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How to List Education on Your Resume - With Examples

10 min read · Updated on August 15, 2024

Jen David

Show hiring managers you have the knowledge to succeed

Showing off your education is a critical component of most resumes. It can indicate that you have specialist knowledge in your field and, even if it's not related to your current career path, can show that you have the capacity for high-level learning. In this article, you'll learn how to list education on your resume and see examples that you can use for inspiration as you craft your own. 

How to put education on your resume

As with much of resume writing, the content and format of your resume Education section is fluid and will depend on where you are in your career. Still, it's important that you get it right to prove you're qualified for the job you want.

It sounds simple initially – when listing education on your resume, you just add the degrees you've obtained and the schools where you got them. 

But wait! There's more.

In some instances, it may be appropriate to include your GPA, some relevant coursework, or even give a nod to a major project you worked on. Much of this depends on whether you're fresh out of school or have some experience under your belt. 

Here are some other things to consider when writing the Education section of your resume:

Should your education section go at the top or bottom of your resume?

Can you include a degree if you're still working on it?

Does high school belong on a resume?

What's the best resume education format?

Let's start with the basics of how to list education on your resume.

1. Degree earned

When you finally graduated and received your diploma, what did it say? For example, you may have achieved a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Whatever it was, it's the most important education detail you can put on your resume, because it's the official designation of your education.

One of the key things to remember is that you should list your degrees in reverse chronological order. That means you start with the most recent one (which is likely to be your highest) and work backward. Once you get into college there is no reason to include high school education. Employers know that you have to finish high school to get into college, so they'll assume you graduated. 

Remember that one degree type can be applied to a variety of fields of study. For example, a Bachelor of Science degree can be earned for both physics and computer science. Therefore, in addition to the degree itself, you must include the major for which the degree was earned. This way, a hiring manager knows exactly what topics you've studied.

If you completed any minors or concentrations, you can include those too.

3. University, college, or institution

Add some context to your education by listing the university, college, or institution where you went to school. This is especially important if you attended a well-respected program in your field, because it will add more credibility and gravitas to your resume.

4. Years attended

The timeframe that you were in school is generally something you don't need to worry about including – unless you're still in school or graduated within the last year. Additionally, you might add the dates you were in school if you need to explain a gap in employment. Outside of these conditions, you should leave off the timeframe.

Whether or not you include your GPA in the Education section of a resume depends on many factors. If you earned your degree 20 years ago, your GPA is likely a defunct measure of your current abilities, so you can leave it off. If you earned your degree recently, however, adding your GPA can be a great move – but only if it's 3.5 or higher. You can also indicate any distinctions you earned based on your grades, such as summa cum laude , if applicable.

6. Extracurricular activities

If you were in an honors society, you can list your membership. If you were part of a fraternity or sorority, it's a toss-up. While you might think this is a good inclusion because it demonstrates you were participating in service-related activities and so on, Greek rivalries can extend way past college years and you wouldn't want to accidentally tip off your hiring manager that you belonged to a rival group.

7. Certifications 

Outside of formal education, you may also have taken the initiative to earn supplementary certifications or complete courses that are relevant to your field. Highlight these in your resume Education section, especially if they are on niche or high-level topics that prove your expertise far beyond a more generalized curriculum.

Resume education example:


Bachelor of Business Administration | ABC University | 2021-2024

Dean's list - summa cum laude

President - Marketing Club

Certification : Project Management Professional (PMP) | Project Management Institute | 2024

Additional considerations

Some of those basics are optional – as we mentioned, you wouldn't include the dates of your degree program if you've been out of school for more than a year. When you're learning how to list education on your resume, you may also have other questions and considerations. Here, we'll discuss how to add education to your resume in special circumstances.

Education on your resume when you've completed high school

Attending college may not be among the goals you've set for your life. That's okay!

Even if you decide to graduate high school and go straight to work, your career can still be rich and full. At this point, though, a lot of people ask if they should include high school on their resume. 

A few rules of thumb about adding high school to the Education section of your resume:

Exclude high school altogether if you go to college

Exclude high school if you've attended trade school

Include high school if you have no additional education, professional development, or certifications

Include high school if the job description specifically mentions that you need a high school diploma

Include high school if you're applying for a job while still in high school

Here's a resume education example you can refer to if your education ended with high school:

Diploma or GED [whichever is appropriate] | XYZ High School

Graduated: 2024

Relevant courses: Accounting, Business Law, and Ethics

Just because high school is the highest level of education you've obtained, that doesn't mean you can't take the opportunity to inject some relevant keywords into your resume. In the example above, the applicant has used the keyword accounting . That will make sure that their resume can be found when a recruiter searches their database for applicants with knowledge of accounting. 

Expert tip: Check out our article on tailoring your resume to different jobs to understand how important relevant keywords are when writing your resume.

Education on your resume when you have an undergrad degree

Once you graduate from college and start searching for your first entry-level position, it's assumed that you'll remove any information that refers to your high school activities and focus on your new undergrad degree.

Include your degree and major

Add the name of the school where you obtained the degree

Throw in some extras, like achievements, coursework, and affiliations

The last point about adding extras is extremely important if you have little to no work experience . Mentioning that you were a Resident Advisor or won first place in a robotics competition could be the detail that puts your resume at the top of the yes pile. 

Education on your resume when you have an advanced degree

Once you enter the world of Master's degrees and PhDs, the Education section of your resume becomes more robust and might include things such as the title of a dissertation, fellowships, or internships. 

As before, always start with your most recent degree and work backward. Here's how to present education on your resume as an example showing higher degrees:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – Leadership Studies | CCC University 

International Student Scholar

Dissertation: Exploring the Relationships of Principal Preparation Programs and Leadership Styles on School Accountability Indices

Master of Arts (MA) – Counseling | BBB University 

Bachelor of Science (BSc) – Psychology (cum laude) | University of AAA

Education on your resume when you started college in one place but finished in another

If you attended college at one institution – perhaps a community college – and then completed your education in another place, you only need to list the university where you completed your degree. All the employer wants to know is which college supplied you with your degree at the end of your education; they don't necessarily care about how you arrived at that destination. Save that resume space for more important information.

Education on your resume when you didn't attend or finish college

If you attended college but didn't graduate, you may want to list the relevant courses you took – especially if you made it to some of the higher-level classes, to demonstrate the skills you built or the disciplines you were exposed to during your coursework.

Education on your resume when you're still pursuing a college degree 

If you're still attending college for either your undergraduate or graduate degree, you can simply add an expected graduation year to this information. You can also add a list of courses you've completed, as long as:

They're higher-level courses that are relevant to your career goals

You don't have a lot of relevant work experience to market on your resume

Education on your resume when you earned your degree more than 5 years ago

If you earned a degree or certification more than 5 years ago, place your Education at the bottom of your resume and remove the graduation date. It's important to demonstrate you've earned the degree, but there's no need to draw attention to how long ago this occurred.

Doing so will allow you to focus your resume on your skills, accomplishments , and professional experience. For those who have many years of experience, academic education becomes less and less important as you move forward in your career. Your professional career will hold more weight at this stage. 

Where does the Education section of your resume go?

If you're new to the workforce and your new degree is your main selling point, the Education section should appear toward the top of your resume, because 

You most likely have limited professional experience to list on your resume

Your education shows the main knowledge and skills that you wish to highlight for an employer

After you have a few years of relevant experience under your belt, the education section gets shifted to the bottom of your resume so your work history can take over the prime real estate at the top of the page. 

Key takeaways on how to list education on your resume

Presenting your education on your resume in a thoughtful way can open a lot of employment doors. Here's what you should keep in mind as you write it:

The way you list education on your resume depends on what stage of your career you're at

The main components of your Education section are degree, major, school, years attended, and certifications

Tailor your Education section based on keywords and qualifications mentioned in the job description

Be honest about ongoing education or degrees you've decided not to complete

The education format on your resume will vary depending on how much detail you need to add

Use the Education section to your best advantage

Remember, there isn't one resume format that fits all job seekers. How you list education on your resume requires a strategic approach that depends on where you are in your career and the roles you're aiming for.

Find out if you're showcasing your education well on your resume by getting a free resume review from TopResume.

This article was updated in 2023 and 2024. It contains work by Amanda Augustine , Lauren Settembrino , Heather Rothbauer-Wanish and Marsha Hebert.

Recommended reading:

Resources for In-Demand Job Skills You Can Learn Online

How To Speed Up the Resume-Writing Process

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What to Include in Your Education Section

The education section on a resume gives hiring managers a glimpse into your academic achievements , interests, and skills.

It can demonstrate your commitment to learning, your ability to succeed in a structured environment, and the relevant knowledge you've acquired.

The information you should include in this section, though, varies based on things like your career level, the exact job you're applying for, and how recent your education is.

This means you don’t always have to be super detailed. Some of the information about your education is optional, and some of it may even be redundant if you have relevant work experience, so you should only use it if you think it can give your resume a boost.

Let’s start with the details most employers expect to see:

Essential Information

  • Degree Name. Include the type of degree and the relevant major. (E.g.: BFA in Graphic Design)
  • University Name. Add the name of the institution you studied at. (E.g.: University of Saint Andrews)
  • Location. If the university isn’t well known or the name doesn’t specify where it is, include the general location. (E.g.: St Andrews, Scotland)
  • Years Attended. Usually, only the years you attend there are enough, but the mm/yyyy format is also popular. (E.g.: 09/2018 - 06/2021)

Optional Information

  • Honors and Awards. If you’ve received any acknowledgments, list them here. (E.g.: Dean's List, Summa Cum Laude, Merit Scholarships, Valedictorian)
  • Relevant Coursework. List three to five courses that directly apply to your target job. (E.g.: Marketing 101, Marketing Strategy, PR Basics)
  • Thesis or Dissertation. We recommend including this for graduate-level degrees in research-heavy fields.
  • Minor. If relevant, include any additional areas of study. (E.g.: BA in Creative Writing, Minor in Journalism)
  • Grade Point Average. Only include your GPA if it's 3.5 or above on a 4.0 scale. Anything lower can undermine your application.
  • Extracurricular Activities. Mention any clubs or organizations that seem relevant. (E.g.: Debate team, Theater Club, School Newspaper)

Here’s an example of an education section that includes information from both categories:

education on resume

Getting ready to find a job? Start by learning how to write a resume with our detailed guide!

How to Format Education on Your Resume

Now that you have an idea of what to include in your education section, let’s explain how you should do it.

In terms of structuring your education section, follow a reverse-chronological order ; this means, list your latest educational entry first and then go backward from there.

And remember – if you have a relevant university degree, there’s no need to waste precious space on your resume by listing your high school education .

As a general rule, if you’re an experienced professional and you have a Master’s degree, you can also omit your undergrad degree. Hiring managers are a lot more interested in your work experience section, so your education section should only focus on the basics.

However, if you’re a recent graduate , you might want to include more details to give your resume an extra kick. It’s always a good idea to leverage your education if you don’t have enough relevant work experience.

Now, regardless of your level of experience, add the name of your degree at the very top of the entry in your education section.

The same degree can be written down differently, for instance:

  • Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Culture with a Minor in Teaching
  • BA in English Language and Culture, Minor in Teaching
  • B.A. English Language and Culture (Major), Teaching (Minor)
  • BA, English Language and Culture

Here’s an example of what the formatting in your education section should look like:

how to list education on a resume

If you graduated from a famous university with a good reputation, you can highlight that first. For example, list “Harvard University” before the name of your degree.

Where to Place Education on Your Resume

Another important thing to consider is where to position the education section on your resume.

This mostly depends on where you are in your career. Do you have a lot of relevant achievements in the field, or are you looking for your first job ?

As a rule of thumb, the top third of your resume should be reserved for your accomplishments , which are most relevant to the job you are applying for.

So before you place this section on your resume, ask yourself: is your education your biggest selling point to the hiring manager?

Most of the time, it won’t be. Work experience is way more important for just about any position above entry level, so it should be listed first.

Let’s look at an example of a resume that puts this into action:

education on resume examples

As you can see, this architect resume starts by listing their relevant work experience and then includes a detailed entry of their most recent degree.

When Does Education Go Before Work Experience?

While your work experience section is generally more important, there are a few cases where you should list your education first.

These include:

  • You have no work experience. When you have absolutely no work experience yet, you should focus on your academic achievements instead.
  • You just graduated college. If you don’t have relevant work experience, you’re often better off not listing it. For example, if you’re applying for an entry-level office job, the part-time teenage jobs you had won’t be anywhere near as relevant as your recently earned BA in Marketing.
  • You are currently studying. If you’re in the process of earning a degree that’s relevant to your targeted field, it’s better to list education before work experience. For example, if you’re making a career change , you would want your new education to be the first thing the hiring manager sees.
  • You recently earned a new degree. Getting a fresh MSc, Ph.D., or MBA in your field is worth showing off. For example, if you’ve been a line manager for years but earned an MBA to qualify for an executive position, your education section should go first.
  • You are applying to academia. Usually, when applying for a research or teaching position in academia, you’ll need an academic CV , not a resume. In that case, your education will always come first.

Not sure if you need a CV or a resume ? Check out our guide to learn what the difference between the two is and when to use which.

cv vs resume example

Use a (Free) Resume Template

Creating a resume can be a hassle.

