Barnard Essay Examples

Barnard essay examples – introduction.

If you are looking for Barnard Essay examples you’ve come to the right place. But, before we dive into how to write Barnard supplemental essays and explore six real Barnard essay examples, let’s talk a bit about the school itself.

First, Barnard College is a women’s liberal arts college in the heart of New York City. It is an elite institution, with the Barnard ranking at #18 in the Best Liberal Arts College list written by U.S. News. Barnard was the first university to confer degrees on women at its founding in 1889.

Barnard College is affiliated with the neighboring Columbia University. As a result, Barnard students have access to many Columbia resources while still benefiting from a liberal arts structure. Furthermore, its location within NYC means Barnard and its students live right within the city and everything New York has to offer.

Do you want to know how to get into Barnard? Do you hope to get accepted to this top-ranked women’s college ? In this guide, we’ll cover a key part of the Barnard application: the Barnard supplemental essays. Not just tips, either—we’ll read several past Barnard supplemental essay examples and examine parts of those Barnard essays that worked.

Barnard Essay Examples Quick Facts:

  • Barnard acceptance rate: 11%. According to U.S. News , the Barnard ranking is most selective in terms of admissions.
  • 2 required essays (<300 words)
  • 1 optional essay (<300 words)
  • Barnard application note: Barnard admissions accepts applications through the Common Application , Coalition Application, and QuestBridge.
  • Barnard Supplemental Essays Tip: Each of your Barnard essays should respond directly and thoughtfully to the prompt. Clearly demonstrate why you are a good fit for Barnard.

Does Barnard have a supplemental essay?

It’s probably clear from the title, but yes, there are Barnard supplemental essays. Let’s back up for a moment—what is a supplemental essay ? Why do you need Barnard essays? Successful Barnard supplemental essays provide a dynamic snapshot of you and what you’re about. With the low Barnard acceptance rate, polished Barnard essays will maximize your chances of admission when you apply .

Barnard essays show the Barnard admissions team more about you. Who are you beyond your test scores and extracurriculars ? Why are you applying to Barnard? With your Barnard essays, you can answer the Barnard admissions office’s questions. If you knock it out of the park like our Barnard supplemental essays examples, you may even get offered a spot.

How many essays does Barnard have?

There are three Barnard supplemental essays. These Barnard essays explore your intellectual curiosity, interest in Barnard, and personal values. Yes, these essays are in addition to your Common App or Coalition essay (sorry!). But they aren’t as long: Barnard essays are no more than 300 words. Moreover, one of the prompts is optional.

However, if you want to overcome the Barnard acceptance rate, you should write all three Barnard essays. The more your Barnard application tells the Barnard admissions team about yourself, the better. You have flexibility with the Barnard essays, so you can convey a lot. Use each of the Barnard essays to maximize your odds against the low Barnard acceptance rate.

Barnard Essay Prompts

Barnard supplemental essays for 2022–2023 are:.

  • What factors encouraged your decision to apply to Barnard College and why do you think the college would be a good match for you? (300 words max)
  • At Barnard, academic inquiry starts with bold questions. What are some of the bold questions you have pondered that get you excited and why do they interest you? Tell us how you would explore these questions at Barnard. (300 words max)
  • Pick one woman — a historical figure, fictitious character, or modern individual — to converse with for an hour and explain your choice. Why does this person intrigue you? What would you talk about? What questions would you ask them? (300 words max)

Of course, the prompts for Barnard essays can change between admissions cycles. If you’re a junior, you can still read these Barnard supplemental essays examples. Even if one or two Barnard essays are different next year, the strongest parts of Barnard essays that worked will still work. If you’re not applying to Barnard, these Barnard essay examples can also still help you write other essays.

Now that we know the Barnard supplemental essay prompts, let’s look at some Barnard supplemental essays examples. We’ll look at six Barnard essays that worked and talk about why. Let’s start with the first question and some “Why Barnard” essay examples.

“Why Barnard” Essay Examples 

Before we jump into a “Why Barnard” essay example, we should look a bit more closely at the prompt. It’s essentially asking you two things:

  • How did Barnard end up on your college list ?
  • Why is Barnard a good match for you?

You’ve probably encountered other “why this college” essays. So, these Barnard essay examples will look a bit familiar. But, a “Why Banard” essay example should be specific to Barnard’s opportunities and offerings. Barnard essays that worked are particular and personal to the school when n answering the prompt. At the same time, they use vivid and engaging language to tell the writer’s story in an eye-catching way.

Preparing for this essay

Most students will reference their intended major or minor in a “Why Barnard” essay example. You don’t necessarily have to—you could leave that for the second Barnard essay. On the other hand, your “bold question” may not pertain to your intended course of study. In any case, plan your Barnard essays in advance to minimize overlaps in content. Every word counts!

When brainstorming for this Barnard essay, think about why you want to attend Barnard. Be specific: if you want to attend a college in New York City , there are plenty of others. If it’s the Barnard ranking, there are many other highly ranked liberal arts colleges. Does Barnard have a particular course, club, or program that speaks to you? Are you drawn to the campus culture? Effective “Why Barnard” essay examples will have specific details while keeping you and your interests in focus.

Remember that the prompt is asking why Barnard is a good match for you, not the other way around. In other words, the Barnard ranking and stats are one thing—whether you’d be happy on campus is another. Look beyond the Barnard ranking; research the campus culture, student life, costs of attendance, and opportunities. How do they measure up to other schools? Is Barnard a good fit for you? Once you know that, it’ll be easier to answer that part of the prompt.

Now, let’s look at two Barnard essays that worked for this prompt.

“Why Barnard” Essay Example #1

Upon moving to America, I became the “token minority”. The culture, language, and tradition that I used to share with everyone are now viewed as “exotic”. However, at Barnard Bound, I got to be in a true diverse environment. For the first time in my life, I looked around the room and could not point out the dominant group. Instead, the diversity results in a wonderful collaborative and empowering atmosphere. It was the perfect blending of race, identities, and beliefs. As we took turns sharing our stories and uplifting each other through the stress of college admissions, I learned what it was like to not feel out of place in this melting pot country. 

