Home Blog Presentation Ideas Writing Catchy Presentation Titles: Proven Techniques You Should Know

Writing Catchy Presentation Titles: Proven Techniques You Should Know

Cover for Writing Catchy Presentation Titles

It’s easy to overlook or give less attention to presentation titles, especially if you have limited time to assemble your material. You may rather prioritize other aspects, such as gathering information, creating slides, or rehearsing the delivery. Yet, hastily choosing the headline for your presentation is a blunder you wouldn’t want to commit.

First impressions – last, and that also applies when presenting. Engaging presentations begin with engaging titles and opening slides. If your title is sloppy, your audience will think your presentation is your best. This article will discuss what makes a good presentation title and how you can create it.

Table of Contents

The Anatomy of a Good Presentation Title

Presentation titles styles, tips for creating catchy presentation title, frequently asked questions on presentation titles.

A good presentation headline or title serves two purposes: practical and creative.

The practical purpose of a presentation title is to provide a clear and concise description of the content. It helps set the expectations of your audience, allowing them to anticipate what they will learn or gain from the presentation.

On the other hand, the creative aspect is one thing that charms your audience. An intriguing or thought-provoking title can pique the audience’s curiosity and motivate them to attend the presentation through and through. It generates interest and makes them eager to learn more.

As the presenter, you should strive to find a title that strikes the right balance between informative and engaging. It must go beyond mere description, as a descriptive title may fail to stand out or engage your audience. On the flip side, an overly clever title may sacrifice clarity and fail to encapsulate the content of your presentation accurately.

Presentation title ideas

1. Surprise

Using startling statements or unexpected facts can effectively capture the audience’s attention. When something unexpected is presented, it naturally piques curiosity and leaves a lasting impression.

So, if you come across a fact, statistic, or quote about a topic that truly surprised you, work on it and make it your headline. Chances are, such information will likewise come as a surprise to your audience. Of course, you must ensure that the surprise element is relevant and contributes to the overall message you aim to deliver.

Example: Neil Patel, an online marketing expert, delivered a compelling piece titled “90% Of Startups Fail: What You Need To Know About The 10%”. The title contains an element of surprise, which suggests that most startup companies don’t survive. Within the article, Patel presented advice for startups to avert failure.

2. Intrigue

Ever wonder why you can’t seem to resist Buzzfeed headlines? That’s right; they are often intriguing and clickbaity. This technique also works on presentation titles.

Intrigue headlines capture attention and generate interest in presentations. They can create curiosity, engage the audience, and make your presentation stand out.

When crafting an intriguing headline, you may use thought-provoking questions or vague statements that spark the audience’s interest and, at the same time, clearly convey the topic of your presentation.

Example: Susan Colantuono’s Ted Talk, entitled “The career advice you probably didn’t get,” exhibits intrigue. The title immediately piques curiosity by suggesting that the presentation will provide unconventional or lesser-known career advice that the audience may not have received. This creates a sense of anticipation and motivates individuals to attend the presentation to discover what unique insights or perspectives will be shared.

3. Benefit or Value

Presentation titles that make clear claims about something’s worth may be more engaging than just stating it. When your audience knows exactly what’s in the presentation, they will likely lean in and listen.

The idea is to communicate right off the headline the main advantage the audience will gain from engaging with the content. You don’t have to include the entire proposition, but you may convey the essence of the value proposition to generate interest among the audience.

Example: Lawrence Ong’s “Break The Cycle: How To Gain Financial Freedom” clearly states the benefits of attending the presentation in the headline. It positions itself as a source of knowledge for building wealth and suggests that listening to the talk will equip the audience with the lessons they need to achieve their desired financial independence.

4. Wordplay 

Using wordplay in presentation titles can be a clever way to add flair to your presentation title. Playing with words can evoke emotions like humor and curiosity, which engages the audience from the start. It stands out from more specific titles, making people pause and take notice.

There are several types of word plays that you can incorporate into your presentation title, like puns, double-meaning words, metaphors , and rhymes. The idea is to strike the right balance so that the playfulness doesn’t overshadow the clarity and relevance of the title. The wordplay should align with the topic and purpose of your presentation while adding a touch of creativity.

Example: Steve Jobs’s keynote speech 2001 introducing the original iPod with the title “1000 songs in your pocket” is an excellent example of wordplay used in a presentation headline.

The wordplay in this example contrasts the figure “1000”, a substantial quantity, and the phrase “in your pocket,” representing portable space. By combining these elements, the presentation title effectively communicated the storage capacity and convenience of the device playfully and memorably.

1. Keep It Short

A strong presentation title conveys the main topic using a few words. Short statements are more likely to impact the audience immediately, and their brevity makes them easily understood and remembered, leaving a lasting impression.

How short is short? The ideal length for headlines on PowerPoint slides is 6-14 words, and this range helps ensure that the title of your presentation carries the message you want to get across without wordiness.

Good vs. Bad Presentation Title

2. Use Concrete Language

Using concrete language in your presentation title is an effective way to make it more compelling. Concrete language has persuasive power as it clarifies your presentation title and makes it relatable to the audience.

Some powerful words you can inject into your headlines are adjectives, action words, and actual figures. So, instead of “Optimizing Business Processes,” you can say “Cut Costs by 20%: Streamlining Operational Efficiency”.

Using concrete language in presentation titles

3. Use Technology or AI

Crafting a catchy presentation headline is hard enough – all the more when you have to fit it into little words. If you find yourself stuck in this task, there are available technologies that can help you generate title ideas for your presentations.

SEMRUSH, in particular, has an AI title generator that suggests headlines for content based on your prompts. You may also use ChatGPT for your presentations in a similar way.

However, we only suggest using these tools to speed up your brainstorming process, as repurposing those presentations into blog posts implies the risk of a site penalty for AI-generated content by Google. Reviewing and refining the generated headline to ensure it aligns with your specific presentation and captures the essence of your message is important.

4. Use Proven Formulas

Another way to speed up the process of generating title ideas presentation is to use proven formulas. Like your typical math equation, these formulas provide a framework to adapt to your specific presentation and audience. You can use them as a starting point to experiment with different combinations of words to create a headline that captures the gist of your piece,

Here are some presentation title formulas you can use:

  • How to [Desirable Outcome] in [Specific Time Frame]
  • Discover the [Number One] Secret to [Desirable Outcome]
  • The [Adjective] Way to [Desirable Outcome]: [Unique Approach/Method]
  • Are You [blank]?
  • Unlocking the Secrets of [Topic]: [Key Insight/Strategy]”

Q1: What is the purpose of a catchy title in a presentation?

A: The purpose of a catchy title in a presentation is to grab the audience’s attention and, at the same time, communicate the main idea or focus of the talk.

Q2: How do I create a catchy title for my presentation?

A: Creating a catchy title involves balancing creativity, clarity, and relevance. Finding the right balance between description and creativity allows you to create a catchy title that generates interest without sacrificing clarity.

Q3: What are some tips for making a title stand out?

A: To make a title stand out, clearly describe the content while engaging the audience’s curiosity. Additionally, use concrete language and keep it short.

Q4: Can a title be too long for a presentation?

A: Yes. Keep presentation titles concise and to the point, as longer titles can be harder to read, remember, and fit on slides effectively.

Q5: How does a title affect the overall success of a presentation?

A: The title serves as a hook that entices people to attend the presentation and creates a positive first impression. It may be the first and last chance to convince your audience to lend their ears.

Q6: Are there any specific formats for presentation titles?

A: No, there is no specific format for presentation titles, but there are approaches that can make it more effective. You can use descriptive words, wordplay, figures, or surprising facts.

There are infinite ways to make your presentation title catchy, and this article presented some of the proven techniques that work. In creating an attention-grabbing title, ensure your main message is not overshadowed or lost. Keep it relevant, concise, and clear!

Once your compelling headline is ready, designing your opening slide will be next.

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how to make a good title for a presentation

Speaking about Presenting

How to write a presentation title that gets people flocking to your session

by Olivia Mitchell | 31 comments

how to make a good title for a presentation

Get inspiration for your presentation title from magazines. Photo credit: bravenewtraveler

You might not give much thought to your presentation title for a conference presentation. The conference organizers will have asked you to provide a title and an abstract for the conference programme and you manage to slap something together just before the deadline.

But your presentation title can determine whether you have a smattering of people attending, or standing room only.

The good news is that it’s not that hard to craft a presentation title. There are a number of tried and tested formats which are easy to adapt to your topic. This is the way professional copywriters write headlines. They don’t start from scratch. They have a collection of previously used headlines (called a swipefile) and then they simply work out which type of headline will work best for their current topic. Next time you’re in the store, check out magazines like Cosmo. You’ll see the same alluring headlines time and time again.

I’ll show you how this can work by taking one topic and generating a number of possible presentation titles by applying the different formats.

The topic is teaching bioethics in secondary schools. I have a good friend who’s an expert on this topic and gives presentations at conferences around the world.

1. Promise benefits

Dale Carnegie’s famous book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is still one of the best-selling communications books on Amazon. The title of the book is a big part of it’s success. That title works because it promises benefits. It’s not enough to say:

How to teach bioethics

That’s ho-hum. Adding benefits to the title makes it sing:

How to teach a bioethics class that makes students think How to be an inspiring bioethics teacher How to engage and inspire your students through teaching bioethics

“How to” is the most common way of starting a benefit title. To explore the “How to” format more deeply check out this post on writing headlines for blog posts. It’s applicable to writing presentation titles too How to write a Killer How To Article that gets Attention

2. Promise a story

We love stories. You probably already know that telling stories is a powerful presentation technique. But you can also use the power of the story in your presentation title. For example:

How a poor school turned delinquent teenagers into philosophers How a burnt-out teacher reconnected with the love of teaching through bioethics

If you’re presenting a case-study, this format is ideal for your presentation title. Here’s the format “How A got to B”. Make “A” and “B” as far as part as possible by adding adjectives.

3. Put the number three at the front

Consider this title:

Critical concepts for teaching bioethics

Sounds kind of boring and academic, but what if you put a number in front of it:

Three critical concepts for teaching bioethics

Now your prospective audience member is thinking “I better know what those three critical concepts are”. Even if they’re an expert in teaching bioethics they’ll want to find out the three concepts a fellow expert considers critical.

Three is the ideal number of major points to cover in a presentation, and five at the outside. If you try and cover more you won’t be able to do justice to each point . It’s better to go deep, rather than wide. See my post When is it OK to break the rule of three-part structure .

4. Provoke curiosity

If you’re revealing new research in your presentation make the most of it. People want to hear what’s new. They come to conferences to be at the cutting-edge.

New classroom research reveals the bioethics teaching methodology that gets the best results

If you’re a teacher of bioethics how could you resist going to that session?

That title works because of the curiosity that it evokes. You can exploit the natural attraction power of curiosity even if you don’t have cutting-edge research to reveal. For example:

The #1 strategy for teaching bioethics in the classroom

5. Evoke concern

This type of presentation title makes people want to to come to your presentation to check that they’re not making big mistakes. It’s a powerful strategy. For example:

The common mistakes bioethics teachers make The flaws in current bioethics teaching methodology

or take some ownership with this version:

The mistakes I’ve made teaching bioethics and how you can learn from them

Mix ‘n’ Match Presentation Titles

You can use elements from these different types of title and mix them up. For example, many titles can be improved by adding the number 3. For example:

The common mistakes bioethics teachers make
The three common mistakes bioethics teachers make

Add contrast to your titles

Adding contrast adds the element of surprise to your title. For example, I can improve this title:

How to teach a bioethics class that makes students think

by changing ‘students’ to ‘teenagers’:

How to teach a bioethics class that makes teenagers think

Putting the words “students” and “think” next to each other doesn’t generate any surprise. But put the word “think” next to “teenagers” does.

So simply by applying these formats I’ve generated eleven possible titles. You can do the same. Once you’ve generated some titles, choose the one that resonates best with you and then plan your presentation to fulfill the promise that you’re making to your audience in the title.

how to make a good title for a presentation

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Ken Molay

Olivia, another technique is to imply privileged information: “Secrets of bioethics teaching” or “Bioethics teaching techniques of the pros”


Hi, On which topic should i make presentation

Olivia Mitchell

Thanks for adding that technique. Olivia


Thanks for posting this Olivia. I definitely have “title challenge.” Seems like by the time I get to naming my presentations, my creativity is shot. Specifically I like the fact that you give examples! This really helped to clarify the topic.

Mike Slater

Olivia A very useful post. I always put a lot of effort into trying to pull together a good presentation, but thinking of a title that will catch the interest is always Ichallenging.

Dano Ybarra

Olivia, I really enjoyed this article and will read it each week for inspiration creating titles for my blogs. When I create presentations, blogs, and articles I use a working title until I am finished. It keeps me on track. Then I create my real title. I have read others that promote creating your title, then the content. Which do you prefer and why?


Thank you for this information. I am definitely title challenged. My colleagues recently told me that they decided not to attend my presentation as it did have any relevance to their courses. I will be sure to utilize these suggestions next time.

Ouch! Of course if it’s correct that it wasn’t relevant then that’s fine. But if it’s because the title didn’t attract them and show the relevance then that’s disappointing. Good luck with your next title.

Craig Hadden - Remote Possibilities

Excellent ideas, Olivia, and well expressed! I’ve linked to this (and some of your other posts) from my blog.

Also came up with a simple 3-word model for involving the audience through the presentation title: Question, Action, Mention. (See http://remotepossibilities.wordpress.com/2011/11/23/answer-peoples-key-question-first-framework-part-1a/#involve_people )

Anyanwu Moses Chukwudi

I’m happy to read this write up, @ olivia you’re indeed an inspiring character. I’m working on my magazine please I need your sopports And contrIbutions. Please Olivia need your support…

Linda Hawkins

I have been writing blogs and articles for years and need ideas of how to create some new titles. This has been extremely educational and helpful for me to create better titles. Thanks

JoAnn Corley

As a fellow speaker, I just wanted to say a hearty thank you. We all need fresh ways at looking at old stuff and to continuously think creatively regarding how we communicate to get the best outcomes.


Many Thanks Olivia for your post, Your techniques have helped me think differently from the ways I have always titled my presentations

That’s great to hear Bernard!


oh ! great you are right !!

Craig Hadden (@RemotePoss)

I know you’ve said there’s no need to grab attention at the start of a talk, but the title’s one place you definitely need to! So you might also like this 4-part method I just posted for attention-grabbing titles.

(It uses an “ABCD” mnemonic, meaning the title includes an Action, Benefit, “Conversation” and/or Digit. For example, one title might be “Smash your class target – top 5 bioethics teaching tips”.)

Love it, thanks Craig!

Craig Hadden

You’re very welcome! Also, comments (and links) are always welcome on my blog. 🙂


Hi I am still having a problem of formulating a title. please help


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Mr Ak

I use your tips in presenting a title that is very helpful for me Thanks http://khelopcgames.com

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@barry: Thanks for that clarification … or are those the Before & After titles of your presentation after reading this excellent article?

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9 Ways to Write a Catchy Presentation Title

catchy presentation title

What’s the first thing the audience sees about your presentation before you begin the speech? The title! 

Before starting your presentation, you must grab your audience's attention from the first moment. With a bland title, your audience will likely lose interest before you start.

One of the best ways to engage your audience from the beginning is by using a catchy title.

After all, it is the first thing your audience will see before the presentation commences. The title informs your audience about what your presentation entails; hence, it must be appealing. It must ensure that your listeners find the presentation interesting. 

So, if you want your presentation title to stand out, here are some tips on how to write a catchy presentation title.

9 Tips for Writing a Catchy Presentation Title

Utilize the tricks below to create the perfect presentation title according to your audience.

1. Provide Relevant Information

People typically seek to gain answers to their questions from presentations. One way they can confirm if a presentation holds information relevant to their question is with the title.

