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write an essay on online exams are better than offline exams

What’s the Difference between Online Exam and Offline Exam?

Yasmine Nasr February 23, 2021 13,219 Views

What is the key difference between online exam and offline exam? Are online exams better than offline exams? Which one is faster in grading? And, it can be more confusing now to talk about paper-based exams in the same context. So “are offline exams and paper-based exams the same?” If not, how are they both different than online exams? And which is better?

These are some of the most relevant questions we consistently hear in today’s world of education… I f you’re in the process of preparing your educational organization for exams and you feel a bit uncertain, we promise you’re not alone. 

Taking a decision on the best examination option for your educational organization takes time and supported data. In this article, we will attempt to tackle all of your questions on online and offline exams so that you can pick the best fit for you.

Table of Contents

What Is the Difference between Online Exam and Offline Exam?

Before we go into the difference between online and offline exams and explore the different types of them, let’s talk about the examination process. For a successful examination, we have to go through through the following 3 phases:

  • Exam creation , in which an exam has to follow a set of principles
  • Exam delivery, online or offline or paper-based
  • Exam analysis, where we analyze the assessment results

write an essay on online exams are better than offline exams

Now if we do look into computer-based exams, meaning exams that are formed and graded using a computer system, we’ll find that there are a lot of types of exams: offline computer-based exams, online exams, and paper-based exams.

The biggest difference between online exam and offline exam and paper-based exam is in the second phase: the exam delivery, as seen in the image below. Exams can be delivered either using a computer, laptop, mobile, and tablet or printed papers (find out how Qorrect assessment system can do both online and offline exams on our Youtube channel now !).

Educational institutions have different options they can choose from, with the examination systems technology offers.

Even if a college, for example, still prefers using paper-based exams, they could set the examination halls for students, schedule the suitable dates, generate the exam through the examination system, then print it in papers for students to answer in, and then scan the papers and enter the answered papers back into the assessment system so that it can grade at once, generate reports on students results.. .

1. Offline Exams

Some may assume that an offline exam means that the assessment is done only by pen and paper. And that’s not wrong at all. However, offline exams don’t have to be only paper-based. They can still be done in a computer lab, for example, where there is no Internet access, but there is a local network available.

But still, what is the definition of offline exams? An offline exam means an exam that can either be administered paper-based or offline using examination software systems, like Qorrect, in which the test is run within an examination facility with computers only locally connected, for example.

Needless to say that many organization now tend to stay away from the former type, due to the many disadvantages it has.

 The second type is carried out by agreement between the educational organization and the exam delivery portal providers beforehand.

Weighing the advantages and disadvantages of offline exam against any other online exams system, you might consider choosing offline exams over online exams. The most common though is having an unstable Internet connection in the examination facility.

A not so reliable online exams platform might cause delay during the exams if there is bad Wi-Fi. In some cases, many students even complained that the answers they’ve added to the system before a Wi-Fi disconnection were lost once the Internet was back (see we can resolve this issue using Qorrect examination portal ).


2. Online Exams

There is a lot of misinformation on the way online exams are conducted. A large percentage believes that as long as exams are not proctored by someone who stands right in front of students, watching every move and whisper, it’s easy to cheat.

write an essay on online exams are better than offline exams

This is now far from the truth. In fact, today’s technology gives you the means to proctor students more closely. Instead of being distracted by a not-so small number of students in a classroom , you can employ the right software that lets you spend your time in the right place.

A powerful online exams or e-testing system is 100% secure. It runs with a safe exam browser that locks examiners’ screens to show only the exam on the operating system used. This makes the exam cheat-proof.   

Since we’ve already established that the biggest difference between online exam and offline exam is in the delivery phase, let’s discuss the other phases the online examination process goes through.

Exams were first designed many years ago to assess students’ understanding in relation to the learning objectives of their lessons. Therefore, building an online exams assessment software means focusing on the targeted learning objectives.

Now, a lot of attention in the educational world is given to this point. In fact, if you scheduled your Free demo from Qorrect, you’ll find that the examination process is built of 5 parts, the first one depending on learning objectives.

What Are the Common Points between Online and Offline Exams?

Now let’s talk about what’s common between online and offline exams. First, both types of exams, in Qorrect assessment system, are based on the balanced, learning objectives set by the lecturer to begin with.

Second, once you choose to create the exam, whether you choose it to be online and offline exams, the examination software comprehensive data analysis of the questions or exam items, e.g., their difficulty level, etc.

What’s more, the system’s items bank sets an automatic expiration period for each question, recording all the data related to it. This way, you get a report of every time a question was used in a test, avoiding repetitive questions every year.

The software also allows you shuffle questions and answers, set different forms for the same exam, check captured handwriting images, and go through results and performance reports.

How to Create an Online Exam?

1. identify your course objectives.

  • You can add the learning objective and cognitive levels that you connect later on with your questions.
  • You can specify the criteria of the exam paper, e.g., number of questions.

2. Optimize Your Questions Bank 

  • You add all types of questions, including audio, video, and essay questions, based on specific keywords related to the cognitive levels and learning objectives, building your questions bank as you go.
  • You are able to get psychometric analysis of each question . For example, the discrimination characteristic of questions will be able to tell you whether it can identify A students from others who need more help.

3. Select the Right Exam Delivery Option for You

  • Creating exams manually: in the type of exam creation, you select the questions you see best fit your exam based on the different cognitive levels, lessons, and learning objective of each one.
  • Creating exams semi-manually: in this type, you choose all the needed criteria and the exams.. lecturers sometimes prefer this one since it spells equality and fairness for all students. As the percentage of human error here is almost zero!
  • Creating exams automatically: this is the last type and it depends on the blue-print criteria you add in the course management. You only have to specify what type of assessment you need, and the exam is created automatically.

Is Online Exam Better Than Offline?

Your students, Z generation and millennial, are already accustomed to computers. It’s a big part of their lives. They’re familiar with it more than pens and papers. Their fingers move over keyboards much faster than with a pen. However, online exams might not be something they are used to now.

That’s why you may find a large number of students who consider online exams interesting and engaging. But are they are better than offline exams or not? L et’s go through paper-based vs computer-based exams and see!

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Exams

  • First, online exams offer you the chance to open admission for international schools from any place in the world with no problem at all. A school or college with online examination system will have the capabilities now to widen its student-base.
  • Online exams are flexible in both time and place. You can allow students to pick the time slots that suit them the most in order to take the test. Moreover, any answers students enter in online exams are automatically saved, while allowing them to edit or delete anything if they change their mind.
  • Not all students have excellent internet connection; therefore, some colleges have started supporting their students with the means to improve their Internet connections, while some governments began strengthening their infrastructure so that once the examination period is set, governmental colleges won’t have to postpone exams due to COIVD-19. 
  • I n an online exam, scheduling exams is the easiest thing. Since the exam is already on one system that connects you to your students, thousands of students taking their exams at the same day and time on the system won’t be a problem. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Offline Exams ( Paper-Based)

  • In an offline exam, your students will have to go to your facility’s exams hall in order to take their exams. This is rather  inconvenient, in 2021, with COVID-19 not slowing down.
  • Students get too worried of erasing anything on paper, especially in a bubble-sheet exam, since their answers might not be erased completely and it takes too long to erase any bubbles they’ve made since they’re instructed to darken them to much for the scanner to detect.
  • Dates of paper-based exams are set by the school administration or the college administration and they are not changed unless there’s an emergency.
  • It’s rather easy to cheat or leak exams.
  • There are many complaints about the lack of exams objectivity; an entire exam may depend on only one part of the curriculum, which is not fair; it is necessary to highlight each part in order to create a balanced test.
  • Test results are sometimes delayed in traditional exams.
  • Their financial cost is high.
  • They require a lot of attention from the college administration and management.
  • Interactive questions such as video are not available in paper-based exams.
  • The difficulty of accurately monitoring and acquiring data on the quality of the questions, entire tests, and results.
  • The examination process is long and cumbersome for all parties in the education system.
  • Some schools choose to schedule the same test at different times for each group of students in order to reduce attendance at the test hall and reduce traffic, to avoid any health problems during the spread of COVID-19.

Online exams systems are part of a greater purpose, education… Edtech is nothing new to the world of education. It’s been there for years now. And its tools are far from perfect. However, they’ve proven to be something we can rely on now and they’re here to stay!

I f you haven’t reserved a FREE Demo for Qorrect online system yet, you’re missing out on a lot! Register now for free .

  • Analysis of unfair means cases in computer-based examination systems .
  • https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/chandigarh-over-50-exams-will-be-held-online/articleshow/81087017.cms .
  • https://blogs.worldbank.org/education/moving-high-stakes-exams-online-five-points-consider .

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Online exams vs. paper exams – which are best?

Oct 5, 2018 | Students | 0 |

Online exams vs. paper exams – which are best?

In 2013, David Hanson of the Independent Association of Prep Schools explained that, within a decade, he expected schools to make the shift to online exams .

He was backed up by the president of Pearson UK, who said that the Edexcel board were already delivering ‘nearly 900,000 online-based tests in schools and colleges’.

There is no doubt that technology is already permeating the world of exams and will continue to do so in the years ahead. However, this raises the question of which type of exams are best for students.

While there are many pros to moving to online exams (reduced paper, time and money savings for schools), what are the benefits for students?

Online exams

Pupils have grown up surrounded by technology and use it far more than previous generations. This has moved into the classroom with teachers making use of modern teaching methods such as VR and AR to enhance their students’ learning.

This means that this generation of pupils are more used to technology in their education and using it in exams seems the next logical step. In fact, many students might be uncomfortable with the idea of paper tests when so much of their learning has utilised technology.

It could be the educational equivalent of asking them to start a fire with twigs when they’ve always used matches previously.

Online exams can feel more accessible to students. They may also have the perception of being fairer because they appear more standardised and the marking is therefore standardised too.

Digital technology is already used by exam boards, for instance, to separate responses out for individual questions to speed up the marking process.

Rod Bristow, the president of Pearson UK commented that:

This has made the assessment process quicker, more secure and most crucially, fairer for learners, with no single examiner marking an entire paper.

The perception of improved fairness, then, may already have been demonstrated in the marking process and this could be replicated in the use of technology for assessment purposes.

There are, however, technological hurdles to overcome if online exams are to work effectively across the country.

For example, some schools don’t have the same level of broadband and technical equipment as others. Rural schools may not have the same capacity as inner-city schools, leading to discrepancies in the availability of online exams.

This could then lead to students who are technologically able feeling short-changed by the lack of options for them. There’s also the possibility that some pupils may not be technologically competent, and the system could adversely penalise them.

Paper exams

Paper exams remain the norm for complex subjects, although the capacity for shifts to computer-based testing is still widely discussed.

