Senior Thesis

Completing a year-long senior thesis is a challenging and rewarding opportunity for students who are highly motivated to research a particular topic. To be eligible to complete a senior thesis for Department of Sociology credit, one must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a rising senior with the intent of being a registered student for two consecutive semesters (and then presumably graduating).
  • Be in good academic standing .
  • Have a GPA in the Sociology major of 3.50 or above.
  • Have been on the Dean's List at least twice before the senior year. There is a waiver process for transfer students and others who have not met this criterion.
  • Relevant training generally comes from coursework, work experience, and/or prior research. For example, students planning to use  survey research might establish that they have introductory training by having completed SOC 101 (or an equivalent course). Others might do so by having completed SOC 100 and working as a research assistant on a survey-based project. Still others might have obtained survey design skills during summer employment. 
  • Students should have taken (or plan to take) available courses relevant to their topic.
  • Submit an application and prospectus (see below)

Steps for Juniors Interested in Writing a Senior Thesis

Step 1: Identify Potential Committee Members  Senior theses are conducted with the supervision and support of a committee. Each committee includes a chairperson and a second reader. Committees are established by the department via a matching process. Toward this end, students will be asked to suggest 3-4 potential committee members on their application form, and to indicate why the think each would be an appropriate fit.  The chair acts as the student’s principal thesis advisor. They meet regularly with the student, guide them through the research process, provide feedback, and evaluate submitted work. All tenured or tenure-stream members of the Department of Sociology are eligible to serve as chair. Each committee also has a second reader who offers guidance on research questions and design early in the process, is available as a resource during the year, and provides feedback on at least one a draft of the thesis prior to the final submission. Tenured and tenure-stream faculty at Tufts (inside or outside the Department of Sociology) are eligible to serve as second readers, as are lecturers.   In February and March of the Junior year, students considering writing a thesis should meet with faculty members to discuss their ideas. Students should use these meetings to 1) home in on a topic, research question, and methodological approach and 2) identify faculty who may be appropriate committee members, as indicated by their areas of substantive expertise, methodological skillset, interest, and availability (faculty on leave during the student’s senior year may be unavailable).  Please note that because faculty can take on a limited number of theses each year, the availability of appropriate committee members is considered when thesis applications are reviewed (in addition to factors such as student eligibility and the feasibility of the proposed project).

Step 2: Submit an Application and Prospectus

Your written prospectus (roughly 3-4 double-spaced pages) should:

  • Identify the big-picture topic and research question(s) that the thesis aims to address;
  • Explain why the research is sociologically significant, by drawing on established concerns within the discipline and gaps in the existing knowledge. Why is it important to answer this question? 
  • Review 3-5 scholarly works pertinent to the research question(s) and explain how your work extends or speaks to them;
  • Outline your preliminary research design and methodology (e.g. surveys, interviews, media analysis, participant observation, experimental design);
  • Explain the coursework, prior research, and/or work experience that has given you the appropriate introductory training you will need to use the method(s) you have selected;
  • If you will be working with human subjects, include your anticipated timeline for completing the required Institutional Review Board training and apply for approval.

Please email the prospectus with a copy of your unofficial transcript and this application to Amy Pendleton by April 1 for fullest consideration. 

Step 3: Register for Thesis Credit  If your thesis is approved, you will need to register for Senior Honors Thesis A for the first semester of your senior year and Senior Honors Thesis B for the second.

Students who successfully complete and defend a thesis ultimately earn 4 SHUs for each of these courses. Senior Honors Thesis A and Senior Honors Thesis B may both be used as electives to fulfill the requirements of the major. 

