• Residency Application

Oncology Personal Statement Examples

Oncology Personal Statement Examples

Why look at oncology personal statement examples? Perhaps you are tired of looking for tips, tricks, or how-to writing guides. Perhaps you just know you learn better this way. Expertly written residency personal statement examples can give you great ideas. Reading over the examples included here will show you what to include, how to strike the right tone, and how to avoid red flags in residency personal statements . Between these examples and a residency prep course , you’ll see what a difference this can make in your own writing.

This article provides examples and specific tips for what to include in an oncology residency personal statement.

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Article Contents 8 min read

Oncology residency personal statement examples, oncology residency personal statement #1.

When I was a boy, I always knew what I was going to be when I grew up, and although it was a lofty goal, I pursued it with gusto throughout my young life and teenage years. Of course, I’m not talking about being a doctor. I was going to be a Major League baseball player. So, what am I doing writing a letter for a residency as an oncologist?

It’s the result of a bout with cancer that claimed my lower leg, forcing me to adopt, first, crutches, and then a prosthesis. I also realized that part of my recovery plan would necessarily include the psychological adjustment to knowing that I would never play in the Major Leagues. No matter how fast my fastball was, it wouldn’t really matter if I couldn’t take a base without hobbling around on crutches to get there.

Wondering how to write a residency personal statement? Watch this video:

This was the catalyst which led me to pursue a career as a physician, and specifically one who would beat cancer in all its forms. My journey to med school was a tricky one. I had been a bit of a brash athlete – so single-minded in my devotion to sports that I had let my grades slip. However, although my goal had changed, my determination remained strong. I worked a part-time job to earn money for a tutor, got my grades back up, and made my way to medical school.

I had selected a program which put students into internal medicine quickly, knowing that I would need an intimate knowledge of the workings of the human body to hunt down cancerous elements and fight them. The institution I studied at placed internal medicine front and center and gave me the solid foundation I needed for my studies.

Lab work became my true passion, however, and I spent many extra hours working in the lab, assisting with research. While I studied, I learned a greater patience than I had known before, as experiments – done right – take time. The lab also fueled my natural curiosity and opened up new ideas. While experimenting with lipids and how they are released into the blood stream and trying out faster or slower methods, we were frustrated by numerous setbacks and problems. However, with perseverance, meticulous note-keeping – more patience – and careful adjustment of our methods, we arrived at our goal: almost completely inconclusive results. I laughed. The work was fascinating, the drive was still there, and we could try again tomorrow. Inconclusive results still tell us something, even if it is not what we are hoping for. The lab fires my curiosity, tests my patience, and might be frustrating sometimes, but it always provides the opportunity to press on. If quitting were something I was interested in, I’d be sitting in a wheelchair somewhere, just being gloomy about not playing baseball.

There are days I’m convinced that I was grown in a laboratory, or at least born in one. I’m a lab rat. I have always been very comfortable around all the Bunsen burners and Erlenmeyer flasks. There’s something just so cozy about a lab coat, so comforting about an eye wash station. Maybe that’s just me, but my love of the lab led me to my interest in medicine and oncology.

My program in medical school was an MD-PhD, which I think I selected so that I could spend more time in the lab than ever. The latest research has been investigating cancer’s relationship to diet, obesity, and other health issues. European studies have found connections between cancer and certain fat molecules. I wanted to explore this, and so I oriented my PhD toward verifying findings and building on those experiments. I am conducting experiments to investigate how I can use reduction of fat cells to slow down or halt cancerous growth. So far, we are making good progress, particularly with fat cells related to certain oils and internal cancers. There is still a long way to go, but I believe we are getting there.

Knowing that I am contributing – if only in a small way – to such a milestone in humanity’s medical achievements is satisfying when I hang up my lab coat at the end of a long day. Cancer is still one of the worst afflictions we face and being able to take it down a notch is extremely satisfying and rewarding.

My dream and goal are therefore to continue to work in a laboratory in addition to my work as a physician. I always want to be helping to combat cancer on multiple fronts, in the clinic and in the lab, and I believe that my dual experiences in both fields will greatly enhance the efficacy of my efforts in the other area.

During medical school, I had the opportunity to work with several oncologists by shadowing and assisting on their rounds. This brought me face-to-face with the world in which oncologists live. I will be completely honest: parts of it are scary, and I continue to admire the fortitude of doctors who must look patients in the eye and deliver a number like “seven months” in a compassionate yet direct way. I also gained practical knowledge in terms of treatments for cancer and the various options available to oncologists. Finally, as part of my clinical experiences, I have sat with families and held their hands, literally and figuratively, and been shown that treatment involves medicine but also emotional support.

I also came to understand the importance of the subtle variations of oncology used to combat cancer. Radiation oncology, hematology, surgery, and urology – just to name a few – all contribute to diagnosis and care. This is a large field where there is always something new to learn. That is both humbling and exciting for me.

While working with these oncologists, I learned how to proceed through treatment methods, how to guide patients to the best option for their personal treatment, and how to act quickly by prioritizing and managing patients’ needs and one’s time. Radiation oncology has captured my attention as one of the most effective methods of cancer treatment. I also think that my laboratory research can, and will, ultimately make radiation treatment more efficient by increasing its efficacy against cancer while simultaneously reducing its negative effects on patients. Balancing life expectancy and quality of life is a daily dilemma of oncologists. We need to develop better methods, and I would like to contribute to the research that achieves success in that regard.

Ultimately, your program will prove to be the best place to do that. With your state-of-the-art technology and laboratories, I will have the necessary facilities to work at maximum efficiency, which will also propel my learning. Your program is heavily focused on research and development, and my goals and temperament are perfectly aligned with this reality.

I believe that I can make a strong contribution to the world of oncology and that my contribution will be all the stronger for being in your program. Likewise, I believe that given my curiosity, exploration, and scientific approach to medicine, I will be an ideal candidate for your program, which puts a premium on all those qualities.

In the lab or in the clinic, with patients emotionally, or fighting to find treatments, I believe I will be a dedicated learner and make a fine member of your team.

The first thing to remember when writing a personal statement is that the main goal is to present yourself as the perfect match for the residency to which you are applying. That should always be your ultimate aim. Use aspects of your history, experience, and studies that best show your compatibility with the residency.

What are the specific qualities of an oncology residency that you will need to highlight?

Oncologists need to know oncology, hematology, and internal medicine very well. Laboratory skills, particularly pertaining to chemistry, are recommended as well. ","label":"Medical Skillset","title":"Medical Skillset"}]" code="tab1" template="BlogArticle">

There are many different kinds of oncologists, too. Know your career goals before applying to residency. Highlight these goals and especially how the program you are applying to will help you. Depending on the type of oncologist you wish to become, you might want to highlight different skills.

Using these expert tips, as well as the examples presented, you should find yourself in a prime position to write your own oncology residency personal statement. Keep focused on your ambitions and goals and grab on to those dreams.

You should set aside a little time each day for two to six weeks. Give yourself time to write, re-write, edit, and proofread, as well as time to get feedback from fresh eyes.

Around 750–900 words, based on the ERAS application, although this might change from residency to residency. Be sure to check whether your particular program has any specific guidelines or word limits.

Your understanding of oncology, lab experience, a strong knowledge of internal medicine, any experiences you have with cancer, and how well you handle speaking to a patient and their friends and family are the best experiences, skills, and background that you can put to the forefront in your personal statement. Oncology – dealing with cancer – can be very personal, and if you feel comfortable sharing a personal connection, that can be very compelling.

Always focus on the residency you want, who you are, and how you can match the two. This is the point of “matching”: finding a residency that you’re perfect for, and vice versa. Give the reader the best reasons for why you are the best candidate for their program, specifically. It must be individualized. Show-don’t-tell with experiences related to your residency; include at least a brief mention of career goals and ambitions, too.

Avoid generalizing – the opposite of matching yourself to the program – as well as any arrogance or other unappealing qualities – particularly regarding tone. Ensure that you are not repeating content from other parts of your application. If you have red flags in your residency CV , you need to address those in your personal statement.

They are important. Although not of paramount importance, every aspect of your application should be impeccable, so have no grammar or spelling issues. If this is so important to you – and it is – send that message by caring for all aspects of the personal statement – like spelling and grammar.

Don’t think of it in terms of the “best” program. Think of it in terms of the best program for you . This is knowing how you learn, what your goals are, and how you might go about optimizing your experiences for the future you want. You might not thrive in a big school, for instance, so if the “best” oncology program is too big, you won’t get as much out of it as a school that didn’t get the top ranking in a respected periodical, but which has a more intimate learning environment.

While not matching is rare, it does happen. If it happens to you, you need to think about how to improve residency application after going unmatched . Mostly you will be preparing for a second attempt, which might include boosting your resume or taking extra courses.

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personal statement oncology nurse

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  • Oncology Personal Statement Examples

Oncology is a taught medical discipline. Becoming a doctor or nurse with an Oncology specialisation requires further studies in the UK. If you plan to apply to university you will need to submit your Oncology personal statement . 

A personal statement in oncology is required by admission tutors since they will you this type of essay to evaluate your application. 

Writing a good personal statement is not an easy task. So, we are presenting two Oncology personal statement examples from successful applicants . You can use it as a guide when writing your application. 

Oncology personal statement

I have been driven by a desire to help others and make a positive impact through medicine. This passion led me to pursue anaesthesiology , allowing me to support patients through surgery and relieve their suffering . My decade of experience has equipped me with a diverse skill set across specialities including thoracic and upper GI procedures. However, a defining moment reshaped my career aspirations – losing my mother to cancer in her 30s. Witnessing her battle sparked my interest in oncology and deepened my determination to fight this devastating disease.

As an anaesthesiologist, I gained significant exposure to cancer patients and participated in their care plans. My haematology and oncology electives at Saint Vincent Hospital and the University of Massachusetts Medical School during residency training further reinforced my desire to specialise in this field. I was inspired by the opportunity to directly care for patients, appreciating how invested I was in improving their prognosis. I worked with a range of cancers and management approaches from curative and palliative treatment to symptom control and surveillance. Throughout, I was fortunate to collaborate with dedicated oncologists who fuelled my passion.

Expanding my research at St. Elsewhere allowed me to work closely with clinicians across cancer treatment. Participating in Heme/Onc, BMT and Gyn-Onc teams underscored the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. I particularly valued my time with pain management and hospice organisations. Caring for paediatric and adult patients at the end of life developed my respect for palliative care and my ability to discuss sensitive topics with compassion.

My goal is to build the academic and clinical skills to advance cancer care through research and practice. With my background, I am confident I can contribute to this field. Most of all, I want to make a difference for patients and families by improving treatment and quality of life. I am inspired to follow the example of the remarkable people I have worked with – from patients facing diagnosis with courage to specialists committed to progress.

This programme offers an ideal opportunity to fulfil my aspirations through excellent oncology training, research and mentoring. I am drawn to the department’s values of compassion, innovation and leadership. By combining my existing expertise with new specialised knowledge, I will be well-equipped to pursue my aim of tackling cancer. Your approach aligns perfectly with my vision to deliver patient-centred care, advance treatments and expand support services. I am excited by the prospect of learning from expert clinicians while collaborating with peers to drive change. If selected for your prestigious programme, I am confident my experience, dedication and determination will enable me to become a leader in oncology and make a meaningful impact.

Oncology personal statement example

My fascination with the intricate workings of the human body. This interest grew as I studied biology and chemistry at school, learning about the molecular basis of life. However, it was a close family member’s cancer diagnosis that inspired me to pursue a career in oncology . Witnessing their brave struggle and all they endured during treatment opened my eyes to the vital role oncologists play in easing suffering and saving lives. Though difficult at times, I found comfort in supporting them through their treatment journey and saw first-hand the impact an empathetic, skilled oncologist can have. This experience fuelled my passion for oncology and strengthened my determination to be part of this challenging yet rewarding field.

At university, I have sought every opportunity to expand my oncology knowledge . During my medical sciences module , I completed an in-depth study into targeted cancer therapies , gaining insight into the extensive research underpinning modern treatments. I also attended guest lectures by oncologists, learning about diverse specialities and the latest innovations in the field. A particular highlight was shadowing in an oncology ward, where I observed patient consultations and multidisciplinary team meetings. This consolidated my understanding of the varied responsibilities of an oncologist, from diagnosis and treatment planning to patient communication and holistic care. Discussing cases with clinicians, I developed my clinical reasoning skills and appreciated the meticulous precision oncology demands.

Beyond my studies, I serve as a cancer care volunteer at a local hospice. Supporting patients and families during palliative care, I provide a compassionate presence in extremely difficult times. This emotionally challenging yet highly rewarding role has significantly improved my ability to connect with people on a human level – a skill I know is fundamental to good oncological practice. I am also an active member of my university’s oncology society, engaging in fundraising, awareness campaigns and the organisation of guest lectures. This has allowed me to demonstrate my dedication to the field whilst honing essential skills like leadership, communication and teamwork.

With my academic knowledge and practical experiences, I possess the qualities and values needed to excel on an oncology degree programme. I am particularly drawn to your research specialisms in targeted therapies and immunotherapy, which align closely with my interests. As an ambitious and conscientious student with a genuine desire to pursue a career improving cancer outcomes, I would cherish the opportunity to develop into an effective oncologist at your esteemed institution. I very much hope you will consider me for a place on your course.

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Nursing Bay

College personal statement examples and writing tips.

A crucial step in your nursing journey is learning how to write a personal statement that resonates with admissions committees and vividly portrays your passion for healthcare. This collection of amazing personal statement examples is curated to guide and inspire you as you articulate your aspirations, experiences, and motivation to pursue nursing.

What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a written narrative that typically forms a significant part of an application to universities, colleges, or professional programs, particularly in fields like nursing. It’s an opportunity for junior year applicants to present themselves beyond test scores and grades, offering insights into their personalities, experiences, goals, and motivations.

In a personal statement, applicants explain why they are interested in a specific field of study or profession, what they hope to achieve through the program, and how their background and experiences have prepared them for this path. It’s a chance to highlight unique attributes, significant life experiences, challenges overcome, or special achievements that make them an ideal candidate for the program.

Why Read Personal Statement Examples?

Reading personal statement essay examples is immensely beneficial for several reasons, especially when preparing your own statement for applications to nursing programs:

  • Inspiration and Ideas: Examples can inspire you and provide ideas on structuring your statement, what kind of content to include in your application essay, and how to convey your story and passion effectively.
  • Understanding Expectations: They offer insight into what admissions committees look for, helping you understand the level of detail, tone, and approach that resonates successfully in such applications.
  • Learning from Others: Seeing how others have articulated their experiences, challenges, and aspirations can guide you in reflecting upon and articulating your own journey and motivations.
  • Avoiding Common Mistakes: By examining a range of examples, you can identify common pitfalls and clichés to avoid, ensuring your statement stands out and feels genuine.
  • Gaining Confidence: Reading successful common app essays can boost your confidence, showing you that crafting a compelling narrative that combines personal experiences with professional aspirations is possible.
  • Diverse Perspectives: Examples offer a glimpse into the diversity of paths and motivations that lead people to nursing, potentially broadening your perspective and enriching your own approach to writing your statement.

How Long Should a Personal Statement Be?

The length of your personal statement should ideally align with the guidelines provided by the institution or program you are applying to. Personal statements are expected to be concise yet comprehensive, often ranging around 500 to 650 words , translating to about one to two pages. 

This word count allows enough space to clearly articulate your experiences, motivations, and aspirations without overloading the reader with information. It’s important to always adhere to the program’s specific word or character limits to demonstrate your ability to follow instructions and present your thoughts.

What Should a Personal Statement Include?

A well-written college admissions essay should include several key elements to effectively communicate your suitability for the program or position you are applying for. Here’s what to typically include:


Your personal statement should begin with an engaging introductory paragraph that captures the essence of your motivation for pursuing your chosen field. This could be a brief narrative of a defining moment, an experience that ignited your passion, or a clear articulation of your interest and enthusiasm.

The introduction sets the tone and should intrigue the reader, providing a glimpse into your unique journey and motivation. It’s important that this section hooks the reader’s attention and provides a compelling reason to continue reading your statement.

Academic and Professional Background

In this section, brainstorm and detail your relevant academic and professional experiences that have prepared you for this next step. Highlight key academic achievements, coursework, research, or projects that align with the field you are pursuing.

Also, include any relevant work experience, internships, or positions that have given you practical skills and insights. This part of the statement is crucial for showcasing your foundational knowledge and preparedness for advanced study or professional development and gaining a scholarship in your chosen area.

Extracurricular Activities and Volunteering

Your involvement in extracurricular activities and volunteering can significantly enrich your personal statement. This section should reflect how these activities have contributed to your personal growth, skills development, or understanding of your field.

Whether it’s a hobby, leadership roles in clubs, participation in sports teams, or volunteer work in community organizations, these experiences demonstrate your broader interests, commitment, and ability to balance multiple responsibilities. It’s an opportunity to show aspects of your character and values that academic achievements alone might not convey.

Personal Qualities and Skills

Reflect on and draft the personal qualities and skills that make you suited for your chosen path. This might include traits like resilience, empathy, critical thinking, or effective communication. Use specific examples or experiences to demonstrate how you have developed and applied these traits.

This personal reflection not only provides depth to your statement but also gives the admissions committee a clearer picture of who you are as an individual, beyond academic and professional achievements.

Career Goals and Aspirations

Discuss your career aspirations and how the program or position you are applying for aligns with these goals. This section should convey a clear vision of where you see yourself in the future and how the specific program or role will be a stepping stone toward that vision.

It’s important to show that you have a direction and purpose and that you see this opportunity as integral to your career journey. This not only demonstrates foresight and planning but also shows your commitment and seriousness about the path you are choosing.

Reasons for Choosing the Specific Program or Institution

Clearly articulate why you are applying to this particular program or institution. Discuss what specific aspects of the program, faculty, institution’s philosophy, or opportunities available are particularly attractive to you and why they resonate with your goals and preferences.

This shows that you have done your research and are making a well-informed decision. It also indicates that you have a genuine interest in what the program or institution uniquely offers, rather than a generic application.

Conclude your statement with a strong, memorable closing that encapsulates your main points and reaffirms your enthusiasm and suitability for the program or career. This is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression, summarizing why you believe you are an ideal candidate.

The conclusion should tie back to your opening, creating a cohesive narrative that leaves the reader with a clear understanding of your passion, commitment, and readiness for the next step in your academic or professional journey.

What Does an Admissions Officer Look for in a Personal Statement?

When reviewing a personal statement, admission officers are looking for several key elements to assess the suitability of a candidate for their program:

  • Clarity of Purpose: Admissions officers want to see a clear understanding of why the applicant wants to pursue a particular field or program. The statement should convincingly articulate the candidate’s passion, motivation, and how the program aligns with their career goals.
  • Personal Insight and Self-Reflection: A strong personal essay offers insight into the applicant’s personality, experiences, and the factors that have shaped their decision to pursue a specific path. Admissions officers look for depth of reflection and a sense of how past experiences have driven the candidate’s current ambitions.
  • Relevant Experience and Skills: It’s important for the statement to highlight any relevant academic, professional, or volunteer experiences that demonstrate preparedness for the program. Admissions officers are interested in how these experiences have contributed to the development of skills and knowledge pertinent to the field.
  • Writing Quality and Structure: The ability to communicate effectively and coherently through writing is crucial. Admissions officers pay attention to the overall quality of writing, including grammar, clarity, coherence, and the ability to organize thoughts logically.
  • Individuality and Authenticity: They seek to understand what makes each applicant unique. A personal statement should reflect the individual’s authentic self, showcasing unique perspectives, diverse experiences, and personal growth.
  • Commitment and Passion: Demonstrating genuine enthusiasm and a strong commitment to the field is essential. Admissions officers look for candidates who are likely to thrive in the program and contribute positively to their field.
  • Alignment with Program Values and Goals: Candidates who show that their personal and professional values align with those of the program or institution often stand out. Admissions officers look for indications that the candidate has researched the program and understands how it fits into their broader aspirations.
  • Future Potential: Finally, they are interested in the applicant’s potential for future success and contribution to the field. A compelling statement should give a sense of the candidate’s ambition to go to college and how they intend to utilize the education and opportunities provided by the program to achieve their long-term goals.

