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Love Marriages Versus Arranged Marriages: Argumentative Essay

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Love Marriages Versus Arranged Marriages: Argumentative Essay

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Love Marriage & Arranged Marriage : Essay, Debate, Speech, Article

Love marriage & arranged marriage: essay, debate, speech, article.

Marriage is a lifelong commitment and the decision of marriage is among the most important ones. It is one decision that will determine whether we will be happy or not for the rest of our lives. It is a step that makes the start of a new journey which means the partners have decided to have their generation and they will continue the family just like their parents did.

Love marriage vs. Arranged marriage is always a debated topic. While there are instances of love marriages working out, there are arranged marriages that are successful too. Both have their pros and cons. And it is just the world around us which makes us support or be against love marriage. While most love marriages in India end up becoming a Love cum arranged marriage, it seems to be the best thing that can occur. It is just the kind of marriage we are surrounded by, which makes us have a particular notion about any love or arranged marriage.

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Essay on Love Marriage (Speech on Love Marriage)

Firstly, a love marriage is good in the sense that two people know each other willingly. Love does not happen simply. There is friendship first. Though love, at first sight, is not always right, it also happens to turn out well in some cases. But most love affairs start with friendship. We get interested in somebody, we try to be our best and we discover our likes and dislikes very well. So all these happen in a journey. It takes time. And true love brings many good changes in us as an individual. So all these things make us matured enough to make a decision whether we want to carry on this mutual relationship forever. One thing is positive about love marriage is that at least both partners have equal consent for each other. Marriage is a big decision. There is a society surrounding us. If belonging to conservative families, it is good that since two people love each other very much, they will try to blend into each other’s family for the sake of love. And that compromise is required. Being able to convince parents for supporting a love marriage is the next step after falling in love and dating. Though there are instances of love marriages not working out, those happen when two partners stop understanding each other. In love people already share these things with each other so it is always ensured that they can handle it and that is why they have decided to marry.

Now some love marriages happen beyond the bounds of race, caste, or religion. Such marriages are not a sin as well. Just one has to be sure that any of the partners must not be harmed or suffocated from the ties and customs of the other. After all, it is the partners who have to live with each other. And children have the right to choose their partner. And if they can carry out well, nobody can pinpoint them for moving out of the house too. They should have freedom. Parents are important it’s true. But what about your own happiness? Both are important and so parents must also give their consent to their child’s choices in case the boy or girl seems to be a good person. They must not stick to too many caste and religious stereotypes. If the children are happy, they will do everything for their family and especially their parents willingly.

Essay on Arranged Marriage

Then comes arranged marriage, In India, our previous generation comprising of parents and grandparents mostly had arranged marriages. It is just because in earlier days girls were not allowed to move out and mix too much. They mostly abide by their parents in every decision and they just did not have the mentality of choosing their decisions. Seeing some old couples it feels as if they were not made for each other. Maybe a little self-discovery would have prevented them from living a dissatisfied life. Now times are changing. Studying in coeducational school, women coming to the front in every field, etc. have made them independent. They know about their choices. Parents are no doubt experienced and they will always choose the right groom for the girl. But how many people show their real faces before marriage. Since involving parents, it is more usual that the groom will only show good sides. And of course, we never know even if one of the partners is forcefully put into the marriage against their will and against their existing relationships. So if later on after marriage, they are incompatible and the opposite natures create conflicts then marriages will definitely end with divorce. Though nowadays people take time between engagement and marriage, it is less likely that the partner would dare to back off from the relation before marrying. After so much involvement, they might choose to stay in it but later on, things may not be quite desirable.

Conclusion on Love marriage vs. Arranged marriage Debate

Love or arranged, a successful relationship happens when both partners respect, love, and understand each other. Also, partners must be independent financially. That accounts for a successful relationship. It is just a destiny that accounts for what is in store for us. It is no shame in putting an end to a completely unhappy marriage and starting anew. It will save their future children from getting harassment and also they can choose to be happy.

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Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage – Advantages and Disadvantages


Marriage as a social institution has remained evergreen for years. Young couples, whether in love or whether introduced through parents, hope to tie the knot once they know they have found the right person.

Marriage can be based upon love or purely arranged; the choice is up to the person who wants to marry, whether to marry a known or unknown person. There are pros and cons in every situation. Which is better? Arranged or Love? Let us see –

Advantages & Disadvantages of Love Marriage, Arranged Marriage

love arranged marriage

Advantages of Love Marriage

Love marriage is a union between two individuals who are attracted to each other after meeting either at school, college, office or through familiar friends or in the neighborhood. They mutually decide to tie the knot that would not permit legally any other person to get involved between them. In other words, they are legally together. Young people are going in for love marriages rather than arranged ones. Why so?

  • Freedom of Choice: One has the complete freedom to select their life partner. No elder decides.
  • Sign of Maturity: Selecting one’s partner is a sign of maturity.
  • Familiarity with Partner: One is not marrying a total stranger. One knows the weak and positive points to adjust easily in matrimony.
  • Love-Based Union: Marriage is based upon love for each other, and although the chances of it breaking down are there, yet the young couple hopes that their togetherness lasts forever.
  • Mutual Respect: Mutual respect is there as they know each other before themselves.
  • Independent Decision: Marriage is not imposed. It is an independent choice.

Disadvantages of Love Marriage

  • Familiarity and Contempt: Familiarity breeds contempt.
  • Family Support: Lack of support from family and relatives.
  • Financial Challenges: At times, it can be financially difficult as the partners have to fend for themselves. There is no elder to bail them out.
  • Risk of Separation: Risk of the marriage breaking off is there as sometimes love wears out or perhaps the couples are “tired” of each other.
  • Disparity in Love: The question is who loves more than the other. Sometimes, one can also experience deception, and the marriage can be merely for convenience.
  • Risk of Infidelity: One of the partners may get bored with the other person and may seek the company of another person to fill in the vacuum in the relationship; this could be a devastating experience and could lead to depression as one is “let down” by somebody one has truly loved. Sometimes, you may not have your family’s support in such a situation and may have to depend upon other support systems.
  • Financial Strains: Financial problems may crop up, and due to lack of family support, the relationship between the couples may get strained and result in hate for each other.

Now let us look at what comprises arranged marriage and whether it is a better option to love marriage.

Advantages of Arranged Marriage

  • Elderly Involvement: The selection of the partners is done by the elders, and thus the marriage is more stable.
  • Family Support: Family support is there, due to which the couple could seek family help in case of crisis.
  • Maturity of Partners: Partners have matured individuals who are getting into matrimony after feeling that the choice is right.
  • Financial Stability: The groom is financially stable, and the bride also brings in income for the family in the form of other assets. The couple feels secure financially.
  • Excitement and Discovery: There is excitement after marriage as the couple gets to know each other after the ceremony is over. There is fun in discovering each other.
  • Mutual Respect: Mutual respect as the marriage is decided upon by elders who bless the newly-wed couple.
  • Timing of Marriage: One can marry at a time when one feels that one is now ready to settle down in matrimony. It could be either after one has completed one’s studies or secured a proper job.
  • Preserved Novelty: There is no question of “familiarity breeding contempt.”

Disadvantages of Arranged Marriage

  • Stranger Dilemma: One is marrying a totally unknown person.
  • Cultural Adjustment: The bride may find it difficult to adjust to the lifestyle of the in-laws.
  • Financial Demands: Demands in the form of cash and other assets may be made, which could strain the relationship between the couple.
  • Potential Incompatibility: Although most couples adjust, yet, it is possible that one may not like the other partner at all.
  • Undisclosed Ailments: Problem of impotence and other hidden ailments could arise, which may not be disclosed at the time of marriage.
  • Contractual Marriage: The marriage could be merely a contractual arrangement like well-to-do business families do. There may not be any love involved, and at times, the male partner may have liaison with other women.
  • Homesickness: The bride may miss the comfort of her home.

Whatever is said and done, both arranged and love marriages seem appealing, but the best deal is semi-arranged as one gets to know the partner and gets the family’s approval.

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Love merrage is most beautiful and happy love means belive,trust,caring it is true day by day love is not ending it is in forever in over heart

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What u r saying is Right .I had some doubt I think u r loving some one please reply

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What you are talking about happens only in handful of cases. However the vast majority are not able to keep up that standard.

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Arranged marriage gives most beautiful and happy loving moments in life. It means trust understanding and togetherness

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Yep that’s true.because most of the arranged marriages are more successful than love marriages…

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Now a days arrange marriage is more successful then the love marriage because today’s lover is getting Bor from our partner… So if they are unknown then they will get enjoy to each other , this type of enjoy is missing in love marriage

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I don’t know why I feel that love marriages are most happy marriages. I feel jealous that I have a lover for me to love care and respect me. But my family is not accepting him as he is from schedule caste. Can we compare love marriages and arranged marriages. Pls reply

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love marrige is better than arrange marrige because in love marriage, complete freedom to select his or her life patner.

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U r not paying attention to your future. U are thinking only about your self. When your son or daughter will knew your reality they will do same thing. If they would do such in teen age their future will be in dark because u could not stop them at that time……. thik deeply then decide

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How can you take guarantee that if you’re arranged your kids are not gonna fall in love in their teens?? How can you live with anyone you don’t know for the rest of your life??? How could you have guarantees that everything’s gonna be alright if you’re arranged???

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I think love and arrange both are good

If i have to decide which one is better out of the 2, i.e. ruling out love cum arranged marriage which is the common norm of today. I would chose Arranged marriage.

Arranged marriage if done properly (i.e. without hiding any thing or withholding vital information regarding finance – medical situation etc) will always lead to blissful life.

But when you are in love and you partner is suffering for certain diseases, the blind love will oversee all that. Which comes to bit you in your later life, especially to the offspring’s. Marriage is much more than love. Its a basket which has all the ingredients such as love, sex, money, family, culture, customs, family traditions, likes and dislikes about food, what one wears, how does one like to live his / her life, quality of offspring and zillion other things. Majority of these are addressed well in advance in a arranged marriage before both the parties give consent for the marriage, the remaining ones are either addressed or adjusted by either of the spouse post marriage. In love marriage all these important points go out of the window as both of them expect unconditional love. To put it short love marriage guarantees you a blissful life for a short span of time however the future life is uncertain, and only handful of them are able to sustain that blissful life till there last breath. While in arranged marriage the platform is set for a beautiful and blissful married life, however the onus is on you and your partner if you are interested in making one.

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Love marriage is far more better than arranged marriage in arranged marriages the girl whom we Marry she’s downright stranger and we don’t about her past life whether she’s virigin or not ? But in love marriage’s even though if we knew that she was not virigin we tend to Marry the girl despite having known the fact .. 🤗

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I believe that arrange marriage is much far better than love marriage 💑. Because in love marriage your love first and whole the life you have to arrange things but In arrange marriage you to arrange before and love whole the life.

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thanks for making such a article (it helped me for a class debate regarding a chapter called ranga’s marriage)

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Love is first one of attraction but it is Beauty am also liked more than happy to every day and confidence etc

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its my privailage to share my opinion on love marraige vs arranged marriage it not matter whether it is love marriage or arranged marriage its totally love and understand .we cant say that only in love marriage love is present .its no matter about marriage or love marriage it about the way of living couple .understand in the relation is important to keep bond as endles

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love marriage is very well to each other because we know each other.and in love marriage we know the person before marriage so we know that person is good for us or not . in love marriage is not imposed .it is an idependent choice .

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this article was very useful for me

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love marriage is better because marrying a known person is better than marrying the unknown person. But, if the same love continues after marriage also then there will be no problem. The suitable plan is needed and both girl and boy should be well-settled then they should marry. If we follow this 100 percent love marriage will be best.

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in my opinion arrange marriage is better than love is stable and full support of family and relatives.person find the excitement of our partner after marriage and here also needs love trust understanding to each other,believe,maturity fore ever. in case you love some ,over period of time he bored he search the happiness to other in that no one can support them. thats why arrange married is good for us.

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This article is essential for everyone at least for couples. I enjoyed it very much.

Thanks for sharing.

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Why Is Love Marriage Better Than Arranged (Essay Sample)

Why is love marriage better than arranged.

Nowadays, although many people marry because of love, numerous marriages are decided through arrangements between two families. Traditional families prefer arranged marriages that continue their customs and ensure that parents are choosing the ones who would be most beneficial not only to their children’s well-being but their family’s future welfare as well. Despite the strength of cultural norms, love marriage is becoming increasingly popular even in conservative circles. Love marriage is better than an arranged one because you are marrying someone you already know thereby increasing the chances of happiness in the relationship, avoid the dowry that usually comes with arranged marriages, and preserve free will.