Additional Information  Those who apply by the April 1 deadline will receive a decision letter by the end of April. Students whose theses are approved will be notified about the composition of their committee at that time.  Thesis students should reach out to their chair promptly to devise a timeline. As rule of thumb, students present at least one chapter (or a literature review and extended introduction) to the thesis committee by the end of first semester so the committee can review their progress.  The due date for the completed thesis is set by the chair in consultation with the university guidelines and the student (typically this is in early April). The student will then present the thesis to their committee in a “defense” which must take place prior to the first day of final examinations. The student will subsequently complete required revisions and follow university guidelines for submitting a copy of the thesis. Occasionally, theses are discontinued after one semester due to insufficient progress or a change in student plans.  In such instances, students are given an Incomplete (I) for Senior Honors Thesis A while they transform their work into a more limited independent study paper, in consultation with their chair. The paper should be submitted in keeping with the Incomplete deadline, at which point the chair will review the work and convert the Incomplete into the appropriate grade. 

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Sociology Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Empowering Populist Politics: Social Media Use in the US and UK , James M. Howley

Exploring Educational Equity: An Ethnographic Case Study of Non-Profit Initiatives in Early Childhood Education , Jovana Jovanovic

Disability, Blackness, and Online Community: Black Twitter as Self-Narrative , Morgan S. Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Deconstructing and Decolonizing Identities of “Gender” and “Sex” When Viewed as Anti-Black: Black Narratives Outside of the Binary , Didier Salgado

“We Need to Figure Out Who We Are”: Reframing Manhood in an Online Discussion Forum , Tomas Sanjuan Jr.

Musicking Higher Education: An Analysis of the Effects of Music Pedagogy On College Classroom Atmospheres , April Smith

Framing, Emotion, and Contradiction in the Tampa Bay Times’ Climate Change Coverage , Madison Veeneman

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

"Are We Done?": The Minimization of Covid-19 and the Individualization of Health in the United States , Cassidy R. Boe

Health and Friendships of LGBTQIA+ College Students , Komal Asim Qidwai

Organizing for Here and There: Exploring the Grassroots Organizing of the Puerto Rican Diaspora in the Tampa Bay Area , Dominique Rivera

Stitched Together: What We Learn from Secret Stories in Public Media , Sara D. Rocks

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

"Duck Wars": Examining the Narrative Construction of a "Problem" Species , Jenna A. Bateman

The Debate on Physician-Assisted Death in the United States: A Narrative Analysis of Formula Stories , Rebecca Blackwell

The Social Correlates of War: Conflict Correlations Within Belief Systems. , Richard R. N. Decampa

Narrative Meaning Productions of Compassionate Healthcare: An Examination of Cultural Codes, Organizational Practices, and Everyday Realities , Carley Geiss

Racialized Morality: The Logic of Anti-Trafficking Advocacy , Sophie Elizabeth James

Green Business and the Culture of Capitalism: Constructing Narratives of Environmentalism , Julia S. Jester

Presenting Selves and Interpreting Culture: An Ethnography of Chinese International Tourism in the United States , Fangheyue Ma

Making A Home Away from Home: A Qualitative Study of African Students’ Practices of Integration in the United States , Alphonse O. Opoku

"They Say We're Expendable:" Race, Nation, and Citizenship in the Dominican Republic. , Edlin Veras

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

A social network analysis of online gamers' friendship networks: Structural attributes of Steam friendships, and comparison of offline-online social ties of MMO gamers , Juan G. Arroyo-Flores

Family Response to a Diagnosis of Serious Mental Illness in Teens and Young Adults: A Multi-Voiced Narrative Analysis , Douglas J. Engelman

GoFundTransitions: Narratives of Transnormativity and the Limits of Crowdfunding Livable Futures , Hayden J. Fulton

"Courage Drives Us": Narrative Construction of Organizational Identity in a Cancer-Specific Health Non-Profit Organization , Katie J. Hilderbrand

“I woke up to the world”: Politicizing Blackness and Multiracial Identity Through Activism , Angelica Celeste Loblack

The Athletics Behind the Academics: The Academic Advisor’s Role in the Lives of Student Athletes , Max J.R. Murray

Red-Green Rows: Exploring the Conflict between Labor and Environmental Movements in Kerala, India , Silpa Satheesh

Winning “Americans” for Jesus?: Second-Generation, Racial Ideology, and the Future of the Brazilian Evangelical Church in the U.S. , Rodrigo Otavio Serrao Santana De Jesus