The Best Personal Statement Examples

Here are some nursing statement examples that illustrate effective writing styles, clear articulation of goals, and the ability to connect personal experiences to broader career or academic aspirations:

Personal Statement Example #1 

Personal statement example #2, college essay example #3, personal statement example #4, application essay example #5, personal statement example #6, personal statement example #7, personal statement example #8, personal statement example #9, personal statement example #10, personal statement example #11, personal statement example #12, personal statement example #13, personal statement example #14, personal statement example #15, child nursing personal statement examples, community nurse personal statement examples, key takeaways for writing a great personal statement.

When reflecting on the nursing personal statement examples provided, several key takeaways emerge that are crucial for anyone crafting their statement. These insights are vital for effectively conveying your passion, commitment, and suitability for a career in nursing:

  • Clearly articulate your personal motivation for choosing nursing.
  • Highlight your relevant healthcare experiences and achievements.
  • Specify your interest in any particular nursing specialty.
  • Showcase qualities and skills that make you suitable for nursing.
  • Outline your long-term professional aspirations in nursing.
  • Acknowledge the challenges and rewards in the nursing profession.
  • Express dedication to ongoing learning and professional development.
  • Ensure clarity, structure, and coherence in your statement.
  • Customize your statement for each specific nursing program.
  • Maintain authenticity and genuineness throughout your statement.

Final Thoughts: Personal Statement Essay Examples

These nursing personal statement examples and key takeaways provide valuable insights for anyone aspiring to enter the nursing freshman year. They demonstrate the importance of a well-crafted statement that blends personal motivation, relevant experiences, and a clear understanding of the nursing profession’s demands and rewards. 

An effective personal statement is not only a reflection of your qualifications and aspirations but also a testament to your passion, empathy, and commitment to the field of nursing. It’s a unique opportunity to showcase your individuality and suitability for a career that is as challenging as it is rewarding. 


StandOut CV

Oncology Nurse CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

Build your CV on this template 

CV news features

As an oncology nurse, you will be there to help people through some of the toughest times of their lives, so you need to prove you’ve got what it takes to care for and support your patients.

To do this, you need a carefully crafted application that highlights your qualifications and experience in the field.

So on this occasion, why not let us support you? Below, we’ve put together our top writing tips, along with an oncology nurse CV example to guide you.

Article contents

Oncology Nurse CV example

Oncology Nurse CV 1

CV templates 

Oncology Nurse CV 2

This CV example illustrates the ideal structure and format for your Oncology Nurse CV, making it easy for busy hiring managers to quickly identify your suitability for the jobs you’re applying for,

It also gives some guidance on the skills, experience and qualifications you should emphasise in your own CV.

CV builder

Build your CV now 

Oncology Nurse CV format and structure

Think your CV is just about the content within it? Think again.

Your CV needs to look professional and be easy for recruiters to read, meaning the structure and format of your CV are just as important as the written content within it.

Facilitate ease of reading by using a simple structure which allows anybody to easily navigate your experience.

How to write a CV

Tips for formatting your Oncology Nurse CV

  • Length: Whether you’ve got one year or three decades of experience, your CV should never be more than two sides of A4. Recruiters are busy people who’re often juggling numerous roles and tasks, so they don’t have time to read lengthy applications. If you’re a recent graduate or don’t have much industry experience, one side of A4 is fine.
  • Readability : To help busy recruiters scan through your CV, make sure your section headings stand out – bold or coloured text works well. Additionally, try to use bullet points wherever you can, as they’re far easier to skim through than huge paragraphs. Lastly, don’t be afraid of white space on your CV – a little breathing space is great for readability.
  • Design & format: Your CV needs to look professional, sleek and easy to read. A subtle colour palette, clear font and simple design are generally best for this, as fancy designs are often harder to navigate.
  • Photos: Don’t add profile photos to your CV unless you work in an industry or region which prefers to see them. Most employers in the UK will not need to see one.

Quick tip: Creating a professional CV style can be difficult and time-consuming when using Microsoft Word or Google Docs. To create a winning CV quickly, try our quick-and-easy CV Builder and use one of their eye-catching professional CV templates.

CV formatting tips

CV structure

When writing your CV , break up the content into the following key sections, to ensure it can be easily digested by busy recruiters and hiring managers:

  • Contact details – Always list these at the very top of your CV – you don’t want them to be missed!
  • Profile – An introductory paragraph, intended to grab recruiters attention and summarise your offering.
  • Work experience / career history – Working from your current role and working backwards, list your relevant work experience.
  • Education – Create a snappy summary of your education and qualifications.
  • Interest and hobbies – An optional section to document any hobbies that demonstrate transferable skills.

Now you understand the basic layout of a CV, here’s what you should include in each section of yours.

Contact Details

Contact details

Begin by sharing your contact details, so it’s easy for employers to give you a call. Keep to the basics, such as:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – It should sound professional, with no slang or nicknames. Make a new one for your job applications if necessary.
  • Location – Simply share your vague location, for example ‘Manchester’, rather than a full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – Remember to update them before you send your application.

Oncology Nurse CV Profile

Your CV profile (or personal statement , if you’re an entry-level applicant) provides a brief overview of your skills, abilities and suitability for a position.

It’s ideal for busy recruiters and hiring managers, who don’t want to waste time reading unsuitable applications.

Think of it as your personal sales pitch. You’ve got just a few lines to sell yourself and prove you’re a great match for the job – make it count!

CV profile

How to write a good CV profile:

  • Make it short and sharp: It might be tempting to submit a page-long CV profile, but recruiters won’t have the time to read it. To ensure every word gets read, it’s best to include high-level information only; sticking to a length of 3-5 lines.
  • Tailor it: Before writing your CV, make sure to do some research. Figure out exactly what your desired employers are looking for and make sure that you are making those requirements prominent in your CV profile, and throughout.
  • Don’t add an objective: Leave your career objectives or goals out of your profile. You only have limited space to work with, so they’re best suited to your cover letter .
  • Avoid generic phrases: If there’s one thing that’ll annoy a recruiter, it’s a clichè-packed CV. Focus on showcasing your hard skills, experience and the results you’ve gained in previous roles, which will impress recruiters far more.

Example CV profile for Oncology Nurse

What to include in your oncology nurse cv profile.

  • Experience overview: To give employers an idea of your capabilities, show them your track record by giving an overview of the types of companies you have worked for in the past and the roles you have carried out for previous employers – but keep it high level and save the details for your experience section.
  • Targeted skills: Ensure that your profile highlights your key skills that are most relevant to your Oncology Nurse, and tailor them to match the specific job you are applying for. To do this, refer to the job description to closely align your skills with their requirements.
  • Important qualifications: Be sure to outline your relevant Oncology Nurse qualifications, so that anyone reading the CV can instantly see you are qualified for the jobs you are applying to.

Quick tip: If you are finding it difficult to write an attention-grabbing CV profile, choose from hundreds of pre-written profiles across all industries, and add one to your CV with one click in our quick-and-easy CV Builder . All profiles are written by recruitment experts and easily tailored to suit your unique skillset.

Core skills section

Underneath your profile, write a core skills section to make your most relevant skills jump off the page at readers.

It should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points of your relevant skills.

Before you do this, look over the job description and make a list of any specific skills, specialisms or knowledge required.

Then, make sure to use your findings in your list. This will paint you as the perfect match for the role.

Core skills section CV

Important skills for your Oncology Nurse CV

Chemotherapy Administration – Administering chemotherapy drugs and managing patients’ reactions to treatment.

Symptom Management – Assessing and managing cancer-related symptoms such as pain, nausea, and fatigue.

Central Venous Access Devices – Caring for and maintaining central venous catheters (e.g., ports and PICC lines) for drug administration and blood draws.

Palliative Care – Utilising knowledge of palliative care principles and techniques to provide comfort and support to patients with advanced cancer.

Clinical Assessment – Conducting comprehensive health assessments, including physical examinations and reviewing medical histories.

Patient Education – Educating patients and their families about cancer treatment options, side effects, and self-care practices.

Patient Advocacy – Ensuring patients’ needs and preferences are addressed in their care plans and treatment decisions.

Infection Control – Utilising knowledge of infection control practices and aseptic techniques to prevent infections in immunocompromised patients.

Pain Management – Administering pain relief measures, including medications and non-pharmacological interventions.

End-of-Life Care – Maintaining an in-depth understanding of end-of-life care, including the emotional and psychological support needed for patients and their families during this challenging time.

Quick tip: Our quick-and-easy CV Builder has thousands of in-demand skills for all industries and professions, that can be added to your CV in seconds – This will save you time and ensure you get noticed by recruiters.

Work experience

By now, you’ll have hooked the reader’s attention and need to show them how you apply your skills and knowledge in the workplace, to benefit your employers.

So, starting with your most recent role and working backwards to your older roles, create a thorough summary of your career history to date.

If you’ve held several roles and are struggling for space, cut down the descriptions for your oldest jobs.

Work experience

Structuring each job

Whilst writing your CV, it’s essential to look at it from the eyes of a recruiter.

If they’re met with giant blocks of text which are impossible to navigate, they might get frustrated and skip onto the next CV.

Instead, make use of the 3-step structure shown below, to give them a pleasant reading experience.

Role descriptions

Start with a brief summary of your role as a whole, as well as the type of company you worked for.

Key responsibilities

Use bullet points to detail the key responsibilities of your role, highlighting hard skills, software and knowledge wherever you can.

Keep them short and sharp to make them easily digestible by readers.

Key achievements

Finish off by showcasing 1-3 key achievements made within the role.

This could be anything that had a positive effect on your company, clients or customers, such as saving time or money, receiving exemplary feedback or receiving an award.

Sample job description for Oncology Nurse CV

Provide specialised nursing care to patients receiving cancer treatment at the renowned St. Vincent Oncology Centre, collaborating with oncologists to deliver personalised care and support throughout the treatment process.

Key Responsibilities

  • Administer chemotherapy and other medications following established protocols
  • Collect, measure, and assess daily patient data to provide appropriate therapeutic care
  • Perform venepuncture and cannulation and conduct nursing assessments, including physical examination, psychosocial assessment, and functional assessments
  • Develop, maintain, and terminate therapeutic relationships with patients and families

Quick tip: Create impressive job descriptions easily in our quick-and-easy CV Builder by adding pre-written job phrases for every industry and career stage.

Education section

Next up, you should list your education and qualifications.

This can include your formal qualifications (a degree, A-Levels and GCSEs), as well as sector-specific Oncology Nurse qualifications and/or training.

While school leavers and recent grads should include a lot of detail here to make up for the lack of work experience, experienced candidates may benefit from a shorter education section, as your work experience section will be more important to recruiters.

Hobbies and interests

This section is entirely optional, so you’ll have to use your own judgement to figure out if it’s worth including.

If your hobbies and interests could make you appear more suitable for your dream job, then they are definitely worth adding.

Interests which are related to the industry, or hobbies like sports teams or volunteering, which display valuable transferable skills might be worth including.

Once you’ve written your Oncology Nurse CV, you should proofread it several times to ensure that there are no typos or grammatical errors.

With a tailored punchy profile that showcases your relevant experience and skills, paired with well-structured role descriptions, you’ll be able to impress employers and land interviews.

Good luck with your next job application!

personal statement oncology nurse

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How to Make a Top Personal Statement Hematology Oncology Fellowship

personal statement oncology nurse

Prepare for Writing Personal Statement Hematology Oncology Carefully

The application process for a hematology oncology fellowship is highly competitive, with numerous qualified candidates and limited positions. In such a scenario, a personal statement holds immense significance, allowing applicants to stand out and showcase their unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations. A well-written hematology oncology personal statement can make a lasting impression on the admission committee and greatly enhance applicants’ chances of securing a coveted fellowship position.

hematology oncology fellowship application help

By following the strategies and recommendations outlined in this article, you can effectively convey your passion, dedication, and potential, ultimately convincing officials of your suitability for a hematology oncology fellowship program.

Gather and Prepare Relevant Information

Before diving into the writing process, conducting research and preparation is essential. It helps you comprehensively explore the fellowship program, its values & objectives and relate them with your own aspirations. Such actions provide a solid foundation to craft a personal statement hematology oncology fellowship that resonates with the selection committee and highlights your perfect match with the program.

Research on the fellowship program: 

Surf the program’s website, and read about the faculty, their research interests, and recent publications. Understand the program’s specific areas of focus and any unique opportunities it offers, such as mentorship programs or research collaborations. This research will help you tailor your personal statement hematology oncology to align with the fellowship program’s objectives and demonstrate your genuine interest.

Conduct introspection: 

Consider the experiences, challenges, or patient encounters that have shaped your desire to pursue the hematology oncology. Reflect on your strengths, skills, and unique perspectives that make you a strong candidate for the fellowship.

Try to understand the expectations of the admission committee: 

Look for any guidelines or writing prompts provided by the program. Search for previous winning hematology oncology fellowship personal statement examples. Connect with current or former fellowship members, mentors, or faculty members to gain insights into the program’s values and expectations. Understanding the committee’s preferences and priorities will allow you to customize your personal statement accordingly.

Identify Experiences, Achievements & Skills to Include in the Text

  • Choose experiences that highlight your dedication to the field, such as research projects, clinical rotations, or volunteer work related to hematology oncology.
  • Describe in a hematology oncology fellowship personal statement any notable achievements, such as publications, conference presentations, or awards.
  • Identify the skills needed to succeed in fellowship, such as strong analytical skills, efficient communication skills, or a compassionate patient care approach.
  • Connect your experiences, achievements, and skills to your long-term goals in the field, emphasizing how they have prepared you for the challenges and opportunities of a hematology oncology fellowship.

Structure a Hematology Oncology Fellowship Personal Statement Properly

The presence of a clear structure, providing a smooth narrative, may help a lot, making your personal statement easy to read.

Engage the Reader’s Attention From the Start

With numerous fellowship applications to review, the admission committee may have limited time to spend on each personal statement. The engaging beginning can be achieved through catchy hematology and oncology hooks for personal statement, such as sharing a poignant patient story or highlighting a significant challenge overcome. There are also several other good ideas:

  • Start a fellowship personal statement with a compelling anecdote or case from your life that illustrates your passion for hematology oncology or highlights a transformative experience that shaped you as a specialist.
  • Pose a thought-provoking question or present a surprising fact related to the field.
  • Use descriptive tone or vivid imagery to paint a picture and draw the reader into your narrative.
  • Begin a hematology oncology personal statement with a powerful thesis that resonates with your motivations and aspirations.

Ensure the Body Is Structured Well

  • Identify key themes or areas of focus that align with your motivations and the hematology oncology fellowship program. Mention research experiences, clinical rotations, leadership roles, and community involvement.
  • Decide whether to present your experiences in chronological order or group thematically, depending on what best supports your narrative and highlights your growth and dedication.
  • Divide a hematology oncology fellowship personal statement into several paragraphs, one for each experience or theme. Describe here your involvement, responsibilities, and any challenges you faced.

Share Your Genuine Passion and Understanding

  • Share personal stories or patient encounters that have deeply impacted your commitment to the hematology oncology.
  • Highlight the skills you developed or utilized and how these experiences have shaped your commitment to the field. Connect these experiences to your potential as a fellowship candidate, emphasizing how they correlate with the program’s demands.
  • Mention in a hematology oncology fellowship personal statement specific research projects, clinical experiences, or initiatives you have been involved in that highlight your understanding of the field’s complexities and advancements.
  • Reflect on the ethical, social, and emotional dimensions of working in hematology oncology, showcasing your awareness of the holistic approach required in patient care.

Create an Impactful Conclusion

  • Recapitulate your main motivations and aspirations, tying them back to the experiences and skills you have highlighted.
  • Express your enthusiasm and desire to contribute to the field of hematology oncology and your commitment to lifelong learning and growth.
  • Make the personal statement reader curious, call them to action.

Writing Style & Tone of an Oncology Fellowship Personal Statement

  • Use a clear, concise, and coherent tone to convey your thoughts effectively

Use paragraphs and transition words to guide the reader smoothly from one point to another. Proofread your oncology fellowship personal statement carefully to eliminate any grammatical errors or typos that may distract the reader from your message.

  • Use active voice to make your writing more engaging and direct

Active voice emphasizes the subject acting, making your statement more dynamic and compelling. Incorporate descriptive words and sensory details to create a more engaging narrative.

  • Be genuine and authentic in sharing your personal experiences and reflections

Avoid exaggeration or embellishment in a hematology oncology fellowship personal statement, as it may undermine your credibility. Share your thoughts, emotions, and lessons learned from the experience, demonstrating your self-awareness and ability to reflect critically.

  • Seek feedback from mentors, advisors, or colleagues

Feedback from individuals knowledgeable about the application process or with experience in hematology oncology may help improve your writing. Their insights can help refine your personal statement and ensure it effectively communicates your strengths and aspirations.

Revise Your Hematology Oncology Personal Statement Fellowship

It is recommended to go through multiple rounds of revision, editing, and proofreading of your personal statement oncologist to ensure it’s as polished and impactful as possible.

  • Reread the text several times aloud to identify awkward phrasing, repetitive sentences, or unclear passages.
  • Review the presence of logical transitions between paragraphs to ensure a smooth flow of ideas.
  • Check the writing clearness using grammar and spell-check tools.

Taking breaks to approach it with fresh eyes and seeking feedback from trusted individuals can also help to refine your hematology oncology personal statement fellowship and polish a final version that showcases your abilities and potential to the admission committee.

FAQs About Personal Statement for Hematology Oncology Fellowship

How long should a fellowship personal statement be.

It should typically be around 1-2 pages or 400-700 words. However, reviewing the fellowship program’s guidelines is essential as they may have their own specified word or page limit.

How Long Does Writing a Personal Statement Take?

The time it takes to write a personal statement can vary depending on individual writing speed and the level of detail and revisions needed. Completing a well-crafted and polished hematology oncology fellowship personal statement can take several days to a few weeks. So ensure you have enough time to brainstorm, draft, revise, and proofread the text before submitting it.

How to Choose the Best Hematology Oncology Fellowship Program?

Consider program reputation, curriculum and training opportunities, faculty and mentorship, research opportunities, location, and career support. Conduct thorough research, visit program websites, talk to current and former fellows, and consider your personal preferences and goals to make an informed decision.

Take the Most of Expert Writing Help

Writing a compelling hematology oncology fellowship personal statement is something you can do. Following the guidance and structure in this article, you can create a fellowship application document that will convince the admission committee of your candidacy excellence and increase your admission prospects.

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However, you can also benefit from professional writing services if you need extra help or want to ensure flawless application documentation. We can provide expert guidance and create a personalized personal statement for hematology oncology fellowship tailored to your unique strengths and goals. You can enjoy peace of mind by choosing us because there are only top admission experts with verified backgrounds and hundreds of successful application cases completed. They can boast not only excellent reviews but also the highest acceptance rates among customers.

So get this chance to be accepted successfully, getting a standout fellowship personal statement made for you and about you only

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Oncology Nurse Resume Sample

The resume builder.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Work Experience

  • Reinforce patient education on cancer types, treatment options, and clinical trial availability
  • Coordinate office visits across medical disciplines to streamline cancer care delivery
  • Facilitate communication between all members of healthcare team
  • Organize multidisciplinary team conferences to promote collaboration in cancer treatment
  • Provide a personalized touch to cancer care by visiting patients at appointments, assessing patients needs, and relaying relevant information to providers
  • Serve as an ongoing source of support for patients, and are available to answer ongoing questions
  • Help decrease barriers to care by assessing needs and linking patients with support groups and community resources
  • Function in an organized and time conscious manner. The Nurse Navigator partners with patients, families, the interdisciplinary team and community resources to provide well-coordinated, timely compassionate and multidisciplinary care. The Nurse Navigator communicates with all members of the health care team as appropriate about the patient/family needs and concerns
  • Serve as a hospital ambassador from patient’s first contact to completion of treatment for coordination and education of oncology services through and between treatment modalities
  • Conduct weekly follow-up interviews with all patients and communicate concerns, changes, or social needs in patient health to appropriate MD or other appropriate care providers
  • Initiates referrals to hospital and community resources to connect patients with resources and support systems
  • Streamline appointments and paperwork by helping patients arrive at scheduled appointments on time and prepared
  • Track interventions and outcomes
  • Provides survivorship planning to patients
  • Assist patients with abnormal exams or positive findings navigate through the healthcare system
  • Organize appointments, explain order and time sequence of treatments
  • Follow-up after procedures
  • Provides appropriate teaching, outreach, and education to patients and families, participate in 0ncology functions
  • Provides supervision, guidance and education for nursing personnel and students
  • Stays current on the latest oncology nursing developments and participates in conferences
  • Attend oncology staff meetings, weekly tumor board, CNS conference, and other meetings as necessary
  • Serves as an essential link between Oncology patients and all other care providers
  • Assists patients in understanding their diagnosis, treatment options, and the resources available
  • Educates eligible patients about appropriate supportive care resources, research studies and technologies available to this unique patient population
  • Follows patients throughout the care continuum, including inpatient admissions, and collaborates with inpatient, outpatient and community care management resources
  • Responsible for the outreach efforts to establish and maintain positive working relationships with key customers (physicians, office staff, diagnostic staff, nurses, radiology staff, social services staff, and radiation oncology staff, etc.)

