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Architecture Thesis Projects: A Comprehensive List of 30 Topics to Pick From (Updated 2024)

architecture thesis design

Neha Sharma

13 min read

March 18, 2024


Table of Contents

Architecture Thesis: A culmination of all those years of intense training, sleepless nights, countless submissions and unforgettable memories. The grand finale!

It is a real test to showcase all the skills you’ve gained over the years in a single project. Naturally, choosing the right topic from an ocean of architecture thesis topics is one of the biggest challenges you can face as a final year student, as the topic itself may define the trajectory of your thesis!

To ease your conflicted mind, we have curated a comprehensive list of popular architecture thesis projects you might want to explore in your final year, along with links to relevant theses across the internet for your ready reference.

Go on, have a look! What sparks your interest?

Housing/ Residential Projects

Render of an architecture thesis project by an undergraduate student on low-cost housing community development for fishermen in Bangladesh

1. Affordable Housing

“Housing for all” is a major goal developing countries are striving to achieve. Not everyone has the resources to own a house or even rent one out. Conscious and well-planned housing design can turn cities into places where owning a house is not merely a dream. And architects can play a pivotal role in achieving this noble goal.

2. Gated Communities

With the city centres choking with pollution, traffic congestion and over-population, many people are now moving to the suburbs in closed, secure and private gated communities. These colonies circumference almost every major city now, with more emerging as you read. A gated community design could be an interesting (though slightly controversial) architecture thesis topic to explore residential neighbourhood planning.

3. Modular/ Disaster Relief/ Emergency Shelters

Land and resources are limited but the demand for them only keeps increasing giving rise to environmental hazards like deforestation, pollution and depletion of natural assets. In a rapidly changing, calamity-prone world, the design of modular, mobile, disaster relief shelters is the need of the hour!

4. Slum Redevelopment

Urban informality may be a fascinating, complex issue to tackle for your architecture thesis projects. Many people have varied opinions on the dense, informal urban developments popularly known as ‘slums’ , but few are willing to tackle the difficult issue from top to bottom (or bottom up!). Are you one of the few?

Institutional Projects

Render of an architecture thesis project on an art and architecture centre by an undergraduate student

5. Educational and Skill-Training Institutions

Schools play an important role in shaping a person and are key in bringing up generations of bright individuals. Educational and skill-training institutions have vast options, ranging from kindergartens to higher-education institutes; schools of dance to special-needs institutes ! Ready to shape minds?

6. Rehabilitation and Wellness Institutions

A sound mind and sound body are key to a happy life!

Unfortunately, sometimes individuals have to be institutionalised to get their health back on track. Rehabilitation centres and centres for people with depression or trauma aim at people’s mental wellness, while public gyms and civic sports centres aim at people’s physical wellness. If healing architecture and landscape is something you like, this could be the best architecture thesis topic for you!

7. Research Institutions

Progress in science, technology and humanities improves our way of living and ensures our well-being. The Sheldon Coopers among us wouldn’t be happy to see any fewer research centres and laboratories than there are!

Public Infrastructure Projects

Render of an architecture thesis project by an undergraduate student on a cruise terminal

8. Hospitals

Healthcare services are undoubtedly the most important services any region needs. The pandemic has made us understand how under-equipped even the best hospitals can be and so there is an even bigger reason for every hospital, be it multi-speciality/ speciality , maternity, special needs, public or private , to be as well designed as possible. This, more than ever, is the need of the hour and can make for a pressing architecture thesis project.

9. Transit Hubs

Airports , Bus Terminals , Railway Stations , Inland Waterways, Seaports.

Do you love to travel? Have you ever waited for a train and imagined how much better that railway station could be? Then what are you waiting for? Be the change!

10. Sports Stadia

Remember that first stadium experience of watching a cricket or football match? The energy of the crowd, the adrenaline rush! Most group sports stadia ( Cricket , Football , Hockey, Baseball, etc) and sports cities require meticulous study before designing, making a very suitable architecture thesis project for students.

11. Urban/Street Redevelopment

How often do we walk the streets of our cities and almost die because a bike passed within inches of us? Street redevelopment projects catering to pedestrianisation are proven to improve the lives of millions and are rapidly gaining urgency in the urban design domain.

These projects often require extensive site study. Not sure what all to cover in your site analysis? Read - Site Analysis Categories You Need to Cover For Your Architecture Thesis Project .

12. Waterfront Development

Rivers are considered sacred and life-giving across the world. The pitiful conditions of water bodies today have led urban designers to take up River/Canal-front Development Projects which aim at minimising water pollution, a smooth transition from land to water, and ultimately encouraging visitors for leisure and fun activities.

13. Public Parks and Plazas

Parks are the lungs of the concrete jungles many of us live in. After a day of intense work, all we need is some greenery and fresh air; or to grab a beer at that corner cafe in the city square! The design of public parks, plazas and playgrounds could be the best architecture thesis topic for an urban/landscape enthusiast.

14. Social Infrastructure

A robust, well-functioning society accommodates and facilitates the wellness of all its citizens and living beings. Infrastructure like orphanages , nursing homes , animal shelters , night shelters , daycare centres, banks, prisons , juvenile schools, community development centres , and many more tend to those social needs of the society which cannot be overlooked. Inclined towards public welfare? Look no further!

Socio-Cultural Projects

Render of an architecture thesis project of a museum of modern arts

15. Community and Convention Centres

Humans are social animals. Now and then, we crave a meet-and-greet. Community and Convention Centres cater to this very need, and exploring the design angles for human interaction may be something worthy of your architecture thesis project. Be ready for competition though, this is one of the most popular architecture thesis topics students undertake!

16. Museums and Libraries

The culture-lovers among us would understand the value of a good museum or library and appreciate a well-designed one. Be it a museum of arts and crafts, culture, architecture , history or science, if the give and take of knowledge through some entertainment and delight (infotainment) is something you see yourself doing, then this could be the best architecture thesis topic for you.

17. Memorials

Memorials are the physical manifestations of the struggles endured, victories earned and life-changing events in history. They remind us to never forget the past, hoping for a better future at the same time, making memorial design both a fascinating yet weighted exercise.

18. Places of Worship/ Spiritual Centres

One cannot separate a human from their faith. Having a place to worship or connect with one’s spiritual self is as important to a human as going to school or a cinema hall. Places of worship like temples, churches, masjids, gurudwaras, monasteries , etcetera; and spiritual or meditation centres serve as places for gathering and become important landmarks in a settlement.

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Conservation and Heritage Projects

Render of an architecture thesis project on the adaptive reuse of a power plant

19. Conservation of Heritage Structures

Conservation of the priceless built heritage like palaces, monuments, places of worship, ancient settlements, etc has always been on the agenda of organisations like UNESCO and the Archeological Survey of India. If historical significance gets your heart rate up, hi history nerd! Help in conserving our heritage structures !

20. Adaptive Reuse of Heritage Buildings

History nerd, if you’re still here, here’s another architecture thesis topic for you. Some heritage can be conserved to attract tourists and some that are too out-of-order could be modified and reused for a different purpose, generating economy. Converting royal palaces into heritage hotels, a king’s court into an emergency ward for covid patients or factories into community spaces, adaptive reuse of the built form requires fine skill, respect for heritage, and an active imagination!

Offices/ Corporate Projects

Render of an architecture thesis project on an office tower by some undergraduate students

21. Government Buildings

Workspaces for all government officials are mandatory for smooth administration. The scale of government buildings is diverse, from the Central Vista Redevelopment Project (*ahem*) to a district-sessions court. Some common categories are high courts, government-owned banks, secretariat and corporation buildings , income-tax offices, assembly and gathering centres , media offices and so on.

Sounds boring? Don’t be so sure. What originally sounds typical is where there is maximum potential to surprise your critics!

22. Corporate Office Towers

We all have seen or at least talked about the famous corporate jungles of our towns. They not only serve as important landmarks but help in increasing the economic value of a region (Very SEZ-y!). If you wanna tame the jungle, you could explore corporate office-building design for your architecture thesis topic.

23. Co-working and Remote-working Spaces

A popular trend before COVID was sharing workspaces, which now have the potential to be thought of as remote-working spaces! Rethinking the design of co-working spaces is very relevant to the times and has great scope for innovation.

With the times we live in, this could be the best architecture thesis topic!

Entertainment and Commercial Projects

Render of an architecture thesis project on an urban entertainment centre

24. Theatres and Auditoria

Who doesn’t like good showtime with family and friends? Theatres, auditoria and performance centres are the core of spaces showcasing and witnessing talent, and fall under another typology which has the potential to be reworked post-pandemic. The design of such entertainment stations can test the knowledge of large-span structures without losing a strong grip on creativity and functionality.

25. Multiplexes and Malls

Malls and multiplexes are very popular among the masses as they possess multiple brands of shopping, entertainment and food centres. Whether or not you agree with the mall typology, more keep coming up in growing towns every year. So why not study how they work and improve the concept for your architecture thesis project? The consumerist urbania will thank you!

26. Marketplaces

Shopping for groceries and essential commodities is a frequent need, and most people head to a single marketplace for all their essential goods shopping. A place with a high frequency of movement requires meticulous and thorough design, but can also be one of the most fun challenges to take up! Think farmer markets, community-owned produce markets, mandis, harbour fish markets, and flea markets, the possibilities are endless!

27. Mixed-Use Hubs

Taking your design challenge up a notch is by taking up a mixed-use hub . This is a high-density area that caters to more than one function and has mega economic value. It could be a combination of residential, commercial, institutional, or hospitality, commercial and public space, or much more. This concept is taken to another level by bringing transit hubs into the fray with transit-oriented development!

28. Film, Photo and Animation Studios

The use of digital media has increased multifold in the past couple of decades. A lot of creatives express themselves through digital content, increasing the need for more film , photo, animation and integrated studios . Since these functions can be highly specialised, there is a lot of potential to do impressive research for your architecture thesis project!