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Palatable Shades of Gender: Status Processes at the Intersections of Race, Gender, and Team Formation , Jasmón L. Bailey

American Converts to Islam: Identity, Racialization, and Authenticity , Patrick M. Casey

Meaning and Monuments: Morality, Racial Ideology, and Nationalism in Confederate Monument Removal Storytelling , Kathryn A. DelGenio

"Keep it in the Closet and Welcome to the Movement": Storying Gay Men Among the Alt-Right , Shelby Statham

Selling White Masculinity: An Analysis of Cultural Intermediaries in the Craft Beverage Industry , Erik Tyler Withers

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Role of the Soldier in Civilian Life: Personal and Social Concerns that Influence Reintegration Processes , Matthew J. Ahlfs

“I Want to Be Who I Am”: Stories of Rejecting Binary Gender , Ana Balius

Breaking the Crass Ceiling? Exploring Narratives, Performances, and Audience Reception of Women's Stand-Up Comedy , Sarah Katherine Cooper

An Intersectional Examination of Disability and LGBTQ+ Identities In Virtual Spaces , Justine E. Egner

"I've never had that": An Exploration of how Children Construct Belonging and Inclusion Within a Foodscape , Olivia M. Fleming

Hybridizers and the Hybridized: Orchid Growing as Hybrid "Nature?" , Kellie Petersen

Coloring in the Margins: Understanding the Experiences of Racial/Ethnic and Sexual/Gender Minority Undergraduates in STEM , Jonathan D. Ware

Decreased Visibility: A Narrative Analysis of Episodic Disability and Contested Illness , Melissa Jane Welch

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

“Have a Seat at our Table: Uncovering the Experiences of Black Students Attending a ‘Racially Diverse’ University” , Diamond Briggs

TERF Wars: Narrative Productions of Gender and Essentialism in Radical-Feminist (Cyber)spaces , Jennifer Earles

“Can You Believe They Think I’m Intimidating?” An Exploration of Identity in Tall Women , Elizabeth Joy Fuller

Black Girl Magic?: Negotiating Emotions and Success in College Bridge Programs , Olivia Ann Johnson

"What Are We Doing Here? This Is Not Us": A Critical Discourse Analysis of The Last Of Us Remastered , Toria Kwan

Behind the Curtain: Cultural Cultivation, Immigrant Outsiderness, and Normalized Racism against Indian Families , Pangri G. Mehta

From the Panels to the Margins: Identity, Marginalization, and Subversion in Cosplay , Manuel Andres Ramirez

Examining Forty Years of the Social Organization of Feminisms: Ethnography of Two Women’s Bookstores in the US South , Mary Catherine Whitlock

"There is No Planet B": Frame Disputes within the Environmental Movement over Geoengineering , David Russell Zeller Jr.

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

“You Can Fight Logic…But You Can’t Fight God”: The Duality of Religious Text and Church as Community for White Lesbians in Appalachian and Rural Places , Jessica Mae Altice

Songwriting as Inquiry and Action: Emotion, Narrative Identity, and Authenticity in Folk Music Culture , Maggie Colleen Cobb

Unraveling the Wild: A Cultural Logic of Animal Stories in Contemporary Social Life , Damien Contessa

“It’s Not Like a Movie. It’s Not Hollywood:” Competing Narratives of a Youth Mentoring Organization , Carley Geiss

An Examination of Perspectives on Community Poverty: A Case Study of a Junior Civic Association , Monica Heimos Heimos

"I'm Not Broken": Perspectives of Students with Disabilities on Identity-making and Social Inclusion on a College Campus , Melinda Leigh Maconi

People and Pride: A Qualitative Study of Place Attachment and Professional Placemakers , Wenonah Machdelena Venter

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Mediated Relationships: An Ethnography of Family Law Mediation , Elaina Behounek

The Continuum of Ethno-Racial Socialization: Learning About Culture and Race in Middle-Class Latina/o Families , Maria D. Duenas