However, it wasn’t until I heard the acknowledgement for the Lenape Indigeneous People that I knew this socially awareness environment is where I want to spend the next four years of my life. Under the oppressive communist regime of Vietnam, I had to stay silent in front of injustices that my countrymen faced. The feeling of helplessness fueled my desire to become a human rights activist. Throughout my childhood, I was too afraid to stand up for what I believe. I’m determined to use my voice to fight for justice. (As if fated, Barnard is one of the few schools to have a Human Rights concentration!!!)

After an incredible Barnard Bound weekend, I can’t help wanting to be at Barnard, where I will be in the diverse, supportive, and empowering community of social activists and scholars.

Why this essay worked

This “Why Barnard” essay example references Barnard Bound , a (currently) virtual program for prospective students. They can meet current Barnard students, faculty, alumni, and staff. During your college search , you should try to attend programs like this if possible. As you can see, they can yield many insights into whether the school is a good fit for you.

Remember the two components of this Barnard essay prompt? Look at how the writer addresses them here: they explain how their experience of Barnard Bound motivated them to apply. Then, notice how the writer links their personal experiences and values with Barnard. Not only do they indicate some specific things about Barnard, but they also make them personally relevant. In addition, effective Barnard essay examples use powerful language that evokes appropriately positive or negative feelings in the reader.

A common pitfall in “Why Barnard” essay examples—and “why” essays in general—is all facts and no feeling. In other words, Barnard essays may name-drop programs or features without firmly relating them to you or your values. Conversely, strong Barnard essay examples use personal experiences to tie the whole essay together. As a result, this “Why Barnard” essay example effectively conveys both the writer’s core motivations and how Barnard upholds them.

Barnard supplemental essays examples can be helpful for reference while planning and writing. Afterward, remember to ask for help when editing . A fresh pair of eyes can pick up areas for improvement. Ask someone you trust if your Barnard essays represent you well. Does it tell the reader who you are and how Barnard fits into your future?

“Why Barnard” Essay Example #2

I was introduced to Barnard by my friend, a Cohort 8 LEDA Scholar, and Barnard student. She explained her transition from studying at a large public school, much like my own, to the intimate classroom experience created at Barnard. She spoke passionately about her fellow classmates who have built part of a satellite that is currently in space to dining with my favorite childhood character, Kim Possible. Goosebumps ran through me as I desire to be part of a community that strives to confront the stereotypes of gender roles and female inferiority.

I believe that in New York City, I will be able to study the garbage system and create alternatives to produce clean energy that will reduce the ecological footprint left by our nation in one of the most polluted cities. I can envision myself examining the social and economic impact of global environmental change. Under one professor, I can conduct research projects on contaminated water and developing efficient ways to conserve and purify water resources globally through preserving major ecosystems.

These factors not only have allowed me to envision myself walking through the black-iron gates once again, as a Barnard woman, but reassure me that Barnard will challenge me to break boundaries by exploring a breadth of topics thoroughly, to a much fuller extent than I can at any other institution. 

Right out the gate, the second of our Barnard essay examples is saying, “Barnard and me.” The writer’s interaction with a Barnard student spoke to them on multiple levels. Even though they don’t reach as deeply as the previous essay, this writer makes a great impact. Their word choice, especially the image of goosebumps, effectively conveys how strongly they feel about Barnard. Thoughtful word choice is a hallmark of strong Barnard essays.

Similar to other Barnard essay examples, this uses NYC as a jumping-off point to talk about Barnard’s fit. The writer’s personal interests can blossom with opportunities in the city. Furthermore, strong Barnard essay examples show that the writer has done their research. Many Barnard essay examples take this approach of mentioning a professor whose research areas align with their interests. If you do, make sure you follow this “Why Barnard” essay example and connect it with your broader vision.

Another common mistake that these two “Why Barnard” essay examples avoid is being too vague. This Barnard essay, like the other “Why Barnard” essay example, takes a personal approach to wide-scale issues. While the first of our Barnard supplemental essays examples keyed in on human rights, this one is about the environment. Both Barnard essay examples  use personal interests and experiences to talk about issues of concern to the writers. Don’t shy away from complex issues—at the same time, don’t make your scope too broad.

Lastly, take note of strong conclusions in Barnard essays. In fact, both of these Barnard essay examples we’ve seen have effective conclusions. Why do the conclusions of these Barnard supplemental essays examples work? They are forward-facing: each writer looks ahead to being at Barnard and feeling proud of their community.

Barnard Supplemental Essay: The “Bold Questions” Essay  

The second Barnard essay prompt isn’t complicated at its core: what interests you? It’s asking you two things:

  • What are you curious about?
  • How can you pursue answers at Barnard?

Because of that second part, more conceptual questions may be better left alone. Think about topics you could research or collaborate with others to explore. Concrete topics are preferable here. However, if you can find a way to concretely explore a more general or abstract topic, go for it!

This essay prompt is new, so we don’t have Barnard essay examples for it. However, we have two Barnard essays that worked for a past prompt. Although the Barnard essay prompt is different, the strengths of these Barnard supplemental essays examples are still applicable.

With that said, let’s take a look at some Barnard essay examples from the past. The two below respond to the following prompt:

“ Alumna and writer Anna Quindlen says that she ‘majored in unafraid’ at Barnard. Tell us about a time when you majored in unafraid. ”

Barnard supplemental essays examples #1.

Moving from country to country and changing cultures as I was growing up definitely was not always easy. Especially as an adolescent, it can be intimidating to have to adapt to a completely different routine and make an entirely new circle of friends. For example, one of my biggest challenges was my move from Sydney to Madrid just before ninth grade. Facing an unfamiliar culture, a foreign language that I had to learn from scratch, and moving across the globe from all my friends and from what was familiar in Australia, felt scary. In addition, moving from a small school (35 students per grade) to the largest French school outside of France (300 students per grade) did not make the transition easier. 

Even though it was difficult, I responded to this challenge by grasping the opportunity to become fluent in Spanish as quickly as possible and to socialize with my Spanish and French peers alike. Looking back, I am extremely grateful for this experience. Having had the feeling of being an outsider has helped me become more sensitive to different cultures and gain an appreciation for learning about distinct customs, particularly in a country with such diverse regional traditions. During my experience in Spain, I definitely felt like I have “majored in unafraid,” and by doing so I have gained so much. I could have decided to stick to what was familiar, yet by being unafraid to push beyond my comfort zone, I grew in maturity, confidence, and open-mindedness.

