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How Technology Has Changed Our Lives Essay | Technology Has Changed Our Life Positively, Impact of Technology in Day To Day Life

December 3, 2021 by Prasanna

How Technology Has Changed Our Lives Essay: Technological innovations, applications, and advancements have impacted human civilization through ages that gradually transformed our lives. Technology has taken a key role for societies to thrive and evolve, while at the same time the structure and aspirations of human societies have been modified based on how they are being influenced by technology. As technological systems reflect the very essence of a population’s needs, human societies and their technology has become inseparable from one another. Our lives move around technology that results in the development of further innovations and applications to meet the needs of society.

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Long Essay on How Technology Has Changed Our Lives

Technology affecting the way of life

We all know that necessity is the mother of invention; so all invented technology came into place to meet the needs of people. Once developed, it changed our lives and behaviors in society, which may result in new ways of life. The people may simply use the technology to survive, or it may help the society to evolve and attain progress by creating a greater level of efficiency. At the same time, technological developments may even change the lifestyle and habits of people to the point of affecting human adaptive mechanisms and thus facilitating further technological evolution. Throughout the years, technology has kept providing us with amazing resources that can bring a vast difference in our everyday lives.

Every human society in the modern world has experienced technology as a utility and means of living more efficient lives. The infiltration of technology into our lives has been gradual and sometimes we may not even realize the extent to which technology has become part of our every waking moment. From the tiny to the enormous, every application of modern technology is opening a new world to us.

Technology is everywhere

The field of communication has seen very quick and significant changes in technology. Communication is immediate regardless of if a person is right there or across the globe. The education system has adapted new technology where students have the freedom to learn at any time and location of their choice through online facilities. The need for comfort and convenience has always been a strong motivator for the emergence of new technologies.

Access to any information is just a matter of a few clicks on the devices. The definition of entertainment has taken a new form with the latest technology. There has been a drastic change in our personal lives as we are open to numerous choices but we need to keep pace with their rapidly changing profiles. The most noticeable change in our lives has been the introduction of social media. This culture of getting involved in social networking through online mode has developed too fast. It allows a virtual entry into the lives of others in real-time whether they’re friends, followers, or celebrities.

Technology controlling us

Technology has made our lives faster and convenient by changing the way we do everything. As we move forward, technology accompanies us. We are surrounded by technology and become dependent on it. As we look around us and realize how technology has positively changed our lives, we must also remember how technology is controlling our lives by influencing our thought processes, ideas, and preferences. The big question is, whether we are using technology or being used by technology?

Too much dependence on technology has restricted the scope to flourish our creative and intellectual abilities. We are shifting to quantity from quality in terms of time, emotions, and relations. Our lives are getting trapped within technology and we feel helpless without the support. Technology is like an elevator that can take us to new heights as we desire, but we have to be ready to use the staircase as well in case it fails.

How Technology Has Changed Our Lives

Short Essay on How Technology Has Changed Our Lives


Technology has changed our lives and has made the world smaller with faster communication, instant information access, and online interactions. Technological advancements have brought everything to our fingertips, making life more enjoyable and convenient. Today, if you want to find something out, it only requires a couple of clicks on the internet. There is literally an app for anything, which renders instant and relevant information. From learning, traveling, dining to almost anything that you can think of is accessible through app technology.

Technology and Future

Technology has revolutionized our daily lives by giving us access to amazing tools and resources. Modern technology has paved the way for multi-functional devices which are faster, more portable, high-powered, and user-friendly. All these revolutions of technology have made our lives better, easier, faster, and more fulfilling. Technology has changed how we can entertain ourselves, interact with each other, and consume all types of information. There are so many new technologies evolving day by day that it seems overwhelming to adapt and keep track of. There is no doubt that the future of technology will continue to revolutionize our lives. In the coming days, driverless cars may be the new trend and robots will replace humans in factories.

The Online World

The latest technology trend has driven our daily lives centered on online activities more than ever before. Almost every aspect of our daily routines can be catered to online today, so it seems inevitable that our time spent online will only increase. Online accessibility to anything of our choice gives us a satisfactory level of convenience. It has changed our habits and preferences as well. But it has also made us vulnerable. Every digital footprint we make online is recorded and can be used by cybercriminals in unethical ways again by using some latest technology. So we have to be careful and updated while getting adapted to new technology.

FAQ’s on How Technology Has Changed Our Lives Essay

Question 1. Which app has helped us reach out somewhere more conveniently?

Answer: If we want to know how to reach somewhere, an app like Google Maps helps us get thereby giving the best route complete with directions, as well as satellite imaging.

Question 2. What is the impact of technology in the communication arena?

Answer: There are various online social networking sites that give us a chance to meet the rest of the world and make communication direct on this platform. It not only has changed the process of communication but also the way to build relationships.

Question 3 . How does the online mode of learning and education help us?

Answer: Education has now migrated from the classroom to the online platform and become accessible from any part of the world.

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55 Ways Technology Has Changed Our Lives for the Better

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on September 18, 2023

Categories Technology

You’re living in an era of unprecedented technological advancement. It’s transformed how you communicate, care for your health, learn, and even do your daily chores. Isn’t it exciting to consider how much easier life has become?

This article delves into the ways technology has bettered our lives and dares to dream about what might be just around the corner.

Key Takeaways

  • Digital diplomacy and social media platforms have given ordinary people a global voice, shifting power dynamics and allowing for unprecedented connectivity.
  • Advancements in health and medicine, such as genetic engineering, AI diagnostics, and robotic surgery, have led to more precise and personalized treatments, giving patients more control over their health.
  • The transformation of education through digital tools, virtual field trips, and gamified learning has made learning more engaging, accessible, and immersive, breaking down traditional boundaries.
  • Technology has had a positive impact on daily lives, with smart homes, digital farming, wearable tech, and increased connectivity through social media platforms making life more efficient, convenient, and less stressful.

15 Ways Technology Has Uplifted Our Lives

In an era where technology is an inseparable part of our existence, it’s hard to imagine life without our digital companions. While there are debates on the negative impacts of technology, one can’t deny the substantial positive effects it has on our daily lives.

From healthcare advancements to simplifying mundane tasks, technology has indeed made our lives better in countless ways.

Here are 55 ways technology has unequivocally changed our lives for the better:


  • Instant Messaging – Quick and real-time chats.
  • Video Confering – Long-distance face-to-face conversations.
  • Social Media – A new level of connectivity and community.
  • Telemedicine – Remote medical consultations.
  • Wearable Fitness Tech – Real-time health tracking.
  • Genetic Testing – Customized healthcare and early diagnosis.


  • Online Banking – Finances at your fingertips.
  • Ride-Sharing Apps – Convenient and cost-effective transportation.
  • E-commerce – The world’s marketplace in your pocket.

Information & Education

  • Search Engines – Instant information retrieval.
  • E-books & E-libraries – Portable and accessible knowledge.
  • Online Courses – Learning opportunities for everyone, everywhere.


  • Streaming Services – Entertainment on-demand.
  • Virtual Reality – Lifelike digital experiences.
  • Digital Art Platforms – Creative outlets for modern artists.


  • Cloud Computing – Access your files from anywhere.
  • Project Management Software – Streamline team efforts.
  • Automated Customer Service – 24/7 support.

Home & Lifestyle

  • Smart Homes – Automated and personalized living spaces.
  • Food Delivery Apps – Gourmet meals at your door.
  • Online Dating – Meet your match from miles away.