Professional Skills

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, detail-oriented and strong critical thinking skills and good computer skills
  • Excellent written and oral skills communication skills
  • Excellent Customer Service skills, phone etiquette, and communication skills
  • Demonstrates excellent communication skills by actively listening and sharing information in layperson’s terms
  • Demonstrates excellent verbal, listening and speaking skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills required, with specific ability to communicate effectively with patients, family members, and physicians
  • Strong assessment skills using sound clinical judgement and intervention as appropriate

How to write Oncology Nurse Resume

Oncology Nurse role is responsible for computer, interpersonal, customer, health, oncology, training, database, recruiting, security, analysis. To write great resume for oncology nurse job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Oncology Nurse Resume

The section contact information is important in your oncology nurse resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Oncology Nurse Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your oncology nurse resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous oncology nurse responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular oncology nurse position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Oncology Nurse resume experience can include:

  • Skill in understanding of patient educational needs by effectively sharing information with patients and families
  • Proficiency in computer applications and typing skills
  • Oncology experience, or 2+ years of Medical-Surgical experience with some Oncology exposure
  • Oncology experience or 2+ years of Medical-Surgical experience with some oncology exposure
  • Exclelent communication skills (written and verbal)
  • Prior experience in Chemotherapy administration

Education on an Oncology Nurse Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your oncology nurse resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your oncology nurse experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Oncology Nurse Resume

When listing skills on your oncology nurse resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical oncology nurse skills:

  • Effective verbal and written communication skills to communicate with diverse populations
  • Good organizational skills to handle multiple tasks in a busy environment
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to provide care appropriate to the age of patients, through geriatric, served on the unit
  • Solid documentation and asssessment skills
  • Excellent customer service skills. Ability to communicate with patients, physicians, and staff as appropriate
  • Total Nursing experience, including 2+ year of Infusion Nursing experience

List of Typical Experience For an Oncology Nurse Resume

Experience for oncology nurse navigator resume.

  • Superb telephone triage skills
  • Coordinates care with referring clinicians and referral patients to simplify access improve communication and enhance the patient/family experience at CHOP
  • Prepares by through education and setting expectations for patients/families, for first visit prior to arrival to CHOP
  • Skill in performing assistance tasks appropriately
  • Oncology experience in an Ambulatory and/or Inpatient setting

Experience For National Field Oncology Nurse Manager Resume

  • Medical/surgical experience in an acute care setting
  • Oncology experience
  • Recent Oncology experience
  • Outpatient Infusion experience
  • Current/Valid RN license from the State of FL or NLC state
  • Clinical, direct care experience (i.e. hospital or clinic)
  • Peripheral IV experience
  • Previous BMT experience
  • Experience as infusion nurse

Experience For Research Oncology Nurse Resume

  • Ongoing emotional support
  • Identifying new patients as they are diagnosed with cancer and offers navigation services
  • Monthly reporting of activity/details
  • As Liaison, communicates with the referring Physician’s offices as appropriate to the patient and Physician needs
  • Captures, tracks and develops reporting mechanisms on key indicators
  • Communicate and collaborate with the patients referring provider to improve timeliness of care and patient satisfaction
  • Oversee the daily assignments scheduled for nursing staff and be a resource for questions, direction and support
  • Work collaboratively with the other Resource Nurse to ensure adequate staffing and continuity of care across the Cancer Center

Experience For Oncology Nurse Coordinator Resume

  • 7:30p-8:00a Weekend Nights and One 8 hour shift during the week
  • Triage the physical, psychological and social needs of the patient and significant others, offering intervention and /or referrals as needed
  • Assists in maintaining an environment of safe and comfortable patient care
  • Analyze, interpret and implement nursing plans
  • Graduate of an accredited program of professional nursing
  • Builds relationships with hospital nursing staff through the provision of education and attendance at staff meetings as requested
  • Current California Nursing license required

Experience For RN Oncology Nurse Navigator Day K Bonus Fountain Valley Resume

  • Illinois nursing license required
  • Serve as a resource during the patient’s transitions of care to facilitate timely access to services and care
  • Basic knowledge of bereavement counseling techniques
  • Obtain Chemotherapy/Biotherapy training within 12-18 months of hire date
  • Perform nursing assessments, patient triage, and referrals
  • Referrals targeted at reducing barriers to care,
  • Expert oncologic patient/family teaching,

Experience For Clinical Oncology Nurse Resume

  • Patient Scheduling Functions
  • Clinical Practice: Patient/Family Assessment (Initial and Ongoing)
  • Assesses patient and family learning needs to identify barriers to education (e.g., literacy, language, cultural influences, comorbidities)
  • Pain Management and telemetry monitoring
  • Unencumbered license to practice nursing in the state of Oregon
  • Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Chemotherapy/Biotherapy certification within 6 months of hire
  • As an infusion nurse in an oncology setting
  • Practices in a collegial relationship with physicians, nursing peers and other professionals to enhance patient care and the health environment
  • Reviews patient’s clinical status and laboratory values pre-treatment and consults with physician when appropriate

Experience For Clinical Oncology Nurse Leader Resume

  • Providing ongoing assessment of patient needs including educational, financial, psychosocial, nutritional, and clinical; connects patients and families to available resources within the health system and in the community, assesses patients for eligibility for clinical trials, and facilitates access to care
  • Participates in the collaboration with physicians, nursing staff, and interdisciplinary team in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care for selected patients and their families
  • During initial assessments, identifies problems, and helps adherence to evidence-based guidelines/solutions to meet desired measurable outcomes and documents all care/findings as per policy
  • Responds to prospective patient/referral phone calls emails and provides a response that is informational and accurate and with a high level of customer service. Reviews pertinent medical record information in preparation for case review and preparation of treatment course, e.g. scans, pathology, reports, etc
  • Coordinates a plan of care for referral patients and services as the person of contact with their referring care team

Experience For Oncology Nurse Specialist Resume

  • Maintains a relationship with the patient/family throughout the course of their care, from initial visit to the end of their therapy, providing the patient and referring physician with updates and pertinent medical information
  • Acts as liaison between patient, the care team, and the respective institutions
  • Acts as a clinical resource to help answer questions about diagnosis and treatment plan
  • Reviews clinical documents, demographics, releases from patient, doctors and labs
  • Schedules appointments, procedures and admissions; and communicates all details to patient and family i.e. day, times, physician, tests required, directions, etc

Experience For Oncology Nurse Manager Code Resume

  • Communicates patient schedule to appropriate parties within CHOP
  • Confirms patient adherence to all needed diagnostic tests and appointments; communicates changes to patient schedules
  • Develops and maintains physician/referral contact database?
  • The Nurse Navigator functions as a member of the multidisciplinary team as an advocate and educator for patients from point of entry, through diagnostic studies, diagnosis and treatment plan for cancer through survivorship
  • The Nurse Navigator’s primary function is to build a relationship with patients and physicians, to coordinate a plan of care including appointments, transportation, education, provision and / or enablement of support services and representation within the multidisciplinary care environment
  • The Nurse Navigator also assumes responsibility and accountability for the management of resources to achieve efficient, high quality outcomes for each cancer patient including support for interdisciplinary and cross facility collaboration e.g. tumor boards, and referrer communication

Experience For Oncology Nurse Information Specialist Resume

  • Acts as a liaison and advocate between the patients, families, caregivers and health care providers to promote and optimize patient outcomes
  • Contributes to Thoracic/IP program development, implementation, and evaluation within the healthcare system and community
  • Contributes to the knowledge base of the healthcare community and in support of the ONN role through activities such as involvement in professional organizations, presentations, publications, and research
  • Participates in system committees such as magnet, cancer, nursing council, safety, cultural competency/diversity, patient education, professional nursing council
  • Three or more years of combined clinical experience in oncology, surgical, and/or pulmonary care

List of Typical Skills For an Oncology Nurse Resume

Skills for oncology nurse navigator resume.

  • Medical-Surgical experience; 1+ year of Oncology experience
  • Exceptional telephone triage and assessment skills
  • Oncology experience; 1+ year of Chemo / Biotherapy Administration experience
  • Verbal and written communication skills and the ability to communicate in a culturally diverse environment
  • Well organized with successful time management skills
  • Prior experience in Nurse Navigation or specific tumor site
  • Computerized Charting experience, including Nursing Documentation and Patient Care Documentation (such as pressure ulcers)

Skills For National Field Oncology Nurse Manager Resume

  • Nursing experience preferably in women’s health including breast imaging, breast disease, and/or gynecologic disease
  • Computerized charting experience that includes Nursing Documentation and Patient Care Documentation (such as pressure ulcers)
  • Experience working in an oncology setting
  • Oncology Nursing experience in a Hospital or community-based Outpatient setting
  • Experience providing phone advice in an oncology setting
  • Experience in a clinical setting assisting patients locate resources
  • At least five (5) years previous clinical nursing experience in oncology setting

Skills For Research Oncology Nurse Resume

  • Oncology Nursing experience
  • Previous experience with the administration of Chemotherapy and the mixing of Chemotherapy drugs
  • Previous experience as a Nurse Navigator and/or Patient Educator in an Oncology setting
  • Demonstrated oncology clinical competence beyond that acquired in a basic nursing program
  • Two years of Oncology Nursing experience required

Skills For Oncology Nurse Coordinator Resume

  • Overall nursing experience
  • Ten or more years of experience as an RN in a Health Care setting required
  • Medical Oncology nursing experience required
  • Work requires three or more years of experience in oncology patient related nursing services
  • Infusion / IV experience

Skills For RN Oncology Nurse Navigator Day K Bonus Fountain Valley Resume

  • Hematology / Oncology experience
  • Chemo and/or Infusion experience
  • Current / recent Oncology experience
  • IV Therapy experience
  • Previous Oncology experience

Skills For Clinical Oncology Nurse Resume

  • Experience in Oncology
  • Experience working within a Medical-Surgical and/or Oncology setting
  • Nursing experience in a Healthcare setting
  • Maintains excellent attendance and supports the needs of the nurse team during absences of others
  • Medical-Surgical and/or Oncology experience

Skills For Clinical Oncology Nurse Leader Resume

  • Pediatric Oncology experience
  • Previous Leadership / Supervisory experience
  • Plan, prioritize and complete delegated tasks
  • Experience with Spectrum’s Product
  • Demonstrate professionalism and a friendly manner with patients, families and other staff
  • RN Oncology experience required
  • Have knowledge on the multiple treatment decisions, strong emotions and financial impact of a cancer diagnosis

Skills For Oncology Nurse Specialist Resume

  • Oncology clinical experience
  • Experience in varied Electronic Medical Record systems
  • Experience working in an outpatient cancer facility or oncology unit in hospital
  • Infusion nursing experience
  • Total nursing experience
  • Managing Editorial Board and Advisory Board membership including recruiting and orienting new Board members
  • Managing Board workflow using database and management systems, supporting the monthly literature surveillance process and other Board activities
  • Administering chemotherapy under the physician’s supervision
  • Explaining the treatment plan to the patient’s family if needed

Skills For Oncology Nurse Manager Code Resume

  • Coordinating care for a defined cancer patient population
  • Developing disease site expertise
  • Providing patient and family education
  • Connecting patient/family with available resources in the health system and community
  • Facilitating access to services
  • Assist the Nursing Director in monitoring and evaluating clinical operations and participate in decision making and problem solving
  • Conducts initial screening for hereditary cancer risk and determines need for genetic susceptibility testing (GST) and counseling as necessary
  • Work requires an understanding of oncology patient care and proficiency in the assessment, planning and
  • Work in collaboration with the imaging department to assist in preparing case presentations for all cancer conferences related to women’s health

Skills For Oncology Nurse Information Specialist Resume

  • Assess and work in collaboration with the hereditary Risk Assessment Program to refer women for counseling and testing as appropriate
  • Background in Medical Oncology Nursing
  • Knowledgeable in safe handling of Chemotherapeutic Drugs
  • Knowledge of specific assisting tasks related to particular medical specialty
  • Work requires understanding of and the ability to maintain strict patient confidentiality
  • Adept in searching electronic medical data bases for information. Familiarity with Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint & Excel)
  • Maintains professional demeanor, uses tact, compassion and empathy when speaking with callers

List of Typical Responsibilities For an Oncology Nurse Resume

Responsibilities for oncology nurse navigator resume.

  • Ensure adequate staffing for support positions (MA and Phlebotomy), to include appropriate coverage for planned and unplanned absences. Monitor attendance and refer any attendance problems to the Nursing Director
  • Participates in organizational and community initiatives to improve the professional practice of nursing and quality of patient outcomes/care
  • Initiates patient contact via face to face meeting, telephone, e-mail or mail
  • Monitor patient status/acuity and adjust the workload accordingly
  • Create and coordinate orientation schedules for new staff; ensure staff are meeting requirements and work with the Nursing Director to resolve any discrepancies. Provide feedback to the Nursing Director regarding progress of new employees
  • Completes a comprehensive assessment of the patient upon initial encounter and periodically throughout navigation, matching unmet needs with appropriate services and referrals and support services, such as dietitians, social work, genetic counselor, and financial services to maintain healthy life style choices and self-care strategies

Responsibilities For National Field Oncology Nurse Manager Resume

  • Identifies potential and realized barriers to care (e.g., transportation, child care, elder care, housing, language, culture, literacy, role disparity, psychosocial, employment, financial, insurance) and facilitates referrals
  • Schedules or facilitates scheduling of appointments, diagnostic testing, and procedures to expedite the plan of care timely followup to promote continuity of care
  • Collaborates with multidisciplinary team to develop patients’ clinical treatment plan
  • Educates the patient/family/caregiver: diagnosis, treatment options, side effect management, post treatment and survivorship
  • Educate patients about their disease, prescribed treatment, and side effects of treatment and how to manage them
  • Assess patients for psychosocial distress and referral to a medical social worker or counselor if more intensive support is needed
  • Offer personalized care to patients as well as track interventions and outcomes
  • Address tangible barriers to care such as finances, housing, transportation, childcare, prescription costs, and much more. They refer patients to the appropriate contact, such as a social worker

Responsibilities For Research Oncology Nurse Resume

  • Function as a member of an interdisciplinary team to assess, secure, and coordinate appropriate services through the continuum of care
  • Develops and maintains physician/referral contact database
  • Master’s preparation is desirable
  • Ensures that the electronic health record is used to optimize patient safety and communication
  • Serve as a consistent resource throughout the continuum of cancer care
  • Data Collection. Collects all laboratory reports, data, radiologic studies, and pertinent records
  • Medication Administration. Under direction of the physician or other medical personnel, order or prescribe, administer medications, and other oncology treatments
  • Patient Assessment. Assesses and monitors patient response to procedures and treatments. Reports patient condition and reaction to tests, drugs, treatments, and any significant incidents to the physician

Responsibilities For Oncology Nurse Coordinator Resume

  • Chemotherapy/Biotherapy administration and management, including investigational protocols
  • Transfusion of blood, platelets and fresh frozen plasma
  • Management of patients with radiation implants, central venous access devices and spinal drains
  • Bone marrow biopsy and aspiration
  • Epidural and intrathecal analgesia
  • Management of toxicities r/t chemotherapy/biotherapy/radiation therapy and neutropenia/ thrombocytopenia/ anemia
  • Autologous and Allogeneic Blood and Marrow Transplant
  • Current licensure as a Registered Nurse (RN) is required
  • Remove barriers to care and link patients to resources that enable them to complete treatment and improve their quality of life

Responsibilities For RN Oncology Nurse Navigator Day K Bonus Fountain Valley Resume

  • Navigators facilitate communication between and among the patient and providers, and act as a liaison with the health care team on behalf of the patient
  • Complete multiple tasks and work under pressure
  • Able to adhere to strict deadlines
  • Handle confidential materials and information
  • Travel on a local, regional and national level
  • Knowledge of supportive care principles and techniques for oncology patients
  • Basic knowledge of oncology treatment procedures, facilities, and equipment
  • Basic knowledge of treatments of oncological diseases and reactions and side effects of related therapy methods
  • Educate patients, families, and/or caregivers as to the nature of the disease and to provide instructions on proper care and treatment

Responsibilities For Clinical Oncology Nurse Resume

  • Current Connecticut RN license required
  • Educates patients/significant other (SO) on disease specifics and treatment options to enable patient-led treatment decisions
  • Provides disease specific material to patients
  • Facilitates patient/SO introduction to clinical trials
  • Coordinates appointments/services for patients
  • Streamlines care path transitions and logistical issues
  • Consults with/refers to appropriate practitioners as required

Responsibilities For Clinical Oncology Nurse Leader Resume

  • Excellent customer service and communication skills with ability to deal with a wide range of personality types is necessary; ability to deal with diverse cultural backgrounds and to show flexibility and compassion when dealing with a variety of patients/families in stressful situations
  • Maintains CEUs and attends pertinent educational offerings to maintain high level of expertise
  • Abides by ACS policies; procedures; and security requirements
  • Articulates ideas and information verbally and tailors message to the intended audience
  • Work in a team environment with other oncology nurses; writers; and medical professionals
  • Able to give constructive feedback, supervises and teams with others, teaches staff and patients

Responsibilities For Oncology Nurse Specialist Resume

  • Knowledge of health care field and medical specialty
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support Certification (required for Intermediate Care Units)
  • Certificate in oncology or navigation
  • BLS / ACLS certification with American Heart Association
  • Chemo certification (ONS certification)
  • Oncology Certified Nurse (OCN) or able to become certified within 1 year

Responsibilities For Oncology Nurse Manager Code Resume

  • Knowledge of Chemotherapy Drugs and Administration
  • Chemotherapy/Biotherapy Infusion Certifications
  • Chemotherapy Infusion Certification
  • Nurse Navigator Responsibilities
  • 1 position is 4, 10 hr. shifts
  • 1 position is 5, 8 hr. shifts
  • 6W Oncology Nurse - FT/Days

Responsibilities For Oncology Nurse Information Specialist Resume

  • 6W Oncology Nurse - FT/Nights
  • Coordinating activities for an NCI Editorial Board, comprised of cancer experts and specialists, for Cancer Information Summaries, includes working with the corresponding external Advisory Board. This work includes monthly board meetings that ensure the timely update of Cancer Information Summaries with recent advances in cancer research
  • Working closely with NCI Information Branch team, including the Branch Chief and other Editorial Board Managers as well as other NCI staff responsible for content on the NCI website.
  • Working closely with a support group of science writers and editors to ensure timely updating, editing, and publishing of Cancer Information Summaries and other NCI patient-focused content to Cancer.gov
  • Be knowledgeable on the multiple treatment decisions, strong emotions and financial impact of a cancer diagnosis
  • Have primary goals that include
  • Clinical Program Coordination and Support

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Oncology Nurse Resume Example

Fighting cancer, but your resume feels weak? Explore this Oncology Nurse resume example, shaped with Wozber free resume builder. It demonstrates how you can blend your care expertise with job specifics, fashioning a career path as resilient as the patients you champion!

Oncology Nurse Resume Example

Oncology Nurse Resume Templates

Oncology Nurse Resume Template #7

How to write an Oncology Nurse resume?

Hello to you, aspiring Oncology Nurse! In a realm where compassion meets critical care, your resume is a pivotal tool in journeying towards making a notable difference in the lives of those battling cancer. It's your mission statement, embodying your dedication and expertise. Crafting a resume that resonates with your passion and aligns seamlessly with your desired Oncology Nurse role is paramount.

Leveraging Wozber's free resume builder , this guide will navigate you through creating an ATS-compliant resume that not only meets the eye but also the heart of the hiring managers. Ready to turn your professional narrative into an inspiring success story? Let's tailor your resume into one that stands out in the realm of oncology nursing!

Personal Details

In the world of resumes, first impressions are everything. Your personal details are the initial handshake with potential employers, setting a professional and intriguing tone. Let's customize this section specifically for the Oncology Nurse position, ensuring it's not just an opener, but a compelling invitation to read on.

