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Awesome Resources for Physical Education Teachers

Teaching Dance in PE

Teaching Dance in PE

Dance in PE (1)

What’s Up Phys Ed Friends!

Today I wanted to tell you about a really great dance resource that I’ve been using this year.  It’s music from an artist that I originally heard about while attending an amazing PE Conference this summer called The National PE Institute .  

I had a blast at the conference, but one of the highlights was an event that the Physedagogy Team put on called a Demo Slam.  The concept is pretty simple but really powerful.  It’s pretty much a Dance-Off, but instead of sharing dance moves, you share Physical Education Ideas that other teachers might find helpful.

It works like this… You get a bunch of people together and circle up, then put a 2 minute timer up on the screen and then people with ideas to share have 2 minutes to share their ideas with the group before getting “slammed” off the stage, as the next person in line begins sharing their idea.  It’s a great way to get a bunch of sharing done quickly and it motivates people to share the basics and keeps anyone from rambling on to long. 

One of my favorite takeaways from the Demo Slam was a song called “ Jump ” that someone presented by an artist named “Mr. Chris”. He’s got some incredible Hip Hop dance albums out there aimed at teaching basics of dance and hip hop to younger students.  

You can see an example of my teaching the Jump Song to my students below: 

  • Also, for a full example of the dance check out this video

I’m not against square dancing or anything, but I don’t teach it at my school, because it’s most likely not very relevant to students as something they will use in the future.   I’m also all for doing a creative dance unit, I don’t have enough time in the  year to spend an entire unit teaching dance, since I only see my kids once a week – I combine my Jump Rope and Dance together into one unit.   We learn a group line dance as a warmup and then learn jumprope skills for the rest of the lesson. 

I like to teach dances that kids will actually be able to use one day when they are at a party, wedding reception or anywhere with a DJ and a dance floor.  

Some of my go to dances like the   Cupid Shuffle , Sid Shuffle , Cha Cha Slide and Wobble (Instrumental) are starting to get old and I’ve already taught them to most of my kids, so I am always looking for new stuff – this year Silento’s Whip Nae Nae Dance was a pretty big hit with my kids ( Dance Steps Cheat Sheet Here ).

Note : You can also purchase my Line Dances in PE Dance Steps E-Book Here , if you want to get steps for my favorite dances that I teach students as warmups and intro activities.

This year I teach a 4K class once a week on a stage in the theatre at our school, since the gym is double booked with another PE Class.  I was looking for some activities with low setup and Mr. Chris’ Hip Hop For Tots and Preschool 1 Albums were perfect for my situation.

After downloading 3 of his albums, I declared Wednesdays “Hip Hop Wednesday” and have been dancing up a storm with my 4K kids every Wednesday this year on the stage in our school’s theatre.   

The songs are all super simple and most of them have youtube videos with examples of the dance steps.

The three albums I have are below

Hip hop for tots   (amazon) (itunes) preschool 1 hip hop moves   (amazon) (itunes), zonda kids dance: hip hop vol 1   (amazon) (itunes).

I definitely recommend checking out Mr. Chris when planning your next Dance Unit or even for a quick warmup with your kids.  He’s got tons of fresh hip hop jams, great for Elementary students.

He recently even came out the the Burpee Song – teaching kids how to do burpees – perfect for Phys Ed.

I recommend getting all 3 of the above albums, but if you want to start with a few songs check out the ones below, they are some of my favorites that I’ve taught my younger students this year:

  • Stretch on the Floor ( iTunes ) ( video example )
  • Clap With Me ( iTunes ) ( video example )
  • Wavin 101 ( iTunes ) (video example halfway through the first video embedded below)
  • 8 is Great ( iTunes )
  • Elbow Dance ( iTunes )
  • Drive the Car (iTunes)
  • Red Light ( iTunes )
  • Robot Dance (iTunes)
  • Jump Song (video above) ( iTunes )

Mr. Chris has a youtube channel with examples of most of his songs as well, you can see an example of a few dances in the video below:

If you want some more tutorial examples check out the playlist below:

If you want to teach the “Jump Song” to your kids, you can download the Lesson Plan Cheat Sheet Below:

How do you teach dance  got some ideas to share – leave them in the comments below., have fun and teach on.

dance lesson plans for physical education

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Reader Interactions

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December 19, 2023 at 3:39 pm

Help! it’s raining and my principal took the gym away for 3 days for performances for the holidays.

I have an empty classroom and was thinking of using your Jump video but I cannot dance! Any suggestions?

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December 20, 2023 at 6:44 am

Below you will find a few activities for small spaces:

First a disclaimer: * I’m no expert at classroom activities, normally I teach in a gym, but I have done a few things in a classroom when I’ve been kicked out of my gym – below are a few ideas:

Games I’ve done in a Classroom: * Cross the River: https://www.thepespecialist.com/crosstheriver/ * Pass the Frog: https://www.thepespecialist.com/passthefrog/ * Hula Hut Relays: https://www.thepespecialist.com/pegames1/

You can do cup stacking relays/activities or any of the relay style Field Day Games if you have a little space * Examples of Field Day Games: https://www.thepespecialist.com/fieldday/ * Tumbling Towers is a good one for small space, check out video at the link above

Fun Games to Try Out in a Classroom: * Blindfold students and have their team guide them through an obstacle course in the classroom * Minute to win it style games and challenges * Juggling scarves or plastic bags if you don’t have scarves (follow along video from Kevin Tiller Here) * Pipeline Activity (using pipes or paper towel rolls to transfer marbles from one place to another)

If you have a projector/TV you could do some video workouts or follow the leaders: * Sworkit App * Go Noodle * Just Dance

Teach some Line Dances: * The Whip Nae Nae: https://www.thepespecialist.com/dance/ * Mr. Chris’ Dances: https://www.thepespecialist.com/dance2/ * Hokey Pokey: https://www.thepespecialist.com/hokeypokey/ * Here’s an E-Book with my favorite Line Dances: Line Dance E-Book (Teachers Pay Teachers)

Cup Stacking * 1 v 1 battles * Relay Style * Tech integration – check out Ben Prillo’s Animated GIFs for some examples students can follow along to * Split into teams and build the tallest tower * *Note – if you don’t have cup stacks, just use SOLO Cups instead for a cheap alternative

Video Resources * Go Noodle Follow Along * Just Dance Follow Along * Watch Youtube Inspirational Videos * Have a discussion on grit, willpower and not giving up * Have students set goals and make action plans * Classroom Workout Videos on Youtube * Yoga Lessons – Youtube or Yoga Studio App – or Super Stretch Yoga * Magic School Bus Videos: Exploring the Human Body (and others) * Adventure to Fitness DVDs and Videos

Playout The Game Exercise Game Cards * Cards here: https://amzn.to/2lUUdNF * Video Tutorial Here: https://youtu.be/gWxEfcK-mvw

Paper Rock Scissors Battles – Integrate Exercise and track points with Popsicle Sticks

Jump Bands * Learn different steps * Switch up the enders and jumpers

Balloon Striking Activities * Here’s an example of a lesson * If there is space you could also move on to beach balls to add difficulty

Create a Game Activity * Give student paper and pencil and have them create their own game to play later * Discuss a template – diagram, rules, equipment needed, objective of the game ect

Fitness / Exercise: * Teach some different exercises (you could even use our 25 Exercise Posters) * Have students complete their own personal workout plans and teach them to the class

Drum Fit with Noodles on Desks * Google around for Cardio Drumming or Drum Fit and you’ll find lots of examples, but here’s one: https://youtu.be/C1wFHehzrJs

Health Lessons * Go over some health concepts using the framework in this post: https://www.thepespecialist.com/health/ * Also check out http://www.Kidshealth.org for some lesson ideas

Books that might be good to check out on this topic:

* No Gym No Problem: https://amzn.to/2zQnbsm * I haven’t read this one personally, but heard lots of good things about it from teachers who lost their gym or taught in a classroom

* No Props, by Mark Collard: https://amzn.to/2WLreiz * An awesome book on teambuilding games and icebreakers with no equipment needed, Mark also has a website with some good team building resources (Playmeo.com)

Hope this helps

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January 26, 2023 at 1:07 pm

Looks like so much fun! I can always count on you for great content. Thank you!