You have to find a template that works with your favorite text editor, set the page margins, adjust the line spacing, choose a professional font , and all while making sure you never go past page one.

What if there was an easier way?

This is where our resume builder comes in!

Novoresume lets you choose from 16 professional resume templates , each crafted with feedback from HR professionals around the world, and create the perfect resume in minutes.

Just look at how one of our resume templates compares to a basic text editor resume template:

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16 Examples of Education on a Resume

Looking for inspiration?

We’ve compiled a list filled with real-life examples of how education can be listed on a resume, with practical examples for different types and levels of education:

#1. High School Education

If you’re a high school student, you might have some volunteer experience or extracurriculars you can show off. In that case, you can start by listing those sections, so long as they’re relevant to the job you’re applying for.

For example, if you volunteered with your local branch of the Red Cross, that’s a good experience to have when you’re applying to work at a shelter.

In most other cases, the education section would take the upper hand, and it would look something like this:

High School Diploma

Chapel Hill High School

2017 - 2021

  • Courses: AP Science, Mathematics, Advanced Chemistry

If you’re still in high school, you can disclose it in your resume by writing down your expected graduation year or otherwise specifying that you’re currently still there.

2021 - Present

#2. General Education Development

If you were homeschooled or haven’t graduated high school, the previous example won’t apply to you.

But if you still received a General Education Development certificate, you can mention that in your resume in the following way:

GED Diploma

Durham Literacy Center

Just like with high school education, you can include the location of your school or GED center, as well as any relevant courses, if you have enough space.

#3. Associate Degree

If you went to a community college or opted for a vocational program, you can list it in your education section the same as any other undergraduate degree.

Associate degrees are typically cheaper and take less time than a bachelor’s degree. They tend to be focused on specific occupations and place more emphasis on daily job functions. Other than that, they follow the same formatting as any other educational entry.

Let’s look at some real-life examples of different types of degrees at this level.

First, an Associate of Arts degree:

AA in Business Designation

Community College of Denver

2015 - 2016

Summa Cum Laude

Next, here’s how you would list an ongoing Associate’s of Applied Science degree:

AAS in Medical Assisting

2018 - Present

Some associate degrees are what’s known as “transfer degrees.” Here, the long-term goal is to transfer into a bachelor’s degree program.

Similarly, if you’ve completed accredited courses at a community college that can go towards a degree, you can list them under your education section, like this:

Medical Assisting Certificate

  • 30 credits completed

#4. Certificates

Certificates can be included on your resume, either as part of the education section or in a dedicated section.

Unlike broad academic degrees, certificates can show specialized expertise and commitment to professional development. They tend to demonstrate more focused, essential skills that are directly applicable to a particular job or industry.

Treat these entries the same as any other: list the name of the certificate, the institution or organization that issued it, and the year you obtained it.

Here’s an example of how to list a professional certificate in an education section:

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

American Institute of CPAs

And here’s how they would look in a separate section:


  • Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) - National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2020
  • Certified Nutrition Coach - American Nutrition Association, 2023

But there are also other certificates you could list , such as after specialized software courses:

  • Maya Autodesk: Advanced 3D & Animation Udemy, 2022
  • Creation of Pixel Art Scenes for Video Games Domestika, 2023

#5. Undergraduate Degree

There are different ways to list a bachelor’s degree.

Let’s take a look at three different cases for a candidate with an engineering degree.

First, if you’ve graduated from university and received the degree, list it according to the following template:

B.Sc. Mechanical Engine ering

University of California, Berkeley

2002 - 2006

If you obtained a double major, you would write it down as:

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering

If you have two or more majors, keep in mind that you should list the major that’s most relevant to the job you are applying to.

For example, if you majored in Applied Languages and International Relations, you should focus on the languages for a job as a translator.

Lastly, if you’re still attending college, just omit the finishing year when filling in your education section and add “Present” instead, like so:

But there are also different ways you can specify that you’re still studying. Instead of “Present,” you could write:

  • 2021 - Current
  • Expected Graduation: 2024
  • 2021 - 2024 (expected graduation)
  • 2021 - In progress
  • To Be Completed: 2024

#6. Graduate and Postgraduate Degrees

Graduate-level education is, in general, more detailed since it requires participating in a more focused area of research on top of your graduate-level work. 

At this level, you probably contributed to the field with a dissertation of your own, which you should include in your resume.

Here’s an example:

Ph.D. in Brain and Cognitive Sciences

University of Rochester

Dissertation: Imaging, Computational Analysis, & Neural Representations in Young Children

Graduate and postgraduate education often includes scholarships , fellowships, or outside funding involved, which you might want to include in addition to all the general information about your degree.

Here are some real-life examples:

MBA in Business Administration

University of Maine

  • Avangrid Scholarship
  • Magna Cum Laude

When it comes to honors and awards, there are different ways you can list them to save space on your resume. Here’s an example that mentions them but leaves more space for the dissertation title:

MSc. in Information Systems

WU Vienna University of Economics & Business

Salutatorian, Summa Cum Laude

2015 - 2017

Dissertation: Leveraging User-Generated Content for Advertising Purposes Through Information Systems

And if you’re still studying, don’t forget to check out our student resume templates to get started on your job hunt.

#7. Unfinished Education

Even if you didn’t graduate from university, you can still mention it in your education section. Just be strategic about it.

If you have several years of relevant coursework from a degree program that relates to the job you're applying for, it can show that you’re knowledgeable even without the final credential.

B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

34 credits completed

2018 - 2019

However, if you only have basic courses or your degree isn’t relevant to the role, you might be better off skipping it altogether. There’s no need to draw attention to an unfinished degree if it won’t help you impress the hiring manager.

Need more examples? Check out our 90+ resume examples for different professions .

Do you still wonder something about education on a resume? Check out the answers to the most frequently asked questions here:

#1. How Do You Put Your Degree on a CV?

Adding your degree to your CV is pretty much the same as adding it to your resume.

List your degrees in reverse chronological order, with the most recent degree on top. Always include the essential information, such as the degree name, your major, the name of the university, and the years you attended. If relevant, you can include your GPA, thesis title, study abroad experiences, and academic honors.

#2. How Do You Write Down Your Bachelor’s Degree?

There are different ways that a bachelor's degree can be written down on your resume. Usually, there’s no need to spell out the full degree name, so there are ways you can abbreviate it for your resume. These include:

BA (Bachelor of Arts) BS (Bachelor of Science) BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)

Just use the specific abbreviation that matches your degree type. (E.g.: BSc Computer Science, BA History, BBA Economics, etc. )

#3. What If I Have an Education Gap or Took Time Off from Studies?

Treat any gaps in your education the same as you would treat an employment gap . Be upfront with the hiring manager and list the start and end dates to account for the time of the gap on your resume.

Use your cover letter to briefly explain the gap without going into too much detail. Hiring managers are understanding, and reasons like health, family, or professional experience are all common to justify education gaps.

#4. How Far Back Should I Go When Listing My Education History?

Generally, you only need to list basic information about your education if you graduated a long time ago. Your work experience and more recent achievements will have a lot more weight than details about your time in college 14 years ago.

For most professionals, listing just your highest degree is more than enough. However, an academic CV for scientific or research-heavy roles might need a more comprehensive educational background.

Key Takeaways

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of our article!

We’re confident you’re an expert on how to list education on a resume by now, but before we part ways, let’s quickly wrap up our main points:

  • Your education section belongs after your work experience section, though there are some exceptions.
  • If you don’t have any work experience, recently earned a relevant degree, or if you’re applying for a research-oriented position or in academia, the education section should be listed first.
  • When listing your educational entries, use a reverse chronological order. Start with the most recent degree you have and go backward from there.
  • If you have some sort of higher education, there’s no need to list your high school education.
  • Unless your GPA is exceptional, don’t list it. It might undermine your resume otherwise.
  • There are different ways to list your education, depending on the type of school you went to and what you want to highlight. Scroll back up if you want to see some examples.

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Writing the Education Section of a Resume (5 Key Tips)

Where to put education on your resume, how to format education on a resume (with examples), what else to put on your resume if you don't have work experience, sample resumes to highlight your education, faqs: answers to common questions about education on resumes, learn more about resumes, top source for premium resume templates, work on your resume education section today.

Here are the common guidelines to follow when listing education on a resume:

  • Always include the following information: the degree you received, your major, the name of your school, its location, and your graduation year.
  • Start with your highest educational attainment.
  • List all other degrees in reverse-chronological order.
  • Delete high-school education if you already graduated from college.
  • Remove your graduation date if you earned it more than five years ago.

Of course, these guidelines don’t apply to all situations. When adding your education to your resume, you should add any recent education. This shows the hiring manager that you've got a gap because you were working on your skills.

But if your education was more than ten years ago, you don't need an education section on your resume. Also remove your education once you’ve accomplished 10 to 15 years of work experience. ( Remove the education section of your resume--or at least the dates of your education--because this section can make it easier for people to discriminate against you because of your age. )

I’ll discuss all these in more detail in the succeeding sections:

If You're In High School

List your education at the top one third of your resume, just below your skills summary. Let your education do the heavy lifting for now, even if you already have a bit of work experience.

If You're In College or Just Graduated

At this stage, you probably have more credentials related to your target job as a student, than as a working professional.

So, if you haven’t had a job, project, or volunteer work related to the position you’re applying for, put education before work experience on your resume.

You might argue that it’s better to list the odd and part-time jobs you did first. Maybe you think these job entries show that you’re employable and at least know what it’s like to work for a living.

Perhaps some hiring managers might consider that fact.

But what if they don’t read past your job title as “Waitress,” “Cashier,” or “Barista”? All the qualities and achievements you list below the job title will be ignored, too. Even if those skills are related to the job at hand.

For now, list education before your work experience first. Just consider it your first step in convincing employers that you've got the qualifications they need. 

If You're Already a Working Professional

At this stage, employers pay less attention to the GPA and college coursework of experienced applicants than they do with fresh graduates. Because of this, a seasoned professional’s education is either listed after their work history or at the bottom of the resume, just after the skills section.

1. High School

How to add your high school education to your resume

Below are different resume education examples, depending on where you are in your high school education.

Examples for High School 

If high school is your highest level of education, list it like this:

“Western High School, Baltimore, MD
Graduated in 2023”

But if you’re still at school, just change the second line so it looks like this:

Expected to graduate in 2025”

If you didn’t finish high school:

List the name of your school and its location, followed by the years you attended.

“Edmonson-Westside High School, Baltimore, MD
Attended school from 2020 to 2024”

If You Completed a GED

Some people who didn’t finish their high school education took a General Education Development (GED) test instead.

If that’s you, list the institution where you took your GED test followed by your high school information.

“GED High School Equivalency Diploma
Richland One Adult Education Center, 2020
Spring Valley High School, Columbia, SC
Attended 2020 – 2022”

Trade School

If you studied a trade after high school, list it on top of your high school education as long as it’s related to your target job.

Here's an example: 

“Dorsey School, Madison Heights, MI
HVAC Technician, 2023
Portage Central High School, Portage, MI
Graduated 2022”

2. Undergraduate Degree

How to add your undergraduate degree to your resume.

Below are different ways to list college education on your resume.

College Graduate

“BS in Electrical Engineering, 2023
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA”

You can also write the degree type in full instead of abbreviating it:

“Bachelor of Arts in English, 2023
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA”

Still at School

If you’re still at school, just put “in progress” beside the course you’re taking.

“BS in Mathematics in Progress
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA”

You can also write “Expected in” followed by the estimate date of your graduation.

“BS in Economics, Expected in 2024
New York University”

Unfinished Degree

Not everyone who attends college completes it, for whatever reason. There’s no shame in that. So, don’t let your education go to waste by excluding it on your resume.

List your school’s name, followed by your start and end dates, so it’s clear you’re no longer enrolled. Then write how many credits you earned towards your chosen degree. Put your high school education below it.

“Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
2021-2022: Completed 32 credits towards BA in Education”
  J.P Stevens High School, 2023
Edison, New Jersey”

3. Graduate Studies

How to add graduate studies to your resume.

A graduate degree in your field increases your credibility as an applicant. That’s why it should be listed on top of your undergraduate degree.

The example below is impressive for an applicant in the IT sector. 

“MS in Computer Science, 2023
BS in Computer Science,
Michigan State University, 2021”

You can still list an advanced degree not related to your line of work. But it might be better to list it below your undergraduate degree if it’s not related to your current role.

For example, if you work in the IT sector, a master’s degree in political science isn’t relevant except perhaps for the skills you learn while researching for your thesis. To make this information worth including in your resume, highlight any coursework that may be applicable to your job.

“BS in Computer Science,
Michigan State University, 2020”
MS in Political Science, 2023
Coursework: Models and Methods, Security Studies”

This tip isn’t applicable to everyone, as it all depends on your career plan. For example, a master’s in business administration applies to many jobs with a management role.

Incomplete Graduate Studies

The strategy here is like that used in undergraduate degrees. List the anticipated graduation date on resume, if you still have a lot of coursework to finish before graduating. Here's an unfinished degree on resume example:

“Master of Science in Economics, to be completed 2024
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA”

But if you finished everything except the dissertation, write “all but dissertation,” which is sometimes abbreviated as “ ABD ” below your graduate program. Be warned, though, there are mixed opinions about this. 