One benefit is that they are reliant on systems that have been proven to work for many years. This offers a level of security to students who know that the processes have been developed and utilised for generations.

There is less chance of papers being lost (although this still occurs) and a reduced fear of technical glitches causing issues with the examination. Equally, taking paper exams in a traditional setting can feel more like an exam and therefore the importance of it is reiterated to pupils.

In the same way that some students may struggle with technology, though, it’s also the case that some pupils may be completely unused to writing for long periods of time. This may mean that they can’t complete questions sufficiently and struggle to attain the grades they deserve.

In addition, legibility is required for papers to be effectively marked, and this is something that many students struggle with.

Online vs. Paper

As things stand, technology for bringing computer-based testing into schools comprehensively is still in the future, and the efficacy of them is still up for debate.

A 2016 American study on the different scores attained within online testing and paper testing concluded that the more effective method is the one that students are proficient with:

So, method of testing makes a difference in the following ways: if students are not adept at taking a test on a computer, they score higher on the same paper-and-pencil test. If they are adept with a computer, they score higher on the computer test. Steve Graham, Professor of Leadership and Innovation, Arizona State University

It seems, then, that the progress of online exams depends as much on the progress of computer literacy and confidence as it does on the development of onscreen exam technology.

Of course, at EDExams, we firmly believe in the future of online exams and marking. As more children grow up in the digital age, a shift to online exams will eventually happen and our platform can already be used to deliver the full examination process from mock exams to marking and grading.

Discover  how EDExams can help you introduce online exams in your setting.

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Essay on Online Exam

Students are often asked to write an essay on Online Exam in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Online Exam


Online exams are tests conducted via the internet. They are a popular method of evaluating students’ knowledge in the digital age.


However, online exams also have drawbacks. They require a stable internet connection and a suitable device. Cheating can also be a problem, as it’s harder for teachers to monitor students.

Despite challenges, online exams are a convenient, modern approach to education assessment.

250 Words Essay on Online Exam

Introduction to online examinations, advantages of online examinations.

Online exams offer several benefits. Firstly, they provide flexibility as students can take them from any location, reducing travel time and expenses. Secondly, they allow for immediate feedback, facilitating quicker learning. Thirdly, they promote environmental sustainability by reducing paper usage.

Challenges and Solutions

Despite the advantages, online exams pose challenges such as technical issues, internet connectivity problems, and concerns about academic integrity. However, solutions like robust IT infrastructure, reliable internet connections, and sophisticated proctoring software can mitigate these issues.

Future of Online Examinations

As technology advances, online exams are set to become more sophisticated and user-friendly. Innovations like AI-powered proctoring, adaptive testing, and virtual reality could redefine the future of testing, making it more efficient and effective.

In conclusion, online examinations are a transformative educational tool that offers numerous benefits while posing some challenges. However, with technological advancements and effective solutions, they are poised to become an integral part of the education system, reshaping the way we assess learning and knowledge.

500 Words Essay on Online Exam

Online examinations have emerged as a revolutionary trend in the educational sector. They represent a shift from traditional pen-and-paper tests to digital platforms, providing a more efficient, reliable, and convenient evaluation method. This digital transformation in education is primarily driven by advancements in technology and the need for flexible learning environments.

The Mechanism of Online Examinations

One of the significant advantages of online examinations is their geographical independence. Students can take these exams from anywhere, reducing the need for physical infrastructure and travel. This accessibility can be especially beneficial for students residing in remote areas or for those with physical disabilities.

Moreover, online exams provide instant feedback, enhancing the learning experience. Students can quickly identify their areas of weakness and work on them immediately. This immediate feedback mechanism helps in improving the overall learning process and outcomes.

Challenges with Online Examinations

The future of online examinations.

The future of online examinations looks promising with the advent of advanced technologies. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and data analytics can further streamline the process by automating grading, providing personalized feedback, and identifying learning patterns.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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write an essay on online exams are better than offline exams

Students and faculty weigh the benefits of online vs. in-person exams

Some aspects of the virtual world may be here to stay.

By NICK CHARANJIVA | October 4, 2021


This semester’s hybrid academic format has posed a multitude of technical and logistical challenges for proctoring exams. Contrary to last semester, professors can now opt for in-person exams depending on the format of the class.

However, courses are not required to administer their exams in person even if the course offers in-person accommodations. This shift has been viewed as a critical step towards returning to some sense of normalcy, but students and faculty continue to weigh the benefits of each format.

In an interview with The News-Letter , Applied Mathematics and Statistics Senior Lecturer Mario Micheli explained his approach to online testing for the past two semesters. Though he was reluctant to proctor exams virtually or force students to lock down their browsers, he was concerned with upholding academic integrity. 

For his exams, Micheli allowed students to access the internet, their notes and even a calculator, which was a drastic departure from his course before the pandemic. He explained that this adaptation went smoothly in the online format. 

“It seemed to work quite well because it was timed — the students were so focused for such a short period of time that it would have been a waste of time to talk to others,” Micheli said. 

He also noted that grade distributions for the course did not seem to change despite this modification.

“The kind of curve I got was very similar to the kind of curve I would get pre-COVID. I did make the tests a bit harder to compensate for the open-note environment, but it was fair because I suggested that they use cheat sheets, and they also had access to MATLAB and calculators,“ he said. “I made it not computationally harder but conceptually harder, so I could test the students’ deeper understanding of the material.”

This semester, Micheli considered continuing online exams as a precaution against COVID-19 transmission, but he told The News-Letter that his courses will return to in-person testing, mainly to mitigate any issues with academic integrity.

Spanish Language Senior Lecturer Naiara Martínez-Vélez explained that her courses will also have in-person testing, but she explained that her exams would still be completed online.

“My exams will be held in Blackboard but completed in class at our regular class time,” she said. “Because of the pandemic, it is better to avoid passing along papers from teachers to students and vice versa.”

Martínez-Vélez detailed some of the benefits of continuing online testing.

“It is ecologically friendly; it makes it easier to keep students’ records for longer periods of time; it offers faster tests results,” she said. “It offers flexibility for those students that may need to quarantine and cannot attend class in-person on the specific date of the exam.”

Like faculty, students have had to adapt to the online testing environment. Some, like junior Jeffrey Ding, expressed hesitations about returning to in-person exams.

“It is a little strange, as we have not done in-person exams for so long,” he said.

Ding noted that for online exams, many professors allowed access to notes and the internet, which he says made studying easier and reduced stress. However, he pointed out that many of these exams were also much more difficult than in-person exams and often took much longer to complete.

Other students, like senior Jayden Kunwar, were content with the return to in-person exams and noted the advantages of in-person testing. Kunwar said he appreciates the value of dedicating a certain location and time to important exams.

“I am a big believer in creating the right environments for certain events, and having a dedicated environment for test-taking can promote academic success,” he said.

Sophomore Hallie Gallo took her first in-person exam earlier this week and told The News-Letter about her experience.

“It was really strange returning to in-person exams, and I was stressed prior to the exam,” she said. “However, once I was taking the exam, I enjoyed it a lot more than online exams.”

Sophomore Fred Miglo recently took two in-person exams — one in Nervous Systems and another in Organic Chemistry — and explained that his exams felt less content-heavy than when they were online.

“When we were online, [professors] assumed that we used notes, so they made the questions more in-depth,” he said.

Miglo hopes that aspects of online learning like open-note exams will continue after classes become fully in-person.

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Online exams vs offline exams – key differences

Exams are one of countless things the digital revolution has transformed. traditional offline tests are completed in rooms and halls scattered with students, each with their own desk and exam paper, and under the watchful eyes of invigilators. modern online tests are vastly different. they are released from the boundaries of space, able to be completed across vast distances, with paper swapped for screens and invigilation possible by both humans and intelligent software , each monitoring students in their own way..

In this article, we explore the key differences between online exams and offline exams, helping you to understand the pros and cons of each and whether switching to online exams is a good idea for your organisation.

1. Online exams can be auto-marked; offline exams require manual marking

Computers were invented to automate routine tasks such as calculations, and this time-saving capability is a key reason for their success. With offline exams, someone must work through each paper individually and score them based on the marking criteria. If the assessment is being double-marked for consistency, this has to be done twice. When the exam is taken online and driven by powerful assessment software , marking can be done automatically based on set marking criteria, which includes both straightforward yes/no answers as well as answers that require certain keywords or phrases. And this is only going to get better as artificial intelligence improves. For an organisation that runs thousands of tests each year, the time and money saved on marking can be immense .

2. Online exams are scalable; offline exams are limited by cost

For every student sitting an offline exam, they need a certain amount of space in a building, a desk, a printed exam paper, and an invigilator to monitor them. And the more students that are sitting the test, the more expensive and time-consuming the process becomes. For an organisation that needs to set thousands of tests, this simply isn’t scalable, which is one reason that online exams have become so popular. For appropriate exams that don’t require invigilation, s with little coordination required and invigilation achieved using software (plus humans, if needed).

3. Online exams can provide automated reports; reports for offline exams must be created manually

To analyse students’ performance and develop strategies based on the data, you’ll need to create reports . With offline exams, these need to be created manually after the exams have been marked and the information added to a spreadsheet. For online exams, because the results data is already in the system, reports can be generated automatically when they are needed, even immediately after the exam has finished.

4. Online exams require digital devices; offline exams don’t

Computers and tablets are ubiquitous, In this scenario, unless it’s feasible to rent devices for the online exam, offline exams may be the only choice.

A similar issue can arise in remote communities with poor or unstable internet connections, or a complete absence of the internet. These are obvious barriers to completing online exams. At Janison, we solved this issue with our Replay product , which allows online exams to be taken regardless of whether an internet connection is present and no matter how unstable it may be.

5. Online exams can be easily adjusted to cater for students with special needs; offline exams require more work

Some students may have special needs that make the exam difficult (or impossible) to answer. For example, students with limited motor ability may struggle with “drag and drop” style questions, or may not be able to use a mouse at all; students with colour blindness may find it difficult to read or interpret some questions depending on the colours used; students with poor eyesight may find it difficult to read small text; and some students may be entitled to extra time for certain questions or the entire test. With online exam software, all of these issues (and more) can be anticipated and rectified beforehand , with settings being changed and questions being replaced where needed. This makes them much more inclusive.

These changes are also possible with offline exams, but take much more work because the papers need to be redesigned (sometimes entirely) to meet the needs of each student.

6. Online exams require zero paper; offline exams use lots of it

Last but not least: offline exams require paper, and lots of it. That means more trees being cut down, more CO 2 in the atmosphere, and a greater burden on our already-overheated planet. Online exams certainly require electricity, but the amounts usually have much less effect on our climate than the carbon-absorbing power of a tree (though there are a lot of factors at play here).

