47 Critical Thinking Questions for High School Students

47 Critical Thinking Questions for High School Students

Critical thinking is defined as analyzing and thinking objectively about an issue to form a judgment. Critical thinking skills are important for high school students because they encourage decision-making based on logic and reason, which will serve them well in adulthood. 

Critical thinking questions are those that encourage the development of the following skills:

If you could make your own country, what would it look like? What rules would your citizens follow?

If you found out you only had 24 hours left to live, what would you decide to do with your last day on earth?

If a train was heading down a track without brakes and you had the switch that would turn it to either one of two tracks, and there was a baby on one track and an old woman on the other, who would you choose to let live? Why?

If everyone in the world stopped using social media, would it be a good thing or a bad thing? Defend your answer.

Question 10

Is it better to take one life in order to save 5 lives? What about 10? 20?

Question 11

Question 12, question 13.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what item would you choose to bring with you, provided you would have an endless supply of food and water?

Question 14

Question 15.

If you could spend one day with any person on earth, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

Question 16

Is it more important to have a strong military or universal healthcare? Why or why not?

Question 17

Question 18, question 19, question 20, question 21.

If you could describe the color red to a blind person, how would you describe it? What about the color blue?

Question 22

Question 23.

If you could live in any historical time period, which time period would you choose and why?

Question 24

Would you rather die by falling off a skyscraper or being buried in a landslide? Why?

Question 25

Question 26, question 27.

Is it better to have 1 million dollars in the bank or donate 10 million dollars to charity? Why or why not?

Question 28

Question 29, question 30, question 31, question 32, question 33, question 34, question 35, question 36, question 37.

If you had the chance to travel through time and change one historical event, what event would you change and why? How would you change it?

Question 38

Question 39, question 40.

If you had five minutes to defend the human race against an alien civilization who were going to destroy humanity, what would you say?

Question 41

Question 42, question 43, question 44.

Do someone’s actions impact their value as a person, such as serial killers?

Question 45

Question 46, question 47.


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40 Critical Thinking Questions for High School Students

How is electricity being produced from rainwater or do aliens exist if there are so many discoveries about them? High school students are certain to come across queries that question reality, everyday rules, general human existence, or anything out of nowhere! 

Young minds are filled with an amazing potential to explore beyond their capabilities and hidden qualities. While high school students might question the existing realities of life, some students might not be aware of their imagination and thinking capacities. That is why it is important to nurture these growing minds with opportunities to question, understand, analyze, find evidence, and arrive at solutions. 

In this case, critical thinking questions act as a helpful way to offer an opportunity to broaden their minds to unlimited knowledge and endless possibilities. When students are given a chance to think beyond the ordinary, they experience a sense of freedom in thinking and expressing their views.

Through critical thinking questions, they receive a wonderful chance to analyze, decode the information, and present their views without being right or wrong. Hence, the below-mentioned questions are drafted in a way to initiate abstract and informative conversations thereby boosting critical thinking.

Brain teasing critical thinking questions for high schoolers

Critical thinking skills are essential for measuring the imagination and creativity of students. High school students are likely to use the new age information and influence of others when processing their thoughts. Hence, the below-mentioned questions are a great way to channel their thoughts in a more positively empowered learning environment.

  • Do you think it is okay to give up your life if you had to save someone?
  • If you could go to your past, what would you change?
  • What is the joy of giving for you?
  • What is better – giving or receiving? Why?
  • If you can change some rules of the school, which ones would you change and why?
  • What if you know your future? What does it look like from your perspective?
  • What if you are dragged into a situation where you disagree with others?
  • What would you do if you are given a task against your willingness to complete it?
  • Would you like to do – go to your past or get to know your future? Why?
  • What would you choose, 1 million dollars or a lifetime free education? Why?
  • What is more important to you, knowledge or money?
  • How can you leverage the benefits of social media and how?
  • Do you think animals should be free or kept in a zoo?
  • What does life look like on the Earth 100 years from now?
  • Imagine a world without mobile phones. What would you do?
  • If you could choose any profession in the world, what would you choose? Why?
  • Would you rather devote your life to helping others through social activities or invest in building a business?
  • What is the most important matter of concern that the world needs to address?
  • Do you think the voting of high school students matters in Government concerns? Why?
  • Which aspect plays a major role in the success of individuals?
  • If you could change any one habit of your parents, what would it be?
  • If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go? Why?
  • Imagine the world is facing a major power cut issue. What would you do and how would you face the situation?
  • What is more important, offering a home to the needy or offering food to the needy on an everyday basis?
  • How does the number 0 change life?
  • Should teenagers be allowed to make major life decisions?
  • Are friendships real in today’s world? 
  • Does an influential person always influence others with actions and words?
  • If animals could talk to you, who would you choose to talk to?
  • What is the difference between happiness and achievements?
  • Do you think success is the same as happiness? 
  • Imagine you have only 24 hours left on Earth. How would you spend it?
  • What if you are given the option to reside on another planet? What would you do and how?
  • Would you forgive your best friend if he/she commits a crime and is found guilty?
  • If your mother and best friend are sinking in two different boats and you have the opportunity to save anyone, who would you choose? Why?
  • Imagine you are stranded on an island and have access to 5 things. Which 5 things would you choose?
  • Which 3 elements make a stronger nation? Why?
  • What are the disadvantages of growing up? How would you tackle them?
  • Would you be blind or deaf? Why?
  • What if you could donate 50% of your wealth and have free food for life? What would you do? 

Critical thinking in students: Why is it crucial?

High schoolers are on their way to exploring various subjects and acquiring knowledge from around the world. In such a phase, students must have the ability to think through things and make the right decision. Critical thinking empowers the brain to analyze and understand situations with complete evidence before concluding. Here’s how critical thinking shapes the life of high schoolers.

1. Develops Problem-Solving Skills

Students are sure to come across everyday problems and issues in their academic journey or personal life. While some students may develop stress, others might ignore it. However, the essence of critical thinking helps students solve these issues with intelligence. Whether it is figuring out about the project or solving an issue between friends, thinking and analyzing the possible solutions makes it easy to tackle situations. 

2. Enhances Creativity

The advertisements you see every day often talk about the problem and how a product solves it. That’s exactly why you need to develop critical thinking skills. When you can identify the core issue and arrive at solutions only then can you think out of the box. Critical thinking helps students be creative with their solutions and find a way out amidst challenges. 

3. Boosts Decision-Making Skills

With every project, assignment, or topic of your thesis , you need to take many decisions in the learning process. Here, critical thinking skills play a crucial role in helping you analyze, decode and disseminate information before making any decision. 

4. Builds Open-mindedness 

As growing individuals, it is important to be open-minded towards various problems and their suggestions. People who think critically are more likely to understand situations from different points of view. Hence, developing critical thinking skills helps you accept different perspectives and respect the opinions of others. The skill helps a long way when you need to work in a group on your projects. It is because you become capable of thinking from various perspectives. 

5. Goal Setting

Success comes with proper planning and execution of tasks. However, you cannot study history if you are weak at math. Similarly, you cannot aim for a 60% growth in your academics if you have been growing at a pace of 30% in each examination. Critical thinking enables you to think practically and map your way out to reach your goals. When you think critically and practically, you can analyze your strengths and weaknesses thereby setting goals accurately.

Critical thinking indeed plays an essential role in shaping the mindset of students and exposing them to different skills simply by developing this one. As you take advantage of the critical thinking questions, know that it is important to keep questioning students to initiate conversations.

Whether it is reflective questions or would you rather-questions , these questions enable them to think beyond their imagination and dive into a world of possibilities. Apart from this, you may also involve students in interactive discussions that boost critical thinking skills.

critical thinking questions for high school

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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The Integrated Teacher

19 Short Stories and Questions For Critical Thinking

Apr 2, 2024

There have been rumblings in different online teacher groups recently about replacing novels with short stories and informational articles in middle and high school English classrooms. I have to admit I was shocked when I first read the comments because I am a book lover at heart, but since then, I’ve considered that there are several pros and cons to this approach.

Short stories and other smaller texts can provide a briefer timeline to complete tasks, and this process is helpful when there is already SO MUCH curriculum to cover. Short stories and related activities can also be more engaging for our students because of the exposure to diverse voices and themes! Using short stories and lessons provides students with amazing choices to meet their needs and preferences!

On the other hand, incorporating mainly short stories and other shorter passages means students’ already-pressed attention spans (as a result of social media influences and pervasive sources of technology) are reinforced. Plus, students miss out on the more complex stories within longer pieces of fiction that are, dare I say, life-altering! A novel can provide opportunities for sustained reading and layers for analysis that shorter pieces of literature like short stories and related texts cannot offer.

Ultimately, no matter where you find yourself on the issue, I think we can all agree that short stories and their counterparts can be vital, effective, and helpful in the modern classroom!

Continue reading for 19 Short Stories and Questions For Critical Thinking!!

Need help with Test Prep ?  Check out this  FREE Pack of 3 Test Prep Activities  to help students achieve success on standardized tests!

short stories and activities picture

Table of Contents

19 Short Stories and Questions – Suggestions for Teaching Them

You don’t need to remove all novels to be able to include short stories and smaller passages like vignettes, articles, and narratives; there’s a time and place for all genres! But if you’re thinking about ways to include more short stories and fun activities, check out this list of 19 varied short stories and critical thinking questions as well as suggestions for teaching them in middle school and high school.

1.  “The Most Dangerous Game” 

“The Most Dangerous Game” is one of my absolute favorite short stories and overall plots to teach! This suspenseful short story by Richard Connell follows the harrowing ordeal of Sanger Rainsford, a skilled hunter who becomes the prey of a deranged aristocrat named General Zaroff. Stranded on Zaroff’s secluded island, Rainsford must outwit the cunning general in a deadly game of survival, where the stakes are life and death. 

the most dangerous game short stories and activities


  • You could focus on the setting (description of time and place) and examine how the setting changes throughout the story.
  • Students could learn about the plot (major events in the story) and list the major events and evidence as they read.
  • Define foreshadowing (hints for what will happen by the end of the story) and encourage students to hypothesize about what will happen after every page.
  • Analyze the character development (how a character changes over time) of Rainsford and highlight his traits/actions as you read along.


  • How does the setting contribute to the tension and suspense in the story?
  • How does the author use foreshadowing? How does the author hint at the danger Rainford is facing?
  • What inferences can you make about the main character and the changes he undergoes from the beginning to the end of the story?

If you want to teach plot elements and plot analysis , check out this lesson bundle for the story , which includes comprehension quizzes and a variety of activities!

2.  “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”

Ambrose Bierce’s story is a gripping tale set during the American Civil War, where a Southern civilian named Peyton Farquhar faces execution by hanging after attempting to sabotage a Union railroad bridge. As Farquhar falls through the trapdoor, time seems to stretch, and he experiences a surreal moment, only to realize his grim reality. 

Integrating historical texts with other short stories and passages like “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” will make history come more alive and relevant for our students!

  • Teach about irony (when the opposite occurs from what is expected) and how it plays a role throughout the story.
  • Explain the term characterization (how a character is depicted) by looking at direct and indirect references while reading with your students.
  • Discuss the major themes (messages) of the story and how they connect to our modern era within a Socratic Seminar.
  • How does the author use characterization to convey Peyton Farquhar’s thoughts, emotions, and motivations?
  • What is the purpose of irony in this story? How does its use affect the reader’s interpretation and understanding of events?
  • What is the significance in our contemporary/real world of the themes of the story, including reality and fantasy, the passage of time, and the consequences of actions?

Ensure students’ understanding of the story with this set of reading questions that are perfect for state test prep, too !

an occurence at owl creek bridge short stories and questions

3.  “The Masque of the Red Death”

This chilling tale from Edgar Allan Poe is set in a secluded abbey where Prince Prospero and his wealthy guests attempt to escape a deadly plague known as the Red Death. Despite their isolation efforts, the guests are confronted with their own mortality as a mysterious figure in a blood-red mask appears.

If you have not read any short stories and poems from Poe, this story is a perfect journey into the horror genre!

  • The setting (description of time and place) plays a MAJOR role in the story, so following the Prince from room to room and highlighting the imagery (description that connects to the five senses) is very important when reading.
  • If you have not introduced mood  (emotion intended for the reader to experience), this story is PERFECT for delineating its progression from start to finish.
  • As students read, you might guide them through identifying various examples of  symbolism  (object, person, or place that represents something else); each room, objects within, and the “antagonist” is symbolic in some way!
  • How does the author convey the tone of the story? How would you, as the reader, describe the story’s mood?
  • What role does the plot structure (focus on the different rooms) play in shaping the reader’s understanding of the story?
  • What is the purpose of the symbolism in the story such as the clock and the masked figure?

Check out this EASY-TO-TEACH bundle , you can practice with your students, so they will feel more confident analyzing higher-level language in “The Masque of the Red Death!”

4.  “The Cask of Amontillado”

Another chilling tale from Poe is the classic story “The Cask of Amontillado.” This one is set during Carnival in an unnamed Italian city. The plot centers on a man seeking revenge on a ‘friend’ he believes has insulted him. If your students are anything like mine, they will relish the ending particularly!

This is just one more of Poe’s short stories and tales that will capture the mind of every reader!