“MS in Biology
All but dissertation (ABD), 2025”
City College of New York”

Always list your undergraduate degree below your graduate studies.

Discontinued Graduate Study

You can still list a master’s or doctoral degree on your resume, even if you didn’t finish it or ended up dropping out from the program entirely.

To avoid confusion, list this in a separate section called “ Research Work ” or “ Professional Development” instead of listing it together with your other education credentials.

Write the number of units completed in the subject, the name of the institution, and the dates you attended.

“15 credits in Applied Mathematics
University of Maryland, 2023-2024”

This example shows how you could list a MS in Applied Mathematics & Statistics, and Scientific Computation, if you only did part of the coursework (i.e. Applied Mathematics)

You can also list it in this format, so it’s all in one line and it downplays the low number of units finished and the incomplete degree.

“Post-graduate coursework in Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland, USA, 2022-2023”

4. Master’s & Doctoral Studies

How to add masters and doctoral degree to your resume.

When adding your master’s degree, use the abbreviations or spell it out. Whichever you decide, be consistent throughout your resume. Here are some of the master’s degree abbreviations:

  • A.M., M.A., MA (Master of Arts)
  • M.B.A., MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • M.E., ME, Meng, M.Eng. (Master of Engineering)
  • M.S., MS, M.Sc. MSc (Master of Science)

Here's a completed master’s degree example:

Dates you attended the program College, City of College, State of College Master of Arts in English

Here's how to show a master’s degree that hasn’t been completed:

College, City of College, State of College Master of Arts in Psychology Expected Graduation Date: (put date here)

 Doctoral Degree 

Add your doctoral degree in the resume education section. Your doctoral degree is formatted similarly to other degrees. Here's an example of adding your doctoral degree to your resume:

Name of university Doctorate degree years in university

Here's another example of how to add a doctoral degree to your resume:

University of Chicago Ph.D. in Education 2020-2026

5. Certifications

How to add certifications to your resume.

Some applicants may not have the formal education required for the job. But they made up for it through certifications, courses, seminars, and training events. Professional training and ongoing education can be listed in the education section of a resume, or under a separate section for “ Professional Development.”

Format to Follow : 

“Name of Training, Training Provider or Certification Body, Date Obtained, Location”

Here's an example:

“Oracle SBC Troubleshooting Certification, Pearson Vue Testing Center, 2023, Hong Kong”

Including the training location is optional, except for state-specific licensure and certifications.

If you haven’t completed the training, list it as “In progress” or write the estimated completion date.

“Oracle SBC Implementation by Oracle, Toronto, (To be completed, Sept 2024)

These templates can give your resume a better format:

what to write in education description

Fresh graduates with no work experience sometimes have trouble filling out a one-page resume. It doesn’t have to be this way if you get creative in how you present your qualifications. No big fonts necessary.

Below is some good information you can add to beef up your resume:

List the GPA for coursework related to the job you’re applying for. Only do this if your GPA isn’t below 3.0.

 “BS in Economics, 2023
Ohio University, Cleveland, OH

Relevant Coursework

You can also list the subjects or units relevant to the job you’re applying for. Not sure which subjects are relevant? Compile job ads for five similar positions in your field, and then list the most common skills or educational requirements listed. Compare this keyword list with your college transcript to find the relevant coursework.

Here’s an example for a fresh graduate applying for an entry-level job as a Clinical Specialist

“BS in Biomedical Engineering, 2023
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Relevant coursework: Quantitative Experimentation and Design, Systems Physiology, Biomedical Systems Analysis, Biostatistics”

Check out this guide to get more information on how to use keywords in your resume: 

what to write in education description

List honors, scholarships, and awards you received while studying. List these items after your education, if you've got less than three items to list.

If you've received more than three distinctions, it’s better to list them in a separate section called “Honors and Awards.”

Include the name of the institution that granted the award, and the date it was awarded to you. Here's an example format to follow: 

what to write in education description

Here are some sample resumes to highlight your education:

1. If You've Got Minimal Education and Experience

If You Have Minimal Education and Experience

If you don’t have a lot of education, it’s best to focus on any professional skills you’ve learned or any certifications you've got. If you've got a lot of credentials and training, try adding a section for that. Leaving the education section off your resume is best if you only have a high school diploma.

Here are the changes made to a resume for someone who has some training and only a high school diploma. As you can see, the education section was deleted, as well as the work experience section. The skills sections were kept and showcase relevant skills to the job that's being applied to. The certifications section was kept and added the relevant certifications. Also, a profile picture was added, and a positive summary to help convince the hiring manager.

3. If You've Got a Lot of Education and No Experience

If You Have A lot of Education and No Experience

In the resume education section, include any classes you took that would be relevant to the job you're applying to.

In the example above, the courses and the thesis that were added were relevant to the job that’s being applied to. When adding your GPA, only add it if it’s 3.0 or higher. If it’s lower, don’t add it to the resume.

In the experience section, add any volunteer work and unpaid internships. Also, add any achievements that you achieved during your volunteer experience or internships. Adding achievements shows the employers what you can do. Fill out the sections for the rest of the resume while remembering what job you’re applying for.

Here are some frequently asked questions about adding education to a resume:

1. What if You Went Back to School to Get a New Degree?

Are you changing careers? If you got a new degree because you want to pursue another type of work, then it’s vital that you include your new degree on your resume. Put it on top of your previous college degree.

When you switch roles, most of your previous work experience will be considered irrelevant. Let’s say you want to switch from nursing to selling life insurance or IT to managing a restaurant. In those cases, most of your previous qualifications—education, skills, achievements—are inapplicable.

That’s where your new degree comes in. You’re like a fresh graduate in your new field, but a tad better. Your formal education satisfies the job requirements of most employers, and your transferrable skills will boost your qualifications a bit more, so you’re not seen as a total newbie.

2. What if Your Degree Isn't Related to Your Job?

I know someone who graduated with a degree in design that's now working as a life insurance agent. I also know a nursing graduate who worked in IT for years, before becoming a real estate agent. This happens more than you know. So, don’t let this stop you from chasing after your dream job.

Below are two ways to downplay the lack of formal education in your target job:

  • List the relevant coursework in your degree. Let’s say you've got a Psychology degree but want a job in marketing. If you took units in social psychology, communications, grammar, and business, those subjects show you've got the knowledge required for the job.
  • List professional courses or ongoing training you took to compensate for your lack of formal schooling on the subject.

what to write in education description

3. What if You Attended Multiple Schools to Finish One Degree?

Only list the school where you graduated or finished your degree. Educational institutions require transferring students to submit their transcript, along with a detailed list of the subjects they completed with their previous school.

Your school records are consolidated where you graduate, so that’s what you should list on your resume. If you put the wrong school, you may get a negative result from an employer’s pre-employment background check.

Having a college degree doesn’t guarantee you a job, not anymore. Still, a college education is one of the job requirements for high-paying work. So, you should learn how to list your education on a resume in a way that paints you as a skilled and knowledgeable professional, not just a student who only did the minimum work to pass.

Now that you're done listing your education on a resume, why not improve the other parts of your resume too?

what to write in education description

Browse our professional resume templates on Envato Elements for a great resume design.

what to write in education description

Envato Elements is the best source for any kind of resume template . They've got templates for people with no experience and for people with a lot of experience. Also, they've got themed resumes that you can use to match the job that you're applying to.

So, what's Envato Elements? It’s a premium subscription service where you pay a low monthly fee to gain unlimited access to premium digital assets . These assets include resume templates, fonts, stock images, audio, etc.

Professionals make every template to look stylish and impressive. This means that you're getting a high-quality product. When you use a template, you save time because it's already designed. All you need to do is add text in the designated sections. You still can if you like adding your personal touch to your resume. A good template is easily customizable.

In this article, you learned how to fill out the education section of your resume in several different circumstances. So, put those skills to use and download a premium template from Envato Elements. Also, learn more about making a great resume in our comprehensive series. There are several resume strategies to master that'll help you land the job you want.

Editorial Note: This content was originally published on August 17th, 2017. We're sharing it again because our editors have determined that this information is still accurate and relevant. It's been updated for relevancy and accuracy by Sarah Joy .

Charley Mendoza


  • Career Blog

How to List Education on a Resume: 30 Examples & Tips

what to write in education description

In today’s competitive job market, having a strong education section on your resume can be a game-changer. Highlighting your educational achievements not only demonstrates your knowledge and expertise but also showcases your commitment and dedication towards personal growth and career development.

The ultimate purpose of this article is to guide job seekers in presenting their education credentials effectively on their resumes. Through a comprehensive compilation of 30+ real-life examples and practical tips, this piece aims to help applicants in crafting a compelling education section that will impress hiring managers and land them their dream job.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, a mid-career professional, or a seasoned executive, this article provides valuable insights and actionable advice that are proven to enhance your resume and increase your chances of getting hired. So, stay with us, and be ready to learn how to shine a spotlight on your educational background and leverage it for your next career move!

The Basics of Education on a Resume

When it comes to creating a winning resume, the education section plays a significant role. This section is particularly important for recent graduates or those looking to change careers. Employers want to see that you have the skills and knowledge necessary to perform the job, and education serves as a reliable indicator of this.

Importance of Education Section

The education section is often used as a method of filtering out candidates. Employers want to see a clear progression of your academic qualifications, as this demonstrates a commitment to learning and personal development. Failure to include this section can result in your resume being discarded without further consideration.

How to Format Education Section

The education section should be listed in reverse chronological order with your most recent qualification first. This format makes it easier for employers to see your academic progress and the relevance of your education to the current job position.

what to write in education description

Format for education section:

What to Include in Education Section

The education section should include the following:

Degree: State the degree you obtained or are currently in the progress of obtaining, for example, Bachelor of Science (BSc), Master of Arts (MA).

Major: Indicate the field of study in which you took most of your academic courses, for example, Business Administration, Mechanical Engineering.

University: Mention the institute or university from which you earned your degree.

Graduation Date: Include the date of your graduation or expected graduation date if you are still pursuing your education.

What Not to Include in Education Section

There are specific details that you should avoid including in the education section that may work against you. Some of them are:

GPA: Unless you have recently graduated and have a high GPA, it is best to leave this information off your resume.

High School Diploma: Unless you have no higher education or in junior level, don’t include high school education.

Coursework: Unless it is directly related to the position you are applying for, it is not relevant to list your coursework.

The education section is your chance to show your credentials and qualifications to your potential employers. Ensure that your education section is properly formatted and reflects your academic achievements clearly. By following the above guidelines, you can present your educational background in a professional and impressive way.

Where to Place Education on a Resume

When it comes to listing your education on a resume, the placement can be just as important as the information itself. Here are some of the best options for where to place your education section:

what to write in education description

At the top of the resume : If you are a recent graduate or your education is directly related to the job you are applying for, placing your education section at the top of your resume can help to draw attention to your qualifications.

After your work experience : If you have several years of relevant work experience, placing your education section after your work experience section can help to showcase your skills and experience first.

In a separate section : You can also create a separate section for your education, which can be especially helpful if you have multiple degrees or certifications. This can also help to make it easy for recruiters to find your education information quickly.

Tips for selecting placement options:

Consider the job requirements : When deciding where to place your education section, consider the job requirements and whether your education is a significant factor in the hiring decision.

Highlight your strengths : If your education is a strong selling point for you, make sure to highlight it in a prominent position on your resume.

Keep it concise : While it’s important to include your education information, don’t overdo it. Keep your education section concise and relevant to the job you are applying for.

How to make your education section stand out:

Include relevant coursework : If you have coursework that is relevant to the job you are applying for, make sure to include it in your education section.

Highlight any honors or awards : If you received any honors or awards during your education, make sure to showcase them in your education section.

Quantify your accomplishments : If you have any accomplishments from your education, such as publishing a research paper or completing a thesis, try to quantify them with specific numbers or details.

The placement and presentation of your education on your resume can play a significant role in your job search. By carefully selecting the placement and making your education section stand out, you can increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Listing High School Education on a Resume

When it comes to including high school education on a resume, it’s important to understand that it’s typically not necessary for most job positions. However, if you are early in your career or lacking in higher-level education, you may want to include it. Here are some tips for including high school education on your resume:

How to Include High School Education on Resume

  • Start with your most recent education and work backwards. List your high school education at the bottom of your education section, following any college or vocational training you may have completed.
  • Be concise. Simply list your high school name, location, and the year you graduated.
  • Highlight any academic achievements or honors. If you received any academic awards or honors during your high school education, include those on your resume.
  • Limit the amount of detail. Unlike college education, high school education does not require a lot of detail. Keep it brief and to-the-point.

