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: Speech

The Speech skill (referred to as Speechcraft in the Console ) allows you to more effectively persuade people and to barter with shopkeepers. Perks in this skill allow you to get better deals when trading, buy and sell any kind of item to any merchant, and make it more likely for a persuasion or intimidation attempt to succeed. The Speech skill tree has a total of 9 perks, requiring a total of 13 perk points to fill.

In-game Description: The skill of persuasion can be used to get better prices from merchants, and persuade others to do as you ask.

  • 1 Skill Perks
  • 2.1 Bribe Formula
  • 2.2 Intimidate Formula
  • 2.3.1 Impossible to Fail
  • 2.3.2 Very Easy (10)
  • 2.3.3 Easy (25/18)
  • 2.3.4 Average (50/35)
  • 2.3.5 Hard (75/53)
  • 2.3.6 Very Hard (100/70)
  • 2.5 Investor
  • 3.1 Character Creation
  • 3.2 Trainers
  • 3.3 Skill Books
  • 3.4 Free Skill Boosts
  • 3.5 Gaining Skill XP
  • 4 Achievements

Skill Perks [ edit ]

Speech Perk Tree

Perk Rank Description Skill Req. Perk Req.
Haggling 1 Buying and selling prices are 10% better. 000be128
2 Buying and selling prices are 15% better. 000c07ce 20 Speech
3 Buying and selling prices are 20% better. 000c07cf 40 Speech
4 Buying and selling prices are 25% better. 000c07d0 60 Speech
5 Buying and selling prices are 30% better. 000c07d1 80 Speech
Allure 10% better prices with the opposite sex. 00058f75 30 Speech Haggling
Merchant Can sell any type of item to any kind of merchant. 00058f7a 50 Speech Allure
Investor Can invest 500 gold with a shopkeeper to increase his available gold permanently. 00058f7b 70 Speech Merchant
Fence Can barter stolen goods with any merchant you have invested in. 00058f79 90 Speech Investor
Master Trader Every merchant in the world gains 1000 gold for bartering. 001090a5 100 Speech Fence
Bribery Can bribe guards to ignore crimes. 00058f72 30 Speech Haggling
Persuasion Persuasion attempts are 30% easier. 001090a2 50 Speech Bribery
Intimidation Intimidation is twice as likely to be successful. 00105f29 70 Speech Persuasion

Skill Usage [ edit ]

Your Speech skill determines the chance of successfully being able to get information out of an NPC using intimidation or persuasion. These Speech Challenges will be provided as options during certain dialogues. You can temporarily boost your character's effective Speech skill by activating a Shrine of Dibella ; acquiring the Gift of Charity buff; drinking a Potion, Draught, Philter, or Elixir of Glibness ; and equipping items that boost Speech, such as an Amulet of Dibella , the Amulet of Articulation , or the Masque of Clavicus Vile . These buffs stack, but they have different durations, so plan accordingly.

Special dialogue options include:

  • Persuade: influence someone by reasoning with them. Chances of success depend solely upon your Speech skill.
  • Intimidate: influence someone by threatening them. Success depends on the player's "scariness" being higher than the NPC's "scariness", determined by a formula.
  • Bribe: influence someone by giving them money. A formula calculates the required gold amount, a successful bribe therefore depends on having the necessary amount of gold.

Your Speech skill also affects merchant prices; prices can be further improved using some of the Speech skill perks, barter potions or enchanted equipment.

The base rate for buying/selling is based solely on your Speech skill and any perks or Fortify Barter effects are applied to prices afterwards.

Bribe Formula [ edit ]

Intimidate formula [ edit ].

Replace ___ with the NPC's confidence level (there is a game setting for each possible confidence level).

The player's scariness can also be modified by perks with the "Mod Player Intimidation" perk entry point.

Persuasion Options [ edit ]

What follows is a list of all persuasion attempts that can be made in Skyrim. Spoilers in this list are intentionally kept very minor. All speech challenges fall into one of five categories: Very Easy , Easy , Average , Hard , and Very Hard . Their skill requirements to pass are 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100, respectively. Possessing the Persuasion perk reduces the requirements on all but Very Easy challenges by 30%, dropping them to 10, 18, 35, 53, and 70, respectively. Wearing the Amulet of Articulation allows you to succeed at any persuasion check in the game regardless of skill.

Impossible to Fail [ edit ]

  • Convincing the Whiterun Guard to let you into Whiterun in Before the Storm .
  • Persuading Loreius to help Cicero during Delayed Burial .
  • Getting Lod to pay you 25 gold before searching for the dog during A Daedra's Best Friend .
  • Getting the captives during With Friends Like These... to reveal information about themselves.
  • Intimidating Anton Virane to reveal information during Recipe for Disaster .

Very Easy (10) [ edit ]

  • Persuading a shakedown bandit to leave you alone for 50 gold.
  • During The Forsworn Conspiracy , getting Margret to reveal information.
  • Getting a free sample from the attendant at Redwater Den . DG

Easy (25/18) [ edit ]

  • The Black Star , convincing Nelacar that a priestess of Azura sent you.
  • Caught Red Handed , getting the Mark of Dibella from Hofgrir Horse-Crusher .
  • Compelling Tribute , getting gold from Anuriel .
  • Compelling Tribute , getting gold from Raerek .
  • A Cornered Rat , convincing Esbern to open his door.
  • Diplomatic Immunity , Getting the Thalmor guard to leave his post.
  • The Forsworn Conspiracy , getting information on Weylin from Mulush gro-Shugurz .
  • The Forsworn Conspiracy , getting Weylin's Key from Garvey .
  • Good Intentions , getting the Augur of Dunlain 's location from Mirabelle Ervine .
  • No One Escapes Cidhna Mine , getting skooma from Duach .
  • Promises to Keep , getting Sibbi 's key .
  • Promises to Keep , persuade Louis Letrush to let you keep Frost .
  • The Raid , getting Wujeeta to reveal where she gets skooma.
  • Season Unending , convincing Ulfric to join the peace talks.
  • The Taste of Death , getting the Markarth Hall of the Dead Key from Brother Verulus .
  • The Taste of Death , getting Brother Verulus to follow you.
  • Tending the Flames , the first persuasion option when rewriting King Olaf's Verse.
  • Dragonborn , convincing Gjalund Salt-Sage to ferry you to Solstheim for free.
  • After A Night To Remember , convincing Deep-In-His-Cups to accept a lower payment.
  • Cooling down Dirge when talking about his name.
  • Convincing Irnskar Ironhand to forgive Octieve San 's gambling debt.
  • Convincing Mikael to leave Carlotta alone.
  • Convincing Mulush gro-Shugurz to treat his workers better.
  • Convincing Ranmir to pay his debt to Haran .
  • Convincing Riften 's guard jailor that you're allowed to be wandering the jail.
  • Convincing Roggi Knot-Beard to accept Iddra 's charity.
  • Convincing Torbjorn Shatter-Shield to pay his Argonian workers fair wages.
  • Convincing Captain Aldis to provide information about Angeline Morrard 's daughter.
  • Convincing Vittoria Vici to waive the fee for Evette .
  • Getting Erik 's father Mralki to purchase armor for his son.
  • Getting Ghorbash the Iron Hand to join you as a follower.
  • Getting information from Maul .
  • Getting information on the meadery from Ungrien .
  • Getting the Riften guards at the main gate to let you in.
  • Having Lynly Star-Sung in Ivarstead play you a song for free.
  • Selling Elder Scrolls to Urag gro-Shub for 3000 gold. DG
  • Recruiting Frea to join you as a follower. DB