1. Your Name as Your Banner

Think of your name as the banner under which your professional achievements march. Use a clear and appealing font, making sure it's visible at a glance. Your name is the first thing a hiring manager will see, so make it count.

2. Job Title Precision

Below your name, proudly position the title you're aspiring for: 'Oncology Nurse'. This direct alignment with the job description signals your targeted intention and helps your resume to pass through the ATS resume scanner with flying colors.

3. Contact Essentials

When it comes to contact information, clarity and professionalism are key. Ensure your phone number is current and your email address reflects a professional demeanor, preferably a variation of your name.

4. Location Matters

"Located in or willing to relocate to Chicago, Illinois" - this requirement is clearly stated in the job description. Your address or willing relocation announcement in this segment further tailors your resume, gently reminding the hiring manager of your readiness.

5. A Professional Online Presence

Adding a LinkedIn profile or a professional portfolio link can provide a rich backdrop to your resume's story. Make sure these profiles are polished and consistent with the information on your resume, offering a deeper insight into your professional world.

Your personal details are more than just formalities. They're the first step in aligning your professional identity with the Oncology Nurse role you're aiming for. Tailored correctly, they pave the way for a strong first impression, making your resume a professional invitation that's hard to ignore. Use this section to set a confident, prepared tone for the rest of your resume.

Your experience section is where your resume truly gets to shine, showcasing your journey and contributions in the field of oncology nursing. It's your evidence of capability and compassion, two pillars of oncology nursing. Let's mirror the role's requirements within your experiences, presenting them in a way that speaks directly to your dream job.

  • Safely assessed and monitored over 250 patients undergoing complex cancer treatments, ensuring their safety and well‑being.
  • Developed and successfully implemented individualized treatment plans for 200+ patients in collaboration with the interdisciplinary team, leading to improved patient outcomes.
  • Administered chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and other treatments to over 300 patients, with a 99% success rate and minimal side effects.
  • Provided education and emotional support to over 400 patients and their families, enhancing their understanding of the disease process and emotional resilience.
  • Participated in two major research initiatives and four quality improvement projects, contributing to evidence‑based practice and enhanced patient care.
  • Cared for a diverse patient population of over 1500, specializing in advanced hematology treatments.
  • Established a patient support group, which helped over 100 patients cope with the challenges of chronic blood disorders.
  • Developed streamlined procedures that improved patient waiting times by 20% in the hematology department.
  • Mentored and trained 10 junior nurses in the specifics of hematology patient care, leading to a more efficient team.
  • Collaborated with the hospital's research team on a pilot study, resulting in a published article and further research funding.

1. Job Description as Your Blueprint

Start by dissecting the job description, marking each skill and experience required. These will be your guideposts as you list your previous roles, ensuring relevance and resonance with the Oncology Nurse position you're eyeing.

2. Chronology and Clarity

List your experiences in reverse chronological order, making sure each entry clearly displays your title, the institution's name, and the period of your engagement. This structured approach aids in ATS optimization and presents a clear trajectory of your professional growth.

3. Achievements That Speak Volumes

For each role, delve into accomplishments that mirror the job's demands, such as "Administered chemotherapy and immunotherapy to over 300 patients", showcasing your direct impact. This not only aligns with the job description but also highlights your expertise and dedication.

4. Quantify Your Impact

Numbers bring your contributions to life. Whether it's the number of patients you've cared for, treatment plans you've developed, or research initiatives you've participated in, quantifying your achievements makes your resume tangible and impressive.

5. Relevance Is Key

While it's tempting to list every experience, focus on those most relevant to oncology nursing. This streamlined approach ensures every word on your resume adds value, making it a focused narrative of your professional journey in oncology nursing.

Your experience section is a testament to your journey, dedication, and achievements in oncology nursing. Diligently tailored, it not only demonstrates your qualification but also your passion for the field. As you prepare this section, imagine speaking directly to the heart of your future employer, showcasing why you're not just a candidate, but the candidate for the job.

In the rigorous field of oncology nursing, your educational background provides a vital foundation for your skills and knowledge. This section, while seemingly straightforward, has the power to reinforce your qualifications and dedication to continual learning. Let's sculpt your education section to reflect the precise demands of the Oncology Nurse role.

1. Essential Educational Credentials

The job description calls for a "Bachelor's degree in Nursing (BSN) from an accredited institution; Master's degree in Nursing (MSN) with a specialization in Oncology preferred." Ensure these credentials are prominently listed, matching the exact phrasing to optimize your resume for ATS.

2. Simple, Structured Layout

Maintain a clean and concise layout, listing your degree, field of study, educational institution, and graduation year. This straightforward format aids in both readability and ATS scanning.

3. Detail Your Specializations

Especially relevant for oncology nursing, detailing your specialization or any targeted coursework within your MSN or BSN programs aligns your academic background with the role's requirements, showcasing your focused career path.

4. Noteworthy Academic Achievements

If your academic journey includes honors, relevant extracurriculars, or projects that underscore your passion and capability in oncology nursing, highlight these. They add depth to your educational narrative, illustrating a commitment to excellence and continuous learning.

5. Advanced Education and Continuous Learning

In a field as dynamic as healthcare, continuous learning is vital. Mention any ongoing or completed advanced certifications, workshops, or seminars that enhance your knowledge and skills in oncology nursing, portraying an ongoing commitment to being at the forefront of your field.

Far from being just a list of qualifications, your education section is a portrait of your foundational knowledge and continuous dedication to excellence in oncology nursing. Tailoring this section to reflect the role's requirements not only affirms your qualifications but also your passion for the field. It's another step in weaving a compelling professional story that aligns with your career aspirations.


Certificates are your badges of honor, showcasing your dedication to professional development and specialized skills in the intricate field of oncology nursing. This section is your opportunity to highlight your commitment to staying abreast with best practices and emerging trends. Let's ensure your certificates align in a way that enhances your candidacy for the Oncology Nurse position.

1. Identify Essential Certifications

Our job description mentions a preference for "Active Registered Nurse (RN) licensure with additional certification in Oncology Nursing (OCN/RN-BC) preferred." If you hold these certifications, they should be prominently listed to match the job's criteria, thus passing through the ATS filters effectively.

2. Prioritize Relevant Certifications

Focus on listing certifications that directly resonate with the oncology nursing field. This targeted approach ensures the hiring manager sees your most applicable qualifications first, reinforcing your expertise and readiness for the role.

3. Clear and Current Dates

For certifications with validity periods, clearly listing the acquisition or renewal dates assures the employer of your qualifications' current status. This transparency is key in demonstrating your commitment to maintaining professional standards.

4. Ongoing Professional Development

The healthcare landscape is ever-evolving, with continuous advancements in cancer treatment and patient care. Showcasing your initiative in pursuing recent certifications or ongoing education in oncology nursing reflects your dedication to staying at the cutting edge of your field.

Certificates in your resume serve as a testament to your specialized skills and ongoing commitment to professional excellence in oncology nursing. By strategically listing those most relevant to the role, you communicate not only your qualification but your enthusiasm for your professional journey. It's a nuanced touch that can significantly bolster your candidacy.

The Skills section is a concise showcase of your professional toolkit, offering a snapshot of your proficiency in both technical and soft skills vital for an Oncology Nurse. Here, we aim to create a focused list that speaks directly to the role's requirements, demonstrating how you're not just fit for the role but a standout choice.

1. Deciphering the Job Spec

Scrutinize the job description to identify both explicit and implied skill requirements. Skills such as "Proficiency in using electronic medical record (EMR) systems" or "Strong interpersonal, communication, and empathy skills" are directly transferable to your resume.

2. Tailor Your List

Align your skills with those listed in the job description, ensuring you cover both hard skills, like "Chemotherapy Administration", and soft skills, like "Patient Advocacy". This alignment not only passes ATS scans but also showcases your comprehensive skill set.

3. Clarity and Precision

Keep your skills list sharp and organized. Avoid overcrowding this section with every skill you possess. Instead, curate a list that encapsulates your expertise and aligns with the Oncology Nurse role's demands, ensuring each skill you note adds significant value.

Your skills section is a beacon that highlights your professional capabilities. In the journey to becoming an Oncology Nurse, showcasing a tailored mix of technical and interpersonal skills can significantly set you apart. Approach this section as a cogent summary of your professional toolbox, precisely aligned with the role you aspire to secure. It's not just about being qualified; it's about showing you're the right fit.

In the multicultural setting of healthcare, linguistic skills can be a significant asset, enhancing patient care and facilitating effective communication. While the job description might only list "English language competency," showcasing additional language skills can add an extra layer of appeal to your resume. Let's explore how to effectively present your linguistic prowess.

1. Align with Job Necessities

Firstly, validate your fluency in English as per the job requirement, positioning it prominently in your languages section. This meets the baseline expectation, setting a solid foundation for your linguistic profile.

2. Additional Languages as Assets

Beyond the mandatory English, listing other languages you're proficient in can significantly enhance your resume, especially if you are fluent in languages prevalent in the demographic area of your prospective job. For example, being fluent in Spanish in a community with a substantial Spanish-speaking population can be invaluable.

3. Honest Proficiency Levels

Clearly define your level of proficiency in each language, using terms like 'Native', 'Fluent', 'Intermediate', or 'Basic'. This authenticity helps set realistic expectations and showcases your honesty, a much-valued trait in the healthcare sector.

4. Tailoring to the Audience

While the emphasis in the job description may not be on bilingual or multilingual abilities, understanding the patient demographic you'll serve can guide which languages to highlight, implicitly demonstrating your preparedness for nuanced patient interactions.

5. Continuous Learning

If you're actively working to improve your proficiency in a second language, mention this ongoing effort. It shows a proactive mindset and a commitment to enhancing your ability to connect with and care for a broader patient base.

Multilingual abilities can significantly strengthen your resume, providing a competitive edge in the dynamic field of oncology nursing. By strategically showcasing these skills, you illuminate your capacity for empathetic patient care and effective communication in a diverse healthcare environment. It's not just about the languages you speak; it's about the connections they allow you to forge.

Your summary is the narrative heart of your resume, distilling your professional essence into a few powerful sentences. Here, we aim to craft a poignant opener that encapsulates your journey, skills, and passion as an Oncology Nurse, setting the tone for the detailed excellence that follows.

1. Capture the Role's Spirit

Anchor your summary in the core requisites and spirit of the Oncology Nurse position. Highlight your specialization and years of experience, emphasizing your dedication to patient care, such as "with over 6 years of expertise specializing in cancer treatments."

2. Integrate Your Unique Selling Points

Identify and weave in your key differentiators, spotlighting skills and achievements that align with the job requirements. Mentioning your proficiency in EMR systems or your participation in research initiatives showcases your multifaceted skill set.

3. A Celebration of Achievements

Present a concise list of your most significant accomplishments, whether it's the number of patients you've supported or innovative treatment plans you've developed. Let your impact in previous roles hint at the value you'll bring to the new position.

4. Brevity With a Punch

While detailing your expertise, keep the summary succinct. Aim for 3-5 sentences that invite the hiring manager to read on, intrigued and convinced of your fit for the Oncology Nurse role—a teaser of the professional excellence detailed in the rest of your resume.

A compelling summary is an artful blend of your professional identity and the nuances of the Oncology Nurse role you're pursuing. It sets a promising prelude to your detailed qualifications, inviting the hiring manager on a journey through your professional landscape. Let it reflect not only your expertise but also your passion for oncology nursing, making your resume not just seen, but felt.

Embarking on Your Oncology Nurse Challenge

Congratulations on mastering the art of tailoring your resume for the Oncology Nurse role! With these insights, powered by Wozber's free resume builder and its ATS-friendly resume template and ATS resume scanner , you're equipped to create an application that resonates with your passion and aligns with the job's requirements. Your resume is your advocate, articulately expressing your readiness and eagerness to contribute to the oncology nursing field.

Now, go forth and let your resume open the doors to a fulfilling career. The path ahead is promising, and your dedication is sure to shine through!

  • Bachelor's degree in Nursing (BSN) from an accredited institution;
  • Master's degree in Nursing (MSN) with a specialization in Oncology preferred.
  • Active Registered Nurse (RN) licensure with additional certification in Oncology Nursing (OCN/RN-BC) preferred.
  • Minimum of 3 years of direct patient care experience in an Oncology or Hematology setting.
  • Proficiency in using electronic medical record (EMR) systems and other healthcare technology tools.
  • Strong interpersonal, communication, and empathy skills with the ability to provide emotional support to patients and their families.
  • English language competency is a must.
  • Must be located in or willing to relocate to Chicago, Illinois.
  • Assess and monitor patients undergoing cancer treatments, ensuring their safety and managing any potential side effects.
  • Collaborate with the interdisciplinary team to develop and implement individualized treatment plans for patients.
  • Administer chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and other medications as prescribed, while monitoring for any adverse reactions.
  • Provide education and support to patients and their families, helping them understand the disease process and cope with emotional challenges.
  • Participate in research initiatives, quality improvement projects, and ongoing professional development to ensure evidence-based practice and the best possible patient outcomes.

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10 Steps to Crafting a Stand Out Oncology Nurse Resume

personal statement oncology nurse

Reviewed by Ashleigh Murray BSN, RN

Published: January 16, 2024

Read Time: 8 minute read

Updated On: July 23, 2024

Whether you’re an aspiring oncology nurse or a veteran intent on securing a new position, it’s important to provide prospective employers with an exceptional resume if you want to land the job you’re after.

How can you help your resume stand out in a sea of applicants? 

Take a look at our step-by-step guide on building an oncology RN resume that will demand attention. 

Step 1: Understanding the Essential Components of an Oncology Nurse Resume

You might be keen on obtaining an assignment as an oncology travel nurse in a distant city or an exotic location. Or perhaps you’re shooting for a promotion within your home facility. Wherever you are on your professional journey, it’s vital to keep in mind the expectations employers and recruiters have the second they see your resume. 

The basic (but crucial) elements of any resume include your:

  • Personal information (name and contact information)
  • Certifications and affiliations
  • Relevant experience

Additionally, an oncology nurse resume ought to include a summary of your primary objective—a succinct and compelling opening that will inspire employers to continue reading (and a topic we’ll look at in depth later).

Let’s break down each ingredient of an outstanding resume—and how to approach them successfully.

Step 2: Highlighting Key Oncology Nursing Skills and Experience

From providing palliative care to staying apprised of the newest discoveries in oncology, oncology nurses—as you very well may know—possess an invaluable, highly specialized skill set. 

To clarify why, exactly, you’re a prime candidate for the position you’re interested in, your expertise ought to be emphasized carefully and persuasively throughout your resume. If it’s applicable to your experience, a handful of the most important and eye-catching oncology skills to underscore include: ,

  • Patient education – An oncology nurse serves more than one critical role in a patient’s diagnosis and treatment: They’re often tasked with communicating fundamental information to their patients. Making it clear that you’re well-versed in this aspect of the job may enhance your chances of scoring an interview. 
  • Symptom management – Helping an oncology patient navigate their symptoms is one of the foremost responsibilities of an oncology nurse. The novel approaches you’ve used, the pain-relieving practices you’ve employed, the procedures you’ve assisted—all should be highlighted. 
  • Emotional support – Employers sifting through one oncology nurse skills resume after another will be searching for a common and imperative theme in applicants: the ability to act as a calm, comforting presence to patients and their families and to provide emotional, psychological, and strategic support throughout their treatment. The language you use in this section should reflect the sensitivity you bring to the bedside. 

Your experience should start with your most recent (or most relevant) roles before diving into the core competencies you brought (or perhaps continue to bring) to the table. You should also aim to be as specific as possible, from listing the average number of patients you cared for during each shift to the specific types of cancers you’ve helped patients navigate. As many common oncology nurse interview questions will relate back to professional experience, make sure you come prepared to speak to your experience first and foremost if you score an interview.

personal statement oncology nurse

Step 3: Tailoring Your Resume to the Oncology Nursing Field

Oncology nurses have specialized skills that are not as common in other specialty settings. So, in addition to addressing the skills essential to all nurses—like serving as the intermediary between a physician and their patients—you should shape your resume explicitly around oncology.

Consider highlighting skills that are unique to oncology nurses, such as:

  • Administering chemotherapy and immunotherapy
  • Assessing for—and managing—allergic reactions to treatments
  • Offering a therapeutic solution for the side effects patients experience due to their treatment plan
  • Coordinating and supporting end-of-life care
  • Coordinating treatment between patients and their healthcare team (pathologists, radiographers, psychologists, anesthesiologists, surgical oncologists, and so on)

Additionally, if you’ve worked on clinical trials or other types of research, by all means, include it on your oncology nurse resume. It may be a surefire way to set you apart in a pool of candidates.

Step 4: Showcasing Education, Certifications, and Professional Development

To refresh your memory (or to commit it to memory if you’ve only just begun exploring the idea of becoming an oncology nurse): An oncology nurse must hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or an Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN). While not mandatory, obtaining certification as an Oncology Nurse (OCN) can be highly advantageous. You’re eligible to apply after serving as an RN for two years and dedicating at least 2,000 hours to working in the field of oncology.

Naturally, where you received degrees (and when) must be included on your resume—and you’ll improve the impression you make even more by highlighting standout achievements, or relevant organizations you belonged to, while you were in school.

Also, be sure to list any additional certifications you’ve received, such as:

  • PICC line certification
  • Bone marrow transplant nurse certification (BMTCN) 
  • Pediatric hematology oncology nurse certification (CPHON)

You might also want to make it clear that you’re committed to continuing education, whether that’s through reviewing patient literature or taking courses.

Step 5: Crafting a Compelling Summary and Objective for an Oncology Nurse

Typically three to five sentences in length, your summary section spotlights your distinct blend of education, experience, and “soft” skills—such as empathy, compassion, and collaboration—to demonstrate why you’re uniquely qualified for the position.

Accordingly, ensure you’ve reviewed the job description carefully and tailor each objective statement you use to the particular competencies the organization is searching for. Doing so will illustrate that you’ve done your due diligence—which, to many, speaks volumes about an applicant’s character. 

Step 6: Emphasizing Achievements and Impact in Oncology Nursing Roles

If you’ve accrued several years of experience as an oncology nurse, chances are you have a few notable achievements under your belt. Draw attention to these as well, and point out the impact they had—on your patient, your healthcare facility, or in the general realm of oncology. 

A word of advice here: You may want to implement what’s known as the “Context-Action-Result (CAR)” framework:

  • Context – This provides a brief overview of a certain era in your career, such as overseeing 15 pediatric patients in a children’s cancer center.
  • Action – “Action” refers to the specifics of your role, such as administering chemotherapy and communicating a pediatric patient’s progress to their parents.
  • Results – “Results” shows how your efforts paid off—like enhancing a patient’s outcome or decreasing recurrence.

Further, you may want to stress the highest level of care the facilities you’ve worked at provide and any “float support” you’ve supplied during staff shortages.

Step 7: Utilizing Keywords and Formatting for Maximum Impact

The visual appeal of your resume is a large part of the first impression you make with employers—and by “appeal,” we don’t mean using a fancy font or including splashes of color. Rather, your resume should appear polished, concise, and intelligently (and uniformly) structured.

Also, pay close attention to the keywords used by the employer in their job description. Employing similar language reinforces the idea that you understand the role well and have exactly what the employer needs to fulfill it.

Step 8: Proofreading and Editing Your Oncology Nurse Resume

An oncology RN resume should mirror several of the traits expected in an oncology nurse—namely, strong organizational skills and a superb eye for detail. As such, your resume should be proofread and edited multiple times before it’s submitted. 

Step 9: Leveraging Technology and Online Platforms for Visibility

There are a host of technologies available for crafting a stellar resume, such as Grammarly for your proofing needs and templates for formatting and structure.

Once you’re ready to send out your oncology RN resume, keep these leading online job platforms at the top of your mind:

  • Ziprecruiter

Another option? The Oncology Nursing Society, whose online career center helps oncology nurses find new openings.

Step 10: Seeking Feedback and Continuous Improvement for Your Resume

Just as our understanding of cancer is constantly progressing, so is your resume—yes, even if the actual document has been dormant on your hard drive for a decade. Consistently updating your resume to showcase your latest milestones isn’t just living proof of your loyalty to your profession: It also ensures you’ll be prepared if you stumble upon a position that piques your interest. 

At the same time, look for an objective reviewer, such as a fellow oncology nurse. What they catch, and what they advise, may prove to be indispensable in creating a CV that scores you your dream oncology nursing job.

