
What Is a Digital Presentation & How to Get Good At It

Learn the basics of presentation decks and how to create one. Explore examples and tips to make your own deck more effective and engaging.

what is presentations in computer

Dominika Krukowska

16 minute read

What is a digital presentation

Short answer

What is a presentation.

A presentation is a slide-based visual storytelling aid. It’s used for transferring information and emotion to an audience with visual, vocal, and textual communication.

The purpose of a presentation is to help the audience understand a subject matter. Presentations are used in business, academics, and entertainment. They can be made in PowerPoint, PDF, or webpage format.

Why people hate presentations (including yours)

Have you ever sat through a digital presentation that felt like it was dragging on forever? Or worse, have you been the one giving the presentation when people’s eyes glazed over?

This feeling of agonizing boredom is called Death by PowerPoint, and it means losing your audience's attention. They won't remember anything you said, and probably couldn't care less.

I’m going to show you how to never again suffer from Death by PowerPoint by avoiding the common PowerPoint pitfalls, immediately engage your audience, capture their interest, and make them care.

Let's dive in!

What is the main purpose of a presentation?

The purpose of a presentation is to communicate information or ideas to an audience in a clear and effective manner. The reasons for making a presentation can be to inform, persuade, motivate, educate, entertain, or simply share knowledge or experiences.

The goal of a presentation can be to help your audience understand complex concepts, make informed decisions, or take action based on the information you present.

In business settings, presentations are often used to pitch products or services, report on progress or performance, or make recommendations to stakeholders.

What are the 2 main types of presentations?

When it comes to creating a presentation, there are 2 primary types: (1) speech presentations and (2) digital presentations (made for reading). There are key takeaways for nailing each presentation type. Take note of them if you intend to get good at both.

Reading presentations

Speech presentations

Digital presentations (Reading presentations)

Digital presentations, on the other hand, are presentations that the audience can access on their own computer or phone without the presenter being physically present. These presentations require a different set of skills and techniques to keep the audience engaged.

Essentials for improving your digital presentations:

  • Written clarity is critical: Since your audience will be reading your presentation, it's essential to keep your content clear and concise. Say more with less.
  • Show, don't tell: Use supporting visuals to help illustrate your points and make your presentation more engaging.
  • Animation and annotation: Use animations and annotations to direct your audience's attention to the right place at the right time, keeping them engaged throughout. there are plenty of free animation software to help you create these.
  • Personalization: Make your audience feel like you're speaking directly to them by personalizing your presentation. Use inclusive language and address their pain points, needs, and interests.

Speech presentations (Face to face)

Speech presentations are the classic type of presentation where a speaker presents to an audience in person. These presentations are usually given at conferences or meetings, and can now also take place virtually through platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, or Skype.

Essentials for improving your speech presentations:

  • Less written, more spoken: Speech presentations are all about the spoken word, so it's crucial to avoid cramming too much text onto your slides. Focus on speaking to your audience instead.
  • Body language and voice: In a speech presentation, your body language and tone of voice are essential to engaging your audience. Use humor, sarcasm, or suspense to keep your listeners interested.
  • Rapport: Making eye contact and using real-time communication can help you build rapport with your audience and make them feel involved in your presentation.

What are the main types of digital presentations?

Digital presentations come in all shapes and sizes, but understanding the main types can help you choose the right format for your message.

Business presentations

Marketing presentations, sales presentations, education and training presentations, personal presentations.

Education & training

Business presentations are used for showcasing company performance updates, introducing new products or services, discussing future plans with clients and partners, or briefing investors.

Whether it's an internal meeting or an external one with stakeholders, business presentations are all about delivering a clear and compelling message that drives the company forward.

Marketing presentations are visual decks used to present your target audience, marketing strategies, and campaign outcomes to prospective clients, ad agencies, or stakeholders.

Sales presentations are decks that contain details about the features, pricing, and main benefits of your offering, and are used during in-person meetings or online sales calls. They’re designed to help sales reps close deals or land new clients.

Education and training presentations are slide decks designed to teach new concepts and best practices to a variety of audiences, including students, employees, or clients.

A personal presentation is used during networking events, business conferences, or public speaking engagements. It’s used to share your key accomplishments and demonstrate your passion and the main values you stand for.

What makes a good presentation?

A good presentation captivates by establishing trust, engaging the audience with interactive elements, and weaving data into an enthralling narrative that sparks emotions and inspires, leaving a lasting impact.

There are 3 things any good presentation must do:

1. Establish trust and credibility

Without your audience trusting you and your authority you will never get them to listen. And to really listen, some say, they have to like you.

To establish yourself as a credible source of information, use relevant visuals, stories, and examples that showcase your expertise and experience, earning the trust of your audience.

2. Interact with the audience

Static PowerPoint slides are no longer enough to engage anyone. Presentations need to be informative but also entertaining.

Therefore, incorporating interactive elements into your presentations like animations, videos, calculators, quizzes , polls, and live infographics is now essential to grab attention and keep your audience engaged start-to-finish .

what is presentations in computer

3. Tell a good story

When it comes to digital presentations, it's not just about the information you share, but how you share it. That's where storytelling comes in! It's all about weaving a relatable narrative that resonates with your viewers, leaving them eager for more.

By blending your data and facts into an enthralling tale, you're not only dishing out knowledge but also sparking emotions and inspiration. It's a game-changer for grabbing your audience's attention and getting your message across effectively.example

How to create a good digital presentation?

To create a great digital presentation, you need to think beyond the slides and consider the experience you want your audience to have.

Think of your presentation as a journey that takes your audience from point A to point B - you need to ensure that every step of the way is memorable and captivating.

When creating a digital presentation, there's more to it than just putting together a few slides.

You can make it real-pretty, but to make it truly effective you need to have a clear understanding of where you want to take your audience, and tailor your content accordingly.

what is presentations in computer

Good presentation example

This example shows how interactive content can make a presentation that pulls you in and makes you feel part of the journey.

What should a presentation include?

Most decks contain the following 3 elements:

  • Introduction (the objectives and agenda of your presentation)
  • Main body (key talking points that you want to cover)
  • Conclusion (followed by a single, actionable call to action)

The specific outline of your presentation will depend on your particular use case.

Check out our dedicated guides for particular business presentations:

  • What to Include in a Pitch Deck (Slides 99% of Investors Want)
  • 7 elements of a great sales deck structure
  • What should a one-pager include?
  • What does a marketing deck include?

How to start and how to end a presentation?

Start your presentation with a strong hook that captures your audience's attention and makes them interested in what you have to say.

You can end your presentation with a thank you slide, but that would be too bad. For your words to carry beyond the last slide you’ll need to give your audience the next step.

Thank you slide

And so, you should end your presentation with a singular, clear call to action that inspires your audience to follow through on your message.

What are the essential building blocks of a successful presentation?

Almost everyone nowadays makes beautiful presentations. But that’s not enough to make them successful.

5 key elements that every successful presentation includes:

1. Compelling (human) story: Your presentation should tell a story that connects with your audience on a personal and emotional level, making your message relatable and memorable.

Here are 5 quick storytelling tips to deliver engaging presentations:

5 Quick Storytelling Tips

2. Clear structure: A clear structure helps your audience follow along and understand the flow of your presentation. This can be chronological, sequential, before-after, problem-solution-resolution, or any other simple and easy-to-follow structure.

3. Problem and solution: Your presentation should address a problem that your audience faces and offer a solution that your product or service can provide.

4. Actionable takeaways: Your presentation should leave your audience with actionable steps or insights that they can use to apply the information you've presented.

5. Supporting visuals (product demo) and data visualization (graphs, charts, and infographics): Using visuals to support your presentation can reinforce your message and help your audience retain the information you presented.

6 biggest mistakes to avoid when creating a presentation

It’s easy to forget that the presentation is for your audience rather than for you. You may want to tell them everything from A to Z, but they may only want to know ABC.

It’s even easier to take for granted that the things you understand are clear to others. But for them, these things are horribly complex (look up the curse of knowledge).

1. Using too much text: Overloading your slides with text can cause your audience to lose interest and detract from your main points. Keep your text to a minimum and use visuals to reinforce your key takeaways.

2. Going too much into detail: attention is a limited resource so you can’t fit everything in a single presentation. Tell your audience only what they really want (and need) to know. Avoid any technical details or complex jargon that does not contribute to the core of your message.

3. Neglecting interactivity: Failing to include interactive elements can cause your audience to disengage. Use polls, quizzes, and other interactive tools, including email newsletter software , to keep your audience engaged.

4. Ignoring the power of storytelling: Telling a compelling story is critical to capturing your audience's attention and leaving a lasting impression. Use relatable stories and examples that support your key points.

5. Poor use of visuals: Using low-quality visuals, irrelevant images, or poorly designed charts and graphs can detract from your presentation and cause confusion. Use high-quality visuals that reinforce your key ideas and are easy to understand.

6. Lack of personalization: If you don’t tailor your presentation to your audience's needs, interests, and level of understanding, your message will fall flat. Make sure to consider your audience's perspective and adjust your deck accordingly.

You don't want your presentation to end up looking like this:

Bad sales one-pager example

How to design a presentation?

Designing a presentation is a bit like decorating a cake - you want it to be visually appealing but also yummy to consume. You want it to leave your audience with a taste for more rather than a bad taste in their mouth.

Lucky for you there are practical steps for designing a presentation that truly wows your audience every time. There's also a more practical presentation maker for this than PowerPoint. You can use it to get much more engaging presntations.

Practical presentation design tips:

1. Choose a color scheme: Just like choosing the perfect icing color for your cake, selecting a color scheme that complements your brand can make your presentation feel more coherent. Or, if you’re pitching to a client, you can use their brand colors instead in order to impress them.

2. Use high-quality images: Using high-quality images is like adding a layer of delicious, rich frosting to your cake. It makes your presentation more visually interesting and helps support your key message.

3. Use consistent fonts: Using consistent fonts throughout your presentation can make it easier to read. Stick to two or three fonts that complement each other and use them consistently.

4. Incorporate visual aids: Visual aids like colorful sprinkles and creative cake toppers can take your cake to the next level. Similarly, graphs, charts, and infographics can help break text patterns and, therefore, make your presentation more memorable.

Check out our use-ready slide design with every type of slide you can think of designed according to our tips and best practices.

what is presentations in computer

Where to find presentation templates?

Scouring the web for presentation templates can be a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack - it's time-consuming, frustrating, and can leave you feeling a bit lost. Most designs available look dull and samey, and are not optimized for engagement.

But don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are the best interactive presentation templates for different use cases:

Choose template by:

What tools to use to create presentations?

Unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all tool for creating a digital presentation. And with so many presentation tools out there, it can be hard to know where to start looking.

That’s why we've done the research for you - check out our article rounding up the best presentation software to pick the right one for your needs!

And, if you want to learn more about creating effective digital presentations, check out these posts:

  • How to Make Effective & Impactful Presentations (12 Steps)
  • How to Make a Multimedia Presentation (5 Easy Steps)

How to give a presentation?

Giving a presentation can be intimidating, but it's an excellent opportunity to showcase your knowledge and expertise. To deliver a successful presentation, you need to focus on engaging your audience, keeping their attention, and providing valuable information.

9 tips to help you give a memorable presentation:

1. Start with a strong hook

A strong opening is crucial to grab your audience's attention and pique their interest. Begin with a bold statement, a surprising fact, or a personal anecdote that relates to the topic of your presentation. This will immediately grab the audience's attention and make them want to listen to what you have to say.

2. Make your objectives and agenda clear

Engage your audience right from the start by letting them know what's in store for them. Outlining your objectives and agenda early on will keep your audience focused and ensure that they don't miss out on any crucial information. Let them know why it's important to pay attention to your presentation and what they can expect to learn from it. By doing this, you'll build anticipation and get them excited about what's to come!

3. Leverage storytelling

People love stories, and they are an effective way to connect with your audience. Use anecdotes, metaphors, and examples to illustrate your points and make your presentation more relatable. This will help the audience understand the concepts you're presenting and retain the information up to 60-70% better .

4. Ask questions, use humor, give simple directions that prove a point

Engage your audience by asking questions, using humor, and giving them simple tasks to perform that illustrate your point. This will keep their attention and make the presentation more interactive.

5. Direct the audience's attention

Use a pointer or built-in animation to draw the audience's attention to critical information. This will help them focus on what you're saying and avoid distractions.

6. Work on the delivery

Speak slowly and clearly, use positive language, and avoid reading from notes as much as possible. Use humor and engage with your audience to make the presentation more enjoyable. Ensure your body language is confident and relaxed, and maintain eye contact with your audience.

7. Add interactive elements

Incorporate interactive elements like polls, quizzes, or surveys to involve your audience and gather valuable feedback. This will make your presentation more engaging and ensure your audience retains the information presented.

8. Close with a CTA

End your presentation with a strong call to action (CTA). Inspire your audience to take the next step, whether it's signing up for a newsletter, buying a product, or visiting your website. Make it clear what you want your audience to do after the presentation.

9. Leave time for a Q&A session

Finally, leave ample time for a Q&A session. This will allow your audience to clarify any doubts and ask questions. It's also an excellent opportunity for you to engage with your audience and get valuable feedback on your presentation.

Create amazing digital presentations from templates

Creating a digital presentation that grabs your audience's attention and drives results may feel like a daunting task.

After all, a strong digital presentation can be the difference between leaving a lasting impression on your audience or falling flat and losing their attention.

It's like trying to teach a class without proper preparation - you're not giving your knowledge and expertise a chance to shine, and your audience might not retain the information you're presenting.

To make things easier, try using our customizable digital presentation templates that will help you create an engaging and impactful digital presentation in no time!

Where can I see examples of good presentations?

If you’re looking for real-life examples that drove results for other companies from different industry sectors, check out highly effective presentation examples by our clients .

Alternatively, if you want to see the best presentation examples that you can replicate to create your own, here are our dedicated guides:

  • 10 Perfect Presentation Examples That Win Over Anyone
  • 9 Unique Sales Deck Examples that Outsell the Rest
  • 10 Top Pitch Deck Examples to Inspire Your Fundraising Efforts
  • Top Product Presentation Examples That Wow Everyone
  • Marketing Deck: What It Is & How to Make It Win (Examples)
  • 6 Elevator Pitch Examples for Any Scenario (Ready for Use)

Where can I find good presentation templates?

If you’re looking for snazzy presentation templates, Storydoc should be your go-to place. We offer a fantastic selection of visually stunning designs to make your digital presentation pop.

All components have been designed with best practices in mind and optimized for engagement. Thanks to the built-in analytics panel, you can also check how your presentations perform in real-time.

Click on any of these categories to see the best presentation templates for your specific use case:

  • One-pager templates
  • Sales deck templates
  • Pitch deck templates
  • Business proposal deck templates
  • Marketing decks templates
  • Case studies templates
  • Report templates
  • White paper templates

What are common types of business presentations?

The most common types of business presentations are:

  • Sales decks
  • Pitch decks
  • Business proposal decks
  • Marketing decks
  • Case studies

Is a presentation the same as a slideshow?

Technically, a slideshow is a type of presentation, but not all presentations are slideshows.

A presentation can take many different forms, from a speech to a product demonstration, and can use various tools, including slideshows, to deliver the message. So while a slideshow is certainly a popular choice for presentations, it's not the only option out there.

What is death by PowerPoint?

Death by PowerPoint is the phenomenon of boring, uninspired, and ineffective presentations that use an overabundance of bullet points, text-heavy slides, and monotonous delivery. It's a surefire way to put your audience to sleep and leave them counting down the minutes until your presentation is over.

To avoid death by PowerPoint, aim to create presentations that are visually engaging, incorporate storytelling, and use multimedia elements like images, videos, and interactive features. Remember, a presentation should be a tool to enhance your message, not a crutch to lean on.

What are common types of presentation delivery formats?

There are 5 popular types of presentation delivery formats to choose from:

  • Powerpoint: A classic choice, PowerPoint offers a range of design and animation options to create static slide-based presentations.
  • Google Slides : As a cloud-based tool, Google Slides makes it easy to collaborate with others in real-time. It's an excellent option for static team presentations and remote work situations.
  • Keynote : Exclusive to Apple devices, Keynote is known for its sleek and elegant design options. It's an ideal choice for visually appealing presentations on Mac or iOS devices.
  • PDF: For a simple, static, and easily shareable format, PDF presentations are a reliable option. They ensure consistent formatting across different devices and platforms.
  • Storydoc : Taking presentations to the next level, Storydoc provides immersive and interactive templates that are sure to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression.

What are common types of presentation speech formats?

There are 4 common types of presentation delivery formats:

  • Memorized: In a memorized delivery, the presenter memorizes the entire presentation word-for-word and delivers it without notes. This format can be effective for short presentations or speeches but can be challenging to execute for longer presentations.
  • Manuscript: In a manuscript delivery, the presenter reads from a written script or teleprompter. This format is great for delivering complex or technical information but can come across as less engaging.
  • Impromptu: In an impromptu delivery, the presenter delivers a presentation without prior preparation or planning. This format is often used in situations like interviews or meetings and requires quick thinking and adaptability.
  • Extemporaneous: In an extemporaneous delivery, the presenter delivers a presentation using notes or an outline, but not a fully scripted presentation. This format allows for flexibility and engagement with the audience while still maintaining structure.