Love marriage is superior to an arranged counterpart as it is based on marrying someone familiar, thereby decreasing the risk of failed relationships. In an arranged marriage, couples may rarely see each other and have little to no time of knowing one another’s personalities. As a result, when they get married, they find few shared interests with some even having conflicts in values about marriage and raising a family. Consequently, these couples tend to fight often, or, in many cases, if the wife submits to the will of the husband, she finds herself dissatisfied and disempowered, losing both her identity and happiness. The problems of marital dissatisfaction and irreconcilable differences can be reduced in love marriages wherein couples who have been dating for a long time already know each other, including their strengths and flaws. They can subsequently decide if they can live with their differences and are willing to adapt to each other’s weaknesses. Hence, love marriage is a marriage between two people who know their spouse well enough to avoid the difficulties of getting stuck with someone they do not even like.

Love marriage also removes the dowry issue that is common to arranged marriages. Whether the family is poor or rich, arranged marriages typically include the family of the bride paying a large dowry to the family of the groom. Dowry is prominent in China, India, and African countries, among other nations. Also, many times, the groom’s family may even demand certain amounts or goods, thereby creating financial problems and stress for the side of the bride. On the opposite, love marriage eliminates the dowry because all that matters is the consensual decision to marry plus the parents would hopefully accept the marriage proposal and give their blessing. Love marriage has simple terms with no economic demands.

Finally, love marriage is better than an arranged marriage because it promotes free will. In an arranged marriage, it is not impossible for the bride, groom, or both to have no say in the decision. Their parents or families decide for them, overlooking their ability to decide for something as major and life-changing as marriage. On the contrary, love marriage is solely based on independent decisions. The couple must choose to marry each other; no one can influence or force them to marry anyone else. As a result, they make an independent and conscious decision, thereby increasing the chance as well that they have thought hard about their options. With an arranged marriage, free will becomes secondary to the collective decisions of parents or dominant decision-makers. Hence, for people who want to remain autonomous, they are better off with a love marriage wherein they decide who to marry and love for the rest of their lives.

An arranged marriage is mostly about the maintenance of old customs and the respect provided to the elders, beliefs that are not prioritized when people marry for love alone. A love marriage is better than an arranged marriage as it heightens the success of the relationship when two people know each other well enough to remain dedicated for the duration of their marriage, removes the dowry, and supports independence. While marriage by arrangement will continue in conservative cultures, love marriages will also prosper for couples who value their free will and marry only those whom they know not only by name but by their heart.

love marriage or arrange marriage essay

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IELTS: Arranged and love marriages. Discuss both views.

Xiaokai Jin 11 / 19   May 30, 2013   #2 To begin with, one of the biggest advantages of love marriage is that it frees exempt the parents from their responsibility of choosing life partner for their children. Good sentence. But I just want to show you a more suitable word here. believe that in performing them with the permission and agreement of parents. I am sorry,but I think that most people including me are confused about what you are trying to say here. Please make your point clearer. feeding rear/foster their own children, Again, good sentence. Just show some new words. In fact they understand their children and its needs My version: In fact, they have a better idea of their own children and what they really needs in their marriage.

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Importance of Arranged Marriage

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Words: 752 |

Published: Jun 13, 2024

Words: 752 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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Cultural heritage and tradition, parental guidance and wisdom, socioeconomic stability, compatibility and shared values, support systems and extended families, reduction of social stigma, adaptation and modernization, challenges and criticisms.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Arranged Marriage Vs Love Marriage

Marriage, an institution that binds individuals in a lifelong commitment, manifests in various forms across cultures and societies. Two prevalent models are arranged marriage and love marriage, each with distinct characteristics, merits, and drawbacks. Arranged marriage, deeply rooted in tradition and familial involvement, contrasts with love marriage, characterized by the primacy of romantic affection and personal choice. While both approaches have their proponents and critics, understanding the dynamics and implications of each is essential in exploring the complexities of modern-day matrimony.

Arranged marriage, prevalent in many cultures worldwide, involves families or intermediaries selecting spouses for individuals based on various criteria such as social status, compatibility, and family background. Proponents of arranged marriages often cite factors like familial harmony, social stability, and cultural continuity as advantages. In such marriages, familial support and guidance play a crucial role, fostering mutual understanding and compromise between partners. Additionally, proponents argue that arranged marriages are less susceptible to the fluctuations of romantic feelings, as the foundation is laid on shared values and long-term compatibility rather than fleeting emotions.

On the other hand, love marriage, increasingly common in Western societies, revolves around the notion of individuals freely choosing their partners based on romantic attraction and personal compatibility. Advocates of love marriage emphasize the importance of personal autonomy, emotional fulfillment, and mutual consent in the marital union. In love marriages, partners often embark on their journey together with a deep understanding of each other's desires, aspirations, and quirks, fostering a sense of companionship and intimacy. Moreover, proponents argue that love marriages are more likely to endure challenges and hardships, as the bond between partners is rooted in genuine affection and emotional connection.

However, both arranged and love marriages have their share of challenges and criticisms. Arranged marriages, criticized for their potential to perpetuate gender inequality, lack of individual agency, and compatibility issues, may result in unhappiness or resentment among partners. Conversely, love marriages, criticized for their susceptibility to infatuation, unrealistic expectations, and societal pressures, may encounter difficulties in navigating conflicts and sustaining long-term commitment.

In conclusion, the debate between arranged marriage and love marriage reflects the intricate interplay between tradition, culture, and personal choice in the realm of matrimony. While arranged marriages offer stability, familial support, and cultural continuity, love marriages prioritize personal autonomy, emotional fulfillment, and romantic affection. Ultimately, the efficacy and success of any marriage depend on the commitment, understanding, and mutual respect shared by the partners, regardless of the method through which the union is formed.

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Arranged Marriage Vs American Culture Arranged marriage and American culture represent two distinct approaches to the union of individuals. Arranged marriage is a practice where families take the lead in choosing a spouse for their children, often based on factors such as social status, financial stability, and family background. On the other hand, American culture has long embraced the idea of romantic love as the foundation for marriage, emphasizing individual choice and personal compatibility. These two approaches stand in stark contrast to each other, reflecting the cultural, social, and historical differences between traditional societies and modern Western cultures. In many traditional societies, arranged marriage is deeply rooted in cultural and religious traditions. The practice is often seen as a way to maintain social stability, strengthen family ties, and preserve cultural values. In these societies, the family plays a central role in the matchmaking process, and the individual's consent may be secondary to the collective interests of the family and community. This approach can be viewed as a reflection of collectivist values, where the needs of the group take precedence over individual desires. Conversely, American culture places a strong emphasis on individualism and personal autonomy. The idea of marrying for love and choosing one's own partner has become a defining feature of American society. The pursuit of happiness and personal fulfillment is often prioritized over traditional norms and expectations. This emphasis on personal choice and freedom has led to a culture where individuals are encouraged to follow their hearts and seek companionship based on mutual affection and compatibility. The clash between arranged marriage and American culture reflects broader cultural differences in values, beliefs, and social structures. While arranged marriage is often seen as a way to maintain social order and ensure familial harmony, American culture celebrates individual freedom and the pursuit of personal happiness. These differing perspectives on marriage highlight the complex interplay between tradition and modernity, collectivism and individualism, and the enduring impact of cultural values on the institution of marriage. In conclusion, the comparison between arranged marriage and American culture reveals the profound influence of cultural, social, and historical factors on the institution of marriage. While arranged marriage represents a traditional practice deeply rooted in collective values and family dynamics, American culture reflects a modern approach that prioritizes individual choice and personal fulfillment. Understanding the dynamics between these two approaches sheds light on the diverse ways in which societies conceptualize and practice the union of individuals, and the ongoing evolution of marriage in an increasingly interconnected world....

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Love And Marriage In Emma Goldman's 'Marriage And Love'

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Arranged Marriage : A Type Of Marriage

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Sex And Physical Attraction Of Marriage And Arranged Marriages Essay

Sex and Physical Attraction in Marriage Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals who commit to spending their lives together. It is a union built on love, trust, and mutual understanding. While emotional and intellectual compatibility are crucial for a successful marriage, the role of sex and physical attraction should not be overlooked. In this essay, we will explore the importance of sex and physical attraction in marriage and how they contribute to a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Physical attraction is often the initial spark that draws two people together. It is a combination of various factors, including appearance, body language, and chemistry. While physical attraction alone is not sufficient for a lasting relationship, it plays a significant role in establishing a strong foundation. It creates a sense of desire and intimacy between partners, fostering a deeper emotional connection. Sexual intimacy is an integral part of a healthy marriage. It is a means of expressing love, passion, and desire for one another. Through physical intimacy, couples can explore and strengthen their bond, deepening their emotional connection. Regular sexual activity has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase overall satisfaction within the relationship. However, it is important to note that sex does not solely revolve around physical pleasure. It is a means of communication and expression of love between partners. Sexual intimacy allows couples to connect on a deeper level, both physically and emotionally. It fosters trust, vulnerability, and a sense of belonging within the relationship. In order to maintain a healthy sex life, open and honest communication is key. Couples should feel comfortable discussing their desires, boundaries, and any concerns they may have. By maintaining open lines of communication, partners can better understand each other's needs and work together to ensure a satisfying sexual relationship. While physical attraction and sexual intimacy are important aspects of marriage, they should not be the sole focus. Emotional, intellectual, and spiritual compatibility are equally vital for a strong and lasting union. It is the combination of these factors that contribute to a well-rounded and fulfilling relationship. In conclusion, sex and physical attraction play a significant role in a successful marriage. They serve as a means of expressing love, desire, and intimacy between partners. However, it is important to remember that they are just one aspect of a multifaceted relationship. Emotional and intellectual compatibility, trust, and open communication are equally important for a strong and lasting marriage. By nurturing all aspects of the relationship, couples can create a harmonious and fulfilling union that stands the test of time....

Love and Marriage in Renaissance Literature Essay

Love and marriage have been enduring themes in literature throughout history, and the Renaissance period was no exception. In Renaissance literature, these themes were often depicted with a blend of idealism, realism, and social commentary, reflecting the cultural norms, values, and complexities of love and marriage during that time. One prominent aspect of love and marriage in Renaissance literature is the idealization of courtly love, which originated from medieval literature but gained prominence during the Renaissance. Courtly love was characterized by admiration, chivalry, and devotion, often involving a knight's adoration of a noble lady who was typically married to someone else. This idealized form of love was celebrated in works such as Edmund Spenser's "The Faerie Queene," where the protagonist, Sir Guyon, embarks on a quest to rescue the lady he loves, exemplifying the chivalric ideals of the time. However, Renaissance literature also explored the complexities and challenges of real-life love and marriage, often portraying the tensions between romantic desire and social expectations. William Shakespeare's plays, such as "Romeo and Juliet" and "Much Ado About Nothing," offer poignant depictions of the struggles faced by lovers in the face of familial conflicts, societal norms, and misunderstandings. These works delve into the complexities of human relationships, portraying love as both a source of joy and turmoil. Moreover, Renaissance literature often critiqued the institution of marriage and the power dynamics within marital relationships. Writers like Christine de Pizan challenged traditional gender roles and advocated for women's autonomy and agency in marriage. In her work "The Book of the City of Ladies," Pizan presents a vision of an ideal society where women are valued and respected, offering a feminist perspective on love and marriage that was ahead of its time. Additionally, Renaissance literature reflected the influence of humanism on attitudes towards love and marriage, emphasizing the importance of individualism, rationality, and personal fulfillment. Writers like Baldassare Castiglione, in his influential work "The Book of the Courtier," promoted the idea of marriage based on mutual affection, companionship, and shared values rather than purely economic or political considerations. This humanistic approach to love and marriage emphasized the importance of emotional intimacy and compatibility in relationships. In conclusion, love and marriage in Renaissance literature were portrayed with a blend of idealism, realism, and social commentary, reflecting the cultural norms, values, and complexities of the time. From idealized depictions of courtly love to nuanced explorations of real-life relationships, Renaissance writers offered rich and varied perspectives on the themes of love and marriage, contributing to a deeper understanding of human nature and society....

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Essay: Love and Marriage

A Midsummer Night's Dream, one of William Shakespeare's most beloved comedies, intricately weaves together themes of love, fantasy, and the complexities of human relationships. Through the enchanting forests of Athens, Shakespeare explores the erratic, transformative, and often uncontrollable nature of love, inviting the audience into a world where the boundaries between dream and reality blur. At the heart of this narrative lies the assertion that love is a powerful, albeit capricious, force capable of ensnaring the senses and clouding judgment. The play opens with a tangled web of affections: Hermia is in love with Lysander but is betrothed to Demetrius by her father's wish, while Helena pines for the affection of Demetrius, who spurns her for Hermia. This initial conflict sets the stage for an exploration of love's complexity, demonstrating its ability to create discord and harmony in equal measure. As the characters venture into the enchanted forest, they encounter the fairy realm, where the intervention of magic further complicates the nature of their affections. Through the mischievous actions of Puck and the whims of Oberon, love potions are employed, leading to a series of comedic yet insightful misunderstandings and transformations. Shakespeare ingeniously uses these magical interferences to highlight the irrationality and fickleness of love. Characters fall in and out of love with the ease of changing costumes, underscoring the theme that love's essence lies beyond the control of reason. The forest acts as a metaphorical space where societal norms are suspended, allowing characters to explore and express their desires freely. This serves to emphasize that love, in its truest form, transcends the constraints imposed by society. Moreover, A Midsummer Night's Dream prompts reflection on the nature of love's illusions. The play concludes with the harmonious resolution of the lovers' quarrels, yet leaves lingering questions about the permanence of these reconciliations. Shakespeare suggests that love, much like the dreamlike experiences of the forest, is ephemeral and subject to change. This ambiguity invites the audience to ponder the extent to which love, influenced by external forces and internal desires, can ever be truly understood or controlled. In essence, A Midsummer Night's Dream captures the enchanting, bewildering, and enduring nature of love. Through a blend of comedic antics and poetic reflection, Shakespeare delves into the heart of human emotion, revealing the complexities and contradictions of love. The play remains a timeless exploration of the ways in which love can inspire, transform, and, at times, bewilder those it touches, serving as a testament to its enduring power and mystery....