This Barnard essay prompt calls for introspection—can you reflect critically on your experiences and how you’ve grown? This writer explores their experiences moving around by recounting specific details. Language, class size, and feeling alone are particular challenges they share with us. As stated above, specificity will go a long way in your Barnard essays.

This writer also goes beyond themselves in discussing what they gained by overcoming this challenge. As with other Barnard essays, you should keep a worldly perspective even if you are at the center. Not only did this writer gain confidence and maturity, but also honed their cultural sensitivity and appreciation for foreign customs.

Some Barnard essays (and those of other schools) may ask for you to be vulnerable. While you by no means are obligated to share traumatic events, it’s okay to open up a bit. Like this writer discussed how they felt intimidated, you can recount negative feelings. However, and especially for essays about overcoming challenges, you should balance it out. Share your triumphs, too!

Barnard Supplemental Essays Examples #2

My first moment of fearlessness was when I first stepped through the door of a professor’s laboratory to start my summer research internship. I designed and built heart models to mimic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) disease and investigate strain comparisons in a 2D and 3D model. Due to my inexperience, my echocardiography scans produced nonspecific and ineffective strain rates, and were therefore useless in distinguishing the preferred cardiac diagnosis. In research, however, the challenge lies in the ability to be flexible and open to new procedures. 

I continued majoring in the unafraid when I boarded the plane to go to Princeton University for a summer program. Through the intensive seven-week program, I examined the economic, technological, social, and environmental needs facing the globe in the 21st Century. I debated topics ranging from the cycle of recidivism that fosters the prison industrial complex to the removal of people of color from 17th and 18th Century paintings in current academia. These enriching dialogues at three in the morning allowed me to recognize that not only does my voice matter, but the voices of other underrepresented communities do as well. I learned that my leadership abilities are no longer confined by my skin color, gender, or social and economic standing.

Number four of our Barnard essay examples leans into the writer’s intellectual pursuits . It’s likely these achievements were listed elsewhere in their application. However, the writer used one of their Barnard essays effectively to provide a deeper look at those experiences. For those with impressive academic resumes, your Barnard essays don’t have to exclude them—just write about them more personally.

Similar to other Barnard essays, this one doesn’t gloss over failures but doesn’t linger on them, either. The writer shows an understanding of the importance of failure in the world of research. If, like in these Barnard essays, you write about surmounting challenges, remember that failure is an option. In fact, you can almost always spin it as a positive.

In their more personal conclusion, this writer reflects on what they’ve learned from their experiences. Not just Barnard essays, but any college essay, will benefit from reflections on your own values and growth. When planning and writing your essays, don’t forget the personal. After all, on campus you’ll be a researcher/actor/lab partner second, and a person first.

Barnard Supplemental Essay Examples: “One Woman” Essay

For the last two Barnard essay examples, we’ll look at the third prompt. While this Barnard essay may say “optional,” if you know how to get into Barnard , you know this is crucial. A fuller picture for the Barnard admissions team will maximize your odds of beating the Barnard acceptance rate. In short, you should write all three Barnard essays for a strong Barnard application.

This is a common supplemental essay prompt : who would you invite to a dinner party, or to coffee? As a woman’s college, Barnard essays are of course about a woman you’d like to meet. This is the most creative of the Barnard essay examples, putting the spotlight entirely on you and your interests. 

Like the other Barnard essay examples, there are a few core questions to answer in this Barnard essay:

  • Why do you look up to this person?
  • What would you talk with them about?
  • What questions would you ask?

Make sure you directly address all three parts of the prompt like in the exemplary Barnard essay examples. In addition to a compelling topic, you should come up with particular things to ask or discuss.

This prompt calls for a good brainstorming session. After reading these Barnard essay examples, Think about women and femmes you admire. Maybe it’s one of the Brontë sisters, or Jasnah Kholin, or Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Whoever it is, it should be someone you’re genuinely curious about.

From there, think about what you want to ask her about. You could ask an unconventional question, or one about an identity you haven’t discussed elsewhere. You may also dig deeper into an unexplored facet of something you have mentioned before. Here’s where you can go a little bit into admissions mode. What conversation topic interests you and would present a new side of you?

Let’s look at our last two Barnard supplemental essays examples that respond to the following prompt:

Pick one woman — a historical figure, fictitious character, or modern individual — to converse with for an hour and explain your choice. Why does this person intrigue you? What would you talk about? What questions would you ask them?

“one woman” essay example #1.

I would converse with Amy Tan, an Asian-American writer whom I admire because of her experiences assimilating to Western culture. Although she was born in the United States, she seeks to integrate her Chinese heritage into her new American experience. However, she does not lose her cultural identity as a Chinese-American due to this assimilation. 

I imagine my discussion with Amy Tan would include our definitions of being an Asian-American. Tan, a child of immigrants like myself, reflects upon her mother’s struggles living in America. I would share with her the struggles and discriminations my parents faced because of their inability to communicate their thoughts due to their imperfect, or “broken and limited” English. 

I would discuss with her why the language barrier prevents my parents from assimilating into the culture and incorporate these new continuities and changes into their lives like we have incorporated it to ours. They will still retain their roots and heritage. The opportunity to delve into her thoughts would prove fascinatingly illuminating because we both can examine why it is difficult for our parents to learn the language. As individuals assimilate into a different culture, they start to lose their cultural identity and struggle to uphold traditional beliefs the same way. Authentic culture is not defined by the maintenance of old traditions, but by the adaption to the world around it. 

The fifth of our Barnard supplemental essays examples directly answers all three parts of the prompt. The writer explains why they admire their subject, Amy Tan, and her work. Then, this Barnard essay connects the writer’s experiences and interests with a broad topic: Asian-American identity. From there, the writer details specific items for discussion and their significance to the wider world.

Presumably, if you want to have a deep talk with someone, you’ve got some things in common. Impactful Barnard essay examples point out some shared values or qualities between the writer and subject. These can be things like a similar background or way of thinking. Strong Barnard essays may also highlight values of the subject that the writer admires and wants to emulate.