  •  As you plan for this short story, be sure to encourage your students to analyze the changing setting (description of time and place); following Fortunato from scene to scene will help your students track what is really going on.
  • This story is the perfect moment to teach about dialogue (conversation within someone=internal and/or between someone and someone/thing else=external); Montresor certainly means more than what he SEEMS to say!
  • You might also offer a mini-lesson on the 3 types of irony and how each plays a role in the story: verbal (when a person says the opposite of what is really intended), situational (an action occurs that is the opposite from what the reader expects), and dramatic (a character expects a result, but the opposite occurs and the audience can tell what will happen)!
  • Describe Montresor. What are his motives and personality?
  • What inferences can you make about Montresor’s mindset based on his dialogue?
  • What is the purpose of the family’s motto and the carnival atmosphere? 

Check out this Short Story Activity & Quiz Bundle for Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado,” which contains questions and answers modeled after various reading standardized tests as well as pre-quiz reading comprehension questions, graphic organizers, and a writing activity to get students thinking critically about this classic short story involving REVENGE!

Want 7 more teaching ideas for one of Poe’s epic short stories and questions to go with it? Click below!

questions for the cask of amontillado

5.  “To Build a Fire”

This story by Jack London describes the treacherous journey of a man through the harsh Yukon wilderness during extreme cold. Despite warnings and the company of a loyal dog, the man’s arrogance and underestimation of nature’s power lead to a tragic end.

Short stories and ideas related to survival in nature are still relevant today! Who knows when you might get lost on a hike or crashland in no man’s land?

  • This story is PERFECT for a bit of  literary analysis  (examining the impact of various ideas, elements, or themes within a piece of literature); you could hone in on literary devices, characterization, theme, etc.!
  • Integrating clips from survival shows will help students see connections to the world and extend their thinking by comparing (recognizing similarities) and contrasting (recognizing differences) varied experiences!
  • Write a short narrative about surviving 24 hours in a different setting (description of time and place).
  • How does the author use irony? Provide an example and explain. 
  • What real-world connections can be made between this story and our contemporary life? 
  • What is the story’s message about preparedness and respecting nature?

Grab these engaging short stories and activities to make teaching this Jack London story stress-free!

6.  “The Cactus”

Told from the point of view of a young man at his former lover’s wedding, the narrator retells their story. Like most of O. Henry’s short stories and texts, this one has a twist that involves the titular cactus plant.

The ending will end in a bit of fun for your students!

  • Introduce diction (word choice) and its impact within the story by hyperfocusing on specific words within the story . Students can look up definitions, locate synonyms, create their own sentences, replace the words, etc.
  • Investigate twist endings (unexpected finish to a story); before reading the end of the story, ask students to guess why the girl “rejected” him. Some students may know the answer before reading it!
  • Describe the main characters. What similarities and differences are evident? How does this affect the story’s action?
  • What inferences can you make about Trysdale and his feelings about love and marriage?
  • What are the real and symbolic meanings of the cactus?

This resource packed with questions and answers, graphic organizers, and writing activities is sure to get your students thinking about this love story driven by misconceptions.

short stories and activities image

7.  “After Twenty Years”

This tale of friendship and betrayal focuses on the reunion of two old friends after twenty years apart on a New York City street corner. As they reminisce, something is revealed that demonstrates the reality of their bond as well as the choices they’ve made in life.

If you have not read O. Henry’s short stories and incorporated character analysis yet, this is your chance! The story is not long and can be completed in one to two class periods!

  • Sometimes, we ask students to visualize (create a picture) in their minds, but why not give them the opportunity to use their artistic skills to draw the two characters?
  • As students read, annotate for a description of each character; then, students can do a character analysis (investigation of the characters’ similarities and differences).
  • What type of irony is used in the story? How does its use affect your interpretation and understanding of the story?
  • How does the urban setting contribute to the mood of the story?
  • What is the story’s message about friendship and loyalty?

Examine the links between loyalty and duty with this set of resources designed specifically for this O. Henry story.

8.  “The Lottery”

“The Lottery” is the quintessential short story for middle school or high school English! Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” tells the story of an annual ritual that takes place in a seemingly idyllic town. When the townsfolk gather for the lottery drawing, a shocking turn of events demonstrates the dark side of human nature and their ties to (outdated) traditions.

  • Introduce the terms suspense (uncertainty and/or excitement leading up to a major event) and tension (anxiety or uneasy feelings experienced by characters). While reading, identify evidence that relates to each of these concepts and chat/write about their impact on meaning and plot.
  • Teach title (the name of the text) analysis. The title of “The Lottery” is perfect for teaching the impact of the title and audience expectations. Before reading, students may write what they believe the story will be about based on the title. After reading, students can complete a quick write responding to their previous expectations! You can do a text analysis for all short stories and poems!
  • What role does the plot structure play in building suspense and tension? (Consider the revelation of the lottery’s ‘prize’ in particular.)
  • What social commentary is being made through the story and its characters?
  • Describe Mr. Summers, Tessie, and Old Man Warner. What does the story reveal about their role in the community and their feelings about the lottery?

Give yours elf a breath of fresh air with this NO PREP curriculum that integrates test prep within the teaching of literature by using Shirley Jackson’s quintessential story!

the lottery short stories and activities

9.  “The Pedestrian”

This Ray Bradbury story follows a lone walker in a futuristic society in which everyone else is consumed by technology, particularly the television. One evening, the walker encounters a police car that questions his unusual behavior and the end is quite unexpected! (Most of Bradbury’s short stories and texts connect to the future and technology in some way!)

  • This story exemplifies Dystopian Literature (texts that include a supposedly perfect future society marred in some way by governmental or societal oppression). Using this story to introduce this type of literature is always fun for students because they will easily make connections to other dystopic short stories and poems!
  • Teach about mood (the emotional impact of a story’s description/action). The goal is to get students to deepen their critical thinking skills by recognizing how the mood changes and the purpose for that change!
  • How does the author use foreshadowing and suspense to build the mood of the story?
  • What is the central theme of the story? How might it connect with our current world?
  • What similes and metaphors does Bradbury use to describe the community and its members? What is notable about these comparisons?

With this resource about Bradbury’s “The Pedestrian,” you can just print and teach the lesson and activities with EASE! 

10.  “The Gift of the Magi”

This 1905 story by O. Henry relays a tale about a couple struggling to make ends meet. Throughout the story, they both figure out gifts to buy one another for Christmas and realize what love truly means!

  • Review character traits (how a character is depicted internally and externally). Log the traits of each character within the story and how they are important to the meaning of the story.
  • Extend (move beyond the text) critical thinking skills by encouraging students to think and write about other people. If they had $1,000 to spend on someone else, how would they spend the money and why?

the gift of the magi short stories and questions

  • How would you describe Della and Jim, and their relationship?
  • What values do the characters have, when you consider their actions and decisions?
  • Explain how dramatic irony is used in the story. Is it necessary? Is it effective? Why or why not?

This tale is a great addition to your short stories and questions unit around the winter holidays! Save yourself time at that time of the year with this lesson bundle . 

11.  “The Monkey’s Paw” 

“The Monkey’s Paw” is a classic horror story about the White family who come into possession of a mystical monkey’s paw that grants three wishes. Despite warnings, they use it and then face devastating consequences as a result.

  • Teach about the elements of the horror/suspense genre (Ex. Scary movies are typically dark, stormy, surprising, morbid, etc.).
  • Create a thematic statement (message relayed by the text in a complete sentence). There is no perfectly created theme (message) unless it is directly stated by the author; however, students can create a theme by supporting their ideas with evidence from the story!
  • What is the main theme of the story? Or how does the author communicate the themes of greed or fate? Is one stronger than the other?
  • Are Mr. and Mrs. White more alike or different from one another? How do you know?
  • Should we be afraid of the unknown? What message does the story share? Do you agree or disagree?

Examine W.W. Jacobs’ classic story with this set of questions and answers along with rigorous reading and writing activities . While it is ideal for a spooky season, the story is valuable for its ability to hook readers any time of year!

12.  “Lamb to the Slaughter” 

This classic story with a killer plot twist is about a woman who kills her husband and gets away with murder thanks to cooking a leg of lamb!

  • You could introduce the plot elements (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution), encourage students to identify major events to fit each element and write down textual evidence to support their ideas.
  • Complete a film analysis (examination of film techniques and their effects) to compare/contrast the short story with the classic Alfred Hitchcock television episode.
  • What is Mary Maloney’s state of mind? Does it remain the same or does it change throughout the story? Explain.
  • Is the resolution of the story satisfying? Why or why not? Why do you think the author ended it as he did?
  • How does irony contribute to the theme of deception in the story? Explain.

Spice up your middle school English or high school English class with this short stories and activities bundle for Dahl’s famous story!

13.  “The Tell-Tale Heart” 

Poe’s classic psychological thriller is narrated by an unnamed protagonist who insists on their sanity while recounting how they murdered an old man. The narrator is haunted by the sound of the victim’s beating heart, which ultimately drives him to confess to the crime despite not originally being a suspect. 

  • Teach symbolism (object, person, or place that represents something else) by focusing on the heart and eye . The author used these symbols in various ways!
  • Investigate psychology (the study of the human mind) as a part of the story. Determine what is fact and what is fiction within the narrator’s mind.
  • What does the story reveal about the human psyche?
  • What is the deeper meaning of the two key symbols in the story – the beating heart and the eye of the old man?
  • What role do the narrator’s inner thoughts play in the development of the plot?

the tell tale heart short stories and activities

This Short Story Comprehension Bundle offers quick (and effective!) ways to assess students’ learning and understanding of the story. It’s easy to use and will no doubt save you time too!

14.  “The Scarlet Ibis” 

Emotional short stories and their counterparts have a place as well in English classrooms! This short story by James Hurst about two brothers is a heartbreaking must-read. Through flashbacks, the unnamed narrator tells the life story of his younger sickly brother William Armstrong, who is nicknamed Doodle. And the end…well, you’ll see.

  • Define and explain the purpose of a flashback (referring back to the past within a story). Think about the implications of never thinking back on the past or always thinking about the past.
  • Complete a comparison chart between Doodle and the Ibis as you read along. Then, students can create a visual of each after they have ready by using their own evidence!
  • What is the meaning of the story’s title and the presence of a scarlet ibis in the story?
  • What is the central theme of the story? How do the events of the story support this chosen theme?
  • How does the author use personification for the storm? What effect does this have on the story?

This flexible resource features critical thinking questions and answers as well as writing and reading activities for students to explore Hurst’s heartbreaking story.

15.  “The Veldt” 

This science fiction story by Ray Bradbury was first published as “The World the Children Made” and it is quite fitting as a title! The story focuses on a futuristic world in which a video screen can be controlled and it turns out to be more than simple virtual reality! By the story’s conclusion, the world the children made is the downfall of their parents. 

  • Compare and contrast “The Veldt” with “The Pedestrian,” two short stories and dystopic texts by Ray Bradbury. Analyze the similarities and differences of both short stories and create a thematic statement that connects to both texts!
  • Make connections to our current reality in the 21st century. Locate research about the implications of technology on young people and integrate this information as you discuss this short story.
  • How does the author address the theme of technology versus humanity in the story? Do you agree with this commentary? Why or why not?
  • How does the nursery reflect the personalities of Wendy and Peter in this story?
  • Do you know the story of Peter Pan and his friend Wendy? What connections can you make between it and this story by Ray Bradbury?

Ray Bradbury’s classic short stories and similar passages are the BEST to teach in middle and high school English! With so much to dive into, they are sure to be a hit with your students. Grab this set of activities to extend your students’ engagement with rigorous reading and writing activities about “The Veldt.” 

16.  “The Necklace” 

A woman who longs for a life of luxury and elegance beyond her means faces consequences when she loses a borrowed necklace. Guy de Maupassant’s story ends with a twist that has the reader question the value of material possessions. 

  • I love comparing this short story with O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi.” You might choose to focus on the theme, characterization, setting, etc.
  • Summarize (writing about the main idea with details) each chunk of the story as you read with your students. Instead of asking students to write a paragraph, you could ask students to create each summary in only one sentence.
  • The story explores vanity, deception, and the consequences of striving for social status. Which theme do you think is the most important? Explain with support from the story.
  • Is Mathilde Loisel a likable character? Does this change during the story? Does it matter if the reader likes her? Why or why not?
  • What clues does the author provide throughout the story that foreshadow the twist at the story’s end?

Focus on the standards with this Short Story Lesson Bundle for “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant!

Need help with implementing activities for “The Necklace?” See below!


17.  “A Vendetta” 

Guy de Maupassant’s late-19th-century story is all about REVENGE. A mother is obsessed with creating a plan to avenge her son’s murder and she then puts the plan into action with a morbid outcome.

  • There are so many texts that involve REVENGE! Why not use this concept as a focus for a thematic unit (texts linked to a similar concept and/or message)? You could read “A Poison Tree,” “The Cask of Amontillado,” and “Lamb to the Slaughter” as well as “A Vendetta” with the intention of writing about all 4 for a comparison/contrast paper, presentation, or seminar.
  • Analyze the development (how a character changes over time) of the mother and the dog throughout the story; you might annotate for similarities and differences as well as their motivations!
  • What comment is the story making about the nature (or need) for justice? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?
  • What similes and metaphors does the author use to communicate the main character’s feelings about the vendetta?
  • How does the author use details to explain the main character’s thoughts, feelings, and motivation?

Add these activities for this lesser-known work to your short story plans. It’s sure to keep things fresh for your short stories and activities unit! 

18.  “Thank You, Ma’am” (also known as “Thank You, M’am”)

This heartfelt story by Langston Hughes tells the story of Luella, an older woman in the neighborhood, who is nearly robbed by a young man named Roger. In response to Roger, Luella brings him back to her home and treats him with an abundance of kindness, which has a profound effect on Roger.

