditions mean to you and the role they play in your family’s life.

Listen to the stories that surround these traditions. Reach out to family members and ask them to share their favorite memories.

Maybe there’s a fascinating ancestral story behind your Christmas celebrations, or perhaps you have a unique way of counting down to the new year. Delve into the origins of your family rituals, and you might discover connections spanning generations.

As you celebrate and take part in your family traditions, be sure to capture the moments.

Describe the sights, smells, and sounds of your holiday celebrations; the twinkling lights on the tree, the aroma of your special home-cooked meal, or the laughter of loved ones opening their Christmas gifts.

Engage your senses in your writing, and you’ll see how these details help evoke cherished memories in the years to come.

Incorporating Festive Activities

The holiday season is the perfect time to get creative with your journaling.

To make your holiday journal entries even more exciting, consider incorporating festive activities and elements from this magical time of the year. In this section, you’ll discover a few ideas to help you achieve this.

Decorating for the holidays can be a great source of inspiration.

As you put up your Christmas tree, string up the twinkling Christmas lights, and arrange your holiday decorations, make notes on the memories and feelings each item evokes.
Write about your favorite decorations and the stories behind them in your journal.

Celebrate the season with a flurry of festive activities and jot down your experiences.

Build a snowman, create paper snowflakes, or enjoy an evening of holiday baking with friends, family, and hot chocolate. Write about how these activities made you feel and what they mean to you.
Don’t forget to pay a visit to Santa Claus at your local toy store or shopping center, and record your impressions of the experience.
Reflect on the joy and excitement that Santa brings to children and the magic of Christmas he represents.
Consider writing a short story about your own childhood experience with Santa Claus.

Include some holiday treats in your journaling routine, too. Enjoy a mug of hot chocolate or a festive cookie as you write about your favorite memories surrounding the holidays, or describe the recipe of a beloved family dish in your journal.

If you’re hosting or attending holiday parties, capture your thoughts on the events. Write about the people you met, the conversations you had, and the games you played. Share any funny or heartwarming anecdotes from the gathering, and reflect on what made the holiday party special.

Are you traveling for the holidays? Remember that holiday writing prompts can pair well with travel journal prompts!

Using these festive elements and activities in your holiday journal will not only make your entries more engaging and enjoyable to read but will also help you embrace the holiday spirit and create lasting memories. So, grab your journal and dive into the magic of the holidays!

Describing Holiday Atmosphere

The holiday season is a magical time, filled with festive moments and heartwarming memories. As you dive into your holiday journaling, consider capturing the essence of this enchanting atmosphere in your writing.

Think about how Christmas morning feels, with the excitement of unwrapping gifts and the aroma of cozy breakfast treats wafting through your home. Try to capture the warmth and excitement that permeate the house as your family gathers to celebrate together.
You can also reminisce about your favorite scenes from the classic Christmas movies that seem to perfectly encapsulate the spirit of the season. Feel free to include quotes or anecdotes from your favorite film or short story to help illustrate your own personal experiences.

Weather plays a significant role in setting the atmosphere during the holidays. Whether you’re nestled under a blanket watching gently falling snow from your window, or enjoying the warm sun on your face during a family beach trip, describing the different weather conditions can add rich detail to your holiday journal entries.

Whether crisp and cool or sunny and bright, make note of how the weather influences your emotional state and its contribution to your overall holiday experience.

Holiday decorations and Christmas lights are staples in creating the perfect holiday atmosphere.

Take a moment to describe your favorite holiday adornments and the joy they bring you when you see them. Are there specific ornaments or decorations that hold particular significance for you?

Focusing on these items will not only let your imagination run wild but also help imbue your journal with a touch of nostalgia.

Finally, let the Christmas spirit guide you as you explore various holiday journal ideas.

The holidays are a time of joy, love, and spreading cheer to those around you. Don’t hesitate to write about your experiences helping others, engaging in festive activities with friends and family, or the traditions that make the season so special.

All these elements combine to create a truly enchanting and unforgettable holiday atmosphere.

As you continue your journaling journey, remember to embrace the friendly, nostalgic, and heartwarming aspects of the holiday season. Your writing will not only serve as a beautiful snapshot in time, but it will also help you further connect with the feelings and memories that make the holidays so extraordinary.

Writing about Holiday Commercialism and Meaning

During the holiday season, it’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy of shopping, decorations, and endless to-do lists. However, taking a moment to reflect on the true meaning of the holidays can help you stay grounded and appreciate the joy that this time of year brings. To examine holiday commercialism and its impact on your own celebrations, consider the following holiday journal prompts.

To begin, think about your favorite elements of the holiday season. What fills your heart with warmth and happiness? Jot down a list that includes everything from cherished traditions and memories to simple moments of peace on earth.

Reflect on how these meaningful experiences make you feel, and use this list as a reminder of the spirit of giving and gratitude throughout the season.

Next, consider how commercialism affects your holiday celebrations. Are there aspects in which you feel overwhelmed or distracted from the true meaning of the season? Perhaps the pressure to find the best gift, the energy spent on material items, or the constant bombardment of advertisements encouraging you to buy more.

Write about your experiences with holiday commercialism and how it might detract from the moments you are most grateful for.

Now, ponder the ways in which you can maintain a balance between embracing the joy of giving and resisting the pull of consumerism. Explore the idea of mindful consumption by seeking out meaningful Christmas gifts with intention, rather than falling prey to impulsive purchases. Share how you plan to keep the focus on the blessings in your life, such as spending quality time with loved ones and expressing gratitude for all that you have.
Lastly, create a list of actionable steps to help you prioritize what truly matters during the holiday season. Perhaps this includes volunteering your time for a cause that aligns with your values, using your words with care when speaking to others, or incorporating more moments of reflection and gratitude into your daily routine.

Keep this list close and refer back to it as you navigate the holiday season, to remind yourself of the meaningful connections and experiences that make this time of year so special.

Documenting Holiday Foods

During the holiday season, it’s always a delight to indulge in festive treats and dishes.

As you’re enjoying these delectable goodies, why not document your holiday food journey in your journal? This way, you can keep track of your favorite recipes and the memories associated with them.

To start, make a list of the holiday treats you enjoy the most. Whether it’s classic sugar cookies, gingerbread houses, or warm cups of eggnog, noting down these favorites can help you remember the flavors that make the season joyful.

Plus, it’s a fun way to brainstorm ideas for the best gift for each friend and family member. After all, who wouldn’t love a homemade holiday treat?

While you’re in the spirit of celebrating and attending parties, it’s also a great opportunity to take note of new dishes or festive foods that you encounter. Observe the aromatic spices, the vivid colors, and the intricate textures of these dishes, and jot down your impressions. Remember to ask your hosts if they have a secret ingredient that makes their dish stand out, and write it down, so you can recreate it in your kitchen later on.
As you’re baking your special Christmas cookies and other festive favorites, don’t forget to document the process as well. Record the steps and ingredients in your journal, along with any modifications or tweaks that you made along the way. This way, you can recreate your masterpieces in the future and share your recipes with loved ones.

So, this holiday season, take the time to immerse yourself in the flavors and scents of your favorite culinary delights. By documenting your holiday food experiences in your journal, you’ll be creating a collection of cherished memories and recipes you can revisit and share for years to come.

Christmas Journal Prompts For Christmas List and Gift Giving

It’s that magical time of the year when you start creating your Christmas list and thinking about giving gifts to your loved ones. The holiday season is a perfect opportunity to express your gratitude and affection through thoughtful presents.

Begin by brainstorming the people you want to surprise with a gift.

Make a list of family members, friends, coworkers, or even neighbors. You can organize it in a simple table or use bullet points to keep track of your ideas.

For example:

  • Mom: Cookbook
  • Dad: Gadget
  • Sister: Art supplies
  • Jane: Novel
  • Jack: Board game

Once you’ve got your Christmas list ready, take some time to personalize the presents for each person.

Think about their hobbies, interests, or something they mentioned they need or want. Remember, a well-thought-out gift shows that you know and care for the person.

When you’re shopping for gifts, consider browsing local stores or artisan markets to find unique and meaningful items, as well as supporting small businesses.

Additionally, it’s important to keep the environment in mind. Choose eco-friendly options for gift wrapping or look for gifts made from sustainable materials.

Lastly, remember that the act of giving is about spreading joy and showing love, so don’t stress too much about finding the perfect present. Embrace the holiday spirit, and cherish the memories you create as you celebrate this season of togetherness and gratitude.