Hone Your Oncology Nursing Skills With Host Healthcare

Assembling a stand out oncology nurse resume may not be a swift and easy feat, but the effort you put into it could pay back ten-fold—whether that means attaining a permanent role in a hospice center or taking your skills on the road to assist patients with cancer around the nation. 

If the latter calls to you, Host Healthcare is the best place to start. We help nurses build the lives and careers they deserve by pairing them with recruiters who find travel assignments that align with their aspirations, experience, and desired locations. We also offer a treasure chest of resources, from 24/7/365 support to excellent, day-one benefits.

Apply today to discover the opportunities that await with Host Healthcare.

Owens, Pamela, and Jenna Arcand. “The 10 Key Components of a Great Resume.” Work It Daily , 20 Sept. 2023, www.workitdaily.com/key-components-of-resume. Accessed 19 Dec. 2023. 

“Oncology Nurse Career Overview.” NurseJournal , 27 June 2022, nursejournal.org/careers/oncology-nurse/. Accessed 19 Dec. 2023.

Trahan Rieger, Paula, and Connie Henke Yarbro. Role of the Oncology Nurse – Holland-Frei Cancer Medicine – NCBI Bookshelf , www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK13570/. Accessed 20 Dec. 2023. 

Cooper, Jane. “9 Oncology Nurse Resume Examples.” NursingResumeExamples , 9 June 2023, nursingresumeexamples.com/oncology-nurse-resume-examples/. Accessed 19 Dec. 2023.

What Does an Oncology Nurse Do? (With Skills and Salary) , au.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/what-does-oncology-nurse-do. Accessed 20 Dec. 2023. 

“Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) Line.” Mayo Clinic , Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 6 June 2023, www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/picc-line/about/pac-20468748. Accessed 19 Dec. 2023. 

Cooper, Jane. “Crafting the Best Oncology Nurse Resume: How to Write a Strong Oncology Nurse Resume?” NursingResumeExamples , 9 June 2023, nursingresumeexamples.com/how-to-write-a-strong-oncology-nurse-resume/. Accessed 19 Dec. 2023. 

“Resume Objective Statement: What They Are and Why They Matter.” Resume Professional Writers , 27 July 2023, www.resumeprofessionalwriters.com/resume-objective-alternative/. Accessed 20 Dec. 2023. 

 Kayser, Alexis. “6 Most Popular Job-Search Sites for Healthcare Workers.” Becker’s Hospital Review , www.beckershospitalreview.com/workforce/6-most-popular-job-search-sites-for-healthcare-workers.html. Accessed 20 Dec. 2023. 

“ONS Career Center.” ONS , www.ons.org/develop-your-career/go-career-center?ref=RO. Accessed 20 Dec. 2023. 

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All About Nurse Practitioners

7 Essential Topics To Include In Your Personal Statement

Nurse Practitioner (NP) programs often ask for a personal statement with your application. So, what exactly is a personal statement, and why does it matter so much?

A personal statement is an essay where you talk about yourself – your background, work experiences, why you want to become a nurse practitioner, and your goals for your career. 

Here’s why it’s key to your application:

It shows who you are.  Beyond grades and test scores, this essay lets you share your unique story. You can show the admissions team your personality, values, and what makes you a great candidate for their NP program.

It proves you can communicate well.  Being able to clearly express yourself is crucial for nurse practitioners. Your personal statement lets you show that you can organize your thoughts and explain things well, skills you’ll need for both your studies and your career.

It explains your motivation.  This is your chance to talk about why you want to be a nurse practitioner and how the program you’re applying to fits with your career plans. It’s your moment to share your passion for nursing and healthcare.

It highlights your experience.  You can use the essay to shine a light on the healthcare work you’ve done, like nursing roles, volunteering, or research. This helps show you’re ready for the challenge of an NP program and a career in advanced nursing.

It sets you apart.  When many applicants have similar backgrounds, a well-written personal statement can help you stand out. Sharing your unique experiences and viewpoints can leave a lasting impression on the admissions team.

7 Topics To Include In Your Personal Statement With Examples:

personal statement oncology nurse

1. Your Motivation for Becoming a Nurse Practitioner

Start with a strong introduction that captures your passion for nursing and your reason for pursuing an advanced practice role. This could be a personal anecdote that illustrates your dedication to healthcare, patient care experiences that motivated you, or an encounter with a Nurse Practitioner who inspired you.

  • Example 1: “Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the impact of health disparities in my community, which ignited my passion for nursing. A pivotal moment came when a nurse practitioner in our local clinic went above and beyond to care for my family. Her dedication inspired me to pursue a career where I could make a significant difference in people’s lives, especially in underserved areas.”
  • Example 2: “My motivation to become a nurse practitioner was solidified during my work in a pediatric unit. Seeing children’s resilience in the face of illness, and realizing the profound difference that personalized, compassionate care can make in their recovery, drove me to seek a role where I could offer such care on a deeper, more autonomous level.”

personal statement oncology nurse

2. Educational and Professional Background

Outline your academic achievements, especially those relevant to nursing and healthcare. Include any honors, awards, or scholarships. Also, detail your work experience, particularly in healthcare settings, emphasizing roles that have prepared you for advanced practice nursing. This could include leadership positions, special projects, or initiatives you were part of.

  • Example 1:  “ Earning my BSN with a focus on pediatrics, I graduated with honors and worked at a children’s hospital for over five years. This role deepened my skills in managing diverse pediatric conditions and honed my ability to communicate with young patients and their families effectively. My passion for child health care drives me to specialize further through a Nurse Practitioner program, aiming to enhance my impact on pediatric well-being.”  
  • Example 2:  “I graduated summa cum laude with my BSN and actively contributed to research on geriatric care management. Working as a nurse in a community health center, I spearheaded a project to improve patient education for managing chronic conditions, which fueled my desire to advance my practice through an NP program.”
  • Example 3:  “After achieving my BSN, where I specialized in emergency care and graduated at the top of my class, I embarked on a career in a Level I Trauma Center. This fast-paced environment honed my decision-making skills and my ability to quickly adapt to changing situations, traits essential for the dynamic role of a Nurse Practitioner. My leadership capabilities were recognized when I was appointed as the head of the unit’s mentoring program for new nurses, a role in which I thrived by guiding others towards excellence in patient care.”

personal statement oncology nurse

3. Clinical Skills and Experience

Highlight your clinical experiences and the skills you’ve developed. Be specific about the types of healthcare settings you’ve worked in (e.g., hospitals, clinics, community health), the medical specialities and patient populations you’ve served (e.g. pediatric, oncology, cardiology, surgery), and any specialized skills or certifications you have (e.g., ACLS, PALS).

  • Example 1: “In my role as an RN in a cardiac care unit, I developed proficient skills in managing acute cardiac episodes and providing post-operative care. This experience, complemented by my ACLS certification, has prepared me for the acute care challenges I will face as a Nurse Practitioner.”
  • Example 2: “My clinical rotation in a rural health clinic exposed me to a wide range of primary care issues, from managing chronic illnesses to delivering preventive care. This experience honed my ability to adapt to diverse healthcare settings and solidified my commitment to primary care as a Nurse Practitioner.”

personal statement oncology nurse

4. Professionalism and Leadership

Demonstrate your commitment to professionalism and leadership in nursing. This could include involvement in professional organizations, volunteer work, leadership roles you’ve held, and how you’ve contributed to improving patient care or healthcare delivery.

  • Example 1: “As a member of the Nursing Professional Development Committee at my hospital, I led initiatives to enhance ongoing education and training for nurses, demonstrating my commitment to professional growth and quality patient care.”
  • Example 2: “Volunteering as a nurse in a local shelter, I organized health screening events and educated the community on disease prevention. This leadership experience reinforced the importance of community health and advocacy in nursing practice.”
  • Example 3: “As a charge nurse in a busy medical surgical unit, I’ve honed leadership skills that are directly transferable to a Nurse Practitioner role. Managing a team of nurses, I’ve learned the importance of clear communication, teamwork, and quick decision-making to ensure efficient patient care and safety. My experience in delegating tasks, mentoring new staff, and collaborating with interdisciplinary teams has prepared me to take on the advanced responsibilities of a Nurse Practitioner. I believe these skills will enable me to effectively lead patient care initiatives, contribute to team-based healthcare delivery, and ensure positive outcomes for my patients.”

personal statement oncology nurse

5. Your Understanding of the Nurse Practitioner Role

Show that you have a clear understanding of what Nurse Practitioners do, the challenges they face, and the impact they have on healthcare. Discuss how you see yourself fitting into this role and contributing to the profession.

  • Example 1: “I recognize that Nurse Practitioners play a critical role in expanding access to healthcare, especially in primary care shortage areas. My aspiration is to contribute to this effort by combining my clinical skills with a holistic approach to patient care.”
  • Example 2: “Understanding the Nurse Practitioner’s role in leading patient-centered care teams, I am eager to leverage my experience in interdisciplinary collaboration to improve healthcare outcomes and patient satisfaction.”
  • Example 3: “Shadowing and working alongside Nurse Practitioners in a primary care setting provided me with invaluable insights into the multifaceted role of NPs in healthcare. Observing their holistic approach to patient care, from conducting thorough assessments and developing personalized care plans to educating patients on disease prevention and health maintenance, reinforced my understanding of the critical impact NPs have on improving healthcare outcomes. This experience has deepened my appreciation for the NP’s role in bridging gaps in healthcare accessibility and has motivated me to contribute to this vital field. My firsthand observations of NPs in action have equipped me with a clear vision of the collaborative, patient-centered care I aspire to provide as a Nurse Practitioner.”

personal statement oncology nurse

6. Personal Qualities and Strengths

Share personal qualities and strengths that make you a good fit for the Nurse Practitioner role. This could include empathy, resilience, excellent communication skills, ability to work well under pressure, and a strong commitment to lifelong learning.

  • Example 1: “My colleagues commend my empathy and ability to communicate effectively with patients from diverse backgrounds, strengths I believe are essential for a successful Nurse Practitioner. My resilience, developed through handling challenging patient care situations, has prepared me to face the complexities of advanced practice nursing.”
  • Example 2: “Known for my meticulous attention to detail and analytical skills, I am adept at assessing patient needs and developing comprehensive care plans. These strengths, coupled with my commitment to continuous learning, will enable me to excel in the dynamic environment of advanced nursing practice.”

personal statement oncology nurse

7. Your Goals and Aspirations

Conclude with your professional goals and aspirations. Explain how the NP program will help you achieve these goals, the areas of practice you are particularly interested in (e.g., family health, pediatrics, geriatrics), and how you plan to contribute to the field and to improving patient care.

  • Example 1: “Upon completing the Nurse Practitioner program, my goal is to work in a rural health clinic, addressing the gap in primary care access. I aspire to advocate for preventive care measures and manage chronic conditions, improving the overall health of rural communities.”
  • Example 2: “After completing the Nurse Practitioner program, I aim to specialize in mental health, addressing the urgent need for accessible psychiatric care. My goal is to integrate holistic and evidence-based approaches to support individuals with mental health challenges, fostering resilience and well-being in my community.”
  • Example 3: “My long-term aspiration is to specialize in oncology as a Nurse Practitioner, contributing to both patient care and cancer research. I aim to use my skills and knowledge to improve treatment protocols and support services for patients undergoing cancer treatment, ultimately enhancing their quality of life.”

Each example is crafted to showcase not only the candidate’s qualifications and experiences but also their personal connection to the field, their understanding of the NP role, and their future aspirations. Tailoring your statement to reflect your unique story will make it compelling and memorable.

Remember, your personal statement should be a reflection of who you are. It should be well-organized, concise, and clearly written, free from grammatical and spelling errors. Tailor it to each program you apply to, ensuring it aligns with their values and expectations. Showcasing your unique experiences and aspirations will make your application stand out.

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Top 16 Oncology Nurse Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 9, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a brief statement that appears at the top of a resume. It provides an overview of your qualifications and highlights why you are the best candidate for the oncology nurse position. When writing a resume objective for an oncology nurse position, focus on the specific skills, experience, and training that make you well-suited to care for cancer patients. Make sure to include any relevant certifications or specializations that demonstrate your knowledge and experience in this area. For example, “Certified Oncology Nurse with 5+ years of experience providing quality care to cancer patients seeking a position as an Oncology Nurse at ABC Hospital.” Another example could be “Experienced Oncology Nurse looking to leverage specialized training in chemotherapy administration to provide compassionate care to cancer patients at ABC Hospital.”

Oncology Nurse Resume Example

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Top 16 Oncology Nurse Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a position as an Oncology Nurse utilizing my nursing experience and knowledge to provide quality care to patients.
  • To utilize my extensive experience in oncology nursing to provide the best possible care for cancer patients.
  • Seeking a position as an Oncology Nurse where I can use my knowledge and skills to provide quality patient care.
  • To contribute my expertise in oncology nursing to help improve the lives of cancer patients.
  • To work as an Oncology Nurse, providing compassionate and comprehensive care for patients with cancer.
  • To join a team of medical professionals as an Oncology Nurse, offering excellent patient care and support.
  • Looking for a position as an Oncology Nurse that will allow me to utilize my skills and knowledge in providing quality care for cancer patients.
  • Aiming to leverage my experience in oncology nursing to make a positive contribution to patient care.
  • To apply my expertise in oncology nursing to ensure that all cancer patients receive the highest level of care possible.
  • Seeking an opportunity as an Oncology Nurse where I can use my clinical skills and knowledge to provide exceptional patient care.
  • Aiming for a position as an Oncology Nurse where I can use my experience and dedication to help improve the lives of those affected by cancer.
  • Utilizing over 5 years of experience in oncology nursing, looking for a role that will allow me to make a positive impact on the lives of cancer patients.
  • Looking for a challenging role as an Oncology Nurse where I can apply my strong clinical background and interpersonal skills in providing high-quality patient care.
  • Seeking employment as an Oncology Nurse with the goal of using my expertise in providing compassionate, evidence-based care for those affected by cancer.
  • Applying for a position as an Oncology Nurse where I can utilize my education, training, and clinical experience to provide comprehensive patient-centered care.
  • To work as an Oncology Nurse offering comprehensive medical treatment and support services tailored specifically for each individual's needs.

How to Write an Oncology Nurse Resume Objective

Writing an oncology nurse resume objective is a critical step in the job search process. It is your chance to make a powerful first impression and set yourself apart from other candidates. An effective resume objective should be concise, yet informative, and demonstrate why you are the right candidate for the position.

To start writing your resume objective, begin with a statement that succinctly summarizes your qualifications and experience. For example, if you are an experienced oncology nurse with five years of experience providing care to cancer patients, you might write: “Experienced oncology nurse with five years of experience providing care to cancer patients in both inpatient and outpatient settings.” This statement sets you apart from other applicants as it quickly communicates your qualifications and experience related to the position.

Next, include one or two points that emphasize how you will use your skills and knowledge to benefit the organization. For example, if you have expertise in developing individualized treatment plans for cancer patients, you might write: “Expertise in developing individualized treatment plans for cancer patients based on their unique needs, health history, and lifestyle choices.” This demonstrates how your skills can benefit the employer by helping them provide high-quality patient care.

Finally, end your resume objective with a statement about what you hope to achieve in this role. For example: “Seeking an opportunity to utilize my skills and experience to make a positive impact on patient outcomes at [insert hospital name].” This demonstrates that you understand what is required of an oncology nurse and are committed to using your skills to help improve patient outcomes at the organization where you apply for a position.

By following these tips when writing an oncology nurse resume objective, you can create an effective summary that will help set yourself apart from other applicants and land that dream job!

Related : What does an Oncology Nurse do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Oncology Nurse Resume Objective

In the competitive field of oncology nursing, your resume needs to stand out from the rest. One way to do this is by emphasizing key skills in your resume objective. This section provides potential employers with a snapshot of your abilities and qualifications right at the onset, making it a crucial part of your application. Here, we will discuss some essential skills that you should highlight in your oncology nurse resume objective to increase your chances of landing that coveted position.

1. Chemotherapy administration

An Oncology Nurse is often responsible for administering chemotherapy treatments to patients. This skill is vital to include in a resume objective because it shows that the nurse has experience with one of the primary treatment methods for cancer. It demonstrates their ability to manage patient care during these treatments, monitor side effects, and provide necessary education and support to patients and their families. This skill also indicates that the nurse has knowledge of safety protocols and guidelines related to chemotherapy administration, which contributes to ensuring patient safety and well-being.

2. Radiation therapy

An oncology nurse is often involved in administering radiation therapy to patients as part of their cancer treatment plan. This skill is crucial for a resume objective because it demonstrates the candidate's ability to handle complex medical equipment, follow strict safety protocols, and provide compassionate care during a challenging treatment process. It also shows that the candidate has specialized knowledge in a critical area of oncology nursing, making them a valuable asset to healthcare teams treating cancer patients.

3. Immunotherapy knowledge

Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that boosts the body's natural defenses to fight cancer. As an oncology nurse, having knowledge in immunotherapy demonstrates your expertise in this advanced treatment method. It shows you can effectively administer and manage patient care during immunotherapy treatments, monitor their progress, and handle any side effects or complications that may arise. This skill is crucial for a resume objective as it highlights your specialized knowledge in a key area of oncology nursing, making you a valuable asset to any healthcare team.

4. Pain management

An oncology nurse often deals with patients who are experiencing severe pain due to their cancer or its treatment. Therefore, having skills in pain management is crucial. This skill demonstrates the nurse's ability to effectively monitor, assess and manage the patient's pain level, ensuring that they are as comfortable as possible during their treatment. It also indicates that the nurse can administer appropriate medications and therapies, educate patients about managing pain at home, and advocate for patients when necessary. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is prepared to provide comprehensive care for oncology patients.

5. Patient education

An oncology nurse must be skilled in patient education because they play a significant role in explaining diagnoses, treatment options, and potential side effects to patients. They also provide guidance on managing symptoms and maintaining a healthy lifestyle during and after treatment. This skill is crucial for a resume objective as it demonstrates the applicant's ability to effectively communicate complex medical information and support patients throughout their cancer journey.

6. Palliative care

An oncology nurse is often involved in the care of patients who are in advanced stages of cancer, where the focus shifts from treatment to improving the quality of life. Palliative care skills are essential in this regard as they help manage pain and other distressing symptoms of the disease. This skill also involves providing psychological, social and spiritual support to patients and their families. Mentioning palliative care in a resume objective can demonstrate a candidate's ability to provide comprehensive, compassionate care for patients during challenging times.

7. Oncological emergencies

Oncology nurses are often the first line of response in case of oncological emergencies. This skill is necessary to effectively manage sudden complications or side effects from cancer treatments, and to provide immediate care for patients experiencing distressing symptoms. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates the candidate's ability to handle high-pressure situations, make critical decisions quickly, and provide effective patient care during emergencies. It also shows their specialized knowledge in the field of oncology nursing, making them a valuable asset to any healthcare team.

8. Intravenous infusion

Intravenous infusion is a critical skill for an oncology nurse as it involves administering chemotherapy drugs, fluids, and other medications directly into the patient's bloodstream. This skill is necessary to ensure the correct dosage and timing of medication, minimizing side effects and maximizing treatment effectiveness. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates the applicant's competence in essential clinical procedures and their ability to provide high-quality care to patients with cancer.

9. Tumor assessment

An oncology nurse specializes in providing care for patients diagnosed with cancer. Tumor assessment is a crucial skill for this role as it involves evaluating the size, location, and growth of cancerous tumors in patients. This information is vital for doctors to determine the appropriate course of treatment. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates a candidate's proficiency in critical areas of patient care and their ability to contribute effectively to a medical team's diagnostic processes. It shows that they are capable of handling complex tasks related to cancer patient management, which is essential for an oncology nurse role.

10. Targeted therapy

An oncology nurse with a skill in targeted therapy is highly valuable as this demonstrates their specialized knowledge in a specific type of cancer treatment. This skill shows they are capable of administering and managing patient care for those undergoing targeted therapies, which involve the use of medicines or other substances to identify and attack specific types of cancer cells. This can enhance the quality of care provided to patients, improve treatment outcomes, and reduce side effects. Including this skill in a resume objective can highlight the candidate's expertise and commitment to staying updated with advancements in oncology treatments, making them an ideal fit for competitive roles in oncology nursing.