In writing Barnard essays, a very common pitfall is not keeping the focus on you . Look at how this writer contextualizes Amy Tan with their main topic of cultural identity. Especially if you choose a lesser-known figure for this essay, it may be tempting to elaborate on their achievements. Keep it short, like in this Barnard essay, and try to link their accomplishments to your imagined conversation.

“One Woman” essay example #2

Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived in an echo chamber. Every day, she heard the same opinion being reflected by everyone around her over and over again. People never disagreed with each other. There was little arguments because everyone shared the same opinion. Life was good. 

Until one day, she saw past the homogenous agreement and realized how wrong the world inside the chamber was. With all her courage, the girl shouted out the truth loud and clear in hope to break apart the deafening lies in that echo chamber. 

Dương Thu Hương was a communist loyalist for most of her youth. However, upon seeing the corrupts within the Vietnamese communist party, her illusion was broken. While most people would ignore the blatant injustices in the country out of fear of the oppressive government, she stood up for her people and uncovered the terrible truth of the communist government. 

Upon meeting Dương Thu Hương, I will thank her for her courage. It takes a tremendous amount of bravery to stand up against the organization one’s been a part for such a long time. After years of letting fear keep me from doing the right thing, her inspiring story motivated me to finally stand up for what I believe in and use my voice to fight for freedom. I will also discuss with her the current situation of Vietnam and our hopes and dreams for the future of Vietnamese people while learning more about her activism journey.

The last of our Barnard supplemental essays examples opens like a fable. For those who want to flex their creative muscles in their Barnard essays, you definitely can! This writer draws us in with something relatable and empowering, making us wonder about both writer and subject. What kind of echo chamber did the girl defy? Don’t shy away from a bold opening if you have one in mind.

Like in the previous Barnard essay, there is historical context, as well. After getting an idea of Dương Thu Hương’s values in the introduction, we get solid facts. Already, the writer presents the wider issues of government oppression and censorship. In the last paragraph, we get that personal touch, where the writer directly answers the prompt’s three questions in quick succession.

As discussed above, you should keep the focus on you. In this Barnard essay, however, “I” only appears in the last paragraph. What gives? In fact, the whole front half talks about Dương Thu Hương’s accomplishments in the face of adversity. Her values and courage are those inspiring, shared values we talked about; the writer is talking about herself, just indirectly.

As you can see, each of these Barnard essay examples shines for different reasons. Nevertheless, Barnard essays that worked all share several qualities. Let’s summarize what we’ve learned about writing the Barnard essays.

How do you write a Barnard essay? 

After reading through those Barnard supplemental essays examples, what can we take away? What did we learn from Barnard essays that worked, and how will that help you with your Barnard essays?

Top Tips for writing Barnard Supplemental Essays:

1. start early.

A good, polished essay takes time to plan, write, and revise. Give yourself plenty of time to read Barnard essay examples, and to draft and edit your Barnard essays. Keep an eye on those Barnard application deadlines , too! The Early Decision deadline is usually around November 1, while the Regular Decision deadline is at the beginning of January. Be sure to check the Barnard admissions site for the most current information!

2. Invest time in brainstorming

With the Barnard acceptance rate as low as it is, you need the best Barnard essays. So start your Barnard essay writing off on the right foot by brainstorming. Take 10–15 minutes to think about each prompt. For a “Why Barnard” essay example, list out things you like about Barnard. How do those make Barnard a good fit for you? For the third prompt, you can list out women and femmes you look up to and why. Good brainstorming makes for strong Barnard essays!

3. Think big

Keep thinking about your whole Barnard application and how it reflects you. Your Barnard essays shouldn’t say the same thing. Each of your three Barnard supplemental essays should show something unique about you. Use every word of your Barnard essays to flesh out your background, interests, and qualities for Barnard admissions.

4. Pick your passions

Applying for college can be pretty stressful—why make it worse by writing about something you don’t like? All of the Barnard supplemental essays examples we saw explored topics of interest to the writers. Couldn’t you feel the excitement in those Barnard essays? Make life easier and choose topics that you want to write about.

5. Be your authentic self

We know it’s cliché, but one of the most important things for your Barnard essays is that they’re yours. That is, that they reflect your experiences, values, and interests—not what you think Barnard admissions wants to hear. Successful Barnard supplemental essays reflect your true self.

Barnard Essay Examples – Final Thoughts

The Barnard supplemental essays are a crucial avenue for sharing unique parts of yourself with the Barnard admissions committee. For each of the three Barnard essays, you should respond directly to the prompt. Make your writing engaging for the reader with personal details while also acknowledging wider issues that you’re interested in.

We hope these Barnard supplemental essays examples have been helpful in planning your own Barnard essays. If you want more advice, we have a handy guide on how to get into Barnard College! Whether you’re staring down a Barnard application or just starting to research colleges, we have plenty of resources for you. Good luck, and happy writing!

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barnard supplemental essay questions

How to Write the Barnard College Essays 2019-2020

barnard supplemental essay questions

Barnard College is located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, just across the street from Columbia University. This women’s college was founded in 1889 when Columbia refused to admit women. Since then, it has flourished as one of the premier women’s colleges in America. Barnard offers a traditional liberal arts curriculum to its 2,600 students and has a very competitive acceptance rate of 11.3%. 

Barnard requires two supplemental essays for all applicants, plus additional essays for applicants to the HEOP Scholars Program, Science Pathways Scholars Program, and Arts Program. Read on to learn how to tackle this year’s prompts! Want to know your chances at Barnard? Calculate your chances for free right now.

How to Write the Barnard College Essays

The first two essays were removed partway through the admissions cycle. They are no longer required on the Common App, but we left them here for reference.

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (250 words) **REMOVED PARTWAY THROUGH THE APPLICATIONS CYCLE. NO LONGER REQUIRED.**

Think of the activity in which you’ve shown the most commitment, or the one that has shaped you the most. Is there an activity that has equipped you with new skills, strengthened your personality traits, or changed your perspective? Activities like these tend to be the best subjects for your essay.

If you already elaborated upon the activity to which you’re most dedicated in your Common App essay, pick the “next best” activity. You want to make sure you’re sharing different aspects of your personality. You should also avoid activities that “look good” on a resume, but you don’t have a strong passion for, as this will show in your essay. 