Safety & Security

  • GPS Tracking – Never get lost.
  • Biometric Verification – Enhanced security measures.
  • Blockchain – Secure and transparent transactions.

Business & Economics

  • E-commerce Platforms – Small business empowerment.
  • Data Analytics – Informed decision-making.
  • Digital Marketing – Precise and scalable reach.

Social Good

  • Crowdfunding – Direct access to capital for startups and causes.
  • Online Petitions – Mass mobilization for change.
  • Translation Apps – Break down language barriers.


  • Electric Cars – A step towards sustainability.
  • Solar Panels – Clean energy for all.
  • Climate Modeling – Better preparedness for environmental challenges.

Scientific Research

  • Computer Simulations – Virtual laboratories for safe experimentation.
  • DNA Sequencing – Unveiling the blueprints of life.
  • Space Exploration – Unlocking the cosmos.

Travel & Exploration

  • Travel Aggregators – Customized itineraries.
  • Virtual Tours – Travel from the comfort of home.
  • Digital Maps – Interactive and up-to-date navigation.
  • Remote Work Tools – Work from anywhere.
  • Job Search Engines – Tailored career opportunities.
  • Freelance Platforms – Skill-based income sources.

Personal Development

  • Meditation Apps – Mindfulness at your fingertips.
  • Financial Planning Software – Secure your future.
  • DIY Platforms – Learn new skills and hobbies.

Specialized Fields

  • Agricultural Drones – Precision farming.
  • 3D Printing – From digital designs to physical products.
  • Augmented Reality – Enhanced interactive experiences.

Kids & Education

  • Educational Games – Learning made fun.
  • Parental Control Apps – Keep your children safe online.
  • Virtual Classrooms – Learning without borders.

Pets & Animal Care

  • Pet Tracking Devices – Keep tabs on your furry friends.
  • Automated Feeders – Timely nutrition for pets.
  • Online Vet Consultations – Professional care from home.


  • Voice Assistants – Hands-free help and information.

In a world that is continuously evolving, technology serves as a tool for progress, addressing complex problems and making our lives more enjoyable.

The Revolution of Communication Through Technology

You’ve probably noticed how technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, haven’t you? A perfect example is digital diplomacy. It’s an evolved form of international relations where states use social media platforms to connect with their citizens and other nations. You’re no longer confined by traditional media; you’re free to engage in global conversations instantly.

By observing social media influence, it’s clear that power dynamics are shifting; ordinary people now have a voice that can reach far and wide at lightning speed. But remember, this freedom isn’t without responsibility. The rapid dissemination of information demands critical thinking and discernment.

As we explore these technological wonders, let’s not forget about the strides made in health and medicine, another arena transformed by technology.

Technological Advancements in Health and Medicine

In the realm of health and medicine, there are incredible advancements that are prolonging life expectancy and improving patient care. The fusion of Genetic Engineering with Artificial Intelligence is unlocking new doors in healthcare innovation, offering an unprecedented level of freedom. Patients can now take control over their health.

Consider these four revolutionary developments:

  • Precision Medicine: Genetic engineering enables tailored treatments based on your unique genetic makeup.
  • AI Diagnostics: AI can analyze medical images faster and more accurately than humans.
  • Robotic Surgery: Surgeons use AI-powered robots for precise, minimally invasive procedures.
  • Genome Editing: Genetic diseases could soon be a thing of the past thanks to CRISPR technology.

How Technology Has Transformed Education

Education has been significantly transformed by the advent of digital tools, making learning more engaging and accessible than ever before. Imagine this: you’re stepping into the pyramids of Egypt or exploring Mars’ surface, all from your classroom through virtual field trips. It’s not science fiction; it’s a reality today. These tech advancements tear down traditional boundaries, empowering you to explore beyond your physical confines.

Similarly, gamified learning turns monotonous lessons into exciting challenges. You’re no longer memorizing facts; instead, you’re on an adventure quest where each level up means mastering a new concept. This immersive approach not only enhances retention but also fuels self-paced learning.

The Impact of Technology on Our Daily Lives

Consider this: you’re now living in an era where digital advancements have seeped into every aspect of your daily routine, transforming the way you interact with the world.

  • Smart Homes : Envision controlling your home’s appliances, lighting, and security systems right from your smartphone. It’s not a sci-fi movie; it’s reality.
  • Digital Farming : Imagine farmers utilizing data-driven insights to improve crop yields and reduce waste – that’s digital farming for you.
  • Healthcare : Wearable tech is helping monitor vital signs in real time, revolutionizing healthcare.
  • Communication : Social media platforms provide unprecedented connectivity.

These aren’t just conveniences; they’re radical shifts freeing up time and resources, making life more efficient and less stressful.

Future Prospects: How Technology Will Continue to Improve Our Lives

You’re probably wondering what’s next on the horizon as advancements continue to redefine our daily routines and expectations.

Imagine this: Smart Homes that not only respond to your commands but anticipate your needs, learning from your habits to create a living space that’s uniquely tailored to you.

Think of an autonomous vehicle that understands your schedule, ready to chauffeur you around at a moment’s notice, liberating you from the constraints of public transport or even the need for personal car ownership.

Such advancements are not mere science fiction; they’re becoming our reality and will continue to revolutionize how we live.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the negative impacts of technology on our society.

Certainly, technology is a double-edged sword. On one side, it has revolutionized our world, making life more convenient and efficient. On the flip side, it has introduced a new set of challenges including potential technology addiction. Excessive screen time can impinge on physical health and real-world social interactions. Furthermore, the digital divide exacerbates existing inequalities, as those without access to technology find themselves increasingly marginalized.

How Has Technology Contributed to Environmental Degradation?

The environmental cost of technology is alarming. From resource-intensive manufacturing processes to the challenge of electronic waste disposal, technology contributes to environmental stress. Practices like unsustainable mining for rare earth minerals and the carbon footprint of data centers should be part of any discussion about the environmental impact of technology.

What Are Some Common Privacy Concerns Related to the Use of Technology?

Privacy has become a major concern in the age of technology. Issues range from data breaches to unauthorized data collection by corporations and potential governmental surveillance. Implementing strong cybersecurity measures and being discerning about the personal information you share online are more crucial than ever.

How Can Technology Contribute to Social Isolation?

Ironically, while technology has the power to connect us globally, it can also isolate us from our immediate surroundings. The convenience of online interactions can sometimes make them replace in-person socialization, contributing to feelings of loneliness and social isolation. Striking a balance by consciously allocating time for offline interactions can help mitigate this effect.

What Are the Potential Risks and Challenges Associated With Relying Heavily on Technology?

Over-dependence on technology brings its own set of risks. Not only does it make us vulnerable to digital addiction, but it also increases our exposure to cybersecurity threats such as hacking and identity theft. It’s essential to exercise digital prudence by maintaining updated security software and employing best practices in data protection to ensure that our reliance on technology doesn’t compromise our freedom or well-being.


Essay on Impact of Technology on Society

Students are often asked to write an essay on Impact of Technology on Society in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Impact of Technology on Society


Technology has greatly influenced society. It has changed how we communicate, learn, and even how we live our daily lives.


Technology, like smartphones and the internet, has made communication faster and easier. We can now talk to people across the world instantly.

In education, technology has made learning more accessible. Online classes and educational apps have made it possible to learn from anywhere.

Everyday Life

In our daily lives, technology helps us do tasks more efficiently. For example, we use GPS for navigation and apps for shopping.