Online exams vs offline exams – compared

Can be auto-marked or semi-auto marked Require manual marking
Are highly scalable at affordable costs Are expensive to scale
Can produce automated reports Reports need to be created manually
Require access to digital devices No digital devices required
Better for the environment Worse for the environment
Can be easily customised to suit students with special needs Hard to customise for students with special needs

Considering digitising your offline exams? Our multi-award Janison Remote platform could be just what you need.

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write an essay on online exams are better than offline exams

Unlocking the potential in every learner

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Online exams VS offline exams? Which is better

Whether it’s an offline test or an online test, the test is a good way to test students. Affected by covid-19, lots of exams have to be conducted online using online exam system . But which exam format is better? Is it an online exam or an offline exam?

It is known that people are accustomed to offline exams. But it does not mean that offline exams are better than online exams. Online exams have the following advantages:

  • Online exams are environment-friendly and paper-free;
  • Support hundreds of thousands of candidates;
  • Support real-time screen proctoring and AI proctoring and other powerful anti-cheating features to maintain the integrity of the exams;
  • Students can take online exams from home, which is more convenient;
  • Auto grading, reducing the burden on teachers, etc.

write an essay on online exams are better than offline exams

Therefore, what is said is that both online exams and offline exams have their own advantages. Therefore, it is recommended that users choose the exam format according to the situation. For example, during the covid-19 pandemic, it is more suitable to conduct exams online for the health of students and teachers. Fortunately, well-developed online exam system like Online Exam Maker can be used for online exams. Online exam system has the following features:

  • Efficiency to create a question bank
  • Efficiency to create online exams
  • Learning management module
  • Candidate management
  • Diverse question types
  • Random order of questions and options
  • Date&time restrictions of exams
  • Timed exams
  • Practice mode exams
  • Questions with images,audios and videos
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What is it really like to take an online exam?

A new development as a result of the covid-19 pandemic is online exams. student anna rees talks through how she did hers and why she thinks they may be better than the traditional exam hall model.

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The Covid-19 pandemic has altered everyone’s lives significantly and students certainly weren’t exempt. We were unable to return to university and sit our examinations as normal and so many universities resorted to online exams.

In our current global situation, exams might not seem a priority. But, for students, exam stress combined with pandemic stress makes for a pretty hectic time. Here’s my experience with online exams and how they actually ended up alleviating my stress levels.

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What were my online exams?  

I had three online exams in total. Two were essay-based, where the titles were released on a certain date and we were given two weeks to write the essays.

We were expected to reference as we would for an essay, just on a smaller scale. Our word counts were also reduced to 750 from the usual 2,000 because of the shortened time frame.

My third exam was a multiple-choice exam. I had 37 questions and 1.5 hours to complete them. All three of these exams were open book, but we were still expected to complete them alone, as in a normal exam.

How do you study for an online exam? 

This was something I found quite difficult. I’m going to be sitting at home, surrounded by the entirety of my notes for the year. Do I revise or do I just scramble through my notes to find what I’m looking for when I need it? Luckily, I chose the former. It seemed a good idea to have my notes organised and summarised so that I could access them easily in the exam.

Although I didn’t revise as thoroughly as I would for a normal exam, I made sure to rewrite my notes for the semester, summarising as I went so that I could condense my notes. I then put all my notes on to a Word document, and added a contents page at the top so that I could find what I was looking for easily.

The search bar tool came in handy too. It’s not easy to find a single case study among 100 pages of notes. So, I’d search for the word I needed, and found it quickly.

For me, the key was to be prepared. Make sure your notes are organised so that you can find what you need quickly in the exam. Don’t be fooled by the fact that it’s online, this does not change the fact that it is an exam.

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How did I take the exams?  

Perhaps the strangest part of all was sitting down at my desk to take a university exam, in my pyjamas with a cup of tea. If you had asked me my perfect exam conditions (if those even exist), that is how I would have described them. I really benefited from the new circumstances and I was definitely less stressed. There was no big, hot exam hall, intimidating invigilators or hundreds of students alongside you. 

When the essay exams were released, I sat at my computer for the next few hours and did the first exam. It seemed silly to use the entire two-week period when I could dedicate my full attention over a couple of days and get it done. Every so often, I’d go downstairs for a drink or a break, which for me was key.

Don’t expect yourself to do it all in a day, Rome wasn’t built in a day, right? I’ve never been so stress-free in an exam in my life. I can only hope that my exam quality benefited from this too.

In terms of anti-cheating measures, for my multiple-choice exam, they created a bank of questions, so each person had a different test with different questions. This was the only anti-cheating measure that I was aware of, but this might have been different across other exam formats or subjects. We were told that we were trusted not to cheat, but no distinct measures were put into place except for this. 

Online exams or in-hall exams?  

The online exam experience was beneficial for me. I found myself thinking less about having time to get everything down and remembering things, but instead enjoying studying. I felt I had time to read into topics and really study them, rather than memorising things for an exam.

I deem exams to be a major flaw in the education system as they are. I usually find myself cramming so much information in that I don’t learn anything.

My entire schooling, I’ve had to revise a heap of materials to regurgitate them in an exam. And for what benefit? Shouldn’t we be assessed on our ability to use and transform information rather than simply memorising it?

This has led me to praise the online examination system. It was less stressful, less complicated and assessed capabilities beyond memorisation. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that I enjoyed taking these exams, but they were about as good as an exam could get. 

Online exams for essay subjects, I can say, work rather well. The scope for cheating is limited anyway, because who can copy an entire essay? There’s also that thing called plagiarism to worry about. Why do students need to sit in an exam hall, costing the university time, staff and money, when they could be sitting it in the comfort of their own homes?

I cannot comment on the effectiveness of online exams for other exam formats, such as maths, where cheating would perhaps be easier. Or for physics, where you are often expected to handwrite equations. However, for essay-based subjects, I fully support the online system for exams. I deem it to be effective, stress-reducing and technologically forward. 

My advice for taking an online exam  

Do not panic, but revise and organise. 

Take time to prepare your notes in the best way for you. Don’t think you can get away with not revising, because you’ll probably just end up making things stressful for yourself during the exam, which no one needs. Find comfort in knowing that you have power over the exam, perhaps more so than you ever have. Stay in your pyjamas or dress up for the occasion. Have a cup of tea or hot water bottle by your side if you need it. Don’t feel like you need to copy the conditions of a normal exam to a tee. This is your exam, be as comfortable as possible so you can do your best.

Other people might try to cheat or work together, but the important thing is to focus on your own work and have trust in your revision. You can do an exam alone in a hall, so you can do it alone at home.

Read more:  How to deal with exam stress

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Online Exam

Offline or Online Exams – Which is Better?

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world- Nelson Mandela.

Education is vital for a person; it ensures that they live to the best of their capabilities. Gradually, the education system around the world is changing with technological progress and digitization. Several institutions are stooping towards online education.

With the onset of the pandemic and the beginning of online classes, numerous organizations have begun to conduct online examinations. It has started the debate Online vs. Offline exam. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of online and offline exams, helping us determine students’ better options globally.  

Online Exams:

Easily manageable.

Online examinations are comparatively manageable than offline exams as a dedicated team handles the entire process, even providing a secure connection and webcam. These facilities ensure that teachers have to be less concerned about fraudulent practices during an online examination.  

Environment Friendly

Online exams are paperless. Thus, it saves paper and, consecutively, the environment. You do not have to worry about printing and distributing papers, saving time for teachers as well.  


For both students and school, online exams are quite affordable as they do not have to travel to a location to give exams. The school also saves money on printing, distribution, and other costs with online examination.  

They are safe

Due to the ongoing pandemic, offline exams are better for students, parents, and teachers alike. From the comfort of their home, they can take exams and graduate to a higher grade without worrying about contagion.


The questions need to be tricky.

A student can always take help from the internet or a book to fill their answer sheets while giving exams at home. Thus, examiners must be tricky with their questions. Having multiple sets of question papers that you can rotate within a group of students is one way to go.  

They do not go well with descriptive questions

Online exams can only incorporate MCQs. If you want to hold a subjective exam, it’s wise to choose offline exams.

Offline Exams:

write an essay on online exams are better than offline exams

Zero technical issues

With offline examination, there will never be any concern of internet or electricity.

Lower chance of cyber fraud

When schools conduct the exams at physical centers, invigilators play a vital role in regulating activities and ensuring no fraud or cheating takes place.

Wastes time and resources

You need appropriate and distinctive resources, exam centers, furniture and other accessories to conduct offline examination.

It is less comfortable for students

Take a census and more students will agree on the online mode of examinations, considering its accessibility and effectiveness.  

Which is better?

Both modes of examinations have their pros and cons. At the end, the choice between offline and online examination depends upon the conductor. Most people would prefer online exams due to their feasibility and ease.

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Online vs Offline examination: Which One is a Good Choice?

Online vs offline exam comparison

Article Contents

What are online and offline exams?

Education is one of the most robust forms of gaining and providing knowledge to others. It is the best way to mould society into a group of brilliant, considerate and happy citizens.

Recently, education and the ways of conducting education are changing . The educational patterns and syllabus are also witnessing a change.

Online education is gaining importance and online education has got momentum, especially for higher education. The education sector is digitizing and accepting the switch from offline to online mode of education.

Offline exams which are conducted in the classroom under the supervision of an invigilator are somewhat different than online exams in which the candidates appear for the exams from their home with the help of electronic devices.

There are many online examination platforms that help to conduct such online exams. These software platforms provide numerous other features and benefits to conducting online exams.

Let us look at the features of online exams in the next point.

Features of online exams

Features of online exams

Online exams are full of different mechanisms and features that help to perform every activity related to conducting exams in online mode.

The features of the online exams are as mentioned below:

1. Location and time

Independence on location and time are some of the crucial advantages provided by online exams for both educational institutions and students. Online exams are created especially for home-based education which is not restricted to any particular location.

The candidates can appear for the exam from any location of their choice by using any electronic device such as a mobile phone, computer, laptop, etc. The time of the exams can also be adjusted to the standard time of that geographical region. The candidates can decide the date and time to appear for the exam at their own convenience.

This approach has helped the candidates to apply for any institute located anywhere in the world, apply for any courses of their choice and attend the classes and exams at their convenience.

2. Exam security

The online examination platforms provided a variety of security features for supervising candidates during online exams. These features are developed using the best security protocols and advanced algorithms. These features are designed in a way to stop the students from cheating or carrying out any sort of malpractice in any way possible.

Due to the presence of different types of remote proctoring mechanisms such as image-based, audio-based, and video-based proctoring, it becomes impossible for the candidates to cheat during an online exam.

Other features such as a secure browser, suspicious object detection, audit logging, Chatbots , etc. also provide additional security which helps the educational institution conducting the online exams to rely on and trust the online platforms more.

3. User-friendly and error-free

Nowadays, the tools which are available online for conducting online exams are extremely uncomplicated and can be used by anyone. These tools are tested so as to make them usable for any person belonging to any age group.