Why is a presentation important for my business?

Here are the main reasons why presentations are essential for your business:

  • Be the expert: Presentations provide a platform to showcase your expertise and share your unique perspectives with your audience, establishing you as a thought leader in your industry.
  • Build connections: Presentations provide an opportunity to connect with your audience, building relationships that can lead to future business opportunities.
  • Leave a lasting impression: An engaging and memorable presentation can leave a lasting impact on your audience, increasing brand awareness and improving message retention.
  • Achieve your goals: Presentations can be used to achieve business goals, from generating leads to securing funding or closing deals.

How to measure the effectiveness of a presentation?

Measuring the effectiveness of a presentation is crucial to ensure it hits the mark with your audience and achieves its goals. Here are some ways to measure the effectiveness of a presentation:

Ask for feedback: Don't be afraid to ask your audience for feedback after the presentation, either through surveys or live feedback. This feedback can provide valuable insights into what worked well and what could be improved, helping you refine your approach for future presentations.

Monitor engagement: Keep a pulse on engagement metrics such as views, shares, or the average reading time if the presentation is delivered online. These metrics can give you a sense of the level of interest generated by the presentation and which parts resonated with your audience. Our own presentation maker comes with built-in analytics tracking and reporting .

Track business outcomes: If your presentation is designed to drive business results, track metrics such as lead generation, sales, or conversion rates to assess its effectiveness in achieving these goals.

what is presentations in computer

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

Perfect Presentation Examples That Win Over Anyone

Top Product Presentation Examples That Wow Everyone Sales and Marketing Presentations Statistics Marketing Presentation Examples that Engage & Convert

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What is PowerPoint?

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Note:  Microsoft 365 Copliot coming soon in PowerPoint.

 With PowerPoint on your PC, Mac, or mobile device, you can:

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Select a professional design with PowerPoint Designer.

Add transitions, animations, and cinematic motion.

Save to OneDrive, to get to your presentations from your computer, tablet, or phone.

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What is PowerPoint Presentation with Features & Examples?

PowerPoint is a presentation software developed by Microsoft, which allows users to create, edit, and deliver visually engaging slideshows, whether you're a student, professional, or simply curious, explore the power of Microsoft PowerPoint and learn how you can create impactful presentations effortlessly.


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According to Glassdoor , a PowerPoint designer's average salary in the UK is about £37,811 annually. Who knew there was big money in presentations alone? In this blog, you will learn What PowerPoint is, its key features, its benefits, and how to use it, as well as learn some tips for creating effective presentations. 

Table of contents      

1) What is PowerPoint?   

2) Understanding the PowerPoint interface   

3) Key features of PowerPoint  

4) How to use PowerPoint to create a presentation?  

5) Benefits of PowerPoint   

6) Tips for creating effective PowerPoint Presentations  

7) Alternatives to PowerPoint    

What is PowerPoint?  

PowerPoint is an essential multifunctional tool for making presentations which had been created by MS. As a part of the Microsoft Office Suite, it offers a toolbox to organise the presentation by using different tools and features to make it visually pleasant and attractive. MS PowerPoint gives the opportunity for the text, graphics, multimedia objects, and animation elements to be combined in one place to allow the users to present information in a more effective way.  

Evolution of PowerPoint  

In the course of time, PowerPoint has become a very functional tool to produce high-quality presentations Moreover, a secure system would be established to manage risks of data leakage or theft. First released in 1987 for Apple computers, it defies to the competition with its easy Graphical User Interface (GUIGUI)) and its large range of functions. With every new release, MS PowerPoint offered new functionality and boasted significant improvements, staying the wonder of the world of presentations.


Understanding the PowerPoint interface  

 The PowerPoint Program provides the presenter with an easy-to-use interface for designing and updating the presentation. It is important to master its main functions in order to conduct operations using this software with a level of proficiency.Here's a breakdown of the MS PowerPoint interface:   

1) Ribbon: The Ribbon is located at the top of the MS PowerPoint window and has several tabs which include Home, Insert, Design, Transitions, etc.

2) Slides pane: Slide pane which is positioned to the far left of the window, is the PowerPoint window. You will see there a collection of your slides examples (thumbnails) which enables you to adjust and customize them with greater ease. The floating pane of the editor lets you not only add, delete, duplicate, but also hide slides from there.

3)   Notes pane : The Notes pane is located below the Slides pane. It provides space for adding speaker notes or additional information related to each slide.    

4)  Slide area : The Slide area occupies the central part of the PowerPoint window. It displays the selected slide, where you can add and arrange content such as text, images, charts, and multimedia elements .    

5)  Task panes : Task panes are additional panels on the PowerPoint window's right side. They offer various functionalities such as formatting options, slide layouts, animations, etc. Task panes can be opened or closed based on your specific needs.   

Understanding the MS PowerPoint interface will help you navigate the software effectively and make the most of its features. Whether you are creating slides, adding content, or applying formatting, having a good grasp of the interface ensures a smooth and productive experience .  

Key Features of PowerPoint  

When it comes to creating captivating and professional presentations, MS PowerPoint stands out as versatile and feature-rich software. Its array of tools and functionalities enables users to bring their imagination and ideas to life. Moreover, it also helps engage their audience effectively .    

From slide templates to multimedia integration, there are various Features of PowerPoint ; let's discuss some of them below.

Features of PowerPoint 

1) Slide Templates : PowerPoint provides a collection of pre-designed templates that make it easy to create visually appealing slides.   

2)  Slide Master : The Slide Master feature allows users to define the overall layout, font styles, and colour scheme for the entire presentation .   

3)  Animations and transitions : PowerPoint offers various animation effects and slide transitions to add visual interest and captivate the audience .   

4)  Multimedia integration : Users can embed images, videos, and audio files directly into their presentations, enhancing the overall impact .   

5)   Collaboration tools : MS PowerPoint allows multiple users to work on a presentation simultaneously, making it ideal for team projects and remote collaboration .   

6) Presenter View : The Presenter View feature gives presenters access to speaker notes, a timer, and a preview of upcoming slides, enabling a seamless presentation experience .   

These features collectively contribute to PowerPoint's versatility and make it a powerful tool for developing engaging and impactful presentations.  

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How to use PowerPoint to create a presentation?   

Creating a presentation in PowerPoint is a straightforward process. Whether it's simple animations or explainer videos learning H ow to use PowerPoint is an extremely valuable skill. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a presentation:   

1)  Launch PowerPoint and choose a template or start with a blank slide. 

2)  Add slides by clicking "New Slide" or using the shortcut key (Ctrl + M). 

3) Customise slide content by entering text and inserting visuals.  

4)  Rearrange slides for a logical flow by dragging them in the slide navigation pane.  

5)  Apply slide transitions for visual effects in the "Transitions" tab.  

6)  Add animations to objects in the "Animations" tab.  

7)  Preview your presentation by clicking "Slide Show".   

8)  Save your presentation and choose a format (.pptx or .pdf).  

9)  Share your presentation via email, cloud storage, or collaboration tools.   

By following these steps, you can create a well-structured and visually appealing presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint. Remember to keep your content concise, use engaging visuals, and practice your presentation skills to deliver an impactful presentation .   

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Benefits of PowerPoint   

PowerPoint is a very popular presentation software and for a good reason. It offers numerous benefits for users, from easy collaboration to ease of use. These are some of the key benefits of PowerPoint.

Benefits of PowerPoint

1) Visual appeal : Microsoft PowerPoint allows you to create visually appealing presentations with its wide range of design tools and features. You can use templates, themes, and customisable layouts to make your slides visually engaging and professional .   

2)  Easy to use : PowerPoint has a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users of all levels. The intuitive tools and straightforward navigation make it easy to create, edit, and deliver presentations efficiently .   

3)   Flexibility : PowerPoint provides flexibility in terms of content creation. You can include various types of content, such as text, images, charts, graphs, videos, and audio files, to enhance your message and engage your audience effectively.   

4)   Organisation and structure : PowerPoint offers features to help you organise and structure your content. You can create multiple slides, use slide masters for consistent formatting, and arrange the sequence of slides to create a logical flow .   

5)  Presenter tools : PowerPoint includes built-in presenter tools that aid in delivering presentations smoothly. You can use presenter view to see your notes and upcoming slides while your audience sees only the presentation. Additionally, features like slide transitions and animations add visual interest and help you control the flow of information .   

6)  Collaboration and sharing : PowerPoint allows for easy collaboration and sharing of presentations. Several users can simultaneously work on the same presentation, making it convenient for team projects. You can also share your presentations via email, cloud storage, or online platforms, ensuring easy access for viewers .   

7)   Integration with other tools : PowerPoint can seamlessly integrate with other Microsoft Office applications, such as Word and Excel. You can import data and charts from Excel or copy and paste content between different Office applications, saving time and effort .  

8)   Presenter-audience interaction : PowerPoint provides features that facilitate interaction between the presenter and the audience. You can include interactive elements like hyperlinks, buttons, and quizzes to engage your audience and make your presentations more dynamic.   

9)   Portable and accessible : PowerPoint presentations can be saved in various formats, such as .pptx or .pdf, making them easily accessible on different devices. This portability allows you to deliver presentations on laptops, tablets, or even projectors without compatibility issues .   

10)  Time and effort savings : PowerPoint simplifies the process of creating presentations, saving you time and effort. The pre-designed templates, slide layouts, and formatting options enable you to create professional-looking presentations efficiently .   

Tips for Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations   

PowerPoint presentations can be powerful tools for communicating information and engaging an audience. Consider the following PowerPoint Tips to create effective presentations .

Tips for Creating PowerPoint Presentations

1) Simplicity is key : Keep your slides clean and uncluttered. Use concise bullet points and simple visuals to convey your message effectively .   

2)  Visuals matter : Incorporate relevant, high-quality visuals such as images, charts, and diagrams to enhance understanding and engagement .   

3)  Limit text : Avoid overwhelming your audience with excessive text on slides. Use brief phrases or keywords to communicate key points .   

4)  Choose legible fonts : Opt for clear and readable fonts that are easy to read, even from a distance. Maintain consistency in font styles throughout your presentation .   

5)  Consistent design : Maintain a consistent design theme, including colours, fonts, and layout, to create a visually appealing and professional presentation.   

6)  Emphasise important points : Use visual hierarchy techniques, such as font size, colour, and formatting, to draw attention to essential information .   

7)  Use transitions and animations sparingly : Incorporate slide transitions and animations thoughtfully, focusing on enhancing content and transitions without distracting the audience .   

8)  S lide notes for guidance : Utilise the slide notes feature to include additional details, explanations, or reminders for a well-prepared and confident presentation.   

9)  Practice and time yourself : Rehearse your presentation to ensure smooth delivery and stay within the allocated time. Practice helps you refine your content and delivery.   

10)  Engage the audience : Encourage audience participation through interactive elements, questions, or discussions to foster engagement and make your presentation more memorable.   

By implementing these tips, you can create effective MS PowerPoint presentations that capture attention, communicate information clearly, and engage your audience effectively.  

Alternatives to PowerPoint  

Most of you are used to using PowerPoint for your presentation needs since it was the first option available to us through our academics. However, if you wish to check out alternative options to Powerpoint know if they work better for you, here are ten options that is worth a short: 

5) Slidebean

6) Zoho Show 

7) Google Slide 


10) Microsoft Sway


This blog walked you through What is PowerPoint and how it can aid you in curating compelling visual representations of the message you wish to get across. We discussed it features and the process of how you can create presentations on PowerPoint. Now take what you know and run with it explore your options with your templates and building new ones, let your creativity take its course. 

Learn how to create customised slide shows in MS PowerPoint with our Microsoft PowerPoint MO300 Training .  

Frequently Asked Questions

Well, making a presentation can be tricky business. Here are some of the common mistakes people make:

1) Adding too much text! The presentation needs to have brief and simple points you elaborate on in person. 

2) Bad colour schemes for template and font colour. Sometimes the clash of colour may make the text illegible. 

3) Too many elements! Crowding of elements may lose your audience’s attention.   

Yes, you most definitely can! You can use PowerPoint online with a Microsoft Office 360 plug in that allows you to use all Microsoft applications on your browser. 

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  • Presentations

PowerPoint 101: Everything You Need to Make a Basic Presentation

Sarah Joy

If you're new to PowerPoint, it can seem overwhelming. It can be hard to know where to start. Once you understand the basics of PowerPoint, then using the software is much easier. 

Once you learn how to use PowerPoint you'll realize how helpful the software is.

PowerPoint is the original presentations app for the Mac and PC, but it's a complex app with a lot of features. Making a simple presentation can be confusing.

Are you making your first PowerPoint? Do you find it a bit confusing? Here's the guide you need to make a perfect PowerPoint presentation.

In this tutorial, we’ll look into what you should and shouldn’t do when creating a PowerPoint presentation. I’ll also show you how to customize your PowerPoint template. But most of all, we'll go over the PowerPoint basic knowledge you need to know.

Some Dos and Don’ts of Writing a PowerPoint Presentation

If you want to impress people then you should know what to do and what not to do when creating your presentation.

Before creating a PowerPoint presentation , you should know some basic things about making a great presentation. Here are some dos and don’t basics of PowerPoint :

Here's a list of guidelines for creating your PowerPoint Presentation:

  • Use one theme for the entire background.
  • Use simple easy to read fonts.
  • Use bullet points.
  • Only include key information on each slide.
  • Be direct and use concise wording.
  • Have minimal text on a slide.
  • Provide definitions when necessary.
  • Use white space to make visual elements stand out more.
  • Use high contrasting text color and background color.

These are things you want to avoid doing when creating your PowerPoint presentation :

  • Using too many graphics on one slide.
  • Adding unimportant information on a slide
  • Writing your script on your slide.
  • Using distracting images or backgrounds.
  • Using hard to read color combinations.

For even more design guidelines and other PowerPoint tips, review this tutorial:

what is presentations in computer

What Is Microsoft PowerPoint?

Microsoft PowerPoint is presentation software. In PowerPoint, you can use templates or create presentations from scratch. In this software, you can use text, images, videos, and more to explain a topic. Besides, PowerPoint has some main features such as animations and adding images and videos.

Learn more about PowerPoint in these tutorials:

what is presentations in computer

How to Customize a PowerPoint template

If you’re going to create a PowerPoint presentation, you need to have some basic PowerPoint skills .

Here are some skills you can apply to your presentation:

1. Decide on Your Topic

It's PowerPoint basic knowledge that you should decide on your topic before you start making your PowerPoint presentation . Once you've picked a topic, here are some steps to take:

  • Start by creating an outline on what you want to talk about.
  • Decide what important information you want to put on your slides. You don’t want a lot of text on your slides, so only include the most important information.
  • Complete any research and put together any information you want in your presentation. Have this all planned out before starting your presentation because it makes the process easier.

what is presentations in computer

2. Choose a Template

After choosing your topic choose the next step is to decide which PowerPoint presentation template you want to use. A topic-related template may help streamline your PowerPoint creation.

There are many topics related to premium PowerPoint presentation templates. But if you can’t find a topic-related template, then you can use a simple template that doesn’t have a theme.

Choose a premium template for your PowerPoint presentation.

Just because you’re using a premium template doesn’t mean that you’ll give up customization options. You can easily customize premium templates as much as you need to. Plus, you save time with a premium template because you don’t need to start from scratch. All you need to do is add in images and information.

In this tutorial, we'll be using the Be. PowerPoint Presentation Template . 

2. Add Text

More PowerPoint 101 common knowledge is that text is essential to a PowerPoint presentation. The text allows you to back up your main points. It also keeps readers' minds on the key terms and concepts.

But never have your text appear in large blocks on the slides. Large blocks of text can be overwhelming to the audience.

Instead, your text should appear lists of single words or short, easy-to-understand statements. Limit the text on your slide to:

  • definitions
  • essential facts

Here are some step-by-step instructions on how to add text to a PowerPoint template:

To add new text to your PowerPoint presentation slide you'll need to create a text box.

On slide two of the Be. PowerPoint, there's room to add a text box.

  • To add a textbox, click on the Insert tab.
  • In the toolbar, click on the Text Box button. Your cursor turns into a drawing tool.
  • Draw a diagonal line where you want the text box to be.
  • Click inside the text box until you see a blinking cursor.
  • Now you can start typing.

3. Add Pictures

Another element of a PowerPoint presentation, according to PowerPoint 101, is images. Images can be used to evoke emotion in the audience. You can also use images to show what you’re talking about.

If needed, you can have a slide with only a single image and caption to make a strong point.

Picture placeholders make adding images to your PowerPoint presentation easy.

Images can add an extra visual element to your slides. Here are some steps for adding images to a template:

  • Double-click on the Insert Picture from File button in the middle of the picture placeholder on slide two to add an image.
  • Your file finder appears. Locate your image file.
  • Once you find your image file, double click on it. This adds the image to the placeholder.

4. Have a Consistent Color Palette

PowerPoint basic knowledge is to have a consistent color palette in your presentation. If you use a premium template, you don’t need to worry about this unless you change the theme colors.