Getting Ahead: Socio-economic Mobility, Perceptions of Opportunity for Socio-economic Mobility, and Attitudes Towards Public Assistance in the United States , Alissa Klein

Beauty is Precious, Knowledge is Power, and Innovation is Progress: Widely Held Beliefs in Policy Narratives about Oil Spills , Brenda Gale Mason

Looking at Levels of Medicalization in the Institutional Narrative of Substance Use Disorders in the Military , Chase Landes Mccain

The Experience of Chronic Pain Management: A Multi-Voiced Narrative Analysis , Loren Wilbers

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Resources Matter: The Role of Social Capital and Collective Efficacy in Mediating Gun Violence , Jennifer Lynne Dean

More to Love: Obesity Histories and Romantic Relationships in the Transition to Adulthood , Hilary Morgan Dotson

Dieting, Discrimination, and Bullying: A Contextual Case Study of Framing in the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance , Veronica Kay Doughman

Negotiating Muslim Womanhood: The Adaptation Strategies of International Students at Two American Public Colleges , Amber Michelle Gregory

Checking Out: A Qualitative Study of Supermarket Cashiers' Emotional Response to Customer Mistreatment , Michael E. Lawless

Managing Family Food Consumption: Going Beyond Gender in the Kitchen , Blake Janice Martin

Motherhood Bound by State Supervision: An Exploratory Study of the Experiences of Mothers on Parole and Probation , Kaitlyn Robison

In Search of the Artist: The Influences of Commercial Interest on an Art School - A Narrative Analysis , Michael Leonard Sette

"They're Our Bosses": Representations of Clients, Guardians, and Providers in Caregivers' Narratives , Dina Vdovichenko

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Constructing Legal Meaning in the Supreme Court Oral Arguments: Cultural Codes and Border Disputes , Jeffrey Forest Hilbert

"All Blacks Vote the Same?": Assessing Predictors of Black American Political Participation and Partisanship , Antoine Lennell Jackson

Expectations of Nursing Home Use, Psychosocial Characteristics and Race/Ethnicity: The Latino/a Case , Heidi Ross

Beyond the Door: Disability and the Sibling Experience , Morgan Violeta Sanchez Taylor

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

A Mother's Love: A Narrative Analysis of Food Advertisements in an African American Targeted Women's Magazine , Janine Danielle Beahm

It's a Support Club, Not a Sex Club: Narration Strategies and Discourse Coalitions in High School Gay-Straight Alliance Club Controversies , Skyler Lauderdale

Beyond the Backlash: Muslim and Middle Eastern Immigrants' Experiences in America, Ten Years Post-9/11 , Gregory J. Mills

Competing Narratives: Hero and PTSD Stories Told by Male Veterans Returning Home , Adam Gregory Woolf

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

"Can't Buy Me Wealth": Racial Segregation and Housing Wealth in Hillsborough County, Florida , Natalie Marie Delia Deckard

Friendship Networks, Perceived Reciprocity of Support, and Depression , Ryan Francis Huff

That is Bad! This is Good: Morality as Constructed by Viewers of Television Reality Programs , Joseph Charles Losasso

American Muslim Identities: A Qualitative Study of Two Mosques in South Florida , Azka Mahmood Mahmood

Ethnic Identities among Second-Generation Haitian Young Adults in Tampa Bay, Florida: An Analysis of the Reported Influence of Ethnic Organizational Involvement on Disaster Response after the Earthquake of 2010 , Herrica Telus

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Feral Cats and the People Who Care for Them , Loretta Sue Humphrey

Utilizing Facebook Application for Disaster Relief: Social Network Analysis of American Red Cross Cause Joiners , Jennie Wan Man Lai

Comparative Study of Intentional Communities , Jessica Merrick

More Than Bows and Arrows: Subversion and Double-Consciousness in Native American Storytelling , Anastacia M. Schulhoff

Between Agency and Accountability: An Ethnographic Study of Volunteers Participating in a Juvenile Diversion Program , Marc R. Settembrino

Predictors of Academic Achievement among Students at Hillsborough Community College: Can School Engagement Close the Racial Gap of Achievement? , Warren T. Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Latent Newspaper Functions During the Impact Phase of Hurricane Katrina , Christina A. Brown