Tricks to Make High School Education More Professional

If you are concerned about how including high school education on your resume may come across, here are some tricks to make it more professional:

  • Use your high school education to show transferable skills. Even if the education itself may not be relevant to the job, there may be skills you learned during that time that are transferable to the job you are applying for. For example, if you were heavily involved in a sport during high school, you may have developed leadership and teamwork skills that are applicable to many job positions. Highlight these skills on your resume.
  • Show continuous learning. If you have not pursued higher education, but have taken classes, workshops, or courses since high school, include them on your resume. This shows that you have a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.
  • Focus on your experiences outside of education. If you are concerned about how your high school education will be perceived, focus on highlighting experiences outside of education. If you participated in clubs, sports teams, or community organizations during your high school years, include them on your resume. These experiences can demonstrate important soft skills such as leadership, communication, and teamwork.

By following these tips for including high school education on your resume, it can help you present yourself in the best possible light to potential employers. Remember, the most important thing is to demonstrate your unique skills, experiences, and qualifications in a way that will make you stand out from other candidates.

How to List Bachelor’s Degree on a Resume

When it comes to listing your Bachelor’s degree on your resume, there are a few techniques that can help you highlight this accomplishment and make it stand out to potential employers.

Techniques to Highlight Bachelor’s Degree on Resume

Use a clear and concise format:  When listing your Bachelor’s degree, make sure it is easy to find and read. Use a straightforward format that includes the name of your degree, the name of the institution where you earned it, and the date of graduation.

Include relevant coursework and honors:  If you completed coursework or received any honors related to your Bachelor’s degree, be sure to include them on your resume. This can help demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in a particular area.

Emphasize relevant skills and experiences:  Instead of simply listing your degree, try to tie it in with your relevant skills and experiences. For example, if you majored in marketing, make sure to highlight any marketing-related projects or experiences you’ve had.

Quantify your achievements:  Whether it’s a high GPA, a specific project you worked on, or an award you received, try to quantify your achievements related to your Bachelor’s degree. This can help make it stand out and demonstrate your accomplishments.

Sample Sections to List Bachelor’s Degree

Education section:  This is the most common section to list your Bachelor’s degree. Simply include the name of your degree, the name of the institution, and the date of graduation.

Skills section:  If your Bachelor’s degree is relevant to your desired job, you can include it in your skills section to emphasize your expertise.

Experience section:  If you completed any related coursework or had relevant experiences while earning your Bachelor’s degree, you can list them under the appropriate job or experience in your experience section.

Example of Listing Bachelor’s Degree in a Different Format

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Institution: XYZ University, City, State Graduation: May 2022

  • Proficient in programming languages such as Java, C++, and Python
  • Strong understanding of algorithms and data structures
  • Experience with database management systems


Software Development Intern ABC Company, City, State June 2021 – August 2021

  • Developed and tested software modules for a web application using Java and HTML/CSS
  • Collaborated with a team of developers to troubleshoot and debug issues
  • Participated in code reviews and implemented improvements based on feedback


  • Introduction to Computer Science
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Database Management Systems

By presenting your Bachelor’s degree in a different format, you can highlight it as a separate section and provide more details about your skills, relevant experiences, and coursework. This alternative format allows the degree to stand out and provides a comprehensive overview of your educational background and related accomplishments.

How to List Associate’s Degree on a Resume

Strategies to highlight associate’s degree on resume.

Listing your associate’s degree on a resume requires a strategic approach. Here are some strategies you can use to highlight your associate’s degree:

  • Place your associate’s degree prominently: Be sure to mention your associate’s degree in the education section of your resume. You can either add it directly under your high school diploma or create a separate section for your associate’s degree.
  • Highlight your skills: Your skills are a crucial part of your resume, and you can use them to showcase your qualifications. Emphasize the skills that you gained as part of your associate’s degree program, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication.
  • Showcase your GPA: If you excelled in your associate’s degree program, showcase your GPA prominently on your resume. A high GPA can show potential employers that you are a diligent learner and have a strong work ethic.

Sample Sections to List Associate’s Degree

Here are some sample sections you can use to list your associate’s degree:

  • Associate’s Degree in Business Administration, XYZ College, 2018-2020
  • High School Diploma, ABC High School, 2014-2018

Certifications and Education

  • Associate’s Degree in Accounting, XYZ College, 2018-2020
  • CPA certification, 2021

Example of Listing Associate’s Degree in a Different Format

Here’s an example of how you can list your associate’s degree in a different format:

Professional Summary

As a diligent and detail-oriented professional with a background in business administration, I have gained essential skills in critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving through my associate’s degree program.

By strategically highlighting your associate’s degree, you can impress potential employers and show them that you have the skills and education necessary to succeed in your desired role.

How to List Master’s Degree on a Resume

When listing your master’s degree on your resume, it’s important to do so in a way that highlights your education and makes it easy for potential employers to see your qualifications. Here are some tips for highlighting your master’s degree on your resume:

Tips for highlighting master’s degree on resume

Start with your highest degree: When listing your education, start with your highest degree first. In most cases, this will be your master’s degree.

Be concise: You don’t need to include every detail about your master’s degree on your resume. Keep it concise and relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Use bullet points: Use bullet points to make your education section easy to scan. This will help potential employers quickly see your qualifications.

Include relevant coursework: If you took coursework that is relevant to the job you’re applying for, include it in your education section.

Sample sections to list master’s degree

Here are some sample sections to list your master’s degree on your resume:

  • Master of Science in Computer Science, XYZ University, 2020
  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, ABC University, 2018

Academic achievements

  • Graduated with honors
  • Recipient of the Dean’s List award

Professional development

  • Completed coursework in curriculum development and instructional design
  • Facilitated professional development sessions for other educators

Example of listing master’s degree in a different format

Here’s an example of how you could list your master’s degree on your resume in a different format:

Professional experience

Director of Marketing, ABC Corporation

  • Led the development and execution of marketing campaigns for a leading technology company
  • Managed a team of five marketing professionals
  • Increased website traffic by 25% through targeted content marketing strategies

Master of Science in Marketing, XYZ University

  • Coursework included: Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Analytics
  • Recipient of the Outstanding Graduate Student award

By listing your master’s degree in the education section of your resume, you’re able to highlight your academic achievements and qualifications. However, you can also choose to list your degree in other sections of your resume, such as your professional experience section, to show how your education has prepared you for your work.

How to List PhD on a Resume

If you have earned a PhD, it is important to highlight this achievement on your resume. Here are some steps to help you effectively list your PhD:

Include your degree title: Begin by listing your degree title, such as “Doctor of Philosophy” or “PhD” after your name at the top of your resume.

Highlight your field of study: Under the education section of your resume, include the name of your university, the dates of your attendance, and your field of study.

Detail your dissertation: Highlight your dissertation topic and provide a brief summary of your research under your education section.

Emphasize your contributions: If you were actively involved in any research or publications during your PhD program, consider creating a separate section to highlight these achievements.

Here are some sample sections you could use to list your PhD on a resume:

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, XYZ University, 2016-2022
  • Dissertation: “The Effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Anxiety Among Children and Adolescents”


  • Conducted empirical research on the effect of mindfulness-based interventions on stress levels among university students
  • Published several articles in peer-reviewed journals related to social behavior and mental health in adolescence


  • John Doe, Jane Doe, & Sam Smith. (2021). “Impacts of Social Media on Mental Health in Adolescents.” Journal of Adolescence, 87, 35-41.

If you want to highlight your PhD in a different format, consider these tips:

  • Create a separate section for your education, research experience, and publications.
  • Use bullet points to list your relevant achievements and responsibilities.
  • Keep it concise but specific – employers want to see your accomplishments, but they don’t want to read a thesis.

Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work, XYZ University, 2014-2019

  • Dissertation: “The Role of Social Support in Reducing Depression Among Adults with Chronic Illnesses”
  • Conducted a mixed-methods research project on the experiences of individuals with disabilities in accessing healthcare services
  • Presented research findings at several conferences and published in peer-reviewed journals
  • John Doe & Jane Smith. (2019). “Barriers and facilitators to accessing mental health care among individuals with disabilities.” Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation, 18(1), 30-40.

Listing your PhD on a resume is an essential aspect of showcasing your expertise and qualifications. By following these steps and examples, you can effectively and clearly highlight your achievements and make a positive impact on potential employers.

How to List Certifications and Licenses

When it comes to creating a resume, highlighting your education is a key component. However, it’s not just your degrees that can impress potential employers. Listing certifications and licenses you hold can also make you stand out as a qualified candidate. Here, we’ll discuss what essential certificates and licenses to list on a resume, how to format and list them properly, and provide sample sections to make your resume stand out.

Essential Certificates and Licenses

When it comes to listing certifications and licenses, there are many to choose from. However, certain certifications and licenses are more relevant to specific career paths. Here are the essential certificates and licenses that you should list on your resume based on the industry you’re in:

  • Healthcare: CPR certification, BLS certification, CNA certification, RN license, AHA certification, etc.
  • Education: Teaching license, administrator license, TEFL certification, etc.
  • Information technology: Microsoft certifications, CompTIA certifications, Cisco certifications, etc.
  • Finance: Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification, etc.
  • Law: Bar admission, legal secretary certification, notary public commission, etc.
  • Real estate: Real estate license, certified residential specialist (CRS) certification, etc.

Formatting and Listing Certifications and Licenses

When listing certifications and licenses on your resume, it’s essential to format them properly. Here are some tips to ensure that you list them correctly:

  • Place relevant certifications and licenses in an area of your resume that makes sense. If you’re in healthcare, you may want to include them under a “Certifications” header after your education section. If you’re in finance, you could list your CPA license under your “Professional Development” section.
  • Always list the most recent certification or license first, followed by the less recent ones in descending order.
  • If the certification or license has an expiration date, make sure to list it along with the certificate’s title, followed by the issuing institution and the date it was earned.

Sample Sections for Listing Certifications and Licenses

Now that you know the essential certificates and licenses to list and how to format them, here are some sample sections that you can use on your resume for some inspiration:


  • BLS Certification, American Red Cross, Exp. 04/2022
  • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Certification, State of California, Exp. 12/2023
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Certification, American Heart Association, Exp. 06/2024
  • Teaching License, State of New York, Exp. 06/2027
  • Administrator License, State of Illinois, Exp. 06/2029

Information Technology

  • CompTIA Security+ Certification, CompTIA, Exp.

How to List Relevant Coursework on a Resume

When crafting a resume, it is important to showcase all aspects of your education and relevant experiences. One way to do this is by including relevant coursework on your resume. In this section, we will discuss why including coursework on your resume can be helpful, the importance of relevant coursework, how to format it, and provide examples of sections to list relevant coursework.

Why Include Coursework on Resume

Including relevant coursework on your resume can be helpful in showcasing the skills and knowledge you have gained in your academic career. If you do not have much work experience or are applying for a job in a field that you studied in school, including coursework can show the employer that you have a solid foundation in the industry.

Importance of Relevant Coursework on Resume

Listing relevant coursework on your resume can demonstrate to the employer that you have gained valuable knowledge and experience in a particular subject area. This can be especially important if the job you are applying for requires specific skills or knowledge that you gained through your coursework. Additionally, it can show your dedication and interest in a particular field or subject.

How to Format Relevant Coursework

When formatting relevant coursework on your resume, it is important to keep it concise and relevant. You should only include coursework that is relevant to the job you are applying for, and ensure that the information is easy to read and understand. Consider highlighting the relevant coursework in a separate section, or within the education section of your resume.

Example Sections to List Relevant Coursework

Below are some examples of sections to list relevant coursework on your resume:

Education Section

Bachelor of Science in Marketing

  • Marketing Research Methods
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Marketing Communications

Relevant Coursework Section

  • Web Design and Development
  • Digital Security

Including relevant coursework on your resume can be a valuable addition, especially if you are new to the workforce or transitioning to a new field. Use the tips provided to format your relevant coursework in a clear and concise way, and showcase your skills and knowledge to potential employers.

Listing Education Based on Career Level

When it comes to listing your education on a resume, it’s important to consider your career level and tailor your education section accordingly. Depending on your level of experience and the job you’re applying for, you may need to highlight different aspects of your academic background.

Tailoring Education Section to Fit Career Level

For entry-level positions, your education may be the most important section of your resume, especially if you have limited work experience. In this case, you should list your education and any relevant coursework, certifications or awards related to the job you’re applying for at the top of your resume.

If you’re a more experienced professional, your work experience will likely take center stage on your resume. However, your education can still be valuable to showcase, particularly if you completed advanced degrees or specialized training.

For senior-level positions, it’s common to list your education at the end of your resume, after you’ve highlighted your extensive work experience. At this stage of your career, employers are likely more interested in your professional achievements and leadership experience than your academic background.

Example Sections to List Education Based on Career Level

Entry-level example:.

  • Bachelor of Science in Marketing, XYZ University
  • Relevant Coursework: Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior, Advertising and Promotion, Digital Marketing
  • Dean’s List, Fall 2018 – Spring 2021

Experienced Professional Example:

  • Master of Business Administration, ABC School of Business
  • Bachelor of Science in Management, XYZ University
  • Relevant Coursework: Strategic Management, Operations Management, Corporate Finance, Marketing Analytics
  • Certified Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • Awards: Outstanding Graduate Student, ABC School of Business

Senior-Level Example:

Professional Experience

  • Director of Sales, XYZ Corporation
  • Vice President of Marketing, ABC Company
  • Chief Revenue Officer, DEF Inc.