When choosing a color theme, remember to use contrasting colors for the text and slide background. For example, if you've got a navy-blue background, white text will make the text easy to read and stand out.

One of the basics of PowerPoint presentations is to have a consistent color palette throughout.

With these PowerPoint basics covered, let’s change the slide background color on slide two.

  • To start, click on the slide background.
  • Next, click on the Design tab.
  • In the toolbar, click on the Format Background button. A side panel appears on the right of your screen.
  • In the panel, you’ll see a color field. Click on the Fill Color button.
  • A color palette drops down. Choose a color you want.

5. Allow White Space

One of the basics of PowerPoint presentations is to have white space on your slides.

White space is the unused space between elements (shapes, text, boxes, pictures, etc.) on a slide. When you allow white space on your slide, your slide looks clean, professional, and elegant.

So, when making the slides for your PowerPoint presentation remember that less is more.

6. Use Icons and Infographics

Many premium PowerPoint presentation templates come with icons and infographics.

Icons and Infographics are a basic PowerPoint skill that will make your data visually interesting.

Here are some steps for adding icons and infographics to your slides:

  • Slide 105 of the Be. PowerPoint template has an infographic chart. To change the data in the chart, start by clicking on one of the bars in the chart.
  • Click on the Chart Design tab.
  • Click on the Edit Data in Excel button. A window appears so you can add your data. Type your data.
  • To change the chart's colors, click on the Change Colors button under the Chart Design tab. A color menu drops down. Choose the colors that you want.

7. Format Text and Adjust Pictures

A basic PowerPoint skill is to format your text and adjust your images. If there was no picture placeholder when you added an image, you’ll need to adjust that image.

Formatting text is also essential. You can change the font, font size, and font color.

When putting your PowerPoint presentation together, keep in mind the need to have your font size, color, and type consistent throughout your presentation. For example, if you've blue title text in size 30, every slide should use a blue title text in size 30. Consistent text throughout your presentation looks more professional.

A basic PowerPoint skill is to be able to format text and adjust images.

You can easily adjust text boxes and images by clicking on them. Use the handles on the selected item to adjust the size.

  • To change the font of the text, start by highlighting the text.
  • Next, click on the Home tab.
  • In the toolbar, you’ll see a Font Menu . Click on the arrow next to the current font.
  • When you click on the arrow, a font menu drop down. Choose the font you want to sue for your text.

8. Use Speaker Notes

Another essential PowerPoint basics skill that you should know about is Speaker Notes . You shouldn’t put everything you’re going to say on the slides. That much text  can be overwhelming for the audience.

Speaker Notes are a PowerPoint feature that lets you add references and notes. These are only visible to the speaker.

Another basic PowerPoint skill is knowing how to use speaker notes.

Here's how to use Speaker Notes :

  • At the bottom (under your slide) you’ll see a Speaker Notes section. Type your notes in there.
  • Then, to present your presentation so that the audience can’t see your speaker notes, click on the Slide Show tab.
  • Next, in the toolbar, click on the Presenter View button.

5 Top PowerPoint Tips

You've just learned the basics of PowerPoint. These will get you started as you create your PowerPoint presentation.

But there's some much more you can do. Here are some PowerPoint tips to help you make your presentation even better. Here are some top tips:

1. Use Animations

Animations can make your PowerPoint presentations more exciting to the audience. Use animation to draw attention to a specific point or image on your slide.

Be careful not to use too much animation. If you use too much animation, it can overwhelm the audience. And too much animation can look amateur.

This tutorial includes even more details about how to use animation in PowerPoint:

what is presentations in computer

2. Use Charts and Graphs to Present Data

When you've got data, it's best to present it using charts and graphs. Charts and graphs add a visual element to your that can make it easy to see comparisons or trends. Also, It can be hard to see data in an excel spreadsheet if you're seated in the audience.

For a detailed tutorial on charts and graphs, study:

3. Make Your Presentation Interesting for the Audience

Besides charts and graphs, there's another way you can make your audience want to pay attention. An interactive quiz can make your audience pay attention.

Let your audience know ahead of time that there'll be an interactive quiz with a prize at the end. This will make the audience want to pay attention and cause them to learn about the topic of your presentation.

Use this guide to add an interactive quiz to your PowerPoint:

what is presentations in computer

4. Add Images to Your Presentation

Images add not only a visual element, but also an emotional element. They can also be used to keep the audience interested in your presentation. You can use images to simplify and reinforce the goal or the message of your presentation.

what is presentations in computer

5. Use an Outline

When preparing your presentation, it’s best to start with an outline. Outlines help you make sure that you talk about everything you need to. A good premium template will come with labeled slides that can be used as an outline. Learn more about how to create an outline from PowerPoint here:

Learn More about  Microsoft PowerPoint 

You've already learned a lot of basic PowerPoint skills and know how to use PowerPoint. But, as we mentioned earlier, PowerPoint is a complex app with lots of features.

When you're ready, we've got you covered with even more helpful PowerPoint tutorials. Read these tutorials to learn more about PowerPoint:

what is presentations in computer

The Best Source for Premium PowerPoint Templates (With Unlimited Use)

Premium PowerPoint templates are designed to look professional and take advantage of the latest design styles. Just add your own text and images. 

Envato Elements Subscription

To find a premium template go to Envato Elements and sign up for the subscription to get unlimited access to design assets including:

  • PowerPoint presentation templates

If you want to use a premium template but aren’t sure about a subscription, then GraphicRiver is a great option. GraphicRiver is a pay-per-download source for digital elements.

Apply These PowerPoint Basics Now

You now know the basic steps of creating and running a basic PowerPoint presentation. Even long, complex and fancy presentations start the same way.

And if you prefer, you can create the content first. Then apply the formatting later. PowerPoint themes make it easy to tweak the design of your entire presentation without changing your content.

You can also take a look at the premium  PowerPoint presentation design templates  on Envato Elements or Envato Market to discover top PPT designs .

Editorial Note: This article was originally written in 2014 by Bob Flisser . It's been comprehensively revised to include the latest PowerPoint information by Sarah Joy .

Sarah Joy



What is a Presentation?

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Presentation Skills:

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  • Preparing for a Presentation
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  • Writing Your Presentation
  • Deciding the Presentation Method
  • Managing your Presentation Notes
  • Working with Visual Aids
  • Presenting Data
  • Managing the Event
  • Coping with Presentation Nerves
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  • 7 Qualities of Good Speakers That Can Help You Be More Successful
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The formal presentation of information is divided into two broad categories: Presentation Skills and Personal Presentation .

These two aspects are interwoven and can be described as the preparation, presentation and practice of verbal and non-verbal communication. 

This article describes what a presentation is and defines some of the key terms associated with presentation skills.

Many people feel terrified when asked to make their first public talk.  Some of these initial fears can be reduced by good preparation that also lays the groundwork for making an effective presentation.

A Presentation Is...

A presentation is a means of communication that can be adapted to various speaking situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team.

A presentation can also be used as a broad term that encompasses other ‘speaking engagements’ such as making a speech at a wedding, or getting a point across in a video conference.

To be effective, step-by-step preparation and the method and means of presenting the information should be carefully considered. 

A presentation requires you to get a message across to the listeners and will often contain a ' persuasive ' element. It may, for example, be a talk about the positive work of your organisation, what you could offer an employer, or why you should receive additional funding for a project.

The Key Elements of a Presentation

Making a presentation is a way of communicating your thoughts and ideas to an audience and many of our articles on communication are also relevant here, see: What is Communication? for more.

Consider the following key components of a presentation:

Ask yourself the following questions to develop a full understanding of the context of the presentation.

When and where will you deliver your presentation?

There is a world of difference between a small room with natural light and an informal setting, and a huge lecture room, lit with stage lights. The two require quite different presentations, and different techniques.

Will it be in a setting you are familiar with, or somewhere new?

If somewhere new, it would be worth trying to visit it in advance, or at least arriving early, to familiarise yourself with the room.

Will the presentation be within a formal or less formal setting?

A work setting will, more or less by definition, be more formal, but there are also various degrees of formality within that.

Will the presentation be to a small group or a large crowd?

Are you already familiar with the audience?

With a new audience, you will have to build rapport quickly and effectively, to get them on your side.

What equipment and technology will be available to you, and what will you be expected to use?

In particular, you will need to ask about microphones and whether you will be expected to stand in one place, or move around.

What is the audience expecting to learn from you and your presentation?

Check how you will be ‘billed’ to give you clues as to what information needs to be included in your presentation.

All these aspects will change the presentation. For more on this, see our page on Deciding the Presentation Method .

The role of the presenter is to communicate with the audience and control the presentation.

Remember, though, that this may also include handing over the control to your audience, especially if you want some kind of interaction.

You may wish to have a look at our page on Facilitation Skills for more.

The audience receives the presenter’s message(s).

However, this reception will be filtered through and affected by such things as the listener’s own experience, knowledge and personal sense of values.

See our page: Barriers to Effective Communication to learn why communication can fail.

The message or messages are delivered by the presenter to the audience.

The message is delivered not just by the spoken word ( verbal communication ) but can be augmented by techniques such as voice projection, body language, gestures, eye contact ( non-verbal communication ), and visual aids.

The message will also be affected by the audience’s expectations. For example, if you have been billed as speaking on one particular topic, and you choose to speak on another, the audience is unlikely to take your message on board even if you present very well . They will judge your presentation a failure, because you have not met their expectations.

The audience’s reaction and therefore the success of the presentation will largely depend upon whether you, as presenter, effectively communicated your message, and whether it met their expectations.

As a presenter, you don’t control the audience’s expectations. What you can do is find out what they have been told about you by the conference organisers, and what they are expecting to hear. Only if you know that can you be confident of delivering something that will meet expectations.

See our page: Effective Speaking for more information.

How will the presentation be delivered?

Presentations are usually delivered direct to an audience.  However, there may be occasions where they are delivered from a distance over the Internet using video conferencing systems, such as Skype.

It is also important to remember that if your talk is recorded and posted on the internet, then people may be able to access it for several years. This will mean that your contemporaneous references should be kept to a minimum.


Many factors can influence the effectiveness of how your message is communicated to the audience.

For example background noise or other distractions, an overly warm or cool room, or the time of day and state of audience alertness can all influence your audience’s level of concentration.

As presenter, you have to be prepared to cope with any such problems and try to keep your audience focussed on your message.   

Our page: Barriers to Communication explains these factors in more depth.

Continue to read through our Presentation Skills articles for an overview of how to prepare and structure a presentation, and how to manage notes and/or illustrations at any speaking event.

Continue to: Preparing for a Presentation Deciding the Presentation Method

See also: Writing Your Presentation | Working with Visual Aids Coping with Presentation Nerves | Dealing with Questions Learn Better Presentation Skills with TED Talks

PowerPoint 101: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Vania Escobar

Are you struggling with PowerPoint? You need a quick design in PowerPoint but don't know where to start? Don't worry, you have nothing to be ashamed of.

In this article, we're going to refresh the most important PowerPoint basics so you can take advantage of this Microsoft software and create high-impact presentations at any time!

Millions of users worldwide use Microsoft 365 services , making PowerPoint the presentation design software with the highest market share. And with good reason! PowerPoint's features stand out for its usability and originality . We can tell you that PowerPoint is pretty intuitive software, and it's a great option to choose when working with presentations on a daily basis. So, are you ready for a quick PowerPoint 101 class?

Let ' s see what you ' re going to learn today with this PowerPoint Guide :

What is PowerPoint?

What are the best uses of powerpoint, powerpoint basics: what are the components of powerpoint workspace, mastering powerpoint: what are the main features of powerpoint, what are powerpoint templates and where to find them, time to practice how to make a presentation in powerpoint.

Presentation desing service - 24Slides

Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation design software that is part of Microsoft 365 . This software allows you to design presentations by combining text, images, graphics, video, and animation on slides in a simple and intuitive way.

Over time, PowerPoint has evolved and improved its accessibility to users. For this reason, it has been adapted to the main operating systems and modalities:

  • PowerPoint Online

Additionally, you can use Word and Excel in this online version. That way, you'll be able to make real-time changes in the cloud without fearing losing your files. Sounds great, right?

PowerPoint has a versatile range of uses. Here's a list of the different tasks you can complete with this presentation design software:

  • Business presentations or Pitch decks.
  • Marketing, Sales and HR plans.
  • Project briefs and timelines.
  • Inductions to new employees.
  • Seminars and educational classes.
  • Professional portfolio of photos or designs.
  • Presentations of a research summary.
  • Presentations for special occasions.

These are just a few examples of the multiple possibilities this Microsoft software offers. Your imagination is the only limit!

Stay tuned as we continue with this PowerPoint 101 Guide...

PowerPoint 101: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

In order to deeply understand this presentation design software, you need to recognize its main components. Now it's time to learn about the PowerPoint basics!

A quick note before going any further: when opening PowerPoint, some of the commands in the ribbons will look grayish and won't be highlighted when you hover the mouse over them.

This happens since some commands need to be selected in order to function. For example, if you want to change the color of a text, you first need to select it.

That being said, let's start with this Guide for PowerPoint beginners:

PowerPoint Main Window

The first aspect to learn is PowerPoint Main Window. To facilitate the explanation, we've organized its main elements with numbers from 1 to 10:

components of PowerPoint window

Based on that, the main components of PowerPoint window are the following:

1. Quick Access Toolbar: allows you to customize commands to have them at hand. You only have to select it and go to "More commands."

2. Title Bar: shows you the name of your file and other "Suggested options" like Slide Master View . These options will vary depending on the use you give to the commands.

3. File Tab: you will see the Home Menu (PowerPoint backstage) by selecting it. There, you can create a new presentation, save it, print it, export it, and many other options.

4. The Ribbon: it's where PowerPoint tabs and tools are. These tools can also be called "commands" or “features.”

5. More Button or Down Arrow: these arrows allow you to view more tools or layout options in PowerPoint.

6. Slides Pane: shows your slides in thumbnail size. By right-clicking, you can access additional options for customizing each slide. Perfect for PowerPoint beginners!

7. Slide: PowerPoint's blank canvas and the frame to be seen when presenting the file.

8. Placeholders: they are dotted boxes that will store your content.

9. Status Bar: allows you to view the slide number, grammatical errors, speaker notes, and the comments on your file.

10. Zoom: allows you to enlarge or minimize your PowerPoint workspace. The range goes from 10 to 400%.

PowerPoint Tabs

The PowerPoint tabs are the control desk of your presentation . Since PowerPoint's features are too many, they're organized in tabs.

You can come and go between tabs as you need. Once you click on a tab, it will open its ribbon, and there, you'll be able to see all the tools related to that particular category.

This PowerPoint tutorial for beginners will give you an overview of all PowerPoint tabs . Pay attention to the following list:

  • Transitions Tab
  • Animations Tab
  • Slide Show Tab
  • Recording Tab

1. Home Tab

The Home tab is the most common tab of PowerPoint. This is the tab you'll probably use the most if you're designing a presentation deck from scratch.

Home Tab PowerPoint

It allows you to add new slides and change the text characteristics : font, size, boldness, underlining, alignment, etc. If you've ever used Microsoft Word, these features will be familiar to you.

Also, you will find commands to edit the characteristics of the geometric shapes you insert. This includes: fill color, line color, sharpe effects, among others.

2. Insert Tab

The Insert tab is exactly what its name says it is. In this ribbon, you'll find all the options concerning adding a new element to your PowerPoint presentation .

Insert Tab PowerPoint

You can insert a picture, some geometric shapes, icons, WordArt graphics, among others. We can tell you that this tab is really helpful for PowerPoint beginners!

For example, if you have a lot of data in PowerPoint , you could add a chart or diagram to show your information in a more visual way. Also, you can embed videos or music into PowerPoint really easily.

  • PowerPoint tip for beginners: To be able to write text on your slides, you need a text box. So, if you're designing your presentation from scratch, remember to go first to the Insert tab and add a text box to start writing.

3. Design Tab

If you are one of those people who enjoy choosing the design of a PowerPoint presentation, this tab will be your favorite.

Design Tab PowerPoint

The Design tab offers a wide range of premade designs , allowing you to get more polished slides. Even better, if you explore its ribbon, you can adjust the color palette and change the overall style of your PowerPoint deck.

The PowerPoint interface, as this basic PowerPoint Tutorial, is really intuitive. We believe that you won't have any problem with this tab!

4. Transitions Tab

Using transitions in PowerPoint is a dynamic way to move from one slide to the next during a presentation. This feature is PowerPoint's stamp, so don ' t miss it!

Transitions Tab PowerPoint

Some PowerPoint transitions are really classic, like wiping the old slide to present the new one. Others are somewhat over the top, like the “Vortex” or the “Airplane” effect.

If you click on each kind of transition, you'll see a preview on how it would look when presenting. Really cool, right?

5. Animations Tab

In case you want to add special effects for certain elements in your slides , the Animations tab in PowerPoint will interest you.

Animations Tab PowerPoint

Like the Transitions tab, you will find various animation effects in this ribbon. It's a matter of trying and choosing the best one according to your needs!