The online exams are very easy to conduct and to appear for. Even the candidates or teachers who are not very techno-savvy can operate the software and can appear or evaluate the online exams quite easily.

As these tools are developed by some brilliant brains and are technologically advanced, they are tried and tested many times for any sort of discrepancies. These tools are thoroughly checked for any errors.

4. Question Bank Management

One of the most important and useful features of online exams is the presence of a question bank . A question bank is a virtual space where questions are created, saved, and edited by an examiner, paper setter, or subject matter expert.

Only a few selected people have access to this question bank. The questions created and saved in the question bank are further added to the question paper during the exam. The question bank is protected by a password and access to it is provided based on the role. Thus, the issue related to the leakage of the question paper is completely eliminated.

5. Onscreen Evaluation System

Just as the candidates can appear for the exam from anywhere, the examiners can evaluate the answers from any location. A special tool is known as the Onscreen Evaluation System is developed to make the process of answer sheet checking absolutely simple for examiners.

The onscreen  Evaluation system offers numerous different options to check answers, a lot of marks, mark blank pages, add remarks and comments, etc. The identity of the candidate is also masked.

All the options are visible to the examiners once they log into the system with their unique credentials which makes their work easier and faster. They are now able to evaluate the answer sheets from anywhere, at any time at their convenience.

6. Cost effective

Adopting online exams can be the best alternative for those institutions which are in search of ways to reduce their cost investments. Online classes and exams help institutions to cut down the costs spent on infrastructure such as classrooms, question papers, answer sheets, exam invigilators, etc.

The costs spent on logistics such as storage of answer sheets, carrying of question paper and answer sheets to and fro from the exam centre, etc. were also saved. The risk related to damage if the question papers and answer sheets during the transportation is also saved.

The candidates and the supervising faculty do not need to travel to the exam centre which again helps in saving their expenditure. Thus, online exams are cost-effective in many ways.  

7. Performance analysis

After every exam, the schools/colleges need to analyze the performance of every candidate who appeared for the exam. This sort of performance analysis is made quite easy with the help of online exam platforms.

The online platforms offer some tools which can be used to collect the data, perform some calculations, analyze the results, and also generate the report. Such reports can be used by the teachers or management to compare the performance of the candidates.

The tool can help to generate reports based on different filters showing different results. It can also make use of historic data to predict future performances.

Performance analysis would consume a lot of time if done manually. But with the help of online tools, performance analysis has become efficient and less time-consuming.

AI Based Auto Evaluation of Descriptive Answers

Online tools can provide you AI power to auto evaluate lengthy descriptive answers . It can save lot of time and efforts associated with reading descriptive answers. AI can read answers, map it to model answer and previously evaluated answers by the examiner to come up with recommendations of marks. It is more than 90% accurate.

8. Data management

The question papers, answer sheets, and other documents related to the candidate’s identity are stored on the Cloud. Every document presented by the student is scanned and stored during the registration of the exam.

As every document is scanned and saved on the Cloud , duplication or any sort of modification in the document is impossible. The candidates appearing for the exams need to present identity proof during authentication.

These identity proofs are verified against the ones already saved in the system. Thus the candidates need to upload the documents only once and the same would be used until the end of their course.

This type of data management system is helpful not only to the candidates but also to the educational institutes as they do not need to worry about storing documents, question papers, answer sheets, etc.

Major issues related to offline exams

Major issues related to Offline Exams

Conducting exams in classrooms is the traditional way that is being followed since ancient times. But it is necessary to change the methods of giving exams with the changing times.

There are a few issues related to offline exams. Let us have a look at them.

Investments in infrastructure and logistics

Offline exams.

The offline exams cannot be conducted in the absence of classrooms. Thus, educational institutes need to find a proper examination hall or centre to conduct offline exams. These exam centres must be well-equipped with all the facilities needed by the students and invigilating faculty while conducting offline exams.

The educational institute is responsible for providing question paper copies and answer sheets and supplements to every student. Thus, they need to make arrangements for the transportation of question papers and answer sheets to the exam centre. They also need to make arrangements for transporting the answer sheets to the storage location.

The candidates appearing for the exam and the invigilators need to travel to the exam venue every day. Thus, they need to spend money on travelling or even on accommodation if the exam venue is located in another city or state. Thus, offline exams certainly require a huge amount of investment or expenses spent on infrastructure and logistics.

Online exams

As we are aware, online exams can be given from any location anywhere in the world. This helps the candidates to appear for them from their homes and also helps the examiners to evaluate them from any place or time they find convenient.

Due to this, educational institutes do not need to provide any classrooms or other infrastructure which is provided during exams. They can also manage to invigilate the candidates by appointing only half of the total number of invigilators.

As the question paper and answer sheets are in online mode, the costs spent on transporting them to the exam hall and from the exam hall back to the storage area are saved to a great extent. 

Logistical Challenges

The question papers and answer sheets need to be carefully transported to the destination as even a tiny glitch in the transportation, either to the exam hall or from the exam hall, could cause a huge loss to the institution.

The chances of leakage of question papers or damage to the answer sheets are high during transportation. Losing or causing any damage to the question papers or answer sheets can not only the scar image of the institute but also can affect the future of the candidate.

As the online exams do not involve any sort of physical transportation or storage, the risk of damaging the question papers and filled answer sheets totally eliminated.

Issues related to identity verification

The identification process is manual in case of offline exams. The candidates need to carry their hall ticket and identity proofs every day to the exam centre.

The supervisors need to check the identity proof of every candidate individually before allowing them to start the exam. The candidate who forgets the hall ticket or identity proof does not get to write the exam.

The modification of identity proofs is not very difficult. Changing the names, photographs, and signatures or creating fake documents has become easy due to technology. Thus, the process of identity verification is time-consuming and not very reliable.  

The online exam platform makes use of technology to scan and store the identity proofs and compare them with the ones shown by the candidates during exams.

With the help of mechanisms such as facial recognition, these online exam platforms completely prohibit any sort of fraud related to the identity of the candidate.

Environment Friendly

The traditional exam uses a lot of paper. It is used for printing question paper, and answer sheets. For one student typically 16 pages of an answer sheet and 2 pages of a question paper are needed.

If you compare it in terms of volume when millions of students are involved, then the magnitude of paper consumption becomes critical.

A lot of trees need to be cut in order to produce such a large volume of paper and it is certainly not an environmentally friendly approach.

Online exams can help institutes to go green, reduce paper consumption and go green to save trees on the earth. It can be one of the noble causes for humanity.

Why are online exams better for educational institutions?

Which Mode is Better for Conducting Exams?

Online exams which are conducted with the help of online exam platforms offer a lot of benefits. These benefits are nothing but the features and mechanisms embedded in the online platforms which eliminate every drawback or shortcoming related to offline exams.

Online exams are independent of location. This helps the institutes to save the efforts and the costs spent on searching for exam venues, making facilities available at the venue, appointing exam invigilators, etc.

The candidates can appear for the exam from any location of their choice and the examiners can evaluate the answer sheets at any time and location as per their preference. Thus, the costs spent on transportation and logistics are eliminated and so are the risks.

Online exams use Cloud technology to save question papers, answer sheets, and other data. This is a big advantage to the educational institute as they do not need to provide any storage space. Also, other risks such as losing the papers or causing any damage to them are averted due to the presence of Cloud technology.

Online exam platforms also provide mechanisms using which the candidate’s identity can be verified in online mode. Due to the technology, the candidate can be verified using different methods which are secure and reliable.

The Question Bank management feature offered by the online exam platform is one of the most useful features. It helps the access holder to log into the question bank at any point in time and create or edit any question. The paper setter can edit the question even when the exam is about to start.

The paper setter can create multiple question sets so that anyone from those can be used during the online exam. All these measures certainly help to avoid any sort of question paper leakage before the online exam.

Due to the presence of remote proctoring features , online exams become extremely secure. Even the slightest possibility of cheating is eliminated and the integrity of the exam is maintained by 100%.

Nowadays, it is even possible to conduct viva or oral exams in online mode. Due to the feature of recording available in the online software platforms, the candidates are able to record their verbal answers and save them.

The examiners can listen to the audio recordings and evaluate them. They can do this whenever they wish to. Thus, online exams are multi-functional and can be used for conducting any type of exam.

Online Exams can also be conductedd in an interactive mode using Generative AI . This technology helps to have interaction with candidate based on response to particular question.

AI examiner can ask next subsequent question and rate student based on entire interaction It can help you to assess various skills of the student. AI Technology can be effectively adopted in the online exam mode.

Online exams have so many benefits which are just impossible to achieve in the case of offline exams. Every issue related to offline exams is addressed by online exam-making is one of the best solutions to be adopted.

Thus, without a doubt, online exams are far better than offline exams for any educational institute which wises to provide good quality education to its students.

Limitations of online exams

Limitations of Online Exams

Online exams are surely the best alternative to offline exams. But the online exams are not for everyone. They do come with some limitations.

Here are a few limitations of online exams:

1. Limitation related to Internet connectivity

internet is a luxury for many people in the rural parts of India. Many of the people belonging to remote villages cannot afford broadband or WiFi services.

There are only a few internet service providers in rural areas. The service is not very efficient. All this affects the connectivity of the internet. Thus, issues such as lower internet speed, power failure, etc. are quite common in rural areas.

The Eklavvya platform has been built with consideration for internet connectivity challenges. The platform works smoothly with limited internet connectivity as low as 100 KBPS as well. There is also a facility to conduct centre-based online exams where you need to invite candidates at specific exam centres to appear for online exams.

2. Limitation associated with typing abilities

Typing is a skill that is learned through practice. Not all the candidates appearing for the online exam are good at typing.

In the case of subjective answers or theory papers, the candidates need to type long answers. This is a time-consuming process and it certainly affects the performance of the candidates during those online exams which have time restrictions.

Thus, limitations related to typing abilities of the candidate can prove to be a major issue while giving subjective online exams.

The Eklavvya platform has added a new feature related to audio-based answers. In such a context, candidates can attempt exams online and can record answers in the form of audio. Such audio is saved in the system and the examiner can easily evaluate it.

3. Limitation related to drawing diagrams

While giving exams related to subjects such as geometry, physics, geography, etc. the candidates need to draw diagrams, maps, or figures to answer the questions. This becomes a difficult task for the candidates who are appearing for the online exam.

In most online exam platforms, options representing every shape are present. The candidates need to use these options to create a certain diagram.

This process is tedious and also complicated. In such cases, there is a possibility of candidates avoiding drawing diagrams and figures only to save time and cover more questions in the time that is left.

Candidates can draw the diagram on paper and can upload scan copy of it as an answer to a particular question. Such a facility is provided for an online examination system.