250 Words Essay on Impact of Technology on Society

The technological revolution has dramatically reshaped society, impacting various sectors such as communication, education, health, and business. The advent of technology has brought about significant changes, both positive and negative, that are reshaping our world.

Positive Impacts

Technology has undeniably improved our lives, providing unprecedented convenience and efficiency. In the realm of communication, digital platforms have bridged geographical gaps, fostering global connectivity and collaboration. In education, e-learning tools have democratized access to knowledge, enabling lifelong learning irrespective of location or socio-economic background. In healthcare, advanced medical technologies have improved diagnostic accuracy and treatment efficacy, enhancing patient outcomes and quality of life.

Negative Impacts

However, the pervasive influence of technology also poses challenges. The digital divide, a disparity in access to technology, exacerbates social inequalities. The over-reliance on technology can lead to sedentary lifestyles, contributing to physical and mental health issues. Moreover, the rise of digital platforms has increased the risk of cybercrimes, privacy breaches, and misinformation, posing threats to personal safety and societal harmony.

In conclusion, the impact of technology on society is multifaceted, bringing both benefits and drawbacks. It is crucial for society to harness the positive potential of technology while mitigating its negative implications. This balance requires thoughtful policy-making, education, and a collective commitment to using technology responsibly and ethically.

500 Words Essay on Impact of Technology on Society

Technology has undoubtedly become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing every sector from communication to health, education to entertainment. The advent of technology has significantly transformed society, shaping the way we interact, learn, work, and live. While the benefits of technology are numerous, it has also raised several concerns that demand careful consideration.

Enhanced Communication and Information Access

Moreover, the internet has democratized information access. Online resources and digital libraries have made it possible for anyone with internet access to learn almost anything. This has significantly reduced the barriers to education and knowledge, fostering a global culture of continuous learning.

Technology and Work

The way we work has been radically transformed by technology. Automation and artificial intelligence have replaced many traditional jobs, leading to fears of job loss. However, they have also created new roles that didn’t exist before, such as data analysts, AI specialists, and digital marketers.

Healthcare Advancements

Technology has revolutionized healthcare, leading to improved patient care and health outcomes. Innovations like telemedicine, electronic health records, and wearable health devices have made healthcare more accessible and personalized. However, these advancements also raise concerns about data privacy and security.

Social Implications

Technology has significantly influenced our social interactions. On the one hand, it has enabled us to stay connected with friends and family, no matter where they are. On the other hand, excessive use of technology can lead to isolation and mental health issues.

Environmental Impact

Technology also plays a crucial role in addressing environmental challenges. Innovations like renewable energy technologies, precision agriculture, and digital twins are helping us combat climate change and promote sustainable development. However, the production and disposal of electronic waste also pose significant environmental threats.

In conclusion, the impact of technology on society is multifaceted, bringing both opportunities and challenges. As we continue to innovate and evolve, it is crucial to foster a culture of responsible technology use, ensuring that technological advancements contribute to societal well-being and sustainable development.

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Home — Essay Samples — Information Science and Technology — Impact of Technology — Technology Has Taken Over Society


Technology Has Taken Over Society

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How Tech Has Changed Our Lives In The Last 10 Years

Several tech experts weigh in on the technologies of the past decade that had the greatest impact on society.

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How Technology Changed my Life

How it works

The use of technology in life is unmeasurable, in today’s day and age the access to technology has provided an open door of endless opportunities. Technology may be the best tool to a constant changing world that thrives for survival. There are many positive aspects on how technology has positively helped society. Though technology can be both a blessing and a curse, it is undeniable that it has given us the option to be more productive and capable, the ability to access complex information quickly and effectively, and platform to keep an interconnected world through means of global communication.

In the past 60 years, technology has helped further innovation and produce so much more than anyone could have ever imagined. By harnessing technology, people have had the advantage to be more productive and capable to generate ideas that later lead to improvement of industry and new jobs. Jamais Cascio wrote in an article to The Atlantic, “Pandemics. Global warming. Food shortages. No more fossil fuels. What are humans to do? The same thing the species have done before: evolve to meet the challenge. But this time we don’t have to rely on natural evolution to make us smart enough to survive. .” (Para 4). There have been inventions that are necessary in order to prevent any catastrophic ruin. For example, scientist are working together and using the most advanced modern technologies as tools to warn people about the outset of tsunamis, tornados, hurricanes and volcano eruptions so that families may make arrangements to evacuate or protect themselves. In a world without opportunity to know in advance, disease and illness would be incurable and unmeasurable. According to the Pew Research Center of Science and Society, “Some 67% of Americans say science has had a most positive effect on society; the most common reasons cited are related to medicine and health (59% of this group), including improvements in medical research, quality and longevity of life, and treatment of disease.” (Para 4). Important infection and diseases that were untreatable in the past are now curable and preventable thanks to innovation. Utilizing transformative discoveries and diagnostics increase knowledge and understanding therefore this is able to boost intelligence. In the previous paraphrase Cascio mention food shortage. Genetically modified plants, fertilizers, equipment, irrigation, are all ways that technological advancements have allowed for the production of food to feed a growing population. Jobs are being created by the advancements in every field. Technology sparks the brain to work to its full potential by figuring out new ways to encourage innovation and creativity. According to Matthew Lynch, “Technology has enabled engineering students more opportunities than ever before by creating opportunities to build virtual models of their devices, programs, robots, and other gadgets.” (Para 2) Technology has changed the outlook in education. The current generations have the ability to learn while watching videos, playing educational games, or storing and recording on class lectures. Today, students are combining technology with inspiration, to create a wealth of resources and information available globally. In Everything Bad Is Good for You, the author Steven Johnson argues that “Even pulp-television shows and video games have become extraordinarily dense with detail, filled with subtle references to broader subjects, and more open to interactive engagement.” He says that scientists describe these new skills as our “fluid intelligence”—the ability to find meaning in confusion and to solve new problems, independent of acquired knowledge. Fluid intelligence doesn’t look much like the capacity to memorize and recite facts, the skills that people have traditionally associated with brain power. (Page 47) Todays generation has the ability to solve new problems and situations in different ways instead of using the learned knowledge and experiences. It is a new way of logic in various types of situations.

Many people would say technology has mostly played a negative effect on society. The leading reason for this perspective is the feeling that technology has made it harder for the human mind to retain large amounts of information and are more dependable on the storage from a phone. Anxieties were given by Nicholas Carr in article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” (July/August 2008 Atlantic). Carr argued that “Internet medium is effectively rewiring our brains, making it harder for us to engage in deep, relaxed contemplation.” (Para 6) It is no secret that when using the web, people are more interested in the quick gathering access of information instead of deeply understanding the information they gather. It may be the reason information is no longer retained in the mind in which makes many dependable in the phone. If the Internet is used excessively without much interaction, it can play negative effects on anyones cognitive and interpersonal skills. It is clear that the two sides of this issue contrast but these problems can be easily solved. First, limiting the use of the internet to 2-3 hours a day would be highly recommended to keep the mind relaxed.. Second, blocking pop-up adds would get rid of the distractions that may find it difficult to focus. Lastly, it would be beneficial to take notes in paper so that it may be easier to retain information in the brain. Thinking much harder about what to choose to do is a matter of individuality and positivity.