This tale is at the top of the list for the BEST short stories and passages for upper middle and younger high school students!

  • Introduce perspective and/or point of view (how a story is told: 1st, 2nd, 3rd omniscient, 3rd limited, 3rd objective). Students might rewrite the story from another perspective or extend the story using the perspective of one of the main characters.
  • Review plot elements with a focus on the exposition (introduction to the characters, setting, and conflict), climax (highest point of interest/turning point of the story), and resolution (how the story is concluded and/or resolved in some way.) You could assign an activity surrounding each concept: visualization of the scene, a journal response to the event, or a short response focused on how the element is important to the overall theme!

thank you maam short stories and questions

  • Do you believe in second chances? What does the story say about second chances? 
  • How might the climax of the story also be seen as the turning point in Roger’s life?
  • How would you describe Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones? Are her actions expected or unexpected in the story? Consider from Roger’s and the reader’s point of view.

Click to check out all of the details for this BUNDLE with differentiated options , which includes a Test Prep Quiz (with varied options), Venn Diagrams, Graphic Organizers, and Writing Responses!! 

19.  “Click Clack the Rattle Bag”

This short story by Neil Gaiman is creepy and fun in the best ways possible! The narrator is taking care of his girlfriend’s little brother and walking him to bed when the child asks for a story. Instead of the narrator sharing a story, the boy shares about the Click Clacks who drink their prey and leave behind rattling bodies. The end is too good to be missed!

Short stories and plots like those in “Click Clack the Rattle Bag” will most certainly engage even your most struggling learners!

  • We all know that test prep can be tough as many reading passages are, well, boring! Why not accomplish some test prep with your students and incorporate 5 standardized test-related questions ? You could focus on theme, structure, order of events, characterization, etc.!
  • Help students make inferences (acknowledging and hypothesizing about the impact of details that are not directly referenced or stated) as the scene moves along. Students can analyze the change in the setting, the little boy himself, the story the boy is telling, and specific phrases from the story.
  • What details in the story contribute to its eerie atmosphere or mood? Or what figurative language devices does Neil Gaiman use to create a sense of suspense in the story? 
  • How does the author use ambiguity in the story? Is it effective or not? Explain.
  • What inferences can you make about the relationship between the narrator and the young boy?

click clack the rattle bag short stories and questions

This “Click Clack the Rattle Bag” Quiz Pack for middle and high school students uses the Common Core standards and contains questions and answers modeled after various state standardized tests! Make teaching this amazing short story by Neil Gaiman SIMPLE & EASY!

Why should we incorporate more short stories and activities in our teaching?

While I would never advocate replacing all novels with short stories and smaller texts, there is still something to be said about spending quality time with short stories and excerpts. 

Including short stories and standards-based activities is an ideal option to improve reading comprehension and develop skills, especially in middle and high school English classes!


short stories and questions unit

This  Short Stories and Test Prep Questions ULTIMATE BUNDLE with Lessons, Quizzes, and Activities uses the Common Core standards with reading comprehension QUESTIONS and ANSWERS for 18 short stories such as “The Most Dangerous Game,” “The Monkey’s Paw,” “The Tell-Tale Heart,” “After Twenty Years,” “The Gift of the Magi,” “The Veldt,” “The Lottery,” “The Pedestrian,” etc. modeled after various state reading exams.

Make teaching short stories and activities SIMPLE & EASY!

Just PRINT & TEACH with engaging short stories and lessons!!

Need more fun ideas for teaching short stories and corresponding activities? Check out my store Kristin Menke-Integrated ELA Test Prep !

critical thinking questions for high school


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Best critical thinking questions for high school students

best critical thinking questions for high school students

Home » Questions » Best critical thinking questions for high school students

Developing critical thinking skills is essential for high school students as it equips them with the ability to analyze and evaluate information, solve problems, and make informed decisions. Critical thinking questions encourage students to think deeply, explore different perspectives, and challenge their own assumptions. These types of questions promote intellectual curiosity and foster a growth mindset. In this article, we have compiled a list of critical thinking questions specifically designed for high school students to encourage their analytical thinking abilities.

By asking critical thinking questions, high school students are encouraged to think beyond the surface level and delve into the underlying complexities of various subjects. These questions push students to evaluate evidence, consider different viewpoints, and develop their own informed opinions. Critical thinking questions also help students develop effective communication skills, as they learn to articulate their thoughts and reasoning clearly.

Engaging high school students in critical thinking activities not only enhances their academic performance but also equips them with essential life skills. These skills are valuable in various aspects of life, including problem-solving, decision-making, and effective communication. Now, let’s explore a variety of critical thinking questions that will challenge high school students to think critically and expand their intellectual horizons.

See these critical thinking questions for high school students

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media?
  • How does the media influence public opinion?
  • What are the ethical implications of genetic engineering?
  • Should school uniforms be mandatory? Why or why not?
  • What are the consequences of climate change?
  • How does technology impact our daily lives?
  • Is censorship ever justified?
  • What are the potential benefits and risks of artificial intelligence?
  • Should the voting age be lowered or raised?
  • What are the effects of globalization on local cultures?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • How does socioeconomic status affect educational opportunities?
  • What are the causes and consequences of income inequality?
  • Should animal testing be banned?
  • What are the implications of privacy in the digital age?
  • How does media portrayals affect body image?
  • What are the pros and cons of renewable energy sources?
  • What role does art play in society?
  • Should college education be free?
  • What are the impacts of social media on mental health?
  • How does culture influence our perception of beauty?
  • What are the consequences of income inequality?
  • Should standardized tests be the primary measure of student achievement?
  • What are the implications of climate change on wildlife?
  • How does the media influence body image?
  • Should the government regulate the internet?
  • What are the benefits and risks of nuclear power?
  • Should genetically modified organisms (GMOs) be labeled?
  • How does social media impact interpersonal relationships?
  • What are the consequences of cyberbullying?
  • Should the use of plastic bags be banned?
  • What are the effects of fast-food consumption on health?
  • How does advertising influence consumer behavior?
  • Should the use of cell phones be allowed in schools?
  • What are the implications of artificial intelligence in the job market?
  • How does music influence our emotions?
  • Should the government provide universal healthcare?
  • What are the impacts of deforestation on the environment?
  • How does social media affect political activism?
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered or raised?
  • What are the consequences of bullying?
  • How does cultural diversity contribute to society?
  • Should athletes be allowed to use performance-enhancing drugs?
  • What are the effects of income inequality on society?

Engaging high school students in critical thinking questions not only enhances their cognitive abilities but also helps them become well-rounded individuals capable of navigating complex issues. Encourage students to explore these questions, challenge their assumptions, and develop their own perspectives. By fostering critical thinking skills, we empower the future generation to become effective problem solvers and informed decision-makers.

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  • Feb 4, 2023

15 Thought-Provoking Questions for High School Students to Spark Critical Thinking

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Thought-provoking questions are a great way to challenge and engage high school students. These types of questions encourage critical thinking, promote self-reflection, and spark meaningful conversations. Here are some thought-provoking questions for high school students:

What is the meaning of life?

What is the biggest challenge facing our generation?

How do we define success?

What is the most important thing you have learned in life so far?

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

What role does technology play in our lives?

How do our experiences shape who we are?

How do we find balance in a fast-paced world?

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned from failure?

How do we determine right from wrong?

What do you believe is the key to happiness?

What is the purpose of education?

How do we create a better future for ourselves and future generations?

What does it mean to be a good leader?

What is the most important thing you want to achieve in your lifetime?

Encouraging students to think deeply about these questions can help them develop their own values and beliefs, and prepare them for the challenges of adulthood. Whether through class discussions, writing assignments, or one-on-one conversations, asking thought-provoking questions is a valuable tool for high school teachers and mentors.

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150 Fun Critical Thinking Questions For Kids, Teens, & Adults

Critical thinking questions for kids get them thinking and questioning. To go beyond rote learning.

The reason they excel later in life will not be based on the information they memorized. But instead on how well they think, make decisions, communicate, and use their creativity.

These questions are designed to help them build these essential skills.

creative critical thinking questions for kids

What makes a good critical thinking question?

Open ended questions are perfect for encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving. Kids (and grown-ups) have to think about their answers. Below you will find the best age-appropriate examples to use in the classroom, at home, or during your everyday routine .

In fact, there’s no question about it. Critical thinking is important for kids. And adults too!

benefits of critical thinking questions for kids, teens, and adults

Good Questions For Kindergarten To Think Critically

Younger kids need more concrete questions. These critical thinking questions will help them use reasoning and think deeply, even when they are small.

1. How do you know if something was a good decision?

2. How are these two things similar?

3. What are the differences between _______ and _________?

4. How would you feel if __________?

This question is great for building empathy .

5. Who was the main character? Why do you say that?

6. When is ___________ a problem?

child at a desk

7. What is the problem?

8. Why is this a problem?

9. What did you notice about _________?

10. Do you think he/she sees this the same way you do? Why or why not?

11. Has this happened before?

12. Do you think it will happen again? Why do you think this?

good critical thinking questions for kids at kindergarten age to ask

13. What is your opinion about _________? Why?

14. Is this appropriate? Why or why not?

15. What do you think would happen if __________?

16. What caused this to happen?

17. Do you think the world would be better if __________?

18. If you were in charge, what would you do differently?

19. Where can you find out more about this?

20. What does ______ mean?

21. Do you agree?

22. Can you give me an example of ________?

23. How do you know?

24. How would you solve this problem?

25. What makes something weird? What makes something normal?

Questions For Students: Elementary Through Middle School

For this age of kids, use any of the examples above and try these more abstract critical thinking questions too.

children working hard

26. What do you think was the turning point?

27. Is there evidence to support your opinion (or decision)?

28. What does the evidence tell you?

29. What do you think would have been a better ending to… (book, movie, story)

30. When is the best time to start this?

31. When you think about solving a problem, where do you like to start?

32. What character/person changed the most? Why do you think this?

33. How could the author have created a thrilling twist in this story?

34. Who could help you with this? Why would they be a good fit to help?

35. Why is this important?

36. Why do you think ________ said that?

37. Why did the __________ (author, speaker) write/say this?

38. How does an idea grow? Or how does someone get from being a beginner to being an expert?

39. Do you think that what happened is what they meant to happen?

(Often, results are different than what people first think they will be.)

40. What can you use to help you decide?

41. What are the pros and cons of this?

42. Why is this happening?

43. What is the main message from this? (Or the lesson learned?)

44. What would you ask the author (speaker, etc.) if you could?

45. Do you have any questions about this?

46. Do you think it is too good to be true?

47. Can you defend these actions?

48. Compare this with this.

49. What would the world be like if ________? (kids were in charge, the sun was farther away, etc.)

50. Do you think there is a better alternative?

51. Is this person trustworthy? Why or why not?

52. At what age does someone stop being a kid? Why?

elementary students and middle school kids critical thinking questions examples

53. Can you see why someone would agree or disagree?

54. How would this ________ benefit or help others?

55. How will you know if your idea worked?

56. What is wrong with this situation?

57. What is good in this situation?

58. If someone were to argue your point, what do you think they would say?

59. Why do you think the character/person did that?

60. Is this fact or opinion? How do you know?

61. Was this change for the better? Or did it make things worse?

62. Who is most likely to _________? Why?

63. What do you think are the consequences of this decision?

64. Do you think we are asking the right question(s)? What is a different question instead?

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Critical Thinking Questions For High School & College Students

These critical thinking questions are more complex. They encourage abstract thinking, plus explore logic, ethics, and reasoning.

teenagers talking

65. Why did you make that decision?

66. How did you get to that decision? What was your thought process?

67. What are the advantages of this?

68. What are the disadvantages of this?

69. How could we make this (project, paper, etc.) better?

70. What do you think the problem is….?

71. What do you think the best solution for this is? Why?

72. Could someone interpret this differently? How so?

73. How would you explain this to someone who doesn’t know anything about it?

74. What are a few alternative possibilities? Are any better than the others?

75. What are the short-term implications of this decision?

76. What are the long-term implications of this decision?

77. How would you achieve a big goal ?

78. (After they come up with a solution to something) Are there other possible ways to solve this problem?