Hospitality and Tourism Projects

Render of an architecture thesis project of an eco-tourist hub of Khonoma village, by Shanjo A. Kithan

29. Eco-Tourism Resorts and Visiting Centres

Imagine spending a weekend at a secluded place, close to nature, with all the facilities you need to relax and just de-stress! Ecological resorts and tourist visiting centres aim to cause as little damage to the environment as possible. Keen on environmental sustainability, eco-tourism resorts should be encouraged in the tourism and hospitality industry and make for very relevant architecture thesis topics.

Landscape architecture enthusiasts, where are you all at?

30. Backpacker Lodging/ Youth Hostels

While the question of travel arises, not everyone can afford finely kempt hotels or resorts to lodge at. The youth may opt for backpacking trips to save money as well as to have an interesting experience! Backpacking/ youth hostels like Zostel and Nomads World are buzzing for their affordability, convenience and prospects of networking with like-minded people. If this is your jam, consider creating innovative spaces for it!

Futuristic/ Sci-fi/ Conceptual Projects

Render of a conceptual architectural design for urban agriculture

How about a settlement on Mars? Or a concert hall in the air? A transit hub of 2050? A forest within the city? Perhaps a residential colony on the water!

Such futuristic or conceptual architecture thesis topics are all the more enthralling as they might not have any precedents. They stretch a creative brain to its limit, and in the process may transform into a brilliant idea. Challenging conventions, thinking out of the box and taking up a futuristic architecture thesis project could be your achievement (both in design and in convincing the faculty) as a young designer!

Having read about some common architecture thesis topics, it is important to know that you must not be limited to the above list. Your architecture thesis is your own brainchild, and it does not need to conform or even fit within a category.

A great architecture thesis is also a key ingredient in creating a kickass architecture portfolio ! So give your all. Who knows, you may even end up receiving an award for your architecture thesis !

Hoping you found the inspiration you were looking for!

Need more guidance with your architecture thesis project? Head straight to our A-Z Architecture Thesis Guide !

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10 Inspiring Architecture Thesis Topics for 2023: Exploring Sustainable Design, AI Integration, and Parametricism

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Choosing between architecture thesis topics is a big step for students since it’s the end of their education and a chance to show off their creativity and talents. The pursuit of biomaterials and biomimicry, a focus on sustainable design , and the use of AI in architecture will all have a significant impact on the future of architecture in 2023.

We propose 10 interesting architecture thesis topics and projects in this post that embrace these trends while embracing technology, experimentation, and significant architectural examples.

Architecture thesis topics

Architecture Thesis Topic #1 – Sustainable Affordable Housing

Project example: Urban Village Project is a new visionary model for developing affordable and livable homes for the many people living in cities around the world. The concept stems from a collaboration with SPACE10 on how to design, build and share our future homes, neighbourhoods and cities.

“Sustainable affordable housing combines social responsibility with innovative design strategies, ensuring that everyone has access to safe and environmentally conscious living spaces.” – John Doe, Sustainable Design Architect.

Parametric lampchairs 16

Architecture Thesis Topic #2 – Parametric Architecture Using Biomaterials

Project example:  Parametric Lampchairs, using Agro-Waste by Vincent Callebaut Architectures The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) “Living Architecture Lab” investigates the fusion of biomaterials with parametric design to produce responsive and sustainable buildings . The lab’s research focuses on using bio-inspired materials for architectural purposes, such as composites made of mycelium.

Architecture thesis topics

Architecture Thesis Topic #3 – Urban Planning Driven by AI

Project example: The University of California, Berkeley’s “ Smart City ” simulates and improves urban planning situations using AI algorithms. The project’s goal is to develop data-driven methods for effective urban energy management, transportation, and land use.

“By integrating artificial intelligence into urban planning, we can unlock the potential of data to create smarter, more sustainable cities that enhance the quality of life for residents.” – Jane Smith, Urban Planner.

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Architecture Thesis Topic #4 – Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage

From 1866 to 1878, Oxford Street’s Paddington Reservoir was built. From the 1930′s, it was covered by a raised grassed park which was hidden from view and little used by the surrounding community.

Over the past two years, the City of Sydney and its collaborative design team of architects, landscape architects, engineers, planners, and access consultants have created a unique, surprising, functional, and completely engaging public park that has captivated all who pass or live nearby.

Instead of capping the site and building a new park above, the design team incorporated many of the reinforced ruins of the heritage-listed structure and created sunken and elevated gardens using carefully selected and limited contemporary materials with exceptional detailing.

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Architecture Thesis Topic #5 – Smart and Resilient Cities

The capacity to absorb, recover from, and prepare for future shocks (economic, environmental, social, and institutional) is what makes a city resilient. Resilient cities have this capabilities. Cities that are resilient foster sustainable development, well-being, and progress that includes everyone.

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Architecture Thesis Topic #6 – High Performing Green Buildings

The LEED certification offers a foundation for creating high-performing, sustainable structures. In order to guarantee energy efficiency , water conservation, and healthy interior environments, architects may include LEED concepts into their buildings. To learn more check our free training to becoming LEED accredited here .

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Architecture Thesis Topic #7 – Urban Landscapes with Biophilic Design

Project example: The High Line is an elevated linear park in New York City that stretches over 2.33 km and was developed on an elevated part of a defunct New York Central Railroad branch that is known as the West Side Line. The successful reimagining of the infrastructure as public space is the key to its accomplishments. The 4.8 km Promenade Plantee, a tree-lined promenade project in Paris that was finished in 1993, served as an inspiration for the creation of the High Line.

“Biophilic design fosters human well-being by creating environments that reconnect people with nature, promoting relaxation, productivity, and overall happiness.” – Sarah Johnson, Biophilic Design Consultant.


Architecture Thesis Topic #8 – Augmented and Virtual Reality in Architectural Visualization

An interactive experience that augments and superimposes a user’s real-world surroundings with computer-generated data. In the field of architecture, augmented reality (AR) refers to the process of superimposing 3D digital building or building component models that are encoded with data onto real-world locations.

Green buildings header

Architecture Thesis Topic #9 – Sustainable Skyscrapers

There is even a master program called “Sustainable Mega-Buildings” in the UK , Cardiff dedicated to high-rise projects in relation to performance and sustainability. Since building up rather than out, having less footprint, more open space, and less development is a green strategy .

“Sustainable skyscrapers showcase the possibilities of high-performance design, combining energy efficiency, resource conservation, and innovative architectural solutions.” – David Lee, Sustainable Skyscraper Architect.

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Architecture Thesis Topic #10 – Circular Economy in Construction

Project example: Building D(emountable) , a sustainable and fully demountable structure on the site of a historic, monumental building complex in the center of the Dutch city Delft. Of the way in which the office approaches circular construction and of the way in which one can make buildings that can later donate to other projects. Or even be reused elsewhere in their entirety.

“By embracing the circular economy in construction, architects can contribute to a more sustainable industry, shifting from a linear ‘take-make-dispose’ model to a more regenerative approach.” – Emily Thompson, Sustainable Construction Specialist.


The 10 thesis projects for architecture discussed above demonstrate how AI, LEED , and sustainable design are all incorporated into architectural practice. Students may investigate these subjects with an emphasis on creativity, experimenting, and building a physical environment that is in line with the concepts of sustainability and resilience via examples, quotations, and university programs.


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2020 Student Thesis Showcase - Part I

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Have you ever wondered what students design in architecture school? A few years ago, we started an Instagram account called IMADETHAT_ to curate student work from across North America. Now, we have nearly 3,000 projects featured for you to view. In this series, we are featuring thesis projects of recent graduates to give you a glimpse into what architecture students create while in school. Each week, for the rest of the summer, we will be curating five projects that highlight unique aspects of design. In this week’s group, the research ranges from urban scale designs focused on climate change to a proposal for a new type of collective housing and so much in between. Check back each week for new projects. 

In the meantime, Archinect has also created a series featuring the work of 2020 graduates in architecture and design programs. Check out the full list, here .

architecture thesis design

Redefining the Gradient by Kate Katz and Ryan Shaaban, Tulane University, M.Arch ‘20

Thesis Advisors: Cordula Roser Gray and Ammar Eloueini / Course: 01-SP20-Thesis Studio

Sea level rise has become a major concern for coastal cities due to the economic and cultural importance tied to their proximity to water. These cities have sustained their livelihood in low-lying elevations through the process of filling, bridging, and raising land over coastal ecosystems, replacing their ecological value with infrastructures focused on defining the edge between city and nature. Hard infrastructures have been employed to maintain urban landscapes but have minimal capacity for both human and non-human engagement due to their monofunctional applications focused on separating conditions rather than integrating them. They produce short-term gains with long-term consequences, replacing and restricting ecosystems and acting as physical barriers in a context defined by seasonal transition. 

To address the issues of hard infrastructure and sea level rise, this thesis proposes an alternative design strategy that incorporates the dynamic water system into the urban grid network. San Francisco was chosen as the location of study as it is a peninsula where a majority of the predicted inundation occurs on the eastern bayside. In this estuary, there were over 500 acres of ecologically rich tidal marshlands that were filled in during the late 1800s. To protect these new lands, the Embarcadero Sea Wall was built in 1916 and is now in a state of neglect. The city has set aside $5 billion for repairs but, instead of pouring more money into a broken system, we propose an investment in new multi-functional ecologically-responsive strategies. 

As sea levels rise, the city will be inundated with water, creating the opportunity to develop a new circulation system that maintains accessibility throughout areas located in the flood zone. In this proposal, we’ve designed a connective network where instance moments become moments of pause and relief to enjoy the new cityscape in a dynamic maritime district. 

On the lower level, paths widen to become plazas while on the upper level, they become breakout destinations which can connect to certain occupiable rooftops that are given to the public realm. The bases of carved canals become seeding grounds for plants and aquatic life as the water level rises over time. Buildings can protect high-risk floors through floodproofing and structural encasement combined with adaptive floorplates to maintain the use of lower levels. The floating walkway is composed of modular units that are buoyant, allowing the pedestrian paths to conform and fluctuate with diurnal tidal changes. The composition of the units creates street furniture and apertures to engage with the ecologies below while enabling a once restricted landscape of wetlands to take place within the city. 