January 26, 2023 at 3:31 pm

Hey Sheila,

Glad you’re enjoying the resources!

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November 17, 2022 at 12:31 pm

Hi. Do you have the lesson plan cheat sheet? I downloaded and then lost it.

November 17, 2022 at 3:25 pm

Are you looking for the lesson plan cheat sheet for teaching dance?

Or the long range plan?

You can access the Long Range Plan Template at the link below:

Long Range Plan Template

Hope this helps!

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June 27, 2022 at 9:20 pm

Thank you so much for all your lessons! I am looking forward to teaching my first full year of P.E. next year. I wanted to share some really fun dance videos that I found on YouTube DJ Raphi https://www.youtube.com/c/DJRaphi/featured

Thanks for all that you do!

June 28, 2022 at 3:39 pm

Hey Christine!

Thanks for reaching out!

DJ Raphi is awesome! We use his Cha Cha Slide video for visuals!

Good luck with your first full year of teaching! You will have a blast!

We have a podcast of Tips for First Year Teachers! Check it out below for some helpful advice:


Have a great day!

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August 23, 2021 at 4:47 pm

This is awesome!!! Thank you, very valuable info!

August 24, 2021 at 4:43 pm

You’re welcome Julia! Glad you’re enjoying the resources!

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August 17, 2021 at 12:56 pm

Hey I love this, and I plan on using it for my warmup. Can the jump lesson plan and cheat sheet be emailed to me if it’s still available. I clicked the link but nothing came up. Thanks a bunch!!!!!

August 17, 2021 at 3:39 pm

Hey Shaquita,

Glad you’re enjoying the resources! Sorry about the issue with the download.

Check your inbox for the LP and cheat sheet.

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January 11, 2020 at 5:39 am

More Pe Activities.

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June 14, 2019 at 3:03 am

thanks for sharing this tips

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April 14, 2019 at 4:55 pm

who created this blog and when was it created? I would like to use this as a source for a college assignment

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April 22, 2019 at 3:23 pm

I created it (Ben Landers) and not sure of the original date because it’s been edited a few times since then, but around 2015-2016 sometime.

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December 31, 2018 at 6:15 pm

Looking for the music information.

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November 13, 2017 at 9:43 pm

Is this appropriate for K-3?

November 14, 2017 at 6:13 pm

Sure with some modification probably – all the other songs listed in the post below the albums, are great for younger kids.

I normally use Jump Dance for 2nd – 5th.

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November 2, 2017 at 12:46 am

Thanks for your enthusiasm to incorporate dance into your PE. I remember in middle school having one unit on square dancing. It was my favorite, but you are correct, it is very irrelevant! Why not give kids a little instruction on steps they may actually get to use in life. I think feeling comfortable moving to music is an important social skill for weddings, school dances, and more. I am a dancer and have my PE teaching credential with the intent to teach secondary dance, so I am passionate that moving to music is good for the soul! It helps people forget that they are exercising! Keep it up! What an amazing thing for your students!

November 7, 2017 at 7:15 pm

Thanks Hanne – totally agree. Hope you can find somewhere to spread the dancing passion that you have. Appreciate the feedback!

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March 29, 2017 at 8:27 am

I was wondering if the Jump Song Lesson Plan is free? I have tried to download it and it goes into my ‘cart’ yet, when I click to checkout it doesn’t process.

I think this could be a great addition to my folio! Thanks! Georgia

March 29, 2017 at 5:51 pm

Yep – thanks for the heads up, it should be fixed now.

March 29, 2017 at 6:16 pm

Thanks so much Ben!

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February 5, 2017 at 8:17 pm

Thanks Ben for spearheading this professional community site! It’s been awhile since I had to develop an elementary dance unit, and this resource was very helpful! Thanks again and “teach on”!

February 6, 2017 at 3:27 pm

Glad it was helpful Bill!

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January 24, 2017 at 10:54 am

Thanks Ben, this is an incredible resource you put together here. I cannot wait to put my dance unit together while incorporating your ideas. -Scott (physedreid)

January 24, 2017 at 7:51 pm

Glad it was valuable! Hope the dance unit is awesome!

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February 2, 2016 at 1:51 pm

My students loved Silento’s Whip & Nae Nae. I choreographed my own version to the song. I wish I knew how to share it. We use it for warm up every once in awhile. Thank you for sharing additional examples.

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February 2, 2016 at 8:24 pm

Kimberley i d love to see this…can you share to my email [email protected] i am thinking of starting Whip and Nae Nae in my upcoming dance unit

February 3, 2016 at 5:55 pm

That’s great Kimberly – the easiest way to share is probably making a youtube video. Go for it!

February 3, 2016 at 9:11 pm

Not sure if i’m ready to put it on youtube. I’ll think about it. Thanks!

May 29, 2016 at 9:30 pm

Here it is…


I hope it is useful 😀

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Physical Education Ideas

How to Teach the Essential Skills of Dance

physical education (P.E.) teaching dance lessons

Not all students are interested in Physical Education (It’s true 😉).  This is why some of us physical educators are trying to incorporate dance into their lessons.  Using dance as a teaching tool allows for more creativity, involves more students and teaches life skills.  In most curriculums, dance is part of the National Standards and should be incorporated when teaching P.E.


- Let students have input into song choice.  Using different songs can 

   help get all students involved - Make sure there are large spaces and enough room for everyone - Use steps that can be modified to fit abilities.  - Remember the main goal of the steps is to keep students moving. 

   Simple is effective. - Assigning students into small groups and getting each group to learn one step is an engaging effective strategy - Start with small steps - Using youtube can help immensely - Encourage students that all sorts of people dance, regardless

   of gender or other interests.  Dancing is for everyone 😊

Any student can dance!  When done correctly, Dance is a unit where

you will see your students engage, grow and achieve.  All students

(and adults) love to move.  Even if you aren’t dance savvy yourself,

there are lots of resources and video links out there to help you.  Have

a look at the Primary PE Dance Lessons Pack (click the link to the side). 

You will be fully equipped to teach a huge range of activities for your

grades 3 – 6 and help make teaching dance seem a little easier.

physical education (P.E.) teaching dance lessons

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Teaching Rhythm and Dance In Physical Education

Dance is a polarizing subject in the world of physical education: some teachers love to teach it, other teachers can't even imagine themselves teaching it.

Regardless of your personal comfort level with the activity, I believe dance should be a part of every student's physical education experience.

Despite it not being a part of every family's traditions, dance is a part of our collective human experience. As a key component of many cultures, dance has been used throughout our history to share stories, celebrate as communities, and express ourselves as individuals.

That said, I get it: dancing in front of others can be scary. Our needs for self-preservation and social acceptance often get in the way of our desire to move and express ourselves as freely as possible. Because of this, dance gets labelled, stereotyped, and looked down upon.

However, refusing to embrace our desire to dance – a desire that is baked into our social DNA as humans – is a strategy based in fear. Even worse, it's a fear-based strategy that has the potential to rob us of some of the happiest moments in our lives:

🪩 Going our dancing with friends.

💒 Dancing at your wedding with your parents, family, and spouse.