Average (50/35) [ edit ]

  • Buy Dwarven artifact , getting Calcelmo to pay you more.
  • Caught Red Handed , convincing Indaryn to give you the Mark of Dibella.
  • Caught Red Handed , convincing Bolli to give you the Mark of Dibella.
  • Diplomatic Immunity , convincing Elisif the Fair to create a distraction.
  • Diplomatic Immunity , convincing Igmund to create a distraction.
  • Diplomatic Immunity , convincing Ondolemar to create a distraction.
  • Diplomatic Immunity , convincing Siddgeir to create a distraction.
  • Diplomatic Immunity , convincing Vittoria Vici to create a distraction.
  • The Fallen , convincing the Jarl of Whiterun to let you use Dragonsreach to capture a dragon.
  • A False Front , getting the innkeeper to tell you where the Imperial Courier is.
  • A False Front , getting the innkeeper to tell you where the Stormcloak Courier is.
  • The Forsworn Conspiracy , getting the key to Margret's room from Kleppr or Frabbi .
  • The Forsworn Conspiracy , getting Borkul the Beast to let you in to see Madanach .
  • The Forsworn Conspiracy , getting Rhiada to let you in to see Thonar Silver-Blood .
  • Hitting the Books , convincing The Caller to let you take the books and leave.
  • The House of Horrors , convincing Logrolf that Boethiah sent you.
  • The Lover's Requital , getting Lynly to admit her true identity.
  • A Night To Remember , getting Senna to reveal your next destination without cleaning the temple.
  • A Night To Remember , getting Ysolda to reveal your next destination without getting her ring back.
  • Sanuarach Mine , convincing Atar to leave Karthwasten .
  • Sanuarach Mine , convincing Ainethach to sell the mine.
  • Season Unending , convincing General Tullius to join the peace talks.
  • Tending the Flames , the second persuasion option when rewriting King Olaf's Verse.
  • Stabilized , convincing Sapphire to forgive Shadr's debt.
  • Interception , convincing Azadi to back off. CC
  • Hunting the Monster , convincing a friend to help you find a vampire.
  • Lost to the Ages , convincing Katria you are strong enough to handle Arkngthamz .
  • A New Order , convincing Sorine Jurard to join Dawnguard without getting her a gyro.
  • Prophet , getting a carriage driver or innkeeper to give you information on the priest for free.
  • A New Source of Stalhrim , convincing Ancarion to peacefully give you the map.
  • Convincing Borgakh the Steel Heart to join you as a follower.
  • Convincing Drahff and Hewnon to leave you alone in the entrance of the Ratway . ‡
  • Convincing a random thief to leave you alone.
  • During a random encounter with a would-be mage, convincing him to give you his staff.
  • During a random encounter with a mercenary, convincing them to give you the location they were heading to.
  • Convincing Geldis Sadri to allow Bralsa Drel back into The Retching Netch . DB
  • Convincing Nikulas to stay in Skaal Village . DB

Hard (75/53) [ edit ]

  • During A Cornered Rat , getting Dirge to tell you the location of Esbern.
  • During A Cornered Rat , getting Vekel the Man to tell you the location of Esbern.
  • During A Cornered Rat , getting Brynjolf to tell you the location of Esbern.
  • During A Night To Remember , convincing Ennis to reveal your next destination without finding his goat.
  • During Dampened Spirits , getting Sabjorn to pay you half before the job.
  • During Hard Answers , tricking Calcelmo into giving you the key to the museum.
  • During Loud and Clear , getting the key from Aringoth .
  • During Missing In Action , getting information on Thorald Gray-Mane 's location from Idolaf Battle-Born .
  • During Onmund's Request , convincing Enthir to give you the amulet for free.
  • During Pieces of the Past , getting the hilt from Jorgen .
  • During The Pursuit , convincing Vald to leave his guard post.
  • During Season Unending , convincing your favored side to accept a minor hold.
  • During Scoundrel's Folly , getting information from Gulum-Ei .
  • During Summerset Shadows , getting Niranye to tell the truth.
  • A New Debt , convincing Drovas Relvi to give you 250 gold to help pay off the debt to Mogrul .
  • A New Source of Stalhrim , convincing Ancarion to let you sell Stalhrim equipment to him.
  • Convincing a guard to ignore minor crimes.
  • Convincing Markarth guards to leave you alone, but even then you will still be taken to Cidhna Mine; it is one of the few speech checks in the game that always fails regardless of skill.
  • During a random encounter with an adventurer who calls you a milk drinker, backing away from the fight.

Very Hard (100/70) [ edit ]

  • Convincing Faralda to let you join the College of Winterhold without taking a test.
  • During The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal , convincing Gisli to give you the land title and deed . CC

Prices [ edit ]

Prices are computed by the following:

The Base Price Factor is calculated by your skill level; each skill rank reduces the price factor by .013 by default, and skill levels over 100 have no effect:

  • fBarterMax default is 3.3, fBarterMin default is 2.0 (defines a base vendor-selling-range of 200% to 330% of an item's base value, and a vendor-buying-range of 30% to 50%).
  • the function min(x,y) return the smallest of two or more arguments (here, [skill-level] or [100]).

The modified Price Factor depends on perks and Fortify Barter bonus:

The final price combines the two Price Factors and rounds to the nearest whole number:

HagglingS = 1.10 at Rank 1, 1.15 at Rank 2, 1.20 at Rank 3, 1.25 at Rank 4, 1.30 at Rank 5. AllureS = 1.10

HagglingB = 0.91 at Rank 1, 0.87 at Rank 2, 0.83 at Rank 3, 0.80 at Rank 4, 0.77 at Rank 5. AllureB = 0.91

  • At 0 skill and no perks, the final price factor is 3.3 for buying and 0.303 for selling.
  • At 15 skill and no perks, the final price factor is 3.10 for buying and 0.322 for selling.
  • At 100 skill and no perks, the final price factor is 2 for buying and 0.5 for selling.
  • At 100 skill and all haggling perks, the final price factor is 1.54 for buying and 0.65 for selling.
  • At 100 skill and all perks, including Allure, the final price factor is 1.4014 for buying and 0.715 for selling.
  • Trade price cap: (max sell price = value * 1.00), (min buy price = value * 1.05).

Skill levels over 100 have no effect.

Investor [ edit ]

Investing 500 gold into a business with the Investor perk immediately increases their current gold by 500. Investing is as simple as speaking to a merchant NPC and selecting the 'I want to invest in your business' option. This can only be done at the same time of day as they would normally allow sales.

All merchants who are available for investments are identified in the notes column on the Merchants article.

Skill Increases [ edit ]

Character creation [ edit ].

The following races have an initial skill bonus to Speech:

  • +5 bonus: Breton , Nord

Trainers [ edit ]

  • Dro'marash with the Khajiit Caravans (Common)
  • Revyn Sadri in Windhelm (Common)
  • Ronthil DG in Volkihar Keep (Expert)
  • Ogmund in Markarth (Expert)
  • Giraud Gemane of the Bards College in Solitude (Master)

Skill Books [ edit ]

  • 2920, Second Seed, v5
  • A Dance in Fire, v6
  • A Dance in Fire, v7
  • Biography of the Wolf Queen
  • The Buying Game

Free Skill Boosts [ edit ]

  • +1 Speech reward (as well as +1 to all other Stealth skills) from Inge Six Fingers ( Bards College ) for completing the quest Finn's Lute .
  • +1 Speech reward from Malur Seloth ( Winterhold ) for completing the quest Some Light Theft
  • +1 Speech reward from Ysolda ( Whiterun ) for completing the quest Rare Gifts
  • +2 Speech reward from Azzadal for jumping off of Bard's Leap Summit . Jump from opposite the Word Wall in Lost Valley Redoubt off the bridge that extends over the waterfall for Azzadal to appear.
  • +5 Speech reward (as well as +5 to all other stealth skills) by selecting "The Path of Shadow" from the Oghma Infinium after completing the quest Discerning the Transmundane .