100+ Holiday Journal Prompts to Inspire Your Writing

So get cozy, choose your favorite holiday journal prompts, and start journaling! We can’t wait to hear all about it!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are your top 3 favorite holiday memories.

Think back to your favorite holiday moments and jot them down.

Consider what makes these memories special to you – was it the people you were with, a particular activity, or perhaps a unique location? Writing about your favorite holiday memories helps you cherish those moments and reflect on what brings joy to your life.

Describe an ideal holiday celebration with your loved ones.

Imagine your perfect holiday celebration and put it into words. What would you do?

Who would be there with you? What kind of decorations and foods would create the ideal atmosphere?

This is your chance to be creative and envision your ultimate holiday experience. Pondering this scenario can bring warm feelings and inspiration for crafting the perfect holiday experience with the people you care about most.

How do different cultures and traditions inspire your holiday celebrations?

Explore how various customs and traditions from around the world can enrich your own holiday experience.

You might discover some new practices or dishes you’d like to incorporate into your celebration, or perhaps you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity of holiday traditions celebrated by others. Keep an open mind and embrace the beauty of cultural diversity in holiday festivities.

What do you appreciate most about the holidays and why?

Take a moment to ponder the aspects of the holiday season that you value most.

Is it the act of giving and receiving gifts, the excitement of family gatherings, or the joy of sharing delicious meals? Reflect on your feelings and consider how important these factors are to you during the holiday season.

How has your perspective on holidays changed over the years?

As you grow older, your outlook on holidays may evolve. Think about how your view on holidays has shifted over time.

Maybe you now focus more on creating memories and cherishing time spent with loved ones, rather than material aspects such as receiving the best gift. Contemplating these changes could offer valuable insights into your personal growth and development.

What lessons have you learned from holiday experiences in the past?

Reflect on any experiences during previous holidays that have taught you something. It could be a lesson about the importance of family, the value of gratitude, or realizing that the true spirit of the holidays lies in spending meaningful moments with loved ones.

Jot down these lessons, and use them as guidance for making your future holidays even more special and fulfilling.

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Student Opinion

15 Prompts for Talking and Writing About the Holidays and the New Year

Share your traditions, weigh in on a seasonal debate, write a creative story or reflect on the year behind you while preparing for the one ahead.

Hands fill up plates from dishes of food on a table with a red tablecloth. A bowl with a green salad is in the center of the table, and next to it is a casserole dish of macaroni and cheese and a candleholder with six red candles.

By Natalie Proulx

Merry Christmas , happy Hanukkah , joyous Kwanzaa and happy New Year.

To celebrate the season, we’ve rounded up 15 prompts we’ve written over the years that you can use for writing or discussion in the classroom, among your friends or at your holiday gatherings. You might talk about your beloved family traditions, weigh in on a seasonal debate, write a holiday-themed short story or poem, or reflect on the year behind you and prepare for the one ahead.

Each of these prompts was inspired by a New York Times article, essay or image, and many of them are still open for comment for students 13 or older.

For more writing prompts and conversation-starters, see our related column .

1. What Holiday or Holidays Are You Celebrating This Month?

Hanukkah? Christmas? Kwanzaa? A combination? Something else? Use this prompt to talk or write about your own holiday celebrations — or those that other families have that you wish you could be a part of.

2. What Are Your Family Traditions?

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Heroes and villains, set your story on new year's day., write about a character who visits their hometown for the holidays and reconnects with a former love interest., write about a festive party gone wrong that’s saved by some holiday magic., write a story where someone shares a cup of hot chocolate with a friend., write a story in the form of a list of new year's resolutions..

journal essay about holiday

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Write a story about an unconventional holiday tradition.

Set your story at a work holiday party,, write a story that takes place over the eight nights of hannukah., write a story that includes the phrase “thank you it’s just what i wanted.”, write a story starring a store cashier, during the busy pre-holiday season., subscribe to our prompts newsletter.

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Write about a character setting an unusual New Year’s resolution.

Write a story about two people who don’t know each other but bump into one other on new year’s eve (either once or every year)., start or end your story with one or more characters shouting “happy new year”, write about someone who goes to great lengths to avoid being pranked on april 1st, only to realize they had the date wrong and it’s already april 2nd., start your story with a big company pulling an april fools’ prank that ends up going horribly wrong., write about someone who hates pranks and spends april fools’ day doing good deeds instead., start your story with one character making a vow that they never would have made the year before., write about someone who is given a bird for the holidays but doesn’t know how to take care of it., write about a family’s first holiday after a parent has gotten remarried, and now there are new faces at the table and new traditions to be honored., write about a family adapting a holiday tradition to take place over video chat., win $250 in our short story competition 🏆.

We'll send you 5 prompts each week. Respond with your short story and you could win $250!

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9965 points

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9614 points

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The best holiday writing prompts

Friends and family gathering. Running around and completing errands. Hours in the kitchen. Dinners, celebrations, parties. Holidays of all kinds come with their fair share of drama, emotion, and story-fodder. Narratives of all kinds can unfold during these busy times. That’s why this list of creative writing prompts includes the theme: holidays.

We’re not just talking about reindeers, turkey, and stringing lights on the tree. Our prompts cover all manner of holidays, from Easter to April Fools to Groundhog Day. And whether the holidays are a time of joy and happiness for your characters, or more difficult, you get to decide the mood.

There’s a lot to choose from, so if you need help deciding, here’s our top 10 holiday writing prompts:

  • You own a Christmas Tree stall. One evening, a young boy comes in and picks the smallest, scrawniest tree you have.
  • Write a story that only consists of New Year's Resolutions.
  • Write a story that only consists of letters to Santa.
  • It's the night before Christmas. You are a stirring mouse in an otherwise totally quiet house.
  • Write a story about a "chosen family" dinner, where no one is related by blood, but they still feel like family.
  • Create a holiday of your own and write a story about it.
  • Write a short story about someone with unconventional New Year's traditions.
  • Write about the best April Fool's Day prank that you could ever pull.
  • You’re stuck in a time loop with the same holiday happening over and over — the only rule is that it can’t be Groundhog Day.
  • An advertising firm lands a huge contract to make Easter the year’s most popular holiday.

Looking for some more tips for writing for your holiday story? You’ve come to the right place. Here are some resources that you may find helpful — consider them a holiday gift, from us to you:

  • How to Master the 'Show, Don't Tell' Rule (free course) — Twinkling decorations, frosty weather, the smell of delicious food cooking — the holidays are a treat for the senses, and those kinds of details help evoke the right mood for your story. The best way to make your story as immersive as possible is to master the golden rule of Show, Don’t Tell.
  • Character profile template (free resource ) — A lot of holiday stories are driven by emotion, just like the holidays themselves. Perhaps your character has fallen on hard times, and is having a crisis of faith. Maybe they’re returning home after a long stretch away, just in time for the holidays. Or perhaps your story is less emotional, but nonetheless character driven — our hero is a serial procrastinator, on the hunt for the perfect gift. Either way, you’ll need to know your character inside and out, and that’s where the character profile template comes in.

Want more help learning how to write a holiday short story? Check out How to Write a Short Story That Gets Published — a free, ten day course by Laura Mae Isaacman, a full-time editor who runs a book editing company in Brooklyn.

Ready to start writing? Check out Reedsy’s weekly short story contest , for the chance of winning $250! You can also check out our list of writing contests or our directory of literary magazines for more opportunities to submit your story.


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Thanksgiving Writing Prompts ⭢

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Essays About Holidays With Family: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

Looking for an interesting topic for your next essay? Check out our top essays about holidays with family and a list of prompts for inspiration. 

Holidays with family can create memories of a lifetime – some for good reasons and some for unpleasant incidents. Aside from giving the weary a break from work, holidays also provide an opportunity for families to gather, enjoy and make new, lasting memories together. Many cultures celebrate holidays differently and have holidays unique to their cultures and countries.

If you’re writing an essay about holidays with family, here is our list of essays that will keep you glued and reflect on your holidays. 

1. A Guide To Navigating Food And Family During Holidays by Katherine Speller

2. forgiveness perfect gift for the holidays by käri knutson , 3. everything that went wrong on our family vacation (and why it was still totally worth it) by michelle weisenberg, 4. consumerism culture is dangerous to the true meaning of christmas by frank portillo, 5. holidays away from home: an ofw christmas by beatrice del rosario, anakin loewes garcia, ronald manuel laylo, 1. your most memorable holiday with family, 2. why are holidays with family important, 3. an eco-friendly family holiday, 4. planning the best holiday destination, 5. camping for the holidays, 6. holidays on the beach, 7. history of spending holidays with family, 8. avoiding covid-19 while on holidays, 9. how to ensure a stree-free family holiday, 10. budget-friendly tips for holiday travels.