👨‍👧‍👦 Dancing with your kids in your kitchen while cooking supper.

So, how can we – as physical educators – prevent this fear of dancing from taking root in our students hearts?

We teach them to love dancing, as early and often as possible.

In the rest of this post, I'd like to share some ideas and resources that can help you break down dance education, focus on its individual parts, and grow your confidence from there. These are tools that I've developed throughout my teaching career as well as some that I'm currently exploring with fellow #PhysEdU community members .

This post was built around the following learning targets:

🎯 I know the difference between beats and rhythms.

🎯 I understand the importance of support musicality when teaching dance.

🎯 I can use the Rhythm Challenge Cards to build a foundation for dance musicality.

Let's dive in!

Learning About Dance in Physical Education

This whole post started based on a conversation I had with a fellow #PhysEdU community member on how to teach dance in elementary PE.

After digging through my curriculum documents, I found resources that I had created for my grade two dance unit.

The unit was built on the following grade-level outcomes:

🏁 Performs a teacher and/or student-designed rhythmic activity with correct response to simple rhythms (S1.E5.2) 🏁 Identifies physical activities that provide self-expression (S5.E3.2)

Based on those outcomes, I designed the following student-friendly learning goals (a.k.a. unit-level learning targets):

⛳️ I can move my body to the rhythm of the music. ⛳️ I can express myself through dance.

Based on these learning goals, I created the following Learning Roadmap:

dance lesson plans for physical education

Helping students learn how to recognize and move to different beats and rhythms was definitely outside of my wheelhouse when I was teaching this unit... especially considering that I had a hard time differentiating/defining the two myself! 

One resource I used to help students make sense of these two concepts was Beat Sheets. 

A Beat Sheet is a sheet on which different movements/actions are presented in a 4x4 grid. The idea is that these sheets can help students

8️⃣ Break music down into 8-counts (i.e. two bars of music) 👀 Visualize how actions within a choreography are synchronized to the beat. 🕺 Perform actions/movements to the beat and rhythm of a song.

I had first learned about Beat Sheets on Twitter (although I cannot remember the exact source, I'm pretty sure it was through  Captain Pete's account ). Here's what my original Beat Sheets looked like:

dance lesson plans for physical education

Needless to say, these were a first attempt. After sharing these on #PhysEdU, I couldn't stop thinking about how Beat Sheets could be made better. By "better", I mean:

  • Help students understand – through a visual tool – the difference between beat and rhythm.
  • Help students make sense of dance musicality (more on that later).
  • Help students learn the difference between different note values (whole note, half note, quarter note, eighth note, sixteenth notes)

To create something like this, I was going to have to deepen my content knowledge (which is always a good thing). Here's what I've learned and what's come out of that learning so far.

Making Sense of Beats and Rhythms

The first step along this quest was to make sure that I actually knew what I was talking about in regard to beat and rhythm.

🥁  The beat is the unchanging pulse that music is built upon . It sets the pacing, timing, or tempo of any given musical piece that you are listening to.

🎼  The rhythm is the pattern in which musical notes flow.  A musical piece's rhythm can change throughout a song, speeding up and slowing down while the beat remains constant.

To help you better understand this (and how to teach it) here is an excellent example of a music lesson that breaks down the difference between beat and rhythm:


Side Note: This lesson is also a great example of how to use learning targets effectively.

If you'd like to try this activity out with your students, I recreated the tracking sheets that the teacher uses in the video.  You can access those here . Be sure to  check out this blog post as well : it seems to be the original source of the tracking sheets and links to additional activity ideas and resources for this kind of lesson.

Recognizing Note Values & Time Signatures

Ok, so this part might seem like a bit much, but it makes more sense if I tell you that I dove into this after learning more about dance musicality (I'm presenting my learning out of order here).

If  rhythm is the pattern in which musical notes flow , then I would have to have a basic level of knowledge in regard to musical notes. I should probably mention that I had no idea how to even begin reading sheet music until I started digging here: I don't play any instruments and I only have my once-a-week elementary school music class to my name. I now have what I think is a first-couple-weeks-of-the-school-year, kindergarten-level understanding of musical notes, and that's enough to give me the confidence I need to move forward.

I found that these two videos from RIAM Exams ( as well as this blog post ) broke it all down in plain terms that I could wrap my head around:



So, why would I – as a PE teacher – take the time to gain some basic knowledge about music theory? Because doing so is going to help me:

  • Identify the beat of the song.
  • Identify the rhythm of the music.
  • Help my students do the same.

Again, deepening your content knowledge is always a worthwhile endeavor. It helps spark ideas, puts you in a better position to find different ways of presenting materials, and allows you to teach with much more confidence.

Oh, and it will improve my ability to help my students develop  dance musicality .

Building Dance Musicality

Musicality seems to be a challenging word to define. From what I've learned,  dance musicality refers to the way each individual dancer  understands ,  experiences , and  expresses  music .

In her blog post on the topic , Nichelle Suzanne shares that musicality has two main components:

  • Musical Receptivity:  "One's ability to receive, comprehend, be sensitive to, and have a working knowledge of musical concepts like rhythm, tempo, phrasing, and even mood."
  • Musical Creativity (Musical Artistry) : "The ability to connect with accompanying music, interpret it, or phrase and add movement dynamics that relate to music even in the absence of accompaniment, in a way that is unique or interesting."

With this definition and components in mind, you can see how  having a basic understanding of musical structures serves as a building block of dance musicality . This is why I spent so much time trying to learn as much as I could about musical theory.

Let's break musicality down a little further.


🧠  Understanding Music: Using 8-Counts

An 8-count is an important tool that allows dancers to measure, map, and discuss music. 8-counts also help dancers plan their movements and design choreographies.

Again, understanding bars, time signatures, and note values helps us recognize musical structures and patterns which  puts us in a better position to play around with the music .

The Steezy video above is a good introduction to 8-counts (and can serve as a bridge from what we've learned so far about musical theory and where will be going in dance).

Here's another video in which viewers get to follow along as the Steezy crew plays around with 8-counts:


❤️  Experiencing Music: Developing One's Dance Vocabulary

In many ways, dance is a form of language: 

Instead of words, we have movements. 

Instead of phrases, we have sequences.

Just as in language, fluency also plays an important role in dance. Ultimately, competent dancers have something to say and are able to say it with as little friction as possible.

One of the building blocks of fluency is a broad vocabulary. To help students develop their dance vocabulary, consider the following progression:

  • Free Play Dance : Allowing students to move their bodies however they like to various musical styles, structures, and rhythms.
  • Imagination-Driven Dance : Providing prompts that guide dance movements while still providing room for creativity (e.g. "Can you dance like a mouse? Can you dance like an elephant?")
  • Explorative Dance : Providing specific movements while allowing dancers to explore various ways of performing them (see  Melanie Levenberg 's  DANCEPL3Y session video below for a great example of how this can be approached).
  • Teacher-Led Dance : Following a choreography that is provided by the teacher (or a  Just Dance  video on YouTube).
  • Creative Dance : Designing your own choreography that includes movements and sequences that dancers have acquired and/or developed throughout their dance journey.


To get the most out of this progression, here are a few things to consider:

  • Expose students to a broad variety of musical styles.
  • Help students experience a broad variety of dance styles.
  • Encourage students to be mindful of the various movements they observe/perform along the way.
  • Encourage students to discuss music, compare music, and explore music as much as possible.

✨ Expressing Music: Pairing Movement, Energy, Style, and Texture.

Finally, dancing comes down to having something to say and saying it through movement.

We dance to express joy. We dance to express confidence. We dance to express vulnerability, power, attitude, and so much more. 

As we dance, the way we move our body expresses different emotions, ideas, or even stories.