"How-to" titles usually do the trick if you want to attract your viewers and let them know that you can solve their problems.

You usually do not need to create lengthy titles to explain your content, and a simple yet informative title would suffice. Your title should inform your listeners what they stand to gain and make them curious about what your presentation entails.

Examples of this include:

  • How to engage an audience and keep their attention
  • How to create a presentation worth listening to

2. Tell a Story

People love to hear stories . However, you do not need to limit your storytelling to the actual presentation. You can also include the power of a story in your title.

The story you tell does not necessarily need to be your own but should be relevant to your presentation and resonate with your audience.

This format works best if you plan on presenting a case study. Remember that this format demands that you create a story that tells viewers how someone or something got from one point to another.

Tell a Story in your title

For example, 'How A got to B." Ensure to use adjectives to showcase the transformation from point A to point B truly.

Example titles include:

  • How a low-income household started earning significantly
  • How a charitable organization created opportunities for uneducated children

3. Make Use of Numbers

Adding numbers to your presentation title can attract even those well-versed in the topic you plan on discussing.

For instance, "three tips on how to teach kindergartners" sounds better than "how to teach kindergarteners."

Even the best kindergarten teachers would be intrigued and want to find out what these three tips are.

The number you decide to use depends on your presentation. However, it is best to keep the number at a minimum. Typically, it would be best to aim for three, but you can go as high as five.

Using fewer points allows you to go into detail on each point explicitly. This way, you can fully explain each concept to allow your viewers to grasp each.

It also shows them that you know what you are talking about. Remember, it is best to present your topic more deeply than to discuss numerous concepts widely.

4. Keep Your Audience Wanting More

Another way to grab your viewers' attention is to pique their interest. Provoke their curiosity, and you can keep them hooked until the end of your presentation.

This format works best when you want to reveal a new research study. After all, people attend seminars, workshops, and conferences to learn about the latest discoveries in their fields. An example of this is:

  • New research shows that the most optimal method to teach kindergarteners

This title suggests there is a new trick that kindergarten teachers can use in their classrooms to improve the teaching and learning experience. If you were a kindergarten teacher, wouldn't you be intrigued to find out what this presentation is all about?

Alternatively, you can use this format even if you do not have recent research results to reveal. All you need to do is evoke curiosity. Here is an example:

  • The best strategy to teach a classroom full of kindergarteners

This title does not discuss any research information, but it would still make the viewer wonder what the "best strategy is.

5. Use Questions in the Title

You can use questions in your headline to attract listeners.

However, ensure that the questions are related to something they care about. Otherwise, you risk losing your audience's interest. The trick is to relate your question to the benefit of listening to your presentation. Examples of this include:

  • Do you want to know the five things you are doing wrong as a blogger?
  • Are you ready to start exercising? Start the right way


The question in your header does not always need to be a question. You can simply hint or imply it. An example of this is:

  • That's right! Skincare products produce better results than you expect

6. Command Your Audience

Sometimes, the best way to grab and keep your viewer's attention is to be direct. As a professional, you should tell them the action to make or to act a certain way. Tell your viewers what these actions can lead to.

This format's point is to ask your audience "why," so this curiosity would make them want to hear what you have to say. Some examples titles include:

  • Stop wasting time on things that do not matter
  • Throw that negativity away and embrace positive change

7. Imply Privileged Information

We all love secrets and want to feel like we are in on something private. This is why creating titles that imply that you are providing information that only a few people know can draw attention to your presentation. Examples include:

  • Secrets of teaching kindergartners
  • Teaching techniques that only pros know

8. Offer Easy Solutions

You can attract people when you tell them they can easily learn to do something or do it in a short amount of time.

In your title, ensure not to mention the process because it would seem like a lot of work. Instead, focus on the viewer's motivation. Talk about the result of listening to your presentation. For example, you can use:

  • Learn to stop procrastinating right now
  • Best way to cook chicken in less than 30 minutes

People get excited when they know they can learn something new that would instantly show significant improvements in their lives.

9. Create a Cause for Concern

This title format is a powerful technique to make people come to your presentation. This is because the title makes them wonder if they are making mistakes.

Hence, they would be interested to know if they are truly making mistakes and how they can fix or learn from them. For example:

  • Common mistakes kindergarten teachers make
  • Currents flaw in biology teaching techniques

The titles do not have to be general, and you can base the title on your experience. In some cases, these titles work best because it makes you more relatable, and the audience would be more receptive to what you have to say. Here is an example:

  • Three mistakes I made while teaching kindergarteners and how you can learn from them

Conclusion: Writing an Interesting Speech Title

After creating informative and thought-provoking content for their presentation, some people find it hard to title their work properly. However, writing a catchy presentation title is quite easy.

The best presentation titles do not have to be complex, but they should not be simple either. All you need to do is ensure that the title is catchy.

You want to be able to grab your viewers' attention and hold it till the end of your presentation . Hopefully, you can now do so using one of the tips in this article.


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Catchy Presentation Titles Are the Start of a Great Presentation

Catchy Titles are the secret to a great presentation

Catchy presentation titles are important when you begin to design a great presentation . Your audience will determine whether your presentation is worthy of their time almost instantly. In most cases, they make that determination based entirely on the title of the speech . In this session, I’m going to show you a quick and easy way to come up with a great title for your presentation. If you do this well, it will actually make your audience want to pay attention to your speech. I always say in class, “If you start with a great title, the presentation almost writes itself.”

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A Catchy Presentation Title is Important for Audience Satisfaction

Think about the last time you went to a conference that has multiple breakout sessions going at the same time. If you are like most people, you first scanned the list of titles. Almost instantly, you eliminated a few based solely on the topic or title. The titles that you looked at created an impression of the speech. Once you narrowed down your choices, only then do you move on to the description, etc. In that instant where you were scanning the titles, though, you probably had this inner monologue going. “Hhhmmmm… Nope. Not worth my time. Nope. Sounds boring. Nope. That one is unrelated to anything of interest to me. Aaahhh… That one might be okay.”

One of the real, closely-held, public speaking secrets is that every audience member has this inner monologue . This inner monologue occurs before every single meeting and every single presentation that we attend. In most cases, just as when we looked at the breakout session list, the answer we receive is, “Nope. This seems like a waste of my time.”

Examples of Presentation Titles that Make People Yawn

Here are a few titles that tell the audience that your presentation will be a snoozefest.

  • Quarterly Financial Report
  • Software Update
  • Project Report
  • Goals for 20__ [Fill in Your Own Year]
  • Why We Need to Make Changes in Our Internal Processes

Think about how people will perceive the title

It is our job as the presentation designer (or deliverer) to make people want to pay attention to us. If you start with a great title, you are more likely to accomplish this task.

Presentation Title Generator

Follow this step-by-step approach, and your audience will want to hear you speak.

Create a One-Sentence Statement of What Your Topic is About.

Make sure your bullet points are easy to understand

  • We Exceeded Our Corporate Goals and Increased Profit Last Quarter.
  • The New Software Update Closed a Few Security Risks for Our Customers.
  • The ABC Building Project is Behind Schedule.
  • This Year, We Will Increase Revenue by $200,000 by Focusing on Repeat Business.
  • Department Heads Need to Communicate Team Activities Better.

Just by forcing yourself to make your title into a complete sentence, you will narrow the topic down dramatically. If you look at the difference between the first list and the second, the second is more interesting already.

Identify Why the Audience Would Care About this Topic?

Make the audience care by defining their why

  • Your Quarterly Bonus Has Increased.
  • Your Customers are Less Likely to Experience a Data Breach.
  • If We Adjust Our Plan, We Can Get Back on Schedule without Incurring Overruns.
  • Your Commissions Will Also Increase.
  • You Can Reduce Your Overall Department Costs.

Although we like to think that department heads care deeply about company revenue and profit, in reality, most of us are pretty self-centered. However, the department heads care very deeply about their bonuses. Outside of the tech folks, no one really cares about website security. However, if a company has a data breach, the entire company will have new challenges to deal with.

Combine the Sentence in Step #1 With the Benefit in Step #2.

Now that you have the two pieces, just put them together. When you do, you will create a series of catchy presentation titles .

  • We Exceeded Our Corporate Goals and Increased Profit Last Quarter, So Your Quarterly Bonus Has Also Increased.
  • Your Customers are Less Likely to Experience a Data Breach Because We Closed a Few Security Risks in the Recent Update.
  • If We Adjust the Project Plan on the ABC Building, We Can Get Back on Schedule without Incurring Overruns.
  • This Year, We Will Increase Revenue by $200,000 (And Commissions by $25,000) by Focusing on Repeat Business.
  • If We as Department Heads Can Communicate Our Team’s Activities Better, We Should Be Able to Reduce Department Cost Significantly.

Maybe these presentation titles aren’t perfect, but you have to admit, they are dramatically better, now.

Compare the Two Titles

Originally, we had, “Quarterly Financial Report.” We ended up with, We Exceeded Our Corporate Goals and Increased Profit Last Quarter, So Your Quarterly Bonus Has Also Increased.” Which would you rather sit through? Guess what? Your audience thinks the same way. So, if you want to catch the attention of your audience right away, realize that catch presentation titles can help.

By the way, once you have a great title, the post called How to Design a Presentation Quickly is a good second step. In addition, we have a free Online Speech Creator that walks you through the entire process step-by-step. Also, make sure to visit our 101 public speaking tips blog post.

how to make a good title for a presentation

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How to Write the Perfect Titles for Your Slides

How to Write the Perfect Titles for Your Slides

8 Effective Ways to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation

How to write a problem statement slide, pro tips to create an impactful employee induction presentation, powerful endings: how to conclude a presentation for maximum impact.

When it comes to presentations, the first thing your audience sees is the title of each slide. A well-crafted title not only grabs attention but also gives your audience a clear idea of what to expect from each slide. Contrary to this, a poorly-written title can leave your audience confused or disinterested. 

Even though slide titles are simple, they are an effective addition to your presentations. However, they are often missed or ignored by the presenters, and eventually, their presentations fail to grab the attention of the audience.

In this article, we’ll delve into the art of creating the perfect titles for each of your slides. Whether you’re giving a presentation for work, school, or a personal project, these tips will help you effectively communicate your message and keep your audience engaged.

1. An Action

One of the most important aspects of an effective slide title is what it tells the audience. Basic slide titles, such as “introduction” or “progress report,” disappear into the background when you add them on top of a slide.

Titles for your slides should ideally describe the actions or tasks that your audience will be taking on each slide. This will be a much better guide than just telling them the contents of the slide. Examples of this can be, “get to know the team” or crafting a title for reporting progress like “our efforts paid off!” and more.

2. Create a Title, not a Description

It is well-known that a powerful title is the most effective way to hook the audience. This does not just refer to the content or intention of the title, but rather, how you display the title. The most basic rule here is to make it look apart. You can do so by increasing the size of the text and making it bold. You can also use a serif font (optional). Another way is to use contrasting colors for the title, making it pop.

A simple act of making this visual shift will have a major impact on how people perceive your slide titles. 

3. Make it Succinct and Simple to Understand

A slide title, like a title for an article or blog, needs to be simple, clear, concise, and easy to understand. As its main purpose is to help the audience understand the point of the slide, a simple and crisp title works best. It does not take the audience away from the essential information.

A perfect slide title fits in one line and is not too wordy. You can achieve this by removing any extra words. If you need help, take inspiration from the titles of your favorite blogs and see how they form their titles.

4. Consider the Context and Tone

Titles set the tone; you know that. What you might miss is how much impact a fitting title can have and how catastrophic an out-of-place title can be. 

Picture this; you are giving a regular update in a corporate meeting room. You begin your professionally created presentation with the slide titles in funky fonts, emoticons, and clichéd puns. It will make your audience disinterested right from the beginning. On the other hand, formal and solemn titles would fail to grab the attention and interest of students in a classroom. Thus, your slide titles must be perfectly crafted to fit your particular use case.

Keeping these tips in mind when deciding on slide titles is sure to help you ace your presentation. However, there might be some cases where you might have to let go of one or more of these rules. That may be required where the content of the slide is either too crucial to add a title, which may be distracting, or if the slide is part of a sequence and does not require a separate title.

In a nutshell, crafting the perfect titles for your slides is an important aspect of giving a successful presentation. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can set the stage for each slide. Remember to keep your titles concise and to the point, use strong action verbs, and avoid using jargon or cliches. 

We hope this article was informative and helped you improve your slide titles. 

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Blog > 10 creative Ideas for your Title- and End-Slides in Presentations

10 creative Ideas for your Title- and End-Slides in Presentations

11.13.19   •  #powerpointtips #presentation.

Of all the slides in a PowerPoint presentation, the ones that are without a doubt the most important ones are the first and the last one. It makes perfect sense – the title slide sets the general tone. Make it boring and you’ll loose your audience’s attention within the first few minutes. If you’re making it exciting and innovative on the other hand, you’re taking a big step towards giving an amazing presentation and having an engaged audience. It is very similar with the final slide. It will be the one that people are going to remember most, the one that is supposed to make people leave the room thinking ‘Wow! What a great presentation!’ A bad ending could even mess up what would otherwise be a good performance overall (just think of a good TV show with a bad ending…).

The most common mistakes for title and final slides

If you asked 100 people what belongs on your PowerPoint’s title slide, the majority would answer ‘The title, maybe a subtitle, the presenter’s name and company, the date’. That kind of title slide is alright, but you usually say all of these things in the beginning of a presentation anyway. Also, it is very likely that most of your attendees know these things – they usually signed up for it after all. So what’s the point in listing all of that information on your title slide, when you could also use it for making a stunning first impression? Not only the title slide is commonly designed in an uncreative and conventional way. Too often, you can see PowerPoint presentations ending with the ‘Any Questions?’ or even worse – the ‘Thank you for your attention’ slide. ‘Thank you for your attention’ is a set phrase that has been said so many times it can’t possibly be delivered in an authentic way anymore. Therefore, it’s better to think of something else for your grand final. Finding an unconventional ending that suits your presentation style makes you seem much more charismatic and authentic than using an empty phrase.

how to make a good title for a presentation

1. An inspiring quote

An inspiring quote on your slide is a perfect way to both start and finish your presentation. Well, it does not have to be inspiring. It could be any quote that is somehow connected to your presented topic. Just have fun looking through books and the internet to find interesting quotes that you want your audience to hear. Good pages to look at for inspiration are goodreads and brainyquotes.com .

how to make a good title for a presentation

2. A blank slide

This might seem strange to some people, but a blank slide can be really powerful if you want to have your audience’s full attention. You can use the advantage of blank slides by incorporating them at the beginning, in the end or even in between your regular slides. You can either use a blank slide of your regular template (so there will still be some design elements on it) or go all in and make the slide completely black (or white).