6. Slide Show Tab

As its name says, the Slide Show tab is about presenting your slides . We really like that it gives you several options to show up your presentation!

Slide Show Tab PowerPoint

Considering that you're a PowerPoint beginner, you're not likely to use the Slide Show tab very much.

But if you're curious about this command, you must read our article: How to Make a PowerPoint Slideshow that Runs Automatically?

7. Review Tab

The Review tab is not often used by PowerPoint beginners either.

However, if your job is related to writing or if you work at an international company, this tool can be extremely useful!

Review Tab PowerPoint

With this tab, you can check the slide's spelling, translate the text in real-time, and add comments to your slides . This last function can be helpful to give feedback to a colleague.

8. View Tab

This View tab allows you to change the view of your PowerPoint slides and make handouts from them, among other things.

View Tab PowerPoint

As you can see, the majority of its commands are really specific. So you won't have any issues while designing, test and see!

In this section, our favorite command for PowerPoint beginners is Slide Master . Explore more about this tool in our guide!

9. Recording Tab

In the last versions of this design presentation software, PowerPoint added the Recording tab. As its name says, it allows you to record all your presentation slides .

Recording Tab PowerPoint

This ribbon has advanced commands, so the most common action for a PowerPoint beginner is to take a screenshot or record the screen sequentially .

10. Help Tab

Finally, there is the Help tab. If you have any problem or question concerning how to use PowerPoint, you may go here to look for a solution.

In the latest versions, Windows has added a “Show Training” option. You can click this command to practice the PowerPoint basics since it will download training templates.

Help Tab PowerPoint

As a beginner in PowerPoint, you must recognize the objective of each PowerPoint tab to be able to master the software . But, in order to conduct an outstanding presentation deck, you also need to dominate its most important features. Let's see some of them in the next section!

If you feel ready to delve deeper into PowerPoint's tools, this section is for you.

As you may know , 24Slides specializes in creating outstanding presentations for any Design Project . So, we asked one of our experts about her favorite PowerPoint features, and we want to share them all with you!

Carmen Navarrete , Graphic Designer at 24Slides, highlighted the following features that will make your presentations stand out from the crowd:

PowerPoint Feature #1: Crop to Shape

This first PowerPoint feature is simple but effective!

Let's see how to use it:

  • First, choose an image you want to cut and insert it into your workspace.
  • Once inserted, select it with the mouse.
  • Go to the "Picture Format" tab.
  • Press the arrow of the "Crop" button (right side of the screen).
  • Select "Crop to Shape."
  • Choose your favorite shape and customize your PowerPoint presentation!

PowerPoint Feature: Crop to Shape

PowerPoint Feature #2: Merge Shapes

If you don't like any figure enough, you can create one from scratch!

This is possible thanks to the "Merge Shapes" option. Follow these steps to unleash your creativity:

  • First choose an image you want to cut.
  • Check the list of PowerPoint shapes (Insert tab > Shapes).
  • Choose two or three figures you want to merge (they can be the same figure).
  • Select the figures you are going to merge (see the image).
  • Once selected, go to the "Shape Format" tab.
  • Press the "Merge Shapes" option and the type of merge you want (test and choose!).

PowerPoint Feature: Merge Shapes

  • A new figure will appear, and you must fill it with the image from the first step.
  • Stay on the Shape Format tab and go to "Shape Fill" (button in the middle of the ribbon).
  • Select "Picture Fill" and browse for your image.
  • Select the image to fill your new figure, and that's it!

PowerPoint Feature: Merge Shapes

  • PowerPoint tip for beginners: When your merged figure is ready, paste the image to the background of your slide to achieve a better result. This way, you can use your image as a canvas and see if both elements fit well.

PowerPoint Feature #3: Insert Icons

This PowerPoint feature is quite easy to follow for PowerPoint beginners!

Just follow these steps:

  • Go to the Insert tab.
  • Select the "Icons" option.
  • A Microsoft 365 library will open, where you can search for the required icon.
  • Now, you must insert it into your presentation and adapt it to your design.
  • If you have an active Microsoft 365 subscription, you'll have access to a larger number of icons in PowerPoint.

PowerPoint Feature: Insert Icons

  • PowerPoint tip for beginners: If you want to learn more about icons in PowerPoint, read our article on How to Use Icons to Make Amazing PowerPoint Presentations .

PowerPoint Feature #4: Insert SmartArt

PowerPoint's SmartArt is one of the most popular and accessible tools to dominate while learning about PowerPoint basics.

To use it in your slide deck, you must:

  • Select SmartArt.
  • See all SmartArt categories and choose your favorite based on your needs.
  • Add the text you have prepared and adapt it to your presentation.

PowerPoint Feature: Insert SmartArt

We want to give you some ideas to master this SmartArt tool in PowerPoint: you can make timelines , flowcharts , and even a Venn diagram in just a few seconds. Try and see!

PowerPoint Feature #5: Remove Background

If you don't know how to use Photoshop and want to remove the background from an image, in this PowerPoint 101 Guide, we show you how:

  • First choose the image you want to remove the background from.
  • Insert the image in the PowerPoint workspace.
  • Select the image and go to the "Picture Format" tab.
  • Select "Remove Background" (first option on the left).
  • You can keep and remove parts of the image with the first two tools of the ribbon (see image).
  • Keep in mind that all the sections highlighted in purple will be deleted.

PowerPoint Feature: Remove Background of image

  • We recommend zooming in to keep or remove parts of the image with more detail.
  • Once you're done, press the "Keep Changes" button.
  • Finally, adapt the new image to your PowerPoint presentation.

Remove background in PowerPoint

  • PowerPoint tip for beginners: Choose a high-contrast photo or image for best results. In other words, the outline of the person or object you want to cut out must have clear edges and cannot blend with the image's background color.

PowerPoint Feature #6: Add Speaker Notes

The latest PowerPoint feature is a command you can use to prepare your speech before presenting to an audience.

Learning how to add speaker notes in PowerPoint is simple:

  • Select the slide that needs some notes.
  • Usually, there is a footer below the slide, but if not, you will have to activate it.
  • Go to the View tab and select "Notes."
  • The Speaker Notes section will appear, and you can add whatever you want!

PowerPoint Feature: Add Speaker Notes

  • PowerPoint tip for beginners: In case you want to practice your entire presentation and have a lot of notes, go to the View tab and select "Notes Page" (fourth command). You'll be able to see all your Speaker Notes faster!

PowerPoint Feature #7: PowerPoint Translator

If you've ever wondered how to translate your PowerPoint Slides, we'll explain the step by step here:

  • Go to the Review tab.
  • Select the text you want to translate.
  • Press the “Translate” button.
  • A panel will open on the right side of the screen.
  • Choose the language you need and you'll see the translation in real-time.
  • If you press Insert, the text will change to the new translation!

PowerPoint Feature #8: Screen Recording

The process of recording your screen in PowerPoint is straightforward and intuitive. Let's see:

  • Go to the “Record” or “Recording” tab.
  • Press the "Record Slide Show" button or the “From Beginning” button (depending on your PPT version).
  • A new window will open.
  • Select the red record button and start recording!
  • When you're done, select “Export.”
  • By default, the video will be 1080p. If you want to lower the video quality, go to "Customize export."
  • Name the video, save it to a folder and that's it!

As you may have noticed, this software has endless PowerPoint design options for beginners. We encourage you to try and test each functionality!

However, we're clear that PowerPoint has different features, so it can be hard to know where to start. That's why understanding PowerPoint basics is crucial if you truly want to master this software!

Our PowerPoint 101 Guide continues; stay tuned to discover more great stuff about this Microsoft software. Keep reading!

A PowerPoint template is a pre-made design that you can use for your own means, and that will save you a lot of time!

Templates in PowerPoint are a great resource for designing since all the structure is already done, and you only have to update the content . We can tell you they're the perfect resource for PowerPoint beginners!

They can be incredibly specific. For example, there are templates for a SWOT analysis or a complete Marketing report. Otherwise, templates can also be very general, with several slides with a similar design.

If you struggle with the artistic part of designing presentations, downloading PowerPoint templates will be a life changer!

PowerPoint free Templates by 24Slides

How to download PowerPoint templates for free?

If you didn't know, 24Slides has an extensive repository of PowerPoint templates. But how to obtain them? It's really simple:

  • First, create an account on our Free Templates Website with the button “Register” (that way, you can download everything without problems!).
  • Think about the graphics you need and the ideal structure for your presentation deck (you can also change the color palette later!).
  • Download it in PowerPoint format (if you prefer it in Google Slides format, you'll also find this type in our repository).
  • Edit and change everything you need for your PowerPoint presentation!

24Slides Designers specialize in business and corporate PowerPoints, but you'll also find other types of templates on our website: Data templates, Timelines, Roadmaps, Matrixes, Diagrams, and more.

Keep in mind that a well-designed PowerPoint deck helps you communicate stronger messages to your audience . Don't waste this opportunity to make your presentation shine!

Business Templates in PowerPoint

If you want to learn more about how to master PowerPoint, do not miss the last section. We'll show you some PowerPoint basics from the software itself!

A PowerPoint 101 Guide wouldn't be that useful with no examples. So, if you enjoy the step-by-step guides, this section is for you.

Below, we'll show you how to make a simple PowerPoint presentation. But first, here are some tips to be more efficient in the process:

  • Be clear about what type of presentation you're going to create (is it corporate, playful, or more creative?).
  • Make a draft with the most important information you need to add and, thus, generate a good structure in your presentation .
  • Get inspired by examples on the internet , but adapt them to your needs and audience.
  • If you will create a business presentation, keep in mind your brand identity .
  • Make sure your PowerPoint works , you may need to update to the latest version or pay for the subscription.

Step 1: Make a draft to structure your presentation

As we said before, writing a draft or script of your content will be vital to start on the right foot as a PowerPoint beginner.

This advice is so important that we choose it as the first step to learning how to make a PowerPoint presentation. Remember: Planning is key!

draft to structure a presentation in PowerPoint

Regarding the process of planning, we share some good practices:

  • If your presentation will be very long , write down all subtitles and content in a Word document. This will help you organize your ideas and give a correct sequence to your narrative. In addition to avoiding redundancies in the message you want to communicate.
  • If your presentation will use many visual resources , we recommend choosing high-quality images. This will help you have a starting graphic base. Some good free image repositories are Freepick , Unsplash , and Adobe Stock .
  • If your presentation is based on data , have all your results summarized or your most relevant conclusions at hand. The idea of making a PowerPoint presentation is to show your information in the simplest way possible for your audience.

Step 2: Create a new document in PowerPoint

Once you check that all the functions are working fine with the software, please open it and go to the File tab. If you've ever used Word or Excel, you'll probably find this Home Menu familiar.

In short, this is the main page of PowerPoint, where you can create a new presentation or open an older one. Let's see:

how to create a new document in PPT

In order to follow this part of our PowerPoint Tutorial correctly, take into consideration the following points:

  • On the lower side of the screen, you'll find your recently opened PowerPoint files. This option is great for saving some time.
  • If you don't find the presentation you're looking for, click on the “Open” option at the left bar and find older files.
  • Don't forget to save your presentation with a relatable name so you won't lose sight of it!

Step 3: Choose the perfect design for your presentation

With your information ready in a draft, it's time to choose the design of your PowerPoint slide deck. You must imagine that the available design options are endless!

For practical reasons, you have three options regarding the design:

  • Start a design from scratch (very difficult for a PowerPoint beginner).
  • Choose an established PowerPoint design or layout.
  • Download a PowerPoint template and modify some details.

Don't worry if you don't know how to continue! In this PowerPoint 101 class, we're going to explain step by step the second option:

How do you set a default design in PowerPoint?

  • First, go to the Design tab.
  • Open the list of options by clicking on the third arrow.
  • Choose the design you like the most for your PowerPoint presentation.

How do you set a default design in PowerPoint

If you want to explore more PowerPoint designs, there is a way to research online. For that, you only need to:

  • Go to the File tab (first tab, next to the Home tab).
  • Select "More themes" (see image).

More themes in PowerPoint

  • Use the search engine and write the keyword you want (it can be related to your business or it can be a color).
  • Check the list of PowerPoint themes and choose your favorite.
  • Wait a few minutes while it loads and keep designing in PowerPoint!

Themes designs in PowerPoint

How do you change the layout of one slide in PowerPoint?

In this PowerPoint 101 Guide, you will also learn how to configure the layout of each slide.

Keep in mind that to have a high-impact presentation, you must adapt your slides' design to the type of content you'll add. And using layouts is perfect for this purpose.

To change the layout type in PowerPoint, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the slide you want to change.
  • Select the "Layout" option.
  • You will find more than ten layout models.
  • Choose the one that best suits your content.
  • Repeat these steps for each slide (if you wish or require).

How do you change the layout in PowerPoint

How do you customize your slides in PowerPoint?

The design process in this PowerPoint 101 Guide doesn't stop there.

You also can customize your presentation's color palette , font style, background format , and graphics effects .

Just go to:

  • Design tab > Variants.
  • Select Colors, Fonts, Effects or Background Styles (as you need).
  • If you're inspired and want to create your own background in PowerPoint, select Background Styles > Format Background.
  • Finally, custom your slides as you want!

how to customize a design in PowerPoint

Step 4: Add all your information to your presentation

Now, it's time to add all your information to your slides. If your script is long, take your time to copy each part of it.

In this PowerPoint Tutorial, we're going to show how our design is going so far. We design at your side!

How to design a presentation in PPT

Step 5: Add transitions or animations to your presentation

The stamp of PowerPoint is its transitions and animations! Naturally, our PowerPoint 101 has considered these essential commands.

If you want to add them to your presentation and make your speech more fluid, follow these steps:

  • Go to the tabs section of PowerPoint.
  • Select "Transitions" or "Animations" and try your favorite effects.
  • Remember that if you select Transitions, these will modify the entire slide, while Animations can be added to each element individually.

When choosing one Animation, you can eliminate it if you aren't 100% convinced. You only need to:

  • Select the Animation number that appears on the corner.
  • Press the "Delete" or "Backspace" button on your keyboard.
  • Choose another Animation in PowerPoint if you want!

How to add transitions or animations to PPT

This “PowerPoint for dummies” is full of tips and tricks! So here is one more: Don't overuse transitions or animations in PowerPoint ; they can make your presentation slower and unprofessional . Use this tool in a subtle way!

Step 6: Refine the final details

As always, every final product must be reviewed. Especially if you're learning the PowerPoint fundamentals with us.

We recommend reviewing each slide of your PowerPoint presentation one final time. In this process, you will be able to:

  • Add icons if your presentation requires it.
  • Change any image or illustration if they don't convince you.
  • Change transitions or animations.
  • Customize your presentation's color palette .
  • Proofread your slides' text or add more information.
  • Add speaker notes to your presentation.

How to add speaker notes to PPT

Step 7: Slideshow your presentation

When your presentation is finished, it's essential to know how to make a PowerPoint slideshow. This way, you can see your slides from the exact same perspective your audience will see them.

To slideshow your presentation in PowerPoint, follow these simple steps for PowerPoint beginners:

  • Position yourself on your first slide.
  • Go to the bottom right of the software.
  • Select the "Slide Show" button (see image).
  • Have a look of your presentation by clicking on each slide or pressing the right arrow on your keyboard.
  • To go out from the Slide Show mode, you have to press the ESC key.

How to slideshow in PowerPoint

Now you can present your slides like an expert!

When you master this presentation design software, you'll be able to create amazing things in PowerPoint : infographics, diagrams, charts, pitch decks, business cards, calendars, you name it!

This was our PowerPoint Guide for beginners. We hope that our compilation today will be useful for conducting more professional presentations in the future and, why not, achieve all your goals!

Don't forget to share this PowerPoint 101 Guide with your co-workers or whoever you want!

Presentation design service promotion

Want to boost your beginner PowerPoint skills? Check out this content:

  • How to Work with Multiple Images in PowerPoint
  • How to Add a Timer to Your Powerpoint Presentations
  • PowerPoint Charts, Graphs, & Tables Made Easy | Tips & Tricks
  • How To Use PowerPoint Design Ideas - All Questions Answered!
  • 36 Fun Icebreakers for Your Next Presentation
  • The Cost of PowerPoint Presentations: Discover the hidden expenses you might overlook!

Create professional presentations online

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How To Convert Google Slides To PowerPoint and Vice Versa

How To Add Animations To PowerPoint

How To Add Animations To PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a presentation program developed by Microsoft. It is included in the standard Office suite along with Microsoft Word and Excel . The software allows users to create anything from basic slide shows to complex presentations.

PowerPoint is often used to create business presentations, but can also be used for educational or informal purposes. The presentations are comprised of slides, which may contain text, images, and other media, such as audio clips and movies. Sound effects and animated transitions can also be included to add extra appeal to the presentation. However, overusing sound effects and transitions will probably do more to annoy your audience than draw their attention. (Yes, we have all heard the car screeching noise enough times for one lifetime.)