Technology enables communication with people all around the world through instant text messaging and video messaging. This benefits the environment because it leads to awareness about political, environmental, and global issues. Dave Parrack wrote in his article The Positive Impact of Social Networking Sites on Society, “As with most things in life, there are positive and negative sides to social networking, both of which we have now explored. My ultimate belief is that when used in moderation, with checks and balances on how younger people in particular are using them, social networking sites are neither good or evil. They’re somewhere in between. By sharing interactions in social media, society is able to emphasize and communicate in a speedy and efficient manner about any issues going around globally. With the help of one another, society is able to protect one another and speak out about injustices and current issues going around. Back in the day, people only knew about what was going on in their town. Computer screens are simply just a tool for information and expression.

Though modern technology can be both a blessing and a curse, it is undeniable that it has given us the option to be more productive and capable, the ability to access complex information quickly and effectively, and platform to keep an interconnected world through means of global communication. Studies have found that students who have easy access to information do better in life. Technology opens exciting doors and possibilities to many, offers an increased amount of knowledge and understanding, improves industry with new jobs, and maintains ongoing communication and exchange of ideas. It is clear that there will always be opposition to everything, let’s make the best out

Works Cited:

Cascio, Jamais. “Get Smarter” Technology, July 2009, pp. 1–8., www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2009/07/get-smarter/307548/.

Lynch, Matthew. “How Technology Can Expand Creativity and Innovation in Education.” 14 Aug. 2018, www.theedadvocate.org/how-technology-can-expand-creativity-and-innovation-in-education/.

Parrack, Dave. “The Positive Impact of Social Networking Sites on Society.” 28 June, 2017, https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/positive-impact-social-networking-sites-society

Johnson, Steven. “Everything Bad Is Good for You: How Today’s Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter.” Riverhead Books, 2006.  


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PapersOwl.com. (2021). How Technology Changed My Life . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/how-technology-changed-my-life/ [Accessed: 8 Sep. 2024]

"How Technology Changed My Life." PapersOwl.com, Apr 29, 2021. Accessed September 8, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/how-technology-changed-my-life/

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PapersOwl.com. (2021). How Technology Changed My Life . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/how-technology-changed-my-life/ [Accessed: 8-Sep-2024]

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How Technology Has Changed Our Lives (Essay/Paper Sample)

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There is no question that technology has changed human life with little to no effort, and is continuously changing our lives today. But are all of these changes good? Is technological advancement all positive benefits at no cost?

This essay takes a closer look at how technology has changed our lives in a balanced and objective manner.

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Modern Technology and Everyday Life

Technology has altered the way people experience the world and how they go about their lives. Personal computers, mobile phones, CCTV cameras, and GPS systems, among other forms of technology, have directly affected human life. The internet, in particular, has revolutionized human experiences.

This paper evaluates the benefits and challenges of technology on human life.

Code Projected Over Woman

When the internet came about some decades ago, different groups of people and organizations reacted differently to the concept. Some saw an opportunity to connect to a global village in terms of business and relationships. Other people were cautious at first, pointing to certain repercussions such as internet pornography and cybercrime. Today, technology has grown even more with new inventions in major sectors.

One of the most significant ways technology has elevated human life is enhanced communication. Individuals can send and receive messages anywhere and everywhere in real-time. Instead of picking up a phone to call someone or spending time and money to meet somewhere physically far, smartphones have made it possible for people to hold virtual chats.

Social media has made communication more convenient and efficient. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and many other such sites enable people to instantly share information, including news and pictures. An event occurring in a remote part of Thailand or on a mountain in Switzerland can be streamed live.

Person Holding Iphone Showing Social Networks Folder

Businesses have benefited immensely from the World Wide Web as well. Many firms have cut costs and experienced steady growth in profits because less manual labor is needed to accomplish tasks, with robots and machines taking over operations. Employees can work from home, allowing them more freedom and flexibility. Video conferencing, for instance, has made it possible for people to reduce time and travel costs. Meetings involving participants across various parts of the world can be held online. Online banking has made it easier for people to make financial transactions from the safety of their homes, and to pay for goods and services at physical and online stores without necessarily carrying cash.

The World Wide Web has also changed the dynamics of dating. A man in London can date ten girls from ten different countries, and set up an online meeting with each of them at different times of the day. It could lead to a marriage or a string of casual arrangements.

The local libraries have also become emptier due to the advent of e-books. Students can access resources from around the globe to further their education. At the same time, our experience of entertainment has been elevated. Mobile entertainment is now possible as television and radio are integrated into smartphones, tablets, and even on laptops. GPS services have made driving easier and CCTV cameras have made home safety more achievable. Also, newer technologies such as artificial intelligence and 3D printing have added to human independence.

On the downside, technology is eroding the collective morals of society. So many pedophiles and sociopaths from all over the world have gotten involved in Internet pornography. With these restricted sites being easily accessible, marriages are crumbling. Human trafficking, prostitution, drug trafficking, and other social evils have likewise been facilitated by technological devices.

Finally, terrorist groups have turned to the internet to spread their message of hatred and violence. They have shifted the marketing strategy into digital recruitment, so they are amassing followers from around the globe through websites and social media. We also have the advent of cybercrime. Online bank accounts are now more vulnerable than before, and billions of dollars are lost annually.

Cybercrime also perpetuates racism and hatred as hackers spread negative social, political, and religious messages to their targets. Furthermore, artificial human intelligence poses a threat to the human race. It is argued that robots will, at one point, completely phase out the role of human beings in some sectors. The possibility of cloning and gene editing has also been the subject of many-a-hot-debate.

When it comes to technology, there are both benefits and costs. But overall, it is more beneficial than destructive. As long as governments and other regulatory bodies play their roles in ensuring that security is not compromised and that people’s freedoms are not trampled on, technology will continue to benefit humankind.

How Technology Has Changed Our Lives For The Worst

It is easy to praise information technology for the many ways it has helped society today. With the way that it has eased the burden on communicating and many other daily functions, it is safe to say that these technological advancements have many positive effects that make lives easier.

However, as with any innovation, new ideas and advances come at a price. The negative impact of technology can also be felt in different areas of society today. While the Internet’s very high speeds have allowed us to access information faster, it has also led to its excessive use, creating an army of users who spend hours online being unproductive.

Various unethical practices have also emerged from new technology. Pornography and child trafficking have become common ailments plaguing the population, with most transactions happening online. Cybercrime has become rampant, leaving many naive and unsuspecting users with hacked bank accounts or social media accounts. Creative copywriting has also become a hot topic, with plenty of graphics being digitally manipulated and passed off as someone else’s work.

I hope that more government authorities and regulatory bodies will have better oversight over these technological advancements.

What Are Pros Of Technology?

Life with technology comes with many perks. The biggest ones are speed and convenience. In an increasingly busy world where everything demands your time, any innovation that can cut down your use of precious time and energy is a welcome addition to your lifestyle. Certain technologies also elevate your way of working. What would have once taken you hours to jot down on a pen and paper now takes half an hour to complete on a laptop. Different software apps also enable you to do tasks that you may not necessarily be skilled at doing, such as graphic design. It is also easier to run errands and complete transactions in a secure and convenient way.

What Are Cons Of Technology?

Many of the downsides in these welcome advancements are attributed to the degrading of society’s moral compass. With the Internet comes the possibility of identity theft, where someone could easily take your name and photo and pretend to be you. There is also creative theft, where your digital work could be manipulated with minor tweaks and be sold as someone else’s work. At the extreme end of the spectrum are heavy cyber crimes such as cyber terrorism and child trafficking.  These have all found their own spots on the World Wide Web and have attracted their own audiences, which are massive. They have found creative ways to hibernate online so that they are not tracked and caught. There’s plenty of illegal activity happening online.