3. A call to action

If the goal of your presentation is to really make your audience act in some kind of way, there is no better way to start – or better yet end your presentation than with a call to action. This can be literally anything from little trivial things like “Drink enough water during the presentation so your brain stays intact!” – which will lighten up the mood – to more serious calls like “Help reducing waste by recycling whenever possible!”.

how to make a good title for a presentation

4. A question

Usually, it is the audience that asks questions after a presentation. However, you can also turn that around and ask your attendees instead. However, it’s important to ask a question that can be answered easily and individually – the best questions involve previous experiences and personal opinions (asking about facts or questions that are hard to understand can often lead to silence and no one wanting to answer).

how to make a good title for a presentation

5. An interactive poll

Nothing engages the audience like a live poll. Conduct one right at the beginning to get everybody envolved, and/or wait until the end to get your audience’s opinion on something. Icebreaker polls are the perfect way to start, as they lighten the mood. You can easily create polls for free with interactive software tools such as SlideLizard .

how to make a good title for a presentation

6. A funny picture, meme, or quote

I’m pretty sure that every student nowadays has that teacher that just tries a little too hard to be cool by throwing in a meme on literally every single slide. That may be a bit too much. But just a little comedy at the beginning or in the end can make you seem very charismatic and entertaining and catch the attention of your listeners. Open (or close) with a joke, a funny picture or a quote – whichever you feel comfortable with. It is usually best if it has something to do with the topic you’re presenting.

how to make a good title for a presentation

7. An interesting fact

Catch the audience’s attention by putting an interesting fact concerning the topic on one of your slides – ideally at the beginning, but maybe also in the end (to keep up the audience’s interest even after the presentation is done).

how to make a good title for a presentation

8. The title, but with a twist

If you feel like you need to put the presentations name/topic on the front slide, but still want that little creative twist, just change the title slightly. According to what I’m proposing, rather dull presentation titles like e.g. “Marine Biology – An Introduction to Organisms in the sea” can be transformed to “Marine Biology – Diving Deep” (or something less cheesy if you prefer). Make it either funny or over-the-top spectacular and catch the audience’s attention!

how to make a good title for a presentation

9. A bold statement, opinion, or piece of information

This is probably the best way to capture your audience from the beginning on. Start with a radical, crazy opinion or statement and then get your attendees hooked by telling them that during the presentation, they will learn why you’re right. It could be anything, really, as long as it goes well with your presented topic – from the statement “Everybody has the time to read 5 books a month” to “Going to college is a waste of time” or “The human species is not the most intelligent on earth” – Take whatever crazy, unpopular theory or opinion you have, throw it out there and (very important!) explain why you’re right. You’ll have your audience’s attention for sure and might even change some of their opinions about certain things.

how to make a good title for a presentation

10. No title and end slide at all

Yes, that’s a possibility as well. If you absolutely can’t think of any creative or otherwise good way to start and end your presentation – even after reading the tips mentioned above – then simply don’t. That’s right - no title and end slide at all. You can pull that of by simply introducing yourself in the beginning, then getting right into the topic (which makes a good impression, long introductions are usually rather tedious) and when you’re at your last slide just saying a simple ‘Goodbye, thank you and feel free to ask questions’.

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About the author.

how to make a good title for a presentation

Pia Lehner-Mittermaier

Pia works in Marketing as a graphic designer and writer at SlideLizard. She uses her vivid imagination and creativity to produce good content.

how to make a good title for a presentation

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Visual communication.

If there are used images or videos for communication, it is visual communication. Visual Communication is almost used everywhere like on television, posts on social media (Instagram, Facebook), advertisement.

.ppt file extension

A .ppt file is a presentation which was made with PowerPoint, that includes different slides with texts, images and transition effects.

Virtual Event

Virtual events take place entirely online. They are very convenient as anyone may join from wherever they are via a smartphone or computer.

Recall Questions

With recall questions, you have to remember something or something has to be recalled. Example: A teacher asks his students a question so that they remember the material from the last lesson.

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How to Create Catchy Presentation Titles

How to Create Catchy Presentation Titles

Alexia Public Speaking

I love words. And unfortunately, when I started out as a speaker, my presentation titles were stuffed full of them.

While there is not one formula for how to create catchy presentation titles to capture the attention of companies and event organizers, using too many words is a surefire way for your pitches and speaking submissions to land in a decision maker’s trash.

I’ve recently been purging old files, and in the process, unearthing my old speaker one-sheets and proposals. I’ve found some real title doozies!

2012 was a particularly “big year” when it came to keynotes. I had 10 listed and described on the speaking page of my website. And most of my titles were 15 words or more. (As you’ll see below, I also was collecting colons like they were going out of style.)

For example, for what would become my Discover Your ‘Secret Sauce’ as a Speaker signature presentation, instead, I had—

Share Your Story, Morning Glory: How to Use Public Speaking to Effortlessly Attract the Right Clients.

This was also the year I developed my Step into Your Moxie® keynote. But rather than call it Step into Your Moxie or How to Speak with Moxie, instead I was sweet on my colons again and went with the mouthful—

Step Into Your Moxie: Listen to Your Voice, Sculpt Your Message and Speak with Confidence and Impact.

Each time I run The Spotlight Speaker Accelerator and work with coaches, consultants and experts on creating catchy presentation titles for their keynotes and business and association presentations, I see many of the same mistakes I made.

Here are three tips for creating catchy presentation titles for your speeches that event organizers, meeting planners, and business leaders will love.

Create a title that zeroes in on your “idea worth spreading .”

While it’s okay to have some pizzazz in your presentation title, you still want it to accurately reflect the key idea you want your audience to take action on and not be too open for interpretation.

Let your title communicate your point of view on your topic.

Decision makers get pitched oodles of similar topics, and it’s easy for speakers and their submissions to sound alike. When your title reflects your unique voice and, if appropriate, how you are taking a fresh (and maybe even disruptive) approach to a familiar topic, this will help you and your presentation to stand out.

And last, but most certainly not least…

Use titles that contain 8 words or less.

While, unfortunately, this isn’t always possible, in-demand speakers rarely have excessive words and colons in their titles. Rather, their titles are short, clear, and crisp.

In case you are curious, here are my most frequently requested keynotes .

Have a catchy presentation title that you love?

That captures your core brand message?

Consider registering it as a trademark in order to protect your intellectual property. Doing this with Step into Your Moxie® was one of the most important business decisions I made – well worth the nominal cost of trademark registration because it provides important protection against copycats.

Similarly, before you decide, yes, this is my smokin’ hot presentation title, be sure to check online and ensure that you are first to market on your idea. It’s much easier to tweak your title before you start using it in the world and getting known for it.

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How to write slide action titles like mckinsey (with examples).

Alexandra Hazard Kampmann

Table of contents

What is an action title, why are action titles important, how to write an action title, best practices for writing action titles.

When it comes to conveying impactful messages in a business context, PowerPoint slides are often the go-to medium. While the content of your slides is undoubtedly important, one often overlooked element that can elevate your presentation to new heights is the effective use of action titles. 

As former McKinsey and BCG consultants, we have witnessed firsthand the power of action titles in conveying a clear message, elevating a slide from ‘blah’ to ‘great’, and tying a presentation into a persuasive, cohesive story. 

In this blog post, we will explore what action titles are, why they are crucial for successful presentations, and provide you with practical tips on crafting compelling action titles.

An action title is the most important point of the slide, formulated as a short, simple sentence. It should ideally be the main takeaway or ‘so what’ of the slide, and – if done right – allows the audience to only read the title to understand the primary message of the slide.

It's called an ‘action’ title because it actively tells the audience what the key takeaway is. In contrast, conventional slide titles simply summarize the content of a slide. For example, look at the two slides in the figure below. The slide on the left is a conventional title that correctly summarizes what is on the slide but doesn’t add any insight. The slide on the right is an action title, which immediately tells the audience what the main message of the slide is.

how to make a good title for a presentation

Action title vs conventional slide title (example)

Spending so much time on the title of a slide may seem like a nice-to-have last-minute task, but in reality action titles are one of the most important skills that management consultants are taught and lay the groundwork for creating top-tier presentations .

Action titles are important for several reasons:

  • Clear communication: An action title allows the audience to immediately understand what the slide is about and why it’s important. This makes it easier for them to digest the full slide, and in turn makes it easier for you to get your main messages across.  
  • Cohesive storyline: Action titles help tie the whole presentation together in a cohesive story. They form the backbone and roadmap of your presentation and help both you and your audience follow the core logic and arguments, and ultimately better understand the suggested recommendations or next steps that you may present.  
  • Forcing function: Finally, action titles serve the crucial role as a forcing function to trim and improve your slides. If you are having trouble formulating a good action title or placing the slide in a series of slides, it more often than not means the slide is either not clear enough or is not necessary.  A classic example is when you feel there are too many good points for it all to fit into one title. The wrong way to handle this is to shrink the title font size. The right way is to either divide that one slide into several slides with their own key takeaways, or to delete the data and information on the slide that is not contributing to the key takeaway.

See the same three slides below with conventional titles and action titles to get a sense of the power of action titles.

Action titles vs conventional slide titles (examples)

Crafting action titles may seem like an art form, but it is a skill that can be mastered with practice. Here are some steps to guide you in creating compelling action titles:

If you have already created your slide(s):

  • Identify the core message Before attempting to write an action title, clearly define the main message of your slide or section. What is the key takeaway you want your audience to remember? The one thing they should know when reading this slide?  
  • Formulate the title Think about that core message. How would you say that if you had to do a voice-over? Write that voice-over down as the action title.  
  • Refine the title Now refine the title you just wrote. Make sure it is understandable as a stand-alone sentence, and that the words you use are active and convey an insight. See the end of this article for examples and best practices on action titles.  
  • Trim the content Finally, look at the content of the slide. Does it support that one main message? If there is any content on the slide that does not directly contribute to the core message, either delete it or cut-and-paste it into a new slide. Reformat the remaining content so the slide is once again complete. See more on the anatomy of a slide here .

If you are starting on a new presentation:

Best practice when crafting action titles is to write them as the first step of creating a presentation. By writing them as the first step you are ensuring your presentation is cohesive and clear from the beginning, and you often avoid a lot of unnecessary work with creating slides you end up not using.

  • Pick an overarching framework for your storyline     Your entire deck should narrate an engaging story. Many consulting decks follow the SCQA framework: Situation > Complication > Question > Answer Other successful frameworks might be Past → Present → Future or Problem → Solution → Evidence. See more on storylines and the vertical and horizontal flow of presentations here .   
  • Draft slide titles      Divide each A4 page into four sections, each representing a slide. Craft a concise action title of less than 15 words for each slide which becomes the slide's title. This can also be done as a text document or similar. The goal is to be able to read the titles and from that alone understand the gist of the deck.  
  • Outline supporting data for each slide      Would a graph or a table be helpful? Or perhaps a few bullet points in large font? Sketch out your first best guess of what type of data (numbers, text, images etc.) that you think is needed to support the slide title and that is plausible to get. This is likely to change during your project, but it provides you with a solid starting point to understand which data and analyses you should prioritize.  
  • Create a draft presentation Create the blank slides in PowerPoint with just the titles and potentially a sticker or text box describing the supporting data and content of the slide. Tweak the slide titles as you put them into PowerPoint following the best practices outlined below.  
  • Read through your entire storyline Once you’ve outlined your entire presentation, zoom out again and read only the slide titles. Does the story make sense and create a compelling case? Are there are slides that feel ‘off’ compared to the story? Slides that feel redundant? Anywhere there are holes in the story or logical jumps? Add empty slides with just titles to fill the holes, and move any slides that don’t feel strictly necessary to the back of the presentation or a separate document. The goal is a cohesive, clear presentation in as few slides as possible.

Drafting slides on paper

See more tips and tricks for accelerating your presentation creation here .

Although it can seem like a last thing, nice-to-have thing to have action titles this is actually one of the core parts of creating top-quality presentations and one of the easiest ‘hacks’ to taking your presentation up a notch.

  • Be specific and concrete: Vague or generic action titles can dilute your message and fail to clearly get the main messages across. Instead, aim for specificity and concreteness, ideally including the most important quantitative takeaways. Your titles should provide a clear direction and measurable outcome, leaving no room for ambiguity. Generic : Supply chain processes can be optimized Specific : Optimize supply chain processes to reduce costs by 20%  
  • Keep it concise: Action titles should be concise and to the point. Ideally, they should fit within one or max two lines, up to 15 words. Strive for brevity without sacrificing clarity and impact. NEVER have a title that is longer than two lines.  Too wordy : The analysis conducted shows that profits can potentially be increased by up to 15% by end of 2027 Concise : Analysis shows potential for up to 15% increase in profits by 2027  
  • Focus on takeaways not just summaries: Your audience is interested in conclusions, not processes or descriptions. Make sure your title reflects the takeaway.  Summary : We interviewed experts and key internal stakeholders to identify potential cost-reduction levers Conclusion : 8 potential high-impact cost reduction levers identified Caveat: There may be slides where you explicitly want to summarize a process. This is fine, just make sure the slide focuses only on the process, and the results are included in a separate slide.  
  • Be insightful: …and in line with the point above, make sure your takeaway is actually insightful. Don’t write an action title that is so obviously true it provides no new information. Not insightful : Focus on sales will help increase revenues Insightful : Direct outreach is main driver of revenue growth – added focus here can increase revenues 10-15%  
  • Use an active voice: Opt for words that invoke a sense of action and avoid passive statements or verbs. This makes your titles more engaging for your audience. Passive : The structure and timeline of the project is determined by the Steering Group Active : Steering Group determines project structure and timeline  
  • Prioritize simplicity: The primary purpose of an action title is to communicate effectively. Focus on crafting titles that convey your message with precision and always err on the side of simple. Complex : Through implementation of efficiency levers, 7.4 M USD in costs per year can potentially be saved Simple : Implementation of efficiency levers can potentially save 7.4 M USD  
  • And finally, consistency is key: Maintain consistency in your action titles throughout your presentation, both in terms of narrative style and font size. This creates a sense of cohesion and reinforces your main story.

Creating compelling action titles is a powerful technique that can significantly enhance the impact of your PowerPoint presentations. By capturing attention, fostering clear communication, and inspiring action, action titles have the potential to transform your presentation from ordinary to extraordinary. 

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  • March 3, 2022

Creating Titles for Your PowerPoint Slides: Tips & Tricks

Written by Tom Caklos

Written by Tom Caklos

Presentation designer

Powerpoint slide titles

Adding titles, visible or not, to your PowerPoint slides will help you in many ways. Navigating through the presentation, structuring the content, and keeping your audience in the loop are some of the main benefits that come with working with titles.

Does every PowerPoint slide need a title?

It is highly recommended to use the title on every PowerPoint slide. While you don’t need to necessarily make them visible to your audience, it still provides a great amount of value and benefits. Having a title on every slide helps your audience to keep up with the content structure.

It also helps them to understand the topic much better. Especially if the presentation is about some study with a lot of terminology and facts.

While some people would argue with me that sometimes “less is more” – having a title on every slide will give you many benefits I already mentioned.

Another thing to keep in mind.. you don’t need to make them visible to your audience. Just keep them there so you can remind yourself where you are in the presentation. It helps a lot.

Recommendation : Check out 6 PowerPoint Design tips to learn how to improve the design of your presentations!

How do you make a good title for each slide?

When crafting titles for your slides, try to always keep in mind a bigger picture. Step back, and try to think: “What sentence would draw the best conclusion for this specific slide?” and “How it would impact the rest of my presentation” ?

Don’t make the mistake of titling your PowerPoint slides without deeper thinking. It’s essential that it makes perfect sense.

Now be careful.. while it can make perfect sense to you, your audience might not get it. So what I recommend to avoid this scenario is to always show your presentation to a few people and ask them, if they understood everything.

That way you get non-biased opinions and feedback.

The best PowerPoint slide title ideas

Some of the best titles are usually:

  • Funny & Humorous
  • Draw conclusion

Here are a few great examples of the best PowerPoint slide title ideas:

Good example of powerpoint titles

When crafting titles for your slides, try to draw inspiration from other presentations on the internet – so you get a better idea of what worked and what didn’t. Life is too short to make all the mistakes, so we need to start learning from the mistakes and successes of other people!

Wrapping it up

So now that you understand the importance of titling your PowerPoint slides, and what role they are having in your success – go and apply what you learned! That’s the only way to learn properly.

Tom Caklos

Thanks for reading my article! When I write, I always try to bring as much value as I can. If you're having any questions, or if you need any help, feel free to reach out to me!

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The PowerPoint Title Slide: 6 Tips on how to Find the Right PowerPoint Title!