A strong extracurricular essay is not about your achievements, as those can be learned about via your activities list. Instead, a strong extracurricular essay is about two things: your state of mind in the moment you participate in an activity, and how that activity has helped you develop skills and positive personality traits. This can be achieved by either a deep dive into an anecdote that prioritizes in-the-moment reflection, or a reflection interspersed with at least one anecdote. 

For in-the-moment reflection, you can take the reader to a specific experience that stands out in the arc of your extracurricular. Maybe it was auditioning for the lead role of a play for the first time and the nervous excitement you felt. You can also choose to narrate something more mundane but equally important, such as your daily soccer practice and the thoughts in your head as you dribble. 

The vital thing to remember is to incorporate reflection into your writing, not just to tell a story. It’s easy to get caught up in the details of your anecdote without showing how the extracurricular shaped you. Let us know what skills you’ve developed because of the activity, what personality traits have been strengthened, and whether the activity impacts the way you live other parts of your life.

If you don’t want your anecdote to span the entire essay, you can take the route of reflection interspersed with one anecdote. In this case, the opening of your essay might take us to a specific moment as you do your activity, which can be 20-30% of the essay, but the rest should be devoted to how the activity impacted you.

Who in your life is depending on you? What are they depending on you for? (250 words) **REMOVED PARTWAY THROUGH THE APPLICATIONS CYCLE. NO LONGER REQUIRED.**

You may not have entered the so-called “real world” of postgrad life, but there are already people who depend on you to meet their needs big and small. Applicants often choose a family member, friend, or teammate as the subject of this essay, but remember that you can pick a more creative focus too; your garden, the ingredients you cook with — basically anything is fair game as long as the topic reveals more about who you are, and the subject isn’t too far of a stretch .

To get started, describe why and how this person/thing depends on you. Maybe you support your family financially by working at the local grocery store. Maybe your volleyball teammates depend on you to organize bonding events. Maybe you tutor a classmate in math and help boost their confidence. Maybe the vegetables in your garden depend on you to be watered and cared for.

If you have responsibilities for someone that exceed what is required of your typical American high school student, be sure to use this space to discuss that dynamic in your essay. For example, if you have a child or financially support another family member, this is the place to describe that relationship.

Even though you are writing about someone/something that depends on you, make sure the focus of your essay is still you. Show us your responsibilities and how this relationship has shaped who you are.

What factors influenced your decision to apply to Barnard College and why do you think the College would be a good match for you? (100-250 words)

You want to consider a few factors when crafting your response to this prompt. 

First, identify what you are looking to get out of college in general. What excites you about embarking on this journey?

Next, think about what Barnard does best. You may want to do some research on the school, including scouring the school website and making a visit if it’s possible.

Write about the intersection of what you want and what Barnard has to offer. Be as specific and enthusiastic as you can. You can include the names of professors, courses, clubs, or programs on campus to show admissions officers that this school has what you need to fulfill your dreams. 

Maybe you’re a prospective psychology major who wants to one day work as a lawyer. You could mention the Forensic Psychology course, which explores the role of psychology in legal situations. In the class, you would cover relevant questions such as: What is the risk of a violent offender repeating the offense? What kinds of information influence juries? This class fuses two of your passions, and would help prepare you for your career in law.

Or, maybe you’re passionate about arts education and want to join Meet Me At the Museum, a group dedicated to providing educational museum tours to elementary school students. Be sure to mention at least one extracurricular aspect of Barnard, along with at least one academic one. Attending college is not just about what you do in the classroom, but also how you engage with the campus and broader community!

Pick one woman in history or fiction to converse with for an hour and explain your choice. What would you talk about? (100-250 words)

It’s time to get creative! The sky is the limit when it comes to answering questions like this one. The more personal and unique your answer is, the better.

While you can choose absolutely anyone, we recommend selecting a figure about whom you know a good deal and consider a role model. Many applicants might choose Michelle Obama, Sheryl Sandberg, or JK Rowling even though they don’t really relate to them. Their stories are so widely discussed as to feel like common knowledge, but you want to come across as someone with a deeper understanding of whomever you select. 

A better example might be someone like Greta Thunberg, a Swedish teen climate change activist. Maybe you, too, are an environmentalist, and you admire Thunberg’s staunch dedication. You might ask her about her transatlantic sailboat crossing and how she recommends talking about climate change with others. Remember that you can also pick a fictional character. Maybe you would like to sit down with Aibileen, one of the main characters in The Help . You might ask her whether writing has helped her find closure in her son’s death and the harsh reality she faced as a Black woman in the sixties. You would discuss with her the current state of race relations in the U.S. and hear about how things have changed, or not.

What’s most interesting about this essay is not who you pick as much as why you pick her. You can and should give a brief summary (50-100 words) of who she is and what she’s done (especially if she’s lesser-known), but most of your essay should focus on the hypothetical conversation (150-200 words). What questions would you ask her? What would you tell her? How do you think the two of you would get along, and why? Use this essay to reveal more of your interests and the qualities you admire in others.

barnard supplemental essay questions

Applicants to the HEOP Scholars Program

Describe the impact that an academic or personal challenge had on you during high school. how did you overcome the challenge what sources of support did you utilize along the way (100-250 words).

This scholarship exists to help students who have not had the same privileges as others excel in a college setting. The brief essay helps admissions officers figure out who will benefit most from this gift. In the few words you have, you want to write an essay that shows you can overcome major challenges.

With that in mind, we recommend writing about a pretty significant setback you have faced. A lot of students don’t feel comfortable writing about challenges they have faced. They think it’s too personal.

While it is always your call what to put in an essay, we encourage students to be as vulnerable as they can be for this prompt. Unless you show the admissions officers what you have overcome, they have no way of knowing how you’ll react to challenges in the future.

As you write about a particular challenge you have faced, be sure to emphasize the ways in which you have overcome it. For that reason, be sure to pick a past challenge rather than something you are working through currently.

Focus on what you did to resolve the issue. By the end of the essay, your readers should feel as though you have succeeded even though the odds were stacked against you.