“The confidence you bring — from listening to your body and being sure that you are allowed to feel however you want about your food choices — will do wonders for dealing with any criticism, comments or plate-policing from (mostly) well-meaning family members or people with their own food hang-ups.” 

Planning what to bring or cook for a family holiday dinner may come with many anxieties and pressures, especially if you have critical family members. The article presents the thoughts of a psychotherapist and eating disorder expert who advises readers on how to best respect their own dietary needs and boundaries while embracing those of their families. 

“During the holidays, people who otherwise avoid each other can be thrown together in family or social situations that force the issue. It can be painful to ask for forgiveness and risk rejection… but it’s something we sometimes have to accept.” 

There’s no better gift to present to your family on holidays than forgiveness. In this article, psychology professor Robert Enright is interviewed to talk about the process of forgiveness, why people hold back from forgiving, and what helps people let go of their anger.

“Our vacations are NEVER dull. They usually entail at least one sick child/trip to the ER and one major catastrophe. It’s gotten to the point where we simply expect these things. As our pediatrician says, ‘I wish you people would just stay home.’”

Family holidays for this author cannot be complete without a disaster, from water-submerged diabetes testers to stolen backpacks and a kid getting wounded by a knife. Yet, despite these incidents, Weisenberg still sees the beauty in their travels, with its indelible memories outweighing any unfortunate event happening in all their family holiday travels.

“Instead of buying gifts for one another, we should be focused on creating memories with each other — an immaterial gift that will last far longer than this year’s Apple Watch.”

Instead of strengthening family bonds, many look forward to holidays to get a hand at things they’ve been meaning to buy. The article laments how the culture of consumerism and materialism has engulfed us, spoiling the true meaning of family holidays, wherein making memories together should suffice. 

“OFWs sacrifice quality time with their loved ones by providing for them from afar. Each family has their own way of coping with that absence. Every shared moment, be it physically or through the aid of technology, encapsulates the spirit of Christmas for loved ones near and far.”

The article interviews overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) or those who sacrifice their time with loved ones to bring more income to their families. As Christmas has a special place in the hearts of all Filipinos, OFWs’ nostalgia is at its peak during this holiday when they cannot be home with family. OFWs in the article talk about their homesickness and how they cope at Christmas time.

Writing Prompts  on Essays About Holidays With Family

Here is our round-up of creative prompts for your essay:

Essays About Holidays With Family: Your most memorable holiday with family

Describe your most memorable holiday with your family. Put in as many elements that made this holiday profoundly impact you. Then, for a more powerful effect, make the narration as vivid as you can, from the dining table filled with delectable food to how your siblings stifled a laugh upon seeing the neon sweater your aunt gave you as a present.   

Aside from creating new memories that strengthen relationships, holidays with family can help you immerse in new cultures and experiences. Collate studies that investigate the impact of family holidays on one’s well-being. Summarize their findings and provide your analysis.

Environmentalists lambast the overindulgence that comes with holiday merry-making. Enumerate the holiday practices that are dangerous to the environment. Next, encourage families to strive for a green holiday instead of resisting the strong temptation of excess. Then, provide tips on how one can step up to reduce carbon footprint and care for Mother Nature.

Deciding which destination is best for your family will largely depend on the preference of each family member and your budget. Provide tips on how one can choose their destination and how one should prepare for this. Remind readers that they don’t have to spend too much for the “best” holiday destination. As long as families are together on this special day, that should mean more to them than anything else. 

Camping is the best way to get close to nature while creating a stronger bond with parents, siblings, and relatives. Enumerate why camping is the best way to spend your holiday with family. You may also provide a list of essential things to bring when going on a camping trip. 

Frolicking on the beach is not just the best way to beat the heat. It’s also an excellent way to spend the holidays with your family, especially if you have kids who love water activities — but who doesn’t? For this prompt, you can narrate your holiday spent on the beach with your family. You can also provide your reader with a list of the best beach spots in your country.

There are several national holidays around the world. The origin of each has its unique story that makes them all interesting and worth experiencing. Pick one or a few holiday celebrations, particularly those best spent with family. First, write about their history and how they earned the designation as holidays. Then, detail the family traditions that come with their celebration. 

While many countries are now mask-free, COVID-19 remains to infect like wildfire in some places. List a few tips on how families can enjoy the holidays and be safe from COVID-19 or any raging virus. Examples could be encouraging readers to avoid COVID-19 hotspots, bringing antigen tests, and placing alcohol bottles within easy reach. 

What makes one full of fidgets when a holiday with relatives is fast approaching? Is it the critical aunt who might notice your added weight or the thought of celebrating the holidays in a remote place without internet access? First, cite the most common sources of holiday stress. Then, offer recommendations on how to put aside the nervous energy before and during the holidays.

You may also interview some friends to know their major sources of family holiday anxieties. Then, find out how they overcome them. 

Holidays can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Write a list of tips on how one can spare extra cash for accommodation, public transport, and more. Remind your readers that holidays can be fun without pumping out a lot of cash. If you’re not into travel, you can focus on budget tips for holiday shopping.

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Turning Holiday Experiences Into Writing Inspiration

Barbara P

Transforming Festive Moments into Captivating Writing

Published on: Dec 22, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

turning holiday experiences into writing inspiration

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As the holiday season approaches, anticipation fills the air, bringing with it the promise of festive moments and shared joy. 

It's a time when traditions come to life, and we find ourselves immersed in the warmth of celebrations. In this upcoming season, let's explore the art of capturing these precious moments through the lens of writing. 

Whether it's crafting narratives or journaling personal reflections, there's a unique magic in the stories that unfold during the holiday season. 

So, keep reading to find inspiration for your festive writing pieces.

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Describing Special Holiday Moments

The holiday season is a treasure trove of memories waiting to be unwrapped. 

Picture the scent of freshly baked cookies, the cozy family hugs, and the sparkle of lights in the night. These sensory details aren't fleeting; they are the foundation of vibrant descriptions that can enhance your essay writing.

Adding sensory elements in your descriptive essays draws readers into the scene, creating a connection beyond mere words. Whether you're depicting a festive gathering or recalling a cherished moment, infusing your writing with the essence of holiday memories adds richness and resonance.

You can also use your journal as a canvas to paint the emotions stirred by these holiday experiences. Reflect on how the sights, sounds, and tastes of the season have imprinted on your soul, creating a personal narrative to revisit and savor.

Narrating Characters Around The Holiday Table

The holiday dinner table is a stage set for a diverse cast of characters, each with their quirks. From the uncle with cheesy jokes to the aunt belting out carols, these characters can inspire compelling figures in your essays.

These characters inject humanity into your narrative essays . 

Introduce your readers to the personalities at your holiday gatherings, letting them connect on a personal level. Utilize the details of these characters to explore themes, relationships, and the dynamics that make your writing memorable.

In your journal, take the opportunity to look into the complexities of these characters. Chronicle their words, actions, and the emotions they evoke. Your journal can turn into a character study, capturing the essence of those who make the holiday season uniquely yours.

Describing Winter Wonderlands and Markets

The snowy landscapes, bustling markets, and cozy interiors adorned with lights – these settings can be the canvas for your essays.

Essay writing thrives on vivid settings that transport readers to different worlds. Whether you're crafting a descriptive essay about a winter wonderland or weaving a narrative against the backdrop of a holiday market, use the festive season to infuse your writing with a touch of magic.

In your journal, capture the atmosphere of these settings with words that paint a picture. Document the visual feast of lights, the sounds of laughter, and the palpable excitement. 

Your journal entries become snapshots of these settings, allowing you to relive the magic whenever you turn the pages.

Capturing Conversations in Gift-Giving Moments

Holiday gift exchanges are not just about presents; they offer fertile ground for heartwarming dialogue. The excitement, surprises, and genuine moments of connection can inspire compelling conversations in your essays.

In essay writing , dialogue breathes life into narratives, adding authenticity and depth. Use the exchanges during gift-giving as a template for crafting conversations that resonate with your readers. Explore the emotions, humor, and unexpected twists that make your writing engaging.

In your journal, let the art of gift-giving dialogue inspire introspection. Record the words, laughter, and sentiments expressed. Your journal becomes a repository of spoken moments that define the holiday season for you.