Many of you might be aware: finding a matching title for your slides can be a challenge. The title says a lot about your presentation and is the first crucial aspect of whether your audience will pay attention to you or not.

In this article, we will show you how to find a good title for your presentation.

Why is a good PowerPoint title important?

Many presentations start with an unexciting title like “Company Presentation”, “Strategy Meeting XY” or similar. These are descriptive but empty words without added value for your target group and your potential clientele.

Your goal should be to capture your audience’s attention with your title . Based on a title or a headline, the audience decides within seconds whether they are interested or not.

If you bore your audience with a little thought-out PowerPoint title from the start, the chances for a sale of your product/your service look rather bad. This is the only way you have a chance to sell your product/service.

What should a good PowerPoint title do?

Devote as much time to maturing an appropriate title as you do to the rest of the presentation creation. Keep the following aspects in mind when developing your PowerPoint title:

A good title should:

  • Make it quick and easy to understand what the presentation is about
  • Make the audience curious about the presentation topic
  • Contain the core message of your presentation
  • Communicate the benefits to your audience

6 tips on how to find the right PowerPoint title

Below we have listed some tips and tricks for you on how to develop an effective title for your purposes.

#1: Think customer oriented

Remember that you are not developing the title for yourself, but for your audience. After all, you know what content will be conveyed, but your audience does not. The PowerPoint title must speak directly to your audience and also suit you , so that they become curious about the following presentation. This is how you manage to get attention.

Accordingly, you should know your target audience exactly and tailor the title appropriately.

#2: Use questions in your PowerPoint title

Why not use a question as a title instead of a statement? The question should obviously fit the topic of the presentation in terms of content, so that it remains relevant.

You can use the following questions – “What”, “Why”, “How” or “When” as a guide. Build these into the title as well.

By posing the question and not yet answering it, curiosity will automatically arise in the audience.

#3: Be precise

The title of your presentation must be relevant. To get to the heart of this relevance in the title, pick out the most important point of your presentation and build the title around this aspect.

#4: Short and to the point

Nobody wants to read long titles. As mentioned in #3, the point is to make a precise statement. However, this should not be explained in endless words in the title but broken down to a few words with a creative title.

Tips on the length of headlines can be found in the article “ The ideal length for Headlines “.

#5: Arouse curiosity

A poorly thought-out title will quickly bore your audience and is guaranteed not to lead to sales. Make the title as exciting as possible , include words that will pique the audience’s interest or spark curiosity.

Pay attention to the emotional level as well. If you manage to include emotional elements such as wit, surprise or inspiration in your titles, you are guaranteed to attract attention.

#6: Include extra elements

Depending on your target audience, it may be beneficial to add small icons to your PowerPoint title. This has a visually appealing effect and makes your content more interesting. In addition, images always generate emotions that automatically make people pay attention.

However, think carefully about whether it fits into your presentation. In important presentations to business executives, you should leave out icons.

Further information on the correct use of icons can be found in the article “ PowerPoint Icons “. Feel free to use icons from PresentationLoad!

Social-Media-Icons for projecting one message

Conclusion: Finding the right PowerPoint title

With the right title for your presentation, you can introduce a successful talk. C hoose it wisely and sell your presentation skillfully.

If you follow our tips, the title will manage to combine interest, attention and curiosity and help your audience to engage with your topic.

Do you have questions about the PowerPoint title? Feel free to contact us by mail at [email protected] . We are always happy to help!

You have found the ideal title and are now looking for visually supporting and professionally designed slide templates? Feel free to have a look around in our store. Here we have numerous slides prepared for you to download on a wide variety of (business) topics. Take a look today! ► To the store

Further articles that might also interest you:

  • Action Titles in PowerPoint
  • The Ideal Length for Headlines

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How To Create A Captivating Title Slide For A Presentation

Are you looking for a way to ditch the boring title slide and hook your audience from the start? This blog will teach you all you need to know to nail your first impression. We’ll break down the key ingredients for a captivating PowerPoint title slide, right from must-have elements to the art of titling with PowerPoint. Plus, you’ll get a step-by-step guide on how to create a title slide that will set the stage for a killer presentation.

When designing your PowerPoint presentation, there is no doubt that the most crucial slide is the one at the beginning of your presentation. A well-designed title slide can amp up your presentation game and instantly grab your audience’s attention.

What Is A Title Slide?

As the name suggests, a title slide is the first slide of a PowerPoint presentation. Usually, a title slide’s content is the presentation’s title and subtitles.

What Is The Purpose Of A Title Slide?

A title slide for a presentation has to be interesting to stand out, and one has to be very cautious while making a title slide. If you make it dull, you will lose your audience’s attention within minutes. An excellent first slide is not only a reflection of professionalism but also a great way of triggering that much-needed initial interest.

What Should Be Included In The Title Slide?

A title slide contains:

  • the title of the presentation.
  • a preface of a presentation, at times.
  • author’s name.
  • a background relevant to the topic of the presentation, at times.
  • the branding of the company

How To Create A Title Slide For Presentation

Based on the device or platform you’re using PowerPoint on, you can pick from three different methods to create a presentation title slide in PowerPoint.

Method 1: Choosing A Template From The PowerPoint Library For Creating A Title Slide

Step 1: To create a title slide, open the PowerPoint presentation application and click on ‘New.’

Step 2: You will find many PowerPoint templates; double-click on the template you like and click on ‘Create.’

Step 3: The template you chose will appear. Now, the template will already have a title slide design.

Step 4: Click on the title and edit it according to your needs.

Step 5: Select the title and edit its font style, color, thickness, etc. You can customize the title, keeping in mind the background color or image of the slide.

Step 6: You can play around with the title slide’s image by cropping or adjusting it to meet your presentation style requirement.

Step 7: If you don’t like the background image, you can even delete it and adjust it according to your liking by clicking on the ‘Design’ tab and then on ‘Formate Background.’

Step 8: Tip: A plain title slide looks boring; therefore, add animations by clicking on ‘Animations’ on the file menu bar. Select the title and choose any animation.

And voila! Your title slide is ready. Make sure to play around with more tools and options to find out more features you can do to make it more attractive and presentable.

Method 2: Create A Title Slide Design Using The ‘Layout’ Option

Step 1: Open a blank presentation in your PowerPoint application and select the slide you wish to convert to a title slide.

Step 2: Click Home > Layout. Select Title Slide for a standalone title page or select Title and Content for a slide that contains a title and a full slide text box.

Step 3: Select the Click to add title text box. Enter your title for that slide.

As the previous method shows, you can similarly play around with Powerpoint animations, fonts, and colors to make it more aesthetic.

Method 3: Create A Title Slide Using Slideuplift’s PowerPoint Add-In

Slideuplift provides a plethora of templates that can assist you in making a title slide. These templates are accessible through their PowerPoint Plugin.

Follow the steps given below to make a title slide using Slideuplift PowerPoint Add-In.

Step 1: Open the slide which you want to edit.

Step 2: Go to ‘Insert,’ then click on ‘Get Add-Ins.’

Step 3: In the search bar, type ‘Slideuplift’ and click on Search.

Step 4: Click on the ‘Add’ button next to SlideUpLift, then click on ‘Continue.’

And you are done! Just type cover slides on the search console and get various PowerPoint title slides for your presentation. You can choose the one you like and make edits.

How To Title A Slide In PowerPoint

Writing a catchy title is very important. A catchy title triggers the viewers’ interest and shows that you have made some effort to make the presentation.

A title also sets the tone for a presentation; for instance, a business presentation title slide and a title slide for informal events will have a formal tone and a casual or neutral tone.

The following tips can help you write catchy presentation titles.

  • Make it easy to understand.
  • The title should be directly related to the presentation.
  • Add an element of emotion to the title (keep it neutral during formal meetings and try to add humor if the occasion allows)
  • Match other elements of the title slide, like background image, font, etc, with the title.
  • Keep it concise and to the point.

Having a beautiful and functional PowerPoint title page is very important if you want to catch the attention of the viewer. A bland title page is not only boring but also shows your lack of effort, which can be a deal breaker. At the same time, keep the presentation cover page minimalistic, and only use animations and effects that add value and look interesting.

Creating the perfect title slide sure does take a lot of time and effort. We at SlideUpLift have curated a collection of PowerPoint title slides that can be used as a starting point for your presentation. These PowerPoint title slide ideas are 100% customizable and can be used on both PowerPoint and Google Slides.

It’s time to buckle up for your next presentation now that you know how to create an interesting title slide.

What Is A Good Title For A Presentation?

A good presentation title is short (under 15 words). It teases the benefit for the audience, which is what they’ll learn. Use a question, surprising fact, or statement that intrigues the audience.

How Do You Title A Presentation Slide?

Based on which device or platform you’re using PowerPoint on, you can title a presentation slide using:

  • The accessibility ribbon
  • The layout option
  • The outline view

Can I Add a Title To Multiple Slides At Once?

Although there isn’t a way to add the same title to multiple slides, you can use these workarounds to add a title slide to all your slides at once:

  • Go to Slide > Edit theme. Add your title as word art to the theme. This way, it will show up on every slide in that presentation.
  • You could also try creating your first slide and duplicating it to create the remaining slides. This way, you’ll skip typing in the title each time.

What Do You Say In The Title Slide Of A Presentation?

Your title slide PowerPoint should include a short, catchy title (benefit-focused!), your name for credibility (optional), and maybe the date/location for handouts (skip it on the slide itself).

Where Is The Layout Of The Title Slide Present In Powerpoint?

The layout of the title slide is present under the ‘home’ tab. You can change the title slide’s layout with the help of this tool.

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Need a good presentation topic? Here are hundreds of them.

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera November 04, 2022

If you’re looking for good topics for presentations, you’ve landed on the right page. In this article, you’ll find plenty of good presentation topics, tips on choosing the most suitable presentation topic for you, and essential design elements to make your presentation a success. 

Many factors go into an excellent presentation. You need to have confident body language and engage your audience to hold their attention. You also need eye-catching visual aids like images, data visualizations, GIFs, and others (all of which you can find in Prezi ), not to mention a great opening to grab attention and a strong closing line to stay memorable. However, the most essential aspect of your presentation is the topic. It’s the core of your presentation, so it has to be strong, insightful, attention-grabbing, and appealing to yourself and your audience in order to evolve into a successful presentation everyone will love. 

good presentation topics: a woman giving a presentation in a business meeting

How to choose a good presentation topic

There are millions of topics you could create a presentation on, but what defines a good presentation topic? If you’re struggling to either come up with a good topic for a presentation or you can’t decide between multiple ones, here are a few questions you should ask yourself before choosing a topic. 

What’s the goal of your presentation? 

When you’re choosing a presentation topic, consider the meaning behind it. Ask yourself what the purpose of talking about this topic is, and what you want to say about it. Whatever topic you choose to present, the conclusion needs to provide a takeaway or lesson you want to communicate to your audience. A meaningful goal will make your presentation more memorable.  

Are you interested in the topic?

If you’re not interested in the presentation topic, others won’t be curious either. Interest, enthusiasm, and passion enrich your presentation and are noticeable when presenting. Interest shines through and inspires others to find the topic as fascinating as you do. Think about the last time you saw someone sharing something they were passionate about – their excitement drew people in to pay closer attention to what they were saying. 

When choosing a topic, you need to find it or a particular angle of it interesting for yourself. For example, perhaps you’re not a pop music enthusiast, but you’re passionate about studying cultural phenomena. In this case, you can talk about pop music’s influence on early 2000s youth culture. 

Will your audience find this topic relatable? 

While you have to find the topic you’re presenting interesting, you also have to think about your audience. When choosing a subject, consider your audience’s background in terms of demographics, interests, culture, and knowledge level about the topic. Think about what others will find fascinating and relevant, so they’re not bored or confused during your presentation.

Do you have prior experience or knowledge about this topic?

Personal experiences are always great to share in a presentation, providing your unique perspective for anyone listening. While you can easily prepare your presentation based on a quick Google search, it won’t make the same lasting impact on your audience. Choose a presentation topic you have some prior knowledge about, or have an interesting opinion you can share with others. It’ll make your presentation more engaging and memorable.

good presentation topics: a presenter on stage

Ideas for good presentation topics

It’s not easy to come up with a good presentation topic from scratch. It’s much easier to get inspired from other good presentation topics to build your topic on. Whether you’re looking for presentation ideas for work, about me presentation ideas, unique or easy presentation topics, you’ll find them all here.

Without further ado, here are some good presentation topics to choose from or get inspired by.

Presentation topics about social media

  • The role of social media in portraying gender stereotypes
  • How social media impacts our body image
  • How social media shaped Gen Z 
  • The most significant differences between the Facebook and TikTok generations
  • The negative effects of social media
  • The positive impacts of social media 
  • The effects of social media on behavior 
  • How social media impacts our physical (or mental) health
  • How social media has shaped our understanding of mass media
  • Should we teach about social media in schools?
  • The rise of social media influencers
  • How AR Instagram filters impact our self-image
  • How to go viral on social media?
  • The origins of social media echo chambers
  • Social media as a news outlet

Author: Ish Verduzco

Presentation topics about movies

  • How movies influence our understanding of good and evil
  • Beauty standards represented in movies
  • How female characters are depicted in Hollywood movies
  • How horror movies and global fears have developed through time
  • The adverse effects of romance movies
  • How movies have changed our understanding of the Western culture
  • Charlie Chaplin and the silent movie era
  • The globalization of culture: Hollywood vs. Bollywood
  • The psychology behind the music in films
  • The ethics of using animals in movies
  • Social media’s influence on the film industry
  • The history of filmmaking
  • The role of color in movies
  • The cultural impact of romance movies
  • How are gender stereotypes depicted in Hollywood movies?