Gaining Skill XP [ edit ]

  • Trading with merchants will increase the Speech skill. The amount of skill progress gained is based on the actual value of the item, rather than the amount for which it is bought/sold. Skill progress is not limited by the merchant's available gold.
  • Fortify Speech and Barter allow for more items to be purchased for a given amount of gold, which increases skill gains.
  • Successful Persuade, Intimidate, and Bribe attempts in conversations will also increase the skill.
  • Barter with skill trainers that sell items (trainer-merchants). At higher levels (51 and up) buying 5 training sessions from a trainer-merchant will cost a minimum of 8,200 gold. This will temporarily buff the amount of gold that the trainer-merchant has on hand by the amount of gold used for training sessions. Then you can sell items to the trainer-merchant. At the highest levels you can trade 28,000 worth of items in a single visit if you have saved a level up prior to training (this allows 5 training sessions, a level up, then another immediate 5 sessions). This can require a lot of gold on hand and you should avoid allowing the trainer-merchant to accumulate more than 32,767 gold due to a bug with merchant banks.
  • One method for those who have a very large amount of money is to don your best haggling apparel (e.g. Guild Master's Hood and a Necklace of Haggling), go to the local fence and sell/rebuy your most expensive weapons (e.g. a pair of Legendary Blades of Woe) repeatedly until your skill increases to the desired level. [ verification needed — see talk page ] As you will lose money (the amount varies based on perks and equipment) with every sell/buy cycle, the merchant will end up with a vast quantity of gold if you continue the exercise for long enough. At this point you can sell all your more expensive items (i.e. those items which will normally cost the merchant most of their gold) as well as any others to the merchant until they are back down to 0 gold, or you have run out of items to sell.
  • One way to train this skill without spending money is to commit a crime with a very low bounty, such as trying to pick a lock one time or stealing an item with a value of less than 10 gold. When your bounty is 5 gold or less, guards may ignore such crimes unless you speak to them. In dialogue, you may get a Persuasion option for the guard to overlook your crime. If you fail the persuasion check with such a low bounty, the guard may ignore the crime anyway. By speaking with and persuading every guard you encounter (except the one who witnessed the crime), your Speech will go from 50 to 100 in 10-15 visits to the town. A bounty of 10 gold may be too high to use this technique. Take note, however: this requires at least 53 Speech (with the Persuade perk) to work; alternately, if you have the gold to spare, you can bribe the guards repeatedly for the same benefit. [ verification needed ]
  • The Fortify Restoration or Fortify Alchemy/Enchanting exploit can be used to acquire items of extremely high value, which when sold will grant immense boosts to the Speech skill.
  • Speech is one of two skills which has a different Console ID than the name, the other being Archery . The actual Console ID for Speech is Speechcraft . For example, the Console code for improving Speech is AdvancePCskill Speechcraft <#> .
  • There are some quests that can repeatedly persuade NPC by exiting the dialogue after the persuasion and before quest stage advances. For example, No News is Good News , The Black Star , Buy Dwarven artifact , and Hard Answers .

Achievements [ edit ]

Achievements related to the Speech skill are:

SR-achievement-Snake Tongue.png

Dialogue [ edit ]

When you reach a high level in this skill, guards will sometimes comment:

  • "Don't think you can barter with me like I'm one of those damned shopkeepers."
  • "Heard about you and your honeyed words."

Bugs [ edit ]

  • The Official Skyrim Patch , version 1.9, fixes this bug.
  • To reset, wait the 48 hours for an inventory refresh. You can also save, attack the merchant, and load; this refreshes their inventory, and is much faster.
  • Selecting the Fence perk may allow you to sell stolen goods to any merchant, not just those you have invested in as the perk description states.
  • When resetting your Speech skill, you still retain your ability to invest in merchants, without having to have that perk or having a speech skill high enough to be able to get this perk. This is also true for Master Trader —all related merchants will still have 1000 more gold even after you lose the perk.
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Is there a faster way to level Speech in Skyrim? [duplicate]

There used to be a way to level Speech quick by talking to Ungrien in Riften and using the Persuade option many times, but it was patched. Is there any faster way of boosting Speech? I'm at 67 on Speech now.

  • the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim

LEO's user avatar

  • One more thing I couldn't delete the patch in my xbox 360. –  LEO Commented Aug 22, 2015 at 1:48
  • It isn't a duplicate because the accepted answer is no longer valid. The other answers are a bit lacking. UESP links in my answer basically has all the tried and tested ways to level speech. –  Nelson Commented Aug 24, 2015 at 7:02
  • 1 @Nelson - Answer acceptance doesn't mean much - votes matter more. Besides, the questions ARE identical, if you have a problem with the answers on the other question then you should update them or post your own there. (Be sure to preserve the original point of the answer when updating, don't change a 'no' to a 'yes' for example). Leave a comment requesting an update and downvote the ones that are completely wrong, even if they were right before. –  Robotnik ♦ Commented Aug 24, 2015 at 7:58
  • The other issue is the age of the "duplicate" question. It is 2 years old with obsolete answers, and new answers will be buried below much older and outdated answers. –  Nelson Commented Aug 24, 2015 at 9:21
  • Watch this vid: –  Jim Jones Commented Nov 24, 2015 at 5:24

2 Answers 2

By far, the fastest way possible is to throw money at a Master Speech Trainer .

However, if you do not have a large amount of money, you can instead make really expensive items (Alchemy, Blacksmith, Enchanting) and selling them. There are additional methods of training available.

Nelson's user avatar

I think the easier way, on the long process, is to sell stuff to merchant. Not just expensive things but pretty much any junk you can get your hands on and can be sold. The percentage is low but it adds up.

You can also try to buy and sell the items back to the merchant... you lose some money but it can be really helpful towards levelling up your skill.

A very effective way to level up your speech is to steal from the guards and then persuade them to overlook it. This will only work once if it's the same guard. So only once per guard.

jimnolan's user avatar

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speech 100 skyrim

Skyrim: How To Increase Speech


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In The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim , merchants have a limited pool of gold they can use to buy loot from players, and they rarely pay the full value of anything the Dragonborn sells. The best way for players to deal with both of these problems is to raise their Speech skill.

A high Speech also has other benefits. Sometimes players get chances to persuade, bribe, or intimidate characters into doing what they want, and if they succeed they can quickly complete quests or avoid dangerous combats. All of this makes Speech a valuable skill for any Skyrim build, and this guide will explain both how to raise the skill quickly and which perks are worth buying.