Most PowerPoint presentations are created from a template, which includes a background color or image, a standard font , and a choice of several slide layouts. Changes to the template can be saved to a "master slide," which stores the main slide theme used in the presentation. When changes are made to the master slide, such as choosing a new background image, the changes are propagated to all the other slides. This keeps a uniform look among all the slides in the presentation.

When presenting a PowerPoint presentation, the presenter may choose to have the slides change at preset intervals or may decide to control the flow manually. This can be done using the mouse , keyboard , or a remote control. The flow of the presentation can be further customized by having slides load completely or one bullet at a time. For example, if the presenter has several bullet points on a page, he might have individual points appear when he clicks the mouse. This allows more interactivity with the audience and brings greater focus to each point.

PowerPoint presentations can be created and viewed using Microsoft PowerPoint. They can also be imported and exported with Apple Keynote, Apple's presentation program for the Macintosh platform. Since most people prefer not to watch presentations on a laptop , PowerPoint presentations are often displayed using a projector. Therefore, if you are preparing a PowerPoint presentation for a room full of people, just make sure you have the correct video adapter.

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  • Written By Gregg Rosenzweig
  • Updated: June 4, 2024
We’re here to help you choose the most appropriate content types to fulfill your content strategy. In this series, we’re breaking down the most popular content types to their basic fundamentals so you can start with a solid foundation — simple definitions, clarity on formats, and plenty of examples.

What is a Presentation?

A communication device that relays a topic to an audience in the form of a slide show, demonstration, lecture, or speech, where words and pictures complement each other.

Why should you think of presentations as content?

The beauty of content creation is that almost anything can become a compelling piece of content . It just depends on the creativity used to convert it and the story that brings it to life.

what is presentations in computer

The long and short of it

Although the length of a presentation in terms of time can depend on the overall approach (Are you talking a lot? Are you referring to the screen in detail or not?), consider the number of informational content slides when tallying the overall presentation length. For instance, don’t include title slides in your tally when conveying length to a content creator.

A general guide to presentation length:

  • Short Form (5 content slides)
  • Standard Form (10 content slides)
  • Long Form (20+ content slides)

Popular use cases for presentations…

Let’s consider TED Talks for a minute: one of the best examples (bar none) of how words, pictures, and a narrative can make people care about something they otherwise might not.

These “talks” pre-date podcasts and blend a compelling use of language and imagery in presentation format to spread ideas in unique ways.

TED Talks have been viewed a billion-plus times worldwide (and counting) and are worth considering when it comes to how you might use video-presentation content to connect with your customers in creative, cool, new ways.

Business types:

Any company that has a pitch deck, executive summary, sales presentation, or any kind of internal document can repurpose them into external-facing content pieces — without pain.

Presentation Examples – Short Form

Here are some short-form examples with curated to help inspire you.

what is presentations in computer

Presentation Examples – Standard Form

what is presentations in computer

Presentation Examples – Long Form

what is presentations in computer

Understanding Content Quality in Examples

Our team has rated content type examples in three degrees of quality ( Good, Better, Best ) to help you better gauge resources needed for your content plan.

In general, the degrees of content quality correspond to our three content levels ( General, Qualified, Expert ) based on the criteria below. Remember though, multiple variables determine the cost, completion time, or content level for any content piece with a perceived degree of quality.

what is presentations in computer

How to Get Exceptional Content That Elevates

If you want to impress your clients, co-workers, or leadership team with your next presentation or product demonstration, to might want to consider working with proven content creators.

At ClearVoice, we have a Talent Network of 4000+ professionals across 200+ industries. That means we can find creators with the exact skill sets and expertise you need to create content that gets results.

Talk to a content specialist today to start the conversation.

Stay in the know.

We will keep you up-to-date with all the content marketing news and resources. You will be a content expert in no time. Sign up for our free newsletter.

Elevate Your Content Game

Transform your marketing with a consistent stream of high-quality content for your brand.

Marketer showing high-quality content.

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Computer Hope

Sometimes abbreviated as PP or PPT , PowerPoint is a presentation program developed by Microsoft that creates a slide show of important information, charts, and images for a presentation. PowerPoint is frequently used for business and school presentations.

Where do you find or start PowerPoint?

  • PowerPoint example.
  • Benefits of PowerPoint.
  • Related information.

If you have Microsoft PowerPoint or the entire Microsoft Office package installed in Microsoft Windows, you can find PowerPoint in your Start menu .

Realize that new computers do not include PowerPoint. It must be purchased and installed before it can run on your computer.

If you do not have PowerPoint and don't want to purchase Microsoft Office to get it, you can try using Google Slides , a free online presentation program similar to PowerPoint.

If PowerPoint is installed on your computer, but you can't find it in your Start menu, use the following steps to launch PowerPoint manually:

  • Open My Computer .
  • Click or select the C: drive . If Microsoft Office is installed on a drive other than the C: drive, select that drive instead.
  • Navigate to the Program Files (x86) folder, then the Microsoft Office folder.
  • If there is a root folder in the Microsoft Office folder, open that folder. Then open the OfficeXX folder , where XX is the version of Office (e.g., Office16 for Microsoft Office 2016). If there is no root folder, look for and open a folder with "Office" in the name.
  • Look for a file named POWERPNT.EXE and double-click that file to start Microsoft PowerPoint.

Start PowerPoint without using a mouse

Follow these steps to launch PowerPoint without using a mouse.

  • Press the Windows key .
  • Type powerpoint .
  • Select the PowerPoint entry in the search results using the arrow keys and press Enter to launch the PowerPoint application.

PowerPoint example

The picture below is an example of how Microsoft PowerPoint appears, with a red description in each major area.

Microsoft PowerPoint

PowerPoint slides may contain only text, or they can include pictures, videos, or animated text and images. Text may be formatted in the same ways as Microsoft Word , with custom color, size, and font type.

While the look and feel of PowerPoint has changed over the years, the functionality has remained mostly the same.

Microsoft PowerPoint files have the file extension .ppt or .pptx .

Benefits of PowerPoint

PowerPoint provides multiple benefits to users, including:

  • It is widely used and considered the "standard" for presentation software. If you create a PowerPoint presentation, it's more likely to be easier for others to open and view.
  • It includes many optional presentation features, including slide transitions, animations, layouts, templates, etc.
  • It offers the option to export its slides to alternative file formats, including GIF (graphics interchange format) and JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) images, MPEG-4 video, PDF (Portable Document Format), RTF (rich text format), WMV (Windows Media Video), and PowerPoint XML (extensible markup language).

Related information

  • How to create or add a slide in Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • How to insert a picture in Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • How to add a video to a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
  • How to insert a sound file into a PowerPoint presentation.
  • How to add or remove animations in a PowerPoint slide.
  • How to start and stop a PowerPoint slide show.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint help and support.
  • Software help and support.

Business terms , CamelCase , Computer abbreviations , File viewer , Google Slides , Notes Pane , Office , Office 365 , Office Online , Presentation program , Productivity tools , Software terms , Transition

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Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint

Information can be displayed using an electronic presentation application. This information is usually presented as a slide show — the data is displayed on a slide that may be viewed on a computer monitor or projected onto a screen using an LCD projector. A presentation might consist of multiple slides that are exhibited one after the other. The presentation tool in MS Office is MS PowerPoint. Microsoft PowerPoint is a popular presentation application, although there are alternatives such as Corel Presentations, Impress, etc. 

Three major components of a presentation program are: 

(i) An editor that allows text to be input and formatted  (ii) a means for inserting visual pictures, audio, and video  (iii) and a slide-show system to display the final content.

How to open MS PowerPoint

In Windows 8/above:

Step 1: Press Windows + c to open the search bar

what is presentations in computer

Step 2: Type PowerPoint & click on the MS Office version you are having in your system. MS Office window will pop up.

In Windows 7 or below:

Step 1: Go to the program section in the windows start menu. Step 2: Go to MS Office & click on it. A drop-down list is seen Step 3: Click on MS PowerPoint & MS PowerPoint window will pop up.

Creating a Presentation

Once your MS PowerPoint Window pops up, you can create & save the file by:

Step 1: Click on the Microsoft button on the top left.

what is presentations in computer

Step 2: Click on new , a new Presentation window will pop up.

what is presentations in computer

Step 3: Click on Create & a new presentation will be created.

Note: Shortcut for New: Ctrl +n

Saving a Presentation

Once you have created a presentation, it can be easily saved with the help of following steps:

Step 1: Click on the Microsoft icon

Step 2: Click on the Save button

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Step 3: A new Window for Save As will pop up. 

what is presentations in computer

Step 4: Select the drive (by clicking on it: Example: Local Drive (D)) in which you want to save the presentation. Then your drive will open up, select the folder in which you want to save the presentation (Example: img folder here) & then give the required name to your presentation (Example: MyPresentation here). Your presentation is created & saved with the provided name.

Note: Shortcut for save: Ctrl + s

Basic Elements of a PowerPoint Window/Slide

You can see various bars in the presentation window. They are:

(i) Title Bar: This shows the name/title given by you to the current presentation. If user do not save the presentation by any name, default name given by MS PowerPoint appears in this bar. (ii) Menu Bar: Contains menu items like insert, views, design, animations, etc. (iii) Office Button: MS Office button on the left-most top. (iv) Formatting Toolbar: Have tools like Bold, Italic, Underline, Font shape & size etc. to format your data.

what is presentations in computer

(v) Zoom Slider: To zoom in or zoom out your presentation. (vi) Slide Sorter Pane: This allows us to choose which slides will be shown in which sequence during the slide show. (vii) Notes Pane: This allows us to type notes that we may require later when preparing for the presentation, but they will not be displayed during the slide show. (viii) View Buttons: Provides different views of your presentation like : normal, slide show & slide sorter. (ix) Slide Pane: This is where we type, format, and otherwise design the slide.

Concept of Slide Shows

After preparing the presentation, it’s time for the slide show. Steps for slide show are:

Step 1. Click on the view Option on the top Menu Toolbar Step 2. Click on the slide show option.

what is presentations in computer

Step 3. The slide show will start (Press Esc key (escape) to come out of slide show)

Note: Shortcut for the slide show is: F5

Sample Questions

Question 1. How to print a Presentation through an attached printer?

Step 1: Click on the Microsoft icon Step 2: Click On Print & a window for Print & Preview the document will pop up. Step 3: Click on Print . Then a window for Print will pop up. Step 4: Select the printer by which you want to take out print of the document.  Select the page range (Print of all or some or current page) & number of copies you want. Step 5: Click on OK. You will get print of your Presentation.
Note: Shortcut for print is Ctrl + p.

Question 2. What will you do for closing a Presentation?

The procedure is as follows: 1. Go to Office Button  2. Click on close (last option in the list).

Question 3. Give shortcuts to create, print, close & save a presentation.

1. Ctrl + N – Create a New presentation. 2. Ctrl + S – Save a presentation. 3. Alt + F4 – Close a presentation. 4. Ctrl + P – Print a presentation.

Question 4. What is MS PowerPoint?

PowerPoint (PPT) is a powerful and simple-to-use presentation graphics software tool for creating professional-looking electronic slide shows. A PowerPoint presentation, or PPT, is a collection of slides that exhibit a graphical and visual interpretation of data in order to deliver information in a more creative and dynamic way.

Question 5. In a slide, what kind of elements can be added?

In a slide, we can add: -Graphs -Clip Art -Tables -Media Clips -Pictures -Charts -Videos etc.

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How to Use Microsoft Office PowerPoint

Last Updated: August 24, 2023 Approved

This article was co-authored by Mitch Harris . Mitch Harris is a Consumer Technology Expert based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Mitch runs his own IT Consulting company called Mitch the Geek, helping individuals and businesses with home office technology, data security, remote support, and cybersecurity compliance. Mitch earned a BS in Psychology, English, and Physics and graduated Cum Laude from Northern Arizona University. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 21 testimonials and 87% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 718,880 times.

PowerPoint gives you the ability to create a powerful visual aid that can help make your presentation the best it can be. See Step 1 below to get started.

Creating a Presentation

Step 1 Choose between a blank presentation and a template.

  • You can edit any aspect of a template, so feel free to choose one that mostly matches your vision and tweak it as you see fit.
  • You can apply themes to your project at a later time after you've added content. Click the Design tab and select a theme. It will be immediately applied to your project. You can either undo it (Ctrl + Z) or revert to a blank theme if you don't like it.
  • You can access templates from the File tab. Click New and then browse the available templates. You can also download additional templates from a variety of resources online.

Step 2 Create your title slide.

  • When adding a text box, you can click and drag to make it whatever size you'd like. You can then adjust this later by grabbing one of the corners with your cursor and then clicking and dragging again.
  • You can click on any text box and start typing to begin adding text to your presentation. You can format text just as you would in Word, with formatting options available in the Home tab.

Step 4 Navigate your presentation.

Jazzing It Up

Step 1 Add transitions between slides.

  • When you pick a transition, it will affect how that slide appears. For example, adding a transition to Slide 2 will affect how Slide 1 transitions into Slide 2. You will be able to see a preview in the slide editing window when you click each transition.
  • Don't add too much transitions to your presentation. This can be distracting to the audience and keeps them from focusing on your what is the most important which is your content.

Step 2 Add backgrounds.

  • Right-click on a blank section of your slide and select "Format Background", or click the Design tab and the click the arrow icon next to "Background" on the far right.
  • Choose your fill type. You can choose a solid color, a gradient fill, a picture background, or a pattern fill. Selecting each choice will display several options for it, such as fill color, picture location, gradient settings, and more. Experiment until you find the background that fits your presentation.
  • By default, the background will only be applied to your active slide. Click the "Apply to All" button to apply your background choices to every slide.
  • Make sure that your text is still easily readable with the background you choose.

Step 3 Add images.

  • Click the Insert tab. There will be a large number of options when it comes to inserting objects. Click the Picture button to insert a picture from a file on your computer. You can click the Photo Album button to insert an entire album of photos into the slide as well.
  • Use the Charts button to insert easy-to-read charts that will help the audience understand your data. Once you choose your Chart type, Excel will open, allowing you to enter in your data or copy it from an existing spreadsheet.
  • Use the Shapes button to insert pre-made shapes or dray your own. You can use the shapes to outline important text or create arrows and other visual indicators.
  • Avoid drowning your presentation with pictures. If it looks too busy, the audience will have a hard time parsing your written information.

Step 4 Add links.

  • To add a link, place your cursor in a text box and then click the Hyperlink button on the Insert tab. You can choose to link to a file on your computer, a webpage, an email address, or even another slide in your presentation.

Step 5 Embed video.

  • You can drag the video from the PC file or use the Insert menu to add the video. If using the menu, click the Video button in the Insert tab. You will be able to browse your computer for video files. Just make sure the video is in the right format first. PowerPoint will then put it in place in the PowerPoint.
  • While it's not as straightforward, you can embed YouTube videos as well. See this guide to learn how.

Making It Memorable

Step 1 Keep the number of slides to a minimum.

  • On a related note, make sure that your font choice is readable as well. Curvy and extravagant fonts may look cool, but they'll make your audience just stop caring if they can't read it.

Step 3 Apply a consistent, subtle style.

  • Get someone to help you proofread your presentation before you give it. A fresh set of eyes are much more likely to catch mistakes that you gloss over.

Step 5 Practice!

  • See this guide for more information on giving a successful presentation, either in class or at the office.

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Create a PowerPoint Presentation

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1. Create slideshows from templates or start from scratch. 2. Add transitions between slides. 3. Create solid or gradient backgrounds. 4. Insert images and graphics. 5. Embed video. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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The Definition of a Slide (or Slides) in a PowerPoint Presentation

  • Brock University

Presentation software such as PowerPoint generates a series of slides to accompany a human presenter or to be recorded as a stand-alone presentation. A slide is a single screen of a presentation, and every presentation is composed of several slides. Depending on the subject matter, the  best presentations may consist of 10 to 12 slides to get a message across, but more may be needed for complex subjects.

Slides keep an audience's attention during a presentation and provide additional supporting information in textual or graphic format. 

Selecting Slide Formats in PowerPoint

When you open a new PowerPoint presentation file, you are presented with a large selection of slide templates that you can choose from to set the tone for your presentation. Each template has a series of related slides in the same theme, color, and font choice for different purposes. You can choose a template and use only the additional slides that work for your presentation.

The first slide of a presentation is usually a title or introductory slide. It typically consists of text only, but it can include graphic elements or images as well. Subsequent slides are chosen based on the information to be transmitted. Some slides contain images, or charts and graphs.

Transitions Between Slides

Slides follow one after another during a presentation, either at a set time or when the presenter advances the slides manually. PowerPoint includes a large number of transitions you can apply to slides. A transition controls the appearance of one slide as it transitions to the next. Transitions include one slide morphing into another, a fade of one to another, and all sorts of special effects such as page curls or animated motion.

Although transitions add extra interest to a slide presentation, overdoing them by applying a different spectacular effect to each slide tends to look unprofessional and may even distract the audience from what the speaker is saying, so use transitions judiciously.

Enhancing a Slide

Slides can have sound effects attached to them. The sound effects list includes cash register, crowd laughing, drum roll, whoosh, typewriter and many more. 