79. How can you use the pros and cons to make a good decision?

80. Do you think when many people do something, it seems more “right,” even when it isn’t?

81. What are the potential risks to this decision?

82. What are the strengths of this argument?

83. What are the weaknesses of this argument?

84. Where is this lacking in evidence?

85. What can this story teach us about life?

86. Where would this solution work? Where would it not work?

87. Why do you think it is important to ask this question?

88. Why are new ideas important in our society?

fun questions for critical thinking for high school students and college students

89. What do you think that character’s motive is?

90. When should you reevaluate your initial thoughts/decision?

91. Do you think this is an important issue?

92. What do you think should have happened instead?

93. What is the counterargument?

94. Why is this relevant?

95. Do you think ________ will ever happen?

96. If it does, who would it affect most? Why?

97. What assumptions are being made in this situation?

98. Is it ever ok to lie?

99. Why do you think this feels like __________?

100. How is this related to your values and beliefs?

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Critical Thinking Questions For Adults

These are great for a conversation at home or at work interviews to see how well potential candidates think on their feet.

woman working at a desk

101. Where do you see strengths?

102. Where do you think there are areas for improvement?

103. Why did these things help you in the long run?

104. What information do you need to find out before making a good decision?

105. If you could sit down and have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be? Why?

106. What would you say to this person?

107. Should others care about this? Why?

108. When should you ask for help?

109. Who will benefit most from this decision?

110. Who will benefit least from this decision?

111. Have we considered all the options?

112. What questions do you have?

113. Are there any biases that you think are playing out here?

114. Are you making an assumption about __________?

115. When will you see your results?

116. Where do you often find this type of problem? Why?

117. In your opinion, what caused ____________ to happen?

118. Was it avoidable?

examples of questions with critical thinking for adults

119. Does anything concern you about this?

120. When is this acceptable?

121. When is this not acceptable (or appropriate)?

122. What is one thing that would have changed everything?

123. When do you think this will benefit _________ (the company, society, etc.)?

124. When a disagreement happens at work, what do you do?

125. Is this goal achievable ?

126. How does your work experience help you fill this role?

127. Has this ever been done before? When?

128. What would need to happen for you to reconsider?

129. When will we need this?

130. What skills fit well with this position?

Related: Fun Rapid Fire Questions To Ask

Examples of Kids Critical Thinking Questions: By Word

Another way to split up your critical thinking questions is by word.

who what when where why

  • Who is most directly affected by this decision?
  • Who is the protagonist? Who is the antagonist?
  • Who was the most important character?
  • Who was a supporting character that was essential to the storyline?
  • What is the problem you are trying to solve?
  • What information is important to know about this before forming an opinion?
  • What was the point of _________?
  • When is it a good time to stop (or take a breather)?
  • When should you know the answer?
  • When will it be time for this? How do you know?
  • When will this be critical?

Where critical thinking questions examples for kids

  • Where can you go to ask for help?
  • Where can you find a good solution? Or information that helps you solve this problem?
  • Where could this idea lead?
  • Why has this issue come out into the spotlight?
  • Why do you think ______ acts that way?
  • Why is _______ happening, but ________ is not?
  • How else could we have done that?
  • How else could this be handled?
  • How would you have responded in this situation?
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More Ways To Encourage Critical Thinking In Kids

Want to go beyond questions? No problem! Here are other practical ways to build this crucial skill:

two children wondering

Change your questions to them.

Turn your normal yes or no questions to more open ended questions.

Example: Instead of “How was your day?” go with “What was the most interesting part of your school day today?”

Refrain from stepping in.

These days parents feel like they should be fixing their kids’ problems constantly.

Instead, hold back and force your child to problem-solve on their own. Ask questions and guide them through the problem, but let them know that they are in charge of finding their own solutions.

Play Games And Do Activities That Promote Critical Thinking

Here are a few great ones!

hard what am I riddles with answers

Two Truths & A Lie Game – The players have to decide which statements are true and which one is not. This game is great for learning to read body language too!

Good Debate Topics For Kids – Nothing builds quick critical thinking like a lively debate.

Riddles: What Am I? – These word riddles help kids think through different possibilities.

Guess The Animal Riddles for Kids – More riddles all about animals to get kids thinking.

Encourage creativity.

Provide your child with opportunities to use their imagination.

Sometimes, all this takes is getting your child off screens and outside playing with sticks!

Encourage them to build something , make up a new game, and think outside the box whenever possible.

Let them fiddle with things.

My son has a very “why” brain and loves to mess with stuff. It used to embarrass me when we were around others.

But, one day, my husband and I realized that his “working things out” isn’t bad. We just needed to teach him in what context it is appropriate. Now he fiddles with everything, and it is amazing to watch his mind work.

Let them question.

The same goes for questions. They should be challenging assumptions and questioning the world around them. Too many people take for granted the things that they hear and read. Teach your child to be different.

Promote Active Listening.

Encourage your child to ask questions to clarify understanding and develop communication skills.

Examples: “What I hear is _________.” Or, “How do you know _________?”

Try New Things.

Travel. And regularly expose your kids to new ideas and experiences. This helps them see their regular world in a new light.

Think Critically Yourself.

Finally, your child will be much more likely to think critically if they see a parent who does it. So, apply all of these strategies to yourself as well.

best ways to encourage critical thinking questions for kids

To Consider With Critical Thinking Questions For Kids

Teaching children to form their own opinions is how we build a generation of people that will analyze, evaluate, and make decisions for the betterment of the world.

It’s not just important. It’s critical to our future as a society.

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Creative Kids Critical Thinking Questions For Students

Jennifer is the founder and chief editor of Healthy Happy Impactful®. She believes that living, loving, and connecting deeply are the foundation for a good life. She holds a degree in education and is a mom to 3 kids.

The Hun School of Princeton

15 Questions that Teachers and Parents Can Ask Kids to Encourage Critical Thinking

By Maureen Leming

Each student walks across the graduation stage, diploma in one hand and a proverbial toolbox in the other. Inside the box is every skill and piece of knowledge they've learned throughout their childhood. The contents of this toolbox will be their building blocks to success beyond high school.

In addition to impressive classroom discoveries — like producing electricity from potatoes or building their own paper mache volcano — there's a vital skill every student should possess: critical thinking. They'll use this skill to assess, critique, and create, propelling them to thrive in the real world as they participate in engaging conversations and offer constructive solutions to real-world issues.

Fortunately, this valuable skill can be developed both inside and out of the classroom. Teachers and parents can encourage kids to think deeply and critically about the world by asking good questions. We'll explore why, as parents and teachers, the questions we ask our kids matter — and what we can be asking to help them excel.

How Questions Guide Young Students’ Critical Thinking 

Critical thinking is about so much more than simply knowing the facts. Thinking critically involves applying reason and logic to assess arguments and come to your own conclusions. Instead of reciting facts or giving a textbook answer, critical thinking skills encourage students to move beyond knowing information and get to the heart of what they really think and believe. 

15 Questions to Encourage Critical Thinking

What is one of the best ways to encourage critical thinking? By asking excellent questions! 

We have compiled a list of 15 questions that you, as a teacher or parent, can ask to encourage kids to think outside the box. Let's dive in.

1. How Do You Know This? 

Whether it was by word of mouth, classroom knowledge, or a news report, this question prompts students to consider whether their source of information is reputable.

2. How Would Your Perspective Be Different If You Were on the Opposing Side?

This question encourages kids to role-play from an opposing person’s viewpoint and discover a perspective outside their own so that they can better understand the broader situation. Extracurriculars like debate class — mandatory for all Hun middle school students — is a powerful way to accomplish this goal, as students must thoughtfully anticipate their opposition's arguments in order to counter them.

3. How Would You Solve This Problem?

Finding creative solutions to common problems is a valuable life skill. This question is the perfect opportunity to encourage young minds to wander!

4. Do You Agree or Disagree — and Why?

Choosing a side in any debate challenges students to consider both perspectives, weigh the arguments, and make an informed choice. 

5. Why? Why? Why?

Just like when you were a young kid, ask why repeatedly to push students beyond a simple first, second, or even third answer, to get to the real depth. Be careful, though, not to ask them to the point of frustration — you want learning and exploring to be a positive experience.

6. How Could We Avoid This Problem in the Future?

Ask students to apply critical thinking by analyzing how they could prevent a certain issue from reoccurring.

7. Why Does It Matter?

Whether they're learning about a historical event or a mathematical concept, it's important to understand why the topic is relevant today.

8. What's Another Way to Look at This Issue?

It can be easy to learn one worldview and automatically believe it is the only, or the best, way. Challenging kids to think of a creative alternate perspective encourages them to think more broadly.

9. Can You Give Me an Example?

Inventing an example, or pulling from experience to share a real one, is an excellent way to apply critical thinking skills.

10. How Could It Have Ended Differently?

It takes some innovation and careful analysis to storyboard a different ending, considering "what could have been" rather than "what is." 

11. When Will We Be Able to Tell If It Worked?

Kids will be pushed to consider what constitutes success and how it can be measured in scenarios where the results aren't set in stone.

12. Why did you ask that question?

Instead of answering a question at face value, this question encourages kids to think about what the merits of the question may be.

13. Who Would Be Affected by This?

Students as the next generation of leaders and game-changers. When making any decision, it's important to consider who will be impacted and how.

14. What Can This Story Teach Us About Our Own Lives?

From literature to social studies, students interact with all kinds of different stories. Help them take these narratives one step further by examining how it relates to their lives.

15. Why Is This a Problem?

Analyzing why something is a problem — rather than just accepting that it is — will help students develop strong problem-solving skills of their own.

The Hun School of Princeton Teaches Critical Thinking

At the Hun School of Princeton, our teachers ask these questions, and more, in combination with our student-centered learning approach that helps kids of all ages think critically about what they’re learning. 

As a premier private school in Princeton, NJ , we aim to help students think deeply and develop well-rounded skill sets through immersive, problem-based learning . 

Schedule a tour today to see our program in action!

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50 Questions To Help Students Think About What They Think

Using the right question at the right time can not evaluate understanding but can help students think about what they think.

help students think

What Are The Best Questions To Help Students Think About What They Think?

contributed by Lisa Chesser

Using the right questions creates powerful, sometimes multiple answers and discussions. Aristotle said that he asked questions in response to other people’s views, while Socrates focused on disciplined questioning to get to the truth of the matter.

Ultimately questions spark imagination, conjure emotion, and create more questions. The questions asked by a teacher or professor are sometimes more glaringly valuable than the information transferred to the students. Those questions spark a thought, which leads to a fiercely independent search for information.

If students are the ones gathering that information then they’re the ones learning it and student-driven learning cements lessons into the students’ minds making any lesson more powerful with this strategy. Even though the following list of questions is broken into Mathematics, Literature and Science and Social Science, it’s really just a set of philosophically challenging questions that should be applied to any learning environment.

The questions are unrestricted and open the mind up to unfettered thought, perfect for innovation and understanding. The sections begin with Mathematical Questions because for the purpose of this list they’re the most general and therefore the most useful.

See also our 28 Critical Thinking Question Stems For Classroom Use

Logical Questions

Within the realm of mathematics, there are certain types of questions that build up to those aha moments or topple barriers.  Those are the questions that change a learner forever. They change a person because finally, the answers can only be found within.

The addition of philosophical questioning to mathematics enhances critical thinking in every learner. Basic principles of understanding help create solid ground, but questions build powerful architecture with which structures tower over one another.

Reflection & Collaboration

1. What do you think about what was said?

2. How would you agree or disagree with this?

3. Are there any other similar answers you can think of with alternative routes?

4. Does anyone in this class want to add something to the solution?

5. How might you convince us that  your  way is the  best  way?


6. How did you determine this to be true?

7. Why didn’t you consider a different route to the problem?

8. Why does that answer make sense to you?

9. (in response to an answer):…what if I said that’s not true? Or only partly true?

10. Is there any way to show exactly what you mean by that?

11. Why do you think this works? Does it always? Why?

12. What evidence is there for and against this?

13. Is this provable? Knowable? By what standard?

14. What are the underlying assumptions of this?

15. What else do we have to accept as true if we accept this?

16. How might you show the differences and similarities?

17. What patterns might lead you to an alternative answer?

18. How many possibilities can you think of and why?

19. What are the parts of the whole? How do they relate?


20. How does this relate to daily occurrences?

21. Which ideas make the most sense and why?

22. Which problems feel familiar? Why?

23. How does this relate to current events?

24. What kinds of examples make this problem workable?

25. What other problems fit this style or example?

Literary Questions

Buried in every story lives a student’s own life. Anyone can relate to at least one character or dive into at least one plot twist. But, the more foreign a story, the more important the questions should be.

Students may resist the idea that they can relate to certain characters depending on their ethnicity or economic background, but deep, concentrated questions show students the story really isn’t that foreign at all and also help students think about deeper meanings.

The following questions could be applied to any story, no matter how long or short, difficult or easy. Vary them and add to them depending on how the discussion flows.

26. How did any of the characters or events remind you of yourself? Why?

27. How did the character’s actions affect you? Explain.

28. If you were this character, how would the story change?

29. What surprised or confused you about the characters or events? Explain.

30. Why do you think the author wrote from this character’s view?

31. What do you think the author is trying to accomplish?

32. How is the author thinking about the world?

33. How would the story change from another character’s view?

34. Why do you think this story could actually happen, or not?

35. How can this story teach us something about our lives?

36. How do you think the characters resolved the major conflict in the story?

37. How would you have resolved it?

38. How would you change the end of the story and why?

Science and Social Questions

Within the idea of the Scientific Method, the hypothesis stands as the ultimate question. But, there are so many more questions a scientist must ask in order to answer that one question.

The challenging questions, however, make this a universal process streaming into other subject matter and delving into deeper waters. Here are some questions to sink into and use across curriculum as well as within science itself.

39. What’s the purpose of this experiment or argument?

40. Would you elaborate on the purpose of this?

41. What issues or problems do you see here?

42. What evidence or data are given that help make this worthwhile?

43. What are some of the complexities we should consider?

44. What concepts help organize this data, these experiences?

45. How can you justify this information?

46. How can we verify or test that data?

47. What details can you add to make this information feel more complete?

48. Which set of data or information is most relevant or important?

49. How is all of this consistent or inconsistent?

50. How am I seeing or viewing this information? Objectively or subjectively? Should I then change my view?

A former Publications Specialist at Florida International University where she also received a bachelor’s degree in English, Lisa Chesser left the publishing field to pursue a career in education. In her first three years of teaching Language Arts, she won an Excellence in Teaching Award for helping students achieve 50 percent learning gains. Because she’s also a writer, an editor, and an artist by trade, students often take more interest in their learning environment because she teaches them the value of it in the workplace; metacognition

This post was first published on  openncolleges.edu.au ; image attribution flickr user nationalassemblyforwales; 50 Questions To Help Students Think About What They Think

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Examples of Critical Thinking Questions for Students

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: May 22, 2024

critical thinking questions for high school

Critical thinking is an essential cognitive skill that entails the ability to reason, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information. It goes beyond mere acquisition of knowledge. Instead, it involves deep, reflective thought, demanding us to question our assumptions, weigh evidence, and consider consequences. It’s about making clear, reasoned judgments. In essence, critical thinking is thinking about thinking, in a manner that allows us to improve the quality of our thinking.