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Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage

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Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage

Table of Contents

Love Marriage vs Arrange Marriage:

  • Some people prefer a love marriage, whereas others are in favour of an arranged marriage. So, love marriage vs arranged marriage is an evergreen topic for discussion and debate.

Advantages of Love Marriage:

  • Marriage is a life-long commitment. So, the decision to choose a life partner should be in one’s own hands .
  • Love is the basis of any marriage. In love marriages, there will be no question of whether love happens or not.
  • In Love marriages, the couple knows each other very well and most probably they already understand each other fully . Hence, there won’t be many conflicts.
  • Those who want to go for a love marriage have more choices than those who go for an arranged marriage because arranged marriages mostly happen with people of the same caste/class/religion.
  • Planned love lives result in happy families.
  • Generally, equality prevails in love marriages.

Disadvantages of Love Marriage:

  • The couple who go for a love marriage is mostly independent. If they want to get out of the relationship, they do not consider relatives’ opinions and society much . So, they tend to go for divorce for even small reasons.
  • Love marriages are still socially unacceptable in some parts of India . That is the reason we are witnessing honour killings . So, it is quite risky for some people to go for a love marriage.
  • Youngsters may confuse attraction with love .
  • Love is not the only thing we need in life . One should also check the reality like the family background, economic conditions, the environment they grew up in, the person’s behaviour etc. to live a peaceful life and to avoid conflicts beforehand.

Advantages of Arranged Marriage:

  • In arranged marriages, parents do inquire about each other’s family and their circle . So, there is a high probability that one will get into a relationship with a similar kind of family as theirs. This prevents trusting people blindly, which happens in some love marriages.
  • Parents or well-wishers think about future and economic conditions .
  • The couple most likely thinks about both of their families. So, they will learn to adjust, which is a very good quality for any relationship .
  • According to research conducted by Dr Robert Epstein, an American psychologist, love in love marriages tends to fade away with time, whereas love in arranged marriages grows with time .

Disadvantages of Arranged Marriage:

  • An arranged marriage is like a lottery. Love may or may not blossom between the couple . Some couples will face compatibility issues .
  • The couple does not know each other well if they spend less time together before marriage. If they have many differences to the extent that they cannot live together, marriage will break .
  • Too much submissiveness to elders may restrict couples from divorcing, even if they do not have love between them anymore.
  • Though the divorce rate is lower in arranged marriages compared to love marriages, it cannot be said that they are happily married . In general, some people who are living in unhappy marriages but are not able to divorce due to several reasons such as children, and societal pressure tend to opt for suicide.
  • People who go for arranged marriage may not be that comfortable discussing everything in detail before marriage . This may cause problems after marriage.
  • In the name of arranged marriages, forced marriages are still prevalent in many parts of India.


Whether it is a love marriage or an arranged marriage, the relationship will work only if both the partners are serious and honest in the relationship. Life partner must be selected according to their own will and not by force. These days, people are taking time to learn about each other before marriage even in arranged marriages. This is a sign of a progressive society.

Photo credits: Shaun Anyi

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Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Advantages & Disadvantages

Love marriage Vs. Arranged marriage_ advantages and disadvantages

Love marriage has become an increasingly popular choice in recent times. Compared to arranged marriages, where parents usually decide on the partners, love marriages provide more freedom and independence to individuals. At the same time, they choose a life partner for themselves based on their choices and preferences.

While there are many advantages of such a setup, including increased autonomy that couples have over their decisions along with higher chances of having successful relationships due to both parties being aware of each other before taking any giant leaps, it also brings forth specific challenges which need proper discussion prior entering into wedlock.

Each couple should carefully weigh the pros and cons of this kind of union before coming up with a wise decision that is best for them individually and collectively. In this blog, we go through the Love marriage vs arranged marriage advantages and disadvantages.

What is love marriage?

A love marriage is a union between two individuals who choose each other as life partners based on mutual love, affection, and emotional connection. Unlike arranged marriages, where families or matchmakers play a larger role in partner selection, a love marriage is driven by the free will and desire of the couple themselves.

What is arranged marriage?

Arranged marriage is a type of marital union where the bride and groom are primarily chosen by individuals other than the couple themselves, typically by family members or matchmakers. It’s a practice that has been prevalent in many cultures throughout history and remains common in many regions of the world today.

Arranged marriage Vs Love marriage  – Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of love marriage.

Love marriage has many advantages. For one, it offers couples the freedom to choose their partner and be sure they are compatible with each other on mental, emotional, and religious levels. This provides a better foundation for creating a long-term relationship that can last through thick and thin. Also, love marriages avoid problems related to matters of caste or family status as the couple has already made those selections.


They offer an opportunity for individuals in society who wish to experience true love within wedlock instead of arranged marriages which may not provide such a deep connection between partners due to a lack of choice in selecting them originally.

Love Marriages also lead to more excellent financial stability for families because spouses tend to make well-informed decisions about investments wisely when both parties contribute constructively towards mutual goals. With all these advantages united, it’s no surprise why more individuals today choose love over traditional ways.

➤ Understanding

Love marriages can have immense advantages for the individual and their families. These types of marriage arrangements bring more stability than arranged marriages, as both partners are free to choose whom they want to spend their lives with based on shared values, interests, love, and respect.

Furthermore, since couples in a love marriage feel empowered within the relationship due to having already established strong feelings before committing themselves legally through formalities like registration or civil ceremonies etc., it leads them towards stronger bondings between each other that develop over time into long-lasting relationships resulting from mutual understanding and support throughout life’s journey together. Love is indeed essential in any successful marriage!

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Love marriage has many advantages. It allows couples to develop a strong bond of love and trust before getting married, know each other more deeply, and understand their values, culture, and lifestyle choices more entirely than they would through an arranged union.

Love marriages can provide more excellent stability in the long term as it allows both partners to take ownership over essential decisions such as who will manage finances or where family members live after marriage.

Couples have time to grow together mentally, emotionally, and physically before entering into lifelong commitment making them stronger individuals for running prosperous households with mutual respect for one another’s opinions.

➤ Potential for Personal Growth

Love marriages can provide fertile ground for personal growth and development. The deep emotional connection and shared experiences can encourage couples to challenge themselves, step outside their comfort zones, and grow together as individuals and as a couple.

Also see : What is True Love and How to Cultivate Love in a Marriage?

Disadvantages of love marriage

➤ family disapproval.

Family disapproval is a significant disadvantage of love marriages. When family members are not supportive, it can cause immense strain on the relationship and have negative implications for its success. Unsupportive families may pressure their children to end the union or even threaten them with disownment if they go ahead with their plans to marry.

This level of negativity creates damaging mental health consequences such as anxiety, depression, and fear which could lead to further issues within the marriage. Couples must consider this type of union and find ways to bolster support from both sides so that all involved parties feel confident about working together in harmony.

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➤ Social stigma

The social stigma surrounding love marriage has significantly disadvantaged couples who tie the knot outside traditional bounds. In many parts of society, these unions are seen as illegitimate, and their members are ostracized from familial and professional circles.

Social stigma

Love marriages can often lead to disapproval from parents or other relatives, pressure on both partners’ career prospects due to associations with an ‘undesirable’ spouse, social isolation among peers looking at them differently, and financial struggles that could threaten future stability.

While we still have some way of achieving true gender equality across societies around the world – it’s important individual rights prevail above all else when making such vital decisions about one’s life partner.

➤ Unrealistic expectations

Unrealistic expectations in love marriages can lead to a whole host of problems. It is important to be realistic and ensure your partner’s goals and values align with yours before taking the plunge into marriage.

Unrealistic assumptions about one another’s roles, financial responsibilities, or career paths may cause misunderstandings that could have been avoided had both parties taken time to honestly communicate their needs before committing themselves further down the line.

Additionally, unrealistic relationship expectations often mean couples struggle during ‘tough times,’ unable to manage disagreements as they arise due to an inability/unwillingness on either side (or both) to meet each other halfway in situations where compromise is needed.​

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Advantages of arranged marriage

➤ family approval.

Family approval is essential in an arranged marriage as it often leads to more successful unions. In this system, families vet potential matches and decide what’s best for their children based on both sides’ backgrounds and interests. With family approval comes the assurance that a couple will be supported in their decision to tie the knot together, leading to increased confidence within spouses before marriage.

It also helps bridge cultural divides between two people who may otherwise have difficulty communicating or understanding each other’s expectations of married life due to differences stemming from upbringing and values. Arranged marriages can bring many advantages, with love being nurtured over time without any outside influences getting involved before a commitment has been made by either side – thereby increasing trust levels which are ultimately essential ingredients for marital harmony!

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➤ Compatibility

Arranged marriage has its advantages, particularly for professional couples. With a prearranged partner, you can be assured that the team has similar philosophical and religious values and family backgrounds. Additionally, there is less likelihood of financial mismatch between them, which is highly important in times like these, where economic prospects constantly change.


Furthermore, it allows both partners to establish expectations from one another upfront, wherein roles and responsibilities could also be discussed beforehand, making such relationships smoother and sturdier with little or no misunderstanding over time, enabling married life success stories more often than not!

➤ Commitment

Commitment is a powerful thing. Arranged marriages offer many advantages, such as security and trust in the marriage union. This form of commitment can lead to meaningful relationships based on respect and understanding between two individuals or families who come together for one purpose: love.


Couples often receive guidance from family members regarding essential decisions while they focus their efforts on communication, compromise, and mutual growth over time. With an increased level of devotion to each other’s well-being, arranged marriages have the potential to be incredibly successful unions – professionally speaking as much as personally!

Also See : How a Good-Enough Marriage Can Lead to a Great Divorce

Disadvantages of arranged marriage

➤ compatibility issues.

Arranged marriages can present several compatibility issues. These could lead to an unhappy marriage and disruption within the family unit. Potential couples may need more time or opportunity to become acquainted. This lack of knowledge about each other during their decision-making phase makes it difficult for them to predict whether they are a true match in terms of values and interests that matter most in long-term relationships, such as commitment levels, communication styles, and problem-solving abilities.

Moreover, arranged marriages often include pressure from parents, which might result in misalignment between two wants & needs due to contributing factors like greed & power over the love life, making it harder for the couples to understand who is the best-suited partner leading to greater chances of incompatibility rising among partners.

➤ Lack of love

The lack of love experienced in arranged marriages can be detrimental to the unions. Without genuine emotion and mutual affection, spouses can become disconnected over time. This often leads to a lack of communication between partners which results in difficulties resolving conflicts or minor issues that inevitably arise throughout marriage due to incompatible values or life goals.

Lack of love

Furthermore, feeling unappreciated and unloved also affects one’s mental health, causing long-term problems if not appropriately addressed by both parties involved.

Arranged marriages can be detrimental to couples in terms of long-term relationship success. Pressure from family and society to meet certain expectations often results in one or both partners feeling forced into a marriage they may not want. This pressure can lead to mistrust, resentment, and unhappiness between the couple, causing them stress while trying to maintain their relationships within these boundaries.


Negative consequences usually arise when either partner feels trapped without the ability for freedom or autonomy over decision-making due to financial dependency on parents/guardians, which is another downside associated with arranged marriages; this is especially true among female participants who are expected by tradition more than men.

Incompatibilities and Hidden Traits

While families carefully consider factors like social background and education, hidden personality traits or underlying differences might not be readily apparent during pre-marital interactions. This can lead to incompatibilities and challenges after the marriage, requiring significant effort and adjustment to overcome.

Similarities between love marriage and arranged marriage

Love marriages and arranged marriages share common elements such as commitment, shared values, effective communication, adjustment, family support, commitment to growth, legal recognition, and emotional connection. Despite the different paths to marriage, both involve building a life together with mutual understanding and support.

Effective communication is a crucial factor in the success of any marriage, irrespective of how the union is formed. Both love and arranged marriages necessitate open dialogue, where couples express their thoughts, feelings, and expectations. This communication fosters understanding, empathy, and the ability to address issues constructively.

Both types of marriages require a commitment to personal and collective growth. Couples, regardless of their initial approach to marriage, embark on a journey of continuous learning, adapting, and growing together. This commitment contributes to the resilience and longevity of the relationship.

Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Which is Best

Arranged marriage and love marriage are two diverse approaches to finding life partners. Arranged marriages involve parents or family playing a significant hand in selecting the spouse. In contrast, with love marriages, couples can choose their partner after they get to know each other better.

Each type of marriage has its benefits; arranged marriages offer many cultural advantages, such as being part of one’s religion and community values, while love marriages allow individuals more freedom to make decisions not only about who they marry but when too! Ultimately there is no single ‘right’ approach – it depends mainly on individual circumstances on what form of union works best for a particular couple.

Tips for a happy married life

Married life is an exciting journey! Whether you have chosen a partner through love or arranged marriage, it’s important to cultivate a respectful and trusting relationship. Here are some tips for achieving that:

  • Talk openly – Communicate effectively by being honest about your emotions and values; Understand each other’s needs.
  • Show patience when listening to what the other individual has to express.
  • Compromise where necessary – Discuss any differences of opinion to come up with solutions that both parties can agree on.
  • Spend quality time together – Appreciate one another’s company, whether it be dining out, catching a movie, playing sports, etc.
  • Develop mutual respect among family members- Your spouses should always be supported even if they disagree.

With these simple steps, you can enjoy happy married life no matter how different personalities may seem at first glance!

In conclusion, when comparing love marriage vs. arranged marriage, it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each. Love marriages provide more freedom and a deeper understanding between partners but can also lead to extra pressures, such as societal expectations.

On the other hand, arranged marriages come with traditional values that allow for family support, but this could offer limited choice or compatibility issues if potential spouses are not chosen carefully.

Ultimately, couples should evaluate their personal needs before deciding what type of relationship they want to pursue so that an agreement works best for everyone involved in the long run. We hope this blog on ”Love marriage vs Arranged marriage advantages and disadvantages” is useful to the readers.

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Essay on Love Marriage

Students are often asked to write an essay on Love Marriage in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Love Marriage


Love marriage is a union where two individuals marry because of the love they share. Unlike arranged marriages, love marriages are based on affection and mutual understanding.

Understanding Love Marriage

In a love marriage, the couple knows each other well before marriage. They share a bond of friendship, understanding, and mutual respect. This familiarity can lead to a stronger marital relationship.

Advantages of Love Marriage

Love marriages allow freedom of choice, ensuring compatibility and happiness. It promotes equality, as the decision is mutual. It also reduces the chances of conflicts later.

Disadvantages of Love Marriage

Love marriages may face social stigma and opposition. Sometimes, the initial attraction may fade, leading to problems.

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250 Words Essay on Love Marriage

Love marriage, a concept that has gained considerable acceptance in contemporary society, is a marriage based on mutual affection and commitment. Unlike arranged marriages, love marriages are built on the foundation of shared experiences, compatibility, and profound understanding.

Evolution of Love Marriages

Historically, marriages were primarily arranged, serving socio-economic purposes rather than personal fulfillment. However, the rise of individualism and personal liberty led to the evolution of love marriages. They symbolize the freedom to choose one’s life partner based on emotional connection rather than societal norms.

Advantages of Love Marriages

Love marriages come with a plethora of advantages. The couple, having spent considerable time together before marriage, understands each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and life goals. This understanding fosters compatibility, reducing potential conflict. Furthermore, love marriages often promote equality as the relationship is not burdened by societal expectations.

Challenges in Love Marriages

Despite the advantages, love marriages can face various challenges. They may encounter societal resistance, particularly in traditional societies. Additionally, the initial romantic love may fade over time, potentially leading to disillusionment.

500 Words Essay on Love Marriage

Introduction to love marriage.

Love marriage denotes a marital union where the individuals choose their partners out of affection and mutual respect, rather than familial or societal pressure. In many cultures, it is a relatively recent concept, challenging the age-old traditions of arranged marriages.

The Evolution of Love Marriage

Historically, marriages were primarily arranged to maintain social order, familial ties, and economic stability. Love, though desired, was not a prerequisite. However, the advent of modernism and individualism led to the rise of love marriages. It symbolizes a shift from societal obligations towards personal choice and emotional fulfillment.

The Dynamics of Love Marriage

Despite the romantic appeal, love marriages are not devoid of challenges. The initial euphoria of romance may fade over time, leading to disillusionment. Moreover, couples may face opposition from their families, especially in societies where traditional norms still hold strong sway.

The Balance of Independence and Compromise

Love marriages often require a delicate balance between independence and compromise. While the couple has the freedom to make their own decisions, they also need to make adjustments to ensure harmony. This balance can be difficult to achieve, but it is crucial for the success of the marriage.

Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage

The future of love marriages.

The future of love marriages looks promising. With society becoming more accepting of individual choices, the stigma associated with love marriages is gradually fading. Furthermore, the increasing emphasis on emotional well-being and personal fulfillment is likely to further boost the prevalence of love marriages.

In conclusion, love marriages represent a significant cultural shift towards individual choice and emotional satisfaction in marital relationships. They come with their own set of challenges, but also offer the potential for a deeply fulfilling partnership based on mutual understanding and respect. Despite the ongoing debate between love and arranged marriages, it is ultimately the individuals’ commitment, understanding, and love for each other that determines the success of a marriage.

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 63 - marriages are arranged by the parents but in other cases, people choose their own marriage partner, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, in some countries, marriages are arranged by the parents but in other cases, people choose their own marriage partner..

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Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage

Whenever we talk of Indian wedding, we try to associate it with arranged marriages. Due to the social structure, the concept of arranged marriage is prevalent in the Indian wedding scenario, since ages. On the other hand, love marriages were considered as a taboo among many Indian people, who do not have a modern outlook of life. For them, two people should tie the wedding knot only with the consent of their parents and the blessings of their relatives. Nonetheless, love marriages are prevalent in almost all the societies of India, given the fact that they are still considered inferior to the weddings arranged by many parents in the country.

Pros and Cons of Love Marriage

People supporting the concept of love marriage strongly believe that it is very important to know the partner before marrying him/her. On the other hand, people who believe in solemnizing the wedding with the permission of parents and relatives think that arranged marriages are long lasting.

In this article, we have discussed love marriage vis-a-vis arranged marriage. Pros&Cons: It is said that compromise is a factor that decides whether the marriage would work out or not. In case of love marriage, people might expect more from their partner, largely because they have fallen in love before marriage.

This leads to lesser compromises, as the person expects more from his/her partner. On the other hand, compromise and adjustments form the foundation of arranged marriage, largely because the married couple does not have any preconceived notions or expectations from one another.

love marriage or arrange marriage essay

Proficient in: Arranged Marriage

“ Ok, let me say I’m extremely satisfy with the result while it was a last minute thing. I really enjoy the effort put in. ”

The compromise factor might work wonders in case of most of the arranged marriages, while in love marriages, that might prove to be yet another cause for altercation. Due to this factor, people consider arranged marriage as long lasting and better than love marriage.

In case of arranged marriage, the married couple could resort to their parents or acquaintance at the time of financial crises or other problems. In addition, if the marriage proves to be a failure, they have a number of people around them to put seek support or to put the blame on. Their parents would come forward to solve the problems between the couple, if they have married with the elder’s consent. This is the reason why arranged marriages are considered secure for the people in India.

On the other hand, the couples who have solemnized love marriage would have to tackle all their crises on their own, because they might have been separated from their family. Resentment drives the parents and the relatives to remain dormant in case the married couple wants any financial or moral support – a common sight seen in love marriages in India. Due to this factor, many people do not want to marry without their parent’s consent, because they would be ultimately cut off from the family ties.

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Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage

Love Marriage vs. Arranged Marriage: Which is Better?

love vs arranged marriage

The following marriage definition essay will examine the two types of marriages, namely arranged and love marriage. The love marriage vs. arranged marriage essay presented below will try to make it clear whether love marriage is better than the arranged one and in what ways the two types of marriages differ from each other. The following arranged marriage essay will try to explore whether it is better to marry because you love another person or vice versa. The current arranged marriages essay represents an attempt to draw the line between the two types of marriages and explain why arranged marriage still exists despite the fact that it is a rather controversial topic that continues to provoke much debate. The essay on arranged marriage offered to the readers will not only examine the issues related to arranged marriage, but also give a definition of love marriage so as to discuss the topic from both perspectives. There is an on-going debate concerning the best way to select a love partner for marriage. Therefore, the current definition essay on marriage will try to answer the questions that still arise in regard to arranged and love marriages.

The current essay on love marriage and arranged marriage will examine the ways in which individuals prefer choosing their partners for getting married. It is a fact that every person looks for an ideal match, but there is evidently a difference in terms of the factors influencing one’s choice of a partner. Some people choose a partner recommended by their parents or friends. The current arranged marriage vs. love marriage essay will therefore try to explain which of the two types of marriages is more preferable judging from the long-term outcomes of both kinds of marriages. Here are some benefits of the arranged and love marriage.

                Love marriage:

  • The two individuals have long been acquainted and mutually understand each other’s way of life, tastes and preferences. Therefore, they decide to spend the entire life together.
  • The two people take responsibility for their choice and the blame in the future would lie on both of them and no one else.
  • The two individuals know perfectly well what are the likes and dislikes of both of them. They can therefore get along quite well without misunderstanding or quarrels.
  • By forming a union, the couple will be able to eliminate social evil due to their mutual consent and readiness to make decisions together.

Arranged marriage:

  • Arranged marriage is not an agreement between two people only, but a contract between the two families.
  • Two families engaged in this type of marriage usually know each other for a long time and are quite compatible with one another.
  • Because arranged marriage involves more than two people, the conflicts and misunderstanding between the partners can be resolved with much efficiency.
  • The two partners are guided by the experience of their parents, while in case of love marriage the couple does not know anything about the future difficulties because it does not have an experience.

Both of the marriages have their merits and drawbacks, but one should keep in mind that marriage is a lifetime decision. Although families play certain role in the two types of marriages, it is up to the partners to decide whether they want to live together or not. The ultimate decision regarding the choice of life partner should be made by the two individuals only. There is no such a thing as perfect marriage, because any type of marriage is full of concerns and uncertainties. It is therefore hard to say whether love marriage is better than the arranged one, as both types have their own benefits and drawbacks as analyzed above. Let us further discuss the issue in greater detail.

Nowadays, young people of the modern generation do not find the arranged marriage so attractive. At the same time, if to look at the statistics across the world, it becomes clear that 90% of Indian men and women, for instance, still tend to go for the arranged marriage. While not all of such marriages appear to be successful, some of them actually result in a happy union filled with mutual understanding and affection. Marriage is not simply a union of two people, but rather a union of two families, that is to say two social networks that become closely related with one another. The arranged marriage is focused on the union between the families. When searching for a partner for one’s daughter or son, the parents will first of all try to check whether the family of the potential partner is compatible with their own. Thus, the parents seeking a partner for their child will try to answer the question of whether the potential partner’s family shares the similar background including religious and cultural one, socio-economic status, and educational level. If the values of both families coincide, their sons or daughters can get married with those of other families because in this way they will be taken care of and lead a life that meets the order established in the other family. The most valuable things searched for in this form of marriage are stability and security. Although this leaves out the emotional element, the importance of a stable and safe marriage cannot be denied. This is probably the reason why Indians have a very low rate of divorce.

On the other hand, love marriage seems a perfect union of a man and a woman simply because this union has been formed out of mutual affection. All of us strive to find a soul mate and then get married in order to lead a happy life ever after. It seems that nothing can go wrong in such circumstances, but there are many doubtful issues that are associated with the love marriage. This kind of marriage requires more work and effort than the arranged marriage. One should take full responsibility over one’s choice of partner. There is no one other to blame if the marriage does not work out well. Even though people tend to learn much about their future partners before getting married, the life in marriage is an entirely new experience that is always filled with both ups and downs. At the same time, a love marriage allows all of us to choose our sole mates and find a person to whom we are attracted intellectually, physically and emotionally. In such a way, we can live according to our own terms that make us feel happy and be satisfied with the way we live.  

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love marriage or arrange marriage essay

Love Marriage

Love Marriage

Marriage marriages are not a new thing in Indian society. It has been practiced for centuries but the instances of love marriage in India are still low. In the last several decades the Indian society has undergone tremendous change - the social fabric of society has become more flexible and girls are treated equal to boys. As a result, interaction between the opposite sex has increased considerably and this has contributed to the increased percentage of love marriages in the country. However, the phenomena remains restricted to urban and semi-urban areas. Though love marriages still do not enjoy the same respect and position in the society as arranged marriages, parents are becoming thoughtful of their children's feelings. The biggest reason for opposing a love marriage is caste or religion difference. This is because people are skeptical in marrying their kids in an alien cultural setting. In addition, there are other issues like economic standard, horoscope compatibility, that also hinder the process of love marriage.

In ancient India, women were attributed a much higher status than they have in today’s society. They were not confined to the boundaries of the home and were allowed much more freedom in terms of life choices. They had enormous amount of say when it came to choosing their life partners and love marriages were quite common. Concepts like ‘Swayamvars’ were based on the consent of women and men proving their mettle as the best suitor. Love marriages were quite common at the time and were welcomed by the society. Even the religious scriptures and literatures of the time tell tales of Gods and Goddesses falling in love and getting married.