As we say goodbye to the holiday season, let's not store away memories like decorations. Instead, let's open them like precious gifts and uncover the writing magic within. 

Whether it’s creating vivid essays or journaling about your unique experiences, these holiday experiences provide the material to paint lively narratives. 

Fellow writers, let your pens weave these memories into heartfelt words. For added inspiration, explore our service for college essay writing help . 

May your writing bring lasting joy to both you and your readers. Happy writing!

Barbara P (Literature)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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Writing over the holidays? Here's how to do it

Writing over the holidays can be effective, but should be approached thoughtfully. 

Chris Smith

journal essay about holiday

Credit: MilosStankovic/Getty Images

Writing over the holidays? Here's how to do it

Writing over the holidays can be effective, but should be approached thoughtfully.


25 July 2019

journal essay about holiday

MilosStankovic/Getty Images

Many academics use the summer holidays as a time to relax, unwind and finally get that writing project done. However, is setting aside large chunks of time over the holidays the best way to approach academic writing?

Whereas the holidays may seem to present a large spell of unbroken time in which to write, the way in which you approach and manage this time is just as important as its duration.

Whilst the summer might seem like the perfect distraction-free time to throw yourself headlong into a stalled writing project, our research amongst academic authors suggests otherwise. Before embarking on a summer writing binge you should carefully consider your approach – here’s how.

Between 2018 and 2019 we surveyed the writing patterns and publishing productivity of 600 academic authors.

We wanted to understand more about how scholars write, the pressures, blocks and barriers they face, and how satisfied they feel about their writing and publishing across the course of a career.

One of the areas we explored was scheduling and how scholars find the time to write. We asked whether they typically write every day, take a time-blocking approach and schedule-in chunks of time to write across a week or a month or, whether they preferred to write in long, unbroken periods of time – such as on summer breaks or sabbaticals.

Daily doer vs time blocker

The first thing we discovered was that academics rarely choose one method and stick with it. Scholars choose different scheduling techniques at different stages of their career – depending on other life and work factors.

For example, whilst early career authors favour daily writing, at around year seven of a career, things switch. The daily writing method falls away to be replaced by the time-blocking techniques, as professional and family responsibilities start to pinch.

We also find that whilst daily writing is linked to satisfaction, it isn’t linked to high productivity. The most productive authors of all use the time blocking technique – something that contradicts most academic productivity books which tout daily writing as the gold standard.

Holiday blues?

Whilst other forms of scheduling have their pros and cons, one finding was clear. The authors whose main approach was to book out long, uninterrupted times to write report the lowest levels of satisfaction and the lowest levels of productivity.

Those academics who predominantly write on holiday or on sabbatical are more stressed and more anxious than those who use any other technique. They also tend to get far less written and published overall – and by a pretty large margin.

With no students to interrupt, no meetings to attend, no admin to distract and no colleagues to gossip with, why do academics struggle to make the most of the summer months? And why does it stress them out so much?

Whilst answering these questions thoroughly is another study in itself, our work in helping over 10,000 writers to get unstuck and the qualitative data gathered in our research leads us to propose a few speculative reasons.

Beginning burned out

First of all, some holiday or sabbatical writers feel burned out before they’ve even started.

Perhaps driven by perfectionism, some authors spend so long clearing the decks at home and at work creating the ideal writing holiday that when the time comes – they’re tired and depleted. They’ve set expectations far too high.

“I leave writing to blocks of holiday time, which is never really enough. Everything then happens in a rush it’s a nightmare.”

Second, many appear to overestimate what they can achieve and their ability to stay focused for such long periods of time. Unrealistic goals can then trigger feelings of blame and self-doubt which can send the most experienced writer into a spiral of negative thinking.

“I am paralysed by procrastination, especially in the face of large blocks of time. I play ‘chicken’ with deadlines.”

Holiday writing essentials

But what should you do if you’re planning to complete a writing project over this summer? First of all, don’t worry, all is not lost!

Holiday writing can be an effective method if you approach it right. We find these five tips prove the most effective for writers embarking on long intensive projects.

Start small. Concentration is like a muscle that strengthens over time. If you haven’t been writing for a while, ease yourself into it slowly. Break your project down into small steps and be careful not to overwhelm yourself too soon. Racking up some small wins at the beginning can help you keep motivated long term.

Manage your brain energy. Neuroscientists say that writing is a higher brain activity – understand that it can be physically tiring and don’t fight it. If you’re feeling depleted, you will not write at your best. Make sure your brain has enough fuel. Get enough sleep and rest and be realistic about how long you can write for without a break.

Use constraints. Sometimes, having too much time to write is just as bad as having no time. If the days feel too long and endless, you’ll end up procrastinating so try shortening your writing session or using a method like the Pomodoro Technique to write in punchier, more productive periods.

Track, reflect and experiment: After each writing session ask yourself: What went well? What didn’t go so well? What will I do differently next time? Over just a few days, a picture of your writing process will emerge. Experiment with different techniques, do what works for you and don’t feel wedded to a specific approach.

Not working? Don’t force it. Even if you’ve spent months prepping your perfect writing escape, don’t blame yourself if the words don’t flow. Forcing yourself to write when you’re blocked is damaging long term. Schedule in break times and exercise to clear your head and use methods like freewriting to get back on track.

What’s your writing personality?

If you’d like to find out your scheduling type and receive advice on how best to manage your time, take our quick quiz . It’s free, fun and will take you just a couple of minutes. We don’t require an email and no personal information is captured.

Chris is co-founder of Prolifiko , a research-backed coaching and services business helping authors, institutions and publishers improve their writing productivity.

This article was originally published on the LSE Blog . Read the original article .

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Journal Writing Prompts for Easter

Compassionate Eye Foundation / Getty Images

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  • M.S., Education, Buffalo State College
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Journal writing teaches elementary school students to think creatively and gives them an opportunity to practice writing without the pressure of a right or wrong answer. You may or may not choose to review journal entries for correct grammar and spelling, but lifting the pressure of producing a polished piece often frees students to just enjoy the process. Many teachers see a marked improvement in overall writing ability in a short time when they use journals in the classroom. Try to make time at least a few days each week for your students to express their thoughts and feelings through words.

Writing Prompts

Holidays and other special occasions make good writing prompts because children generally look forward to them and enthusiastically share their thoughts on the topic. Easter writing prompts and journal topics inspire students to write about the Easter season and what it means to them. It also gives teachers an opportunity to learn more about their students' personal lives and how they celebrate the holiday. Suggest that your students share their journals with their parents at the end of the year. It's a priceless gift, a scrapbook filled with mementos straight out of their child's mind.

You can let your students write in stream-of-consciousness style with few restrictions or provide more structure for a journal entry with length recommendations and suggestions for details to include. The main goal of journal writing should be to help students lose their inhibitions and write with the pure purpose of writing for the sake of writing. Once they get the hang of letting their thoughts flow, most students really enjoy the exercise.

Topics for Easter

  • How do you celebrate Easter with your family? Describe what you eat, what you wear, and where you go. Who celebrates Easter with you?
  • What is your favorite Easter book? Describe the story and explain why you like it best.
  • Do you have an Easter tradition with your family or a friend? Describe it. How did it start?
  • How has Easter changed from when you were really little to now?
  • I love Easter because… Explain what you love about the Easter holiday.
  • How do you decorate your Easter eggs? Describe the colors you use, how you dye them, and what the finished eggs look like.
  • I once got a magic Easter egg… Start a story with this sentence and write about what happened when you received the magic egg.
  • At the perfect Easter dinner, I would eat... Start a story with this sentence and write about the food you would eat at your perfect Easter dinner. Don't forget dessert!
  • Imagine that the Easter bunny ran out of chocolate and candy before Easter ended. Describe what happened. Did someone come along and save the day?
  • Write a letter to the Easter bunny. Ask him questions about where he lives and what he likes most about Easter. Tell him how you celebrate the holiday.
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Narrative Essay on How I spent my holiday

Narrative essay generator.

Holidays hold a special place in everyone’s life, offering a respite from the routine of daily tasks and providing an opportunity to explore, relax, and create unforgettable memories. This year, I decided to spend my holiday in a way that was both enriching and exhilarating. I ventured on a journey to a small coastal town, renowned for its pristine beaches, rich culture, and vibrant local life. This narrative essay unfolds the experiences, discoveries, and personal growth I encountered during my holiday.