In our daily lives, critical thinking helps us better understand ourselves, other people, and the world around us. It aids in problem solving, aids in the formation of beliefs and opinions, and encourages curiosity and creativity.

For example, when you’re faced with a major decision like purchasing a house, critical thinking enables you to weigh the pros and cons, assess the credibility of your sources of information, consider alternative options, and make a well-informed decision.

In professional situations, critical thinking is equally important. It helps us navigate complex work situations, make informed decisions, solve problems efficiently, and think creatively. For instance, if a company faces a decline in sales, critical thinking would help diagnose the root cause of the issue, evaluate different strategies to address the problem, and make effective decisions to rectify the situation.

The importance of critical thinking is particularly crucial for students. It provides them with the necessary skills to understand complex concepts, evaluate the credibility of sources, engage in thoughtful discussions, and develop reasoned arguments. It lays the foundation for lifelong learning and the ability to adapt to an ever-changing world.

This brings us to the concept of critical thinking questions . These are questions that are specifically designed to promote critical thinking. They go beyond factual inquiries, prompting individuals to analyze, synthesize, apply, and evaluate information. Critical thinking questions challenge the conventional wisdom and encourage individuals to think deeper, questioning the why’s and how’s.

They serve as a tool to spark intellectual engagement and stimulate thoughtful and reflective responses. As we delve further into this blog post, we will explore different types of critical thinking questions and how they can be applied in various contexts.

Related: Best TED Ed Lessons on Critical Thinking

Tips on Formulating Critical Thinking Questions

Creating good critical thinking questions involves understanding the basics of inquiry and knowing how to stimulate higher order thinking. Here are some tips and steps on formulating effective critical thinking questions:

Characteristics of Good Critical Thinking Questions:

  • Open-Ended: Good critical thinking questions are typically open-ended, meaning they don’t have a single, simple answer. They invite students to think deeply and come up with their unique insights.
  • Thought-Provoking: Effective questions challenge assumptions and encourage students to think creatively and critically. They provoke curiosity and exploration.
  • Promote Discussion: The questions should stimulate meaningful discussions. The responses to these questions should not end the conversation, but rather, foster a deeper exploration of the topic.
  • Clear and Understandable: The question should be framed in such a way that it is clear and easy to understand. Confusing questions can deter students from critical thinking.

Steps to Create Effective Critical Thinking Questions:

  • Identify Your Learning Goals: Start by figuring out what you want your students to learn or achieve. Your question should align with these learning goals.
  • Consider the Cognitive Level: Depending on the depth of thinking you want to stimulate, frame your questions accordingly. For instance, for higher order thinking, you might want to ask analysis, evaluation, or creation questions.
  • Draft Your Question: Begin drafting your question. Remember, the best questions are open-ended and require more than a yes or no answer.
  • Refine Your Question: Review your question. Is it clear? Does it promote discussion? Does it align with your learning goals? Refine as necessary.
  • Test Your Question: Try out your question with a few students or colleagues to see if it stimulates the kind of discussion you’re hoping for. Be open to further refining your question based on the results.

Keep in mind that the goal of asking questions is not to ‘stump’ the students, but to promote intellectual engagement and thought. The best questions often lead to more questions, igniting a passion for learning and exploration.

Types of critical thinking questions

Critical thinking questions can be divided into the following categories:

1. Analysis Questions

Analysis questions ask the respondent to break a concept or idea into its component parts for examination. These questions can help uncover underlying structures, patterns, or meanings. They often involve words like “compare”, “contrast”, “classify”, “divide”, etc.

Example: “Compare the political ideologies of democratic socialism and laissez-faire capitalism. What are the similarities and differences between them?”

2. Evaluation Questions

Evaluation questions call for the respondent to make a judgment about the value of something, based on defined criteria. They often use terms like “critique”, “justify”, “validate”, “defend”, etc.

Example: “Evaluate the effectiveness of the government’s pandemic response measures. What were the successes and shortcomings?”

3. Inference Questions

Inference questions require the respondent to go beyond what is explicitly stated and make logical conclusions or predictions based on the information provided. Key words often include “infer”, “deduce”, “predict”, “conclude”, etc.

Example: “Given the recent surge in online shopping trends, what can you infer about the future of brick-and-mortar retail stores?”

4. Application Questions

Application questions involve applying knowledge or concepts to new situations or contexts. These questions often involve “applying”, “utilizing”, “implementing”, or “executing” learned knowledge.

Example: “How would you apply the principles of conflict resolution that we studied to resolve a disagreement in your workplace?”

5. Synthesis Questions

Synthesis questions invite the respondent to combine different pieces of information, ideas, or concepts to form a new whole or propose a solution. Words often associated with these questions are “design”, “formulate”, “propose”, “create”, etc.

Example: “Based on your understanding of climate change and renewable technologies, propose a comprehensive strategy for a city to reduce its carbon footprint.”

These types of questions, when used in the appropriate contexts, can help foster a deep level of understanding and stimulate higher-level thinking.

Examples of Critical thinking Questions

Here are some examples of critical questions that you can use to stimulate students’ critical thinking skills, encouraging them to analyze, evaluate, and create new ideas based on what they’ve learned.

  • What do you think would happen if…?
  • Can you explain why…?
  • How would you solve this problem using different strategies?
  • Can you compare and contrast these two concepts?
  • How can you demonstrate your understanding of this concept in a different way?
  • How would you categorize these items, and why did you choose to do it that way?
  • What patterns or connections do you see in the information provided?
  • How might you interpret these findings from another perspective?
  • Can you design a…to…?
  • How would you prove or disprove this statement?
  • How can we improve…?
  • What would be the consequences if…?
  • Can you predict the outcome if…?
  • What is the relationship between…?
  • How can this be applied to other situations?
  • What are the possible solutions for…?
  • Why do you think that… happened?
  • How can we test the validity of…?
  • What alternative would you suggest for…?
  • How can you illustrate this concept in a diagram?
  • What would you recommend, and why?
  • How is this similar to…?
  • Can you make a general rule about…?
  • How would you evaluate…?
  • What evidence do you have for your claim?
  • What are the implications of…?
  • How does this contradict or confirm your understanding of…?
  • Can you think of an example where…?
  • How would you justify…?
  • What do you think is the significance of…?

In conclusion, critical thinking questions are an indispensable tool for stimulating and nurturing the intellectual capabilities of students. They’re not just questions, but sparks that ignite the curiosity, analytical ability, and problem-solving skills in a learner. They invite students to dig deeper, challenge their preconceptions, and engage with material on a more profound level.

These questions play a pivotal role in taking learning beyond the simple absorption of facts into the realm of true understanding and application. They prepare students for the complexities of the real world, honing their ability to analyze situations, make decisions, and innovate solutions.

As educators and teachers, fostering this skill in students through the strategic use of critical thinking questions should be a top priority. So, let’s continue to question, to probe, and to encourage our students to do the same, for it’s in the exploration of these questions that true learning lies.

critical thinking questions for high school

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Meet Med Kharbach, PhD

Dr. Med Kharbach is an influential voice in the global educational technology landscape, with an extensive background in educational studies and a decade-long experience as a K-12 teacher. Holding a Ph.D. from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada, he brings a unique perspective to the educational world by integrating his profound academic knowledge with his hands-on teaching experience. Dr. Kharbach's academic pursuits encompass curriculum studies, discourse analysis, language learning/teaching, language and identity, emerging literacies, educational technology, and research methodologies. His work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published in various esteemed academic journals.

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35 Higher-Order Thinking Questions

35 Higher-Order Thinking Questions

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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higher order thinking examples and definition

Higher-order thinking questions are questions that you can ask in order to stimulate thinking that requires significant knowledge mastery and data manipulation.

Generally, higher-order thinking involves thinking from the top 3 levels of bloom’s taxonomy: analysis, evaluation, and knowledge creation.

The term “higher-order” is used because these forms of thinking require strong command of information and the ability to work with it to develop complex understanding (Stanley, 2021).

Generally, a higher-order thinking question will be open-ended and require the student to demonstrate their ability to analyze and evaluate information.

Higher-Order Thinking Questions

Below are some useful questions for stimulating higher-order thinking.

Questions for Teachers to Ask Students

  • Encourage compare and contrast: How would you compare and contrast these two concepts/ideas?
  • Seek alternatives: Can you provide an alternative solution to this problem?
  • Apply an ethical lens: What ethical considerations are involved in this situation or decision?
  • Categorize and classify: How would you categorize or classify these items based on their shared characteristics?
  • Sort by priority: How would you prioritize these tasks, and what factors did you consider?
  • Real-world connections: How can you apply this concept to a real-world situation?
  • Rephrase and reframe: How would you rephrase this question or problem from a different perspective?
  • Identify trends: Can you identify any trends or developments that may influence this issue in the future?
  • Seek solutions: How would you design a solution to address this challenge?
  • Use evidence: What evidence supports your point of view or conclusion?
  • Find relationships: Can you explain the relationship between these two events or phenomena?
  • Change a variable: How would this situation change if we altered this variable or factor?
  • Compare to prior knowledge: In what ways does this concept challenge your previous understanding or beliefs?
  • Identify connections: Can you explain how these two seemingly unrelated ideas are connected or interdependent ?
  • Re-conextualize: How would you adapt this solution to work in a different context or environment?
  • Identifying consequences: What are the potential consequences of this decision or action?
  • Evaluate: What criteria would you use to evaluate the effectiveness or success of this approach?
  • Interdisciplinary connections: How can you apply principles from another discipline to enhance your understanding of this topic?
  • Distil key factors: What factors may have contributed to this outcome or result, and how might they be addressed?
  • Identifying bias: Can you identify any biases or assumptions in this argument?
  • Find weaknesses: How would you argue against your own position or point of view?
  • Steelman: Can you think of likely criticisms of your position and identify ways you would respond?
  • Make judgments about best practices: Can you develop a set of guidelines or best practices based on this information?
  • Seek next steps: What questions would you ask to further investigate or explore this topic?
  • Reflect on process: What did you learn about how you went about this task and how would you make changes next time for improvements?

Questions for Students to Ask Themselves

  • K-W-L: What do I already know about this topic, what do I still need to learn, and what have I learned today?
  • Compare and contrast with prior knowledge: How does this new information relate to what I already know?
  • Identify assumptions : What assumptions am I making, and are they justified?
  • Organize: How can I organize this information in a way that makes sense to me?
  • Identify trends: What patterns or connections can I identify between these concepts or ideas?
  • Think from another perspective: Am I considering multiple perspectives or viewpoints in my analysis?
  • Brainstorm implications : What are the potential implications of my conclusions or decisions?
  • Hypothesize: How can I use my current knowledge to predict or hypothesize about future events?
  • Identify inconsistency: Can I recognize any logical fallacies or inconsistencies in my reasoning?
  • Seek new strategies: What strategies can I employ to improve my understanding and retention of this material?

Higher-Order Thinking vs Lower-Order Thinking

Cognitive processesAnalysis, synthesis, evaluation, compare, contrast, judgment, , identifying bias, creativity, metacognition (Saifer, 2018)Remembering, understanding, applying, memorizing.
Type of tasksOften complex and open-ended discovery lerning tasks rooted in real-world contexts.Simple and straightforward tasks based on bookwork, classroom learning, and repetition.
Teaching and Learning ApproachOccurs best when students are active learners in student-centered contexts. Can employ methods like problem-based, project-based and inquiry-based learning. Discussion and debate are encouraged (Stanley, 2021)Commonly occurs in teacher-centered classrooms where students are passive learners absorbing and repeating information (see: ). Discussion and debate are discouraged (Richland & Simms, 2015).
Learning outcomesStudents are assessed on deep understanding, ability to analyze and evaluate, and ability to draw upon information in creative ways to make sense of new contexts (Ghanizadeh, Al-Hoorie & Jahedizadeh, 2020).Students are assessed on ability to repeat information, often taking place in standardized testing scenarios. Retention of information is the key focus.
Skill developmentCritical thinking, creativity, , adaptability,  (Richland & Simms, 2015)Basic comprehension, memorization, following instructions, speed (Stanley, 2021)

Benefits of Higher-Order Thinking

Higher-order thinking offers numerous benefits to learners, including:

  • Enhanced problem-solving skills : Higher-order thinking develops a student’s ability to tackle complex problems by breaking them down, analyzing different aspects, and putting the information back together to find new solutions. This is highly valued in 21st Century workplaces (Saifer, 2018).
  • Critical thinking and reasoning : Students who engage in higher-order thinking are better equipped to evaluate information, question assumptions, and identify biases. This helps them to have better media literacy and enables them to form independent conclusions rather than being easily swayed by flawed information (Richland & Simms, 2015).
  • Creativity and innovation : Higher-order thinking fosters creativity by encouraging students to think beyond the obvious. Students are encouraged to explore alternative perspectives and find alternative ways to approach common problems. This creative thinking is highly valuable in various academic and professional fields, including STEM and the arts.
  • Deeper understanding and retention: Lower-order thinking prioritizes memorization, but because the information is not sufficiently contextualized and learned though knowledge construction, it tends to be lost with time. Higher-order thinking, on the other hand,  promotes a more profound understanding of subjects. This deeper comprehension leads to better long-term retention of knowledge and better ability to manipulate information (Ghanizadeh, Al-Hoorie & Jahedizadeh, 2020).
  • Greater self-awareness and metacognition : Higher-order thinking fosters self-reflection and metacognition. Students who have learned skills like critique, identifying flaws and biases, and logical analysis, are able to apply those skills to their own thinking to reflect on how they can improve their own rational meaning-making.