Education on a Functional Resume: Tips & Samples

When it comes to creating a functional resume, highlighting your education can be incredibly important. Whether you’re a recent graduate or have years of experience under your belt, your educational background can demonstrate your qualifications and expertise in your chosen field.

Importance of Education in a Functional Resume

Including your education on a functional resume can help you stand out from other job seekers. It can demonstrate that you have the necessary knowledge and skills to be successful in your desired position, and it can also show that you value ongoing learning and professional development.

When listing your education on a functional resume, be sure to include any relevant degrees, courses, certifications, or training programs that you’ve completed. This can help demonstrate your expertise and show that you’ve taken the initiative to further your education and skills.

Techniques to Highlight Education in a Functional Resume

One technique for highlighting your education on a functional resume is to create a separate “Education” section. This section should include the name of the school or institution you attended, the degree or certification you earned, and the year of completion.

When listing your education, be sure to include any relevant coursework or honors that demonstrate your expertise in your field. For example, if you’re applying for a position as a software engineer, you might include coursework in programming languages or computer science.

Another technique for highlighting your education on a functional resume is to incorporate it into your work experience section. For example, if you completed an internship or apprenticeship during your education, you might list that experience under a relevant job title.

Sample Sections to List Education in a Functional Resume

Here are a few sample sections that you might use to list your education on a functional resume:

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, University of XYZ, 2014-2018
  • Relevant coursework: Business Law, Financial Accounting, Marketing
  • Marketing Intern, ABC Company, 2017-2018 (completed as part of the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration program at the University of XYZ)
  • Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program, Red Cross, 2016
  • Relevant coursework: Patient Care, Infection Control, Anatomy and Physiology
  • Nursing Assistant, XYZ Hospital, 2016-2018 (completed as part of the Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program at the Red Cross)

By including your education in your functional resume, you can demonstrate your qualifications, expertise, and ongoing commitment to learning and professional development. These sample sections can help you highlight your educational background in a clear and effective way.

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How to List Education on a Resume in 2024 (With Examples & Tips)

Not sure what degree to list? If you should include a GPA? It just so happens that there's a variety of ways to effectively list your eduction.

Ed Moss

The education section of a resume may not always be the star of the document but knowing how to properly list your education can be essential for advancing into the next phase of the hiring process.

In this guide, we will cover all the ins and outs of crafting an education section for your resume. 

We'll cover the following:

  • What to Include in an Education Section?

Tips for Listing Degrees (College, High-School, GED)

Listing incomplete education.

  • Where to Include Education on a Resume?

What Employers Look for in an Education Section

Beautiful resume templates to land your dream job.

Executive Assistant

What to Include in an Education Section

As we've covered, different formats of resumes may require different information to be included within an education section.

In general, there is some basic information that should be included within the education section of a resume:

  • The name of the school — "e.g. Georgia Institute of Technology"
  • The location of the school
  • Your degree ( high-school diploma, GED, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, etc. )
  • Graduation year ( if applicable )
  • Major field or department of study (if applicable )
  • Minor field or department of study (if applicable and relevant )
  • GPA ( If you're a student or graduates who held lower GPAs, this bit of information may be good to omit unless specifically requested by the employer )

Here's what that looks like for and university grad:

Georgia Institute of Technology • Atlanta, GA B.S. in Computer Engineering, 2006 - 2010 GPA: 3.9/4.0

For high-school students, you can do something like the following:

Georgia Institute of Technology • Atlanta, GA High School Diploma, Graduated in 2010 GPA: 3.9/4.0

Remember, including a GPA  is optional. Only add it if it's required by the job listing or it's relatively high. If your GPA is low (under 3.5), it's better to just leave it out.

Listing Education with Limited Work Experience

In resumes that have limited or no work experience , as may be the case with college students or recent graduates, the education section may be a good opportunity to show off educational achievements instead.

Additional information that can be included in longer education sections can include:

  • Internships completed as part of a curriculum 
  • Academic awards or sponsorships
  • Relevant coursework
  • Academic assistantships with professors or other academic professionals

As covered, in documents such as CVs the education section could be fairly lengthy.

However, the education section for most resumes will be one of the shortest sections.

This is mostly because standard resumes will be used for entry-level or mid-level positions, while longer-form resumes like the CV will only come into play for more prestigious or hard to obtain positions. 

It is much more important to show either a robust work history or detail relevant and transferable skills, using your education as support rather than the main point of interest. 

Here are some quick tips for deciding what educational information to include in a resume:

1) When including professional hobbies and extra curricular activities, it is important to keep relevance in mind

Incorrect: Do not include information about sports clubs or other clubs that cannot be connected back to your qualifications for a job.
Correct: If you held leadership positions in clubs or other extra-curricular activities, this can be useful information to include to highlight non-paid leadership or management experience.

Keep your descriptions simple and concise

Incorrect: Including long-winded and wordy paragraphs explaining the relevance of a certain piece of information. If a piece of information is relevant, it should be easily explained in one, simple sentence.
Correct: Use bullet points to separate bits of information to keep your resume easy to read or skim.

The readability of a resume can be the defining factor of whether or not a job recruiter or potential employer moves the candidate into the next phase of the hiring process.

As such, using clear and concise wording and formatting is essential for not just the education section, but for all sections. 

Here are a few tips for different formatting options depending on the level and type of education you have completed.

1) Adding High School and GED on Resume

  • If your highest level of education is a high school diploma or a GED, this should still be included as there are many jobs that are open to high school graduates as well as college graduates.
  • Generally, this type of education section should be kept short and sweet. Listing that you have received either a diploma or a GED should be sufficient.
  • If you have recently graduated high school or received your GED, including additional high school-related achievements may be beneficial (such as leadership positions, honor roll awards, athletics, etc.)

2) Adding Associate’s and Bachelor’s Degrees on Resume

  • When listing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree on a resume, always include the name and location of the institution, as well as the date or expected date of graduation.
  • While the education section should still be kept short, inclusion of any collegiate level academic achievements, such as honor societies or dean’s lists, can be useful to include.
  • Don’t go too crazy including coursework of extracurricular information – stick to including the most relevant information. 

3) Adding Graduate School or Doctoral Programs on Resume

  • Graduate and doctoral students may feel inclined to always include this information; however, it is important to be wary of including too much academic information in scenarios where it may render you overqualified for the position.
  • Graduate and doctoral information is more likely to come into play for candidates seeking higher level positions at the management level. 
  • For candidates seeking jobs in academic or scientific fields, a CV-style resume and longer-form education section providing higher level of details regarding graduate or doctoral programs may be necessary.

4) Adding Certifications on Resume

  • In some cases, a candidate may not have attended college but may have completed a trade school or other program that resulted in various certifications. These certifications should be included when relevant.
  • Certifications such as CPR or First Aid can be useful to include in most resumes, although they should perhaps be saved for a separate certifications section .

5) Listing Incomplete Education on Resume

Incomplete education can be tricky to include in a way that sounds positive — as such, if you have incomplete education, be wary of your wording and avoid words such as “incomplete” or “unfinished.” Instead try to do the following:

  • Include relevant coursework or credits earned during your duration of education before the point of departure from the institution.
  • Omit any wordy or lengthy explanations of why the education is incomplete. 

However, we've seen this be a common problem that many candidates have. Continue reading below to see how to effectively list education that is left incomplete. ‍

In some cases, a job applicant may have a partially-complete or incomplete educational credential they want to list on their resume.

Incomplete education can result from a variety of circumstances, including:

  • A person who is still in the process of earning their diploma, GED, or degree, but has not yet earned the credential or graduated.
  • A person who started a degree and completed relevant coursework, but ultimately did not finish the degree program.
  • A person who chose a different career path than what they studied for, but still has relevant coursework for the new career path.

When listing incomplete education on a resume, it is important to stay highly mindful of how you are wording your limited educational credentials — as words such as “ unfinished ” or “ incomplete ” are not ideal to include within a resume. 

Here are some quick examples on how to properly list incomplete education in the education section of a resume:

For applicants who are in the process of completing a degree, it is important to note the expected timeframe of completion.

Incorrect: ‍ B.S. in Communications University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC Not yet complete
Correct: B.S. in Communications University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC Expected graduation May 2021

For applicants who began a degree, but ultimately did not complete the degree, it is key to be mindful of how you frame the education you did receive. 

Incorrect: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC

Why is this incorrect? Sure, this example indicates you, at some point, attended a university.

However, it provides no insight as to what relevant coursework or studies you may have completed.

Here's the correct way to describe your educational experience instead:

Correct: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC Completed 20 credits towards a BS in Communications

Alternatively: This could be a good opportunity to include a bulleted list of relevant coursework.

For applicants who did not complete high school, it is important to note if you either earned a GED or are in the process of earning a GED.

Incorrect: ‍ Watauga County High School Boone, NC Incomplete
Correct: General Educational Development Diploma Earned May 2021 — OR — Expected to earn May 2021

Generally speaking, the majority of jobs will require applicants to have earned at minimum a GED certification in order to qualify.

In some cases, an applicant may lack a degree but may be certified by a trade school.

For instance, a beautician would want to include any beauty and health related certifications or licenses earned under the education section. 

Take a look at this resume example of a college student below to see how to do this.

College Student

Where to Include Education on a Resume

When it comes to placing your educational credentials on a resume, there are many considerations to make.

Resumes can serve a variety of purposes and, as a general rule of thumb, should be tailored for specific jobs . 

It is also important to take into consideration the level of education you have completed, as this will impact how it should be presented as well.

For instance, a job applicant seeking a position in academia would have a much heavier emphasis on education and academic-related achievements — than someone seeking a job in a corporate environment.

Ultimately, not all resumes are the same, so the placement of the education section will differ depending on the type of resume being used and the intention behind its structuring. 

Choosing the right resume format

There are several different types of resume formats to choose from, but the main ones that are used are as follows:

1) Reverse-Chronological

‍ Emphasis is placed on the most relevant work experience, listing jobs from most recent to oldest. Education can be placed before or after the work experience section. However higher degrees that qualify a candidate for the position may be beneficial to mention sooner rather than later. 

2) Functional

‍ Functional resumes place a much heavier emphasis on skillsets and areas of expertise. This format of resume is typically used by job applicants lacking the relevant work experience or educational credentials. In this format, the education section may lead if the applicant has educational credentials but limited work experience but should follow after the skills section if education is limited. 

‍ Hybrid resumes combine the reverse-chronological work experience ordering with the emphasizing of skills. This can help to supplement resumes of applicants who may have some relevant work experience but still need to beef up their resumes with a skills section . The placement of the education section will depend on how applicable or high level the credentials are and should generally be kept brief. 

4) Curriculum Vitae (CV)

‍ CVs are a type of long-form and multi-page resume used most commonly by applicants seeking positions in either academic or scientific fields. In a CV, the education section will be a prominent component and should appear early in the document. This type of education section should include all credentials, published works, projects, awards, or other academic achievements — no details should be spared. 

The below example of a Physician Assistant's resume is listing education in the bottom-right corner as it's using a reverse-chronological resume format to shine on it's work history.

Data Analyst

Employers can gather a variety of information about a job candidate from an education section, including:

  • A job applicant’s work ethic, reflected through GPAs or other grade-related information
  • Relevant skills or training an applicant has received through their schooling
  • Name recognition of specific universities, such as ivy leagues, that may give a candidate a leg up on the competition
  • Insight into a candidate’s interests or talents based on academic-related extracurricular activities included 

Understanding what employers are looking for in an education section included on a resume is key to understand how much or how little information to include.

What an employer is looking for will vary depending on the nature of the job being offered. 

For instance, an entry-level communications job at a corporation is likely to require a bachelor’s degree in communications or a related field.

Comparatively, a job in the welding industry may require the completion of a trade school program but not require a four-year degree. 

It is of the utmost importance when you are applying to various jobs that you read the job descriptions provided carefully, as this is where you will find the necessary information regarding what educational credentials are required of eligible candidates.

This will also help you to tailor your education section according to what credentials or qualifications you have that meet the requirements of the job. 

In general, what an employer is mostly looking for is simply that an education section exists on a resume.

The majority of employers will want candidates who have shown a commitment to their education, reflected through the inclusion of an education section.

For candidates lacking a completed education, it is still considered best practice to include some information regarding what level of education was reached before the point of incompletion, as well as the inclusion of any relevant coursework and knowledge gained from the time the candidate spent pursuing further education. 

Here is a quick rundown of a few key factors to consider for applicants who may be unsure how much information to provide in an education section for a specific employer or position:

  • The education section should prove that you have the credentials necessary to complete the job at hand.
  • Oversharing of education can be detrimental in some situations, as overqualified candidates may not be considered by employers.
  • Job descriptions will always be the best place to look for indicators regarding how much educational background information an employer is looking for.
  • Never lie or over-exaggerate — while not all employers double-check applicants’ educational histories, many still do, and dishonesty can cost you the position in the long run.

Physician Assistant

Final Thoughts

Unless you are crafting a longer-form resume, such as a CV, the education section will generally be a fairly short summary of your academic credentials and achievements.

Education sections can be longer in some cases where job applicants may have hefty academic backgrounds but limited work experience.

Ultimately, the key to making a strong education section is to include only the most relevant information.