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Essay on Technology – A Boon or Bane for Students

500+ words essay on technology for students.

In this essay on technology, we are going to discuss what technology is, what are its uses, and also what technology can do? First of all, technology refers to the use of technical and scientific knowledge to create, monitor, and design machinery. Also, technology helps in making other goods that aid mankind.

Essay on Technology – A Boon or Bane?

Experts are debating on this topic for years. Also, the technology covered a long way to make human life easier but the negative aspect of it can’t be ignored. Over the years technological advancement has caused a severe rise in pollution . Also, pollution has become a major cause of many health issues. Besides, it has cut off people from society rather than connecting them. Above all, it has taken away many jobs from the workers class.

Essay on technology

Familiarity between Technology and Science

As they are completely different fields but they are interdependent on each other. Also, it is due to science contribution we can create new innovation and build new technological tools. Apart from that, the research conducted in laboratories contributes a lot to the development of technologies. On the other hand, technology extends the agenda of science.

Vital Part of our Life

Regularly evolving technology has become an important part of our lives. Also, newer technologies are taking the market by storm and the people are getting used to them in no time. Above all, technological advancement has led to the growth and development of nations.

Negative Aspect of Technology

Although technology is a good thing, everything has two sides. Technology also has two sides one is good and the other is bad. Here are some negative aspects of technology that we are going to discuss.

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With new technology the industrialization increases which give birth to many pollutions like air, water, soil, and noise. Also, they cause many health-related issues in animals, birds, and human beings.

Exhaustion of Natural Resources

New technology requires new resources for which the balance is disturbed. Eventually, this will lead to over-exploitation of natural resources which ultimately disturbs the balance of nature.


A single machine can replace many workers. Also, machines can do work at a constant pace for several hours or days without stopping. Due to this, many workers lost their job which ultimately increases unemployment .

Types of Technology

Generally, we judge technology on the same scale but in reality, technology is divided into various types. This includes information technology, industrial technology , architectural technology, creative technology and many more. Let’s discuss these technologies in brief.

Industrial Technology

This technology organizes engineering and manufacturing technology for the manufacturing of machines. Also, this makes the production process easier and convenient.

Creative Technology

This process includes art, advertising, and product design which are made with the help of software. Also, it comprises of 3D printers , virtual reality, computer graphics, and other wearable technologies.

Information Technology

This technology involves the use of telecommunication and computer to send, receive and store information. Internet is the best example of Information technology.

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FAQs on Essay on Technology

Q.1 What is Information technology?

A –  It is a form of technology that uses telecommunication and computer systems for study. Also, they send, retrieve, and store data.

Q.2 Is technology harmful to humans?

 A – No, technology is not harmful to human beings until it is used properly. But, misuses of technology can be harmful and deadly.

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How technology has taken over our lives, the zombie apocalypse may not be how you originally envisioned.

How Technology Has Taken Over Our Lives

We have all heard it, how technology has taken over the world and left us as zombies. We are shells of who we may have been, because instead of looking around and experiencing life we are dependent upon a lit up screen. We have all heard this, but what does this dependency really mean for our future?

We are lacking socialization; instead of talking to and spending time with other people, we are getting all our information from the Internet. The Internet is an amazing resource, but there are some things it cannot teach or give you. It cannot teach you the value of spending time with friends and family, or how to live life to the fullest by being present in the current moment. You never know just how many opportunities and experiences pass you by because you are looking down at your screen. When you are 90, you aren’t going to look back fondly at the countless hours you spent watching cat videos.

With technology being such an integral part of our lives now, no one is spared, not even babies. They are given iPhones/tablets to grab and play with instead of toys. Instead of being sent outside to play, children are given iPads to watch videos or are playing video games. Each generation is becoming more and more dependent, and no longer sustain skills that were once deemed necessary. Many middle school kids no longer know how to write or read cursive or how to set up a written letter. Their attention spans are getting briefer and more sporadic, unable to be attentive to a teacher for long spans of time. If the homework is not on the computer, how do they do it? Gradually this will carry on into the work world, and once-simple tasks will become a chore.

We now live in a world where it is possible to talk instantly with someone on the other end of the Earth. This instant communication is convenient and helpful, however it creates a reality where the conversation never really ends. Countless texts are sent back and forth 24/7, and conversations lose their meaning. People run out of things to say and become redundant. Relationships become even harder, because even couples need time away from each other. Technology makes this difficult to do because, even if we are not currently talking with the other person, it is not hard to go on social media and see every detail of what the other is doing. We post our entire lives online, and yet still expect the significant other to have something new to say at the end of the day.

Talking to someone on the phone or face to face has become harder. We are so used to speaking in messages to people behind a screen that we cannot see that talking in real time to someone right in front of us becomes nerve racking. We have lost social skills, manners, and expect everything to be delivered to us as fast as the Internet does.

We are constantly distracted. We try to multitask at all times, having conversations with people while looking down at our phones, writing emails while in a lecture, and even texting and driving. It has gotten to the point where our multitasking is dangerous. Just because we can multitask, or think we can, does not mean that we should. Take the time to fully immerse yourself in the moment and listen to your friend when they talk to you, give the teacher your full attention, and perhaps most importantly, pay attention to the road. When we multitask we are not fully engaging with what is going on around us, and so we are not doing the best job that we could.

We are all so distracted by our phones that we have not fully noticed the zombie apocalypse that is happening right in front of us. Technology is a beautiful thing, but if we cannot learn how to use it responsibly and in moderation, our future may not be as bright as the screens we are holding.

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25 beatles lyrics: your go-to guide for every situation, the best lines from the fab four.

For as long as I can remember, I have been listening to The Beatles. Every year, my mom would appropriately blast “Birthday” on anyone’s birthday. I knew all of the words to “Back In The U.S.S.R” by the time I was 5 (Even though I had no idea what or where the U.S.S.R was). I grew up with John, Paul, George, and Ringo instead Justin, JC, Joey, Chris and Lance (I had to google N*SYNC to remember their names). The highlight of my short life was Paul McCartney in concert twice. I’m not someone to “fangirl” but those days I fangirled hard. The music of The Beatles has gotten me through everything. Their songs have brought me more joy, peace, and comfort. I can listen to them in any situation and find what I need. Here are the best lyrics from The Beatles for every and any occasion.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make

The End- Abbey Road, 1969

The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you

Dear Prudence- The White Album, 1968

Love is old, love is new, love is all, love is you

Because- Abbey Road, 1969

There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be

All You Need Is Love, 1967

Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend

We Can Work It Out- Rubber Soul, 1965

He say, "I know you, you know me", One thing I can tell you is you got to be free

Come Together- Abbey Road, 1969

Oh please, say to me, You'll let me be your man. And please say to me, You'll let me hold your hand

I Wanna Hold Your Hand- Meet The Beatles!, 1964

It was twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play. They've been going in and out of style, but they're guaranteed to raise a smile

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band-1967

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see

Strawberry Fields Forever- Magical Mystery Tour, 1967

Can you hear me? When it rains and shine, it's just a state of mind

Rain- Paperback Writer "B" side, 1966

Little darling, it's been long cold lonely winter. Little darling, it feels like years since it' s been here. Here comes the sun, Here comes the sun, and I say it's alright

Here Comes The Sun- Abbey Road, 1969

We danced through the night and we held each other tight, and before too long I fell in love with her. Now, I'll never dance with another when I saw her standing there

Saw Her Standing There- Please Please Me, 1963

I love you, I love you, I love you, that's all I want to say

Michelle- Rubber Soul, 1965

You say you want a revolution. Well you know, we all want to change the world

Revolution- The Beatles, 1968

All the lonely people, where do they all come from. All the lonely people, where do they all belong

Eleanor Rigby- Revolver, 1966

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends

With A Little Help From My Friends- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967

Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better

Hey Jude, 1968

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here to stay. Oh, I believe in yesterday

Yesterday- Help!, 1965

And when the brokenhearted people, living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be.