Adding motion to an element on a slide – a line of text or an image – is called animation. PowerPoint comes with a large selection of stock animations you can use to generate movement on a slide. For example, you can choose a headline and have it zoom in from the margin, spin around 360 degrees, flip in one letter at a time, bounce into position or one of many other stock  animation effects .

As with transitions, don't use so many special effects that the audience is distracted from the content of the slide. 

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Everything you need to know about animations and transitions in powerpoint.


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6 ways to improve your microsoft word formatting, if your pc won't run windows 11, here are 5 great linux operating systems to try instead, quick links, what are animations, what are transitions, things to note before you begin, how to add, amend, and remove an animation, how to add, amend, and remove a transition, using the morph transition.

PowerPoint's animations and transitions can help you grab your audience's attention, present information in bite-sized chunks, and—when used sparingly—deliver a more professional presentation. In this article, we'll run through the nuts and bolts of these useful PowerPoint tools.

PowerPoint's Animation drop-down is opened, displaying the many different types of animations available.

Animations are effects you can add to your slides' text, pictures, shapes, graphics, tables, and other elements. There are four different types of animations:

  • Entrance animations—These are the effects you can add to make an object appear on your slide in different ways.
  • Emphasis animations—You can add an emphasis animation to an object already visible on your slide, such as changing its size or color.
  • Exit animations—The opposite to entrance animations, exit animations make objects disappear from your slide through different effects.
  • Motion paths animations —You can make an element on your slide move to a different place, with your audience seeing this movement from where it started to where it ends up.

You can use more than one animation on a single object. For example, you can apply an entrance animation to some text, followed by an emphasis animation.

PowerPoint's Transiton drop-down is opened, displaying the many different types of transitions available.

A transition effect dictates how your presentation progresses from one slide to the next, and you can choose from three different levels of complexity:

  • Subtle—These are the most basic types of transitions in PowerPoint, aiding speed and slickness as you jump from one slide to the next.
  • Exciting—You can make your transitions more visually entertaining.
  • Dynamic—A dynamic transition applies to all parts of a slide, except for the background, giving the illusion that the content is rolling through on a single page.

Only one transition effect can be added to each slide, and it's important that you apply the transition to the slide that will be visible once the transition is complete. For example, if you have two slides and want to create a transition effect as you move from slide 1 to slide 2, you will need to apply the transition to slide 2.

Before you add animation and transition effects to your PowerPoint presentation, bear in mind the following tips:

  • Don't add too many animations and transitions . Overusing these features can distract your audiences in ways you didn't intend to, and they can also look tacky and unprofessional. Ask yourself, "Does this make my presentation better?" If the answer is no, don't add it.
  • Another issue with using too many animations and transitions is that it could significantly slow down your PowerPoint file's processing speed , as it adds volume to your file size.
  • Keep things professional in the right contexts. For example, if you're presenting a formal business plan, you don't want to add funky transitions that take ten seconds to complete. Try sticking to slick effects that last less than a second.
  • Use the same transition effect for each slide and, if you can, the same animation for each item.

It's a widely shared opinion that Microsoft 365's desktop apps offer more flexibility and functionality than their web-based counterparts. However, the exact opposite can be said for adding animations, which is significantly easier to do on PowerPoint for the web than via the subscription-only app. So, to create the animations for screenshots in this section, we have used PowerPoint online, rather than the desktop app, and we recommend that you do the same.

Before you add any animations, click "Animation Pane" in the Animations tab on the ribbon. This will open a pane on the right side of your window, which will make seeing and managing your animations much easier.

The Animation Pane button in PowerPoint is selected.

Now, select the item you want to animate. If you want several items on a slide to animate in the same way at the same time, hold Ctrl while clicking them all. Then, click the down arrow in the Animations tab, and choose the appropriate effect.

An item selected in PowerPoint, and the Animation drop-down choices displayed.

You will then see an animation card in the Animation Pane for the effect you just added. Here, you can change the animation type, how it is activated (whether via a click, with the previous animation, or after the previous animation), and the duration and delay.

An animation card in the Animation Pane on PowerPoint for the web.

If you have more than one animation on a slide and want to reorder them, click and drag the six dots next to the relevant animation card upwards or downwards.

The six dots used to reorder animations in the Animation Pane is highlighted, with arrows indicating it can be moved upwards or downwards.

Finally, to remove an animation, click the trash icon on the appropriate animation card.

The trash icons on the animation cards in PowerPoint for the web.

You can also animate paragraphs of text within a text box. To do so, select the relevant text, and follow the same process.

Whether you're using PowerPoint's desktop app or the online version of the program, adding transitions involves a very similar process.

First, select the slide you want to transition to (for example, you'll select slide 2 if you want to create a transition from slide 1 to slide 2) in the slide thumbnail pane, and then click the "Transitions" tab on the ribbon.

A slide selected in PowerPoint, and the Transition tab opened.

To see more transitions, click the down arrow on the right-hand side of the Transition To This Slide group.

The arrow in PowerPoint that, when clicked, displays more transition effects.

Clicking any of the transition effects on display will do two things—first, it will show you a preview of what that transition will look like, and second, it will apply that transition to that slide.

You can then amend the options (such as the direction of the transition) and timing of the transition using the settings on the right side of the Transitions tab. This is where you can also add a sound effect to the transition, or decide whether the transition effect occurs when you click your mouse or automatically after a given length of time.

The additional options that can be added to a PowerPoint transition, such as timing, sound effects, or delays.

If you want to apply the same transition effect and options to all slides, click "Apply To All" in the Timing group of the Transition tab when you have finished setting up your transition's parameters. You can then select individual slides to make further adjustments if needed.

To remove a transition, select the slide in the slide thumbnail pane, and click "None" in the Transitions tab.

A PowerPoint file with the Transitions tab opened, and None selected as the transition type.

PowerPoint's Morph is a transition effect that recognizes differences between the same items on two slides, and smoothly transitions between them when you proceed from one slide to the next. For example, you might have an image on slide 1, and the same image in a different position on slide 2. The morph transition gives your audience the impression that you're still on the same slide, but the objects are merely moving and resizing.

This is different to the motion path animation, which you can set for different items and activate at different times on your slide. The morph transition, however, moves all items together as you move from one slide to the next, saving you from having to apply motion path animations to individual objects. Any objects on the first slide but not the second will simply fade away during the morph transition. Similarly, any new items on the second slide will appear gradually.

In this example, we have a title and an image on slide 1, and the same objects on slide 2 but in different places and different sizes. We created this scenario by copying and pasting the whole of slide 1, and then changing the text and image on slide 2. However, you can also create a blank slide, and then copy and paste the different elements you want to morph.

Two slides in PowerPoint containing the same items but in different positions and different sizes.

Then, we need to select slide 2, and click "Morph" in the Transitions tab on the ribbon.

The morph transition in PowerPoint being applied to slide 2 via the Transitions tab.

Then, press F5 to see your presentation, and witness the smooth morph transition from one slide to the next. You can also use this transition effect to zoom into an image or fade an image into the background. Just ensure that you copy and paste from one slide to the next before you create the transition, so that PowerPoint recognizes them as the same.

If animations and transitions are new to you, check out these other tips that you should also know before you design your next presentation.

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How to Create a Successful Project Presentation

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation

Written by: Unenabasi Ekeruke

An illustration showcasing a project presentation being built.

You’ve spent time working on a project that could be a potential game-changer for your company or client. Now you’re buzzing to present it to your team, investors and other key stakeholders.

Creating and delivering project presentations can be nerve-racking and you probably have one question running through your mind.

How do you get the decision-makers to understand your project or secure their buy-in?

Considering that some companies have had about 12% of failed projects in the past year, you want to create presentations that are not only convincing but memorable.

With the right project presentation deck, you can win and keep your audience’s attention long enough to explain project details and why it’s sure to succeed.

Not sure how to create successful project presentations? We’ve got you covered.

This article will show you how to set project goals and create winning presentations that take your project to the next level.

Here’s a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit project presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below:

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Let's get to it.

1 Set Goals for Your Project

Before you dive into the main details of your project presentation, you want to answer these questions:

  • What is your project set out to achieve?
  • Why is it important for you and your team to achieve your set goals?
  • How do you plan to communicate your goals to your audience?

If you have to make long guesses before answering these questions, you’ve got a lot of work to do.  

Here’s what you should know. Beautiful or well-articulated project presentations aren’t a substitute for project planning. Without clear goals, your project is already set up to fail. And your investors might think, “why bother listening?” 

Many project managers tend to rush through the goal-setting phase, but we don't recommend this. That’s because you could be setting yourself up for failure.  

Once you clearly define your project goals, you can get stakeholders to buy into them. 

Now the question is, how do you set goals for your project and achieve them? One way to do that is by using the SMART goal setting method. 

Setting SMART Project Goals

SMART is an acronym that stands for S pecific, M easurable, A chievable, R elevant and T ime-Bound.  

SMART goals are a staple for planning and executing successful projects. It takes a deeper look into the finer details your audience care about, such as:

  • Project plan and schedule,
  • Project timelines,
  • Milestones, 
  • Potential roadblocks and more

For example, let's say your project aims to improve customer experience on web and mobile devices. Notice this example describes the end goal. But it doesn’t specify how you’ll work to enhance customer experience. 

Here’s how using SMART goals provides direction for your planned project. 

When setting your goals, be clear and specific about what you want to achieve in the end. 

A specific goal could be: “We want to build a responsive website and mobile app for our company to improve customer experience. This project will require inputs from our product design, software and marketing department”.


During your presentation, you'd have to answer questions like:

  • What metrics will you use to determine if you meet the goal? 
  • How will you know you’re on the right track? 

Having metrics in place will help you evaluate your project. Plus, you’d be able to monitor progress and optimize your project to achieve better results.

It doesn’t matter if you’re planning a short-term or long-term project. Ensure you set metrics and milestones that count towards your goal.

From our earlier example, a measurable goal could be to have: 

  • Over 100,000 mobile app downloads on Google Playstore and Apple App Store. 
  • A 20% bounce rate on your website and a 15% conversion rate on mobile and web. 


One of the most critical questions you want to ask during goal-setting is, “Can we achieve our set goal?” Do we have the resources to accomplish the goal within the available time frame? 

If the answer is no, then you’d have to consider what it would take to achieve those goals. This may require adjusting your goals or the resources needed to achieve your goal. 

Although it’s okay to be ambitious, you should also be realistic.  For example, getting 200,000 app downloads in one week could be overly ambitious if you’ve just launched your app. However, if you set out to achieve that goal in three months, that could make your project practicable. 

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Your project goals need to align with your broader business goals. Are your goals relevant to the growth and success of the company?  Are they worth allocating resources for?

For instance, if your company is B2B and doesn’t plan to expand to the B2C market, launching an e-commerce website would be an irrelevant goal. 


Regardless of your project type and size, you should set time frames. Setting target dates for deliverables creates a sense of urgency and motivates you to hit your goals. 

From our example above, a time-bound goal could be “We aim to achieve 100,000 mobile app downloads and a 15% conversion rate by the end of the fiscal year. Our company will launch the mobile app by Q3 with a robust marketing campaign that will run through the end of next fiscal year.”

Setting SMART goals doesn’t have to be a challenging task. Use the template below to set project goals that position your business for success. 

A SMART goals worksheet template available to customize with Visme.

Communicate Project Goals to Your Team Members 

After you've set your goals, your team will play a key role in helping you achieve them. So you ensure they understand these things: 

  • Why the project goals are in place
  • What it's supposed to deliver for your business and customers
  • How their role, team and department contributes to the success of the project

Unless you’re clear on this, the project can derail and move in all sorts of unwanted directions. 

Rather than slam the goals you’ve set on your team, make it a collaborative effort.  Spend time talking to your team and stakeholders about the project goals. 

Don't limit your communication to people within your department. You can reach out to people in other departments like sales, operations, finance, etc., to see how well your goals align with theirs. 

A timeline presentation slide available in Visme.

To give your team a better understanding, you can communicate your project goals in a variety of ways, including:  

  • Visuals (videos, images, charts, infographics, etc.)
  • Verbal presentation
  • Documentations

By doing that, you’re sure to get their valuable feedback, buy-in and commitment to the project. Plus, getting your team on board with your project plan will up your chances of successful execution.

A project status presentation template available in Visme.

2 Lay Out Your Project Plan  

Once you’ve set your goals, the next big step is to outline how you'll achieve them. An excellent place to start is by organizing your project into an actionable plan and steps for execution. 

You might wonder why this step is important for creating a successful project presentation. 

Whether you’re planning a small or big project, writing a detailed plan, structure and layout puts everything into perspective. It eliminates vagueness and helps your audience grasp the project roadmap without missing the points.

Your project plan should contain the technical and non-technical project details. Therefore, you want to give yourself an edge by using a project presentation template that clearly explains all the activities and steps. 

Not only that, your presentation structure should be simple and easy to follow.

Depending on the project type, your plan could include key details such as:

  • The goals and objectives you've outlined earlier
  • Your project scope, methodology and framework
  • Project milestones, deliverable and acceptance criteria
  • Project schedule and timelines 
  • Resources and budget estimates, etc. 

A project management presentation template available to customize in Visme.

There's no hard and fast rule for laying out your project plan. However, if you want to create a memorable plan that will keep your audience engaged, you could break it down into three parts, including:


  • Conclusion and key takeaways

Your introduction should provide a brief overview of what you’re going to talk about and why it’s relevant to your audience. You could start by writing down the project name and the executive summary. 

Think of your executive summary as an abridged version of the project plan. 

If your audience read only your executive summary, would they have all the information they need about your project? If the answer is yes, your executive summary has served its purpose. 

The length of your executive summary will depend on what you intend to cover in your project plan.  However, we recommend keeping your executive summary one or two pages long.

You can include key information such as:

  • Objectives of the project
  • Key points of the project plan 
  • Results, conclusions and project recommendations

Keep in mind that not everyone will have the time to dive into the details of your project plan.  

Having a snapshot of your project brings clarity to key stakeholders and collaborators. It also enables people who aren't actively involved in the project to understand it at a glance. 

Ready to create your own presentation in minutes?

  • Add your own text, images and more
  • Customize colors, fonts and everything else
  • Choose from hundreds of slide designs and templates
  • Add interactive buttons and animations

The body of your project plan is where you have the full project details and everything relevant to its success.

Here you can break your project into deliverables, tasks, milestones and schedules (start and end dates). 

Ensure you precisely define the resources you need to complete the project, including finances, team, time, technology, physical resources and more.

This is the part where you sum up your project plan with key takeaways. Your conclusion should include what you expect from your audience, including key action points and next steps.

Writing your intro, body and conclusion may sound like a lot of information. But instead of writing multiple pages of text, incorporating visuals can make your project presentations more effective.

By using images, videos, infographics and charts , you can capture all the vital information and help your audience understand your message better. 

Visme presentation templates are effective for visualizing different sections of your project plan. They are professionally designed and easy for anyone to craft high-quality project plans that keep their team on track. 

Use the project plan templates below to kickstart your project planning process.

A project plan template available in Visme.

3 Outline the Problem and Solution

You've just spent time crafting your project action plan. Now it’s time to communicate your project plan and goals with your audience.  

Project presentations are a lot like sales pitches. Whether you’re presenting your project plan to clients or creating a pitch deck for investors, your job is to keep your audience hooked right from the start till the end.

One of the most potent ways of grabbing your audience's attention is by highlighting their pain points. 

It’s not enough to have beautiful slides that showcase your amazing product features and project activities. 

Make sure you set up your project presentation to:

  • Outline your audience pain points
  • Emphasize how your project, product or service works to address their pain points
  • Explain how they’ll benefit from using your product or investing in your project

In a nutshell, your audience should have a clear insight into how your project makes their life better. When they’re clear on this, they’ll most likely listen to the solutions you bring to the table and take the desired action.

Don’t make sweeping assumptions about your audience. 

If you’re looking to get them on board, dedicate a slide to discuss their problems and solutions. Make them understand how your project benefits them.

A goals presentation slide available in Visme.

Not sure what your audience's pain points are? Go ahead and do these things:

  • Run a persona survey or interview existing customers. This will help you build a data-driven user persona that you can use for all types of business and marketing decisions.
  • Talk to your customer support and success team. They have close relationships with your customers, so they know their challenges and what they want. If they don’t know these things, do them a favor and create a customer success program . 
  • Interact with your community, ask for feedback and involvement. The more you engage with your consumers, the more you understand their challenges, work toward solving and get them invested in your brand.
  • Keeping an eye on relevant social media trends,  Twitter hashtags, Facebook trends 
  • Join relevant online forums like Quora, Reddit, Stack Exchange, etc. 

RELATED: How to Write an Effective Presentation Outline

4 Keep Your Presentation Slides Short

When creating project presentations, prioritize quality over quantity. Be sure to keep your slides short and simple. When you do this, your audience will be glad you value their time. 

Remember, this isn’t the time to slam your audience with lengthy and irrelevant jargon. Instead, keep your slides on topics and hit the main points without the boring and unnecessary details.