Author: Cinto Marti

Presentation topics about music

  • The impact of pop music on beauty standards
  • Should digital music be free for everyone?
  • The psychology behind the music in advertisements 
  • The effectiveness of sound therapy
  • Can music inspire criminal behavior?
  • The psychological effects of metal music
  • The origins of K-pop
  • How does music influence our understanding of the world?
  • Can music help in the learning process?
  • The positive effects of classical music
  • The history of hip hop
  • Why is music education essential in schools?
  • The psychological benefits of playing piano
  • Can anyone become a famous musician?
  • The role of music in fashion

Author: Prezi Editorial

Presentation topics about health

  • The link between food and mental health
  • Inequality in the healthcare system
  • Myths about healthy practices
  • Simple practices that help you stay healthy
  • Health education in schools: Should it change?  
  • Toxic positivity and mental health
  • The impact of superfoods on our health
  • The psychology behind unhealthy eating habits
  • Sex education in schools: Why should we have it?
  • How to trick yourself into getting better: The placebo effect
  • How to strengthen your immune system
  • How to tell if someone is depressed
  • The health benefits of regular exercise
  • The impact of junk food on mental health
  • Stress-caused diseases

Author: Prezi Education Team

Presentation topics about human psychology

  • What is social depression?
  • What triggers panic attacks?
  • The impact of testosterone on aggressive behavior
  • How to overcome social anxiety
  • Differences in the functioning of the brain of a child and adult
  • The impact of violent video games on children’s brain development
  • How does the use of social media influence our attention span?
  • How to overcome childhood trauma
  • The influence of marijuana on the human brain
  • How does behavioral therapy work
  • The psychology behind fame
  • The causes of personality disorders
  • The differences in brain functioning between men and women
  • What happens in therapy sessions?
  • The psychology of substance abuse 

Presentation topics about self-development

  • The impact of exercise on productivity
  • How to deal with stress
  • How to deal with procrastination
  • The positive effects of meditation
  • Why new–year’s resolutions don’t work
  • How to overcome bad habits
  • The impact of negative thoughts
  • The negative effects of self-criticism
  • The role of creativity in self-development
  • Benefits of journaling
  • How to learn something fast
  • How to be mindful
  • The importance of curiosity 
  • How to become more self-aware
  • Why it’s essential to spend time with yourself

Author: Nir Eyal

Presentation topics about education

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of online education?
  • The positive effects of a gap year
  • Should university education be free?
  • Inequality in education access
  • How language learning benefits brain development
  • Emerging gender issues in education
  • The importance of socialization in school
  • School bullying and student development
  • The benefits of reading 
  • Is the education system broken?
  • What you don’t learn in college
  • The link between education and brain development
  • The history of schools
  • The gender gap in STEM
  • The connection between equality in education and economic growth

Presentation topics about culture

  • Is graffiti a form of art or street vandalism? 
  • Cultural diversity in the workplace
  • The impact of culture on gender roles
  • The issue with orientalism
  • Are humans the only species that has culture?
  • How do different cultures view death? 
  • The ethical issues of pop culture
  • The impact of culture on personal development
  • Sexism in different cultures
  • The impact of globalization on local cultures
  • The viral spread of the #metoo movement
  • The history of subcultures
  • The problem with romanticizing toxic relationships in movies
  • 90s pop-culture influence on fashion trends
  • The evolution of cultural psychology 

Author: Devin Banerjee

Presentation ideas for work

  • What it’s like to be a digital nomad?
  • How to deal with workplace conflicts
  • The secret to a productive day
  • How to set achievable goals
  • The importance of diversity in a workplace
  • The positive effects of creative thinking at work
  • How to give constructive feedback
  • The characteristics of a valuable team member
  • Inequality and the glass ceiling
  • Racial discrimination in the workplace
  • Work habits of different cultures
  • How is work perceived in various countries?
  • Technological development and the future of work
  • The importance of a healthy work/life balance
  • The rise of health problems in office work

Author: Charles Huang

Presentation topics about hybrid work

  • The positive effects of hybrid work on work/life balance
  • Is hybrid work the future work model? 
  • How to stay connected in a hybrid work model
  • The challenges of hybrid work nobody talks about
  • How to stay productive when working from home
  • The social effects of hybrid work
  • The economic impacts of hybrid work
  • Case study: Hybrid work model in [company]
  • What causes Zoom fatigue?
  • The problem with online meetings
  • Is hybrid work better than remote work?
  • How to develop a close relationship with colleagues in a hybrid work model
  • What kind of company culture is best for a hybrid work model?
  • Is hybrid work sustainable?
  • Cybersecurity consideration for hybrid working

Author: Barbie Brewer

Presentation topics about public speaking

  • The importance of body language in public speeches
  • How to appear confident when you’re not
  • How to become a better orator
  • The use of eye contact in public speaking
  • Breathing exercises that will calm you down before public speaking
  • The benefits of public speaking
  • Ways to improve public speaking skills
  • How to leave a great first impression on stage
  • How to engage your audience during a public speech
  • How to best structure your public speech
  • How to end your presentation speech
  • Can anyone learn to be good at public speaking?
  • How to prepare for a public speech
  • What not to do right before a public speech
  • How to address a controversial topic in a public speech  

Author: Prezi Team

Presentation topics about entrepreneurship and leadership

  • The main principles of a good leader
  • The impact of leadership skills on professional performance
  • The mistake every entrepreneur makes
  • How to successfully lead a cross-cultural team
  • How to celebrate inclusivity in a diverse team
  • What are the common personality traits of a successful entrepreneur?
  • The impact of entrepreneurship on the global economy
  • The characteristics of a leader
  • The most common challenges of entrepreneurship
  • Can anyone learn to become a successful leader? 
  • What affects new venture growth?
  • The psychology of leadership
  • What is crowdsourcing? 
  • The benefits of being an entrepreneur
  • Common mistakes leaders make

Author: Jill Sinclair

Presentation topics about technology

  • The rise of technological development
  • Is technology addictive?
  • Should we use drones for military and non-military purposes?
  • The sustainability of electric cars
  • What are deepfakes?
  • Limitations of AI machines
  • The future of programming
  • Ethical issues of AI
  • The future of AR in business
  • How VR can be used in the medical field

Author: David Vandegrift

Sales presentation topics

  • How to make a cold email intro
  • What is sales enablement?
  • How to build better relationships with customers
  • The best way to improve pipeline management
  • Coaching via verbal and written role-play
  • How to plan cold calls
  • What’s a deal-breaker for most customers? 
  • All about personalized coaching
  • How to manage objections
  • How to close more deals
  • How to keep your prospects engaged
  • Effective sales communication strategies
  • How to conduct a competitor analysis
  • The most valuable sales skills
  • What soft skills do you need to become a successful sales rep?

Author: Cindy McGovern

Easy presentation topics

  • Benefits of daily exercise and how to incorporate it into your routine
  • Simple and nutritious meal recipes
  • Tips for improving time management and productivity
  • The importance of recycling
  • The history of a local landmark or festival
  • Ways to reduce stress
  • Exploring different types of renewable energy sources and their impact on the environment
  • The basics of budgeting and saving money for future goals
  • The benefits of social media for professional use
  • Tips for overcoming stage fright
  • How to start a meditation practice
  • The impact of technology on modern society
  • The basics of personal finance
  • The health benefits of a plant-based diet
  • The history of Earth Day

Good how to presentation topics

  • How to create a successful social media marketing strategy
  • How to give a persuasive presentation
  • How to create effective and engaging content for your blog
  • How to discover your strengths and weaknesses
  • How to use project management tools to increase productivity
  • How to make the most out of boring meetings
  • How to build a personal brand
  • How to conduct effective market research
  • How to use data analytics to improve decision-making
  • How to improve your decision-making process
  • How to write a winning proposal
  • How to create a visually stunning presentation
  • How to manage stressful situations at work
  • How to make friends as an adult
  • How to network at work events

About me presentation ideas

  • My journey to becoming who I am today
  • My passion for [insert topic or activity]
  • My career aspirations and goals
  • My travels and adventures around the world
  • My hobbies and interests outside of work/school
  • My role models and influences
  • My strengths and weaknesses
  • My favorite books, movies, and TV shows
  • My proudest achievements and accomplishments
  • My favorite childhood memories
  • My family and friends
  • My education and academic background
  • My volunteer and community service experience
  • My personality traits and values
  • My vision for the future and how I plan to achieve it

Author: Adam Grant

Student presentation ideas

  • The history and evolution of video games
  • The history and cultural impact of tattoos
  • The impact of social media on body image and self-esteem
  • The effects of globalization on local cultures and economies
  • The role of education in promoting social justice and equity
  • The ethical implications of autonomous weapons in warfare
  • The impact of mass media on society and culture
  • The causes and effects of deforestation on biodiversity and climate change
  • The history and cultural significance of dance in different parts of the world
  • The psychology of addiction and recovery
  • The impact of the gig economy on labor rights and job security
  • The history and impact of feminism on gender equality
  • The benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy sources
  • The impact of colonialism on indigenous cultures and identities
  • The role of technology in promoting global connectivity and intercultural understanding

Author: Edward Quinn

Informative presentation topics

  • The science of sleep: How to get a restful night and improve your wellbeing
  • A journey through the history of the internet
  • Exploring the potential of AI in our world
  • Climate change: Understanding the challenge, seeking solutions for a sustainable future
  • How new technologies are shaping the future of food
  • Understanding the psychology of money for financial success
  • The power of a story: How storytelling captures hearts and minds
  • Mastering the art of negotiation in every interaction
  • The science of happiness: Unlocking the secrets to a more fulfilling life
  • The power of mindfulness for a more present and peaceful YOU
  • Understanding cybersecurity threats and protecting yourself online
  • Exploring the potential of virtual reality for a more immersive future

Author: Andrew Davis

How to create a good presentation 

If you know what you want to present on, it’s time to create an impactful presentation that grabs everyone’s attention. Presentation design plays a crucial role in how your presentation is received and remembered. To stand out and leave a memorable impact on your audience, create a Prezi presentation. Instead of a linear, slide-based presentation, offer an engaging and dynamic storytelling experience to your audience. Breathe life into your presentation with motion, zoom, and spatial relationships. When creating your presentation, consider the following three essential elements: 

Visuals play a significant part in presentation design. They evoke emotions, make a memorable impact, and give more context to the story. Not to mention, 65% of people are visual learners , so visual aids are helpful when explaining a complex topic. 

In your presentation, include different types of visuals, such as images, videos, GIFs, and stickers, all of which you can find in Prezi’s content library. When selecting your visuals, consider what’s relevant and brings additional value to the story. Only add what’s meaningful and necessary. A video or image at the right place and time will enrich the viewing experience and make your presentation more memorable. 

The layout of your presentation is the structure of your story. It’ll help you introduce the topic, intrigue your audience, and unfold the layers of your topic one by one until you disclose your main arguments and summarize the presentation. A good presentation layout has a hierarchical, chronological, or logical flow that leads the viewer from start to finish. 

If you’re creating a Prezi presentation, you can create a dynamic storytelling experience by experimenting with your layout. Instead of going from slide to slide, you can zoom in and out of topics and experiment with different shapes, animations, and effects that draw the viewer into your story world. Here’s an example of a Prezi presentation with a great storytelling layout:

Author: Lydia Antonatos

Data visualizations can elevate your presentation from being a good one to a great one. By providing data behind your arguments, you’ll appear more trustworthy and confident in your audience’s eyes. 

Add charts, graphs, interactive maps, and more to your presentations with Prezi Design. You can choose from a wide selection of charts and maps to illustrate your data. With interactive elements, you’ll be able to engage your audience and make a memorable impact. 

Engaging visuals, a well-structured layout, and relevant data visualizations will provide a great starting base to create a memorable presentation. Discover other tips and tricks that make your presentation effective and capture people’s attention. 

Prezi AI for presentation success

If you already have a clear presentation style in mind or plenty of time for creation, fantastic! But what if you only have a day or less or you don’t know where to start? Enter Prezi AI . It’s your assistant for streamlining the presentation creation process. Here’s how Prezi AI leverages the power of artificial intelligence to turn you into a presentation pro:

Effortless design from scratch

Ditch the blank page anxiety with the AI presentation maker . Simply provide a title or outline, and Prezi AI will generate a visually appealing draft presentation in seconds. It’s like having a built-in design assistant ready to brainstorm with you.

Smarter text, stronger impact

Prezi’s AI text-editing tool helps you perfect your message in seconds. It analyzes your content, suggesting improvements for readability and conciseness.

From bullet points to animations

Let’s face it, static bullet points can put even the most dynamic presenter to sleep. Prezi’s AI animated slides maker transforms your text into captivating visual stories. Choose from formats like flowcharts, animated lists, or zoom reveals to keep your audience engaged.

Perfect for busy presenters

We all know the struggle – a million tasks on your plate, and a looming presentation deadline. Prezi AI can help you save valuable time! With AI assistance, you can generate presentations faster, focus on refining your content, and present with the confidence that comes from knowing your presentation looks polished and professional.

Design help

Don’t worry if you don’t have an eye for design. Prezi AI provides the tools and guidance to create presentations that impress visually.

With Prezi AI, crafting presentations is easy, allowing you to focus on delivering your message with impact and leaving your audience engaged and inspired. Explore what’s possible with Prezi A I today!

Learn more on how to turn your presentation topic into a stunning presentation with AI:

Final thoughts on selecting good presentation topics

Choosing a topic for a presentation isn’t easy. When selecting a topic, think about the goal of your presentation, your interests, and knowledge about the topic, and whether or not your audience will find it relevant and interesting for them. Also, get inspired by other topics that’ll help you figure out what you want to talk about. Lastly, when creating your presentation, consider the impact of visuals, layout, and data visualizations. To simplify the creation process, try Prezi AI or follow the step-by-step process of making a presentation with helpful tips and resources.

how to make a good title for a presentation

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How to write a catchy presentation title

Sep 15, 2022

Posted by: Gemma King

Title writing.

It’s not as easy as you might think.

Take this article, for example. Can we really call an article about writing catchy titles “How to write a catchy title”? It’s hardly… well, catchy.

Fortunately for you, your presentation title doesn’t need to be anywhere near as functional. You don’t have to be easy to find when people google advice. You’ve got (almost) free rein to come up with something truly catchy.

That comes with its own challenges too, of course.

So I’ve gathered together some top tips from Steve Rawling of Storyteller Tactics , and the internet at large.

Let’s get to work!

Why do you need to write a catchy presentation title?

For optional-attendance events, your title needs to catch the attention of your audience enough for them to consider attending. It doesn’t matter how good anything else you have prepared is, if they don’t like the title, they’ll never get to see any of that stuff.

Of course, for many work-related presentations, your audience is pretty much guaranteed. It’s a work thing, so the people who need to be there, will be. Even then, a catchy title is important to set the tone of the session. And you don’t want that tone to be boring, do you?

We want attendees who feel anticipation, not dread or (worse) indifference.

That’s the Why; here are some Hows.

Techniques for writing catchy presentation titles

Buckle up, we’re starting with… worms!

Our community recently explored Mindworms in a live session to discover why some ideas stick in our minds and our memories while others fade into obscurity. Here are some key points you can apply to writing titles. If you include a handful of these things, you’re on the right track:

  • Simplicity : is it easy to understand and repeat?
  • Unexpectedness : is it surprising in some way?
  • Concreteness : does it paint a clear picture?
  • Emotionality : does it evoke hopes and/or fears or engage our sense of identity ?
  • Storyness : does it describe some sort of causal chain (cause and effect)?
  • Sensory : does it include elements like touch, smell or taste?
  • Repetitiveness : are any elements or words repeated to help it stick?
  • Rhyme : do you have any rhyming words that will help people recall it easily?
  • Metaphors : can you use a metaphor to simplify the message?

I’d also consider adding alliteration and humour to this list; the latter particularly if it’s an internal-facing presentation with a known audience.

For example, you might not be particularly enthused about joining a session called: ‘ First-quarter Financial Report on Product X ’ (although it does use concreteness in mentioning ‘first quarter’ and is easy to understand).

You might be slightly more enthusiastic about ‘ Breakeven and beyond; Project X’s first quarter ’, and positively excited about ‘ Product X; the cash cow whose milk smells like success ’. The first employs hope (‘breakeven and beyond’), which is an emotion, as well as being simple and concrete. The second uses a metaphor (cow/milk), sensory words (smell), emotions are evoked (success) and is unexpected. Perhaps too unexpected, but it takes all kinds!

Story approaches

Every good story needs a title, so it’s no surprise that Steve Rawling, Author of Storyteller Tactics, has also covered this topic.

We can start off with the Secrets and Puzzles Storyteller Tactic - a fantastic way to format your presentation, by the way. But even if you don’t use it throughout your talk, you can use it in your title. People love secrets and puzzles. And you can create the sense of a secret about to be shared, or a puzzle to be solved, by using specific ‘keywords’:

  • Secret, confidential, insider, exclusive, hidden, restricted, banned, untold, forgotten.
  • Puzzle, riddle, odd, bizarre, unexpected, ironic, paradox, peculiar, mystery.

But remember - and this is important - if you promise a secret or something puzzling, you must deliver. As Steve says, the use of these words without any type of secret is just clickbait.

So let’s try the exercise again. Can you think of a better way to phrase this title? ‘ Exit interview data: 2022 learnings ’.

The presentation sounds like it’ll talk through the findings of HR’s interviews with team members who have left since the start of the year. This is prime material for a secret-inspired headline (what secrets did the interviews hold?) or a puzzle (how can the data be used to inspire change?).

Something like “ Famous last words; what secrets do 2022’s exit interviews hold? ” or “ Unexpected push factors: can 2022’s exit interviews catalyse change? ”. Both of these are concrete (giving a specific time frame), simple enough for the specialised audience to understand and promise something secretive or surprising.