Top 10 Oncology Nurse Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, crafting an effective oncology nurse resume objective is a crucial step in showcasing your qualifications and setting the tone for the rest of your resume. Highlighting key skills in this section not only shows potential employers that you are well-equipped for the role but also helps to distinguish you from other candidates. Remember, this section should be concise, compelling, and tailored to the specific role you're applying for. By strategically emphasizing your most relevant skills, you can make a strong first impression and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Related : Oncology Nurse Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing an Oncology Nurse Resume Objective

An oncology nurse resume objective is a brief statement of one’s career goals and ambitions. It is the first thing a potential employer will read and should be crafted with care to make a good impression. Unfortunately, many applicants make some common mistakes when writing their oncology nurse resume objectives that can cost them the job.

One of the most common mistakes when writing an oncology nurse resume objective is being too general. Many applicants will simply state that they want to “work in healthcare” or “be an oncology nurse” without providing any specifics about why they are interested in this field or what sets them apart from other candidates. This lack of detail makes it difficult for employers to get a clear picture of who the applicant is and what their qualifications are. Instead, applicants should focus on providing specific details about their skills, experience, and qualifications that make them stand out from other candidates.

Another mistake commonly made when writing an oncology nurse resume objective is focusing too much on one’s own needs rather than those of the employer. While it is important to highlight your strengths and qualifications, you also need to demonstrate how you would be able to meet the needs of the organization as well. For example, if you have experience working with cancer patients then make sure to include this information as it clearly shows how your skills could benefit the employer.

Finally, another mistake often made by applicants when writing an oncology nurse resume objective is forgetting to proofread their work before submitting it. Even small typos or grammatical errors can be enough for employers to overlook a candidate’s application so it is important that all resumes are checked over carefully before sending them off.

By avoiding these common mistakes when crafting an oncology nurse resume objective, applicants can ensure that their applications stand out from the competition and give themselves a better chance at securing the job they desire.

Related : Oncology Nurse Resume Examples

Oncology Nurse Resume Objective Example

The right resume objective for an oncology nurse should focus on the specific skills, experience, and qualifications that make them well-suited to the position, while a wrong resume objective may not be tailored to the job or contain irrelevant information.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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How To Write A Personal Statement For A Nursing Course Application

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Writing your personal statement will take time, effort and several revisions before you can submit it, so don’t leave it right up until the deadline to start work on it.

Putting together a high quality nursing personal statement can be difficult, but we’ve broken it down into manageable sections below to give you some ideas of how to get started., start with who you are.

Your personal statement is your chance to talk directly to the course admissions officer about who you are, what motivates you, and why you should be chosen for a place in the branch of nursing you’ve applied for.

Be specific about how your work has affected your decision to apply and why you feel suited to progressing your career in nursing.

If you've worked in healthcare previously, you can definitely give details of your experiences to back up your reasons for applying.

Be specific about how your work has affected your decision to apply and why you feel suited to progressing your career in nursing .

Give practical examples of your interactions with nurses, and how they may have influenced your decision to apply.

Check out Eniola's advice on applying to university for a student nursing degree course  - she talks about applying through UCAS and interviews!

Relevant experience and skills

Everyone has skills and experience that can be applied in a nursing environment, even if they weren’t acquired in a healthcare setting.

Here are some examples of skills and qualities that can be applied in nursing:

1. Communication - it is a vital skill that every nurse must possess. The ability to convey information in a concise and clear manner with both colleagues, patients and their family.

You could use examples from previous work to demonstrate this; maybe a difficult situation with a customer while working in a retail job that you managed to diffuse and resolve.

2. Organisation - another essential skill is to maintain an organised routine in a very busy environment, and often under pressure. Think of another situation where you worked under pressure in a logical fashion.

Here you could maybe talk about your time management of juggling a-levels with a part-time job, or your access to nursing course with a family.

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3. Advocacy - this is the active support of those in your care. It’s a specific point in the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) code and you should address how you will be an advocate for your patients when you become a nurse in your personal statement.

Everyone has skills and experience that can be applied in a nursing environment, even if they weren’t acquired in a healthcare setting

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Your ambitions and career goals in nursing

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Adult nursing personal statement example 11.

Nursing is a lifelong learning experience, a vocation and a profession that I really wish to join.

My ambition is to become a fully qualified registered nurse, building on the foundation of previous training and my current position as a haematology health care assistant and a member of staff bank within the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS trust.

It is essential to have a firm and realistic understanding of what being a nurse entails prior to undertaking training and I believe my previous and current experience in various healthcare settings enables me to be confident that I am ready for the commitment and academic challenges and possess the stamina, reliability, trustworthiness and motivation to undertake the requisite curriculum.

I appreciate the academic demands and rigours of the course will be tough but I hope my previous ability to study and enthusiasm will speak for itself.

The compassion, selflessness, patience and intelligence of Nurses with whom I have come into contact with (via my own health needs, that of relatives and those whom I have had the privilege of working with) have inspired me and helped drive my passion and motivation.

From observation and drawing from personal knowledge I believe the qualities and skills required from a nurse include the innate desire to help and care for people.

Excellent communication skills are essential, and the ability to work autonomously but also as part of a team. It is an art to combine scientific knowledge and the skills acquired from education and training with caring for people, and it is a privilege to be there for people at their time of need.

I want to become a nurse because I find my current job very rewarding and satisfying but I believe I have more to offer and am capable of making that transition from my current role into a staff nurse.

I am not put off by shift work, the emotional ups and downs and late finishing times. I feel I have a lot to offer. People comment on my friendly manner and disposition and all my colleagues have encouraged me to apply to university and train.

I am reliable and flexible and have a thirst for knowledge, especially for pharmacology, anatomy and physiology and biochemistry.

I love learning to do new things and developing new skills, recently demonstrated by undertaking training to perform venepuncture and attending all the study days that I could for haematology nurses.

I have an excellent support network to enable me to commit wholly to my training should I be offered a place and am happy that my ten year old son James will be cared for during any clinical placements.

Should I be accepted onto a course my ultimate goal would be to specialise in haematology and oncology nursing. I work with some excellent staff nurses; haematology and oncology sisters and clinical nurse specialists and have a great admiration and respect for their professionalism and dedication.

I have a vision that my career will develop and follow a pathway in this speciality by building on these foundations and hopefully once qualified to apply for a post in this field.

In my free time I love to spend time with my family and take care of myself using the gym. I love to read, and appreciate the finer things in life such as good food and good company.

I currently work weekend nights on staff bank and request busy wards like Medical Assessment if possible to ensure I can do and learn as much as possible.

My rationale behind this choice of university is to conclude, that I am aware that gaining a place will not be easy but I hope I have been able to articulate my reasons for wanting to undertake training and convey how delighted I would be to become a student at this university and what a privilege it would be.

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This personal statement was written by hagendazzle for application in 2009.

This personal statement is unrated

Related Personal Statements

Wow that is a brilliant.

Sun, 14/11/2010 - 22:59

Wow! that is a brilliant Personal Statement, it has helped me an awful lot. I hope it all works out for you. Thank you. xx

Thu, 16/12/2010 - 18:25

Thank you am now reaching the end of year one of my Nursing degree at Bradford

Thu, 13/01/2011 - 15:18

Wow, fantastic personal statement. Clearly it impressed as I see you're now studying! Congrats and good luck for the future :-)

Fri, 14/01/2011 - 00:37

This was really great and inspiring! i hope you do well with your future endeavers. This has helped me a lot, so thanks very much. It is a well written statement and I am working on my personal statement as well for VCU. Hopefully it will be just as great!

please tell me who help you

Sun, 24/06/2012 - 21:51

please tell me who help you write this statement, it is so well written

Sun, 24/06/2012 - 21:52

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Here is a pool of leading admission experts ready to prepare a winning fellowship statement that will amaze the committee from the first lines.

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We don't compromise the quality, as it's key for your success with the oncology fellowship personal statement submitted.

We don't use templates to create a personal statement fellowship oncology. Each one is made from scratch based on the filled questionnaire. And everything that makes you a #1 candidate will be presented in the best way.

Our experts carefully tailor each document to the program of your choice. Be sure your oncology fellowship personal statement will meet all the admission board's requirements & well-adapted to the program features.

Every personal statement for hematology oncology fellowship produced for you is created by highly competent medical experts in strict accordance with the ERAS® application system requirements and EFDO standards.

Polls show that 97% of all customers had matches with their top-choice programs. And you can become one of them with a standout personal statement hematology oncology fellowship we’ll create for you.

Aside from being exceptionally good writers, all our experts hold medical degrees. So your surgical oncology personal statement will be tackled by a seasoned professional with appropriate field expertise.

Missing the fellowship application deadlines can cause a lot of stress for applicants. But there's no problem anymore, as our rocket-fast experts deliver finished personal statements right on time or even earlier.

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Pick up the best writing expert here, who will prepare #1 fellowship statement for you!

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Use this option to communicate with your assigned writer directly via the Customer Area. Discuss your oncology personal statement for fellowship, brainstorm ideas & request amendments without intermediaries.

If you don’t like something in your hematology oncology personal statement fellowship we cannot remake, or your admission plans are changed, don’t hesitate to claim a refund, and your money will be turned back.

It’s OK to want to change some parts of the finished text or improve it somehow. And here, you can do this, as we provide a 2-week window to revise your fellowship personal statement without limits for free.

There’re no complex algorithms or hidden tricks – just place your order, pay for it, and monitor the writing status directly until getting a notification on the oncology fellowship personal statement readiness to download it.

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All the information shared here about your oncology fellowship personal statement remains confidential. And its sharings & leakages are impossible. Use our service calmly, knowing that no one will know about it.


They are not only gifted writing specialists but reputable admission experts knowing well how to make you the #1 fellowship candidate.

Emmy is a virtuoso when we speak about IM. Gastroenterology & nephrology are her top areas. Nevertheless, she is practiced in all of the IM subspecialties. You will not need to ask Emmy to be precise about the requirements – it is her habit already! Order a personal statement fellowship oncology from her, and Emmy will prepare it perfectly.

All branches of radiology and even breast imaging are the medical spheres that Philip will manage with his eyes closed. Crazy about smooth transitions, cohesive text structure, and immaculate grammar, Philip will write a winning radiation oncology personal statement in two shakes.

Emmie is our honorable doctor of medicine. It is a delight for Emmie to create written works that deal with her specialization. When this medical expert is assigned to your fellowship personal statement, wave goodbye to your stress! She will analyze each requirement, point & remark and will stick to all the standards. Leave it all to Emmie with no doubts!

Cristian readily devotes himself to the hardest orders that somehow relate to chemical, clinical, pediatric, and other fields of pathology. Even so, Cristian is competent in nearly all the subspecialties that pathology has to offer. Tight deadlines, tons of info, and even days off cannot discourage Cristian when he aims to treat you with the best hematology oncology fellowship personal statement. He makes us proud, as countless customers prefer him!

Whether it’s plastic, thoracic, or any other type of surgery, Bonnie tackles all tasks related to this medical field in an instant. Describe your oncology fellowship personal statement requirements, and Bonnie will address those, going beyond your expectations. She’s fascinated by her major. No obstacle can stop her from helping others fulfill their aims!

Conor is a highly gifted medical expert. His competence in family medicine and all of its subspecialties is immeasurable. Conor Draper is the best choice you can make today to order a well-composed oncology fellowship personal statement!

One feature that makes Ben an exceptional medical specialist is that he always composes examples of the surgical oncology fellowship personal statement the way he would if his own fellowship enrollment chances were at stake. Ben is always highly sympathetic to his clients. Besides, he constantly tries to determine the admission board’s expectations of candidates.


personal statement oncology nurse

Great writing, I can’t stop thanking you!

nice job! structured well and very detailed

Everything is done great. thanks a lot for your work on my comments

I have nothing to add to the writing. highly recommend you to all my friends

After a few edits we reached the needed result, and the writing looks much better now. think they'll accept me :)

Excellent job, thank you!

your patience and dedication made my day. you're the best, know it

Even due to some typos in the text, it’s great anyway. It was difficult to understand what should be in the text, but the writer helped me to clarify everything.


This step is nothing but duck soup. Fill out the gaps to provide us with the requirements, and press the payment button! To make your hematology oncology personal statement fellowship highly customized, our medical experts should be aware of particular info regarding your application: your accomplishments, the program choice, and the admission board’s formatting standards.

Once you pay for an oncology fellowship personal statement, our specialist will launch the process of creating your application document. Do away with your worries because each money transaction process is secured. Besides, all clients get an email confirmation of a successful transaction.

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To get updated on anything, check your email box. To ensure more profound supervision of your order, opt for SMS updates! When our author finishes your personal statement for oncology fellowship, the Quality Department will begin the verification process, discovering whether the order requirements were met. Afterward, you’ll be able to enter the Customer Area to download it. The final copy of your fellowship personal statement will be submitted timely or even earlier! If any amendments are needed, let us know in 14 days.


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Reach out to our support staff in case you have any order-related questions/remarks/comments.

Why Is the Oncology Fellowship Personal Statement Important?

Like most fellowship programs, an oncology fellowship program requires a personal statement. It’s one of the most important parts of the application. A person makes an introduction with the oncology fellowship personal statement, describing personality from different angles and explaining why this program is so crucial for further development.

As somebody who wants to improve as a specialist, applying to a dream program is essential. However, such an application requires a strong document – a personal statement for hematology oncology fellowship. Writing such a piece is challenging as it takes time to outline the structure and underline what to add to the writing. However, the result will surpass expectations if there’s an understanding of what to write about and what to focus on.

Hematology Oncology Fellowship Personal Statement – Core Points

What are the most critical things fellowship admissions want students to have? 9 out of 10 will say about intelligence, ambition & a desire to advance cancer research. The main reason such criteria are in priority is that the medical community needs proactive individuals. Therefore, they should have talent, intellectual curiosity, drive & diversity to investigate illness and help people overcome it.

However, the oncology fellowship personal statement should mention one more point. It’s a vision. A student who claims the position in the fellowship may clearly see the future goals and the ways to achieve these goals as well. Unfortunately, statistics show that only a tiny part of candidates has an understanding of what they want to do during the fellowship. Moreover, they need to add this to the hematology oncology fellowship personal statement as well as other information about personality. So how to do that?

About a Hematology Oncology Personal Statement Structure

Usually, there’re no strict rules regarding the structure of a hematology oncology personal statement. However, the presence of these core parts can make a document easy-to-read and more seamless. It’s about the introduction, body paragraphs & conclusion. They may slightly differ from those that you have in your residency personal statement or other documents. So we recommend clarifying this nuance in advance, exploring writing prompts & guidelines provided by the fellowship committee.


Start the oncology personal statement fellowship focusing on describing personal experience rather than your path. E.g., you may have a relative or a friend with a disease, and you were able to help them, or they’ve motivated you to pursue a degree or qualifications in this field. In any case, a non-trivial gynecologic oncology fellowship personal statement should be attractive and engaging from the beginning.

Body Paragraphs

It’s usually about 2-6 paragraphs in the body part, which gives enough space to reveal important information about the individual. In the surgical oncology fellowship personal statement, focus on your professional qualities, related experiences & research background. It makes sense to show you have a clear vision of developing the research and achieving the set goals.

In the final part of the personal statement for the oncology fellowship, focus on the career and study aims. Showing which way you’re going to go is essential, mainly if you apply for high-competitive programs like radiation oncology or hematology. Show the ability to think ahead and demonstrate how far you can go using opportunities provided by the chosen program.

Other Tricks of the Best Oncology Personal Statement Worth Trying

The recommendations for hematology oncology personal statement fellowship are general. They allow individuals to include the core information in writing. However, some tips go beyond these default guidelines and help students make their personal statements unique and catchy.

  • Describing the skill set

Show the particular skillset depending on what type of oncology you will investigate. E.g., a geriatric oncologist may have experience working with older persons, except for the knowledge of geriatric medicine.

  • Supporting professional interests with studies and research

By describing practices that have already happened, you can make your radiation oncology personal statement more solid and show your maturity. E.g., if there were successful projects at medical school or university connected with radiation oncology, mention them. The results of such research projects can demonstrate your professional interests well.

  • Using information about real-life cases to show dedication

Regardless of the program you’re applying to with a personal statement hematology oncology fellowship, the officials want to know about your professional skills & experience obtained. That’s why discussing accomplishments is essential. By doing that, you show the reached level of knowledge and the ability to go further in the field and continue research, revealing new details.

  • Using an active voice

This tip is crucial when it comes to high-specialized programs. For instance, using an active voice in a neuro-oncology fellowship personal statement adds confidence to the whole document as admission officers understand that the author is interested in the chosen program like no other.

Balancing these tips throughout the writing allows one to create a strong, engaging & catchy personal statement for hematology oncology fellowship. But remember that such a document has a limited word count of up to 650. Writing a longer statement will lower the chances of a successful application, so sticking to the limit is essential.

Is Radiation Oncology Personal Statement Example Important?

Besides having all the writing tips on the table, it’s also important to have an example of such writing. With an example, it’s much easier to understand how the information should be distributed through the text. Moreover, a well-written oncology personal statement helps to understand what a good document should look like. When a student compares an example with their own personal statement, it’s much easier to find out what is missing and what should be added to the text.

Get Help With a Personal Statement for Hematology Oncology Fellowship

Sometimes it may be challenging to handle such tasks due to lack of time, low writing skills, or other reasons. In this case, hiring a qualified writing specialist is an intelligent decision. By choosing our writers, you trust the task to real gurus who know well how to present a fellowship candidate in the best way, following all the strict admission board requirements. In addition, each writer is a proficient admission expert and deeply understands how to prepare a hematology oncology personal statement that makes the best impression on the committee.

So if you struggle to prepare one, don’t hesitate to text us!

NYU Langone Medical Center

Nurse Practitioner – Urology/Uro-Oncology – Manhattan – 8 or 10 hr Days

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  • Nurse Practitioner, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, Urology (S663)
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  • NYU Grossman School of Medicine (SOM)
  • Monday – Friday 8 or 10 hr days, candidate preference

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NYU Langone Health is a world-class, patient-centered, integrated academic medical center. Ranked as the #1 Hospital for quality and patient safety by Vizient, Inc., and with 10 clinical specialties among the top 10 in the nation according to U.S. News & World Report , NYU Langone’s culture is rooted in excellence in patient care, education, and research. NYU Langone comprises more than 320 locations throughout the New York area and in Florida, including six inpatient locations , a children’s hospital , and four emergency rooms . Also part of NYU Langone Health is the Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center , a National Cancer Institute designated comprehensive cancer center, NYU Grossman School of Medicine , and NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine . For more information, go to nyulangone.org , and interact with us on LinkedIn , Glassdoor , Indeed , Facebook , Twitter , YouTube , and Instagram .

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Working at NYU Langone Health

At NYU Langone Health, we believe in a holistic approach to patient care. We emphasize treating the whole person, not just the disease. Our renowned, evidence-based clinical care is led by an award-winning team of doctors and nurses. In fact, for the fourth time in a row, our organization has been recognized for its excellence in nursing by receiving Magnet® status from the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). We are proud to have the first Magnet® hospital in Brooklyn. This is an honor that only eight percent of hospitals in the U.S. ever achieve, and only one percent earn four or more times.

COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement: To protect the safety of our patients, staff, and the community at large effective August 16, 2021 NYU Langone Health requires COVID-19 vaccination of all faculty, staff, voluntary attending physicians, Howard Hughes Medical Institute employees, non-compensated faculty, students, clinical or academic observers, and volunteers, unless granted an approved exemption (in New York State, only medical exemptions shall be considered). --> Salaries shown on independent jobs related websites reflect market averages and do not represent information obtained directly from NYU Langone. We invite and encourage each candidate to discuss salary/hourly specifics during the application and hiring process.

NYU Grossman School of Medicine is one of the nation’s top-ranked medical schools. For 175 years, NYU Grossman School of Medicine has trained thousands of physicians and scientists who have helped to shape the course of medical history and enrich the lives of countless people. An integral part of NYU Langone Health , the Grossman School of Medicine at its core is committed to improving the human condition through medical education, scientific research, and direct patient care. At NYU Langone Health, equity, diversity, and inclusion are fundamental values. We strive to be a place where our exceptionally talented faculty, staff, and students of all identities can thrive. We embrace diversity, inclusion, and individual skills, ideas, and knowledge. For more information, go to  med.nyu.edu , and interact with us on  LinkedIn ,  Glassdoor ,  Indeed ,   Facebook ,  Twitter  and  Instagram .

Position Summary:

We have an exciting opportunity to join our team as a Nurse Practitioner in Urology/Uro-Oncology in Manhattan. 