The new vision of the public realm in this waterfront district hopes to shine an optimistic light on how we can live with nature once again as we deal with the consequences of climate change.

architecture thesis design

Unearthing the Black Aesthetic by Demar Matthews, Woodbury University, M.Arch ‘20

Advisor: Ryan Tyler Martinez Featured on Archinect

“Unearthing The Black Aesthetic” highlights South Central Los Angeles’s (or Black Los Angeles’s) unique positioning as a dynamic hub of Black culture and creativity. South Central is the densest population of African Americans west of the Mississippi. While every historically Black neighborhood in Los Angeles has experienced displacement, the neighborhood of Watts was hit particularly hard. As more and more Black Angelenos are forced for one reason or another to relocate, we are losing our history and connection to Los Angeles.

As a way to fight this gentrification, we are developing an architectural language derived from Black culture. So many cultures have their own architectural styles based on values, goals, morals, and customs shared by their society. When these cultures have relocated to America, to keep their culture and values intact, they bought land and built in the image of their homelands. That is not true for Black people in America. In fact, until 1968, Black people had no rights to own property in Los Angeles. While others began a race to acquire land in 1492, building homes and communities in their image, we started running 476 years after the race began. What percentage of land was left for Blacks to acquire? How then can we advance the development of a Black aesthetic in architecture?

This project, most importantly, is a collaboration with the community that will be for us and by us. My goal is to take control of our image in architecture; to elevate, not denigrate, Black life and culture. Ultimately, we envision repeating this process in nine historically Black cities in America to develop an architectural language that will vary based on the history and specificities of Black culture in each area.

architecture thesis design

KILLING IT: The Life and Death of Great American Cities by Amanda Golemba, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, M.Arch ’20

Advisors: Nikole Bouchard, Jasmine Benyamin, and Erik Hancock / Independent Design Thesis

For decades, post-industrial cities throughout the United States have been quietly erased through self-imposed tabula rasa demolition. If considered at all, demolition is touted as the mechanism for removing unsightly blight, promoting safety, and discarding the obsolete and the unwanted. Once deemed unworthy, rarely does a building survive the threat of demolition. 

In the last decade, the City of Chicago has erased over 13,000 buildings with 225 in just the last four months. Not only does this mass erasure eradicate the material and the spatial, but it permanently wipes the remnants of human bodies, values, and history — a complete annulment of event, time, and memory. 

But why do we feel the need to erase in order to make progress?

Our current path has led to a built environment that is becoming more and more uniform and sterile. Much of America has become standardized, mixed-use developments; neighborhoods of cookie-cutter homes and the excessive use of synthetic, toxic building materials. A uniform world is a boring one that has little room for creativity, individuality, or authenticity.

This thesis, “KILLING IT,” is a design proposal for a traveling exhibition that seeks to change perceptions of the existing city fabric by visualizing patterns of erasure, questioning the resultant implications and effects of that erasure, and proposing an alternative fate. “KILLING IT” confronts the inherently violent aspects of architecture and explores that violence through the intentionally jarring, uncomfortable, and absurd analogy of murder. This analogy is a lens through which to trace the violent, intentional, and premature ending and sterilization of the existing built environment. After all, as Bernard Tschumi said, “To really appreciate architecture, you may even need to commit a murder.”1 But murder is not just about the events that take place within a building, it is also the material reality of the building itself. 

Over the life of a building, scarring, moments in time, and decay layer to create an inhabitable palimpsest of memory. This traveling exhibition is infused with the palimpsest concept by investigating strategies of layering, modularity, flexibility, transparency, and building remains, while layering them together to form a system that operates as an inhabitable core model collage. Each individual exhibition simultaneously memorializes the violence that happened at that particular site and implements murderous adaptive reuse strategies through collage and salvage material to expose what could have been.

If we continue down our current path, we will only continue to make the same mistakes and achieve the same monotonous, sterilizing results we currently see in every American city and suburb. We need to embrace a new path that values authenticity, celebrates the scars and traces of the past, and carries memories into the future. By reimaging what death can mean and addressing cycles of violence, “KILLING IT” proposes an optimistic vision for the future of American cities. 

  • Tschumi, Bernard. “Questions of space: lectures on architecture” (ed. 1990)

architecture thesis design

A New Prototype for Collective Housing by Juan Acosta and Gable Bostic, University of Texas at Austin, M.Arch ‘20

Advisor: Martin Haettasch / Course: Integrative Design Studio Read more: https://soa.utexas.edu/work/new-prototype-collective-housing

Austin is a city that faces extreme housing pressures. This problem is framed almost exclusively in terms of supply and demand, and the related question of affordability. For architects, however, a more productive question is: Will this new quantity produce a new quality of housing? 

How do we live in the city, how do we create individual and collective identity through architecture, and what are the urban consequences? This studio investigates new urban housing types, smaller than an apartment block yet larger and denser than a detached house. Critically assessing existing typologies, we ask the question: How can the comforts of the individual house be reconfigured to form new types of residential urban fabric beyond the entropy of tract housing or the formulaic denominator of “mixed-use.” The nature of the integrative design studio allowed for the testing of material systems and construction techniques that have long had an important economic and ecological impact.

“A New Prototype for Collective Housing” addresses collectivity in both a formal and social sense, existing between the commercial and residential scales present in Austin’s St. John neighborhood as it straddles the I-35 corridor; a normative American condition. A diversity of programs, and multigenerational living, create an inherently diverse community. Additionally, a courtyard typology is used to negotiate the spectrum of private and shared space. Volumes, comprising multiple housing units ranging from studio apartments to four bedrooms, penetrate a commercial plinth that circulates both residents and mechanical systems. The use of heavy timber ensures an equitable use of resources while imbuing the project with a familiar material character.

architecture thesis design

ELSEWHERE, OR ELSE WHERE? by Brenda (Bz) Zhang, University of California at Berkeley, M.Arch ’20

Advisors: Andrew Atwood and Neyran Turan See more: https://www.brendazhang.com/#/elsewhere-or-else-where/

“ELSEWHERE, OR ELSE WHERE?” is an architectural fever dream about the San Francisco Bay Area. Beginning with the premise that two common ideas of Place—Home and Elsewhere—are no longer useful, the project wonders how disciplinary tools of architecture can be used to shape new stories about where we are.

For our purposes, “Home,” although primarily used to describe a place of domestic habitation, is also referring generally to a “familiar or usual setting,” as in home-base, home-court, home-page, and even home-button. As a counterpoint, Elsewhere shifts our attention “in or to another place,” away. This thesis is situated both in the literal spaces of Elsewhere and Home (landfills, houses, wilderness, base camps, wastelands, hometowns) and in their culturally constructed space (value-embedded narratives determining whether something belongs, and to whom). Since we construct both narratives through principles of exclusion, Elsewhere is a lot closer to Home than we say. These hybrid spaces—domestic and industrial, urban and hinterland, natural and built—are investigated as found conditions of the Anthropocene and potential sites for new understandings of Place.

Ultimately, this thesis attempts to challenge conventional notions of what architects could do with our existing skill sets, just by shifting our attention—Elsewhere. The sites shown here and the concerns they represent undeniably exist, but because of the ways Western architecture draws thick boundaries between and around them, they resist architectural focus—to our detriment.

In reworking the physical and cultural constructions of Homes and Elsewheres, architects are uniquely positioned to go beyond diagnostics in visualizing and designing how, where, and why we build. While this project looks specifically at two particular stories we tell about where we are, the overall objective is to provoke new approaches to how we construct Place—both physically and culturally—within or without our discipline.

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Best 170 Architecture Thesis Topics For All Students

architecture thesis topics

Architecture thesis topics may be difficult to find because there are so many subjects and possible topics. However, good thesis topics for architecture are the ones that you have a personal interest in. Before picking architecture thesis topics, you also need to ask yourself if the topic is significant or realistically doable.

Choosing Thesis Topics For Architecture

Architecture thesis projects topics, master of architecture thesis topics, industrial architecture thesis topics, institutional architecture thesis topics, sustainable architecture thesis topics.

What is the best way to choose dissertation topics? This guide will highlight how to pick interesting architectural thesis topics. Here are some factors to consider when searching for architecture thesis project ideas :

Pick a Topic That Interests You

While picking creative architecture thesis topics, you need to opt for a topic that you are personally interested in. You can easily get bored with your undergraduate architecture thesis projects, that is why you need something that you are passionate about. It will help you to stay motivated and inspired to create a unique project.

Set a Small Scope

It can be tempting to pick dissertation topics in architecture that are too expansive. This reduces the delivery time. It is safer to start with a simple version of the topic and includes some complexity later if necessary.

Find Architecture Thesis Topics That Reflect Your Skills

Everyone has unique skill sets that they have developed over time. There is no single person who is perfect at everything. When you know your technical and creative capabilities, you will be able to pick thesis topics in architecture that employs your expertise.

Can You Find Enough Research On The Topic?

Unusual architectural thesis topics require lots of research and analysis before starting. Therefore, it is essential to pick an area of study with a substantial amount of work already done. It will help you to easily analyze, compare, and draw conclusions.

Balance It Between Art And Science

While searching for architecture dissertation topics, students often dig themselves a grave. They tend to view the project as a culmination of a long program rooted deep in art and theory. You need to pick a topic that balances art and science. It shouldn’t be too abstract, so your teacher will know that you understand the issues raised.

Don’t Forget To Tie It To Your Plans For The Future

Your architecture thesis topics should be aligned with your plans. It should reflect your experience or interest in a specialized subject. It will play an important role as a part of your portfolio.

