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Published by Helen Banks Modified over 6 years ago

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practical research 1 qualitative


Jan 05, 2020

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PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1: QUALITATIVE. Review Time: Management of Learning. Talkie Time: Research worth Sharing. Lesson 3, Objectives : The learner. 1. differentiates the general classifications of research based on purpose

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  • grounded theory
  • qualitative research
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  • grounded theory study
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Presentation Transcript

Review Time: Management of Learning Talkie Time: Research worth Sharing

Lesson 3, Objectives : The learner 1. differentiates the general classifications of research based on purpose 2. describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of qualitative research 3. illustrates the importance of qualitative research across fields


QUIZ: Identify the types of research as to PURPOSE (pure or applied, quantitative or qualitative, exploratory or explanatory) 1. Effectiveness of Weight Loss Program among Obese School Heads2. Applicability of the federal Form of Government in the Philippines3. Multimedia utilization in teaching Science4. I.Q in relation to National Achievement Test Result5. Women's’ Aggression Behind bars6. Manobo’s cultural practices in child rearing7. Factors affecting Drop out rates 8. Inhibitory effects of bamboo roots to species of dysenteric bacilli9. Confluence of Rizal’s work to Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables10. Remedial Class Program among Slow learners.

Qualitative research... • Commonly called “interpretive research” …its methods rely heavily on “thick” verbal descriptions of a particular context being studied

Generally speaking, qualitative researchers…. …spend a great deal of time in the settings being studied (fieldwork) …rely on themselves as the main instrument of data collection (subjectivity; intersubjectivity) …analyze data using interpretative lenses

The general characteristics of qualitative research... Data sources are real-world situations  Data are descriptive Emphasizes a holistic approach (processes and outcomes)  Data analysis is inductive  Describes the meaning(s) of research finding(s) from the perspective of the research participants

Uses inductive reasoning… …involves developing generalizations from a limited number of specific observations or experiences …highly dependent on the number and representativeness of the specific observations used to make the generalization

What are the Strengths/ advantages of qualitative? • One advantage of qualitative methods in exploratory research is that use of open-ended questions and probing gives participants the opportunity to respond in their own words, rather than forcing them to choose from fixed responses, as quantitative methods do. Open-ended questions have the ability to evoke responses that are: • • meaningful and culturally salient to the participant • • unanticipated by the researcher • • rich and explanatory in nature

2. Another strength/ advantage of qualitative methods is that they allow the researcher the flexibility to probe initial participant responses – that is, to ask why or how.

3. Exploratory Advantage. The researcher can get an in-depth responses to make the study substantial

Weakness/Issues in qualitative research... a.gaining entry b.contacting potential research participants c.selecting participants d.enhancing validity and reducing bias e.leaving the field

a. gaining entry... access is very much dependent upon the researcher’s personal characteristics and how others perceive the researcher may require considerable negotiation and compromise with a gatekeeper trust is earned, not given

b. contacting participants... gaining access dealing with gatekeeper(s) issues of building trust and ensuring confidentiality and anonymity

c. selecting participants... is fraught with difficulties in identifying and selecting an appropriate number of participants who can provide useful information about the particular topic and setting being studied

d. The threats to validity in qualitative studies... observer bias… …invalid information resulting from the perspective the researcher brings to the study and imposes upon it

e. leaving the field… The question is when and how to exit …the bonds formed with study participants complicate leaving the setting …time constraints …when the amount of accessible data is sufficient

Types of Qualitative Researches:Qualitative Traditions of Inquiry 1. Biography--Life history, oral history 2. Phenomenology--The lived experience 3. Grounded theory 4. Ethnography 5. Case Study Qualitative Research--Simpson

1. Biographical Study • The study of an individual and her or his experiences as told to the researcher or found in documents and archival material. • Life history--The study of an individual’s life and how it reflects cultural themes of the society. Qualitative Research--Simpson

Biographical Study cont. • Oral history--The researcher gathers personal recollections of events, their causes, and their effects from and individual or several individuals. • The researcher needs to collect extensive information about the subject of the biography Qualitative Research--Simpson

Titles1. Student Life of Jose Rizal: A Documentary2. The comparative analysis of 19th Century scientists: Common and Contrast3. Who is Lapu-Lapu?: A closer look to a brave hero

2. Phenomenology • Describes the meaning of the lived experience about a concept or a phenomenon for several individuals. • It has roots in the philosophical perspectives of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, etc. --Max Van Manen, Munhall (Nursing) Qualitative Research--Simpson