In this role, the successful candidate will be responsible for the provision, coordination, and assurance of comprehensive nursing care using nursing process and pertinent standards of care, the diagnosis of illness and physical conditions, and performance of therapeutic, corrective, and prescriptive measures of the designated inpatient or outpatient patient population within a collaborative practice agreement established with a specific physician on the staff of NYU Hospitals Center

Job Responsibilities:

  • Plans and organizes care to meet individual patient needs and to ensure appropriate clinical resource utilization per protocols, pathways, and other means.
  • Monitors and trends the cost effectiveness of the position, particularly as it relates to the efficiency and performance indicators established for the service.
  • Assists in the preparation, implementation, and evaluation of research protocols when applicable.
  • Works collaboratively with nursing and other disciplines in the development and implementation of clinical studies within the area of expertise.
  • Uses evidence-based health care literature to advise and support appropriate practice changes within the designated service.
  • Participates in the development and monitoring of patient outcomes per established practice protocols for purposes of quality and performance improvement.
  • Serves as a clinical expert and resource for the education of peers and other health professionals.
  • Maintains current expertise in area of practice.
  • Promotes own professional growth and development in clinical and managerial role.
  • Considers needs and behaviors of specific patient age and cultural groups in all patient care.
  • Evaluates treatment and health care plans for effectiveness and modifies per clinical standards and practice protocols.
  • Practices as a member of the allied health staff according to the rules and regulations of the Medical Staff and bylaws as outlined in the delineation of privileges.
  • Prescribes medical equipment, devices, physical and occupational therapy, and home health services per practice protocol.
  • Prescribes in-patient and discharge medications according to New York State law, including controlled substances with DEA authorization.
  • Works collaboratively with the attending physician, consulting physician(s), and other disciplines to identify, develop, and implement an appropriate plan of care that maximizes individual patient/family preference and enhances quality, access, and cost-effective outcomes.
  • Formulates the plan of care, along with the attending physician, patient and family, based on expected goals of care and length of stay.
  • Orders customary laboratory, radiological and diagnostic studies per practice protocols, differentiates between normal/abnormal findings and follows protocols for abnormal findings, which may include referral to consulting physicians per customary pattern of the attending MD or with the collaborating physician.
  • Performs complete health history, physical examination and psychosocial assessment of patients within the designated practice or clinical unit.
  • Functions as a respectful member of the health care team.
  • Participates in designated activities related to professional nursing standards and regulations of relevant outside agencies.
  • Demonstrates knowledge of the organizations Service Standards and incorporates them into the performance of responsibilities.
  • Facilitates the continuity of care across the continuum of services, e.g. home care, other facilities, appointments with MDs etc.
  • Provides consultation about the therapeutic regimen to the nursing staff responsible for the patients care in the hospital setting.
  • Works collaboratively with nursing leadership to ensure timely communications with the nursing staff.
  • Works collaboratively with the attending physician to maintain timely and appropriate communication with family members, housestaff, other disciplines and ancillary services.
  • Participates in the development and revision of interdisciplinary and nursing standards, patient and family education materials as relevant to area of practice and expertise.
  • Works collaboratively with the interdisciplinary team including the attending physician to develop and implement the therapeutic plan of care for a group of patients and ensure communication with family members.

Minimum Qualifications:

To qualify you must have:

  • Licensure: Current registration as Professional Nurse in New York and Registration as Nurse Practitioner in New York.
  • Education: Master’s Degree in Nursing.
  • Certification required (as soon as feasible following graduation from NP graduate program) by ANCC or Board Certification from other specialty organization that certifies Nurse Practitioners in a clinical area of practice.

Preferred Qualifications:

At least five years of clinical nursing practice in the care of the patient population served; ability to apply nursing process toward achievement of specific outcomes in an organized fashion, which addresses patient/family safety and satisfaction. Previous experience as a nurse practitioner is preferred. Evidence of excellent interpersonal skills, effective communication skills, creative problem solving and excellent critical thinking and leadership; previously demonstrated ability to facilitate group processes and work cohesively and collaboratively as member of the interdisciplinary team; Effective change agent. Physical stamina, manual dexterity, visual and aural acuity to perform responsibilities. Membership in professional specialty organizations desirable

Qualified candidates must be able to effectively communicate with all levels of the organization.

NYU Grossman School of Medicine provides its staff with far more than just a place to work. Rather, we are an institution you can be proud of, an institution where you’ll feel good about devoting your time and your talents.

NYU Grossman School of Medicine is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer committed to diversity and inclusion in all aspects of recruiting and employment. All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply and will receive consideration without regard to race, color, gender, gender identity or expression, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender dysphoria, national origin, age, religion, disability, military and veteran status, marital or parental status, citizenship status, genetic information or any other factor which cannot lawfully be used as a basis for an employment decision. We require applications to be completed online. If you wish to view NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s EEO policies, please click here . Please click here to view the Federal “EEO is the law” poster or visit https://www.dol.gov/ofccp/regs/compliance/posters/ofccpost.htm for more information.

NYU Langone Health provides a salary range to comply with the New York state Law on Salary Transparency in Job Advertisements. The salary range for the role is $136,146.40 – $166,646.40 Annually. Actual salaries depend on a variety of factors, including experience, specialty, education, and hospital need. The salary range or contractual rate listed does not include bonuses/incentive, differential pay or other forms of compensation or benefits.

To view the Pay Transparency Notice, please click here

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Expert Recommendations for BRAF V600E-Mutant Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer

illustration of thyroid cancer.

Experts have released a consensus statement on the management of stage IVB-C BRAF V600E-mutant anaplastic thyroid cancer that highlights the importance of rapid identification of the disease and “timely initiation of sequential therapy” to prevent morbidity and death.

The consensus statement includes clinical practice standards (statements that comply with current guidelines) and recommendations based on evidence-based expert consensus.

The consensus statement was created by the FAST (Facilitating Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer Specialized Treatment) group at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and was published in JAMA Oncology .

Clinical Practice Standards

Upfront surgery followed by chemoradiation is recommended for patients with stage IVB BRAF V600E-mutant anaplastic thyroid cancer who do not have radiologic evidence of extrathyroidal or extranodal extension (Thyroid Neck Morbidity Complexity [TNMC] score of 0) and are eligible for complete resection of the primary tumor.

Definitive chemoradiation is recommended for patients with stage IVB BRAF V600E-mutant anaplastic thyroid cancer if the primary tumor is still considered unresectable  after 6 months of neoadjuvant dabrafenib, trametinib, and pembrolizumab (DTP) and evaluation by an expert surgeon.

Continued DTP without surgery is recommended for patients with stage IVC BRAF V600E-mutant anaplastic thyroid cancer if surgical morbidity is high or the primary tumor remains unresectable after 2-3 months of DTP and expert surgical assessment.


The experts recommend that patients with a tenuous airway and unknown BRAF status be admitted to the hospital. These patients should receive steroids and racemic epinephrine until their BRAF status is determined. If this treatment temporarily stabilizes a patient’s airway and they have a BRAF V600E mutation, they may be able to avoid tracheostomy if BRAF -directed therapy is started in a timely manner (strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence).

Stage IVB Disease

The experts recommend that patients with stage IVB BRAF V600E-mutant anaplastic thyroid cancer who have unresectable or advanced disease (TNMC, ≥1) receive front-line treatment with neoadjuvant dabrafenib and trametinib (DT) followed by resection of the primary tumor (strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence).

In general, the experts favor DTP over DT alone in patients with stage IVB BRAF V600E-mutant anaplastic thyroid cancer. When DTP is not feasible as upfront treatment, adding pembrolizumab to DT at disease progression is “acceptable,” according to the experts (conditional recommendation based on low-quality evidence).

The experts recommend restaging with contrast-enhanced CT of the neck and whole-body 18 F-FDG-PET/CT after 2-3 months of neoadjuvant treatment with DT±P to assess response and determine the feasibility and morbidity of surgery (strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence).

Chemoradiation is recommended after neoadjuvant DT±P and surgery (strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence).

After patients complete neoadjuvant DT±P, surgery, and chemoradiation, they should resume DT as maintenance until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Adding pembrolizumab to DT maintenance for at least 1 year “should be strongly considered to reduce the risk of recurrence,” according to the experts (conditional recommendation based on low-quality evidence).

Patients who undergo surgery upfront, with or without chemoradiation, should receive adjuvant pembrolizumab for at least 1 year, “preferably on a clinical trial,” according to the experts (conditional recommendation based on low-quality evidence).

Stage IVC Disease

The experts recommend “rapid initiation of DT” for all patients with stage IVC BRAF V600E-mutant anaplastic thyroid cancer (strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence).

The experts said they favor DTP (for at least 1 year) over DT alone. However, when DTP is not feasible upfront, adding pembrolizumab to DT at disease progression is “acceptable,” according to the experts (strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence).

The experts recommend restaging with contrast-enhanced CT of the neck and whole-body 18 F-FDG-PET/CT after 2-3 months of DTP to assess the feasibility of surgery using the TNMC score. If surgery is feasible, the experts recommend surgery followed by DTP (strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence).

Disclosures: Some of the authors disclosed conflicts of interest. Please see the original reference for complete disclosures.

This article originally appeared on Cancer Therapy Advisor


Hamidi S, Dadu R, Zafereo ME, et al. Initial management of BRAF V600E-variant anaplastic thyroid cancer. The FAST Multidisciplinary Group Consensus Statement . JAMA Oncol. Published online July 11, 2024. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2024.2133

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Master of Science in Nursing in Family Nurse Practitioner

NP with a small child and father

If you’re passionate about nursing and want to work with families in primary care, becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) might be ideal for you. FNPs provide care throughout the lifespan, collaborate with other healthcare providers, and handle both wellness and complex health issues in outpatient settings.

Our FNP program, ranked among the best online programs nationally by U.S. News & World Report , prepares graduates for advanced practice roles in various clinical settings. It adheres to guidelines from the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN).

Ohio State is dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusion, ensuring that its programs and resources are accessible and supportive to students from all backgrounds.

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How long will it take me to finish my program.

Each Ohio State Online Program is unique and have their own timelines for completion. This also varies based on how many credits you choose to take each semester. For more information or to estimate how long it will take to complete your degree, contact an enrollment advisor .

What is state authorization?

State authorization refers to regulations that impact online and on-ground education offered across state lines and programs that lead to state licenses or certifications. Compliance with these regulations ensures that an Ohio State degree will be recognized and that a student will be eligible to sit for licensure in states other than Ohio. Each state has unique authorization requirements, so Ohio State must review each state’s laws to ensure that the university is in compliance. At Ohio State, we have a team dedicated to researching regulations, seeking and maintaining compliance, communicating changes in authorization status, and disclosing state licensure and certification information.

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Ohio State’s MSN program admits online students once-per-year for the Autumn semester.

Autumn 2025

Application Deadline October 15, 2024

Term Start Date August 26, 2025

Autumn 2026

Application Deadline TBD

Term Start Date August 25, 2026

Admission Criteria

Students must have a  Bachelor  of Science in Nursing ( BSN) degree from an ACEN/CCNE/CNEA-accredited institution to be eligible to apply . Applicants must also have an active RN license and a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale in the last degree earned relevant to the program of study.

Who We Are Looking For

Your application will be reviewed comprehensively, considering all aspects of your qualifications. The list below outlines the attributes and experiences we consider:

  • Understanding of the advanced practice nurse role
  • Experience with your chosen population – Leadership, teamwork, and collaboration
  • Community engagement
  • Diversity of thought and experiences
  • Resilience, growth, critical thinking
  • Emotional intelligence, communication skills
  • Personal attributes like humility, professionalism, compassion
  • Commitment to the nursing profession

How to Apply

To apply for the online Master of Science in Nursing program applicants must complete the following prior to the application deadline:

Failure to complete all required steps of this application process by 11:59 pm EST on the day of the posted deadline will result in your application not being considered for admission, with no exceptions. 

Admission Timeline and Deferrals

Please ensure all the required materials listed above are submitted by the application deadline to be considered for admission. It may take up to five business days for the status of materials to be updated on your application status webpage.

*Please note that deferring admittance is not an option. If you are unable to start your studies in the term for which you applied, you will need to reapply in the future.

In accordance with the non-discrimination policy of The Ohio State University and the College of Nursing, we strictly prohibit any discrimination based upon age, color, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, national origin, religion, pregnancy, or veteran status in its application, admission, or enrollment practices.

Ohio State is committed to treating applicants fairly and with dignity and respect. Please review Ohio State’s new  post-admissions policy .


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Career Outlook

The Master of Science in Nursing – Family Nurse Practitioner degree from Ohio State offers a strong career outlook due to the growing demand for primary care providers. FNP graduates are well-prepared to work in diverse settings, including family practices, clinics, hospitals, and community health organizations. With their expertise in managing patient care across the lifespan, FNPs play a crucial role in addressing healthcare needs and improving access to care. The program’s rigorous training equips graduates with the skills needed for leadership roles in primary care and offers opportunities for specialization and advancement in a dynamic and evolving healthcare landscape.

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NURSING 7403 – Innovation Leadership in Advanced Nursing Practice

Analysis of organizational leadership and ethical essentials necessary to deliver high quality patient care in diverse settings.

NURSING 7483 – Quality Improvement and Informatics

Explores advanced concepts of collaboration, design, leadership, implementation and evaluation of quality improvement initiatives in health care utilizing information technology strategies.

NURSING 7491 – Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Across the Life Span

Analyze strategies to encourage change in both individual’s and population’s health behaviors that influence risk reduction in multiple settings. Develop educational strategies utilizing advanced critical thinking.

Program Faculty

personal statement oncology nurse

Kristine Browning PhD, APRN-CNP, FAANP

Dr. Kristine Browning’s national program of research includes the examination of underlying determinants of tobacco use in order to further understand tobacco use behavior. Her work has examined socioeconomic disparities among the delivery of smoking cessation assistance by healthcare providers. Evidence-based smoking cessation interventions, including assistance, should be systematically delivered to all patients who are current smokers. Dr. Browning’s other work in tobacco control includes examining how principles of acculturation contribute to how Hispanic men and women misclassify their smoking status and state of the science papers that summarize salient tobacco control topics in special populations such as HIV-positive, low socioeconomic, and immigrants. Continued smoking after a lung cancer diagnosis remains a significant problem as it contributes to poor disease and treatment-related outcomes. Although lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality for both men and women, there is a paucity of smoking cessation intervention research with lung cancer patients. Dr. Browning’s research has examined smoking behaviors of lung cancer patients from the perspective of the Self-Regulation of Illness Representation and found that understanding the context in which a patient perceives their disease and smoking behavior may contribute to influencing behavior change. In addition, Dr. Browning has combined her clinical experience as an adult nurse practitioner in oncology care with examining salient patient related topics in cancer survivorship care.

Kelly Casler

Headshot of Kelly Casler, BSN-DNP faculty

Jennifer Dush

Headshot of Jennifer Dush, BSN-DNP faculty

Carol Nikolai

Headshot of Carol Nikolai, BSN-DNP faculty


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Making Cancer History

© 2024 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

  • Open access
  • Published: 27 August 2024

Mindfulness intervention, homogeneous medical concept, and concentrated solution nursing for colorectal cancer patients: a retrospective study

  • Yaning Feng 1   na1 ,
  • Kuanlei Wang 2 ,
  • Jianchun Fan 3   na1 ,
  • Xueliang Wu 4 , 5 ,
  • Tian Li 6 &
  • Zhili Yang 4 , 7  

BMC Cancer volume  24 , Article number:  1055 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

27 Accesses

Metrics details

We aim to explore the differences of the psychological distress of postoperative chemotherapy patients with colorectal cancer between mindfulness intervention combined with homogeneous medical concepts and mindfulness intervention only.

One hundred patients with colorectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy after surgery from Sep 2020 to Sep 2022 were enrolled and divided into active control group (Solution centered nursing interventions; homogenized medical and nursing professional teams; dedicated personnel responsible for “admission notices”; Regular follow-up after discharge) and mindfulness group (homogeneous medical concept + and concentrated solution + Mindfulness intervention) with 50 cases in each group according to different nursing methods.

After nursing, the physical function, emotional function, cognitive function, and social function of the patients in the mindfulness group were significantly higher than those in the active control group. However, the overall life and economic difficulties of the patients in the mindfulness group were significantly lower than those in the active control group ( P  < 0.05). After nursing, the observation score, description score, action score, intrinsic experience score, non-judgment score and non-reaction score of the mindfulness group were significantly higher than those of the active control group ( P  < 0.05).

The implementation of mindfulness intervention in colorectal cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy can alleviate the patients’ negative emotions, improve the level of mindfulness, and improve the quality of life of patients.

Peer Review reports


Colorectal cancer is one of the common tumor diseases caused by the digestive tract system, which mainly presents symptoms such as local abdominal pain, blood in the stool, anemia and weight loss [ 1 ]. According to relevant research reports, the morbidity and mortality of colorectal cancer patients in my country rank third and fourth among many cancer diseases, and the patients are obviously younger [ 2 , 3 ]. At present, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are an important auxiliary means for the treatment of colorectal cancer. They can lead to increased physical and psychological stress, and cause patients The quality of sleep decreases, and the difficult emotions such as fear, depression, and anxiety are aggravated [ 4 ].

In recent years, the homogeneous medical concept nursing model has been widely advocated by hospitals. Homogeneous healthcare refers to a group of individuals who have identified similar patterns of medical resource utilization, treatment sequences, prognosis, and care trajectories [ 5 ]. The solution-focused mode is characterized by fully respecting individual resources and potential, and emphasizing that the focus of problem-solving is on the positive aspects of people [ 6 ]. Previous studies have found that the solution-focused model can help improve the psychological function and quality of life of patients [ 7 ]. The concentrated nursing model is a rehabilitation nursing measure covering the patient’s psychology, sports and life, and its starting point is health education. However, the current clinical nursing mode of homogeneous medical concept combined with focused solution mode lacks the ability to perceive the patient’s physiological state and enhance the patient’s sense of self-control [ 8 ]. As research progresses, positive thinking interventions can be used to increase the level of positive thinking in patients. It is a meditation practice that evaluates the subconscious mind to find out the level of stress that the patient perceives, thus ensuring that the patient remains in a more normal state under stress. Positive thinking intervention therapy can significantly reduce patients’ fear of disease and a series of difficult emotions after gastrointestinal surgery. Subsequently, it has been shown to reduce patients’ psychological and physical health, thereby improving their quality of life and significantly increasing their sense of well-being. Positive thinking therapy can help patients to increase their level of positive thinking and thus continuously improve their physical and psychological health.

According to related studies, colorectal cancer patients have obvious anxiety and depression, and the severity of the disease is increasing [ 9 ]. The contradiction between the disease and the psychological problems caused by colorectal cancer is becoming more and more tense, which in turn leads to the lower level of mindfulness and quality of life in patients with colorectal cancer, which gradually affects their living standards [ 10 ]. The mindfulness intervention is a stress reduction therapy that originated from meditation and is guided by Zen concepts to help patients relieve pain and anxiety. Studies have shown that in addition to conventional care and psychological care measures, mindfulness interventions can effectively reduce difficult emotions and improve quality of life in patients with colorectal pain [ 11 ].

Materials and methods

Research subject.

The medical records of 100 patients with colorectal cancer undergoing chemotherapy after surgery from Sep 2020 to Sep 2022 were selected as the retrospective research objects, and divided into an active control group and an mindfulness group with 50 cases in each group according to different nursing methods. All patients underwent the intervention during hospitalization and discharge, over a period of 5 weeks. Patients were followed up weekly after discharge from hospital for the intervention. We have de-identified all patient details. All authors have signed informed consent forms. The reporting of this study conforms to CONSORT guidelines [ 12 ].

Inclusion criteria: (1) Patients were informed about this study and agreed to participate in this research; (2) 70 ≥ Age ≥ 18 years; (3) Patients were diagnosed with colorectal cancer by pathological examination; (4) There were no organ lesions in patients with stage I and Stage II partial colorectal resection; (5) Have a certain ability to read and write, and have a certain understanding of colorectal cancer. (6) Be able to understand the essence of this experiment and actively cooperate with it.

Exclusion criteria: (1) Those who refused to accept the questionnaire; (2) Those with other primary cancers, or those with other serious diseases who could not be treated by radical surgery; (3) Those with a history of mental illness or mental retardation: (4) The family requested that the patient not be informed of the actual condition.