Our ability to  dance with clarity  (i.e. clearly communicating what we want to say through dance) will be empowered or limited by our understanding of music, our personal dance vocabulary, and our understanding of other dance concepts such as textures.


My Updated Beat Sheets

"Joey... what the heck. Wasn't this a post about Beat Sheets!?"

It is! I just wanted to make sure that we had a solid understanding of how these sheets fit into dance education and why I've designed them this way.

As I mentioned a thousand words ago, these updated Beat Sheets (which I'm now calling Rhythm Challenge Cards) were designed with the following goals in mind:

🥁 Help students differentiate between beat and rhythm. 🎶 Support students' understanding of music structure. 🕺 Support dance musicality.

That said, here's what I've come up with:

dance lesson plans for physical education

These Rhythm Challenge Cards do a little bit more than my original ones.

Each tile represents one beat (count) within two bars of music (8-count).

On each tile, students will have a clear visual of the movement to be performed within that beat, the note value for that beat, and the count number.

The example above is the simplest version of these sheets:  one movement per beat for eight counts, with each beat having a quarter note value. But what do we do for beats that have a slower note value (e.g. half note, dotted half notes, or whole notes)? That's what the markers between each tile are for. 

dance lesson plans for physical education

First off, notice how the notes on each tile's staff have changed to represent the updated note values. The time signature has remained the same (4/4: four beats per bar with each beat being set as a quarter note), but the number of notes per bar has changed.

Also, for movements that count for two beats (half note values), the  minim symbol (representing two counts) between the two beat tiles is highlighted and the second tile's movement space is left blank (to represent the movement has been carried over).

Ok, but what about faster note values, like eighth or sixteenth counts?

dance lesson plans for physical education

Again, the notation has been updated. As for the movements, additional movements have been added to the beat tile (similar to the bees in the video lesson I shared earlier).

For beat tiles with multiple actions, I also added a visual ampersand (the "&" symbol) to help students remember to count that beat as "1 AND" and not "1, 2" (so the entire bar reads "1 AND 2, 3 AND 4").

Dance and music go hand in hand.

If dance is the way that we physically express the way we feel music, than it makes sense for physical education teachers to help their students make sense of how music is structured as they explore dance.

Plus, developing a deeper understanding of music can help those students who are wary of dance look at the activity in a different light:

Instead of dance being this thing that "just comes naturally" to some, it becomes a series of challenges and opportunities. Music's structure can help boost creativity by providing both a space and set of constraints in which movement-based ideas get to live. Dance becomes a fun puzzle that we get to piece together, an activity we can lose ourselves in as we work to solve it.

Along the way, as we find joy in the challenge, fun, social connection, and creativity of it all... we might just end up dancing.

If you are interested in bringing the Rhythm Challenge Cards to your teaching, you can purchase the set of 20 cards in the shop. Doing so helps support ThePhysicalEducator.com, which means I get to keep putting together posts like this one.

Download The Rhythm Challenge Cards

As always, the resource is also available to all members of the Ongoing Leaner tier over at #PhysEdU .

Thanks for reading! Happy Teaching! 🕺

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Dance in education involves the child in creating, performing and appreciating movement as a means of expression and communication. Dance differs from the other aspects of the physical education programme in that the primary concern is with the expressive quality of movement and the enjoyment and appreciation of the aesthetic and artistic qualities of movement. The dance programme involves the child in a range of creative and folk dance. When creating dance, the child explores a range of body parts, body actions and body shapes. Concepts relating to the body in space, the changing dynamics of movement and the implications of moving in relation to another person and his/her environment are explored. The child is encouraged to dance in response to different stimuli and accompaniment and to view dance performance. The child’s concept of what a dance can be enriched by opportunities to see and appraise the more accomplished work of others.

Primary School PE Curriculum, page 5

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If I can move, I can dance

Diverse range of creative dance activities suitable for all class levels. Warm-ups, cross curriculum links as well as musical appreciation and rhythm explored.

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Creative dance

Exploration of use of body, space, effort and relationships in dance.  Dance games and as well as understanding and appreciation of dance activities included.

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Creative dance - using mardi gras as a stimulus

This handout outlines the development of a sample creative dance lesson, with development ideas suitable for both the junior and senior classes.

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Creative dance- rainbow dance

A series of seven creative dance lessons, using the story of the rainbow as a stimulus.  Aimed at fifth/ sixth classes but may be adapted for other levels.

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Creative dance – compass dance

Sample creative dance lesson based on creation of compass dance.  The lesson also focusses on the FMS of balance.

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Folk dance videos

Video footage of children performing a wide variety of folk dances across class levels.  Also includes instructional videos for folk dance steps such as rising step, promenade step and sidestep. Includes links to music and descriptions of all dances.

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Folk dance activities

This resource contains warm up activities for dance, activities and progressions for a variety of folk dances including sean nós, examples of how FMS can be embedded in folk dance and link to accompanying music playlist.

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120 non contact activities for physical education across the primary school

The PDST Primary PE team has developed non contact activities to support the teaching of Physical Education across the primary school.

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Embedding FMS in PE – Move Well Move Often

Move Well Move Often Physical Literacy website with resources which can be used to develop FMS, motivation and confidence as well as knowledge and understanding in all strands of PE.

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Embedding FMS in dance – Move Well Move Often

Resource which highlights specific Move Well Move Often skills and activities suitable for dance strand.

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Embedding FMS in dance – sample lessons

Sample lesson plans highlighting how fundamental movement skills can be embedded in dance lessons.  

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Sample inclusive dance lesson

Sample inclusive dance lesson with FMS skill of balance embedded

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Children’s books for wellbeing

This resource explores how books can be used as a stimulus for movement, creativity and physically expressing emotions in PE dance lessons. Example dance activities and a sample lesson are included.

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Varying Movement Actions for Gymnastics and Dance

Resource outlining examples of how dance concepts such as shapes, directions, pathways, levels, dynamics and relationships can be varied within activities.

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PSSI lesson plans

6 sample dance lessons across all primary school class levels.

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PE Homework – Active Every Day Activity Book and Homework Charts

PE homework activities and charts to complement PE strand based learning undertaken in school.  Specific dance activities included.

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Beyond the classroom

PE homework videos and activity packs to compliment PE FMS learning undertaken in school.

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A series of video clips that aim to complement strand based learning in PE at home.  2 dance lessons for pupils to complete at home are included.

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Cooperative learning

Cooperative learning is an instructional approach which supports pupils to work and learn together in PE. Cooperative learning can be used across any strand of the PE curriculum and has been shown to positively impact PE.

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Move Well Move Often

An Inclusive Approach to the Development of Physical Literacy for All Pupils. This resource is full of strategies for inclusion for pupils with physical disabilities and learning needs and pupils who are autistic, blind or vision impaired, or deaf or hard of hearing. 

Selected open access resources which may be adapted to the Irish context from other organisations are linked below. Please note these are external resource not designed by the PDST and teachers should ensure they are appropriate for their own classes before use.

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Creative dance tales – The wolf and peter

Four creative dance lesson plans, visuals and accompanying music to accompany the story of Peter and the Wolf. Adaptable for 1st - 6th Class.

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Disentangling Inclusion in Primary Physical Education (DIPPE)

This online resource highlights practices, strategies and resources to support teachers to include all children in primary PE lessons, with a focus on children with additional needs. Gross/Fine motor skills, sensory, communication, physical capabilities, attention/concentration and social, emotional, relational are some of the areas explored.

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Folk and line dances

Website which has instructional videos for eight different folk and line dances.

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Action for life – Dance lessons for PE

Action for Life  is an Irish heart foundation PE and SPHE programme for primary schools. The programme includes lesson plans with activities and resources.  This resource links to PDST Move Well Move Often and physical literacy development.  It includes dance strand lessons for junior , middle and senior classes.  