Let It Be- Let It Be, 1970

And anytime you feel the pain, Hey Jude, refrain. Don't carry the world upon your shoulders

I'll give you all i got to give if you say you'll love me too. i may not have a lot to give but what i got i'll give to you. i don't care too much for money. money can't buy me love.

Can't Buy Me Love- A Hard Day's Night, 1964

All you need is love, love is all you need

All You Need Is Love- Magical Mystery Tour, 1967

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly. all your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise.

Blackbird- The White Album, 1968

Though I know I'll never lose affection, for people and things that went before. I know I'll often stop and think about them. In my life, I love you more

In My Life- Rubber Soul, 1965

While these are my 25 favorites, there are quite literally 1000s that could have been included. The Beatles' body of work is massive and there is something for everyone. If you have been living under a rock and haven't discovered the Fab Four, you have to get musically educated. Stream them on Spotify, find them on iTunes or even buy a CD or record (Yes, those still exist!). I would suggest starting with 1, which is a collection of most of their #1 songs, or the 1968 White Album. Give them chance and you'll never look back.

14 Invisible Activities: Unleash Your Inner Ghost!

Obviously the best superpower..

The best superpower ever? Being invisible of course. Imagine just being able to go from seen to unseen on a dime. Who wouldn't want to have the opportunity to be invisible? Superman and Batman have nothing on being invisible with their superhero abilities. Here are some things that you could do while being invisible, because being invisible can benefit your social life too.

1. "Haunt" your friends.

Follow them into their house and cause a ruckus.

2. Sneak into movie theaters.

Going to the cinema alone is good for your mental health , says science

Considering that the monthly cost of subscribing to a media-streaming service like Netflix is oft...

Free movies...what else to I have to say?

3. Sneak into the pantry and grab a snack without judgment.

Late night snacks all you want? Duh.

4. Reenact "Hollow Man" and play Kevin Bacon.

America's favorite son? And feel what it's like to be in a MTV Movie Award nominated film? Sign me up.

5. Wear a mask and pretend to be a floating head.

Just another way to spook your friends in case you wanted to.

6. Hold objects so they'll "float."

"Oh no! A floating jar of peanut butter."

7. Win every game of hide-and-seek.

Just stand out in the open and you'll win.

8. Eat some food as people will watch it disappear.

Even everyday activities can be funny.

9. Go around pantsing your friends.

Even pranks can be done; not everything can be good.

10. Not have perfect attendance.

You'll say here, but they won't see you...

11. Avoid anyone you don't want to see.

Whether it's an ex or someone you hate, just use your invisibility to slip out of the situation.

12. Avoid responsibilities.

Chores? Invisible. People asking about social life? Invisible. Family being rude? Boom, invisible.

13. Be an expert on ding-dong-ditch.

Never get caught and have the adrenaline rush? I'm down.

14. Brag about being invisible.

Be the envy of the town.

But don't, I repeat, don't go in a locker room. Don't be a pervert with your power. No one likes a Peeping Tom.

Good luck, folks.

19 Lessons I'll Never Forget from Growing Up In a Small Town

There have been many lessons learned..

Small towns certainly have their pros and cons. Many people who grow up in small towns find themselves counting the days until they get to escape their roots and plant new ones in bigger, "better" places. And that's fine. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought those same thoughts before too. We all have, but they say it's important to remember where you came from. When I think about where I come from, I can't help having an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for my roots. Being from a small town has taught me so many important lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

1. The importance of traditions.

Sometimes traditions seem like a silly thing, but the fact of it is that it's part of who you are. You grew up this way and, more than likely, so did your parents. It is something that is part of your family history and that is more important than anything.

2. How to be thankful for family and friends.

No matter how many times they get on your nerves or make you mad, they are the ones who will always be there and you should never take that for granted.

3. How to give back.

When tragedy strikes in a small town, everyone feels obligated to help out because, whether directly or indirectly, it affects you too. It is easy in a bigger city to be able to disconnect from certain problems. But in a small town those problems affect everyone.

4. What the word "community" really means.

Along the same lines as #3, everyone is always ready and willing to lend a helping hand when you need one in a small town and to me that is the true meaning of community. It's working together to build a better atmosphere, being there to raise each other up, build each other up, and pick each other up when someone is in need. A small town community is full of endless support whether it be after a tragedy or at a hometown sports game. Everyone shows up to show their support.

5. That it isn't about the destination, but the journey.

People say this to others all the time, but it takes on a whole new meaning in a small town. It is true that life is about the journey, but when you're from a small town, you know it's about the journey because the journey probably takes longer than you spend at the destination. Everything is so far away that it is totally normal to spend a couple hours in the car on your way to some form of entertainment. And most of the time, you're gonna have as many, if not more, memories and laughs on the journey than at the destination.

6. The consequences of making bad choices.

Word travels fast in a small town, so don't think you're gonna get away with anything. In fact, your parents probably know what you did before you even have a chance to get home and tell them. And forget about being scared of what your teacher, principle, or other authority figure is going to do, you're more afraid of what your parents are gonna do when you get home.

7. To trust people, until you have a reason not to.

Everyone deserves a chance. Most people don't have ill-intentions and you can't live your life guarding against every one else just because a few people in your life have betrayed your trust.

8. To be welcoming and accepting of everyone.

While small towns are not always extremely diverse, they do contain people with a lot of different stories, struggle, and backgrounds. In a small town, it is pretty hard to exclude anyone because of who they are or what they come from because there aren't many people to choose from. A small town teaches you that just because someone isn't the same as you, doesn't mean you can't be great friends.

9. How to be my own, individual person.

In a small town, you learn that it's okay to be who you are and do your own thing. You learn that confidence isn't how beautiful you are or how much money you have, it's who you are on the inside.

10. How to work for what I want.

Nothing comes easy in life. They always say "gardens don't grow overnight" and if you're from a small town you know this both figuratively and literally. You certainly know gardens don't grow overnight because you've worked in a garden or two. But you also know that to get to the place you want to be in life it takes work and effort. It doesn't just happen because you want it to.

11. How to be great at giving directions.

If you're from a small town, you know that you will probably only meet a handful of people in your life who ACTUALLY know where your town is. And forget about the people who accidentally enter into your town because of google maps. You've gotten really good at giving them directions right back to the interstate.

12. How to be humble .

My small town has definitely taught me how to be humble. It isn't always about you, and anyone who grows up in a small town knows that. Everyone gets their moment in the spotlight, and since there's so few of us, we're probably best friends with everyone so we are as excited when they get their moment of fame as we are when we get ours.

13. To be well-rounded.

Going to a small town high school definitely made me well-rounded. There isn't enough kids in the school to fill up all the clubs and sports teams individually so be ready to be a part of them all.

14. How to be great at conflict resolution.

In a small town, good luck holding a grudge. In a bigger city you can just avoid a person you don't like or who you've had problems with. But not in a small town. You better resolve the issue fast because you're bound to see them at least 5 times a week.