With the advent and adoption of tenets like Manu Smriti, the concepts of good and bad changed in the society.It was advocated that words of the family head was supreme it was good karma to obey the elders. With that, the women were designated as symbols of honor of a family and were placed under the protection of men, curbing much of the freedom they used to enjoy in Vedic era. The caste system started being vigorously enforced and it became imperative that marriage matches happen within the set restrictions imposed by the religion and society. As a result, an arranged marriage became the norm where the elders employed the services of matchmakers who would look for suitable matches from faraway places.Gradually, the concept of love marriage lost popularity and became an undesired custom in the framework of the societal norms. Customs like child marriages, dowry and honor killings came into existence to enforce the preference of arranged marriage and discourage any intentions of love marriages from people’s minds.

India is a country where values and traditions are held above personal aspirations and happiness. Family’s honor, pride and social status is given more important that the happiness of the members of the family. Arranged marriages are the norm in this country where parents decide appropriate life partner for their children. A number of criteria are imposed to determine the suitability of these matches based on cultural backgrounds, social status, income, physical appearance and sometimes amount of dowry. Young people choosing their own life partners attracted a lot of social stigma for them as well as their families. It was seen as the ultimate act of defiance that a son or daughter can exhibit. That frame of mind still prevails in certain parts of the country but on the whole the scenario has changed quite a bit. In urban and semi-urban areas especially, women have become much more independent with most of them receiving higher education and opting to have a career. As a result they have much more opportunities to interact with people from outside their communities. Such interactions in many cases lead to amorous relationships which in turn lead to love marriages. With such incidences being quite frequent in recent times, the concept of love marriage has become quite commonplace in urban and semi-urban areas at least. In rural and remote areas, the scene is still pretty traditional, partially due to lack of education and awareness. But the scenario is changing pretty fast there as well. While arranged marriages still remain the prevalent way of getting married by the youth in India, love marriages are now free of the evil and accusatory outlook they earlier received, being more and more acceptable to people.

love marriage or arrange marriage essay

Advantages of Love Marriage

The basic concept of love marriage lies in the fact that the boy or girl choses his or her life partner. There are no elderly supervision involved, although in India the approval of elders are sought before the boy and girl in love can tie the knot. The restrictions of caste, social status, physical appearance and even religion do not apply when a person falls in love and hence such clauses are not part of the marriage discussions. In India where these restrictions are seriously enforced when it comes to arranged marriage, severely limit the number of desirable matches for a person. As a result they may as well has to settle for less in some or the other aspects. There is no requirement of contemplating dowry as one does not need to prove their worth through the amount of cash and jewelry to be exchanged. In case of love marriages, one might not compare such points and consider the overall compatibilities in terms of lifestyle, interests and hobbies. As a result, the chances are very high that the partners will have great compatibility and similar tastes in leisure activities. That may not be the case in case of arranged marriages where the two relatively unknown partners may possess starkly different tastes in life philosophies. In case of couples going for love marriage, they have ample chances to explore their compatibilities and discuss their life philosophies in depth. They also may be able to discuss their dreams and aspirations for future and have a chance to shape their career in a way that suits both partners well. People contemplating love marriages have ample opportunities to discuss about their preferred lifestyle including place to settle down, kids, and even holidays. It is imperative that the responsibilities of the future are to be equally distributed among the two partners. As time is progressing more and more gender roles are being reversed in the country, especially in love matches. The men are willing to shoulder the household responsibilities while women are becoming career-oriented and principle bread-winner of the family.

It presents to one an opportunity to build one’s life together with their partner. Love is the basis for the partners to come together in the relationship and with love comes mutual respect and commitment. These are pre-existing factors in a love marriage and the couple does not have to feel compelled to produce these emotions overnight. There is the comfort of familiarity in a love marriage. The boy and the girl, they generally are acquainted with each other for a considerable period of time, often studying or working together and if not moving in the same circle. They are aware of each other backgrounds, places of residence, families. In some cases even the families become well acquainted with each other over the time. These interactions and familiarities ease the transition that the couple has to make after marriage, making it easier for them to adapt with situations. There remains a pre-existing comfort-level and trust, that makes one adjust to the changing situation voluntarily with much enthusiasm and not compulsorily. The couple knows each other’s likes and dislikes from before marriage and this help in better setting up of a happy household.

Disadvantages of Love Marriage

One of the major disadvantages of love marriages in India is that lack of social ‘insurance’. Even at this time, parents often do not condone their kids choosing a life partner for themselves. Sometimes objections arise from the fact that the religion and castes or social standings or even physical appearance. Sometimes they are wary of the repercussion of the society and relative bandwagon. So, they sometimes refuse give their consent to the whole affair and separate themselves from the couple. As a result the boy or girl is on one’s own and if they experience hardships along the way, there are no family cushions to fall back on. Sometimes, this distancing from parents and family affect the relationship between the partners, as they may blame the partners for being the cause of losing the family. In another scenario, there emerges a basic adjustment differences between the newlywed girl and in-laws, which may be a result of their disapproval and judgment against their cultural differences combined. Another major disadvantage of love marriages is the high level of expectations and presumptions.

As the couple are more acquainted with each other and have probably discussed every possible scenario for their combined future before getting married, they have a very set picture of how their married life is going to be like. Any deviation from that expected scenario leads to disappointment and which in turn breeds frustration. Love marriages are probably ill-adjusted to adapt to the curve balls that life usually throws just for the reason that there is higher level of expectation. There may be subtle differences in the couple’s individual preferences that stems from their religious and cultural upbringing. These small differences come into focus when the two individual start living together after marriage. While some of these may be sorted out quite easily through minor adjustments, sometimes these small issues collate together and transform into big issues that might affect the stability of the union. Although the relation begins on the basis of love, there is no guarantee in place that the mutual feeling of love will remain forever. The one or both the partners may become tired and jaded from the marriage, sometimes due to constant conflicts or sometimes just because of the length of time and change circumstances. They may decide to part ways and their families might not be willing to mediate reconciliation.

Love Vs. Arranged Marriage!

The question that arises in every Indian youth’s mind is whether to love and marry or prefer to marry and then fall in love? If one decides to go for the love marriage route and is hell bent on finding ‘the One’ in order to live happily ever after, they need to consider the fact that love marriages require equal amount of work put into it for it to be happy and peaceful. Just because love is pre-existing, does not mean that it will continue to be so for eternity. One needs to nurture the love and work on doubling and tripling it for those married moments when it becomes especially difficult to love your partner! While arranged marriages come with greater security with greater involvement of parents, there remains the question of accepting a bunch of almost-stranger as your family for the rest of your life. Also the amount of judgment that the girl or boy has to go through, scrutiny of physical appearance in case of girls and financial status in case of the boys, is a huge deterrent from certain educated people nowadays. Unlike in love marriages, gender-biased roles for both men are women are much more strongly enforced in arranged marriages. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, yet one thing is for sure, the decision of marriage, be it arranged or love, should be taken with careful consideration and much deliberation.

Present Status

Present scenario in India has evolved a lot as compared to the scenario even ten years ago. Love marriages are accepted with much more openness nowadays throughout the country in all prevalent cultures. Although the huge difference in divorce rates in India with other developed nations like the USA are being attributed to the glory of arranged marriages, it has more to do with the country’s social structure and not with the preferred mode of marriage. Marriages in the country nowadays have adopted this hybrid model called semi arranged marriage, where the boy or girl meet with the candidates preferred by their parents and if they provide their consent to the match they are allowed to date like a couple in love for a designated period of time which is called the courtship period. If all goes well, the couple will get married after the courtship period and will live happily ever after. I think this evolution in the whole orthodox marriage procedure in India shows how much influence the merits of love marriage and the fact that familiarity plays a big role in the future of the couple are being accepted by the society.


Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Essay

There are two types marriages, i.e. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Essay, marriage is an important decision in life, which two people decide together.

Apart from this, in India it is also said that marriage is not a combination of two people but two families.

In such a situation it becomes important for us to know the decision of our family, Marriage is a sacred relationship that binds two people.

It is believed that it is only after marriage that a person gets a new way of living and they get to learn new rules of living life.

Well now the era has changed; earlier, where the boy and the girl used to marry the family, now he is marries on his own choice.

There is a lot of difference between marrying a girl chosen by the family, i.e. arranged marriage and finding a partner with your will, i.e. love marriage.

So let us know what the difference between these two weddings:

Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Essay:

Arrange marriage:.

 In the Orange Marriage, the families of the boy and the girl select their spouse for each other.

In such marriages, most boys and girls are unaware of each other.

They fall in love only after marriage and then spend a happy life with each other for life.

In this, the relationship between the family of both the boy and the girl becomes very strong.

Arrange Marriage is considered more successful than Love Marriage.

Love Marriage:

In this marriage, boys and girls know each other well and like each other.

Many times it happens that family members are not happy with this marriage.

The girl begins to have problems with living and understanding with a new and stranger family.

The special thing about these weddings is that the boy and Girls has mutual understanding.

Both know each other well, but there is little interaction between their families.




 It cannot be said that which marriage is better between Arrange marriage and Love marriage.

Whatever the marriage , it is very important for people to be sensible and have good thinking.

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Debate on Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage | Successful Marriages – Love Vs Arranged

March 15, 2022 by Prasanna

Debate on Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage: Honorable judges, respected chief guest, teachers, my dear friends and opponents a very good morning. Today I feel obliged to get a chance to speak on the topic Debate on Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage.

A great marriage does not happen because of the love you had in the beginning but how well you keep your love till the end.

Marriage is a connection between two opposite genders as well as two families. Marriage is a lifetime commitment and both the partners have to spend their whole life together.

You can also find more  Debate Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Debate on Love marriage and arranged marriage are the evergreen debated topic over the years. Everyone is in search of which of the two options is better and successful. Some people are in favour of love marriages as both the partners know each other beforehand. And some, on the other hand, are in the favour of arranged marriages. In love marriages, a girl or a boy choose their partners on their own, whereas in arranged marriages partners are chosen by their family, parents or relatives. The main aim is to get married, be it to a partner of your choice or your parent’s. Getting married is not a doll n dolly play it is in itself is a huge responsibility.

There is a continuous debate on Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage to find the best way to choose the partner for marriage. Even several surveys have been done to know which one people support the most.

However, arranged marriages are mostly dominant in India. And in the Debate on Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage, I am also in favour of Arranged marriages

Because according to me, getting your parents to arrange someone for you is better as they know what you want, and they will choose the best for you.’

Another advantage of arranged marriages is the connection between different families. Marriage is not just a union of two people but also a union of two different families, which are now more closely linked than ever before.

In many cultures, the connections between families are quite important on a daily basis. And good connections between family members may also be beneficial when it comes to future career prospects.

In Arranged marriages, while looking for a partner for their son or daughter, parents will first check the potential background of the bride or groom’s family whether they are compatible with theirs. Do they check if they have the same background like cultural and religious,  economical status, level of education, social status, etc? In an arranged marriage, status, future security and stability seem to be the most valued things looked for. So that their son or daughter can live a stable, secure and similar life as their parents. This is the main reason why India has such a low divorce rate.

Debate on Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage 1

Arranged marriages in India are mostly carried on a religious basis. This is because the parents feel that, it affects the living style of the couple, it becomes easy to get along with the new family, their customs, beliefs and lifestyle

In my Debate on Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage Essay , I want to point out that in Love marriages youngsters often confuse attraction or infatuation with love. Love is not the only thing we need in life. One should also check the reality like the family background, social and economic conditions, the environment they grew up in, etc. So, one can get into a relationship with a similar kind of family as theirs. This prevents cheating and betrayal because of trusting people blindly, which happens in some love marriages.

It is well said that “ Love is Blind”. People in love do not see the family background, social and economical status, etc. which is at risk in the future. Trusting blindly may result in divorce.

The couple who go for love marriage is mostly independent in nature. If they want to end the relationship, they do not consider family opinions much and they do it.

In India, love marriages are still socially unacceptable.

As in arranged marriages there family and relatives are involved, the conflict between the couple will be effectively resolved. The couple is guided by their parents and grandparents’ experience and the situation is in control and the state of divorce doesn’t rise. Whereas in a love marriage the couple is unaware of the future complications in life and lacks this experience because of the absence of elders.

According to Dr. Robert Epstein, an American psychologist, love in love marriages fades away with time, whereas love in arranged marriages grows with time.

Do you think arranged marriages lead to divorce and love marriages don’t? Well, that’s a mystery in itself. The failure of any relationship has nothing to do with this. It all depends on how the two partners choose to accommodate each other’s life. The key to a successful marriage is understanding, love and trust. If you manage to with these then nothing can affect your relationship with your spouse.

The debate on Love marriage and arranged marriage has been going on for decades but It is difficult to arrive at a conclusion. Both types of marriages come with their own pros and cons. In the end, I would like to conclude my Debate on Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage with the message that irrespective of the choice, the couple and the families must live with love, trust and understanding to make the marriage successful.