The Subjective Experience of PMS: A Sociological Analysis of Women’s Narratives , Christiana B. Chekoudjian

Sacred Selves: An Ethnographic Study of Narratives and Community Practices at a Spiritual Center , Sean E. Currie

Digging It: A Participatory Ethnography of the Experiences at a School Garden , Branimir Cvetkovic

Constructions of Narrative Identities of Women Political Candidates , Amy E. Daniels

“The Best We Can With What We Got”: Mediating Social and Cultural Capital in a Title I School , Jarin Rachel Eisenberg

Identities of Alternative Medicine Practitioners , Mychel Estevez

A Family „Affear‟: Three Generations of Agoraphobics , Sherri Elizabeth Green B.A.

“According to Wikipedia …”: A Comparative Analysis of the Establishment and Display of Authority in a Social Problems Textbook and Wikipedia , Alexander A. Hernandez

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  1. 🏷️ Sociology thesis examples. Sociology Dissertation Topics (28

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  2. A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Sociology / a-guide-to-writing-a

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  1. PDF Guidelines for Writing a Master's Thesis

    format of each level is illustrated below:In the level 1 and 2 headings, the paragraphs begin below the. eading, indented like a regular paragraph. In contrast, the headings from level 3 to 5 end with a period (.) and paragraphs begin right. fter the period, in line with the heading. An exampl.


    er. or letter qualityCopies :High quality ph. 4. Table, Illustrations, Images and Photographs. Place within thesis/dissertation text at appropriate places. Paste the photographs, image or illustration plates which are printed on art papers, Type titles at the bottom of the illustration in the font used in the text.

  3. PDF Master s Degree Dissertation Guidelines- 2019

    27. - I: Introduction Dissertation Guidelines These dissertation guidelines have been created as a guide to help Master‟s level students establish minimum requirements, academic standards, the p. ysical format and appearance of dissertation. The purpose is to provide academic requirements and structural guidelines required for dissertation ...

  4. Guidelines for Master of Arts (MA) Thesis at Tribhuvan University (TU

    Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dean's Office, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal has published guidelines for Thesis. This information ensures that the master's thesis submission process aligns with the highest academic standards, maintaining the integrity of the program and the university.

  5. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Sociology

    ginal or existing, and a written final product. The thesis should be a projec. that can be feasibly completed in 7-10 months. Generally, a thesis is about 60 t. 100 pages, but there is no minimum or maximum.Senior Sociology c. ncentrators are not required to write a thesis. A thesis is required for those student.

  6. PDF Guidelines and Format for Research Proposal

    th. nature and scope of the proposed study. 3. Introduction / Background of the studyA brief but clearly stated introduction or. ackground of the study should be submitted. Introduction / Background sho. r. flect the scope of the p. oposed study. 4. Statement of the Problem"A questi.

  7. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

    Examination Schedule of M Phil-PhD I Semester: Batch 2023. 5. Examination Schedule of BCA VI (Batch 2020) and VIII (Batch 2019) Semester. 6. Academic Calendar of MA & PGD II Semester : Batch 2023. 7. Form Fill-up Notice of BCA VI & VIII Semester. 8. Form Fill-up Notice of M Phil-PhD I Semester : Batch 2023.

  8. PDF Research Regulations of IOST, TU

    14. Thesis Format and Official Requirements 11 15. Evaluation of Thesis 12 16. Ethical Issues 13 17. Ph.D. Thesis Format 15 17.1 Front & Main Matter 15 17.2 Shape, Margin, Size and Outlook 34 17.3 Reference and Citation in the Text 37 18. Ph.D. Scholarship Program 2021 40 Post Doctorate Regulation 2020 19.

  9. TU Central Library

    As the name implies, this collection comprises books published in Nepal, written on Nepal, or in the Nepali language. It also includes theses and dissertations submitted by Ph.D. scholars and Master's degree students.