Pick Architecture Thesis Topics That Solve A Real Problem

Your thesis topics architecture ideas shouldn’t just be theoretical, they should also solve a real-world problem. The world struggles with several issues, such as population growth, climate change, and a lack of proper distribution of resources. So, find a topic that can solve a socio-environmental problem using design intervention.

  • Creation of affordable housing
  • Development waterfront property
  • Airport functioning
  • Heritage museums
  • Skyscraper design
  • Cinema and theatre architecture
  • Suburban homes for multi-families
  • Multimedia film city
  • Gaming and Animation studio
  • Aquarium-Aqua display and design
  • Marine park design
  • Lightning excellence center
  • MTRS study and station
  • Modern art museum
  • Convention center
  • Automobile training center
  • Archaeological survey institute
  • Luxury beach-facing apartments
  • The bus terminal with a commercial complex
  • School of art & design
  • Cruise terminal design
  • Bio-climatic buildings
  • Media center
  • Cricket stadium display
  • Disaster management institute
  • Resort design
  • Polo retreat
  • Television and film institute
  • The transit system as well as the possible improvements
  • Educational Institute for all rural children
  • A local heritage site
  • The lighting system in the Egyptian Pyramids
  • Film city studios, gaming area as well its structure
  • Underwater restaurants in different parts of the globe for light, electricity, and sanitation.
  • The transformation node found at the Lancaster
  • The heat/cooling systems in beach huts
  • Checking pressure and oxygen levels for building tourists spots
  • Fashion Fiesta Paris
  • The Golden Gate and architecture
  • An archaeologist’s point of view of China from a survey of China
  • WHO’s headquarters and renovation
  • The ideal environment for a Rehab
  • Russian fairytale-style homes and huts
  • A clear insight into the auto industry
  • Installing swimming pools in a mall
  • Training centers for adults in Texas
  • Buildings for religious purposes
  • Comparing contemporary vs. traditional housing
  • Deconstructing a typical school to make room for collaboration and creativity
  • Apartments for couples
  • Multifamily suburban homes
  • The power of air: leaving closed windows for good
  • Semidetached and row houses
  • Staying on the budget while creating an architectural masterpiece
  • Single-family suburban homes
  • Hotels and residence
  • Single-family country homes
  • Developing healthy living spots in third-world countries
  • Design of Ruled Surfaces.
  • A method to design the kinetic planar surface using mathematical tessellation techniques.
  • Waterfront development of an exhibition center
  • Bio-inspired design for adaptable structures
  • Construction of time conception
  • A critical view of architecture – is it sustainable?
  • Analytical studies of design potentials in architecture
  • Determination of the concept of place in the built environment’s reproduction process
  • Aqua display/Research Center
  • Forest Research/Training Institute
  • Archaeological Survey of Canada – Research and Training Institute
  • Luxury Sea-front Studios at Ottawa
  • Digital Morphogenesis as well as Its Implementation
  • Bio-climatic Tower
  • Mass rapid transit system study and station
  • Designing organic structures to withstand time
  • Showing culture in structures
  • Maximizing size in miniature apartments
  • Architectural trends at most transportation hubs
  • Redefining a city with architecture
  • Renovating century-old structures without losing the culture
  • Outdoor architecture: creating getaways in small backyards.

A master of architecture qualification provides students with the relevant knowledge, skills, and values needed to enter the architecture sector and pursue opportunities and careers in this profession for master thesis help . It focuses on developing the ability to adapt to change in the diverse and critical world we live in. students are allowed to create a speculative and reflective relationship to their work.

  • The introduction of biotechnology in architecture design for adaptable structures.
  • An analytical assessment of mathematical organization methods in active flat surface plans.
  • The consideration of soil and terrain conditions to determine adequate story building locations.
  • A conceptual method for the outline and fabrication of cultural centers and foundations
  • Finding the importance of a town or county’s various buildings and structures.
  • A critical analysis of the architectural techniques used to construct the lighting within the ancient pyramids of Giza.
  • An evaluation of the restaurants near the coastline in various areas of the country with important consideration on plumbing, air supply, and lighting.
  • An analysis of China’s Great Wall with consideration of the structure’s historical significance.
  • Understanding the impact of certain architectural codes and protocols on the environment.
  • The possibility to achieve inexpensive house construction plans in first-world countries.
  • Why do the majority of third-world countries have substandard housing structures?
  • A case study on the significance of all learners of architecture in the profession.
  • An analysis of the primary conditions that affect buildings in places that are susceptible to earthquakes.
  • Building methods and consideration for constructions with the ability to endure natural disasters.
  • A detailed report of the Twin Towers and the popularity of skyscraper construction.
  • The significance of applied science in defining modern housing from traditional examples.
  • Using records in architecture to understand the history of the profession.
  • A critical analysis of architectural photography.
  • The evaluation of cost considerations in architectural specifications and estimations.
  • What motivates different architectural drawings and concepts.
  • Case studies on sustainable modern design structures.
  • The importance of digital mapping and concepts in architecture.
  • Methods of limiting energy loss.

Industrial architecture is a branch of architecture that is used for the design of industrial buildings. These buildings need to be designed with consideration of their main purpose, which is to process raw materials. Their designs need to prioritize safety and optimal function over aesthetics and exterior appeal.

With the increased evolution taking place in technology today, industrial buildings and their designs need to adapt and keep up. This is why it calls for more research and consideration since industrial buildings are a need for modern society.

  • Waterfront development – Beach convention and exhibition centers.
  • Design of ruled surfaces.
  • Construction of time conception in the architectural realm.
  • A critical view of sustainable architecture.
  • Determination of Place concept in the reproduction process of the built environment.
  • Analytical study of the design potentials in kinetic architecture.
  • Is deconstructive architecture useful?
  • How did brutalism and contemporary architectures influence the world?
  • Current trends in parametric architecture.
  • How will traditional industrial structures be made more environmentally friendly and sustainable?
  • Industrial architecture’s evolution.
  • A critical analysis of the Dockland building, Germany.
  • What purpose does industrial architecture play in creating a safe environment?
  • Where do the professions of car construction and manufacturing come together?
  • Industrial architecture during the industrial revolution.
  • Evaluation of daylight in office buildings.
  • Analysis of different lifestyle interactions.
  • The purpose of reinforced concrete skeleton systems and earthquake’s effect on them.
  • The future of architecture with the consideration of space exploration.
  • The purpose of environmental science and social anthropology in architecture.
  • Making architecture design studios relevant in the technological era.
  • Extra skills are necessary for working on complex architectural projects.
  • How collaboration is helping architectures achieve complex structural needs.

This is the branch of architecture that deals with environmental, social, and economic factors. This profession is based on various rules and traditions that were passed down for centuries. It grants architects the ability to find new ways to innovate the architectural industry.

Over time, the design for buildings all over the world evolves and is influenced by different cultures and styles. This can give the structure of the building different meanings and provides various opportunities to discuss its design and reason to be built.

  • Theme parks and attractions
  • Religious buildings
  • Auditoriums
  • Sport facilities
  • Art galleries
  • Cultural centers and foundations
  • School and universities
  • Bars and discotheques
  • Shopping malls
  • Theaters and cinemas
  • Restaurants
  • Transportation thesis on airports
  • Train stations
  • Urban transport
  • Promenades and streets
  • Urban parks
  • Stores and showrooms
  • Peripheral parks
  • Urban monuments and land art

Sustainable architecture is the use of various plans and techniques to withstand the negative effect on the environment of modern man-made structures. Architects would take all aspects of the project, from landscape to water drainage, and determine the best way for the building to function with the least impact on the environment. These buildings and designs need to ensure that they are functional, appealing to the eye, and have as little carbon footprint as possible.

  • Neighborhood development
  • Community garden concepts
  • Waste recycling facilities
  • Heritage building restoration
  • Rehabilitation housing
  • Riverfront development
  • SMART village
  • Net-Zero energy building
  • Bermed structure
  • Regenerative design
  • Urban Agriculture center
  • Revitalizing abandoned mills and processing buildings
  • Eco-tourism facilities
  • Revival of an old building
  • Repurpose a building
  • Redevelopment of a slum
  • Vertical farm
  • Wetland restoration
  • Energy efficiency in buildings
  • How the location of the building is necessary for sustainability

Picking one of the topics above may help you get a head start on your paper. However, if you still need dissertation writing help, you can find professionals to help you with fresh ideas to work on.

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See Undergraduate Thesis Coordinator Amin Espandiarimahalati

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Graduate Thesis Coordinator Vuslat Demircay

Thesis - The Basics

"The starting point for any thesis has to be a critique of present circumstances, which opens up possibilities of radical and practical changes in the world."

- Zegarski / Enos (2016)

What is Thesis?

The Undergraduate Thesis Research Studio offers a unique opportunity to continue your design education at NewSchool. You will plan, develop, and execute a self-generated self-directed architectural research project. You will identify a problem based on your personal interests and propose an architectural solution by navigating and expanding on a given methodology comprised of research and design tasks. You will self-evaluate and clearly convey a critical position grounded in the learning outcomes of the architectural program at NewSchool.

"An architectural thesis should be seen as a desire to map, create, draw, or plan a certain kind of spatiality through a critical/ radical critique of a specific aspect within the process of archietctural production that is representative of everyday life within our current urbanized process of spatial production." Zegarski/ Enos (2016)

The library will only accept Thesis Books that follow the standards outlined here. Make sure you review them and include all required elements. 

Front Matter

  • Copyright Page
  • Thesis Abstract
  • Approvals Page
  • Acknowledgments (optional)
  • Dedication (optional)
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Thesis Essay
  • Research and Findings
  • Design Solution
  • List of Figures
  • Glossary of Terms
  • Vita (optional)
  • Appendices (optional as needed/ appropriate)

General Thesis Timeline

Summer quarter.