Related: Skyrim Player Discovers Helpful But Violent Merchant Trick

Best Speech Boosting Tips

Skyrim Investment

  • Speech is part of the Stealth skill group , so choosing the Thief Stone blessing will boost Speech gains by 20 percent.
  • Players get Speech experience for every transaction they perform with a merchant, and the amount of experience is based on the real value of the item bought or sold. Skyrim counts a group of items ( like a stack of potions or ingredients ) as a single transaction with the value of a single item, so players who want to boost Speech should sell stacks one item at a time.
  • Crafted items like potions, armor, and enchanted items are more valuable than their raw ingredients. Since Speech improves faster when selling more valuable items, players can make a lot of money while boosting Speech by buying ingredients from merchants, crafting items from them, and then selling the results back to the merchants.
  • With the previous point in mind, players can use the Enchanting exploit to create vastly powerful items worth incredible amounts of gold, and then earn huge amounts of Speech experience by selling them.
  • Once players have money to spare, a fast way to boost Speech is to buy and sell the same item or group of items from a merchant over and over again.
  • Players can minimize the money lost from repeated transactions by using items and potions with Fortify Persuasion and Fortify Barter. Fortify Persuasion boosts Speech directly, while Fortify Barter is more effective but only improves merchant prices. Speech stops improving prices once it reaches 100, but Fortify Barter can keep boosting the numbers until merchants buy items at 100 percent value and sell items at 105 percent value. Skyrim makes it impossible to get prices better than these.
  • Merchants only have so much gold to spend , but they refresh this gold when they open for business each day.
  • Passing persuasion, intimidation, and bribe checks is another way to improve Speech. If players commit a small crime like picking a lock on a forbidden door in front of a guard or stealing an item worth less than 10 gold, they can run up to every guard in the area and convince them to look the other way. However, players must have 75 Speech to pass the persuasion check (or 53 with the Persuasion perk), or pay a bribe each time. Paying the bribe requires 30 Speech and the Bribery perk.
  • The Master skill trainer for Speech is Giraud Gemane, the Dean of History in the Bards College of Solitude.

Related: Best Romances In Skyrim, Ranked

The Best Speech Perks to Take

Skyrim Speech Tree

Haggling improves buying and selling prices by 10 percent the first time, but the extra Haggling perks only add 5 percent each. This means the perk maxes out at 30 percent. However, Haggling is a Fortify Barter effect rather than a Fortify Persuasion effect, so it still makes a difference once Speech reaches 100.

The right branch perks are Bribery , Persuasion , and Intimidation . Bribery allows players to bribe guards to ignore their crimes, but joining the Thieves Guild also provides access to this ability . Either way, bribing a guard only clears a bounty if it's for a recently committed crime the guard saw or had reported to them.

Persuasion is more useful because it lowers the Speech needed to pass checks by 30 percent. This means players can pass an impossible 100 Speech persuasion check with just 70 Speech. Intimidation doubles the chance of an intimidation check working, but players need 70 Speech and the other perks just to buy it.

The first perk on the left branch is Allure . This adds another 10 percent boost to merchant prices, but only if the merchant is the opposite sex of the Dragonborn. It's a decent bonus, but it's situational.

After Allure is Merchant , which may be the single most important perk in the Speech tree . Players with Merchant can sell and buy any kind of item from any kind of merchant, making all of them as useful as a general goods seller. Players with this perk can even buy items from a merchant's personal inventory, but not keys and not the clothes off their backs.

Investor allows players to pay certain merchants 500 gold, and from then on the merchant will start each day with 500 more gold than normal. Investable merchants tend to be the ones who own shops rather than stalls. This perk only tends to be useful during the late game when players start finding and crafting items that would be too expensive for merchants to buy normally.

After Investor comes Fence . With this perk, players can sell stolen goods to any merchant, not just fences. This perk is supposed to apply only to merchants players have invested in, but thanks to a bug it applies to every merchant.

The final Speech perk requires 100 Speech and all the other left-branch perks. Master Trader adds 1000 daily gold to almost every merchant in the game. This makes selling loot much faster and simpler, but it's not as useful or game-changing as other 100-skill perks .

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Skyrim Thief Skills - how to max Sneak, Speech, Pickpocket and Lockpicking

The best, fastest ways to level 100 in Skyrim's stealth-based Thief skills.

Always seen as the dark arts of Elder Scrolls games, Thief skills are, in fact, surprisingly applicable to most playthroughs in Skryim , and maxing your Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Sneak and Speech skills - or at least quickly levelling them to a certain perk you have your eye on, like Extra Pockets, can be massivley helpful.

Here, we'll be talking you through the best ways to max your Thief skills in Skyrim as quickly and efficiently as possible - but we also strongly recommend you take a look at our Skyrim power-levelling hub page and our Crafting skills guide in particular, for some extremely helpful tips for speeding up the process.

If you are playing the 2021 Anniversary Edition, we have explainers on features such as fishing .

On this page:

The fastest way to max level Lockpicking and Pickpocketing

The fastest way to max level sneak and speech.

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How to reach level 100 Lockpicking

Lockpicking and Pickpocket are two skills which often go hand-in-hand - probably because, to gain access to locked doors, there's normally a choice available to the player: lockpick the lock, or pickpocket the key.

  • Lockpicking experience is granted for two things: succesfully opening locks, whereby experience is levelled according to the difficulty of the lock, or by breaking lockpicks, which gives a smaller, flat amount of experience regardless of the lock difficulty.
  • To level Lockpicking then, you can either head to a location which has a large number of difficult locks to open, such as the Dwemer Museum in Markarth, or you can simply find a lock where the starting position won't open it, buy a huge amount of lockpicks, and get breaking.
  • Breaking huge numbers of lockpicks is, we believe, the slightly faster option overall. You can buy lickpicks from Thieves Guild members and fences, or alternatively you can in fact use the Skeleton Key, awarded from a latter quest in the Thieves Guild storyline - which we explain how to start in our Faction quests guide - which is unbreakable, but still awards experience for 'failed' attempts to pick a lock.

How to reach level 100 Pickpocket

Pickpocket is one of the harder skills to power-level, but it's also one of the fastest to level up in terms of the experience you gain from each attempt... if you get it right.

  • The amount of experience gained from pickpocketing and item is based on that item's value, rather than anything like weight or percentage chance of success.
  • Bearing that in mind, the most efficient items to steal are gems and jewelry, as they're high in value but low in weight - which means a higher chance to steal, as weight determines difficulty.
  • One mini-exploit for levelling Pickpocket is to repeatedly steal the Strange Amulet from Calixto Corrium, during the quest Blood on the Ice, as you can immediaely re-sell the amulet to Calixto for 500 gold - which is also one of several great ways to earn gold in Skyrim.
  • Another slightly cheesy way to level Pickpocket is to use the age-old exploit of purchasing Pickpocket training from a trainer, and then stealing your money back. This levels the skill in two ways at once, but will slow down significantly at higher levels.

speech 100 skyrim

How to reach level 100 Sneak

Sneak is another tricky one to level up without an exploit, but fortunately there are a few things to bear in mind which can make it a little easier for you.

  • Sneak experience is awarded for being undetected in sneak mode, and for landing sneak attacks. Sneak attacks grant the most XP, based on the damage dealt, whilst sneaking near hostile enemies or NPCs with items they own nearby will level you faster than sneaking near a friendly or neutral NPC.
  • The fastest way to level, then, is to fully land a sneak power attack combo on a durable NPC like Shadowmere.
  • You can also level your Sneak to 100 during the game's tutorial section - although this will leave you drastically under-levelled for combat against your enemies - by walking into a wall near the bear in the tutorial cave. The good ol' fashioned rubber band trick, or a weight on your W key, can let you do this while AFK if you really want to.
  • Goldenglow Estate's external area, which is full of guards - providing you don't kill them during the Thieves Guild quest - is a great area to sneak around amidst multiple holstile enemies. Forts occupied by bandits or the Thalmor are another option.