Student Perspective on Online vs. Offline Exams

When we talk about exams, it’s essential to understand the student’s viewpoint. Some students find online exams more comfortable due to the relaxed environment of their homes. Yet, others miss the traditional classroom setting, feeling it offers fewer distractions. It’s a mix of comfort and familiarity.

Tackling Technological Hurdles

While online exams bring convenience, they also bring tech challenges. Not every student has the latest computer or a glitch-free software experience. Sometimes, a software update can throw a spanner in the works. Institutions must be ready with tech support to help students navigate these challenges.

Training for the Digital Shift

Transitioning to online exams isn’t just about the platform; it’s about preparing everyone involved. Institutions need to offer training sessions for both educators and students. Simple tutorials, easy-to-follow guides, and hands-on sessions can make this shift smoother.

Peeking into the Future

The world of education is ever-evolving. With tech advancements, we might soon see virtual reality exams or AI-driven assessment tools. While online exams are the trend now, hybrid models combining the best of both worlds might be the next step.

Exploring Hybrid Examination Models

Why stick to one when you can have the best of both? Some institutions are exploring hybrid models. Here, students can choose between online and offline exams. It offers flexibility and ensures that students can pick what they’re most comfortable with.

Some of the institutes are conducting online and offline both type of exams for their students, It can provide flexibility and control over the examination and assessment process. Some of the assessment methodologies are suitable for online exams while some of the subjects demands only offline mode exams( consider Engineering Graphics assessment).

Ensuring Everyone’s Included

Online exams should be for everyone. That includes students with disabilities. Features like screen readers, voice commands, and more can make online exams accessible to all. It’s about ensuring that every student gets a fair shot.

Hybrid Mode of Exams

Technology enables us to conduct hybrid online exams, which are a blend of traditional and digital methods. In this mode, a local server is set up within a LAN environment, allowing candidates to log in and take the exam.

This approach is especially beneficial for practical or descriptive exams, where participants may need to draw diagrams, write code, or use specific tools to generate outputs as part of their answers.

Candidates can upload their documents or files directly to the local server. Once uploaded, these files can be synchronized with a central server for further evaluation. This synchronization feature ensures that the data is securely stored and can be accessed by examiners at any location.

The hybrid exam mode is an excellent solution for situations where bandwidth or concurrency limitations exist. Students only need to upload their documents, while the central server remains in sync with the main server. In this case, an internet connection is only necessary for the central LAN server.

By employing this hybrid examination process , educational institutions can easily conduct thousands of concurrent exams while allowing examiners access to submitted files from anywhere. The system offers both efficiency and convenience without compromising on quality.

  • About Eklavvya

Many educational institutes prefer to switch to online exam platforms to conduct exams in online mode. Online exams would enable us to continue with the education process without breaking any social distancing norms.

Eklavvya is an award-winning, technologically advanced, and one of the most functional software platforms available in the market to conduct online exams. It is developed using some of the finest and most complicated algorithms which prove beneficial while supervising the candidates during online exams and disallow cheating and malpractices.

Eklavvya has been developed after thorough research and detailed testing. Thus, it is very easy to operate and completely free of any errors.

Eklavvya has already been used by many educational institutes and multinational organizations to conduct online exams in the most secure, hassle-free, and dependable way.

Now it is your chance to adopt Eklavvya for conducting online exams for your institute.

After going through various global tools and services, we stumbled upon Eklavvya. After a chat with their CEO and the support team, we knew that we had found the company that we have in mind for our online assessments. Thanks to the Eklavvya team for the support in making it happen.

write an essay on online exams are better than offline exams

I appreciate the Online Exam platform developed by Eklavvya solution. I have managed to conduct IT Flair Hunt Contest for more than 10000 students from 12 schools.  We at Sys Computers, are finding Online Exam activity simplified with Eklavvya solution.  Looking forward to continued support in the future for college-level talent hunt initiatives. The platform is user-friendly and it is easy to configure.

Abhijeet Joshi

Offline exams are exams that are taken in person, on paper or on a computer, without an internet connection. Online exams, on the other hand, are exams that are taken over the Internet and require an active Internet connection.

This can depend on a variety of factors, including the individual’s personal preferences and the specific requirements of the exam. Some people may find online exams more convenient because they can take them from the comfort of their own homes, while others may prefer the structure and supervision of an in-person exam.

Yes, online exams can be just as effective as offline exams in assessing a person’s knowledge and abilities, as long as they are designed and administered properly. Online exams can include a variety of question types, including multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and essay questions, and can be graded in the same way as offline exams.

Online exams may be more environmentally friendly than offline exams because they can reduce the need for paper and other physical resources. This can help to save trees, reduce waste, and lower the carbon footprint associated with traditional, offline exams.

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MR. Ashish Apte

Controller of examination (nmims university).

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AVP, Business (Zerodha Broking Ltd)

We’ve been able to evaluate better, conduct evaluations more frequently. Hiring and Employee evaluation process is so much more streamlined due to Eklavvya.

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Arjun Ghatule

Controller of examination (welingkar education group).

The onscreen evaluation process has definitely made things simpler and more efficient when it comes to generating results. Eklavvya is most definitely our go-to EdTech partner.

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Prof Mahanwar

Director (mumbai university).

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Prof Madhushree Sekher

Dean (school of vocational education tata institute of social sciences).

Our result processing, and examiner-checking process were scattered. Eklavvya helped us to streamline it using the online answer sheet checking process.

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MR. T J Ravishankar

J n tata endowment for the higher education of indians.

We appreciate all efforts taken by the entire team of Eklavvya to successfully complete the examination without any glitch.

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Which Is Better: Online or In-person Exams?

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write an essay on online exams are better than offline exams

Covid-19 has brought change in so many ways, with a universal impact being felt in the sphere of education. Although the vast majority of us agree that in-person teaching is preferable to digital learning, the question of in-person vs online exams is more divisive. There are undoubtedly pros and cons to each method, but I personally would prefer to go back to in person or – if we do stay with online exams – at least see a shift in how they’re conducted.

However, I will start by acknowledging the advantages of an online exam. Due to Covid, the last in-person exams I sat before coming to Oxford were GCSEs, so I was pretty happy to hear that my prelims were going to be online. There is something very comforting about having your books out in front of you when you sit your exams, as it takes away the possibility of a total mind blank which would otherwise leave you with nothing to say. Moreover, whilst sitting prelims, I found it particularly nice to be able to sit in my own room rather than head to Exam Schools, as I could set up my desk however I liked, and sit down and get ready for my exam in my own time. An added bonus was not having to wear subfusc, although my college parents still got me carnations!

All that being said, there were some downsides too, and for me these outweighed the advantages of the online environment. Firstly, the term “open-book” is somewhat misleading. Whilst it is true that I could refer to my notes and use essay plans I had made, the length of my exams was kept at 3 hours. This meant I actually had very little time to riffle through my notes or take full advantage of having them there. There were definitely ways to get around this, essay plans and mind maps made information a lot easier to find, but ultimately the cons of increased time pressure outweighed the pros of having less to remember. Moreover, there is something to be said for the benefit of adrenaline during an exam, and in-person exams provide this in a way that online ones do not. In a three hour exam, feeling a bit stressed and motivated by seeing those around you writing can be a really helpful incentive to keep going. When you’re in your room alone, it is a lot easier to get distracted, lose your train of thought, or even just slow down.

A lot of what I’ve said is personal preference, but my main reason for preferring in-person exams is because of the impact of online exams on a cohort as a whole. Prelims in particular are known for exacerbating the divide between those privately and state educated. The exact reason for this is uncertain, but there are a number of contributing factors. Perhaps this early on in a degree, students from a private school background are more used to teaching in smaller groups, which allows them to feel more confident. Or maybe the additional coaching they received to get their offers has enabled them to adjust to teaching at Oxford faster. I believe that a switch to online exams would further accentuate this attainment gap. Whilst this is not necessarily going to divide grades along a private-state line, it would undoubtedly advantage students from a more privileged socio-economic background. Those who have grown up with access to a laptop or desktop would feel much more confident typing out an exam in comparison to those who perhaps only started regularly using one when they got to Oxford. Some students may have been at schools that taught skills such as touch-typing, which would be hugely beneficial in a timed online exam, whereas others who are not as used to typing may be slowed down by it.

Thus, for all the above reasons, I believe that in-person exams are the way to go, as they are fairer on the cohort and also beneficial to students individually. And if there was a move to online exams, I think it could be possible to make them fairer if some changes were made. For example, if they were not in the timed conditions in-person exams are – so perhaps made to be 24 hours rather than three, or if submitting a handwritten script was an available option in all subjects, not just those that require drawing. It might feel like an advantage having online exams, but I ultimately think that in person exams are the most beneficial to students on a large scale. 


write an essay on online exams are better than offline exams


Important Online vs. In-Person Exam Facts

by  [email protected]

October 23, 2022

Last Updated on October 30, 2022 by Jacques Wong, B.Sc.

Online exams continue to gain popularity as the world moves to digital learning. The pandemic forced the world to switch to remote examinations and online learning, changing how we take exams and learn. However, there is endless debate about which mode of exam taking is better. Today, we will shed light on the online vs. in-person exam system and which method might be best for you.

Online Exam System

The timed online exam is held virtually on a website. Such exams mandate strong and steady internet connections and devices like screens, keyboards, cameras, speakers, and microphones.

Take home exams,test, academic success

Students are given access to a portal where they log in and then begin taking their exams. They work well to offer students an alternate method to take their exams without stressing about getting to an exam center. Students are saved from the expenses of travel, food, and stationery. And, is better for the environment overall.

  • Cost-effective
  • Time-efficient
  • No travelling
  • Home comfort
  • No physical resources
  • Easier set-up for students and teachers
  • Cheating and exam dishonesty issues
  • Strong internet connection and computer + accessories is a must
  • Risk of glitches
  • Requires a quiet and comfortable environment

Considerations: Should You Choose Online Exams?

If you have a solid internet connection that won’t cause any trouble while you take the exam for a few hours and have all the required accessories (ie. camera and microphone), then you should opt for this. Moreover, online exams are excellent for students from far-off areas who cannot afford to travel such a long distance to reach an exam venue.

invigilated exam, academic integrity

Online exams can be the best choice if someone cannot travel due to limitations, such as mobility issues. These exams offer flexibility when you cannot make a date for an in-person exam.

Online exams can also be a good choice for students who suffer from exam anxiety. Writing the exam in their own home and in a familiar environment can be comforting thereby reducing anxiety and increasing performance.

In-Person Exams

The in-person exam system is the old-fashioned method where you travel to the assigned destination to take your exam while getting constantly monitored by invigilators walking around.

Practice, online exams

All you need is basic stationery and to take your assigned seat. You must be well-dressed in person for the in-person exam, and you often cannot leave the exam hall until you finish.