15. The beauty of getting outside and exploring.

One of my favorite things about growing up in a rural area was being able to go outside and go exploring and not have to worry about being in danger. There is nothing more exciting then finding a new place somewhere in town or in the woods and just spending time there enjoying the natural beauty around you.

16. To be prepared for anything.

You never know what may happen. If you get a flat tire, you better know how to change it yourself because you never know if you will be able to get ahold of someone else to come fix it. Mechanics might be too busy , or more than likely you won't even have enough cell service to call one.

17. That you don't always have to do it alone.

It's okay to ask for help. One thing I realized when I moved away from my town for college, was how much my town has taught me that I could ask for help is I needed it. I got into a couple situations outside of my town where I couldn't find anyone to help me and found myself thinking, if I was in my town there would be tons of people ready to help me. And even though I couldn't find anyone to help, you better believe I wasn't afraid to ask.

18. How to be creative.

When you're at least an hour away from normal forms of entertainment such as movie theaters and malls, you learn to get real creative in entertaining yourself. Whether it be a night looking at the stars in the bed of a pickup truck or having a movie marathon in a blanket fort at home, you know how to make your own good time.

19. To brush off gossip.

It's all about knowing the person you are and not letting others influence your opinion of yourself. In small towns, there is plenty of gossip. But as long as you know who you really are, it will always blow over.

Grateful Beyond Words: A Letter to My Inspiration

I have never been so thankful to know you..

I can't say "thank you" enough to express how grateful I am for you coming into my life. You have made such a huge impact on my life. I would not be the person I am today without you and I know that you will keep inspiring me to become an even better version of myself.

You have taught me that you don't always have to strong. You are allowed to break down as long as you pick yourself back up and keep moving forward. When life had you at your worst moments, you allowed your friends to be there for you and to help you. You let them in and they helped pick you up. Even in your darkest hour you showed so much strength. I know that you don't believe in yourself as much as you should but you are unbelievably strong and capable of anything you set your mind to.

Your passion to make a difference in the world is unbelievable. You put your heart and soul into your endeavors and surpass any personal goal you could have set. Watching you do what you love and watching you make a difference in the lives of others is an incredible experience. The way your face lights up when you finally realize what you have accomplished is breathtaking and I hope that one day I can have just as much passion you have.

SEE MORE: A Letter To My Best Friend On Her Birthday

The love you have for your family is outstanding. Watching you interact with loved ones just makes me smile . You are so comfortable and you are yourself. I see the way you smile when you are around family and I wish I could see you smile like this everyday. You love with all your heart and this quality is something I wished I possessed.

You inspire me to be the best version of myself. I look up to you. I feel that more people should strive to have the strength and passion that you exemplify in everyday life.You may be stubborn at points but when you really need help you let others in, which shows strength in itself. I have never been more proud to know someone and to call someone my role model. You have taught me so many things and I want to thank you. Thank you for inspiring me in life. Thank you for making me want to be a better person.

Waitlisted for a College Class? Here's What to Do!

Dealing with the inevitable realities of college life..

Course registration at college can be a big hassle and is almost never talked about. Classes you want to take fill up before you get a chance to register. You might change your mind about a class you want to take and must struggle to find another class to fit in the same time period. You also have to make sure no classes clash by time. Like I said, it's a big hassle.

This semester, I was waitlisted for two classes. Most people in this situation, especially first years, freak out because they don't know what to do. Here is what you should do when this happens.

Don't freak out

This is a rule you should continue to follow no matter what you do in life, but is especially helpful in this situation.

Email the professor

Around this time, professors are getting flooded with requests from students wanting to get into full classes. This doesn't mean you shouldn't burden them with your email; it means they are expecting interested students to email them. Send a short, concise message telling them that you are interested in the class and ask if there would be any chance for you to get in.

Attend the first class

Often, the advice professors will give you when they reply to your email is to attend the first class. The first class isn't the most important class in terms of what will be taught. However, attending the first class means you are serious about taking the course and aren't going to give up on it.

Keep attending class

Every student is in the same position as you are. They registered for more classes than they want to take and are "shopping." For the first couple of weeks, you can drop or add classes as you please, which means that classes that were once full will have spaces. If you keep attending class and keep up with assignments, odds are that you will have priority. Professors give preference to people who need the class for a major and then from higher to lower class year (senior to freshman).

Have a backup plan

For two weeks, or until I find out whether I get into my waitlisted class, I will be attending more than the usual number of classes. This is so that if I don't get into my waitlisted class, I won't have a credit shortage and I won't have to fall back in my backup class. Chances are that enough people will drop the class, especially if it is very difficult like computer science, and you will have a chance. In popular classes like art and psychology, odds are you probably won't get in, so prepare for that.

Remember that everything works out at the end

Life is full of surprises. So what if you didn't get into the class you wanted? Your life obviously has something else in store for you. It's your job to make sure you make the best out of what you have.

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help technology has taken over my life essay

See How Technology is Taking Over Our Lifes

John Emoavwodua

John Emoavwodua

help technology has taken over my life essay

Recently, there has been an increase in the call for a solution to the ‘technology menace’ as it is termed. This menace is seen in the increased addiction of internet users to social media and other internet products; and the exploitation of internet users by internet companies.

In my personal experience (from which my opinion is taken), the internet and social media are like a two-faced coin; one side good and the other bad.

All innovation of mankind has been to solve imminent problems, either to protect him from his enemies, or help him carry out activities faster and better to sustain health and life. Once  made, these inventions are soon abused and used against our existence and survival. 

Here are two examples.

  • Cocaine and Morphine are medical substances used as anesthesia; to carry out painful surgical operation on patients and used to release the sense of pain in severe injuries. This product was originally for health purposes, but governments are currently spending millions in fighting drug abuse and addiction.
  • The splitting of atoms, which releases high amount of heat energy, was a design to boost power generation to drive homes and industrial processes. This soon became a weapon of mass destruction, currently putting our planet at the brink of a nuclear war that can see an entire race extinct.

These, while being true, cannot overrule the business boosting and record breaking easy with which we now carry out tasks and live our lives.

The internet and computers are daily changing our lives and improving efficiency, almost taking over our lives. Here are some sectors where technology is taking over how we live and do business.

  • Communication: Emails and social media platforms have changed communication, both individually and business-wise. Our age is called the IT (information technology) age because of the ease of flow of information, the world has become smaller by this and businesses have broken boundaries with high efficiency of operation.
  • Finance: Financial transactions and business deals are now completed in matters of seconds. Never have global transactions been this fast, secure and efficient. The dream of a global currency is becoming a reality with cryptocurrency. 
  • Medicine and Health: Our generation have the lowest infant mortality rate, life-threatening surgical operations are now carried out successfully using the power of technology and the internet. The idea of constantly visiting a doctor for medical checks is almost becoming obsolete with the invention of wearable. 
  • Energy and Power: Nuclear reactors, solar panels, are excellent examples of how technology has boosted energy availability and power generation.
  • Oil and Gas: Even in the exploration of oil and gas, there are a lot of ground breaking technologies that are changing how things are done in oil exploration; increasing the efficiency of the exploration process (which before involved a lot of rigorous processes that leave the environment polluted). One example of such innovation is FieldAp , an app that helps to digitize field operation and also for collaboration with its huge suite of software and frameworks.
  • Manufacturing: Robots are increasing the efficiency of manufacturing processes. In recent years output has increased by up to 20% from the last decade due to enhanced tech driven processes, Most prominent is the use of robots in manufacturing.