How to Stimulate Higher-Order Thinking in the Classroom

  • Cultivate inquisitive minds: Encourage students to ask questions – regularly. Create a classroom culture where questioning is encouraged and there are “no wrong questions.” Encourage questions that delve deeper into subjects, challenge assumptions, or stimulate further cuiriosity. This will foster their critical thinking by constantly making them peel back the layers of knowledge on any topic (Yen & Halili, 2015).
  • Tackle real-life challenges: Create lesson plans that root the learning content in real-world situations (i.e. situated learning ). Require students to apply their knowledge and skills to new situations rather than just on worksheets. By addressing genuine issues that, ideally, are relevant to students’ lives, students can start to work with and manipulate the knowledge they have received in the classroom (Saifer, 2018).
  • Encourage collaboration and active learning : Promote group discussions, debates, and cooperative problem-solving activities. Group work helps with higher-order thinking because students are exposed to diverse perspectives and new ways of doing things from their peers. By seeing others’ thought processes, we can enhance our own (Ghanizadeh, Al-Hoorie & Jahedizadeh, 2020).
  • Reflect and build self-awareness : Nurture the habit of self-reflection in students. Here, we’re referring to the concept of metacognition which refers to ‘thinking about thinking’. This encourages students to evaluate how they went about learning and continually work on improving their learning process. This plays a vital role in recognizing my strengths and weaknesses and refining my learning strategies (Yen & Halili, 2015).
  • Interweave interdisciplinary connections: Combine ideas, concepts, and techniques from various disciplines to encourage a comprehensive understanding of complex subjects. One discipline may shed light on the topic in a way that another discipline is completely blind to. By establishing connections between different fields, students can sharpen their analytical and creative thinking abilities (Richland & Simms, 2015).

Higher-Order Thinking on Bloom’s Taxonomy

Higher and lower-order thinking skills are most famously presented in Bloom’s Taxonomy .

This taxonomy is used to categorize levels of understanding , starting from shallow knowledge and ending with deep understanding.

Below is an image demonstrating the Bloom’s Taxonomy hierarchy of knowledge :

blooms taxonomy, explained below

As shown in the above image, Bloom distils 6 forms of knowledge and understanding. The bottom 3 (remember, understand, and apply) relate to lower-order thinking that doesn’t require deep knowledge. The top 3 (analyze, evaluate, create) represent higher-oreder thinking.

Each is explained below:

1. Remembering (Lower-Order)

Definition: This is the most fundamental level of understanding that involves remembering basic information regarding a subject matter. This means that students will be able to define concepts, list facts, repeat key arguments, memorize details, or repeat information.

Example Question: “What is 5×5?”

2. Understanding (Lower-Order)

Definition: Understanding means being able to explain. This can involve explaining the meaning of a concept or an idea. This is above remembering because it requires people to know why , but it is not yet at a level of analysis or critique.

Example Question: “Can you show me in a drawing what 5×5 looks like?”

3. Applying (Middle-Order)

Definition: Applying refers to the ability to use information to do work. Ideally, it will occur in situations other than the situation in which it was learned. This represents a deeper level of understanding.

Example Question: “If you buy five chocolates worth $5 each, how much will you have to pay?”

4. Analyzing (Higher-Order)

Definition: This is generally considered to be the first layer of higher-order thinking. It involves conducting an analysis independently. This includes the ability to make connections between ideas, explore the logic of an argument, and compare various concepts.

Example Question: “Based on what you’ve learned, can you identify five key themes?”

5. Evaluating (Higher-Order)

Definition: Evaluating means determining the correctness, morality, or rationality of a perspective. At this level, students can identify the merits of an argument or point of view and weigh the relative strengths of each point. It requires analysis, but steps-up to making judgments about what you’re seeing.

Example Question: “Based on all the information you’ve gathered, what do you think is the most ethical course of action?”

6. Creating (Higher-Order)

Definition: The final level of Bloom’s taxonomy is when students can create knowledge by building on what they already know. This may include, for example, formulating a hypothesis and then testing it through rigorous experimentation.

Example Question: “Now you’ve mastered an understanding of accounting, could you make an app that helps an everyday person manage their bookkeeping?”

Higher-order thinking is a necessary skill for the 21st Century. It promotes those thinking skills that are required for high-paying jobs and allows people to think critically, be more media literate, and come to better solutions to problems both in their personal and professional lives. By encouraging this sort of thinking in school, educators can help their students get better grades now and live a better life into the future.

Ghanizadeh, A., Al-Hoorie, A. H., & Jahedizadeh, S. (2020).  Higher order thinking skills in the language classroom: A concise guide . New York: Springer International Publishing.

Richland, L. E., & Simms, N. (2015). Analogy, higher order thinking, and education.  Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science ,  6 (2), 177-192. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/wcs.1336

Saifer, S. (2018).  HOT skills: Developing higher-order thinking in young learners . London: Redleaf Press.

Stanley, T. (2021). Promoting rigor through higher level questioning practical strategies for developing students’ critical thinking. New York: Taylor & Francis.

Yen, T. S., & Halili, S. H. (2015). Effective teaching of higher order thinking (HOT) in education.  The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning ,  3 (2), 41-47.


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Future Focused Learning

10 Great Critical Thinking Activities That Engage Your Learners

How can learners own their learning with critical thinking activities they’ll really love? Allowing our learners to take stands on issues that matter to them engages the classroom in a way that fosters great critical thinking.

Who? What? Why? When? Where? How? When they can relate these questions to themselves and exercise personal self-reflection, we build community and “heart-centered” learning.

Let’s get to the critical thinking skills that really matter. Here are some amazing critical thinking activities that you can do with your learners.

(These activities are originally from www.facinghistory.org but they are no longer available online. We present their outlines here for you to expand upon in your own creative ways.)

10 Great Critical Thinking Activities

Attribute linking—building community by taking perspectives.

Learners pair up according to similar physical attributes determined by the facilitator. These include hair color, eye color, hand size, and height. For each attribute, learners discuss times when they were discriminated against because of it. They then take on the roles of victim, perpetrator, or bystander and discuss.

Barometer—Taking a Stand on Controversial Issues

When posed with a thought-provoking prompt, learners line themselves up along a U-shaped continuum representing where they stand on that issue. The sides of the U are opposite extremes, with the middle being neutral. The teacher starts a discussion by giving equal opportunity for individuals in each area of the continuum to speak about their stand. The learners use “I” statements when stating their opinion.

Big Paper—Building a Silent Conversation

Writing (or drawing) and silence are used as tools to slow down thinking and allow for silent reflection, unfiltered. By using silence and writing, learners can focus on other viewpoints. This activity uses a driving question, markers, and Big Paper (poster-sized is best). Learners work in pairs or threes to have a conversation on the Big Paper.

Learners can write at will, but it must be done in silence after a reflection on the driving question. This strategy is great for introverts and provides a ready-made visual record of thought for later.

Body Sculpting—Using Theatre to Explore Important Ideas

Learners are given time to consider their feelings on a thought-provoking abstract or concrete image. Next, they come up with words that describe their reactions—trapped, free, angry, joyful, etc. They are then paired up and one person is the sculptor, while the other is the “clay.” The sculptor poses the clay into a form that artfully displays the word they wish to portray. Here are some guidelines:

Sculptors can either physically mold the “clay” or act as a mirror for them to show the “clay” the position/image they want.

Images can be concrete or abstract.

Sculptors must treat their clay with gentleness and respect (very important!).

There are no wrong answers; whatever image you get is fine.

All body sculpting must be done in silence.

Café Conversations

Understanding different viewpoints is a great way to delve deeply into a topic. 5 to 10 learners are given character sheets. These might include gender, age, family status (married, single, how many children, etc.), occupation, education level and significant life events. The group is also given a historical event or similar topic.

Learners can create identity charts in collaboration with each other to determine their character’s viewpoint. When they can adequately represent their character, what follows is a “cafe conversation.” Don’t forget to go over guidelines on how to respectfully disagree! Allow at least 20 minutes for a conversation.

Other Critical Thinking Activities

Jigsaw—Developing Community and Disseminating Knowledge: Learners take on the role of “experts” or “specialists” of a particular topic. Then a panel of experts is assembled to get the larger picture.

K-W-L Charts—Assessing What We Know/What We Still Want to Learn: Charts to document “What I Know” and “What I Want to Know” and after learning has occurred, “What I Learned.”

Think, Pair, Share—Facilitating Discussions in Small and Large Groups: A classic tool to guide learners in relevant and meaningful discussion, and to build community.

Town Hall Circle: Like a real town meeting, individual learners are “given the floor” and a time limit to express their views.

Reader’s Theater: In groups, create a dramatic script based on the ideas within a given text. Do not script word for word. The idea is to get off the page and represent the idea in the learner’s own words.

Get Learners’ Brains Active

Critical thinking exercises like the ones we shared here play a crucial role in fostering intellectual growth and preparing learners for the complexities of the modern world. Through group discussions, debates, and problem-solving tasks, learners are encouraged to question assumptions, examine multiple perspectives, and seek evidence-based solutions.

Allowing learners room to think deeply and discuss openly during critical thinking activities is the key to them taking true responsibility for the learning. Through these kinds of activities, we foster real thinkers and life-long learners. 

critical thinking questions for high school

Author and keynote speaker, Lee works with governments, education systems, international agencies and corporations to help people and organisations connect to their higher purpose. Lee lives in Japan where he studies Zen and the Shakuhachi.

The Growth Mindset Choice: 10 Fixed Mindset Examples We Can Change

7 critical thinking barriers and how to overcome them.

102 Thought-Provoking Questions to Ask About Life

Thought-provoking questions are a stepping stone to critical thinking.

Have you ever posed a thought-provoking question to your child?

Do you want to train your students to question well , but you’re not sure how—or which questions to ask? 

Today, I want to share a list of thought-provoking questions to help you kickstart their critical thinking journey. 

Think of these queries as discussion topics that you can handpick according to their age and level of understanding. 

Deep Thought-Provoking Questions About Life

Life itself sparks thought-provoking questions.

Some of the best thought-provoking topics are those that examine our morals, ethics, and opinions on a life well-lived. 

The right questions can even help us reflect on our own journeys—and prompt us to correct course as needed.

Next time your mind is free to roam, here are some good questions to make you think about life.

You may notice that some are similar to those asked in our 240 Philosophical Questions post .

That’s because philosophy pursues a deep understanding of life, and its nature is naturally thought-provoking. 

  • Is it better to live to a ripe old age with little excitement or lead an adventurous but short life?
  • What does it mean to be free?
  • What does it mean to be successful in life?
  • Can perfection ever become reality?
  • Do you think the world would be better or worse if everyone thought the same way?
  • If you could take away all negative feelings, would this be a good or bad thing? 
  • Is everyone’s life of equal value, or is it more important to protect some lives than others?
  • Is it okay to break the law if there are extenuating circumstances?
  • Which is the better choice—fight or flight?
  • If you had all the time in the world, what would you fill it with?
  • If nobody cared what you did—good or bad—how would you live your life differently than you do now?
  • Have you ever impulsively acted in a way that changed your life forever?
  • If you could choose a life of ease, would you?
  • What wise advice do you wish you had followed?
  • Is it okay to “fake it until you make it,” or is it more important to be genuine?
  • Can a person be true to him or herself while also bending to the needs of others?

20 Questions: Exercises in Critical Thinking

Get a Question-Based Critical Thinking Exercise—Free!

Introduce critical thinking gently & easily with thought-provoking exercises.

Thoughtful Questions for Friends and Family

Internal pondering of thought-provoking questions can help you examine your own life better. 

What about the people around you? 

Thoughtful questions make great conversation starters with friends and family.

Do you know them as well as you’d like? 

How a person answers tough questions can reveal much about him or her. Their answers may even lead you to question your own beliefs. 

That’s where critical thinking comes to into play.

At the very least, thoughtful questions are far more fascinating than small talk.

While you don’t necessarily want to interrogate your friends, it’s nice to have a few conversation starters to draw from. 

Here are some examples of thought-provoking questions to get to know someone:

  • Do you enjoy being by yourself? 
  • Do you ever cave in to peer pressure, even if it’s not what you want to do?
  • Do you ever feel misunderstood? When does it happen the most?
  • Do you ever show off—even subtly—just to make other people think better of you?
  • Do you have any internal rules that you live by no matter what?
  • Do you have any real phobias?
  • Have you ever experienced something unbelievable—and people think you’re lying about it?
  • If there was ever a disaster in your town and everyone had to pitch in to rebuild, what part would you play?
  • If you could be like anyone in the world, who would it be?
  • If you had to live with only 5 material possessions, what would you choose?
  • Are you so competitive that you end up being a sore loser or gloating winner?
  • Is there a song whose lyrics speak to you?
  • What do you think is the best thing about you?
  • What is your most unusual talent?
  • What do you want more than anything else?
  • What would you keep even if you were offered all the money in the world for it?
  • What’s the title of your fictionalized life story? Does the hero live happily ever after?
  • When you feel anxious, what place, activity, or person makes you feel better?
  • When you’re sick, do you like to be babied or left alone?