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Category: Rhythm and Dance

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Fitness drumming a great activity for any grade level! It teaches students various patterns, beat recognition and helps develop rhythm all while improving health-related fitness

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Students Designing Personal Fitness Plans In PE

  • Doug Curtin
  • August 9, 2024
  • Curriculum , Technology

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Physical education classes offer unique opportunities for students to explore fitness, health, and wellness. Many PE classes at the high school level look to take essential steps to transition students from school to an adult life that still values and prioritizes personal fitness and wellness. As a result, many schools encourage and support students in designing personal fitness plans in physical education to build and bridge important concepts around fitness and exercise.

While many students won’t become personal trainers, empowering students to create and plan workouts or fitness plans as a project or class assignment can support a deeper connection to lifelong fitness. In this article, we explore the rise of this initiative, the standards that back in, and the best practices to pursue when incorporating this concept into the PE classroom.

The Growing Trend Of Designing Personal Fitness Plans In Physical Education

Many schools look to deepen students’ knowledge of physical fitness by having students create personalized fitness and workout plans during physical education classes.

This approach aims to teach students the value of regular exercise and how to design routines that suit their individual needs and goals. By empowering students to take charge of their fitness, physical education programs hope to foster lifelong healthy habits and a deeper understanding of maintaining physical well-being.

This popular strategy also encourages critical thinking, self-assessment, and goal-setting, which are valuable skills that extend beyond physical education and into other areas of students’ lives.

Beyond all of the benefits, it is also supported by state and national standards!

Students follow along to a PLT4M yoga lesson during physical education class.

Backed By State And National Standards

SHAPE America’s National Physical Education Standards define what students should know and be able to do as a result of a highly effective physical education program. The newly released and updated standards in 2024 place an even greater emphasis on empowering students with the skills and knowledge necessary for a lifetime of fitness.

Let’s delve into Standard 2 and an important sub-standard at the high school level.

Standard 2: Applies knowledge related to movement and fitness concepts.

Sub-standard 2.12.8 : Designs and implements a plan that applies knowledge of aerobic, strength and endurance, and flexibility training exercises.

By focusing on this standard, schools can foster an environment where students not only learn about fitness but actively apply their knowledge to create and maintain their own workout plans. This empowers them to take control of their health and well-being, setting the foundation for a lifetime of physical activity and wellness.

In addition, many state standards for physical education echo this call, emphasizing the importance of students designing and creating their workouts.

PE teacher Sue Mathewson displays PLT4M on a smart board at Hammond Central High School.

3 Best Practices For Designing Personal Fitness Plans In Physical Education

While students designing personal fitness plans in physical education is not a new concept, there are evolving best practices to support students as they set out to apply knowledge and skills within a personal training program. Below are 3 best practices for supporting students as they set out to create personal fitness programs.

#1 – Introduce Students To The What, Why, & How Of Fitness First

Before students can start designing their own fitness plans, they need to learn and develop the knowledge and skills around physical activity and exercise. Therefore, physical education teachers can take a two-pronged approach when setting out to support students in designing their fitness plans:

Introduce students to various forms of physical activity and exercise.

Support students’ exploration of the science and building blocks of health and wellness.

For example, many schools create a semester plan for physical activity that looks like the following:

Intro To Fitness Unit – An introduction to foundational human movements like the bodyweight squat, lunge, hinge, press, and pull. In addition, learning key elements of a workout plan like warm up, cool down, and more.

Intro To Strength Training – After introducing foundational training elements, students then embark to the weight room to learn about the basic elements of resistance training with barbells and dumbbells.

Student Choice & Exploration Time – Either in combined with the above units or as a stand alone unit, physical education teachers encourage students to explore other fitness modalities like yoga, dance, bootcamp, pilates, and more so that they see all of the different fitness options available to them.

While students complete and explore the fitness activities above, many teachers also incorporate cognitive health and wellness plans that help to create a complete picture of exercise. Teachers often introduce units like:

Fitness Literacy – Lessons include topics like cardiorespiratory (aerobic and anaerobic training), mobility and flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, and more.

Nutrition – While nutrition might not impact a fitness plan directly, it does help connect the important pieces of overall health and wellness.

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girl lifting weights with devices around her

#2 – Incorporate SMART Goals For Physical Education

After thoroughly introducing the different elements of physical fitness, students are now closer to creating their fitness plans. However, it is important to help students connect what they create in a fitness plan to their personal fitness level and fitness goals.

Here is where SMART goals for physical education can serve as a foundation for beginning to create thoughtful and impactful personal fitness plans.

SMART goals have been around since the 1980s. First introduced by George Doran, Arthur Miller, and James Cunningham , SMART goals outlined a mnemonic acronym to help with goal setting.

The best place to start is by helping students to identify specific goals. For example, many students will likely say they want to “get in better shape,” and while that is a great long-term goal, it is not specific. Instead, help students identify what they need to do in the form of short-term goals and align them to the SMART goals for PE model.

With this structure in place, great conversations can happen about all the different components of fitness and what goals and strategies can help to achieve better fitness levels. Better yet, if you are helping students to set up specific goals that are also attainable, they will start to feel and celebrate the success that comes from PE classes.

SMART Goals acronym described - specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-based.

#3 – Technology & Student Workout Builder

Once students are ready to take action and design a personal fitness plan, they need a place to do it! While students can do this on pen and paper or using something like a spreadsheet, set students up for success with a student workout builder that equips them with a wide range of tools to start designing personal fitness plans.

PLT4M, a leader in curriculum and technology for physical education, offers a student workout builder experience that allows students to design, create, and complete workouts they have built.

In addition, students have access to thousands of high-quality instructional videos and notes, so they don’t have to start from scratch when making a workout plan. These features are an excellent support system for students beginning to take the first steps in designing fitness plans.

Furthermore, when students create workout plans in PLT4M, they are automatically uploaded to physical education teachers for review. This provides additional feedback and support for students when creating workouts for a class project or assignment.

Check out a preview of PLT4M’s Student Workout Builder

Key Takeaways On Designing Personal Fitness Plans In Physical Education

It can be exciting and empowering for physical education students to begin taking ownership of their personal fitness plans. With PLT4M’s student workout builder, students can have a simple and straightforward way to start making a training plan for a class assignment or project.

While this exercise of program creation (pun intended) can build confidence and comfort with fitness, remember that even many adults turn to trusted experts and fitness professionals when it comes to making and designing workouts and fitness programs.

So, although some students might be eager to create and craft a long-term plan, it is okay to use the student workout builder as an assignment or class project before having students return to completing other fitness programs within PLT4M or elsewhere that have been designed and created by qualified fitness professionals.

Even if students don’t plan on becoming personal trainers, creating personal fitness plans in physical education can build and bridge powerful connections to fitness, health, and wellness.

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Despite the challenges of busy schedules, multiple sports, and other responsibilities, the weight room is a crucial component of the athletic journey for Sioux Central high school student-athletes.

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Strength & Conditioning For Multi-Sport Athletes

As a small school, Sioux Central in Iowa has a large percentage of multi-sport athletes. See how they approach the weight room.

Student-athletes and coaches have rallied around the strength & conditioning program as a place to build community and create a competitive culture. As a result, Le Mars is building a sense of great pride within the weight room every day.

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School Pride Stems From Strength And Conditioning

See how Le Mars Community High School in Iowa has built a strength and conditioning program to be proud of.

“Whether a student aspires to move from JV to the varsity team, or dreams of playing at the college level, the strength and conditioning program is designed to prepare them for whatever their ‘next level’ might be.”