Debate on Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage 2

FAQ’s on Debate on Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage

Question 1. Why do love marriages fail?

Answer: Many love marriages fail or end up in divorce because of misunderstanding, ego and burden of responsibilities. Some Love marriages are the result of attraction and infatuation and hence when they face real-life responsibilities they give up.

Normally couples in love marriages live independently away from both of their families and the absence of an elder’s presence is also the main reason for increasing divorce in Love marriages.

Question 2. What are the benefits of arranged marriage?

Answer: Arranged marriages are arranged by family members and relatives. Parents search for the best partners for their children. The best part of arranged marriage is that the parents are always there to solve the conflicts between the couple if any. Some of the benefits of arranged marriages are:

  • People may match better
  • Higher level of experience of parents
  • Assurance of social status
  • Financial security
  • Cultural similarities of partners
  • Rational rather than emotional decision
  • Family connections are strengthened
  • Similar ethics
  • Religious fits
  • Similar values
  • People may live in a happy bubble
  • Avoidance of lovesickness
  • No stress to find a partner
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Essay #2 – “Love and Marriage”

By kannamma shanmugasundaram '99.

Managing and Valuing Cultural Diversity

Dating has been mentioned as the training ground for building a marriage relationship, for learning how to relate to someone of the opposite sex. While dating, people learn early that once they don’t like someone, they can drop them. This not only hurts others but…can possibly cause young people to learn that once they don’t like what they see in another person, they then can get out of the relationship…In marriage, one can’t be thinking like that, or everyone would…[be] divorcing. Unfortunately, this is already happening.

~ Jay Lang, Online Bulletin Board

Then most non-Asians hear of arranged marriages, they think of instances where individuals are sworn over to each other, never meeting until the day of the wedding. Such a custom is often looked upon with doubt and inhibitions, wariness and disbelief. “How can you marry someone you’ve never met?” “What happens if you don’t love them?” I have been fortunate enough to be witness to both love marriages-the kind more common in the United States-and arranged marriages—which are quite common in India. There are advantages and disadvantages to each. 1 have also been able to quell a great many of the misconceptions that may arise regarding one or the other. Arranged marriages have been the custom in India for many centuries, and are still practiced to this day. It is an arrangement between families, however, not between individuals. It is not entered into blindly, as many may think. Instead, a family, usually the groom’s, will send a go-between (usually a trusted family friend) to investigate any potential bride’s family. The go-between finds out information not only about the woman but about her family as well. In India, it is believed that marriage not only connects two individuals, but both of their families as well, and therefore it is imperative that both be of good status. Financial standing, medical history, and social class are all investigated. In addition, both the boy’s and the girls (for this usually occurs while both individuals are in their mid to late teens) astrological signs are examined to ensure compatibility.

Once the two young families have met, they set up a meeting at the girl’s house so that the boy’s family can actually meet the girl. In preparation for this visit, more information regarding the girl and her family is disclosed. Is she willing to adapt to any differences that may arise in the boy’s family pattern of living? In India, equality between the sexes is far from reality. Women are expected to leave their families, in a sense, adopting the man’s family as her own. She is to obey her mother-in-law, serving her and conforming to her expectations. She is also to serve her husband in all of them to cook, clean, care for the children, and stay at home. The man is expected to provide for her and protect her.

The caste system was especially powerful in earlier generations, and although not as common to many, it still plays a large role in possible matrimonial unifications between families in India. Marriage between social classes is frowned upon, and with this in mind, it is of little surprise to discover that many arranged marriages arc inbred.

Not much has changed in Indian society today, although the rules of arranged marriages have acquired some flexibility. Now the bride and groom are allowed to speak before the wedding and in some cases, are even allowed to go out once or twice unchaperoned. In addition, some women are even allowed to reject the choices of their parents. In the past, what die parents decreed was required to have been executed. Now, however, tradition is making way for new Western ways of thinking.

Actual “love” marriages are more common than before, yet they continue to exist only in a small portion of India’s high-class urban residents. Perhaps the most famous Indian love marriage was that of the late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who married Sonia, an Italian woman. These types of marriages are increasingly popular as college students seek freedom and their own individuality. The Western ideals of modernization and independence have resulted in “liberal attitudes toward mate selection among the college students,” according to one 1973 survey.

Surprisingly, love marriages were not common in the United States until about three hundred years ago. According to the book, May You Be the Mother of a Hundred Sons by Elisabeth Bumiller, it has only come about as a result of “courtly love in the Middle Ages and also from the impact of Christianity.” This Anglo-Saxon religion is thought to have “deepened the bond between husband and wife by likening it to the relationship between man and God.”

Perhaps the most crucial element in understanding the difference between an arranged marriage and a love marriage is the respective society’s differences in defining the concept of “love.” Most Americans are familiar with the phrase “falling in love.” There are those, however, who question the truth in this common term. What exactly is “love?” Can one “fall in love?” What about “love at first sight?” Does it exist? Can someone learn to love another? This final question provides the meat and truth to the surprisingly incredible success of arranged marriages. Being exposed a great deal to the culture of tire United States, I have learned that romance and dating in this country are all about expectations. People are asked, “What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?” and a list of required qualities is rattled off. If someone does not fit those qualities, they are deemed unacceptable. “Well, I like him as a friend, but….”

In an arranged marriage, no expectations exist except for mutual respect. Neither the bride nor the groom, has had a chance to really “get to know” the other. After all, what happens in most Western marriages or relationships? Initially, there is an intense admiration and respect for each other. Usually, positive characteristics arc emphasized and focused on. Negative traits are ignored, overlooked, or brushed aside. Then, the more time you spend with someone, the more you begin to notice little things about them that annoy you. The way they leave the cap off the toothpaste or the way they never put their duty clothes in the hamper becomes irritating.

In successful love marriages, couples have to learn to look past these imperfections and remember the reasons why they married each other in the first place. They must be able to accept the fact that neither one of them is perfect. Successful love marriages need to set aside these superior, seemingly impossible expectations and be willing to compromise, settling for some good and some bad. If you don’t know anything about the person, you begin to sec both his/her positives and Ms/her negatives at the same time, making the situation slightly more tolerable. Since I have never been in a relationship (love or arranged), I may not be the most ideal person to make such a statement. From what I have observed of others in relationships, this seems to often be the case. With fewer expectations, there are fewer disappointments.

This brings us to another reason why the Western culture often looks with disapproval upon the ancient tradition of arranged marriages. Even a general overview of the Western cultures show that they tend to emphasize independence and the sense of “leaving the nest.” Parents seem to be respected in a much more visible way in most Eastern cultures, as we see a greater occurrence of extended and nuclear families living under the same roof. Perhaps this is why Eastern cultures tend to be more open to the concept of having their parents arrange their marriage. There is a greater sense of respect and reverence towards elders in the Eastern cultures.

Falling in love is often said to actually be falling in “lust” or “awe.” Immediate physical attraction can blind a person to the faults of another. Many love marriages are based on this physical attraction. Note not all love marriages, but many. Physical attraction certainly doesn’t play as immediate and as large a role in arranged marriages. I personally have found the phrase “beauty comes from the inside” to be true, almost literally. I have friends who some may not find attractive, that even 1, upon first meeting them, did not consider to be particularly good looking. However, after knowing them, finding out more about their personalities, and the goodness of their character, 1 have honestly been able to see them in a new light, and they seem more beautiful to me physically as well. This seems to support the theory that arranged marriages’ successes are based on: love is a growing process and an emotion that is acquired. Love isn’t necessarily what individuals raised in the Western frame of thought assume it to be.

My personal opinion on arranged marriages has certainly changed; I feel it has matured. I once thought that love marriages were the best way to truly get to know the person you would be spending the rest of your life with. It would be extremely difficult going into a marriage, not knowing anything about the person, and expected to live together for the rest of your lives. I must admit, it was a very close-minded perspective.

Lately, however, as I have grown older, and closer to the “normal” age of marriage (in India women are usually married by the time they are 30), my opinions have broadened. The first prospect of marriage for me occurred with my grandmother when I was 14. She had mentioned that I would soon come of age (approximately 16 years for Indian girls) and that it was time to start looking for a husband for me. I remember turning to my mother in shock and disbelief. My mother only shook her head. “No, we won’t be doing that for awhile.” But the implications were clear. Eventually, they would. They would look for someone for me. They weren’t expecting me to find someone on my own.

My parents’ marriage was not an arranged marriage, although I believe that by Western standards, it is considered to be an “inbred” relationship. My parents are actually first cousins. My father had approached my mother’s father (his uncle) requesting to marry my mother, and then he had gone to talk to my mother. My mother had ignored his calls and letters because she thought it would be improper of her to respond to a man’s courtship without having her father’s approval first (she didn’t realize that my father had already spoken to her father). My parent’s marriage is not perfect, but then no one’s really is, right?

“Separation” by Sarah Phillips

After graduating from high school, the topic was brought up again. My parents are not in any hurry to find a suitable mate for me, but they are certainly keeping their eyes and ears peeled, as are the rest of my relatives. Most Westerners (myself included at one time) question their parents’ motives. “Do they not trust me?” “How do they know what kind of person I am looking for?” “Just because they pick someone they like doesn’t mean I will like them.” These doubts ran through my mind initially as well. Yet from what I’ve read and what I’ve experienced, parents only want what is best for their child. They want someone who is not only financially sound but someone who will respect and take care of their child as well. We trusted our parents to care for us when we were infants, when we become adults, we lose an element of this trust. I think part of the reason this is so hard to do, especially in the Western world is that there is such an emphasis on independence. Young people get used to being “on their own,” thinking for themselves. They do not feel secure having their future decided for them, and therefore want the selection of their mate to be a decision they make for themselves.

The unique thing about my situation is that if I were to go with an arranged marriage, I would cling to my Western views of female independence. I know my parents understand the influence that growing up in a Western/American society has had on me. I have a free spirit and enjoy my independence. I would not be happy staying at home, playing the “traditional” female role, and my parents understand that and are taking that into consideration when searching for a suitable groom. They are looking for someone who will be able to provide for me, but at the same time, someone who will allow me to further my career if that is what I choose to do.

This is a wonderful example of the differences in thinking and teaching styles of the Western culture, as opposed to the Eastern culture. The key to understanding both types of marriage is being able to keep an open mind and understanding the source of the difference of opinions. I feel that another key way to do that is to find a way to compromise, as my parents and I have done, compromising the best of both worlds, so to speak. We maintain the traditional respect in terms of allowing the parents to choose the mate, but also letting the son or daughter make the final decision and maintain a sense of their valued freedom.

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344 Marriage Essay Topics & Examples

Whether you’re writing about unconventional, traditional, or arranged marriage, essay topics can be pretty handy. Consider some original ideas gathered by our experts and discuss divorce, weddings, and family in your paper.

