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Cover Letter Example With Salary Requirements

When and How to Mention Compensation in a Cover Letter

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

When to Include Salary Requirements in a Cover Letter

Options for including salary requirements in a cover letter.

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Theresa Chiechi / The Balance

Writing a cover letter is challenging enough, but some employers throw in an extra complication: a request for  salary requirements .

Why do companies ask applicants to name their price before calling them in for a job interview? It’s a way for employers to ensure that they don’t waste time interviewing candidates who whose expectations don't fit with the salary range they have established for the position.

If you’re uncomfortable discussing money, don’t worry. There are ways to include this information in your cover letter without jeopardizing your chances of getting a job.

Here are tips on when and how to include a salary requirement in a cover letter, as well as an example of a cover letter that lists a salary requirement. Also see below for more cover letter samples, and tips for emailing a cover letter and resume to apply for a job.

If a job application does not require you to include salary information (such as your  salary history , a salary requirement, or a salary range), do not do so. If you request too high a salary, the employer may not even look at your application. On the other hand, if you request too low a salary, they may offer you less than you are worth.

However, if the job posting or application states that you must include a salary requirement, be sure to do so—as long as you are not living in a place where employers are prohibited from requesting this information.

It's important to follow directions and provide all the information the employer requests. Otherwise, you risk being tossed out of the application pool.

If the employer is legally permitted to ask and does not give specific instructions on how to include salary requirements, you have a few options to consider.

Include a Salary Range

One way to include salary requirements in a cover letter is to list a  salary range . This gives you and the employer some flexibility. Make sure your salary range is realistic. Research what the position is worth by using  salary surveys and salary calculators .

Say Salary Requirements Are Negotiable

You can also state that your salary requirements are negotiable based on the position and the overall compensation package,  including benefits . That gives you (and the employer) flexibility during the screening process and will leave  room to negotiate a reasonable salary  if you get an offer that's less than you expected.

State That You're Flexible

No matter what, make sure you emphasize that your salary requirements are flexible. This will help keep you in the running and also give you options when negotiating salary later on.

You can use this sample as a model to write a cover letter with salary requirements.  Download the template  (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or read the text version below.

Cover Letter Example With Salary Requirements (Text Version)

Belinda Applicant 123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555 belinda.applicant@email.com

September 1, 2021

Marvin Lee Chief Web Officer ACME Web Doctor 123 Business Road Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee:

I'm writing to express my strong interest in the Web Design Specialist position listed on Indeed.

I have experience designing consumer-focused health-based websites. While much of my experience has been in the business world, I understand the social value of the non-profit sector.

My responsibilities have included the design and development of the site's editorial voice and style, and the daily content programming and production of the website. I worked closely with health care professionals and medical editors to help them provide the best possible information to a consumer audience of patients and health care professionals.

Experience has taught me how to build strong relationships with all departments at an organization. I have the ability to work within a team as well as cross-team.

I can work with web engineers to resolve technical issues and implement technical enhancements, work with the development department to implement design and functional enhancements, and monitor site statistics and conduct search engine optimization.

My salary requirement is in the $70,000 - $80,000 range. However, my salary is negotiable based on the overall compensation package.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration.

Signature  (hard copy letter)

Belinda Gomez

If you're sending your cover letter  via email , include your name and the job title in the subject line of the email message:

Subject Line:  Jameis Smith - Web Design Specialist Position

Include your contact information in your email signature, and don't list the employer contact information at the top of the message. Start your email message with the salutation.

Be sure to  format your email cover letter  as you would any business email, with a salutation and a professional close.

Review more  cover letter samples and free downloadable templates  for a variety of career fields and employment levels, including entry-level, targeted, and email cover letters for many different occupations.

  • Career Development

How to Include Salary Expectations in a Cover Letter (+ Examples)

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

11 min read

A woman with long dreadlocks sitting on a grey couch smiling while using her Apple laptop.

Creating the perfect cover letter is one of the most difficult challenges confronting job seekers. That challenge is particularly acute when you’re asked to include information like your anticipated salary requirements. Since you understand that the wrong salary request may reduce your chance of being interviewed, you may struggle to come up with the right number.

The good news is that there are options to help you include salary requirements in your cover letter in a way that won’t get your resume tossed to the side! In this post, we cover:

What is desired salary?

When to include desired salary requirements in a cover letter, how to respond to salary requirements in a cover letter.

How to determine a desired salary to communicate with prospective employers

Desired salary is the salary you’d like to receive in exchange for the work you do for an employer. It’s common for prospective employers to ask you to provide your desired salary on employment applications , in your cover letter, and during job interviews. As such, considering your desired salary early on in the application process will better prepare you for when an employer asks you to provide such information. With that said, having an idea of your desired compensation doesn’t mean you share that information too early in the application process unless you’re asked for it, that is, and ready to do so. 

The first thing to understand is that you don’t want to disclose your salary requirements (or compensation requirements) unless you must. The inclusion of that information can have negative consequences. For example, if your salary requirement is too high, the employer will dismiss your candidacy. On the other hand, if it is too low, you may receive a job offer for a salary that is far less than you deserve.

Still, you will need to include salary requirements in your cover letter if the employer or hiring manager requests it. When job descriptions include specific instructions to provide certain details, you need to follow those directions. Companies that demand desired salary requirements will typically reject your resume during the hiring process if you ignore that instruction. The question is, though, how do you word salary requirements in a cover letter?

If you’re wondering what cover letter salary requirements to include, relax!

There are a number of ways you can handle this challenge. We also have some tips that can help you compose your response to that desired salary question. 

First, though, it’s important to recognize that you can find a whole host of ideas about this topic online. They include everything from helpful sample resumes with salary requirements to salary expectation email sample. We also include some useful examples in our helpful tips section.

Here are the most common tips for including your desired salary expectations in a cover letter:

1. Don’t be direct about your salary requirement, or delay your response 

We don’t recommend this approach, but it does sometimes prove successful: don’t directly answer the question if you’re not ready to answer it. Instead of including desired compensation information in your cover letter, try to downplay its importance.

For example:

“Salary is important, but it’s not the only factor I weigh in my job search efforts. If you conclude that I would be a good fit for the company, I would be more than eager to discuss my desired salary.”

“Salary is a consideration for me, though it’s not the only factor I consider. I would like to learn more about the position and its requirements, as well as the total compensation package, prior to providing my salary expectations.”

As you can see, these are both reasonable responses - but they don’t exactly follow directions. Still, if you’re unsure about the company’s salary policies, are afraid that your expectations might prevent you from getting the job, or you’re unclear of the job requirements and what you believe to be fair because you don’t have enough information, this can be a viable option.

2. Ask questions

This relates a bit to the item above in terms of delaying your response, though it is slightly different in terms of how to do it. You can sometimes stall having to provide salary expectations by asking questions or indicating that you have questions specific to how the organization values the position. Again, this doesn’t exactly follow directions, though it does allow you to find out if your desired salary fits within the budget or range of the position. 

It’s possible that the employer isn’t willing to provide this up front, though in many instances, they will, since it can save both you and the employer a lot of time if you know up front that your desired salary doesn’t fit within the range provided. 

A couple responses that align with this approach might be:

“I’m very interested in the position, though I still have some questions about it and am curious to know how your organization values this position. Can you please provide the salary range for it, so I can ensure that an interview is the best use of our time?”

“I don’t currently have a specific number in mind and would like to better understand how your organization views this position. Are you able to provide budget information for it?”

3. Offer a salary range rather than a hard number

You don’t always have to offer a firm figure for your desired salary. Instead, candidates can include a salary range that allows the employer or hiring manager some latitude with respect to any job and salary offer. For example: 

After reviewing the job posting’s listed responsibilities and considering the true value I can provide to the company, I would ask for an annual salary in the range of $35,000 to $60,000.”

Of course, if you respond with a range, the employer is probably going to try to hire you for the lower amount. Know what you’re worth, but also know what your “walk away” number, or minimum salary, is. 

4. Tell the employer that your desired salary is flexible

In many instances, you can minimize any misunderstandings by stressing that your desired salary is a flexible issue. You can list a number or range and qualify that salary requirements are negotiable. Alternatively, you can avoid hard numbers and simply say that your salary needs are open to negotiation to fit the company’s needs. It’s always a good idea to acknowledge that your flexibility is based on factors related to the position, non-salary compensation, and other benefits. For example:

“I’m seeking a salary range of $45,000 to $52,000. However, I am open to discussing this and can be flexible based on additional considerations, like benefits and non-salary compensation.”

Key Takeaway

When employers ask for your desired salary, use your cover letter to detail your expectations, and always be sure to note that your salary needs are open for negotiation.

How to determine your salary requirements

Now, it’s clear that you do, in some way, need to respond to a request for salary requirements. However, if the instructions are clear that an actual number is necessary, how do you decide what number or range to provide that you’ll feel good about? 

Below are a few considerations to help you determine what to put for your desired salary.

Refer to what you’re currently making

In very rare instances are people looking for positions where they’d make less than they’re currently making. Some exceptions to this might be if you’re changing careers, looking for a lower-level position, or relocating to a market where there’s a lower cost of living. 

Otherwise, most employers appreciate that you’d like to make what you’re currently making or more to change positions and work for their organization. Regardless, you need to get clear as to whether you’re willing to take an offer that falls below your current salary range, and if not, what minimum salary is acceptable to you for the position you’re applying to. 

Do market research 

You don’t want to just pull numbers out of a hat to offer up to an employer. Do an online search to determine what the average salary range is for the position you’re applying to based on education, experience, location, and job duties. Having data also allows you to back your numbers when you share your desired compensation with the prospective employer. 

Use real data from sites like the Bureau of Labor Statistics , PayScale , or Salary.com to discover salary norms around the country. You can also find up-to-date guides for industry-specific sites, such as RigJobs . Those and other sites can provide some indication of the position’s current value in the marketplace. 

Bear in mind that these are generally loose estimates, and you want to consider the other tips in this section before solidifying a range to provide to employers. 

Determine your worth based on experience, education, and training

Experience, education, and training are key factors in determining salary potential. Suppose you currently receive high marks with a salary that falls in the higher part of a range for your current organization. In that case, you’re in a good position to request a high salary level for your next position. 

In other words, if you offer above-average work, you can request an above-average salary. Bear in mind that when you ask for a higher salary, you need to be able to clarify the value you bring to the organization and back up your request with data and proof of the value you add. 

Consider cost of living metrics

Cost of living is an important factor when considering your salary. If you’re relocating to a new location, take a look at the cost of living for that location compared to your current location. In some instances, the cost of living, or COL, might be notably higher, in which case, you’d likely request a higher salary than what you’re currently making. On the other hand, if the cost of living is notably lower, a lower salary than what you’re currently making might be suitable for you. 

Take into account the total compensation and benefits package

Base salary is indeed an important consideration when considering a new position, though there are several other factors many consider. In addition to the desired salary, items like healthcare benefits, time off, flexible schedules, and bonuses play a role in whether someone accepts or declines a job offer. In fact, it’s not uncommon for employees to accept lower pay for a new position if the benefits are better with the new employer. 

When considering your desired compensation, consider what additional items are essential to you, and prioritize them. Then, compare your list to what the prospective employer offers. From there, adjust your desired salary accordingly.  

Sample cover letter with salary requirements

Dear [List full name of recruiter or hiring authority and their title here],

Please consider my enclosed resume and credentials as my application for the [Title of Position Here] position at [Company Name Here]. A review of my qualifications will showcase years of demonstrated work experience providing exceptional office support and ensuring projects are completed on time and with extreme confidentiality. 