If there doesn’t seem to be an appropriate secret or puzzle, there are lots of other Storyteller Tactics cards you can use to inspire an intriguing title. For example, Order & Chaos , Good & Evil and Curious Tales .

Another great Storyteller Tactic to use when searching for the perfect title is That’s Funny . It has you pick out something about your presentation/story that is a bit odd and makes you go “ Hmm, that’s funny… ”, or perhaps a person that is acting unusually. Something a little bit out of the ordinary (and unexpected) is a good way to reel people in. And talking of reeling people in…

Finally, Story Hooks is a fantastic tool. Steve looked at 1,000 TED talks to look for story hooks in their titles. He found a tonne of useful approaches: questions, surprises, ironies, relatability, superlatives and of course - knowledge. The promise that you will impart your hard-earned experience, in simple language, so that others may benefit from it, is a powerful one.

Other title-writing tricks to try

The internet is full of suggestions, some great and some utterly absurd. This list sticks to the former category! Pick a couple that are relevant to your presentation and give them a whirl.

  • Use your title to create a knowledge vacuum. Is the content of your talk going to change something big? "This talk could change the way we talk to customers forever" - it lets people know that they'll be missing out on something important if they don't pay attention.
  • Look for inspiration elsewhere. Probably not in your own calendar - catchy titles are still not the norm in most industries! Look at events online - or local newspaper headlines. They are rife with creativity (a little too much of it, sometimes!).
  • Ask a question ; it gets people thinking about the answer straight away! And once they have started wondering, they'll be invested in finding out what the real answer is.

And we might be biased here, but the Pip Club newsletter (Pip's Practical Prompts) is a goldmine if you're looking for catchy titles and punchy, shorthand content inspiration. 

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7 PowerPoint Title Slide Examples to Start Your Presentation Right


PresentationPanda.com is now proudly owned by INK PPT . We aim to enrich and expand upon the valuable content previously provided by PresentationPanda.com . This blog will deliver even deeper insights, comprehensive guides, and innovative strategies to elevate your presentations to new heights.

TL;DR: Your PowerPoint title slides are the gateway to your presentation, setting the stage and making the first impression on your audience. It's essential to design these slides meticulously to capture attention right from the start. A well-crafted title slide not only piques interest but also conveys professionalism and sets the tone for the content that follows. By investing time and creativity into your cover slides, you can significantly enhance the overall impact of your presentation, ensuring your audience is engaged from the very beginning.

In this guide, we showcase seven exemplary PowerPoint cover slides that exemplify outstanding design, ranging from minimalistic to highly professional. These examples provide a wealth of inspiration, demonstrating how different styles can be effectively utilized to make a powerful first impression. Whether you prefer clean and simple designs or more elaborate and polished ones, these slides offer valuable ideas for creating a compelling visual entrance to your presentation. By emulating these techniques, you can elevate your presentation game and ensure that your message is delivered with maximum impact.

Your PowerPoint title slide (i.e., cover slide) is arguably one of the most important slides in your deck and one that you should spend extra time making PERFECT. Think about it: Your title slide sets the stage for your entire presentation. We all make instant judgments that either give us hope or lower expectations. Think of your title slide as the all-important first introduction. It’s a taste of things to come for the rest of your presentation. An exceptional title slide gives your audience hope that the presentation will be exceptional. Conversely, a poorly designed or low-quality title slide conveys a lack of attention to detail.

Your audience will mostly assume that if you rushed your cover, you rushed your entire presentation. Therefore, before you get up on stage to present, take the time to make sure your cover slide rocks. If you have no idea where to begin creating a dynamic title slide, don’t worry. I have got you covered!

There are many ways to go about creating your title slide. To give you a little slide inspiration, here are some PowerPoint title slides examples that look great.

Let’s begin!

1. the minimal – a smart looking title slide design starts with simplicity.

A man confidently presents in front of a large banner, engaging the audience with his captivating presentation skills

Triangle Presentation Template – available for download here

Einstein once said, “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,” and that is certainly true when it comes to title slides. This title slide is proof that less truly is more. A simple image married to some minimal text, with a bit of “design flair,” is really all you need to have a title slide that stands out.

Why this PowerPoint title slide example works:

  • Simple and modern design
  • Plenty of whitespace allows the title to shine
  • Cool black and white style
  • Three different font sizes create a nice visual hierarchy
  • Easily directs audience eyes to flow from top to bottom

2. The Professional – A Sleek and Simple Layout That Lets Your Title and Image Equally Shine

A suited man speaking into a TV microphone

Influencer Presentation Template – available for download here

Here’s an example of a title slide that works with pretty much every presentation. It’s sleek and has a professional design that will surely make you stand out and close the deal.

  • Clean, bold, and professional look
  • Plenty of whitespace allows the title and logo to shine
  • Cool transparent shape overlay
  • Three different font sizes create a visual hierarchy
  • Great font combination
  • Consistent color scheme

3. The 3 Triangles – Geometric Shapes Filled with Consistent Images Makes for a Clean Looking Slide

A desktop computer with a green screen on a green background, ready for customization

Modern Presentation Template – available for download here

Here’s an example of a title slide that has a unique way of showing off key images that represent what your presentation is about. As long as you keep your images looking consistent, this style will easily start your presentation off with a bang.

  • Creative and simple geometric design – sharp edges
  • Three attractive images that have a consistent look and feel (nature-themed)
  • Good contrast of color images on a white background
  • Three different image sizes create harmony (power of three)
  • Good font combination

4. The Backdrop – A Transparent Overlay Over a Single Background Image Always Looks Good

Shikha Co. company profile: showcasing the brand's identity, values, and offerings.

‍ Startup X Presentation Template – available for download here

Filling up your entire title page with a single background image can work wonders. Just make sure that any text that you overlay on top of the image can easily be read. If you have a busy image with limited whitespace (like the one seen above), you can simply add whitespace to the image by overlaying a semi-transparent shape. Just make sure the color of the transparent shape has plenty of contrast from the background image.

  • Background image takes up the entire slide
  • Cool semi-transparent shape overlay
  • Plenty of whitespace allows both the title and logo to shine
  • Good contrast of transparent shape over color image

5. The Designer – This Futuristic Title Slide Proves Photos Are Not Necessary

A team of professionals working together to achieve a data-driven transformation for customer-centric agencies

Report Presentation Template – available for download here

Using a bit of creativity with shapes and layout, you can create a title slide that looks great without using any images. Pulling off a title slide like this will surely make it look like you had your presentation created by a professional designer .

  • Cool modern design – futuristic look and feel
  • Bold black and white design
  • Good contrast of white text over black shape
  • Plenty of whitespace around the title text

6. The Profile – A Smartly Designed Collage of Consistent Photos

Company Profile Presentation Template – available for download here

Similar to the third title slide example, a great way to show what your presentation is about is to use a collage of images within a cool-looking layout (like the example above). Just make sure that your images look consistent in terms of style, color, composition, etc.

  • Four consistent images show multiple aspects of the business or presentation
  • Energetic color scheme
  • Plenty of whitespace around the title

7. The Client – A Subtle Title Slide Look That Shows Off Your Clients Nicely

 A dart hitting the bullseye on a target with the words "Hero Fincorp" written on it

Elevator Pitch Presentation Template – available for download here

If your presentation is for a client or series of clients, you may need to add their logos to the title slide. If that is the case, make sure there is plenty of space for those logos to breathe. Also, if the logos that you are inserting happen to all be different colours (and each one is individually screaming for attention), consider either placing them all behind a transparent shape overlay or changing the colour of all the logos to match the rest of your colour scheme on the slide (as seen above).

  • Cool semi-transparent shape overlay makes the title text easy to read
  • Plenty of whitespace allows the title and client logos to stand out
  • Client logos match the rest of the colour scheme on the slide

Spend extra time making sure your PowerPoint title slides look awesome. Remember, the PowerPoint title slides you design set the tone for your entire presentation. That’s why you need to make sure extra attention gets put into creating this slide. You’ve likely spent a lot of time working on your presentation. So, why give someone the opportunity to dismiss it in the first three seconds? You owe it to yourself to get the cover slide nailed down properly.

The best way to come up with an exciting new cover slide for your presentation is by getting presentation inspiration from others. We hope that some of the PowerPoint cover template slides shown in this post have provided a bit of creative spark to get you thinking.

Here’s my question for you: What’s your favorite way of creating awesome-looking presentation cover slides? Sound off in the comments below. I read each and every one.

Also, if you found this post on PowerPoint cover slides helpful, please share it with your friends using the share buttons to the left.

Looking for more helpful tips for creating presentation cover slides ? Here are a few suggested articles you will likely get a kick out of:

  • 10 PowerPoint Cover Slide Examples That Will Energize Any Room
  • Awesome SlideShare Cover Slides That Will Inspire Your Next Presentation
  • 10 Professional PowerPoint Templates That Will Cut Your Design Time in Half
  • Why are PowerPoint title slides important? PowerPoint title slides are crucial because they set the stage for your entire presentation, making the first impression on your audience.
  • How can I create impactful presentation cover slides? To create impactful presentation cover slides , focus on simplicity, use high-quality images, and ensure a good balance of text and whitespace.
  • What are some design tips for title slide design? Some design tips for title slide design include using contrasting colors, maintaining a clean layout, and incorporating visually appealing fonts.
  • Where can I find inspiration for my presentation cover slides? You can find presentation inspiration by looking at examples of well-designed slides, such as those featured in this blog, and by exploring online resources like SlideShare.
  • How does a good title slide impact a presentation? A good title slide creates a strong first impression, sets the tone for the presentation, and engages the audience from the start, making your presentation more effective.

Ready to elevate your presentation design? Use these examples of PowerPoint title slides to inspire your next presentation cover slides . Share this blog with friends and colleagues who could benefit from fresh presentation inspiration and start creating presentations that wow your audience today!

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how to make a good title for a presentation

Nikita - Unleashing Creative Magic

I'm an ardent creative explorer. With every stroke of my digital brush, I bring your ideas to life. Books are my cherished companions, sparking the exceptional ideas that I love to infuse into our team's projects.

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eye-catching titles powerpoint guide

5 Ideas for Writing Eye-Catching Title for Your Presentation


  • December 9, 2018

If you don’t hook your audience from the first seconds you start your presentation, you will lose them until the end. Check this blog for ideas on how to write an eye-catching title for your next presentation.

Explore our Business Performance PPT Reports category on the website for more resources to boost your presentation impact.

One of the first things your audience sees in the first 5 seconds of your presentation is the title. They usually have an idea of what your presentation is going to be about before you even show up.

Awesome presentations start with catchy titles, which appeal to the audience. Your listeners will judge if your presentation is interesting and clicks with them or not based on your title. So if you really want people to listen to you, you need an eye-catching title for your PowerPoint presentation. Keep reading the article below and find out how you can nail it when you create your next presentation title.

How to Write an Eye-Catching Title for PPT Presentation

1. promise relevant benefits.

People become interested in your presentation when they discover from the title that they might find the answer to their questions. The “how-to” titles will always work if you want to influence people and convince them that you really have the solution to their problems. You don’t even need too many words when you create such titles. You will offer them the benefits from the title and make them curious to hear more about what you have to say.

Post Pandemic Business Recovery Plan powerpoint

(Click this image or any others to get to this slide source)

2. Come up with a story

When you decide to use such a title, it is very important that your presentation includes examples. This is a title that asks for real-life examples. You can even share a personal story and thus create an emotional connection with your audience . What is more, when you use these titles, you should always add some adjectives to A and B to add even more emotion to your eye-catching title.

eye-catching title personal story ppt

3. Make your audience curious

When you are invited to make a speech, this means that you have something important to say. This is why you should make the most out of it. However, if you want to keep your audience engaged until the end, you should grow the suspense gradually and make them curious.

In the example below, you can see how we used a big ribbon on the left to focus on the text and icons while making the background more subtle. You can use this technique to make sure the text is readable when you have many colors on the background picture.

How to Make Coronavirus Infographics Using PowerPoint

People will always want to hear what’s new on the market. Use your presentation title to provoke interest and make them curious about the latest trends.

4. Use numbers in front of your title

Let’s do a simple exercise of the imagination. Which title seems more interesting to you? “Critical concepts to teaching mathematics” or “Five critical concepts to teaching mathematics”? Even if you are an expert in mathematics, wouldn’t you be curious to find out which of those five critical concepts you could use to teach mathematics? If you wonder which is the “magical” number you should use, the answer is pretty simple.

eye-catching title numbers for powerpoint

Depending on how big your presentation is, you can decide which is the number of benefits or methods you want to talk about. Usually, three is the “magical” number as it allows you to go into details and show your audience that you have a really solid case in your presentation. It is always better to go deep, rather than wide.

5. Tell your audience what to do

Creating a headline with a command in it doesn’t mean that you will scare your audience and lose them. On the contrary, people need guidance and they are interested in presentations where they find out how to do things better.

In Conclusion

First impressions always matter. Your title is the first impression you create for your presentation. Therefore, your title should convince your audience from the moment they read the agenda that your presentation is worth attending. Build curiosity and keep them in suspense until the end of the presentation.

Your title will also help you be more credible and show your audience that you are an expert in your field. Moreover, don’t forget to keep your titles short and concise. You should also take care to run a grammar check with the assistance of an AI tool to make sure that there aren’t any errors in your title. This is how you will help your audience to get the main idea and wait anxiously to hear more during the presentation.

Not sure how to best represent your ideas or show a particular topic? Reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you and help.

For more inspiration, subscribe to our YouTube channel:

Further Resources

If you’d like to get more inspiration for transforming your next presentation, check out these articles:

  • How to Create Unique Attractive Tables in 4 Steps
  • Get rid of bullet points! Three creative list presentation ideas
  • How to make a presentation when you have no time

Author: Leona Henryson – freelance writer and UX designer. Also, she is a contributing writer for various blogs, including Writersquad. When she is not writing or designing, she is swimming, hiking, and, weather permitting, snowboarding.



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  • Presentations

How to Make a Great PowerPoint Title Cover Slide Quickly (+ Video)

Andrew Childress

Want to avoid creating another boring presentation? Well-designed presentations make a great first impression. A PowerPoint title slide sets the stage for your subsequent slides!  

Intro PowerPoint title slide

Your PowerPoint title slide is critical for a successful slide deck.

Half the battle is building excitement with a PowerPoint title page. Invest extra time to add design polish to your cover slide PowerPoint design. Build a bold PowerPoint title slide that shows your audience that you're excited to share!        

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to build a PowerPoint title page. You'll see intro slide examples that spark success. Attention is everything, and presentation title pages help you get and keep it. It's quick, easy, and key to success in 2024! 

Learn How to Make Great Presentations Today: Grab our FREE eBook!

Before we take a closer look at PowerPoint cover slides, let's look at another great resource. We've got a helpful complement to this tutorial. Download our FREE eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . Grab it now before you read on .

free presentations ebook

How to Quickly Make Great PowerPoint Presentation Title Cover Slides (Video)

If you're making a PowerPoint title slide for your presentation, you need it to look good.  Learn how to make a visually appealing PowerPoint title page quickly in the video below:

how to make a good title for a presentation

To learn even more about cover slides for PowerPoint, study the rest of the tutorial. You'll see real world examples of PowerPoint title pages. These presentation title page designs are tried-and-true options for great design.

Jump to instructions for the type of PowerPoint cover slide you're interested in:

  • The Logo Slide
  • The Big Question Slide
  • The Introductory Slide
  • The Roadmap Slide
  • The Team Slide
  • The Quote Slide
  • The Challenge Slide

The Seven PowerPoint Cover Slides to Build

There's no limit to the directions that you can take your PowerPoint title slide. You can let your creativity run wild as you build title page in PPT designs.