Here’s why you need to keep your presentation brief:

  • Concise presentation slides are not only powerful, but they are also memorable.
  • Studies have shown that during project or business presentations, attention levels drop sharply after 30 minutes . By creating lengthy presentations, you risk losing your audience's attention halfway. 
  • Nobody wants to sit and watch you flip tons of slides for hours. With shorter slides, you can capture your audience's attention and get them to focus on the message.
  • Most people might have limited time or have short attention spans. So they’d want to quickly digest information and move on to the next best thing. 

How do you keep your project presentations short? 

  • If your slide doesn’t add value to your presentation, it shouldn’t earn a spot on your deck.
  • Supercharge your slide deck with captivating visuals that capture more information 
  • Adopt proven methods for preparing your slide

For example, the 10/20/30 rule by Guy Kawasaki is one of the most popular methods used by experts. The rule recommends using ten slides for 20 minutes presentations (about two minutes per slide). It also specifies using a font size of at least 30 for text.

This will enable your audience to digest the messages on your screen while you’re talking. 

A business model presentation slide available in Visme.

Keep in mind that this isn’t an iron-clad rule for presentation. There are other rules such as Pecha Kucha method , Takahashi method, Lessig method, etc. You can adapt any of these rules to suit your project presentation needs.

5 Use Less Text and More Visuals 

Another great way to keep your slides brief yet interesting is using less text and more visuals. 

Remember, your slide should aid your verbal presentation and not replace it. So you want to avoid crowding too much information on one slide. 

Cluttering your presentation with too much text could: 

  • Overwhelm your audiences and bore them
  • Shift your audience's attention to the text, making your presentation less effective.

Instead, use one slide to present each idea. Marketing guru Seth Godin recommends no more than six words per slide .

People retain more information when it’s presented in bite-size chunks and visuals. This applies to B2B, B2C audiences, project managers and corporate executives.

About 59% of business executives say they’d rather watch a video about a topic than read about it. Hence the need to supercharge your project presentation with compelling visuals that capture and bring your audience’s attention right where you want it. 

Steve Jobs’ MacWorld Keynote presentation in 2007 is an excellent example of how to enhance your presentation with compelling visuals. 

what is presentations in computer

During the presentation, Steve Jobs used live and interactive visuals to show how the iPhone 1 works. 

Read on to learn more tips on creating engaging presentations that will wow your audience. 

With Visme's presentation maker , you can make stunning project presentations with a rich blend of text and compelling visuals. Hook your audience and inspire action with stellar project presentation templates like the one below. 

A budget presentation slide available in Visme.

6 Use Quality Visuals, Diagrams and Presentation Aids

Visuals are important for making successful project presentations. Beyond grabbing the audience’s attention and keeping them engaged, viewers recall 95% of a message when presented in visual form. But when shared via text, they retain only about 10%. 

There are many types of visual aids you can use in your presentations, including:

  • Graphs and charts
  • Heat and choropleth maps
  • Scatter plots 
  • Screenshots and more

Using images and videos will up your chances of getting audience engagements and positive responses to your call-to-action (CTA).  

Gantt charts , whiteboard drawings and mind maps are ideal for visualizing early-stage project designs. You can use charts, diagrams, maps and trees to present the project architecture for technology-related projects. 

A Gantt chart template available in Visme.

If you’re working on product development projects, consider adding sketches, flowcharts , models and prototypes to your slide. 

Pie charts are excellent for showing percentages. Vertical bar charts indicate changes over time, while horizontal bar charts help you compare quantities. 

Infographics are perfect for visualizing data and explaining complex information like market trends.

Here’s the interesting part. Visme has the tools you need for every job. The software allows you to add different visuals, infographics, charts and graphs to your deck and customize them to suit your needs. 

You can change design, text and background colors, add or remove legends, animate charts, etc. 

You can also use maps to represent geographic information. Or, use progress bars, thermometers, radials and widgets to visualize stats and figures as shown in the template below.

A pie chart template available to customize in Visme.

When adding visuals to your slide, don’t go overboard. Stick to a minimum of two images per slide. In addition, make sure your visuals are relevant to your project presentation.

While designing your presentation slides , always stick to high-quality visuals.  Blurry or low-resolution images or videos can be a major turn-off for viewers. 

With high-quality visuals, your presentations will be crisp and clear, even on large screens. 

The slide below is an excellent example of how to power your presentations with compelling visuals.

A team presentation slide available in Visme.

7 Pay Attention to Design 

Want to create impressive presentations that pop? If the answer is yes, you need to pay attention to your design details. Your design can make or break your project presentation. 

Whether you are an experienced designer or a novice, design tools like Visme give you an edge. You can create compelling presentation designs for your business in a few minutes.

The beautiful thing is that you don’t have to break the bank to make stunning project presentations. You'll find beautiful ready-made templates and millions of stunning royalty-free images for your slides. 

Here are tips you should consider while designing your slides.

Use the Right Color Combination 

If you want to make your presentations appealing, use color moderately. 

We get it; everyone loves color. But using too many colors can make your presentations look chaotic and unpleasant.

Your color choice can influence how your audience grasps and responds to your presentation. A general rule of thumb is to pick colors that evoke positive emotions in your audience. 

For example, warm colors like yellow, orange and red convey feelings of excitement and positivity. On the other hand, cool colors (blue, green and violet) reflect an aura of calmness. 

When combining colors, aim for a balanced color scheme. For example, if your slide or image background is dark, your text and design elements should have bright colors. This contrast will make your project presentation legible and visually appealing.

You can learn about color psychology and how to use it in your next presentation design by watching the video below. 

what is presentations in computer

Use Clear and Consistent Typography 

Optimizing your typography can make a difference in how people perceive your message. So you want to make sure your slide looks organized, professional and sends the right message. 

Here’s how you can make this happen:

  • Use fonts that embody the spirit of your brand
  • Keep your text styles consistent throughout your presentation. We recommend you stick to a maximum of three fonts.
  • Avoid fancy fonts and tiny text that strain the reader's eyes. Rather use fonts like Arial, Time News Roman, Calibri and other legible fonts suited for small and large screens. 
  • Use a font size of at least 30 for the body text and 36 for titles.

In addition, remember to present your text using the color scheme we mentioned earlier. This will keep your text visible over your background. 

Take a look at this slide from one of our presentation templates. Notice how the design, fonts and color combination blends in to make the visuals pop. 

An app presentation template available to customize in Visme.

8 Start With a Presentation Template

Whether you’re a newbie or pro, creating project presentations that pack a punch can be time-consuming.

Let’s say you’ve got a deadline looming. You’d have to deal with writing your project outline, preparing your slide notes, designing your slides, sourcing and incorporating visuals and more. 

Handling these things from scratch could slow you down or make your presentations untidy. 

Using presentation templates could save you from all the stress. They help you make professional-looking project presentations fast and easy.

Since the slides are pre-designed, you’ll find a place to insert every possible piece of content you need. Be it a progress bar, chart, graph, table, video or image, the design is right there. 

All you need to do is type your content, input data or insert the image. And boom, your presentation is ready to go. 

In addition, using presentation templates offers brand consistency in terms of font, style, layout, colors and overall design. You can customize and share templates with your project team to keep your presentations uniform. 

The title and main body slide, image and chart layout and fonts are set in the template. Therefore formatting your slide becomes a breeze—no more messy or cluttered project presentations. 

Visme has a wide selection of templates designed to make your presentations shine. You’ll find millions of pixel-perfect graphics, icons, design elements and professionally designed templates for any purpose, industry and project type. 

Regardless of your skill level, you can customize your templates like the one below. Just add your content and your project presentations will be ready in a few minutes. 

A modern presentation theme available in Visme.

9 Present Your Project Like a Pro

If you follow all the tips we shared above, you’ve probably got the perfect project presentation on paper.  Great stuff, but your job isn’t done yet. 

Your delivery is the final piece of the puzzle, and you’ve got to make it count. 

Here’s the thing. Your presentation could flop if the delivery isn’t convincing. Hence the need to plan your delivery and drive your message across with passion and enthusiasm. 

Here's how to deliver project presentations that leave an impact.

Practice Makes Perfect 

Did you know that Steve Jobs used to spend two days prepping for presentations? Yes, you read that right. 

Practice is one of the key steps to nailing your delivery. 

You can practice by reading out loud in your quiet space. While you’re at it, make audio and video recordings and watch them repeatedly.

Ask your friends and colleagues to serve as a test audience and give feedback on your presentation.

This run-through will help ensure your presentation captures the main points within the allotted time. It will also help you maintain the correct body posture during your project presentation. 

Make time to check if the equipment is working and get familiar with the settings and operations. This is especially important if you plan to use video or audio in your slides.

Start With a Strong Opening 

Your audiences could have short attention spans, so make those first moments count. With solid openings, you can hook your audience and set the mood for a successful presentation. 

Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford commencement speech at Stanford is an excellent example of having a solid opening. With over 4 million views on YouTube, it’s one of the most memorable and watched speeches in history.

what is presentations in computer

Notice how he hooks the audience with powerful anecdotes about his life, beginning from dropping out of college. And then, he goes on to share the lessons he learned in his early days at Apple, losing his job in 1985 and reflections on death. 

Here’s how to make an excellent opening speech that grabs the audience’s attention and convinces them you’re worth listening to:

  • Ask a question
  • Tell a compelling story
  • Share mind-blowing facts and statistics
  • Show captivating video and visuals that spark curiosity 
  • Open your presentation with humor 

Be sure to tailor your opening hook to your audience. To make this effective, it’d help to know about your audiences, including their likes, dislikes, cultural and ethical dispositions, etc.

If you want to learn more about making captivating presentation openings and more, read our guide on starting a presentation .

While presenting your project, focus on your audience’s needs. By doing this, you’ll build an emotional connection and drive action. 

However, don’t go overboard. Be genuine and focus on getting the points across to them. This way, you’ll gain their trust and build excitement about your project. 

Keep in mind that everything may not go as planned. It’s best to have backup materials and be flexible enough to make necessary adjustments. Preparing for unexpected events will give you more control over them.

End Your Presentation on a High Note

After you've delivered a fantastic presentation, make sure you wrap it up in a memorable way. Doing this will leave a lasting impression and nudge your audiences to take action. 

One way to end your project presentation is to use a powerful call to action. 

You can also tell memorable stories, summarize the main points and highlight compelling figures about the project. 

For example you can mention some really intriguing figures like: 

  • Expected growth rate, return on investment and profit margin
  • Potential company valuation in the next five to ten years. 
  • Projected earnings and market position etc. 

The goal is to hype your audiences and stimulate them to take action.  

You can check out our other article to learn more about ending your presentation on a great note. 

Get To Work: Create Powerful Project Presentations With Visme

Creating a successful project presentation starts with setting your goals and having a clear plan to achieve them. It also requires crafting compelling content, paying attention to design and excellent delivery.  

If you’re going to close those deals, you need a solid pitch deck to explain your project details and why it will succeed. We recommend using an intuitive project presentation software like Visme . 

Visme is the perfect design tool for creating stunning and engaging project presentations .  With Visme, you’ll have access to a wide range of features and tools to help bring your project ideas to life.  

The tool has hundreds of presentation templates, design elements, font styles, built-in stock images and videos, data visualization tools and more to make your project presentation a hit.  You can download your design in different formats and share it across multiple social media channels. 

Now you have all the tips and tools for nailing your next project presentations. Go ahead and make it memorable with Visme's project presentation software.

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

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About the Author

Unenabasi is a content expert with many years of experience in digital marketing, business development, and strategy. He loves to help brands tell stories that drive engagement, growth, and competitive advantage. He’s adept at creating compelling content on lifestyle, marketing, business, e-commerce, and technology. When he’s not taking the content world by storm, Unenabasi enjoys playing or watching soccer.

what is presentations in computer

what is a computer

What is a Computer?

Jan 04, 2020

190 likes | 246 Views

What is a Computer?. Computer Device capable of performing computations and making logical decisions Computers process data under the control of sets of instructions called computer programs Personal computers : economical enough for individual

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  • computer programs
  • computer organization
  • programming languages
  • ms dos windows
  • byte size memory cell


Presentation Transcript

What is a Computer? • Computer • Device capable of performing computations and making logical decisions • Computers process data under the control of sets of instructions called computer programs • Personal computers: economical enough for individual • Distributed computing: computing distributed over networks • Client/server computing: sharing of information across computer networks between file servers and clients (personal computers) Dale Roberts

User Application Software High-level Language Assembly Language Firmware Machine Code OS Hardware What is a Computer? (cont.) • Computer Hardware • Various devices comprising a computer: • Keyboard, screen, mouse, disks, memory, CD-ROM, and processing units • Hardware Trends: every year or two the following approximately double: • Amount of memory in which to execute programs • Amount of secondary storage (such as disk storage) • Used to hold programs and data over the longer term • Processor speeds • The speeds at which computers execute their programs • Computer Software • Computer Programs that run on a computer, including • Operation System (OS) • Application Software • Computer Language

What is a Computer? (cont.) • Internet • The Internet enables • Quick and easy communication via e-mail • International networking of computers • Packet switching • The transfer of digital data via small packets • Allows multiple users to send and receive data simultaneously • No centralized control • If one part of the Internet fails, other parts can still operate • Bandwidth • Information carrying capacity of communications lines • Ex: Internet T2 at IUPUI • World Wide Web • Locate and view multimedia-based documents on almost any subject • Makes information instantly and conveniently accessible worldwide • Possible for individuals and small businesses to get worldwide exposure • Changing the way business is done

CPU Control Circuit (ex: PC: Program Counter) Memory I/O ALU Computer Organization A Typical Von-Neumann Architecture Example: • Input unit • Output unit • Memory unit • Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) • Central processing unit (CPU) • Secondary storage unit

Computer Organization (cont.) Six logical units in every computer: • Input unit • Obtains information from input devices (keyboard, mouse) • Output unit • Outputs information (to screen, to printer, to control other devices) • Memory unit • Rapid access, low capacity, stores input information • ROM (Read Only Memory): CMOS, EPROM … • RAM (Random Access Memory): SRAM, DRAM, SIMM, DIMM … • Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) • Performs arithmetic calculations (addition, subtraction...) and logic decisions • Central processing unit (CPU) • Supervises and coordinates the other sections of the computer • Secondary storage unit • Cheap, long-term, high-capacity storage • Stores inactive programs

Computer Organization (cont.) • Central Processing Unit (CPU), • “brain” of a computer, consisting of • Arithmetic and logic unit(ALU): performs arithmetic calculations (addition, subtraction...) and logic decisions (>, <, =, ...) • Control Unit (CU): decodes each machine instruction and sends signal to other components for carrying out the instruction. • An integrated circuit (IC) that is a full central processing is call microprocessor (p); a CPU’s current instruction and data values are stored temporally inside the CPU in special high-speed memory location called registers. • CPU speed: ? MHz (M: Mega = 106, Hz=1/sec); • Memory • A large collection of circuits, each capable of storing bit • Cells (words): manageable units; typical size is 8 bits (1 byte), some machines are 16 bits (2 byte) and some are 32 bits or 64 bits • Byte (8 bits), KB (kilobyte, 210 byte 103), MB (Megabyte, 220 byte  106), GB (Gigabyte, 230 byte  109)

Most Significant Bit (MSB) Least Significant Bit (LSB) High-order end 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Low-order end Computer Organization (cont.) • Computer memory is comparable to a collection of numbered mailboxes. To identify individual cells in a machine’s main memory, each cell is assigned a unique name, called its address • The organization of byte-size memory cell H e l l o , ASCII ... ... Data 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101110 Address 0000 0101 0000 0110 0000 0111 0000 1000 0001 0001 0001 0010 Address Bus Data Bus

Command-line Interface Graphical User Interface (GUI) UNIX MacOS MS_DOS Windows OS/2 X Windows VMS Operation System (OS) • Responsibilities: • Communicating with the computer user • Managing allocation of memory, of processor time, and of other resources for various tasks • I/O handling: BIOS v.s. DOS services (Interrupts) • Read/Write data from secondary storage • Evolution of Operating Systems • Batch processing: do only one job or task at a time • Operating systems: manage transitions between jobs and Increase throughput (amount of work computers process) • Multiprogramming: Computer resources are shared by many jobs or tasks • Timesharing: Computer runs a small portion of one user’s job then moves on to service the next user

Application Software • Developed to assist a computer user in accomplishing special tasks • ex: word processing applications: MS-word or Word-perfect • ex: Spreadsheet applications: Lotus1-2-3, Excel • ex: Database: Oracle, MS-Access • Software Development Method • Problem: specify the problem requirements • Analysis: analyze the problem • Design: design the algorithm to solve the problem • Implementation: Implement the algorithm • Testing: test and verify the completed program • Maintenance: maintain and update the program