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  • Premarital Cohabitation’s Impact on Marriage Though premarital cohabitation used to be linked to an increased probability to a divorce.recent studies confirm that cohabitation enhances the power of a marriage.
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  • Creating a Survey About an Institution of Marriage If I were to create a poll or a survey, I would want to study the institution of marriage from the viewpoint of people who have gotten a divorce at least once.
  • Comparison of Marriage in Elizabethan Times and in “Othello” The man was believed to be the head of the family, and he had the legal right to punish his wife.
  • Family Behaviors, Inequality, and Outside Childbearing Marriage The gap between the poor and the rich is widening in the US, making the American dream impossible for many people, especially children and families.
  • The Meaning of Marriage: A Comparison of Articles In addition to the titles of academic journals and articles, it is possible to determine which field of science an article belongs to from its content, the language used, and the focus of the study.
  • The Love and Marriage Relationship Analysis This shows that the researcher was determined to obtain accurate results from the subjects with the least, and that is the strength of the research.
  • Institution of Marriage: The Sociological Perspectives However, sociological studies played a pivotal role in defining the main tendencies of marriage as a social institute development from the end of World War II to the current realities.
  • Newlyweds’ Optimistic Forecasts of Their Marriage The first instrument used was the Quality of Marriage Index, a six-item scale requiring partners to describe the level of their agreement and disagreements regarding their marriage in general.
  • The Supreme Court Decision on the Right to Same-Sex Marriage The decision of the Supreme Court on the constitutional right of citizens to same-sex marriage is a significant event in the history of the development of modern democratic society.
  • “Do Student Loans Delay Marriage?”: Participants, Measures, and Results The purpose of this article is to discover: the relationship between student loan debt and marriage in young adulthood; whether or not the relationship differs for women and men; if this relationship becomes weak over […]
  • Aspects of Marriage and Family Life At the time of Colonial America, during the consequent period of the emerging modern family, and after the formation of the contemporary family, the situation of this institution differed drastically.
  • Institution of Marriage in China Marriage is one of the oldest social institutions that regulate interpersonal and sexual relations, a society recognized by the union between spouses to create a family, giving rise to a married couple’s mutual rights and […]
  • How Marriage Affected the Economic Status of Women On the other hand, in Twelfth Night, written in the early XVIIth century, the reader is shown the more romantic side of a marital union.
  • The Church’s Attitude Toward Homosexual Marriage Erickson Millard claims that Jesus’s teaching about the permanence of marriage is based on the fact that: God made humanity as male and female and pronounced them to be one.
  • Future of Marriage: Non-Monogamy, People’s Needs in Marriage Another condition explaining the likelihood of the shift in the meaning and form of this institution is the fact that some of the values underpinning it remain intact.
  • Arranged Marriages in India According to Bertolani, marriage in Indian society is strictly arranged by the parents of potential marriage partners and does not necessarily have to involve love. Thus, arranged marriage in the context of Indian society is […]
  • Marriage in Muslim Cultures and America In the Muslim religion, which is most widespread in the Arabian countries and among the Arabian people, marriage is perceived differently than in the American culture.
  • Girls Not Brides Organization’s Commitment to Eliminate the Forced Child Marriage Graca Machel, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu are the champions of Girls Not Bride, and they advocate to end child marriage in our society.
  • Interracial Marriages in “Like Mexicans” by Gary Soto Therefore, Soto’s decision to marry a Japanese woman should encourage Mexican people to change their negative attitude towards other ethnic groups and practice interracial marriages.
  • COVID-19: How Race, Gender and Marriage Contribute to Humanity A study by Landivar et al.about the effect of the virus on gender and marriage in the US reveals that the pandemic has worsened gender inequality in employment.
  • “Social Attitudes Regarding Same-Sex Marriage and LGBT…” by Hatzenbuehler It relates to the fact that the scientists failed to articulate a research question in the proper form. However, it is possible to mention that the two hypotheses mitigate the adverse effect of the lacking […]
  • Cuban Americans Views on Marriage The representatives of different racial and ethnic groups tend to share dissimilar views regarding marriage, parenting, and divorce that are based on their cultural traditions and beliefs.
  • Does Marriage Bring Happiness?: Based on “The Story of an Hour” In this case, marriage is not a union of the loved ones but is a social obligation where a wife is a subject of a husband.Mr. Millard’s family seemed a perfect example of the social […]
  • The Defense of Marriage Act: LGBTQ + Community One of the milestones in the development of the struggle of members of the LGBTQ + community for their rights in the United States is the adoption of the Defense of Marriage Act.
  • Marriage and Divorce: Problems of Couples This seems to be the same stand that is taken by Paul in regards to the position of the man and the woman in the marriage, where the man seems to be the sole determinant […]
  • Legalization of the Same-Sex Marriage: Advantages In this particular section, I would like to find out by which percent the economy of different countries will grow when the government legalizes homosexuality due to the excess expenses that it uses in buying […]
  • Controversies Surrounding the Topic of Same-Sex Marriage In particular, the emergence of same-sex relations is the sign of the deinstitutionalization of the concept of marriage in society. The changes that occurred at the beginning of the 90s of the past century were […]
  • The Gay Marriages: Ethical and Economic Perspectives Among the key ethical dilemmas that are related to the issue in question, the conflict between religious beliefs and the necessity to provide the aforementioned services, the issue regarding the company’s needs v.its duty to […]
  • Marriage and Crime Reduction: Is There a Relationship? It is clear that marriage plays an integral role in reducing crime through a shift of priorities that are family centered and the transition to adulthood.
  • Effects of Mastectomy on Marriage This is because the husband has to deal with the fact that his wife has one breast. The husband is affected by his wife’s condition of a missing breast.
  • California’s Proposition 8 on Same-Sex Marriages However, in other states, obtaining the right for same sex marriages is only one of a series of the issues that have arisen since much controversy as the U.S.same sex marriages movement rose in the […]
  • “Why Marriages Succeed or Fail”: The “Bang” or “Whimper?” As mentioned above, it is common for people to assume that if something is wrong in a close relationship between a wife and a husband, there is a profound and apparent conflict to blame.
  • The Opinion of Americans on Whether Gay Marriage Should Be Allowed or Not Based on the political nature of the population, 43% of the democrats think, American society supports gay marriages and only 18% of the republicans hold the same view.
  • Millennials Say Marriage Ideal but Parenthood the Priority However, it is still believed that the joy of giving birth to a child is one of the greatest joys in life.
  • Doomed Marriage in “The Girls in Their Summer Dresses” by Irwin Shaw The most common answer to this question is that these people love each other. The article The Girls in Their Summer Dresses testifies to the fact that marriage is doomed.
  • Sexuality, Marriage, Gay Rights The supremacy of law and protection of people right lie in the heart of the protection of the freedom of personality.”Part of the basis of democratic government in the United States is a system of […]
  • Cross-Border Marriages Between Japan and China: Reasons and Results Besides, the statistics of Japanese men and women dissatisfied with their marriages is humbling; consequently, determined to find a more gratifying alternative, men are engaged in cross-border marriage enterprise.
  • Same-Sex Marriage Policy & Social Impact Reflection Creation of public policies and laws are significantly influenced by the diversity in culture forcing the government to engage with the society when developing policies.
  • Same‐Sex Couples, Families, and Marriage The article under consideration is a systematic review of the recent scientific literature that addresses the range of issues that same-sex couples face and the peculiarities of their inner structure.
  • Marriage Premium for Professional Athletes Researchers in the sphere of the labor economy agree that there is a connection between marital status and the number of wages earned by men.
  • Polygamy in Islam: Marriage Issues Thus, the faith of people in their prophet is also the basis and rationale for the practice of polygamy. The fact that Islam views marriage as a sacred act of goodness and mutual help is […]
  • “How I Met Your Mother”: Ideas of Marriage The central relationship throughout the series is Marshall and Lily’s marriage, with its ups and downs, individual quirks, and their influence on each other.
  • Woman’s Position in Marriage: Similarities in History With time she began to see the creeping figures in the pattern of the wallpapers in the room; with an absence of any physical and mental activity, her anxiety began to increase and resulted in […]
  • For Richer (Not for Poorer): The Inequality Crisis of Marriage An example of a factual claim made by the writer is where she states that the number of marriages in the United States dropped by 5% from the year 2009 to 2010.
  • In Defense of Marriage Act 1996 As the editorial holds, the power of the law is lower than that of the congress and therefore its application on the subject of marriage is like depriving the congress of its powers of regulating […]
  • Effect of Same-Sex Marriage on the Legal Structure of Gender in All Marriages Despite the fact that the current article does not address the gender roles in the family, parallels can be drawn showing that in no way the institutionalization of same-sex marriage can have an effect on […]
  • Gender, Love and Sexuality: Healthy Marriage Formation Parties in marriage must have trust in each other because it is a basis for the growth of their union. Parties in a marriage need to be romantic as it harnesses love and loyalty.
  • Marriage and Mothering Challenges In the modern world, the institution of marriage and the issue of motherhood have experienced challenges due to changes in perception.
  • Interventions in Institution of Marriage Analysis This paper helps to understand the principles of evaluation research, the effectiveness of the intervention selected for settling marital discord and the use of evidence elicited in the research analysis for the purpose of enhancing […]
  • The Case Against Gay Marriage The Constitutional protection to equal rights under the law has been invoked over and over again to try and afford homosexuals “equal right” to the social institution of marriage and to social security when one […]
  • Conflict and Marriage Satisfaction To manage solving differences effectively, individuals in a marriage relationship should learn the thinking and positive and negative behaviors of their partners and have a positive perception towards these partners. This leads to unresolved conflicts […]
  • Marriage and Physical Well-Being The dissolution of a marriage combined with the poor quality of the marriage leading up to the divorce is associated with the decline of both mental and physical health resulting in the increased use of […]
  • Cohabitation Before Marriage One of the many disadvantages of cohabiting is that in this condition, you are never sure of your partner’s next move.
  • Irony of Marriages in an Indian Set Up On the contrary, it is a belief, which can well be attributed to the rigidity of an Indian cultural norm that forces its followers to believe that the institution of marriage is indeed a handiwork […]
  • Marriage and Family Systems: Western Society and Kadara of Nigeria The institution of marriage in the modern culture holds a distinct development over the years. In these cultures, marriage is negotiated by the parents of the betrothed.
  • Re-Thinking Homosexual Marriage in Rational and Ethical Fashion We demonstrate that the way out of the hysterical debate is to consider soberly the basis for supporting the ordinary family as the basic unit of society and protector of the next generation.
  • Gay Marriage and Bible: Differences From Heterosexual Practice When respected the bonds of marriage leads to the good not only of the couple and their children, but also to the good of society as a whole.
  • Definition of Marriage. Reward of Marriage For many years, social scientists have argued on the reward of marriage due to the distinctiveness of the populace who get married and stay married. As a result, the definition of marriage can be broadened […]
  • Do Young Couples Marriages Always End in Divorce? The reasons for the failure of the marriage is supposed to stem from the immaturity of the parties involved and the ill preparedness of the couple to deal with the changes that married life brings […]
  • The Concept of Marriage: Discussion They control their language and behavior and this is a prime example of symbolic interactionism that is instrumental in the institution of marriage.
  • Marriage Rates in Oklahoma and Illinois This essay dwells much in the states of Illinois and Oklahoma and the differences and the reasons for this differences will make up the body of this discussion. Marriage rate differs a lot in the […]
  • Interracial Marriage: History and Future Developments Sigler in- “Civil rights in America: 1500 to the present” is of the opinion that the civil rights of the citizens of America is helpful to make and end to the racial segregation in America.”Politics […]
  • Civil Union: Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Couples’ Marriages Once the readers are influenced by the argument it is assumed that they would move a social memorandum in favor of the argument and insist the authority to grant the gay couples the status of […]
  • Marriage and Family Problems as Social Issues Sociology as a discipline has an extremely wide range of interests and it is next to impossible even to enumerate them, however the issue that has always been of the utmost importance for the sociological […]
  • How Is Marriage Related to Health? We can only surmise how marriage is related to health, but those who have been through a lot of problems and hassles as a result of bad marriages, literally know what marriage can bring to […]
  • Marriage and Family: Women as Love Experts and Victims As evidenced in the case of Roberta, it is essential for women to continually reiterate emotions of love at regular intervals, in the absence of which she begins to lose faith in the very basics […]
  • Successful Marriage Conditions Research indicates that the success of long-term relationships is related both to intrinsic aspects of the relationship, such as liking one’s partner as a person, and to factors that are extrinsic to the relationship, such […]
  • Domestic Violence in Marriage and Family While there are enormous reports of intimate partner homicides, murders, rapes, and assaults, it is important to note that victims of all this violence find it very difficult to explain the matter and incidents to […]
  • The Definition of Marriage The Sexual Revolution that took place in the 1960s caused sex to brazenly slip out of the boundaries of marriage. S, same-sex marriage is legal only in the states of Iowa and Massachusetts.
  • The Effects of Social Media on Marriage in the UAE This paper will explore the effects of social media in its relation to marriage, highlighting both the positive and the negative effects on the individuals and society as a whole.
  • Marriage in Contemporary America The first notable change in the institution of marriage is that many young people are no longer treating the issue seriously. This trend is expected to continue redefining the nature of marriage in contemporary America.
  • Gender Role Attitudes and Expectations for Marriage
  • First and Second Marriages: Psychological Perspective
  • Gay Marriage: Societal Suicide
  • Same-Sex Marriage Discriminatory Law in Alabama
  • Family, Marriage, and Parenting Concepts Nowadays
  • Marriage and Divorce Statistics in the United States
  • “The Case For Same Sex Marriage” Video by Savino
  • The Rejection of Marriage and Social Stability
  • Family Life Cycle: The Institution of Marriage
  • Marriage Expectations in Newlyweds
  • Marriage Stages: Mother and Daughter’s Interview
  • Marriage Process in Saudi Culture
  • Advices for a Happy Marriage Life
  • Marriage: The Good, the Bad, and the Greedy
  • Same-Sex Marriage Legalization and Public Attitude
  • Long-Lasting Marriage and Its Psychology
  • Marriage: Economic, Social and Political Meanings
  • The Smart Stepfamily Marriage
  • Infidelity in Sexual Relationships and Marriage
  • Five Filters of Communication in Marriage
  • Same-Sex Marriage as a Positive Tendency Nowadays
  • American Marriage Trends and Government Measures
  • Relationship and Marriage Coaching
  • Marriage and Family Class Ideas
  • Marriage and Politics in 3500 BC-1600 AD
  • Marriage Life in the Film “The World of Apu”
  • High Marriage Costs in the United Arab Emirates
  • Marriage Decline as a Social Problem in the US
  • Interpersonal Communication Issues in the Marriage
  • Marriage in the Films: The Mirror Has Two Faces and Sunrise
  • Cohabiting Before Marriage: Reasons and Benefits
  • Physical Health Problems in Marriage
  • Tthe Defense of Marriage
  • Sociology: Marriage and Reasons Why People Get Married
  • The Changing Landscape of Love and Marriage
  • The Miseries of Enforced Marriage
  • “Gay Marriages” by Michael Nava and Robert Dawidoff
  • Fairy Tale Marriages Are Not Real
  • Marriage as Depicted in Soloveitchik’s Typology of Human Nature
  • Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage in San Francisco
  • Family and Marriage Therapy
  • Assessing in the Field of Marriage and Family Therapy
  • Genograms Role in Family and Marriage
  • Gay Marriage’s Social and Religious Debates
  • Interracial Marriages in the US
  • Marriage and Family Therapy in Connecticut
  • Interview of a Marriage and Family Therapist
  • Gay Marriage in The UK
  • Marriage and Love are Incompatible
  • Marriage in the Bible
  • Gay Marriage: Debating the Ethics, Religion, and Culture Analytical
  • Effect of Stress on Relations and Marriage
  • The Problems of Marriage and Divorce
  • The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
  • Homosexuals’ Right to Marry
  • The Effectiveness of Marriage Conflict Resolution Programs in the USA
  • Millennials Say Marriage is Ideal but Parenthood is the Priority
  • The Effect of Marriage on Crime Rate
  • Current Trends Affecting Marriage and Family Formation in Asia
  • Effects of Same Sex Marriage to the Society
  • Incest – How Did Society’s View on Consanguineous Marriage Change Throughout History and Science Development and Why
  • Naked Marriage and Chinese Society Research
  • Marriage in Early Modern Europe
  • Gay Marriage, Same-Sex Parenting, And America’s Children
  • The Nature of Aristocratic Marriage and Family in the Mid-Heian Period
  • Human Behavior: How Five General Perspectives Affect Marriage
  • Marriage and the Limits of Contract
  • Defending Gay Marriage
  • Relation of Gay Marriage to the Definition of Marriage
  • Marriage Concerns in Al-Khobar City
  • Concepts of Gay Marriage
  • The Idea of Marriage: Why So Eager?
  • Effects of the Social, Economic and Technological Change on Marriage
  • Defense of Marriage Act
  • Medieval Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marriage Sovereignty
  • The Ethics of Early Marriages in the American Society
  • Gay Marriage: Culture, Religion, and Society
  • Factors Influencing Perception on Same-sex marriage in the American Society
  • Gay Marriages in New York
  • Should Same Sex Marriage Be Legal?
  • Why Gay Marriages Should Not Be Legalized?
  • Interracial Marriage in the U.S.
  • Making Marriage Work
  • Concept of Representation of Marriage
  • Role of Marriage/Family & Singlehood
  • Anti-same-sex Marriage Laws and Amendments Violate the Constitutional Guarantees of Equality for all Citizens of the United States
  • Arguments for Supporting Same-Sex Marriage
  • Interracial Marriages and Relationships in Asian American Communities in the US
  • Same-sex Couples and Marriage: Causes and Claims
  • Children in Interracial Marriages
  • Gay Marriage and Parenting
  • Feelings about Marriage and Family Life
  • Argument for Gay Marriages
  • Should Gay Marriages Be Allowed?
  • Reasons of the High Homosexual Marriage Rate
  • Gay Marriage and Decision Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
  • Arguments for Gay Marriages
  • Opposition to the Legalization of Same Sex Marriage
  • The Concept of Same Sex Marriage and Child Adoption
  • Marriage and Family Imagery in the Cinematography
  • Religious, Governmental and Social Views on Same-Sex Marriage
  • Love and Marriage during the Era of Mao in Communist China
  • Gay Marriages: Why Not Legalize Them?
  • 19th Century Norms of Marriage
  • Same-Sex Marriage: Sociopolitical
  • Monogamy as an Acceptable System of Marriage in America
  • Must gay marriage to be legal?
  • Gay Marriage in the U.S.
  • Concepts why marriage matters
  • Gay marriage and homosexuality
  • Problems in Marriage – The Weakening of Families
  • Pre Marriage Counseling: One Year Before Getting Married
  • Gay Marriage Legalization
  • The Effect of Divorce on a Person After Long Marriage
  • Rebuilding Families and Marriage in America’s Society
  • Problems in Marriage: Is Divorce the Only Option?
  • Sex Marriage: Personal Opinion
  • What Are Factors Aid Determining Societal Norms Marriage Family?
  • Who Did First Love Marriage in the World?
  • How Does Marriage Affect Physical and Psychological Health?
  • How Has Same-Sex Marriage Decision of Supreme Court Impacted Lives?
  • What Are the Stages of Marriage?
  • How Does the Perspective of Gay Marriage?
  • Why Should Couples Not Live Together Before Marriage?
  • How Do Cohabitation and Marriage Effects Childhood Well?
  • What Are the Types of Marriage?
  • How Do Legal Constraints Affect Marriage and Family Formations?
  • How Has Marriage Changed Over the Last 30 Years?
  • Can a Marriage Survive Different Political Views?
  • Why Do People Stop Fighting for Their Marriage?
  • How Does Same-Sex Marriage Affect Decreasing Population Growth?
  • Why Do Men Change After Marriage?
  • Why Married Couples Drift Apart After Marriage?
  • Why Was Marriage Originally Created?
  • How Does Same-Sex Marriage Affects Society?
  • What Does the Bible Say About Marriage?
  • What Do the Parental Pressures Affect Your Own Desire for Marriage?
  • How Did the Utopian Communities Challenge Existing Ideas About Property and Marriage?
  • How Does Infidelity Affect the Marriage and Family?
  • How Was Marriage Back in the 1800s?
  • Why Should Couples Live Together Before Marriage?
  • How Does Infertility Effects Marriage?
  • How Does Interracial Marriage Affect Children?
  • How Similar Are Cohabitation and Marriage?
  • How Far Would You Agree That Marriage Is Based on Social Class?
  • When Marriage Loses Its Value?
  • What Benefits Are There of Marriage Today?
  • Demography Paper Topics
  • Constitution Research Ideas
  • Divorce Research Ideas
  • Family Problems Questions
  • Gender Discrimination Research Topics
  • Happiness Research Ideas
  • Same Sex Marriage Questions
  • Women’s Role Essay Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 344 Marriage Essay Topics & Examples.