Applicants to the Science Pathways Scholars Program for Underrepresented Minority and First-Generation Students

Please outline your interest in pursuing science and scientific research. you may reflect on your past experiences, discuss your role models, or describe your educational and career goals. (350 words).

If science is your passion, the committee for the Science Pathways Scholars Program wants to know it. This essay offers you the opportunity to explain what drives your scientific curiosity directly to the people who decide whether to grant you the scholarship.

When you first read the prompt, you may notice that it’s really broad. It asks for information about past experiences, role models, future goals, basically an outline of everything that makes you want to pursue science.

The good news is that you DO NOT have to address each of those areas in your essay. They have provided a list to give you ideas, but the question you really want to focus on is, “Why does pursuing science matter to you?” Feel free to use any anecdote that speaks to that core question, even if it doesn’t fall neatly into the categories given by the prompt.

Since most people learn best by stories, it’s a good idea to think of one or two turning points in your pursuit of science so far. Maybe learning about someone else’s work made you want to follow in their footsteps. Perhaps you made your own exciting discovery in a science class.

Try to remember one or two of the defining moments in your relationship with science, and portray it in your essay. From there, go on to explain the reasons why that defining moment sparked or deepened your love of science.

“Passionate” is the best tone for this essay. After you write your essay, give it to a trusted friend or mentor and ask, “Does this essay make it sound like I really want to study science?” If the answer is a resounding yes, then you are spot-on.

Applicants to the Arts Program

Optional: artist’s statement—briefly address your choice of medium, influences, themes, or approaches you feel would help us in understanding the sample you have submitted..

While this essay is optional, it is common for artists to write about their work. Keep in mind that this is not a creative essay. Your creativity is already on display in the art itself. Instead, keep your Artist’s Statement short and sweet.

Spend no more than two paragraphs introducing your work. If a few words will help the committee experience your work with new eyes or ears, be sure to share. Otherwise, simply state the medium and title of each piece.

You can use technical jargon, but on the whole make sure your statement is understandable even to someone outside your field.

Here is an example:

I have included photographs of my paintings for your review. All featured works use oil paints on canvas. I prefer this medium for the vast palette it offers and in honor of Vincent Van Gogh, whose art has inspired my own.

In all my paintings, I try to capture optimism in the face of adversity. The first image, “Acadia,” is an open air work inspired by the mountains of Acadia National Park. The three self-portraits explore light, texture, and color respectively. The two still life paintings, “Lilac” and “Lily” can be viewed separately or as a diptych. Photographs of each one on its own and of the two together are included. Thank you for your consideration.

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Supplemental Essay Guide 2024-25

What do the 2024-25 supplemental essay prompts really mean, and how should you approach them? CEA's experts are here to break them all down.

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The Application Process: First-Year Applicants

Application review philosophy.

Learn about what kind of students Barnard is looking for, how to best prepare yourself for admission to Barnard, and how we read applications contextually and holistically.

Deadlines: Early and Regular Decision

Barnard offers two rounds of admission with two different deadlines. Learn more about which application round might be right for you .

Application and Writing Supplement

Barnard accepts the Common Application. *Please note - Your application and the Barnard writing supplement must be submitted by 11:59 pm  your local time  according to the deadline below. Students applying through Questbridge can find more information on the  Questbridge Applicants page . 

Early Decision

Deadline: November 1 Notification: Mid-December

Regular Decision

Deadline: January 6 Notification: Late March

Please note separate financial aid deadlines . 

Application Material Deadlines 

Please submit the following application materials by the following deadline dates. As a reminder, applications should frequently check the completeness of their application by viewing their Barnard application portal. Materials can be submitted via the common app or via by your school counselor. The recommender can also email recommendations directly to our office at [email protected]

  • Secondary School Report and Counselor Recommendation: November 15th
  • Self-Reported Test Scores (if submitting testing): November 15th
  • Teacher Recommendations: November 15th 
  • 1st Quarter/Trimester grades: November 30th
  • Secondary School Report and Counselor Recommendation: January 15th
  • Teacher Recommendations: January 15th
  • Self-Reported Test Scores (if submitting testing): February 15th
  • Mid-Year grades: February 28th

Required Application Materials

  • Common Application : Each application will include personal information such as the school you attend, your extracurricular activities, and your senior year class schedule. They will also include the personal essay  that will be sent to each school you apply to on each platform.  For students applying through Questbridge, you can find more information on our Questbridge Applicants page . 
  • Barnard Writing Supplement : This will be submitted with your preferred application platform. Supplemental essay questions may change from year to year and will become available each year in the summer. 
  • $75 non-refundable application fee or fee waiver request: Application fees are submitted through your chosen application platform. To request an application fee waiver, you may select the fee waiver option on either application platform and ask your high school counselor to complete the waiver form. If your counselor is unable to complete the waiver form through your application platform, they may submit your waiver directly to our office at [email protected] . We will gladly accept waivers from the Common Application, NACAC, SAT, or ACT. If a form is unavailable, we will also accept a letter from your counselor requesting a fee waiver that explains the financial hardship.
  • Mid-year report: Your counselor will submit your first-semester senior grades by March 1st using your preferred application platform.
  • Secondary school report and high school profile: These are documents that your high school counselor will submit along with your transcript that help our office contextualize your achievements.
  • SAT or ACT scores: For information about self-reported scores, score choice, and more, please view Barnard's standardized testing policies . Please note that students applying for Fall 2021, Fall 2022, or Fall 2023 do not need to submit the SAT or ACT in accordance with our temporary test-optional policy. For more information, please see our Temporary Test-Optional FAQ page .
  • High school counselor letter of recommendation: Due to large student caseloads, we understand if your counselor is unable to send a recommendation for you. Please contact us if this is the case. If your counselor is not able to submit a recommendation, we would encourage you to send an additional teacher letter of recommendation.
  • Two teacher letters of recommendation: We require two letters from teachers that taught you in core academic subjects (English, foreign language, mathematics, science, or social studies [history, economics, etc.]). While we recommend that these teachers be from your last two years of high school, we will accept recommendation letters from 10th-grade teachers.
  • Official TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test Scores: In addition to SAT/ACT requirements, TOEFL/IELTS/DET scores are required for students whose primary language is not English or who do not study in a school where English is the primary language of instruction. Please visit our International Applicants webpage to learn more about our English Language Proficiency requirements and see if you are eligible for a waiver.