  10. PDF Format Guidelines for The Preparation of Master Thesis

    The equation number is usualy placed so it is flush with the right margin, It is not necessary to bracket equation numbers as in Equation (3.2) Example If Ai and Bi can be writen as in Equation 3.2 and 3.3, modal response can be expressed as. y i (t)= Fo/Ki [Ai sin(bt) ÷ Bi cost (bt)] Equation 3.4.

  11. TUCL Repository :: Home

    Welcome to TUCL Repository. Access to a vast collection of academic theses and dissertations. Wide range of scholarly journals and articles. Search and browse functionalities for easy discovery of resources. Accessibility to digital resources anytime, anywhere. Facilitates research and learning endeavors of TUCL community. Promoting open access ...


    FINAL TIPS to the THESIS IN SOCIOLOGY DEADLINE: TUESDAY BEFORE SPRING BREAK, 1pm Two copies of the Completed THESIS in standard black thesis binders, with the ... Format: The font should be Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced. The left margin should be 1.5", the other margins 1". Page numbers should be centered at the bottom of each

  13. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Sociology

    ginal or existing, and a written final product. The thesis should be a projec. that can be feasibly completed in 7-10 months. Generally, a thesis is about 60 t. 100 pages, but there is no minimum or maximum.Senior Sociology c. ncentrators are not required to write a thesis. A thesis is re-quired for those student.

  14. PDF Guidelines on Writing a Research Proposal

    glish or British English, but not mixed.Proposal Length: The proposal should not exceed 10 page. excluding the Title page and Appendices. Page no. 1 should have the precise. oposal summary followed by introduction.Paper: The proposal must be. rinted on one side of the A4 size paper.Pagination & margins: Page number should be placed.

  15. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Sociology

    ginal or existing, and a written final product. The thesis should be a projec. that can be feasibly completed in 7-10 months. Generally, a thesis is about 60 t. 100 pages, but there is no minimum or maximum.Senior Sociology c. ncentrators are not required to write a thesis. A thesis is required for those student.

  16. PDF Writing Sociology Senior Thesis Guide Final Latexupdate

    1 Rarely, a student will write a senior thesis that focuses exclusively on sociological theory. If you wish to pursue this option, you should discuss it with your advisor as soon as possible to determine if this is an acceptable course of action. independent research.


    The format depends on the topic or type of thesis, but in most cases, one would want to include the following which are inspired by the guidelines for Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) research grant application. DETAILS 1. Objectives and scope: State the objectives of the thesis.

  18. PDF M.A. Thesis Guidelines Department of Sociology University of Houston

    luding appendices) should be approximately 75-85 pages (maximum 100 pages). Title PageUse the title page template provided by the University. n that is available from the graduate facult. advisor and on the CLASS website.AbstractYour abstract is a summary of your research. It should be about. 50 words in length, and it should orient the reader ...

  19. Senior Thesis

    To be eligible to complete a senior thesis for Department of Sociology credit, one must meet the following criteria: Be a rising senior with the intent of being a registered student for two consecutive semesters (and then presumably graduating). Be in good academic standing. Have a GPA in the Sociology major of 3.50 or above.

  20. Sociology Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2020. A social network analysis of online gamers' friendship networks: Structural attributes of Steam friendships, and comparison of offline-online social ties of MMO gamers, Juan G. Arroyo-Flores. Family Response to a Diagnosis of Serious Mental Illness in Teens and Young Adults: A Multi-Voiced Narrative Analysis ...

  21. Dissertations

    Comparative Historical Sociology, Computational Methods, Economic Sociology, Institutions, Quantitative Methods, Research Methods, Social Change, Social Networks, Sociological Theory, West European: O'Brien, Michelle L. 2018. "The Long Shadow: The Long-Term Consequences of Armed Conflict for Population Change in Tajikistan."

  22. PDF masters thesis proposal (1)

    LITERATURE REVIEW (6-7PP) The literature review should be a well-organized synthesis of the research most closely related to your work. This might likely include the dominant debates, theoretical approaches, methodological research designs that have been used to understand your topic. Your literature review needs to make an argument.