Always avoid deceptive wording, as employers can fairly easily run academic background checks if need be. 

Check out our resume templates to get your creativity flowing and get started on your ideal resume today. 

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Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

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How to Put Your Education on a Resume? [+Examples]

Kaja Jurčišinová — Staff Writer

The education section on your resume can be the most important part of your resume , but in some cases, it can also be almost irrelevant. It all depends on your degree and where you're in your career. That’s why it’s important to know where and how to put your education on a resume. 

To put it simply, the education section is the section on your resume where you list your degrees and relevant academic accomplishments. It’s one of the key resume sections that you can find on almost every resume ever written. 

So keep reading to know what mistakes to avoid and what to include in order to impress a potential employer. 

This guide will also explain:

Why include an education section on your resume?

  • What information to include in your education section?
  • Where should you place it on your resume?
  • How to write your education section?
  • a high school graduate?
  • a student/ fresh graduate?
  • an experienced professional?
  • ...when you're changing careers?

Too long, don't want to read? Here's a video guide.

There’s a good chance that every resume you’ve ever seen had an education section. But why is it so? If in some cases education isn't relevant at all, why does everyone include it in their resumes? 🤔

  • Employers expect to see it. While this reasoning may sound silly, conventions are conventions. If you want to get hired, it’s crucial to meet your future employer’s expectations. And not including an education section on your resume can raise many suspicions about your background, or willingness to follow rules. 
  • Your job requires a specific degree. For example, you can't become a medical doctor without a medical degree. We all know that. The same goes for being a lawyer and many other professions, or people who aim at better-paid positions in corporates. 
  • Your educational background can help you stand out. This is especially true if you’re a fresh graduate or a student. Sure, adding a prestigious degree to your name can increase your chances, but that’s not all. Try to inflate your education section by mentioning your GPA, scholarships, awards, being on student committees, etc. Anything to help your future boss see your full potential.

What information to include in your education section? 

For each entry about your education, there's a set of information that recruiters expect to see. 

Information that's a must: 

  • The name of educational institution/s
  • Location of the schools/s
  • Starting and graduation year (if applicable) 
  • Level of study
  • Field of your studies
  • Obtained degree

Optional information: 

  • Your grade (you want to include this if your grade was good — if not, it's better to ignore it)
  • Any extra academic awards or recognition
  • Extra educational courses, classes, or training 
  • Study exchange programs (such as Erasmus or a year abroad) 
  • Final thesis
  • Scholarships
  • Other academic achievements

How to write your resume education section?

So how do you put that information in your education section? Follow these basic steps:

  • Write about your education in a reversed chronological order. Place your most recent education first and then continue with the previous ones (if applicable).
  • Always include the name of your school and its location. In most cases, list the name of your school first. This is the best thing to do especially if your degree has nothing to do with your desired role. The recruiter's attention will be drawn to the name of the institution instead of the study subject. 
  • Specify your degree and field of study. You can either spell out the full title, e.g. “ Master of Arts” , or use the initials “ MA” . If you have more than one degree from the same school, list your most recent degree first. Also, list your minors or concentrations after your major.
  • Don’t forget the dates. Include the year you began your studies and the year you graduated. Remember, you don’t have to include any specific dates if you seek to avoid discrimination based on your age.
  • Add other optional information. This applies to you if you’re a student or fresh out of school. Consider adding information such as good grades, awards, Dean's list, being a part of a committee, related school projects, etc. 

What does this look like in practice? Take a look at the sample below! 

education on your resume

Or to write your own education section, use the following template. Of course, include only the information that pertains to the job you want:

Education Section Template

Name of your school, location — dates of duration or year of graduation.

Degree, the field of study

(+ additional info that students and graduates can include):

  • Relevant coursework or student activities
  • Study abroad
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Grade point average (if it’s above 3)
  • Academic honors
  • The topic of your final thesis together with the outcome (if it’s related to the job)

what to include in your education section as a student

Where to place your education section?

So now that you know what to include in your education section, you must know WHERE to place it within your resume. 

Generally speaking, you should position it either before or after your work experience section . So, which placement is better for YOUR resume? 

Well, as with the rest of your resume, the rule of thumb is: always put the most important information first. Ask yourself — what's my best asset? What makes me stand out from the crowd of applicants? Is it years of experience in the field? Or the fact that I've just finished a really good school?

In other words, the location of the education on your resume is determined by the stage of your career. 

Are you a student or a fresh graduate? 

If this is your case, then remember: your education is still probably your main strength. So play into it! 

Place the education near the top of your resume ; just below your resume objective/profile section. This way, your education will be the first thing that recruiters will see. 

But what if you worked during your studies? 

Even if the work experience wasn't in the field of your studies, you must have learned valuable skills. So make sure you include them in your resume. Place them right underneath your education. 

And if you've managed to land a cool internship related to your studies, even better! In this case, you may even consider placing it ABOVE the education section. However, make sure you do this only if the internship experience outshines your education. 

Are you an experienced professional?  

In this case, place your education section anywhere on the page, as long as you place the work experience section first. 

Just remember: you should always put the most important information first. At this point in your career, your education isn’t nearly as important as it used to be. Because of that, it should probably find its place near the bottom of your resume.

How to list your high school education on a resume?

So far, we mostly talked about how to list your college education. That’s because once you’ve already got your university degree, you can leave your high school degree out of your resume.

But what if you've never attended university? 

Well, it means that your resume’s education section is going to be pretty straightforward and it will focus on your high-school experience . 

All you have to do is list the name of your high school, its location, and the dates. There’s no reason to complicate it any further.

The exception is if you graduated less than three years ago. In this case, when you don’t have years of professional experience to lean on, add anything to your education section that shows off your skills and talents, such as: 

  • awards and unique achievements
  • competitions that you've attended
  • extracurricular activities
  • clubs and organizations you were a part of
  • good academic results

Feel free to include details about any projects or clubs you joined while at school. Focus on including specific examples to demonstrate your motivation and initiative.

Did you write for high school newspapers and published 16 articles? Then it deserves a mention in your education section!

The bottom line is simple: Look for anything that helps you show your enthusiasm and work ethic.

Think of clubs, organizations, extracurricular activities, or even volunteer work (even though volunteering may deserve its own separate section). All of these can count as major achievements if you don’t have work experience yet.

Pro tip: Make the education section relevant. Only include information that's related to the specific job opening that you’re interested in. Keep an open mind and remember that transferable skills can make a huge difference, too. In other words, tailor your resume .

How to put education on your resume as a student

How to write an education section if you're a fresh graduate or student

If you’re a student or you’ve just graduated, you probably don’t have much work experience to put on a resume yet. That’s normal. On the other hand, what you do have is academic experience. 

That means the education section should dominate your resume . Make it more elaborate in comparison to other sections and place it at the top of your resume.

During your studies, you must have learned and achieved more things than you probably realize. So — don’t make your education section only about the degrees obtained. Use this space to present all of your most notable academic accomplishments.

Consider including the following:

  • Academic awards: e.g. AP scholar, Duke of Edinburgh award, National Merit Award, President’s Award, school subject-based awards, etc.
  • Scholarships: e.g. athletic scholarships, scholarships for women, creative scholarships, etc.
  • Academic conferences and symposia: Don’t forget to mention the scope and name of the paper you presented at a conference.
  • Relevant student societies: e.g. debating societies or programming clubs. If you were on the committee of any kind of student society, make sure you include it as well. 
  • Dean’s list.
  • GPA: Only include if it was higher than 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. If your overall GPA was lower than that, mention your major GPA. Alternatively, mention your summa cum laude or magna cum laude. But if it wasn’t great, you can simply leave it out. And if you're out of school for a couple of years, you should take your GPA out of your resume no matter what.
  • Academic publications: This may not apply to you but if you have a Ph.D. (or working towards it), you’re expected to include at least one publication.
  • Extracurricular activities: Show that you're active and care! Doesn't matter if it's football, book club, or volunteering. All of these activities show that you are able to work with people and are interested in the world around you.
  • Relevant coursework: Demonstrate that you know plenty about the work that youre applying for. Academic knowledge matters, especially if you dont have hands-on experience yet. 
  • Projects that you've worked on: Are they related to the job you're applying for? Make sure you include it!
  • Final thesis: This matters especially if you've earned a good grade, it got published, or you've researched something related to your potential new position. 
  • Study abroad: It demonstrates flexibility and the fact that you can adapt easily to new environments. 

However, if you've acquired solid work experience already, you can also place your education section after it. Keep in mind — what ’ s more important comes first.

This can be, for example, a standout internship.


Having an internship on your student resume will automatically make you stand out from the crowd of student applicants. But you already know that. 

Whether the internship is paid or unpaid, doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that you can show you’re motivated and willing to work.

Once you’ve got an internship under your belt, make sure to place it in a separate resume section , as it deserves this special treatment. 

Now you may ask, where to place this internship section. Before, or after your education? 

Well, the most impressive information on your resume should be placed first. So, judge the importance of your internship: 

  • If it was a longer internship in a prestigious company, feel free to put the internship section before the education section. 
  • On the other hand, if you’re a student at an Ivy League school with an excellent grade average, a month-long internship experience in a local company should come second after your academic achievements. 

How to write an education section if you’ve never graduated (dropped out)?

Many people feel ashamed if they haven't finished their studies. Consequently, they make the mistake of not mentioning their studies at all. And as a result, they leave out years of valuable academic experience.  

Don't make this mistake. Dropping off of a university or taking a leave of absence is now a part of your story. And if you can sell it well, it doesn't even have to harm your chances of getting the job. 

So, always include unfinished education on your resume . It's better than leaving that period of time unaddressed. That's because gaps in your resume always make hiring managers a bit suspicious.

And if you’re just taking a break in studies ( so you don’t have a degree yet), also just put it on your resume. In this scenario, all you have to do is emphasize that you’re still working towards finishing your studies.

how to put education on your resume

How to write an education section if you’re an experienced professional?

Once you become an experienced professional, your education section takes a back seat to your professional experience. Your interviews will revolve around your work experience and professional achievements rather than your academic career.

This means that you can get away with simply listing your degrees in reverse-chronological order with basic info like university name, location, degree, and field of study — and leave it at that.

Feel free to remove more specific details about your education such as GPA, or extracurricular activities related to coursework, or even attendance dates.

How to write an education section if you’re changing careers?

Even if you’re completely changing careers and are moving away from your field of expertise, your education remains important. However, it’s also not as big of a selling point as the skills you possess. Because of that, you should position your skills and relevant experience above your education section.

The easiest way of doing this is to write a functional resume , as opposed to the more traditional chronological resume. This resume format allows you to place transferable skills first, and work experience and education second. 

You may be asking — what if my education isn’t related to the job I ’ m applying for at all? Should I still include it? And the answer is yes! 

Just make sure that you write the name of the institution first. By doing so, you can first draw attention to the fact that you attended a (prestigious) university. It's only then that recruiters notice your somewhat unrelated degree.

But you can impress the hiring manager with your education section anyway. Besides listing key information such as the name of the institution, degree, and dates, you should also consider including accomplishments that are related to the position that you're applying for. 

Think of any coursework, or student clubs and organizations involvement, where you gained transferable skills. You can also mention academic awards, even those that aren’t related to your new job, as they can help you impress the hiring manager.

how to put education on your resume

Final tips on how to make your education section stand out

  • Consider adding subsections. If you have a lot of information to include in the education section, consider dividing it into subsections. You can divide it into Basic information (schools and degrees), Awards and Honours, Certifications, School Organizations, or Volunteer Work.
  • Keep ATS in mind. ATS normally uses school rankings to assess candidates. If you’re still at school and have your university email address, use it to associate yourself with the school’s reputation. Make sure to include the full name of the school together with its abbreviation, e.g. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) .
  • Get certificates. If your academic background isn't something you can be really proud of, get an online certificate from one of the top universities like Harvard or Yale. Then you’ll be able to use the school’s name to your advantage.
  • Tell the truth. It’s very easy for hiring managers to confirm whether your education is true or not. Also, be honest about your grades. If you’re not happy with your GPA, instead of making it up, rather leave it completely out of your resume.
  • Tailor it to the position: Just like with the rest of your resume, tailor your education section to the job description. If certain courses or projects you completed align with the job requirements, make sure to highlight them. This shows the employer that you already possess relevant knowledge and skills for the job.

Oh, and if you have a LinkedIn profile filled with all the important details, including your academic background, skills, experience, and qualifications, you can easily  turn it into a polished resume with just one click.

How long should the education section be?

The education section should be among the shortest ones on your resume (unless you're a student, a fresh graduate, or are applying for an academic position)

In most cases, it’s ideal if you keep the education section to 15-30 words max. Naturally, this varies depending on the level of education achieved. 

How do I list a double major on my resume?

Feel free to list it under one entry, just make sure you make it clear that it's a double major (either state the fact openly or include & between the names of the two degrees, e.g. Biology & Psychology ) followed by the name of your school.

Is it ever ok to leave out your education section completely?

Not really. Even if the position you're applying for doesn't require any formal education, recruiters will still expect to see at least the most basic education section entry. So don’t make them suspicious of you and write down what you’ve got instead.