Homogeneous medical concept combined with focused solution nursing

Among them, the active control group implemented the concept of homogeneous medical care combined with solution-focused nursing, namely: (1) Solution-focused nursing intervention: Describe the problem: The responsible nurse guides the patient to describe the main problems at present. Build feasible goals: Encourage patients to think about the goals they want to achieve in the treatment process. Discuss success stories: Discuss past success stories with patients, let patients realize that stoma is not so scary. Implement feedback: Encourage and praise the daily changes of the beneficiaries. Evaluate the effect: Evaluate the patient’s results and actively improve in the next step. (2) Form a homogeneous medical and nursing professional team: members include medical staff in colorectal surgery and oncology surgery, and the selected personnel are senior nurses and physicians in the department. Before the nursing work is carried out, conduct unified training. After hospitalization, activate the homogeneous medical mode immediately, inform the patient of the precautions for dietary activities, and inform the patient that a series of encouragement measures after admission will be the responsibility of the attending physician. (3) In-hospital stage: After the patient is admitted to the hospital, the responsible nurse informs them of the “Admission Notice”.

The responsible nurse and the attending doctor participate in the ward round, Consultation, treatment plan formulation, surgical arrangement, pathological discussion and other medical activities, comprehensively understand the actual condition of the patients in charge, give timely feedback on difficult problems in the treatment process, and improve the implementation. In addition, pay attention to ease the patient’s psychological state, continuously encourage the patient, help enhance their confidence in treatment, and establish a correct attitude towards the disease. Take behavioral interventions for the bad mood of the thinker, such as arranging the thinker to do progressive muscle relaxation training in the recovery room with light music, and gradually relax the muscles of the whole body through deep breathing, once a day in the morning and evening, 20 min/time, the training time can be appropriately extended 3 days before the operation. During the operation, the vital indicators of the patients were strictly observed and anti-infection measures were taken. On the first day after the operation, the responsible nurse asked the stoma specialist nurse to conduct on-site teaching during the consultation, so that they could master the skills of cutting, pasting and replacing the ostomy bag, and observe the main points of the stoma. Learn to observe the color change of the stoma mucosa, manage and prevent stoma complications; during the nursing process, the medical staff should give enough respect and encouragement to the patients, so as to reduce the patient’s postoperative stigma and enhance the confidence in treatment 3 to 14 days after operation, according to the patient’s recovery, give corresponding dietary guidance, supplement nutrition, encourage patients to get out of bed early, and increase the time and scope of activities. (4) After discharge: within 48 h after the patient is discharged from the hospital, the responsible nurse and the attending doctor will complete the telephone follow-up of the patient. Provide professional guidance. One month after discharge from the hospital to the stoma outpatient follow-up, targeted re-interventions were carried out. The nursing time of patients in both groups was 6 months after the confirmed enrollment.

  • Mindfulness intervention

The mindfulness group implemented mindfulness intervention, namely: mindfulness intervention therapy is a group training therapy on the first coupling of cancer and psychology, which in turn continuously improves the physical and psychological condition of the patient, thus continuously rebuilding the patient’s perception of the disease and its management. The 50 patients in the mindfulness group were divided into 7 groups, 6 of which had 7 patients in each group and the remaining group had 8 patients. The patients in each group were given mindfulness intervention care sequentially from Monday to Monday for 2.5 to 3 h each time, once a week for 5 weeks. In our study, the administration process was mainly influenced by the new crown epidemic, which was adjusted to a weekly group therapy session and a different theme each week, with a continuous intervention for patients for 5 weeks, with the weekly intervention taking place on Tuesdays at 4 p.m. The main intervention length was 2–2.5 h. It was conducted in two groups, and the next cycle of rehabilitation was generally not allowed until the end of the previous cycle, for a total intervention time of 2 months. In our study, instructional manuals and teaching videos were distributed to the administered patients before the start of the sessions, mainly to facilitate the patients to be able to perform white me training by learning, and the frequency and duration of weekly training were recorded on the memo sheet. To be able to keep the patients with colorectal cancer able to continue their rehabilitation training, we studied the use of online and offline instruction to educate the patients. In addition, the health care staff will distribute group training homework to patients with colorectal cancer online every week, and will follow up on the patients’ training results and provide one-on-one professional answers to their feelings and questions.

Week 1: the background, current situation and attitude of mindfulness colorectal cancer rehabilitation were introduced, and instruction manuals and exercise record cards were issued. Introduce yourself, set up a WeChat group, and introduce mindfulness breathing to learn and cultivate mindfulness. Week 2: Discuss mindfulness breathing, the group exchanged experiences from last week’s practice, and shared knowledge about cancer and stress, as well as the psychological problems caused by changes in the personal image and orientation of colorectal cancer patients. Week 3: Discuss new findings in body scan assignments, the impact of colorectal cancer patients on physical fatigue and pain; stretching teaching of gentle yoga, taking into account the patient’s physical disability, the practice follows the principle of moderation Week 4: Discuss the problems of yoga practice and Experience, tell the typical jade stress response and conscious stress response to cancer stress events. Tell stories in life, troubled stories in your mind and mental state, introduce mindfulness walking, and explore the relationship between walking movement and emotions. Week 5: Discuss the problem of mindfulness walking, share relevant experiences, explain the relationship between sleep, fatigue, physical pain, and emotions, and discuss experiences and findings in cancer coping. Review, discuss the mindfulness journey, how to deal with fear of cancer recurrence, emphasize mindfulness healing as a means of having health, and provide online resources.

Observation indicators

Quality of life score: EORTCQLQ-C30 V3.0 Chinese version developed by European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer, EORTC. The scale contains 30 items in 15 areas, including 5 functional areas: physical function (items 1–5), cognitive function (items 20, 25), emotional function (items 21–24) and social function (questions 26–27), three symptom areas, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, pain, 6 individual symptoms (including dyspnea, loss of appetite, quality of life, constipation, diarrhea, and financial difficulties), and 1 general health area. The overall health status is divided into 7 grades from 1 to 7. 1 means “very poor”, 7 means “very good”, and the rest of the items are divided into 4 grades, 1 means “never”, 2 means “somewhat”, 3 for “something” and 4 for “very much”. The scoring method of the scale: the scores of the items included in each field are added up and divided by the number of items included to obtain the rough score of the field. And the better the quality of life, the higher the symptom domain score, indicating that the more symptoms or problems, the worse the patient’s quality of life. At present, the scale has been translated into 43 languages, including Chinese, and is widely used in various countries and regions in the world. The Five-Factor Mindfulness Scale (FFMQ) [ 13 ]: measures the level of mindfulness of patients. The scale has 39 items, and each item is scored on a five-point scale (1 = not at all, 2 = less, 3 = somewhat), 4 = very agree, 5 = complete agreement), the score interval is [39,195], the higher the score, the higher the level of mindfulness. The severity of difficult emotions mainly evaluates two kinds of difficult emotions, namely anxiety and depression, and the evaluation time is before and after nursing. The scale used to assess anxiety is the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) [ 14 ], with a cut-off value of 7 points. A score below 7 indicates that the patient has no anxiety, while a score over 7 indicates that the patient has anxiety, and the higher the score. High indicates more severe anxiety. The Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) [ 15 ] was used to evaluate depression. A score below 7 indicates that the patient does not have depression, while a score over 7 indicates that the patient has depression, and the higher the score, the more severe the patient’s depression.

Statistical analysis

The sample size calculation formula for multiple rate comparisons was used. The sample size was calculated according to the formula: N = Z 2 ×[P× (1-P)]/E 2 . Where N is the sample size; Z is the statistic, and when the confidence is 95%, Z = 1.96; When the confidence is 90%, Z = 1.64; E is the error value; P is the probability value; Thirty samples is the minimum sample size for a quantitative study. All data were entered using Epidata, and SPSS 28.0 was used for statistical processing. Independent samples t test was used for measurement data expressed as mean ± standard deviation (X ± SD), and χ 2 test was used for count data expressed as percentage (%). Statistical P  < 0.05 is significant.

General data analysis

The gender, average age, body mass index and educational level of the two groups of patients were compared by t test and chi-square test, and there was no statistical significance ( P  > 0.05). See Table  1 .

Quality of life score comparison

Before nursing, there was no significant difference in the quality of life scores between the two groups ( P  > 0.05). After nursing, the physical function score, emotional function score, cognitive function score, and social function score of the mindfulness group were significantly higher than those of the active control group, but the economic difficulty score of the mindfulness group was significantly lower than that of the active control group, which was statistically significant. ( P  < 0.05). See Fig.  1 .

figure 1

Comparison of quality of life scores. For the quality of life score data in our study, all data were entered using Epidata, and SPSS 28.0 was used for statistical processing of the data, and the measurement data expressed as mean ± standard deviation (± SD) were tested by independent samples t test The results showed that before nursing, there was no significant difference in the quality of life scores between the two groups ( P  > 0.05). ( A ) The physical function score of the mindfulness group and the active control group after nursing. ( B ) The emotional function score of the mindfulness group and the active control group after nursing. ( C ) The cognitive function score of the mindfulness group and the active control group after nursing. ( D ) The social function scores of the mindfulness group and the active control group after nursing. ( E ) The Financial Hardship scores of the mindfulness group and the active control group after nursing. There were statistical significance (* P  < 0.05)

Comparison of mindfulness levels

Before nursing, there was no significant difference in the level of mindfulness between the two groups ( P  > 0.05). After nursing, the observation score, descriptive score, action score, intrinsic experience score, non-judgment score, and non-reaction score of the mindfulness group were significantly higher than those of the active control group, and the difference was statistically significant ( P  < 0.05). See Fig.  2 .

figure 2

Comparison of mindfulness levels. For the mindfulness level data in our study, Epidata was used to enter all data, SPSS 28.0 was used to perform statistical processing, and the measurement data expressed as mean ± standard deviation (± SD) was tested by independent samples t test. Results It was found that before nursing, there was no significant difference in the level of mindfulness between the two groups ( P  > 0.05). The sex score was significantly higher than that of the active control group, and the difference was statistically significant ( P  < 0.05). ( A ) The observation score of the mindfulness group and the active control group after nursing. ( B ) The descriptive score of the mindfulness group and the active control group after nursing. ( C ) The action score of the mindfulness group and the active control group after nursing. ( D ) The non-judgmental scores of the mindfulness group and the active control group after nursing. ( E ) The non-responsiveness scores of the mindfulness group and the active control group after nursing. There were statistical significance (** P  < 0.05)

Bad mood comparison

The independent sample t-test analysis of the two groups of patients showed that there was no significant difference in the difficult emotions between the two groups before nursing ( P  > 0.05). After nursing, the HAMA score and HAMD score of the mindfulness group were significantly lower than those of the active control group, and statistics showed that the difference was statistically significant ( P  < 0.05). See Fig.  3 .

figure 3

Comparison of bad mood. For the bad mood data in our study, Epidata was used to input all the data, SPSS 28.0 was used to perform statistical processing on the data, and the measurement data expressed as mean ± standard deviation used an independent sample t test. The results showed that the two groups of the independent sample t-test analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the difficult emotions of the two groups of patients before nursing ( P  > 0.05). ( A ) The HAMA score of the mindfulness group and the active control group after nursing. ( B ) The HAMD score of the mindfulness group and the active control group after nursing. There were statistical significance (*** P  < 0.05)

Main interpretation

Mindfulness therapy is a meditation method founded by Zen Buddhism that pays attention to the moment, does not judge, and is aware [ 16 ].Mindfulness therapy mainly allows patients to use various mindfulness trainings such as sitting, scanning, meditation, etc., so that the patient can achieve emotional regulation through making people more conscious about their emotions and reactivity when facing stress and be able to choose a more conscious response [ 17 ]. Mindfulness does never talk about control emotions. Mindfulness therapy is a kind of psychotherapy and a meditation method, which has become one of the main methods for the treatment of mental illness in China [ 18 ]. The subsequent development of this technology has fallen into a bottleneck period due to insufficient theoretical basis for exposure and unclear therapeutic mechanism. But with the deepening of research [ 19 ]. By introducing the etiology theory, method and technical theoretical basis of mindfulness therapy, it is found that attachment and breaking of attachment can keep the body away from mental illness and achieve true health and happiness, which significantly improves the precision and science of mindfulness therapy [ 20 ]. At present, mindfulness therapy is widely used in many fields, such as psychological efficacy, physiological efficacy, clinical efficacy and so on. Therefore, our study aims to provide a theoretical basis for our research through the discussion of mindfulness therapy.

Neoplasms remain the main cause of death worldwide [ 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 ]. The quality of life of colorectal cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy has an important relationship with adverse factors such as anxiety and depression, and the adverse factors and quality of life also affect each other. The main reasons for the occurrence of difficult emotions in colorectal cancer chemotherapy patients include: colorectal cancer chemotherapy patients need to face the threat of individual life, and at the same time need to accept the reality of self-image damage, especially younger patients are particularly prone to anxiety, depression, difficult emotions such as anxiety [ 25 ]. Chemotherapy requires a lot of costs for patients, and the beneficiaries are worried that the excessive treatment costs will increase the financial burden of the family, and they will also worry that their own disease will affect the harmony of the family [ 26 ].

Clinical implications

Our study found that after nursing, the physical function, emotional function, cognitive function, and social function of the patients in the mindfulness group were significantly higher than those in the active control group. However, the overall life and economic difficulties of the patients in the mindfulness group were significantly lower than those in the active control group. Statistical significance. After nursing, the HAMA score and HAMD score of the mindfulness group were significantly lower than those of the active control group, and statistics showed that the difference was statistically significant. We found that mindfulness intervention can reduce negative emotions, improve level of mindfulness, and quality of life of patients undergoing chemotherapy after colorectal cancer. It shows that mindfulness intervention can effectively reduce postoperative anxiety and depression in patients with colorectal cancer, which may be because mindfulness intervention improves patients’ concentration and ability to resist stressful events through specific methods such as breathing awareness, sitting meditation and walking meditation, increase patient tolerance for adverse events and reduce patient sensitivity to difficult emotions. The reasons for the analysis are as follows: mindfulness intervention does not allow patients to avoid difficult emotions, but allows patients to truly perceive the existence of difficult emotions and accept their own difficult emotions, and then people become more able to tolerant of difficult emotions and the negative reactions when they appear [ 27 ]. This has positive implications for alleviating the automatic emotional responses generated by negative beliefs, thereby improving patients’ sleep quality and solving physiological problems [ 28 ]. Long-term mental awareness connections can even alter the parenchymal structure of the brain, improving the cortical areas of the right anterior lobe and right anterior limbic system, which are important for regulating mood and memory in patients, reducing the automated emotions generated by negative beliefs reaction [ 29 ]. This also shows that mindfulness intervention is of great significance for affecting the physiological susceptibility of individuals to difficult emotions, thereby improving the negative emotions in patients with colorectal cancer chemotherapy, and improving the quality of sleep and life of patients [ 30 ]. Mindfulness intervention is more in line with the trend of modern medical development, focusing on cultivating patients’ awareness of correct cognition of diseases, and cultivating patients to use scientific methods to regulate their own emotions and behavior [ 31 ]. In order to improve the patient’s psychological coping ability, cultivate the patient’s health awareness and healthy behavior, improve the patient’s coping ability and psychological status, and improve the patient’s quality of life as a whole [ 32 ].

Our study found that the observation score, descriptive score, action score, intrinsic experience score, non-judgment score, and non-reactivity score of the mindfulness group after nursing were significantly higher than those of the active control group, and statistics showed that the difference was statistically significant. The main reason is that colorectal cancer patients have a certain fear of their disease, and feel very helpless about the gradual decline in their living standards and quality in the future. The high economic burden caused by the family, etc., eventually leads the patient to be in a state of mental stress with high tension and excessive anxiety, which gradually makes the mindfulness of colorectal cancer patients in a lower state [ 33 ]. The awareness-action score in the mindfulness level is the highest, while the non-judgmental score for inner experience is the lowest, mainly because colorectal cancer patients are more cooperative with medical staff in the treatment process [ 34 ]. Moreover, this cognitive behavior will have a higher positive effect on the patients in the next stage of treatment, thus making the colorectal cancer patients’ awareness behavior at a higher level [ 35 ]. Andrew et al. [ 36 ] conducted a 4-week randomized controlled study on 68 patients and found that compared with the active control group, the increase in awkward symptoms in the mindfulness group was significantly reduced at week 8. Although the results suggested that mindfulness was not superior to the active control group in alleviating psychological distress, both treatments had partial improvement in depression. Mindfulness intervention is reliable and acceptable. Compared to our study, different populations included in the study, varying levels of acceptance of mindfulness interventions by patients, and cultural differences will lead to varying degrees of bias in the results. The clinical sample size of this study is small, and the region and patient population are relatively limited. We will need to conduct large sample multicenter clinical studies for verification in the future. However, after the colorectal cancer patients came forward, they recurred, mainly because the patients lacked effective medical care during the actual healing process, and the patients failed to effectively implement the rehabilitation-related methods explained by the medical staff after being discharged from the hospital. In the actual operation process, there will be a certain degree of fear and resistance, which leads to a low level of the patient’s non-judgmental dimension score [ 37 ].

Study limitations

Our study is affected by objective conditions, and our study has certain shortcomings that need to be further improved and supplemented. In addition, our study only conducted a preliminary qualitative and quantitative study on the level of positive thinking, health beliefs and self-management efficacy of some patients before and after the intervention. The study explored the effect of positive self-management efficacy of colorectal cancer patients, with the aim of bridging the lack of systematic and rigorous theoretical support for positive thinking therapy, so as to provide healing tools for clinical treatment of colorectal cancer patients, and then better provide treatment services for colorectal cancer patients.

In conclusion, mindfulness intervention in patients undergoing chemotherapy after colorectal cancer can reduce their negative emotions, improve the level of mindfulness, and improve the quality of life of patients.

Data availability


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This project was supported by the Medjaden Academy & Research Foundation for Young Scientists (Grant No. MJA202306056).

Hebei Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission medical science research project (20200597).

Author information

Yaning Feng and Jianchun Fan contributed equally to this work.

Authors and Affiliations

Physical Examination Center, The First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou, 075000, China

Yaning Feng

Hospital Office, The First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou, 075000, China

Kuanlei Wang

Graduate School, Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou, 075000, China

Jianchun Fan

Department of General Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University, 12 Changqing Rd, Zhangjiakou, 075000, China

Xueliang Wu & Zhili Yang

Tumor Research Institute, The First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou, 075000, China

Xueliang Wu

School of Basic Medicine, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, 710032, China

Department of Anorectal Surgery, Xinchang Country People’s Hospital, 117 Gushan Middle Road, Xinchang, Zhejiang Province, 312500, China

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Yaning Feng performed the statistical analyses and wrote the manuscript. Kuanlei Wang, Jianchun Fan completed all the data entry and provided assistance for the data analysis. Xueliang Wu designed and wrote the study protocol and reviewed the manuscript. Yaning Feng participated the revision of this manuscript. Xueliang Wu participated in manuscript revision. Tian Li offered many constructive opinions on this study and provided a critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content. All authors contributed to and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Xueliang Wu , Tian Li or Zhili Yang .

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The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. The present study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University (K2023002), and informed consent was obtained from all patients prior to enrollment. All procedures performed in this study involving human participants were in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (version 2013).

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Cite this article.

Feng, Y., Wang, K., Fan, J. et al. Mindfulness intervention, homogeneous medical concept, and concentrated solution nursing for colorectal cancer patients: a retrospective study. BMC Cancer 24 , 1055 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12885-024-12508-y

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Received : 09 February 2024

Accepted : 12 June 2024

Published : 27 August 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12885-024-12508-y

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  • Homogeneous medical concept
  • Solution-focused model
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Chemotherapy

ISSN: 1471-2407

personal statement oncology nurse


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    References: Hamidi S, Dadu R, Zafereo ME, et al. Initial management of BRAF V600E-variant anaplastic thyroid cancer.The FAST Multidisciplinary Group Consensus Statement.JAMA Oncol. Published ...

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  27. Mindfulness intervention, homogeneous medical concept, and concentrated

    Quality of life score comparison. Before nursing, there was no significant difference in the quality of life scores between the two groups (P > 0.05).After nursing, the physical function score, emotional function score, cognitive function score, and social function score of the mindfulness group were significantly higher than those of the active control group, but the economic difficulty score ...

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    respect to whom an advanced practice registered nurse's personal or emotional involvement may render the advanced practice registered nurse unable to exercise detached professional judgment in reaching diagnostic or therapeutic decisions. (5) "Hospice care program" has the same meaning as in section 3712.01 of the Revised Code.