Want more help with Skyrim? Find out how to join every guild and faction , how to earn Gold fast , learning about XP and levelling to 100 , max Crafting skills , max Warrior skills , max Thief skills and max Mage skills , how to get married , where to buy a house , how to start Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn DLC expansions . If you're on PC, we have a list of console commands and cheats , and you can learn about the remastered version and how to install mods with our Skyrim guide . Finally, with Switch owners, we have Skyrim amiibo support explained to help unlock special Zelda-themed items.

How to reach level 100 Speech

Finally, yet another difficult to grind skill, Speech. Formerly Speechcraft, Speech is based on your verbal interactions with NPCs. Fortunately again, we've managed to gather a few tricks for levelling it up with relative ease.

  • Speech is levelled by buying and selling items, and successfully using the Persuade, Indimidate, and Bribe dialogue options.
  • Buying and selling items levels Speech according to the item's value, and will only every grant you experience for one item per transaction - meaning you should always sell items one at a time if you want to raise your Speech level.
  • One method is to buy training from trainer-merchants, who also buy and sell goods, and who will then have far higher gold reserves for buying your more expensive items.
  • If you have a large amount of gold saved up, you can sell and re-buy your most expensive items, which, bearing the markups in mind, will leave the merchant with a massively increased stash of gold for puchasing. Then, you can sell huge amounts of items - remembering to do so one at a time - to level up your Speech. This complements your Enchanting skill levelling particualrly well, as with that method you'll have huge numbers of enchanted items to sell, too.
  • Finally, there is a Speech exploit involving a dialogue loop with a shop-keeping in Riften. Head to the Black-Briar Meadery just north of the town and talk to Ungrien. Select the "Tell me about Maven Black-Briar" dialogue option, and after heading through all the chit-chat the "Come on, get the truth off your chest. (Persuade)" option, which will soon take you back to the start of the conversation and round in an infinite loop. This is, probably, the fastest way to level the skill, although technically an exploit rather than an intentional mechanic.

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How skyrim gave birth to the hilarious speech 100 meme.


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It's the ability everyone would love to unlock in real-life, so here's how The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim gave birth to the hilarious Speech 100 meme. It speaks to the quality of Skyrim that a game that was first released back in 2011 is still being talked about to this day. Bethesda Softworks ( Fallout 4 ) created a sprawling fantasy sandbox for players to explore, where no two playthroughs are ever the same.

From slaying dragons to the perils of buying a house, Skyrim offers danger and excitement at every corner. In keeping with a lot of Bethesda titles the game has been criticized for numerous bugs and technical flaws that can impact the experience, but the truth is the game is such a rich, in-depth adventure that players tend to overlook a lot of these issues. Even experienced players are still uncovering new things about the game years later.

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One of the upgradable skills in Skyrim is speech, with a higher level opening up more dialogue options. This can be particularly useful for bringing down prices with merchants, bartering or persuading NPCs to give up particular information during a quest. Naturally, maxing out this ability and reaching level 100 is a very useful skill for players to have, and it quickly spawned the Speech 100 meme.

skyrim skill tree

The joke behind this  Skyrim meme involves someone who comes out with a particularly witty comeback or can convince anyone they're telling the truth, regardless of how outrageous the lie. The meme first became popular when attached to a photo of a real-life escaped prisoner managing to convince a police officer he was just out jogging. Naturally, the memes become more exaggerated, outlandish and dark from there.

Like the "Who Created Kirby" meme or the Get Out challenge, it's strange to see how something can evolve into a meme that just keeps running. In the case of Speech 100, there are a lot of hilarious examples out there, so it's a meme that will likely continue for a long time to come. The meme extends to other Skyrim skills too, such as Illusion 100 or Sneak 100.

On that note, Speech 100 is clearly a good skill to acquire in Skyrim itself, though it can be a grind reaching that level. That are some in-game exploits that be used to reach this level faster, though the honest way to Speech 100 is buying and selling a lot of items, with repeatedly buying and selling expensive gear one method of getting there quickly.

Next: How A Google Glitch Created The "Who Created Kirby?" Meme

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Skyrim Speech Guide

Speech skill tips, trainers, and perks.

Skyrim's Speech skill fills two roles in the gameplay. First, it helps your Dragonborn to make more money through higher prices selling to shopkeepers, cheaper buying prices when Haggling, selling stolen goods, and can even let you permanently increase the gold available to a merchant for bartering. Second, it helps with Quest progression by giving you a chance at passing dialog option checks and advancing a quest by persuading, intimidating, or bribing. This also allows you to bribe your way out of trouble with guards, if your bounty is low enough.

Raising the Speech Skill When you sell an item to a merchant, you get skill experience based on the cost of that item. It only counts for the first item, so sell expensive stacks of items one at a time. If you have extra money, it may be cheaper to sell and buy back items from a merchant repeatedly to gain experience than to make use of one of the Speech trainers. Of course, passing speech checks with questgivers and bribing guards also gives Speech experience, and quite a lot of it.

As you level Speech, your purchasing prices will gradually improve. Many dialog options can be used successfully at a low level of speech. You unlock the ability to pass harder speech checks at 25, 50, 75, and 100. Most speech checks can be passed at level 50 Speech.

Ogmund in Markarth is an Expert speech trainer; the Master is Giraud_Gemane from Solitude's Bard's College. As noted above, you may be better off buying and selling items back to the merchant, as your Speech skill rises - in particular if you take Perks from the Speech tree.

Skyrim Speech Skill Perks

There are nine Perks for the Speech skill, requiring 13 points to fully master the tree. There are essentially two branches here. The left will improve your Haggling interactions with Merchants, the right with Questgivers and guards. I do not much bother with the right path myself, though Bribery could be handy for a Thief or otherwise Evil build. The thing is, there are limited uses of Persuasion and Intimidation, aside from easing the requirements of speech checks, allowing you to experience new reactions out of Quest NPCs.

Haggling (5 ranks, 10/15/20/25/30% better buy/sell prices) (level 0/20/40/60/80 Speech Skill required) Since it helps both buy and selling prices, this can seriously tip the scales in your favor when dealing with Merchants. Higher profit margins making potions, smithing, etc. can be found here. Don't underestimate the gameplay value of more money - you may not see direct damage or survivability increases, but it lets you afford the best items available for your level, earning you those goals indirectly.

Allure (level 30 Speech Skill required) Gives you 10% better prices when dealing with the opposite sex. When you have the next Perk, you can take advantage of this fully thanks to being able to sell any item to any shopkeeper.

Merchant (level 50 Speech Skill required) Can buy/sell any kind of item to any Merchant. This vastly opens up your selling options and can help you make more money in less time.

Investor (level 70 Speech Skill required) Investor allows you to give a Merchant 500 gold, which will permanently increase the funding available to them. That means you can make more in less time, as you won't have to visit as many shopkeepers to empty your inventory. This will also help you sell the game's more expensive items at a profit, as many shopkeepers won't have enough gold available to cover them.

Fence (level 90 Speech Skill required) Allows you to barter stolen goods with any Merchant you've invested in, turning them into a Fence. Incredibly helpful for Dovahkiin with sticky fingers or professional thieves.

Master Trader (level 100 Speech Skill required) Every merchant gains 1000 Gold for Bartering. If you bother to go all the way to Fence, you should absolutely grab this when you hit 100 Speech.

Bribery (level 30 Speech Skill required) Allows you to bribe guards to ignore crimes, so long as your bounty isn't too high.

Persuasion (level 50 Speech Skill required) Persuasion attempts are 30% easier, allowing you to pass more dialog checks with a lower level - this is only for Persuade-type interactions.