The Journey Begins

My adventure commenced with the excitement of traveling to a place I had never visited before. The anticipation built up as I packed my bags, ensuring I had everything needed for a week of exploration. The journey to the coastal town was a scenic delight, with winding roads flanked by lush greenery and the occasional glimpse of the ocean’s horizon promising a serene escape.

Exploring the Coastal Town

Upon arrival, the beauty of the town exceeded my expectations. The air was filled with the salty breeze of the sea and the streets buzzed with the energy of daily life. My first day was spent wandering through the town, taking in the sights and sounds. I visited local markets, where I marveled at the craftsmanship of the artisans and indulged in the town’s culinary delights, tasting dishes that were a fusion of traditional recipes and the bounty of the sea.

The Heart of Nature

The following days were dedicated to exploring the natural wonders surrounding the town. I embarked on hikes through nearby trails, each revealing breathtaking views of the landscape. The highlight was a trek to a secluded beach, accessible only by a narrow path through the cliffs. The effort was rewarded with a serene beach, untouched by the hustle and bustle of tourist spots. Here, I spent hours swimming in the clear waters, reading under the shade of palm trees, and reflecting on the simple pleasures of life.

Cultural Immersion

My holiday was not just about relaxation but also about immersing myself in the local culture. I attended a traditional dance performance, where the rhythmic beats and expressive movements of the dancers told stories of the town’s history and folklore. I also participated in a cooking class, learning to prepare local dishes that combined fresh seafood with exotic spices, gaining not only culinary skills but also insights into the lifestyle and traditions of the people.

The Bond of Friendship

One of the most unexpected and rewarding aspects of my holiday was the friendships I formed. Whether it was conversations with local residents, sharing stories with fellow travelers, or the camaraderie with the host of my accommodation, these connections added depth to my experience. Through these interactions, I gained a richer understanding of the world from different perspectives, reminding me of the value of openness and the universal language of kindness.

Reflections and Realizations

As my holiday drew to a close, I found myself reflecting on the journey. Beyond the relaxation and enjoyment, it was a period of personal growth and learning. I had stepped out of my comfort zone, challenged myself to try new things, and embraced the unfamiliar. This holiday taught me the importance of slowing down, appreciating the moment, and the joy of discovering new places and cultures.

My holiday in the coastal town was more than just a break from routine; it was a journey of discovery, connection, and personal growth. It reminded me of the beauty of our world, the diversity of its people, and the shared experiences that bind us. As I returned home, I brought back not only souvenirs and photographs but memories that will last a lifetime and a renewed sense of adventure, ready to explore what lies beyond the horizon.


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Holiday Experience: What Makes Me Happy

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Words: 429 |

Published: Feb 12, 2019

Words: 429 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

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The importacne of doing what makes you happy, works cited.

  • Burgess, H. (2021). 5 ways to make the most of your holidays. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
  • Burn, S. M., & Szabo, A. (2019). An investigation of the impact of annual leave on job satisfaction, emotional exhaustion, and occupational stress among mental health professionals. Journal of Mental Health, 28(2), 186-193.
  • Coon, D., & Mitterer, J. O. (2014). Psychology: Modules for active learning (13th ed.). Cengage Learning.
  • Eder, R. W., & Walser, R. D. (2014). The importance of leisure and vacation time. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 10(4), 277-279.
  • Elias, N. (2020). 12 reasons why holidays are important. Out of Office. Retrieved from
  • Fisher, C. D. (2015). Happiness at work. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(8), 8628-8646.
  • Gallagher, M. W., Marques, S. C., & Lopez, S. J. (2017). The importance of grit in the prediction of academic success and retention. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 19(4), 332-347.
  • Hill, K. (2018). 5 reasons why it’s important to take a break from work. Forbes. Retrieved from
  • Januszka, M., & Andruszkiewicz, A. (2018). Emotional exhaustion and workaholism: The impact of goal attainment, obsessive-compulsive tendencies and work–life balance. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27(3), 290-303.
  • Kim, J. (2018). Positive psychological effects of leisure activities: Does distance from the everyday make a difference? Journal of Leisure Research, 50(4), 396-408.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Essay on Holidays | Holidays Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Holidays: Holidays are the most important part of not only children’s lives but also adult’s lives. As adults, we work from Monday to Friday with our monotonous 9 to 5 schedule in a hope that we shall be able to party in the weekend holidays. If we actually think about it, there is not much difference between robots and corporate employees. We spend half of our lives in the hope that we will enjoy the holidays. We spend 80 percent of our lives struggling so that we can relax in the remaining measly 20 percent? Sounds sad. In this particular essay on holidays, we shall be talking about the importance of holidays in our lives and how to change our lives so that we don’t depend on holidays to come in order to be happy in life.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Holidays for students and Kids in English

If you are searching for well-written Essay on Holidays then we have provided a 600-word long essay on holidays with good content. We have also provided a short 200-word Essay on Holidays in English. Both these essays can be used by students of class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

Long Essay on Holidays 600 Words in English

Holidays Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Holidays are a part and parcel of life. Whether it’s a student, a small kid or a full-grown mature adult, everyone loves holidays. It is during holidays that we will get enough time to spend with our families and loved ones. It is during holidays that we can work on the things that we love and always dream of. We can work on our hobbies and dreams during holidays because during work or school time, we shall be completely preoccupied with the work that we might actually not like, but do it to earn our living.

Lucky are those whose holidays and work are not much different. Instead of waiting for 5 days a week so that we enjoy the 2 days in the weekend or wait for 3 months to wait for Diwali holidays or Christmas holidays, we have to build such a life where we need no vacation from. Perfect lives are those whose work and professional life itself feels like a vacation.

Students lives are more or less similar. Children are most excited to come out of school than go in. As children, we remember getting excited for the Christmas holidays or a 2 months summer holidays. This speaks volumes about our education system. If students are not interested to study in a school environment, it is high time education experts change the way teaching is imparted. Our entire education system needs immediate revamp so that children love to study and not forced to study. The education system should be designed in such a way that students don’t miss out on a single class. But it is easier said than done. Education systems in Finland and South Korea have nearly achieved that feat. It requires visionary leadership and policies in India to make that dream come true.

But not every time that the holidays are all hunky-dory. Each and every one of us have experienced this during the coronavirus holidays when India was under a complete Lockdown for more than 2 months due to the spread of COVID 19 pandemic. Most of us,  irrespective of what age and occupation we had, were sick of holidays and sitting at home. While holidays that come our way once in while gives us time to reflect upon ourselves and take a break from the monotony of life,  if the holidays are indefinite,  then it will start taking a toll on our mental health as well as our physical health. As the saying goes, an idle mind is a devil’s workshop, if people are locked up in a house for a long time, our cognitive abilities will start shrinking and our children are especially vulnerable to these negative effects.

I would like to conclude by saying that holidays are important for us to relax and spend some quality time with our selves and with our families and loved ones. But building a life where we are not prisoners to holidays is also important. Build a life where every day of your life feels like a vacation. That kind of life is a truly happy and content life. And at the same time, indefinite holidays will have an opposite impact which means instead of feeling relaxed, our anxiety and restlessness will increase.

Short Essay on Holidays 200 Words in English

Holidays Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Holidays are the time that each and every one of us wait eagerly so that we can go on a trip to our dream destination or spend some quality time with our families and loved ones or just spend some time alone in solitude to introspect of life. Irrespective of what the reason is, holidays are undoubtedly the best thing about our lives.

India is a secular country with many religions celebrating their festivities, has plenty of holidays in a year. Governments declare there own holidays other than the corporate holidays that companies and education institutes declare. Some of the major religious holidays in India are Deepawali holidays, Christmas holidays,  Pongal holidays and Ganesha Chaturthi holidays. Other than religious festivals,  India celebrates holidays to commemorate the birth and death anniversaries of its leaders such as Gandhi Jayanti,  Children’s Day celebrated on Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday and many more.

Without holidays, the efficiency and the interest to work and to learn will be reduced. In countries like Japan, to improve the work efficiency, companies ask employees to work only four days a week,  unlike India where working in offices and studying in schools has 6 days working routine.  Holidays are just get away from the daily work routine and holidays, it becomes forced and indefinite like the coronavirus holidays can have negative impacts on people and society at large.