There are still a lot of tricks up the sleeves of technology, to reduce burn out in the workplace, increase the efficiency of our processes and consequently increase our output, it is important to note where technology can help us and positively exploit the opportunity as they are spotted.

Science and Technology: Impact on Human Life Essay

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Part i: science in personal and professional life, part ii: science and technology in a multicultural world.

Science plays an important role in everyday life, and people depend on technologies in a variety of ways by creating, using, and improving them regularly. Sometimes, a person hardly notes how inevitable the impact of science can be on personal or professional life. Evaluating such technologies as the Internet, smartphones, notebooks, smartwatches, and brain-medicine interfaces helps recognize their positive and negative outcomes compared to the period when traditional lifestyles and natural resources like ginger were highly appreciated.

Most people are confident in their independence and neglect multiple technologies that determine their lives. During the last 25 years, technology has dramatically changed human interactions (Muslin, 2020). In addition to domestic technological discoveries like washing machines and stoves, four technologies, namely, the Internet, smartphones, notebooks, and smartwatches, are used throughout the day. Despite their evident advantages in communication, data exchange, and connection, some negative impacts should not be ignored.

Regarding my personal life changes, these technologies provoke mental health changes such as depression. I prefer to avoid my dependence on all these technologies that imperceptibly shape everyday activities. However, I constantly check my vitals, messengers, and calls not to miss something important. On the one hand, this idea of control helps improve my life and makes it logical. On the other hand, I am concerned about such relationships with technologies in my life. Similar negative impacts on society emerge when people prefer to communicate virtually instead of paying attention to reality. Technologies compromise social relationships because individuals are eager to choose something easier that requires less movement or participation, neglecting their unique chances to live a real life. They also challenge even the environment because either smartwatches or notebooks need energy that is associated with air pollution, climate change, and other harmful emissions (Trefil & Hazen, 2016). Modern technologies facilitate human life, but health, social, and environmental outcomes remain dangerous.

Thinking about my day, I cannot imagine another scientific discovery that makes this life possible except the Internet. Today, more devices have become connected to the Internet, including cars, appliances, and personal computers (Thompson, 2016). With time, people get an opportunity to use the Internet for multiple purposes to store their personal information, business documentation, music, and other files that have a meaning in their lives. The Internet defines the quality of human relationships, starting with healthcare data about a child and ending with online photos after the person’s death.

Although the Internet was invented at the end of the 1980s, this technology was implemented for everyday use in the middle of the 1990s. All people admired such possibilities as a connection across the globe, increased job opportunities, regular information flows, a variety of choices, online purchases, and good education opportunities (Olenski, 2018). It was a true belief that the Internet made society free from real-life boundaries and limitations. However, with time, its negative sides were revealed, including decreased face-to-face engagement, laziness, and the promotion of inappropriate content (Olenski, 2018). When people prefer their virtual achievements and progress but forget about real obligations like parenting, education, or keeping a healthy lifestyle, the Internet is no longer a positive scientific discovery but a serious problem.

Many discussions are developed to identify the overall impact of the Internet as a major scientific discovery. Modern people cannot imagine a day without using the Internet for working, educational, or personal purposes. However, when online life becomes someone’s obsession, the negatives prevail over its positives. Therefore, the human factor and real-life preferences should always be recognized and promoted. During the pandemic, the Internet is a priceless contribution that helps deal with isolation and mental health challenges. Some people cannot reach each other because of family issues or business trips, and the Internet is the only reliable and permanent means of connection. Thus, such positives overweight the negatives overall if everything is used rationally.

The Internet makes it possible for healthcare providers to exchange their knowledge and experiences from different parts of the world. This possibility explains the spread of the westernized high-tech research approach to medical treatment and the promotion of science in a multicultural care world. Biomedical research changes the way how people are diagnosed and treated. Recent genomic discoveries help predict the possibility of cancer and human predisposition to other incurable diseases to improve awareness of health conditions. The benefit of new brain-interface technologies (BMI) is life improvement for disabled people to move their prosthetics easily (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016). Instead of staying passive, individuals use smart technology to hold subjects, open doors, and receive calls. BMI has a high price, but its impact is priceless. At the same time, some risks of high-tech research exist in medical treatment. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2016) underlines damaged neurons and fibers depend on what drugs are delivered to the system and how. The transmission of electrical signals is not always stable, and the safety of BMI processes is hardly guaranteed.

Some populations reject technologies in medical treatment and prefer to use natural resources to stabilize their health. For example, ginger is characterized by several positive clinical applications in China. Researchers believe that this type of alternative medicine effectively manages nausea, vomiting, and dizziness (Anh et al., 2020). Its major advantage is reported by pregnant patients who use ginger to predict morning sickness, unnecessary inflammation, and nausea. However, like any medication, ginger has its adverse effects, covering gastrointestinal and cardiovascular symptoms (Anh et al., 2020). The disadvantage of using traditional medicine is its unpredictable action time. When immediate help is required, herbs and other products are less effective than a specially created drug or injection.

There are many reasons for having multicultural approaches to medical treatment, including ethical recognition, respect, diversity, and improved understanding of health issues. It is not enough to diagnose a patient and choose a care plan. People want to feel support, and if one culture misses some perspectives, another culture improves the situation. Western and traditional cultural approaches may be improved by drawing upon the other. However, this combination diminishes the effects of traditions and the worth of technology in medical treatment. Instead of uniting options, it is better to enhance differences and underline the importance of each approach separately. The challenges of combining these approaches vary from differences in religious beliefs to financial problems. All these controversies between science and culture are necessary for medical treatment because they offer options for people and underline the uniqueness of populations and technological progress.

In general, science and traditions are two integral elements of human life. People strive to make their unique contributions to technology and invent the devices that facilitate human activities. At the same time, they never neglect respect for traditions and cultural diversity. Therefore, high-tech and traditional medicine approaches are commonly discussed and promoted today to identify more positive impacts and reduce negative associations and challenges.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (2016). Top 5 advances in medical technology . ASME. Web.

Anh, N. H., Kim, S. J., Long, N. P., Min, J. E., Yoon, Y. C., Lee, E. G., Kim, M., Kim, T. J., Yang, Y. Y., Son, E. Y., Yoon, S. J., Diem, N. C., Kim, H. M., & Kwon, S. W. (2020). Ginger on human health: A comprehensive systematic review of 109 randomized controlled trials. Nutrients, 12 (1). Web.

Musil, S. (2020). 25 technologies that have changed the world . Cnet. Web.

Olenski, S. (2018). The benefits and challenges of being an online – Only brand. Forbes . Web.

Thompson, C. (2016). 21 technology tipping points we will reach by 2030 . Insider. Web.

Trefil, J., & Hazen, R. M. (2016). The sciences: An integrated approach (8th ed.). Wiley.

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IvyPanda. (2022, December 24). Science and Technology: Impact on Human Life. https://ivypanda.com/essays/science-and-technology-impact-on-human-life/

"Science and Technology: Impact on Human Life." IvyPanda , 24 Dec. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/science-and-technology-impact-on-human-life/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Science and Technology: Impact on Human Life'. 24 December.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Science and Technology: Impact on Human Life." December 24, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/science-and-technology-impact-on-human-life/.

1. IvyPanda . "Science and Technology: Impact on Human Life." December 24, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/science-and-technology-impact-on-human-life/.


IvyPanda . "Science and Technology: Impact on Human Life." December 24, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/science-and-technology-impact-on-human-life/.

Life was better when technology was simpler. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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