Intimidation (level 70 Speech Skill required) Intimidation is twice as likely to succeed.

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Skyrim Glitch: 100 Speech (One Conversation)

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By David December 30, 2011 in Skyrim Guides

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100/Master Level Speech - Extremely Fast!

Glitch Status: Unpatched


North of Riften is a location known as the Black-Briar Meadery. Travel there, and look for the shopkeeper known as Ungrien. Approach him to talk, and select the option "Tell me about Mavan Black-Briar." From here, you have a set of dialogue options based on your personality skill; one of the options, "Come on, get the truth off you chest. (Persuade)" is what you should select. From here, the conversation begins a never-ending perpetual circle where you can select "Tell me about Mavan Black-Briar." again and go back to the persuade dialogue option. Continuously press the speech button through the conversation to level up as much as you want!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Did this today, found it out on another site though. Remember to keep pressing X (or whatever it is in Xbox/PC) to skip what he says every time.

found it out on another site


Now my Altmer will go from pompus douche bag to pompous douchebag with a way with words.Thanks a lot, cheater.





Thats amazing. Another way to train like archery and heavy Armour is to join the companions and get them to follow you around. Talk to them and tell them to train you in a skill for money. Pay them and then after ask to see the inventory and you get to take your money back. Its pretty sick



You can do the same thing with Dirge in the thieves guild about his name.

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Elder Scrolls

The skill of persuasion can be used to get better prices from merchants and persuade others to do as you ask.

Speech is a skill in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and is one of the six skills that falls under The Thief playstyle. This skill is a combination of both Speechcraft and Mercantile skills of previous Elder Scrolls games and replaces them. Speech may also help with quests by unlocking special dialogue interactions, including Intimidate, Persuade, Bribe, Mock, Brawl , and more.

Governing Guardian Stones : The Thief Stone

  • 1.1 Types of Speech
  • 4.3 Trainers
  • 5.1 Bribing guards
  • 5.2 Persuading guards
  • 5.3 Learning bonuses
  • 5.4 Repeatedly buying and selling
  • 5.5 Persuade the toll road bandit
  • 5.6 Persuade and intimidate Calcelmo
  • 6.1 Ahkari's merchant inventory
  • 6.2 Intimidate Anton Virane
  • 6.3 Intimidating Sabjorn
  • 6.4 Intimidate Nelacar
  • 6.5 Persuade Ungrien
  • 6.6 Persuade Ulfric Stormcloak
  • 8 Achievements

Usefulness and function

Speech directly affects the prices paid when buying from and selling to merchants , even without the assorted perks . At 0 Speech, merchants sell items for 3 times their base price, and buy for a third of their base price. At 100 Speech, merchants will sell items for twice their base price and buy them for half as much. Alternatively, Speech can be used to persuade people into doing things or divulging crucial information. Bribes made are also governed by Speech. There are 65 male and 45 female merchants in Skyrim, so Dragonborns interested in Allure have an advantage if they choose to be female.

Types of Speech

  • Barter (buy/sell)

The following are the perks that become available to select as the skill is leveled up:

Haggling (5) Buying and selling prices are 10% better (+5% per additional rank)
Allure Speech 30, Haggling 10% better prices with the opposite sex
Bribery Speech 30, Haggling Can bribe guards to ignore crimes
Merchant Speech 50, Allure Can sell any type of item to any kind of merchant
Persuasion Speech 50, Bribery Persuasion attempts are 30% easier
Speech 70, Merchant Can invest 500 gold with a shopkeeper to increase their available gold permanently †
Intimidation Speech 70, Persuasion Intimidation is twice as successful
Fence Speech 90, Investor Can barter stolen goods with any merchant the Dragonborn has invested in
Master Trader Speech 100, Fence Every merchant in the world gains 1000 gold for bartering

† The way Investor seems to work is that the 500 gold ends up in the shopkeeper's personal inventory rather than the store inventory. Also, it seems like any gold in the shopkeeper's personal inventory is added to the store gold when calculating how much they can buy. This means two things:


Prices are computed by the following:

  • At 0 skill and no perks the price factor is 3.3
  • At 100 skill and no perks the price factor is 2
  • At 100 skill and all perks the price factor is 1.42857.

Skills over 100 have no effect.

The speech skill increase depends on the base value of the item traded or the difficulty of the bribe or persuasion. When selling items, it is not actually required to receive any gold, only that the transaction takes place. The skill increase only occurs once per transaction. In order to optimize leveling, expensive items in groups of 6 or more should be sold individually, rather than all at once.

The following books provide a permanent one-time increase to the Dragonborn's Speech skill. See each book's page for a list of possible locations.

  • Biography of the Wolf Queen
  • 2920, Second Seed, v5
  • A Dance in Fire, v6
  • A Dance in Fire, v7
  • The Buying Game
  • Oghma Infinium – choosing the Path of Shadow increases all Thief skills, including Speech, by five.

The following quests increase or help to increase the Speech skill:

  • Tending the Flames for the Bards College awards the Dragonborn with the ability , Gift of the Gab , which increases the experience gained in Speech by 15%.
  • Steal the Staff of Arcane Authority for Malur Seloth in Winterhold .
  • Collect a Mammoth Tusk for Ysolda from Whiterun .
  • Jump from Bard's Leap Summit at Lost Valley Redoubt south of Rorikstead, survive, and speak to the Bard's Ghost at the bottom.
  • Retrieve the Finn's Lute for Inge Six Fingers at the Bards College in Solitude. This also increases the Light Armor , Sneak , Lockpicking , Pickpocket , and Alchemy skills.
  • Revyn Sadri (Common): Sadri's Used Wares , in the Gray Quarter of Windhelm
  • Dro'marash (Adept): Khajiit Caravans
  • Ogmund (Expert): Markarth , can be found inside the Silver-Blood Inn
  • Giraud Gemane (up to 90 – Master): Bards College , Solitude
  • Ronthil (Expert) Castle Volkihar

Leveling tips

Bribing guards, persuading guards.

Similar to the above method, after progressing far enough into the Thieves Guild questline, the Dragonborn can commit a minor crime, such as failed pickpocketing or stealing. Once the crime has been committed, the Dragonborn can go up to a guard and initiate the "Wait, I know you." dialogue. Any option (aside from resisting or submitting to arrest) should be available to persuade them to overlook it. Though the guards says they will not let it slide the next time, they will never attack or arrest the Dragonborn (unless the submit or resist dialogue option was chosen).

Note: This will not remove the bounty, it will just stop the conversation peacefully, while slightly improving Speech. This can then be done to all of the guards in a Hold , but it should not be repeated on the same guard, as this can cause the option to go away. Instead, all the guards should be cycled through with the dialogue. This is especially useful at medium-high levels, since nothing has to be paid or sold, and the risk is practically zero.

Learning bonuses

Wearing the Aetherial Crown , obtain the blessings from the Lover Stone and the Thief Stone , and combine with Gift of the Gab and any rested bonuses (remove crown/lover stone before resting) will make leveling up Speech even faster (65% with the rested lover's comfort bonus, 60% with well rested). Note that only the Lover and Thief Stones, and Gift of the Gab may be used if the Dragonborn is infected with lycanthropy , as werewolves do not benefit from resting bonuses.

Repeatedly buying and selling

To increase the efficiency of this method get all the learning bonuses above, sell items in groups of 6 or more individually, get a necklace with the Fortify Barter enchantment or an Amulet of Zenithar , activate the Shrine of Zenithar , get The Gift of Charity and take a Haggling potion .