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Next Level Training At Lake Central High School

At Lake Central High School in Indiana, student-athletes are tapping into the weight room to prepare for the "next level."

How did this high school evolve their weight training classes, such that they became so popular that they are now at capacity, with students of all backgrounds eager to join in on the action?

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The Evolution of Bloomington’s Weight Training Classes

Bloomington has evolved weight training classes through a renovated space, new technology, and a fresh approach to workout plans. See how!

“The weight room can be intimidating for many students. But when students can get in early to develop form and technique, rather than worrying about lifting super heavy weights, they can see the actual purpose and benefit of strength and conditioning.”

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Andover's Approach To Athletic Development

Andover High School in Minnesota taps into the weight room to compete with the biggest and best teams in the state.


We always love spotlighting hard working student-athletes - keep up the great work! 💪

dance lesson plans for physical education

Why Festival Dance Academy?

Festival Dance Academy has been providing quality dance education since 1972.

We believe that every student matters, and we are dedicated to helping each reach their full potential.

All Styles, Stages, and Ages!

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Creative Dance

Ballet 5/6 Conditioning

Pre-Pointe/Beginning Pointe

Intermediate Pointe

Intermediate/Advanced Pointe Techniques

Beginning/Intermediate Tap

Teen/Adult Tap

Beginning Intermediate Jazz

Intermediate/Advanced Jazz

Beginning/Intermediate Contemporary

Intermediate/Advanced Contemporary

Intermediate/Advanced Lyrical

Festival Dance offers a diverse range of dance and conditioning courses including classes for dancers of all ages in Ballet, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Lyrical, Creative Dance, Musical Theatre, and Contemporary. Offering supportive, classical instruction by professional faculty and dance majors from the University of Idaho, we also provide a wide array of performance opportunities for students and families. 

Festival Dance Academy's main location is in residence at the University of Idaho, and classes are taught in the recently renovated dance studio, PEB 212.    The studio features a sprung floor covered with Marley. Air is circulated directly from outside and only within the studio. A strict cleaning protocol is in place.

Festival Dance Academy is a proud member of the National Dance Education Organization. With a strong investment in safety in the classroom, all faculty and staff are CPR and First Aid certified. Many of our faculty have achieved degrees in Dance, Theater, Childhood Education, or are presently studying in the Dance Program at the University of Idaho. Please visit the "Our Team" tab to read more about our amazing dance family.

Beginning Hip Hop

Beginning/Intermediate Hip Hop

Intermediate/Advanced Hip Hop

Motion Fever Performance Troupe (MOFE)

Intermediate Musical Theatre

Intermediate Acrobatics

Parent Information

Currently being updated - contact director @festivaldance.org with any questions!

Motion Fever Performance Troupe

dance lesson plans for physical education

  • You and your teammates will encourage the best in each other
  • Teamwork will become your mantra
  • The skills you develop will help you for the rest of your life
  • You’ll get the chance to connect with, and serve, your community
  • You’ll get to keep dancing—and growing—beyond class
  • You’ll have many “once in a lifetime” experiences
  • You’ll develop skills in how to be a role model
  • You’ll see first hand that hard work pays off
  • You’ll become part of the choreographic process and practice artistic collaboration.

Office hours: Monday - Friday: 3:30 PM-6:30 PM.

[email protected] , or [email protected] or use the contact tab if you can't reach us by phone at (208) 883-3267.

Festival Dance and Performing Arts Association is in residence at the University of Idaho Movement Sciences Department. ​

Mailing Address | FDPA | University of Idaho | 875 Perimeter DR MS 2403  | Moscow ID 83844-2403

Physical Address | Physical Education Building | University of Idaho | 1060 Rayburn, Room 120

-> ->

CASA DEL TANGO - is a school, a club, and a way of life. You can make your first steps in a world of tango, tango-waltz and milonga at our school, you can improve you skills, learn something new, take a tour of "Moscow tango-argentino" and simply have a wonderful time in tango atmosphere.
      Address: Bolshoi Kislovskiy lane 4, bld. 2 | Phone: +7 (495) 420-9744

Brazilian drum group of Moscow, and Moscow school of samba.
      Phone: + 7 903 610-0635

We organize workshops with visiting teachers from Argentina, Europe and USA every month, so you also have the opportunity to join workshop with internationally known masters.
      Address: Delegatskaya str. 7 | Phone: +7 (495) 302-2274

Learn to dance east dance of a stomach and other dances.
      Address: Ykrainski Bylvar, 15 | Phone: +7 (495) 536-6397
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  • Just Taught My Last Class Blog
  • We've Grown so Much Board
  • Time Flies Board
  • Hanging Out This Summer Board
  • How will YOU be ACTIVE? Board
  • Staying Active Over Summer Board
  • St. Patrick's Day Circuit
  • Catch The Leprechaun
  • Leprechaun Treasure Hunt
  • Irish Jig Tag
  • Celebrating St. Patty\92s Day Dance
  • LUCKY to have PE Board
  • Eat Green for Health Board
  • Activity Skills Assessment
  • Smart Goal Example
  • Understanding Fitness Components
  • Cooperation Assessment
  • Line Dance Peer Evaluation
  • View All Assessments
  • Detective Valentine
  • Valentine Volley
  • Valentine's For the Heart
  • Valentine Rescue
  • 100 Ways Heart Healthy Board
  • Make a Healthy Heart Your Valentine
  • Don't Overlook Your Health
  • Star Wars Dance Lesson
  • Merry Fitmas Bulletin Board
  • Welcome to PE Bulletin Board
  • Gymnastics Skills Bulletin Board
  • Don't Let Being Healthy Puzzle You
  • It's Snow Easy to be Active
  • Exercise Makes You Bright
  • Basketball Lesson
  • Bottle Cap Basketball
  • Skills Card Warm Up
  • Building Dribblers
  • Feed the Frogs
  • Rings of Fire Dribbling
  • All basketball ideas on PEC
  • Fall Into Fitness Board
  • Turkeys in Training
  • Gobbling Up Healthy Snacks
  • Gobble If You Love PE
  • Don't Gobble 'Til You Wobble
  • Hickory Elem is Thankful
  • Mr. Gobble Says
  • Fall & Rise of PE Part 1
  • Fall & Rise of PE Part 2
  • PE Teachers Making a Difference
  • Leading Enthusiastic Student Groups
  • Using Twitter for PE PD
  • Two Person Parachute Activity
  • Pool Noodle Lessons in PE
  • Basketball Shooting Stations
  • Thanksgiving Stations
  • Sobriety Testing Stations
  • Seuss-Perb Stations
  • Cooperative Skills Stations
  • Cooperative Fitness Stations

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Helpful online courses and information for the physical education teacher who wants to continue to develop and grow!

See what others are doing to improve physical education at their school. Share your "best practices" with our PE community!


Great ideas from teachers for reinforcing lessons in their physical education classes! Post in health rooms & hallways.


Written assessments are a terrific medium for showcasing what students have learned to administrators and parents.

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Publicize your school district job openings. We list job openings at no cost to you!

These free programs feature various challenges that will excite your children about fitness and encourage them to work together!

Dances, lessons, and more! You name it, we have a video for it. Share your video with us today!

Our Job Center is a great place to publicize your school district job openings. We list openings at no cost to you.

Helpful resources for physical educators who teach children with disabilities.

Submitted by Dan Fallon. Conway Elementary. Conway, NH.


Finding grants is EASY with our Grant Search tool. Just select your state; program category; type of institution and find grants FAST!

Check out the new lesson ideas, assessments, bulletin boards, kids quotes, and jobs that were added this week!