  • Easy student-teacher interactions
  • No cheating issues
  • A serious environment that may enhance focus
  • No digital resources involved
  • Time-consuming
  • No flexibility

Considerations: Should You Choose In-Person?

Offline exams are best for students who cannot afford the hassle of digital exams and for parents who cannot keep up with the staggering computer-related costs. This is for you if you can easily travel to your exam venue without worrying about missing the date.

Many people find in-person exams better because the environment is quiet, more serious and allows them to focus better. There are also no technical computer resources needed and zero chances of a computer glitch throwing you off.

If you do opt for the in-person exam option, make sure you plan ahead so you can get to your exam location early with ample time to find parking and get settled before you are called into the exam room. Plan to get there 30 minutes early so you can do some last minute reviewing and get calmed down before you step into the room and take your seat.

Conclusion-Which is Better, Online Vs. In-person exam?

This is more about a student’s preference and needs than a format’s superiority.

While online exams offer much convenience and flexibility, they can be costly if you have to fix your computer system or get a decent internet connection. Similarly, physical exams can be time-consuming and take many resources to set up by the institutions; however, they are accessible to all and do not come with any extra costs.

So whatever you choose depends on what you prefer. At PNC Learning, you will find fantastic courses and other resources to help you with your online and in-person examinations.

Jacques Wong is the CEO and Director of Education at PNC Learning. An award-winning licensed insurance broker with over 15 years of experience in both education and the insurance industry, Jacques is recognized for his expertise and effective communication strategies. He achieved the highest provincial scores on his CAIB* 3 and CAIB* 4 exams and contributes to leading insurance publications. Jacques is dedicated to making insurance knowledge accessible for everyone through his unique approach and online content.

 Jacques wong

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Girl takes notes as she sits in front of a laptop at a desk.

Despite giving students chances to cheat, unsupervised online exams gauge student learning comparably to in-person  exams

write an essay on online exams are better than offline exams

Professor of Psychology, Iowa State University

write an essay on online exams are better than offline exams

Graduate Research Assistant in Psychology, Iowa State University

Disclosure statement

Jason C.K. Chan receives funding from the National Science Foundation.

Dahwi Ahn does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

Iowa State University provides funding as a member of The Conversation US.

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The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work.

The big idea

Students don’t have to be supervised during online exams. That’s because unsupervised online exams can accurately assess student learning, according to our study published in July 2023 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Our data set comprised nearly 2,000 students from a public university in the Midwest. We analyzed exam scores from the first half of the spring semester of 2020, when tests were administered in person, and the second half, when the pandemic forced schools to shift online. This enabled us to compare how students performed on in-person exams versus online exams taught by the same instructor in the same course.

Our data showed a strong correlation between the scores that students achieved from unsupervised online exams and supervised in-person exams. In other words, students who got the best scores on the in-person exams also got the best scores on online exams.

We also examined whether this correlation changed based on students’ being early or later in their college career, the course discipline, the class size, or whether the exams featured mainly multiple-choice or short-answer questions. None of those factors significantly affected how well online exams assessed student learning.

We further analyzed our data to see if we could find clear signs of cheating during online exams. Because students who are doing poorly in a course are more likely to cheat , we predicted that students who had done poorly on the in-person exams – during the first half of the semester – would increase their scores more on online exams if they cheated.

We found no evidence for this type of cheating. This is important, because most people expect students to cheat during online exams. For example, a recent survey showed that more than 70% of college faculty believed cheating to be a significant problem for online exams, but only 8% believed the same for in-person exams.

A man with textbooks and a laptop works in a library.

Why it matters

COVID-19 has accelerated the adoption of online teaching and assessments. For that reason, we thought it was important to examine whether unsupervised online exams can accurately assess learning.

Previous studies have shown that students obtained higher scores on online exams than on in-person exams. Those results have sometimes been seen as evidence of cheating , which calls into question the suitability of online exams as a form of assessment.

But to judge whether online exams accurately assess learning, we must show that a student who earns high marks on in-person exams does the same on online exams and vice versa. In other words, the two forms of exams should rank-order students similarly, which was exactly what we found in our data.

What’s next

Although this data shows that online exams, even when unproctored, can accurately assess student learning at a relatively broad scale, it all comes from a single university. For that reason, caution is needed when attempting to draw general conclusions.

Moreover, much has changed in online education over just the past year with the rise in popularity of generative AI tools like ChatGPT , which can facilitate cheating.

We want to obtain a larger data set to determine if our results hold true beyond a single university.

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Understand the Distinctions Between the IELTS Offline and Online Exams

16 November, 2023

Distinctions Between the IELTS Offline and Online Exams

The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam is important for people who want to demonstrate their English language ability, generally for reasons like immigration, study abroad, or job. In recent years, the availability of the IELTS exam has increased to encompass both online and offline modes, giving test takers more alternatives than ever before. However, many students are unsure whether to take the IELTS offline or online.

As a result, in this blog, we will look at the significant distinctions between the IELTS online and offline exams, allowing you to make an informed decision based on your own circumstances and preferences.

What is Paper Based IELTS?

What is computer-based ielts, difference between ielts on computer vs paper, advantages of computer based ielts, advantages of paper based ielts, disadvantages of computer based ielts, disadvantages of ielts paper based.

The paper-based IELTS is a traditional format of the IELTS test. In this version, test-takers receive a physical test booklet for the listening, reading, and writing sections. They listen to recorded materials, read texts, and write their responses on paper. The speaking section, however, is conducted as a face-to-face interview with an examiner.

Paper-based IELTS follows a fixed schedule and is available in locations where computer-based testing is not offered. It assesses the same language skills as the computer-based IELTS, offering an alternative for test-takers based on their preferences and local test centre availability.

The computer-based IELTS is a format of the IELTS test that replaces the traditional paper-based version with a computerised format. Test-takers complete the listening, reading, and writing sections on a computer, while the speaking section remains face-to-face with an examiner.

This format offers benefits such as quicker results, more test date options, and the ability to type written responses. The content and scoring criteria are the same as the paper-based IELTS, ensuring a consistent evaluation of English language skills. It's important to check for test availability and details on the official IELTS website, as options may vary by location.

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In the table below, let’s explore the difference between IELTS online Vs IELTS offline :

Basis of Difference Computer Based IELTS Paper Based IELTS

Delivery format

Complete the Reading, Listening and Writing parts of the test using a computer and the Speaking test face-to-face with an IELTS examiner.

Complete the Reading, Listening and Writing parts of the test on paper and the Speaking part face-to-face with an IELTS examiner


Results will be available 3 to 5 days after taking your test

Results will be available 13 days after taking your test


Look for the computer icon when you book your test

Look for the paper icon when you book your test

Test availability

Testing up to 7 days a week and 3 times a day

Testing up to 48 days per year (Thursday and Saturday)

The following are the benefits of appearing for computer-based IELTS:

Faster Results: Test-takers typically receive their IELTS results in 3 to 5 days, compared to the 13 days for the paper-based version.

Computer-based IELTS often provides more frequent test date options, allowing greater flexibility for scheduling exams.

In the writing section, you can type your responses, which may be more comfortable and convenient for some candidates. Also, there is no need to count words because the word count for the Writing portion is available on the screen.

Generally, the test centres of computer-based IELTS have smaller rooms or settings with fewer aspirants, allowing for greater attention and less stress.

You can highlight text and make notes on the computer screen during the reading section, which can aid in comprehension and organisation.

Students can easily see the duration of the test on the screen. When the candidate has 10 and 5 minutes left on the Reading and Writing tests, the timer on the screen will turn red. This allows candidates to complete the paper on time.

In the paper-based version, legible handwriting is crucial, but computer-based IELTS eliminates concerns about this. Also, the candidate can conveniently edit their content.

During the Listening section, you can easily increase or decrease the volume as per your convenience.

The screen will contain a navigation bar so the applicant may see their progress at the bottom and track the answers they missed.

Now, let's check some of the advantages of appearing for paper-based IELTS below:

Many test-takers are more comfortable with traditional paper-and-pencil exams, and the paper-based format might feel more familiar and less intimidating.

Some people prefer writing their responses by hand, especially in the writing section, as it allows them to express themselves more naturally. Therefore, it offers greater scope to avoid spelling and other grammatical mistakes while writing. 

Paper-based IELTS eliminates concerns about technical glitches or computer-related issues that can occur in computer-based tests.

It follows a fixed schedule so test-takers can plan in advance, and it's not dependent on computer-based test centre availability.

Test takers receive their scores for the listening and reading sections immediately after completing the test.

While computer based IELTS offers several advantages, it also has some disadvantages, such as:

The candidate will not have an extra 10 minutes following the Listening test to transfer their answers, like in the paper-based approach.

Test-takers may encounter technical problems with computers, such as software glitches or hardware malfunctions, which can be stressful during the exam.

At centres, the candidate can hear individuals typing behind them, which can be a huge distraction.

To appear for an IELTS computer based test, a candidate must acquire certain skills, such as scrolling, clicking, navigating, clearing, highlighting, copying and pasting, dragging and typing, and so on.

Computer based IELTS may not be available in all locations, limiting access for some test-takers who prefer this format. 

The candidate cannot draw or write in the Writing Task, which may be difficult for some.

In IELTS computer based exam, the speaking section remains a face-to-face interview with an examiner, and you won't receive instant scores.

The following are some of the drawbacks of the IELTS paper based test:

Test-takers have to wait longer for their results, typically up to 13 days, compared to the faster turnaround of computer based IELTS .

IELTS paper based test often offers fewer test dates and may have limited availability in some locations, making it less flexible for scheduling.

You’ll have to count the number of words manually.

Neat and legible handwriting is essential in the paper-based writing section, and poor handwriting can affect the examiner's ability to assess your writing accurately.

Transferring responses into the answer box is a risky process.

Results are available late as compared to IELTS pen and paper test .

Unlike computer-based IELTS, you cannot highlight text or make notes on the screen during the reading section.

In conclusion, whether you choose the IELTS Test on Computer or Paper , both options have advantages and considerations. The IELTS online exam offers the convenience of taking the test from the comfort of your home, with flexible scheduling. In contrast, the IELTS offline exam provides a traditional in-person testing experience.

We recommend thoroughly researching the requirements and expectations of your intended institutions or organisations and making your choice accordingly. Whichever format you choose, with proper preparation and determination, you can achieve success in the IELTS exam and reach your English language goals.

So, if you are also ready to appear for the IELTS exam and want to plan your test strategically, we recommend you sign up for our IELTS Courses designed by our experts. If you need further guidance, please contact Prepare IELTS Exam  (PI) expert counsellors. Our team of education experts is dedicated to assisting you in the best possible way for the IELTS exam. You can also get a one-on-one counselling session online via our platform. Contact us at [email protected] or call us at +91 9773398388.