What can I include in the education section if I did not finish my degree?

You can still list the degree and the school name, but instead of the graduation date, include the range of years you attended. However, it's crucial to indicate that the degree is not yet completed. For instance, "Bachelor of Arts: English Literature (In Progress) 2017 - Present."

How should I list relevant coursework on my resume?

Include this under your degree in the education section. You can either list courses directly related to the position you’re applying for. For example, “Relevant Coursework: Microeconomics, Business Law, Financial Accounting, Data Analysis."

Kaja Jurčišinová — Staff Writer

Kaja Jurčišinová

Kaja Jurcisinova is a fresh graduate and a junior copywriter at Kickresume. Kaja completed her undergraduate degree in Art History at the University of St Andrews in 2018 and graduated with a Master’s in Arts and Culture from the University of Groningen in 2021. She was an intern at multiple cultural institutions across Europe, including the Dutch Museum Association in Amsterdam, the Matter of Art Biennale in Prague, and the European Cultural Centre in Venice. At the moment, she resides in Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland.

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How to write your CV education section + examples

Andrew Fennell photo

Your education section of your CV is crucial part of the document.

But it can be tough to know to write, where to put it, and what you should include.

This guide will show you exactly how to write an impressive education section for your own CV, whether you are a school leaver, experienced professional, or anything in between.

Where to put your education on your CV?

Where you position your education section on your CV will largely depend on your level of experience and how long ago you left full-time education.

CV education section

  • Little/no experience – If you’re just leaving education and therefore don’t have a lot of experience behind you, place your education section nearer the top of your CV, under your personal profile . Be sure to go into plenty of detail because, at this point in your career, your academic record will receive more attention, and employers will need lots of info to be persuaded to hire you.
  • Experienced candidate – If you’re a more experienced candidate who has gained skills and knowledge through past positions, your employment history takes precedence. In this case, your education section should go under your employment section because employers are likely to be more interested in your real-world experience – although they will still value your education.

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What to include in your education section?

This section should outline your formal education, qualifications and certificates in reverse chronological order. Here’s an overview of what this might include:

  • Degree – As a university graduate, you need to include your degree , and if you’ve got post-graduate qualifications, your most recent degree must come first. To do this, include the name of the university, the title of your degree, the dates you studied there and the grade you received. You might also wish to include details of any relevant modules you studied
  • A-levels – If you took A-levels at college, you probably completed three to four subjects. Be sure to include the name of your college, the dates you studied there and the subjects you completed.
  • Vocational qualifications – School or college aren’t the end of the road for your education but if you chose not to study a degree, you may have obtained other vocational qualifications. If so, you need to include these too. Follow the same formatting rules by including the name of the institution, the qualification and the date you achieved it
  • GCSEs – Listing your GCSEs can be trickier as there are often more of these. So if you have lots of GCSEs, include your school name, the years you were there and then abbreviate your list of subjects. For example, ‘10 GCSEs including maths and English’
  • Mandatory certificates – There might be mandatory training you need to undertake to get a job, for example, health and safety certificates. In this case, you should include these in your education section, listing the level of certification, name of the course and date you received it. You might also wish to include the name of the accrediting body if they are well-known in the industry.

Education section examples

Now you have a better understanding of what could be included in your education section, let’s take a closer look at how these should be written with some examples.

School leaver

As a school leaver hoping to land a job, it’s likely that your GCSEs are going to be your highest level of qualification.

When adding these to your CV, you should include the full name of your school and the dates you attended. Underneath this, you can begin to outline your GCSEs.

CV education section for school leaver

Baxton Hill High School – 2014 to 2019 10 GCSEs

  • English (A) | Language & Literature
  • Maths (A) | Achieved best coursework award
  • Biology (B)
  • Physics (B)
  • Chemistry (B)
  • Information Technology (A) | Specialised in Microsoft Office
  • Geography (C)

Extracurricular activities and achievements:

  • Grade 5 piano
  • Grade 3 flute
  • Captain of the school hockey team
  • Voted ‘Most Spectacular Sportsperson of the Year’ in Year 10 and 11

Because this makes up the basis of your educational background, you can afford to outline all of your subjects and grades in more detail.

You could also include any awards or clubs in which you participated, it might look a little something like the above.

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College leaver

As a college leaver, you will still need to include your GCSEs, particularly if they are relevant to the role you’re applying for, but your main focus should be on your more recent A-Levels.

CV education section for college leaver

London Central College – 2019 to 2021 3 A-Levels

  • Photography (A) | Including wildlife photography project and paper
  • English Language (A) | Studying “Of Mice and Men”
  • Graphic Design (B) | Completed a complete product design of a toy package


  • Practical experience in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign
  • Proficient using DLSR camera, as well as experience developing film in the darkroom
  • Achieved A grade and finished in top 10% of my class for print media and photography project

Baxton Hill High School – 2014 to 2019

10 GCSEs grade A to C including English, Maths, IT and Art

As you study fewer subjects at A-Level (typically three to four), you can give a bit more detail about each subject, your grades and anything else that could boost your application.

For example , you could outline particular projects that you were proud of or some of your key achievements. In this case, your education section might look a little something like the above.

Experienced professional

After college, or perhaps even during your time at college, you may have chosen to undertake a vocational qualification as a way of boosting your skills and gaining some real-world experience. This could be in the form of an NVQ , BTEC or a diploma.

CV education section for experienced professional

City & Guilds NVQ (L1) in Hospitality Skills – 2020 – 2021

  • Learning to maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment
  • Working with the team to prepare, cook and safely store food
  • Industry-standard training in kitchens and restaurants around London

London Central College – 2018 to 2020

A-Levels including English Language (A), Business Studies (A) and Food Science (B)

Baxton Hill High School – 2013 to 2018

10 GCSEs grade A to C including English, Maths and Food Technology

So although your experience in the workplace will likely take precedent on your CV, your education section is still important, and you need to give a little more detail about your vocational qualifications.

You can still include any A-Levels you have as well as GCSEs, but these should be kept to brief summaries like the above.

Recent Graduate

As a recent graduate , your degree is going to be one of your key selling points, particularly if you don’t have a great deal of work experience behind you.

CV education section for graduate

BSc (Hons) Computer Science – Queen Mary University – 2018 – 2021 Final grade: 1st Class

  • Modules including: Big data processing, data mining, Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) and algorithms and data structures
  • Achieved a 1st (96%) for my dissertation on ‘issues with privacy and security when dealing with big data’, coming top of my class
  • Gained practical experience in software engineering, procedural programming and data mining

A-Levels including Information Technology (A), Business Studies (A) and Graphic Design (B)

10 GCSEs grade A to C including English, Maths and IT 

You will still need to include your A-Levels and GCEs, but these sections don’t need to contain as much detail. Your focus should be on showcasing your degree, the key skills you gained and any achievements during your studies. You might also include any modules you studied that are relevant to the role.

The format should include the type of degree, as well as the full title, and you should include any honours along with your final grade.

Experienced Graduate

If you are a graduate with experience, whether that is because you left university a few years back or because you undertook a work placement as part of your course, this section can be less detailed.

CV education section for experienced graduate

BA (Hons) Digital Marketing – Queen Mary University – 2018 – 2021 Final grade: 2:1

  • Modules including: Interactive media technologies, media streaming and the Cloud, programming for data analysis and personalising the digital experience

A-Levels including English Language (A), Media Studies(A) and History (B)

10 GCSEs grade A to C including English, Maths and Media Studies 

You should still include your degree, A-Levels and GCSEs as shown above, but you can give fewer details, as the focus will lie with your real-world experience.

That said, this section should follow a similar format, including the type of degree and the full title, the university you attended and your final grade. In this case, your education section might look something like the above.

How to write your education on your CV

No matter what stage you’re at in your career, knowing how to structure , format and effectively showcase your education on your CV is critical. To help you get it right, we have pulled together some of our top tips for nailing your education section.

Adapt for your experience level

As we mentioned earlier, you should always include your educational experience in reverse chronological order, listing your most recent qualifications first. You also need to adapt this section depending on your level of experience.

You can see in the examples we’ve given above, if you’ve got work experience behind you, then you can afford to be more sparing on the details. However, if you don’t have a lot of relevant experience to speak of, you should go more in-depth about your key subjects, skills and achievements in your education section.

Only include relevant qualifications

As with every section on your CV, you need to make sure that you’re only providing information that is relevant to the role and employer. Otherwise, you could be wasting valuable space.

The more experience you have behind you, the less detail you need to give in terms of your education. Therefore, you can leave out any qualifications that aren’t relevant to the role. This is the reason you don’t need to list all 10 of your GCSEs unless this is the only educational background you have.

The same applies when you include your modules, achievements or extra-curricular activities. If they aren’t relevant to your career path, you are better off saving that space for something that is.

Use bullet points and break information up

Finally, it can be helpful to use bullet points throughout your education section, particularly when going into more detail about your experience. This is because bullet points can improve the format, make your CV more readable and help draw the recruiter’s attention to the details that matter the most.

Remember, you only have a few seconds to grab their attention and impress them, so you need to make it as easy as possible for the reader to find the key information quickly and effortlessly.

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How to list education on a CV (with examples)

7 min read · Updated on July 30, 2024

Laura Slingo

Learn how to write the education section on your CV

An education section is one of the basic requirements of a great CV, but it's crucial to ensure that it's in the right place and that you have the right level of detail. In this article, we'll share a few tips and discuss the main considerations to ensure your education has the right impact when listing it on your CV. 

Why is it important to list education on your CV?

The education section enables hiring managers to assess whether you have the right academic qualifications for the job. This will carry greater or lesser weight in the recruitment process depending on how much work experience and relevant coursework you have. However, it's still considered to be vital information to include.

How to write an education section on a CV

Here are the basics of how to list education on your CV:

What to include in your CV education section

There are a few fundamentals the recruiter will expect to see in the education section of your CV. They include:

Name of the institution – school, college, or university

Qualification with grades

Dates of attendance or the year the qualification was awarded

If you're a recent university graduate, you should also include details of relevant modules to highlight your candidacy.

Where to list education on a CV

Where you position your qualifications depends on how recent your education is and how relevant your work experience is to your intended next steps. 

Education leaver: If you're just leaving formal education, your academic record will carry more weight with a recruiter or hiring manager than your professional experience, so you should position an education section above your employment history.

Current professional: If you're settled into your career and have gained skills and knowledge through your work, then the employment history section will take precedence and education can be positioned below it.

Career changer: The exception to this rule is for those writing CVs to change careers . For example, suppose you've had a long career in retail but wish to pursue a career as an accountant. In that case, you can place education before employment history and include details of the accountancy qualifications and relevant coursework you're taking in preparation for the transition.

How to format the education section of your CV

A few general rules exist for adding your academic qualifications and achievements to your CV. Here are a few guidelines to follow:

Reverse-chronological order: Start with your most recent education and work backwards

Add extra detail: Include relevant modules, coursework, and awards if they will add weight to your job application

Formatting consistency: Mimic the formatting of your CV, including a bold section heading, bullet points, and sentence structure

When writing your education, use this template:

Institution name – Dates attended (from-to)

Qualification/subject – Grade

Or, for space-saving, you could try a more compact version:

Qualification, grade – Institution – Year

How to list your education if you're still studying

You can still list a qualification on your CV if you're working towards completion. You just need to clarify that it still needs to be finished. For example, say “In progress” or “Due to complete in 2025.” 

You'll need to include the level of the qualification, such as BSc (Hons) or MBA, as well as the name of the course, like “International Business” or “Sports Therapy.” You should also include the name of the educational institution awarding the qualification ‒ usually the name of your university.

Modules, projects, dissertations, and theses can also be listed, focusing on the higher-level work and modules of particular interest or relevance. You can also mention if you're a member of any clubs or societies relevant to your chosen career path.

As your high school education or undergraduate degree is the main selling point on your CV at this time, you should also include any lower-level qualifications you have. Level, subject and year of completion are enough details here.

If you're still studying, your education section may look like this:

what to write in education description

How to write your degree on your CV

It's always best to include any postgraduate or undergraduate degrees on your CV, no matter where you are in your career. If you're a seasoned professional, lower-level qualifications can be omitted if they don't add anything of value to your application.

Recent graduates will still need to include all of the details above and the completion date of the high school diploma or college degree. If you received a strong grade – a first or a 2:1 – you can also include that.

In this case, you may list further education like this:

what to write in education description

How to write your A-Levels and GSCEs on your CV

Suppose you have no plans to go to university and are planning to start work after finishing your formal education at school or college. In that case, you must include more details about the qualifications you've achieved there. The level of the course, the subjects and the years of completion are the bare minimum.

Also include any strong grades, defined as grade C or above for A-levels and grade 4 or above for GCSEs (grade C for those slightly older!).

If you held any positions of responsibility during your studies and academic career, you could include those too – maybe you were a prefect, football team captain or student council member. Once you have some work history behind you, you can omit this level of detail.

Your education section could look like this for now:

what to write in education description

Writing education on a CV: FAQs

What should i include in my education section if i have professional experience.

When you have some strong work experience or professional training under your belt, you need less detail in your education section; your career will carry more weight with a recruiter at this stage. However, you should still include a top-level summary of your highest level of education.