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PE Central and S&S Worldwide Field Day

What's New Lesson Ideas Newsletter Site Updated: 6-11-15

Great PE Ideas! Superstars of PE

PE Job Center (Job Openings, Sample Interview Questions, Portfolio Guidelines

Superstars of PE

Inspirational Video! Cerebral Palsy Run--Matt Woodrum Cheered on by PE Teacher, Family and Classmates

New Blog! Physical Educators \96 You Are Making a Difference!

Physical Education teachers are truly amazing! I have believed this ever since I become one back in 1986 and I was reminded of how truly special they are the other day while reviewing 236 responses to a survey that S&S conducted on PE Central. Question number 21 of the survey reads, \93What gets you most excited about your physical education job?\94 Continue to read full blog post

Physical Education Teachers

During the past three years, over 250 edcamp events have popped up worldwide. Teachers from every corner of the globe have been organizing open opportunities for educators to collaborate and solve problems. Edcamps are:

This is the first time that one is being organized specifically for Physical Education professionals. Be a part of history this year at the National PE Institute and continue learning at PHYSedcamp. For registration information, .

Phys ed camp

Use LOG IT To Keep Kids Active Over the Summer

Log It pedometer walk across the usa

We have searched our site and found some fun things to encourage your kids to become physically active over the summer. Check out some of our cool summer bulletin boards and for a great professional development conference we highly recommend the National PE Institute July 27-29 in Asheville, NC.

  • LOG IT --walk virtually around the USA. Sign your kids up before they leave school!
  • Log It is a Step Towards Fitness (Education World Article)

Best Practices:

  • Leadership and Summer Fitness through "Charity Miles"

Bulletin Boards:

  • Countdown to Summer
  • Hanging Out This Summer
  • Summer Plans

Summer Plans PE Bulletin Board

(3-5) (3-5) (6-8) (6-8) (6-12)

(3-5) (3-5) (K-2) (4-5) (6-8)

New! Dancing with Math Dance Idea of the Month | More New Ideas

FREE Top 10 Field Day Activities eBook Enter $2,500 Giveaway Contest for a chance to win the "Field Day of Your Dreams!" 25% off Field Day equipment! Offer code E4213. (Expires 4/30/15)

Free Field Day Ideas eBook

Field Day just got easier! We have worked with our partner S&S Discount Sports to come up with the ultimate "Top 10 Field Day Activities" FREE eBook . You can enter their $2,500 Giveaway contest for a chance to win the "Field Day of Your Dreams!" Check it out!

Free Field Day Resources from PE Central and S&S Discount Sports

Congrats to Nicki Newman Case and her Student!

Last week, physical education teacher Nicki Newman Case, got her Kids Quote of the Week published. She sent us the picture (below) of the young man who was responsible for the quote! By getting the quote published on PE Central, she has earned a $50 eGift card from our sponsor, S&S Worldwide! Here is her Facebook post on PEC. Thanks for sharing Nicki and congrats to both of you!

Nicki Newman Case, PEC Facebook Post " I wanted to thank PE Central for sending me an email that said I won $50 for a published kid quote. I am going to let the kid who wrote the Valentine help me pick out what he wants from the S&S catalog to use in our gym. I am also going to buy him the "I got Published" t-shirt. THANK YOU! I presented the winner of the Kids Quote of the Week with his T-shirt this morning at assembly! He LOVED it! "

Kids quote of the week

Take the PE Central Survey! Complete and enter to win a $250 S&S Worldwide eGift Card

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so we can better meet your needs as a physical education teacher. You will be entered into a drawing for a $250 S&S Worldwide eGift Card! Thank you for your thoughts and insights.

Physical Education Hall of Shame

In this section, we present the . These are activities and practices that are seen as developmentally inappropriate to use in PE class. Check out the latest journal article of this in .

* Dodgeball
* Red Rover
* Line Soccer
* Students on Display
* One line, one ball, one chance

Valentines Day in Physical Education

New Dances Waltzing Line Dance (with video) Shake It Senora Dance (with video) McDowell County, WV Happy Dance

Holiday Bulletin Boards | Holiday Lesson Ideas | What's New on PEC

Happy Holidays from PE Central

New! Unedited Full Length Video Lessons

New! Valentine's Day Physical Education T-Shirts Order them now! They are awesome!

Valentines Day PE T-shirt at PE Central

Share the Cooperative Fitness Challenges! 6 Free Fitness Station Activities

Dance Lesson Ideas of the Month!

Enter for a Chance to Win $100!

Are you teaching The First Tee National School Program in your school? What's working at your school? Send in your best practices and lesson plan ideas for the National School Program. Your roles as physical educators and leaders is vitally important to making a difference in a child\92s life. That\92s why we want to do our part in supporting you and share the great work you are doing. Click here to learn more

Want to bring The First Tee National School Program to your elementary school? To learn more go here

New! Physical Education Report Cards New! Pink PE Women's V-Neck Tee Register for the Cooperative Fitness and Skill Challenges

Featured Article: Using PE Central's \91LOG IT\92 as a Step Toward Fitness (Great way to track summer physical activity-- Log It )

Field Day Ideas and Bulletin Boards

(Choose FD in Category)

New Teaching Videos Content is King: High School Circuits Lesson Highlights (9-12) Content is King: Food Pond Common Core Lesson Highlights (4th) Content is King: 4 x 4 fitness Lesson Highlights (5th) Basketball Dribbling Full Elementary Lesson

Featured Product! Elements of Dance Poster Set Workbook, Flashcard Set, Value Pack

PE Sweatshirts

Great APPs for PE Teachers

61 Essential Apps for PE Teachers Book

Winter Olympic Ideas and Bulletin Boards

20% Off Adapted PE Products

PE is Cool Poster

Featured Holiday Bulletin Boards

New Boards | View All Boards | Board of the Week | Submit a Board

Dear Santa Bulletin Board

School Funding Center Find grants for your school and program!

Get Ready for Halloween!


(with video)

Featured Halloween Bulletin Board Don't Let Fitness Testing Spook You!

New Product Section: eBooks (PDF Downloads) Adapted PE Desk Reference eBook

NEW! Dance Lesson Idea of the Month: Team Building and Rhythms Dance (w/ Video)

Submit Your Ideas Now Published Ideas Earn a $50.00 eGift Card from S&S Worldwide

Sale! Save 20% on Most of Our Products! $3.00 Flat Rate Shipping Rate on ALL Orders

New eBOOKS! TEPE Books: Fitness, PreK, Assessment, PE Homework

Great Back to School Lesson Idea and Product! Behavior Self Check Lesson Idea and Poster Set

This Class Management Lesson idea, featuring 3 vinyl posters should help physical educators when students get a little bit off-task. View the entire lesson idea . Purchase Poster Set

Behavior Check Poster Set

Looking for a great K-5 PE Curriculum? You Found It!

is a standards based developmentally appropriate elementary physical education curriculum guide. The curriculum is developed around the content areas of locomotion, body management, educational games, and dance. There are over developed by grade level. Each motor task has the following sections to assist the teachers in developing the physical education content: planning information, rubric, summative assessment, learning sequence, teacher cues, formative assessment, and a section for cognitive, affective and physical activity objectives. The goal of Moving to Success is to develop physical literacy. Students who are physically literate have the skills, knowledge, and values of how and why to lead a physically active lifestyle. .

Featured Classroom Management Lesson Idea: Behavior Self-Check Lesson (w/posters)

Check Out Our PE T-shirts

Happy Thanksgiving!

Featured Thanksgiving Bulletin Boards

PE Bulletin Board

Featured Bulletin Boards ( View All Boards )

shoe tying club bulletin board

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Lesson/Assessments, Jobs, More...

PreK-12 PE & Health, ,
, ...

, (rubrics)...

PE, Health, Holiday, ...

Special event ideas, ...