These experiences have enabled me to perform scheduling, reception, meeting planning, accounting, data entry and document preparation, while creating a warm, welcoming environment for clients. I am certain that my motivation, academic experience, bilingualism/multilingualism, administrative expertise and professional demeanor will make me an excellent addition to your team as your [Title of Position Here]. 

Other highlights of my career that succeed expectations of [Company Name Here] would be:

Exceptional academic qualifications, including a [Full Degree name from School].

Remarkable ability to retain a large variety of information and interpret it for various publics.

Fluently utilized various computer software programs to expedite work processes, including Microsoft Office: Access, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

Exercised strong communication and interpersonal skills to formulate good working relationships with all co-workers, vendors, clients and the public.

Provided the highest level of customer service while greeting visitors, communicating with them via telephone and promptly assisting with their needs.

Experienced leading employees, striving to elevate individuals to their greatest potential.

My desired salary for the position is based on the posted job description, my research, and prior salary history. Given the position’s nature and my skills and potential value for the company, I would ask for a salary in the $60,000 to $70,000 range. Of course, the actual salary is open for negotiation, depending on other relevant factors including potential bonus opportunities, career advancement opportunities, or additional benefits.  

My resume will provide additional details concerning my accomplishments. I welcome the opportunity for an interview to discuss the performance you can expect from me.

[Your name]

[Your contact information]

Desired salary: the bottom line

The bottom line is simple: don’t ignore requests from employers for desired salary information. Instead, use your cover letter to convey that information, and try to do it in a way that won’t leave your resume out in the cold. Demonstrate your flexibility and openness to negotiation, even when you’ve listed a clear salary expectation. 

That’s the best way to ensure that your stated salary needs don’t prevent you from getting the interview you deserve.

Does your resume clearly represent the value you add to an organization and the salary you’re worth? Why not submit it for a free resume review and find out?

This article was originally written by Leo Bastone and has been updated by Ronda Suder.

Recommended reading:

How to Write the Best Career Change Cover Letter (+ Examples)

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Should You Include Salary Requirements on a Resume?

Ronda Suder, Professional Writer

With a drive to foster safety and expand possibilities through writing, performing, and working with others, Ronda brings 25 years of combined experience in HR, recruiting, career advice, communications, mental and behavioral health, and storytelling to her work. She’s a certified career coach and holds a Master’s in Human Resources, a Master’s in Film and Media Production, and a Master’s in Counseling and Development. As a writer, she’s covered topics ranging from finance and rock mining to leadership and internet technology, with a passion for career advice and mental-health-related topics. When she’s not at her computer, Ronda enjoys connecting with others, personal growth and development, spending time with her beloved pooch, and entertainment through movies, television, acting, and other artistic endeavors. You can connect with Ronda on  LinkedIn  and through her  website .

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How to Include Your Salary Requirements in a Cover Letter: With Examples and a Template

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In This Guide:

Should you include salary requirements in a cover letter, how to calculate your salary requirements, how to include salary requirements in a cover letter, example sentences of including salary requirements in a cover letter, where to add a paragraph like this, salary requirements in a cover letter - takeaways.

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Quick Answer: When a job posting specifically requests salary requirements, it's important to include a realistic number in your cover letter. Research the industry, your skills and experience levels, and comparable salaries on sites such as Salary.com and Glassdoor. Consider using a range instead of a specific number, and indicate that your expectations are negotiable and flexible. Remember, keep your requirements in line with the job's expectations and don't ask for too little or too much.

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Know what you want, need or expect in terms of pay from your next job?

We’re going to dig deep into how you can include your salary requirements in a cover letter in a professional way without going too high or low, and without sounding pushy!

You may be asking yourself why companies sometimes ask applicants to include their salary expectations in a cover letter. Basically, it’s a first step in narrowing down the applicant field.

Employers can make sure they don’t waste time reaching out to candidates whose expectations don't fit with the salary range they have set for the position.

Sometimes, though, it can feel a little awkward or intimidating to throw a number out to a prospective employer.

But it’s actually really easy to include a strong salary expectation that will make you seem knowledgeable, confident, and will get you what you deserve, as one extra part of writing a great cover letter .

In this article, we’ll go over:

  • Whether you even should include salary requirements in a cover letter
  • And of course, how to include your salary requirements in a cover letter when you need to

We’ve also included examples of how you can include your salary requirement in your cover letter, and we have 500+ great cover letter examples and templates you can use to write a cover letter that will land you that job.

First off, if a job application doesn’t ask you to include salary information, then don’t. It could undermine your application.

For example, if you request too high a salary, the employer may immediately set your application aside. On the flip side, if you ask for too low a salary, you may lose out on earnings they would have otherwise paid you.

Salary discussions often come up in interviews anyhow, so if they don’t ask in advance, wait for that. Of course, that means you should still be prepared to answer the question, and any other common tricky ones that come up.

But, if the job posting or application specifies that they want you to include a salary requirement, be sure that you do ( unless you live somewhere where questions like that are prohibited ).

In the case, you’re in a position that you are expected to include a salary requirement. You’ll want to do some research on the industry and take an honest look at your skills and experience to come up with a fair and reasonable number that will work for both parties.

A good first step is to check the average salaries for your industry. There are a few good websites that can help you with this.

Salary.com is maybe the most popular salary-specific job site. It lists every position in a field with free salary info, and they include cost-of-living calculators, comparison tools, lists of benefits, and even negotiation tips.

Glassdoor gives users the opportunity to read company reviews based on employee feedback. This tool is great because instead of general industry info, you can do a salary search for a specific company and position - giving you a real insider edge.

Indeed is a really popular job posting aggregator that also has a salary search tool . Here you can use keywords in your search, on top of job titles.

Some other options that include salary info, cost of living calculators, and/or other help in finding out what salary to expect are SalaryList , Salary Expert , and for Americans, the Bureau of Labor Statistics can help.

Remember, no matter how specific or general the website you’re looking at is, what you’re getting from them is info based on other workers.  So, you should also consider specific things about yourself that could influence your salary, like:

Your education is an important determinant of pay. An applicant with a bachelor’s degree should expect a lower starting salary compared to someone with a master’s or a doctorate.  The more relevant education you have, the higher you can expect to fall in the salary range for a job.

Do consider the relevance of your education -  a degree in Sports Medicine doesn’t have much impact in an accounting firm, but a Forensic Accounting degree, or an MBA in Accounting obviously do! You’d likely see a higher starting wage with the latter two as a result.

Location and cost of living

Different places have different costs of living - we know rents in Manhattan are going to be higher than in Boise, Idaho for a comparable apartment! But the costs of transportation, food, entertainment, and everything else varies from one city to another.

Because of that, employers know and compensate people differently depending on where they’re expected to work. So take into account where the job is located when you’re considering the salary.

Look at your work history. If you have a lot of experience in the company’s industry and operations, you can usually expect higher compensation than someone with little or no experience.

Look back on your work and experience history though, and you may be able to find great transferable skills, or performance results that apply to the new job.


Having specific professional certifications and licenses means you can ask for higher salaries, in the same way that education affects your value as an employee. Since you’ve put time into your professional development, an employer would be interested in offering you a greater salary for the value you bring and add to their team.

If you’re a candidate with an in-demand skill, you can consider asking for a higher salary. For example, if you’re applying for a UX design job in Germany, and you speak English and German (and/or other languages in the region) you’d have applicable skills and can ask to be compensated accordingly.

Personal situation

When it comes down to it, you also have to think about what you need or would accept for a job, too. No matter what the average is, consider your personal expenses and expectations.

If you need a certain amount to live and for your savings target, you may need to ask for that amount, because it’s not going to be a good fit long-term if you can’t pay your bills! Likewise, if it’s a dream job, and you don’t have other financial commitments, you may decide to strategically undercut the expected rate to get your foot in the door.

Other considerations

  • Consider that to move to another company, you’d expect a pay rise.
  • Switching jobs can be inherently risky, and it’s not unusual for a candidate to ask for a pay raise when switching from one company to another doing the same job. Asking for more helps mitigate the risk.
  • Consider additional benefits a company would offer/provide.
  • Not every company has the same benefits, and some benefits packages outweigh lower wages.  Consider health plans, pension/savings plans, cost of living increases, annual technology or professional development grants, or any other non-salary additional benefit a company provides as part of the total package.
  • Consider mentioning your range
  • Given all the variables we’ve just covered, it can sometimes be hard to come up with just the right amount.  In this case, it’s a good idea to consider mentioning a salary range, instead of one firm number.

Has the employer asked for you to use a specific format? If so, follow their instructions.

If they haven’t specified that they want your salary requirement in a specific format, then you have a few options open to you.

Use a salary range

When you include your salary requirements in a cover letter, consider phrasing it as a salary range instead of an absolute number. You can say something like, “My salary requirement is in the $50,000-60,000 range.”

While this doesn't give the employer an exact figure, it gives them an idea of what you hope to earn. That way, you and the employer have some flexibility to move forward with, and you can avoid being dismissed for asking for too much or too little.

When using a range, still make sure the high and low figures are realistic based on your experience, the position, your industry and the other considerations we talked about.

Tell the employer your salary requirements are negotiable

Another good idea is to tell the employer you’re willing to negotiate your salary based on their budget, the specific requirements of the job, and other compensation considerations like benefits. This is vague, so it may not satisfy their question entirely, but it addresses it, and opens the door to move forward.

Say that you're flexible

This is something you should always do. Whether you provide a salary range or include a definite figure, you should include a sentence letting the employer know that your salary requirements are flexible.

This way, if your ask is out of their range, they may still bring you in for an interview instead of casting your application aside.  Saying this also means you can talk about the salary more once you have a better idea of the company and their expectations from the interview process.

Writing a cover letter can be tricky.  There are a lot of considerations about their design , their general format , the best outline to use , and even how to start writing and how to close them.

Including a salary requirement adds another complication that you might struggle with. The examples below should give you an idea of how you might tackle it in your specific case.

Example 1 - Firm Number

Based on my qualifications, professional results, certifications, and the range of duties and responsibilities of the role, my salary requirement is $75,000 per year. Please note that I am, however, flexible and willing to negotiate based on your budget, requirements, and the complete compensation package being offered. I would be happy to further discuss my salary requirements once I have a better picture of the offer, your position, as well as the potential for career advancement.

Example 2 - Salary Range

As per your request, I would like to suggest a salary in the range of $75,000 to $90,000. My requested salary is based on my previous salary history, the posted job description, my direct and related experience, and my research on the typical compensation for this role in the industry. As you’ll see in my resume, I have put many years into my education and regularly take classes and certifications to continue my professional development, and I feel I would add great value to your team. Please bear in mind that the actual salary we might agree on is also negotiable based on other relevant factors such as professional development opportunities, employee benefits, and career advancement.

Example 3 - Salary Range

With regard to your request for a desired salary, and based on the listed job duties and responsibilities, I would like to suggest compensation in the $40,000-$50,000 range. I base this on having researched the salaries for comparable roles in the industry, considering my academic qualifications living, and bearing in mind the cost of living in Portland. I would be happy to further discuss this, and would be willing to negotiate this salary based on any further information you can provide about the role and compensation.

Example 4 - Firm Number Briefly

My salary requirement is $85,000, which is comparable with the average compensation for a professional with my level of experience in the local market. My salary expectation is flexible, depending on other benefits you can provide such as career advancement, bonuses, and your overall compensation package.

Example 5 - Salary Range Briefly

Per your request, based on the posted job description, my credentials, and industry research, an acceptable salary range for this role is $75,000-$80,000. My salary requirements are negotiable, depending on the opportunities to earn bonuses, career advancement, and professional development.

If you’re asked, including your salary requirement is just one of several things you should be sure to include in your cover letter. The general structure we recommend doesn’t typically include this item.

So where should you add the salary requirement?

Our recommendation is that your cover letter include an introduction, and two body paragraphs explaining why you’re the perfect candidate for the job and why you are a good fit for the company.

We’d say you should include the salary requirement at this point -  either as short a standalone paragraph, or as part of your closing call to action paragraph. Take a look at our cover letter examples and templates if you want to get a better idea of exactly what this structure looks like and where to add the salary expectation.

You can also use our cover letter builder to be sure you’re putting together the best possible cover letter to land your next job.

  • If they don’t ask, then you shouldn’t ask!
  • Thoroughly research your desired rate of pay.
  • Use sentences such as "My salary expectation is flexible depending upon the overall compensation package and additional benefits such as opportunities for advancement.," or "Per your request, given my qualifications and achievements, my salary requirement is $X0,000(-$X0,000).
  • Always state your compensation requirements are flexible or negotiable.
  • Include your salary requirement just before or as part of your closing call to action paragraph.

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How to Include Salary Requirements in Your Cover Letter (With Examples)


Incorporating salary requirements in a cover letter can be a delicate task. It's essential to communicate your salary expectations to potential employers while remaining open to negotiation and demonstrating your worth. The importance of addressing salary requirements when requested by an employer cannot be overstated, as not doing so could lead to negative consequences. This article will guide you through the process of researching industry standards, calculating a fair salary range, and effectively incorporating your salary expectations into your cover letter. We'll also provide practical examples and tips to help you navigate this important aspect of the job application process.

When to Include Salary Requirements in a Cover Letter

Knowing when to include salary requirements in your cover letter is crucial to avoid appearing uncooperative or uninformed. It's generally appropriate to include salary requirements in your cover letter when:

  • An employer explicitly requests salary requirements.
  • You're applying for positions with publicly disclosed salary ranges.
  • The job posting or application instructions mention salary requirements.
  • You have a strong understanding of the industry and role-specific salary norms.

However, be aware of the risks associated with mentioning salary requirements when not requested. Doing so can come across as presumptuous and may harm your chances of securing an interview.

Researching Industry Standards

Understanding industry standards for salary is essential when determining your expectations and negotiating with potential employers. To research industry standards, consider the following factors:

  • The specific role and its responsibilities.
  • The industry in which you'll be working.
  • The geographic location of the job.

Leverage your professional network to gather salary information and use online resources like SalaryExpert to research salary ranges. Staying up-to-date with industry trends and changes can help you make informed decisions about your salary expectations.

Calculating a Fair Salary Range

A fair salary range should be calculated based on various factors, including your experience, education, and the job's location. To determine a fair salary range, consider the following:

  • Evaluate your experience and skills.
  • Factor in your level of education.
  • Consider the geographic location of the job.
  • Assess the desirability of your skillset.
  • Review any professional certifications and licenses you possess.

By taking these factors into account, you can develop a salary range that accurately reflects your worth and aligns with industry standards.

Options for Including Salary Requirements in a Cover Letter

There are several methods to include salary requirements in a cover letter, each with its unique benefits and drawbacks:

  • Including a salary range: Providing a range allows you to communicate your expectations while demonstrating flexibility. For example, "Based on my research and experience, I'm seeking a salary in the range of $50,000 to $60,000."
  • Stating your salary requirements are negotiable: This approach signals your willingness to work with the employer to find a mutually agreeable salary. For instance, "I'm open to discussing my salary requirements and am confident that we can arrive at a fair compensation package."
  • Mentioning your flexibility regarding compensation: Expressing flexibility shows that you're open to considering various forms of compensation, such as bonuses, equity, or additional benefits. Example: "While base salary is important, I'm also interested in the overall compensation package, including benefits and potential for growth."
  • Answering the salary question indirectly: Instead of providing a specific figure or range, you can discuss your salary expectations in relation to industry standards or your previous compensation. For example, "I'm seeking a competitive salary that aligns with industry benchmarks and reflects my experience and skills."
  • Providing a specific salary figure based on research: If you're confident in your research and the value you bring, you can state a specific salary figure. Example: "Based on my research and experience, I believe a fair salary for this position would be $55,000."

Examples of Including Salary Requirements in a Cover Letter

Practical examples can help illustrate the different methods of incorporating salary requirements in a cover letter:

Example 1: Including a salary range "I have researched the industry and, considering my experience and skillset, I am seeking a salary in the range of $50,000 to $60,000." Example 2: Stating salary requirements are negotiable "While I do have a desired salary in mind, I am open to discussing my salary requirements and am confident that we can arrive at a fair compensation package." Example 3: Mentioning flexibility regarding compensation "While base salary is important to me, I am also interested in the overall compensation package, including benefits and potential for growth within the company." Example 4: Answering the salary question indirectly "I'm seeking a competitive salary that aligns with industry benchmarks and reflects my experience and skills. I am confident that we can find a mutually agreeable compensation package." Example 5: Providing a specific salary figure "Based on my research and experience, I believe a fair salary for this position would be $55,000."

Tips for Successfully Incorporating Salary Requirements

Successfully incorporating salary requirements in a cover letter involves careful research, clear communication, and a willingness to remain flexible. To effectively include your salary requirements, consider the following tips:

  • Conduct thorough research on industry standards and salary ranges. Use resources like SalaryExpert to gather data on salary ranges and industry norms.
  • Be clear and concise in your communication. Clearly state your salary expectations while remaining open to negotiation.
  • Demonstrate your value and worth without appearing inflexible. Highlight your skills, experience, and education to justify your salary expectations.
  • Be prepared to discuss and negotiate salary requirements during the interview process. Practice discussing your salary expectations and be ready to provide evidence to support your desired compensation.
  • Maintain a positive and professional tone when discussing salary expectations. Show that you're open to finding a fair and mutually agreeable compensation package.

Incorporating salary requirements in a cover letter can be a delicate task, but by following this step-by-step guide and incorporating practical examples, you can effectively communicate your salary expectations to potential employers. Remember the importance of addressing salary requirements when requested, conducting thorough research to understand industry norms, and calculating a fair salary range based on your experience, education, and the job's location. Additionally, clear communication and flexibility in salary negotiations play a crucial role in securing a job with a fair salary. By mastering these skills and crafting a well-written cover letter, you'll be better prepared to navigate the job market and land a position that meets your financial and professional goals.

How to Write a Cover Letter With Salary Requirements (Template Included!)

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Writing a cover letter is already an important part of the job hunt, but mentioning your desired salary can make it even trickier. If you’re wondering how to write a cover letter with salary requirements without hurting your chances of landing the job, it’s all about striking the right balance and choosing your words carefully.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how to handle salary expectations in your cover letter—from deciding if you should mention them at all to writing a proper one.

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Is it necessary to mention salary in your letter?

The truth is, it depends on the situation. Some job postings specifically ask for salary requirements, while others leave it up to the applicant's discretion.

In many cases, omitting salary requirements can work in your favor, allowing you to focus on your qualifications and fit for the role. However, if a job listing explicitly requests this information, failing to include it could reflect poorly on your attention to detail .

It's also important to consider the job market and your industry. In highly competitive fields, being upfront about your salary expectations can show confidence and transparency, while in other sectors, it might be better to wait until later in the hiring process to discuss compensation . The key is to tailor your approach based on the specific job and company you’re applying to.

How to mention salary in a cover letter

Experts agree that mentioning salary requirements in a cover letter should be approached with caution. “Salary questions are designed to ‘screen out’ rather than ‘screen in’ candidates,” says Alisa Cohen, Career Coach at Close Cohen Career Consulting . This means that revealing your salary expectations too soon could lead to your elimination from the candidate pool if your figures don’t align with the employer’s budget.

“It could result in either being overlooked for the position or receiving a lower-than-expected offer,” says Tiago Pita, Brand Director and Recruiter at Whole Food Earth .

You might want to leave out salary requirements in a cover letter when you don’t have enough information about the role and its compensation structure to provide a well-informed figure. “If the job posting indicates that salary discussions will occur later in the hiring process, it’s often best to focus the cover letter on qualifications and enthusiasm for the role,” Pita says.

By doing so, you keep the door open for a more informed discussion about compensation later in the hiring process, once the employer has seen your potential and you have a clearer understanding of the role.

When should you include salary requirements?

If the application asks for salary requirements, you should comply—but do so strategically (below, you’ll find tips on how to handle this).

If the application does not ask for them, “it’s typically in your best interest to defer compensation conversations to the latest stage possible,” Cohen says. “You have the most leverage when you are at the offer stage.”

By waiting until later in the process, you allow yourself time to demonstrate your value to the employer, which can strengthen your position during salary negotiations.

How do you negotiate salary in a cover letter?

It’s essential to approach this topic with tact, as you don’t want to come across as overly aggressive or rigid. Below are some tips and strategies for effectively incorporating salary negotiation into your cover letter.

1. Do your research

Base your expectations on solid research. Industry standards, geographic location, past salaries, and your experience level are all factors that should be taken into consideration. One effective strategy is to provide a range rather than a specific number, giving you some flexibility and room for negotiation.

Cohen suggests using language like, “My research indicates that compensation for this type of position falls in the range of $XX - $XX. I look forward to learning more about the position and understanding if that is consistent with your range.” This approach shows you’ve done your homework and know what you’re looking for in a job position.

2. Explain your reasoning

This could be based on your research of industry standards, your level of experience, or the cost of living in the job's location. For example: “My salary expectation is based on industry research and my professional experience in similar roles, as well as the cost of living in [City].”

3. Use diplomatic and flexible language

The way you phrase your salary expectations can significantly impact how they are received. Pita emphasizes the importance of using language that shows flexibility, with phrases such as, “Based on my experience and the industry standards, I am seeking a salary range of $X to $Y. However, I am open to discussing this further based on the total compensation package and additional benefits your company offers.”

This wording acknowledges your salary expectations while also making it clear you’re open to negotiation and that you’re willing to consider the entire compensation package, not just the salary.

4. Frame salary as part of the overall fit

Highlight your skills and experience that contribute to the company’s success. This helps keep the focus on mutual benefit rather than just on financials.

Pita suggests language like, “I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and am confident that my skills align well with the needs of the position. I am seeking a salary range of $X to $Y, though I am open to negotiation based on the complete compensation package and benefits offered.” This phrasing shows enthusiasm for the role while also subtly integrating your salary expectations into the discussion.

Cover letter with salary requirements: examples

Below, you'll find cover letter examples with salary requirements for different roles. Each cover letter is tailored to the specific job while including a mention of salary expectations, demonstrating how to approach this delicate topic professionally.

But first, here’s the common structure that should be present at the beginning of all cover letter with salary requirements examples:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Hiring Manager's Name] [Company Name] [Company Address]

Example #1: Cover letter with salary requirements for Administrative Assistant

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the Administrative Assistant position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With over five years of experience in administrative support roles, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team and help streamline office operations.

In my previous role at [Previous Company Name], I managed a variety of administrative tasks, including scheduling, correspondence, and file management, all while maintaining a high level of confidentiality and professionalism. My organizational skills and attention to detail have consistently been recognized by my supervisors, and I am eager to bring this same level of dedication to [Company Name].

For this position, I would like to express that my salary expectations are between $[number] and $[number]. These figures are aligned with the industry average for this role and are also based on my experience, but I am open to negotiation depending on the additional benefits your organization provides to ensure a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team's success.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Example #2: Cover letter with salary requirements for Marketing Coordinator

I am excited to apply for the Marketing Coordinator position at [Company Name], as listed on [where you found the job posting]. With a background in digital marketing and a strong track record of driving brand engagement, I am confident that I can help elevate your marketing efforts and contribute to your company’s growth.

At [Previous Company Name], I successfully managed social media campaigns that resulted in an X% increase in follower engagement and a Y% growth in lead generation. My experience in content creation, SEO, and analytics has equipped me with the skills needed to execute and optimize marketing strategies effectively.

I would like to request a salary within the range of $[number] to $[number] per year. My salary expectations reflect my education in marketing, along with [number] years of experience in the industry and my in-depth knowledge of digital marketing strategies, content creation, and campaign management. However, given the growth opportunities and additional benefits your organization offers, I am open to negotiating the salary.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to contributing to your team and discussing how my background aligns with your needs.

Example #3: Cover letter with salary requirements for Project Manager

I am writing to express my interest in the Project Manager position at [Company Name]. With over seven years of experience managing cross-functional teams and delivering projects on time and within budget, I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills to your organization.

At [Previous Company Name], I led a team of [number of people in the team] in the successful implementation of a $X million project, improving efficiency by Y% and reducing costs by Z%. My proven track record of leading diverse teams and successfully delivering complex projects on time and within budget makes me a strong fit for this role. I excel in coordinating cross-functional efforts, anticipating challenges, and driving projects to completion with a strategic focus on achieving business goals.

I am seeking a salary within the range of $[number] to $[number] per year. My salary expectations are based on my extensive experience in project management, including [number] years in the industry, and my ability to consistently deliver high-impact results. However, I am open to negotiation to find a package that reflects both the role and my qualifications, considering the growth opportunities and additional benefits your organization offers.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing how I can contribute to [Company Name].

Cover letter with salary requirements: template

Not quite there yet? Here's a template to make everything easier for you:

I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With a background in [relevant field or industry], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team and support the company's goals.

In my previous role at [Previous Company Name], I [briefly describe a key achievement or responsibility]. My experience has equipped me with [specific skills or knowledge related to the job], which I am eager to bring to [Company Name].

Regarding compensation, based on my experience and industry standards, I am seeking a salary in the range of $[number] to $[number] per year. I believe this range reflects my qualifications and the value I can bring to your organization. However, I am open to negotiation to find a package that reflects both the role and my qualifications, considering the growth opportunities and additional benefits your organization offers.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background aligns with your needs and how I can contribute to the success of [Company Name].

Key takeaways

Including salary requirements in a cover letter can be a delicate balancing act. It’s essential to approach this topic with care to avoid potential pitfalls while ensuring clarity for both you and the employer.

It’s often best to include salary expectations only when explicitly requested or when you feel confident about the compensation range based on your experience and industry standards.

Ensure your salary expectations align with the role’s requirements and the value you bring to the table. If necessary, express your openness to negotiation, highlighting your flexibility and enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Remember, a well-crafted cover letter not only addresses salary expectations but also showcases your qualifications and enthusiasm for the role. By combining a clear, professionally presented salary range with a strong emphasis on your skills and achievements, you can create a compelling case for why you’re the right fit for the job.

how to write salary expectations in cover letter


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Cover Letter Example With Salary Requirements in 2024

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

Salary requirements are a crucial aspect of any job application process. Hiring managers want to know if candidates are within their budget and expecting realistic compensation for the role they are applying for. However, it can be challenging to mention salary requirements in cover letters, as it’s a sensitive topic that can be tricky to navigate.

Including salary requirements in your cover letter can have both advantages and disadvantages. A well-communicated salary expectation can help candidates avoid a wasteful interview process, which saves time and resources for both the employer and applicant. On the other hand, mentioning salary expectations too early or without understanding the value of the position may lead to disqualification or negative perceptions by the employer.

Understanding Salary Requirements

When looking for a new job, it’s common to come across a request for salary requirements in the application process. Understanding what salary requirements are and how to approach them can help candidates navigate this aspect of job searching with ease.

A. Definition and types of salary requirements

Salary requirements refer to the amount of compensation an applicant is looking to receive for a particular job. There are different types of salary requirements that candidates may encounter, such as a desired salary range, a specific salary amount, or even a willingness to negotiate based on the job’s requirements and responsibilities.

B. Why employers ask for salary requirements

Employers ask for salary requirements for various reasons. For example, it helps them gauge if a candidate’s expectations align with the company’s budget and compensation range. Additionally, it can help them identify if a candidate is serious about the job or if they are just looking to make a lateral move with no intention of growth.

C. Factors to consider when determining salary requirements

When determining salary requirements, it’s essential to consider multiple factors. One of the most significant factors is the candidate’s experience and qualifications. A more experienced candidate may have higher salary requirements than someone who is just starting in the field. Education and location are other essential factors to consider, as the cost of living can vary significantly depending on the region.

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

Another factor to keep in mind is the company’s size and revenue. Larger companies may have more significant compensation packages available than smaller companies with more limited budgets. Finally, the job’s responsibilities, such as leadership or management roles, may also affect salary requirements.

Determining appropriate salary requirements can be challenging. However, staying informed and taking the time to research industry standards and company culture is crucial to guide candidates in their decision-making process.

How to Include Salary Requirements in a Cover Letter

As a job seeker, one of the most challenging aspects of writing a cover letter is how to address your salary requirements. It’s crucial to be transparent about your expectations right from the start, but mentioning a specific number can be tricky. Here are some tips on how to include salary requirements in a cover letter:

A. Best practices for mentioning salary requirements

Do your research: Before you mention any salary requirements, it’s important to know the market rate for your role in your industry, your experience level, and the location where the job is based. This information can help you determine a realistic and fair salary range.

Use a range: Instead of citing a specific number, consider using a salary range. This gives you some negotiation room while being transparent about your expectations. For example, you can mention “My salary expectations are within the range of $60,000 to $70,000.”

Be flexible: Don’t be too rigid in your salary requirements. Mention that you’re open to negotiation or that your salary requirements are negotiable, depending on other benefits or perks offered by the employer.

Don’t overshare: You don’t need to mention your current or past salary in your cover letter. This can limit your negotiation power and could potentially lead to discrimination.

B. Different formats to include salary requirements

In a sentence: You can include your salary requirements in a sentence in your cover letter. For example, “My salary requirements are within the range of $60,000 to $70,000.”

In a table: If you’re submitting your application online, you can include a table that outlines your salary requirements, along with other relevant information, such as your experience, education, and skills.

Separately: If you’re not comfortable mentioning your salary requirements in your cover letter, you can mention it separately in your application or during the interview process.

C. Tips to follow while including salary requirements in a cover letter

Follow the instructions: If the job listing specifically mentions that you should include your salary requirements, make sure to do so. Otherwise, it’s better to wait until you’re asked for it.

Tone matters: Make sure the tone of your cover letter is professional and friendly. Avoid using language that might come across as demanding or entitled.

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

Keep it brief: Don’t spend too much time discussing your salary requirements in your cover letter. The focus should be on highlighting your skills and expertise.

Use keywords: Use keywords in your cover letter that align with the job description and the company’s mission statement. This can help your application stand out from the crowd.

Mentioning your salary requirements in a cover letter can be challenging, but it’s important to be honest and transparent about your expectations right from the start.

Structuring a Cover Letter with Salary Requirements

When applying for a job, one of the most important aspects to consider is salary requirements. A cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your skills and qualifications, but also to mention your salary expectations. In this section, we will discuss the typical structure of a cover letter, where to mention salary requirements, and how to transition from salary requirements to professional experience and qualifications.

A. Typical structure of a cover letter

A typical cover letter structure includes the following elements:

  • Contact information: Include your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the letter.
  • Salutation: Address the letter to the hiring manager by name if possible.
  • Introduction: Begin with a strong opening statement that grabs the reader’s attention and explains why you are interested in the position.
  • Body: Use the body of the letter to highlight your skills, experience, and qualifications.
  • Closing: Close the letter by thanking the hiring manager for their time and consideration, and expressing your willingness to discuss your application further.

B. Where to mention salary requirements in a cover letter

It’s important to be transparent about your salary requirements, but it’s also important not to lead with this information. Instead, consider mentioning your salary requirements in the closing paragraph. For example, you could say something like, “I am confident my qualifications and experience align with the position, and my salary requirements fall within the range you have specified.”

C. How to transition from salary requirements to professional experience and qualifications

After mentioning your salary requirements, you should use the rest of the cover letter to showcase your professional experience and qualifications. Start by highlighting your most relevant experience and qualifications, using bullet points to make the information easier to read. Be sure to mention any key achievements that demonstrate your ability to succeed in the role.

In the next paragraph, provide more detail about your experience and education, including any specific skills or certifications that are relevant to the position. Use this space to show the hiring manager that you are excited about the position and that you are the best candidate for the job.

When writing a cover letter with salary requirements, it’s important to strike the right balance between transparency about your needs and showcasing your qualifications. By following this structure and highlighting your skills and experience, you can create a compelling cover letter that sets you apart from other candidates.

Mistakes to Avoid while Discussing Salary Requirements in a Cover Letter

A. common mistakes while mentioning salary requirements.

When mentioning salary requirements in a cover letter, there are several common mistakes you should avoid:

Being too vague:  A vague mention of salary expectations without any specific numbers or range can leave the employer confused and uncertain about your expectations.

Mentioning an unrealistic amount:  Mentioning a high salary expectation that is beyond the employer’s budget or industry standards can leave a negative impression and may result in rejection.

Making salary expectations the primary focus:  Focusing only on salary requirements can make you appear more interested in money than the job itself, which can hurt your chances of getting an interview.

Discussing salary requirements before establishing interest:  Mentioning salary requirements before demonstrating genuine interest in the position and the company can be seen as presumptuous and unprofessional.

B. How to Avoid Negative Impact on Your Application

To avoid negative impact on your job application, follow these tips:

Do your research:  Research the industry standards and job market to determine a reasonable salary range for the position and your experience level.

Don’t be the first to mention salary:  Let the employer bring up the topic of salary before you mention your expectations. This will demonstrate that you are more interested in the job and the company than just the money.

Include a salary range:  If asked to provide salary requirements, offer a salary range rather than a specific number. This will allow for negotiation and flexibility.

Focus on your qualifications:  Instead of focusing only on salary requirements, emphasize your qualifications and what you can offer to the position and the company.

End with a positive note:  End your cover letter with a positive statement expressing your enthusiasm for the position and your willingness to discuss salary and other details further.

By avoiding common mistakes and following these tips, you can effectively discuss salary requirements in your cover letter without negatively impacting your job application.

Sample Cover Letters with Salary Requirements

When it comes to job applications, including salary requirements in your cover letter can be a tricky aspect to navigate. However, providing this information up front can save both you and the hiring manager time and potential disappointment down the line. Here are three sample cover letters to give you an idea of how to approach including your salary requirements:

A. Example 1: Fresh graduate without salary expectations

Dear Hiring Manager,

As a recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, I am thrilled to apply for the Marketing Coordinator position at ABC Company. My experience as an intern at XYZ Company has provided me with a great foundation in marketing strategy, social media management, and project coordination.

Although I am a recent graduate without a specific salary requirement, I am confident that my skills and dedication will contribute positively to your organization. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this further in person.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

B. Example 2: Experienced professional with salary expectations

With 7+ years of experience in marketing, I am excited to apply for the Senior Marketing Manager position at DEF Company. My background in digital marketing, brand management, and team leadership make me a strong fit for this role.

In terms of salary expectations, my current base salary is $85,000 with opportunities for performance-based bonuses. Given the scope of responsibilities and level of experience required for this position, I am hoping to negotiate a compensation package in the range of $95,000-$105,000.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to discussing this opportunity further with you.

Best regards, [Your Name]

C. Example 3: Career changer with salary flexibility

As a seasoned customer service professional, I am excited to apply for the Business Development Representative position at GHI Company. Although my experience may not be directly in business development, my skills in relationship building, client management, and communication make me a great fit for this role.

In terms of salary expectations, I am flexible and open to discussing the most appropriate compensation for the value I can bring to your team. My priority is to join a company that values employee development, growth, and contributions to the overall mission.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to further discussions.

Including salary requirements in your cover letter can be a great way to showcase your professionalism and start off on the right foot with potential employers. By tailoring your approach to your experience and goal for growth, you can show that you are not only a great fit for the position, but also a worthwhile investment for the company.

Researching Salary Information

Before including salary requirements in your cover letter, it’s important to research salary information to ensure you’re requesting a reasonable and fair compensation. Consider the following tips when researching salary information:

A. Where to find salary data

Job Search Websites: Websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and PayScale offer insight into salaries for various positions across industries. These websites are especially useful for comparing salaries in different locations and companies.

Company Websites: Some companies may publicly share salary information for their employees, which can be found on their websites.

Professional Associations: Professional associations in your industry may have salary surveys or data that can provide insight into average salaries for different positions.

Recruiters: Working with a recruiter can also provide insight into salary ranges for your desired position or industry.

B. How to use salary data in your cover letter

Once you’ve gathered salary information, it’s important to incorporate it into your cover letter effectively. Follow these tips for including salary requirements in your cover letter:

Be Flexible: Instead of listing a specific salary requirement, consider providing a salary range that you would be comfortable with. This allows for negotiation and shows that you are open to discussion.

Avoid Being First: If possible, try to avoid being the first to mention salary requirements. If the employer asks for your salary requirements, respond with a range and ask what the budget for the position is. This can prevent you from underselling yourself.

Be Confident: When discussing salary requirements, approach the conversation with confidence. Highlight your skills and experience that make you a valuable candidate and justify your salary range based on your qualifications and the research you’ve done.

Emphasize Other Factors: While salary is important, it’s not the only factor to consider. Emphasize other benefits, such as health insurance or retirement plans, that may be part of the compensation package.

By effectively researching and incorporating salary information into your cover letter, you can ensure that you set yourself up for fair and equitable compensation for your skills and experience.

Preparing for Salary Negotiations

When it comes to the job search process, negotiating salary is often one of the most intimidating and complex steps. However, by taking the time to adequately prepare for your salary negotiations, you can effectively communicate your value and increase your chances of securing a salary that accurately reflects your level of experience and expertise.

A. Importance of preparing for salary negotiations

Preparing for salary negotiations is crucial for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it shows that you value yourself and your skills, and that you are committed to achieving a fair compensation package. Additionally, by taking the time to research industry standards and company culture, you can confidently argue your case and present a compelling argument for why you deserve a certain salary.

B. Strategies to Follow While Discussing Salaries

During salary negotiations, it’s important to approach the conversation with a strategic mindset. One effective strategy is to first establish a range for your desired salary, based on your skills and experience, and then present this information to the employer. From there, you can work together to find a mutually agreeable compensation package.

It’s also important to remain flexible and open to compromise. Consider negotiating other benefits and perks in lieu of a higher salary, such as more vacation days or opportunities for professional development.

C. Tips to Keep in Mind While Negotiating Salaries

While negotiating salaries, there are several important tips to keep in mind. Firstly, always stay professional and polite, even if negotiations become tense. Secondly, come prepared with research and data to back up your desired salary range. This could include industry standards, comparable salaries for similar positions in the area, and your own achievements and qualifications.

It’s also important to set realistic expectations for your salary negotiations. While it’s important to advocate for yourself and your worth, understand that there may be limitations on what the employer can offer. Finally, always remember that salary negotiations are a two-way street, and make an effort to understand the employer’s needs and concerns as well.

By following these tips and strategies, you can confidently navigate the salary negotiation process and achieve a compensation package that accurately reflects your value as a professional.

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How To Include Salary Requirements In A Cover Letter (With Examples)

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Find a Job You Really Want In

When you apply for a job, you may be asked about your salary requirements . Answering this question correctly is crucial. If you ask for an amount that is too high, you may be priced out of an interview or job offer . If you ask for an amount that is too low, you will find yourself boxed into a less than preferable salary. We will go over why employers ask for salary requirements, when to include them, and how you should do it to help you get your desired salary. Key Takeaways: Salary requirements should appear at the end of the cover letter , but only when asked. Provide a range when possible and a specific amount only when necessary. Base your salary requirement on online research that includes industry standards, cost of living, and your educational/professional experience. Salary requirements help an employer budget for a new hire. In This Article    Skip to section What Are Salary Requirements? Why Do Employers Ask for Salary Requirements? When to Include Salary Requirements and Compensation in a Cover Letter How to Provide Your Salary Requirements Example Cover Letter With Salary Requirements How to Calculate a Fair Salary Range Final Thoughts Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More What Are Salary Requirements?

A salary requirement is an amount you determine you would like to be paid. As an applicant, it also reveals to your employer important information about you. When you make a salary requirement, you should base it on your prior salary, skills/experience, and the cost of living in the area you will work.

The salary requirement can be listed as a specific amount or as a range. This depends on what your employer specifies in their inquiry. They may also ask for a salary history , which would be listing your past salaries and benefits from previous employers. It is essential to note the distinction between a salary requirement, which is something you are asking for, and a salary history, which is something you have received.

You should know that some states limit what companies can inquire about your salary history. Look up what your state’s laws are before you provide a salary history.

Why Do Employers Ask for Salary Requirements?

There are many reasons why an employer may ask for a salary requirement.

To fit their budget. Generally, the employer has a budgeted amount they can offer. If your salary requirement is too high, they will likely hesitate to give you an offer unless you are an exceptional candidate.

To see how you value yourself. A salary requirement reveals a lot about you. This will let them know if you are aware of how your skills and experience match up to the position. With this in mind, the employer can then go ahead and filter out candidates who seem outside their price range or show an inability to understand their professional value.

To see if you are at the right level for the position. If your salary is on the lower end of what they have budgeted, it could mean that you have a lower experience than what the job requires. And if you have over, it may mean you are overqualified.

When to Include Salary Requirements and Compensation in a Cover Letter

Salary requirements. An employer may ask you to provide a salary requirement in your cover letter . Only include salary requirements if the application requires one. There is no reason to offer it unsolicited, as it could either remove you from consideration or else commit you to a salary you later might regret.

Do not ignore the request to provide a salary requirement. Always follow directions during an application. If you do not, then the employer may worry about your ability to follow directions in the future and reject your application .

Note if the employer asks for a specific salary amount. If you have the option, it is better to provide a range of desired salaries. This helps increase your chances that your salary requirement will be within an amount agreeable to the employer.

Compensation. Compensation needs, like salary requirements, may be asked on your application. Your employer will ask what non-monetary expectations you have for the position. This includes benefits such as healthcare, vacation time/paid time off , retirement plans such as a 401k, childcare, maternity leave, employee recreational activities, tuition reimbursement , and travel assistance.

Like salary requirements, you should only mention your compensation needs if you are asked. In your cover letter, prioritize your compensation and list as few as possible. Again, you do not want to box yourself in during the application process. Pick benefits that are immediately important to you, such as healthcare , and leave the rest for the interview .

How to Provide Your Salary Requirements

Once you have determined your salary requirements, you should place them in your cover letter’s final paragraph. Keep this section short. You do not want it to distract from your cover letter’s overall message , which should highlight why you are a great fit for the position.

There are three options you can take when including a salary requirement in your cover letter:

Provide a specific amount. If the application asks for a specific salary amount, then you should comply and provide one. Failing to do so may be interpreted as an inability or unwillingness to follow directions, which should be avoided.

When you pick a specific amount, you need to balance the highest amount for you with what you think is a fair amount to ask for. Research the position and industry standards and balance with your own needs. As always, show a willingness to be flexible.

With my experience, I will be a great project manager who combines empathy with results. My salary requirement is $91,050. I can be flexible and am willing to negotiate this requirement.

Provide a range. If the application asks for a salary requirement but does not specify the amount, this is your best option. It allows for the greatest flexibility in negotiations and provides you with the best chance of landing your desired amount.

Like a specific amount, base your salary range off of the industry norms and your skill set, along with your needs and cost of living expenses.

With my experience, I will be a great project manager who combines empathy with results. My salary requirement is in the $90,000 to $100,000 range. I can be flexible and am willing to negotiate this requirement.

Avoid providing an amount. This is the last resort option if you are either uncomfortable or unwilling to discuss salary requirements. In such an instance, you should still show that you are willing to be flexible. Keep it short and honest.

I do not wish to discuss my salary requirements at this time. However, I would be willing and flexible to discuss it at a further date.

It is imperative to mention that you are flexible, and your requirements are negotiable. You want to show that you are open to compromise. If you keep your options open, then the employer will see you can work towards a mutual goal. Negotiability also helps if your salary range falls outside the employer’s budgeted offer.

Example Cover Letter With Salary Requirements

To the Hiring Representative, I am applying for the project manager position at United Group. I have several years of project management experience, and I think it would be a great fit at United Group. In my past experience with Divided Inc., I effectively led teams that constructed user interfaces for our company’s web and mobile apps. My responsibilities included investigating software issues and developing new infrastructure based on pioneering tech trends. A lot of this work involved independent project management as well as collaboration with other team members. During my time as a project manager at Divided, Inc., I was able to develop my communication skills and specialize in task management using video conferencing software. This became particularly useful as we began work remotely as an organization. During this time, I also liaised with research institutions and became familiar with prototype development. Due to my knowledge, I have been asked to train other team members and have been entrusted to lead lectures for several other partner organizations. With my experience, I will be a great project manager who combines empathy with results. My salary requirement is in the $90,000 to $100,000 range. I can be flexible and am willing to negotiate this requirement. Please consider my application. I would love the opportunity to further discuss my skills and career goals. Thank you , Alex Smith

How to Calculate a Fair Salary Range

There are several factors to consider when you calculate your salary requirements. If you decide to provide a range, make sure it is fair. This means it is something you and your potential employer can agree on. Make it an amount you would be happy to receive and one that would not remove you from consideration.

Research the industry standard for the position. Go online and look up the average salary for the type of job you are applying to. Resources like Payscale , Salary.com , and the Bureau of Labor Statistics are excellent for determining your professional worth. You may find a range or only a single amount. If you do find a single amount, consider that your midpoint for your range.

Know your experience and skill set. If you have a lot of experience or a high level of demand for your skills, you need to base your salary range on the higher end of the industry standard. Conversely, if you are new to a position , you must approach your requirement from the lower end.

Consider your education and training. If you come from a higher education background or carry relevant certifications, you can make your requirements higher than the average range.

Consider the cost of living. Your salary requirements should, in part, be based on the geographic location of where you work. If a city, such as New York , has a higher cost of living than, say, Omaha , then you again will want to ask for a higher than average salary to meet your basic needs.

Make your range reasonable. It does not do you any good to ask for a salary in such a large range that the information is relevant. For example, you would say your requirements are between $40,000 and $100,000 even if the average salary is $70,000. Try to make your range within 20 to 30 percent of the midrange.

Final Thoughts

Your salary requirement is part of the more extensive dialogue you may have with a potential employer. Do not be afraid to stand up for your needs but also be reasonable in your expectations. By following these tips, you should be able to do just that.

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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how to write salary expectations in cover letter

How to write cover letter salary requirements + 6 examples


For certain jobs, recruiters may request the applicants to disclose their salary requirements before attending the interview.

If you’re reading this article, the chances are that you have been asked by the employer to disclose your salary requirements or expectations on your cover letter. In asking this question, employers want to know for how much money you are willing to work for in this particular role that you are applying for.

A typical advertisement would state:

“Candidates interested in applying for this should send their CV , along with a covering letter including details of salary expectations.”


Talking about money may seem awkward at the best of times; however, employers want to find out about this information for legitimate reasons (see below). It is therefore advisable that you do disclose this information on your cover letter in a considered and diplomatic manner.

Should I disclose my desires salary this early in the recruitment process?

If there is no formal request from the prospective employer, you should never disclose anything about money or your desired wages this early in the hiring process. It is the quickest and fastest way to knock yourself out before even reaching the interview stage!

If, on the other hand, the advertisement specifically asks you to disclose your salary expectations then you should do so without hesitating. This is because employers want to see whether you can follow simple instructions. If you can’t follow their instructions now, what guarantee is there that you will follow their instructions once they hire you?

Why do recruiters ask me about my salary expectations?

Asking about your salary requirements allows the prospective employer to get a better idea of what you’d like to earn and how that will fit in with the role that is being advertised.

It is also a way for employers to minimise wasting their time, money and resources on interviewing candidates that they are unable to pay because of their high salary requirements.

It may be that you are under-or-over qualified for the position, and that will could potentially be deduced from your answer.

It is also an effective way of measuring your self-worth. If your expectation is too low, the recruiter might think you that don’t value yourself or that may not be able to properly function in the job.

In certain circumstances, however, this may work in your favour; particularly in a small company which is looking for ways to save money and recruit only those that do not require a high payout.

On the flip side, having a very high expectation means that you are either overqualified for the position, or that you are unrealistic about the scope of the advertised position.

It is, therefore, essential that you give a figure that is reasonable and balanced.

How to write your salary requirements on your cover letter

Many applicants make the mistake of giving a single figure (e.g. £25,000) when asked about their desired earnings goal.

Narrowing down your earnings expectations to a single figure is never a good idea because it leaves you with no room for negotiation!

It also puts you in a very disadvantaged position because the employer will, undoubtedly, try to bring down your “minimum” offer even further.

Instead of giving a single figure and putting yourself in a disadvantaged position, you should give a range of how much you would like to earn.

It is never a good idea to determine a salary range based on your gut feeling, greed or desperation as you may come up with unrealistic or unreasonable figures.

For a more methodological and scientific approach, follow the following three steps to come to a suitable earnings range for your cover letter:

  • Step 1: Find out the average wage for the job that you’re applying for in that particular location (e.g. approximately £25,000).
  • Step 2: Based on the average salary of your findings (e.g. £25,000), establish a salary range of +/- 10% (e.g. £22,500 – £27,000).
  • Step 3: Slightly adjust this salary range (e.g. £22,500 – £27,000) depending on your income goals and worth in the job market, leaving some room for negotiation and flexibility (see examples below).

How to include your salary requirements on your cover letter


Other recommended formats and wordings that you can use on your cover letter :

  • In response to your request, my salary requirement is somewhere between £30,000 and £40,000, depending on the job requirements and the benefits offered by [insert company name here] .
  • My salary expectations are in the £40,000 – £50,000 range.
  • Low-to-mid £30K annually, plus additional benefits and bonuses.
  • Given my extensive experience in the Media Market, wages range of £29k – £36k per annum, depending on the scope and nature of the position and benefits offered.
  • My salary expectations are between £20,000 and £28,000. It is negotiable depending on the additional benefits offered.

Should I disclose my salary history?

Employers asking about your salary history are interested in knowing what you have been paid in your previous roles. They will use this information to determine a “suitable” wage for you.

Requests for the disclosure of previous’ job’s earnings is quite uncommon.

However, some employers still request this information:


In this scenario, you may not have much choice but to reveal your past salaries and be willing to fight your case during the interview stage if you feel that you are being offered less money than you are worth or deserve.

  • Do not mention anything about salaries on your CV.
  • Do not include your salary requirements on your cover letter if you have not been asked to do so by the employer. These things are better discussed face-to-face at the interview stage.
  • Do not make the same mistake as one unlucky candidate who wrote “the higher the better” when asked to disclose their salary requirements! Needless to say, they weren’t invited for a job interview.
  • Be flexible and reasonable if the employer insists that they can only pay you a certain amount which is still within the lower ends of your desired salary range. In many cases and for legitimate reasons, employers have a maximum limit on the amount that they are willing or able to pay.
  • Use different cover letter salary expectations for different individual jobs that you are applying for. Take a number of things into consideration, including the size of the employer, location and the job role.
  • Be confident and don’t undersell yourself. In the words of Rocky Balboa; “If you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth!”

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Salary requirements and expectations in a cover letter

Talking about salaries at any point in the hiring process can bring about feelings of confusion or discomfort. Still, some think it’s a good idea to face these emotions head-on by mentioning their salary requirements in cover letters. Could this strategy be helpful when applying for a role, or is it a mistake? This article will help you navigate this murky territory and plan your next steps.

Should you include salary requirements in your cover letter?

Although many cover letter articles will tell you that you should never write about salary requirements in cover letters, the answer to this question isn’t as straightforward as it seems. There are valid points on both sides of the argument.

Why you may want to include it

In some cases, a hiring manager or recruiter will request that you include your salary requirements in your cover letter or resume . In that case, you may jeopardize your chances of getting the job if you don’t do it.

Additionally, some believe that including your salary requirements in your cover letter projects confidence and shows that you understand your worth as an employee. 

Why it may not be a good idea

One reason you may want to reconsider mentioning your salary requirements in your cover letters is that the figure you give may exceed the employer’s budget, and they may not consider you for the position as a result. On the flip side, you could present a much lower number than expected and end up being underpaid. 

Consider appropriateness and timing

Being upfront about your salary expectations is never a bad thing. However, there may be drawbacks if you bring up salary expectations too early in the process. Before you include them in your cover letter , think about your timing and whether your application is the best place to start this conversation. 

Read the job posting thoroughly

Before you do anything else, review the job posting carefully. If it asks you to include salary requirements in your cover letter, don’t leave them out. If the posting doesn’t mention it, but the hiring manager or recruiter asks you directly to include it in your cover letter, you should adhere to their request.

Consider the laws in your jurisdiction

If you live in a state where it's against the law for an employer to ask about your current salary, it may be best to leave pay information off your cover letter. An employer could be penalized if it's believed that they’ve violated the law by requesting this information.

Don’t make it the focus of your letter

One rule of thumb regarding how to put salary requirements in cover letters is to avoid listing them at the beginning of your letter, as this will be what the hiring manager focuses on. If you include this information, do so at the very end.

Do some research on the employer

Conduct online research, talk to a recruiter, or ask a contact (if you have one) to see whether those who work at the company included their salary expectations on their cover letters. If others have done it, no one will be shocked if you do it too.

Expert Tip:

Even if you’ve been asked to include salary requirements in your cover letter, your wording matters. Make sure your tone is confident and professional. Avoid coming across as self-important or demanding to ensure that the hiring manager will be receptive to the information.

Research your role’s market value

Some feel that discussing salary requirements in the cover letter is an assertive move. It indicates that you’ve done your due diligence when it comes to your role and that you know the value your knowledge, experience, skills, and traits bring to the table.

Indeed, it’s possible that this information could help solidify your candidacy if your salary requirements fall within the employer’s budget. That said, there are two important things you must do before mentioning your salary requirements in your cover letter.

First, understand that you’ll need to do your homework. You must conduct extensive online research using data from job boards, anecdotal evidence from online forums, information from LinkedIn, and whatever other reputable sources you can get your hands on about what someone in your role should be getting paid.

As you carry out this research, keep your experience, education, and skill level in mind. As resume articles often indicate, these qualifications can affect how much someone will be paid in a particular role, with more advanced or experienced professionals often earning more than others.

You must also know how to customize any cover letter templates you use by quantifying your achievements.

Doing so clearly demonstrates the impact you’ve made in your current role. This, in turn, can help you justify the salary numbers you’ve given in your cover letter. It will help the hiring manager see why you’re worth what you’re asking for — and may make you more likely to get it.

"Although many cover letter articles will tell you that you should never write about salary requirements in cover letters, the answer to this question isn’t as straightforward as it seems."

Be flexible

When figuring out how to include salary requirements in cover letters, make it a point to use language that signals your flexibility.

You don’t want the hiring manager to feel like you’re making demands. You should indicate that, while you believe the number you included accurately reflects your value as a candidate, you’re open to negotiations and want to move forward in a collaborative way. Studying solid cover letter examples can help you nail the right tone.

When you use such a tone, a hiring manager is less likely to dismiss your salary requirements, even if they’re a bit high. Demonstrate that you’re willing to work with a potential employer if you want the same treatment in return.

When thinking about how to handle salary requirements in a cover letter, always assume that a hiring manager has good intentions when it comes to ensuring that you’re properly compensated for the value you bring. With that in mind, you should always be transparent when presenting your salary requirements in a cover letter.

It’s crucial to be completely honest about your experience and skills, as the hiring manager will use this information to calculate your salary. Don’t simply copy cover letters or resume templates and submit them, as they won’t reflect your unique background.

Furthermore, it’s important to be direct about your salary expectations so the hiring manager won’t be caught off guard when it is time to negotiate.

Examine relevance

Job seekers should always consider whether information on an expected salary is relevant for the hiring manager. This can depend heavily on the norms in a particular company or industry.

Salaries are already fixed and non-negotiable in some cases (such as in government or public education roles). There would therefore be no reason to include your expected salary range because accepting the job means accepting whatever pay comes with it.

In other cases, the hiring manager may have already included the salary range for the role in the job description. If you insist on including it in your cover letter, you risk inadvertently suggesting that you haven’t read through the entire description before applying or that you don’t respect their decision about salary. 

Note that there’s nothing wrong with asking whether the included salary is firm once you get to the interview stage. This is where many candidates choose to bring up their salary requirements.

A polished, professional cover letter always makes a good impression

There will likely always be a debate about whether it’s a good idea to include salary requirements in a cover letter. If the job description, employer, or recruiter asks you for it, make sure it’s in there. Otherwise, rely on your own research and assessment of whether it's relevant to help you make the right decision.

What’s most important about writing a cover letter is maintaining a professional tone throughout, even when writing about salary expectations.

To this end, consider using cover letter or resume examples to ensure that your application materials are polished before you submit them. These resources can help you decide on a tone, format, and design that work together to make you stand out and land the job you want.

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How to Include Salary Expectations in a Cover Letter

In past decades, salary expectations were typically kept private during the initial stages of a job offer. Nowadays, many employers ask for or want to know what you hope to be paid in your first job as a way to better assess whether they can offer you a competitive or desirable salary. However, including salary expectations in your cover letter or application can be a tricky task.

The good news? There are ways to do this effectively without entering into an awkward situation with a potential employer at such a formative stage in a career. In this article, we’re going to discuss how to include salary expectations in a cover letter.

If you need help on the writing part, check out our augmented writing technology for cover letters .

Why Companies Want Your Salary Information

Companies request your salary information for various reasons. One of them is just in case your requested salary exceeds their budget. If this is the case, they will screen you out because they’re not looking to pay that much, or because they assume you will not be satisfied in working for the company for less money than you’re used to.

Another instance of this is if your salary requirement is lower than the company is willing to pay. In this scenario, they might just offer you a lower salary than another candidate. Many wonder how to write expected salary in cover letters, and look for tips to get around this.

What Exactly Are Salary Requirements?

Put simply, a salary requirement is the amount of annual income a person expects in order to accept a certain position. Here’s how to include salary requirements in a cover letter:

  • Prior salary history
  • Previous work experience
  • Your skills
  • The industry
  • Cost of living

How to Include Salary Expectations in a Cover Letter – Example

how to include salary in a cover letter

If you’re wondering how to write expected salary in cover letters, check out this brilliant example provided by thebalancecareers.com

Your Address

Your City, State Zip Code

Your Phone Number

Hiring Manager

Company Name

City, State Zip Code

Dear Hiring Manager,

I’m writing to express my strong interest in the Web Design Specialist position listed on Craigslist.

I have experience designing consumer-focused health-based websites. While much of my experience has been in the business world, I understand the social value of the non-profit sector.

My responsibilities have included the design and development of the site’s editorial voice and style, and the daily content programming and production of the website. I worked closely with health care professionals and medical editors to help them provide the best possible information to a consumer audience of patients and health care professionals.

Experience has taught me how to build strong relationships with all departments at an organization. I have the ability to work within a team as well as cross-team.

I can work with web engineers to resolve technical issues and implement technical enhancements, work with the development department to implement design and functional enhancements, and monitor site statistics and conduct search engine optimization.

My salary requirement is in the $70,000 – $80,000 range. However, my salary is negotiable based on the overall compensation package.

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration.

Signature (hard copy letter)

FirstName LastName

On occasion, a potential employer may ask you to include a history of your salary, or alongside your salary expectations on your cover letter. But what is salary history? And do you know how to include salary history in cover letters? If not, let’s find out.

How to Include Salary History in Cover Letters

Your salary history is a document that lists all of your past earnings. It typically includes the name of each company you previously were employed by, along with your job title, salary, and benefits package.

The difference between your salary expectations and your salary history is what you were actually earning in previous roles, compared to what you expect to earn within your next.

Bear in mind that you don’t want to mention your salary history unless you’re specifically asked to. Your cover letter should focus on why you’re a perfect fit for the role, rather than talking about the expected salary or your salary history.

In addition to this, you don’t want to put yourself in a corner. Letting out all of these important details may have a negative impact on you when it comes to negotiating for better compensation later on down the line.

In answer to the question ‘’how to include salary history in your cover letter’’ – a great way to do this is to include a salary history page within your cover letter. On the salary history page, you could include the past one, two, or three jobs you have held. Ensure you list the jobs in reverse chronological order (with the most recent job at the top).

Karen Maristani

Karen invented writing, the airplane, and the internet. She was also the first person to reach the North Pole. She has flown to Mars and back in one day, and was enthusiastically greeted by Aliens. She has also worked as a copywriter and journalist for many years and has helped hundreds of people writing the perfect job application.

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How to Write the Best Wage Increase Letter (+ Examples & Tips)

by SalaryCube Editorial Team | Published on Sep 5, 2024 | Compensation

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If you’re looking to write an effective wage increase letter, which is often issued by the HR department, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions, key elements to include, and examples to help you craft a compelling and professional letter.

Key Takeaways

A wage increase letter serves as a formal notification and documentation of an employee’s salary increase, reinforcing their value and motivation.

Key elements of a wage increase letter include recipient and sender details, the justification for the raise, and the current and new salary amounts, along with the effective date.

Avoid common mistakes such as lack of specificity, ignoring company policies, and overlooking employee contributions to ensure the letter is effective and well-received.

Understanding a Wage Increase Letter

An illustration showing various components of a wage increase letter.

A wage increase letter is a formal letter from an employer informing an employee about a salary increase. Its primary purpose is to inform the employee of the salary increase and document the change. This letter not only serves as an official record but also affirms the employee’s value and contributions, aiming to maintain motivation and job satisfaction.

Beyond its formalities, a well-written wage increase letter can significantly boost job satisfaction and company loyalty by ensuring transparency regarding compensation . It provides clarity for future salary discussions, outlines new job responsibilities and performance expectations, and enhances employee trust and satisfaction by providing context for the raise.

When to Write a Wage Increase Letter

Timing is crucial when it comes to writing a wage increase letter. It’s essential to choose moments that justify the request for a salary review, such as when an employee’s role has expanded significantly or their contributions have markedly improved. Significant achievements, such as exceeding performance goals, can serve as strong rationale for submitting a wage increase letter.

Annual performance reviews are common and appropriate times to discuss wage increases. Planning the timing of your request with respect to company review cycles can enhance its effectiveness and ensure that it is considered during budget discussions.

Aligning the timing with significant milestones and review periods helps employers make a compelling case for the salary increase.

Key Elements of a Wage Increase Letter

A visual representation of key elements in a wage increase letter.

An effective wage increase letter must include certain key elements to ensure it is comprehensive, clear, and professional. The main components include recipient and sender details, the reason for the wage increase, and current and new salary details.

Each of these elements plays a vital role in communicating the change in compensation effectively.

Recipient and Sender Details

Accurate recipient and sender details are crucial for clarity and professionalism in a wage increase letter. Including the employee’s job title in the letter emphasizes the formal recognition of their role. Addressing the letter directly to the employee makes it more personal and respectful. Additionally, having correct contact information provides a point of contact for any questions or clarifications.

Consulting your line manager can also help identify specific details that should be included in the letter.

Reason for Wage Increase

A wage increase can be based on several factors, including employee performance, market adjustments, or changes in job responsibilities. Notable reasons for a wage increase include exceptional performance and significant contributions to key projects. Specific achievements, such as boosting brand visibility or improving engagement metrics, should be highlighted to justify the increase.

Ambiguity in the justification of a salary increase can lead to confusion and dissatisfaction among employees. Documenting specific achievements clearly in the letter supports the rationale for the salary increase effectively.

Providing clarity regarding the specifics of the raise, including the amount or percentage increase, facilitates better employee understanding and fosters a sense of trust.

Current and New Salary Details

Stating the current and new salary, along with the percentage increase and effective date, is essential in a wage increase letter. For instance, Jessica’s new salary after her wage increase is $85,000, indicating a 12% increase. Providing a clear breakdown helps avoid confusion and ensures that both parties are on the same page regarding the new compensation.

Additionally, specifying the effective date, such as July 1, 2024, further clarifies when the new rate applies.

Writing a Wage Increase Letter: Step-by-Step Guide

An illustration depicting the step-by-step process of writing a wage increase letter.

Writing a wage increase letter involves several critical steps, including planning, drafting, and reviewing. Each step ensures that the letter is well-organized, professional, and effectively communicates the intended message.

Selecting the right moment to request a wage increase, such as during annual performance reviews, is crucial. Discussing your request with your manager before evaluations can help integrate it into budget discussions.

Planning Your Letter

Planning is the initial and most crucial step in writing a wage increase letter. Gather essential details like the recipient’s name, the reason for the wage increase, and the amount of increase. Clear objectives keep the letter focused and ensure all necessary points are addressed effectively.

An outline that includes all necessary points maintains a logical flow and helps briefly describe a successful letter that meets the intended objectives.

Drafting the Letter

The recommended structure for a wage increase letter includes an opening paragraph, a body with main points, and a concluding section. In the opening, state the purpose of the letter and the reason for the wage increase. The body should detail specific achievements, such as exceeding performance goals or receiving positive feedback from clients or managers. Recognizing specific contributions enhances the personal touch of the letter and boosts morale.

Expressing gratitude can transform the letter from a transactional notice to a relational affirmation. Acknowledge the employee’s hard work and contributions, ensuring they feel valued and appreciated.

Conclude the letter by reiterating appreciation and offering to discuss any questions the employee may have.

Reviewing and Proofreading

A final review to eliminate any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes is essential. Ensure that the document aligns with professional standards before submission. Having a colleague review the letter can help catch any errors or omissions you might have missed. This step ensures that the letter is polished and ready for delivery.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in a Wage Increase Letter

An illustration showing common mistakes to avoid in a wage increase letter.

Avoiding common mistakes in wage increase letters is crucial for ensuring the request is well-received and effective. Common mistakes include lack of specificity, ignoring company policies, and failing to recognize employee contributions. Each of these mistakes can undermine the request and create misunderstandings, so it’s important to address them carefully.

Lack of Specificity

Specificity in a wage increase letter helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures clarity. Vagueness can lead to confusion and can diminish the perceived professionalism of the letter. Please provide the exact amount or percentage of the raise. Specifying the effective date is also important.

Being specific not only clarifies expectations but also reinforces trust between the employee and employer.

Ignoring Company Policies

When writing a wage increase letter, it is essential to consult the company’s policies and guidelines. Wage increases must adhere to various employment laws. These include equal pay acts, minimum wage laws, and anti-discrimination regulations at local, state, and federal levels. Aligning wage increases with company policies avoids inconsistencies and perceptions of favoritism.

Adhering to company guidelines ensures fairness and transparency in compensation.

Overlooking Employee Contributions

Acknowledging specific employee contributions helps avoid a generic and impersonal letter, enhancing its positive impact. Highlighting individual achievements helps establish a personal connection and appreciation for the employee’s efforts.

Outlining future new responsibilities associated with a raise helps employees understand their career growth path and fosters motivation.

Examples of Effective Wage Increase Letters

An illustration of effective wage increase letters examples.

Examples of effective wage increase letters offer valuable guidance on structuring and writing these letters for different scenarios. Common scenarios for wage increases include performance-based increases, promotions, and market adjustments to maintain competitiveness.

Customizing examples ensures the letters resonate with the individual’s unique contributions and circumstances.

Example for Employee Performance-Based Increase

Dear [Employee’s Name],

I am pleased to inform you that based on your exemplary performance over the past year, we have decided to increase your salary. Your dedication, hard work, and significant contributions have not gone unnoticed, and we believe this adjustment reflects your value to our team.

Your new salary amount will be $85,000, which represents a 12% increase from your current salary and reflects your annual salary. This increase is effective from July 1, 2024. We appreciate your efforts in exceeding performance goals and taking on additional responsibilities.

I appreciate your ongoing dedication to excellence. Your commitment is truly valued.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Example for Promotion-Based Increase

Dear Rebecca,

Congratulations on your promotion to Team Leader! Due to your dedication, creativity, and remarkable sales abilities, we are pleased to offer you a salary increase. Your new salary will be $90,000. This change will take effect on July 1, 2024. We look forward to seeing you excel in your new role and continue making a positive impact.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Example for Market Adjustment Increase

To ensure your compensation remains competitive relative to the market, we have decided to adjust your salary. Based on current market trends and standards, your new salary will be $70,000, effective from July 1, 2024. This adjustment reflects our commitment to retaining top talent and maintaining fair compensation .

Tips for Employers

For employers, writing an effective wage increase letter involves more than just stating the new salary. It is an opportunity to enhance employee morale by acknowledging their contributions and achievements. Highlighting specific employee achievements justifies the salary increase letter and reinforces their value to the organization.

A professional tone throughout the letter ensures it is taken seriously and reflects the company’s standards.

Express Appreciation

Expressing appreciation in a wage increase letter builds positive employee relations. It makes the employees feel valued and creates a relational tone.

In the conclusion of the letter, reiterate appreciation, wish continued success, and offer to discuss any questions the employee may have.

Set Future Expectations

Setting clear future expectations in a wage increase letter is crucial for effective communication. Clear expectations help the employee understand future responsibilities and foster growth.

Establishing clear goals alongside a wage increase enhances employee motivation and performance.

Maintain Professional Tone

A professional tone in salary increase letters enhances the seriousness of the communication and reflects the company’s standards. Using respectful language fosters a positive environment and encourages open communication.

A formal tone ensures the letter is taken seriously and maintains the organization’s professional image.

In summary, a well-crafted wage increase letter can significantly impact employee morale, job satisfaction, and company loyalty. By understanding the key elements—such as recipient and sender details, reasons for the wage increase, and clear salary breakdowns—employers can create effective communications that recognize employee contributions and set clear expectations. Avoiding common mistakes like lack of specificity, ignoring company policies, and overlooking employee contributions further strengthens the letter’s impact.

Writing an effective wage increase letter involves careful planning, drafting, and reviewing. Employers should express appreciation, set future expectations, and maintain a professional tone to ensure the letter is both motivating and respectful. By using the provided examples and tips, employers can confidently write wage increase letters that resonate with their employees and reflect their company’s commitment to fair and transparent compensation practices .

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time to write a wage increase letter.

The optimal time to write a wage increase letter is during annual performance reviews or following notable accomplishments that warrant a salary evaluation . This timing significantly bolsters your case for a raise.

What are the key elements of a wage increase letter?

A wage increase letter should include the recipient and sender details, a clear rationale for the wage increase, and a comparison of current and new salary figures. These elements ensure clarity and professionalism in your communication.

Why is it important to be specific in a wage increase letter?

It is important to be specific in a wage increase letter to prevent misunderstandings and clarify expectations, reinforcing trust between the employee and employer. Specificity ensures both parties are aligned on the details of the increase.

How can employers express appreciation in a wage increase letter?

Employers can effectively express appreciation in a wage increase letter by acknowledging the employee’s hard work and contributions throughout the message. Concluding the letter with a reaffirmation of gratitude further emphasizes their recognition of the employee’s value.

What common mistakes should be avoided in a wage increase letter?

To ensure effectiveness, avoid being vague, neglecting company policies, and failing to acknowledge employee contributions in your wage increase letter. These mistakes can undermine your request.

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How to write a winning salary negotiation email: Tips & templates

A salary negotiation email is a letter you send to a potential or current employer to discuss the offered or existing salary for a role. It is mainly written after receiving a job offer or during performance reviews where salary adjustments might be considered. This article has a simple step-by-step guide on how to write a winning salary negotiation email.

How to write a winning salary negotiation email


1. keep it professional, 2. create a clear subject title, 3. select an appropriate greeting, 4. thank the employer for their offer, 5. be specific about salary, 6. reinforce your experience and qualifications, 7. include other negotiable items, 8. finish with positive language, take your time, keep it simple, consider tone, know your value, do your research, keep communication open, consider alternative forms of compensation, review your letter, be prepared for further negotiations, salary negotiation email template, 1. counteroffer email for new job applicant, 2. pay increase email, when should you initiate salary negotiations, how do you politely negotiate salary via email, what are some common mistakes to avoid in a salary negotiation email, is it good to ask for a raise over email or phone.

Salary discussions with a recruiter, hiring manager, or boss can be uncomfortable. However, it is essential to advocate your worth, secure the best salary offer for your skills and lay the foundation for career success. Writing a professional salary negotiation email can help you raise the subject with your employer clearly and thoughtfully.

How to write a salary negotiation email

Jeff Su, a Product Marketer at Google and a famous YouTuber, said 61% of people fail at negotiating a higher salary after receiving a job offer. He explained why:

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

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It's not because of the economy or because the employer is being unreasonable. And its not because they have no other offers to leverage. Most people lost right then and there when they decided not to even try to negotiate for a higher salary.

Writing a salary negotiation email requires clarity, professionalism, and a positive tone. Below is a guide to help structure your email:

When writing your salary negotiation email, remember to include the full name of the person you are addressing. This can be your current manager if you seek a salary negotiation in your current role, recruiter or the hiring manager.

Create a relevant subject line that does not mention compensation. For example, the response to your offer of a sales manager position clarifies the purpose of the email without specifically mentioning salary.

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Job offer negotiation email

The greeting is your first impression in your salary negotiation email, so it should be formal and respectful. The salary negotiation letter must be more formal than a friendly letter. An appropriate greeting sets the tone for the entire conversation and reflects your level of professionalism.

When thanking the employer for their offer, express genuine appreciation for the opportunity. Acknowledge their time and effort in the recruitment process and show excitement about the role.

Before starting salary negotiations, consider a specific number or salary range based on the market average for similar positions. Ensure your request is reasonable and justified by your skills, experience, or industry standards. This clarity helps guide the negotiation process effectively.

To reinforce your experience and qualifications, highlight specific skills, achievements, or certifications that make you a valuable asset to the company. Emphasise how your background aligns with the role’s requirements and how your contributions can positively impact the organisation.

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

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Check your offer to determine any other items you are willing to negotiate, such as bonuses, equity, vacation days, and flexible work hours. Mentioning these alternatives shows flexibility and can lead to a more well-rounded compensation package if the salary is non-negotiable.

Negotiation salary email

Ending your salary negotiation letter on a positive note helps show that you are excited about the job and grateful for the opportunity. It also keeps the conversation friendly and productive, making it easier to work out a deal that works for both sides. This positive closing helps you leave a good impression and makes the negotiation more successful.

Tips to negotiate your salary by email

As per Magical , writing a negotiation via email lets you list qualifications, outline accomplishments, and express your desire for more pay. Here are some of the best tips to consider when composing your salary negotiation email.

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

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After receiving the offer, please do not rush into accepting or rejecting it. Companies usually allow time to consider it. This time will enable you to consider all aspects, including salary and benefits, and reflect on your priorities.

To keep it simple in a salary negotiation email, be concise and direct while remaining polite. Start with gratitude, clearly state your salary request with supporting reasons, and express openness to discuss further. Keep the message focused and professional.

Negotiate salary by email.

How do you respectfully negotiate salary? Considering tone means ensuring your communication is respectful, positive, and professional. Your tone should convey appreciation for the offer while presenting your request.

Knowing your value is crucial in salary negotiations. It involves understanding your market worth, highlighting your skills and achievements, and confidently presenting this information to justify your salary request. This approach ensures you advocate effectively for fair compensation based on your value to the role.

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Before negotiating, research information about typical salaries and benefits for similar roles in your industry and location. If your offer is within the market range, there may be a chance for negotiation.

Ongoing communication is critical to successful salary negotiations. Express your willingness to discuss alternative options, demonstrating your flexibility and desire to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Find out about other negotiable benefits besides salary. These could include bonuses, pension plans, stock options, expanded benefits plans, and parental leave. These alternatives can add value to your overall compensation package if the salary cannot be increased.

Stay firm on your request and be clear about your needs without wavering. This involves confidently presenting your case and sticking to your points while being open to discussion and compromise.

Negotiating salary offer email.

Set your salary expectations slightly above what you realistically want, allowing room for negotiation. This approach gives you a better chance of reaching a favourable outcome while being open to adjustments.

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

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Before sending your salary negotiation email, look for errors or unclear statements and ensure the tone is professional and error-free. This will help ensure your message is clear, respectful, and effective.

Salary negotiations may involve numerous discussions that take some time, depending on the role and industry. Being patient, professional, and polite throughout the process is crucial.

How do you negotiate a higher salary after a job offer, for example? If you have received a job offer or would like to negotiate your starting salary, here is a salary negotiation email template to help you get started:

Subject : Discussion regarding offer – (job title)

Greetings : Hi (first name),

Expression of gratitude : I truly appreciate the opportunity to join (company name) as a [job title]. I am excited about the potential to contribute to your team.

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

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Introduction to negotiation : Before finalising my decision, I would like to revisit the salary component of the offer. After reviewing industry standards and considering my background, I believe a compensation range of [desired salary range] more accurately aligns with the value I can bring compared to the initial offer of (offered salary).

Supporting achievements : In my previous role, I was responsible for (briefly mention key accomplishment one), which resulted in (quantified result one). Additionally, I (briefly mention key accomplishment two), contributing to (quantified result two). I am confident I can deliver similar, if not greater, results in this position.

Alternatives : If adjusting the salary is challenging, I am open to discussing other elements of the package, such as (alternative compensation one), (alternative compensation two), or [alternative compensation three].

Conclusion : I am eager to start contributing to the success of (company name), and I look forward to finding a solution that works for both of us. Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to your response.

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

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Warm regards,

(Your full name)

Salary negotiation email sample

A male freelancer using a laptop in the street cafe.

The primary purpose of sending a salary negotiation email is to express your interest in the role while requesting a review of the compensation package based on your qualifications and market standards. Below are two salary negotiation email samples.

Subject: Marketing Specialist Offer – Response

Dear (Hiring manager's name),

I hope you are well.

Thank you for extending the offer for the Marketing Specialist position at (company name). I am genuinely excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team’s success.

After reviewing the offer, I would like to discuss the proposed salary before moving forward. With over four years of experience in digital marketing and a proven track record of increasing engagement and lead generation by 25% at my previous company, I believe a salary in the range of $58,000–$62,000 would be a fair reflection of my expertise.

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

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I appreciate that your offer of $55,000 is competitive. If a salary adjustment is not feasible, I am open to discussing other forms of compensation, such as additional vacation time or performance-based bonuses.

I am eager to contribute to (company name) and look forward to discussing the next steps with you.

Thank you again for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

(Your name)

(Phone number)

A woman using a laptop.

A salary increase letter is a formal communication from an employee to their employer requesting a raise in their current salary. Have a look at this sample.

Subject: Request for Salary Review Following Performance Review

Hello (Manager's name),

I hope you are doing well.

Thank you for your valuable feedback during my recent performance review. I truly appreciate your recognition of my progress in leading key initiatives at (company name), particularly the successful launch of the product redesign project, which contributed to a 15% increase in customer retention.

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

Check out these guidelines for writing a quality cover letter for CV South Africa

Given my contributions over the past year, including spearheading three significant campaigns that led to a 10% increase in revenue and mentoring new hires, I would like to request a review of my current salary. Based on my responsibilities and the market value for my role, I believe a salary of $78,000–$82,000 would better reflect my impact on the team’s success.

My current salary is $74,000, and this proposed range aligns with industry standards and my expanded duties. If a salary increase is not possible now, I would be open to discussing additional benefits such as flexible working hours or professional development support. I’m excited to continue growing with (company name) and look forward to hearing from you regarding this request.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Cheerful man using laptop.

The best time to send a salary negotiation email is after you have been offered a new role or accepted an internal promotion.

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

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To politely negotiate salary via email, express gratitude for the offer, clearly state your request with supporting evidence of your value and market research and remain open to discussion. Maintain a positive and professional tone throughout.

Some of the common mistakes to avoid in a salary negotiation email include:

  • Being vague
  • Being overly aggressive
  • Using a demanding tone or giving an ultimatum

It depends on which communication method your employer prefers. Asking for a raise, over email is an excellent way to provide a detailed, documented request and allows your manager time to consider it. The same applies to business proposal letters. Keeping a paper trail is always good.

DISCLAIMER : This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions. Any action you take based on the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility.

how to write salary expectations in cover letter

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A salary negotiation email is a letter you send to a potential employer or existing manager requesting an increase in compensation. Learning how to write a winning salary negotiation email is crucial. It helps you understand what to include in the email to ensure you earn a salary that reflects your skills and experience.

READ ALSO : How to check if a company is registered in South Africa

Briefly, co.za explained how to confirm if a company is registered in South Africa . The business landscape in SA is vibrant, with thousands of firms in different economic sectors.

Most firms are registered and operate legally according to the country's laws. Others, however, are not registered. Therefore, background checks should be conducted on companies before doing business with them.

Source: Briefly News

Rodah Mogeni (Lifestyle writer) She is a content creator with more than 4 years of experience. She graduated from Chuka University with a BA degree in Journalism and Mass Communication (2023). She joined Briefly in 2019. Rodah has been working as a health/fitness writer at BetterMe (since 2020), London Brokers, The Hoth, and Ardor Content. In 2023, Rodah finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Her email is [email protected]


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