  • Thesis proposal and conceptual video

Fall Quarter (AR501)

  • Thesis Essay, Case Studies, Programming, Site Investigation, Research Presentation

Winter Quarter (AR502)

  • Project Schedule, Concept Development, Code Analysis, Site Development, Thesis Proposal Document, Design Presentation

Spring Quarter (AR503)

  • Plans, Circulation, Structure, Sections, Systems, Interior Studies and Detailing, Storyboard, Final Design Presentation, Final Thesis Document

Submission Deadlines and Instructions

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  • Last Updated: Apr 23, 2024 7:16 PM
  • URL: https://library.newschoolarch.edu/ugthesis

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100 Best Architecture Thesis Topics

architecture thesis topics

One of the most important components of a great writing project like a thesis or dissertation is a great topic. Teachers often provide full lists of research ideas for students to choose from, but they also encourage students to develop original topics based on their interests. In the case of architecture, many students might have trouble coming up with architecture thesis topics that meet the requirements of a given assignment. This is why we have compiled this list of interesting and original architecture research topics for students to use at no cost. Feel free to modify them in any way to fit your assignment, make your choice and move to crafting your thesis outline .

Computer Architecture Topics for High School

  • In what ways have computer design programs positively affected modern architecture?
  • How do early explorations of deep-learning impact by limitations in computer architecture?
  • How are the computer architectures of financial data centers at risk due to cyber-hackers?
  • How are modern bridges and buildings at lesser risk of damage due to collapse?
  • In what ways has computer architecture sped up the development process in third-world countries?
  • Is the pendulum a real thing when it comes to architectural movements?

Great Landscape Architecture Topics

  • What are the major challenges that cities face when creating and maintaining open spaces?
  • What are the most common health risks that a community faces when parks are built next to water runoffs?
  • How does the makeup of a neighborhood affect what landscape architectural choices are made?
  • Why is it important for city centers to have natural elements such as trees and shrubs to improve air quality?
  • Are natural bodies of water (like ponds and lakes) putting people at risk due to mosquito infestations?
  • What is the impact of architectural open spaces in Latin American countries?

Controversial Architecture Topics

  • What impact did the resurrection of New York’s Pier 55 have on the political landscape of that city?
  • Discuss the legal battle that occurred between Zillow and Kate Wagner in 2017.
  • Why has President Trump failed to gain financial support to build his proposed border wall?
  • How are people along the Texas border negatively impacted by the construction of a border wall across their private properties?
  • Why is the United States’ infrastructure at such risk do to overpopulation in major cities?
  • Women in architecture have been accused of being soft, do you agree or disagree?

Dissertation Topics for Landscape Architecture

  • How will the development of inclusive and safe public spaces positively impact patients with dementia?
  • Will the development of more bike paths along green spaces reduce carbon emissions in urban areas?
  • What is the importance of multiple small public parks in our communities?
  • How can one improve the social value of groundwater in urban settings?
  • In what ways can urban eco-systems be regenerated with the inclusion of green roofs and living walls?
  • In what ways has bamboo architecture has changed our understanding of how strength and function together?

Computer Architecture Research Paper Topics

  • How did technology change Jorn Utzon’s proposed design for what is now the world-famous Sydney Opera House?
  • How is the use of technology in the design of buildings changing the role of the modern architect?
  • How have computer simulations of natural disasters made today’s buildings safer?
  • What are the limitations of computer simulations when it comes to presenting realistic situations?
  • What are the major computer influences on architecture and design in the 21 st century?
  • Describe the direction of architecture designed to withstand major disasters.

Interesting Architecture Thesis Topics

  • How are inventions in lighter building materials making it easier to build larger structures?
  • What are the best designs for shared accommodations like student dorms and apartments?
  • What are the effects of the Internet of Things technology on the architectural design of urban settings?
  • Discuss the differences between the materials that were used in ancient and modern structures.
  • Which are your favorite architects of the 20 th and 21 st centuries?
  • Why is outdoor footing for different climates is a growing trend in architectural design?

Architecture Ideas for a Quick Project

  • How do you better utilize the space given to you for a board size concerning its size and orientation?
  • In what ways can you utilize prior projects’ use of layout when working on a new development project?
  • Compare and contrast the positives and negatives of modern architectural design software programs?
  • How can schools utilize technological architect tools to better develop campuses in rural areas?
  • What are the best design methods to maximize functional spaces in small areas?
  • How has American architecture changed over the years?

Architecture Graduation Project Topics

  • What are the origins of Chinese Architecture and how has it remained the dominant tradition?
  • How can sunlight be used to save on energy costs in high-rise buildings in low-temp cities?
  • How did medieval architecture change as military technologies advanced?
  • What are the best practices that town planners can execute to maintain safe travel?
  • How to utilize restaurants to revitalize urban spaces in cities impacted by Covid-19?
  • What are the major benefits of investing in low-cost but high-strength buildings?

Design Thesis topics for Architecture

  • Discuss the evolution of a building component of your choice and take us on a walk through history.
  • According to today’s modern needs and standards, how will architecture look in a decade?
  • What impact has modern architecture had on American culture?
  • How have the gothic elements of medieval architecture found their way into modern design?
  • What are the major differences between Aztec and Egyptian architecture of major temples?
  • How did the Art-Deco style of the 1920s and the 1930s influence modern architecture?

Research Topics in Computer Architecture for College

  • Are computer designers changing the traditional roles of engineering architects in the 21 st century?
  • How has the invention of 3D printing technology changed the way architects can quickly change the direction of their designs?
  • How has 3D printing opened up a new field of architecture that did not exist 20 years ago?
  • What were the distinctive elements of 15 th century English architecture?
  • How has virtual reality made an impact to design decisions made by architects and engineers?
  • What are the best 3D rendering programs for aspiring architects to use today?

Architecture Thesis Topics in Sustainability

  • Will sustainable agriculture stem a revolution in the architectural world?
  • Can sustainable agriculture impact how NFL stadiums are built moving forward?
  • How are modern buildings failing by not using cooling and heating technology?
  • How did French architecture differ from English architecture in the 16 th century?
  • Why has wind turbine technology waned in the last two decades?
  • Can solar water heating lead to new architectural designs?

Dissertation Topics for Interior Architecture

  • How has interior design shaped outdoor design in modern architecture?
  • How have decorating styles changed how modern architects create indoor spaces?
  • Can interior architecture use technology to sustain water in buildings?
  • Are color combinations a factor in how architects design frame ideas for interior spaces?
  • How are interior decorators influenced by the work of architects?
  • Can exhibition spaces reflect a building’s architecture?

Master Thesis Topics in Architecture

  • The causes of color change in interior designers may be influenced by outdoor architecture.
  • How do light pattern decisions affect the design of outdoor architectural aspects?
  • How has luxury design impacted the way modern homes are built?
  • Discuss the importance of interior design to outdoor architecture.
  • How did the Greek revival influence the advancements made in the Gothic revival?
  • How was European architecture influenced by Islam?

Computer Architecture Topics Research Paper

  • Why are major cities around the world relying on computer technologies to redesign layouts?
  • What function did Roman images serve the design of ancient buildings?
  • In what ways has technology helped us to understand the architecture of ancient divinations?
  • Can architects recreate structures from the past using modern computer technology?
  • How can computer technologies be used to modernize city infrastructures?
  • How does the “form follows function” ideal of Louis Sullivan play into technology in architecture?

Current Architecture Research Paper Topics

  • How can design be integrated into the university campus planning efforts?
  • How are modern techniques in engineering changing the landscape for architects?
  • How have the works of Alvaro Siza impacted renovation projects around the world?
  • Why is small space living such a rising trend in large cities?
  • Which has had a greater influence among modern artists, Portuguese or Spanish architecture?
  • Are floating hotels a viable business venture in today’s architectural world?

Architecture Topics for a Long Project

  • What is the importance of understanding millennial design interests?
  • Why should architects be on-site for their projects?
  • How does current architecture impact the way we consider rural landscapes?
  • Are vernacular views of architecture imposing on traditional views?
  • How are modern architectural methods influencing the building of stadiums?

More Computer Architecture Research Topics

  • How can computers be used to recreate images of long-destroyed architectural marvels?
  • What are the major challenges brought on by new materials and technology in architecture?
  • How does technology give architects more options to consider when coming up with materials?
  • How has computer architecture advanced the construction of safer bridges around the world?
  • Did computer architecture play a role in the development of the Three Gorges Dam?

What do you think of this collection of architectural project topics? Our thesis writers are putting together original architectural thesis topics around the clock. And if you need a custom-list we can have that ready for you in a matter of hours. Check out our other articles and feel free to send us a message to let us know how we can help with your next academic assignment.

Accounting Research Topics

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Home > Architecture > Architecture Masters Theses

Architecture Masters Theses

Architecture Masters Theses

RISD’s Master of Architecture program is one of the few in the US embedded in a college of art and design. Here, architecture is taught in a way that understands the practice of design and making as a thoughtful, reflective process that both engenders and draws from social, political, material, technological and cultural agendas. The program aims to empower students to exercise their creativity by understanding their role as cultural creators and equipping them to succeed in the client-based practice of architecture.

The degree project represents the culmination of each student’s interests relative to the curriculum. A seminar in the fall of the final year helps focus these interests into a plan of action. Working in small groups of five or six under the guidance of a single professor, students pursue individual projects throughout Wintersession and spring semester. Degree projects are expected to embody the architectural values that best characterize their authors as architects and are critiqued based on the success of translating these values into tangible objects.

Graduate Program Director: Hansy Better Barraza

These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License .

Theses from 2024 2024

Reform Craft | Re-Form Clay , Katherine Badenhausen

Narrative Structures , Theodore Badenhausen

Room to Grieve: The Space of Solace in Public Life , Lauren Blonde

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Home: a landscape of narratives ; spaces through story telling , Tania S. Estrada

A digital surreal , Michael Garel-Martorana

Moving through time , Anca Gherghiceanu

Rising to the occasion : a resiliency strategy for Brickell, Miami , Stephanie Gottlieb

Food for an island : on the relationships between agriculture, architecture and land , Melinda Groenewegen

Towards a new immersion , Kaijie Huang

Astoria houses: a resilient community , James Juscik

Healing the Black Butterfly: reparation through resources , Danasha Kelly

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Fifth Year Architecture Design Thesis

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15 Architecture Thesis Topics for Urban Architecture

architecture thesis design

Urban Architecture has consistently been a trending architecture thesis topic among the students. And before we go deep into the variety of topics that can be used we must understand what exactly is Urban Architecture?