To switch from a paper-based IELTS test to a computer-based test, students must contact their test centre directly. Changing from a paper-based IELTS test to a computer-based test implies that the candidate will receive all the necessary devices and equipment for the test.

While both the computer-based and paper-based IELTS have the same difficulty level, It has been observed that the students feel that the computer-based test is more manageable.

Yes, the content and scoring criteria for the IELTS online and offline exams are identical, ensuring fairness and consistency.

Consider factors like your internet connectivity, comfort with technology, test-taking environment, and the requirements of your intended institutions or organisations.

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Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

Writing Essays for Exams

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What is a well written answer to an essay question?

Well Focused

Be sure to answer the question completely, that is, answer all parts of the question. Avoid "padding." A lot of rambling and ranting is a sure sign that the writer doesn't really know what the right answer is and hopes that somehow, something in that overgrown jungle of words was the correct answer.

Well Organized

Don't write in a haphazard "think-as-you-go" manner. Do some planning and be sure that what you write has a clearly marked introduction which both states the point(s) you are going to make and also, if possible, how you are going to proceed. In addition, the essay should have a clearly indicated conclusion which summarizes the material covered and emphasizes your thesis or main point.

Well Supported

Do not just assert something is true, prove it. What facts, figures, examples, tests, etc. prove your point? In many cases, the difference between an A and a B as a grade is due to the effective use of supporting evidence.

Well Packaged

People who do not use conventions of language are thought of by their readers as less competent and less educated. If you need help with these or other writing skills, come to the Writing Lab

How do you write an effective essay exam?

  • Read through all the questions carefully.
  • Budget your time and decide which question(s) you will answer first.
  • Underline the key word(s) which tell you what to do for each question.
  • Choose an organizational pattern appropriate for each key word and plan your answers on scratch paper or in the margins.
  • Write your answers as quickly and as legibly as you can; do not take the time to recopy.
  • Begin each answer with one or two sentence thesis which summarizes your answer. If possible, phrase the statement so that it rephrases the question's essential terms into a statement (which therefore directly answers the essay question).
  • Support your thesis with specific references to the material you have studied.
  • Proofread your answer and correct errors in spelling and mechanics.

Specific organizational patterns and "key words"

Most essay questions will have one or more "key words" that indicate which organizational pattern you should use in your answer. The six most common organizational patterns for essay exams are definition, analysis, cause and effect, comparison/contrast, process analysis, and thesis-support.

Typical questions

  • "Define X."
  • "What is an X?"
  • "Choose N terms from the following list and define them."

Q: "What is a fanzine?"

A: A fanzine is a magazine written, mimeographed, and distributed by and for science fiction or comic strip enthusiasts.

Avoid constructions such as "An encounter group is where ..." and "General semantics is when ... ."

  • State the term to be defined.
  • State the class of objects or concepts to which the term belongs.
  • Differentiate the term from other members of the class by listing the term's distinguishing characteristics.

Tools you can use

  • Details which describe the term
  • Examples and incidents
  • Comparisons to familiar terms
  • Negation to state what the term is not
  • Classification (i.e., break it down into parts)
  • Examination of origins or causes
  • Examination of results, effects, or uses

Analysis involves breaking something down into its components and discovering the parts that make up the whole.

  • "Analyze X."
  • "What are the components of X?"
  • "What are the five different kinds of X?"
  • "Discuss the different types of X."

Q: "Discuss the different services a junior college offers a community."

A: Thesis: A junior college offers the community at least three main types of educational services: vocational education for young people, continuing education for older people, and personal development for all individuals.

Outline for supporting details and examples. For example, if you were answering the example question, an outline might include:

  • Vocational education
  • Continuing education
  • Personal development

Write the essay, describing each part or component and making transitions between each of your descriptions. Some useful transition words include:

  • first, second, third, etc.
  • in addition

Conclude the essay by emphasizing how each part you have described makes up the whole you have been asked to analyze.

Cause and Effect

Cause and effect involves tracing probable or known effects of a certain cause or examining one or more effects and discussing the reasonable or known cause(s).

Typical questions:

  • "What are the causes of X?"
  • "What led to X?"
  • "Why did X occur?"
  • "Why does X happen?"
  • "What would be the effects of X?"

Q: "Define recession and discuss the probable effects a recession would have on today's society."

A: Thesis: A recession, which is a nationwide lull in business activity, would be detrimental to society in the following ways: it would .......A......., it would .......B......., and it would .......C....... .

The rest of the answer would explain, in some detail, the three effects: A, B, and C.

Useful transition words:

  • consequently
  • for this reason
  • as a result


  • "How does X differ from Y?"
  • "Compare X and Y."
  • "What are the advantages and disadvantages of X and Y?"

Q: "Which would you rather own—a compact car or a full-sized car?"

A: Thesis: I would own a compact car rather than a full-sized car for the following reasons: .......A......., .......B......., .......C......., and .......D....... .

Two patterns of development:

  • Full-sized car


  • Compact car

Useful transition words

  • on the other hand
  • unlike A, B ...
  • in the same way
  • while both A and B are ..., only B ..
  • nevertheless
  • on the contrary
  • while A is ..., B is ...
  • "Describe how X is accomplished."
  • "List the steps involved in X."
  • "Explain what happened in X."
  • "What is the procedure involved in X?"

Process (sometimes called process analysis)

This involves giving directions or telling the reader how to do something. It may involve discussing some complex procedure as a series of discrete steps. The organization is almost always chronological.

Q: "According to Richard Bolles' What Color Is Your Parachute?, what is the best procedure for finding a job?"

A: In What Color Is Your Parachute?, Richard Bolles lists seven steps that all job-hunters should follow: .....A....., .....B....., .....C....., .....D....., .....E....., .....F....., and .....G..... .

The remainder of the answer should discuss each of these seven steps in some detail.

  • following this
  • after, afterwards, after this
  • subsequently
  • simultaneously, concurrently

Thesis and Support

  • "Discuss X."
  • "A noted authority has said X. Do you agree or disagree?"
  • "Defend or refute X."
  • "Do you think that X is valid? Defend your position."

Thesis and support involves stating a clearly worded opinion or interpretation and then defending it with all the data, examples, facts, and so on that you can draw from the material you have studied.

Q: "Despite criticism, television is useful because it aids in the socializing process of our children."

A: Television hinders rather than helps in the socializing process of our children because .......A......., .......B......., and .......C....... .

The rest of the answer is devoted to developing arguments A, B, and C.

  • it follows that

A. Which of the following two answers is the better one? Why?

Question: Discuss the contribution of William Morris to book design, using as an example his edition of the works of Chaucer.

a. William Morris's Chaucer was his masterpiece. It shows his interest in the Middle Ages. The type is based on medieval manuscript writing, and the decoration around the edges of the pages is like that used in medieval books. The large initial letters are typical of medieval design. Those letters were printed from woodcuts, which was the medieval way of printing. The illustrations were by Burn-Jones, one of the best artists in England at the time. Morris was able to get the most competent people to help him because he was so famous as a poet and a designer (the Morris chair) and wallpaper and other decorative items for the home. He designed the furnishings for his own home, which was widely admired among the sort of people he associated with. In this way he started the arts and crafts movement.

b. Morris's contribution to book design was to approach the problem as an artist or fine craftsman, rather than a mere printer who reproduced texts. He wanted to raise the standards of printing, which had fallen to a low point, by showing that truly beautiful books could be produced. His Chaucer was designed as a unified work of art or high craft. Since Chaucer lived in the Middle Ages, Morris decided to design a new type based on medieval script and to imitate the format of a medieval manuscript. This involved elaborate letters and large initials at the beginnings of verses, as well as wide borders of intertwined vines with leaves, fruit, and flowers in strong colors. The effect was so unusual that the book caused great excitement and inspired other printers to design beautiful rather than purely utilitarian books.

From James M. McCrimmon, Writing with a Purpose , 7th ed. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1980), pp. 261-263.

B. How would you plan the structure of the answers to these essay exam questions?

1. Was the X Act a continuation of earlier government policies or did it represent a departure from prior philosophies?

2. What seems to be the source of aggression in human beings? What can be done to lower the level of aggression in our society?

3. Choose one character from Novel X and, with specific references to the work, show how he or she functions as an "existential hero."

4. Define briefly the systems approach to business management. Illustrate how this differs from the traditional approach.

5. What is the cosmological argument? Does it prove that God exists?

6. Civil War historian Andy Bellum once wrote, "Blahblahblah blahed a blahblah, but of course if blahblah blahblahblahed the blah, then blahblahs are not blah but blahblah." To what extent and in what ways is the statement true? How is it false?

For more information on writing exam essays for the GED, please visit our Engagement area and go to the Community Writing and Education Station (CWEST) resources.

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write an essay on online exams are better than offline exams

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Online Classes vs Offline Classes

write an essay on online exams are better than offline exams

  • Updated on  
  • Jan 15, 2024

Online Classes vs Offline Classes; classroom

The Covid-19 pandemic brought a dynamic shift in the world education system . The imposition of lockdown led to the shutdown of physical classrooms and thus online education became the new norm. Although online learning has managed to keep education alive in these difficult times, it cannot completely replace it. Both online and offline education have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this blog, we will explore one of the most debated topics these days, online classes vs offline classes. 

This Blog Includes:

Online education, offline education, mode of education in offline and online classes, accessibility, time management, flexibility of classes, student-teacher interaction, technical issues in offline and online classes, practical learning, pros and cons of an online degree.

With the emergence of technology , the method of delivering education has forever changed. As a matter of fact, online education has become a flexible instructional method of teaching wherein students can easily gain access to study material in the comfort of their homes. Moreover, online education provides an excellent opportunity for students who are unable to enrol in traditional classrooms as well as supports students in setting their own pace for studying. 

Online Classes vs Offline Classes

Furthermore, online education helps in inculcating the habit of self-discipline and time management within students and provides them access to an unlimited number of educational resources. The students can easily set their own pace of learning as long as they have the right equipment and access to a proper internet connection. 

Also Read: Online Education in India

Offline education is the traditional counterpart to online education and the original method of learning that allows students to have regular face-to-face interactions with their peers and teachers. However, as much as online education is predicted to be the future of learning, it cannot replace the holistic aspect of offline education.

Online Classes vs Offline Classes

Moreover, offline education also allows teachers to monitor the responses and behaviour of their students and accordingly address them as and when required. Hence, no matter how advanced online education is, offline education will continue to play a vital role in the development of students.  

Also Read: Are Online Classes Becoming the New Normal?

Online Education vs Offline Education

While online education is not a new phenomenon, its importance came to light during the pandemic. Given below is a table that highlights the main differences between online education vs offline education. 