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  1. Arrange Marriage or Love Marriage

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  2. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Argumentative Essay Example

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  3. Arrange Marriage Is Better Than Love Marriage Free Essay Example

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  4. Arranged Marriages: Free Essay Example

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  5. All Aspects of Arranged Marriage

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  1. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage: [Essay Example], 858 words

    Love marriages may grapple with managing individual expectations and reconciling differences, while arranged marriages may navigate issues related to adapting to a partner chosen by others. Overcoming these challenges requires open-mindedness, flexibility, and effective communication. However, regardless of the marriage type, couples who ...

  2. Love Marriages Versus Arranged Marriages: Argumentative Essay

    1. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Cite this essay. Download. Marriage is a social custom in which a man and a woman form a new family together. In today's world, there are two types of unions. Arranged marriage and love marriage are ...

  3. Love Marriage Or Arranged Marriage (Essay Sample)

    By this time the love marriage is experiencing serious challenges. The arranged marriage partners start with learning one another's strengths and weaknesses and develop coping mechanisms, thus have a good foundation when it comes to lasting in the relationship. Writing sample of essay on a given topic "Love Marriage Or Arranged Marriage".

  4. Love Marriage & Arranged Marriage : Essay, Debate, Speech, Article

    Love Marriage & Arranged Marriage: Essay, Debate, Speech, Article. Marriage is a lifelong commitment and the decision of marriage is among the most important ones. It is one decision that will determine whether we will be happy or not for the rest of our lives. It is a step that makes the start of a new journey which means the partners have ...

  5. Essay On Love Marriage And Arranged Marriage

    In conducting a cross-cultural comparison of love marriages and arranged marriages, it is tempting to select the "better" of the two marriage forms-this, however, is an ideographically and culturally subjective parameter by which to analyze the potential merits and drawbacks of these two modes of marriage.

  6. The Pros and Cons of Arranged Marriage in Modern Society

    Arranged marriage often provides stability and support from families, while love marriage allows individuals to choose their partners based on love and attraction. The future of arranged marriage in a modern world is uncertain, as societal norms and values continue to evolve. Keep in mind: This is only a sample.

  7. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage

    Disadvantages of Arranged Marriage. Stranger Dilemma: One is marrying a totally unknown person. Cultural Adjustment: The bride may find it difficult to adjust to the lifestyle of the in-laws. Financial Demands: Demands in the form of cash and other assets may be made, which could strain the relationship between the couple.

  8. Why Is Love Marriage Better Than Arranged (Essay Sample)

    A love marriage is better than an arranged marriage as it heightens the success of the relationship when two people know each other well enough to remain dedicated for the duration of their marriage, removes the dowry, and supports independence. While marriage by arrangement will continue in conservative cultures, love marriages will also ...

  9. IELTS: Arranged and love marriages. Discuss both views

    IELTS: Arranged and love marriages. Discuss both views. shaddy 17 / 47 7. May 29, 2013 #1. Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic: In some countries, marriages are arranged by the parents but in other cases, people choose their own marriage partner. Discuss both systems.

  10. Importance of Arranged Marriage: [Essay Example], 752 words

    Importance of Arranged Marriage. Marriage is a significant social institution that forms the foundation of family life, which in turn is the bedrock of society. While love marriages have become increasingly popular in many parts of the world, arranged marriages continue to be a prevalent practice in various cultures.

  11. Arranged Marriage Vs Love Marriage (420 words)

    Arranged marriage, deeply rooted in tradition and familial involvement, contrasts with love marriage, characterized by the primacy of romantic affection and personal choice. While both approaches have their proponents and critics, understanding the dynamics and implications of each is essential in exploring the complexities of modern-day matrimony.

  12. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage ~ Group Discussion Ideas

    Advantages of Arranged Marriage: In arranged marriages, parents do inquire about each other's family and their circle. So, there is a high probability that one will get into a relationship with a similar kind of family as theirs. This prevents trusting people blindly, which happens in some love marriages. Parents or well-wishers think about ...

  13. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Advantages & Disadvantages

    In conclusion, when comparing love marriage vs. arranged marriage, it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each. Love marriages provide more freedom and a deeper understanding between partners but can also lead to extra pressures, such as societal expectations. On the other hand, arranged marriages come with traditional ...

  14. Essay on Love Marriage

    500 Words Essay on Love Marriage Introduction to Love Marriage. Love marriage denotes a marital union where the individuals choose their partners out of affection and mutual respect, rather than familial or societal pressure. In many cultures, it is a relatively recent concept, challenging the age-old traditions of arranged marriages.

  15. IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

    Essay Topic: In some countries, marriages are arranged by the parents but in other cases, people choose their own marriage partner.Discuss both systems and state which one do you think is better. At present, in some places of the world, someone's life partner is basically selected by the parents instead of a coherent communication with their ...

  16. Essay On Love Marriage

    The Importance of Marriage Many people think that a wedding in a church is important so that the people getting married are under the eyes of God and he will give then the love and guidance against thing's like marital breakdown and to give the couple the love and support for each other. 'The love of man and woman is made holy in the ...

  17. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Argumentative Essay Example

    I really enjoy the effort put in. ". The compromise factor might work wonders in case of most of the arranged marriages, while in love marriages, that might prove to be yet another cause for altercation. Due to this factor, people consider arranged marriage as long lasting and better than love marriage. In case of arranged marriage, the ...

  18. Love Marriage vs. Arranged Marriage: Which is Better?

    The essay on arranged marriage offered to the readers will not only examine the issues related to arranged marriage, but also give a definition of love marriage so as to discuss the topic from both perspectives. There is an on-going debate concerning the best way to select a love partner for marriage. Therefore, the current definition essay on ...

  19. Love Marriage in India

    While arranged marriages still remain the prevalent way of getting married by the youth in India, love marriages are now free of the evil and accusatory outlook they earlier received, being more and more acceptable to people. Image Credit: Advantages of Love Marriage. The basic concept of love marriage lies in the fact that the boy or girl ...

  20. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Essay

    Arrange Marriage: In the Orange Marriage, the families of the boy and the girl select their spouse for each other. In such marriages, most boys and girls are unaware of each other. They fall in love only after marriage and then spend a happy life with each other for life. In this, the relationship between the family of both the boy and the girl ...

  21. Debate on Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage

    In my Debate on Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage Essay, I want to point out that in Love marriages youngsters often confuse attraction or infatuation with love. Love is not the only thing we need in life. One should also check the reality like the family background, social and economic conditions, the environment they grew up in, etc. ...

  22. Essay #2

    Perhaps the most crucial element in understanding the difference between an arranged marriage and a love marriage is the respective society's differences in defining the concept of "love.". Most Americans are familiar with the phrase "falling in love.". There are those, however, who question the truth in this common term.

  23. 344 Marriage Essay Topics & Examples

    344 Marriage Essay Topics & Examples. Updated: Feb 29th, 2024. 25 min. Whether you're writing about unconventional, traditional, or arranged marriage, essay topics can be pretty handy. Consider some original ideas gathered by our experts and discuss divorce, weddings, and family in your paper. Table of Contents.