Phenomenology Moustakas, 1994, p. 13: “to determine what an experience means for the persons who have had the experience and are able to provide a comprehensive description of it. From the individual descriptions, general or universal meanings are derived, in other words, the essences of structures of the experience.” Qualitative Research--Simpson


3. Grounded Theory • Based on Symbolic Interactionism which posits that humans act and interact on the basis of symbols, which have meaning and value for the actors. Qualitative Research--Simpson

Grounded Theory cont. The intent of grounded theory is to generate or discover a theory that relates to a particular situation. If little is known about a topic, grounded theory is especially useful Qualitative Research--Simpson

Grounded Theory cont. • Data analysis generates a visual picture, a narrative statement or a series of hypotheses with a central phenomenon, causal conditions, context and consequences. • The researcher needs to set aside theoretical ideas or notions so that analytical or substantive theories can emerge from the data. • Systematic approach Qualitative Research--Simpson

SAMPLE TITLES: • Using Grounded Theory in Feminist research – A research about women’s exclusion from administration positions in primary education • The Delivery of Quality Nursing Care: A Grounded Theory Study of the Nurses' Perspective • Grounded Learning: An Application of Grounded Theory • In Educational Practice

4. Ethnography • A description and interpretation of a cultural or social group or system. The researcher examines the group’s observable and learned patterns of behavior, customs, and ways of life. • Involves prolonged observation of the group, typically through participant observation. Qualitative Research--Simpson

Ethnography • Field Work • Key Informants • Thick description • Emic (insider group perspective) and Etic (researcher’s interpretation of social life). • Context important, need holistic view. • Need grounding in anthropology. Qualitative Research--Simpson

Ethnography cont. • Need extensive time to collect data • Many ethnographies may be written in a narrative or story telling approach which may be difficult for the audience accustomed to usual social science writing. Qualitative Research--Simpson

Sample titles 1.Goffman in 'the home': exploring the viability of a Goffmanian style analysis of the nanny and parent relationship 2. Ethnographic analysis on Internet-mediated communication practices in Cambodia 3. 'Mothering Through Recruitment: Kinscription of Nonresidential Fathers and Father Figures in Low-Income Families', Family Relations 4. Child rearing practices of Manobo Tribe: A close encounter

5. Case Study • A case study is an exploration of a “bounded system” or a case (or multiple cases) over time through detailed, in-depth data collection involving multiple sources of information rich in context. • The context of the case involves situating the case within its setting. which may be physical, social, historical and/or economic. Qualitative Research--Simpson

Case Study cont. • Data collection strategies include direct observation, interviews, documents, archival records, participant observation, physical artifacts and audiovisual materials. • Analysis of themes, or issues and an interpretation of the case by the researcher. Qualitative Research--Simpson

Sample titles: • Cultural influences on the social network marketing effectiveness : A case Study in Thailand • Gender Differences Within Academia : A case study on the probability of promotion • Case Study on male prostitution in Cebu City

Summarize the Characteristics of the types of Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research Designs/Types • Case Study: In a case study, a single person, program, event, process, institution, organization, social group or phenomenon is investigated within a specified time frame, using a combination of appropriate data collection devices (Creswell, 1994). • 2. Ethnography: Rooted in anthropology, ethnography involves the study of an intact group, logically defined, in its natural context for a sustained time interval. The researcher is typically an observer or a participant observer (Creswell, 1994). • 3. Phenomenology: In essence, this approach investigates an individual’s or group’s perception of reality as he or she constructs it. These realities may be expressed as an event, program, relationship, emotion, etc. Phenomenology is rooted in philosophy.

4. Grounded Theory: Grounded theory is a general research methodology used in building naturalistic theory and is rooted in sociology (Strauss and Corbin, 1994). 5. Biography: The research relies on records, diaries, oral histories, photographs, and other artifacts to describe, analyze, and explain past events, philosophies, etc.

Identify as to what type of Qualitative Research are the following:1. Battered husbands: a new form of slavery?2. Perception of buyers on the china made products3. Through science humans have changed the earth: Better or Worse?4. Social Media is anti social5. Social Relativism is the key to understanding cultures6. Philippine Dictators: A prologue7. Flight and Fright behavior patterns of Birds8. Autism spectrum disorder: what makes them unique?9. Proving multiple intelligences theory on selected STEC students10. Marital failures for underage couples.

Point to Ponder: What is the application of Qualitative Research in Life??

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