But it's hard to disagree that the first slide is going to set the stage for the rest of your presentation. So, it's essential that your presentation gets off to a strong start. But what direction should you go with your presentation title page so that you grab and keep audience attention?

In this tutorial, you'll learn to build seven types of PowerPoint title slides. Here are the intro slide examples that I tend to think about when designing my PowerPoint title pages:

  • The Logo Slide. Focus on the branding and brand image of your group with this PowerPoint title page! Start off by putting your logo and tagline front and center.
  • The Big Question Slide. Most presentations work to inform. But it's also fun to flip the script and ask a question of your audience. It kickstarts the conversation.
  • The Introductory Slide. This slide focuses on showcasing your credentials and background to establish authority.
  • The Roadmap Slide. Chart the course for your presentation ahead by giving a sneak preview of the topics you'll cover.
  • The Team Slide. Does your presentation focus on a group's effort? It's a great idea to start your presentation by showcasing all the minds behind the project.
  • The Quote Slide. Sharing an inspirational or motivational quote is a fun way to engage your audience. 
  • The Challenge Slide. Many presentations strive to help solve problems. Set the stage by highlighting the big challenge immediately. 

In this tutorial, we're going to build an example of each of these PowerPoint cover slides. We'll use pre-built templates to create impactful slide designs with ease. Let's dive in!

How to Make PowerPoint Title Slides

We're going to use an impressive template called the BePro PowerPoint Business template. This is one of the top PowerPoint templates for Envato Elements subscribers.

BePro has a litany of cover slide PowerPoint designs that you can use to create the perfect PowerPoint title page! It also includes several color schemes to make it easy to reuse on multiple presentation title pages.

Explore the BePro Template

BePro PPT title slide ideas

Envato Elements includes over 25,000 premium PowerPoint themes! You have countless title page in PPT options. With these, you can build amazing intro slide examples of your own. Start with this collection for more great ideas:

how to make a good title for a presentation

Now, you can learn about each of the seven types of title slides:

1. The Logo Slide

The Logo Slide focuses on your brand image and showcasing the logo of your company. Branding takes center stage with this title page in PPT concept. It's ideal to use a logo slide to show your branding on the PowerPoint title page when you're building brand awareness.

A good starting point for this slide is slide design three that's built into the BePro template. It's perfect for just adding a logo and background image. In the example below, I dropped in the logo on the slide. I also took the same logo and faded it into the background image placeholder.

Logo PowerPoint cover slide

Make sure too that your version of the logo slide stays with the branding message. Adjust the colors of shapes and text to match the overall color scheme of your business. Presentation title pages should always fit with your overall brand style.

Building a logo slide as your title slide doesn't have to be complicated. A well-made logo slide shows your branding quickly. An alternate option for this slide is slide design 4, a simple slide with a dark color scheme. Just add your logo to that slide to create contrast.

2. The Big Question Slide

Your audience may be expecting you to impart knowledge on them. But you can flip the script by asking a question up front.

The "Big Question Slide" doesn't take much time to design. It helps you free up time that you can spend thinking about the rest of your content.

When you're writing a presentation, there should always be a goal or big idea. In the example below, I used the minimalist slide design 4 to ask a question of the audience. Over the course of the presentation, I'll answer this question for the audience. 

Question PPT title slide examples

If you aren't  answering a question or sharing an idea, it might be time to re-think the content. 

3. The Introductory Slide

There's nothing wrong with getting a bit personal in your presentation. Set the stage by building your authority and expertise, and the audience will trust and follow you through the presentation.

BePro has many slide designs that work well for this, but I opted for slide 25. It's a clean and straightforward slide design. It's easy to add points that explain your expertise to the audience. 

Introductory title page in PowerPoint

As you can see above, I also added a stock photo as the background image. Envato Elements features a ton of stock images as part of the subscription. They're ideal for sourcing a stock image for your presentation. 

In my example slide, I grabbed a great photo and faded it into the background. It's a great reminder that Elements is a total solution for building presentations—not just for the PowerPoint templates.

4. The Roadmap Slide

The roadmap style slide is used to tell the story of where your presentation is headed. I've sat through many presentations that seemed to wander through the agenda and would've benefitted from a roadmap slide. 

When you build a roadmap, you show the audience the direction that you'll take them on over the course of the presentation. 

Roadmap PPT title slide ideas

Slide design 41 might take a bit of customization, but I do think that it's the perfect choice for showcasing your roadmap for the presentation. Just update each of the four placeholder boxes with a key section of your presentation to architect the roadmap of your big speech.

5. The Team Slide

This type of slide is the perfect intro to showcasing a project that was a total team effort. If you're going to spend your presentation sharing how you built a big app, product, or project, it's only right that you share the credit with your team. 

Slide 22  in BePro is the perfect choice to build a team slide of your own. It's tailor-made to drop in images and descriptions of your team members and see it come to life. 

In my example below, I put a vital member of the project team in each of the image placeholders. Giving a brief background or description of their contribution to the project is a great way to set the stage. 

Team title slide

I think the Team Slide approach is perfect when multiple speakers are involved. Some of my favorite presentations are when several different presenters will each take a part of the presentation. If this is the style of your presentation, use a team slide that introduces everyone's role and contributions.

6. The Quote Slide

Starting off with a quote is a great way to build a PowerPoint cover slide. Share a signature quote and you can inspire and engage with your audience! Quotes provide motivation and inspiration. They can be key to helping you convey your message.

Let’s use slide #9 in the BePro template. Over on the left, you’ll see a text placeholder. Here, you can quickly keyboard in a quote to share with your audience. Optionally, up at the top, you can add a title. Using this layout as your title slide makes for a fun and inspiring opener.

Intro slide examples

As you can see, it’s easy to add a quote to your cover slide PowerPoint design. This is a good way if you’re motivating your audience to take action. Sharing the inspiring words of others helps you inspire confidence and drive your audiences to act on your message. 

7. The Challenge Slide

In PowerPoint, you’re often sharing the solution to a problem. Don’t waste time - address things head-on right away! To do that, consider PPT title slide examples that outline a challenge. After all, if you’re proposing solutions, you first must define the challenge.

PowerPoint title slide examples

Above, I’ve used slide #6 to create a challenge slide. Once again, the process is quick and easy. Simply swap out the placeholder content with your own words and numbers. When you use layouts like this, there will be no confusion on the part of your audience. You can clearly show the challenge that must be accepted. 

5 Quick PowerPoint Title Cover Slide Design Tips for 2024

We've looked at how to make a great PowerPoint cover slide. Soon, you can begin building amazing slides on your own.

Still need inspiration? These tips can serve as PPT title slide ideas. Let's check out five quick design tips that are sure to help you out:

Bold style is essential on your PowerPoint cover page. Remember, you've got one goal: capturing audience attention . Sharp, eye-catching design does exactly that on cover slide PowerPoint designs.

PowerPoint cover page

Premium templates built by creatives provide unmatched designs. They even help inspire you to do your very best work. I think of templates as a top source for PPT title slide ideas. And they're incredibly easy to customize, making you look like a PPT expert.

2. Create Your Own Layouts

PPT decks are really frameworks for your message. Inside the app, you've got the flexibility to customize every slide layout. That's never more important than on the first page of PPT presentations.

By adjusting layouts, you can show exactly what you want, where you want. It's the best way to create a memorable and unique PowerPoint cover page.

Ready to implement PPT title slide ideas of your own? Tweaking layouts helps you do just that. Learn how to customize PPT layouts with our quick tutorial:

how to make a good title for a presentation

3. Embrace Minimalism

Minimalism. It's a popular design aesthetic, and for good reason. It adds style without being overpowering or distracting. That's perfect for a PowerPoint cover page.

First page of PPT presentation

Try to build a cover showing only the essentials. These could be things like an image, the presentation title, a date, and your name. Be careful to avoid adding clutter: it's a quick way to lose your audience.

4. Add Kinetic Typography

You might not think of animated text. But it's actually a great way to grab attention and lock in audience focus on your title page in PPT. Thanks to PowerPoint, you can add these animations (called kinetic typography) easily.

Kinetic typography brings subtle, stylish text animation to any slide. It's ideal for the first page of PPT presentation layouts in need of a bit more energy.

Learn how to use kinetic typography in just 60 seconds here. It's yet another source of inspiration for PPT title slide ideas:

how to make a good title for a presentation

5. Use Industry-Specific PowerPoint Cover Slides

First impressions are key in a title page in PPT, and you'll make one with your PowerPoint cover page. So why use generic layouts if you can find something specifically suited to your needs?

My favorite PPT title slide ideas are situation specific. That means choosing PowerPoint title slides that match your purpose. Check out Pizzarena , for example. The designs are targeted at a pizza restaurant. That's far from the norm, but it will instantly resonate with your audience with eye-catching intro slide examples.

Business PowerPoint cover page

This might mean choosing a premium template built for your industry. Or, you might add your brand's colors, logos, and more. Either way, being specific and tailoring your cover slide to your needs is sure to impress.

5 Top PowerPoint Title Cover Slide Templates (For 2024 Presentations)

Premium templates from Envato Elements include stunning PowerPoint cover page designs. And remember, they're a top source for intro slide examples. Let's check out five of the very best PowerPoint templates with built-in PPT title slide examples:

1. VERA PowerPoint Template

Vera PowerPoint cover page

Bold colors abound in this visually stunning PPT deck. With 55 unique slides, you're sure to find the perfect PowerPoint cover page. Also, inside is a custom icon set that's easy to work with. This title page in PowerPoint template is perfect for almost any project.

2. STYLE - Multipurpose PowerPoint Template V50

Style PowerPoint cover page

Style: it's in the name of this template, and for good reason . This is a perfect example of a sleek, minimalist PowerPoint cover page. Customize it in seconds, and with 4,000 slides to choose from, your options are almost unlimited. You're sure to find outstanding options for title page in PowerPoint designs!

3. IPSUM - PowerPoint

Ipsum first page of PPT presentation

IPSUM offers a key part of a successful PowerPoint cover page. That's creative flexibility. Over 50 layouts are built into the pack. You can use those pre-built designs as PPT title slide examples! You'll also see custom infographics, icons, and more. Each slide element is completely editable.

4. Livy PowerPoint

Livy first page of PPT presentation

Searching for a timeless, retro inspired PPT cover page? Livy has you covered. With 50 slides and resizable graphics, it's easy to adapt to your project needs. The included gallery slide makes for a perfect mosaic cover layout. It's yet another great example with PowerPoint title slide examples.

5. Conference PowerPoint Presentation Template

Conference PowerPoint cover page

Last but not least is Conference, a modern PowerPoint cover page deck. Choose between multiple color themes and quickly add in your content. Plus, slides are pre-animated, saving you precious time as you build a title page in PowerPoint! Each slide is in full HD, helping them look great on large screens.

More Top PowerPoint Templates

PowerPoint templates give you a tremendous advantage when creating a presentation. Many of them even give you pre-built title page in PowerPoint designs. You've already seen options for PowerPoint cover pages in this tutorial, but these just scratch the surface.

Check out more of the top templates below. Many of these templates give you even more options for PowerPoint title slide examples:

how to make a good title for a presentation

Learn More About How to Use PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a fantastic app because it's easy to learn. But it also has many advanced features that you can use to build beautiful slides. The title slide designs and the template we used to build them are a great example of how easy it can be.

Still want to learn more about PowerPoint? One of the best resources for learning the app is our article,  Ultimate Guide to the Best PPT . That guide and the tutorials below will help you build competence and present confidently.

how to make a good title for a presentation

The Top Source for the Best PowerPoint Cover Slide Templates (With Unlimited Downloads)

As we've shown, the title page of your PowerPoint presentation sets the tone.  But you need to make sure that the rest of your presentation looks good too.

The best way to build a presentation is to use pre-built templates from Envato Elements. Elements has a massive library of PowerPoint presentation designs you can use. Each template has starter slides that you can just drop your own content into! The PowerPoint cover slides we feature are the fastest way to design.

Find PowerPoint Templates

Title slide

The best part of Elements? It's an all-you-can-download creative buffet. With a single subscription, you've got access to all that Elements offers. It includes thousands of PowerPoint designs plus millions of total creative assets. That includes:

  • stock photos
  • so much more!

PowerPoint title slide

With Elements, finding the perfect assets is easier than ever. Use the tool to find PowerPoint title slide examples, and so much more with a bit of AI-assisted help. Elements now includes a powerful AI search tool ! With it, you can simply describe your own project needs.

With this prompt, Elements will deliver a curated list of assets from the vast library! It's an amazing way to save time and find the perfect content for your title page in PowerPoint. Join Elements and try it today!

Make Great Presentations ( Free PDF eBook Download )

We also have the perfect complement to this PowerPoint tutorial. It walks you through the complete presentation process. Learn how to write your presentation, design it like a pro, and prepare it to present powerfully.

Free PDF eBook Download

Download our new eBook: The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It's available for free with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter.

Start Using PowerPoint Cover Pages Today

In this tutorial, you saw some of the best options for PowerPoint cover pages inside of premium templates. These files set the tone with the help of the first page of PPT presentations, presented perfectly. Choose one of these templates and get started now.

When you use these PPT title slide examples, you’re sure to wow your audience. You’ll kick off every presentation with a strong start! You’ll capture attention and keep everyone engaged. Try it today!

Editorial Note: This tutorial was originally published in August of 2019.  It's been revised to make it current, accurate, and up to date by our staff—with special help from Andrew Childress .

Andrew Childress


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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

  • Carmine Gallo

how to make a good title for a presentation

Five tips to set yourself apart.

Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization. But while there are plenty of good speakers in the world, you can set yourself apart out by being the person who can deliver something great over and over. Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired together are more memorable); don’t underestimate the power of your voice (raise and lower it for emphasis); give your audience something extra (unexpected moments will grab their attention); rehearse (the best speakers are the best because they practice — a lot).

I was sitting across the table from a Silicon Valley CEO who had pioneered a technology that touches many of our lives — the flash memory that stores data on smartphones, digital cameras, and computers. He was a frequent guest on CNBC and had been delivering business presentations for at least 20 years before we met. And yet, the CEO wanted to sharpen his public speaking skills.

how to make a good title for a presentation

  • Carmine Gallo is a Harvard University instructor, keynote speaker, and author of 10 books translated into 40 languages. Gallo is the author of The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World’s Greatest Salesman  (St. Martin’s Press).

Partner Center

15+ Best Title Slides and Intro Slide Templates for Your PowerPoint Presentation

15+ Best Title Slides and Intro Slide Templates for Your PowerPoint Presentation

The importance of title slides cannot be overstated, as they set the tone for your PowerPoint presentation. A captivating and well-designed title slide grabs the audience’s attention and creates a positive first impression. It serves as a visual hook that immediately engages the viewers and prepares them for what lies ahead. With an impactful title slide, you can effectively communicate your presentation’s main theme or message and generate a favourable response from the audience.

We all know content is the king of any presentation. However, the Best title slides for PowerPoint presentations will serve a lot for your theme. So, you must invest your time in creating the best cover or title slides. If you don’t have time to create a stunning presentation slide for introductions, go with a readymade PowerPoint title slide. In this blog, we have compiled many title slides from different fields that also suit your theme. Let us explore each one!

1. Title Slides PowerPoint Template

Intro slide template and example for PowerPoint presentations


This title slide PowerPoint Template is One pager premium PowerPoint created on a brown backdrop with illustrations. This simple yet elegant title slide is versatile and can be used for any presentation. Its sophisticated design effectively captures the audience’s attention and sets the stage for an engaging presentation. The inclusion of introductive paraphrases adds a professional touch, concisely summarising the main ideas to be presented. With this template, you can create a strong and impactful first impression that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

2. Title presentation Template

Professional introduction slide template

The title presentation template featuring an image of a professional lady carrying a file is highly versatile, catering to both business-related displays and thesis defense presentations. Its adaptability makes it an ideal choice for educational PowerPoint presentations, particularly those focusing on research themes. The template offers a visually appealing and professional backdrop that complements the content effectively.