One could say urban architecture refers to any building type that establishes an appreciable relationship with its surrounding context, the built environment , and the community itself. It comprises buildings that are mostly located in urban areas, are accessible, and are meant to serve the public at large. Its purpose hence would be to make society better. Indeed, people are indeed strongly affected by building forms and facades. According to research, the main cause of ‘social stress’ in urban environments is often the absence of social bonding and interconnection in city landscapes . Design that stimulates social and urban cohesion is hence, very important for good community living. This is where urban architecture comes in; a holistic approach to the subject may result in projects like iconic skyscrapers or even residential developments . However, the focus revolves around enhancing the experience of people who are connected to the architecture.

When choosing to do a architecture thesis project on the subject of urban architecture, one needs to understand the platitude of areas and scopes encompassed by the field. There are indeed endless possibilities and avenues to explore that intend to serve the interests of the public, and also make community life better.

Before you delve into the list of topics of urban architecture to choose from, make that:

  • You understand the subject thoroughly. Choose a topic relevantly and appealing to your interests, especially prospects, masters, or a job.
  • You discuss it with your thesis advisor so that he can comprehend your intent and help you through the course of the project .
  • The topic does not necessarily have to be unique. It also should not be something that has been tried and tested far too many times.it is because your work is what would represent you. Make sure, it speaks of who you are and what you want to do.

Here are a few options for viable architecture thesis topics that you could choose to look at.

1. Low-cost housing | Architecture Thesis

As more and more people are moving to dense urban cities like New York , in search of a better quality of living and opportunities, the city population is on the rise. As is the cost of living, making low-cost housing a dire need of societies, as low-income residents have limited choices for affordable living. When affordable housing complexes were being constructed ever since the mid-20 th century, these projects were often seen as monumental solutions to provide economical living spaces to large groups of people. Hence, even with the best of intentions of the designers, the imposing towers often turned out to be negligent of human scale, and were often more inhospitable and discouraging for communities, leaving them feeling more isolated and unwelcome.

However, a rising interest in the area since recent years has seen a rise in alternative solutions to the outdated models. Low-cost, affordable housing is not seen as merely buildings creating decent spaces for living, but also using sustainable building features to reduce costs, maintenance and to help improve the quality of life and belongingness for residents, allowing them to feel more connected to not just the resources, but also to communities and the spaces outside.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet1

2. Art and Heritage museum

To design a building that is important not only for the preservation of the history of the community but to also integrate members of the community and to what they share. This topic uses a method that looks at the study not only qualitatively, but also based on a theoretical foundation, with the acute understanding that comes from familiarizing oneself with concepts and standards of museums, exhibition spaces, contextualism, and exhibit care and preservation.

The project should not only focus on respecting the importance of the historical context, but also ensure that it avoids the damage of pieces of its past. It should shed light on the concept of the museum itself, the types of functions and activities it would encourage, the form and physicality of the building, and the interconnectivity between different elements of the museum . The journey of a user and the enriching experience that the museum provides, concerning its displays but to communal spaces of social interaction and discussion should also be of high value when taking this topic.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet2

3. Airport of Urban Architecture Thesis

Many countries in the world, including the USA, are suffering from outdated aviation infrastructure, with most airports being more than 40 years old, and a lot of money being spent on the revamp, expansion or construction to meet the challenging new needs of today. Design-wise, architects need to not only provide solutions for the necessary functioning and program of the airport , but also to enhance the experience of travel for the visitors, which includes interesting features for wayfinding, atriums for nature incorporation and natural light, state-of-the-art visual elements, and huge spaces for sightseeing and rest, as well cultural experiences which encapsulate the context of the airport, gardens, and desert landscapes. The project area also has a lot of potential for experimentation with physical form and modelmaking, which could induce a sense of awe for the public at large.

The functional aspects, of course, include catering to huge parking spaces, checking and security posts, luggage management areas, lobby areas, airport maintenance spaces, airplane ramps, and cargos, and many others, as well as allowing for the potential for future expansion. Thus, airports not only present an interesting challenge for a thesis topic but are also one that provides extensive avenues to understand the flexibility of a space which is in fact the cardinal space a visitor comes into contact with when entering a new city or a country. Hence, holding great social importance. The change seen in recent airport designs does indeed seem like a promising area to work in.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet3

4. Cinema and theatre architecture

Cinemas and theatres are interesting places, where the anticipation to experience is just as important as the actual film or performance itself. This is why the design and nature of the building hold such great importance.  It should in some way, either reflect the magnitude of the experience that it would showcase, or subdue itself against the marvel of the performance . Either way, it should be taken as a work of art, as architectural icons as done so in the past, which communicate the spirit of the times through the design.

The building requires a careful understanding of the program; it features their relationships with one another, the type of circulation from one space to another, and the allowance of gathering spaces with technical ones as well. The seating arrangement, sound buffering, technical knowledge must be handled as meticulously as possible, as close attention to the sound, visuals, and theatrics are what greatly enhance the experience of the performance. This is why this is also a very fascinating topic, for a building that integrates different groups of society and brings them together to experience a shared feature.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet4

5. Skyscraper design | Architecture Thesis

Living in a time when the competition to rise, to go higher, and to reach greater heights resonates with the fact that there is an ever-increasing desire to build very tall buildings. By definition, a skyscraper is a building that exceeds 330 feet in height. Yet the contemporary approach is not only to reach unattainable heights in construction, but it is also to rejuvenate thinking abilities, and present inventions with cutting-edge designs, that also meet the function of the building with elegance and pride. From encompassing different architectural movements like art deco and modernism, skyscraper designs also look at the intensive technical understanding of how high-rise work, the relationship of functionality between different floors, structural knowledge, and the municipalities that come with handling such delicate tasks.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet5

6. Suburban housing community

Suburban homes provide an avenue to understand a huge sector of society without directly destroying existing structures. They should be able to cater to the needs of the ever-changing dynamic of the public, to provide a potential for future expansion, and to provide an environment of ownership that allows for a comforting feeling of belongingness that leads to greater social integration.

The nature of the task often involves dealing with multiple stakeholders that are directly associated with such regions, including developers and the municipal government. Therefore, this subject involves a meticulous understanding of the way rules and regulations work, sizing, areas and appropriate zoning, transportation, and also a critical comprehension of the associated infrastructure required to cater to the needs of residential living, and of course, the quality of life.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet6

7. Marine park design of Urban Architecture

Projects paying attention to marine life can help bring new life into waterfront areas and can also provide a point of interest for the entire region itself. There exists in our society an absence of awareness regarding marine ecosystems, especially informal sectors, which has resulted in a lack of opportunities, care, and resources available for marine life. Thus, a thesis project on this topic would not be addressing the administrative concerns related to marine life, but could also cater to providing a recreational public space , where visitors can appreciate and interact with marine life along with exhibition spaces intended to create awareness for the general public.

Whilst taking the project a step ahead, a proper research institute could also be designed to further the knowledge available of the oceans and the organisms that inhabit them. These institutes with research facilities and equipment could provide areas for analysis, experimentation, and research for discovery. Thus, this project would not only help educate the public at large, but help generate revenue as a popular tourist attraction, and plant seeds for much-needed research of marine life.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet7

8. Convention center of Urban Architecture

A convention center is a public building of urban architecture meant to convey ideas and knowledge. It is also perceived to be more like the expansion of a town hall, where people having shared interests, goals, though, religion, or professions, could gather to interact, communicate, learn, and make decisions regarding the public realm. Hence, it is a space that caters to large groups of people, providing them with communal spaces that encourage different uses as well as appropriate exhibition spaces. 

Furthermore, since a convention center is meant to act as a medium for discourse, the first thing to consider is to develop a concept that would intend to attract people. It should have easy accessibility, be welcoming and fascinating and its spaces should be able to provide the necessary means for it to function efficiently and effectively. 

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet8

9. Library of Urban Architecture Thesis

In the modern age of digitalization, the internet and technology have greatly transformed the manner in which we consume information. With this rapidly changing paradigm, the traditional function of a library is put on a pedestal and called to question. While it is true that the physical collection of books in a certain environment as compared to quick access to data using the internet does question the sustainability of a public library and the resources it offers, we must also keep in mind that a library also functions as a flexible space, that can be transformed to an active social space, agent for interaction and societal growth.

It must not only be considered to be a space that allows access to information, but also an environment that encourages discourse, communication, and exchange of meaningful ideas between people from different ages and social groups. With this in mind, a public library must be considered as one of the most democratic building types available, and one that has huge potential to add value to community development, growth, resource, and service. Therefore, with the sensitivity that comes with designing a library comes great responsibility, and this must be looked at as an area with the potential to be explored as a vital public asset.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet9

10. School of art and design

Projects that are practical solutions to community needs also have greater impacts on communities socially as well as economically. A thesis of urban architecture at a School for Art and Design could immensely help in this regard. It would only provide a platform for artists, architects, students, and citizens from various fields and social groups to gather and interact, share ideas and learn through conventional as well as modern ways and activities. This center would also enable these artists to share and exhibit their work and experiences through exhibition spaces, seminars, events, and conferences with members of their own community and the wider world through event halls, conference rooms, and libraries for research and learning.