10 Lines on Essay on Holidays in English

  • Holidays are the most important part of our lives.
  • Holidays are the perfect time to spend some quality time with our loved ones.
  • It is during the holidays that we get enough time to work on our dreams and hobbies.
  • Both children and adults look forward to holidays after rigorous work and study at offices and schools.
  • Few major holidays in India are Christmas holidays,  Diwali holidays, Ramzan holidays and Pongal holidays.
  • There various types of holidays such as religious holidays, commemorative holidays, corporate holidays or government holidays.
  • Saturday and Sundays are usually declared as holidays in most of the countries around the world.
  • We have to build our lives in such a way that we don’t need holidays to get away from work.
  • Not everyone can spend holidays with their loved one because of work. Essential workforce such as doctors or nurser or soldiers are few people who will have to work even during holidays.
  • Coronavirus holidays have taught us the importance of taking a break from the everyday monotony of life.

FAQ’s on Holidays Essay

Question 1. How many national public holidays are there in India in a year?

Answer: There are 3 national holidays, namely independence day on August 15th,  Republic day on  January 26th and Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd of October.

Question 2. Why are holidays important?

Answer: Holidays are important for us to rejuvenate and relax with our families and loved ones.

Question 3. Which are the major religious holidays in India?

Answer: Ramzaan,  Christmas and Diwali are the major religious holidays in India.

Question 4. Which is the most celebrated holiday in the world?

Answer: New-year on the 1st of January is considered to be the most celebrated holiday in the world.F

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How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on how i spent my summer vacation.

Summertime is the most awaited time of any student’s life . It gives them a break from the scorching sun and blazing heat. The summer months are quite hot, however, students love them because they bring a sense of calmness due to the vacations. It frees them from the monotonous and dull routine of school and studies.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Most importantly, summer vacations give us a chance to explore new things. We can adopt new hobbies like painting, dancing, singing and more during this time. Furthermore, it gives us a chance to visit our grandparents or to someplace abroad. Summer vacations bring all types of fun, however, these particular summer vacations were the most memorable for me. My parents made me join a summer camp which was too much fun and then we visited our grandparents’ place.

Summer Camp

As the first day of my summer vacations started, I started getting bored easily. Mostly so because all my friends had gone to someplace or the other. My parents noticed this and decided to send me to a summer camp. Our school itself was organizing one in which my parents got me enrolled.

At first, I thought it would be of no use and would be equally boring. However, to my surprise, I was wrong. The summer camp was one of the best experiences of my life. I got the chance to indulge in so many activities and in fact, it was the first time where I discovered my talent for painting.

We got up early in the morning at 7 o’clock, despite no school. We had trainers who would teach us different things each day. On the first day, I got to learn karate, which was very amusing and helpful. Further, I learned how to play sports like basketball , table tennis, and volleyball.

Finally, came my most awaited part. We were taught painting and unique tips to master this art. I learned it quickly and started enjoying painting. My passion for painting began from this summer camp , and I will forever be indebted to it.

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My Grandparents’ Place

After my summer camp ended, my whole family decided to visit my grandparent’s village . It is situated away from the city and is full of lush and greenery. I love spending time with my grandparents so I was very excited to visit their village.

We stayed there for over two weeks, and that throughout that time, I was at my best behavior. I used to get up at 7 o’clock in the morning to take a stroll with my grandfather. Then all the family members would get together to have breakfast full of healthy things and fresh fruits from the farm nearby.

In the evening, we would sit by our grandmother’s bed and listen to stories. Then, my siblings and I used to go to the terrace and play games. We would also gaze at their stars all night, as we did not get that in the city.

In short, this is how I spent my summer vacation. It was definitely one of the best times of my lives. I got to learn new things and spend valuable time with my grandparents. I feel blessed to have a loving family with whom I can enjoy my summer vacation.

Q.1 Why are summer vacations important?

A.1 Summer vacations are the most important and awaited time of a student’s life. It gives them a break from their monotonous routine. Furthermore, summer vacations protect students from the scorching heat and give them a chance to visit hilly stations.

Q.2 How can one utilize their summer vacation?

A.2 There a lot of ways to utilize a summer vacation. It can be done through indulging in many activities. One can join summer camps which teach new skills to students. One can also pay a visit to their grandparents or to some chilly place or abroad to enjoy it to the fullest.

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Essay On Summer Vacation For Children And Students – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay

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  • Key Points to Remember When Writing An Essay on Summer Vacation
  • 10 Lines on Summer Vacation
  • Paragraph On Summer Vacation

Short Essay On Summer Vacation

Long essay on summer vacation, what will your child learn while writing an essay on summer vacation.

Summer vacations are every student’s favourite time of the year. Children eagerly wait for months for their summer vacation to start and do all the fun things they have planned with their friends, siblings and families. It is the school term’s longest vacation of the year, so students enjoy a good break from their daily routine. They can sleep late, spend more time playing with their friends, go on holidays with their family or use the time to learn something new. While they get a break from the regular classes, students get homework from their teachers to be completed during the holidays. A commonly assigned holiday homework is to write an essay on summer vacation. While older kids may find it easy to write on this subject, younger children of classes 1, 2 and 3 may find it tricky to express themselves on pen and paper.   

Here are some samples of summer vacation essays in English that will help young kids write this essay independently.   

Key Points to Remember When Writing An Essay on Summer Vacation   

Before children start writing about their summer vacation, they should know what to include in the essay. Here are some ideas that will help them in the assignment:

  • Describe what summer vacation means for you.
  • List the reasons why you like it.
  • Write about the activities you did in your summer vacation.
  • Write about the places you visited during your summer break.
  • Write about the people you met during your summer vacation.

10 Lines on Summer Vacation 

Younger children may find it easier to compose an essay by breaking it into simple sentences. They can start by writing their ideas in individual sentences and then sequentially arranging them to form a complete paragraph. Here is an example of how to write a summer vacation essay in 10 lines:   

  • Summer vacations are my favourite time of the year as I can do all the things I enjoy during these days.
  • During these holidays, I get a chance to learn new hobbies like painting, dancing or gardening and spend more time with my friends.
  • During my summer vacations, I visit my grandparents, who live in a village.
  • All my cousins visit my grandparents during the summer holidays and together, we have a lot of fun!
  • My grandparents have a beautiful garden, and they teach us gardening.
  • My grandmother is an excellent cook and makes lots of delicious dishes for us every day.
  • In the evening, all of us cousins listen to stories from our grandmother.
  • We play many games like carrom, hide-and-seek and ludo.
  • We also paint, draw and do our summer homework during the afternoons.
  • Every year I enjoy my summer holidays with my cousins and grandparents.

10 Lines on Summer Vacation

Paragraph On Summer Vacation   

Small paragraphs are a great way to teach kids how to communicate their thoughts concisely. Here is an example of how you can write a ‘my summer vacation’ paragraph:    

Summer vacation is a highly anticipated time for many people, especially students. After a long and often stressful school year, summer offers a welcome break to relax, recharge, and enjoy the warmer weather. During this time, people can take trips, spend time outdoors, participate in fun activities, and create lasting memories with family and friends. Whether it’s a week-long getaway, a day at the beach, or simply lounging in the backyard, summer vacation provides a chance to step away from the daily grind and embrace the carefree spirit of the season. For many, this seasonal break is a cherished time to rejuvenate the mind and body before returning to the responsibilities of the next academic or work year.   

Writing a short paragraph about summer vacation in English can be daunting for students of lower primary classes. They are still learning to form sentences, so expressing their views in a section may be difficult. This short summer vacation essay sample will help them through the assignment:   

Summer vacations are my favourite time of year because I get to do all the activities I enjoy. During these vacations, I also get the opportunity to learn new things and spend more time with my friends. I visit my grandparents during my summer vacations, who live in a far-off village. During the summer holidays, all of my cousins visit my grandparents, and we have a lot of fun together. My grandparents have a lovely garden, and they teach us how to plant saplings and water the plants. My grandma is a fantastic cook who prepares various delectable dishes for us daily. All of us cousins gather to listen to our grandmother’s stories in the evenings. During the day, we play games like carrom, hide-and-seek, and ludo. All this fun makes summer vacation my most enjoyable time of the year.

Students in grade 3 are adept at writing sentences. However, they may still find it challenging to write a descriptive essay about ‘ M y S ummer V acation. ’ Here is a sample essay on summer vacation class 3 students:   

Advantages of Summer Vacation  

Summer vacations are the happiest time for all students. During this time, they get freedom from getting up early for school and doing homework. They also get to sleep late and wake up late with no classes to attend in the morning. Summer vacation starts just after commencing a new grade or after the final exams, making it the perfect time for students to relax after loads of studying. So, it’s no wonder every student anticipates summer vacations every year.