Optional Application Materials

  • Additional letters of recommendation: Students may request letters of recommendation from up to two additional sources outside the required letters of recommendation. If you choose to request additional letters of recommendation, we recommend that they come from a different perspective than your previous letters, such as a part-time job supervisor, a research mentor, or a club advisor.
  • Additional Information section: The Common Application provides students an "Additional Information" section to add anything else they want to admissions committee to know that doesn't fit elsewhere in the application. If there are circumstances that may have affected your academic performance in high school, the extracurricular activities you were able to pursue, or anything else you would like us to know, we recommend telling us in this section of the application. If you would like to provide context related to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a separate COVID-19 Additional Information section for this particular information.
  • Common Application : Use  Slideroom  to submit any supplementary portfolios
  • We do also accept written materials (writing, poetry, other PDFs) via email to [email protected]
  • [email protected]
  • (650) 338-8226

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Barnard Supplemental Essays 2022-2023

barnard supplemental essay questions

By Eric Eng

View of Barnard college building.

When it comes to applying to the top schools in the country, your application is vitally important. In order to give yourself the best chance of gaining admission, you need to make sure all aspects of your application are top-notch. In this post, we’re going to do a deep dive into how to write Barnard supplemental essays and everything you need to keep in mind as you write.

Barnard uses the common app, and this means that you will be asked to answer essay questions contained in the common app. But like many top schools, Barnard also requires that you complete a few short essays about your personal or intellectual growth. The Barnard supplemental essays 2022-2023 allow applicants a certain amount of freedom when choosing their supplemental essay topics, but we’re going to look at each essay prompt and discuss the best way to respond to each topic.

Barnard Supplemental Essay Prompts 2022-2023

So, let’s start by looking at each supplemental essay prompt, and then we will discuss how to approach each one individually.

When it comes to answering the Barnard supplemental essays 2022, there are some things to keep in mind. First, these essays are in addition to the personal statement found in the common app. Second, all of the Barnard supplemental essays 2022-2023 are required. The Barnard supplemental word limit for each essay is 300 words, so you will have enough space to fully develop your essays. Let’s take a look at this year’s prompts, and then we’ll discuss how to approach them.

What factors encouraged your decision to apply to Barnard College and why do you think the college would be a good match for you?

At Barnard, academic inquiry starts with bold questions. What are some of the bold questions you have pondered that get you excited and why do they interest you? Tell us how you would explore these questions at Barnard.

Pick one woman — a historical figure, fictitious character, or modern individual — to converse with for an hour and explain your choice. Why does this person intrigue you? What would you talk about? What questions would you ask them?

While the third essay is technically optional, we don’t consider any essay to be optional. Barnard is giving you the opportunity to tell them more about yourself. Take it! Now, let’s look at each prompt individually.

How to write the Barnard supplemental essays?

Applicants often wonder how to write Barnard supplemental essays because they are somewhat different from the supplemental essays you will see on other applications. Despite that, these essay prompts are still asking you to reflect on your personal academic journey, and where you see yourself in the future. Let’s take a look at the first prompt.

The first Barnard supplemental essay 2022 is a fairly straightforward prompt. It asks you to elaborate on why you have chosen Barnard, but the key is to focus on specifics. There’s a good chance that you are applying to a number of schools, so what are the factors that attracted you to Barnard, specifically?

In reality, there are plenty of reasons to apply to Barnard, but you want to make sure that your response focuses on some key points. Are you attracted to the idea of an all-women’s college? If so, why? What are your feelings about living in New York City? Are you an experienced city-dweller or will this be your first time living in a big city? What programs have attracted you to Barnard?

The key to writing this essay is research. Then, once you’ve learned all you can about the school and its surroundings, you can work on your personal story, and how it relates to your decision to apply to Barnard.

This is a highly personal question because it asks you to think about the questions that define your academic pursuits. This is a chance for you to highlight your intellectual curiosity, which will demonstrate that you take your studies seriously. But this essay doesn’t have to be solely about your academic interests.

Because the subject of this essay is fairly broad, you can talk about any kind of “big” question that you ponder. Once you’ve spent some time thinking about the topics and questions that are on your mind, it’s time to explore how your education at Barnard will be relevant to your interests. The most important factor is demonstrating your passion. Barnard wants students who have more than a casual interest in subjects. They’re looking for people who are truly driven by their intellectual curiosity, and that needs to be evident in your essay.

As a member of the Seven Sisters, Barnard is one of the world’s top all-women’s colleges. This prompt, while technically optional, is a great way to explain how women—either real or fictional—have played a part in your life. The best way to approach this topic is by making a list of women who fascinate you. Making separate lists of real and fictional women may make this easier.

Once you’ve narrowed down your list, think about the woman you would most want to talk to for an hour. It doesn’t need to be the most famous or historically significant person on your list, but it should be someone with whom you feel a particular connection. Is there a life experience that you have both shared? Do you have common backgrounds or struggles? Do you draw inspiration from this woman in a specific way? These are the kinds of questions you can ask yourself to narrow your list even further.

Finally, think about the specific questions you would ask this person. Consider how their answers would impact your life. Think about the insight this person could give you based on their experiences.

At AdmissionSight, our goal is to help you with every step of the college admissions process. The Barnard supplemental essays 2022 can seem daunting at first, but our experience and expertise will help you navigate the entire process with confidence. Hopefully, this guide to the Barnard supplemental essays 2022-2023 has been helpful, but if you want more information about how AdmissionSight can help you realize your dreams, set up your free consultation today.


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Hey guys, I'm applying to Barnard and could use some guidance. Can anyone share examples of essays that worked or some tips on how to nail the Barnard supplemental essays?

Hi there! It's great to hear that you're applying to Barnard. CollegeVine has an article with three example essays submitted by real students, along with feedback on what worked well and what could be improved upon:

Also check out this CollegeVine article with tips on writing each of the Barnard essays:

Lastly, don't forget to proofread your essays and have someone else review them for clarity and coherence. This will ensure that your writing is polished and free of errors.

Good luck with your application to Barnard!