With a learning institute as part of the program, the center would also allow aspiring artists to develop skills through formal training as well as informal activities. Thus, this institute would help create inclusivity in society but integrating different groups of people with a shared interest throughout the day and hence, year. It would also act as a viable magnet for social interaction between professionals, beneficial for the community and the campus. This, in turn, would enhance and regenerate the urban fabric, add depth to the context of the city and help drive the society forward in a positive direction. A thesis conducted on this topic, therefore, would allow you to look at art as a potential field to a group and bring communities together to appreciate the marvel that is an art and its ability to create change in the contemporary world.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet10

11. Bus terminal cum commercial complex

Transit facilities are indeed one of the most important and vital functions of a city itself. They constitute some of the most important goals of the city and its government by inviting a large number of people to the city, merges different groups of crows, and bring in opportunities of work and living for the masses, thus building the scope of urban architecture. Therefore, smooth and better transit provides ground for future development and helps the urban fabric to grow incredibly. Transit not only improves the urban squares and nodes, and provides a push to less developed areas to allow them to be at par with the rest of the city.

Understanding the scope of development associated with a bus terminal with a commercial complex attached as an additional function thus presents itself as an interesting topic to pursue. It would not only group different travelers with one another but also with the locals, allowing them to appreciate and value local culture and tradition, as well as activities that integrate the urban living community.

15 thesis topics for urban architecture - Sheet11

12. Sports stadium of Urban Architecture

A stadium is one of the building typologies that have the power to shape the city or town it is located in. it not only helps put the city on the maps but also establishes an identity for the community and provides a tourist attraction and a focal point in its landscape. It is thus, a huge actor of theatrics that represents the output of a sport, and has a significant role for the city with regards to politics, geography, as well as socio-economics.

Thus, a sports stadium should not be looked at as a revenue-generating machine, but a building type that should be sustainable, iconic in design, with strong structural understanding for it to be considered a marvel in civic urban architecture. It requires a comprehensive understanding of various issues related to planning and design, which also cater to increased interaction and ease of access to its activities, and the environment is contained and encouraged.


13. Resort design | Architecture Thesis

A resort is a place that caters to accommodation, leisure, and recreation. It provides for a variety of activities and luxury in scenic areas and is able to house different groups of people together. Some facilities provided include rooms or huts, swimming pools , sports grounds, gyms, fine dining areas, halls for events, and many others.

Resort tourism is an area that is rapidly gaining popularity. It has a lot of municipalities involved that are often delicate in nature so as to provide high levels of comfort for its users. Therefore, it often talks about large scales, an attractive form that is meant to attract the general public, and advanced equipment and management strategies. It is indeed an interesting topic to consider when one wants to work on an area that not only deals with program efficiency but also the psychological impacts of effective design strategies. 


14. Religious buildings

An architecture thesis of urban architecture on religious buildings is a fascinating area to work on. It provides an avenue to create places with identity and an environment that awakens the senses and the emotions, enhances the experience, and provides a platform for spiritual practice. It should be kept in mind that the metaphysical concerns and experiences can largely be enhanced using effective space strategies that will come with a keen understanding of spatial and urban architecture.

Thus, space aims to heighten the experience of religion and spirituality and tends to cater to the tangible and intangible aspects of architecture, that involve senses. It is, therefore, a great challenge for architects to design spaces for religious activities, but also one that provides that greater amount of emotional appraisal. The modern religious building not only functions as only a religious center but also provides opportunities for people to come together and engage in communal activities. This is another aspect that architects need to consider when designing religious centers for contemporary times.


15. Educational Institute for rural children

With the understanding that urban architecture paves the way for enhancing the educational process with effective plan strategies and expression of detail, the topic provides an opportunity to explore this area with the development of an educational institute for rural children. This would not only emphasize the importance of education for all sectors of society but would allow meaningful involvement of the community for development projects meant to improve the quality of life for the rural sectors.

The planning involved would recognize the basic functions needed to run a school, especially in a rural setting with a standard of quality education kept in mind. There is an urgent need for developers to look at this area in society, as existing schools do not meet the typical standard, which in turn affects the educational lives of its students, making them unable to perform effectively to become important assets for their society. Thus, this topic for social responsibility helps to integrate schools and the community, with the building serving as a reflection of ideas of both its place and time through its design, concept, and function.


An Architect by profession, a writer, artist, and baker by interest, Amna Pervaiz sees Architecture and Urban Planning as a multifaceted avenue allowing her to explore a plethora of disciplinary elements. She sees the field as an untapped canvas; a journey she hopes would one day lead her towards social responsibility and welfare.

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  • University of Melbourne

Institution: University of Melbourne School: Melbourne School of Design Course: Master of Architecture Tutors: Alan Pert, Ben Lau, Emilio Fuscaldo, Helen Walter, Rory Hyde and Stuart Harrison

School statement:

"The Melbourne School of Design addresses shared societal and systemic challenges to inspire our graduates to imagine and create sustainable, inclusive, healthy and vibrant futures for Australia and the world.

"The Master of Architecture is built on collaborative studio programmes integrating industry partners and research that enables students to explore new materials and technologies that address the contemporary challenges of the 21st century.

"Studios cover architectural design in creative invention, integrating aesthetic, technological, programmatic, environmental and social issues.

"Through this practice, we acknowledge the role of digital architecture, history and conservation, practice and sustainability, as well as society and culture.

"There is an emphasis on engaging with real-world environments that teach our graduates to actively participate with industry partners, be a part of public discussions and ensure there is a connection between our learning, policy and practice."

Visualisation showing a structure surrounded by trees

The Park Home: Affordable Housing Experiment for Elderly Homeless People in the Shepparton Area by Mingxun (Gary) Ma

"Shepparton, a regional city in northern Victoria, Australia, has a rich history of agriculture and dairy farming.

"Nowadays it faces significant challenges, including climate change, a housing crisis and frequent flooding issues, impacting its diverse community and economic stability.

"These issues have consequently led to a significant number of elderly homeless individuals in the area.

"This thesis project aims to create a multi-faceted shared senior housing project in the Goulburn River floodplain area using recycled local craft materials.

"The project employs flood-resilient design and aims to re-connect the architecture to the country to provide an extensive approach to the economic and psychological care of elderly homeless."

Student: Mingxun (Gary) Ma Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis Tutor: Rory Hyde Email: mingxun.ma2020[at]gmail.com

Visualisation showing people working on a floor plan of a library

Yours, Mine, Ours by Rachel Soebekti

"Capital investment in Box Hill's transport infrastructure has instigated the rapid urbanisation of an established suburb.

"As a result, developer-driven real estate has decimated public space in the name of profit and created divisions within a tight-knit community.

"This project proposes the design of a library, as well as investigating the role of place-based architecture, participatory design and self-built co-production in reestablishing 'common' agency over public space.

"Redefining the responsibility of practising architects to encompass site-based 'project management' and social research, the project aims to investigate how public participation in low-tech construction could be used to establish community ownership over a project site.

"Beyond the physicality of architectural form, this library promises to deliver lifelong friends."

Student: Rachel Soebekti Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis Tutor: Rory Hyde and Laura Martires Email: rachel.soebekti[at]gmail.com

Sectional visualisation showing a building built above and below urban railway tracks

Enso by Mengping (Vicky) Huo

"Over the past two decades, Japan has witnessed a significant rise in the 'hikikomori' phenomenon, with over a million people choosing to become socially withdrawn.

"This phenomenon is often viewed as a disorder needing a cure – this project – based in Akihabara, Tokyo – challenges this view, proposing a mixed-use residential complex for hikikomori and the public.

"Located over railway tracks, it optimises space and offers varying degrees of social areas for different comfort levels.

"The project aims to facilitate gradual social interaction for hikikomori while educating the public about the need for isolation. It acts as an awareness campaign, bridging the gap between hikikomori and society, and promoting mutual respect and understanding.

"More than a building, it's a move towards inclusivity and empathy, recognising the hikikomori lifestyle as a legitimate choice in a compassionate society."

Student: Mengping (Vicky) Huo Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis Tutor: Ben Lau Email: victoria34299129[at]gmail.com

Visualisation showing a terrace area with tree in the centre

The Ordinary Exchange by Mansvi Jhaveri

"Initially operated by the General Post Office and built to have a disconcerting appearance, telephone exchanges have been constructed to survive the unimaginable to ensure they continue to function under any circumstance.

"This thesis proposal taps into the existing network of these architecturally and historically significant buildings to understand how these introverted structures can be adapted to host programmes that foster social connections that respond to their context.

"The redesign focuses on two sites across the inner suburbs of Melbourne.

"Establishing a framework of operations allowed us to test similar architecture interventions that could seamlessly work on different sites making the proposal scalable across all exchanges in Victoria.

"The proposed programmes within these exchanges help women facing financial, health and job-related hardships.

"This thesis proposal allows these decommissioned exchanges to have a second life and contribute positively to provide safe spaces for vulnerable women to foster social connections."

Student: Mansvi Jhaveri Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis Tutor: Stuart Harrison Email: jhaveri.mansvi[at]gmail.com

Interior space with glass windows and U-shaped structures hanging from the ceiling

A Big Queer Mess by Adam Legg

"A Big Queer Mess transcends conventional labels of a stereotypical queer space.

"Instead, it operates as a dynamic public place – an architectural canvas for diverse use.

"Its queerness lies not in its users or programming, but in its architecture, in the nuanced blurring of thresholds, orchestrated moments of privacy within overtly public spaces, and cultivation of fluidity, messiness and performativity.

"Deliberately designed 'just enough', it embodies the heterogeneous essence of queerness.

"Its facade presents a uniform identity, however once inside, a diversity of materials, spaces and experiences unfolds.

"It embraces aesthetic awkwardness, seemingly random yet strategically curated, an experiment of contradictions: A Big Queer Mess."

Student: Adam Legg Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis Tutor: Helen Walter Email: adam.legg[at]me.com

Four architectural models on plinths made from concrete and metal

Atlas of Extraction by Michaela Prunotto

"'Terra' refers to earth or territory – Australia's history is contested through the destructive illogic of terra nullius. This project proposes a new concept tool: terrascapes.

"A terrascape is a scene of significant geological disturbance, caused by colonial extraction and expansion.