Get a large amount of high value items, in total the value should be tens of thousands of Septims or more. Stolen items are fine. If you have a large pile of otherwise useless items as the result of levelling Alchemy , Enchanting , Pickpocketing or Smithing that is perfect. Keep in mind that you will sacrifice these items to level Speech. Find a merchant who accepts your items. If your items are stolen this should be a fence and if you get better prices from the opposite sex make sure your merchant is. Now sell them items until the merchant runs out of gold. Now buy one or two items back. You will probably pay several times more than they gave you for it, but the seller has gold again. Sell the merchant some more items until they run out of gold again. Repeat this until you run out of items. This allows you to work around the otherwise limited gold merchants have because you are effectively giving it to them.

Persuade the toll road bandit

Persuade and intimidate calcelmo.

Those who deliver a Dwemer item to Calcelmo may both persuade/intimidate for a better deal and exit the conversation before selecting either, "Sold. Here you go. (Gain ___ gold)," or, "Not good enough. I'll hold onto this. You'll need to find another one." Intimidation requires 40 Speech to be successful; persuading requires 50. Each option can be performed once per item brought to him.

Leveling tips (glitches)

Ahkari's merchant inventory.

In Dawnstar , Ahkari's merchant inventory can be accessed through a glitch (see page for details). After placing all gold in the chest, all the items in inventory can be sold to the merchant. Doing this will give back the gold put into the chest. Afterward, the items can be retrieved from the chest and the process repeated forever. The net is no change to gold or items, but an increase in Speech skill.

Intimidate Anton Virane

During the Dark Brotherhood quest " Recipe for Disaster ," Anton Virane can be intimidated repeatedly to level Speech. This can be accomplished by:

  • When talking with him, after saying, "For the Dark Brotherhood, that can be easily arranged. (Intimidate)," he will respond, "The Dark Brotherhood?."
  • If the conversation is immediately exited, the Dragonborn can begin to talk to him again and quickly skip through most of the conversation.
  • Exiting the conversation at the same time as before increases Speech.

This can be repeated forever.

Intimidating Sabjorn

During the " Dampened Spirits " quest, the Dragonborn can loop a conversation with Sabjorn to quickly level Speech. To do this:

  • A conversation with Sabjorn can be started (this must be during the quest).
  • When Sabjorn says that the Dragonborn will not be paid until the job is done, the intimidate option can be chosen.
  • The conversation should be immediately exited when he begins his sentence (PC = Esc or Tab).
  • This can be repeated as needed.

Intimidate Nelacar

During the Daedric quest "The Black Star," the Dragonborn can continually intimidate Nelacar in the Inn in Winterhold. When he asks "Who sent you?" choose the Intimidate option and immediately exit the conversation. This can be repeated indefinitely.

Persuade Ungrien

At anytime the Dragonborn can enter the Black-Briar Meadery where you will encounter the shop attendant Ungrien . Confront him and then repeatably persuade him to tell the truth about how he feels about his employer Maven Black-Briar. This glitch can be repeated indefinitely.

  • You must have at least a Speech level of 25 to make him cough up the truth, if not then you can use the bribery option until persuasion is effective. If persuasion is not effective then Speech is not increased.
  • This bug has been apparently fixed by means of version 1.9, however, if in offline mode on Xbox 360 or you have neglected to accept this patch or any before it. Then the glitch will be operational.

Persuade Ulfric Stormcloak

During the quest " Season Unending ", Ulfric Stormcloak can be persuaded to attend the peace council. If immediately left in dialogue following the persuasion attempt, the option can be used again.

Some items increase the Speech skill or bartering. These include:

  • Amulet of Dibella
  • Amulet of Articulation
  • Masque of Clavicus Vile
  • Glibness potions (+20 to +50 Speech for 60 sec)
  • Haggling potions (10% to 25 better prices for 30 seconds)
  • Thieves Guild Hood (prices are 10% better)
  • Guild Master's Hood (prices are 20% better)
  • Daedric Armor (wearing a full set raises the chance of successful intimidation checks by 10%)
  • Volsung (Mask) (prices are 20% better)
  • Jester's Clothes / Cicero's Outfit
  • Amulets of Haggling (12% to 25% better prices)
  • Amulet of Zenithar (10% better prices)

In addition, two blessings can be granted:

  • The Shrine of Dibella grants +10 Speech for 8 hours
  • The Shrine of Zenithar grants 10% better prices for 8 hours


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“ The Speech skill is used to get better prices from merchantes and persuade, intimidate, or even bribe others. — Game description

Speech is one of the eighteen skills that is available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim . Speech is used to haggle, barter, persuade and intimidate. Speech is a skill all characters will use, unless actions are taken to avoid buying/selling or persuading.

  • The Mercantile skill from the previous game was removed and combined with speechcraft, hence the skill speech.

Perks [ | ]

Perks Requirements Description (Ranks)
None Buying and selling prices are better.
Speech 20 Buying and selling prices are better.
Speech 40 Buying and selling prices are better.
Speech 60 Buying and selling prices are better.
Speech 80 Buying and selling prices are better.
Speech 30, Haggling better prices from opposite sex
Speech 30, Haggling Can bribe guards to ignore crimes
Speech 50, Allure Buy and sell from any merchant regardless of what they normally buy and sell
Speech 50, Bribery Persuasion attempts more likely successful
Speech 70, Merchant Invest in shops and increase available gold permanently in invested stores
Speech 70, Persuasion Intimidation attempts twice as successful
Speech 90, Investor Can barter stolen goods with any merchant you have invested in
Speech 100, Fence Every merchant in world gains 1000 gold for bartering

Trainers [ | ]

  • Dro'marash , at the Riften stables
  • Revyn Sadri , in Windhelm
  • Ogmund the Skald , in Markarth
  • Giraud Gemane , at the Bards College in Solitude
  • Ysolda will increase Speechcraft for a Mammoth Tusk (one-time)
  • Ronthil at Castle Volkihar , only in the Dawnguard DLC

Skill books [ | ]

  • 2920, Second Seed, v5
  • Biography of the Wolf Queen
  • The Buying Game
  • A Dance in Fire, v6
  • A Dance in Fire, v7

Apparel [ | ]

  • Amulet of Dibella
  • Amulet of Articulation

There is also apparel for Fortify Barter .

Exploits [ | ]

  • Talk to Ungrien , in Riften, in Black-Briar Meadery behind the front desk, say "Tell me about Maven Black-Briar." Then say "Come on, get the truth off your chest.(Persuade)" over and over until your speech is to 100. This has since been patched.
  • 1 Daedric Relic (quest)
  • 2 Coral Dragon Claw
  • 3 Darkness Returns (quest)
  • PlayStation 3
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  • Easy speech skill to 100?
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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10 years ago#1 can buy potions?
Is it possible to raise the speech skill by selling a single item, then buying it back and repeating? (I know I will overall lose gold in the end)
(Topic Creator)10 years ago#2
can buy potions?
Is it possible to raise the speech skill by selling a single item, then buying it back and repeating? (I know I will overall lose gold in the end)

Forget I also had a third question. If I wear equipment that helps raise the prices, will that help my speech skill too?
10 years ago#3
(Topic Creator)10 years ago#4

I was so hoping that was an option :D Thanks!
But what about the other two question:
If I wear equipment that helps raise the prices, will that help my speech skill too?
Is it possible to raise the speech skill by selling a single item, then buying it back and repeating?
10 years ago#5

I believe so.