3. Title Slide for Presentation

Introduction slide example for a PowerPoint presentation

The green background PowerPoint title slide presentation offers a user-friendly interface for customization. With PowerPoint’s editing options, you can easily personalize the slide by adding your desired elements. The simple layout includes a dedicated text box where you can summarize your presentation effectively. Furthermore, you have the flexibility to incorporate your brand’s color scheme, logos, and other branding elements to enhance the visual appeal and align it with your corporate identity.

4. Presentation Title PowerPoint Slide

Introduction slide template for PowerPoint

The two-tone color mix on the presentation’s title slide is a fantastic example of a minimalist design. Its visually stunning yellow and dark combination captivates the audience and creates an impactful introduction. This simplistic yet elegant approach lets viewers swiftly grasp the summary, making it an effective and efficient design choice.

5. Title Slide Template for PowerPoint

Simple title slide template for PowerPoint

The Grey Color Presentation Title Slide is a sophisticated and professional PowerPoint template for business presentations. Featuring an office space cutout design, it creates a modern and simple look for your slides. This template is ideal for use as a title or cover page, with a summary section elegantly placed on the left side. Impress your audience with this stylish and impactful presentation design.

6. Title Slide for PowerPoint Presentation

Introduction title slide example for PowerPoint

Violet tinted title slide for PowerPoint presentation is perfect for your business cover page. The background building scenario makes this diagram suit for a finance presentation or as an introduction slide for a company profile presentation. This multipurpose template can use for any presentation title with an elegant touch. The Pager template allows you to make changes in colour, size, and shape.

7. Title Slide PowerPoint Template

Pretty title slide example template for PowerPoint

With our customizable title slide PowerPoint template, you can effortlessly create captivating presentations in a matter of seconds. This slide is designed to cater to a wide range of requirements; this template is perfect for literary shows, welcoming exhibitions, happy birthday celebrations, and any other occasion that requires maximum audience engagement right from the start. The visually appealing background images in this PowerPoint ensure that team meetings become a pleasurable experience while also making it suitable for acknowledgement and reward slideshows. This versatile template can also be a wrap-up slide for thesis defense discussions, providing a professional and sparkled conclusion to your academic presentations.

8. Cover Slide Template

Title slides for PowerPoint

A cover slide template with a blue background theme is an excellent choice for title presentations. The soothing blue color creates a professional and calm atmosphere. You can establish a warm and welcoming tone by incorporating a hand-shaking image at the beginning. This image is versatile and can be used for business presentations and reward-giving ceremonies, adding a sense of appreciation and celebration. Its universal appeal makes it suitable for a wide range of occasions.

9. Presentation Title PowerPoint Template

Title slides for PowerPoint

The Presentation Title PowerPoint Template features a contemporary title slide design with clean background images. Presenters can place their brief descriptions in the center, enabling a concise overview of the presentation topic. In addition, this template offers a modern and professional appearance to captivate the audience.

10. Cover Slide Template for PowerPoint


This dynamic cover slide template for PowerPoint serves as a captivating title slide, perfect for introducing your team to stakeholders or investors. The symbolic imagery of hands coming together conveys unity and collaboration, emphasizing the strength and cohesion of your team. With its professional design and impactful visuals, this template sets the stage for a compelling team introduction presentation.

Title Slides from PowerPoint Pitch Decks

Apart from specially designed One Pager title slides, you can opt for more templates from the Slide deck presentation. All these slides are high-definition PowerPoints within the set for pitch decks.0

1. Red White Food PowerPoint Template (Title Slide for Food and Restaurant Presentation)

Red and white PowerPoint intro slide template

Use this food and restaurant introduction slide in a red and white half-tone mix. This template will be advantageous if you aim for a restaurant company profile for investments or introduce your food chain business. Furthermore, this food presentation template allows you to add with other slides for a pitch deck presentation. Besides, while downloading, you get all the slides that will enable you to give a complete picture of your food business.

2. Artificial Intelligence Presentation Template (Title Slide for AI and Technology Presentation)

Artificial Intelligence presentation title slide template

This AI template will be the best choice if you need a symbolic title slide for an artificial intelligence presentation. Make sure, too, that your version of the technology slide stays with a branding message. Besides, you can adjust the shape, size, text, and colors to match the overall color scheme of your business. This template is fit for educational PowerPoint presentations as well. Teachers can use the title slide to introduce artificial intelligence. Its adaptability and ability to convey a strong visual impact make it an ideal option for informative and engaging presentations.

3. Medical PowerPoint Presentation Template and Keynote (Title Slide for Medical PowerPoint)

Medical presentation title slides

Introducing our exceptional title slide design, perfect for medical presentations. With a sleek layout that seamlessly blends with your medical PowerPoint collection, this slide captivates your audience from the beginning. Featuring a stethoscope as a metaphorical representation, it symbolizes the essence of healthcare and creates an instant connection. Deliver impactful presentations by leveraging this visually appealing title slide, setting the tone for your medical discourse. The presenters can alter color, font, and size according to their requirements.

4. Transport Consulting Firm Presentation Template (Title Slide for Company Profile PowerPoint)

Transportation consulting presentation intro slides

This is an ideal title slide for business introductions. It is created with the sense of how minimalism impacts design aesthetics. It adds many informative concepts on the cover slide for company profile presentations. That is perfect for company introductions. The presenters can use each box to provide company information. For example, your logo can be inserted with the company name on the first box. Similarly, each container can use to show a vision, mission, ongoing projects, company overview, and key figures with the starting slide. With this comprehensive starting slide, presenters can captivate their audience and provide a concise yet impactful summary of their company’s profile and accomplishments.

5. Space Infographic Template for PowerPoint (Title Slide for Science PowerPoint Presentation)

Space related presentation intro slides examples

Space Infographic template for PowerPoint is the best title slide for science and technology presentations. All the images are fit for giving a scintillating display about science presentation. Teachers and science institute professionals can use this image as a presentation title slide. It is actually a great way to conjure attention and lock in audience focus. PowerPoint presentation needs awesome title slides because audience attention should begin when the presentation starts. This stylish template is ideal for the first page of science presentations. Its captivating imagery will attract the audience’s attention, making it an excellent choice for any science-related topic.

6. Health Insurance Presentation Template (Title Slide for Insurance PowerPoint)

Health insurance intro slides

Are you searching for a title slide for insurance presentation? Then, choose our symbolic representation for graphical PowerPoint displays. The health insurance PowerPoint slide is an ideal template for any insurance presentation related to general, life, and health insurance. The duotone cover slide will encompass all areas of insurance since it has symbolic picturization featuring people protection. The vibrant typography brings stylish, subtle text descriptions to any slide. Be specific in your presentation using metaphor title slides. Take your presentation to the next level with symbolic title slides that bring clarity and specificity to your message.

7. Finance Pitch Deck Prezi Style PowerPoint Template (Title Slide for Finance Presentation)

Finance deck intro slides

The first impression is key. So, you need to do what you can with your PowerPoint title slides. This finance pitch deck template contains the best title slide for a finance presentation. It includes the imagery of a finance graph with a skyscraper background. The background images and diagrams will make the finance presentation eye-catching. The presenters can alter or modify the background images and green color using customizations. Elevate your presentations to new heights with SlideBazaar’s professional templates and custom design services.

8. Smart Farming Presentation Template (Title Slide for Agricultural PowerPoint)

Smart farming related intro slides for PowerPoint presentations

The smart farming presentation template offers an ideal agriculture title slide for your farming presentations. It showcases captivating imagery of saplings and a lush greenery background view, creating an amazing visual impact. This visually appealing design perfectly aligns with the theme of smart farming, conveying the message of innovation and sustainable practices in agriculture. With its vibrant and refreshing visuals, this title slide will surely capture your audience’s attention and set the tone for an engaging and informative presentation.

Title slides for PowerPoint presentations need a creative tone to attract your audiences. Besides, it should contain your messages with brief descriptive text placeholders. Here, all slides for title presentation allow you to create whatever you need for a cover page. Let your title page set the stage for an engaging and memorable presentation.

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How to Write a Short Bio for a Presentation: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn to craft a compelling short bio for presentations, enhancing credibility and audience engagement with these expert tips.

Understanding the Purpose of Your Bio

Establishing credibility, connecting with your audience, setting the tone, key elements of a short bio for presentations, 1. start with your name and current role, 2. highlight relevant qualifications and achievements, 3. mention noteworthy projects or roles, 4. add a personal touch, 5. tailor your bio to the audience and occasion, crafting your bio: writing tips, keep it concise, use third person, be professional yet approachable, edit ruthlessly, create ppt using ai.

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  1. 29 Amazing PowerPoint Title Slide Template (Free)

    how to make a good title for a presentation

  2. 20 Designs for Title Slides In PowerPoint

    how to make a good title for a presentation

  3. 15+ Best Title Slides Perfect for Your PowerPoint Presentations

    how to make a good title for a presentation

  4. 12 PowerPoint Title Templates

    how to make a good title for a presentation

  5. How to Make a Best Title Cover Slide In PowerPoint

    how to make a good title for a presentation

  6. 5 Tips to Create BETTER PowerPoint Slide Titles

    how to make a good title for a presentation


  1. Writing Catchy Presentation Titles: Proven Techniques You ...

    A good presentation headline or title serves two purposes: practical and creative. The practical purpose of a presentation title is to provide a clear and concise description of the content. It helps set the expectations of your audience, allowing them to anticipate what they will learn or gain from the presentation.

  2. Presentation Titles that Attract an Audience

    I have a good friend who's an expert on this topic and gives presentations at conferences around the world. 1. Promise benefits. Dale Carnegie's famous book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is still one of the best-selling communications books on Amazon. The title of the book is a big part of it's success.

  3. 9 Ways to Write a Catchy Presentation Title

    So, if you want your presentation title to stand out, here are some tips on how to write a catchy presentation title. Table of Contents. 9 Tips for Writing a Catchy Presentation Title. 1. Provide Relevant Information. 2. Tell a Story. 3. Make Use of Numbers.

  4. Great Presentations Start with Catchy Presentation Titles

    Second, catchy presentation titles will focus on what the audience wants from the presentation. If your title specifically tells the audience why they need to hear it, it is probably a good, catchy title for your presentation. It is our job as the presentation designer (or deliverer) to make people want to pay attention to us. If you start with ...

  5. How to Write the Perfect Titles for Your Slides

    Another way is to use contrasting colors for the title, making it pop. A simple act of making this visual shift will have a major impact on how people perceive your slide titles. 3. Make it Succinct and Simple to Understand. A slide title, like a title for an article or blog, needs to be simple, clear, concise, and easy to understand.

  6. 10 creative Title & End slide Design Ideas for PowerPoint

    7. An interesting fact. Catch the audience's attention by putting an interesting fact concerning the topic on one of your slides - ideally at the beginning, but maybe also in the end (to keep up the audience's interest even after the presentation is done). 8. The title, but with a twist.

  7. How to Create Catchy Presentation Titles

    Create a title that zeroes in on your "idea worth spreading.". While it's okay to have some pizzazz in your presentation title, you still want it to accurately reflect the key idea you want your audience to take action on and not be too open for interpretation. Let your title communicate your point of view on your topic.

  8. How to Write Slide Action Titles Like McKinsey (With Examples)

    Write that voice-over down as the action title. Refine the title. Now refine the title you just wrote. Make sure it is understandable as a stand-alone sentence, and that the words you use are active and convey an insight. See the end of this article for examples and best practices on action titles. Trim the content.

  9. Creating Titles for Your PowerPoint Slides: Tips & Tricks

    Some of the best titles are usually: Funny & Humorous. Draw conclusion. Here are a few great examples of the best PowerPoint slide title ideas: When crafting titles for your slides, try to draw inspiration from other presentations on the internet - so you get a better idea of what worked and what didn't.

  10. Choosing the right PowerPoint title: 6 helpful tips!

    Keep the following aspects in mind when developing your PowerPoint title: A good title should: Make it quick and easy to understand what the presentation is about. Make the audience curious about the presentation topic. Contain the core message of your presentation. Communicate the benefits to your audience.

  11. tips for creating effective slide titles

    In a presentation, the slide title will be the first thing your audience sees, and if they only spend a few moments scanning your slide, make it easy for them to understand the primary point. This post provides real-world examples as well as seven practical tips for crafting action-oriented slide titles to communicate data effectively.

  12. How To Create A Captivating Title Slide For A Presentation

    Method 1: Choosing A Template From The PowerPoint Library For Creating A Title Slide. Step 1: To create a title slide, open the PowerPoint presentation application and click on 'New.'. Step 2: You will find many PowerPoint templates; double-click on the template you like and click on 'Create.'. Step 3: The template you chose will appear.

  13. Need a good presentation topic? Here are hundreds of them

    In this article, you'll find plenty of good presentation topics, tips on choosing the most suitable presentation topic for you, and essential design elements to make your presentation a success. ... Ditch the blank page anxiety with the AI presentation maker. Simply provide a title or outline, and Prezi AI will generate a visually appealing ...

  14. How to write a catchy presentation title

    For example, Order & Chaos, Good & Evil and Curious Tales. Another great Storyteller Tactic to use when searching for the perfect title is That's Funny. It has you pick out something about your presentation/story that is a bit odd and makes you go " Hmm, that's funny… ", or perhaps a person that is acting unusually.

  15. 7 PowerPoint Title Slide Examples to Start Your Presentation Right

    TL;DR: Your PowerPoint title slides are the gateway to your presentation, setting the stage and making the first impression on your audience. It's essential to design these slides meticulously to capture attention right from the start. A well-crafted title slide not only piques interest but also conveys professionalism and sets the tone for the content that follows.

  16. 5 Ideas for Writing Eye-Catching Title for Your Presentation

    What is more, when you use these titles, you should always add some adjectives to A and B to add even more emotion to your eye-catching title. 3. Make your audience curious. When you are invited to make a speech, this means that you have something important to say. This is why you should make the most out of it.

  17. How to create an effective title slide in PowerPoint

    Since title slides are usually on display for a while before a presentation, you want to make sure that they're doing a good job of marketing you, your topic, and your company. Always include the following elements on your title slides: Title of presentation, with a subtitle if the presentation's title is unclear. Your name.

  18. How to Make a Great PowerPoint Title Cover Slide Quickly (+ Video)

    Over on the left, you'll see a text placeholder. Here, you can quickly keyboard in a quote to share with your audience. Optionally, up at the top, you can add a title. Using this layout as your title slide makes for a fun and inspiring opener. Use slide #9 to share a quote on your PowerPoint cover slide.

  19. What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

    Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired ...

  20. How to Make a Stunning PowerPoint Title Slide (in 5 Minutes)

    Step 1: Pick Your Title Slide Background. Welcome to Step 1. Here, you basically have two options to chose from: 1) Using a plain color for your slide background ( super easy) 2) Using a visual. As you've guessed, the first option is the quickest one. And it doesn't require any brain work at all.

  21. 15+ Best Title Slides Perfect for Your PowerPoint Presentations

    6. Title Slide for PowerPoint Presentation. Violet tinted title slide for PowerPoint presentation is perfect for your business cover page. The background building scenario makes this diagram suit for a finance presentation or as an introduction slide for a company profile presentation.

  22. How to Write a Short Bio for a Presentation: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Learn to craft a compelling short bio for presentations, enhancing credibility and audience engagement with these expert tips. ... Begin your bio by stating your name and current job title or professional role. This straightforward information acts as the foundation of your bio. Example: "John Doe, Senior Marketing Specialist at XYZ Corporation ...