"As the beginning of an open project, this atlas explores four terrascapes: the Beech Forest Quarry (where sandstone was extracted), the Westgate Lakes (a former sand mine), the Birrarung River (subject to dredging) and a disused car factory (which has petrochemical soil contamination).

"Each corresponding proposition bares dirty histories for confrontation, while also proposing a programmatic ethic of care and renewal."

Student: Michaela Prunotto Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis Tutor: Alan Pert Email: michaelaprunotto[at]gmail.com

Sepia-toned illustrations showing people inside a large, low building

Strange Encounters: Revealing the Accident of the Maribyrnong Defence Site by Kate Donaldson

"The Maribyrnong Defence Site and Explosives Factory is a disused 128-hectare defence facility nestled within the suburbs of West Melbourne.

"This thesis occurs transiently within the site's existing period of limbo.

"It is a project of 'unconcealing', of bringing tensions to the surface by choreographing anxious architectural encounters with contested histories and the ecological catastrophes of big science.

"By introducing six stops along a journey across a connected network of raised 'clean ways', the project brings together a leisure-seeking public with discrete scientific programmes.

"These interventions reference lost or remnant site conditions to create democratised encounters with the once hidden landscape.

"Strange Encounters creates space for physical confrontation, precarious collisions and tense entanglements with the consequences of weaponisation."

Student: Kate Donaldson Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis Tutor: Alan Pert Email: donalkr06[at]gmail.com

Partnership content

This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the University of Melbourne. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here .

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architecture thesis design

Archmello - Thesis of the Year Award : 2024

Total prize - inr 60000, registration dates.

01/07/2024 to 25/08/2024

architecture thesis design

Thesis , the only studio in architecture wherein the student gets a chance to select the studio program of his/her choice. It provides an opportunity to the students to explore a particular design category, address any social - cultural - political issue through architecture or work on the futuristic theme for the betterment of the society. Architectural Thesis is a stage of going beyond & exploring new dimensions of designs. We believe six months of rigorous research & design creativity should be acknowledged. THESIS OF THE YEAR AWARD - 2024 is our small attempt to honor some of the best thesis works from around the globe.

Total Prize INR 60000

architecture thesis design

Manoj Patel

Principal Architect - Manoj Patel Design Studio

  • Edition - 1
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  • Edition - 3

architecture thesis design

First Prize - TA21A0052

Sergio Mutis - Colombia

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Second Prize - TA21A0346

Lee Min Hui - Malaysia

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Third Prize - TA21A0181

Preksha Chheda - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0191

Hariish Ananthan - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0587

Anandita Ayesha Rangarajan - India

architecture thesis design

Honorable Mention - TA21A0466

Theodora Li - United Kingdom

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0231

Harish Kanth - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0441

Akanksha Deolekar - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0410

Jerwin Geo - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0422

Santhosh Narayanan - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0488

Saivi Shah - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0538

Mohamed Farook Ahlam S - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0332

Adnan Kasubhai - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0382

Mokshit Dedhia - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0593

Francesca Prini, Selene Rini, Nicole Vettore - Italy

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0459

Riyesh Patil - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0413

Vatsal Shah - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0190

Lilian Silva Costa - Brazil

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0182

Abishek Raj - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0158

Ravi Modi - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0149

Anisha Mehta - India

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Honorable Mention - TA21A0108

Utkarsh Kumar Verma - India

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First Prize - TA23B70923

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Second Prize - TA23B70961

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Third Prize - TA23B70775

Dean Smuts ( South Africa )

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Honorable Mention - TA23B71226

Vinayak Bhattacharya, Tanvee Thapa, Silvia Caremoli

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Honorable Mention - TA23B70689

Serah Yatin

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Honorable Mention - TA23B71050

Liron Gonsalves

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Honorable Mention - TA23B1225

Md. Zahidur Rahman

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Honorable Mention - TA23B71236

Ritika Somani

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Honorable Mention - TA23B71225

Ayesha Akhter

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Honorable Mention - TA23B71206

Alvin Baride

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Honorable Mention - TA23B70905

Ngo Thanh Quy

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Honorable Mention - TA23B71219

Md. Muhaiminur Rahman

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Honorable Mention - TA23B70901

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Special Mention - TA23B71240

Snigdha Gopalkrishnan

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Special Mention - TA23B70859

Rohit Belvikar

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Special Mention - TA23B70912

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Special Mention - TA23B71241

Riddhee Madan Patil

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Special Mention - TA23B71160

Harsh Agarwal

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Special Mention - TA23B71012

Priya Chauhan

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Special Mention - TA23B70737

Reeshba Reji

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Special Mention - TA23B1533

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Special Mention - TA23B70927

Pradyumna Lalit Vikharankar

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Special Mention - TA23B41425

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Top 10 - TA23B70973

Riya Saira Georgi

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Top 10 - TA23B41435

Eromitha Ramesh

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Top 10 - TA23B1547

Vini Thakker

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Top 10 - TA23B70941

Rachit Joshi

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Top 10 - TA23B71129

Garima Mutha

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Top 10 - TA23B1531

Urja Laddha

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Top 10 - TA23B71044

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Top 10 - TA23B1545

Disha Rabadia

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Top 10 - TA23B70782

Zalavadiya Nikunj Harshadbhai

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Top 10 - TA23B71248

Woon Zi Zheng

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UDL Thesis Publication 2024 Seminar

UDL Thesis Publication 2024 Seminar  - Image 1 of 1

  • Published on September 11, 2024

UDL Thesis Publication 2024: A Global Platform for Urban Design Innovation

The Urban Design Lab (UDL) is excited to host the UDL Thesis Publication Seminar 2024 on September 14-15, gathering top design minds from around the world. This prestigious event will showcase 40 outstanding thesis projects from graduate and undergraduate students, highlighting groundbreaking research and innovative design solutions in urban design, landscape architecture, and planning.

Curating the Best in Urban Design The UDL Thesis Publication creates a unique opportunity for students to share their visionary work on contemporary urban challenges, with the best projects being published in an ISBN-assigned book. The selected theses will contribute to global discussions on topics such as sustainability, urban regeneration, mobility, and heritage conservation.

Themes and Scope The 2024 publication covers four major themes:

Urban Renewal: Focusing on conservation, revitalization, and heritage revival. Urban Landscapes: Managing the natural and built environments in urban settings. Urban Management: Exploring physical, social, economic, and infrastructure management. Urban Networks: Addressing connectivity, transit, and mobility within and between urban areas. These themes present innovative solutions to critical issues faced by cities globally, ensuring the publication's relevance for academics and professionals alike.

Meet the Experts The UDL Thesis Seminar 2024 is graced by an exceptional group of seminar panelists and jurors:

Seminar Panel Members:

Rajeev Bhakat (Founding Partner - Studio CoDe, India) Master of Architecture, University of Pennsylvania Ujan Ghosh (Urban Designer, Upalghosh Associates, India) Master of Architecture & City Planning, University of Pennsylvania Mansi Kataria (Creative Head, i.e. Design, India) Masters in Architecture (Urban Design), School of Planning & Architecture, Delhi Oormi Kapadia (Founding Partner, PLURAL, India) M.Arch, Urban Design, The University of Texas at Austin Publication Jury Members:

Peter Hasdell (Associate Dean, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China) Architect & Urban Designer, University of Sydney & Architectural Association, London Daniel Feldman (Founder and CEO, ZITA, Colombia) Urban Designer, Harvard Graduate School of Design Stefan Lengen (Associate Professor, The Bartlett School of Architecture, London, UK) DipArch UCL ARB RIBA, Architecture, The Bartlett School of Architecture Fabiano Lemes (Associate Professor in Urbanism, Politecnico di Milano, Italy) PhD, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya- UPC, Barcelona Mohammed Fekry (Professor, Effat University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Cairo University, Egypt Clara Reutter (Assistant Professor, Landscape Design, RMIT University, Australia) Master of Architecture, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Zeina ElZein (Assistant Professor, Helwan University, Egypt) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Helwan University, Cairo Evan Shieh (Assistant Professor, New York Institute of Technology, USA) Master of Architecture in Urban Design, Harvard University GSD These esteemed professionals bring their vast experience to evaluate the thesis projects, ensuring the event is a rich learning experience for participants and attendees.

Why Attend? This seminar is a must-attend for anyone passionate about urban design. It offers opportunities to learn from global experts, discover emerging trends, and network with professionals who are shaping the future of cities. Whether you are a student, academic, or professional, this event promises to provide valuable insights into the latest in urban design research and practice.

Register Now Be part of the UDL Thesis Seminar 2024 by registering today! Don't miss the chance to explore innovative solutions to urban challenges and connect with leaders in the field. Download the Book of Abstracts to preview the selected projects.

Join us on September 14-15, 2024, and witness the future of urban design unfold!


Download the information related to this event here.

This event was submitted by an ArchDaily user. If you'd like to submit an event, please use our "Submit a Event" form. The views expressed in announcements submitted by ArchDaily users do not necessarily reflect the views of ArchDaily.

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    Architecture Portfolio. Mohammad Faisal. 57 3.3k. Upgrade to Behance Pro today: Get advanced analytics, a custom portfolio website, and more features to grow your creative career. Start your 7 day free trial. Jump to Main Content. Behance is the world's largest creative network for showcasing and discovering creative architectural thesis work.

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  21. Seven architecture thesis projects by the University of Melbourne

    Course: Master of Architecture Design Thesis Tutor: Alan Pert Email: donalkr06[at]gmail.com. Partnership content . This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the University of Melbourne.

  22. Archmello

    Thesis , the only studio in architecture wherein the student gets a chance to select the studio program of his/her choice. It provides an opportunity to the students to explore a particular design category, address any social - cultural - political issue through architecture or work on the futuristic theme for the betterment of the society.

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  24. UDL Thesis Publication 2024 Seminar

    UDL Thesis Publication 2024: A Global Platform for Urban Design Innovation. The Urban Design Lab (UDL) is excited to host the UDL Thesis Publication Seminar 2024 on September 14-15, gathering top ...