10 years ago#6

I was so hoping that was an option :D Thanks!
But what about the other two question:
If I wear equipment that helps raise the prices, will that help my speech skill too?
Is it possible to raise the speech skill by selling a single item, then buying it back and repeating?

To your first question: no. To your second: yes
10 years ago#7
(Topic Creator)10 years ago#8

Ok thanks, good to know if I run out of stuff to sell.

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speech 100 skyrim

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  1. How to get Speech Lvl 100 FAST in Skyrim (Detailed Guide)

    speech 100 skyrim

  2. Skyrim Level 100 Smithing Fast and Easy!! (Special Edition) + 100 Speech

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  3. TESV Skyrim: How to Raise your SPEECH to 100 with one trick!

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  4. How to get 100 Speech quickly in Skyrim

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  5. Treebalance

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  6. skyrim speech skill 100 tutorial

    speech 100 skyrim


  1. Skyrim Skill Analysis: SPEECH

  2. Skyrim AE

  3. easiest way to get speech in skyrim

  4. How to get Destruction to 100 in *1 SECOND*

  5. The GREATEST speech check in Skyrim history

  6. Skyrim


  1. Speech 1-100 in Minutes

    This video Guide show you the fastest way to get from level 1-100 in Speech!For those PC players that are using the who are using Skyrim Unofficial Patch you...

  2. Skyrim:Speech

    Skill: Speech. Specialization: Stealth. The Speech skill (referred to as Speechcraft in the Console) allows you to more effectively persuade people and to barter with shopkeepers. Perks in this skill allow you to get better deals when trading, buy and sell any kind of item to any merchant, and make it more likely for a persuasion or ...

  3. How I power leveled Speech to 100 fast

    A user shares a guide to quickly raise Speech skill in Skyrim Special Edition, using quests, items, and dialogue options. See the steps, tips, and screenshots for this method.

  4. Is there a faster way to level Speech in Skyrim?

    2. By far, the fastest way possible is to throw money at a Master Speech Trainer. However, if you do not have a large amount of money, you can instead make really expensive items (Alchemy, Blacksmith, Enchanting) and selling them. There are additional methods of training available. Share.

  5. Skyrim: How To Increase Speech

    The Best Speech Perks to Take. Haggling improves buying and selling prices by 10 percent the first time, but the extra Haggling perks only add 5 percent each. This means the perk maxes out at 30 ...

  6. Don't Waste YOUR Time!! Speech to 100 in 2 MINUTES!!

    In this video I am going to show you how to LEVEL UP SPEECH SUPER EASY!!!This is 2 simple easy ways to level up one of the hardest slowest skills to level up...

  7. Skyrim Thief Skills

    The best, fastest ways to level 100 in Skyrim's stealth-based Thief skills. ... Sneak and Speech skills - or at least quickly levelling them to a certain perk you have your eye on, ...

  8. Skyrim

    This guide shows getting speech 100. Skill trainers, skill books and gear to make prices better! 00:22 Riften -Amulet of Zenithar 00:56 Raven Rock -Blackgaur...

  9. How Skyrim Spawned The Hilarious Speech 100 Meme

    This can be particularly useful for bringing down prices with merchants, bartering or persuading NPCs to give up particular information during a quest. Naturally, maxing out this ability and reaching level 100 is a very useful skill for players to have, and it quickly spawned the Speech 100 meme. The joke behind this Skyrim meme involves ...

  10. Anyone know what the console command to raise speech is?

    player.setav speechcraft 100 works fine. Er nevermind. Just figured out you need to raise speechcraft by quadruple digits to actually raise the skill itself to go up. Anyone know what the console command to raise speech is? For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Anyone know what the console command to ...

  11. Fastest way to level up Speech?

    You only get speech XP once per transaction (clicking of the "SELL" button) so if you have 10 daggers to sell (per the example above) you will get more speech XP if you sell the daggers one at a time than if you sell all 10 at once. If you have patience and don't want to give money away you can sell all your found arrows one at a time to a ...

  12. Speech 100 : r/skyrim

    Steal the staff in Winterhold Inn for a free rank. Return Finn's Lute for a free rank. These quests bring you to 95. Read the five Speech skill books to get to 100. Note: It is easy and tempting to just spam Alchemy when you get your first crop of ingredients to some high level like 40. Don't do this.

  13. Skyrim Speech Skill Guide

    Skyrim Speech Guide Speech Skill Tips, Trainers, and Perks. Skyrim's Speech skill fills two roles in the gameplay. First, it helps your Dragonborn to make more money through higher prices selling to shopkeepers, cheaper buying prices when Haggling, selling stolen goods, and can even let you permanently increase the gold available to a merchant for bartering.

  14. How to get Speech Lvl 100 FAST in Skyrim (Detailed Guide)

    This is the best method I have found and I hope it helps someone else! #skyrim #skyrimspecialedition #levelup #guide #gaming

  15. Fastest way to get Speech to 100? : r/skyrim

    Buying and selling stuff and persuasion/intimidation check whenever prompted. Wear Amulet of Dibella, use shrine of Dibella and potion of glibness at low levels for persuasion intimidation checks you are having trouble with. Fortify barter potions will boost speech via selling a bit faster too. Reply reply.

  16. Skyrim Glitch: 100 Speech (One Conversation)

    100/Master Level Speech - Extremely Fast! Glitch Status: Unpatched. Requirements. [*]None! Directions. North of Riften is a location known as the Black-Briar Meadery. Travel there, and look for the shopkeeper known as Ungrien. Approach him to talk, and select the option "Tell me about Mavan Black-Briar." From here, you have a set of dialogue ...

  17. EASY 100 SPEECH! Post-Patch Skyrim Speech Glitch Guide

    There are 2 methods I knew of in the past that you could use to get 100 speech quickly, but sadly both have been patched out. This method will allow you to c...

  18. Speech

    Speech is a skill in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and is one of the six skills that falls under The Thief playstyle. This skill is a combination of both Speechcraft and Mercantile skills of previous Elder Scrolls games and replaces them. Speech may also help with quests by unlocking special dialogue interactions, including Intimidate, Persuade, Bribe, Mock, Brawl, and more.

  19. How to get 100 speech fast (exploit)

    Hey guys, today I'm gonna tell you how to get 100 speech relatively quickly, you don't have to start main quests or major side quests, all you need to do is start is the black star Quest. Get the Thief stone and sleep in an owned bed for 30% extra experience gain: 1. Go to the Shrine of Azura south of Winterhold. 2. Talk to the only person there.

  20. Speech

    The Speech skill is used to get better prices from merchantes and persuade, intimidate, or even bribe others. Speech is one of the eighteen skills that is available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Speech is used to haggle, barter, persuade and intimidate. Speech is a skill all characters will use, unless actions are taken to avoid buying/selling or persuading. The Mercantile skill from the ...

  21. Easy speech skill to 100?

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Easy speech skill to 100? BAEx10 10 years ago #1. So I just recently decided to make some skills legendary to get more perks/stats. I made alchemy legendary and then made a ton of potions. Now i made speech legendary and tried to sell my potions to increase speech skill. Problem is:

  22. Best Way to level up SPEECH 1-100 VERY FAST!! in 2024

    This is the next installment of our git gud skyrim guides. in this episode we focus on the speech skill in skyrim. I know that this is a very slow skill to l...

  23. Speech: 100

    Skyrim Skill Tree - Speech: 100 Like us on Facebook! Like 1.8M Share Save Tweet PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery, or 'r' to view a random image. View Gallery Random Image: