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Maths Problem Solving At KS2: Strategies and Resources For Primary School Teachers

John Dabell

Maths problem solving KS2 is crucial to succeeding in national assessments. If your Key Stage 2 pupils are still struggling with reasoning and problem solving in Maths, here are some problem solving strategies to try with your classes; all aligned to Ofsted’s suggested primary school teaching strategies.

Reasoning and problem solving are widely understood to be one of the most important activities in school mathematics. As far back as 1982,  The Cockcroft Report , stated:

‘The ability to solve problems is at the heart of mathematics. Mathematics is only “useful” to the extent to which it can be applied to a particular situation and it is the ability to apply mathematics to a variety of situations to which we give the name “problem solving”. […] At each stage […] the teacher needs to help pupils to understand how to apply the concepts and skills which are being learned and how to make use of them to solve problems. These problems should relate both to the application of mathematics to everyday situations within the pupils’ experience, and also to situations which are unfamiliar.’

Thirty plus years later and problem solving is still the beating heart of the Maths curriculum and – along with fluency and reasoning – completes the triad of aims in the 2014 New National Curriculum.

Ofsted’s view on problem solving in the Maths curriculum

Despite its centrality, Ofsted report that ‘ problem solving is not emphasised enough in the Maths curriculum ’. Not surprisingly, problem solving isn’t taught that well either because teachers can lack confidence, or they tend to rely on a smaller range of tried and tested strategies they feel comfortable with but which may not always ‘hit home’. If you’re looking to provide further support to those learners who haven’t yet mastered problem solving, you probably need a range of different strategies, depending on both the problem being attempted and the aptitude of the pupil.

We’ve therefore created a free KS2 resource aimed at Maths Coordinators and KS2 teachers that teaches you when and how to use 9 key problem solving techniques:  The Ultimate Guide to Problem Solving Techniques

The context around KS2 problem solving

According to Jane Jones, former HMI and National Lead for Mathematics, in her presentation at the Jurassic Maths Hub:

  • Problems do not have to be set in real-life contexts, beware pseudo contexts.
  • Providing a range of puzzles and other problems helps pupils to reason strategically to approach problems, sequence unfolding solutions, and use recording to help their mathematical thinking for next steps.
  • It is particularly important that teachers and TAs stress reasoning, rather than just checking whether the final answer is correct.
  • Pupils of all ability need to learn how to solve problems – not just the high attainers or fastest workers.

The Ultimate Guide to Problem Solving Techniques

The Ultimate Guide to Problem Solving Techniques

9 ready-to-go problem solving techniques with accompanying tasks to get KS2 reasoning independently

How to approach KS2 maths problems

So what do we do? Well Ofsted advice is pretty clear on what to do when teaching problem solving. Jane Jones says we should:

  • Set problems as part of learning in all topics for all pupils.
  • Vary the ways in which you pose problems.
  • Try to resist prompting pupils too soon and focusing on getting ‘the answer’ – pupils need to build their confidence, skills and resilience in solving problems, so that they can apply them naturally in other situations.
  • Make sure you discuss alternative approaches with pupils to help develop their reasoning.
  • Ensure that problems for high attainers involve demanding reasoning and problem-solving skills, not just harder numbers.

Perhaps more than most topics in Maths, teaching pupils how to approach problem solving questions effectively requires a systematic approach. Pupils can face any number of multi-step word problems throughout their SATs and they will face them without our help. To truly give pupils the tools they need to approach problem solving in Maths we must ingrain techniques for  approaching  problems.

With this in mind, below are some methods and techniques for you to consider when teaching problem solving in your KS2 Maths lessons. For greater detail and details on how to teach this methods, download the  Ultimate Guide to Problem Solving Techniques

Models for approaching KS2 problem solving

Becoming self-assured and capable as a problem solver is an intricate business that requires a range of skills and experience. Children need something to follow. They can’t just pluck a plan of attack out of thin air which is why models of problem solving are important especially when made memorable. They help establish a pattern within pupils so that, when they see a problem, they feel confident in taking the steps towards solving it.

Find out how we encourage children to approach problem solving independently in our blog: 20 Maths Strategies KS2 That Guarantee Progress for All Pupils.

The most commonly used model is that of George Polya (1973), who proposed 4 stages in problem solving, namely:

  • Understand the problem
  • Devise a strategy for solving it
  • Carry out the strategy
  • Check the result

Many models have followed the Polya model and use acronyms to make the stages stick. Which model you use can depend on the age of the children you are teaching and sometimes the types of word problems they are trying to solve. Below are several examples of Polya model acronyms:

C – Circle the question words U – Underline key words B – Box any key numbers E – Evaluate (what steps do I take?) S – Solve and check (does my answer make sense and how can I double check?)

R – Read the problem correctly. I – Identify the relevant information. D – Determine the operation and unit for expressing the answer. E – Enter the correct numbers and calculate

I – Identify the problem D – Define the problem E – Examine the options A – Act on a plan L – Look at the consequences

R – Read and record the problem I – Illustrate your thinking with pictures, models, number lines etc C – Compute, calculate and check E – Explain your thinking

R – Read the question and underline the important bits U – Understand: think about what to do and write the number sentences you will need C –  Choose how you will work it out S – Solve the problem A – Answer C – Check

Q – Question – read it carefully U – Understand – underline or circle key elements A – Approximate – think about the size of your answer C – Calculate K – Know if the answer is sensible or not

T – Think about the problem and ponder E – Explore and get to the root of the problem A – Act by selecting a strategy R – Reassess and scrutinise and evaluate the efficiency of the method

The idea behind these problem solving models is the same: to give children a structure and to build an internal monitor so they have a business-like way of working through a problem. You can choose which is most appropriate for the age group and ability of the children you are teaching.

The model you choose is less important than knowing that pupils can draw upon a model to follow, ensuring they approach problems in a systematic and meaningful way. A far simpler model – that we use in the   Ultimate Guide to KS2 Problem Solving Techniques  – is UCR: Understand the problem, Communicate and Reflect.

You then need to give pupils lots of opportunities to practice this! You can find lots of FREE White Rose Maths aligned maths resources, problem solving activities and printable worksheets for KS1 and KS2 pupils in the Third Space Learning Maths Hub .

You might also be interested in:

  • 25 Fun Maths Problems For KS2 And KS3 (From Easy To Very Hard!)
  • 30 Problem Solving Maths Questions And Answers For GCSE
  • Why SSDD Problems Are Such An Effective Tool To Teach Problem Solving At KS3 & KS4

What’s included in the guide?

After reading the  Ultimate Guide to KS2 Problem Solving Techniques , we guarantee you will have a new problem solving technique to test out in class tomorrow. It provides question prompts and activities to try out, and shows you step by step how to teach these 9 techniques

  • Open ended problem solving
  • Using logical reasoning

Working backwards

Drawing a diagram

Drawing a table

Creating an organised list

Looking for a pattern

Acting it out

Guessing and checking

Cognitive Activation: getting KS2 pupils in the lightbulb zone

If you need more persuasion, pupils who use strategies that inspire them to think more deeply about maths problems are linked with higher Maths achievement. In 2015 The  National Education Research Foundation  (NFER) published ‘ PISA in Practice: Cognitive Activation in Maths ’. This shrewd report has largely slipped under the Maths radar but it offers considerable food for thought regarding what we can do as teachers to help mathematical literacy and boost higher mathematical achievement.

Cognitive Activation isn’t anything mysterious; just teaching problem solving strategies that pupils can think about and call upon when confronted by a Maths problem they are trying to solve. Cognitive It encourages us as teachers to develop problems that can be solved in more than one way and ‘may require different solutions in different contexts’. For this to work, exposing children to challenging content and encouraging a culture of exploratory talk is key. As is:

  • Giving pupils maths problem solving questions that require them to think for an extended time.
  • Asking pupils to use their own procedures for solving complex problems.
  • Creating a learning community where pupils are able to make mistakes.
  • Asking pupils to explain how they solved a problem and why they choose that method.
  • Presenting pupils with problems in different contexts and ask them to apply what they have learned to new contexts.
  • Giving pupils problems with no immediately obvious method of solution or multiple solutions.
  • Encouraging pupils to reflect on problems.

Sparking cognitive activation is the same as sparking a fire – once it is lit it can burn on its own. It does, however, require time, structure, and the use of several techniques for approaching problem solving. Techniques, such as open-ended problem solving, are usually learned by example so we advise you create several models to go through with pupils, as well as challenge questions for independent work. Many examples exist and we encourage you to explore more (e.g. analysing and investigating, creating a tree diagram, and using simpler numbers).

Read these:

  • How to develop maths reasoning skills in KS2 pupils
  • FREE CPD PowerPoint: Reasoning Problem Solving & Planning for Depth
  • KS3 Maths Problem Solving

That time, effort, and planning will – however – be well spent. Equipping pupils with the tools to solve problems they have never seen before is more akin to teaching for life than teaching for Maths. The skills they gain from being taught problem solving successfully will be skills they use and hone for the rest of their life – not just for their SATs.

For a range of problem solving techniques, complete with explanations, contextual uses, example problems and challenge questions – don’t forget to download our free  Ultimate Guide to KS2 problem solving and reasoning techniques  resource here.

KS2 problem Solving FAQs

Here are some techniques to teach problem solving to primary school pupils: Open ended problem solving Using logical reasoning Working backwards Drawing a diagram Drawing a table Creating an organised list Looking for a pattern Acting it out Guessing and checking

Ofsted say that teachers can encourage problem-solving by: Setting problems as part of learning in all topics for all pupils. Varying the ways in which you pose problems. Trying to resist prompting pupils too soon and focusing on getting ‘the answer’ – pupils need to build their confidence, skills and resilience in solving problems, so that they can apply them naturally in other situations. Making sure you discuss alternative approaches with pupils to help develop their reasoning. Ensuring that problems for high attainers involve demanding reasoning and problem-solving skills, not just harder numbers.


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  • 11-16 Years

Play these fun Maths Games for 5-7 year olds

Choose a category:, problem solving games.

maths problem solving game ks2

Bead Numbers - Place Value

Bead Numbers is a place value investigation involving a tens and ones abacus. The game provides a good context for encouraging learners to think systematically.

maths problem solving game ks2

Shape Patterns

Shape Patterns is a sequencing game where children from 3 to 8 years of age need to complete the pattern of different coloured 2D shapes. Three levels of difficulty.

maths problem solving game ks2

Bobbie Bear

How many different outfits can Bobbie Bear wear in each game given the options for shirts and trousers. Can you find a way to predict how many before trying all the combinations?

maths problem solving game ks2

Thinking of a Number

Guess the number by revealing the clues on the clouds one by one. Children will need knowledge of rounding, odd and even and tens and ones.

maths problem solving game ks2

Number Trains

Make a train by sequencing the numbers on their carriages. The numbers are represented in a range of formats such as words, numerals, dice dots or counting frames. The levels progress in difficulty. Level 5 has sequences of twos, fives and tens.

Play of the Wild

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. -Oscar Wilde

maths problem solving game ks2

Outdoor Problem Solving Activities KS2- Learning Maths

aerial view of farmland

Outdoor Problem Solving Activities KS2 – Learning Maths Outdoors

These are some ideas for outdoor problem solving activities for KS2 to help children with learning maths outdoors. One of the most critical aspects of teaching and learning maths is to be able to solve problems. While teaching maths in school, I found that it can become easy to get overly focused on teaching the rules and procedures for doing maths. These are essential tools that everyone needs, but the actual point is to be able to apply those skills in real life. Therefore, children must be given opportunities to practice problem-solving and make it purposeful.

I hope you find these outdoor problem solving activities for KS2 useful, and perhaps they will also inspire you to try other ideas. If you would like some other ways to take learning maths outdoors, you may also want to see my post, Outdoor Maths Activities KS2 .

Nim is a mathematical strategy game where two players take turns removing objects from a pile. Each player must take at least one object per turn. The goal is to either take or avoid taking the last item from the stack. Children can play nim with a pile of sticks or rocks.

Ordering natural objects by different features

Children can place in order objects such as rocks or pinecones based on the characteristic(s) they decide upon. It might be longest to shortest, least to the greatest circumference or smallest to greatest volume.

Outdoor Maths Activities KS2 – Teaching Maths Outside. Measure and displacement. Finding the difference.

Observing the sun & moon

Children can explore and investigate the sun and moon, including changes that take place over time. They can try to figure out some of the following questions, and ask some of their own questions as well.

  • What time does the sun set and rise? Does this ever change? How do you know?
  • Where on the horizon do you first/last see the sun or the moon? Does this change? How do you know?
  • Can you observe the phases of the moon- how does it change? Are there any patterns that you notice?

photography of body of water and mountains

Measuring circles

Children can measure circles (such as flower pots, tree stumps or other circular objects found outside). They can measure the circumference, radius and diameter and then investigate the relationship between radius/diameter and circumference. What do children notice? Is there a pattern? They may even be able to ‘discover’ pi.

How tall is a tree?

Measure / calculate the height of a tree with the shadow & calculation method, triangle method and/or clinometer method.  If children try more than one method, do they get the same results?  Which method might be more accurate?

green leafed tree

(ex. Estimating by height, clinometer method, looking through legs method, pencil method, meter stick method)

Different ways children can help with planning in a garden

Children can figure out how much space is available in the garden and how many different types of plants can be planted. Can they figure out how many of one kind of plant will fit into one planter box? Can they figure out how many different sized plants fit into the same planter box? Children would need to use their measuring skills to calculate the surface area of the garden. Then they would need to find out how much space each plant requires (e.g. from seed packets) and then determine how many and which of the plants can be used.

growing broccoli with children. How to make a vegetable garden for kids.

If a new planter box is purchased, children can help work out how many bags of compost would be needed to fill it. (They would need to measure, calculate the size, etc.) Will there be any leftover soil from one of the bags? How do you know?

If children grow crops such as pumpkins, they can do things like ordering them from heaviest to lightest. This way they might see which is the ‘prize-winning pumpkin’ in a harvest festival.

Outdoor Problem Solving Activities KS2 – Learning Maths Outdoors. pumpkins by size

They might also consider how much each pumpkin could be sold for.  This would involve calculating each pumpkin’s cost, based on a price of £1.00 per kilo, £2.00 per kilo (or whatever reasonable price is determined). They might also try to figure out if larger pumpkins (or other crops like corn) always weigh more than smaller ones? *The children will have to define what is the larger, longer, or wider circumference.

Children could get involved with selling the crops they grow.  This will give them plenty of opportunities to use mathematical skills and handle money in real-life contexts. They will also need to plan the pricing of different vegetables based on weight, the number of vegetables, or selling them in combinations. Children could even try to figure out the appropriate amount to charge for each crop based on the cost of the seeds, the growing time, grocery store costs or any other factors.

vegetable stand. Outdoor Problem Solving Activities KS2 – Learning Maths Outdoors

If they do sell some of what they grow after school or possibly at a market, then the children can apply their maths skills to figure out how much each customer will need to pay when buying any particular fruit or vegetable.  

Monitoring Plant Growth

See if children can figure out how quickly different plants grow. Can they determine the rate of growth (e.g. mm per week)? Which seedlings / plants grow fastest? Is it a steady rate of growth, or does it change?

*To take this further, children might also conduct an experiment to compare different groups. They might compare the growth or the growth rate of plants whose seeds have been frozen vs those that have not, or something else.  

Making Shapes

How many shapes can you make (including shapes within shapes) using a set number of sticks (ex. 6 large sticks and 6 small sticks)? Is there a way to make more or fewer shapes using the same number of sticks?

Outdoor Problem Solving Activities KS2 – Learning Maths Outdoors

Planning and holding a bake sale

(Some parts of this activity take place inside and some outside. This activity can be linked further to learning maths outdoors if children use some ingredients grown from a school garden).

Baking for a bake sale is a great way to give children hands-on practice solving problems in real contexts. For a baking project they will need to follow recipes and accurately use measuring cups and weighing scales. They might also want to make larger quantities and scale up recipes by doubling, tripling, or quadrupling them. The children will need to plan ahead and calculate how much of each ingredient they need to buy to make a set number of cookies, cupcakes, etc. They must also determine how many batches would be needed to make 200 cupcakes if the recipe makes 2 dozen.

Then when they hold an actual sale they will be using their maths skills to calculate how much to charge people.  They must also learn how to give people the proper change (just like selling vegetables above). They can setup a stall outside of school and sell them after school one day. 

cute black girl showing homemade gingerbread man

Organizing and running a track & field event

Children can get involved in organizing a sports day or track and field event. They can first decide which events to include and then figure out how much space is needed for each activity (e.g. measuring the appropriate length and width required). The children can then help measure and set up the activities.

Once races are held, that data can be used to make calculations. For example – for a jumping event, children can measure how far people jump, and after several tries, figure out if there is improvement and how much (finding the difference). Children can time how far it takes them to run certain distances, e.g. 500 meters versus ½ a mile. They can figure out how fast they are running. They might then calculate how fast they ran different races (e.g. miles per hour) and then figure out when they ran faster or slower.  

fit athlete during training on running track

Finding ways to approximate measurements

See if children can find different ways to measure the approximate distance between two far points with a meter stick and string. This might be the length of the playground or the distance between two trees, etc. Children might compare different ways of measuring the approximate distance such as measuring the length it takes them to take one step and then counting the number of steps between two points. They might also use the string to go between the two points and measure the string’s length. See if they can find any other ways to find the approximate distances.

I hope that you find these outdoor problem solving activities for KS2 helpful and it helps you take teaching and learning maths outdoors!

Arithmetic , Gardening , Geometry , Maths , Measurement , Number & Place Value , School Age , Sticks

hands-on learning , Learning Outdoors , learning outside , outdoor learning , Sticks

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Maths games for Key Stage Two (KS2)

student and teacher playing a classroom math game

Published: January 18th, 2022

Developing maths skills is a vital part of the KS2 curriculum. Learning how to understand numbers and solve problems develops valuable skills that children will use for the rest of their lives.

Learning is always fun and there’s no better way to develop mathematical skills than by playing educational games. Interactive maths games are perfect for interactive displays and help teach the core curriculum in a fun way. Some of the key topics covered in KS2 maths include place value, adding and subtracting, percentages, multiplication and measurement. 

If you’re looking for some fun teaching ideas to improve your lesson plans, read our ultimate list of maths games for KS2 and help students develop their maths skills. 

14 fun maths games for KS2

Below are some of our favourite KS2 maths games to help students develop their skills and knowledge. Each game fits under a section of the KS2 curriculum, providing you with plenty of choices.

Number and place value: Parachute Number Line

As a child enters Key Stage 2, they will learn about the value of numbers, decimal and negative numbers. Parachute Number Line is a great game to use during lessons on numbers and place value. The game asks students to land the parachute on the correct number on the line, teaching them how to understand the importance of numbers. To test their knowledge, you can set the game up on a varying scale of numbers, including negative numbers.

Addition: Stone Age Stu

Addition is a skill that students will use in everyday life as they grow. During KS2, they’ll learn how to do column addition and start to work out how to add numbers in their heads. Stone Age Stu is a fun way of showing pupils how addition works and allows them to develop skills in a fun way. The game can be played on tablets, mobile phone devices and desktops. 

Subtraction: Mini Maths Golf

Another essential calculation to learn is subtraction, using both column subtraction and subtracting in their heads. Mini Maths Golf is an interactive way to test your students’ knowledge and develop their ability to subtract in their heads. There are many options to select from, and you can tailor the questions to each year group. The game can also be played as one player with the whole class on an interactive display or with two players. 

Multiplication: Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica  

Get your class fully engaged with this fun maths game by helping the Guardians defend the Kingdom of Mathematica. Your quest involves a series of maths-related problems aimed at helping you defeat the golden dragon and learn division and multiplication skills. Play a new set of challenge questions each week and gain achievements for fighting battles, defeating enemies and unlocking armour.

Division: Monty’s Maths Wall

Encourage your students to practise their division knowledge by destroying Monty’s maths wall. By answering questions with the correct answers, your students will be able to guide the bricks into the right place and break down the wall. 

This game can be played on desktops, tablets or you can play it on an interactive display, such as the ActivPanel , and ask your students to answer the questions together to win the levels. As well as learning division, you could use this game to help your class with multiplication, addition, subtraction, reading numbers, fractions, Roman numerals and converting fractions to decimals and percentages. 

Problem-solving: Math Baseball

Math baseball is a great game used to help children learn various maths skills, from converting fractions to prime numbers, decimals and percentages to times tables. 

To start: put together a list of math problems and questions for your class and divide the classroom into two teams. Draw a big baseball diamond on the board and choose which team is to be first up. Have the group “up to bat” first line up and get ready to answer problems. The pitching team begins by “pitching” a math problem to the “batting” team; you can let the children choose whether they take turns pitching the problems, or one child is designated each inning as the “pitcher” of problems. 

The first child “up to bat” tries to answer the problem, and if the child is correct, it’s a base hit, and you mark the baseball diamond. If the child misses the problem, it’s an “out”. When the batting team gets three outs, the teams switch places. Play until the designated score is reached.

Rounding and estimating: KS2 Maths Invaders

Make rounding numbers as fun as possible with the KS2 Maths Invaders game. Students need to answer the questions correctly by shooting the spaceship with the correct answer while avoiding any incoming fire. There are rounding levels for various year groups, and you can select different difficulty levels from very easy to very hard. 

Teachers can pick other areas within the curriculum to answer using this fun maths game, such as multiplication, fractions, division and subtraction. 

Algebra: Balancing Calculations

Engage children as they learn about algebra by encouraging them to find the missing number to balance these calculations. The Balancing Calculations game will develop your students’ problem-solving skills in a fun and constructive way. They need to balance the scales by finding the missing number for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication calculations. It’s perfect to use on an interactive display, and you can ask each pupil to select the correct answer or work as a class. 

Fractions: Maths of the Day: Football Fractions

This simple maths game will help your KS2 students begin to understand fractions with the help of Gary Lineker from ‘Match of the Day’ and Ben Shires from CBBC ‘Kickabout’. Using paper and pencil or an interactive whiteboard, write down the answers to the questions you see on screen and see if you can answer them in 30 seconds or less.

Percentages: Birds v Robots – Math Battle

Help the birds defend their eggs from the evil robots with one of the best fast-paced, interactive maths games. Answer maths questions about fractions, decimals and percentages to help the birds defend their young ones.

Ratios: Maths of the Day: Roaring Ratios  

This quiz from Gary Linekar and Ben Shires will put your students’ mathematical skills to the test with some questions about ratios. Use your interactive display to encourage pupils to get involved with the Roaring Ratios quiz and ask them to write down their answers to each question.  

Measurement: Teaching Clock  

We measure using many different approaches, including distance, length, area, volume, weight, money and time. The Teaching Clock is an excellent resource for showing students how to measure time on an analogue clock and a digital clock. It’s ideal for using on an interactive display as you can show students everything from measuring a half-hour to a quarter-hour. 

Shapes and movement: Sorting 2D Shapes on a Venn diagram

Work as a class to sort these shapes into categories on a Venn diagram. This game is an excellent option for an interactive display and gives your students a chance to sort triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons and other shapes. They can drag and drop the shapes into the correct category and work together to find the right answer.

Statistics and handling data: Bar Charts

Learning how to display and handle data is another part of the KS2 maths curriculum, and learning how to work with statistics in a fun way can make learning much more accessible. This game shows children a bar chart of statistics and asks them to answer questions about that data. You can play this on any device, including tablets and interactive displays. 

Maths Games for KS2 FAQ’s

What free maths games for ks2 are available.

There are several free resources and games to access online for KS2 maths lessons. All of the games listed above are free to access, and there are more to find as well. You could even use board games, shapes and counters to help with learning.

Are there interactive maths games available for the KS2 Curriculum?

Yes, many interactive maths games are available that sit alongside the KS2 curriculum. It’s easier than ever to help your students practice their maths skills and develop their knowledge alongside the KS2 curriculum. Our list of maths games for KS2 pupils follows the curriculum and gives different options based on your students’ learning.

How can I use these fun maths games for KS2?

There are lots of different ways you can use these maths games. You could include them as part of the lesson plans each term or use them to practice their knowledge as you reach the end of each topic. A perfect way to incorporate fun maths games is using them on your ActivInspire interactive teaching software on your Promethean interactive display. 

A considerable advantage of interactive maths games like these is that there’s no printing and you can involve the whole class easily. 

Need more games for KS2?

There are many other classroom games and activities for KS2 to try for children in this age group. Why not discover games for History, Science, English or Geography?

Maths games on interactive displays

All of the games listed above can be played seamlessly on an ActivPanel interactive display . The online games can be downloaded and played from the display and also mirrored onto student devices for ultimate engagement.

Interested in learning more? Speak with a Promethean expert and request your FREE demo today! Further Resources :

Classroom games for KS2 students – Full Guide Science games for KS2 English games for KS2

If you have enjoyed this guide, why not check out some of our other expert interactive whiteboard resources .

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KS2 Games and Puzzles

KS2 Games and Puzzles

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Game/puzzle/quiz

Jinky Dabon's Shop

Last updated

6 December 2012

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A great little challenge for pupils aged 7+ where they have to complete a couple of challenges helping them with logical thinking, Thanks for sharing.

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Problem Solving

 A selection of resources containing a wide range of open-ended tasks, practical tasks, investigations and real life problems, to support investigative work and problem solving in primary mathematics.

Problem Solving in Primary Maths - the Session

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Teachers TV

In this programme shows a group of four upper Key Stage Two children working on a challenging problem; looking at the interior and exterior angles of polygons and how they relate to the number of sides. The problem requires the children to listen to each other and to work together co-operatively. The two boys and two girls are closely observed as they consider how to tackle the problem, make mistakes, get stuck and arrive at the "eureka" moment. They organise the data they collect and are then able to spot patterns and relate them to the original problem to find a formula to work out the exterior angle of any polygon. At the end of the session the children report back to Mark, explaining how they arrived at the solution, an important part of the problem solving process.

In a  second video  two maths experts discuss some of the challenges of teaching problem solving. This includes how and at what stage to introduce problem solving strategies and the appropriate moment to intervene when children find tasks difficult. They also discuss how problem solving in the curriculum also helps to develop life skills.

Cards for Cubes: Problem Solving Activities for Young Children

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Claire Publications

This book provides a series of problem solving activities involving cubes. The tasks start simply and progress to more complicated activities so could be used for different ages within Key Stages One and Two depending on ability. The first task is a challenge to create a camel with 50 cubes that doesn't fall over. Different characters are introduced throughout the book and challenges set to create various animals, monsters and structures using different numbers of cubes. Problems are set to incorporate different areas of mathematical problem solving they are: using maths, number, algebra and measure.

maths problem solving game ks2

Problem solving with EYFS, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two children

Quality Assured Category: Computing Publisher: Department for Education

These three resources, from the National Strategies, focus on solving problems.

  Logic problems and puzzles  identifies the strategies children may use and the learning approaches teachers can plan to teach problem solving. There are two lessons for each age group.

Finding all possibilities focuses on one particular strategy, finding all possibilities. Other resources that would enhance the problem solving process are listed, these include practical apparatus, the use of ICT and in particular Interactive Teaching Programs .

Finding rules and describing patterns focuses on problems that fall into the category 'patterns and relationships'. There are seven activities across the year groups. Each activity includes objectives, learning outcomes, resources, vocabulary and prior knowledge required. Each lesson is structured with a main teaching activity, drawing together and a plenary, including probing questions.

maths problem solving game ks2

Primary mathematics classroom resources

Quality Assured Collection Category: Mathematics Publisher: Association of Teachers of Mathematics

This selection of 5 resources is a mixture of problem-solving tasks, open-ended tasks, games and puzzles designed to develop students' understanding and application of mathematics.

Thinking for Ourselves: These activities, from the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) publication 'Thinking for Ourselves’, provide a variety of contexts in which students are encouraged to think for themselves. Activity 1: In the bag – More or less requires students to record how many more or less cubes in total...

8 Days a Week: The resource consists of eight questions, one for each day of the week and one extra. The questions explore odd numbers, sequences, prime numbers, fractions, multiplication and division.

Number Picnic: The problems make ideal starter activities

Matchstick Problems: Contains two activities concentrating upon the process of counting and spotting patterns. Uses id eas about the properties of number and the use of knowledge and reasoning to work out the rules.

Colours: Use logic, thinking skills and organisational skills to decide which information is useful and which is irrelevant in order to find the solution.

maths problem solving game ks2

GAIM Activities: Practical Problems

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Nelson Thornes

Designed for secondary learners, but could also be used to enrich the learning of upper primary children, looking for a challenge. These are open-ended tasks encourage children to apply and develop mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding and to integrate these in order to make decisions and draw conclusions.

Examples include:

*Every Second Counts - Using transport timetables, maps and knowledge of speeds to plan a route leading as far away from school as possible in one hour.

*Beach Guest House - Booking guests into appropriate rooms in a hotel.

*Cemetery Maths - Collecting relevant data from a visit to a local graveyard or a cemetery for testing a hypothesis.

*Design a Table - Involving diagrams, measurements, scale.

maths problem solving game ks2

Go Further with Investigations

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Collins Educational

A collection of 40 investigations designed for use with the whole class or smaller groups. It is aimed at upper KS2 but some activities may be adapted for use with more able children in lower KS2. It covers different curriculum areas of mathematics.

maths problem solving game ks2

Starting Investigations

The forty student investigations in this book are non-sequential and focus mainly on the mathematical topics of addition, subtraction, number, shape and colour patterns, and money.

The apparatus required for each investigation is given on the student sheets and generally include items such as dice, counters, number cards and rods. The sheets are written using as few words as possible in order to enable students to begin working with the minimum of reading.

NRICH Primary Activities

Explore the NRICH primary tasks which aim to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners. Lots of whole class open ended investigations and problem solving tasks. These tasks really get children thinking!

Mathematical reasoning: activities for developing thinking skills

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: SMILE

maths problem solving game ks2

Problem Solving 2

Reasoning about numbers, with challenges and simplifications.

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Department for Education


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  3. How I Wish I'd Taught (Primary) Maths: Problem Solving at KS2

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  3. Math problem solved for students ❤️❤️

  4. Among Us Maths (Mixed Operations)

  5. KS2 maths (Year 3-6)

  6. How Do You Solve Money Problems?


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  3. Problem Solving, Maths, Key Stage 2

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  4. 25 Fun Maths Problems For KS2 & KS3 (From Easy to Very Hard!)

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  5. Maths Problem-Solving for kids. KS2 Primary Resources

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  7. KS2 Maths Investigations

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  8. Maths Mystery

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  9. Maths Problem Solving KS2: Strategies & Resources

    A complete guide to maths problem solving at KS2 & the techniques that work. Free download with word problems & problem solving questions to use in class.

  10. Fun Maths Problems Games for Children

    Problem Solving Games These free maths problems activities are great for teaching and learning the skills needed to solve mathematical problems as they are engaging for young children. They lend themselves well to use with an interactive whiteboard where teachers can easily demonstrate strategies for solving problems which have different combinations of correct answers.

  11. Outdoor Problem Solving Activities KS2- Learning Maths

    These are some ideas for outdoor problem solving activities for KS2 to help children with learning maths outdoors. One of the most critical aspects of teaching and learning maths is to be able to solve problems.

  12. Problem Solving

    Maths at Home Summer Challenges 2024. Main navigation. Teachers expand_more. Early years; ... discusses what we mean by 'problem-solving skills' and draws attention to NRICH tasks which can help develop specific skills. list Trial and Improvement at KS1 ... Conjecturing and Generalising at KS2 - Primary teachers. Age. 7 to 11 These tasks will ...

  13. KS2 Problem Solving Activities

    This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Conditions. Tes Global Ltd is registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at Building 3, St Paul's Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE

  14. KS2 Problem Solving in Maths

    Our exciting KS2 teaching resources will help introduce your year 3, year 4, year 5, and year 6 students to problem-solving and reasoning topics. Be sure to take a look at our fun and engaging maths word problems, maths investigations, and maths games, which can all be used with the accompanying key stage 2 worksheets and activities. Our fun ...

  15. Maths Mystery

    Having a go at these maths mystery KS2 games is a great way to bring maths to life in your classroom. Challenging students to practise their problem-solving, these games target a range of different maths skills such as addition and subtraction, sorting equivalent fractions and finding the area of shapes.

  16. Maths problem of the Day

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  17. Maths games for Key Stage Two (KS2)

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  19. Quick Mental Maths Starters for KS2

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  20. KS2 Games and Puzzles

    Logic games are an important part of a complete maths programme for students. Develop problem solving skills, practice creative thinking, and give your children brain a workout.

  21. Problem Solving

    Problem Solving in Primary Maths - the Session. In this programme shows a group of four upper Key Stage Two children working on a challenging problem; looking at the interior and exterior angles of polygons and how they relate to the number of sides. The problem requires the children to listen to each other and to work together co-operatively.

  22. Y6 Theme Park Problem-Solving Activity (teacher made)

    * New * Y6 Theme Park Problem-Solving Activity. Unlimited. Download. Key Stage 2 - Year 3, 4, 5, ... UKS2 Maths Betrayers Game. KS2 Calculator Game. Year 5 Time-Themed Maths Game: Escape the Emporium ... KS2 World Maths Day Team Challenges Competition Pack. Year 4 Square Sum Number Puzzle.

  23. KS2 Easy/ Difficult/ Intermediate Maths Challenges

    These fun Maths challenges are great for engaging KS2 maths students in a variety of topics and encouraging both in-class discussion and individual development. Find challenge cards, games and problem-solving tasks that are perfect for taking your lessons to new levels of depth.