Most of us have elaborate plans on how we will spend our vacations. Some kids plan to go on holidays with their families, while some take up new hobbies or visit their grandparents or relatives they can’t meet during school days. And some kids get to do all of these things during their summer vacations.

My Summer Vacation  

I am one such lucky kid as my parents take me to visit my grandparents’ house in the village every summer vacation. There, I get to meet my cousins, uncles and aunts. Together we all spend a few days enjoying relaxed village life.

During the day, I play many games with my cousins, and we complete our school holiday homework. In the evenings, we help our grandfather in the garden. We water the plants and learn to plant new saplings. At night, my grandmother tells us interesting stories. She is also an excellent cook. We all get to enjoy her delicious dishes daily. My aunt is a good painter. Every year, she teaches drawing and painting to all of us kids. We also go to a nearby dance school to learn dancing.

After spending a few days with my grandparents and cousins, my parents take me on holiday. Every year, we visit different tourist places, and this year, we plan to go to Goa and spend a few days enjoying the sun, sand and the sea . We plan on exploring the lush waters while trying out some fun new water sports and activities. We also want to walk around old Goa, taking in the architecture and natural beauty and shop from street vendors. We usually return home a few days before the summer vacation ends. I use that tim e to complete my school work and prepare my books for the school reopening. I also spend time playing with my neighbourhood friends in the evening. We all enjoy playing cricket in the colony playground.  

Places To Visit During Summer Vacation  

Here are some of my favourite places to visit during summer vacation:  

  • Goa: Known for its beautiful beaches, water sports, and vibrant culture, Goa is an ideal destination to enjoy the summer sun.  
  • Mysore: Mysore is a city in Karnataka famous for its palaces, temples, and wildlife sanctuaries.  
  • Darjeeling: Darjeeling is a hill station in West Bengal, famous for its tea plantations and toy train.  
  • Kerala: The Kerala backwaters are a network of waterways that offer kids a unique experience.  
  • Andaman And Nicobar Islands: The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are a tropical paradise known for their pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and rich marine biodiversity.  

While writing an essay on summer vacation, your child will improve their English vocabulary and grammar. To express their views and write about their activities during holidays, they will have to learn new words and improve their sentence construction. Once they write their essay, they will grasp how to write about related activities, giving them the confidence to write compositions more easily.

1. What is the importance of writing an essay on summer vacation? 

Writing an essay on summer vacation helps students reflect on their experiences, improve their writing skills, and express their thoughts creatively. 

2. What is the purpose of writing an essay on my summer vacation?

Writing an essay on your summer vacation allows you to reflect on your experiences, practice your writing skills, and share your adventures with others. It can also help you organise your thoughts and memories from the break.  

3. What are some interesting themes for a summer vacation essay? 

Summer vacation themes can include a memorable trip, a new experience, a lesson learned during the vacation, a favourite summer activity, or how you spent time with family and friends.   

Summer holidays are most kids’ favourite time. Writing an essay on summer vacation is both enjoyable and educational for them.   

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Ready to save some money? 2 Florida sales tax holidays coming up and they'll even overlap

The sales tax holiday to save on school supplies ended Sunday now that most Florida schools started the 2024-2025 school year Monday, Aug. 12.

But there are two more tax holidays coming soon to help you save and they'll even overlap:

  • Disaster preparedness

Whether you're refreshing your hurricane supplies or getting an early start on your Christmas shopping, here's what you can buy in Florida tax free during certain times in August and September.

➤  Weather alerts via text :  Sign up to get updates about current storms and weather events by location

Florida tax holidays, highlights: What you need to know in seconds

  • Two Florida sales tax holidays are coming in August and early September.
  • Save on hurricane supplies Aug. 24-Sept. 6.
  • Save on tools Sept. 1-7.
  • There is no limit on the number of qualifying items that can be purchased tax exempt.
  • Items purchased online, by mail order or catalog are exempt when the order is accepted by the company during the sales tax holiday for immediate shipment, even if delivery is made after the tax holiday.

Hurricane supplies to be tax free in Florida just in time for busiest months of hurricane season

The second and final two-week period to save on hurricane supplies starts Aug. 24 and runs through Sept. 6.

With the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season not only expected to busy — some predict more than double the average of 14 named storms — but also to last well into November , now it the time to purchase supplies. Once a storm approaches, a run on stores begins and shelves are stripped bare of essentials.

➤ Tropics watch, Aug. 12: Tropical Storm Ernesto expected to develop soon

The peak of hurricane season historically runs from mid-August to mid-October. Forecasters are saying the combination of record warm water temperatures and La Niña could mean storms could develop in November.

What hurricane supplies will be tax free in Florida?

  • A portable  generator  used to provide light or communications or preserve food in the event of a power outage with a sales price of $3,000 or less.
  • A tarpaulin or other flexible waterproof sheeting with a sales price of $100 or less.
  • An item normally sold as, or generally advertised as, a ground anchor system or tie-down kitwith a sales price of $100 or less.
  • A smoke detector or smoke alarm with a sales price of $70 or less.
  • A fire extinguisher with a sales price of $70 or less.
  • A carbon monoxide detector with a sales price of $70 or less.
  • A nonelectric food storage cooler with a sales price of $60 or less.
  • A portable power bank with a sales price of $60 or less.
  • A gas or diesel fuel tank with a sales price of $50 or less.
  • A portable self-powered radio, two-way radio, or weather-band radio with a sales price of$50 or less.
  • A package of AA-cell, AAA-cell, C-cell, D-cell, 6-volt, or 9-volt batteries, excluding automobileand boat batteries, with a sales price of $50 or less.
  • A portable self-powered light source (powered by battery, solar, hand-crank, or gas) with asales price of $40 or less.
  • Flashlights
  • Reusable ice (ice packs) with a sales price of $20 or less.

➤  Do you need a generator?  With active hurricane season ahead, do you need a generator in Florida? Here's how to decide

➤  How to prepare for hurricane season:  On a budget? Here are 5 cheap ways to prepare your home for Florida's hurricane season

Pet supplies needed for evacuation also tax free

Supplies necessary for the evacuation of household pets. For this exemption, necessary supplies means the noncommercial purchase of:

  • Bags of dry cat or dog food weighing 50 or fewer pounds and with a sales price of $100 or less per bag.
  • Portable kennels or pet carriers with a sales price of $100 or less per item.
  • Over-the-counter pet medications with a sales price of $100 or less.
  • Pet beds with a sales price of $40 or less per item.
  • Cat litter weighing 25 or fewer pounds and with a sales price of $25 or less per item.
  • Leashes, collars, and muzzles with a sales price of $20 or less per item.
  • Pet pads with a sales price of $20 or less per box or package.
  • Manual can openers with a sales price of $15 or less per item.
  • Collapsible or travel-sized food bowls or water bowls with a sales price of $15 or less per item.
  • Cat litter pans with a sales price of $15 or less per item.
  • Pet waste disposal bags with a sales price of $15 or less per package.
  • Hamster or rabbit substrate with a sales price of $15 or less per package.
  • Cans or pouches of wet dog food or cat food with a sales price of $10 or less per can or pouch or the equivalent if sold in a box or case.

Additional sources to help you prepare for a hurricane  

  • AccuWeather: What do I need in my emergency food kit?
  • National Hurricane Center: National Hurricane Preparedness
  • Florida checklist
  • FEMA basic disaster supplies kit
  • Red Cross kit

When is the tool time Florida sales tax holiday?

Florida's tool time sales tax holiday will take place Sept. 1-7, overlapping the state's tax holiday for disaster preparedness.

What items can be purchased tax free during Florida's tool time tax holiday?

Items covered in the tool time tax holiday include:

  • Work gloves
  • High-visibility safety vests
  • Duffle bags
  • LED flashlights
  • Protective coveralls
  • Safety glasses
  • Hearing protection
  • Electrical voltage and testing equipment
  • Hard hats and other head protection
  • Shop lights
  • Industry code books
  • Industry textbooks
  • Drain opening tools
  • Handheld pipe cutters
  • Plumbing inspection equipment
  • Power tool batteries
  • Power tools
  • Toolboxes for vehicles
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Labor Day 2024: When is the holiday, how is it celebrated

journal essay about holiday

The end is near!

Labor Day looms only a few weeks away. Sure, you get a three-day weekend, but the bigger meaning of the holiday makes it feel like a wake.

When is Labor Day 2024?

Labor Day is Monday, Sept. 2.

Why do we celebrate Labor Day?

Officially, Labor Day is a celebration of the achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being, according to the United States Department of Labor.

Unofficially, Labor Day weekend is the end of summer. The three-day weekend is the last big party with trips to the beach and cookouts. Many children return to school the following Tuesday so the weekend is their last big fling before the academic year – the same applies to teachers. The joy of the summer months has passed as we slowly descend into the cooler weather.

Fall weather forecast: What the Old Farmer's Almanac says Delaware should expect from the weather this fall

Can I wear white after Labor Day?

Yes, you can wear white after Labor Day.

Traditionally, you can only wear white clothes between Memorial Day and Labor Day. According to , at the beginning of the 20th century, people would flock to seaside cabins or cottages to escape the heat. City clothes were replaced with lighter and whiter summer outfits. The change from dressing for resorts to dressing for the city led to the idea of no white after Labor Day.

However, that line of thinking has changed and white is considered stylish all year. Nowadays, the transition is more about fabrics – moving from lightweight clothes in the summer to heavier fabrics in the winter.

Labor Day starts football season

Labor Day is traditionally the first full weekend of the college football season. In addition, the Thursday after Labor Day is the kickoff of the NFL season. It also signifies the playoff chase in Major League Baseball. Teams start making their push for the postseason.


Essay on My Dream Holiday

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Dream Holiday in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Dream Holiday

My dream vacation.

Imagine a holiday where the sun shines on a sandy beach and the sea gently touches your feet. This is my dream holiday, a place where I can relax and play without any worries.

The Perfect Location

My ideal spot is a quiet island with clear blue waters and tall palm trees. I can build sandcastles, swim, and enjoy tasty fruits. It’s a peaceful place where I can read books and listen to the waves.

Fun Activities

I would love to snorkel and see colorful fish. In the evenings, I’d sit by a campfire, roast marshmallows, and watch the stars. This holiday would be a time to make happy memories.

250 Words Essay on My Dream Holiday

My perfect vacation.

Everyone loves a good holiday, a time to take a break from school or work and enjoy life. My dream holiday is simple but very special to me. It would be a trip to a place where the sun shines bright, the water is warm, and the sand feels soft under my feet. Yes, my ideal vacation is at the beach!

I would not just lie on the beach all day. I would also try new things like learning to surf or going snorkeling to see colorful fish. Maybe I would even go on a boat ride. Playing beach volleyball with new friends could be a great way to spend the afternoon.

Food and Family

No dream holiday is complete without delicious food. I imagine eating lots of fresh fruits and seafood. Sharing these meals with my family would make the holiday even better. We would have picnics on the beach and watch the sunset together.

Memories to Keep

At the end of my holiday, I would have a bag full of shells, a camera full of pictures, and a heart full of memories. This simple beach holiday might not seem like much, but for me, it would be perfect. It’s all about the joy, the peace, and the time spent with loved ones. That’s my dream holiday.

500 Words Essay on My Dream Holiday

Introduction to my dream holiday.

Everyone loves holidays because they are times when we can relax, enjoy ourselves, and forget about our daily problems. My dream holiday is a perfect mix of adventure, relaxation, and learning new things. In this essay, I will share with you what my dream holiday looks like.

The Perfect Destination

My dream holiday would be in a place where the sun is bright, the beaches are golden, and the sea is as blue as the sky. I imagine it to be on a tropical island with palm trees where I can hear the sound of waves and feel the soft sand under my feet. The weather would be just right, not too hot and not too cold, perfect for spending all day outside.

Learning New Things

Holidays are not just for fun; they are also for learning new things. On my dream holiday, I would learn to cook local dishes. I would visit the markets to see all the different fruits, vegetables, and fish that I have never seen before. I would ask the local people to teach me some words in their language too. That way, I can make new friends and learn about their way of life.

Relaxing Times

After a day full of activities, I would need some time to relax. I would lie in a hammock, read my favorite book, or just watch the sun go down. At night, I would have dinner under the stars and listen to the sound of the sea. I think it’s important to have quiet times like this to think and to rest.

Sharing the Experience

In conclusion, my dream holiday is a mix of sun, sea, and sand, with lots of fun activities, learning, and relaxing. It’s a time to escape from the usual routine, to explore new places, and to spend quality time with my family. I hope one day I can turn this dream into a reality and have the best holiday ever.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Ex-Bucks teammates congratulate two-time gold medalist Jrue Holiday, heading for Hall of Fame status

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It's becoming harder to deny Jrue Holiday's Hall of Fame credentials as he returns from Paris as a gold medalist, marking his second such career triumph. Former Milwaukee Bucks teammate Bobby Portis captioned Holiday's post-victory Instagram post with "HOF," and he's not the only one who's thinking it.

Another current Bucks player who shared the 2021 NBA title with Holiday, Pat Connaughton, responded with "no one more deserving," to Holiday's family photo in front of the Eiffel Tower. Jrue joins his wife, Lauren Holiday, in winning two Olympic gold medals, having won with the U.S. women's soccer team in 2008 and 2012.

He joins Scottie Pippen (1992 and 1996) as the only NBA player to win a league championship and gold medal in the same year ... twice. Holiday, of course, followed up the 2021 Bucks title with a win in the Tokyo Olympics, then repeated the feat after winning the championship with the Boston Celtics in 2024.

Holiday played in five of USA's six games, starting three of them, averaging 19 minutes per game, with 7.6 points and 3.6 assists. He had seven assists in the team's tense semifinal win over Serbia.

Some of the reaction to the feat:

View this post on Instagram A post shared by NBA on ESPN (@nbaonespn)
Jrue Holiday should be a hall of famer 2x Champ 2x Olympic Gold 2x All-Star 6x All-Defensive 15,000+ career points 6,000+ career assists — zeb (@zebatlhawks) August 10, 2024
Jrue and Lauren Holiday now each have two Olympic gold medals — Cameron Tabatabaie (@CTabatabaie) August 11, 2024
Jrue Holiday getting huge minutes in the Olympics does a lot for his HOF candidacy. Hard to deny he is one of the best basketball players in the world right now. — Jim Miloch (@podoffame) August 10, 2024
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Cold Capping—A Medical Student’s Perspective As A Caregiver

  • 1 Quinnipiac University Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine, North Haven, Connecticut

Stupid hat is what I call Maura’s cold cap after a 12-month journey of chemotherapy. At the age of 31 years, my sister was diagnosed with stage II triple-negative breast cancer. We have no family history of premenopausal breast cancer and a minimal family history of nonskin cancers. To say it was a shock would be an understatement.

Like many young women facing a cancer diagnosis, one of Maura’s first questions was, “what will I look like after treatment?” We imagined the patient often portrayed in movies: a bald and cachectic person in a hospital bed. Losing her hair meant losing her identity. So when Maura’s oncology team offered a device that could save her beautiful blonde hair, our interest was piqued.

Read More About

Evans F. Cold Capping—A Medical Student’s Perspective As A Caregiver. JAMA Oncol. Published online August 08, 2024. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2024.2637

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journal essay about holiday

Journal of Materials Chemistry B

Designing thermoreversible gels for extended release of mosquito repellent.

Mosquito-borne diseases are responsible for 700,000 deaths annually. Current outdoor protective strategies primarily focus on direct skin application of commercial repellents (i.e., aerosol sprays or topical lotions) which are typically limited to efficacy times of ≤ 10 hours due to rapid evaporation and dermal absorption. Consequently, frequent reapplication for continuous protection can increase associated health hazards and cause noncompliance. This study utilizes Hansen Solubility Parameter modeling to design physical gels composed of insect-repelling N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) and modacrylic copolymer poly(acrylonitrile-co-vinyl chloride) (P(AN-VC)). The P(AN-VC)/DEET composites exhibit tunable and reversible sol-gel transition temperatures that can meet the thermomechanical stability demands of the intended application and permit for facile transition to commercial melt processing techniques such as injection molding, filament spinning, or film casting. P(AN-VC)/DEET gel films demonstrate mosquito repellency for more than half a year—performing longer than any other known material to date—due to the high reservoir of repellent and its desorption hinderance from the polymer matrix. Therefore, P(AN-VC)/DEET gels hold significant potential for extended protection against mosquitos and other biting arthropods.

  • This article is part of the themed collection: Journal of Materials Chemistry B HOT Papers

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journal essay about holiday

J. Jimenez, J. Cilek, S. Schluep and J. G. Lundin, J. Mater. Chem. B , 2024, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4TB01384K

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