Thought-Provoking Questions That Are Funny and Lighthearted

Thoughtful questions can still be fun and lighthearted.

Thoughtful questions don’t have to be so serious. 

Whether you need to wake everyone’s minds before school or want to jazz up boring chit-chat, try some thought-provoking conversation starters and icebreakers .

Here are a few fun questions to get you started:

  • Where do you think a hamster is trying to go when he’s running on that wheel?
  • What animal would you bring back from extinction?
  • What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
  • Do cats rule and dogs drool, or do you prefer dogs over cats?
  • Speaking of cats, what would your cat be like as a person?
  • If you could convince people to believe anything you told them, what story would you create just for fun?
  • If you could live in an amusement park, shopping center, or other fun place, which would you choose?
  • If you had a chance to meet your clone, would you?
  • If you had to choose only two foods to eat for the rest of your life, what would they be?
  • If you had to choose two of these—seeing, hearing, or being able to walk—which would you choose and why?
  • What is the funniest joke you’ve ever heard?
  • What is the best way to start your day?
  • What movie or comic book superhero do you most relate to?
  • Which storybook character do you wish you could be?
  • Which movie villain would you most hate to meet in real life?
  • Why are yummy foods bad for you and gross foods good for you?
  • Will machines ever totally take over everyone’s manual-labor jobs?
  • Would you own an exotic animal if it wasn’t harmful to the animal or yourself? Which one?
  • You have one day to spend a million dollars—what do you buy?
  • Does pineapple belong on pizza? 
  • If you had to eat a worm, would you swallow it whole or chew it up?

We also have a post with fun critical thinking questions . Be sure to check it out!

Open Ended Thought-Provoking Questions

Deep questions help teenagers think about life and the world around them.

Now more than ever, it is critical to teach our children to think on topics that may not have black-and-white answers.

They will face tough issues eventually.

Sadly, the unprepared person is prone to believing false narratives.

Thought-provoking questions for teens and students can nudge them toward thinking carefully about important topics: 

240 Questions

Identify Deceptive Lies Disguised as Logic

Our teens may be deceived tomorrow if they don’t learn to discern today!

Try some of these intriguing topics for discussion:

  • Do people see you the way you see yourself?
  • What is a true friend?
  • Would you rather live in an era of the past? Which one?
  • If you could outlaw one thing that’s acceptable in our culture right now, what would it be?
  • What constitutes “the good life”?
  • If you had to live in one place for the rest of your life, where would it be?
  • Is there anything you need to pay forward?
  • What has been your greatest adventure up to this point?
  • What is at the top of your bucket list?
  • What first impression do you try to give new people?
  • When is it okay to tell a lie?
  • What does perfection look like?
  • Who has shaped your personality the most?
  • Would you rather have work you enjoy or lots of time to do nothing?
  • Would you rather walk on the moon or explore the deepest oceans?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten?
  • What mistakes have you seen adults around you make that you plan to avoid?
  • What does it mean to be an adult?

Questions to Ask About Yourself and the World Around You

Existential questions help us ponder human nature.

When you want your students to ponder their human nature and purpose, existential questions like these are helpful:

  • Does the American dream exist?
  • Should all crimes be equally punishable, or should circumstances decide the punishment?
  • Do you derive energy from nature, manmade environments, or somewhere else?
  • What keeps you up at night?
  • What legacy do you hope to leave?
  • What motivates you most?
  • Is one life enough?
  • In what ways do you wish you were different? Can you change?
  • What’s something you need to do—but haven’t yet—because it scares you?
  • What parts of your personality do you hide and why?
  • If you could master one thing, what would it be?
  • What would a collage of your life include?
  • What makes the world a better place?
  • In what ways do you fool yourself?
  • Are you a producer or consumer?
  • Do you think people in the past had it easier or harder than we do now?
  • If you had to choose between remembering your past or being able to make new memories in the future, which would you choose?
  • If you had a “do-over,” what past event would you spend it on?
  • If you had a chance to live in the woods with no access to the internet, would you do it?
  • If you had to pick a motto for your life, what would it be?
  • What causes two people to “connect”?
  • Was the invention of social media a bad idea?
  • What brings you joy?
  • What do you need most?
  • Why are some truths hard to accept?
  • What’s holding you back from doing what you want to do?
  • What one thing would you eliminate forever if you could?
  • Can opinions be wrong?

How to Use: Create Time for a “Question of the Day” 

If you’re looking for a way to incorporate deep thought into your homeschool, may I recommend instituting a “Thought-Provoking Question of the Day”?

Simply put, you would choose a time that works best for your family to come together and present a question to ponder. 

Provide time for each member to think about the topic and form an answer. Next, discuss the question openly, encouraging everyone to voice their opinion—even if they fear it might seem “silly.”

You’d be amazed how a simple question can spark quality conversation and deep critical thinking.

We created 240 Questions for just this purpose:

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Jordan Mitchell

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Critical Thinking Resources for High School Teachers

Developing critical thinking abilities is a necessary skill for all high school students but teaching these skills is not the easiest task for high school teachers. Fortunately, there is a wealth of information online to provide teachers the resources needed for creating critical thinking lesson plans.

These online resources provide lessons plans, videos, and small but helpful tips that can be used everyday in the classroom to reinforce lessons and ideas. Below are some of the top resources for teaching critical thinking to high school students.

A site devoted to all things related to critical thinking

The Critical Thinking Community, from the Center for Critical Thinking, provides one of the best sites for critical thinking resources and has a special section aimed at helping high school teachers prepare appropriate lesson plans: Critical Thinking Community for High School Teachers .

“Critical thinking is essential if we are to get to the root of our problems and develop reasonable solutions,” reads the site’s About Us page. “After all, the quality of everything we do is determined by the quality of our thinking.”

Therefore it’s no surprise that the site provides many free online resources for high school teachers, as well as other materials that can be ordered online for a small fee.

One example of an online resource for critical thinking for high school students is the article “How to Study and Learn (Part One)”. This introductory article lays the ground work for the importance of thinking critically, illustrated by the following passage:

“To study well and learn any subject is to learn how to think with discipline within that subject. It is to learn to think within its logic, to:

  • raise vital questions and problems within it, formulating them clearly and precisely
  • gather and assess information, using ideas to interpret that information insightfully
  • come to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions, testing them against relevant criteria and standards
  • adopt the point of view of the discipline, recognizing and assessing, as needs be, its assumptions, implications, and practical consequences
  • communicate effectively with others using the language of the discipline and that of educated public discourse
  • relate what one is learning in the subject to other subjects and to what is significant in human life”

State critical thinking resources

Additionally, many states offer free online critical thinking resources, such as the handbook compiled by faculty members of Prince George’s Community College and put on Maryland’s official website: Handbook of Critical Thinking Resources .

In addition to providing a wealth of outside information resources, the handbook details how thinking critically can help students while they are in high school and in the future:

“Improving students’ critical thinking skills will help students:

  • improve their thinking about their course work
  • use sound thinking on tests, assignments, and projects in their courses
  • have the strategic, analytical, problem solving, and decision-making skills they need when they transfer to another college
  • have the strategic, analytical, problem solving, and decision-making skills they need when they transition to the workplace”

Keeping up to date on current trends

Other sites, such as Edutopia.org, are constantly updated with new information to provide teachers with the most current information possible. The site, which is part of the George Lucas Educational Foundation, is divided by grade level and has a special section focused on producing critical thinking high school students: Grades 9-12 High School .

The site describes three fundamental skills it believes necessary for students to become lifelong learners in the 21 st Century:

  • how to find information
  • how to assess the quality of information
  • how to creatively and effectively use information to accomplish a goal

The site combines original articles and instructional videos with other valuable critical thinking resources from around the globe. The site is set up like a blog and puts the most recent articles at the forefront, and also includes a community forum for both students and teachers to use.

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20 Math Critical Thinking Questions to Ask in Class Tomorrow


  • November 20, 2023

give intentional and effective feedback for students with 10 critical thinking prompts for algebra 1

The level of apathy towards math is only increasing as each year passes and it’s up to us as teachers to make math class more meaningful . This list of math critical thinking questions will give you a quick starting point for getting your students to think deeper about any concept or problem. 

Since artificial intelligence has basically changed schooling as we once knew it, I’ve seen a lot of districts and teachers looking for ways to lean into AI rather than run from it.

The idea of memorizing formulas and regurgitating information for a test is becoming more obsolete. We can now teach our students how to use their resources to make educated decisions and solve more complex problems.

With that in mind, teachers have more opportunities to get their students thinking about the why rather than the how.

Table of Contents

Looking for more about critical thinking skills? Check out these blog posts:

  • Why You Need to Be Teaching Writing in Math Class Today
  • How to Teach Problem Solving for Mathematics
  • Turn the Bloom’s Taxonomy Verbs into Engaging Math Activities

critical thinking questions for any math class

What skills do we actually want to teach our students?

As professionals, we talk a lot about transferable skills that can be valuable in multiple jobs, such as leadership, event planning, or effective communication. The same can be said for high school students. 

It’s important to think about the skills that we want them to have before they are catapulted into the adult world. 

Do you want them to be able to collaborate and communicate effectively with their peers? Maybe you would prefer that they can articulate their thoughts in a way that makes sense to someone who knows nothing about the topic.

Whatever you decide are the most essential skills your students should learn, make sure to add them into your lesson objectives.

algebra 1 critical thinking questions. 10 topics. 190+ prompts. click to learn more

When should I ask these math critical thinking questions?

Critical thinking doesn’t have to be complex or fill an entire lesson. There are simple ways that you can start adding these types of questions into your lessons daily!

Start small

Add specific math critical thinking questions to your warm up or exit ticket routine. This is a great way to start or end your class because your students will be able to quickly show you what they understand. 

Asking deeper questions at the beginning of your class can end up leading to really great discussions and get your students talking about math.

critical thinking questions for high school

Add critical thinking questions to word problems

Word problems and real-life applications are the perfect place to add in critical thinking questions. Real-world applications offer a more choose-your-own-adventure style assignment where your students can expand on their thought processes. 

They also allow your students to get creative and think outside of the box. These problem-solving skills play a critical role in helping your students develop critical thinking abilities.

connect algebra concepts to geometry applications

Keep reading for math critical thinking questions that can be applied to any subject or topic!

When you want your students to defend their answers.

  • Explain the steps you took to solve this problem
  • How do you know that your answer is correct?
  • Draw a diagram to prove your solution.
  • Is there a different way to solve this problem besides the one you used?
  • How would you explain _______________ to a student in the grade below you?
  • Why does this strategy work?
  • Use evidence from the problem/data to defend your answer in complete sentences.

When you want your students to justify their opinions

  • What do you think will happen when ______?
  • Do you agree/disagree with _______?
  • What are the similarities and differences between ________ and __________?
  • What suggestions would you give to this student?
  • What is the most efficient way to solve this problem?
  • How did you decide on your first step for solving this problem?

critical thinking questions for high school

When you want your students to think outside of the box

  • How can ______________ be used in the real world?
  • What might be a common error that a student could make when solving this problem?
  • How is _____________ topic similar to _______________ (previous topic)?
  • What examples can you think of that would not work with this problem solving method?
  • What would happen if __________ changed?
  • Create your own problem that would give a solution of ______________.
  • What other math skills did you need to use to solve this problem?

Let’s Recap:

  • Rather than running from AI, help your students use it as a tool to expand their thinking.
  • Identify a few transferable skills that you want your students to learn and make a goal for how you can help them develop these skills.
  • Add critical thinking questions to your daily warm ups or exit tickets.
  • Ask your students to explain their thinking when solving a word problem.
  • Get a free sample of my Algebra 1 critical thinking questions ↓

10 free math critical thinking writing prompts for algebra 1 and algebra 2

8 thoughts on “20 Math Critical Thinking Questions to Ask in Class Tomorrow”

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I would love to see your free math writing prompts, but there is no place for me to sign up. thank you

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Ahh sorry about that! I just updated the button link!

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critical thinking questions for high school

  • Our Mission

Helping Students Hone Their Critical Thinking Skills

Used consistently, these strategies can help middle and high school teachers guide students to improve much-needed skills.

Middle school students involved in a classroom discussion

Critical thinking skills are important in every discipline, at and beyond school. From managing money to choosing which candidates to vote for in elections to making difficult career choices, students need to be prepared to take in, synthesize, and act on new information in a world that is constantly changing.

While critical thinking might seem like an abstract idea that is tough to directly instruct, there are many engaging ways to help students strengthen these skills through active learning.

Make Time for Metacognitive Reflection

Create space for students to both reflect on their ideas and discuss the power of doing so. Show students how they can push back on their own thinking to analyze and question their assumptions. Students might ask themselves, “Why is this the best answer? What information supports my answer? What might someone with a counterargument say?”

Through this reflection, students and teachers (who can model reflecting on their own thinking) gain deeper understandings of their ideas and do a better job articulating their beliefs. In a world that is go-go-go, it is important to help students understand that it is OK to take a breath and think about their ideas before putting them out into the world. And taking time for reflection helps us more thoughtfully consider others’ ideas, too.