, , , ...

, , ...

, ...

Kids Quote of the Week, Bulletin Board of the Week, Dance Idea of the Month...

Books, DVD's, Music, , ...

, ...

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, , ...

, ...

, , ...


PE Articles, ...

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dance lesson plans for physical education

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PE Central - What Works in Physical Education

PE Central 2516 Blossom Trl W Blacksburg, VA 24060 E-mail : [email protected] Phone : 540-953-1043 Fax : 540-301-0112

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  1. Physical Education: PE Central's Dance Lesson Ideas and Plans

    The following dance ideas may be helpful to those who want to teach dance and rhythmic movement in your physical education program. If published, you are entered into monthly drawing to win a 6 pack 8" Gator Skin Special Foam Balls from S&S Discount Sports. Rules.

  2. Physical Education Dance Lesson Plans of the month from PE Central

    PE Central is a web site that provides information about developmentatally appropriate physical education practices and programs. Advanced Search. Lessons . Browse By Category ... Dance Lesson Idea of the Month ... 2019 Dances. April (Same Ole 2 Step Dance) March (Video Added! Jump Band Hokey-Pokey Dance) 2018 Dances. December (I Want a ...

  3. Dance (Intermediate 3-5)

    Dance. (Intermediate 3-5) Created by: Brandon Herwick, Deedi Brown, Aaron Hart, Dr. Theresa Cone, Bob Oates, Scott Williams, Sara Weeks, Juliet Schulein. Design: Jennifer Truong. For more dance resources from the contributors, please visit the following pages: Brandon Herwick's YouTube Channel. Dr. Theresa Cone's Dance Resources.

  4. Dance(Primary K-2)

    Standard 1. Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. Standard 1 (E5.K-2) Performs locomotor skills in response to teacher-led creative dance (K); Combines locomotor and non-locomotor skills in a teacher-designed dance (1); Performs a teacher- and/or student-designed rhythmic activity with correct response to ...

  5. PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education

    Dance Lesson Ideas Dance Lesson Idea of the Month Team Building and Rhythms Dance: 3-8: 167,359: 1/18/2022 Dance Lesson Ideas Rhythmic-Instant Activities Wipe Out! K-2: 54,794 10/15/2020 Dance Lesson Ideas Line Dances-Original Heads Will Roll / Thriller Halloween Dance: 3-5: 97,559: 4/5/2019 Dance Lesson Ideas

  6. Teaching Dance in Elementary Physical Education

    Wavin 101 ( iTunes) (video example halfway through the first video embedded below) 8 is Great ( iTunes) Elbow Dance ( iTunes) Drive the Car (iTunes) Red Light ( iTunes) Robot Dance (iTunes) Jump Song (video above) ( iTunes) Mr. Chris has a youtube channel with examples of most of his songs as well, you can see an example of a few dances in the ...

  7. Dance

    Physical Education Ideas is a place for teachers, students and parents to learn how to teach important P.E. skills. Dance is a great way for teachers and students to learn the principles of simple and complex dance steps. ... View Dance Lesson Plans Pack ©2019 by Physical Education Ideas. Proudly created with Wix.com

  8. Free dance unit plans

    Created by. Ms Turner NSW. Unit plan - 15 x 30 minute lessons - completed over 5 week period. Focuses on dance theory, incorporating Indigenous dances as well as dances from around the world. Students will understand the cultural influences of different dances around the world. Links to critical thinking - learning styles, higher order thinking ...

  9. Teaching Rhythm and Dance In Physical Education

    The idea is that these sheets can help students. 8️⃣ Break music down into 8-counts (i.e. two bars of music) 👀 Visualize how actions within a choreography are synchronized to the beat. 🕺 Perform actions/movements to the beat and rhythm of a song.

  10. PDF Sample Lesson Plan Sarah Platt

    Lesson aim (Overall): To use a range of dance activities to develop physical wellbeing and enhance creativity through dance as an art form. Learning Objectives (2 -3 maximum) Increased movement and fluidity through all joints Respond to stimulus to create own movements / combinations Improve security of movement actions and balance

  11. Dance (Middle School)

    National Standards and Outcomes Focus for the OPEN 8 Challenge. Standard 1.Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. Standard 1 [M1.6-8] Demonstrates correct rhythm and pattern for one of the following dance forms: folk, social, creative, line, or world dance (6); Demonstrates correct rhythm and pattern for a ...

  12. Dance

    Action for life - Dance lessons for PE. Action for Life is an Irish heart foundation PE and SPHE programme for primary schools. The programme includes lesson plans with activities and resources. This resource links to PDST Move Well Move Often and physical literacy development. It includes dance strand lessons for junior, middle and senior ...

  13. PDF Sample Lesson Plan

    Whole - Group dance creation and completion of the compass Dance Repeat the Compa ss Dance and remind pupils to focus on the teaching point for balancing when they are performing their balances in part 2. Development: Creating dance in groups - choose from the following options:

  14. Rhythm and Dance in Physical Education

    1. Exeropoly 2. Sample Obstacle Course 3. Simon Says 4. Ying Yang You Instructions 5. Dance "Don't Sit Still" 6. Groove Movement

  15. Dance Lesson Plan for Physical Education

    Dance Lesson Plan for Physical Education. Instructor Mary Beth Burns. Mary Beth has taught 1st, 4th and 5th grade and has a specialist degree in Educational Leadership. She is currently an ...

  16. PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education

    This lesson could take a number of class periods if each group teaches their dance or aerobics routine to the entire class. This portion can be skipped. Collaborate with English teachers for the creative origin of the dance paper. Submitted by Christy Haynes who teaches at Hickory High School in Hickory, NC.

  17. Moscow Middle School Physical Education

    The goal of Physical Education at Moscow Middle School is to develop ... Coneball, Basketball, Floor Hockey, Bowling, Dance, Table Tennis; Personal Fitness & Health: Health-related Fitness circuit training, exercise principles, heart rate monitor and pedometer training. ... Students complete 30 minutes of physical activity outside of P.E. OR ...

  18. Students Designing Personal Fitness Plans In PE

    Backed By State And National Standards SHAPE America's National Physical Education Standards define what students should know and be able to do as a result of a highly effective physical education program. The newly released and updated standards in 2024 place an even greater emphasis on empowering students with the skills and knowledge necessary for a lifetime of fitness.

  19. Curriculum

    The MMS Curriculum is built upon the Idaho & National SHAPE America Physical Education Standards: Standard 1: "Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns" Standard 2: "Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance."

  20. Lesson Plans for Physical Education Teachers/PE Central

    Physical Education Lesson Plans and Activity Ideas. ... Dance Idea of the Month | All Lesson Plans and Ideas. Preschool: Grades K-2: Grades 3-5: Grades 6-8: Grades 9-12 : College Professor Ideas. Active Gaming. Activity Cues. ... physical education lesson ideas, assessment tips and more!

  21. Academy of Dance

    Festival Dance Academy's main location is in residence at the University of Idaho, and classes are taught in the recently renovated dance studio, PEB 212. The studio features a sprung floor covered with Marley. Air is circulated directly from outside and only within the studio. A strict cleaning protocol is in place.

  22. Dancing Schools in Moscow

    Main-> Education & Employment-> Dancing Schools CASA DEL TANGO You can make your first steps in a world of tango, tango-waltz and milonga at our school, you can improve you skills, learn something new, take a tour of "Moscow tango-argentino" and simply have a wonderful time in tango atmosphere.

  23. PE Central

    Practical, proven lesson plans written and submitted by real teachers and approved by our expert editorial team! Helpful online courses and information for the physical education teacher who wants to continue to develop and grow! View all 79 Resources! See what others are doing to improve physical education at their school.