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CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.

Top Tier Admissions

2024-2025 Supplemental Essay Questions

  • Post author By Top Tier Admissions
  • Post date July 29, 2024
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While your GPA, test scores, and extracurricular activities paint a picture of your academic and social achievements, supplemental essays offer a platform to express your individuality. Admissions officers use these essays to understand who you are, what motivates you, and how you might contribute to their campus community.

Through your responses, you have the chance to demonstrate your writing skills, critical thinking, and genuine interest in the institutions to which you are applying. A well-written supplemental essay can tip the scales in your favor, providing context to your application and making a memorable impression.


We are still seeing the effects of last year’s Supreme Court decision to overturn the legality of race-conscious admissions . Many colleges have reacted by using school-specific supplements to give students the opportunity to write about their lived experience, which may include their racial background.

To get you started, we’ve gathered a few examples of this year’s supplemental essay prompts from various top tier institutions with some ideas about how you might approach them:

University of Chicago:

  • “Daddy-o”, “Far Out”, “Gnarly”: the list of slang terms goes on and on. Sadly, most of these aren’t so “fly” anymore – “as if!” Name an outdated slang from any decade or language that you’d bring back and explain why you totally “dig it.”
  • Known for their quirky prompts, UChicago encourages creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. This prompt challenges you to think metaphorically and philosophically about language and history. Your response could explore themes of individuality, belonging, or the search for identity in a complex world.

Dartmouth College:

  • There is a Quaker saying: Let your life speak. Describe the environment in which you were raised and the impact it has had on the person you are today.
  • Dartmouth’s prompt emphasizes storytelling and cultural heritage. Whether you choose to write about a personal story, a family tradition, or a historical narrative, this essay provides an opportunity to highlight your background and the experiences that have shaped you.

Yale University:

  • What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)
  • This is a classic “Why Us?” essay, which requires thorough research and a personal connection to the institution. Articulate your passion for Yale, detailing specific programs, faculty, or opportunities that align with your academic and career goals.

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For students seeking one-on-one guidance building a wise application strategy, deepening their academic niche and crafting authentic applications and essays, book a Personal Boot Camp and work with our expert team over an intensive, personalized three-day period.

Students who don’t require the immersive guidance of our Personal Boot Camp benefit from working one-on-one with our team of experts to craft unique, stand-out essays with our Essay Guidance Program . Or consider our Essay Guidance and Common App 911 bundle for a complete application package!

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Note: Some schools, like Georgetown University and MIT , use their own application. The University of California also uses their own application for all nine campuses.

We’ve provided a deep dive into both the Georgetown and MIT applications and offer customized guidance in their completion. For the UC network, we’ve gone a step further and created our official “Mysteries of the UC App,” exclusive to our Top Tier family! If you’re interested in Georgetown, MIT, UCLA , UC Berkeley or any of the remaining UC campuses, we can help with a step-by-step walkthrough of each!

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We are compiling the 2024-2025 supplemental essay questions for you on our College Application Essay Prompts page and we’ll continue to update all supplements as they are released. In the comments, feel free to note any schools you’d like to see included.

Grades and scores are king in determining your range of schools. But keep in mind: once you’re in-range of a school, the authenticity, content and quality of your college essays MATTERS !

If you enjoyed this post, follow us on Instagram @toptieradmissions for more tips and subscribe to our blog for expert insights & college admissions news !

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question abt barnard’s third supplemental

barnard’s reddit page is kind of quiet, so i hope someone on here could help me. would writing abt a female political figure that i disagree with be disadvantageous? the prompt doesn’t mention writing abt someone you’d admire, but rather someone that “intrigues” you. thanks!

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  6. How to Respond to the 2023/2024 Barnard Supplemental Essay Prompts

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    How to Write the Barnard Supplement Essays 2020-2021. Barnard is an all women's college in New York City. There is a huge sense of community and there has been a 60% increase in applications over the past five years. Barnard students can take classes at nearby Columbia University, but steer clear of writing about Columbia in your supplement.

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  17. The Application Process: First-Year Applicants

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  18. Barnard Supplemental Essays 2022-2023

    When it comes to answering the Barnard supplemental essays 2022, there are some things to keep in mind. First, these essays are in addition to the personal statement found in the common app. Second, all of the Barnard supplemental essays 2022-2023 are required. The Barnard supplemental word limit for each essay is 300 words, so you will have ...

  19. Barnard supplemental essay #2 : r/ApplyingToCollege

    Barnard supplemental essay #2. Application Question. At Barnard, academic inquiry starts with bold questions. What are some of the bold questions you have pondered that get you excited and why do they interest you?

  20. How to Write the Barnard Supplement 2022-2023

    Barnard is a small all-womens (if you hadn't gathered from the very historical account above) college of about 3,000 undergraduate students. It's very competitive to get into, particularly recently. Last year, Barnard's acceptance rate fell below 10% for the first time ever. They have a couple of supplemental essay questions, two of which ...

  21. Barnard Essays That Worked

    Can anyone share examples of essays that worked or some tips on how to nail the Barnard supplemental essays? 7 months ago. Hi there! It's great to hear that you're applying to Barnard. ... CollegeVine's Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of ...

  22. Help with this supplemental essay : r/ApplyingToCollege

    That is super unfortunate. Sorry to hear about that. I'm currently doing Barnard's supplement essay and I have most likely 25 hours to perfect it. But I am honestly stuck on this "bold" question. It is truly difficult knowing what bold questions are from a high school student.

  23. 2024-2025 Supplemental Essay Questions

    A well-written supplemental essay can tip the scales in your favor, providing context to your application and making a memorable impression. 2024-2024 SUPPLEMENTAL ESSAY QUESTIONS: A SNEAK PEEK. We are still seeing the effects of last year's Supreme Court decision to overturn the legality of race-conscious admissions. Many colleges have ...

  24. question abt barnard's third supplemental : r/ApplyingToCollege

    It sounds like your post is related to essays — please check the A2C Wiki Page on Essays for a list of resources related to essay topics, tips & tricks, and editing advice. Please be cautious of possible plagiarism if you do decide to share your essay with other users. tl;dr: A2C Essay Wiki. I am a bot, and this action was performed ...