Teach Reasoning Skills 

Reasoning skills are another key component of critical thinking, involving the abilities to think logically, evaluate evidence, identify assumptions, and analyze arguments. Students who learn how to use reasoning skills will be better equipped to make informed decisions, form and defend opinions, and solve problems. 

One way to teach reasoning is to use problem-solving activities that require students to apply their skills to practical contexts. For example, give students a real problem to solve, and ask them to use reasoning skills to develop a solution. They can then present their solution and defend their reasoning to the class and engage in discussion about whether and how their thinking changed when listening to peers’ perspectives. 

A great example I have seen involved students identifying an underutilized part of their school and creating a presentation about one way to redesign it. This project allowed students to feel a sense of connection to the problem and come up with creative solutions that could help others at school. For more examples, you might visit PBS’s Design Squad , a resource that brings to life real-world problem-solving.

Ask Open-Ended Questions 

Moving beyond the repetition of facts, critical thinking requires students to take positions and explain their beliefs through research, evidence, and explanations of credibility. 

When we pose open-ended questions, we create space for classroom discourse inclusive of diverse, perhaps opposing, ideas—grounds for rich exchanges that support deep thinking and analysis. 

For example, “How would you approach the problem?” and “Where might you look to find resources to address this issue?” are two open-ended questions that position students to think less about the “right” answer and more about the variety of solutions that might already exist. 

Journaling, whether digitally or physically in a notebook, is another great way to have students answer these open-ended prompts—giving them time to think and organize their thoughts before contributing to a conversation, which can ensure that more voices are heard. 

Once students process in their journal, small group or whole class conversations help bring their ideas to life. Discovering similarities between answers helps reveal to students that they are not alone, which can encourage future participation in constructive civil discourse.

Teach Information Literacy 

Education has moved far past the idea of “Be careful of what is on Wikipedia, because it might not be true.” With AI innovations making their way into classrooms, teachers know that informed readers must question everything. 

Understanding what is and is not a reliable source and knowing how to vet information are important skills for students to build and utilize when making informed decisions. You might start by introducing the idea of bias: Articles, ads, memes, videos, and every other form of media can push an agenda that students may not see on the surface. Discuss credibility, subjectivity, and objectivity, and look at examples and nonexamples of trusted information to prepare students to be well-informed members of a democracy.

One of my favorite lessons is about the Pacific Northwest tree octopus . This project asks students to explore what appears to be a very real website that provides information on this supposedly endangered animal. It is a wonderful, albeit over-the-top, example of how something might look official even when untrue, revealing that we need critical thinking to break down “facts” and determine the validity of the information we consume. 

A fun extension is to have students come up with their own website or newsletter about something going on in school that is untrue. Perhaps a change in dress code that requires everyone to wear their clothes inside out or a change to the lunch menu that will require students to eat brussels sprouts every day. 

Giving students the ability to create their own falsified information can help them better identify it in other contexts. Understanding that information can be “too good to be true” can help them identify future falsehoods. 

Provide Diverse Perspectives 

Consider how to keep the classroom from becoming an echo chamber. If students come from the same community, they may have similar perspectives. And those who have differing perspectives may not feel comfortable sharing them in the face of an opposing majority. 

To support varying viewpoints, bring diverse voices into the classroom as much as possible, especially when discussing current events. Use primary sources: videos from YouTube, essays and articles written by people who experienced current events firsthand, documentaries that dive deeply into topics that require some nuance, and any other resources that provide a varied look at topics. 

I like to use the Smithsonian “OurStory” page , which shares a wide variety of stories from people in the United States. The page on Japanese American internment camps is very powerful because of its first-person perspectives. 

Practice Makes Perfect 

To make the above strategies and thinking routines a consistent part of your classroom, spread them out—and build upon them—over the course of the school year. You might challenge students with information and/or examples that require them to use their critical thinking skills; work these skills explicitly into lessons, projects, rubrics, and self-assessments; or have students practice identifying misinformation or unsupported arguments.

Critical thinking is not learned in isolation. It needs to be explored in English language arts, social studies, science, physical education, math. Every discipline requires students to take a careful look at something and find the best solution. Often, these skills are taken for granted, viewed as a by-product of a good education, but true critical thinking doesn’t just happen. It requires consistency and commitment.

In a moment when information and misinformation abound, and students must parse reams of information, it is imperative that we support and model critical thinking in the classroom to support the development of well-informed citizens.

  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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5 Critical Thinking Activities That Get Students Up and Moving

More movement means better learning.

Students engaged in critical thinking activities

It’s easy to resort to having kids be seated during most of the school day. But learning can (and should) be an active process. Incorporating movement into your instruction has incredible benefits—from deepening student understanding to improving concentration to enhancing performance. Check out these critical thinking activities, adapted from Critical Thinking in the Classroom , a book with over 100 practical tools and strategies for teaching critical thinking in K-12 classrooms.

Four Corners

In this activity, students move to a corner of the classroom based on their responses to a question with four answer choices. Once they’ve moved, they can break into smaller groups to explain their choices. Call on students to share to the entire group. If students are persuaded to a different answer, they can switch corners and further discuss. 

Question ideas:

  • Which president was most influential: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, or Abraham Lincoln?
  • Is Holden Caulfield a hero: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, or Strongly Disagree?

Gallery Walk

This strategy encourages students to move around the classroom in groups to respond to questions, documents, images, or situations posted on chart paper. Each group gets a different colored marker to record their responses and a set amount of time at each station. When groups move, they can add their own ideas and/or respond to what prior groups have written.

Gallery ideas:

  • Political cartoons

Stations are a great way to chunk instruction and present information to the class without a “sit and get.” Group desks around the room or create centers, each with a different concept and task. There should be enough stations for three to five students to work for a set time before rotating.

Station ideas:

  • Types of rocks
  • Story elements
  • Literary genres

Silent Sticky-Note Storm

In this brainstorming activity, students gather in groups of three to five. Each group has a piece of chart paper with a question at the top and a stack of sticky notes. Working in silence, students record as many ideas or answers as possible, one answer per sticky note. When time is up, they post the sticky notes on the paper and then silently categorize them.

  • How can you exercise your First Amendment rights?
  • What are all the ways you can divide a square into eighths?

Mingle, Pair, Share

Take your Think, Pair, Share to the next level. Instead of having students turn and talk, invite them to stand and interact. Play music while they’re moving around the classroom. When the music stops, each student finds a partner. Pose a question and invite students to silently think about their answer. Then, partners take turns sharing their thoughts.

  • How do organisms modify their environments?
  • What is the theme of Romeo and Juliet ?

Looking for more critical thinking activities and ideas?

critical thinking questions for high school

Critical Thinking in the Classroom is a practitioner’s guide that shares the why and the how for building critical thinking skills in K-12 classrooms. It includes over 100 practical tools and strategies that you can try in your classroom tomorrow!

Get Your Copy of Critical Thinking in the Classroom

5 Critical Thinking Activities That Get Students Up and Moving

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    Table of Contents. 19 Short Stories and Questions - Suggestions for Teaching Them. 1. "The Most Dangerous Game". 2. "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge". 3. "The Masque of the Red Death". 4.

  4. 85 Fun Critical Thinking Questions for Kids & Teens

    Humor is a natural icebreaker that can make critical thinking questions more lighthearted and enjoyable. Of course, most younger kids just like to be silly, so playing upon that can keep them active and engaged. With that said, here are some great questions to get you started: 1. Someone gives you a penguin.

  5. Best critical thinking questions for high school students

    Developing critical thinking skills is essential for high school students as it equips them with the ability to analyze and evaluate information, solve problems, and make informed decisions. Critical thinking questions encourage students to think deeply, explore different perspectives, and challenge their own assumptions. These types of questions promote intellectual curiosity and foster a ...

  6. 15 Thought-Provoking Questions for High School Students to Spark

    Thought-provoking questions are a great way to challenge and engage high school students. These types of questions encourage critical thinking, promote self-reflection, and spark meaningful conversations. Here are some thought-provoking questions for high school students:1. What is the meaning of life?2. What is the biggest challenge facing our generation?3.

  7. Critical Thinking Questions: The Big List for Your Classroom

    Students can use these critical thinking questions with fiction or nonfiction texts. They're also useful when discussing important issues or trying to understand others' motivations in general. ... Combined, the We Are Teachers editorial team has over 75 years of teaching experience across elementary, middle, and high school. We also work ...

  8. 70 Higher-Order Thinking Questions and Stems (Free Printable)

    We Are Teachers. Bloom's Taxonomy is a way of classifying cognitive thinking skills. The six main categories—remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create—are broken into lower-order thinking skills (LOTS) and higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). LOTS includes remember, understand, and apply. HOTS covers analyze, evaluate, and ...

  9. 250 Philosophical Questions To Boost Critical Thinking

    High School. Middle School. 250 Philosophical Questions To Encourage Critical Thinking and Self-Exploration. Food for thought! By Jeanne Croteau, M.S., Psychology, Master TEFL Certified. May 31, 2024. Our world is full of mysteries—why not try to solve a few? One of the most incredible ways to encourage critical thinking and self-exploration ...

  10. 150 Fun Critical Thinking Questions For Kids, Teens, & Adults

    Critical Thinking Questions For High School & College Students. These critical thinking questions are more complex. They encourage abstract thinking, plus explore logic, ethics, and reasoning. 65. Why did you make that decision? 66. How did you get to that decision? What was your thought process?

  11. 36 Question Stems Framed Around Bloom's Taxonomy

    Question Stems Framed Around Bloom's Taxonomy. by TeachThought Staff. While critical thinking is a foundation rather than a brick, how you build that foundation depends on the learning process itself: exposing students to new thinking and promoting interaction with that thinking in a gradual release of responsibility approach.. Question stems can be a powerful part of that process no matter ...

  12. 15 Critical Thinking Questions for Kids

    Ask students to apply critical thinking by analyzing how they could prevent a certain issue from reoccurring. 7. Why Does It Matter? Whether they're learning about a historical event or a mathematical concept, it's important to understand why the topic is relevant today. 8.

  13. 48 Critical Thinking Questions For Any Content Area

    The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Digital Thinking by Global Digital Citizen Foundation is an excellent starting point for the 'how' behind teaching critical thinking by outlining which questions to ask. It offers 48 critical thinking questions useful for any content area or even grade level with a little re-working/re-wording. Enjoy the list!

  14. 50 Questions To Help Students Think About What They Think

    See also our 28 Critical Thinking Question Stems For Classroom Use. Logical Questions. Within the realm of mathematics, there are certain types of questions that build up to those aha moments or topple barriers. Those are the questions that change a learner forever. They change a person because finally, the answers can only be found within.

  15. Examples of Critical Thinking Questions for Students

    2. Evaluation Questions. Evaluation questions call for the respondent to make a judgment about the value of something, based on defined criteria. They often use terms like "critique", "justify", "validate", "defend", etc. Example: "Evaluate the effectiveness of the government's pandemic response measures.

  16. 35 Higher-Order Thinking Questions (2024)

    Higher-order thinking questions are questions that you can ask in order to stimulate thinking that requires significant knowledge mastery and data manipulation. Generally, higher-order thinking involves thinking from the top 3 levels of bloom's taxonomy: analysis, evaluation, and knowledge creation. The term "higher-order" is used because ...

  17. 10 Great Critical Thinking Activities That Engage Your Learners

    Writing (or drawing) and silence are used as tools to slow down thinking and allow for silent reflection, unfiltered. By using silence and writing, learners can focus on other viewpoints. This activity uses a driving question, markers, and Big Paper (poster-sized is best).

  18. 102 Thought-Provoking Questions to Ask About Life

    Deep Thought-Provoking Questions About Life. Some of the best thought-provoking topics are those that examine our morals, ethics, and opinions on a life well-lived. The right questions can even help us reflect on our own journeys—and prompt us to correct course as needed. Next time your mind is free to roam, here are some good questions to ...

  19. 180 Unique Question of the Day Ideas To Promote Critical Thinking

    When you assign a question of the day, provide routine around it. Incorporate a question of the day into each morning meeting or daily warm-up. Give students time to think about the question and jot down some notes if they are going to discuss it. And for students who are able to write, give them time to write their response in a journal.

  20. Critical Thinking Resources for High School Teachers

    The Critical Thinking Community, from the Center for Critical Thinking, provides one of the best sites for critical thinking resources and has a special section aimed at helping high school teachers prepare appropriate lesson plans: Critical Thinking Community for High School Teachers. "Critical thinking is essential if we are to get to the ...

  21. 20 Math Critical Thinking Questions to Ask in Class Tomorrow

    Start small. Add critical thinking questions to word problems. Keep reading for math critical thinking questions that can be applied to any subject or topic! When you want your students to defend their answers. When you want your students to justify their opinions. When you want your students to think outside of the box.

  22. Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in Middle and High School

    Teach Reasoning Skills. Reasoning skills are another key component of critical thinking, involving the abilities to think logically, evaluate evidence, identify assumptions, and analyze arguments. Students who learn how to use reasoning skills will be better equipped to make informed decisions, form and defend opinions, and solve problems.

  23. Critical Thinking Activities That Get Students Moving

    Check out these critical thinking activities, adapted from Critical Thinking in the Classroom , a book with over 100 practical tools and strategies for teaching critical thinking in K-12 classrooms. Four Corners. In this activity, students move to a corner of the classroom based on their responses to a question with four answer choices.