Method of TeachingDigitalised tools and methods of teaching Traditional tools and methods of teaching 
Cost and TimeCost-effective and time-savingMore expensive than online education and consumes more time
LocationVirtual classroomsPhysical classrooms
FlexibilityOnline classes have a flexible schedule Offline classes have a fixed and strict schedule
CommunicationCommunication and collaboration happen digitallyCommunications and collaborations happen face-to-face
Type of ApproachFacilitation and asynchronous approachInstructional and synchronous approach
Pace of LearningStudents largely determine the pace of learningTeachers largely determine the pace of learning
Level of CommitmentStudents are less likely to remain serious and committed to their studiesStudents remain more serious and committed to their studies

When it comes to online classes, teachers can easily educate their students via virtual classrooms. Students can easily access learning materials from anywhere as long as they have proper access to an internet connection. Additionally, Online classes provide teachers with a number of online learning tools including videos, audio, animations, virtual whiteboards, virtual conference rooms and live chats with the students. 

On the other hand, offline classes provide students with a practical learning environment within the walls of a physical classroom. It allows students to closely interact with their teachers as well as participate actively in live discussions and debates. Moreover, students can also participate in recreational activities like art and physical education which contributes to the overall mental and physical development of the student. 

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One of the greatest advantages of online classes is their accessibility from anywhere around the world. Students can simply log in from anywhere and gain access to learning material from the convenience of their homes. Applications like Zoom and Microsoft Team have allowed students to easily attend their lectures without having to leave the safety of their homes. Thus, online classes provide the distinct advantage of location flexibility.  

However, offline classes require students to travel to the location of their educational institution. Teaching takes place in a fixed location which would typically comprise a lecture hall or a physical classroom. Additionally, certain students may need to travel far to reach their respective educational institutions and this may cause a great deal of inconvenience.

Students who attend online classes are faced with the big challenge of time management . Online learners are typically distracted by a multitude of tasks and they lack a proper schedule. Since online classes provide the advantage of self-paced learning, students may not have a proper schedule and may succumb to the habit of procrastination . Moreover, students are required to stay logged in to their online classes for an extended period of time which may lead to students surfing the web for distractions or checking their social media pages. 

In the case of offline classes, students have to adhere to a strict schedule that has been set up by the teachers. Furthermore, since there is synchronous learning, students will be required to complete their work and projects on time.

The flexibility of classes is the main highlight of online classes. It allows students to set their own learning pace without any additional pressure. Additionally, since students have access to recorded videos and online reading material, they can easily attend lectures as and when it is convenient. It also gives students more time to digest the study material and complete their work or research at their own pace. 

On the other hand, there is a certain amount of rigidity when it comes to offline education. Students are required to attend their lectures or sessions on time since there are no pre-recorded videos or notes that are easily available to the students. Hence, students are required to follow a predetermined and strict schedule as set by their educational institute. 

Also Read: Pros and Cons of Online Learning Speech

Contrary to the popular belief that there is hardly any interaction between students and teachers in online education, there is an ample amount of interaction between students and teachers over the online platform. Online classes allow students to get in touch with their teachers no matter the time or location. Online classrooms also allow two-way communication which significantly influences learning. Moreover, student-teacher interaction in online classes may be both synchronous and asynchronous. 

There is face-to-face interaction in the case of offline classes, especially because teaching is synchronous. There is active communication between students and teachers which allows for lively discussions and debates between them. Moreover, it allows students to immediately address their doubts and receive quick feedback. Teachers are adapting to different methods of teaching to engage students.

Online classes are always challenged by technical issues. Access to proper electronic equipment such as webcams, microphones, headphones and computers along with a proper internet connection is a mandatory requirement for online classes. Additionally, technical issues such as slow internet connection or lack of availability of proper technical infrastructure may interfere with seamless learning. Moreover, students may face difficulty in attending live lectures or downloading videos or online notes. 

On the other hand, Offline classes, are rarely threatened by technical issues. Students and teachers are not required to be exceptionally tech-savvy and since most learning occurs within the physical classroom, technical issues are not a major issue except for any lessons that require presentations or computers. 

Online education is purely theoretical and takes place entirely online. This scarcely allows students to take part in the practical aspects of learning which is an equally important part of education. Subjects like chemistry , physics , biology , art and sports require students to be physically present and conduct live experiments or actively participate in the activity. 

Offline classes provide a stimulating environment that combines both theoretical and practical aspects of learning, unlike online classes. This contributes to the overall cognitive and skill development of the students. Practical learning allows you to learn and quickly adapt to daily challenges and scenarios and allows you to get a better understanding of lessons. 

Watch this video to understand the Pros and Cons of an Online Degree right here!

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Offline classes, as opposed to online classes, provide a stimulating environment that incorporates both academic and practical components of learning. This helps students’ overall cognitive and skill development.

Offline learning is preferable since it allows you to engage with other students in a more natural setting. You can ask questions, solve tasks, and receive personalised feedback from your teacher. Another benefit of offline classes is that they are more dependable.

The distinction between online and offline communication is traditionally viewed as a distinction between computer-mediated communication and face-to-face communication (e.g., face time). Offline is reality, while online is virtuality or cyberspace (i.e., real life or “meatspace”).

Online Classes vs Offline Classes which one do you prefer? For more information on such informative topics, visit our school education page and follow Leverage Edu .

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Online classes is better than offline class in this covid19 pandemic situation

Hello Nasrin, We totally agree with you and believe that online classes do have their own share of advantages too. Here are some recommended reads that you can check out on the same: https://leverageedu.com/blog/online-learning/ https://leverageedu.com/blog/online-courses/ https://leverageedu.com/blog/online-classes-are-the-new-normal/

Very nice content

Acc. 2 me offline is better. As it boost 😤 Student confidence nd to talk freely with his /her teacher. As in online one can ask ques privately, perfectly clear doubt but isn’t it lower confudence . As he /she can ask his/her ques. But in future while in any situation when he /she need to do some open conversation or any other situation. He /she can’t able to do it perfectly. To b good there strt it frm starting.

Me offline class is best 🙂 Thank you

Hey Deepanshi, offline and online courses both have their merits and demerits. Glad to know that you find offline better!

In my opinion offline classes is best way of learning ☺️

Thank you for the comment!

The information you’ve shared in this blog is highly remarkable. Thanks for sharing quality information.

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Online classes make Health issues, spending so much time in front of computer cause bad affects on health But in Physical Offline Classes are very much better than online classes in my opinion, when you meet peoples physically your mind get open and with physically connect with teacher gets your study perfect. OFFLINE CLASSES ARE THE BEST in terms of everything

Well , i have a question though . what about introvert students ? Who are too shy to approach to the teacher , they are much more comfortable in online , aren’t they ?

Online classes are undoubtedly great for introvert students. But if you’re an introvert and you take offline classes, you will be able to build courage and confidence which will prove beneficial in the future.

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Should I take Online IELTS or Offline IELTS Exam?

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ielts online vs offline

Last year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic that swept the globe, IELTS introduced an online version of its exams, which is called IELTS Indicator. There are some important facts to note about this exam and in this article I will explain the difference between online IELTS and offline IELTS tests and what you need to know before booking your next exam date.

What is Online IELTS?

For years, IELTS was a paper test and eventually they added a computer version also known as IELTS computer delivered. Now, there is a new update, which is online IELTS . This is a limited test that has some key differences from the regular computer exam and which is of interest only to some people.

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First of all, we need to note that this is a version of the Academic IELTS test . It is not suitable for those who need to do IELTS General Training or any other form of IELTS. As such, this will be primarily useful for people who want to go abroad to study.

In addition, IELTS Indicator is not as widely accepted as the regular IELTS exams. It is intended as a placeholder during the pandemic to compensate for the fact that some exam centres have had to close. In order to stop people missing out on their IELTS test, they transitioned into this new system.

Currently, the results of an online IELTS test function as a predictor of your real IELTS score but are not accepted as genuine by the same places that accept offline IELTS tests . There are, however, some locations, particularly in Australia, that will take IELTS Indicator as a valid qualification. You should contact your university of choice if you are unsure. They will be able to confirm for you whether or not they accept online IELTS exams as proof of English competency.

The Difference between Online IELTS and Offline IELTS

The aim of the online IELTS test is to replicate the traditional test, but of course it is impossible to make it exactly the same. All four parts of the IELTS test have been converted into online form – speaking, writing, listening, and reading. However, they will be done slightly differently.

The main difference is that, because you are at home, some protocols are needed to help prevent cheating. For example, you will need a webcam focused on you throughout the duration of the test. This is in order to prevent anyone feeding you the correct answers or to stop you from reading any additional materials during the exam.

Also, your computer screen will be monitored so that you can only see the test software. You will not be able to open other pages, such as dictionaries or any app that might help you cheat on the exam.

Of course, you will not be able to speak directly to an examiner in a face-to-face environment, so this part of the test will be conducted through the computer screen. You will use video conferencing software to speak to this person as they ask you questions.

Aside from that, the test will be largely the same as the computer-based IELTS exam that you would sit in a conventional testing centre. This means you will view the reading materials on a computer screen and fill in your answer papers there as well. You will also type your essay rather than writing it by hand. This provides quite a few benefits, as most people can type faster than they can write and also you can make edits much more easily. However, some people much prefer using the old-fashioned paper tests.

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Benefits of Online IELTS

There are various benefits to doing your IELTS test online. Primarily, this allows you to continue with your IELTS studies despite any local closures. Of course, Covid-19 has had a huge affect on the lives of young people, and this allows you to continue with your plans for the future.

It means that you can do the test from home, which allows you to stay safe and be comfortable in a familiar environment. You don’t need to go anywhere during this dangerous time and you can get used to your own computer and furniture so that you feel totally at ease. It is worth practising your typing skills long before the exam.

This also helps to promote equality because otherwise people in relatively untouched areas would have an advantage, whilst now those who live in areas ravaged by Covid can continue to prepare as normal.

If you are looking to study abroad and cannot get to a regular IELTS test centre, then you should consider doing online IELTS instead. This may be able to help you get your band score in spite of any pandemic related difficulties you face. There are some differences, which I have outlined above, but overall the exams are quite similar to one another and neither could be said to be “easier” or “more difficult.”

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Unpopular opinion: offline exams are wayyyy better than online exams

i am not kidding.especially college/university level exams. the vibe hits different

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    Offline exams are far better than online. By offline I mean that you have to go to the center to write the exam. One major reason behind this is it reduces chances of cheating by a great amount. We also get the feel of an exam which I feel lacks in an online exam. Recently in my coaching the year end test was conducted both offline and online.

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  23. Unpopular opinion: offline exams are wayyyy better than online exams

    Online exams can be great too, they can fram the exam in such a way that even if you use a book to answer to cheat, you won't be able to find answers directly and would just waste time. I have given Acturial Exams which were online open book based, you are allowed formulas and calculators too, still the passing rate is 40%