One line stating the level of qualification and subject is enough. For university-level qualifications, include the name of the institution as well. Do include the year of completion unless there's a risk of age discrimination. Suppose your qualifications were O-levels or CSEs rather than GCSEs. In that case, you might want to consider leaving them off completely ‒ even without stating the year, your age is implied, and ageism could affect your application.

At this stage of your career, your education section may look like this:

what to write in education description

What should I do if I started a qualification but never completed it?

Incomplete qualifications or unfinished education should not be mentioned at all. Even though there may be perfectly valid reasons for not completing a course, when written in summary and compared against the CVs of other candidates, it looks weak.

If eliminating the qualification or incomplete education creates a large and unmistakable gap in your CV , you may need to include it to cover the gap. In this case, try to present the incomplete qualification positively.

For example:

what to write in education description

What should I do if my grades are poor?

If you didn't quite achieve the grades you hoped for, the solution is easy: leave them out! A third-class degree is still a degree. For GCSEs or A-levels, list only the subjects that you passed.

How often should I update the education section of my CV?

Your education is integral to the CV, so it should be reviewed every time you update the document with a new job or ongoing course. Make sure that you still have the right amount of detail for your experience level and that irrelevant parts are removed. You should gradually move from a long and detailed section to a one-liner as you progress from high school or college student to seasoned professional.

Ultimate objective

In summary, your aim for the education section is to ensure that it complements your career goals by being relevant and sufficiently detailed. You won't go far wrong with this golden rule as your guide. 

Are you properly showcasing your education and other academic achievements on your CV? Find out by getting a free CV review here .

This article was originally written by Jen David and has been updated by Laura Slingo. 

Recommended reading:

How to write first class honours on a CV

Certifications on your CV: how to list them - with examples

How to make a CV for your first job

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What to Include in the Education Section of a Resume

what to write in education description

  • What to Include in the Education Section
  • Where to Put the Education Section
  • Tips for the Education Section

Resume Education Section Template

Education section examples.

What's the best way to include your education on your resume? In the education section of your resume, list the schools you attended, the degrees you attained, your GPA if you're a student or a recent graduate, and any special awards and honors you earned.

You should tailor the education section of your resume to fit your circumstances, including whether or not you're still a student, and the nature of any academic achievements you've accrued. By including the right information, you can impress your employer and secure an interview.

What to Include in the Education Section of Your Resume

Here's an overview of what to include when you're adding education to your resume.

School and degree.  The essential information to include in the education section are your degree(s) and the schools you attended.

Major and minor.  You can also give more specific information, including your major and minor, as well as the year you graduated, although the latter is not required.

Your GPA.  Include your grade-point average (GPA) if you're currently a student or are 1-2 years out of school and your GPA is strong (about 3.0-3.5 or higher, depending on your major). You may also want to consider including your in-major GPA if it's higher than your overall GPA.

Honors and awards.  Include any honors or awards you have received in school. These can range from Latin honors (such as  cum laude  or  magna cum laude ) to dean’s list and other awards.

You can also include extracurricular clubs, charitable groups, or Greek organizations where you were active and/or held a leadership role.

Certifications, continuing education, and professional development.  Include any professional development courses and certifications. You can list any licenses you have unless you have a separate section of your resume where you include this information.

Where to Put the Education Section of Your Resume

Current students, recent college graduates, or career changers may want to put the education section towards the top of their resume. This is because students typically have limited work experience and want to highlight academic success.

If you have been out of school for at least a couple of years, you can move this section to the bottom of your resume. By this time, you have enough work experience to highlight that you don’t need to rely on your education.

Tips for the Education Section of Your Resume

Consider subsections.  If you have a lot of information to include in the education section of your resume, consider breaking this section into subsections. The main section might include your schools and degrees, and then you can have other sections such as “Awards and Honors,” “Certifications,” and “Professional Development.” If you held a leadership role in a school-affiliated organization (such as a club, sport, or Greek organization), you could list that below the "Awards and Honors" line.

Provide specifics (if useful).  If the sub-college of your university is well known and relevant (e.g., say you graduated from the hospitality school of your university and are applying for a job in hospitality), you can include that before you include your university name. For example, you could write, “School of Hospitality, XYZ College.”

When you can leave out your GPA.  If you're a student or recent graduate and your GPA wasn’t great, but you have other accolades, you can leave the GPA out and put something else, like “XYZ Award Recipient” unless the employer requires a minimum GPA. Once you've been out of school for few years, you can take your GPA out of your resume altogether.

You can leave out high school (after a while). Once you've been in college for a year or so (or once you're in some other sort of continuing education), you can leave your high school degree and GPA out of your resume. However, you should mention your high school diploma (or GED ) if it is your highest degree.

When you can leave out your graduation date. You aren't required to list your graduation date on your resume—but if your degree was earned over 10 - 15 years ago or you're an older job seeker, it's a good idea to omit the date you graduated.

Tell the truth. It's very easy for an employer to confirm whether or not the education information in your resume is true or not. If they have requested a copy, they can simply check your transcript . If you're not happy with your GPA, leave it out, but don’t make it up. Be honest.

If you're a college student or graduate and unsure about what details to include in your resume, check with your career services office for guidance.

You can use the following template to help structure the education section of your resume. Keep in mind that you can change and remove any of this information to fit your own circumstances and the job for which you're applying.


College Name Year of graduation Degree, major, and minor GPA

Awards and Honors Include any academic achievements here, including Latin honors, honors within your major, and more.

Certifications Include any professional or educational certifications you've received.

Professional Development Include any professional development experiences, including courses (both online and in person) and seminars. You might also mention here if you're a member of any relevant professional organizations. If you hold a position within the organization, mention that as well.

Resume Education Section Example #1

Huntown College May 2021 Bachelor of Arts in English, department honors 3.8 GPA

Resume Education Section Example #2

EDUCATION XYZ College Bachelor of Arts in Journalism

Awards and Honors Summa cum laude ABC Award for outstanding journalism major

Certifications Level 1 Strategic Communication Certification

Professional Development Conference Coordinator, XYZ Journalism Association of America

Virginia Tech. " Should I Include My GPA on My Resume? " Accessed Sept. 15, 2021.

CareerOneStop. " Education ." Accessed Sept. 15, 2021.

CollegeGrad. " Should You Include Your GPA on Your Entry Level Resume? " Accessed Sept. 15, 2021.

CNBC. " This is the Age When You Should Remove Your Graduation Year From Your Resume ." Accessed Sept. 15, 2021.

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What Will My Kid Learn in First Grade?

See what educational milestones your child will achieve, what first graders learn, and how to help them master these skills at home.

First Grade Reading

First grade writing, number sense in first grade, measurement and geometry in first grade, time and money in first grade, science and social studies in first grade.

By the time they reach first grade, children begins absorbing new material like a sponge. What do first graders learn? For starters, they understand at least 20,000 words, have some impressive spelling skills, and can sense how words and language work. In math , they're getting faster by the week at adding and subtracting, and they're learning to solve word problems.

Despite these accomplishments, though, your first grader still needs plenty of encouragement. In fact, they needs it now more than ever, says Susan Quinn, a first grade teacher at Sacred Heart School in the Bronx, New York.

" Kids will start to not like school at this age if they feel that they're not smart or that they're not doing well," Quinn says. First graders can also talk more about their feelings, so be sure to listen and help out if your child gets discouraged.

Here are the important learning milestones children will typically achieve in the first grade, with tips for helping your kid stay on track.

First graders will be able to read at least 150 high-frequency words ("sight words") by year's end, and typically have improved phonics and reading comprehension skills by this time as well. They’ll also read grade-level books independently—and understand them.

Helping at home

  • Give your budding bookworm plenty of opportunities to read aloud, at a level appropriate for the age of first grade students. Have them read you a short story while you're cooking, for example, or give them the important job of reading to a younger sibling.
  • Take turns reading the pages, helping them sound out and learn unfamiliar words (use contextual clues like surrounding words or pictures), and keep discussing stories by asking questions ("Why do you think she did that?"). Help them learn prediction by asking, "What do you think will happen next?" and ask them to retell a story in a few sentences to practice summarizing.
  • Always have kids' books or magazines handy if you need to wait somewhere, such as a health care provider's office or train station.

In the first grade curriculum, kids will learn to spell three- and four-letter words and write clear, coherent full sentences. By the end of the year, your child will be forming short paragraphs with at least three or four sentences, and should also structure sentences correctly by capitalizing the first letter and ending with the correct punctuation. They may also write basic short stories—perhaps about losing a tooth or riding a bike.

  • Have your child keep a notebook at home , Quinn says, because first grade students love to write lists and notes to friends. This writing won't be graded, so your child should have fun with it. Encourage them to draw pictures and write without correcting spelling or grammar.
  • Also feel free to give your child fun writing prompts . After you visit the park, for example, ask them to describe the interesting things they did. Give children prompts connected to reading, too. "After you've read Charlotte's Web , have them write about a pet that they would like to have, or ask what they would name a pet pig if they had one," Quinn suggests.

By the end of the year, your child will count, read, write, and order sequential numbers up to 100. They will also learn how to compare numbers using the signs for greater than, less than, and equal to. First graders can add whole numbers with a sum of 20 or less and subtract from a whole number 20 or less, and they will be introduced to the concept of place value when adding and subtracting two-digit numbers .

  • Help your first grader understand the importance of math in everyday life. Encourage your child to count the number of steps it takes to walk from the front door to the kitchen. Then, ask them to count the amount of steps it takes to walk from the front door to their bedroom. Ask them to identify which distance is greater.
  • Hang up a number chart in your child's bedroom showing numbers one to 100, and find a place mat with numbers to practice counting during meals. While waiting in line, practice counting by twos and fives together.

As part of the first grade curriculum , kids will compare the length, weight, and volume of objects. They’ll measure length using small things, such as paper clips or pencils. Finally, teachers will explain how to compare, identify, and describe common shapes.

  • When cooking, show your child the numbers on recipes and talk about what they mean as you measure ingredients. Grab a pitcher and a variety of cups, and experiment with volume by pouring the same amounts of liquid into different-size cups and different amounts into same-size cups.
  • Encourage your first grade student to talk about 3D shapes of objects, such as a tissue box (cube) or ball (sphere), and discuss the different architectural shapes of buildings outside. "Shapes can be a lot of fun," Quinn says. "Seeing these as part of their life, not just something taught in school , definitely makes a difference."

First grade students will be able to read a clock face to the nearest half hour. They’ll understand concepts such as "an hour from now," and they’ll name the days of the week and months of the year. Finally, your first grader will learn to identify different coins, understand the value of each one, and combine different amounts. (For example, two nickels equals one dime).

  • Find an analog clock and track the big hand each hour.
  • Look at monthly calendars together, and let your child mark important dates and events.
  • Keep talking about what you did "today" and "yesterday," and what you'll do "tomorrow" or "next week."
  • Play games with coins. Take a pile of spare change and ask your child how many ways they can make 10 cents, 25 cents, or 75 cents.
  • When you go grocery shopping , discuss how much money you'll need to buy milk and bread.

During first grade, your child will learn the basic fundamentals of science . Not only will they learn about the difference between living and nonliving things, they also will learn how to collect data and record observations particularly with regard to weather patterns, lifecycles of plants, and the cycles associated with the the sun, the moon, and the ocean.

They also will gain a basic understanding of social studies. For instance, they will learn about important events, community involvement, and symbols that represent the United States. 

  • At home, you can try planting seeds and observing and tracking their growth.
  • Take a trip to the zoo and note the different characteristics of the animals. You also can sort plastic animals by their features and record the differences.
  • There also are a variety of STEAM projects and crafts you can do at home.
  • As for social studies, try looking at a map of the United States together to familiarize your little one with the different states. You also can talk about the flag and what the Stars and Stripes stand for.

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Writing Curriculum

Teach Writing With The New York Times: Our 2024-25 Curriculum

Our nine writing units are based on real-world features like reviews, photo essays, narratives, podcasts and more.

An illustration titled "A Writer's Routine" that shows an A-Z list of activities, starting with Awake, Breakfast and Coffee.

By The Learning Network

Please note: Fully updated versions of each unit, as well as all supporting materials, will be published before each related contest opens for submissions.

What can the news, features, essays, interviews, photos, videos, podcasts and graphics in The New York Times teach your students about composing for a real audience? So much, we hope, that the units we detail below are just a beginning.

Our writing curriculum is a road map for teachers as well as an invitation to students. For teachers, it organizes our offerings into nine units, each of which focuses on a different genre or type of composing that your students can find not just in The Times but also in all kinds of real-world sources.

For students, these units offer confirmation that they have something valuable to say, choices about how to say it and a global audience eager to listen. Promoting student voices has always been a pillar of our site, and through the opportunities for publication woven into each unit, we want to encourage students to go beyond simply consuming media to becoming creators themselves.

Though some of the units spotlight mediums like photography or podcasting, writing is at the heart of each one. All our units begin and end with written reflection and depend on writing throughout — to plan and organize, to outline and script, to summarize and process. Increasingly, Times journalists are composing in multimedia, weaving photos, illustrations, video and audio into their written reports. We’re inviting students to do the same.

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