Programming Languages • Machine languages • Native tongue of a particular kind of computer. Each instruction is a binary string. The code is used to indicate the operations to be performed and the memory cells to be addressed. This form is easiest form of computers to understand, but is most difficult for a person to understand. • Strings of numbers giving machine specific instructions • Example: +1300042774 +1400593419 +1200274027 • Assembly languages • English-like abbreviations representing elementary computer operations (translated via assemblers) • Again specific to only one type of computer. Uses descriptive names for operations and data, e.g. , “LOAD value”, “ADD delta”, “STORE value”. Assemblers will translate these to machine languages. Intermediate level. Somewhat descriptive, but basically following the machine instructions. • Example: LOAD BASEPAY ADD OVERPAY STORE GROSSPAY

a 10 Before b 7 a 17 After b 7 Programming Languages (cont.) • High-level languages • Codes similar to everyday English • High-level languages: Write program instructions called statement that resemble a limited version of English. e.g., the statement “value= value + delta”. Portable, meaning it can be used on different types of computers without modifications. Compilers translate them to machine languages. Examples are FORTRAN, PASCAL, COBOL, C, C++, BASIC etc. • Use mathematical notations (translated via compilers) Example: grossPay = basePay + overTimePay Example: Statement: a= a + b

Application Area Origin of Name Language FORTRAN Scientific programming Formula Translation COBOL Business data Processing Common Business-Oriented Language Lisp Artificial Intelligence (AI) List Processing C System Programming Predecessor B Prolog AI Logic Programming Ada Real-time distributed systems Ada Augusta Byron & Charles Babbage Smalltalk GUI, OOP Objects “talk” via message C++ Supports object & OOP C (++ is the increment operator) JAVA SupportsWeb programming Originally named “Oak” Programming Languages (cont.) • Structured programming • Disciplined approach to writing programs • Clear, easy to test and debug and easy to modify • Multitasking • Specifying that many activities run in parallel

C Programming Language • C • High-level general-purpose language developed in 1972 at AT&T Bell Lab. By Dennis Ritchie from two previous programming BCPL and B • Originally developed to write the UNIX operating system • Hardware independent (portable) • By late 1970's C had evolved to "Traditional C" • Today, virtually all new operating systems are written in C or C+. • The current standard in C is ANSI C. • C++ is a more advanced version of C, incorporating among other things, the object-oriented constructs • Standardization • Many slight variations of C existed, and were incompatible • Committee formed to create a "unambiguous, machine-independent" definition • Standard created in 1989, updated in 1999 • C has become a popular language industry due its power and flexibility

The C Standard Library • C programs consist of pieces/modules called functions • A programmer can create his own functions • Advantage: the programmer knows exactly how it works • Disadvantage: time consuming • Programmers will often use the C library functions • Use these as building blocks • Avoid re-inventing the wheel • If a premade function exists, generally best to use it rather than write your own • Library functions carefully written, efficient, and portable • The Key Software Trend: Objects in C++ and JAVA • Reusable software components that model items in the real world • Meaningful software units: ex: Date objects, time objects, audio objects, video objects, file objects, record objects…any noun can be represented as an object • More understandable, better organized, and easier to maintain than procedural programming • Favor modularity

Phases of C Programs: 1. Program is created in the editor and stored on disk Editor Disk 2. Preprocessor program processes the code Preprocessor Disk 3. Compiler creates object code and stores it on disk. Compiler Disk Linker Disk 4. Linker links the object code with the libraries Primary Memory Loader 5. Loader puts program in memory. Disk Primary Memory CPU 6. CPU takes each instruction and executes it, possibly storing new data values as the program executes A Typical C Program Development Environment 1. Edit 2. Preprocess 3. Compile 4. Link 5. Load 6. Execute

A Typical C Program Development Environment (cont.) Enter the program code and save as a source (*.c) file using Word Processor (editor) Revised source file Source (.c) file on disk (Format: text) Correct syntax errors Compiler attempts to translate the program into machine code Failure List of errors Success New object (*.obj) files (Format: binary) The linker links the new object file with other object files Other object (*.obj) files Input data Executable (*.exe, *.out) file (Format: binary) Welcome to CSCI230 The loader places the executable file into memory Executable program in memory Results • Procedure to Prepare a C Program for Execution

Constructs in C Language • Type Declarations: ex: int, float,… • I/O: ex: printf(), scanf() • Arithmetic and LogicalOperations: ex: +,-,*,/,%,>,<,==,… • Arrays, Pointers, Structures, Unions, … • Functions • Arguments & return values • Recursion • Control Mechanisms: ex: if, else, while, for,… • Characters & Strings: ex: strcat(), strcpy(), … • File Processing: ex:fopen(), fclose(), … • Pre-processor: ex: #define … • Misc. • bit operations, ...

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Computer Maintenance

Computer Maintenance

Computer Maintenance. Basic Rules for Taking Care of Your Computer. PROFITT Curriculum Computer Basics Module 1 Hardware Concepts. The Basics. Caring for your computer will help it live longer! Common items like smoke, liquid, and even dust can destroy a new computer.

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Components of Computer

Components of Computer

Components of Computer. To be discussed…. Definition of computer Block diagram of computer Components of computer - Input Devices - CPU - Storage - Output devices. COMPUTER. Computer is an electronic device that converts raw facts into useful information.

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Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering. A Brief Introduction. What do computer engineers do?. They repair computer sets. They fix the computer when it is down. They arrange the computer and Internet system of a university campus. JUST KIDDING!

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D I F. Lesson 02: Hardware. What Can a Computer Do?. A computer can play music iPod nano 8 GB ($120) A computer can play TV Shows 10-Inch Television ($130) A computer can play movies. DVD Player ($40) A computer can play games. Xbox Arcade ($200). Computer Do Even More.

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All About Computer Monitors

All About Computer Monitors

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Introduction to computer

Introduction to computer

Introduction to computer. Submitted by : aashish.c ashish.m Abhijeet.g Ankit.j abhay.j . CONTENT. WHAT IS COMPUTER? WHY COMPUTER? COMPUTER COMPONENT DATA &amp; INFORMATION

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Introduction to Computers

Introduction to Computers

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1 st chapter

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1 st chapter . Rashedul Hasan. 1 st Chapter. What Computer is -How does a Computer works -Characteristics of Computer -History of Computer -Computer Generation -Types of Computer . What computer is. The word Computer derives from “Compute” means “To calculate”

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Unit 1: Computer Basics

Unit 1: Computer Basics

Unit 1: Computer Basics. Computer Applications. What Makes a Computer a Computer?. A computer is an electronic device that Receives data: Information, such as text, numbers, or graphic images, is entered into the computer.

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Computer Hardware and Software 1.1 	What Is a Computer? 1.2 	Computer Organization

Computer Hardware and Software 1.1 What Is a Computer? 1.2 Computer Organization

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Computer Science I 22C: 016/106

Computer Science I 22C: 016/106

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CS 101 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCES. DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCES. COURSE CONTENT. History of the Computer Functional Components of a Computer Characteristics of a Computer Computer Applications Problem Solving Pseudocode and flowcharts Computer Programming Statements

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What is a Computer ? What is the application of computer in Our Daily Life ?

QUERY. What is a Computer ? What is the application of computer in Our Daily Life ? What is the application of computer in Teaching Field?. What is a Computer ?. A Computer is an electronic device that can perform - Mathematical Operation. Logical Operation. Graphical Operation. COMPUTER.

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2. BASIC CONCEPTS of Computer science. 1.1 OBJECTIVES. define a computer identify characteristics of computer know the origin and evolution of computer identify capability of computer in terms of speed and accuracy distinguish computer from human beings and calculator

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Computer Fundamentals

Computer Fundamentals

Chapter-1. Computer Fundamentals. By: Mr. Birbal Jat PGT-Computer Sc . Kendriya Vidyalaya No 3 Jaipur. COMPUTER MEANS. C : Commonly O : Operator M : Machine P: Particular U: User T : Trade E : Education R: Research. The First in Computer World.

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Category 9 minutes read

10 creative ideas for presentations

what is presentations in computer

December 8, 2022


Ready to step up your presentation game? Let’s talk about creative ideas for presentations so you can deliver killer presentations every time. Whether you’re preparing a pitch deck for potential investors or onboarding new hires, you’ll need an engaging presentation to keep your audience interested. That’s right: even if you’re already a pro at public speaking, creative Powerpoint presentations can instantly upgrade your next meeting.

So, what’s the secret to creative presentations? You don’t have to spend hours on every slide, but you should design your slides to impact your audience. Well designed slides can add more power to your words, and they can make you feel more confident during presentations.

Why should you make presentations?

Creative ideas for presentations might not be easy to come by, but they’re important. Why? Presentations are all about storytelling. From business ideas to online classes, presentations offer a unique opportunity to inspire, educate, and persuade your audience.

At the same time, they’re an incredibly flexible (and cost-effective!) communication tool. Even if you’re using presentation design templates , you’ll have the flexibility to tweak the design based on your needs. This way, you can create presentations for different audiences—all while easily adding and removing information to pique your listeners’ interest.

Types of presentation slides

There are all kinds of creative ideas for presentations, but they ultimately serve a few similar purposes. Before diving into presentation design, you’ll need to choose the right slides. Remember: you need well designed slides to leave a lasting impact on your audience. Not only that, but your slides should be visually impactful, easy to understand, and convey key information in just a few words.

So, how can you choose the best slides for your next presentation? Here are some of the most common slides to inspire your presentation design.

Informative presentations

informative presentations

Informative presentations are educational, concise, and straight to the point. While other presentations might entertain or inspire their audience, informative presentations share information to educate their audience.

For example, you might create informative slides during an onboarding program. During new hire onboarding, HR needs to explain what benefits employees will receive, how to file complaints, where employees can find information, and other important hiring details.

Educational presentations

Educational presentations

While informative presentations are typically used in the business world, educational presentations are usually used in academics. They’re a great communication tool for sharing ideas, detailing study results, or presenting a hypothesis.

In both in-person and online classrooms, teachers give educational presentations daily. Using beautiful presentation slides, eye-catching visuals, and fun design elements can help keep students interested while conveying key information.

Progress reports

Progress reports

Your business builds a new marketing strategy to achieve its long-term goals. After the newest marketing campaign starts driving results, it’s time to report on the campaign’s progress. Progress report presentations share updates, progress toward deadlines, collected data, and potential areas of improvement.

Inspirational presentations

Inspirational presentations

One of the biggest examples of inspirational presentations? TEDTalks. During TEDTalks, motivational speakers inspire people to rethink their approach or change their behavior.

Most inspirational presentations aren’t as life-changing as TEDTalks, but they keep their audience engaged. For example, a company overview presentation might present information about a company, from its origins to values. Most importantly, it tells the company’s story to show listeners what the company stands for.

Infographic presentations

Infographic presentations

Whether you’re reporting marketing stats or presenting study results, infographics can be your MVP.

Simply put, an infographic is a multimedia graphic that helps you share information through beautiful designs. It’s an amazing tool for highlighting key statistics, visualizing data, and flexing your creative muscles to spark your audience’s curiosity.

Top 10 unique presentation ideas

Right, so let’s get to our creative ideas for presentations section. Most people tune out of presentations within the first 10 minutes . You need an engaging presentation that keeps your audience hooked, but finding creative ideas for presentations isn’t always easy.

The good news? Whether you’re presenting your master thesis or marketing analytics, it’s possible to create exciting presentations that don’t put your audience to sleep. Here are the best creative Powerpoint ideas to upgrade your next presentation.

1. Channel your inner minimalist

minimalist example

When it comes to unique presentation ideas, minimalism is one of the best ways to make an impact. The key to minimalist design is including just enough information and visual detail to keep your audience engaged. When done right, minimalist presentation slides can make your audience feel relaxed and focused.

2. Use a monochrome color palette

monochrome example

A monochrome color palette uses a single hue with different strengths. For example, you might create a presentation with different shades of orange. For the best results, change the background color to the palest shade, and use the strongest shade for the title. You can even make your photos match by adding an orange-tinted filter.

3. Tell an amazing story

story example

If you want to leave a lasting impact on your audience, storytelling is the tool you need to create a memorable presentation. Sharing personal stories, whether they’re funny or inspirational, can help you connect with your audience and make your presentation more meaningful.

4. Make an impact with bold fonts

font example

Want to draw your audience’s attention to the slide title? Use a bold, chunky font to make your title stand out (bonus points if your title is short, sweet, and straight to the point). The best presentation fonts are easy to read with minimal visual decorations and sharp corners.

5. Experiment with different textures

textures example

Mix up your presentation design with different textures, like scrunched paper or textile backgrounds. Here, you might experiment with different types of backgrounds to match your topic. For example, if you’re creating a back-to-school presentation , use notebook paper to match your student’s note-taking style.

6. Use a geometric background

geometric example

A geometric background can add a pop of color to your presentation without distracting your audience. If you’re feeling bold, use dynamic titled polygons to create movement. Meanwhile, if you’re looking for a softer vibe, use circular backgrounds to infuse your slides with creativity.

7. Explain complex concepts with mind maps

mind maps example

Presenting study results? Reporting marketing stats? Instead of playing it safe with snore-worthy slides, keep your presentation fresh with mind maps. By creating mind maps, you’ll be able to showcase complicated information in a visually impactful way.

8. Engage your audience with questions

question example

Make your presentation more interactive by asking questions to your audience. For example, to keep your slides minimal, try displaying only the question on the slide. Once the audience has pitched in their opinions and answers, you can click to the next slide to reveal the actual answer.

9. Stay on brand

brand slide example

Once you’ve captured your audience’s attention, you need a consistent design to keep everyone on the same page. When designing your slides, use your brand’s style guidelines to choose the right color scheme, font styles, and design elements.

10. Replace bullet points with fun design elements

bullets replaced example

Let’s face it: bullet points can get boring, especially if you’re using them on every slide. Instead of using the same design over and over, create fun slides by replacing boring bullet points with fun designs, like icons, stickers, and pictograms.

Apply creative ideas for presentations through Picsart

Now that we’ve learned all about creative ideas for presentations, it’s time to put that knowledge into practice. An amazing presentation can bring your story to life, helping you keep your audience engaged with pro-grade slides.

Even if you’re not a seasoned designer, you can add fun design elements, bold color palettes, and attention-grabbing visuals with Picsart. Here’s how to bring your creative vision to life with a professional slideshow.

On the web:

1. Open the Picsart Slideshow Maker and start a new project.

creative ideas for presentations tutorial web 1

2. Choose the desired size for your slideshow. Then, click Upload to upload your own photo or video.

creative ideas for presentations tutorial web 2

Or, you can explore photos and videos from the Picsart library.

creative ideas for presentations tutorial web 3

3. After you’ve picked your favorite design, click Text on the left panel sidebar to add text to your slide.

creative ideas for presentations tutorial web 4

4. To add music, click Audio to explore our library of #FreeToUse music.

creative ideas for presentations tutorial web 5

5. Click the + button on the right panel sidebar to add a new slide.

creative ideas for presentations tutorial web 6

6. When you’re finished, click Export , choose the image quality and file type, and download your slideshow.

what is presentations in computer

1. Open the Picsart app and tap on the plus sign (+) to start a new project. 2. Scroll down to Video and choose Slideshow . Then, choose the pictures you’d like to include in your slideshow. Or, you can tap Search to explore the Picsart photo library. 3. After you’ve picked your photos, tap Next .

creative ideas for presentations tutorial app 1

4. Choose your desired slideshow size and add transition effects to your slides. 5. Upgrade your slideshow with fun effects, music, text, and stickers to engage your audience.

creative ideas for presentations tutorial app 2

Create at the Speed of Culture

Picsart is a photo and video editing platform and creative community. A top 20 most downloaded app worldwide with over 150 million monthly active users, its AI-powered tools enable creators of all levels to design, edit, draw, and share content anywhere. The platform has amassed one of the largest open-source content collections in the world, including photos, stickers, backgrounds, templates, and more. Used by consumers, marketers, content creators and businesses , Picsart tools fulfill both personal and professional design needs. Picsart has collaborated with major artists and brands like BLACKPINK, Taylor Swift, Lizzo, Ariana Grande, Warner Bros. Entertainment, iHeartMedia, Condé Nast, and more. Download the app or start editing on web today, and upgrade to Gold for premium perks!

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New Research Shows Learning Is More Effective When Active

By Aaron Aupperlee aaupperlee(through)

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Title: separating style from substance: enhancing cross-genre authorship attribution through data selection and presentation.

Abstract: The task of deciding whether two documents are written by the same author is challenging for both machines and humans. This task is even more challenging when the two documents are written about different topics (e.g. baseball vs. politics) or in different genres (e.g. a blog post vs. an academic article). For machines, the problem is complicated by the relative lack of real-world training examples that cross the topic boundary and the vanishing scarcity of cross-genre data. We propose targeted methods for training data selection and a novel learning curriculum that are designed to discourage a model's reliance on topic information for authorship attribution and correspondingly force it to incorporate information more robustly indicative of style no matter the topic. These refinements yield a 62.7% relative improvement in average cross-genre authorship attribution, as well as 16.6% in the per-genre condition.
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    A Computer Science portal for geeks. It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions. ... A PowerPoint presentation is a good way to convey information to a large audience. It helps in creating a topic in a proper manner ...

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  27. [2408.05192] Separating Style from Substance: Enhancing Cross-Genre

    The task of deciding whether two documents are written by the same author is challenging for both machines and humans. This task is even more challenging when the two documents are written about different topics (e.g. baseball vs. politics) or in different genres (e.g. a blog post vs. an academic article). For machines, the problem is complicated by the relative lack of real-world training ...